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What do the faction scores on the homepage represent?

The score is a combination of agreements and total candidates analyzed. The score is updated hourly and there is a checkpoint at midnight UTC each day.

What are the hometown and bonus locations?

OPR will typically randomly assign Portal candidates to analyze near your current location. You may also set two additional locations that will also be considered.

Where should I set my hometown and bonus locations?

Hometown should be an area away from your active play location, such as where you grew up, went to school, or an area you know very well. You may also set an
additional bonus location once per year.

How are candidates selected for analysis?

Candidates are randomly selected from three locations: your current area of active play, your specied hometown, and a bonus location. Additionally priority
may be given to nearby candidates that are in lower density areas.

Can I edit a misspelling in the title or description?

There is no plan to allow direct editing of another agents submission beyond suggesting a new location. This gives other agents an opportunity to have their
submissions approved if they have a better title or description.

Why am I not getting any candidates to analyze?

The most likely reason is that you have completed analysis on all of the nearby candidates. Additionally you may be told to return tomorrow if you are repeatedly
assigned candidates that you do not analyze or abuse is detected.

But I am still getting candidates every few days, is this a bug?

This is normal. As decisions are made nearby candidates will become available for analysis.

How much time do I have to analyze a candidate?

You have 20 minutes to complete your analysis.

Will OPR also allow me to analyze Portal edit submissions?

Allowing analysis of Portal edit submissions is planned.

Will anyone ever read my comments?

Comments may be read if NIA Ops manually reviews a OPR decision.

I failed the test, when will I be able to retake?

You will be able to retake the test one time after a 30 day waiting period.

What will the in-game medal be based on?

The Ingress medal will be based on the total number of OPR Agreements which will appear in your agent prole. You must also maintain a Good or better
performance rating in order for your agreements to be counted. Agreements made while you have a Poor performance rating will not count towards your medal.

What exactly is an agreement in OPR?

An agreement is awarded when a decision has been made and your analysis agrees with the nal decision. These agreements are currently shown as Portals
Created and Rejected in the OPR stats area by selecting your prole photo.

Does the number of Portals rejected in my stats include duplicates?

Yes it does.

Why doesnt the number Portals Created and Rejected equal Total Portals Analyzed?
The number of Portals created and rejected are based on your agreements with nal decisions. Also, decisions may not have been made yet for all of the
candidates you have analyzed.

If I suggest a new location how is that suggestion used?

When a decision is made and enough agents have suggested a new location OPR will automatically move the Portal if it is accepted.

How many agents analysis does it take to make a decision?

How many agents analysis does it take to make a decision?
This number cannot be disclosed at this time however we can say that this depends on the performance of each individual agent.

What determines my performance as shown in the OPR stats?

Your performance rating will improve as the number of decisions you agree with grows. Your performance rating may be lowered if you have too many
disagreements. It may also decrease if abuse of OPR is detected. If your score is poor please take the time re-evaluate how you are analyzing candidates based
on the criteria.

What should I consider when answering Should this be a Portal?

Based on your initial impression of the candidate represented in the photo and the title/description, does the candidate seem like it would make a good Portal
based on the acceptance criteria? This is not an overall rating for the candidate.

Should I consider distance to nearby Portals when analyzing a candidate?

No, each candidate should be evaluated on its own.

Should I take nearby Portal density into account when analyzing a candidate?
In very rural locations where there are no nearby live Portals you may exercise some extra consideration with candidates that are unique local businesses or
community gathering spots.

Should the size of a candidate be taken into account?

Yes, a good Portal candidate should be easy to locate in person in addition to meeting the acceptance criteria. For smaller candidates it may may be difcult to
verify the location.

Should the sign for a Portal candidate be marked as a duplicate if there is already a Portal for the object the sign represents?
If the sign is a signicant distance from the object then it should be considered on its own. If it is close, such as a church sign and a nearby church building then
it should be marked as a duplicate.

Should I consider the quality of the photo when analyzing a candidate?

If the photo quality is so poor that you are unable to judge or verify the candidate, it is taken from a third party, or it is low quality as dened it the acceptance
criteria then it should be given one star for the question Should this be a Portal?. This allows good candidates with marginally poor photos to be accepted and a
better photo may be submitted in the future.

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