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Quiz 3

NAME: ...................................................... CLASS: ............

DATE: ....................................................... MARK: ............

A Circle the correct answer. (5 x 2 = 10)
1. Her English was so bad that it took me a while to out what she wanted.
a. mingle b. figure c. solve d. understand
2. Dinosaurs have been for millions of years.
a. exhausted b. defenceless c. extinct d. endangered
3. My mother was that I call her as soon as I arrived.
a. urgent b. absolute c. tense d. insistent
4. The policeman let me off with this time, but he said Id get a fine next time.
a. a warning b. an alarm c. a solution d. a sign
5. It is of Alan to be late; hes never on time.
a. typical b. arrogant c. exceptional d. common

B Complete the text with the words below. (10 x 2 = 20)

approximately natural wildlife insist starving aggressively figure out welfare wild


Monkeys have become a serious problem for people living in some parts of India, such as Punjab.
The (1) habitat of the monkeys is being destroyed and as a result, so
are their food sources. Thus the monkeys are (2) and some have gone
into towns and villages in search of food. People who live there are very worried. They complain
that the monkeys are (3) , stealing their food and even attacking
people, so they (4) that something must be done.

To help solve the problem, local officials have built a special rehabilitation centre for monkeys with
the worst behaviour. Their aim is to focus on monkeys that are a threat to people. The centre will
take charge of their (5) and try to (6) a way
to improve their behaviour. The aim is that (7) experts will teach the
monkeys to act less (8) . Officials (9) that
the centre will eventually become home to (10) one hundred naughty
monkeys, who will hopefully be easier to handle.

Quiz 1

Connections B2 Photocopiable Burlington Books 1

Quiz 1

A Circle the correct answer. (5 x 2 = 10)
1. I will have finished my report five oclock.
a. until b. then c. when d. by
2. his home in New York, he has a villa in Italy.
a. In addition to b. In spite c. Although d. However
3. Will you for me at the train station?
a. have waited b. waiting c. be waiting d. be waited
4. Charles an award tomorrow morning for his performance in the play.
a. is giving b. will give c. will have given d. is being given
5. You must not go near the edge of the mountain any circumstances.
a. under b. with c. by d. for

B Complete the sentences below with a future form of the verbs given. There may be more
than one possible answer. (10 x 2 = 20)
1. Please dont call between seven and eight pm. I (eat) dinner.
2. As soon as he (finish) his exams, he will go on holiday.
3. Tomorrow morning, breakfast (serve) in the garden.
4. Slow down! You (have) an accident.
5. Theres no point talking to her. She just (not listen).
6. My parents (go) to sleep by the time we get home.
7. When do you think the parcels (deliver)?
8. I (leave) for Paris tonight.
9. The train for Manchester (depart) at 10 oclock from platform three.
10. Your tests (return) as soon as the teacher has finished checking them.

Quiz 1

QUIZ 3 Connections B2 Photocopiable Burlington Books 2

Quiz 1

Key Word Transformations

Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first, using the word given.
Use between two and five words, including the word given. (10 x 4 = 40)
1. First were going to have dinner, then well go home. AFTER
We will head ..................................................................................................................... have dinner.
2. There will still be some tickets left at five oclock. NOT
They ........................................................................................................ all the tickets by five oclock.
3. People often confuse me with my sister because we look alike. MISTAKEN
I ......................................................................................................... my sister because we look alike.
4. The new zoo is going to offer many different activities for children. WIDE
The new zoo will be ........................................................................................ of activities for children.
5. My parents will be very happy when they hear how well I did in the exams. THRILLED
My parents are .......................................................................................................... my exam results.
6. Robert couldnt move while the artist was painting a portrait of him. STAND
Robert had to .......................................................................................................... was being painted.
7. Its likely that well go on a hiking trip this summer. OPT
I think we ...................................................................................................... a hiking trip this summer.
8. I doubt Ill get to work on time because of the bus strike. PROBABLY
I ...................................................................................................... for work because of the bus strike.
9. Sam took pride in what he had accomplished at work. PROUD
Sam ............................................................................................................. accomplishments at work.
10. Lots of people have to stay at home because of the snow. UNABLE
Lots of people ............................................................................................... out because of the snow.

QUIZ 3 Connections B2 Photocopiable Burlington Books 3

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