ConnectionsB2 Test2

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Test 2

NAME: ...................................................... CLASS: ............

DATE: ....................................................... MARK: ............

Units 4-6

A Complete the sentences with the words below. (10 x 2 = 20)
advance boss grew right kick see eyes all way take
1. I get a real out of shopping for new clothes.
2. Mozarts father was a talented musician in his own .
3. We must book tickets in because that band is very popular.
4. You should advantage of the sales and buy some new shoes.
5. They dont eye to eye on anything. Theyre always arguing.
6. The extra money will go a long towards buying a new house.
7. The students were for changing their school uniform.
8. Please dont take your off the road when youre driving.
9. Managing my own business suits me. I like to be my own .
10. At first I didnt like the sculpture, but it on me after a while.

B Choose the correct meaning of the words in bold. (5 x 1 = 5)

1. They conducted an experiment on mice.
a. did b. published
2. Id like to have a go at scuba diving.
a. stop b. try
3. Her bright red jacket caught my eye.
a. annoyed me b. got my attention
4. I was upset at having to pay double for the tickets.
a. give twice as much money b. donate a sum of money
5. They switched the old lamp for a new one.
a. turned off b. exchanged

Connections B2 Photocopiable Burlington Books 1

Quiz 1

A Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first.
Use the modals below. (5 x 1 = 5)
may neednt mustnt should ought to
1. You should help Anna prepare dinner.
You Anna prepare dinner.
2. Its against the law to drive without a seatbelt.
You without a seatbelt.
3. It is possible that well go camping this weekend.
We camping this weekend.
4. Its a pity you didnt leave your bicycle in a safer place.
You your bicycle in a safer place.
5. You didnt have to tell me about the accident.
You me about the accident.

B Complete the sentences below with the correct form of the verbs given, active or passive. (10 x 1 = 10)
1. They advised us (not leave) because there was a lot of traffic.
2. The children are wet because they (play) in the rain for a while.
3. Its no use (call) him at this time of night.
4. His book (already publish) in five languages.
5. I am interested in (hear) the lecture on Scotland.
6. (you / see) the latest Alice in Wonderland film?
7. I am disappointed that the work (not complete) yet.
8. Why dont we stop (eat) something on our way home?
9. Dinner (prepare) at the moment.
10. Are you looking forward to (visit) England?

TEST 2 Units 4-6 Connections B2 Photocopiable Burlington Books 2

Quiz 1

B2 Exam Practice
A Read the text below and decide which answer, A, B, C or D, best fits each space. (12 x 1 = 12)


Where in the world will you be greeted by the sculpture of an angel? The sculpture, at Gateshead
in northern England, stands on a hilltop and is 20 metres tall. Its wings (1) for 26 metres on
either side of its body and are (2) to look like two open arms, welcoming people to the area.
Known throughout Britain as The Angel of the North, the statue was created by well-known British
artist Antony Gormley, who succeeded in (3) across the welcome message he wanted to convey.

Creating the sculpture was no easy task. Gormley had never built such a large statue before, so he
had to get engineers to help him with its (4) . They had to take (5) consideration both the
height and width of the structure in order to ensure it would not fall over when there was a strong

Built at a (6) of nearly 800,000, some people were (7) of the project because of the expense.
(8) , the sculpture has become one of the most famous (9) in the country, (10) thousands
of tourists every year. In addition, local people say that The Angel has had a (11) influence on
the cultural life of Gateshead, (12) other artists and architects to contribute to the city.

1. A surround B compose C display D extend

2. A combined B conveyed C intended D illustrated
3. A making B giving C coming D getting
4. A development B industry C effort D construction
5. A into B over C by D with
6. A purchase B cost C fee D price
7. A angry B opposed C critical D negative
8. A Although B However C Despite D In spite
9. A details B signs C landmarks D views
10. A drawing B encouraging C appealing D recommending
11. A intentional B mostly C serious D significant
12. A persuading B inspiring C engaging D enabling

TEST 2 Units 4-6 Connections B2 Photocopiable Burlington Books 3

Quiz 1

B Read the text below and think of the word which best fits each space. Use only one word
in each space. (12 x 1 = 12)

It smells and tastes wonderful and helps to keep us awake! People all over the world
(1) it for granted that a cup of coffee every morning gets them off
to a good start. The effects of coffee are said to (2) been
discovered in Ethiopia (3) a young boy named Kaldi in 800 AD.
Kaldi noticed that (4) eating the red beans that grew on the hills,
his goats did not sleep at night. The boy shared his discovery with some priests, who began
(5) make a drink with the beans, which was not tasty, but
enabled (6) to stay awake for hours. Over the years, the demand
(7) coffee spread throughout the Arabian Peninsula. People
(8) to get together with friends to drink it. In the 17th century,
coffee (9) introduced in Europe and became very popular. The
coffee culture was soon turned (10) a thriving industry.

Nowadays, more than 500 million people (11) employed in the

coffee industry, ranging (12) the worker picking the beans in the
field to the waiter serving coffee at a local caf.

TEST 2 Units 4-6 Connections B2 Photocopiable Burlington Books 4

Quiz 1

C Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first, using the word given.
Use between two and five words, including the word given. (8 x 2 = 16)
1. I dont see any reason to wait for him to come. POINT
If you ask me, there .................................................................................................... for him to come.
2. Everyone says that actor has lost a lot of weight. SAID
That actor ............................................................................................................... lost a lot of weight.
3. They insisted we stay for supper. LEAVE
They urged .................................................................................................................... before supper.
4. Im not sure I can manage the hike. ABLE
Im not sure ............................................................................................................... manage the hike.
5. John blamed me for leaving late. FAULT
John said ......................................................................................................................... wed left late.
6. Exercising all morning made me very hungry. WORKED
I really ....................................................................................................... after exercising all morning.
7. The last time Ellen saw George was the day he left London. SEEN
Ellen ................................................................................................................. the day he left London.
8. Mary really enjoyed spending time with John during the trip. COMPANY
Mary really enjoyed ........................................................................................ were travelling together.

TEST 2 Units 4-6 Connections B2 Photocopiable Burlington Books 5

Quiz 1

D Choose the word or phrase that best completes the sentence. (10 x 2 = 20)
1. After not seeing Anna for 10 years, I couldnt how much shed changed.
a. get through b. get on with c. get away from d. get over
2. Drivers are expected to their speed in bad weather conditions.
a. reduce b. respond c. enforce d. preserve
3. You walk down the of a plane to get to your seat.
a. corridor b. route c. aisle d. room
4. At first , the twins look exactly alike.
a. look b. glance c. observation d. eye
5. Robert has a business which he built up himself.
a. persuasive b. fortunate c. thriving d. wide
6. Have you eaten anything this morning?
Not and Im starving!
a. from having a swim b. until having a swim c. since I had a swim d. after I had had a swim
7. Our hotel rooms so we cant go back to them at the moment.
a. are still cleaned b. are still being cleaned c. were still cleaning d. were still clean
8. I remember that painting at an exhibition a year ago.
a. to see b. seeing c. I have seen d. that I see
9. Our parents exercise a lot and eat healthily.
a. encourage us to b. encourage that we c. encouraging us to d. encouraging we
10. Where is Frank?
I dont know. He by now.
a. would have arrived b. could be arriving c. should have arrived d. must arrive

TEST 2 Units 4-6 Connections B2 Photocopiable Burlington Books 6

Quiz 1

Read the task below. Write your review in 120-180 words. (100 points)

You recently saw this notice in an English magazine called Holiday World.

Reviews Wanted!

Write a review of a holiday you have taken recently. Include some general information about
the location, what activities are available and what the main sights are. Also say whether or
not you would recommend this kind of holiday to your friends and explain why.

The best review will receive a prize.

TEST 2 Units 4-6 Connections B2 Photocopiable Burlington Books 7

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