ConnectionsB2 Test3

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Test 3

NAME: ...................................................... CLASS: ............

DATE: ....................................................... MARK: ............

Units 7-9

A Complete the sentences with the words below. (6 x 2 = 12)
mandatory extra-curricular limited gale-force intact illegible
1. I have no idea who sent this letter the signature is .
2. Many houses were destroyed by the tornado, but fortunately my home was left .
3. The hat is part of the school uniform. Its , so you have to wear it.
4. There were no boats out on the water as winds were blowing.
5. Jane didnt buy much when she was on holiday since she was on a budget.
6. The school is open on Monday evenings because there are activities for

B Complete the sentences below with the correct words. (6 x 2 = 12)

1. Tom put his own life at to save his brother from the icy river.
2. Sandra buys expensive clothes and thinks of spending 250 on a pair of
3. Jonathan flew into a when he saw that someone had damaged his
4. By 11 oclock, the beach party was in full .
5. What awful weather! Its been pouring with all day.
6. I know that youre upset about failing your exam, but dont lose . Im sure
youll pass next time.

Connections B2 Photocopiable Burlington Books 1

Quiz 1

A Complete the sentences below with the correct relative pronouns. Do not use that. (5 x 1 = 5)
1. A producer works in the music industry told me I was a talented singer.
2. Canberra, my cousin lives, is the capital city of Australia.
3. The sport David enjoys most is football.
4. Ill never forget the day I met Sam.
5. Joanne, house is on the coast, spends a lot of time at the beach.

B Complete the sentences below with the correct form of the verbs given. (8 x 1 = 8)
1. All the job applicants were made (complete) a form before their interview.
2. (you / have) the party at your flat if there were more space?
3. Thomas should (get his eyes / test). He has been complaining that he
cant see well.
4. Steven will send us an email as soon as he (arrive) in Brazil.
5. I will (get Mum / lend) me money to buy the concert ticket.
6. You should tell Kim about the trip in case she (want) to come.
7. If Cindy (have) more free time, she would take up a new hobby.
8. If there (be) enough petrol in the car, it wouldnt have stopped so suddenly.

C Complete the sentences below with the correct form of the adjectives and adverbs given. (5 x 1 = 5)
1. The gold bracelet was a lot more expensive than the silver one. cheaper
The silver bracelet was the gold one.
2. Tessas essay was far better than any of the others. best
Tessas essay was anyone wrote.
3. Yoghurt is healthier than ice cream. healthy
Ice cream isnt yoghurt.
4. He spends more time studying this year. harder
He last year.
5. I think Jane is a slower driver than Karl. slowly
I think Jane drives Karl.

TEST 3 Units 7-9 Connections B2 Photocopiable Burlington Books 2

Quiz 1

B2 Exam Practice
A Read the text below and decide which answer, A, B, C or D, best fits each space. (12 x 1 = 12)


The Magallanes region in southern Chile is (1) for its breathtaking scenery, which (2)
mountain peaks as well as beautiful lakes. But in June 2007, an (3) event took place: one of the
mountain lakes disappeared!

All that was left of the lake was a dry 40-metre-deep crater and some pieces of ice. These pieces of
ice had floated on the surface of the lake (4) to its sudden strange disappearance. (5) from
the ice, geologists noticed a hole in the bottom of the crater.

At first, it was (6) that an earthquake had struck the area with such (7) that the lake floor had
cracked and the water had flowed away. But after geologists had gathered some (8) about the
empty crater, they (9) a different approach to explaining the disappearance of the lake. They
(10) it down to climate change. Apparently, high temperatures had caused the mountain ice to
melt quickly, adding pressure to a natural dam next to the lake. Its ice wall gave way and this
(11) in all the water from the lake flowing into the sea. It seems that climate change is taking its
(12) in this region of the world, as well as many others.

1. A called B known C considered D recognised

2. A ranges B involves C contains D includes
3. A overwhelming B unrecognised C unheard D extraordinary
4. A prior B earlier C previous D before
5. A Despite B Except C Apart D Besides
6. A realised B assumed C perceived D guessed
7. A energy B scale C force D pressure
8. A background B data C reasons D impressions
9. A took B went C made D thought
10. A had B considered C placed D put
11. A caused B resulted C created D led
12. A effect B fault C toll D trouble

TEST 3 Units 7-9 Connections B2 Photocopiable Burlington Books 3

Quiz 1

B Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first, using the word given.
Use between two and five words, including the word given. (8 x 2 = 16)
1. The tourists had expected their hotel to be a lot closer to the beach. MUCH
The beach ............................................................................. the hotel than the tourists had expected.
2. My parents brought me up very strictly. RAISED
I ......................................................................................................................................... my parents.
3. Having broken my ankle, I asked Matt to go and find help. SEARCH
Having broken my ankle, I had ..................................................................................................... help.
4. If you need help, ask me right away. HESITATE
If you need help, ............................................................................................................................. me.
5. I couldnt check my email as there was no computer available. ACCESS
If ...................................................................................... a computer, I could have checked my email.
6. On hearing the news, Luke reacted in a less emotional way than his brother. AS
On hearing the news, Luke didnt ....................................................................................... his brother.
7. I wasnt allowed to leave the classroom during the test. LET
The teacher ........................................................................................... the classroom during the test.
8. We wont go on the trip today if you dont feel well. PUT
If you dont feel well, ....................................................................................................... the trip today.

TEST 3 Units 7-9 Connections B2 Photocopiable Burlington Books 4

Quiz 1

C Use the words given at the end of some of the lines to form a word that fits in the space
in the same line. (10 x 1 = 10)
Cheng Fei is a highly (1) gymnast from China. When she SKILL
was very young, her parents decided that they wanted Cheng to become an
Olympic athlete. They were (2) and were prepared to do AMBITION
almost anything to make their dream come true.

At the age of three, Cheng was already training every day with her father.
When she was seven, she joined a national sports programme, where
she trained (3) . The gymnastics training was INTENSE
(4) hard and some of the exercises were very painful. PHYSICAL
Her mother remembers Cheng begging to give up the programme.

However, her parents believed it was in their daughters (5) GOOD

interests to continue. By focusing on gymnastics to the (6) EXCLUDE
of all else, Cheng eventually became one of Chinas top gymnasts, winning
(7) awards. PRESTIGE

Cheng (8) to win a medal at the 2004 Olympic Games in FAIL

Athens, and was further disappointed that her team took seventh place. She had
no (9) of allowing this to happen again, so she worked hard INTEND
for the 2008 Games in Beijing. Her efforts paid off. As captain, she helped rebuild
the Chinese gymnastics team, and her country won many awards at the
Olympics. Moreover, she personally received three medals, which was a
(10) experience. THRILL

TEST 3 Units 7-9 Connections B2 Photocopiable Burlington Books 5

Quiz 1

D Choose the word or phrase that best completes the sentence. (10 x 2 = 20)
1. The restaurant serves lots of different dishes and has appeal.
a. full b. wide c. lots d. long
2. Unless Frank has had a change of , hes going to help me find a new apartment.
a. head b. mind c. thought d. heart
3. The tennis player his opponents abilities and lost the match.
a. misunderstood b. frustrated c. underestimated d. conquered
4. Remember whats really important in life; dont lose your of proportion.
a. feeling b. ability c. instinct d. sense
5. The train schedule is to change, so its best to check the day before you travel.
a. subject b. expecting c. probable d. possible
6. I cant decide where to go in the summer.
Id visit Mexico if I you.
a. were b. would be c. will be d. am
7. When does the sale start?
The sales assistant told me it starts next week.
a. who spoke to b. that spoke I to c. I spoke to d. who I spoke to her
8. Its too hot in here!
Im afraid I air conditioning put in yet.
a. dont have b. havent had c. hadnt got d. not have
9. As long as you good care of it, you can borrow my camera.
a. took b. would take c. will take d. take
10. The older the car, it is to find spare parts.
a. more difficult b. the more difficult c. the difficult d. the most difficult

TEST 3 Units 7-9 Connections B2 Photocopiable Burlington Books 6

Quiz 1

Read the task below. Write your report in 120-180 words. (100 points)

You have a part-time job at a local health club. The manager wants to make
the club more popular with young people and has asked you to write a
report making some recommendations. Describe the present facilities, type
of classes and cost. Suggest ways that would make the club more
appealing to young people.
Write the report for your manager.

TEST 3 Units 7-9 Connections B2 Photocopiable Burlington Books 7

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