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Test 4

NAME: ...................................................... CLASS: ............

DATE: ....................................................... MARK: ............

Units 10-12

A Complete the sentences with the words below. (6 x 1 = 6)
opal shaft consultant decade standard urban
1. This is a good newspaper. They havent lowered the of reporting.
2. A fashion gives people advice on what to wear.
3. In order to find gold, they dug a deep into the ground.
4. Amateur photographers have taken many photos of important events over the last
5. Debbie wore a silver ring with an in it.
6. Crowded areas are often noisy and polluted.

B Choose the best endings which explain the words in bold. (4 x 1 = 4)

1. If news spreads like wildfire,
a. people find out about it quickly. b. people dont find out about it quickly.
2. If a room is spacious, it
a. has little space and isnt large. b. has a lot of space and is quite large.
3. The downside of something is
a. the disadvantage it has. b. the advantage it has.
4. If you post a video clip, you
a. film it. b. put it on the Internet.

C Complete the sentences below with the correct words. (5 x 2 = 10)

1. Why dont you put your computer to good and look up the information
I need?
2. The hotel has two swimming pools, to mention a fully-equipped gym.
3. If you go to the clothing sale keep an out for bargains.
4. In the days, communication was much slower.
5. David wanted to stay up late to watch a football match on TV, but his parents wouldnt let him
have his own .

Connections B2 Photocopiable Burlington Books 1

Quiz 1

A Rewrite the sentences below. (6 x 2 = 12)
1. I would love to take a helicopter tour of New York.
If only ....................................................................................................................................................
2. What did you do at college yesterday? Jeremy said to me.
Jeremy asked ........................................................................................................................................
3. This coffee is so sweet that I cant drink it.
This coffee is too ...................................................................................................................................
4. Harry doesnt want to take part in the race.
Harry would rather .................................................................................................................................
5. You can use the computers tomorrow, the teacher said to the students.
The teacher told ....................................................................................................................................
6. What time is the train for Brighton leaving? Philip asked.
Philip wanted to .....................................................................................................................................

B Circle the correct words. (5 x 2 = 10)

1. Ann had better / rather not tell anyone my secret. Ill be angry with her if she does.
2. I won a TV set. I cant believe that / how lucky I am!
3. Have you got / been used to living in a foreign country yet?
4. Many people prefer beach holidays than / to sightseeing tours.
5. Isnt it about time you see / saw the dentist about your tooth?

TEST 4 Units 10-12 Connections B2 Photocopiable Burlington Books 2

Quiz 1

B2 Exam Practice
A Read the text below and think of the word which best fits each space. Use only one word
in each space. (12 x 1 = 12)


Most people wish they (1) a home of their own, but not everyone is lucky
(2) to be able to afford one. Some people cant afford to rent either
and homelessness has become a serious problem in most major cities. In New York City, for
(3) , many homeless people take refuge in the subway tunnels beneath
the city.

One of them, John, has been living underground (4) the past 20 years.
The floor of his home consists (5) nothing more than earth, stones
and a vast number of old shoes. Living in these conditions is obviously tough. In summer, it
can be extremely hot and in winter, extremely cold. In fact, temperatures are sometimes
(6) low that it is impossible to keep warm. One winter, John did
(7) get up for three days as it was much (8)
cold. His only way of keeping warm was to cover himself with rubbish.

But whenever John is asked (9) he would prefer to move to one of the
homeless shelters above ground, he always replies that he would (10)
stay in what he calls his home. After 20 years, he is (11) to his way of life.
He prefers to keep (12) from people in the city and the pressures of
ordinary life.

TEST 4 Units 10-12 Connections B2 Photocopiable Burlington Books 3

Quiz 1

B Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first, using the word given.
Use between two and five words, including the word given. (8 x 2 = 16)
1. Dont wear casual clothes for the interview, my mother said to me. CASUALLY
My mother advised ..................................................................................................... for the interview.
2. Hannah didnt win the table tennis tournament because she played badly. ENOUGH
Hannah didnt ........................................................................................... the table tennis tournament.
3. Why was his mark in the maths exam so low? REASON
What ................................................................................................. his low mark in the maths exam?
4. Who was dissatisfied with the food? the chef said to the waiter. COMPLAINED
The chef asked ............................................................................................................. about the food.
5. Kates job is very demanding so she is always exhausted. SUCH
Kate ....................................................................................................... that she is always exhausted.
6. I dont want you to tell anyone about my financial difficulties. LET
Id rather you ........................................................................................ that I have financial difficulties.
7. We need to lower the pollution levels in this city. REDUCED
Its high ........................................................................................................ pollution levels in this city.
8. Danny regrets disappointing his parents. WISHED
Danny ....................................................................................................................... his parents down.

TEST 4 Units 10-12 Connections B2 Photocopiable Burlington Books 4

Quiz 1

C Use the words given at the end of some of the lines to form a word that fits in the space
in the same line. (10 x 1 = 10)


Suzanne Hackmann from West Sussex in England, has a job which is physically
quite (1) . She works with horses, giving massages to
racehorses. Massage improves muscle quality and helps the blood to circulate. DEMAND
According to Suzanne, most horses enjoy a massage. They sometimes even fall
asleep during the treatment!

Its important to be careful when working with a horse. Its not

(2) for the animal to kick or bite when touched. Some
horse trainers believe that a horse can run better after a massage, but others COMMON
(3) .
(4) of some peoples doubts, Suzanne believes that
massage makes an important (5) to the performance of REGARD
the horse. She is convinced that she is offering an (6) CONTRIBUTE
service and that she is providing the horse with (7) care. VALUE
Moreover, she enjoys her work and gets a lot of (8) from PROFESSION

People like Suzanne help horse owners who are (9)

about their animals health. They may suspect something is wrong with the horse, CONCERN
but are unable to identify (10) what it is. Those trained
to analyse the horses posture and how it moves can usually solve the problem. PRECISE

TEST 4 Units 10-12 Connections B2 Photocopiable Burlington Books 5

Quiz 1

D Choose the word or phrase that best completes the sentence. (10 x 2 = 20)
1. Lets it well never get to the station in time to catch the 10 am train.
a. know c. realise
b. face d. say
2. A new sports stadium is being built on a large of land outside town.
a. expanse c. surrounding
b. space d. region
3. Why do you on doing everything your way?
a. demand c. require
b. persuade d. insist
4. A police officer, who happened to be on the , caught a robber escaping from the bank.
a. point c. spot
b. place d. area
5. I wish I a larger house and could invite my friends to stay.
a. had c. would have
b. had had d. have
6. Does Bob know the trips been cancelled?
No, wed better him.
a. told c. to tell
b. had told d. tell
7. Did you enjoy yourself at the theme park?
Yes. I hadnt realised fun it would be.
a. so c. what
b. such d. how
8. Linda apologised the last sandwich.
a. that she ate c. she had eaten
b. for eating d. to eat
9. Shall we go jogging?
Actually, Id prefer at the gym.
a. working out c. we worked out
b. work out d. to work out
10. The students wondered them a lot of homework.
a. would their teacher give c. if their teacher give
b. whether their teacher would give d. that their teacher would give

TEST 4 Units 10-12 Connections B2 Photocopiable Burlington Books 6

Quiz 1

Read the task below. Write your email in 120-150 words. (100 points)

You have just received an email from an English-speaking friend, Andrew, who is going to apply for a job.
Read the email and the notes you have made. Then write an email to Andrew using all your notes.

As you know, Id really like to be a reporter one day. Anyway, Ive applied to work Great idea
for a local newspaper this summer.

All the applicants have to write an article and take it with them to the interview. Im
thinking of taking one that I wrote for the school magazine last month. Do you think
No, because thats a good idea? If not, do you have any suggestions? How about?

Ive never been to a job interview before and Im not sure how to make a good
impression. Can you give me some advice on how to dress and how to behave? Give advice

Hope to hear from you soon.

All the best,


TEST 4 Units 10-12 Connections B2 Photocopiable Burlington Books 7

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