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BRITISH AEROSPACE CIVIL AIRCRAFT DIVISION OPERATIONS MANUAL Volume 4 Part 2 Standard Operating Procedures BAe 146 All Series Appendix A BAe 146 Category 2 Operations [@ Barish AEROSPACE PUBLIC UNITED COMPANY 1980 ‘age anor. Siiereerees Son tk Cie be wai my osaenin Noro "SOTSES att Sher an at seen ‘This document is not subject to a routine revision service. Issue No.2 Dated: July 1990 BRITISH AEROSPACE (COMMERCIAL AIRCRAFT) LIMITED Hatfield, Hertordshire, AL1O STL, England BRITISH AEROSPACE CIVIL AIRCRAFT DIVISION, BAe 145 CATEGORY 2 OPERATIONS ‘CONTENTS iTAODUETON 14 Genera 12 Appleabity 13 Crtera AIRCRAFT EQUEPMENT 21 mttions 22 Sytem componente 24 Radio atimeter 25 Flight cock visual cut-off angle AIRCRAFT OPERATION 2.1 Crow procedure 32 Equpment 33 Apotoach procedure 32 Crow cuties and Cell-ouss 35 System falure 38 Fight crow traning 37 Views requirement 38 Minima AIRFIELD AEQUIRENENT 42 Upheing 43 nwa viaul rorge 44 Control of Alr and Ground tao 45 UK aieds equiped wit Cat. 25 instaasons (CAT. 218 TRANNG 5.1 nil eonations 5.2 Prentight atudy 83 Presfight brotha 54 Simulator exercise 55° Oe-treting 58 Cat. 2 tpproach log NOT FOR AIRCRAFT USE (CADOM V4-2 AP>. 8 Pago. Pres Enalne is BRITISH AEROSPACE CIMIL AIRCRAFT DIVISION BAe 148 CATEGORY 2 OPERATIONS Reference: A. CAP 359 UK Op Requirements for All Weather Operations, 3, BAe 146 Flight Manual. INTRODUCTION 1a GENERAL naa naa 133 134 138 137 ‘This note is witten to sequsint She plots with BAe 146 Category 2.LS operations, and i Intended to constiute the gfound tinegiaterence portion of eur overall Cat. 2 waning progremmne, It is alao wntten a8 a basic guide to UK pubic trensport customers who wish to 266k CAA ‘agreement to Gat. 2 operations (Ret. A, Para 3.6 gves further deals for auch an sppteaton) APPLICABILITY [Athaugh, 25 2 Private Operator, he does not lagaly have to meet the Pube Trenapen CSrtern shown below, the GAA saves they would tka Us 0 do 80. CORTERIA Cloerancs for CAT. 2 operations assumes that craft, fg craw, alborne and ground ‘squpment and sirield meet the folowing exter: ‘Tha sera and its on-beard equement are cari fr Cat. 2 operation, ‘Tha Hight evew are propery trained and experienced. “The sre end ground ietlaton (ILSights) are ofa suitable stance Automate AVR messurements ‘mage at touch down, rid pont and stop en 1S senative Aress are protected by ATC. ‘Saraby power is reply avaiable 10 1S and ait in ‘Tha Cat.2 operation does not lower the required salely level, curently estimated a3 & 113% 10(-8) risk ofa fal accent. ‘Tha a 148 nas comparatively low spprotch speeds. orge vavel cit of angle (round 29 dagreos), giving» long waual segment in fog, end the Sutoplct may remain engaged ‘Soon 0 0 feat AA for Seas 100,80 eet Ra lor Saas 200 end 0 fat Bk Io Saries 300, Thoveloce, wa ara abe to use tha lower minima suggested by. 8, pra 6.2.2 eras 100 ‘sera 200 and 200, DH: 100 faet RA 10 foet RA vm: 400 mete 2350 mate (charted minim to be used If theea are higher NOT FOR AIRCRAFT USE] — canomvace aor. A age 3 ean Eran rd BRITISH AEROSPACE CML AIRCRAFT DIVISION AIRCRAFT EQUIPMENT 2a 248 218 2a 22d LumraTions [A CAT.2 ILS approsch and lanciag must be Hlown a9 an auto-coupied approach folbwed by 8 manuel lancirg on an LS beam that mests Cat.2reqursments ‘Tha OH must be dented by ealarence ta eas alitude (RA) and must rote fae then 100 feet te OCA ‘ne autopllot may remsin engeged below OH down t0 6D feet RA for Series 100,50 fort RA for Sores 200 and 60 feet lar Series 500. [A four engines must be operating ‘he yaw camper must be senscosble and engaged. bath Cat.2 green annuncistors must be Ht 500 feat an remain 29 unt the sutopet fe Ssongaged, ‘Tha flowing deploys must be senceable voughout the approze Both heeding aepaye All primary a ota isla, Both rad atimater dspays “Toa masimum wind componants in which the ILS couping perermance hes been demon strated to mee! Category 2 requirments ae: ‘al Has 25m (20k Series 100) broil tat woe 10 Cros 15H (10K undor FAA rules) |p ‘Te svsreM : category 2 Approach Monitoring System (AMS) ‘Tha Cat.2 AMS oparates In canunction wih the autopct t provce a montorad approach down 10 ® decison height of 100 fost. To ensure the independence of the ANS “vonled Irom radio ana gyro signaia separate rom thaea used bythe AFGS, Senay the ADIs are leo seperately supplies fo enable crows fight instrument menacing, ‘cat.2 Anmunciator Switen ‘he Cabin’ and Fst Ofcer's Cat.2 anrunciators hava anidantea function, Tha Ca 2 annuneintor switch inseats the srmed tats of tha AUS. Frossing oor ofthe Cat 2 fomunciaiorsvtches wil reverse the AMS status: forename, an armed stern wil be Inhibteg, a Gaarmed system vel be actuate NOT FOR AIRCRAFT USE (CADOM VE-2 ARE. A 4 23 aaa 2a2 BRITISH AEROSPACE CIVIL AIRCRAFT DIVISION perton ‘The ollewing inputs must bo vali tearm the AMS nd lune he green Cet.2 anruncl tora, I the inputs are ineoract at £00 fost Rina ARES wil at arm sn na srmuncition vise gven.. If any of he folowing pus ailanar in AWS lg armed ana ine Ust.2 oreen Snnunciators are Mt, m9 annunieaton wil change to ember: 1) Ne.t and No.2 gideslope and tceizer vals 2) Now} and No.2 loosiaers tuned 3) asia atimster al 4 Lending gee: down Lass than 600 4) Nav select i lt postion, 1, Autopot engeged, 5) Autopilot mede B.LOO not sslecte. “olatstase vanstor switch to NOFM postion forests wansfar alten to NORM poate. NOTE: Disengagement of the autopilot wil cause the ember anc Waning ‘The amber localizer (LOC DEV) and amber gldeslope (GSL DEV) snmunciotors fash when the easpeatve ILS beem cavation ie excorsve. Wi all conations for a Cat.2 enprasch ‘ntsiag, but win nether Cat2 amber annuncatar i, the aster wl be armed automat ‘Syst 600 feat PA and the Cat2 green ennuncater ewiteh wil be i. Pressing wither of ‘me Cat.2 annunciate svtehes wal mB te AMS and both Cat.2 amber annuneltors will bet, aulopLor In eter to achiove Cat? performance th autopilot must postion the aiceft st OH withir the fotowing tts: Lately “The min gear shat remain within the sstandes runway adgea, end ha Hight decking win the lateral conlngs of Ine ed aparoacn bavetes (27 retres/90 feet). thn the eer, tracking on, paratel 0 oF towards the centte-ine. The meximum slowed devatona's 13 Loe aot Verteaty: Within +i- 12 foe, whichis eqivalant to dot onthe ale-siops at 100 feet RA, Tho LOCIGSL ember coviton annuncinors wil ba tf ha llowabi dovisions are exceeded NOT FOR AIRCRAFT USE] —caocu veo wea Pres Enana 36 BRITISH AEROSPACE CML AIRCRAFT DIVISION RADIO ALTIMETER (0H for Ca.2 aparonches is coined by the Rag All neigh. OH must be set onthe Red Alt FLIGHT DECK VISUAL CUT-OFF ANGLE ‘Th ig te angle betwos iscoscured (out-of) by te skeraft nate. is equal to 18 degre ven fap aeting, the visual cut-ot anglais afactad by the hoszonal end the plots eye tne Below which the view se Val eB Approach specs. 1US GP anole rt angio Plots eye poston, Note: Only Flap 33 may be used for Cat2 epprosches, ye postion ls most inpotant end plots must set thle postion correctly pir to Cat.2 fappro8es. AS. rule of thumb, a change f eye poston oft cm equals 1 Segre of vaual Colt angle, ani ls equivalent 19 8 metres of ground visual segment seen fom 100 OPERATION OF THE AIRCRAFT aa 32 ‘crew PROCECURE Experimental evidence and the experience of mor respected operstors, early shows that ta Mankored Appeosen Technique is optimum for low minima approaches. The fading plot los the aperaech (and go-round) te monitor pllt mentor he appI0329 fod, astuming @ decion to land, clsengages the autootot ard las the arcaft. THs procedure wll used for Cat.2 LS approaches by BA, EQUPNENT SETTING “he navigation equipment must be set as flows for @ Ca.2 ILS approach ‘Auropot engage Nav elector sot to SPLIT 1LS correty tuned on both NAV selectors LCOMPIATT transfer switches sot t= NORM. HS! switenes et to NAV (RNAV equones arcrft on). Decision height set an both redo ameter spay NOT FOR AIRCRAFT USE > cADOM va-2 Ape. a Boe 8 aa BRITISH AEROSPACE CIVIL AIRCRAFT DIVISION APPSOACH PROCEDURE ‘The Ct.2 ILS procedure is basicaly the some as 2 Cat.* procedure with all engin oper sting ‘The lncalzer must be nercepted wih lgp 19 degrees. Lancing goer sroud be lowered 411 1/2 dota below tha glcos'ope and laps aelactod to 24 dagraes t gldapath capture, Select faps to 33 degrees not ater than 1000 feet. The speed should be asisbished st te soproteh speed of Vel 33 +k for ALL Sows by 600 feat and maintanes aa cose te ihe speed 2s condtens alow unt decision height: smooth and accurate contol of speed lf eesemtl for good GS ‘racking. [AL S00 foot the rac altmeter clepiay® must be orose-checked to ceed within 90 foot of {S2chothor ang both Cat? green snnuncators checked It. (See note Below). Both plots must manor the progres ofthe approach on thal deplays down to approx ‘ately 100 feet ebove the Desisin Height. At his he-gh the montr plot begins fo ook {er eternal vial reference whist the Nanding plot continues to montor his slay down {ond below Decision Height end ncugos of any fnlura or abnormalty. Ml adacuste ius! ‘eference has rot been atained when Decision Height fs reached, the handing plot must fy 8 go-arcuna Note: To obten Cat2 green status ennunciaton, the folowing conctions must be sat NAV gelector set to SPU. Both VHF NAV selected fo an LS frequency with vd loclzer and gdesione slorais received. Autopilot engaged. fadio atimeter signal vali Ccat.2 embar status annunciters out NOT FOR AIRCRAFT USE CADOM ve-2 ABP. A Pre Ena ites a4 BRITISH AEROSPACE CMIL AIRCRAFT DIVISION (CREW DUTIES AND CALL CUTS “The handing pt controls the arpeed Uoughout the approach, dsconnets the auepiot Scquled a OH, the monitor plot takes contol for Ue andi. He may leave the sept ‘ngaged below DH to 80 Tee lor Seles 100, 50 fet RA for Seles 200 and 60 Tet for Series $300. Norms company sandsrd ILS approach cal ate to be made eo above SUD Tee AGL. “Thereafter te following eal are to be made! Approach Phase anaing Pilot (FID selected ON) Monitor Pilot (F/D selected OFF) AL 590 feet DEL een held [A decision height Alter ‘LAND’ ARCUND' oF no ‘DECIDE can Monitors the automate approach Snel vontrots speed Aves any Cie tym wring an cls Papp ter Car GREEN Cominues 1 monior appraach Hy Cad wating and calls io above” onines moni ine Che Deco” - Monitors pitch atude, rate of deem ahd sinpeed by soninued N50 feat for Series 200 60 feet for Sertes 300, {Revealer Advises any deviation Rotated fig path of sapoed executes & Go-atound Moors srr gt path Check RA rend 500 fee as atk PUAN? iPadequate ist Felereges eaablehed! cihersss {Sli "G0-AROUND" ce HAVE coNTROL Bis ease pilot and fands aia Maniars igh path, shite Snd'speed NOT FOR AIRCRAFT USE onsen v2 0.2 ied a8 381 352 353 BRITISH AEROSPACE ‘CML AIRCRAFT DIVISION ‘SYSTEM FALURE ACaL? system fale is lined as any ofthe following 2) ea of emer Ca? ore ain arin the hy 5 at a 3) ¥en soy Cat.2 ember statue arnoncisor fs )yven either of the amber ATT oF HOG comparator annuncstors is | cisplay of any warring fag in an ADI, HSI or rao iimeter Inccatr. Fetes before the "100 ABOVE cal Excess deviation warring: the svent ofa laaing amber LOC DEV or GSL DEV annuncster, the eoprach may be continued provides the Hight path i tebe andthe atopt can ba aasn to cores. Ing ne ceviaton, ‘Auopiot, Cat2 system or Engine fare: the event ofan sutopict. Cat.2 systom or engine far, the aporeach my ony be coninued below tM Cet.t decison Naight Hf the required viel reference fr landing has esr estabished. he autopet clsengages ori disengaged below 1000 feet ar... It ‘must remain disengaged forthe reminder ofthe approach andthe araach ry cn bo Coninuad under manual conta o Cat tn, Faiures ster *100 ABOVE" call bn te event ofan eutoplet, Cat.2 system, engin flue or excess ceviation arming, the ‘Spprosen must be ctcontinued by executing a Ga-eraund uniess the fight pai ato {2nathe required visual relerences for lncing have arendy bean eiabishad. Inthe event of a Go-sreund, aera atttude must be mentored By valerence to the Stancoy Athide Irestor FLICHT CREW TRAINING ‘Ta ground waning reterence portion ofthe BXe Cat.2 taining arogramme la conan in this ote. Practical intial Ca.2 training wil be gen in the simulato to cover the Flowing Fariarizaton with Cat.2ighting system and visual segment in low PVA, ‘cat. 2 ILS aporoac ana tenang (Go-around for Cat? an foowing th oes of weve rlerance below DH. (cat.2 eytem fatures curing tha aprraseh, A dataed syabus is Annex A. Be crews wil be expected 1a demonsirste continued during the Course of tho ermal tying. These epprosches ar tobe logged in the Cat.2 NOT FOR AIRCRAFT USE CADOM vE-2 APP. & Pepe 8 Penaain erase 108 a8 BRITISH AEROSPACE ‘CIML AIRCRAFT DIVISION ‘approach record (Annex 8) ald by Floht Operations. During such epprosches bess in ‘ind ATC low voy procedures may not be In force so LS signals may be allected by ‘ulin iteerence VISUAL, REQUIREWENT aving exvad at OH you must have aulfotent visual cuss to be abla ta and. In order to ‘asset 989 visual Cues you requre ‘A minimum longi of uselul visual segment It fs generally sccopted tht a plot nesds thee-four seconds worth of visu! sognent {equal to 185 ~259 motes a 120k) to assess the ution and vilza the visual cues for ronoouwing. Sica the basle sual segment fom a BAe 14s ters at T0Q eet Dr wth 1219 degeee visual out-of angla at Veet «tie 310 metres, thera ls me end catance in hand for decison makin. ‘The vial ues, rainy ebtaine from the apprazchIights. pve geod lateral guidance ‘bu poor pte guidance en tue norizon is ebeoured, tha PA's ara not yt in view and tha epproach lating cross bars are moving towards you. The visual segment may very ‘uring te as stages of the approsch awing to changes in fghing intensity or stuctre of tha fag. This ean cause an ilsion of pitch sttuca changes: an ncrebee In vous a iment may be miinterprated 8s a nose down pen ana, mare Sengerousy, 86 9 No%e uD piten ina deoroasing vaus! eegmant as tno erat closes win tha ground. Thar [svays make maximum uso of he tutpit: knows the pen aide. Having mass {your decision 19 land, Kee the suopic! engaged down towards the minimum engegement li. ‘At night the viel segment may sppesr eiger due tothe intensity ofthe Iahing pata Approach snd runway fghtng intensties may be reduced by one setng. Avera Iendng lights should be used, they wil not signa ierease the give anes series 100 ‘Seies 209 and 300, DH 100 feot a 100 feet #4 AVR 400 mates 350 ratios CChanted minis a to be used these hone Satisicay i ean be shown that an FVR of £00 metas gives & vil certainty of ondng Irom 8 100 fest DH: for comparison this chance Is recuced to arcund 80% wih an FUR ot 300 metres NOT FOR AIRCRAFT USE CADOM v4-2 A. & Penn Enna Iie BRITISH AEROSPACE CML AIRCRAFT DIVISION THE AIRFIELD 42 4a 44 442 ILS NSTALLATION Inthe UR) interme of precision ntegely an relay. The normel Cat? Glidepath angle is 3 degroee sei 1c cat.2tiging requirements ere High inonsty Approach Ligtting, with supplementary white cans tne and red ‘de row barratten to 200 metres song the aporosch path Full With Tarasold Lighting (green bar. onway Centr Line Lighting Write hite/red inst 990 metas and rin est 300 meter). unway Touchdown Zone Lighting (whe). Pracsion Aporoach Path indlcators (PAPY's). RUNWAY VISUAL RANGE AVR should be automaticaly measured at thrae postions along the runway: Touch own “Zone (TOZ), Mid Point (MID) end Stop End (STP). FVA should bo passed 10 the plot “th 1 seconde of any cvanga,TD2 RVR should alvays be passed, andi tha vale het ‘ovens whether an approach may be attempted: AVR valves fer otter positions wil be peso on raquast or when ether er Bath MID/STP values are Less then TOZ ond ass han 800 metres. Less then 400 meses. CONTROL OF AR AND GROUND TRAFFIC Spec proceoures forthe conta of ar and ground tac Inf vieilty ace required suon procecure are known a3 ATC Low Viatty Procedurea (LVP). They sra atone! to ard dependent on normal ATC procedures and are designed '9 satya raquramenta Of bath Cat.2 and CaL.3 operators. LVP wit normally be implemented when the RVR ‘elie #9 lose than 600 mtr or whan the cloud caling lowars to less thar 200 fost However, in rapidly detetoraing conations an esrlor decision in imlamant LYP may 83 rmacs.- Responsiity fr the ination (ane subsequent cancetaio) of LYP wil be coerly Socsted end, tyes el rest wth the ATC Approsoh Cont Supervisor ‘Thera ara two basic pxnopes on which LVP ara based fst hat she Obstacle Fe (OFZ) must remain ree of obstocles icing a Cal.2 of Cat.2 operation, and ascond, that the Locar2er Sensive Area (LSA) must be protcted to onaura te Integr of LS signal In practice, tne USA encompasses the UFZ with respect fa ground movements ena 39 on fete procedures aatslies both recuremests. Protection of LS signal rages tat na NOT FOR AIRCRAFT USE BRITISH _AEROSPAQE CML AIRCRAFT DIVISION ‘vahile « tneingsierlt should be within the LSA between the tne: ‘An ering siterat is within 1 nautlcel mile from touchdown and unt ithas ‘completed Is laning run. 1 daparing sicralt hae commenced is take-off un and unlit esibeme [At tein arora and vehicles wil be nsrucied ta hald tthe Cat.2 holding pains “Tease procedures ara deslned fs, to engure that an axcraft making ® mised approach ‘rom a lom height has adequate clearance rom cosiacies, and IGenlzer signals by multi-path Iniererencs dose not occu mt # orton! point th 9p jproacn. The Gidepath Senstve Area willbe given simiar protection fits et costned ‘thin the UA. ‘nen LVP are implemented al levantsifiid services ere informed. When the AVR or ‘laud cating require the sppcaton of LP's, fightoraws may sssume thet allpemulgated Sifield facities ora. avaiabla and thet selequarding checis are compote. Any {alclances willbe noted to fghterews 9 Soon 2 possbe ether by A or by exis partre termina! broadcasts (ATIS) and If necessary, NOTAM, ‘a spacing between akoratton final approach may have to Be grater than norm to tow landed skeratt to clear the LSA before approaching aera reach 1 nautea! mie from touchdown. Tha aim nil beta give lansing clearance by 2 netics! alos: anna spacing of about 10 nauileal mics may be necestary to actiowe thi. I inding ctosance Canvat be given by 2 nates mies pict wil be warned to expect Ina laning clearance fan the cleprance to land or istvtien 19 insta @ missed eppeosch wil b> gen by 1 favical mis. Landed or erossng trafic shoul clear the LSA witout dey. ate Should ext the runway at designeted poli. lc AMGIELDS EQUPPED WITH CAT.2 1S “The following sites runways in tha UK nave publ Cat.2 LS aperoschas Atpont Punwayla) Balas (Alerorove) Py Bemingham 2 Esinouroh 725 Glasgow 05:23 London (Gatwick 02125 om) eur 27L Z NOT FOR AIRCRAFT USE CADOM 4-2 090. 8 rived Engen “80 BRITISH AEROSPACE CIVIL AIRCRAFT DIVISION EUROPE AND USA AIBFIELOS Under FAA rugs 8 Cat.2 approach raquiss a 15% nroase Landing Dstance, and Cat. 2 proton lights are not required. The FAA recues ether ALS 2 (wih red Ba ALE (without: sequence lashes (atobes) are not mandtory Intesonely ot bia NOT FOR AIRCRAFT USE rege 12 Pros ergs m3 BRITISH_AEROSPACE ‘CIVIL AIRCRAFT DIVISION [BAe 146: SIMULATOR SYLLABUS INTIAL CAT.2 ILS TRAINING Inert CONFTONS: ‘Any suitable modelled runway wit a puolhed (5.2 18 aporeach e.g. LGW. RvR 400 metres Ground Fos, Cng arcund 120 fos, wives Calm Oat: Ae required GHH/OFE: Aa requres _Appcosimate maximum landing weigh PRE-FUGHT STUDY (Gat.2 Operations (BA tring note) PRE-FUOHT BRIEFING Faview Cat.2 UmitatonsiPracedures/Oparations Discuss suggested sllebus prota DeBREFNG ‘As roquied Psion at 3 nutcase on approach to rvlaw Cat.2 epproschtohis Sarin approach {CAVOK), Freeze t 100 fost and progressiely fe ‘ce RVR ‘Day sod Night) to 360 meters to demonstrate ius! 269 ‘ake-ot 150 AVR, ‘Auto coupled Cat.2 LS eporoach to land Peposton for Cal.2 1 aparoach and go-sround (no viel teterence at Di er leas of visual roferanee balow CH). Peposton for CaL.2 LS approach with system fares, and LOCIGSL deviations Fepoaton for auccessful Cat.2 ILS spproseh and lancing. NOT FOR AIRCRAFT USE caDOM ve-2 40 Pred Entre 3 0

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