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How does development of the villages add growth to our country?

The beloved father of our nation saw the world with a different edge from behind those round
diaphanous glasses wherein each strata of the society developed in unity. The soul of India lives in
its villages", declared M. K. Gandhi at the beginning of 20th century. But how can a growing body
function while the soul is still feeble and rudimentary? There are more than 6 lac different villages in
India. The life in Indian villages is simple and isolated. Indian villages are the shimmering mirrors of
what India once was. From efficacious traditions to vibrant festivals and compelling mysteries, our
villages are brimming with talent and a million things to show to the world. All they need is a gentle
push on the path to development and a better future.
The genesis of the troubles that beset villagers is the lack of education. The backward norms are
the main restrains preventing them from developing and weaving a better life for themselves.
Education sector is one of the main aspects of our society that can highly help in catapulting the
villages towards an efficient life style. Free education system is widely advertised by the
Government in various areas of India especially in the rural territories. Poverty, which is one of the
main reason for lack of education in villages has prompted the government to establish more and
more schools in various rural areas. According to Hindustan Times, the literacy rates in rural sector
is 71% while that in urban areas is 86%. Slowly and steadily with the development of villages,
Indias literacy rates have risen to 75% in 2016.
Villages are where growing and feeding is considered religion and Goddess Annapurna is
worshiped with sincere devotion. The fertile soil that grows crops to feed millions and the diligent
farmer whose blood, sweat and tears are the reason we prosper in health struggle till date under
the weight of highly unfair wages. Does it ever stir empathy in us when a man who works to feed an
entire country sleeps with an empty stomach and his children starved? Agriculture is the bloodline
of our nation- one of the most flourishing industries, but why do the torch bearers of this parade go
unaccredited? India- a country who believes in the mantra of Jai Jawan, Jai Kisan is still faltering
in paving a better life and income for their farmers. The principal means of livelihood of the villagers
is agriculture. Training needs to be provided to them in improved methods of agriculture.
Introduction of technology in agriculture is a large step toward efficient farming and a better yield of
crops. Government campaigns such as Gramin Bhandaran Yojana are promoting this idea to a large
extent and resulting in a better crop yield for our country.
Another flourishing industry which can ensure employment and prospective opportunities for
villagers is the handicraft industry. This will be a source of additional income for them. Villagers
completely detached for urban influences lack skills that allow them to work and earn a livelihood
which results in increasing unemployment. The Skill Development policies such as Rajiv Gandhi
Scheme for Empowerment of Adolescent Boys and Girls aims at all-round development of children
of 11-18 years and make them self-reliant, gender-sensitive and aware citizens, when they grow up.
Our respected government also offers Employment policies to help job seekers all around India land
a job they deserve albeit of their caste, race, religion and gender. However, due to rural
development the GDP has risen to 7.6% from 5.6% in 2013.
Provisions of Health Development, Sustainability and Sanitation in villages are also poor and hence
leave inhabitants vulnerable to a plethora of diseases for which they neither have a cure nor
precaution. The villagers are grappling to combat diseases such as cholera and swine flu when they
are deprived of sufficient medical aid. Pradhan Mantri Bhartiya Jan Aushadhi Kendra is a boon to
thousands of villagers who would be provided with quality medicines at affordable prices to the
masses through special kendras. The construction of toilets in hundreds of rural households will
promote sanitation and requirement of personal hygiene.
It surprises me that a country so flourishing as ours is lacking just because a large segment of us is
held back. Why? Is it because we care too much about the light that shines that we forget what we
left in the dark? Its time to lift up the curtains from a better India and present to the world a nation
so powerful and well aware of its capabilities that every person stands proud and proficient and
known throughout the globe.

In the near future, I see for myself a behetar India where the gap between rich and poor, urban
and rural will shrink to a minimum and where I would proudly say that no Indian is regarded lower
than the other and every section of our society joins hands in rewarding India with her long lost
golden glory and reaching new heights as a unanimously developed nation. I would like to conclude
with a quote by our honorable Prime Minister Narendra Modi We walk together, we move together;
we think together, we resolve together, and together we take this country forward. Thank You.

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