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His father was Professor o f Mathematics at Glasgow. Himself was born in

Belfast seventy-two years ago, and educated at Glasgow University and at
St Peters, Cambridge; o f which College, after making himself Second
Wrangler and Smiths Prizeman, he was made a Fellow. Unlike a
Scotchman, he presently returned to Glasgow - as Professor o f Natural
Philosophy; and since then he has invented so much and, despite his
mathematical knowledge, has done so much good, that his name - which is
William Thomson - is known not only throughout the civilised world but
also on every sea. For when he was a mere knight he invented Sir William
Thomsons mariners compass as well as a navigational sounding machine,
that is, unhappily, less well known. He has also done much electrical service
at sea: as engineer for various Atlantic cables, as inventor o f the mirror-
galvanometer and siphon recorder, and much else that is not only scientific
but useful. He is so good a man, indeed, that four years ago he was ennobled
as Baron Kelvin o f Largs; yet he is still full o f wisdom, for his Peerage has
not spoiled him.
He has been President o f the Royal Society once, and o f the Royal
Society o f Edinburgh three times. He has been honoured by nine
universities - from Oxford to Bologna; he is the modest wearer o f German,
Belgian, French, and Italian Orders; and he has been twice married. He
knows all there is to know about Heat, all that is yet known about
Magnetism, and all that he can find out about Electricity. He is a very great,
honest, and humble Scientist who has written much and done more.
With all his greatness, he remains a very modest man of very charming

Vanity I'air Album (1897)]

Lord Kelvin caricatured by I dtiity I-'air Album in 1897. Classing him as one o f its
'Statesmen', I anity fair published the accompanying eulogy o f the seventy-two-
year-old peer.
Energy and Empire
A biographical study of
Lord Kelvin

C rosbie Sm ith
H istory o f Science Unit,
University o f K ent at Canterbury

M. N o rto n W ise
Professor, Departm ent o f H istory,
University of C alifornia,
Los Angeles

Any one may commence the writing o f a book,

but what may be its extent, or the time o f its completion,
no one can tell . . .

Dr Ja m es to W illiam T hom son, 9th A pril, 1843.

New York Port Chester
Melbourne Sydney
Published by the Press Syndicate o f the University o f Cambridge
The Pitt Building, Truinpington Street, Cambridge C B 2 IRP Contents
40 West 20th Street, New York, N Y 10011, USA
10 Stamford Road, Oakleigh, Melbourne 3166, Australia

Cambridge University Press 1989

First published 1989 List o f illustrations XV I

Preface xix
Printed m Great Britain at the University Press, Cambridge Footnote abhreuiations XX vi

British Library cataloguing in publication data

1 T h e m ak in g o f the natural philosopher
Smith, Crosbie W .
Energy and empire
1. Physics. Kelvin, William Thomson, 1 From the ashes o f revolution
Baron, 1824-1907. Biographies Ireland in rebellion: 1798
1. Title II. Wise, M. Norton The Battle o f Ballynahinch and a dissenters education fixed the liberal values
530'.092'4 o f James Thomson.
The Belfast Academical Institution: 181432
Library of Congress cataloguing in publication data While professor o f mathematics at this radical, latitudinarian institution,
Smith, Crosbie. James Thomson developed his views on progressive, practical, democratic
Energy and empire. education.
Bibliography: p.
Includes index.
2 Clydeside 20
1. Kelvin, William Thomson, Baron, 18241907.
2. Physics-History. 3. Physicists-Great B ritain-
Glasj^ow and the Clyde 21
Biography. I. Wise, M. N orton, II. Title.
Between 1800 and 1840 Glasgow changed from a commercial town to an
Q C 16.K 3S65 1989 530'.092'4 [B] 88-25685 industrial city, where modernizing entrepreneurs and progressive university
professors met in the Glasgow Philosophical Society.

A ISBN 0 .521 26173 2 'The Utiiversity o f Glas]<^ow

Only gradually did the forces o f change, symbolized by new regius

Printed and Bound in Great Britain by professorships, overcome the conservative College oligarchy.
Redwood Burn Limited, Trowbridge, Wiltshire
'The new mathematics professor 32
Dr Thomson brought with him from Belfast in 1832 his reform programme
for mathematics education.
John P rin fe Nichol: the education o f the people 37
As a brilliant astronomy lecturer, latitiidinarian radical, and close friend o f the
Thomsons, Nichol added i'xcitement,and dan'ng-tp;thicAvhig values o f the
Dr Jam es Thomson: latitudinarian and university n former 41
Dr Thomson led the movement o f the whig faction to abolish the tests in the
Dr Thomson's family 49
Raised and educated by their Either, the Thomson children made his values
and goals their own.

3 A Camhridj^e undert^raduate 56
O f a liberal education 58
VUl Contents Contents ix

At Cambridge, liberal education did not carry the democratic, practical, and created a new mathematics - the operational calculus - and a newly
professional emphasis o f Glasgow liberalism. professionalized consciousness.
F'dther and son 68 Progression and kinematics 192
Economy in all things, avoidance o f waste and dissipation, epitomize the T wo concerns closely related to the operational calculus circulated in the
moral and social virtues that Dr Thomson constantly stressed. Cambridge network: a progressionist view o f the earth and solar system; and a
Towards graduation 76 separation o f the geometry o f physical motions from their causes, or
William concluded his Cambridge training as winner o f the Silver Sculls, kinematics from dynamics.
Second Wrangler, and First Smiths Prizeman.
7 The kinematics of field theory and the nature of electricity 203
4 T h e changing tradition o f natural p h ilo so p h y 83 Electrostatics: the analogy to heat flow 203
The laws o f nature 84 Geometrical analogy allowed mathematical theorems about electrostatic
Scottish tradition in natural philosophy emphasized Gods active agency in force to be proved from physical reasoning about the motion o f heat.
nature and the intimate relation o f knowledge and power. Mathematical theorist meets experimental theorist: Thomson and Faraday 212
Politics and progression 89 Disparagement turned to admiration as mathematical power bowed to
A changing context for both natural and social philosophy in the 1830s physical insight.
demanded a new accommodation between liberal ideology and natural law. Inductive capacity and the quantityintensity distinction 219
Politics and pedagogy: the campaign fo r succession 99 Thomsons attempt to reconcile contiguous action with action at a distance
William Thomsons election to the chair o f natural philosophy marked a through the analogy with heat flow reveals enduring differences between
major victory for the whig reformers o f Glasgow College. Thomsons and Faradays (also Maxwells) views on the nature o f electricity
and propagated action.
5 Professor W illiam T hom son 117 The latitudinarian theorist and the practical imperative 228
The practice o f natural philosophy 120 The kinematics o f field theory exhibits methodological and ideological
The new professor treated precision measurement and mathematical commitments typical o f the Thomson family in its Glasgow context.
expression as the refined instruments o f a practical art.
Early years o f the physical laboratory 128 8 The dynamics of field theory: work, ponderomotive force, and extremum
The first physical research labratory in a British university would serve conditions Thl
simultaneously the needs ofnatural philosophy and ofindustrial development. What makes an electrified body move? 238
Human fragility 135 From 1843 Thomson developed the idea that the ponderomotive force on an
From 1847 to 1852 William Thomsons secure family life was wracked by electrified body is an action o f the surrounding air-ether.
death, religious turmoil, emigration, unrequited love, and a problematic Mechanical effect, mathematically and practically: the steam engine as metaphor 240
marriage. Conceiving an electrostatic system as an engine made capacity for work its
defining feature, radically transforming ideas o f ponderomotive force,
absolute measurement, and force distribution.
II The transformation of classical physics Field theory proper 257
Magneto-optic rotation, understood by mathematical analogy with the
straining o f an elastic solid, and diamagnetism, understood through con
6 The language of mathematical physics 149
duction o f lines o f force, made a reality o f fields containing work.
Reformers o f the first generation 151
The hydrodynamic analogy 263
Mathematical reformers o f Dr Thomsons generation originally idealized
The dynamics o f fields, as a dynamics o f extremum conditions, emerged from
Lagranges algebraic analysis and Laplaces static solar system as symbols o f
interaction with Stokes over a fluid-flow analogy to magnetism.
progress and order in systems governed by natural law, both physical and
Practical considerations and theory 276
Magnetic field theory exhibits the ideal o f unity o f theory and practice that
Opposing styles and a skewed reception 155
would dominate Thomsons career.
During the 1830s the reformers recaptured traditional British emphases on
geometrical analysis, non-hypothctical theory, and practicality, which they
recognized in the methods o f Fourier and Fresnel. 9 Thermodynamics: the years oj uncertainty 282
Prelude to the dynamical theory o f heat': the Thomson brothers 285
Whig mathematicians o f the second generation 168
Long-time puzzlement about losses o f available work in engines and a
At Cambridge William Thomson joined a younger group o f reformers who
Contents Contetits XI

sophisticated elaboration o f Carnots theory o f the motive power o f heat Magnetic rotations 402
preceded Williams and Jamess reception o f jou les researches. The theory centred on the rotational character o f magnetism and on the
The jo u le -lh o m so n debates: 1847-50 302 consequent probability that molecules consisted o f electrical fluid in
Conservation posed no problem; interconversion did, because it violated the rotational motion, or vortices.
directionality o f natural processes. Engineering and economy 412
The vortices had a powerful practical foundation in James Thomsons vortex
10 T herm odynam ics: the years oj resolution 317 turbines and vortex pumps.
The heyinniny^s of thermodynamics: Ranhine, Clausius, and Thomson 318 Vortex atoms 417
Tentative acceptance o f the dynamical nature o f heat, and o f the From 1867, drawing on Helmholtzs mathematical work and Taits
interconvertibility o f heat and work, depended on interaction with Rankine. experimental demonstrations, Thomson turned his full powers to vortex
I'lie establishment o f classical thermodynamics 327 atoms.
Full acceptance o f interconvertibility required a new understanding o f Gravity 425
directionality through a religiously grounded dissipation axiom. The vortex atoms suggested a revival o f Le Sages kinetic theory o f gravity.
The dynamical theory oJ heat 333 Kinetic theory o f gases 427
The assertion that if heat is not matter it must be motion reveals the character The atoms seemed ideal for simple thermodynamic systems.
o f Thomsons mechanical philosophy and recasts the problem o f heat as the Extrema and dissipation: the problem o f stability 431
problem o f molecular force. If vortex motion were quasi-stable it might meet simultaneously the
I h e watershed: molecular energy physics 341 requirements o f atomic permanence and o f universal dissipation o f energy,
The dynamical theory o f heat brought with it a new programme o f unified but stability remained conjectural.
physical theory based on energy relations. Waves in the vortex ether and arestructuredmethodology 438
To deal with refractive dispersion o f light, Thomson separated off the analysis
o f waves in the ether, as a molar problem, from the effects o f matter on the
I I T & T ' or Treatise on Natural P hilosophy 348
waves, a molecular problem. This molar-molecular distinction marked the
The collaboration 349
end o f aer.
In five impassioned years Thomson (T) and Tait (T') produced a Principia to
replace N ew tons, based on energy not force, continuum mechanics not hard
atoms, and practical abstractions not microscopic models. 13 T elegraph signals and light w aves: T hom son versus M a x w e ll 445
Kinematics 360 Submarine telegraph theory 446
Geometry o f motion and practical mechanisms for generating motion form a Thomsons 1854 telegraph theory already suggests why he would later reject
unified subject in the kinematics o f T & T'. Maxwells electromagnetic theory o f light.
The background to dynamics 7512 M easurements, units, and velocity 454
Little agreement existed in mid-century on the fundamental concepts and Electrical measurements, interpreted on a fluid theory o f electricity, suggested
laws o f dynamics, especially concerning the relation o f statics to dynamics. that telegraph signals in air lines propagated as longitudinal pressure waves
Revisionist dynamicswork, energy, and Newtons laws 380 travelling at a velocity near that o f light.
Reading action and reaction as rates o f doing work, T tk V reinterpreted Longitudinal waves and light 458
The practical success o f his telegraph theory provided Thomsons ground, in
Newton's ,3rd law as conservation o f energy and attempted to derive all o f
his 1884 Baltimore Eectures, for rejecting Maxwells theory o f light waves
dynamics from it.
Extremum principles 390 and for defending an elastic-solid theory.
Energy-based, as opposed to force-based, dynamics obtained a rigorous 7'/iC m ethodology oj look and see 463
The lectures articulate a methodology which insists on direct sensory
foundation through the principle o f least action and other extremum
perception as the guarantor o f validity o f theoretical entities.
Gonfrontation with M a x w ells ghost 471
Following Hertzs experiments, widely thought to have demonstrated
12 T h e hydrodynam ics o f m atter 396 electromagnetic waves, Thomson launched a direct attack on Maxwells
General relations of ether and matter 397
By the early 1850s Thomson was seeking a unified theory o f air-ether, or aer,
Ether, electricity, and ponderable matter 482
which would allow a continuous transition between molecules ot matter and
By 1890 he had attained considerable success with an alternative theory of a
ether and between waves of sound and light.
Contents Contents xiii

rotationally clastic (magnetic) ether and a highly abstract electrical fluid. T h e secular cooling of earth 561
M ephistopheles 488 In 1862 Thomson estimated the cooling period at between 20 and 400 million
The decadent forces o f mathematical nihilism, in Thomsons view, ultimately years
won out over his own practical realism. T he rigidity o f earth 573
On the basis o f rotational phenomena he argued that the earth must be far
more rigid than glass, and thus essentially solid and cooling by conduction.
Ill The economy of nature: the great storehouse of creation
17 T h e age o f the earth controversies 579
14 The irreversible cosmos 497 On geological and biological time 580
l lic universal dissipation o f energy 497 Thomsons attack on uniformitarian geology, and his controversy with
Thomsons belief in the principle expressed a deep theological commitment. Huxley, heated up in the late 1860s.
Sources o f energy: the nature o f the suns heat 502 On the harm ony o f geology and physics 590
In 1854 he concluded that neither primitive heat nor chemical action could Between 1870 and 1890 many geologists learned to live with Thomsons 100
supply the suns energy. million year age estimate, but rejected more radical reductions.
T h e gravitation theory o f the sun's heat 508 T he younger D arw in: a criticjue o f tidal friction and secular cooling 597
He adopted instead a theory o f a gravitationally driven meteoric vortex, George Darwin offered telling critiques o f the details o f Thomsons
strikingly similar to Jamess vortex turbine. theorizing, while agreeing with him in general.
T h e origins of the sun and solar system 518 Lord K elvin and the age o f the earth: 1 8 9 2 -1 9 0 7 602
Gravitation, in fact, might have been the origin o f all motion and o f all As for the sun, the discovery of radioactivity did not alter Kelvins view on the
condensed bodies in the universe, and would ultimately bring the end o f the age of the earth.
solar system.
IS T h e habitation o f earth 612
15 The age o f the sun controversies 524 Alind over matter 612
On the age o f the suns heat 526 The 2nd law o f thermodynamics highlighted the status o f free will standing
Switching by 1862 to a contraction theory o f the suns heat, Thomson between laws and miracles.
estimated its age as probably less than 100 million years, severely constraining T he demon 621
Darwins theory o f evolution. Two factors, infinity and instability, removed the 2nd law, and physical
T hom sons cosmological vision 533 dynamics generally, from the deterministic realm o f abstract dynamics,
He now reiterated his view o f universal progression from an ordered allowing for the operation o f mind on matter without violation o f natural
beginning in potential energy to a chaotic end in kinetic energy uniformly law.
distributed, and thus uniformly hot. T he origin and evolution o f life on earth 633
The strict distinction o f mind from matter, which informed Thomsons view
T h e progress o f solar dynamics 538
o f free will, also lay behind his critique o f Darwinian evoluticrn.
Thomsons developing theory o f the suns heat, grounded in an engineering
view o f Its machinery, yielded a reduced age estimate o f less than 20 million
Lord K elvin and the age o f the sun 544 IV Energy, economy, and Empire; the relief of Mans estate
Controversy in the 1890s and even the discovery o f radioactivity did not
dissuade the new peer from his earlier estimate o f the age o f the suns heat. 19 T h e telegraphic art 649
On the harmony o f theory and practice in engitteering: principles of economy 652
16 The secular cooling o f the earth 552 T h e G lasg o w P hilosophical S o ciety , in its m em b ersh ip and its p rogram m e,
W illiam H opkins and the doctrine o f central heat 553 ep ito m ized the m utual support o f science and industry that accom p an ied the
The progressionist doctrine o f terrestrial cooling involved a vigorous research second industrial revolu tion .
programme in defence o f the earths solidity. On the discord o f theory and practice in telegraph engineering 661
Thom son, H elm holtz, and the importance o f terrestrial temperatures 559 T he A tlantic telegraph project m ade scientific en g in eerin g an e c o n o m ic
Thermal measurements in the earths surface indicated a relatively short time necessity.
period since the earth had been molten. T he m aking o f Sir H 'illum 'I'homson 667
Contents Contents XV

He contributed essential instruments, precision measurements, testing, and Liberal Unionist politics, along with his contributions to knowledge, wealth,
theory to the success o f the cable enterprise. and power, raised Sir William to the peerage in 1892.
No time spent in idleness ^11
20 M easurem ent and m arketing: the econom ics o f electricity 684 Literally until his death, Kelvin maintained his full activity as the Lord of
Electrical units o f measurement: the absolute system 684 British Science.
The interests of industry and science merged in a system o f measurement based
on units o f work.
Partnerships and patents 698 B ibliography 815
Thomson and his partners prospered along with telegraphic industry through Index 838
skilful marketing o f patented instruments.
Power and light: the economics o f electricity 712
Through knighthood and peerage he stood as a leading spokesman for science-
based industry.

21 R u le, B ritannia: the art o f navigation 723

The shipyard o f Empire 727
In Glasgow, centre o f modern iron shipbuilding for Britain and the world,
Thomson would perfect his navigational instruments.
The Lalla Rookh 733
Symbol o f adventure, wealth, social advancement, and a new marriage, the
schooner-yacht served from 1870 as a summer home and testing ground for
Sounding the deep sea 740
Thomson quickly developed a prototype sounding machine using pianoforte
The navigational sounding machine 748
A commercial version found an appreciative audience.

22 T h e magnetic com pass 754

Archibald Smith atid the magnetism o f ships 755
From the 1840s Thomson had interacted with Smith concerning the
magnetism of iron ships and its effect on compasses.
The practical problems o f compass correction 763
Controversy and distrust surrounded the subject m the 1850s.
Sir William 'Thomsons patent compass 770
From 1871 Thomson worked out ideal theoretical conditions for a magnetic
compass and practical techniques for realizing them.
The commercial compass and sounding machine 776
By 1880 his patented instruments had become the standard o f the commercial
fleet of the Empire.
Sir William Thomson and the British Admiralty 786
Elis conquest o f the Queens fighting ships required a more extended

23 Baron K elvin o f Largs 799

I he first scientific peer 802
Illustrations xvii

The G reat E asterns return 683

Illustrations Divided ring electrometer 695
Quadrant electrometer 696
Electrostatic voltmeter 697
Siphon recorder for telegraph signals 709
The L a lla R o ok h 735
Sounding machine 745
Archibald Smith in the service of the Admiralty 764
Magnetic compass and binnacle 775
Lord Kelvin caricatured by Vanity F air A lbum Frontispiece The White Star liner O ceanic 778
Glasgow High Street 26 HMS M in otaur 789
Glasgow College, inner quadrangle looking west 29 Kelvin and his sister Elizabeth 800
Glasgow College, inner quadrangle looking north-west 31 Kelvins last lecture, 1899 811
Dr James Thomson 42 Lord and Lady Kelvin in formal attire 813
The Firth of Clyde 51 The new University of Glasgow, 1870 814
James Thomson, aged 16 52
William Thomson, aged 16 54
St Peters College, Cambridge 74
St Peters College graduates, 1852 81
Archibald Smith 110
William Thomson, aged 22 115
The natural philosophy classroom 121
The physical laboratory 133
Sabina Smith 143
Professor William Thomson, aged 28 145
Attracted disc electrometer 251
Professor James Thomson 284
Model of Stirling hot-air engine 295
J.P. Joule 303
W J.M . Rankine 319
P.G. Tait 350
Vortex turbine 413
Sir William Thomson, aged 64 476
G.G. Stokes 507
Hermann Helmholtz 527
Loading the Atlantic cable, 1858 651
Pulling a cable ashore in the Persian Gulf 653
Receiving telegraph messages on Valencia Island 671
Mirror-galvanometer 673
Specimens of Atlantic cable 679
The G reat Eastern (or Leviathan) 680
The breaking of the 1865 Atlantic cable 681
Preparing to grapple the lost cable 682

Addressing the British Association for the Advancement of Science from the
presidential chair in 1871, Sir William Thomson expressed his enthusiasm for
intellectual capitalism:
Scientific wealth tends to accumulation according to the law o f compound interest.
Every addition to knowledge o f properties o f matter supplies the naturalist with new
instrumental means for discovering and interpreting phenomena o f nature, which in
their turn afford foundations for fresh generalizations, bringing gains o f permanent value
into the great storehouse o f [natural] philosophy.^

Literally as well as metaphorically, scientific knowledge meant wealth for

Thomson. In his pioneering Glasgow physical laboratory he had united the
pursuit of scientific and industrial wealth through precision measurements on
the properties of matter, measurements which he judged equally fundamental to
science-based industry and to science itself.
Twentieth-century commentators have not been generally sympathetic to
William Thomsons industrial vision, which is so closely associated with his
elevation to Lord Kelvin. In his Royal Society obituary notice, the Lucasian
professor of mathematics at Cambridge, Sir Joseph Larmor, regarded Kelvins
commercial interests as distractions from the proper intellectual concerns of a
natural philosopher, most notably the constitution of matter and ether.^
Larmors remarks reflect a traditional Oxbridge disdain for economic man, a
disdain also manifest in the character of much twentieth-century British physics,
as dominated by the Cavendish Laboratory in Cambridge.
An even less sympathetic, but better known, commentary on the Kelvin style
is that of Pierre Duhem. Duhem found the evil of the industrial spirit pervading
textbooks of British physics: It has penetrated every where,he said, propagated
by the hatreds and prejudices of the multitude of people who confuse science
with industry, who, seeing the dusty, smoky, and smelly automobile, regard it
as the triumphal chariot of the human spirit. Sir William Thomsons Baltimore
Lectures supplied Duhem with numerous illustrations of the factory mentality
of British physics, epitomized, as he saw it, in the use of mechanical models.^

> PL, 2, 175-t). 2

Pierre Duhem, The aim and structure ofphysical theory, P.P. Wiener (ed.) (New York, 1962), pp.
71, 93. Originally published in 1906 from articles o f 19045.
Preface Preface XXI

J.G. Crowther also saw in Kelvins commercial interests the contamination of seek to show, concretely and in detail, how the science that Thomson produced
his science, which he severely criticized in comparison to the purer pursuits of was inseparably integrated with the industrial culture that he represented.
James Clerk Maxwell: O f overriding importance to his intellectual achievement were particular
He [Kelvin] was the leading symbol o f the scientific ideology o f the British nineteenth-
objects of the material culture. The steam-engine, electric telegraph, and vortex
century governing class . . . He was an intellectual colossus who saw one-half o f the turbine, which he drew upon for model solutions of the most fundamental
aspects o f material nature with unsurpassed clarity and power, but was blind to the other problems of natural philosophy, were constitutive of his thermodynamics,
half. His great personality was an expression, in the realm o f ideas, o f the power and o f the electrodynamics, and cosmology. And just as such artefacts served Thomson as
blindness o f capitalism.'* generators of scientific theory, they also served him as guarantors of the reality,
or validity, of theoretical entities. Machines, in short, represented the industrial
Crowther maintained that physical nature is there to be discovered, finally and
culture to natural philosophy and natural philosophy to the industrial culture.
objectively, but that Kelvins capitalist blinkers prevented him from grasping its
By embodying the idea of work, for example, the steam-engine translated
deeper truths, despite his great scientific powers.
between the fundamental concept of labour value in political economy and the
These three commentators approached Lord Kelvins work from very
fundamental concept of energy in natural philosophy.
different cultural and social perspectives: Larmor as elite Cambridge mathema
In analyzing Thomsons life and work we have employed a set o f labels for
tician, heir to Isaac Newton, and staunch upholder of the political unity of
interrelated aspects of his political, religious, and scientific ideology. The most
Britain and Empire; Duhem as conservative French Catholic and apologetic
general term is whig. In the political sense it refers not to the Whig party as
defender o f orthodox Christianity; Crowther as early twentieth-century
such, but to a liberal, progressive, reforming stance imagined to be above party
Marxist, hostile to nineteenth-century capitalism but committed to knowledge
affiliation. Its religious correlate is latitudinarian, connoting an anti-sectarian
as power. Nevertheless, in their common recognition of Kelvins industrial
(if also anti-Catholic and anti-fundamentalist) point of view, and opposed to
orientation, his critics offered perceptive insights into the character of his
nothing so much as to perceived authority and dogma in theological matters.
In scientific methodology, the labels are non-hypothctical and anti-
T o recognize that William Thomson related his physics to a vision of industry
metaphysical. As in the political and religious spheres, these words must not be
and empire, however, does not engage the question of how his science expressed
understood to mean that Thomson succeeded in developing a science without
that vision. In this biographical study our primary object has been not simply to
hypotheses and without metaphysics. Metaphysics, for him, carried the odour of
recount the ideology and activities of a Victorian scientific entrepreneur, but
idealism and a priori knowledge, while hypotheses lacked what he regarded as
rather to analyze the practices through which that ideology was realized in
direct empirical evidence. His proscription of both sources of error expressed his
Thomsons best work, in his instruments and patents certainly, but also in his
view that truth in natural philosophy is based on direct sensory perception rather
mathematical physics. By contrast to Larmor, who regarded Thomsons
than mental construction.
ventures as distractions from his science, we show that the scientific and
Finally, and most ubiquitously, we use the term practical. Thomson himself
industrial pursuits were essential to one another. It was therefore not merely a
employed it from the beginning to the end of his career. Though covering a
case of science applied to industry, but of industry applied to science, for
wide spectrum o f meanings, it suggests the all-pervasive spirit of engineering
Thomsons industrial vision thoroughly permeated his understanding of the
and industry that we elaborate in his life and work.
natural world and the theoretical and experimental research which he pursued.
All of these terms together - whig, latitudinarian, non-hypothetical, anti-
Again, Thomsons approach was not merely a matter of metaphysical
metaphysical, and practical - label Thomsons commitments rather than any
predisposition, but of the making and doing of mechanics, thermodynamics,
fully articulated or particularly consistent philosophy. They evoke the
and electromagnetism, of problem solutions, models, measurements, and
motivations which operated, sometimes implicitly and sometimes explicitly, in
absolute values. We do not argue, however, that Thomsons social context
his everyday life. As such we use them, leaving their definitions somewhat
determined the content of his science. Rather, we show that he drew extensively
elastic, subject to expansion and contraction in the specific contextual instances
on conceptual and material resources available in his industrial culture and, with
of their application. In Chapter 13, however, under The methodology of look
motivations structured by that culture, arrived at rational explanations of
and see and Mephistopheles we have attempted to articulate more fully the
physical phenomena and at means of controlling those phenomena. Thus we
differences between metaphysical ideality, which he despised, and practical
J.G. Crowther, Britiih scientists of the nineteenth century (London, 193.5), p. 256. reality, which he worshipped.
Preface Preface xxiii

A problem of constant concern to us has been the fact that, although the major required. Later parts of our study can nevertheless be read without extensive
Kelvin archives in Cambridge and Glasgow contain many thousands of letters, reference to this one.
very few o f those letters reveal William Thomsons innermost thoughts or his Thomsons construction of a system of the world is the subject of Part III.
emotional responses to major crises, such as the death o f his father. His relation to Concerned here with his cosmological and geological theories, we discuss them
his first wife, who was ill virtually from their marriage to her death over less in terms of their general scientific and popular impact through the question
seventeen years later, remains obscure. Thus we have had to choose between of the earths age - the focus of previous studies - and more in relation to debates
psychological speculation on meagre evidence and restricting Thomsons with his colleagues in natural philosophy, most notably G.G. Stokes and
personality largely to its professional and public side. We have chosen the public Hermann von Helmholtz. Drawing heavily on engineering systems, Thomson
side, first because there is so much of it and because of its historical importance, constructed his economy o f nature in accordance with the laws of energy. These
and secondly because we suspect that many sources of a personal nature have laws ruled the material world. But he also devoted much thought to the nature
been destroyed, leaving a distorted sample. From Williams Cambridge diary of of mind, to free-will, and to the relation of mind to matter, as well as to the
1843, for example, small and large pieces have been excised, while his brother origin of life on earth. An analysis of the latter problems concludes Part III.
Jamess surviving papers in Belfast contain no family correspondence. In Part IV takes us from a study of Thomsons involvement in the grandest of all
dramatic contrast, a few letters from William in a separate regional archive offer Victorian engineering projects, the Atlantic telegraph cable which earned him
a glimpse o f an intense but unrequited love, prior to his marriage. These letters his knighthood, through his profitable business and industrial activities, to his
are unlike anything in the official archives, suggesting that the latter conceal elevation to the British peerage as Baron Kelvin of Largs. Part I located him
what they do not reveal. The truly private Thomson must remain a veiled within a developing Scottish city of heavy industry. Now we see the mature
figure. professor and entrepreneur reaping the social prestige and economic wealth of a
Thomsons career covers a wide variety of subjects, each with a coherence of physics perceived to serve the needs of all Britain. It was a physics which offered
its own and each carrying an appeal to a different group of readers. We have qualitative improvements to the new telegraphic and maritime communica
therefore arranged our four-part study thematically rather than tions so fundamental to the physical unity and political identity of the Empire on
chronologically. In Part I we locate the young William and his close-knit family which the sun never set.
within their local context in the 1830s and 1840s. Pivotal is the dynamic city of
Glasgow, destined to become, with its growing reputation for reliable and This book originated in a manuscript written by Crosbie Smith some ten years
economic steamships, the shipyard of the Empire and its Second City during his ago. At his invitation Norton Wisejoined the project in 1980. In the drafting and
maturer years. We explore Thomsons political, religious, and economic redrafting that has gone on since then our individual contributions have become
context in relation to the first major phase of his career, which saw him advance highly mixed. Although primary responsibility for Parts I, III, and IV
from Glasgow University student and Cambridge undergraduate to Cam (Thomsons early years, his system of the world, and his entrepreneurial
bridge Fellow and ultimately to Glasgow professor at the early age of twenty- activities) has rested with Crosbie Smith, and for Part II (Thomsons
two. mathematical physics) with Norton Wise, many chapters (4, 5,9,10,18,19), and
Part II concerns the development of Thomsons mathematical physics. Here numerous sections of other chapters, arc fully coauthored. Above all, the books
we aim at portraying, through the activities of a single individual, one of the unifying themes are the product of frequent and lively discussion between us,
major revolutions in the history of science. From 1840 to 1870 Thomson leading to a full integration of our separate ideas and original expertise.
played a starring role in the birth-dramas of electromagnetic field theory and For permission to use unpublished material, we are especially indebted to
thermodynamics, as well as in the transformation of mechanics, such that Cambridge University Library, where the main part of the Kelvin archive is
classical physics could no longer bear the epithet Newtonian. Energy and deposited. The staff of the Manuscripts Room have been always helpful over a
extremum principles replaced force as the foundation of dynamical explanation; long period of research. Our special thanks go also to Dr Nigel Thorp and his
temporal development became as essential to physical systems as to biological colleagues in the Special Collections Department of Glasgow University
ones; and for the basis of material reality, British natural philosophers looked to Library, which holds substantial amounts of Kelvin material. We are further
structures o f motion in a universal plenum, rather than to hard atoms. Thomson indebted to Rex Whitehead and to the late J.T. Lloyd in the Department of
sometimes imagined himself the modern Newton. We attempt to show why, Natural Philosophy at Glasgow for their personal interest and for such
giving as much conceptual content as possible. A modicum of mathematics is invaluable services as directing us to Thomsons annotated copy of Maxwells

Treatise on electricity and magnetism. The staff of Queens University Library, illustrations; to Irene Pizzie for efficient sub-editing; and not least to Simon
Belfast, have been most helpful in providing access to the James Thomson Capelin for his patience, enthusiasm, and advice.
papers. We thank the Strathclyde Regional Archives for the use of Archibald Crosbie Smith acknowledges a debt for the enduring support of his family,
Smiths family papers, St Andrews University Library for J.D. Forbess and in particular for that of his late father who introduced him at a very early age
correspondence, and the Salisbury Collections, Hatfield, as well as the to the beautiful Firth of Clyde around Largs and to the fascinating city of
Devonshire Collections, Chatsworth, for important correspondence cited in Glasgow while it was still the Second City of the Empire. Without such
our final chapter. youthful inspiration, he would scarcely have undertaken this project.
Among very many colleagues who have supported us in our task, we are Norton Wise acknowledges his deepest debt and appreciation to Elaine Wise
especially grateful to David Gooding and Geoffrey Cantor for critically for continual discussion of theses, arguments, style, and methodology over
reviewing the entire manuscript. We arc similarly indebted to Nancy many years, as well as for unswerving psychological support. (To her
Cartwright and Robert Westman for their comments on large sections, and to simultaneous exercise of word processing and culinary skills he dedicates his
Alex Dolby and Tim Lenoir for critical insights in the course of informal royalties.) For their patience and for the time they have given up, he thanks Erin
discussions. Norton Wise recognises the continuing value of concrete method and Licia Wise.
ological lessons learned long ago from Tom Kuhn. David Wilson has relieved
our research task immeasurably by giving us access to his fully edited typescript Crosbie Smith M. Norton Wise
of the immense Stokes-Kelvin correspondence. To other colleagues we owe Canterbury Berlin
specific intellectual debts for interpretative insights; Simon Schaffer on J.P.
Nichols science of progress (ch. 4); Joan Richards on British algebra (ch. 6);
David Gooding on Faradays field theory (chs. 7 and 8); Menachem Fisch on
Whewells mechanics (ch. 11); Sam Schweber on political economy and
optimization conditions in relation to biology and physics (ch. 11); Jed
Buchwald and Bruce Hunt on Maxwellian electromagnetic theory (ch. 13);Jack
Morrell on John Phillips (ch. 16); Ted Porter on Maxwells statistical physics (ch.
18); and David Cannadine on the nineteenth-century Devonshires (ch. 23). On
the ideas o f all of these scholars our own work is built.
Financial support has been forthcoming for Crosbie Smith from the Royal
Society of London, the Nuffield Foundation, and the Unit for the History of
Science at the University of Kent, Canterbury. Without the generous
hospitality of David Cannadine he would have found researches in the Kelvin
archive in Cambridge immensely more difficult. Several agencies have supplied
Norton Wise with travel funds and research assistance: the National Science
Foundation, the American Council of Learned Societies, and the Academic
Senate of the University of California at Los Angeles. Time, the most elusive
commodity, came from fellowships at the Center for Interdisciplinary Research
of the University of Bielefeld (special thanks to Lorenz Kruger), the Physics
Department at the University of Pavia (Fabio Bevilacqua), the Edelstein Center
at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem (Tim Lenoir), and the Institute for
Advanced Study in Berlin.
The efficient typing of this book, as well as transcriptions of a large quantity of
archival material, is due to the dedicated and good-humoured efforts of
Veronica Craig-Mair, Yvonne Procter, and Veronica Ansley. Our thanks must
also go to William Ginn for invaluable help with proofs and index; to the
University of Kent Photographic Unit for preparation of many of the
Footnote abbreviations
The making of the natural philosopher

B A A S Report Report o f the British Association fo r the Advancement o f Science.

BL William Thomson, Notes o f lectures on molecular dynamics and the wave theory o f light
(Baltimore, 1884).
DNB Dictionary o f national biography
D SB Dictionary o f scientific biography, C.C. Gillispie (ed.) (16 vols.. N ew York,
E&M William Thomson, Reprint o f papers on electrostatics and magnetism (London,
James Thomson, Papers James Thomson, Collected papers in physics and engineering, Sir
Joseph Larmor and James Thomson (eds.) (Cambridge, 1912).
JL Sir Joseph Larmor, William Thomson, Baron Kelvin o f Largs. 18241907
(obituary notice), Proc. Royal Soc., [series A], 81 (1908), i-lxxvi.
MPP William Thomson, Mathematical and physical papers (6 vols., Cambridge, 1882-
MSP W.J.M. Rankine, Miscellaneous scientific papers, W.J. Millar (ed.), (London, 1881).
PL William Thomson, Popular lectures and addresses (3 vols., London, 1889-94).
Q U B Thomson papers. Queens University Library, Belfast.
SPT S.P. Thompson, The Life o f William Thomson, Baron Kelvin o f Largs (2 vols.,
London, 1910).
ULC Kelvin Collection, Add. MS 7342, University Library, Cambridge. Kelvin
letters in the Stokes Collection, Add. MS 7656, University Library, Cambridge are
listed as Stokes correspondence, ULC.
ULG Kelvin Collection, University Library, Glasgow.
From the ashes of revolution

After a walk o f about a mile and a half, a considerable part o f which lay in
the grounds o f Lord Moira, we entered the camp o f that body o f men who
were to sever Ireland from the dominion o f Britain and to give her a
separate existence, and a name among the nations - who were to give
liberty and equality to their countrymen - to abolish tithes and taxes - in a
word, to make Ireland, at least, as happy as the United States and the French
Republic were considered, in the ardent conceptions o f the republicans o f
the day. Jam es Thomson, The Battle o f Ballynahinch [1798

Lord Kelvin, revered and respected statesman of science in the golden age of late
nineteenth-century British Imperialism, began life not in Great Britain, but in
Ireland. Addressing a Birmingham audience in 1883, he spoke humorously of
the Irishmans seventh sense as common sense, believing that the possession of
that virtue by my countrymen - I speak as an Irishman - . . . will do more to
alleviate the woes of Ireland, than even the removal of the melancholy ocean
which surrounds its shores.^ Less than a decade later, Sir William Thomsons
elevation to the peerage as Baron Kelvin of Largs symbolized the social summit
of a remarkable life lived in the context of Victorian Britain. Yet that ultimate
acclaim did not flow from scientific and technical achievement alone, but also
from his direct involvement in the political cause of Liberal Unionism during
the 1880s. That involvement derived from the Irish context into which he had
been born, a context of cultural and social liberalism upon which his enduring
personal values were founded. It is thus that in beginning our story we turn to an
age and a country radically different from that oflate Victorian Britain, to an age
which shaped the resolute and resourceful character of Lord Kelvins father,
James Thomson (1786-1849).
No definitive study of Lord Kelvin can ignore the profound significance of
James Thomson for his sons social values and cultural beliefs. James Thomson,
by the power of his convictions and strength of his character, played the major
role in the making of the young natural philosopher. This chapter is therefore

' [James Thomson], Recollections o f the Battle o f Ballynahinch, Belfast Mag., 1 (1825), p. 57.
Eighteenth-century writers refer to Ballinahinch or Ballinehinch; nineteenth- and twentieth-
century spelling holds to Ballynahinch. ^ PL, 1, 2545.
4 The making o f the natural philosopher From the ashes o f revolution 5

devoted to an analysis of the sources and development of James Thomsons The staple Commodity . . . is linen yarn, which is sold at little Fairs here . . ..^
beliefs and values from the momentous historical events of the 1798 rebellion And so, unlike much of Ireland, it possessed economic prosperity of a modest
(which, in the North of Ireland, explicitly embodied liberal presbyterian values) kind. A temperate climate, combined with reasonable soils, had been exploited
to his removal to the Glasgow College chair of mathematics as a widower with to the full by the seventeenth-century settlers, who for the most part had come
young family in the cholera year of 1832. By so doing, we provide a study o f the from south-western Scotland. One such settler near Ballynahinch around 1641
deepest roots of Lord Kelvins own convictions which were to permeate his was John Thomson.
scientific, religious, and public life alike. Apart from the harsh slopes of Slieve Croob to the south-west of the town,
Throughout the nineteenth century and beyond, Ireland and her social, the landscape comprised innumerable small hills, low whale-backed ridges of
cultural, and economic problems seemed forever set to threaten the stability of glacial boulder clay with their long axis parallel to the direction of ice move
Britain and the Empire. No other single problem, by the magnitude and range ment. The southern slopes of these drumlins made them attractive for pasture
o f its implications, dominated for so long British political life in the late and cultivation, and so they becamt-the well-drained sites of relatively prosper
nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. The Home Rule battles - which ended ous farmhouses. In 1786, at a farmhouse on the slopes o f a hill known as
with the partition of Ireland in 1920 - represented only the latest of a succession Annaghmore, about two miles to the south of Ballynahinch, John Thomsons
of political crises extending from the failure of revolution in 1798 through the great-great-grandson James Thomson was born. This area had rather more
tragic famines of the 1840s. In this period, then, liberal presbyterians no longer distinction than Ballynahinch itself, being in possession, as our eighteenth-
aimed to protect their values o f civil and religious liberty by the separation of century traveller expressed it, of an excellent chalybeo-sulphureous Spa to
Ireland from the dominion of Britain as in 1798, but by the development of a which many troubled pilgrims came to benefit from a very clear Water, and
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland as a guarantee of those values Withal very cold, of very disagreeable Taste and Smell.. . The Quantity of this
against the nationalistic. Catholic values of many of their fellow Irishmen. Water commonly taken is from three Pints to three Quarts; some it vomits,
others it purges. . Yet, despite unpleasant waters, the Spa was a fashionable
meeting place for worthy citizens of the North of Ireland and being at the foot of
Annaghmore may indeed have provided James Thomson with an early knowl
Ireland in rebellion: 1798
edge of the world beyond the confines o f the farm. While we may marvel at the
In the time of the French Revolution, and for many years before, Ballynahinch way in which a farm labourer - the youngest by some ten years of three sons -
had little more distinction than any other Irish market town. Lying land-locked taught himself mathematics and eventually became a distinguished professor at
at the very centre of the County of Down, it was the meeting place for roads Glasgow College, we need more especially to understand his attitudes to
leading from market towns in the west, and from Belfast in the north, to ancient education, politics and religion, views which remained as major guiding princi
Downpatrick, and from there to the eastern coasts of Down. For the most part, ples throughout his life and the lives o f all his children.
these coasts, like those of neighbouring Antrim, faced the south-west shores of The complex problems which beset Ireland in the eighteenth century may be
Scotland across twenty or so miles of turbulent sea. The waters of the North summarized in terms of three distinct religious denominations, each represent
Channel and the Irish Sea, with their tidal streams flowing swiftly to and from ing powerful social interests. The Irish Church, the state-established equivalent
the Atlantic Ocean and with their frequent winter gales, formed a natural to the Church of England, was frequently associated with the Anglo-Irish and
barrier, which, however, was never enough to sever the strong ties of trade, English landowners of Ireland. In theory, its members alone had full political
culture, and religion for so long existing between the North of Ireland, or rights and privileges. By contrast, the Irish Roman Catholics consisted of the
Ulster, and Scotland. great mass of native Irish, the vast numbers of peasants surviving as tenants in a
Ballynahinch was physically far removed from the centres of European subsistence economy throughout the island. In numbers only had the Catholics
civilization and of early British industrialization. Eighteenth-century travellers power and superiority: most other rights had been removed by the penal laws of
complained of the broken and narrow causeways which were the roads leading
to it through rough and untamed countryside, and it obtained on this account [Walter Harris], The antient and present state o f the County of Down (Dublin, 1744), pp. 76-8.
Harriss classic account was written to counter misrepresentations that the People are uncivilized,
the name of Magheredroll, or the field of difficulties. Yet in 1744 one observant
rude, barbarous . . that they count it no Infamy to commit Robberies, and that Violence and
visitor wrote that the Vallies and Sides of the Hills produce Oats and Flax in Murder are, in their Opinions, no way displeasing to God . . . and that W olves still abound too
plenty, and the morass Grounds seldom fail of yielding a full Crop of Rye . . . much in this country . . Harris, p. 176.
The making o f the natural philosopher From the ashes o f revolution 1

the late seventeenth century. The third group was that of the protestant Enthusiasm for the French Revolution was strong in Ulster. In 1792, many
dissenters who, unlike their English counterparts, were not thinly distributed Ulstermen subscribed to assist the French in repelling invasion, and Belfast
over the land, but were a powerful and cohesive political force, organized Volunteers celebrated the end o f the monarchy and the establishment of a
through the well-defined structure of presbyterianism. Concentrated in the French Republic. The volunteer movement progressively slipped from the
North o f Ireland, the presbyterians looked to Scotland as the source o f their control of the landed gentry and became more and more radical. In 1791 the
culture and church. During troubled times, fear of Catholicism made them the Society of United Irishmen had been founded to bring together Irishmen of all
natural allies of the established Irish Church, yet in more normal times the Irish creeds, to establish complete religious equality, and to demand radical reform of
Church felt threatened by the power of these dissenters and refused to grant parliament. Among those in the forefront of such activities were the famous
them legal toleration. For their part, the presbyterians were probably powerful Theobald Wolfe Tone, who was to lead attempted French invasions of Ireland
enough in practice not to need the toleration. Though essentially tenants, in 1796 and 1798, and William Drennan, a medical doctor and the author of the
Ulsters yeomen farmers differed from the Catholic peasantry in so far as by Societys test - with strong echofes of French revolutionary principles - who
custom (rather than by law) they were deemed to possess a saleable interest in later became an influential friend ofjames Thomson. Although Drennan ended
their holdings, a feature which provided them with comparative prosperity and his connection with the United Irishmen in 1794 after being tried and acquitted
security.^ for wicked and seditious libel, he retained to the end of his life a firm belief in
Emigration of dissenters to North America had begun on a small scale as early those principles which the United Irishmen failed to achieve for their country
as 1717. In the mid-1770s, however, some 30000 protestants left the North of when they took up arms against the Irish government in 1798.
Ireland in the space of two or three years. Many of them claimed that they James Thomson was twelve years old when the rebellion or revolution
emigrated to escape persecution by the established Church. But economic broke out in the North of Ireland. He was witness to the most traumatic event
conditions - restrictions on Irish trade, high rents, and poor harvests - almost ever to take place in his town - the so-called Battle of Ballynahinch. In his vivid
certainly prompted the first large-scale emigrations from Ulster. Thereafter the account, written in 1825 for the Belfast Magazine, he recollected the arrival of the
image o f a land free from religious intolerance must have been a strong rebel army on a hill to one side of the town and the visit of his family to supply
attraction for the dissenters, even if intolerance in Ireland and toleration in the provisions for the insurgents needs. The visitors were shown the primitive
New World were not as great in reality as in the minds of the presbyterian weapons - mostly pikes - and the symbols of liberty and freedom, before fleeing
emigrants.^ for safety to an adjoining hill. During the evening two bodies of the Kings
The American War of Independence of 1776 helped to focus the issues still forces - one from Downpatrick and the other from Belfast - approached,
further. The Ulster presbyterians were identified, in the Irish governments eyes, burning farmhouses indiscriminately to induce terror. Plagued by desertions,
with the rebellious element in America. Some presbyterians, moreover, were internal divisions, and inadequate training and weapons, the insurgents were
known to possess dangerously republican principles. By 1778, the presbyterians easily routed by the following morning, but not before the Kings forces had set
strongly supported volunteer companies, ostensibly against the threat of in fire to Ballynahinch and in a short time, a great proportion of the best houses in
vasion. Demand for full toleration now had the backing of force, although the it were enveloped in flames, and hastening to inevitable destruction.^ O f a
primary interest was free trade for Ireland. Religious toleration, so long existing hundred houses in the town before the battle, sixty-three had been gutted by fire
in practice, became a legal right by 1780, and alongside it went the claims o f a at the end, and most of the remainder were wrecked and looted. A prosperous
largely presbyterian mercantile class which found expression through the market town had been transformed overnight into one of ruin, poverty and
volunteer movement. The danger to the established interests of church and state decay.
was far from over by the 1780s, however, for, added to the inspiration of the Throughout Ireland in 1798 the defeat of the United Irishmen followed a
American War of Independence, came the French Revolution in 1789. The similar pattern, and, in the aftermath, the Act of Union between Great Britain
movement for reform in Ireland began thereafter to threaten a political and
* See William Drennan, The Drennan letters being a selection from the correspondence which passed
social revolution.'^ between LVilliam Drennan M .D . and his brother-in-law and sister Samuel and Martha M cTier during the
J.C. Beckett, Protestant dissent in Ireland, 1687-t 780 (London, 1948), csp. pp. 13^19; The making years 1776-1819, D .A . Chart (ed.), (Belfast, 1931), p. viii. For a popular account o f the United
o f modern Ireland, 1603-1923 (London, 1966), pp. 179-81. Irishmen, see Thomas Pakenham, The year o f liberty. The story o f the great Irish rebellion o f 1798
* Ihid., pp. 88-90; see also R.J. Dickson, Ulster emigration to Colonial America, 1718-1775 (London, (London, 1969). For an interesting parallel tojam es Thomson, see T.L, Hankins, Sir LVilliam Rowan
1966). Hamilton (Baltimore and London, 1980), pp. 3-19.
Beckett, Modern Ireland, esp. pp. 24667, provides an excellent account o f this period in Irish James Thomson, Recollections, pp. 36-64, esp. p. 62. See also Pakenham, pp. 246-64.
history. S. McCullough, Ballynahinch: centre o f Down (Belfast, 1968), p. 83.
^ The making o f the natural philosopher From the ashes o f revolution 9

and Ireland was drawn up, to take effect from 1stJanuary, 1801. The scene was However, his original aims were redirected by the emergence of a remarkable
thereby set for Anglo-Irish relations throughout the entire nineteenth century. new educational establishment in the dynamic town of Belfast - the Belfast
Never again would the presbyterians of Ulster take up arms on behalf of a Academical Institution, in which Thomson taught mathematics for eighteen
United Ireland. Immense social and economic changes occurred during the time years.
- up to 1920 - that the political scene was concentrated in London. The North of
Ireland became, in the nineteenth century, almost a twin sister of Scotlands
The Belfast Academical Institution: 181432
Clydeside - one of the great workshops of the British E m p i r e - while the
remainder of the island continued in a state of commercial and industrial Between 1780 and 1800, Belfast had been transformed from a market centre for
backwardness. a domestic linen industry into a major commercial town through the introduc
James Thomsons account of the battle emphasized the futility o f the rebel tion of a cotton industry on the factory system. A tough realism in business went
lion, while at the same time expressing an implicit sympathy with the ideals of hand in hand with the political idtals o f tolerance and enlightenment, for Belfast
the rebels - the ideals of liberty, equality, and freedom from sectarian dogma was perhaps the main centre of Irish radicalism in the late eighteenth century.
tism and an explicit hatred of the repression and atrocities perpetrated by the The town not only celebrated in 1791 the anniversary of the Fall o f the Bastille
establishment forces. Again and again we find these themes appearing in his life, and produced an openly radical newspaper, the Northern Star (until the militia
themes which undoubtedly had their origins in the European and American destroyed the printing press in 1797), but also expressed its desire for enlighten
movements for enlightenment in the eighteenth century, and which were ment and improvement through the more restrained channels of an active
focussed upon his very doorstep by the Battle of Ballynahinch. A minor philosophical society.*^ What Belfast lacked, however, was an educational
skirmish though the battle was, it was an expression of many of the tensions establishment which could give expression to its liberalism, not to say its
which had for long been developing in Ireland. radicalism. By 1806, a public meeting sought to create such an institution.^^
James Thomsons formal education began around the year 1800, at which By the following year, the promoters had launched a scheme for a combined
time the Rev Samuel Edgar purchased a house and farm at nearby Ballykine for school and college, and the very considerable sum of 16 000 was raised by
the purpose of preparing young men for the ministry and other professions. public subscription. Government support was weak, as presbyterians (and
Edgar (later professor of theology at the Belfast Academical Institution) was Belfast was still dominated by presbyterians of one kind or another) continued
minister o f the secession church in Ballynahinch, a breakaway from the main to be associated with unsound and often republican principles. Had the new
presbyterian church in Ulster. At Edgars school James Thomson studied Institution been founded as a sectarian one, the government might have had less
mathematics and classics and eventually began to assist with the teaching.*^ to fear, but the Institution was radically non-sectarian, as the Secretary, Joseph
Around the age of twenty-one I was teaching eight hours a day at Dr Edgars, Stevenson, stated: the Institution is not connected with any religious persuasion
and during the extra hours - often fagged and comparatively listless - I was ... The subscribers to the Institution are composed of all religious persuasions. ^
reading Greek and Latin to prepare me for entering College, which I did not do One of the most active and enthusiastic supporters was the former United
till nearly two years after. Irishman, William Drennan. Drennan belonged to the radical tradition,
Thomson, having entered Glasgow College in 1810, continued to act as although he had left the United Irishmen before the 1798 rebellion. An ardent
assistant teacher to Edgar during the six month summer vacation, earning supporter of Catholic emancipation and parliamentary reform, he was con
enough to see him through each college session from November to May, until vinced of the need for union among Irishmen and the abandonment of
he graduated a Master of Arts in 1812. Two more sessions of study at Glasgow sectarianism. As he once wrote in characteristic vein:
College followed in which he took both medical and theological courses with His Lordship [Lord Rcdesdalc] complains o f the Catholics want o f Christian charity and
the intention of becoming a presbyterian minister. For an intelligent younger their excluding the Protestants from Heaven. In return, however, the Protestants exclude
son, unlikely to inherit any property, such a profession was an obvious choice. the Catholics from the good things o f earth . . . Indeed, every established church becomes
necessarily intolerant and exclusive in doctrine as well as in practice
' Sec, for example, Beckett, Modern [reland, pp. 268-83; J.C. Beckett and R.E. Glasscock (eds.),
Belfast. The origin and growth of an industrial city (London, 1967), esp. pp. 67-131; D.J. O wen, History
o f Belfast (Belfast, 1921), pp. 296-30.S. Beckett and Glasscock (eds.), Belfast, pp. .55-87.
SPT, 1,3; Elizabeth King, Lord Kelvin's early home (London, 1909), pp. 7 11;Janies Thomson, ** JohnJamieson, The history o f the Royal Belfast Academical Institution, 0-1960 (Belfast, 1959),
Papers, p. xv; McCullough, p. 83. pp. 1-2; T.W . M oody and J.C.'Beckett, Queens Belfast 1845-1949 (2 vols., London, 1959), 1,
' Dr Janies Thomson to William Thomson, 1st July, 184.5, T315, ULC. pp. xli-liii. Jamieson, pp. 11-12.
King, Early home, p. 10; James Thomson, Papers p. xv. '* Drennan, Letters, p. 335.
10 The making o f the natural philosopher From the ashes o f revolution 11

In his opening address in 1814, Drennan defined the aims of the Institution: to Ballynahinch was proving to be a firm and determined strategist intent on
diffuse the benefits of education both useful and liberal in Ulster, to provide for expanding his empire, as well as a competent, thorough, and successful teacher:
the education of children at home rather than Scotland, and to remove religious . . . It may be asked what remedy I would propose. I know of none but to take
tests4^ A full range of teaching was available, for the Institution had appointed seven or eight feet in length from Mr Spences room [the master of the writing
specialist masters for the school departments, among them James Thomson, school] . .
who had in 1812 proposed himselfas a candidate for the department of teaching Appointed professor of mathematics in the collegiate department - essentially
o f Mathematicks or Natural Philosophy, or both, if they should be taught by the a Scottish university on a small scale of the Belfast Academical Institution in
same person. 1815, Thomson consolidated his position, increased his property both materially
James Thomson shared the educational and religious goals of the new and intellectually, and retained both posts until his move to Glasgow in 1832.
Institution. Anti-tory and anti-establishment in politics, Thomson sought the His college classes in mathematics were frequently the largest of any subject in
reform and advancement of the human condition through the diffusion of the Belfast Institution, n u m b e ^ g in 1829 a hundred pupils in the junior
education to the common man. Latitudinarian in religion, he opposed all mathematics and twenty-six in the s e n i o r . H e insisted too on full recognition
religious tests. As a professional mathematician, he aimed to advance his subject of the equality of his school department with the English and classics schools, and
in a manner free from denominational or dogmatic constraints. And to achieve he protested strongly against an attempt by the English master to encroach on
that end, he emphasized the practical, rather than the theoretical or metaphysi the territory of arithmetic and geography.^
cal, dimensions of his profession. Thus he later wrote in the preface to his While in the first quarter of the nineteenth century the North of Ireland did
Algebra o f 1844: not suffer from the kind of warfare which it had endured in 1798, it was not
Throughout the work, the Author has carefully kept clear o f every thing o f a metaphysi
surprising that the Institution, given its roots, should often have been the subject
cal or disputed character. With regard to all the practically useful applications and of political tensions. The initial government grant of ^^1500 per annum had
interpretations o f algebra, there is no difference o f opinion among men o f sound science enabled some professorial salaries to be as high as _^150 to which could be
and judgement; and it is only with such matters that the mere learner should have any added student fees. However, largely because several masters attended a St
concern.^^ Patricks day banquet in 1816 during which radical toasts were allegedly drunk,
the Irish Chief Secretary, Sir Robert Peel, required that the Institution must
A practical approach led to fruit and advancement, while a metaphysical one
surrender its independence or lose the grant. The Institution sacrificed the grant,
led to barren controversy.
and struggled to remain solvent. So great was his loyalty to the independence
On the 8th January, 1814, James Thomson accepted the post in the mathemat
and principles of the Institution that Thomson gave up his professorial salary of
ical and arithmetical department in the Belfast Academical Institution.^2 He
;,(^50 during a severe financial crisis in 1823, and until affairs improved. The grant
soon began a characteristic expansion and advancement of his modest empire.
was, however, restored by Peel in 1828, and such was the change in relations that
He wrote to the Assistant Secretary stating that additional desks & forms are
the word Royal was added to the title of the Institution in 1831.^^
immediately necessary in my schoolroom. I also very much need globes & maps
The other major tension was with the powerful evangelical wing of the Irish
[for the teaching of geography]. The globes with which I am at present
Presbyterian Church, dominated during the 1820s by the fiery Rev Henry
furnished are unfit for performing except a very few problems. Early in the
Cooke. The dispute was ultimately one of a sectarian versus a non-sectarian
following year, 1815, he wrote again to the Board to say that his classroom had
education, and illustrates why the Thomsons, during the 1840s, were such
become too small. At times he had almost a hundred pupils in a room built for
enthusiastic supporters of the abolition of Scottish university tests. Irish Presby
less than half that number. He stressed that he had the largest classes & the
terianism had fragmented in the middle and late eighteenth century into an
smallest room , with the consequence that the heat and general discomfort were
rapidly becoming intolerable. The quiet, unassuming farmers son from
23 James Thomson to Robert Simms, 19th August, 1814, SCH 524/7B/8/20; 7th February, 1815,
SCH/7B/9/15, Public Record Office o f Northern Ireland. Robert Simms had been a founding
M oody and Beckett, Queens Belfast, 1, pp. xlvi-xlvii. member o f the Society o f United Irishmen in 1791, and was Assistant Secretary o f the Academical
20 James Thomson to Joseph Stevenson, SCH 524/3C/1, Public Record Office o f Northern Institution from 1812 to 1843. See Jamieson, p. 210.
Ireland. 2* Return o f students from the Faculty, December 1829, SCH 524/7B/23/46, Public Record
2' James Thomson, An elementary treatise on algebra, theoretical and practical (London, 1844), p. vi. Office o f Northern Ireland. 2 s janiieson, pp. 15-16, 78.
22 James Thomson to Joseph Stevenson, SCH .S24/7B/8/1, Public Record Office o f Northern 2* Moody and Beckett, Queens Belfast, 1, pp. xlviii-xlix; Jamieson, pp. 16, 2347. The addition
Ireland. He also asked in a postscript to the same letter whether the teaching o f geography belonged o f the word Royal may have been a shrewd m ove by Peel to ensure the permanent loyalty o f an
to his department. institution whose allegiances had hitherto been suspect.
12 The making o f the natural philosopher From the ashes o f revolution 13

almost bewildering variety of sects and synods ranging from evangelicals to 1had the honour of the Mathematician as my walking companion. His first appearance is
Unitarians. Cooke, a loyal Tory, launched a series of attacks on the Institution as about as awkward as can be; he looks as if he were thinking of a problem and so modest he
an establishment infected by Arians who, in denying the Trinity, were liable to can scarcely speak, but when tete-a-tete he improves amazingly in the way o f speaking.
corrupt that large proportion of college students studying for the ministry, even On our forenoon walk we had a most edifying and feeling discussion on sea-sickness and
though the students final theological education was conducted by professors the best mode o f preventing it. But in the evening we were much more sublime. I suppose
from the respective presbyterian synods. the moon rising in great beauty, andjupiter shining with uncommon lustre, called forth
the Professors energies, and I got a very instructive and amusing lecture upon
Whatever the radical religious and political views o f the individual professors,
the non-sectarian principles of the Institution were ultimately upheld. As James
Thomson stated; we rather make a point, lest there should appear to be any Mrs Drennans concern that the Mathematician, as he was known in the Belfast
distinction or anything unpleasant to the pupils, not to know, unless casually, academic world, would be too quiet and studious to be good company for Miss
what the religious principles of the pupils may be.^ Nevertheless, sectarianism Gardner proved unfounded as the engagement followed shortly, with marriage
was regaining ground in the North of Ireland through the first half of the in the next year, 1817. The Thomsons settled in a town house in College Square
century. This clear drift away from the old liberalism contrasted with Scotland, East, facing the Institution, and it was there that the children were born
where the passage of the century tended to lessen, rather than exacerbate, Elizabeth (1818), Anna (1820), James (1822), William (1824), John (1826),
sectarian differences, and made Scotland a more attractive home for the*^ Margaret (1827), and Robert (1829).
latitudinarian Professor William Thomson. On a visit to Ireland in September, 1827, the famous Scottish preacher and
The remarkable personality of William Drennan was significant not merely theologian Thomas Chalmers (17801847) resided with the Thomsons in their
as a United Irishman and key founder of the Institution but as a highly esteemed Belfast home, and his private diary affords a glimpse of life in the lively
personal friend ofjames Thomson. How they became acquainted is not certain, intellectual and social environment:
though from Drennans surviving letters it is clear that during 1808 he stayed for Landed at Mr Thomsons, whose wife is the cousin o f the Grahams and Patisons o f
a time at the Ballynahinch Spa where he attended different denominational Glasgow, and really a very domestic and kindly person. The house was quite thronged
services, on alternate Sundays, including the seceders of which Samuel Edgar, with callers. Dined at Professor Thomsons after having reposed and written at some
Thomsons teacher, was minister.-^ Drennans characteristic latitudinarianism length in the easy and comfortable bedroom which has been assigned to me. Several at
here not only heraldsjames Thomsons distinctive position, but is identical with dinner, among others Professor Cairns o f the logic, whom I think a very interesting
William Thomsons subsequent religious practice of attending Church of person . . . on the whole, I spent one o f the most agreeable days I have had since leaving
Scotland, Free Church ofScotland, and Scottish Episcopal (or Anglican) services home . . . [Mr and Mrs Thomson] have treated me with the utmost affection, and I love
without regard for denominational differences. both them and their children.
James Thomsons friendship with Dr and Mrs Drennan led to his first During his visit Chalmers opened the new Fisherwick Place Presbyterian
meeting, at the Drennans home near Belfast, with his future wife. Professor Church in Belfast, not far from the Institution, to meet the spiritual needs of a
William Cairns, a Scottish minister, had been appointed to the chair of logic and growing town. The Thomson family were members of this Church which
belles-lettres at the Institution. In 1816, his cousin, Margaret Gardner (c.l79(>- belonged to the orthodox (that is, trinitarian rather than Unitarian) side of the
1830), from a mercantile family, travelled from her home in Glasgow to visit the presbyterian spectrum, though it did not at all share in the heated evangelical
Cairns, and injuly they, along withjames Thomson, were invited to spend a day fervour of Cookes oratory. It is important to appreciate that the Thomsons, in
with the Drennans. It is said that Dr Drennan had arranged for Professor private especially, were deeply religious people, as Elizabeths account shows.
Thomson to be present as company for the attractive young lady, and indeed Thoroughly versed in the scriptures and regular attendees at church, their beliefs
Margaret Gardner herself recorded it thus: were all-pervasive in their lives. However, as with Drennan, they sought to
avoid association with openly sectarian organizations and establishments. On
M oody and Beckett, Queens Belfast, 1, pp. xliv-liii; Jamieson, pp. 36-58. the whole it is not possible to categorize the Thomsons as evangelicals or
Ibid., p. 45.
See, for example, Beckett, Modern Ireland, pp. 299^34; M oody and Beckett, Queens Belfast, 1, *' Margaret to Agnes Gardner, July 1816, published in James Thomson, Papers, pp. xv-xvi.
pp. 1-39. Margaret Gardners visit to Belfast is also described in King, Early home, pp. IT 19.
Drennan, Letters, p. 380. Edgar also contributed to The Belfast monthly magazine which William Hanna, Memoirs o f the life and writings o f Thomas Chalmers, (4 vols., Edinburgh, 1849-
Drennan edited (1808-14). 52), 3, pp. 177-9. King, Early home esp. pp. 47-9.
14 The making of the natural philosopher From the ashes o f revolution 15

moderates (to use the Scottish terms). James Thomson could oppose the views of treatise opened with the statement that its object was to present a full and
an Irish evangelical such as Henry Cooke, while finding agreeable those of a regular course o f whatever is useful in Arithmetic, the emphasis being very
Scottish evangelical such as Thomas Chalmers. By contrast to Cookes narrow much upon what the author referred to as Mercantile Arithmetic exemplified
vision, Chalmers breadth of knowledge in areas from theology and political in the following question taken from a chapter on commission and insurance in
economy to natural science and mathematics appealed to Thomson who the 1825 edition:
remained a life-long friend. As Chalmers wrote in 1847, the year of his own
EX. 17. INVOICE o f 100 firkins butter, shipped by Pollock and Blackwell in the Henry o f
Belfast, James McMillan, master, for Jamaica, to address to Messrs Mackay and Dunn,
I was much interested by the comments which I received o f your son the Professor. I have Kingston, by order and for account ofjohn Maxwell & Co. Belfast. 100 firkins, neat 55c.
ever had a pre-eminent respect for high mathematical talent; and I am aware o f the 1q. 17 lbs. SityCSM per cwt. - c h a r g e s . - Duty 4 per cent (on the prime cost:) Cooperage,
transcendental and lofty walk on which he has entered. . . may your son be guided by the Iron Hoops, Nails, Cartage, Shipping, Inspection, 8c. ;,(^16 5; Commission at 2^ per cent,
wisdom from above to the clear and influential discernment o f this precious truth that a on jC^53 6 3. (Signed) Pollock and Blackwell. Cork, June 28,1824. Answ. f 3 6 2 211.^
sound fa ith and a sound [ natural] philosophy are at one.^*
Throughout the work, James Thomsons examples manifested a similarly
The population of Belfast had grown from around 20 000 in 1800 to 30 000 in striking degree of commercial realism contrasting markedly with the slightly
1815, and by 1840 it would be some 70000 persons. No other town in Ireland earlier 1823 edition of Walkers A new system of arithmetic, published in London,
could rival the prosperity and expansion of its commerce and industry. The which set questions of the form: A gentleman owed to different tradesmen the
port, still small, began to develop, and by 1819 what was probably the worlds following sums: . . . what was the amount of the whole debts?^ Where
first cross-channel steamer service operated between Belfast and the Clyde. A Thomson taught arithmetic in relation to land, commodities, manufactures, and
revolution in sea transport was in s i g h t . A t the same time, the town had navigation, with the intention of diffusing practical and useful knowledge to all.
benefited from the intellectual circle centred on the new Institution which, Walker largely confined his text to serve the needs of gentlemen for whom trade
though heavily dependent upon students for the ministry, had been constituted was a distasteful fact o f modern life.
with the needs of commerce in mind. James Thomsons classes in arithmetic and The Elements of plane and spherical trigonometry (1820) followed the first edition
geography were understandably popular, and he developed their scope over the of his Arithmetic, with An introduction to the differential and integral calculus and his
years. edition of The first six and the eleventh and twelfth books of Euclids elements
James Thomsons mathematics and geography was of a practical, commer appearing in 1831 and 1834, respectively. The original aim of these works was to
cially useful kind, supplying the demands o f a new mercantile order. During provide textbooks for the use of students in the Belfast Institution, and the first
1815, for example, his list of books employed in the mathematical school edition of the Trigonometry, for example, was therefore written, not as a regular
included a text devoted entirely to navigation.^* Four years later James Thom and complete treatise on Trigonometry, but as an outline to be filled up, and
son published the first edition of his own textbook, A treatise on arithmetic, in illustrated orally in the Lectures. A favourable reception led him to expand and
theory and practice, which went through seventy-two editions by 1880. The improve the work in the second edition (1830), and, as with his other texts, the
book became widely used as one of the few suitable, readily available, and
Thomas Chalmers to James Thomson, 14th February, 1847, C80, ULC. Our emphasis.
Beckett and Glasscock (eds.), Belfast, pp. 78-108. See also E.R.R. Green, The Lagan valley.
elementary British mathematical texts of the time.^^
1800-1850. A local history o f the Industrial Revolution (London, 1949). Published in 1827, Thomsons textbook on geography gave expression to his
James Thomson to Robert Simms, 1815, SCH 524/7B/9/83, Public Record Office o f Northern liberal views on social and political questions, views which emphasized the
Ireland. The full titles o f the texts used were: John Playfair, Elements ofgeometry; containing thefirst six
books o f Euclid (Edinburgh, 1795); John Bonnycastle, A n introduction to algebra (London, 1782); 10th
intimate links between education, commercial prosperity, and civil and reli
edn. (London, 1815); Andrew MacKay, The complete navigator; or an easy and familiar guide to the gious liberty. These links are especially well illustrated by his accounts of Ireland,
theory and practice o f navigation (London, 1804); 2nd edn. (London, 1810); Samuel Vince, The
principles offluxions designed for the use o f students (Cambridge, 1790-99), being vol. 2 o f the four-
volume work by James W ood and S. Vince, The principles o f mathematics and natural philosophy; 4th James Thomson, A treatise on arithmetic in theory and practice, 2nd edn. (Belfast, 1825), pp. 167,
edn., o f Vinces Fluxions (Cambridge, 1812); Bewick Bridge, A compendious and practical treatise on the iii-iv. See also SPT, 1, 6n-7n.
construction, properties, and analogies o f the three conic sections; in eight lectures. Part 3 o f Mathematical J. Walker, A new system of arithmetic. . . A new edition, with an appendix by W . Russell (London,
lectures (2 vols., London, 1811); John Sharman, A n introduction to astronomy, geography and the use o f the 1823), p. 49. On English schools and their relation to Cambridge University in this period, see
globes, 2nd edn. (Dublin, 1794); 3rd edn. (Dublin, 1801); John Gough, Practical arithmetick (Belfast, Sheldon Rothblatt, The revolution of the dons. Cambridge and society in Victorian England (Cambridge,
1797); and John Bonnycastle, The scholars guide to arithmetic; or a complete exercise-bookfor the use of 1968), pp. 29-17.
schools, 2nd edn. (London, 1780); 10th edn. (London, 1813). Reith on the globes and the first editions James Thomson, Advertisement, Elements of plane and spherical trigonometry, with the first
o f Sharman and Bonnycastles arithmetic cannot be traced. principles of analytical geometry, 2nd edn., (Belfast, 1830).
16 The makinj^ o f the natural philosopher From the ashes o f revolution 17

England, Spain, and Norway. O f Ireland he explained that education has been phy comes close to Williams major concerns with the properties of matter,
greatly neglected, particularly among the lower classes: terrestrial and celestial, under varying conditions, a concern which finds expres
The lower Irish are considered a lively, shrewd people, and warm in their attachments sion in a large programme of laboratory and field researches, ranging from
and antipathies. In many instances however, particularly in the south and west o f the terrestrial magnetism and atmospheric electricity to the effects of pressure on the
kingdom, they commit acts o f turbulence and cruelty, arising from bad education and melting points o f various substances. And third, political geography treats of laws,
bad habits. These, it is to be hoped, will gradually yield to the active means, now modes of government, religion, learning, customs, and other subjects arising
employed by different parties, for the improvement o f the population.'* from the agency of man considered as a moral and political being. T h e
distinctive role ascribed to the agency of man, as opposed to material agency,
By contrast, the English, accustomed to habits of good order and industry
will have an important function in William Thomsons thinking on mans
and tenacious, in a high degree, of their civil rights, had perhaps higher degrees
directing power (ch. 18).
of comfort, in their mode of life, than the inhabitants of any other country. The
During 1822, Thomson had travelled to London and spent over ten pounds in
agriculture and manufactures of Spain, on the other hand, for all that countrys
purchasing fifteen mathematical and physical books from Johnston Neilson for
great natural advantages, are far from being in a prosperous state; and its
the Institutions library. About half were Continental works, and the list
commerce is very limited. Though he did not make the connection between
included Lagranges Lemons sur le calcul des fonctions (1806), Biots Astronomie
commercial prosperity and religious liberty explicit, he explained further the
physique (1811), Eulers Introductio in analysis infinitorum (1797), Thomas Youngs
fact that the established, and only tolerated, religion in Spain, is Roman
Lectures on natural philosophy (1807), and William Nicholsons An introduction to
Catholic, adding in a footnote that The Inquisition has been long established in
natural philosophy (1782-96), as well as older works by John Barrow and Roger
Spam; and in no country has its power been exerted so cruelly and so effectually
Cotes.'*'* For a provincial educational establishment, with no previous math
against any deviation from the doctrine and discipline of the Romish church.
ematical tradition, it was an impressive list of quite advanced mathematical and
He spoke also of the Norwegian peoples superior habits and characters in
physical volumes, not least because Youngs Lectures contained a massive
consequence of their having long enjoyed civil liberty, and elsewhere he made
catalogue of most European writings on natural philosophy up to 1800. Indeed,
clear his dislike of the African slave trade: this inhuman traffic has been
as Kelvins successor at Glasgow, Andrew Gray, remarked, since James Thom
productive of misery to millions of individuals, thus exiled from their homes
son had been bound by no examination traditions, he freely adopted the
and friends; and has been the cause of cruelty, oppression, and wars, by which
methods set out in the memoirs and treatises of the continental analysts. Such
thousands perish . . .. His views matched those of the citizens of Belfast, who in
methods had only just begun to be appreciated in Cambridge by men such as
1806 had rejected the slave trade, largely through the efforts of a friend of Dr
Charles Babbage (1792-1871), John Herschel (1792-1871), George Peacock
Drennan, Thomas McCabe. He had written in the proposal book: May God
(1791-1858) and William Whewell (1794-1866).
eternally damn the soul of the man who subscribes the first guinea!'^^
James Thomson was almost certainly the author of anonymous reviews of
James Thomsons three-fold classification of the subject-matter of geography
mathematics and the state of science in Scotland and Ireland published in the
(defined as a description of the earth) anticipates some of his sons later divisions
short-lived Belfast Magazine (1825). The reviewer, after the manner of John
o f the subject-matter of physics. First, mathematical geography treats of the figure
Playfair in the whig Edinburgh Review (1808), severely criticized the methods
and magnitude of the earth, of the latitudes and longitudes of places; and of
retained by British mathematicians:
globes, maps, and other artificial contrivances and instruments for illustra
tion.^^ His representation of the phenomena by geometrical descriptions and Since the days o f Newton . . . the British mathematicians have been far surpassed in
mechanisms foreshadows Williams geometrical, visualizable and practical several branches o f science by their neighbours on the continent. This has been particu
approach to physical phenomena. larly the case in the higher and more difficult parts o f pure mathematics, and in physical

Second, physical geography treats of the materials of which the earth is

'* Ibid., p. In.
composed; of the forms of the various parts of its surface; of the atmosphere; of The receipt is preserved as SCH 524/7B/16/34 in the Public Record Office o f Northern
climate; of the various productions, animal and vegetable, found on its surface; Ireland. The full titles ofthe major works on the list were: J.L. Lagrange, Le^onsur le calcul desfonctions
(Paris, 1804); 2nd edn. (Paris, 1806); J.B. Biot, Traite elementaire dastronomie physique (Paris, 1805);
and of other particulars respecting its natural condition. This branch of geogra-
2ndedn. (3 vols., Paris, 1810-11); Leonhard Euler, Introductio in analysis infinitorum (Lausanne, 1748);
James Thomson, An introduction to modern j^eography: with an appendix containing an outline of 2nd edn. (2 vols., Lugduni, 1797); Thomas Young, A course of lectures on Natural Philosophy and the
astronomy, and the use o f the globes (Belfast, 1827), pp. 34 5. mechanical arts (2 vols., London, 1807); William Nicholson, An introduction to Natural Philosophy (2
'*' Ibid., pp. 22, 49, 113, 179; Drennan, Letters, p. 380. vols., London, 1782-96).
Thomson, Geography, pp. hi, 256-66. '** Andrew Gray, Lord Kelvin. A n account of his scientific life and work (London, 1908), pp. 2-4.
18 The makinj^ o f the natural philosopher From the ashes o f revolution 19

astronomy; in which the Bcrnoullis, Clairault [sic], D Alembert, Euler, Lagrange, and possibilities of a new life, academic advancement and closer ties with Scottish
Laplace, have made such discoveries as will form monuments o f glory, not only to relations. He wrote to the Belfast Institutions Board of Management in Decem
themselves, but to Mankind. These great men pursued the path pointed out by N ewton, ber, 1830, requesting a testimonial from the Board such as they would think he
and explored the mechanism o f the universe, with such masterly power, and such deserved. It was almost a year before he secured the Glasgow appointment and
distinguished success, as must ever be considered among the most glorious triumphs o f could offer his resignation to the Institution where, as he put it, he spent a large
mankind . . . While . . . the men o f science in Britain were wasting their time and talents,
portion of the best, and, I have no doubt, the happiest days of my life.
some in restoring the ancient geometry o f Greece, and some in following servilely and
Thus he ended with regret his long association with the radical Institution
implicitly the manner in which Newton presented his investigations, without being
through some of its most difficult and uncertain years. The path from the
actuated by the spirit by which he was directed in his researches.'*^
Ballynahinch farm to the Glasgow chair of mathematics had been arduous but
The reviewer unashamedly advocated continental analysis, remarking that to immensely rewarding. Only the personal loss of his wife marred the meteoric
follow, at the present day, the modes of investigation employed by the original rise. By comparison, his eldest brother, Robert Thomson, left with the charge of
discoverers... to the exclusion of the new aids of science, is as absurd as it would the Ballynahinch farm, remained in all the obscurity of a peaceful rural exist
be to reject the use of the steam-engine as a prime mover for machinery.'*^ He ence. John and Anna Thomson (Williams younger brother and elder sister)
here employed one of the most potent images of the reform movement, analysis recorded a visit to the Annaghmore farm during 1845, by which time its
as an engine of progress in mathematics analogous to the engine of industry. fortunes may have been declining sharply:
The expanding commercial town of Belfast could not have found a more
We came upon Uncle and Aunt Thomson quite unexpectedly. . . They looked poor; and
progressive teacher of mathematics than Thomson, who numbered among his I am afraid they are not so well off as they used to be; but perhaps it is only owing to them
pupils Thomas Andrews (1813-85), the chemist, and William Bottomley, becoming like most old people careless about their dress. I think Uncle Thomson is a very
Belfast businessman and his future son-in-law. Rising to work on his textbooks nice old man. He is very like papa; although his appearance quite wants the energy and
at four oclock in the morning, lecturing from eight to nine and from eleven to activity o f papas. He seemed very glad to see us and to talk o f papa and bygone days. He
twelve, and holding the school classes in the afternoon before visiting the News and Aunt Thomson say that they talk ten or a dozen times a day o f papa . . .*
Room and Commercial Buildings to obtain materials for his books from the
The Ballynahinch connection was finally severed in 1847 during the depression
latest and most authentic sources, James Thomson maintained a strikingly high
and misery of the Irish famine when the Thomson family sold the farm,
standard of efficiency and thoroughness in every facet of his personal and
although the house still stands as a reminder of the remarkable family which
professional life. The evenings he devoted to the education and well-being of his
emerged from the ashes of revolution into a new century of industrial and
children, while Sunday involved the study of the Old Testament in the
scientific progress.
mornings and the New Testament in the evenings. Just as in Glasgow College,
academic sessions lasted from 1st November to 30th April and then the 50 Belfast Academical Institution Minute Book o f thejoint Board o f Managers and Visitors, 2nd
December 1828-5thjuly 1836, pp. 102, 183-4; SCH 524/3A/4, Public Record Office o f Northern
Thomsons were free to rent a summer residence along the sea coast or on the
Ireland. (Minutes o f 21st December, 1830 and 3rd July, 1832); Jamieson, p. 16.
shores of Belfast Lough.'* 5* John to William Thomson, 2nd Novem ber, 1845, T522, ULC.
There is every reason to suppose that this prosperous and almost idyllic, if
hard-working, life would have continued unchanged had not Mrs Thomson
died in May, 1830, not long after the birth of Robert. James Thomson, then aged
forty-four, was left with seven children, the eldest of whom was only eleven.'*^
A vacancy in the mathematical chair at Glasgow College offered the combined
[James Thomson], State o f science in Scotland, Belfast Mag., 1, (1825), 269-78, esp. pp. 270-1;
[James Thomson], State o f science in Ireland, Belfast Mag., 1, (1825), 459-69. As Scottish-
educated mathematics professor at the Belfast Institution and as contributor o f the article on the
Battle o f Ballynahinch to the same volume, the prima facie case for Thomsons authorship is
plausible. But the text o f the article on Scottish science is almost identical m parts to that o f his
introductory lecture presented at Glasgow College from 1832 and discussed in our next chapter.
John Playfairs famous critique o f British science was published in the Edinburgh Rev., 22 (1808),
249-84. Thomson, State o f science in Scotland, p. 273.
Thomson, Geography, preface; King, Early home, pp. 49-51, 62-5.
Ibid., pp. 69-72.
Clydeside 21

triumph of reform within the ancient Glasgow College.

2 When Dr James Thomson arrived in Glasgow during the year of the Reform
Bill, the fourteen College professors had few links with the rapidly expanding
city of heavy industry. During the next fifteen years, culminating in the
Clydeside appointment of his son to the chair of natural philosophy. Dr Thomson played a
leading role in challenging and subverting the conservatism of this ruling college
oligarchy. While at first concerned with the reform and advancement of his own
profession, his universal reforming zeal as an ultra-whig received immense
The noble winding river, with its fine bridges, and dazzling lights, is support after the appointment of the new and radical professor of practical
enchantingly beautiful. The city itself seems a great starry constellation, astronomy, John Pringle Nichol, in 1836, as well as that of medicine. Dr William
occasional luminaries disappearing from the view like so many meteors Thomson, in 1841. In a small, intimate college, the advancing age of the tory
from the higher heavens. On nearer approach, those broad features become
establishment ensured a remarkable turnover of professors in the decade or so
more minutely defined - numerous spires and lofty chimneys being now
after 1836 such that, by 1848, only the principal himself and the professor of
distinctly visible . . . What a mortal struggle for bread! - What delusive
logic, Robert Buchanan, remained of the appointments made prior to 1831. The
schemes o f ambition afloat! - What vice and virtue! - What life, and withal,
what death, fancy conjures up in disclosing to view the secret mysteries o f
activities of the whig professors ensured that most of the new appointments
the mighty city! Shadow on Glasgow, 1858^ would serve their cause.
Dr Thomsons growing power-base paved the way for the appointment of
Glasgow College professors on academic, professional criteria rather than for
Writing to his friend G.G. Stokes (1819-1903) in 1859 to urge him to consider
their party, family, or religious loyalties. Nevertheless, Dr Thomsons professed
applying for the vacant chair of practical astronomy at the University of
independence and objectivity must not obscure his considerable commitment
Glasgow, William Thomson remarked upon the importance to science of
to whig politics embracing a latitudinarian stance in religious matters and a
getting Stokes out of London and Cambridge, those great Juggernauts under
whole series of reforming crusades. The professor of law, Allan Maconochie, for
which so much potential energy for original investigation is crushed.^
example, believed Dr Thomson to have turned a most pestilent Whig, ready to
Thomsons own subsequent refusal to occupy the Cavendish chair of experi
do anything for Johnny Russell.^
mental physics on no less than three separate occasions further underlines a life
We shall examine how Dr Thomsons whig and latitudinarian convictions
long commitment to his adopted city of Glasgow. With the Thomson familys
directed the early careers of his three eldest sons. Dr Thomsons belief that the
removal to Glasgow College in 1832, indissoluble bonds came to be forged
most effective means of professional advancement lay with practical application
between the future Lord Kelvin and Glasgows city, river, and college, bonds
rather than theoretical or metaphysical dispute found expression in his sons
which depended not upon sentiment but upon the academic and industrial
aspirations to study engineering, mathematics and natural philosophy, and
milieu developing on Clydeside in the first half of the nineteenth century.
medicine, respectively. Similarly, he believed that a latitudinarian attitude
To begin with, the radical transformation of Glasgow from a prosperous
guaranteed social advancement, as he advised William in his first term in
commercial town with a population of 77 000 in 1801 into a thriving industrial
Cambridge: recollect my invaluable maxim never to quarrel with a man (but to
city of over 200000 people by 1831, a city whose wealth depended more and
waive the subject) about religion or politics.**Thus the cultural and social values
more upon iron, steam, and above all ships and shipbuilding, sets the specific
which had developed in the Ulster context in an age of revolution came to bear
scene for much of William Thomsons subsequent life and work. In particular,
new fruit in Clydeside during an age of reform and improvement.
the Glasgow Philosophical Society (founded 1802) provided an important
meeting place for industrialists such as Walter Crum (1796-1867) and J.R.
Glasgow and the Clyde
Napier (1821-80) whose respective cotton and shipbuilding firms represented
the economic advancement of Clydeside, with academics such as j.P. Nichol The name of Clydeside recalls the Second City of the British Empire: Cunard
(1804-59) and William Thomson whose scientific approaches symbolized the liners, heavy engineering, industrial depression, and some of the grimmest
j.F. McCaffrey (cd.), Glasgow, 1858. Shadows midnight scenes and social photographs (Glasgow, ' Allan Maconochie to Dr James Thomson, 22nd June, 1846, in SPT, 1 , 182-3. As James
1976), pp. 81-2. Reprint o f Shadow | Alexander Brown], Midnight scenes and social photographs: being Thomson received in 1829 an honorary degree o f doctor o f laws from Glasgow, we shall refer to him
sketches of life in the streets, wynds, and dens of the city (Glasgow, 18.S8). as Dr Thomson. See SPT, 1 , 6.
^ William Thomson to G.G. Stokes, 6th October, 1859, K106, Stokes correspondence, ULC. Dr Thomson to William Thomson, 6th December, 1841, T186, ULC; SPT, 1 , 32.

22 The making o f the natural philosopher Clydeside 23

tenements in Europe.^ This glory and misery were products of Victorian times, houses, belongs to Messrs Crum, and is almost wholly occupied by persons in
for if we look back to 1800 we find an industrial city only in its merest childhood. their employment. Men, women and children working twelve hours a day,
The Glasgow of the eighteenth century had built its prosperity on the foundation Mondays to Fridays, and nine hours on Saturdays, at cotton-spinning, power-
of a market town centred around a bridge over the River Clyde. The towns and hand-loom weaving, bleaching and finishing, and calico-printing, made up
university dated back to 1451 as one of Scotlands ancient academic institutions, the Crums labour force of some 850 persons engaged in cotton manufacturing
the other universities being at St Andrews, Edinburgh and Aberdeen. The and finishing. The Crums, politically committed to whig causes, were an
towns port was established in 1668 at Port Glasgow, some twenty miles down intimate part o f the Thomson circle in Glasgow, and it was the young Margaret
river, from where the goods were transshipped in shallow-draught barges to be Crum (c. 1827-70) whom William Thomson would marry in 1852. As a sign of
sailed, poled or rowed upstream on the flood tide until horses could take over social and economic change, their commercial and industrial prosperity in the
along the narrower reaches. The inconvenience, however, of a passage which nineteenth century contrasted with the Smiths of Jordanhill, who by the 1830s
could take three days did not prevent Glasgow becoming a successful trading were hard-pressed to maintain their economic status against the new generations
town, dealing in tobacco from North America and sugar from the West Indies, of Clydeside industrialists.^
while exporting fish, coal, salt and linen. Archibald Smiths family, for example, The second phase of industrialization in the Clyde valley occurred in the 1830s
which figures prominently in our study of William Thomson, had in 1800 and 1840s with the emergence of heavy industry based on coal and iron. The
purchased the Jordanhill estate, about four miles west o f Glasgow, by means of local invention by J.B. Neilson o f the hot-blast process for iron production in
wealth generated by the West Indian trade. Similarly, the very prosperous 1828 aided a seven-fold increase in Scottish iron output between 1835 and 1845.
eighteenth-century Tobacco Lords accumulated considerable capital for the New machinery demanded by the cotton industry and the beginnings of
town.^ railway construction, as well as the local abundance of iron and coal deposits,
From 1770 the Town Council narrowed and deepened the River Clyde, and meant the transformation o f forges into foundries.^ In this period, Robert
five years later vessels with a draught of six feet could reach the Broomielaw near Napier, the father of Clyde shipbuilding and marine engineering, built up
the town centre. The confinement of the river by the construction of stone foundries at nearby Camlachie, Vulcan, and Lancefield." In 1841, Napier began
jetties, and the eventual joining of the ends of the jetties to make a new river iron shipbuilding at Govan; while in 1842 the Glasgow to Edinburgh railway
bank, had set up a natural scouring action which, along with artificial dredging, line was opened, and a locomotive works was established.
turned the old shallows into what was effectively a ship canal without locks. By The old commercial town, with its Clyde crossing, its distant port at the
1830, ships drawing fifteen feet could reach the Broomielaw, and the depth mouth of the river, its trading links with North America and the West Indies,
progressively increased during the nineteenth century and beyond as Glasgow and its remoteness from any equivalent English town, bore little resemblance to
became the worlds leading shipbuilding centre in the years up to 1914. There the Glasgow which was emerging in early Victorian times. The 1820s saw the
was much truth in the local saying that Glasgow made the Clyde, and the Clyde growth of regular steamer links between the Clyde and Belfast and between the
made Glasgow.'^ Clyde and Liverpool, as well as the success of internal steamer routes within the
Largely as a result of a decline in the tobacco trade after the American War of Clyde River and Firth. The uncertainty of travel under sail to and from Glasgow
Independence, cotton had become, by the early nineteenth century, Glasgows College at the very birth of the steamship age is captured in Lord Kelvins
major industry and staple trade, increasingly concentrated in and around the description of the passages undertaken by his father in 1812-14:
town as water power gave way to steam and coal. Often, however, the industry The passage took three or four days; in the course o f which the little vessel [an old lime
remained in villages around the Clyde valley. One such village was smack], becalmed, was carried three times round Ailsa Craig [a conspicuous conical
Thornliebank, the whole of which, with the exception of two or three small* island in the approaches to the Firth], by flow and ebb o f the tide. At the beginning o f his
fourth and last University session, 1813-14, my father and a party o f fellow-students after
* See, for example, David Daiches, Glasgow (London, 1977), esp. pp. 95-179; C.A. Oakley, The landing at Greenock, walked thence to Glasgow. On their way they saw a prodigy - a
second city (London and Glasgow, 1946); Geoffrey Best, The Scottish Victorian city, Victorian Stud., black chimney moving rapidly beyond a field on the left side o f the road. They jumped
11, (1967-8), 329-58.
* See L.J. Saunders, Scottish democracy: 1800-1840 (Edinburgh, 1950), pp. 97-117; John Shields,
^ The new statistical account of Scotland, 7: Renfrew-Argyle (London and Edinburgh, 1845), p. 41.
Clyde built (Glasgow, 1949), pp. 12-23; T.M . Devine, The tobacco lords. A study o f the tobacco merchants
of Glasgow and their trading activities c.1740-1790 (Edinburgh, 1975). An invaluable nineteenth- For example, Archibald to Susan Smith, 17th October, 1854, T D l/887, Smith papers,
century source is The new statistical account o f Scotland, 6: Lanark (London and Edinburgh, 1845), pp. Strathclyde Regional Archives. Saunders, pp. 104-6; Lanark, pp. 138-65.
101-246, on the city o f Glasgow, its population, trade and industry. '' James Napier, Life of Robert Napier o f West Shandon (Edinburgh, 1904), pp. 2938,4899 ,1 4 8 -
Saunders, p. 99; Shields, pp. 15-17. 65.
24 The making o f the natural philosopher Clydeside 25

the fence, ran across the field, and saw to their astonishment Henry Bells Comet (then not father had been elected in 1839, and his brother, James, in 1841. Other academics
a year old) travelling on the river Clyde between Glasgow and Greenock.*^ from the University included Thomas Thomson (elected 1834 and subsequently
The earliest steamboats, tested on the rivers and canals of France, America, or president), J.P. Nichol (1836), William Ramsay (1841), Lewis Gordon (1842),
Britain, had been little more than technical novelties, quite unsuitable for sea and W.J.M. Rankine (1852). All but Dr Thomson and Ramsay were regius
going employment. Henry Bells Comet, first on the River Clyde and later on professors in the University, appointed by the Crown and largely excluded
Scotlands West Coast, inspired the cousins David and Robert Napier in their from exercising much power within the College oligarchy. Yet their strong
development of viable marine steam-engines. These founding fathers of marine practical interests, whig politics, and above all their conception of the profes
steam engineering and iron shipbuilding on the Clyde had a fundamental sional man possessed of marketable knowledge, aligned them with the many
industrialists - Walter Crum, Charles Randolph, John Elder, for example - who
concern with the improvement o f the performance (economy and reliability)
both of their marine engines and their hulls. participated in the Society meetings. W ith these citycollege links in mind, we
Sir William Thomsons association with maritime interests in developing and may now turn to an analysis of Glasgow College itself.^
marketing his navigational patents (chs. 21 and 22) derives from his friendship
with Robert Napiers son, James Robert, particularly through the forum The University of Glasgow
provided by the Glasgow Philosophical Society. This favoured meeting place
The ancient foundation of Glasgow College had been a rather passive witness to
for Clydeside academics and industrialists had originated in 1802, with David
Napier and William Meikleham (17711846) (professor of natural philosophy) the social and economic transformations of the town in the early nineteenth
century. Within its pleasant precincts, distinguished scholars such as Adam
as founder members, and it was at the meetings of the Society in the period 1850
Smith, Thomas Reid, John Robison, William Cullen and Joseph Black had
to 1870 that much discussion of ship performance and safety took place among
flourished at various times in the middle or second half of the eighteenth
members such as J.R. Napier, W.J.M. Rankine (1820-72) and Sir William
Thomson. century. Their intellectual vigour had been worthy of a dynamic commercial
centre. The spacious college gardens, the streets of elegant merchants houses,
J.R. Napier, having attended Glasgow College at much the same time as
and the walks on the Green and banks of the Clyde, where air was sweet and
James and William Thomson, attained a high place in Dr Thomsons mathemat
trees were fresh and the water was pure and clear in the river must have made for
ical class. The naval architect in his fathers firm, William Denny, provided
an agreeable social and intellectual atmosphere, especially when the houses of the
Napier with his practical training in the subject, and when Denny left to become
poor were much less obtrusive (and certainly less numerous) than they were to
a famous Clyde shipbuilder in his own right, Napier succeeded him. With his
become. The early nineteenth century, on the other hand, was hardly a period
friend Rankine, J.R. Napier produced in 1866 a treatise on shipbuilding which
of great intellectual achievement for the Glasgow College professors. By and
became a standard work. His concerns were primarily with ship performance
large they were an aging and inactive body, concerned to preserve their
rather than the immediate business of shipbuilding, which he left to his brother,
privileges against outside threats and unwelcome changes.
John, who carried on his fathers works from about 1856.^^ J.R. Napier
Tory (often ultra-tory) in politics and ardent supporters of the established
belonged to a tough entrepreneurial breed of Scots and, according to his
(presbyterian) Church of Scotland, the majority of College professors had little
gentlemanly friend Archibald Smith (181372), was not very careful about
in common with the rising industrial city founded on whig values. Growing
personal appearance & I was amused by seeing him get from one side o f . . . [a
pressures from within the College and from outside during an age of reform
listing] vessel to the other by sitting down on a tarred deck &: sliding down.^^
brought about a virtual revolution in the character of the College during the
The importance of the Glasgow Philosophical Society, significantly not a
years that Dr James Thomson occupied the chair of mathematics. To understand
literary and philosophical society o f the kind which appealed to gentlemen of
the changes we begin with an outline of the institutional structure of Glasgow
more taste and cultivation than Napier, lies primarily in its role as a strong link
between town and gown even from its foundation. While William Thomson University.
did not become a member until his return to Glasgow as professor in 1846, his For membership o f the Society, see Proc. Glasgow Phil. Soc., 1 (18414), and subsequent
MPP. 6, 371 2; SPT, 1. See for example, the vivid account by H.G. Graham, Glasgow University life in olden times.
' * Napier, Life o f Robert Napier, pp. 19, 199-201;J.R. Napier and W.J.M. Rankine, Shipbuilding. The hook of theJubilee. 1451-1901 (Glasgow, 1901),pp. 12-25. The classic history o f the University is
Theoretical and practical (London, 1866). given in James Coutts, A history o f the University o f Glasgow from its foundation in 1451 to 1901
Archibald to Susan Smith, 13th October, 18.34, T D l/887, Smith papers, Strathclyde Regional (Glasgow, 1909). A more recent account is j.D . Mackie, The University o f Glasgow. 1451-1951
Archives. (Glasgow, 1954), esp. pp. 243-68 on the period 1801-58. See also Saunders, pp. 307-71.
26 The making o f the natural philosopher 27

with the principal and thirteen professors making up the third body, the Faculty
or College.
The College had full control of its own not inconsiderable revenue and
property, unlike the municipally controlled University o f Edinburgh. The
richest o f the Scottish colleges, its annual income between 1825 and 1848
remained at almost ^,(]8000. With such an income, the occupants of College
chairs averaged a salary o f around dC^OO per year, to which must be added the
fees from the students. For very good reasons, the College professors were keen
to exclude the new regius professors - who often received a mere ^ 5 0 per year
from the Crown - from a share in the College revenue, and so men like the
chemist Thomas Thomson and the engineer Lewis Gordon (unlike the five older
regius professors o f astronomy, church history, civil law, medicine, and
anatomy) were without administrative and academic power in the Glasgow
institution. The Principal of the College, Duncan Macfarlan, expressed his
conviction that reform particularly o f the status of the regius chairs - was
calculated only to excite and foster a spirit ofjealousy and contention, injurious
alike to the interests o f the University and ofits individual members. ^Needless
to say, lack of reform had precisely that effect.
Added to the administrative power of the College was its control of eight
professorships vested in the College. In the election of new professors, the Rector
and Dean also had a vote, but the new regius professors had no say whatever,
even though there were, by 1835, some half dozen such m en.^ Sir William
Flamilton delivered a scathing attack on the abuse of patronage in the Scottish
Universities in the whig Edinburgh Review in 1834, an attack which included a
direct onslaught on the Glasgow system:
In the first place, by conjoining in the same persons the right o f appointment and the right
o f possession, it tends to confound patronage with property . . . In the second place, as it
disposes the patron to forget that he is a trustee, so it also primes him with every incentive
Glasgow High Street running north and Glasgow College with tower as they would
to act as a proprietor. Natural affection to children and kindred; personal friendship and
have looked during William Thom sons early years. [From a drawing by his niece,
A.G. King, in Elizabeth King, Lord Kelvin's early home.]
enmity; party, (and was there ever a University without this curse?); jealousy o f superior
intelligence and learning, operating the stronger the lower the University is degraded. . .
The standard o f professional competence must be kept down - it seldom needed to be
Three bodies comprised the University. The Senate, a mainly ceremonial lowered - to the average level o f their relatives and partisans.
body, oversaw election and admission of the Chancellor and Dean of Faculty,
admission of the Vice-Chancellor and Vice-Rector, election of a representative Coutts, pp. 337-79; Lanark, pp. 173-4. See also the anonymous article Notice o f the
to the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland, conferring of degrees, and University o f Glasgow - its professors and students, Edinburgh Mag. Literary Miscellany, 16 (1825),
management of the libraries. It was made up of the Rector (who presided), the 513-23. The most valuable source for this early period is undoubtedly the Report on the University
o f Glasgow, Parliamentary Papers, 12 (1831), 211-302.
Dean, and all the professors. The second body, the Comitia, added the College For a valuable study o f the politics o f Glasgow University, notably during the 1820s and 1830s,
Principal and the matriculated students to its membership for the purpose of see J.B. Morrell, Thomas Thomson: Professor o f Chemistry and University reformer, Brit.J. Hist.
Sci., 4 (1969), 245-65, on p. 252. On College revenues, see Coutts, p. 362.
electing and admitting the new Rector, for hearing the inaugural discourses of
Lanark, p. 175n.
the principal and professors, prior to their admission to their respective offices, [Sir William Hamilton|, Patronage o f universities, Edinburgh rev., 59 (1834), 196-227, on
and other ritual activities. The real power of the institution, however, rested pp. 221-2.
28 The making o f the natural philosopher Clydeside 29

Adding as a footnote a quotation from Thomas Chalmers condemning the

hereditary successions in colleges which brought about the decaying lustre of
chairs once occupied by men of highest celebrity and talent, Hamilton con
cluded that, of all the forms of university patronage, this one tends to make
celebrity the exception, obscurity the rule.^^
The only reform within the College with regard to appointments of new
professors occurring before 1831 had been the election to the Greek chair in 1821
of Oxford-educated Daniel K. Sandford. The Oxbridge trend continued with
the election of Cambridge-educated William Ramsay to the chair o f humanity
in 1831. With the notable exceptions of Dr Thomson andJ.P. Nichol, as well as
the election of Edmund Lushington (another Cambridge product) to replace
Sandford in 1838, the College remained solidly in the hands of the tory
oligarchy until the early 1840s. The oligarchy, indeed, temporarily strength
ened its hold by the replacement of the elderly but radical professor of moral
philosophy, James Mylne, with the ultra-tory William Fleming in 1839, whose
own chair o f oriental languages went to another tory, George Gray. Alexander
Hills election as divinity professor in 1840 in succession to the whig Stevenson
MacGill (son of a Port Glasgow shipbuilder) and in preference to the distin
guished Chalmers heralded yet another consolidation of the tory
By 1840, then, four of the eight chairs vested in the College were occupied by
tory professors (Buchanan, Fleming, Hill, and Gray). The Principal, o f course,
led the tory faction. O f the other four. Dr Thomson was the ultra-whig, Ramsay
and Lushington were ready to support reform campaigns, and William
Meikleham had been removed from the scene in 1839 through ill-health. O f the
five other College professors (all Crown appointments) in 1840, only Nichol
represented a new generation, the others being of advanced age or out of
commission. The professor of anatomy, James Jelfray, appointed in 1790,
supported the Principal, but the others seem to have ceased political activity.
Thus the replacement of these four professors during the 1840s, as well as the
election of a new natural philosophy professor, would mark a decisive shift in
the balance of power within the College, and a break-up of the old oligarchy.
The Crown appointment of the brothers William and Allen Thomson (no
relation to Dr Thomson) as professors o f medicine and anatomy in 1841 and Glasgow College: the inner quadrangle looking west. The archway below the tower
1848, respectively, by Whig governments (in which Lord John Russell was first led to the outer quadrangle and thence to the High Street. The windows to the right
Home Secretary and then Prime Minister) brought into the College two more o f the pentagonal turret belonged; (ground floor) to the Blackstone examination
very ardent whig reformers. Again, the appointment ofJ.S. Reid to the chair of room which Thomson later annexed for his growing laboratory; (first floor) to the
natural philosophy apparatus room; and (attic) to the engineering class-room. This
church history in 1841 introduced another former teacher from the progressive
building dated from 1656. [From David Murray, Lord Kelviti as professor in the Old
Belfast Academical Institution, while Allan Maconochies appointment by CAdle^ie of Glas(^ow.\
Peels government in 1842 provided a professor of civil law who, though
initially associated with the Principals party in the College, became more and
30 The making o f the natural philosopher Clydeside 31

more estranged from it, being as he was sympathetic to moderate reform and
well disposed towards Dr Thomson.
Professors appointed to regius chairs founded after 1807 remained outside the
College elite. All six chairs founded between 1807 and 1831 - natural history
(1807), surgery (1815), midwifery (1815), chemistry (1818), botany (1818), and
materia medica (1831) - related to scientific (and especially medical) subjects; all
except natural history belonged to the Universitys faculty of medicine. As a
result of their practical scientific character they gave a new, progressive image to
the University, contrasting with the faculties of art and theology, and providing
strong bonds between city and university both through the marketing of much-
needed medical expertise to students and through the Philosophical Society.
Pressures from the whig and radical citizens of Glasgow for rejuvenation of their
famous University found a sympathetic ear at court, and after the 1832 Reform
Act when the Scottish electorate increased from under 4500 to over 60000,^"^
conservative reformers as well as whigs began to take note of Glasgows needs.
The elections of Lord Stanley, Sir Robert Peel, and Sir James Graham as
successive Rectors of the University in the 1830s provided national leaders
(albeit in opposition at the time) with a direct grasp of affairs in the city and
College. Peel took great pride in winning the support of Glasgow students,
whom he recognized as the descendants of the inveterate Whigs of Bothwell
Brigg and the Ayrshire Covenanters, or the sons of the reforming merchants of
Glasgow, who were so deeply imbued with democratic principles in 1832.^
Probably in a bid to regain support, the Whig government (with Lord John
Russell as Home Secretary) established regius chairs o f forensic medicine and
theory of physic in 1839, and generously endowed a regius chair of civil
engineering in 1840 with an annual grant of ^^275. Lewis Gordon (1815-76),
himself a whig, occupied the first engineering chair in a British university - a
new chair which symbolized the importance of engineering for Clydeside and
which coincided with the Glasgow meeting of the British Association.^^
The failures of these regius professors to infiltrate the College elite, however,
is vividly illustrated by the case ofThomas Thomson (1773-1852). Appointed to
the chair of chemistry in 1818, he obtained in the same year at the Colleges
Glasgow College: the inner quadrangle looking north-west. The natural philosophy
Ibid., pp. 390-5, 520-5. On Maconochies defection to the whigs, see Dr James Thomson to
William Thomson, 8th March, 1846, T330, ULC. class-room occupied the space between the circular turrets on the north side (first
Quoted in Derek Beales, From Castlereagh to Gladstone (London, 1969), p. 83. floor), while moral philosophy occupied that part o f the ground floor extending
Sir Archibald Alison to Sir Robert Peel, 21st November, 1836, in C.S. Parker (ed.). Sir Robert from the shadowy figure to the right beyond the picture. This building dated from
Peel from his private correspondence (3 vols., London, 1899), 2, pp. 327-8. Stanley and Graham had 1632. [From Andrew Gray. Lord Kelvin. An account of his scientific life and teorfe.j
deserted the Whigs in 1834 in support o f Anglican Church property. See Beales, pp. 97-8. Neither
they nor Peel (the son o f a Lancashire calico-printing industrialist) would have had much in common
with the ultra-tories in the College. Rather, they would have been more concerned to win over expense a laboratory whose aims were to teach chemistry and to raise up a race
former Scottish whigs to their new conservatism. See Norman Gash, Sir Robert Peel. The life of Sir of practical chemists, many of whom in fact became industrial chemists. The
Robert Peel after 1830 (London, 1972), pp. 151-7; C.S. Parker, Life and letters of Sir James Graham,
1792-1861 (2 vols., London, 1907), 1, pp. 272-6.
number of students annually attending his classes by the late 1820s exceeded 200.
Thomas Constable, Memoir o f Lewis D.B. Gordon (Edinburgh, 1877); C. A. Oakley, A history of And in 1831 the College financed new chemistry buildings at a cost of ^<(^5000.
a faculty. Engineering at Glasgow University (Glasgow, 1973), pp. 4-8; Coutts, pp. 537-41. Nevertheless, for all his academic successes and for all his reforming zeal,
32 The making o f the natural philosopher Clydeside 33

Thomson failed to make any significant improvement to the status of regius university context, he proved an outstanding success. Ten years after his arrival,
professors. The college remained unredeemed, and Thomson slipped into he recorded his largest-ever classes - fifty in the senior and 110 in the junior -
retirement over the period 1841-6 at the very time James Thomsons crusade providing through fees a substantial supplement to the restored professorial
from within the College reached its maximum intensity .^"^The rapid infiltration salary.^ At the same time, he advanced his profession and supplemented his
of the establishment occurred after 1840, coinciding with the deaths of elderly income by the writing of mathematical textbooks. He edited a version of
regius professors within the College and with the campaigns of Dr Thomson Euclids Elements of geometry in 1834, and published An elementary treatise on
and J.P. Nichol. For much of the early 1830s, however. Dr Thomson spoke with algebra, theoretical and practical in 1844, as well as revising his previous works on
almost a lone dissenting voice within the College. arithmetic, trigonometry, and calculus. He stressed in his Albegra the immense
value of that science:
The new mathematics professor In itself, indeed, and its application and extension in the differential and integral calculus
. . . it is a most powerful, and indispensable, instrument for prosecuting investigations in
By all accounts, James Millars endeavours as professor of mathematics at mechanics, astronomy, and other subjects in physical science; and, without its aid, it is
Glasgow College were disastrous. The Scottish University Commissioners impossible to understand, or duly to appreciate, the discoveries o f N ewton, Laplace, and
reported in 1830 that Millar had held his chair since 1789 and, though not yet the other great men who have done such wonders in extending the boundaries o f modern
very old, had no power of exerting authority in his class, or enforcing discipline
among his students. They also suggested that he owed his position less to his As he expressed the point in his Introduction to the differential and integral calculus,
own abilities than to the influence and reputation of his father, the late eminent he saw physical science, natural philosophy, as the sequel to the study of pure
professor o f law. One-time teacher ofjames Thomson and of Archibald Smith, mathematics,^^ which there functioned primarily in an instrumental role. An
Millars long reign was marred by frequent disorder and student frivolities, appreciation of this instrumental role of analysis (and other abstract and sym
including a ducking of the professor in the deepest part of the Colleges bolic mathematical or logical tools) is crucially important for our understanding
Molendinar burn during a lesson on practical surveying. The Commissioners of Scottish natural philosophy (particularly as practised by J.P. Nichol and
urged that the interest of science pleads for his release from the labours o f . . . William Thomson) where analysis, symbols, and any metaphysical system had
[his] charge; at length the College persuaded the incompetent professor to retire to be rejected as an end-in-itself in favour of a visualizable, geometrical, and
and resign his College house while permitting him to retain his salary for lifc.^
empirical conceptualization.
On the 16th December, 1831, the College elected Dr James Thomson to the Dr Thomsons Algebra went through three editions in less than two years,
mathematics chair, with Dr Thomson apparently under the misapprehension around 3000 copies going to the Irish Education Board, which had already taken
that he would be entitled not only to the College house but also the usual 5000 copies of his Arithmetic, and the same number of his Euclid for introduction
professorial salary. On arrival in Glasgow Dr Thomson found that he had to pay into the recently established National Schools in Ireland. These schools, pro
out more than he received on account of the smaller-than-expected size of the moted by the liberal catholic Thomas Wyse, and initiated by Lord Stanley in
class and the consequent reduction in income from fees. It would seem that, for 1831 before he left the Whig party, aimed to provide an elementary, non-
this reason. Dr Thomson could not afford to send his two eldest sons to school in denominational education for all the people, and so conformed to Dr Thomsons
Glasgow. To solve the financial problems, the new professor opened afternoon commitment to the diffusion of knowledge as a means of advancing and freeing
lecture courses on popular geography and astronomy for ladies, courses which the human condition. This trend towards assimilation of the Irish people to a
went on successfully for two or three years. At the same time he managed to utilitarian British culture aroused the wrath of middle-class, town-dwelling
subdue the previously chaotic mathematics classes, and build up the number of nationalists who idealized the rural, peasant life (ch. 23). Furthermore, as Nichol
students once more, so that gradually he overcame the problems of maintaining polemically observed, we have to deal in Ireland with a very peculiar, as well as
and educating a large family on a non-existent salary. a very powerful. Church, which, as a principle, rejects our fundamental tenet of
Dr Thomson was both a professional and a progressive mathematician. As a
professional, marketing mathematical knowledge and expertise largely in the Anna to William Thomson, 3rd December, 1842, B185, ULC; Dr to William Thomson, 7th
December, 1842, T228, ULC.
Morrell, Thom as Thom son, pp. 253-62. James Thomson, An elementary treatise on algebra, theoretical and practical (London, 1844), p. vi.
Parliamentary Papers, 12 (1831), 246-7; Elizabeth King, Lord Kelvin's early home, (London, James Thomson, An introduction to the differential and integral calculus (Belfast, 1831), p. iii; 2nd
1909), pp. 94-7; Courts, pp. 352-83. King, Early home, pp. 94-7. edn. (London, 1848), p. iv (modified slightly).
34 The making o f the natural philosopher Clydeside 35

the FREEDOM OF EDUCATION. Nevertheless, Dr Thomsons net share of the profits work before us, in this respect. How different are the courses of Gamier and
on all his text-books amounted, in 1845 alone, to 378 14s 8d.^^ Lacroix, in French!
In his approach to mathematics. Dr Thomson was as progressive as in his From such remarks, one might wrongly infer that Dr Thomson had little
approach to politics and religion. He favoured the full introduction of the most regard for the intuitive appeal of geometry compared to the power of abstract
modem mathematical practices even in elementary texts. The Belfast Magazine analysis. All of his textbooks, however, minimize abstraction. As a progressive
article of 1825 had already subjected to censure Scottish mathematics, or pure reformer he believed that the most powerful methods could be and should be
science as it was often called to distinguish it from physical science. In introduced at an elementary level, thus diffusing them to the widest possible
particular, the review criticized works by two Scottish professors, John Leslies audience. In his Introduction to the differential and integral calculus of 1831, for
Geometrical analysis, and geometry of curved lines, being Vol. II of a course of example, he sought to render the investigations as simple and easy as possible,
mathematics, and designed as an introduction to the study of Natural Philosophy (1821), and included a large number o f examples, many of them geometrical. If he
and Thomas Duncans Supplement to Playfairs Geometry and Woods Algebra, adopted for his first edition Lagranges algebraic foundations rather than
completing a course of mathematics, in theory and practice (1824). Leslie was professor Leibnizs much more efficient infinitesimals or the method of limits (not to
of natural philosophy at Edinburgh University from 1820 to 1832, but had speak of Newtons cumbersome fluxions), he did so only because of the
previously been mathematics professor there from 1805 to 1819, and was a conceptual obscurity of these rival approaches: the Author long hesitated before
staunch supporter of geometrical rather than analytical methods. Duncan was he ventured to make this [Lagranges] method the basis of the present work,
professor o f mathematics at St Andrews. The reviewer noted that these two from a fear that the elementary investigations, derived by means of it, would be
works demonstrated the negligible improvement so far effected in Scotland too tedious and difficult for beginners. When further development of the limit
compared to the advances made in adopting continental methods at Cambridge approach by Cournot, Duhamel, Moigno, and a variety of British authors,
and Dublin: neither work affords any reason to believe that the works of Euler, including de Morgan, had removed many objections to that simplifying
Lagrange, Lacroix, or Laplace, are properly known or appreciated in either method. Dr Thomson welcomed it for his second (1848) edition with evident
[Scottish] seminary. We have understood, also, he continued, that the new relief.
science has not been introduced in either of the universities of Aberdeen; and we While Dr Thomson was severe on the traditional mathematical methods
know that in the university of Glasgow, mathematical science, if it can be said employed in Scottish universities, he wrote in praise of the Scottish institutions
even to exist, is a century behind. in general:
The reviewer condemned Leslies book especially, not only for its exclusion Scotland, with its universities and its system o f parish schools, possesses, perhaps, the
of the new methods, but as being in parts very ill adapted for the purposes of noblest foundation for national instruction that any country has ever enjoyed; and the
teaching, as the higher properties which it develops may be derived far more efficiency o f the means is fully proved by the production o f a more general diffusion o f
easily and satisfactorily by means of the modern analysis. Analysis would enable education and intelligence, than an equal population in any other country can exhibit. Its
the student to prosecute the study of the higher and more difficult branches of means for the cultivation o f the exact sciences are also considerable; as in its five
science. He dismissed Duncans book too as trivial by the standards set by French universities there are five professorships o f pure mathematics, five o f natural philosophy,
mathematical texts: The entire work, indeed, is of a very slight and superficial and two o f astronomy . .
nature. Too much is grasped at, and nothing is done well. Such is too frequently Clearly, the Scottish system of education conformed quite closely in principle,
the character of our English courses of mathematics; and few of them exceed the though not always in practice, to Dr Thomsons own commitment to reform
The sales figures were recorded in letters from Dr James Thomson to William Thomson, 23rd
and advancement. The availability o f a university education to a very wide
October, 1842, T225, and 8th February, 1846, T328, ULC. The profits figure was reported in a letter range of students, from rich to poor, was perhaps the most attractive feature to
from Dr Thomson to William Thomson, 19th May, 1846, T347, ULC. On the National Schools in someone who had himself advanced far from a comparatively poor back-
Ireland, seeT.W . M oody and j.C . Beckett, Queens Belfast 1845-1949 (2 vols., London, 1959), 1, liii-
Iviii. N ichols remarks appear in his Preliminary dissertation for J. Willm, The education of the
people: a practical treatise on the means of extending its sphere and improving its character (Glasgow, 1847), James Thomson, Differential and integral calculus, pp. iii, 241-2; 2nd edn., p. 308. Significantly,
p. i. he made no mention o f Cauchy in his second edition nor o f the rigour o f Cauchys new epsilon-delta
[James Thomson], State o f science in Scotland, Belfast Mag., 1 (1825), 269-78. See, for procedures. His basic commitment lay with methods sufficiently rigorous to guarantee validity, but
example, R.G. Olson, Scottish philosophy and British physics 1750-1880. A study in thefoundations of the more especially with methods powerful enough to open up the most advanced applications o f
Victorian scientific style (Princeton, 1975), pp. 192-3. Leslie was apparently acquainted with analytical mathematics, notably in mechanics and physical astronomy. William followed his fathers lead in his
methods, but he gave his support to the geometrical approach. See also R.G. Olson, Scottish attitude towards the value and best methods o f mathematics (ch. 6).
philosophy and mathematics, J. Hist. Ideas, 32 (1971), 29-44. [James Thomson], State o f science in Scotland, p. 270.
36 The making o f the natural philosopher Clydeside 37

ground. The academic framework, too, he felt, was a beneficial one, the Edinburgh marked another crucial phase in the reform of science and math
existence o f mathematics, natural philosophy, and astronomy chairs side by side ematics at the Scottish universities.
being particularly characteristic of Scottish universities. Such a situation differed Forbess election, however, in preference to David Brewster (1781-1868),
from the specialist mathematical emphasis at Cambridge, for example, where represented an anglicizing tendency in Edinburgh, parallel to the Oxbridge
there was little natural philosophy at all. During his years at Glasgow, therefore, trend (Sandford and Ramsay) evident in Glasgow, and further confirmed by the
Dr Thomson aimed to revolutionize the teaching of mathematics while at the election of the Cambridge mathematician Philip Kelland (180879) rather than
same time to remove the deficiencies in what he saw as an otherwise sound D.F. Gregory (181344) to the Edinburgh mathematics chair in 1838.'^ Never
system of education. theless, the strong tide of reform did not flow entirely from the south, for in 1836
Dr Thomsons Introductory lecture at Glasgow College on the 6th Novem John Pringle Nichol was appointed to the Glasgow chair of practical astronomy.
ber, 1832, took the same line as the 1825 review article, praising the successes of
the continental men of science compared to those of Newtons British disciples.
John Pringle Nichol: the education of the people
Dr Thomson admitted that the Gregorys, Maclaurin, Simson, Robison and
Playfair in Scotland had all achieved well merited and lasting fame but he The death of Professor James Couper at the age of about eighty-three left no
urged a reawakening of Scottish genius after the laurels of science had been astronomy classes untaught, for the aged professor had not lectured since 1808.
allowed to fall to Laplace & his great associates. Two years later he felt able to The chair was in the gift of the Crown but, unlike the newer regius chairs,
add to his lecture the remark that a significant change had commenced in British carried with it a salary of JQ270 per annum. The College, furthermore, had ^^900
mathematics: unlike a quarter century earlier, Laplace and Lagrange were now ready for the purchase o f instruments, with a new observatory and house in
intelligible to and read by hundreds of mathematical students, many of whom if prospect also. Not surprisingly, Thomas Thomson made a bid for the chair as a
they have time & talents, are thus placed in such circumstances as may enable way of improving his worldly comforts ahead of old age.*^^ A much younger
them to contribute, in a greater or less degree, to the extension of science by new and more promising candidate, Archibald Smith, about to become senior
discoveries.^^ wrangler in the Cambridge Senate House Examination of 1836, was urged to
His increased optimism may well have been encouraged by the appointment apply to the Whig Home Secretary, Lord John Russell, by the Glasgow
of J.D. Forbes (1809-68) to the Edinburgh natural philosophy chair in succession professors of Greek, Sandford, and of humanity, Ramsay, but exhibited a
to Leslie in 1833. Forbes became in due course a good friend of both Dr curious indecisiveness. Since Sandford and Ramsay represented a new Oxbridge
Thomson and especially of his son, once William Thomson had become the tendency in the College, we may understand their enthusiastic support for
Glasgow natural philosophy professor. Although not educated at Cambridge, Smith of Trinity. Both seemed convinced that with the support of William
Forbes, a tory and an episcopalian, had been an admirer of the analytical Whewell and especially G.B. Airy (1801-92), the Astronomer Royal, Smith
methods introduced into Cambridge mathematics, and he had put to good use would carry the day. Ramsay, indeed, as a former pupil o f Whewell, spoke
the advice given to him by William Whewell regarding suitable texts on reverently of the twin names o f Whewell and Airy as a tower of strength.
physical science Poissons Mhanique, Airys Tracts and Fouriers Theorie By contrast, the ultimately successful candidate, J.P. Nichol, lacked the high
analytique de la chaleur among others - which employed analytical methods.^* mathematical reputation of a senior wranglership and the status of Newtons
During the 1830s Forbes firmly established his standards at Edinburgh. In the Cambridge college. Educated at Kings College, Aberdeen, and originally
session of 1836-7, he had as pupils the first two professors of engineering at destined for the Church, he had distinguished himself at Aberdeen in mathemat
Glasgow, Lewis Gordon and Macquorn Rankine; subsequent pupils were P.G. ics and physics. Subsequently headmaster in three schools, he applied unsuccess
Tait (1831-1901) and James Clerk Maxwell ( 1 8 3 1 - 7 9 ) .With emphasis on fully for the chair of political economy at the College de France, having been
quality and merit Forbess classes were generally small, but his career at recommended by James Mill. He began a lengthy correspondence with John
Stuart Mill in 1833 concerning political economy. This correspondence demon
James Thomson, Introductory lecture at Glasgow College, 6th November 1832, Q U B . For a
strated Nichols alignment with the philosophic radicals, represented now by
very similar perspective, see [J.F.W. Herschel], Mechanism o f the heavens, Quart. Rev., 47 (1832)
See Crosbie Smith, Mechanical Philosophy and the emergence o f physics in Britain: 1800- G.E. Davie, The democratic intellect. Scotland and her universities in the nineteenth century
1850, Attn. Sci., 33 (1976), 3-29 on pp. 25-6. The full titles o f the principal recommended texts were: (Edinburgh, 1961), pp. 116-26. Morrell, Thomas Thomson, pp. 255-6.
S.D. Poisson, Traite de mecanique (Paris, 1811); G.B. Airy, Mathematical tracts (Cambridge, 1826); D.K. Sandford to Archibald Smith, 15th January, 1836; William Ramsay to Archibald Smith,
Joseph Fourier, T hhrie analytique de la chaleur (Paris, 1822). c. 17th January, 1836; Archibald to James Smith, 15th January, 1836, T D l/7 4 5 /1 -3 , Smith papers,
Smith, Emergence o f physics, p. 27. Strathclyde Regional Archives; Courts, p. 346.
38 The making o f the natural philosopher Clydeside 39

the younger Mill, radicals who sought to diffuse knowledge to the common audience where none existed before reflected a major criterion for the election to
man and to replace the confused tangles of establishment patronage and rule a Glasgow chair - a criterion inapplicable to an Oxbridge chair, for example.
with scientifically based, professional administration. As Mill put the matter to Third, Nichol himself proved not only a well-known source of intellectual
Nichol in 1834: At all events, whoever is in place, the march of Reform is inspiration for William Thomson, but became an important political ally of the
wonderfully accelerated. How nobly and with what wisdom the people have Thomsons in their reforming crusades. And, finally. Smiths lack of resolution -
acted. Nichols son, later professor of English literature at Glasgow University, expressed at the time in a letter to his father in the words I am tired of
confirmed his fathers radical views in a biographical reference to his horrifying Mathematics and look upon a legal life with more pleasure than I used to do'*'^ -
the landed interests of Fife by [publishing] revolutionary articles in the Herald' in deciding not to apply and subsequently applying, will provide a recurring
Nichols great gift was his power of rhetoric. One observer noted that his contrast with the decisive, but often impulsive, character ofWilliam Thomson,
lectures were works of art, calculated at once to exercise and enlighten the not least in his marriage proposals to Smiths sister, Sabina (ch. 5).
intellect, quicken the imagination, and move the heart.'*'* William Thomson Nichols views on education, politics, religion, and science are best expressed
himself (as Lord Kelvin) praised his great teacher thus in 1903: in his Preliminary dissertation written for the English translation of Willms
The education of the people published in Glasgow in 1847. Nichol sought a
You can imagine with how much gratitude 1look uponjohn Pringle Nichol and upon his
national, non-denominational system of education universally available. As
friendship with my father. His appointment as professor o f astronomy conferred benefit,
not only upon the University o f Glasgow, but also upon the city and upon Edinburgh, with Dr Thomson, the words reform, usefulness and practical resound
and the far wider regions o f the world, where his lectures were given and his books read. through the text. In particular, he approved of Willms theory of education
The benefit we had from coming under his inspiring influence, that creative influence, because it was no mere theory or an abstraction without aim, [but] will be found
that creative imagination, that power which makes structures o f splendour and beauty to have bearings, on every side, on practical questions of the gravest import, and,
out o f the material o f bare dry knowledge, cannot be overestimated.'* in fact, virtually to control every arrangement admissible among our positive
operations. Theory and practice had to be in harmony. The point emerged even
Given the choice between J.P. Nichol and Archibald Smith for the astronomy
more forcefully when Nichol outlined the aim of education: to draw out man
chair, the key criterion applied was that of popular teacher over the quiet,
into freedom, and to establish between him and the universe, a solid and
donnish, and very indecisive qualities of the senior wrangler. Nichol thus
practical harmony.'**
represented a reversal of the Oxbridge trend in favour, not of the Glasgow
Nichol warned of the danger of confounding the teachers mere means or
establishment, but of a much more radical and democratic reform. Here,
instruments necessary to his work, with the work itself. Reading and writing,
Nichols friendship with the Mills must have helped his cause considerably. As
for example, were not education, but merely instrumental. Similarly, the
J.S. Mill wrote to him in 1834: My father thinks that a professorship in a Scotch
logical function of the understanding was not an end, whether through
university would suit you; and it may be in his power to be of some aid to you in
languages (Oxford classics) or abstract science [Cambridge mathematics], but
obtaining one, if it were vacant.'*^ Crucially, the astronomy chair was the gift of
the exercise of, nothing more than an instrument'. Failure to distinguish such
the Crown and not the College electors, and so Dr Thomson found himself with
instruments from ends produced dogma, mere opinion. In particular:
a new, dynamic ally within the College, an ally ready to break the power of the
oligarchy. During a critical study o f the physical sciences in their existing attitude, one is often
Nichols appointment is thus of considerable significance in our story. First, required to marvel at the extent to which expert analysts become deceived as to the use
the failure of the Cambridge lobby has a direct bearing on the campaign for and substance o f their existing phalanxes o f symbols; for it seems most unlikely, a priori,
William Thomsons election to the Glasgow chair of natural philosophy exactly that any acute mind could so mistake the value and position o f a mere instrument - as, in
the pride o f his power to wield it - to feel at liberty to withdraw from that careful and
a decade later (ch. 4). Second, Nichols success as a lecturer in attracting an
sagacious scrutiny o f elementary processes, which are the essential foundation o f every
just philosophy o f Nature. N ow , this very error prevails, and to an extent perhaps not
W. Knight, Memoir of John Nichol (Glasgow, 1896), pp. xi-xiii, 6~7; Unpublished letters from often imagined, through the whole range o f moral and intellectual inquiry . . . Many and
John Stuart Mill to Professor N ichol, Fortnightly Rev., 61 (1897), 660-78, on p. 671. For a useful many a Ptolemaic system - an ingenious product o f mere logic - exists still around us!
summary o f the role o f the philosophic radicals in the age o f reform, see Beales, pp. 144-5. W e are
Many a potent mind still wastes its energies in coordinating and adjusting phantasms; for,
especially grateful to Simon Schaffer for making available the draft o f his article The nebular
hypothesis and the science o f progress, in J.R. Moore (ed.). The humanity o f evolution (Cambridge, after all, men contend the most bitterly regarding the houses they construct o f shadows!'*'*
forthcoming). Quoted in Knight, Memoir o f John Nichol, p. xii.
Lord Kelvin and his first teacher in natural philosophy. Nature, 68 (1903), 623-4. Quoted in Archibald to James Smith, 15th January, 1836, T D l/7 4 5 /1 -3 , Smith papers, Strathclyde
D.B. Wilson, Kelvins scientific realism: the theological context, Phil.J., 11 (1974), 41-60, on p. 45. Regional Archives. '*** Nichol, Preliminary dissertation, pp. xiv-xv.
'* Fortnightly Rev., 61 (1897), 669. '* Ibid., pp. xxvi xxix.
40 The making o f the natural philosopher Clydeside 41

Metaphysics, dogmatism, symbols, abstractions: these terms William Thomson . . . [as] a r isin g in th e a c tiv ity o f th e lo g ic a l fa c u ltie s, an d th e c o m p a r a tiv e in ertn ess o f th e
would despise throughout his life. In this passage we see the very essence o f a p o w e r s o f c o n te m p la tio n ; an d it has an e x a c t c o u n te r p a r t in a p h e n o m e n o n alrea d y
Scottish approach to intellectual inquiry, confirming Dr Thomsons methods, referred to , c o n n e c te d w it h th e c u lt iv a t io n o f p h y sic a l sc ie n c e . M e n . . . are far fr o m
and above all Nichols anxiety to stress the distinction between instruments and u n c o m m o n , w h o , w h ile e n j o y in g th e g re a te st p lea su re in th e a n a ly tic r e p r e se n ta tio n an d

ends, between the tools of the knowledge-maker and the knowledge itself d e v e lo p m e n t o f a ssu m e d P h y s ic a l L a w s, h a v e y e t b u t im p e r fe c t p o w e r s to sift t h o r o u g h ly
th e p h y sic a l facts o n w h ic h a lo n e la w s ca n b e fo u n d e d ; an d , in th e sa m e m a n n e r , it is q u ite
In a footnote to the above passage, Nichol denounced abstract mathematics,
p o ssib le th at a m in d h a v e m u c h in te r e st in th e p ro cesses an d in v e s tig a tio n s o f sy s te m a tic ,
whether geometry or modern analysis, as a very imperfect or partial intellectual
o r , rath er, o f d o g m a t ic t h e o lo g y , w it h o u t a c o r r e s p o n d in g p o w e r to d e sc e n d in to th e far
discipline since, being almost wholly a science odeduction' it seldom required
p r o fo u n d e r r e g io n o f in tu ition s .^
one to refer, in the way of strict scrutiny, to first principles. Hence also in
applied mathematics we so often find a fatal inattention to the necessary Elsewhere Nichol contrasted the universal method of Christ with the varied
ground-work of fact - the substitution of Logic for Philosophy'. Let it never be interpretation of St Pauls views, the principal source of sectarian discordances.
forgotten, he concluded, that it is far more important to cultivate powers of He stressed the importance of discussing the subject of a common or united
thought than mere cleverness'. Here Nichol quite explicitly advanced Scottish education not as Sectarians, but as Christian men.By correlating dogmatism
educational values over English (notably Oxbridge) ones, for, as a recent in theology with hypothetical systems in physical science, ingenious product[s]
historian of James Clerk Maxwell has summarized the difference, the Scots of mere logic, Nichol expressed a theme central to William Thomsons deepest
aimed to make a general education (organized around philosophy) the founda scientific commitments.
tion for particular technical studies, whereas the English aimed to make particu
lar technical studies (with an emphasis on intellectual discipline) the basis for a Dr James Thomson: latitudinarian and university reformer
general education. Correlatively, the Scots saw their education system as
fundamentally democratic, the English as elitist. If the 1830s saw Dr Thomson professionally occupied in building the reputation
In the later parts of his Preliminary dissertation, Nichol examined not only and restoring the respectability of the mathematics classes, then the 1840s saw
the means of realizing a universal system of education, but also the major him deeply involved in a series o f major crusades for reform in Glasgow
hindrance to its implementation on account of sectarian differences. Here, College. The programme centred on two major issues: the status of the regius
Nichols latitudinarian approach strongly coincided with that of Dr Thomson. professors and the abolition of the religious tests. An outright victory for the
The question, he argued, was not about separating the training of the intellect whigs on either of these issues would have overthrown the tory oligarchy
from training in religion - but how far are we precluded, by respect due to the irreversibly, for most of the regius professors outside the College were reform
discrepancies of sects, from accompanying the training of the intellect, in a ers, identified with science, and the abolition of tests would have opened up
common school, with all the aids and illustration it might receive from its College chairs to Anglicans and dissenters as well as presbyterians, thereby
connection with mans religious nature? In other words, he believed that a undermining the whole basis of the tory establishment.
religious spirit shall pervade all teaching but he denounced the system of tests As the campaign developed, it became clear that the whig party within the
whereby in many educational institutions the teacher had to subscribe to the College was moving ever-closer to toppling the old, high-tory establishment.
special articles of a church. Both the existence of design in the universe and the From a minority position in 1832, the reformers, led by Dr Thomson, J.P.
view which represented God as a Providence are sufficiently remote from Nichol, and Dr William Thomson from 1841, began to command a majority in
relationship with the matters concerning which our churches are divided. Thus Senate which, consisting of all professors, elected the Dean of Faculty, who in
to secure that the teacher be a religiously disposed man, it is unnecessary to turn could, along with the Rector elected by Senate and matriculated students,
descend among these disputed details . . . such subscriptions are wholly unfitted to vote in the election of College professors.
realize that object'.^^ By mid-1842, death had removed three of the four remaining regius profes
Nichol linked the issue with his previous criticism of a false metaphysics in sors within the College. The balance of power now shifted. The fifteen votes
physical science: available for decision making within the College, and especially the fourteen for
the likely election of a new natural philosophy professor, were made up as
th a t a n o m a ly is ea sily e x p la in e d w h ic h p resen ts us so f r e q u e n tly w it h h ig h an d se v e r e
C h u r c h m e n - stern an d r ig id su p p o r te r s o f sy s te m s o f A r tic le s, an d o th e r d o g m a t ic fo r m s
follows: five ultra-tories (Fleming, Jetfray, Hill, Gray, and Buchanan), three
ultra-whigs (Dr Thomson, Nichol, and Dr William Thomson), three professors
C.W .F. Everitt, M axwells scientific creativity, in Rutherford Aris, H.T. Davis and R.H.
Stuewer (eds.). Springs of scientific creativity (Minneapolis, 1983), pp. 71-141, on p. 84.
Nichol, Preliminary dissertation, pp. liv-lxiii. Ibid., p. Ixiv. Ibid., pp. Ixvi-lxviiii.
42 The making o f the natural philosopher Clydeside 43

likely to support reform (Ramsay, Reid and Lushington), and one professor of
moderate conservative views (Maconochie). The Rector, Dean, and absent
Meikleham made up the remainder. In such a finely balanced power structure
the election of Rector and Dean would be a matter of great moment, since six
tory and six anti-tory votes from the professors could be turned into an overall
tory victory if either the Rector or Dean were tory, the Principal having a
casting vote. A whig Rector and Dean, on the other hand, would almost
guarantee a whig success. The struggle for control began with the tests.
University tests, by which a new professor had to sign both the Confession of
Faith demanded by the established (Presbyterian) Church of Scotland and the
Formula of the Church of Scotland declaring an intention to conform to its
worship and discipline as established by law, naturally aroused Dr Thomsons
opposition. That opposition takes on a special significance if we recall that his
Presbyterianism made him a member o f the Established Church in Scotland, but
a dissenter in Ireland.
At Edinburgh, the university tests had been allowed to lapse Forbes and
Kelland after all were Episcopalians but Glasgow quite rigidly adhered to
them. Conservatives in theology as in politics. Principal Macfarlans party
opposed any change in the status o f the university professors as established
presbyterians, and saw the emergence of dissenting evangelicals and other such
groups as threatening to break up the entire structure of Scottish society. The
failure of the College to appoint the academically distinguished evangelical
Thomas Chalmers to the divinity chair on his academic merits probably gave an
impulse to the issue of university tests from 1840, particularly as his successful
rival. Hill, was a firm supporter of their retention. Dr Thomson dissented from
his appointment.
The bitterness aroused by Hills appointment erupted again in May, 1841,
over the election by Senate of a new Dean of Faculties. The regius professors and
reformers seized an opportunity to exert their as-yet limited power. Thomas
Thomson proposed, and Dr Thomson seconded, the whig Lord Dunfermline,
former Speaker of the House of Commons in the late 1830s and MP for
Edinburgh. The Principal supported the tory Sir Archibald Campbell. As a
result of the (possibly unconstitutional) vote of the retiring (tory) Dean, ten
electors voted for each candidate, and the Rector, the Marquis of Breadalbane
(president of the Glasgow meeting of the British Association and so sympathetic
Dr James Thomson at the age o f about sixty-two. To friends he was a stem towards the science professors) gave his casting vote for Dunfermline. Mean
disciplinarian who did not relax his discipline when he applied it to his children, and while, members of the Principals party began a virtual witch-hunt. They
yet the aim o f his life was their advancement. To his children he seemed both father
accused Nichol andjohn Couper (materia medica) of not having given evidence
and mother. (From a pencil drawing by his daughter Elizabeth, National Portrait
Gallery, London.)
For a general sketch o f the debate over university tests at Glasgow College, see Coutts, pp.
419-21. On Chalmers, sec William Hanna, Memoirs ojthe life and writiup o f Thomas Chalmers (4 vols.,
Edinburgh, 1849-52), 4 , pp. 212 13. William Thomson himself provided a good analysis o f the
nature o f the tests at Glasgow and Edinburgh m a letter to H.W . Cookson, 28th Novem ber, 1847,
C l 51 (copy), ULC.
44 The making of the natural philosopher Clydeside 45

of signing the Confession of Faith; they protested against John Burns (surgery) precarious and doubtful state.N ev erth e less, Thomson had made his point,
and W J. Hooker (botany) as Episcopalians; and they objected to Lewis Gor and in doing so had become the first member of the sacred inner circle of College
dons signing the Confession before the Presbytery of E d in b u rg h .A ll this professors to campaign vigorously for the rights of their regius colleagues.
wrath was thus directed against the regius professors. 1843 marked the crucial point in the debate over the tests, as it was the year of
The defeated candidate went much further, however, and sent a revealing the Disruption in the Church of Scotland - when Thomas Chalmers led his
letter (which ended up in the hands of Dr Thomson) to the most recently elected many supporters out of the established Kirk, and founded the Free Church of
College professor, Lushington, the Cambridge-educated professor of Greek. Scotland. The Disruption occurred over the question o f patronage, that is,
Campbell reminded Lushington that there had been three or four candidates of Chalmers formed the Free Church in support of the principle that each congre
equal merit for the Greek chair, and that if the electors had not been misled by you gation had the sole right to choose its minister, whereas the Established Church
in regard to your political opinions, you would not have been placed in the situation had agreed to allow a measure of indirect State (through a wealthy or influential
you now occupy. Sir Archibald went on to express the central tenets o f the patron, for example) intervention in the appointment of a minister to a parish.
Principals party in the College: As far as Glasgow College was concerned, the immediate effect of the Disrup
In d e e d I c o n sid e r it a b s o lu te ly e ssen tia l an d h o ld th at n o b o d y o u g h t to fill th e G r e e k
tion would have been the exclusion from university chairs of Free Church
C h a ir w h o is n o t a first rate G reek scho la r: b u t I c o n sid e r it a lso to b e o f g r e a t im p o r ta n c e members, who could not sign the tests.
th a t th o se w h o fill th e C h a irs o f th e U n iv e r s ity sh o u ld b e sta u n c h u p h o ld e r s o f th e B r itish In October the whig Rector, Fox Maule, and the whig Dean, Sir Thomas
C o n s t it u t io n in C h u r c h & S ta te, a n d th is m o r e p a r tic u la r ly a p p lie s to th e p e r so n w h o is to Brisbane, brought forward at a Senate meeting a motion petitioning for the
te a c h th e Greek class, b e c a u se h e has th e s u p e r in te n d e n c e o f p u p ils so y o u n g and opening of the University to all academics whatever their denomination. An
in e x p e r ie n c e d th a t th e ir p o litic a l o p in io n s n e ith e r are n o r o u g h t to b e fo r m e d . . . O n e extraordinary scene ensued. The Principal found that business of a public nature
o b je c t o f y o u r le tte r se e m s to b e t o p ersu a d e m e th at in v o t in g fo r a W h ig D e a n o f rendered it impossible for him to attend, and he stated further that he doubted
F a cu lties, y o u d id n o t d ep a rt fr o m th e p o litic a l s e n tim e n ts y o u p ro fe sse d y o u r s e lf to h o ld whether Maule had a right to act as Rector, having joined the Free Church. Dr
in o n e in te r v ie w in m y h o u s e in E d in b r o . I m u st b e a llo w e d to say th a t you have departed Fleming, the eccentric professor of moral philosophy, found a country walk
from them b y v o t in g fo r a N o b l e L o r d c e r ta in ly o f first rate a b ilitie s, b u t w h o has b e e n all
necessary for his health just before the meeting and Dr Hill was to be seen
his life an U ltr a W h ig , & w h o w h e n in th e H o u s e o f C o m m o n s carried th o s e p r in c ip le s
hastening after him, while a fourth, but less committed, member of the
fa rth er th a n m o st o f h is party.*
Principals party, Maconochie, took to bed. Open hostilities broke out when the
Campbell also noted shrewdly that the real aim in the appointment was to get a reformers decided to call another meeting of Senate the next day, and if that did
majority of Whigs in the Senate of the University, and by that means to obtain a not take place, then one was to be arranged for each successive day thereafter,
majority of them also in the Faculty who elect a considerable number of the until the Principals party found it convenient to attend.^
Professors to effect which no stone has been left unturned for some years, with the On 7th November, 1843, the Senate carried a motion for petitioning parlia
assistance of the Government, who have established several new Regius Professors ment by eleven votes to seven. It was, as Anna Thomson noted in a letter to her
appointed by the Crown. Lushington, Campbell concluded, had betrayed the brother William at Cambridge, a very great triumph [of] the Whig party in the
sound basis upon which he had been elected. College. The Rector and Dean joined with many of the whig professors to dine
The election of Dunfermline set the scene for a long series of battles between at the Thomsons after the Senate success and celebrated the defeat of the
the crumbling, aging Principals party and the new generation. In 1842, Dr moderate - synonymous by now with the tory - party. Anna added with
Thomson entered in the Faculty Records his opposition to a paper agreed upon tongue-in-cheek:
by the majority of the faculty to be sent to the government rejecting the claims T h e p o o r P r in c ip a l m u s t b e sad ly m o r tif ie d at su ch a sig n a l d e fe a t an d I m u st say 1 c a n n o t
of the regius professors for equality with the others. Thomsons arguments were h e lp fe e lin g so r r y fo r h im ; it m u st b e w it h a h e a v y heart that h e sees th e p o w e r h e has
given a very hostile reception, and the Principal and Dr Fleming produced a e n jo y e d so lo n g e b b in g g r a d u a lly fr o m h im and fa llin g in to th e h a n d s o f a set o f a g ita to rs
document filling eight folio pages of closely written manuscript to be inserted in an d d e m a g o g u e s . . . W h a t w o u ld y o u r C a m b r id g e frien d s say to all th e m o v e m e n t s in
the Minutes of Faculty. It contained, wrote Thomson, from the brains of its two
learned parents so many hard hits and home thrusts, th a t. . . I am still in a very Dr James Thomson to William Thomson, 21st February , 1842, T197; 6th April, 1842, T207,
The question o f church patronage was discussed in a letter from Rev David King to William
Coutts, pp. 419-20. Thomson, 15th August, 1847, K86, ULC.
Sir Archibald Campbell to Edmund Lushington, 13th May, 1841, CIO, ULC. Anna to William Thomson, c.lOth October, 1843, B199, ULC.
46 The making o f the natural philosopher Clydeside 47

th e S c o tc h U n iv e r s itie s ? I a m su re t h e y m u st th in k it v e r y rad ica l an d i f th e y h ea rd o f p ap a universities, and all other seminaries, respect should constantly be shown to
ta k in g su ch a lea d y o u w o u ld b e e x p e lle d fr o m th e C o lle g e fo r b e in g a C h a r tist, so I religion, Thomson at the same time set out the case for the abolition of
su p p o s e th e less y o u say a b o u t it th e b e tte r . O n ly d o n o t le t y o u r s e lf b e c o m e im b u e d w it h exclusiveness and narrowness from the institution:
to r y is m as I h a v e b e g u n to th in k it a n a r r o w selfish cr e e d an d sh o u ld n o t lik e a n y o n e I tak e
so m u c h in te r e st in as I d o to b e c o m e a to r y .^ I f th e P ro fesso r s in o u r u n iv e r sitie s w is h , as th e y n a tu r a lly a n d p r o p e r ly d o , to h a v e th e ir
classes a tte n d e d b y d iss e n tin g stu d e n ts, o u g h t t h e y , in c o m m o n ju s t ic e , to e n d e a v o u r to
Glasgow College now looked very much less like a stronghold of conserva h a v e th o s e d issen ter s e x c lu d e d fr o m a c a d e m ic ch airs in th e ir m a tu r e r years? T h e y h a v e
tism. The Principals party, however, fought back, alleging that the petition was th e m s e lv e s tra in ed th e m . T h e y h a v e r e c e iv e d fees fr o m th e m . . . a n d th o s e stu d e n ts h a v e
contrary to a basic condition of the Act of Union between England and o fte n fo r m e d a la r g e p r o p o r tio n o f th e ir c la s s e s . . . O u g h t th e y to lo s e th e ir se r v ic e s to th e

Scotland, inconsistent with the constitution of the British Empire and with the U n iv e r s ity an d th e p u b lic , m e r e ly b e c a u se th e y b e lo n g to a r e lig io u s s o c ie ty n o t

oath taken by Queen Victoria at her accession to maintain the Church of c o n n e c te d w it h th e E sta b lish m e n t, b u t, in th e g r e a t m a jo r ity o f in sta n c e s, d iffe r in g fr o m
it in n o e ssen tia l p o in t in r e fe r e n c e to d o c tr in e ? C a n th e y fe e l c o m fo r ta b le in th e id ea that
Scotland, and injurious to the University. They also attempted to relieve Fox
m a n y a m a n m ig h t sa y , w it h ju s tic e , 1 se e b y th e n e w s p a p e r s th a t su c h a o n e , an o ld class-
Maule of his rectorship on the grounds of his being a staunch Free Church man.
f e llo w o f m in e , h as b e e n a p p o in te d to su c h a P r o fesso r sh ip ; at c o lle g e 1 w a s m u c h h is
At St Andrews too the Presbytery proposed on the same grounds that Sir David
su p e r io r , b u t he is a churchman and l a m a dissenter. I m ig h t b e a M e m b e r o f P a r lia m e n t, o r I
Brewster be expelled as Principal.*^ m ig h t h o ld a n y r e s p o n s ib le o ffic e u n d e r h e r M a je sty , b u t, b y th e r ig id e n fo r c e m e n t o f a
The warfare at Glasgow erupted in public during the spring of 1844 in sm a ll r e m n a n t o f fo r m e r in to le r a n c e , I a m e x c lu d e d fr o m a u n iv e r s ity c h a ir .
response to a report of a speech delivered by Principal Macfarlan to the Synod of
Glasgow and Ayr. According to the report, the Principal had argued for the Early in 1845, the issue of the tests reached parliament. A deputation which
maintenance of the tests as a means of transmitting high principles from teachers included Sir David Brewster and the Lord Provost of Edinburgh went to
to classes so that if these classes would show by their profession and the purity of London to wait upon the government. Brewster carried with him a petition
their lives, their attachment to . . . Christian truths, their examples might have from the majority of the professors at St Andrews, and he kept Dr Thomson
the happiest effect over all parts of the people, in raising a religious and informed on the progress of the talks with Prime Minister, Sir Robert Peel, and
intelligent race of men, to promote, from generation to generation, the interests Home Secretary, Sir James Graham. Thomson noted with satisfaction in a letter
of this great country. Failure to retain the tests could in the end mean having the to William that Peel is clearly a more ultra whig than Lord John Russell. By
sciences taught by a Roman Catholic, Hebrew by a Jewish Rabbi, the Eastern May, 1845, the new whig Glasgow College Rector, Andrew Rutherfurd, MP,
Languages by a Mahometan Mollah, and, above all, they might have a Jesuit to and former Lord Advocate, had, with the governments consent, got leave to
teach Ecclesiastical History. bring in a private bill for the abolition of the Scottish university tests. Sur
Dr Thomson published a carefully worded but caustic reply in the Glasgow rounded by a mood of optimism among his supporters, Rutherfurd introduced
Argus. He argued that attendance at the College Chapel had been reduced to one the Bill into parliament in late May, 1845, but it was rejected by eight votes at the
or two professors and not many more than a dozen students. Only four of the second reading. The professor of humanity, Ramsay, Dr Thomson and a former
non-theological professors said a short prayer once a day. Was this all, he asked opponent of the abolition of the tests, Maconochie, summoned the University
of the Principal, that is produced by the vaunted operation of the university Senate in March, 1846, which then agreed by a large majority to petition
tests, any relaxation of which we are wished to believe would injure religion?. parliament again. After much delay a Bill was put through in 1853, substituting
He then struck hard at what he saw as the real motive for the Principals stand: for the old tests the requirement that all future professors outside the divinity
Were the Rev Principal not led away by party spirit, and by a wish to continue faculty should instead declare that they would not use their office to subvert the
to a sect a privilege, which, if it were not already secured by law, no legislature of Church of Scotland, the Westminster Confession, or the divine authority of the
the present day would ever grant, he would not speak in the face of the facts. . . . Scriptures.
Even the Principal had admitted, he went on, that the extreme consequences of William Thomson staunchly supported his fathers latitudinarian outlook.
abolishing the tests, in the form of various notorious infidels taking over the On his appointment in 1846 to the Glasgow chair of natural philosophy,
hallowed University chairs, was perhaps not probable. Arguing that in William was not required, through accidental circumstances, or a deliberate
oversight, to subscribe to the Confession and Formula. He subsequently stated
Drjames Thomson to William Thomson, 24th October, 1843, T2.S0, ULC; Anna to William
Thomson, early November, 1843, B200, ULC. Ibid. See also Coutts, pp. 420-1.
Quoted in the Glasgow Argus ofF-print o f an article by Drjames Thomson, enclosed in a letter Drjam es Thomson to William Thomson, 8th March, 1846, T330, ULC. See also Coutts,
from John Thomson to William Thomson, 27th April, 1844, T504, ULC. p. 421.
48 The making o f the natural philosopher Clydeside 49

that I have long made up my mind, if asked, to refuse to sign, now, or any time Thomson, displaying the intimate relation of his views on religion and science.
in future.M e a n w h ile , William had adopted the habit of regularly conform Throughout his scientific career a desire to avoid metaphysics and dogma
ing to the Episcopal Church [the Anglican Church in Scotland], & not appearing dominated his methodology, making his latitudinarianism manifest in his
more than once or twice or three times in the course of a session at an Established academic work as in his religious practice.
Church [the Church of Scotland]. T h i s confession led one of his Cambridge
friends to congratulate him on acquiring the title o flatitudinarian at Glasgow -
Dr Thomsons family
there I suppose it is equivalent to being a member of ye Episcopal Church.
More seriously for Glasgow College, the continuation of the tests until 1853 J.P. Nichols son wrote of Dr James Thomson that he was a stern disciplinarian,
was sufficient to deter the Anglican G.G. Stokes from becoming a candidate for and did not relax his discipline when he applied it to his children, and yet the aim
the Glasgow chair of mathematics made vacant by the death of Dr Thomson of his life was their advancement. Certainly his cultural beliefs shaped the views of
early in 1849. William Thomson tried his utmost to persuade Stokes to become a his children. The lives o f three of his sons, James, William, and John, express
candidate, the tests notwithstanding. Stokes, however, stated that as he did not directly their fathers ambitions and aspirations. Such willing conformity to a
intend becoming a presbyterian, he could not, without acting hypocritically, fathers teaching may seem anomalous in the light of present-day assumptions
sign the tests in a lax sense unless the University professors as a body were agreed about the centrality of oedipal conflict, until one recalls that Mrs Thomson, who
that it could be signed in such a non-rigorous manner. Since the electors were might have been the essential object of such conflict, died when William was
clearly divided over the force of the tests, Stokes felt that, if elected, the end result only six. Dr Thomson then devoted his entire energy to the emotional well
for him would be wholly undesirable: I should be more disposed to skulk away being of the family, playing, according to Elizabeth, the roles of both father and
like a dog with his tail between his legs than to defend my conduct unless driven mother.^
into a corner & compelled to fight. Dr Thomsons children received much of their early education at home. Once
Although heated arguments over issues such as the Tests within Glasgow he had initiated them in the wonders o f knowledge, their education became an
College were rare after 1850, William Thomson throughout the remainder of his almost self-regulating, self-motivating process, with an older child teaching a
life was always ready to take a firm stand for non-sectarian principles. Nowhere younger, and the particular interests of one providing inspiration for the
was this point more clearly illustrated than during a public meeting held in 1871 advancement of the others. Apart from a brief spell in the school department of
to promote Scottish united non-sectarian-compulsory education on the same the Belfast Institution, and attendance as spectators at their fathers mathematical
model as the Irish national education which Roman Catholics, Presbyterians, class in the 1832-3 session at Glasgow, William and his elder brother James did
and Church-people would not give fair play to in Ireland.^ not receive any formal education until they matriculated at Glasgow College in
William chaired the meeting and spoke of the need to avoid the utter and 1834 - William being then aged ten - and enrolled in Professor Ramsays
destructive denominationalism characteristic of Ireland. Rather, he argued, humanity class. In the following session of 1835-6, William andjames attended
Scotland, o f all the countries in Christendom, was the one more prepared, most natural history and Greek, while in 18367 they both entered the junior
ready to accept a united non-sectarian national system of education, which mathematical class conducted by their father.'^^
would be a thoroughly-religious system and not a godless one. The Bible, he The session 1837-8 saw them in the senior mathematical class, with atten
insisted, should not be excluded from the schools, for it was truly and avowedly dance also at Professor Buchanans logic classes, but not until 1838-9 did they
national, and not distinctive of any particular denomination. What had to be begin to study either natural philosophy under Meikleham (the junior class) or
excluded from the teaching was a catechism or formulary belonging only to one chemistry under Thomas Thomson. James and William were then entitled to
or other o f the several religious denominations within Scotland. the Bachelor of Arts degree, although only James took his BA, which for him
Subsequent chapters will ramify these non-sectarian principles for William was a prelude to an MA in mathematics and natural philosophy in 1839-40. In
his final sessions at Glasgow College, William followed the moral philosophy
William Thomson op. cit. (note 54).
(Professor Fleming) and the senior natural philosophy (largely Professor
William Thomson to G.G. Stokes, 14th January, 1849, K29, ULC.
W .W . Herringham to William Thomson, March 1847, H97, ULC. Nichol) courses in 1839-40 and the senior humanity class (Professor Ramsay) in
William Thomson, op. cit. (note 65); William Thomson to G.G. Stokes, 20th February, 1849, 1840-1. In 1838, Dr Thomsons third son, John, who had previously attended
K30; 24th February, 1849, K31; G.G. Stokes to William Thomson, 12th February, 1849, S340; 16th
February, 1849, S341; 17th February, 1849, S342, ULC.
** William Thomson to Mrs P.G. Tait, c.23rd April, 1871, in SPT, 2 , 590. Knight, Memoir of John Nichol, pp. 19-20. Our emphasis. King, Early home, p. 87.
SPT, 2 , 590-1. Extract from the report o f Sir William Thom sons speech in the Glasgow herald. King, Early home, pp. 87, 107-9, 115; SPT, 1 , 7-9.
50 The making o f the natural philosopher Clydeside 51

Glasgow High School, matriculated at Glasgow College to study for his BA

d egreeJ^
The long summer vacations, extending fully from May until October,
provided a unique opportunity for escape from the grim city environment and
the darkness of a Scottish winter to the verdant banks of the muse-inspiring
ClydeT^ The Isle of Arran (to which the Nichol family also often migrated) and
Knock Castle, near Largs, were favourite places for the summer sessions, and to
these William Thomson returned again and again in later life. With its rich
geological and biological storehouse, Arran almost certainly inspired his remark
in 1885 that the laboratory of the geologist and the naturalist is the face of this
beautiful world. The geologists laboratory is the mountain, the ravine and the
seashore. T h e boating and fishing and the mountain-walking formed the
very special attractions of the remote Arran, which also provided such a splendid
landscape for Elizabeths artistic sketches. Equally, Arran in 1834 or 1835 was the
setting for an early expression of William Thomsons own failure to respond
seriously to religious enthusiasm, as his sister Elizabeth recorded:
O n S u n d a y m o r n in g s th e fa m ily w e n t , in an o p e n cart o f th e c o u n tr y , se ated w it h r o u g h The Firth o f Clyde: looking from the foreshore near Largs (later the Kelvin country
b e n c h e s an d str a w , across fr o m B r o d ic k to L a m la sh , w h e r e w a s th e parish c h u r c h . It seat) across the Cumbrae Isles to the rugged granite peaks o f Arran, the Thomsons
h a p p e n e d o n e S u n d a y th a t th e re w a s a r e v iv a l se r v ic e , an d th e c o n g r e g a tio n g r e w m u c h favourite summer retreat after the rigours o f a Glasgow winter. Professors Nichol
e x c ite d , u tte r in g lo u d e x c la m a tio n s a n d g ro a n s; a n d at last s o m e o f th e o ld w o m e n b e g a n and Meikleham also frequented Arran. [From a water-colour drawing by W illiams
to g iv e v e n t to th e ir fe e lin g s b y to s s in g th e ir B ib le s in th e air. T h is tic k le d W illie s se n se o f niece, E.T. King, in Elizabeth King, L o r d K e l v i n s e a r l y h o m e .]
h u m o u r , a n d h e s h o o k w it h sm o th e r e d la u g h te r , w h ic h started all th e o th e r b o y s
la u g h in g t o o . O u r p e w w a s c lo se u n d e r th e p u lp it in fu ll v ie w o f th e p rea ch er, w h o ,
lo o k in g d o w n , a d m in is te r e d a g r a v e r e b u k e . T h e sm o th e r e d la u g h te r th e n e x p lo d e d , an d James became the first member of the family to embark upon a profession -
th e m in iste r , p o in tin g his fin g e r at th e r in g le a d e r , e x c la im e d , Y e ll n o lach w h e n y e re in that of engineering. Knowing that his eldest son had developed a passionate
h e ll! T h is w a s to o m u c h : a n d W illie r o lle d clea n o v e r o n to th e flo o r . F or s o m e reason o r interest in all things mechanical. Dr Thomson consulted a professional engineer,
o th e r o u r fa th e r w a s n o t w it h us that d a y , an d I w a s in c h a r g e o f th e p a rty . C r im s o n w it h
John McNeil, in London during the 1839 visit, and once the German trip was
sh a m e , I b u stle d th e m all o u t o f th e ch u r c h as q u ic k ly as I c o u ld .
over James entered McNeils Dublin office along with Professor Meiklehams
Dr Thomson had become prosperous enough to afford two major departures son, Edward. The firm was engaged in civil engineering projects, notably the
from the usual family vacations in 1839 and 1840. In 1839 the family forsook the development of the Irish railway system. James, however, had to return to
preferred land of mountain and the flood for a visit to London and eventually Glasgow after less than three months as a result o f a knee injury sustained while
to Paris. Dr Thomson characteristically conducted members of his family walking in the Black Forest, and the misfortune proved to be only one of many
around not only the sights of London, but also took them to see those parts of the setbacks through ill-health and bad luck which were to dog him throughout the
great metropolis which were seldom on a tourist itinerary. The family saw the early part of his ca ree r.Ja m e s returned to Glasgow College for the 1841-2
poorer districts as well as the fashionable squares and crescents. The following session, when he was able to study engineering under the new professor, Lewis
year, they travelled by London, Rotterdam and the Rhine to Frankfurt, having Gordon, to develop his practical interests through the Glasgow Philosophical
been joined by the Nichol family at Bonn. While most of the party remained in Society, and to widen his activities with a course on botany. In April, 1841, for
Frankfurt, Dr Nichol embarked on a walking tour of the Black Forest with example, he wrote to William regarding a meeting of the junior Philosophical
James and William. Society at which the professor of medicines son, John Thomson, read a paper on
the steam-engine illustrated by my model which did its duty capitally and in
SPT, 1 , 9-14; James Thomson, P a p e r s , p. xix; NBs 9, 10, 21, ULC; King, E a r l y h o m e , February, 1842, of the senior Philosophical Society at which James read a paper
pp. 118-30. Robert to William Thomson, 23rd July, 1843, T547, ULC. on a new kind of river boat. Other Society meetings of special interest tojames
PL, 2, 476. King, E a r l y h o m e , pp. 120-1.
SPT, 1 , 15-18, 20-2; King, E a r l y h o m e , pp. 146- 90; William Thomson, Journal o f trips to
London, France, and Germany, N B7 and 8, ULC. King, E a r ly h o m e , pp. 19f)- l ; James Thomson, P apers, p. xx.
52 The making o f the natural philosopher Clydeside 53

shown in a recent detailed study of the early years of the BAAS, the ideology of
the gentlemen of science or managers of the organization tended to encompass
Whig or Peelite Conservative politics, liberal Anglican or Broad Church,
latitudinarian religious attitudes, and a dominant concern with university life
and e d u c a tio n .T h e ideology of these gentlemen of science thus coincided to
some extent with the ideology of Dr Thomson (although his commitment to
democracy and diffusion scarcely matched their elitism).
The idea of a Glasgow meeting originated in the Philosophical Society, and
subsequently received enthusiastic support from all quarters of the city. Four
specialist committees dealt with finance, accommodation, an exhibition of
models and manufactures, and a museum of minerals found in the West of
Scotland. Dr Thomsons eldest son, James, became secretary of the models and
manufactures committee at the centre of a major correspondence network
spread over more than forty towns. Then only eighteen, James approached
the task of organization with all the zeal and efficiency characteristic of his
father. His sixteen-year-old brother William also gave secretarial assistance as
required. In printed circulars to members o f the model committee James urged:
th e im m e d ia t e n e c e s sity o f th e ir str e n u o u s in d iv id u a l e x e r tio n s in o b ta in in g m o d e l s ,
WORKS OF ART, SPECIMENS OF LOCAL MANUFACTURE, & c. & c. fo r th e p r o p o s e d E x h ib itio n
. . . I m a y a d d , th a t w it h o u t su ch p e r so n a l e x e r tio n s o n th e part o f th e M o d e l C o m m it t e e ,
it w ill b e im p o s s ib le to m a tu r e [sic] an E x h ib it io n in a n y d e g r e e w o r t h y o f o u r C it y , o r o f
th e B r itish A s so c ia tio n . . . A ll M o d e ls , & c . . . w ill b e c o n v e y e d b y a n y o f th e G la s g o w
S te a m P a c k e t C o m p a n ie s , fr e e o f e x p e n s e , fr o m L iv e r p o o l, B r is to l, D u b lin , a n d B e lfa st,
& c; a n d b y th e F o r th an d C ly d e C a n a l S h ip p in g C o m p a n y fr o m E d in b u r g h . C o m m u n i
c a tio n s ad d ressed to th e S e c r e ta r y w ill r e c e iv e im m e d ia t e a tte n tio n .

Professor Nichol, who organized invitations to foreign visitors, agreed to give

four popular evening lectures on recent discoveries in science in connection with
a preliminary exhibition of models held in April, 1840, well ahead of the
September meeting itself, and aimed at mechanics and operatives at a very
reduced rate [i.e. charge] of admission.^
James Thomson at the age o f sixteen. Eldest son o f Dr Thomson, Jamess engineering The Thomson brothers role here highlights several features of our study.
enthusiasms from an early age provided enduring inspiration for his brothers First, the exhibition itself gave pride of place to the steam-engine model, which
physics. [From a pencil drawing by his sister Elizabeth in 1838, National Portrait
Gallery, London.)
had inspiredjames W atts discoveries during his association with the University
and to the engine of Bells Comet, two major symbols of Glasgows industrial
progress. The familys optimistic view of human advancement could find no
concerned losses of power in hydraulic engineering - a major issue in the
clearer expression than in the economic and technical progress taking place on
development of the brothers thermodynamics (ch. 9).^*
Clydeside. Second, even at this early stage in their lives, the Thomson brothers
One year prior to Williams entry into St Peters College, and only a couple of
were no mere passive spectators, but were already moving to the centre stage of
months after the German tour, an event of considerable significance, not least for
the two eldest Thomson brothers, took place in Glasgow. In September, 1840,
Jack Morrell and Arnold Thackray, G e n t l e m e n o f s c ie n c e . E a r l y y e a r s o f t h e B r i t i s h A s s o c i a t i o n f o r
the British Association for the Advancement of Science gathered in Glasgow on
(Oxford. 1981), pp. 25 -6.
t h e A d v a n c e m e n t o f S c ie n c e I b i d ., pp. 212 13.
the occasion of its tenth annual meeting since its foundation at York in 1831. As James Thomson, Circulars to members o f the model committee, TD 68/6/83-TD 68/6/86,
Strathclyde Regional Archives.
James to William Thomson, 1st April, 1841, 12th February, 1842, and early 1840s, T37880, James Thomson to Secretary o f the Glasgow Mechanics Institution, 20th April, 1840,
ULC. University o f Strathclyde Archives; G e n t l e m e n o f s c ie n c e , p. 213.
54 The making o f the natural philosopher Clydeside 55

British science, aided not only by their father but by the active participation of
Nichol. And, third, the interest in machine models not only emphasizes the
practical, engineering pursuits ofjames, but gives concrete origins to Williams
life-long enthusiasm for the practical in general and for mechanical models in
The aspirations and early career of Dr Thomsons third son, John, provides
another illustration of the combination of professional advancement with
practical activities which characterized these three children. John gained his BA
at Glasgow College in 1843, and took second place in the written examination in
natural philosophy under Professor Nichol. As with his brothers, natural
philosophy seems to have been a favourite subject, particularly with Nichol to
teach it:
w e are g o in g o n still at r a ilw a y sp e e d in th e N a tu r a l P h ilo s o p h y . D r N i c h o l has b e e n
g iv in g a fu ll a c c o u n t o f th e n e b u la r th e o r ie s , w*' I lik e v e r y m u c h . H is le c tu r e s h a v e b e e n
m o s t d e lig h tf u l la te ly . H e h as g iv e n m e s o m e o f (y o u r rival!!) G a u sss o b s e r v a tio n s
r e g a r d in g m a g n e tis m to tran slate fo r h im to w ^ I a m ju s t g o in g as s o o n as I c lo s e this.*^

Experience at the large Candleriggs Street warehouse ofj. and W. Campbell in

1843-4 disillusioned him in the ways o f merchandising, and, after taking his MA
in 1844, he turned to all the fatigues and anxieties of a medical man. The new
medical student was awarded a bursary of ;(j50 a year for four years, and aimed
eventually to follow in Dr William Thomsons footsteps by studying in Paris.**
If Glasgow were perfectly suited to the advancement o f a medical vocation,
the same could not yet be said o f physical science. With Williams mathematical
precocity, any decision to advance further would almost inevitably have
involved turning to a Cambridge education, for no other British institution had
acquired the same reputation for a specialist and intensive training in advanced
mathematics. Men such as Forbes and Brewster, though conceptually and
experimentally second to none, were at a serious disadvantage where the new
French mathematical physics was concerned, expressed, for example, in the
treatises of Fourier and Laplace. Dr Thomson knew that a Scottish education
was no longer of sufficient depth for a person intent on profound scientific
researches which involved mathematics. O f this fact, Forbes had been painfully
aware, and according to the famous mathematical coach, William Hopkins
(1793-1866), men from Glasgow and Edinburgh require a great deal of
drilling. To read, and be drilled in, mathematics at Cambridge was thus a
William Thomson at the age o f sixteen. The year 1840 brought his first reading o f logical step for William Thomson.
Joseph Fouriers Theorie analytique de la chaleur as well as active participation in the
Glasgow meeting o f the British Association for the Advancement o f Science by John to William Thomson, 18th February, 1843, T499, ULC; Robert to William Thomson,
helping his brother James organize an exhibition o f mechanical models and manufac 11th March, 1843, T543, ULC; Anna to William Thomson, 29th April, 1843, B190, ULC.
tures. [From a pencil drawing by his sister Elizabeth, National Portrait Gallery, Agnes Gall to William Thomson, 13th May, 1843, G 1, ULC; John to William Thomson, 27th
London.) April and 10th May, 1844, T504-5, ULC; Lanark, pp. 69-70; John to William Thomson, 10th
Novem ber, 1844 and 18th April, 1845, T512 and T518, ULC; Dr Thomson to William, 15th
February, 1845, T297, ULC.
William to Dr Thomson, 17th March, 1844, T254, ULC.
A Cambridge undergraduate 57

to his father the complexities, exclusions and restrictions which filled the
3 Cambridge landscape in the mid-1840s:
I f h e [P o r te r ] w o u ld n o t care to h o ld h is f e llo w s h ip m o r e th an ten y ea rs, H o p k in s says th at

A Cambridge undergraduate T r in ity w o u ld a n sw e r v e r y w e ll, b u t i f h e w o u ld w is h to h o ld it lo n g e r , w it h o u t g o in g

in to [ h o ly ] o rd e r s T r in it y w o u ld n o t a n sw e r . T h e P e te r h o u s e f e llo w s h ip s are rath er b e tte r
th an th e T r in ity o n e s , at least at first, b u t th e n th e re is a lw a y s s o m e d e g r e e o f u n c e r ta in ty
as to v a c a n c ie s at a sm a ll c o lle g e . I f h o w e v e r h e takes a v e r y h ig h d e g r e e , H o p k in s says h e
w o u ld p r o b a b ly b e to le r a b ly safe to g e t a fe llo w s h ip h e r e . . . I th in k fo r a sizar P e te r h o u s e
w o u ld b e a m u c h p lea sa n ter c o lle g e th a n T r in it y . . . as th e sizars h e r e m ix e n tir e ly w it h all
th e o th e r u n d e r g r a d u a te s, an d are o n q u ite an e q u a l f o o t in g , w h ile at a la r g e c o lle g e , th e y
. . . y o u are u n r a v e llin g th e m a z y in tr ic a cies o f a m a th e m a tic a l p r o b le m .
are n e c e ssa r ily t h r o w n a g o o d d ea l b y th e m s e lv e s . C a iu s w o u ld also b e a g o o d c o lle g e fo r
T h e r e y o u sit all a b so r b e d , d e e p t h o u g h t b r o o d s u p o n y o u r b r o w , n o w y o u
P o r te r as th e f e llo w s h ip s are to le r a b ly u n r e str ic te d , b u t I b e lie v e t h e y are v e r y p o o r . . . A ll
pause an d lo o k w it h ea rn est e y e s at th e v a c a n t w a ll, a n d n o w w it h su d d en
th e o th e r c o lle g e s , e x c e p t P e m b r o k e , e ith e r re q u ir e th e ir f e llo w s t o ta k e o rd e r s a lm o st
in sp ir a tio n y o u turn to c o m m it th e h a p p y t h o u g h t to p ap er w h ic h lies
d ir e c tly , o r restr ic t th e m to p articu la r cou n ties.'*
b e fo r e y o u . Y o u r fire is a lm o s t o u t, y o u r c a n d le is u n sn u ffe d , y o u r o n c e h o t
tea sta n d s u n ta ste d o n y o u r ta b le. A s fo r th e b rea d an d b u tte r , y o u r This passage encapsulates much of what Cambridge represented: systematic
n e ig h b o u r S to w , h is o w n sto r e h a v in g ru n sh o r t, c a m e in , an d u n o b s e r v e d social division at undergraduate level into sizars, pensioners and poll men,
carried th e m o f f fo r h is o w n su p p er. Elizabeth to W illiam Thomson, 1842.^ corresponding, respectively, to students without financial support, fee-paying
students, and idle aristocrats who would not take a degree; fellowships richly
endowed for the benefit of the Anglican establishment; few fellowships combin
Three years of Cambridge drilling is quite enough for an y b o d y .W illiam ing freedom from religious restriction with adequate endowment; and the
Thomson uttered this indictment of Cambridge mathematics, with its system of advantages and disadvantages of small colleges such as Peterhouse over large
deadening discipline, in a letter of March, 1844, to his father, almost a year ones such as Trinity.
before sitting the Senate House Examination which would mark the end of three Nevertheless, the Mathematical Tripos offered the best mathematical foun
years of intensive study. A decade earlier, another bright Glasgow student, dations for the advancement o f physical science available in Britain, and the
Archibald Smith, had expressed a still more passionate disillusionment with decision to enter William in the college with which Hopkins was most closely
Cambridge mathematics, declaring to his sister Christina in October, 1835, that associated reflects Dr Thomsons awareness of this fact. As Lord Kelvin wrote to
he was getting heartily sick of mathematics - and the pleasure I anticipate from George Darwin (1845-1912) in 1906 concerning changes in the Tripos:
being again at home is much increased by the thought that I shall by that time
I th in k it w o u ld b e a d a m a g e to th e U n iv e r s it y o f C a m b r id g e a n d to th e a d v a n c e m e n t o f
have done for ever with the drudgery of mathematics and be able to apply S c ie n c e t h r o u g h o u t th e w o r ld , i f a n y r e g u la tio n s sh o u ld b e a d o p te d b y w h ic h th e
myself to more pleasant and more profitable studies. Even after becoming e ffic ie n c y o f th e M a th e m a tic a l T r ip o s , a n d th e n u m b e r o f u n d e r g r a d u a te s ta k in g it,
senior wrangler. Smith emphasized that he was quite tired of, I might almost m ig h t b e se r io u sly d im in is h e d . T h e u n iq u e str e n g th o f C a m b r id g e , as a p la c e o f
say disgusted with, mathematics.^ e x p e r im e n ta l resea rch , a n d as a le a d e r in th e a d v a n c e m e n t o f S c ie n c e g e n e r a lly , has
Williams remark concerned the entry into Cambridge of one of Dr d e p e n d e d g r e a tly o n th e m a th e m a tic a l fo u n d a tio n s g iv e n to a la r g e p r o p o r tio n o f all th e
Thomsons most promising Glasgow College students, W.A. Porter (1825-90) u n d e r g r a d u a te s b y th e M a th e m a tic a l T r ip o s , w it h in th e last h u n d r e d a n d fifty years.^

whose brother James (1827-1900) later became master of Peterhouse and * William to Dr Thomson, 6th March, 1844, T253, ULC; Dr to William Thomson, 21st
whose father, a friend of Dr Thomson, was an Irish clergyman of such February, 1842, T197, ULC. The Porter brothers entered Peterhouse. William became third
limited means that Porter entered Cambridge as a sizar, the poorest financial and wrangler in 1849 and James seventh wrangler in 1851. P.G. Tait married one o f their sisters in 1857.
See C.G. Knott, L i f e a n d s c ie n t if ic w o r k o f P e t e r G u t h r i e T a i t (Cambridge, 1911), p. 14.
social category of undergraduate. In an illuminating appraisal of Porters 5 For a useful summary o f Cambridge values, see G. Kitson Clark, T h e m a k i n g o f V i c t o r i a n E n g l a n d
prospects of an eventual fellowship at a Cambridge college, William explained (Edinburgh, 1962), pp. 263-4. For a general view, see M.M. Garland, C a m b r i d g e b e fo r e D a r w i n . T h e
i d e a l o f a lib e r a l e d u c a ti o n 1 8 0 0 - 1 8 6 0 { C a m b r i d g e , 1980). A study o f Cam bridgephysics education is
provided by D.B. Wilson, The educational matrix: physics education at early-Victorian Cam
Elizabeth to William Thomson, c.31st October, 1842, K61, ULC. bridge, Edinburgh and Glasgow Universities, in P.M. Harman (ed.). W r a n g l e r s a n d p h y s i c i s t s .
^ William to Dr Thomson, 6th March, 1844, T253, ULC. S t u d i e s o n C a m b r i d g e m a t h e m a t i c a l p h y s i c s in t h e n i n e t e e n t h c e n t u r y (Manchester, 1985), pp. 12-48, esp.
^ Archibald to Christina Smith, 4th October, 1835, TDl/693/10; Archibald Smith to William pp. 14-19.
Ramsay, 22nd January, 1836, T D l/745/5, Strathclyde Regional Archives. 0 Lord Kelvin to G.H. Darwin, 12th Novem ber, 1906, D43, ULC; SPT, 2, 1132-3.

58 The making of the natural philosopher A Cambridge undergraduate 59

Lord Kelvin added the suggestion, however, based on his own experience of Apart from professorial lectures, there were at this time no university lecture
what Cambridge had rather conspicuously lacked in the 1840s, that it might be courses. The so-called college lectures, much criticized for their superficiality,
a good thing, tending to fertilize the mathematical studies of undergraduates provided the formal teaching in mathematics and classics but failed to satisfy the
taking the Mathematical Tripos, if it were made a condition for going in for its needs of an honours candidate. The principal indebtedness of William Thomson
examination that every candidate should have attended lecture courses and gone to his Cambridge years relates much less to the University or College as such,
through practical work, during at least two of his three years, in either the than to his private mathematical coach, William Hopkins.
Cavendish Laboratory or the Chemical Department. Cambridge drilling in the William Thomsons remarks, however, reflect not only an early dissatisfac
1840s, then, had its limitations as well as its benefits for a relatively undisciplined tion with the formal teaching, but more especially his scepticism towards the
Clydeside undergraduate. Universitys ideals of a liberal education. Although both the Belfast Academical
Institution and Glasgow College offered a liberal education, they placed far
more emphasis upon a useful and commercially applicable dimension. The
O f a liberal education
mathematics classes of Dr Thomson in Belfast catered to the demands of an
One of the most striking features o f Cambridge admissions over the period 1800 expanding commercial centre, for the founders of the Belfast Institution had
to 1850 is the very small percentage (6%) of the undergraduates from business stated that one of its primary aims was to diffuse the benefits of education both
families compared to those of sons of the Anglican clergy (32%), professional useful and liberal. Cambridge, on the other hand, seemed increasingly to
men (21%), and the landed classes (31%). By contrast, matriculations at Glas emphasize and define its undergraduate education as wholly liberal, marginally
gow College between 1790 and 1839 show that almost one-half of students had practical, and not at all commercial.
fathers employed in industry and commerce. The next largest group, the sons of Many of the leading features of Cambridge - particularly Trinity College -
tenant farmers, was only 17%, while sons o f the clergy on the one hand and sons ideals found expression in Adam Sedgwicks 1833 A discourse on the studies of the
of the nobility and landed classes on the other, averaged around 10% each.'^ University, originally delivered as a sermon in Trinity College Chapel on the
Thus although William Thomsons father belonged to the category of profes occasion of the annual Commemoration of Benefactors in 1832. Its publication
sional men, the young undergraduates strong ties with the commercial world of owed much to William Whewclls petitioning of the preacher, and by 1850 had
Clydeside through family, friends, and interests, distanced him from the prevail reached its fifth, greatly expanded, edition. Like Whewell, Sedgwick (1785-
ing Cambridge distaste for a commercial or industrial spirit and for the diffusion 1873) belonged to the first generation of Cambridge reformers who, from the
of useful knowledge. 1810s onwards, moved the University from the intellectual stagnation of
As early as his first term at Cambridge, William, sensing something of the previous decades into a long period of academic pre-eminence.
particular character and ideals of a Cambridge approach to the education of her In his Discourse, Sedgwick divided the studies of the University into three
youth, reacted scornfully: branches - first, the study of the laws of nature, comprehending all parts of
inductive philosophy; second, the study of ancient literature; and third, the
T o d a y w e h a d th e first cla ssica l le c tu r e , o r rath er th e in tr o d u c tio n to th e classical lectu res.
T h e le c tu r e (b y F r e e m a n , w h o is tr a n sp la n te d fr o m T r in ity ) w a s rath er a c u r io u s o n e . H e
study of ourselves, considered as individuals and as social beings. Although the
to ld us a g o o d deal a b o u t th e u n iv e r s it y s id ea s o f e d u c a tio n , as o p p o s e d to th e m o d e r n second and third branches occupied an important part in Cambridge studies -
d if f u s io n - o f - u s e f u l- k n o w le d g e - S o c ie t ie s ideas; th a t h e r id ea o f e d u c a tio n w a s n o t as a the second aided by the establishment of a Classics Tripos in 1822 and the third
c o lle c tio n o f u se fu l fa cts, so m u c h as o f a tr a in in g a n d str e n g th e n in g o f th e m in d . T h a t through a sustained Sedgwick and Cantabrigian attack on Benthamite utilitar
n o w w e h a v e in a m a n n e r g iv e n o u r c o n s e n t to h e r d o g m a (n o t e x p r e sse d in a n y d e c r e e o r ianism - the first branch, pursued in the spirit of Isaac Newtons Mathematical
b o o k , b u t in d ic a te d in h e r sy stem ) a n d so w e sh o u ld g iv e it a fair trial b y b e in g g o o d b o y s principles of natural philosophy, took pride of place in the University o f Newton.
and a tte n d in g lec tu r e s p u n c tu a lly . T h a t th e u ltim a te o b je c t o f th e le ctu res w a s n o t Sedgwick thus asserted that studies o f this kind not merely contain their own
a lto g e th e r fo r th e e x a m in a tio n , a n d n o t m e r e ly fo r a n n o y a n c e ( th o u g h p erh ap s th at
intellectual reward, but give the mind a habit of abstraction, most difficult to
m ig h t b e its im m e d ia t e o b je c t) b u t to carry o u t th e u n iv e r s it y s id ea o f e d u c a tio n , an d to
acquire by ordinary means, and a power of concentration of inestimable value in
en su re at least o n e h o u r a d a y b e in g sp e n t p r o p e r ly an d a c c o r d in g to h er ideas & c &c.
the business of life.^
These severe studies, then, provided the key not to success in commercial
Sheldon Rothblatt, T h e r e v o l u t i o n o f t h e d o n s . C a m b r i d g e a n d s o c ie t y in V i c to r i a n E n g l a n d
life, but to success in spheres of intellectual conflict, notably the Church, law,
(Cambridge, 1981), p. 87; W.M. Mathew, The origins and occupations Glasgow students, 1740 -
1839, P a s t a n d p r e s e n t , no. 33 (1966), 74-94. Adam Sedgwick, A d is c o u r s e o n t h e s t u d i e s o f t h e U n i v e r s i t y , 2nd edn. (Cambridge, 1834), pp.
* William to Dr Thomson, 30th October, 1841, T181, ULC. 10- 12.
60 The making o f the natural philosopher A Cambridge undergraduate 61

and politics. Disciplining the mind by a study of that symbolical language The undergraduate Archibald Smith shared the enthusiasm of the Trinity
[mathematics] by which alone these laws [of nature] can be fully decyphered^ reformers, but from his own account it is clear that most Cantabrigians did not:
served not merely to train a professional man of mathematical science - those T h e r e are a b o u t 1 1(X) r e sid e n t B a c h e lo r s a n d U n d e r g r a d u a te s o f w h o m 8 0 9 s ig n e d th e
few men o f high mathematical honours, such as Airy, Herschel, Whewell, and p e titio n a g a in st [th e a d m is sio n o f d issen ter s] - I w a s o n e o f a sm a ll m in o r it y w h o sig n e d
Hopkins, who would make the advancement of science a central part of their th e o th e r [ p e titio n in fa v o u r o f a d m is s io n ]. A m o n g th e m e m b e r s o f th e S e n a te th e
lives - but to provide a fundamental education for those professional careers p r o p o r tio n w a s less th an 2 to 1 a g a in st a d m ittin g d issen ter s w h ile a m o n g th e u n d e r g r a d
which employed analogous skills of disciplined argument and rigorous method. u a te s it is 8 to 1 . . . H o w e v e r it is c o n s o lin g to th in k th a t th e ir o p in io n a n d p e titio n w ill

Archibald Smith opted for the Bar, while William Thomson reflected uneasily h a v e v e r y little w e i g h t . . . as it w ill s h o w t h e n e e d o f s o m e in fu s io n o f lib e r a lity in to th e

in his 1843 diary that If something else fail, I think I could reconcile myself to the C h u r c h - o f- E n g la n d is m . . . o f th e u n iv e r sitie s.

Bar, though it would be a great shock to my feelings at present to have to make Given that Cambridge degrees were conferred only upon candidates prepared
up my mind to cut Mathematics, which I am afraid I should have to do if I to conform to the Established Church, such voting figures are scarcely surpris
wished to get on at the Bar.^^ ing. But it is evident that without the latitudinarian position of many leading
Apart from these academic and intellectual functions, Sedgwicks Discourse Cambridge academics, William Thomson would never have entered St Peters
placed much weight on the benefits to mans moral and spiritual character which College in 1841 at all. Thus the significant religious and political differences
flowed from a study of the laws of nature: Simplicity of character, humility, between the presbyterian Dr Thomson and the Anglican Rev Sedgwick were
and love o f truth, ought therefore to be (and I believe generally have been) often minimal: they shared whig political and latitudinarian religious views.
among the attributes of minds well trained in philosophy. But, above all, a Little or nothing of the content of Sedgwicks Discourse would have provoked
study of the Newtonian philosophy teaches us to see the finger of God in all disagreement with the Thomsons. Rather, it was what Sedgwick omitted which
things and so make us ready for the reception of that higher illumination, marked one real divergence between the northern whigs and the Cambridge
which brings the rebellious faculties into obedience to the divine will.*^ reformers. For Sedgwick included little or nothing in his Discourse concerning
Mathematical natural philosophy, then, seen as an inductive science, led directly the material benefits of a study of mathematical science, nothing relating to the
to natural theology. Properly studied, it prepared man for revelation, for relief of mans estate through the fruits of the advancement o f learning or on the
discipline o f mans spiritual being in accordance with divine volition. diffusion of useful knowledge to the common people, and certainly nothing
The significance of interpreting Sedgwicks remarks within their religious with reference to the new commercial and industrial orders. A gulf indeed
context cannot be overemphasized. The religious ethos of Cambridge was existed in the 1830s between the Cambridge disdain for economic man and the
thoroughly Anglican, but tended, among the Trinity reformers at least, to be interests of the industrial entrepreneurs of Clydeside.
liberal and latitudinarian in character, contrasting with the growing Cambridge ideals of education received their most vigorous exposition in
Tractarianism of Oxford University and the popular appeal of biblical literal Whewells 1845 O f a liberal education. A higher or liberal education meant the
ism. The maintenance of close bonds between the ideals of mathematical science education of the upper classes, the elites of Church and State, those who must
(represented by physical astronomy) and natural theology at Cambridge not direct the course of the community and influence the conduct of the general
only vindicated a study of the sciences from all charges o f atheism or materialism body. Whewell directed attention not to moral or religious education, however,
but gave positive encouragement to these studies of the natural world, as ex but to intellectual education only, with specific reference to his university. He
emplified in Sedgwicks own geology. At the same time, Sedgwick took care divided intellectual education into two kinds of study. Permanent studies
to stress the limitations of natural theology as but a preparation for revelation comprised subjects which have long taken their permanent shape; - ancient
through the scriptures. languages with their literature, and long-established demonstrated sciences,
The non-denominational nature of natural theology thus viewed went hand- while progressive studies incorporated the results of the mental activity of our
in-hand with Sedgwicks enthusiasm for the abolition of university tests in 1834. own times; the literature of our own age, and the sciences in which men are
'0 Ibid., p. 11. making progress from day to day.^^
William Thomson, 24th March, 1843, Diary kept at Cambridge, 13th February to 23rd Permanent studies aimed to draw forth and unfold, to educe, two principal
October, 1843, NB29, ULC; SPT, 1 , 51.
Sedgwick, Discourse, pp. 12-14.
For example. Jack Morrell and Arnold Thackray, Gentlemen o f science. Early years o f the British Archibald to Christina Smith, 28th April, 1834, T D l/692/2, Strathclyde Regional Archives.
Associationfor the Advancement o f Science (Oxford, 1981), pp. 23645; Crosbie Smith, Geologists and See also Garland, pp. 7-8, 14-27, 70-89.
mathematicians: the rise o f physical geology, in Harman (ed.), IVranglers and physicists, pp. 49-83. William W hewell, O f a liberal education (Cambridge, 1845), pp. 1-6; Garland, pp. 39-49.
62 The making o f the natural philosopher A Cambridge undergraduate 63

faculties o f man, considered as an intellectual being; namely. Language and Similarly, propositions contained in the Principia o f Newton are beautiful
Reason. The classical literature of Greece and Rome exhibited in their most examples of mathematical combination and invention, following the course of
complete form the powers and properties of the faculty of Language, while ancient geometry; and for the purpose of general education, a portion might be
mathematics exemplified Reason in its most complete form. Thus in mathemat selected from this work without difficulty. By contrast, Lagranges Mecanique
ical works truths respecting measurable quantities are demonstrated by chains analytique or Laplaces Mecanique celeste formed no part of the standard portion
of the most rigorous reasoning, proceeding from Principles self-evident, or at of our educational course.
least certain. Whewell included the first six books of Euclid, solid geometry, Less esoteric progressive studies, however, did form part o f Whewells idea of
conic sections, mechanics, hydrostatics, optics, and astronomy, in his proposals a liberal education. Thus it was requisite that a person should so far become
for the permanent part of mathematical studies at the University. Mechanics and acquainted with some portion of this body o f accumulated and imperishable
hydrostatics especially extended solid and evident reasoning from space and knowledge, as to know o f what nature it is, what is the evidence of its reality, by
number to motion and force, taught truths which are perpetually exemplified what means additions to it are made from time to time, and what are the
in the external world, and [which] serve to explain the practical properties of prospects which it opens to the present generation of mankind. Among the
machines, structures, and fluids, and provide the key to the understanding o f all progressive sciences, he included the ancient sciences of astronomy, optics, and
the great discoveries of modem times with regard to the constitution of the harmonics, the classificatory sciences (botany, for example), and the
universe, and especially the discoveries of Newton.^* palaetiological sciences (geology).
Permanent studies provided the essential foundation to be mastered before While Whewell banned analytical substitutes for geometrical forms of trigo
the others are entered on, in order to secure such an intellectual culture as we aim nometry, statics, dynamics, and other mathematical parts of permanent studies,
at. Intellectual discipline thus preceded intellectual progress, and so the Pro he accepted the new approaches as part of progressive studies, remarking that
gressive Sciences are to be begun towards the end of a Liberal Education. With almost all the modern portions of Mathematics are of the analytical kind;
regard to Cambridge University and its emphasis on mathematical studies,
W h e n , b y th e p u r su it o f P e r m a n e n t M a th e m a tic a l S tu d ie s, th e r e a s o n in g p o w e r s h a v e
geometry, consisting entirely of manifest examples of perfect reasoning, and b e e n e d u c e d an d c o n f ir m e d , th e S tu d e n t s p o w e r s o f s y m b o lic a l c a lc u la tio n , a n d h is
not algebra, which offered not so much examples of Reasoning, as of Applica p lea su re in s y m b o lic a l s y m m e tr y a n d g e n e r a lity , n e e d n o lo n g e r b e rep resse d o r lim ite d
tions of Rules or reasoning denoted by symbols and rules of symbolic combina . . . W h e n th e S tu d e n t is o n c e w e l l d is c ip lin e d in g e o m e tr ic a l m a th e m a tic s , h e m a y p u rsu e
tion, was best suited to the intellectual discipline fundamental to a liberal a n a ly sis sa fe ly a n d su r e ly t o a n y extent.^
education. Algebraic mathematics, or analysis, though in the highest degree
ingenious and beautiful, could be an intellectual discipline to those only who The select candidates for our highest mathematical honours ought to study
fully master the higher steps of generalization and abstraction, by a firm and capital works (Newtons Principia or Laplaces Mhanique cHeste, for example) -
connected mental progress from the lower o f such steps upward; and this the great original works are the proper study of a man who would pursue
requires rather a professional mathematical education, than such a study of mathematics for the highest purpose of intellectual culture - rather than
mathematics as must properly form part of a liberal education. systematic or elementary treatises derived from the capital works. He further
In geometry: denounced the use by even the brightest students of original memoirs in the
learned transactions lest it bewilder and overwhelm them, though he made clear
. . . th e s tu d e n t is r e n d e r e d fa m ilia r w it h th e m o s t p e r fe c t e x a m p le s o f strict in fe r e n c e ; h e is
that he did not wish to prevent undergraduates from pursuing such a line of
c o m p e lle d h a b itu a lly to fix h is a tte n tio n o n th o s e c o n d itio n s o n w h ic h th e c o g e n c y o f
reading, as far as their taste and time will allow. But in general such a course of
th e d e m o n s tr a tio n d e p e n d s; . . . H e is a c c u s to m e d t o a c h a in o f d e d u c tio n in w h ic h ea ch
reading is fit only for those who make mathematics a main business of life.
lin k h a n g s f r o m th e p r e c e d in g , y e t w it h o u t a n y in se c u r ity in th e w h o le . . . H e n c e h e
learn s c o n t in u it y o f a tte n tio n , c o h e r e n c y o f t h o u g h t , an d c o n f id e n c e in th e p o w e r o f
On the other hand, Whewell wanted to encourage the study of new
h u m a n R e a so n to a rriv e at th e tru th . T h e s e g r e a t a d v a n ta g e s , r e su ltin g fr o m th e stu d y o f
investigations with regard to practical problems rather than in recondite and
G e o m e tr y , h a v e j u s t ly m a d e it a part o f e v e r y g o o d sy s te m o f L ib eral E d u c a tio n , fr o m th e speculative subjects:
tim e o f th e G r e e k s to o u r o w n .' *
P r o b le m s o f E n g in e e r in g a n d P r a ctica l M e c h a n ic s n a tu r a lly r e c e iv e n e w s o lu tio n s , as, in
W hewell, O f a lib e r a l e d u c a ti o n , pp. 8-15, 32-4. th e p r o g r e ss o f A r t, th e y ta k e n e w fo r m s; an d it is d esir a b le th a t o u r m a th e m a tic a l
I b i d . , pp. 28-30, 38-9. W hewell explains that he is adopting the common, though not very
e d u c a tio n s h o u ld b r in g o u r stu d e n ts a c q u a in te d w it h th e b est an d m o s t r e c e n t so lu tio n s o f
exact, meaning o f analytical to refer to processes conducted by means o f algebraical symbols. On
su ch p r o b le m s; b e c a u se , b y th is m e a n s th e ir m a th e m a tic a l k n o w le d g e has s o lid ity and
W hewells views, see also Garland, pp. 346; D.S.L. Cardwell, T h e o r g a n i z a t i o n o f s c ie n c e in E n g l a n d
(revised edn., London, 1972), pp. 53-7. Whewell, O f a l ib e r a l e d u c a ti o n , pp. 30-1. I b id ., pp. 35-7. I b id ., pp. 63-5. I b id ., pp. 6670.
64 The making o f the natural philosopher A Cambridge undergraduate 65

p e r m a n e n c e g iv e n it, b y its v e r ific a tio n in facts, a n d its c o in c id e n c e w it h th e e x p e r ie n c e o f established professor, only after the middle of the century, with the Cavendish
p ra ctica l m en .^ ^ Laboratory for experimental physics in prospect, did engineering find a more
To this end, Whewell advised that we should introduce among the books of natural, less marginal place in the ancient institution.
which we encourage the study among our best mathematical students, three Although Whewell participated in the analytic revolution, which brought
excellent works of recent date: first, Poncelets Mecanique industrielle in which modern mathematics to Cambridge,^ he may be characterized as a conserva
he has given modes of calculating the amount and expenditure of Labouring tive reformer. His reforming zeal diminished with increasing age and status, and
Force; second, Williss Principles of mechanism in which he has classified all so, to the younger reformers, his conservatism appeared predominant. A
modes of communicating motion by machinery, and investigated their political supporter of Peel - to whom he was indebted for the mastership of
properties; and third. Count de Pambours Theory of the steam engine in which a Trinity in 1841 - Whewell was no die-hard tory in the mould of the Glasgow
sound mathematical theory is confirmed by judicious experiments. College oligarchy. He was indeed not much liked by Glasgow academics in
Each of these issues will have specific relevance to William Thomsons own general, being as he was too much of a reformer for the high Scottish tories and
scientific work. Thus the concept of labouring force or mechanical effect too conservative for the Scottish whigs. Whewells division of a liberal educa
(discussed at greater length in Whewells 1841 Mechanics of engineering) is tion into permanent and progressive studies exemplified perfectly his conserva
fundamental to Thomsons approach to physical phenomena. Again, the kine tive and reforming outlook. William Thomson himself neatly referred to the
matics of Whewell and his Cambridge engineering colleague. Professor Robert Master of Trinity as the despotic Whewell in 1845.^*
Willis (1800-75), provides Thomson with the foundation for his dynamical We have outlined Whewells position at some length for two principal
theories. And the theory of the steam-engine, the basis of his thermodynamics, reasons. First, his moderate conservatism will serve as a foil to the founders of the
appeared as a question in the Smiths prize examination of January, 1845, when Cambridge Mathematical Journal with which William Thomson quickly identi
Whewell was one of the examiners and Thomson one of the candidates: fied himself Thus Cambridge wranglers such as Archibald Smith, D.F. Greg
ory, R.L. Ellis (1817-59), and William Thomson were all whigs in mathematics
In th e c o m m o n m o d e o f c a lc u la tin g th e effe c t o f a s t e a m -e n g in e , th e effe c t d e p e n d s o n th e
as in politics, aiming to advance Cambridge mathematics and in a sense to
pressu re o f ste a m in th e b o ile r , an d th e sp a ce d e sc r ib e d b y th e p isto n . S h e w that th is
encourage that school of eminent mathematicians with which Whewells
m e th o d is e r r o n e o u s . In w h a t cases is it m o st e r r o n e o u s? G iv e a b e tte r m e th o d . W h a t
liberal education was not concerned. These young turks emphasized not the
e v id e n c e is th e r e o f its b e in g better?^^
training of the mind through geometrical drudgery - which is how they viewed
A more general significance of Whewells remarks lies in their illustration of a the consequences of Whewells programme - but rather the professionalization
new Cambridge interest in engineering, an area so central to our study. There is of their subject (ch. 6).
indeed much in Whewells concluding remarks to which Thomson would have Second, Whewells recognition of the advantages of geometry cannot be seen
subsequently assented: the study of these works would put our students in merely as an attempt to return Cambridge to the eighteenth century. He, like
possession of the largest and most philosophical doctrines which apply to the younger reformers, saw the significance of geometry as the foundation of the
Engineering; and would thus give a tangible reality and practical value to their physical sciences - of natural philosophy or physics in particular - and so warned
mathematical acquirements; while, at the same time they would find . . . against the loss of physical reality amid an unnecessary profusion of algebraic
excellent examples of mathematical rigour, ingenuity, and beauty. symbols. His conception of the inductive sciences in relation to geometry
Whewells move to make engineering part of a liberal education in Cam provides an important focus for our subsequent understanding of William
bridge during the early 1840s follows the establishment of Lewis Gordons Thomsons scientific style and not least for our analysis of its practical cast. In this
chair in Glasgow (Gordon having been a pupil of Whewells old friend Forbes), respect, then, Whewells views, emphasizing tangible, visualizable, geometrical
the work o f Charles Babbage On the economy of machinery and manufactures exemplars, come tantalizingly close to Thomsons, while his concept of a liberal
(1832), and the successful growth of the British Association (in which Whewell education, reserving research for the elect and regarding undergraduate origi
played a leading role) in an industrial as well as academic climate. Whewell nality as leading towards unsafe and uncertain speculations, contrasts vividly
related engineering and a liberal education to one another through geometry, with Thomson and his circle of whig mathematicians.
but in these early years the new subject hardly cohered with the traditional aims
and social function of the University. Although Willis had become a well- Harvey Becher, William W hewell and Cambridge mathematics. H i s t . S t u d . P h y s . S c i . , 11
(1980), 1 ^ .
I b i d ., p. 70. U n iv e r s ity o f C a m b r id g e e x a m in a tio n p a p e r s , 1 8 4 5 (Cambridge, 1845). William to Dr Thomson, 10th October, 1845, T320, ULC; James to William Thomson, 12th
W hewell, O f a l ib e r a l e d u c a ti o n , pp. 70-1. May, 1846, T418, ULC.
66 The making o f the natural philosopher A Cambridge undergraduate 67

Although of the same generation as Adam Sedgwick and William Whewell, much of what is perfect and beautiful in the structure of the material universe,
William Hopkins came to occupy a quite dilferent role in the University. Son of and in the laws which govern it. By this means the student can form an
a gentleman farmer and himself a political tory, he graduated as seventh adequate conception of the genius which has been developed in the framing of
wrangler in 1827 from St Peters College comparatively late in life. On account those theories, and can feel himself under those salutary influences which must
o f marriage, he was ineligible for a college fellowship; instead, he became one of ever be exercized on the mind of youth by the contemplation of the workings of
Cambridges most celebrated mathematical coaches or private tutors with the lofty genius. Most significantly:
title of the senior wrangler maker. By 1849 he could claim nearly 200
. . . th e im p o r ta n c e o f th at sm a ll class o f o u r stu d e n ts is n o t to b e e s tim a te d b y th e ir n u m b e r
wranglers among his pupils of whom seventeen were senior wranglers and over . . . th e ir im m e d ia t e in flu e n c e o n th e to n e a n d ch aracter o f o u r u n d e r g r a d u a te stu d ies is o f
forty in one of the top three places, among them Stokes and Thomson.^7 th e first i m p o r t a n c e . . . W e m a y also r e m a r k , th a t c o m p a r a tiv e ly sm a ll as th is h ig h e r class
Hopkins knew precisely how to derive maximum benefit from the Cam o f stu d e n ts m a y b e , it in c lu d e s p e rh a p s t h e m a jo r ity o f th o s e w h o are se le c te d b y th e
bridge system o f drilling, both for himself and for his distinguished pupils. He U n iv e r s ity o n a c c o u n t o f th e ir m a th e m a tic a l a c q u ir e m e n ts as fit o b je c ts fo r its rew a r d s.
admitted that a successful private tutor could earn a comfortable ;,(^700-800 per T h e y are th e m e n w h o . . . r e m a in a m o n g u s, a n d a fte r w a r d s fo r m th e tu to r ia l b o d y o f th e
annum which almost equalled the ^,(^900-1000 estimate of an upper middle class U n iv e r s it y , o c c u p y its im p o r ta n t o ffic e s, a n d g iv e to it its p r e v a ilin g t o n e a n d character.^
income in this period. Each pupil indeed paid Hopkins upwards of X^lOO per
Hopkinss concerns had a strongly conservative and moral dimension, empha
annum in fees.^ But finance apart, Hopkinss personality clearly helped not a
sizing the preservation of the Universitys high moral tone by the selection of an
little in a system which must have seemed to most undergraduates cold,
intellectual elite. Given the peculiar nature of Cambridge teaching in which
unworldly, and monastic. As Francis Galton described his coachs character:
undergraduates were taught, not by professors appointed for the matured
Hopkins to use a Cantab expression is a regular brick; tells funny stories
acquirements o f their manhood but by men rewarded for the proficience of
connected with different problems and is no way Donnish; he rattles us on at a
their youth, Hopkins believed a lowering of examination standards to be
splendid pace and makes mathematics anything but a dry subject by entering
injurious to the character of the University in the absence of that career-motive
thoroughly into its metaphysics. I never enjoyed anything so much before.
present in most analogous continental institutions. Significantly, far from
Thus the educational and emotional needs of the brightest Cambridge under
advocating a radical reform of the system to promote active exertion in pursuit
graduates, not served by the low-level college lectures or remote college fellows,
of career advancement, Hopkins argued that the existing high degree of
found satisfaction in William Hopkins.
mathematical attainment remained the best guarantee of the Universitys high
In his views on the Universitys goals and on reform of the Tripos, Hopkins
relative scientific position which she has hitherto maintained, enabling her not
aimed to maintain and preserve that which he saw as best in the system. He was
only to further the progress of original research, but also, through the influence
particularly concerned lest standards be lowered to favour the average under
of some of her most distinguished members, to diffuse much of a healthy tone of
graduate at the expense of candidates for the highest mathematical honours.
sentiment and feeling on the most serious subjects among the body of scientific
While Whewell sought to define and shape the Universitys ideals of a liberal men in this country. In keeping with this gentlemanly view of the University,
education for the undergraduate programme as a whole, Hopkins emphasized Hopkins denounced a merely utilitarian view of the subject arguing against
the importance of maintaining the standard of acquirement in our higher class merely professional aims and duties as if the philosophical portion of our
of students. In 1841, for example, he published his remarks opposing the studies possessed no value in themselves, or were incapable of presenting to us
exclusion under proposed Tripos changes of physical astronomy and physical objects of contemplation and thought by which the mind of the educated man
optics, partial differential equations, the higher parts of geometry of three may be elevated above that of the uneducated one.^^
dimensions, and most of hydrodynamics from the course of undergraduate For William Thomson and many other candidates for high mathematical
study, subjects which contribute most to elevate and enoble the character of our honours, then, Hopkins stands at the very centre of their Cambridge studies.
mathematical studies by making the student appreciate fully the real impor Though prima facie outside the college and university system, it is one of the
tance and value of pure mathematical science, as the only instrument of ironies of that idiosyncratic institution that an undergraduates prospects - a
investigation by which man could possibly have attained to a knowledge of so college fellowship in particular - should have depended on the right choice of
William Hopkins, D N B . mathematical coach. Hopkins, however, for his part could also command the
Rothblatt, pp. 68n, 201. Hopkinss nomination o f the Tory parliamentary candidate is noted in
William to Dr Thomson, 24th March, 1843, T233, ULC. William expressed his own regrets that the 20 William Hopkins, R e m a r k s o n c e r ta in p r o p o s e d r e g u la t io n s r e s p e c t in g t h e s tu d i e s o f t h e U n i v e r s i t y
Tory won. 29 Rothblatt, pp. 191-2n. (Cambridge, 1841), on pp. 10-12. 21 pp. 12-16.
68 The making o f the natural philosopher A Cambridge undergraduate 69

right students on the basis of a distinguished record, and so to his reputation goes Other requirements were an academical dress, and, of a more domestic nature, I
the credit o f coaching men such as Stokes, Thomson, Tait, Maxwell, Gabon and should recommend him to bring from home sheets & towels and a sufficient
Todhunter. quantity of spoons, knives & table linen for his own breakfast & tea table.
On their arrival at Cambridge in late October, 1841, Dr Thomson and
William had gone to see Hopkins. Hopkins advised William not to have a tutor
Father and son
(i.e. coach) for the first term, and although he will not teach me himself until my
With no financial assistance available for a Glasgow student intent on a Cam second year, he will examine me now and then, and supply me with a tutor
bridge mathematical education, Dr Thomson was to be burdened with another when I need one. Father and son also called on James Challis (180382), the
serious drain on his finances for several years once his son had been entered as a Cambridge professor of astronomy, and D.F. Gregory, the founder editor of the
pensioner (that is, an undergraduate who paid his own way) at St Peters Cambridge MathematicalJournal. Gregory, who graduated in 1838 and became a
College, C a m b r i d g e .Economy, therefore, was a subject of much of the fellow of Trinity in 1840, was a personal friend of Dr Thomson, while the
extensive correspondence between father and son during these Cambridge Cambridge-educated Professor Ramsay of Glasgow College, who also knew
undergraduate years. Dr Thomson continually exhorting his son to minimize Hopkins well, had provided an introduction to C h allis.C o lle g e lectures in
waste of time, effort, and money. These concerns serve also to underline the mathematics and classics occupied Williams first term. Cookson guided him in
differences between Williams middle-class, professional values, concerned the elementary mathematical reading, and examined him from time to time by
primarily with the marketing of expertise, and those of the aristocratic, idle written problems. His tutor for mathematics in the second (Lent) term was
rich poll men. Frederick Fuller (1819-1909), who had only just graduated and who sub
An undergraduate required no special entrance qualifications to go into sequently became professor of mathematics at Aberdeen. Fuller set him three
residence at Cambridge and, as he had not taken either his BA or M A at Glasgow papers a week, including some on three dimensional analytical geometry.
College, William Thomson could enter as an undergraduate. Thus the tutor of These formal requirements of the Cambridge system, however, pale into
St Peters College, H.W. Cookson (1810-76), wrote to Dr Thomson early in relative insignificance beside Williams unheard-of precocity in contributing
1841: not only profound but numerous original papers to the Cambridge Mathematical
Journal. His contributions were at the very forefront of research, and far
In r e p ly to y o u r o b lig in g n o te . . . I b e g to in fo r m y o u th a t I sh all b e h a p p y to e n te r y o u r
so n u p o n t h e b o a rd s o f th is C o lle g e as so o n as y o u m ig h t w is h i t . . . I f y o u are a n x io u s th at
exceeded what most of his competitors for high mathematical honours in the
y o u r so n s h o u ld h a v e q u ie t an d c o m fo r ta b le r o o m s , I s h o u ld r e c o m m e n d h im t o b e Senate House Examinations could have understood, let alone produced. With a
a d m itte d w it h o u t d e la y . A c e r tific a te is u su a lly r e q u ir e d to s h o w th a t th e p e r s o n s reputation such as this, established even before his entry into Peterhouse, we can
e d u c a tio n h a s n o t b e e n w h o l l y n e g le c t e d , b u t as th is is im p lie d w it h r e sp ect to y o u r s o n , in understand why, from the beginning, his contemporaries expected him to
y o u r a p p lic a tio n fo r h is a d m is sio n , I sh o u ld n o t ask fo r a n y th in g m o r e . I f th e c a u tio n become senior wrangler of his year, and why he soon acquainted himself with
m o n e y , fifte e n p o u n d s , b e p a id to m y b a n k e r s . . . 1 s h o u ld c o n c lu d e th a t y o u a u th o r is e d such academically distinguished fellows of Trinity as D.F. Gregory and
m e to a d m it y o u r so n w it h o u t d e la y . Archibald Smith. Williams philosophy here, quite at variance with Whewells,
Dr Thomson duly paid the caution money - effectively a security against any was that an undergraduate wisely spends some of his spare time in reading high
future debts - and William was entered on 6th April, 1841. Cookson informed physical subjects w^ will not occur in his regular reading. I have lent him
Dr Thomson of the subjects of lectures in the first term, commencing in October [Porter] Fouriers theory of heat.
of that year. The mathematical texts would be Simsons Euclid, Hinds Algebra, H.W . Cookson to Dr Thomson, 6th April and 17th September, 1841, C133-4, ULC. The full
and Snowballs or Hymers Trigonometry. Also on the course would be Paleys titles o f the books listed were: Robert Simson, T h e e l e m e n t s o f E u c l i d (Edinburgh, 1771);John Hind,
Evidences of Christianity, one of the Gospels in Greek, and the Prometheus vinctus. T h e e l e m e n t s o f a lg e b r a : d e s ig n e d f o r t h e u s e o f s t u d e n t s in t h e U n i v e r s i t y (Cambridge, 1829); J.C.
Snowball, T h e e l e m e n t s o f p l a n e a n d s p h e r i c a l t r i g o n o m e t r y , w i t h t h e c o n s tr u c ti o n a n d u s e o f m a t h e m a t i c a l
ta b le s (Cambridge, 1834); John Hymers, A t r e a t is e o n p l a n e t r i g o n o m e t r y , a n d o n t r i g o n o m e t r ic a l ta b le s

The valuable Snell exhibitions applied only to bright students sent from Glasgow to Oxford. a n d l o g a r i th m s (Cambridge, 1837); John Hymers, A t r e a tis e o n s p h e r i c a l t r i g o n o m e t r y , t o g e t h e r w i t h a

See T h e n e w s t a t i s t i c a l a c c o u n t o f S c o t l a n d , 6 : L a n a r k (London and Edinburgh, 1845), pp. 175-6. In the s e le c ti o n o f p r o b l e m s (Cambridge, 1841); William Paley, A v i e w o f t h e e v id e n c e s o f C h r i s t i a n i t y , 2nd

year 1688, Mr John Snell, with a view to support Episcopacy in Scotland, devised to trustees a edn., (2 vols., London, 1794); Aeschylus (Euripides), P r o m e t h i u s v i n c t u s , C.J. Blomfield (ed.)
considerable estate near Leamington, in Warwickshire, for educating Scotch studeius at Baliol [sic] (Cambridge, 1810). Elizabeth King, L o r d K e l v i n s e a r l y h o m e (London, 1909), p. 199.
College, O xford. By 1835, the fund afforded about \2>0 per annum to each o f ten exhibitioners, William to Anna Thomson, 23rd October, 1841, B182, ULC; William to Dr Thomson, 5th
tenable for ten years. Dr Thomson thus lost the prospect o f considerable financial support. November, 1841, T183, ULC; 15th January, 1842, T192, ULC; 6th February, 1842, T195, ULC.
H.W. Cookson to Dr Thomson, 26th March, 1841, C132, ULC. See also SET, 1, 2 3 ^ . See also SPT, 1, 31-5. *7 wiHiam to Dr Thomson, 1st Novem ber, 1845, T326, ULC.
70 The making o f the natural philosopher A Cambridge undergraduate 71

Archibald Smith, senior wrangler and first Smiths prizeman in 1836 and family economy. Given the widespread reputation of Cambridge undergrad
whose Glasgow family appeared in Chapter 2, had called at Glasgow College on uates (especially the idle aristocrats) for luxurious habits, extravagant entertain
Dr Thomsons return there in late October. According to Dr Thomson, Smith ments, and riotous living, it is not surprising to find Dr Thomson constantly
expressed a great interest in Williams success, Gregory having told him that urging William to exercise a strict and proper economy not only in financial
you were the author of the paper P. Q. R. [in the Cambridge Mathematical matters, but in health and habits also, making moral correctness and propriety
Journal]-, and he expressed himself greatly pleased with it. He asked your age, your aim above all things. At the same time, however, he insisted that you must
and was surprised you could have written it. He expressed a strong wish to know keep up a gentlemanly appearance, and live like others, keeping, however,
you, and gave the enclosed card, wishing you to call on him, should you happen rather behind than in advance."*^
to be in London. Take care o f it, and see him if there at any time.^* Shortly Following this advice, William resisted, for a time at least, a strong temptation
afterwards, both Smith and Gregory honoured William by a visit themselves: to join the college boat club, though his opinion of the Peterhouse boat was
It w a s c e r ta in ly a g r e a t h o n o u r f o r a fre sh m a n o f St P e te r s to h a v e t w o f e llo w s o f T r in it y
hardly dispassionate: our boat goes out every day, and will be head of the river
c a llin g o n h im . T h e y sta y e d , I su p p o s e , n e a r ly th r e e q u arters o f an h o u r in m y r o o m , in the next races, now that I have come here, though it was far from it before.
lo o k in g in to m y b o o k s a n d ta lk in g o n v a r io u s su b jects c o n n e c te d w it h th e m . S m ith He had already, it seems, ventured forth on the River Cam himself in a narrow
lo o k e d o v e r th e se n a te h o u s e p r o b le m s o f his y ea r, an d s h o w e d o n e w h ic h h e says h e d id in rowing boat called a funny, designed to carry one or two people. His father
th e e x a m in a tio n , b u t c o u ld n e v e r d o sin ce. T h e y also e n te r e d in to a lo n g d is q u is itio n wished him to avoid the boat club and regretted to hear that his son had been
a b o u t a c ir c le r o llin g a lo n g a p a ra b o la , o r o th e r c u r v e , w h a t it w o u ld d o w h e n it c a m e to a boating not on account of the thing itself, as I think there can be no danger; but
p o in t at w h ic h th e ra d iu s o f c u r v a tu r e is sm a lle r th a n th a t o f th e cir c le , an d g o t h o ld o f m y that you be brought into loose society, a thing that would ruin you for ever.^^
p a p e r a n d d r e w n o e n d o f fig u r e s r e g a r d in g it.^^ In his reply, William reassured Dr Thomson both with regard to wine parties
Although he almost became a rival candidate for the Glasgow natural philos and boating:
ophy chair in 1846, Archibald Smith remained a central figure among I h a v e g iv e n n o w in e p arties . . . M o s t o f o u r fr e sh m e n h a v e g iv e n p a rties o f all k in d s
Thomsons friends. a lr e a d y , b u t I fear th e y are c o n sid e r e d b y th e s e c o n d a n d th ir d y e a r m e n as an
After the break with the family, William inevitably felt his rooms, though e x tr a o r d in a r ily fa st set o f fr e sh m e n , a n d th at it is n o t at all n e c e ssa r y fo r a fr e sh m a n to
comfortable, a little more lonely than the parlour in Glasgow. His sister g iv e a n y p arties in his first te r m . T h e se p a r a tio n o f th e fr e sh m e n o f th is c o lle g e in to th e

Elizabeth assured him that she, at least, missed him very much, and admitted to t w o classes o f r o w in g m e n (p r o n o u n c e d r o u in g , an d m e a n in g m e n w h o are fo n d o f
r o w s an d r o w i n g parties) an d re a d in g m e n has v e r y s o o n b e c o m e d istin c t. A ll m y
having poured tea for him, fully expecting him to make your appearance to
friends are a m o n g th e latter class, an d I a m g r a d u a lly d r o p p in g a c q u a in ta n c e w it h th e
drink it, [it] being by no means uncommon for you to be somewhat late at
fo r m e r , as m u c h as p o ss ib le . 1 fin d th at e v e n to k n o w th e m is a v e r y tr o u b le s o m e th in g i f
mealtimes. Williams comforting reply was that the tea would be rather cold
w e w a n t to read, as th e y are a lw a y s g o in g a b o u t tr o u b lin g p e o p le in th e ir r o o m s . . . W ith
before he returned to drink it. Nonetheless, he rapidly settled into the new life reg a rd to b o a tin g y o u n e e d n o t b e in th e least afraid. A s I d o n o t b e lo n g to th e b o a tc lu b , I
style, such that his other sister, Anna, speculated that he was to be seen studying a lw a y s r o w b y m y s e lf in a fu n n y . . . o r at least g o in a t w o o a red b o a t, w it h s o m e frien d
with his feet on the fender, having strewn his books over the table, floor and sofa. w it h w h o m I s h o u ld o t h e r w is e b e w a lk in g . .
He confessed that the truth of this imaginative picture was only modified by the
fact that he had not yet more than half a dozen books to strew around. A year In order to underline his opposition to what he termed the dissipated men,
later, Elizabeth, writing from Knock, painted the even more vivid portrait of William included in his letter a detailed proposal, not so impracticable as at first
Williams life-style quoted at the beginning of this chapter. sight appears, for the division of his time and its best use to advance his studies.
Although every member o f the Thomson family communicated regularly The proposal involved rising at 5 a.m., lighting his own fire before the arrival of
with William, Dr Thomsons substantive correspondence with his son is most the college servant known as the gyp - which appears rather impracticable to
revealing of the Thomsons social and cultural values, especially in relation to the most men reading until 8.15 a.m., attending the daily lecture and reading until
1 p.m., exercising until 4 p.m., attending chapel until 7 p.m., reading until 8.30
3* Dr to William Thomson, 28th October, 1841, T180, ULC; William to Elizabeth Thomson, c.
O ctober-N ovem ber, 1841, in King, Early home, p. 204. *' Dr to William Thomson, 28th October, 1841, T180, ULC; SPT, 1 , 29. See also Rothblatt, pp.
William to Dr Thomson, 21st Novem ber, 1841, T185, ULC. 65-75, 186-7; Garland, pp. 2-12.
Elizabeth to William Thomson, 27th February, 1842, K56, ULC; William to Elizabeth William to Elizabeth Thomson, c. O ctober-Novem ber, 1841, in King, Early home, p. 204.
Thomson, 6th March, 1842, in King, Early home, pp. 211-12; William to Dr Thomson, 30th Dr to William Thomson, 6th December, 1841, T186, ULC.
October, 1841, T181, ULC. ** William to Dr Thomson, 12th December, 1841, T187, ULC; SPT, 1 , 32-3.
72 The making o f the natural philosopher A Cambridge undergraduate 73

p.m., and retiring to bed at 9 p.m. While it may be doubted that William I have not the least doubt but Mr Cookson will also perfectly approve of it. If
actually adhered to such a disciplined allocation of time, its importance lies in his Cookson did not approve, then William would sell his share in the boat which,
intention to minimize waste of time, in contrast to the idle set of dissipated, nevertheless, would save a considerable sum of money in the long run, as he
rowing men. Economy of time, as well as economy of capital, played a vital role would no longer have to pay to hire a boat."** Elizabeth subsequently informed
in the Thomson life-style, as Admiral of the Fleet, Lord Fisher, recorded of Lord her cunning and high-spirited brother that, in a letter to their father, Cookson
Kelvin many years later: had spoken:
O n e g r e a t e x e r c is e o f F a ith is R e d e e m in g th e T i m e , as P a u l says. (Im to ld th e lite ra l v e r y fa v o u r a b ly o f y o u r a b ilitie s a n d d ilig e n c e . H e says th at y o u h a v e g o t g o o d c o m p a n
m e a n in g o f th e o r ig in a l G r e e k is b u y in g u p o p p o r tu n it ie s ) . . . L o r d K e lv in o fte n u se d to io n s w h o w ill n o t b e lik e ly to lea d y o u astray. T h o u g h p apa w a s at first d isp lea sed w it h
te ll m e o f his c o n t in u o u s d esir e o f r e d e e m in g th e t im e . E v e n in d r e ssin g h im s e lf h e y o u r p u rch a se h e is n o w I th in k q u ite r e c o n c ile d to it an d w ill n o t d isa p p r o v e o f y o u r
s o u g h t e v e r y o p p o r tu n it y o f s a v in g t im e (so h e t o ld m e ) in th in k in g o f th e n e x t r o w in g fo r e x e r c is e . Y o u m u st a lw a y s b e m o s t c a u tio u s . R e m e m b e r h o w m a n y a c c id e n ts
o p e r a tio n . H o w e v e r h is b u s y b ra in s o m e tim e s g o t a w a y f r o m th e b u sin ess in h a n d , as h e h a v e h a p p e n e d , e v e n w h e n y o u n g m e n t h o u g h t th e re w a s n o t th e slig h te st danger."*^
o n c e p u t h is n e c k tie in h is p o c k e t a n d his h a n d k e r c h ie f r o u n d h is n e c k . . . A n d y e t I a m
t o ld h e w a s an e x tr a o r d in a r ily a c u te b u sin ess m a n . E v e r y sa ilo r o w e s h im u n d y in g
The affair of the boat illustrates more clearly than any other single episode the
g r a titu d e fo r h is b u y in g u p o p p o r tu n it ie s in th e w a y h e u tilis e d a b r o k e n th ig h , w h ic h father-son relationship which existed throughout William Thomsons early
c o m p e lle d h im to g o in a y a c h t, to in v e n t h is m a r v e llo u s c o m p a ss a n d s o u n d in g years. The son was high-spirited and enthusiastic, if at times rather the most
machine."* impetuous member of the family. The father was most concerned to train and
guide him to be more cautious and prudent, and especially to avoid the
During the course of his second term, William announced suddenly to his
acquisition of any kind of reputation for idleness and dissipation - a reputation
father that he had bought, with another student, a secondhand boat for seven
which would not be appreciated in Calvinist Glasgow. Nevertheless, Dr
pounds built of oak, and as good as new. To mitigate the crime of not having
Thomsons stern words were not those of an autocratic and authoritarian father-
consulted his financial and moral guide, he explained that he had had to act
figure who rules his subject-children with an iron rod, and William, with the
quickly, lest such a bargain be lost to another customer. Furthermore the
shrewdness characteristic of his father, recognized the real voice behind the
expense will be just about the same as belonging to the boat club, and, as the
rebukes, and responded accordingly with reason and not rebellion.
temptation to join the club, (which I have been very much solicited to do o f late
Williams new boat settled down to a successful career. The sculling, as
there being a great want of rowers) has thus been completely removed, I felt
rowing in a single-seater craft was known, proceeded with great vigour, and is
confident that you would not be displeased."*^ His father was most displeased at
keeping me in excellent preservation. The owner also reported that everyone
not having been consulted and reprimanded his son for allowing himself to be
says that I am looking much better now than I did some time ago, and I find that
cajoled and probably cheated by persons who had represented the boat as being
I can read with much greater vigour than I could when I had no exercise but
of some wonderful value:
walking, in the inexpressibly dull country around Cambridge. At the same
se v e n p o u n d s fo r a tu b th a t w ill h o ld o n ly o n e p erson!!! M y first im p u ls e w a s to o r d e r y o u time, his interest in the College boat had not been entirely forgotten, the
to g iv e u p at o n c e w h a t y o u te r m a w o n d e r f u l b a r g a in . I sh all w a it, h o w e v e r , till I n e x t Peterhouse eight having indeed moved up, as William had predicted, from third
w r ite to M r C o o k s o n . . . a n d i f h e a p p r o v e o f th e m a tte r , I sh all t h e n ,/e r this time, se n d y o u place to head o f the river. By the end of his first year at Cambridge, William had
m o n e y to p a y fo r y o u r p u rch a se. Y o u talk o f g e t tin g rid o f th e te m p ta tio n t o j o i n th e
bought out the other students share in the boat with money he had earned
C lu b . I h a d h o p e d , th a t a fter w h a t y o u said y o u r s e lf r e g a r d in g th a t a ss o c ia tio n , y o u
tutoring his younger brothers, and within a year his inhibitions about involve
w o u ld h a v e b e e n p r o o f a g a in st all a tte m p ts to in d u c e y o u to j o in it.^
ment in the College boat had been overcome.* His father was for his part quite
Having issued his rebuke. D r Thomson added that he hoped that i/William satisfied that rowing, if moderately used, was a very good exercise, and he
retained the bargain, it would be a lesson for the future, and if'I thought that admitted candidly:
such persons as Messrs Cookson, Hopkins, and Gregory, would approve of I fr e q u e n tly w r it e to y o u in th e a d m o n it o r y sty le - I tru st u n n e c e ssa r ily . It can d o n o
what you have done, I would then only have to complain about your not having h a r m , h o w e v e r ; an d it w ill s h o w y o u m y a n x ie ty ( w h ic h is p a r tic ip a te d in b y all y o u r
consulted me. Seeing the stern disciplinarian thus weakening, William replied frien d s) th at y o u sh o u ld d o in e v e r y r e sp e c t w h a t is r ig h t, ta k in g care n o t to a llo w y o u r s e lf
that Hopkins approves very much of rowing, and always recommends it while
"** William to Dr Thomson, 25th February, 1842, T198, ULC.
"** (J.A. Fisher] Records by Admiral o f the Fleet Lord Fisher (London 1919), pp. 61-2. "* Elizabeth to William Thomson, 27th February, 1842, K56, ULC.
** William to Dr Thomson, 19th February, 1842, T196, ULC. Compare SPT, 1, 36-8. 50 William to Dr Thomson, 3rd March, 1842, T199, ULC; 14th April, 1842, T209, ULC; 6th
Dr to William Thomson, 21st February, 1842, T197, ULC. May, 1842, T213, ULC; SPT, 1, 39.
74 The making o f the natural philosopher A Cambridge undergraduate 75

William was clear, as his father warned; to prevent such irregularities in your
own case ... get the habit of taking, at the moment, memorandums of anything
of importance which there is the slightest chance of your forgetting; and, in
particular, take a note of your expenditure the very day you pay away the
money. As a result, many of Williams letters contain a detailed accounting of
his expenditure to the halfpenny. Dr Thomson for his part continued to urge his
son to use all economy consistent with respectability and to contract no debts
except through his tutor.
Dr Nichols financial crash was perhaps an extreme case, and a stern moral for
William, but it was by no means unique. Professor Buchanan, of the logic chair,
lost all his possessions, except for a small house at Dunoon, through the failure of
the Renfrewshire Bank in 1842. And as one perceptive commentator has
remarked of the early Victorian age in general, in a period when hectic booms
alternated with financial panics and there was no such thing as limited liability,
the business magnate and the public investor were haunted by spectres of
bankruptcy and the debtors jail. The dreaded loss of social status, the fear of
losing all ones money and possessions, the possible disgrace of bankruptcy, the
P i:'|-e:r o {'si!^;..;The M ain C o u r t , looking E asf consequent anxiety, and the great physical and mental strain, were all character
istics of that age, and professional men, as public investors, were no more
St Peters College (Peterhouse), Cambridge. The oldest o f the colleges, St Peters
exempt from such worries than anyone else. The age was a turbulent one,
provided a less hierarchical ambience for Scottish undergraduates than did the larger marked by Chartist demonstrations, economic collapses and other manifesta
colleges such as Trinity. Its links with the successful mathematical coach, William tions of social chaos,^^ and it was with no degree of self-satisfaction that Anna
Hopkins, provided another strong incentive to gain admission. Thomson, also speaking of their unfortunate friend. Dr Nichol, said;
I a m sure h e m u s t h a v e m a n y a h e a v y th o u g h t w h e n h e r e m e m b e r s th e ru in h e has
in v o lv e d h im s e lf & his fa m ily in . 1 r e a lly n e v e r h eard o f a n y th in g m o r e sad th a n this
to b e led a w a y . A f e w years h e n c e th e r e w ill b e n o th in g to fear; b u t at y o u r p e r io d o f life ,
w h o le affair has b e e n . . . I d o fe e l v e r y so r r y b o th fo r h im & M r s N ic h o l an d fo r his
an d p la c e d as y o u are a m o n g so m a n y p e r so n s o f d iffe r e n t ch aracters an d h a b its, y o u
c h ild r e n . It w ill m a k e a sad c h a n g e fo r h e w ill n o t b e ab le t o g iv e th e m th e a d v a n ta g e s th e y
req u ire to b e m o s t c ir c u m s p e c t . .
m ig h t h a v e h a d . H o w v e r y d iffe r e n tly p apa has d o n e fo r all o f us!
Apart from the heavy drain on Dr Thomsons income which a Cambridge
Nichol did recover from his loss by publishing successful popular books on
education entailed - the first academic year cost over 230 for maintenance at
astronomy and by delivering popular lectures. His lectures in Glasgow City Hall
college alone ~ he was very concerned that William should acquire accurate
in 1845, for example, attracted an estimated two or three thousand people.^
business habits. As a particularly vivid example, he cited early in 1842 the case of However, the strain had evidently told, for he died in 1859, while editing his
Dr Nichol who, for want of such habits, is a ruined man. On a basic salary of well-known Cyclopaedia of the physical sciences, at the comparatively early age of
270 a year, Nichol had managed to incur debts o f at least >^5000, largely, it fifty-five. Certainly his financial troubles of 1841-2 would remain as a painful
seems, because o f his extravagance in the purchase o f new instruments fo'r the reminder to his friends and family for many years afterwards that domestic
Glasgow observatory. Thus bankrupt, he was in danger of depriving himself
and his family of bread. According to Dr Thomson, Nichol was talking of Dr to William Thomson, 12th January and 21st February, 1842, T191 and T197, ULC;
Elizabeth to William Thomson, 27th February, 1842, K56, ULC; SPT, 1 , 37.
publishing, but how miserable a thing it is when a man, instead of merely adding Dr to William Thomson, 6th April, 1842, T207, ULC. See also W.E. Houghton, T h e V i c to r i a n
to some more certain income, must live on the precarious produce of his pen. f r a m e o f m i n d . 1 8 3 0 - 1 8 7 0 (N ew Haven and London, 1957), pp. 54 61; David Daiches, G l a s g o w
Elizabeth also wrote to William to say that Dr Nichols elegant hall was to be (London, 1977), pp. 130-5.
Anna to William Thomson, 8th Novem ber, 1842, B184, ULC.
deprived of all his beautiful books that he was so proud o f. The lesson for John to William Thomson, 5th January, 1845, T515, ULC. J.P. N ichols V i e w s o f t h e
a r c h ite c tu r e o f t h e h e a v e n s . I n a s e r ie s o f le tte r s to a l a d y (Edinburgh and London, 1837), was in its ninth

5' Dr to William Thomson, 17th March, 1842, T203, ULC. edition by 1851.
76 The making o f the natural philosopher A Cambridge undergraduate 77

security in the 1840s was often a very precious and precarious state which could commercial, whig, and Scottish, with no inherited wealth or property, fired in
not be taken for granted as a right. him an intense desire to win every race he entered, whether mathematical,
Dr Nichols plight illuminates the reasons for Dr Thomsons frequent exhor scientific, or rowing.
tations to William on all matters pertaining to economy. William, lest he be The much-criticized previous or littlego examination came at the end of
accused o f only writing to ask for a further allowance, would sometimes make the Lent term of 1843. A non-mathematical examination consisting of Greek
the communication more acceptable to his father by accompanying the request passages from St Lukes gospel for translation into English prose, questions on
with a mathematical theorem which, he hoped, would be of some use in the Paleys Evidences - such as how does Paley deal with Humes theorem on the
Glasgow College examinations! Towards the end o f his second term, William incredulity of miracles by the process of experiment? - and other Latin and
had nevertheless to justify his college expenditure: Greek passages for translation, the littlego was a rather unsatisfactory attempt,
elementary in nature, to prevent idleness among undergraduates between the
O n S a tu r d a y n ig h t I r e c e iv e d m y c o lle g e b ills. T h e y c o m e to rath er m u c h . . . b u t y o u
time of entry to the University and the Senate House Examination at the end of
m a y b e lie v e th a t 1 h a v e n o t b e e n in th e least e x tr a v a g a n t, as, o n c o m p a r in g a c c o u n ts w it h
th e m o st e c o n o m ic a l I k n o w a m o n g o u r fr e sh m e n , I fin d th a t m y e x p e n d itu r e h as b e e n i f
their sojourn.^ Not surprisingly, therefore, Williams interests were not en
a n y th in g less th a n his . . . O n e o f o u r f a s t fr e sh m e n h as sp e n t a b o u t ;(^200 last te r m tirely directed towards his studies.
( th o u g h o f c o u r se n o t h a lf o f th a t w a s se n t in to th e tu to r ) an d a n o th e r h as sp e n t f u lly By and large the cause of Williams diversions was the active social life into
more.^ which he had entered. By March, 1843, his resolve not to join the college boat
club seriously weakened. At first, as his personal diary shows, he kept to his
Williams expenditure for three academic years at Cambridge, excluding the
regular sculling outings in his own craft. The sight of the boat races then enticed
final term in the autumn of 1844 which led up to the Senate House examination
him to think ofjoining the boat club, but both on account o f reading, & of what
but including two years of coaching under Hopkins, amounted to over ff770, a
my father would think of me joining, I shall delay. I mean however to join the
very considerable sum indeed for those years, and indicative of the sacrifices that
boat club sometime before I take my degree, perhaps this time next year.
Dr Thomson was prepared to make for his family, better off than he had been in
On 24th March, however, his friend Gisborne persuaded him to join a
the 1830s though he now was.^
cannibal (miscellaneous) crew. So, off I went, and I am to pull again tomor
row. I should like exceedingly to pull regularly, but, though I may join the club,
Towards graduation I shant pull in the races next term. He admitted his offence to his father, stressing
that to pull in the races next term, however, would make him too sleepy in the
When William returned to Cambridge in October, 1842, to enter his second
evenings. Nevertheless, he continued with the cannibals, and, finding that he
year, he began reading for the first time with Hopkins in a relatively small class
was getting on surprisingly well, the exercise being not at all heavy and sleep-
of about five selected students. As William explained to his father:
inducing, he reflected that if the cannibal crew get going on in the races, I think I
W h a t w e h a v e h a d a lr e a d y a p p r o x im a te s v e r y m u c h to th e p la n w*i y o u p u rsu e w it h y o u r shall p u ll. . .. He also confessed shortly after that 1 have been thinking on the
class. H e a sk ed us all q u e stio n s o n v a r io u s p o in ts in th e d i f f c a lc u lu s, in th e o r d e r o f h is boat more than anything else all day. Inevitably, he conceded to join the first
m a n u s c r ip t, w ^ h e has g iv e n us t o tra n scrib e, a n d g a v e us e x e r c ise s o n th e d iffe r e n t Peterhouse boat in the last term of his second year. Even Cookson seemed half-
su b jects d iscu ssed , w ^ w e are to b r in g w it h us t o m o r r o w . H e says h e n e v e r ca n b e q u ite
convinced by Williams arguments: after chapel I took tea with Cookson, and
sa tisfied th a t a m a n has g o t c o r r e c t id eas o n a n y math* su b je c t till h e has q u e s tio n e d h im
after exhausting mathematics we started boating. After a long discussion, I
v iv a v o c e . I can j u d g e v e r y little y e t o f a n y o f th e o th e r m e n w h o m I m e e t w it h h im , b u t I
nearly managed to persuade him that I may try the Cannibals next term without
h o p e th e y are n o t e x t r e m e ly fo rm id a b le. *
committing suicide, mathematically, physically, & morally.^
The final sentence of this extract underlines the very competitive nature of the After a period of intensive training, Thomson rowed bow , or number one,
Cambridge Senate House Examinations. More especially, William himself was in most of the Easter Term races, six in all, spread over two or three weeks. In
not only highly conscious of that competition, but his own cultural values. between races he sculled quietly but could do no reading. In the second race:

William to Dr Thomson, c. February-March, 1842, T201, ULC. (Cambridge, 1843). See also D. A. Winstanley,
U n iv e r s ity o f C a m b r id g e e x a m in a tio n p a p e r s , 1 8 4 3

Dr to William Thomson, 12th October, 1844, T274, ULC. See also SPT, 1,41,87; Rothblatt, E a r ly V ic to r ia n C a m b r id g e (Cambridge, 1955), pp. 68,167; Garland, pp. 115-6; W hewell, O f a lib e r a l
pp. 66-7. An example o f Williams technique o f making his requests for m oney more acceptable by pp. 210-11.
e d u c a ti o n ,

enclosing a theorem is given in William to John Thomson, 13th April, 1844, T503, ULC. Thomson, diary, c.l5th March; 24th March-lOth April, 1843; William to Dr Thomson, 24th
William to Dr Thomson, October, 1842, T223, ULC. March, 1843, T233, ULC.
78 The making o f the natural philosopher A Cambridge undergraduate 79

W c r o w e d ea sy , ju s t to k e e p a f e w in c h e s ah ea d o f th e C a iu s b o a t, fo r a b o u t th r e e -q u a r te r s Glasgow mathematics chair, and W.F.L. Fischer (1814-90), subsequently pro

o f th e c o u r s e , till w e g o t to th e W i l l o w s ; th e n w e laid o u t. W e w o n all th e rest o f th e fessor of natural philosophy at St Andrews, also joined the reading party. The
races, th o u g h th e b e ttin g at first w a s ten to o n e that C a iu s w o u ld b u m p . . . D u r in g th o se texts they studied included Airys and O Briens mathematical tracts as part of
th r e e w e e k s n o th in g o c c u r r in g o n th e w h o le ea rth s e e m e d o f th e slig h te st im p o r ta n c e : w e the intensive study leading up to the examinations in January, 1845.^^ Towards
c o u ld talk and th in k o f n o th in g e lse. It w a s th r e e w e e k s c lea n c u t o u t o f m y t im e fo r
the end of the Cromer session, Hopkins reported optimistically to Dr Thomson
w o r k in g at C a m b r id g e ; so I d e te r m in e d to d o n o m o r e r o w in g . . . six m o n th s a fte r w a r d s
on Williams progress:
I w o n th e silv e r sculls.
I am h a p p y to say th at h e has g iv e n us e n tir e sa tisfa ctio n . H is style is v e r y m u c h im p r o v e d ,
Even Dr Thomson, who visited his son in May, 1843, entered into the competi an d t h o u g h still p erh ap s s o m e w h a t to o redundant fo r e x a m in a tio n s in w h ic h th e tim e
tive excitement, and wished to be kept posted about the events on the river. a llo w e d is str ic tly lim ite d , it is v e r y e x c e lle n t as e x h ib itin g th e c o p io u sn e s s o f his
You see, he wrote, that though I consider it necessary you should give them up k n o w le d g e as w e ll as its a c c u r a c y . 1 c o n sid e r his p la ce as q u ite certa in at th e tip-top, b u t
for the future, yet I feel an interest in them so far as you are concerned. When the I a m a n x io u s th at h e sh o u ld r e c o lle c t that h e has his o w n r e p u ta tio n to c o n te n d against.^*
time came in October, 1843, for William to justify once more his time devoted
The much-dreaded Senate House examination duly began on 1st January,
to boating, he provoked Anna into penning a revealing comment:
1845, and ended on 7th January, twelve mathematical papers later. Morning
I g o t y o u r le tte r t o d a y c o n ta in in g a ll y o u r rea so n s fo r h a v in g j o in e d th e b o a t races, w h ic h sessions were o f two-and-a-half, and afternoon sessions of three, hours dura
has o n e g o o d e ffe c t at least - th a t o f c o n v in c in g us all th a t y o u are a m o s t e x c e lle n t tion. All the questions were issued to the candidate in printed form, the old
lo g ic ia n , a n d th a t, in c o m m o n w it h all th e rest o f y o u r f a m ily y o u p ossess th e e x c e lle n t practice of examiners dictating book-work questions having been abandoned in
ta le n t o f b e in g a b le to d e fe n d y o u r s e lf m o s t e lo q u e n tly w h e n a n y th in g y o u d o is in th e
1827. The number of questions set for each paper varied from eight to twenty-
lea st b la m e d . .
four and, of course, the final result would depend on quantity, as well as quality,
Time-consuming though it was, boating on the Cam was insufficient to of answers. The first two papers carried the rubric that the differential calculus
consume Williams immense energy. His 1843 diary shows him rising at six or was not to be employed, but thereafter the use of the calculus was freely allowed.
seven on a February or March morning, and retiring to bed seldom before O f the twelve papers, two were explicitly headed problems; the rest contained
midnight. Music - practising on his cornopean and helping to establish the a high proportion of book-work and related questions.
University Music Society in the spring of 1844 - walking, skating, swimming The content of the examination covered a wide spectrum of pure and mixed
and, of course, reading, filled his days, along with entering into the heated mathematics. Euclidean geometry, arithmetical mensuration, algebraic equa
discussions which took place within his large circle of friends. Topics of tion-solving, trigonometry, spherical trigonometry and geometry, conic sec
conversation ranged from mathematics, through science in general, to politics, tions, statical problems - such as equilibrium of forces and centre of gravity -
literature, and, not least, women. Indeed, many of the subsequent excisions dynamical questions - such as the laws of motion, elastic impact, and pulleys -
from the diary may have been carried out by the author in order to avoid hydrostatics, geometrical optics, and practical astronomy all appeared in the first
embarrassment to his future marriage partners. two papers of 1845. Newton, once prominent among the Senate House ques
Training for the Senate House examinations was fully under way throughout tions, was limited to one question only: enunciate and prove Newtons tenth
the academic year 1843-4. Rehearsals constantly took place according to the Lemma. The third and sixth papers, the so-called problem papers, reflected a
methods of Hopkins who, in the tradition of Cambridge reading parties, took similar range of questions such as:
his pupils to the seaside for two months of the long vacation in 1844, on account A p a rticle is p la c e d o n th e su rface o f an e llip s o id , in th e c e n te r o f w h ic h is r esid en t an
of the health of his own children. William Thomson was exceedingly glad of it, a ttr a c tiv e fo r c e . D e te r m in e th e d ir e c tio n in w h ic h th e p a rticle w ill b e g in to m o v e .
as it will be much pleasanter than Cambridge in summer, although it would add
to an already-expcnsive ycar.^"^ However, his father agreed, and he spent a A c c o u n t fo r H a lo s and m o c k suns. F in d th e grea test a ltitu d e o f th e sun at w h ic h th e latter
pleasant time reading with Hopkins at Cromer, on the Norfolk coast. His can b e seen .
friends Hugh Blackburn (1823-1909), who later succeeded Dr Thomson in the
SF^T, 1, 60-1 (as told by Lord Kelvin to S.P. Thompson in the 1900s). ** William to Dr Thomson, 2ndjune, 1844, T264; ULC; 13thjune, 1844, T265, ULC; lOthjuly,
Dr to William Thomson, 23rd May, 1843, T243, ULC; SPT, 1, 62; Anna to William 1844, T267, ULC; SPT, 1, 78-83. The texts were G.B. Airy, Mathematical tracts (Cambridge, 1826)
Thomson, r. October, 1843, B197-8, ULC; SPT, 1, 65. and Matthew O Brien, Mathematical tracts (Cambridge, 1840).
Thomson, diary, especially entry for 21st March, 1843. ** William Hopkins to Dr Thomson, 7th August, 1844, H122, ULC.
William to Dr Thomson, 4th May, 1844, T259, ULC. University o f Camhridj^e examination papers, 1845 (Cambridge, 1845).
80 The making o f the natural philosopher A Cambridge undergraduate 81

F in d th e p o s itio n o f a sm a ll r e c tilin e a r m a g n e t, th e c e n te r o f w h ic h is fix e d , w h e n th e

a c tio n u p o n a d ista n t p a r tic le o f free m a g n e tis m is in a g iv e n d irectio n .^ *

Paper four was devoted to mixed mathematics; paper five to pure mathematics,
including the differential calculus; while papers seven to twelve offered both
pure and mixed mathematical questions, at least two of which related specifically
to the wave theory of light, one to the integration of partial differential
equations, and one to the application of DAlemberts principle to establish the
equations of motion of a rigid body and the fundamental equation of
Contrary to everyones predictions Thomson emerged as second wrangler.
First place went to Stephen Parkinson of St Johns College.^^ The Thomson
family as a whole, though naturally disappointed at the result, were nevertheless
ready to be content with the verdict. John Thomsons comments typified the
familys attitude:
A lt h o u g h w e h o p e d to h a v e h ea rd th a t y o u w o u ld h a v e b e e n first, w e are all v e r y g la d th at
y o u r p la c e is so h ig h & th a t y o u h a v e b e e n b e a te n b y n o o n e , b u t a J o h n ia n . M r
L u s h in g to n [C a m b r id g e -e d u c a te d p r o fe sso r o f G r e e k at G la s g o w ] in sp e a k in g t o m e
a b o u t it, r e m a r k e d th a t th e se J o h n ia n s are so v e r y crafty th a t th e y c o n s ta n tly m a n a g e to
slip in at e x a m in a tio n s c o n tr a r y t o th e e x p e c ta tio n s o f a ll . .

One of the Tripos examiners, Ellis, who had succeeded Gregory as editor of the
Cambridge Mathematical Journal, commented thus on the result to his fellow St Peters College graduates in 1852. P.G. Tait (first from left) became co-author
examiner, Harvey Goodwin: You and I are just about fit to mend his with Thomson o f the T r e a t i s e o n n a t u r a l p h i l o s o p h y (ch. 11), and W.J. Steele (third
[Thomsons] pens, while Whewell noted to Forbes: Thomson of Glasgow is from left) had been one o f Thom sons most promising Glasgow students. Tait was
senior, and Steele second, wrangler in 1852. [From C.G. Knott, L i f e o f P e t e r G u t h r i e
much the greatest mathematical genius: the Senior Wrangler was better
T a it.\
drilled.^ 1
In the succeeding Smiths prize examination, held towards the end ofjanuary,
th o s e e x a m in a tio n s , th e fact o f y o u r so n b e in g second is p e r fe c tly e x p lic a b le w it h o u t
1845, Thomson emerged first, and Parkinson second. There were four papers in
le s se n in g th e c o n v ic t io n th at in th e h ig h p h ilo s o p h ic ch ara cter b o th o f m in d an d
all, each with a high proportion of mixed mathematical problems relating to
k n o w le d g e , h e is d e c id e d ly first. 1 h a v e b e fo r e to ld y o u th at th e p r e v a ilin g d e fe c t o f his
statics, dynamics, elasticity, the wave theory of light, astronomy, and the steam- m in d c o n sis te d in th e w a n t o f arrangement an d method, an d th o u g h th e d e fe c t has b e e n
engine - all of which Thomson found more congenial than the intense book- c o n q u e r e d in a v e r y g rea t d e g r e e it h as d o u b tle s s a ffe c te d m o r e o r less h is p o w e r o f
work demands of the Senate House examination papers.M eanw hile, William p r e p a r in g h im s e lf fo r an e x a m in a tio n so d e te r m in a te in its ch aracter as o u r m a th e m a tic a l
Hopkins had sent a very careful and revealing analysis of his pupils performance e x a m in a tio n s . W h ile o th e r s are s im p ly a n s w e r in g a q u e stio n , h e w ill o fte n b e w r itin g a
to Dr Thomson, an analysis which ended any possible doubts as to Williams d isse r ta tio n u p o n it, a d m ir a b le in itse lf, a n d in d ic a tiv e o f th e fu lln e ss o f his k n o w le d g e ,
ability: b u t still n o t e x a c t ly w h a t is ask ed f o r . ^
Hopkins went on to say that Parkinsons quality of mind was effectively the
T o o n e as in tim a te ly a c q u a in te d as m y s e lf w it h th e d iffic u lt o rd e r s o f in te lle c t b r o u g h t
in to c o m p e tit io n in o u r U n iv e r s ity e x a m in a tio n s , an d w it h th e r e q u isites fo r su cc ess in
reverse of Thomsons. Parkinson seemed to possess the most extraordinary
power of acquiring knowledge and of bringing it to bear in the extempori
Ibid. process of examinations but apparently with little of that expansiveness of view,
An interesting account o f the 1845 Senate House examination is given in A.R. Bristed, F i v e which is so eminently characteristic o f your son, and affords so sure an indication
yea rs in a n E n g l i s h U n i v e r s i t y (2 vols.. N ew York, 1852), 1 , pp. 325-7. See also SPT, 1 , 90-105.
John to William Thomson, 21st January, 1845, T517, ULC.
SPT, 1 , 97-8, 103. 72 U n i u g r s i t y o f C a m b r i d g e e x a m i n a t i o n p a p e r s , 1 8 4 5 . William Hopkins to Dr Thomson, c. 16th January, 1845, H124, ULC.
82 The making of the natural philosopher

of future distinction. One of the examiners told Hopkins that while Thomson
would be hereafter building up for himself a European reputation, his opponent
might be scarcely known beyond the bounds of the University, his senior
wranglership having been his culminating point, beyond which he had no
capability of rising by any power of original research.
The changing tradition of natural
Hopkinss analysis summed up all the weaknesses inherent in the Cambridge
system of the day. While it was a mathematics course more specialized and
profound than that of any other British institution, and thus of great value as a
training, not just of the mind, but for a person intent on pursuing mathematical
physics, the examination system itself was not designed to produce original T h e r e is n o ca n d id a te [fo r th e G la s g o w ch air o f n atu ral p h ilo s o p h y ] b esid es

minds. On the other hand, William Thomsons years under Hopkins were most y o u r s e lf fr o m C a m b r id g e , n o n e I su p p o s e fr o m D u b lin , a n d O x f o r d has n o
o n e fit. A n d th e r e can b e n o o n e e ls e , e x c e p t s o m e p et o f th e p r in c ip a ls, a
certainly of inestimable value to his future work in physical science, for Hopkins
m in is te r w h o c o u ld n o t p r ea ch a n d m u s t n o t sta rv e, o f w h o m I u se d to h ear,
not only had the capacity for disciplining minds but the enthusiasm and ability
w h o w a s r e a d y fo r a n y ch air fr o m N a tu r a l P h ilo s o p h y d o w n . S u c h m e n as
for original work himself At the same time, Thomsons failure to become senior
th e se g e t in to sectarian c o l l e g e s . . . b u t I b e lie v e it w ill b e im p o s s ib le h e n c e
wrangler did not prevent him from being elected a fellow of Peterhouse in June, fo r w a r d fo r su ch m e n to g e t ch airs in a n y n a tio n a l c o lle g e lik e th at o f
1845, when he had only just reached the age of twenty-one - an age at which, as G la s g o w . W .A . Porter to W illiam Thomson, 1846^
Dr Thomson reminded him, his father had been teaching eight hours a day at Dr
Edgars school, and had not yet even entered Glasgow College.
Nevertheless, there was still the question of Williams longer term future, and Appointed to the Glasgow College chair of natural philosophy in 1803, and
the feelings of many members of his circle could have been summed up in two described by Elizabeth Thomson as a good-natured, fat, little hunchback with a
particular letters from college friends in 1845. David Foggo expressed the serious very red face. Professor William Meikleham had none of the fierce conserva
side of Williams potential: I do not know at all what may be your views or tism of Principal Macfarlan or Dr Fleming. A founder member of the Glasgow
intuitions, but I must say I hope to see you setting up, and coming out strong, as a Philosophical Society in 1802, his activities distinguished him from some of his
philosopher and mathematician; and that neither Law, nor Theology, nor incompetent or inert colleagues such as James Millar (mathematics) and James
Politics, nor much coaching are destined to lead you away from science, wherein Couper (astronomy). In particular, he introduced his students to Lagranges
may the greatest success crown your efforts. On the other hand, H.L. Parry, Mhanique analytique, and Laplaces Mkanique celeste within an enduring
writing in humorous vein to congratulate him on his fellowship, concluded by pedagogical and methodological tradition of Scottish natural philosophy.^
wishing the fellows above you well disposed of, & you quietly settled with Eliza By the time William Thomson succeeded Meikleham in 1846, the intellectual
[Kerj in the Masters Lodge . . But if William Thomsons future glory was assumptions of natural philosophy had changed dramatically from those in
indeed to lie with his scientific achievements, his professional and personal life operation when Dr Thomson had been Meiklehams student in 1811-12. Yet
was to be centred not on Cambridge, but on Glasgow. the new professor inherited the pedagogical aims of his predecessor.
Dr to William Thomson, 1st July, 1845, T315, ULC (ch. 1).
Meiklehams course had been directed at large numbers of students (122 in 1823-
David Foggo to William Thomson, 27th January, 1845, FI 52, ULC; H.L. Parry to William 4 and eighty-seven in 18267, for example, paying fees of four or five guineas
Thomson, c.June, 1845, P19, ULC. Our emphasis. Eliza Ker, ofDalm uir on the Clyde, was perhaps each).^ Such a popularly based course could scarcely do justice to the modern
the favourite among Williams girlfriends o f the 1840s.
French analysts. The first challenge facing William Thomson, in his bid for the
chair, would be to demonstrate his command of advanced mathematical and
W.A. Porter to William Thomson, 5th September, 1846, P116, ULC.
^ Elizabeth King, L o r d K e l v i n s e a r l y h o m e (London, 1909), p. 121. See the entry for William
Meikleham in W. Innes Addison, T h e m a t r i c u l a t i o n a l b u m o f th e U n i v e r s i t y o f G l a s g o w f r o m 1 7 2 8 to
1 8 5 8 (Glasgow, 1913); SPT, 1 , 12; D.B. Wilson, The educational matrix: physics education at early-
Victorian Cambridge, Edinburgh and Glasgow Universities, in P.M. Harman (ed.), W r a n g l e r s a n d
p h y s i c i s t s . S t u d i e s o n C a m b r i d g e p h y s i c s in t h e n i n e t e e n t h c e n t u r y (Manchester, 1985), pp. 12-48, esp.
pp. 16-33.
Report o f the Universities Commission 1826-1830, P a r l i a m e n t a r y p a p e r s , 36 (1837), 115-17.

84 The making o f the natural philosopher The changing tradition o f natural philosophy 85

experimental practices in a new intellectual context; the second, to demonstrate but its range did not include an explanation of the means by which God created
his ability to communicate this sophisticated material to large, ill-prepared and sustained such laws. It was at this point that theology and natural philosophy
classes. came into contact.^
The brief sketch in Dr Thomsons essay might at first sight seem consistent
with a deistic theology of nature in which natures laws were immanent in the
The laws of nature
fabric of the universe and so independent from God. Dr Thomsons phrase laws
In his introductory lecture to students in the senior natural philosophy class at established by Him appears to suggest just such a separation between the
Glasgow College, Meikleham put forward three general reasons for the study of Creator and nature. On the other hand, the emphasis on secondary causes, and
natural philosophy. First, it extends our power over nature by unfolding the the claim that all the operations of nature were ultimately the effects of divine
principles of the most useful arts. Second, it gratifies the mind by the certainty power, is also consistent with voluntarist or Common Sense theological
of its conclusions, by its great extent, & by explaining phenomena. And third, traditions. Although Dr Thomson almost certainly did not intend to appear
above all it leads us to view the Creator as the Great First Cause, and as deistic, the very possibility of such an interpretation - and the need to avoid it -
maintaining the energies of nature. Thomsons own 1846 introductory lecture led to a fundamental reappraisal o f current theologies of nature by Thomas
advocated a study of natural philosophy for much the same reasons: practical Chalmers and J.P. Nichol, a reappraisal which would provide the theological
benefits, intellectual satisfaction, and, most importantly, the approach to God by framework for William Thomsons cosmos. We must briefly analyze, however,
obtaining knowledge of the laws of nature established by Him for maintaining voluntarist and Common Sense theologies of nature.
the harmony and permanence of his Works."^ The intimate connections sug Deriving from a thirteenth-century reaction against the Aristotelian view of
gested here between God, man, and nature characterize the role of natural St Thomas Aquinas that laws were immanent, necessary and eternal, early
philosophy in Glasgow College. voluntarist theologians such as Duns Scotus (c. 1270-1308) gave primacy to the
Writing in 1847, J.P. Nichol recognized two (and only two) points of divine will over the divine intellect in order to counter the fear that Aquinass
connection between religion and a survey of the material world, both points view endangered the traditional conception of Gods freedom and omnipotence
being remote from relationship with the matters concerning which our over His creation. William of Ockham, for example, grounded all natural laws
churches are divided. The first, the existence of design in the universe, is and all ethical values on the will of God, God being the supreme law-giver. The
altogether apart from religious controversy. The second, the view which voluntarist believed in one God, the Father Almighty, maker of heaven and
represents g o d as a p r o v i d e n c e ; which discerns the energies of Nature as his earth, and of all things seen and unseen. The whole of His creation had to be
ministers; nay which, as its culmination, recognises in the Material World no wholly contingent upon the undetermined decisions of the divine will. Gods
energy or activity save h is - the omnipresence of a s p ir it whose distinguishing absolute power, potentia absoluta, had created the universe. His ordained power,
characteristic is l i f e , is also entirely removed from the matter of sectarian potentia ordinata, maintained the framework of absolute and constant laws which
disputes.^ These two issues, design and providence, will appear as twin features were direct manifestations of divine will. Only by a further exercise of absolute
of William Thomsons natural philosophy. power as in miracles could these immutable laws be suspended or
Dr Thomson set out his own early views on providence in an essay in his abrogated.
Glasgow College notebook (1811-12). He emphasized that all operations of Given the existence of an enduring Christian tradition of voluntarism,
nature were ultimately effects of divine power and that God manifested this which included seventeenth-century natural philosophers such as Robert Boyle,
power through the constant action of laws established by Him for the govern Rene Descartes, and Isaac Newton, it is not surprising to find eighteenth- and
ment of the world. While the aim of natural philosophy was to discover these nineteenth-century men of science and theology -Jo h n Robison (1739-1805),
laws, and perhaps reduce them to more general principles, there existed a Thomas Chalmers, William Whewell, James Joule (1818-89), and the
definite limit to mans ability to trace such secondary causes to their source: an Thomsons, for example - sharing very similar voluntarist theologies of nature.
insuperable barrier will at length present itself to terminate further knowledge. In the 1830s Chalmers wrote o fGods creative energy originating all, and of His
Natural philosophy was concerned with matter, motion, and the laws of nature, sustaining providence upholding all - an unambiguous reference to the absolute
and ordaining powers of God. Again, Whewell referred in 1833 to the universal
* William Thomson, Notebook o f Natural Philosophy class, 183 9 ^ 0 , NB9, ULC; Introduc
tory lecture [1846], in SPT, 1 , 246-50. * James Thomson, Exercises in Natural Philosophy, 1811-12, Q U B .
J.P. Nichol, Preliminary dissertation, to the English translation ofj. Willm, The education of the See especially Francis Oakley, Christian theology and the Newtonian science. Church Hist., 30
people (Glasgow, 1847), pp. Ix-lxii. (1961), 433-57, for an account o f the origins and nature o f the voluntarist tradition.
86 The making o f the natural philosopher The changing tradition o f natural philosophy 87

Creator and Preserver. Joule in 1847 asserted that the whole universe was beyond human knowledge. What was important for Reid was that the laws of
governed by the sovereign will of God. And William Thomson in 1851 used nature, as mere rules, required an efficient cause, an agent endowed with active
the phrase supreme ruler, while his brother James stated in a letter of 1846 that power, ultimately dependent on but not identical with Gods will.^ Reid
he could view what we call the Laws of Nature in no other light than merely as concerned himself, however, not so much with material nature as with moral
expressions of the will of an Omnipresent and Ever-acting Creator. nature, and the primary moral agent was man.
Eighteenth-century debates in Scotland concerning the status o f laws of In Sir William Hamiltons famous dictum, Reids philosophy postulated that
nature - particularly the controversy provoked by David Hume - had stimu On earth there is nothing great but man; in man there is nothing great but
lated an important new variant of voluntarist theology of nature which, while mind. Man, made in the image of God, had been endowed with certain active
stressing divine will and power, distinguished laws of nature from efficient powers which, though limited compared to Gods, distinguished man from all
causes. For Scottish moral philosophers-most notably Thomas Reid (1710-96), other beings on earth and gave to man the independence to act morally, for good
who occupied the Glasgow chair of moral philosophy from 1763 until his death or evil. As Reid argued:
- the laws of nature were the rules according to which the effects are produced; It is e v id e n t ly t h e in te n t io n o f o u r M a k e r th a t m a n sh o u ld b e an a c tiv e a n d n o t m e r e ly a
but there must be a cause which operates according to these rules. Agreeing s p e c u la tiv e b e in g . F or th is p u r p o se , c e r ta in a c tiv e p o w e r s h a v e b e e n g iv e n t o h im , lim it e d
with Hume on the nature of laws as mere rules, therefore, he nevertheless in d e e d in m a n y r esp ects, b u t su ite d t o h is ran k a n d p la c e in t h e c r e a tio n . K n o w le d g e
insisted that the rules of navigation never navigated a ship; the rules of d e r iv e s its v a lu e f r o m th is, th at it e n la r g e s o u r p o w e r , a n d d ir e c ts u s in a p p lic a tio n o f it.
architecture never built a house. Laws of nature were discoverable by obser F or, in th e r ig h t e m p lo y m e n t o f o u r a c tiv e p o w e r c o n sists all th e h o n o u r , d ig n ity , a n d
vation and experiment. They were the definite object of natural philosophy. w o r t h o f a m a n , an d in th e a b u se a n d p e r v e r s io n o f it, a ll v ic e , c o r r u p tio n , a n d

Efficient causes, on the other hand, being related ultimately to divine agency and d e p r a v it y .

will, were not the object of science: upon the theatre of nature we see While Reid understood the active powers of mind primarily in a moral sense, his
innumerable effects, which require an agent endowed with active power; but views were sometimes read in the more practical sense o f mans capacity to
the agent is behind the scene.^ direct the operations of nature towards useful ends. This theme received
In both the voluntaristic and Common Sense views, the ultimate and primary development in the work of the distinguished Edinburgh natural philosopher
cause was God, who actively governed the universe by the exercise of His will. and near contemporary of Reid, John Robison. His interpretation of mind,
Laws of nature, as secondary causes, had no power or agency in themselves. human or divine, illuminates the three-fold character of natural philosophy in
Voluntarists, however, had generally held the laws of nature to be direct Scotland: worship of God through natural theology, intellectual satisfaction
manifestations of divine will, whereas the Common Sense philosophers distin through science, and practical application through the useful arts. Here efficient
guished Gods will from Gods action through efficient causes. They thus cause, in the case of man, acquired the connotation of utility.
interposed efficient causes between laws of nature and Gods will. Reid in Distinguishing mind and matter, Robison comprehended mind not merely as
particular allowed that the efficient causes could be either God acting directly or immaterial substance, but in terms of art. While matter was simply the
by instruments under his direction. But, either way, the efficient action was substance immediately cognizable by our senses, mind alone exhibited that
phenomenon of art, the employment of means to gain ends. From this view of
^ Thomas Chalmers, T h e w o r k s o f T h o m a s C h a l m e r s (25 vols., Glasgow, 1836-42), 4 , pp. 387-8;
William W hewell, A s t r o n o m y a n d g e n e r a l p h y s i c s c o n s id e r e d w i t h r e fe r e n c e to n a t u r a l t h e o l o g y (London, mind, the relation of the Supreme Mind, God, to the material world could be
1833), p. 201 ;J.P. Joule, On matter, living force, and heat [1847], T h e s c ie n t if ic p a p e r s o f J . P . J o u l e (2 understood as the relation of the artist, the employer o f skills and instruments, to
vols., London, 1887), 1 , pp. 265-76, on p. 273; William Thomson, Preliminary draft for the his work of art:
Dynamical theory o f heat, PA 128, ULC, p. 5; James Thomson to Robert Douglas, 15th August,
1846, in James Thomson, P a p e r s , xxxvii. th e w o r ld ap p ea rs a w o r k o f a rt , a sy s te m o f m e a n s e m p lo y e d fo r g a in in g p r o p o s e d en d s,
Thomas Reid, Essays on the active powers o f man [1788], in Sir William Hamilton (ed.). T h e an d it carries th e th o u g h t s fo r w a r d t o an artist ; a n d w e in fe r a d e g r e e o f sk ill, p o w e r , a n d
w o r k s o f T h o m a s R e i d , D . D . (2 vols., Edinburgh, 1846-63), 2, pp. 509-679, esp. p. 527. See L.L.
g o o d in te n t io n in th is A r tist, p r o p o r t io n e d to th e in g e n u ity , e x t e n t, a n d h a p p y e ffe c t
Laudan, Thomas Reid and the Newtonian turn o f British methodological thought, in R.E. Butts
and J.W. Davis (eds.). T h e m e t h o d o lo g i c a l h e r it a g e o f N e w t o n (Oxford, 1970), pp. 10331, for an w h ic h we are able to discern in h is w o r k s . S u c h a c o n t e m p la t io n o f n a tu r e , th e r e fo r e ,
account o f Reids Com m on Sense philosophy. P.M. Heimann, Voluntarism and immanence:
conceptions o f nature in eighteenth century thought,_/oMrn<j/ h i s t . I d e a s , 39 (1978), 271-83, esp. pp. ' Archdeacon William Paleys conception o f law was virtually indistinguishable from Reids: A
278-9, outlines Reids theology o f nature. Heimanns statement that Reid was seeking to validate the law presupposes an agent; for it is only the mode, according to which an agent proceeds: it implies a
notion o f divine sustenance without stressing divine volition as the cause o f phenomena seems to us power; for it is the order, according to which that power acts. W ithout this a g en t. . . the l a w does
unclear. Divine volition - intimately bound up with divine power - was fundamental to Reids nothing; is nothing. See T h e w o r k s o f W i l l i a m P a l e y , D . D . (5 vols., London, 1823), 4 , pp. 13-14.
theology o f nature. Reid, W o r k s , 2, p. 511.
88 The making o f the natural philosopher The changing tradition o f natural philosophy 89

te rm in a te s in natu r a l t h e o l o g y , o r th e d isc o v e ry o f th e ex iste n ce a n d a ttrib u te s o f As the science of contemporaneous nature, natural history aimed to classify the
GOD.l^ resemblances which existed among the objects - animate and inanimate - of the
material universe. Natural history therefore concerned the structure, colloca
The human mind, made in the image of the Supreme Mind, had been
tion, arrangement, or disposition of objects, whether of plants or planets.
endowed with similar, if limited, qualities of art. As a result, Robison compre
Natural philosophy, on the other hand, was the science o f successive nature. It
hended sciences and arts as mutually dependent:
aimed to classify the resemblances which took place among the events of the
[N a tu r a l p h ilo s o p h y ] stan d s in n o n e e d o f p a n e g y r ic : its u ltim a te c o n n e c tio n w it h th e arts material universe by treating of the incessant, but regular and law-like, changes
g iv e s it a su ffic ien t r e c o m m e n d a tio n to th e a tte n tio n o f e v e r y p e r so n . It is th e f o u n d a tio n observed in nature through, for example, the formulation o f laws of matter and
o f m a n y arts, a n d it g iv e s lib era l a ssista n ce to all. In d e b te d to th e m fo r its o r ig in a n d b ir th ,
motion. Natural philosophy further divided into natural philosophy, strictly
it has e v e r r e ta in e d its filia l a tta c h m e n t, a n d rep a id all th e ir fa v o u r s w it h th e m o s t p artial
and indeed usually so called, and chemistry. The former division dealt with the
a ffe c tio n . . . [F o r e x a m p le ] It is o n ly f r o m th e m o s t r e fin e d m e c h a n ic s that w e can h o p e
laws of sensible, visible motions; and the latter with the phenomena, or visible
fo r su re p r in c ip le s to d ir e c t us in th e c o n s tr u c tio n an d m a n a g e m e n t o f a sh ip , th e b o a st o f
h u m a n art, a n d th e g r e a t m e a n s o f u n io n a n d c o m m u n ic a t io n b e t w e e n th e d iffe r e n t
effects, of insensible motions. Hypotheses concerning the nature of the insensible
q u a rters o f t h e g lo b e . motions themselves he regarded as premature and undesirable.
Sensible motions in Robisons classification provided the subject-matter of
Such a view of the intimate connection of natural philosophy with practical arts natural or mechanical philosophy, centred on dynamics. Robison thus defined
contrasts with the values of a Cambridge liberal education. To underline this mechanical philosophy as the study of the sensible motions of the bodies of the
Scottish approach, we may note that of over forty articles contributed by universe, and o f their actions producing sensible motions, with the view to
Robison to the third edition of the Encyclopaedia Britannica (1797-1801), more discover their causes, to explain subordinate phenomena, and to improve art.
than one-third treated practical arts such as projectiles, pumps, steam-engines, Scottish natural philosophy adhered to this definition until the mid-nineteenth
waterworks, arches, carpentry, seamanship, rope-making, and machinery. century. The phenomena of insensible motions provided the subject-matter for
William Thomson would follow directly in this Scottish tradition of natural Scottish professors of chemistry. These divisions of natural knowledge also
philosophy with its very strong emphasis on the unity of science and art, had important theological implications, relating on the one hand to order and
conceived in terms of the relation of mind to the material world. structure in the cosmos (natural history and natural theology), and on the other
As a major interpreter of Bacon, as well as a disciple of Newton, Robisons to the laws of motion by which God governed the universe (natural philosophy
influential articles Physics and Philosophy in the Encyclopaedia Britannica had and providence).
mapped out a grand classification of the sciences in the manner he believed Professor Meiklehams natural philosophy course continued the system estab
accorded most closely with our experience, treating laws of nature as inductive lished by John Robison. The distinction between natural history and natural
generalizations from experience, and condemning speculative hypotheses. He philosophy, the progressive narrowing of the subject-matter of natural philos
attributed his methodology to Bacon who began with classification and descrip ophy until it had been defined in terms of sensible motion and force, and the
tion of phenomena (the method of natural history) and proceeded cautiously to consequent emphasis on the science of force or dynamics, are all characteristics of
generalizations and laws (the method of natural philosophy) Robisons Encyclopaedia Britannica articles, characteristics which conspicuously
For Robison, natural history treated of pure descriptions and arrangements. reappear in the lecture notes of Meiklehams pupils.
2 [John Robison], Physics, E n c y c l o p a e d i a B r i t a n n i c a , 3rd edn. (Edinburgh, 1797-1801), 16 , pp.
637-59, on p. 641. On Robisons voluntarism, seeJ.B. Morrell, Professors Robison and Playfair, and
Politics and progression
the th e o p h o b i a g a l li c a - . natural philosophy, religion and politics in Edinburgh, 1789-1815, N o t e s a n d
R e c o r d s R o y a l S o c . L o n d o n , 26 (1971), 43-63.
Robison, Physics, pp. 645-57.
Like most mechanical philosophy in the nineteenth century, the tradition
Thomas Young, Life o f Robison, in George Peacock (ed.). M i s c e l l a n e o u s w o r k s o f t h e la te handed down from Robison to Meikleham to Dr Thomson, and including
T h o m a s Y o u n g (3 vols., London, 1855), 2 , pp. 50.5-17; A c o u r s e o f l e c tu r e s o n N a t u r a l P h i l o s o p h y a n d t h e Robisons successor at Edinburgh, John Playfair (1748-1819), took Laplaces
m e c h a n i c a l a r ts (2 vols., London, 1807), 2, pp. 130-8.
Mkanique celeste to epitomize perfection and harmony in the operations of
Robison, Physics , p. 647; Philosophy, E n c y c lo p a e d i a B r i t a n n i c a , 3rd edn. (Edinburgh, 1797-
1801), 14 , pp. 573600, esp. pp. 581-600. For a further discussion o f Robisons conceptual nature. Its outstanding feature was the proof that the solar system would remain
framework see Crosbie Smith. Mechanical Philosophy and the emergence o f physics in Britain;
1800-1850, A n n . S e t . , 33 , (1976), 3-29, esp. pp. 7-11. Thomas Thomson outlined a similar Robison, Physics, pp. 643, 647; Philosophy, pp. 582-5.
framework in his H i s t o r y o f t h e R o y a l S o c i e t y f r o m i ts i n s t i t u t i o n to t h e e n d o f t h e e i g h t e e n t h c e n t u r y James Thomson, Exercises in Natural Philosophy, 1811-12, Q U B ; William Thomson,
(London, 1812), p. 311. Notebook o f Natural Philosophy class, 1839-40, NB9, ULC.
90 The making o f the natural philosopher The changing tradition o f natural philosophy 91

eternally stable, in a state of dynamic equilibrium, despite a profusion of afterwards Dr Thomson also echoed Playfairs cosmological creed in his intro
disturbing forces and attendant irregularities in its motion. Because of this ductory lecture at Glasgow College (1832):
remarkable order in the midst o f apparent chaos, the Laplacian system of the
T h e y [th e E u r o p e a n a str o n o m e r s a n d m a th e m a tic ia n s ] h a v e also a r r iv e d at o n e o f th e
world served in a much broader context as a symbol of enlightened liberal m o s t in te r e s tin g c o n c lu s io n s to w h ic h s c ie n c e has e v e r led : th e y h a v e fo u n d th a t c o n tr a r y
ideology, o f the faith in natural laws to govern the most perfect system of the to s o m e a p p ea ra n ces, th e etern a l sta b ility o f th e sola r sy s te m is fu lly p r o v id e d fo r in its
world whether material or social. o w n m e c h a n ism : th at it c o n ta in s n o se ed o f its o w n d is s o lu tio n , n o p r in c ip le le a d in g to
Playfairs 1808 essay on Laplaces great work, which helped to crystallize the o ld a g e o r d e c a y ; b u t th a t e v e r y p h e n o m e n o n a p p e a r in g to g iv e su c h in d ic a tio n is
movement for reform in British natural philosophy and mathematics, reflects p e r io d ic a l, a n d is r e g u la te d b y a c o r r e c tiv e p o w e r a r isin g fr o m th e p r in c ip le o f u n iv e r sa l
the symbolic significance of natural order in its political metaphors: all the g r a v ita tio n , w h ic h p r e v e n ts it f r o m e x c e e d in g a fix e d a m o u n t.^ "

inequalities in our [solar] system are periodical . . . our system is thus secured In sharp contrast to Laplace himself, however, each of these reformers insisted
against natural decay; order and regularity preserved in the midst of so many that the incomparable order of nature could not have arisen from a chance
disturbing causes; and anarchy and misrule eternally proscribed. Adam Smith, arrangement, but gave indisputable evidence of Gods handiwork. Dr Thom
whose History of astronomy (1795) Playfair cited here, had recognized the son, for example, added that the grand conclusion of stability afforded a
analogical value in Newtons gravitational explanation of the solar system long striking manifestation of design in the formation of the system, as it is proved
before its perfection by Laplace, and had constructed his political economy as that had the arrangements & mechanism of its parts been much different from
another such system of dynamical equilibrium.^* For the Scottish whigs, what they are found to be, there w^ have been no such permanence ... [and] the
therefore, like reformers elsewhere who sought to replace the imperfections of disturbing actions of the bodies on one another w'^ in time have brought them
authoritarian rule with the harmonies of natural law, a great deal depended on into destructive collision. As the system was constructed, however, the planets
the stability of the systems of nature. Equilibrium dynamics appeared in every must continue to move forever with pristine vigour and with undeviating
sphere. regularity, unless arrested in their career by that Almighty power by wh they
Playfair is best known for his Illustrations of the Huttonian theory (1802), in were first called into existence, and launched along their respective paths. The
which he employed both geological and astronomical arguments to support his planetary system was thus eternal, except by exercise of Gods absolute power.
commitment to a cyclical universe where one could discern no marks of origins Within a year of Dr Thomsons remarks the symbol to which he and so many
or endings: others had attached their natural theological and political optimism suddenly
[In g e o lo g y ] w e n e ith e r se e th e b e g in n in g n o r th e e n d . . . In th e c o n tin u a tio n o f th e lost its potency. Conservation of motion in the solar system seemed to be
d iffe r e n t sp e c ie s o f a n im a ls a n d v e g e ta b le s th a t in h a b it th e e a rth , w e d isce rn n e ith e r a vitiated by observations on Enckes comet, which indicated the action of a
b e g in n in g n o r an en d ; in th e p la n e ta r y m o tio n s . . . w e d is c o v e r n o m a rk e ith e r o f th e resisting medium in interplanetary space. Ifconfirmed for planetary motion, the
c o m m e n c e m e n t o r th e te r m in a tio n o f th e p r esen t o r d e r . . . T h e A u th o r o f n a tu r e has n o t retarding action would inevitably, given sufficient time, cause the entire system
g iv e n la w s to th e u n iv e r se , w h ic h , lik e th e in s titu tio n s o f m e n , carry in th e m s e lv e s th e to collapse into the sun.
e le m e n ts o f th e ir o w n d e str u c tio n . H e has n o t p e r m itte d in H is w o r k s a n y s y m p t o m s o f Both William Whewell in his Bridgewater treatise (1833) and John Herschel in
in fa n c y , o r o f o ld a g e , o r a n y sig n b y w h ic h w e m a y e s tim a te e ith e r th e ir fu tu r e o r th e ir
his Treatise on astronomy (1833) discussed this sobering implication, with
past d u ra tio n .* ^
Whewell confidently asserting that facts have been observed which show, in the
Implicitly, then, if the institutions of men were reformed to reflect natural laws, opinion of some of the best mathematicians of Europe, that such a very rare
social life too could approach the stable order of Gods works, with anarchy and medium does really occupy the spaces in which the planets move:
misrule eternally proscribed. S in c e th e r e is su ch a r e ta r d in g fo r c e p e r p e tu a lly a c tin g , h o w e v e r s lig h t it b e , it m u s t in th e
In 1831 John Herschel would use much the same words in reviewing Mary e n d d e s tr o y all th e c e lestia l m o tio n s . . . still th e d a y w ill c o m e ( i f th e sa m e P r o v id e n c e
Somervilles weighty popularization of the Mkanique celeste (ch. 6). Shortly w h ic h f o r m e d th e s y s te m , sh o u ld p e r m it it to c o n t in u e so lo n g ) w h e n th is cau se w ill
e n tir e ly c h a n g e th e le n g th o f o u r y ea r a n d th e c o u r se o f o u r se a so n s, a n d fin a lly sto p th e
[John Playfair], La Place, Traite de mechanique hie] celeste, Edinburgh Rev., 22 (1808), 249-
84, on pp. 277-9. See also Adam Smith, The history o f astronomy, in W .P.D. Wightman and J.C.
Bryce (eds.), Adam Smith. Essays on philosophical subjects (Oxford, 1980), pp. 33-105. (First published
London, 1795).
John Playfair, Illustrations of the Eluttonian theory (Edinburgh, 1802), pp. 119-21. Quoted 20 Dr James Thomson, Introductory lecture at Glasgow College, 6th November, 1832, Q UB;
verbatim by William Thomson in 1868 (ch. 15). See PL, 2, 11-12. ]J.F.W. Herschel], Mechanism o f the heavens. Quart. Rev. 47 (1832), 537-59.
92 The making o f the natural philosopher The changing tradition o f natural philosophy 93

e a r th s m o t io n r o u n d th e su n a lto g e th e r . T h e sm a lln ess o f th e resistan ce . . . d o e s n o t a llo w Whewells triumphant message highlights a major turning point in the
us to esca p e th is certain ty.^ ^ scientific culture of Britain and in the intellectual position of the Thomson
Dr Thomson deleted from his lecture the now dubious claim of eternal family. In previous disputes over the adequacy of natural laws to guarantee
stability but added a footnote indicating his reluctance: stable systems in a perfect, or perfectible, world, all sides had taken conservation
and decay as antitheses. Could the ideals of rational order and progressive
It m a y b e p r o p e r to m e n tio n that a su p p o s e d c h a n g e in th e m o v e m e n t s o f o n e o f th e
politics be recovered in a world where decay was the universal law of creation?
c o m e ts h a d le d s o m e to b e lie v e that th e r e is a h ig h ly ra refied m e d iu m w h ic h offers s o m e
Two friends of the Thomson family, Thomas Chalmers and J.P. Nichol, took
slig h t resista n ce to its m o tio n s fr o m th e lig h tn e s s o f its parts. T h is h o w e v e r req u ires
positions which illustrate the dilemma. Both sought optimistic answers, but
c o n fir m a tio n an d n o th in g o f th e k in d has b e e n o b s e r v e d in regard to th e p lan ets.
from divergent perspectives, the former through revealed religion and the latter
Ignoring all such quibbles, Whewell pressed home the newly refreshed lessons through a reinterpretation of enlightenment ideals.
for natural theology: no one who has dwelt on the thought of a universal Speaking as Scotlands most noted theologian and evangelical preacher,
Creator and Preserver, will be surprised to find the conviction forced upon the Chalmers wrote in the introduction to his 1833 Bridgewater treatise of the fine
mind of every new train of speculation, that viewed in reference to Him, our generalisation by the late Professor Robison, of Edinburgh, which ranges all
space is a point, our time a moment, our millions a handful, our permanence a philosophy into two sciences, natural history and natural philosophy. But
quick decay. T h i s universal law of creation implied not only an end of the Chalmers recognized that natural philosophy, the science of successive nature,
material world but also a transient destiny for man and his institutions. was perfectly consistent with infidel beliefs in immutable laws, immanent in
In place of the Laplacian image of eternal conservation and harmony the fabric of nature, rigidly deterministic, and leaving no place for miracles or
Whewell thus substituted an image of instability and decay, of perpetual prayer. Natural philosophy, therefore, could not provide a basis for natural
change, perpetual progression, in which motion is perpetually destroyed, theology, for arguments to the existence and attributes of God. Natural philos
except it be repaired by some living power: ophy had to be interpreted through revelation, which implied, for Chalmers, a
T o m a in ta in e ith e r th e past o r fu tu r e e te r n ity o f th e w o r ld , does not appear consistent with
voluntarist theology of nature. T o provide a basis for natural theology Chalmers
physical principles, as it certainly does not fa ll in with the convictions o f the religious man, in turned to natural history, to the arrangements and dispositions of matter
w h a te v e r w a y o b ta in e d . W e c o n c e iv e th a t this state o f th in g s has h a d a b e g in n in g ; w e throughout the cosmos.^
c o n c e iv e that it w ill h a v e an e n d . B u t in th e m e a n tim e w e fin d it fitte d , b y a n u m b e r o f Given a clear distinction between natural history - concerned with arrange
rem a r k a b le arrangements, to b e th e h a b ita tio n o f liv in g creatures.^3 ments of objects - and natural philosophy - concerned with the laws of nature -
Chalmers developed the notion that the laws of natural philosophy were by
Whewell associated design with beneficial arrangements in the creation which
themselves inadequate to give rise to the arrangements of our existing natural
would endure for a time, but which tended ultimately to dissolution. And
history. Furthermore, he believed that if these arrangements were destroyed, no
although he employed the familiar analogy of a divine watch-maker to illustrate
powers of nature, no laws of natural philosophy, would be able to replace or
the designercreation link, he was much more concerned to use the analogy to
renew them. He argued that this claim was most important for the cause of
emphasize, with Newton, the limitations of mechanical enquiry. Even if we
natural theology since, although the laws of nature might account for the
could trace the present arrangement of the solar system to other pre-existing
evolution of things or substances collocated in a certain way . . . they did not
mechanical systems, we must ultimately go outside mechanical causes to cre
ation ex nihilo, by a First Cause whch is not mechanical. originate the collocations:
T h e la w s o f n a tu r e m a y k e e p u p th e w o r k in g o f th e m a c h in e r y - b u t th e y d id n o t an d
William W hewell, A s t r o n o m y a n d g e n e r a l p h y s i c s c o n s id e r e d w i t h r e fe r e n c e to n a t u r a l t h e o l o g y
c o u ld n o t set u p th e m a c h in e . . . F o r th e c o n tin u a n c e o f th e sy s te m a n d o f all its
(London, 1833), pp. 191-209; J.F.W. Herschel, A t r e a t is e o n a s t r o n o m y (London, 1833), pp. 308-9.
W hewells treatise was one o f Meiklehams recommended texts in 1839. See William Thomson, o p e r a tio n s, w e m ig h t im a g in e a su ffic ie n c y in th e la w s o f n atu re; b u t it is th e first
Note-book o f natural philosophy class 1839-40, N B9, ULC. Lecturing to his own natural
philosophy class in 1862, William gave a definitive statement about Enckes comet: it manifested 2 Thomas Chalmers, T h e a d a p t a t i o n o f e x t e r n a l n a t u r e to t h e m o r a l a n d i n t e l l e c t u a l c o n s t i t u t i o n o f m a n
irregularities in motion which prove a resisting medium. See William Thomson, 6th Novem ber, (London, 1834), pp. 25-7; T h e w o r k s o f T h o m a s C h a l m e r s (25 vols., Glasgow, 1836-42), 1, pp. 222-5;
1862, lecture 3, in David Murray, Lecture notes in c la s s e p h y s i c a , bench II, November, 1862, MS 7, pp. 234-62, esp. pp. 234-6. See also D.F. Rice, Natural theology and the Scottish philosophy
Murray 325, ULG. 2 2 w h ew ell. A s t r o n o m y a n d g e n e r a l p h y s i c s , p. 201. in the thought ofThom as Chalmers, S c o t t . J . T h e o L , 24 (1971), 23-46, for a discussion o f Chalmerss
2 2 I b i d . , pp. 203-4. Our emphasis. evangelical theology in relation to Scottish Com m on Sense philosophy, and Crosbie Smith, From
2^* I b i d . , pp. 206-7. W hewell was quoting Newton here. See Isaac Newton, O p t i c k s (4th edn., design to dissolution: Thomas Chalmerss debt tojohn Robison, B r i t . J . H i s t . S c i . , 12 (1979), 59-70,
London, 1730), p. 369. For a very similar perspective to that o f W hewell in this period, see for a further analysis o f Chalmerss theology o f nature in relation to his natural theology. For a
Humphrey Lloyd, On the rise and progress o f Mechanical Philosophy [1834), M i s c e l l a n e o u s p a p e r s modern biographical study, see S.J. Brown, T h o m a s C h a l m e r s a n d t h e G o d l y C o m m o n w e a l t h in
c o n n e c t e d w i t h p h y s i c a l s c ie n c e (London, 1877), pp. 414-36, esp. pp. 433-4. S c o t l a n d (Oxford, 1982).
94 The making o f the natural philosopher The changing tradition o f natural philosophy 95

c o n s tr u c tio n o f th e s y s te m w h ic h so p a lp a b ly ca lls fo r th e in te r v e n tio n o f an a r tificer , o r vested moral power in the established Anglican Church rather than in personal
d e m o n s tr a te s so p o w e r f u lly th e fia t a n d fin g e r o f a G od .^ ^ salvation. Nevertheless, while Malthus regarded sexual passion and hunger as
Similarly, living organisms required the interposition of a living and purposing antagonistic forces of nature which inevitably would keep the lower classes in a
state of miserable equilibrium, both Chalmers and Whewell believed that,
agent to bring together their parts and mould them into existence. Chalmers
through religious guidance, peasants and workers could control their
therefore argued in his Bridgewater treatise that recognizing divine order and plan
depended far more on natural history than on natural philosophy. overpopulating urges.
Whewell challenged the political economy of Malthus and Ricardo by
Chalmers first met Whewell at the 1833 meeting of the British Association in
attacking equilibrium theory directly, arguing that the tendencies of supply and
Cambridge. Perhaps as a result of their discussions and of reading Whewells
demand, as of population and food supply, could give only inadequate expres
Bridgewater treatise, which he called truly admirable, Chalmers began to stress
sions of the full dynamics of natural law, even if one assumed that they
the theme o f decay in his own s e rm o n s .H e recognized that a progressionist
represented human nature, an assumption which he also disputed.^ In contrast,
cosmology offered much greater support for natural theology than did a steady-
Chalmers accepted Malthuss assessment of human nature, but advocated a
state cosmology, for it would vitiate both deistic and naturalistic interpretations
socially radical solution based on transcendence of this depraved nature. The
of laws of nature. David Hume had skilfully articulated the sceptical view in his
working classes, he argued, could take control of their own destiny by control
Dialogues concerning natural religion (1779). To avoid going beyond the present
ling the supply, and thus the cost, of labour. They could therefore market labour
world, Hume argued, it would be better to suppose the principle of order within
nature than without: an ideal system [the divine mind], arranged of itself, is not in the same way a capitalist would market commodities: It is at the bidding of
a whit more explicable than a material one which attains its order in like their collective will, what the remuneration of labour shall be; for they have
manner.^* Chalmers now answered: entire and absolute command over the supply of labour. Such control, how
ever, required education of the collective will through general instruction, or
L et th e re o n ly b e e v id e n c e , w h e th e r in n a tu re o r in h is to r y , b y w h ic h to g e t q u it o f th e by the spread of common, and more especially of sound Christian education
h y p o th e s is th a t th is w o r ld w it h all its p resen t la w s a n d h a r m o n ie s m u s t b e e tern a l - a n d
over the country.
th e n , o n th e s te p p in g s to n e o f a w o r ld so b e a u te o u s ly o r d e r e d a n d so b o u n tif u lly fille d [in
A progressive view of man, then, for the conservative Whewell and the
th e a b se n c e o f ete r n a l la w s], m ig h t w e rise to th e se c o n d h y p o th e s is o f an E tern al M in d
evangelical radical Chalmers, required abandoning the faith of the enlightenment
fr o m w h o m th is u n iv e r se is an e m a n a tio n . T h is w o u ld g iv e fu ll in tr o d u c tio n to th e
re a so n in g s a posteriori - c a r r y in g us at o n c e fr o m th e in d ic a tio n s o f d e s ig n to a p r im a r y
in natural law. The alternative available to liberals and radicals in the natural law
d e sig n e r . A ll th a t is n e e d e d is sa tisfa c to r y e v id e n c e th a t th e se in d ic a tio n s are n o t fr o m tradition was to reconstruct their ideology and its relation to natural philosophy.
E te r n ity .^ That alternative is the one followed by J.P. Nichol.
In 1836, Nichol launched a powerful attack in John Stuart Mills London and
With respect to the solar system, that evidence existed in the effects of a resisting
Westminster Review on Chalmerss distinction between the dispositions of matter
fixed at the original setting up of the machine and the laws of nature ordained
Chalmers and Whewell both carried their critique of equilibrium dynamics
for the conducting of the machine. Nichol argued:
in the material world into the political arena, with writings on political
economy. As in the economy of nature, so in the social economy natural force T h e tr u th is, a c o llo c a t io n per se e x c ite s n o th in g b u t w o n d e r . . . a n d this fe e lin g . . .
o p e r a te s as an i n c i t e m e n t . . . to th e in te lle c t to se ek o u t th e p h y sic a l cau se o r th e o r ig in o f
alone would lead not to harmonious equilibrium but to progression, and very
th e n e w a n d n o t c o m p r e h e n d e d s c h e m e . . . P ersu a d e w e a k m in d s th a t th e e x is te n c e o f th e
likely in the direction of dissolution. Both authors, however, believed that the
D e it y is b e st s h o w n b y c o llo c a t io n s as d istin c t fr o m la w . . . a n d w e h a v e at o n c e th e
moral force of Christianity could arrest the process and even lead to improve
ment in the material condition of man, allowing peasants and workers to escape
William W hewell, Mathematical exposition o f some doctrines o f pohtical econom y, T r a n s .
the Malthusian condemnation to a subsistence existence. Whewell naturally did 3 (1830), 191-230; Mathematical exposition o f some o f the leading doctrines in Mr
C a m . P h i l . S o c .,
not share Chalmerss anti-hierarchical, presbyterian perspective, because he Ricardos Principles o f political econom y and taxation , T r a n s . C a m . P h i l . S o c ., 4 (1833), 155-98.
For further discussion, see M. Norton Wise (in collaboration with Crosbie Smith), Work and
Chalmers, I V o r k s 1 , p. 225. waste; political econom y and natural philosophy in nineteenth century Britain, H i s t . S c i.
Smith, From design to dissolution, p. 65. (forthcoming).
David Hume [1779], reprinted in H .D. Aitken (ed.), D i a l o g u e s c o n c e r n i n g n a t u r a l r e li g io n (N ew Thomas Chalmers, O n p o l i t i c a l e c o n o m y , in c o n n e x i o n w i t h t h e m o r a l s ta t e a n d m o r a l p r o s p e c t s o f
York, 1948), pp. 20, 34-6. s o c ie t y (Glasgow, 1832), pp. 25-6. See especially R.M. Young, Malthus and the evolutionists: the
Thomas Chalmers, On the non-eternity o f the present order o f things. T h e w o r k s o f T h o m a s common context o f biological and social theory. P a s t a n d p r e s e n t , no. 43 (1969), 109-45, esp. pp.
C h a l m e r s (25 vols., Glasgow, 1836-42), 1 , pp. 161-87, on p. 176. 120-5.
96 The making o f the natural philosopher The changing tradition o f natural philosophy 97

reluctance o f the intolerant mob o f Greece to permit the extension o f physical law - time ought to be understood as one state in a succession of states: Parting from
which is, the extension o f knowledge . . . Had not the argument for the being o f a God the notion of a cluster of perfect regularity, the idea thus rises before us, of a series
been often placed, by a similar mistaken dogmatism, in apparent collision with progress ... upon which m u t a b i l it y is stamped. The unity of the parts would now reside
ing and legitimate inquiry, we should have had fewer Atheists and less intolerance.^^
in their derivation from a unitary created origin. If one part of a system -
Nichols radicalism obviously had dilferent foundations from Chalmerss. He considered at a given moment - seemed isolated from the rest, the problem lay in
made his critique at the end of a remarkable discussion of the nebular hypothesis, not considering temporal relations: its character must be determined through its
incorporating an essentially progressive and evolutionary view of the heavens, relations, not with Space but Time; and its very isolation among surrounding
which he developed at length in his 1838 Views of the architecture of the heavens. things. . . constrains us to regard it as only one part of a term of a Series. M i l l
At once popular and profound, poetic and persuasive, Nichols book traced and Nichol regarded this doctrine as the cornerstone of a new science of
the whole range of explanatory powers of a nebular hypothesis, placing special progress, social progress in the first instance, but founded on an analogy with
emphasis on the origins, development and future of the solar system, a grand progression in nature. Thus Mill asserted that The mutual correlation between
progression from beginnings into new forms and arrangements. Nichol disagreed the different elements of each state of society i s . . . a derivative law, resulting
fundamentally with Chalmerss inference that original collocations alone placed from the laws which regulate the succession between one state o f society and
natural theology qua design on a secure foundation, and insisted that develop another.
ment in nature followed fixed natural laws, laws which expressed both Like Mill, Nichol believed that the natural progression of man would be
beneficent design and providence. He carefully stressed that the laws manifested upward. A sound education would promote this advancement if it followed
divine power and not self-actuating processes: natures model. The education of Man is the most visible among the purposes of
the existing scheme of things . . . in seeking to advance it by Education, we
If uneasy feelings are suggested - and I have heard o f such - by the idea o f a process which
may appear to substitute progress for creation, and place law in the room o f providence, their
therefore act in harmony with manifold resistless agencies. I t should therefore
origin lies in the misconception o f a name, la w o f itself is no substantive or independent be democratic, universal, non-sectarian, useful, positive, and improving (ch. 2).
power; no causal influence sprung o f blind necessity, which carries on events o f its own In advancing this doctrine, Nichol had to contend with a most problematic
will and energizes without command. relation between the nebular hypothesis and the supposed upward course of
man, for the solar system was decaying:
Nichols view of laws required a new conception, for in traditional natural
philosophy the laws were not temporal, were not in themselves laws of the system, though strong, is not framed to be everlasting ; and our Hypothesis also
progression. Although the successive development of the states of a system could develops the mode o f the certain decay and final dissolution o f its arrangements.
Remember the effects o f the Solar Ether! Although no mark o f age has yet been
be derived from them, that development could as well proceed in the opposite
recognized in the planetary paths, as sure as that filmy comet is drawing in its orbit, must
direction. Unity in a system, furthermore, depended on the motions governed
they too approach the sun, and at the destined term o f their separate existence, be resumed
by the laws being eternally repeated. In contrast, progressing systems exhibited into his mass. The first indefinite germs o f this great organization, provision for its long
no such constancy in the spatial relations of their parts. They did not form existence, and finally its shroud, are thus all involved in that master conception from
clusters of perfect regularity, in Nichols phrase. which w e can now survey the mechanisms amid which w e are!^^
In correspondence with J.S. Mill (and from his familiarity with German
idealism), Nichol developed the view that a spatial arrangement at any given Inverting the usual pessimistic assessment of this decay, Nichol argued that it
derived, not (as Newton had thought) by accident, derangement, or disease, but
J.P. N [ich o l], State o f discovery and speculation concerning the nebulae, London and
through the midst of harmony: the inheritance of this same Nebulous parent-
Westminster Rev., 3 (1836), 3 9 0 -4 0 9 , on pp. 4 0 6 -9 .
N ich o l, Views of the architecture of the heavens. In a series of letters of a lady (Edinburgh and N ich o l, Architecture of the heavens, p. 197; Thoughts on some important points relating to the system
London, 1837), p. 183. James T h om son , op. cit. (note 8), criticized Robert C ham berss controversial of the world, 2nd edn. (Edinburgh, 1848), p. 198. See also U npublished letters fr o m jo h n Stuart M ill
Vestiges of the natural history of creation (London, 1844) in the same terms: it appears to m e that the to Professor N ic h o l, Fortnightly Rev., 59 (1897), 6 60-78. In Chapter 14 w e discuss the im portance o f
author substitutes for the Creator, w hat he calls Law; and that, i f he gives assent to the existence o f these ideas for T h o m so n s ether.
God as a First Cause, he, at least, supposes H im to be n o w infinitely removed from all the W orks o f W e o w e this interpretation o f N ic h o ls and M ills view s o f law and o f the nebular hypothesis to
Nature, and that everything goes on n o w of itselfjust as a clock after its w eights have been w ou n d up. Sim on Schaffer, T he nebular hypothesis and the science o f progress, in j.R . M oore (ed.), The
N o w I am strongly impressed w ith the idea that a law is in itself nothing and has no pow er; and I can humanity of evolution (C am bridge, forthcom ing). M ills remarks are quoted in Schaffer. SeeJ.S. M ill,
view w hat w e call the Laws o f N ature in n o other light than m erely as expressions o f the will o f an A system of logic, 9th edn. (2 vols., London, 875), 2, p. 510.
O m nipresent and Ever A cting C reator. Ironically, Cham bers had drawn extensively on N ic h o ls N ich ol, Prelim inary dissertation, pp. x v -x ix .
astronom ical publications. N ich o l, Architecture of the heavens, pp. 188-9.
98 The making o f the natural philosopher The changing tradition o f natural philosophy 99

age [of the planets], viz., the existence of an ether, leads gently to their decline. and to (b) the necessity of mans directing power in social affairs. He could
Furthermore, while The idea o f the ultimate dissolution of the solar system has follow in toto neither Chalmers nor Nichol and would struggle mightily to
usually been felt as painful, and forcibly resisted by philosophers, Nichol argued arrive at a resolution and a new synthesis (ch. 10).
against any such view on the grounds that Absolute permanence is visible At the beginning of his career, then, Thomson found himself in an intellectual
nowhere around us, and the fact of change merely intimates that in the situation entirely different from that o f the previous generation. The conflict
exhaustless womb of the future, unevolved wonders are in store. over conservation and progression had become the issue that marked a new
The optimism of the enlightenment was to be recovered by building the epoch. New answers were required in natural philosophy, just as in geology and
upward progress of man on an underlying course o f decay in the processes of biology, with their famous debates over the steady-state earth and the evolution
nature: of species (chs. 6 and 14-18). All of these problems, as well as their concomitants
in natural theology and social theory, would impinge directly on Thomsons
N a y , w h a t th o u g h all sh o u ld pass? W h a t th o u g h th e d o s e o f this e p o c h in th e h is to r y o f
th e so la r o r b sh o u ld b e a c c o m p a n ie d . . . b y th e d is s o lu tio n an d d isa p p e a r in g o f all th e se
intellectual development during the 1840s, both while at Cambridge until 1846
sh in in g spheres? T h e n w o u ld o u r U n iv e r s e n o t h a v e fa ile d in its fu n c tio n s, b u t o n ly b e e n
and afterwards as he attempted to bring the problems and prospective answers
g a th e r e d u p and r o lle d a w a y th e se fu n c tio n s b e in g c o m p le te . T h a t g o r g e o u s m a ter ia l before his classes in natural philosophy. Before he fully entered the fray,
fr a m e w o r k , w h e r e w it h th e E tern a l h a th a d o r n e d a n d v a r ie d th e ab ysses o f sp a ce , is o n ly however, he and his father embarked on a campaign to secure his professional
an in s tr u m e n t b y w h ic h th e m y r ia d s o f sp irits b o r n e u p o n its o rb s, m a y b e t o ld o f th e ir status.
o r ig in , an d e d u c a te d fo r m o r e e x a lte d b e in g .

Gone was the eternal harmony of equilibrium states in the economy of nature, Politics and pedagogy: the campaign for succession
gone were their unchanging collocations; the law of nature was now eternal
The democratic intellect is an epithet well applied to Scotland and her
change, leading to completion of a built-in end, and to ultimate dissolution of
universities in the nineteenth century. With an absence of academic entrance
the instrument of this glorious process. Nichol, however, proposed no law
requirements, with prizes awarded not by the authority of the professor but by
within natural philsophy which would govern the progressive development of
the vote of the class, and with a vigorous pedagogical tradition of daily
the solar system and thus could serve as a model for the laws of society. He
examination meetings (or class discussions) and class essays, the Scottish univer
proposed only a nebulous example.
sities aimed to provide four years of general education, both useful and liberal.'^
Nichols perspective on the relation between decay in nature and progress in
In its liberal, as well as its useful function, a Scottish university education thus
society could hardly have been further from that of Chalmers. While both men
differed markedly from an Oxbridge liberal education through an egalitarian,
saw progression in nature, Nichol made it progress and Chalmers decay. Both
non-elitist training of undergraduate minds.
envisaged the improvement of mans condition, and both advocated universal
Above all, a university education in Scotland cost comparatively little,
education o f the people as the means to that end, but Nichol would found
providing professorial lectures for students from a wide spectrum of social
progress on natural law itself while Chalmers would transcend natural law
backgrounds, in contrast to the expensive, hierarchical structure of Cambridge.
through the moral power of Christianity. That both men were close friends of
As Dr James Thomson, himself a notable beneficiary of the Scottish system,
the Thomson family brings into sharp focus that dilemma in which the
made the point in 1825, the efficiency of the means is fully proved by the
Thomsons found themselves as proponents of both social rationalism and
production of a more general diffusion of education and intelligence than an
providential theology. Prior to the 1830s, rationalism had been associated with
equal population in any other country can exhibit.'*^ From a small country
conservation o f the states and powers of nature, while providential theology
steeped in such presbyterian values as opposition to hierarchical authority
might assume either conservation or decay. Now one had to assume progression
(especially episcopacy and papal supremacy), election of the elders of the kirk,
of some kind, but natural philosophy offered as yet only conservation. To
and the right of congregations to call the ministers of their choosing, there had
follow Chalmers would mean (a) giving up the former basis of rationalism
emerged a distinctive university system at once democratic and presbyterian, a
within natural philosophy, and (fc) emphasizing the directing power of man in
system which appealed, in different ways, to Scottish liberals and tories alike.
society; to follow Nichol meant {a') extending the province of natural law to
By the 1820s and 1830s, however, criticisms of the Scottish universities on
encompass development, and {b') seeing mans progress as similarly governed.
We shall find William deeply committed to {a') the strict rule of law in nature G.E. Davie, The democratic intellect. Scotland and her universities in the nineteenth century
(Edinburgh, 1961), pp. 15-20.
Ibid., pp. 154-5. p 191 [James Thomson], State o f science in Scotland, Belfast Mag., 1 (1825), 270.
100 The making o f the natural philosopher The changing tradition o f natural philosophy 101

both academic and religious grounds had become commonplace. These criti church. H a v i n g lost the support o f not only some of the College professors,
cisms manifested particular religious and political forms at Glasgow College, including Ramsay, and all the regius professors. Dr Thomson admitted defeat,
dividing the institution along whig and tory political lines. The whigs, led by acknowledging that 'perhaps their plan might be more beneficial to this Univer
professors such as Thomas and James Thomson, sought to free the College from sity, but that, considering the superior capabilities of Cambridge, I thought my
its remaining sectarian ties and to make professional merit the principal criterion plan would be more beneficial to science.
for election to an academic chair, while the tories, led by Principal Macfarlan Given the character of the existing Scottish pedagogical tradition, the princi
and other professors with close ties to the established Church of Scotland, aimed pal remedy for Williams potential weaknesses lay in promoting his experimen
to preserve the traditional religious affiliations of the College (ch. 2). tal strengths. Experimental demonstrations formed a crucial part of a popular
The Glasgow College tories could unite, therefore, both in opposition to any natural philosophy course, while at a deeper level Scottish natural philosophy
weakening of the role of the Church and to any change in the popular form of the viewed experimental apparatus or illustrative mechanisms as the very embodi
pedagogical system. Professor Robert Buchanan, for example, appointed to the ment and practical realization (and not merely the application or exemplifica
chair of logic in 1827, followed his celebrated predecessor and teacher, George tion) of theory. Experiment is thereby integral to (and not merely illustrative of)
Jardine, in upholding the democratic ap p ro ach .B u c h an an , an ordained the meaning and derivation o f a concept. Furthermore, a Scottish dislike of
minister, became a loyal member of what Dr Thomson called the Principals speculative hypothesis provided an agreeable complement to the stress on
party. By contrast, the reformers in the College had a more difficult task. While experiment and observation.
the fragmentation of the Church in the early 1840s gave new impetus to the By the beginning of the 1841-2 session at Glasgow College, Williams first
campaign for the abolition of the tests, reformers divided over the wider issue of year at Cambridge, Professor Meikleham had reached the age of seventy. He
educational reform. had not returned to the teaching of the natural philosophy classes after his
On the one hand, the Oxbridge educated reformers favoured the angliciza- collapse during the 1839-40 session, and to his colleagues it was becoming clear
tion of Scottish universities, while the more radical professors promoted Scot that he was unlikely ever to do so again. Towards the end of 1841 Dr Thomson
tish democracy over Oxbridge elitism. Sir Daniel Sandford, the Oxford- began a careful appraisal of potential candidates for the natural philosophy chair.
educated professor of Greek and a conservative reformer, sought higher In so doing, he had to satisfy several difficult criteria.
academic standards along Oxford lines, while James Mylne, the elderly Scot First, the university tests, if rigorously applied, restricted the chair to a
tish-educated professor of moral philosophy and much more radical political candidate prepared to conform to the established Church of Scotland. As a
reformer, wanted to preserve the democratic traditions of Scotland."^^ Again result, many distinguished Cambridge men, who were for the most part
Sandford and Ramsay supported the senior wrangler Archibald Smith, himself a Anglican, would be excluded unless their latitudinarianism permitted a
whig and once addressed by his sister as my dearest Radical Archy,'*'^ for the stretching of their religious principles. Second, since Cambridge alone produced
vacant chair of practical astronomy in 1836, but lost to the Scottish-educated the high mathematical attainments which Dr Thomson prized, yet discouraged
radicalJ.P. Nichol, whose great asset lay in an ability to communicate, popular dissenters, the possibility of a candidate combining presbyterian loyalties and
ize, and bring alive his subject (ch. 2). Furthermore, opposition to the 1826 mathematical accomplishments seemed rare indeed. And third, while a Cam
Royal Commissions recommendations, aristocratic and anglicizing in tone, bridge man would satisfy both Dr Thomsons mathematical criterion and
came from Scottish whigs and tories alike. Glasgow reformers aiming to promote more rigorous professional standards
Paradoxically, then, Williams Cambridge successes threatened to weigh as a (Ramsay and Lushington in particular), Scottish whigs and tories alike wished to
liability in his bid for the Glasgow chair. Dr Thomsons dilemma may be preserve popular values. Thus a candidate had above all to be a professional
illustrated by an issue which arose when in 1845 the Marquis of Breadalbane teacher, with the ability to market his expertise to large numbers of fee-paying
provided Glasgow University with a prize worth ;(^100 per annum. The Senate students, in the manner of J.P. Nichol or Dr Thomson himself
divided over whether the prize should be given as a three-year exhibition to At first sight, D.F. Gregory seemed the most obvious candidate. Archibald
Cambridge (a proposal supported by Dr Thomson, Dr William Thomson, and Smith and J.D. Forbes were also possibilities, though Smiths lack of commit
Nichol) or as a fellowship to a Glasgow MA 'instead of sending our best men away to ment to the 1836 contest and Forbess Episcopalian connections weighed against
acquire unScottish ideas in England and to lead them to the English bar or
Dr to William Thomson, 22nd March, 1845, T302, ULC. Dr Thomson was quoting the views
Davie, The democratic intellect, pp. 28-30. Ibid., pp. 38^9. o f his opponents here.
Joanna Smith to Archibald Smith, 8th January, 1835, T D l/715, Smith papers, Strathclyde See, for example, G .N . Cantor, Henry Brougham and the Scottish methodological
regional archives. Davie, The democratic intellect, pp. 26-40. tradition, Stud. Hist. Phil. Sci., 2 (1971), 69-89.
102 The making o f the natural philosopher The changing tradition o f natural philosophy 103

them. Gregory had been defeated by Kelland in the 1838 contest for the ably not be insoluble. In other words, Glasgow College would look particularly
Edinburgh chair of mathematics, Forbes having apparently written testimonials foolish if, on the grounds of the tests, it refused a post to a man who had held a
for both candidates with the deliberate aim o f supporting the senior wrangler prestigious Edinburgh chair for ten years. However, Forbes was not the ideal
Kelland against the fifth wrangler Gregory, Kelland representing continental candidate: so far as Physique [i.c. experimental physics] is concerned, he is
analysis and Gregory representing a new creative style that owed much to his perhaps the best we could get; but as to the math^ parts of Nad PhiE, I doubt his
Scottish roots (ch. 6). preeminence and I am not sure about his power in teaching according to our
With the aftermath of the 1838 election evidently in mind. Dr Thomson system.^ ^
asked William in November, 1841, to take soundings about Gregory: Dr Thomsons doubts concerning Forbess power in teaching according to
Have you any means of forming an opinion regarding his powers of communicating? Of our system are especially revealing. Though a reformer, Forbess aristocratic and
his attainments there can be no doubt, but has he popular talents? Quietly look after this tory alignments placed him much nearer to the anglicizing aims of the 1826
matter, and let me know what you gather on this subject either from your own Royal Commission and to Oxbridge goals than to the Glasgow College whigs
observation or otherwise. Would he or Forbes or some other person still best suit for our whose reforms aimed to maintain the democratic, popular ideals of the Scottish
Natural Philosophy chair?'^ system. In his fight against the whig David Brewster to secure the Edinburgh
chair of natural philosophy in 1833, through his correspondence with William
Not until early 1842 did William send an estimate of Gregorys qualities to Dr
Whcwell critical of the low level of Scottish teaching, by his ruthless support of
Thomson. By that time he had seen a good deal of both Gregory and Archibald
Kelland against Gregory, and by his encouragement of a small, elite senior class
Smith, the two mathematicians who have written nearly all the good articles in
similar to Hopkinss classes, Forbes had shown himself unsympathetic to the
the [Cambridge Mathematical] Journal'. William favoured Gregory who, for
traditional Scottish aims of the diffusion of knowledge both liberal and useful to
reasons o f the prevailing religious tests at Cambridge, could not continue as a
large, poorly prepared classes of s t u d e n t s . Th u s , although Forbes had a
fellow o f Trinity College:
reputation for experimental acquirements and as a good teacher. Dr Thomson
Gregory especially has introduced a great deal of new & original matter [into theJournal], could scarcely view Forbes as a particularly suitable candidate representing
in his articles on the separation of symbols, the application of algebra to geometry, Scottish democratic values against Whewellian elitism.
impossible logarithms, &c., &c. I think he would make a splendid professor for you, and Meanwhile, the problem of finding a suitable candidate for the independent
would probably be very glad to get the situation as he will not enter the English Church,
party became more pressing by the precarious state of Dr Meiklehams health in
and must therefore give up his fellowship in seven years. He is a considerable Whig (both
late 1842. He had had a second attack of his distemper, as his colleague in the
in mathematics and politics) but that need not be known. I think he is undoubtedly the
best and most original math" in Cam[bridge], and it is also said that he has a great mathematics chair expressed it, and could not be expected to recover signifi
knowledge of experimental and physical subjects. He certainly wishes to encourage such cantly. Dr Thomson decided to sound out the Anglican William Hopkins, while
subjects here, as he set one question from Williss Practical Mechanics... and he told me also keeping an open mind with regard to Archibald Smith. The prestige of the
afterwards that he wishes to encourage the men to read such subjects. chair would be a strong attraction, and the emoluments of 600800 a year with
a free residence were certainly considerable, but as both men were busily
As a Scot, and a presbyterian, Gregory was well-qualified to pass the Scottish
engaged in establishing reputations in their respective fields of mathematical
tests, and as a brilliant mathematical scholar and whig both in mathematics and
coaching and law. Dr Thomson believed that neither Hopkins nor Smith would
politics he would have made an excellent colleague and ally for Dr Thomson.
be likely to throw themselves into the election campaign with single-minded
Dr Thomson, however, continued to have doubts, wishing that Gregory had
given proofs of his qualifications as a teacher and of his ability to popularise.^
Dr Thomson had also his son Williams future to reflect upon, for the
Towards the end of 1842, Dr Thomson considered the possibility of support
Cambridge undergraduate days would not last for ever. He had consulted his
ing Forbes, and was of the opinion that the independent party in the College will
old colleague in the Belfast Academical Institution s natural philosophy chair,
be able to carry the election against any sectarian candidate put forward by the
John Stevelly, about the prospects of a fellowship for William at Trinity
Principals party. As Forbes had held the Edinburgh chair without sectarian
College, Dublin, and Stevelly had replied early in 1842 that he had no doubts
conflict since 1833, the delicate problem of the tests at Glasgow would presum-
that William could obtain a fellowship in Dublin at a very early age, but that the
Dr to William Thomson, 15th November, 1841, T184, ULC; Davie, The democratic intellect,
pp. 105-6. William to Dr Thomson, February or March, 1842, T201, ULC. Ihid. Davie. The democratic intellect, pp. 116-19, 169-89,
Dr to William Thomson, 7th December, 1842, T228, ULC. Dr Thomson, op. cit. (note 5D).
104 The making o f the natural philosopher The changing tradition o f natural philosophy 105

prospects at Cambridge seemed more favourable, both in terms of number and extent of employing simple apparatus in his Cambridge rooms, and to get a
quality of posts as well as the greater opportunity of forging influential connec proper introduction to Cumming [Cambridge professor of chemistry] - you
tions.^^ The Thomsons followed the wisdom of this advice and, as we have seen, might tell him you wished to practise in some small degree in performing
the immediate aim of Williams Cambridge education was to secure the position experiments (keeping, of course, your main object concealed from him and all
of senior wrangler and to obtain a college fellowship. However, with the others); and he, if you could get no means in his laboratory, would probably
increasing probability of a sudden vacancy in the Glasgow chair. Dr Thomson direct you regarding some simple apparatus and some suitable books; and a
naturally felt obliged to consider the qualifications of William as a candidate, certificate from him or any such person on this subject might be of great
and by early 1843 he had openly discussed the possibility with his son and with consequence.^^ William had already attended Thomas Thomsons Glasgow
his much-valued Glasgow colleague. Dr William Thomson, professor of medi chemistry class in 1838-9 and also attended the Laboratory, where he was a
cine and fellow reformer. In fact, the earliest support on Williams behalf seems practical student for some time. William apparently returned to the laboratory,
to have come, not from his father, but from Professor Nichol, as a letter of April, however, during part of the 1843-4 session, by which time Thomas Thomson
1843, from Dr Thomson to his son would suggest. The same letter illustrates the had left his nephew, R.D. Thomson, in charge.
important premium placed on experimentation as a qualification for the Glas William attended Professor Challiss lectures on experimental natural philos
gow chair: ophy in 1843, and those on practical astronomy and astronomical instruments in
I fe lt t h a t . . . I o u g h t to m e n tio n to h im [D r W illia m T h o m s o n ] m y v ie w s r e g a r d in g y o u . 1844. Indeed, he attended the experimental natural philosophy lectures for a
In d o in g th is I a sk ed h im w h e th e r D r N ic h o l h a d e v e r c o n v e r s e d w it h h im a b o u t th e second time in 1844 in order to have a further opportunity of seeing and
ch a ir, an d fin d in g that h e h a d n o t I to ld h im a b o u t D r N s v ie w s r e g a r d in g y o u . H e w a s handling the apparatus. In this way, William exploited the limited scope for
n a tu r a lly stru ck w it h th e id ea o f y o u r y o u th , etc.; b u t h e r e c e iv e d th e p r o p o s itio n as experimental work at Cambridge, and in so doing followed closely the interests
fa v o u r a b le as c o u ld b e e x p e c te d . H e ask ed a b o u t y o u r experimental a c q u ir e m e n ts , of his Glasgow teacher, Nichol, whose enthusiasm for astronomy, for the wave
p a r tic u la r ly in C h e m is tr y ; an d h e m e n tio n e d F o rb es as b e in g in this respect . . . of theory of light, and for astronomical instruments paralleled that of Challis.^*
E u r o p e a n r e p u ta tio n . H e s e e m e d also to w is h G r e g o r y to b e fo u n d to b e a g o o d
Experimentation formed no part of conventional Cambridge mathematical
e x p e r im e n ta lis t, as w e ll as w h a t h e is a c k n o w le d g e d to b e, a g o o d m a th e m a tic ia n , a n d h e
studies. While Cambridge mathematical texts were abundant, experimental
said that a m e r e m a th e m a tic ia n w o u ld n o t b e a b le to k e e p u p th e class.
texts in the mould of French writers such as Biot, Lame, and Pouillet were
As early as 1843, therefore, when William was eighteen. Dr Thomson began unknown. William, however, had already got hold of Lames Cours de physique
orchestrating a campaign aimed at securing the election o f his son to the natural - an entirely experimental work - when a new directive arrived from
philosophy chair. In fact, three years were to pass before Dr Meiklehams death, Glasgow. Dr William Thomson (who had studied medicine in Paris) and Nichol
but that period was sufficient to permit not only the completion of Williams (who had applied for the chair of political economy at the College de France)
course at Cambridge but also to allow time for a strengthening of support from advised William to travel to Paris in order to further his knowledge of
within and without Glasgow College, and most of all to allow William to experimental techniques: He [Dr William Thomson] still speaks emphatically
acquire for the first time truly experimental skills which would enable him to about the necessity of your giving very great attention to the experimental part
compete with someone as eminent as Forbes. as soon as you can; as he says no one will have any doubt as to your mathematical
Since there was no doubt of Williams mathematical ability, even before the attainments, but that some may even think them to be such as to make you
Senate House examinations, the main concern lay with his experimental train neglect the popular parts of Natural Philosophy. Nichol was more blunt,
ing. It was clear that experimentation was not a part of the conventional informing Dr Thomson that Williams attaining the object you have in view
Cambridge course in mathematics, and such shortcomings in the Cambridge would be wormwood and gall to certain parties; but that your going to Paris,
system would certainly have favoured a non-Cambridge man such as Forbes
should he have made a bid for the Glasgow chair. Advised by his close Ibid.
Printed copy o f William Thom sons testimonials for the Glasgow chair o f natural philosophy,
colleagues. Dr William Thomson and Dr Nichol, Dr Thomson encouraged his pp. 15-16, PA34, U LC ;SPT,1, 167-83, esp. p. 174 (testimonials from Thomas and R.D. Thomson);
son to take up practical experimental work whenever possible, even to the J.B. Morrell, Thomas Thomson: professor o f chemistry and university reformer, Brit.J. Hist. Sci., 4
(1969), 245 65, esp. p. 262.
William to Dr Thomson, 8th May, 1843, T242, ULC; 22nd April, 1844, T257, ULC; SPT, 1,
John Stevclly to Dr Thomson, 5th January, 1842, S302, ULC. 68 9;James to William Thomson, 12th May, 1846, T418, ULC. This last letter suggests that Challis
Dr to William Thomson, 29th April, 1843, T236, ULC; SPT, 1 , 53^5.
and Nichol were well acquainted.
106 The making o f the natural philosopher The changing tradition o f natural philosophy 107

besides improving you, veould strengthen the hands of your friends and weaken always a great many experiments to show. And o f Pouillet, Thomson marked
the objections of others. down the particular experiments he makes, and how they succeed, and what
William travelled to Paris as soon as he had taken his degree early in 1845. seems to be more appreciated by the audience, which is very numerous, and
Professor Forbes provided some of the key introductions for William to the popular . The aim was thus to compensate for the belief, as expressed by Dr
French savants (notably Cauchy). Forbes also warned Dr Thomson that the state William Thomson, that a Cambridge education did not always give the power
of science in France was not all that might be desired: of easy expression or of commanding the attention of an audience.
In th e se tim e s it is s o m e w h a t a d e lic a te th in g e ith e r to g iv e o r tak e letters to th e F ren ch
Thomas Chalmers and Sir David Brewster provided William with introduc
sa v a n ts w h a t w it h th e je a lo u sie s o f E n g la n d & th o se o f o n e a n o th e r , n o o n e can b e se cu re tions toJ.B. Biot, who informed him that Victor Regnault (1810-78) is the best
a g a in st a r e c e p tio n d iffe r e n t fr o m w h a t th e y & th e ir r e c o m m e n d e r e x p e c t . . . it is u se fu l to physicien here. According to S.P. Thompson, it was the aged Biot who, taking
r e m e m b e r that it is d a n g e r o u s to p raise in d isc r im in a te ly th e c o lle a g u e s o f th e se g e n t le m e n him literally by the hand, introduced him to Regnault. William himself
. . . I w is h y o u r so n a h a p p y j o u r n e y ; b u t I d o n o t p r e d ic t th at h e w ill fall in lo v e w it h described his introductory visit to Regnaults laboratoire de physique at the
sc ie n tific ch a ra cter as se en in P aris.^ College de France:
With the requisite diplomacy, William Thomson was nevertheless well re O n M o n d a y B io t in tr o d u c e d m e to R e g n a u lt (th e p r o fe sso r o f N a tu r a l P h ilo s o p h y at th e
ceived in Paris. His notebook of February, 1845, shows that he attended the C o lle g e d e F ra n ce), an d to ld m e to g o to M R e g n a u lt at th e e n d o f h is le c tu r e an y d a y , and

Leqons de physique by Pouillet and the Legons de chimie by Dumas at the Sorbonne. th a t h e w o u ld s h o w m e h is cabinet de physique (i.e. ap p aratu s r o o m ). 1 w e n t y e s te r d a y , an d
. . . h e se n t h is assistant to s h o w m e all th e ap p aratu s. I w a s g r e a tly in te r e ste d in it, and sa w a
The former course provided lectures on statical electricity (with elementary
g rea t m a n y p r e tty th in g s , o f w h ic h th e y h a v e a g r e a t a b u n d a n c e h e r e , as th e G o v e r n m e n t
experiments on the electrophorous, proof plane, condensers, and non-conduc
g iv e s th e m a g r e a t d eal o f m o n e y fo r ap p aratu s fo r p o p u la r e x p e r im e n ts an d h isto rica l
tors), galvanism, thermo-electricity, and cells.
illu str a tio n s in th e lectu res.*^
Williams father, ever conscious of the need for a return on capital, passed on
Dr William Thomsons latest advice on both economy and la physique William soon offered to assist Regnault in his laboratory. According to Thom
experimentale: son, Regnault seemed to be quite willing to let me come as often as 1choose, and
D r W m . T h o m s o n says y o u sh o u ld sp e n d y o u r 2 0 g u in e a s [p r iz e m o n e y fr o m S t P e te r s
1 suppose I may now and then have a job in the way of holding a tube for him
C o lle g e ] in p u r c h a sin g b o o k s in P aris, w h e r e y o u w ill b e ab le to g e t m u c h fo r y o u r
when he is sealing it, or working an air-pump, as 1 had the privilege of doing
m o n e y , a n d h e sa y s y o u sh o u ld s p e n d m u c h o f it in p u r c h a sin g b o o k s o n la physique yesterday. Very soon, William was occupied the whole day in Regnaults
exphim entale. T o th e lec tu r e s o n th is h e says y o u o u g h t to p a y th e g r e a test a tte n tio n , and physical laboratory at the College de France, arriving at eight in the morning
is g la d B la c k b u r n is w it h y o u , an d h e says y o u an d h e w ill b e ab le to r ep ea t, as it w e r e , th e and seldom leaving before five or six in the evening.*^
lec tu r e s to o n e a n o th e r in th e e v e n in g , a n d , a b o v e ail, h e says y o u sh o u ld b e w r it in g On learning of Williams activities in the laboratory, his father wrote back
d isc o u r se s o r lec tu r e s in th e p la in est a n d m o s t a ttr a c tiv e te r m s in y o u r p o w e r , an d enthusiastically: I think that were it only to hold a tube or work an air-pump,
im p r o v in g y o u r e lo c u t io n b y c o n sta n t, free a n d o p e n p r a c tic e . . . H e says p e o p le m a y you should by all means go on in Rcgnaults cabinet. You will see what
th in k y o u t o o deep to h a v e popular talen t. D o all in y o u r p o w e r to o b v ia te th is im p r e ss io n . instruments he has, and you should take lists of them as far as you can. Besides,
U s e all e c o n o m y c o n sis te n t w it h c o m fo r t a n d re sp e c ta b ility .* ^
certificates from him, Pouillet, Dumas, etc., with reference to practical matters
As a result of this advice, William purchased Pouillets Traite de physique, and might serve you much. Dr William Thomson in particular hoped for a good
evidently took careful note, not so much of the content of Pouillets and testimonial from Regnault and others regarding your knowledge o f physique,
Dumass lectures, but of their presentation and use of illustrations. He found that and showing that you are not merely an expert x plus y man. He [Dr W. T.] still
Dumass were exceedingly well illustrated by experiments. All the things says that you should try to get practice in the mere manipulations, so as to acquire
which are required are prepared with great care beforehand, so that he has expertise in the mechanical operations.** Here is one o f several different senses

Dr to William Thomson, 22nd September, 1844, T271, ULC; SPT, 1 , 85-6; Dr to William * * William to Dr Thomson. lOth February, 1845, T295, ULC; SPT, 1, 116 18.
Thomson, 12th October, 1844, T274, ULC. See also Gabriel Lame, Cours de physique (3 vols., Paris, James to William Thomson, 23rd January, 1845, T407, ULC; William to Robert Thomson,
1836), and for Lames position in French science, see Robert Fox, The caloric theory o f gases from 5th March, 1845, T557, ULC; SPT, 1 , 115-23.
Lavoisier to Regnault (Oxford, 1971), pp. 263, 268-70, 316. William to Dr Thomson, 23rd February and 16th March, 1845, T298 and T301, ULC, SPT, 1,
** J.D. Forbes to Dr Thomson, 22nd January, 1845, F160, ULC. 120-f).
William Thomson, Notes on lectures and reading in Paris in 1845, NB30, ULC; SPT, 1 , ** Dr to William Thomson, 22nd March, 1845, T302, ULC, SPT, 1 , 127; Dr to William
114-32. ^>2 Dr to William Thomson, 4th February, 1845, T294, ULC; SPT, 1 , 115-16. Thomson, 8th April, 1845, T305, ULC; SPT, 1 , 129 30.
108 The making o f the natural philosopher The changing tradition o f natural philosophy 109

of the term practical that figure prominently in Thomsons career, referring to ments by which my lectures were illustrated."^^ But, in 1844, David Thomson
the ability to perform demonstration experiments in a popular lecture; the himself seemed a very likely candidate for the chair, and must have been
experimentalist was a practical man whereas the mere mathematician was not. carefully observed by Dr Thomson. However, a vacancy suddenly occurred
William Thomsons involvement in the laboratory and his indebtedness to elsewhere in December, 1844: Dr Knight, professor of Natural Philosophy in
Regnault went much further than this popular sense of the practical. As he said Marischal College, Aberdeen, died a few days ago, in consequence of a cold
later, his principal debt to Regnault was a faultless technique, a love of precision caught, while he was observing the late lunar eclipse. David Thomson is
in all things, and the highest virtue of the experimenter - patience. applying to succeed him. Doubtless encouraged by Dr Thomson, David
Thomsons developing commitment to precision experimentation, which Thomson obtained the Aberdeen chair just before the 18456 session. Up to that
probably originated with his early studies under Nichol, owed much to his time. Dr Thomson had suspected that he was still looking with a longing eye to
acquaintance with Regnault. In addition, the content of Regnaults investigation the Glasgow professorship, but, once he had secured the Aberdeen post, David
will prove important for Thomsons electrical and thermodynamic researches Thomson did not attempt to return to Glasgow. Another temporary replace
(chs. 8 and 9). As William himself summed up almost casually the extent of his ment was found for Meikleham, William Thomson himselfbeing advised not to
involvement: I always get plenty to do, and Regnault speaks a great deal to me give up his Cambridge commitments for such an uncertain position.
about what he is doing, and has of late employed me in working, along with Dr James Thomson sounded out the strength of support within the College in
him, some of the formulas necessary for the reduction of the experiments.^* May, 1845, by speaking with some of the professors before the summer
Meanwhile, the range of candidates for the Glasgow chair had narrowed separation. Ramsay had looked forward to the thing for some time and had
dramatically. In the autumn of 1843, Gregory became so seriously ill that he was regarded you as far the most likely person for the situation, though he had had
unable to go up to Cambridge to deliver his lectures. R.L. Ellis took over his Archibald Smith in view and in one of his easy fits he had promised him his
duties, including the editing of the Cambridge MathematicalJournal. Dr Thomson vote. While Ramsay felt that Smith, recalling perhaps the 1836 contest, would
discovered that some of the most eminent medical men in Edinburgh think not come forward. Dr Thomson believed that he would still like the chair: if so,
Gregory is in a very dangerous state, which is beyond the power of medicine. you as well as I should consider what is best to be done in a fair way to forward
The diagnosis proved all too correct, for Gregory died early in 1844, much to the your views. O f Lushingtons support. Dr Thomson had good hopes. And,
regret of all who knew of his mathematical p o ten tial.F o rb es, too, became though opposed to Dr Thomson politically, the professor of law, Maconochie,
poorly, being ordered by his medical advisers to spend the winter of 1843-4 in no longer supported the Principals party, thereby making possible an indepen
Italy. Forbes indeed had already made himself unpopular with his erstwhile dent assessment of Williams merits.
Glasgow supporters by attempting to lay down his own terms for accepting the To Buchanan, Hill, Fleming, and the Principal he could not talk, as Williams
chair. The Thomsons judged that Forbes, although anxious for the position, had appointment would be regarded as a strengthening of the opposite party;
thought himself so sure ofit that he had requested a reduction of lecture hours - a which, however, is quite too strong for them already. Dr William Thomson
request quite unacceptable to the electors."^ Nevertheless, Forbes did remain a and Dr Nichol, were already favourable to the cause, and the remaining
possible candidate, if an unlikely one, until 1846, when he finally stated his professors as well as Rutherfurd, the Rector, could in general be relied upon to
intention not to stand. select the new professor on relevant merits alone. Indeed, by the autumn of 1845,
David Thomson (1817-80), a former pupil of Dr Thomsons at Glasgow even Dr Fleming had spoken to Dr James Thomson about William, saying that
College, graduate of T rinity College and a cousin of Faraday, had conducted the he had heard exceedingly gratifying accounts of his success, and leading Dr
natural philosophy classes for a number of sessions from 1840-1 until 18445. Thomson to speculate that Fleming was going to make a virtue out of necessity
His testimonial to Dr Thomson in support of William in 1846 explained that I by not, in the end, opposing Williams e le c tio n .D r Thomson, however, was
should certainly have sunk under the labours of my first session [1840-1 j, had W.L. Low, David Thomson, M.A. Professor o f Natural Philosophy in the University o f Aberdeen. A
not your son kindly undertaken to assist me in the preparation of the experi- sketch o f his life and character (Aberdeen, 1894); James Courts, A history o f the University o f Glasgow from
itsfoundations in 1451 to 1909 (Glasgow, 1909), p. 384; SPT, 1 , 19-20; Testimonials, op. cit. (note 57),
p. 26. David Thomson made an unsuccessful bid to succeed Dr Thomson in the mathematics chair.
SPT, 2, 1154. See his printed testimonials o f 1849 among the Kelvin pamphlets, ULG.
William to IDr Thomson, 30th March, 1845, T303, ULC; SPT, 1, 128-9. John to William Thomson, 8th December, 1844, and 18th April, 1845, T513 and T518, ULC;
William to Dr Thomson, 22nd October, 1843, T249, ULC; Dr to William Thomson, 24th William to Dr Thomson, 19th October, 1845, T323, ULC; Dr to William Thomson, 21st October,
CDctober, 1843, T250, ULC; William to Dr Thomson, 6th March, 1844, ULC. 1845, T324, ULC; 29th October. 1845, T325, ULC.
Anna to William Thomson, c. October, 1843, B202, ULC; William to Dr Thomson, 8th May, Dr to William Thomson, 4th May, 1845, T309, ULC,
1843, T242, ULC. John to William Thomson, 2nd Novem ber, 1845, T522, ULC.
110 The making o f the natural philosopher The changing tradition o f natural philosophy 111

not the kind of man to base his judgements on flattery, and he therefore
continued his thorough preparation of the ground.
Another development during the summer of 1845 drove the question of the
Glasgow chair temporarily aside. Dr Thomson at first seemed certain to be
appointed Principal of the new Northern Irish College, subsequently the
Queens University of Belfast. In Ireland there had been a clear need for
educational reform. By 1840 the National Schools had been established, but as
yet there was effectively only one university (Trinity College) for over eight
million people. When the Conservative Party took office in 1841, with Peel as
Prime Minister and Sirjames Graham as Home Secretary, O Connells agitation
for repeal of the Act o f Union dominated Irish politics. To counter this
challenge. Peel adopted a policy of conciliation towards Ireland from 1843,
including the establishment of three new university colleges placed strategically
throughout the country. The models were to be the Scottish universities and
University College, London, incorporating particularly the non-sectarian ideals
of the latter but, in order to maintain control, having appointments made by the
The men of the Belfast Academical Institution naturally welcomed the
prospect of a new, non-sectarian college, as did most liberal presbyterians.
Churchmen, and Catholics. Dr Thomsons old colleagues and friends in Belfast,
including Samuel Edgar, Thomas Andrews and Simms, editor of the liberal
Belfast newspaper. The Northern Whig, were most anxious that he accept the
post of principal were it offered to him, and they prepared to present a public
memorial to the Peel government in his f a v o u r .D r Thomson was at first in a
great dilemma, for on the one hand he was much tempted by the prospect of
returning to his old town with all the honour of being principal of a new non
sectarian college, while on the other hand he had already set his hopes upon
consolidating his position at Glasgow College, around which he had also built a
solid circle of friends and colleagues. For his part, William expressed the hope
that his father would not leave Glasgow, although I can quite conceive that he
may be greatly induced to go back to Belfast by old associations. If William
could obtain the natural philosophy chair, then we could easily manage
together, to get the business of both Classes done, even when he may not wish to
work so hard as he has done hitherto. Besides, he added somewhat facetiously, I
do not know how we could get on, or how things in the College could get on
without him in Glasgow. W i l l i a m s loyalties lay very much with Glasgow,
and indeed remained so for the rest of his life.
Dr Thomson, by August, 1845, inclined towards Belfast, and was confident in
his hope of having William appointed as his successor in Glasgow, there being
no one of any weight who could oppose you: while for [the] Natural Philos-
Archibald Smith, senior wrangler in 1836 and one o f the founders of the Cambridge T.W . M oody andJ.C. Ucckctt, Queens Belfast 1S45 1949 (2 vols., London, 19.S9), 1, pp. liii
Mathematical Journal, had strong Glasgow connections. Although he never declared Ixvii, 1 9 . Agnes Gall to William Thomson, <:.23rd July, 184.S, G20, ULC.
himself a candidate for the vacant natural philosophy chair, the possibility o f his William Thomson to Agnes Gall, 28th July, 1845, Ci21, ULC.
doing so posed the greatest threat to William Thom sons campaign. As a friend from
his own undergraduate days, Thomson regarded Smith as a man of rare mathemat
ical tact and practical ability. [From Smith papers, Strathclyde Regional Archives.)
112 The making o f the natural philosopher The changing tradition o f natural philosophy 113

ophy Chair there might be Professor Forbes whose standing at least is far before hams aunt, was similarly aroused, hoping that her brother-in-law would have
yours. On the other hand, James (Williams brother) was of the opinion that nothing further to do with these Irish colleges which seem intended as merely
William would not readily choose the mathematics chair an indication of how instruments of party.^ By December, 1845, the immediate issue had come to
much William was committed to natural philosophy rather than to mathemat an end, and Thomas Andrews had been appointed vice-president. But, in the
ics. The family therefore eagerly awaited Williams return from Cambridge so longer term, the triumphant institutionalization of sectarianism in Ireland
that they might discuss thoroughly the issues."^ would reinforce William Thomsons own staunch latitudinarianism, leading
To Dr Thomsons circle it seemed certain that he would be appointed him to campaign actively for the policies of liberal unionism in the 1880s and to
principal o f the Belfast College by the government, and that William would be assume the most public political mantle of his entire career in the years prior to
his successor at Glasgow. However, Peels government, having settled on his elevation to the peerage (ch. 23).
Belfast, had tacitly agreed that the Northern College must have an orthodox With these false hopes for Irish colleges at an end, 1846 opened with a return
presbyterian minister as president or principal in order to forestall the almost to the question of the Glasgow chair. Professor Meikleham had maintained his
inevitable conflict with Cookes party - for long the enemy of the Belfast delicate balance between life and death through periodic attacks. As long ago as
Insitution and a staunch tory - which would be brought about by the establish April, 1844, William had expressed his ambivalent concern. He was sorry to
ment of a non-sectarian college. The Presbyterian Church was anxious for a hear about Dr Meiklehams precarious state. I have now got so near the end of
college under its own control and authority just as the Catholics had Maynooth my Cambridge course that even on my own account I should be very sorry not
College for the training of priests, and it viewed with disfavour, not to say to get completing it. For the project we have it is certainly much to be wished
aversion, the proposal for a non-sectarian Northern College. Cooke therefore that he should live till after the commencement of next session.^ Meikleham
warned Peel that if any Unitarian or Catholic were appointed to a chair in any did live through the 1844-5 session, and through most of the 1845-6 session as
obligatory subject of the arts course, the General Assembly would debar its well. He died on 6th May, 1846: How sudden it was in the end. He had been just
students from the College. Equally, the Catholic Archbishop MacHale took a as usual the whole day till 10.45 at night when Dr [William] Thomson was sent
hostile line towards the new colleges, and demanded a separate education for his for & in a quarter hour it was hopeless. From that moment the contest for the
flock. In his fears MacHale was not altogether unjustified, for, indeed, Graham Glasgow chair was on. Agnes Gall warned William that there will be oppo
had remarked privately that he saw the colleges as a means of liberating the new sition to your obtaining the situation and you must not set your heart too much
generations from priestly domination. upon it . . .. Dr Thomson had recently been winning his reforming campaign
So it was that Peels government denied the ^{[1000 per annum position to against Principal Macfarlan and Dr Fleming, and he was well aware that they
both Dr Thomson and Cooke himself by appointing a polite, moderate clergy would do everything in their power to prevent the election of a third ultra-whig
man, the Rev Dr Pooley Shuldham Henry, who was more of an administrator Thomson to the inner circle of College professors.*^
than a scholar. Dr Thomson, as a consolation prize, was offered the vice Dr Thomson and his son took immediate steps to deluge the Glasgow College
presidency, at a salary of ;,(j500, but all his family urged him to refuse what they electors with printed testimonials from a variety of distinguished persons.
regarded as an insult to his reputation and ability. Anna, Williams sister, for William and his old tutor, Cookson, were inclined to favour a few carefully
one, received the news of Dr Henrys appointment with deep anger and intense chosen references, but Dr Thomson knew Glasgow College rather better: that
emotion as she wrote to her aunt: the Hills, Grays, Flemings See. would be influenced . . . by number as by
i f th is r e a lly b e th e e n d o f i t , it w ill b e o n e o f th e m o s t s c a n d a lo u s jo b s e v e r p e r p e tr a te d an d
weight.In due course, testimonials were collected from almost thirty scienti
a n y o n e w h o has h a d a h e lp in g h a n d in it d ese rv es to b e w h ip p e d o u t o f th e c o u n tr y as a fic men as well as the Master and Resident Fellows of St Peters College. The list,
tr a ito r to th e real in te rests o f Ir ela n d . I a m v e r y so r r y p ap a e v e r th o u g h t o f i t an d I feel which reads like a roll of honour of mid-nineteenth-century scientific worthies,
m o r e d isa p p o in te d n o w th a n e v e r sin c e y o u say y o u w e r e d is a p p o in te d an d th at p apa feels included Augustus de Morgan, Arthur Cayley, Sir William Rowan Hamilton,
it so m u c h . . George Boole, G.G. Stokes, Victor Regnault, J.D. Forbes, and Thomas Thom-
James stated that the appointment was well known to be owing to Dr Henry
being a private personal favourite of the Lord Lieutenant. Agnes Gall, Wil- James to William Thomson, 1st December, 1845, T413, ULC; Agnes Gall to William
Thomson, 14th November, 1845, G25, ULC.
Agnes Gall to William Thomson, 8th August, 1845, G22, ULC. William to Dr Thomson, 22nd April, 1844, T257, ULC.
Moody and Beckett, Queens Belfast, 1, pp. 19-32. Robert to William Thomson, 9th May, 1846, T560, ULC; Agnes Gall to William Thomson,
Ibid., pp. 33-8; James to William Thomson, 1st December, 1845, T413, ULC. 7th May, 1846, G28, ULC.
Anna Bottomley to Agnes Gall, lOth November, 1845, B221, ULC. *** James (writing on behalf o f Dr Thomson) to William Thomson, 12th May, 1846, T418, ULC.
114 The making of the natural philosopher The changing tradition o f natural philosophy 115

son in addition to Williams Cambridge examiners. Archibald Smith remained

conspicuously absent from the list.
While Dr Thomson and William were friends of Archibald Smith, they
regarded his father as wily, cunning, and plausible, if not unscrupulous, and in
danger of extracting promises from such persons as Dr Hill, Dr Gray, and above
all Dr Fleming who would as papa says, rather see Satan in the professorship
than you. Dr Thomson took the precaution of reminding Fleming that from
the Electors I wish no pledge or promise in his [Williams] favour; and I have no
doubt of their keeping themselves equally unpledged in reference to any other
candidates that may come under their notice . . .. Smith seemed to be the only
dangerous rival in the last part of the long campaign. By June, 1846, however,
William explained to his father that Smith was unlikely to leave the bar to
resume mathematics. This analysis proved correct, as the deadline for submis
sion of testimonials came and went without Smith applying, and he sub
sequently apologized to William for any uneasiness caused by his indecision.
There were no further rival candidates of any academic weight and significance.
Dr Thomson, meanwhile, believed that Smiths erstwhile sponsor, Ramsay,
should receive private letters on Williams behalf from Challis and Hopkins: At
the present moment his position is such that I think he could turn the scales.*^
Nonetheless, the Thomsons did not relax the intensity of their campaign. The
need for William to appear to the electors as a promising and popular teacher
was made all the more urgent by rumours which had been circulating in
Cambridge that he, as college lecturer in mathematics, did not bring down his
instruction to the capacity of ordinary students. These rumours had originated
just before Meiklehams death from one Thompson of Trinity, and Dr Thom
son warned his son that such a report may seriously injure you as that is the only
doubtful point in reference to the N.P. chair here; and you must take care to cure
the evil if it exists; and if not, to teach so simply, clearly, & slowly, that you may
be able to get decidedly good testimonials on that point. A few days later. Dr
Thomson requested William to obtain at once Kellands new edition of Thomas
Youngs Lectures on natural philosophy and the mechanical arts as a work of a
popular character. In the same letter he reminded his son of the dissatisfaction
felt against Oxbridge men in Scotlands universities, providing much leverage
for the tory faction at Glasgow College: keep in mind, what I find to be more
and more the feeling, that Oxford and Cambridge men (Lushington, Kelland,
Hitchens, etc.) have not given satisfaction here, and that you will have to
contend against the feeling thus produced, and against the handle it will afford to
the Dr Flemings et hoc genus omne'. William hotly denied the allegations against
** J.D. Forbes to Dr Thomson, 11th May, 1846, in SPT, 1 , 162; Archibald Smith to William William Thomson, aged twenty-two, at the time o f his election to the (ilasgow
Thomson, 14th May, 1846, S154, ULC; John to William Thomson, 2()th June, 1846, T527, ULC; College chair o f natural philosophy, a position w'lnch he held until Ins retirement in
Dr Thomson to William Fleming, 20th June, 1846, F22, ULC; Dr to William Thomson, 21st June,
1899. [From Andrew Gray, Lord Kelvin. An account of his scientific life and udrL.|
1846, T355, ULC; William to Dr Thomson, 19th June, 1846, T354, ULC; Archibald Smith to
William Thomson, 18th September, 1846, S155, ULC; Archibald Smith to Isabella Smith, 10th,
14th, and 16th May, 1846, TD1/676/4-6, Smith papers, Strathclyde regional archives.
116 The making o f the natural philosopher

his own teaching, but still the rumours persisted.^ Special caution had therefore
to be exercised in the preparation of testimonials and, where possible, referees 5
were encouraged to write favourably of Williams teaching abilities.
Cookson, in his testimonial, spoke of the fact that William may be quite
depended on for adapting his instructions to his class. Fuller stated that he Professor William Thomson
combines the greatest clearness and precision with the most extended views in
science, and he has always been as much distinguished for the simplicity and
accuracy o f his demonstrations o f the more elementary propositions of natural
philosophy, as for his talent in treating the abstrusest problems. Fuller added
that, above all, the energy of his character and his great enthusiasm for science G ra d u a te s a n d u n d e r g r a d u a te s . . . Y o u h a v e b e e n c r e a tin g p r o p e r ty . Y o u
could not fail to be communicated in some degree at least to his pupils, while h a v e n o t b e e n m a k in g m o n e y , n o r a d d in g fie ld to fie ld , n o r b u ild in g
Hopkins wrote that the amiableness of his character, and the simplicity of his h o u se s. B u t y o u h a v e b e e n c r e a tin g a p r o p e r ty m o r e p r e c io u s than g o ld or
manners can hardly fail to render him as popular in Glasgow, as he has been with silv e r , o r b r o a d acres, o r h o u se s th a t m a y b e b u r n e d o r r u in e d . T h e p r o p e r ty

all classes o f his acquaintance in Cambridge.* y o u h a v e crea ted is y o u r o w n fo r e v e r , in d e str u c tib le , im p e r ish a b le ,
in a lie n a b le . T h e sp le n d id u n iv e r s ity o r g a n isa tio n , w it h its m a ter ia l re
On 11 th September, 1846, William Thomson was unanimously elected to the
so u r c e s, a n d th e liv in g in flu e n c e o f its teach ers an d stu d e n ts, has h e lp e d y o u .
Glasgow chair of natural philosophy to the unrestrained delight of Dr Thomson
B u t e v e r y o n e o f y o u has, b y h im s e lf an d fo r h im s e lf, b y th e p o w e r o f G o d
and the family. Elizabeth felt that the event would give new health and strength
w o r k in g in h im , m a d e th e p r o p e r ty w h ic h h e b r in g s a w a y w it h h im . M a y it
to her father and tend to prolong his days. William, she thought, did not look in to e v e r y o n e o f y o u b e a j o y an d a b le ss in g fo r e v e r . Lord K elvin , G lasgow
the slightest degree elated but was perfectly composed. Anna was for her part UniversitY graduation ceremony, 1898^^
overjoyed, exclaiming, amid her congratulations sent from Belfast, that she felt
almost as if I could take even Dr Fleming into my heart today.^
It was indeed a remarkable victory for the Glasgow College whigs. Out of the On the 13th October, 1846, William Thomson was admitted to the office of
eight votes required for a majority (a seven-vote tie would have required the professor of natural philosophy in Glasgow College. His rapid ascent at an
casting vote of the die-hard Macfarlan), the whigs had at first been certain of extraordinarily early age marked his arrival at the top of a broad plateau in his
only three votes (Nichol and the two Thomsons). Not only had they secured the academic career. From 1846 until retirement in 1899 he rose no higher in
support of the whig Rector (Rutherfurd) and the three professors sympathetic to institutional terms, and even the offer of the Cavendish chair of experimental
reform and high academic standards (Ramsay, Lushington and Reid) but they physics at Cambridge no less than three times in the 1870s and 1880s failed to
had won over the conservative professor of law (Maconochie) and his father (the tempt him away from the position which he and his supporters had conquered
Dean, Lord Meadowbank) and had encountered no opposition from the five with such intensity of effort. Yet his spectacular ascent continued in other
tory professors. With the unanimous election of a twenty-two-year-old profes directions. During the first decade as Glasgow College professor he had effec
sor, the University of Glasgow ceased to be identified with an introverted, tory- tively revolutionized the practice of natural philosophy in that local context, and
dominated oligarchy and became an institution ready to advance the reputation had contributed in no small measure to a major transformation of British science
and wealth of the Second City of the Empire. in terms both of incipient professionalization and of the emergence of laboratory
Dr to William Thomson, 2nd, 10th, and 16th May, 1846, T333, T337, and T341, ULC;
science. Writing to him in 1857, Daniel Halloran, retired under-keeper of the
William to Dr Thomson, 8th May, 1846, T335, ULC. Colleges Hunterian Museum, captured in simple words the essence of William
Testimonials, op. cit. (note 57), pp. 6-10. Thomsons achievement:
Elizabeth King to Agnes Gall, in King, Early home, p. 233; Anna Bottomley to William
Thomson, 15th September, 1846, B226, ULC. C o n t in u e o n in y o u r career, till y o u b e w h a t L ie b ig is to C h e m is tr y an d n o n e w ill m o r e
r e jo ic e than y o u r h u m b le sc r v [a n tl, w h o to ld y o u r fath er w h e n h e sa w y o u , a w h ite
h e a d e d b o y , s o lv in g p r o b le m s b e fo r e tb c class that y o u w o u ld b e a p r o fe sso r in th e
C o lle g e y e t. M y p r e d ic tio n is m o r e than v e r ifie d . . . an d it D r M e ik le h a m w a s to rise fro m

' SET, 2, 1(X)5 6.

118 The making o f the natural philosopher Professor William Thomson 119

th e g r a v e , h e w o u ld n o t k n o w his class r o o m n o r h a lf th e la n g u a g e th at is u sed in m o d e r n College professors derived a very adequate salary from the College itself, the
[natu ral] p h ilo s o p h y . . . H e w o u ld h a v e to [a tjte n d th e class h im se lf.^ new regius professors had to derive most of their income from fees, a policy
In this chapter, a prelude to our analysis of William Thomsons mathematical which reflected the strong tnedical emphasis of the regius chairs. Similarly,
Edinburgh University professors depended wholly for their income on class
physics, we shall be concerned first with his professional practice of natural
philosophy and second with his personal life in the period 1846 70. The first sizes.B y contrast, Cambridge professors, largely independent of fees, were
professional men in the general sense which makes no distinction between
decade of this period embraces a shift from the old paternal household and
professoriate of Dr Thomson to the newly established household and physical entrepreneurial and service professionals.
laboratory of William. Three years after Dr Thomsons death in 1849, Williams In Glasgow, the newer regius professors position, bridging town and gown
marriage to Margaret Crum strengthened further his links with industrial but without a share in College power and property, opened the way for a more
Glasgow and .set his personal life on a course of social advancement hindered extensive marketing of knowledge to the publie (medicine) and to industry
only by Margarets protracted illness and eventual death after almost eighteen (chemistry and engineering). At the same time, from a combination of econ
years of unsuccessful treatment. omic need and a commitment to the diffusion of knowledge, both Dr Thomson,
An examination of Thomsons first decade as natural philosophy professor professor of mathematics, and Dr Nichol, professor of practical astronomy, met
raises the wider issue of professionalization of science in nineteenth-century with quite spectacular results in their respective marketing o f mathematics texts
Britain. We may understand the result of professionalization in very broad and astronomical books. Here indeed was the creation o f property through
sociological terms to be the development of knowledge-based occupational sound investment in education.
groups conferring status on their members qua members.'^ In the context of The contrast with the development of professional ideals in the reformed
nineteenth-century social history, the process of professionalization of science Cambridge of the nineteenth century could scarcely be more striking. With an
centred on social transformations accompanying industrialization. In particular, aristocratic, Anglican heritage, Cambridge dons sought to maintain and even
the professions (traditionally law, medicine and theology) provided ambitious sharpen the distinction between service (the professional man) and profit (the
and intelligent persons lacking inherited status with the opportunity for ad business man). The leading features of the professional man were not merely
vancement. W hig values, then, of personal progress, rather than the old tory occupational, but moral, involving notions of self-renunciation, responsibility
and obligations to society or clients, and high standards o f ethical behaviour.
values of inherited property, were intimately linked with the moves to extend
The Cambridge image of the professional mans reputation, reflecting discre
the range of the professions far beyond the traditional subjects.
tion, tact, and expertise, thus differed markedly from that of the commercial
While in a general sense every professor at a university was a professional man
man, whose values and reputation rested on financial success, competition, and
similar in status and role to members of the traditional professions of law and
all the aggressive, ungentlemanly characteristics of the market place.^ In short, the
medicine, a more specific sense of the professional man attaches to the industrial
society of nineteenth-century Britain. Professional men in this sense marketed conflict between service and profit by which Cambridge preserved its moral
their book learning for fees, fees which rose and fell in accordance with superiority and high moral tone in the face o f industrial expansion did not exist
marketing skills and demand. This sense applied in the Scottish university in anything like the same form in the University of Glasgow.
Professor William Thomson, as seen in our opening quotation, regarded
context, where the occupants of chairs were primarily teachers whose profes
sional expertise was marketed to a large number of students. A substantial scientific knowledge as intellectual property, differing from other kinds of
property in that it had to be created by each individual, not inherited, and
proportion o f a professors income, as we have seen, derived from class fees, and
possessing more-nearly spiritual values of indestructibility compared to the
the mark o f professional reputation and accomplishment could be measured in
part by pedagogic success in expanding the size of classes. While Glasgow perishable character of mere material property. Science was for him a form of
wealth, a superior form, as he made clear in a commitment to an unambiguous
^ Daniel Halloran to William Thomson, 4th June, 18.57, H3, ULG. form of intellectual capitalism for the benefit of the 1871 meeting of the British
' Hcnrika Kuklick, Professionalization, in W.F. Bynum, E.J. Browne and Roy Porter (eds.), Association for the Advancement o f Science:
Dutioitary o f ihe history o f science (London, 1981), pp. 341-2. For discussion o f some o f the defining
features o f a profession, see Joseph Ben-David, The profession o f science and its powers, Minerva, * J.B. Morrell, Practical chemistry in the University o f Edinburgh, 1799-1843, Ambix, 16
10 (1972), 36,3- 83. For a general (though dated) European perspective, see Everett Mendelsohn, The (1969), 66-80; Thomas Thomson; professor o f chemistry and university reformer, Brit.J. Hist. Sci.,
emergence o f science as a profession in nineteenth-century Europe, in Karl Hill (ed.), The 4 (1969), 245-65.
management o f scientists (Boston, 1964), pp. 3-48. See also W.J. Reader, Professional men. The rise o f the ^ Sheldon Rothblatt, The revolution o f the dons. Cambridge and society in Victorian England
professional classes in nineteenth-century England (London, 1966); J.B. Morrell, Individualism and the (Cambridge, 1981), pp. 90-3. See also Martin Wiener, English culture and the decline o f the industrial
structure o f British Science in 1830, Hist. Stud. Phys. Sci., 3 (1971), 183-204. spirit, 1850-1980 (Cambridge, 1981), pp. 22-4, 90.
12 0 The making o f the natural philosopher Professor W illiam Thomson 121

S c ie n tific w e a lth ten d s to a c c u m u la tio n a c c o r d in g to th e la w o f c o m p o u n d in te rest.

E v e r y a d d itio n to k n o w le d g e o f p r o p e r tie s o f m a tte r su p p lie s th e n atu ralist w it h n e w
in str u m e n ta l m ea n s fo r d is c o v e r in g and in te r p r e tin g p h e n o m e n a o f n atu re , w h ic h in
th e ir turn a ffo rd fo u n d a tio n s fo r fresh g e n e r a lisa tio n s, b r in g in g g ain s o f p e r m a n e n t v a lu e
in to th e g r e a t sto r e h o u s e o f [natu ral] p h ilo s o p h y .'

This progressive accumulation of scientific capital at compound interest cap

tures the essence of not only Thomsons whig outlook but also his commitment
to an emergent professionalization of science involving the still more specific
notion of the research imperative. In addition, therefore, to the marketing of
knowledge, and indeed as a prerequisite to it, the advancement of knowledge
through the research laboratory was to become the fundamental responsibility
of the professional man of science.
William Thomson, following the lead of Thomas Thomson, Liebig and
others with regard to the goals of laboratory research, developed this imperative
into true intellectual capitalism. He began from the existing marketing system of
Glasgow College professors, transformed the popular experimental course
inherited from his predecessor, and established a related research laboratory of
international renown. On the one hand he thus provided the means by which
intellectual capital could accumulate at compound interest, while on the other
hand he also created the conditions whereby that captial could be marketed to
industry partly for personal profit and partly to fund further research through
reinvestment in intellectual capital.

The practice of natural philosophy

On 4th November, at the commencement of the 1846 7 session, William
Glasgow College: the natural philosophy class-room (first floor, and above, between
Thomson delivered his introductory lecture, which, as he wrote the next day to
circular turrets). To the east, the more modem Hamilton building (1811) contained
his Cambridge friend, G.G. Stokes, was rather a failure as I had it all written, and the Common Hall. [From David Murray, Lord Kelvin as professor in the Old College o f
I read it very fast. This lecture, presented in part to the class at the beginning of Glasgow.]
almost every subsequent session, provides valuable insight into Thomsons
programme for the natural philosophy class and for his developing physical
laboratory during his long reign. natural philosophy was thus not that of a static, logical structure but rather of a
In his opening remarks, he made clear that attempts to give sharp and progressive, practical study comprising the key skills and instruments of experi
complete definitions, especially to define branches of science, have generally ment and mathematics.
proved failures. His aim was not to lay down with logical precision any definite As with his predecessors in Scottish natural philosophy chairs, Thomson
and sharp line round our province but to emphasize that definition and divided mind and matter into distinct provinces for investigation, corresponding
subdivision become practically valuable by giving method and by promoting to mental science and natural science. Fundamental to investigative procedures
order and regularity in the prosecution of a study.T h o m so n s conception of in both sciences, but especially in the progressive study of natural phenomena,
were two successive stages; first, to observe and classify facts (the natural
PL, 2 , 175-6.
William Thomson to G.G. Stokes, 5th November, 1846, K15, Stokes correspondence, ULC.
history stage), and second, the process of inductive generalisation . . . in which
See SPT, 1 , 239-51, where Thom sons Introductory lecture is printed in its entirety. We must the laws of nature arc the objects of research (the natural philosophy stage):
stress, however, the need for a cautious approach to this version as the original manuscript cannot be
traced. in th e stu d y o f e x te r n a l n a tu r e , th e first sta g e is th e d e sc r ip tio n a n d c la ssific a tio n o f facts
" SPT, 1 , 239. o b s e r v e d w it h r e fe r e n c e to th e v a r io u s k in d s o f m a tte r o f w h ic h th e p r o p e r tie s are to b e
122 The making o f the natural philosopher Professor William Thomson 123

in v e stig a te d ; an d th is is th e le g it im a t e w o r k o f N a tu r a l H is to r y . T h e e s ta b lish m e n t o f E v e r y p h e n o m e n o n in n a tu re is a m a n ife s ta tio n o f force. T h e r e is n o p h e n o m e n o n in

g e n e r a l la w s in a n y p r o v in c e o f th e m a ter ia l w o r ld , b y in d u c tio n fr o m th e facts c o lle c te d n a tu re w h ic h takes p la ce in d e p e n d e n tly o f fo r c e , or w h ic h c a n n o t b e in flu e n c e d in s o m e
in n a tu ra l h is to r y , m a y w it h lik e p r o p r ie ty b e c a lle d N a tu r a l P h ilo s o p h y .'' w a y b y its a c tio n ; h e n c e m e c h a n ic s has a p p lic a tio n in all th e n atu ral scien ces; an d b e fo r e
a n y c o n sid e r a b le p r o g r e s s can b e m a d e in a p h ilo s o p h ic a l stu d y o f n a tu re a t h o r o u g h
Thomson went on to explain, however, that the ordinary use of the terms
k n o w le d g e o f m e c h a n ic a l p r in c ip le s is a b s o lu te ly n ecessa ry . It is o n th is a c c o u n t that
natural history and natural philosophy did not correspond to this logical
m e c h a n ic s is p la c e d b y u n iv e r sa l c o n s e n t at th e h ea d o f th e p h y sic a l sc ie n c e s. It d e se r v e s
distinction. Natural history is commonly restricted to the description and
this p o s itio n , n o less fo r its c o m p le te n e s s as a sc ie n c e , th an fo r its g e n e r a l im p o r t a n c e ."
classification of the various natural products in the mineral, vegetable, and
animal kingdoms of the earth, that is, to non-quantitative and non-experimen- Mechanics (replaced in 1862 by the term dynamics) thus occupied the central
tal subjects. Consequently, natural philosophy under ordinary usage took on role in natural philosophy that it had for Robison and Meikleham (ch. 4).
broad quantitative experimental investigations of the properties of matter and Furthermore, Thomson explained that from a few simple, almost axiomatic
the phenomena o f nature (including such subjects as meteorology and descrip principles, founded on our common experience of the effects of force, the
tive astronomy). These concerns would properly be included in natural history general laws which regulate all the phenomena, presented in any conceivable
but the systematic observations and experiments which have for their object the mechanical action, are established; and it is thus put within our power by a strict
establishment of laws and the formation of theories made them the concerns of process of deductive reasoning to go back from these general laws to the actual
natural philosophy, forming the experimental part o f the study. The proper results in particular cases o f the operation of force; the instrum ent. . . by which
sense of natural philosophy, the establishment of mathematical laws by induc this deductive process is conducted being mathematical analysis. Here Thom
tion and mathematical deduction from laws to phenomena, now constituted the son reiterated Nichols (and Dr Thomsons) view of mathematical analysis as a
theoretical part of the course. means to an end and not an end in itself Mechanics, Thomson concluded,
Corresponding to the experimental and theoretical parts of natural philos belonged to mixed or applied mathematics.^^ Natural philosophy (for Thom
ophy were the two instruments o f investigation, experiment and mathematics. son as for Meikleham and Robison before him) in effect meant mechanical
The aim of experiment was the discovery and perfection of the laws of nature, philosophy.
inductively, through an investigation of the properties of matter by measure A set of remarkable lecture notes by one of Thomsons pupils, William Smith,
ment. The aim of mathematics in the theoretical part was to subsume particular taken in the junior class during the 1849-50 session, allows us to trace more
phenomena or properties of matter under general laws, deductively, through accurately the subsequent programme of William Thomsons lectures at Glas
mathematical analysis. In neither case, we may note, did Thomson regard gow College. These notes, rewritten in copperplate form, serve to counter the
instruments as vague or qualitative tools but as precise instruments of analysis commonly held view that Thomson emerged as an unsystematic, discursive
which served to break down the complex systems of nature into controllable lecturer whose enthusiasm for his latest researches far outweighed his ability to
and predictable relations. communicate effectively with his lowly audience. One of his students, David
While divisions of natural science such as geology, chemistry, and vegetable Murray, said later;
and animal physiology went beyond a study of the characteristic properties of L ord K e lv in po.sscsscd th e g if t o f lu c id e x p o s it io n in o r d in a r y la n g u a g e r e m a r k a b ly free
minerals, plants, and animals (natural history in its restricted sense) to the fr o m te c h n ic a litie s . O c c a s io n a lly h e g o t o u t w it h th e r a n g e o f th e m a jo r ity o f h i s class; b u t
establishment of general laws, these sciences had been formally excluded from th e r e w a s n o o b s c u r ity in his s ta te m e n t, it w a s sim p ly b e y o n d th e ir grasp . . . H e h ad n o
natural philosophy in its ordinary sense. Natural philosophy, then, embraced the sy lla b u s o f le c tu r e s an d u sed n o n o te s in le c tu r in g . H e h a d h is su b je c t c le a r ly b e fo r e h im

great province that remains which had as its fundamental subject mechanics, an d d ea lt w it h it in lo g ic a l o r d e r . H e w a s n o t d ic ta tin g a m a n u a l o f N a tu r a l P h ilo s o p h y to

or the science of force. Force was the primary concept: ' SPT, 1, 241-2. The term dynamics replaces mechanics in 1862. See David Murray, Lecture
notes in classe physica, bench II, Novem ber, 1862, MS Murray 325, ULG; MPP, 3, 31718. SPT, 1,
Ibid., pp. 239-40; PL, 2, 455. 192, however, states that in 1878 Thomson substituted Dynamics for Mechanics wherever the
William Smith, Notes o f the Glasgow College natural philosophy class taken during the 1849- word occurred in this introductory lecture. W e have reverted here to the original term mechanics
50 session, Ms Gen. 142, ULG. Here the divisions o f the course according to the instruments o f because this is the term employed in William Smiths notes o f 1849-50. Both words, however, were
mathematics and experiment are quite explicit. For a longer historical perspective, compare T.S. used to refer to the science o f force in the context o f Thom sons natural philosophy. A similar view
Kuhn, Mathematical versus experimental traditions in the development o f physical science, o f dynamics, the science o f force and motion, is briefly expressed in J.F.W. Herschel, Preliminary
The essential tension. Selected studies in scientific tradition and change (Chicago, 1977), pp. 31-65, esp. pp. discourse on the study o f natural philosophy (London, 1830), p. 96. 242.
60-5. Kuhn suggests that the emergence o f physics in the nineteenth century brought a lowering of " William Thomson, March, 1850, lecture 73, in Smith, op. cit. (note 10), indicates that these
the historical barriers between classical (mathematical) and Baconian (experimental) sciences. notes refer to the junior natural philosophy class; All that remains [in hydrostatics] is to give you a
William Thom sons physics exemplifies the harmony o f the mathematical and experimental differential equation o f equilibrium when there is any force but this must be reserved for my senior
components. course.
124 The making o f the natural philosopher Professor W illiam Thomson 125

his s t u d e n t s . . . H e c o n sid e r e d that it w a s u n n e c e ssa r y fo r h im to teach w h a t c o u ld b e g o t Pneumatics

in an o r d in a r y t e x t- b o o k a n d th a t h is p r o v in c e w a s to su p p le m e n t this.'"* Acoustics
The two great divisions of mechanical philosophy, Thomson stated in his first
lecture, are statics and dynamics: the former is the relation of force to bodies at
rest; the latter is the relation of force to bodies in motion. Mere motion, As Thomson explained elsewhere, only in the subdivisions of mechanics (I)
cinematics, without reference to force, does not belong to dynamics but may and optics (II) had our knowledge advanced sufficiently far to enable us to
be wrought by pure geometry.^ These important distinctions will appear reduce all the various phenomena to a few simple laws from which, as in
repeatedly in Thomsons mathematical physics, most notably in the birth of the mechanics, by means of mathematical reasoning every particular result may be
famous Thomson and Tait Treatise on natural philosophy (ch. 11). obtained. The remaining branches-heat, electricity, and magnetism had not
Thomson also drew attention to the subdivisions of statics and dynamics advanced so far, making observation and experiment the principal means by
depending on the name of the bodies which are the object of force. Thus which our knowledge... can be enlarged. These branches thus also belonged to
Pneumatics is that part of Hydrostatics in which is [treated] the equilibrium of the experimental or physical course, while the more perfect sciences of mechan
the air while acoustics, a subdivision of dynamics, is the vibrations of the air to ics and optics, being really mathematical subjects, form a distinct division of the
produce sounds. A second major division of natural philosophy was optics, or studies prescribed by the University for the complete course of Natural Philos
the properties of light, while the remaining subjects consisted o f heat, electric ophy.*^ During his second lecture o f 1849-50, Thomson explained his actual
ity, and magnetism, our knowledge of these being not so definite as to reduce timetable: Monday, Wednesday and Friday will be devoted to the theoretical
them [entirely] to laws. The division of the course in 1849-50 appeared as part. Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday to the experimental. Saturday is for
follows; examination not lecture.*"^
In the theoretical part of the course, following a discussion of the two entities,
matter and force, fundamental to mechanical philosophy, Thomson moved
I Mechanics 1 Statics directly to a consideration of some of the general qualities attributed to matter.
Hydrostatics The essential or primary qualities were extension, impenetrability and inertia in
Pneumatics virtue of which three qualities we perceive matter. Another was temperature,
2 Dynamics Cinematics not taken into account in general mechanics. The third lecture added important
Astronomy secondary qualities of matter (divisibility, porosity, compressibility, plasticity
Hydrodynamics and elasticity) which occupied the class until the tenth lecture on 19th Novem
Acoustics ber. Then began statics proper, a branch of mechanics which extended as far as
II Optics the seventy-second lecture on 6th March, when dynamics took over, ending
III Heat with the ninety-third lecture on 12th April, 1850. Thomson had left himself no
IV Electricity time for optics.
V Magnetism The large amount of time devoted to statics suggests that in its structure the
theoretical or mathematical part of the course (natural philosophy proper) was
Experimental course
intended not as a general, popular survey in the manner of Thomsons predeces
sors but rather as a detailed treatment of one or two branches of the subject in
order to make his students practitioners of the art. His treatment of statics
provided not a mere survey of principles (nor a drilling for subsequent repro
* David Murray, Lord Kelvin as professor in the Old College o f Glasgow (Glasgow, 1924), p. 3. For
duction in a written examination as at Cambridge) but offered an intensive
the more usual view, see, for example, SPT, 1, 444-6; 2, 651-3. The sheer quantity and intensity o f
Thom sons scientific and business activities from the 1860s probably brought about this reputation exposition of the practices which embodied the principles, combined with
for discursiveness, but in his first decade or so able students such as William Smith or John Nichol various techniques of simplification and visualization. For example, in his
(son ofJ.P. Nichol) had no difficulty compiling systematic notes. Nichol, for example, wrote o f the
discussion of the subject centre of gravity, he defined the base of a body
1848-9 session: The lectures 1 heard were on electricity and magnetism. I took careful notes, read,
thought, and made experiments on subjects which interested me intensely. See W. Knight, Memoir
o f John Nichol (Glasgow, 1896), p. 93; SPT, 1, 209-10. SPT, 1, 245,
William Thomson, 1st November, 1849, lecture 1, in Smith, op. cit. (note 10); SPT, 1, 242. William Thomson, 2nd Novem ber, 1849, lecture 2, in Smith, op. cit. (note 10).
126 The making o f the natural philosopher Professor William Thomson 127

supported on points as the figure which a cord will assume if drawn tightly The experimental course had almost become a seminar in which Thomson
round the points o f support. Then the conditions of equilibrium are extremely discussed with his students the state o f the art of precision experimental tech
simple; The centre of gravity must be over some part of the base a rule which niques, the results of his latest investigations, and the implications of those
he illustrated with a diagram of two tables, one with short and the other with results. Years later he explained his convictions in this respect;
long legs, standing on an inclined plane.* Such practical techniques coupled
T h e o b je c t o f a u n iv e r s ity is te a c h in g , n o t te s tin g . . . th e o b je c t o f e x a m in a tio n is to
with rapid calculating devices were intended to make natural philosophy p r o m o te th e te a c h in g . T h e e x a m in a tio n s h o u ld b e , in th e first p la c e , d a ily . N o p ro fe sso r
students practitioners of the art o f statics in the same way as medical students s h o u ld m e e t h is class w it h o u t ta lk in g to t h e m . H e sh o u ld talk to th e m an d th e y to h im .
would learn the art of dis.section, not through a survey of principles but by T h e F ren ch ca ll a le c tu r e a conference, a n d I a d m ir e th e id ea i n v o lv e d in th a t n a m e . E v e r y
practice. le c tu r e sh o u ld b e a c o n fe r e n c e o f te a c h e r a n d stu d e n ts. It is th e tr u e id ea l o f a p r o fesso ria l
Thomsons lectures in the mathematical part of the course also regarded le c tu r e . . . W r itte n e x a m in a tio n s are v e r y im p o r ta n t, as tr a in in g th e stu d e n t to e x p r e ss
mathematics as valuable in natural philosophy only to the extent of its practical w it h clearn ess a n d a c c u r a c y th e k n o w le d g e h e has g a in e d , an d to w o r k o u t p r o b le m s , o r

usefulness through its applicability to concrete cases. In his presentation Thom n u m e r ic a l resu lts, b u t th e y sh o u ld b e o n c e a w e e k to b e b e n e fic ia l.

son employed numerous familiar examples, readily visualizable objects, which In this sense, Thomson had committed himself to upholding a distinctive
in many cases related directly to the concerns of an industrial city of machinery, Scottish pedagogical tradition. Yet while his brother-in-law, David King, could
steamships and railway locomotives. An important section of his discussion of remark at the end of the first session that William had become 'the most popular
centre of gravity, for example, featured a general practical method for finding professor in the College, the new professors approach signified a radical new
by calculation the centre of gravity as in the case of a ship, the largest body that professionalism marked by a clear research orientation. As David Murray noted:
we ever require to find the centre of gravity:
E v e r y th in g w h ic h w a s o b s e r v e d w a s e x p la in e d , d iscu ssed a n d c o m m e n t e d o n , an d th is
Im a g in e th e sh ip d iv id e d in to s e c t io n s . . . T h e w e ig h t o f e a c h p art is k n o w n b e fo r e it is p u t c o m m e n t a r y m ig h t b e c o n t in u e d o n th e n e x t d a y o r e v e n lo n g e r as fresh s u g g e s tio n s
in to th e sh ip . T h e c e n tr e o f g r a v ity o f ea ch se c tio n m a y b e fo u n d b y th e m e th o d o f o c c u r r e d . T h e P r o fe s so r w a s a lw a y s o n th e h u n t fo r in fo r m a tio n ; h is s t u d e n t s . . . b e c a m e
c o o r d in a t e s . . . W e w ill n o t g o far w r o n g in o m itt in g th e first [stern] se c tio n a lto g e th e r p artn ers in th e q u e st.
b u t w e m u st ta k e in to a c c o u n t all th e se c tio n s o n w a r d to th e b o w o f th e sh ip w h e r e th e
se c tio n s g e t n a r r o w e r . I f w e m a k e th e se c tio n s at th e b o w su ffic ie n tly sm a ll w e w ill g e t th e In the experimental course, Thomson often employed the noun apprecia
resu lt . . .*^ tion as a synonym for measurement. This usage indicates that measurement
carried for Thomson an aesthetic quality which he expressed in the oft-repeated
Further application of the method yielded the height of the centre of gravity
adjectives delicate, sensitive, and precise applied to measurements and
above the keel. Such a comprehensive, simple treatment of a concrete statical
measuring instruments. Introducing the subject of heat on the first day of the
problem, the bread-and-butter of a Clyde shipbuilders art, highlights the very
course, he remarked: The principal object of a theory of heat is to examine and
practical character of Thomsons theoretical part of the natural philosophy
course. appreciate the nature of temperature, an appreciation obtained with a delicate
Viewed from a symmetrical perspective, Thomsons lectures in the experi
This aesthetic value of precision measurement mirrored Thomsons love of
mental part o f the course represent a major shift from popular illustrations to a
the beauty of properly constructed mathematical theory, as in his 1862 reference
detailed discussion of precision measurement in a research laboratory. Here
to Fouriers theory of heat conduction as a great mathematical poem.^*^
indeed we may discern clearly the emergence of Thomson the professional man
Precision and sensitivity alone, however, did not constitute the aesthetics of
of science, offering his students not a survey of the field but a thorough
treatment of selected subjects, notably heat, which formed the core of the especially Nichol, op. cit. (note 14), who in his first session o f 1848-9 attended the experimental
professors current experimental research in 1849-50. For example, he an course; William Thomson to J.D. Forbes, 22nd Novem ber, 1846, Forbes papers, St Andrews
nounced to his class on 17th January, 1850, his very recent experimental University Library, where he explained that In the experimental course . . . w e have only got
through part o f the subject o f magnetism. At this rate we might get through magnetism & common
verification with a very delicate thermometer of his brothers prediction of the electricity in one session, galvanism & electromagnetism in another, and get something o f heat &c. in
depression o f the freezing point of water under pressure (ch. 9).^ a third. I shall have therefore to push on . . . . He also explained that the experimental course might be
taken without attending the whole course. pL, 2 , 498-9.
** William Thomson, 21st January, 1850, lecture 47, in Smith, op. cit. (note 10). Anna Bottomley to William Thomson, 22nd April, 1847, B233, ULC, quoting her brother-
William Thomson, 9th-l6th January, 1850, lectures 38-44, in Smith, op. cit. (note 10). in-laws verdict; Murray, Lord Kelvin, p. 4.
Locomotive stability was discussed in lecture 47 on 21st January. William Thomson, 6th Novem ber, 1849, lecture 4, in Smith, op. cit. (note 10). Other
William Thomson, 17thjanuary, 1850, lecture 45, in Smith, cit. (note 10). His experimental references to these terms may be found in lectures 6, 9, 11, 13, 16, 27. 43 and 45.
course in previous years appears to have been concerned largely with electricity and magnetism. See MPP, 3, 296.
128 The making o f the natural philosopher Professor W illiam Thomson 129

temperature and quantities of heat. Appreciation also required reference stan Allan Maconochie and William Ramsay presented a report in November,
dards to universalize and objectify the beauty of measurement: The object of 1847, on behalf of the committee appointed by the Faculty to oversee the
the thermometer is to get a perfectly determinate stan d ard .P rec isio n mea expenditure on apparatus. The report noted that only ;{j80 had been expended
surements reduced to absolute units thus represented the exemplar of the showing the caution and ceremony with which the purchase and selection of
experimenters art, an art which Thomson taught his students to practise just as the valuable instruments was carried into effect, and therefore recommended
he taught them the practice of mathematical theory, albeit in an elementary that another 100 be placed at the committees disposal, with an additional ;50
way. If Fourier stood as the heroic master of mathematical analysis in the theory grant towards storage boxes for preservation of the instruments. In fact, over the
of heat, Regnault stood as an equal master of experimental measurements. five years following Thomsons appointment, the Faculty sanctioned ;550 for
From what we have seen so far, particularly in regard to the experimental part new apparatus.^*
of the course, William Thomson had plainly transformed the teaching of natural These grants allowed Thomson gradually to establish a modest physical
philosophy at Glasgow College while maintaining the basic framework of laboratory in Glasgow College. As he later wrote to Stokes, explaining its
subject-matter comprehended in the Scottish tradition. Gone were the old precise purpose and organization, the primary and essential work involved the
popular surveys with illustrative experiments, and in their place were the preparation of illustrations for my lectures during the winter six months.
mighty investigative instruments of mathematics and precision measurement. Thus the laboratory served primafacie as an integral part of his role as a university
Little wonder that William Thomson and P.G. Tait in 1861 could feel highly professor, marketing knowledge to students. At the same time, we have seen
critical of all existing natural philosophy texts,^^ for Thomsons methods were how his experimental course focussed not on the old appliances illustrative of
dramatically new. His approach had an even more radical component, however: the principles of natural philosophy but on the use of delicate instruments for
the development of a research laboratory aimed at making precision measure accurate measurements.
ment a reality for professor and students alike. This primary and essential work, however, already existed alongside a
completely new dimension added to Glasgow natural philosophy, a dimension
Early years of the physical laboratory with far-reaching consequences for Thomsons professional activities, for he had
come very early to see the laboratory as an agent of industrial, as well as of
Apparatus of appliances for lecture-demonstrations had been crucial to the scientific, progress. By 1846, there existed several important precedents for the
teaching of natural philosophy at Glasgow College under Thomsons predeces connection of research laboratories with industry. O f these precedents, William
sors. The new professor found the existing apparatus of a very old-fashioned Thomson had been most recently and directly concerned with Regnaults
kind: much of it was more than a hundred years old, little of it less than fifty precision experiments on high pressure steam aimed at perfecting the great
years old, and most of it was of worm-eaten mahogany. Yet he acknowledged motive power of nineteenth-century industry. In Glasgow itself, however,
that with such appliances year after year students of natural philosophy had Thomas Thomsons celebrated chemical laboratory had a strong industrial
been brought together and taught and that the principles of dynamics and dimension familiar to William through his own time there as a student and
electricity had been well illustrated and well taught: as well taught as lectures and through his future father-in-law, Walter Crum, whose primary interests in
so imperfect apparatus - but apparatus merely of the lecture-illustration kind - industrial chemistry had also brought him into the circles of Justus von Liebig
could teach. With a Faculty grant of in the first year, William Thomson and Michael Faraday (1791-1867). Liebigs chemical laboratory, opened at the
initiated an extensive reform programme. During his Paris visit in the summer University of Giessen in 1824, subsequently became famous for its concern with
of 1847, he spent some time ordering apparatus, notably acoustical apparatus, agricultural chemistry, and was renowned for the number of accomplished
for his teaching, and felt inclined to order everything I saw, as indeed I did very chemists trained there. Williams own efforts to establish a physical laboratory
nearly. After his first session he also visited Faraday at the Royal Institution
where he could view the apparatus relating particularly to electricity and
magnetism. 203-4; Michael Faraday to William Thomson, 14th June, 1847, F32, ULC. Thomson dealt
principally with the French instrument makers Pixii and Marloye. Am ong the Kelvin pamphlets in
ULC are two catalogues, Marloyes Catalogue des principaux appareils dacoustique et autres objets qui se
William Thomson, 13th December, 1849, lecture 27, in Smith, op. cit. (note 10). fahriquent chez Marloye, 2nd edn. (Paris, 1845), and Pixiis Catalogue des principaux instruments . . . a
P.G. Tait to Thomas Andrews, 18th December, 1861, in C.G. Knott, (ed.). Life and scientific Iusage des sciences (Paris, 1845-9).
work o f Peter Guthrie Tait (Cambridge, 1911), p. 177. SPT, 1, 194-6; James Courts, A history o f the University o f Glasgow from itsfoundations in 1451 to
PL, 2, 4834; SPT, 1 , 193- 4; William Thomson toJ.D. Forbes, 30thJuly, 1847, Forbes papers, 1909 (Glasgow, 1909), p. 385.
St Andrews University Library; William Thomson to Michael Faraday, 11thJune, 1847, in SPT, 1, William Thomson to G.G. Stokes, 7th February, 1860, K i l l , Stokes correspondence, ULC.
130 The making o f the natural philosopher Professor William Thomson 131

are thus an instance of a general relation between the development of research students to aid in the work. They willingly accepted the invitation . . . Soon after, other
laboratories and industry.^ students, hearing that some o f their class-fellows had got experimental work to do, came
Even as early as his first session at Glasgow College, two critical experimental to me and volunteered to assist in the investigation. I could not give them all work in the
investigations had emerged for William Thomson. First, he employed the particular investigation with which I had commenced ... but I did all in my power to find
concept o f work in a study of the force acting on an inductively magnetized work for them on allied subjects (Electrodynamic Properties o f Metals, Moduluses o f
object (ch. 8); and, second, he wanted to know the nature o f waste or losses of Elasticity o f Metals, Elastic Fatigue, Atmospheric Electricity, &c).^^
power through conduction and stirring by consideration of Stirlings air Members of Thomsons one-hundred-strong junior class had often to sup
engine.^ ^ Both work and waste developed in parallel with his brother James port themselves by working after class hours as teachers or as city-missionaries,
engineering concerns. While serving his apprenticeship in William Fairbairns for example. But about twenty-five, three-quarters of whom would become
Thames shipbuilding yard, James developed an improved dynamometer for the theology students, found time to come to me for experimental work several
precise measurement of work, being at the same time profoundly involved hours every day. All these pupils were volunteers, paying no laboratory fee,
with the reduction of waste and the improvement of economy in marine and among them Thomson generally found several efficient for original
steam-engines (ch. 9). investigation to whom I give work specified in my application to the Royal
Williams orientation towards an experimental research laboratory which Society Grant Committee. These carefully selected pupils, then, pursued the
focussed on work and waste had thus taken shape by 1846-7. This orientation, part of Thomsons laboratory work which he referred to as the investigation of
with its special attention to precision measurements of the properties of matter, new truth. To this end he kept his laboratory open during nearly all of the
formed the foundation for his entrepreneurial activity as well as his physics. By summer six months. His permanent assistant, whom he engaged during the
1854 he had, following his brothers lead with a vortex-turbine patent, entered whole year at his own expense, is in the summer months solely occupied in
on the entrepreneurial activity which would win him his knighthood twelve assisting me in such investigations, and in carrying them on according to my
years later and establish him as a leading figure in the development of science- directions when 1am not on the spot. One of his laboratory volunteers was also
based industry (ch. 19). The accumulation of scientific capital at compound frequently employed to act during the summer as a second assistant, receiving
interest would indeed yield social and economic dividends for the intellectual out of the grants a small payment o f twenty pounds.^^
capitalist. If we are to understand more fully the nature and significance of the group of
The subsequent story of Thomsons research laboratory is not one of the twenty or so volunteers, we must interpret their place within the Scottish
development of a private institution for personal research in which interested educational system. The natural philosophy class generally marked the end of
individuals from all over Europe might come to work with the master of the broad philosophical curriculum at Glasgow University which preceded the
physical science. Rather, the laboratory research, though related intimately to professional training in theology, for example. The traditional pedagogical
Thomsons own very wide concerns, rapidly became central to his professional thrust, as we have emphasized, had been a democratic and popular one,
activities as university professor and teacher. He later explained the develop contrasting with Anglican, Oxbridge values. William Thomsons institution of
ment of the experimental researches himself: a system of experimental exercise for laboratory pupils marked a considerable
Soon after I entered my present chair . . . I had occasion to undertake some investigations extension of those democratic values in which the participation of the student in
o f certain electrodynamic qualities o f matter, to answer questions which had been class discussion and examination now reached much further - into the realm of
suggested by the results o f mathematical theory, questions which could only be answered handling and employing the apparatus itself to produce definite measurements.
by direct experiment. The labour o f observing proved too heavy, much o f it could Thus we put the junior students at once into investigations, and let them
scarcely be carried on without two or more persons working together. I therefore invited measure and weigh whatever requires measurement and weighing in the course
of the investigation.^'^ This strategy, of course, echoes precisely Thomsons
See especiallyJ.B . M orrell, T h e chem ist breeders: the research schools o f Liebig and Thom as own experiences in Paris where he derived the greatest benefit not from mere
T h o m so n , Ambix, 19 (1972), 1-46, esp. pp. 2 1 -3 . C rum w orked under both chem istry professors.
For a general survey o f the developm ent o f physical laboratories in Britain, see Rom ualdas Sviedrys, attendance at lectures but from seeing and handling the apparatus of Regnault.
T h e rise o f physics laboratories in Britain, Hist. Stud. Phys. S n ., 7 (1976), 405 36. W alter Crum was
a student o f practical chem istry under T hom as T hom son in 1818-19, and he subsequently published 32 PL, 2, 4 8 4 -5 .
w ork on industrial chem istry in T h o m so n s Annals of philosophy. Sec F.H. T hom son, O pening 33 Ibid., pp. 485-6; T h om son to Stokes, op. cit. (note 29). T he R oyal Society grants funded
address by the president, Proc. Glasgow Phil. Soc., 6 (1865-8), 2 3 3 -6 . original experim ental research into particular topics such as the effects o f m agnetization on the
W illiam T hom son to J .D . Forbes, 1st March, 1847, Forbes papers, St A ndrews U niversity therm o-electric qualities and on the electric conductivity o f iron. See, for exam ple, M PP, 2, 178.
Library. 3 PL, 2, 492.
132 The making of the natural philosopher Professor W illiam Thomson 133

At the same time, Thomsons philosophy here (as in the famous Treatise) is
centred on a remarkable belief that the humblest person, crofter or artisan, is
capable of achieving the deepest insights into natural philosophy, a belief
stemming from both the career of his father and the democratic culture of
Scotland. Helmholtzs account of his visit to Thomsons laboratory in 1863
provides further insight into the character of the professor and his work:
In th e in te r v a ls I h a v e seen a q u a n tity o f n e w a n d m o s t in g e n io u s ap p aratu s an d
e x p e r im e n ts o f W . T h o m s o n . . . H e th in k s so ra p id ly , h o w e v e r , that o n e has to g e t at th e
n ecessa ry in fo r m a tio n a b o u t th e m a k e o f th e in str u m e n ts , e tc ., b y a lo n g str in g o f
q u e stio n s, w h ic h h e sh ies at. H o w h is stu d e n ts u n d e r sta n d h im , w it h o u t k e e p in g h im as
str ic tly to th e su b ject as I v e n tu r e to d o , is a p u z z le to m e; still, th e re w e r e n u m b e r s o f
stu d e n ts in th e la b o r a to r y h a rd at w o r k , an d a p p a r e n tly q u ite u n d e r sta n d in g w h a t th e y
w e r e about.-^-^

In order to accommodate his new volunteer laboratory corps beyond the

existing lecture room and adjoining apparatus room, the Faculty allotted
Professor Thomson an unused wine-cellar around 1850, part of an old profes
sors house. The subsequent fitting out of this new property by 1852 generated
enough noise to disturb the neighbouring classes of his less amiable colleague.
Professor Fleming, who was never slow in lodging a c o m p la in t.W ith the
abolition o f the Colleges Blackstonc examination by the University Commis
sioners around 1858, Thomson annexed the examination room adjoining the
wine-cellar, and so extended still further his laboratory empire. The advance
ment and expansion of his professional property by these means bore a striking
resemblance to his late fathers expansive moves at the Belfast Academical
Institution. As William explained in 1885:
T h e e x a m in a tio n r o o m w a s le ft u n p r o te c te d , its ta lism a n , th e o ld B la c k s to n c C h a ir ,
r e m o v e d . I in sta n tly a n n e x e d it (it w a s v e r y c o n v e n ie n t , a d jo in in g th e o ld w in e -c e lla r an d
b e lo w th e a p p a ra tu s r o o m ); a n d , as s o o n as it c o u ld c o n v e n ie n t ly b e d o n e , o b ta in e d th e
sa n c tio n o f th e F a c u lty fo r th e a n n e x a tio n . T h e B la c k s to n c r o o m an d th e o ld w in e -c e lla r
se rv ed w e ll fo r p h y sic a l la b o r a to r y till 1 8 7 0 , w h e n th e U n iv e r s ity r e m o v e d fr o m its o ld
site im b e d d e d in th e d en sest part o f th e c ity , to th e a iry h ill- t o p o n w h ic h it n o w stan d s. In
th e n e w U n iv e r s ity b u ild in g s a m p le an d c o m m o d io u s p r o v is io n w a s m a d e fo r e x p e r i Glasgow College: the physical laboratory. The laboratory windows are on the
m e n ta l work.^'^ ground floor o f the north side o f the inner quadrangle (to the middle right o f
the illustration) below the natural philosophy classroom. The Blackstonc room on
The generally smooth development of Thomsons professional activities the ground floor o f the west side (middle left) provided Thomson with additional
within Glasgow College had been greatly facilitated by the growing progressive space, with the old apparatus room above. From there the professor entered his
character of the institution. Following Williams appointment, Allen classroom. [From David Murray, Lord Kelvin as professor in the Old College of
Thomsons replacement ofjames Jeffray in the anatomy chair in 1848 ensured a
5 SPT, 1 , 430.
Courts, pp. 385-6. The year 1852 seems to mark the opening ofthc physical laboratory proper,
for in 1861 Thomson explained that the system oflaboratory instruction had gradually grown up
during the last nine years. See William Thomson to the Scottish University Commissioners (draft),
23rd December, 1861, S514, ULC; J.T. Bottomley, Physical science in Glasgow University,
Nature, 6 (1872), 29 32. pp_ 2 , 487-8.
134 The making o f the natural philosopher Professor William Thomson 135

strong whig group consisting now of Nichol and four Thomsons (Dr James, on the part of Glasgow industrialists and other benefactors, notably the Marquis
William, Allen, and Dr William, brother of Allen), supported on most occasions of Bute, a coal magnate, and Charles Randolph, partner of John Elder the
by Reid, Ramsay, Lushington, and Maconochic. The Principal, left only with shipbuilder.'^^
Fleming, Hill, and Buchanan after 1850, lingered until 1857. But even within the The result was a grand cathedral of learning, an enduring monument to
hitherto largely tory Divinity Faculty, changes came about with the appoint Victorian confidence in the unified progress of human knowledge and the
ments o f the very liberal Thomas Barclay as Principal in 1857, John Caird as wealth of nations. The greatest upheaval in the history of the ancient university
professor o f divinity in 1862, and Duncan Weir as professor of oriental lan provided William Thomson with a new physical laboratory vastly superior in
guages in 1850. Edward Caird, Johns brother, took over moral philosophy in scale and design to the old accommodation. With the laboratory available from
1866. Both Cairds had been old class-mates of the Thomsons and shared a 1870,'*^ Thomson was poised to undertake the enormous extension of his
similarly broad theological outlook.^ Meanwhile, the Universities Act o f 1858 entrepreneurial activities in telegraphy, electrical instruments, and navigational
gave the nine regius professors equal rights and functions as professors of the aids. Yet the firm foundations for such activities had already been laid in the last
University and College of Glasgow and also abolished finally the religious two decades of the old College where so much of William Thomsons career had
tests. taken shape.
Under new financial arrangements, the former College professors continued
to derive their salaries from university revenues, supplemented by student fees
and parliamentary vote or land revenues. Thus the professor of natural philos Human fragility
ophy received almost jQllO from university revenues, a parliamentary vote of
The six year period following Williams appointment as professor brought
f^2l, an average sum from the rents derived from the west coast island of
immense and unforeseen changes to his personal life. The spectres of disease and
Shuna, and estimated student fees of p{)300, totalling just over ^^600. In
death came to haunt the rural communities and industrial cities of western and
addition, he now received ^^100 for the salary of a teaching assistant and
northern Britain following the onset of the fearful Irish famine in 1845 and left
allowances for class expenses."^
immune neither peasant nor professional. Then, from 1850, social conditions
The university reformers of the mid-1840s had invested much effort in a bid
improved once more, and the tide o f economic and technical progress seemed
to have the College removed to a new site at Woodlands to the west of the city.
set fair to sweep industrial Britain ever more rapidly forward into a new
A deteriorating economic climate affecting the railway company which would
Victorian age of prosperity and progress, confirming the strength of whig values
have redeveloped the old College site in High Street and funded the new site and which had almost foundered amid the darkness of the hungry forties.
buildings led to an abandonment of the early scheme, but throughout the 1850s The failure of the Irish potato crop from 1845 left millions of people on or
Allen Thomson spearheaded a fresh campaign for removal from the increas
beyond the edge of starvation, defenceless against the ravages of typhus fever and
ingly overcrowded College.
other potentially lethal diseases. As Anna (who had married William
The City of Glasgow Union Railway Company eventually agreed in 1864 to
Bottomley) wrote from Belfast to William in 1847:
a purchase price of ^OIOOOOO. With additional funds of over ^20000 from
public subscriptions and a similar amount as a parliamentary grant, the Univer o n all sid es w c h ear o f n o th in g b u t b a d b u sin e ss, sic k n ess and distress . . . I h o p e th at n o n e
o f us w ill e v e r se e su c h a n o th e r w in te r fo r r e a lly I h a d n o t h eard o f th e u n p a r a lle le d m ise r y
sity purchased the lands of Gilmorehill and Donaldshill to the west of the city
that has b e e n su ffered . . . th e B e lfa s t stree ts are q u ite in fe ste d w it h b e g g a r s an d w h a te v e r
and on the north of the river Kelvin, a tributary of the Clyde, for around
o b je c tio n o n e m a y feel to b e g g in g y e t th e h u n g e r d e p ic te d o n th e c o u n te n a n c e o f m o st o f
;063000. The first stone was laid in April, 1867, and the new buildings opened
th e m m a k e s it se e m h ard to r e fu se .*'^
only just in time for the 1870-1 session. Costs rose to an estimated ^363 000, of
which the government of Lord Derby, supported by the Chancellor of the Agnes Gall, visiting Belfast at that time, added that on one day alone there were
Exchequer, provided a grant o f 000, a sum matched by public enthusiasm forty persons at the Bottomleys door asking for relief, and I do not like to name

Courts, pp. 379-475; James Thomson, Papers, pp. Ixix-lxx; Thomas Barclay and John and Ibid., pp. 442-7; Allen Thomson, Prefatory notice o f the new College buildings, Introductory
Edward Caird, DNB. addresses delivered at the opening o f the University o f Glasgow session 1870-71 (Glasgow, 1870), pp. v i-
General report o f the Commissioners under the Universities (Scotland) Act, 1858, with an appendix xxvi.
containing ordinances, minutes, reports on special subjects, and other documents (Edinburgh, 1863), p. xiv. Andrew Gray, Lord Kelvins laboratory in the University o f Glasgow, Nature, 55 (1896-7),
Ibid., pp. 3945. In various representations to the Commissioners between December, 1861, 486-92.
and March, 1862, Thomson requested an additional X^lOO to fund a laboratory assistant with the Anna Bottomley to William Thomson, 3rd February, 1847, B228, ULC. On the Irish famine,
view o f enabling him to continue the system o f laboratory instruction introduced by him in his class see Cecil Woodham-Smith, The great hunger. Ireland 1845-1849 (London, 1962); J.C. Beckett, The
(pp. 155-62). Courts, pp. 415-9. making o f modern Ireland 1603-1923 (London, 1966), pp. 33b 50.
136 The making o f the natural philosopher Professor W illiam Thomson 137

the thousands in Belfast at this moment depending upon charity lest I should su p p o r t o th e r s in th e ir trials an d d iflic u ltie s o f life th at a n y th in g else than a lo n g life o f
exaggerate. A long time must pass, she concluded, before the effects of these last u sefu ln ess fo r h im h ad n e v e r o c c u r r e d to m e . B u t w e are c o n t in u o u s ly m a d e to see that

two years famine cease to be felt. All this distress, too, was observed in by far and G o d s w a y s are n o t o u r w a y s , an d o f this w e m u st b e certa in that th e r e is s o m e g r e a t g o o d

away the most prosperous part of Ireland.**^ en d to b e se r v e d b y su ch a str o k e as this c o m in g in th e m id st o f so m u c h p r o sp e r ity as w e

w e r e all e n j o y in g so la te ly . W ith w h a t a v o ic e d o e s it n o t c r y to us A ll flesh is grass &c all
The immediate effects of the famine were the fever outbreaks and the
th e g lo r y o f m a n is as th e flo w e r o f g rass. I am sure w e w e r e all a llo w in g o u r se lv e s to rest
desperate exodus of human beings from the stricken island, more often than not
t o o w e ll c o n te n t w it h o u r p o s itio n s h ere an d fo r g e t tin g th at th is is n o t th e w o r ld o f rest
taking the infection with them. Glasgows long-standing social and sanitary
b u t that e v e r y th in g h e r e m u st b e c h a n g in g an d u n c erta in .
problems could only be made worse by this additional overcrowding. The
housing suffered from faulty drainage, bad ventilation, polluted water, narrow Anna consoled herself with the assurance that it was the object of such heavy
thoroughfares and almost every other domestic defect which could be con afflictions as we have had to force us from earth to heaven and to teach us that this
ceived. A visitor back in 1818 had to: pick his steps among every species of is not our home, and that our rest is not here . .
disgusting filth, through a long valley from four to five feet wide, flanked by Her bleaker forebodings were realized less than two years after Johns death,
houses five floors high, with here and there an opening for a pool of water from when her father, aged sixty-two, died from cholera on 12th January, 1849. The
which there is no drain and in which all the nuisances of the neighbourhood arc dreaded Asiatic disease had returned to Glasgow, killing over 3500 persons in the
deposited in endless succession to float and putrefy and waste away in noxious winter of 1848-9 and removing from the Thomson family its central figure.
gases.T w e n t y years later, with its little improved social conditions, Glasgow Elizabeths health had also broken down, and she and her husband (Rev David
was still the ideal environment for the rapid spread of fevers of all kinds, and the King) were in Jamaica for the winter when the bitter news arrived. H.W.
residents of the College knew only too well the personal grief brought about by Cookson, in his letter of sympathy to William, summed up Dr Thomsons
such afflictions. In 1838, the professor of Greek, Sir Daniel Sandford, had died qualities in a tribute to the man who had done so much to shape his familys
from typhus fever at the age of forty. In 1843, just before the famine, Dr William destiny:
Thomsons nine-year-old daughter had died of the fever which raged fearfully T h o u g h rip e in years an d h o n o u r s y o u w o u ld n o t h a v e e x p e c te d h im to pass a w a y so
in town and was particularly among the poor cutting off immense numbers. s o o n , w ith his fa c u ltie s in fu ll v ig o u r a n d a p p a r e n tly e q u a l to m a n y m o r e years o f u sefu l
By 1845-6, John Thomson was in the second session of his medical course, an d m e r ito r io u s e x e r t io n . Y o u w ill h a v e m u c h to c o n s o le y o u . . . in th e r e c o lle c tio n o f th e
attending the Infirmary three hours a day, dissecting two hours a day, and taking g reat e ste e m to w h ic h y o u r fath er w a s h e ld , th e g rea t resp ect p a id to his ta len ts, th e great
the classes in surgery, materia mcdica and the practice of physic. During the se r v ic e s w h ic h h e has r e n d e r e d to h is p u p ils an d th e v a lu a b le a d d itio n s h e has m a d e to

summer of 1846, there was little or no escape to the peace and relaxation of the k n o w le d g e b y h is p u b lis h e d w o r k s an d w h ic h arc m o r e p a r tic u la r ly to b e re g a r d e d fo r
th e ir u se fu ln e ss in r e m o v in g th e so u r c e s o f in a c c u r a c y & erro r o f all k in d s. I k n o w that
Firth. The winter of 1846-7 proved for the medical men of Glasgow to be the
y o u w ill feel y o u r loss s e v e r e ly a n d th a t all y o u r fa m ily m u st g r ie v e fo r y o u r d ep a rted
severest of all their ordeals, with the particularly harsh weather and the virtually
H e a d . 5'
uncontrollable outbreaks of fever. Early in 1847, therefore, his resistance weak
ened by the unending duties, John Thomson contracted what was probably After Johns death and Williams academic successes and public acclaim,
typhus, and died at the Infirmary a few days later on 7th February, one of over James had been the member of the family closest to Dr Thomson. Forced early
4000 fever-deaths recorded for Glasgow in 1847."^* in 1845 to abandon the beginning of an engineering career in Mill wall and
Anna, writing to William from Belfast, gave open expression to the familys Manchester through a quickness o f the pulse, he had returned to Glasgow
grief and to the sources of consolation: College where he had been subjected to various forms of uncertain medical
T h e r e w o u ld h a v e b e e n n o d e a th a m o n g o u r n u m b e r fo r w h ic h I w o u ld h a v e b e e n so
treatment, including an infusion of digitalis which has a great effect in bringing
to ta lly u n p r e p a r e d . . . h e s e e m e d so str o n g b o th in b o d y a n d m in d , so a b le to b ear u p an d
down the pulse, a blister over his heart which kept me in bed for a fortnight, a
piece of silk cord put through his skin with the ends left out so as to cause a
Agnes Gall to William Thomson, 23rd February, 1847, G29, ULC. permanent running which brought on a number of feverish attacks and which
Robert Graham, Practical observations on continuedfever, especially thatform at present existing as an
epidemic (Glasgow, 1818), p. 56. Quoted in L.J. Saunders, Scottish democracy: 1800-1840 (Edinburgh, Anna Bottomley to William Thomson, 15th February, 1847, B229, ULC. See also Elizabeth
19.50), p. 181. King, Lord Kelvin's early home (London, 1909), pp. 234- 5, for Elizabeths reaction to her brothers
Courts, p. 381; Dr Thomson to William Thomson, 9th April, 1843, T234, ULC; Anna to death.
William Thomson, c. October 1843, B197 -8, ULC. Anna Bottomley to William Thomson, 20th March, 1847, B230, ULC; Elizabeth King to
John to William Thomson, 9th October, 1845, T521, ULC; Agnes Gall to William Thomson, William Thomson, 29th March, 1847, K82, ULC; Agnes Gall to William Thomson, 23rd February,
24th March, 1846, G38, ULC;John to William Thomson, 18th May, 1846, T524, ULC; j. Cunnison 1847, G29, ULC; Anna Bottomley to William Thomson, 22nd April, 1847, B233, ULC.
and J.B.S. Gilfillan (eds.). The third statistical account o f Scotland: Glasgow (Glasgow, 1958), p. 476. H.W . Cookson to William Thomson, 15th January, 1849, C152, ULC.
138 The making o f the natural philosopher Professor William Thomson 139

weakened me a good deal, and a very restricted diet with neither exercise nor cry from the misfortunes of the 1840s and his rapid rise to academic eminence
excitement. The slowness of his recovery kept him within the familiar was marred by the death in 1857 of his devoted sister, Anna, at the early age of
Clydeside setting, and it was there that he endured the loss of his brother and thirty-seven.^
father. James married Elizabeth Hancock in late 1863. Her brother Ncilson was
On his fathers passing, James wrote to his old friend, J.R. McClean: professor of political economy at Queens College, Belfast, and her father had
T h e loss o f o u r m u c h lo v e d fa th er is th e ca u se o f g rea t s o r r o w to all o f us. O n m e , w h o w a s
been a Poor Law Commissioner until his death from typhus following the
so d e p e n d e n t o n h im , th is c a la m ity falls v e r y h e a v ily . H e w a s th e c h ie f o b je c t o f m y lo v e ,
famine, having contracted the disease during his personal efforts to minimize
an d m y m a in a d v ise r a n d su p p o r te r in all m y d iffic u ltie s. H e p a r tic ip a te d a n d s y m p a hardships among the numerous poor. Elizabeth Hancocks liberal (even radical)
th iz e d in all m y j o y s a n d s o r r o w s , an d w a s th e dearest fr ie n d I had.^^ views were very much in harmony with her husbands and both husband and
wife contributed much to reform and social improvement in Belfast. Appointed
To his father alone docs he appear to have confided a change of religious beliefs.
Engineer to the Belfast Water Commissioners, James advised on the much-
He had abandoned the orthodox doctrines of Christianity and had become a
needed supply of clean water to towns. As a member of the new Belfast Social
Unitarian, a faith well-enough known in Belfast intellectual circles. Only when
Enquiry Society formed in 1851, with his brothers-in-law Hancock and
Dr Thomson died did James reveal his secret to his friends, and such were his
Bottomley as Secretary and Treasurer, James presented plans for financing
feelings o f anguish that he wrote to his family stating that he did not plan to
public parks in manufacturing towns, particularly Belfast. Both projects re
return, feeling perhaps that its members latitudinarianism would not extend as
flected his involvement with problems of political economy. Elizabeth encour
far as abandonment of the T rinity. Anna felt his distress keenly, and it was to her
aged movements for the higher education of women and the Married Womens
household that James was soon to return after working in London with Lewis
Property Act.^
Gordon. She cautioned William to pity rather than to rebuke their brother -
William Thomsons youngest brother, Robert, was the only one of Dr
William being more accustomed to debating issues w ithjam es-as this crisis was
Thomsons four sons not to aim for a profession. Early years of poor health
an especially severe personal trial for him. She considered his unhappy religious
discouraged him from academic studies, and, though he matriculated at Glas
opinions as the greatest of his misfortunes, and determined to help him in every
gow College in 1842, he left without taking a degree, and thus gave up thoughts
way she could other than by argument. She hoped, therefore, that some
of any learned profession. In May, 1846, he commenced work in the famous
judicious reading upon the subject might, with Gods blessing, correct him
Scottish Amicable Insurance Companys offices at a salary of ^ 2 0 per year,
where he is wrong.
working from nine to five oclock each weekday, and on Saturdays until two
Annas concern contributed much to Jamess return to Belfast in 1851. With
oclock. He exhorted his academic brother to insure your life in the Scottish
improved health, he entered fully the intellectual and social life of the town.
Amicable when you become Professor, and he continued in the office with
With friends such as Thomas Andrews and William Bottomley he was able to
improving health until 1850 or 1851. The prevalence of disease and misery not
pursue with new vigour his engineering activities during the 1850s and beyond.
only in Glasgow but throughout Great Britain and Ireland, the loss of his father
Elected a member of the Belfast Literary Society in 1853, he was also a frequent
following on the loss of his brother, and his memories of a childhood of fevers
participant, as his brother was, in the meetings of the British Association, and he
and poor health, doubtless made him decide, however, to leave for all time the
read papers before a variety of provincial scientific societies in both Great Britain
city and land o f death. In July, 1850, Agnes Gall wrote to William to see if he
and Ireland. He secured a temporary appointment to the chair of civil engineer
could prevent a further breakup of the Glasgow College circle, but it was too
ing in the Queens College, Belfast, in 1854, and three years later obtained the
late. Shortly afterwards, Robert Thomson emigrated to Australia, where he
chair on a permanent basis until he moved to the Glasgow chair of engineering as
subsequently joined the Colonial Mutual Life Assurance Society in Melbourne.
W.J.M. Rankines successor in 1873. P.G. Taits appointment to Queens
He never returned to Europe, and died in 1905, aged seventy-five.^
College mathematics chair in 1854 brought another notable personality into the
Thomsons academic and social orbit. Unfortunatelyjamess spectacular recov- James Thomson, Papers, pp. xl-xIix;J.P. Joule to William Thomson, 22nd February, 1857,
J243, ULC. Ibid., pp. xlviCxlix, 464-72.
James to William Thomson, 15th February, 1845, T297, ULC; Agnes Gall to William Robert to William Thomson, r.June, 1843, T546, ULC;July 1843, T548, ULC; Dr Thomson
Thomson, 26th March, 1845, G16, ULC; Anna Bottomley to William Thomson, 2nd April, 1845, to William Thomson, 6thjanuary, 1845, T283, ULC; Robert to William Thomson, 28th February,
B218. ULC. 1845, T300, ULC; 14th December, 1845, T559, ULC; 9th May, 1846, T.560, ULC; 21st May, 1846,
James Thomson toJ.R. McClean, 26th January, 1849, in James Thomson, Papers, p. xxxviii. T561, ULC; Agnes Gall to William Thomson, 15th July, 1850, G34, ULC; Frederick Fuller to
Anna Bottomley to William Thomson, 7th March, 1847, B238, ULC; James Thomson, William Thomson, 30th March, 1851, F306, ULC; King Early home, p. 113; SPT, 1 , 5; Robert to
Papers, pp. xxxix-xl. William Thomson, 13th April, 1885, T565, ULC.
140 The making o f the natural philosopher Professor William Thomson 141

The unwelcome changes at Glasgow College which had taken place with (1782-1866), father of Archibald, had seven daughters, one of whom, Sabina,
great rapidity between 1847 and 1851 had left William and his aunt as the was just a year younger than William. Dr Thomsons verdict in 1846 on the
remaining residents at No. 2, the College, Glasgow. While the surviving elder Smith had been that he is a cunning, wily man who in an interview would
members of the Thomson family undertook frequent visits to each other, the old be as likely to draw out from you matters which he would turn, if possible, to
society which had lasted from 1832 until the late 1840s had been shaken to its your disadvantage. O f the son I have a much better opinion, though not an
foundations. Nevertheless, the Thomsons acquaintances, notably the Kcrs of unqualified one; and Mr Buchanan docs not seem to admire him much as to
Dalmuir, the Smiths ofjordanhill, and the Crums of Thornliebank, were still manner and disposition.*^ The context, of course, was the threat of Archibald
very much in evidence around the College. It was to these neighbouring families becoming a candidate for the Glasgow chair. Perpetually of two minds,
that William could look for friendship and, ultimately, marriage. Archibalds indecision haunted him even when the mathematical chair itself
Williams sisters had long teased him about his girlfriends. Back in 1842, for became vacant in 1849.*-^ By 1850, however, and in marked contrast to
instance, Elizabeth wrote to him announcing that two of his girlfriends had Archibalds excessive caution in all things, William had fallen head-over-heels in
become engaged in his absence. I almost fear, she said sympathetically, to love with Sabina.
mention them lest you should be cast into despair. Again in 1845, his aunt Sabinas first rejection of Williams marriage proposal prompted a remark
maliciously described to him a party in the College when Miss Crum and Miss able response from William on 1st January, 1851:
Bottomley were the belles of the evening, every young man of spirit. .. running D e a r e st S ab in a
after them.^* Margaret, daughter of Walter Crum, was often referred to as the 1 c a n n o t e x p r e s s to y o u h o w d r e a d fu lly I h a v e b e e n g r ie v e d b y y o u r le tte r an d h o w ill
poet by the Thomsons. A selection of her poems was privately printed in 1866. p r ep a red to r e c e iv e it I w a s after an a lm o s t sle ep le ss n ig h t. E v e r sin c e y o u le ft m e
She was clearly a most eligible young lady and, according to Elizabeth, very y e s te r d a y I h a v e b e e n m o s t d istr e s sin g ly c o n s c io u s o f h o w w r o n g I w a s to im a g in e that
clever. Having attended a school in London, she spent some time with Professor y o u c o u ld b e p r e p a r e d alrea d y to g iv e m e th e in e s tim a b le g ift I a sk ed . N o t a w o r d fr o m
Liebig in G iessen.M eanw hile, William also had his eyes on other young y o u o u g h t to h a v e b e e n n ece ssa r y to tell m e w h a t m y o w n fe e lin g s sh o u ld h a v e to ld m e ,

ladies, his sister Elizabeth encouraging him in such pursuits as she wrote to the w h a t th e y d id r e a lly tell m e , a lt h o u g h I a llo w e d m y s e lf to b e b lin d e d b y m y sa n g u in e
h o p e s. D o n o t I im p lo r e y o u j u d g e m e t o o h a r d ly fo r th is rashn ess b u t try to fo r g e t it an d
professor in 1847:
d o c o n t in u e to g iv e m e y o u r fr ie n d sh ip as fr a n k ly as y o u w o u ld h a v e d o n e i f it h ad n o t
E liza K er is lo o k in g e x t r e m e ly p r e tty . 1 th in k w h e n I h a v e h e lp e d y o u to fu r n ish th e less ta k e n p lace.
im p o r ta n t parts o f y o u r h o u se sh e w o u ld b e an e x c e lle n t assistant fo r th e d r a w in g r o o m I c a n n o t rest n o w till 1 h a v e o p e n e d m y w h o le h eart to y o u . I must h a v e a lo n g lo n g
a n d then sh e w o u ld lo o k v e r y n ic e sittin g in it. I w o u ld c o m e v e r y o fte n to see y o u fo r sh e c o n v e r s a tio n w it h y o u . I w is h it c o u ld b e to d a y . I am d e te r m in e d n o t to e x p e c t an y
is a v e r y k in d a n d g e n tle h o stess. In d e e d I th in k y o u w o u ld h a v e p le n ty o f v isito r s w it h h er a n sw e r fr o m y o u b u t to b e p a tie n t a n d le a v e to tim e th e a lte r a tio n o f y o u r m in d o n w h ic h
to e n terta in th e m .* ' all m y h a p p in e ss in th is w o r ld rest.
W it h th e m o s t earn est p ray ers fo r y o u r h a p p in ess d ea rest S a b in a I r em a in
Williams Cambridge friends, especially Frederick Fuller, also eagerly teased
E v e r y o u r s
him on the slightest hint of his flirtations in Glasgow. According to Fuller in
W illia m T h o m so n * ^
1846 there is a scandalous report afloat in Cambridge about you - viz. - that you
are engaged to be married. Fuller also warned the new professor to be very Other Smith family letters ensued, the most notable of which Archibald wrote
careful not to get married before you are aware of it - you are in a very dangerous on 3rdjanuary to Sabina expressing himselfwell pleased by the result because I
position now - all the prudent mammas in Glasgow will be asking you to tea really do not think you would be suited to each other and advising Sabina never
&c., but take care!!*^ to yield to feelings of pity.** Williams passion, meanwhile, cooled only slightly
After his fathers death, William embarked on a romance which would until, in April, 1851, he made a second bid for Sabinas hand.
scarcely have gained Dr Thomsons imprimatur. James Smith of Jordanhill Once again Sabina refused. Writing to another sister, Christina, on the day

Elizabeth to William Thomson, 26th October, 1842, K60, ULC; Agnes Gall to William *2 Dr to William Thomson, 21st June, 1846, T355, ULC.
Thomson, lOth March, 1845, G15, ULC. Archibald to Isabella Smith, 27th January, 1849, T D l /676, Smith papers, Strathclyde regional
Elizabeth to William Thomson, 27th February, 1842, K56, ULC;John to William Thomson, archives.
18th February, 1843, T499, ULC; Agnes Gall to William Thomson, 30th May, 1845, G17, ULC; William Thomson to Sabina Smith, 1st January, 1851, T D l/485, Smith papers, Strathclyde
SPT, 1 , 533. regional archives.
Elizabeth King to William Thomson, 13th September, 1847, K88, ULC. ** Archibald to Sabina Smith, 3rd January, 1851, T D l/485, Smith papers, Strathclyde regional
Frederick Fuller to William Thomson, 14th September, 1846, F295, ULC. archives.
142 The making of the natural philosopher Professor William Thomson 143

after, W illiam confessed experiencing bitter bitter grief far m ore than I felt
prepared for w hen I w en t aw ay last nigh t . . . M y consolation at present is the
constant prayer that G od w ill m o v e her heart yet. I try to take com fort in the
assurance that all things w ork together for the g o o d o f those w h o lo v e G od. It
seems so very go o d for both o f us that I cannot help thinking that it m ay co m e in
tim e that w e shall be un ited .*^ Archibald, for his part, w rote to Sabina to assure
her that There is no fear o f m y sh o w in g any coldness to P[rofessorJ T [hom sonJ.
I have a great regard and liking for him . . . I have never th ou gh t his succeeding
w ith you a probable en ou gh m atter to disturb m y se lf about it. In M ay, 1851,
how ever, Archibald took steps to discourage W illia m s hopes, announcing to
Sabina that he intended to exclu d e all dom estic n ew s from correspondence w ith
W illiam during the Professors continental visit that sum m er.
B y April, 1852, W illiam prepared the ground for a third and final offer by
sending Sabina a cop y o fjo h n R uskins The stones ofVeniceT^ Sabinas rejection
yet again som etim e in the spring or early sum m er caused her far-reaching and
life-long regrets. T w e n ty -fiv e years later she explained that, before the third
proposal, she k n ew quite w ell that m y happiness depended on it, & yet . . . I
instinctively (w ith a sort o f unreasoning im pulse) put it aw ay from m e - I
think it m ust have been because I had just before received a letter from A rchy
saying it w^ be very foolish for m e to accept h im . Feeling confident o f her
influence over W illiam I did n o t disturb m yself, thinking that the next time I w^
say yes - w hen in a very short tim e I was inform ed he was engaged to som eon e
else. It was then I becam e conscious o f m y m istake & that the feeling o f its
being too late & by m y o w n fault took possession o f m e .^^
A lthough Archibald had strongly disapproved o f the prospective marriage,
and although Sabina in later years increasingly m ade him the scapegoat for her
m isfortune, she freely adm itted that the fault was her o w n . She w rote to her
sister Isabella alm ost forty years after the aflair:

1 su p p o se y o u m u st k n o w th a t I h a v e r e g r e tte d all m y life h a v in g refu sed h im ? . . . T h e first

t w o tim es I had n o d o u b t w h a t to sa y & e v e n i f I h a d , A r c h y s o p in io n w'^ h a v e in flu e n c e d
m y d e c is io n . . . B u t b y th e th ir d t im e I w a s f u lly p rep a red to a cc e p t h im , w h e n A r c h y s
letter a rriv ed w* p u t a sto p to it. E v e n th e n I th o u g h t it w a s o n ly fo r a tim e , & a lw a y s fe lt
sure it m u st c o m e to pass in th e e n d . O f c o u r se it w a s m y o w n fau lt b e in g so s w a y e d b y
a n o th er , & it w a s th e e x t r e m ity o f f o lly to th in k 1 g o o n r e fu sin g a m a n , & y e t h a v e h im
at m y d isp o sa l w h e n e v e r I c h o o s e ! . . . c e r ta in ly he w a s n o t to b la m e . B u t it w^^ b e d ifficu lt *

** William Thomson to Christina Smith, 2()th April, 1851, T D l/485, Smith papers, Strathclyde
regional archives.
Archibald to Sabina Smith, c.24th April and 12th May, 1851, T D l/485, Smith papers,
Strathclyde regional archives.
William Thomson to Sabina Smith, 22nd April, 1852, T D l/485, Smith papers, Strathclyde
regional archives.
Sabina Smith to Rev Dr Robert Paisley, lOth February, 1877, T D l/485, Smith papers, Sabina Smith, daughter o f James Smith o f jordanhill, near Glasgow, and sister ot
Strathclyde regional archives. Archibald. Refusing Williams proposal o f marriage on three separate occasions,
Sabina lived to regret her decision. |From Smith papers, Strathclyde Regional
144 The making o f the natural philosopher Professor William Thomson 145

to m a k e a n y o n e u n d e r sta n d th e f e e lin g I h a d fo r A r c h y & m y r e v e r e n c e fo r his o p in io n &

w is h e s . . 7

Sabinas long letter, written at the time of Williams elevation to the peerage,
went on to explain how, after receiving the news of Williams engagement in
July, 1852, to Margaret Crum, she had travelled to the September meeting o f the
British Association in Belfast in the vague hope that I might yet win him back
such was her belief in my own power over him. But she failed, and Williams
marriage took place on 15th September.
Sabina remained unmarried until 1878 when the Rev Dr Robert Paisley, a -i-

widower, married her more out of pity than from love. Dr Paisley, however, Si.-.-
died in 1879. To him, as a regular Father Confessor Sabina had poured forth her
regrets that William who had promised that he w^ love me all his life had been
prevented from doing so on account of Sabinas successive rebuffs. She thought
she could understand in some faint degree what it w<^ be to have reached the end
of ones life, & thrown away by ones own madness, the hope of salvation. . . . As
though in fulfilment of an earthly torment, indeed, Sabina not only outlived all
her sisters, but her erstwhile suitor also. She died at Helensburgh in 1915, aged
If Sabina, like Archibald, tended too often to draw back from the threshold of
decisive action, her other qualities of intelligence, good looks, and simplicity of
character had evidently made her the subject of Professor Thomsons heartfelt
devotion. Sharing with him a love of European travel and a taste for philosophi
cal and religious simplicity, she would have brought him into the socially
advantageous circle of Glasgows old commercial aristocracy, while he in turn
might have brought to Jordanhill both the scientific distinction and financial
security for which Archibald longed. When one reads in her later correspon
dence that the word metaphysics is one that makes me shudder as I like things
plain & easy of comprehension w^ are much more suited to my powers, i t is
difficult not to conclude that Archibalds verdict that the professor and Sabina
were not suited to one another was profoundly mistaken.
Disappointed in love, William fell victim to a powerful rebound. In latejuly,
1852, he announced to G.G. Stokes his forthcoming marriage, stating that
sometime, probably early in September, I am going to be married to a Miss
Crum. I cannot describe her exactly to you, but I am sure that is unnecessary to
ensure your good wishes. . .. Equally unenthusiastically, he wrote to Forbes to i8ra;

Sabina to Isabella Gore Booth (nee Smith), 2nd December, 1891, T D l/485, Smith papers,
Strathclyde regional archives.
Sabina Smith to Robert Paisley, op. cit. (note 69); Obituary o f Sabina Douglas Clavering
Paisley (nee Smith), Helensburgh and Gareloch Times, 29th December, 1915. On Robert Paisleys Professor William Thomson aged twenty-eight. Failing in his final bid to win the
death (apparently from suicide following mental breakdown), see Sabinas correspondence with hand o f Sabina in 1852, William married the accomplished Margaret Crum in
Archibalds wife, Susan, in 1879, T D l/928, Smith papers, Strathclyde regional archives. September o f that year. Compared to the faded prosperity o f the old Glasgow
Sabina Smith to Rev Dr Robert Paisley, 7th February, 1877, T D l/485, Smith papers, commercial aristocracy typified by the Smiths, the cotton manufacturing Crums o f
Strathclyde regional archives. Thornliebank represented the new industrial order. [From SPT.j
146 The making oj the natural philosopher

reveal his plans of marriage to a Miss Crum, whom I must have first met
sometime about November 1832. Perhaps from this you will think she must be II
30 or 40 years old, but she is in reality just three years younger than myself. To
his sister, Elizabeth, he also announced the news which I think will please you as
much as it will surprise you. According to Sabina, Margaret Crum had been an
The transformation of classical
old love, who had refused him before 1knew him, & who I suppose had seen her
mistake in time to rectify it."^^ During the wedding tour in Wales, William
reported to Elizabeth with just a hint that Margaret lacked the passionate
enthusiasm he might have wished for in a Professors young wife:
[wc] arc now sitting in our parlour writing letters. The day is somewhat dark and cold,
and some people might say dreary, but it docs not seem so at all to me. I scarcely think it
does so to Margaret cither, although she has just been saying that it is, and what is more,
laying particular emphasis on the most dismal parts. Perhaps she is only joking, but
whether or not, she looks cheerful, and has quite got rid o f her cold. In fact, 1do not think
either o f us are going to apply to Dr Brown [the minister] to undo what he did on

More rcvealingly, none of Williams letters to his relations and scientific friends
speak in terms of a fervent relationship with Margaret, in sharp contrast to his
evident feelings for Sabina. Whether as the result of an unsatisfactory marriage
or of other causes, Margarets health declined rapidly within the first year. Soon
after their return from a tour to Gibraltar, Malta, and Sicily in May, 1853, she
became seriously ill, apparently from the physical over-exertions of travel and
All attempts at treatment were largely unsuccessful, including several visits to
the German spa of Kreuznach (where Thomson first met Helmholtz in 1855).
There is no existing personal record of those years from 1852 to 1870 except for
the occasional glimpses provided by William Thomsons letters to his scientific
friends which give some indication of the devotion he gave to his accomplished
but sadly stricken wife. A letter to his brother James in 1855 was a typical
expression of these unhappy circumstances:
I still have tolerably good accounts o f Margarets progress. She suffers much after the
driving & walking and is quite unable to sit up without much pain in her own room, but
Dr Johnson is very attentive & watches the effect o f the exercise. He says it will do good
notwithstanding the pain & fatigue, to a limited degree, but he says she is not in a fit state
for almost any exercise. He trusts that the system o f treatment he follows will make her
gradually able for more.^'

After prolonged suffering and many set-backs, Margaret died at Largs on 17th
June, 1870.
William Thomson to G.G. Stokes, 31st July, 1852, K60, Stokes correspondence, ULC;
William Thomson to J.D. Forbes, 19th July, 1852, Forbes papers, St Andrews University Library;
William Thomson to Elizabeth King, 13th July, 1852, in SET, 1 , 232-3; Sabina Smith to Robert
Paisley, op. cit. (note 72).
William Thomson to Elizabeth King, 19th September, 1852, in SPT, 1 233-4.
"" SPT, 1 , 238, 308, 530-4.
William to James Thomson, 17th March, 1855, (copy), T445, ULC.
The language of mathematical physics

M athem atical analysis is as ex ten siv e as nature itself; it defines all perceptible
relations, measures tim es, spaces, forces, tem peratures; this difficult science
is form ed slo w ly , but it preserves every principle w h ich it has on ce
acquired; it g ro w s and strengthens itselfin cessan tiy in the m idst o f the m any
variations and errors o f the hum an m in d . Its c h ie f attribute is clearness; it has
no marks to express con fused n o tio n s. It brings to g eth er p h en o m en a the
m ost diverse, and d iscovers the h idden analogies w h ich unite them . . . It
m akes them present and m easurable, and seem s to be a facu lty o f the hum an
m ind destined to sup p lem en t the shortness o f life and the im p erfection s o f
the senses; and w h at is still m ore rem arkable, it fo llo w s the sam e course in
the study o f all p h en om en a; it interprets them by the sam e lan gu age, as i f to
attest the u n ity and sim p licity o f the plan o f the universe, and to m ake still
m ore ev id en t that u nchangeable order w h ich presides o v er all natural
causes. Joseph Fourier, 1822^

Fourier m ade T h o m so n . Peter G uthrie T aits reported ju d gem en t has merit.

From a m athem atical love affair, beginning in 1840 w ith the splendour and
poetry o f Fourier, em erged the style o f m athem atics that T h om son represented
th rou gh ou t his career. Indeed, he devoted the first ten years o f his professional
life to defending, nurturing, and propagating the language o f the m athem atical
p o e m that was the T h h r i e analytiqu e de la chaleur.^ T h om son , h ow ever, was not
alone in his captivation by the French master. Fourier m ay w ell be taken to
sym b olize the distinctive style o f Victorian m athem atical physics that em erged
in the 1840s.
C onsiderable attention has been devoted to the transform ation o f British
m athem atics attending the spread o f continental (largely French) m ethods o f
analysis. B ut the literature has not explored the question o f w hat slant the process
o f reception gave to continental analysis; w hich authors w ere selected, w hat
m ethods, and w ith w hat goals; h o w did the reception process produce a

' Joseph Fourier, The analytical theory of heat, 1st edn. (Paris, 1822), trans. A. Freeman (Cam
bridge, 1878), pp. 7-8.
^ C.G. Knott, Life and scientific work o f Peter Guthrie Tait (Cambridge, 1911), p. 191. SPT, 1 , 14; 2 ,
1139; MPP, 3, 296. It has been called an exquisite mathematical poem , not once but many times,
independently, by mathematicians o f different schools was the verdict o f the reviewer o f Freemans
translation. Nature, 18 (1878), 192.

150 The transformation o f classical physics The language o f mathematical physics 151

language o f mathematical physics that was essentially British?^ Differentiating Reformers of the frst generation
two generations of British reformers, active before and after about 1835, we
argue below that Fourier ultimately emerged as a model for the first generation When in 1811 John Herschel, Charles Babbage, and George Peacock, along with
as part of a general perception of bankruptcy in the Laplacian programme for a handful of other Cambridge undergraduates, constituted themselves as the
science. O f great importance to this perception were apparent failures of Analytical Society, they formally set in motion reforms that would revitalize
equilibrium systems controlled by natural law - Laplaces System of the world British mathematics and natural philosophy. Joined by William Whewell,
being the prime exemplar - to describe adequately anything from the solar George Biddell Airy, and Augustus de Morgan (1806-71), they represented by
system to the political economy (ch. 4). O f equal importance, and providing our the mid-1820s a major centre of power in the much larger movement to reform
focus here, was a reassertion of native traditions in mathematics and natural British science, playing major roles in the founding of the Cambridge Philo
philosophy: non-hypothetical theory, geometrical analysis, and utility, which sophical Society (1819), the Astronomical Society of London (1820), and the
quickly put their stamp on the transmitted body of mathematics. British Association (1831).^ Politically, the group extended from the radical
Mathematicians of the second generation, among whom William Thomson Babbage to the conservative Whewell, but it centred around moderate whigs
attained mathematical maturity, organized themselves around the Cambridge such as Herschel, Peacock and Airy. Dr Thomson led his own component of this
Mathematical Journal. Self-consciously British in criticizing their French fore reform movement in Belfast and Glasgow, though with a much more practical
bears, they strove for international recognition and for fundamentally new and democratic intent than Whewell, Airy, or even Herschel. His zeal for
mathematical methods. diffusion and his antipathy for doctrine mirror more nearly the position that De
The younger generation may be characterized by the mathematics it pro Morgan represented when in 1828 he acquired his first position as professor of
duced, the calculus of operations. Thomsons famous use of mathematical mathematics at the newly founded London University. O f Unitarian persuasion,
analogies in physical theory should be seen as a corollary to this calculus, which De Morgan left Cambridge in 1826 without his MA degree, having rejected the
united diverse areas of mathematics by formal analogy. Like him, the developers religious tests, and took up his London post with high hopes for the success of an
of the new formalism drew inspiration from Fouriers hymn to mathematical institution dedicated to non-discrimination against dissenters and Jews. In
analysis as a faculty of the human mind, a faculty that revealed the unity and twenty-five years of writing for the Penny Cyclopaedia o f the Society for the
simplicity o f the natural order by allowing man to speak the universal language Diffusion of Useful Knowledge, De Morgan contributed at least 800 articles.
of nature. This vision united mathematics with an optimistic assessment of mans His Differential and integral calculus, which set a new standard for British texts -
ability rationally to control his own destiny, to advance and to improve, both including the second edition of Dr Thomsons Calculus - appeared originally in
spiritually and materially. Thus the theme of universal analogy involves also the serialized form, beginning in 1836, in the societys Library of Useful
theme of social and political reform, which supplied a constant background to Knowledge.^
Thomsons career. Whigs in politics as in mathematics, the young men around The reformers originally saw it as their mission to bring the most powerful
the Cambridge Mathematical Journal directed their progressive social views into techniques of mathematical analysis, the techniques of Lagrange and Laplace, to
the channel of progressive mathematics. the moribund centres o f mathematical non-learning in Britain. O f greatest
Whig mathematics leads to two related issues, progression and kinematics. immediate importance was replacing the cumbersome system of dots in the
Progression refers specifically to the vexed question of whether or not the Newtonian fluxional notation with the ds of Leibnizian differentials. Symbols
geological history of the earth exhibited a secular cooling from an initial hot, nearly as political as they were mathematical, the d s represented youth and
fluid mass to its present state. Fourier supplied the main resource for progres progress in the modern age. Babbage later claimed that in 1812, as the Memoirs of
sionists, and Thomson applied Fourier to establish mathematical conditions for the Analytical Society neared publication, he had suggested a more apt title: The
the age o f any given temperature distribution. His method was kinematical, Principle of pure D-ism in opposition to the Dot-age o f the University. His pun
referring to the view that a sharp distinction ought to be drawn between the
On the Analytical Society and Herschel see S.S. Schweber, Prefatory Essay, in S.S. Schweber
geometry of motion, or kinematics, and the causes of motion, dynamics. That (ed.). Aspects of the life and thought of SirJohn Frederick Herschel (2 vols.. N ew York, 1981), 1, pp. 54
view emerged at Cambridge in the late 1830s. 67. On inbreeding among the new scientific societies see Jack Morrell and Arnold Thackray,
Gentlemen of science: early years of the British Association for the Advancement of Science (Oxford, 1981),
Maurice Crosland and Crosbie Smith, The transmission o f physics from France to Britain; pp. 26-9.
I8(K)-1840, Hist. Stud. Phys. Sci., 9 (1978), 1-61, provides an extensive survey o f French texts, * Sophie de Morgan, Memoir of Augustus de Morgan (London, 1882), pp. 108, 228, 50-3, 86;
translations, reviews, and progeny in Britain, as well as secondary literature. Augustus de Morgan, The differential and integral calculus (London, 1842).
152 The transformation o f classical physics 153
The language o f mathematical physics

on deism suggests the ideology of natural law that he espoused and how it could analysis, reduced the mazy and mystic dance of the planets and their satellites to
be embedded in the symbols of mathematics. Dr Thomson, while no deist in the a single feature in creation, independent of the lapse of time, and registered only
religious sense, agreed in his Calculus of 1831 that the inferiority of dot-age had in the unprogressive annals of eternity.
been a principle cause of the small progress made in later times by British Analytic mathematics thus revealed to man that he could have complete
mathematicians. He exemplified its clumsiness in such comparisons as y for confidence in the everlasting order o f the solar system, for it constituted a self-
d'^y and (a^)- for da^.^ stabilizing system, despite its many irregularities. By implication, all other
O f several inadequacies of Newtons dots, most basic was that they suggested systems in the economy of nature would exhibit a similar stability if allowed to
no consistent and easily applicable set of rules for differentiation in complex function freely under the rule of natural law alone. For early British mathemat
cases, rules that one could apply without rethinking at each application the ical reformers, French mathematical physics, if not the French Revolution,
whole process of geometrical reasoning that the dots symbolized. The dots symbolized rationality, stability, and progress, and Laplaces Mkanique cHeste
confused the untrained mind of a student, demanding the sophisticated intuition epitomized the goal of natural order. We noted (ch. 4) how john Playfairs 1808
of a master, but robbed the master of the yet deeper and more powerful review, which helped to spur modernization of British mathematics, captured
command of his subject obtainable through a more efficient language. The call the transition from mathematics to politics through his use of metaphors for
of the Analytical Society was the call of Bacon and of the Enlightenment: reform order contrasted with anarchy: all the inequalities in our [solar] system are
the language of science by stripping it of its esoteric trappings, thus rendering periodical . . . our system is thus secured against natural decay; order and
knowledge both accessible and powerful. Industrialization suggested another regularity preserved in the midst of so many disturbing causes; - and anarchy
ideal; the language of analysis would do for mathematics what machinery did and misrule eternally proscribed. Dr Thomson echoed the same optimism in his
for industry, freeing skilled labour from exhausting manual tasks. Babbage and Introductory Lecture at Glasgow in 1832, speaking o f eternal stability, every
Herschel remarked: It is the spirit of this symbolic language, by that mechanical phenomenon . . . periodical, and regulated by a corrective power arising from
tact, (so much in unison with all our faculties) which carries the eye at one glance the principle of universal gravitation.^ By analogy, the natural laws of human
through the most intricate modifications of quantity, to condense pages into action, if free of interference, would produce an equally orderly society, in
lines, and volumes into pages; shortening the road to discovery, and preserving which the irregular behaviours of individuals would cancel each other.
the mind unfatigued by continued efforts of attention to the minor parts, that it In 1831 Mary Somerville introduced the stabilizing virtues of Laplaces
may exert its whole vigor on those which are more important. Inevitably, system to the larger reading public with her Mechanism of the heavens, originally
mathematical analysis called to mind the steam-engine, and, on that analogy, written for the Diffusion Society and inscribed to its prime mover. Lord
wishing that we could calculate by steam, Babbage developed his famous Brougham. Her popular volume of over 600 pages schooled the reader in the
calculating engines, the difference engine and the analytical engine. J.P. Nichol, wide variety o f self-correcting mechanisms in the solar system and in the
in the same mode, would refer to mathematical analysis as the engine o f mathematical methods required for their analysis. John Herschel, who had
deduction, while J.J. Sylvester (1814-97) would call it an Engine of himself stressed these mechanisms in his 1823 article on Physical astronomy for
Development.^ the Encyclopaedia Metropolitana, gave Somervilles survey a warm (if conde
In the hands of Laplace, according to Herschel, this engine had shown, that a scending) reception in the Quarterly Review. Dwelling on the wonders of
brief and simple sentence [Newtons law of gravitation], intelligible to a child of simplicity and harmony that emerged from the intricacies of the planetary
ten years of age, accompanied with a few determinate numbers, capable of being orbits, he too gave a transparently political interpretation: yet this intricacy has
written down on half a sheet of paper, comprehends within its meaning the its laws, which distinguish it from confusion, and its limits, which preserve it
history of all the complicated movements of our globe, and the mighty system from degenerating into anarchy. It is in this conservation of the principle of
to which it belongs. That one sentence, developed through the language of order in the midst of perplexity - in this ultimate compensation, brought about

Charles Babbage, Passagesfrom the life o f a philosopher (London, 1864), p. 30; Drjames Thomson, * Q.F.W. Herschell, Mechanism o f the heavens, Quarterly review, 47 (1832), 537-59; Essaysfrom
An introduction to the differential and integral calculus (Belfast, 1831), pp. 240-1. the Edinburgh and Quarterly reviews, with essays and other pieces (London, 1857), pp. 21-62, on pp. 21-2.
^ Charles Babbage andJ.F.W. Herschel, Preface, Memoirs o f the Analytical Society (Cambridge, [John Playfair], La Place, traite de mechanique [sic] celeste, Edinburgh Rev., 22 (1808), 249-84,
1813), pp. i-ii; reprint in Schweber, Herschel. Charles Babbage, History o f the invention o f the on p. 277; D rjam es Thomson, Introductory lecture at Glasgow College, 6th November, 1832,
calculating engines, 10, Buxton papers. Museum for the history o f science, Oxford; quoted in QUB.
Anthony Hyman, Charles Bahhage: pioneer o f the computer (Princeton, 1982), p. 49. William For a more extended development o f this model see M .N . Wise (with the collaboration o f
Thomson, Notebook o f Natural Philosophy class, 1839^0, NB9, ULC;J.J. Sylvester to William Crosbie Smith), Work and waste: political economy and natural philosophy in 19th century
Thomson, 13th March, 18.3.S, S6(X), ULC. Britain, Hist. Sci. (forthcoming).
154 The transformation o f classical physics The language o f mathematical physics 155

by the continued action of causes, which appear at first sight pregnant only with reductions to hypothetical point atoms of ponderable matter and imponderable
subversion and decay - that we trace the Master-workman with whom the fluids - electric, magnetic, and caloric - were justified only by the agreement of
darkness is even as the light. Behind the apparent disarray lay the beneficent rule mathematical deductions with observations. The physical reductions could be
of the Creator, who, acting through natural laws, would prohibit ultimate no more valid than the mathematical deductions, which therefore required
chaos. rigorous methods, i.e. algebraic. The Laplacian schema thus contained three
Acutely embarrassed that the land of Newton had played no role in develop intertwined aspects: point-atom reductions, hypothetico-deductive method
ing the mathematics that demonstrated this eternal order in nature, the first ology, and algebraic mathematics.
generation of reformers had levelled a devastating critique at home-grown Although importers of French physics originally adopted all three compon
adherence to Newtons view that algebraic processes formed mere auxiliaries ents of this foreign technology, they rapidly turned critical once they had
to geometrical construction and demonstration. To Herschel, the last twenty attained the final domestication of the peculiar notation of the differential
years of the eighteenth century were not more remarkable for the triumphs of calculus. They then reasserted native traditions to seek an accommodation
both the pure and applied mathematics abroad, than for their decline, and, between analysis and geometry. In 1832 Herschel detected the gradual forma
indeed, all but extinction at home. The Analytical Society had set out, there tion of what, at length, begins to merit the appellation of a British School of
fore, to re-import the exotic, with nearly a century o f foreign improvement, Geometry.I n d e e d , the reformers had never been interested in mathematics
and to render it once more indigenous among us. In opting for the power and primarily for its own sake, but always for its power of revealing the secrets of
generality of analysis, they originally absorbed to a considerable degree nature, both mental and physical. The emergence of the British school in the late
Lagranges disparagement of any appeal to geometrical intuition, as lacking in 1820s and early 1830s can be described internally as, on the one hand, an
rigour, and his alternative algebraic foundations for the differential calculus. increasing preference for the new works of Fresnel and Fourier over those of
Algebraic here refers to Lagranges abstract method of defining successive Laplace and his disciples, notably Poisson, and, on the other, a rejection of the
derivatives of a function as successive coefficients in its Taylor series expansion. newly rigorized epsilon-delta foundations for the calculus, developed by
Geometric foundations, by contrast, refer to such procedures as defining the Cauchy, as well as his atomistic reduction of ether mechanics. While Fresnel and
derivative as the tangent to a curve and defining the limit process as the approach Fourier offered theories of light and heat that were in the first instance non
of a secant to a tangent. Newtons fluxional calculus treated the curve as reductionist, non-hypothetical, and geometrical, Cauchy offered abstract math
generated by the motion of a point and the tangent as the direction o f its ematics and speculative physics. A factor of central importance to the former
velocity. Dr Thomson too, in rejecting such geometrical foundations, alternative was practical utility. Fresnel and Fourier represented the engineering
adopted Lagranges algebraic methods for the first edition of his Calculus (ch. 2). orientation of Napoleons Ecole polytechnique as well as its mathematical physics.
In physical, rather than purely mathematical, analysis the reformers initially They provided adequate mathematical descriptions of phenomena rather than
adopted Laplaces notion of rigour, which required the reduction of gravita ultimate mechanical theories.
tional attractions, and all other physical phenomena, to actions at a distance
between point masses or atoms, whether ponderable or imponderable. To this
Opposing styles and a skewed reception
essentially static model one applied mathematical analysis to deduce observable
consequences, usually requiring power-series solutions of the relevant partial Laplace has often been described as a Newtonian, largely on the strength of his
differential equations. Algebraic mathematics and reductionist physics went programme of atomistic reduction o f all physical phenomena. But the differ
together in Laplaces programme for a rigorous physique mathematique. Its ences between Newtons and Laplaces physical views are nearly as striking as
those between Newtons and Lagranges views of the c a lc u lu s.N e w to n
M iry Somerville, Mechanism ofthe heavens (London, 1831), pp. v-lxx. Herschel, Mechanism, justified his programme through the analogy of nature, arguing that whatever
p. 28; Physical astronomy (1823), Enc. Met., 4 (London, 1830), pp. 341-586. See Schweber,
Herschel, 1, pp. 71, 77. On design see Playfair, La Place, pp. 278-9.
Herschel, Mechanism, pp. 19-31. Babbage and Herschel, Preface, p. iv. On Cambridge Herschel, Mechanism, p. 37.
mathematics see also Playfair, La Place, pp. 283-4. Roger Hahn, Laplace as a Newtonian scientist (Los Angeles, 1967), pp. 17-19, emphasizes the
Judith V. Grabiner, Changing attitudes toward mathematical rigor: Lagrange and analysis in differences, while the similarities are stressed by Robert Fox, The rise and fall o f Laplacian physics.
the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, and Ivor Grattan-Guinness, Mathematical physics, 1800- Hist. Stud. Phys. Sci., 4 (1974), 8 9 4 3 6 , esp. pp. 92-101. See also Pierre-Simon, Marquis de Laplace
1835: genesis in France, and development in Germany, both in H .N . Jahnke and M. Otte (eds.), DSB, 15, 277-403, esp. pp. 358-62; and for the Laplacian programme, D.H. Arnold, The
Epistemological and social problems of the sciences in the early nineteenth century (Dordrecht, 1981), pp. mkanique physique o f Simeon Denis Poisson: the evolution and isolation in France o f his approach to
311-30; 349-70. physical theory (1800-1840). II. The Laplacian programme. Arch. Hist. Exact Sci.,28 (1983), 267-87.
156 The transformation o f classical physics The language o f mathematical physics 157

held true for all observable objects had also to hold for their unobservable parts, statesman, and Gaspard Monge, first director and driving force of the Ecole
for nature is wont to be simple, and always consonant to itself. Since all polytechnique, maintained close contact with the needs of engineering, empha
observable objects possessed the qualities of extension, hardness, impenetrabil sizing visualizable synthetic geometry and the mechanics o f machines in their
ity, mobility, inertia, and gravitation, so also did its parts; they were infinitely books and teaching. Their younger followers in this tradition, including Dupin,
hard atoms of finite size that attracted one another with a force varying as the Poncelet, Chasles, Hachette, Navier, and Cariolis, attempted to ground some of
inverse square of the distance between their centres, like perfect planets or the most abstract of mathematical concepts, such as imaginary numbers, in
marbles. Newtons analogy of nature thus gave priority to the observable projective geometry, which would generate concrete conceptions of unfamiliar
properties o f objects, and to generalization by induction, in establishing the entities by showing how they could be evolved continuously from the familiar.
properties o f atoms. Simultaneously they transformed engineering mechanics into a new science of
By constrast, Laplace gave priority to mathematical form. Although anal work and spent much of their energy on attempts at social reform through the
ogy appeared often in his writings, he did not use it to establish the properties of education of craftsmen and practical engineers.^* Within the elitist ranks of the
atoms but only to universalize the properties of potentially observable objects in Academie des sciences during the Restoration, when analytic mathematics and
different parts of the universe. As mathematical points, rather than marbles, his reductionist physics ruled, this practical, progressive orientation carried little
atoms could obey the inverse square law throughout its range of mathematical weight. Carnot and Monge had been removed as unregenerate Republicans, and
validity, even down to infinitesimal distances, whereas Newtons extended few of their followers gained entry.
atoms would collide when their centres were separated by two radii. Clearly one In the space between Laplacian physics and theoretical engineering, however,
could not justify point atoms by any physical analogy of nature, nor by new varieties o f physical theory emerged, including those of Fourier, Fresnel,
induction. Similarly, Laplace recognized that no induction could fully justify Arago, Petit, Dulong, and Ampere.^ Fourier admired greatly the power of
regarding the gravitational force as exactly an inverse square force, rather than a mathematical analysis applied to physical problems, but he disapproved of
slightly different power law like 2.0001. Both errors in measurement and mathematical abstraction and hypothetical models. From that perspective he
perturbing forces would set a limit to the accuracy of any observations. He interpreted the analogy of nature in a way entirely different from Newtons, as
therefore appealed to the aesthetic criterion of mathematical simplicity and to an analogy of macroscopic mathematical forms, independent of underlying
the hypothetico-deductive justification noted above. micro-structure. He could therefore treat heat conduction as though it were a
Laplace probably adapted his point atoms from those of Roger Boscovich, phenomenon of continuous flow, without regard to its true physical nature,
whose conception contained the advantage over Newtons that the atoms could whether imponderable fluid or mode of motion. The technique brought the
never collide, firstly because they were mere points, but secondly because they power of analysis directly to bear on empirical laws of thermal behaviour
repelled one another with increasing force at increasingly short distances. Since without appeal to microscopic models or to their hypothetico-deductive justifi
Laplaces atoms could not collide they could never lose vis viva (kinetic energy), cation. It may usefully be viewed as continuing the Laplacian priority on
while Newtons infinitely hard marbles, possessed of no elasticity, lost motion in mathematical over physical concepts, but at a practical rather than hypothetical
every collision. Laplaces mathematical universe, consequently, had no need for level.
Newtons God, who continually acted to replenish motion in a world that Mathematically, Fouriers reputation rests on his expansion of an arbitrary
otherwise would run down, nor for teleology of any kind.^"^ function in a Fourier series, consisting of a sum of periodic sine and cosine
The abstraction and rationalism evident in the Laplacian scheme did not functions. Any sound, for example, may be decomposed into such periodic
always appeal either to his peers or to younger mathematicians, particularly components, but the general decomposition has wide application to the solution
those who supported the practical utilitarian thrust of educational reform of differential equations that describe physical processes. It greatly simplified
following the revolution. In particular, Lazare Carnot, military engineer and Fouriers analysis of problems of heat conduction. Nevertheless, in the decade

Alexander Koyre and I.B. Cohen (eds.), Isaac Newtons Philosophiae naturalis principia ' * This fascinating complex o f issues has been opened up by Lorraine J. Daston, The physicalist
mathematica: the third edition (1726) with variant readings (2 vols., Cambridge, 1972), 2, pp. 552-5; P.S. tradition in early nineteenth century French geom etry. Stud. Hist. Phil. Sci., 17 (1986), 26995, and
de Laplace, Exposition du systeme du monde, 4th edn. (2 vols., Paris, 1813), 2, pp. 10-11,2048,217-95 Ivor Grattan-Guinness, Work for the workers: advances in engineering mechanics and instruction
(De Iattraction moleculaire on atomistic reduction). in France, 1800-1830, Ann. Sci., 41 (1984), 1-33.
Roger Boscovich, A theory of natural philosophy, trans. J.M. Child, from the 2nd edn. (1763), Daston, p. 294.
(London, 1922), p. 141, note (m). See T.L. Hankins, Eighteenth-century attempts to resolve the See Fox, Rise and fall, pp. 109-32, for valuable discussion and references. Fox, however, does
vis viva controversy, Isis, 56 (1965), 281-97, esp. pp. 291-7. Laplace, Systeme du monde 1 pp 248 not treat the engineering tradition, nor does Robert H. Silliman in the accompanying article,
280-2. Fresnel and the emergence o f physics as a discipline. Hist. Stud. Phys. Sci., 4 (1974), 13762.
158 The transformation o f classical physics The language o f mathematical physics 159

following submission of his original essay of 1807 to the Institut de France, neither Fouriers argument, while simple, involved a subtle ambiguity in his use of
Lagrange (his main opponent, who died in 1813) nor Laplace nor Poisson molecule. In his introductory discussion he used the term as Laplace did,
considered his solutions in trigonometric series, rather than power series, to be referring to discrete physical objects between which attractive and repulsive
rigorously founded, even though he won the prize competition of the Institut in forces acted and which radiated heat as point sources. This usage made a point
1811.21 m' and a molecule m equivalent. But gradually he began to use molecule in the
Fouriers method of obtaining the partial differential equation of heat con sense of a differential element of volume dxdyda: located at the point {x,y,z).
duction excited equal controversy, for he very nearly wrote it down as a direct This change in usage attended the change in the principle of communication of
expression of experimental results. To the prevailing orthodoxy, rigour in heat from microscopic to macroscopic form, with all formal mathematical
physique mathematique meant rigorous deduction of observable consequences arguments depending only on the latter. The shift became immensely important
from a detailed microscopic model of atoms or molecules and their interactions. to British theory. Just as Fouriers molecules were not molecular, we shall find
Conceptually, the net action of a system at any point in space derived from a sum that their particles (sometimes a translation for molecules) were often not
(or less rigorously an integral) over the independent actions of all the discrete particulate.2^
sources in the system. Rigour therefore required one to begin with an integral Assuming that heat is conserved, whatever its nature, Fourier set the amount
conception, then carefully to convert it to the more manageable form o f a partial ofheat leaving - diverging from - any molecule dxdyd^ per unit time equal to
differential equation, and finally to find a power-series solution. Fourier violated the rate at which its heat content was decreasing, expressed as its heat capacity
every step in the process, beginning with his appeal directly to experimental (again a macroscopic property) times the rate of decrease of its temperature. The
laws. resulting equation of continuity was
Two kinds of experiment are relevant. One showed that a warm body placed divergence ^ =-CDdVldt,
in flowing air at a constant lower temperature loses heat at a rate very nearly where C is heat capacity per unit mass, or specific heat, D is mass per unit
proportional to the temperature difference. The other showed that radiant heat volume, or density, and t is time. In essence, by substituting the first equation in
will not penetrate even very thin foil. Together the results justified Fouriers the second, and assuming K to be constant, he obtained his general equation for
principle of the communication ofheat: If two molecules of the same body arc the motion ofheat in a solid body:
extremely near, and are at unequal temperatures, that which is most heated K divergence(gradient V) = CDdVjdt,
communicates directly to the other during one instant a certain quantity ofheat; or, fully written out,
which quantity is proportional to the extremely small difference of the tempera K (^2 Vjdx^ + 52 VIdy 2 + 3^ Vjdz^) = CDd Vjdt.
ture. Fie immediately translated the temperature difference between molecules Thus Fourier established the most basic equation of his Theorie analytique in
into a temperature differential across an imaginary surface in a solid substance, three lines.25 In an equally elegant manner he established the equation of the
arguing that layers in contact are the only ones which communicate their heat bounding surface of the solid when radiating into flowing air at a constant
directly.22 In this form, the principle expressed directly, albeit in terms of temperature. The two equations constituted his general theory of the motion of
differentials, the experimental observations. It thus remained a macroscopic heat. He applied the theory to a variety of geometries to obtain their particular
relation, independent of microscopic structure. Conduction occurred as a equations and found the forms of the solutions under various conditions, again
continuous flux ofheat F across an arbitrary geometrical surface, in response to a and again exhibiting the simplicity and power of his techniques.
temperature gradient across that surface. In amount, finally, the flux depended Notwithstanding the splendour and poetry that William Thomson would
on a macroscopic property of the medium, its relative ability to conduct heat, or sec in Fouriers treatise, his Laplacian contemporaries did not see its beauty. After
its conductivity K, yielding, more than twenty-five years of controversy, Poisson continued to elaborate in
F = -K gradient V, his own Thhrie mathematique de la chaleur the same kinds of objections that
where V is temperature.2^ Laplace originally raised in 1808. All o f their complaints involve the charge that
Ibid., compare pp. 3 9 ^ 1 progressively with pp. 4 7 ,7 4 ,8 0 ,8 4 , and many later passages, such as
IvorGrattan-Guinnessin collaboration withJ.R. R zvctzjoseph Fourier, 1768-1830: a survey of pp. 98, 112. This ambiguity in the terms molecule and particle was quite typical in
his life and work, based on a critical edition of his monograph on the propagation of heat, presented to the Institut hydrodynamics, e.g. Laplace, Systeme du monde, 1, p. 301, for molecule and P.S. de Laplace, The
de France in 1807 (Cambridge, MA and London, 1972), pp. 441-90, summarizes Fouriers mathemat system of the world, trans. J. Pond (2 vols., London, 1809), 1, p. 355, for particle.
ical controversies and accomplishments, suggesting that Laplace regarded Fourier in a much more Fourier, Heat, pp. 112-14. Fourier did not use the phrase equation o f continuity, but Laplace
favourable light than is normally supposed. Pouner, Heat. pp. 41-S, 456-7, 460. and others used it to express conservation in fluid flow, e.g. P.S. de Laplace, Traite de mecanique celeste
I b id ., pp. 45-52. (5 vols.. Pans, 1798-1827), 1, p. 95.
160 The transformation o f classical physics The language o f mathematical physics 161

Fouriers principle for the communication ofheat obscured the physical process theory to lead experiment by suggesting what features to test, much as one
of diffusion by incorporating from the outset two approximations; radiation might claim today for the hypothetico-deductive method. For his own part,
extends only to infinitesimal distances in a solid, rather than to small but finite Fourier had in essence already defended his phenomenological procedure on the
distances; and radiation rate is strictly proportional to temperature difference, ground that it too would lead to Poissons equation if conductivity varied with
rather than nearly so. Behind these complaints stood the Laplacian creed, as temperature, since in that case the substitution of the flux equation into the
expressed by Laplace himself in responding to Fouriers original memoir in continuity equation would yield Poissons extra term. Until experiments actu
1808: I have wanted to establish that the phenomena of nature reduce in the final ally showed such a temperature dependence, however, the mathematical theory
analysis to action ad distans from molecule to molecule, and that the consider should not extend beyond observations, particularly when serious doubts
ation of these actions ought to serve as the basis of the mathematical theory of existed concerning the validity of the caloric theory of heat.
these phenomena. To summarize, both Poisson and Fourier expected mathematical analysis to
A proper derivation of the equations ofheat conduction, as Poisson presented open up the secrets of nature, but where Poisson put his faith in mathematically
it, began with an explicit model of the relation between ponderable molecules constructed models subjected to experimental testing, Fourier relied on macro
and caloric fluid in a solid, incorporating both the free caloric radiated from the scopic mathematical forms themselves as direct expressions of observable re
molecules and responsible for temperature, and the bound or latent caloric ality. By analogy of mathematical form, heat conduction was heat flow. That
involved in changes of phase. Fiis model attributed to the radiating molecules identification was all one needed for intellectual satisfaction and practical
the full complexity of observable objects, including radiation to finite distances, application. As Fourier put it, the theory ofheat will always attract the attention
radiation rates between molecules proportional to finite temperature differ of mathematicians, by the rigorous exactness of its elements and the analytical
ences, and a correction factor depending on absolute temperature to account for difficulties peculiar to it, and above all by the extent and usefulness of its
possible non-linearity. From this speculative picture, he extracted by rigorous, if applications; for all its consequences concern at the same time general physics,
tedious, expansions and approximations the general equation for the motion of the operations of the arts, domestic uses and civil economy.^
heat. It involved a conductivity factor derived from the model that included Fouriers theory merits the following labels: non-hypothetical, macroscopic,
variations of conductivity with temperature and with inhomogeneities in the geometrical, and practical. But those terms miss two features of his mathemat
m e d i u m . F o r homogeneous media he obtained: ical style that require additional notice. The first concerns his treatment ofheat
flow as continuous motion rather than the net effect of radiating points; heat flux
c o e v io .= K was simply flow across a geometrical surface. In the interior of a solid the
continuous flux could be supposed to be produced by a continuously varying
This equation differs from Fouriers by the second term on the right, which is temperature across such surfaces, but at the boundaries of the solid the procedure
non-zero if conductivity is a function of temperature. Poissons derivation implied a discontinuous change from the interior temperature to the tempera
implied that this term must be non-zero if radiation occurs between molecules ture of the surrounding space. Poisson objected that the discontinuity was non
separated by finite distances, and thus by finite temperature differences, for then physical, like the rest of the theory, because it replaced what was in fact a finite
the conductivity would indeed depend on absolute temperature. He regarded layer near the surface, in which the temperature varied continuously, with an
his much more complex procedure, therefore, as not only more rigorous but artificial geometrical surface across which it jumped. Ever concerned that the
also as leading beyond a mere restatement of experimental r es ul t s . I t allowed transition from finite differences to infinitesimals and from physical surfaces to
mathematical boundaries be rigorously argued, he insisted on following
through a series of approximations from his model to obtain Fouriers equation
P.S. de Laplace, Memoire sur les mouvements de la lumiere dans les milieux diaphanes,
Memoire de IInstitut, 10 (1809), 300-42; Oeuvres completes de Laplace (14 vols., Paris, 1878-1912), 12, of the bounding surface.-^ ^ The differences are profound. They are much the
p. 295. same as the differences between the theoretical mechanics of Laplace and
S.D. Poisson, Theorie mathematique de la chaleur (Paris, 1835), pp. 6, 92. Most o f the results o f
Poisson, on the one side, and the engineering mechanics of Poncelct and Navier,
this treatise had appeared already in papers o f 1815 and 1823. For Poissons mathematical and
physical objections to Fourier, see Arnold, Poisson. IV. Disquiet with respect to Fouriers treatment on the other. Against Poissons view from inside the machine, so-to-speak,
ofh eat, and IX. Poissons closing synthesis; Traite de physique mathematique. Arch. Hist. Exact concerned with its ultimate parts, Fourier set the engineers view from the
Sci., 28 (1983), 299-320, and 29 (1983), 73-94, esp. pp. 78-85; M .N . Wise, The flow analogy to
electricity and magnetism - Part I: William Thom sons reformulation o f action at a distance. Fourier, Heat, pp. 458, 464-f>. Ibid., p. 26.
Arch. Hist. Exact Sci., 25 (1981), 19-70, esp. pp. 23-9. Poisson, Chaleur, pp. 119-24. Arnold, Poisson. V lll. Applications o f the mecanique phy
Poisson, Chaleur, pp. 117-18. sique, Arch. Hist. Exact Sci., 29 (1983), 53-72, esp. pp. 59-64.
162 The transformation o f classical physics The language o f mathematical physics 163

outside, concerned with what went in and what came out and what motions were but rigid manner, yet the wave theory beautifully and simply explained
involved, with the gross features of the machine and what work it could do.^^ phenomena like interference and diffraction, which embarrassed particle
The bounding surface from this perspective became merely a boundary condi emission theories. In defence of the wave theory, therefore, and in lieu of an
tion to be imposed on the general solution of the differential equation. Simi adequate ether theory, Fresnel often adopted a phenomenological approach.
larly, whatever the sources or sinks might be that, for example, maintained a This approach is the only one many British readers ever encountered, for they
boundary at constant temperature, they appeared in the theory as the geo typically read the theory in the descriptive form that Fresnel himself gave it in an
metrical surface of a heat reservoir rather than as distinct physical entities. elementary survey published in English in 1827 or in a more extended survey in
In the second place, Fouriers view from the outside highlighted the role of the same year by John Herschel for the Encyclopaedia Metropolitana.^^ Whatever
mathematical analysis as an instrument for probing the interior of a body when the physical nature of luminiferous ether, the wave equations describing the
one knew already the condition of its surface. An adequate knowledge of the macroscopic behaviour of light were valid because they represented the
boundary conditions at any one time could be used to determine the state o f the phenomena in the only natural manner available. While streams of particles
interior for all past and future times. This boundary value technique for solving passing through two slits in a screen could hardly be imagined to annihilate each
differential equations was the stock in trade of Laplace and Poisson as well, but other to produce the familiar black lines of an interference pattern, such patterns
within Fouriers scheme it acquired a new importance, because he used it, not to emerged naturally from the action of waves. Fresnel himself tended to justify the
test any particular hypothetical model of the interior, but to learn what the wave theory in a hypothetico-deductive manner, but his British interpreters
general conditions o f the interior necessarily had to be. This issue reappears often presented it as a mathematical description of the phenomena, which
below with respect to Fouriers theory of secular cooling of the earth. represented their true form independent of their true cause. The principle of
interference, Herschel remarked, if not founded in nature, is certainly one of the
We have considered at some length the differences in style between Fourier and happiest fictions that the genius of man has yet invented to group together
the Laplacians in order to emphasize that the French suppliers of mathematical natural phenomena.
physics offered distinct options to British importers. Once analysis had become Like Fresnel, Herschel would have preferred a full mechanical model of the
familiar in Britain, the methods epitomized by Fourier fared much better than ether from which the phenomena could be deduced, presumably a theory of
those of latter-day followers of Laplace and Lagrange, such as Cauchy. Partly atoms and forces, but unlike Fresnel he devoted little effort to generating such a
the change reflected an anti-Laplacian mood in French physics itself,^^ but only theory. Instead, he accepted the mathematical wave description as an intermedi
in Britain did that mood lead to a coherent new style. Between 1825 and 1835 ate stage o f development. The same can be said, only more so, of George Airy,
atomistic reduction virtually disappeared from Britain, as did the purely alge who in 1831 added a section on the undulatory theory to his revised Mathematical
braic approach to analysis. Fourier may be considered as setting the capstone to Tracts. He there distinguished the geometrical part, which concerned only
the reception process. Although no comprehensive study of this process exists, those properties of light associated with the mathematical form of the wave
its results in specific areas are quite clear. equation, and which he considered certainly true, from the mechanical part,
Most extensively studied has been the reception of the wave theory of light, depending on suppositions of etherial structure. In general, the fact that the mere
where Fresnel played a role similar to Fouriers for heat. The wave theory mathematical form of the theory reproduced major phenomena of light appears
presupposed an etherial medium to propagate the undulations of light. Because to have been quite important to its overall reception in Britain. Adherents of the
only undulations transverse to the direction of propagation could explain
polarization, this luminiferous ether had to behave like an elastic solid rather
J.Z. Buchwald, Optics and the theory o f the punctiform ether. Arch. Hist. Exact Sci., 21
than a rarefied fluid, and, in order to propagate the undulations at the speed of
(1980), 245-78, esp. pp. 247-50, discusses Fresnels dependence on molecular ether dynamics in his
light, it had to be incredibly rigid. However, solid objects like planets apparently more sophisticated works.
moved through it unresisted. No known substances behaved in this unresisting Augustin Fresnel, Elementary view o f the undulatory theory o f light, Quart.]. Sci., 23 (1827),
1 27^ 0, 441-54; 24 (1827), 113-35, 431-48; 25 (1828), 198-215; 26 (1829), 168-91, 38W407; 27
(1829), 159-65. J.F.W. Herschel. Light (1827), Enc. Met., 4 (London, 1830), pp. 341-586. For
See Grattan-Guinness, Work for the workers, passim, and Chapter 8 below. Compare discussion o f Herschels communications with Fresnel and his m ove from molecular to wave optics,
Arnold, Poisson. Vll. Mecanique physique. Arch. Hist. Exact Sci., 29 (1983), 37-52. Arnold notes see Crosland and Smith, Transmission, pp. 41-3. The best general discussions o f the British
several difficulties for a stylistic alignment o f Fourier with Navier (also with Lagrange; c f Fox, Rise response to the wave theory are G .N. Cantor The reception o f the wave theory o f light in Britain: a
and fair, pp. 118-19). Similar remarks apply to Fresnel. We ignore these subtleties since British case study illustrating the role o f methodology in scientific debate. Hist. Stud. Phys. Sci., 6 (1975),
interpreters often did not respect them. See, for example, Airys distinction o f mechanical and 109-32; Optics after Newton: theories o f light in Britain and Ireland, 1704-1840 (Manchester, 1983), pp.
geometrical below. Fox, Rise and fall, pp. 127-32. 159-72. 36 Herschel, Light, p. 456.
164 The transformation o f classical physics The language o f mathematical physics 165

wave theory were predominantly mathematicians while particle people were More typical of the developing British style were papers of the late 1830s by
predominantly experimentalists.^"^ George Green (1793-1841), which provided MacCullaghs point of departure.
Not all mathematicians in Britain limited themselves to the geometrical part Green sought a theory of the luminiferous ether, regarded as an elastic solid, that
of the wave theory. William Rowan Hamilton, Baden Powell, Matthew would rely only on macroscopically defined parameters of elasticity, and would
O Brien, Samuel Earnshaw, Philip Kelland, and John Tovey all sought micro encompass quantitatively such phenomena as polarization by reflection, double
scopic theories of the ether based on point atoms. In this they followed Fresnel refraction, and the intensities of reflected and refracted rays at a geometrical
himself, Laplace, Poisson, and others. Most successful and mathematically boundary between two media. His theory rivalled Cauchys best efforts but
powerful of the French theorists was Cauchy, whose papers in the 1830s set the without appeal to any particular interactions of whatever molecules constituted
standard for British attempts. It is symptomatic of the general rejection of matter;
Cauchys abstract and reductionist methods, however, that by the early 1840s
W e are so p e r fe c tly ig n o r a n t o f th e m o d e o f a c tio n o f th e e le m e n ts o f th e lu m in ife r o u s
nearly all British theorists had either turned to macroscopic theory or aban
e th e r o n e a ch o th e r , th at it w o u ld se e m a safer m e th o d to ta k e s o m e g e n e r a l p h y sic a l
doned the subject, Hamilton being the only notable exception.^ p r in c ip le as th e b asis o f o u r r e a s o n in g , ra th er than a ssu m e certa in m o d e s o f a c tio n , w h ic h ,
James MacCullaghs phenomenological paper of 1837 illustrated the point. after all, m a y b e w id e ly d iffe r e n t fr o m th e m e c h a n ism e m p lo y e d b y n atu re; m o r e
He sought a mathematical description of the process of propagation of waves e s p e c ia lly i f th is in c lu d e in itself, as a p a rticu la r case, th o s e b e fo r e u se d b y M C a u c h y and
across a reflecting and refracting boundary independent of any model of o th e r s, an d also le a d to a m u c h m o r e s im p le p r o cess o f c a lc u la tio n .
that process. MacCullagh (1809-47) won a medal for his efforts from the Royal
He considered the behaviour o f elements, supposed to contain a very great
Irish Academy, presented by his colleague in Dublin and president o f the
number of molecules acting by any kind of forces but only to very small
Academy W.R. Hamilton. In his remarks, Hamilton distinguished between
distances, and applied Lagranges generalized form of D Alemberts principle
MacCullaghs method o f mathematical induction (like Keplers) and his own
(ch. 11) to obtain equations of motion of the elements, just as MacCullagh
preferred method o fdynamic deduction from a postulated system of attracting
would do.^The action thus became action between contiguous elements in a
and repelling molecules (like Newtons). But he applauded the preparatory but
continuous medium. In style. Greens analysis compares with Cauchys much as
important task of discovering, from the phenomena themselves, the mathemat
Fouriers compares with Poissons. The analogy is not coincidental.
ical laws which connect and represent those phenomena, and are in a manner
In 1828 Green had published privately An essay on the application of mathemat
intermediate between facts and principles, between appearances and causes.
ical analysis to the theories of electricity and magnetism, a work that would be of great
Herschel, in a letter to Hamilton, strongly supported the idea o fabandoning for
importance to William Thomson. Acknowledging Fourier in his preface. Green
a while the a priori or deductive path, and searching among the phenomena for
simplified and greatly extended the pathbreaking works of Poisson on electric
laws simple in their geometrical enunciation without for the moment worrying
ity (1811) and magnetism (1822) in the same way as Fouriers analysis of heat
about a dynamical theory. Their distinction mirrors that of Airy between
conduction bypassed Poissons detailed modelling. For example, where Poisson
geometrical and mechanical parts of the theory. When MacCullagh in 1839
went to some trouble to analyze conditions at the surface of an electrified
did develop what he considered a dynamical theory, however, it provided
conductor due to the finite thickness of his supposed electrical fluids, both
nothing to which Airy, Herschel, and Hamilton would have attached that name,
positive and negative. Green simply treated the surface as a geometrical bound
but only a set of macroscopic physical properties of differentia] volume elements
ary with positive or negative electrical density and did not concern himself with
and corresponding generalized dynamical equations that behaved like no
the physical nature of electricity. Similarly, where Poisson based his theory of
known mechanical system.
magnetism on a model of magnetic molecules containing equal quantities of
G.I3. Airy, Mathematical tracts on the lunar and planetary theories, the figure o f the earth, precession northern and southern magnetic fluids. Green substituted a macroscopic density
and nutation, the calculus o f variations and undulatory theory o f optics; designed for the use o f students in the
University, 2nd edn. (Cambridge, 1831), p. iv. See Cantor, Optics after Newton, pp. 173-87; of magnetization, or polarization per unit volume.'**
Reception, pp. 109-32. Neither Poissons theories of electricity and magnetism nor Fouriers style,
Buchwald, Punctiform ether, pp. 257-60; The quantitative ether in the first half o f the however, were transmitted through Greens Essay, since it remained unknown.
nineteenth century, in G.N. Cantor and M.J.S. Hodge (eds.), Conceptions o f ether: studies in the history
o f ether theories, 174(^1900 (Cambridge, 1981), pp. 215-37.
James MacCullagh, On the laws o f crystalline reflection and refraction, Trans. Royal Irish George Green, On the laws o f the reflexion and refraction o f light at the com mon surface o f
Acad., 18 (1837), 31-74; J.H.Jellet and S. Haughton (eds.). The collected works o f James MacCullagh tw o non-crystallized media (1837) and On the propagation o f light in crystallized media (1839),
(Dublin, 1880), pp. 87-137, and An essay towards a dynamical theory o f crystalline reflexion and Trans. Cam. Phil. Soc., 1 (1842), 113-20; 121^0; N .M . Ferrers (ed.). Mathematical papers o f the late
refraction, Trans. Royal Irish Acad., 21 (1848), 17-50; IVorks, pp. 145-84. W.R. Hamilton, Address George Green (London, 1871), pp. 24369, 281-311, on pp. 245, 248.
by the President (1837), Proc. Royal Irish Acad., 1 (1841), 212-21, on pp. 215-16. See D.F. Moyer, George Green. An essay on the application o f mathematical analysis to the theories o f electricity and
James MacCullagh, DSB, 8, 591-3, and Buchwald, Punctiform ether, pp. 260-3. magnetism (Nottingham, 1828); Ferrers (ed.), Mathematical papers, pp. 1-115, for example pp. 10, 92.
166 The transformation o f classical physics The language o f mathematical physics 167

Instead, William Whewell served as the primary agent for both. In 1827 he incautious criticisms soon aroused the ire of the sixteen-year-old prodigy from
wrote the article Theory of electricity for the Encyclopaedia Metropolitana. Glasgow, William Thomson.
Aiming only to communicate Poissons theory as a new domain of mixed In 1839-40 J.P. Nichol had taught natural philosophy to young William in
mathematics, he presented it in the form Poisson had left it, as a theory of action the Scottish manner (ch. 4), emphasizing sensible motions, non-hypothetical
at a distance between point masses of electrical fluid. Soon Whewell adopted a theory, and practical application. The reductionist programme had never been
more critical stance. In his 1835 Report on the recent progress and present compatible with this tradition, although Scots like Robison, Playfair, and
condition of the mathematical theories of electricity, magnetism, and heat for Meikleham had been quicker than others in Britain to advocate study of the
the British Association he largely repeated his earlier discussion of electricity, but modern texts and methods of analysis. From Meikleham in the previous year,
now recognized that Fourier offered an alternative to the Laplacian programme. and on his own in the summer, Thomson had learned enough of the methods of
(The alternative was also an alternative to Laplaces steady-state cosmology and Lagrange, Legendre, and Laplace (not to mention Airy andJ.H. Pratt) to write a
the support it gave Lyells geology, as discussed below.) To Laplaces verdict sophisticated essay on the Figure of the earth, which won a University Medal
that Fouriers equations are right, but the true bases of them are to be found in for 1839-40. But Nichol, with his charismatic personality and popular lecture
the doctrine of the action of molecules ad distans', he strenuously objected: style, made Fresnel and Fourier the heroes of truth and beauty in the analytic art.
No doubt he also used Fourier, along with the nebular hypothesis, to support his
F o u r ie r m a in ta in e d th a t th e q u a n tity o f h ea t tra n sferred fr o m o n e slice to th e n e x t in u n it
o f tim e w a s a fin ite q u a n tity , in d e p e n d e n t ly o f m o le c u la r r e a s o n in g . . . F o u r ie r s
ideology of progression in the affairs of man and nature (ch. 4). Nichols
r e a s o n in g n o m o r e r eq u ires th e in tr o d u c tio n o f m o le c u la r a c tio n , th an d o th e r e a s o n in g s presentation of Fouriers accomplishments (despite his never having actually
b y w h ic h th e c o m m o n fo r m u la e o f H y d r o sta tic s (fo r m u la e m u c h r e s e m b lin g th o s e o f read the mathematical parts) made such an impression on his avid student that,
F o u r ie r) are e sta b lish e d in M e c h a n ic a l T rea tises. immediately after the session ended in May, Thomson began to devour Fourier
on his own. In a fortnight, he recalled, I had mastered it-gone right through
Whewell also remarked on Fouriers method of solving differential equations in
trigonometrical scries, noting that it had led to some remarkable disquisitions
Soon afterwards he read Kellands Heat, only to find his new idol attacked.
on points of pure analysis. He concluded that the skill and resource shown by
On a family educational vacation to Frankfurt-am-Main, where the Nichols and
Fourier in this investigation, and the interesting and instructive nature of the
Thomsons took houses for two months in the summer, he carried with him his
results, make the series of his labours one of the most important of the physico-
Fourier. Apparently he spent much of his language-learning time proving
mathematical researches of the present century. Following such a report,
Kelland an incompetent mathematician, thus irritating Dr Thomson who had
Fourier could no longer go unread.'*^
gone to considerable trouble and expense to arrange the trip. The waste
He might, however, be read badly. Philip Kclland published his elementary
nevertheless led to Williams first publication. By February, 1841, he had
Theory of heat in 1837. He adhered to an extreme form of the Laplacian
readied his counterattack, which began by quoting Kellands blunder:
programme expecting the reduction of all physical phenomena to inverse square
laws alone. He once wrote: The law of the inverse square of the distance has It is r e m a r k e d b y M r K e lla n d , in h is T h e o r y o f H e a t , p. 6 4 , in r e fe r e n c e to th e e x p a n sio n

always appeared to me a necessary law, necessary, I mean, as regards the actual o f d is c o n tin u o u s f u n c tio n s in t r ig o n o m e tr ic a l series, th at th e re can b e little d o u b t to a n y
o n e w h o c a r e fu lly e x a m in e s th e su b je c t, th a t n e a r ly all M F o u r ie r s series o n th is b r a n ch o f
state of the constitution of the Universe: and although I could allow that the
th e su b ject are e r r o n e o u s . It ap p ears to m e , after a carefu l e x a m in a tio n o f th e su b ject, that
particles o f matter might have been impressed with any law at their creation, I
th is r em a rk is in c o r r e c t. T h e t w o series, g iv e n b y F o u r ie r, to w h ic h M r K c lla n d refers as
cannot, in consistence with the simplicity of all known actions, conceive any other
d iffe r in g fr o m h is o w n series, are r e a lly e x p a n sio n s o f d iffe r e n t fu n c tio n s.
than Newtons law. His Heat represented a strange hybrid which mixed this
commitment to mechanical theory with Fouriers mathematics, for he found The Glasgow student proceeded to give the Edinburgh professor an incisive
Poissons procedures devoid of simplicity and thus unsuitable for an lecture on the expansion of functions in Fourier series.'*^
elementary work.^^ But neither was he happy with Fouriers mathematics. His With ironic justice Dr Thomson communicated the paper to his young
acquaintance D.F. Gregory, editor o f the new Cambridge Mathematical Journal,
whom Kelland had recently defeated for the chair at Edi nbur gh. Gr e gor y
'*2 William Whewell, Theory ofelectricity,c. Me/., 4 (London, 1830),pp. 140-70;Report on
the recent progress and present condition o f the mathematical theories o f electricity, magnetism, and SPT, 1, 9-14. William Thomson, N B9, ULC, and Essay on the figure o f the earth (1840),
heat, B A A S Report, 5 (1835), 1-34, on pp. 20-2, 24-7. N B l l , ULC.
Philip Kelland, Theory o f heat (Cambridge, 1837), p. x. For the inverse square law see pp. 7, SPT, 1, 15-19. William Thomson to D.F. Gregory (draft), February, 1841, G179, ULC.
143-82, and Kellands On the dispersion o f light, as explained by the hypothesis o f finite intervals, For the election to the chair, sec G.E. Davie, The democratic intellect: Scotland and her universities
Trans. Cam. Phil. Soc., 6 (1838), 153-84, on p. 184. in the nineteenth century (Edinburgh, 1961), pp. 116-26, 158-68; see also Chapter 2 above.
168 The transformation o f classical physics The language o f mathematical physics 169

agreed that the flippant manner in which Mr Kelland speaks of Fourier would As in natural philosophy, much changed in the reception of mathematics after
deserve pretty strong terms of reprobation, but thought that, as the article was 1830. The importers abandoned, for example, Lagranges algebraic foundation
o f the nature of an attack, Kelland should know the name ofhis opponent. Dr for the differential calculus, adopting instead various formulations of the limit
Thomson took the precaution of sending the still anonymous paper to Kelland concept. To some extent, they were still importing French works, but newer
and received a reply evidently written under a feeling of irritation, although ones that returned to an intuitive conception of limits rather than following
Kelland did admit that his criticism of Fourier had been too strong. The astute Lagrange, or even Cauchys newly formalized definition of limits in terms of the
veteran of many Glasgow College political campaigns returned Williams epsilon-delta procedure familiar today. Lagrange had attempted to avoid the
revised version, emphasizing that the authors sole object is to establish what is idea of infinitely small elements by defining derivatives in terms of finite
true, and expressed his confidence that if any injustice has been done to Fourier algebraic quantities, the coefficients in a Taylor series expansion. Detractors
thro misconceptions or otherwise, you will be glad to have the mistake argued that the infinitesimals were present anyway, but hidden, and questioned
rectified. Outmanoeuvred and outclassed, Kelland reversed his ground, praised his proof that one could always expand a function in positive integral powers of
the authors investigation, and generously conceded that if he works it up well the variable. Critics in Britain objected especially to the abstractness of his
into a paper, it will be most interesting. method. The limit approach, in contrast, brought infinitesimals into the open.
So ended a last skirmish in the war between the styles of Laplace and Fourier. For a function/ (x) one defined the derivative d/(x)/dx as the limit o f the ratio
When Laplace had insisted on action ad distans' in 1808, no one could have \f{x-\-h)-f{x)]lh as the quantity h approached zero. Justifying that procedure
imagined that his grand programme would end up defended by Kellands required assurance that the ratio remained finite as h became evanescent. Some
flabby dogma of 1838. This parting shot, however, launched the career of an kind of explicit physical, geometrical, or logical reasoning was required, but
avid disciple of Fourier, charged with the excitement of competition and Cauchys abstract formalization would not do.
success. Subsequent papers, also based on Fourier, would sustain his intellectual William Whewell had been a conservative reformer from the 1820s, and long
energy through the drilling of Cambridge, when he sometimes longed for the advocated geometrical demonstration as the proper foundation for mathemat
days of May, 1840: I then commenced reading Fourier & had the prospect of ical teaching, so far as permanent studies were concerned (ch. 3). In his Doctrine
our tour in Germany before me.'^* of limits of 1838 he employed geometrical techniques almost exclusively, relying
on intuition as the arbiter of truth in the limit process. The Doctrine formed one
component in the conservative programme that Whewell supported at Cam
Whig mathematicians of the second generation
bridge. Most reactionary was the campaign to eliminate the modern subjects of
When Thomson went up to Cambridge in the autumn of 1841 he immediately electricity, magnetism and heat from the Tripos, a project which succeeded by
joined a self-consciously progressive group of recent wranglers. Not since the 1850, over the opposition of the younger fellows of Thomsons c i r c l e . The
Analytical Society had such a coherent and purposeful group of reformers despotic Whewell thus served as a foil against which they defined themselves.
assembled at Cambridge. Like its predecessors, who had attempted to found a We observed how his arguments grounded a politically conservative and elitist
journal, the Memoirs of the Analytical Society, the new generation organized itself view of liberal education, calculated to continue in the old universities the
around the Cambridge MathematicalJournal. But the interests and the mathemat classical education begun in the public schools (including classical geometry) and
ics had changed. No longer primarily importers of French methods, and much to prepare students for high office in the Establishment of church and state. It
less concerned with new societies (Gregorys role in founding the Chemical must be stressed, however, that he did not oppose modern methods for students
Society in Cambridge is an exception), the group pursued a distinctive math in the progressive studies, who had already internalized right reasoning and
ematical programme looking towards a near future in which it would compete correct moral views.
on an equal and professional basis with their continental counterparts. To Others of the older generation modified their analytic procedures in appar
appreciate the shift we shall look briefly at the later stages of mathematics itself ently similar, but actually very different, ways. Augustus de Morgan regarded
under the older generation. two features ofhis Calculus of 1836 (which he had apparently been teaching tor
D.F. Gregory to Dr Thomson, 28th February and 6th March, 1841, G180 and G182, 1841, some time at London University) as distinctive: In the first place, it has been
ULC; Dr Thomson to Gregory, 9th March, 1841, G183, ULC; Philip Kelland to Dr Thomson, 4th endeavoured to make the theory o f limits, or ultimate ratios ... the sole foundation
March and c.8th March, 1841, K4 and K6, ULC; Dr Thomson to Kelland, 6th March, 1841, K5,
'** William Thomson, 14th March, 1843, Diary kept at Cambridge, 13th February to 23rd Harvey Bcchcr, William W hewell and Cambridge mathematics. Hist. Stud. Phys. Sd ., 11
October, 1843, NB29, ULC. (1980), 1 ^ 8 , esp. pp. 27 -9, 39 41.
170 The transformation o f classical physics The language o f mathematical physics 171

o f the science, without any aid whatsoever from the theory of series, or William, who conveyed Gregorys praise of Moigno and De M o rg a n .In the
algebraical expansions... Secondly, I have introduced applications to mechanics matter of foundations for the calculus, then, the most progressive elements of the
as well as geometry. While this connection of limits with mechanics and older generation merged with the younger.
geometry agrees with some of Whewells concerns, De Morgans goal pushed The same is true in the domain of symbolic algebra, where Peacock and De
far beyond the intuitive and visualizable. He sought to retain the concreteness of Morgan might be said to have founded a new school of British mathematics. At
geometry and mechanics, while avoiding their limitations. He focussed atten the very least they broke new mathematical ground and set the stage for their
tion, therefore, on the process of reasoning involved in forming the concept of the juniors. Recent studies by Joan Richards of the views on algebra held by
limit, independent of the particular medium of that reasoning. For students Peacock, Whewell, Herschel, and De Morgan show that all of them, although
brought up on geometry, he argued, difficulties arise from the student depend they developed algebra as a formal logic of operations, or rules of combination
ing somewhat too much on ocular demonstration, and not entirely on reason of symbols, nevertheless required that the operations be grounded in particular
ing, in his preceding course, and can only be overcome by close attention to the subject matter, in interpretation, rather than in internal consistency of the rules
reasoning. O n the other hand, one could not dispense with concrete inter of combination alone. Their algebra was not abstract algebra in the modern
pretation of the reasoning, the precondition for creative thinking in his view. sense and never could be, which is a point of considerable importance to the
De Morgans Calculus was not an abstract calculus but a general one. It British context. Two approaches need to be distinguished.^
generalized processes of reasoning that were exemplified in geometry and George Peacock published works seminal to the movement in 1830 and 1833,
mechanics. If we recall his liberal political and religious position, and the fact that while a tutor at Trinity College. He based symbolic algebra on a principle of
he wrote his Calculus for the Diffusion Society and London University, then the equivalent forms, which claimed that the relations discoverable in the general
larger significance of his approach versus Whewells becomes apparent. A ized algebra of arithmetic quantity, or universal arithmetic, would continue to
staunch opponent of Establishment elites, De Morgan devoted his life to hold as equivalent forms in symbolic algebra, independent of reference. The
realizing his belief that the highest attainments of mathematics should be equivalent forms, however, could not be regarded as generalizations by induc
available to the widest possible audience, and that many minds from the not-so- tion from arithmetic, for they encompassed such entities as negative and
high strata of society could put such learning to good use.^ His Calculus would imaginary numbers, which had no interpretation in arithmetic; they were not
provide, first, a course of instruction appropriate to a general education, which, arithmetic quantities. For example, the form a{b c) = ab ac would require in
like traditional geometry, would train all students in right reasoning; and, arithmetic, but not in symbolic algebra, the restriction b>c. Peacock did not
second, it would carry talented but unsophisticated students from elementary think that symbolic forms were necessarily interpretable at all. Their validity
analysis to the forefronts of research by the shortest path. rested simply on their correspondence with theforms of universal arithmetic, or
De Morgans aims were simultaneously democratic and professional. Again, on the principle of equivalent forms."^
they mirror closely those of Dr Thomson, who would revise his own Calculus in Universal arithmetic stood in relation to symbolic algebra, for Peacock, as a
1848 to incorporate the limit approach. For beginners Dr Thomson wanted science of suggestion of forms. William Whewell took that insight over into
investigations as simple and easy as possible, but he wished also to prepare his epistemology to buttress the doctrine o f fundamental ideas. These innate
ambitious students for the most interesting and valuable applications o f the
Differential and Integral Calculus in the modern works on Mechanics, Physical Dr James Thomson, A n i n t r o d u c ti o n to t h e d i f f e r e n t i a l a n d i n te g r a l c a lc u l u s , 2 n d edn. (London,
1848), pp. Hi, 308. William wrote to Dr Thomson, 15th January, 1842, T192, ULC; De Morgans
Astronomy, and other branches of Natural Philosophy. By 1848 he could cite book is very queer but contains a great many good ideas; and 20th June, 1847, T366, ULC: I still
three major French authors, Cournot, Duhamel, and Moigno, and six British think you should most decidedly take the method o f limits absolutely and entirely as the founda
ones, including De Morgan, among the latest and best writers . . . who have tion. See Thom sons retrospective appreciation o f De Morgans great book in his Presidential
Address, B A A S R e p o r t , 41 (1871), Ixxxiv-cv; PL, 2 , 132-205, on p. 140.
made the Method of Limits, or, what is virtually equivalent, the Infinitesimal J.L, Richards, The art and science o f British algebra; a study in the perception o f mathematical
Method, the basis of their treatises. His opinion owed much to advice from truth, H i s t . M a t h . 7 (1980), 343-65; De Morgan, pp. 7 30. We follow her presentation here. See
also Helena Pycior, George Peacock and the British origins o f symbolical algebra. H i s t . M a t h . , 8
(1981), 23-45; Early criticisms o f the symbolical approach to algebra. H i s t . M a t h . 9 (1982), 413-40;
De Morgan, C a l c u l u s , pp. 3, 19. For reasoning as opposed to symbol drumming see De and the detailed study by Elaine Koppelman, The calculus o f operations and the rise o f abstract
Morgan to William W hewell, 20th January, 1861, in Sophie de Morgan, M e m o i r , pp. 304-5. For De algebra. A r c h . H i s t . E x a c t S c i . , 8 (1971), 155-242. As Richards observes, Koppelmans excellent
Morgans conceptual emphasis, its relation to his progressiveness, and the contrast with Cauchy, as analysis is marred by its treatment o f the British works as steps toward abstract algebra in an
well as W hewell, see J.L. Richards, Augustus de Morgan, the history o f mathematics and the unacceptably modern sense (see, for example, pp. 157, 188, 215 16).
foundations o f algebra, I s i s , 78 (1987), 7-30 csp. pp. 18-24. George Peacock, A tr e a t is e o n a lg e b r a (Cambridge, 1830); Report on the recent progress and
Sophie de Morgan, M e m o i r , pp. 79, 222-8, 278. present state o f certain branches o f analysis, B A A S R e p o r t , 3 (1833), 185-352, esp. pp. 194-9.
172 The transformation o f classical physics The language o f mathematical physics 173

ideas served as ordering concepts prerequisite to any induction: In each induc his sharp critique in 1841 of Whewells Philosophy of the inductive sciences he put
tive process, there is some general idea introduced, which is given, not by the the matter in its strongest form, denying that internal consistency in a set of
phenomena, but by the mind. Phenomena called attention to the pre-existing axiomatic propositions could be tested at all independent of reference:
ideas. In inductive sciences, like mechanics, one had to add truly empirical The test o f truth by its application to particulars being laid aside, nothing remains but its
discoveries about motion to obtain complete laws o f phenomena (ch. 11), but self-consistency to guide us in its recognition. But this in axiomatic propositions amounts
mathematics required only reasoning upon fundamental ideas. It did not involve to no test at all. It is the essence o f such propositions to stand aloof and insulatedfrom each other. . .
discoveries of essentially new concepts. The ideas of number and space thus Axioms, rigorously such, can admit o f no meaning in common. Their mutual compatibil
yielded arithmetic and geometry as a priori sciences, although not abstract ones. ity, as fundamental elements o f the same body o f truth, can only be shown by experience - by the
Since the forms of arithmetic and geometry expressed relations of space and of observed fact o f their co-existence as literal truths in a particular case produced.
number, they were necessarily interpretable in this definite subject matter. Herschels view that literal truth' provided the only guarantee of the truth of
Whewell made the step to symbolic algebra through Peacocks principle of mathematical structures corresponds quite closely to the view William Thom
equivalent forms, which he regarded as another fundamental idea. But son would soon adopt for the mathematical structures of physics. For pure
Whewell, unlike Peacock, read the principle as an a priori guarantee of mathematics, Thomson would not quibble with Whewells insistence that the
interpretability: The absolute universality of the interpretation of symbols is the results of systematic symbolical reasoning must always express general truths, by
fundamental principle of their use. This has been shown very ably by Dr their nature, and do not, for their justification, require each of the steps of the
Peacock in his Algebra'.^^ process to represent some definite operation upon quantity.* But with De
To Whewells and Peacocks intuitive approach, De Morgan and Herschel Morgan, he regarded these truths as empty, useless. The most famous utterance
opposed more empiricist views. Although De Morgan believed that one could of Thomsons entire career, from the Baltimore lectures of 1884, had its origin in
choose to pursue algebra as a purely abstract system of internally consistent such considerations: I never satisfy myself until I can make a mechanical model
propositions, without external reference, he denied that such an exercise had any of a [mathematical] thing. If I can make a mechanical model I can understand it.
significance or utility: [it] can be of no use to any one in the business of life. He As long as I cannot make a mechanical model all the way through I cannot
distinguished this vacuous art of manipulating symbols according to rules from understand.^ Thomsons views on interpretation matured through his associ
the rich science of algebra, a discovering science which started by expressing ation with the Cambridge Mathematical Journal, and its extension of symbolic
symbolically relations pertaining to a concrete subject-matter, and which algebra to the differential and integral calculus, as a calculus of operations.
progressed by seeking ever wider interpretations of the symbolic relations, thus Writing to Herschel in 1845 with advice for a forthcoming Presidential
giving rise to ever more general subject-matter. He conceived the science of Address to the British Association meeting at Cambridge, De Morgan said:
algebra as a search for a universal logic of meaning, the science which investi You should not forget the Cambridge Mathematical Journal . It is done by
gates the method of giving meaning to the primary symbols, and of interpreting the younger men . . . It is full of very original contributions. It is, as is natural in
all subsequent symbolic results. Richards has stressed the essentially historical, the doings of young mathematicians, very full of symbols. The late Dr [sic] F.
contingent, and progressive nature of De Morgans interpretive enterprise, in Gregory, whom you must notice most honourably ... gave his extensions of the
contrast to WhewcHs.-'' Deduction from fundamental ideas would not serve Calculus of Operations. . . in it. He was the first editor. He was the most rising
any better than induction from arithmetic. One had to proceed empirically to man among the juniors.^ Herschel did include this appreciation of Gregory
discover more general meanings for familiar symbols so as to encompass
problematic entities: e.g., interpret yja so as to include not only yjA but also
(J.F.W. Herschel], W hewell on inductive sciences. Q u a r t . R e v . , 68 (1841), 177-238; E s s a y s ,
De Morgans friend Herschel went further. He admitted no propositions pp. 142-256, on pp. 216, 222. W hewell, P h i l o s o p h y , 1 , p. 143.
other than as truths inductively collectedfrom observation, even in geometry itself. In William Thomson, N o t e s o f le c tu r e s o n m o l e c u la r d y n a m i c s a n d t h e w a v e t h e o r y o f l ig h t
(papyrographed stenographic notes by A.S. Hathaway) (Baltimore, 1884), pp. 270-1. cf. Report o f
Richards, De Morgan, pp. 1315; British algebra, pp. 351-3. Peacock, R e p o r t , p. 199. the Commissioners appointed to inquire into the state, discipline, studies and revenues o f the
William W hewell, T h e m e c h a n i c a l E u c l i d (Cambridge, 1837), p. 173; T h e P h i l o s o p h y o f t h e i n d u c t i v e University and Colleges o f Cambridge, P a r l i a m e n t a r y p a p e r s , 1 8 5 2 - 5 3 , 14 , 113; the candidate for
s c ie n c e s (2 vols., London, 1840), 1 , pp. 139-44 (O f the foundations o f the high er mathematics), on mathematical distinction who uses symbolic processes should be called on to interpret his equation at
p. 149. each point; quoted in J.L. Richards, Projective geometry and mathematical progress in mid-
Richards, British algebra, pp. 3.54-5; De Morgan, pp. 20-3. Augustus de Morgan, Preface, Victorian Britain, S t u d . H i s t . P h i l . S c i . , 17 (1986), 297-325, on p. 307.
E l e m e n t s o f a lj^ eb r a (London, 1837), pp. 1-6; On the foundations o f algebra, T r a n s . C a m . P h i l . S o c ., 7 Augustus de Morgan to J.F.W. Herschel, 28th May, 1845, in Sophie de Morgan, M e m o i r ,
(1842), 173-87, on p. 173. pp. 150-1.
174 The transformation o f classical physics The language o f mathematical physics 175

and the fournal, using them as examples of how the University produced not manufacturing. The otherwise quite radical De Morgan exhibited that disdain
merely expert algebraists, but sound and original thinkers'. His remarks are for tradesmen which typified the gentrified middle classes. Having resigned his
noteworthy because he recognized in symbolic mathematics a significance for position at London University in 1831 to protest at the dismissal of a colleague,
physical theory that William Thomson had already begun to exploit. The search he wished to be assured, before reassuming his chair in 1836, that new regula
for ever-wider interpretations of familiar symbols, Herschel noted, led to new tions would guarantee the respectability which a gentleman (meaning only by
knowledge o f nature. Fouriers remarks on how mathematical analysis discovers education and sentiments . . .) requires. O f the liberal businessmen who had
hidden analogies come naturally to mind. Herschel anticipated that our financed the institution and formerly made up its Board of Proprietors, he said:
notions of Light, Heat, Electricity, and other agents of this class would soon a body of commercial Englishmen got together upon a point of trade (and with
include the propagation o f forces, the transference o f physical causation from these gentlemen . . . the honour and character o f a Professor was avowedly, and
point to point in space - nay, even the generation or development of attractive, almost ipsissimis verbis, made a question of trade) knows neither right from
repulsive, or directive forces at their points of arrival. W h e t h e r or not wrong, nor reason from anything else.^"^ Thus even De Morgan was inclined to
Herschel had read Thomsons several papers in theJournal discussing the analogy affect the high moral tone and gentlemanly airs that characterized the London
between Fouriers heat conduction and electrical action at a distance, or even had scientific societies, or clubs, such as the Astronomical Society, where he,
prior knowledge of Thomsons classic paper on the subject for this very Herschel, and Airy regularly communed.
meeting, he envisaged a new potential in the Cambridge context of symbolic The j uniors pursued their mathematics much less in the spirit of these
algebra and the calculus of operations. Gentlemen of Science than as professional researchers training themselves to
That context was now sharply focussed on the small minority of members of advance the frontiers of their discipline, often with a view to the utility o f their
the University who supported the twin goals of diffusion and study and to the possibility of making it a livelihood. Archibald Smith did
professionalization. They were the progressive young whigs who founded and exhibit a marked tendency to gentrification, but even he never eradicated his
edited the Journal: Gregory - a considerable Whig (both in mathematics and commercial and Scottish roots. As Thomson presented Smiths mathematical
politics); Archibald Smith - my dearest Radical Archy; Robert Leslie Ellis - style in an obituary notice, it derived from his father James Smith, FRS, who
he was not a very earnest politician, but always professed himself a Whig, a had literary and scientific tastes with a strongly practical turn, fostered no doubt
profession which was probably strengthened by his intimacy with Sir William by his education in the University of Glasgow and his family connexion with
Napier, to whom he always expressed himself as much attached; and Thomson some of the chief founders of the great commercial community which has
- son of the pestilent W hig from Glasgow College. Elliss intimacy with Sir grown up by its side. It was much to be regretted, Thomson remarked, that
William Napier meant identification with a popular and radical whig contro Archibald had been unable to secure a regular position in mathematical and
versialist. Being whigs, of course, did not distinguish this generation of reform physical science, thus making it the professional work of his life, rather than law,
ers from the previous one; but representing Scottish values, and/or commercial to which he turned to support his f a m ily .N o doubt these observations say as
and industrial interests, did. We have already observed these identifying charac much about Thomson as Smith, but they reflect also the practical and profes
teristics for Gregory and Smith. Ellis, an intimate friend of Gregory, was the sionalizing interests of the group.
only son o f a wealthy Bath merchant. His emphasis on the practical utility of It was Smith who in 1836, after taking his degree as senior wrangler and first
knowledge is apparent in his analysis of Bacons p h ilo s o p h y .O f the previous Smiths prizeman, suggested to Gregory that they establish an English periodi
generation, only Babbage took a direct personal interest in commerce and cal for the publication of short papers on mathematical subjects. Gregory
happily agreed to serve as editor once he had completed the chore of his Senate
J.F.W. Herschel, Presidential address, B A A S R e p o r t , 15 (1845), xxvii-xliv; E s s a y s , pp. 634- examination in 1837: But all this must be done after the degree; for
82, on pp. 638-9. The use o f thinkers here corresponds to De Morgans reasoning, above, and
contrasts with the abstract o f abstract algebra. business before pleasure, as Richard said when he went to kill the king before
See Chapter 3. William to Dr Thomson, February or March, 1842, T201, ULC. Joanna Smith he murdered the babes. The babes in this case were to be the creative
to Archibald Smith, 8th January, 1835, TDl/715, Smith papers, Strathclyde regional archives. productions of budding Cambridge mathematicians, and those creations not
Harvey Goodwin, Biographical memoir, in William Walton (ed.). T h e m a t h e m a t i c a l a n d o t h e r
w r i t i n g s o f R o b e r t L e s l i e E l l i s (Cambridge, 1863), pp. 417427, xvii. Goodwin was second wrangler in
killed would be published. Papers were to be short because they would present
1840 when Ellis was first. W alton, eighth wrangler in 1836, was another important member o f their
R.L. Ellis, General preface to Bacons philosophical works, in J. Spedding, R.L. Ellis, and Augustus de Morgan to Sir Harris Nicolas (his solicitor), 10th October, 1836, in Sophie de
D .D . Heath (eds.). T h e w o r k s o f F r a n c is B a c o n (15 vols., Boston, 1861-), 1, pp. 61-127, for example on Morgan, M e m o i r , pp. 70-3.
p. 92: Bacon connected the doctrine o f Forms with practical operations, because this doctrine . . . William Thomson, Archibald Smith, and the magnetism ofships, P r o c . R o y a l S o c ., 2 2 (1874),
had altogether a practical significance. i-xxiv; MPP, 6, 306-34, on pp. 306, 309. Our emphasis.
176 The transformation o f classical physics The language o f mathematical physics Ml

only the latest results, and not extended treatises on established subjects. As Ellis, Thomson was to take over the Journal with plans for expanding it into a
Smith assessed the early years of the Journal in 1845, when Thomson proposed truly national publication. His first two acts expressed increasing
further professionalization and expansion, The C.M.J. has hitherto been useful professionalization. First, he discontinued publishing anonymous articles and
and successful and [,] in the particular of stimulating men reading for and who supplied an index to earlier volumes that included the name of authors he could
have recently taken their degrees to put into shape and presence any thing pretty identify. Second, he adopted the title Cambridge and Dublin Mathematical Journal
or ingenious which they hit on [,] it is probably more useful than a journal of a to win the support of Irish mathematicians (including those outside Trinity
more general character would be.^^ College, Dublin), thereby forging between two major scientific centres a kind
In short, the Journal had been established to convert students engaged in o fliberal union in political terms, which would transcend cultural and religious
Whewells progressive studies into publishing mathematicians. Whewells differences.^'^ The colourful and brilliant Jewish mathematician, JJ. Sylvester,
complaint to Herschel in 1845 o f the most active students being encouraged to who suffered considerably from religious discrimination, wrote to h ail. . . the
study rather the last improvements, contained in memoirs, journals, and pam auspicious conjunction of Cambridge and Dublin Mathematics, which he
phlets, than the standard works of mathematical literature surely referred in judged likely to tend in a most material degree to introduce a Catholic [i.e.
part to the Journal.^^ Gregory had announced its primary object in the first universal] Spirit among your readers. Thomson responded with his own
issue as supplying a means of publication for original papers and secondarily as progressive vision, welcoming Sylvesters offer to contribute a series on his new
publishing abstracts of important and interesting papers that have appeared in Theory of combinatorial aggregation and emphasizing that in his view the
the Memoirs of foreign Academies, and in works not easily accessible to the principal object of any scientific journal should be the publication of original
generality of students. We hope in this way to keep our readers . . . on a level investigations and discoveries. The combined ideal of national unity and
with the progressive state of Mathematical science. Thomson judged in 1874 professional research naturally involved international competition. As Richard
that the new publication had inaugurated a most fruitful revival of mathematics Townsend, a young disciple of MacCullagh and one of the new Irish contribu
in England, of which Herschel, Peacock, Babbage, and Green had been the tors, remarked the time has come when we of the British Islands must endeavor
prophets and precursors.^ to hold our own, and not put forward any thing which could be seized upon to
Our claim, then, is that the northern whigs and their commercially oriented our disadvantage, when there are those abroad so ready and so willing to take
peers did much to transform the pursuits of their gentlemanly precursors into a advantage of any slip we may chance to make.^^
regular profession of mathematics. The most striking symbol of that transform The wider national and professional goals that Thomson pursued were
ation was their encouragement of publication by undergraduates, a practice represented in the early years by such contributors as George Boole of
strongly discouraged by their seniors (ch. 3). Ellis and Arthur Cayley both began Lincoln (1815-64), since famed for Boolean logic, but more appropriately for
publishing in the Journal prior to their degrees, and Thomson followed their his attempt to ground The laws of thought in a mathematical (thus non-
example. Many youthful contributors published under pseudonymous initials, metaphysical) notion of unity and duality. The son of a small tradesman closely
again like Thomson, who signed himselfP.Q.R.. Smith employed no less than associated with the diffusion movement of the Mechanics Institutes, Boole was
nine sets o f initials in the first volume. Partly this practice simply made largely self-educated in mathematics and pursued his highly creative researches
publication less threatening to insecure authors like Smith, who regarded many while teaching in a small school that he founded in Lincoln. Radically anti-
of his minor articles as the mere sweepings of my undergraduate M.S.S. to sectarian in religion and a self-help socialist in politics, he epitomized the goals of
which I was ashamed even to put my initials. M o r e importantly, it protected Christian reform, rational progress, and universal truth. In 1849, with the help of
gentlemanly propriety and thus future careers at the bar and in the pulpit.
In 1845, following Gregorys death in 1844 and a year of stand-in editing by 0 Archibald Smith to William Thomson, 16th July, 1845, S145, ULC. and 5th August, 1845,
SI 46, ULC. General index to the first series. Cam. and Dublin M ath.J., 1 (1846), i-viii. R.L. Ellis to
William Thomson, 17th July, 1845, E57, ULC, and 24th July, 1845, E59, ULC. William Thomson
Ibid., p. 309. Archibald Smith to William Thomson, 16th July, 1845, S145, ULC. to and from George Boole, 17th July-6th August, 1845, BlO-12, ULG and B143-6, ULC.
William W hcwell toJ.F.W . Herschel, 20th August, 1845, Herschel papers, HS18.172, Royal Thomson chose originally simply The mathematicaljournal, hoping that the Dublin men will join
Society (quoted in Bccher, W hewell, p. 33). Becher also notes Airys complete agreement with and not allow any [national, del.] provincial feelings to keep them from cooperating with a thing
Whewell. De Morgan, however, in his testimonial, strongly supported Thom sons having been which would be much more useful when quite general than it could be if restricted in any manner
employed in original research during his undergraduateship. See Printed copy o f William (B12, 27th July). The latitudinarian sense o f useful and general here mirrors the mathematical
Thom sons testimonials for the Glasgow chair o f natural philosophy, PA34, ULC, p. 18. sense in the text below.
'** D.F. Gregory, Preface, Cam. M ath.J., 1 (1837), 1-2, on p. 1; MPP, 6 , 309. J.J. Sylvester to William Thomson, 18th Novem ber, 1845, S.594, ULC, and Thomson to
Archibald Smith to William Thomson. 5th August and 15th December, 1845, SI 46 and SI 51, Sylvester, 19th Novem ber, 1845, S595, ULC; Richard Townsend to William Thomson, 30th
ULC. January, 1847, T584, ULC.
178 The transformation o f classical physics The language o f mathematical physics 179

his many mathematical friends, including Thomson, he would obtain a profes expression, simplicity of technique, and utility of results, or power and efficiency.
sorship at the newly founded Queens College in Cork, allowing him for the We shall examine these features in two of their preoccupations; symmetrical
first time to make his living as a mathematician^^ method and the calculus of operations.
Boole discussed the general question of the use of symbolical language in To employ symmetrical method meant to express the equations of analytic
mathematics in 1847 in the first presentation of his logic, which was in part a geometry in such a way that figures would be described as forms in space,
defence of De Morgan in a bitter priority attack launched by Sir William independent of particular axes of reference. For example, rather than expressing
Hamilton. The metaphysically inclined Hamilton had also attacked the study of the equation of a straight line 2isy = kx + b, one would choose mx + ny = c, so that
mathematics (symbolic reasoning) by comparison with traditional Aristotelian the coordinates appear symmetrically and the equation has the same form for all
logic in a liberal education. Boole considered the issue from two perspectives; orientations of the axes. Archibald Smith applied such symmetrical method in
First . . . with reference to the progress of scientific discovery, and secondly, his first published paper, read to the Cambridge Philosophical Society in 1835,
with reference to its bearing upon the discipline of the intellect. For progressive- thereby greatly simplifying a derivation that Ampere had given of Fresnels
ness, symbolism had all the advantages, which no one contested. For training the wave surface in the undulatory theory of light. Smith wrote Fresnels equations
moral mind, Hamilton, like Whewell, considered it dangerous, as producing an in symmetrical form and extracted the wave surface in two pages of simple
uncritical acceptance of whatever premises were proposed and a mechanical, analysis. Amperes derivation had occupied thirty-two pages, presenting, in
unthinking view of demonstration (compare Herschel on Gregory, above). In Thomsons phrase, so repulsive an aspect that few mathematicians would be
response Boole argued that all logical reasoning could be represented symboli pleased to face the task of going through it, while Smiths required but a few
cally and that Hamiltons favoured Aristotelian logic merely constituted an short lines of beautifully symmetrical algebraic geometry. Those few short lines
inferior symbolism. To Hamiltons claim that philosophy, as logical metaphys set a new standard: It was one of the first applications in England, and it remains
ics, discovered real existences and true causes, while mathematics merely to this day a model example, of the symmetrical method of treating analytical
described and measured, Boole retorted that according to [my] view of the geometry, which soon after (chiefly through the influence of the Cambridge
nature of philosophy [metaphysics]. Logic forms no part of it . . . we ought no Mathematical Journal) grew up in Cambridge, and prevailed over the
longer to associate Logic and Metaphysics, but Logic and Mathematics. De unsymmetrical and frequently cumbrous methods previously in use.^ Smith
Morgan agreed: I would not dissuade a student from metaphysical inquiry .. . and others applied the method to simplify a wide variety o f problems: relations
but I would warn him, when he tries to look down his own throat with a candle of straight lines and planes (S.S. Greatheed and Boole), inflection points (Wil
in his hand, to take care that he does not set his head on fire.^^ liam Walton), parabolas (unknown), lines of curvature on an ellipsoid (Ellis),
Progressive and anti-metaphysical nearly define the science of Thomson transformations o f coordinates (Thomson), and more sophisticated problems.
and his friends, for whom opposition to metaphysics encompassed Boole expressed their common attitude: the most general method of resolving
latitudinarian religion, politics above party (ostensibly), and non-hypothetical, the problem is [often] also the most simple.
practical know ledge.S cience in this sense entailed concomitant emphases in Thomsons publishing initials P.Q.R. actually symbolized symmetrical
the mathematical style of the new professionals. They sought generality of in his interpretation o f Bacon, o p . c it. (note 63), pp. 95-102. His associated rejection o f Bacons
doctrine o f forms, (pp. 78-93), challenged W hewells doctrine o f fundamental ideas in inductive
Ivor Gratten-Guinness, Psychology in the foundations o f logic and mathematics: the cases o f science, for Ellis insisted that the progress o f science continually requires the formation o f new
Boole, Cantor and Brouwer, H i s t . P h i l . L o g i c , 3 (1982), 33-53; John Richards, Boole and Mill: conceptions (p. 86), not merely the unfolding o f innate ones. Richards, Projective geometry has
differing perspectives on logical psychologism. H i s t . P h i l . L o g i c , 1 (1980), 19-36; L.M. Laita, shown that Cayley, Sylvester, and others o f the younger generation applied this progressive,
Boolean logic and its extra-logical sources: the testimony o f Mary Everest B oole, H i s t . P h i l . L o g i c , 1 inductive view even to mathematical conceptions, as Ellis apparently also wished to do here (pp.
(1980), 37-60. On diffusion and mechanics institutes see Steven Shapin and Barry Barnes, Head and 98-9).
hand: rhetorical resources in British pedagogical writing, 1770-1850, O x . R e v . E d . , 2 (1976), 231- Archibald Smith, Investigation o f the equation o f Fresnels wave surface, T r a n s . C a m . P h i l .
54; M .D. Stephens and G. W. Roderick, Science, the working class and mechanics institutes, A n n . S o c ., 6 (1838), 85-9; Notes on the undulatory theory o f light. C a m . M a t h . J . , 1 (1839), 3-9; MPP, 6,
S c i . , 29 (1972), 353^9. On B ooles appointment, see George Boole to William Thomson, 17th 308.
August, 1846, B151, ULC,and26th August, 1846, B152, well as succeeding letters through These papers appear in the C a m b r i d g e M a t h e m a t i c a l J o u r n a l as: S.S. Greatheed, Application o f
to December, 1847, B153-B166, ULC, and B15-21, ULG. the symmetrical equations o f a straight line [and plane] to various problems in analytical geometry o f
George Boole, T h e m a t h e m a t i c a l a n a l y s i s o f lo g ic : b e in g a n e s s a y t o w a r d s a c a lc u lu s o f d e d u c ti v e three dimensions, 1 (1839), 37-42; 135^3; George Boole, Symmetrical solutions o f problems
r e a s o n i n g (Cambridge, 1847), pp. 9, 13. De Morgan presented his view o f the dispute in Augustus de respecting the straight line and plane, 2 (1841), 179-88, on p. 187; William Walton, Symmetrical
Morgan, F o r m a l l o g ic , o r , t h e c a lc u lu s o f i n fe r e n c e , n e c e s s a r y a n d p r o b a b le (London, 1847), pp. 297-323; investigation o f points o f inflection, 4 (1845), 13-17; G. (?), On a symmetrical form o f the equation
remark on metaphysics on p. 27n. Sec also L.M. Laita, Influences on Booles logic: the controversy o f the parabola, 2 (1841), 14-17; R.L. Ellis, On the lines o f curvature o f an ellipsoid, 2 (1841), 133-
between William Hamilton and Augustus de Morgan, A n n . S c i . , 36 (1979), 45-65. 8; William Thomson, On the relations between the direction cosines o f a line referred to two
See especially William to Dr Thomson, February or March, 1842, T201, ULC, quoted in systems o f rectangular coordinates, 3 (1843), 247 8; and On the equations o f motion o f heat
Chapter 4, note 49, for Williams description o f Gregory. Elliss view o f a p r i o r i metaphysics appears referred to curvilinear co-ordinates, 4 (1845), 3T 42.
180 The transformation o f classical physics The language o f mathematical physics 181

method for they denoted three symmetric coefficients in standard expressions of three months in residence, when Gregory had already become his deeply
analytic geometry, for example, the differential coefficients of a function admired model and his letters were filled with Gregory says, Gregory told
f{x,y,z) = Q, representing a figure in three dimensions, me, and Gregory thinks:
df{x,y,z) = Pdx + Qdy + Rdz = 0.
O n T hursday I g o t an ex a m in a tio n paper in algebra from H op k ins. A lm o st every
In his Cambridge research notebook he regularly employed this notation and
q uestion in it w as o n the principles o f algebra, and seem ed to incu lcate m o st o f P ea co ck s
simultaneously emphasized symmetric expression. One example comes from v iew s, w ith w h ich I am b eg in n in g to agree. M r C o o k so n had lent m e P eacock , and so I
his review o f analytic geometry, including Booles papers, for the Senate House w as able to answ er m o st o f the questions, I h o p e in the w a y he w ish ed . I have been calling
examinations. Concerned with symmetric transformations, he expressed him tw o or three tim es o n G reg o ry , and he seem s to take quite the sam e v ie w o f the principles
self much as Boole had on generality and simplicity, referring to one solution as o f algebra. H e has b een d o in g a great deal in fin d in g the values o f d efinite integrals, in a
worked out in the simplest manner so as to give the transformation in the most very curious w a y , b y the separation o f sym b ols. H e has g iv en o n e sp ecim en o f the
general case."^"^ m eth o d , w h ich 1 b eliev e is his o w n d isco v ery in the M ath. Journal, and others in his
Symmetrical method provides the most obvious illustration of the younger E xam p les. H e is n o t h o w e v e r quite clear about the principles o f it yet.
generations programme for obtaining mathematical power and efficiency. A dominant approach had clearly developed, and Thomsons immersion - via
Through their emphasis on generality they would release the power of symbolic coach, tutor, and adviser was total.
representation from the cumbrous constrictions of particular interpretations. By The separation of symbols refers to the idea of separating the symbols of
demanding simplicity along with generality they would make the essential operation from those of quantity. Gregory rewrote such linear differential
features of derivations stand out, revealing the forms common to problems equations as
normally considered different. Finally, simplicity made generality useful in d^yjdx^ + dyjdx + ay=g(x)
solving particular problems, so that utility ever attended the other two emphases,
in the form
as in Smiths remark, It is also of great use . . . if all the expressions be put in (d^/dx^ + d/dx + <i)y =,?(x).
symmetrical form ... their symmetry greatly facilitates the practical application Considering the bracketed expression as a single operation on y, symbolized by
of the method. f(d/dx) and treated as a linear function of the elemental operation of differenti
These same features characterize the calculus of operations, as developed from
ation d/dx, he wrote
French beginnings by several early writers in the Journal. The new calculus f(d/dx)y=g(x)
epitomized the vision of a British engine of mathematical progress, as Thomson
and the inverse equation,
reflected in 1871: With the French writers. .. this was rather a short method of
Y = r 's i x ) .
writing formulae than the analytical engine which it became in the hands o f . . . The latter expression would in principle solve the differential equation for y, or
Sylvester and Gregory . . . and Boole and Cayley. This method was greatly
integrate it, i f / ^ represented a meaningful inverse operation in the calculusjust
advanced by Gregory, who first gave to its working-power a secure and philo
as it represented an inverse quantity in ordinary algebra; that is, if/ ^ could
sophical foundation and so prepared the way for the marvellous extension it has actually be taken to represent a linear function of the operation of integration in
received from Boole, Sylvester, and Cayley. B y symbolizing algebraically the same way as / represented a linear function of differentiation.^
the operations of differentiation and integration they wished to extend to the Such symbolic representations had earlier been employed by Lagrange,
differential and integral calculus the ideas that Peacock and De Morgan had
Fourier, and Herschel, among others, but only for obtaining non-rigorous
developed for symbolic algebra. The status of these ideas in the Cambridge
William to Dr Thomson, 27th December, 1841, T188, ULC. William to Dr Thomson, 3rd
context is well illustrated in a letter from William to Dr Thomson after only
March, 1842, T199, ULC, states that he has been using Gregorys E x a m p l e s : I like it exceedingly.
The problem o f handling definite integrals was regarded by many as the single most important issue
William Thomson, 20thjune to 3rd August, 1844, Journal and research notebook, 184345, o f contemporary mathematical physics, as in heat conduction and the wave theory o f light, where
NB33, ULC, pp. 41-51, on p. 44, referring to his own Elementary demonstration o f Dupins discontinuities at boundaries figured so prominently. Although most o f the major authors in the
theorem. Cam. M ath.J., 4 (1845), 624; MPP, 1 , 36-8, and to George Boole, On the transformation Journal contributed to the subject, including Thomson, we omit it here. See R.L. Ellis, Memoir o f
o f multiple integrals. Cam. M ath.J., 4 (1845), 20-8, and Symmetrical solutions, pp. 179-88. For the late D.F. Gregory, C a m . M a t h . J . , 4 (1845), 14.5-52, esp. p. 1,50; I V r i t i n ^ s , pp. 193-201, esp. pp.
the meaning o f P.Q .R . compare Thom sons usage in his notebook (pp. 42, 84-90) with, for 198-9; also Richard Townsend to William Thomson, 5th April, 1847, T586, ULC: I am convinced
example, that o f M .N .N . (?) On certain cases o f consecutive surfaces. Cam. M ath.J., 1 (1839), that some powerful method o f managing definite integrals is what alone will enable us to make any
187-92. advance in modern physics.
Archibald Smith, Elimination by means o f cross multiplication. Cam. M ath.J., 1 (1839), 46. D.F. Gregory, On the solution o f linear differential equations with constant coefficients.
William Thomson, Presidential Address, British Association, PL, 2, 138-9, Our emphasis. C a m . M a t h . J . , 1 (1839), 22-32.
182 The transformation o f classical physics The language o f mathematical physics 183

results by analogy to algebra, and not for demonstration, because the status of appeared in May, 1840, when William Thomson had just begun to read Fourier
the analogies remained uncertain. One typically supposed that symbols of and over a year before he would submit his third paper to the Journal, the one
operation differed in some essential way from ordinary algebraic symbols of displaying the mathematical analogy between heat conduction and electrostatic
quantity. Gregory too remained unclear about the principles of his method, as action (ch. 7). He would argue, in essence, that if a problem in one area of physics
Thomson reported, but he made the bold assertion that the difference between has the same mathematical form as a problem in another area, then any theorem
the calculus and algebra was not a difference of operations versus quantities, for that can be established from physical considerations in the one must hold also for
symbols of quantity like a and x could with equal propriety be regarded as the other. The argument relates different areas of physics by mathematical
operations on unity, a{l) and x(l). Similarly <j(x) would be the operation a analogy in the same way as the operational calculus relates different areas of
performed on x and the operation a performed n times in succession on x. mathematics by what might be called meta-mathematical analogy. If he were
From this perspective, the theorems of algebra were true only by virtue of the reading the Journal, as seems likely, he would have found considerable precedent
rules of combination of the operations being true. Therefore, Gregory argued, for such meta-mathematical analogy, in papers by Greatheed and Ellis as well as
whatever is proved of the latter [algebraic] symbols, from their known laws of by Boole and Gregory. Thomsons scheme differs from theirs, however, in
combination, must be equally true of all other symbols which are subject to the that symbolic representation of physical processes replaces symbolic representa
same laws o f combination. The rules of algebraic operation, tion of mathematical operations.
a^a^ (x) = ijw+ n (index) Gregory applied his analogical methods at every opportunity to simplify and
a[b{x)] = b[a{x)] (commutative) extend Fouriers results.* In 1838 he responded to the beauty of Fourier and the
a{x) + a{y) = a{x + y) (distributive), great resources of his analysis much as Thomson would in 1840, remarking that
were the same as those of differentiation, Indeed there is a freshness and originality in the writings of Fourier which make
dmd(x) = d" + (x) them in no ordinary degree arrest the attention of the reader. And Ellis
dldx[dldy{z)] = d/dy[d/dx(^)j remembered him saying, as he paged through Fourier, All o f these things seem
d(x) + d(y) = d(x + y). to me to be a kind of mathematical paradise. Among other exotic fruits,
Consequently, all theorems derivable from the first set of rules in algebra would Gregory found that Fourier had very frequently separated symbols of oper
hold also for differentiation. Having once proved the binomial theorem in ation from those of quantity in order to express the series solutions o f partial
algebra, for example, no separate proof was wanted for differentiation. Gregory differential equations, although only for convenience of expression and not as
therefore employed the theorem to factor the operating function /(d/dx) and the proper solutions of the equations. '^ Evidently, then, Fourier offered modes
thereby to reduce the solution to a series of much simpler inverse operations, or of analysis that were highly suggestive for both the analogies of physical process
integrations.^ that Thomson would exploit and those of mathematical operations that Greg
Quickly taking up Gregorys algebraic procedure, Boole applied it to decom ory developed. It is worth attempting to specify the nature of the connection
pose the entire inverse operator into a sum of partial fractions, obtaining the between those analogies.
simplest and most symmetrical form into which the solution of the equation can Fouriers analysis of heat conduction had been macroscopic and geometric,
be brought. He re-emphasized Gregorys justification for the algebraic focussing on heat flow as seen from the outside, and employing such concepts as
analogy, its being founded only on the common laws of the combination of the flux across a surface and the net quantity of heat entering or leaving a volume
symbols.^ element. These were general concepts, independent of the physical interpret
Gregory and Boole employed symbolic algebra to solve equations of finite ation of heat, but which nevertheless described the forms of the physical
differences in the same way as they solved differential equations, revealing a processes. They were also concepts whose expression was essentially mathemat
close analogy between the two kinds of equations. Boole commented, The ical. Flux resulted directly in Fouriers picture from a temperature gradient
analogy . . . is very remarkable, and unless we employed a method of solution across a surface, expressed mathematically as the operation of taking the
common to both problems, it would not be easy to see the reason for so close a
resemblance in the solution of two different kinds of equations. H i s paper ** S.S. Greatheed, On general differentiation. Cam. M ath.J, 1 (1839), 11-21; 109-17; R.L. Ellis,
On the integration o f certain differential equations. Cam. M a th .J., 2 (1841), 169-77; 193-201
Ibid., pp. 30-1. (analogy on p. 195).
George Boole, On the integration o f linear differential equations with constant coefficients, D.F. Gregory, Solution oflinear equations, pp. 59-61; Notes on Fouriers heat, and On the
Cam. M ath.J., 2 (1841), 114-19, on p. 119. solution o f certain partial differential equations. Cam. Math. J., 1 (1839), 104-7; 123-31.
D.F. Gregory, On the solution o f linear equations o f finite and mixed differences. Cam. Gregory, Fouriers heat, p. 104; Ellis, Memoir o f the late D.F. Gregory, p. 151; Writings, p.
M ath.J., 1 (1839), 54-61, on p. 56; Boole, Linear differential equations, p. 119. 199; Gregory, Partial differential equations, p. 123.
184 The transformation o f classical physics The language o f mathematical physics 185

derivative o f temperature across the surface. Similarly, the net heat leaving a new analytic geometry, in which relations in space were conceived as generated
volume element derived directly from the change in flux between two surfaces, continuously in time by the operations of differentiation, will figure impor
again a derivative. The transition from physical process to mathematical oper tantly in our discussion of Thomson and Taits Treatise (ch. 11). Gregory, Boole,
ation was nearly immediate in Fouriers analysis (in contrast to Poissons). It is Cayley, and others devoted considerable effort to it in the Journal.
this immediacy which seems crucial for correlating the readings of Thomson In the same vein, Thomson would represent the process of heat conduction
and Gregory. While Thomson saw the equations as expressing physical pro given by Fouriers flux equation, = K gradient V, as lines of motion of heat
cesses, Gregory saw them as expressing mathematical operations. directed perpendicularly across surfaces of constant temperature, or isothermal
This relation between process and operation relates closely to the Newtonian surfaces, the lines being generated by the operation of differentiation. To write
tradition o f geometrical fluxional analysis, with lines generated by moving the equation in vector form as we have done here, however, is to take the
points, derivatives as velocities, etc. O f all his applications of the calculus of operational calculus one step too far for Thomson, since it suggests that he
operations, Gregory considered that Geometry is the most important. He should have been happy later with the idea of vector operators like gradient,
wished to understand why it is that we can pursue geometry algebraically. Why, divergence, and curl, when in fact he regarded them as merely the cartesian
at the simplest level of the relation between plane geometry and arithmetic, can component expressions translated into gibberish. ^ But the operational calcu
we represent the area of a parallelogram as a product of the symbols for two lus did provide the context out of which vector analysis emerged. W.R.
lines? This question, he said, has always appeared to me to be one of great Hamilton would publish a considerable portion of his analysis of quaternions, or
difficulty in the application of Algebra to Geometry . .. It is not sufficient to say, symbolic geometry (in analogy to symbolic algebra), in the Journal in 1846
as is usually done, that if we divide each of the lines into a certain number of under Thomsons editorship. ^ We have arrived, then, at a point where
units, the number of superficial units in the parallelogram will be equal to the Thomsons path separated from that of many of his peers. A look at the problem
product of the number of units in the two lines; it is also necessary to show how a of interpretation will show how.
superficial unit can be represented by the product of two linear units, and this I Among writers on symbolic algebra Gregory was one who paid particular
think cannot be done except on the principle which has here been used. His attention to illustrating the meaning of results by analogies to geometry and
principle interpreted the symbol a as an operation on a point (.), so that a{.) was arithmetic, but by no means did he believe interpretation always possible. With
transference in one direction of the point through the space a. The combination of respect to the analogy above o f arithmetical algebra to geometry, he wrote:
symbols ba{.) represented transference of the point in one direction by a Whatever, therefore, may have been proved in Arithmetic, in dependence
followed by transference of the resulting line in another direction by b, produc solely on these laws [of combination], is equally true in Geometry, provided
ing a parallelogram with sides a and b. Since the operation of transference always that we can interpret the result; for there is no reason why we should
obeyed commutative and distributive laws, always be able to interpret a symbolical result either geometrically or
ab = ha arithmetically. And indeed, in geometry the interpretability is soon presented to
a{b + c) ab + ac, us in the combination of more than three symbols of transference [figures of
all the results of arithmetic depending only on these rules of combination were more than three dimensions[. Similarly, logarithms of negative numbers,
immediately available in geometry.**** involving the symbol ( 1), he regarded as impossible logarithms rather than
In this example an operation literally represents a process of transference; the imaginary, for the operations were not imaginary but only uninterpretable in
operation generates the figure. The idea of generation was central to the a r ith m e tic 'In principle, therefore, the General Theory of the Science of
extensions of projective geometry, which Ellis, in his Royal Commission
testimony o f 1852, labelled the new geometry: What may be called the new The hallmark o f the subject was the principle o f continuity, and its relations to analytic geometry
were developed especially by Cayley and Sylvester. See also Daston, Physicalist tradition.
geometry seems to be little studied in the University; yet the method of which it D.F. Gregory, On the existence o f branches o f curves in several planes, and O n the theory o f
makes so much use, namely, the generation and transformation of figures by maxima and minima o f functions o f tw o variables. C a m . M a t h . ] . , 1 (1839), 259-66; 2 (1841), 138-
ideal motion, is more natural and philosophical than the (so to speak) rigid 40.
Annotation signed W .T. Aug. 13/88 in Sir W illiams copy ofjames Clerk Maxwell, A tr e a tis e
geometry to which our attention has been confined. It has been well said that the o n e le c t r i c it y a n d m a g n e t i s m (2 vols., Oxford, 1873), 2, p. 222, in the Natural Philosophy Department,
differential calculus is the symbolical expression of the law of continuity.* This University o f Glasgow.
W .R. Hamilton to William Thomson, 29th September, 1845, H7, ULC. W .R. Hamilton, On
** D.F. Gregory, On the elementary principles o f the application o f algebraical symbols to symbolical geom etry. C a m . a n d D u b l i n M a t h . J . , 1 (1846), 45-57; 137-54; 256-63; 2 (1847), 47-52;
geom etry. C a m . M a t h . J . , 2 (1841), 1-9, on pp. 1-S. 130-3; 204-9; 3 (1848), 68-84; 220-5; 4 (1849), 84-9; 105-18.
R.L. Ellis, The course o f mathematical studies. W r i t i n g s , 423m. The observation that Ellis was D.F. Gregory, Elementary principles, p. 4; On the impossible logarithms o f quantities.
referring in particular to projective geometry we ow e to Richards, Projective geom etry, p. 314. C a m . M a t h . J . , 1 (1839), 226-34, on p. 232.
186 The transformation o f classical physics The language o f mathematical physics 187

Symbols could have been carried on as a purely abstract science, making no and that they should be regarded as in some sort the visible manifestation of
reference even to such justifying ideas as Peacocks principle of equivalent forms. truths relating to the intimate and vital connection of language with thought;
In practice, Gregory excluded any laws of combination for which no meaning but he would emphasize Booles further remark: As discussions about words
ful interpretation could be found in arithmetical algebra: It is solely from the can never remove the difficulties that exist in things, so no skill in the use of those
previous knowledge which we have of the combinations of arithmetical sym aids to thought which language furnishes can relieve us from the necessity of a
bols, that we are enabled to facilitate our researches by the application of Algebra prior and more direct study of the things which are the subjects of our
to Geometry, or to any science whatever. T h u s interpretability, or utility, for reasonings. And the more exact, and the more complete, that study of things has
Gregory as for De Morgan, restricted the acceptable forms of symbolic algebra. been, the more likely shall we be to employ with advantage all instrumental aids
Nevertheless, a considerable distance had opened between forms and interpret and appliances. Gregory put the distinction of thought and things even more
ation, especially physical interpretation. succinctly: Algebra takes cognizance only of the laws of combination of the
Much the same remarks apply to Booles famous extension of the calculus of symbols, and not of their meaning in the eye of that science the symbol and the
operations into Laws o f thought. Other laws of combination of mental oper operation are identical. When we turn to the interpretation of our results, we
ations than the ones he employed might be imagined to exist, but if they did the must of course consider the meanings o f the symbols but such interpretation is
entire mechanism of reasoning, nay the very laws and constitution of the human out of the province of Algebra, and belongs to the science, the operations of
intellect, would be vitally changed. A Logic might indeed exist, but it would no which are symbolized.^*
longer be the Logic we possess. Boole struggled to free symbolic logic from Symbolic algebra epitomized pure mathematics, the only true metaphysics
restriction to particular interpretations of the symbols employed, but at the same in Thomsons later phrase, which agrees with the viewpoint of his Journal
time he restricted their laws of combination to those which seemed to conform friends. "^ But the topics of natural philosophy, as sciences the operations of
to human mental operations and which maintained relatively close analogy to which are symbolized, required interpretation. One began with geometrical
arithmetic (although he excluded the commutative law). Like other exact interpretation, for natural philosophy described objects in space and time; but
sciences, logic did not discover necessary truth, in the sense of the ultimate causes even geometrical forms required additional interpretation, specific to the
of things being as they are; its business was with laws and phenomena. Thus phenomena of heat, or electricity, etc., to obtain definite physical meaning.
logic was an empirical science, albeit of internal mental processes. It was not, Thomson construed this demand for physical interpretation in a most literal
however, an inductive science, such as Boole considered other exact sciences to manner (cf Herschel above), requiring direct empirical reference for every
be, for one did not discover the laws of thought by generalization from many physical entity symbolized mathematically and for every equation obtained.
instances, but rather by direct perception in any single instance. The laws of That requirement severely limited his use of mathematical analogy as a heuristic
thought, therefore, while contingent in themselves, were nevertheless necessary device for constructing physical explanations. He would reject, for example.
in relation to any possible external subject-matter, for they did not depend on Maxwells transfer to electrostatics of Fouriers complete geometrical form for
physical interpretability. To obtain interpretations in any particular science, or heat conduction because it required the invention by analogy of an electrical
even an area of mathematics, might well require more restrictive laws than those entity with no empirical referent (ch. 7). In a sense, he simply applied to
of thought in general. For instance, in Gregorys rendering, the calculus of mathematical analogies between physical processes the same restrictions on
operations required the commutative law for application to arithmetic, geome interpretation that Gregory and Boole applied to meta-mathematical analogies,
try, and the differential calculus, while the operation log required special rules but he inverted their priorities, putting physical meaning first and mathematical
of its own.^^ form second. In the same way, because quaternions and vectors replaced direct
As the distance of the operational calculus from physical interpretation grew physical reference with mathematical forms taken as having a general physical
larger, William Thomsons interest in it grew smaller. He would agree with meaning, Thomson rejected them.
Booles remarks in his Differential equations of 1859 that the mere processes of These empiricist strictures on symbolism and analogy rapidly separated
symbolical reasoning are independent of the conditions of their interpretation Thomsons concerns from those of friends like Boole and Arthur Cayley (1821-
95) once he left the mathematical world o f Cambridge for his Glasgow
D.F. Gregory, Branches o f curves, p. 265; Elementary principles, pp. 3, 5. laboratory of natural philosophy and industrial application. He corresponded
Boole, Mathematical analysis of loj^ic, pp. 6,12-13; An investij^ation o f the laws o f thought, on which
are founded the mathematical theories of logic and probabilities (London, 1854), pp. 3 9 9^ 24 (On the George Boole, A treatise on differential equations (Cambridge, 1859), pp. 389, vii-viii. Gregory,
nature o f science and the constitution o f the intellect), especially p. 404. Gregory, Linear differential Elementary principles, p. 2.
equations, p. 31; Impossible logarithms, p. 230. SPT, 2 , 1124.
188 The transformation o f classical physics The language o f mathematical physics 189

regularly with them for a year or two but only occasionally later. By 1847 he subject in which I am much interested applied to one of Booles papers on
already contemplated giving up the Journal and became increasingly disen potential theory that produced practical solutions by symbolical means. But
chanted with it afterwards, largely because of the dearth of papers on physical Thomson pointedly did not comment on Booles accompanying paper, On a
subjects. Townsend, who wrote only on geometry, sent encouragement: you certain symbolical equation, which Cayley appreciated as a very pretty (tho as
say the present number is very analytical, perhaps I might not like it as well as he [Boole] says somewhat unpractical) paper. U p o n receiving Booles
either geometry or physics but there are others who will like it far better in Mathematical analysis of logic, Thomson wrote back: I hope to be able to read it
consequence - for instance, I do not feel as much interest in Mr Cayleys papers carefully. The advocates of symbolical algebra must be delighted with such an
as in yours, but there is no writer of the present day that one of our first Analysts, unlookcd for extension of the class o f subjects, for laws o f symbolical oper
if not our very first. Sir William Hamilton, praises like Mr Cayley.^ ations. Obviously he was not one of the advocates, though he wished Boole
Townsend could hardly have chosen a more suspect example than Hamilton, for every success and published a summary of parts of the work in the Journal.
the combination of metaphysics and symbolism that Hamilton produced in his Similarly, despite his great respect for Cayleys mathematical genius and their
calculus of quaternions struck Thomson as at least physically unhelpful if not an personal friendship, he grew impatient at Cayleys preoccupation with pure
outright mystification of phenomena. mathematics. Reflecting on G.R. KirchhofTs perceptive work on elasticity in
He apparently expressed his misgivings to Boole as early as 1845, when 1864, he exclaimed to Hermann Helmholtz (1821-94): Oh! that the c a y l e y s
attempting to win Hamilton and John Graves (another Dublin mathematician) would devote what skill they have to such things instead of to pieces of algebra
as allies. Boole reassured him that They will soon . . . get through their which possibly interest four people in the world, certainly not more, and
quaternions and triplets and interesting as the subject is I must confess that I possibly also only the one person who works. It is really too bad that they dont
should be glad to see them turning their attention to the Int. Calc, and to physical take their part in the advancement of the world. Advancement refers to
science. Hamilton continued for four years to publish his quaternion geometry material progress through the Baconian unity of knowledge and power. It
in the Journal, always hoping to make Thomson see that it opened new vistas in would come, not from egocentric mental gymnastics, but from mathematical
analytical physics, but in vain. I do not flatter myself with the thought th a t. . . analysis of the material world.
[you have had time] to examine into that theory, he wrote in 1847, and so sent a As Thomsons mathematical interests narrowed so too did his competence.
second copy of an abstract on quaternions, anticipating a possible future when He wrote to Boole in March 1847: I enclose another paper . . . & as it is in the
Thomson might have the inclination to study it. He never did. His recognition symbolical way, I shall be glad to have your opinion . . . I have some
in 1871 that some of the most thoughtful mathematical naturalists of the day compunction about the way in which I save myself trouble & put it on you and
regarded quaternion analysis as destined to become an engine of perhaps hitherto Cayley; b u t. . . I could not come to sufficiently satisfactory opinions on some of
unimagined power for investigating and expressing results in Natural Philos these papers not being au courant of the subjects. W i t h his own research
ophy, did nothing to sway him. Writing in 1892 to R.B. Hayward, who had programme now at full speed he could ill afford time for pure mathematics, and,
authored an Algebra of coplanar vectors and trigonometry, he opined that it would since few contributions of a physical kind appeared, his friends bore much of the
lose nothing by omitting the word vector throughout. It adds nothing to the editorial burden. Although he carried on for several years, his disenchantment
clearness or simplicity of the geometry, whether of two dimensions or three grew. In 1851 he expressed his frustration to George Stokes, his newer and much
dimensions. Quaternions came from Hamilton after his really good work had more physically oriented Cambridge friend; I shall be very glad to get publish
been done; and, though beautifully ingenious, have been an unmixed evil to ing your paper in the Journal, as I am very desirous of getting such papers on
those who have touched them in any way, including Clerk Maxwell. physical subjects sometimes in place o f the endless algebra & combinations wh.
Boole himself, and Cayley, originally maintained a lively interest in physical
mathematics, and Thomson valued their contributions highly. Exceedingly Thomson to Boole, 21st February, 1847, B19, ULG, referring to Arthur Cayley, On the
good, described Cayleys work on the differential equations of dynamics, and a differential equations which occur in dynamical problems. Cam. and Dublin M ath.J., (1847), 210-
19. See also, Arthur Cayley to William Thomson, 19th January, 1847, C44, ULC. William
Thomson to George Boole, 2nd September, 1846, B15, ULG, acknowledges receipt o f Booles On
Richard Townsend to William Thomson, 30th January and 1st March, 1847, T584 and T585, the attraction o f a solid o f revolution on an external point and On a certain symbolical equation.
ULC, quotation from the latter. Cam. and Dublin M ath .J., 2 (1847), 1-7 and 7-12, respectively.
George Boole to William Thomson, 6th August, 1845, B146, ULC. W.R. Hamilton to William Thomson to George Boole, 5th December, 1847, B21, ULG. Thomson to Boole,
William Thomson, 17th May and 22nd October, 1847, H22 and H24, ULC. William Thomson, 18th April, 1848, B22, ULG, concerns the summary, The calculus o flo g ic. Cam. and Dublin Math.
Presidential Address, British Association, PL, 2, 140. Our emphasis. William Thomson to R.B. J., 3 (1848), 183-198. William Thomson to Hermann Helmholtz, 31st July, 1864, in SPT, 1 , 433.
Hayward, December, 1892, in SPT, 2 , 1138. William Thomson to George Boole, 27th March, 1847, B20, ULG.
190 The transformation o f classical physics The language o f mathematical physics 191

so abound. That problem, together with theJournal's constant financial difficul by inversion a Taylor series solution involving a single arbitrary function of x,
ties and his own distance from Cambridge, led Thomson to try to persuade the initial distribution of temperature K(x,0) along the axis at the time t = 0.
Stokes, Lucasian professor of mathematics since 1849, to replace him as editor. Integrating twice with respect to x, on the other hand, gave a solution consisting
Stokes declined, but by June, 1852, N.M. Ferrers, a more appropriate Cam of two series and involving two arbitrary functions of time, namely the
bridge mathematician, had been drafted, soon to be joined by Sylvester in a temperature V{0,t) and the gradient of temperature dV{0,t)ldx at the plane x = 0.
successor journal, The Quarterly Journal of Mathematics. Why, Gregory asked, should the same equation have two solutions so different
The change in editors effectively formalized the division that had been in character? He answered in terms of the general relation of the form of the
emerging for some time between mathematicians and mathematical physicists, equation to the differential coefficients in its power-series solutions. That answer
as a glance at the table of contents of Ferrerss volumes of 1853 and 1854 makes could be called purely mathematical.
plain; for virtually no physics papers appear. Professionalization had indeed Considering the same equation and the same problem, Thomson, in 1842,
produced the specialization of interests that had so disturbed William Whewell. began from the assumption that if a determinate physical problem has two
The division is equally plain in Thomsons view of Cayley in 1859. The chair of different forms of solution they must necessarily be physically connected: I
astronomy at Glasgow had fallen vacant on Nichols death, and Thomson was propose to deduce the latter of these solutions from the former, and to shew, so
attempting to recruit Stokes: Cayley is thinking on being a candidate, but it will far as possible, the relation which they bear to one another, with regard to the
probably be considered & I believe justly that he is not physical enough . . . I physical problem. He proceeded to demonstrate that the arbitrary initial
think Cayley ought to be provided for by the country - mathematician laureate temperature distribution C(x,0), given along the entire x-axis in the integral
would be his right post - but there is no doubt but that popular or physical lines with respect to time, could be replaced by two conditions: the half of this initial
of science are not in his way . . . Now I wish you most seriously to consider distribution to the right of the zero plane (x > 0); plus either of the two arbitrary
whether you will not apply for, and therefore I trust take, the Glasgow functions in the integral with respect to x, that is, either the temperature at the
Professorship, & resign your Cambridge ProfP in favour of Cayley?^'* But zero plane V{0,t) or the temperature gradient at the zero plane 5K(0,fj/dx given
Stokes remained in Cambridge. over all time. Thus the initial distribution to the left of the zero plane could be
The difference in roles between pure and physical mathematicians that regarded as physically equivalent to, or as producing over time, either of the
seemed so obvious to Thomson in the 1850s had clear internal reference to the latter two distributions. He had thereby shown how the solutions for infinitely
calculus of operations, with its separation of the symbols of operation from their extended (mathematical) bodies were related to those for bounded (physical)
interpretation. The separation was not so much one of abstract versus concrete as bodies, e.g. the body to the right of the zero plane. For bounded bodies, data on
of general versus particular or theoretical versus applied. To consider a given the temperature distribution in the interior at some initial time, plus the time
operational equation from symbolic and from interpreted perspectives, how dependence of the temperature at the surface, would completely determine the
ever, involved a critical shift in emphasis from a mathematical operation to a interior temperature for all future time. Alternatively, the same determination
physical process. The difference, while sometimes subtle, as in the case of the would follow from the initial interior distribution plus the rate of heat loss at the
new analytic geometry, had been important to Thomson from his Cambridge surface (proportional to temperature gradient).
days. Gregorys and Thomsons separate treatments of a particular problem Thomsons conception of the relation of the solutions, then, was essentially
from Fourier will illustrate the divide. physical and practical. It concerned such questions as what one could learn
In 1838 Gregory discussed the solutions of Fouriers equation for the linear mathematically about the unobservable interior state of a system from observa
propagation of heat, that is, along the x-axis in an infinite solid, with the tions on the state of its surface. This example is the first of many we shall
temperature varying along that axis but uniform over any plane perpendicular encounter that exemplify what A.E.H. Love, in his eulogy of Lord Kelvin
to it. The equation, before the London Mathematical Society in 1908, would call the ideal of
dVldt = ad^Vjdx^, mathematical physics: According to the standard that Kelvin had set up it is not
has two types of solutions, depending on whether one integrates with respect to t sufficient to obtain an analytical result, and to reduce it to numerical computa
or to X. For the single integration with respect to t the calculus of operations gave tion, every step in the process must be associated with some intuition, the whole
argument must be capable of being conducted in concrete physical terms. In
103 William Thomson to G.G. Stokes, 25th February, 1851, K46, Stokes correspondence, ULC
(On financial difficulties, etc.). N.M . Ferrers, 30th June, 1852 and 27th March, 1855, F60A and
F62A, ULC. See also Richard Townsend to William Thomson, 12thjanuary, 1849, T589, ULC (on Gregory, Partial differential equations, pp. 126-8.
difficulties). 106 William Thomson, On the linear motion o f heat. Part Land Part IF, Cam. M ath.J.,3 (\S43),
William Thomson to G.G. Stokes, 6th October, 1859, K106, Stokes correspondence, ULC. 17(M; 20f>-ll; MPP, 1 , 10-21, on p. 10.
192 The transformation o f classical physics 193
The language o f mathematical physics

Thomsons own phrase, mathematics . . . is merely the etherealization of view. It challenged the entire theory of steady-state averages, or uniformitarian-
common sense. ism, that he presented in his famous Principles of geology (1830-3). If internal
temperatures were decreasing then the volcanic forces producing elevation at
Progression and kinematics the surface of the earth could not in the long run balance the forces of erosion. ^
The Cambridge geologist Sedgwick and his colleagues Whewell and Hop
The problem of relating external observations to interior conditions introduces kins strongly opposed Lyells views; they saw the uniformitarian theory as an
two subjects to which Thomson would devote much effort: the cooling of the arbitrary hypothesis that gratuitously eliminated progression and teleology
earth, or the problem of progression (chs. 10 and 16); and the distinction from the history of the habitation of man. Whewell formulated his notion of
between kinematics and dynamics (chs. 7, 8, and 11). These issues concern a palaetiological sciences with the historical changes of geological conditions in
more general Cambridge context than that of the Journal. mind: the object is to ascend from the present state of things to a more ancient
At the conclusion of his first alternative, above, for specifying the temperature condition, from which the present is derived by intelligible causes.^ ^^ Nichols
distribution of a bounded body over time, Thomson considered the question of nebular hypothesis, though not yet adequately supported, fell under
extending the solution backwards in time rather than forwards. He observed palaetiological sciences, as did the secular cooling of the earth.
that in general the initial distribution is not of such a form as to be any stage, In Cambridge, then, Fourier was known as much for his views on the central
except the first, in a system of varying possible temperatures, or is not producible heat as for his mathematics. Both attributes supported generative, or genetic,
by any previous possible distribution, If so, and if one applied the analysis to explanations of phenomena. The flux equation generates heat flow from
the earth, regarded as a cooling body, then it might be possible to fix a time for temperature differentials, and the central heat doctrine applies this analysis to
the beginning of the cooling process, or to set a maximum limit on the earths show how previous thermal conditions generate later ones. Thomson saw it that
age. Almost certainly he had that goal in view from this first paper of 1842, for way in the 1840s. His 1842 paper constitutes his first attempt to reconcile
both Fourier and Poisson had discussed closely related issues, and Charles Lyell simultaneous rationalist and progressionist beliefs about nature, the one requir
in the 1830s had made the question a burning one for Cambridge academics such ing the operation of fixed natural laws and the other a directional, never
as William Whewell, Adam Sedgwick, and William Hopkins. Their concerns, repeating, series of states (ch. 4).
coupled with Nichols nebular hypothesis, turned Fouriers mathematical poem Dissatisfied with the complexity and inadequacy of his first attempt to analyze
into a major resource for politico-theological debate. the mathematical conditions for the existence of temperature distributions
In the Preliminary discourse of his Theorie analytique Fourier set the problem antecedent to any given one, Thomson published a new version in February,
of the earths heat in the grand context o fthe system of the world, on a par with 1844. Clearly intended for a more popular audience, this discussion reduced
gravity. He stressed terrestrial phenomena of climates, winds, currents, and mathematical details to a minimum and gave a primarily verbal analysis of the
diurnal and annual temperature variations, but also drew attention to three crucial issue: the arbitrary initial distribution may be of such a nature that it
possible sources of the earths heat: primitive heat in the earths mass, the suns cannot be the natural result of any previous possible distribution, or that it
heat, and the natural heat of the heavens. cannot be any stage except the first in a system of varying temperatures. No
Only the effects of the sun received mathematical development in the 1822 distributions withjumps, cusps, edges, or angular points, he thought, could result
treatise. In a paper of 1820, however, Fourier had analyzed the secular cooling from prior distributions, for though we may suppose such a distribution to be
resulting from a primitive store of heat in the earth. He followed this mathemat arbitrarily made, it could obviously not be produced by the spontaneous motion
ical discussion with a qualitative one in 1824 on the temperature of both the earth of heat from any other preceding distribution, and all such abrupt transitions or
and planetary spaces. William Whewell praised Fouriers approach in his 1835 angles which may exist in an initial distribution, will disappear instantaneously
Report, but Poisson and Lyell both criticized the notion of a primitive central
heat. Poisson objected that the observed increase of temperature with depth Joseph Fourier, Extrait dun memoire sur le refroidissement seculare du globe terrestre, Ann.
might arise simply from the solar system having moved into a cosmical region of Chim. Phys., 13 (1820), 418-38; Remarques generales sur les temperatures du globe terrestre et des
espaces planetaires, Ann. Chim. Phys., 27 (1824), 136-67. See John Herivcl, Joseph Fourier: the man
lower temperature, to which the earths interior temperature was slowly and the physicist (Oxford, 1975), pp. 197-202. W hewell, Report, pp. 28,304; History o f the inductive
adjusting. Lyell had much more pressing reasons for opposing the central heat sciences from the earliest to the present times (3 vols., London, 1837), 3 pp. 559-63. Poisson, Chaleur,
Supplement. Charles Lyell, Principles ofgeology, being an attempt to explain the former changes o f the
SPT, 2, 1144, 1139. >0* Thomson, Linear m otion, p. 15. earths surface by reference to causes now in operation (3 vols., London, 1830-3), 1 , pp. 141-3; much
Simon Schaffer stresses this point in The nebular hypothesis and the science o f progress, in expanded discussion in 3rd edn. (3 vols., London, 1835), 1, pp. 2038; 2, pp. 273-322.
J.R. Moore (ed.). The humanity o f evolution (Cambridge, forthcoming), notes 17-18. W hewell, Philosophy, 2, p. 95.
194 The transformation o f classical physics The language o f mathematical physics 195

after the motion has commenced4^^ Now the conclusion that abrupt transi than a dissertation which epitomized the ideology of apolitical politics and
tions cannot result from prior distributions is not at all obvious and certainly latitudinarian religion that Dr Thomson represented and which placed that
does not follow from the final remark on instantaneous disappearance. Nature ideology in the service of progressionist cosmology. The tory party in the
presents many examples of sharp breaks resulting from superposition of waves, College could find no fault with the evidence of Gods design and of beginnings
as anyone can observe on the sea, and there is nothing obvious about Fourier and endings that the analysis suggested, while the whigs could find in the young
analysis in general, which Thomson used here, to suggest that waves spreading professors style of analysis all the evidence of progressive scientific rationality
out from an initial sharp break could not run in re v e rse .E v id e n tly he simply they might wish. This same style would characterize his physical mathematics
assumed that heat flow is a process of progressive diffusion, proceeding in one throughout the 1840s and beyond, as when he turned his talents to clarifying the
direction only, and that it always produces a levelling of temperature rather than ideas on electricity and magnetism of Michael Faraday in 1845, and when he
peaks. Evidently also, he believed that the earth had a beginning, and he was deployed those same talents as a weapon in the great geological debates. Both
using Fourier analysis to confirm his belief, although no mention of the earth applications owe much to the merger of Thomsons Glasgow background and
occurs in the paper. sophisticated Journal mathematics with the particular methodology of science
Thomsons mathematical analysis epitomizes the intuitive physical style that taught by Hopkins and a variety of others at Cambridge.
he polished at Cambridge. By looking at the simplest case which nevertheless In 1835 Hopkins had read to the Cambridge Philosophical Society the first
presented the problem in its most general form the correct answer would major memoir o f his career, which introduced a new subject, Researches in
vividly present itself Beginning from the general equation for conduction along physical geology. Physical geology would bring the power and prestige of
a homogeneous rod, independent of sources and internal conditions, he wrote mathematical analysis to bear on geological phenomena in much the same way
down the general solution in a Fourier series and examined the conditions on the as Newton and Laplace had brought astronomy under the rule of universal
coefficients such that the series would converge for negative values of time. gravitation and the laws of motion, thereby creating physical astronomy. In
Diverging series he took, following Gregorys terminology, to represent im both cases the resulting physical theories were dynamical theories, dealing with
possible distributions, impossible in the processes of physical nature though observable motions and the forces that caused them. As a science of observable
perfectly representable as mathematical operations. With convergence as a motions, physical geology excluded chemical phenomena just as natural philos
criterion for the existence of antecedent distributions, he distinguished three ophy in general excluded the insensible motions of chemistry.^
types of initial states, according to their age: those which could not be any Hopkins carefully divided the method of physical geology, and his memoir,
stage but the first in a system of varying temperatures (divergence for all past into three parts or stages, analogous to the mythologized stages of physical
time); those o ffinite age' (convergence for finite past time); and those for which astronomy. One first obtained a geometrical description of the relevant motions
no limit can be assigned to the age (convergence for all past time).^^^^ Age (by analogy to Keplers laws), then postulated a very general force that would
thereby took on the aspect of a perfectly natural, non-hypothetical and non- produce the motions (like gravity), and finally derived the motions from the
dogmatic parameter in the generation of phenomena according to natural law, a force according to dynamical principles (the laws of motion). The key to this
parameter that would require only adequate data on existing temperatures for its scheme for geology was of course the first step, discovering geometrical laws of
determination. Neutral rationality, in Thomsons view, could now reign in faults, fissures, mineral veins and other phenomena of fracture. Hopkins argued
place of the speculative contentions of sects over the year, day, or even hour of that notwithstanding the appearances of irregularity and confusion in the
the Genesis account of creation. formation of the crust of our globe . . . geologists have been able in numerous
He developed these age arguments for his 1846 inaugural dissertation at instances to detect, in the arrangement and position of its stratified masses,
Glasgow, On the distribution of heat through the body of the earth. I t distinct approximations to geometrical laws. Most important was the law of
would be hard to imagine a more fitting conclusion to the highly political approximate parallelism according to which fissures within a given geological
campaign that his father had been waging to win Williams election to the chair region tend to occur in two sets, the fissures within each set running parallel to
each other but perpendicular to the fissures of the other set, thereby forming a
William Thomson, N ote on some points in the theory o f heat, Cam. M ath.J., 4 (1845), 67-
72; MPP, 1 39-47, on p. 40.
' ^ Within a year Thomson had recognized the hole in his reasoning, ibid., pp. 45- 7 (N ote added William Hopkins, Researches in physical geology, T r a n s . C a m . P h i l . S o c ., 6 (1835), 1-84.
26th June, 1881). *'* Ibid., pp. 40, 42-3. For Hopkinss geological and academic context, see Crosbie Smith, Geologists and mathematicians;
' * Only one draft page survives o f the Latin text o f the dissertation, but it shows that Thomson the rise o f physical geology, in P.M. Harman (ed ), W r a n g l e r s a n d p h y s i c i s t s . S t u d i e s o n C a m b r i d g e
applied the same three categories o f age as in his 1844 paper. Text in PA103, ULC; SPT, 1, 187; m a t h e m a t i c a l p h y s i c s i n t h e n i n e t e e n t h c e n t u r y (Manchester, 1985), pp. 49-83. See also Chapter 16
translation by Dr J.C. McKeown. See also Kelland, Heal, pp. 1 2 5 ^ 2 (Terrestrial heat). below.
196 The transformation o f classical physics The language o f mathematical physics 197

cross-hatched pattern. This pattern represented the geometry of the motions D

whose dynamics were required.
The same pattern seemed to be repeated over the whole surface of the globe
and to characterize equally anticlinal lines, faults, and mineral veins, thus
affording a priori a strong probability that they are all assignable to the same
general cause. The geometrical form of the pattern, furthermore, suggested by
analogy a force pushing the earths crust up from below with a fairly uniform
pressure over a given uplifted region. Hopkins thus postulated, as his second
step, a corresponding clevatory force: I suppose this elevatory force, whatever
may be its origin, to act upon the lower surface of the uplifted mass through the Figure 6.1. Hopkins analyzed the direction o f fissure in a geological stratum as the
medium o f some fluid, which may be conceived to be an elastic vapour, or in direction o f tearing in a thin sheet under uniform tension.
other cases a mass of matter in a state of fusion from heat. Every geologist, I
conceive, who admits the action of elevatory forces at all, will be disposed to
admit the legitimacy of these assumptions. on mechanical principles, in order that we may compare the laws obtained from
Although this distinct mechanical cause constituted a hypothesis, it these results with those to which the observed phenomena are found to
amounted to little more than a descriptive name for the observed phenomena. approximate. He challenged potential critics to supply a better method.
He had avoided any speculations respecting the interior constitution of our Hopkinss actual derivations provide considerable insight into the style of
globe, as he noted in a summary of the paper for the Philosophical Magazine. *** mathematical physics which his students would pursue, including Thomson. In
In the summary, however, Hopkins cautiously relaxed his anti-hypothetical his simplest case he considered a thin lamina, the plane of the paper in figure 6.1,
position to indicate that he favoured the primitive central heat view. If one and sought the orientation of the fissure that would necessarily result from a
assumed the earth had once been a hot fluid mass that gradually solidified as it uniform tension parallel to CD. He put the problem as follows: to find the
cooled, then it seemed probable that cavities would have formed and that hot tendency of the forces of tension to separate the particles which are contiguous, but
vapours or fluid forced into those cavities from below would produce the on opposite sides o f the geometrical line AB, by causing them to move parallel to
elevatory pressure in local regions. He judged this hypothesis the simplest CD. Taking Pp as any infinitesimal element of AB, pm as its projection
possible and to bear the closest analogy to other cases in nature. In a series of perpendicular to CD, and F as the total tension per unit length across pm, he
papers for the Royal Society between 1838 and 1842 he sought to justify it by obtained for the required tendency, pm x F. Since this quantity is maximum
demonstrating its adequacy and the relative inadequacy of alternatives (ch. 16). when AB is perpendicular to CD, the fissure will occur along a line perpendicu
Having arrived at geometrical laws and a general mechanical cause, it lar to the tension, as it should. From this form of solution for the lamina,
remained only to institute an investigation, founded on mechanical and phys Hopkins gradually worked up to complex systems of tension in thick strata to
ical principles, of the necessary relations which may exist between our observed derive the law of parallelism from elevatory forces.
phenomena and the general cause to which we attribute them. Hopkins We note immediately that the analysis is geometric and macroscopic. More
therefore devoted the third, and by far the largest, part of his memoir to deriving specifically, the term particle refers to a macroscopic element of the lamina, not
the motions from the forces by means of the general laws of dynamics, much as to a microscopic molecule. The tension F, similarly, is a macroscopic force
Newton derived planetary motions from the action of gravitational force by acting between contiguous elements. These are the same features we observed
applying the same laws. Aware that he might be charged with a premature in Fouriers analysis of heat conduction, in Airys geometrical part of the wave
theory of light, in Greens and MacCullaghs theories of the luminiferous ether,
application of mathematical analysis to a subject which did not admit of such
precision, he insisted on the value of his procedure: the phenomena do distinctly and in Greens theories of electricity and magnetism. This fact implies that the
correlation of Hopkinss physical geology with the schemes of Newton and
approximate to obvious geometrical laws, and there is a simple cause to which
Laplace, who depended on a reduction to atoms, is misleading. It should be a
they may be referred, the effects of which it has been my object... to investigate
correlation with the Cambridge reformulation of their approach. Airys geo
Hopkins, Researches in physical geology, pp. 1, 2-9. metrical wave theory depended on no model of the ether, but only on the
'** Ibid., pp. 9-11. William Hopkins, An abstract o f a memoir on physical geology, with a
further exposition o f certain points connected with the subject, Phil. Ma^. [series 3|, 8 (1836), 227 Hopkins, Researches in physical geology, pp. 9-10.
36, 272-81, 357-66, on p. 230. Ibid., pp. 13-14. Our emphasis.
198 The transformation o f classical physics The language o f mathematical physics 199

assumption of a linear restoring force for small transverse displacements of its Green or MacCullagh, that Cambridge students learned their mathematical
elements. As he put it, we can hardly conceive any law of constitution of a physics. On the other hand, by the late 1830s the methodology was the
medium in which undulations are propagated, where this does not hold. In the possession of the Cambridge mathematical network rather than of any individ
same vein, but with respect to the phenomena of geometrical geology, Hopkins ual. Hopkins held a crucial position in that network because his function
considered it impossible not to be struck with the idea of their being referable to required him to know precisely what kinds of questions would appear on the
the action of some powerful elevatory force, whatever the underlying structure examinations and to transmit his insiders knowledge to his pupils. He formed a
of the earth might be.^^^ central locus through which the prevailing views of past wranglers - the
One final feature of Hopkinss dynamical theory correlates closely with heat moderators, examiners, and textbook writers of the present - passed on to
conduction and wave propagation. He derived not only statical relations wranglers o f the future. In Hopkinss geological dynamics we meet with ideas
between tensions and fissures but properly dynamical results for the generation which were rapidly acquiring canonical form.
of a fissure from its point of inception. For example, he showed that a fissure, Geometrical laws of motion constituted one such canonical idea. By 1840
once started, would continue to open in the direction perpendicular to the line of William Whewell and Robert Willis had adopted the term kinematics, from
greatest tension and that the velocity of propagation would be very large. More the French cinematique of Ampere, to describe the science of pure motion,
importantly, he pointed out explicitly a feature which characterizes propagating independent of force. Significantly, the term arose within the practical tradition
effects as effects o f contiguous action: whatever may be the direction first given of engineering mechanics and projective geometry, going back to Lazare
to the fissure by any local cause, its subsequent direction will soon become Carnot and Gaspard Monge, and not within cither Laplacian molecular me
independent of that cause. This perception is one Thomson would employ chanics or Lagrangian abstract mathematics. It was pre-eminently a descrip
in developing mathematically Faradays idea of electric or magnetic fields as sets tive science, focussing on geometrical forms produced by constrained motions,
of lines of force propagated by contiguous action. Such propagation of forces in as by a rod attached to a crank. Distinguishing geometrical relations from causal
a field depends only on local conditions and not on the original sources. relations, Whewell and Willis wrote complementary textbooks on machines,
Hopkins presented in his physical geology, then, a well-defined scheme for with Willis contributing the descriptive kinematics in his Principles of mechanism
forming a dynamical theory. His method was not new in applying the Newto and Whewell the action of forces in his Mechanics of engineering. Reading this
nian staging of geometry - cause - dynamical theory, nor in employing a distinction o f the kinematics and dynamics o f machines back into mechanics in
Fourier-like macroscopic description, but in combining both elements to general, the geometrical laws of planetary and geological motions are
produce the theory directly as a dynamical theory of a continuous medium, as kincmatical. Whewell employed the term in this general sense, although not
continuum dynamics. The essential motivation for such theorizing consisted in with respect to geology, in his Philosophy of the inductive sciences in 1840.^^^
the elimination of speculative modelling of internal, unobservable causes. By the mid-1840s kinematics had wide currency among Cambridge math
Hopkins wished originally to proceed without an interior model of the earth, ematicians. Arthur Cayley in 1846 found no need to explain himself when he
and he did proceed without an interior model of a particle. Because the stated the following standard result as a kinematical theorem: Any motion of a
procedure eliminated that reduction to hypostatized atomic parts characteristic solid body round a fixed point may be represented as the rolling motion of a
of Newtonian dynamics it eliminated also the need to conceive of the problem in conical surface upon a second conic surface fixed in space. Such theorems on the
terms of sums (or integrals) over actions between such parts. Dynamics in the geometry of motion made up the subject that Thomson insisted on spelling
macroscopic theory rested on contiguous action, whose mathematical expres cinematics (referring to Ampere and not Whewell) from his earliest Glasgow
sion was a differential between adjoining elements. The action therefore propa lectures until the 1860s. Ellis concurred in using cinematics in the large sense in
gated from element to element, and differential relations for any given element which it is equivalent to the doctrine of motion.
most naturally represented the entire system. Andre-Marie Ampere, E s s a i s u r la p h i l o s o p h i e d e s s c ie n c e s , o u e x p o s i t i o n a n a l y t i q u e d u n e
Although macroscopic dynamics was certainly not unique with Hopkins - c la s s i fi c a ti o n n a tu r e lle de t o u te s les c o n n a is s a n c e s h u m a in e s (Paris, 1834), pp. 50-3. See Daston,
Greens and MacCullaghs ether theories were immeasurably more sophisti Physicalist tradition, p. 283, for Carnots call for the new science in relation to projective geometry.
Robert Willis, P r i n c i p l e s o f m e c h a n i s m , d e s ig n e d f o r t h e u s e o f s t u d e n t s i n t h e u n i v e r s i t i e s , a n d
cated versions - no one else seems to have presented its complete methodology e n g i n e e r i n g s t u d e n t s g e n e r a l l y (London, 1841), pp. vi-ix. William W hewell, T h e m e c h a n i c s o f e n g in e e r
with such simplicity and clarity. The matter of presentation must be accorded i n g , i n t e n d e d f o r u s e i n u n i v e r s i t i e s , a n d in c o lle g e s o f e n g in e e r s (Cambridge, 1841), pp. iii, 1; P h i l o s o p h y , 1 ;

considerable weight, for it was from the great wrangler maker and not from pp. 1447.
Arthur Cayley, On the geometrical representation o f the motion o f a solid body. C a m . a n d
I b i d . , p. 9. Airy, T r a c ts , pp. 257-9. D u b l i n M a t h . J . , 1 (1846), 164-7, onp, 166. R.L. Ellis, Som erem arksonthe theory o f matter, T r a n s .
Hopkins, Researches in physical geology, p. 24. C a m . P h i l . S o c ., 8 (1849), 600-5; I V r i t i n g s , pp. 3848, on p. 43.
200 The transformation o f classical physics The language oj mathematical physics 201

Clearly the central idea in kinematics was that of geometry generated by nication of heat between layers in contact, immediately allowed him to elimin
motion, as in projective geometry generally, or what Ellis called the new ate molecular considerations altogether, reducing all action within the fluid to
geometry. The motions generating a figure were represented analytically by contiguous action between elements. He described all internal forces in terms of
the operations of differentiation in the equation of the figure. Beginning at any normal pressures across, and tangential actions along, three perpendicular planes
one point, the operations would map out the entire figure by continuous defining a tetrahedral element of fluid. These forces he supposed proportional to
extension from differential element to differential element. Connecting kine differential changes of volume and of shape of any element. Having thus
matics with differential operations in this way immediately suggests the idea of obtained the forces, the equations of motion of the fluid followed immediately
propagation in a continuous field. We begin to see already how important to from general dynamics (with Lagranges formulation of D Alemberts principle
Thomsons mathematical formulation of fields was the interrelation of several substituting for Newtons laws of motion).
ideas: macroscopic description, propagation, the new geometry, and the anal Stokess procedure for obtaining the partial differential equations of fluid
ogy of mathematical forms, all of which we must recognize in the single term motion reproduced at a sophisticated level Hopkinss three steps in geological
kinematics as that term emerged in the Cambridge context. dynamics: kinematics, forces, dynamical theory. Again, the critically important
By far the most important of those who developed the kinematics-dynamics aspect was his direct application of dynamical principles to macroscopic ele
distinction for the differential equations of continuous systems was one who did ments, which yielded equations of an effectively continuous medium, being
not use the terminology, George Stokes. Although Stokes studied with Hopkins independent of internal structure. The constants of proportionality, which
and was senior wrangler in 1841, he was not among the whig mathematicians of connected the forces acting between elements with the associated motions of the
the Journal, and Thomson seems to have come to know him only after elements (stress with strain), were in this scheme simply macroscopic measures
completing his degree in 1845.^^^ In that year Stokes published his masterpiece of elasticity, similar to Fouriers conductivity, and so they required no deriva
On the theories of the internal friction of fluids in motion, and of the equilib tion from a molecular model, but only experiments to determine their values
rium and motion of elastic solids, through which he hoped to treat the and their constancy for different materials. These constants of elasticity, further
luminiferous ether as a medium intermediate between a solid and a fluid. In the more, obtained their definition from the kinematics of the problem. A given
common Cambridge manner, he used Poisson as a foil. Where Poisson spoke of element could change independently in volume and in shape. Thus two
molecules and their interactions, Stokes spoke o f elements (also particles) and constants were required: There are two different kinds of elasticity: one, that by
the geometrical description of their motions: It will be necessary now to which a body which is uniformly compressed tends to assume its original
examine the nature of the most general instantaneous motion of an element of a volume, the other, that by which a body which is constrained in a manner
fluid. The proposition in this article is however purely geometrical, and may be independent of compression tends to assume its original form.^^*
thus enunciated: supposing space, or any portion of space, to be filled with an The utter simplicity of this statement masks its profundity. It ascribes physical
infinite number of points which move in any continuous manner, retaining their properties to matter - kinds of elasticity - on the basis of geometrical consider
identity, to examine the nature of the instantaneous motion of any elementary ations alone, insisting that there must in general be at least two such properties
portion o f these points The solution led to four motions: pure translation (and many more for inhomogeneous and anisotropic media). The contrast with
and pure rotation of the element as a whole, uniform dilation (change of the theory of Poisson and several other French mathematicians is striking. From
volume), and two motions of shifting (change of shape, or shear). an argument purporting to show that the elasticity of matter could be under
On this purely geometrical foundation Stokes constructed his dynamics for stood in terms of forces acting along the lines between point atoms, Poisson
homogeneous and isotropic fluids and solids, starting from the undoubted claimed that a fixed ratio had to exist between the constants for dilation and
result o f observation that molecular forces are sensible only at insensible shear. Stokes could only register his amazement that such notable theorists as
distances. That assumption, like Fouriers equivalent statement for the commu- Lame and Clapeyron should so implicitly trust Poissons molecular theory that
they would claim it applicable to indiarubber, for which the theory would
In his testimonial for Thomson, dated 6th July, 1846, Stokes called himself a 'personal
acquaintance. See Testimonials, PA34, ULC, p. 24. A mention o f Stokes, in relation to Thom sons
apparently yield a compressibility comparable to that of a gas. In the hands of
friend F.W.L. Fischer, appears on 12th February, 1845, in William Thomson, Notes on lectures and Thomson and Maxwell, the absurdity of ignoring the obvious geometrical
reading in Pans in 1845, NB30, ULC. generality of two constants in favour of a pure speculation on molecular
G.G. Stokes, On the theories o f the internal friction o f fluids in motion, and o f the
equilibrium and motion o f elastic solids, T r a n s . C a m . P h i l . S o c ., 8 (1849), 287-319; M a t h e m a t i c a l a n d
p h y s i c a l p a p e r s (5 vols., Cambridge, 1880-1905), 1 , pp. 75-129, on p. 80. Stokes, M a th e m a tic a l a n d p h y s ic a l p a p e r s, pp. 125-6.
202 The transformation o f classical physics

structure would serve as a convenient stick for beating (French) mathemati

cians, an activity in which they took some glee.^^^ 7
With Stokess theory we have arrived at the first fully articulated example of
what came for a time to be understood as a proper dynamical theory in Britain.
Classic examples are his Dynamical theory of diffraction (1849), Thomsons The kinematics of field theory and the
Dynamical theory of heat (1851) and Maxwells Dynamical theory of the
electromagnetic field (1867). The six chapters which follow analyze Thomsons
nature of electricity
intensive engagement with this style of theorizing and the products he generated
in electric and magnetic theory, thermodynamics, dynamics, and ether theory.
I h a v e b e e n sittin g h a lf a sle ep b e fo r e th e fire, fo r a lo n g tim e t h in k in g
Ibid., p. 121. See the final section o f Chapter 10 below for Thom sons ridicule o f Poisson. See
w h e th e r g r a v ity an d e le c tr ic a l a ttr a c tio n m ig h t n o t b e th e e ffe c t o f th e
also J.C. Maxwell, On the equilibrium o f elastic solids, Trans. Royal Soc. Edinburgh, 20 (1853),
87 120; W .D . Niven (ed.), The scientific papers o f James Clerk M axwell (2 vols., Cambridge, 1890), 1, a c tio n o f c o n t ig u o u s p a rticles, c o m m u n ic a t e d fr o m o n e su rfa ce o f
pp. 30-73, on p. 30 (for mathematicians versus experimental philosophers). [e q u ilib r iu m ] to a n o th e r . In C a v e n d is h s e x p e r im e n t, w ill th e a ttr a c tio n o f
th e b alls d e p e n d at all o n th e in te r v e n in g m e d iu m ? William Thomson,
Cambridge Diary , 1843^

In this dreamy speculation the second-year undergraduate recorded an insight

central to much of his work in the 1840s. That insight connected the geometry of
action at a distance with the physical alternative of action propagated between
contiguous particles. It suggested how Fouriers techniques might be used to
develop a mathematical alternative to Laplace and Poisson in the areas of their
greatest strength, gravitation and electrostatics. No project could have been
more appropriate within the context of Cambridge mathematics. Still, it is
doubtful that the mathematical transformation itself would have had great
impact if it had not matched in detail the Experimental researches of Michael
Faraday. Thomsons speculation probably reflects rudimentary acquaintance
with Faradays ideas, but from 1845 Thomsons analysis would proceed step for
step with Faradays investigations. The result was field theory.
This interaction of youthful mathematical theorist with venerable sage of
experiment sets the theme of the present chapter and the succeeding one. To
emphasize the distinction of geometrical description from causal explanation in
Thomsons maturing methodology, and to highlight the way in which work
(energy) first entered his considerations, we have divided the chapters as the
kinematics and the dynamics of field theory, respectively. This division also largely
follows the chronological order in which Thomson focussed his attention, first
on electricity and then on magnetism.

Electrostatics: the analogy to heat flow

In September, 1841, at the age of seventeen, and just before going up to
Cambridge, William sent to D.F. Gregory his third paper for the Mathematical

' William Thomson, 24th February, 1843, Diary kept at Cambridge, 13th February to 23rd
October, 1843, NB29, ULC.

204 The transformation o f classical physics The kinematics o f field theory 205

Journal, On the uniform motion of heat in homogeneous solid bodies, and its Thomsons early paper on heat and electricity is noteworthy because, while
connexion with the mathematical theory of electricity.^ It was the work of a Chasles methods were nearly entirely geometrical and Gausss analytical,
prodigy. He suddenly found himself in the sophisticated world of Philarete William relied on physical considerations.That is, he did not prove the results
Chasles and even C.F. Gauss, both of whom had recently published proofs of his mathematically at all, but employed the physical process of heat conduction to
results. Their papers appeared in far the best journal of the time, as he reported justify mathematical conclusions which he transferred to electricity by math
Gregorys opinion, and indeed better than any wh. has appeared yet, for pure ematical analogy. The physical reasoning made certain theorems in electricity
mathematics. The Journal de Mathematique, established by Joseph Liouville obvious, theorems which, considered analytically, were anything but palpable.
(1809-82) in 1836 but difficult to obtain in Britain, proved essential reading for He began his argument by stating for heat flow the main theorem that he wished
our aspiring professional, anxious to get the latest intelligence on various to establish for electricity:
points.^ By 1843 he had become a contributor and soon after would travel to It is o b v io u s th a t th e te m p e r a tu r e o f a n y p o in t w it h o u t [o u ts id e ] a g iv e n iso th e r m a l
Paris, still the centre of scientific activity, to study with the great men su rface, d e p e n d s m e r e ly o n th e fo r m an d te m p e r a tu r e o f th e su rface, b e in g in d e p e n d e n t
themselves. o f th e a ctu al so u rc es o f h ea t b y w h ic h th is te m p e r a tu r e is p r o d u c e d , p r o v id e d th e re are n o
Williams letters to his father in these early years display the excitement, and so u rc es w it h o u t th e su rface. T h e te m p e r a tu r e o f an e x te r n a l p o in t is c o n s e q u e n tly th e
anxiety, of high-powered competition. Upon beginning his second year at sa m e as i f all th e so u r c e s w e r e d istr ib u te d o v e r this su rface in su ch a m a n n e r as to p r o d u c e
Cambridge, after a summer spent in extending his earlier results, he wrote th e g iv e n c o n sta n t te m p er a tu re.^
home: Since I came here I have been able fortunately to see the August No. of
The theorem is important because it allows one to replace by a boundary value
Liouville, containing the second part of Gausss Memoire, and, as I feared, he
problem (which, for simple geometries, yields immediate solutions) the prob
has proved exactly the same theorems as I had done in my previous paper, and in
lem of relating the actual sources to the fluxes they produce.
nearly the same way. This does not at all interfere however with the paper I was If we ask why the theorem was obvious for heat flow, an answer follows
writing at Knock [a family vacation spot near Largs], and so, lest Gauss, or immediately from Fouriers theory (although not from Poissons). Assuming
Chasles, may be doing anything more I have sent it off to Gregory, explaining heat to be propagated by contiguous action, its motion after leaving its sources
the circumstances, and asking whether he has room for it, in the November would be independent of those sources. The continuing motion through any
N o..^ Only in 1845 would he discover that in an almost unknown work o f 1828 region would depend only on the local temperature gradient and conductivity.
George Green had proved all of the theorems, and many more, using virtually One could therefore determine the distribution of flux, in the space outside a
the same mathematical techniques as William had himself developed. certain bounded region containing the sources, as easily from knowledge of the
flux of heat through the boundary as from knowledge of the actual sources.
^ William Thomson, On the uniform motion o f heat in homogeneous solid bodies, and its Supposing conservation of heat, furthermore, it would necessarily be possible to
connexion with the mathematical theory o f electricity, C a m . M a t h . ] . , 3 (1843), 71-84; E&M, 1-14.
The best general discussion o f the significance o f Thom sons analogical method and its place in
arrange the actual sources on the surface so as to produce the given fluxes there. If
British physics is Ole Knudsen, Mathematics and physical reality in William Thom sons the bounding surface were an isothermal surface, heat would flow perpendicular
electromagnetic theory, in P.M. Harman (ed.). W r a n g l e r s a n d p h y s i c i s t s . S t u d i e s o n C a m b r i d g e p h y s i c s to it - the gradient along the surface being zero - and the flux across any
i n t h e n i n e t e e n t h c e n t u r y (Manchester, 1985), pp. 149-79, esp. pp. 150-7, for the heat analogy. For a
infinitesimal area would be equal to the source strength on that area. This
detailed examination o f the heat analogy, see J.Z. Buchwald, William Thomson and the
mathematization o f Faradays electrostatics. H i s t . S t u d . P h y s . S c i . , 8 (1977), 101-36. W e disagree, physical reasoning showed how to replace actual sources by sources on an
however, with essential aspects o f Buchwalds interpretation, c f , M .N . Wise, The flow analogy to isothermal bounding surface, which became the source for succeeding surfaces.
electricity and magnetism - Part I: William Thom sons reformulation o f action at a distance. A r c h .
H i s t . E x a c t S c i . , 25 (1981), 19-70.
The flux, therefore, could be regarded as communicated from one surface of
^ See William to Dr Thomson, 30th October, 1841, and 1st October, 1842, T181 and T220, equilibrium to another, as Thomson was soon to remark in his 1843 diary,
ULC, for Thom sons discovery o f Chasles; and Gausss priorities, respectively. For his remarks on having adopted the term surface of equilibrium from Gausss mathematical
Liouville, see William to Dr Thomson, 26th October and 1st Novem ber, 1842, T226 and T182,
theory offerees acting at a distance and having united it with Fouriers analysis
ULC. The latter, which refers also to Gauss, is misdated 1841 in the ULC catalogue.
* William to Dr Thomson, 1st October, 1842, T220, ULC. Thom sons paper was Propositions of heat flow and with Faradays conception of lines of force.^
in the theory o f attraction. C a m . M a t h . ] . , 3 (1843), 189-96, 201-6; E&M, 126-38. c f C.F. Gauss, Considering the problem from the side of electrical action at a distance -
Allgemeine Lehrsatze in Beziehung auf die im verkehrten Verhaltnis des Quadrats der Entfemung
meaning, for Thomson in 1841, Poissons theory - electrical force did not travel
wirkenden Anziehungs- und Abstossungs- Krafte, in C.F. Gauss and Wilhelm Weber (eds.),
R e s u l t a t e a u s d e n B e o h a c h t u n g e n d e s m a g n e t is c h e n V e r e i n s i m J a h r e 1 8 3 9 (Leipzig, 1840), pp. 151;
translated for Joseph Liouvilles J o u r n a l d e M a t h e m a t i q u e , 7 (1842), 273-324, and Richard Taylors Uniform m otion, E&M, 2: Propositions, E&M, 132; William to Dr Thomson, 24th April,
S c i e n t i f i c M e m o i r s , 3 (1843), 153-96 (hereafter General propositions). 1843, T238, ULC. * Uniform m otion, E&M, 2. ^ Propositions, E&M, 126.
206 The transformation o f classical physics The kinematics o f field theory 207

to its point of action along a route depending on local conditions. One could not analogy, which would be of no utility for the solution of the problem that
argue on physical grounds, therefore, that the original sources could be replaced occupies us, and which might lead into error on the nature of magnetism.
by the forces over a surface enclosing them. But, regarded mathematically, heat Neither Laplace nor Poisson, it seems, saw any use in applying the ideas of flow
and electricity behaved quite similarly. For Poissons electrical forces, like phenomena to solve problems in attractions. Committed to microscopic
Laplaces gravitational ones, could be derived from an unnamed function V, the description, action at a distance, and rigorous mathematical analysis as requisites
sum of the molecules . . . divided by their respective distances to the point of proper physical theory, they could not have approved, much less pursued,
attracted: young Thomsons analogical reasoning, which carried Fouriers failings to a
K=nfWr)dT, (1) higher order.
where p is the density of attracting matter (electrical or gravitational) in the Situated in a very different context, where macroscopic description, geo
volume element dr, and r its distance from the point attracted.* The force at the metric relations, and simplicity held priority, the precocious youth saw possi
point was then, bilities where the mathematical giants had failed to look. While they had
= gradient V, (2) regarded their function K as a tool of analysis without physical significance,
while V obeyed the equation, Thomson began in his 1841 paper to view it through Fouriers spectacles as a
divergence (gradient K) = Arrp. (3) physical state like temperature, whereby its gradient not only yielded force but
Similarly, with F and V symbolizing flux of heat and temperature Fouriers was force. An electrified body would tend to move along a potential gradient
equations were: just as heat ffowed along a temperature gradient, from one isothermal surface
K gradient V, (4) (surface of equilibrium) to another.
and In order to establish that analogy Thomson had to add a factor absent from the
divergence (gradient K) = (CD/K)5K/dt. (5) works of Laplace, Poisson, and even Fourier. Nowhere had they developed for
Thus, outside electrified matter (p = 0), Poissons theory looks the same as flow systems a relation like equation (1). Sources of heat, for example, did not
Fouriers would for steady-state heat flow (dVldt) = 0), except for the conduc contribute their independent actions to the temperature at a distant point in the
tivity K in equation (4). For an infinite homogeneous medium, K could be set way molecules of attracting matter contributed to the function V. Fourier
arbitrarily equal to unity, yielding full mathematical equivalence between the actually eliminated radiating sources in order to obtain his macroscopic picture
two systems. of flux emanating from heat reservoirs across isothermal boundaries. Thomson
This identity justified Thomsons analogy between electrostatic action and restored them to show that every isothermal surface could be regarded as a
heat conduction. Recognition of the analogy, however, was neither new nor surface covered with sources. Perhaps because the step was so simple, commen
necessarily significant. In a section of the Mkanique celeste, which may well have tators have not remarked that his entire analogy depended on it, and that it was
provided Thomsons inspiration, Laplace had noted the same equivalence and completely new. It required noticing only that a point source in an infinite
had observed that his methods for gravitating spheroids could be applied to heat homogeneous medium must produce a flux which decreases as the inverse
conduction.^ Poisson too had recognized an analogy between the equation he square of the distance, and therefore, from equation (4), a temperature which
derived for magnetization in homogeneous materials and the continuity equa decreases as 1/r.^ ^ Assuming linear superposition, the temperature produced by
tion for fluid flow, but declined to pursue it: we will not stop to develop this a distribution o f sources of intensity, or density, p, was, just as for attracting
* P.S. deLaplace, T r a i t e d e m k a n i q u e c e le s te (5 vols., Paris, 1799-1825), 1 , book 2, chap. 1; 2 , book
3 (de la figure des corps celestes). Thomson had read the latter, at least, in preparation during 1839
for his essay On the figure o f the earth, which won a Glasgow University Medal. See SPT, 1 , 9-10, With that result established Thomson could move back and forth at will
15. His knowledge o f Poissons theory probably began in his chemistry class in 1838-9 with Thomas
Thomson, who gave a qualitative discussion in his published lectures, A n o u t l i n e o f t h e s c ie n c e s o f h e a t
between electrical and heat flow arguments. Most important to the main
a n d e l e c t r i c it y (London and Edinburgh, 1830), chap. VI. He apparently did notjead Poissons papers theorem on replacement surfaces was his analogy between an isothermal surface,
until his visit to Paris in 1845, but probably read one o f the derivatives: William W hewell, Theory maintained by surface sources alone, and the surface of an electrified conductor
o f electricity, E n c . M e t . , 4 (London, 1830), pp. 140-70; or Robert Murphy, E l e m e n t a r y p r i n c i p l e s o f
t h e t h e o r i e s o f e l e c t r i c i t y , h e a t , a n d m o l e c u la r a c tio n s : P a r t I , O n e le c t r i c it y (Cambridge, 1833) (other parts S.D. Poisson, Memoire sur la theorie du magnetisme and Second memoire sur la theorie du
never published). Poissons original papers are: Memoire sur la distribution de Ielectricite a la magnetisme, M e m o i r e A c a d . S c i . , 5 (1821-2), 247-338 and 488533, on p. 302.
surface des corps conducteurs and Second memoire sur la distribution de Ielectricite a la surface des ' Poisson had in fact begun his analysis from the inverse square nature o f radiation in the void
corps conducteurs, M e m o i r e d e I I n s t i t u t (1811), 1-92; 163-274. and had pointed out that the flux in a medium, when integrated over a closed surface, would have to
Laplace, M k a n i q u e c e le s te , vol. 5 , pp. 72-85, discusses the earths cooling. Laplace has added this equal the heat lost inside, but without obtaining equation (1). See Propositions, E&M, 135, for
section to a discussion o f the figure o f the earth. Thom sons reference to Poissons T h e o r i e m a t h e m a t i q u e d e la c h a le u r (Paris, 1835), p. 177.
208 The transformation o f classical physics The kinematics o f field theory 209

at equilibrium. From conservation of flux he showed that the temperature

everywhere inside the isothermal surface had to be constant and equal to the
surface temperature; the internal flux therefore vanished. Substituting force for
flux yielded the empirically observed condition of zero electrical force inside
conductors. For heat, the result followed simply from the fact that the surface
was isothermal, or equivalently, that the flux was perpendicular to the surface.
Hence, Thomson argued by analogy, the sole condition of equilibrium of
electricity, distributed over the surface of a body, is, that it must be so distributed
that the attraction on a point at the surface, oppositely electrified, may be
perpendicular to the surface. A n electrified conducting surface behaved
exactly like the isothermal surface maintained by surface sources. In general, any
closed surface of constant V, with its actual internal sources of electricity
imagined spread over it in equilibrium, would produce exactly the same
external forces as the actual sources and could be taken to replace them. From the
perpendicularity condition, Thomson showed that the surface sources would
have an intensity given by the force (or flux) F perpendicular to the surface, or
the gradient of V in the direction of the normal n,
4t7p = F= -d V Id n .
This result completed the replacement surface theorem. The reasoning pro
vided a clear and simple image of electrical force as something conducted, like
heat, from one surface of equilibrium to another (figure 7.1): Figure 7.1. Lines o f force (flux), originating in sources, flow always perpendicular to
equipotential (isothermal) surfaces. Their termination is unspecified.
S in c e at a n y o f th e iso th e r m a l su rfa ces, F is a c o n sta n t, it f o llo w s that d Vjdn, w h e r e n is
th e le n g th o f a c u r v e w h ic h cu ts all th e su rfa ces p e r p e n d ic u la r ly , m e a su r e d fr o m a f ix e d
p o in t to th e p o in t a ttr a c te d , is th e to ta l a ttr a c tio n o n th e latter p o in t; an d th a t th is a state of electrification as measured by the concentration of force (flux)
a ttr a c tio n is in a ta n g e n t to th e c u r v e , o r in a n o r m a l to th e iso th e r m a l su rfa ce p a ssin g produced. He used electrical intensity interchangeably with density of electri
th r o u g h th e p o in t. F o r th e sa m e r ea so n a lso , i f p r e p resen t a flu x o f h e a t, a n d n o t an cal matter, but meant by the latter only source strength, and not necessarily the
e le c tr ic a l in te n s ity , d V j d n w ill b e th e to ta l flu x o f h eat at t h e v a r ia b le e x t r e m ity o f n, density of an electrical fluid, although electrical matter behaved in many ways as
and th e d ir e c tio n o f th is flu x w ill b e a lo n g m, o r p e r p e n d ic u la r to th e is o th e r m a l su rfa ce. though it were a fluid. In this way he avoided any hypothesis on the nature of
(For later reference, we note that Thomsons lines of flux originate in sources p electricity, such as Poissons assumption of positive and negative electrical fluids.
but their conception does not require that they terminate in negative sources, He also avoided the difficulty Poisson had encountered with the condition of
-/>) equilibrium of a finitely thick electrical layer at the surface o f a conductor. Such
This geometrical picture of a family of equilibrium surfaces and perpendicu a layer could not correspond rigorously to an equipotential surface, and perpen
lar force lines, representing the entire space of action of an electrostatic system, is dicularity of force could not supply its sole condition of equilibrium.
symbolized in the term potential for Thomsons function V. Within a year he Thomsons electrical analysis thus differed from Poissons in the same way that
had adopted Gausss use of the term in this sense, and in 1845 he discovered Fouriers treatment of thermal boundaries, as geometrical surfaces across which
Greens identical usage. Potential signifies not merely an analytical function temperature changed discontinuously, differed from Poissons modelling of
but a new way of thinking about force distributions in terms of potential physical layers in which temperature changed continuously. The difference, to
gradients and equipotential surfaces. Thomson, defined proper mathematical theory. In Chapter 9 we shall find that
For understanding Thomsons conception of this physical mathematics the
Jed Buchwald has emphasized this important aspect o f Poissons surface conditions, although
term electrical intensity is important. It appears variously as source strength,
with a view o f Thom sons response different from ours, in Buchwald, William Thom son, pp. 107-
flux across a surface, and the origin of a line of flux. It referred in general, then, to 19. See also D.H . Arnold, The mecanique physique o f Simeon Denis Poisson; The evolution and
isolation in France o f his approach to physical theory (1800-1840). VIII. Applications o f the
Uniform m otion, E&M, 4. Ibid., 4-5. mecanique physique. Arch. Hist. Exact Sci., 29 (1983), 53-72, esp. pp. 59-64; and Chapter 6 above.
210 The transformation o f classical physics The kinematics o f field theory 211

the idea of heat as a state of a body, similar to electricity as a state of intensity, was ing the replacement surface theorem: This [theorem], being a physical axiom
crucial to his early conception of thermodynamics as well. [for heat], enables us physically to prove the theorem, with ref^^ to attr, as a
Reference to Fourier, however, does not provide sufficient motivation for purely analytical theorem. This was what first occurred to me in the winter of
treating sources as states of intensity. More appropriate is young Williams 1840-41.^^ Thomson apparently regarded his physical method of proof as a
Scottish context of natural philosophy (ch. 4), which discouraged appeal to natural extension of the methods employed in projective geometry. This
imponderable fluids of all kinds. His notes from Meiklehams lectures assert that, interpretation correlates closely with Richardss analysis of the place of projec
Light heat electricity magnetism, &c are termed imponderable. This is incor tive geometry among Thomsons friends on the Cambridge MathematicalJournal,
rect, as we know them, not as substances, but as states of bodies. For the cause of who stressed the generation of geometrical forms by ideal motions, motions
such states Meikleham chose the neutral term agent: e.g., [Electricity isj represented by operations of differentiation. Indeed, it should now be clear in
Another agent that seems now of universal agency. Again, by electricity or addition that Thomsons method o f mathematical analogy for transferring
galvanism all substances may be put into such a state as to be affected by the results from one area of physics to another functioned in much the same way as
magnet. And hence mag. & elect, are modifications of the same [substance, del] Gregorys operational calculus did for transferring results between different
agent. Meiklehams remarks should be juxtaposed with those of Nichol, from areas of mathematics. One had only to know that two physical processes
the same notebook, on the priority of geometry: the quality of form is the generated results according to the same laws of mathematical operation, i.e.
simplest of all the qualities of matter, and hence geometry, which treats of it, generated the same geometrical relations, to know that the same theorems held
stands at the head of Natural Philosophy.T o g e t h e r , the two statements for those processes. This insight is the core of what the Cambridge circle called
suggest why macroscopic states and geometrical relations figure so prominently kinematics - or, to preserve its French heritage, cinematics - the geometry of
in Thomsons physical mathematics. They were essential components of the motion. The point is underscored by the fact that Thomsons analogy
tradition ofnatural philosophy at Glasgow, with its emphasis on non-hypotheti- appeared as one of the questions on the Smiths Prize Examination in 1845 (with
cal theory. Thomson himself competing):
This observation leads us to characterize Thomsons developing method of T h e e q u ilib r iu m o f te m p e r a tu r e , th e a ttr a c tio n o f b o d ie s , a n d u n d e r a certa in h y p o th e s is
mathematical analogy more carefully, especially since his first analogy exhibits th e motion o f a flu id , are all r e p r e se n te d h y a d iffe r e n tia l e q u a tio n o f th e sa m e fo r m
features that endured throughout his life. Here he transferred an obvious [d iv e r g e n c e V = 0 ] , o f w h ic h an in te g r a l is V=Y^{clr) . . . W h a t p h y sic a l p r o p e r tie s arc
theorem from heat conduction to electrostatics by demonstrating mathematical e m b o d ie d in th is in te g r a l in ea ch case?**
equivalence between action at a distance and contiguous action under certain
In correspondence with his conception of the relation between physics and
general conditions. The technique therefore implied that the truth of the
mathematics Thomson required that mathematical theory express only observ
theorem for electrostatics depended only on the/orm o f the mathematical theory
able relations between observable physical properties of bodies. The entire
and not on its physical interpretation. Given the basic equations relating p and V
theory should operate at a non-hypothetical, macroscopic level, providing the
the same theorems would be true whether V were temperature or a physically
mathematical structure, or better, the geometrical structure of true physical laws.
uninterpreted function, for the operation djdn on V generated a line passing
Many passages in his writings illustrate this demand, but none more clearly than
from one surface o f constant V to another whether that operation represented
the following, from his 1845 extension of the heat flow analogy, to be discussed
conduction or not. The mathematical theory was true, therefore, not by virtue
of expressing the correct physical model, but by virtue of generating the correct
geometry. That much seems relatively unproblematic; but generating and N o w th e la w s o f m o t io n fo r h eat w h ic h F o u r ie r la y s d o w n in h is Theorie analytique de la

correct geometry require comment. chaleur, are o f th a t s im p le e le m e n ta r y k in d w h ic h c o n s titu te a m a th e m a tic a l th e o r y

p r o p e r ly so called ; an d th e r e fo r e , w h e n w e fin d c o r r e s p o n d in g la w s t o b e tr u e fo r th e
Thomson always understood mathematical operations as more or less per
p h e n o m e n a p r e se n te d b y e le c tr ifie d b o d ie s , w e m a y m a k e th e m th e fo u n d a tio n o f th e
spicuous generalizations of physical processes. The operation djdn generated F
m a th e m a tic a l t h e o r y o f e le c tr ic ity : a n d th is m a y b e d o n e i f w e c o n sid e r th e m m e r e ly as
in the same way as temperature gradient generated flux. For that reason physical
processes could be taken to generate theorems - meaning literally to prove them William Thomson, 14th August, 1844, Journal and research notebook, 1843-1845, NB33,
- with as much validity as mathematical analysis itself. In a notebook entry of ULC, p. 51.
1844 Thomson recalled that this insight had been his starting point for establish- *^ J.L. Richards, Projective geometry and mathematical progress in mid-Victorian Britain,
S t u d . H i s t . P h i l . S c i . , 17 (1986), 297-325; L.J. Daston, The physicalist tradition in early nineteenth

William Thomson, Notebook o f Natural Philosophy class, 1839-40, NB9, ULC. On the century French geom etry. S t u d . H i s t . P h i l . S c i . , 17 (1986), 269-95; and Chapter 6 above.
Scottish methodological context see especially G.N. Cantor, Henry Brougham and the Scottish ** Smiths Prize Examination, 23rd January, 1845, question 20, U n i v e r s i t y o f C a m b r id j^ e
methodological tradition. S t u d . H i s t . P h i l . S c i . , 2 (1971), 69-89. e x a m i n a t i o n p a p e r s , 1 8 4 5 (Cambridge, 1845). Our emphasis.
212 The transformation o f classical physics The kinematics o f f eld theory 213

a ctu a l tru th s, w it h o u t a d o p tin g a n y p h y sic a l h y p o th e s is , a lt h o u g h th e id ea th e y n a tu r a lly Faradays, replaced the ailing Meikleham in the junior course of natural philos
s u g g e s t is th a t o f th e p r o p a g a tio n o f s o m e e ffe c t b y m e a n s o f th e m u tu a l a c tio n o f
ophy at Glasgow. He reported in his testimonial for Williams application for
c o n t ig u o u s p a rticles; ju s t as C o u lo m b , a lth o u g h h is la w s n a tu r a lly s u g g e s t th e id e a o f
the chair that he would never have survived the first session if young Thomson
m a te r ia l p a rticles a ttr a c tin g o r r e p e llin g o n e a n o th e r at a d ista n c e , m o s t c a r e fu lly a v o id s
had not assisted him. No doubt, then, William learned something of Faradays
m a k in g th is a physical hypothesis, an d c o n fin e s h im s e lf t o th e c o n sid e r a tio n o f th e
ideas already in 1840-1, when he was formulating his heat analogy. He reported
m e c h a n ic a l effe cts w h ic h h e o b se r v e s an d th e ir n e c e ssa r y c o n s e q u e n c e s .*
to S.P. Thompson that he had been innoculated with Faraday fire by David
Thomsons limitation of mathematical theory to macroscopic geometrical Thomson; but the fire can have ignited only somewhat later, for his letters and
structure involved a second restriction, implicit but nonetheless severe, without diary show no mention of Faraday before 1843, and then show only
which he would not accept the geometry as correct. We have seen that, while he condescension.
described his analogy as one between flux and force, mathematically it corre The epigraph of this chapter is Thomsons first mention of an action of
lated temperature gradient with potential gradient. The difference vanishes for contiguous particles and of a possible dependence of the communication of
conduction in an infinite homogeneous medium, for which he set K = 1 in force on the intervening medium. Looking for just such an effect, Faraday had
equation (4), because then flux equals temperature gradient just as force equals in 1837 discovered specific inductive capacity. But Thomson ridiculed Far
potential gradient. But if there were any inhomogeneities in the system, or adays notions. On 16th March, 1843, he visited Gregory, noting in his diary: I
interfaces between media of different conductivity, then the physical difference asked him about where I could see anything on ElecV, and we had then a long
between flux and temperature gradient would show up mathematically. While conversation, in wh. Faraday & Daniell got (abused) [abused to the power].
heat, treated as a conserved quantity, flows continuously across such interfaces, The following day he recorded: I have been reading Daniells book & the
preserving the normal component flux, the temperature gradient normal to the account he gives of Faradays researches. I have been very much disgusted with
surface changes discontinuously. Thus, two entities, with very different math his [Faradays] way of speaking of the phenomena, for his theory can be called
ematical properties, necessarily appear in the physical description of conduction, nothing else.^*
while only one, force = potential gradient, appears in electrical action at a It is certainly true, now as then, that to appreciate Faraday one must first enter
distance. Although of no importance in the 1841 analogy, we shall see that all of into his private language. But, more than that, Faraday regarded his demonstra
Thomsons later analogies depend on mathematical identity in the subjects tions of the curvature of lines o f electrical action as a telling objection to action at
related. He regularly restricted one side of an analogy physically so as to produce a distance, which he supposed required action in straight lines. Thomson
mathematical identity, but never appealed to analogy to enlarge the physical recognized that claim for what it was: total ignorance o f the mathematical
scope of a theory. That is, he never employed mathematical analogy to justify theory, in which superposition of actions in straight lines leads to a resultant that
introducing new physical terms. James Clerk Maxwell, by contrast, would changes direction from point to point. Having just spent two years laying an
develop speculative analogies with great effect, thereby expanding Thomsons analytic foundation for the insights of his heat analogy, the proud mathemati
limited analogies into his own quite different field theory. Thomsons stricture cian looked with disgust on Faradays incomprehension.
indicates once again the intensity of his commitment to (what he regarded as) Thomsons analysis, entitled Propositions in the theory of attractions,
non-hypothetical theory. Recognizing that analogy alone could lead to established a number of theorems basic to potential theory, among them several
uninterpretable phantasies, he required full empirical reference on both sides of theorems of Gauss and what is called Greens th e o r e m .S o original was this
an analogy. Without it, the analogy could not support a mathematical theory work that he contemplated an entire treatise on electricity based on potential
properly so called. We shall return below to a deeper analysis of this theory. In September, 1844, he united that plan with his ambitious project for
commitment. expanding and professionalizing the Cambridge MathematicalJournal, (ch. 6). The
treatise would be a series of articles for the new journal to be written as soon as he
completed his degree. For the moment he wrote out in a disjointed manner the
Mathematical theorist meets experimental theorist: Thomson and Faraday
basic ideas for a theory that would depend on no particular conception of the
Exactly when Thomson learned of Faradays idea of electrostatic induction in
curved lines is uncertain. From 1840 to 1845, David Thomson, a cousin of
Printed copy o f William Thom sons testimonials for the Glasgow chair o f natural philosophy,
William Thomson, On the mathematical theory o f electricity in equilibrium: I. On the PA34, ULC, p. 26. SPT, 1. 179.
elementary laws o f statical electricity. Cam. and Dublin M ath.J., 1 (1846), 75-95; E&M, 15^37, on William Thomson, 16th-17th March, 1843, Diary, NB29, ULC.
p. 29. Propositions, E&M, 12f>-38.
214 The transformation o f classical physics The kinematics o f field theory 215

nature of electricity but only on the fact of electrical intensity and the results of This uncomfortable situation did not long continue. The Tripos examination
observation concerning it.^^ injanuary, 1845, opened a new door. One of Goodwins problems, the second
The object of the series On the mathematical theory of statical electricity wrangler wrote in his notebook even before learning the results, suggested
would be: to determine the manner in which electrical intensity is distributed some consideration about the equilibrium of particles acted on by forces varying
over a conducting body bounded by a surface o f any form ... and acted upon by inversely as the square o f the distance. H e quickly drafted a paper showing
any quantity of electricity, distributed according to a given law, on that, if a mechanical theorywere adopted, in which electricity actually consisted
nonconducting matter. The only results of observation which are required for of such particles, then all of the electricity on a conductor would have to be in
the elements of the mathematical theory are the following. He outlined four sets contact with the surface and perpendicularity of force at the surface would supply
of facts: the sole condition of equilibrium. His proof rested on Earnshaws theorem of
1839, which states that a material point cannot remain in equilibrium under
(I) 'Absolute charge of electricity. The whole quantity of electricity in con
nection with an isolated conducting body remains unchanged by any inverse square forces alone. He concluded:
external action . . . S in c e e v e r y p a r tic le is o n th e su rfa ce, th e w h o l e medium ( i f it can b e p r o p e r ly so c a lle d ),
(II) 'Law of electrical force. Between any two small charged bodies the w i l l b e an in d e fin it e ly th in str a tu m , th e th ic k n e s s b e in g in fa ct th e u ltim a te b r e a d th o f an

force varies as the inverse square of the distance between them. a t o m o r m a te r ia l p o in t. I f w e s u p p o s e th e se a to m s to b e m e r e ly c e n tr e s o f fo r c e , th e

(III) 'Distribution of electrical intensity. The distribution of electrical intensity th ic k n e s s w ill th e r e fo r e b e a b s o lu te ly n o t h in g , a n d th u s th e flu id w ill b e a b s o lu te ly
c o m p r e s s ib le an d in e la stic . A n y th ic k n e s s w h ic h th e stra tu m can h a v e m u s t d e p e n d o n a
(1) inside a conductor at points situated at any finite distance, how
f o r c e o f e la s tic ity , o r o n a f o r c e g e n e r a te d h y th e c o n ta c t o f m a te r ia l p o in ts , an d in e ith e r
ever small from the surface, is always zero and (2) on any finite area
case w ill th e r e fo r e re q u ir e an u ltim a te la w o f r e p u lsio n m o r e in te n s e th a n th a t o f th e
of its surface, however small cannot be zero for every point o f the
in v e r s e sq u a re . . . A s , h o w e v e r , a ll e x p e r im e n ts y e t m a d e se r v e t o c o n fir m . . . th a t th e
area if it is non-zero for any point of the surface. str a tu m has a b s o lu te ly n o th ic k n e s s, w e c o n c lu d e th a t th e r e is n o e la s tic ity in th e a ssu m e d
(IV) 'Direction of electrical action at the surface of conductors. The force upon e le c tr ic flu id , a n d th u s th e la w o f fo r c e , d e d u c e d in d e p e n d e n tly b y d ir e c t e x p e r im e n ts , is
any electrical element, at the surface of a conductor . . . is in a direc c o n fir m e d .^ ^
tion perpendicular to the surface.
Since the inverse square law now implied the perpendicularity condition,
T h e s e facts [p r in c ip le s, d e l] , w h ic h are w e ll s u p p o r te d b y a ll strict e x p e r im e n ts w h ic h Thomson eliminated that assumption from his list o ffundamental facts in later
h a v e y e t b e e n m a d e , are in p e r fe c t a c c o r d a n c e w it h all th e p h e n o m e n a o b s e r v e d in
works. He had reduced Poissons electrical fluids to the condition of conserva
o p e r a tin g u p o n sta tica l e le c tr ic ity , a n d h a v e b e c o m e part o f o u r fu n d a m e n ta l n o tio n s o f
tion of net charge (point (I), above). When in 1848 he finally wrote the
th e su b ject, so th a t, w h a t e v e r h y p o th e s is m a y b e m a d e r e la tiv e to th e a b so lu te n a tu re o f
introductory instalment of his projected treatise he remarked: In this, and in all
e le c tr ic ity , th e y m u s t b e c o n sid e r e d as th e facts to b e a c c o u n te d for.^^
the papers which will follow, instead of the expression the thickness o f the
Unfortunately, point (IV), the perpendicularity condition, had not quite the stratum. Coulombs far more philosophical term. Electrical Density, will be
status of the others. While they could be regarded as established directly and employed . . . without involving even the idea of a hypothesis regarding the
rigorously by experiment, this fact was not capable of direct verification. Its nature of electricity.^*
truth as an assumption must therefore depend on the complete agreement of the By that time the original plan for the treatise had evaporated, for on 27th
results deduced from it, along with the other three, by [mathematical reasoning, January, 1845, eleven days after clarifying its principles and on the very day he
del.] mechanical principles, with the phenomena. B o t h Thomsons heat flow was to leave for his debut in Paris, Hopkins had presented him with two copies of
analogy and his analytic proofs assumed a strictly superficial distribution of
William Thomson, 11th January, 1845, NB33, ULC, p. 110. Harvey G oodwin, Fellow o f
electrical intensity, having no thickness, in order to obtain perpendicularity as Caius College, was Junior Moderator for the exam. His question stated: Eight centers o f force,
the sole condition of equilibrium . If the finite distance, however small of (III) resident in the corners o f a cube, attract, according to the same laws and with the same absolute
(1) did not actually reduce to an infinitesimal distance, then neither the analogy intensity, a particle placed very near the center o f the cube: shew that their resultant action passes
through the center o f the cube, unless the law o f force be that o f the inverse square o f the distance.
nor the analysis was rigorous. Thus he had to rest his ostensibly non-hypotheti- See University o f Cambridge examination papers, 1845 (Cambridge, 1845).
cal theory on the consistency of experiment with deduced results, i.e. on a William Thomson, draft o f Demonstration o f a fundamental proposition in the mechanical
hypothetico-deductive justification. theory o f electricity, 11th January, 1845, N B33, ULC, pp, 110-15; extended in Cam. M ath.J., 4
(1845), 223-6; E&M, 100-3, on pp. 102-3.
William Thomson, On the mathematical theory o f electricity in equilibrium: II. A statement
William Thomson, 10th September, 1844, NB33, ULC, p. 67. o f the principles on which the mathematical theory o f electricity is founded. Cam. and Dublin Math.
Ibid., pp. 69-77. 25 p 75 J., 7 (1848), 131-40; E&M, 42-51, on p. 48.
216 The transformation o f classical physics The kinematics o f field theory 217

Greens Essay. I have just met with Greens memoir, Thomson added to his thinly disguised contempt. The deletion from the following passage of the draft
sketch, which renders a separate treatise on electricity less necessary. After brief is typical. On an attentive consideration of their investigations however [it must
study the full extent of the damage became apparent: I see that Green has given be obvious to every person conversant with the, del] it seems that all the
all the general theorems in attraction (perhaps there is one excep'') and that I experiments that they have made, relatively to the distribution of electricity on
have, most unwittingly, trodden almost exactly in his steps as far as regards conductors, are results of the laws o f Coulomb, and instead of objections are
electricity. He has not touched upon heat.^^ Shortly, however, the situation verifications of his theory. S n o w Harris, the draft suggests, was not only
would change again as Thomson began to grapple with the authentic Faraday, incapable of comprehending mathematics, but incompetent to employ a proof
with the result that his own analysis deepened considerably and his speculations plane correctly let alone to carry out a precise experiment on the forces between
on contiguous action threatened to swamp his antihypothetical methodology. two electrified spheres that would offer a quantitative comparison with theory.
Upon arriving in Paris he presented himself to Liouville. They struck an That sarcastic tone continued with respect to Faradays theory, labelled earlier
immediate friendship and met often thereafter, sometimes spending the time nothing but a way of speaking. Faraday commences his investigation with
working through mathematical papers. Thomson had brought with him papers experiments on electrical induction in curved lines [according to his own mode of
from Arthur Cayley and Augustus de Morgan, among others, as well as copies expression which according to the views of Mr Harris cannot exist, del.]. This
of the Mathematicalfournal, partly by way of introduction and partly to promote expression he uses to describe the electrical action which exists at any point
his project for British mathematics. He also gave to Liouville a copy of Greens exterior to a charged body, or group o f charged bodies. Immediately Thomson
Essay, which creates a great sensation here, Chasles and Sturm find their own translated the expression into his own vocabulary: a line o f inductive action or
results and demonstrations in it.^ The mathematical theory of electricity held a more generally a line of electrical force with reference to any electrified body,
prominent place in their discussions. But news of Faraday had also reached Paris: may be defined to be a line such that the resultant force upon any point in it, is in
Arago, it seems, has recently heard of Faradays objections, and the uncertainty the direction o f the tangent, or, which amounts to the same, as an orthogonal
thus thrown on the theory prevented, as Liouville told me, its being made the trajectory of the surfaces of equilibrium relative to the system. T h i s transla
subject for the mathematical prize of the Institute this year . . . However, as tion of Faradays way o f speaking into the geometrical picture of equipotential
Poisson before he died wished Liouville to do anything he could for it, I think it surfaces and perpendicular lines of force, as presented in the heat analogy,
will very likely be proposed again. This exchange supplied the motivation for constituted an initial reconciliation of Faraday with mathematics.
Thomsons reconsideration of Faraday: I told Liouville what I had always But the details of the reconciliation show that the confident Cambridge
thought on the subject of those objections (i.e. that they are simple verifications), wrangler had not yet grasped essential features of Faradays view. Describing the
and . . . he asked me to write a paper on it.^^ closed surfaces o f equilibrium surrounding a charged conductor, surfaces which
The well-known result, On the elementary laws of statical electricity, went would become spherical at infinity, he emphasized: "Thus, if we commence with
through four versions: a draft, a paper in French for Liouville, an abstract for the any point of the conducting surface, we may draw a line of electrical action, commencing at
British Association, and a much-extended English v e r s io n .I n each revision right angles to the surface, never meeting it again, and becoming ultimately a radius of the
Thomsons respect for Faraday increased, especially after meeting the famous system of spheres'.^^ Faraday would immediately have pointed out that lines of
experimenter at the British Association in June and beginning a continuing inductive action never trail off into space as though emanating from an isolated
correspondence. His initial attitude towards all qualitative investigators like source of electricity (cf figure 7.1). Such ideas might be satisfactory in an
Faraday, but especially another British experimentalist named William Snow idealized mathematical theory, but physically no positive electricity ever ap
Harris (1791-1867), whose significance we shall discuss in the next chapter, was pears without equal negative electricity. Thomson would have answered that
the negative electricity could be regarded as at infinity, but the answer is
William Thomson, 27th January and 4th February, 1845, NB33, ULC, pp. 68, 117. George irrevelant; he had missed the experimentalists point that, since neither electric
Green, A n e s s a y o n t h e a p p l i c a t i o n o f m a t h e m a t i c a l a n a l y s i s to t h e t h e o r i e s o f e l e c t r i c it y a n d m a g n e t i s m
(Nottingham, 1828); in N.M . Ferrers (ed.), M a t h e m a t i c a l p a p e r s o f t h e la te G e o r g e G r e e n (London, ity could be produced alone, both should be explicitly present in every theoreti
1871), pp. 1"115. William Thomson, 27th January, 1845, NB33, ULC, p. 68. cal description. That position was characteristic of Faradays view that the two
5 William to Dr Thomson, 30th March, 1845, T303, ULC. See also William Thomson, 27th electricities were nothing more than terminations of lines of inductive action,
March, 1845, NB33, ULC, p. 156.
William Thomson, On the [fundamental, de/.] laws o f the theory o f statical electricity (draft), the manifestation of tension in the intervening space.
NB32, ULC (the date 12th April, 1845 appears on p. 11); Note: sur les lois elementaires de In other cases, more nearly like Faradays, involving equipotential surfaces
Ielectricite statique,J. d e M a t h . , 10 (1845), 209-21; On the elementary laws o f statical electricity
(abstract, read 23rd June, 1845), B A A S R e p o r t , 15 (1845), 11-12; On the elementary laws (dated
William Thomson, NB32, ULC, p. 2. I h i d ., pp. 18-19. I b id ., p. 20.
22nd November, 1845), E&M, 1.5-37.
218 The transformation o f classical physics The kinematics o f field theory 219

between two conductors with opposite charges, Thomson allowed for inequal
ity o f the charges and thus once again for lines of electrical action with infinite
branches. These conceptual errors, on Faradays theory (and an outright
mistake or two on any theory), allowed him to assert that the complete theory
of induction in curved lines . . . is a fundamental part of the mathematical
theory. He had as yet failed to appreciate that Faraday offered, not a verification
of, but a comprehensive alternative to, the mathematics of action at a distance.
By the end of the draft, however, he had surely begun to recognize the
importance of the two electricities always appearing together, for he quoted
from Faradays Experimental researches (para. 1173): The conclusion I have
come to is that non-conducting [bodies], as well as conductors, have never yet
had an absolute & independent [charge]. .. comm[unicate]'^ to them and that to
all app[earance]s such a state of matter is imposs.
Subsequent versions of the paper contain no isolated charged bodies with lines
of force vanishing at infinity. Lines typically begin on a charged conductor
A and end on a grounded one B. In a somewhat disingenuous manner Thomson
acted as though the entire idea had existed in his original heat analogy. Still, Figure 1.2. After assimilating Faradays ideas, Thomson conceived lines o f force
(flux) as lines o f projection between a given quantity o f positive electricity and an
Faraday had acquired new status: All the views which Faraday has brought
equal quantity o f negative electricity.
forward, and illustrated or demonstrated by experiment, lead to this [analogical]
method of establishing the mathematical theory, and, as far as the analysis is
concerned, it would, in most general propositions, be even more simple, if Inductive capacity and the quantityintensity distinction
possible, than that of Coulomb . . . It is thus that Faraday arrives at a knowledge So far we have discussed only what might be called Faradays ideological
of some of the most important o f the general theorems, which, from their objection to the doctrine o f action at a distance. But his alternative doctrine of
nature, seemed destined never to be perceived except as mathematical truths. contiguous action had led him to search for an effect o f the medium through
By reading into the idea of lines of conserved flux an explicit concern with which propagation occurred. He discovered what the mathematical theory had
terminations at both ends, Thomson had assimilated Faradays thoughts to his never contemplated, a specific inductive capacity in solid non-conductors, or
own. He continued (see figure 7.2): dielectrics. His confidence in contiguous action, evident in the last quotation,
T h u s, in his [F a r a d a y s] th e o r y , th e f o llo w in g p r o p o s itio n is an e le m e n ta r y p rin cip le: L et depended largely on that experimental measurement. Thomson originally
a n y p o r tio n a o f th e su rfa ce o f A b e p r o je c te d o n B, b y m e a n s o f lin es ( w h ic h w ill b e in understood the measurement as imperfectly as he had Faradays lines of induc
g e n e r a l c u r v e d ) p o sse ssin g th e p r o p e r ty th a t th e resu lta n t e le c tr ic a l fo r c e at a n y p o in t o f tion, and for much the same reason. He stated the result in his draft as follows:
e a ch o f th e m is in th e d ir e c tio n o f th e ta n g e n t: th e q u a n tity o f e le c tr ic ity p r o d u c e d b y
I f a n y in su la to r su c h as glass, su lp h e r o r lac b e in te r p o se d b e t w e e n a c h a r g e d b o d y , an d an
in d u c tio n o n th is p r o je c tio n is e q u a l to th e q u a n tity o f th e o p p o s it e k in d o f e le c tr ic ity o n
u n in s u la te d [g r o u n d e d ] b o d y , th e quantity o f electricity c a lle d o u t b y in flu e n c e , o n th e
a. T h e lin es th u s d e fin e d are w h a t F arad ay calls th e c u r v e d lin e s o f in d u c tiv e a c t io n .
latter is g re a te r th a n i f air o r a n y gas b e th e o n ly in te r v e n in g in su la tin g m e d iu m . T h e

This projection theorem had marked the culmination of the Eleventh Series q u a lity o f th e m e d iu m w h ic h p r o d u c e s th is effe c t w h ic h h e calls its d ie le c tr ic p o w e r , h e
fin d s to b e d iffe r e n t fo r d iffe r e n t n o n c o n d u c to r s an d h e g iv e s n u m e r ic a l d e te r m in a tio n s
(1837) of the Experimental researches, which Thomson had read even for his
fo r su lp h e r , lac, a n d g lass w h ic h , w h a t e v e r m a y b e th e ir real meaning, are at least in o r d e r
original draft. Faraday wrote:
o f m a g n itu d e o f th e effe c ts rep resen ted .* ^
T h u s induction ap p ears to b e e s se n tia lly an a c tio n o f c o n t ig u o u s p a rticles, th r o u g h th e
in te r m e d ia tio n o f w h ic h th e e le c tr ic fo r c e , o r ig in a tin g o r a p p e a r in g at a certa in p la c e , is
Aside from a negative attitude towards Faradays language and towards the
p r o p a g a te d t o o r su sta in e d at a d ista n c e , a p p e a r in g th e re as a fo r c e o f th e sa m e k in d accuracy of his measurements, this passage displays a view of the inductive effect
e x a c tly eq u a l in a m o u n t, b u t o p p o s it e in its d ir e c tio n an d te n d e n c ies.^ * which would be incoherent on Faradays principles. For a given charged body
A, the quantity of electricity called out by influence on the grounded conduc
Ibid., pp. 24, 28. On the elementary laws, E&M, 29-30. tor B must always be the same, according to his projection theorem. Faraday had
Michael Faraday, Experimental researches in electricity (3 vols., London, 1839, 1844, 1855), 1 ,
para. 1295. William Thomson, NB32, ULC, pp. 25-6. Our emphasis.
220 The transformation o f classical physics The kinematics o f field theory 221

in fact not measured the quantity of electricity on the grounded conductor B at electricities as powers or forces. Polarity involved separation of contrary
all, but the potential (in Thomsons terms) on A, and had shown that this powers; and a line of force, whether of current or only of tension preceding a
potential decreased by a definite amount when a dielectric medium was inter current, was an axis of power having contrary forces, exactly equal in amount, in
posed between them. Thomson recognized that fact by the time he made his contrary directions'.^^
own calculations of the effect (with k the specific inductive capacity): Hence the This complex of ideas constituted Faradays model of the lines of inductive
potential in the interior o f A will be V/k, or the fraction 1/fe of the potential, with action between electrified conductors. Just as during conduction the total
the same charge on A, and with a gaseous dialectric.'^ He had also learned that current through a cross-section remained constant for an entire circuit, so also
Faradays measurements indicated not merely the order of magnitude of the induction conserved the total electrical force across the lines: The idea is, that
effects represented, but the effects precisely. Only their real meaning remained any section taken through the dielectric across the lines of inductive force, and
in question. including all of them, would be equal, in the sum of the forces, to the sum of the
The mathematical theorist was learning rapidly to appreciate that the experi forces in any other section. H e r e is the projection theorem again. Electrical
mental philosopher had important lessons to teach him. He never would learn, forces propagated through the dielectric appear at the conducting surfaces in
however, to accept the full range of Faradays way of speaking. For Faraday amounts equal to the total quantity o f force anywhere along the lines.
loaded the concept of force with a duality of aspects that Thomson always Faradays conception of quantity and intensity as measures of electrical force
regarded as gratuitous, both in Faradays theory and in Maxwells, where the across and along the lines, respectively, mirrors his experimental arrangements.
electromagnetic theory of light would depend on it. The duality was one of Often the electrochemical experiments involved combinations of decomposi
quantity and intensity, and it exercised Thomson for over half a century, tion cells and voltaic cells connected in parallel (adding quantities) and in series
ultimately symbolizing the failure of his methodology in competition with (adding intensities), displaying attendant changes in quantity of decomposition
Maxwells. To see the initial problem clearly we must consider further Faradays and in intensity required to initiate decomposition.'^'^ Such observations also
measurement of inductive capacity. involved his general idea of conservation of all powers and o f conversion of
The measurement reflects procedures that Faraday had developed earlier for power from one form to another. In a simple circuit containing a voltaic cell and
electrochemical experiments, which in turn reflect his early attempts to unify a decomposition cell, for example, the power set free in the first had its
statical electricity with electricity of currents. The former involved the high equivalent in the power expended in the second. In such cells Faraday supposed
tension or intensity evident in the sparks produced by an electrical machine, quantity and intensity to be proportional, the proportion depending on the
while the latter involved the large quantity of electricity stored in a voltaic nature of the substances: The intensity of an electric current traversing conduc
cell.^^ Both statical and current electricity, Faraday showed, would produce tors alike in their nature, quality, and length, is probably as [proportional to] the
chemical decomposition, which provided one ground for treating intensity and quantity of electricity passing through a given sectional area perpendicular to
quantity as two aspects of the same basic power. The language of lines of force the current, divided by the time.'^
allowed him to represent intensity as tension along a line and quantity as the All of these ideas appeared in the researches on induction as well. Faradays
number of lines crossing unit area. The quantity-intensity distinction, therefore, basic induction apparatus, by analogy to an electrochemical cell, consisted of
provided essential meaning to Faradays lines. two conductors separated by a dielectric. Assuming conservation of total
While he regarded the lines themselves as, in the first instance, a descriptive quantity in a charged system, he changed the plate area, the distance between the
device, he also regarded them as representing, in a non-hypothetical manner, the plates, and the dielectric medium in order to observe resulting changes in
physical state in an electrochemical cell. Each line represented a chain of intensity. By changing the medium he established the effect of dielectrics on
polarized particles, such as he supposed must precede decomposition with its induction.
release of chemical constituents at the electrodes and concomitant release of To measure precisely the new effect, Faraday constructed two identical sets of
positive and negative electricities. Conduction in such a cell consisted o f a apparatus, each a Leyden jar (capacitor) consisting of two concentric spherical
successive establishment and release of tension; with the two electricities propa Faraday, Experimental researches, 1 , para. 517; cf. para. 1168.
gated in opposite directions along the lines of tension. Faraday thought of the Ibid., 1 , para. 1369, from Series Twelve, which followed one month after Series Eleven and in
which Faraday showed parallels between induction and conduction. See also para. 504 on currents.
On the elementary laws, E&M, 33. '*'* Ibid., 1 , para. 908 on quantities and c f para. 726; on intensities see paras. 985, 990, 1025.
Faraday, Experimental researches, 1, paras. 265-379. For further discussion o f issues relevant Ibid., 1, para. 1369, where Faraday goes on to show how quantities and intensities can be
here, see David Gooding, Metaphysics versus measurement: the conversion and conservation o f measured by placing a standard water decomposition cell in series and in parallel, respectively, with
force in Faradays physics, Ann. Sci., 37 (1980), 1-29. the current to be tested.
222 The transformation o f classical physics The kinematics o f field theory 223

labelling the common degree of charge K the specific inductive capacity of the
medium in the second apparatus is
k = kfik, = { V o -V )/V .
This result is the one Faraday obtained, and it agrees with Thomsons, stated
above, for the reduction of potential between conductors A and B upon
introduction o f a dielectric of capacity k between them.'^'^
The entire account is very simple, but only after we have translated it from the
language of division of charge and degree of charge first into Faradays
quantities and intensities and then into the quantities of electricity and potentials
of the mathematical theory. Thomson faced the same difficulties, and sur
mounted them through his heat analogy. Flux and temperature gradient bear
close analogy to quantity and intensity of lines of force, including their relation
to sources; and Faradays description produces the same geometrical picture as
the heat analogy. Nevertheless, quantity and intensity as dual aspects of force
remained as foreign to the mathematical theory of electricity as the distinction of
flux and temperature gradient. We shall find that Thomson collapsed the new
concepts into a mathematical identity in the same way as he had those of the
earlier analogy.
In spite of his own speculations on contiguous action, Thomson recognized
that Faradays discovery of inductive capacity did not demand a propagation
Figure 7.3. Faraday employed twin spherical Leyden jars for measuring specific
inductive capacity. The one represented here is half-filled with a dielectric substance theory. Poisson had developed long before a theory of magnetic polarization
and has a protruding rod for measuring the degree o f charge o f the apparatus, the based on action at a distance. Thomson studied those papers, along with Greens
outer sphere being grounded. elegant reformulation of them, before beginning his new reading o f Faraday.
Noting in his draft that, when any medium is found to make the inductive effect
[at constant potential] different from that which is produced across a gas, it is
conductors, as in figure 7.3. The outer shell he grounded and the inner one he always increase [of charge] that is produced {k> 1), he inferred an action like
made accessible through a small hole. An insulated wire protruding through the magnetic polarization, with no effect in non-magnetic media like air:
hole connected the inner shell to a small metal ball from which the inner shell
From this fact w e are irresistably led to th e con clu sion that, i f the insulating m ed iu m b e a
could be charged and its degree of charge (intensity) tested. T o touch the ball of gas, the in d u ctiv e action [on a co n d u cto r] is so lely due to the attraction o f the charged
one charged apparatus to the other uncharged one was to connect them in b o d y , but that i f any o f the ordinary so lid n o n -co n d u cto rs b e in terp osed there is an
parallel and to divide the charge (quantity) between them. This division additional action, due to so m e effect o f the attraction o f the charged b o d y on the particles
Faraday regarded as a conversion from power in the one to power in the other o f the d ielectric. T h e exp erim en tal data w e have at present are n o t sufficient to enable us
until their degrees of charge were equal. to p ron ou n ce w ith certainty u p o n the nature o f this action but as far as th ey g o , th ey seem
Testing degrees of charge with Coulombs torsion electrometer, he mea to indicate an internal polarisation o f the sam e nature as that p rod u ced in a vessel [?] o f
sured the effect on the division o f charge of inserting various dielectric media soft iron b y a magnet.'^*

between the shells of one of the Leyden arrangements. Apparently setting the Ibid., 1, para. 1259. Because the dielectric in Faradays spherical induction apparatus occupied
loss o f quantity in one equal to the gain in the other, and the change in each only a hemisphere, the measured value was related to k by the relation k = 2fe^ 1, which follows
from treating the two hemispherical halves as two capacitors in parallel, cf. Buchwald, William
proportional both to its change of degree o f charge and to its inductive Thom son, pp. 125-30, for a different interpretation o f conservation and conversion.
capacity, Faraday obtained a quantitative result which corresponds to the William Thomson, NB32, ULC, pp. 26-7. As he quoted in his final version (p. 32n), Faraday
equation Vi =^2^2- Using air as a standard in the first apparatus (fej = 1), had proposed a similar model in Experimental researches, 1, para. 1679: If the space round a charged
globe were filled with a mixture o f an insulating dielectric. . . and small globular conductors, as shot
charged to degree V q, with the second originally uncharged, and after division . . . then these [latter] in their condition and action exactly resemble what I consider to be the
condition and action o f the particles o f the insulating dielectric itself. If the globe were charged, these
Ibid., e.g. 1, paras. 1234, 1260. little conductors would be all polar.
224 The transformation o f classical physics The kinematics o f field theory 225

These two expressions, together with the replacement surface theorem, yielded
Faradays result.'*^ Here then is the simple but impressive defence of the
mathematical theory that Liouville had commissioned. The question remains
whether it constituted a reconciliation between action at a distance and contig
uous action via the heat analogy.
Already in the draft Thomson had claimed: that the phenomena o f electricity
are modified by the action of dielectrics in exactly the same manner as those of
the uniform motion o f heat would be if, in the spaces corresponding to the
dielectrics, have [sic] a conducting power which varies with the temperature,
while this quantity is constant for the rest o f the body. He pursued the idea o f
variable conductivity (though with respect to change in material, not tempera
ture) as he worked out the conditions of polarization, recording success on 12th
July after his return to Cambridge: I have just made out definitely that the
action of soft iron or (hypothY) ofsulpher &c in electricity as in the math^ theory,
the same as in heat o f the presence o f a body o f the same shape but o f greater
conducting power. One must therefore take seriously a footnote in the final
version attached to the boundary condition, F flF n= \lk: From this it follows
that, in the case of heat, C [the dielectric] must be replaced by a body whose
conducting power is k times as great as that of the matter occupying the
remainder of the space between A and
We recall that Thomson correlated force with flux in his heat analogy. That
correlation provided his intuitive grasp o f Faradays projection theorem, for
conservation o f heat required continuity of flux along lines of flow. But here
we find him expressing a discontinuous change of force across an interface where,
on the heat analogy, flux would remain constant, although conductivity and
Figure 7.4. A dielectric placed between two charged conducting sheets, with the
surfaces o f the dielectric matching equipotential surfaces o f the original charged
temperature gradient would change in reciprocal proportion, as in his equation.
system, becomes polarized in such a way that its effects can be represented by In his notebook, in fact, the entire calculation is carried out in terms of potential
electricity on its surface. This electricity decreases the force (potential gradient) inside gradients, yielding,
the dielectric and therefore decreases the total potential between the charged sheets. idV'ldn)f{dVldn) = llk.
Evidently, then, he actually considered temperature gradient, not flux, to be the
He then stated immediately the basic theorem that he would employ in his final proper mathematical analogue of force, i.e. of potential gradient. Unfortu
version to show complete equivalence between the effect on potential of this nately, that identification destroys the projection theorem in Faradays sense.
polarization by action at a distance and the effect Faraday had observed. The The problem is that no neutral mathematical theory can encompass com
theorem was essentially the one on replacement surfaces that he had originally pletely both Faradays propagation theory and Poissons action at a distance
established via the heat analogy. theory, for the former relates sources to flux - quantity - and the latter relates
Complete proof, however, required him to show that the dielectric could be them to potential gradient - intensity. Only in homogeneous media do flux and
replaced by imaginary sources p on its surface, as in figure 7.4, such that the potential gradient behave similarly. One can hardly doubt that Thomson
normal component of force across the surface changed by 47rp,
Fn - F f - 4ttp, Ontheelem entary laws, E&M, 33-5. Thom sons original derivation, 12thjuly, 1845, NB34,
where is the normal force outside and F f is that inside the polarized medium. ULC, pp. 8-10, is adapted from Green, Essay, pp. 92-3. Analysis is given in Buchwald, William
He also showed that the ratio of normal components could be expressed by a Thom son, pp. 131-3; Wise, Flow analogy, pp. 48-9.
William Thomson, NB32, ULC, p. 28; 12thjuly, 1845, N B34, ULC, p. 8; O ntheelementary
constant k, depending on the capacity [of the medium] for dielectric induction, laws, E&M, 33. For discussion o f this boundary condition, see Knudsen, Mathematics and physical
F f/F = \/k. reality, pp. 155-b; Wise, Flow analogy, pp. 49-50.
226 The transformation o f classical physics The kinematics o f field theory 227

recognized the distinctions of quantity-intensity and flux-gradient in the works electricities for all we know, cannot be separated in air. It is possible that air may
o f his heroes of contiguous action, Faraday and Fourier, yet he continued to have, for very minute portions, such a separation. In rare & dense air the same
insist on the strict analogy of force lines and flux lines. In 1854 he added a second property is held to the same degree, and in all gases the same . .. There may be or
note to the boundary condition above, referring now to a body magnetized by may not be then inductive electrification of air. Probably there is not.
induction: the lines of magnetic force will be altered by [the body] precisely as These remarks refer back to Faradays measurements of specific inductive
the lines o f motion of heat in corresponding thermal circumstances would be capacity, on which Thomson had based his reconciliation in 1845. He here
altered by introducing a body of greater or less conducting power for heat. repeated the basic idea, drawing it from Faraday (see note 48) rather than
Hence we see how strict is the foundation for an analogy on which the conducting Poisson:
power of a magnetic medium for lines offorce may be spoken o f.^
General explanation (Experimental researches, [para.] I|
Obviously Thomson believed he had achieved the sought-after reconcili
1679 or 1639). A plate of sulphur acts like a solid resister i 1
ation. Study of his unpublished papers, however, shows that the reconciliation of electricity filled with conductors throughout. He o o o o o o o o o
was not the one he allowed his readers to see and that commentators have [Faraday] supposes that there is some such polar action o o o o o o o o
commonly ascribed to him. He did not in fact believe that Faradays conception in air. It appears that there is probably no such polar
of electricity, as nothing but terminations of lines of force, was justified electrification in air.
experimentally. Rather he treated electrical intensity as though it were a real
An important corollary to Thomsons view is that he, in contrast to Faraday,
density of a conserved substance. He did believe that force was propagated, but
believed that electrical force acted even inside conductors, but that the net force
only as a tension produced by concentrations of electricity. Because he treated
vanished because contributions from different portions of electricity on the
electricity as a conserved substance and force as a propagated tension, his own
surface cancelled one another: All the electrical forces give a resultant equal to 0
propagation theory (as opposed to Faradays) was equivalent mathematically to
on any interior point. Faraday & Snow Harris say that electY dont operate
Poissons theory, but he neglected to specify what the differences were between
through conductors. Faraday considered that it was a tension of the air on the
his and Faradays views.
outside entirely. But electrical force acts everywhere, in every direction. Since
That differences existed in 1845 is apparent from the inconsistency, noted
this view is precisely one that Thomson expressed in the draft of his 1845 paper, it
above, in the strict analogy of force to flux. Only in notes taken by a student in
seems safe to assume that he also entertained at that time the accompanying
his natural philosophy class in 1852-3, however, do we find positive evidence of
conceptions of electricity and tension. We shall find considerable support for this
what his conception must have been.^ Discussing the various theories of
view in the next chapter, when we take up his work of 1843 on the question of
electricity, single fluid, double fluid, and Faradays, he remarked: The one
how the surrounding medium (air or aether) exerts ponderomotive force on an
hypothesis o f one electric fluid seems far the most probable. Faraday says that it
electrified body. Still, his ambivalence towards any public commitment to a
[electricity] is the air which is put into a state of tension - bodies are pulled
physical theory o f propagation is manifest. For example, responding in 1848 to a
asunder by air, and slightly later, Hypothesis of one electric fluid may be
request from Whewell (apparently) for a statement on the relation of Faradays
perhaps reconciled to probability by Faradays theory of tension. Again, An
views to Coulombs, Thomson responded: It appears to me that Faradays
electrified body puts the air around it in tension & transmits this tension all round
hypothesis [is a step farther, del.] o f propagation may be considered [the
towards all points. Most probably the atmosphere is excited. For Thomson the
foundation, del] very probably [the] physical explanation of the positive math
question was not whether electrical force was propagated as a tension but
ematical theory founded on Coulombs laws.
whether that tension was electricity. He thought not. Faradays own finding,
If the preceding picture represents correctly the situation in 1845, then the
that induction through gases did not depend on their density, suggested that
heat analogy should be read as follows. The continuity equation,
tension in air did not involve anything like polarization in a solid dielectric, so
divergence feF = 4 ttp,
that electrical density at the surface of a conductor, for example, could not be
can be taken to represent electrostatic action through dielectrics, where
regarded as simply the manifestation of tension in the surrounding air: The 2 F^ = gradient V is force and kF* is the analogue of flux produced by free
electricity p. In reality, however, the conductivity k is only a parameter
On the elementary l a w s , E&M, 3 3 m . This note o f March, 1 8 5 4 , is one o f several added to the
reprint in Phil. Mag. (series 4 ] , 8 ( 1 8 5 4 ) , 4 2 - 6 2 .
which represents the effect of induced electricity located on the surface of the
William Thomson, in William Jack, Notes o f the Glasgow College natural philosophy class dielectric (or wherever inhomogeneities occur). This induced electricity results
taken during the 185253 session, MS Gen. 130, ULG. The notes have no page numbers and few
dates or lecture numbers. William Thomson to [William Whewell?), 30th November, 1848, K12, ULC.
228 The transformation o f classical physics The kinematics o f field theory 229

from a real polarization, in which electrical substance moves within small way in which the word flux is often used, as if it were a physical reality for
conducting elements inside the dielectric. Taking these induced sources p' into electric and magnetic force, instead o f merely an analogue in an utterly different
account, the continuity equation involves no variable conductivity and physical subject for which the same equations apply, see [my heat flow analogy
becomes: of 1841].
divergence F = 4 tt(p + p'). That Thomson adhered to his non-hypothetical perspective with such consis
F is now analogous to flux, as Thomson always claimed, but it is not continuous tency throughout his life points to deep commitment. O f course he had been
across dielectric boundaries, as a true flux would be across interfaces between educated in a tradition of natural philosophy that stressed descriptive empirical
media of different conductivity. law and avoided speculation, but his style of empiricism was far more specific,
In this restricted form the heat analogy constitutes a literal translation of more personal, than national or even university traditions suggest. It bears the
Poissons action at a distance theory into Thomsons conception of propagated stamp of the Thomson family. We have stressed earlier Dr James Thomsons
electrical action. A phenomenological electrical intensity replaces density of position on religion, politics, and mathematics alike as at once latitudinarian
electrical fluid and a propagated electrical tension replaces force acting at a And practical, avoiding doctrinal disputes of every kind while seeking the fruits of
distance. Otherwise the theories are identical. Thomson therefore recognized shared truth. Recall the preface to his 1844 Algebra: W ith regard to all the
that, logically, Faradays discovery of dielectric action gave no more support to practically useful applications and interpretations of algebra, there is no differ
the doctrine of propagation than to the ordinary doctrine. He concluded in a ence of opinion among men of sound science and judgement."^ William
characteristically neutral vein: expressed this same combination of values in his rapidly maturing physical
It is, no doubt, possible that such [electrical] forces at a distance may be discovered to be mathematics o f 1845.
produced entirely by the action of contiguous particles of some intervening medium, and The latitudinarian commitment is most apparent in the heat analogy itself,
we have an analogy for this in the case of heat, where certain effects which follow the employed as it was to reconcile supposed incompatibilities between the math
same laws are undoubtedly propagated from particle to particle. It might also be found ematical theory and Faradays discoveries, and to elicit the truth that necessarily
that magnetic forces are propagated by means of a second medium, and the force of underlay them both:
gravitation by means of a third. We know nothing, however, of the molecular action by
As it is impossible that the phenomena observed by Faraday can be incompatible with the
which such effects could be produced, and in the present state of physical science it is
results of experiment which constitute Coulombs theory, it is to be expected that the
necessary to admit the known facts in each theory as the foundation of the ultimate laws
difference of his ideas from those of Coulomb must arise solely from a different method
of action at a distance.**
of stating, and interpreting physically, the same laws: and farther, it may, I think, be
shown that either method of viewing the subject, when carried sufficiently far, may be
made the foundation of a mathematical theory which would lead to the elementary
The latitudinarian theorist and the practical imperative principles of the other as consequences. This theory would accordingly be the expression
of the ultimate law of the phenomena, independently of any physical hypothesis we
Having established by 1845 a basic view of electricity, Thomson maintained
might, from other circumstances, be led to adopt.
essentially the same perspective until his death. At no time did he accept the idea
of a quantity such as polarization accompanying electrical intensity (tension) If we simply call this viewpoint non-hypothetical we miss its ideological
through space. That is, he rejected both Faradays and Maxwells concepts of content, the non-sectarian, non-dogmatic, above-party-and-conflict mean
electrification and, consequently, in Maxwells case, would reject the flux called ings that permeated the lessons Dr Thomson taught his family. Having fully
displacement current which made possible the beautifully symmetric math absorbed those values into his own life and work, William could hardly have
ematical structure o f Maxwells Equations. No more direct experimental espoused publicly one or another doctrine of electricity without exceedingly
evidence existed for Maxwells displacements in space than for Faradays strong reason or a personal crisis, despite his preference for propagation. The
polarizations. Damning the irresponsibility of Maxwellian theorists in 1896, he crisis would in fact come soon enough, but with respect to heat rather than
wrote: It is not the equations I object to. It is the being satisfied with them, and electricity, and coinciding with Dr Thomsons death. The point to be made here
with the pseudo-symmetry (pseudo, I mean, in respect to the physical subject) is that Williams non-hypothetical methodology should be understood to
between electricity and magnetism. I also object to the damagingly misleading involve his deepest emotional commitments and family ties, along with his
*** On the elementary laws, E&M, 37. ** William Thomson to G.F. Fitzgerald, 29th April, 1896, in SPT, 2, 1071.
On M axwells concept o f electrification, see J.Z. Buchwald, From M axwell to microphysks ' James Thomson, A n elementary treatise on algebra, theoretical and practical (London, 1844), p. vi.
(Chicago, 1985), chap. 3. See Chapter 1 above. ** On the elementary laws, E&M, 26.
230 The transformation o f classical physics The kinematics o f field theory 231

social and political commitments, and not merely a rational view of what Thomson great brain savers.*^ Again, the heat analogy first displayed this
constitutes good science. All o f these aspects appear repeatedly in his life and his characteristic of his method. It asked, in general, what is the relation between the
science. equation governing physical processes in a given region of space and the
But how was the theorist o f latitudinarian persuasion to locate the essential conditions at the boundary of that region? Representing the space by a series of
truths of physical phenomena, above doctrine and independent of a hypothetical isothermal surfaces and flow lines gave a particularly clear view of the problem
model? Through mathematics, answered the son of the mathematics professor, and the replacement surface theorem allowed simple solutions for particular
who in his Algebra had carefully kept clear of every thing of a metaphysical or cases. In fact, this representation gave him in his 1841 paper the distribution of
disputed character. William would teach his natural philosophy class that temperature (or potential) everywhere inside or outside an ellipsoidal
mathematics constituted the only true metaphysics. N o t every mathematical isothermal surface, as a family o f confocal isothermal ellipsoids.*^ It also gave
theory would serve, o f course. Only those founded on laws that expressed him the distribution of sources of heat on the original ellipsoid and the
directly the results of experiment, such as Coulomb had discovered in the case of distribution of flux throughout space, all with a minimum of analysis. Such
electricity, would qualify: the elementary laws which regulate the distribution power epitomized practicality. The method of physical geometry had allowed a
o f electricity on conducting bodies have been determined by means of direct seventeen-year-old boy to compete with Gauss and Chasles.
experiments, by Coulomb, and in the form he has given them, which is The ellipsoid presents the next simplest geometry to a sphere. To solve
independent of any hypothesis, they have long been considered as rigorously problems with less symmetry in a similarly fluent manner, Thomson sought new
established.* methods. While in Paris he invented two, the first eminently practical - the
A proper mathematical theory would seek initially to describe the macro method of images - and the second of great theoretical significance also -
scopic geometry which the elementary laws implied, as Fourier had done for relating forces to mechanical effect, or work done. Both concerned the heat
heat and as Thomson himself had done for electrical forces. These theories, analogy and both provided techniques for actually calculating the distributions
furthermore, gave the geometry of heat and of force as generated by their of electricity and force for two mutually influencing spheres, a case to which
motion, their propagation through space. They were therefore kinematical Poisson had applied his most powerful analytic techniques and which Snow
theories, in the sense of geometry of motion. The term is appropriate here also, Harris had investigated experimentally. We shall treat here the purely
however, because it designates a theory of motion which is independent o f the geometrical method of images, reserving mechanical effect for the following
true nature of the thing moved and independent of beliefs about causal mechan chapter.
isms, that is, prior to dynamics. It was in that sense that Thomson regarded In describing the principle of electrical images to the British Association in
kinematics as a part of metaphysics, meaning the purely mathematical part of 1847, Thomson remarked that it is suggested by Greens elementary proposi
theory.*^ His reconciliation of action at a distance with contiguous action had tions. Indeed, on 4th February, 1845, while drafting a paper inspired by Green,
uncovered the true metaphysics of electricity, the neutral geometry that ex he broke off to enter in his notebook the earliest existing record of the
pressed the essential truths on which the divisive sects of action at a distance and principle.** Reading Green from his own perspective, he seems to have recog
contiguous action would have to agree. In retrospect, then, the entire heat nized that the replacement surface theorem could be inverted, to ask for
analogy can best be labelled kinematics, the kinematics of forces disbributing imaginary sources inside the surface of a conductor that would replace actual
themselves through space, or the kinematics of field theory. electricity on the surface. One could thus reflect a point source in a conducting
The second essential aspect o f Thomsons non-hypothetical commitment, surface to find an image point inside the surface that would produce the same
practicality, also concerns his emphasis on geometry. Just as elementary laws force outside as the induced electrification of the surface. By extension, several
were to express directly the results of experiment, so geometrical development conducting surfaces would reflect each others image points, and the net effect of
of those laws would provide a directly visualizable, intuitive grasp of the induction in all the surfaces would be the sum of the effects of the successive
mathematical theory, a grasp immediately applicable to the solution of practical
William Thomson, Notes o f lectures on molecular dynamics and the wave theory of light,
problems. Like the mechanical models of ether for which he would later become
papyrographed stenographic notes by A.S. Hathaway (Baltimore, 1884), pp. 37, 80, 171, give
famous, geometrical visualization and geometrical methods of solution were to mechanical models that save brain. Other brain savers are symmetrical method, p. 176, and chalk
(writing out in full), p. 32. Uniform motion, E&M, 7 14.
William Thomson, On electrical images, B A A S Report, 17 (1847), 6-7; 4th February, 1845,
As reported by SPT, 2, 1124. NB33, ULC, p. 133. The draft is o f Demonstration dun theorem danalyse,J. de Math., 10 (1845),
On the elementary laws, E&M, 15. 137^ 7, which derived from George Green, On the determination o f the exterior and interior
William Thomson, 5th Novem ber, 1862, in David Murray, Lecture notes in classe physica, attractions o f ellipsoids o f variable densities, Trans. Cam. Phil. Soc., 5 (1835); Mathematical papers, pp.
bench II, Novem ber, 1862, MS Murray 325, ULG. 185-222, esp. p. 222.
232 The transformation of classical physics The kinematics o f field theory 233

images. Thomsons original note expressed this insight for a point source (of
light) between two parallel reflecting planes, the point being reflected back and
forth an infinite number of times.
By far the most important early application of the method of images supplied
a solution of Poissons two-spheres problem. On 15th March he recorded: I am
occupied the whole day in Regnaults physical laboratory at the College de
France. At spare times I have been reading Poissons memoirs on Electricity, w^ I
find among the memoirs of the Institute, in Regnaults cabinet. I have applied
my ideas on induction in spheres and the principle of successive influences, & get
a very simple solution, in the form Poisson gives it, for two spheres. I think I can
work it out for i spheres, & express the dist^^ by means of (/ 1)P^^ inti*. I can also
by means of int^ find very simply the attr on any one, of the others. H e Figure 7.5. Green analyzed the reciprocal relation between charge distributions
then sketched the method for later development. induced on a spherical conductor by a point charge placed either at P (inside) or P
The problem for a single sphere and a point is contained almost explicitly in (outside).
Greens Essay, which exhibits generally a fascination with reciprocity relations.
f lf= b'ja = ajb = constant.
With respect to grounded spheres. Green considered the effect on an exterior (or
Thus Thomson began his sketch; The image of an exterior point in a
interior) point p of electricity induced on the surface by a unit charge located at
conducting sphere, is a p' in the interior, with opposite electrY. b = a^jb',
an interior (or exterior) point P. The resultant effect of P and the surface must
Q = ajb' = bja'.^^ The latter result follows from requiring equality of the
always vanish at p. By letting the point p move until it contacted the surface
densities p and p', above. He moved immediately to the problem of two spheres,
Green was able very simply to show that the electrical distribution induced on
one charged and insulated and the other grounded, by regarding all of the charge
the surface by a point charge, has the same form whether the charge is inside or
on the first as at its centre (equivalent to an initial uniform distribution on the
outside, and varies as the inverse cube of the distancef from the influencing point
surface). Reflecting the images of this initial point charge back and forth
P to the s u rfa c e .B o th cases are represented in figure 7.5, where P and P' are
between the spheres, using the relations above for locations and magnitudes,
influencing points inside and outside, respectively, f f and b, b' are their
yielded an infinite series of image charges, each derived from the preceding by a
distances to the surface at p and to the centre O of the sphere, and a is its radius. simple recursion formula. To find the actual distribution of electricity induced
The surface densities per unit inducing charge are:
on either sphere required only summing contributions corresponding to the
p = {b^-a^)jA7TaP images within it. Similarly, the total force acting between the spheres could be
p'= -{b'2-a^)l47rafT regarded as the sum of the forces between the image charges. The problem
One can imagine Thomson looking at those results with his replacement therefore reduced to calculating the required sums, or to approximating them
surface theorem in mind and asking himself the following question. If the by the first few terms of the rapidly converging series.
distribution induced on the surface by P inside has the same general form as that While extremely simple conceptually, and while yielding approximate solu
which would be induced by P' outside, can a point P occupied by a charge Q not tions quite readily, the method of images nevertheless gave for the exact force
be found that will replace the actual surface distribution induced by a unit charge between two spheres a messy double sum over the images in both spheres.
at P', producing the same effects everywhere outside? He would soon have Thomson realized that the double sum could be replaced by a double integral,
found the answer in what he later called a well-known geometrical theorem thus simplifying the expression so m e w h a t.S till the double integral defied
(given in Dr Thomsons Euclid).^'^ If/), a, and b' form a continued proportion,
bja = alb', then / and f are proportional for all points p on the surface. ** William Thomson, 15th March, 1845, NB33, ULC, p. 153. Wc have altered the notation.
Only in 1853 did Thomson publish a full development o f this sketch, On the mutual
attraction or repulsion between two electrified spherical conductors, Phil. Mag., [series 4|, 5 (1853),
William Thomson, 15th March, 1845, NB33, ULC, p. 152. 287 97; 6 (1853), 114-15; E&M, 86-97, on pp. 86-92. He there remarks (p. 87) that the principle o f
Green, Essay, pp. 50-4. See also pp. 36-9 for a similar reciprocity o f points inside a sphere. successive influences was suggested by Murphy, Electricity, p. 93. Since no reference to Murphy
William Thomson, On the mathematical theory o f electricity in equilibrium: III. appears in his notebooks, however, it is doubtful that Thomson had recognized Murphys
Geometrical investigations with reference to the distribution o f electricity on spherical conductors. suggestion earlier.
Cam. and Dublin M ath.J., 3 (1848), 141-8, 266-74; 4 (1849), 276-84; 5 (1850), 1-9; E&M, 52-85, on William Thomson, 28th March, 1845, NB33, ULC, pp. L52, 159. In 1849 Thomson finally
pp. 64 and 58 h. The same analysis for spheres appears already on 5th July, 1845, NB34, ULC, pp. 5 - found the direct reduction, for which he had searched so long, o f the double scries to a simple series,
6, which also contains the reference to Dr Thomsons Euclid, VI. Prop. G. 12th July, 1849, NB34 ULC, pp. 124-31.
234 The transformation o f classical physics The kinematics o f field theory 235

exact evaluation. Early in April he would discover an entirely different approach, o f practical electricians and simultaneously suggested to mathematicians the
discussed in the next chapter, to alleviate this problem. simplest and most powerful methods of dealing with problems, which if
Despite the difficulty with exact solutions, the idea of images remained attacked by the mere force of analysis must have remained forever unsolved.
intuitively clear and, above all, practical, being perfectly suited for conceptualiz Greens methods had suggested electrical images, which would carry the banner
ing complex problems and for obtaining numerical solutions. Thomson soon forward.
applied it to geometries which pure analysis could not touch, such as the If his audience had not already recognized that he saw himself presenting an
electrical analogue of David Brewsters kaleidoscope, a set of any number of ideal for all British science, his euphoric ending can have left no doubt:
planes or spheres intersecting at angles equal to submultiples of v and subject to
In c o n c lu s io n I w o u ld call a tte n tio n to t h e c ir c u m sta n c e th a t th e m e th o d w h ic h I h a v e . . .
induction from a point charge. He also showed how to obtain simplifying e x p la in e d lea d s to th e fu ll s o lu tio n o f . . . all p r o b le m s c o n c e r n in g sp h eric a l c o n d u c to r s
mathematical transformations from one geometry to another, as a plane to a w h ic h h a v e h ith e r to b e e n c o m te m p la t e d b y p u r e ly sy n th e tic a l [ g e o m e tr ic a l] p rocesses,
sphere and a disc to a portion o f a sphere. The geometrically inclined among his w it h o u t th e aid o f a n y m a th e m a tic a l a n a ly sis w h a te v e r . T h is p o w e r f u l in str u m e n t is left
friends, such as Liouville, Ellis, and Boole, naturally saw the new technique as fo r p r o b le m s p r e s e n tin g d iffic u ltie s o f a h ig h e r o r d e r , n o w w it h in o u r rea ch , w h ic h w ill
stunning."^* b e s o lv e d a n d as in all th e b r a n c h e s o f p r o g r e s s iv e k n o w le d g e w ill in th e ir turn b e c o m e
To their creator, the images were so many stones for his sling, allowing him to e le m e n ta r y le a v in g still a b o u n d le s s fie ld fo r e x e r c is in g th e in g e n u ity a n d g r a tify in g th e

play young David to Poissons Goliath. Triumphantly he proclaimed to the c u r io s ity w h ic h lea d th e h u m a n m in d o n in its search a fter th e tru th s o f n atu re.

British Association in 1847 the victory of direct perception over analytic Simplicity and utility yielded power, progress, and truth: the method of images
sophistication: truly carried an inspirational moral for Victorian science.
T h e r e is n o b ra n ch o f n a tu ra l p h ilo s o p h y o f w h ic h th e e le m e n ta r y la w s are m o r e s im p le An even more direct homage to British practicality and geometrical insight,
th a n th o se w h ic h r e g u la te th e d istr ib u tio n o f e le c tr ic ity in e q u ilib r iu m , u p o n c o n d u c tin g as against continental analysis, appears in Thomsons response in 1854 to a
b o d ie s. Y e t its im p r a c tic a b ility has a lw a y s b e e n th e r e p r o a c h o f th e M a th e m a tic a l T h e o r y request from J.D. Forbes at Edinburgh for, A few jottings . . . of the Historical
o f E le c tr ic ity . V e r y f e w o f th e v a r ie d and in te r e stin g p r o b le m s w h ic h it p resen ts h a v e progress of the subject [electricity] with your opinion of how far each author has
b e e n m a d e su b jects fo r in v e s tig a tio n , o n a c c o u n t o f th e a p p a r e n tly e x tr e m e c o m p le x it y contributed an important share. The resulting history exhibits an intensified
o f th e c o n d itio n s to b e satisfied ; a n d e v e n w h e n resu lts h a v e b e e n fo r c e d fr o m it b y th e
patriotism, with a rediscovered Henry Cavendish now replacing Coulomb as
a n a ly tic a l sk ill an d e n e r g y o f a P o is so n , th e p h y sic a l in te r e st has b e e n a lm o st lo st in th e
the hero of experimental science, just as the rediscovered Green had already
str u g g le w it h m a th e m a tic a l d iffic u ltie s, an d th e c o m p le x it y o f th e s o lu tio n has e lu d e d
replaced Poisson in mathematical theory. Three times Thomson labels the fertile
th a t full in te r p r e ta tio n w it h o u t w h ic h th e m in d c a n n o t b e sa tisfied in a n y a n a ly tic a l
o p e r a tio n s h a v in g fo r th e ir o b je c t th e in v e s tig a tio n o r e x p r e s sio n o f tru th in n atu ral
and intuitive approach of Cavendish and Green practical, to distinguish it from
p h ilo s o p h y . Poissons repulsive sterility. Practical view, practical sense, and practical
interest contrast both with Poissons lack of any feel for the physical magnitudes
Truth refers, as above, to the latitudinarian essence constituting the legiti essential to experiment and with his limited and contorted analysis that have
mate foundation of every perfect mathematical structure that is to be made from brought to the mathematical theory a character for barrenness that it deserves
the materials furnished in the experimental laws by Coulomb. Here Thomson less than any other branch of applied mathematics."^^
ascribed the unveiling of those truths to our countryman Green, whose British Thomsons heat analogy figures prominently in his story of practical victor
virtues had yielded up full explanations o fthe beautiful qualitative experiments ies, as do his images: I have shown that all electrical problems regarding the
distribution of electricity on one sphere or two, or any number . . . may be
Thom sons original work was done 4thjuly-9th September, 1845, NB34, ULC .pp. 1-22. For
responses see the letters between Thomson and Liouville published in J . d e M a t h . , 1 0 (1845), 364-7; treated in a very simple synthetical manner . .. and that all that has been done by
12 (1847), 256^90; E&M, 144- 77, esp. p. 177; William Thomson to George Boole, 2nd September, Laplaces coefficients [Poissons method] and a great deal more, may be so
1845, B13, ULG, and Boole to Thomson, 10th September, 1845, B147, ULC; and Elliss remarks to
obtained, without any properly so called mathl analysis. Only Poissons theory
the Parliamentary commission investigating Cambridge, On the course o f mathematical studies, in
William Walton (ed.). T h e m a t h e m a t i c a l a n d o t h e r w r i t i n g s o f R o b e r t L e s l i e E l l i s , (Cambridge, 1863), of magnetism, which is much more profound & less barren, escapes the
pp. 417 27, esp. p. 424. In Frederick Fuller to William Thomson, 16th February, 1845, R290, ULC, broadsword, but then magnetic problems do not admit of a corresponding
Fuller jokes about Sir David Brewsters discovery that all the phenomena o f electricity are only
optical delusions. This will be clearly shewn and explained in an Appendix to the new edition o f his
Natural magic; and the same thing is beautifully illustrated by a recent improvement in his ^ J.D. Forbes to William Thomson, 19th December, 1853, F212, ULC; Thomson to Forbes, 4th
kaleidoscope, for which he is about to take out a patent. January, 1854, F213, ULC. Poissons aversion for laboratory work is noted by Arnold, Poisson. 11.
William Thomson, On electrical images, p. 6. The Laplacian program. A r c h . H i s t . E x a c t S c i . , 2 8 (1983), 267 87, on p. 286.
236 The transformation o f classical physics

simplification. Poissons theory, as wc shall see, also provided the basis for
solving the pressing navigational problem of magnetism in iron ships, a problem
which was playing havoc with the naval and merchant fleets of the Empire.
In the method of images we have obtained our first clear view of that constant
interplay between practicality, geometrical visualization, and mathematical The dynamics offield theory:
theory that was to typify Thomsons ideal for natural philosophy. Mathematical
operations were to translate directly into manipulations of objects; the machine work, ponderomotive force, and extremum
and its principle should picture each other. Engineering practice and theoretical
structures would interpenetrate at every level of teaching and research. In conditions
previous chapters we have set the larger context for this practical imperative in
the political-religious and industrial-economic terms of the university and the
city of Glasgow. Here we have narrowed the imperative to the technical domain
of electrical theory, but still only in its rather passive, descriptive signification, its
kinematics. Already that dimension has involved several interrelated aspects: T o d a y . . . I g o t th e id ea , w h ic h g iv e s th e m e c h a n ic a l e ffe c t n ece ssa r y to
laws derived directly from experiment; conceptually simple, visualizable math p r o d u c e a n y g iv e n a m o u n t o f free e le c tr ic ity , o n a c o n d u c tin g or
ematics; a feeling for relevant magnitudes; and techniques directly applicable to n o n c o n d u c tin g b o d y . . . T h is e n a b le s us to fin d th e a ttr a c tio n o r r e p u lsio n
problem solution. The practical imperative in its more dynamic, progressive, o f t w o in flu e n c in g sp h ere s . . . [an d ] T h is has c o n fir m e d m y r e s o lu tio n to

and aggressive dimension will involve two further aspects: precision measure c o m m e n c e e x p e r im e n ta l r e s e a r c h e s . . . w it h an in v e s tig a tio n o f th e a b so lu te

ment, which Thomson regarded as the primary motor of discovery in science; fo r c e , o f sta tica l e le c tr ic ity . W illiam Thomson, 1845^

and mechanical effect, or work, the expression of all force and power in the
material world.
Prior to 1845 Thomson exercised his latitudinarian style of mathematical
theorizing primarily on a pure description of the distribution of forces in space,
kinematics. Increasingly, however, he sought to expose in an equally non-
hypothetical manner the dynamics of these force distributions, that is, the
causal factors controlling them and, concomitantly, determining their action on
moveable bodies, their ponderomotive force. The terminology of kinematics
and dynamics acquired much of its modern significance through Thomsons
efforts in the 1840s to create a mathematical structure for the dynamics of force
Between 1843 and 1847 two conceptual elements appeared in Thomsons
work that had not been present in any previous mathematical theory of force
distributions. He began, firstly, to consider the distribution as one o fmechanical
effect or work - later energy - spread throughout a field of force. Secondly, he
began to treat the change in mechanical effect that the entire system would
experience if any one of its parts moved as a measure of the total ponderomotive
force exerted on that part. These two ideas are constitutive of field theory and as
such provide our primary focus here.
Secondarily, however, Thomsons reformulation of moving forces involved
as an essential feature the notion that any given state of a system should be
understood genetically, in terms of the requirements for its formation and its

William Thomson, 8th April, 1845, Journal and research notebook, 184345, NB33, ULC,
pp. 177-9.

238 The transformation o f classical physics The dynamics o f field theory 239

change, and thus as one state in a succession of states. Apparently the new scheme
for dynamics corresponds to the notion of generation in kinematics. It provides
our second major example of Thomsons attempts to reconcile progression and
natural law, the first having been the secular cooling of the earth. Here,
however, progression will be seen to involve the progressiveness of human
society, symbolized in the steam-engine, with its multiple connotations of

What makes an electrified body move? The ponderomotive force exerted by M on ^4 is the same, for the same
F ig u r e 8 .1 .

distribution o f electricity, whether /I is a conducting or a non-conducting body.

In May o f 1843 Thomson published in the Cambridge Mathematical Journal a
paper of a mere two pages which marks his earliest consideration of from any external source. The fluid then pulled along the non-conducting
ponderomotive forces on electrified bodies. On the attractions of conducting matter, to which it was attached by a friction-like force. For conductors,
and non-conducting electrified bodies showed that, for a given distribution of however, one supposed that the electricity, in pressing upon the ambient air,
electricity on the surface of a body A (figure 8.1), the total moving force exerted decreased the pressure which the air exerted against the surface of the conductor,
on A by an arbitrary electrical mass M is the same whether /4 be a conductor or this being a non-uniform decrease proportional to the thickness of the electri
non-conductor. Almost certainly he had become acquainted with the problem cal stratum at different parts of the surface. Thus, for conductors, the
in his chemistry class at Glasgow under Thomas Thomson, who gave in his ponderomotive force was owing, partly at least, to the unequal pressure of the
lectures a qualitative overview of theories of electricity and heat. Concerning air on the body, and of the electricity on the air.^
the nature of heat, the famous chemist concluded that it will be safest for us, in William Thomsons short paper showing mathematical equivalence of the
the present state of our knowledge, to confess that we are incompetent to decide moving forces on conductors and non-conductors employed with almost
whether it be a substance or a quality. If we compare Thomas Thomsons schoolboy simplicity the expressions of his former teacher, including a thick
language here - concerning the present state of our knowledge and confessing ness for the electrical layer, as though he had forgotten temporarily his own
our ignorance - with, for example, Williams concluding remarks for his more sophisticated treatment of electricity as an unspecified state of intensity,
reconciliation paper (ch. 7), we are struck by the familiarity of the theme within independent o f any physical properties of fluid, like thickness, but conceived by
the Scottish context. On the nature of electricity, however, Thomas Thomson mathematical analogy to a fluid. Indeed, the paper reads like an exercise
regarded the two-fluid theory adopted by Poisson as probably correct, because resurrected from his Glasgow student days and published at an opportune
ofits comprehensiveness and predictive power: Even, therefore, if we suppose it moment. In any case, if we recall that only two to three months earlier he had
a mere mathematical hypothesis, its importance and utility to all who wish to entered in his diary his speculation about electrical attraction being the effect of
understand the principles of this most important science, must be admitted to be the action of contiguous particles, then his return to the older language may be
very great.^ seen to mask a deeper r e s u lt.T h e actual calculations concerned not
A prominent issue in fluid theories had long been the question of what ponderomotive forces on two different bodies, but the force on one body A
prevents a self-repulsive fluid from escaping from a charged conductor through considered from two different perspectives: as a direct action at a distance of the
which it is perfectly free to move. With Poisson, Thomas Thomson concluded electrical mass M on its surface electricity; and as an action of the surrounding
that nothing but the pressure of the ambient atmosphere prevents it from (contiguous) air resulting from non-uniform pressures exerted against its sur
making its escape. But that theory made the cause o f ponderomotive forces on face. One suspects, then, that Thomson was more interested in this equivalence
conductors different from those on non-conductors. For electrified non-con between action at a distance and contiguous action than in the physical differ
ductors one simply summed up the forces acting directly on their electrical fluid ence between conducting and non-conducting bodies in relation to electricity.

^ William Thomson, On the attractions o f conducting and non-conducting electrified bodies,

C a m . M a th .] ., 3 (1843), 275-9; E&M, 98-9. See Thomas Thom sons published lectures. A n o u t l i n e o f
t h e s c ie n c e s o f h e a t a n d e l e c t r i c it y (London & Edinburgh, 1830), pp. 335, 425. Williams participation in ' Thomas Thomson, H e a t a n d e le c t r i c it y , pp. 424, 430.
the course is witnessed in Thomas Thom sons testimonial in the printed copy ofW illiam Thom sons William Thomson, 24th February, 1843, Diary kept at Cambridge, 13th February to 23rd
testimonials for the Glasgow chair o f natural philosophy, PA34, ULC, p. 15. October, 1843, NB29, ULC.
240 The transformation of classical physics The dynamics o f field theory 241

In the contiguous action picture the effect of electricity on the air would pelled to seek for the rigorous demonstration of this, the most important
involve the mechanism of propagation in the air (or ether). This idea is one he proposition of our whole investigation, by a somewhat more artificial path."^
proposed in his lectures in 1852-3 to support a single-fluid theory of electricity in Ever concerned with physical interpretation, Thomson wondered what the
association with a theory of propagation by tension in air/ether: Hypothesis of integral signified. Two years later an answer struck him.
one electric fluid may be perhaps reconciled to probability by Faradays theory T h e o r ig in a l id ea o f G a u sss m e th o d o f p r o v in g th e g e n e r a l th e o r e m s a b o u t a ttra c tio n
of tension [in air]. It may be that there is an elastic fluid pervading all space, and has lo n g a p p ea red to m e v e r y m y ste r io u s. T h e f o llo w in g has o c c u r r e d to m e to d a y
causing light and heat. This is very highly probable - we get both light and heat se e m s to th r o u g h [sic] s o m e lig h t u p o n it.
from electricity . . . Repulsion may be when the tension on one side is greater L et m i W2 & c b e a n y n o . o f m a ter ia l p o in ts c o n str a in e d to rest u p o n a su rfa ce S , and
than the other.Though expressed here with more confidence than the state of r e p e llin g o n e a n o th e r accB [to ] th e la w o f g ra v " , a n d le t M b e a n y f ix e d m ass, r e p e llin g or
Thomsons theorizing in 1843 would have allowed, the idea of moving forces a ttr a c tin g t h e m . T h e n i f h, b e th e p o t' o f M o n a p c o in c id in g w it h w h e n in its pos" o f

produced by non-uniform tensions agrees with the particular manner in which e q u ilib r iu m , th e co n d " o f e q u ilib r iu m o f th e p articles w ill b e th at
y y ^ im .lr + ymiUj ( 1)
he formulated his heat analogy for Faradays specific inductive capacity in 1845.
sh all b e a m in im u m o r m a x im u m [w h e r e r is th e d ista n ce b e t w e e n w , an d rnff T h e
It agrees even more thoroughly with his analysis of Snow Harriss experiments
e q u ilib r iu m w ill b e stab le in th e fo r m e r , u n sta b le in th e latter case. T h is is v e r y re a d ily
at the same time.
s h o w n , b y th e e q u a tio n o f v irtu a l v e f , o r b y th e eq"^ o f e q u ilib r iu m o f a p o in t r e stin g o n a

Mechanical effect, mathematically and practically: the steam-engine as metaphor He went on to argue that, since the expression was subject to a minimum, but
In Paris, in the spring of 1845, the recent Cambridge graduate took on the task of never an absolute maximum, only stable equilibrium could obtain, and that for
reconciling the mathematical theory with Snow Harriss measurements of the an infinite number of points, or continuous electrical matter, only one distribu
force acting between two mutually influencing conducting spheres, for Harris tion could satisfy the minimum condition. (We should note that the
claimed to have shown a contradiction between theory and experiment. From ponderomotive force between this equilibrium distribution and the mass M had
his recently discovered method of images, Thomson already knew how to been the focus of the 1843 paper described above.)
obtain numerical results for this case from the mathematical theory. Harriss Most importantly, Thomson here recognized that the minimized expression
researches, however, raised the issue of air pressure in relation to electrical forces. obtained a simple interpretation through the principle of virtual velocities,
While considering this issue, Thomson discovered a new solution of the two- which Lagrange had made the foundation of all of rational mechanics, followed
spheres problem and a new conception generally of ponderomotive forces. The by Poisson who set the example for Cambridge texts. A virtual velocity is
conception depends on mechanical effect, the context for which we must first actually the displacement that any point in a mechanical system would experi
develop. ence if the system were to undergo a possible motion. The principle requires, as
In 1842, after establishing analytically the basic theorems of his earlier heat the condition o f equilibrium of the system, that the following sum should
analogy in Propositions in the theory of attraction, Thomson discovered that vanish, ^F ^ -Sr, = 0, where Sr, is the virtual displacement of the point on which
Gauss had proved several of the theorems using a different method.^ Consider the force F, acts. For conservative forces, expressible as gradients of potentials,
ing a surface with arbitrarily distributed electrical density p and corresponding the condition is, ^m,SC, = 0, or S^m,C, = 0, where S represents an arbitrary
potential V, Gauss showed that, when the integral j^^pVdr was minimum, the variation of the system. The latter condition is the condition of a maximum or
potential would be constant over the surface, no part of the surface could be minimum. If we write C, = becomes Thomsons minimum condi
vacant, and the distribution would be unique. Thus the equipotential condition tion for the equilibrium of electricity on a conducting surface under the action of
of a conducting surface at equilibrium required that electricity distribute itself so a charged mass, which for continuous distributions is Gausss minimized
as to minimize the integral JjjpCdT. Though simple in concept, the proof led to integral, jjjpI/dT.
mathematical obscurities, so that Gauss himself acknowledged, we are com- For conservative forces, the principle of virtual velocities was normally
converted into the principle of vis viva, expressed for actual motions.
William Thomson, in William Jack, Notes o f the Glasgow College natural philosophy class dX^nivf = 2 ^ , ^ dr, = 2Xw,d Vi,
taken during the 18.52-.S3 session, MS Gen. 130, ULG.
E&M, 126^38, esp. 136-7. C.F. Gauss, General propositions relating to the attractive and ^ Ibid., p. 190.
repulsive forces acting in the inverse ratio o f the square o f the distance, in Richard Taylor (ed.), William Thomson, 14th August, 1844, Journal and research notebook, 1843 45, NB33,
Sdentific Memoirs, 3 (1843), 153-96, esp. pp. 186- 92. See also Chapter 7, note 4. ULC, p. 53 (notation altered).
242 The transformation o f classical physics The dynamics o f field theory 243

which says that the vis viva depends on functions V{ of position alone. received from James on 4th August a letter which very likely crystallized in a
When the system returns to the same configuration in space it will always have new form his thinking on equilibrium conditions generally. Jamess letter
the same vis viva, or vis viva is conserved. Typically, in textbooks on rational concerned steam-engines, specifically their efficiency and the source of the
mechanics that Thomson used at Cambridge, the product of a force times the useful work derived from them. Such work he designated mechanical effect,
distance through which it acted F, dr, was given no distinct name (nor was K, following the usage of the professor o f engineering at Glasgow, Lewis Gordon.
labelled potential). Samuel Earnshaw, for example, expressed the above The brothers had discussed the issues before, when William mentioned to James
equilibrium condition as follows: the paper of Emile Clapeyron on the now-classic theory o f Sadi Carnot. James
I f th e s y s te m pass th r o u g h a p o s itio n o f e q u ilib r iu m , th e n b y th e p r in c ip le o f
had not yet read their works, but in his letter he described a waterwheel analogy
virtual velocities, which they also had employed, whereby a heat engine derives its mechanical
lF"-d^=0. effect from the fall of heat from high to low intensity in the same way as a
a n d .-. d Y im v ^ ) = 0 , waterwheel extracts mechanical effect from the fall of water from high to low
that is, is a m a x im u m o r m in im u m . . . I f th e p o s itio n b e o n e o f stable elevation. Here a state of high intensity was a state of concentration, as well as of
e q u ilib r iu m , th e fo r c e s te n d t o p r e v e n t th e s y s te m f r o m p a ssin g o u t o f th at high temperature, and James opposed such a state to one of diffusion. It
p o s itio n ; th a t is, th e y h a v e a t e n d e n c y to r e d u c e th e s y s te m to a state o f rest, connoted heat collected in a boiler, by analogy to water collected in a mountain
an d c o n s e q u e n t ly to diminish th e vis viva, w h ic h th e r e fo r e has its m a x im u m reservoir, and as opposed to water spread out, or diffused, in the sea.^^
v a lu e in that p o sitio n .^
Seen from Jamess perspective, which we now presume William to have
Meaningful terms were vis viva and force. Only in engineering textbooks did seized, the heat flow analogy for electrical intensities and forces extended the
one find the term work, or one of its many equivalents, for the product o f a significance of mechanical effect from heat engines and waterfalls to electrostat
force and a distance.^ For engineers, the concept of work was central, measur ics, as in figure 8.2. Just as heat and water attained equilibrium at their lowest
ing both consumption and production with respect to every machine. It is of levels of available mechanical effect, so too did electricity. Gausss minimum
considerable interest therefore that Thomson developed his ideas on electrical condition minimized the mechanical effect contained in an electrostatic system.
equilibrium in relation to the engineering concerns of his brother James. Because Only one feature of this interpretation is missing from Thomsons notebook
their interaction will appear at length in the next chapter, we consider here only entry: the term mechanical effect with its practical engineering connotations.
essential features of it. The deficiency takes us to Paris six months later, where Thomson had begun
Thomsons notebook entry above is dated 14th August, 1844, shortly after he working in Victor Regnaults laboratory. We recall that the Paris visit was
returned to Scotland from Hopkinss reading party in preparation for the intended to remedy a defect in his Cambridge education so far as candidacy for
Tripos in January. He had reviewed all of the first and second year subjects with the Glasgow chair of natural philosophy was concerned. He would counter the
Hopkins, and Hydrostatics, Optics, & 1/3 of Astronomy . . . of the third year potential complaint that he was merely an expert x plus y man by acquiring the
subjects. This list includes all of mechanics, which he had studied in detail from practical credentials expected of one who would present natural philosophy to
March to October, 1843. ^^ With the principles of mechanics fresh in his mind he unsophisticated students, largely through popular demonstration experi
ments.^^ This sense of the practical correlates closely with the one we have
loosely labelled kinematic with respect to the method of images, emphasizing:
^ Samuel Earnshaw, D y n a m i c s , o r a tr e a t is e o n m o t i o n : to w h i c h is a d d e d a s h o r t tr e a tis e o n a t tr a c ti o n s ,
3rd edn. (Cambridge, 1844), p. 180 (notation altered). We discuss mechanics textbooks in Chapter experimentally derived laws; descriptive, visualizable methods; an intuition for
11. magnitudes; and practical techniques for problem solution. Scottish traditions in
For example, William Whewell, T h e m e c h a n i c s o f e n g i n e e r i n g (Cambridge, 1841), W hewell
natural philosophy went on from these descriptive and educational aspects of
acknowledged that he had borrowed heavily from French engineering texts by Navier, Poncelet,
and others, transforming their term travail into labouring force. See also the Addition to the practical experimentation, however, to stress practicality in the more dynamic
second edition o f S.D. Poisson, T r a d e d e m k a n i q u e (Paris, 1833); A tr e a t is e o f m e c h a n ic s , translated by sense of controlling nature for the material progress of man. Regnaults labora
H.H. Harte (2 vols., Dublin, 1842), 2, sects. 679-96, entitled Relative to the application o f living
tory, with its current aim of carrying out precision measurements on high-
forces in the calculation o f machines in m otion. Only here did Poisson discuss the significance for
machines o f the concept o f work. The importance o f the engineering concept o f work has been pressure steam (measurements paid for by the French government and designed
stressed particularly by T.S. Kuhn, Energy conservation as an example o f simultaneous discovery,
in M. Clagett (ed.). C r i t i c a l p r o b l e m s in t h e h i s t o r y o f s c ie n c e (Madison, 1959), pp. 321-56, esp. pp. 330- manuscripts as an outline textbook, referring his students for details to Earnshaw (specially), Poisson,
4. See also Chapter 3, notes 22-4; Chapter 9, notes 9-11. Pratt, and Whewell.
William Thomson, 14th August, 1844. See P A ll-1 7 , ULC, which are Thom sons James to William Thomson, 4th August, 1844, T402, ULC; see especially Chapter 9, notes
transcriptions o f Hopkinss manuscripts on mechanics. See Chapter 3, note 62. Hopkins used these 15 18. See chapter 4, note 66.
244 The transformation o f classical physics The dynamics o f field theory 245

T o d a y , in th e la b o r a to r y ( o f P h y s iq u e at th e C o ll, d e F ran ce, M . R e g n a u lt, p r o f.) 1 g o t

th e id e a , w h ic h g iv e s th e m e c h a n ic a l e ffe c t n e c essa ry to p r o d u c e a n y g iv e n a m o u n t o f free
e le c tr ic ity , o n a c o n d u c tin g o r n o n c o n d u c tin g b o d y . I f m is a n y e le c tr ic a l e le m e n t, V th e
p o te n tia l o f th e w h o le s y s te m u p o n it, th e m e c h a n ic a l e ffe c t n e c e ssa r y to p r o d u c e th e
d istr ib u tio n m is V. [ V m a y b e d u e to o th e r m ass in add" to th e sy s te m it is r eq u ired to
p r o d u c e , d e l] I f th e b o d y b e c o n d u c tin g th is exp " b e c o m e s V M . T h is e n a b les us to fin d
th e a ttr a c tio n o r r e p u lsio n o f t w o in flu e n c in g sp h eres, w it h o u t d o u b le in te g r a ls. A lso th e
th e o r e m o f G au ss th a t K is a min*" w h e n V is c o n s t., s h o w s h o w th e d o u b le int* w h ic h
o c c u r s w h e n w e w is h to e x p r e ss th e a c tio n d ir e c tly , m a y b e tr a n sfo r m e d in to th e d iff. c o .
o f a s im p le in t, ta k e n w it h r e fe r e n c e to th e dist*^^ b e t w . th e t w o sp h eres.
L et c b e th is d is t , V th e p o t in th e in te r io r o f o n e sp h e r e , a n d M th e q u a n tity o f
e le c tr ic ity , V'&cM' th e corre sp g m a g n itu d e s , fo r th e o th e r , a 8c a th e ra d ii. W e h a v e , i f T
b e th e attr"

d dV ,dV
= - M' V) = - { M j f + M ' j f ).
w = Mb.y W = QAT

T h is h as c o n f ir m e d m y r e s o lu tio n to c o m m e n c e e x p e r im e n ta l resea rch es, i f 1 e v e r m a k e

On the left are two charged conducting spheres at potentials V \ and V 2 .
F iffu r e 8 . 2 .
a n y , w it h an in v e s tig a tio n o f th e a b s o lu te fo r c e , o f statical e le c tr ic ity . A s y e t each
The electricity M tends to fall to its lowest level, which involves a capacity for doing
e x p e r im e n te r has o n ly c o m p a r e d [q u a n titie s , d e l] in te n s itie s b y th e dev"* o f th e ir
work W = M A V = M (F , f ^), just as on the right, for the fall ofheat (water) Q to
e le c tr o m e te r s. T h e y m u s t b e [c o m p a r e d w it h , d e l] m e a su r e d b y p o u n d s o n th e sq u are
its lowest temperature (elevation) T, the amount o f work available is
in c h , o r b y a tm o s p h e r e s . A ls o th e sta n d a rd m u s t b e th e g re a te st in te n s ity w h ic h can b e
W = Q A T = Q ( T ^ - T 2). Similarly, electricity within any container, like heat and

water, reaches equilibrium when it is spread out, or diffused, into the state o f re ta in e d b y air o f g iv e n d e n sity .
minimum mechanical effect.
Wc shall consider this remarkable collage under the three headings listed above.

to improve the efficiency of steam-engines for producing motive power, or (1) Ponderomotive force. Thomsons new insight allowed him to solve in a
mechanical effect) epitomized this engineering ideal for Thomson. perfectly transparent way a concrete problem that had defeated Poissons most
He reported these experiments for Jamess benefit on 14th April, and an sophisticated analysis. The solution, however, depended on an entirely new
nounced his own goal of electrical experiments similarly conceived; I have been mode of conceptualizing the problem. At the heart of Thomsons creation was
planning some experimental investigations in electricity, which, however, I his sharply focussed recognition that the expression or j j j p l / d r , repre
could not commence till I have accurate apparatus at my command, as it is sents the amount of work that would have to be done to assemble an electrical
precise measurements I wish to make.^^ In this practical context of precision distribution from elements dispersed at infinity, or the total mechanical effect
measurements and mechanical effect, or more specifically of measurements of contained in the system after assembly, and that this quantity is a minimum at
pressures that produced motive power, he stated explicitly the relation between equilibrium. The genesis of the system, in terms of the work required to produce
mechanical effect and Gausss minimum condition. But he also extended that it from a state of infinite diffusion, therefore defined its state uniquely. With that
relation, attaining: (1) a new conception of the pondcromotive force between focus he saw that the pondcromotive force acting within the assembled system
two electrified spheres, (2) a new conception of absolute measurements, and (3) a to displace its parts, when multiplied by the displacement, would equal the total
new understanding of the significance of air pressure in relation to mechanical work expended during the motion, or the change in total mechanical effect
effect. This massive reorganization of thought appears in a notebook entry of required to move to the new state. Thus the relation of parts in the existing state
Hth April, 1845, which we quote in full; of the system could be defined in terms of a succession of states, just as Nichol and
Robert Fox, T h e c a lo r ic t h e o r y o f j^a s e s f r o m L a v o i s i e r to R e j ^ n a u l t (Oxford, 1971), esp. pp. William Thomson, 8th April, 1845, NB33, ULC, pp. 177 9.
281- 302. William to Dr Thomson, l4th April, 1845. T306, ULC.
246 The transformation o f classical physics The dynamics o f field theory 247

Mill had proposed in their ideology of progress (ch. 4). Nichol admonished that
the character of any part of a system must be determined through its relations,
not with Space but Time; and its very isolation among surrounding things. . .
constrains us to regard it as only one part of a term of a Series. By contrast,
Poisson had envisaged the two-spheres problem as one of static spatial relations
of parts, requiring a double integral over the forces acting between elements of
With Thomsons perspective on successive states, the attraction F between
two electrified conducting spheres became the diffjcrential] co[efficient] o f a
simple int[egralj taken with reference to the distance between the two spheres c,
or the gradient of total mechanical effect,

r = - |z K = - |j n p K d r .
Resolving this expression into the self-interactions of the two spheres considered
as isolated, M^ja and M'^ja', plus their mutual interactions, M V and M 'V ,
yields Thomsons equation above. Since the self-interactions are independent of
c, his final result follows.^*
Thomsons immediate interest in this result derived from the need to compare fig u r e 8 J . The battery does work IV = M V to raise the quantity o f electricity M to
measurements made by Snow Harris with the theory of inverse square attrac potential V.

tions. Harris employed identical spheres, one grounded and one held by a
battery at constant potential V, as in figure 8.3. In this case the quantities of the method of mechanical effect but of the method o f images, which he
electricity vary, rather than the potentials, but the same analysis in terms of apparently regarded as more perspicuous, it being synthetic. T h a t implicit
mechanical effect applies. On 12th April, in the draft o f his reconciliation paper judgement should remind us that work, mechanical effect, and energy were not
for Liouville, Thomson wrote down the ponderomotive force, F = VdMjdc, yet fundamental concepts in physical theory. We are viewing the mathematical
where M is the charge on the sphere connected to the battery, and hailed the beginnings of the great energy revolution in the writings of one of its main
formula as a case of a general theorem which we shall have occasion to actors, who recognized as yet only a powerful new technique for conceptualiz
announce subsequently. The result allowed him to make qualitative and ing and solving problems. Nevertheless, his accomplishment was real.
quantitative comparisons with Harriss experiments, although he judged them He had shown that mechanical effect behaved like a total potential, from
to be so incompetently performed as to be unavailable for the accurate which ponderomotive force could be derived as a gradient. We shall henceforth
quantitative verification of any law.^
symbolize this total potential by 4>to emphasize the clarity of his insight. In July,
Thomson put off the subsequent publication of his general theorem until 1845, he explicitly referred to ^ as a forcefunction, underlining each usage. Only
July, 1849, when he developed it in a letter to Liouville that went astray but was around 1849 would he begin to use total potential and mechanical value.
intended for the Journal de Mathematique. The delay was occasioned by the fact
Similarly, we have symbolized ponderomotive force on an extended body by F
that only then had he made out the demonstration for which I have searched so
to distinguish it from point forces The general relations are then,
long. Ironically, the long-sought demonstration was not a full development of
William Thomson, 12th July, 1849, NB34, ULC, pp. 124-31, contains a draft o f the letter
J.P. Nichol, T h o u g h t s o n s o m e i m p o r t a n t p o i n t s r e la t in g to t h e s y s t e m o f t h e w o r l d , 2nd edn. (crossed out) and a summary o f the result ultimately published in William Thomson, On the mutual
(Edinburgh, 1848), p. 198. attraction or repulsion between two electrified spherical conductors, B A A S R e p o r t , 22 (1852), 17-
** Thom sons summation counts the interaction o f any two electrical elements twice, a fact he 18; P h i l . M a g . , [series 4], 5 (1853), 287-97; 6 (1853), 114-15; E&M, 86-97.
had noted earlier about Gausss integral, 14th August, 1844, NB33, ULC, p. 54. He would insert a William Thomson, 5thjuly, 1845, NB34, ULC, pp. 6-7.Thom son typically differentiated the
factor o f ^ in later works. Gauss, General propositions, p. 176, recognized the doubling as well as the electrical force at a point (field intensity) from ponderomotive force as resultant force at a point
fact that M V = M ' V (in Thom sons notation), since either is no other than the aggregate o f all the from attraction. The term force function, though rare in his writings, occurs, with a somewhat
combinations m m 'j r '. different meaning, in William Thomson, O n the theory o f electromagnetic induction, B A A S
William Thomson, On the elementary laws, draft, c.l2th April, 1845, NB32, ULC, p. 13; R e p o r t , 18 (1848), 9-10; MPP, 1, 91-3, which refers to the electromagnetic potential discovered by
E&M, 22, 25. See Chapter 7, note 32. For Thomsons original calculations see 27th October, 1845, Franz Neumann. Although Gauss had occasionally employed the symbol Ci and Poisson had used <^,
Journal and research notebook, 1845-56, NB34, ULC, pp. 15-20. neither derived ponderomotive forces from the function.
248 The transformation of classical physics
The dynamics of f eld theory 249

total potential = ^ = KdT = total mechanical effect, metaphor for absolute measurement of the properties of matter, measurements
which in Thomsons view o fscientific wealth tended to accumulation accord
ponderomotive force = 7^ = gradient 4>, ing to the law of compound interest.
where this force is to be understood as the tendency of the system to attain its Upon assuming the Glasgow chair a year after returning from Paris, the
lowest state o f mechanical effect or greatest diffusion. The ponderomotiveforce and twenty-two-year-old professor would immediately embark on his project for
the extremum condition for equilibrium states are the same thing. Thomson called accumulating scientific wealth by establishing a laboratory for measurements of
attention to the origins of this idea in his published version. This proposition the properties of matter, precision measurements in absolute units. With him he
occurred to me in thinking over the demonstration which Gauss gave of the brought the basic insight recorded in Paris. Mechanical effect contained in a
theorem that agiven quantity ofmatter may be distributed in one and only one way over system represented a total potential for doing work. Any and all systems capable
a given surface so as to produce a given potential at every point of the surface, and of producing effects, therefore, could be treated as engines, analyzable in terms of
considering the mechanical signification of the function [^J on the rendering of the mechanical effect entering and leaving them. By that means physical agents
which [function] a minimum that demonstration is founded. like electricity and heat could be reduced to dynamical measure without any
(2) Absolute measurement. In his notebook entry Thomson moved directly from hypothesis regarding their physical nature.
By the end of 1847 Thomson had proposed in a letter to Lewis Gordon the
attractions determined by changes in mechanical effect to the absolute measure
original version of the absolute temperature scale that makes the name Kelvin a
ment of electrical intensities. This step, more directly than any other in the
popular possession. In the published analysis he expressed the idea of an engine in
passage, foreshadows a fundamental role for work in physical theory; absolute
essentially the same terms as James had used in his letter of August, 1844, (but
units had been tied to that concept for the first time. The idea looks ridiculously
here following Clapeyrons account o f Carnots theory):
simple in retrospect. Rewriting the equation of ponderomotive force, we have,
for Harriss arrangement, N o w C a r n o t . . . d e m o n s tr a te s that it is b y th e letting down o f h ea t fr o m a h o t b o d y to a
- Tdc = d4> = d{MV) = KdM. c o ld b o d y , th r o u g h th e m e d iu m o f an e n g in e (a s te a m -e n g in e , o r an a ir -e n g in e fo r

A measurement of the work done by the force F during a small displacement dc in sta n c e ), th at m e c h a n ic a l e ffe c t is to b e o b ta in e d ; an d c o n v e r s e ly , h e p r o v e s th a t th e sa m e
a m o u n t o f h e a t m a y , b y th e e x p e n d itu r e o f an e q u a l a m o u n t o f la b o u r in g fo r c e , b e raised
of two attracting conductors, therefore, would yield directly a measure of the
fr o m th e c o ld to th e h o t b o d y (th e e n g in e b e in g in th is case worked backwards); ju s t as
change in quantity of electricity with respect to a standard potential V.
m e c h a n ic a l effe c t m a y b e o b ta in e d b y th e d e sc e n t o f w a te r le t d o w n b y a w a t e r - w h e e l,
The radical implications of this idea for Thomsons physics can hardly be
an d b y s p e n d in g la b o u r in g fo r c e in tu r n in g th e w h e e l b a c k w a r d s . . . w a te r m a y b e
overestimated. In terms of the concept of mechanical effect, his idea was simply
e le v a te d to a h ig h e r le v e l.
that the work done during the fall of an element dM of electricity (or water or
heat) through a potential (or height or temperature) V, as in figure 8.2 above, Writing <P=MV for mechanical effect, whether as labouring force
should measure the quantity dM. Thereby the principle of waterwheels and (Whewells term for work expended) to raise heat M to temperature V or as the
steam-engines, the practical engineering principle that powered the ships and total potential available for doing work, it is apparent that a measurement of <P
mills of Glasgow, became in a single stroke the principle that would reduce the units of mechanical effect for M units ofheat let down would define V units of
theoretical entities of mathematical physics to practical experimental measure temperature. As Thomson put it: The characteristic o f the scale which I now
and control. And since Thomson was quickly coming to regard measurement as propose is, that all degrees have the same value; that is, that a unit of heat
the source o f all progress in natural philosophy, it is correct to say that the motor descending from a body A at the temperature K* of this scale to a body B at the
of progress in society was for him becoming one with the motor of progress in temperature would give out the same mechanical effect, whatever may
natural philosophy. Or, to reverse the connection, the concept of the steam- be the number V. This may justly be termed an absolute scale, since its
engine translated the successive states of nature into the progressive states of characteristic is quite independent of the physical properties of any specific
society, now more literally than Mill and Nichol had ever imagined. Such substance.^
statements may seem grandiose here, out of all proportion to Thomsons simple PL, 2, 1 7 5 - Sec Chapter 3, note 6.
notebook entry; we have seen already in Chapter 5, however, that they c f, in Chapter 6, N ichols ideal o f mathematics as an engine o f deduction; Thom sons ideal o f
represent quite accurately the direction of his rapidly developing perspective on the calculus o f operations as an analytical engine (a kinematical engine), and the similar images o f
Babbage, and Sylvester.
science in industrial Britain. Within that perspective the steam-engine became a William Thomson, On an absolute thermometric scale, founded on Carnots theory o f the
metaphor for power and wealth. How appropriate that it should also become a motive power ofheat, and calculated from the results o f Regnaults experiments on the pressure and
latent heat o f steam, Phil. Mag., [series 3|, 33 (1848), 3LV-17; MPP, 1, l()()-6, on pp. 1034. Sec
William Thomson, On the mutual attraction, E&M, 92n. Chapter 9, notes .38^1.
The dynamics o f field theory 251
250 The transformation o f classical physics

This latter sense o fabsolute represents one of two connotations of the term in
Thomsons usage. The other sense, more important to his natural philosophy,
required reduction to dynamical measure, as in the absolute amount of
mechanical effect. We shall return to this subject in Chapters 11 and 20, on
dynamics and measurement, respectively. Here we need only note that, through
the metaphor of the steam-engine, mechanical effect quickly became the
measure of all things in his practical conception of theory. The calculation in
1845 of the ponderomotive force between spherical conductors, for example,
would provide the basis for his subsequent design of various electrometers
reading in absolute measure.^^

(3) Air pressure and fields of force. Decades later Thomson still recognized
(backhandedly) that his electrometers originated in his critical appraisal of Snow
Harriss experiments. A student in his natural philosophy class in 18812
recorded the following history of Electrostatic measurement:
G o ld le a f e le c tr o s c o p e v e r y r o u g h . C o u lo m b s to r sio n b a la n c e w it h F a ra d a y s glass
th r ea d . . . v e r y fair. S n o w H a rris c o n str u c te d se v e r a l [e le c tr o m e te r s ] b u t n o t p r o p e r ly
a rra n g ed & r e a lly all e le c tr o m e te r s g o t in v e n te d b y Sir W illia m T h o m s o n . S n o w H arris
d o u b te d mm'jr^. [H is] b est in str u m e n t a sort o f w e ig h in g in str u m e n t. A c o m m o n
b a la n ce.

X "

E x p e r im e n ts le d h im q u ite w r o n g [;] d id n t u n d e r sta n d su ffic ie n tly . Sir W . T h o m s o n
w h e n u n d e r g r a d u a te at C a m b r id g e p u b lis h e d p ap ers th at s h o w e d fr o m S n o w H a rriss
o w n fig u r e s th a t la w a lm o s t co r r e c t.

The diagram shows one of Harriss original arrangements, with two equally and
oppositely charged plates on the left whose attraction is balanced by weights
(not shown) in the pan at the right. It clarifies Thomsons remark in his Paris
notebook that electrical intensity must be measured by pounds on the square
inch, or by atmospheres . Assuming large plate area relative to distance of
separation, the electrical intensity would be approximately uniform over the
opposing surfaces of the plates and negligible elsewhere, as would the electrical
force read either pressure or flux - at the surface, to which the intensity was
William Thom sons attracted disc electrometer (1888) based on the principle o f
weighing the mutual attraction o f tw o parallel conducting discs. This absolute
William Thomson, Applications o f the principle o f mechanical effect to the measurement o f
electro-motive forces, and o f galvanic resistances, in absolute units, Phil. Mag., [senes 4], 2 (1851), electrometer yielded readings in absolute electrostatic units o f potential in the range
551^ 2; MPP, 1, 490-502, gives his first general discussion o f absolute measurement, but the c.20()-f..500() volts and was used to standardize other electrometers. [From The
principle o f mechanical effect here has the much extended meaning o f conservation o f energy. He Science Museum Library; further details o f construction in George Green and J.T.
first applied the 1845 theory directly to the design o f an electrometer when he published that theory Lloyd, Kelvin's instruments and the Kelvin museum, pp. 20 1, and BAA,S Report, 37
in 1853. On the mutual attraction, E&M, 96^7. See Chapter 20. (1867), 497-501.1
William Thomson, in J.A. MacCallum, Notes o f lectures in William Thom sons natural
philosophy class, 1881-82, MS Gen. 481, ULG, pp. 44-5.
252 The transformation o f classical physics The dynamics o f field theory 253

proportional. Thus the pondcromotive force measured by the balance, divided truly analogous to a flux, how was it possible that inductive capacity did not
by the plate area S, would give directly the electrical force, as pressure, and depend on density?
thereby the electrical intensity, r iA = pF = p{4TTp) = 4Trp^. Further, since F, as These problems informed Thomsons handling of the heat analogy in its final
flux, would flow directly across the gap it would be uniform across it and form in November, 1845. 'We saw in Chapter 6 that he did not, in fact, regard
equal to the potential difference between the plates divided by their separation, force as analogous to a true flux, but only to a tension, which resolves the
F= Vjc. In terms o f those two basic conditions for plane parallel conductors problem of induction in gases. Gases, unlike liquids and solids, in Thomsons
Thomson originally conceptualized Harriss experiments: Now in the experi view, experienced no electrical displacement, no polarization in response to
ments of M r Harris, the bodies A and B are generally of such a nature that a tension, for they contained no free electricity. On his model, therefore, induc
considerable portion of their surfaces are opposed to another, and separated by tive capacity would naturally be independent of pressure and density.
an interval which is small with respect to the radii of curvature at the opposed Similarly, on this model, however an increase in density affected sparking, it
parts. Hence in these cases the intensity of electricity at any point of the opposed could not depend on any change of the specifically electrical response to tension
surface of H will, if the distance c be changed, vary nearly as 1/rand therefore the in the gas, for no such effects existed. Perhaps the electrical intensity on the
attractions between the two bodies will be 1jc^. This must of course be taken as a conductor simply behaved like a fluid which exerted a mechanical pressure
very restricted result, but its generality is probably quite equal to that of the against the air/ether, creating a mechanical stress within its structure, and a
measurements of Mr Harris.^* tendency to fracture, but the capacity of the air/ether to resist fracturing
Subsequent analysis proceeds by contemplating the equivalent problem in increased as a result of its structure involving more air molecules. Such a
heat, to explain Harriss results on sparking distances. If A and B be equal mechanism would explain Harriss results (and it corresponds to Thomsons
spheres, the flux of heat at the nearest points will be very nearly the same, and later ideas, ch. 12). Knowing nothing, however, of the molecular action by
proportional to the difference of their temperatures divided by their distance which such effects could be produced, he would never, in 1845, have speculated
even when this distance is considerable with reference to the radius of the publicly about them, much less have developed a theory that depended on
spheres. This accounts for the law with respect to the length of the spark, i.c. the them.^i 3 m pondered the problem. In his first letter to Faraday, after
quantity of electricity . . . necessary to produce a spark varies directly as the their meeting at the British Association in June, he included an important
distance between the bodies. question: whether the air in the neighbourhood of an electrified body, if acted
By far the most intriguing aspect of this discussion is the analogy implicit upon by a force of attraction or repulsion, shows any signs of such forces by a
throughout it between electrical force conceived as heat flux and as an effect of change of density, which, however, appears to me highly improbable. Faraday
air pressure. The notebook entry (8th April) clearly makes the identification gave no answer. Any such action would have cast grave doubts on the theory
with air pressure, requiring the measure pounds on the square inch or Thomson entertained, which supposed that electrical tension (stress) in air/ether
atmospheres. The draft, similarly, states: The most important part of Mr involved no corresponding displacement (strain).
Harriss researches is that in which he investigates the insulating power of air of The relation of electrical pressure at the surface of conductors to electrical
different densities. The result which he arrives at is that the intensity necessary to flux in the surrounding space involved also less speculative and thus (in
produce a spark depends solely on the density of the air, and not at all on the Thomsons vocabulary) more practical aspects. The issue returns us to mechani
pressure. In the published versions Thomson added, He thus shows that the cal effect, but now to the question of where the mechanical effect contained in a
conducting power of flame, of heated bodies, and of a vacuum, are due solely to system was supposed to be located. The Propositions of 1842 had already
the rarefaction of the air in each case.'^*^ Faraday had shown with respect to elaborated theorems given by Gauss which showed that the minimized function
induction, on the other hand, that inductive capacity in air and other gases was we have labelled <P could be expessed as an integral over all space of the force
independent of both pressure and density and equal to that of vacuum (ether). squared,
Concerning pressure, therefore, a potential conflict seemed to exist between <?= jjjpKdT= (l/47r)jjjF^dT.
Thomsons description of electrical intensity as producing a pressure which In the notebook entry in August, 1844, where he first interpreted <Pthrough the
acted against the pressure of the atmosphere and the empirical non-dependence principle of virtual velocities, Thomson also noted Gausss use of the expression
of both sparking and induction on pressure. Furthermore, if electrical force were

On the elementary laws, E&M, 37. See Chapter 7, note 54.

William Thomson, NB32, ULC, pp. 13f. Ibid., pp. 14 15, 11. William Thomson to Michael Faraday, 6th August, 1845; Faraday to Thomson, 8th August,
Ibid., p. 16. On the elementary laws, E&M. 23. Our emphasis. 1845, in SPT, 1, 146-9, on p. 148.
254 The transformation o f classical physics The dynamics o f field theory 255

on the right in proving the uniqueness of the equilibrium sta te .H a v in g once ing of the later ideas in the undigested set of connections established in this earlier
thoroughly identified 0 with the mechanical effect contained in a system of work makes the germination of those ideas fully comprehensible.
sources at their respective potentials, therefore, an extension of that identifica
tion to the spatial integral JljF^dT was, simply from the mathematical perspec The preceding section has necessarily been complex. Between August, 1844, and
tive, quite natural. April, 1845, the potent solvent labelled mechanical effect washed through
Three other factors reinforced such a conceptual extension. The heat analogy, Thomsons physical mathematics and began to restructure it, transforming old
first, related the steady-state output of sources to the distribution of flux meanings and creating new ones. We may briefly summarize the essential
throughout space, and thus to the motion of heat. The most general form of the features.
[uniqueness] theorem, applied to the uniform motion of heat, Thomson
remarked immediately following his note on Gausss integral, is that it is always Mechanical effect as total potential. Mechanics textbooks had long discussed stabil
possible, by means of sources of heat distributed over any given surface, to retain ity conditions on mechanical systems through the principle of vis viva, in terms
each point of the surface at a given temperature, the motion of heat being of maximum and minimum conditions on the total vis viva and on the
supposed to have become uniform. This, being a physical axiom, enables us expression ^m p, representing the aggregated action of all forces acting on all
physically to prove the theorem, with ref^e to attr", or as a purely analytical points of the system. The function V gave the point forces as F = -gradient V and
theorem. This was what first occurred to me in the winter of 1840-4T. was therefore called a potential by Gauss and Green. In no standard usage,
Secondly, and in a somewhat similar fashion, the principle of virtual velocities however, were ponderomotive forces acting between extended parts of systems
itself, converted as usual to the principle of vis viva, transformed static mechani derived from the composite function Drawing on an engineering inter
cal effect into its equivalent in motions For fluid motions distributed in pretation of the capacity of steam-engines and waterwheels to produce me
space that expression is, pJJJt^^dr. Finally, George Green, in proving his own chanical effect from the successive states of whole systems, Thomson recognized
uniqueness theorem for electrostatic potentials, minimized the spatial integral. that this function could be regarded as a total potential 0 for ponderomotive
forces, F = gradient 0 .
All of these factors were present in Thomsons reconciliation of Snow Harris
and Faraday with Gauss and Green. Taken together with a preference for Mechanical effect in a field. Through Gausss relation,
propagation over action at a distance, they formed a suggestive context for <^= XwK=(l/47r)fJjF2dT,
questioning whether the mechanical effect contained in an electrostatic system and through the heat analogy, Thomson began to see that the mechanical effect
ought to be regarded as distributed in the space of propagation of the forces contained in a system might be regarded as spread throughout the space, or field,
rather than localized in the electrical concentrations. On the former view, the of its forces. That recognition would provide the central mathematical expres
ponderomotive force on an electrified body would be seen as the tendency of the sion for his development of field theory. First, it would give physical existence to
entire distribution of lines of propagation to arrange itself so as to minimize its a field of force as a field of mechanical effect. Second, the minimization
mechanical effect, while on the latter the tendency was in the electricity. No condition on this field would appear as a condition which controlled the
evidence exists that Thomson actually made these reinterpretations of the distribution of lines of propagation in space. Whereas the heat analogy had
mathematical theory in 1845, but they became the focus of his research in described any particular distribution kinematically, as a geometry generated by
electricity and magnetism within the next two years. Only a thorough ground- the equations o f conduction under given conditions, the minimization condi
tion would explain the distribution dynamically, giving a causal account of its
William Thomson, Propositions, E&M, 137. Gauss, General propositions, pp. 183, 191.
present state in terms of its tendency towards a later state if conditions changed.
William Thomson, 14th August, 1845, NB33, ULC, p. 53. Third, ponderomotive force would be the tendency of the lines of propagation
George Green, On the determination o f the exterior and interior attractions o f ellipsoids o f to arrange themselves so as to minimize the mechanical effect contained in their
variable densities, T r a n s . C a m . P h i l . S o c ., 5 (1835), 395-429; N.M . Ferrers (ed.). M a t h e m a t i c a l p a p e r s
o f t h e la te G e o r g e G r e e n (London, 1871), pp. 185-222, on pp. 1 92^ . See Chapter 7, note 64, for this
distribution. In short, through his insights of 1845, Thomson began to transform
paper in relation to Thom sons method o f images. Once again, a possible source o f mathematical the traditional analysis of point forces and ponderomotive forces into the
methods was Robert Murphy, whose works Thomson had read early in his Cambridge career. Their kinematics and dynamics of mechanical effect in fields.
relevance is difficult to judge, however, because Thomson almost never refers to them. For their
mathematical significance see J.J. Cross, Integral theorems in Cambridge mathematical physics,
1830-55, in P.M. Harman (ed.). W r a n g l e r s a n d p h y s i c i s t s : s t u d i e s o n C a m b r i d g e p h y s i c s in t h e n i n e t e e n t h Mechanical effect and absolute value. Interpreting physical systems in their
c e n t u r y (Manchester, 1985), pp. 112-48, esp. pp. 121 9.
dynamical aspect as engines, possessing the capacity to produce mechanical
256 The transformation of classical physics The dynamics o f field theory 257

effect, or alternatively, as produced by the expenditure of mechanical effect,

Thomson began in 1845 radically to transform the notion of measuring a
physical entity. Whatever agents like electricity and heat might be in themselves
they could be measured by their role in the production or expenditure of
mechanical effect. This idea forms the deepest, most pervasive theme in
Thomsons entire natural philosophy. We have stressed its origins in practical
ity, of both the experimental and engineering kind. Those two senses express the
progressive, dynamic aspect of his science, as of his social-political perspective,
deeply rooted as both were in an industrial vision of the city of Glasgow. The
fundamental measure of value in economic terms, work, would now measure
the absolute value of physical entities. Such measurements, conversely, would
provide new economic wealth in industry and the wealth of new knowledge in
science. In a word, mechanical effect attained its potency in Thomsons natural
philosophy through the steam-engine, deployed as a metaphor for work,
wealth, and progress.^

(a )

Field theory proper

Fixiire 8.4.(a) Thomson sought to relate the representation o f a bar magnet M given
On 1StJuly, 1846, following twelve months as a Fellow of Peterhouse, Thomson by current loops / around its surface to another representation given by a rotational
wrote in his notebook a brief summary of the years activities, remarking: I have deformation o f the ether about the axis ^ o f the magnet. Gauss had shown that the
made many abortive attempts to commence my treatise on electricity, and potential at any point due to a current loop is given by the solid angle Q subtended by
the current loop at that point. This solid angle, Thomson hoped, could be further
adding between the lines: I have also, since the beginning of the Lent term, been
shown to correspond to the ether displacement at the point arising from the axial
often trying to connect the theory of propagation ofelecV & magnetism with solid rotation, the rotation itself being actually produced by the current dragging the ether
transmission of force. D i r e c t motivation for the new theory of propagation round. Here F* is the force at any point along a line o f force (dashed), dr is the
through a solid came from Faradays most recent experimental masterpiece, the displacement at any point along the line, and d0 indicates the effective rotation about
discovery that the plane of polarization of light was rotated when transmitted the line due to decreasing displacements at larger distances, (b) An electrified
sphere, similarly, would displace the ether outwards as a result o f increased pressure p
along lines o f magnetic force through a special glass. Faraday had long sought
in the interior space S, compared with the pressure p' in the exterior space S'.
such an effect, but he renewed the search after the meeting of the British
Association in June 1845, where Thomson had called for research on whether a
the middle of preparing the introductory lecture for his first session, he an
transparent dielectric in a highly polarized state affects light transmitted in the
nounced, I think the following must be true (see figure 8.4):
same manner as a uniaxial crystal, and after Thomson repeated the call in the
letter that began their continued communication in August.^"^ I f p a rticles a lo n g a c lo s e d c u r v e o f a n y f o r m [in a so lid m e d iu m ] b e d isp la c e d e q u a l c o b

Magneto-optic rotation turned Thomsons attention from electricity to [in fin ite ly ] sm a ll d ista n c e s [d /] a lo n g th e c u r v e , th e d isp la c e m e n t p r o d u c e d [dr], at a n y p*
o f th e m e d iu m can b e rep r e se n te d in s o m e w a y b y m e a n s o f diffi coeffi* o f th e solid angle
magnetism. After taking up the Glasgow chair in the autumn of 1846, he
[Q ] w h o s e v e r te x is th e p' & base th e c lo s e d c u r v e . T h is so lid V [a n g le ] is th e p o te n tia l d u e
continued to seek a coherent representation of the forces by the straining of an
to th e a c tio n o f a volt^ c u rren t [i], c ir c u la tin g m th e c lo s e d c u r v e , as is k n o w n [fr o m
elastic solid constituted in a peculiar way. On the evening of 31st October, in
G au ss].
T h u s a bar m a g n e t [M ] w o u ld b e r e p r e se n te d b y an ax is [z] tu r n e d r o u n d in th e ela stic
For development o f this theme see M .N . Wise and Crosbie Smith, Measurement, work, and
industry in Lord Kelvins Britain, Hist. Stud. Phys. Sci., 17 (1986), \M -1'S. so lid so as to d ra g p o in ts o f th e so lid r o u n d a lo n g w it h it, & th e fo r c e [F = g r a d ie n t Q ]
William Thomson, 1st July, 1846, NB34, ULC, p. 23. p r o d u c e d b y th e m a g n e t at a n y p' w o u ld h a v e s o m e rel" to th e d isp la c e m e n ts [dr], in th e
William Thomson, On the elementary laws o f statical electricity, B A A S Report, 15 (1845), case o f th e m e d iu m . A n e le c tr ifie d sp h ere w o u ld b e rep r e se n te d b y a h o llo w sp h eric al
11-12. William Thomson to Michael Faraday, 6th August, 1845, and Faraday to Thomson, 8th sp ace [S ] fille d w it h th e air o f a h ig h e r p ressu re than th e air w it h o u t [ A p ^ p - p ' ] , i f th e
August, 1845, in SPT, 1, 146-9. Faraday had completed his experiments by November. Thomson
e x te r io r b o u n d a r y o f th e solid (th e r o o m in w*' th e ele c tr ify b o d y is p la ced ) b e a c o n c e n tr ic
learned o f them in Archibald Smith to William Thomson, 19th November, 1845, SI 48, ULC. See
also L. Pearce Williams, Michael Faraday (London, 1965), pp. 383-91. sp h ere [S ']. Possibly th e sa m e m ig h t b e tr u e as I o n c e th o u g h t , w h e n th e e x te r io r &
258 The transformation o f classical physics The dynamics o f field theory 259

interior boundaries are o f any form . I am n o t at all sure o f an yth in g 1 have w ritten just subject.^ Assuming an infinite, homogeneous, isotropic, and incompressible
n o w , but I w an t to get it ou t o f m y head, as I shall have n o tim e to spare, d u rin g the medium, he found three states of strain for the three cases: a radial displacement
session.'3 8 varying as the inverse square of the distance from a point electrical charge, and
two states with rotational components corresponding to the forces of an
This passage shows the rudimentary physical reasoning from which the famous
infinitesimal magnetic dipole and of an infinitesimal element cut from an electric
Mechanical representation of electric, magnetic, and galvanic forces derived.
current loop. While differing in detail from his original concept, the latter two
Its essential feature is the attempt to represent a magnet by a current loop around
states preserved the basic idea of rotation of the medium about the axis of a
its axis, and the effect of the current by a rotational displacement (shearing strain)
magnet, with each line o f force represented by the relative rotation about it,
throughout the surrounding medium (ether). The forces would then appear as
F^ = curl A^.
some function of the varying displacement in this overall rotation. Since
This is the origin in British electromagnetic theory of the vector potential A,
Thomson designed the model to account for Faradays rotation of light waves
as Maxwell named it, for magnetic force.
propagated along magnetic lines, it was reasonable for him to try to represent
Throughout his life Thomson would refer back to his mechanical representa
the forces directly as differential rotations, or rotational strains circling about the
tion as a true picture of magnetism, so far as real rotations were concerned,
lines of force. He would soon succeed.
although he soon would look for those rotations in the absolute motion of a fluid
Without break, Thomsons description jumps from magnetism to electric
ether rather than in the relative displacements of an elastic solid. With respect to
intensity at the surface of a charged conductor, which corresponds to a simple
electric force, however, he never expressed such confidence, claiming fifty years
pressure Ap pushing against the surrounding medium, or air. Electric force is
later: 1 could not in Nov. 1846, nor have I, ever since that time, been able to
presumably the displacement produced in the air by this pressure. The scheme
regard displacement as anything better than a mere mechanical representa
differs little from the heat flux representation. It is intriguing because it shows
tion of electric force Displacement here carries the connotations of Max
distinctly how Thomson could move from an elastic solid medium (ether), to air,
wells electric displacement in the ether as the reality of electrification.
and back to the solid without stopping to question the transitions. Obviously his
Maxwell subscribed to Faradays view of positive and negative electric charges
air was not simply an aeriform fluid, but an air with the same properties as the
as nothing other than the opposite terminations of lines of inductive action, but
luminiferous ether: behaving like an elastic solid, with respect to the rapid
(unlike Faraday) interpreted that action as a continuous polarization or flux in
vibrations of light and the actions of magnetism and electricity, even though it
the ether. As we have argued previously, Thomson never accepted either
behaved like a non-resisting subtle fluid with respect to the motion of gross
Faradays or Maxwells version of the idea, reasoning that no evidence existed to
bodies within it.
suggest a change in the structure of either gases or ether due to electric action. His
Such an ether had been the focus of George Stokess classic paper on the
representation of air/ether as incompressible (divergence F = 0, where F is
macroscopic mechanics of fluids and solids, read to the Cambridge Philosophi
electric force) is thoroughly consistent with that position. It means, for example,
cal Society in April, 1845. Having got to know Stokes during his fellowship
that an electrified plane conductor, exerting its pressure against the air/ether,
year, Thomson turned to the as-yet unpublished portions of the paper for the
would produce no other effect than to push or pull the medium as a block,
equations o f the hypothetical medium, no doubt with particular attention to
displacing it, but without any internal change, no volume compression or
Stokess Reflections on the constitution, and equations of motion of the
polarization, and thus no electrical induction within it.
luminiferous ether in vacuum. O n 28th November, at 10.15 p.m., he found
Under magnetic action, by contrast, the ether would undergo rotational
the elusive answer: I have at last succeeded in working out the mechanico-
strain as a true elastic deformation, or shear, not merely a rotation of the entire
cinematical{\) representation of electric, magnetic, & galvanic I yesterday
medium as a block. Assuming light waves to be propagated as transverse
evening wrote to Cayley, the two first, but I have only this moment got out the
undulations, to account for their polarization, magnetism might thus be capable
last case. By 2.45 a.m. he had j ust completed a paper for the Journal on the
of causing a rotation of the waves about lines of force. Electric force could
produce no action on light waves simply because it did not affect the medium.
William Thomson, 31st October, 1846, NB34, ULC, pp. 41-3. Our emphasis on solid.
Thomson knew Gausss solid angle representation o f potential from his General theory o f terrestrial
Indeed, Faraday had observed no action despite his best efforts, and so
magnetism, in Richard Taylor (ed.). S c i e n t i f i c m e m o ir s , 2 (1841), 184-251, on p. 230. Sec below, note Thomsons etherial medium represented the established facts. It had the addi-
G.G. Stokes, On the theories o f the internal friction o f fluids in motion, and o f the equilibrium
and motion o f elastic solids (1845), T r a n s . P h i l . S o c ., 8 (1849), 287-319; M a t h e m a t i c a l a n d p h y s i c a l *0 William Thomson, 28th November, 1846, NB34, ULC, pp. 45-7. On a mechanical
p a p e r s (5 vols., Cambridge, 1880-1905), 1, pp. 75-129. The ether section appears on pp. 1249. Sec representation o f electric, magnetic, and galvanic forces. C a m . a n d D u b l i n M a t h . J . , 2 (1847), 61-4;
Chapter 6 for discussion o f Stokess macroscopic style. MPP, 1, 76-80. Lord Kelvin to G.F. Fitzgerald, 29th April, 1896, in SPT, 2, 1069.
260 The transformation o f classical physics The dynamics o f field theory 261

donal advantage that it eliminated from the wave theory of light the troubling diamagnetics.*^ The same glass that rotated light was also weakly repelled from
longitudinal compression waves that should have accompanied transverse the poles of a powerful magnet, in contrast to all previously known magnetic
waves through any compressible clastic solid, but which were never observed. substances, which were attracted. Subsequently he discovered that many other
In an incompressible medium such waves would travel with infinite velocity materials behaved similarly, bismuth and copper being notable. He believed that
(ch. 13). he had finally demonstrated a quite general dependence of magnetic action on
To label his accomplishment Thomson chose the phrase 'mechanico- the medium through which it passed.
cinematical representation. This usage o f kinematic is the one we have adopted Repulsion itself seemed quite inexplicable in terms of the usual theory, but
previously for his purely descriptive treatments of the motion of forces in space, Faraday found something even more puzzling. Repulsion did not properly
their distribution or propagation, independent of the causes of the motion. He characterize the effect, for the moving force acted not simply in the reverse
might have called the heat flow analogy thermo-cinematical in the same direction along lines of force, but sometimes perpendicularly across them.
sense. The use of the term here probably derived from the fact that the idea for Having never believed in attraction and repulsion at a distance in any case,
the new analogy arose while he worked out his introductory lecture, which Faraday described the general behaviour as a tendency to move from stronger
contained the division of mechanics into statics, cinematics, and dynamics (ch. to weaker places of magnetic force. To capture the sense of a space filled with
5). The point is that the representation, whatever its heuristic value, did not give forces in which objects moved between places of differential strength, Faraday
anything like a causal physical theory of the propagation of force in the ether. It introduced the term field in his November, 1845, Researches. This terminology
served only to generate the distribution of forces by analogy to a realistic form of and the effects it connoted provided the specific incentive for Thomson to
motion. Thomson described his attitude, and the limits of the analogy, to extend his own derivation, from April, 1845, of the ponderomotive force
Faraday: between electrified conductors. From the confluence of their two modes of
I e n c lo s e th e p a p er w h ic h I m e n tio n e d to y o u as g iv in g an a n a lo g y fo r th e e le c tr ic and
analysis came the basic tenets of classical field theory.
m a g n e tic fo r c e s b y m e a n s o f th e strain, p r o p a g a te d th r o u g h an e la stic so lid . W h a t 1 h a v e
Immediately following the Mechanical representation in his notebook, but
w r itte n is m e r e ly a sk e tc h o f th e m a th e m a tic a l a n a lo g y . I d id n o t v e n tu r e e v e n to h in t at one month later, 30th December, 1846, Thomson entered the following sketch:
th e p o s s ib ility o f m a k in g it th e f o u n d a tio n o f a p h y sic a l t h e o r y o f th e p r o p a g a tio n o f L et fi b e th e m a g n e tic m o m e n t o f a sm a ll sp h e r e o f a n y m a g n e tic o r d ia m a g n e tic
e le c tr ic an d m a g n e tic fo r c e s, w h ic h , i f e sta b lish e d at all, w o u ld e x p ress as a n ece ssa r y su b sta n c e , i f m a g n e tiz e d b y a u n it o f fo r c e . I f th is sp h e r e b e p u t at a n y p*^ (x ,y ,^ ) in th e
resu lt th e c o n n e c t io n b e t w e e n e le c tr ic a l an d m a g n e tic fo r c e s, and w o u ld s h o w h o w th e n e ig h b o u r h o o d o f a m a g n e t, it w ill b e m a g n e tiz e d so th a t its m a g n e tic m o m e n t w ill b e
p u r e ly statical p h e n o m e n a o f m a g n e tis m m a y o r ig in a te e ith e r fr o m e le c tr ic ity in m o t io n , p F [w h e r e ] = [(g r a d ie n t T )^ ] = X ^ + Y ^ + Z^) & th e com p^ o f th e fo r c e w it h w ^ it
o r fr o m an in e r t m ass su ch as a m a g n e t. I f su ch a th e o r y c o u ld b e d isc o v e r e d , it w o u ld also, w ill b e u r g e d , in th e dir" p arallel to O X , w ill b e
w h e n taken in c o n n e c tio n w it h th e u n d u la to r y th e o r y o f lig h t, in all p r o b a b ility e x p la in
th e e ffe ct o f m a g n e tis m o n p o la r iz e d lig h t.

In these lines lay the research programme of a lifetime, the source of the dy
chronic disease that Thomson later called ether dipsomania, attacks of which he
suffered until his d e a t h . I n 1847 he would restrict his efforts to working out the 1 5
or 2 ^ ^ (gradient
mathematical relations that governed the distribution of magnetic forces in the
ether and the associated ponderomotive forces on inductively magnetized
substances, that is, to the dynamics of a magnetic field.
When Thomson had queried Faraday in August, 1845, about the effects of
polarized dielectrics on light, he had also asked about attraction or repulsion of H e n c e th e sp h e r e , i f o f a m a g n e tic su b s ta n c e , w ill b e u r g e d b y a [ p o n d e r o m o t iv e ] in th e
such dielectrics, as suggested by the analogy to magnetic materials. Although dir" a lo n g w ^ th e a b so lu te resu lt' [ m a g n e tic ] increases; i f d ia m a g n e tic , in th e c o n tr a r y
Faraday found neither effect in dielectrics, he found both in what he soon called d irec" . (fr o m w e a k e r to str o n g e r lin e s o f fo r c e o r th e rev e r se . F arad ay - 2 4 1 8 also
2 2 6 9 ).

Thomson called attention to the similarity in method o f the two analogies in Note on the Thomson to Faraday, in SPT, 1,146-9. Michael Faraday, E x p e r i m e n t a l r e s e a r c h e s i n e l e c t r i c it y (3
integration o f the equations o f equilibrium o f an elastic solid. C a m . a n d D u b l i n M a t h . J . , i (1848), 87 vols., London, 1834,1844,1855), 3, series X X and XXL See especially David Gooding, Final steps
9; MPP, 1, 97-9. to the field theory: Faradays investigation o f magnetic phenomena: 1845-1850, H i s t . S t u d . P h y s .
William Thomson to Michael Faraday, 11th June, 1847, in SPT, 1, 203-4. S c i . , 11 (1981) 231-75, and Faraday, Thomson, and the magnetic field, B r i t . J . H i s t . S c i . , 13 (1980),
Lord Kelvin to G.F. Fitzgerald, 9th April, 1896, in SPT, 2, 1065. 91 120.
262 The transformation o f classical physics 263
The dynamics o f field theory

He went on to describe the conditions of equilibrium for magnetic and forces, consisting of places of stronger and weaker force. He now formally
diamagnetic spheres located at positions of maximum and minimum F, giving defined a magnetic field as any space at every point of which there is a finite
examples of how such conditions could be realized experimentally. magnetic force, and a line of force as a line drawn through a magnetic field in
In the published version Thomson replaced the induced magnetic moment the direction of the force at each point through which it passes. These defini
juF by a continuously variable intensity of magnetism (magnetic moment tions may easily be misinterpreted to involve no more than the concept of
per unit volume, or magnetization) resulting from an inductive capacity feo, action at a distance would suggest; point forces acting in a definite direction at
i" = k o ^ . each point in space. Thomson conceived the action of the field on bodies within
For a small volume a he therefore obtained it, however, not in terms of point forces, but in terms of differences in field
F ^ = gradient (^kooF^), intensity between different places, an action which might or might not be
with the interpretation: the components of the force in different directions [are] along the lines of force. In each publication he called attention to this remarkable
expressible by the differential coefficients of the function \kQ<jF^\ The function feature of Faradays discovery, noting in 1847: Thus in some cases [a magnetized
behaved, then, as a total potential for the ponderomotive force and bears close body] may actually be urged across the direction of the magnetizing force.
comparison to the relation F gradient 4>, where <Pis mechanical effect.**^ The same result would follow from summing over the point forces acting on the
Throughout his notebook in 1847 Thomson interpreted the function in this body, but as a conceptual matter the field treatment of ponderomotive forces
way. He gave the interpretation publicly in a paper of 1851 that extended the was radically new.
results to crystalline media. Simplified to the non-crystalline case, his general In 1847 Thomson not only developed the essentials of these two ideas
principle was: separately but began explicitly to unite them in the idea of the field as a field
th e en tir e a c tio n w h ic h [an in fin ite ly sm a ll sp h ere] e x p e r ie n c e s , w h e th e r d ir e c tiv e
constituted of mechanical effect. The work done to establish a magnetic system
te n d e n c y o r te n d e n c y to m o v e fr o m o n e part o f th e fie ld to a n o th e r , is d e fin e d b y th e became mechanical effect distributed throughout the field, rather than localized
f o llo w in g p r o p o sitio n : T h e q u a n tity o f m e c h a n ic a l w o r k w h ic h is r e q u ir e d to b r in g th e in discrete sources. Concomitantly, work expended or extracted in moving a
b o d y fr o m a p o s itio n w h e r e th e in te n s ity o f th e fo r c e is F . . . to a p o s itio n w h e r e th e body from one place to another became work done to increase or decrease the
in te n s ity o f th e fo r c e is F' . . . is e q u a l to . . . mechanical effect constituting the field, rather than mechanical effect localized
in the position o f the body. Through mechanical effect the field became a real
a n d th e p r o p o s itio n is e q u iv a le n t to th e m a th e m a tic a l e x p r e s sio n o f F a ra d a y s la w physical entity rather than a description of a distribution o f abstract forces. Its
r e g a r d in g th e t e n d e n c y t o p la ces o f str o n g e r o r w e a k e r force.'** reality, conversely, was limited to the reality of mechanical effect as a physical
Two aspects of this 1851 statement are notable. The formal proposition entity, or as energy. The concept field and the concept energy thus depended
relating ponderomotive forces to work, firstly, has the connotations of the fully on each other and emerged in tandem.
generalized principle of mechanical effect, or the principle of energy conserva
tion (ch. 9). In essentially the form given here, Thomson and Peter Guthrie Tait, The hydrodynamic analogy
in their classic Treatise on natural philosophy o f 1867, would regard the proposi
tion as comprehending the whole of abstract dynamics, for it transformed all In the period 1847-50 Thomson transformed his kinematics of fields, as em
questions of force into questions of energy. bodied in the analogies to heat and to elastic solids, into field dynamics. Once
Secondly, Thomson has adopted Faradays term field for the system of again an analogy led him through the physical reasoning while he searched for
analytic proofs. Water, or hydrodynamics, the special province of his new friend
Stokes, this time provided the requisite medium of thought. And once again a
** William Thomson, 30th December, 1846, NB34, ULC, pp. 48-9.
William Thomson, On the forces experienced by small spheres under magnetic influence; and compact notebook entry, of 29th March, 1847, signalled the shift in focus. We
on some o f the phenomena presented by diamagnetic substances. Cam. and Dublin M ath.J., 2 ( 1847), give it in full before analyzing its multiple facets.
230-5; E&M, 493-9. Thomson, following Green, actually used 3i/47r rather than our k^, jrr being the
magnetic moment o f a unit sphere which freely conducts magnetic fluids. He changed to the simpler L et F b e th e a ttr a c tio n in th e d ir e c tio n o f th e n o r m a l, p r o d u c e d b y a d istr ib u tio n (p) o f
form in later papers. See his Remarks on the forces experienced by inductively magnetised m a tte r o v e r a su rfa ce S .
ferromagnetic or diamagnetic non-crystalline substances, Phil. Mag., (series 3), 3 7 (1850), 241-53;
E&M, 500-13. 1. Is it p o ss ib le to d e te r m in e p, F b e in g g iv e n (arb itrarily) w it h th e lim ita tio n
** William Thomson, On the theory o f magnetic induction in crystalline and non-crystalline
J fF d o = 0?
substances, Phil. Mag., [series 4), 1 (1851), 177-86; E&M, 465-81. The abstract appeared in B A A S
Report, 20 (1850), 23. On the forces, E&M, 496.
264 The transformation o f classical physics The dynamics o f fo ld theory 265

II. Is it p o ss ib le to d istr ib u te c lo s e d w ir e s o v e r 5 so as to p r o d u c e th e sa m e a ttrac magnetization is proportional to magnetizing force F , I = >where

tio n as a g iv e n d istr ib u tio n (F) o f m atter? is positive for magnetic bodies, negative for diamagnetics, and zero for free space
III. Is it p o ss ib le to m a g n e tiz e a so lid w it h in S so as to p r o d u c e th e sa m e fo r c e o n (ether). With this convention the two kinds of materials have opposite polariza
an e x te r n a l p o in t as a g iv e n dist" (F) o v e r th e surface? [(T h is is at o n c e s h o w n tions and space is non-magnetic. In his original publication on diamagnetism,
to b e id e n t w it h q u e s tio n I.), del.] however, Faraday had recognized that all substances could be taken to have the
IV . Is it p o ss ib le to fin d a fu n c tio n <f> w h ic h [g iv e s] b y c o e ffic ie n ts th e [ v e lo c ity , del.]
same kind of inductive capacity, diamagnetics to a lesser degree than space and
m o t io n o f w a te r in th e in te r io r o f S , th e m o tio n a cross an e le m e n t w o f th e sur
magnetics to a greater:
face b e in g Fcu? ( O f c o u r se w e m a y a d d to a n y s o lu tio n o b ta in e d an arb itra ry
part w h ic h w o u ld rep r e se n t m o t io n w h ic h c o u ld ta k e p la ce within S.) W h ic h e v e r v ie w w e tak e o f so lid a n d liq u id su b stan ces, w h e th e r as f o r m in g t w o lists, or
o n e g rea t m a g n e tic c la s s . . . it w ill n o t, as far as I can p e r c e iv e , a fle c t th e q u e stio n . T h e y are
It is p o ss ib le to fin d a sta te o f m o t io n o f w a te r th r o u g h S su c h th at th e m o tio n a cross th e
all su b ject to th e in flu e n c e o f th e m a g n e tic lin es o f fo r c e p assin g th r o u g h th e m , an d th e
su rfa ce w ill b e r e p r e se n te d b y a(n a rb itra rily ) g iv e n fu n c t io n F (b u t p erh ap s n o t o n e in
virtu a l d iffe r e n c e in p r o p e r ty an d ch ara cter b e t w e e n a n y t w o su b sta n ces ta k e n fr o m
w h ic h V d r =d<f> [w h e r e v = v e lo c it y ] ) . H e n c e III. is a n s w e r e d in th e a ffirm a tiv e !
d iffe r e n t p la ces in th e l i s t . . . w ill b e th e sam e; fo r it is th e d iffe r e n tia l r e la tio n o f th e t w o
It has o c c u r r e d t o m e th is e v e n in g th a t a n y m o t io n o f w a te r in th e in te r io r o f S g iv e s a
w h ic h g o v e r n s th e ir m u tu a l effects. '
d istr ib u tio n o f m a g n e tis m in th e in te r io r o f a p ie c e o f steel b o u n d e d b y a su rface sim ila r to
S, su ch th a t n o f o r c e w ill b e e x e r te d o n an e x te r n a l p o in t. F o r in sta n ce, a c lo s e d tu b e , w it h In support of that view, Faraday had done experiments on a vial containing a
w a te r f lo w in g r o u n d th r o u g h it, is c o m p a r a b le w it h a bar m aignet (Iw co n sta n t) b e n t w it h weak solution o f an iron salt, showing that it behaved like a normally magnetic
its en d s to g e th e r . substance in air but like a diamagnetic when immersed in a stronger iron
v e lo c it y | in te n s ity ') - solution.
^ . I o f m a g n e tic
> o f m o t io n , I , . . Thomson too recognized the conventionality of measuring inductive capaci
I r p o la r isa tio n
d ir e c tio n J d ir e c tio n J ties relative to zero or to unity for air/ether. In his notebook on 10th March he
wrote (k1) for the feo above and on 30th September, under Possibility of
W r o t e to S to k e s t o n ig h t a sk in g h im IV ., &c. problem of magnetic induction, he specified: Let k be the inductive capacity
Taken as a whole, this passage indicates both the definite goal and the [conducting power in analogous prob"^ of heat, inserted] at any p' of a mass of
ambiguity of his initial hydrodynamic analogy. The ambiguity has two roots. matter susceptible of indue"; & let us consider as a fu" w^ is equal to 1 for all p^s
Most obviously, he took the motion of water as analogous to both intensity of of space unoccupied by this matter. T h e convention k = \ for air/ether made
magnetic force F and intensity I (magnetic moment per unit volume, or the hydrodynamic analogy applicable to all space, with the motion of water
magnetization). This seems to be the same ambiguity as that in the correlation of analogous to a continuous flux of magnetic force, as polarization, through any
electric force with temperature gradient and flux of heat simultaneously. region outside the sources.
Recognizing, however, that Thomson regarded magnetic force, in contrast to From March to November Thomson drove this hydrodynamic analogy
electric force, to be propagated as a true displacement in the interior of the ether, towards solutions of the four possibility questions above, often consulting
as in the elastic solid model, we shall have no difficulty in identifying his Stokes on his favorite subject and receiving lengthy replies. On 7th April
magnetic force with magnetic polarization, and thus as a flux. A deeper Thomson wrote: 1have been for a long time thinking on subjects such as those
ambiguity derives from the fact that the sources of magnetic force are both you write about, & helping myself to understand them by illustrations from the
magnetic matter, in (I), and electric currents, in (II). He expressed his worry theories of heat, electricity, magnetism, & especially galvanism; sometimes also
about this double origin of magnetic force in the letter to Faraday in June water. I can strongly recommend heat for clearing the head on all such
(quoted above) in which he observed that the mechanical representation would considerations, but I suppose you prefer cold water. He thought Stokes would
have to show how the purely statical phenomena of magnetism may originate be delighted if you read a few pages or even a few words of a paper of Gauss. . .
either from electricity in motion, or from an inert mass such as a magnet. We by which you will be supplied by a flood of illustrations for water. The paper
consider the simpler issue first. was Gausss General theory of terrestrial magnetism, which contained illustra
In the analysis of ponderomotive forces on induced magnets, discussed above, tions and maps of magnetic lines over the earths surface. Thomson referred
specifically to a section outlining how magnetic forces produced by galvanic
*0 William Thomson, 29th March, 1847, NB34, ULC, pp. 52 3. William Thomson to G.G.
Stokes, 30th March, 1847, K18, ULC, contains questions IV and the remarks that follow , which Faraday, Experimental researches, 3, paras. 2443ff.
initiated extensive and important discussions in April. William Thomson, lOth March and 30th September, 1847, NB34, ULC, pp. 50, 83.
266 The transformation o f classical physics The dynamics o f f eld theory 267

currents could be represented by distributions of imaginary magnetic matter

(northern and southern fluids), remarking, I am very anxious to find whether
Gauss has found the opportunity he waited for, of writing more.^^
This concern changes the issue from induced magnetization to the two kinds
of permanent magnetic sources, questions (I) and (II), their relation to each other
and to the hydrodynamic analogy. Water supplies useful illustrations for
magnetism because it behaves (nearly) like an incompressible fluid, in which
lines of motion must always form closed curves. For every line leaving a closed
surface S containing magnetic sources, another must enter, like the lines of force
leaving and entering a magnet at its north and south poles. The integral of the
flux over the entire surface must therefore vanish, JjFdor = 0. Beginning from
this fact (though not from the analogy) Gauss had sought the most general
representation possible of the observed distribution of magnetic forces over the
surface o f the earth, and the relation of that representation to the possible sources
of terrestrial magnetism, whether magnetic fluids in the interior materials or
electric currents at the surface.
He called attention, in particular, to Amperes theorem, that in place of each
linear current bounding an arbitrary surface, we may substitute a [uniform]
distribution of the magnetic fluids on both sides of this surface, as in figure 8.5.
Thomson would soon name the surface a magnetic shell. Gauss deferred a full
development of the theory to another opportunity but stated two essential
theorems. The solid angle Q subtended at any point by a current loop, multi
plied by the strength of the current i, gives the magnetic potential at the point;
rigure 8.5. The two small circles represent cross-sections through a current loop o f
and, a corollary, when the current loop is replaced by a magnetic shell, the
strength i, directed into the paper on the right and outwards on the left. The loop
potential must change in crossing the surface by 4tt (the entire solid angle of a bounds an arbitrary surface which has uniform distributions o f northern N and
closed surface surrounding the point) times the current strength.^^ southern S magnetic matter on its tw o sides and subtends a solid angle Q at an
On the basis o f those two results, Thomson sought new versions of his arbitrary point p.
replacement surface theorem of 1841 that would show how distributions of fluid
(I) and current (II) could be found over any closed surface (not necessarily an He announced one such piece of work, the replacement surface theorems for
equipotential surface) which would reproduce an arbitrarily given distribution terrestrial magnetism, at the meeting of the British Association in June. Green
of magnetic force over the surface, and therefore throughout the external space. had already answered question (I) affirmatively, he recognized, so that a certain
While heat flow had generated the earlier theorem, water flow would generate [superficial] distribution of imaginary magnetic matter may be found, which
the new ones. Having completed his first session at Glasgow he spent May and would produce all the phaenomena of terrestrial magnetism observed at the
much of June, 1847, back at Cambridge: getting out various pieces of work, surface of the earth or above it, p = Fj4rr.
along with Stokes, connected with some problems in electricity, fluid motion, The trick was to obtain the superficial currents suggested by Gauss (and
etc., that I have been thinking on for years, and I am now seeing my way better Ampere) from Greens theorem, which Thomson said he had done, by an
than I could ever have done by myself, or with any other person than Stokes. analogous theorem of which a physical demonstration may be given by consid
erations connected with fluid motion. He gave only the result. From p find a
William Thomson to G.G. Stokes, 30th March and 7th April, 1847, K18 and K19, Stokes
correspondence, ULC. Thomson was referring to Gauss, General theory, p. 230. potential U for the internal space such that dU/8n = p and divergence U = 0. (This
Gauss, General theory, pp. 230-1. Thomson used the term magnetic shell by 19th August, would be a potential for the motion of water in the space, as guaranteed by
1848, NB34, ULC, p. 101. It renders his understandingofGaussrather too explicitly here. Thomson Stokess positive answer to question (IV).) Then: Construct on the surface a
and Stokes only worked out the definite meaning o f Gausss theorems in April, during their lengthy
exchange regarding the hydrodynamical interpretation. map of the values of U". If wires be laid along the lines round the surface
William to Dr Thomson, 20 June, 1847, T366, ULC. corresponding to sufficiently close equidifferent values of U, as indicated by this
268 The transformation o f classical physics The dynamics o f f eld theory 269

While apparently very simple, the solution contains a profound ambiguity

with respect to internal conditions. On the magnetic matter representation the
internal lines of force run in the opposite direction from the external ones, while
on the current representation they form continuous loops, like lines of motion in
a space filled with water. In one sense the problem is purely mathematical. If one
attempts to define a potential <f> 2 for the re-entering motions {<f>i being the
potential for non-re-entrant motions), its value must change by Airi on every
return to the same point. Should the potential be regarded as multiple valued, or
as discontinuous? Stokes initially remarked, that ^2 niust necessarily be
discontinuous. If it were not, the permanent temperature o f a solid of the same
form as S might vary from point to point without there being any flux of heat
across the bounding surface; or a fluid at rest within a closed rigid surface might
set itself in motion. But Thomson responded: There is no reason for saying that
^2 is discontinuous, but rather we should say it has an infinite number of
values at each point. For . . . we may go round the ring continually in the
direction o f motion and find a continually increasing value o<f> 2 but if we
obtained a corresponding expres" forp ([pressure] in a problem ofhydrostatics...)
of for y ([temperature] in a problem of heat) then when, in going round the
ring, we reach the surface of equilibrium or isoth^ surf, from w^* we started, we
must place an impermeable barrier, to keep up the difF*^ betw. the values o fp, or
betw. those of
In physical terms, therefore, the problem would not go away. Depending on
Figure 8.6. The two sides o f the single surface in figure 8.5 have here been separated whether one supposed the sources o f terrestrial magnetism to act like magnetic
to open an interior space, with the lines o f force inside directed oppositely to those fluids or like electric currents, the lines of force would be discontinuous or
outside. continuous, respectively, across the surface o f the earth (or other permanent
magnet). The old problem in the heat analogy to electrostatic inductive action,
map, and if currents of equal intensity be made to circulate through them (each of an intensity/quantity or gradient/flux duality, therefore re-emerged in the
being a closed curve), the electro-magnetic force that will result, upon external hydrodynamic analogy to magnetism as the problem of sources. On the
points, will be the same as the force of terrestrial magnetism. magnetic matter representation, magnetic forces appeared as discontinuous
Thomson seems to have reasoned backwards from Gausss analysis as follows. gradients of a proper, single-valued potential, like gradients of pressure in
For any supposed linear current i ringing the earths surface, imagine the two hydrostatics. On the current representation, they appeared as properly continu
faces of the equivalent magnetic shell to be separated, opening up an internal ous fluxes.
space having the shape of the earth (figure 8.6). Then the imaginary magnetic Magnetism, however, presented phenomena very different from electrostat
matter at the surface will produce the same external forces as the current loop, ics: magnetic lines always re-entered the magnet from which they emerged;
and the internal potential U at the surface will change across the line of the diamagnetism existed, with an inductive capacity less than space; and a true
current by i. Repeating the process for every such linear current, and summing displacement of matter seemed to be required to explain magneto-optic rota
the resultant densities of magnetic matter and the potentials at each point, will tion. All of these factors favoured a flux representation of magnetic lines. While
generate the appropriate distributions p and U over the surface. Conversely, clearly preferring this view, Thomson still had no adequate theory of magne
from a map of cquipotential lines of U, one may find the appropriate distribu tism that would explain it. He confidently rejected the imaginary magnetic
tion of currents, as Thomson stated."^
Thomson, 16th April, 1847, S329, ULC, and from a remark Thomson appended to a slightly
William Thomson, On the electric currents by which the phaenomena o f terrestrial different derivation on 16th August, 1848, m N1334, ULC; When 1wrote the paper (June 22 11847])
magnetism may be produced, B A A S Report, 17 (1847), 38-9; E&M, 462-5. Draft o f 22nd June, 1only contemplated the method by imagining a body potentially magnetized, & cutting it into slices
1847, in NB34, ULC, pp. 66-72. Stokes gave his definite answer to (IV) in G.G. Stokes to William by equipot* surfaces, &c.
Thomson, 10th April, 1847, S327, ULC. G.G Stokes to William Thomson, 1st April, 1847, S324, ULC, and Thomson to Stokes, 7th
This reconstruction follows from the analysis and diagrams given by G.Cl. Stokes to William April, 1847, K19, Stokes correspondence, ULC.
270 The transformation o f classical physics The dynamics o f field theory 271

matter representation of the earths magnetism, asserting, This proposition .. . loosely as a principle of least work done to establish a flow system, Thomson had
cannot be entertained as expressing a physical fact. On the other hand: we have already recognized a more general solution of the problem of distributions of
now many reasons for believing that the existence of terrestrial electric currents, magnetic forces, applicable to spaces o f variable inductive capacity. On 27th
producing wholly or in part the magnetic phaenomena, is a physical fact. Still September, 1847, he was considering the work done in pushing fluid through a
he did not believe in Amperes theory of electrodynamic molecules, which space enclosed by a surface S held fixed. On 30th September he began working
assumed all magnetism to be caused by electric currents surrounding the on the Possibility of [the] problem o f magnetic induction, by minimizing the
molecules of magnetic materials; Amperes theory . . must be regarded as integral f JJfe(gradient V)^dT over all space, subject to the continuity equation,
merely theoretical; for it is absolutely impossible to conceive of the currents divergence (gradient K) = - 4irp. This integral simply extends to the entire
which he describes round the molecules of matter as having a physical exist magnetic system the potential 4> k^aF^ for the ponderomotive force on a
ence.^^ There can be no question, then, ofThomson having already in mind his sphere of volume a and inductive capacity k^. The procedure is flawed,
famous vortex theory of atoms. His electric currents on the earth were surface however, because it assumes the same potential V and magnetizing force
currents, and in general he imagined intermolecular, not intramolecular, cur F^ = gradient V as would exist in free space. That is, it does not take into
rents. He had not yet discovered a connection, as he told Faraday, between the account any redistribution o f the lines of force (conceived now as lines of
statical and the dynamical aspects of magnetism. polarization, analogous to lines of fluid motion) resulting from inserting the
Nevertheless, by the autumn of 1847, the hydrodynamical analogy had taken arbitrary distribution of capacities k into a previously homogeneous free space
on aspects of a quite general physical theory. Between August and October where k = \.
Thomson worked out two theorems, and two papers, which transformed the After several attempts to perfect the proof, he arrived on 7th October at the
analogy into a theory of mechanical effect and ponderomotive force in a field of analysis published in Theorems with reference to the solution of certain partial
magnetization. differential equations, which established existence and uniqueness of solutions
The first theorem, published (in its converse form) as , On the vis-viva of a to the equation
liquid in motion, answered questions (I), (111), and (IV) affirmatively, by divergence(fe gradient V )= Arep.
proving that the solutions existed when the integral JJjF^dr, interpreted as vis This is a continuity equation for the polarization ( k gradient V) which flows
viva in the hydrodynamical analogy, was minimum. He wrote to Stokes: continuously through all space outside the sources. The proof depends on the
existence of a minimum in a function which, suitably interpreted, is the work
T h e f o llo w in g o c c u r r e d to m e w h e n I w a s tr y in g to g e t an a n a ly tic a l p r o o f o f th e
p o s s ib ility o f d istr ib u tin g m a tte r o v e r a su rfa ce, S , so th a t th e fo r c e [F], a lo n g th e
done to redistribute the lines of magnetization throughout space when an
n o r m a l, o n p * in fin ite ly n ea r th e su rfa ce m a y h a v e an arb itra ry e x p r e s sio n . . . L et arbitrary function k replaces k = \ .
[ d iv e r g e n c e F ] = 0 . . . F b e in g arbv w it h th e so le rest JjF ^ d a = 0 . T h e r e e x is ts a This incredibly cryptic paper of a mere three pages makes no reference to
s o lu tio n w h ic h ren d ers JJ jF ^ d r less than a n y o t h e r . . . Y o u w ill e a sily see th at th is a n a ly sis, work, vis viva, mechanical effect or least action, and supplies no aids to
w h e n a p p lie d to h y d r o d y n a m ic s , w ill g iv e a p r o o f, b y m e a n s o f th e p r in c ip le o f least understanding other than the concluding remark: The analysis given above,
a c tio n th a t F*-dr is a c o m p le te diff* [d<^] in th e case o f a m ass o f flu id , b o u n d e d b y a especially when interpreted in various cases of abrupt variations in the value of fe,
su rfa ce, (c h a n g in g o f c o u r se in fo r m ) S, a n d set in m o t io n b y u n e q u a l pressu re at th e and of infinite or evanescent values, through finite spaces, possesses very
su rfa ce, th u s i f t b e th e tim e , fr o m rest, w e m u st h a v e jdtJJjF ^ dT a m in im u m , a n d th e important applications in the theories of heat, electricity, magnetism, and
resu lt is e a s ily fo u n d , as a b o v e . I sh^* b e g la d to h ea r fr o m y o u w h e th e r th is is o n e o f th e
hydrodynamics, which may form the subject of future communications. Yet
p r o o fs w h h a v e b e e n g iv e n .
Thomson wrote in his notebook: The possibility of all the problems I have yet
Stokes answered: The proof you give that F^ dr is an exact difT when the considered in the allied physical theories is I believe established by this theorem. He
motion begins from rest is perfectly new to me, and appears quite satisfactory. returned to his possibility questions of 29th March to write yes by each of
O f course you will publish it.^ them and to note: See Oct. 7,1847 for proof ofa theorem on which the answers
He did, but without the principle of least action. He relied instead on the idea are founded.^^
o f motion generated suddenly, by impulsive forces at the boundary, which October, 1847, K21, Stokes correspondence, ULC; Stokes to Thomson, (received) 30th October,
avoids a problem Stokes raised (below) about the effects of fluid friction when 1847, S330, ULC. Thomson had written out the proof and its vis-viva interpretation on 13th-14th
August, 1847, in NB34, ULC, pp. 749.
forces act over finite times. Nevertheless, in the principle of least action, read
William Thomson, Theorems with reference to the solution o f certain partial differential
William Thomson, Terrestrial magnetism, E&M, 462-5. equations. Cam. and Dublin M alh.J., 3 (1848), 84-7, and (with added note) J. de Math., 12 (1847),
William Thomson, Notes on hydrodynamics. V. On the vis-viva ofa liquid in m otion. Cam. 493-6; E&M, 139-43; MPP, 1 , 93-^. In the French version, a curious change o f sign occurs, which
and Dublin Math. J . , 4 (1849), 90-4; MPP, 1, 107-12. William Thomson to G.G. Stokes, 20th would make k = () in free space. See William Thomson, 29th March, and 7th October, 1847, in
272 The transformation o f classical physics The dynamics o f field theory 273

Perhaps Thomson published his theorem in its occult form just because of its Stokes could not immediately comply, Thomson wrote Note II as well, On the
immense significance, which he had not yet had time to digest. Stokes had equation of the bounding surface, to precede Stokess Note III, On the
responded to his announcement of the theorem on minimum vis viva with a dynamical equations. The Notes present an explicit formulation of the distinc
suggestion: To prevent misconception it would be well to state explicitly that it tion between kinematics and dynamics. In requesting Note III, Thomson sug
only holds on the hypothesis of the absence of tangential action [friction], in w^ gested a preface, to the effect that the cinematical equations which depend on the
case alone the principle of least action can be applied. You have not it seems characteristics peculiar to fluid bodies, have been investigated in the preceding
considered the case of elastic fluids. articles, & that you now proceed to apply the ordinary [mechanical, del.]
Stokess remark is striking because both men had heard James Joule, at the dynamical principles, connecting actual motions, with the forces by w^ they are
British Association in June, present a paper on the conversion of work to heat by produced or sustained. Stokes responded with a fuller version: In reducing to
the friction of fluids. Thomson wrote retrospectively in 1872: I did not then calculation the motion of a system o f rigid bodies, or of material points, there are
know that motion is the very essence of what has been hitherto called matter. At two sorts of equations with which we are concerned; the one expressing the
the 1847 meeting of the British Association in Oxford, I learned from Joule the geometrical connexions of the bodies or particles with one another, or with
dynamical theory of heat, and was forced to abandon at once many, and curves or surfaces external to the system, the other expressing the relations
gradually from year to year all other, statical preconceptions regarding the between the changes of motion which take place in the system and the forces
ultimate causes of apparently statical phenomena. T h e degree to which he had producing such changes. The equations belonging to these two classes may be
begun that process in 1847 is uncertain, but the problems of heat would indeed called, respectively, the geometrical, and the dynamical, equations. Precisely the
soon force him to pursue a dynamical theory of magnetism based on molecular same remarks apply to the motion of fluids.
electric currents, and a dynamical theory of elasticity based on the same currents. Thomsons kinematical analogies, therefore, comprised only geometrical de
In the very letter to which Stokes was responding, in fact, Thomson reported: scriptions of motions, in particular those governed by the continuity equation.
The analogy between magnetism and the motions of water became a
I p e r c e iv e d a fin e in sta n c e o f e la s tic ity in an in c o m p r e s s ib le liq u id , in a v e r y s im p le
hydrodynamical analogy precisely when the causes of the motions entered.
o b s e r v a tio n m a d e at P aris, o n a c u p o f th ic k c h o c o la t au la it. W h e n I m a d e th e liq u id
Stokess Note III, and also IV, dealt with the ordinary dynamical principles of
r e v o lv e in th e c u p , b y stir r in g it, an d th e n to o k o u t th e s p o o n [th e v e lo c it y o f r o ta tio n
d im in is h e d v e r y ra p id ly , del.] th e t w is t in g m o tio n (in e d d ie s, an d in th e g e n e r a l v a r ia tio n
point forces and pressures.^^ Thomsons Note V, however, on the minimum in
o f a n g u la r v c l. o n acc' o f th e a c tio n o f th e sp o o n o v e r c o m in g th e in ertia o f th e liq u id , an d vis viva, which he intended originally to express the principle of least action,
th e fric" at th e sides) in b e c o m in g e ffa c e d , a lw a y s g a v e rise to se v era l o s c illa tio n s so th at imposed a dynamical principle on the fluid as a whole. It made the behaviour of
b e fo r e th e liq u id b e g a n to m o v e as a r ig id b o d y , it p e r fo r m e d o sc illa tio n s lik e an ela stic any element depend on the requirement that the entire field of motion contain
(in c o m p r e s sib le ) so lid . the minimum possible mechanical effect, or, alternatively, that the mechanical
effect expended to establish the field be minimum.
This passage suggests already a close relation between the elastic-solid analogy of
In the latter form it is particularly obvious that the dynamical principle
the mechanical representation and the hydrodynamical analogy for magne
expressed an identity between the ponderomotive forces on objects in a field and
tism. Since Thomson did not develop that idea until after 1849, we shall take it
the tendency o f the field to arrange itself so as to minimize its total mechanical
up only after discussing his interaction with Joule and thermodynamics (chs. 9
effect. That identification constitutes the essential significance of Thomsons
and 10) and after showing how he recovered the principle of least action in
analysis of his extended continuity equation. His proof of existence and unique
dynamics (ch. 11).
ness of solutions simply says that every region of space, and every object, that
The theorem of minimum vis viva provided Thomson with the dynamical
participates in the field will acquire the particular magnetization that minimizes
principle of hydrodynamics, the principle controlling the states of motion in a
the total mechanical effect, and, concomitantly, that every object experiences a
fluid. It apparently motivated the series o f Notes on hydrodynamics that he
force determined in direction and magnitude by the maximum rate of decrease
announced in the same letter, noting that he had already written the first Note,
On the equation of continuity, and soliciting contributions from Stokes. As Thomson to Stokes, 20th October, 1847, K21, and 1st February, 1848, K23, Stokes
correspondence, ULC; Stokes to Thomson, 25th November, 1847, S331 and S332 (copy), ULC.
NB34, ULC, pp. 52, 87. For additional interpretation of this theorem and its relation to Thomsons Notes on hydrodynamics. L, II., and III., Cam. and Dublin M ath.J., 2 (1847), 2826; 3 (1848), 89-93,
mathematical theory of magnetism sec M.N. Wise, The flow analogy to electricity and magnetism. 121-7; II. in MPP, 1 83-7; III. in Stokes, Papers, 2, pp. 1-7.
Parti: William Thomsons reformulation of action at a distance. Arch. Hist. Exact Sci., 25 (1981), 19 G.G. Stokes, Notes on hydrodynamics. IV. Demonstration of a fundamental theorem. Cam.
70, esp. pp. 56-61; for a mathematical description see Cross, Integral theorems, pp. 140-1. and Dublin M ath.J., 3 (1848), 209-19; Papers, 2, pp. 36-47. Stokes finished the series with VI. On
Stokes to Thomson, (received) 30th October, 1847, S330, ULC. E&M, 419h. waves. Cam. and Dublin. M ath .J., 4 (1849), 219-40; Papers, 2, pp. 221-42.
274 The transformation o f classical physics The dynamics o f fe ld theory 275

of the total mechanical effect. The equilibrium state of the system is thus to be T h e sa m e a r g u m e n t, fo r a c o n tr a r y r e a so n , s h o w s

understood in essentially temporal terms, the terms of genesis and further th at t w o b alls o f so ft iro n s im ila r ly a rra n g e d w o u ld set
w it h th e lin e j o in in g th e ir c e n tres also along th e lin es
development in a natural succession of states.
o f fo r c e . F o r th is p o s itio n m o r e d istu r b a n c e is p r o
These arc the same results he had established in April, 1845, for electrostatic
d u c e d o n th e lin es o f fo r c e th an in a n y o th e r , b u t n o w
systems, but he had not then distributed the mechanical effect in a field (at least
th e more d istu r b a n c e (b e in g o f b e tte r c o n d u c t io n ) th e
not explicitly), having located it in the sources at their various potentials through b e tte r . H e n c e th e c o n c lu s io n . O f c o u r s e sim ila r c o n
the integral jjjp Vdr. Although he had been perfectly aware of the mathematical c lu sio n s f o l lo w fo r bars, o r e lo n g a t e d m a sses, o f th e
equivalence between this integral and the field integral JjjF^dT, it was his new su b sta n ces.* *
conviction that an effect (polarization) actually took place in the field which
legitimized treating mechanical effect as spread through the field. Conviction
came only with Faradays new experiments on magneto-optic rotation and
diamagnetic action. The experiments thus provided a crucial motivation in
Thomsons relocalization of mechanical effect through the flow analogy. We
This interpretation follows immediately from the hydrodynamic analogy for
may now symbolize his magnetic field theory in three equations, for magnetiz
magnetization and the minimum condition on mechanical effect <P. It unites
ation, mechanical effect, and ponderomotive force, respectively:
completely Faradays intuitive and familiar rendering of fields, in terms of lines
divergence (fe gradient V)= 4ttp,
of force and differential conducting powers, with the mathematical theory that
and 0 = jjjfe (gradient f^)^dT = JjJpl/dT,
Thomson had spent seven years developing.
r* gradient <P.
Small wonder that Faraday was to acquire the status in scientific mythology
Although he continued to shield the field interpretation of these equations
of implicit mathematical genius. That image is usually associated with Max
from public view, he was prepared to apply it when necessary. In a well-known
wells many expressions of it. But Thomson too promoted the myth; for
letter to Faraday he explained why Faradays description of magnetic and
example, in his Glasgow lectures in 1881-2: Faraday not mathematician but had
diamagnetic action in terms of conducting power would require both mag
highly mathematical mind. Math feeling that always led him right when math
netic and diamagnetic bars to align themselves with the lines of force in a
question came up. Gave a name done much for science, field of force. W e
magnetic field:
may pass by the question of whom this myth was intended to glorify, Faraday or
L et th e d ia g r a m rep r e se n t a fie ld o f fo r c e n a tu r a lly those who rendered him mathematical. Having started out to show that
u n ifo r m , b u t in flu e n c e d b y th e p r e se n c e o f a b a ll o f Faradays electrostatic experiments were merely confirmations of the math
d ia m a g n e tic su b sta n c e . It is clea r th a t in th e lo c a litie s A
ematical theory - meaning originally a theory that elaborated the inverse square
an d B th e lin e s o f fo r c e w ill b e less d e n s e ly a rra n g ed ,
law for point forces - Thomson had quickly begun to translate, via analogy, the
an d in th e lo c a litie s D a n d C th e y w ill b e m o r e d e n s e ly
action at a distance interpretation of that theory of contiguous action. When he
arra n g ed th a n in th e u n d is tu r b e d fie ld . H e n c e a se c o n d
ball p la c e d at /I o r at B w o u ld m e e t a n d d istu rb fe w e r
wrote of the proof of the extended continuity equation for magnetization that
lin es than i f t h e first b a ll w e r e r e m o v e d ; b u t a se c o n d established, The possibility of all the problems I have yet considered in the allied
ball p la c e d at D o r C w o u ld m e e t a n d d istu rb m o r e physical theories', he had completed the translation. In the process Faradays
lin es o f f o r c e tha n i f th e first b a ll w e r e r e m o v e d . It theory had acquired a power far beyond that of the descriptive lines of force, but
f o llo w s th a t t w o e q u a l b a lls o f d ia m a g n e tic su b sta n c e the mathematical theory too had become a much more powerful, and quite
w o u ld p r o d u c e m o r e d istu r b a n c e o n th e lin e s o f fo r c e different tool: it had become field theory.
o f th e field i f th e lin e j o in in g th e ir ce n tr e s is p e r p e n
d ic u la r to th e lin es o f f o r c e th a n i f it is p a ra llel to th e m .
** William Thomson to Michael Faraday, Saturday, 19thJune, in SPT, 1 , 215-16. S.P. Thomp
B u t th e d istu r b a n c e p r o d u c e d b y a d ia m a g n e tic su b son dates the letter 1849, but it may have been 1848 or, conceivably, 1847, for 19thjune was Saturday
sta n ce is an e ffe c t o f w o r s e c o n d u c tin g p o w e r , a n d th e in 1847. See David Gooding, A convergence of opinion on the divergence of lines: Faraday and
less o f su ch a n effe c t th e b e tte r . H e n c e t w o b a lls o f Thomsons discussion of diamagnetism. Notes and records Royal Soc. London, 3 6 (1982), 24359. The
d ia m a g n e tic su b sta n c e , fix e d to o n e a n o th e r b y an
diagram with two balls (referring to Faraday, para. 2264) appeared in Thomsons notebook on 24th
March, 1847, in NB34, ULC, p. 51, albeit interpreted in terms o fmutual action between the two
u n m a g n e tic fr a m e w o r k , w o u ld , i f p la c e d o b liq u e ly
magnetized spheres and analyzed in terms of the rotational couple on an elongated ellipsoid.
and a llo w e d t o turn fr e e ly r o u n d an a x is, set w it h th e William Thomson, m MacCallum, Notes, p. 40.
lin e j o in in g th e ir ce n tr e s alonj^ th e lin es o f force.
276 The transformation o f classical physics The dynamics o f field theory 111

after th is h e w ill a lw a y s h a v e a v a r ie ty o f m a g n e tic in str u m e n ts in it, an d in v ite d m e to

Practical considerations and positive theory c o m e d o w n a n y t im e I can spare t im e , w h e n I m a y b e in L o n d o n , an d a m u se m y s e lf w it h
th e m . M rs S a b in e . . . tran slated all th e v e r y v a lu a b le p ap ers o f G au ss o n T errestria l
At the 1847 meeting of the British Association Thomson had presented his work
M a g n e tis m , in T a y lo r s S c ie n tific M e m o ir s , an d S m ith lo o k e d o v e r th e m a th e m a tic a l
on the method of images, emphasizing its practical dimension. At the same
parts fo r h er. S h e a lso , to c o m p le te th e scries, tran slated G a u ss M e m o ir o n G e n e r a l
meeting he read the paper on terrestrial magnetism, and we have seen that the th e o r e m s in A ttr a c tio n , w h . has b e e n so in te r e s tin g t o m e , t h o u g h sh e says th at w h e n sh e
associated theory of magnetic fields derived in essential ways from an engineer tran slated it she w a s v e r y m u c h afraid it w o u ld n e v e r b e o f u se t o a n y b o d y .*
ing interpretation of potentials, making mechanical effect the central concept
for ponderomotive forces, absolute measurements, and the field itself Both No doubt Sabine represented to Thomson the possibility of support in high
images and fields thus express the practical imperative in the young Glasgow places for the forthcoming campaign for the Glasgow chair, but, for his part,
professors theorizing. Lest this most pervasive theme be lost in the theoretical Sabine recognized in Thomson a source of badly needed theoretical expertise.
complexities, we conclude with a reminder. Gauss had no counterpart in Britain, and the Astronomer Royal, G.B. Airy,
Thomsons analysis of terrestrial magnetism extended that of Gauss, who who had most knowledge of the mathematics of magnetism, opposed the
began from the problem of mapping the magnetic field over the surface of the project after 1840. Sabine distrusted Gausss theory but could hardly have
earth. Such maps served primarily the interests of navigation: mercantile, understood it theoretically, while Thomson knew it in every detail. Their
military, and exploratory. Gauss acknowledged that science delights to render association was to bear fruit for both parties when Sabine, as President of the
such useful services, while protesting that the mapping had been prompted by Royal Society, communicated to that body in 1849 Thomsons massive Math
the pure love of science. Whatever Gausss personal motives, his data derived ematical theory of magnetism, and when Thomson was elected a Fellow in
from state supported projects, particularly British projects in the 1830s. He relied 1851.
especially on magnetic observations made or collected by Colonel Edward Already by 1845 Thomson had acquired a certain status in this larger sphere.
Sabine (1788-1883; Sir Edward after 1869 and President of the Royal Society When Sabine received from the Italian Giovanni Plana his Memoire sur la
from 1861-71) and published in the BAAS Report for 1837. Sabine had by then distribution de Ielectricite , he sent it to Thomson through Smith, with a mes
become the prime mover of the so-called Magnetic Crusade, the largest scienti sage: As you are about the only person in the country who knows much
fic project ever undertaken in Britain. Its proponents, well named the magnetic about the subject he thought the best use to make of it was to send it to you.
lobby in a recent analysis, included such notables as John Herschel, Humphrey Three weeks later Smith passed on the intelligence, received in conversation
Lloyd and William Whewell. Sponsored jointly by the British Association and with Charles Babbage, that within the last few days Faraday has discovered that
the Royal Society, and paid for by the Admiralty, the War Office, and the East every body whatever is magnetic [diamagnetic] & if properly suspended places
India Company, the Magnetic Crusade illustrates as well as any other single itself at right angles to the poles of a magnet.^ Thomson thus began to find
project the intertwining of interests between the institutions of science and those access to the highest circles of national science, and the politics of Empire, at the
of the Empire, an association that Lord Kelvin would epitomize. With few same time as he began work on the general theory of magnetic induction and
exceptions the lobby and its supporters constituted a list of scientific Whigs, with magnetic fields. His paper on terrestrial magnetism may be regarded as a first
a Peelite Conservative or two like Whewell and the lone Tory, J.D. Forbes. contribution to the ongoing Magnetic Crusade.
Herschels close ties with the Whig government of Lord Melbourne played a Somewhat later we find him occupied, at Sabines request, with the
crucial role in the success of the crusade.^* inadequacy of Gausss theory to explain diurnal variations detected in magnetic
It was through his whig friend Archibald Smith that Thomson, while still a observations, and with the possibility o f explaining them on the basis of an idea
student at Cambridge, first became acquainted with Sabine. After a visit to of Faradays that the atmosphere of the earth becomes magnetized by induction,
Sabines Woolwich home, William wrote to Dr Thomson: its inductive capacity varying with temperature. Thomson told Smith: I have
been puzzling myself horribly with this and attempts to get out something like
I w a s v e r y m u c h p lea se d w it h C o l a n d M rs S a b in e . . . C o l S a b in e is at p resen t e m p lo y e d
the diurnal variations known in Col Sabines three books. Nothing seems to
b y g o v e r n m e n t in r e d u c in g th e m a g n e tic o b s e r v a tio n s m a d e o n th e late A n ta r c tic
have come of the attempts except reinforcement of his earlier concern with the
e x p e d itio n [ o f C a p ta in J a m e s R oss, a n o th e r m a jo r su p p o r te r o f th e C ru sa d e ]. H e h a sju st
b een se ttin g u p in his g a r d e n th e m a g n e tic o b s e r v a to r y w h . th e y u sed , and h e says th at
relation of pressure and density in air/cther to polarization, whether electric or

*** John Cawood, The Magnetic Crusade: science and politics in early Victorian Britain, I s i s , 70 William to Dr Thomson, 4th April, 1844, T255, ULC.
(1979), 493-518; Jack Morrell and Arnold Thackray, G e n t l e m e n o f s c ie n c e : e a r ly y e a r s o f t h e B r i t i s h Archibald Smith to William Thomson, 19th November, and 11th December, 1845, S148 and
A s s o c i a t i o n f o r t h e A d v a n c e m e n t o f S c ie n c e (Oxford, 1981), pp. 353-70. S150, ULC,
278 The transformation o f classical physics The dynamics o f field theory 279

magnetic. I have been thinking every now and then since the summer of 1846, Over the next two years he would spend many more days writing to Joule than
he claimed, on writing a paper on this subject and on what would correspond in he would spend writing his Magnetism.
common electricity if Faradays hypothesis regarding the electropolarization of The published portions of the Mathematical theory of magnetism recall the
the air were true.^^ The practical problem of predicting precisely the intensity purely descriptive Mathematical theory of electricity, the kinematics of force
of the earths magnetic field for all points of space and time thereby returned to distributions. The unpublished parts in Thomsons notebook, however, deal
the deepest problems o f natural philosophy. overwhelmingly with the dynamics of mechanical effect. As a whole, the
A more successful application o f the theory of magnetic induction arose in the projected series recapitulates the development of his thought from 1840 to 1850,
same context of Smith, Sabine, and the Admiralty. As the shipbuilders of the and offers a sharp preview of the transition from the physics o f point forces to the
Clyde, the Thames, and other centres increasingly replaced wood with iron, the physics of work (or mechanical energy).
major difficulty for navigating with a magnetic compass became that of In both his abstract and introduction of June, 1849, the prospective candidate
correcting the compass readings for deviations caused by the magnetism in for the Royal Society stressed that a proper theory must be independent of any
duced in the ships iron, rather than that of constructing an accurate map of the hypothesis, especially that of magnetic fluids. He would present a purely
earths field. The existing technique of correction, developed by Airy from a 'positive' theory, endeavouring to show that a complete mathematical theory of
limited version of Poissons theory of magnetic induction, was not adequate. By magnetism may be established upon the sole foundation of facts generally
July, 1848, Thomson had produced results within his theory of magnetic known. This positive and complete theory would rest on a purely macro
induction which suggested a new solution to the problem. Soon it would lead to scopic and empirical concept o f intensity of magnetization, defined as mag
extensive work with Smith on ships magnetism and ultimately to the consider netic moment per unit volume, and on Coulombs equally empirical inverse
able wealth which he derived from his patented magnetic compass (ch. 22). Thus square law for the force between magnetic poles.^^ (Compare electrical inten
the engineering concern with sources of power and wealth, which had informed sity and Coulombs electrical inverse square law.) Clearly this theory was to be a
Thomsons earliest ideas in field theory, would remain an integral part of his practical theory in the latitudinarian sense of the previous chapter.
work on magnetism throughout his life. In fact, the analysis of magnetic An arbitrary distribution of magnetization constituted a magnet, and the
induction in terms of mechanical effect produced by an engine provided the key immediate task was to calculate the resultant force of a magnet at every point of
to his solution of the compass problem already in 1848. Without straining the space. Only source magnets were to be considered initially - magnetic induction
metaphor, we may assert that in Thomsons mind the power of the British fleet, would come in later instalments - so that all space had an inductive capacity of
from the engines that drove it to the compasses that steered it, rested on the single either unity or zero. To simplify the mathematics, source magnetization could
principle of mechanical effect. be represented by imaginary magnetic matter (fictional magnetic fluids), net
The universal dynamics of mechanical effect represents the inseparable unity densities of which existed only at discontinuities of magnetization, as at the ends
of theoretical and practical issues in Thomsons life. It also brings us, however, to of a bar magnet. Here, however, the positive theory ran into an ambiguity. How
a great turning point in his natural philosophy (as in natural philosophy was the force inside a magnet defined? Experimentally, one might cut a cavity in
generally). The nature of this turning point will only emerge when we examine the magnet to measure the force inside. Unfortunately, on the magnetic matter
the subject of heat in the next two chapters. We cannot leave magnetism, representation, the force would depend on the shape of the cavity. Wherever a
however, without considering a strange dinosaur in the evolution of Thomsons line of magnetization was cut, a source would appear that did not exist in the
thought, a creature of the earlier era that would be rendered obsolete by the uncut magnet. A long thin cavity tangential to the lines of magnetization would
upheaval o f the dynamical theory of heat. cut no lines and produce no effects, while a disc-shaped cavity perpendicular to
On 16th August, 1848, he began drafting Memoranda for l^t memoir on the lines would have opposite sources on its two faces, and the force inside Fp
magnetism; recollected from last summer (when the letter to Liouville was would be in the opposite direction from that in the tengential cavity Fj (see
lost). He had in mind an entire series constituting a formal treatise. But on 28th figure 8.7). On the other hand, at the ends of the magnet, Fj would change
October, 1848, Joules name appeared in his notebook for the first time, with the direction discontinuously across the boundary while Fp would form continuous
observation, For the last two days I have been writing to Regnault & Joule. closed loops. Concomitantly, F^ could be derived from a single-valued potential
while Fp could not.
William Thomson to Archibald Smith, 5th December, and 26th November, 1850, Because he had not yet found a completely general representation of magne-
respectively, TDl/757/2 and TD/757/1, Strathclyde Regional Archives, Glasgow. In a notebook
entry of 22nd September, 1846, NB34, ULC, p. 38, Thomson concluded that magnetization of a William Thomson, A mathematical theory of magnetism, PrtJC. Royal Soc., 5 (1849), 845-6
gaseous fluid would not cause any change in its density. (abstract), and Phil. Trans., 141 (1849), 243-85 (chap. I-V); E&M, 340-405, on pp. 340-1,347,351-
William Thomson, 16th August and 28th October, 1848, NB34, ULC, pp. 99, 106. 2. Our emphasis on positive and complete. See Wise, Flow analogy, pp. 61-7.
280 The transformation o f classical physics The dynamics o f field theory 281

netization, the first corresponding to a magnet cut up into magnetic shells

perpendicular to the lines of magnetization and the second to a magnet cut into
tubes along the l i n e s . T h e lamellar division produced the mathematics of
electric currents, and the solenoidal that of magnetic matter. This double
partitioning of magnetized space was soon to be of great importance to James
Clerk Maxwells first attempt at an electromagnetic field theory. In 1855
Maxwell would resynthesize Thomsons double representation of magnetic
force into a geometrical version of Faradays duality of quantity and intensity.
Thomson, of course, had no interest in such dualities, which violated his
empiricist methodology. Even more important, he was quickly losing interest in
purely geometrical description.
Ironically, young Clerk Maxwell enters Thomsons notebook for the first
time on the same page as Rudolf Clausiuss first appearance, on 15th August,
1850."^^ Afterwards, electricity and magnetism appear only in relation to
thermodynamics and interconversions of mechanical effect. Thomson had
become convinced that electricity in motion was the most likely source of both
heat and magnetism, and that measurements of mechanical effect offered the
best probe of their unified structure. Looking back over the entries on magnet
ism of the preceding two years, one recognizes two characteristics: they nearly
all concern the electric current representation, and questions of mechanical effect
appear continually. Can the law of electromagnetic induction be derived from
considerations of the mechanical effect of the induced current? Is the mechanical
Figure 8.1 Tangential and perpendicular cavities cut in a cylindrical magnet exhibit effect of a lamellar distribution less than that of any other producing the same
(on the magnetic matter representation) lines of force in opposite directions. The external effect? How much work is required to assemble a magnet assuming it to
cavities are supposed infinitely thin so that the tangential cavity has infinitesimal
be made up of pre-existing current loops? None of these questions made their
magnetic matter at its ends and the lines inside the perpendicular cavity are not
distorted. way into the Mathematical theory of magnetism. T h e y provided the driving
force, however, for subsequent physical theories.
ization in terms of electric currents, Thomson intended in the first instalment of Thomson first used lamellarand magnetic shell on 19th August, 1848; then filamentary on
his series to refer all forces to the magnetic matter representation. By November, 7th November, 1849, which changed to solenoidal by 11th June, 1850, in NB34, ULC, pp. UX),
137, 151. In the course of this work Thomson discovered what has become known as Stokes
1849, however, he had found the desired alternative. The question for the
theorem; William Thomson to G.G. Stokes, 2nd July, 1850, K39, Stokes correspondence, ULC.
positive theory, then, was whether to use Fj, as he had naturally done for the William Thomson, 15th August, 1850, NB34, ULC, p. 154.
initial magnetic matter description or Fp, which suited an electric current Ibid., pp. 98,105,143. See, however, paras. 502-3 added to the Mathematical theory injune,
1850, on the mechanical value of a distribution of magnetization, E&M, 375-8. Chapter VI. On
picture. But the positive theory could not provide an answer to what was in fact electromagnets, was published for the first time in E&M, 405-25.
a physical question; what were the sources of magnetism? Unwilling to violate
his latitudinarian commitment, Thomson refused to make a choice. He devel
oped both perspectives in parallel, along with the transformation between
Very little of this parallel development was published, being limited to a
geometrically elegant analysis o f lamellar and solenoidal geometries of mag-

For F, see E&M, 362n. He found the galvanic representation on 7th November, 1849, and the
perpendicular cavity on 16th November, 1849. See William Thomson, NB34, ULC, pp. 13446;
E&M, 378^05.
Thermodynamics: the years of uncertainty 283

devotion to a Unitarian faith; a single-mindedness which contrasted vividly with

Williams impulsive attacks on a variety of loosely related problems and his
notable lack of commitment to any particular religious denomination. As
Helmholtz put it in 1863, James is a level-headed fellow, full of good ideas, but
Thermodynamics: the years of cares for nothing except engineering, and talks about it ceaselessly all day and all
night, so that nothing else can be got in when he is present. It is really comic to see
uncertainty how the two brothers talk at one another, and neither listens, and each holds
forth about quite different matters. But the engineer is the most stubborn, and
generally gets through with his subject.^
M y b r o th e r J a m e s se n t in a p a p e r to th e S o c ie t y o f A rts in E d in b u r g h sta tin g The role that James Thomson played in the accomplishments of his younger
that w a t e r fr e e z e s u n d e r a p ressu re o f 7 6 0 m m at .0 0 7 5 C e n t[ig r a d e ] b e lo w brother has not been adequately appreciated. William Thomsons development
0. T h is has n e v e r b e e n v e r ifie d b y a n y e x p e r im e n te r till I d id it th e o th e r of thermodynamics, for example, often concerned the requirements of marine
d a y b y m y s e lf, w it h a v e r y d e lic a te t h e r m o m e te r . T h is t h e r m o m e te r is engineering, at a time when Clyde and Thames shipbuilders were making an
a ssu r e d ly th e m o s t d e lic a te th a t e v e r w a s m a d e , th e r e b e in g 71 d iv is io n s in a
economic reality of ocean steam navigation. Jamess direct involvement with
sin g le d e g r e e o f F a h r [e n h e i]t. It is fille d w it h eth er: m e r c u r y w o u ld n o t d o
problems of marine engineering, through his friendship with Lewis Gordon, his
. . . A p ressu re o f 18 a tm o [sp h e r e ]s w a s a p p lie d & t h e te m p e r a tu r e w a s
membership of the Glasgow Philosophical Society, and his apprenticeship at
lo w e r e d b y 17^ o f th e d iv is io n s . 0 .2 4 6 w a s th e l o w e r in g a c c [o r d in g ] to
e x p e r im e n t; 0 .2 2 9 5 a c c [o r d in g ] to th e o r y . T h u s th e r e is an e v id e n t a g r e e
William Fairbairns Thames shipbuilding yard, provided William with imme
m e n t. I shall g iv e y o u th e resu lt o f a n o th e r e x p e r im e n t. U n d e r a pressu re o f diate access to contemporary issues of steam engineering. Thus Williams ideas
8.1 a tm o s . th e te m p [e r a tu r e ] w a s lo w e r e d 7^ d iv isio n s. 0 .1 0 6 is th e lo w e r in g on heat developed through close interaction with James, much as his ideas on
b y e x p e r im e n t; 0 .1 0 9 b y th e o r y . T h is is w it h in 1 /3 0 0 0 o f a F a h r [en h eit] electricity in 1845 had incorporated Jamess engineering perspective on engines
d e g r e e . Professor W illiam Thomson to his class, 1850^ (ch. 8). In fact, Williams ideas on both heat and electricity during the 1840s
expressed the practical reality of the steam-engine. If electrified bodies and hot
bodies could produce work, then that capacity would supply the absolute
Spoken in the context of a lecture to his experimental natural philosophy class on measures and the basic concepts of electricity and heat, which behaved analo
17th January, 1850, during his fourth session as a Glasgow College professor, gously in the production of work.
these remarks communicated the experimental verification ofjames Thomsons This perspective yields a second revisionist theme. Thomson had considerable
famous theoretical prediction of the lowering of the freezing point of ice under difficulty accepting James Joules argument for interconversion of heat and
pressure. Crucial to the confirmation of Sadi Carnots theory of the motive mechanical work when he heard it in 1847. His attachment to Sadi Carnots
power of heat in the face of recent criticism from James Prescott Joule, Jamess view, in which work derived from the fall of heat, has been regarded as a
prediction had been fulfilled through the precise measurements of one wholly concomitant of his supposed belief either in a general principle of conservation
captivated by the laboratory of Regnault five years earlier. Yet such words, of heat or in a more specific caloric theory in which heat was a material
uttered a full year before Williams satisfactory enunciation of two laws of substance.^ But Thomson treated heat in the same way as he dealt with
thermodynamics, only came at the end of a decade of debate and discussion electricity, not as the quantity of a substance, but as a state of a body. The
concerning the principles underlying the motive power of heat. This decade distinction will allow an explanation of how he could consistently accept Joules
constitutes the years of uncertainty. experiments on the conversion of work into heat without being willing to
Sir Joseph Larmor referred to James as the philosopher, who plagued his accept the reverse conversion of heat into work. In other words, it will shed light
pragmatical brother, a reference to his insistence on comprehensive under on Thomsons dilemma in reconciling Joules conservation of mechanical effect
standing of any problem, his combination of theoretical concepts with engineer (energy) with Carnots theory of the heat engine.
ing tasks, and his introduction of new and unambiguous terms into scientific
language. James exhibited also a determined single-mindedness, manifested as ^ DArcy W. Thompson, Obituary ofjoseph Larmor, Y e a r b o o k o f t h e R o y a l S o c i e t y o f E d i n b u r g h ,
much in his compulsive involvement with engineering problems as in his 1941 2, p. 12; Hermann Helmholtz to Frau Helmholtz, c. April, 1863, in SPT, 1, 429-30.
^ H.I. Sharlin, L o r d K e l v i n . T h e d y n a m i c V i c t o r i a n (Pennsylvania, 1979), p. 97; D.S.L. Cardwell,
> William Thomson, 17th January, 1850, lecture 45, in William Smith, 'Notes of the Glasgow P r o m W a t t to C l a u s i u s . T h e r is e o f t h e r m o d y n a m i c s in t h e e a r l y i n d u s t r i a l a g e (London, 1971), p. 244; SPT,
College natural philosophy class taken during the 1849 50 session, MS Gen. 142, ULG. 1, 252-95.

284 The transformation o f classical physics Thermodynamics: the years o f uncertainty 285

Prelude to the dynamical theory of heat: the Thomson brothers

James and William Thomson made their scientific debut in 1840 through the
models and manufactures committee for the Glasgow meeting of the British
Association (ch. 2). The resulting exhibition, displaying James W atts steam-
engine model and the engine of Bells Comet, provided one of the earliest
expressions of the Thomson brothers commitment to the engineering and
industrial values o f Clydeside. At the same meeting, according to his recollec
tion in 1862, James had explained to Professor Kelland some ideas concerning
the possibility o f having a tidal mill which could perpetually grind corn or
overcome friction, and that this must involve an expenditure of the power
stored in the motions of the earth or moon or of one of them. Kelland (with
whom William had also wrangled over Fourier) insisted that I was wrong and
that the water could effect no deduction from the power or work stored in the
motions of the earth and moon jointly."^
Although these recollections are by no means infallible, James apparently
recorded the problem of tidal retardation of the earth in his private notebook.
He told William in 1862 that he had found under the date September 1841 the

> following; Some years ago it occurred to me that the tides caused on the earth
by the motion of the moon round it must produce some retardation in the
motion of the moon or acceleration in the motion of the earth round its axis or
some other similar change . I give you the memorandum just as it stands. It is
- ^
stupidly blundered in the expression . . . but assuredly I had the main idea
correctly in my mind long before.Tidal retardation, then, may be the earliest
instance of the Thomson brothers concern with losses of power, both in nature
and in machines. No doubt J.P. Nichols nebular cosmology and the problem of
Enckes comet informed these early concerns (ch. 4).
Elected to the senior Glasgow Philosophical Society in 1841, James described
in a letter to William a paper read to the Society on a curious method of raising
water to the tops of mills from the cisterns on the tops of engine houses.
Observing that there was evidently a great loss of power, he drew attention to
Mr Gordons remarks that a similar apparatus had been used for raising water
for irrigation.^ James had consolidated his acquaintance with the recently
appointed professor of engineering by attending Gordons engineering class
during the 1841-2 session, and both professor and pupil found a forum for their
mutual interests in the active Philosophical Society.
James Thomson, seen here in later years, probably when he succeeded W.J.M, James soon embarked on his practical training in heavy industry, first at
Rankine as Glasgow University professor of engineering in 1873. Though afflicted Walsall in 1842, then with the Horseley Iron Company at Tipton, and finally
by ill-health prior to a successtui academic career, James played a central role in the with Fairbairn at his shipbuilding yard on the Thames and briefly at his
creation of his brother's thermodynamics, energy physics, cosmology, and matter
theory. [From James Thomson, Papers.] '* James to 'William Thomson, 9thJuly, 1862, T117, ULG. The context of the long letter wasjohn
Tyndalls priority claim for J.R. Mayer both with regard to tidal retardation and to Joules
mechanical equivalent of heat. Ibid.
* James to William Thomson, r.1841-2, T380, ULC.
286 The transformation o f classical physics Thermodynamics: the years o f uncertainty 287

Manchester engine-building works. A long series of letters exchanged between These remarks could largely have been quoted from Adam Smith or virtually
the brothers from 1841 shows Jamess deep interest in engineering problems of any other political economist. But Whewell went further, assimilating labour
all kinds: steam-engines, shipbuilding, marine engineering, water power, and (for which wages are paid) to work done by machines, and accumulated labour
civil engineering. According to Jamess own account, the brothers interest in or capital (for which profits are paid) to work accumulated in such storehouses as
the question o floss of power continued during his stay at Walsall. He wrote to reservoirs o f water and the flywheels of machines.
William in 1862: Following the approach of the French engineering texts, Whewell explained
that we measure labouring force by the product of the resistance overcome, and
E v e n y o u a n d I at W a lsa ll (in 1 8 4 2 I th in k ) w h e n w a t c h in g th e c o n s u m p tio n o f p o w e r in
th e f lo w o f w a t e r in to a ca n a l lo c k w e r e sp e c u la tin g o n w h a t b e c a m e o f th e p o w e r as w e
the space through which it is overcome, though more specifically it may be
c o u ld n o t su p p o s e th e w a te r worn a n d th e r e fo r e a ltered lik e as so lid s m ig h t b e su p p o s e d to measured by a given weight raised through a given vertical space. He also gave
b e w h e n p o w e r is c o n s u m e d in th e ir frictio n .^ a clear statement that the labouring force was proportional to the vis viva (mass
times velocity squared) which the forces of the machine could have generated,
In the famous English canal network centred in the Black Country (including acting through the same spaces, and he found that if we take the same measures
Walsall), water which might have been used to raise a barge from one contour to on the two sides of the equation, the labouringforce is half the vis viva'. He then
another often simply cascaded over the lock gates. The power to lift boats or proceeded to consider how the labouring force was consumed in doing work.
turn a waterwheel could thus be consumed even if not absolutely lost. The The work exerted a so-called useful resistance which had to be overcome by the
analogous problem in heat engines, when heat is conducted from a high to a low machine. Impeding resistances hindered the work; they included air, friction, and
temperature without performing useful work in an engine, was subsequently to the forces producing waste and change of form in parts which we wish to have
haunt William. durable and invariable, and which exist continually in machines. Taken to
While the Thomsons did not know of a satisfactory answer to the question of gether, the useful and impeding resistances consumed the total labouring force.
power consumption, the query itself may have been prompted by a reading of Given the context of Whewells writings on political economy and his
Whewells Mechanics of engineering, published during the preceding year when definition o f labouring force, this distinction of useful and impeding resistances
William Thomson had entered St Peters College. Above all, their reference to should be understood in parallel with the much-discussed distinction of produc
solids being worn suggests that they had Whewells new text in mind. The tive and unproductive labour. Productive labour referred to labour that produced
importance here of Whewells book lies primarily in its discussion o f labouring a commodity, something that could be sold or stored up. Unproductive labour
force, adapted from the French travail (work) employed in texts on engineering referred to labour consumed in the doing, such as the labour of personal servants.
mechanics by Navier, Poncelet, and others. Apart from being the first major Many political economists considered the latter form of labour to contribute
British textbook to employ the notion of work as a central feature in the nothing to the wealth of a nation, and in that sense to be wasted. Such waste, by
theoretical structure of mechanics, Whewells use of the term labouring force mere consumption, was to figure prominently in Thomsons thermodynamics.
expressed his parallel interest in political economy, especially in the labour As part of an ever-present economic context, it carried the same significance as
theory of value: the term dissipation, which had appeared regularly in correspondence with his
Labouring Force is the labour that we p a y for. In m a n y cases th e w o r k to b e d o n e m a y b e father during his undergraduate years. The opposite term, economy, in
p e r fo r m e d b y v a r io u s a g e n c ie s; b y m e n , b y h o r se s, b y w a te r , b y w in d , b y ste a m . In th e se Thomsons frequent usage, will be seen to refer not only to the efficiency of
cases, th a t is th e c h e a p e st m o d e o f d o in g th e w o r k w h ic h g iv e s us th e r e q u isite la b o u r in g transforming mechanical effect from one form to another, as in steam-engines,
fo r c e at th e sm a lle st e x p e n se : a n d th e p r ic e m e n are w illin g to p a y , an d c u s to m a r ily d o but also to minimizing waste of economic value.
p a y , is p r o p o r tio n a l to th e q u a n tity o f la b o u r in g fo r c e w h ic h th e y p u rch a se. L a b o u r in g In his Mechanics of engineering, Whewell emphasized that only in cases where
fo r c e e n ters in t o th e p rices o f a rticles p r o d u c e d b y m a n; as th e w a g e s o f la b o u r , so far as th e
the force [is] employed in raising a weight, moving a mass, or bending a spring,
la b o u r in g f o r c e is e x e c u te d d ir e c tly b y m a n; as th e r e w a r d fo r ca p ita l, so far as th e
can the force be stored up and brought again into play. In all other cases, the
la b o u r in g f o r c e arises fr o m a c c u m u la te d ca p ita l. B u t w a g e s o f la b o u r are p aid , n o t o n ly
labouring force was consumed, whether productively or unproductively, in
for m a n s la b o u r , b u t fo r la b o u r in g fo r c e w h e n a risin g fr o m m ach inery.
overcoming useful or impeding resistances. It is lost, he said, and cannot be
^ James to William Thomson, 13th August, 1863, T119, ULG.
William Whewell, T h e m e c h a n i c s o f e n g i n e e r i n g (Cambridge, 1841), pp. 148-9. On the role of
the engineering concept work, see T.S. Kuhn, Energy conservation as an example of simultaneous Whewell, M e c h a n i c s o f e n g i n e e r i n g , pp. 146,153-6. See M. Norton Wise (with the collaboration
discovery in M. Clagett (ed.). C r i t i c a l p r o b l e m s in t h e h i s t o r y o f s c ie n c e (Madison, 1959), pp. 321-56, of Crosbie Smith), Work and waste; political economy and natural philosophy in nineteenth-
esp. pp. 330-4. century Britain, H i s t . S c i . (forthcoming).
288 The transformation o f classical physics Thermodynamics: the years o f uncertainty 289

recovered after being used. For the Thomsons it was precisely this loss which especially difficult. The shipbuilding factory soon became far more of a
demanded explanation. liability than an asset.
With respect to water flowing into a canal lock, the brothers rejected the Yet James Thomsons work at Millwall provided the setting for a most
account Whewell had given for solids: work consists in shaping or moving important discussion with William. For the first time the ideas of Clapeyron and
certain portions of matter. Thus, we have to grind bodies, to polish them, to Carnot on the motive power of heat entered the brothers dialogue. In a letter to
divide them into parts . . . In these cases we have to overcome the cohesion of William in August, 1844, James inquired who it was that had proved there was
matter, inertia, elasticity, weight. The Thomsons could not see how such an a definite quantity of mechanical effect (work) given out during the passage of
alteration might account for fluid friction. We do not know what positive ideas heat from one body to another. He stated his intention of writing an article for
they had in 1842, if any, but their concern with what became of the power the Artisan about the theoretical possibility of working steam-engines without
indicates that they did not accept Whewells implication, that power or work fuel by using over again the heat which was thrown out in the hot water from
could be annihilated. Absolute loss of labouring force seems not to have been an the condenser, noting that I shall have to enter on the subject of the paper you
option. mentioned to me. This paper was almost certainly the 1837 translation for
Early in 1843 James moved to the Horseley Iron Works at Tipton, Stafford Taylors Scientific memoirs of Clapeyrons Memoir on the motive power of
shire. The Horseley Iron Works claimed the distinction ofhaving constructed in heat.^
1821 the first iron steamer to put to sea, a strange feat for a works so far from the The discussions in Jamess letter o f 1844 are the earliest record of implicit
coast. In the letters to William, James showed himself highly critical of the firms references to Clapeyron and Carnot by the Thomsons. They show a consider
approach, and in particular of its assignment o f the task o f estimating the cost of able understanding of the basic principles involved in Carnots theory. Asjames
an iron bridge contract, worth twenty or thirty thousand pounds, to young interpreted the problem:
apprentices. He also criticized the way in which allowances were made by the
during the passage o f heat from a given state o f intensity to a given state o f diffusion a certain
eye, the true rule of thumb technique, rather than by more precise methods. quantity o f mec[ hanical ] effj ect ] is given out whatever gaseous substances are acted on, and that no
The firm lost the bridge contract, ran short of orders, and found itself in the more can be given out when it acts on solids or liquids.^^
hands of its creditors.
In the autumn of 1843, Dr Thomson paid ;(jl00, under the premium This statement, he said, was all he could prove, because he did not know whether
apprenticeship system, for his son to become an apprentice to the shipbuilding in solids or liquids the fall of a certain quantity of heat would produce a certain
subsidiary, at Millwall on the Thames, of William Fairbairns famous Manches quantity of mechanical effect, and that the same mechanical effect 'will give back
ter engineering firm. One of the great Victorian entrepreneurs, and a pioneer of as much heat'. That is, I dont know that the heat and mec[hanical] eff^ect] are
the heavy machinery industry, Fairbairn had branched out into iron shipbuild interchangeable in solids and liquids, though we know they are so in gases. It
ing and marine engineering as early as 1835. Laying out the yard at Millwall, on must be emphasized that James did not have in mind here an interconversion of
the Isle of Dogs, had involved a large amount of capital, upward of _^50000, heat and work but only the possibility of a universal relation between the fall (or
provided entirely by borrowed money. Fairbairns project on the Thames rise) in intensity of heat and the mechanical effect produced (or consumed) in an
suggested that Londons river rather than the Clyde in his native Scotland ideal, reversible engine. This view made the problem of mechanical effect, not
would become the leading shipbuilding centre in the new age of steam naviga its production, but its loss in non-ideal engines.
tion. David Napiers removal to the Thames in 1836, and John Scott Russells James Thomson exhibited his familiarity with the waterfall analogy em
abandonment of an association with Greenock shipbuilders and engineers to ployed by Carnot. In the analogy, the quantity of water M was conserved
find fame and fortune in London from 1844, seemed to confirm the trend. In the during its fall, just as in Carnots theory the quantity o f heat Q remained
forefront o f technical progress, and with a workforce of around 2000 men, constant, and in each case a definite quantity of mechanical effect IV was
Fairbairns yard had in its early years plentiful orders, many of them placed on obtained, either by the mass M falling from height hi to /12, or the heat Q falling
the strength of his reputation. However, local competition kept profits down,
James Thomson, P apers, p. xxii; W. Pole (ed.), F a i r b a i r n , pp. 335-42; Philip Banbury,
the large capital invested in plant and machinery required interest payments, and S h ip b u ild e r s o f th e T h a m e s a n d M e d w a y (Newton Abbot, 1971), pp. 171-4; G.S. Emmerson,Jolm S c o t t
management of the firm, divided between London and Manchester, proved R u s s e l l . A g r e a t V i c t o r i a n e n g in e e r a n d n a v a l a r c h it e c t (London, 1977), pp. 2 6 - 7 .
*'* James to William Thomson, 4th August, 1844, T402, ULC. See SPT, 1, 275 for a very brief
Whewell, M e c h a n i c s o f e n g i n e e r i n g , pp. 155-8. I b i d ., p. 145. reference to his letter as containing a curious piece of primitive thermodynamics.
James Thomson, P a p e r s , pp. xxi-xxii; William Pole (ed.). T h e l if e o f S i r W i l l i a m F a i r b a i r n , B a r t . ** Emile Clapeyron, Memoir on the motive power of heat, in Richard Taylor (ed.). S c i e n t i f i c
(London, 1877), p. 335; James to William Thomson, c. late 1842-May, 1843, T382-8, ULC. M e m o i r s , 1 (1837), 347 76. James Thomson, o p . c it. (note 14).
290 The transformation o f classical physics Thermodynamics: the years o f uncertainty 291

from temperature to T 2 . That is, WazM{h 2 - h y ) in the one case and forebear, James Watt, whose steam-engine model they exhibited at the British
W ocQ{T 2 Ti) in the other: Association in 1840. Occasionally they followed his usage. The more definite
term mechanical effect, not generally used in Britain, appears to have entered
T h e w h o le su b je c t y o u w ill se e bears a r e m a r k a b le r e s e m b la n c e to th e a c tio n o f a fa ll o f their vocabulary through Lewis Gordon. Gordon, having left Edinburgh
w a te r . T h u s w e g e t m e c fh a n ic a l] efF[ect] w h e n w e can le t w a te r fall fr o m o n e le v e l to
University about 1833, was employed by Marc Isambard Brunei from 1835 to
a n o th e r o r w h e n w e can le t h ea t fall fr o m o n e d e g r e e o f in te n s ity to a n o th e r . In ea ch case a
1837 on the building of the first Thames Tunnel, and then completed his
d e fin ite q u a n tity is g iv e n o u t b u t w e m a y g e t m o r e o r less a c c o r d in g to th e n a tu r e o f th e
engineering studies at the Royal Mining Academy of Freiburg and at the Ecole
m a c h in e s w e u se to r e c e iv e it. T h u s a w a te r m ill w a s te s part b y le ttin g w a te r sp ill fr o m th e
b u c k e ts b e fo r e it has a r r iv e d at th e lo w e s t le v e l an d a ste a m e n g in e w a ste s part b y
Polytechnique in Paris about the year 1838. While at the Freiburg Academy he
t h r o w in g o u t th e w a te r b e fo r e it h as c o m e to b e o f th e sa m e te m p e r a tu r e as th e sea. T h e n
studied widely in mineralogy, geology, physics, chemistry, metallurgy, mining
a g a in , in a w a te r w h e e l, m u c h d e p e n d s o n o u r n o t a llo w in g th e w a te r to fall th r o u g h th e operations, and mathematics. In mathematics he was a pupil of Julius Weisbach
air b e fo r e it c o m m e n c e s a c tin g o n th e w h e e l a n d in a ste a m e n g in e th e g r ea test lo ss o f a ll is, who, along with other German writers, spoke of mechanische Wirkung, which
th a t w e d o a llo w th e h ea t to fall p e rh a p s fr o m 1000 to 2 2 0 , o r so , b e fo r e it c o m m e n c e s Gordon translated as mechanical effect.^ He read a paper to the Glasgow
d o in g a n y w o r k . W e h a v e n o t m a ter ia ls b y m e a n s o f w h ic h w e are a b le to ca tch th e h ea t at Philosophical Society, On dynamometrical apparatus; or, the measurement of
a h ig h le v e l. A t th e sa m e t im e , i f w e d id g e n e r a te th e ste a m at 100 0 a g r e a t part o f th e h e a t the mechanical effect of moving powers, on 23rd February, 1842, shortly after
w o u ld pass u n u se d u p th e c h im n e y a n d w it h th e p r o d u c ts o f c o m b u s t io n . I f w e h a d a James Thomson had been elected a member of the Society. Gordon gave a
w a te r w h e e l su ffic ie n tly h ig h to r e c e iv e th e w a te r o f a str e a m a lm o s t at its so u r c e w e
detailed account of the dynamometrical apparatus of M. Morin which he had
w o u ld w a s te all th e tr ib u ta r y strea m s w h ic h run in at a lo w e r le v e l.
seen during his visit to Metz in 1839. Claiming that British dynamometers were
These reflections contain considerable insight into problems of less-than-ideal unreliable for the correct measurement of mechanical effect developed by
engines and waste generally. Not only did James Thomson grasp the fundamen machines or moving powers, Gordon emphasized that it was not the product
tal principles of Carnot and Clapeyron, but he also recognized that, in reality, by of the effort and the duration, but the product of the effort and the distance through
extending the analogy with waterwheels, heat was wasted - produced no useful which it is exerted which should be obtained directly from a dynamometer.^
work - on passage from a state of intensity to one of diffusion, and that as a result In his Synopsis of lectures to be delivered in the 1847-8 session at Glasgow
real engines fell short of ideal ones. The main issue was that of economizing heat College, Gordon defined the measure o f mechanical effect in the same way, and
in the production of work, but James also introduced the notion of the sea as a summarized his preference for the term mechanical effect over the variety of
sink of lost work, both for water running to the sea in rivers and for heat equivalent terms from French and British writers:
diffusing itself to the temperature of the sea, a notion crucial to Williams later Mechanical effect, as w e h a v e n o w d e fin e d it. S m e a to n
D iffe r e n t n a m e s h a v e b e e n g iv e n to
formulation of the second law of thermodynamics. u sed th e te r m Mechanical power, C a r n o t th e te r m Moment dactivite, M o n g e an d
This important letter of August, 1844, was written during Jamess stay at the H a c h e tte Effet dynamique. C o u lo m b a n d N a v ie r Quantite daction, C o r io lis an d
Fairbairn shipyard. His concern with marine engines occasioned the phrase a P o n c e le t Quantite de travail, a n d Travail mkanique. D r W h e w e ll p r o p o se s Labouring
steam engine wastes part by throwing out the water before it has come to be of force, M r M o s e le y u ses th e te r m Work, W e is b a c h , a n d G e r m a n w r ite r s g e n e r a lly , sp eak
the same temperature as the sea. Other letters of the period also show his desire of Mechanische Wirkung, o r M e c h a n ic a l E ffect. T h is la tter t e r m se e m s t o b e th e least
to improve the economy (efficiency and profitability) of steam-engines for a m b ig u o u s in its a p p lic a tio n .^ '

marine use. Concern with losses in marine engines far exceeded any similar Gordons awareness here of British, French, and German terminology derived
concerns with land engines since steamships on ocean routes not only had to take from his continental training in Freiburg and Paris. By comparison, Whewells
into account capital and running costs but above all availability of fuel during the discussion of terminology in The mechanics of engineering did not include German
voyage itself and at the outward destination.^* sources.
The Thomsonss use of the key term mechanical effect rather than work or
labouring force requires comment. Effect had been the term of their Glasgow M e m o ir o f L e w is D .B . C o r d o n F .R .S . E . (Edinburgh, 1877); Julius Weisbach, P r i n c i p l e s o f t h e
m e c h a n ic s o f m a c h in e r y a n d e n g in e e r in g (2 vols., London, 1848), 2, p. 66. Gordon was the translator of
I b id . this second volume.
For example, James to William Thomson, 19th June, 1844, T401. ULC. See, for example, Lewis Gordon, On dynamometrical apparatus; or, the measurement of the mechanical effect
W.J.M. Rankine, A m e m o i r o f J o h n E l d e r (Edinburgh, 1872) for a study of some of the problems of moving powers, P r o c . P h i l . S o c . G l a s g o w , 1 (18414), 41-2.
which marine engineers had to overcome before ocean steam navigation became a viable alternative Lewis Gordon, A s y n o p s i s o f le c tu r e s to b e d e li v e r e d . S e s s i o n 1 8 4 7 - 8 (Glasgow, 1847), p. 5.
to sail. Whewell, M e c h a n i c s o f e n g i n e e r i n g , p. 149.
292 The transformation o f classical physics Thermodynamics: the years o f uncertainty 293

James Thomsons friendship with Gordon, through the Philosophical Society professor seem to have stimulated him to aim for a patent. This form of
in particular, explains the Thomsons preference for mechanical effect. James intellectual property cohered well with the Thomsons commercial values.
too was intensely conscious of the need for accurate measurement of mechanical William would soon begin his own phenomenal exploitation of such property
effect when he began to prepare drawings at Fairbairns during May, 1844, for a in patents for electrical and navigational instruments (chs. 20-2). But the present
modified Morin dynamometer. He suggested to Fairbairns son, for instance, significance of Jamess work, which finally led to a patent in July, 1850, lies in its
that the improved instrument might be employed for measuring the exact relation to the brothers continuing concern with waste and loss of power in
quantity o f mechanical effect used by anyone who purchased power from the nature and in machines.
main engine at the works. The dynamometer would thus serve, not merely for Following the making of his own small model of a horizontal waterwheel
testing purposes, but directly to meter economic c o s t s . Wh e n William became towards the end of 1846, James had a large model constructed at Walter Crum s
professor, he included a discussion of Morins dynamometer in his lectures and Thornliebank works in the spring o f 1847, a model subsequently tested by
in the 1867 Treatise. It supplied a precise and practical measure of the quantity Pronys friction dynamometer. Even with some defects in workmanship, the
(mechanical effect) which, in his formulation, provided the foundation for model (working to one-tenth horsepower) produced around 70% of the total
dynamics itself and for all absolute measurements (chs. 11, 20). work due to the water expended compared to about 75% in the best overshot
James Thomson had arrived at Millwall just as the financial crisis there waterwheels.^^
deepened. Within a year, William Fairbairn decided to cut his losses and dispose These encouraging results, along with much guidance from William and his
of the yard. While James had been able to learn much about the latest heavy father, led to many more tests. James delegated to William the task of exploring
engineering techniques, to see marine engines and iron ships at close hand, and to the possibility of a patent in France during Williams visit to Paris in July, 1847.
make drawings for some of the engine contracts, he was unsettled yet again in his As a result, William found the opportunity to discuss in detail the latest French
professional career by circumstances of a kind which had never interfered with designs with the elderly Poncelet himself.^^ Thus the brothers intense interest in
Williams intellectual life at the unworldly University of Cambridge. So you waterwheels coincided both with Williams work on hydrodynamics with
see, he wrote to his brother, I am not getting settled in any works. Just when 1 Stokes and with his first encounter with Joules researches on fluid friction.
begin to take root I have to leave the place. T h e summer of 1844 saw the Meanwhile, Jamess vortex turbine continued to evolve. A Glasgow Philo
gradual run-down at Millwall. In the autumn of that year James moved to sophical Society committee headed by W.J.M. Rankine later offered the follow
Fairbairns Manchester Works where he commenced work in the fitting shop. ing description o f its eventual design:
Steam-engine building was the main source of his practical experience during T u r b in e s, o r h o r iz o n ta l w h e e ls , a c te d u p o n b y a v o r t e x o r w h ir lp o o l o f w a te r , h a v e lo n g
this period. b e e n u se d in a ru d e a n d im p e r fe c t fo r m ; b u t th e b r in g in g o f th e m in t o an e ffic ie n t state has
Writing to his brother before the Cambridge Senate House examinations, he b e e n th e w o r k o f r e c e n t in v e n t o r s . . . In F o u r n e y r o n s T u r b in e , a v o r t e x m o v in g sp ira lly
wistfully remarked: I wish my apprenticeship was as nearly done as yours - but o u tw a r d s , d r iv e s a v a n e - w h e e l s u r r o u n d in g th e case fr o m w h ic h t h e w a te r is s u p p lie d . . .
even when it is done, I fear I shall have no such comfortable berth to step into as In P r o fe sso r J a m e s T h o m s o n s T u r b in e , o r V o r t e x - W h e e l, th e v o r t e x m o v e s sp ir a lly
that which is probably waiting for you.^s The words were prophetic, as James in w a r d s, a n d d r iv e s a v a n e - w h e e l, s u r r o u n d e d b y t h e c a s in g th a t su p p lie s it w it h w a te r .

afterwards developed that quickness of the pulse, which detained him at T h is w h e e l p ossesses o v e r th e o th e r s th e a d v a n ta g e o f b e in g e a s ily r e g u la te d , a n d o f
r e q u ir in g a less sp e e d fo r th e p r o d u c tio n o f its m a x im u m e ffic ie n c y . Its in v e n tio n w a s th e
Glasgow from Christmas, 1844, and prevented any hope of a return to Manches
resu lt o f an in v e s t ig a t io n , b y M r T h o m s o n , o f th e t h e o r y o f th e m o t io n o f flu id s in
ter (ch. 5). For the immediate future he had to abandon all hope of an
w h ir lp o o ls.^ *
engineering career.
Jamess enforced inactivity, however, yielded particular fruit in 1846-7 when Althoughjames became intensely occupied with the waterwheel in 1846-7,
he began to develop his vortex turbine. Although he had long been interested in the brothers parallel interest in the motive power of heat had been developing
waterwheels for motive power, especially horizontal wheels or turbines, his steadily since August, 1844. We saw that, while in Paris early in 1845, William
slightly improved health and the return of William as natural philosophy
James Thomson to J.R. McClean, 25th December, 1846, and 12th April, 1847, in James
James to William Thomson, c.l9th May, 1844, T399, ULC. William very occasionally Thomson, Papers, pp. xxvii-xxviii.
employed Whewells term labouring force. See MPP, 1, 103. William tojames Thomson, 22ndjuly, 1847;James to William Thomson, 29th July, 1847, in
James to William Thomson, July, 1843-May, 1844, T391-8, ULC. James Thomson, Papers, pp. xxviii-xxxiii.
James to William Thomson, October-December, 1844, T403^, ULC; James Thomson, J.R. Napier, Walter Neilson, and W.J.M. Rankine, Report on the progress and state of applied
Papers, p. xxiii. mechanics, Proc. Phil. Soc. Glasgow, 4 (1855-60), 207-30.
Thermodynamics: the years of uncertainty 295
294 The transformation of classical physics

had apparently read Clapeyron in its French version for the first time and
searched in vain for Carnots original text. On his return he discussed the
preliminary part of Clapeyrons paper with James, who soon located it in the
fournal de IEcole Polytechnique for himself Thus in February, 1846, he remarked
that the first sections constituted a very beautiful piece of reasoning, and of
course perfectly satisfactory, remarks echoed by William three years later when
he said o f Carnots approach that nothing in the whole range of Natural
Philosophy is more remarkable than the establishment of general laws by such a
process o f reasoning.
Then, during his first busy session as professor of natural philosophy, William
made a discovery of a piece of machinery, a Stirling air engine, which focussed
his mind once more on Carnots theory. On 1st March, 1847, he announced his
find toJ.D . Forbes:
I h a v e f o u n d a S tir lin g s air e n g in e in o u r A u g e a n stab les, a n d g o t it tak en to p ie c e s, as it
w a s c lo g g e d w it h d u st & o il, a n d I e x p e c t to h a v e it g o in g as s o o n as 1 h a v e tim e . 1 th in k
th is [th e f o llo w in g ] c o n sid e r a tio n w ill m a k e it clea r th a t th e r e is r e a lly a lo ss o f e ffe c t, in
c o n d u c tio n o f h e a t t h r o u g h a so lid . T h e r e is n e ith e r e x p e n d itu r e n o r g a in o f m e c h a n ic a l
e ffe c t in m e ltin g ic e in an a tm o s p h e r e at 3 2 , as is e a sily p r o v e d . N o w w e m a y h a v e a fire
o r so u r c e o f h ea t in th e in te r io r o f a h o llo w c o n d u c tin g sh e ll, sp e n d in g all its e ffe c t in
m e ltin g ic e at 3 2 . It se e m s v e r y m y s te r io u s h o w p o w e r can b e lo st in su ch a w a y [b y
c o n d u c tio n o f h e a t fr o m h o t to c o ld ] , b u t p erh a p s n o t m o r e so than th at p o w e r sh o u ld b e
lo s t in th e fr ic tio n o f flu id s (a p lu m b lin e w it h th e w e ig h t in w a te r fo r in sta n ce) b y w h ic h
th e r e d o e s n o t s e e m to b e a n y h e a t g e n e r a te d , n o r a n y p h y sic a l c h a n g e e ffe c te d .

This letter was written just a few months before Thomsons famous meeting in
June, 1847, with Joule. It also came just before Thomson began his intensive
interaction with Stokes on hydrodynamics and its relation to electricity, magne
tism, and heat (ch. 8).
Judging from a remark of Joules in June - I have felt very gratified in
meeting with two at least, Mr Stokes and yourself, who enter into my views of
this subject (the conversion of work into heat) - Stokes and Thomson agreed
that mechanical effect could not be annihilated by fluid f r i c t i o n . W h e n
Thomson observed in his letter to Forbes, therefore, that there did not seem to be
any heat generated, he was acknowledging that heat might indeed have been
generated. He was thus well prepared forjoules forthcoming announcement of
just that result. More especially, however, Thomson had here already associated
loss of mechanical effect in fluid friction with the new claim that mechanical
effect was likewise lost when heat was merely conducted from high to low
temperature without operating a heat engine. In other words, he had already S ti r l in g h o t - a i r e n g i n e - a w o r k i n g m o d e l o f th e k i n d e m p l o y e d b y W i l l i a m
pointed to the problem that would continue to plague him in reconciling Joules T h o m s o n in his G l a s g o w l a b o r a t o r y . [ F r o m T h e S ci e n ce M u s e u m L i b r a r y , L o n d o n . )
discovery with Carnots theory. Both frictional and conduction losses, indeed,
2^ James to William Thomson, 22nd February, 1846, T41.5, ULC; MPP, 1, 143; SPT, 1, 132-3.
20 William Thomson to J.D. Forbes, 1st March, 1847, Forbes papers, St Andrews University
Library. j.P. Joule to William Thomson, 29th June, 1847, J59, ULC.
296 The transformation o f classical physics Thermodynamics: the years o f uncertainty 297

were analogous to the loss of useful work when water fell from a high to a low
level through a resisting medium, without turning a waterwheel.
In extending the mystery o f loss of power or mechanical effect to the case of
using a heat source to melt ice rather than to produce mechanical effect,
Thomson had not as yet explained the precise connection of the melting or
freezing of ice with the Stirling air engine, but he soon illuminated that
connection in a paper on the theory of the engine, deduced from Carnots
principles. As his first paper read to the Glasgow Philosophical Society (to which
he had just been elected a member in December, 1846), this work of April, 1847,
began a long and fruitful relationship with the Society.
Thomsons account began by stating that, at a previous meeting of the
Figure 9.1. William Thomson gave this account o f Stirlings
Society, Professor Gordon had given an explanation of Carnots theory and
air engine to his natural philosophy class in January, 1850:
that, in accordance with this theory, the mechanical effect to be obtained from
an air engine by the transmission of a given quantity of heat depended on the On the principle o f the m otive power o f heat Stirlings Air
Engine is constructed. It is very simple. One mass o f air alone
difference between the temperature of the air in the cold space above and the
is necessary to drive it. Here we have a large cylinder with a
heated space below the plunger. Since this temperature difference was consider plunger in it. Suppose it to be at the top. There is a consider
ably greater than that in the best condensing steam-engines, it was argued that, able quantity o f air below. If we apply a spirit lamp below &
given the removal of the practical difficulties of constructing an efficient air heat that air it expands and rushes up along the sides o f the
engine, a much greater amount of mechanical effect would be obtained by the plunger, along the tube and forces up the piston in the other
small cylinder. There is a wheel placed between the two
consumption of a given quantity of fuel in the case of the air en g in e.F ig u re 9.1
cylinders (which is not represented). There is a crank attached
gives Thomsons description of the engines operation. to each end o f the axle o f the wheel. When the small piston
His notice to the Philosophical Society continued with some illustrations, rises it turns round the wheel which brings the plunger down
afforded by the Air Engine, of general physical principles, and it was here that and this drives out most o f the heated air. The air in coming in
the discussion of Stirlings engine involved questions of ice and mechanical contact with the cool metal at the top contracts and draws
down the piston which raises the plunger and again the air is
effect. If the engine were turned forwards, William argued, and if no heat were
heated & so on. In order to condense the air better it is
applied, the reservoir below the plunger would become colder than the sur expedient to have a stream o f water rushing over the upper
rounding atmosphere and the space above hotter. That is to say, given the usual part thus carrying away the heat.
way the engine operated, with a hot reservoir below and a cold reservoir above
the plunger, the engine would turn forwards of itself, cooling the lower and
warming the upper reservoirs until their temperatures were equalized. But by If, however, the temperature in the upper reservoir were prevented from rising,
continuing to crank it forwards the engine would act further to cool the lower and in the lower from falling, the engine may be turned without the expendi
reservoir, reversing the temperature relation. Once this new relation of tem ture of any work (except what is necessary in an actual machine for overcoming
peratures was established, contrary to that which is necessary to cause the engine friction, &c.). Apart from the obvious way of achieving this result by immers
to turn forwards [of itself], expenditure of work would be necessary to turn it. ing the machine in a stream of water, Thomson advocated finding a solid body
which melted at the temperature at which it was required to retain the engine.
William Thomson, Notice o f Stirlings air engine, Proc. Phil. Soc. Glasgow, 2 (1847), 169-70.
Thus, he suggested letting a stream of water at 32 Fahrenheit run across the
For a full account o f the Stirling hot air engine, see E.E. Daub, The regenerator principle in the
Stirling and Ericsson hot air engines, Brit.J. Sci., 7 (1974), 259-77. The original hot air engine by upper part of the engine, while the lower part was held in a basin of water at the
Robert Stirling dated from 1816, and was improved in 1827 by the development o f the so-called same temperature. When the engine was turned forwards, heat would be taken
regenerator or economizer principle. The regenerator was essentially a heat exchanger employed from below the plunger and deposited in the space above, this heat being
within the air engine cycle in the belief that the large loss o f heat incurred in the condenser o f the
steam-engine could be eliminated in the air engine. Suggested byjohn Ericsson in the 1830s, the term supplied by water in the basin, all of which would be converted gradually into
regenerator implied that the lost heat could be reused to produce mechanical work. The real value ice at 32, without expenditure of work.
o f the regenerator was appreciated by W.J.M. Rankine. See also Stirlings Air-Engine, Mech. Mag.,
45 (1846), 559-66.
In Thomsons view, then, the Stirling engine could be used to illustrate what
William Thomson, 15th January, 1850, lecture 43, in Smith op. cit. (note 1). he had termed here a physical principle, that the making of ice, consistent with
298 The transformation o f classical physics Thermodynamics: the years o f uncertainty 299

Carnots theory, involved no expenditure or production of work, for it in to freeze it while merely transferring the heat to an infinite reservoir at the same
volved no temperature difference. Furthermore, if work depended only on temperature, because the temperature of the working substance in the engine -
temperature differences, it would follow, as he had stated in the letter to Forbes, air in Jamess example - always remained constant at O^C. With temperature
that heat generated at a high temperature, and then spent in the melting of ice, fixed, pressure and volume were uniquely related. Whatever changes in pressure
truly involved a loss of work which might have been produced in operating an and volume attended compression, therefore, had to be followed in reverse on
engine. expansion such that the work done to turn the engine in a complete cycle would
This conclusion, however, was not entirely adequate. As James soon pointed necessarily be zero.
out, since water expands on freezing, the freezing of water could involve the If, on the other hand, the freezing water did not expand freely but were
production of work. In May, 1848, he carried out his calculation of the lowering resisted, it would produce external work. This second step went beyond
of the freezing point by pressure, and in October of that year he commented in Williams result. Such external work could only derive from work done to turn
his notebook: William and I have examined the investigation on the last page. the engine, implying a difference between the changes of pressure and volume in
The principles and the numerical result are extremely nearly true.^'^ William the engine on compression and on expansion, which in turn implied that on
read an account of these researches to the Royal Society of Edinburgh injanuary, expansion (when in contact with the freezing water) the temperature of the
1849, and the paper was published the same year. In it James explained that his working substance, and consequently that of the water, was below 0C. In
brothers conclusion at first appeared to me to involve an impossibility, because complete conformity with Carnots theory, then, an engine requiring work to
water expands while freezing; and therefore it seemed to follow, that if a turn it had to be operating between two different temperatures, moving heat
quantity ofit were merely enclosed in a vessel with a movable piston and frozen, from a lower to a higher temperature.
the motion of the piston, consequent on the expansion, being resisted by Basing his detailed argument on the Carnot cycle, James derived an approxi
pressure, mechanical work would be given out without any corresponding mate relation for the depression of the freezing point with increased pressure.
expenditure; or, in other words, a perpetual source of mechanical work, Around January, 1850, William verified that relation experimentally, thereby
commonly called a perpetual motion, would be possible. In order to avoid such making ofit an important confirmation of the CarnotClapeyron theory. More
a perpetual motion, James explained, it occurred to me that it is necessary precisely, he had confirmed the principal result of the theory, its prediction of
farther to conclude, that the freezing point becomes lower as the pressure to the intimate relation between work and temperature differences.^^ Stokes noted
which the water is subjected is increased.^ the importance of the experiment soon after:
Jamess argument, modelled on the operation of the Stirling engine,
1 c o n g r a tu la te y o u an d y o u r b r o th e r o n th e su ccess o f th e h ea t e x p e r im e n t, w h ic h is a v e r y
proceeded in two steps. The first step confirmed Williams result for a free
r e m a r k a b le o n e . 1 w ill tell H o p k in s a b o u t it. It g o e s rath er c o n tr a r y to h is n o tio n s , o r
expansion of freezing water. No work was required of an engine for removing
rather c o n je c tu r e s, r e la tiv e to th e p o ss ib le s o lid ity o f th e c e n tr e o f th e E arth (d e p e n d in g
heat from a quantity of water at 0 centigrade and atmospheric pressure in order o n p ressu re) w h ile th e s u r r o u n d in g parts are in a state o f fu s io n . I d o n t k n o w th at
James Thomson, M otive power o f heat: air engine. Notebook A14(A), Q U B . This h o w e v e r ; fo r s o m e su b sta n ces c o n tr a c t in fr e e z in g (lik e M e r c u r y ) a n d in su ch cases 1
notebook also contains an account o f a meeting between the Rev Dr Robert Stirling, minister o f the p r e s u m e p ressu re w o u ld fa v o u r s o lid ity .^
Parish Church o f Galston, an Ayrshire town some twenty miles south o f Glasgow, andjames, in the
presence o f Dr Thomson, William and Mansell (Williams assistant at Glasgow College). According Hopkinss researches in physical geology concern an important subtext for
to James, Stirling did not understand the principle o f his own engine. Thomsons thermodynamics, the doctrine of progression in the earth s geologi
James Thomson, Theoretical considerations on the effects o f pressure in lowering the freezing
point o f water, [Read 2ndjanuary, 1849), Trans. Royal Soc. Edinburgh, 1 6 (1849), 575-80; Papers, pp. cal history (chs. 6, 16).
19fr 203; MPP, 1, 156-64. In a subsequent letter, William Thom son toJ.D. Forbes, 7th December, The principal result of Carnots theory, confirmed by William in his measure
1848, F199 (copy), ULC, William took credit for this conclusion concerning the lowering o f the
ment of the depression of the freezing point in 1850, had already become the
freezing point. As he there expressed it: In conversing with my brother James about this
proposition, it struck me that we may prove as a consequence that the freezing point o f water under basis ofhis famous absolute scale of temperature. At the end of 1847, he had sent
heavy pressure must be lower than 32. Lacking independent evidence, we would suggest three some notes on Clapeyrons memoir to Gordon, adding in an accompanying
alternative explanations: (i) that William allowedjames the credit in the published paper as a form o f
recompense for his elder brothers other disappointments in health and career and as an
acknowledgement ofhis invaluable guidance in the subject; or (ii) that William had simply given an
erroneous account to Forbes; or (iii) that the idea was so much the product o f both minds that a William Thomson, The effect o f pressure in lowering the freezing point o f water,
separation o f their respective contributions was impossible. We do know that James carried out the experimentally demonstrated, [Read 21st January, 1850], Proc. Royal Soc. Edinburgh, 2 (1951), 267-
actual calculation o f the theoretical lowering o f the freezing point, which William then verified 71; MPP, 1, 165-9.
experimentally. G.G. Stokes to William Thomson, c22nd January, 1850, S558, ULC.
300 The transformation of classical physics Thermodynamics: the years o f uncertainty 301

A g o o d d ea l has b e e n said in v a r io u s treatises a b o u t f ix in g an a b so lu te stan d ard o f when he was working in Regnaults laboratory. He had then conceived the
te m p e r a tu r e . T h e air th e r m o m e t e r is c h o se n m e r e ly fo r [ c o n v e n ie n c e ] o f c o m p a r is o n . absolute quantity of electricity on a conductor at any given potential in terms of
N o w w o u ld it n o t b e a g o o d absolute d e fin itio n o f e q u a l d e g r e e s , to say that th e y are su ch the work required to raise the electricity to that potential. This view of absolute
th a t th e sa m e quantity (d e te r m in e d in an a b so lu te w a y b y th e m e ltin g o f ice) d e s c e n d in g a measure apparently derived in part from his prior familiarity with the
d e g r e e w ill a lw a y s p r o d u c e th e sa m e m e c h ' effect?^* waterwheel analogy for a steam-engine (through James, Clapeyron and
Here was the Kelvin scale of absolute temperature in its earliest version. Regnault). His new idea for measuring temperature simply applied to heat the
Presentations to the Glasgow and Cambridge Philosophical Societies followed same scheme as he had applied to electricity, but for measuring temperature
in April andjune, respectively, of 1848, with publication by October. Thomson (analogous to potential) rather than quantity ofheat (analogous to electricity).
observed that the experimental determination of temperature had been the We shall see repeatedly that Thomsons concern with the mechanical effect of
subject of some of the very elaborate and refined researches of Regnault, such heat in the years 1847-50 paralleled closely his work in the same period on
that there now existed as complete a practical solution as could be desired. All mechanical effect in electric and magnetic fields.
these practical methods, however, made reference to a specific body as the Meanwhile in April, 1848, Forbes had urged him to make the wonders o f the
standard thermometric substance; as yet no absolute scale, independent of a Carnot theory more widely known: as you have taken so much trouble about
particular substance, was available. Thus, we can only regard, in strictness, the this Theory of Carnots I think it would be reasonable to expect you to print a
scale actually adopted as an arbitrary series of numbered points of reference little notice of it for the benefit of people in general. F o r b e s pressed him
sufficiently close for the requirements of practical thermometry.^^ But the further in November, 1848: I write to remind you of your promise to give us an
concept o f an engine producing mechanical effect provided a solution: abstract of the Motive Power of Heat for the Rfoyal] S[ociety] [of Edinburgh].
When can we have it?^^^ William read his abstract on 2nd January, 1849. And
T h e r e la tio n b e t w e e n m o t iv e p o w e r an d h ea t, as e sta b lish e d b y C a r n o t, is su ch that
having at long last received a copy o f Carnots original memoir from Gordon in
quantities o f heat an d intervals o f temperature are in v o lv e d as th e so le e le m e n ts in th e
late 1848, he prepared for the Societys Transactions his detailed Account of
e x p r e s sio n fo r th e a m o u n t o f m e c h a n ic a l effe c t to b e o b ta in e d th r o u g h th e a g e n c y o f h e a t;
and sin ce w e h a v e , in d e p e n d e n tly , a d e fin ite sy s te m fo r th e m e a su r e m e n t o f q u a n titie s o f Carnots theory.
h ea t, w e are thu s fu r n ish e d w it h a m e a su r e fo r in te r v a ls a c c o r d in g to w h ic h a b so lu te Shortly after these communications, the death of Dr Thomson temporarily
d iffe r e n c e s o f te m p e r a tu r e m a y b e e stim a te d . unsettled the remarkable thermodynamic partnership o f William and James.
James joined Lewis Gordon in London with the intention of collaborating in a
The characteristic property of the new scale was that each of its degrees had
patent for the waterwheel. William waited in the spring of 1849 for Gordons
the same relation to work available from a heat engine; that is, a unit ofheat
comments on his Account before its full publication, and Gordon wrote to say
descending from a body A at the temperature T of this scale, to a body B at the
he was much delighted and enlightened by it. He found that Williams
temperature { T - \ ) would give out the same mechanical effect, whatever be
analytical expression of the results o f the theory are more distinct than those of
the number T. This may justly be termed an absolute scale, since its characteristic Clapeyron and your conclusions as to the parity of the amounts of mechanical
is quite independent of the physical properties of any specific substance. With effect derivable from all different vapours and all different gases at the same
the aid of his pupil, William Steele, Thomson undertook an approximate temperature is more clearly stated and seen than in either Carnot or
comparison of the calculated values from the absolute scale with experimental Clapeyron.**^ With the publication of the Account in 1849, then, the Carnot
values from the air thermometer, and recorded good agreement.'*^ The agree
theme in the work of the Thomson brothers had reached a critical juncture. In
ment confirmed once again the validity of Carnots relation between work and both the depression of the freezing point and the absolute temperature scale they
the fall ofheat.
had confirmed theoretically and experimentally the power of Carnots theory.
Repeated references to Regnault throughout this classic paper, and the How, then, could it be fundamentally in error? How, indeed, could James
dependence of the calculations on Regnaults measurements, should remind us
that Thomsons earliest attempt to employ the relation of mechanical effect to
fair in intensity as an absolute measure of a physical quantity took place in 1845 J.D. Forbes to William Thomson, 20th April, 1848, F194, ULC.
J.D. Forbes to William Thomson, 27th November, 1848, F198, ULC.
William Thomson to Lewis Gordon, 20th December, 1847, G124 (copy), ULC. William Thomson, An account o f Carnots theory o f the motive power o f heat, with
William Thomson, On an absolute thermometric scale, founded on Carnots theory o f the numerical results deduced from Regnaults experiments on steam, Trans. Royal Soc. Edinburgh, 16
motive power ofheat, and calculated from the results o f Regnaults experiments on the pressure and (1849), 541-74; MPP, 1, 133-55. See also SPT, 1, 133, 269-70.
latent heat o f steam, Phil. Mag., [series 3], 33 (1848), 313-7; MPP, 1, 100-6. Lewis Gordon to William Thomson, 24th May, 1849, G128, ULC; James to William
Thomson, On an absolute thermometric scale, pp. 31415. Ibid., pp. 315-17. Thomson, 18th June, 1849, T438, ULC.
302 The transformation o f classical physics Thermodynamics: the years o f uncertainty 303

Joules claim that mechanical effect derived not from the fall in intensity of heat,
but from its conversion, be correct?

The JouleThomson debates: 1847-50

The famous encounter between Joule and William Thomson took place at the
Oxford meeting of the British Association in June, 1847. After the close of this,
his first meeting since becoming professor, William wrote to his father from
Cambridge, where he had been residing since the end of the Glasgow College
I h a v e ju s t re tu r n e d (v iz . last n ig h t) fr o m O x f o r d , w h e r e I e n jo y e d a w e e k v e r y m u c h .
T h e m e e t in g o f th e A s so c ia tio n w a s q u ite d e lig h tfu l, fr o m th e o p p o r tu n ity it a ffo r d e d o f
se e in g so m a n y p e o p le e n g a g e d in v a r io u s in te r e stin g research es. I n e e d n o t g iv e y o u a n y
d e ta ils, as y o u w ill o f c o u r se see th e A th e n a e u m c o n ta in in g th e rep o r t (tell J a m e s to lo o k
fo r th e a c c o u n t o f j o u l e s p a p er o n th e d y n a m ic a l e q u iv a le n t o f h eat. 1 am g o in g to w r ite
to J a m es a b o u t it an d e n c lo s e h im a set o f p a p ers I r e c e iv e d fr o m J o u le , w h o s e
a c q u a in ta n c e I m a d e , as s o o n as 1 h a v e tim e . J o u le is 1 a m su re w r o n g in m a n y o f his id eas,
b u t h e se e m s to h a v e d is c o v e r e d s o m e facts o f e x tr e m e im p o r ta n c e , as fo r in sta n c e th at
h ea t is d e v e lo p e d b y th e fric" o f flu id s in m o tio n ) . I m e t D r N ic h o l, F o rb es, F arad ay,
Sir W . H a m ilt o n , S n o w H arris.

We have seen the concern of both James and William with the loss o f vis viva
through fluid friction, most particularly in Williams letter of March, 1847, to
Forbes. William naturally received Joules new fact, that heat is developed by
the friction of fluids in motion, with great interest, having considered the
possibility himself We need, then, to examine why William would also have
regarded Joule as wrong in many of his ideas.
Something dramatic, indeed, seems to have captured Thomsons attention.
As he recalled the event in 1882: James Prescott Joule in 1882 aged about sixty-four. Thomson had first met Joule at
the 1847 Oxford meeting o f the British Association, and Joules accurate measures o f
I h ea rd his [J o u le s] p a p er rea d at th e se c tio n , a n d fe lt s tr o n g ly im p e lle d to rise a n d sa y th at the mechanical value o f heat became the centrepiece o f Thom sons new energy
it m u s t b e w r o n g , b e c a u se th e tr u e m e c h a n ic a l v a lu e o f h e a t g iv e n , su p p o s e to w a r m physics, with work or mechanical effect the absolute measure o f all physical agencies.
w a te r , m u s t fo r sm a ll d iffe r e n c e s o f te m p e r a tu r e b e p r o p o r tio n a l to th e sq u are o f its [From Nature, 26 (1882), facing p. 617.[
q u a n tity . 1 k n e w fr o m C a r n o t s la w th a t th is m u s t b e tr u e (a n d it is true; o n ly n o w I ca ll it
m o t iv it y in o r d e r n o t to clash w it h J o u le s m e c h a n ic a l v a lu e ). B u t as I liste n e d o n an d
o n I sa w th a t ( th o u g h C a r n o t h a d v it a lly im p o r ta n t tru th n o t to b e a b a n d o n e d ) J o u le h ad the waterfall analogy. On that analogy the work done when Q falls through a
c e r ta in ly a g r e a t tru th a n d a g r e a t d is c o v e r y , an d a m o s t im p o r ta n t m e a su r e m e n t to b r in g temperature T is W oc QT. But adding heat to a body in order to raise its
fo r w a r d . S o in stea d o f r isin g w it h m y o b je c tio n at th e m e e t in g , 1 w a ite d till it w a s o v e r , temperature is like rebuilding a column of water (or a stack of bricks) which has
an d said m y say to J o u le h im s e lf at th e e n d o f th e meeting.'*'^ fallen to the ground. After reaching a height h with mass m, the increment of
Thomsons immediate reaction, that the mechanical value of heat must be work needed to lift another increment of mass dm is hdm. The total work for the
proportional to the square of the quantity ofheat, no doubt derived directly from column of total mass M is:
William to D r Thomson, 1st July, 1847, T367, U L C . See also SPT, 1, 263-5. W X I hdm X I mdm X M ^ .

William Thomson, Nature, 2 6 (1882), 618; SPT, 1, 264. For the mathematical significance o f 0 0
this passage see M. Norton Wise, William Thom sons mathematical route to energy conservation: a
case study o f the role o f mathematics in concept formation. Hist. Stud. Phys. Set., 10 (1979), 49-83,
In the same way, therefore, the work done in raising the temperature of a body
esp. pp. 78-80. would be proportional to the square of the heat added:
304 The transformation o f classical physics Thermodynamics: the years o f uncertainty 305

Q an enormous quantity of vis viva exists in matter. The general part of this
W oz ^ Tdq oc I OC Q 2. hypothesis, that heat was not a material substance but a state of motion,
measured by vis viva (later kinetic energy), would become known in Joules and
The implication was immediate. Although Thomson had previously, in his Thomsons terminology as the dynamical theory of heat.
letter to Forbes, been willing to consider the possibility of the conversion of Joule read his paper not to the mathematics and physics section of the 1847
work to heat in fluid friction, he now realized that, if Joules result (fT oc Q) British Association meeting, but to the chemistry section. That Thomson should
were correct, he could never reconcile such a conversion with Carnots account have been present at all in that section probably indicates his special interest in
o f the motive power of heat (W cc Q^). Joules subject-matter. Although the chairman of the section confined Joule to a
A second, complementary, reason for Thomsons response derived from his short verbal description of his experiments, this restriction did not prevent
prior work on mechanical effect in electric and magnetic fields, which showed Thomson from initiating the long debate with Joule that followed. Before the
mechanical effect always proportional to force squared. The result formed part close of the Oxford meeting. Joule had left copies of two important papers for
o f the flow analogy. If, then, heat flux were actually analogous to force, the Thomson, expressing relief and gratitude at having found a potential supporter:
work expended in heating a body should again have been proportional to the
I w a s g r e a tly d is a p p o in te d in n o t h a v in g an o p p o r tu n it y o f c a llin g u p o n y o u y e s te r d a y
square of the heat added. Since Thomson was engaged with Stokes in working
b e fo r e le a v in g O x f o r d . I c a lle d h o w e v e r at P e m b r o k e C o lle g e , a n d le ft t w o p ap ers w it h
out this hydrodynamic analogy for magnetism, electricity, and heat - with a th e p o r te r , o n e O n th e c h a n g e s o f te m p e r a tu r e p r o d u c e d b y c o n d e n s a tio n & c. o f air
focus on mechanical effect - at the very time he encountered Joule, it would have [1 8 4 4 ], th e o th e r , w h ic h w a s th e first p u b lis h e d b y m e o n th e su b je c t, O n th e c a lo r ific
been surprising indeed if he had not reacted strongly to Joules claim. e ffe cts o f m a g n e to - e le c t r ic ity & th e m e c h a n ic a l v a lu e o f h e a t [1 8 4 3 ]. I b e g y o u r
According to Joule, it was William Thomsons interest in his paper presented a c c e p ta n c e o f th e a b o v e a n d h o p e th e y w i l l in te r e st y o u . I h a v e fe lt v e r y g r a tifie d in
to the Oxford meeting which effectively rescued him from obscurity.'* m e e t in g w it h t w o at least, M r S to k e s a n d y o u r s e lf, w h o e n te r in to m y v ie w s o n th is
Although such obscurity may have derived in part from Joules general relation su b je c t a n d h o p e to b e ab le to c u ltiv a te an a c q u a in ta n c e w h ic h I fin d so d eligh tfu l. *

ship to the scientific communities in Manchester and London, his hypothesis that As noted earlier, it seems that the enthusiasm of both Thomson and Stokes
heat was the result of some form of motion - subsequently the dynamical theory derived from their prior conviction of the impossibility of annihilating
of heat - would not have impressed anyone committed to a non-speculative mechanical effect. They received Joules results within their own dialogue on
methodology. Most strikingly, in his 1850 paper On the mechanical equivalent fluid friction and mechanical effect.
of heat. Joule had to eliminate the major conclusion that friction consisted in On 12thjuly, 1847, William sent Joules two papers tojames, remarking that
the conversion of mechanical power into heat before the memoir was published they would astonish him and that I think at present that some great flaws must
in the Philosophical Transactions. Only the stark, experimentally established be found. Look especially to the rarefaction and condensation of air, where
conclusion that the quantity of heat produced wus proportional to the quantity of something is decidedly neglected, in estimating the total change effected, in
work done, according to an exact numerical equivalent, was acceptable.'*^ some of the cases.^ James replied:
As early as 1841 Joule had spoken of heat as the vibration of the atmospheres of
T h e r e is o n e b lu n d e r c e r ta in ly . H e [Joule] e n c lo s e s s o m e c o m p r e ss e d air in o n e vessel,
electricity and magnetism surrounding atoms. Again, in his 1843 paper On the
c o n n e c ts th at w ith a n o th e r w h ic h is v a c u o u s , an d a llo w s th e air o f th e fo r m e r to rush in to
calorific effects of magneto-electricity, and on the mechanical value of heat, he
th e latter till th e pressu re is th e sa m e in b o th . B o th vessels w e r e im m e r s e d in w a te r , and
had observed that when we consider heat not as a substance, but as a state of
after th e o p e r a tio n th e te m p e r a tu r e o f th e w a te r re m a in s th e sa m e as b e fo r e . J o u le says
vibration, there appears to be no reason why it should not be induced by an th at n o m e c h a n ic a l effe c t has b een d e v e lo p e d o u ts id e o f th e vessels d u r in g th e o p e r a tio n .
action of a simply mechanical character. In other words, the mutual conversion
of work and heat would follow from the general hypothesis that heat was so Joule, P a p e r s , 1, pp. 53, 134, 204-5.
dynamical in character. And, in 1845, Joule wrote of the vis viva of the particles s* J.P.Joule to William Thomson, 29thjune, 1847, J59, ULC. Nearly all the letters fromjoule to
of water and of the vis viva of the atmospheres of elastic fluids, concluding that Thomson are preserved in ULC and ULG. For an account o fjo u les life, see Osborne Reynolds,
Memoir ofjames Prescottjoule, P r o c . M a n c h e s t e r L i t . P h i l . S o c ., 6 (1892). The 1843 and 1844 papers
J.P. Joule, T h e s c ie n t if ic p a p e r s o f J . P . J o u l e (2 vols., London, 1887), 2, p. 215. referred to were published as J.P. Joule, On the calorific effects o f magneto-electricity, and on the
See John Forrester, Chemistry and the conservation o f energy: the work o f James Prescott mechanical value o f heat, P h i l . M a g . , [series 3), 23 (1843), 263-76,347-55, 435-43; Joule, P a p e r s , 1,
Joule, S t u d . H i s t . P h i l . S c i . , 6 (1975), 273-313, for a discussion o fjo u les own conceptual and social pp. 123-59; and J.P. Joule, On the changes o f temperature produced by the rarefaction and
affiliations, particularly prior to his meeting with Thomson. See Crosbie Smith, Faraday as referee condensation o f air, P h i l . M a g . , [series 3], 2 6 (1845), 369-83; Joule, P a p e r s , 1, pp. 172-89.
ofjou les Royal Society paper On the mechanical equivalent o f heat , I s i s , 6 7 (1976), 444-9, for an William tojam es Thomson, 12th July, 1847, T429, ULC; SPT, 1 , 266; James Thomson,
account o f the modifications to Joules 1850 paper. P a p e r s , pp. xxviii.
306 The transformation o f classical physics Thermodynamics: the years o f uncertainty 307

a n d that th e r e fo r e th e h e a t r e m a in s u n c h a n g e d . B u t in r e a lity m e c h a n ic a l e ffe c t was More especially here, the basic entities of the universe (matter and energy)
d e v e lo p e d o u ts id e , as th e tv^o v e ssels b e c a m e o f d iffe r e n t tem p eratu re.^ ^ were subject to conservation laws, and could neither be created nor destroyed by
man. The sources for Williams assent to this interpretation - Nichol, Chalmers
Whatever the source of the (slight) temperature difference, the attitudes ofjoule
and others - all converge towards the omnipotent and providential rule of
and of James Thomson towards it reveal their quite different concepts o f the
divine will. Even his lecture notes on Flemings moral philosophy in 1839-40
motive power of heat. Joule thought in terms of work converted to heat, and
contain the voluntarist assumptions: all created things must be sustained or the
Thomson in terms of work done to raise heat. And so, for Joule, no net change in
continual presence of God is necessary to preserve as to create. Furthermore,
the overall temperature of the water bath outside meant no work done and no
there is a difference between saying that man makes who merely gives different
heat generated. He regarded the temperature difference of the two vessels as
arrangements. God makes in another sense. When man created, merely the
experimental error. For Thomson, work had necessarily been done to produce
different arrangements of things were involved, but when God created He
the temperature difference.
created in the fundamental sense of making things out o f nothing, by the
Joules 1844 paper contained his well-known criticism of the C arnot-
exercise of His absolute power, and thereafter sustained them in being by His
Clapcyron view of the steam-engine whereby mechanical power arose simply
ordained power, except in the event of a miracle. William would frequently
from the passage of heat from a hot to a cold body, no heat being lost during the
place energy conservation within this theological perspective.
transfer. By analogy with the fall of water through a height, the caloric would, if
Joules criticism of Clapeyron caused James Thomson to admit to William in
unresisted (which never occurred for caloric), acquire vis viva through the
July, 1847, that, even given the blunder, some of Joules views have a slight
temperature fall from boiler to condenser. If resisted by a perfect engine the
tendency to unsettle ones mind as to the accuracy of Clapeyrons principles. If
potential vis viva would be converted into available work, while if merely
some of the heat can absolutely be turned into mechanical effect, Clapeyron may
conducted through a resisting medium it would be lost. Joule, however, was
be wrong. He saw the solution of the difficulty as requiring a more accurate
already firmly committed to a principle of conservation or indestructibility of
definition of a certain quantity of heat as applied to two bodies at different
vis viva throughout nature, as he stated in the 1844 paper: I conceive that this
temperatures. He then made a bold attempt to reconcile the Clapeyron and
[ClapeyronsJ theory, however ingenious, is opposed to the recognized princi
Joule views:
ples of philosophy, because it leads to the conclusion that vis viva may be
destroyed by an improper disposition of the apparatus. His own views, he Pcrhapsjoulc would say that if a hot pound of water lose a degree of heat to a cold one, the
claimed, avoided just such a difficulty. The steam expanding in the cylinder cold one may receive a greater absolute amount of heat than that lost by the hot one; the
loses heat in quantity exactly proportional to the mechanical force which it increase being due to the mechanical effect which might have been produced during the
communicates by means of the piston, and that on condensation of the steam the fall of heat from the high temperature to the low one.'^
heat thus converted into power is not given back.^'* James attempted here to reinterpret Joule within his own framework, in effect
Joule supported his claim for the indestructibility of vis viva with a theological by turning him on his head. Thus, on the one hand, he retained the Clapeyron
statement: believing that the power to destroy belongs to the Creator alone, I principle of the production of mechanical effect by the fall of heat from a hot to a
entirely coincide with Roget and Faraday in the opinion that any theory which, cold body in the ideal case. In reality, however, mechanical effect was often not
when carried out, demands the annihilation of force, is necessarily erroneous. produced when heat passed from the high to the low temperature, as in
William subsequently admitted Joules objection to the Carnot-Clapeyron conduction. James therefore suggested that in such cases this potential, but
theory in its full force, agreeing as I do with you when you say you coincide unrealized, mechanical effect would appear as additional heat, which
with Faraday and Roget. I n other words, Thomson vigorously supported
Joule in his claim that the power to annihilate mechanical effect was the privilege William Thomson, Notebook, f.1839-40, NB21, ULC. A transcript o f essay xvi,
of God alone. Their statements belong to the voluntarist tradition (ch. 4). An constituting part o f this notebook, is published in D.B. Wilson, Kelvins scientific realism; the
theological context, P h i l . J . , 11 (1974), 55-8. See also William Fleming, A m a n u a l o f m o r a l p h i l o s o p h y
omnipotent God created and governed the universe. The laws of nature, as (London, 1867), esp. Book 111, Theistic ethics or natural theology. For a more detailed analysis o f
instruments of divine providence, had no independent existence nor could they these lecture notes, sec Crosbie Smith, Natural philosophy and thermodynamics: William
be altered or destroyed by any agent except the divine will. Thomson and The Dynamical Theory o f Heat , B r i t . J . H i s t . S c i . , 9 (1976), 298-304.
James to William Thomson, o p . c it. (note 53). For an attempt by James to work out an
alternative dynamical theory o f heat which conserves quantity o f heat by analogy to conservation o f
James to William Thomson, 24th July, 1847, T433, ULC; James Thomson, P apers, pp. x x x - quantity o f motion and which treats loss o f mechanical effect in conduction by analogy to loss o f
xxxi. ** J.P. Joule, P a p e r s , 1, pp. 188-9. momentum in inelastic collisions, see Crosbie Smith, William Thomson and the creation o f
William Thomson to J.P. Joule, 27th October, 1848, J62 (copy), ULC. thermodynamics: 184(M 855, A r c h . H i s t . E x a c t S c i . , 16 (1976), 231 88, esp. pp. 278-9.
308 The transformation o f classical physics Thermodynamics: the years o f uncertainty 309

supplemented the heat that merely passed from the hot to the cold body. This Joules Iiew:
speculation involved, not heat converted into external work by an engine, as in An ideal engine Conduction
Joules standard example, but mechanical effect converted internally into heat
during conduction. The conflicting frameworks of Joule and James Thomson
are represented schematically in figure 9.2.
Joule, committed to a dynamical theory of heat, heat as vis viva, focussed No work
criticism on the production of work without loss of heat. James Thomson, External o f any
work = W kind
bound to no theory of the nature of heat, but committed to the idea of work
done by a fall in intensity, focussed criticism on a fall without compensating
work, as in conduction. Both views conserved mechanical effect. Indeed, the
/ Low temp. \ Heat = Q W / Low temp. \ Heat Q
Thomson brothers welcomed the conversion of work into heat during processes
involving internal resistance; such conversion solved, for example, the problem
of loss of vis viva by fluid friction. By making fall in intensity the fundamental
issue, however, their view directed attention to a quite different problem,
namely recoverability, or the question of whether or not the additional heat
could be converted again into available mechanical effect, or into heat at a higher James Thomson's view:
temperature. It made the question of dissipation during conduction into the same An ideal engine Conduction
question as whether or not heat could be converted back into work. We shall indeed see \ High temp. Heat = Q \ High temp. / Heat = Q
the importance of this move in relation to Williams continuing unwillingness (at high (at high
to accept fully Joules view of the mutual conversion of heat and work.^ Like intensity) intensity)
James, Lewis Gordon also believed at this stage that Joules denial of Carnots
beautiful idea will not necessarily overthrow so fertile a theory, while he relied External Internal
upon William to re-enlighten him on the subject. work = W work = W

Thejoule-Thomson correspondence lapsed until the autumn of 1848, but in

the interval both William andjames were busy assessing the various implications
of Joules view. Towards the end of 1847, William embarked upon a series of
Low temp. \ Heat = Q
experiments on fluid friction. He wrote to Forbes o f what he was trying to (diffused) (diffused)
[ B y th e e n d o f th e w e e k ] 1 m a y h a v e su c c e e d e d in b o ilin g w a te r b y fr ic tio n . T h is is n o t
Figure 9.2. The conceptual differences between Joule and James Thomson are
v e r y p r o b a b le h o w e v e r as th e m a c h in e I h a v e m a d e a lr e a d y is n o t str o n g e n o u g h . In a first
apparent in differing relations o f work W and heat Q during the operation o f an ideal
e x p e r im e n t m a d e w it h it th e te m p e r a tu r e ro se fr o m 4 5 o r 4 6 to 5 7, at a b o u t th e rate o f
engine and during conduction.
1 e v e r y fiv e m in u te s d u r in g a c o n t in u e d tu r n in g o f th e in s tr u m e n t (a v e r y flat d isc , w it h
n a r r o w v a n e s, tu r n in g in a th in tin b o x . . . o f w h fic h ] th e b o t t o m & lid w e r e fu r n ish e d
w it h fix e d v a n e s. T h e b e a r in g s o f th e p a d d le s w e r e e n tir e ly w it h o u t th e b o x w h ic h w a s g r in d in g (a lo n g w it h a n o th e r , fo r r e lie f) fo r a b o u t 4 h o u r s, b u t 1 h a v e n o t h eard y e t
fu ll o f w a te r ). In a se c o n d e x p e r im e n t, w e b e g a n w it h w a te r a b o u t 98 an d th e w h e th e r it w e n t on.*.
te m p e r a tu r e ro se at a m u c h s lo w e r rate to a b o u t 9 9 , w h e n p art o f th e m a c h in e g a v e w a y ,
Such was the zealous nature of research in the Glasgow laboratory. With his
b e fo r e th e e x p e r im e n t c o u ld b e c o n sid e r e d as q u ite d e c is iv e [M y ] assistant w a s p rep a r
usual enthusiasm, Thomson wanted not simply to raise the temperature of
in g to m a k e an e x p e r im e n t y e s te r d a y , to c o m m e n c e w it h w a te r at 80 or 9 0 , & to g o o n
water, but to boil it!
Thomsons demonstration o f the generation o f heat by expenditure of work
** Cf. Cardwell, From Watt to Clausius, pp. 241-2, who regards Thom sons acceptance o fjou les sufficiently states his belief in the principle that mechanical effect could not be
experiments on the frictional heating o f liquids as quite inconsistent with his refusal to accept the annihilated. Not until August, 1848, however, did he explicitly apply this
converse process, viz. the conversion o f heat into work. We show that, while such a position would
have been inconsistent for Joule, it was not so for the Thomsons.
William Thomson toJ.D . Forbes, 5th December, 1847, F190 (copy), ULC.
Lewis Gordon to William Thomson, 2nd July, 1847, G120, ULC.
310 The transformation o f classical physics Thermodynamics: the years o f uncertainty 31

conservation principle to an apparently non-conservative system. In a paper On reading, especially in the context of progressionist geology and Nichols nebular
the theory of electromagnetic induction for the British Association meeting in hypothesis (ch. 6). Indeed, he seems to have regarded conversion of mechanical
Swansea, he gave an elegantly simple derivation of Franz Neumanns recent effect to heat as an irreversible process of dissipation, like conduction ofheat, in
theorem that the electric current induced in a closed wire by a magnet in relative which available work was lost to man. Hence, conversion of work to heat did
motion could be expressed as the time rate of change of a potential function for not imply reconversion to work, or mutual convertibility, even when one
the force between the magnet and the current. A very simple apriori demonstra believed firmly that mechanical effect could never be destroyed.
tion of this theorem, he observed, may be founded on the axiom that the Joule, however, had no access to Thomsons reasoning and a considerable
amount of work expended in producing the relative motion must be equivalent commitment to his own. He quickly responded to Thomsons Account in a
to the mechanical effect lost by the current induced in the wire. letter dated 6th October, 1848, which marks the resumption of their correspon
The structure of this beautiful application of the conservation principle differs dence after a lapse of over a year. Joule took the present opportunity of
little from his earlier derivation of electric and magnetic ponderomotive forces communicating some of my notions on heat &c. and asking your opinion
as gradients of total potentials, where total potential represented the work done thereon. He noted that Thomson still adhered to Carnots theory of the motive
to assemble a system. Here he extended that idea to the rate of doing work. O f power ofheat and he stated his conviction that Thomsons views will lose none
present interest, however, is his reliance on the proposition that whatever the of their interest or value even if Carnots theory be ultimately found
losses occurring during conduction of a current through a resisting wire, they incorrect.
had to equal the work done in producing the current: The amount of the What concerned Joule most, however, was Thomsons refusal in the above
mechanical effect continually lost or spent in some physical agency (according to footnote to admit the conversion ofheat into mechanical effect. Joule confessed
Joule the generation of heat) during the existence of a galvanic current . . . [is] that some points in the experiment with the electromagnetic engine were not
proportional to the square of the intensity of the current (i.e. proportional to the demonstrated with regard to the proof of the conversion ofheat into mechanical
work spent in producing the current).^^ effect. In his 1843 apparatus he had employed a battery first to generate heat in
Thomsons cryptic mode of expression, taken in the context of his other the coil of an electromagnetic engine (electric motor) held stationary, and
work, indicates his readiness to accept publicly Joules view that lost mechanical second to generate heat and work with the coil revolving. By comparison he
effect could appear as heat. The axiom, however, did not entail the reverse found that the heating effect of the battery current was reduced by the work
conversion of heat into mechanical effect, as Thomson made clear in his paper on done. Joule attempted to persuade Thomson that in such an engine the chemical
the absolute thermometric scale (begun at the end o f 1847 and published in force between atoms which in ordinary cases would be converted into heat was
October, 1848). In a well-known footnote he commented on Joules in this case turned into mechanical effect. Such a consistency argument, how
v e r y r e m a r k a b le d is c o v e r ie s w h ic h h e has m a d e w it h r e fe r e n c e to th e f^eneration o f h e a t b y
ever, did not demonstrate conversion of heat into mechanical effect, and so
the fr ic tio n o f flu id s in m o t io n , a n d s o m e k n o w n e x p e r im e n ts w it h m a g n e to - e le c t r ic Thomson simply replied politely to Joule stating that he would have to defer
m a c h in e s, s e e m in g to in d ic a te an a ctu a l c o n v e r s io n o f m e c h a n ic a l e ffe c t in to c a lo r ic . N o saying anything about the magneto-electric experiments, for indeed I have not
e x p e r im e n t h o w e v e r is a d d u c e d in w h ic h th e c o n v e r s e o p e r a tio n is e x h ib ite d ; b u t it m u s t yet sufficiently considered the subject to see it in its bearings to our views on the
b e c o n fe ss e d th a t as y e t m u c h is in v o lv e d in m y s te r y w it h r e fe r e n c e to th e se fu n d a m e n ta l Heat question
q u e stio n s o f N a tu r a l P h ilo s o p h y . Joules letter of 6th October proceeded to a discussion of his rarefaction and
So long as William did not admit the conversion ofheat into mechanical condensation experiments in which I thought 1had proved the convertibility of
effect, he could maintain both that motive power originated only in a fall of heat into power; for I found that on letting the compressed air escape into the
intensity, or diffusion, and that motive power could be converted into heat. atmosphere, a degree of cold was produced equivalent to the mechanical effect
Jamess previous attempt to reconcile these two doctrines, however, together estimated by the column of atmosphere displaced. Furthermore:
with the brothers continual perplexity about waste, suggests that Williams It ap p ears to m e th a t a th e o r y o f th e stea m e n g in e w h ic h d o c s n o t a d m it o f th e c o n v e r s io n
reluctance to admit the reverse conversion had a deeper root, namely a prior o f h e a t in to p o w e r lead s to an ab su rd c o n c lu s io n . F or in sta n ce, s u p p o s e th a t a q u a n tity o f
commitment to directionality, or progression, in the processes of nature. His fu e l A w ill raise 1 0 0 0 lb s. o f w a te r 1. T h e n a c c o r d in g to a th e o r y w h ic h d o c s n o t a d m it

own work in 1844 on the age of temperature distributions supports that th e c o n v e r t ib ilit y o f h e a t in to p o w e r th e sa m e q u a n tity A o f fu e l w o r k in g a ste a m e n g in e
w ill p r o d u c e a certa in m e c h a n ic a l e ffe c t, an d b esid es th at w ill b e fo u n d to h a v e raised 1000
William Thomson, On the theory o f electromagnetic induction, B A A S Report, 18 (1848), 9 - J.P. Joule to William Thomson, 6th October, 1848, J61, ULC.
10; MPP, 1, 88- 90. 0 2 MPP, 1, 102. See also SPT, 1, 268-9.
Thomson, op. cit. (note 5.S).
312 The transformation o f classical physics Thermodynamics: the years o f uncertainty 313

lbs. o f w a te r T . B u t th e m e c h a n ic a l e ffe c t o f th e e n g in e m ig h t h a v e b e e n e m p lo y e d in
a g ita tin g w a te r an d th e r e b y ra isin g 1 0 0 lbs. o f w a te r 1, w h ic h a d d e d to th e o th e r m a k e s
1 100 lb s. o f w a te r h e a te d 1 in th e case o f th e e n g in e . B u t in th e o th e r case, n a m e ly w it h o u t
th e e n g in e th e sa m e a m o u n t o f fu e l o n ly h ea ts 1 0 0 0 lb s. o f w a te r . T h e c o n c lu s io n fr o m
th is w o u ld b e th a t a ste a m e n g in e is a manufacturer o f h ea t, w h ic h se e m s to m e c o n tr a r y to
all a n a lo g y a n d reason.*

Thus Joule, using the kind of reasoning employed by Carnot and Clapeyron,
pointed out the absurdity of Thomsons partial acquiescence in his views,
namely in accepting the conversion of power into heat, as in the friction of
fluids, while remaining sceptical of the converse process. Joules powerful
arguments forced Thomson to re-examine the foundations both of the Carnot
theory and o f his own reticence to accept fully Joules position.
In his reply of 27th October, 1848, Thomson began by saying that he
despaired of stating everything in one letter especially as I must think and work
upon the subject a good deal longer before I can collect my ideas. . . and I now
merely write a few remarks which will I hope lead towards an ultimate
reconciliation of our views. T h e two main themes of the letter were the
friction of fluids and the conceptual questions of heat engines. On the friction of
Figure 9.3. On a pressure-volume diagram the change o f state o f a cylinder o f air
fluids, Thomson described, as he had done to Forbes at the end of 1847, from (1) to (3) may proceed either along the path o f adiabatic compression A ,
apparatus which he had constructed for investigating the heat developed by a followed by the isothermal expansion B, or along the path o f constant volume C.
rotating disc of tin plate with radial vanes on each side, and he suggested that by Thomson believed the heat absorbed in the two processes would have to be the same,
this means we may be able to boil water by friction alone. He thus dramatized because he regarded heat as a state function.

his agreement with Joule on the conversion of work into heat, a dramatization
which Joule himself quickly seized in order to convince the sceptics in latter case was thus lost. Figure 9.3 illustrates Thomsons reasoning, where the
Manchester and which inspired his definitive Royal Society paper of 1850 On work done along any path is always the area under it, W = ^ P d V .
the mechanical equivalent of heat.*^ The first process began with a mass of air filling a perfectly insulated cylinder
Thomson then emphasized the serious difficulty that remained, namely that of volume V q, the mouth of the cylinder being closed by a piston and the
Joule had not provided any resolution of what happens to work lost during temperature of the air being lower than that of the sea (point 1 on the figure).
conduction. Until some answer could be found, he could not totally accept Then, let the piston be pushed down till the temperature o f the air becomes that
Joules views and reject the Carnot theory. Thomson confessed that he had never of the sea (along the adiabatic path A ) , and let the whole setup be plunged below
seen any way of explaining the difficulty, although I have tried to do so since I the sea (point 2). Then:
read Clapeyrons paper; but I do not see any modification of the general
le t th e b o t t o m & sid es o f th e c y lin d e r b e c o m e p e r fe c tly p e r m e a b le to h ea t. T h e p isto n
hypothesis which Carnot adopted in common with many others, which will
m a y n o w b e a llo w e d to rise g r a d u a lly [ a lo n g th e iso th e r m a l p ath B], d o in g w o r k , th e
clear up the difficulty. That there really is a difficulty in nature to be explained
te m p e r a tu r e o f th e air e x p a n d in g in th e c y lin d e r r e m a in in g th e sa m e as th at o f th e sea.
with reference to this point (just as there is with reference to the loss of W h e n th e p isto n has a r r iv e d at its o r ig in a l p o s itio n [p o in t (3)] w e sh all h a v e th e m ass o f air
mechanical effect in fluid friction) the consideration of the following case will I at its o r ig in a l v o lu m e [ I / q] b u t raised in te m p e r a tu r e to th a t o f th e sea. N o w th e w o r k
think convince you. He outlined a thought experiment dealing with two sp e n t in c o m p r e s s in g th e air [a lo n g A ] w h e n its t e m p e r a tu r e w a s b e in g raised is c le a r ly less
different processes which yielded the same change in the state of a body, the one a th a n th e w o r k o b ta in e d b y a llo w in g it to e x p a n d [a lo n g B] r e ta in in g th e h ig h e r
reversible compression and expansion producing work and the other an irre te m p e r a tu r e . H e n c e th e r e is an a m o u n t o f w o r k gained.*
versible conduction of heat producing no work. The work not produced in the But consider the second process. The original mass of air, with the piston held
fixed, might at once have been plunged into the sea & been allowed to have its
Joule, op. cit. (note 63). ** Thomson, op. cit. (note 5.3).
J.P. Joule to William Thomson, 6th November, 1848, J63, ULC. Thomson, op. cit. (note 55).
314 The transformation o f classical physics Thermodynamics: the years o f uncertainty 315

temperature inc[reased] by conduction gradually [path CJ and so the effect raise th e te m p e r a tu r e e q u a l to th at o f th e sea, to im m e r s e it in th e sea, a n d a llo w th e air to
might have been produced without getting any work. What has become of the k e e p th e te m p e r a tu r e o f th e sea o n e x p a n d in g , I c e r ta in ly sh o u ld say th a t m o r e h ea t w ill in
work that might have been gained in arriving at the same result after having th at case b e a b stra cted fr o m th e sea than i f th e te m p e r a tu r e o f th e air h a d b e e n raised b y it

gone through the process first described? Thomson as yet saw no way o f w it h o u t a n y m o t io n o f th e p isto n d e v e lo p in g fo r c e .

explaining this difficulty, but insisted there must be an answer: I do not sec how Joule remarked further that he would like to see the experiment tried in practice,
it can be explained by saying that a greater quantity of heat is taken from the sea even though it would present difficulties. If its result could in any way be
in the first process than in the second; and although perhaps an experimental test decisive proof against Carnots theory, then the experiment would be especially
of the truth is necessary, I believe it would be universally admitted that the worthwhile. He proposed a bath of mercury to represent the sea, and suggested
quantity of heat absorbed in the two cases would [bej precisely the same. that Thomson carry out the experiment because of Joules own bias.
Thomson had here finally isolated the most fundamental basis for his reticence Still lacking such experimental tests, however, Thomson further formalized
in adopting Joules view on work extracted from condensation and rarefaction his position early in 1849, in his Account of Carnots theory o f the motive
ofa gas. The heat contained in a body was for him purely a function of the bodys power of heat, by quoting from Carnots 1824 treatise:
physical condition. The heat contained was therefore what would now be called
In o u r d e m o n s tr a tio n , w e ta c itly a ss u m e th a t after a b o d y h as e x p e r ie n c e d a certa in
a state function; any gain or loss of heat depended only on initial and final states
n u m b e r o f tr a n sfo r m a tio n s, i f it b e b r o u g h t id e n tic a lly t o its p r im it iv e p h y sic a l state as to
and not on the path between them.
d e n s ity , te m p e r a tu r e , an d m o le c u la r c o n s t it u t io n , it m u s t c o n ta in th e s a m e q u a n tity o f
This concept of heat mirrors his concept of electricity as a state rather than a h ea t as th at w h ic h it in itia lly p o ssessed ; o r , in o th e r w o r d s , w e s u p p o s e th a t th e q u a n titie s
substance. Electricity, as a state of a body, was related to force by the continuity o f h ea t lo st b y th e b o d y u n d e r o n e set o f o p e r a tio n s , are p r e c is e ly c o m p e n s a te d b y th o s e
equation. The net flux of force into or out of a body measured its state of w h ic h are a b so r b e d in th e o th e r s. T h is fa c t has n e v e r b e e n d o u b te d . . . T o d e n y it w o u ld
electrification. Thomson had elaborated that concept through the analogy to b e to o v e r tu r n th e w h o le t h e o r y o f h e a t, in w h ic h it is a fu n d a m e n ta l p rin cip le.^ ^
heat conduction. If the analogy held in reverse, the net flow of heat into or out of
For that reason, there cannot, at the end of a complete cycle . .. have been any
a body also determined the thermal state of the body. Thomsons lectures to his
absolute absorption of heat, and consequently no conversion of heat, or caloric,
natural philosophy class in November, 1849, represent this view precisely.
into mechanical eflfect. Motive power, it seemed to follow necessarily, derived
Defining matter as that which may be perceived either directly or indirectly by
only from the transference of heat from one body to another at a lower
means of the muscular sense of touch or the .sensation of resistance, he noted that
temperature. I f that were the case, however, then mechanical effect was lost
By this [definition] electricity and heat are excluded and it is probable that
whenever heat was merely conducted from a high to a low temperature without
neither of them are matter. At the beginning of his lectures on heat measure
driving an engine. In a well known footnote of 1849, Thomson stated both his
ment and thermometry he amplified that view: Temperature may be defined as
full commitment to conservation o f mechanical effect and his precise dilemma:
the state of a body as to heat or cold. We cannot explain it any more than that it is
a state, a state which we are enabled to judge of by the [non-muscular] sense of W h e n th e r m a l a g e n c y is th u s sp e n t in c o n d u c tin g h ea t th r o u g h a so lid , w h a t b e c o m e s o f
touch. th e m e c h a n ic a l e ffe c t w h ic h it m ig h t p r o d u c e ? N o t h in g can b e lo s t in th e o p e r a tio n s o f

Thomson took as axiomatic, then, the principle that the amount of heat n a tu re - n o e n e r g y can b e d e s tr o y e d . W h a t e ffe c t th e n is p r o d u c e d in p la c e o f th e

flowing into or out ofa body depended only on its change of state. If there were m e c h a n ic a l e ffe c t w h ic h is lost?

no change of state, as much heat left the body as entered it. That principle was for In his lectures during the spring of 1850, he stated the same dilemma with respect
him at least as profound as the indestructibility of mechanical effect, and so, until to loss of vis viva by fluid friction: there is absolute loss of vis viva in the interior
he could cither reconcile the two principles, or discard one of them, he could not of the liquid . .. What becomes of the vis viva? Now there is no such thing as loss
proceed. For his part. Joule faced no such obstacles. Heat was for him vis viva, in nature. There must be some physical effect = to it.^^
and could thus enter and leave a body either as the vis viva, of heat, or as work. Thomson obviously did not think of heat as a substance, for he freely accepted
He responded to Thomson accordingly:
Joule, op. cit. (note 67).
In re fe r e n c e to th e h y p o th e tic a l e x p e r im e n t y o u m e n tio n , that o f fillin g a c y lin d e r w ith William Thomson, An account o f Carnots theory o f the motive power o f heat . ., Proc.
air at a lo w e r te m p e r a tu r e tha n th e sea a n d th e n h a v in g p u sh e d d o w n th e p isto n so as to Royal Soc. Edinburgh,! 198-9. Although Carnot was not quoted verbatim in the full version o f
the Account published in the Transactions, the same cyclic argument is stated there. See MPP, 1,
*** William Thomson, 2nd and 6th November, 1849, lectures 2 and 4, in Smith, op. cit. (note 1). 2 MPP, 1, 117-18.
Thomson differentiated here two senses o f touch: resistance and temperature are two very distinct Ibid., p. 118n; William Thomson, c.April, 18.S0, lecture 90, in Smith, op. cit. (note 1).
316 The transformation o f classical physics

the conversion of work to heat in fluid friction. Instead, he treated heat as a state
function, implying that no heat could be converted into work in a cyclic process. 10
From his insistence on this argument in the 1849 Account, however, it is
equally clear that he could not yet have been thinking of heat as dynamical, as vis
viva, for if he had his logic would have been severely fla w e d .H e a t entering a
Thermodynamics: the years of
body as vis viva would not have to leave as the vis viva of heat, but could equally
well leave in the form of mechanical work.
We have seen, then, that Thomsons dilemma rested not on any unwillingness
to accept that work might be converted into heat. Rather, he could not accept
the reverse conversion of heat into work, and therefore could not accept Joules E v e r y th in g in th e m a te r ia l w o r ld is p r o g r e s siv e . T h e m a te r ia l w o r ld c o u ld
principle of interconvertibility. Joule, in thinking of heat as vis viva-convertible n o t c o m e b a c k to a n y p r e v io u s sta te w it h o u t a v io la tio n o f th e la w s w h ic h

into work in a cycle of expansions and contractions - denied Thomsons h a v e b e e n m a n ife s te d t o m a n , th a t is w it h o u t a c r e a tiv e act o r an act
p o ss e ss in g sim ila r p o w e r . . . T h e ea r th sh all w a x o ld & c . T h e p e r m a n e n c e
argument from the cycle of states, but could offer no help with the problem of
o f th e p r e se n t f o r m s & c ir c u m sta n c e s is lim ite d . M e c h a n ic a l e ffe c t escap es
where the mechanical effect went that was lost in conduction. As late as the
n o t o n ly f r o m a g e n c ie s im m e d ia t e ly c o n tr o lle d b y m a n , b u t fr o m all parts
spring of 1850, Joule still looked to the Thomsons for a resolution:
o f th e m a te r ia l w o r ld , in th e sh a p e o f h e a t, & esca p es irrecoverably, t h o u g h
as y o u r b r o th e r [J a m es] sa id , th e r e o u g h t to b e s o m e c o n n e c t in g lin k b e t w e e n th e resu lts I w it h o u t loss o f vis viva . W illiam Thomson, 1851^
h a v e a r r iv e d a t a n d th o s e d e d u c e d f r o m C a r n o ts th e o r y . P erh a p s y o u w ill su c c e e d b e fo r e
lo n g in d is c o v e r in g it. F o r m y o w n p a rt it q u ite baffles me.^

Although such a connecting link did not come immediately, there is evidence Thomsons dramatic shift from a broad-minded uncertainty about inter
that the Thomsons still hoped to retain both Carnots theory of the heat engine conversion in 1849 to this uncompromising assertion of irreversible dissipation
and the conversion of work to heat by their emphasis on heat as a state function. in 1851 signals a transformation in both the style and content ofhis science. From
In a slightly revised version of his 1849 paper on the depression of the freezing now on he would engage in one o f the grandest schemes of molecular and
point, printed in November, 1850, James substituted the cyclic argument for the cosmological model building that mathematical natural philosophy had yet
conservation of heat principle, stating that they were the same 'if Carnots seen. This freedom rested on a new unification of two of the deepest commit
principles are admitted. T h e cyclic argument, however, did not help with the ments ofhis life: to the universal rule of natural law within a material world
fundamental questions of conduction: where did the lost mechanical effect go; created and governed by divine power, and to the progressive development of
could it be recovered as useful work? that world towards an inevitable end.
He had been faced with the problem of reconciling those two beliefs during
See Cardwell, W a t t to C l a u s i u s , pp. 241-2 and note 58 above. his early Glasgow days, from the very different perspectives of Thomas
J.P. Joule to William Thomson, 26th March, 1850, J68, ULC. Chalmers and J.P. Nichol (ch. 4). His first attempt at reconciliation came in
MPP, 1, 161;James Thomson, P a p e r s , p. 201. MJ. Klein, Closing the Carnot Cycle, in S a d i
C a r n o t e t Ie s so r d e la t h e r m o d y n a m i q u e (Paris, 1974), pp. 213-19, argues that Sadi Carnot himself,
1844, when he buttressed the progressionist geological cause with his theoretical
being uncertain about the truth o f the caloric theory, had set up his cycle in such a way - beginning analysis of the earths age using Fouriers theory of heat conduction, an analysis
with an arbitrary initial state - that the cycle makes no reference to conservation o f caloric. which he presented as his inaugural lecture at Glasgow University. In addition,
Clapeyron, on the other hand, had fewer scruples. Williams Account and Jamess 1849 version o f
his freezing point paper followed Clapeyron quite closely, though with much emphasis on Carnots
by developing the behaviour of force systems through an analogy to this
concern about the caloric theory and conservation o f heat. By 1850, however, James had set up the directional heat flow, he had between 1845 and 1847 generated anew analysis of
cycle in his own way to avoid explicit reference to conservation o f heat. See also Larmors comments ponderomotive forces in conservative mechanical systems, showing that any
injames Thomson, P a p e r s , pp. xxxiv-v, and Williams own 1881 notes about his brothers m ove in
MPP, 1, 122-3, 127-8.
given state of such a system was analyzable in terms of a natural succession of
states, given by a tendency to move in the direction in which the mechanical
effect contained in the system most rapidly approached an extremum (ch. 8).

' William Thomson, preliminary draft for the Dynamical theory o f heat, PA128, ULC, pp. 6,
9. (Hereafter Draft.) For a transcript o f this draft, see Crosbie Smith, William Thomson and the
creation o f thermodynamics: 1840^1855, A r c h . H i s t . E x a c t S c i . , 16 (1976), 280-8.

318 The transformation o f classical physics Thermodynamics: the years o f resolution 319

Although in conservative mechanical systems any development was in principle

reversible, the development was nevertheless controlled by this directional
tendency, yielding, for example, an oscillation about an equilibrium state. Thus
directionality had become a hallmark of Thomsons analysis of the operations of
nature long before he encountered Joules disturbing arguments. The problem
of waste of mechanical effect, furthermore, during such processes as heat
conduction and fluid friction, had long puzzled the Thomsons in their attempt
to understand directionality by analogy to the fall of gravitational, electrical,
and magnetic masses, for waste was apparently involved in the directional
tendency becoming actual. Joules arguments for interconversion of heat and
work were so disturbingjust because they vitiated this attempt at understanding.
Only a new reconciliation of natural law with progression could relieve the
tension. That reconciliation came with the adoption of a complementary
principle, the Second Law of Thermodynamics.

The beginnings of thermodynamics: Rankine, Clausius, and Thomson

The engineering concerns of Victor Regnault, Lewis Gordon, and James
Thomson provided a crucial context for William Thomsons concern with the
motive power of heat during the 1840s. Now, in 1850, another Scotsman with
strong engineering enthusiasms joined the network surrounding the Glasgow
W.J.M. Rankine was educated at Ayr Academy (1828-9), Glasgow High
School (1830-6), and Edinburgh University (1836-8) where he studied natural
philosophy under J.D. Forbes. At Edinburgh he won the Gold Medal prize for
An essay on the undulatory theory of light - a subject closely related to Forbess
own researches on radiant heat during the 1830s - and later a prize for An essay
on methods in physical investigation. These essays grounded two of Rankines
subsequent interests: a series of papers on molecular-mechanical hypotheses
which included radiation within an ingenious vortex model; and a strong
interest in the aims and limitations of scientific method. After Edinburgh,
Rankines career became, for a decade or more, intimately bound up with the
rapid expansion of the Scottish and Irish railways during the 1840s - a practical
engineering experience which he subsequently widened to include most W.J.M. Rankine, Lewis Gordons successor as Glasgow University professor o f
branches of nineteenth-century civil and marine engineering but with special engineering in 1855, whose interests in the economy o f motive power so closely
emphasis on heat engines and naval architecture. From 1855, when he succeeded paralleled those o f the Thomson brothers. Rankines colourful personality (he
published, for example, an amusing collection o f Songs and ballads) contrasted with
Lewis Gordon, until his premature death in 1872, Rankine held the Glasgow
the relative sobriety o f some o f Thom sons mathematical friends such as Stokes and
chair of engineering, a position which facilitated interaction not only with his Helmholtz. [From MSP.)
natural philosophy colleague, but also with Clydeside industrialists, most no
tably shipbuilders and marine engineers, during a period of rapid technological On 4th February, 1850, Rankine read his paper On the mechanical action of
development in ocean navigation. In particular, his active role in the Glasgow heat, especially in gases and vapours to the Royal Society of Edinburgh. The
Philosophical Society greatly enhanced those interactions. He was succeeded by introduction contained a summary of the principles of the hypothesis of
James Thomson, whose interests had so clearly paralleled his own.^ molecular vortices, and its application to the theory of temperature, elasticity,
P.G. Tait, Memoir |o f W.J.M. Rankine), MSP, xix xxxvi. and real specific heat. The author claimed to have commenced his researches in
320 The transformation o f classical physics Thermodynamics: the years o f resolution 321

1842, but, because of a lack of accurate data, to have laid them aside until 1849 In his 1850 paper, Rankine took as his problem the calculation of the
when Regnaults experiments on gases and vapours became available. Rankines variations in heat in a body resulting from variation of volume and temperature,
hypothesis o f molecular vortices had many conceptual affinities with prevailing with the object o f determining the effect of cyclic processes in a heat engine
views, and some important differences. He mentioned Franklin, Aepinus, a la Carnot. Arguing from the vortex hypothesis, he showed that the varia
Mossotti, Davy, andjoule as having put forward suppositions similar to his own tion of heat would arise from three factors: mere change of volume (external
hypothesis on the nature of matter. Each atom of matter consisted of a nucleus work), change of molecular distribution dependent on change of volume, and
surrounded by an elastic atmosphere, self-repulsive but retained in position by change of molecular distribution dependent on change of temperature. The
attraction to the nucleus. For Rankine, as for Davy andjoule, quantity of heat latter two internal changes were represented as changes in his well-known
was the vis viva of revolutions or oscillations among the particles of the function U,^ which could be determined in any given case from the principle of
atmospheres, which Rankine supposed to constitute vortices about the nuclei. conservation o f vis viva. Thus Rankine provided quite a detailed illustration of
His claim to originality, apart from developing the mathematical consequences how a dynamical theory of heat could explain conversion o f heat to work. In
of the vortex hypothesis, was that the luminiferous medium transmitting light summary:
and radiant heat consisted of the nuclei of the atoms, which vibrated indepen
A c c o r d in g t o th e t h e o r y o f th is essa y . . . a n d t o e v e r y c o n c e iv a b le th e o r y w h ic h regard s
dently, or nearly so, o f their atmospheres.^
h e a t as a m o d if ic a t io n o f m o t io n , n o m e c h a n ic a l p o w e r can b e g iv e n o u t in th e sh a p e o f
The importance for Thomson of Rankines 1850 paper was two-fold. To e x p a n s io n , u n less t h e q u a n tity o f h e a t e m itt e d b y th e b o d y in r e tu r n in g to its p r im itiv e
begin with Thomson wrote a report on the paper before it was published in the te m p e r a tu r e an d v o lu m e is less th a n th e q u a n tity o f h e a t o r ig in a lly received."^
Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, a report which established their
interaction.'^ And, on the conceptual side, Rankines concrete model of heat as He thus emphasized that, in his view, the complete interconvertibility of heat
vis viva helped Thomson to accept the mutual convertibility of heat and work, and work - over which issue William Thomson had been hesitating - was a
abandoning the state-function view of heat which required no net loss or gain consequence of any dynamical theory of heat.
during the production of mechanical effect in cyclic processes. Even though In his letter of August, 1850, to Thomson, Rankine explained that his first
Thomson did not accept Rankines specific mechanical hypothesis of the nature attempt to apply mathematical reasoning to the subject arose from his seeing the
of heat, he was soon prepared to accept a general dynamical theory of heat, translation of Clapeyrons paper on the opposite theory, opposite, that is, to a
namely that heat was vis viva of some kind. mechanical theory of heat:
In August, 1850, Rankine wrote to Thomson to thank him for calling my T h e m e c h a n ic a l c o n v e r t ib ilit y o f h e a t has a lw a y s (sin ce I w a s first a b le to rea so n o n th e
attention to the paper by Clausius, in Poggendorffs Annalen, on the Mechanical su b ject) a p p ea red t o m e as a p p r o a c h in g th e n a tu r e o f a n ece ssa r y tr u th . I d o n o t o f c o u r se
Theory of Heat. 1 approve of your suggestion to send a copy of my paper either b e lie v e th a t it is r e a lly so; b u t I sp eak m e r e ly o f th e fe e lin g , fr o m w h a t s o e v e r cau se a r isin g ,
to Clausius or Poggendorff. Thomson was therefore aware of Rudolph w h ic h it h as p r o d u c e d in m y o w n m in d . I h a v e c o n s e q u e n tly a lw a y s fe lt a c o n fid e n t

Clausiuss (1822-88) first paper, published by April, 1850, On the motive a n tic ip a tio n o f its b e in g p r o v e d b y ex p e r im e n t.

power of heat in which Clausius first enunciated and established his version of The reference to a necessary truth, illustrating the strength of Rankines prior
the second law of thermodynamics. This fact, however, does not imply that convictions, occurred again in a letter of November, 1853, to the Philosophical
Thomson had assimilated its contents, and so the critical period between August, Magazine. There he claimed that the law o f the mutual convertibility [of
1850, and March, 1851, when Thomson published his own theory, requires physical powers] has long been a subject of abstract speculation, and may appear
careful interpretation.^ to some minds in the light of a necessary truth. As we cannot, however, expect it
to be generally received as such, its practical demonstration must be considered
^ W.J.M. Rankine, On the mechanical action o f heat, especially in gases and vapours, T r a n s .
R o y a l S o c. E d in b u r g h , 20 (1852), 147-90; MSP, 23484. The first volume o f Regnaults results as having been effected by the experiments of Mr Joule.^
appeared as R e l a t i o n d e s e x p e r i e n c e s e n tr e p r is e s p a r o r d r e d e m o n s i e u r le m i n i s t r e d e s t r a v a u x p u b l i c s p o u r
d e te r m i n e r le s l o is e t le s d o n n e e s p h y s i q u e s n e c e s s a ir e s a u c a lc u l (Paris, 1847). Subsequent volumes
Power o f heat & c. For an account o f Clausiuss 1850 paper, see D.S.L. Cardwell, F r o m W a t t to
appeared in 1862 and 1870. For a general description o f Rankines early work on thermodynamics C l a u s i u s . T h e r is e o f t h e r m o d y n a m i c s in t h e e a r l y i n d u s t r i a l a g e (London, 1971), pp. 244-9.
and molecular vortices, see Keith Hutchison, W.J.M. Rankine and the rise o f thermodynamics, * MSP, 250. See also Keith Hutchison, Der Ursprung der Entropiefunktion bei Rankine und
B r i t . J . H i s t . S c i . , 14 (1981), 1-26.
Clausius, A n n . S c i . , 3 0 (1973), 341-64. ^ MSP, 253.
* A rough draft o f the report on Rankines paper is preserved as PA119, ULC. The Rankine- * Rankine to Thomson, o p . c it. (note 5).
Thomson correspondence dates from the time o f this report. W.J.M. Rankine to the editors, P h i l . M a g . [series 4], 7 (1854), 1-3. Rankine had earlier believed
* W.J.M. Rankine to William Thomson, 19th August, 1850, R18, ULC. See also William the true mechanical equivalent to be considerably less than Joules values (MSP, 244-5), but by the
Thomson, 15th August, 1850, NB34, ULC, p. 154: 1 have just written to Rankine telling him of end o f 1850 he had accepted fully Joules figure. See J.P. Joule to William Thomson, 30th August,
Clausius paper in Poggendorff (incompl. in the Number [last April] 1 have seen) on the M otive 1850, J69, ULC; W.J.M. Rankine to William Thomson, 28th November, 1850, R20, ULC.
322 The transformation o f classical physics Thermodynamics: the years o f resolution 323

An important proposition in Rankincs 1850 paper took on special relevance At last Thomson had recognized possible experimental conditions for the
for Thomson and Joule with regard to the old theme of fluid friction. Rankines conversion ofheat into work. The amount so converted, he noted, would bear a
proposition was simply that if vapour at saturation is allowed to expand, and at very considerable ratio to the total heat, instead of being, as I believe all
the same time is maintained at the [decreasing] temperature of saturation, the experimenters except yourself have hitherto considered it to be, quite inappre
heat which disappears in producing the expansion is greater than that set free by ciable. Were the result to be established, he would no longer be able to withhold
the fall o f temperature, and the deficiency of heat must be supplied from assent to Joules principle of complete interconversion of work and heat.
without, otherwise a portion of the vapour will be liquefed in order to supply the heat The remainder of the letter examined the hypothetical foundation of
necessaryfor the expansion of the rest'.^^ In the latter case, steam escaping from a Rankincs proposition, concluding that, if one were content to accept available
high-pressure boiler would be wet, and would scald any passersby, which in experimental data, we may demonstrate Mr Rankines remarkable theorem
practice it did not. Thomson apparently brought the proposition to Joules without any other hypothesis than the convertibility ofheat and mechanical
notice, for in August Joule wrote: effect, that is, without Rankines specific molecular vortex hypothesis. Thom
son had made a similar criticism previously in his report on Rankines paper, to
T h e p o in t y o u m e n tio n a b o u t d r y stea m fr o m a h ig h p ressu re b o ile r is v e r y in te r e stin g ,
a n d I h o p e y o u w ill n o t d e la y to p u b lish y o u r r em a rk s u p o n th e su b ject in th e
which Rankine responded:
P h il[o s o p h ic a l] m a g a z in e . . . T h e fr ic tio n a g a in st th e o r ific e w ill u n d o u b t e d ly lib e r a te A s to th e h y p o th e t ic a l part o f m y in v e s tig a tio n s , a lth o u g h it u n d o u b t e d ly rests o n a m u c h
h e a t [ p r e v e n tin g liq u e fa c tio n ]. T h is c ir c u m sta n c e a lso w ill a c c o u n t fo r th e g o o d d u ty less fir m basis th an th a t w h ic h is f o u n d e d o n th e g e n e r a l la w o f th e m e c h a n ic a l
p e r fo r m e d b y s o m e ste a m e n g in e s , a lth o u g h th e n a r r o w n e s s o f th e p assages to th e c o n v e r t ib ilit y o f h e a t, an d a lt h o u g h I b e lie v e y o u d id m y p ap er essen tia l se r v ic e b y
c y lin d e r ap p ea rs su ch as m u s t se r io u sly o b str u c t th e f lo w o f steam fr o m th e b o i l e r . in d u c in g m e to m a k e it less p r o m in e n t & less d e ta ile d than it w a s o r ig in a lly , still I
c o n c e iv e it m a y lea d to s o m e u se fu l results.'"*
The non-scalding property of dry steam from a high-pressure boiler was, like
the boiling of water by friction, a dramatic empirical fact for everyone to see Indeed, the vortex model had allowed Thomson to see the viability of the more
for himself Thomson fully discussed the implications in a letter to Joule in general principle; having seen it, he attacked the specific model, forgetting its
October, 1850, which Joule published in the Philosophical Magazine.'^^ That critical role.
liquefaction did not take place was shown by the dry nature of the steam and Although Thomson only developed his full argument on the interconversion
therefore, Thomson claimed, Rankines conclusions could be reconciled with ofheat and work in the letter to Joule o f October, 1850, there is evidence that he
the facts only by Joules discovery that heat is evolved by the friction of fluids in had at least tentatively adopted Joules and Rankines position on inter
motion, that is, heat is acquired by the steam as it issues through the orifice. convertibility in the preceding spring. In March, 1851, he claimed to have
So far, Thomsons discussion of Rankine andjoule merely provided further, if employed more than a year ago what we shall henceforth call Carnots
striking, evidence that work could be converted into heat. He went on, criterion and to have begun rewriting the theory of the motive power ofheat
however, to an even more significant result, a probable conversion of heat into based on this theorem, but apparently without the supposition that heat was a
work: state function. In order to clarify his position (and problems) during 1850, we
. . . i f y o u r fu n d a m e n ta l p r in c ip le r e g a r d in g th e c o n v e r t ib ilit y o f h ea t an d m e c h a n ic a l
state explicitly the logic of Carnots theory as abstracted from Thomsons 1849
e ffe c t, a d o p te d also b y M r R a n k in e , b e tru e, a q u a n tity o f w a te r raised fr o m th e fr e e z in g Account.
p o in t to a n y h ig h e r te m p e r a tu r e , c o n v e r te d in to sa tu ra ted v a p o u r at that te m p e r a tu r e and
(A) The heat in a body is a state function (Thomsons version of Carnots
th e n a llo w e d to e x p a n d th r o u g h a sm a ll o r ific e w a s tin g all its w o r k in fr ic tio n , w ill, in its
fundamental axiom, fundamental principle or simply hypothesis).
e x p a n d e d sta te, p o ssess th e to ta l h e a t w h ic h has b e e n g iv e n to it; b u t, o n th e c o n tr a r y , i f it
b e a llo w e d t o e x p a n d , p u s h in g o u t a p isto n a g a in st a r esistin g fo r c e , it w ill in th e e x p a n d e d
sta te possess less tha n th a t to ta l h ea t b y th e a m o u n t c o r r e s p o n d in g to th e m e c h a n ic a l e ffe c t boiler is owing to the reproduction by friction o f part o f the heat consumed by expansion . About
d e v e lo p e d . ^ 1864, Thomson stated that the non-scalding property o f dry steam was false, and that it had been
suggested originally by James. See William Thomson, Research notebook on thermodynamics,
(1864?), NB52, ULC.
MSP, 26(M . *> Joule to Thomson, op. cit. (note 9). Rankine to Thomson, op. cit. (note 5). For an account o f the philosophical sources for
William Thomson toJ.P. Joule, 1.5th October, 18.50, Phil. Mag., [series 3], 37 (1850), 387 -9; Rankines later views, see Richard Olsen, Scottish philosophy and British physics. 1750-1880
MPP, 1, 170^3. (Princeton, 1975), pp. 271-86. It seems to us most likely that Rankine reinterpreted the role o f
13 j 171-2. Rankine himself approved o f Thom sons interpretation as he wrote to hypotheses in response to Thomson. Hypotheses for Rankine became valuable for their
Thomson in the letter o f November, 1850: I am glad that you have published the suggestion you suggestiveness rather than for their truth. Such a view would then, as Olsen argues, be consistent
mentioned to me last summer that the dryness o f high-pressure steam rushing from an orifice to a with Scottish Com m on Sense m ethodology, which emphasized laws containing only observables.
324 The transformation o f classical physics Thermodynamics: the years o f resolution 325

(B) Any work obtained from a cyclic change of state therefore derives from the between mechanical effect and the fall ofheat from higher to lower intensity.
only change that can occur in such a cycle: namely, transfer of heat (without Lecturing very briefly on the motive power ofheat in mid-January, 1850, he
loss) from high to low temperature. avoided a sharp distinction between Carnots and Joules hypotheses, noting
(C) Applying (B) to a reversible process, and denying perpetual motion, yields: only that for Carnot the disengagement (also generation) ofheat by work
no engine is more efficient than a reversible engine. This statement done in compressing a gas depended on the temperature of the gas, while for
Thomson called Carnots criterion for a perfect engine. Joule it did not. Although he basically followed Carnot, he could also cheerfully
(D) From (C) it follows that the maximum efficiency obtainable from any report during the following weeks lectures on Joules (and his own) proofs of
engine operating between heat reservoirs at temperatures Ti and T2 is a generation ofheat by fluid friction.
function of those temperatures: Apart from his denial of the absolute temperature scale, the most telling
evidence that he doubted the Carnot theory derives from the immediately
output W T'l succeeding lecture on heat conduction where he stated: The general law is heat
efficiency = = /( T ' T J = J ^dT
input Q is conducted from a hotter to a colder body[]. The laws on which this
conduction depend have not been fully investigated.^ Since Thomson had no
where p is Carnots coefficient (replaced by Carnots function in an doubts about Fouriers equation of conduction, it would appear that he no
alternative formula for/(Ti,T2) in the dynamical theory).^ longer considered a difference in temperature (intensity) a sufficient causal
explanation of the motion ofheat. We have every reason to suppose then that he
Adopting Joules interconversion principle, then, meant rejecting (A) and
had begun searching for an alternative explanation of why heat moves from hot
(B) , leaving Thomson with no proof of (C) and no derivation of the Carnot
to cold and never the reverse. The earlier gravitational analogy of fall ofheat to
coefficient on which he based all his calculations. As he stated his conviction of
fall of water (or electricity or magnetism), upon which Thomson had for so long
(C) in an early draft of his 1851 published paper On the dynamical theory of
heat: relied, had now broken down.
Later in the 1849-50 session, while discussing hydrodynamics, Thomson
T h e sa m e c o n c lu s io n has b e e n a r riv ed at b y C la u siu s, to w h o m th e m e r it o f h a v in g first returned to the problem of fluid friction and absolute loss of vis viva in the
e n u n c ia te d an d d e m o n s tr a te d it is d u e . It is w it h n o w is h to c la im p r io r ity th at th e a u th o r
interior of the liquid. What becomes of the vis viva? he asked. Now there is no
o f th e p r esen t p a p er states th a t more than a year ago h e h ad g o n e th r o u g h all th e
such thing as loss in nature. There must be some physical effect = to it. To this
fu n d a m e n ta l in v e s tig a tio n s d e p e n d in g o n it w h ic h are at p r esen t laid b e fo r e th e R o y a l
familiar dilemma he now added Sir Humphry Davys demonstration of melting
S o c ie t y , at th a t tim e c o n s id e r in g th e c o n c lu s io n as h ig h ly p r o b a b le e v e n sh o u ld C a r n o t s
h y p o th e s is b e re p la c e d b y th e c o n tr a r y a x io m o f th e d y n a m ic a l th e o r y ; an d that m o r e
ice by rubbing it and concluded: Thus there is a hypothesis that heat is just
r e c e n tly h e su c c e e d e d in c o n v in c in g h im s e lf d e m o n s tr a tiv e ly o f its tru th , w it h o u t an y
motion between the particles of a body.^^ Tentatively, ever so cautiously,
k n o w le d g e o f its h a v in g b e e n e ith e r e n u n c ia te d o r d e m o n s tr a te d p r e v io u s ly , e x c e p t b y Thomson had begun to toy with the dynamical theory of heat. How far he
C a rn o t.* ^ actually progressed in reconciling it with Carnots criterion (C) before reading
Clausius, we can only surmise. His completely independent statement of the law
If this recollection is correct, at the beginning of 1850 Thomson was tentatively
and problem of conduction, that heat is conducted from a hotter to a colder
investigating the consequences of adopting conjointly Joules hypothesis and
body, while remarkably close to Clausius formulation, suggests, however, a
Carnots criterion.
separate route to a Second Law of Thermodynamics.
There is in fact some evidence for Thomsons claim in William Smiths notes Towards the end of 1850, Rankines response to Clausiuss first paper on the
from the natural philosophy lectures. As early as November, 1849, Thomson
motive power ofheat (published earlier that year in Poggendorffs Annalen)
told his class: We cannot lay down anything for absolute temperature, indicat
reinforced Thomsons awareness of the need for a new proof of Carnots
ing that he no longer trusted his own absolute temperature scale, based on the
Carnot theory of motive power, which had guaranteed the universal relation William Thomson, 17th November, 1849, lecture 16; 15th January, 1850, lecture 43; 22nd
January, 1850, lecture 48, in William Smith, Notes o f the Glasgow College natural philosophy class
William Thomson, An account o f Carnots theory o f the motive power o f heat; with taken during the 1849-50 session, Ms Gen. 142, ULG.
numerical results deduced from Regnaults experiments on steam, Trans. Royal Soc. Edinburgh, 16 /feiW., January, 1850, lecture 50. Jamess lecture notes taken during his attendance at W illiams
(1849), 541-74; MPP, 1. lB - 6 4 , esp. pp. 115, 117, 132- 3, 134. 1847-8 session refer to Fouriers law ofheat conduction as probably rigorously true. Motive power
^ William Thomson, Early draft o f the Dynamical theory ofheat, PA132, p. 10. Our emphasis. ofheat was not discussed explicitly, and there was nothing in the twenty-five page heat section to
This draft is separate from the crucial preliminary draft (note 1) discussed below. For the published indicate difficulties. See James Thomson, Notebook A7, Thomson papers, Q U B .
version o f this claim, see MPP, 1, 181. Ibid., April, 1850, lecture 90.
326 The transformation o f classical physics Thermodynamics: the years of resolution yii
criterion (C) and perhaps also for a new interpretation of the Carnot principle Rankine had described Clausiuss modification of Carnots principle to
(D) derived from it. In a postscript to a letter of September, 1850, Rankine wrote constitute what Rankine termed a second law without giving this a priori
to Thomson that he had looked over the Second part of the paper o f Clausius principle, which shortly became known as Clausiuss statement of the Second
Ueber die bewegende Kraft der Wa r me. . The First Part, consisting entirely Law of Thermodynamics. Nor had Rankine noted Clausiuss intermediate step,
o f deductions from the law of convertibility of Heat and Power, agrees, as far as namely his use o f the Carnot criterion (C). Rankines account, therefore, did not
it goes, with my own investigations.^o Rankine and Clausius fully concurred in encourage Thomson to pursue Clausiuss arguments further. He wrote at the
adopting a principle o f the equivalence of heat and work based on a dynamical end of his October letter to Joule: I have not yet been able to make myself fully
theory o f heat. And they both recognized that the principle did not depend on acquainted with this [Clausiuss] paper. E v e n after October, 1850, then, we
the specific kind of motion assumed to take place within bodies. For Rankine must suppose that Thomsons route to a Second Law ran largely separate from
those phenomena, according to the hypothesis [of molecular vortices] now Clausiuss, although his knowledge that Clausius had attempted to solve the
under consideration as well as every hypothesis which ascribes heat to motion, same problem can hardly have been irrelevant. In whatever way one judges
are simply the transformation of mechanical power from one shape to Thomsons independence from Clausius, his interaction with Rankine during
another.^* 1850 was crucial. First, it provided a detailed model for interconversion ofheat
The case of the second part of Clausiuss paper was more complex. Rankine and work, and led Thomson to see for himself probable experimental conditions
continued his letter to Thomson: under which heat could be converted into work. And, second, it highlighted the
T h e S e c o n d P art co n sists o f d e d u c tio n s fr o m th e sa m e la w [ o f h e a t - w o r k e q u iv a le n c e ],
need for a new interpretation and a new derivation of Carnots coefficient in the
ta k e n in c o n ju n c tio n w it h a portion o f th e p r in c ip le o f C a r n o t, v iz ., [(D ) a b o v e ] th a t th e equation of efficiency (D).
p o w e r p r o d u c e d b y tr a n sm ittin g a g iv e n q u a n tity o f h ea t through a n y su b sta n ce, is e q u a l
to th e q u a n tity o f h ea t tr a n sm itte d m u ltip lie d b y a fu n c tio n o f th e te m p e r a tu r e o n ly : in
The establishment of classical thermodynamics
o th e r w o r d s , [th e m o d if ie d p o r tio n ] th a t th e r a tio o f th e q . [q u a n tity ] o f h e a t c o n v e r t e d
in to e x p a n s iv e p o w e r to th e q. [ o f h ea t] n o t so c o n v e r te d , is a fu n c tio n o f th e t e m p [e r a - By early February, 1851, William Thomson had reconciled Carnot andjoule to
tu re] o n ly . C la u siu s g iv e s a sort o f a priori p r o o f o f th is s e c o n d la w , w h ic h so far as 1 h a v e his own satisfaction, as a letter from Joule shows:
y e t b een a b le to c o n sid e r th e su b ject, se e m s to m e v e r y u n sa tisfactory.^ ^
I h a v e read w it h v e r y g rea t p lea su re y o u r le tte r r e c e iv e d this m o r n in g b y w h ic h y o u se e m
Later, in a letter of March, 1851, Rankine made his own position, retrospectively to h a v e c o m p le t e ly s o lv e d th e d iffic u lty w h ic h b e fo r e s e e m e d t o ren d er th e resu lts o f
at least, a little clearer: 1have always thought the principle of Clausius to which C a r n o t s th e o r y a n d w h a t w e m u st c o n sid e r th e tru e th e o r y ir r e c o n c ila b le . T h e su b ject is
you refer had an appearance of probability; but I was not satisfied with his mode so im p o r ta n t th at I m u s t b e g o f y o u to lo se n o tim e in f o llo w in g it o u t to all its le g itim a te

of proving it.^^ The a priori proof was Clausiuss argument that if the Carnot d e d u c tio n s a n d se n d it to th e R [o y a l] S [o c ie ty ] [ o f ] E [d in b u r g h ]. . .

criterion (C), from which the principle derived, were false, then it would be From the reconciliation came Thomsons famous series of papers On the
possible, without any expenditure of force or any other change, to transfer as dynamical theory o fh eat published between 1851 and 1855.
much heat as we please from a cold to a hot body, and this is not in accord with In an early draft (February to March 1851) Thomson made clear that he aimed
the other relations of heat, since it always shows a tendency to equalize only to communicate the new theory, just as he had done in his Account of
temperature differences and therefore to pass from hotter to colder bodies. Carnots theory in 1849, rather than to lay down a work of original discovery.
Clausius therefore founded the modified Carnot principle (D) on what he saw as He would show what general and numerical conclusions in the Account still
a widely based assumption, namely that the transfer of heat from a cold to a hot held under the dynamical t h e o r y . T h e draft constitutes, nevertheless, the most
body was impossible without compensation. creative phase in the development of Thomsons thermodynamics and indeed of
W.J.M. Rankine to William Thomson, 9th September, 1850, R19, ULC; Rudolf Clausius,
his whole cosmological perspective.
On the m otive power ofheat, and on the laws which can be deduced from it for the theory o f heat, Written in fragments over a period of about three weeks in a free-flowing
Ann. der Phys. Chem., 79 (1850), 368-97, 5(K)-24. Reprinted in E. Mendoza (cd.). Reflections on the style with a variety of deletions, repetitions, digressions, and side-notes which
motive power offire by Sadi Carnot and other papers on the second law o f thermodynamics by E. Clapeyron
for the most part disappeared from the published version, the draft provides a
and R. Clausius (New York, 1960), pp. 109-152, to which version references below are made.
MSP, 246. Rankine to Thomson, op. cit. (note 20). revealing look at William Thomsons unprotected, more or less private, ideas
W.J.M. Rankine to William Thomson 17th March, 1851, R23, ULC.
Clausius, On the motive power ofheat, pp. 132-4. See also Cardwell, From Watt to Clausius, MFP, 1, 173. j.P. Joule to William Thomson, 6th February, 1851, J76, ULC.
pp. 247-9, 253-4. 27 M P p ! L 174-332. praft, pp. l, 3.
328 The transformation o f classical physics Thermodynamics: the years o f resolution 329

and motivations. Since the preliminary and the published versions illuminate T h e d iffic u lty w h ic h w e ig h e d p r in c ip a lly w it h m e in n o t a c c e p tin g th e th e o r y so a b ly
each other, we shall discuss them together, but we can best analyze the su p p o r te d b y M r J o u le w a s th at th e m e c h a n ic a l effe c t stated in C a r n o t s T h e o r y to b e

significance of the whole theory by dividing it into two components: the absolutely lost b y c o n d u c tio n , is n o t a c c o u n te d fo r in th e d y n a m ic a l th e o r y o th e r w is e th an
b y a ssertin g th at it is not lost; an d it is n o t k n o w n th at it is a v a ila b le to m a n k in d . T h e fact is,
macroscopic, phenomenological theory consisting essentially of the two famil
it m a y 1 b e lie v e b e d e m o n s tr a te d that th e w o r k is lost to man ir r e c o v e r a b ly ; b u t n o t lo st in
iar laws of thermodynamics; and the dynamical theory of heat, or heat as
th e m a te r ia l w o r ld . A lt h o u g h n o d e str u c tio n o f e n e r g y can ta k e p la c e in th e m ater ia l
molecular uis viva. In this section we shall treat only the macroscopic theory,
w o r ld w it h o u t an act o f p o w e r p o sse sse d o n ly b y th e s u p r e m e ru ler, y e t tr a n sfo r m a tio n s
focussing on Thomsons two published propositions, on which the whole ta k e p la c e w h ic h r e m o v e ir r e c o v e r a b ly f r o m th e c o n tr o l o f m a n so u r c e s o f p o w e r w h ic h ,
theory o f the motive power of heat is founded, and shall treat the dynamical i f th e o p p o r tu n it y o f tu r n in g th e m to his o w n a c c o u n t h ad b e e n m a d e u se o f , m ig h t h a v e
theory itself in the next section. b e e n r e n d e r e d a v a ila b le .^ '
In his first proposition, Thomson adopted Joules principle of mutual con
vertibility of heat and mechanical effect, replacing (B) in his former argument: We must thus regard the foundation o f Thomsons belief in his Proposition 1 to
have been both his new view of dissipation and his use of that view to establish
P R O P . 1. (J o u le ). - W h e n e q u a l q u a n titie s o f m e c h a n ic a l e ffe c t are p r o d u c e d b y a n y
Carnots criterion (C) for an ideal engine as a second proposition:
m e a n s w h a t e v e r fr o m p u r e ly th e r m a l so u r c e s, o r lo st in p u r e ly th e r m a l effe c ts, e q u a l
q u a n titie s o f h ea t are p u t o u t o f e x is te n c e o r are g e n e r a te d . P R O P . 2. (C a r n o t a n d C la u siu s). - I f an e n g in e b e su ch th a t, w h e n it is w o r k e d
b a c k w a r d s, th e p h y sic a l a n d m e c h a n ic a l a g e n c ie s in e v e r y p art o f its m o tio n s are all
What should we regard as the foundation of this new commitment? From the r e v e r se d , it p r o d u c e s as m u c h m e c h a n ic a l e ffe c t as can b e p r o d u c e d b y a n y t h e r m o d y
published paper one would suppose it was experiment. A late part of the draft, n a m ic e n g in e , w it h th e sa m e te m p e r a tu r e s o f so u r c e an d r e fr ig e r a to r , fr o m a g iv e n
however, denied the force of experiment and promoted Joules arguments: the q u a n tity o f h ea t.
author considers that as yet no experiment can be quoted which directly Thomson founded his demonstration of this proposition on an axiom which
demonstrates the disappearance of heat when mechanical effect is evolved; but appears to have emerged first in the 1851 draft:
he considers it certain that the fact has only to be tried to be established
Is it p o ss ib le to c o n tin u a lly g e t w o r k b y a b str a c tin g h ea t fr o m a b o d y till all its h e a t is
experimentally, having been convinced of the mutual convertibility of the
r e m o v e d ? Is it p o ss ib le to g e t w o r k b y c o o lin g a b o d y b e lo w th e te m p e r a tu r e o f th e
agencies by Mr Joules able arguments.^ Yet it was precisely the lack of sudh
m e d iu m in w h ic h it ex ists: I b e lie v e w e m a y c o n sid e r a n e g a t iv e a n sw e r as a x io m a tic .
experimental demonstration which Thomson had previously cited against
T h e n w e d e d u c e th e p r o p o s itio n th at fi [ C a r n o ts c o e ffic ie n t] is th e sa m e fo r all su b sta n ces
Joules arguments, and no new experiments could be adduced.
at a g iv e n tem p eratu re.^ ^
There can be no doubt that Joules arguments weighed heavily on Thomson,
as did experimental evidence, the probability of new evidence, and Rankines In part one of the Dynamical theory these remarks emerged in the form since
and Clausiuss attacks on the problem. All of these pressures may have sharpened become famous as Kelvins statement of the Second Law of Thermodynamics:
Thomsons dilemma, but can have done little to resolve it. They did not touch it is impossible, by means of inanimate material agency, to derive mechanical
the long-standing perplexity of both William and James over losses - waste or effect from any portion of matter by cooling it below the temperature of the
dissipation - as the crucial phenomenon requiring explanation. To accept coldest of the surrounding objects.^'*
mutual convertibility, whether based on a dynamical theory or not, was merely Closely linked to this statement was a footnote pointing out that denial of
to push the problem further into obscurity; for, if heat could be converted into such an axiom would entail that a self-acting machine might be set to work and
work, then work lost by conduction could be recovered as work again. In produce mechanical effect by cooling the sea or earth, with no limit but the total
principle, no losses would occur. But of the fact that losses did occur irrevocably, loss of heat from the earth and sea, or, in reality, from the whole material
the Thomsons had long been certain. Thus Williams susceptibility to Joules world. T h i s footnote reveals his conviction that dissipation of energy was a
powers of persuasion, and equally to the experimental evidence, hinged on his universal feature of nature, to be accepted as axiomatic and not to be explained
resolution of dissipation. further. A self-acting machine which could convert all the heat of the sea, land,
Thomson in his draft isolated this critical hinge in the long saga of and whole material world into useful mechanical effect would clearly recover
thermodynamics: energy which Thomson believed irrecoverable to, and by, man. In other words,
a marine engine could utilize the heat in the sea and not only run without the
William Thomson, On the dynamical theory o f heat, with numerical results deduced from need for coal or other fuel, but eventually remove all the heat from the oceans!
Mr Joules equivalent o f the thermal unit, and M. Regnaults observations on steam, Proc. Royal Soc. Since such possibilities ran counter to the cosmological framework which
Edinburgh, 3 (1851), 48-52; Trans. Royal Soc. Edinburgh, 20 (1853), 261-88; MPP, 1, 178.
Draft, p. 21. 31 Ibid., pp. 5, 6. 32 MPP, 1, 178. 33 oraft, p. 10. 34 m PP, 1, 179. 3.s i79
330 The transformation of classical physics Thermodynamics: the years of resolution 331

Thomson had accepted by 1851, he used them as axiomatic impossibilities by

which to demonstrate Carnots theorem, and so provide a proof quite
different from that of Clausius in its formulation.
William Thomsons demonstration of the second proposition began by
supposing two thermodynamic engines A and B, B reversible, and A, if possible,
more efficient than B (figure 10.1). Both operated between the same two heat
reservoirs such that B ran backwards and restored at the higher temperature
whatever heat A extracted. Now, since A was supposed more efficient than B, it
would deliver less heat at the lower temperature than B extracted and besides
would deliver more work than was required to operate B. A complex engine
might thus be constructed with A powering B and at the same time delivering
W c s h o u ld th u s h a v e a s e lf-a c tin g m a c h in e , c a p a b le o f d r a w in g h eat c o n sta n tly f r o m a
b o d y su r r o u n d e d b y o th e r s at a h ig h e r te m p e r a tu r e , an d c o n v e r t in g it in to m e c h a n ic a l
effe c t. B u t this is c o n tr a r y to th e a x io m , a n d th e r e fo r e w e c o n c lu d e th at th e h y p o th e s is
th a t A d e r iv e s m o r e m e c h a n ic a l e ffe c t fr o m th e sa m e q u a n tity o f h ea t d r a w n fr o m th e
so u r c e than B, is false. H e n c e n o e n g in e w h a te v e r , w it h so u r c e an d r e fr ig e r a to r at th e sa m e
te m p e r a tu r e s , can g e t m o r e w o r k fr o m a g iv e n q u a n tity o f h eat in tr o d u c e d than a n y
Q-, = Q h
e n g in e w h ic h satisfies th e c o n d itio n o f r e v e r sib ility , w h ic h w a s to b e p r o v e d .
Q'a < Q h
Appreciation of Thomsons demonstration requires recognition of the depth
^^ = Q h - Q ' a
of his belief that irremediable losses must occur. In the draft he expressed that
= heat ex tracte d fro m ocean
belief with religious conviction: Everything in the material world is progres
sive. The material world could not come back to any previous state without a F i g u r e 1 0 .1 . Thomson proved Carnots theorem by reference to a compound

violation o f the laws which have been manifested to man, that is, without a engine, in which engine A (supposed more efficient than a reversible engine) drives
creative act or an act possessing similar power. He then recited his basic creed in refrigerator B (reversible) and the combination produces net work W , with no other
effect than extraction o f heat from the ocean, contrary to his second axiom.
several forms:
1 b e lie v e th e te n d e n c y in th e m a ter ia l w o r ld is fo r m o t io n to b e c o m e d iffu se d , a n d th a t as a an inefficient machine or by not deploying a machine at all) was to lose or
w h o le th e r e v e r se o f c o n c e n tr a tio n is g r a d u a lly g o in g o n - I b e lie v e th at n o p h y sic a l
waste the opportunity of benefiting from a fundamental feature of the cre
a c tio n can e v e r resto r e th e h ea t e m itt e d fr o m th e su n , an d th at this so u r c e is n o t
ation. Thomson summed up, therefore, with the passage quoted at the opening
in e x h a u stib le ; also th a t th e m o tio n s o f th e earth & o th e r p la n e ts are lo s in g v is v iv a w h ic h
of the present chapter, which made implicit reference to the 102nd Psalm:
is c o n v e r t e d in to h ea t. . .
2 5 . O f o ld hast th o u laid th e fo u n d a tio n o f th e earth: an d th e h e a v e n s are th e w o r k o f th y
The old problem of loss of useful work which had begun as an engineering
h an d s.
concern - the loss of power in canal locks and the need to minimize losses in 2 6 . T h e y shall p erish , b u t th o u sh alt en d u r e : y ea , all o f them shall w a x old like a garment; as a
marine steam-engines - and which had become identified with loss in conduc v e stu r e sh alt th o u c h a n g e t h e m , an d th e y shall b e c h a n g e d .
tion and fluid friction, Thomson now expressed as a cosmological, and indeed 2 7 . B u t th o u art th e sa m e , an d th y y ears shall h a v e n o e n d .
theological, principle, the historical foundations of which we examined in
Chapter 4.
Thomsons new formulation required acceptance of temporal directionality
Psalm 102:25-7. Our emphasis. An alternative verse in Isaiah 51:6 reads: for the heavens shall
as a fundamental feature of the creation. This directional property of time soon vanish away like smoke, and the earth shall wax old like a garment. See also Thomas Chalmers, The
became familiar in the scientific literature through the terms dissipation and transitory nature o f visible things, IVorks, 7, 263-79, esp. pp. 266-7. In this published sermon,
Chalmers chose as his text 2 Corinthians 4:18: the things which are seen are temporal; but the things
irreversibility. A failure on mans part to harness the inevitable diffusion of
which are not seen are eternal. He interpreted the text to mean that visible things had a beginning
energy from sources of concentration to provide power for his uses (whether by and they will have an end, and he reinforced his verdict with a direct reference to the above Psalm.
Given the Thomsons friendship with Chalmers and attendance at his services, the coincidence o f
Ibid., 179 -80. Draft, pp. 6, 8. interpretations is not surprising.
332 The transformation o f classical physics Thermodynamics: the years o f resolution 333

The new emphasis brought theological and cosmological arguments to the thermo-electricity from 1851, and a lengthy paper read in May, 1854, sub
very core of the draft, arguments which illuminated the problems of loss of sequently part six of the Dynamical theory, dealt with that subject in relation to
useful work in machines by relating them to a necessary diffusion of energy both fundamental propositions.
which only God Himself could restore to its original concentration. Dissipation Turning to the other method of producing mechanical effect from thermal
had finally become an issue independent of conservation. God alone could create agency {via expansive engines) Thomson stated that here both of the fundamen
or annihilate energy, and God alone could restore the original distribution or tal propositions could be applied in a perfectly rigorous manner, an application
arrangement of energy in the created universe. By accepting such a creed, he admitted as having been already achieved by Rankine and Clausius with
grounded on theological conceptions of an omnipotent God whose action alone respect to the first proposition, and by Clausius with respect to the second by
made mans use of power possible, William Thomson synthesized a worldview employing Carnots unmodified investigation of the relation between the
which incorporated within itself a problem not amenable to purely dynamical mechanical effect produced and the thermal circumstances from which it
understanding. originates, in the case of an expansive engine working within an infinitely small
Having laid down two propositions in his Dynamical theory of 1851, and range of temperatures. Thomson then proceeded, quite directly, to derive
having given demonstrations of them, Thomson had attained a commanding analytical expressions for each proposition.
position from which to draw together many of the detailed themes discussed The first equation expressed, in a perfectly comprehensive manner, the
during the years 1847 to 1851, to incorporate them into a new framework, and application of the first fundamental proposition to the thermal and mechanical
to formulate his theory of the motive power of heat in mathematical language. circumstances o f any substance whatever, under uniform pressure in all direc
He thus stated the aim of thermodynamics in part one of the Dynamical tions, when subjected to any possible variations of temperature, volume and
theory: a complete theory of the motive power o f heat would consist of the pressure. The second equation gave values of p, the Carnot coefficient, the same
application of the two propositions demonstrated above, to every possible for all substances at the same temperature. Hence, all Carnots conclusions, and
method o f producing mechanical effect from thermal agency. H e added a all conclusions derived by others from his theory, which depend merely . . . [on
reference in a footnote to his 1849 Account of Carnots theory indicating that this equation] . . . require no modification when the dynamical theory is
there were at present only two distinct ways in which this could be done - by adopted. Furthermore it followed:
alterations of volume which bodies experienced through the action of heat, or that Carnots expression for the mechanical effect derivable from a given quantity o f heat
through the medium of electric agency. by means o f a perfect engine in which the range o f temperatures is infinitely small,
Dealing with cases of electric agency first, Thomson observed that here the expresses truly the greatest effect which can possibly be obtained in the circumstances;
second proposition, with its criterion of a perfect engine, had not as yet been although it is in reality only an infinitely small fraction o f the whole mechanical
applied. However, the application of the first proposition had been thoroughly equivalent o f the heat supplied; the remainder being irrevocably lost to man and
investigated through Joules work, especially in his 1843 paper. Joules achieve therefore wasted, although not annihilated.*'
ment there, as Thomson saw it, was to express the heat generated as proportional If, on the other hand, Thomson argued, the quantities of mechanical effect
to the whole work spent, in a process by which mechanical work through a obtained were finite, a finite quantity of heat must be converted, in falling
magneto-electric machine produced galvanism, and ultimately heat, and to through a finite range of temperature, to give results which will differ most
conclude that heat may be created by working such a machine. Provided all the materially from those of Carnot. The investigation of this aspect of the theory
current was used to produce heat, the total quantity of heat produced was was contained in part two of the Dynamical theory, which Thomson, as we
exactly proportional to the quantity of work spent. saw earlier, had asserted was worked out prior to his writing of the first part.
Thomson also integrated Joules views on the Peltier effect (that cold is
produced by an electrical current passing from bismuth to antimony), quoting
from Joules letter of July, 1847, as well as from his 1843 paper. In the letter to The dynamical theory of heat
Thomson, Joule had argued that in Peltiers experiment on cold produced at the In founding his second proposition on the axiom of dissipation, William
bismuth and antimony solder we have an instance of the conversion [of heat]
Thomson opened the way to cosmological speculations on a grand scale.
into the mechanical force of the current, for an increase of electromotive force
arises from the solder which is cooled. These discussions ofPeltier and of electric Ibid., pp. 182-3,232-55. A detailed study o f the history o f thermo-electricity has been made by
agency in general formed the starting point for Thomsons extensive work on B.S. Finn, Developments in thermo-electricity: 1850-1920 (University ofW isconsin PhD dissertation,
1963), esp. pp. 26-132 on Thomson. See also B.S. Finn, Thom sons dilemma, Phys. Today, 20
3 MPP, 1, 181. (1967), .54-9. -n MPP, 1, 183n, 185-9.
334 The transformation o f classical physics Thermodynamics: the years o f resolution 335

Similarly, but in the opposite direction, the foundation he adopted for his first he never will be able to foresee even the simplest fact with certainty in the operations o f
proposition would lead him to speculations on the molecular structure of the mind.'*'*
matter. To establish mutual convertibility of heat and work he adopted the Although Thomsons concern here with miracles referred to violation of the
hypothesis that heat is a dynamical form of mechanical effect, consisting in dissipation axiom, his general point about natural philosophy implied that
molecular motions. The proposition followed automatically.'*^ In thus commit mechanics provided the only conceivable basis for understanding mutual
ting himself to a dynamical theory of heat, Thomson violated the fundamental convertibility.
methodological doctrine of his prior work, the stricture against physical hy Traditional captures some sense o f Thomsons belief. In detail, however, his
potheses, which limited positive mathematical theory to the development of mechanical philosophy pushed considerably beyond that of his predecessors.
experimentally established laws. As in his discussion of the dissipation axiom, he The Scottish tradition had limited natural philosophy to the sensible motions of
spoke o f the dynamical theory in terms of belief, feeling convinced that the bodies, leaving insensible molecular motions to chemistry. Even chemistry, in
theory... is true. And his conviction allowed him to argue, in spite o f the lack of fact, dealt only with the sensible effects of supposed insensible motions. This
definitive evidence for conversion of heat to work, that the fact has only to be anti-hypothetical tradition had motivated Thomsons own view o f heat and
tried to be established experimentally. T h e dynamical theory of heat, indeed, electricity as states of matter rather than material fluids. His extension of natural
marked a critical watershed in Thomsons career, a watershed whose character philosophy to the molecular domain, therefore, signalled a major departure.
we must investigate. But first, why did he abandon the non-committal view, That departure stands out starkly in Thomsons own lectures. In 1847, begin
that heat is a state of a body, in favour of the dynamical theory? ning the experimental course with heat, he remarked, the effects of heat in
To note the obvious, if conversion of heat to work were to explain the work producing chemical changes do not come under our consideration in this class.
derived from heat engines, then the heat in a body could not be a state function, The physical effects of heat will be considered. The latter he limited to changes
for in a closed cycle of states the body would have to absorb more heat along one of state and expansion.'* By 1852, however, he included chemistry (of the
portion of the cycle than it emitted along the return portion. Since the change in constitution of bodies) as one of four areas of the mathematical course of natural
heat would not be independent of the path, the heat could not be a state function. philosophy, just after mechanics (which included heat and light) and before
The same argument would apply to a refrigerator (a reversed engine) convert electricity and magnetism. Noting that chemistry had usually been classed under
ing work into heat. In order to maintain mutual convertibility, Thomson natural history, he insisted, Chemistry pertains almost wholly to Nat. PhilY not
required a new view of heat, and the dynamical theory satisfied his needs. Its Nat. Histy.'* With Joule and Faraday as his guides, Thomson had begun co
adequacy, however, did not make it necessary. More profound issues lay behind opting chemistry for natural philosophy. For him, as for them, interconversions
Thomsons adoption of the new theory. transcended the disciplinary boundary. He could thus maintain in an 1885
The additional argument that he actually gave will require brief reflection on speech that there is no philosophical division whatever between chemistry and
his fundamental beliefs about natural philosophy. Those beliefs, as we know physics. The distinction is that different properties are investigated by different
from Chapter 4, derived in large part from Scottish tradition. Beginning from a sets of apparatus. The distinction between chemistry and physics must be merely
dualistic distinction between moral and material realms, one located natural a distinction of detail and of division of labour.'*^
philosophy solely in the latter realm and identified it with mechanical philos Reference to Faraday in the present context, however, leads in the direction
ophy. In his draft Thomson put the traditional point in extreme form, albeit opposite from Thomsons, for Faraday would never have identified natural
with respect to the new mechanical philosophy of irreversible processes: philosophy with mechanical philosophy. Magnificent though his inter
The problem o f Natural Philosophy wh[ich] includes all physical science is this. Given at conversion experiments were, he rejected all attempts at mechanical reduction,
any instant the position & motion o f each atom o f matter. Required the position & and spoke instead of the mutual conversion of different forms of power or
motion o f each at any time past or future. This is a problem the conception o f which is force. Force, in the general sense of a natural power, served as a primitive
possible to mans intelligence; although o f course the solution can never be effected. 1 category in Faradays philosophy. It played the same role in a wide variety of
believe those data [position and motion] are sufficient to imply the solution; & that this is
German idealist constructions from Kant and Hegel to J.R. Mayer (Joules main
the great distinction . . . between the ways o f God in the physical & the moral world; that
with distinct and exceptional cases wh[ich] we are justified in calling miracles man can
foresee the future with certainty in the material world; that he cannot & that in this world Ibid., pp. 6, 7. James Thomson, Notebook A7, Thomson papers, Q U B .
William Thomson, 2nd November, 1852, lecture 1, in William jack, Notes o f the Glasgow
College [senior] natural philosophy class taken during the 1852-3 session, Ms Gen. 130, ULG.
Ibid., pp. 175, 178-9. Draft, pp. 3, 21. PL, 2, 484.
336 The transformation o f classical physics Thermodynamics: the years o f resolution 337

rival as discoverer of energy conservation) and to Wilhelm Ostwald (founder Man cannot create matter.
of physical chemistry and energeticism). Their examples should remind us of Heat may be created by man.
how little necessity lay behind Thomsons belief in mechanical philosophy. .'. Heat is not matter.
They should remind us also how very different was his conception of dynamical or Matter cannot be created by operations under human control. Heat may be created by
theory - reducing heat, light, magnetism and other agencies, to matter in operations under human control.
motion - from theirs, which made matter itself a state of dynamic equilibrium .-. Heat is not matter.^
between opposing forces. To Thomson, all reliance on such disembodied Having thus buttressed Joules experimental evidence with a logic derived from
powers contributed to the delusive metaphysics epitomized by Hegels specula his own commitment to mechanical philosophy, Thomson contented himself
tive Naturphilosophie."^^ T he Germans, he warned his class in 1852, apply the that the dynamical theory required no further proofs. From now on heat was
term Nat. Philv to metaphysical science. Naturphilosophie conflated the sciences unequivocally a state of molecular motion.
of mind and of matter, while in English, natural philosophy referred to matter There remains, nevertheless, a further puzzle. A state of motion in a system,
alone and obtained its results strictly by inductive inference and generaliza according to Thomsons mechanics, generally contained two forms of mechani
tion."*^ From that position, Thomson repeatedly denigrated the accomplish cal effect: vis viva and total potential (the work done against forces between the
ments ofJ.R. Mayer, for example, in favour of Joule. parts to assemble the system with no motion from infinitely separated parts).
The same view lay behind the arguments that Thomson gave for the What part of this mechanical effect constituted heat? The question is of consider
dynamical theory of heat. He opened his famous series of papers with the able importance because it raises once again the problem of force, not
following theme: disembodied forces now but molecular forces, supposed in the usual Newtonian
Sir Humphry Davy, by his experiment o f melting two pieces o f ice by rubbing them and Laplacian mechanics to be actions at a distance between molecules. We have
together, established the following proposition: The phenomena o f repulsion are not seen that since 1846 at the latest Thomson had been searching for ways to replace
dependent on a peculiar elastic fluid for their existence, or caloric does not exist. And he electric and magnetic action at a distance by contiguous action in an ether field,
concludes that heat consists o f a motion excited among the particles o f bodies . . . The either by analogy to elastic deformation in a solid or to fluid motion. One must
recent discoveries made by Mayer and Joule, o f the generation o f heat through the ask what relation he now supposed to exist between molecular force and the
friction o f fluids in motion, and by the magneto-electric excitation o f galvanic currents, state of motion constituting heat.
would either o f them be sufficient to demonstrate the immateriality o f heat; and would so Naturally he stood in no position to solve such a problem, and his remarks are
afford, if required, a perfect confirmation o f Sir Humphry D avys views.*
accordingly ambiguous. The draft, however, shows a strong inclination to
If heat were not material it had to be dynamical. No alternative, certainly not identify heat exclusively with actual vis viva, thus separating off the problem of
heat as a natural power, existed. Thomson did not even mention his own subtle molecular forces and static potentials, or internal work, from that of heat. With
view of heat as a state. The myth thus emerged that Davy had established the respect to conduction, he said:
dynamical theory over fifty years earlier by rubbing pieces of ice together (an According to the Dynamical Theory o f Heat, the quantity o f heat in a body is measured
argument Thomson had not accepted himself one year earlier) and that Joule by the vis viva o f the molecular motions which exist within it and the evolution o f
had put the argument beyond attack. mechanical effect from thermal agency consists in the diminution o f such motions by
In the draft Thomson expressed his new-found faith in Davy in syllogistic - resistance. [The conduction o f heat through matter from one part o f a body to another
and theological form: del.] The propagation o f heat consists in the communication o f vis viva from molecules in
motion to contiguous molecules; and unless any portion o f the vis viva be lost in producing
changes in the dimension or arrangements o f bodies against resistance, or some be gained
See M .N . Wise, German concepts o f force, energy and the electromagnetic ether: 1845-
1880, in G .N . Cantor and M.J.S. Hodge (eds.). Conceptions o f ether: studies in the history o f ether by the reverse the quantity o f heat remains constant. Thus the ordinary method o f
theories, 1740-1900 (Cambridge, 1981), pp. 271-6. Thomson adhered to this view to the end. He estimating quantities o f heat is consistent with the dynamical theory.
wrote to Larmor in 1906: Young persons who have grown up in scientific work within the last
fifteen or twenty years seem to have forgotten that energy is not an absolute existence. Even the
Germans laugh at the energetikers . I do not know if even Ostwald knows that energy is a capacity ^2 Draft, note facing p. 19. Repeated inJack, N otes: Heat was made by Davy, but he cant make
for doing work; and that work done implies mutual force between different parts o f one body matter - ergo - what can [the] rubbing do? Only inertia or matter set in m otion. (No date, but
relatively movable, or between two bodies or two pieces o f matter, or between two atoms o f matter shortly after lecture 10.)
. . See Lord Kelvin to Joseph Larmor, 9th October, 1906, L37, ULC. Draft, pp. 12, 13. In the transcript published in Smith, William Thomson and the creation o f
William Thomson, 2nd November, 1852, lecture 1, in jack, Notes. thermodynamics, p. 284, the pages printed as thirteen and fourteen should be reversed and the word
*0 For example, MPP, 1, 175. Ibid., p. 174. produces inserted at the end o f the corrected p. 13.
338 The transformation o f classical physics Thermodynamics: the years o f resolution 339

In these remarks, conservation of uis viva during conduction replaced the older to explain with. The primitive categories available in macroscopic dynamics
doctrine of conservation of caloric, except when work was done, whether remained matter, motion, and force, but in molecular dynamics Thomson
internal work of molecular rearrangement or external work of volume change. recognized only matter and motion. Thus his first theoretical impulse made heat
Under such circumstances, heat as caloric would merely have changed from the dynamical in the sense of vis viva and not molecular potential, or internal work.
sensible to the latent state, but now in Thomsons description heat as vis viva was If he included internal work in his published account of thermal motion in order
lost or gained. Thus the heat in a body was strictly sensible heat. It did not include to make the concept more coherent formally, that inclusion only signified that
latent heat. Interconversions between the latent and sensible states were special the underlying problem had as yet defied explanation. The true mechanical
cases of the interconvertibility between work and heat generally. philosophy remained elusive.
In an earlier portion of the draft Thomson presented the same view for the The best evidence for this interpretation of Thomsons concept of dynamical
mixing of bodies of different temperatures, a case often employed to exemplify theory consists in his repeated references to Sir Humphry Davy. Davy, of
conservation of caloric. Noting that vis viva would remain constant during course, supplied the argument that heat is not matter, but his idea o f repulsive
mixing and that the measurement of quantity in heat implies that in those motion as the alternative interested Thomson even more. In both the draft and
circumstances [mixing] the quantity of heat is unchanged, he concluded: the published paper he quoted Davys proposition: The phenomena of repul
qu[antitjy of heat corresponds to vis viva. Again he added: Here it ought to be sion are not dependent on a peculiar elastic fluid for their existence, or caloric
observed that if any of the bodies expand or contract so as to become o f different does not exist. While admitting in the draft that Davys logical demonstration
(resilience) innere arbeit [internal work, from Clausius] the vis viva in the system of this proposition was hardly convincing, Thomson claimed that the single
will be changed & the quV of heat will be changed. experiment of rubbing ice established it. In both versions he continued, D[avyj
Thomsons attempt in the draft to define the heat in a body strictly as vis viva concludes that heat consists of a motion excited among the corpuscles of bodies;
was not a happy one, for it suggested that heat could be added to a body, held in and he says to distinguish this motion from others, and to signify the cause of
equilibrium internally by molecular forces, without altering its total internal our sensation of heat and of the expansion, or expansive pressure, produced
potential. By the time of the published version, he had ceased to speak of the heat in matter by heat the name repulsive motion has been adopted .*
in a body at all, referring only to heat absorbed or emitted with respect to the Now it is all too easy to ignore the phrase repulsive motion, because it has no
surroundings, and o fthermal motions inside. Thus, when a body emitted heat, essential function in the published paper, where repulsion arises from molecular
the work which any external forces do upon it, the work done by its own forces. Thomson, however, remembered the phrase long afterwards in his 1884
molecular forces, and the amount by which the half vis viva of the thermal lecture on Steps towards a kinetic theory of matter as providing a crucial
motions of all its parts is diminished, must together be equal to the mechanical insight, and his students in the winter of 1852 heard the notion several times.
effect produced from it; and consequently to the mechanical equivalent o f the Elasticity was the problem. He introduced the class to it through his archetype of
heat which it emits. I n short, heat emitted now equalled external work plus misguided natural philosophers, Poisson. Poissons microscopic theory (follow
internal work plus decrease in internal vis viva. Heat had become a purely ing the infamous Boscovich in Thomsons story) assumed that bodies are made
macroscopic and external concept, while thermal motion encompassed both up of atoms exerting central forces of attraction and repulsion on each other.
static and dynamic (potential and kinetic) forms of mechanical effect. From this hypothesis of central forces Poisson and others had concluded that the
It is difficult to say why Thomson originally insisted that heat was vis viva rigidity and the compressibility of any perfect solid were necessarily propor
alone. One might argue that he simply adopted the definition of the dynamical tional, for they depended on the same central forces. Unfortunately, theory and
theory as it had come to him from Joule, Rankine, and Clausius. One could also fact bore no comparison. Stokes had rescued natural philosophy by arguing that
observe that the distinction of heat as vis viva from work as potential immedi rigidity and compressibility were as independent as shape and volume and
ately justified his first proposition, the mutual convertibility of heat and work. required independent coefficients (ch. 6).
We shall pursue here yet a third interpretation, more speculative, but more This much of the story Thomson had been relating since his second session,
consonant with his prior and later work, emphasizing that the basic thrust of his when he told the class that Poissons Theory of Elastic Solids is totally errone
theorizing in electricity and magnetism had been to replace static forces by ous and that Stokes . . . was the first to take a correct view of this matter.*
dynamic effects propagating in a field of contiguous actions. On this interpret Now in his 1852-3 lectures he shifted the ground to heat. Poisson had gone
ation, force, at the molecular level, had become something to explain rather than
Draft, pp. 17-19; MPP. 1, 174. *7 pp^ 228; Jack, Notes.
Draft, p. 4. j 179 James Thomson, Notebook A7, Q U B .
340 The transformation o f classical physics Thermodynamics: the years o f resolution 341

wrong, he said, by founding his theory on erroneous considerations of heat. 1851 he retrieved it in 1854 in part six of the Dynamical theory, redefining
Indeed, the repulsion in Poissons scheme derived from self-repulsive thermodynamics as consisting of two subjects: the relation of heat to the forces
atmospheres of caloric attracted to the atoms. Dynamics required that they act acting between contiguous parts of bodies, and the relation of heat to electrical agency'.
effectively as central repulsions between atoms, and therein lay the necessity of With those subjects he opened the path to his famous speculations on the nature
proportional rigidity and compressibility. Rankine had pointed the way to an of matter and force.
improved theory early in 1851, based on the true nature of heat, with his vortex
hypothesis, for the molecular vortices did not have to act centrally. In fact,
The watershed: molecular energy physics
Rankine provided not only independent coefficients of rigidity and com
pressibility in non-crystalline solids but different rigidities in three dimensions The year 1851 marked a distinct reorientation in William Thomsons public
for cr ys t a l s . Ranki nes hypothesis, however, did not completely satisfy scientific face. From 1847 to 1851 he had struggled to maintain his purely
Thomson. It assumed cohesion between atomic nuclei and self-repulsive macroscopic ideal of mathematical theory against increasingly pressing de
atmospheres, like Poissons perfect solid, adding only the vis viva of heat to those mands for a physical conception of molecular reality. His new commitment to
atmospheres: A solid without heat is a perfect solid, Thomson remarked. Here the dynamical theory of heat fixed his gaze unswervingly on the goal of a unified
Davys repulsive motion suggested a more pleasing picture. Thomson had also physics and suggested the form of the new structure. We shall attempt here to
discovered Herapaths kinetic theory: capture the main outlines of this change of countenance.
Suppose a mass o f air destitute entirely o f thermal motions may collapse till it go to In 1851 Thomson abandoned the project that had epitomized his former
nothing. Rankine has assumed that there are nuclei or solid atoms o f air & elastic goals, The mathematical theory of magnetism. Formal, didactic, and rigorous,
atmospheres possessed o f repulsive properties. These atmospheres have an expansive the mathematical theory avoided assuming anything about the nature of
power, & the nuclei have a power influencing each other. If the atmospheres exist, there magnetism, resting instead on a purely positive definition of the measure of
must be cohesion between particles [nuclei]. Davy considered all expansion due to magnetization, or magnetic moment per unit volume, obtained as the infinites
thermal motions, the repulsive motions o f heat. This would be true, if Herapaths theory imal limit for a small macroscopic element dxdydz and treated as a continuous
that atoms act on each other only by impact [is true] . . . Rankine thinks that rotating density. The theory consisted o f an extended mathematical analysis of theo
motions are given, in heating, to the atoms [creating] a centrifugal force in the elastic rems applicable to this type of distribution, essentially the mathematics of the
atmospheres. There is work done by expanding air then, against the cohesion o f the
continuity equation or the potential theory of a modern textbook. It realized the
atoms, besides the external effect o f heat.^
insights he had won from the analogies of heat flow and hydrodynamics, fully
Granting the professors lecture slightly more coherence than the students justifying his enthusiasm when, having finally attained his existence and unique
notes, Thomson here suggested Davys repulsive motion as an alternative to ness proof for solutions of the extended continuity equation, he wrote in his
Rankines rotating motions in the elastic atmospheres, the difference being that notebook in 1847: The possibility of all the problems I have yet considered in the allied
Davys motions required no internal work done against static attractions at a physical theories is I believe established by this theorem.
distance, nor any mysterious repulsive properties. The properties of elasticity Thomsons Magnetism showed the power inherent in his method of math
and expansion on heating apparent in macroscopic bodies would derive directly ematical analogy, but it also showed the weakness of that method, which set the
from matter in motion, without regressing to a property of elasticity in a new allied physical theories in parallel without relating them physically. Immensely
and unobservable kind of matter. As usual in areas so speculative, Thomson did important for its mathematical style - Maxwell found many of the theorems of
not state his preference directly, but merely implied it by pointing out how his field theory in it - Thomsons analysis failed at just those points where the
such-and-such would work if thus-and-so were true. It seems apparent, never new physics demanded answers: wherever interrelationships between different
theless, that when he began his Dynamical theory o f heat by citing Davys forces entered. Unable to choose, for example, between magnetic matter and
repulsive motion, he meant to imply that an ultimate dynamical theory would electric current as the source of magnetic forces, he could not settle on a
employ only two primitive terms, matter and motion. Force would appear definition of magnetic force, much less develop a theory of electromagnetism or
only macroscopically or where gaps remained in the molecular picture. While interrelate light with magnetism, as required by Faradays magneto-optic
he excluded his concern with contiguous action from the published paper in experiments. The theory extended no further than providing alternative repre-
W.J.M. Rankine, Laws o f the elasticity o f solids. Cam. and Dublin M ath.]., 10 (1851), 47 80. MPP, 1, 232.
Jack, N otes; MSP, 67-100. On Herapath, see S.G. Brush (ed.). Mathematical physics . . . and William Thomson, 7th October, 1847,Journal and research notebook, 1845-56, NB34, ULC,
selected papers by John Herapath (New York, 1972), esp. pp. vii-xxxiii. p. 87.
342 The transformation o f classical physics Thermodynamics: the years o f resoltition 343

scntations of the continuity equation, with alternative generalized solutions, against any material theory, which he thereafter took as a definitive argument
assuming one or the other type of magnetic source and either potential gradient for the dynamical theory.
or flux as the representative of force. History has shown two routes out of this The stages o f this transition are significant. The first stage retained self-
impasse: a less restrictive use of mathematical analogy (Maxwells choice in 1855 consciousness of the struggle and sought self-justification. There the ground of
for Faradays lines of force), and molecular theory, which Thomson adopted. belief in an hypothesis was the main issue. As such, Thomson resolved it in
If his Magnetism of 1851 represented the last gasp of Thomsons old style, he explicitly religious terms, citing the nature of the Supreme Ruler and His
had long taken his first hesitant step towards a unified physical theory with his creation to support both conservation and dissipation. The second stage
Mechanical representation of electric, magnetic, and galvanic forces of 1847, distanced both the man and his religion from the new theory, while the third, by
motivated indeed by Faradays magneto-optic effect. Although presented as a creating the myth of the crucial experiment, eliminated the need for any
mathematical analogy, it nevertheless treated the three forces on a common hypothesis and eradicated the four-year personal struggle, replacing it with a
basis, as potentially coexistent states of strain in an elastic solid. It thus began to purely rational choice facing the scientific community. No matter that the
suggest how the forces would be interrelated if the macroscopic analogy to an crucial experiment was only seen to be so after fifty years, for it now served its
elastic solid were read literally, as a theory of the real structure of the underlying purpose as rationalizer of scientific progress.
ether. No doubt Thomson already believed in 1847 that some such theory In the end, the symptoms of Thomsons passage would remain only in such
would prove correct. His struggles with heat, however, show how agonizing his artefacts as his testy attitude towards Clausiuss priority in enunciating the basic
path to molecular theory and ether theory actually was. His positive method propositions of the theory. Having wrestled for so long himself to establish that
ology lay in the balance. Lacking unassailable evidence for a dynamical theory of Carnots coefficient must be independent of the working substance in a heat
heat, as for an etherial basis of forces, he could hardly adopt a physical theory engine, and having ultimately derived that result from his religiously grounded
without compromising the basic values that his science embodied. dissipation axiom, Thomson felt some irritation that Clausius should get the
Not only positive science, however, was at stake. Thomson took his anti- credit, for in Thomsons eyes Clausius had based his reasoning on a mere
hypothetical stance supported by the much more general latitudinarian religious hypothesis, and a false one at that. The memoir o f Clausius, Thomson wrote in
commitment shared with his father. Mathematical theory, like true religion, his third draft, contains a most satisfactory & nearly complete working out of
expressed only essential truths, the common doctrines upon which all men of the theory of the motive power of heat by Carnots peculiar method of
sound judgement could agree. Only full conviction of the truth of the reasoning but hypothesis is so mixed with sound theory that the general effect is
dynamical theory, therefore, could move him from the secure ground where lost. Both Clausius and Rankine had assumed certain hypotheses equivalent to
electricity, magnetism, and heat were macroscopic states of bodies, otherwise this [essentially Mayers hypothesis] that the innere arbeit of air is not altered
unexplained, to molecular theory. In assessing Williams new commitment one by compression & that the heat evolved is the equiv[alent] of the work.
should keep in mind that in 1849 Dr Thomson, the moral rock of the family, Regnaults experimental data make any hypoth[esis] of the kind unnecessary;
suddenly died, and that James Thomson in the same year made his wrenching and, as far as they can be depended upon even betw[een] the limits 0 & 100
decision openly to disavow the Trinity. The direct relevance of this breakdown Centfigrade], they show that in reality that hypothesis is very appreciably at
in the former stability of Williams family life to the restructuring of his fault. In the present paper the practical part is worked out without any
scientific position is difficult to assess, since he rarely betrayed his personal hypothesis.
feelings, even in private correspondence. That his own reorientation involved a Thomson did recognize that Clausius had additionally enunciated an axiom
soul-searching examination of the grounds of his scientific beliefs, however, is (subsequently the Second Law of Thermodynamics) equivalent to his own,
readily apparent. from which the result followed rigorously, but still in 1864, when he sent a set of
The evidence of struggle lies all around. What we have been calling the draft notes on the history of thermodynamics to Tait for the latters textbook, and
consists in fact of at least three separate attempts to begin the dynamical theory. when Clausiuss hypothesis had been fully justified, he stated concerning
In the first attempt, Thomson tried to explain why for so long he carefully Clausiuss 1850 paper: It is this [paper] that gives Clausius his greatest claim. In it
avoided committing myself by any decisive expression of my own opinion on he takes Carnots theory & adapts it to true thermodynamics. But he does so mixedly
the subject. I n the second, he merely stated the content of the theory. Only in with a hypothesis [Mayers] justly assumed as probably APPROXIMATE for gases.
the third did he come to the argument from Davys ice-rubbing experiment It is only by separating out what depends on this hypoth., from what docs not

Draft, p. 3. N ew attempts begin on pp. 12 and 17. Ibid., pp. 22, 23.
344 The transformation o f classical physics Thermodynamics: the years o f resolution 345

that I was able to see that Clausius in his gaseous part does really use the Carnot equivalent heat, if we separate the two electricities & charge a Leyden Jar. Heat
pure & simple. of discharge o f Jar is a portion of heat of Friction.
We thus see how important for Thomsons move towards molecular theory Clearly one had to comprehend all the forces at once. With tremendous
was his conviction that he had established the dynamical theory of heat on non- energy, and little order, the professor sent his students from one subject to the
hypothetical grounds, however we may judge the grounds themselves. No next and back again in search of the interrelations that would yield a unique
sooner had he arrived at this all-important resolution of his conflicting commit order. Nowhere is Thomsons new style more evident than in his jumbled
ments than he embarked on his life-long pursuit of a theory of matter that would lectures of 1852. No neat analogy between one well-defined area and another,
unify all physical forces. The notes of his lectures of 18523 provide a sensitive controlled by a fixed mathematical form, would yield the single mechanical
barometer o f the shift. One meets there, in sharp contrast to his lectures of system that would explain all the forces of nature. In his compulsive rush to find
184950, speculations of the following kind; Probably in the friction of two that all-encompassing system Thomson seems to have forgotten the careful
solids, there is change of shape, and the heat produced is very probably on pedagogy that marked his 1849 course and to have acquired the reputation for
account of electrical currents. Thomson now saw in the principle of mechani disordered exuberance that he thereafter maintained, for he skipped with no
cal effect (soon the First Law of Thermodynamics or Conservation of Energy) a apparent motivation between mechanics, heat, electricity, elasticity, galvanic
powerful probe of physical reality. Just as the principle connected measurable batteries, and the power of animated creatures to produce mechanical effect.
external work with the molecular motions of heat, so it would relate work with One can only observe that he saw everywhere the manifestations of mechanical
any other internal property of matter. The preceding remark on friction effect and saw them as a single problem.
concluded a brief discourse on mechanical effect, which began: The principle of We can now state succinctly the essence of Thomsons reorientation. Until
mechanical effect is axiomatic. All the effects produced by a working force are 1847 his entire programme had been unified by the continuity equation, which
equivalent to the work [done] by the force. We require to measure the effects, subsumed heat conduction, distributions of electric and magnetic forces and
and test their mech* value. Such statements occur throughout the notes. The hydrodynamics under a single mathematical analogy, the geometry of flow.
measure of mechanical effect - now suggestively labelled mechanical value - But each area constituted a separate physical interpretation of the basic math
would be the ultimate measure of the value to man of every physical agency.^* ematical form. The unity was a unity of language rather than of things. The
In his second lecture of 1852-3 Thomson set the theme for the course, which analogy nevertheless taught Thomson a great deal about the formal identity
as usual began with properties of matter as a preliminary to mechanics: Are between statical and dynamical phenomena. In particular it taught him that the
magnetism, elect, heat and light matter? We must consider general principles of total potential of a static system of inverse square forces could always be
work & mechanical effects. From several repetitions of this rhetorical formula, translated into the form of vis viva in a flow system, and that the forces
the students learned to generalize the lesson so recently internalized by their themselves could be derived as a gradient of the total potential. The analogy thus
professor: Heat was made by Davy, but he cant make matter - Ergo - What suggested that mechanical effect could be taken as the common measure of all of
can [the] rubbing do? Only inertia overcome or matter set in motion. The task the mathematically similar phenomena. By 1847 Thomson had begun to exploit
of natural philosphy was to discover the states of molecular motion which extensively this common measure and to seek its physical basis, though always
constituted the various physical forces. The new philosopher would begin with through his macroscopic analogies and never publicly entertaining speculations
careful measurements on the balance sheet of mechanical effect in observable on molecular reality. The dynamical theory of heat altered his stance. It
interchanges. That scheme constituted not a solution but a programme for necessarily turned the common macroscopic measure into a physical probe and a
research. In 1862 Thomson was still teaching the lesson of 1851 under Friction & mathematical unity into a physical unity. The chief agent o f that transformation
Imperfect Elasticity: Theory of friction one of the most important in the whole was the principle of mechanical effect, for it required - in Thomsons mechani
of Natural Science. Shows what becomes of Energy lost. Force of Friction most cal philosophy - that any mechanical effect lost from the states of gross bodies
probably due to Electricity. Friction may be deprived of a portion of its should re-emerge in mechanical states of molecules and ether. The dissipation
axiom contributed significantly to this demand because it required - again in
** William Thomson, Research notebook on thermodynamics, 1864(?), NB52, ULC. The
Thomsons formulation - a molecular mechanics to explain the movement of
illegitimacy o f Mayers hypothesis had already been the basis for Thom sons and Taits polemic mechanical effect from states of concentration to states of diffusion, or from
against Tyndall in 1862-3, when Tyndall pressed Mayers priority over Joule in the discovery o f states of gross bodies to states of molecules and ether.
energy conservation (see Chapter 11, note 11). Thom sons intense personal struggle to enunciate a
non-hypothetical basis for thermodynamics helps to explain his role in this dispute. William Thomson, in David Murray, Lecture notes in classe physica, bench II, November,
** Jack, N otes. 1862, MS Murray 325, ULG.
346 The transformation o f classical physics Thermodynamics: the years o f resolution 347

One may picture Thomsons change of direction as the turn of a hinge, but a gous to the gravitational potential of raised weights, he termed statical, presum
hinge with two joints is required: the first his extensive work on the mathematics ably because electricity and the chemical elements, like gravitational matter,
of mechanical effect concentrated in 1847, and the second his adoption of the could not be created by man, whatever their underlying forces might consist
dynamical theory of heat in 1851. Such an image leads us to qualify the in. Light and heat, analogous to crcatable motions of matter, or vis viva, he
preceding emphasis on the differences between Thomsons pre-1847 and post- termed dynamical stores of energy. The principle of mechanical effect thereby
1851 styles, and to recognize that his turn from macroscopic physics to molecu became explicitly a principle of conservation of mechanical energy, static plus
lar physics involved a great deal of continuity as well as discontinuity. Indeed, his dynamic. Thomson afterwards proudly believed this to be the first division of
subsequent molecular theorizing was to constitute more nearly an attempt at Energy into two kinds. Since the division was hardly unique among conserva
describing the necessary macro-structure of molecules than a claim about their tion advocates, we must emphasize Energy, and recognize that his pride lay in
ultimate nature. Molecular physics did not imply speculative hypotheses. The his having enunciated a new term for a newly generalized concept, independent
dynamical theory of heat, for example, claimed only that heat consists in a state of any particular hypothesis of atoms, forces, or other underlying reality. His
of molecular motion. Thomson specified no particular motion, and he repri doctrine of mechanical energy simply asserted that the entire, conserved store of
manded Rankine for tying the theory to a vortex hypothesis. We have seen in mechanical effect in the world could be divided up into the spatial relations
the previous section an important aspect of this continuing anti-hypothetical (forces) of permanent things labelled matter statical energy and the motions
commitment. Believing that an ultimate mechanical theory would not involve of matter - dynamical energy. By late 1852 he had adopted Rankines suggested
static force as a primitive term, but only matter and motion, Thomson neverthe terms, potential and actual energy, which he would change to the now-
less included both static potential (internal work) and vis viva in the mechanical standard potential and kinetic in 1862.^
effect of thermal motions. To the degree that he continued to employ the Under Thomsons scheme of macro-molecular energy physics, the task for
descriptive distinction without further explanation, his molecules remained physical research was to study mathematically and experimentally the relations
macroscopic objects with undefined internal structure and undefined interac and transformations of the two forms of mechanical energy so as to specify with
tions. Late in 1851 he began to formalize this macro-molecular terminology increasing precision what the structure of molecular matter had to be. Particular
when he introduced in part five o fOn the dynamical theory of heat the concept mechanical models were important heuristically, but also to guarantee the
o fmechanical energy to describe the total mechanical effect internal to a body: credibility of a theory as a mechanically possible one. Thomson would always
require that they be, first, conceivable, in the sense of observable mechanical
The total mechanical energy o f a body might be defined as the mechanical value o f all the
effect it would produce in heat emitted and in resistances overcome, if it were cooled to
systems in the real world, and, second, empirically grounded, possessing no
the utmost, and allowed to contract indefinitely or to expand indefinitely according as elements corresponding to purely hypothetical physical quantities. His original
the forces between its particles are attractive or repulsive, when the thermal motions empiricist methodology of mathematical theory, which allowed only positive,
within it are all stopped; but in our present state o f ignorance regarding perfect cold, and macroscopically defined, physical entities, thus carried over into his molecular
the nature o f molecular forces, we cannot determine this total mechanical energy for speculations as a requirement that a mathematical theory be representable by a
any portion o f matter, nor even can we be sure that it is not infinitely great for a finite mechanical model and that the model be firmly grounded in empirical reality.
portion o f matter. Hence it is convenient to choose a certain state as standard for the body We shall develop these ideas in detail in Chapters 12 and 13. First, however, we
under consideration, and to use the unqualified term, mechanical energy, with reference to shall examine the theoretical foundation for the new energy physics that
this standard state; so that the mechanical energy o f a body in a given state will denote Thomson laid down in collaboration with Tait in their epoch-making Treatise
the mechanical value o f the effects the body would produce in passing from the state in
on natural philosophy.
which it is given, to the standard state, or the mechanical value o f the whole agency that
would be required to bring the body from the standard state to the state in which it is
Ibid., pp. 505-10, 523, 541; NB52, ULC, 36; Jack, Notes. In a personal annotation o f 29th
given.* March, 1896, to MPP, 1,541, Kelvin noted: I had not by this time [June, 1853) replaced by kinetic
Maquorn [sic] Rankines actual (which I temporarily adopted from him for what 1 had previously
Having thus defined mechanical energy as a state function (the familiar called dynamical energy).
internal energy of macroscopic thermodynamics), Thomson soon went on
formally to differentiate statical and dynamical stores of mechanical energy,
again in a macro-molecular fashion. Electrostatic and chemical energies, analo

MPP, 1, 222 3.
T & T or Treatise on natural philosophy 349

No existing text adequately represented the conditions for pursuing natural

u philosophy in the new context of energy conservation and the dynamical theory
of heat. To supply the want in a non-speculative manner was the authors
primary goal. But some idea was required of a physical basis for the different
T & T ' or Treatise on natural forms of energy, and of the relation of energy to force, in order to structure the
mathematical theory. Thomson thought that he had found the beginnings of
philosophy such a physical foundation in a continuum theory of matter and forces, which
formed an ever-present background to the writing. Another such background
feature was the engineering orientation that we have seen so ubiquitously in
I am getting quite sick o f the great Book . . . if you send only scraps and these earlier works and in the Scottish tradition of natural philosophy. Closely
at rare intervals, what can I do? You have notgiven me even a hint as to what you coupled with democratic ideals of Scottish education and with the diffusion of
want done in our present chapter about statics of liquids andgasesl 1 have kinetics useful knowledge, this practical dimension arguably dominated Thomsons and
o f a particle almost ready, nearly the whole o f the next chapter, but I dont Taits conceptualization. And that conceptualization would establish a new set
see the fun o f paying 30/- [shillings] for sending the MSS to you [in of canonical concepts for classical mechanics: kinematics separate from
Germany] for revision, when in all probability you w on t look at it till dynamics; dynamics inclusive of static as well as moving systems; energy as the
some indefinite period when you are in Arran, where it would be certain o f fundamental entity in nature, rather than force; and extremum principles as the
reaching you - and for 8d. N o w all this is very pitiable: I declare you did foundation of dynamics.
twice as much during the winter as you are doing now. P.G. Tait to
William Thomson, 1864.^
The collaboration
Although Thomson and Tait seem not to have been acquainted with one
The classic Treatise on natural philosophy known as T & T' began its tortured
another much before 1860, James Thomson and Tait had been colleagues at
gestation late in 1861 when William Thomson (T) offered to join Peter Guthrie
Queens since 1854. Together with Thomas Andrews (professor of chemistry
Tait (T') in writing a textbook suitable for their respective natural philosophy
and former pupil of Dr Thomson), they supported the reform movement
classes at Glasgow and Edinburgh. A year earlier Tait had left his mathematics
associated in part with the College (heir to the collegiate wing of the Academical
professorship at Queens College in Belfast to succeed J.D. Forbes in the
Institution) and with the Belfast Literary Society.
Edinburgh chair of natural philosophy. He brought ambitious plans for expand
Tait had originally planned an elementary text in two volumes for a popular
ing Forbess domain, and his own income, by attracting more students to a
and largely experimental course, in line with his teaching needs and democratic
popular experimental course, but felt sorely the lack of a textbook. After six
ideals, as well as with the necessity of attracting fee-paying students.
years of collaboration with Thomson a book did emerge, but, far from an
Experimental referred, not so much to a laboratory course, as to a lecture
elementary textbook, it consituted a highly creative treatise on the mathematical
course grounded on experimental demonstration, as opposed to mathematical
methods of physics. If few students in the experimental course can ever have read
deduction. The collaboration made possible an ambitious mathematical
it, it nevertheless provided an entire generation of advanced students and
extension o f the text, and Tait sent off a revised plan to the publisher, Macmillan:
Cambridge wranglers with a model for a new energy-based dynamics. The
I proposed 3 volum es. . . and I expressly stipulated that one of these (or ^ of the
model reflected the Victorian mathematical style that Thomson shared with
work, if the Expl & Math' parts were to be mixed) should be devoted to Math'
Stokes, Maxwell, and the many others who emphasized non-hypothetical,
Physics - including all sorts of Potentials, Dynamical Theory of Heat &c &c. I
geometrical theory; but it also embodied specifically Thomsonian stylistic
said also that as we were bot h... at present in training we could turn out a volume
elements and idiosyncrasies. We shall highlight both aspects, while focussing on
by August next, another in JanY or FebY/63 & the third in the ensuing summer.
the role of energy in shaping the new dynamics.^
The professors here, to whom I have mentioned the affair, are particularly
P.G. Tait to William Thomson, 20th June, 1864, T6X, ULC. enthusiastic, & I have little doubt o f our increasing our students by 30 per cent (at
^ Since good selections o f letters between Thomson and Tait regarding the writing o f the Treatise least) if we do the business well. Thomson had himself been contemplating a
have been published in SPT, 1, chap. 10, and in C.G. Knott, Life and scientific work o f Peter Guthrie Tait mathematical text for some time, originally as an inexpensive republication of
(Cambridge, 1911), chap. 5, we concentrate here on analyzing its content. Note, however, that
Knott falsely ascribes most o f the Treatise to Tait (see discussion below, note 25). some of his own papers in electricity, magnetism, and heat. But Charles Millar,

350 The transformation o f classical physics T & T or Treatise on natural philosophy 351

Systematic Work on Electricity & Galvanism &c or a Handbook of

Physics . Either of these, I think, would sell & be profitable as they would
interest a large class of readers.^ Such considerations apparently stimulated
Thomson and Taits projected third volume.
In addition, personal appeals came from a variety of friends for assistance in
mastering the new energy concepts. Ludwig Fischer (181490), Thomsons
Cambridge friend and now professor o f natural philosophy at St Andrews
University, wished to know in 1855 o f any elementary work on Mechanics
starting with the idea o f mechanical energy or work He was reading
Thomsons papers and Helmholtzs classic Ueber die Erhaltung der Kraft' but
required instruction in how I should read them or, rather, how I could get hold
of the theory of mechanical energy, first as applied in ordinary mechanics and
then to other Physical problems. I have commenced several times, but not
having proceeded far enough I have derived no benefit from this desultory kind
of study, and yet I feel the want o f a clear insight in these doctrines most
severely.'* Fischers case is particularly revealing o f the difficulty of adjusting to
the new conceptual structure, for he had extensive knowledge of continental
mathematics and physics. A native German, he had come to Cambridge after
over three years of study in Berlin with Encke, Dirichlet, Mitscherlich, Erman,
Dove, and others, and after three years in Paris with Poisson, Liouville, Dulong,
Pouillet, Dumas, Savart, and company.^ Yet he could not easily find his way
about in Thomsons and Helmholtzs papers.
Tait thus anticipated overnight fame: I am convinced that if we get the essence
of our lectures into two volumes & do a third on Math. Physics (the unique one as
I call it in my note to Macmillan, and which I could never have ventured on
alone) we shall make a great hit besides being translated into Russian & perhaps
Hindi & Chinese. Concerning this unique' volume he wrote to Andrews: I
know of no such work in any language . .. Such a book is one I would willingly
have paid almost any price for during the last ten years - but it does not yet exist.
IL . And I think Thomson and I can do it.^ Since the first two volumes were to
contain simply the essence of the Glasgow and Edinburgh Experimental
Lectures blended into (I hope) an harmonious whole, Tait imagined, with
Peter Guthrie Tait, professor o f natural philosophy in the University o f Edinburgh characteristic exuberance, that An average of three or four (or less) hours a day
and co-author with Thomson o f T & T'. In his obituary, Thomson wrote o f Tait: would give us the [first] volume in six weeks in such a state as to require little
W c never agreed to differ, always fought it out. But it was almost as great a pleasure correction in the present state of the science. Evidently he assumed he could
to fight with Tait as to agree with him . [From C.G. Knott, Life of Peter Guthrie Tait.] control the timetable of these volumes, since he was to take on the primary

who had been involved in the publication ofJ.P. Nichols Cyclopaedia, advised ^ P.G. Tait to William Thomson, 10th December, 1861, T2, ULG. Charles Millar to William
Thomson, 5th December, 1859, M37, ULG.
him that he could not depend on a sufficient sale to risk the book as a cheap book. * Ludwig Fischer to William Thomson, 20th October and 6th Novem ber, 1855, FlOl and F102,
In the N/c/jp/ style, it would never d o ... Your volume is not intended so much ULC. See also the request for guidance inJ.C. Maxwell to William Thomson, 13th November,
for students who in fact only buy the books which they are forced to buy as Class 1854, M89, ULC, and J.J. Sylvester to William Thomson, 8th May, 1856, S601, ULC.
* Ludwig Fischer to William Thomson, 15th February, 1847, F83, ULC.
Books and grumble even at that - but for highly cultivated men who do not * P.G. Tait to William Thomson, 13th December, 1861, T3, ULG. P.G. Tait to Thomas
grudge a price - but this class is small. Millar proposed instead either a Andrews, 18th December, 1861, in Knott, Life o f Tait, p. 177.
352 The transformation o f classical physics T & T ' or Treatise on natural philosophy 353

responsibility for drafting them. The major part of the writing will be done by Tait sent to Andrews the following table of contents for Volume I, in which
me, he wrote to Andrews on 20th January, 1862, as Thomson feels a repug we indicate in square brackets the chapters eventually published:
nance to it which is not common."^ By that date, however, he should already
have realized that Thomsons expansive imagination suffered no ones control. Section I.
On 25th December Tait had sent him a list of publication postulates which Chap. I. Introductory. [Thomsons introductory lecture - omitted]
explicitly separated the experimental from the mathematical volumes. Thom II. Matter, Motion, Mass, etc. [II]
son responded with two postulates of his own (no longer extant) which clearly III. Measures and Instruments o f Precision. [IV]
compromised the entire scheme for popular, inexpensive, and rapid publication IV. Energy, Vis viva. Work. [II]
by mixing mathematical analysis into the experimental volumes. Taits misgiv V. Kinematics. [1]
ings were prophetic: VI. Experience (Experiment and Observation). [Ill]
Section II. Abstract Mechanics {Perfect solids, fluids, etc.).
The only objection I see to this, but it is a grave one, is the expense to the students, especially Chap. I. Introductory (I have written this and will let you see it soon). [V]
the Scotch ones. W e may mulct & bleed Oxford & Cambridge & Rugby &c &c to any II. Statics. [VI and VII]
extent, but how about our own classes? What we want AT ONCE is not the fame o f III. Dynamics (Laws of Motion, N ewton. Did you ever read his Latin? Do.). [II]
authorship, but the supply o f a want in elementary teaching. N o w I have a vague feeling, IV. Hydrostatics [VII] and [Hydro]Dynamics. [Never written]
which may soon become stronger, that our best course will be to issue a smaller, but Section III. Properties o f Matter, Elasticity, Capillarity, Cohesion, Gravity, Inertia, etc.
thoroughly trustworthy volume or volumes f r s t - suited for general educational etc. (This is to be mine.) [Outlined by Tait; portions expanded by Thomson;
purposes - and THEN com e out with a really great work in a good many volumes on your never completed]
enlarged idea o f our first plan. In fact my impression is o f this kind, do the extensively Section IV. Sound. [Never written]
useful, but thoroughly accurate, popular book first - and then astonish the world with, at Section V. Light. [Never written]
all events an attempt at, what it has not yet seen, a complete course o f Natural Philosophy, This will give you as good an idea as I yet possess as to the contents o f our first volume.
Expl & Mathematical. All the other physical forces [heat, magnetism, electricity, electrodynamics] will be
included in Vol. II, which will finish up with a great section on the one law o f the
Ostensibly the two authors compromised, agreeing to insert only brief
Universe, the Conservation o f Energy.'
mathematical notes in the descriptive text. Tait reported to Andrews: No
mathematics will be admitted (except in notes, and these will be more or less
copious throughout the volume, being printed in the text but in smaller type). From beginning to end, in fact, T & T ' were to organize their book around
But we shall give very little in that way as my great object in joining Thomson in energy, with other topics either supporting or deriving from that unifying
this work is to have himjoined to me in the great work which is to follow, on the concept. Their popular 1862 article Energy in Good Words reflected the all-
Mathematics of Nat. Phil., which I do not believe any living man could attempt encompassing role they assigned to the one great law of Physical Science,
alone, not even Helmholtz.^ Thus arose the distinction of large print and known as the Conservation of Energy. Even Newtons laws of motion, as Tait
small print portions of the ultimate product. They corresponded to the popular signalled in Section II, Chapter III of his outline, were to be reread from the Latin
experimental and the more advanced mathematical parts, respectively, of to bolster the doctrine of energy. We shall focus on that rereading below.
Thomsons natural philosophy course at Glasgow, on which he lectured at O f the outlined sections of Volume I, only the first reached completion.
different hours. In the succeeding five years of writing, however, the small print Statics and hydrostatics in Section II grew under Thomsons hand to cover over
would gradually engulf the large as the great work swallowed the popular one. half of the published work, while dynamics, which should have formed the most
Experimental physics would barely see print of any size, and in over 700 pages T extensive part, found expression only as general laws and principles. In essence
& T ' would not complete one-half of even their intended first volume. Never the published fragment consisted of four parts in two divisions:
theless, their 'Principia mathematica', as Tait predicted, was to go over Europe
like a statical charge, replacing Newtons Principia of force with a new Principia ' Ibid. This outline reflects Thom sons comments on a less detailed scheme in Tait to Thomson,
op. cit. (note 7).
of energy and extrema. * William Thomson and P.G. Tait, Energy, Good Words, 3 (1862), 601-7. The article is written
largely in Taits polemical style and attacks both Tyndalls popularizations and his support o f
Ibid. P.G. Tail to William Thomson, 25th December, 1861, T6C, ULC. P.G. Tait to Thomas Mayers priority over joule in the discovery o f energy conservation. The ensuing battle can be
Andrews, 20th January, 1862, in Knott, Life o f Tait, pp. 178-9. followed through the Tait-Thomson correspondence in 1863 and through a series o f bitter
* P.G. Tait to William Thomson, 28th December, 1861, T6D, ULC. exchanges in Phil. Mag., [series 4), 25 (1863), 220-4, 263-6, 368-87, 429-31, and 26, (1863), 65-7,
Tait to Andrews, op. cit. (note 7). 144-7. See Chapter 10, note 65, and Chapter 15.
354 The transformation o f classical physics T & T ' or Treatise on natural philosophy 355

Division I - preliminary notions Clues to this dynamical theory of nature will emerge in the kinematics and
Kinematics (160 pages) dynamics of the Treatise. Its heuristic nature, characteristic o f Thomsons style
Dynamical laws and principles (144 pages) generally, has been well-expressed by one of the closest readers of the book,
Division II - abstract dynamics Joseph Larmor;
Statics of a particle (potential theory, 71 pages) It was but rarely that his expositions were calculated to satisfy a reader whose interests
Statics o f solids and fluids (300 pages). were mainly logical; though they were always adapted to stimulate the scientific
discontent and the further inquiry o f students trained towards fresh outlook on the
Tait had already outlined the never-completed section on Properties of
complex problem o f reality, rather than to logical refinement and precision in knowledge
matter by mid-December of 1861 and sent it to Thomson along with the proof
already ascertained. Each step gained was thus a stimulus to further effort. This fluent
sheets for an article on Force. He suspected trouble in these areas, writing to character, and want o f definite focus, has been a great obstacle to the appreciation o f
Andrews that A little difficulty arises at the outset, Thomson is dead against the Thomson and Tait, as it is still to M axwells Electricity, for such readers as ask for
existence of atoms; I though not a violent partisan yet find them useful in demonstration, but find only suggestion and exploration.
explanation - but I suppose we can mix these views well enough. But of course
One reader, dismayed by this lack of logical rigour, was Pierre Duhem,
they could not. Here we see in fact the second major feature, additional to
whose critique of the broad but shallow mind of the British physicist in contrast
energy, which shaped the Treatise. Beneath the surface lurked always
Thomsons belief in a continuous substance as a substratum for atoms, mole to the narrow but deep French mind has become a classic. Thomson provided his
best examples. Notwithstanding his polemical purpose, however, Duhem
cules, and forces, or for matter and energy. His comments on the Force article
recognized the heuristic power of the British methods and the fact that they
apparently showed Tait for the first time the extent o f this commitment, for Tait
were grounded in practicality, which he associated with the factory mentality of
responded: It is amusing to see how definitely you go into the ease of conception
and treatment of the continuous uniform medium in which atoms (or at all the nation of shopkeepers. He could well have applied the same description to
the Treatise, for a third major aspect of it is a thorough interpenetration of
events matter) are supposed to float. I am quite willing to adopt your views, but I
theoretical exposition and practical conception. In writing their textbook for
should like you to send me as soon as you have leisure a little sketch of your
Scottish students, neither author forgot his commitment to the diffusion of
proposed mathematical treatment of such a fluid or solid - or refer me to the
useful knowledge at an affordable price, nor his belief, however unrealistic, that
works, Stokes or others, in which it is found, - if already in print.
even the most sophisticated subjects could be made accessible to willing students
No such work existed, except as a visionary sketch in Thomsons private
and practical men. As Tait said to Andrews of his contribution to kinematics,
research notebook for 1858 and as suggestive hints in a paper of 1856 on the
It is all about Motion, Actual and Relative, and such matters as Rotations,
implications of Faradays discovery of the magnetic rotation of light (ch. 12).
Displacements, &c., and I hope to make the large type part of it intelligible even
During the writing of the great book, at first under the pressure of Taits
to savages and gorillas.^
scepticism and then with his full collaboration, Thomsons speculations became
Progressive, reforming, and practical, Thomson and Tait aimed at an educa
increasingly comprehensive, exciting, and unwieldy. And as the goal of a
tion suited to their latitudinarian, whig ideology, in which the esoteric and
unified physical theory of ether and matter loomed larger, the Treatise on natural
sectarian would bow to the democratic and meritorious, all in the service of
philosophy became an attempt to lay its dynamical foundation. This imperative
national honour, wealth, and power. As far removed from theoretical dynamics
helps to explain the unique, often puzzling, character of the book. It also explains
as these issues may seem, they established preconditions even for such questions
why the section on Properties of matter was never completed. Lacking an
as the most suitable measures of energy and force, issues which penetrated deeply
adequate foundation in the dynamics of continuous media, T & T' could hardly
into the structure of the Treatise. A single example will capture the mood.
erect the structure of interconnected properties that the dynamics was intended
In an 1862 draft on Expenditure of work and generation of kinetic energy
to support. The Treatise remained, therefore, a programme, but one which
thereby, which Thomson wrote in his usual fashion as part manuscript and part
merged with such complementary programmes as Maxwells Treatise on
letter to Tait, he began carefully with large and small print portions to establish
electricity and magnetism (1873) to provide a generation of British mathematical
the work-energy theorem. For a body moving along a line from position a to
physicists with a coherent, if largely intuitive, goal for natural philosophy.
JL, Iv.
Tait to Andrews, op. cit. (note 6). Tait to Thomson, op. cit. (note 7). See note 25. Pierre Duhem, Abstract theories and mechanical models, in The aim and structure of physical
For an excellent account o f the Maxwellian programme seeJ.Z. Buchwald, From M axwell to theory, translated by P.P. Wiener (New York, 1962), pp. 55104 (originally published in 1906 from
microphysics (Chicago, 1985), Parts II and III. C f Thom sons programme in Chapter 13 below. articles o f 1904-5). P.G. Tait to Thomas Andrews, 9th September, 1862, in Knott, Life o f Tait,p. 179.
356 The transformation of classical physics T & T ' or Treatise on natural philosophy 357

position 5, with velocity changing from utou under a constant acceleration/, he Twaddle, perhaps; unguarded opinion, certainly; but no more telling
showed that the distance travelled multiplied by the acceleration determines the portrait could be created of the mixture of liberal, latitudinarian and practical
change in the square of the velocity: commitments - mixed with anti-catholicism - which informed Thomsons
personal and professional life. Dividing by 32.2 refers to dividing the absolute
Remarking that he had been presenting this analysis in his small-print hour and kinetic unit, based on motion produced, by the acceleration of gravity at
that he had given a lot w^ I wish I had got taken down, about P= W f Glasgow, to yield a gravitational unit equal to the weight of a British pound, the
(Newtons second law, with P = force and W = mass) he wrote out the relation measure employed by all intelligent mechanics of the great, prosperous, and
between work done and change in kinetic energy, influential city, whose grandeur supposedly depended on the free exercise of
P {s-a) = ^W v ^ -^ W u ^ , reason by each o f its productive citizens.
adding the notation, Interpret &c. This wild passage formed the nucleus of a section of the Treatise advocating
This orderly presentation introduced a number o f scrawled pages interpret Gausss absolute unit o f force and explaining its relation to weight (paras.
ing the work-energy relation as an absolute kinetic measure for work, and 220-6). The rhetoric disappeared from the Treatise, just as it did from notes on
thereby for force. In contrast to the common unit of force based on weight, Thomsons small-print hour by David Murray, whose nimble fingers ex
which varied with gravitational force, the kinetic unit was universal, indepen tracted from the twaddle only the fact that our vernacular unit offeree shall be
dent of geographical location (not to say local prejudice). Thomson set out his the weight [of] a pound weight at Glasgow.^ But Thomsons sentiments were
view of universality while waiting his turn to speak in a meeting to promote the not so fleeting. Two features deserve emphasis, for they appear also in Murrays
rifling among the students (the volunteer civil defence corps in which he held notes from the general lectures.
the rank o f captain). Touched himself with a little of the rifle fever, he wrote First, Thomsons rifle-corps patriotism and anti-catholicism expressed his
at furious speed with total abandon: notion of universality in the same way. He sought national unity in the unionist
Consider [the] unit in which P = H fis measured. It is the absolute unit. It is a universal
sense, meaning the union of Ireland with the rest of Britain under one set of
unit offeree wherever British or other national standards o f mass & length can be carried & standards and laws (chs. 1,23). Catholicism, within his ideology, represented at
the earths angular motion observed . . . There is a great advantage in using it in scientific once the tyranny of sects, parties, superstition, and authority. With less venom,
expressions. The same as men o f letters formerly found in using Latin as their language, but similar ideas, he attacked all other particularist impediments to national
practically a universal language. It has not the same advantage now, when men o f letters unity. Cambridge mathematicians came under the same barrage:
know modern languages & is practically retained by only one branch o f the old stock [the
by the Cambridge mathematicians [Whewell and company] the unit o f mass is defined as
Catholic church] & for quite a different reason (preventing people from acquiring their
the mass whose weight is unity divided by the force o f gravity. Hence we have the
learning &c &c. A cut & ten [below] roman catholic latin w^ was understood tho no
names named). The expression o f force & work in terms o f the absolute kinetic unit bas m = Wjg
now & must always continue to have the same advantage (or greater) that said use o f Latin IT being the weight in the locality. This is an absurd distinction. Gauss system has been
formerly had. But it has also a corresponding disadvantage. It is not the vernacular. We
adopted in this university. Our unit o f mass shall be a national standard unit & shall be the
keep it & shall keep it forever because it alone is or can ever be a universal language: but
same for all latitudes.*^
with truly benevolence (how diff from the papistic spirit above alluded to) we
translate every scientific result out o f a language which not one o f the 1000 intelligent Second, one of the former Glasgow mechanics whom Thomson had particu
mechanics o f Glasgow (each with as good a head as any mathematician) would under larly in mind was James Watt. His steam-engine stood behind the analysis here
stand into terms perfectly appreciated by every inhabitant o f this great prosperous & just as it had behind Thomsons vision of absolute units of electricity and
influential city. W e do so by dividing by 32.2. . . .
The above is my recollection o f some twaddle interspersed with the J(u +/f)d/, P W f William Thomson, in David Murray, Lecture notes in classe physica, bench II, 1862-63, MS
&c &c o f today. But being the small print hour, the nimble fingers let it slip - which you Murray, 326, ULG, p. 27 (for the small-print hour). Thom sons remarks exemplify the climate o f
will perceive must have been a great bon [boon] to mankind & the Protestant r elig io n discord between such pro-science Cambridge liberal Anglicans as Charles Kingsley (who saw in
Baconian ideology the advancement o f Britains prosperity under God) and anti-science Oxford
in particular.*^
Tractarians such as Cardinal Newm an (who looked increasingly to the ancient Church o f Rome for
escape from materialism in all its forms). See W.E. Houghton, The Victorianframe of mind, 1830-1870
PL, 1, 448. SPT, 1, 405-6, describes Thom sons involvement in the Volunteer Rifle Corps (N ew Haven and London, 1957), esp. pp. 43-4; Jack Morrell and Arnold Thackray, Gentlemen of
movement from 1859. Rankine and Thomson both held the rank o f captain. science: early years o f the British Association for the Advancement of Science (Oxford, 1981), pp. 22945.
William Thomson, Expenditure o f work and generation o f kinetic energy thereby (19th William Thomson, in Murray, op. cit. (note 18), p. 89. See pp. 1659 for the absolute unit o f
November, [1862]), PA146B, ULC. energy applied to bullets.
358 The transformation of classical physics T & T ' or Treatise on natural philosophy 359

temperature in the 1840s (chs. 7-9). A latter-day Watt, in the person of [January 1862] I have received two very strange fragments from you lately (one
Thomsons brother James, stood too behind the reinterpretation of dynamics today). I suppose the latter was written by you on an envelope addressed to some third
that the Treatise was to offer. Those two connections should remind us at the party . . . and by him returned.
outset that practical engineering always involved economic considerations, and [March, 1863] What in the name o f goodness are you doing with the proof sheets?
that wherever the steam-engine entered Thomsons thinking, there also the Gray [the printer] is growling, and I am getting bewildered lest some o f the scraps you are
concept o f work as labour value entered. Here he reminded his general class that always sending should go astray till the last moment and then turn a sheet upside down
work was labouring force and that when Watt had so far perfected the Steam when imprimatur is just about to be thankfully given. Another bother is that for the next
Engine as to be prepared to recommend its use for raising weights from Mines two or three days I shall be very busy - but I must do double duty I suppose.
&c he invented the units o f horsepower as a comparative measure o f its S en d t h e pr o o fs back t h e se c o n d d a y after receipt at latest .

effectiveness on a safe commercial principle.^ Thomsons national and econ G olden R ule.

omic concerns with the measure of work thus went hand in hand as concerns [May, 1864] Do look alive with my M.SS. It should have been all in type this week. I
with the wealth of the nation. They were in fact concerns with political fear that you have not gone, after all, to the Cavendish Hotel - the name o f which is so
economy. ominous o f all that you pretend to detest [elitism]. This, o f course, in such a case w ont
We have identified three preoccupations of T & T ' which characterize the find you either - so that I am at a dead lock; and must wait till you send some other
style of mathematical physics they pursued: energy, continuum theory, and indication.
practicality. The style of the book, however, requires a further comment. It was Your recent comments on the Attr". o f an Ellipsoid are monstrous - as you had the
written under the loosest of relationships between the two authors and with the M.SS. in your hands for a week, and 1 made all the alterations you indicated THEN . . .
Send me my M.SS. & then go & see McMillan & account to him for deficits &
printer. Tait was to do the actual drafting of the final manuscript, working from
extensions &c &c and promise him on your part (and then you need have no fears about
notebooks posted back and forth between Glasgow and Edinburgh, in which
adding mine) that Vol. I will be ready in the end ofjuly. The small Vol. Xt UST appear in
each author entered additions and corrections to the others rough sketches of
the end o f October, else we shall have to republish the L.M.^^
assigned portions. The scheme worked well enough in the beginning, but as
neither o f them paid particular attention to order it soon went awry. T ait wrote While nurturing their final product, T & T' published a Sketch of elementary
in March, 1862, I couldnt find your note-book till this morning . . . It is a dynamics (the L.M. above), with the notice that The Authors give in this
facsimile o f my wifes House-Keeping Expense Book so that on tossing over the Pamphlet a rough sketch of the fundamental notions of Dynamics, for the use of
piles on my table I never thought of looking into it. Accident opened it this their Classes in the Session 1863-64. It provided a cursory discussion of
morning, else you might have wanted it for weeks.^^ Kinematics and Dynamical Laws and Principles, which would largely consti
To Tait, nevertheless, must go the credit for publication. Thomson had no tute Division I of the Treatise. A somewhat more elaborate publication of a
concept whatsoever of schedules or deadlines. In addition, he seemed always to portion of Thomsons Glasgow lectures on statics, entitled Elements of dynamics,
be either travelling to various spas on the continent with his very ill wife, supplemented the Sketch as an interim textbook (for Thomson at least) and
making plans for the Atlantic telegraph, designing electrical instruments, run provided the starting point for Division II of the Treatise. By 1864, however,
ning his Glasgow laboratory, or participating in geological controversies. He they recognized that the great book itself would never do as a textbook and
failed to respond to Taits letters, sent bits and pieces of analysis, and failed to therefore planned to publish separately a small Vol. (referred to above) consist
return proofs. Sometimes he rewrote entire sections on the proof sheets, adding ing mainly of the large print of the Treatise. Thus originated the Elements oj
more than the originals contained. This extemporaneous aspect contributed to natural philosophy, replacing the earlier Sketch and Elements.^^
the lack of focus that Larmor noted. The interminable delays also produced an In discussing the relation of these elementary works to the Treatise, C.G.
explosion of costs, which thoroughly undermined the original intention of Knott claimed that the Sketch was almost entirely the work of Tait, because he
producing a cheap book for student use. The following excerpts from Taits
missals arc typical: P.G. Tait to William Thomson, 15th January, 1862, T6G, ULC'; 17th March, 1863, T.37,
ULG; 13th May, 1864, T6W , ULC.
Ibid., p. 123; see also pp. 113-15 (for Watt). Generally, see M .N . Wise (with the collaboration William Thomson and P.G. Tait, Sketch of elementary dynamics (Edinburgh, 1863); Elements of
o f Crosbie Smith), Work and waste: political economy and natural philosophy in 19th century dynamics (edited by John Ferguson from notes o f lectures by William Thomson) (Glasgow, 1863);
iSritain, Hist. Sci. (forthcoming). William Thomson and P.G. Tait, Elements of natural philosophy (Oxford, 1873), hereafter Elements'
P.G. Tait to William Thomson, 27th March, 1862, T14, ULG. (available to their students already in 1867 but consisting only o f the large print o f Division I).
360 The transformation o f classical physics T & T ' or Treatise on natural philosophy 361

wrote the manuscript. And, since the Sketch contains many of the central ideas of of motion, developed as pure geometry. They required conservation of the
the larger work, Knott regarded Tait as their author. Subsequent writers have quantity and direction of inertial motion of individual bodies and conservation
sometimes followed his lead.^"^ Since archival materials suggest more nearly the of the total quantity of motion of two or more bodies during im p a c t.B u t the
opposite conclusion, we shall not discuss Taits perspective in any detail. With cartesian sense of the geometry of motion, as compared with Thomsons usage,
respect to both kinematics and dynamics, Thomson had been teaching many of confused kinematics and dynamics, for it conflated motion with the causes of
the leading ideas of the Treatise since the late 1840s. O f particular significance motion, geometry with inertia and force, and the necessary with the contingent.
here is the relation of force and energy. Tait presented his ideas on the subject in Meiklchams lectures at Glasgow when Thomson was a student exemplify the
his inaugural lecture at Edinburgh in 1860, giving no hint of the viewpoint of T distinctions that he sought to protect. Defining natural philosophy as the science
& T . Instead he followed Helmholtzs rendering of the conservation doctrine, of the pressure or motion of bodies, the science of the forces by which press. &
based on point atoms and central forces, the basis that Thomson aimed to motion are produced, Meikleham remarked: Everyone has had ideas of
supersede with his ethereal c o n t in u u m . We proceed then to Thomsons views comparison of space passed over in conjunction with time . .. Motion [is] purely
on kinematics and dynamics and their representation in the Treatise. geometrical. Hence the connection between mathematics and natural philos
ophy. The amount of the force [is] measured by motion. But he continued,
Motion [of bodies is] discovered by trial and this is the distinction [between
mathematics and natural philosophy]. The foundation of mathematical science
We adopt the suggestion of Ampere, said T & T', and use the term Kinematics is our own ideas, of Nat. Phil, it is experiment.^* Like Meikleham, Thomson
for the purely geometrical science of motion in the abstract, independent o f its insisted on distinguishing a priori reasoning from true natural philosophy: or
causes. From his earliest lectures at Glasgow, Thomson had introduced the metaphysics from physics, Descartes from Newton, and his own view of
divisions of natural philosophy with such remarks as, Mere motion does not inductive science from that of William Whewell.
belong to dynamics. The name given to this by the French is Cinematics from To see the special role kinematics played in Thomsons anti-metaphysical
KLV7]iia, the science of mere motion without reference to force. For instance in natural philosophy, it is helpful to delimit his kinematics as a uniquely acceptable
the steam engine, given the height of the piston and the whole stroke, to tell how form of metaphysics standing between two other forms which he rejected, the
far the flywheel will have turned round. Thus Cinematics may be wrought by pure one simply false, the other misdirected. Taking metaphysics in general to
g e o m e tr y .Two concerns appear here in immediate interrelation: motion as connote the endeavour to establish universal truths from reasoning upon ones
pure geometry and motion as the geometry of machines. Importantly, in own ideas, the empirically minded Thomson recognized only one true meta
Thomsons conception the two subjects were one; he did not differentiate them physics, namely pure mathematics. Misdirected metaphysics was the pursuit of
as theory and application but unified them as theory and practice. mathematics for its own sake, or as abstract symbolic algebra (ch. 6). It was
The idea of studying motion as pure geometry originated long before the misdirected because it lacked utility, and thus wasted mental powers, but not
nineteenth century. Descartes entire theory of nature, for example, is today because it gave false results. False metaphysics was speculative metaphysics, the
often labelled kinematical because it was supposed to derive from necessary laws pretension to establishing a priori truths about the external world. For Thomson,
Hegels Naturphilosophie epitomized its ill effects. S.P. Thompson tells of his
Knott, Life of Tait, p. 199. reading aloud to his class the attack of the arrant impostor on Newtonian
P.G. Tait, The position and prospects of physical science: a public inaugural lecture (Edinburgh,
1860), esp. pp. 29, 32. Compare his post-Treatise lecture at the Glasgow meeting o f the British
mechanics, and exclaiming: If, gentlemen, these be his physics, think what his
Association on Force, Nature, 14 (1876), 459-63; Scientific papers (2 vols., Cambridge, 1898), 1, pp. metaphysics must be!^^
256-69. A more immediate challenge from the speculative camp came from the
William Thomson and P.G. Tait, Treatise on natural philosophy (Oxford, 1867), p. vi; William
Thomson, in William Smith, Notes o f the Glasgow College natural philosophy class taken during
idealistically inclined Whewell. Although Whewell had been among the first in
the 1849-50 session, MS Gen. 142, ULG, p. 3. See also William Thomson, in James Thomson, Britain to introduce the term kinematics for the pure geometry of motion, his
Lecture notes from William Thom sons natural philosophy class, 1847-48, A7, Q U B , p. 1, where
cinematics is the science o f motion o f masses connected in any mechanical way, as toothed wheels,
cranks, connecting rods &c without reference to the agency which produces the m otion. Early in See R.S. Westfall, Force in Newton's physics: the science o f dynamics in the seventeenth century
1862, Thomson and Tait carried on a running war o f words over cinematics versus kinematics. (London and N ew York, 1971), chap. 2, for an account o f Descartes mechanical philosophy.
For example, P.G. Tait to William Thomson, 28th January, 1862, T6K, ULC: Well, be it William Thomson, Notebook o f Natural Philosophy class, 183940, NB9, ULC.
Cinematics; (do you propose to say Sinematics?) I wonder where we got Kine, & Kyloes & Meiklehams lectures (apparently the mathematical part o f the course, assumed by Nichol upon
Kangaroos, besides Kirk and Kirns &c &c - But I cant help looking on Cinematique & Meiklehams illness) begin from the front, while Nichols own lectures (the experimental part) begin
Conductibilite as being equally French and equally erroneous. from the back. ^9 ^ p j, 2, 1123- 4.
362 The transformation of classical physics T & T ' or Treatise on natural philosophy 363

philosophy did not allow the sharp separation between a priori geometry and As the properties of matter mit^ht have been such as to render a totally different
inductive natural philosophy that Thomson demanded. In his On the nature of set of laws axiomatic, these laws must be considered as resting on convictions
the truth of the laws of motion of 1834, as well as in later editions of the drawn from observation and experiment, not on intuitive perception. They
Elementary treatise on mechanics and in the Philosophy of the inductive sciences, regarded themselves as Restorers of Newton, and so aimed to recover the true
Whewell derived the terms of the laws of motion, the form which is Mathematical principles of natural philosophy In this goal lay their uncompro
necessarily true, from metaphysical axioms of causality, referring the reader to mising separation - their Newtonian separation - between the geometry of
his own thoughts for the axiomatic evidence which belongs to them. Only the space and the motion of matter. We do not find in their kinematics, therefore,
meaning of the terms depended on experience. The laws may be considered as a any reference to mass, momentum, or energy. Although modern texts on
formula derived from a priori reasonings, where experience assigns the value of classical mechanics sometimes regard those quantities as kinematical, because
the terms which enter into the formula. The law of inertia, for example, was they obey conservation laws which limit the possible motions of a system
supposed to follow from the axiom that no change can take place without a independently o f the particular forces acting, they were to Thomson and Tait
cause, supplemented by the contingent empirical fact that time alone is not a strictly dynamical, for they involved inertia and the character of force in general.
cause of change of velocity, but onlyforce, defined with reference to space. While If we approach kinematics from the side of merely misdirected rather than
anxious to insist, on the basis of this empirical element, that the law o f inertia had false metaphysics, we recognize another essential characteristic of the Treatise.
resulted from a long and difficult inductive process, Whewell stressed that the Thomson had long insisted that mathematical description should represent
law depended on the fundamental ideas of cause, space, and time, which directly observable relations or processes. As he once remarked, mathematics is
organize our experience and are prior to it.-^ Like inertia, the other laws of merely the etherealization of common sense, meaning that it represents what
motion also depended on antecedent metaphysical principles. we see, hear, and otherwise perceive in everyday life, from the rise and fall of
Avoiding such an infection of natural philosophy by false metaphysics, cotton prices on the Liverpool market to the complex sounds of a combined
Thomson placed inertia strictly in the inductive domain of dynamics, isolated orchestra and c h o r u s .T h is view he shared fully with Tait and also with
from kinematics. Kinematics, he emphatically stated in his 1862 introductory Maxwell, but his compatriots possessed a taste for speculation on the relation
lecture, has nothing to do with Inertia. As a branch of pure mathematics, between the laws of mind and the laws of matter that Thomson found
kinematics was a part of [true] metaphysics. Dynamics, by contrast, was a objectionable, for they believed that mathematical forms could serve as power
Science of Observation, conveniently called Mixed Mathematics - it is math ful extensions to physical theory, while he demanded that extension from
ematics applied to the calculation of certain [empirical] properties of matter, physical systems through mathematical symbolism should proceed not one step
among them inertia. Thomsons words echo those of his Glasgow professor J.P. further than physical intuition could reach. Taits favourite mathematical
Nichol who regarded the laws of motion as general facts. O f the law of inertia subject, quaternions, went one step too far for Thomson (ch. 6).
Nichol had asserted, this law is not deduced from metaphysics, but from Tait had already published several papers on quaternions before the collabo
extensive observation.^* ration began. He wrote to Thomson early in January, 1862, that he was
In their Treatise T & T' also took pains to counter such views as those of grinding hard at a more popular treatment to make it easily intelligible. He
Whewell. Introducing Newtons laws as Axiomata, they reminded their readers; naturally expected that the subject would find a significant place in their
William W hewell, On the nature o f the truth o f the laws o f m otion, Trans. Cam. Phil. Soc., 5 Treatise, pp. 178, vi. The strong statement against intuition emerged from a negotiation
(1835), 149^72 on pp. 166, 172, 153^5; appended as Essay I to his The philosophy o f the inductive between Thomson and Tait. While writing the original section on laws o f motion, Thomson had
sciences, founded upon their history, 2nd edn. (2 vols., London, 1847), 2, pp. 573-94. A copy o f been immediately concerned with the conventional aspects o f inertia and force, particularly with the
W hewells paper exists among the bound pamphlets originally in the possession o f William conventionality o f equal units o f time and o f rest, which made the laws unprovablc, although they
Thomson and now in ULG. See also W hewell, An elementary treatise on mechanics: designedfor the use were empirically adequate. By adopting other conventions, contradictory laws would emerge. He
of students in the university (5th edn., Cambridge, 1836), pp. 138-9, 160-1; Philosophy, 1, book 3, therefore regarded the laws as self-evident results o f experience once the conventions had been
chaps. 4,7, quotation on p. 177; c f his critiques, On the principles o f dynamics, particularly as stated adopted. Alas alas, he concluded, Behind all is the convention what is force . It too is merely
by French writers, Edinhuri^h J. Sci., 8 (1828), 27-38, and Observations on some passages o f relative; but in our Ed perhaps we had better prop up the tottering & doomed systems which
Dr. Lardners Treatise on Mechanics, Edinburj^h J. Sci., [new series] 3 (1830), 148-55. For a make it absolute. Tait apparently agreed, for he wished to stress the empirical foundation ofthe laws
sympathetic reading o f W hewells view o f induction and for the interpretation o f his laws o f motion and to downplay their conventionality. See the series o f notes in Thom sons draft, recasting
given here see Menachem Fisch, Necessary and contingent truth in William W hewells antithetical N ew tons second chapter, Axiomata sive Leges Motus, NB47, ULC, which Tait received on 16th
theory o f knowledge, Stud. Hist. Phil. Sci., 16 (1985), 27.5-314, esp. pp. 294-8. We thank Fisch for January, 1862, according to letter T6H, ULC. Compare Treatise, pp. 178 80, which follows closely,
helpful discussion and references. often verbatim, the original draft.
*' William Thomson, 4th and 5th November, 1862, in Murray, op. cit. (note 18), pp. 7, 9. William Thomson, The six gateways o f knowledge (3rd October, 1883), PL, 1, 25.V 99, on
William Thomson, 5th November [1839], NB9, ULC (from the back). p. 273.
364 The transformation o f classical physics T & T ' or Treatise on natural philosophy 365

kinematics as the basis for treating displacement, velocity, and acceleration as pointed out that every displacement is a vector, and taken the opportunity of
vectors, and that it would be useful in the small print throughout the volume. explaining the addition of vectors as a process, which applied primarily to
After receiving a letter later in the month from Sir William Rowan Hamilton displacements, is equally applicable to velocities, or the rates of change of
himself (inventor of quaternion analysis) asking, whether I would think it a velocities [i.e. to the whole of kinematics].^
bore if he would arrange his ideas on Quaternion Differentials by writing me a If Thomson and Tait differed on how far mathematical form could extend
scries of long letters on the subject, Tait became increasingly committed to it.^'^ physical understanding, their disagreement only enhanced their common goal
He wrote to Thomson in March, 1863, for example, of a quaternion transform of making mathematical forms express physical forms. Kinematics, the geome
ation which is really of the greatest value (as witness all your. Maxwells, try of their subject, would describe lines, surfaces, and solids not as given objects
Neumanns, etc., attempts at potential function expressions for distributions of but as processes by which lines, surfaces, and solids were generated. In reviewing
magnetism, electricity, static or kinetic, etc., etc.). Setting down a one line the second edition of T & T', Maxwell remarked: The guiding idea . .. which,
quaternion relation, he exclaimed, it contains all about potential and will go though it has long exerted its influence on the best geometers, is now for the first
into the Book in splendid style. One month later he wrote: I find that in your time boldly and explicitly put forward, is that geometry itself is a part of the
Mechanical Representation o f Electric etc. Forces you need never have taken science of motion, and that it treats, not of the relations between figures already
the rotations of the solid - you can always get displacement suiting any of the forms existing in space, but of the process by which these figures are generated by the
of force, and they are in fact simpler than yours as given in the Mathe. Journal. I motion of a point or a line.^^ We have noted previously the importance of
will send you a proof to-morrow so that you may advise on it before it goes to kinematics in the emergence o f the Cambridge style of mathematical physics
press. He now expected that quaternions, along with Thomsons spherical (ch. 6). A more extended survey o f the heritage of kinematics will further
harmonics, would go into the Treatise as an appendix. illuminate the new style by displaying its deep interrelation with practical
Thomsons response can be surmised. By 1863 no single aspect of the mechanics.
underlying dynamics of the ether seemed more certain to him than that its In calling originally (1834) for a separate science of motion, considered
rotations constituted magnetism. He had won that result through long and hard independently of force. Ampere had borrowed his idea from French engineers
physical-mathematical reasoning (ch. 12). No set of symbolic abstractions, such as Lazare Carnot writing on 'le mouvement considere geomkriquement' and
however seductive, could shake either his physical intuition or his belief that Lanz and Betancourt whose Essai sur la composition des machines was adopted for
symbolic reduction destroyed physical insight. Tait had apparently fallen prey the Ecole polytechnique in 1808. In fact, Gaspard Monge had already in 1794 called
to the evils of symbolism, for in its published form his paper simply gave for two months of study in the first year at Polytechnique devoted to the elements
Thomsons own analysis in quaternion notation,-including the rotational form of machines: By these elements are to be understood the means by which the
for m ag n etism .W riting much later of their collaboration, Thomson recalled: directions of motion are changed. Thus Ampere required a new definition of a
W c h a d a t h ir ty - e ig h t y e a r s w a r o v e r q u a te r n io n s. H e had b e e n c a p tiv a te d b y th e
machine; rather than an instrument by the aid of which one may change the
o r ig in a lity an d e x tr a o r d in a r y b e a u ty o f H a m ilt o n s g e n iu s in th is resp ect; a n d had
direction and the intensity of a given force' it should be an instrument by the aid
a c c e p te d , I b e lie v e , d e fin ite ly fr o m H a m ilto n to tak e c h a r g e o f th e m a fter his d e a th , of which one may change the direction and the velocity of a given motion . With
w h ic h h e has m o st lo y a lly e x e c u te d . T im e s w it h o u t n u m b e r I o ffe r e d to let q u a te r n io n s respect to machines, then, one would study the modes of interconnection of
in to T h o m s o n a n d T a it i f h e c o u ld o n ly s h o w th a t in a n y case o u r w o r k w o u ld b e h e lp e d parts and the motions they allowed. He generalized to any material system:
b y th eir u se. Y o u w ill see that fr o m b e g in n in g to e n d t h e y w e r e n e v e r in tr o d u c e d . kinematics must above all concern itself with the ratios which exist between the
velocities of the different points of a machine, and in general, of any system of
Unfortunately, one may remark, in agreement with Maxwell who regretted in
material points, for all the motions of which this machine or this system is
his review o f Thomsons and Taits Elements of natural philosophy (1873) that the
capable; in a word with the determination of what one calls virtual velocities'. The
authors, one of whom at least is an ardent disciple of Hamilton, have not at once
study of possible motions, independent of forces, would prepare the student for
P.G. Tait to William Thomson, op. at. (note 26); 11th January, 1862, T6F, ULC.
P.G. Tait to William Thomson, 30th March and 24th April, 1863, in Knott, Life o f Tait, pp.
182 -3. On 28th July, 1863, T42, ULG, Tait planned to send the appendix on quarternions within a J.C. Maxwell, Nature, 7 (1873), 399^100; The scientific papers of James Clerk Maxwell, W .D.
week. Niven (ed.) (2 vols., Cambridge, 1890), 2, pp. 3248, on p. 327.
P.G. Tait, N ote on a quaternion transformation, Proc. Royal Soc. Edinburgh, 5 (1863), 115-19; J.C. Maxwell, Nature, 20 (1879), 213-6; Scientific papers, 2, pp. 776-85, on p. 777. For the
Scientific papers, 1, 436. mathematical context in which M axwells remarks should be seen, see J.L. Richards, Projective
William Thomson to George Chrystal, 13th July, 1901, in SPT, 1, 452 3; Knott, Life o f Tait, geometry and mathematical progress in mid-Victorian Britain, Stud. Hist. Phil. Sci., 17 (1986), 297-
p. 185. 325.
366 The transformation of classical physics T & T ' or Treatise on natural philosophy 367

the principle of virtual velocities as the foundation of statics, the study of forces and geometrical treatment. Where Duhamel gave analytic geometry and no
in equilibrium, or of force independent of motion. diagrams, Delaunay gave diagrams on nearly every page and very little differen
Amperes suggestions for the general science of motion gradually found tial calculus. He concerned himself especially with how various motions might
expression in textbooks on theoretical mechanics at the Ecole polytechnique, be envisaged and with their resulting geometrical description.'^^ Thus Delaunay
though in limited form. ThusJ.M.C. Duhamel in 1845, in a book o f 700 pages, developed cinematique more nearly in the way Ampere had envisaged, as a study
included twenty-six pages of preliminary material: the projection of lines on founded on the motions of machines, but even he did not generalize the subject
coordinate axes, change of coordinates, rigid body rotations, and combined as a science of mechanism.
translational and rotational motion. He expanded this section in 1853 into a short For machines. Ampere found his expositor not among his countrymen but in
second book, not explicitly labelled kinematics, but described as movement Robert Willis. Williss book on Principles of mechanism, designed for the use of
considered independently of its causes and inserted between Statics and students in the universities, andfor engineering students generally, was very probably
Dynamics. Finally, in the third edition of 1862 (coincident with Thomson and the source of both Thomsons and Taits first acquaintance with kinematics as a
Taits beginnings), he moved the section to the front as an eighty-six page developed subject.'*'^ Tait attended Williss course at Cambridge in 1849.
introduction to the entire subject of Mecanique. Here it began with linear Thomson was also on familiar terms with Willis, but no evidence exists that he
velocities and accelerations, their compositions and transformations, and went attended Williss lectures. No doubt Hopkinss friendship with Willis helps to
on to a much expanded analytic treatment of rigid-body motion, including such explain the rapid dissemination of his views among Cambridge graduates in the
topics as the instantaneous axis of rotation of a body moving arbitrarily.'^^ These 1840s and 1850$.'*^ Maxwell, for example, wrote to Thomson from Marischal
arc problems typical of what Cambridge mathematicians such as Cayley, Ellis, College, Aberdeen, on 30th January, 1859, This year I introduced practical
and Thomson had called kinematics in the 1840s. Indeed, Thomson had been kinetics [read kinematics] in the form of toothed wheels, cranks, Hookes joint
referring his students to Duhamels text since his earliest lectures, perhaps having &c., which we studied with respect to their motion only, bringing in the forces in
become acquainted with it in Paris in 1845. But Duhamel lacked the emphasis on a different set of lectures. I devoted a little time to more theoretical matters such
machines that Ampere had given to cinematique and that Thomson always as the motion of the nail of a wheel tracing a cycloid, an ellipse traced by
associated with it. Thomson defined cinematics in 1847 as the science of epicycloidal motion &c.^^
motion of masses connected in any mechanical way, as toothed wheels, cranks, Willis had set as his object to form a system that would embrace all the
connecting rods &c [without reference to the agency which produces the elementary combinations of mechanism and at the same time admit of a
motion, added\\^^ mathematical investigation of the laws by which their modifications of motion
A second French text, by C.E. Delaunay, also went into its third edition in are governed. Focussing his theory on the 'relations of motion between two
1862, advertising that it contained all the theoretical material for the course on pieces, he gave a complete taxonomy of mechanical connections.'^'^ The
mechanics and machines at the Ecole poly technique. It too began with an introduc importance of Williss theory of mechanism for the kinematics of T & T',
tory book on the geometry of motion (ninety-nine pages), explicitly labelled however, lay not so much in the theory of mechanical connections perse (which
'cinematique', and covering much the same material as Duhamel. Delaunay, they called either constraints or kinematical conditions) as in the general idea of
however, reflecting his interest in machines, presented a much more descriptive
C.E. Delaunay, Traite de mkanique rationelle, 1st edn. (Paris, 1856); 2nd edn. (Paris, 1857); 3rd
edn. (Paris, 1862). See also his Cours elementaire de mkanique theorique et appliquk, 4th edn. (Paris,
Andre-Marie Ampere, Essai sur la philosophie des sciences, ou exposition analytique dune 1857), which treats machines entirely but does not take up kinematics as such. Thomson refers to
classification naturelle de toutes les connaissances humaines (Paris, 1834), pp. 50-3. For the mathematical various papers o f Delaunay in his notebooks (e.g.,6th November, 1844, NB33, ULC, p. 102) but not
context in France see L.J. Daston, T h e physicalist tradition in early nineteenth century French to the textbooks, although it seems very likely he was familiar with them.
geometry , Stud. Hist. Phil. Sci., 17 (1986), 269-95, esp. p. 283 (for the new science o f motion). See Chapter 6 above; T.J.N. Hilkcn, Engineering at Cambridge Unioersity, 178d~196S
J.M.C. Duhamel, Cours de mkanique de Ikole polytechnique, 1st edn. (Paris, 1845); 2nd edn. (2 (Cambridge, 1967), pp. 50-7.
vols., Paris, 1853^), on p. iii; 3rd edn. (2 vols., Paris, 1862). These volumes reproduce Duhamels Treatise, 2nd edn. (2 vols., Cambridge, 1879), 1, p. 152n. Robert Willis to William Thomson,
lectures at the Polytechnique and depend heavily on the development o f mechanics, especially the 14th November, 1849, W129, ULC; William Thomson to G.G. Stokes, 19th November, 1849,
theory o f couples, by Louis Poinsot, whose book, T hkrie generale de Iequilibre et du mouvement des K37, Stokes correspondence, ULC. Stokes attended Williss lectures in 1837 and maintained contact
sySterne, Thomson had apparently purchased in 1840. See the books and prices listed at the rear of with him. See PA25 and PA26 m the Stokes Papers, ULC, as well as Stokess correspondence with
Thomsons notes from N ichols natural philosophy class (beginning with 21st January, 1840), Willis. For Hopkins and Willis sec William Hopkins to William Fairbairn, 25th April, 1851, in
NBIO, ULC. William Pole (ed.). The Life of Sir William Fairbairn, Bart. (London, 1877), p. 29().
William Thomson, in James Thomson, N otes, on pp. 1,3.5. William Thomson, in William J.C. Maxwell to William Thomson, 30th January, 1858, M il, ULG.
Jack, Notes o f the Glasgow College natural philosophy class taken during the 1852-53 session, MS Robert Willis, Principles of mechanism, designed for the use of students in the universities, and for
Gen. 130, ULG, lecture 2. engineering students generally (London, 1841), pp. xii-xiv.
368 The transformation o f classical physics T & T ' or Treatise on natural philosophy 369

treating geometry mechanically. As Willis pointed out, kinematics in his sense thorough initiation into the idiosyncratic kinematics of Thomson and Tait. He
would include the description of all the mechanical curves, as epicycloids and would then have encountered more traditional discussions of velocity and
conchoids [Maxwells more theoretical matters] . .. a great mass of matter that acceleration, their resolution and composition, and expression in relative co
has hitherto been classed with geometry.'^ The kinematics of the Treatise ordinates, albeit not without meeting such unusual topics as the Hodograph of
consisted of geometry as produced by free and constrained mechanical motions. Hamilton (the path of a point in velocity space) and Curves of Pursuit,
From this perspective we can understand why, on page four, the unsuspecting produced by the old rule of steering a privateer always directly for the vessel
reader encounters, not an elementary discussion of the resolution of velocity into pursued.^ Both topics reminded the reader that curves were produced by
cartesian components, but an unfamiliar term for a complex subject, the motions and that the character of a curve could be expressed in terms of the
tortuosity of curves. The topic extended to three dimensions an already process, or strategy, for producing it.
sophisticated analytic treatment on page three of curvature in a plane. Ordi Succeeding sections signalled that Thomson and Tait were writing a treatise
narily, three-dimensional curves were labelled curves of double curvature, to on dynamical theory as the presently realizable foundation of all natural
indicate that the curvature could be described by projections on two perpen philosophy, and not, as in previous texts, on a branch called mechanics bearing
dicular planes. The term curve of double curvature , scoffed Thomson and little relation to the other branches. They aimed at a thorough dynamical theory
Tait, is a very bad one ... The fact is, that there are not two curvatures, but only of heat, light, electricity, magnetism, and electrodynamics. Kinematics was to
a curvature . . . o f which the plane is continuously changing, or twisting, round include the mathematical techniques basic to those motions as well as to the
the tangent line; thus exhibiting a torsion. The course of such a curve is, in standard mechanical ones. For Thomson, especially, that requirement pointed
common language, well called tortuous ; and the measure o f the correspond to Fouriers theorem of harmonic analysis, on which he contributed a twenty
ing property is conveniently called Tortuosity'. In their Elements they substituted page development.
an illustration for two small-print pages o f analytic geometry in the Treatise: Beginning with the idea o f a point moving uniformly in a circle, and defining
The simplest illustration of a tortuous curve is the thread o f a screw. simple harmonic motion as the projection of its motion on any diameter, he
Since a screw is also one of the simple machines, it is clear that the student illustrated the definition with circular planetary motion and with those com
should already have learned two lessons: mechanism was the place to begin mon kinds of mechanisms, for producing rectilineal from circular motion, or
learning the geometry of motion; and an appropriate (i.c. physical) choice of vice versa, in which a crank moving in a circle works in a straight slot belonging
descriptive parameters in the simple case would yield, via analysis, deep insight to a body which can only move in a straight line. He proceeded with gradually
and a powerful grasp of complex cases. The problem of cords presents a increasing complexity through compositions of simple harmonic motions in a
particularly significant example. Moving quickly through the total curvature line - with different amplitudes, phases, and periods - to similar compositions in
and tortuosity of such figures as the epicycloid, T & T ' remarked: The use of a two dimensions, supplying graphical illustrations and the promise of describing
cord in mechanism presents us with many practical applications of this theory ... afterwards mechanical methods of obtaining such combinations. Finally,
We shall say nothing here about such cases as knots, knitting, weaving, etc., as referring to its importance as an indispensable instrument in the treatment of
being excessively difficult in their general development, and too simple in the nearly every recondite question in modern physics, from rotation of the plane
ordinary case to require explanation. One might suppose that this statement of polarized light by crystals and magnetic fields to the propagation of telegraph
referred transparently to the mechanisms for handling threads employed in signals and the conduction of heat by the earths crust, Thomson gave the
Walter C rum s Thornliebank textile mills. Partly it did; but at a deeper level it general Fourier theorem: A complex harmonic function, with a constant term
referred to the passion the two authors had developed for complex vortex added, is the proper expression, in mathematical language, for any arbitrary
filaments in a continuous fluid, the famous vortex atoms. This underlying periodic function; and consequently can express any function whatever between
meaning, while inaccessible to uninitiated readers, certainly enlivened the book definite values of the variable.^
for Thomsons and Taits own students. In the second edition they enlightened We emphasize the evaluation 'proper' because its use here captures the tone of
their larger audience slightly by adding: we intend to return to the subject, the entire kinematics. It signifies Thomsons lifelong attachment to Fouriers
under vortex-motion in Hydrokinetics. mathematical style and methods. Fourier showed how to reduce the most
Having reached page ten, the attentive reader would already have acquired a arbitrarily complex of periodic functions to a scries of terms which any thinking
Treatise, pp. 24 8, on p. 27. Dr Thomson had discussed the curve o f pursuit in his Introduction to
'** Ibid., p. xii. Treatise, pp. 3-4; Elements, p. 3. the differential and integral calculus (Belfast, 1831), pp. 159-61,
Treatise, p. 9; 2nd edn., pp. 1, 10. Treatise, pp. 35-56, on pp. 37, 47, .50, 51. Our emphasis.
370 The transformation o f classical physics T & T ' or Treatise on natural philosophy 371

person could easily visualize; that is, which anyone could reproduce for himself,
either mentally or graphically, but especially mechanically. He thereby made
many of the most recondite problems of physics not only simple but, in present-
day terminology, computable, mechanically calculable and thereby practically
meaningful. Thomson placed great store in just this sense of proper analysis, for
example in his evaluation of Archibald Smiths application o f Fouriers grand
and fertile theory to the problem of ships magnetism and its effect on the
compass, a problem that had defeated both Poisson and the Astronomer Royal,
G.B. Airy (ch. 22). To facilitate the practical working out of this analysis,
Thomson remarked, he gave . . . tabular forms and simple practical rules for
performing the requisite arithmetical operations. As a result, the compass
deviations o f every ship in Her Majestys Navy, in whatever part of the world
were subjected once a year to harmonic analysis, which had undoubtedly done
more than anything else to promote the usefulness of the compass, and to render
its use safe throughout the British Navy. Not least of Smiths accomplishments,
in Thomsons view, was his invention of the dygogram, a mode of represent
ing important Fourier components in the resultant o f the earths and the ships
magnetic force for all orientations of the ship, a representation which could be
produced practically by a simple form of epicycle and deferent mechanism, or
by one circle rolling on another.
The grounding of Thomsons thinking about kinematics in general, and
Fourier analysis in particular, in the practical theory of mechanism is illustrated Fiirure 11.1. Thom sons most sophisticated tide predictor superposed fifteen simple
most clearly in his work on a calculating machine for predicting the tides, which harmonic motions, each produced by a gearing mechanism attached to the main
shaft and each driving a tidal shaft with an attached pulley, which affects the length
he appended to the second edition of the Treatise. As the prime mover behind the
o f the continuous wire running over and under the whole series of pulleys. The
Committee of the British Association appointed for the purpose of promoting weight at the left, which rises and falls as the tide would, is replaced by an ink bottle
the extension, improvement, and harmonic analysis of tidal observations, and pen to record the predictions.
meeting from 1867 to 1876, he designed a kinematic machine for predicting
not merely the times and heights of high water, but the depths of water at any Other kincmatical subjects that naturally found extensive development in the
and every instant, showing them by a continuous curve, for a year, or for any Treatise were those that had originally occupied Thomson and Stokes in the
number of years in advance. The machine (figure 11.1) superposed numerous 1840s, especially the continuity equation and the description of strain in solids
harmonic components of tidal motion, from the mean lunar semi-diurnal to and fluids. They would figure prominently in any formulation of the laws of
the luni-solar quarter-diurnal, shallow water tide. Its use depended on a electricity, magnetism, heat, and light, for they described the macroscopic
separate harmonic analyzer for determining the amplitudes of these various motions of the ether. Thomson now added an extensive development of
components from an actual plot of the tidal variations for any particular port, as Laplaces coefficients, renamed spherical harmonics, which he had come to
registered by a tide gauge. Thomson had based the harmonic analyzer on a new sec as nearly as beautiful in their symmetry and visualizability as Fourier series,
kinematic principle, the so-called disc-globe-and-cylinder integrator, discov requiring for their full appreciation only a more intuitive presentation than
ered by his brother. James Thomsons integrator provided the starting point as Laplace had originally given them. For problems exhibiting spherical symme
well for Williams designs of other continuous calculating machines (analogue try, the spherical harmonics provided the natural and proper solution of the
computers) for solving simultaneous linear equations and integrating differen restricted continuity equation for inverse square forces and steady-state fluxes
tial equations. He included the entire series in the new appendix to the Treatise.^* (Laplaces equation),
William Thomson, Obituary notice: Archibald Smith, and the magnetism o f ships, Proc. divergence F = divergence (-gradient V) = i).
Royal Soc., 22 (1874), i-xxiv; MPP, 6, 306 34, on p. 313.
MPP, 6, 272-305, figure between p. 304 and 305. The reports of the BAAS committee appeared in
Treatise, 2nd edn., 1, pp. 479-508, on pp. 483, 479, 481,488. See also William Thomson, The
tide gauge, tidal harmonic analyser, and tide predicter, Proc. Inst. Ciuil Eni^., 65 (1881), 2 31,58-64; the annual volumes o f 1868, 1870, 1871, 1872, 1876 and 1878,
372 The transformation o f classical physics T & T ' or Treatise on natural philosophy 373

They gave power-series solutions in the radius r from the centre of symmetry, (I) inertia;
with coefficients varying harmonically in the angle variables for any sphere (II) F^ = m ^ (moving force = mass x accelerating force);
about the centre. Thus they behaved in their angular dependence much like (III) action = reaction (for moving forces and attendant changes of momenta).
Fourier series. Among the classic texts preceding T & T', Lagranges Mecanique analytique held
It is Thomsons attitude to the mathematical problem, however, that is of first place. In it no list of laws quite like the above appeared. Lagrange gave a
particular interest. Noting that an absolutely general analytical investigation of historical summary of various pieces of fundamental doctrine, contributed by
the equation could probably be found, he nevertheless asserted that with us the authors from Galileo to himself, without attempting to distil the minimum
only value or interest which any such investigation can have, depends on the number of axioms. For comparison with the Newtonian scheme, Lagranges
availability of its results for solutions fulfilling the conditions at bounding historical presentation of dynamical principles may be summarized as consisting
surfaces presented by physical p r o b le m s. Even in the most esoteric aspects of of three parts:
kinematics, then, the practical and the physical exercised their hegemony over
(I) inertia (Galileo);
mathematical generality and rigour. Actual mechanical contrivances, whether
(II) (a) composition of velocities follows the parallelogram rule (Galileo);
of nature or art, lurked just behind the mathematical forms as the moving
{b) measure o f accelerating force = acceleration (largely Newton);
systems which realized their geometrical properties.
(c) moving force = mass x acceleration (Newton not mentioned);
(III) (d) dAlemberts principle;
(b) principle of virtual velocities.
The background to dynamics Although (II) involves three steps, it contains only what Newton included in
his second law. The primary divergence appears in (III). Without mentioning
As the pure geometry of motion, kinematics corresponded to the natural history Newtons principle of action and reaction, Lagrange replaced it with
stage of natural philosophy (ch. 5). In the progressive knowledge of nature, dAlemberts more general statement: if one applies to several bodies m, forces
Thomson regularly remarked in his introductory lecture, we classify facts and F, which, acting alone, would produce motions which the bodies cannot in
then we reason upon those facts. These two stages of science are designated by fact take because of their mutual connections and external constraints, then one
the name of Natural History and Natural Philosophy. The transition to natural may regard these fictitious motions as composed of those which the bodies
philosophy required a general theory of the causes of motion, of the operation of actually take (measuring the effective forces f/*) and those which are destroyed
forces on matter. That science had usually been called mechanics, subdivided (measuring forces destroyed, or forces of constraint f^), yielding F, = F,' + f,.
into statics, or forces producing rest, and dynamics, or forces producing motion. The destroyed forces, because they produce no movement, must be in
But what principles constituted the science of mechanics in the mid-nineteenth equilibrium, ^ f7 = 0 . This gives,
century? X ( f; - f; ') = o,
It is all too easy to suppose that mechanics had long-since acquired an implying that the reversed effective forces are always in equilibrium with the
unproblematic foundation in Newtons three laws of motion, and that more impressed forces. This conclusion constitutes dAlemberts principle. Since the
sophisticated formulations, such as the principle of virtual velocities and reversed effective forces are just the reaction forces, the principle generalizes the
dAlemberts principle, were derived from the Newtonian basis. But French law of action and reaction for many-body systems. Replacing the effective
treatises and textbooks typically gave no set of axioms like Newtons. The forces with their measure in terms of motion produced, or mass times
British did give three axioms but usually not Newtons. Finally, the relation acceleration, one obtains,
between statics and dynamics had become problematic in Britain but not in X(FT->,a7) = 0.
France. This chaotic state formed the backdrop for Thomsons and Taits which is the form in which the relation was usually applied. D Alemberts
reinterpretation and reunification of mechanics. Appropriating the term principle, Lagrange showed, offered a direct and general method for resolving,
dynamics for the science of force, whether producing rest or motion, they or at least for putting into equations, all the problems of dynamics that one can
would restore Newtons laws to their proper place. imagine. This method reduces all the laws of motion of bodies to those of their
Newtons laws of motion, stripped of interpretation, may be labelled: equilibrium, and thus brings dynamics back to statics.
Treatise, p. 141. For Thom sons authorship o f the spherical harmonics see P.G. Tait to William Joseph-Louis Lagrange, Mkanique analytique, 4th edn. (2 vols., Paris, 1888-9), 1, pp. 22>l-(>3.
Thomson, 25th March and 27th May, 1863, T39 and T4(), ULG. First published 1788. Ibid., 1, p. 255.
374 The transformation o f classical physics T & T ' or Treatise on natural philosophy 375

The latter subsumption of dynamics under statics constituted Lagranges acquired French wisdom from which most British authors drew for their more
unique contribution to the basic principles of mechanics. He showed that the limited textbooks. Even Poisson, however, did not include the Lagrangian
equations o f motion of any mechanical system followed from inserting equations of motion. He did attempt to clarify the ideas of inertia, accelerating
dAlemberts equilibrium principle into an old principle of statics, generalized force (measured by acceleration), and motive force (measured by mass times
by Jean Bernoulli early in the eighteenth century, called the principle o f virtual acceleration produced), but without extracting laws of motion. In general his
velocities: if any system o f arbitrarily many bodies or points, each acted upon by analysis followed that of Lagrange, treating dAlemberts principle, extended by
any force, is in [static] equilibrium; and if one gives to this system any small virtual velocities, as the principle of dynamics, without attention to action and
movement, as a result of which each point traverses an infinitely small space, reaction.^
called its virtual velocity; the sum of the forces, each multiplied by the space Cambridge authors such as Whewcll, Earnshaw, and Pratt recovered three
which its point of application traverses in the direction of this same force, will Newtonian laws of motion as an axiomatic foundation of dynamics, but
always be equal to zero; regarding as positive the small spaces traversed in the action-reaction was not one of them. They regarded that principle as a deduc
direction of the pressure and as negative the spaces traversed in the opposite tion from the other laws, based on an obvious truth about mutual pressures
sense.Virtual velocities are any motions consistent with the constraints on the (Earnshaw and Pratt) or an a priori truth about causation applied to pressures
system, but differ from actual motions in that they do not involve time and are (Whewell). Their laws, as given by Earnshaw, were:
not caused by the actual forces in the system. They are merely possible changes in
(I) inertia
its configuration. The principle is well illustrated for statics by a balance on
(II) If a particle of matter already in motion be acted on by any external force,
which two weights exerting forces Fj and F2 rest at distances /j and I2 from the
the change of motion is in the direction of the [accelerating] force, and is in
fulcrum. The balance principle, = F2 I2 , may be obtained by requiring that
magnitude the same as if the particle had no previous motion (i.e.
for any small displacement in which one weight would fall by Srj and the other
acceleration = accelerating force);
rise by 8 t2 (their virtual velocities), the sum of the forces multiplied by the virtual
(III) The pressure {measured as in Statics by the weight which it can support) which
velocities is zero, F^Sr^ + F2 ^r2 = 0. For the special case of actual motions dr^ and
produces motion in any body is equal to the product of the mass of the
dt2, which would necessarily be proportional to /j and I2 , respectively, one has,
body into the accelerating force.
P J r - F 2 l2 = 0 .
Generally, for an arbitrary system of forces in static equilibrium, Law (II) asserts that the change of motion which a body experiences is not
ZFT-arT = 0. affected by its existing motion, which allows for composition of inertial motion
Applying the principle of virtual velocities to dAlemberts equilibrium of with acceleration, as in Lagranges (Il.a) and (II.fc). Law (III) corresponds to
action and reaction, Lagrange obtained his most general relation, Newtons Law (II) and to Lagranges (II.c), but with an important difference.
X (^-m ,a7)-S f7 = 0. Newton and Lagrange understood the relation as the fundamental measure of
From this extended principle of virtual velocities the equations of motion of any force, whether the force actually produced motion or only tended to do so. The
system followed, as did several general conservation laws and the theorem of Cambridge authors took their law as a relation between two separate concepts of
least action. For conservative forces (forces derivable from a potential function force, pressure (measured statically by the equivalent weight) and moving force
Vj), and considering actual rather than virtual motions, the principle gave (measured dynamically by mass times acceleration produced). As Earnshaw
immediately the conservation of vis viva, restated Law (III), The pressure which produces motion varies as the moving
2^w,dKy T Y.d{m,vf) = 0. force. The main object of the law, then, was to establish an empirical relation
Lagrange went on to develop his famous Lagrangian formulation of the
S.D. Poisson, A treatise on mechanics, translated by H.H. Harte (2 vols., London and Dublin,
equations of motion in generalized coordinates.^ Not until Thomson and Tait 1842), 1, pp. 170-89 (on forces); 2, pp. 1-8, 317-20 (dAlemberts principle), p. 360 (action-
revived it, however, would the latter scheme receive wide attention in reaction). First published 1811; translation from the second edition o f 1833.
textbooks. Samuel Earnshaw, Dynamics, or a treatise on motion; to which is added a short treatise on attractions,
3rd. edn. (Cambridge, 1844), p. 17 (third law as deduction), pp. 5, 12 (quotations). J.H. Pratt, The
Lagranges Mkanique analytique set the standard for elegance in theoretical mathematical principles of mechanical philosophy and their application to the theory of universal gravitation
mechanics, but Poissons thorough Traite de mkanique served as the storehouse of (Cambridge, 1836), pp. 176-204. W hewell, On the nature o f the truth o f the laws o f motion, pp.
152, 15863. Elementary treatise, pp. viii, 150, and 160-1; also, Philosophy, 1, pp. 17784, 215-44.
Ibid., 1, pp. 21-2. Older Cambridge authors, such as James W ood (Dean o f Ely and Master o f St Johns College),
Ibid., 1, p, 267 (extended virtual velocities), pp. 273-324 (conservation laws), p. 307 {uis viua), employed N ew ton s laws in their original form. Sec The principles of mechanics; designedfor the use of
pp. 3 3 4 -.S (Lagranges equations). students in the University, 8th. edn. (Cambridge, 1830), pp. 16-27.
376 The transformation o f classical physics T & T ' or Treatise on natural philosophy 377

between statics and dynamics, two quite distinct subjects. As a corollary, since kins, in a coaching manuscript copied out by the young Thomson, also separated
the equality of action and reaction was true a priori for pressures, it would hold statical and dynamical measures of force and gave the laws of motion in the
also for moving forces and momenta, yielding the more usual statement of the Cambridge form. In sharp contradistinction to Whewell, however, and like
third law (here from Whewell): In the direct mutual action of bodies, the Earnshaw, he presented a hypothetico-deductive justification of the laws (mak
momentum gained and lost in any time are equal. ing no mention of the a priori content upon which Whewell so adamantly
By contrast, Lagrange regarded pressure and moving force as merely two insisted) and he used the principle of virtual velocities.*^
different words for the same quantity, depending on whether it referred to a The lectures o f Thomsons professors in natural philosophy at Glasgow,
body acting or being acted upon: the product o f the mass and the accelerating Meikleham and Nichol, followed the French texts much more closely than did
force . . . if it is considered as the measure of the effect that the body can exert their Cambridge counterparts. Although Meikleham admitted that much
because of the velocity which it has assumed or which it tends to assume, assistance may be obtained from Whewells mech. & dynam., he left no
constitutes what is cnWed pressure-, but if it is regarded as a measure of the force or question as to his sympathies when he issued the blanket endorsement, Newton,
power necessary to impart this same velocity, it is then what is called motive Laplace, and Lagrange are those who have chiefly enriched Natural Philos
force'. He defined force' in general as the cause . . . which impresses or tends to ophy, and at some points he took examples and notation directly from Poisson.
impress motion on bodies, so that even the static equilibrium of a body between Measuring force only in terms of motion, as we saw previously in Chapter 4 and
two opposed forces was an equilibrium of impressed motions, or tendencies to above under kinematics, he subdivided mechanics into two classes of questions,
motion, which destroyed one a n o th e r.T h u s all equilibrium, for Lagrange, first to find the resultant or equivalent to the combined action of composing
Poisson, and later French authors, was dynamic equilibrium, and statics and forces . . . 2nd . . . to find the force requisite to produce a given amount &
dynamics were two aspects of a single subject. The principle of virtual velocities direction of motion. Hence the two branches, statics & dynamics.** In this
grounded this unity most deeply, for virtual velocities were those mutually formulation, statics simply analyzed the composition of balancing forces, or
destroyed under conditions of static equilibrium. forces in dynamic equilibrium, each measured by the motion it would have
To emphasize the radical separation of statics from dynamics among Cam produced if acting alone. Nichol treated statics and dynamics similarly, remark
bridge authors, we may quote the despotic Whewell, who declared: I have ing that, in rational mechanics, forces are mere motions (or motions produced
always insisted earnestly upon the distinction of Statics and Dynamics, the or generated in a unit of time). He also gave independent (and empirical) status
doctrines of equilibrium and of motion. These two branches of the subject rest to the action-reaction law: If one body strikes another body, one receives as
upon different fundamental principles; and the mixture of the two has been a much motion as the other gives. The celebrated theorem of D Alembert is
fertile source of confused thought and vicious reasoning. It has given rise to nothing else than a great generalization of this law, that action and reaction are
many false or unphilosophical steps in mechanical treatises; as, for instance, the equal.*
attempt to prove the law of the composition of pressures by the consideration of Given this Glasgow background, with its opposition to Whewellian meta
motion; the attempt to prove the third law of motion by defining momentum physics and Whewellian mechanics alike, it is not surprising that Thomson
gained and lost to be action and reaction; and the like. Whewell went so far as to suggested to Tait that for their own book they dispense altogether with the term
denounce the principle of virtual velocities and to strike it out of his textbooks mechanics and substitute dynamics, as we learn from Taits reply: As to the
from 1824 onwards.*'* Though never so extreme as Whewell, William Hop- title of the whole, I think there are great advantages in using Dynamics' instead
of Mechanics-first, that in reality there is no such thing as Statics - only dynamical
Earnshaw, D y n a m i c s , p. 13. For the relation o f pressure to m oving force, see especially equilibrium - Secondly, & very happily. Dynamics really means the science of force
W hewells On the principles o f dynamics, pp. 29-33, and On the nature o f the truth o f the laws o f
m otion, pp. 159-h3, 169, quotation on p. 163. To obtain his third law for momenta from the W hewell refers to. Menachem Fisch points out that the first edition (1819) o f W hewells E l e m e n t a r y
necessarily true form o f the action-reaction axiom for static pressures and from the equally necessary tr e a t is e contains virtual velocities, as does the T r e a t i s e o n d y n a m i c s o f 1823, but the second edition
conviction that pressure and motive force must have the same measure, W hewell required from (1824) o f the E l e m e n t a r y tr e a t is e d o e s not. See his A philosophers coming o f age - a study in erotetic
experience a measure o f m oving force or action, which would make the axiom empirically true. intellectual history, in Menachem Fisch and Simon Schaffer (eds.), W i l l i a m W h e w e l l - a c o m p o s i te
He concluded that either momentum or v i s v i v a would do. To obtain dAlemberts more general p o r t r a i t - s t u d i e s o f h i s l i f e , w o r k , a n d i n f l u e n c e (Oxford, forthcoming), section 3.3; and W i l l i a m
principle for a connected system o f bodies he required the additional empirical condition that neither W h e w e l l , p h i l o s o p h e r o f s c ie n c e (Oxford, forthcoming), section 2.2341.
the connections nor the actions already present changed the effect o f an additional action. See Fisch, ** William Thomson, Dynamics, commenced (copying from Hopkinss manuscript] March
Necessary and contingent truth, pp. 296-7. 20th 1843, P A ll, ULC. See also notebooks PA12-17, which continue Hopkinss manuscript notes.
Lagrange, M k a n i q u e , 1, pp. 245-6, 1. The notes refer regularly to Earnshaw and less frequently to Pratt.
W hewell, E l e m e n t a r y t r e a t is e , p. vi. Again, older authors made no such radical distinction o f ** William Thomson, 9th and 5th Novem ber, 1839, N B9, ULC.
statics from dynamics; sec W ood, M e c h a n i c s , pp. 2835, for the vicious error o f composition that I b i d . , 7th Novem ber, 1839 (from the back).
378 The transformation o f classical physics T & T ' or Treatise on natural philosophy 379

or Power - and is erroneously used as a contrast to Statics. I am perfectly willing Probably Mciklcham too had adopted much of his viewpoint from Robison and
to drop Mechanics entirely and make Dynamics the general title. What would Playfair, and Nichol simply continued the tradition (ch. 4). Thus Thomson and
you propose as a substitute for the phrases mechanical equivalent o f heat &c? - THIS Tait in 1862 were indeed returning their natural philosophy to its Scottish roots.
QUESTION IS IMPORTANT AT THE OUTSET'. These affiliations suggest that Taits remarks above contained no especially
Taits remarks supplied the immediate impetus for the division of dynamics in innovative perspective on dynamics within the Scottish context. Indeed, that
the Treatise into statics and kinetics rather than of mechanics into statics and was certainly the case for Tait, as we saw previously from his inaugural lecture of
dynamics. But kinetics had not yet appeared. In February, beginning a long 1860. Thomson, however, had long harboured radical views. To recapitulate,
draft, towards Friction & Cohesion, Thomson broke off: N.B. statical and Cambridge texts reified the statical conception of force by giving independence,
dynamical friction wont do now. To say force is not dynamical is nonsense. .. and thus priority, to its statical measure. They required a special law to connect
When it prevents sliding it is called statical friction. When it resists without the statical measure, pressure, to the dynamical measure, motion produced. To
preventing, it is called ? active friction? or what. This is not good. Soon he found restore Newton, therefore, meant in the first instance to restore the dynamical
kinetic friction to answer the query, giving in general kinetics in place of measure of force, force being then known only by motion produced or tending
dynamics. Thomson then coined kinetic energy to replace both his earlier to be produced. To this degree Thomson and Tait completely agreed. Tait,
dynamical energy and Rankines actual energy. F o r consistency, appar however, had not yet entered fully into the much deeper restoration that
ently, he finally accepted kinematics over his long-favoured cinematics. Thomson envisaged, the restoration o f the original mechanical philosophy of
Familiar phrases such as kinetic theory of gases seem also to derive from this the seventeenth century, in which force not only was measured by, but was,
transformation. Ironically, the basic form kinetics never found acceptance matter in motion. Thomsons view may be regarded as a radical version of
beyond the Treatise, although dynamics is now usually taken to encompass the Nichols dictum that in rational mechanics forces are mere motions. It implied
whole of mechanics, including statics. ultimately, along with the restoration of Newtons laws, the destruction of his
The extended usage o f dynamics proposed by T & T' had important physical theory o f atoms and forces.
precedents. Both authors were probably aware of Delaunays Mkanique At the deepest level, then, Thomsons programme of dynamical theory
rationelle (2nd edn., 1857) which subsumed equilibrium and motion under implied replacing forces acting at a distance with matter in motion. He preferred
dynamique, in addition to using cinematique as they did. In March, however, Tait any theory tending in that direction to one requiring Newtons (and Laplaces
discovered a far superior source, which anchored their pedigree in Scottish and Poissons) statical atoms and forces. Only during 1862, however, did
tradition. He wrote to Thomson: Robisons Elements of Mechanical Philos Thomson declare publicly his opposition to atoms, and then in a most obscure
ophy [1804] ignores Statics altogether, and employs Dynamics as we purpose. fashion. Writing in January to James Joule, who published his letter, Thomson
He alludes to having given the contents of this book as lectures for 30 years - so described an experiment which would give a definite limit for the sizes of
the idea is 90 years old at least. John Robison, professor of natural philosophy at atoms, but corrected himself, or rather as I do not believe in atoms, for the
Edinburgh from 1774 to 1805, argued quite generally that mechanical philos dimensions of molecular structures."^^ We saw earlier that Tait had already
ophy depended entirely on the study of motion, that its changes were the only become nervous about Thomsons antipathy to atoms in December, 1861.
marks and measures of the changing forces. His successor John Playfair, Twice more in January Tait objected that he could scarcely admit the ultimate
professor from 1805 to 1819, closely followed Robisons views, arguing that, compressibility of the molecules of matter, and complained that Thomson had
Dynamics is the most elementary branch of the doctrine of motion and the most not yet referred him to the paper or treatise in which are to be found the
general in its principles. The term signifies literally the doctrine ofpower\ power mathematical conditions of an homogeneous (incompressible or nearly so)
or force being known to us only as the cause of motion, and being measured by continuous gas or liquid which would serve as a substrate for the compressible
the motion it produces. Statics arose from the study of constrained motions. molecules of matter. Neither Stokess papers on continuum mechanics nor
*** P.G. Tait to William Thomson, 20th January, 1862, T61, ULC.
William Thomson, Towards friction and cohesion, NB48, ULC, p. 1. Tait thanked
Crosbie Smith, Mechanical philosophy and the emergence o f physics in Britain: 1800-1850,
Thomson for this draft on 17th February, 1862, T6R, ULC, and announced his adherence to
Ann. Sci., 33 (1976), 3-29, esp. pp. 6-13. John Robison, Physics, Encyclopaedia Britannica, 3rd edn.
kinetics on 19th March, 1862, T12, ULG. See also William Thomson to G.G. Stokes, 4th April,
(Edinburgh, 1797-1801), 16, pp. 637-59, on pp. 647-8. John Playfair, Outlines of natural philosophy,
1862, K135, Stokes correspondence, ULC, where Thomson discusses the appearance o f kinetics in
being the heads of lectures delivered in the University of Edinburgh, 3rd edn. (Edinburgh, 1819), p. 16.
his paper On the rigidity o f the earth, Phil. Trans., {1863), 573-82; MPP, 3,312-36, esp. p. 317. For
William Thomson, N ew proof o f contact electricity, Proc. Manchester Lit. Phil. Soc., 2 (1862),
the various energy terms see Chapter 10, note 96.
17f)- 8; E&M, 317-18. See also his The size o f atoms, Proc. Royal Inst., 10 (1884), 185-213; PL. 1,
P.G. Tait to William Thomson, 27th March, 1862, T14, ULG. On Robison and Playfair see
147-217, esp. p. 177.
380 The transformation o f classical physics T & T ' or Treatise on natural philosophy 381

Helmholtzs Wirbelbewegungen (vortex motions) seemed to him to realize the T h e w h o le w o r k [ W ] d o n e in a n y t im e , o n a n y lim ite d m a te r ia l s y s te m , b y a p p lie d fo rces
aforementioned idea.^^ [F/], is e q u a l to th e w h o le e ffe c t in th e f o r m s o f p o te n tia l [V] a n d k in e tic e n e r g y [ T j

Thomson seems not to have been aware of Helmholtzs paper, on which he p r o d u c e d in th e s y s te m , to g e th e r w it h th e w o r k lo st in fr ic tio n [ IVy]. T h is p r in c ip le m a y

would later base the vortex atoms. In his draft on friction and cohesion in b e r e g a r d e d as c o m p r e h e n d in g th e w h o le o f ab stract d y n a m ic s , b e c a u s e . . . th e c o n d itio n s
o f e q u ilib r iu m an d o f m o t io n , in e v e r y p o ss ib le case, m a y b e im m e d ia t e ly d e r iv e d fr o m
February, however, he put forward the idea of a cellular net of continuous
matter to explain both atomicity and cohesion. Cohesion requires no attractive
law as supposed in the Boscovich-Laplace theory, other than the law of In symbols,
gravitation, when the fact that all matter is cellular (? nets in space) hitherto dW = d rf= d K + d T + d lT f
overlooked, is taken into account. By cellular I mean intensely heterogeneous as Abstract meant in essence that, with the exception of work lost in sliding
to density, with continuity through all the densest. (- what a contrast to the friction between solids, W(, no processes involving dissipation would be consid
common idea of atoms, or even o f molecules!) . A quick sketch of the calculation ered, neither viscosity of fluids nor imperfect elasticity nor electric and magnetic
showed how adjacent nets of parallelepipeds, with arbitrarily dense walls, would dissipation. Work not waste, the first law and not the second, would rule. Even
attract each other with arbitrarily large gravitational force when brought within FTf would enter the dynamical laws as though it were produced by conservative
the cohesive distance. He wondered if Tait would be interested in communicat forces. T & T ' did believe that the reversibility of abstract dynamics applied to
ing a note on the subject to the Royal Society of Edinburgh. Tait agreed but the excluded phenomena, but that its application required a molecular theory to
wished to be enlightened as to why the nets would not collapse and how their see why the macroscopic effects were irreversible: it is only when the inscruta
walls became transparent. Undeflected from his basic insight, Thomson stressed bly minute motions among small parts, possibly the ultimate molecules of
in his published Note on gravity and cohesion that any sufficiently intense matter . . . are taken into account . . . that we can recognise the universally
heterogeneousness of structure whatever would produce the required result. conservative character of all natural dynamic action, and perceive the bearing of
All that is valid of the unfortunately so-called atomic theory of chemistry the principle o f reversibility on the whole class of natural actions involving
seems to be an assumption of such heterogeneousness in explaining the combina resistance, which seem to violate it."^^
tion of substances.^^ Abstract thus meant that only gross parts of bodies would be considered and
These considerations suggest the degree to which the Treatise developed therefore that dynamics applied to systems composed of only a finite number of
inseparably with the continum theory of atoms and forces. As Thomson wrote parts (particles), related by only a finite (and generally small) number of forces,
to Tait concerning his cellular hypothesis, I have hinted at it ever so many years instead o f a practically infinite number. In such circumstances, abstractions like
in my lectures, but of late, the compulsion to think on the book has made me feel rigid and elastic became reasonable approximations. It will be important later
it to be of more importance than it seemed to me before. I am persuaded that it to recall this limitation of abstract dynamics to finite systems of particles. T & T'
has some positive truth in it."^^ considered it from two aspects: the limitations on human knowledge (our utter
ignorance as to the true and complete solution of any physical question by the
Revisionist dynamics - work, energy, and Newtons laws only perfect method, that of the consideration of the circumstances which affect
the motion of every portion, separately, of each body concerned) and the
While the view that all physical phenomena are dynamical, including those practical truth of the methods {the limitations introduced being themselves deduced
apparently statical, lay implicit in many parts of the Treatise, the Book did not from experience, and being therefore Natures own solution . . . of the infinite
teach this doctrine of physical dynamics. It taught, rather, the doctrine of energy additional number of equations). These aspects o f the finite will have particular
applied to abstract dynamics; but in a form almost as radical as the full dynamical relevance for Thomsons views on continuum mechanics, statistics, and the
programme. All of abstract dynamics was to be regarded as contained in the law relation of physical dynamics to free will (chs. 12, 18).
of energy: The preceding remarks describe the place of the law of energy in abstract
P.G. Tait to William Thomson, 15th and 23rd January, 1862, T6G and T6J, ULC. Hermann dynamics. Its significance will require elaboration. The basic problem in under-
Helmholtz, Ueber Integrate der hydrodynamischen Gleichungen welche den Wirbelbewegungen
entsprechen. Journal fiir die reine und angewandte Mathematik, 55 (1858), 25-55; Wissemchajtliche
Abhandlungen (3 vols., Leipzig, 1882), 1, 101-34. Treatise, p. 200. It is clear from P.G. Tait to William Thomson, 7th and 11th October, 1862,
William Thomson, Friction and cohesion, pp. 3440. P.G. Tait to William Thomson, 17th T26 and T27, ULG, that Thomson was to write the bulk o f their Chapter 11 on dynamical laws and
February, 1862, T6R, ULC. William Thomson, N ote on gravity and cohesion, Proc. Royal Soc. principles, including Force, Time, Energy, Work, Laws o f Motion &c &c, also Least Action &
Edinburgh, 4 (1857-62), 6046; PL, 1, 5963, on pp. 62-3. Virtual Velocities. Ultimately, he followed Taits outline for the Hamiltonian theory o f action
William Thomson, Friction and cohesion, p. 40. (below). Ibid., p. 195.
382 The transformation o f classical physics T & T ' or Treatise on natural philosophy 383

standing the Treatise is to understand the relation of energy to the laws of Thus the rate of working is equal to the rate of production of kinetic energy,
motion, for Thomson and Tait claimed that their general work-energy princi which Thomson already in 1849 called Newtons law of dynamical effect and
ple was contained in Newtons third law, the action-reaction principle. They the great principle of work spent in dynamics. This, he taught, is the most
regarded Newtons first and second laws as providing only a definition and a important part of dynamics. Characteristically, he included a hydrodynamic
measure of force. Building on this definition, the third law expressed the example. Considering a cylinder of water pressed from above by a piston and
transformation of energy necessary for the mutual interaction between two or producing a jet from an orifice in the side, he showed that the actio agentis'
more bodies, such as, for instance, attractions, or pressures, or transference of (work) of the piston was equal to the actio resistentis' (kinetic energy) of the
energy in any form. As Thomson said in his lectures in the autumn o f1862, The issuing stream. Much later Tait would claim for the replacement of force by
action of a force . . . is [not involves] . . . a transformation . . . of Energy energy: modern science shows us that force is merely a convenient term
Energy was a substantial reality, on a par with mass, while force became a employed for the present (very usefully) to shorten what would otherwise be
derivative term, however useful. cumbrous expressions; but it is not to be regarded as a thing, any more than the
The earliest surviving expression of this view appears in Thomsons lectures bank rate of interest... is to be looked upon as a sum of money ... Force is the rate at
for 1849-50, the year he first publicly proclaimed his belief in the principle of which an agent does work per unit of length'.
mechanical effect, or conservation of energy. There he redefined action: The If the law of energy read as Newtons law of action and reaction were to
action of a change means its rate of performing work . . . Newton seems clearly perform its universal function, it had to replace both dAlemberts principle and
to have given the definition of the rate of performing work. Thomson was the principle of virtual velocities, the combination of which Lagrange had made
referring to the Latin edition of the Principia where, in the scholium to the third the universal foundation o f dynamics and which substituted for the third law in
law, Newton discussed actio agentis' and actio resistentis' with respect to ma his scheme. Lagrange had obtained a workenergy relation, d IT = dT, from the
chines. In the later reading of the Treatise: If the Action of an agent be measured general virtual velocity principle by restricting it to actual movements. He
by its amount and its velocity conjointly; and if, similarly, the Reaction of the obtained conservation of uis uiua by further specializing to the case of forces
resistance be measured by the velocities of its several parts and their several derivable from a potential function, as noted above. Thomson and Tait had now
amounts conjointly, whether these arise from friction, cohesion, weight, or to be able to reverse that derivation, showing that in fact special cases exhausted
acceleration; - Action and Reaction, in all combinations of machines, will be all cases.
equal and opposite."^* This view appeared already in Thomsons lectures in 1849-50. He there
Thomson stressed in 1862 that Newton looks upon resistance to acceleration as a treated the principle of virtual velocities in statics as nothing more than an
reaction . . . We are to consider the resistance against acceleration as a real application of the work-energy relation: Every problem in nature of which we
reaction. A n example would be the action of a force F on a mass m moving have forces in equilibrium may be brought under this [work-energy] equation.
with velocity v in one dimension. The force produces acceleration a while doing Newton lays it down in a very general way . . . I will give you a view that will
work W. Setting the action of the force equal and opposite to the reaction of the bring it under the law of dynamical motion . . . The condition necessary &
(reversed) acceleration, one obtains: sufficient for equilibrium is that for every infinitely small displacement the
mechanical effect produced by one set of forces is precisely = to the work spent
Fu= { ma)v
in the others.*^ Although the stated condition is unexceptionable, if read as
Fdxldt = mudvjdt
applying to uirtual velocities, its identification with the energy equation is not,
action = d fT/dt = d/dt(mt'^) = reaction.
for the latter equation applies to actual motions, natural motions for T & T',
Ibid., p. 184; William Thomson, in Murray, op. cit. (note 18), p. 177. Our emphasis. As usual,
produced by the forces acting on the system, while the principle of virtual
Whewell provides an important precedent and foil for Thomson. In his On the nature o f the truth o f velocities refers in addition to any other possible motions that the system might
the laws o f m otion, W hewell claimed not only that the necessarily true action - reaction axiom be guided to take by constraints acting perpendicular to the motion. The
would become empirically true with action measured either as mu or as mu^, but that the two
resulting propositions are necessarily connected, and one o f them may be deduced from the other
work-energy relation yields only a single equation and therefore cannot deter
(p. 163). He settled on mv by convention alone. This view is particularly puzzling for W hewell in mine the motion of a system completely unless that system has only one possible
1834 since he had stressed the empirical failure o f conservation o f uis uiua for the solar system in his motion. The principle of virtual velocities, on the other hand, yields as many
Bridgewater Treatise o f 1833. See Chapter 4 above andjames Thom sons reflections below, note 89.
William Thomson, 20th March, 1850, lecture 80, in Smith, op. cit. (note 26). Isaac Newton,
Philosophiae naturalis principia mathematica (London, 1687), p. 25; Mathematical principles of natural William Thomson, 10th April, 1850, lecture 91; 8th March, lecture 74; 18th March, lecture 79,
philosophy, translated by A. Motte (1729), F. Cajori (ed.) (Berkeley, 1934), p. 28. Treatise, i , p. 185. in Smith, op. cit. (note 26). Tait, Force, p. 266.
William Thomson, in Murray, op. cit. (note 18), p. 101. ' William Thomson, [4th] March, 1850, lecture 70, in Smith, op. cit. (note 26).
384 The transformation o f classical physics T & T ' or Treatise on natural philosophy 385

independent equations of motion as there are degrees of freedom in the Any heat generated in a system, for example, must be reduced to conservative
system. motions, otherwise Newtons second law cannot be obtained. Strangely, there
The point is so elementary and had been stated so often, by Lagrange and fore, T & T ' deduced the principle of virtual velocities from their work-energy
others,*^ that one must ask what Thomson could have been thinking. His view theorem, which included sliding friction (although not internal friction).
appears in an 1852 draft of the article On a universal tendency to the dissipation Aware, apparently, that the derivation would seem problematic at best, they
of mechl energy in nature. He began: claimed further on that frictional forces could always be replaced by conserva
T h e p r in c ip le o f m e c h ' e ffe c t [c o n s e r v a tio n o f e n e r g y ] first sta te d in all its g e n e r a lity b y
tive forces for infinitesimal motions. They offered no argument.*^ It seems
N e w t o n at t h e c o n c l o f th e s c h o liu m to h is 3 rd L a w o f M o t io n , an d e n u n c ia te d m o r e o r apparent that their confidence expressed their faith in the universality of energy
less e x p lic itly b y su b s e q u e n t w r ite r s in th e t w o p r o p o s itio n s c o m m o n ly c a lle d th e conservation and their attendant belief that it guaranteed potential functions.
p r in c ip le o f V ir tu a l V e lo c it ie s an d th e p r in c ip le o f th e c o n s e r v a tio n o f v is - v iv a , is first After all, the laws of action of forces were to be derived from the one law of the
d e d u c e d f r o m th e fu n d a m e n ta l a x io m s o f m e c h a n ic s as a t h e o r e m a p p lic a b le to cases in Universe, the Conservation of Energy. Their faith in this doctrine, however,
w h ic h e ith e r w o r k in g o r r esistin g fo r c e s m a y b e r e g a r d e d as a rb itrarily a p p lie d . calls for further examination of its connotations. Familiar themes immediately
That is, the work-energy relation, in the form of work done on a conservative arise: field theory, practicality, economics, and continuum mechanics.
system, d W = d T + dV, had previously been regarded as a restricted result, In the late 1840s, while developing his ideas on ponderomotive forces acting
applicable only when the effect o f all forces is independent of the path taken in electric and magnetic fields, Thomson had obtained a theorem very like the
between any two states (i.e., arbitrarily applied) and potential functions are grand claim of the Treatise: the force acting to move an inductively magnetized
definable. It would not be true for the force of sliding friction, for example, body could in every case be derived from the expression for the work done
when the term W(in the general principle would enter and would depend on the during the motion. This claim constituted the essence of his theory of fields. It
path taken. Thomson continued: translated the idea of forces acting at a distance between points, or point forces,
into ponderomotive forces acting to move macroscopic bodies as a result of their
B u t as so o n as it is esta b lish e d in N a tu r a l H is to r y th a t all th e w o r k in g o r re sistin g fo r c e s o f
participation in a continuous field o f energy (ch. 8).
in a n im a te m a tte r , as w e ll as all th e m e c h ' a c tio n s o f liv in g C r e a tu r e s e ith e r are d u e to th e
These ideas suggest more particular aspects of energy physics. The idea of
in ertia o f m a tte r , o r are m u tu a l fo r c e s b e t w e e n m a te r ia l p a r tic le s w h ic h , w h e n o v e r c o m e
th r o u g h a n y sp aces are a lw a y s r ea d y to resto r e th e w o r k sp e n t, b y w o r k in g b a c k w a r d s
ponderomotive forces, for example, involved immediately two claims. The
th r o u g h th e sa m e spaces; [th e n ] th e p o stu la te (th a t [a p o te n tia l fu n c tio n e x ists fo r e v e r y
common abstraction in dynamics of a material point was not to be regarded as an
fo r c e ]) a ssu m e d in th e t h e o r e m o f th e c o n s e r v a tio n o f v is v iv a b e c o m e s k n o w n as a idealization of an unobservable atom, as had been common on the continent, but
U n iv e r s a l T r u th . as an idealization of an ordinary body that one could manipulate in experiments.
And, similarly, forces acting on material points were not idealizations of atomic
Once conservation of energy had been established empirically ( b y Joule and
forces but of ponderomotive forces exerted on gross objects. The sections of the
others), the existence of a potential function for every force in nature would be
Treatise on Particle and point and Place of application of a force derive
guaranteed. IT and IVfin the general work-energy principle could be collapsed directly from Thomsons 1849-50 lectures, where he defined a material point as,
into V and the effect of every force would be independent of path. If so, then one
the smallest portion of matter with [on] which a force may act sometimes I
could substitute any possible motion for any actual motion and thereby elevate
may use balls or rings. We are reminded of a response given in Dr Thomsons
the workenergy relation into a completely general variational equation, mathematics class to the question, what is a point: Itsjust a dab sir. In his own
8 V = 8 T, which would give immediately the principle of virtual velocities and
class Thomson instructed his charges to Let the fig. represent a material point on
the general equations o f motion, or, more basically, Newtons second law. a horizontal plane, and he drew a block lying on a table (figure 11.2). To
The derivation is no more general than the claim that every component of
illustrate the meaning of the point o f application of a force, he pressed on the
work done can be expressed in terms of either a kinetic or a potential energy. desk with a ruler and with his finger and called attention to the finite extent of
the areas of contact. In the same way T & T ' would insist that, the place of
For a standard modern derivation see Herbert Goldstein, Classical mechanics (Reading, MA and application of a force is always either a surface or a space of three dimensions
London, 1950), pp. 16-18. Note, however, that Goldstein refers to Lagranges generalized principle occupied by matter.*^
o f virtual velocities as dAlemberts principle.
For example, Lagrange, Mecanique, 1, p. 307. Treatise, pp. 178, 203-5, 341.
William Thomson, On a universal tendency to the dissipation o f mech* energy in nature William Thomson, N th November, 1849, lecture 10; [18th] February, 1850, lecture 61, in
(draft), PA137, ULC. Smith, op. cit. (note 26). SPT, 1, 7. Treatise, pp. 1645.
386 The transformation o f classical physics T & T ' or Treatise on natural philosophy 387

p r o d u c e d in a g iv e n t im e , o r a c c o r d in g to th e g e n e r a l p ra c tic e o f e n g in e e r s , b y th e h o r se
p o w e r at w h ic h it is w orking.***

One recognizes in this statement the proximity of Williams brother James

and his intensive involvement with steam-engines and water turbines. In fact,
the evidence suggests that Jamess engineering perspective may have been the
original source for the rereading of Newtons third law as a law about work and
as containing Newtons second law. In his notes from Lewis Gordons lectures
on civil engineering from 1841, following an elementary discussion of the
relation of mechanical effect to uis viva, ]nmes inserted a proof that the velocity
produced in a certain time is proportional to the force:
dW = F ds = d{mv^l2 )
This macroscopic thrust carried Thomsons usual demand for practicality, as Fds = mvdv
well as the connotations o f abstract dynamics discussed above. The Treatise di = vdt
would employ only concepts realizable in everyday objects and acts. In the same Fdt d{mv).
vein a force was to be measured by its rate of doing work, its action in the newly This derivation of Newtons second law is signed J.T. [at] Tipton, implying a
discovered Newtonian definition. When introducing his Glasgow students to date in 1843 when James was working at the Horseley Iron Works in Tipton.*^
the principle of virtual velocities as the basis for the equilibrium of forces, for We know that James had begun by this time to take special interest in the
example, Thomson remarked: The view which I shall bring before you is practical production and measurement of work and that Williams conception
founded on the practical consideration of work done and of mechanical effect of ponderomotive forces as derived from the work contained in a system
produced. One often hears of the hands-on approach. Thomson used the emerged in part from his interaction with James (chs. 8, 9). It is not surprising,
language literally: Suppose we apply forces that do not equilibrate. Suppose we therefore, that Jamess critical role should emerge again here. Further evidence
apply hands to a body. Let us produce motion. With that expression he of that role is contained in several letters of Tait to Thomson dunning him for a
introduced the great principle of work spent in dynamics.*^ draft of their chapter two, on dynamical laws and principles, and referring to its
These examples indicate the degree to which Thomson insisted on regarding source as Digitalis: e.g., Do let me have spharcs [spherical harmonics] and
force as a term derivative from practical work done. He stood firmly on the Digitalis at once; else I shall write to Mrs Thomson. Digitalis seems to refer to
side o f the 1000 intelligent mechanics of Glasgow as he sought to eradicate the James, who had been taking the drug for his heart condition since the 1840s.
hypothetical abstraction of point forces. This enhanced role for James in the central theorem of the Treatise should
We have seen previously, for electricity, magnetism, and heat, the central role remind us of the importance of the Morin dynamometer in Williams lectures
that the image of the steam-engine played in Thomsons thinking about force and of its presence in the Treatise as one of the instruments included in the chapter
and work. The same image infused the Treatise. In a draft manuscript giving a on Measures and instruments. If energy were to be the crucial concept in
hydrodynamic interpretation of Newtons third law, we find:
A c c o r d in g to th e e s tim a te h ere la id d o w n o f a c t io n in d y n a m ic s th e a c t io n o f a
** William Thomson, Dft. MSS for T and T , PA177, ULC. This draft continues without break
from PA113; see below, note 96.
la b o u r in g f o r c e at a n y in sta n t is its rate o f performinq^ work . . . T h e te r m thu s d e fin e d has
James Thomson, Civil engineering class notes, 184T, A4, Q U B . W e have substituted
n o t th e sa m e sig n ific a tio n as that w h ic h has u n fo r tu n a te ly b e e n a tta ch ed to it b y th e differential relations for Jamess integrated ones. In two notes added sometime later James worried
im m o r ta l a u th o r o f th e M c c a n iq u e A n a ly tiq u e [L a g r a n g e ] in his p r in c ip le o f least that the proof assumed the second law, presumably in obtaining the work-vL viva relation. He
a c t io n , an d w h ic h it has b o r e n [b o r n e ] in th e m o s t v a lu a b le w r itin g s o n d y n a m ic s sin ce compared his derivation with W hewells claim that N ew ton s second law (the Cambridge third
law) could not be proved a priori, concluding that If the proof given here do not contain a fallacy, it is
p u b lish ed ; b u t th e p ra ctica l use o f th e term is su ch as to p resen t n o d e fin ite idea to th e m in d
still not an a-priori proof as it is founded on the other laws o f motion, and involves the principle that
u n less N e w t o n s d e fin itio n b e a d o p te d . T h u s th e action o f a steam enf^ine is a v e r y all the mec. eff. given by a force to a body is absorbed in its inertia. The latter remark suggests
in te llig ib le p h ra se, a n d m a y b e u sed w it h o u t a n y v a g u e n e ss to ex p ress th e e n e r g y w ith Lagranges extended principle o f virtual velocities, which William would soon claim was contained
w h ic h th e e n g in e is w o r k in g , an d is m ea su r e d b y th e n u m b e r o f fo o t- p o u n d s o f w o r k in N ew ton s interpretation o f action and reaction.
P.G. Tait to William Thomson, 27th May, 1863, T40, ULG; see also Tait to Thomson, 25th
William Thomson, 24th February, 1850, lecture 65; 8th March, lecture 74, in Smith, op. cit. May, 1863, T39, ULC. For Jamess use o f digitalis see Chapter 5, note 54. cf. Knott, Life of Tait,
(note 26). Our emphasis. p. 182.
388 The transformation o f classical physics T & T ' or Treatise on natural philosophy 389

dynamics, and work its measure, then a measuring device for work carried
considerable symbolical as well as practical significance. Jamess improvements
and extensive use of the dynamometer supplied the immediate context for the
measure, as for the concept itself.
The attempt to redefine force through the relation F'dr = d T suggests that
force ought to be defined as the rate of change of kinetic energy per unit distance,
in conflict with Newtons form of the second law, which gives force as rate of
change of momentum per unit time. That is unfortunate, said Thomson, for We
w^ prefer to define momentum by the product of the mass into the square of the
velocity (kinetic energy), giving for the second law, F= dT(dr in one dimen
sion, or generally F = gradient T. His reasons are of special interest: The term
moment is used very much in accordance with its use in ordinary life as =
important . . . The moment of a body is the importance of its motion. To
Thomson, importance meant work or energy, but usage opposed him. He Figure 11.3. The principle o f virtual velocities may be illustrated by a hydrostatic
compromised: There are therefore two ways o f reckoning the importance of system, in which the possible action (rate o f working) o f any one piston, or
motion, the one depending on the time the other on the space. When we combination o f pistons, is balanced by the reactions o f the others.
consider the Energy produced it is the latter we must take. The Dynamical value
of motion is the quantity of Energy required to produce it.^
Thomson told his class, We shall view Kinetic problems as illustrating Energy,
Dynamical value here replaces mechanical value, with the same meaning:
the accumulating & storing of Energy and the expenditure of Energy.^^^
work content or labour value. The labour theory of value permeates Thomsons
Looking to the practical dimensions of field theory for the significance of
lectures in the autumn of 1862. Vis viva, or living force as opposed to vis mortua,
Thomsons commitments in the Treatise has led us from mathematical physics to
or dead force, is to correlate with Whewells labouring force, also working
engineering to economics. If we pursue instead the physical theory of fields, we
force, like every day work. The work done by a living agent is comparable, as
are led back to the etherial continuum as the agent ofponderomotive forces, and
to work done, in every respect with the attraction of the earth; 'Actio agentis is
to Thomsons fascination with hydrodynamic expressions of the forceenergy
made definite when applied to a labouring [force, del.] Agent. The action of a
relation. An early example appears in his Glasgow lectures for 1849-50, where
labouring force is the rate at he is doing work'
he suggested a proof of the principle of virtual velocities in terms of a closed
Dynamical value, therefore, is not simply the numerical value or measure of
container of water with pistons pushing on it in various places (figure 11.3), a
energy, but the value [to man] of the effect produced by a working force. It
picture alternative to Lagranges favoured image of a body suspended in
responds to the question: How are we to value the effect produced?^^ And it
equilibrium by a string-and-pulley network.^ Equality of pressure throughout
answers with economic value or labour value. The ubiquitous theme of political
the former system would replace equality of tension throughout the single
economy thus informs the most fundamental concept of the Treatise. T & T'
connecting string in the latter.
would have preferred to reformulate Newtons laws to correspond to the
A second example attaches to the quotation above from the draft on action
industrial economy of mid-nineteenth-century Britain. In ideal form they
and Newtons third law. Thomson there showed how a liquid enclosed in a
would have read:
bounding surface, subjected to arbitrary pressures at the boundary, and experi
(1) inertia, encing both gravitational and intermolecular forces, would obey both
(2) = gradient T, dAlemberts principle and the general work-energy relation. The total pressure
(3) m = 8 T. p at the boundary divided neatly into two parts, rr and to, of which tt was the
pressure that would exist if the liquid were at rest and to the pressure that would
Energy, therefore, would include the whole of kinetics. And just as political
produce the actual motion from rest, p = 7r + to. Now the action of the
economy dealt with the accumulation and expenditure of labour value, so.
pressures v in any time would have to be zero, according to Newtons action-

William Thomson, in Murray, op. at. (note 18), pp. 85-7, 151. Ibid., p. 79.
Ibid., pp. 109, 111, 117, 121-3. Ibid., p. 141. William Thomson, 1st March, 1850, lecture 69, in Smith, op. (it. (note 26).
390 The transformation o f classical physics T & T ' or Treatise on natural philosophy 391

reaction theorem, because they produced equilibrium. Similarly the action of used principle of least action, according to which a conservative system will
oj would equal the reaction against acceleration of the liquid. Thus the whole always move along the particular path which minimizes the time integral of its
work done at the boundary in any time by o would have to equal the kinetic total vis viva. In other words, the natural motion uses less action (as average vis
energy produced in the liquid. viva in the older designation, rather than rate of change of vis viva) than any
These illustrations only begin to suggest the deep commitment to continuum other possible motion, or the variation of the action must vanish,
dynamics that Thomson had developed by the 1860s (ch. 12). As examples of
SA = Sf(^mv^)dt = 0.
mechanical principles they established nothing particularly new; they merely
showed how the usual theorems about forces on systems of material points could In this form, the extremum principle brings in explicitly the notion of explain
be translated into theorems about macroscopic pressures in continuous systems, ing any given state of a system genetically, in terms of the process of forming it.
thereby establishing a language for continuum dynamics. They did suggest how Thus Thomson imagined starting the fluid from rest, by applying normal forces
the quantities regarded as pressures at the boundary might, from another at the boundary for some time t, until the given normal velocities were
perspective, be regarded as symptoms of the distribution of energy inside. produced. The extremum condition, applied to this entire process of produc
Nevertheless, converting the work-energy relation into a derivation of pres tion, resulted in the same solution for the motion as had been obtained
sures from energy required more than suggestiveness, just as did the attempt to previously by a direct application of dAlemberts principle to an existing state.
derive forces from energy. The problematic character of the examples leads to Thomson merely supplied an alternative viewpoint.
what posterity regards as the single most important aspect of the Treatise. The principle of least action had received short shrift in British textbooks
before the Treatise. At Cambridge, this circumstance was owing partly to the
position of William Whewell, who by the 1830s had rejected the use of
Extremum principles
variational procedures altogether, especially virtual velocities. Others, such as
The preceding discussion has indicated ways in which the force-energy relation Earnshaw, were more impressed by the fact that the least action principle
of the Treatise was both logically and conceptually incomplete. Energy relations presupposed the principle of vis viva, and therefore was less general than
by themselves could not replace force as the foundation of dynamics. Only in Newtons laws or the principle of virtual velocities, because it did not include
variational form, as in the principle of virtual velocities, would the energy frictional forces. For Whewell, who argued for the non-conservative character
principle suffice, and it could not be derived in that form from the action- of planetary motion in his 1833 Bridgewater treatise, this deficiency meant that
reaction law. If T & T ' did not worry unduly about the rigour of this part of least action was no principle at all.^^
their dynamics, it may be simply because they had at hand an alternative to their O f more general import in the wider sphere is the fact that Lagrange, Laplace
Newtonian formulation, namely a variational formulation based on an and other French authors were seen to have suppressed the principle because of
extremum principle, Hamiltons extension of the principle of least action. the metaphysical interpretation supplied by its authors. Maupertuis and Euler, in
Already in 1845 Thomsons analysis of ponderomotive force within an developing the least action approach in the mid-eighteenth century and in
equilibrium system, as the gradient of its contained mechanical effect, appeared arguing for its general validity, regarded it as a teleological principle, a principle
as a consequence of the tendency of the entire system towards minimum which revealed the ends that God sought and thereby revealed the necessity
mechanical effect. And when in 1847 he obtained the existence and uniqueness behind the efficient causes, or forces, that acted from moment to moment. The
proof that subsumed all the problems he had yet tackled in electricity, magne direct action of forces expressed Gods power, while the indirect principle of
tism, heat, and hydrodynamics, it was a variational proof that rested on a more least action expressed His wisdom. Either approach, however, would suffice for
general form of the same minimum condition. determining the equations of motion of a mechanical system and for solving
More particularly, his 1847 theorem on the vis viva of a liquid showed that, particular problems.^
with arbitrarily given normal velocity over a closed surface, a solution for the Rationalist Enlighteners like Lagrange and Laplace would not allow such
interior velocity existed when the total vis viva was minimum, and that this teleological metaphysics to enter the province of natural law. They recognized
velocity - like a conservative force - was derivable from a potential. He no direction in physical nature, no evolution, only eternally stable and ever-
originally regarded the solution, furthermore, as a consequence of the then little repeating equilibrium systems. But from his earliest works Thomson had been
Fisch, op. cit. (note 64); Earnshaw, Dynamics, pp. 183-6. Sec also Chapter 4.
William Thomson, PAl 13, ULC, which concerns the 'principle of mechanical effect in dynamics' *** For a rich account o f the principle and its context, see Mary Terrall, Maupertuis and
and continues with PA 177. eighteenth-century scientific culture (dissertation. University o f California, Los Angeles, 1987).
392 The transformation o f classical physics T & T ' or Treatise on natural philosophy 393

concerned with beginnings and endings, with progression. After 1850, the any given magnitude, moves off so as to take the greatest amount of kinetic
Second Law of Thermodynamics made the temporal perspective not a choice energy which the specified impulse can give it. This principle describes the
but a necessity. In abstract mechanics, of course, where no dissipative effects natural behaviour of a system free to respond in any way it chooses to the
were acknowledged, one could still choose to analyze any system directly, given impulses. If, however, the system is guided to take, under the given
through the action of the forces, but already in conceptualizing those forces as impulse, any motion . . . different from the natural motion, the principle of
energy exchanges the temporal perspective had implicitly entered. The role of Laziness operates. Thus, if the system is required to take specified velocities,
least action in the Treatise should be seen as an extension of these earlier ideas and The motion actually taken by the system is that which has less kinetic energy
problem solutions from equilibrium states, where Thomson first employed than any other. S u c h Laziness became apparent in systems in which the
them, to fully temporal dynamics. freedom of individual parts to move was constrained by connections. The parts
He reported to his students in 1862-3: Maupertuis [,] taking a metaphysical given particular velocities then had to drag connected parts along with them,
view [,j thought that he established a principle of least action. Lagrange says that which moved as lazily as possible.
[it] is simply a deduction from the axioms of Science - it comes to man laying Greed and Laziness contained an obvious moral, which Thomson summa
down laws for Creation. But since T & T ' believed that natural philosophy rized for his class: Impulses always do more work when Body free than when
concerned at least the evolution of the creation, if not the creation itself, they constrained. Even when constrained will take as much work as it can. Appar
held a different view: We are strongly impressed with the conviction that a ently the natural behaviour of material systems mirrored that of the free
much more profound importance will be attached to it [least action], not only in enterprise economy. Indeed, when we recall the sense in which Thomson used
abstract dynamics, but in the theory of the several branches of physical science mechanical value as the work content of a system, and that he spoke of systems
now beginning to receive dynamic explanations. Relinquishing Newtons as being more or less valuable according to their work content, we cannot help
action, they adopted the much less judiciously chosen word as then univer recognizing that he drew a conscious parallel between the principles of economy
sally used, which nevertheless referred explicitly to the genesis of a moving in mechanics and in political economy (ch. 9). Just as the work of machines
system: the average kinetic energy, which it has possessed for the time from any substituted for labour in the labour theory of value, so the maximum-minimum
convenient epoch of reckoning, multiplied by the time. conditions on mechanical work replaced the optimization conditions on the
The formal connection of action principles in the Treatise with Thomsons wealth of the nation.
1847 work is straightforward and proceeds through two intermediate steps, a Although quite general, Thomsons extremum theorems did not yield the
generalization by Thomson and the introduction of Hamiltonian dynamics by equations of motion of a system as it moved from state to state. For that purpose,
Tait. Thomson had always sought to introduce extremum conditions on the T & T' returned to the principle of least action and to its extensions by Hamilton.
work content, or total energy of a system, which he regarded as the natural' Interestingly, though Thomsons friends had been bringing Hamiltons and
expression of its state. Had action been defined as he wished, as rate of working, Jacobis sophisticated treatments of mechanics to his attention since the 1840s, he
total action integrated over time from rest would have given this total energy. had shown no interest in them. We are familiar with his general rejection of
But, as least energy, least action was not generalizable. It sufficed for systems abstract formalism in physical theory (ch. 6). Hamiltons idealist metaphysics
containing either purely potential or purely kinetic energy, but it could not give must have been at least as odious. But Tait apparently made him see that the
the relation between kinetic and potential energy in any mixed system, nor replacement of force by energy as the fundamental physical entity in nature
could it treat the temporal effects of friction.
To avoid these temporal problems, Thomson drew on one of his economic
P.G. Tait to William Thomson, 25th March, 1863, T39, ULG, and 4th April, 1863, in Knott,
metaphors and extended a series of works by Euler, Lagrange, Delaunay, and Life o f Tait, p. 182. For an evaluation o f the importance o f these theorems see D.F. Moyer, Energy,
Bertrand on the maximum-minimum properties of systems set in motion dynamics, hidden machinery: Rankine, Thomson and Tait, Maxwell, Stud. Hist. Phil. Sri., 8 (1977),
suddenly by impulsive forces. In fact the published version of this theorem on 251-68, esp. 257-8. Treatise, pp. 216-25, on pp. 222 5. Original publication in William Thomson,
On some kinematical and dynamical theorems (read 6th April, 1863), Proc. Royal Soc. Edinburgh, 5
minimum uis viva of a fluid continued this genre of theorems on sudden
(1866), 113-15; MPP, 4, 458-9.
generation of motion, in this case by impulsive forces at the boundary of the William Thomson, in Murray, op. cit. (note 18), p. 178. See also the corollary to theorem II
fluid. Early in 1863 Thomson found two generalizations, which he and Tait (Greed) in Kinematical and dynamical theorems, MPP, 4, 459. W e develop these ideas in Wise
(and Smith) Work and waste. Our interpretation originated in conversations with Silvan S.
labelled Greed and Laziness. Greed specified that: A material system of any
Schweber over Darwin. See his The wider British context o f Darwins theorizing, in David Kohn
kind, given at rest, and subjected to an impulse in any specified direction, and of (ed.). The Darwinian heritage (Princeton, 1985), pp. 35-70.
' For a brief but lucid account o f the metaphysics and mathematics o f Hamiltons dynamics, see
William Thomson, in Murray, op. cit. (note 18), p. 177. Treatise, p. 231. T.L. Hankins, IVilliam Rowan Hamilton (Baltimore, 1980), pp. 172-98.
394 The transformation o f classical physics T & T ' or Treatise on natural philosophy 395

would benefit from one of the powerful extremum approaches that Hamilton guided and subject only to the law o f energy. It yielded differential equations
and Jacobi had developed. specifying the rate ofchange of position and momentum anywhere along the path
The Hamiltonian procedure first appears in Thomsons notebooks in March, (Hamiltons canonical equations). Hamilton passed to a different principle by
1863, in the form of a three-page summary o f the whole Hamiltonian affair, considering only natural motions which obeyed the equations of motion, but
written by Tait and pasted in. It consists of three parts: a derivation from the allowing the end points and energy to vary. He thereby derived a partial
principle of least action of the Lagrangian equations of motion in generalized differential equation of the first order and second degree for what he now called
coordinates; a transformation of those second-order equations (n in number for the characteristic function (the action expressed only in terms of end points and
n degrees of freedom in the system) into Hamiltons first-order canonical energy). If one could solve this characteristic equation, the momenta them
equations of motion {2n in number); and a derivation from Hamiltons principle selves Pi at the two end points were obtainable directly by differentiation with
o fvarying action of a second set of2 + 1 equations. The three parts formed the respect to the end coordinates
basis of the more elaborate presentation in the Treatise.^^'^
p, = dAldq
Without entering here on a discussion of Hamiltonian dynamics, we can still
summarize briefly its place in the Treatise. Most basic was the derivation o f the and equally directly, the total time of travel was,
principle of virtual velocities (and thereby both Lagrangian and Hamiltonian
t^d A jd E .
equations of motion) from two conditions: least action.
Hamilton therefore called these equations integral equations.*^
8A = 28^Tdt = Q,
For T & T', the new formulation expressed something fundamental to their
and conservation of energy, entire viewpoint. It showed how the state of a system as it developed over time
could be expressed in terms of a single energy function: it is remarkable, they
E= T+ V.
repeated over and over in various forms, that the single . . . equation . . . is
In this way, with full rigour, energy conditions replaced force as the dynamical sufficient to determine a function A, such that the equations [p, = dAjdqi] express
essence of conservative systems. (T & T' also derived the generalized the momenta m an actual motion of the system. T h e r e b y , their evolution
Lagrangian equations for non-conservative systems, from the principle of ary perspective on dynamical systems had been fully realized in the mathemat
virtual velocities. Their derivation, however, is no more general than their ical structure.
derivation of the principle, and, in any case they showed little interest in the non
conservative systems. ^^^) The least action procedure involved fixing the end Hankins, Hamilton, pp. 193-4. Treatise, pp. 234-41, on pp. 234 5.
points and the energy of the motion of a system and varying its path, to show Treatise, p. 238; also pp. 241, 245, and 249.

that the natural motion has less action than any other motion, arbitrarily

James Armitage to William Thomson, 27th October, 1845, A70, ULC, gives Liouvilles
remarks on one o f Jacobis papers, pointing out a principle as general as that o f the Conservation o f
Areas or o f Vis Viva which will at once in numberless mechanical problems give an independent
equation at once. See similar remarks in Arthur Cayley to William Thomson, 28th[?]January, 1847,
C44, ULC, and R.L. Ellis to William Thomson, 18th February, 1847, E76, ULC. Cayley surveyed
the entire field in his Report on the recent progress o f theoretical dynamics, B A A S Report, 27
(1857), 1~42, from which Thomson claimed to have gained great benefit in his Presidential address,
B A A S Report, 41 (1871), Ixxxiv-cv; PL, 2, 132 205, on p. 149.
P.G. Tait, in William Thomson, 12th March, 1863, N otebook re Hamiltonian dynamics,
NB50, ULC. On 26th December, 1862, T32, ULG, Tait approved o f Thomsons initial draft with
Least Action is very neat, but apparently it did not include the Hamiltonian formulation, for on
13th February, 1863, T34, ULG, he promised to send you my view o f Hamiltons Varying Action
in a day or tw o .
105 7 & j ' regarded the variation o f the action hA as kinematkal. Dynamics entered when they
required bA = 0 (an extremum) and simultaneously imposed conservation o f energy for all varied
paths, 8 T = 8K Treatise, p. 233; 2nd edn., pp. 339, 341 (added). The latter variational relation, in
their view, would yield the principle o f virtual velocities (and thus the equations o f motion) directly.
'06 Treatise, pp. 251 3.
The hydrodynamics of matter 397

General relations of ether and matter

As discussed previously, 1851 marks a great watershed in Thomsons career,
after which the search for a consistent physical theory of ether and matter
The hydrodynamics of matter became his constant preoccupation (ch. 10). At the centre of that search sat the
notion of air-ether, or simply aer, filling all space. As he remarked to Tait in
1862, the solar system is moving through space full of aer (ae-the-r) with a
constantly changing motion.^ The term aer implied a unity of ether and
normal matter, a common foundation for both and a continuous transition from
I h a v e c h a n g e d m y m in d g r e a tly sin ce m y fr e s h m a n s y ea r w h e n I t h o u g h t the one to the other.
it so m u c h m o r e sa tisfa c to r y to h a v e to d o w it h e le c tr ic ity , than w it h Although the role of ether as the carrier of waves of light and radiant heat had
h y d r o d y n a m ic s , w h ic h o n ly first se e m e d at all a ttr a c tiv e w h e n I lea rn ed become a commonplace subject of natural philosophy, its electrical, magnetic,
h o w y o u h a d f u lfille d such s o lu tio n s as F o u r ie r s b y y o u r b o x e s o f w a te r . and thermodynamic attributes had not, and especially not in relation to matter
N o w I th in k h y d r o d y n a m ic s is to b e th e r o o t o f all p h y sic a l sc ie n c e , a n d is at itself Thus Thomsons proposal to treat matter and ether as structures of the
p resen t se c o n d to n o n e in th e b e a u ty o f its m a th e m a tic s . William Thomson same kind in an underlying continuous fluid found little immediate support.
to G .G . Stokes, 1857^
Taits sceptical response to Thomsons interstellar air is typical: That is one of
the great stumbling blocks between us as joint authors. I cant rightly appretiate
[sic] your idea of unlimited atmosphere - 1have seen hints of it in your papers, but
no reasoning. Why not say matter? Thomson merely shrugged. Matter or
In the preceding five chapters we have followed the development of Thomsons medium if you please - But air seems to me simpler.^
views on electromagnetism, heat, and mechanics in their general, typically Even George Stokes responded negatively when in 1854 Thomson first
macroscopic form, ending in each case with an underlying conception of suggested to him the continuity between air and ether. Seeking at that time a
dynamical theory as hydrodynamics. We turn now to his explicit attempts to mechanical explanation both of the source of the suns heat and of its transmis
realize this hydrodynamical view of the universe in a physical theory. While the sion to earth (ch. 14), Thomson revived his interest in a mechanical theory of
earlier works produced major contributions to what is today known as classical spectral lines, which Stokes had suggested earlier. Stokess mechanical theory
physics, the later ones did not. They have largely disappeared even from the derived from the coincidence, first noted by Fraunhofer in 1823 and confirmed
mythology of physics. A variety of reasons for this divergence between earlier in accurate measurements by Stokess acquaintance W.H. Miller in 1837,
and later phases of Thomsons career may be cited: his theories became increas between the bright double D line o f sodium and corresponding dark double
ingly speculative and ill-founded, his methodology departed increasingly from lines in the solar spectrum. The theory actually consisted of an analogy between
that of the younger generation, and the industrial orientation of his work never light and sound, especially between the emission and absorption of spectral lines
became institutionalized in Britain. All of these factors will emerge in what by molecules and the analogous behaviour of piano wires.M echanical vibra
follows. They constitute, however, a retrospective image, visible to his contem tions in the molecules of certain substances would excite mechanical vibrations
poraries only after about 1885. From the publication of his Vortex atoms in in the ether and thus give rise to characteristic waves of light, or spectral lines,
1867 to the Baltimore Lectures of 1884, Thomson rode the heights of an like the characteristic notes produced by piano wires vibrating in air. The same
incomparably prestigious life of science. The vortex atoms belong to a rising waves of light might be reabsorbed by resonant vibration if they impinged on
image both of the man and of the prospects for a continuum theory of ether and the same substances elsewhere. Thus, absorption of the suns radiation in its own
matter. The present chapter treats this positive image. The one following 2 Treatise draft, Axiomata sive Leges M otus, NB47, ULC, facing p. 3 (received by Tait, 16th
describes its decline. January, 1862). ^ Ibid., facing p. 5.
* Compare the Thomson and Stokes letters between 20th February and 9th March, 1854, K62-6,
' William Thomson to G.G. Stokes, 20th December, 1857, K lO l, Stokes correspondence, ULC. Stokes correspondence, and S3668, ULC, with those o f lst-7th July, 1871, K174, NB21.42,
The boxes o f water appear in G.G. Stokes, On some cases o f fluid motion (read 29th May, 1843), NB21.44, and K176, Stokes correspondence, ULC. The latter were written in preparation
Trans. Cam. Phil. Soc., 8 (1849), 10537, 40914; Mathematical and physical papers (5 vols., for Thom sons Presidential address, B A A S Report, 41 (1871), Ixxxiv-cv; PL, 2, 132-205, esp. pp.
Cambridge, 1880-1905), 1, pp. 17-68, esp. pp. 60-8. 169-72.

398 The transformation o f classical physics The hydrodynamics o f matter 399

atmosphere or the earths atmosphere would produce the familiar dark lines in relations between sun and ether. The suns total heat output per square toot per
its spectrum. second, judging from the fraction intercepted at the earths surface, was 7900
Stokes apparently thought of the piano analogy in 1851-2 at the time of his horsepower, comparable with the work produced by the most powerful marine
discovery of fluorescence, which he and Thomson discussed at length in relation engines. At the earths distance from the sun, therefore, the ether contained at
to spectral lines. Thomson jumped to the conclusion that Stokess mechanical any time about 10 ^ foot-pounds per cubic foot, or in Thomsons practical
analogy offered not only a possible but a very nearly necessary explanation of phrasing, The mechanical value of a cubic mile of sunlight is consequently
the coincidence of bright and dark lines. He assumed that whatever dark lines 12050 foot-pounds, equivalent to the work of one-horse power for a third of a
existed in the solar spectrum necessarily corresponded to bright lines emitted by minute.^
its constituent substances, thus promising a qualitative analysis of the suns On the dynamical theory, all of this energy had to exist as kinetic and
chemical composition. He began teaching that theory to his students in 1852-3 potential energy in a medium possessing mass, and forming a continuous
and exhorted Stokes repeatedly in 1854 to extend his experimental investiga material communication throughout space. Its energy content allowed an
tions. Ever afterwards he believed he had learned the theory from Stokes. His estimate of its minimum mass density. On the reasonable assumption that the
cautious friend remembered differently: I did not at the time think that all, or vibrating particles of ether had velocities no larger than one-hundredth the
even I think most, of the dark solar lines were to be connected with bright lines velocity of light, he obtained an ether density, at the earths distance from the
.. . [but] were due to absorption by compound gases formed in the cooler parts sun, of around 10 ^pounds per cubic foot. Whether or not this medium is (as
of the Suns atmosphere . . . When you jumped to the conclusion (since borne appears to me most probable), he speculated, a continuation of our own
out) that to find what elements were in the sun and stars we must examine the atmosphere, its existence is a fact that cannot be questioned. For comparison he
bright lines in artificial flames / thought you were going too fast ahead. calculated the density the air would have if it continued into interplanetary space
Although chemical analysis of the sun was one of Thomsons immediate at a constant temperature, decreasing linearly with pressure according to Boyles
interests in 1854, he wished also to know whether Stokes could make any law. Incredibly, the ether had to be 10^ or 10 times as dense as this
decided mathematical investigation of your mechanical theory; and Can you continuation of the air. What is the lum^ medium then, he asked Stokes.^
investigate mechanically the undulatory theory of radiant heat?^ Presupposing Stokes found nothing unreasonable in the density estimate for ether and had
the newly established dynamical theory of heat, Thomson sought the mechani contemplated such a calculation himself But he could not countenance
cal connection of bodily to radiant heat, or of molecular motions to ether Thomsons aer. I am altogether sceptical about the existence of air in the
motions. And thinking of that microscopic molecule^ether relation in analogy planetary spaces, came Stokess reply, but if it do exist I have no confidence in
with the grand relation of sun and interplanetary space, he stated, perhaps for the the truth of Boyles law when pushed to such limits.P u z z l e d , Thomson
first time, a version of the famous black-body problem: E.G. A hot black ball, in asked, How can you think the air stops? Boyles law need not hold of course. I
the centre of a hollow black sphere, each of given temperature. What is the wave have never seen or heard of any valid reason for supposing the air to stop.*^
length, or lengths, o f the undulations. The wave lengths as experiment shows are Stokes seems to have reasoned that if our air were an interplanetary medium its
less the [greater the] temperature of the hot body. It is a splendid subject for density ought to vary with the seasons as the earths distance from the sun
mathematical investigation.Although unable to produce a detailed model of changed, just as the density of our planetary atmosphere decreases with altitude.
molecular and ether vibrations, he nevertheless calculated macroscopic energy But Thomson remained undeterred:
I still b e lie v e in th e c o n t in u it y o f a tm o s p h e r e th r o u g h sp ace, a n d I h a v e n o d o u b t b u t that
* See the Stokes-Thomson correspondence fromMth August to 15th November, 1851, K51-2, th e d iffic u lty y o u s h o w . . . w ill b e e x p la in e d b y ta k in g in to a c c th e c e n tr ifu g a l fo r c e d u e
Stokes correspondence, and S362-5, ULC.
to th e r e v o lu t io n r o u n d th e su n o f a p o r t io n o f it carried r o u n d w it h th e e a rth , o r else , b y
* Description summarized from letters o f note 4. Quotation from Thomson to Stokes, 5th July,
1871, N B 21.42, Stokes correspondence, ULC. Thomson wished to establish Stokess priority over
the famous works o f Foucault, Bunsen, and KirchhofF, at least in the dynamical theory, if not as
practically established by spectrum analysis. He first staked this claim publicly in a letter published William Thomson, N ote on the possible density o f the luminiferous medium and on the
by Kirchhoffin the 1866 English translation o f his own classic paper (see Thom sons account in BL, mechanical value o f a cubic mile o f sunlight (read 1st May, 1854), Trans. Royal Soc. Edinburgh, 21
10CU3) and then in his paper On vortex atoms (read 18th February, 1867), Proc. Royal Soc. (1857), 57-61; MPP, 2, 28-33, on p. 29. This estimate and those below appeared first in the letters to
Edinburgh, 6 (1869), 94-105, on p. 96; MPP, 4, 1-12, on p. 3. Stokes had in fact said in a letter o f 7th Stokes.
March, 1854, S367, ULC; But we must not go on too fast. This explanation 1have not seen, so far as 1 Ibid., 28. William Thomson to G.G. Stokes, 2nd March, 1854, K64, Stokes correspondence,
remember, in any book, nor do I know a single experiment to justify it. ULC. The larger estimate is the published one.
William Thomson to G.G. Stokes, 2nd and 9th March, 1854, K64 and K66, Stokes G.G. Stokes to William Thomson, 7th March, 1854, S367, ULC.
correspondence, ULC (quotations from the latter). ** Ibid., 9th March. William Thomson to G.G. Stokes, 9th March, 1854, K66, Stokes correspondence, ULC.
400 The transformation o f classical physics The hydrodynamics o f matter 401

c o n s id e r in g , is v e r y p r o b a b le , th e w h o le in te r p la n e ta r y a tm o s p h e r e to b e r e v o lv in g whose vibrations propagated waves of light and heat. Normal matter, with its
r o u n d th e su n . I a m m u c h d isp o s e d to g o b a ck to th e V o r tic e s , d iffe r in g o n ly fr o m atomic centres dressed in atmospheres of self-repulsive fluid, absorbed radiant
D e s C a r te s in b e in g d r a g g e d r o u n d b y th e p la n e ts in ste a d o f d r a g [g ]in g th e m r o u n d . energy by somehow converting the wave vibrations of its atomic centres into
thermal rotations in the atmospheres. With respect to elasticity, such increase in
The immediate reference for this latter speculation was Thomsons theory
thermal rotations increased volume compressibility at the expense of the
that the suns heat derived from a vortex of meteors moving under solar
extreme rigidity of the structure of atomic centres. Consequently, absorption of
gravitation and gradually collapsing into the sun after losing energy in friction
heat gradually converted elastic solids into liquids and finally gases, as it ought to
with the ether (ch. 14). The meteoric vortex would thus drag with it an
accompanying ether vortex, in which density and pressure were controlled not
Discussing this scheme in his Glasgow lectures for 1852-3, Thomson already
by gravity but by the hydrodynamics of the etherial fluid. This ether vortex
treated the atomic centres as nuclei or solid atoms of air, rather than ether,
expands dramatically the scope of Thomsons concern to relate matter and ether.
having remarked in November that An ether has been assumed - a luminiferous
The correspondence with Stokes establishes the following picture: between
ether. No proof has been given of the sudden ceasing of air. It is more probable
1851 and 1854 Thomson developed a firm attachment to his air-ether as
that it [the ether] is matter than that it is not. The remark followed a discussion
forming a continuous material communication throughout space; that he
of the analogy between waves in air and ether, in which, despite vast differences
proposed to analyze the dynamics and thermodynamics of ether just as he would
in velocity of propagation, frequency, and manner of propagation, Thomson
any other material substance; and that he thought of the sun-ether relation as a
stressed similarities. Air propagated the slow longitudinal vibrations associated
cosmic analogue of the molecule-ether relation. As these points would suggest,
with a highly compressible fluid, while ether propagated the rapid transverse
the ether vortex did not stand in isolation. It belonged to Thomsons rapidly
vibrations of a quite rigid solid, but he believed both media would exhibit both
developing views on the molecular dynamics of heat and elasticity, that is, on
kinds of waves when observed under the proper circumstances. It is probable
molecular vortices.
that vibrations like those of sound [longitudinal] are propagated in ether at the
He had long ago contemplated the effect of vortex-like motions in producing
same time [as those of light], he told his class, but since the ether was nearly
elasticity as he stirred his cup of chocolat au lait in Paris in 1847. The twisting
incompressible the longitudinal waves travelled at effectively infinite velocity.
motion (in eddies, and in the general variation of angular vel . . .) in becoming
He would insist on this conception to the end o f the century (ch. 13). Recipro
effaced, always gave rise to . .. oscillations like an elastic (incompressible) solid,
cally, he had queried Stokes in February whether the velocity of sound is
he wrote to Stokes. Not until he had read Davys views on repulsive motion
in 1849-50, however, did he attempt to unite heat and elasticity as modes of affected by some solid elasticity of air [implying transverse vibrations] existing
molecular m o tio n .R a n k in e s molecular vortices certainly contributed to that during the rapid vibrations of sound, but not existing at all or not appreciably in
effort (ch. 10). In fact, Rankine conceived his vortices about atomic centres any statical circumstances of air.^"^
much as Thomson would conceive the ether vortex round the sun, assuming Rankines molecular vortices provided a suggestive model for the continuity
between waves in ether and air, showing how to transform a rigid, nearly
that the changes of condition and elasticity due to heat arise from the centrifugal
force of revolutions among the particles of the atmospheres.^^ And Rankine incompressible ether continuously into a perfectly fluid, but highly compress
ible air by adding rotational motion. His scheme suffered, however, from the
had schematized a mechanical theory of the relation between radiant and bodily
heat. He supposed that the bare atomic centres, possessing very small mass and ' William Jack, Notes o f the Glasgow College natural philosophy class taken during the 1852-
exerting attractive forces on one another, constituted the elastic solid ether. 53 session, MS Gen. 130, ULG, prior to 25th Novem ber, 1852; William Thomson to G.G. Stokes,
16th February, 1852, K55, Stokes correspondence, ULC. Thom sons immediate concern in the
letter was with Mayers hypothesis, which required that isothermal compression o f air involves no
William Thomson to G.G. Stokes, 21st March and 20th April, 1854, K68, Stokes change in internal potential energy, but only heat expelled equivalent to work done. Initial
correspondence, ULC (quotation from latter). experiments by Joule on the specific heat o f air at constant pressure, coupled with Mayers
William Thomson to G.G. Stokes, 20th October, 1847, K21, Stokes correspondence, ULC. hypothesis, gave a ratio o f specific heats at constant volume and at constant pressure markedly
Full quotation in ch. 8, following note 63. smaller than that determined from measurements on the velocity o f sound. Thus either Mayers
See ch. 10, notes 47, 80, 84, and 85, and Thom sons retrospective account in his presidential hypothesis was false or the connection o f sound velocity with specific heats required modification by
address to the British Association meeting at Montreal in 1884, Steps toward a kinetic theory o f including something like solid elasticity. Within a weekjoule obtained experimental agreement and
matter, B A A S Report, 54 (1884), 613-22; PL, 1, 225-59, on pp. 229-31. Thomson withdrew his suggestion o f solid elasticity, in William Thomson to G.G. Stokes, 20th
** W.J.M. Rankine, Laws o f the elasticity o f solids. Cam. and Dublin M ath.]., 10 (1851), 47-80, February, 1852, and 31st May, 1854, K56 and K71, Stokes correspondence, ULC. The original
178-81,185-6, onp. 67. As editor, Thomson objected to one o f the crucial proofs and enlisted Stokes suggestion probably derived from remarks o f Rankines On the velocity o f sound in liquid and solid
to referee Rankines new proof (pp. 17881); see Thomson to Stokes, 25th February, 1851, Stokes bodies o f limited dimensions, especially along prismatic masses o f liquid. Cam. and Dublin M ath.J.,
correspondence, K46, ULC. 10 (1851), 238-67.
402 The transformation o f classical physics The hydrodynamics o f matter 403

assumption of attraction between atomic centres and between the centres and That these motions of electrical fluid, constituting heat and elasticity, were in
their atmospheres, which violated Mayers hypothesis and Joules experiments, fact vortex motions, stemmed from the connection of magnetism with elastic
by implying that There is work done by expanding air then, against the ity. Thomson had shown in his 1847 Mechanical representation that magne
cohesion of the atoms, besides the external effect of heat4 It was precisely to tism, including electromagnetism, could be represented by rotational
settle this question that Thomson and Joule had planned their famous series of displacement about lines of magnetic force, which seemed also to be required by
experiments on air forced through a porous plug in the spring of 1851. They Faradays magneto-optic rotation. Having adopted the dynamical theory of
intended, Thomson wrote to Stokes, to test the relation between the heat heat and elasticity by 1851, he began immediately to investigate the relation of
absorbed & the mechanical effect emitted by air expanding at a constant heat to electricity and magnetism, or thermo-electricity and thermo-magne-
temperature, which we propose to do by making it waste all its work on fluid tism. His studies of thermo-electricity in linear conductors (e.g. wires) were
friction. By late 1852 they had found some deviation from Mayers hypothesis important for establishing macroscopic energy relations between heat and
but nothing like that required by Rankines model. ^^ Thus Thomson had good electricity. O f greater importance for Thomsons molecular models, however,
reason to seek a molecular theory of gases in which energy added or subtracted was the possibility of rotatory thermo-electric currents in solids, and even more
would be nearly all kinetic, as in Herapaths theory of action by impact, but the intriguing, simple rotatory conduction of heat. The thermo-electric rotations
new theory would have to preserve the continuous transition from elastic-solid would certainly produce magnetism, like any other electric current; but so
ether to gaseous fluids of Rankines molecular vortices. might rotational heat conduction, if it involved any convection of electricity.
Both effects would allow an investigation at the macroscopic level of connec
tions between heat, electricity, and magnetism that could be expected to hold
Magnetic rotations
also for molecules.
Elasticity and thermodynamics tell only half the story of Thomsons molecular This connection of macroscopic and molecular rotations is particularly
theorizing; the other half derives from electricity and magnetism. Electricity he evident in a remark that Thomson made to J.P. Joule in response to Joules
tended to conceive as a fluid, whose accumulations produced tensions in ether suggestion of an analogy between heat engines and electromagnetic engines
and air, and currents of which produced the rotational strains of magnetism. A (electric motors). I am inclined to think, wrote Thomson, that an electric
late but telling indication of the relation of those views to the dynamical theory current circulating in a closed conductor is heat, and becomes capable of
of heat appears in the reprint of his old 1845 paper on the impossibility of producing thermometric effects by being frittered down into smaller local
Poissons inverse square electrical fluid having a thickness at the surface of circuits or molecular vortices
conductors. He had concluded that Any thickness... must depend on a force of Discussions of rotational heat flow arose between Thomson and Stokes early
elasticity, or on a force generated by the contact of material points, and in either in 1851, with respect to a paper Stokes was writing for the Cambridge Mathemat
case will require an ultimate law of repulsion more intense than that of the ical Journal on conduction of heat in crystals. Stokes argued from symmetry
inverse square. E4e troubled to remark in 1869: This was written without considerations that the nine arbitrary constants of conductivity, which in a
knowledge of Davys repulsive motion, and without the slightest idea that crystal would connect the three rectangular components of flux of heat with the
elasticity o f every kind is most probably a result o f motion.A p p a re n tly he three corresponding temperature gradients, must necessarily reduce to six,
wished to stress not only that electricity could once again be regarded as a fluid, independent o f any hypothesis on the nature of heat conduction. Otherwise
with forces of elasticity replaced by motions, but also that heat, Davys repulsive conduction could occur in a rotatory fashion, spiralling outwards from a point
motion, was electricity in motion. source. This rotatory sort of motion of heat seemed at the least very strange.
Coincidentally, Thomson had just completed a paper of his own on magnetic
Jack, op.cit. (note 17), immediately preceding entry dated 26th January, 1853.
Thomson suggested the experiments in On a method o f discovering experimentally the induction in crystals containing the analogous conclusion that the constants of
relation between the mechanical work spent, and the heat produced by the compression o f gaseous
fluid (read 21st April, 1851), Trans. RoyalSoc. Edinhurgh, 20 (1853), 289-98; MPP, 1,210-22, having William Thomson toJ.P. Joule, 31st March, 18,52, quoted in J.P. Joule, On the oeconomical
queried Stokes on lOth April, Do you think, when air is compressed any appreciable portion o f the production o f mechanical effect from chemical forces, Phil. Mag., (series 4], 5 (1853), 1-9. Injoule to
mechanical effect produced by the work spent is statical?, K47, Stokes correspondence, ULC. Thomson, 26th March, 1852, J111, ULC, Joule requests an opinion on the relation between heat and
Quotation, William Thomson to G.G. Stokes, 9th May, 1851, K50, Stokes correspondence, ULC. electricity and expresses his own suspicion that the fluid theory o f electricity will be ultimately
Thomson and Joule communicated initial results to the British Association in September 1852, overturned, exactly as the theory o f caloric.
published as On the thermal effects experienced by air in rushing through small apertures, Phil. G.G. Stokes, On the conduction o f heat in crystals. Cam. and Dublin M ath.]., 10 (1851), 21.5-
.V%., Iscnes 4|, 4 (18.52), 481-91; MPP, 1, 333-45. 38, on p. 236. See G.G. Stokes to William Thomson, 6thjanuary, 1851, S360, ULC, and Thomson to
E&M, 103. See chapter 7, at note 27. Stokes, 13th January and 25th February, 1851, K44 and K46, Stokes correspondence, ULC.
404 The transformation o f classical physics The hydrodynamics o f matter 405

inductive capacity reduced to six. The two papers thus demonstrated once again (a) (b)

the mathematical analogy of heat and magnetism. But Thomsons proof,

although it too rested on the rotational character of a non-symmetric set of
constants, derived from energy considerations. He had formulated the argu
ment already in 1848 and applied it to the problem of induced magnetism in iron
ships (ch. 22). It simply asserted the impossibility of any perpetual source of
work, or, specifically, that a sphere of matter of any kind, placed in a uniform
field of force, and made [constrained] to turn round an axis fixed perpendicular
to the lines of force, cannot be an inexhaustible source of mechanical effect.
Although Stokess remark on the strangeness of rotatory conduction struck
Thomson as corresponding to the proof I give, he apparently did not take it as
definitive, perhaps because Stokes did not employ any general physical princi
ples, such as those of energy, which had become a prerequisite of mathematical Figure 12.1. In a section o f a cylindrical solid (b), having an oblique crystalline
theory for Thomson.^"* structure analogous to that o f cloth (a) woven from brass wires in one direction and
iron in the other, Thomson thought that a radial temperature gradient would
The central role of the laws of energy as heuristic principles guiding
produce circular thermo-electric currents.
Thomsons research is apparent in a November letter where he reported being
greatly engrossed with electrodynamics especially in connection with the
principle o f mechanical effect. 1 think I have got a good foundation for a theory Then began in earnest his fascination with rotations, from the solar to the
of the mechanical effect o f thermo-electric currents. In the next paragraph he molecular level. In the spring of 1854 he wrote to Stokes not only of his meteoric
announced a rule for finding the mechanical value of a current of given vortex theory of the suns heat, his aer density calculations, and the problem of
strength in terms of the work gained in assembling it, and immediately stated: I spectral lines, but also of producing a bar magnet by means of thermo-electric
am quite convinced that diamagnetics are only bodies less magnetizable than rotations in suitably non-symmetric crystals and artificially constructed solids.
space (i.e. I suppose the luminiferous medium). The only apparent unity in these For example:
loose associations, between heat, electric currents, magnetism, and ether, lies in I h a v e g o t a p ie c e o f w ir e c lo t h w o v e n o f brass a n d ir o n w ir e , in th e t w o d ir e c tio n s; & b y
mechanical effect. The transitions indicate the direction of Thomsons physical p u llin g it o b liq u e [fig u r e 1 2 .1 a ] 1 sh all h a v e a r e p r e se n ta tiv e o f t h e r m o e le c tr ic c r y sta llin e
speculations, but also their turbulent state. For the moment he took thermo o b liq u it y . I f a so lid p o sse ssin g th is p r o p e r ty b e c u t in to a c y lin d r ic a l sh a p e [fig u r e 1 2 .1 b ],
electricity as his specific subject and worked out the purely macroscopic an d th e ax is h o l l o w e d & h e a te d , w h ile th e o u te r su rfa ce is k e p t at a u n ifo r m te m p e r a tu r e ,

relations o f mechanical effect required by the First and Second Laws of Thermo c ircu la r c u rren ts w i l l b e p r o d u c e d , & it w ill fo r th e tim e act lik e a bar m a g n e t.

dynamics. In addition he began a series of accurate experimental measurements He now believed that he could prove, both for thermo-electricity, and for the
of those relations, which continued until 1854 in his rapidly developing Glasgow conduction of heat, the possibility of making a structure which would possess
laboratory. the wonderful [rotatory] conductive properties which Stokes had thought
William Thomson, On the theory o f magnetic induction in crystalline and non-crystalline would never occur.
substances, Phil. Mag., [series 4], 1, (1851), 177-86; E&M, 465-81, on p. 480. Stokes dissented, at least with respect to conduction. For three months the
Quotation, William Thomson to G.G. Stokes, 25th February, 1851, K46, Stokes correspon
two argued back and forth over whether or not it would be possible to compose
dence, ULC. See Thom sons retrospective justification added in 1882 to On the dynamical theory
o f heat, part VI: thermo-electric currents (read 1st May, 1854), Trans. Royal Soc. Edinburgh, 21 a structure possessing the obliquity as regards thermal conductivity, (or rotatory
(1854), 123-71; MPP, 1, 232-91, on pp. 280-l. Discovery o f the Hall effect for electric currents in a conductivity) out of materials which do not possess it, with Thomson propos
magnetic field had vindicated the principle o f his original assumption about heat conduction in
ing examples and Stokes finding flaws. Reluctantly Thomson finally gave up on
25 See William Thomson to G.G. Stokes, 8th Novem ber, 1851 (quotation), 21st December, this structural rotational conduction, having convinced himself for the
1852, and 20th February, 1854, K52, K61, and K62, Stokes correspondence, ULC. William moment that his perpetual motion argument for induced magnetization applied
Thomson, On a mechanical theory o f thermo-electric currents (read 15th December, 1851), Proc.
also to heat conduction, when considered alone. But still he held on to thermo-
Royal Soc. Edinburgh, 3 (1851), 91-8; MPP, 1, 316-23; Experimental researches in thermo
electricity (dated 30th March, 1854), Proc. Royal Soc., 1 (1854), 49-58; MPP, 1,460-8; Account o f
experimental researches in thermo-electricity, B A A S Report, 24 (1854), 13-14; MPP, 1, 469-71. 2* William Thomson to G.G. Stokes, 21st March and 20th April, 1854, K68, Stokes
B.S. Finn, Development in thermoelectricity, 185CD1920, Dissertation, University o f Wisconsin, correspondence, ULC. He had proposed this thought experiment already on 2nd March, 1854, K64,
1963, pp. 21-.53, gives a useful summary. Stokes correspondence, ULC.
406 The transformation o f classical physics The hydrodynamics o f matter 407

electric rotation, in the belief that what one agency alone could not do, the two autumn and winter (ch. 13), Thomson began anew on magnetic rotations, this
agencies of electric conduction & thermo-electric force could still accomplish. time from the perspective o f elasticity and its connection with heat. Can you tell
There the debate ceased, with Stokes unconvinced even of the latter effect and me, he asked Stokes in March, 1855, whether Faradays optical effect of
with Thomson quite sure that in general conduction of either heat or electricity magnetism has been reduced to elastic forces? Once again adapting Stokess
would require nine independent coefficients.^^ analysis, he represented the required elasticity in terms of one set of constants for
In his major paper on thermo-electricity, read to the Royal Society of isotropic strain, the same in all directions, and a second set for rotational strain
Edinburgh on 1st May, 1854, Thomson devoted a large section to rotations, about an axis o f dipolarity. So began a development of ideas which would
both in their mathematical form and in illustrative structures, without, how culminate in 1856 in his seminal Dynamical illustrations of the magnetic and the
ever, having yet observed such rotations experimentally. His confidence seems helicoidal rotatory effects of transparent bodies on polarized light.A lr e a d y in
to have derived largely from Faradays magneto-optic rotation, which dis March, 1855, Thomson began a series On the thermo-elastic and thermo-
played the required type of asymmetry, called dipolarity by Stokes and magnetic properties of matter. Part I, on thermo-elasticity, is all that appeared.
Thomson. Thus he expected to find that magnetized iron possessed a dipolar In it he analyzed, from a thermodynamic viewpoint, the conditions on the six
axis of thermo-electric rotation parallel to the lines of magnetization, so that a variables defining the reversible straining of a cube into a parallelepiped (the
disc cut perpendicular to the lines would behave like the oblique grate of iron lengths of three edges and the angles between three planes, for dilation and shear,
and brass wires described above. If its centre were held at one constant tempera respectively) in relation to the six corresponding components o f stress. Others
ture and its entire circular edge at another, the resulting thermo-electric current had argued from various mechanical considerations that the thirty-six coeffi
would exhibit at every point, in addition to the expected radial component, a cients connecting the stress and strain components reduced to twenty-one.
tangential component, yielding a circular current around the disc. This relation Thomson now showed that this result followed from the Second Law of
of radial and circular motions would be the same as that for a light wave Thermodynamics alone, as a perfectly general and macroscopic condition,
travelling along lines of magnetization, for the wave displacement transverse to independent of any hypothesis of molecular structure.
the lines obtained a rotation about them. Thomsons experiments did not reveal He also asserted that any further reduction was in general invalid, for it is
the rotational currents. Nevertheless, he did not hesitate, in an 1882 note, to quite certain that an arrangement o f actual pieces of matter may be made,
claim virtual priority for the Hall effect, at the expense of Stokes: Halls recent constituting a homogeneous whole when considered on a large scale . . . which
great discovery shows that the hypothesis which 28 years ago I refused to admit shall have an arbitrarily prescribed value for each one o f these twenty-one
[Stokess hypothesis of symmetry], was incorrect, and proves the rotatory coefficients. Swiping at atomists (of the hard atoms sort) and mathematicians
quality to exist for electrical conduction through metals in the magnetic field. who would impose arbitrary conditions on the infinitely inconceivable struc
After an interlude marked by furious activity on telegraphy during the ture of the particles of a crystal . . . for the sake of shortening the equations, he
pointed out that the principal-axis reduction in particular, which yielded three
Quotations from Thom sons final letter, 7th June, 1854, and the preceding one, 31st May, K72 perpendicular axes of symmetry, was invalid. Such symmetry would have
and K71. Stokes correspondence, ULC. Stokes sent his enduring reservations on 17th June, S373,
ULC. eliminated his dipolar axes, or axes of rotation.
William Thomson, On the dynamical theory o f heat. Part VI, pp. 123-71; MPP, 1,232-91, Thomsons analysis effectively showed, on the other hand, that no infinitely
esp. pp. 273-87; experimental results on magnetized iron in notes added July, 1854 and 13th
September, 1854, on pp. 2867; notes on Hall effect, pp. 280-1, 288; nine independent coefficients William Thomson to G.G. Stokes, 14th March, 1855, K79, Stokes correspondence, ULC;
required, pp. 288, 291. See William Thomson, On the effects o f mechanical strain on the thermo William Thomson, Dynamical illustrations o f the magnetic and the helicoidal rotatory effects o f
electric qualities o f metals and On the electric qualities o f magnetized iron, B A A S Report, 25 transparent bodies on polarized light (received 10th May, 1856; read 12th June, 1856), Proc. Royal
(1855), 17 18, 19-20; MPP, 2, 173-4,178-80. In Experiments on the electrodynamic properties o f Soc., 8 (1856), 150-8; Phil. Mag., [series 4j. 13 (1857), 138-204; Baltimore Lectures on molecular
metals, PA140, ULC, (apparently a brief report to the Royal Society in 1854 or 1855 on the dynamics and the wave theory o f light (London, 1904), pp. 569-77.
mechanical strain and magnetization experiments, which they funded) Thomson still concludes that William Thomson On the thermo-elastic and thermo-magnetic properties o f matter. Part I
either agency produces the thermo-electric properties o f a crystal, with magnetization producing a (dated 10th March, 1855), Quart. J. Math., 1 (1857), 57-77; MPP, 1, 293-313. See also, William
single axis o f thermo-electric symmetry (the rotatory property). He described his continuing Thomson, Elements o f a mathematical theory o f elasticity (read 24th April, 1856), Phil. Trans.
experiments at great length, but omitting rotations, in his Bakerian Lecture, On the electrodynamic Royal Soc., (1856), 481-98. On thermo-magnetism, Thomson published only a brief account on the
qualities o f metals (read 28th February, 1856), Phil. Trans. Royal Soc., (1856), 649-751; MPP, 2 ,1 8 9 - change o f magnetic susceptibilities with temperature and on heating and cooling effects that would
327; esp. pp. 267-327. He proposed this and an alternative lecture On the origin and transformation attend motions o f a magnetized crystal in a magnetic field. William Thomson, Thermomagnetism,
o f rotatory m otion, produced by gravitation between bodies, in a letter to Edward Sabine, in J.P. Nichol (ed.), A cyclopaedia o f the physical sciences, 2nd edn. (London and Glasgow, 1860);
president o f the Royal Society, on 17th October, 1855, SlOA, ULC. On the discovery o f the Hall extract in MPP, 1, 313-15. In the notes on the history o f thermodynamics that he sent to Tait in
effect, see J.Z. Buchwald, From M axwell to microphysics: aspects o f electromagnetic theory in the last 1864(?), Thomson observed that N o expt has ever been made in verification o f Thermomagm.,
quarter of the nineteenth century (Chicago, 1985), pp. 73-95. NB52, ULC, pp. 39-40. MPP, 1, 304-7.
408 The transformation o f classical physics The hydrodynamics o f matter 409

homogeneous solid (homogeneous down to infinitesimal dimensions) could He now expected not only that the rotations would represent heat, and that an
possess either helicoidal or dipolar asymmetry. On this fact he built his alignment o f their axes would constitute magnetism and produce the Faraday
Dynamical illustrations, in the spring of 1856, arguing that both the natural, effect, but that the rotations would produce on the average an intense repulsion
helicoidal rotations of the plane of polarized light (produced in, for example, between motes, leading to a stable, stiff structure like that required for
quartz and syrup) and the magnetic, dipolar rotations discovered by Faraday luminiferous vibrations. His confidence, from Stokess perspective, was aston
necessarily involved a heterogeneousness of structure at dimensions not incom ishing, for the mathematics remained completely uncertain. But Thomsons
parably less than a wavelength, and thus a molecular heterogeneousness in enthusiasm was born of the conviction that Faradays property cannot possibly be
normal matter. A liquid filled with spiral fibres, all left-handed or all right- explained without some such dynamical conditions being admitted . . .
handed, would illustrate the required hetcrogeneousness for helicoidal rota ([Dynamical illustrations. . . ] contains what I cannot see but as an unanswerable
tions, which exhibited always the same sense of rotation, independent o f argument to this effect). T h a t conviction informs the epigram o f the present
direction of transmission. Magnetic rotations, however, could not depend on chapter: hydrodynamics is to be the root of all physical science.
such spiral structures, because the rotations changed sense from right-handed, Early in January, 1858, Thomson entered in his research notebook the most
for light transmitted along the lines of force, to left-handed for transmission in elaborate speculations he had yet dared to put in writing. Considering the
the opposite direction. Thomson concluded that magnetic rotations necessarily probable truth of the doctrine of the Universal Plenum, he began, I have been
depended on the direction of motion of moving particles about the lines of led to think of a fluid filling the interstices between detached solid particles or
force, and claimed to be able to prove that no other dynamical explanation was molecules not necessarily atoms, (indivisible) . . . and to endeavour to explain
possible. some of the known properties of sensible matter by investigating the motion of
Faradays discovery therefore demonstrated, in Thomsons view, that mag such a system on strict dynamical principles. The problems seemed insur
netism consisted in absolute rotations of matter, as in Amperes electrodynamic mountable: permanence of the motes or molecules, gravitation, universal
molecules and Rankines molecular vortices. If so, it provided a definition of proportionality between gravitation and inertia, etc. Multiple ifs and mights
magnetization in the dynamical theory of heat. Magnetism would consist in a carried him forward. If it were possible to conceive the properties of one
net alignment of axes of the rotational motions constituting heat, and the particular substance [the motes] to be owing to a particular form & order of
resultant angular momentum of any element would measure its magnetic motions or eddies in a fluid, and to remain as constant as they do in nature
moment. Confident of this basic rotational model, Thomson nevertheless veiled through all combinations and actions of all kinds to which they may be
his more detailed ideas in cryptic qualifiers: subjected; it might be possible to conceive that all the phenomena of matter
The explanation o f all phenomena o f electro-magnetic attraction or repulsion, and o f might be explained by the consequences of contractility in a universal fluid
electro-magnetic induction, is to be looked for simply in the inertia and pressure o f the constituting the material world ... If this were true, inertia would be the cause of
matter o f which the motions constitute heat. Whether this matter is or is not electricity, impenetrability, and all repulsion would be explained by Davys repulsive
whether it is a continuous fluid interpermeating the spaces between molecular nuclei, or motion Thus contractility and inertia, taken as primitives, might function
is itself molecularly grouped; or whether all matter is continuous, and molecular like gravity and inertia in the solar system, as centripetal and centrifugal
heterogeneousness consists in finite vortical or other relative motions o f contiguous parts principles, the former holding the parts of a moving system together and the
o f a body; it is impossible to decide, and perhaps in vain to speculate, in the present state o f
latter preventing collapse, as though by repulsion. An analogy with Nichols
nebular hypothesis clearly pertained; Point atoms with inertia [and gravitation]
In vain perhaps, but precisely the latter speculations on vortical motions in a could certainly never collapse to a point but could only constitute systems (solar
continuous electrical fluid were his own. systems & nebulae).S im ila rly , but eschewing action at a distance through a
During the remainder of 1856 and 1857 Thomson devoted much of his vacuum, eddies in the universal fluid might form stable motes, while systems of
energy to the first (failed) Atlantic telegraph; but the technical activity did not motes would make up the molecules of normal matter.
dampen his speculations on ether and matter. In May, June, and December, 1857 These permanent eddies and systems of eddies are the first explicit, if hesitant.
he wrote to Stokes of his hopes for a theory of rotating motes in a perfect fluid.
William Thomson to G.G. Stokes, 23rd M ay, 17thjune, 20th December, and 23rd December,
William Thomson, Dynamical illustrations, pp. 150-8, on p. 152. For an excellent discussion 1857, K97, K98, K lO l, K102, Stokes correspondence, ULC (quotation from K98).
o f Thom sons argument see O le Knudsen, The Faraday effect and physical theory, 1845-1873, William Thomson, 6th January, 1858. N B 35, ULC, pp. 1-11, published, with an introduction
Arch. Hist. Exact ScL, 15 (1976), 235-81.
and notes, by Ole Knudsen, From Lord Kelvins notebook: ether speculations, Centaurus, 16
William Thomson, Dynamical illustrations, p. 152. (1971), 41-53. Thomson op. cit. (note 35), p. 6; Knudsen, pp. 48-9.
410 The transformation o f classical physics The hydrodynamics o f matter 411

form of Thomsons vortex atoms and molecules. Uncertain of their properties, handed helicoidal rotations of light in a rigid structure of motes, if each were a
however, he treated them provisionally as merely solid elastic particles. And he fragment of a right-handed screw. Similarly, if the motes were rotating
had not yet (!!!) succeeded in proving that the general character of the mutual spheroids, magnetic rotation would o c c u r . I t is apparent here that Thomson
action between two rotating motes, in virtue of fluid pressure, is repulsion (!). is talking about both the elastic-solid lattice of ether and that of normal solids,
Nevertheless, the potential rewards were great: but it is unclear how these differ. Probably he had in mind a difference in the
It seems certain that any motion o f a large solid through such a liquid, o f one o f the motes scale of their latticeworks, since he had previously emphasized the necessity of
through it, [or] o f the liquid itself while the motes are held back by a strainer or sieve heterogeneity comparable with a wavelength for magnetic rotation to occur.
enclosing the space under consideration, will tend to generate, or will lose itself in, Two problems remained: to establish the stability of the fluid rotations consti
rotating motions o f the motes in general. This seems an illustration, so far as it goes tuting the motes, and to establish net repulsion between motes.
perfect, o f the generation ofheat in a liquid by stirring it, and o f the generation o f heat in a The first problem Thomson thought he had solved: instability, or a tendency
liquid or solid by a current o f electricity through it.^"^ to run to [dissipative] eddies, or any kind of dissipation of energy, is impossible
The latter speculation is particularly suggestive. If assemblies of motes were in a perfect liquid (a liquid with neither viscosity nor compressibility). Stability,
arranged in the stable structure of a solid, forming a sieve through which the he argued, followed from his proof in 1847 that the continuity equation, for a
fluid could flow, and if the fluid were electricity, then the resulting electric mass of liquid originally at rest and subjected to any change in its boundary,
current would generate heat, consisting in rotations of the motes and accompa possessed unique solutions. He had shown that the solutions existed when the vis
nying fluid. Presumably also, a linear current would align the rotations about viva was minimum. That all-important theorem, suitably generalized, had
axes circling the current, like lines of magnetic force. And Thomson thought he grounded all of his major results in field theory. He now believed that any
could prove that there would be less repulsion along the axes of rotation than instabilities in a liquid would have to derive from friction, or perhaps
perpendicular to them, thus perfectly illustrating magnetic attraction. But the compressibility, because the minimization condition defined a state of stable
capstone of the system was magneto-optic rotation: If the motes are in any way, equilibrium in a perfect fluid.^^^
by mutual repulsion ... distributed and retained stably in or averaging near fixed Stokes had doubted the generality o f this comfortable analysis all along. Not
positions with the kind of rigidity required for undulations of light. .. and if on until February, 1858, however, did he spell out his objections to it and to other
the whole their rotations are round axes parallel to one line . . . then, polarized aspects of Thomsons scheme. The stability argument, he observed, depended
light propagated in this direction . . . must necessarily, as I can now fully on the assumption of continuity, and I have always been rather inclined to
demonstrate (see [Dynamical illustrations . . .]) follow Faradays magneto- believe that surfaces of discontinuity would be formed in the fluid, i.e. surfaces in
optic law. With that, he concluded. A complete dynamical [theory, del] passing across which the velocity resolved in a direction tangential to the surface
illustration o f magnetism & electromagnetism seems not at all difficult or far would alter abruptly. On the latter assumption, he thought, a solid moving
ofT.^ through the liquid would experience a resistance, which would dissipate the
But first he required the abstract hydrodynamics of the motes and their kinetic energy o f the solid into kinetic energy of its wake. Among additional
interactions. He recorded his progress: Last month (December) I made out a objections, Stokes noted that he had himself attempted long ago to explain
complete foundation for the theory of the motion of a solid of any shape in a Faradays discovery and that he found Thomsons unanswerable argument
perfect liquid; & up to this time without success have made many attempts to problematic. I naturally tried rotations of the luminiferous ether as suggested by
find something simple & workable for the mutual action between two solids Amperes theory but found that the proper law for the rotation as a function of
near one another moving through a perfect liquid. I n December, in fact, he [wavelength] would not come out . . . I certainly am by no means clear that
had written to Stokes a full outline of his analysis o f translational and rotational magnetic rotation must be due to motions going on independently of
motion of a single solid (or mote), pointing out how it would lead to right- luminiferous vibrations.
On the following day Stokes added physical illustrations to support his view
Thomson, op. cit. (note 35), pp. 3-5; Knudsen, pp. 47 8. The sym b ol'(!!!) is inserted and may
have been added, with the emphasis, in February, 1871, the date o f other notes. See also Thomson to Thomson to Stokes, 23rd December, 1857, op. cit. (note 34). He had proposed the same idea to
Stokes, 23rd December, 1857, op. cit. (note 34), where Thomson hopes to include elasticity, chemical Stokes on 23rd May, 1857, op. cit. (note 34). A more detailed sketch o f the theory, titled Abstract
affinity, and thermo-electricity. hydrodynamics, appears in Thom sons notebook, immediately following the speculation on the
Thomson, op. cit. (note 35), pp. 7-9; Knudsen, p. 49. universal plenum and with the same date, 6thJanuary, 1858, NB35, ULC, pp. 11-15; portions later
Thomson, op. cit. (note 35), pp. 7; Knudsen, p. 49. Marginal note, probably from February extracted for On the motion o f free solids through a liquid (read 20th February, 1871), Proc. Royal
1871: All done long before Feb 1870, when he presented On the forces experienced by solids Soc. llditihurgh, 7 (1872), 384-90; MPP, 4, 69-75.
immersed in a m oving liquid (read 7th February, 1870), Proc. Royal Soc. Edinhurth. 7 (1872), 60- 3; Thomson to Stokes, 23rd December, 1857, op. cit. (note 34).
E&M, .567 71. G.G. Stokes to William Thomson, 12th February, 1858, S391, ULC.
412 The transformation o f classical physics The hydrodynamics o f matter 413

that the solutions obeying the continuity equation were not those realized in 1IIM fMESSTRE VOETEX
nature and that the idealized solutions were in fact unstable Thomson seems //I UXr, lt l/l, L/'W . M ill n m , lirln t.s f

now to have found Stokess arguments to be the unanswerable ones, for there is
no evidence that he responded. He did not publish his mathematical results until
much later, and did not attempt to develop the theory further until after 1862,
by which time he had learned of Helmholtzs 1858 paper on Wirbelbewegungen.
We return to that story after developing another aspect of the context for vortex

Engineering and economy

The preceding account of the first appearance of Thomsons vortex atoms has
followed the high road of theoretical physics, treating only internal problems of
heat, electricity, and magnetism. But, just as his theories in those areas depended
profoundly on an engineering perspective, so too did the vortex atoms.
Thomsons view of the condition governing stability in fluid motion goes
back to 1847 and the hydrodynamical analogy to magnetism (ch. 8). In July,
while he was working out both the minimization condition on vis viva and the
analogy, Thomson made a trip to Paris to purchase apparatus for his Glasgow
laboratory. There he undertook a charge from James Thomson to find out
whatever he could about French progress in the development of horizontal
waterwheels, forjames was perfecting a wheel which he hoped to patent (ch. 9).
By good fortune, William met J.V. Poncelet, the doyen of French engineering
and a most excellent old man. Poncelet described his own horizontal wheels in
Figure 12.2. In James Thom sons vortex turbine (top, shown from above), water
some detail, giving data on size and efficiency, which William forwarded to
entering from the right is directed by guide blades G tangentially into the central
James for com p arison.A lthough William seems initially to have had only a turbine chamber A. As the water flows inwards, losing its tangential velocity, the
limited idea of the principles of Jamess wheel, following their exchange of turbine vanes (inset) curve from radial to nearly tangential, so that the water
letters and ensuing discussions in Glasgow, he knew them intimately. continues to press against the vanes until it flows quietly away at the centre.
Jamess vortex turbine, as he called the machine in his 1850 patent, injected
circle at the velocity of a radial vane, a centripetal force would have to act to
water from outside the wheel in a spiral motion. Having transferred its energy to
overcome the centrifugal force of inertia. For a mass m travelling with velocity
largely radial vanes as it travelled inwards, the water passed down the drain at
V at radius r, the centripetal force is mv^jr. If this force were to push the mass to
the centre (figure 12.2). This spiral injection against radial vanes was new.
the centre as it lost its velocity it would do work mv^jl, equal to the original
Poncelets wheels employed circular injection along tangential vanes which
kinetic energy. Therefore, if the water driving the vortex turbine derived its
curved gradually inwards. Both types sought to minimize losses of energy
attendant on collisions between water and vanes, but while Poncelet achieved mechanical effect from a fall of height h, one-half the work of the fall ought to be
that result by gradually redirecting the water - which originally travelled much expended in producing motion in the water and the other half in pushing the
faster than the wheel - from tangential to radial, James injected the water at the water inwards against centrifugal force. This principle aims at keeping any given
same speed as the wheel, and at high pressure, relying on a gradual decrease in portion of the water as close as possible to a state of equilibrium while it moves
pressure towards the centre to carry the water inwards as it lost its motion against from high to low pressure, or equivalently, at extracting work by a reversible
the vanes.'* process. It is therefore the same general condition that Carnot applied to heat
The principle is elegantly simple. If the water were to travel continuously in a engines. James achieved efficiencies of 75%, equal to that of the best conven
tional overshot waterwheels. By contrast, Poncelets scheme converted the
G.G. Stokes to William Thomson, 13th February, 1858, S392, ULC. entire work of the fall to kinetic energy of the water, relying on the curved vanes
William to James Thomson, 12th and 22nd July, 1847, T429 and T429X, ULC; James to
William Thomson, 29th July, 1847, T434, ULC; James Thomson, Papers, xxvii-xxxiii. of the wheel for centripetal force, and yielded efficiencies of 60 to 68%.
'** James Thomson, On the vortex water-wheel, B A A S Report, 22 (1852), 130; Papers, 2-16. Williams hydrodynamic investigations of 1847 were obviously related to
414 The transformation o f classical physics The hydrodynamics o f matter 415

Jamess concerns in the sense that both were working on the role of mechanical The significance ofjamess engineering work for Williams hydrodynamics
effect in hydrodynamics; but the relation has more structure. Williams analysis of the physical world extended beyond the vortex turbine. In 1852, concerned
of the minimization condition on mechanical effect was closely connected with with economizing power in centrifugal pumps, James introduced the idea of a
the engineering conception of work, symbolized by the steam-engine, and with Vortex or whirlpool of free mobility, as he had labelled it by 1858.'*^ The usual
attendant questions of economy (chs. 8 and 9). The minimization condition centrifugal pumps wasted as much as 50% of the power expended to run them
represented natures economic behaviour in establishing equilibrium states as because they expelled water with a considerable rotational velocity from the
the states requiring the least expenditure of work, or least action, as Thomson circumference of their driving wheel. The kinetic energy of this rotational
wrote to Stokes (ch. 8). It also represented a state of conservative systems, for motion was consumed in friction in the discharge pipe. James proposed to avoid
which alone the equilibrium condition was valid. More generally, in the terms the waste by adding an exterior whirlpool chamber in which the revolving
of 1847, conservation meant no dissipation. Reflecting this identification, both water would gradually lose its tangential velocity as it moved from the wheel
William and James understood equilibrium as simultaneously a condition of outwards, acquiring in return either an increased height at discharge or an
conservation of mechanical effect and a condition of economy in natural increased pressure capable o f raising it to a greater height. This simple addition
processes. For William equilibrium represented minimum waste, in the sense of of an exterior whirlpool would increase the efficiency of centrifugal pumps
minimum mechanical effect contained in a conservative system; for James from less than 50% to 70%. As usual, the increased efficiency depended on
equilibrium represented minimum waste in extracting mechanical effect. From maintaining every portion of the vortex in equilibrium with neighbouring
the beginning of the two hydrodynamics projects, therefore, good reason exists portions.
for connecting them as two aspects of a common conceptual structure of work The vortex in Jamess external chamber, much like that in a draining sink,
and waste, based, just as in their discussions of thermodynamics, largely on approximated a condition of free mobility, meaning that every particle, at
engineering. whatever distance it happened to be from the central axis, possessed the same
This relation developed further around 1850, when William was separating total energy as every other equal particle, and therefore was free to move to any
conservation from dissipation in the First and Second Laws of Thermodynamics position within the whirlpool, without interfering with the general motion of
and when he began to regard heat as a repulsive motion. Thought ofin terms of the other particles, as each one . .. assumes of itself, subject simply to the laws of
Rankines models, heat consisted in the energy of rotating vortex atmospheres, motion under a central force, the velocity due to its position in the whirlpool.
and the stability of the vortex derived from the balance of its centrifugal force Each particle moved with a velocity inversely proportional to its distance from
with the centripetal attraction of the core. Now a steam-engine derives its work the central axis. Assuming an infinite sea, originally level, and neglecting
from a cyclic expansion and contraction of the steam, produced by adding heat friction, the equilibrium surface of such a whirlpool would take the shape y X
at a high temperature and extracting it at a low temperature. In terms of vortex 1jx^, where y is distance below the level sea and x is distance from the central axis
molecules, that process implies a cyclic expansion and contraction of the (figure 12.3). Thus any point of the surface moves with the velocity it would
atmospheres, adding vis viva at the high temperature to produce rotations with acquire in falling freely from the level surface, or that it would lose in rising. A
larger radius and then collapsing them at the low temperature. The process point in the interior, moving with the same velocity as the one directly above it
differs from that ofjam ess vortex turbine in that the work is extracted during in the surface, would gain gravitational potential energy if it rose to a higher
the expansion of the vortex rather than during its collapse, and the one operates level but would lose an equal energy with the attendant decrease in pressure.
cyclicly while the other operates continuously, but both depend on adding vis Similarly, in moving outwards, it would lose kinetic energy as the pressure
viva to a vortex from outside sources and then extracting its mechanical effect by increased. No work was required for either vertical or radial changes of position,
taking advantage of the relation of rotational vis viva to the size of a vortex. At ensuring equilibrium throughout the mass.
the molecular level, then, the steam-engine was a microcosmic vortex machine, In his lectures at Belfast in 1858 James referred to this motion variously as a
operating on the same principles asjamess machine but as a reciprocating engine Whirlpool or Vortex of Equal Energies, or O f Free Mobility, or O f Maximum
rather than a vortex turbine.
If that analogy seems far-fetched, one need only look to Williams initial James Thomson, On some properties o f whirling fluids, with their application in improving
the action ofblow ing fans, centrifugal pumps and certain kinds o f turbines, B A A S Report, 22 (1852),
theory of solar heat for a closer one. The sun shone from a continual influx of 130; Papers, 1-2. On a centrifugal pump with exterior whirlpool, constructed for draining land
meteors in a contracting vortex, for the meteors delivered up both the kinetic (read 27th October, 1858), Trans. Inst. Enj^. Scotland, 2 (1858), 206; Papers, 16-24. In the same
and potential energies of their rotational motion as they spiralled into the sun. volume, see Rankines Introductory address as President o f the Institution, which includes
comments on James Thom sons work in relation to the economic importance o f saving coal for use
Here, in 1854, William had produced literally a macrocosmic replica ofjamess at sea or in locom otive engines, pp. 1-16, on p. 13.
vortex turbine (ch. 14). James Thomson, Papers, 19. Our emphasis.
416 The transformation o f classical physics The hydrodynamics o f matter 417

a duck could swim from place to place without expenditure of energy in like
manner as in still water: Also that a fish in the interior of any whirlpool, except
the one of Free Mobility, would require to give out a real finite quantity of
energy in order to move from place to place. William, however, already had
Jamess work in mind, for the vortex of free mobility had appeared in his
notebook in J u n e . T h e relations between extremum conditions and perma
nence would also figure prominently in his later papers on vortex motion, as
they had in the Treatise, where they served as the new foundation for dynamics.
This new foundation should be seen as a generalization of the work on
hydrodynamics that William and James had both begun in 1847, from their
different but intertwined perspectives.

Vortex atoms
Figure 12.3. James Thom sons vortex o f free mobility has the shape y oc 1/x^. A fish
in the water and a duck on the surface, he remarked, could each swim freely from any
No evidence exists that Thomson knew of Hermann Helmholtzs classic paper
one point to another without doing work (neglecting friction). of 1858 on Wirbelbewegungen (vortex motion) prior to Taits mention of it early
in 1862 (ch. 11).^^ A year later, however, when Helmholtz visited Glasgow, he
Velocities', and again as a 'Whirlpool of Permanent Motion He apparently witnessed a typically enthusiastic Thomsonian demonstration of the explana
understood the ability of his vortex to deliver power with minimum waste as tory power that his vortices represented, in this case for the rigidity of matter.
depending on an interrelationship between equality, freedom, an optimum The experience nearly cost Helmholtz his head; Thomsons experiments... did
condition, and stability. The flavour of liberalism and political economy in this for my new hat. He had thrown a heavy metal disk into very rapid rotation; and
conception correlates well with Williams understanding of extremum condi it was revolving on a point. In order to show me how rigid it became in its
tions (ch. 11). rotation, he hit it with an iron hammer, but the disk resented this, and it flew off
Concerning the maximum condition and permanence, no particle in steady in one direction, and the iron foot on which it was revolving in another,
motion could be supposed to move faster than its given velocity without all carrying my hat away with it and ripping it up.^^ Later experiments would
particles at the same depth also moving faster, and tending to fly outwards. But demonstrate the kinetic rigidity of such objects as thin copper globes filled with
then the particles in the layer above would move inwards to replace them, water, when set in rotation, and their analogy with gyroscopes.^^
restoring the given conditions. The maximum condition on the velocities, as
James to William Thomson, 30th September, 1868, T120, ULG. William Thomson, 4 th -llth
James saw it, was therefore a sufficient condition for permanence of the
June, 1868, NB54 (1864-8), ULC.
m o tio n .J a m e s s extensive work on these problems before and during 1858 Hermann Helmholtz, Ueber Integrale der hydrodynamischen Gleichungen welche den
makes it unlikely that Williams speculations on eddies in the universal plenum Wirbelbewegungen entsprechen, Journalfu r die reine und angewandte Mathematik, 55 (1858), 25-55;
translated by P.G. Tait, On integrals o f the hydrodynamical equations, which express vortex-
injanuary, 1858, proceeded independently. In particular, Williams confidence
m otion, Phil. Mag., [series 4], 33 (1867), 485-512, with an addendum by Sir W. Thomson, pp. 511-
in the constancy of such eddies, based on his 1847 extremum principle, parallels 12; MPP, 4 ,6 7 -8 . In a letter o f 30th August, 1859, H65, ULC, Helmholtz reported to Thomson that
Jamess conception. Given Williams usual insistence on grounding theoretical he had been working on hydrodynamic equations including friction (see note 78), and asked about
ideas in practical realities, one suspects that the dramatic improvement in Stokess classic paper, but did not mention Wirbelbewegungen.
Hermann Helmholtz to Frau Helmholtz, April, 1863, in SPT, 1,430. The experiment on the
efficiency effected by Jamess external whirlpool served as a major support for rotating disc probably relates to an entry o f 30th January, 1863 (see also 7th September, 1863) in
his hydrodynamic programme in the face of Stokess objections. NB35, ULC, concerning the oscillatory motion o f a solid disc under an incompressible liquid, which
When William began in September, 1868, to pursue with Tait experiments continues Thom sons notebook calculations injanuary, 1858. Thomson asked Stokes to return his
letter o f that date, detailing the calculations, on 24thjanuary, 1863. See William Thomson, On the
on the stability properties of various vortices, James wrote to remind him of his motion o f free solids, pp. 389-90.
own much earlier knowledge of some of those properties and of discussing them For example, William Thomson, On the precessional motion o f a liquid, B A A S Report, 46
with William. As James remembered describing the condition of free mobility, (1876), 33-5; MPP, 4, 129-34. See also the experiments o f Thom sons student, John Aitken,
Experiments illustrating rigidity produced by centrifugal force (read 20th December, 1875), Proc.
James Thomson, Civil engineering class, 1858, C l, Q U B , pp. 48, 52. Royal Soc. Edinburgh, 9 (1878), 73-8, and Thom sons discussion in Elasticity viewed as possibly a
Ibid., p. 52; James Thomson, Papers, 2. mode o f m otion (read 4th March, 1881), Proc. Royal Inst., 9 (1882), 520-1; PL, 1, 142-6.
418 The transformation o f classical physics The hydrodynamics o f matter 419

Following completion of the Treatise and the successful laying of the Atlantic February, 1867, the news that vortex atoms would henceforth abolish the
cable of 1866 (ch. 19), the newly knighted Sir William Thomson turned his full monstrous assumption of infinitely strong and infinitely rigid pieces of matter
attention to vortex motion. In January of 1867, he wrote to Helmholtz: as adopted by Lucretius, Newton, and some of the greatest chemists in their
rashly-worded introductory statements.*^
Just now . . . Wirbelhewej^ungen have displaced every-
If vortices were indestructible, they had the additional advantage that only
thing else, since a few days ago Tait showed me in
God could create them: to generate or to destroy wirbel-bewcgung in a
Edinburgh a magnificent way o f producing them.
Take one side (or the lid) off a box (any old packing- perfect fluid can only be an act of creative power. A n d while the modern
box will serve) and cut a large hole in the opposite side. Lucretians could only explain properties of matter by attributing them to a
Stop the open side AB loosely with a piece o f cloth, and variety of mysterious forces inhering in atoms, the economical Creator of
strike the middle o f the cloth with your hand. If you vortices worked simply with primitive inertia in the universal fluid. Not even
leave anything smoking in the box, you will see a the contractility of Thomsons 1858 speculations was necessary. The
magnificent ring shot out by every blow . . . you will spectroscopic requirement for atoms that vibrated, for example, could now be
easily make rings o f a foot in diameter and an inch or so filled by the kinetic elasticity of form o fvortex rings in a perfect liquid. Taits
in section, and be able to follow them and see the smoke rings suggested that the vortex atom has perfectly definite fundamental
constituent rotary motion.^
modes of vibration. And preliminary calculations on longitudinal vibrations in
Smoke-ring vortices differ from the whirlpool vortices ofjames Thomson as a a vortex tube, or columnar vortex, suggested that the sodium atom, with its
tubular ring from a section of tube; or a smoke ring consists of a whirlpool of prominent double D lines, might consist of two nearly identical vortex rings
smoke, with its axis extended and wrapped back on itself linked together, each vibrating in its fundamental mode.
Helmholtz had gone a considerable way towards demonstrating in 1858 what This same kinetic elasticity, acting between atoms, would become the
Sir William had been unable to convince Stokes of in the same year, namely, that foundation of the proposed new kinetic theory of gases of Clausius and
Wirbelbewegungen would remain stable, if once established in a perfect fluid Maxwell, for two smoke-rings were frequently seen to bound obliquely from
(frictionless and incompressible). Vortex motions, it seemed, would fulfil one another, shaking violently from the effects of the shock. No doubt the
precisely the role Thomson had envisaged for his permanent eddies, or motes: elasticity of liquids and solids and the thermodynamics of all matter would soon
succumb to vortex explanation. The mathematical problems presented difficul
If there is a perfect fluid all through space, constituting the substance o f all matter, a
vortex-ring would be as permanent as the solid hard atoms assumed by Lucretius. . . to
ties o f an exciting character, which only enhanced Thomsons sense of power
account for the permanent properties o f bodies (as gold, lead, etc.) and the differences o f over the deep secrets of ether and matter.**
their characters. Thus, if two vortex-rings were once We should note immediately that the kinetic theory o f gases came ready
made with an insistent problem: the actual size of atoms. In order to obtain
empirically reasonable diffusion rates for the mixing of gases, Clausius had
introduced in 1858 the concept o fmean free path, the average distance between
collisions, which depends on the effective size of the atoms. Maxwell too made
the mean free path a basic parameter in his own theory of 1860, while in Vienna
created in a perfect fluid, passing through one another like links o f a chain, they never in 1865 Joseph Loschmidt used Maxwells results to estimate the size of a
could come into collision, or break one another, they would form an indestructible atom;
every variety o f combinations might exist. Thus a long chain o f vortex-rings, or three ** William Thomson, Vortex atoms, p. 94. See also Thomson to Stokes, February, 1867, K372,
rings, each running through each o f the others, would give each very characteristic Stokes correspondence, ULC, mentioning the very promising vortex atoms and their vibrations.
reactions upon other such kinetic atoms.* William Thomson, Vortex atoms, p. 94. The necessarily created character o f vortices made an
indelible impression on Thomson. See, for example, his letter to Helmholtz o f 3rd October, 1868,
The last remark was largely visionary, for Thomson could not yet calculate H71, ULC, where he asked rhetorically for conditions under which vortex motion could arise, and
answered: I think we may say without farther proof through none' (double underlining).
the action o f even two vortex rings on one another. And, in fact, Helmholtz had ** William Thomson, Vortex atoms, pp. 96-8. Thomson published rigorous solutions for a
not proved the stability of a vortex ring, but only that its rotational motion was columnar vortex only in 1880. Vibrations o f a columnar vortex (read 1st March, 1880), Proc. Royal
permanent. Sir William did not immediately see the difference. He broadcast in Soc. Edinburgh, 10 (1880), 443-56; MPP, 4, 152-65. He had worked out many o f the solutions,
however, much earlier; see William Thomson to G.G. Stokes, lst-2ndJanuary, 1873, K188, Stokes
William Thomson to Hermann Helmholtz, 22nd January, 1867, in SPT, 1, 513-14. correspondence, ULC. See also Thom sons attempts in May, 1868 to give rules for the impact o f two
** Ibid., pp. 514 15. vortices, NB55, ULC.
The hydrodynamics o f matter 421
420 The transformation o f classical physics

molecule o f air at about 10 ~ centimetres on the assumption that in the liquefied

state the molecules occupy the entire space. In 1870, unaware of Loschmidts
work but remarking that the Kinetic theory of gases has led me at last to come to
terms as to the size of molecules, Thomson would juxtapose its results with
three others - an energy argument from contact electricity that he had sketched
in 1862, a new energy argument from capillary attraction, and an old argument
of Cauchy on prismatic colours - to fix the size of molecules between 0. 5X10' *
and 10 centimetres, or at least 1000 per wavelength. Cauchys argument,
which Thomson claimed to have been teaching since about the first year of his
professorship, and which he had adapted for magnetic rotation in 1856, attrib
uted refractive dispersion, or the fact that different wavelengths of light exhibit
different velocities in normal matter, to its coarse grainedness in comparison
with ether.
Throughout what follows, therefore, we are assuming that, though vortices
may come in all sizes, those of ether must be much smaller than those of normal
matter. This increasingly conscious differentiation does not yet compromise the
integrity o f aer as the middle term between ether and matter, at least insofar as
the propagation of light waves is concerned, because the difference is only one of
different size grains in the medium of propagation. And though Thomson no
longer spoke of aer we find no essential change in his programme until the Figure 12.4. The flow o f magnetic lines o f force through and around a current loop
1880s. Nevertheless, as the internal dynamics of ponderable molecules became (of which the smallest circles are cross sections) is irrotational, meaning that an
an increasingly important location for the physical phenomena of gases and infinitesimal element o does not change its orientation in m oving around the line o f
spectroscopy, aer would lose its significance as a unifying concept. We return flow.
to this subject at the end of the present chapter.
In April, 1867, in a formal paper On vortex motion, Thomson began to permanence of vortex lines and filaments, but also that the same portions of fluid
publish mathematical foundations for the hypothesis, that space is continuously that belonged at any one time to a vortex line belonged forever afterwards to the
occupied by an incompressible frictionless liquid acted on by no force, and that same vortex line, however the line itself might move. That is, a vortex filament
material phenomena of every kind depend solely on motions created in this contained always the same fluid with the same volume. It would move through
liquid.* Helmholtz had defined a vortex line as a line drawn so that it the fluid like a solid wire. Similarly, a vortex tube of finite section would move
coincided with the instantaneous axis of rotation o f each element of fluid like a more extended solid.
through which it passed. A vortex filament then denoted a tube of fluid of To illustrate the distinction of rotational from irrotational motion,
infinitesimal section bounded by vortex lines, something like the long thin Helmholtz developed further the analogy between fluid velocities and magnetic
funnel of a tornado. All such vortex filaments had either to form closed curves or forces that Thomson had employed earlier (ch. 8).*^ Electromagnetism, with its
to terminate in the bounding surface of the fluid. Helmholtz proved not only the never-ending lines of force (flow) circulating around electric currents, was
particularly relevant (figure 12.4). Outside the currents the system of flow was
S.G. Brush, Statistical physics and the atomic theory o f matter, from Boyle and Newton to Landau and
Onsager (Princeton, 1983), pp. 50-8, describes the size problem; he gives detailed summaries o f the
irrotational; that is, it involved no molecular rotation, in the phrase adopted by
relevant papers in The kind o f motion we call heat: a history o f the kinetic theory o f gases in the 19th century, Thomson and Stokes, meaning no rotation in space of any element, or mole
(2 vols., Amsterdam, 1976), 2, pp. 335-56, 422-42. See Thomson to Stokes, notes 75 and 80 below, cule dxdyd^-, in its motion along a flow line.*^ The currents, however, had to be
for Thom sons 1866 criticism o f M axwells assumption o f point atoms in his second paper on gas
theory, and for Thomsons estimates, The size o f atoms. Nature, 1 (1870), 551-3, and extracts o f
represented by rotating vortex filaments or tubes, for the flow was directed
letters to Joule (as President o f the Society), Proc. Manchester Lit. Phil. Soc., 2 (1862), 176-8, and 9
(1870), 136-41; reprinted, respectively, in E & M, 31718, and Nature, 2 (1870), 56-7, quotation on p. See also J.C. Maxwell to William Thomson, 18th July, 1868, M102, ULC,where Maxwell
.56. develops a more general version o f the analogy between vortices and electric currents, responding to
William Thomson, On vortex m otion (read 29th April, 1867, recast and augmented 28th a letter that Thomson sent to Tait.
August to 12th November, 1868), Trans. Royal Soc. Edinburgh, 25 (1869), 217-60; MPP, 4, 13-66. See, for example, Thom sons addendum to Helmholtz, W irbelbewegungen, p. 511.
422 The transformation of classical physics The hydrodynamics o f matter 423

oppositely on opposite sides of the current. These rotational filaments served as

cores (Thomsons term) for the irrotational circulation around them. Since
both rotational and irrotational motions appeared in the same system,
Helmholtz included both motions under vortex motion, although strictly that
term applied only to the rotational kind.^^ Finally, the unending lines circulat
ing around electric currents could be represented by multi-valued potentials,
and the total change in potential around one circuit measured the strength of the
enclosed vortex rotation (assuming continuity between rotational and
irrotational motions). Thomson, therefore, would label this all important
parameter the circulation or cyclic constant of the vortex motion.
The electromagnetic analogy, in summary, illustrated the mathematical
distinction of irrotational from rotational motion and the coexistence of both in
a single flow system. From a more practical perspective, James Thomsons
vortices illustrated the same principles for water, assuming no friction. His
vortex turbine involved purely rotational motion, corresponding to the uni
Figure 12.5. The possibilities for permanently knotted, knitted, and linked vortex
form angular velocity required by a turbine with radial vanes. The centrifugal tubes are immense.
pump, on the other hand, developed a rotational vortex within the space of its
central vaned wheel surrounded by an irrotational vortex of free mobility. The
central vortex would produce rotation in space of a cork carried round with the
water, while the external vortex would not. showing that the same fluid motion always required the same work to produce
In his own paper of 1867, Sir William went over much the same ground as it, independent of the mode of generation. The analysis set the stage for what he
Helmholtz, while providing a more general analysis of multiply continuous (or dubbed kinetico-statics, the reduction of static forces and static potential
multiply connected) spaces to facilitate the treatment of knotted and knitted energies to relations of kinetic e n e r g y . T h i s goal, which had motivated much
vortex tubes and complex arrays of linked rings (figure 12.5).^^^ As in 1847, he of his research since 1847, especially the attempt in the Treatise to derive forces
took pains to establish the uniqueness of any irrotational motion generated by entirely from energy considerations, now seemed to be nearing reality. By 1870
impulses normal to the boundaries of the fluid or by action between vortex Sir William was prepared to state that reality almost without qualification:
tubes, that is, any motion that could possibly occur in the history of the vortex Kinetico-statics. . . is in reality a branch o f physical statics simply. For we know o f no case
universe once the original rotational cores had been created. This (apparent) o f true statics in which some if not all o f the forces are not due to motion; whether as in the
uniqueness of the irrotational motions confirmed his basic assumption of case o f the hydrostatics o f gases, thanks to Clausius and Maxwell, we perfectly understand
determinism in mechanical philosophy: the actual motion is, of course (as the the character o f the motion, or, as in the statics o f liquids and elastic solids, we only know
that some kind o f molecular motion is essentially concerned. The theorems which I now
solution of every real problem is), unambiguous.^^ We shall see below,
propose. . . are o f some interest in physics as illustrating the great question o f the 18th and
however, that the assumption of complete determinacy in nature would require
19th centuries; Is action at a distance a reality, or is gravitation to be explained, as we now
qualification with respect to the statistical results of the kinetic theory of gases.
believe magnetic and electric forces must be, by action o f intervening matter?*'^
Thomson drew attention also to the energy relations of irrotational motion.
Only gravity left some doubt. A vision so universal naturally required new
Ibid., p. 491. heroes of the eighteenth century. The Treatise had resurrected Maupertuis as the
Vortex m otion, p. 244. See also Thom sons notebooks o f 1867-9, containing numerous visionary of extremum principles. Now the name of Leonhard Euler, founder of
calculations and drawings o f vortices in preparation for Vortex m otion, N B 54-7, ULC (NB55
precedes NB54).
mathematical hydrodynamics and author of a speculative kinetic theory of
William Thomson, Vortex m otion, p. 254. The uniqueness theorem is (p. 256); The motion magnetic force much reviled by action at a distance advocates, began to appear
o f a liquid m oving irrotationally within an {n+ l)ply continuous space is determinate when the
normal velocity at every point o f the boundary, and the values o f the circulations | cyclic constants) in
the Hcircuits, are given. Boundary here includes imaginary membranes across the apertures o f all Ibid., pp. 258-60.
closed vortex tubes, which instantaneously dissolve once their normal velocity is given. 'William Thomson, On the forces experienced by solids, p. 60; E&M, 567-8.
424 The transformation o f classical physics The hydrodynamics o f matter 425

in Thomsons magnetic papers, which themselves curiously illustrated Eulers matter, such as elasticity, when conceived as relations of vortices, or equivalent
fanciful theory of magnetism.^* solids, swimming in the universal fluid. Picking up where he had left off in his
From such a confident beginning, one would expect a demonstration of notebook and letters to Stokes in January, 1858, Thomson worked out the
success to follow. Indeed, Thomson began by repeating the old kinematic equations of motion of such solids moving both independently and in interac
analogy between an electromagnetic force distribution and the corresponding tion, finding interpretable solutions for simple cases. A disc moving freely
hydrokinetic velocity distribution. Passing to the dynamical problem, he could through quiescent fluid would oscillate about one of its diameters like a
prove that the mutual action between two magnets would be identically gyroscope. A sphere in irrotationally moving fluid (i.e. a fluid in which any
reproduced in magnitude by two corresponding flow systems. Unhappily, number of fixed vortex filaments, arranged in rings, knots, etc., served as cores
however, these ponderomotive forces acted in the wrong direction. When the for irrotational motion around and through them) would behave exactly like a
magnets attracted, the corresponding flow systems repelled. No remedy for this particle in a field of static force having the same potential as that of the fluid
remarkable difference was forthcoming; nevertheless. Sir William remained velocities."^^
undeflected from his course.*^ Although Thomson regularly related these calculations to magnetic analo
He clarified his attitude in a report to the Philosophical Society o f Glasgow on gies, they were not limited to magnetism. In an 1872 abstract of the projected
the experiments of a competitor in the game of mediated action. Frederick continuation o f his Vortex motion, he claimed that the difficulties of forming
Guthrie, of the Normal School of Science at South Kensington, had discovered a complete theory of the elasticity of gases, liquids, and solids, with no other
that a vibrating tuning fork in the neighbourhood of a card suspended in air ultimate properties of matter than perfect fluidity and incompressibility are . . .
would attract the card, and he suspected that such an action might explain in all probability, only dependent on the weakness of mathematics."^^ He
magnetic attraction.A ssim ilating these experiments to his own equations, and promised to include the following: gravitation, the kinetic theory of gases,
displaying a variety of hydrokinetic analogies, Thomson showed that they all extrema and dissipation of energy, and wave motion in elastic liquids and solids.
gave forces in the opposite direction from magnetic action. In concluding, the We take up those four subjects in turn.
speaker [Thomson] remarked, that it would be very wrong if he were to say that
these experiments on the hydro-kinetic analogue contained a direct opening up
of the question of the mechanism of magnetic forces. They did not go any way
towards explaining magnetic forces; but it was impossible to look upon them Opposition to gravitational action at a distance reawakened the sleeping eight
without feeling that they suggested the possibility of some very simple eenth-century genius of Le Sage, as magnetism had called up E u l e r . L e Sages
dynamical explanation. A deep faith thus supported the assertion that the hypothesis depended on two kinds of matter: a gravific fluid, consisting of
ultimate theory of magnetism is undoubtedly kinetic, a faith that would last innumerable ultra-mundane corpuscles flying in all possible directions in space,
into the 1890s, despite continued failure with forces between magnets, not to and mundane matter, consisting of arrays of atomic cages, empty cubes or
mention a similar failure with electrostatic forces (ch. 13).^^ octahedrons, with matter only in bars along their edges. (Compare Thomsons
More secure results seemed to be emerging for the mechanical properties of 1862 theory of cohesion, discussed in Chapter 11.) These edge bars in mundane
bodies were so thin that the entire earth did not intercept more than one-ten-
William Thomson, On the forces experienced by solids, p. 61.
thousandth of the ultra-mundane corpuscles supposed to traverse it. Neverthe
Ibid., p. 62. For a full treatment o f the correspondence o f opposites, or hydrokinetic analogy less, the shadow cast by any one body on another created a differential flow of
to magnetic action, both o f permanent and induced magnetization, with mutual actions derived
from derivatives o f kinetic energy, see the General hydrokinetic analogy for induced magnetism William Thomson, On the motion o f free solids, esp. pp. 389-90; On the motion o f rigid
(February, 1872), E&M, 579-87, and the General problem o f magnetic induction (March 1872), solids in a liquid circulating irrotationally through perforations in them or in any fixed solid (read
E&M, 54466. Also see the considerations in Thomsons notebook, NB58, 1870(?), ULC. 4th March, 1872), Proc. Royal Soc. Edinburgh, 1 (1872), 668-82, esp. pp. 67.5-82; MPP, 4 , 101-14, esp.
Frederick Guthrie, On approach caused by vibration (received 26th August, 1869), Proc. pp. 107-14.
Royal Soc., 18 (1870), 93-4; 19 (1871), 35-41; On approach caused by vibration, Phil. Mag., [series William Thomson. On vortex m otion (abstract, read 18th December, 1871), Proc. Royal Soc.
4|, 39 (1870), 309; 40 (1870), 345-54. See also five letters from Thomson to Guthrie, 14th Novem ber, Edinburgh, 7 (1872), 576 7.
1870 to 1 Ithjanuary, 1871, in Phil. Mag., [series 4|, 41 (1871), 423-9; extracts from letters o f 14th and Thom sons knowledge o f Le Sage probably derived from his business partner, Fleeming
23rd November, 1870, in E&M, .5714. Jenkin, who, in 1867, playing the role o f research assistant, sent brief reports on dynamicist
William Thomson, On the attractions and repulsions due to vibration observed by Guthrie predecessors, including Bacon, Descartes, Leibniz, Malebranche, and, especially, Le Sage, 7th-26th
and Schellbach (read 14th December, 1870), Proc. Glasgow Phil. Soc., 7 (1871), 4014; E&M, 5748, June, 1867,J66-70, ULG. Jenkin did not initially approve o f Le Sage's idea, though he recognized it
on pp. 578, 574. to be very like Thom sons. See, however, Jenkin on Lucretius (ch. 18).
426 The transformation o f classical physics The hydrodynamics o f matter 427

corpuscles, or differential momentum transfer, sufficient to cause a gravita molecular structure that would exhibit different capacities in different directions
tional force obeying the inverse square law."^ with respect to light, heat, electricity, magnetism, elasticity, and other physical
Modern thermodynamics required that some modifications be made in the agencies. Failure to find a resolution compromised the entire project of general
scheme. Le Sage had assumed inelastic corpuscles, in order that they would izing the dynamical theory of heat {Heat, a mode of motion, in the title of T yndalls
rebound with decreased velocities, thereby creating the gravitational differen popular book) into a kinetic theory of matter:
tials; but conservation of energy would not allow ultimate inelasticity. Further N o fin ger-p ost p o in tin g tow ard s a w a y that can p ossibly lead to a su rm o u n tin g o f this
more, if the corpuscles rebounded with diminished energy, depositing the difficulty, or a turnin g o f its flank, has b een d iscovered , or im a g in ed as d iscoverable.
remainder, bodies like Jupiter and the earth would vaporize in a fraction of a B e lie f that n o oth er th eory o f m atter is possible is the o n ly g ro u n d for an ticip atin g that
second. But Thomsons vortex atoms could solve both problems. Being per there is in store fo r the w o rld another beautiful b o o k to be called Elasticity, a M ode o f
fectly clastic, they would conserve energy in collisions. They might also Motion.'^'^
rebound with diminished velocity, while depositing almost no energy. One had
only to suppose, with Lc Sage, that the cage atoms possessed enormously greater Kinetic theory of gases
mass than the corpuscles and, with Clausius in the kinetic theory of gases, that Thomsons speculative kinetic theory of gravitation depended on principles
the corpuscles could vibrate and rotate, as vortex atoms could. The kinetic fundamental to the kinetic theory o f gases. From his first paper on Vortex
energy o f the corpuscles, supposed entirely translational before impact, would atoms he had expected gas theory to yield most easily to the new
then be preserved on collision with the cage atoms, but in a different form, part hydrodynamics, for it seemed that any crowd of freely moving elastic mole
of it having been converted into vibrational and rotational kinetic energy. cules would satisfy its basic requirements. One had only to work out how
Lc Sage had recognized that the stock of ultra-mundane corpuscles with temperature would be related to the vortex motion of an atom. In a vortex
undiminished velocity would gradually decrease, and with it the gravitational filament the product of angular velocity and cross-sectional area remained
force. This dissipation principle suited Thomsons philosophical and theological constant all along the filament, as did the total volume of the filament. Therefore
persuasion. He gave Lc Sages conclusion his own phrasing, characteristic of his the angular velocity varied inversely as the cross-sectional area and directly as the
works on the age of the sun and earth (chs. 14-17): at a not infinitely remote past length. Thomson always assumed in addition that no slippage occurred between
time they [the corpuscles] were set in motion for the purpose of keeping portions of rotational fluid inside the filament and irrotational fluid outside.^*
gravitation throughout the world in action for a limited period of time; and . . . Consequently, an increase of irrotational circulation through a ring atom would
by their mutual collisions, and by collisions with mundane atoms, the whole imply a larger ring. Equivalently, if the rotational and irrotational flow of a
stock of gravific energy is being gradually reduced, and therefore the intensity of vortex ring were related as the electric current in a circular wire to its associated
gravity [is] gradually diminishing from age to age.^^ Even gravitation would magnetic field, then the area of the ring aperture would measure the total kinetic
exhibit the beginning and ending of the created universe. energy of the irrotational flow. Adding kinetic energy to a crowd of such
This satisfying theory, however, ran against a formidable obstacle in the atoms meant increasing their diameters. That idea promised a theory of tem
disparity between the perfect isotropy of the gravitational force and the essential perature in a gas:
anisotropy (Thomsons acolotropy) of crystalline substances. Crystals required a
If, after any n u m b er o f collision s or influences, a H elm h o ltz ring escapes to a great
distance from others and is then free, or nearly free, from vibrations, its d iam eter w ill
William Thomson, On the ultramundane corpuscles o f Le Sage (abstract, read 18th
December, 1871), Proc. Royal Soc. Edinburgh, 7 (1872), 577-89; MPP, 5, 64-76, where Thomson has William Thomson, Elasticity . . . a mode o f m otion, pp. 145-6. Cf. On . . . Le Sage, op. cit.
translated a portion o f Le Sages Lucrece Newtonien, Nouveaux memoires de IAcademic Royale des (note 75), Postscript, April 1872, 588-9. Thom sons praise o f Tyndalls book must be balanced
Sciences et Belles-lettres, annh 1782 (Berlin, 1784), pp. 40432. He comments also on Le Sages against his deep disapproval o f Tyndalls materialism (ch. 18). Concerning gravity and the ether,
posthumous Traite de physique mkanique, P. Prevost (ed.) (Geneva and Paris, 1818). The Thomson in 1884 continued to believe that it is just as likely to be attracted to the sun as air is, but he
attractiveness o f Lc Sages scheme to Thomson is apparent in, for example, his review o f M axwells had no gravitational theory, BL, 207.
famous second paper on gas theory, where he criticizes the division o f theories o f matter into cither Thomson and Stokes had debated this issue with respect to stability in 1858 (above) and
the atomic one or the one that supposes all matter continuous AND h o m o g e n e o u s . The only views continued to discuss it in 1862, with respect to an experimental proof by Helmholtz and G.
that have ever appeared to me true or natural as to the constitution o f matter arc those that suppose all Piotrowski o f slipping between a moving liquid and its containing vessel. See Stokes to Thomson,
space to be full but the properties o f known bodies to be due to or necessarily associated with 22nd and 25th February, 1862, S83, ULG, and S398, ULC; also David Murray, Lecture notes in
molecular structure or o f a sponge or other organic tissues or brick work, i.e. that there are vast classephysica, bench II, 1862-63, MS Murray 325, ULG, 9th February, 1863. The debate continued
variations o f density from point to point within spaces o f dimensions some small fraction o f a wave into the 1890s without resolution. See Thom sons paper On the doctrine o f discontinuity o f fluid
length (though not inappreciably small), Thomson to Stokes, 13th October, 1866, RR.6.179, Royal motion, in connection with the resistance against a solid moving through a fluid. Nature, 5 0 (1894),
Society o f London. William Thomson, Ultramundane corpuscles, pp. 585-6. 524 5, 549, 573 5, .597- 8; MPP, 4, 21.5-230.
428 The transformation o f classical physics The hydrodynamics oj matter 429

h a v e b e e n in crea sed o r d im in is h e d a c c o r d in g as it has ta k e n e n e r g y fr o m , or g iv e n e n e r g y Sir William here faced two interrelated requirements of his theory: stability of
to , th e o th e r s. A fu ll th e o r y o f th e s w e llin g o f v o r t e x a to m s b y e le v a tio n o f te m p e r a tu r e is vortex atoms and dissipation of energy in all processes of physical nature.
to b e w o r k e d o u t fr o m th is p r in c ip le . Consideration of the second will lead us back to the first. To satisfy the Second
Law of Thermodynamics, any concentration of energy within a gas had to
The full theory, however, would have required a complete determination of
spread throughout the whole gas, yielding a randomized distribution in
the relation of translational motion of the ring to its irrotational circulation, and
the velocity squared which followed the normal curve or Maxwell-
of the relation between translational, vibrational, and rotational modes of
Boltzmann distribution. Thomson regarded the dissipation principle as obtain
motion. The latter problem became increasingly complex as the kinetic theory
ing unquestionably in any kinetic theory of gases based on elastic collisions of
o f gases developed. By 1866 at the latest Thomson was well aware of discussions
molecules, and therefore also in the vortex atom theory. The elastic collision
by both Clausius and Maxwell of how the measured ratio of specific heats in a
theory itself, when based on solid atoms, interested him only as an exercise in
gas (specific heats at constant pressure and at constant volume) ought to be
abstract dynamics. He had written to Tait already in 1864: Clausius has done a
related to the partitioning of energy among the various modes of motion. From
good deal & Maxwell too as to molecular impacts. I dont set much store by it all
the measured ratio of specific heats Clausius in 1857 simply derived the propor
except as dynamical problems. Maxwell agreed, especially after he saw the
tion of translational to total energy without providing a theory of molecular
promise of the vortex t h e o r y . T h e inadequate physical model did, however,
motions that would justify the proportion. Maxwell insisted in 1860 on the so-
allow one to make statistical arguments, which Thomson happily exploited in
called equipartition theorem, according to which kinetic energy must be
his published papers, following the line that Maxwell had developed with the
allocated equally to the various degrees of freedom of the motion, but the
help of his famous demon (ch. 18).
theorem neither had a rigorous theoretical foundation nor did it yield the
As an intelligent being endowed with free-will and fine enough tactile and
measured ratios o f specific heats. Boltzmann, who entered the fray in 1868, also
perceptive organisation to give him the faculty of observing and influencing
could find no satisfactory solution.
individual molecules of matter, the demon could direct molecules with high
With considerable excitement, Thomson wrote to Stokes in 1875 to an
and low velocities to opposite portions of a gas, thereby concentrating kinetic
nounce that the gas theory o f Maxwell & Boltzmann (and Clausius), based on
energy in a finite system of molecules, in violation of the Second Law.*^ His
elastic-solid molecules colliding by actual contact, would necessarily fail, be
ability to act in this way illustrated that the same kind of violations would occur
cause, After an infinitely great number of collisions all the kinetic energy will
naturally, purely as a statistical matter, among a finite number of gas molecules.
have been converted into vibrations [and rotations, del.]\ That result, he
As their number increased in a given volume, however, the probability of
convinced himself, must be right, and it is very important, the more so because
violations would decrease, approaching zero as the number approached infinity.
it would leave the vortex theory without a rival. In 1884, after years of
Conversely, beginning from a non-equilibrium distribution, the equilibrium
investigation, the vortices still held the high ground, because all I have been able
distribution would rapidly ensue.
to find out hitherto regarding the vibration of vortices . . . does not seem to
Thomson ignored the full problem of how equilibrium distributions were
imply the liability of translational or impulsive energies of the individual
established, how an initially uniform distribution, for example, would attain the
vortices becoming lost in energy of smaller and smaller vibrations. Still, he had
no proof. Thomson to G.G. Stokes, 2nd Novem ber, 1875, K198, Stokes correspondence, ULC. William
Thomson, Steps toward a kinetic theory o f matter (opening address to the mathematical and
William Thomson, Vortex atoms, p. 104. Thomson used crowd for a collection o f physical section o f the BAAS, Montreal, 28th August, 1884), BAAS Report, 54 (1884), 613^ 22; PL, 1,
molecules from at least 1872; Thomson to Stokes, 19th December, 1872, K187, Stokes 218-52, on pp. 230, 251-2. For Thom sons continued belief that M axwell-Boltzmann gases would
correspondence, ULC, postscript. dissipate all energy and his attempts to disprove the equipartition theorem see his papers On some
Thomson never took seriously M axwells assumption in his second paper (1867) o f point test cases for the M axwell-Boltzmann doctrine regarding distribution o f energy, Proc. Royal Soc.,
atoms. In his review he criticized Maxwell for treating molecules as centres o f force (non-rotational), 50 (1892), 79-88; MPP, 4, 484-94; On a decisive test-case disproving the M axwell-Boltzmann
and thus for not taking account physically o f the constant proportions o f kinetic energy. He doctrine regarding distribution o f kinetic energy, Proc. Royal Soc., 51 (1892), 397-9; MPP, 4, 495-6;
recommended a clarification: that the molecules are regarded not as centres o f force but as really and Nineteenth century clouds over the dynamical theory o f heat and light, Phil. Mag^., [series 6], 2
(according to their name) little heaps o f matter, acting on one another with forces not in lines through (1901), 1 ^ 0 . Boltzmann registered his objections in Ludwig Boltzmann to William Thomson, 10th
their centres o f inertia (Thomson to Stokes, op. cit., note 75). Maxwell himself clearly regarded his and 13th December, 1892 and 6th January, 1893, B137-9, ULC.
models more nearly as calculational devices than as realistic pictures. For references and general Thomson, N B52, p. 40. Brush, On the kind o f motion, 1, 206-7; 2, 3546.
discussions o f the problem o f equipartition see Elizabeth Garber, Molecular science in late- William Thomson, The kinetic theory o f the dissipation o f energy (read 16th February,
nineteenth-century Britain, Hist. Stud. Pliys. Sci., 9 (1978), 265 97; Brush, Statistical physics, pp. 50- 1874), Proc. Royal Soc. Edinburgh, 8 (1875), 325-34, on p. 326; MPP, 5 , 11-20; see also The sorting
1, 65 -f); Brush, The kind o f motion, 2, pp. 353-63. demon o f M axwell (read 28th February, 1879), Proc. Royal Inst., 9 (1882), 113 14; MPP, 5, 21 3;
*' In 1892 Thomson would come to the opposite conclusion on vortex stability (ch. 13). William PL, 1, 137 41.
430 The transformation o f classical physics The hydrodynamics o f matter 431

Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution of velocities. He discussed only the statisti

cal equalization of velocities between two regions of a gas originally at different Extrema and dissipation: the problem of stability
temperatures. Given his commitment to the vortex atom theory, and to the Evidence for this interpretation emerges from an intensive correspondence with
completely unambiguous nature of vortex motions, he certainly believed that Stokes in 1872-3, and a long series of papers up to 1880, on extremum conditions
this statistical result would follow from the laws of fluid motion, although just in relation to the steadiness and stability of vortex motion. Steady meant to
how is uncertain. Probably he thought that the interactions between the vortex Thomson that, with constant energy, successive states of motion are precisely
atoms o f a gas, and with the walls of their containing vessel, would produce a similar to one another, while stability required in addition that the same
distribution of irrotational circulation among the molecules that tended to configuration o f motion would continue even after a change of energy.*^ As
minimize the kinetic energy in each region, and thereby equalized the energy candidates for atoms, vortices had to possess stability through a continuous
between regions. The Second Law would then have appeared as a necessary range of energies. From general dynamical considerations, a vortex would be
aspect o f the hydrodynamic universe, even though it remained a merely stable if its kinetic energy were either minimum or maximum for a given state of
statistical result within the mechanics of Lucretian atoms and forces. momentum (i.e., for given volume and given product of cross-sectional area and
A point of considerable importance arises here, with respect to Thomsons molecular angular velocity within the vortex core; for given rotational im
(and Maxwells) view of the relation between ultimate physical nature, on the pulse delivered to the core and to the fluid moving irrotationally through its
one hand, and mans possible knowledge of it, on the other. Man, as a finite apertures). If, as for most vortices, the kinetic energy were a maximum-
being, possessed the capacity for only finite knowledge. But, in the infinitely minimum (maximum for one kind of transformation and minimum for an
extended continuum that Thomson envisaged, every vortex atom had to be other), the motion might in general be either stable or unstable. Analytical
regarded as dependent on an infinity of other atoms, and no object could be demonstrations of stability for specific maximum-minimum states, however,
regarded as truly isolated. Only an infinite mind, therefore, could know proved elusive.
completely the course of development of the system. Man could idealize the In 1875, for example, Thomson presented an abstract on Vortex statics,
problem by treating a finite number of atoms statistically. In this way an examining conditions of stability for single vortex rings, with no knots. The
apparent indeterminacy would arise through statistical irregularities, but the uniform circular Helmholtz ring seemed obviously stable, since real smoke rings
indeterminacy was purely a matter of mans limitations. To approach the true existed. But one could pass continuously to a ring of larger kinetic energy,
situation, he would have to take the limit of an infinite number of atoms. Then without changing the momentum state, by imagining the uniform ring to be
the result of his statistical calculation would be complete certainty, with no thinned in some parts (smaller circular cross-section) and thickened in others.
violations of the Second Law. Similarly, in passing to a uniform ring of elongated, or oval cross-section
A second kind of infinity would arise even within a finite portion o f the (smaller cross-sectional area and larger circumference) the energy would de
continuum if one sought to give a completely general account of the motion of crease. Thus Helmholtz rings exhibited a maximum-minimum condition. Even
every element dxdyd^ within it, for every region, no matter how small, would for rings, however, and knowing the answer beforehand. Sir William had to
contain an infinite number of such elements.^ The usual abstract mechanics of admit defeat: Hitherto I have not indeed succeeded in rigorously demonstrating
discrete particles could handle only finite numbers of particles and therefore did the stability of the Helmholtz ring in any case.** He could only give examples
not apply to the continuum. Even hydrodynamics offered knowable solutions of multiple solutions of the maximum-minimum problem for which symmetry
only for perfectly regular, stable motions. Instabilities would lead immediately - and a large portion of intuition - indicated stability, such as the series of figures
back to the problem of determining the motion of an infinite number of obtained by winding a vortex filament on a torous through an integral number
independent fluid elements. After 1872, Thomson apparently came to see this of turns (figure 12.6). The figures corresponded to standing waves in an elastic
instability problem as the basis of the Second Law within the vortex theory of ring. Any of them, he believed, would be stable over a wide range of energies.
matter. The question of stability with continuous change of energy, however, had
been vexed. From 1872 to 1876 Thomson and Stokes debated the issue at the
Thomson never became a major figure in the debate over the adequacy o f Boltzmanns
probabilistic formulation o f the second law, although Tait regularly wrote to him about it in the ** William Thomson to G.G. Stokes, 19th December, 1872, K187, Stokes correspondence,
1880s and 90s. P.G. Tait to William Thomson, T38-52, T87-90, T106-29, ULC. ULC.
** For the infinity o f variables in continuum mechanics see Thomson and Tait, Treatise on natural William Thomson, Vortex statics (read 20th December, 1875), Proc. Royal Soc. Edinburgh, 9
philosophy, pp. 262-3; for a general discussion, see pp. 337-9. (1878), 59-73; MPP, 4, 115-28. ** William Thomson, Vortex statics, p. 68.
432 The transformation o f classical physics The hydrodynamics o f matter 433

(a) (b) (C)

Pit^ure 12.7. The vortex cores o f (a) and (b) can be drawn out into an infinitely long
spiral (c) by withdrawal o f energy through the containing walls o f the fluid.

rij^ure 12.6. A vortex filament, structured as though wound on a torous through an would move to the centre as the rotational fluid moved to the boundary, until
integral number o f turns, would probably be stable, Thomson believed. the absolute minimum of energy was reached.^
But Thomson had come to see that, in spite of the essential instability of the
most basic level of a two-dimensional vortex, or a section through a vortex tube. motion, if the energy degradation were stopped at any point, a layer of
Typically they considered a rotational core surrounded by irrotationally circu interstreaked rotational and irrotational fluid would form, infinitely nearly a
lating fluid, all enclosed by a circular boundary, supposed flexible but imper shell vortex with irrotational fluid both inside and outside. Although internally
fectly elastic. Being flexible, the boundary allowed for disturbance of the chaotic, the form as a whole would remain stable. Such quasi-stable states could
vortex, and, being imperfectly clastic, it removed energy by its motion. The form the continuous series of energy states required for vortex atoms. That
debate concerned the evolution of the vortex from an initially circular core at position is the one he clung to in succeeding letters, over Stokess continuing
objections to the assumption of stability. He had also seen that the mixing at the
the centre, to the eccentric elongated cores of figures 12.7a and 12.7b, and thence
boundary might occur, not by flow through the irrotational canal, but as a result
to the spiral of figure 12.7c. Thomson argued for continuing stability, or quasi
stability, and Stokes for instability. of wave motions at the interface of the two portions of fluid.
Although anxious to publish these conjectures already in 1873, Thomson did
For some time Thomson had conceived the process of elongation as follows:
so only in 1880, perhaps because, as he acknowledged to Stokes, This is an
suppose energy to be lost through inpcrfect [5icJ rigidity and inperfect elasticity
extremely difficult subject to write upon.^*^ For simplicity he then considered a
of the containing vessel; the vortically moving portion of liquid will spread itself
very particular two-dimensional vortex, fulfilling, in fact, precisely the ideal
to a greater length round the circumference, [sir] and if this degradation [of
conditions of James Thomsons centrifugal pump with external whirlpool of
energy] be extremely gradual and the envelope become again rigid, 1believe the
free mobility. The circular core rotated uniformly, like a solid, with velocity
altered motion would be found to be again stable and very approximately
proportional to radius. Around it irrotational fluid circulated concentrically,
steady'. The transition to configurations such as the spiral of figure 12.7c had
subject to the condition of no finite slip between rotational and irrotational
long puzzled him, but he had a new idea, based now on the belief that the
portions, so that the velocity varied inversely with the radius, decreasing from
elongated configurations would become unstable with continuing loss of kinetic
the core to the circular boundary.^*
Jamess vortex had maximum energy for given angular velocity of the core
I f w c c o m m e n c e w it h a cen tra l circu la r v o r te x , d r a w o f f e n e r g y w it h e x tr e m e s lo w n e s s and given dimensions. It was therefore stable. Slight deformations of the
till, th r o u g h th e h ea d t o o n e a r ly o v e r ta k in g th e tail, th e m o t io n b e c o m e s u n sta b le , an d
boundary. Sir William argued, would cause vibrations in the core, and attendant
th e n g iv e p e r fe c t r ig id ity to th e c o n ta in in g v essel, so that th e re shall b e n o m o r e lo ss o f
e n e r g y , su ch a state o f th in g s as that r e p resen ted in fig [1 2 .7 c ] w ill su p e r v e n e ; th e William Thomson to G.G. Stokes, 19th December, 1872, K187, Stokes correspondence,
irro ta tio n a l canal [u n sh a d ed ] b e c o m e lo n g e r an d th in n e r a n d a q u ir in g [sir] m o r e an d ULC.
Ibid.; publication plans in William Thomson to G.G. Stokes, 8thjanuary, 1873, K190, Stokes
m o r e turns, ad infinitum.
correspondence, ULC.
William Thomson, On maximum and minimum energy in vortex m otion, B A A S Report, 50
Thus the vertically moving fluid would be drawn out into a streak forming a (1880), 4736; incorporated into On the stability o f steady and o f periodic fluid m otion, Phil. Maj^.,
labyrinthian structure o f convolutions, through which the irrotational fluid (scries 5|, 23 (1887), 4.S9 T,4, 529 39; MPP, 4, 166-85.
434 The transformation o f classical physics The hydrodynamics o f matter 435

waves of various lengths travelling round it. These waves would in turn cause that the motion will be steady... This could only, I should say, be possible under
waves to travel round the boundary. If the boundary were supposed imperfectly very peculiar conditions.^'* In his view, apparently, the labyrinthian
clastic and were held fixed, its waves would consume both energy and angular interstreaking of rotational and irrotational portions of fluid would quickly lead
momentum from the irrotational fluid (although not the molecular angular to chaos in the entire system of motion.
momentum of the rotationally moving core). If the boundary were left free to Thomsons counter-argument in 1872 is of particular interest because it shows
rotate with the fluid, the waves would consume only energy. Thomson de how important quasi-stability in vortex motion was to his view of dissipation.
scribed what would happen if, after holding the boundary fixed for a brief He made clear that the flexible and imperfectly elastic boundary of his model
period it were released: represented no true inelasticity in matter, but simply any boundary across which
energy could pass out of one portion of matter and into another of lower
T h e c o n s u m p tio n o f e n e r g y still g o e s o n , an d th e w a y in w h ic h it g o e s o n is this: th e w a v e s
o f sh o r te r le n g t h arc in d e fin ite ly m u ltip lie d a n d e x a lte d till th e ir crests ru n o u t in to fin e
la m in a e o f liq u id (a r o u n d th e c o r e ], a n d th o s e o f g r e a te r le n g t h are a b a te d . T h u s a certa in A n im p e r fe c tly ela stic so lid is s lo w b u t su re p o is o n to a v o r te x . T h e m in u te s t p o r tio n o f
p o r tio n o f t h e ir r o ta tio n a lly r e v o lv in g w a te r [!J b e c o m e s m in g le d w it h th e ce n tr a l v o r t e x su ch m a tte r w o u ld d e str o y all th e a to m s o f a n y fin ite u n iv e r se . 1 th e r e fo r e d o n o t a d m it
c o lu m n . T h e p r o cess g o e s o n u n til w h a t m a y b e c a lle d a v o r t e x s p o n g e is fo r m e d ; a th at th is [la b y r in th ] o f stru ctu re, in d e fin it e ly in c r e a s in g w it h th e t im e d o e s n o t se e m v e r y
m ix tu r e h o m o g e n e o u s o n a la r g e sca le, b u t c o n s is tin g o f p o r tio n s o f r o ta tio n a l an d p r o m is in g fo r th e e x p la n a tio n o f a to m s . A n y n u m b e r o f all tru e th r e e -d im e n s io n a l
ir r o ta tio n a l flu id , m o r e a n d m o r e fin e ly m ix e d t o g e th e r as t im e a d v a n c e s. T h e m ix tu r e is v o r tic e s in a fin ite fr ic tio n le s s liq u id c o n ta in e d in a r ig id v e sse l, h o w e v e r g r e a t th e sp ace,
. . . a lto g e th e r a n a lo g o u s to th e m ix tu r e o f th e su b sta n ces o f t w o e g g s w h ip p e d t o g e th e r in an d h o w e v e r c lo s e ly p a c k e d th e v o r tic e s , can n e v e r b e c o m e m o r e than fin ite ly
th e w e ll- k n o w n c u lin a r y o p e r a tio n . in te rstrea k ed . 1 th in k in d e e d o n th e c o n tr a r y that th e m o r e or less o f la b y r in th ia n w h ic h
m u st su p e r v e n e fr o m a t o o c r o w d e d in itia l c o n fig u r a tio n o f v o r tic e s is th e tru e e x p la n a
Successive repetitions of the process, he reasoned, would cause the sponge to tio n o f th e c o n d e n s a tio n o f a liq u id o n th e sides o f th e c o n ta in in g vessel.^
thicken, until it occupied the entire space. After that, irrotational fluid would
begin to separate out at the centre, and rotational fluid would do so at the Thomson discussed the issue of condensation again in 1876 in a paper On the
boundary, until the system was inverted: The final condition towards which the vortex theory of gases at the Royal Society of Edinburgh, but never published
whole tends is a belt constituted of the original vortex core now next the his speculations.^^ He seems to have believed that just as interstreaking occurred
boundary; and the fluid which originally revolved irrotationally round it now within single atoms of a gas, so some form of interstreaking between atoms would
placed at rest within it, being the condition . .. of absolute minimum energy.^^ occur when enough energy had been dissipated to produce condensation, such
Interpreted thermodynamically, this condition would be the absolute zero of that the atoms no longer moved independently.^^
temperature. He continued his remarks to Stokes on the meaning of idealized boundaries
Beginning from the stable vortex of maximum energy, successive operations by considering a rigid, elastic container, across which energy could not pass:
on its boundary could carry it to the stable vortex o f minimum energy through a I o f c o u r se m u st ig n o m in e o u s ly [siV] u se a r ig id b o d y o r c o n ta in in g v e sse l fo r te m p o r a r y
continuous series of intermediate maximum-minimum states. These states of illu str a tio n s, b u t th e la d d er is to b e k ic k e d a w a y fr o m u n d e r o u r fe e t w h e n it has us w h e r e
sponge, more clearly than the previous interstreaked states, appear to exhibit w e w is h e d . O f c o u r se all r ig id b o d ie s p r e se n t a d e c e itfu l sim p le n e ss o f r ig id ity ; an d real
the quasi-stability necessary for states of atoms. Although Thomson did not
make this point in his published papers, the letters to Stokes make his intentions G.G. Stokes to William Thomson, 6th January, 1873, NB21..56, Stokes correspondence,
relatively clear. The intermediate states were to correspond to the states of an ULC. This objection repeats one in an earlier letter, no longer extant.
William Thomson to G.G. Stokes, 19th December, 1872, K187, Stokes correspondence,
atom as it dissipated its energy in interaction with other atoms, or ULC.
macroscopically, as the atoms of a gas at high temperature (high kinetic energy) William Thomson, On the vortex theory o f gases, o f the condensation o f gases on solids, and
gave up their energy in interaction with a gas at a lower temperature. o f the continuity between the gaseous and liquid state o f matter (read 3rd April, 1876), Proc. Royal
Soc. Edinhurj^lt, 9 (1878), 144; title only. N o manuscript survives. In the period 1872-85 Thomson
Stokes, by contrast, believed that the maximum-minimum states would be presented to the Royal Society o f Edinburgh and to the British Association at least a dozen papers
neither stable nor steady, and therefore that they were not very promising which were never published, and for which no manuscripts survive, on issues related to gas theory
candidates for states of real atoms: e.g., I see no reason whatsoever for supposing and the stability o f vortex atoms.
Thomson briefly mentioned the mixing o f two vortices in Maximum and minimum energy,
William Thomson, Maximum and minimum energy, p. 475. Thomson apparently p. 474, using the same simile as for a single vortex, like two eggs whipped together. He may have
continued this discussion in On vortex sponge (read 21st February, 1881), Proc. Royal Soc. discussed the same process in On two-dimensional motion o f mutually influencing vortex columns,
nditiburgh, 11 (1882), 135; title only. On sponge, compare note 75. and on two-dimensional approximately circular motion o f a liquid (read 3rd January, 1876), Proc.
William Thomson, Maximum and minimum energy, p. 476. Royal Soc. Edinburgh, 9 (1878), 98 (title only).
436 The transformation o f classical physics The hydrodynamics o f matter 437

e la stic so lid s m u st w h e n w e u n d e r sta n d th e m p r o p e r ly , b e r e c o g n iz e d as p r o p e r ly p a c k e d Because the atoms were not perfectly stable, they would lose energy in interac
c r o w d s o f v o r tic e s , p r e v e n te d fr o m d iss ip a tin g in to sp a ce b y v o r tic e s m o v in g a b o u t m o r e tion with other atoms whenever possible, or when the others possessed lower
fr e e ly o u ts id e , an d s o m e tim e s g e t tin g e n ta n g l[e ]d in th e g r o u p ; s o m e tim e s s w e r v in g o ff,
energy. Even a finite number of atoms would always equilibrate. Consequently,
a n d g iv in g o n th e a v e r a g e as m u c h a c c e ssio n to as th e r e is lo ss fr o m th e c r o w d .
just as the gravitational force gradually lost intensity in the universe of ultra
A real solid in empty space, on this view, or even in a region of lower mundane vortex atoms, so also the atoms of mundane matter would gradually
temperature and pressure, would gradually evaporate. Since it could never be dissipate their energy until they reached the state of minimum energy, the state
isolated from the surrounding vortices in the infinite continuum, it would of ultimate stability. In short, dissipation was the tendency of hydrodynamical
necessarily participate in the tendency towards equalization of energies in the systems to approach their most stable condition. In this state the atoms would
entire universe. Here the problem of treating atomic motions statistically might not have lost their identities, which were determined by their permanent
easily have entered, but Thomson aimed at atomic dynamics, rather than rotational motions, but they would have reached the lowest level of kinetic
macroscopic statistics.^ energy consistent with their rotational character and with conservation of
He expressed his attitude to statistics much later in a letter to Larmor: As to energy in the universe.
statistics, I dont quite agree with you. It is not a method of ignorance but a This relation of permanence and dissipation receives a revealing interpret
matter of intelligent ignoring of details (something like the ignoration of ation in another objection of Sir Williams to one of Stokess ideas. Early in 1872,
coordinates in dynamics) and estimating & determining on true arithmetical Stokes thought he had shown how to annihilate the rotational motion of a two-
principles great resultant effects.In te rp re tin g this statement in the light of dimensional vortex with solid circular core and circular boundary. Thomson
Thomsons 1875 paper on The kinetic theory of the dissipation of energy, he responded:
meant that the statistical behaviour of an idealized system of atoms could lead Y o u d e sc r ib e a m e th o d o f t h r o ttlin g an ir r o ta tio n a l v o r te x . I f th e c o r e is b r o u g h t s lo w ly
one to a true understanding - albeit at a merely descriptive level - of real physical u p till it is in fin ite ly n ea r th e b o u n d a r y , a n d th e n r e m o v e d a g a in , th in g s w ill b e as th e y
phenomena. Simply by moving to the limit of the infinite number of atoms w e r e . I f it is m a d e a b s o lu te ly to to u c h th e b o u n d a r y , th e last spark o f e n e r g y is d e str o y e d ,
necessarily involved in any physical (non-isolated) system, one could see that no a n d th e c y c lic c o n sta n t a n n ih ila te d . B u t th is is a d is c o n tin u ity u tte r ly to b e e x c lu d e d . T h e
violations of the Second Law of Thermodynamics could ever occur. His analysis c y c lic c o n sta n t r e m a in s u n c h a n g e d u n til th e e n e r g y is in fin ite ly sm a ll. T h e fact th at th e
concerned the probability of a temperature disequilibrium arising cither in a gas, v o r t e x has in fin it e ly little e n e r g y w h e n o n th e p o in t o f d e a th is n o t h in g a g a in st its sta b ility

consisting of a finite number of perfectly elastic molecules enclosed by a w h e n r e sto r e d to p ristin e e n e r g y . A m a n w h o h as b e e n n e a r ly d r o w n e d , b u t re sto r e d

perfectly rigid vessel, or in an isolated iron bar: Do away with this impossible b e fo r e th e last spark o f vita l e n e r g y w a s e x t in g u is h e d , has n e v e r o n c e lo st h is p sy s h ic [sicj
c o n sta n t, a n d a fter re sto r a tio n is as sta b le in h is w a y s as e v e r . *
ideal, and believe the number of molecules in the universe to be infinite; then we
may say one-half of the bar will never become warmer than the other, except by As the ultimate created entities in the physical universe, the vortices had to obey
the agency of external sources of heat or cold. This one instance suffices to two principles o f cosmogony. Nothing that God created could be annihilated;
explain the philosophy of the foundation on which the theory of the dissipation and the habitable world would have an end. Stokes apparently shared neither the
of energy rests. O f course the vortex continuum lay behind this statistical first of these principles nor Sir Williams faith in vortex atoms.
foundation and gave it its cogency. Another example of Thomsons views on the relation of stability, dissipation,
Since 1872, equilibrium and dissipation had not been, to Thomson, essentially and creation appears in an unpublished lecture which he wrote for delivery to
statistical matters, but questions of relative stability in hydrodynamical systems. the Royal Society (of Edinburgh, probably) sometime during the 1870s. Its
Cf., Thom sons description in On the average pressure due to impulse o f vortex-rings on a
immediate purpose was to correct a tremendous error in Thomson and Tait,
solid. Nature, 24 (1881), 47; MPP, 4 , 188: for every vortex-ring that gets entangled in the condensed which I am glad we found out ourselves before it has been detected by others.
layer o f drawn-out vortex-rings another will get free, so that in the statistics o f vortex-impacts the They had argued that the dissipative effects of tidal action (but assuming no
pressure exerted by a gas composed o f vortex-atoms is exactly the same as is given by the ordinary
kinetic theory, which regards the atoms as hard elastic particles.
friction with the interplanetary medium) would bring the system of sun, earth,
William Thomson to Joseph Larmor, 2nd July, 1901, LB10.94, ULC. Thomson and Tait and moon to rotate forever about a common centre o f inertia as though
intre^duced the method ofignoration o f coordinates in the second edition o f their Treatise, pp. 320-7. connected like a rigid body, for they had assumed that in such a state the energy
The method allows one to write equations o f motion without explicitly including an ever-repeating
cyclic coordinate, such as the angle o f rotation o f a gyrostat. The method is closely related to cyclic William Thomson to G.G. Stokes, 22ndjanuary, 1872, K182, Stokes correspondence, ULC.
constants in vortex motion, which express the permanence o f atoms and the fact that, since the Stokes crystallized his own view a year later: motion which can be profoundly altered by
rotational motion will never change, one can ignore it for many dynamical purposes, as in gas communication o f an infinitesimal amount o f energy is unstable; Stokes to Thomson, 2()th January,
theory. William Thomson, Kinetic theory, p. 330; MPP, 5, 16. 1873, S404, ULC, and NB21..S8, Stokes correspondence, ULC.
438 The transformation o f classical physics The hydrodynamics o f matter 439

would be an absolute minimum. But Thomson had since found that Any
configuration of steady circular motion [of more than two bodies] fulfils the
condition that, with given moment of momentum, kinetic energy is not
maximum or minimum. It has a maximum-minimum quality. In the absence
of viscous influences it might be stable or unstable, but in their presence it would
necessarily be unstable.
Thomson regretted having insufficient time in his lecture to give applications
to vortex motion, but noted as a cosmical example that there could be no
permanent stability in Saturns rings as collections of separate masses. Each ring
would coalesce into a single satellite. Ultimately, as a result of friction with the
medium o f space, the entire solar system would collapse into the sun. These
reflections took him back to his earlier cosmogony of 1854, with respect to the
origins of the solar system and the source of the suns heat. He now reiterated:
these considerations show us the impossibility of accounting for motion in the
history of the earth and the living beings upon the earth without the direct action
of creative power and continual all-pervading influence of creative power. In
the beginning, Thomsons remarks suggest, God created a primordial fluid
containing macroscopic solids, or mundane matter, at rest, but constructed of
vortex atoms and subject to gravitational attraction, perhaps produced by ultra
mundane vortices with high velocities. Gravity, collisions and dissipation
produced the solar system with its present seemingly stable motions. With
Figure 12.8. A chain o f gyrostats, connected together by rods with universal joints at
continuing losses of kinetic energy it would collapse into the sun; and, as gravity
each end, would propagate circularly polarized transverse waves along its length.
itself succumbed to dissipation, the coalesced mass would evaporate as free
atoms, leaving a gas of uniform density and temperature throughout space as the
final state o f the universe. Vortical motions from the atomic to the cosmic level grainedness. Almost none of this early work survives, except in the titles of
would thereby solve the ultimate problem of permanence and change from the unpublished papers delivered to the Royal Society of Edinburgh; for example,
beginning to the end of the creation. On the oscillation of a system o f bodies with rotating portions. Part II.
Vibrations of a stretched string of gyrostats (dynamics of Faradays magneto
optic discovery) with experimental illustrations (1875).^ The theoretical part
Waves in the vortex ether and a restructured methodology
of the latter paper survives in a brief communication to the London Mathemat
If Sir Williams fundamental problem throughout the 1870s had been the ical Society. Defining a gyrostat as a rapidly rotating fly-wheel, frictionlessly
stability of individual vortex atoms, he nevertheless began also to examine the pivoted on a stiff moveable framework or containing case, Thomson consid
stability and vibrational properties of arrays of vortices, systems which might ered a chain o f gyrostats connected along their axes o f symmetry by massless
represent the luminiferous ether and normal solids, albeit with different rods with universal flexure joints at each end (figure 12.8).^^ This line, he
showed, would propagate circularly polarized, simple harmonic waves, sug
1 0 2 William Thomson, untitled manuscript, PA 175, ULC, pp. 62,69. We have found no record

o f this lecture having been delivered. It has obvious relation to his attempts to analyze the stability gesting that an elastic solid made up of a bundle of such lines would produce
conditions o f the earth, and to deduce the most likely state o f its interior (ch. 16). See Turning the Faradays magneto-optic rotation. Thomson presumably had in mind that each
world upside dow n. Nature, 22 (1880), 493; On the precessional motion o f a liquid, concerning the
of his gyrostats represented, in the simplest case, a ring vortex rotating rapidly
gyrostatic stability o f a rotating oblate spheroid o f fluid contained in a thin shell; also Presidential
address to the British Association on 7th September, 1876 in the same Report; PL, 2, 23872; and
letters to Stokes o f 16th and 23rd September, 1876, K363 and K207, Stokes correspondence, ULC. Read 19th April, 1875, Proc. Royal Soc. Edinburgh, 8 (1875), 521; part I is listed on p. 490.
The latter give results for a prolate ellipsoid published in, On an experimental illustration o f 105 William Thomson, Vibrations and waves in a stretched uniform chain o f symmetrical
minimum energy in vortex m otion, BAAS Report, 50 (1880), 491-2; MPP, 4, 183-5. gyrostats (read 8th April, 1875), Proc. London Math. Soc., 6 (1875), 190-4; MPP, 4 , 533-8. Thomson
103 William Thomson, PA175, ULC, p. 97. He subsequently deleted this passage having circled added an extensive discussion o f gyrostats, with illustrations, to the 1879 edition o f the Treatise, 1,
m otion with a question mark in the margin. See Chapter 18 for the problem o f living beings. para. 345, additions i-xxviii.
440 The transformation o f classical physics The hydrodynamics o f matter 441

about its axis of symmetry. The scheme for an elastic solid, then, would depend molecular explanation; and an association o f measurable with conceivable.
on the possibility of constructing a stable, three-dimensional array of vortices. The molar-molecular distinction formally recognized the approach from two
Mathematical demonstration of the stability of vortex systems, pursued equally legitimate directions, while measurability supported the claim to practi
through analysis of maximum, minimum, and maximum-minimum condi cal, non-metaphysical theory in spite of molecular hypotheses.
tions, proved as intractable as the demonstration for individual vortices. Various Measurable became a term to conjure with in the opening lines of Thomsons
mechanical illustrations, however, and the analogy between vortices and popular lecture at the Royal Institution in 1883 on The size of atoms. The
magnets, offered, in effect, experimental confirmation of stability for simple formerly metaphysical entities were to be cleansed by measurement: atoms or
cases. Sets o f up to seven columnar vortices (or two-dimensional cross-sections) molecules are not inconceivably, not immeasurably small . . . That which is
were amenable to testing by magnetic needles stuck through corks and floated measurable is not inconceivable, and therefore the two words put together
vertically. Triangular, square, and pentagonal arrays were stable, but not constitute a tautology. We leave inconceivablencss to metaphysicians.
hexagonal or higher order polygons, which would collapse into denser configu While metaphysical word-fencing had sometimes led to the inconceivable
rations, such as a pentagon with a central vortex. The results indicated that stable absurdity of a limit to divisibility of space and time, the question of such a limit
elastic lattices could exist, if one could suppose the vortices themselves to be for matter had become a very practical question, one o f measurement. The
perfectly stable. They did not take into account the effects on stability of equation,
dissipation. conceivable = measurable = practical,
Acutely aware of the problems he faced, Thomson nevertheless pursued in the
1880s those aspects of the vortex solid that seemed amenable to solution. In the not only made atoms into legitimate theoretical entities, but legitimated any
process he would enunciate a methodology calculated to justify highly specula theory about atoms so long as all the entities of the theory were subject to
tive theorizing within what he still quaintly regarded as his non-hypothetical measurement. Two preconditions are implicit in this scheme. Conceivable
and anti-metaphysical approach to natural philosophy. That approach had presupposes mechanical conceivability and measurable means directly measur
originally rested on the claim that certainty resided in macroscopic empirical able. These two preconditions will prove critical for Thomsons rejection of
laws alone. Between 1850 and 1870, however, the complementary truths of the Maxwells electromagnetic theory o f ether vibrations, as compared to his own
universal plenum and the molecular structure of matter had become as certain to elastic-solid theory, and we shall develop their significance further in that
Sir William as empirical law. His new faith required a new response to the context (ch. 13).
aversion that had informed his macroscopic physics since the 1840s, namely the Measuring atoms and molecules meant to Thomson establishing limits on
aversion to action at a distance. Formerly one could simply plead ignorance of how coarse-grained and how fine-grained ponderable matter could be. For
unobservable causes and pursue continuum mechanics. But molecular physics the lecture he rejuvenated the four lines of argument o f 1870 to establish that the
had become a necessity. If action at a distance and the monstrous assumption of mean distance between the centres of contiguous molecules is less than the
hard atoms were not to be considered, then only continuum mechanics, the 1/5 000000th, and greater than the 1/I 000000000th o f a centimetre.^* These
epitome of the old macroscopic physics, remained. It would now be applied figures bracket the presently accepted size of atoms of approximately 10 *
from two directions at once, from the more properly macroscopic properties centimetres. It was in establishing this grainedness for the behaviour of light in
of ether regarded as a homogeneous elastic solid (ignoring its constitutive lattice ponderable substances, that Thomson developed his two-sided method, differ
of vortices) and from the mechanical properties of molecular vortices, to squeeze entiating molecular from molar theory, like bricks from a brick wall, or
down on molecular structure from complementary directions. microscopic heterogeneity from macroscopic homogeneity, but with the more
Two corresponding methodological emphases, previously only implicit, important differentiation of the action of molecules from the action of ether. ^
entered Thomsons physics in the 1880s: a differentiation of molar from The correspondence with Stokes reveals this development, beginning from
the fact that prior to 1879 Thomson had never seriously studied the standard
106 William Thomson, Floating magnets, Nature, 18 (1878), 13-14; MPP, 4, 135^ 0. Closely
related unpublished papers were: On vortex vibrations, and on instability o f vortex motions (read 107 Thomson, The size o f atoms (read 2nd February, 1883), Proc. Royal Inst., 10 (1884),
15th April, 1878) and A mechanical illustration o f the vibrations o f a triad o f columnar vortices 185 213; PL, 1, 147-217, on p. 147. io Ibid., p. 217.
(read 20th May, 1878), Prac. Royal Soc. Edinburgh, 9 (1878), 613, 660. In 1887 Thomson came as close ' O f course Thomson had long argued for building up the properties o f bulk matter from parts
as he ever would to establishing the mathematical conditions for a vortex ether, but with respect to that did not possess those properties, as in the debates with Stokes in the 1850s over rotational
its stability he could only pronounce the Scottish verdict o f not proven'; On the propagation of conduction. Sec also his 1866 remarks on M axwells gas theory (note 75, above) and the discussion in
laminar motion through a turbulently m oving inviscid liquid, BAAS Report, 57 (1887), 486-95; ch. 11 o f his Note on gravity and cohesion, Proc. Royal Soc. Edinburgh, 4 (1857-62), 604-6; PL, 1,
MPP, 4, 308-20, on p. 320. 59-63.
442 The transformation o f classical physics The hydrodynamics o f matter 443

mathematical problems of molar wave optics, such as the dynamics of The linked gyrostats which he had employed in 1875 for the magnetic
reflection and refraction of distortional [transverse] waves at a surface of rotation of light, and which he had analyzed in detail for the 1879 edition of the
separation of two homogeneous incompressible solids united so as to allow no Treatise, now seemed capable of explaining Cauchys approximate law of
slip'. Stokes informed him that Green, Cauchy, and MacCullagh had all worked dispersion,
on the problem and that Green had virtually solved it for isotropic m edial
Similarly, at the molecular level, although Thomson had long believed, with V the velocity for wavelength A, and C a parameter depending on the spin
following Cauchy, that refractive dispersion (velocity dependent on of the gyrostats and their elastic connection to the ether:
wavelength) depended necessarily on the molecular structure of matter, he had
I m a k e th is o u t fo r an in fin ite ly fin e -g r a in e d su b sta n ce, (elastic so lid ) w it h r a p id ly
never attempted to calculate that dependence but had assumed for perhaps thirty
r o ta tin g in fin ite s im a l fly w h e e ls , p iv o tt e d [5ic] in v e s ic le s o f th e so lid , w it h th e ir a x es in all
years that a transition from the finer grain of ether to the coarser grain of
d ir e c tio n s; a n d I fin d
ponderable matter would suffice. Cauchys theory shows that in a lattice of C = S/n
particles interacting by attractive forces the wave velocity decreases as the w h e r e n d e n o te s an a v e r a g e a n g u la r v e lo c it y o f th e fly w h e e ls , a n d S a c o n sta n t d e p e n d in g
number of particles per wavelength increases. But Thomsons calculations on o n th e e la s tic ity o f th e s o lid , a n d m o m e n t o f in ertia o f fly w h e e l, a n d d im e n s io n s & sh ap es
7th January, 1883, with his lecture scheduled for 3rd February, proved distress o f c a v itie s. R o ta tin g liq u id m a y b e su b s titu te d fo r th e s o lid fly w h e e ls .
ing. The difference in velocity between red and violet light in normal substances
Here is the final end of aer and the systematic beginning of molar-
allowed twenty molecules at most in the length of a wave, whereas his latest size
molecular methodology. Formerly aer had stood as the middle term in a
estimates allowed no fewer than 200 and more likely 600. Mere heterogeneity
continuous series from the ether to normal objects, which assumed that light
clearly would not do. Stokes added only injury: 1have never had much faith in
waves are propagated through ponderable elastic solids in the same way and
that sort of thing, leaving Thomson with no clue to one of the simplest of all
according to the same equations as through the elastic solid ether. The two solids
optical phenomena in matter, refraction, and with a gaping hole in his forth
had differed in fineness of grain and in the internal structure o f their molecules,
coming lecture.^
but not in their constitutive relation to light waves. Now Thomson wished to
On 21st January he was still planning to present a version of the deficient
separate off the behaviour of the ether as the basic carrier of light waves - a
Cauchy theory illustrated by a wave machine, consisting of a series of wooden
problem of molar continuum dynamics - from effects o f the interaction of
bars attached crosswise to a wire suspended from the ceiling. A periodic twist at
molecules and ether - a problem of molecular loading of the ether dependent on
one end would produce wavelike oscillations in the ends of the bars, regarded as
internal dynamics. This is an entirely different explanatory strategy. No longer
a series of identical molecules (cf figure 13.3, where this model is transferred to
would molecular structure simply modify the macroscopic parameters of the
the interior structure of a single molecule). But on 26th January, working on the
ether for wave transmission. The individual molecules would act on their own.
train from Glasgow to London, he invented a completely new solution, which
His exuberance reached new heights: There is more & more behind it. I want
did not depend on the particular size of the molecular grain but on the character
to do away with elasticity of [ponderable] solid entirely [,] and with nothing but
of the molecules themselves, as he announced to Stokes: I have now a way of
rotating liquid & perfectly rigid [ether] solid containing vessels & links, to get
explaining refractive dispersion by rotating molecules in an infinitely fine
undulations proper for undulatory theory of light.
grained substance. But he would not see his way through it until some
That research programme is the one Thomson would pursue in his famous
seventeen hours before the lecture.
homogeneous elastic medium; a marginal note reads: N or have 1. W .T. nor 1. H. Helmholtz (their
William Thomson to G.G. Stokes, 4th May, 1879, K229, Stokes correspondence, ULC; hands, no date). For Helmholtzs similar mode o f dealing with molecules and ether in 1875, as
Stokes to Thomson, 7th May, 1879, S410, ULC.
different systems, obeying different equations, but with a coupling term, see Buchwald, M axwell to
William Thomson to G.G. Stokes, 7thJanuary, 1883, K261, Stokes correspondence, ULC. microphysics', pp. 233-6. Thomson did not recognize the significance o f H elm holtzs work, nor
G.G. Stokes to William Thomson, 9th January, 1883, S450, ULC. Thomson, The size o f atoms even o f anomalous dispersion, which was Helmholtzs main focus, until early in 1884, when he
(1883), pp. 193, 217.
wrote to Stokes for assistance (thinking it published tw o or three years a g o . . . 1 forget the title, and
William Thomson to G.G. Stokes, 21st January and 26th January, 1883, K263 and K266, unsure o f its content) only to discover that Stokes himself had never studied the papers on the
Stokes correspondence, ULC. Thomson, The size o f atoms (1883), p. 195; model on p. 157. For phenomenon. William Thomson to G.G. Stokes, 27thjanuary, 1884, K269, Stokes correspondence,
Stokess later insistence (and agreement with Thomson) on treating the molecules as active agents and G.G. Stokes to William Thomson, 30th January, 1884, S453, ULC.
rather than mere modifiers o f ether properties see G.G. Stokes to William Thomson, 23rd April, Thomson to Stokes, 26th January, 1883, op. cit. (note 112). For the interpretation given here
20th May, and 17th Novem ber, 1884, S457, S459, and S461, ULC. In the first Stokes writes; in a see Thomson, The size o f atoms (1883), p. 195, and BL, 106-8, where it is clear that infinitely fine
crystal, where w e have the vibrating medium existing in the interstices between the molecules o f the grained refers to the grain o f the ponderable molecules rather than the ether and where he gives the
ponderable matter . . . I have no faith in a priori conclusions derived from the results applicable to a mathematics as a wave equation for the ether plus a molecular loading term.
444 The transformation o f classical physics

Baltimore Lectures in the following year, with complex vibrational-rotational

molecules embedded in a homogeneous elastic solid ether. Through his m olar- 13
molecular pincer strategy, he would attempt to squeeze down on the ether-
matter interaction to crack its refractory shell and reveal the vortices on both
sides. Meanwhile, however, the younger generation had colonized the ether
Telegraph signals and light waves:
anew and established their own order under the laws o f electromagnetic fields
laid down by Maxwell. Sir William would have to fight, it seems, not only to
Thomson versus M axwell
solve his problems, but to preserve his domain. We turn to the battle.

R e g a r d in g L o r d K. 1 t h o u g h t h e g o t a p r o p e r g r ip o f M a x w e ll 7 o r 8 years
a g o . H is p a p e r o n r o ta tio n a l e th e r s h o w e d th a t. 1 w a s ra th er a m a z e d la te ly
to se e in Nature h e w a s still b o u n d to id eas f o u n d e d o n th e ordinary
in c o m p r e s s ib le ela stic so lid , i n v o lv in g in sta n ta n e o u s p r o p a g a tio n of
effe c ts. O liver Heaviside to G .F . FitzGerald, 18 963

Sir William Thomson delivered his Baltimore Lectures On molecular dynamics

and the wave theory of light in 1884, five years after the death of James Clerk
Maxwell. Maxwells electromagnetic theory of light, published in several
versions from 1863 to its still incomplete form in 1873, already dominated
research on both electromagnetism and light. But, in spite of its mathematical
elegance, and in spite of its empirical adequacy. Maxwells theory contained
several elements which failed Thomsons tests of legitimacy for theoretical
entities: conceivability and measurability. He now launched a public attack on
the so-called Electromagnetic theory of light while displaying the ground
work for his alternative elastic-solid theory.^ The spectacle was grand, and
highly moralistic. At the peak of his intellectual strength and scientific prestige.
Sir William of Glasgow, armed with the lance of mechanical analogy and the
shield of practicality, went out to slay the nihilistic infidels o f mathematical, as
opposed to physical, theory. But his weapons had lost their sheen. The knight
of the industrial spirit would go on to become one of its Lords, while his crusade
for virtue foundered and his scientific leadership became more formal than
actual. Mathematical physics had taken a different road.
The single best indicator of Thomsons rise and decline is the electric tele
graph. It embodied his electrical theory in 1854 and continued into the 1890s to
act as heuristic guide and legitimizing exemplar while he developed ever more
complex conceptions of the interrelation of light and electricity. The telegraph
serves also to distinguish Thomsons mode of theorizing from that of the
followers of Maxwell.

' Oliver Heaviside to G.F. FitzGerald, 9th June, 1896, FitzGerald collection. Royal Dublin
Society, Dublin. W e thank Bruce Hunt for this reference. BL, 42.

446 The transformation o f classical physics Telegraph signals and light waves 447

Thomson responded to Faradays analysis in June, 1854, by calculating

Submarine telegraph theory
theoretically the immense inductive capacity of submarine cables. He intended
Inspiration for William Thomsons work on telegraphy came from a paper by to append the calculations to a republication in the Philosophical Magazine of his
Michael Faraday published in the Philosophical Magazine in March, 1854T The earlier articles on the heat analogy (ch. l)."^ Reiterating the correlation of heat
introduction around 1848 of the highly effective insulating material, gutta flux with electrical force and of conductivity with inductive capacity, he invited
percha, had made possible underground and submarine telegraph lines. But over the reader to consider:
long distances a retardation of the signal was observed in the new lines, which th e c o n d u c tio n o f h e a t th a t w o u ld ta k e p la c e across th e g u tta -p e r c h a , i f th e c o p p e r w ir e in
limited the speed and clarity of signalling. Responding to this financial threat, its in te r io r w e r e k e p t c o n tin u a lly at a te m p e r a tu r e a little a b o v e th a t o f th e w a te r w h ic h
the Electric Telegraph Company invited Faraday to its gutta-percha works at su r r o u n d s it. H e r e th e q u a n tity o f h e a t f lo w in g o u tw a r d s fr o m a n y le n g t h o f th e c o p p e r
Lothbury for an experimental investigation.'* w ir e , th e q u a n titie s f lo w in g across d iffe r e n t su rfaces s u r r o u n d in g it in th e g u tta -p e r c h a ,
Working with submerged lines of one hundred miles, connected at one end a n d th e q u a n tity f lo w in g in to th e w a te r f r o m th e sa m e le n g th o f g u tta -p e r c h a tu b e , in th e
through a battery and galvanometer to ground, Faraday found that the arrange sa m e t im e , m u s t b e e q u a l [flu x c o n s e r v e d ]. B u t th e areas o f th e sa m e le n g th o f d iffe r e n t

ment acted like a Leyden jar on a huge scale. The central copper wire, in c y lin d r ic a l su rfaces are p r o p o r tio n a l to th e ir ra d ii, a n d th e r e fo r e th e f lo w o f h e a t across
e q u a l areas o f d iffe r e n t c y lin d r ic a l su rfaces in th e g u tta -p e r c h a , c o a x ia l w it h th e w ir e ,
becoming charged, acted by induction laterally through the gutta-percha,
m u st b e in v e r s e ly as th e ir radii.
producing an opposite charge at the surface of the surrounding water. Given the
immense surface area of the copper, with the surface of the water only 0.1 inch The analogy yielded the now-standard formula for the inductive capacity c per
distant, the system possessed an enormous capacity for induction in comparison unit length of a cylindrical capacitor having inner and outer radii R and R' and
with normal wires suspended in air. Thus it acquired a prodigious quantity of containing a dielectric of specific capacity K,
charge, even though at an intensity equal only to the batterys intensity. When c^KI2\r\{R'IR).
the wire is separated from the battery and the charge employed, Faraday Correspondingly, Thomson argued, the water wire used by Faraday had a total
reported, it has all the powers of a considerable voltaic current, and gives results capacity at least as great as an ordinary Leyden battery of 8300 square feet of
which the best ordinary electric machines and Leyden arrangements cannot as coated glass 1/23 of an inch thick.*
yet approach.^ Faradays primary concern with this capacity had been its effect in retarding
The large capacity of the water wire fits neatly into Faradays general theory telegraph signals. Thomson took up that issue only in the autumn of 1854. I
of electricity to provide an explanation of the retardation of signals. The speed at accidentally got on the theory of the propagation of electricity by submarine
which a signal would propagate he took to be the same as the rate of conduction wires, one day in October . . ., he wrote to James, which showed me at once
of electricity along the wire, proportional at any moment to the intensity or what would be necessary to insure efficiency for great distances (300 miles or
tension along it. This tension built up gradually by induction, which in more).^ The accident was a letter o f 16th October from Stokes, asking if he
Faradays scheme always preceded conduction. To the degree that the initial were correct in attributing the finiteness and even... considerable magnitude of
induction directed itself laterally through the gutta-percha to the water, rather the time concerned in the phenomena described by Faraday . . . to the following
than longitudinally through the wire, the tension along the wire would build up two causes. Both of Stokess causes were resistances to the free flow of
more slowly, with a concomitant retardation of conduction; the induction electricity. He regarded the enormous Leyden jar as forming a closed circuit with
consequent upon charge, instead of being exerted almost entirely at the moment the charging battery during the process of induction. Although not closed by
within the wire, is to a very large extent determined externally; and so the conductors, The circuit is in a sense closed: + electricity flows into the wire,
discharge or conduction being caused by a lower tension, therefore requires a and as the water becomes at the inner surface (that in contact with the gutta
longer time. Hence the reason why, with 1500 miles of subterraneous wire, the percha) by induction, + elecY flows into the water and earth regarded as the
wave was two seconds in passing from end to end; whilst with the same length of
air wire, the time was almost inappreciable.^ William Thomson, On the electro-statical capacity o f a Leyden Phial and o f a telegraph wire
^ Michael Faraday, On electric induction - associated cases o f current and static effects, Phil. insulated in the axis o f a cylindrical conducting sheath, Phil. Mag., [series 4[, 9 (1855), 531-5; E&M,
Mag., [series 4), 7 (1854), 197-208; Experimental researches in electricity and magnetism (3 vols., London, 38-41. The paper is dated June, 1854, and is described in William Thomson to G.G. Stokes, 28th
1839-55), 3, pp. 508-20. L.P. Williams, Michael Faraday (London, 1965), pp. 483-7. October, 1854, K73, Stokes correspondence, ULC.
Faraday, Experimental researches, 3, pp. 510-11. ^ The symbols are those o f his later telegraph papers.
Ibid., p. 515. Here 15(X) miles o f subterraneous wire refers to multiple wires between London William to James Thomson, 13th January, 1855, T442, ULC; James Thomson, Papers, 1. The
and Manchester connected in series. They were covered with iron for protection. date o f the letter was erroneously written as 1854.
448 The transformation o f classical physics Telegraph signals and light waves 449

common reservoir which supplies the + elecY which has to flow in at the Iron sheath
end of the battery.^
Stokess first cause of retardation was eflfectively internal resistance in the
battery, which would have to work for a considerable time to supply the
required electricity. His second cause was resistance in the wire and in the water.
This concern with resistance in the battery and the water, additional to that
through the wire, derived from Stokess closed-circuit picture of the induction
process. To complete the circuit of resistances he suggested yet a third cause of
retardation, a cause which had long been a part of Faradays idea of contiguous
action; time for induction. I have not mentioned a possible expenditure of time
in producing possibly a change in the molecular state of the dielectric gutta
percha, because such a cause would be altogether hypothetical.
Stokes here set aside the very speculation that would make Maxwell famous, a
displacement current closing the charging circuit through the dielectric.
Concomitantly, Stokes made nothing of Faradays repeated emphasis on the Figure 13.1. Stokes assumed the far end o f a telegraph wire to be insulated, while
interrelation of induction and conduction as two aspects of a single phenom Thomson assumed it grounded. Concomitantly, Thomson treated the basic problem
enon, while Maxwell, in his first paper on field theory one year later, would o f signalling to be linear conduction along the wire (solid lines), with lateral
induction between wire and sheath as merely a parameter o f capacity, while Stokes
recognize this interrelation as a key ingredient of Faradays view.
treated the lateral action as part o f a closed circuit (dashed line).
The contrast with Maxwells reading of Faraday is even more striking for
Thomson, who freely misread both Faraday and Stokes in his enthusiasm for his recognized at once that propagation of electricity along the telegraph wire
own new insights. On 28th October Thomson wrote; The two reasons you might be analyzed as though it were a simple case of linear conduction ofheat
assign for the finite intervals occupied by the agencies concerned in the charging along an insulated rod between high and low temperature reservoirs, rather than
&c of the telegraph wire under water are inseparable & 1 believe contain the as a closed circuit. As Thomson pictured the problem, the process of lateral
explanation of all the perceptible features of the phenomena as observed by induction through the gutta-percha did not enter explicitly, except as a constant
Faraday. Your Cause 1 appears to have been fully appreciated by Faraday capacity for holding electricity on the central conducting wire, analogous to
himself, but your Cause 2 1 think 1 have not seen explicitly stated except in heat capacity. Nor did he include resistance in the battery or in the sea. Figure
your letter & must be taken into account to get a complete investigation of the 13.1 depicts the basic difference of Stokess (and Faradays and Maxwells)
action. ^ In stating his view Thomson read Stokess Cause 1 as the inductive conception from Thomsons. Stokes consistently regarded the end of the
capacity o f the wire, rather than resistance in the battery, and Cause 2 as conducting wire as insulated while Thomson grounded it. Thus Stokess circuit
resistance to conduction in the wire alone, rather than in wire and water was closed through the gutta-percha, by induction, while Thomson considered
conjointly. Faraday, of course, had fully appreciated both of these problems of only linear conduction along the wire.
induction and conduction and had stressed their intimate physical relation. Implicitly, Thomsons circuit was closed through its two grounds. It also
Thomsons remarks thus require decoding, to read; I have already written a contained capacity, which might be represented as a set of small condensers
paper on the capacity of the wire (induction); and, I had not previously thought attached along the wire with one side grounded. We omit these features in order
about its interaction with resistance (conduction). to stress that Thomsons scheme isolated conceptually the longitudinal conduc
Once challenged, Thomson stood in perfect position to reformulate the tion process from the lateral induction process. Having previously employed a
problem in his own style, for during September and October he had been heat analogy for static induction to calculate the capacity of the wire, he now
reviewing his Fourier mathematics in his research n o t e b o o k .jqg apparently employed a different heat analogy for the conduction process. We have noted
similar moves previously in Thomsons mathematical interpretations of
G.G. Stokes to William Thomson, 16th October, 1854, S374, ULC.
'' William Thomson to G.G. Stokes, 28th October, 1854, K73, Stokes correspondence, ULC. Faraday (ch. 7). He regularly separated off, in analytical technique, intensity
The mathematical parts o f this letter, and parts o f several later letters, appeared in Thom sons On the problems from flux problems, while nevertheless treating them as of a single
theory o f the electric telegraph, Proc. Royal Soc., 1 (1854-5), 382-9; MPP, 2, 61-76.
See the note introducing Thom sons Compendium o f the Fourier mathematics for the
kind through the flow analogy.
conduction ofheat in solids, and the mathematically allied physical subjects o f diffusion o f fluids and The difference from Maxwell is far-reaching. From early in 1854, when
transmission o f electric signals through submarine cables, MPP, 2, 41.
450 The transformation o f classical physics Telegraph signals and light waves 451

Maxwell first began, in correspondence with Thomson, to develop his own occurred in this incompressible structure, no flow, polarization, or strain, no
flow analogy to fields, he took seriously Faradays distinction of quantities and displacement. The electricity on the plates derived from flow through the
intensities, treating them as dual aspects of the mere form of any flow-like wires, not from tension in the ether. Concomitantly, the displacements involved
phenomenon involving resistance to conduction or its analogue in induction. in waves of light could not be electric displacements.
From this quantity-intensity distinction would come the dual electric and dual In true dielectrics, not including gases or ether on Thomsons view, a limited
magnetic fields o f Maxwells equations: electric intensity E and displacement motion of electricity did occur, but only within small pores. Aer seemed to have
D; magnetic intensity H and induction B. Maxwell also recognized that no pores. In his 1852 lectures, he said: A plate of sulphur acts like a solid resister
Faradays views required a unified treatment of induction and conduction, [sic] of electricity filled with [polarized] conductors throughout. [Faraday]
although he did not yet have any clear idea of their relation. In 1863, however. supposes that there is some such polar action in air. It appears that there is no such
Maxwell proposed his displacement current, or current of induction, the rate polar electrification in air. His point was empirical; no evidence o f such action
of change o f displacement dDjdt. Such displacement currents in non-conduct existed. One could only conclude that aer transmitted electrical force as tension
ing media, he assumed, would produce all the effects of normal conduction in an incompressible medium, instantaneously. In conductors the motion of
currents, including magnetic fields. This assumption entailed electromagnetic electricity relieved this tension, or neutralized it by a back pressure of accumu
waves, because changing electric displacements and changing magnetic induc lated electricity. Similarly, in dielectrics, the limited motion partially neutral
tions mutually induced one another. The waves. Maxwell showed, would ized the tension, but the electrical action existed everywhere, both inside and
propagate through space at the velocity of light (see below). outside conductors and dielectrics. Faraday considered that it was a tension of
With Faraday, Maxwell supposed that the opposite electricities appearing on the air on the outside entirely. But electrical force acts everywhere; in every
the conductors of a Leyden arrangement during the charging process were direction.
manifestations of some underlying response in the medium - whether ether or Thomsons theory of electricity constituted a one-to-one translation of the
ponderable matter - through which lines of electric force were propagated. This terms of action at a distance into those of fields, replacing electrical force at a
free electricity appeared at the terminations of the lines in quantities determined point by tension and instantaneous action at a distance by instantaneous propa
by the number of lines. While the lines were changing in quantity, therefore, a gation to a distance. His lectures dispel any doubts about whether he understood
displacement current flowed through the dielectric equal in quantity to the that Faradays theory involved nothing like a real electrical density, or that it
conduction current in the wires. In general, the total or true current consisted required a quantity-intensity duality for propagating forces. He understood
of conduction current plus displacement current, and could be represented as the both features and rejected them. His continued use of the term flux, further
continuous flow of an incompressible fluid, even though electricity accumu more, in the analogy between transmission of electrostatic force and heat
lated at interfaces between conductors and dielectrics. conduction, had become purely metaphorical, for his flux was not continuous
Thomson had already rejected such notions by the early 1850s at the latest across interfaces between different media, as flux of heat would be for changes in
(chs. 7 and 8). Electricity for him had become the universal substratum whose conductivity. There could be no continuity of current, therefore, in the circuit
motions constituted heat, whose aligned rotational motions constituted magne that charged a Leyden jar. No electric displacement like Maxwells could
tism, and in which a structure of vortices produced the incompressible lattice of complete the circuit of electrical quantities.
the elastic-solid ether. This fluid flowed freely through conducting wires to Concretely, then, Thomson did not unite his heat analogy for conduction along
accumulate on the plates of a capacitor, but if only air or free ether separated the the telegraph wire with his analogy for induction through the gutta-percha to
plates (air-ether or aer), nothing happened in that space. A tension existed describe a closed circuit of fluxes, as Stokes had suggested. He treated inductive
in the ether lattice, constituting the electric lines o f force, but no response capacity only as a parameter in the conduction process. On the back of Stokess
initial letter he sketched the Fourier derivation for linear conduction in a few
Joseph Larmor (ed.), The origins o f Clerk M axwells electric ideas, as described in familiar
letters to W. Thom son, Proc. Cam. Phil. Soc., 32 (19.36), 69.5-750; letters o f February 20th and March short lines, which he then elaborated. In taking up your letter this morning to
14th, 1854, pp. 697-701. Thom sons replies seem not to have survived. M axwells first paper on answer it, I find that the whole may be worked out definitely as foliows.^^ With
fields was On Faradays lines o f force (read 10th December, 1855 and 11th February, 1856), Trans. c as the capacity of the wire per unit length, r its resistance per unit length, V the
Cam. Phil. Soc., 10 (1856), 27-83; The scientific papers o f James Clerk Maxwell, W .D. Niven (ed.), (2
vols., Cambridge, 1890), 1, pp. 155-229. instantaneous potential at any point x along the wire, and I the instantaneous
For detailed interpretations o f M axwells views in 1863 and o f later Maxwellian theory,
respectively, see Daniel Siegel, The origin o f the displacement current. Hist. Stud. Phys. Sci., 17 ** William Thomson, in William jack, Notes o f the Glasgow College natural philosophy class
(1986), 99-146, andJ.Z. Buchwald, From Maxwell to microphysics: aspects o f electromagnetic theory in the taken during the 1852-3 session, Ms Gen. 130, ULG. The quotations precede an entry dated 25th
last quarter o f the nineteenth century (Chicago, 1985), pp. 20-53. November, 1852. Thomson to Stokes, op. n't. (note 11).
452 The transformation o f classical physics Telegraph signals and light waves 453

current at that point, he set the rate of change of static electricity on any element down, and will show what maximum strength of current through the apparatus
d^r, cdx(dVjdt), equal to the rate at which the current deposited electricity at that in America, would be produced by a specified battery action on the end in
clement, (d//dx)dx, the two quantities being measured in electrostatic units England, with wire of given dimensions &c. His general solution of the partial
(esu) and electromagnetic units (emu), respectively. Substituting 7= (l/r)dK/dx differential equation showed that the time required to reach a stated fraction of
(Ohms law), and with o as the ratio of units (esu/emu), he obtained in the maximum strength of current at the remote end (length /) will be propor
electrostatic units the diffusion equation: tional to rcF [actually rcFja]. [Thus] we may be sure beforehand that the
rcdVjdt = od^Vjdx^. American telegraph will succeed, with a battery sufficient to give a sensible
This equation, Thomson observed, agrees with the well known equation of current at the remote end when kept long enough in action, but the time
the linear motion of heat in a solid conductor, and various forms of solution required for each deflection will be 16 times as long as would be with a wire a
which Fourier has given are perfectly adapted for answering practical questions quarter the length, such for instance as in the French submarine telegraph to
regarding the use of the telegraph wire. He gave details for the propagation of a Sardinia & Africa.
pulse down an infinitely long wire (grounded at the distant end) and indicated The penalty of long cables, then, was that as the length increased, the time
the requisite modifications for a finite wire. To account for leakage through the increased as the square of the length, or the effective velocity decreased in
gutta-percha (most sensible in Faradays experiments) he added a term hV to proportion to the length. As the most obvious resolution of a problem which
the above equation, corresponding in Fouriers scheme to radiation losses from cast doubt on the economic viability of a 2000 mile cable, Thomson suggested
the surface of a rod conducting heat along its length. increasing both the diameter of the conducting wire to decrease its resistance and
The simplicity of Thomsons approach testifies not only to his familiarity of the gutta-percha insulation to maintain constant capacity. Hence, when the
with Fouriers mathematics. At least as important was his intuition for relevant French submarine telegraph is fairly tested, we may make sure of the same
and irrelevant magnitudes, for only that sensibility to actual numbers allowed degree of success in an American telegraph by increasing all the dimensions of
him to see at once the applicability of Fouriers formalism. He could disregard the wire in the ratio of the greatest distance to which it is to extend, to that for
Stokess worries about resistance in the water (it being incapable of preventing which the French one has been tried. The signals would exhibit the same
the inductive action from being completed instantaneously round each part of effective velocity and the same degree of degradation.
the wire) and resistance in the battery (it being small, say not more than that of a On 1S t December Thomson made an unusual request of Stokes:
few yards of the wire).^^ I sh o u ld b e m u c h o b lig e d i f y o u w o u ld n o t m e n tio n to a n y o n e w h a t I w r o t e to y o u
In letters of December, 1854, to February, 1855, Stokes continued to press his r e g a r d in g th e r e m e d y fo r th e a n tic ip a te d d iffic u lty in te le g r a p h ic c o m m u n ic a t io n to
views and Thomson continued to reject them.^* A great deal more than A m e r ic a , at p r e se n t, as R a n k in e has s u g g e s te d th at 1 s h o u ld j o in w it h h im in a p p ly in g fo r a
intellectual interest rested on the numbers. Writing to Stokes on 30th October, p a te n t fo r a w a y o f p u ttin g it in p r a c tic e . . . In a v e r y sh o r t tim e I b e lie v e th e r e w ill b e n o
1854, two days after his initial letter, Thomson announced the consequences of n e c e s sity o f k e e p in g a n y p art o f o u r p la n se c r e t. In th e m e a n t im e th e r e can b e n o h a r m in
his theory. An application of the theory . . . which I omitted to mention in the p u b lis h in g th e th e o r y , & i f I can g e t t im e t o w r it e it o u t, I sh all tr y to d o so soon.22
haste of finishing my letter . . . shows how the question raised by Faraday as to
the practicability of sending distinct signals along such a length as the 2000 or Overburdened with multiple commitments and with anxiety over his ailing
3000 miles of wire that would be required for America, may be answered. wife, Thomson wished simply to establish his priority by publishing excerpts
The practicability of the Atlantic telegraph had been discussed at the 1854 from his letters. Conveniently, as Secretary of the Royal Society, Stokes could
meeting o f the British Association,^ but this statement is the first indication of have the paper published in the Proceedings. It appeared in May, 1855, by which
Thomsons developing interest in the project. The general investigation, he time the patent had been secured. Thomson was not very hopeful of making
claimed, will show exactly how much the sharpness of the signals will be worn anything of it, but it is possible that it may be profitable.I n d e e d , although
unsuccessful in this first attempt, he would reap both profit and prestige from
subsequent patents. The Atlantic telegraph would depend critically on his
theory, his instruments, and his measurements (ch. 19), and would win him his
G.G. Stokes to William Thomson, 2nd December, 1854, S376, ULC. William Thomson to
G.G. Stokes, 25th December, 1854, and 12th February, 1855, K76 and K78, Stokes correspondence, knighthood.
William Thomson to G.G. Stokes, 30th October, 1854, K74, Stokes correspondence, ULC. 2 * Thomson to Stokes, op. cit. (note 19).
J. W. Brett, On the origin o f the submarine telegraph and its extension to India and America, 22 William Thomson to G.G. Stokes, 1st December, 1854, K75, Stokes correspondence, ULC.
B A A S Report, 24(1854), 7-8. 2 2 William to James Thomson, op. cit. (note 9).
454 The transformation o f classical physics Telegraph signals and light waves 455

covered with gutta-percha to a diameter o f a third o f an inch, to show how important it is to

Measurements, units, and velocity share-holders in submarine telegraph companies that only the best copper wire should be
Sir Williams deep involvement in the Atlantic cable sheds considerable light on admitted for their use.^
his lifelong rejection of Maxwellian electromagnetic theory. The laying and Telegraph companies learned faster than natural philosophers about the value
working of the cable required the complete unity of theory and practice that he of measurements. In his oft-cited lecture on Electrical units of measurement,
had always preached. His lesson was both an economical and a moral-political delivered in 1883, Sir William proudly observed that resistance coils and ohms,
one, for, in his Victorian capitalist vision, personal profit and public service and standard condensers and microfarads had been for ten years familiar to the
were, ideally, one. Practicality would bring profits to investors, strength to the electricians of the submarine-cable factories and testing stations, before anything
Empire, and material benefits to mankind. Speculation would bring uncer that could be called electric measurement had come to be regularly practised in
tainty, divisiveness, and ruin. To the degree that theories lost direct contact with almost any of the scientific laboratories of the world. Such experience sup
reality, therefore, they became not only methodologically wrong but morally ported his conviction that The life and soul of science is its practical application,
wrong. expressed particularly in direct measurements of the properties of matter. The
We have observed this ethic operating in Thomsons natural philosophy since lecture contains the famous lines: when you can measure what you are speaking
his early days at Cambridge. It opposed the metaphysical to the practical. In about and express it in numbers you know something about it; but when you
proscribing mathematical analogies that extended beyond direct experimental cannot measure i t ... you have scarcely, in your thoughts, advanced to the stage
observation, it eliminated the fluxforce duality from his flow analogies to of science Needless to say, Maxwells displacement hardly met the test of
electricity and magnetism. Maxwells theory, by contrast, introduced a physical science, for it had never been observed, let alone measured in the direct sense
entity which no one had ever observed, the displacement current. But, most Thomson intended. The value of Maxwells theory lay in calling attention to the
specifically, Thomson opposed metaphysical to measurable, and it is this probable physical relation existing between the ratio esu/emu and the velocity of
aspect that the telegraph especially reinforced. The only aspects of Maxwells light waves. 27 But of course Thomson himself had established the importance of
theory that Thomson would ever applaud were those related to measurements. this ratio for the effective velocity of telegraph signals in 1854. And on his theory
The cable required precise measurements of the resistivity of copper, the rested the daily operation of a 3000 mile cable stretched across the Atlantic.
specific inductive capacity of gutta-percha, and the ratio of units, esu/emu. The ratio esu/emu thus carried special practical significance as the ratio of
Thomson noted in the published version ofhis letters to Stokes that It will be an induction to conduction. Indeed, Faraday, in his 1854 analysis, had already
economical problem, easily solved by the ordinary analytical problems of stressed that The phenomena [of the submarine wire] altogether offer a beauti
maxima and minima, to determine the dimensions of wire and covering which, ful case of the identity of static and dynamic electricity. He noted further that
with stated prices of copper, gutta-percha and iron, will give a stated rapidity of the telegraph could be used to compare dynamic and static measures: The
action with the smallest initial expense. B u t resistivities and capacities were whole power of a considerable battery may in this way be worked off in separate
only roughly known and never controlled in manufacture. Not even the portions, and measured out in units of static force.2* Thomson, in his first
requisite instruments existed, although that situation began rapidly to change outline of the theory to Stokes, observed that the required ratio of electrostatic
when Thomson, in the early 1850s, established his Glasgow laboratory, devoted units to electromagnetic units may be determined by finding the velocity of
in its research function largely to electrical measurements and instruments. In propagation of a regular periodical effect . . . and I believe it may be actually
1857, upon testing four specimens of no. 22 gauge copper wire, manufactured estimated (roughly) from what Faraday has already done.2^
specifically for submarine telegraphy by four different companies (A-D), he For accurate data he applied to the Astronomer Royal at Greenwich, G.B.
found that their resistivities varied nearly as two to one. He warned investors: Airy, who provided retardation times and dimensions for the cables from
It has only to be remarked that a submarine telegraph constructed with copper wire o f the quality Greenwich to Edinburgh (j^ sec. for a line nearly all above ground), Greenwich
o f the manufactory A o f only ^ o f an inch in diameter, covered with gutta-percha to a diameter o f a to Brussels sec. for a 270 mile line two-thirds underwater), and London to
quarter o f an inch, would, with the same electrical power, and the same instruments, do more
telegraphic work than one constructed with copper wire o f the quality D , o f ^ of an inch diameter, William Thomson, On the electric conductivity o f commercial copper o f various kinds,
Proc. Royal Soc., 8 (1857), 550-5; MPP, 2, 112-17, on p. 113.
William Thomson, Electrical units o f measurement (delivered to the Institution o f Civil
William Thomson, On the theory o f the electric telegraph, Proc. Royal Soc., 7 (1855), 382*99; Engineers, 1883), PL, 1, 73-136, on pp. 79, 75-6, 73. ^7 pp g 3 _ 1 1 4 ^ 1 5 ,
MPP, 2, 6176, on p. 6 8 . Faraday, On electric induction, p. 511. Thomson to Stokes, op. cit. (note 19).
456 The transformation o f classical physics Telegraph signals and light waves 457

Manchester (2 sec. for 1500 miles in series u n d e r g r o u n d ) . Th e information locution, electrostatic induction of electric current, Thomson invented the
convinced Thomson: term fieristaltic induction to distinguish this new form of electrodynamic action
from the usual electromagnetic induction. The effects seemed completely
th a t a k in d o f e x p e r i m e n t . . . w h ic h I h o p e to b e a b le b e fo r e lo n g to g e t in p ra c tic e w ill b e
su c c e ssfu l in g iv in g a to le r a b ly a c c u ra te c o m p a r is o n o f th e e le c tr o sta tic a l & e le c t r o d y
analogous to those of pressure pulses in adjacent elastic tubes filled with fluid.
n a m ic u n its a n d w it h a fa rth er e x p e r im e n t to d e te r m in e th e sp e c ific in d u c tiv e c a p a c ity o f T h e n e w p h e n o m e n a p resen t a v e r y p e r fe c t a n a lo g y w it h th e m u tu a l in flu e n c e s o f a
g u tta p c r c h a w h ic h w ill p r esen t n o d iffic u lty will enable me to give all the data required for n u m b e r o f cla stic tu b es b o u n d t o g e th e r latera lly th r o u g h o u t th e ir le n g th s , an d sur
estimating telegraph retardations without any datafrom telegraphic operations. T h is e x p e r im e n t r o u n d e d and fille d w it h a liq u id w h ic h is fo r c e d th r o u g h o n e o r m o r e o f t h e m , w h ile th e
is s im p ly to p u t t w o p la n e c o n d u c tin g d iscs in c o m m u n ic a t io n w it h th e t w o p o le s o f a o th e r s arc le ft w it h th e ir e n d s o p e n o r c lo s e d . T h e h y d r o sta tic p ressu re a p p lie d to fo r c e th e
D a n ic lls b a tte r y (o r a n y o th e r o f k n o w n e le c t r o m o t iv e fo r c e ), a n d to weigh t h e fo r c e liq u id t h r o u g h a n y o f th e tu b e s w ill c a u se th e m to s w e ll, an d to press a g a in st th e o th e r s,
b e t w e e n t h e m .^ w h ic h w ill th u s, b y p e r ista ltic a c tio n , c o m p e l th e liq u id c o n ta in e d in th e m to m o v e in
d iffe r e n t parts o f th e m in o n e d ir e c tio n o r th e o th e r . . . th e h y d r a u lic m o tio n w ill f o llo w
To Stokes, he reported that Airys data showed there cannot be more than
r ig o r o u s ly th e sa m e la w s as th e e le c tr ic a l c o n d u c tio n , an d w ill b e e x p r e s se d b y id e n tic a l
419 000 000 nor less than 104 000 000 electrostatic units in the electrodynamic, & la n g u a g e in m ath em atics.^ '*
consequently that the attraction between the separated electricities flowing
from the decomposition of a grain of water if concentrated in points 1 foot apart The mathematics, while forbidding to look on, involved simply a system of
cannot be less than 10 tons nor more than 42: and that the attraction between two simultaneous partial differential equations, which Thomson could write down
parallel discs each a squ. foot area, & foot apart, when connected with the by inspection from his analogy. Their general solutions followed forms given by
two poles of a Daniells battery of 100 cells (which I am now going to try & Fourier; but for particular cases of two, three, four, and six wires Thomson
measure directly) cannot be less than 4 grains nor more than 71.^^ This direct deployed his method of images to give immediate solutions in a form suitable
weighing experiment is the one Thomson had proposed already in 1845 for for practical computation.^^ The master of theory for the practical man had
obtaining an absolute measure of static electricity, and forms part of a continu here given a virtuoso performance on his special instruments of analogy and
ing story of absolute units (ch. 20). images. Much impressed. Joule wrote: the analogy between the retardation of
Airys data gave Thomson confidence in his law of the squares for retarda the current and that of fluids in pipes of narrow bore as pointed out by you is
tions. Joule supplied further good news in February, 1855. Comparing retarda very instructive and must be appealed to whenever the real physical nature of the
tions in the Manchester-London-Manchester cable (about ^ sec. over 380 miles) electric fluid is sought to be discovered.T h o m s o n agreed. He would make
with those in the Greenwich-Brussels line, Joule reported, you will find your the problem of fluids in pipes of narrow bore the key to the relation of electricity
law of the square of the length completely borne out.^^ and ether, or telegraph signals and light waves.
Secure in his basic equation, Thomson now gave it an analogical interpret In an article on Velocity of electricity in 1860, three years before Maxwells
ation more consistent with an actual electrical fluid. He had in mind the motion electromagnetic theory of light, Thomson correlated all of the basic properties
of a fluid in an elastic tube when subjected to a pressure pulse at one end. This of electricity in telegrapji lines with properties of fluids. The three phenomena
idea suggested new subtleties for telegraph cables carrying multiple wires, like concerned in the transmission of an electric signal along an insulated conductor
parallel bores in an elastic cylinder. From the electrical perspective, if several were: electrostatic induction (characterized by capacity for electrical accumula
wires ran parallel to one another, separated only by gutta-percha, electrostatic tion); electromagnetic induction (characterized by the tendency of a current to
action between them would alter their equation of conduction. Any gradient in oppose changes in strength); and conduction (characterized by resistance). The
the state of charge and potential along one wire would produce corresponding electrical characteristics, all of which slowed telegraph signals, were in the
gradients along the others by electrostatic induction, but these gradients would present state of science not understood except as quite distinct from one
act back on the first wire to change its original gradient, and so on, reflecting another, but water in an elastic tube exhibited a similar set of properties:
back and forth ad infinitum. The mutually induced electrostatic gradients, expansibility of the tube coupled with compressibility of the water (very small);
furthermore, would produce electrical currents along the wires, presenting a inertia; and viscosity.
strange case of static induction of dynamic effects. Avoiding the contradictory Thomson treated expansibility as the analogue of high capacity in submarine
.10 MPP, 2, 74- 5; G.B. Airy to Edward Sabine, 19th December, 1854, S8 A, ULC. '* William Thomson, On peristaltic induction o f electric currents in submarine telegraph
William Thomson to G.B. Airy, 2nd February, 1855, A22, ULC. wires, B A A S Report, 25 (1855), 22; MPP, 2, 77 8 . See also SPT, 1, 310-11.
Thomson to Stokes, 12th February, 1855, op. cit. (note 18). MPP, 2, 89.
J.P. Joule to William Thomson, 22nd February, 1855, J192, ULC. J.P. joule to William Thomson, 19th March, 1855, J193, ULC.
458 The transformation o f classical physics Telegraph signals and light waves 459

cables insulated with gutta-percha and compressibility as the analogue o f low Thomson had in mind his 1860 discussion of the definite velocity of waves in air
capacity in air lines. Thus submarine cables acted like highly expansible rubber wires, his claims still seem peculiar, for his theory was entirely different from
tubes while air lines behaved like rigid metal tubes. The inertial property of Maxwells. Thomsons velocity was the velocity of a longitudinal wave travel
electromagnetic induction Thomson knew to be insignificant in long submarine ling within the central conductor; Maxwells was the velocity of a transverse
cables; but in short cables, and in air lines, the frequency of signalling (rate of wave in the surrounding non-conductor, whether gutta-percha or air. This
change of current) had only to be high enough for the slowness due to transverse wave consisted of oscillating electric and magnetic forces propagated
electromagnetic induction (inertia) to dominate over the slowness due to by reciprocal induction between the field quantities, electric displacement and
electrostatic induction (expansibility). In this case the telegraph equation be magnetic induction.
came a wave equation rather than a diffusion equation, as Kirchhoff had At least one young proponent o f Maxwells theory, but also a friend of
s h o w n . T h o m s o n s analogy for telegraph signals changed accordingly, from Thomsons, expressed his horror at the apparent confusion between signal
non-inertial heat conduction to inertial oscillations. Electric signals in air lines velocities in submarine cables and the velocity of light, but more generally at the
propagated like longitudinal pressure pulses (sound waves) in a rigid tube of idea that Thomsons analogy bore any relation to Maxwells theory. Writing to
water, with a definite velocity depending only on compressibility and inertia. Nature, George Francis FitzGerald (18511901) initially protested at what he
Viscosity, or resistance to conduction, would degrade the signal, but not affect thought must be a mistaken report o f Thomsons Baltimore Lectures. Shortly
this constant velocity. afterwards, having examined a copy o f them and having read the 1860 article, he
Available data gave velocities for air wires from three-fifths to one and one- extended his objections and sent the letter through Thomson for approval. Sir
half times the velocity o f light. Kirchhoff s theory supported the larger figure, William complained of misrepresentation, for he had not asserted that subma
but since electromagnetic inertia had never been accurately measured, Thomson rine signals behaved like light waves nor that his theory was similar to Max
refrained from speculations. He said little more on the subject until 1884, in his wells, but only that for air wires his theory would similarly highlight the ratio
Baltimore Lectures, On molecular dynamics and the wave theory of light. emu/esu as very near the velocity o f light and that he found Maxwells theory
unsatisfactory because it had no definite dynamical foundation. FitzGerald
amended his wording and apologized for his excesses: I was so anxious to
Longitudinal waves and light
prevent what I find is a very common mistake namely its being supposed that the
In the Baltimore Lectures Thomson virtually claimed to have made Maxwells velocity of transmission of signals [in submarine lines] is the same thing as
great discovery for him: Maxwells velocity of light that I wrote as if your whole paper had been upon
I a m q u ite c o n s c io u s . . . o f w h a t h as b e e n d o n e in th e s o -c a lle d E le c tr o -m a g n e tic t h e o r y o f
this velocity of transmission of signals. More colourfully: my letter to
lig h t. I k n o w th e p r o p a g a tio n o f e le c tr ic im p u ls e a lo n g an in su la te d w ir e su r r o u n d e d b y
Nature is not intended to inform you of anything as I might as well teach my
g u tta -p e r c h a , w h ic h I w o r k e d o u t m y s e lf, a b o u t th e y e a r 1 8 5 4 an d in w h ic h I f o u n d a grandmother to suck eggs.
v e lo c it y c o m p a r a b le w it h th e v e lo c it y o f lig h t. W e th e n d id n o t k n o w th e r e la tio n But FitzGerald certainly did intend to teach Thomson that one need not
b e t w e e n e le c tr o s ta tic a n d e le c t r o - m a g n e t ic u n its. I f w e h a d , that [v e lo c ity ] m ig h t h a v e suppose that electricity behaved like a compressible fluid with inertia. Accord
b e e n o b ta in e d [,] in th e w a y M a x w e ll has b r o u g h t o u t so b e a u tifu lly [,] fr o m th e p r o p e r ing to my view of Maxwells theory, he wrote, there is no known phenom
c o e ffic ie n ts o f c a p a c ity fo r th e g u tta p erch a . I f w e w o r k th a t o u t fo r th e case o f air in stea d enon in electricity exactly analogous to the compressibility of the water in the
o f g u tta p e r c h a , w e g e t p r a c tic a lly th e sa m e v, I th in k , fo r th e v e lo c it y o f p r o p a g a tio n o f tube. Furthermore, it is evident that the inertia of the water is a very bad
th e im pulse.^
analogue to electromagnetic induction, for this latter depends essentially upon
These remarks are surprising because Thomsons calculations in 1854 con the form of the circuit, and not only upon its section and length.
cerned the effective diffusion velocity of an impulse rather than the definite These two objections, if accepted, would demolish Thomsons telegraph
propagation velocity of a wave. For submarine cable covered with gutta-percha theory, for his conception of wave propagation in air wires depended entirely on
the calculations gave an effective velocity on the order of one-hundredth of compressibility and inertia inside the tube. Maxwells theory, FitzGerald ob-
the velocity of light in the 3000 mile Atlantic cable. For a similar 300 mile cable,
this effective velocity would have been one-tenth that of light. Supposing that G.F. FitzGerald to William Thomson, 25th April, 1885, FI 18, ULC. Sec also G.F. FitzGerald,
Molecular dynamics. Nature, 31 (1885), 503; Sir W m. Thomson and M axwells electro-magnetic
theory o f light. Nature, 32 (1885), 45; William Thomson to G.F. FitzGerald, 17th April, 1885, in
William Thomson, Velocity o f electricity, in J.P. Nichol (ed.). Cyclopaedia of the physical SPT, 2, 1038.
ciences, 2nd edn. (London and Glasgow, 1860); MPP, 2, 131-7. -*** BL, 42. FitzGerald to Thomson, op. cit. (note 39); FitzGerald, Sir Wm. Thom son, p. 4.
460 The transformation of classical physics Telegraph signals and light waves 461

served, located electromagnetic inertia, and the electromagnetic waves oflight, statements in his 1845 reconciliation between Faradays theory and Poissons
outside the tube. To include anything at all analogous to Maxwells theory, action at a distance theory (ch. 7). But just as Thomson there rejected Faradays
Thomson should have considered a tube bored in an indefinitely large lump of notion of a continuous electrical flux, because no empirical evidence existed for
india-rubber, which would propagate waves away from the tube throughout it, he here rejected Maxwells electric displacement. Similarly, FitzGeralds
all space. This is just the difference between Sir Wm. Thomsons and Maxwells appeal to the laws of the symbols should remind us of the operational calculus
views. According to Maxwells view there is a great deal more going on outside of Gregory and Boole and of the problem of interpretation associated with its
the conductor than inside it.^^ symbolic forms (ch. 6). Symbols possessing neither direct empirical nor definite
The terms of the controversy between Thomson and the Maxwellians had dynamical reference were dangerous wills-o-the-wisp.
thus been clearly stated by 1885. Thomson took his telegraph theory, a theory From FitzGeralds perspective, however, it was Thomson who threatened the
limited to the motion of electricity in a conducting wire, as a perfectly clear, scientific enterprise, with his reactionary commitment to an elastic-solid ether.
definite, and practical core for building outwards to a more general theory for FitzGerald too sought dynamical models and had very recently devised one
non-conductors. This theory would eventually relate electric and magnetic whose elements obeyed Maxwells equations. Importantly, it showed how
forces to the motions of the clastic-solid ether, motions which for Thomson electric displacements might be regarded as changes in structure of the elements
constituted light waves. Maxwellians regarded the telegraph, and electrical of the ether, and not actual displacements of the elements, as in elastic solid
conduction generally, as a special problem to be solved within an already t h e o r i e s . B u t FitzGerald insisted on its purely heuristic nature, for since it
attained electromagnetic theory for non-conductors, which included light. The consists of wheels pumping liquid through diaphragms nobody could imagine it
respective roles of inside and outside the telegraph wire therefore capture a at all like the ether. H e accused Thomson of dogmatism: I also think that Sir
critical difference in viewpoint. Thomson would move outwards through the Wm. Thomson, notwithstanding his guarded statements on the subject, is
gutta-percha to understand light while the Maxwellians would move inwards lending his overwhelming authority to a view of the ether which is not justified
through gutta-percha to understand c o n d u c t i o n . F r o m both perspectives, by our present knowledge and which may lead to the same unfortunate results in
electrostatic induction in the gutta-percha provided the key puzzle. Thomson delaying the progress of science as arose from Sir Isaac Newtons equally
sought to treat it as modified conduction, because he thought he understood guarded advocacy of the corpuscular theory of optics.
electricity, while the Maxwellians treated it as a modified action of the ether, This damning charge from Sir Williams young friend suggests how radically
whose behaviour Maxwells equations satisfactorily described, albeit without his Baltimore Lectures had cut across the grain of Maxwellian theory, both
providing a dynamical explanation. methodologically and in content. Before considering the methodological issue
Since Thomson could not accept the displacement current, he regarded more extensively, we must sharpen the relation of Thomsons telegraph theory
Maxwells equations as a highly misleading chimera, standing between a well- to his ether theory.
founded telegraph theory and an equally well-founded elastic-solid theory of Electricity and the telegraph actually appear only in isolated remarks in the
light, while the Maxwellians, accepting neither the electrical fluid nor the Baltimore Lectures. They play an essential role, however, because they provide
elastic-solid ether, took Maxwells phenomenological theory of displacement as Thomsons ground for assuming the existence of longitudinal waves in the
the only sound basis for understanding either electricity or ether. FitzGerald put luminiferous ether, which justifies his treatment of the ether as an elastic solid
the point succinctly: rather than some other sort of substance which would transmit only transverse
waves. FitzGerald concluded his initial letter to Nature with the crucial issue: O f
A s to M a x w e lls n o tio n o f th e e th e r n o t b e in g su ffic ie n tly d e fin ite I th in k th at isju st o n e o f
its a d v a n ta g e s . . . I th in k that a lo t o f th e o r ie s as to th e str u c tu r e o f th e e th e r c o u ld b e
course, as Sir Wm. Thomson asserts, something analogous to a longitudinal
fr a m e d w h ic h w o u ld a ttr ib u te to its e le m e n ts p r o p e r tie s o b e y in g th e la w s o f th e s y m b o ls Bruce Hunt, 'H ow my model was right: G.F. FitzGerald and the reform o f M axwells
th a t M a x w e ll u ses to r e p resen t its c o n d itio n . A s lo n g as th ere are a lo t o f h y p o th e s e s theory (unpublished) analyzes FitzGeralds models and m ethodology and makes the point about
p o ssib le 1 th in k it is u n sa fe to c o m m it o u r se lv e s to a n y m o r e than w e k n o w an d th a t is th e structural theory. FitzGerald, 'Sir W m. Thom son, p. 5. G.F. FitzGerald, 'On a model illustrating
some properties o f the ether, Sci. Proc. Royal Dublin Soc.,4 (1885), 407-19; Scientific writings o f the late
la w s that its e le m e n ts obey.'*^
George Francis FitzGerald, ]. Larmor (ed.) (Dublin, 1902), pp. 142-56.
On the surface, these remarks sound very like Thomsons anti-hypothetical FitzGerald to Thomson, op. cit. (note 43).
FitzGerald, 'Sir W m. Thom son, p. 5. For the continuing deep commitment o f Maxwellians
Ibid. to mechanical models and a material ether see Bruce Hunt, 'Experimenting on the ether: Oliver J.
On the central role o f the conduction problem in Maxwellian theory see Buchwald, Prom Lodge and the great whirling machine, Flist. Stud. Phys. Sci., 16 (1986), 111-34, who pays special
Maxwell to microphysics, pp. 20-53. attention to the role o f experiment in stripping the ether o f its physical properties towards the end o f
G.F. FitzGerald to William Thomson, 25th April, 1885, FI 18, ULC, the century.
462 The transformation of classical physics Telegraph signals and light waves 463

vibration may co-exist with [Maxwells transverse waves], but Maxwells

theory shows that a medium which would transmit only transverse vibration
[i.e. not an elastic solid] would explain electric and magnetic phenomena.
In his Lecture IV, Thomson considered a section of wire - essentially a
telegraph wire - terminated by spherical conductors (figure 13.2) and sur FiX'ure 13.2. A telegraph wire, activated by an alternating electromotive force and
rounded by ether, or by air (consisting now of large molecules embedded in terminated by two spheres, would, in Thom sons view, necessarily produce longitu
ether, ch. 12): dinal waves in the surrounding and containing medium.

S u p p o s e th a t w e h a v e at a n y p la c e in air, o r in lu m in ife r o u s e th e r (I c a n n o t d istin g u is h

n o w b e t w e e n th e t w o i d e a s ) . . . t w o sp h eric a l c o n d u c to r s u n ite d b y a fin e w ir e , a n d that The a,b,c of the telegraph thus stood implacably behind the claims in the
an a lte r n a tin g e le c t r o m o t iv e f o r c e is p r o d u c e d in th a t fin e w ir e . . . It is a b s o lu te ly certa in Baltimore Lectures for an elastic-solid theory of ether:
th a t su ch an a c tio n as th a t g o in g o n w o u ld g iv e rise to e le c tr ic a l w a v e s [in a ir - e th e r ] . N o w
it d o e s se e m to m e p r o b a b le th a t th o se e le c tr ic a l w a v e s are c o n d e n s a tio n a l w a v e s in I f I k n e w w h a t th e m a g n e tic th e o r y o f l i g h t is, I m ig h t b e ab le to th in k o f it in r e la tio n to

lu m in ife r o u s eth er; a n d p r o b a b ly it w o u ld b e th a t th e p r o p a g a tio n o f th e se w a v e s w o u ld th e fu n d a m e n ta l p r in c ip le s o f th e w a v e t h e o r y o f l ig h t . B u t it se e m s to m e th at it is rather

b e e n o r m o u s ly faster th a n th e p r o p a g a tio n o f o r d in a r y lig h t waves.'* a b a c k w a r d step fr o m an a b s o lu te ly d e fin ite m e c h a n ic a l m o tio n th at is p u t b e fo r e us b y

F resn el an d his f o llo w e r s to tak e u p th e so -c a lle d E le c tr o -m a g n e tic th e o r y o f l i g h t in th e
Alternating compressions and rarefactions of electrical fluid in the spherical w a y it has b e e n ta k e n u p b y se veral w r ite r s o f late. In p a ssin g , I m a y say th at th e o n e th in g
conductors would produce increasing and decreasing pressures or tensions in the a b o u t it th at se e m s in te llig ib le to m e , I sc a r c e ly th in k is a d m issa b le . W h a t I m e a n is, that
surrounding - and containing - ether. Since no evidence existed that the ether th e r e sh o u ld b e an e le c tr ic d isp la c e m e n t p e r p e n d ic u la r to th e lin e o f p r o p a g a tio n an d a
responded with any finite displacement or polarization (no capacity for electro m a g n e tic d istu r b a n c e p e r p e n d ic u la r to b o th . It se e m s to m e th at w h e n w e h a v e an

static induction), one ought to assume, on Thomsons view, that it behaved like e le c t r o - m a g n e t ic th e o r y o f l i g h t , w e sh all see e le c tr ic d isp la c e m e n t as in th e d ir e c tio n o f
p r o p a g a tio n . . . I m e r e ly say that in p a ssin g , as p erh ap s s o m e a p o lo g y is n ece ssa r y fo r m y
a (nearly) incompressible medium, which would propagate longitudinal waves
in sis tin g u p o n th e p la in m a tte r o f fact d y n a m ic s an d th e tru e e la s tic s o lid as g iv in g w h a t
with (nearly) infinite velocity. Elastic-solid theories had always assumed that
se e m s to m e th e o n ly te n a b le fo u n d a tio n fo r th e w a v e th e o r y o f l i g h t in th e p re se n t state o f
such waves existed in principle, but usually assumed as well that they had never
o u r k n o w le d g e .* *
been detected in association with the transverse waves of light because of their
infinite velocity. The tension theory of electrical action gave independent Given his unshakable faith in the telegraph, Thomson apparently felt free to
support to both assumptions. use his Baltimore Lectures as a forum for combating the leading young theorists
Thomson had been developing this reasoning ever since his discussion in 1843 of electromagnetism, who had strayed from the true path of latitudinarian
of how air pressure might account for electrostatic forces acting on charged practicality and into a false metaphysics. The forum was well chosen, for among
conductors. The 1847 Mechanical representation explicitly promoted a tension his twenty-one hearers sat Lord Rayleigh (J.W. Strutt; 1842-1919), H.A.
theory of electrostatic force in an incompressible elastic-solid ether, as did his Rowland (1848-1901), A.A. Michelson (1852-1931), E.W. Morley (1838-
1852-3 lectures (aer), and the tension theory had always implied longitudinal 1923), and other notables. He would attempt to show them, in a grand
waves: It is probable that vibrations like those of sound are propagated at the symphony of mechanical models, how a true dynamical theory might be
same time [as those of light]. B u t the unquestionable success of the telegraph constructed. But at the same time he would attempt to deliver a captivating
theory gave an entirely new order of support to longitudinal waves. Telegraph sermon on proper empiricist methodology.
signals in air wires now simply were longitudinal waves to Thomson, and their
continuation in the space beyond the terminations of the wire seemed guaran
The methodology o flook and see
teed: that is a case of excitation of a kind that we know; we know the a,b,c of it,
and the laws of it, and feel certain that if this operation be performed but fast In characterizing Thomsons view o f valid theoretical entities we have often
enough there will be [longitudinal] waves.^ used the term practical to contrast with metaphysical, but more specifically
we have used direct: direct observation, direct measurement, direct dynamical
FitzGerald, Molecular dynamics.
BL, 41 -2 . On the difference o f size (grainedness) and mass o f the molecules o f air and o f normal BL, 5-6. Am ong his references for the electromagnetic theory o flig h t, Thomson listed
solids from those o f ether see BL, 10, 106^7, 119, 199-208. FitzGerald, Gibbs, Glazebrook, Gordon, Lorenz, Maxwell, Rayleigh, Rowland, and Turmlirz
Jack, Notes, autumn o f 1852. so 42-3. (detailed references in Index at end o f BL).
464 The transformation o f classical physics Telegraph signals and light waves 465

interpretation. These usages may have conveyed the idea of direct sensory m a n n e r th a t is fa u ltily illu stra te d b y o u r m e c h a n ic a l m o d e l, I a b s o lu te ly b e lie v e . I h a v e n o

perception. The Baltimore Lectures, however, offer a much more explicit and m o r e d o u b t th at s o m e t h in g o f th e k in d is tru e than I h a v e o f m y o w n existence.

more integrated ground for that reading than his earlier works justify. Taken as a To Descartes I think therefore I am Thomson might have answered, I feel
whole, the lectures argue that theoretical expressions are acceptable to the degree therefore I am. He based the reality of theoretical entities on our ability to sense
that they are accessible to seeing and feeling. The theorist, like the experi their behaviour. A mechanical model of a possible molecule enabled one to
menter and the engineer, must look and touch in order to see and feel, manipulate it in all its variety of circumstances; to touch it, turn it, look at it, and
thereby to understand and believe. This methodology we label look and see. thereby to know it intuitively as a potentially real thing. Knowing the relative
Thomsons methods have usually been understood more narrowly, in terms magnitudes of things gave a similar sense of reality; e.g., calculate the energy
of the justification of theories by analogies and mechanical models. That view is ratios for each root. Wc shall then be able to put our formula into numbers; and I
symbolized by classic lines from the Baltimore Lectures: 1 never satisfy myself feel that I understand it much better when it is in numbers than when it is in a
until 1can make a mechanical model of a thing. If I can make a mechanical model literal form.^
I can understand it. As long as I cannot make a mechanical model all the way To know the thing as object and magnitude thus contrasted with knowing
through I cannot understand; and that is why I cannot get the electro-magnetic symbols and words for the thing, or formulae and sentences about it. A word
theory. Much less attention has been paid to such parallel proscriptions as, I painting or even a mathematical word painting, however pretty, could never
have no satisfaction in formulas unless \ feel their arithmetical magnitude. substitute for direct perception. Repeatedly Thomson complained of the apha
Getting to know theoretical structures by mechanical modelling plays much the sia of mathematics. Even the heroic Green had fallen victim to it in too loosely
same role as getting to know physical magnitudes by calculation, which in turn treating the coefficients of rigidity in the ether as like those in a gas: I spoke of the
correlates with getting to know physical properties by experiment and by disease of aphasia. This is a manifestation of it. What does one know of the
measurement. All provide a direct feeling for how things vary under varying meaning of A and B who can only speak of the properties of matter by /I and
conditions. Thus Thomson proposed an arithmetical laboratory for his audi B . If Green had thought of the thing itself and not of the letters he would have
ence of twenty-one coefficients in Baltimore, just as he had developed an saved himself that reference to gases at all. Again, in the middle of a long
experimental laboratory for his students in Glasgow. He urged them, for quotation from Rayleigh - who attended the lectures Thomson came to a
example, to calculate wave velocities on different assumptions in order that you complicated passage on coupled vibrational motions and broke off. I cannot
may feel for yourselves what these two or three symbols show us, but which we understand the meaning of that sentence, at all. There is a terrible difficulty with
need to look at from a good many points of view before we can make it our own writers in abstruse subjects to make sentences that are intelligible. It is impossible
and understand it thoroughly.^^ The work of the arithmetical laboratory figures to find out from the words what they mean; it is only from knowing the thing that
as prominently in the lectures as do mechanical models, and it is their relation you can do so.^
that we seek to elaborate here. To know the thing meant to have it in ones hands and eyes. Thomson
The idea of making-our-own through sensory perception, expressed in many demonstrated that kind of knowledge for his molecule in interaction with the
different ways, implies that we ought in some sense to put ourselves in the place ether by embedding a ball in a bowl of jelly, saying apply your hand' and
of the object under study, in order to feel as it feels. Objects get uneasy under produce vibrations in your jelly solid by taking hold of this ball and shoving it to
particular circumstances.'* They are to be thought of almost as touching and and fro. Again, to show coupled vibrations inside the molecule, resulting from
feeling things. Through the lectures one gets to know two such lively objects: an elastic internal structure, he constructed a wiggler, which consisted of a series
the elastic-solid ether and a ponderable molecule embedded in it, which Thom of bars attached to a piano wire hanging vertically (figure 13.3). By learning to
son pictures as a spherical cavity bounded by a massless shell, with vibrating twist the lowest bar at appropriate frequencies, as though acting in the place of
internal structure and a massive core. the driving ether, one could sec and feel its characteristic modes of vibration. He
W c shall tr y to get into th e n o tio n o f this, th a t th e m o le c u le m u st b e so ft a n d th a t th e re
m u s t b e an e n o r m o u s m ass in its in te r io r . Its o u te r p a n feels a n d touches th e lu m in ife r o u s BL, 145-6. Our emphasis.
e th e r an d th e lu m in ife r o u s e th e r feels, it m a y b e , c o m p a r a tiv e ly slig h t [lig h t] to it. It is a BL, 105. Our emphasis. The direct sensory basis o f all our knowledge o f external matter is the
theme o f Thom sons Presidential Address to the Birmingham and Midland Institute on The six
v e r y c u r io u s su p p o s itio n to m a k e , o f a m o le c u la r c a v it y lin e d w it h a m a ssless r ig id
gateways o f knowledge (3rd October, 1883), PL, 1, 253- 99.
sp h eric a l sh ell; b u t th a t s o m e t h in g ex ists in th e lu m in ife r o u s e th e r an d acts u p o n it in th e
BL, 146, 85, 220, 76. Our emphasis. In its direct relation to sensory perception, Thomson
regarded mathematics as the etherealisation o f common sense, Six gateways, p. 273; c f logic is
*2 BL, 270-1, 72. Our emphasis. BL, 73, 113. Our emphasis. bl, 151. etherealised grammar, p. 285.
466 The transformation o f classical physics Tek^raph sit^nals and lit^ht waves 467

(a) encouraged his audience to repeat these experiments, whether Professors or not.
See how easily this model is made. Do the work at home with your own hands'.
Similarly, Thomson wished to demonstrate the possibility of an elastic-solid
ether, constructed merely from particles and springs, which possessed the
maximum of twenty-one independent coefficients connecting stress and strain.
Poissons theory for such systems had supposedly proved that an invariable
relation existed between compres.sibility and rigidity (chs. 6 and 10), thus
precluding the incompressible clastic solid that Thomson needed. He had got the
idea of running a cord twice around the edges of a simple box, yielding twenty-
four connections, which reduced to twenty-one through three relations be
tween them. But actually to run the cord posed problems of another order. I
must confess that it is the most difficult thing in it, after I got the idea, to run a
cord twice around the 12 edges of a parallelopipedon. Here you see the problem
(b )
solved by these cords running around the edges of this parallelopipedon through
a ring in each of the 8 corners.. .justfollow the cord and we willfind how to do it. In
fact I am finding out how to do it again in a certain way, m yself... We have got a
cord thrice through each of these 8 points and the thing is done.^ By assuming
the cord inextensiblc, the incompressible elastic solid resulted. Thus, hands and
eyes following the cord did what Poissons mathematics had said could not be
The general point seems to be that tactile and visual experience are of a
different kind from, and more efficient and more trustworthy than, mental
constructions. Brains are so limited in their capacity that one ought to seek
every possible aid from the senses. For example, Thomson wrote out on the
board the full cartesian components o f rotational stress and strain, even though
from any one the others followed by symmetry, because The expenditure of
chalk saves brain. A reader of mathematics should have pencil and paper beside
him to work the thing out, rather than thinking it out. Chalk served the same
function, in this respect, as did the bowl ofjelly: try it for yourselves. It allows
you to see the vibrations we are speaking o f I wish I had it to show you just now,
so that you might see the thing in force. It saves brain very much.*
Thomson did not mean simply that sensory aids served a heuristic purpose.
Much more, they provided a rigorous analysis when the brain failed. Green had
said, I have no faith in speculations of this kind [hypothetical explanation] unless
they can be reduced to regular analysis. To supply a regular analysis of the
Fij^ure 13.3. The wiggler consists o f (a) a set o f weighted wooden bars attached to a coupled vibrations of his molecule, Thomson substituted an experimentally
piano wire and suspended from the ceiling. It can be driven by hand or (b) by a heavy
metal rod, suspended bifdarly on rings, so that the driving period varies with the
realizable model (figure 13.4) whose motions he described. He commented:
distance between the rings. From looking at the thing, and learning to understand it by making the experi
ment if you do not understand it by brains alone, you will see that everything that

BL, 80-2, 253. Our emphasis. BL, 130. Our emphasis.

BL, 25, 32, 80. Our emphasis.
468 The transformation of classical physics Telegraph signals and light waues 469

these things; we can predict them from the consideration of the molecule
without experimental knowledge.
If he here somewhat exaggerated the value of mechanical m o d e l s , T h o m
son nevertheless wanted to claim for them something of the status of experi
ment. Because they gave a similar, tangible, knowledge of phenomena, they
offered convincing evidence of the reality of the objects they represented. He
wished above all to convince his audience of the reality of the elastic-solid ether
with heavy molecules vibrating within it. I do not want to part from you
without letting you know all 1 can in the way of helping you think of the
luminiferous ether as a reality, and that we are speaking of real bodies and that
this is not a mystification of the mind.^'^
Mystification versus reality offers the same contrast as that between brains
and hands, symbols and things, the ideal versus the real, but most especially the
electromagnetic theory of light versus the elastic-solid theory. In fact the entire
series of Baltimore Lectures should be read in its negative dimension as an
attempt to denounce Maxwells displacement current as mystification. Thom
son introduced his assertion that the displacement current is scarcely admissible
by contrasting it with the real ether: we must not listen to any suggestion that
we must look upon the luminiferous ether as an ideal way of putting the thing. A
Figure 13.4. A simple demonstration of coupled vibrations can be obtained from a
series o f springs c connecting masses m, the whole being suspended from the
real matter between us and the remotest stars I believe there is and that light
ceiling and pulled with a periodic motion from below by the bell-pull P. The consists of real motions of that matter . . . motions in the way of transverse
experimenter can both see and feel the various periods at which accumulation and vibrations.^^ Thereafter Maxwells backward step appears only rarely, its
loss o f energy in the different masses occurs. place being taken implicitly by the errors of Green, Helmholtz, and Rankine; or,
most egregiously, Poisson.
Green introduced coefficients o fextraneous force for which Thomson could
I am saying is obvious. It is not satisfactory to speak o f these things in general find no direct evidence. I say, therefore, it is a mistake to introduce the
terms unless we can submit them to a rigorous analysis.^^ coefficients A,B,C if they correspond to nothing in nature. Helmholtz, in his
Partly because a dynamical model provided a rigorous analysis, it operated as theory of anomalous dispersion, had correctly recognized that the phenomenon
an agent o f discovery, going beyond known phenomena to produce new ones. could be produced by a vibrator, which would absorb large amounts of energy
And if the model itself did not immediately display the phenomena, the at its resonant frequency. But, rather than accounting mechanically for the
equations describing the model, and interpreted by it, might reveal its possibili disappearance of energy, he simply assumed some unspecified viscous con
ties. So it was with the properties of light waves interacting with molecules. All sumption of energy. Such indefinite ideas might be beautiful but they hardly
these properties, remarkable as they are, seem to come out as a matter o f course sufficed for true science. In speaking o f . .. Helmholtzs beautiful paper, which is
from the dynamical consideration. So much so that any one not knowing these quite a mathematical gem, I must still say that I think Helmholtzs modification
phenomena would have discovered them on working out these things is rather a retrograde step . . . in introducing it he is throwing up the sponge as it
dynamically. He would have discovered anomalous dispersion, fluorescence, were, so far as the fight with the dynamical problem is concerned.
phosphorescence . . . the dynamical treatment that discovers what is afterwards O f all his misguided friends, however, Rankine came in for the most ridicule.
verified by experiment is a very competent piece of dynamics. Thomson Thomson owed much to Rankine both for molecular vortices and now for the
claimed to have discovered in this way both anomalous dispersion and the idea of different effective inertias in different directions, with which Rankine
colours produced by metallic reflection. It was known perfectly well, but the
molecule first discovered it to me . . . There is no difficulty about explaining BL, 120, 282-3.
cf., BL, 171, where he makes algebra the better agent o f discovery and the model only a
corrective to brain sluggishness. BL, 120.
BL, 35, 37. Our emphasis. BL, 5. Our emphasis. ** BL, 191, 98. Our emphasis.
470 The transformation o f classical physics Telegraph signals and light waves 471

had wanted to explain double refraction in crystals. Applying that concept - with the perspicuous language o f stress and strain, but also with a classicists
aeolotropy of inertia - to his heavy molecules Thomson attempted to improve taxonomy of coefficients. Any one who will learn the meaning of all these
on Rankines results. Indeed, this programme for double refraction is one of the words will obtain a large mass o f knowledge with respect to an elastic solid . . .
most prominent features of the Baltimore Lectures. But of Rankines paper on Hear the grand words Thlipsinomic, Tasinomic, Platythliptic, Euthytatic . . .
molecular vortices Thomson said, The title is of more importance than any &c . If physicists today cannot quite see the force of those names, most would
thing else in the work, and of his matter theory, there is no explanation o f his nevertheless agree with Thomsons emphasis on (6) graphs and diagrams. Over
kind of matter. These remarks immediately precede the classic lines, 1 never and over again he clubbed French mathematicians with mistakes traceable to
satisfy myself until 1can make a mechanical model of a t hing... and that is why 1 their abstract, algebraic, method. Their mistake was due to the vicious habit in
cannot get the electro-magnetic theory. Maxwells 'beautiful ideas o f electro those days o f not using examples and diagrams. In the Mecanique celeste you
displacements, like Rankines splendid failure, had no foundation in sensory find no diagrams, nor in Lagrange, nor in Poissons splendid memoir on
reality. w aves.'7 0
Beautiful is a term Thomson used regularly - though not exclusively - for These six brain saving agents in Thomsons methodology o f look and see
mathematical simplicity and elegance. It connoted the poetic, the ideal, like present nothing fundamentally new. But they define in its most articulated sense
Fouriers great mathematical poem. Such products of the mind might or might the distinction of metaphysical from practical that informed his life and his
not be realized in nature. Unfortunately for Rankines beautiful idea, Stokes science. They provided for him the only ground for what he regularly called his
made a measurement on double refraction which destroyed even the potential faith and belief. But that there are such waves [longitudinal] I believe; and I
reality of etherial aeolotropy of inertia. Stokes took away the poetry believe that the velocity of propagation of electro-static force is the unknown
of it.^* He did so with rigorous calculations and precision measurements, hard condensational velocity that we are speaking o f I say believe here in a
numbers that dissolved the wishful fantasy. somewhat modified manner. I do not mean that I believe this as a matter of
At least six different sensory agents can be identified in Thomsons pro religious faith, but rather as a matter of strong scientific probability.^^ The
gramme for feeling and seeing the truth about nature. Most prominent, of denial of religious reference gives itself away, so to speak, for Thomson held a
course, are (1) models, which allow us to know a thing by literally making it direct sense of the Creator to be the only secure ground for religious belief (ch.
ourselves. Models supply the first-order test of a theoretical construction: can we 18). One could not acquire knowledge of the Creator by exercising brains. No
produce it using only the materials and the interactions that we know as more could one acquire knowledge of His creation through mental construc
everyday working realities. Ultimately more important, however, are (2) tion. The difference between religious and scientific belief lay in the modes of
experimental measurements, and (3) numerical calculations, which give a sensory awareness and the degree o f certainty attainable in each.
knowledge of the relative and varying magnitudes of things. Numbers not only
justify models but guide the process of building them; what will be the Confrontation with Maxwells ghost
disposition of the energy? How will it creep inwards among the masses? I think
that our arithmetical work will help us to see our way to the answer to some of Maxwells system of equations was metaphysical to Thomson, a product of
these questions; and through them we shall be able to form perfectly definite brains alone. It attached to neither o f his practical realities: electricity as like a
dynamical notions of fluorescence and phosphorescence and anomalous disper compressible fluid and ether as like an elastic solid. In the Baltimore Lectures he
sion. The great difficulty with the wave theory of light was not to reproduce attempted systematically to incorporate massive, vibrating molecules within the
the mere phenomena, as the popular imagination would have it, but to bring ether and to make them just as real as it was, ignoring for the moment the role of
out the proper quantities in these effects. electricity. As discussed in Chapter 12, these molecules of normal matter,
Three other agents complement those above. We have mentioned (4) writing which produced observable physical effects as a result of their individual internal
out equations in their full cartesian form, to which Thomson appended symmet behaviour, now constituted objects very different in character from ether,
rical expression (ch. 6): The symmetrical system is a great brain saving system. which produced its effects macroscopically. The lectures thus alternated be
Symbols and formulae were to be as transparently connected with things as tween two quite different modes of analysis, the molecular dynamics of ponder
possible, avoiding abstraction. The same applied to (5) words. Here Rankine had able matter and the molar dynamics of ether, regarded for this purpose as a
been of great service, clothing the formidable mathematics of deformable bodies homogeneous elastic solid characterized by its macroscopic properties.

BL, 270, 277. Our emphasis. BL, 18. BL, 123, 119. Our emphasis. BL, 176, 161, 129. BL, 143.
472 The transformation o f classical physics Telegraph signals and light wanes 473

but feel that there is a great reality in the theory of detached molecules,
Thomson continually insisted, I cannot but believe that it is really true."^^
The details of reflection and double refraction, however, remained unex
plained. Works of Stokes and Rayleigh on diffraction and polarization enabled
Thomson to claim that we have absolutely proved that the direction of
vibration of light polarized by reflection is perpendicular to the plane of
incidence and ref l ect i on. That conclusion, together with an apparently con
vincing proof by Rayleigh that refraction and reflection at an interface required
the media to be of equal rigidity and unequal density, fixed all of the disposable
parameters in the theory of homogeneous elastic solids. But the numbers would
not agree with experimental measurements on polarization by reflection.
I-igure 13.5. The outer (massless) shell in this series o f concentric shells corresponds to Thomson tried it with his molecules loading the ether but found no improve
the driving device P in the two preceding figures and to the boundary between the
ment. Reflection from metals posed similar obstacles.
ether and a ponderable molecule suspended in it. The molecule is represented by the
series o f internal shells, with a massive core, connected to each other and to the ether The most intractable of all difficulties, however, seemed to be double
by springs. At resonant frequencies the system will absorb energy from waves in the refraction in crystals, which depended on different velocities of propagation for
ether. different directions of vibration. To produce that effect, Rankine had suggested
different inertias in different directions. Thomsons molecule realized Rankines
suggestion, since if the massive core were vibrating in any given direction, the
Thomson identified four apparent problem areas: etherial matter, dispersion, molecule as a whole would exhibit aeolotropy of effective inertia. But alas, in
reflection and refraction, and double refraction. O f these, the first two presented this respect, the aeolotropic molecule remained poor poetry.
no serious difficulties. Ether had to behave like a perfect fluid with respect to Thomson sought a way out through his favourite device, rotation. Perhaps
planets moving through it, but like an extremely rigid solid with respect to the effective rigidities and inertias produced by rotationally stabilized molecules
motions of light. Such radical differences could be accounted for by time alone. would ultimately crack the great mystery. First, however, he had to produce the
The time scale on which the ether responded to planetary motion was almost correct functional form for the fundamental rotational phenomenon, Faradays
infinitely long in comparison with that of light vibrations. Such differences magneto-optic effect. He began by mounting a flywheel (gyrostat) inside the
existed in ordinary materials like Scotch shoemakers wax, ice, jelly, and sheath of his molecule, disregarding the series of interior shells (figure 13.6). This
glycerine, as Stokes had been arguing since the 1840s.^^ Making such a solid is essentially the same model he had proposed for magnetic rotation in 1875 and
both elastic and incompressible also seemed simple enough (above). that, with respect to refractive dispersion, had saved his 1883 lecture on the size
Phenomena related to dispersion offered a similar guarantee of reality to of atoms (ch. 12).^^ Initially the rotation seemed incorrect, varying approxi
Thomsons molecule. One had only to construct a series of concentric rigid mately as the inverse of the wavelength rather than as the inverse square. But
shells (figure 13.5), connected to one another by springs, with an extremely Thomsons faith did not falter: I therefore lay it aside for the present, but with
massive central core, and with some elastic connection to the ether, here perfect faith that the principle o f explanation of the thing is there. Vindication
represented by the outermost, ideally massless, s h e l l . S u c h a system would came even before he left the United States. He had simply made a mistake; the
reproduce in detail discrete spectral radiation, anomalous dispersion, refractive thing was there after all.'^'^
dispersion, absorption and heating, phosphorescence, and fluorescence. The Even better, as Thomson found after returning to Glasgow, was a gyrostatic
crude model, therefore, which one could actually have and look at and molecule with two gyrostats in line, connected by a ball joint (figure 13.7).^ Its
experiment upon, contained essential features o f the true molecule. I cannot efficiency in rotating the plane of vibrations of a light wave depended essentially
on translational rather than rotational motion of the sheath, which meant that
Am ong the array o f demonstrations Thomson developed was one in which a slab o f Scotch the molecule could be reduced in size as much as one might wish without
shoemakers wax floated in ajar o f water, with corks under it and bullets resting on its surface (BL, altering its rotative efficiency for polarized light. This property seemed particu
7). Within the course o f a year the bullets sank to the bottom and the corks rose to the surface, larly important for a theory that would ultimately reduce to motions in a
although the wax remained brittle and if shaped into a tuning fork would vibrate. He also set a glob
o f black pitch or tar m oving like a glacier down a stepped slope. It is still flowing today in the
museum o f the Department o f Natural Philosophy at Glasgow University. BL, 118. BL, 198. "5 BL 227. BL, 242. BL, 244^5. BL, 321.
474 The transformation o f classical physics Telegraph signals and light waves 475

Figure 13.6. A gyrostat, mounted in the outer shell of'figure 13.5, would mimic the
rotational effect o f ponderable molecules on light waves in Faradays magneto-optic
effect. The horizontal arrows indicate the direction o f vibrational displacement o f
polarized waves travelling perpendicular to the axis o f the gyrostat. Since the
displacement is assumed to change significantly across the diameter o f the molecule,
there is a torque on its axis. It responds by turning out o f the plane o f the figure. Figure 13.7. A molecule containing double gyrostats connected by a universal joint
provides a better representation o f the m.agneto-optic effect than the single-gyrostat
model o f figure 13.6.
continuous substratum as envisaged by Thomson. For the moment, however,
he could go no further. Early in September, at the Bath meeting of the British Association, FitzGerald,
The gyrostatic molecule suggests immediately why Thomson often spoke of their spokesman and President o f Section A, would proclaim the grand implica
a magnetic, rather than an electro-magnetic, theory of light. Rotations tions of Hertzs researches: man has won the battle lost by the giants of old, has
represented the magnetic character of the molecules. They behaved similarly to snatched the thunderbolt from Jove himself and enslaved the all-pervading
rotational molecules of the ether, except that the ether, being much finer grained ether. A l r e a d y on the defensive, Sir William turned to the source of the
and having molecules with a different rotational structure would produce heresy. Maxwells Treatise on electricity and magnetism of 1873, to locate its
neither refractive dispersion nor magneto-optic r o t a t i o n . T h e magnetic deeper flaws. In 1885 he had told FitzGerald: I have never yet felt any
character alone, therefore, of the molecules of ether and normal matter, might satisfaction in Maxwells paras. 783, 784, 790, 791, 792, 645, 646, 794, 797, 798,
well suffice for the transverse waves of light, independent of the relation of 824...829 [electromagnetic equations for light, energy and stress in the ether, and
magnetism to electricity. Certainly there seemed no reason to insist on propaga magneto-optic rotation]. I have never yet met any one who understood a
tion by electromagnetic induction, when nothing like electric currents or definite dynamical foundation for para. 783 [general equations of electromag
displacements could be shown to exist in the ether. In 1884, therefore, no netic disturbances].^ But now deeper study was required. He intended to go to
definitive evidence existed in favour of Maxwells theory over Thomsons Bath armed for battle.
programme, except that Maxwells equations constituted a consistent, and Thomsons copy of Maxwells Treatise is signed and dated 19th October,
beautiful, mathematical structure. 1878, but only in 1888 did he begin to make extensive annotations, dating every
In 1888 that situation changed dramatically. Word reached Britain of Hertzs
experiments on the production, reception, reflection, polarization, and interfer G.F. FitzGerald, Presidential Address to Section A , B A A S Report, 58 (1888), 557-62, on p.
ence of electromagnetic waves: virtually everything required of light. The 562. For a good survey o f some o f the material discussed below see Ole Knudsen, Mathematics and
Maxwellian crowd immediately saw the triumph of their own commitments. physical reality in William Thom sons electromagnetic theory, in P.M. Harman (ed.). Wranglers
and physicists: studies on Cambridge physics in the nineteenth century (Manchester, 1985), pp. 149-79, esp.
BL. 10, 241. See remarks at end o f Chapter 12, above. pp. 171-9. William Thomson to G.F. FitzGerald, 17th April, 1885, SPT, 2 , 1038.
The transformation of classical physics Telegraph signals and light waves 477

entry. His mood on 13th August is evident from an entry beside the equations
for electromagnetic induction as written in quaternion form. These equations,
he noted, merely translated in gibberish the full cartesian component equa
tions. Other such sympathetic remarks read: unintelligible, no definition and
notations mutually incongruous.^ By the time he arrived in Bath on 4th
September he had been through Maxwells analysis of displacement currents
and the electromagnetic theory of light at least five times, finally on the train
The angry knight aimed a sharp lance as he entered Bath, in the form of a
Simple hypothesis for electro-magnetic induction of incomplete circuits, with
consequent equations of electric motion in fixed homogeneous solid matter.
With the telegraph at his back, supporting electricity as a compressible, viscous
substance, he charged into Maxwells doctrine of closed circuits, which made
electricity behave like an incompressible fluid. Tactically, he would adopt
Maxwells incompressibility assumption, derive a contradiction, and emerge
with compressibility intact, having vanquished the evil displacement current,
that curious and ingenious, but as seems to me not wholly tenable hypothesis.^
Introducing displacement current in the Treatise, Maxwell had claimed that
when electromotive intensity (electric field intensity E ) acted on any material
body, two effects occurred, called by Faraday Induction and Conduction, the
first being most conspicuous in dielectrics, and the second in conductors. The
first produced displacement, = {KjAir)^, where K is dielectric capacity, and
the second produced conduction current, j = CE , where C is conductivity.
Then came one of the chief peculiarities of this treatise . . . the doctrine . . . that
the true electric current i , that on which the electromagnetic phenomena
depend, is not the same thing as j , the current of conduction, but that the time
variation of D , the electric displacement, must be taken into account in
estimating the total movement of electricity, so that we must write,
T = j * + a ^ /a r, (1)

T = [C+{KI47r)dldt\^. (2)

Accumulations of free electricity were given by the divergence of

U.C..- displacement,
divergence ^ = p, (3)
(yCaA 6 ''u
but Maxwell also claimed that the true currentT is subject to the condition of
William Thomson, annotations tojames Clerk Maxwell, Treatise oti electricity and magnetism (2
Sir William Thomson aged sixty-four. The senior master o f British mathematical
vols., Oxford, 1873), 2, p. 222, para. 5 9 9 ,13th August, 1888; 2, p. 143, para. 4 9 8 ,15thJanuary, 1888;
physics is seen in this photograph by his niece, A.G. King, some four years after
2, p. 209, para. 581, 27th August, 1888.
delivering his Baltimore Lectures in the United States. [From SPT.J William Thomson, Simple hypothesis for electro-magnetic induction o f incomplete circuits,
with consequent equations o f electric motion in fixed homogeneous solid matter, B A A S Report, 58
(1888), 567-70; Nature, 38 (1888), .569-71; M PP, 4, 539-44, on p. 543.
478 The transformation o f classical physics Telegraph signals and light waves 479

motion o f an incompressible fluid, and that it must necessarily flow in closed Thomson literally covered with annotations, in various colours of pencil and
circuits, so that, ink. Next to equation (2), he wrote in the right hand margin:
divergence i = 0 . (4) T h e s e g iv e
d i v e r g e n c e T = [ C + {KI4n)djdt] d iv e r g e n c e 1?
This agreed with his equation for electromagnetism, . - . i f d iv e r g e n c e T = 0 , d iv e r g e n c e ^ = 0 , &
th is [d iv e r g e n c e l 5 = p ] = 0!
4m = curl i t , (5)
where f f is magnetic intensity.^ In the left margin he repeated his emphasis:
Introducing the magnetic induction, = where fi is magnetic .-. d iv e r g e n c e i , if it were = 0, would g iv e
permeability, and expressing B in terms of the vector potential A , 0 = [ C + {Kj4TT)dldt] ( f j * /5 f V ^i/i) b e in g [ M a x w e lls] para. 7 8 3 (8)
[ w ith d iv e r g e n c e A = J ].*
B^ = curl X , (6)
From the latter equation. Maxwell had argued that in non-conductors, with
Maxwell obtained an electromagnetic equation relating the components of ~?to C = 0, one could disregard both and i/, since no free electricity, p=(l/47r)
those of A , could accumulate.
47T/xi,'= V^/1,' Both of Thomsons notations, therefore, concern free electricity. They
suggest that he understood Maxwells assumption of closed currents to imply
where stands for, divergence (gradient A,). Another equation betweenT that no accumulations would exist within the interior of either conductors or
and A derives from the equation of electromotive force E , written as a sum of non-conductors. If so, he may originally simply have blundered, since his
electromagnetically induced force (rate of change of vector potential ^ , or derivations are valid only for homogeneous media. For inhomogeneous media,
electromagnetic momentum) and electrostatic force (gradient of potential f). C and K cannot be taken outside o f the divergence operator, so that, on
E^ = d j t jdt - gradient f . Maxwells theory, even if divergence E = 0 electricity will appear wherever
( 8)
there are variations in C or In 1890 Thomson would add the qualification:
Substituting equation (8) in equation (2) and comparing equation (2) with within each homog* part. Through all space we have,
equation (7), Maxwell derived his general equations of electromagnetic divergence [CE^ + {Kj4TT)d^jdt] = 0 .
disturbances. At the Bath joust Thomsons attack consisted in an analysis of heterogeneous
p,{47rC+ Kd/dt) { d ^ jdt + gradient tp)+ V ^A = 0. ness in conductors. He followed a simplified version of Maxwells steps above,
with /x= 1 and K \ (no magnetization or induction), but he also assumed that
Within a homogeneous non-conductor, he argued, C = 0 and no volume density the closed circuit assumption applied to conduction currents alone, divergence
of electricity p = (1/4tt) can develop, so that this equation becomes a wave j^ = 0 , or that the electrical fluid alone, independent of displacement, was
equation in the vector potential. incompressible. He then derived a set of four equations in three unknowns
fiKd^A/dt^A V M = 0. ( 10)
which, although consistent for homogeneous media, were inconsistent for
inhomogeneous media, implying that the incompressibility assumption was
The waves propagate by electromagnetic induction at the velocity c = (pK) ~ wrong and that accumulations of electricity would appear in inhomogeneous
given by the famous ratio emu/esu. Maxwell immediately went on to argue media. This conclusion he took to be news, and a sharp rebuke to the
(paras. 785-98) that the waves are purely transverse waves of electric and mathematical theorists:
magnetic quantity, with no longitudinal waves, in conformity with all known
A n in te r e stin g a n d im p o r ta n t p r a ctica l c o n c lu s io n is, th at w h e n c u rren ts are in d u c e d in
phenomena of light.
a n y w a y , in a so lid c o m p o s e d o f parts h a v in g d iffe r e n t e le c tr ic c o n d u c tiv it ie s (p ie c e s o f
The few pages of the Treatise that lay out the above mathematical structure c o p p e r a n d le a d , fo r e x a m p le , f ix e d t o g e th e r in m e ta llic c o n ta c t), th e r e m u s t in g e n e r a l b e
c h a n g in g e le c tr ific a tio n o v e r e v e r y in te r fa c e b e t w e e n th e se p arts. T h is c o n c lu s io n w a s
Maxwell, Treatise, 2, on pp. 232, 233, 231, paras. 608, 610, 607. Emphasis added and notation
Ibid., pp. 385-7, paras. 783-5. With Thomson, we omit terms in J = divergence X, which ** William Thomson, annotations to M axwells Treatise, 2, p. 233, paras. 610-11. Thom sons
means choosing the gauge in w h ich j = 0 ; nothing is gained by J =^0 , or altered b y j = 0 (p. 385, V is the negative o f M axwells. Thomson would not have approved our use o f vector notation.
para. 783, probably 31st January, 1890). For a full analysis see Buchwald, M axwell to microphysics, pp. 23-34.
480 The transformation o f classical physics Telegraph signals and light waves 481

n o t at first o b v io u s to m e; b u t it o u g h t to b e so b y a n y o n e a p p r o a c h in g th e su b je c t w it h
m in d u n d is tu r b e d b y m a th e m a tic a l form ulas. *

Comparing Maxwells equation (9 above) of para. 783, for the case of

homogeneous conductors. Sir William drove home his lance: it cannot be right,
I think, according to any conceivable hypothesis regarding electric conductiv
ity, whether of metals, or stones, or gums . .. or gutta-percha ... being, as seems
to me, vitiated for complete circuits by the curious and ingenious, but as seems to
me not wholly tenable hypothesis which he introduces . . . for incomplete Figure 1J.8. T w o charged conducting spheres in a very slightly conductive medium,
Thomson believed, would discharge along the lines o f electrostatic force, thus as a
circuits (i.e., displacement current completing the circuit). He proposed as an
direct longitudinal effect independent o f any electromagnetic induction o f displace
alternative hypothesis the standard continuity equation for compressible fluids ment currents.
in incomplete circuits, but modified by a factor 4ttc^ to correct for the difference
of electromagnetic and electrostatic units,
ematical generation.A b s tr a c t mathematics and no quantitative experiments!
i4-jTC^) divergence ~f= d l d t { V 4Trdpjdt.
Thomson admitted that he could not prove his own hypothesis experimentally,
In effect, Thomson attempted simply to excise the displacement current term
but at least he was not one of those trying to evolve out of his inner conscious
c^d^Ajdt^ from Maxwells general equations (9). Electromagnetic induction
ness a theory of the mutual force and induction between incomplete circuits.
would thereby produce only diffusion of currents in conductors, rather than
Thomsons paper, according to the report of the meeting written by Oliver
waves in non-conductors, demolishing the electromagnetic theory of light. For
Lodge (1851-1940), excited a great deal of discussion, both in and out of the
homogeneous conductors, he obtained essentially his telegraph equation for the
section on the question of how electrostatic potential 0 would be propagated on
variation o f density of a compressible, viscous, electrical fluid.
Maxwells theory. As Lodge understood it. Maxwells transverse electromag
(l/47rC)a/at(V20) = d2^/5(2 _ V^p. ( 11) netic waves were not in question; about them there is no difficulty. Difficulties
begin with the propagation of electrostatic displacements. . . Suddenly confer
Aside from the viscosity term on the left, this is a simple equation for
upon a conductor an electric charge; in all directions there is experienced a rise of
compressional waves travelling at the velocity
potential equal to Q/r. How did that potential reach any given place?This
Alas, although c makes its appearance, the scheme provides no physical reason
issue is highly confusing in Maxwells Treatise. It shows up the difficulty he had
whatever why electricity should be related to the velocity of light. O f course its
in trying to assimilate his electromagnetic equations to an elastic-solid ether.
theoretical inadequacy in this respect carried little weight with Sir William in
Lodge thought that Maxwell had regarded the ether as an incompressible solid,
comparison with its practical adequacy. I find simple and natural solutions, with
and the potential as transmitted instantaneously. This view sits badly, however,
nothing vague or difficult to understand, or to believe when understood, by
with Maxwells emphasis on propagation of energy.** By 1888, not only
their application to practical problems, or to conceivable ideal problems, such as
FitzGerald, but also Oliver Heaviside (1850-1925), who did not attend the
the transmission of ordinary or telephonic signals along submarine telegraph
meeting, and Rowland, who did, had all come to regard the elastic solid as a poor
conductors and land lines, electric oscillations in a finite insulated conductor o f
likeness for ether. They consequently tried to give an account of electrostatic
any form, transference of electricity through an infinite solid, &c. &c.^ By
potential which showed that it propagated at the speed of light by electromag
contrast. Maxwell had remarked of his scheme: we have deduced everything
netic action alone, and not by end thrust, or compression.
from purely dynamical considerations, without any reference to quantitative
The discussion almost certainly concerned a problem that Thomson had
experiments in electricity or magnetism. The only use we have made of
discussed in a letter to Rayleigh on 22nd August:
experimental knowledge is to recognise, in the abstract quantities deduced from
the theory, the concrete quantities discovered by experiment, and to denote G iv e n t w o c o n d u c tin g g lo b e s o p p o s it e ly c h a r g e d (e q u a l q u a n tity ) in b lu e sk y [fig u r e
them by names which indicate their physical relations rather than their math- 1 3 .8 ]. L et th e b lu e s u d d e n ly b e c o m e c o n d u c tiv e ; say as c o n d u c tiv e as slate o r as m a r b le .

"william Thomson, Simple hypothesis, MPP4, 542-3. Maxwell, Treatise, 2, p. 229, para. 606.
William Thomson, On the transference o f electricity within a homogeneous solid William Thomson, Simple hypothesis, MPP, 4, 544.
conductor, B A A S Report, 58 (1888), 570-1; Nature, 38 (1888), 571; MPP, 4, 545-6. We use symbols Oliver J. Lodge, Sketch o f the electrical papers in Section A at the recent Bath meeting o f the
consistent with those above. British Association, Electrician, 21 (1888), 622-5, on p. 624.
William Thomson, Simple hypothesis, MPP, 4, 544. Maxwell, Treatise, 2, 435-8, paras. 861-6.
482 The transformation o f classical physics Telegraph signals and light waves 483

The d isc h a r g e w ill b e a lo n g th e lin es o f th e p r e v io u s e le c tr o s ta tic fo r c e , and the new synthesis as his Presidential Address to the former Society of Telegraph
e x p [ - t4nCc^] w ill b e th e tim e la w o f su b sid e n c e , it b e in g s lo w e n o u g h fo r n o q u a si- Engineers, now the Institution of Electrical Engineers. The Address epitomizes
in ertia [e le c tr o m a g n e tic in d u c tio n ]. W h e r e are th e d is p la c e m e n t cu rren ts an d w h e r e the mediating role he sought to play in uniting theory and practice. Whereas he
th e p o s s ib ility o f e x p r e s s in g th e r esu lt ( w ith o r w it h o u t q u a si-in e r tia ) b y a n y e v e n p s e u d o had lectured the mathematical physicists on bringing their imagination down to
cir c u its, o r im a g in e d a n a lo g u e s o f in c o m p le t e circu its? A la s - alas, th e w h o le th in g b reak s
concrete realities, he now lectured the engineers on the benefits of mathematical
d o w n th e first tim e it is r e a lly p u t o n trial.
generalization and less intuitively obvious physical conceptions. Aside from this
This arrangement of spheres is the same one Thomson had used in the Baltimore didactic function, however, the paper represents a magnificent attempt to reach
Lectures to argue for longitudinal electrical waves, only without the (telegraph) back to his ether speculations of 1847 and 1856 to produce a unified physical
wire connecting them. The time decay derives from the viscous term in his worldview.
equation (11) above. Ether, electricity, and ponderable matter, rests on Thomsons longtime
FitzGerald and Rowland apparently expended great effort to develop the tenet, grounded in magneto-optic rotation, that Whatever the current of
view, and to convince Thomson, that the growth or decay of electric potential ifi electricity may be, I believe this is a reality: it does pull the ether round' T h e fluid
could always be understood on Maxwells theory as an effect of changing moving in his telegraph wire would do that if its viscosity created a drag on the
magnetic potential A . An electrostatic field is not developed suigeneris'. Lodge ether lattice. It would produce a state of static rotational strain, with axes of
reported, but is always the consequence of a previously existing electromag rotation circling round the wire. To constitute lines of magnetic force, the ether
netic one, which, on subsiding, leaves it as its permanent record. Thus, in terms displacements A would have to obey the relations, B = curl A and i = curl B ,
of equation (8) for electromotive force, a potential i/f at any point would have to as he had first shown in 1847. This magnetic rotational strain would propagate
derive from a previously changing A , which had produced a field E* and a by transverse shear waves at a velocity depending only on the rigidity and
resultant motion of electricity, whether by conduction or displacement. The density of the lattice, the velocity of light. Wherever the rotational strain was
new distribution of electricity would control the potential 0. If any one asks changing, furthermore, it would create a drag on any viscous fluid present, or an
how soon will the pull of a suddenly electrified body be felt at a distance? one electromotive force, thus inducing currents in conductors. Assuming the
may answer, As soon as the charging spark is seen. But if it be asked at what drag to be given by the viscosity n times the rate of change o f ether displacement,
rate electrostatic potential travels, the answer is that it does not travel, but is gives ^ = ndJ^jdt, which shows, since induced force is independent of
generated in situ by the subsidence of a magnetic potential which travels with the material, that the viscosity must be everywhere the same. Finally, if the fluid is
velocity of light. Lodge quite rightly suspected that Sir William might not free to move, a current will be induced proportional to its density p and to the
agree with this rendering and might try to upset the whole thing once more.^^ moving force, = p ^ = C ^ , indicating that conductivity C is given by the
density of free fluid, and does not depend on viscosity at all. ^ To put it
differently, what looks like viscosity, so far as resistance to electric currents is
Ether, electricity, and ponderable matter
concerned, is actually the limited amount of fluid per unit volume that is free to
Already at Bath, in fact. Sir William had laid plans to extend the viscous fluid move through the ether lattice.
model to relate electricity to his magnetic theory of light, without displacement
M axwells theory, that the inertial property o f electromagnetic induction could be used to increase
currents. He quoted an analogy from Oliver Heaviside; Water in a round pipe is dramatically the rate o f signalling in long distance cables. Thomson was here incorporating this
started from rest and set into a state of steady motion by the sudden and crucial practical result into his own theory. Bruce Hunt argues in Imperial science: telegraphy and
continued application of a steady longitudinal dragging or shearing force physics in Victorian Britain (unpublished) that telegraph engineering was as important to the
development o f Maxwellian field theory as it was to Thomson. For the controversy between
applied to its boundary'. Thomson planned to apply this analogy to a philosophi Maxwellians and practical telegraph engineers, see Bruce Hunt, Practice vs. theory : the British
cal consideration of electricity, ether, and ponderable matter, by extending it electrical debate, 1888-1891, Isis, 74 (1983), 341-55.
to include the mutual induction between conductors separated by air or other William Thomson, Ether, electricity and ponderable matter. Journal o f the Institution of
Electrical Engineers, 1 8 (1890), 4-37,128; 2 4 (1895), between p. 396 and p. 397; MPP, 3 , 484-515. It is
insulators.^^ As usual the telegraph anchored his analysis. Indeed, he delivered not at first obvious that this paper presents a coherent set o f models. W e interpret it with extensive
aid from the mathematical formulation Thomson wrote up for the third volume o f MPP, Motion
5 William Thomson to Lord Rayleigh, 22nd August, 1888, m SPT, 2, 1039. o f a viscous liquid; equilibrium or motion o f an elastic solid; equilibrium or motion o f an ideal
Lodge, Sketch, pp. 624-5. substance called for brevity ether; mechanical representation o f magnetic force (May, 1890), MPP,
William Thomson, Five applications o f Fouriers law o f diffusion, illustrated by a diagram o f 3, 436-65.
curves with absolute numerical values, B A A S Report, 58 (1888), 5 7 1 ^ , on pp. 572-3; modified Thomson, Ether, electricity and ponderable matter, MPP, 3 , 497-8; M otion o f a viscous
version in MPP, 3, 428-35. Heaviside, a former telegraph engineer, had shown, on the basis o f liquid, MPP, 3, 440-1.
484 The transformation o f classical physics Telegraph signals and light waves 485

The key feature of this scheme is the viscous connection between ether strain
and electric current; but the same viscosity must act also within the fluid itself,
such that motion in one layer induces motion in the next. The relations work
out, Thomson showed, if static shear in the ether corresponds to rate of shearing
in the fluid, or generally displacement in the ether to velocity in the fluid, and if
rigidity in the ether corresponds to viscosity in the fluid. But electric current cannot
begiven by the velocity of the viscousfluid itself The velocity of the fluid must be ^
and the current is j = curl (curl This means that in a wire carrying
an electric current, supposed uniform over any cross-section, the velocity o f the
viscous fluid actually increases from zero at the walls to a maximum in the
centre, in a parabolic curve. Its rate of shearing, here proportional to curl ,
would give B , and the rate o f change of shearing, proportional to curl B^,
Figure 13.9. The concentric circles represent a cross section through a solenoid with
would give the uniform current. Thomson had actually employed this concep an iron core and with a jelly ether both inside and out, which is supposed fixed at
tion of the electric current at Bath.^ Now, however, by relating velocity in distant boundaries. If the steady current in the outer circle exerts a drag on the ether,
the viscous fluid to displacement A in the ether, he had connected his telegraph the exterior jelly will experience a shearing rotation, while the interior, including the
equation for electric motions inside conductors with a wave equation for iron core, will experience only a uniform rotation.

magnetic shear in the ether. He had produced a model of how telegraph signals
are related to light waves. in which the magnetic force, or rotational strain, had to increase over that in the
If only the relation of ether to conductors had been at issue, therefore, surrounding ether. Such behaviour was not compatible with the idea o f a jelly-
Thomson would have been perfectly satisfied with the problem of electro like elastic solid, because the boundary conditions did not match. Supposing a
magnetic induction by characterizing a conductor as a porous region of the steady current to move in a circle, as in a section of a long solenoid, with a central
elastic-solid ether, but possessing the same r i g i d i t y . H e could even envisage core of iron (figure 13.9), and supposing the surrounding space to contain ajelly,
subsuming electrostatic induction by supposing that both conductors and the current would ultimately pull the interior round in a uniform rotation, with
dielectrics contained pores of invariable size filled with the compressible viscous no internal shear and thus no possibility for an increased rotation in the core,
fluid, but that in conductors the fluid could travel from one pore to another even if one assumed a lower rigidity there. Furthermore, the energy in such a
through passages that were at least partially closed in dielectrics by elastic jelly would reside in the space outside the current loop, where shear existed,
partitions. Electrostatic stress depends on the curvature and extension of the rather than in the uniformly rotated interior. Apparently a different sort of
partitions, he told the Edinburgh Royal Society in January, 1890, The law of elastic solid was required, one in which magnetism and energy could be related
capacity in the model is identical with that in conductors. In such a model, to absolute rotations, independent of any attendant distortions.
electromagnetic induction (shearing forces) would produce polarization in the Once again Thomsons great philosophers stone, the gyrostat, came to the
closed pores just as it produced currents through the open ones. Electrostatic rescue. He displayed a two-dimensional ether lattice (figure 13.10) consisting of
action (with pressure gradients for potential gradients) would produce the same rigid squares (heavy lines) with corners connected by flexible, inextensible
effects. A complete dynamical illustration of electro-dynamic action may be threads (light lines) running through eyes or pulleys at the corners. This
had in this way, Thomson c l a i m e d . Notice, however, that neither polariza molecular skeleton, considered by itself, represented an incompressible perfect
tion nor currents - no displacement currents - exist in free ether, where there are fluid for small displacements. But in each square he placed a gyrostat (figure
no pores. 13.11) consisting of a flywheel rotating rapidly on an axle in a rigid case. With
A difficulty with the elastic-solid ether arose for magnetic materials like iron. the case mounted in bearings on a perpendicular axis, the skeleton became an
elastic solid for rotations in its own plane. To maintain any given angle of
Compare Thomson, Simple hypothesis, MPP, 4, 539-40, with Ether, electricity, and rotation required a corresponding torque, with a concomitant rotation of the
ponderable matter, MPP, 3, 498-500, and with Motion o f a viscous liquid, MPP, 3, 441. axles of the gyrostats out of the plane of their square frames. Mounting gyrostats
Thomson, Ether, electricity, and ponderable matter, MPP, 3, 502.
2 William Thomson, On electrostatic stress (abstract). Nature, 41 (1890), 358; MPP, 5, 482.
Throughout his Motion o f a viscous liquid Thomson included the effect o f pressure gradients in his Thomson, Ether, electricity, and ponderable matter, MPP, 3, 504-5; M otion o f a viscous
equations o f motion. liquid, MPP, 3, 444-5, 449-50, 462-3.
486 Telegraph signals and light waves 487
The transformation of classical physics

------------- S / -------------S / > N _/
11 / s ________ / S________ / k

Figure 13.11. In each molecule o f the ether lattice in figure 13.10, a gyrostat is
spinning, producing rotational rigidity in the lattice.
Figure 13.10. In this lattice structure the heavy lines are rigid squares representing
molecules and the light lines are flexible but inextensible threads on which the
molecular corners are free to slide. constitution for ether in March, 1890. Each corner point in the new three-
dimensional lattice was effectively a ball-and-twelve-socketjoint connected to
twelve nearest neighbours by freely extensible and elastically flexible rods
of different angular momentum in the frames produced solids of different
consisting of bars sliding in tubes. Tetrahedronal cells in the resulting assembly
rigidity, so that the same torque would be balanced by different rotational
had mounted within them rigid frames consisting of three bars meeting perpen
strains. Equilibrium of torques across any interface required that rotation times
dicularly in their midpoints; and each bar carried four gyrostats, with two each
rigidity be a constant. With rotations of the lattice representing magnetic force,
mounted in the planes of the other two bars and spinning in opposite directions.
B = curl ^ , and with rigidity the inverse of magnetic permeability p, the ratio
The whole arrangement was to be shrunk to the size of ether molecules and the
of the magnetic force just inside the core to that just outside had to be equal to the
gyrostats were to have liquid flywheels to suggest their ultimate origin. This
ratio of permeabilities, B /B ' = /x//x'. Since a given electric current would
improbable adynamic assembly, or labile ether as it became known, would
produce a given torque, the equation of currents became (implicitly),
transmit vibrations of light exactly as does the ether of nature; and it would be
j =curl (B Electromagnetism had been conquered.
incapable of transmitting condensational-rarefactional waves, because it is
Marvellous as it was, Thomsons ether had problems. Most seriously, it served
only for infinitesimal rotations. Larger rotations produced compression and absolutely devoid of resistance to condensation and rarefaction.*^
thus inevitably connected transverse light waves with longitudinal waves, even By this point the philosopher o flook and see had regained a great deal of his
in the absence of electrical pressures. A better ether would uncouple the two credibility. His ether lattice and his viscous fluid together could do mechanically
sorts of waves. After many unavailing efforts he found a gyrostatic adynamic most of what Maxwells equations could do mathematically. In fact, FitzGerald,
Heaviside, and soon Joseph Larmor (1857-1942), admired it greatly as an
Thomson, Ether, electricity, and ponderable matter, MPP, 3, 505-10; Motion o f a viscous analogy which showed the possible reality of a vortex ether. Unfortunately,
liquid, MPP, 3, 463-T. Thomson uses his electromagnetic definition o f the force inside a magnet, however, although Sir Williams models described fields of magnetic force in
which has a different connotation from M axwells magnetic induction B, because Thomson did not
accept M axwells dual fields (ch. 8). In Maxwells Treatise, p. 240, para. 621, he wrote beside the '05 William Thomson, On a gyrostatic adynamic constitution for ether , begun in Comptes
expressions for the magnetic pair B, fl and the electrostatic pair 0, E, not usefully a pair, W .T. Rendus, 109 (1889), 453-5; extended in Proc. Royal Soc. Edinburgh, 17 (1890), 127-32; MPP, 3, 46b-
Aug. 12, 1890. 72, on p. 472.
488 The transformation o f classical physics Telegraph signals and light waves 489

wonderful detail, they gave not the slightest idea of how the ponderomotive force displacement does not in an elastic solid or in any conceivable ether give rise to
acting between two magnets might be produced. N or did they describe the energy equal to E^/87t per unit volume of field. Even if such large electrostatic
simplest ponderomotive effects of electrostatics, such as the attraction between a energies could exist in transverse displacements of an elastic solid, furthermore,
piece of paper and a comb. In this respect, the purely labile ether was the worst one would expect coexisting electrical compressions, thus returning to an old
yet. It did not even provide a mechanism for the mere transmission of electro theme of the Baltimore Lectures: there would be a great deal of energy in
static fields, since it would not propagate pressures and it contained no displace condensational waves going about through space, and there would be a new
ment currents for electromagnetic induction. Thomson seems never to have force (to take an absurd mode of speaking of these things) that we know nothing
taken it very seriously. Our first love was electrostatics, he lamented, That is of. There would be some tremendous action all through the universe.* He
absolutely left out in the cold; we do not touch it.^^ To attain anything like a seems, therefore, to have usually looked to the incompressible solid for the
satisfactory material realisation of Maxwells electro-magnetic theory of light transmission of electrostatic pressure, although he sometimes entertained a very
seemed to require a third category, additional to ether and electricity, to act as soft medium with velocities of longitudinal waves much lower than that of
the locus of ponderomotive forces, namely, ponderable matter. Electricity light.**
would then somehow act as a 'tertium quid . . . a fluid go between, serving to Sir William would never progress beyond his 1890 triad of ether, electricity,
transmit force between ponderable matter and ether and to cause by its flow the and ponderable matter, despite prodigious efforts. In 1892, furthermore, he
molecular motions of ponderable matter which we call heat. The goal of became convinced on mathematical grounds that the periodic motions required
reducing the three substances to a single primordial one seemed to recede, but for the vortex theory of ether and matter were essentially unstable. In the same
hope remained: I think we must feel at present that the triple alliance, ether, year he was elevated to the peerage. Lord Kelvin thus had to face the prospect
electricity, and ponderable matter is rather a result o f our want of knowledge, that Sir Williams great quest had been in vain. At the Jubilee in 1896,
and of capacity to imagine beyond the limited present horizon of physical celebrating his fifty years as professor of natural philosophy, Kelvin character
science, than a reality of nature. ized his efforts to penetrate the secrets of the ether with one word, f a il u r e . I
know no more of electric and magnetic force, or of the relation between ether,
electricity, and ponderable matter, or of chemical affinity, than I knew and tried
to teach to my students of natural philosophy fifty years ago in my first session as
That the problem of ponderomotive forces should have presented the ultimate Professor.*** He came to feel himself the victim of a deception, his own self-
obstacle to Thomsons attempt to give Maxwell a material realization is particu deception to be sure, in the expectation of reducing nature to vortices. Mephis
larly poignant, for it was from Thomson that Maxwell learned how to relate topheles came to mind, as the great deceiver who played on Fausts scientific
ponderomotive forces to fields, as gradients in field energy. That idea supplied vanity. Kelvin himself now reluctantly played the devils role as he withdrew
the backbone of Maxwells Treatise. Interpreting electrostatic and magnetic the promise of knowledge. To Professor W.H. Julius in Holland, who, follow
energy densities, E^- J$I2 = KE^IStt and f?- ^ /8 tt = as potential and ing Kelvins hydrodynamic line, had thought to lift the veil with ether squirts,
kinetic forms of energy, respectively, he supposed the corresponding forces to he had to write that in respect to all these Ether Theories, my own Vortex-
be obtainable from generalized dynamical principles (as given, for example, in T Atom included, I must unhappily rank with Mephistopheles, der Geist der stets
& T'). Maxwell treated the energies as though they derived from stresses in a verneint . . . I cannot feel any happiness in any ether-theory which does not
medium, but without specifying the medium other than as elastic and possessing account for electro-static force and ordinary magnetic attraction . . .**^
a certain density. Any further explanation of the state of stress, he said, must be Worse even than the vanity of vortices, was the promise of mathematical
regarded as a separate and independent part of the theory, which may stand or symbolism with which the younger generation deceived itself, for they had
fall without affecting our present position.** abandoned the principle of scientific virtue that had governed his own quest and
Thomsons methodology o f look and see allowed no such luxury. He could in part redeemed it, the demand for practical, sensory knowledge. Nihilism, as
not locate Maxwells electrostatic energies in ether because Maxwells stresses Thomson, BL, 143. Sec also, pp. 40-1, 264.
were not those of any known substance. As he told FitzGerald in 1896, mere * For example, Kelvin to G.F. FitzGerald, 23rd November, 1898, FI7, ULG: 1 am becoming
year by year after 1888 more and more coerced towards the belief that in pure ether the velocity o f
Thomson, Ether, electricity and ponderable matter, MPP, 3, .SIO. the condensational wave is small in comparison with that o f the distortional wave.
Thomson, Motion o f a viscous liquid, MPP, 3, 465. '' ' Kelvin, reply to toast at hisjubilee, SPT, 2, 984. On the essential instability o f vortex motion
Maxwell, Treatise, 1, 119-34, paras. 103-11,2, 246-58, paras. 630-46, on p. 257, para. 645. see William Thomson to Hermann von Helmholtz, 20thjune, 1892, in SPT, 2, 921-2, and SPT, 2,
Buchwald, M axwell to microphysics, pp. 34-7, 60-4. 1047. Kelvin to W .H. Julius, 3rd July, 1899, J206, ULG.
490 The transformation of classical physics Telegraph signals and light waves 491

Kelvin labelled the mathematical conceit of the 1890s, now openly ruled. fo r d o in g w o r k ; a n d that w o r k d o n e im p lie s m u tu a l fo r c e b e t w e e n d iffe r e n t parts o f o n e
Heaviside epitomized that form of decadence in Britain, with his vector calculus b o d y r e la tiv e ly m o v a b le , o r b e t w e e n t w o b o d ie s o r t w o p ie c e s o f m a tte r , o r b e t w e e n t w o
and his attempt to extract the pure mathematical essence from Maxwells a to m s o f m a tte r , o r b e t w e e n an a to m o f m a tter an d an e le c tr o n , o r , at th e v e r y least,

Treatise. In Germany Hertz too, unwisely, had adopted Heavisides nihilism, b e t w e e n t w o e le c tr o n s.

which resulted in his reduction of Maxwells theory to the symmetrical set of There can be little doubt that for Thomson personally, the source of this
field equations familiar today. Writing a preface for the English edition of heresy was Maxwells Treatise. Greater attention to his own Treatise would have
Hertzs Electric waves (1893), Kelvin praised Hertzs experimental achievements prevented it. But within the community of the new physicists, the so-called
while pointedly avoiding mention of his mathematical theory. The book soon electro-magnetic theory as opposed to his own telegraph theory - the meta
made famous that unfortunate statement . . . that Maxwells Electromagnetic physical rather than the practical - dominated physical research. Over and over
theory is Maxwellsformulas on the subject, as Kelvin wrote to Pieter Zeeman in again Kelvin returned to Maxwells Treatise to make annotations and to impress
1906. Equally egregious was Hertzs Prinzipien der Mechanik, which tended to his name and date, as though opening a book of sorcery to locate its magic and to
turn students and even mathematicians from the right view of dynamical break its spell. Part of the magic surely resided in the sections on energy and stress
principles.^ For this same sin of undermining the right view, Kelvin had in the electromagnetic field and in radiation, which Kelvin would dissolve with
chastised FitzGerald in 1896: It is mere nihilism, having no part or lot in Natural wholly unacceptable, K Oct. 16 1905 and no dynamical proof of this, K Oct.
Philosophy, to be contented with two formulas for energy, electromagnetic and 16, 1905. On 25th October, 1907, only two months before his own death, he
electrostatic, and to be happy with a vector and delighted with a page of was still seeking to banish Maxwells ghost with his now shaking hand.^^*
symmetrical formulas. Giebt nur ein Wort (Mephistopheles) Ein wurdiges Mephistopheles, the spirit of nihilism, had won.
Pergamentl (Wagner) Words, symbols, not realities, constituted the Kelvins methodology died with him. It was a methodology that grounded
Maxwellian incantations, as deceptive as Mephistopheles himself The evil had mathematical physics in steam-engines, vortex turbines, and telegraph lines; a
spread in some degree to most of Thomsons friends. Rayleigh, by 1904, had methodology of industrialization and Empire, suitable for Glasgow but not for
long ago succumbed to the nihilistic statement in the so-called electromag Cambridge. Its decline should probably be seen as a symbol of what Martin
netic theory of light as to magnetic vector and electric vector Joseph Wiener has called the decline of the industrial spirit in Britain. But, on the
Larmor, with whom Thomson began correspondence in the 1890s, adopted positive side, Kelvin achieved great practical successes in tying his view of
Thomsons labile gyrostatic ether for his own theory of electrons, treating each energy, as work done on matter, to the economic and political strength of the
electron as a point-pole from which intrinsic rotational strain radiates; but ofits Empire. We shall close this series o f chapters on his mathematical physics,
intimate structure he did not wish to ask. I know this is not dynamics in your therefore, by recalling his last fight to preserve the telegraph theory of
sense, Larmor wrote, the rotational aether is not like a material elastic solid. He electricity.
preferred generalized dynamics [double emphasis by Kelvin, who spat equa When in 1895 Conrad Rontgen discovered X-rays, he suggested that they
tions!] without a definite model, but with its possibilities illustrated by the might be the long-sought longitudinal waves of the elastic-solid theory of ether.
potentialities of the vortex atom theory [zero', double emphasis]. ^ The entire Kelvin, who took great interest in the discovery, would soon become convinced
younger generation, Kelvin rightly recognized, tended to reify the mathemat that X-rays were merely transverse waves of high frequency, but meanwhile he
ical forms of energy physics. Not only radical energeticists, like those around began again to insist that the wave theory of light required the existence of
Wilhelm Ostwald in Germany, had forgotten that energy was work, work done longitudinal waves. For the purpose he rejuvenated his old thought experiment
by and on matter: concerning two charged conducting globes, which either underwent continuing
Y o u n g p e r so n s w h o h a v e g r o w n u p in sc ie n tific w o r k w it h in th e last fifte e n o r t w e n t y oscillations in charge through a connecting telegraph wire, as in the Baltimore
y ea rs, se e m to h a v e fo r g o tt e n that e n e r g y is n o t an a b so lu te e x is te n c e . E v e n th e G e r m a n s Lectures, or were discharged through the intervening space, as in his 1888 letter
la u g h at th e E n e r g e tik e r s. I d o n o t k n o w i f e v e n O s t w a ld k n o w s that e n e r g y is a c a p a c ity to Rayleigh. Such actions, he insisted, necessarily involved transmission of

* Kelvin to G.F. FitzGerald, 29th April, 1896, in SPT, 2, 1069-72, on p. 1070; Kelvin to Pieter Kelvin to Joseph Larmor, 9th October, 1906, L37, ULC.
Zeeman (copy), 22nd May, 1906, Z2, ULC. '' * Kelvin, annotation to M axwells Treatise, 2, p. 391, para. 792 (referring back to para. 643 and
Kelvin to G.F. FitzGerald, 9th April, 1896, in SPT, 2, 1064-9, on p. 1064. to the last sentence o f 792), p. 8 6 , para. 448.
Kelvin to C.G. Knott, 12th September, 1904, K i l l , ULC. M.J. W iener, English culture and the decline o f the itidustrial spirit, 9^10 (Cambridge, 1981).
Joseph Larmor to Kelvin, 14th November, 1899 and 20th August, 19(X), L23 and L25, ULC. See also Peter Alter, The reluctant patron: science and the state in Britain, 1850-1920, translated by A.
All emphasis Kelvins. Davis (Oxford, 1987), esp. pp. 98-137.
492 The transformation o f classical physics Telegraph signals and light waves 493

Kelvin merely fired back on the 16th proofs of a new paper proposing an
experimental test of the existence of X-rays in the region of a supposed
longitudinal discharge, commenting: Read mark learn and inwardly digest

o Maxwell paras, 6 1 0 ... 616 [displacement current and closed circuit hypothesis].
I think when you have done so you will see that the statements marked //o n the
proof are correct, and will reconsider the whole of your letter to me of 14th.
The marked statements no doubt included one asserting that either an instanta
neous transmission o f . . . electrostatic force, or a set of electric waves of almost
Figure 13.12. A spark discharge between the charged conducting spheres A and B,
Thomson argued, would, even on Maxwells theory, produce longitudinal waves,
purely longitudinal displacement, according as ether is incompressible or com
thereby causing a secondary discharge in the smaller spheres c and d held just below pressible, would o c c u r . O f course FitzGerald had long ago inwardly di
the sparking potential. gested the Maxwell passages and pointed out to Kelvin the source of his anti-
Maxwellian attitudes: 'I feel pretty confident that you are overlooking the electric
potential by pressure waves. The renewed thought experiment, appearing in effects [displacement currents] due to the magnetic force being generated while the
Nature on 6th February, 1896, involved two large spheres between which a spark spark [current, del.] is starting . Indeed Kelvin was ignoring displacement current,
discharge would occur, producing a secondary discharge between two smaller Maxwells only real discovery in FitzGeralds opinion, because it was to him no
spheres kept at a potential just below the sparking potential (figure 13.12). The discovery at all but a devilish deception, merely a word.^^^
question Kelvin raised was not whether the action would be propagated And so the friendly combat continued, with FitzGerald tirelessly expounding
longitudinally, but only how fast. Maxwells theory, he asserted, represented the Maxwellian doctrine in eight long letters from February to May, 1896, and in
elastic-solid theory restricted to incompressibility, thus instantaneous transmis five more during the month of November, 1898. Displacement to Kelvin
sion, while the unrestricted theory would give the velocity of the condensa- either meant displacement of matter or it meant nothing: Maxwells expression,
tional-rarefactional wave. Acknowledging that the term theory was electric displacement is I believe, absolutely true so far as it indicates a true
misapplied when it did not explain the attraction between rubbed sealing-wax displacement o f matter, as in the undulatory theory of light, but my difficulty is
and a little fragment of paper, he nevertheless insisted that Elastic solid . . . we in respect to the electric quality concerned in this displacement. For FitzGerald
must have, or a definite mechanical analogue of it, for the undulatory theory of displacement was an indispensable structural element in the mathematical
light and of magnetic waves and of electric waves.*^ theory of electromagnetic waves, which Hertz had shown to exist: Your faith
FitzGerald jumped into the old argument on 12th February: Surely you are that Maxwells electric displacement is absolutely true so far as it indicates a
not right in your letter to Nature last week in stating that Maxwells ether true displacement of matter goes far beyond anything I can feel about its
would give an instantaneous action in the case you mention. Whatever proper certainty.^^**
ties it may have in respect of gravitation See See so far as electric actions are Among many ironies here, FitzGerald, like Larmor, believed that the reality
concerned they are all represented by the equation of the ether would be found in some form of Kelvins vortex theory of matter,
V^U=Kp,d^Uldt^ which Kelvin himself had abandoned; but they employed the term matter in
and so represent an action propagated with a velocity He explained such an expanded sense that Kelvin no longer recognized it. Matter was simply
how Hertz had accounted for the kind of action Kelvin envisaged within the that which obeyed the mathematical laws corroborated by experiment. Fitz
theory o f transverse electromagnetic waves, but Kelvin stuck to his view. Gerald thus challenged directly Kelvins most basic assumption, that matter had
FitzGerald tried again two days later, with diagrams and more detail, insisting that to have the properties of sensible matter: it seems to me very inconsistent to
Maxwell never suggested that his ether was an elastic solid. He admitted that object to one set of symbols merely because they are only symbols and to use the
something analogous to compressibility might take place in the ether, but insisted others [of fluids and elastic solids] without objections. To him, to work away
that the effects would not be electromagnetic. Furthermore, and on this point he
thought he had Kelvin trapped in his own methodology, the supposed effects Kelvin to G.F. FitzGerald, 16th February, 1896, F122, ULC (a copy o f his note made on
could have any sort of properties we choose to give them until they are chained to FitzGeralds letter o f the 14th). Kelvin, On the generation oflongitudinal waves in ether (read 13th
some experimental result. February), Proc. Royal Soc., 59 (1896), 27(U3; Nature, 53 (1896), 45(M , on p. 4.50.
G.F. FitzGerald to Kelvin, 17th February, 1896, F123, ULC.
Kelvin, Velocity o f propagation o f electrostatic force. Nature, 53 (1896), 316. Kelvin to G.F. FitzGerald, 29th April, 1896, in SPT, 1069 72, on p. 1069. G.F. FitzGerald to
G.F. FitzGerald to Kelvin, 12th and 14th February, 1896, F121 and F122, ULC. Kelvin, 11th May, 1896, F128, ULC.
494 The transformation o f classical physics

upon the hypothesis that the ether was an elastic solid was a pure waste of
t i m e 4 ^ ^ Ill
To this condemnation of his practical realism and of his favourite analogy,
Kelvin retorted: The analogy is certainly not an allegory on the banks o f the
Nile. It is more like an alligator. It certainly will swallow up all ideas for the
The economy of nature;
undulatory theory of light, and dynamical theory of E&M not founded on force
and inertia. I shall write more when I hear how you like this. The answer came,
the great storehouse of creation
I am not afraid of your alligator which swallows up theories not founded on
force and inertia . . . I am quite open to conviction that the ether is like and not
merely in some respects analogous to an elastic solid, but I w ill... wait till there is
some experimental evidence thereof before I complicate my conceptions there
with. And there the debate ended. Larmor wrote the epitaph of the elastic-
solid ether - and of the mechanical worldview as well - in his review of the 1904
publication of Kelvins rewritten Baltimore lectures:
fo r b e tte r o r w o r s e m o s t o f us are n o w w e d d e d to th e e le c tr ic th e o r y o f lig h t, th e c r e a tio n
o f L o rd K e lv in s m o s t fa m o u s d isc ip le , w h ic h fo r m s a c o n sis te n t sc h e m e o f th e r e la tio n s o f
e le c tr ic ity an d r a d ia tio n . . . Is it in c u m b e n t o n us to treat th e a eth er as str ic tly ak in to th e
m a ter ia l b o d ie s a r o u n d us? o r m a y w e assign to it a c o n s titu tio n o f its o w n , to b e te ste d b y
its su ccess in c o m p r e h e n d in g th e c o m p le x o f k n o w n r e la tio n s o f p h y sic a l sy stem s? . . . It
w o u ld a p p ea r th a t L o rd K e lv in c a n n o t g ra n t that su ch a c o n s titu tio n has b e e n d e te r m in e d
u n t i l . . . a p recise m e c h a n ic a l m o d e l o f it c o u ld b e im a g in e d ; w h e r e a s, o n th e o th e r sid e , it
m a y b e h e ld to b e th e m e r it o f th e sc h e m e that it e v a d e s such a h o p e le ss task.'^ ^

Heaviside had put the point more humorously in 1896;

L o r d K . has th e d e fe c ts o f h is q u a lities. H e is p o w e r f u l m in d e d , an d has d e v o t e d so m u c h
a tte n tio n to th e e la stic so lid , that it has c r y sta lliz e d his b ra in . S o m e years a g o h e fo r c e d his
b ra in in to a n o th e r a r r a n g e m e n t [th e a d y n a m ic eth e r ]. T h a t h e a c tu a lly d id it (all th e
h a rd er b e c a u se o f his p o w e r ) h e p r o v e d b y his p ap ers. I f h e h a d k e p t o n at it, it m ig h t h a v e
b e e n a p e r m a n e n t c h a n g e , b u t it se e m s h e d id n t; fo r his fo r c e d rea d ju stm e n t w a s unstable,
a n d h e h as r e v e r te d a u to m a tic a lly to o ld n o tio n s .'^ *

25 G.F. FitzGerald to Kelvin, 17th April, 1896, F127, ULC.

20 Kelvin to G.F. FitzGerald, 28th Novem ber, 1898, FI 8 , ULG. G.F. FitzGerald to Kelvin, 29th
November, 1898, F137, ULC.
2 Joseph Larmor, Lord Kelvin on optical and molecular dynamics. Nature (supplement), 70
(1904), iii-v, on pp. iv-v.
2* Oliver Heaviside to G.F. FitzGerald, 12th June, 1896, FitzGerald collection. Royal Dublin
Society, Dublin. We thank Bruce Hunt for this reference.
The irreversible cosmos

D o y o u k n o w o f a n y e x p e r im e n ta l d ata f r o m w h ic h th e a b so lu te m e c h a n i
cal v a lu e o f as m u c h o f th e su n s ra y s as fall o n a u n it o f su rfa ce in a u n it o f
tim e m a y b e d e te r m in e d ? . . . I a m t h in k in g o n c o m m u n ic a t in g a p a p er o n
th e so u r c e s o f th e m e c h a n ic a l e ffe c t p r o d u c ib le u n d e r th e d ir e c tio n o f m a n . I
th in k th a t, w it h th e e x c e p t io n o f w h a t m ig h t b e g o t fr o m tid e m ills , o r th e
c o m b u s t io n o f m e te o r ic sto n e s o r o th e r n a tiv e m eta ls, all is d e r iv e d fr o m th e
su n , an d is m e r e ly a part o f th e m e c h a n ic a l v a lu e o f th e u n d u la tio n s w h ic h
h e has se n t us fr o m th e e p o c h o f th e c r e a tio n o f p la n ts. W illiam Thomson to
G .G . Stokes, 1852^

Thomsons commitment to a progressionist cosmology and geology had en

abled him by 1851 to transform the problem o floss of available energy from an
engineering issue into a universal cosmological one with clearly defined theo
logical support. This transformation marked the beginning of his quest for a
new economy of nature - an irreversible cosmos - as a systematic and coherent
vision founded upon the universal dissipation of energy. So strong, indeed, was
Thomsons commitment that his reading of dissipation included phenomena
which other physicists (notably Rankine) regarded as reversible. He viewed the
conversion of the suns energy into radiant heat, for example, as an irreversible
process with an inevitable dissipation of energy.

The universal dissipation of energy

In his 1851 draft o f The dynamical theory of heat, Thomsons remarkable
attempt to comprehend the mysterious loss of available energy took as its
starting point the engineering problem. The fact is, he had written, it may I
believe be demonstrated that work is lost to man irrecoverably; but not lost in
the material world. Such a statement went some way to resolving the problem of
the loss of work or mechanical effect in human artefacts - such as heat engines -
by accepting that the vis viva remained undiminished in the material world,
though irrecoverable as useful work. But he had not explained the irrecover
able nature of that vis viva. He merely stated, as a fundamental belief, that

' William Thomson to G.G. Stokes, 13th January, 1852, K53, Stokes correspondence, ULC.

498 The economy o f nature The irreversible cosmos 499

everything in the material world is progressive. The material world could not classes. Statical stores of energy - potential energy from late 1852 - included
come back to any previous state without a violation of the laws which have been weights at a height, electrified bodies, and quantities of fuel. Dynamical stores of
manifested to man, that is, without a creative act or an act possessing similar energy kinetic energy from 1862 included masses of matter in motion
power.^ (flywheels, for example), undulations of light or radiant heat in a volume of
As early as 1849-50, Thomson told his class with reference to the suns heat space, and bodies having thermal motions among their particles. He then laid
that Till 2 years ago it was thought that there was no heat but what was latent. down four key propositions regarding the dissipation of mechanical energy
Joule (and he) had shown, however, that heat can derive from mechanical effect from a given store, and the restoration of it to its primitive condition, proposi
(the First Law). In his 1851 draft he drew the more extended implications arising tions which, he asserted, were necessary consequences of the axiom upon
from the new dissipation axiom (the Second Law). He believed that no physical which Carnots proposition was founded, namely, It is impossible, by means
action can ever restore the heat emitted from the sun, and that this source is not of inanimate material agency, to derive mechanical effect from any portion of
inexhaustible. He also believed that the motions of the earth & other planets are matter by cooling it below the temperature of the coldest of the surrounding
losing vis viva which is converted into heat; and that although some vis viva may objects. The first proposition referred to reversible processes - a perfect
be restored for instance to the earth by heat received from the sun or by other thermodynamic engine - while the other three treated of unreversible pro
means, that the loss cannot he precisely compensated & I think it probable that it is cesses - friction, conduction, and absorption of radiant heat or light:
under-compensated.-* These two articles of faith were the starting point of his I. W h e n h ea t is cr e a te d b y a re v e r sib le p r o c e ss (so th at th e m e c h a n ic a l e n e r g y th u s sp e n t
new cosmology. While they appeared in the draft, and had in fact grounded m a y b e restored to its p r im it iv e c o n d itio n ) th e r e is also a tr a n sfe r e n c e fr o m a c o ld
Thomsons 1851 paper On the dynamical theory ofheat, they did not appear in b o d y to a h o t b o d y o f a q u a n tity o f h e a t b e a r in g to th e q u a n tity cr e a te d a d e fin ite
the published memoir, which contained brief reference to the heat which, in p r o p o r tio n d e p e n d in g o n th e te m p e r a tu r e o f th e t w o b o d ie s.
practical machines, was irrecoverably lost to man, and therefore wasted , II. W h e n h ea t is c r e a te d b y an u n r e v e r s ib le p r o cess (su ch as fr ic tio n ), th e re is a dissipation

although not annihilated.'^ Public elaboration of the cosmological significance o f m e c h a n ic a l e n e r g y , an d a fu ll restoration o f it to its p r im it iv e c o n d itio n is

of the dissipation axiom had to await the appearance o fOn a universal tendency im p o s s ib le .
III. W h e n h e a t is d iffu se d b y conduction, th e r e is a dissipation o f m e c h a n ic a l e n e r g y , an d
in nature to the dissipation of mechanical energy (1852).
p e r fe c t restoration is im p o s s ib le .
Having published nothing in 1851 on the general ideas underlying his
IV. W h e n rad ia n t h ea t o r lig h t is a b so r b e d , o th e r w is e than in v e g e t a t io n , o r in c h e m ic a l
dissipation axiom, Thomson now sought to obtain those ideas as deductions a c tio n , th ere is a dissipation o f m e c h a n ic a l e n e r g y , an d p e r fe c t restoration is
from the more restricted expression for heat engines. That is, he generalized im p o ssib le .^
from the economical loss of energy in machines to cosmological dissipation in
the economy of nature; The paper ended with a rather terse announcement of three general conclu
sions drawn from these four propositions and from known facts with reference
T h e present co m m u n ica tio n contains an exam in ation o f circum stances regarding a
to the mechanics of animal and vegetable bodies. The first conclusion stated that
universal ten d en cy to unreversible transform ation in the co n d itio n o f m echanical en ergy
There is at present in the material world a tendency to the dissipation of
. . . as im p lied in the p rop osition origin ally stated h y C arn ot, and established on the
m o d ified principle o f the d yn am ical th eory o f heat, that w h en heat is diffused by
mechanical energy. Since this conclusion had been the very foundation of his
co n d u ctio n there is an eco n o m ica l loss as regards its value as a source o f m echanical axiom providing the new proof of Carnots proposition, Thomsons paper
effect.^ reversed their historical order, giving priority to the axiom and deriving the
belief that had given rise to it.
The nature of the link between loss in machines and loss in nature, however, The second general conclusion stated that any restoration of mechanical
had to be elucidated more precisely.
energy, without more than an equivalent of dissipation, is impossible in
To begin with, Thomson divided stores of mechanical energy into two
inanimate material processes, and is probably never effected by means of
organized matter, cither endowed with vegetable life or subjected to the will of
^ William Thomson, Preliminary draft for the Dynamical theory ofheat, PA 128, ULC, pp. 5,
6. Hereafter Draft.
an animated creature. It denied, therefore, the possibility of reversing the
William Thomson, 22nd January, 1850, lecture 48, in William Smith, Notes o f the Glasgow dissipation tendency in nature - at least in inanimate nature - thus complement
College natural philosophy class taken during the 1849-50 session, Ms Gen. 142, ULG; Draft, 8 . ing and elaborating the first general conclusion.
MPP, 1, 189.
William Thomson, Draft o f On a universal tendency in nature to the dissipation o f mechanical ^ William Thomson, On a universal tendency in nature to the dissipation o f mechanical energy
energy, PA 137, ULC. Phil. Man., [series 4|, 4 (1852), 304-6; MPP, 1, 511-12.
500 The economy o f nature The irreversible cosmos 501

The third general conclusion concerned the limited time during which ab le to d isce rn c o n se q u e n c e s w h ic h th r e a te n e d th e u n iv e r se , th o u g h c e r ta in ly after an
mankind could have inhabited, and would continue to inhabit, the earth unless in fin ite p e r io d o f t im e , w it h etern a l d e a t h .
operations have been, or are to be performed, which are impossible under the Thomson, in 1862, thus effectively accepted Helmholtzs interpretation of his
laws to which the known operations going on at present in the material world
own paper.
are subject. In other words, given the first two conclusions regarding the Unlike Helmholtz, however, Rankine was not content to accept these
universal dissipation of energy and the impossibility of its restoration, the third pessimistic conclusions for the universe. In his 1852 paper, Rankine argued that,
conclusion as to the finiteness of the earth as an abode for man would follow.^ while such a vast speculation appeared soundly based on experimental data and
Thomson did not suggest here a general heat death of the universe as a to represent truly the present condition of the universe sofar as we know it, yet a
necessary consequence of his fundamental energy principles. A decade later, in reconcentration o f mechanical energy was possible. He speculated that radiant
his 1862 article On the age of the suns heat, he reiterated his fundamental heat - the ultimate form to which all physical energy tends - may be totally
beliefs in the indestructibility and universal dissipation of energy, leading to reflected at the boundaries of the very interstellar medium through which the
diffusion o f heat, cessation of motion, and exhaustion of potential energy radiation had been transmitted and diffused. Such total reflection would
through the material universe while clarifying his view of the consequences for
reconcentrate the energy into foci of intense heat - the renewed store of energy
the universe as a whole:
capable of resolving, for example, a mass of inert compounds into its constituent
T h e result w o u ld in e v ita b ly b e a state o f u n iv e r sa l rest an d d e a th , i f th e u n iv e r se w e r e chemical elements and so reproducing a new source of chemical power. Rankine
fin ite an d le ft to o b e y e x is tin g la w s. B u t it is im p o s s ib le to c o n c e iv e a lim it to th e e x t e n t o f therefore concluded that the world, as now created, may possibly be provided
m a tte r in th e u n iv erse ; a n d th e r e fo r e sc ie n c e p o in ts rath er to an e n d less p ro g r e ss, t h r o u g h within itself with the means of reconcentrating its physical energies, and
an e n d less sp a ce , o f a c tio n i n v o lv in g th e tr a n sfo r m a tio n o f p o te n tia l e n e r g y in to p a lp a b le
renewing its activity and life.
m o tio n an d th e n c e in to h ea t, than to a sin g le fin ite m e c h a n is m , r u n n in g d o w n lik e a
The differences between Thomson, Helmholtz and Rankine on this
c lo c k , an d s t o p p in g fo r ever.
cosmological issue are illuminating. Renewal of the universe - or even the earth
This explicit statement may well have emerged from discussions with two other or the solar system - by cyclical reconcentration of energy was a hypothesis
major figures who shared Thomsons cosmological interests - Rankine and which William Thomson never entertained. So powerful was his commitment
Helmholtz - or from their interpretations of his 1852 conclusions. to a principle of universal dissipation that such a violation was wholly
In a short paper aptly entitled On the reconcentration of the mechanical unacceptable. Yet his commitment to dissipation was clearly not based on
energy of the universe, Rankine said: there is... Professor Thomson concludes, empirical evidence alone - convincing though the instances o f loss of available
so far as we understand the present condition of the universe, a tendency towards energy were to anyone familiar with heat engines. We have argued, therefore,
a state in which all physical energy will be in the state of heat, and that heat so that the full strength of that commitment derives from Thomsons theological
diffused that all matter will be at the same temperature; so that there will be an view that God had not created a universe - or solar system - as an eternal entity,
end of all physical phenomena.^ Rankine thereby read considerably more into and that only He could restore the initial sources of energy. That is not to say,
Thomsons 1852 paper than was actually claimed, for Thomsons third general however, that the principle of dissipation itself derives from theological consider
conclusion had scarcely gone beyond a statement about the earth as a habitable ations, rather that Thomsons commitment to it as an inviolable axiom received its
place for living creatures and had said nothing about the end of all physical extraordinary strength from the axioms place in his theology of nature.
phenomena. A little later, Helmholtz also widened Thomsons original claims Helmholtz, on the other hand, was, in the light of mans limited knowledge,
and attributed to the Glasgow professor the idea of the heat death of the prepared to place Rankines cyclical cosmology alongside a directional view. As
universe: he expressed the point in his 1854 lecture, we know not whether the medium,
which transmits the undulations of light and heat, possesses an end where the
w c m u st a d m ir e th e sa g a c ity o f T h o m s o n , w h o , in th e le tter s o f a lo n g - k n o w n little
m a th e m a tic a l fo r m u la w h ic h speaks o n ly o f th e h ea t, v o lu m e , an d p ressu re o f b o d ie s , w a s
rays must return, or whether they eternally pursue their way through infini-

Hermann Helmholtz. On the interaction o f natural forces, (lecture at Konigsberg, 7th

Ibid., p. 514. February, 1854), Phil. Mag., [senes 4], 11 (1856), 489-518, on p. 503. The lecture was translated by
* William Thomson, On the age o f the suns heat, Macmillan's Mag., 5 (1862), 288 93; PL, 1, John Tyndall. Helmholtz, who had been at the 1853 meeting o f the British Association at Hull
349-68. from which Thomson had been absent - did not in fact meet the Glasgow professor until 1855. Sec
W.J.M. Rankine, On the reconcentration o f the mechanical energy o f the universe, Phil. SPT, 1, 308-10. These favourable remarks apparently date, however, from 1852. See SPT, 1, 295.
Mag., [series 4], 4 (1852), 358-TiO, on p. 352; MSP, 2(K>-2. ' MSP, 201 2.
502 The economy o f nature The irreversible cosmos 503

tude. Rankine, for his part, had a very similar religious background to Thom he classified the sources available to man into mechanical effect derived from
son, but never actively used theological beliefs about the transitoriness of the heat radiated from the sun (the principal source), from the motions of the earth,
creation to construct a new cosmology. moon, and sun as well as from their mutual attractions, and from terrestrial (hot
Following his enunciation in 1852 of universal dissipation of energy in nature, springs or the combustion of native inorganic substances, for example) or
Thomson was to remain unwavering in his commitment to that principle for the meteoric sources.
rest o f his life. Forty years on, in 1892, he wrote again o f the irreversibility of Thomson went on to point out that the general notion of the sun as the
actions connected with all real engines whether powered by heat, electricity, principal source o f motion on earth was not new. He drew special attention to
wind, or tide - forming only part of a physical law of irreversibility according Sir John Herschels Outlines of astronomy (1849) where the following passage on
to which there is a universal tendency to the dissipation of mechanical energy. solar influence occurred, a passage first published in Hcrschels 1833 Treatise:
During those forty years, however, he had employed the law to construct T h e su n s rays are th e u ltim a te so u r c e o f a lm o s t e v e r y m o tio n w h ic h takes p la c e o n th e
detailed theories of the nature of the earth and solar system. su rfa ce o f th e earth . B y its h e a t are p r o d u c e d all w in d s , an d th o s e d istu rb a n ces in th e
e le c tr ic e q u ilib r iu m o f th e a tm o s p h e r e w h ic h g iv e s rise to th e p h e n o m e n a [d istu rb a n ces]
o f terrestrial m a g n e tis m . B y th e ir v iv if y in g a c tio n v e g e ta b le s are e la b o r a te d fr o m
Sources of energy: the nature of the suns heat
in o r g a n ic m a tte r , a n d b e c o m e , in th e ir tu r n , th e su p p o r t o f a n im a ls an d o f m a n , an d th e
In Thomsons cosmological picture, the suns importance derived from his two so u rc es o f th o s e g r e a t d e p o sits o f d y n a m ic a l e ffic ie n c y w h ic h are la id u p fo r h u m a n u se in

fold belief that it provided the most striking instance o f the cosmical dissipation o u r c o a l strata. B y th e m th e w a te r s o f th e sea are m a d e to cir c u la te in v a p o u r th r o u g h th e

of energy, and that it functioned as the principal source of those stores of energy air, an d ir r ig a te th e la n d , p r o d u c in g sp r in g s an d rivers. B y th e m are p r o d u c e d all
d istu rb a n ces o f th e c h e m ic a l e q u ilib r iu m o f th e e le m e n ts o f n a tu r e . . . E v e n th e s lo w
available to man for the production of mechanical effect. In the 1851 draft he had
d e g r a d a tio n o f th e so lid c o n stitu e n ts o f th e su rface, in w h ic h its c h ie f g e o lo g ic a l c h a n g e s
stated his conviction that no physical action can ever restore the heat emitted
c o n sist, an d th e ir d iffu sio n a m o n g th e w a te r s o f th e o c e a n , are e n tir e ly d u e to th e a b rasion
from the Sun and that this source is not inexhaustible. He did not necessarily
o f w in d an d rain, an d th e a lte r n a te a c tio n o f th e se ason s . .
mean that the sun had no external sources of energy by which it might be fuelled,
but only that the heat given out by the sun could not be recovered or restored, Herschels Treatise on astronomy may have been the inspiration for J.R. Mayers
and that, whatever the source of the suns heat, that source must be finite. At the 1848 paper Beitrage zur Dynamik des Himmels in popularer Darstellung
beginning o f the following year, Thomson began to develop the significance of which made several explicit references to the elder and younger Herschel. This
the sun as the principal source of energy available to man. In January, 1852, he paper, eventually translated for the Philosophical Magazine in 1863, advanced a
asked Stokes if he knew of any experimental data from which the absolute celestial dynamics very close to that developed by William Thomson in terms of
mechanical value of as much of the Suns rays as fall on a unit of surface in a unit a meteoric theory of the suns heat, but remained unknown to him until about
of time may be determined. At the same time, he told Stokes that he was 1862.16
thinking of communicating a paper on the sources of mechanical effect produc William Whewell, on the other hand, followed through Herschels views in
ible under the direction of man. In his view, with the exception of what might their economic, engineering context. In a chapter on the sources of labouring
be got from tide mills, or the combustion of meteoric stones or other native force published in his Mechanics of engineering (1841), Whewell emphasized the
metals, all is derived from the sun, and is merely a part o f the mechanical value of importance of solar heat. He believed that the various powers of water, wind,
the undulations which he sent us from the epoch of the creation of plants. steam, and other gases, resolved themselves into the effects of heat, especially the
These ideas formed the basis of papers On the mechanical action of radiant suns heat. Water provided not merely a reservoir of labouring force, but a
heat or light and On the sources available to man for the production of source flowing from the springs or skies which in turn was constantly supplied
mechanical effect. In the former, Thomson made reference to Pouillets esti by evaporation of moisture from the earth, and condensation or absorption of
mate of heat radiated from the sun in any time - an estimate most probably
William Thomson, On the mechanical action o f radiant heat or light; On the power o f
supplied by Stokes in answer to Thomsons request, and one which became the animated creatures over matter; On the sources available to man for the production o f mechanical
starting point for his subsequent calculations on the suns heat. In the latter paper, effect, Phil. Mag., [senes 4], 4 (1852), 256-60; MFF, 1, 505-10. On Fouillets estimate, see P.A.
Kidwell, Prelude to solar energy: Pouillet, Herschel, Forbes and the solar constant, Ann. Sci., 38
William Thomson, On the dissipation o f energy, Fortnightly Rev., 51 (1892), 313-21; FL, 2, (1981), 457-76.
469. J.F.W. Herschel, Outlines o f astronomy (London, 1849), p. 237; A treatise on astronomy (London,
William Thomson, op. cit. (note 1). F.A.J.L. James, Thermodynamics and sources o f solar 1833), p. 211.
heat, 1846-1862, Brit.J. Hist. Sci., 15 (1982), 15.5-81 wrongly quotes planets here. J.R. Mayer, On celestial dynamics, Phil. Mag., [series 4[, 25 (1863), 241-8, 387-409, 417-28.
504 The economy o f nature The irreversible cosmos 505

the moisture thus evaporated; this evaporation is the result of heat. If clouds and re sto r e d to th e S u n , w it h o u t acts as m u c h b e y o n d th e sc o p e o f h u m a n in te llig e n c e as a

springs were not constantly thus replenished the supply would fail; and water c r e a tio n o r a n n ih ila tio n o f e n e r g y , o r o f m a tte r itse lf, w o u ld b e. H e n c e th e -q u e stio n arises.

would cease to be, as it is, a perpetual and universal source of labouring force W h a t is th e so u r c e o f m e c h a n ic a l e n e r g y , d r a w n u p o n b y th e S u n , in e m itt in g h e a t, to b e

placed by nature at our disposal. As with water, air too circulated by the heat of d issip a te d th r o u g h sp ace?*

the sun through the production of differences of temperature in different parts of He formulated the question in terms, first, of whether the source consisted of
the atmosphere. The great cycles of circulation maintained the sources of dynamical (kinetic) or potential energy, or both, and, second, of whether the
labouring force: the natural powers of weather and wind, no less than the steam source existed in the sun or in the surrounding matter - or as energy convertible
engine, depend on the continued operation of heat. into heat only by the mutual actions between the sun and the surrounding
Thomsons own paper on sources of mechanical effect largely reformulated matter.
these ideas in the terms of the new thermodynamics. Having satisfied himself Thomson reasoned that if the source o f the suns heat were dynamical and in
concerning sources on the globe, he took up the challenge explicitly laid down the sun, it can only be primitive heat. In other words, the Sun is a heated body,
by Herschel in the section of his Astronomy immediately following the discussion losing heat. If, however, the source were potential and likewise in the sun, it can
of solar influence. This highly suggestive passage referred to friction, rather than only be energy o f chemical forces ready to act. In other words, the Sun is a great
chemical combustion, as a possible cause of the suns heat: fire. If, on the other hand, the source were external to the sun, that source could
T h e g r e a t m y s te r y [ o f th e su n s h ea t] . . . is to c o n c e iv e h o w s o e n o r m o u s a c o n fla g r a tio n either be intrinsic to external matter, or be developed by mutual action between
( if su c h it b e) can b e k e p t u p . E v e r y d is c o v e r y in c h e m ic a l s c ie n c e h ere le a v e s us this matter and the sun itself He had, then, three general hypotheses to consider:
c o m p le te ly at a loss, o r rath er, se e m s to r e m o v e farth er th e p r o sp e c t o f p r o b a b le primitive heat, chemical activity, and meteors.^ Much of the discussion with
e x p la n a tio n . I f c o n je c tu r e m ig h t b e h a za rd ed , w e sh o u ld lo o k rath er to th e k n o w n Stokes centred on an evaluation o f the rival merits of these accounts, and on the
p o ss ib ility o f an in d e fin ite g e n e r a tio n o f h ea t b y fr ic tio n , o r to its e x c it e m e n t b y th e appraisal of more specific versions of each in the light of available data regarding
ele c tr ic a l d isc h a r g e , th a n to a n y a ctu a l c o m b u s tio n o f p o n d e r a b le fu e l, w h e th e r so lid o r the suns constitution and power.
g a se o u s, fo r th e o r ig in o f so la r radiation.^
In the first letter to Stokes on the issue, dated 2nd March, 1854, Thomson
Writing originally in 1833, long before the formulation of the energy principles, referred to the importance of investigating the solar spectrum because I think it
Herschel assumed that an indefinite generation of heat by friction was possible. will lead us to a qualitative analysis of the suns atmosphere. He urged Stokes to
Recognizing the fallacy of Herschels assumption, Thomson sought elsewhere take up the whole subject of spectra, or solar & artif* lights, since you have
for a solution to the great mystery of the nature of the suns heat. By the spring already done so much on it, and he added in a characteristic way:
of 1854 he had initiated an important debate with Stokes which led to his paper I a m q u ite im p a tie n t to g e t a n o th e r u n d o u b t e d su b sta n c e b e sid e s v a p o u r o f so d a in th e
On the mechanical energies of the solar system read to the Royal Society of S u n s a tm o s p h e r e . W h a t y o u tell m e lo o k s v e r y lik e as i f th e r e is p o ta s h t o o . I th in k c o p p e r
Edinburgh on 17th April, 1854, and published with four important additions . . . w o u ld b e h o p e f u l . . . D o tr y ir o n t o o . T h e r e must b e a g rea t d e a l o f th a t a b o u t th e S u n ,
dated May to August, 1854. se e in g w e h a v e so m a n y ir o n m e te o r s fa llin g in , & th e r e m u s t b e im m e n s e ly m o r e su ch

In his opening paragraphs Thomson made clear that his interest in the source fa llin g in to th e S u n . I fin d th e h ea t o f c o m b u s t io n o f a m ass o f ir o n w^* b e o n ly a b o u t
1 /3 4 0 0 0 o f th e h e a t d e r iv e d fr o m p o te n tia l e n e r g y o f g r a v ita tio n , in a p p r o a c h in g th e S u n .
of the suns heat derived from the principle of universal dissipation. Impressed
Y e t it w'^ tak e 2 0 0 0 p o u n d s o f m e te o r s p e r sq [u are] f o o t o f th e su n , f a llin g a n n u a lly ,
with the vast development of energy by the sun compared to the energy of
to a c c o u n t fo r his h ea t b y g r a v ita tio n a lo n e .
motion of all the planets, and by the almost inconceivably minute fraction of
the Suns heat and light reaching the earth [which] is the source of energy from Immediately following this passage, Thomson dramatized the issue by com
which all the mechanical actions of organic life, and nearly every motion of paring the emission of heat per square foot per second from the sun with the
inorganic nature at its surface, are derived, he stated: output from the largest man-made engine. On a rough estimate, based on his
T h e e n e r g y , th a t o f lig h t an d ra d ia n t h ea t, thu s e m itte d [b y th e su n ], is d issip a ted a lw a y s
calculation from Pouillets data that the heat emitted from a square foot of the
m o r e a n d m o r e w id e ly t h r o u g h e n d le ss sp a ce, a n d n e v e r has b e e n , p r o b a b ly n e v e r can b e ,
William Thomson, On the mechanical energies o f the solar system, (read 17th April, 1854),
Phil. Mag., [series 4], 8 (1854), 409-30 (with addenda); MPP, 2, 1-25, on pp. 1-2.
William Whewell, The mechanics o f engineering (Cambridge, 1841), pp, 172-3. For a Ibid., p. 3. See alsoj.D. Burchfield, Lord Kelvin and the age o f the earth (London, 1975), pp. 23-5.
background to the cosmology o f heat, see D.S.L. Cardwell, From Watt to Clausius. The rise of William Thomson to G.G. Stokes, 2nd March, 1854, K64, Stokes correspondence, ULC. See
thermodynamics in the early industrial age (London, 1971), pp. 89-120. also James, Thermodynamics and sources o f solar heat, p. 162. The discussion o f line spectra in
Herschel, Outlines, p. 238; Treatise, p. 212. relation to the solar spectrum had begun as early as 1851.
506 The economy o f nature The irreversible cosmos 507

sun was equivalent in energy to about 7 or 8000 horse power, four sqfuare] feet
of the Sun emit as much heat as the burning coals in the largest marine furnace -
not altogether inconceivable, & quite in accordance with what we know of the
excessive intensity of the Suns heat. Thus the marine furnace provided a
concrete standard against which to consider the output of energy from that vast
cosmic furnace, the sun.
As the passage quoted above shows, he was here contemplating two possible
hypotheses; that the suns heat derived from combustion of, for instance, iron, or
from the transformation o f gravitational potential energy into the energy of
heat by the collision between material bodies and the sun. A week later, on 9th
March, 1854, Thomson asked Stokes what he thought of the gravitation theory
of solar heat, adding that he had been trying to make out what share of meteors
the earth w<^ take, if the sun gets enough to produce this heat, & I think it
possibly reconcilable with what we have of falling stars &c.^^ In his reply,
delayed by illness, Stokes offered only a cautious evaluation of the theory:
A s to th e g r a v ita tio n t h e o r y o f th e h e a t o f th e su n , I d o n o t k n o w o f a n y o b je c tio n to i t . . . I
h a v e b e e n in th e h a b it o f r e g a r d in g th e sun as an e n o r m o u s b o d y in a state o f in te n s e h e a t,
e m itt in g c o n tin u a lly a p o r tio n o f its o r ig in a l heat; as in fact g r o w in g d im w it h a g e , b u t
at a rate n o t t o b e m e a su r e d b y th e liv e s o f us m o r ta ls. A c c o r d in g to th e g r a v ita tio n th e o r y
th e h ea t m ig h t b e k e p t u p , b u t th e r e w o u ld b e a p r o g r e s siv e c h a n g e o f a n o th e r k in d ,
n a m e ly an in crea se o f th e s u n s m ass. T h is w o u ld o f c o u r se p r o d u c e a secu lar a u g m e n t a
tio n o f th e E a r th s an d reta r d a tio n o f th e M o o n s m e a n m o t io n . I h a v e n o t p u t th e t h in g in
n u m b e r s , b u t it w o u ld b e re q u isite to a tte n d to th is p o in t, to sec i f th e a u g m e n ta tio n o f
m ass b e su ffic ie n tly sm a ll.

As Thomson subsequently made clear, he had got into the habit of consider
ing Stokess not unfavourable view of the gravitation theory as favourable
during the month following receipt of the above remarks. Thus it was during
this time, principally during the last week of it when I was writing a paper w*i I
had first intended merely to show some numerical relations as to heat of
combustion, gravitation &c, that my own conviction became so strong as to the
truth of the gravitation theory. He had quite forgotten Stokess mention of the
primitive heat theory as the one he had been in the habit of holding. At the same
time, Thomson also confessed that he had himself always inclined to the
primitive heat theory till rather more than two years ago [late 1851 or early
1852J when I became convinced that neither as solid nor fluid the Sun (of his own
finite dimensions) could have given out heat as he has done for 6000 years with
no source but primitive heat to draw upon.^^
At the presentation of his paper, therefore, Thomson quickly dismissed the
primitive heat hypothesis as quite untenable. Primitive heat conducted out-
William Thomson to G.G. Stokes, 9th March, 18.S4, K6 6 , Stokes correspondence, ULC.
G.G. Stokes to William Thomson, 28th March, 1854, S369, ULC. Cieorge Gabriel Stokes aged about fifty-six. 1 always consult my great authority.
William Thomson to G.G. Stokes, 26th April, 1854, K69, Stokes correspondence, ULC. Stokes, whenever 1 get a chance, declared Sir William in his 1884 Baltimore
Compare above (note 3). Lectures. Yet Stokess cautious intellect and strong sense o f establishment virtues
stood in marked contrast to Thom sons impulsive, adventurous, and entrepreneurial
spirit. [From Nature, 12 (1875), facing p. 201.j
508 The economy o f nature The irreversible cosmos 509

wards to the suns surface would allow the sun to become dark in two or three dominated his paper. That theory he attributed, in its first definite form, to J.J.
minutes, or days, or months, at his present rate of emission- unless the sun be of Waterstons ideas put before the Hull meeting of the British Association in 1853.
matter inconceivably more conductive for heat, and less volatile, than any Waterstons theory - a remarkable speculation in cosmical dynamics - pro
terrestrial meteoric matter we know.^ posed that solar heat is produced by the impact of meteors falling from extra-
Stokes reminded his Glasgow colleague on 24th April that his own view had planetary space, and striking his [the suns] surface with velocities which they
been that the sun retained original heat, heat perhaps of condensation. Further have acquired by his attraction. To this theory, Thomson gave the name
more, even if the numerical results of this hypothesis, made on the supposition gravitation theory of solar heat, itself included in the general meteoric
of the suns being solid, were not tenable . . . we may well suppose [instead] the theory.
sun to be in a state of fusion [i.e. in a fluid state], in which case if the surface cooled With respect to the chemical hypothesis, Thomson discussed and rejected
a little, and so became denser, the outer portions would descend, and be renewed three of its possible forms. First, taking the estimate he had earlier offered to
from beneath. Cautious as ever, Stokes concluded that he did not wish to argue Stokes of the rate of emission of energy from each square foot of the suns surface
in favour o f this view; rather that I do not see it to be absurd on the face of it.^^ as equivalent to 7000 horse power, he concluded that 1500 pounds of coal per
Thomson, however, remained sceptical about the thermal capacity o f such a hour would be required to produce heat at the same rate. He asked, if all the fires
model, adding on 4th May a footnote to his paper: of the whole Baltic fleet were heaped up and kept in full combustion, over one or
two square yards of surface, and if the surface of a globe all round had every
it m ig h t b e s u p p o s e d th a t, as th e S u n is n o d o u b t a m e lte d m ass, th e b r ig h tn e ss o f his
square yard so occupied, where could a sufficient supply of air come from to
su rfa ce is c o n s ta n tly refr e sh e d b y in c a n d e sc e n t flu id r u sh in g f r o m b e lo w to tak e th e p la c e
o f m a tte r fa llin g u p o n th e su rfa ce a fter b e c o m in g s o m e w h a t c o o le d an d c o n s e q u e n tly
sustain the combustion? On such a hypothesis, the products of combustion
d e n se r - a p r o c e ss w h ic h m ig h t g o o n fo r m a n y years w it h o u t a n y se n sib le lo ss o f from the sun would either prevent a supply of fresh air from above, or a supply
b r ig h tn e ss. I f w e c o n sid e r , h o w e v e r , th e w h o le a n n u a l e m is s io n at th e p re se n t a ctu a l rate, of new elements from below, and the fire would consequently be choked. He
w e f in d , e v e n i f th e S u n s th e r m a l c a p a c ity w e r e as g r e a t as th a t o f an e q u a l m ass o f w a te r , therefore affirmed that no such fire could be kept alight for more than a few
th a t h is m e a n te m p e r a tu r e w o u ld b e lo w e r e d b y a b o u t 3 C in t w o y ears. W e m a y , I minutes, by any conceivable adaptation of fuel and air.^
th in k , sa fely c o n c lu d e th a t p r im it iv e h e a t w it h in th e S u n is n o t a su ffic ien t so u r c e fo r th e Second, the sun could still be a burning mass if it were more analogous to
e m is s io n w h ic h has c o n t in u e d w it h o u t se n sib le ( i f a n y ) a b a te m e n t fo r 6 0 0 0 years. burning gunpowder than to a fire burning in air. Provided the solid mass
Or, as he pointed out to Stokes in a letter of26th April containing a full order-of- contained within itself all the elements of combustion, and provided - unlike
magnitude calculation, about 3 C per annum would mean 18000 C. in the gunpowder - the products of combustion were permanently gaseous, this
6000 years we know he has been giving out heat at something like the present hypothesis might account for the suns enormous heat. Estimating an upper
rate. This estimate made it certain (or as nearly certain as anything in w^ we limit for the heat of combustion of a pound of matter, and knowing the actual
consider possible properties of matter out of our reach) that the primitive heat rate of emission of heat per square foot per second, Thomson calculated that
theory cannot be true.^* With these remarks, Thomson upheld his verdict about 0.7 pounds of matter would be lost per square foot per second from the sun
against the primitive heat theory in 1854 and turned to its alternatives. - a quantity equivalent to a fifty-fivc mile thick layer over the suns surface in a
year. At the same rate, he concluded, a mass as large as the Sun is at present
would burn away in 8000 years. In order to burn at that rate in the past, the sun
The gravitation theory of the suns heat must have been of double diameter, of quadruple heating power, and of eight
William Thomsons stated objects for his 1854 communication were to con fold mass, only 8000 years ago. These dimensions, however, defied the evidence
sider the relative capabilities of the second [the chemical] and third [the mete of history.
oric] hypothesis to account for the phenomena; to examine the relation of the Finally, Thomson rejected a third version of the chemical hypothesis in which
gravitation theory to the meteoric theory in general; and to determine what an influx of meteors provided the fuel. As in his letter o f 2nd March, he argued
form of the gravitation theory is required to explain solar heat consistently with that the quantity of heat thus obtained from a given mass would be insignificant
other astronomical phenomena. Lively enthusiasm for the gravitation theory
MPP, 2, 4.
Ibid., p. 10. The reference to the Baltic fleet is significant, for in 1854 a steam battlefleet went to
25 MPP, 2, 3. G.G. Stokes to William Thomson, 24th April, 1854, S370, ULC. war for the first time. This campaign also marked the opening o f the Crimean War between Britain
2^ MPP, 2, 3-4n. and Russia. See Basil Greenhill and Ann Giffard, The British assault on Finland 185455: a forgotten
William Thomson to G.G. Stokes, 26th April, 1854, K69, Stokes correspondence, ULC. naval war (Tcignmouth, 1988).
510 The economy o f nature The irreversible cosmos 511

by comparison with the quantity obtained from the gravitational energy of the of the suns heat would mean that the earth, in crossing their paths, would be at
same mass.^^ least struck much more copiously by meteors than we can believe it to be from
Justification for adopting the general meteoric theory not only flowed from a what we observe. Furthermore, the meteors we see appear to come generally in
decisive rejection of the two rival hypotheses, but also derived from Thomsons directions corresponding to motions which have been elliptic or circular. Thus,
claim that it is the only one of all conceivable causes which we know to exist the orbits of the meteors containing the stores of energy for future Sun light
from independent evidence. The fact of meteors coming to earth proves the must be principally within the earths orbit: and we actually see them there as
existence o f such bodies moving in space, and even if these bodies move in the Zodiacal Light, an illuminated shower or rather tornado of stones.
elliptical or circular orbits about the sun, the effects of the resisting medium Here he made specific reference to the discussion in Herschels Astronomy of this
would gradually bring them in to strike his surface with immensely greater phenomenon which Thomson now employed as clear and independent empiri
relative velocities than those approaching the earth. The dynamical account of cal evidence to justify not only the general meteoric theory but the specific
meteors or falling stars with regard to the earth had been provided by Joule as gravitational version which he was developing.
early as 1847; and these arguments Thomson transferred to the sun, not by Herschel himself had written in 1833 of the zodiacal light, observed on clear
analogy alone, but by the key assumption that meteors abound in space: spring evenings after sunset as a cone or lens-shaped light, extending obliquely
N o w , J o u le h as s h o w n w h a t e n o r m o u s q u a n titie s o f h eat m u s t h e g e n e r a te d fr o m th is upwards from the position on the horizon where the sun disappeared, i.e. the
r e la tiv e m o t io n in th e case o f m e te o r s c o m in g to th e earth; a n d , b y h is e x p la n a tio n o f suns position in the zodiac. This phenomenon seemed to indicate the existence
fa llin g stars has m a d e it all b u t certa in tha t, in a vast m a jo r ity o f cases, this g e n e r a tio n o f of some slight degree of nebulosity about the sun. Although he admitted the
h ea t is so in te n s e as to raise th e b o d y in te m p e r a tu r e g r a d u a lly u p to an in te n se w h it e h e a t, phenomenon to be very faint and ill-defined in the northern latitudes - less so in
an d cau se it u ltim a te ly to b u rst in to sparks in th e air (and b u rn i f it b e o f m e ta llic ir o n ) tropical regions - Herschel concluded:
b e fo r e it rea ch es th e su rfa ce. S u c h effe c ts m u st b e e x p e r ie n c e d to an e n o r m o u s ly g re a te r
It is m a n ife s tly in th e n atu re o f a th in le n t ic u la r ly - f o r m e d a tm o s p h e r e , su r r o u n d in g th e
d e g r e e . . . b y m e te o r s fa llin g to th e S u n . . . H e n c e , it is certa in th at some h ea t an d lig h t
su n , an d e x t e n d in g at least b e y o n d th e o r b it o f M e r c u r y an d e v e n o f V e n u s , a n d m a y b e
ra d ia tin g fr o m th e S u n is d u e to m e te o r s.
c o n je c tu r e d to b e n o o th e r th a n th e d e n se r p art o f th a t m e d iu m , w h ic h , as w e h a v e [so m e ]
His methodology here conformed to Herschels in*;erpretation of N ewtons reason to b e lie v e resists th e m o tio n o f c o m e ts ; lo a d e d , p erh a p s, w it h th e a ctu al m ater ia ls
well-known first rule of reasoning in philosophy. According to Herschel, verae o f th e tails o f m illio n s o f th o s e b o d ie s , o f w h ic h th e y h a v e b e e n str ip p e d in th e ir su c c e ssiv e

causae were causes recognized as having a real existence in nature, and not being p e r ih e lio n p a ssages, an d w h ic h m a y b e s lo w ly su b s id in g in to th e sun.^

mere hypotheses or figments of the mind. Thus, whenever any phenomenon In 1849, Herschel added several significant remarks to this account. To begin
presents itself for explanation, we naturally seek, in the first instance, to refer it to with, he claimed that the zodiacal light could not be a gaseous atmosphere of the
some one or other of those real causes which experience has shown to exist, and sun. The existence of a gaseous envelope of such dimensions and ellipticity,
to be efficacious in producing similar phenomena. propagating pressure from part to part and subject to mutual friction in its strata
Thomson argued further that, since the effects were so much greater for the - and so rotating with the central body - was incompatible with dynamical laws,
sun than for the earth, and since the Sun, by his greater attraction, must draw in presumably because friction would stop the rotation of the sun. Supposing that
meteoric matter much more copiously with reference to equal areas of surface, the particles of the zodiacal light possessed inertia, each particle must instead be
the influence of meteors was far from being an insensible cause of solar heat. He equivalent to a separate, if minute, planet of the sun. Furthermore, although the
modified, however, Waterstons view that a meteor either strikes the Sun or total mass was for Herschel almost nothing compared to that of the sun -
enters an atmosphere where the luminous and thermal excitation takes place, making mutual perturbation irrelevant - nevertheless mutual collision may
without having previously experienced any sensible resistance'. Waterston had sup operate in the course of indefinite ages to effect a subsidence of at least some
posed that the meteors fell from great distances into the sun in straight lines or in portion of it [the zodiacal light] into the body of the sun or those of the
parabolic or hyperbolic paths - but to do so in sufficient quantities to generate all planets.
Again in his Outlines of astronomy, Herschel related the zodiacal light to
Ibid., pp. 10-12; William Thomson to G.G. Stokes, 20th April, 1854, K6 8 , Stokes
correspondence, ULC. MPP, 2, 5- 7.
MPP, 2, 4-5; J.P. Joule, On shooting-stars, Phil. Mag., [series 3], 32 (1848), 349-51; The Herschel, Treatise, pp. 407-8; Outlines, p. 616. The qualifying some appears in the Outlines
Scientific papers o f James Prescott Joule (2 vols., London, 1887), 1, pp. 286-8. version. N o doubt Thomson first learned o f the zodiacal light fromJ.P. Nichol, for whom it was a
J.F.W. Herschel, A preliminary discourse on the study of natural philosophy (London, 1830) pp remnant o f the nebular origin o f the solar system; Views of the architecture o f the heavens: in a series of
144-9. letters to a lady (Edinburgh, 1838), pp. 148-51. Herschel, Outlines, p. 616.
512 The economy o f nature The irreversible cosmos 513

meteors. He argued that there was nothing to prevent at least some of the emission of energy from the sun. Again employing Pouillets data, he estimated
particles having a tangible size and being at great distances from one another. that on Waterstons view the quantity of meteoric matter required to strike the
Thus, compared with planets visible in our most powerful telescopes, rocks and sun per square foot per second - or about a pound every five hours - would
stony masses of great size and weight would be but as the impalpable dust which cover the suns surface to a depth of thirty feet in a year, while on his own view,
a sunbeam renders visible . . .. Moreover, it is a fact, established by the most the whole surface would be covered to a depth of sixty feet in a year. Either way,
indisputable evidence, that stony masses and lumps of iron do occasionally, and however, the growth in apparent diameter over a historical period o f4000 years
indeed by no means infrequently, fall upon the earth from the higher regions of would scarcely be perceived by the most refined of modern observations.
our atmosphere (where it is obviously impossible they can have been generated), Unlike the other hypotheses, then, the meteoric theory left for the speculations
and that they have done so from the earliest times of history. He continued: of geologists on ancient natural history a wide enough range of time with a sun
T h e h ea t w h ic h th e y p o ssess w h e n fa lle n , th e ig n e o u s p h a e n o m e n a w h ic h a c c o m p a n y
not sensibly less [in size] than our present luminary; and, by way of further
th e m , th e ir e x p lo s io n o n a r r iv in g w it h in th e d e n ser r e g io n s o f a tm o s p h e r e , & c ., are all dramatizing the adequacy of the meteoric theory, he stated that at this rate it
su ffic ie n tly a c c o u n te d fo r o n p h y sic a l p r in c ip le s, b y th e c o n d e n s a tio n o f th e air b e fo r e would take two million years for the sun to grow in reality by as much as he
th e m in c o n s e q u e n c e o f th e ir e n o r m o u s v e lo c it y , a n d b y th e re la tio n s o f air in a h ig h ly appears to grow from June to December by the variation of the earths distance -
a tte n u a te d sta te to h e a t.^ an amount quite imperceptible to ordinary observation.^
Apart from accounting for the suns heat, Thomson suggested that the
Herschel also discussed shooting stars in the same sections of his Outlines,
meteoric theory could explain both past changes in the earths climate and the
remarking that these phenomena may not unreasonably be presumed to be
appearance and disappearance of bright stars. Meteors striking the earth might
bodies extraneous to our planet, which only became visible when in the act of
have originally maintained the globe in a melted state. At a more recent time, the
grazing the confines of our atmosphere. In particular, he believed that the
earth would have cooled enough for vegetation, but with a climate maintained
circumstances in the history of shooting stars.. . very strongly corroborate the
at a much higher temperature than at present by the heat of meteors falling
idea of their extraneous or cosmical origin, and their circulation round the sun in
through its atmosphere and by the sun itself having a more copious meteoric
definite orbits. Thus, on several occasions they have been observed to appear in
supply. I t is likely that these remarks on climate derived from a discussion
. . . astonishing numbers, so as to convey the idea of rockets, or of snow-flakes
with Stokes. In a letter of 8th May, 1854, Stokes observed that Thomsons
falling, and brilliantly illuminating the whole heavens for hours together on an
theory seems to account more simply than any other I know for the fluctuations
annual period of recurrence. Such annual periodicity led directly to the con
of temperature of the Earth in past ages which geologists consider we have
clusion that at that place [in its orbit] the earth incurs a liability to frequent
evidence o f. Stokes also noted that some geological changes which geologists
encounters or concurrences with a stream of meteors in their progress of
assume seem almost too great to be produced by mere upheaval & sinking [of
circulation round the sun.^*
continents] and merely altering the state of the Earth as to configuration of land
Herschels highly suggestive discussion of the zodiacal light made up of solid
and water, current &c - implying that Thomsons view of greater meteoric
bodies which clearly had the same cosmical status as meteors and shooting stars
activity in the past would account more satisfactorily for major geological
thus provided an authoritative basis for William Thomsons employment of the
changes than any uniformitarian view (namely, that the present agents, acting at
zodiacal light as the probable source of the suns heat. According to Thomsons
present rates, were sufficient).
version, which assumed a resisting medium throughout space, continuous with
The appearance of bright stars could similarly be very simply explained by the
the atmospheres of sun and earth - the air-ether (ch. 12) - these meteoric bodies
meteoric theory. As Thomson told Stokes: A star suddenly appearing is merely
would be drawn into the sun in a very gradual spiral although much more
a dark body perhaps as large as the sun moving into a cloud of [meteoric] dust in
rapidly than the planets in virtue of relatively minute inertia. As they reached
space. In a few seconds its surface might become incandescent by the impacts.'*^
denser, more resisting regions of the suns atmosphere, they would ignite: after
On moving out of the cloud, the star might almost as suddenly become dark
a few seconds of time all the dynamical energy the body had... is converted into
heat and radiated off; and the mass itself settles incorporated in the Sun.^^
In the course of this seminal paper, and his dialogue with Stokes, Thomson
Thomson supported the general meteoric hypothesis with the claim that
had convinced himself, not only of the adequacy of the meteoric theory, but of
several cosmological phenomena could be accounted for on that view. Most
its near certainty. He summed up:
important for his purposes was its adequacy for explaining the present rate of
0 Ibid. Ibid., pp. 8-9.
*2 G.G. Stokes to William Thomson, 8 th May, 1854, S371, ULC.
Ibid., pp. 617-18. Ibid., pp. 618-19. MPP, 2, 8. 'i William Thomson to G.G. Stokes, 20th April, 1854, K6 8 , Stokes correspondence, ULC.
514 The economy o f nature The irreversible cosmos 515

In c o n c lu s io n , th e n , th e so u r c e o f e n e r g y fr o m w h ic h solar h e a t is d e r iv e d is u n d o u b t e d ly that in the very same letter he calculated that, given Herschcls estimate for the
m e te o r ic . . . T h e p r in c ip a l so u r c e . . . is in b o d ie s c ir c u la tin g r o u n d th e S u n at p re se n t mass of the sun relative to the mass of the earth, and given the amount of
in sid e th e e a r th s o r b it, an d p r o b a b ly seen in th e su n lig h t b y us and c a lle d th e Z o d ia c a l meteoric matter required by the extra-planetary theory, the acceleration of the
L ig h t . T h e sto r e o f e n e r g y fo r fu tu r e su n lig h t is at p resen t p a r tly d y n a m ic a l, th at o f th e earths motion about the sun would be 5/24 of a year in a 5000 year period. If so,
m o tio n s o f th e se b o d ie s r o u n d th e Sun; an d p a rtly p o te n tia l, that o f th e ir g r a v ita tio n
Thomson concluded the extra-planetary meteoric theory must be false, & we
to w a r d s th e S u n . T h is la tter is g r a d u a lly b e in g sp en t, h a lf a g a in st th e r e sistin g m e d iu m ,
may conclude that the suns heat is generated by the falling in of meteors which
a n d h a lf in c a u sin g a c o n tin u o u s in crea se o f th e fo r m e r . E ach m e te o r th u s g o e s o n m o v in g
for ages have been far inside the earths orbit. H e published this estimate, in an
faster and faster, a n d g e t tin g nearer a n d nearer th e ce n tr e , u n til s o m e tim e , v e r y s u d d e n ly ,
it g e ts t o o m u c h e n ta n g le d in th e so la r a tm o s p h e r e , as to b e g in to lo se v e lo c it y . In a f e w
expanded form, as the first addition, dated 9th May, 1854, to his paper.
se c o n d s m o r e , it is at rest o n th e S u n s su rfa ce, an d th e e n e r g y g iv e n u p is v ib r a te d in a
A second addition, entitled Friction between vortices of meteoric vapour and
m in u te o r t w o a cross th e d istrict w h e r e it w a s g a th e r e d d u r in g so m a n y a ges, u ltim a te ly the suns atmosphere the immediate cause of solar heat also derived in large part
to p e n e tr a te as lig h t th e r e m o te s t r e g io n s o f space. from his dialogue with Stokes. Thomson explained that, since the meteors had
been shown to be for thousands of years within the Earths orbit before falling
The continuing dialogue with Stokes, however, and his own restless intellect, into the Sun, they must move in elliptical or circular orbits. He argued further
produced no less than four important additions to the 1854 paper between May that the atmosphere or resisting medium in space was carried in a vortex round
and August - additions which further refined and developed his views on the the Sun by the meteors and other planets or, as he remarked to Stokes on 20th
nature of the suns heat con.sistently with other astronomical phenomena. First, April: I am much disposed to go back to the vortices, differing only from
he evaluated the effect on the earths motion of matter reaching the sun from Descartes in [their] being dragged round by the planets instead of dragging them
extra-planetary space rather than from within the earths orbit. Second, he round. Thomson then suggested that the great body of meteors circulating
suggested that the suns heat, on further analysis, was due not to solids striking round the sun, and carrying the resisting medium along with them, may be
the sun but to friction in an atmosphere of evaporated meteors. Third, he moving through the medium with very small relative velocities, with the result
linked those refined views on the meteoric theory to John Herschels account of that the effects of the resistance would be extremely gradual in bringing meteors
the suns spots. And, fourth, he published his first estimate of the age of the sun. into the sun. Small meteors revolving close to the sun would acquire the
In his earliest response to the gravitation theory, on 28th May, Stokes had temperature of that part of space and would thus be converted into vapour.
raised the question of the effect of an increase of the suns mass on the earths Consequently, each meteor, when volatilized, will contribute the actual energy
motion. Thomson, anxious to anticipate such objections from physical astron it had before evaporation to a vortex o f revolving vapours, approaching the sun
omy, estimated in his original paper that in forty-seven and one-half years a mass spirally to supply the place of the inner parts which, from moving with
of meteoric matter equal to the earths mass would be drawn into the sun. To enormously greater velocities than the parts of the Suns surface near them, first
account for around 5000 years heat, then, a mass of meteoric matter one- lose motion by intense resistance, and then, from want of centrifugal force, fall
hundred times that of the earth would be required either from the zodiacal light in to the Sun . . . . Thomson thus concluded that the suns heat was caused not by
or from meteors revolving inside the orbit of Mercury. Large though this solids striking him, or darting through his atmosphere, but by friction in an
amount of matter was, he argued, it would nevertheless present no difficulties - atmosphere of evaporated meteors . .
even for physical astronomy. Thus, the matter is drawn from a [region of] space Though Thomsons conception of the nature of the suns heat did not depend
[inside the planetary orbits] where it acts on the planets with nearly the same upon his identification of the suns atmosphere with the luminiferous ether,
forces as when incorporated in the Sun. Thomsons form of the gravitation nevertheless his model of the sun became here a central component in his grand
theory required not more [meteoric matter] than it is perfectly possible does fall scheme of etherial vortices. That scheme encompassed electromagnetism, heat,
into the Sun and he concluded: Hence I think we may regard the adequacy of light, and vortex atoms. Expressed practically in James Thomsons vortex
the meteoric matter theory to be fully established."^ turbine, it transported the engineers concepts of work and waste to macrocos-
Discussing the same issue with Stokes in the letter o f 26th April, Thomson mic and microcosmic domains (ch. 12). In fact, Thomsons meteoric theory of
remarked that he had not yet considered what amount of effect such an the suns heat constituted nothing other than a vast reproduction of the vortex
addn to the Suns mass if coming from extra-planetary space would
produce on the planetary motions but I shall try directly. So directly did he try William Thomson to G.G. Stokes, 26th April and 23rd May, 1854, K69 and K70, Stokes
correspondence, ULC; MPP, 2, 16-19.
't MPP, 2, 19-21; William Thomson to G.G. Stokes, 20th April, 1854, K6 8 , Stokes
" MPF, 2, 13. Ihid.,pp.9-]0. correspondence, ULC.
516 The economy o f nature The irreversible cosmos 517

turbine, in which the meteors delivered their gravitational energy to the sun - a uniformity not explained on the hypotheses by which solid bodies supplied
through friction with its atmosphere rather than by impelling rigid blades. They the suns heat. Solid bodies, revolving about the sun in planes nearly coinciding
therefore produced heat and light directly for distribution through interplan with its equator and striking there, would produce more radiation from that
etary space via vibrations in the continuation of the solar atmosphere, or ether. region than elsewhere. In general, the vortex theory implied that the tempera
He elaborated the requirements for such distribution in his 1854 Note on the ture of the surface of the sun would be o f uniform distribution near to that of
possible density of the luminiferous medium and on the mechanical value of a equilibrium between the vapours and the solid or liquid body of the sun into
cubic mile of sunlight, basing his calculation on the assumption that there must which they were distilling. Deviations from uniformity observed in the sun
be a medium forming continuous material communication throughout space to were probably due to eddies which must be continually produced throughout
the remotest visible body.^^ the atmosphere of intense resistance between his surface and the great vortex of
In the same context, he also discussed the fate of the planet Mercury. The issue meteoric vapour.
had arisen in his letter to Stokes of 26th April in which he had speculated: In order to add still more weight to his meteoric theory, Thomson then
M e r c u r y fa llin g in [to th e su n ] g iv e 10 years h ea t. I f h e falls in as a w h o le , h o w w ill th e
correlated his views withjohn Herschels intricate interpretation of the spots and
lu m in ife r o u s e th e r sta n d it? O f c o u r se th e w h o le su rface o f th e earth w o u ld b e in sta n tly associated phenomena observable on the suns disc.^ While the details will not
sc o r c h e d . M e r c u r y w ill p r o b a b ly fall in b e fo r e th e ea rth has v a r ie d v e r y m u c h fr o m its concern us, it is of interest that Thomson carried his meteoric theory into a very
p r e se n t o r b it; b u t th e s o lid ity o f his m a ss w o u ld n o t so far as I can see b e a g u a r a n te e th a t h e speculative mechanical theory of solar phenomena, indicating how much less
w^^ fall in as a w h o le . It is j u s t p o ss ib le that h e m ig h t b u rst o r e v a p o r a te in to z o d ia c a l lig h t cautious he had become compared to the 1840s and suggesting that at least since
u p o n g e t tin g to th e r e g io n o f in t e n s e resista n ce ( ig n itio n ) a n d n o t cau se a n y in crea se in th e his fathers death in 1849 the wilder tendencies of Williams imaginative
s u n s h ea t, b u t I th in k it m o r e p r o b a b le that h e w o u ld m a k e a g rea t in crease. I b e lie v e that faculties, whether in his scientific or personal life, could no longer be restrained.
i f th e solar sy s te m is p e r m itte d to g o o n lo n g e n o u g h fu lf illin g th e la w s o f m a tte r w h ic h
The fourth and final addition to his paper, entitled On the age of the sun,
w e k n o w , th e su rfa ce o f th e earth w i l l in a f e w se c o n d s or m in u te s b e sc o r c h e d & m e lte d
represented Thomsons earliest numerical estimate of the age of the sun.
b y M e r c u r y fa llin g in to th e S u n . T ill v e r y la te ly I [w a s in d o u b t, del] sa w n o d e c id e d
Conservation o f angular momentum provided the basis o f the calculation
m e c h a n ic a l rea so n fo r a n tic ip a tin g th a t th e E arth w o u ld first cease to b e h a b ita b le fo r m a n
b y th e S u n b e c o m in g c o ld o r b y it s e lf b e c o m in g s c o r c h e d b y g e t tin g t o o near th e Sun.^^
whereby the rotatory motion o f meteors was transferred to the sun and its
atmosphere. Given earlier estimates of the required quantity of meteoric matter
Stokes, for his part, remarked that one is rather startled at first to give the Sun falling in annually, and knowing the present moment of the suns rotatory
such an appetite as to devour 10 Mercurys in a century. Still, we do not know motion, he only needed to work out how long the present rate of fall of meteoric
that he is more abstemious. Thomson in fact reversed his very pessimistic matter would take to produce the suns present rotatory motion. Thus, if we
speculation here for publication in the second addition to his 1854 paper, though suppose a planet orbiting the sun at its surface, and equate the angular momen
the reasons for the changes are obscure. Thus, he asserted, in falling into the sun, tum of the sun to that of the planet, we find (using Keplers third law to calculate
Mercury will, in all probability, be dissipated in vapour long before it reaches the planets angular velocity) the planets mass. Such an imaginary planet would
the region ofintense resistance, instead o f . . . falling in solid, and in a very short be equivalent to the quantity of meteoric matter which would fall in to the sun in
time . . . generating three years heat, to be radiated off in a flash which would 25 000 years at the present rate, assuming that the meteors were revolving in the
certainly scorch one half of the earths surface, or perhaps the whole, as we do not plane of the suns equator. On the vortex hypothesis, however, he modified the
know that such an extensive disturbance of the luminiferous medium would be estimate to 32000 years.
confined by the law of rectilineal propagation.^ Having concluded that it was not improbable that the Earth has been
In the third addition to his 1854 paper, he argued that the vortex theory would efficiently illuminated by the Sun alone for not many times more or less than
account for the nearly uniform radiation from different parts of the suns surface 32 000 years, Thomson suggested that a future problem would be to determine
the mass of the zodiacal light by examining the perturbations it produced in the
William Thomson, N ote on the possible density o f the luminiferous medium and on the motions of the visible planets. Since such perturbations had not been noticed, he
mechanical value o f a cubic mile o f sunlight (read 1st May, 1854), Trans. Royal Soc. Edinburgh, 21 estimated that at most the zodiacal light could amount to 5^ of the suns mass,
(1857), 57-bl; MPP, 2, 28 33, on p. 28.
William Thomson to G.G. Stokes, 26th April, 1854, K69, Stokes correspondence, ULC. MPP, 2, 21-2.
G.G. Stokes to William Thomson, 8 th May, 1854, S371, ULC; William Thomson to G.G. William Thomson to G.G. Stokes, 31 st May, 1854, K71, Stokes correspondence, ULC; MPP,
Stokes, 31st May, 1854, K71, Stokes correspondence, ULC; MPP, 2, 20. 2, 22; Herschel, Outlines, pp. 227-9.
518 The economy o f nature The irrei^ersihle cosmos 519

and since in 3000 years meteors amounting to 5 ^ o f the suns mass were falling heat derived from wood or coal, and the growth of plants all derived from the
in at the present rate, Thomson concluded that Sunlight cannot last as at present potential energy of chemical affinity. Such a store of energy was, however, in
for 300000 years. turn due in general to the sun - the great source from which the mechanical
In several important respects, William Thomsons account of the suns heat in energy of all the motions ofheat ofliving creatures, and all the motion, heat, and
accordance with a gravitational theory bears a close resemblance to that ofJ.R. light derived from fires and artificial flames is supplied- and to the motions and
Mayer enunciated independently six years earlier. Mayer rejected the chemical forces among bodies of the solar system. From these major sources of energy
hypotheses as inadequate for more than 4500 years of light and heat at its present derived both natural motions and those called into existence through mans
rate and, like Thomson, took up John Herschels considerations o f the directing powers (ch. 18).^
zodiacal light to locate the principal source of the suns heat in meteoric matter Thomson then summarized his latest thinking on the nature of the suns heat.
brought to the sun by the effects of a resisting medium. Like Thomson, he also This heat was probably due to friction in the atmosphere between his surface
employed Pouillets data to show the adequacy of a gravitational meteoric and a vortex of vapours, fed externally by the evaporation o f small planets, in a
theory to account for the vast heat supplied by the sun but, unlike Thomson, he region of very high temperature round the sun, which they reach by gradual
supposed the constancy of the suns mass on the supposition that the fall of spiral paths, and falling in torrents of meteoric rain, down from the luminous
meteoric masses was balanced by a decrease of mass due to radiation. He also atmosphere ofintense resistance, to the suns surface. Further inquiry, however,
assumed a replenishment of the zodiacal light from outside the solar system, raised the question of the source from which all the planets, large and small,
making any discussion of the fmiteness of the sun and solar system meaningless. derived their motions. This question, he stated, was one to the answering of
Mayers version nevertheless came much closer than did Waterstons to which mechanical reasoning may legitimately be applied. In other words, the
Thomsons more refined gravitational theory, with the result that, in later years, changing arrangements of matter and energy could be treated mechanically (or
when Thomson became acquainted with Mayers work, he acknowledged thermodynamically) between their origins and endings, although those end
Mayers priority.'^ points themselves, for example the creation of matter or energy ex nihilo,
William Thomsons vision of the solar system integrated the energy princi remained quite beyond mechanical or any other conceivable kind of scientific
ples, the luminiferous ether, and a vortex conception into a unified cosmology. reasoning. He was thus careful to stress that all conclusions about origins and
A cartesian-like vortex, but with the planets carrying the ether, meant that the ends were subject to limitations, as we do not know at what moment a creation
ether offered very little resistance to the planets even though its high density at of matter or energy may have given a beginning, beyond which, mechanical
first sight posed a major conceptual problem. Behind the fragmentary insights speculations cannot lead us. Having recognized this fundamental contingency
lies a profound unity, a unity manifested at the level of the vortex atom (ch. 12). upon the divine will we may, he argued, legitimately push our speculations into
From the immensity of the solar system to the minuteness of the vortex atom, endless futurity, and we can be stopped by no barrier of past time except by
Thomsons search for a coherent synthesis is everywhere apparent. finding at some finite epoch a state of matter derivable from no antecedent by
natural laws - what would, for Thomson, constitute a beginning to the distribu
tion or arrangement of energy and matter in the system (ch. 6).^^
The origins of the sun and solar system
Thomson explained to his audience that, although such initial states were
During the summer of 1854, William Thomson presented a more general conceivable in abstract distributions of heat, yet we have no indications
account of his cosmological system to the meeting of the British Association, whatever of natural instances of it, and in the present state of science we may
held in Liverpool. On mechanical antecedents of motion, heat, and light was look for mechanical antecedents to every natural state of matter which we either
essentially a cosmology of energy, which traced the various conversions and know or can conceive at any past epoch however remote. By tracing into the
transformations of energy in the solar system, and illustrated them by specific past the motions at present observed, using known laws of motion and heat, he
examples. Animal heat and work, the explosion of gunpowder, the work and suggested that all the bodies now constituting our solar system must have been
at infinitely greater distances from one another in space than they are now . An
MPP, 2, 23-5; Burchfield, Age o f the earth, pp. 24 5. David Wilson, IVUliam Thomson. Lord
Kelvin. His way o f teaching natural philosophy (Glasgow, 1910), pp. 15 16, suggests that Thom sons original system of bodies at great distances from one another may, by their
estimate o f endings may have been part o f an attack on contemporary religious fanatics who mutual gravitations, and by the resistance their motions must experience in the
proclaimed that the end o f the world was at hand. Such a suggestion is entirely consistent with
Thom sons latitudinarian position. William Thomson, On the mechanical antecedents o f motion, heat and light, B A A S Report,
Mayer, On celestial dynamics, pp. 2418, 387402; PL, 1, 364; James, Thermodynamics and 24 (18.54), 59-63; Comptes rendus, 40 (1855), 1197 202; MPP, 2, 34-^0, on pp. 34-7. See also
solar heat, pp. 157-61. Burchfield, Age o f the earth, 25-6, for an outline o f this address. ** MPP, 2, 37-8.
520 The economy o f nature The irreversible cosmos 521

gaseous atmosphere [which is] evaporated from them by the heat of their months previously Helmholtz had attended the Hull meeting of the British
collisions after a vast period of time, come into a state of motion, heat, and light, Association, where he may have heard Waterstons paper on the gravitational
analogous to the present condition of our solar system and the stars. He meteoric theory, and now advanced a gravitational theory of his own. Thomson
explained, moreover, the origin of rotatory motion by showing that different responded favourably to Helmholtzs estimate that if the particles at present
systems starting from rest will influence one another so as to acquire contrary constituting the suns mass have been drawn together by mutual gravitation
rotatory motions, without any aggregate of rotatory momentum being ac from a state of infinite diffusion as supposed in the nebular theory - though
quired by the whole. Thomsons bold conclusion on origins, therefore, was that from a static state rather than from a gaseous one - the whole heat generated
'the potential energy ofgrauitation may be in reality the ultimate created antecedent of all would amount to twenty-eight million thermal units centigrade per pound of
the motion, heat, and light at present in the universe' while on ends he reiterated his the suns mass. Helmholtzs estimate, Thomson observed, would be essentially
1852 view that the end of this wor)^ as habitation for man, or for any living unaltered whether we assume, as the antecedent condition of the solar mass, a
creature or plant at present existing in it, is mechanically inevitable.'^ state of infinite diffusion or a state of aggregation in solid masses of any
Thomsons striking remark on gravity as the originally created form of all dimensions small compared with his present dimensions and separated from one
energy corresponds directly to his ether speculations four years later in 1858, on another at comparatively great distances; provided always there has been no
the universal plenum with its primitive contractility (ch. 12). He supposed relative motion among them except what is generated by mutual gravitation.
that it had been created with such a distribution as to density (and possibly also This quantity represented about twenty million times as much heat as was at
with motion though the potential energy of contractility might be the created present radiated off in one year.^^
origin o f all motion) that the present and all past phases of dead matter may have Thomson argued, however, that, while Helmholtzs idea would account for
followed from it in accordance with constant mechanical laws. In 1862 he the suns origin in a manner consistent with his own theory, the heat of original
published a similar speculation on gravity as the cause of cohesion, imagining conglomeration of the suns mass could not be the source of the sunspresent heat,
continuous matter to be so distributed as to form a cellular structure, with high for it would have been nearly all radiated off immediately on being generated.
mass density only in its walls (ch. 11). Apparently he supposed that the process of conglomeration, once begun by
The continuum version of Thomsons gravitational hypothesis evidently collisions, heating, and evaporation of retarding atmospheres, would proceed
constituted a reformulation of J.P. Nichols nebular hypothesis which had also very rapidly. He maintained his own meteoric theory with passionate
been designed to account for progression in obedience to known mechanical conviction:
laws', beginning from an originally nebular form of matter distributed through T h a t th e p resen t solar ra d ia tio n is su p p lie d c h ie fly fr o m a sto r e o f h e a t c o n ta in e d in th e
out space and proceeding to the formation of the solar system with its fit m ass, w h e t h e r c r e a te d th e r e o r g e n e r a te d m e c h a n ic a lly b y th e im p a c t o f m e te o r s w h ic h
habitation for man.^ The two versions agreed also on a fiery end for this h a v e fa lle n in d u r in g r e m o t e p e r io d s o f p ast tim e , ap p ears v e r y im p r o b a b le . O n th e
habitation when the solar system collapsed into the sun. c o n tr a r y , th e re m u s t in all p r o b a b ility b e s o m e a g e n c y c o n tin u a lly su p p ly in g h ea t to
Thomson stressed, however, that the ordinarily stated nebular theory c o m p e n s a te th e lo ss c o n s ta n tly e x p e r ie n c e d b y ra d ia tio n fr o m th e sun; an d th a t a g e n c y . . .

(including Nichols) assumed a p r i m i t i v e s t a t e , implying - to Thomson, can b e n o o th e r th a n th e m e c h a n ic a l a c tio n o f m asses c o m in g f r o m a state o f v e r y rap id
m o t io n r o u n d th e su n to rest o n h is surface.^
but not to Nichol - high kinetic energy, the reverse of his own supposition of
purely potential energy. His theory showed evaporation as a necessary conse By 1871, Thomson had sharpened the distinction between the old nebular
quence o f heat generated by collisions and friction and held the past and present theory and his own (and Helmholtzs) theory. Thus, the old nebular hypothesis
tendency of matter to be the conglomeration of solids and liquids, accompanied supposes the solar system . . . to have originated in the condensation of fiery
by a gradual increase of the quantity of gaseous fluid occupying space. In this nebulous matter. This hypothesis was invented before the discovery of thermo
context he drew particular attention to Helmholtzs 1854 lecture On the dynamics, or the nebulae would not have been supposed to be fiery. Helmholtz
interaction of natural forces delivered at Konigsberg on 7th February. A few had shown in 1854 that it was not necessary to suppose the nebulous matter to
Ibid., p. 40. have been originally fiery, but that mutual gravitation between its parts may
** William Thomson, Journal and research notebook, 1858-1863, NB35, ULC; Ole Knudsen,
have generated the heat to which the present high temperature of the Sun is due.
From Lord Kelvins notebook: ether speculations, Centaurus, 16 (1971), 41-53, on p. 47. William
Thomson, N ote on gravity and cohesion (read 21st April, 1862), Proc. Royal Soc. Edinburgh, 4 Even as early as 1855, however, William Thomsons departure from an ortho-
(1866), 604-6; PL, 1, pp. 59-63. Nichol, Architecture of the heavens, p. 146
>0 MPP, 2, 38. Ibid., pp. 38-9. *2 ^ pp 39_4o.
522 The economy o f nature The irreversible cosmos 523

dox nebular theory - in the tradition of Laplace - had been recognized in earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up. This pessimistic
France. future was, however, happily tempered by the consoling assurance that we,
The Abbe Francois Moignos appraisal of Thomsons cosmogony in his according to His promise, look for new heavens and a new earth . .
journal Cosmos began with a comment on the popular young British savant, In Thomsons theory, then, Moigno recognized a fundamental break with
the spoilt child of English science, who had recently addressed the Academic des Laplacian tradition: the replacement of harmonious stability with progressive
sciences under the title Mechanical antecedents of motion, heat, and light. decay as the grand metaphor of the economy of nature. That break had of course
Moignos account, nevertheless, dramatized Thomsons new departure as occurred much earlier in Nichols nebular hypothesis, which responded specifi
entirely opposed to the traditions of the Laplacian school, and very much cally to new conditions apparently set by Enckes comet (ch. 4). Generally,
outside the reigning French doctrines. He contrasted it with Jacques Babinets however, Nichols hypothesis expressed an intellectual mood shared in the 1830s
cosmogony, essentially in the Laplacian tradition, which had been pubished in and after by a wide variety of writers on all aspects of the natural and political
Revue des deux mondes at about the same time as Thomson had addressed the economy. Progression appeared on every side. Thomsons natural philosophy
AcademieA'*' had begun in that context with the dilemma posed by directionality in physical
For Babinet, the earth had originated in the blazing fiery atmosphere o f the processes, and with Nichols teachings as a primary source of inspiration. In his
sun. A belt or ring of fire had separated from the solar nebula and, condensing own nebular theory he had now realized Nichols visionary prospectus by
while cooling, had formed the earth and moon. For Nichol too the earth and transforming into a cosmogony the insights he had won originally for machines.
other planets began as nebular rings, supposed to be separated by centrifugal Such, then, was the new world view, with implications far beyond the
action from the main nebula. In contrast, Thomson held that in the beginning cosmological and geological, which William Thomson had presented to both
the earth had been at an infinitely greater distance from the sun than it was at the the British Association and the Academic des sciences scarcely half a decade before
present time. As Babinet also argued, Laplace had established - contrary to the Charles Darwins Origin of species, which would inspire Thomson to develop
implication drawn from Newtons non-conservative system, that the Creator further his views on the origins of the solar system, and in particular on the ages
had not been provident enough to give the universe a stable structure o f its own of the earth and sun.
- that the solar system was indeed subject to laws so wise that its permanence was
not at risk. Moigno reminded his readers, however, that Babinet had not been Ibid., pp. 662-4.

affirming the indefinite existence of the world, contrary to revelation, but had
rather suggested that there was no reason for the human race to fear, for a very
long time, the end of the w o rld .T h o m so n , on the other hand, went further
even than Newton, positively asserting that the end of the world was mechani
cally inevitable. The two views differed as day and night.
The eventual end of the earth and solar system, Moigno argued, would be by
cold in the Laplacian theory, as a result of continued radiation of its original heat,
while for Thomson the end would be by fire, that is, by gravitational collapse
into the sun. Moigno saw the return of the most advanced science (Thomsons)
to the solution of a great inspiration, the revelation of Peter: the heavens shall
pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the

Ibid., pp. 25-7. For a discussion o f recent historical analyses o f nebular hypotheses and the
stabilist nature o f Laplaces ideas see J.H. Brooke, Nebular contraction and the expansion o f
naturalism, an essay review o f R.L. Numbers, Creation by natural law: Laplaces nebular hypothesis in
American thought (Seattle and London, 1977), in Brit.J. Hist. Sci., 12 (1979), 200-11. For the contrast
with Nichol (discussed below) see Simon Schaffer, The nebular hypothesis and the science o f
progress, in J.R. Moore (ed.). The humanity of evolution, (Cambridge, forthcoming).
F.N.M . M oigno, Cosmogenie, Cosmos, 6 (1855), 659-64; Jacques Babinet, Astronomie
cosmogonique. La terre avant les epoques geologique. Revue des Deux Mondes, 10 (1855), 702-26.
For a whiggish discussion o f Laplace, see S.L. Jaki, The five forms o f Laplaces cosm ogony, A m .J.
Phys., 44 (1976), 4-11. ** M oigno, Cosmogonic, pp. 661-2.
The age o f the sun controversies 525

I a m g la d y o u fe e l d isp o s e d to e x p o s e s o m e o f th e r u b b ish w h ic h has b e e n th ru st o n th e

^5 p u b lic la te ly . N o t th a t D a r w in is so m u c h t o b la m e b e c a u se 1 b e lie v e h e h a d n o in te n tio n

o f p u b lis h in g a n y fin is h e d th e o r y b u t ra th er to in d ic a te d iffic u ltie s to b e s o lv e d . . . It
ap p ears th a t n o w a d a y s th e p u b lic care fo r n o t h in g u n less it b e o f a sta r tlin g n atu re.
The age of the sun controversies N o t h in g p lea se s t h e m m o r e than p a rso n s w h o p r ea ch a g a in st th e e ffic a c y o f p ra y e r an d
p h ilo s o p h e r s w h o fin d a lin k b e t w e e n m a n k in d a n d th e m o n k e y o r g o r illa c e r ta in ly a
m o s t p le a sin g e x a m p le o f w h a t muscular C h r is tia n ity m a y lea d to.^

Thomsons earliest opportunity to expose some of the rubbish came at the

September, 1861, meeting of the British Association held in Manchester. A
A s to th e su n , w e ca n n o w g o b o th b a c k w a r d s a n d fo r w a r d s in h is h is to r y ,
serious leg injury in December, 1860, however, prevented him from attending
u p o n th e p r in c ip le s o f N e w t o n an d J o u le . A la r g e p r o p o r tio n o f B r itish the meeting in person, and his paper on the suns heat was probably read by his
p o p u la r g e o lo g is t s o f th e p re se n t d a y h a v e b e e n lo n g e r c o n te n te d than o th e r colleague, H.D. Rogers (professor of natural philosophy), who had assisted with
sc ie n tific m e n , to lo o k u p o n th e sun as F o n t e n e lle s roses lo o k e d u p o n th e ir the natural philosophy class during Thomsons long absence. Significantly, the
g a r d e n e r . O u r g a r d e n e r , sa y th e y , is a v e r y o ld m a n ; w it h in th e m e m o r y Manchester meeting followed the 1860 Oxford meeting at which Bishop
o f roses h e is th e sa m e as h e has a lw a y s b een ; it is im p o s s ib le h e can e v e r d ie , Samuel Wilberforce and Thomas Henry Huxley (1825-95) had engaged in
o r b e o th e r tha n h e is. S ir W illiam Thomson, 1868^ celebrated debate.'^ Joules letter, therefore, almost certainly relates to this con
text, urging as it did an authoritative ruling from Thomson for the benefit of
a misguided public.
The primafacie reason for William Thomsons publication in 1862 o f articles On Thomsons 1862 papers, then, are immediate responses, set within the frame
the age o f the suns heat and On the secular cooling of the earth was to provide work of his own developing views on the nature and origin of the solar system,
a critical response to the immense time scales apparently demanded by Charles to the Darwinian debates. With regard to the suns heat, however, his response
Darwins 1859 The origin of species by means of natural selection. As Thomson takes place in the light of a fairly radical transition from commitment to the
himself posed the question at the heart of his Macmillans Magazine article on the gravitational (condensation) form o f meteoric theory of 1854 to a gravitational
suns heat: What then are we to think of such geological estimates as 300 million (contraction) form of primitive heat theory advocated by Helmholtz in the same
years for the denudation of the Weald? . Thomson was referring directly year. Throughout the period from 1861 until his death in 1907, William
here to Darwins discussion o f the wide valley, known as the Weald of Kent, Thomson would remain staunchly committed, on both religious and practical
lying between the North and South Downs of southeast England, a valley which grounds, to this cosmological synthesis, which would set limits to human
Darwin had supposed to result from the encroachment of the sea upon the line of habitation of the earth and explain the great source of energy available to man
chalk cliffs at a rate of one inch in a century. Darwins estimate of geological for the production of mechanical effect. Speaking on the suns heat to the Royal
time, then, provided a specific target for Thomsons attacks.^ Institution in 1887, he gave implicit expression to his own underlying regrets
Yet Thomson did not merely aim to correct false assumptions in Darwins that his harvesting of science in other fields had diverted him from such grand
text. His critique ultimately sought to undermine both Darwinian natural questions;
selection and the Lyellian perspective on geological time upon which Darwins
T h e su n , a m e r e p ie c e o f m a tte r o f th e m o d e r a te d im e n s io n s w h ic h w e k n o w it to h a v e ,
theory had been founded. Underlying his attack, therefore, we shall find a b o u n d e d all r o u n d b y c o ld e th e r , h as b e e n d o in g w o r k at th e rate o f 4 7 6 x h o r se
continuing commitment to progression and design, shared with his fellow p o w e r fo r 3 0 0 0 y ea rs, an d p o s s ib ly m o r e [th a n this rate], c e r ta in ly n o t m u c h less, fo r a f e w
critics o f Darwin, viz., Sedgwick, Hopkins, and John Phillips (1800-74). As m illio n y ears. H o w is th is to b e e x p la in e d ? N a tu r a l p h ilo s o p h y c a n n o t e v a d e th e q u e stio n ,
Joule expressed Thomsons intentions in a letter o f 13th May, 1861: a n d n o p h y sic is t w h o is n o t e n g a g e d in t r y in g to a n sw e r it can h a v e a n y o th e r ju s tific a tio n
th a n th a t h is w h o le w o r k in g t im e is o c c u p ie d w it h w o r k o n s o m e su b je c t o r su b jects o f h is
^ Sir William Thomson, Discussion o f Professor Grants paper On the physical constitution o f p r o v in c e b y w h ic h h e has m o r e h o p e o f b e in g a b le to a d v a n c e science.
the sun, Proc. Phil. Soc. Glasgow, 1 (1869-71), 111-12.
^ William Thomson, On the age o f the suns heat, Macmillans Mag., 5 (1862), 288-93; PL, 1,
J.P. Joule to William Thomson, 13th May, 1861, J269, ULC.
349-68, on p. 361; Charles Darwin, The origin ofspecies by means o f natural selection (Pelican reprint o f
* On the H uxley-W ilberforce confrontation see J.R. Moore, The post-Darwinian controversies
first edition, 1968), pp. 296-7; J.D. Burchfield, Lord Kelvin and the age o f the earth (London, 1975),
pp. 70-2. (Cambridge, 1979), pp. 60-2. PL, 1, 370-1.

The age o f the sun controversies 527
526 The economy o f nature

On the age of the suns heat

In the previous chapter we drew attention to William Thomsons verdict in a
footnote of 4th May, 1854, to his paper On the mechanical energies of the solar
system that, even if the cooling of the sun were not merely by conduction, the
suns thermal capacity (assumed to be as great as an equal mass of water) would
not be large enough to account for the annual emission of heat at the present rate.
Thus he rejected at that time two versions of a primitive heat theory: first,
cooling by conduction only and second, cooling by a form of convection
(suggested by Stokes a few days earlier) whereby the sun could be in a state of
fusion, in which case if the surface cooled a little, and so became denser, the other
portions would descend, and be renewed from beneath.^ In order to compen
sate for the inadequate thermal capacity of either version, therefore, Thomson
had committed himself to meteoric agency within the earths orbit.
From early 1860, however, Thomson began to entertain doubts about the
meteoric theory and switched to another compensatory agency which had
already been suggested by Helmholtz. Shrinkage or contraction of the sun
would replace meteoric action. But Thomsons own position in 1861-2 was far
from clear, and it is only in subsequent papers that the radical nature of the
change of theory becomes fully explicit. Thus in 1871 he explained:
[In 1 8 5 4 H e lm h o lt z ] m a d e th e im p o r ta n t o b s e r v a tio n s th at th e p o te n tia l e n e r g y o f
g r a v ita tio n in th e S u n is e v e n n o w far fr o m e x h a u ste d ; b u t that w it h fu r th er an d fu r th e r
s h r in k in g m o r e a n d m o r e h ea t is to b e g e n e r a te d , and th at th u s w e can c o n c e iv e th e Sun
e v e n n o w to p o ssess a su ffic ien t sto r e o f e n e r g y to p r o d u c e h eat an d lig h t, a lm o s t as at
p r esen t, fo r se v era l m illio n years o f tim e fu tu r e . It o u g h t, h o w e v e r , to b e a d d e d th a t this
c o n d e n s a tio n [c o n tr a c tio n ] can o n ly f o llo w fr o m c o o lin g , a n d th e r e fo r e that H e lm h o lt z s
g r a v ita tio n a l e x p la n a tio n o f fu tu r e S u n -h e a t a m o u n ts r e a lly to s h o w in g th at th e S u n s
th e r m a l c a p a c ity is e n o r m o u s ly g r e a te r , in v ir tu e o f th e m u tu a l g r a v ita tio n b e t w e e n th e Hermann Helmholtz first met Thomson in 1855. His views on cosmology, as on
parts o f so e n o r m o u s a m a ss, than th e su m o f th e th e r m a l ca p a c itie s o f separate an d sm a lle r vortex motion, frequently entered Thom sons natural philosophy. For his part,
b o d ie s o f th e sa m e m a ter ia l an d sa m e to ta l mass.'^ Helmholtz from the beginning claimed that Thomson 'exceeds all the great men o f
science with whom 1 have made personal acquaintance, in intelligence, and lucidity,
Thomsons explicit commitment to Helmholtzs model emerged only gradu and mobility o f thought, so that I felt quite wooden beside him sometimes. [From
ally, however, beginning with his 1854 opinion of Helmholtzs lecture. Nature, 15 (1876-7), facing p. 389.)
In Thomsons 1854 British Association address he had inserted a footnote to
his conclusion that Helmholtzs theory and his own meteoric theory might cooling that any condensation can be taking place; and the heat emitted in
complement one another in so far as the heat generated by mutual gravitation consequence of condensation by cooling, would depend merely on the specific
must have been nearly all radiated off immediately and that meteors supplied heat of the whole mass in its actual circumstances of temperature and pressure,
the compensating agency. The footnote explained that it is quite certain that it and might (for all we know of the properties of matter at such high tempera
[the source of the suns heat] cannot, as the nebular theory has led some to tures) be greater than, equal to, or less than the thermal equivalent of the work
suppose it may, be the energy of gravitation effecting any continued condensa done by gravity on the contracting body.* At this time, then, the contraction
tion of the suns present mass, since without increased pressure, it is only by
* William Thomson, On the mechanical antecedents o f motion, heat, and light, B A A S Report,
MPP, 2, 3m; G.G. Stokes to William Thomson, 24th April, 1854, S370, ULC. 24 (1854), 59-63, on p. 62m. This footnote is omitted from MPP, 2 , 3 4 - ^ . We would like to thank
MPP, 2, 26. Frank James for this information.
528 The economy o f nature 529
The age o f the sun controversies

model provided no decisive answer to the demand for a compensatory agency, initial doubts about the consistency of the meteoric theory with the motion of
while the meteoric theory clearly did. Mercury and preceded Helmholtzs Royal Institution discourse On the applica
By 1859, however, the French astronomer U.J.J. Leverriers great researches tion of the law o f the conservation o f force to organic nature in the spring of
on the motion of the planet Mercury provided grounds for Thomsons aban 1861 where he summarized his earlier views on the suns heat.^^
donment of his conviction that the zodiacal light (in meteoric form) provided In his 1854 paper Helmholtz had included an analysis of continued release of
the present source of the suns heat. In August, 1854, Thomson had estimated heat from the sun due to gradual contraction of its solid or liquid mass. He
that the zodiacal atmosphere must at present amount to at least 5^^ of the suns explained that the measure of the work performed by the condensation of the
mass in order to account for a future supply o f3000 years heat. He suggested that mass from a state of infinitely small density is the potential of the condensed mass
disturbance in the motions of visible planets should be looked for in order to upon itself and set this potential equal to the quantity of heat produced in the
determine the possible amount of matter in the zodiacal light. Speaking to the suns mass. The resulting equation gave an estimate of about twenty-eight
Glasgow Philosophical Society in December, 1859, he noted that Leverriers million degrees centigrade for the elevation of temperature. He concluded
researches afforded the kind of evidence of the existence of matter circulating further, however, that a diminution of 1/10000 of the radius of the sun
round the Sun within the earths orbit which he had called for in 1854. In other [assumed to be o f uniform density] would generate work, in a water mass equal
words, the perturbation in Mercurys motion could be accounted for by the to the sun, equivalent to 2861 degrees Centigrade. And as, according to Pouillet,
existence of planetary matter seen as the Zodiacal Light, long before a quantity of heat corresponding to 1;^ degrees is lost annually in such a mass, the
conjectured to consist of a cloud of corpuscles circulating round the Sun, and, in condensation referred to would cover the loss for 2289 years. Helmholtz also
the dynamical theory of the Suns radiation, supposed to contain the reserve of added that, for greater density nearer the centre of the sun, the potential of its
force from which this Earth, as long as it continues a fit habitation for man as at mass and the corresponding quantity of heat will be still greater.^^ So great,
present constituted, is to have its fresh supplies of heat and light. however, had been Thomsons commitment to his own theory in 1854 that he
A few weeks later, however, in early January, 1860, Thomson concluded that had not then paid much attention to Helmholtzs discussion of contraction.
if matter has been really falling in at the rate supposed by my dynamical theory In his 1861 address to the physics section of the British Association, William
of the solar radiation, the place from which it has been falling must be either Thomson claimed that the sun is probably an incandescent liquid mass, radiat
nearer the Sun or more diffused from the plane of Mercurys orbit than he had ing away heat without any appreciable compensation by the influx of meteoric
supposed. Thus the survival o f the meteoric theory would have depended on matter. H e had thus publicly abandoned his meteoric theory. As to the nature
finding a place for a sufficient future dynamic supply without supposing a of the replacement theory, however, his position was rather less decisive. In the
denser distribution of meteors or meteoric vapours than is consistent with what draft of his address he struggled to find a form of words which would suggest a
we know of the motion of comets before and after passing very close to the gentle transition, rather than a radical shift, from his own earlier condensation
Sun.^^ (meteoric) theory to Helmholtzs contraction theory. He therefore referred to
During the remainder of 1860, two different but significant events occurred the meteoric theory of solar heat in a form somewhat modified from that in
which set the scene for the following years British Association paper, Physical which he [Thomson] had himself formerly held it but deleted this version in
considerations regarding the possible age of the suns heat. First, in June, favour o fa form nearly agreeing with that in which it was stated by Helmholtz
Thomson attended the Oxford meeting of the British Association, at which in 1854.^ The final published version, however, spoke of the meteoric theory
Huxley and Wilberforce had their celebrated and (what later became) symbolic in the form in which it was advocated by Helmholtz. T h u s he abandoned at
confrontation. We do not know of Thomsons immediate reaction, but the last his own explicit claims to parentage, but retained a clear link between the
remarks o f Joule quoted earlier suggest Thomsons desire to raise the post- meteoric theory and Helmholtzs theory, thereby blurring the transition from
Darwinian debate above the level of popular controversy. And second, in his former views to his new position and making no mention of contraction as a
August, Helmholtz visited Thomson in Arran. This visit followed Thomsons
1 2 SPT, 1, 409-17; Hermann Helmholtz, On the application o f the law o f the conservation o f

force to organic nature, Proc. Royal Inst., 3 (1858-62), 347-57.

MPP, 2, 24-5; PL, 1, 353. Hermann Helmholtz, On the interaction o f natural forces, Phil. Mag., [series 4], 11 (1856),
William Thomson, Recent investigations o f M. Le Verrier on the motion o f Mercury, Proc. 489-518, esp. pp. 516-17.
Phil. Soc. Glasgow, 4 (1855-60), 265-6; MPP, 5, 134-7. William Thomson, Physical considerations regarding the possible age o f the Suns heat,
*' William Thomson, On the variation o f the periodic times o f the earth and inferior planets, B A A S Report, 31 (1861), 27-8.
produced by matter falling into the Sun, Proc. Phil. Soc. Glasgow, 4 (185.5-60), 272-4; MPP, 5, William Thomson, Draft o f Physical considerations regarding the possible age o f the Suns
138^ 0. heat, October, 1861, NB46, ULC. Thomson, Physical considerations, p. 28.
530 The economy o f nature The age o f the sun controversies 531

compensating agency, which, unlike meteoric action, required no diffused figures, a contraction of 0.1 % of the suns diameter - assuming uniform density
meteoric vortex around the sun. through the sun - would be equal to 20 000 times the annual radiation of heat
The immediate aim of Thomsons 1862 Macmillans Magazine article on the from the sun, or 200000 times for a 1% contraction. Thus, even without
suns heat was an application of his energy principles to the discovery of historical evidence as to the constancy o f his diameter, it seems safe to conclude
probable limits to the periods of time, past and future, during which the sun can that no such contraction [1% in 860 years] . . . can have taken place in reality.
be reckoned as a source of heat and light. He discussed the subject in three Thomson suspected, therefore, that the physical circumstances of the suns mass
general sections: first, the secular cooling of the sun (in which he rejected both [especially the enormous pressure borne by the interior] render the condition of
the meteoric and chemical theories as sources for the suns present heat, conclud the substances of which it is composed, as to expansibility and specific heat, very
ing that the sun was merely an incandescent liquid mass cooling); second, the differentfrom that o f the same substances when experimented on in our terrestrial
present temperature of the sun; and, third, the origin and total amount of the laboratories.^^
suns heat. In this final section, he maintained a gravitational form of the In order to place limits on the period o f time during which the sun had existed
meteoric theory as the cause of the suns origin, and concluded that there was no in something like its present state, Thomson argued first that it must have
difficulty in accounting for twenty million years heat by continuing contrac radiated away at least as much heat in cooling as there was mechanical energy
tion. It seemed probable, however, that the sun had not illuminated the earth for generated in contraction, for it seemed to him in the highest degree improbable
a hundred million years, and that it was almost certain that the sun had not done [presumably from the dissipation principle] that mechanical energy can in any
so for 500 million y e a r s . T h i s latter figure, then, was Thomsons upper limit case increase in a body contracting in virtue of cooling. He therefore set the heat
for the age of the sun. loss in cooling equal to that generated by contraction, which provided a relation
Turning in the first section to the question of the secular cooling and age of the between specific heat and expansibility cubed. Arguing further that a more
suns heat, Thomson remarked that we have data on which we might plausibly rapid contraction of the suns diameter than 0.1% in 20000 years was improb
found a probable estimate, and from which we might deduce, with at first sight able and anything faster than 0.1 % in 8600 years was scarcely possible, and that
seemingly well-founded confidence, limits, not very wide, within which the an expansibility of its mass less than one-tenth that of glass improbable, he
present true rate of the suns cooling must lie. Such estimates were based on the concluded that its specific heat must be at least ten times that of water. Similarly,
acceptance, first, of the independent but concordant investigations of Hcrschel because the expansibility was unlikely to be greater than that of glass, the specific
and Pouillet on the amount of heat radiated by the sun, and, second, that the heat could not exceed 10000 times that of water.
suns substance is very much like the earths - a conviction supported by Given these limits on specific heat between ten and 10 000 times that of water,
Stokess, Bunsens, and Kirchhoffs researches in solar chemistry, showing the the earth would decrease in temperature by 100C in something between 700
presence o f sodium, iron, manganese and other metals in the sun. On this second and 700000 years. Employing this reasoning to criticize Darwins 300 million
assumption, Thomson stated, the mean specific heat of the sun might be taken at years, Thomsons upper limit of 100C in 700000 years would give a cooling of
first sight to be less - certainly not much greater - than that of water. Taking the about 21 000C in 300 million years, an unacceptably large figure for the secular
mean specific heat of the sun, then, to be unity, yielded a present annual rate of cooling of the sun. He therefore concluded his discussion with a crucial rhetori
cooling of 1.4C per annum. cal question:
If, however, we supposed the suns matter to be the same as the earths, it W h e th e r is it m o r e p r o b a b le th at th e p h y sic a l c o n d itio n s o f th e s u n s m a tte r d iffer 1 0 0 0
would be plausible to assume not only a similarity in specific heats but also in tim e s m o r e th an d y n a m ic s c o m p e l us to s u p p o s e th e y d iffer fr o m th o s e o f m a tte r in o u r
expansibility. Thus, Thomson argued, if the sun contracted on cooling to the la b o r a to r ie s; o r th a t a s to r m y sea, w it h p o ss ib le c h a n n e l tid e s o f e x t r e m e v io le n c e , sh o u ld
same extent as an average terrestrial body - such as solid glass - there would be e n c r o a c h o n a c h a lk c lif f 1 0 0 0 tim e s m o r e r a p id ly than M r D a r w in s e s tim a te o f o n e in c h

in 860 years a contraction of one percent on the suns diameter, which could p er century?^

scarcely have escaped detection by astronomical observation. More especially, In his elliptical style, Thomson here invited his reader to consider whether it was
such a large contraction would, on Helmholtzs estimate of the amount of work more difficult to accept channel tides o f extreme violence than to accept that the
performed by the mutual gravitation between the different parts of the suns
PL, 1, 356 7. Our emphasis. In his July, 1861, notebook he had concluded that it was not
contracting mass, release unacceptably large amounts of heat. On Helmholtzs
improbable that the enormous pressures to which the Suns mass at considerable depths below his
PL. 1, 349-f)8. surface are subjected may greatly increase its specific heat and it would not be safe with our present
Ibid., pp. 354-f). The draft for this part o f Thom sons paper may be located in his Research knowledge to assume the mean specific heat o f the Suns mass to be anything less than thousands o f
notebook, July, 1861, NB45, ULC. times the specific heat o f water as we have it on earth. PL, 1, 357-61.
532 The economy o f nature The age o f the sun controversies 533

properties of the suns matter differed in magnitude from those of the earth by ing number of times the present yearly amount of loss. He therefore concluded
much more (1000 times) than the above dynamical reasoning already demanded. with the crucial claim (though without detailed calculation) that it seemed on
By implication, the answer had to be that there could be no obstacle in the way the whole most probable that the sun has not illuminated the earth for
of accepting the probability of violent tides, thus making Darwins estimate of 100 000 000 years, and most certain that he has not done so for 500 000 000 years.
the time for denudation quite unacceptable. As for the future, Thomson claimed, inhabitants of the earth cannot continue to
In the short second part of his 1862 paper, Thomson argued for a distinction enjoy the light and heat essential to their life, for many million years longer,
between the present temperatures at the surface and in the interior of the sun. unless sources now unknown to us are prepared in the great storehouse of
Since the heat radiated from each square foot of the suns surface was only about creation.23 Consistent with his theology of nature, which emphasized the
7000 horse-power - a figure first mentioned in his 1854 correspondence with contingency of all nature on Gods will, he left open the possibility of Provi
Stokes - and since coal burning in a locomotive furnace could produce an dence preparing for the solar system other sources of energy which would
estimated to ^ of this power per square foot, Thomson believed that the ensure its continuation beyond the time that the present laws allowed.
surface temperature was not incomparably higher than temperatures attainable
artificially in our terrestrial laboratories. On the other hand, the fluid interior of
the sun would be at a far higher temperature since direct conduction can play no Thomsons cosmological vision
sensible part in the transference of heat between the inner and outer portions of
his mass, and there must be an approximab convective equilibrium throughout Thomson had adopted in 1854 the view that the potential energy of gravitation
the whole. may be in reality the ultimate created antecedent of all the motion, heat, and
The final section ofThomsons article discussed the origin and total amount of light at present in the universe. In other words, it was the original form of all the
the suns heat. Having adopted the view of the sun as an incandescent but energy in the universe.^'* Such a speculation conformed to his theology of
contracting liquid mass, he now considered the origin of that heated mass. As nature in which God had created energy ex nihilo in the beginning by His
before, the fundamental dissipation principle constrained his range of options: absolute power and had sustained its quantity by His ordained power. But while
Thomson could remain content with potential energy as the original form of
It is certa in th a t it [th e s u n s h ea t] c a n n o t h a v e e x is te d in th e su n th r o u g h an in fin ity o f p ast
energy, the meteoric theory of the origin of the suns heat raised the problem of
tim e , sin ce , as lo n g as it has so e x is te d , it m u st h a v e b e e n su ffe r in g d issip a tio n , an d th e
the original or primitive forms of matter. Discussion of this important issue took
fin ite n e ss o f th e su n p r e c lu d e s th e s u p p o s itio n o f an in fin ite p r im it iv e sto re o f h ea t in his
b o d y . T h e su n m u st, th e r e fo r e , e ith e r h a v e b e e n c r ea ted as an a c tiv e so u r c e o f h ea t at s o m e
place in a letter to his brother-in-law. Rev David King (1806-83), on 3rd
t im e o f n o t im m e a s u r a b le a n tiq u ity , b y an o v e r - r u lin g d ecree ; o r th e h eat w h ic h h e has
February, 1862.
a lrea d y ra d ia ted a w a y , a n d th a t w h ic h h e still po ssesses, m u s t h a v e b e e n a c q u ir e d b y a Thomson made clear that he regarded as a very improbable supposition the
n a tu ra l p r o c e ss, f o llo w in g p e r m a n e n tly e sta b lish e d law s.^ ^ idea o fshapeless detached stones being a primitive form of matter and rejected
as mere hypothesis the notion that the meteors had arisen from the disruption
The former supposition - direct divine intervention - he regarded not as
of more dignified masses. Thus, while he readily accepted these shapeless
incredible, but as improbable, especially if one could discover a natural process
fragments of matter which we knew to exist in space as the probable cause of the
not contradictory to known physical laws. That natural process was his theory
original heat of the sun, his real objection concerned rather the assumption of
of meteoric origins and subsequent contraction.
meteors as the ultimate, primitive form of matter existing from eternity:
Employing Helmholtzs calculation, Thomson concluded that we may ac
cept as a lowest estimate, 10000000 times a years supply at present rate. W h a t is large an d w h a t is small e v e n to o u r id ea s, e n la r g e d an d e n lig h te n e d b y scien ce? W e
are e q u a lly far f r o m c o m p r e h e n d in g an act o f c r e a tio n o u t o f n o t h in g , w h e th e r it b e o f
Allowing for dissipation of energy by impact and resistance before the final
m a tte r in a fin is h e d an d a p p r o x im a te ly r o u n d g lo b e lik e th e ea rth , o r in sm a ll so lid
conglomeration, and for a much greater density towards the centre of the sun,
fr a g m e n ts o r in a g e n e r a l d iffu se d m e d iu m ; a lt h o u g h p erh ap s th e last m a y s e e m th e m o s t
however, we may regard 50000000 or 100000000 as possible. Taking into
p r o b a b le to us in o u r p r esen t state o f fe e b le e n lig h te n m e n t . B u t w it h o u t a tte m p tin g
account the implications of his earlier discussion of the possible specific heat of a n y th in g so m u c h b e y o n d o u r p o w e r s as th e d is c o v e r y o f the p r im it iv e c o n d itio n o f
the sun, its rate of cooling, and its surface temperature, Thomson further stated m a tte r , w e su c c e ss fu lly in v e s tig a te th e p re se n t c o n d itio n , an d a r g u e fr o m a n a lo g ie s an d
that the sun must have been very sensibly warmer one million years ago than
now, and so must have radiated away considerably more than the correspond- Ibid., pp. 365-8.
2-* MPP, 2, 40; William Thomson and P.G. Tait, Energy, Good Words, 3 (1862), 601-7, on
Ibid., pp. 361-3. Ibid., pp. 363-4. p. 606.
534 The economy o f nature The age o f the sun controversies 535

from strict dynamical reasoning, [to] what must have been the antecedent condition . . . up all fragments and to present the Universe united, compact, tending to one end - a type
back to more or less ancient times. o f its August CREATOR.^

These remarks made clear that neither a finished globe nor matter in meteoric By 1862, Thomsons convictions had become sufficiently developed for him
form were inconsistent with his voluntarist theology of nature which placed the to present, along with Tait, a popular account of his cosmos, directed principally
act of creation of matter (in whatever form) ex nihilo in the hands, not of human against John Tyndall (1820-93), in the Presbyterian magazine Good Words.
science, but of God. However, the concept o f a general diffused medium Tyndalls so-called naturalism, which assigned no role to God, and which placed
allowed much greater scope for the operation of secondary (mechanical) causes all things (including mind) under the rule of deterministic, materialistic law,
and so for the activity o f human science in tracing antecedent conditions back to regularly provoked the wrath o f his Scottish contemporaries (ch. 18), as did his
more or less ancient times. Thomsons words in fact echo those of his Cam failure to comprehend the Second Law of Thermodynamics. The authors
bridge coach, William Hopkins, when in 1847 he explained to the British outlined Thomsons new view of the sun as a heated body cooling and referred
Association at Oxford his preference for a fluid, rather than a solid, earth at some to his 1854 view o f the possible origin of energy at the creation as excessively
former epoch as the basis for explaining volcanic action. According to the fluid instructive. Thus, created simply as difference of position o f attracting masses,
hypothesis the terrestrial mass must have been more entirely free to receive all the potential energy of gravitation was the original form of all the energy in the
the modifications of constitution and form which physical and mechanical universe. Given the tendency o f all energy ultimately to become heat which
causes may have tended to impress upon it up to the present epoch, than if it had cannot be transformed without a new creative act into any other modification
always existed in a state of solidity. W e must also recall Thomsons strong . . . the result will be an arrangement o f matter possessing no realizable potential
preference, from at least 1854, for a continuum theory of matter, leading to his energy, but uniformly h o t. . . chaos and darkness as in the beginning" [Genesis
vortex atoms (ch. 12). 1; 1-2]. Prior to this ending of the universe, however, our solar system will have
The same air-ether of his letters to Stokes in 1854 and to Tait in 1862 appeared undergone tremendous throes and convulsions, destroying every now existing
also in a letter to David King dated 8th January, 1862, reaffirming Thomsons form. And so as surely as the weights of a clock must run down to their lowest
attachment to a continuum theory of the world: I think it possible that the suns position, from which they can never rise again, unless fresh energy is communi
heat, which we know to be radiating away dissipated through space, may have cated to them from some source not yet exhausted, so surely must planet after
the effect of evaporating matter in very distant regions, and preparing a suitable planet creep in, age by age, towards the sun and a fiery end. Thomson and Tait
medium or atmosphere (for I think the word atmosphere, or interplanetary air, is emphasized the consistency between their cosmos and the biblical text:
quite as appropriate as ether, which is in fact aer, or a luminiferous medium, by we have the sober scientific certainty that heavens and earth shall wax old as doth a
which the fluid occupying the region in space through which the earth moves is garment [Psalm 102:26]; and that this slow progress must gradually, by natural agencies
more commonly called) for the propagation of light, and generally for the which wc sec going on under fixed laws, bring about circumstances in which the
requisites of a world Thomsons powerful commitment to an ether here elements shall melt with fervent heat [2 Peter 3:10]. With such views forced upon us by
suggests a strong belief in the unity, economy, and practical simplicity of Gods the contemplation o f dynamical energy and its laws o f transformation in dead matter,
creation. Thus the creation of a single, unifying ether from which all other forms dark indeed would be the prospects o f the human race if unillumined by that light which
of matter derived was preferable to either the multiple creation of different reveals new heavens and a new earth [2 Peter 3:13].^
material entities or to the creation of vast numbers of separate atoms. Thomsons Although these biblical references appeared in a popular article aimed at a
aer performed the same role asJ.P. Nichols nebular matter; likewise his views religious readership, the account was essentially the same as that provided by
on the unity of creation matched those of Nichol: Thomsons 1851 draft in which the theological framework was an unambiguous
We are all too easily inclined to look on creation as made up o f isolated parts - o f expression of his own deepest convictions.
independent or individual classes o f beings. .. and most o f what we divide and parcel out Within a few months, James Challis responded to Thomson and Taits view
into isolated bundles, is nothing other than the parts o f the same grand scheme. of the suns heat. Challis believed that the differing views advocated by
Philosophy has taught this for ages - it is in fact the secret o f her life; for she aims to gather Thomson in 1854 and 1862 give evidence . . . that the problem of the suns heat
has not yet been solved. Challis, however, was not content merely to criticize.
William Thomson to Rev David King, 3rd February, 1862, in SPT, 1, 422-3. From his assumptions that all visible and tangible substances consist of discrete
William Hopkins, Report on the geological theories o f elevation and earthquakes, B A A S
Report, 17 (1847), 33-92, on p. 37. j.P. Nichol, Views of the architecture o f the heavens: in a series oj letters to a lady (Edinburgh, 1838),
William Thomson to Rev David King, 8th January, 1862, in SPT, 1, 421-2; PL, 1, 421-2. pp. 166-8. Thomson and Tait, Energy, pp. 606-7.
536 The economy o f nature The age o f the sun controversies 537

inert atoms of spherical form and constant magnitude and that the force of heat implications of Thomsons irreversible cosmos. Emphasizing that the rate at
is due to the dynamical action of the direct vibrations o f the aether, he claimed which the planetary system is thus dying is perfectly measurable, if not yet
that the theoretical explanation o f the suns internal heat was to be given in terms perfectly measured, he concluded:
o fstellar-undulations, of whatever kind, entering his vast body... [and having] w e are assu red that th e su n w ill b e t o o c o ld fo r o u r o r D a r w in s p u r p o se s b e fo r e m a n y
their effects multiplied to an incalculable amount by the reaction of the immense m illio n s o f y ears - a lo n g t im e , b u t far e n o u g h fr o m c o u n tle ss ages; q u ite s im ila r ly past
number of atoms. In this way the continual generation of new undulations c o u n tle ss a g es are in c o n c e iv a b le , in a sm u c h as th e h e a t re q u ir e d b y th e su n to h a v e a llo w e d
both maintains the heat, and supplies the loss resulting from the continual h im to c o o l fr o m t im e im m e m o r ia l, w o u ld b e su ch as to tu rn h im in to m e r e v a p o u r ,
propagation of undulations from the body of the sun. .. [and] the suns heat will w h ic h w o u ld e x t e n d o v e r th e w h o le p la n e ta r y s y s te m , an d e v a p o r a te us e n tir e ly . . .
be constant so long as the calorific action of the universe is constant. Similarly, [T h is] r e a s o n in g c o n c e r n in g th e s u n s h e a t d o e s n o t d e p e n d o n a n y o n e sp ec ia l fa c t, o r set

on the hypothesis that the same operations are going on in the stars as in the sun, o f facts, a b o u t h e a t, b u t is th e m e r e a c c id e n ta l fo r m o f d e c a y , w h ic h in s o m e sh a p e is

the theory at the same time accounts for the sensible light and heat, and for the in e v ita b le , an d th e v e r y essen tial c o n d itio n o f a c tio n .

internal heat, of every body of the universe. A year later, William Thomson delivered his address On geological time to
In the same article, Challis referred to Sir John Herschel on The Sun, the Geological Society of Glasgow. Taking as his text a passage from John
published in Good Words (1863), where Herschel had described certain willow Playfairs Illustrations of the Huttonian theory (1802), he attacked not only uni-
leaf-like phenomena on the suns surface which we cannot refuse to regard... as formitarian geology, but uniformitarian cosmology also. Because Playfair
organisms of some peculiar and amazing kind . . . [and] we do know that vital appeared to support the indefinite duration of both earth and solar system, it is
action is competent to develop both heat, light, and electricity. Challis inter likely that Thomson chose to criticize him rather than Lyell on this occasion.
preted these remarks as a sign of Herschels dissatisfaction with Thomsons most The central thrust of Thomsons attack on Playfair concerned his alleged
recent views, and as an attempt to account for the permanence of the suns light confusion of natural philosophy with natural history, dynamical laws with
and heat by vitality. Herschel, however, had only referred briefly, and without present, past and future arrangements. Thomson believed that Playfairs views
explicit comment, to the orbital version of the meteoric theory of the suns heat were pervaded by a confusion between present order or present system
(Thomsons 1854 views) as a development of his own frictional suggestions of [natural history], and laws now existing [natural philosophy] - between
1833. He appeared, in fact, to regard the willow leaf phenomena as the immediate destruction of the earth as a place habitable to beings such as now live on it, and a
sources of the solar light and heat, by whatever mechanism or whatever processes, decline or failure of law and order in the universe. T o have conflated the two
they may be enabled to develop . . Such responses from the astronomers, conceptions was the error of the uniformitarian geologists when they claimed
however, did not lead Thomson or even Tait into any major controversy the indefinite duration of the present order and present laws. The present
over the question of the suns heat. So obviously did it violate Thomsons fundamental laws, of energy conservation and energy dissipation, were immu
fundamental conservation of dissipation principles, and so hypothetical and table except by divine will. The present order, however, according to the
speculative were Challiss and Herschels alternatives, that Thomson undoubt dissipation principle, was not eternal or indefinite in duration. The present order
edly felt that his own views were rapidly consolidating into an almost of the material world of Thomson, like the material world of J.P. Nichol,
unassailable position in the context of nineteenth-century cosmology. Thomas Chalmers, and William Whewell, was not co-eternal with God.
If the consequences of Thomsons estimates for Darwins theory had been in The important issue of tidal friction took up much o f Thomsons 1868
any doubt in 1862, they were no longer so by 1867. Fleeming Jenkins well- address, providing a striking illustration o f the universal dissipation of energy
known review o fDarwin and the origin o f species brought the whole doctrine and further undermining Playfairs steady-state cosmos (ch. 17). But Thomson
of energy to bear on the question of geological and cosmological time, and made also deployed the suns heat in this role:
it clear that Darwins calculation o f the time required for the denudation of the W e d e p e n d o n th e sun v e r y m u c h fo r th e e x is tin g o r d e r o f t h i n g s . . . W h e n P la y fa ir sp o k e
Weald savours a good deal of that known among engineers as guess at the half o f th e p la n e ta r y b o d ie s as b e in g p e r p e tu a l in th e ir m o t io n , d id it n o t o c c u r to h im to ask,
and multiply by tw o . Apart from providing one of the most lucid w h a t a b o u t th e s u n s h eat? . . . w h a t an a m o u n t o f m e c h a n ic a l e n e r g y is e m itt e d f r o m th e
explanations of the energy doctrines given at the time, Jenkin focussed on the sun e v e r y year! . . . A n d y e t P la y fa ir a n d h is f o llo w e r s h a v e to ta lly d isr e g a r d e d th is

^ 2 Fleeming Jenkin, Darwin and the origin o f species. North Brit. Rev., 46 (1867), 277-318;

James Challis, On the source and maintenance o f the suns heat, Phil. Mag., (series 4), 25 Papers and memoir o f Fleeming Jenkin (2 vols., London, 1887), 1, pp. 21563, on pp. 2412.
(1863), 460-7. See also Burchfield, Age o f the earth, p. 123. William Thomson, On geological time, (read 27th February, 1868), Trans. Glasgow Geol.
Challis, Suns heat, p. 461; Sir John Herschel, The sun. Good Words, 4 (1863), 273-84, on Soc., 3 (1871), 1-28; PL, 2, 10-64, on pp. 11-13; John Playfair, Illustrations o f the Huttonian theory
p. 282. (Edinburgh, 1802), pp. 119-21.
538 The economy o f nature The age o f the sun controversies 539

prodigious dissipation o f energy. He speaks o f the existing state o f things as if it must or burning fire, [but]. . .is merely a white-hot fluid mass cooling, with some little
could have been perennial. accession of fresh energy by meteors occasionally falling in, but of very small
Thomson reiterated his view on the gravitational theory of the suns origin and account in comparison with the whole energy ofheat which he gives out from
his conclusion that he could not see a decided reason against admitting that the year to year.^ Given that premise, he aimed now to elucidate the process by
sun may have had in it one hundred million years ofheat, according to its present which the suns vast store o f gravitational potential energy became gradually
rate of emission, in the shape of energy. While admitting again that his 1862 converted into heat. The discussion is of interest because it is wholly characteris
estimates were necessarily very vague, he emphasized that he did not think it tic of his engineering mode of thinking, and provides a detailed example of the
possible, upon any reasonable estimate founded on known properties of matter, move from simple machines to physical reality. First, in order to illustrate the
to say that we can believe the sun has really illuminated the earth for five vast amount ofheat continually carried up [by convection within the great mass
hundred million years. of flaming fluid] to the suns surface and radiated into space, Thomson
In 1869 T.H. Huxley launched his famous counterattack, though he did not estimated the mechanical value of the radiation per square metre to be 78 000
dwell at length on the issue of the suns heat. He did, however, try to exploit two horse-power - equivalent to the engines of eight ironclad warships applied by
admissions by Thomson - namely, that his 1862 estimates were necessarily very ideal mechanisms . . . in perpetuity driving one small paddle in a fluid contained
vague, and that only fifteen years ago he entertained a totally different view of in a square-metre vat. The same heat would be generated in the vat as from an
the origin o f the suns heat and believed that the energy radiated from year to equal area of the suns surface.
year was supplied from year to year - a doctrine which would have suited Second, Thomson invited his audience to pass from a practically impossible
Hutton pcrfectly.^^ Huxley had undoubtedly misinterpreted Thomsons 1854 combination of engines and a physically impossible paddle and fluid and
view, as the Glasgow professor was quick to point out in his reply of 1869: if containing vessel, towards a more practical combination of matter for produc
Professor Huxley will hansardize [Hansard being the official report of ing the same effect. Shifting from a steam-engine illustration to a gravitational
proceedings in Parliament] me by looking to my original paper . . . he will see model, he retained the ideal vat, paddle, and fluid, but imagined the vat to be
that my contribution to the meteoric theory of solar heat was to prove the placed on the surface of a cool, solid homogeneous globe of the same size and
insufficiency of any chemical theory, and to point out that meteoric supply cannot density as the sun. To drive the paddle, a weight descended into a pit excavated
be perennial in even approximate uniformity with the existing order of things'.^ below the vat. In making this transition, we may note the connection between
Whatever else had changed regarding Thomsons particular view of the nature the gravitational model and the central paradigm for thermodynamics, namely
of the suns heat, and whatever might be admitted about the vagueness of the Joules experiment employing a falling weight to heat water by turning a
numerical estimates, the fundamental dissipation principle upon which the 1854 paddle wheel. The suns heat was to be interpreted in terms o f the conversion of
paper had been based ruled out any reconciliation of Thomson with Hutton or mechanical effect into heat. As the simplest mechanism, Thomson suggested a
Playfair. For his part, Huxley had been anxious to emphasize that a limited time long vertical shaft with the paddle mounted at the top, such that, as the shaft
scale - one hundred million years or more - may serve the needs of geologists turned, the paddle rotated horizontally. The weight was simply a nut working
perfectly well. Thus, although eager to point out any possible defects in its way down frictionless threads on the vertical shaft, but prevented from
Thomsons case, he was in fact accepting the probability of a much restricted turning by frictionless guides fixed to the sides of the pit. He supposed the pit to
time scale. be a metre square at its upper end, but tapering uniformly to a point at the centre
of the globe, while the nut was the excavated matter (about 326 million tons) of
The progress of solar dynamics the suns mass, with merely a little clearance between it and the four sides of the
pit, and with a kilometre or so cut off the lower, pointed end to allow space for
In Good Words of 1887, Sir William Thomson published his last major paper on
its descent. In order to produce 78 000 horse-power, or 78 000 metre-tons solar
the question of the suns heat. The same issue also formed the subject of a Friday
surface-heaviness per hour, Thomson estimated that the nut must descend at
evening lecture delivered before the Royal Institution on 21st January of that
the rate of one metre in 313 hours, or about twenty-eight metres per year."*
year. Maintaining his earlier contraction theory, he stressed that the sun is not a
Third, Thomson took another step still through impracticable mechanism.
PL, 2, 4.5-9. 35 Ibid., pp. 52-3.
3' T.H. Huxley, Geological reform. Quart. J. Geol. Soc. London, 25 (1869), xxxviii-liii;
Sir William Thomson, On the suns heat, Proc. Royal Inst., 12 (1889), 1-21; Good Words, 28
Discourses: biological and geological (London, 1902), pp. 30.5-39, on pp. 335-6.
(1887), 149-53, 262-9; PL, 1, 369-422, on p. 371. Ihid., pp. 374-6.
37 PL, 2, 96^8.
Ibid., pp. 376-8.
540 The economy o f nature The age o f the sun controversies 541

towards the practical method, by which the suns heat is produced. He now impervious to heat. Furthermore, the globe was supposed to rotate at the same
suggested that we consider the thread of the screw of uniformly decreasing rate as the sun. If we then removed the partitions, so that there shall be perfect
steepness from the surface downwards so that the velocity of the weight, as it is freedom for currents to flow unresisted in any direction, and if we left the globe
allowed to descend by the turning of the screw, shall be in simple proportion to - which we may now call the Sun - to itself, it will immediately begin
distance from the suns centre. In other words, the weights descent would be showing all the phenomena known in solar physics. Sunspots, for instance,
made faster at the outside and slower towards the centre of the suns mass, Thomson now regarded as due to the suns own substance, and not to external
yielding linear shrinkage throughout. This mechanism gave work at a rate of influences of any kind - although he did still leave open the possibility that
four-fifths that of the previous model - equivalent to the top end of the weight some of the chief phenomena due to sunspots arise from influxes of meteoric
descending at thirty-five metres per year. matter circling round the sun. While he did not elaborate the internal causes, he
Fourth, Thomson developed this more-refined mechanism into what he suggested that chemical combinations and dissociations within the sun might
called a model mechanical sun, capable of giving out heat and light to the same determine some o f the features of non-uniformity of brightness in the grand
amount as the real sun. He supposed the whole surface o f the mechanical sun to phenomena of sunspots, hydrogen flames, and corona, which make the prov
be divided into square metres, and the whole mass into long pyramidal rods each ince of solar physics.
meeting at the centre and with screws, nuts, and paddles fitted as in the model. If Having developed a realistic model o f the sun from the imaginary dynamical
the viscosity of the fluid and the size of each paddle were arranged so as to permit models, Thomson summarized in two propositions the manner in which his
the top end o f each rod to descend at the rate of thirty-five metres per year, and if model explained sunlight and sun-heat:
the fluid were a few thousand metres deep over the paddles, it would be 1. G ig a n tic c u rren ts t h r o u g h o u t th e su n s liq u id m ass are c o n t in u a lly m a in ta in e d b y
impossible, by any o f the appliances o f solar physics [the spectroscope, for flu id , s lig h tly c o o le d b y r a d ia tio n , f a llin g d o w n fr o m th e su rfa ce, a n d h o tte r flu id
example], to see the difference between our model mechanical sun and the true ru sh in g u p to ta k e its p la c e [i.e. a state o f c o n v e c t iv e e q u ilib r iu m ].
sun.'^^ 2. T h e w o r k d o n e in a n y t im e b y th e m u tu a l g r a v ita tio n o f all parts o f th e flu id , as it
Finally, Thomson aimed to do away with the last vestige of impracticable sh rin k s in v ir tu e o f th e lo w e r in g o f its te m p e r a tu r e , is b u t little less th a n (so little less
mechanism in which the heavinesses of all parts of each long rod are supported th a n th a t w e m a y r e g a r d it as p r a c tic a lly e q u a l to ) th e d y n a m ic a l e q u iv a le n t o f th e h e a t
on the thread o f an ideal screw cut on a vertical shaft of ideal matter, absolutely th at is ra d ia ted fr o m th e su n in th e s a m e time.'^'*

hard and absolutely frictionless. He considered first a single pit excavated to From his earlier dynamical model, Thomson had estimated the rate of shrink
the centre o f the sun, and surrounded by rigid matter impervious to heat. age, corresponding to the present rate o f solar radiation, to be thirty-five metres
Supposing the pit to be filled now by a pyramidal rod of incandescent fluid, on the radius per year - or 1% of the radius in 200 000 years. He then argued that
consisting o f the actual ingredients o f the solar substance, the surface of the fluid if the suns effective thermal capacity could be maintained by shrinkage until
would quickly cool by radiation while the fluid itself would remain incandes twenty million times the present years amount of heat had been radiated away,
cent. Convection currents would begin, bringing up hotter fluid from below, the suns radius would decrease by half and its density increase eightfold. If the
but from a depth insufficiently great to maintain the high surface temperature present mean density o f the sun were taken as 1.4 times that o f water, its density
originally maintained by the (imaginary) paddle. This cooling would result in would be 11.2 times that of water at that future time - equivalent to the density
solidification at the surface, most probably followed by a falling in of the thin of lead. This figure, Thomson claimed, would probably be too high to allow
films at the surface until for several metres downwards, the whole mass of the free shrinkage as of a cooling gas to be still continued without obstruction
mixed solid and fluid becomes stiff enough . . . to prevent the frozen film from through over crowding of the molecules.** Therefore:
falling down from the surface. Subsequently, the surface film would quickly
thicken and become less than red-hot on its upper surface while the whole pit It s e e m s . . . m o s t p r o b a b le th at w e c a n n o t fo r th e fu tu r e r e c k o n o n m o r e o f solar ra d ia tio n
th a n , i f so m u c h as, t w e n t y m illio n tim e s th e a m o u n t at p resen t ra d ia ted o u t in a y ear. It is
would go on cooling with extreme slowness until, after possibly about a million
also to b e r e m a r k e d th at th e g r e a tly d im in is h e d r a d ia tin g su rfa ce, at a m u c h lo w e r
million million years or so, it would be all the same temperature as the space to
te m p e r a tu r e , w o u l d g iv e o u t a n n u a lly m u c h less h e a t th an th e sun in h is p r esen t c o n d itio n
which its upper end radiates.
g iv e s .
Adapting this model to a complete globe, Thomson imagined every pit in
the globe to be so filled, but separated initially from the others by thin partitions Support for Thomsons view came from the American astronomer Simon

Ibid., pp. 378^0. 2 pp 38o_2 Ibid., pp. 383-4, Ibid., p. 385. Ibid., pp. 385-7. Ibid., p. 387.
542 The economy o f nature The age o f the sun controversies 543

Newcomb (1835-1909), who had estimated a figure of ten million years for the Crolls hypothesis of the origin of the suns heat was, following Helmholtz
future supply by the sun to support life on earth.'*^ and Thomson, gravitational in nature. Croll, however, assumed that the colli
As for the past age of the sun, Thomson for the first time modified Pouillets sion of two celestial bodies accounted for the existence of hot primitive nebula.
(and Herschels) estimate of solar radiation. Pointing to J.D. Forbess 1844 As a consequence, he was able to lengthen the time scale by as much as he
method which corrected for atmospheric absorption, he noted Forbess result as wa n t e d . T h o ms o n found Crolls suggestion a wildly improbable hypothesis
being 1.6 times Pouillet and Herschels. More recent work by S.P. Langley . . . and it can help us nothing. In particular, he believed the exceedingly exact
yielded a factor of 1.7. Given a horse-power of 133000 per square metre on aim of the one body at the other to be on the dry theory of probability,
Langleys result, the former twenty million years reduced to twelve. Thomson exceedingly improbable.
concluded that it would be exceedingly rash to assume as probable anything In his letter of 4thjune, 1886, Darwin had also drawn Thomsons attention to
more than twenty million years o f the suns light in the past history of the earth. Langleys estimate of the suns radiation as greater than Pouillets in about the
Similarly, for the future, he thought it unwise to reckon on more than five or six proportion of 7 to 4. In consequence, your results would have to be diminished
million years of sunlight for time to come.'* in the proportion of 4 to 7. Replying to Darwin, Thomson noted the greater
Thomsons unequivocal commitment to Helmholtzs theory in this address, radiation found by Langley and, as we have seen, reduced his estimates accord
and his reassessment of the suns age, were essentially responses to an exchange of ingly. Darwin for his part had made clear his own aims at the end of his June,
views with his friend George Darwin - Charles Darwins son in 1886. The 1886, letter to Thomson: I do not wish to combat the fundamental proposition
younger Darwin had written to Thomson from Cambridge on 4thjune, 1886: at all, & only wish to speak against such dogmatism as I find in Taits writings &
Y o u r e s tim a te o f th e S u n s h e a t is d e r iv e d fr o m th e a m o u n t o f e n e r g y lo st in c o n c e n tr a not in yours. It appears to me that we know far too little as yet to be sure that we
tio n fr o m in fin ite d isp e r s io n & d o e s n o t a llo w a n y th in g fo r e n e r g y r e s id in g in th e may not have overlooked some important point. Thomsons reduced estimate
p r im itiv e n e b u la . N o w i f a n y id e a lik e [N o r m a n ] L o c k y e r s is tr u e & i f th e r e is a p o ss ib le (on Langleys data) was now in line with a confident assertion by Tait in 1869 of
d iss o c ia tio n o f e le m e n ts in th e p r im it iv e n e b u la is it n o t at least p o ss ib le (I d o n o t sa y ten million years for the suns age, and Darwin was most anxious that Thomson
p r o b a b le ) th a t th e e n e r g y o f c o n c e n tr a tio n m a y b e la r g e ly u n d e r e stim a te d b y c o m p u t in g not commit himself to an exact figure in the light of so little certain knowledge.
sim p ly fr o m g r a v ita tio n . T h e n also is th e r e a n y th in g in tr in s ic a lly e r r o n e o u s in [J am es] At the same time, as he stated in his September address as president of Section A
C r o lls id ea th a t th e p r im it iv e n e b u la m a y h a v e b e e n h o t? I f e ith e r o r b o th th e se id eas are
of the British Association in 1886, he regarded this line of argument by which a
possible is n o t a v e r y la r g e m a r g in o f u n c e r ta in ty p o ss ib le as t o th e to ta l e n e r g y in th e
superior limit is sought for the age of the solar system as by far the strongest of
Thomsons three approaches - the secular cooling of the earth, the suns heat,
Thomsons immediate response came on a postcard one day later. For him, and tidal friction - to the question of geological time.'*
Lockyers ideas of chemical dissociation were wildly nugatory. He continued William Thomson concluded his forty-year investigation of the suns heat in
to believe that chemical energy is infinitely too meagre in proportion to his 1892 paperOn the dissipation of energy. Towards the end ofhis 1887 paper,
gravitational energy, in respect to matter falling into the Sun, to be almost he had spoken of the developments in Laplaces nebular theory of the evolution
worth thinking o f. It may also be noted that W.M. Williams in 1870 and of the solar system now converted by thermodynamics into a necessary truth, if
C.W. Siemens in 1882 both put forward cyclical hypotheses of chemical we make no other uncertain assumption than that the materials at present
dissociation and recombination to account for the suns heat in a manner which constituting the dead matter of the solar system have existed under the laws of
violated the dissipation principle. Siemens sought to avoid the idea o f prodi dead matter for a hundred million years. He inferred that there may in reality
gious waste through dissipation of energy into space by suggesting a self- be nothing more of mystery or of difficulty in the automatic progress of the solar
sustaining action, while Williams received support from A.R. Wallace, W.R. system from cold matter diffused through space, to its present manifest order
Grove, and Charles Lyell.* Such discussions would scarcely have commended and beauty, lighted and warmed by its brilliant sun, than there is in the winding
chemical dissociation hypotheses to Sir William. up of a clock and letting it go till it stops. In his 1892 paper, he likened the solar
Simon N ew com b, Popular astronomy (London, 1878), pp. 491-519, esp. pp. 505-11. See also
system to a clock running down, employing an illustration first seen in Thom
Burchfield, Age o f the earth, p. 111. PL, 1, 389-90. son and Taits Energy (1862). Given a flywheel or clockwheel driven by a
G.H. Darwin to William Thomson, 4th June, 1886, D35, Kelvin correspondence, ULC. weight, he explained that when the weight had run down, and the initial
William Thomson to G.H. Darwin, Sthjune, 1886, D97, Kelvin correspondence, ULG; SPT, 2,
860. Thompson mis-dates this postcard and erroneously regards it as a response to a meeting between James Croll, Age o f the sun in relation to evolution. Nature, 17 (1877-8), 206-7; Burchfield,
Darwin and Thomson in Cambridge. Age of the earth, pp. 64-5, 125-6. SPT, 2, 860; PL, 1, 404-6.
See Burchfield, Age of the earth, pp. 123-5. G.H. Darwin, Presidential address, B A A S Report, 56 (1886), 517.
544 The economy o f nature The age o f the sun controversies 545

potential energy had been all spent in heat, that heat was not available for it is for you and Lord Kelvin to prove a negative. In that belief. Perry cited the
raising the weight and giving the clockwork a renewed lease o f motivity. The full support of his friend G.F. FitzGerald. Kelvin himself wrote to Perry on 13th
solar system, he argued, according to the best of modern scientific belief, is December, 1894, and confidently asserted that Helmholtz, Newcomb, and
dynamically analogous to the clockwork, in all the essentials of our consider another [probably a whimsical way of referring to himself] are inexorable in
ation. In particular, he emphasized that the running down of the weight in the refusing sunlight for more than a score or a very few scores of million years of
clockwork has its perfect analogue, as Helmholtz wa s . . . the very first to point past time. Perry replied;
out, in the shrinkage of the sun from century to century under the influence of
P erh a p s I h a d n o r ig h t to a v o id th e s u n s h e a t a r g u m e n t . . . I h a v e o n ly n o w r e c e iv e d a
the mutual gravitational attractions between its parts. c o p y o f N e w c o m b s A s tr o n o m y . Y o u w i l l n o tic e th a t h e p refaces h is r em a rk s w it h I f w e
The sun and solar system, like the clock, functioned not as perpetual motion ta k e th e d o c tr in e o f th e S u n s c o n tr a c tio n as fu r n is h in g th e c o m p le t e e x p la n a tio n o f th e
machines, but as part of that physical law of irreversibility according to which so la r h e a t d u r in g th e w h o le p e r io d o f th e s u n s e x is te n c e , w e ca n r e a d ily c o m p u t e . . ..
there is a universal tendency in nature to the dissipation o f mechanical energy. ^ S u r e ly th is is b e g g in g th e w h o le q u e s t i o n . . . G reat m e te o r fe e d in g is n o t n o w g o in g o n &
Sir Williams public discussions o f the suns heat ended in 1892 effectively where th e H e lm h o lt z m e th o d is a c c e p te d as r ig h t. B u t w h a t p r o o f is th e r e o f n o g r e a t f e e d in g b y
they had begun in 1852 - with an unwavering commitment to the cosmic strea m s o f m e te o r s fo r m illio n s o f y ea rs in th e past. S u r e ly H e lm h o lt z w a s w is e r th an
dissipation o f energy. He offered a final glimpse into a grand cosmological F o n te n e lle s roses. '
vision: The uniformitarian assumption of Fontenelles roses (see epigraph) that present
W e d o n o t k n o w fo r c e r ta in w h e t h e r th e lig h t w h ic h le ft th e su n th r e e th o u s a n d y ea rs activity was a guide to past activity - in kind rather than intensity - applied as
a g o is still tr a v e llin g o u tw a r d s w it h a lm o s t u n d im in is h e d e n e r g y , o r w h e th e r n e a r ly a ll is much to Kelvin and Helmholtz as to the British popular geologists, and Perry
d issip a te d in h e a t, w a r m in g th e lu m in ife r o u s e th e r , o r p o n d e r a b le b o d ie s w h ic h h a v e reminded Kelvin that it was no more than an assumption.
o b str u c te d its co u r se . B u t w e m a y , I th in k , fe e l a lm o s t su re th a t it is p a r tly still tr a v e llin g Continuing his critique of Newcomb - and in effect of Kelvin - Perry
o u tw a r d s as ra d ia n t h e a t, a n d p a r tly sp e n t (o r d issip a ted ) in w a r m in g p o n d e r a b le m a tte r
referred to Newcombs attempt to give a justification for your uniformitarian
(or p o n d e r a b le m a tte r a n d th e lu m in ife r o u s eth er).
idea, a justification to which Kelvin had apparently already specially called
Perrys attention. Newcomb had remarked:
Lord Kelvin and the age of the sun I f w e refle c t th a t a d im in u t io n o f t h e solar h e a t b y less th a n o n e - fo u r t h its a m o u n t w o u ld
p r o b a b ly m e a n an earth so c o ld th a t all t h e w a te r o n its su rfa ce w o u ld fr e e z e , w h ile an
The first major critique of Sir William Thomsons estimate of the suns age came
in crea se o f m u c h m o r e th a n o n e - h a lf w o u l d p r o b a b ly b o il all th e w a te r a w a y , it m u s t b e
in 1894-5 from a former pupil, John Perry (1850-1920), who had served as a
a d m itte d th a t th e b a la n c e o f cau ses w h ic h w o u ld resu lt in th e su n ra d ia tin g h e a t ju s t fast
member of Sir Williams laboratory corps in the mid-1870s.* The central issue
e n o u g h to p r e se r v e th e ea rth in its p r e se n t state h as p r o b a b ly n o t e x is te d m o r e th a n 10
which concerned Perry was not the argument from the suns heat but the secular m illio n years.
cooling of the earth (ch. 17). Nevertheless, during the course of a lengthy debate
in Nature and between Perry and Lord Kelvin (as he was by 1892), Perry For Perry, this was a very off-hand statement, but who has proved it? Yet it was
critically examined many of Kelvins assumptions relating to the suns heat. In the cornerstone of the Suns Heat Argument. On such a view. Perry reflected,
this section, we shall focus first on Perrys review of the suns heat argument, and if the earth were now 15^ percent further away from the sun there would be no
second on the quite different implications of radioactivity for that argument water & no life, only ice; and if we were 18.4 percent nearer the sun, there again
during the 1900s. would be no water or life, only steam. He went on facetiously, I often feel
By contrast to George Darwin, Perry stated in a letter to Tait dated 26th thankful to have lived in the reign of Queen Victoria, but I have not been
November, 1894, that the argument from the suns heat seems to me quite sufficiently grateful for the average distance of the earth from the sun being so
weak. Even a geologist without mathematics can see that the time given by Lord exactly what it is. Surely there is no other place in the universe with life!
Kelvin will be increased if we assume that in past times the sun radiated energy at
a smaller rate than at present, much of its mass being possibly cold and in the John Perry to P.G. Tait, 26th Novem ber, 1894 (copy), P59c, ULC; Nature, 51 (1894-5), 226.
meteor form, and the rate may have varied greatly from time to time. Such an Lord Kelvin to John Perry, 13th December, 1894 (copy), P60, ULC; Nature, 51 (18945), 227.
alternative hypothesis was, Perry believed, not only possible but probable, and John Perry to Lord Kelvin, 26th December, 1894, P62, ULC.
N ew com b, Popular astronomy, p. 511. Clarence King, The age o f the earth, A m .J. Sci., 45
(1893), 1-20, on p. 19, quotes this passage from N ew com b in support ofhis own (and Kelvins) view
PL, 1, 414-15; 2, 470-3. ** Ibid., p. 469. Ibid., p. 472. SPT, 2, 742, 853. o f a limited time scale.
546 The economy o f nature The age o f the sun controversies 547

Perry then raised two important questions deriving from his ironic criticism It is n o t a m e r e assertio n to say th at th e a ctu a l te m p e r a tu r e o f o u r seas w ill n o t d e p e n d
u p o n th e sola r ra d ia tio n so m u c h as u p o n th e k in d o f a tm o sp h e r e ; th e k in d o f b la n k e tin g .
of Newcomb. First, was there no water on the planet Venus, and was its
I f th e earth h a d n o a tm o s p h e r e w h a t w o u ld b e th e a v e r a g e o f te m p e r a tu r e o f its su rface,
atmosphere mostly steam? Surely, he argued, it is well known that the atmos^ of
say in e q u a to r ia l A fr ic a , e v e n i f solar ra d ia tio n w e r e t w ic e as g r e a t as it is? W o u ld it n o t b e
Venus is just like that of the earth. Second, was there only ice on Mars and can
a w f u lly cold[?] 3
there be no life? Yet Newcomb, while he had elsewhere ventured to say If there
are any astronomers on Mars, seemed to Perry to be going too far when he In a letter addressed directly to Nature, and published on 7th March, 1895,
made a statement proclaiming the utter sterility and iciness of Mars in all past Kelvin drew attention to the recent estimate of twenty-four million years for the
times & for millions of years to come. earths age by the American geologist Clarence King. Kelvin not only stated that
Even supposing Newcombs statement about an earth such as exists now to be he was not led to differ much from Kings estimate, but that the final section of
true. Perry argued, great blanketings of the earth by vapour are possible in the Kings paper carefully considered the estimates of the age of the suns heat by
past. He asked, Is it not even probable that the earth surface may have been Helmholtz, Newcomb and Kelvin. In particular, he quoted with evident
receiving much less heat & light from a smaller sun for hundreds of millions of pleasure Kings conclusion:
years & yet being much warmer inside its blankets because of a very rapid T h e e a r th s a g e , a b o u t 2 4 m illio n o f y ears, a c c o r d s w it h th e 15 o r 2 0 m illio n s f o u n d fo r th e
conduction supply from the inside. Perry confessed that he was beyond my su n . In so far as fu tu r e in v e s tig a tio n sh all p r o v e a secu lar a u g m e n t a t io n o f th e su n s
depth in these speculations - but asked rhetorically if Newcomb wasnt so also? e m iss io n fr o m ea r ly to p resen t t im e in c o n f o r m it y w it h L a n es la w [ H o m e r L a n es
Remarking that much in Newcombs book was given at second hand. Perry d e te r m in a tio n o f th e in te rn a l d e n sity o f th e su n ], h is a g e m a y b e le n g t h e n e d , an d fu r th er
turned to the source of Newcombs views: Kelvin himself Thus, as to the time stu d y o f terrestrial c o n d u c tiv it y w ill p r o b a b ly e x t e n d th a t o f th e e a rth . Y e t th e c o n c o r
estimate: d a n c e o f resu lts b e t w e e n th e a g es o f su n a n d ea rth c e r ta in ly s tr e n g th e n s th e p h y sic a l case
an d th r o w s th e b u r d e n o f p r o o f u p o n th o s e w h o h o ld to th e v a g u e ly v a st a g e , d e r iv e d
su re ly this is n o t b y N e w c o m b o r H e lm h o lt z , b u t a n o th e r [K e lv in !]. N e w c o m b g iv e s fr o m se d im e n ta r y geology. '*
18 X 10 y ea rs. B u t I v e r y m u c h p r e fe r to ta k e su ch a c a lc u la tio n at first rath er th an s e c o n d
Perry, however, was not impressed by such prima facie concordance. In a long
h a n d . In y o u r P. L. & A . [Popular lectures and addresses] y o u sa y w h ic h s h o w e d it to b e
p o ss ib le th a t th e sun m a y h a v e a lr e a d y illu m in a te d th e earth fo r as m a n y as o n e h u n d r e d
letter published in Nature on 18th April, 1895, he not only aimed to comment
m illio n y ea rs, b u t at th e sa m e t im e also r e n d e r e d it a lm o s t certain that h e h a d n o t upon Lord Kelvins friendly article o f March 7 . . . but to deal more generally
illu m in a te d th e earth fo r fiv e h u n d r e d m illio n s o f y e a r s. L et us g iv e th e n to th e g e o lo g is t s with the subject, in the hope of clearing away the misapprehensions which exist
4 0 0 m illio n ( o f th e p r esen t rate) & m o r e tha n d o u b le it b e c a u se th e rate has flu c tu a te d & between modern geologists and palaeontologists, who are no longer
ad d s o m e h u n d r e d s o f m illio n s fo r a b la n k e te d ea rth w it h a c o ld su n & y o u g iv e G e ik ie uniformitarians, and physicists who are represented by Lord Kelvin.^
an d H u x le y m u c h m o r e th a n all th e tim e th e y w a n t. First, Perry questioned Kelvins 1887 justification of Helmholtzs hypothesis
of mere mutual attraction and his criticism of Crolls idea of two moving bodies
For Perry, a large planet like Jupiter, as it cools more slowly, exhibits very well coming together to form the sun. In early times. Perry argued, we might
the conditions of the earth long ago. Jupiter was now in a blanketed state, and postulate a sun o f half the present mass, but many times the present diameter,
the Brachiopoda (a kind o f bivalve mollusc) in Jupiters seas dont care much with its radiant heat supplied by meteors. Excess feeding would lead to an
whether the sun shines or not. But without his blankets, if he has a solid surface, increased diameter; reduced feeding would lead to contraction. Meteors from
Jupiter would be cold indeed. stellar space might possess great initial velocities, but if their paths were
On 8th January, 1895, Perry wrote again to Lord Kelvin. He once more enormously out ofline with one another and with the centre of the sun, we need
confessed that with the suns heat, unlike the secular cooling of the earth, he was not imagine them to alter much the moment of momentum of the sun about its
quite beyond his depth - or, rather, my assertions can be of no value in axis.
comparison with your & Newcombs. Perry shrewdly side-stepped the temp Second, Perry published a revised version of his criticism of Helmholtzs,
tation to offer rival speculations on the nature of the suns heat. He merely Newcombs and Kelvins uniformitarian assumption that the sun had been
reviewed Kelvins assertions in the light of available evidence, evidence not radiating always at this present rate. Departing from this assumption, we may
compatible with those assertions. Thus, Mars has only a solar radiation of 40%
of ours & yet its water is not all ice, for its polar caps melt in summer; and Venus John Perry to Lord Kelvin, 8 th January, 1895, P63, ULC.
has twice the solar radiation which we have & yet her atmosphere is like ours. * Lord Kelvin, The age o f the earth. Nature, 51 (1894-5), 438-40, on p. 440.
More importantly: John Perry, The age o f the earth. Nature, 51 (1894-5), 582-5. Ibid., p. 584.
548 The economy o f nature The age o f the sun controversies 549

imagine that for long periods the sun radiated at a smaller rate, whether because heat carefully worked out and discussed by Helmholtz, Newcomb, and myself
his mass was smaller, or because of his atmosphere. The consequence would - a theory which still limited the period o f radiation at a rate sufficient to support
again be an increase in the estimated age. Newcombs defence of the uniformi- some kind of animal and vegetable life on the earth to twenty to twenty-five
tarian assumption in terms of the effect of increased or reduced solar radiation on million years.
the earth required the careful consideration of men who know more about With the discovery of radioactivity by Henri Becquerel in 1896, and the
astronomical physics than I do. Nevertheless, Perry drew attention to the revelation by Pierre Curie and Albert Laborde in March, 1903, that radium had
implications - already discussed in his letter to Kelvin - of such an argument for the extraordinary property of continuously radiating heat without itself cooling
the earth, Venus and Mars, implications which ran counter to accepted evidence. down to the temperature of surrounding objects, W.E. Wilson was able to
Furthermore, he turned one o f Kelvins remarks to his own account: announce in a letter to Nature in July, 1903, that a clue had now been afforded to
O n th is q u e s tio n I v e n tu r e to q u o te L o r d K e lv in , w h o said, in 1 8 8 7 . . . th at th e in te n s ity the source of energy in the sun and stars. On the basis of the Curies measurement
o f th e so la r ra d ia tio n to th e ea rth is 6 J p er c e n t g r e a te r in J a n u a r y th a n in J u ly ; an d n e ith e r of the one-hundred calories per hour supplied by one gram of radium, and
at th e e q u a to r n o r in th e n o r th e r n o r so u th e r n h e m isp h e r e s has th is d iffe r e n c e b e e n Langleys estimate of solar radiation, Wilson computed the amount of radium
d is c o v e r e d b y e x p e r ie n c e o r g e n e r a l o b s e r v a tio n o f a n y k in d . It is d iffic u lt to im a g in e which would suffice to supply the suns entire output of energy as a mere 3.6
th a t i f th e e ffe c t o f 6 ^ p e r c e n t c a n n o t b e d e te c te d , 2 5 p e r c e n t sh o u ld c o n v e r t a ll th e w a te r grams per cubic metre of the suns volume.
t o ic e a n d d e s tr o y all life.^'^ In September, 1903, George Darwin wrote independently to Nature on the
His tentative answer, as we saw, centred rather on the possibility of a very much implications of radioactivity for the suns heat. Quoting from Kelvins 1862
greater blanketing by the earths atmosphere in the past. paper, Darwin pointed to the phrase which Kelvin had there employed to
Perry concluded that the age of the sun may have been very considerably qualify his estimates of a 500 million year upper limit: unless sources now
under-estimated. The physicists gave maximum estimates of the age of life on unknown to us are prepared in the great storehouse of creation. We had
earth as 1000 million years based on tidal retardation, 400 million years from the recently learnt the existence o f another source of energy, Darwin explained,
such that the amount of energy available is so great as to render it impossible to
earths heat, and 500 million years from the suns heat. Therefore if we exclude
everything but the arguments from mere physics, the probable age of life on the say how long the suns heat has already existed, or how long it will last in the
earth is much less... but if the palaeontologists have good reason for demanding future.^
On the basis of Langleys data, and on the assumption of a homogeneous
much greater times, I see nothing from the physicists point of view which
sphere, the lost energy of concentration of the sun would suffice to give a supply
denies them four times the greatest amount of these estimates.
The possibility of 4000 million years as the age of the solar system may have for twelve million years. Again with Langleys data, but with a conjectural
been a far cry from Taits ten million years, but it was not necessarily intended as augmentation of the lost energy to allow for the concentration of the solar mass
towards its central parts, Kelvins sun would supply heat for sixty million years.
a refutation of Kelvins methods. Indeed, Kelvin himself had remarked in his
Using Ernest Rutherfords (1871-1937) measurement that a gram of radium
letter to Perry of 13th December, 1894, that I thought by range from 20
could emit 10 calories, Darwin estimated that, if the sun were made of such
millions to 400 millions was probably wide enough, but it is quite possible that I
radioactive material, it would be capable of emitting nearly 40 times as much as
should have put the superior limit a good deal higher, perhaps 4000 instead of
the gravitational lost energy of the homogeneous sun, and 8 times as much as
400. Nevertheless Kelvin continued to believe that the more precise physical
Lord Kelvins conjecturally concentrated sun. He concluded:
data available in recent years pointed to a shorter time scale. Perry, recognizing
that Kelvin was ignoring the geological evidence, had concluded that adjust K n o w in g , as w e n o w d o , th a t an a t o m o f m a tte r is ca p a b le o f c o n t a in in g an e n o r m o u s
ments to Kelvins assumptions could just as easily lead to a much longer time sto r e o f e n e r g y in itse lf, I th in k w e h a v e n o r ig h t t o a ssu m e th at th e su n is in c a p a b le o f

scale, which would then be consistent with those very demands of geology. lib e r a tin g a t o m ic e n e r g y t o a d e g r e e at lea st c o m p a r a b le w it h th a t w h ic h it w o u ld d o i f
m a d e o f r a d iu m . A c c o r d in g ly , 1 se e n o rea so n fo r d o u b tin g th e p o s s ib ility o f a u g m e n t in g
Kelvin did not respond further to Perrys critique. His 1899 paper The age of
the earth as an abode fitted for life focussed on terrestrial time scales without
MPP, 5, 229.
discussing Perrys arguments. He referred to the question of the age of the suns W.E. Wilson, Radium and solar energy. Nature, 6 8 (1903), 222. For a full discussion o f
heat only briefly in terms of the well-founded dynamical theory of the suns radioactivity and the age o f the earth debates in the period 1896-1946, see Burchfield, Age ofthe earth,
pp. 163-211.
Ibid., p. 585. G.H. Darwin, Radio-activity and the age o f the sun. Nature, 6 8 (1903), 496.
550 The economy o f nature The age o f the sun controversies 551

th e e s tim a te o f so la r h ea t as d e r iv e d fr o m th e th e o r y o f g r a v ita tio n b y s o m e su ch fa c to r as The radium theory did not solve the problem of the suns heat. It did,
te n o r t w e n t y 7 however, open up vast spans of time for geological and biological evolution,
In contrast to the younger generation of physicists, Kelvin reacted spans since increased to unthinkable proportions by the discovery of nuclear
unenthusiastically. On 19th January, 1906, a former pupil, James O rr (1844- fusion. In retrospect, then, the geologists are vindicated and Kelvin appears a
1913) wrote to him to ask his opinion of the contention - urged by G.H. reactionary, holding tenaciously to doctrines outmoded even in his own life
Darwin, W .C.D. Whetham and others that if the sun or earth contains even a time. Yet the basic thrust of his half-century long campaign was also vindicated
small amount of radioactive matter, all physical calculations of age & heat are if it is seen as a struggle for recognition of the Universal tendency in nature to a
overturned, & the old ratios o f the geologists are restored (or may be). Orr, dissipation of mechanical energy. Rutherfords remarks in 1905 provide a
therefore, wanted to know if this contention really sets aside, or essentially fitting epitaph:
modifies, your previous calculations.^^ A lt h o u g h su ch c o n sid e r a tio n s [ o f th e h e a tin g e ffe cts o f ra d iu m ] m a y in crea se o u r e s tim a te
In his reply, dated 29th January, 1906, Kelvin did not think there was any o f th e p r o b a b le d u r a tio n o f th e s u n s h e a t [p o s sib ly b y o n e - h u n d r e d tim e s K e lv in s
serious probability in the suggestions of Professor Darwin and Mr Whetham e s tim a te ], sc ie n c e o ffer s n o esca p e fr o m th e c o n c lu s io n o f K e lv in a n d H e lm h o lt z that th e

that either the heat of the Sun, or the underground heat of the Earth is practically sun m u st u ltim a t e ly g r o w c o ld an d th is ea rth b e c o m e a d ea d p la n e t m o v in g th r o u g h th e

due, in any considerable proportion, to radioactive matter. Rather, he remained in te n s e c o ld o f e m p t y sp ace.

committed to the primacy of the gravitational theory: Put differently, Kelvin and the physicists of his generation had succeeded in
T h e g r a v ita tio n a l th e o r y is a m p ly su ffic ien t to a c c o u n t fo r th e h eat o f b o th b o d ie s [sun imposing a profound restriction on any idea of progress and perfectibility
a n d ea rth ], a n d o f all th e stars in th e U n iv e r s e , an d it se e m s a lm o s t in fin ite ly im p r o b a b le through evolution in nature. All such progress had to be built upon decay. The
th a t R a d iu m adds p r a c tic a lly to th e ir e n e r g y fo r e m is s io n o f h ea t an d lig h t. It m a y b e resolution of one of the earliest conflicts in his personal life, which reconciled
in d e e d m o r e p r o b a b le th a t th e e n e r g y o f R a d iu m m a y h a v e c o m e o r ig in a lly in c o n n e c Chalmers with Nichol, providence with fixed natural law, and dissipation with
tio n w it h th e e x c e s s iv e ly h ig h te m p e r a tu r e s, w h ic h w e k n o w to h a v e b e e n p r o d u c e d an d conservation, had become an established tenet of all cosmology.
to b e at p r e se n t b e in g p r o d u c e d b y g r a v ita tio n a l a c tio n t h r o u g h o u t th e U n iv e r se .^ ^ From this perspective, Thomsons opposition to the geologists time and to
Kelvin, indeed, concluded that his own papers offered a strong body of the edifice it supported, of evolution by natural selection, is entirely comprehen
evidence that the age of the Earth as an abode fitted for life cannot probably be sible. The same commitment that had grounded his dissipation axiom grounded
vastly greater than twenty million years. Most of that evidence, he claimed, also his opposition. God had created a world with a built-in principle of decay, in
would not be seriously affected even if radium concurred appreciably with which only the directing-power of will and mind could, for local systems,
gravitation in producing the heat and light which we have at present in the reverse the natural order of progression by applying externally obtained energy
universe. Again, in his letters to The Times during August of that year, Kelvin (ch. 18).
simply stated that there was no experimental foundation for the hypothesis that Kelvins opposition to vast geological time, however, rested not merely on
the heat o f the sun was due to radium, ascribing the suns heat instead to theological grounds. It involved also his profound attachment to measurement
gravitation. and machines. These criteria of reality in terms of practicality and concrete
conceivability, which he constantly imposed throughout his researches, oper
Ibid. See also Burchfield, Age of the earth, pp. 166-7. Support for Darwin and Wilson came ated here in particularly evident ways through his frequent references to
quickly from JohnJoly in Nature, 68 (1903), 526, and doubts expressed by W .B. Hardy in Nature, 68
(1903), 548, that beta and gamma rays from the sun had not been detected on earth were soon
properties of matter consistent with those measurable on earth and in his
answered by R.J. Strutt andjoly in Nature, 68 (1903), 572. Essential to their reply was the argument machine models of the suns internal action. An identical commitment underlies
that such radiation would be filtered out by the atmosphere. Ernest Rutherford in his 1904 address to his parallel concern with the secular cooling of the earth.
the Royal Institution concluded with a brief reference to the conviction that the presence o f radium
in the sun, to the extent o f about four parts in one million by weight, would o f itself account for the
light. He believed that laboratory experiments indicated that a large proportion o f radium would
present rate o f emission ofheat. Sec The collected papers of Lord Rutherford o f Nelson (3 vols., London,
be necessary to make visible its characteristic lines and that the prevalence o f helium suggests the
1962-5), 1, p. 657. Further early support appeared in W .C.D. Whetham, The recent development of
occurrence o f radioactive processes, during which, as we know, helium may be formed. Kelvin
physical science (London, 1904), pp. 320-2.
clearly found such evidence unacceptable.
James Orr to Lord Kelvin, 19th January, 1906, 0 1 3 , ULC.
Ernest Rutherford, Radium - the cause o f the earths heat. Harpers Mag., 49 (1904-5), 390-6;
Lord Kelvin to James Orr, 29th January, 1906 (copy), 0 1 4 , ULC. On Orr, see Moore, The
Collected Papers, 1, 776-85.
post-Darwinian controversies, p. 71.
Sec Frederick Soddy, The recent controversy on radium, Nature, 74 (1906), 516. Whetham,
Recent development, p. 322, acknowledged that the spectrum o f radium does not show in the suns
The secular cooling of the earth 553

Hopkins alone excepted.^ Fundamental to the experimental researches ot both

16 Hopkins and Thomson in the 1850s was a concern with thermal properties of
matter. With respect to his solar theorizing, Thomson attached much impor
tance to investigating those properties which, under extremes of pressure and
The secular cooling of the earth temperature, might differ markedly from the properties o f the same substances
measured in the laboratory. The same kinds of questions arose for the interior of
the earth, and Hopkins devoted much effort to establishing, within his progres
sionist framework, that high pressures would account for a largely solid, rather
than fluid, earth.
D o y o u o r g e o lo g is t s in g e n e r a l g iv e a d h e sio n to D a r w in s p r o d ig io u s This work brought together Hopkinss interests in physical geology with
d u r a tio n s fo r g e o lo g ic a l e p o c h s? I f so I th in k y o u m u st c o n tr iv e y o u r those of Joule in measurement of physical quantities such as temperature,
a n c ie n t p la n ts an d a n im a ls to h a v e liv e d w it h o u t a su n . . . T h e t h e o r y o f pressure, and volume, and of William Fairbairn in engineering and the strengths
cen tra l h ea t is a b o u t e q u a lly r e fr a c to r y a g a in st th e a ss u m p tio n o f g rea t
of materials. Although the investigations took place in Manchester, the guiding
a n tiq u ity . T h e w id e s t stretch I can m a k e is s o m e 2 0 0 to 1 0 0 0 m illio n years
hand of the Glasgow professor of natural philosophy was evident at every stage.
sin c e th e w h o le w a s m e lte d i f it e v e r w a s, o r a c o r r e s p o n d in g ly sh o r te r
With his own visits to Manchester in connection with the Joule-Thomson
h is to r y p o ssib le fo r o r g a n ic life i f th e sig n s o f ce n tr a l h e a t w h ic h w e h a v e are
d u e to a n y a n c ie n t h ea t su ffic ie n t to p r o d u c e th e m , b u t n o t in te n s e e n o u g h
experiments on the thermal properties of fluids in motion, with his regular
to m e lt. I m u st say th a t D a r w in s p r in c ip le o f e s tim a tin g 3 4 0 m illio n years
correspondence with Joule, and with his own developing laboratory interests in
fo r s o m e o f y o u r a n c ie n t S o u th o f E n g la n d h ea d la n d s se e m s to m e s in g u the measurement of the properties of matter, the Hopkins-JouleFairbairn
la rly d e fe c tiv e ; a n d th a t th o u s a n d m ig h t b e su b s titu te d fo r m illio n w it h o u t researches provide a vital part of the context for Thomsons studies of the secular
v io la tin g p r o b a b ilitie s in c o n n e c tio n w it h any of th e facts he cooling of the earth.
m e n tio n s . W illiam Thomson to John Phillips, 1861P

William Hopkins and the doctrine of central heat

William Thomsons 1846 inaugural dissertation On the distribution of the heat Following the courses plotted by Sedgwick and Whewell, William Hopkins
through the body of the earth was an application o f his 1844 work on heat aimed to advance geological science to the kind of high and secure status long
conduction to problems of terrestrial temperatures and the age of thermal enjoyed by physical astronomy. To achieve these aims, he attempted to employ
distributions (ch. 6). As such, the dissertation not only confirmed him as a a rigorous inductive method which would enable the physical geologist to
disciple o f Fourier, but also aligned him with the progressionist geological avoid the fallacies of mere hypothetical or metaphysical speculation. Beginning
dynamics of Adam Sedgwick, William Whewell, and William Hopkins. Fur with a phenomenal geology concerned with geometrical description, Hopkins
thermore, as Thomson later explained, he had suggested in the dissertation that had proceeded as early as 1836 to the level of a geological dynamics involving
a perfectly complete geothermic survey would give us data for determining an the notion of a general elevatory force as the indisputable cause of the phenom
initial epoch in the problem of terrestrial conduction.^ ena of elevation (ch. 6). From this important but limited range of phenomena he
Hopkinss researches in physical geology up to 1857 formed a prelude to had moved by 1847 to investigations of the nature of that general elevatory force
Thomsons own studies of the earth in 1861-2. It was always Hopkins for whom by analogy with the action of volcanoes and earthquakes.
Thomson retained the greatest respect and deepest admiration. In 1862, for The expansive force of heat common to all these phenomena pointed towards
instance, he expressed his verdict thus: good books on geology are mixed the widely accepted and more general cause known as central or primitive heat,
descriptive & dynamical. In the best of them the dynamical part is very bad, a cause which promised to achieve for physical geology what gravity had
William Thomson to John Phillips, 7th June, 1861, Phillips papers. The University Museum,
achieved for physical astronomy. The doctrine of central heat, therefore, not
Oxford. only received empirical support from incrcase-of-hcat-with-depth measure
^ William Thomson, On the secular cooling o f the earth, Phil. Mag., [series 4], 25 (1863), 1-14; ments, but offered consilience (to use Whewclls term) between the diverse
MPP, 3, 293-311, esp. pp. 296-7. On Sedgwick, W hewell, Hopkins, and their progressionist
phenomena of, for example, the figure of the earth, volcanoes, earthquakes, and
geological dynamics, see Crosbie Smith, Geologists and mathematicians: the rise o f physical
geology in P.M. Harman (ed.), Wranglers and physicists. Studies on Cambridge physics in the nineteenth
century (Manchester, 1985), pp. 49-83. William Thomson, Notebook regarding Thomson and Tails Treatise (1862), NB48, ULC.

554 The economy o f nature The secular cooling o f the earth 555

elevation. It was a doctrine of great generality and simplicity, providing not conclusion on the incontrovertible experimental truth of the simple proposi
only the fundamental agency in geological dynamics but the principal tenet of tion that if a mass of matter, such, for instance as the earth . . . be placed in space
progressionist (directionalist) geological science. of which the temperature is lower than its own, it will necessarily lose a portion
Vigorous opposition to the central heat doctrine (and hence to progression) of its heat by radiation, until its temperature ultimately approximates to that of
had come from Lyell as early as 1831-3. Because of the increase of temperature the circumambient space, unless this reduction be prevented by the continued
with depth, Lyell had argued against a solid earth (to which Fouriers techniques generation of heat. The coincidence with Thomsons thinking is scarcely
could be applied), and in favour of a liquid interior maintained at a uniform surprising since they probably discussed the subject at Manchester in December,
temperature of fusion in order that the crust could exist. He had further argued 1851, or January, 1852, when engaged in joint experiments.
for compensating sources of heat in the form of a circle of perpetual motion with For the earths interior temperature to be consistent with non-progression,
no discernible beginning or end. By contrast, Hopkinss ardent support for the Hopkins continued, it would have to be maintained by some cause internal to
central heat doctrine had led him in 1836 (and subsequently) to argue for an the earth. Chemical causes might act for a finite, but certainly not for an infinite,
originally fluid earth which cooled, leaving cavities of still-molten matter in the time, and no other internal cause seemed any more likely to avoid the violation
solid mass as the source of that elevatory force which produced observable of the impossibility of perpetual motion. External causes, such as solar or stellar
geometrical phenomena as well as volcanoes. Thus a solid earth defeats the radiation, could not produce an absolutely constant, stationary temperature
uniformitarians by returning to Fouriers argument that the present distribution which increased with depth. Hopkins concluded: I cannot conceive . . . the
of temperature over the surface and with depth is consistent with the cooling of a present state of terrestrial temperature to be a permanent state. On the other
solid by conduction. The full coherence of Hopkinss counterattack on Lyell, hand, a perpetually recurring scries of changes might be attributed - along the
however, demanded a dramatic change in the properties of solid matter with lines advocated by Poisson (ch. 6) - to the external causes. Hopkins regarded
increased temperature and pressure inside the earth. such hypotheses as extremely unsatisfactory, and utterly unfit to be made the
In his presidential address to the Geological Society of London in February, foundation on which a great speculative theory may rest. In the end, he argued,
1852, Hopkins defined progression as a change by which the inorganic matter of the celestial bodies themselves must be subject to permanent changes of tem
our planet has passed, in the long process of time, from a primitive to its present perature. Thus, reasoning from all we know of the properties of matter and
condition, and may still pass to some ultimate and diflTcrent state. This state had heat, I am unable in any manner to recognize the seal and impress to those laws
rendered the surface of the earth more fit for the habitation of the higher orders alone by which we conceive it at present to be governed.*
of organized beings (ch. 18) and may have come about by either paroxysmal or As a further, closely related, criticism of the doctrine of non-progression,
uniform action of geological forces. Paroxysmal here corresponded to Hopkins argued that it was contrary to the very essence of geology as a physical
Whewells term catastrophist (greater intensity of geological agencies than at science. Such a doctrine seemed to involve the rejection of the notion of a
present) and uniform to Whewells uniformitarian (equal intensity with the beginning of the actual physical condition of our planet and to imply that the
present). In contrast, Hopkins defined non-progression as the absence, not of sequence of periodical changes had been ofinfinite duration. The alternative was
periodic change, but of permanent change. to assert that the earth must have been created at once, at some finite distance of
Hopkinss address reflects a close acquaintance with Thomsons dynamical time, as fit a dwelling-place for organic beings, as it has been rendered, according
theory of heat, for Hopkinss completely general doctrine ofcosmical progres to the theory of progression, only by a long series of superficial operations. Such
sion derived here from a knowledge of the irreversible nature of heat. Hopkins an immediate act of creation would precede the operation of antecedent physical
therefore argued that the theories of uniformity and o f non-progression appear causes - the study of which formed the essence of physical geology - and so
to me incompatible with our most certain knowledge of the properties o f heat- would sap the foundations on which alone geology can rest as physical science.
that evcr-active agent in the work of terrestrial transformation. He carefully As we saw in the previous chapter, William Thomson implicitly reiterated
refrained from discussing the evidence which might be deduced from recog Hopkinss and Whewells position here, namely, that while an immediate act of
nized geological phenomena in favour of the theory of progression, basing his creation was within the power of an omnipotent God, God had chosen to work
through certain laws, and it was this choice which made physical science possible
* William Hopkins, Anniversary address o f the President, Quart.]. Geol. Soc. London, 8 (1852),
\xiv-lxxx, esp. pp. Ixxii Ixxiii, Ivii. On W hewells terms, see Smith, Geologists and mathemati
as a study o f antecedent conditions and future evolutions.
cians, p. 59; W.F. Cannon, The uniformitarian-catastrophist debate, Isis, 51 (1960), 38-55, esp.
pp. 545. Hopkins, Anniversary address, p. Ixxiii. Ibid., p. Ixxiv.
556 The economy o f nature The secular cooling o f the earth 557

In the same paper, Hopkins stressed that approximate non-progression was provide an answer to this important question of solidity, a question which
perfectly consistent with the progressive refrigeration of the earth for enormous would also prove important for Thomson.
periods o f time. In this context he referred to his own very recent and more In his presidential address to the British Association in 1853, Hopkins drew
specific studies which purported to show that climatal conditions . . . may, attention to the purpose and progress of his experimental investigations with
consistently with the earths continual refrigeration, have remained sensibly Joule and Fairbairn at Manchester on the effects of great pressure upon the
unaffected by the internal heat. . . for millions of centuries; and the very theory thermal properties (notably the temperature of fusion) of matter. They aimed to
which tells us that these conditions can never be sensibly altered in all future time establish that the temperature of fusion of common substances increased under
(external circumstances remaining the same) essentially involves the hypothesis pressure, suggesting for the earths crust a much greater thickness than that
of progressive change towards an ultimate limit.^ These more detailed investi indicated by increase-of-heat-with-depth arguments based on the melting of
gations of the effects of the earths internal heat responded directly to a new rocks under ordinary pressures. Hopkins reported promising first results:
challenge to the validity of the central heat doctrine. A t p r e se n t o u r e x p e r im e n ts h a v e b e e n restr ic te d to a f e w su b sta n ces, a n d th o s e o f e a sy
The acceptance (albeit slowly and reluctantly) by British geologists of a recent fu s ib ility ; b u t I b e lie v e o u r ap p aratu s to b e n o w so c o m p le te fo r a c o n sid e r a b le r a n g e o f
and widespread glacial epoch in Western Europe posed a significant problem for te m p e r a tu r e , th a t w e sh all h a v e n o d iffic u lty in o b ta in in g fu r th e r resu lts. T h o s e alrea d y
the central heat doctrine. The notion of a gradually cooling earth seemed o b ta in e d in d ic a te an increase in the temperature affusion proportional to the pressure to which the
consistent with a warmer climate in times past, but inconsistent with a change of fused mass is subjected. In e m p lo y in g a p ressu re o f a b o u t 13(X )01bs. t o th e sq u are in c h o n
climate from comparative warmth to a recent glacial epoch. Louis Agassizs b le a c h e d w a x , th e in crea se in th e te m p e r a tu r e o f fu s io n w a s n o t less th an 30 Fahr. . . . *

attempt in 1840 to reconcile his ice age with central heat by suggesting a The experimental researches had begun with discussions between Hopkins
modified doctrine, that of oscillatory cooling of the globe (whereby the and Fairbairn in April, 1851. Hopkinss friend Robert Willis had informed him
temperature would fall steeply and then rise slightly to a stable plateau before that a lever employed by Eaton Hodgkinson of Manchester to produce enor
falling again), scarcely achieved general acceptance. During the 1850s, on the mous pressures on cylinders now resided with Fairbairn. Fairbairn thus supplied
other hand, Hopkins aimed to show that such climatal changes as the glacial the initial apparatus, and, as Hopkins remarked with gratitude for Fairbairns
epoch could scarcely be affected by a central heat, but were due rather to very considerable contributions, without the engineering resources . . . at Mr
superficial causes such as changes in the distributions of land and sea.^ Fairbairns command, success would have been hopeless. The Royal Society
Having thus satisfied himself regarding the consistency of the central heat supplied a grant of ;^250 under the superintendence of a committee which
doctrine with the occurrence of a recent glacial epoch, Hopkins turned to the includedjoule.^^ But the presence o f Professor William Thomson soon became
problems which the doctrine raised concerning the internal character of the manifest in several respects.
earth, and in particular the thermal properties of matter. As early as 1839-42, he At a time when Joule and Thomson had begun their own researches on the
had investigated the earths precession and nutation and concluded that a largely properties of fluids in motion, it is scarcely surprising to find Thomson being
solid rather than almost wholly fluid terrestrial sphere was required. The consulted by Hopkins and Joule from the early stages. Thomsons first explicit
immediate problem posed by Lyell for the central heat doctrine, however, had contribution came in the form of an ingenious and simple experimental tech
been that the law of increase of heat with depth pointed to a central molten mass nique for determining the temperature of fusion inside brass tubes or cylinders.
at depths of not much more than sixty or seventy miles beneath the earths He suggested placing a small magnetized steel wire within the substance such
surface. As a solution, Hopkins had therefore suggested that the effects of that, on the substance melting, the wire would fall to the bottom of the tube. A
pressure at great depths might increase the temperature at which rocks melted, small compass outside the tube would enable the detection of the movement,
and that the thermal conductivities of the lower rocks might be considerably which corresponded to the moment of fusion. Brass, rather than glass, could
greater than those of the superficial sedimentary beds. In either case, the thus be safely employed under severe pressures and high temperatures. In
thickness of the earths solid crust would then be much enhanced, and consis August, 1853,Joule reported to Fairbairn that our experiment this morning was
tency with the findings of physical astronomy obtained. Hopkins thus sought to
institute empirical researches on the thermal properties of matter in order to William Hopkins, Researches in physical geology - first series, Phil. Trans., (1839), 381-423,
esp. pp. 381-5; Report on the geological theories o f elevation and earthquakes, BAAS Report, 17
^ Ibid., p. lx.xv. (1847), 33-92, esp. pp. 51-3.
** MJ.S. Rudwick, The glacial theory, Hist. Sci., 8 (1969), 136- 57, esp. pp. 148-50. William Hopkins, Presidential address, BAAS Report, 23 (1853), xli-lvii, on pp. li-lii.
William Hopkins, On the causes which may have produced changes in the earths superficial William Hopkins to William Fairbairn, 25th April, 1851, in William Pole (ed.). The life o f Sir
temperature, Proc. Geol. Soc. London, 8 (1852), 56-92. William Fairbairn, Bart. (London, 1877), pp. 289-90.
558 The economy o f nature The secular cooling o f the earth 559

satisfactory, the needle having fallen at 373, the exact temperature expected by Hopkins attempted to go further, however, along the road towards increas
Mr Hopkins, and which shows that the temperature of fusion rises with the ing the thickness of the earths crust. He argued that the apparent uniformity of
pressure in arithmetic progression. This result, together with a drawing of the temperature gradient obtained from measurements in deep mines actually
apparatus despatched to John Phillips, Hopkins intended to communicate to the conflicted with theory. Theory showed a variation of temperature gradient
1853 Hull meeting of the British Association over which he presided. with conductivity, which implied that the temperature gradient in very differ
Thomson, however, contributed more than experimental technique. Much ent localities, with different rock strata, ought not to be uniform. He therefore
of the investigation of the temperature of fusion derived from Thomsons concluded his paper with a speculation that superficial causes - which he did
thermodynamic formulae, and the results provided generally promising agree not specify but which in his previous discussions meant changes in the relative
ment between theory and observation. Bismuth, for example, showed no positions of land and sea - might play a greater role in increasing the temperature
increase in the temperature of fusion for, like ice, it contracted on melting. As gradient near the surface, while at the same time reducing that part due to the
Hopkins explained to Fairbairn on 8th October, 1855: primitive heat and so allowing for a still-thicker solid crust:
A c c o r d in g to o u r n e w t h e o r y o f h e a t [ T h o m s o n s d y n a m ic a l t h e o r y ], th is o u g h t to b e th e A fte r th e p r e c e d in g in v e s tig a tio n s , it ap p ea rs to m e e x t e m e ly d iffic u lt, i f n o t im p o s s ib le ,
case, p r o v id e d th e re b e n o in crea se o f v o lu m e w h ile th e su b sta n c e passes fr o m th e so lid to to a v o id th e c o n c lu s io n th a t a p art at least o f th e h ea t n o w e x is tin g in th e su p e r fic ia l cru st
th e flu id sta te. 1 h a d ju s t t im e b e fo r e I le ft to try th e e x p e r im e n t, an d assure m y s e l f th at o f o u r g lo b e is d u e to su p e r fic ia l an d n o t to cen tra l cau ses. It s h o u ld b e r e m a r k e d ,
b ism u th in a flu id state p r o b a b ly o c c u p ie s less v o lu m e th a n in its so lid state, w h ile su ch h o w e v e r , th a t th e a r g u m e n t th u s a ffo r d e d is n o t d ir e c tly a g a in st th e t h e o r y o f a prim itive
su b sta n ces as w a x , sp e r m a c e ti. See., o f w h ic h th e te m p e r a tu r e o f fu s io n is so m u c h h e a t, b u t o n ly a g a in st th e m a n ife s ta tio n o f th e r e m a in s o f su ch h e a t as th e s o le cau se o f th e
in crea sed b y p ressu re, o c c u p y m u c h larger sp a ce in a flu id th an in a so lid state. T h is is all e x is tin g terrestrial te m p e r a tu r e s at d e p th s b e y o n d th e d ir e c t in flu e n c e o f so la r h eat. T h e
a c c o r d a n t w it h th e o r y ; b u t req u ires still to b e w o r k e d o u t w it h a c c u r a c y , w h ic h th e r e w ill a r g u m e n t in fa v o u r o f th e e a r th s o r ig in a l flu id ity (a state o n ly c o n c e iv a b le as th e e ffe c t o f
b e n o d iffic u lty n o w in d o in g . h ea t) fo u n d e d o n th e sp h e r o id a l fo r m o f th e e a rth , r e m a in s u n a ffe c te d . W h a te v e r
c o g e n c y it m a y h a v e b e e n s u p p o s e d t o p o ssess, it possesses still. A t th e sa m e t im e , all th o s e
In other words, the investigations of Hopkins, Joule, and Fairbairn into the
co lla te r a l a r g u m e n ts d e r iv e d fr o m th e e x is tin g te m p e r a tu r e o f th e e a r th s cru st, o r th e
temperatures of fusion of various substances under high pressures accorded c lim a ta l c h a n g e s w h ic h w e b e lie v e to h a v e ta k e n p la ce o n its su rfa ce, are d e p r iv e d , I
directly with the thermodynamics of William and James Thomson. c o n c e iv e , o f a g r e a t p art o f th e ir w e ig h t .
Meanwhile, Hopkins had embarked around 1855 on studies of the effects of
pressure on the conductivities of various substances. Greater conductivities in Hopkins made no attempt here or elsewhere, however, to say how much of the
the inferior rocks would, like increased temperature o f fusion, also allow for a heat could be ascribed to superficial causes. At the same time, his commitment to
greater thickness of solid crust for, given the same amount of heat conducted the central heat doctrine remained as strong as ever.
outwards, a higher conductivity would not require as steep a thermal gradient.
In other words, the temperature of fusion would be reached at a greater depth. Thomson, Helmholtz, and the importance of terrestrial temperatures
Aided once more by Fairbairn and Joule, Hopkins had carried out another long
By comparison with Hopkinss extensive experimental and theoretical investi
series of investigations which yielded the conductive powers of a variety of
gation into problems of terrestrial heat, William Thomsons own researches in
mineral substances under different conditions of pressure, discontinuity, tem
that field during the period 1846-62 appear of relatively minor character. In
perature, and moisture. His findings revealed that igneous rocks possessed
1855, however, Thomson read to the British Association a paper On the use of
much greater conductivity than sedimentary rocks, indicating, in accordance
observations of terrestrial temperature for the investigation of absolute dates in
with his earlier conclusion, that the thickness of the crust could not be so small as
geology. He began with an assessment ofJ.D. Forbess recent investigation of
200 or 300 miles.^*
thermal conductivities, his omission o f any reference to Hopkins being probably
J.P. Joule to William Fairbairn, 12th August, 1853; William Hopkins to William Fairbairn,
22nd August, 1853, in W. Pole (ed.), F a i r b a ir n , pp. 295-6. See also William Hopkins, An account o f
due to the fact that Hopkinss researches into conductivities had only just begun:
some experiments on the effect o f pressure on the temperature o f fusion o f different substances,
B A A S R e p o r t , 2 4 (1854), 57-8. Hopkins, Experimental researches, pp. 836-7. See also S.G. Brush, Nineteenth-century
William Hopkins to William Fairbairn, 8 th October, 1855, in W . Pole (ed.), F a i r b a i r n , pp. debates about the inside o f the earth: solid, liquid or gas?, A n n . S c i . , 36 (1979), 225-54, esp. pp. 233^
3034. Sec afso PL, 2, 306^8, for William Thomsons agreement. 4. Brushs remarks that it is not clear that Hopkins had serious doubts about the doctrine o f central
* William Hopkins, Experimental researches on the conductive powers o f various substances, primitive heat in 1842, but his research in the following years did lead him to challenge its adequacy
with the application o f the results to the problem o f terrestrial temperature, P h i l . T r a n s . , (1857), are misleading. Hopkins maintained a fundamental commitment to central heat throughout his
805-49, esp. pp. 805-21; W. Pole (ed.), F a i r b a ir n , pp. 301-8. researches. That Hopkins and Thomson do not appear to have communicated much after 1855
William Hopkins, On the earths internal temperature and the thickness o f its solid crust, seems entirely due to the failure o f Hopkinss health late in that year. He died in October, 1866, aged
P r o c . R o y a l I n s t . , 3 (1858-62), 13943, esp. p. 141. 73. See W. Pole (ed.), F a i r b a ir n , pp. 304- 5.
560 The economy o f nature The secular cooling o f the earth 561

T h e r e la tiv e th e r m a l c o n d u c tiv it ie s o f d iffe r e n t su b sta n c e s h a v e b e e n in v e s tig a te d b y th e su rface fr o m w it h in , in c o m p a r is o n w it h th at r e a c h in g th e earth fr o m th e su n , is

m a n y e x p e r im e n te r s; b u t th e o n ly a b so lu te d e te r m in a tio n s y e t m a d e in th is m o st e x c e e d in g ly sm a ll, an d in creases th e te m p e r a tu r e o f th e su rface o n ly a b o u t 3^ o f a d e g r e e
im p o r ta n t su b ject are d u e to P r o fe sso r J a m e s F o rb es, w h o has d e d u c e d th e a b so lu te C e n tig r a d e ; so th a t th e r e m n a n t o f th e o ld sto re o f fo r c e w h ic h is e n c lo s e d as h ea t w it h in
th e r m a l c o n d u c tiv it y o f th e trap ro ck o f C a lto n H ill, o f th e sa n d sto n e o f C r a ig le ith th e b o w e ls o f th e ea rth , has a se n sib le in flu e n c e u p o n th e p ro cesses at th e e a r th s su rface
q u a rry , a n d o f th e san d b e lo w th e so il o f th e E x p e r im e n ta l G a rd en s, fr o m o b s e r v a tio n s o n o n ly th r o u g h th e in str u m e n ta lity o f v o lc a n ic p h e n o m e n a .^
terrestrial te m p e r a tu r e , w h ic h w e r e carried o n fo r fiv e y ea rs in th e se th r ee lo c a litie s (all in
th e im m e d ia te n e ig h b o u r h o o d o f E d in b u r g h ), b y m e a n s o f th e r m o m e te r s c o n str u c te d
For Helmholtz, the processes at the earths surface at present owed their power
a n d laid , u n d e r h is ca re, b y th e B r itish A s s o c ia t io n . almost wholly to the action of other heavenly bodies, particularly to the light
and heat of the sun, and partly also, in the case of the tides, to the attraction of the
In his paper, Thomson drew attention to specific results which showed a sun and moon. Likewise, as to the future of our planetary system in general and
greater conductivity of the trap rock at the greater depths - a variation not of our earth in particular, the heat of the sun is the only thing which essentially
established for the sandstone or sand. Even allowing for inaccuracies in the affects the question since the earths internal heat has but little influence on the
calibration of the thermometers, Thomson suggested that these results indicated temperature of the surface. With regard to past history, the time during which
the comparatively modern time at which the trap rock of Calton Hill has burst the earth generated organic beings is... small when we compare it with the ages
up in an incandescent fluid state. Furthermore, he felt that his conjecture had during which the world was a ball of fused rocks. According to Helmholtzs
been confirmed by a similar result for porphyry in the locality of the Rhenish estimate, the earths cooling from 2000' to 200C would, on the experimental
spa town of Kreuznach, which he had recently visited with his ailing wife and data provided for basalt by Bischof, require 350 million years.
where he had met Helmholtz for the first time.^^ This brief statement regarding terrestrial time was intended by Helmholtz to
Thomson concluded that the mathematical theory of heat, - with data as to illustrate to his audience both the fmiteness of the planetary system and the
absolute conductivities of rocks, such as those supplied by Professor Forbes, and vastness of its time scale in relation to the estimated 6000 year duration of human
with the assistance of observation on the actual cooling of historical lava streams history or the one to nine million year duration of successive plant and animal
. . . - may be applied to give estimates, within determined limits of accuracy, of species on earth: the history of man . . . is but a short ripple in the ocean of time.
the absolute dates of eruption of actual volcanic rocks of prehistoric periods of With Helmholtz, then, we see already the public reinterpretation of mans place
geology, from observations of temperature in bores made into the volcanic in nature within the framework of the new energy principles of conservation
rocks themselves and the surrounding strata.^ So far, however, he had not and dissipation. With Hopkins we have seen the conviction that the rapid
attempted to approach again the question of the cooling of the earth as a whole - advance of geology as a science will be best aided by the attention of men whose
still less in relation to geological time. His 1855 paper simply held out the primary studies have been those o f mechanical and physical scicncc.^^ And,
possibility of assigning dates to particular rock formations on the earths surface. with Thomson, we shall now see the powerful development of these themes
The precise issues discussed by Thomson and Helmholtz at Kreuznach are not when, stimulated by the biological and geological debates of this time, he
known. But Helmholtzs 1854 lecture On the interaction of natural forces - embarked upon his paper On the secular cooling of the earth.
translated for the Philosophical Magazine by John Tyndall in 1856- contained an
important discussion of terrestrial heat which began in the context of nebular
hypotheses as to the origin of the solar system: The secular cooling of the earth

O u r earth b ears still th e u n m is ta k a b le traces o f its o ld fie r y flu id c o n d itio n . T h e g r a n ite During the spring and early summer of 1861, while recovering from his broken
fo r m a tio n s o f h er m o u n ta in s e x h ib it a str u c tu r e , w h ic h can o n ly b e p r o d u c e d b y th e leg, Thomson contemplated a challenge to uniformitarian geology at the
c r y s ta lliz a tio n o f fu se d m a sses. In v e s tig a tio n still s h o w s th at th e te m p e r a tu r e in m in e s an d forthcoming meeting of the British Association. His disposition indicated in
b o r in g s in crea ses as w e d e s c e n d . . . B u t th e c o o le d cru st o f th e earth has a lr e a d y b e c o m e so Joules letter o f May, 1861, to expose some of the rubbish which has been thrust
th ic k , th a t, as m a y b e s h o w n b y c a lc u la tio n s o f its c o n d u c t iv e p o w e r , th e h ea t c o m in g to
on the public lately, shows that the incomprehensibly vast time scales de
' * William Thomson, On the use o f observations o f terrestrial temperature for the investigation manded by Darwins Origin of species were the immediate cause of his response to
o f absolute dates in geology, BAAS Report, 25 (1855), 18 9; MPP, 2 , 175-7; J.D. Forbes, Account the uniformitarian claims, even though his outlook had been for many years
o f some experiments on the temperature o f the earth at different depths and in different soils near
Edinburgh, Trans. Royal Soc. Edinburgh, 16 (1846), 189-236; William Thomson, On the reduction Hermann Helmholtz, On the interaction o f natural forces, (lecture at Konigsberg, 7th
o f observations o f underground temperature; with application to Professor Forbes Edinburgh February, 1854), Phil. Mag. [series 4], 11 (1856), 489-518, on p. .508. Ibid., pp. 515-16.
observations, and the continued Calton Hill series, Trans. Royal Soc. Edinburgh, 22 (1861), 405 27; William Hopkins, Anniversary address o f the President, Quart. J . Geol. Soc. London, 9 (1853),
MPP, 3, 261-94. SPT, 1, 308-10. MPP, 2, 177.
562 The economy o f nature The secular cooling o f the earth 563

fundamentally at variance with Lyells. Similarly, his letter of June, 1861, to se a -b e d , o v e r an area e q u a l to th at f r o m w h ic h it w a s d e r iv e d . T h e th ic k n e ss w a s te d fr o m
John Phillips, quoted at the beginning of the present chapter, focussed on the th e la n d , in o n e y e a r , is th u s th e sa m e as th a t a d d e d to th e se a -b e d in o n e y ear. D iv id e b y

defective nature of Darwins computation of the Weald of Kent.^"* th is th ic k n e s s th e m ea su r e d th ic k n e ss o f th e se d im e n ta r y strata, th e r esu lt is th e n u m b e r o f

U n ifo r m ita r ia n y ea rs e m p lo y e d in d e p o s it in g th e strata . .
In his reply, Phillips, a principal organizer of the British Association since its
foundation in 1831 and appointed professor of geology at Oxford in 1860, As an example, Phillips stated that the Ganges would deliver jfy of an inch of
agreed with Thomsons remarks and drew attention to his own recent maxi sediment to the Bay of Bengal each year, and so, for a maximum thickness of
mum of ninety-six million years for the period of stratification; strata of about 72 000 feet (a figure also cited by Darwin), the antiquity of the
D a r w in s c o m p u t a t io n s are s o m e t h in g absurd as to th e w a s tin g o f th e sea. For th e base of the stratified rocks would be ninety-six million years. Such an estimate,
c a lc u l[a tio n ] in c lu d e s as a co efF [icien t] th e heightl o f th e cliff. T h is a sto n ish in g erro r is n o t however, might be too large - given that the sediment did not in fact spread over
th e o n ly o n e . N o o n e w h o e v e r d o e s c a lc u la te ( a m o n g o u r g e o lo g is t s ) atta ch es a n y w e ig h t such a wide area - or too small - given the outstanding ability of the Ganges,
to th e resultl In m y L ife o n E a r th I h a v e g iv e n s o m e c a lc u la t io n s ] w h ic h fo r th e p e r io d o f compared to other rivers, to deposit sediment.^*
str a tific a tio n , rise to 9 6 m illio n s o n ly - & h a v e a d d e d n o t u n lik e ly e s tim a te , as to th e Turning from uniformitarian assumptions to the Leibnizian theory, Phillips
p e r io d o f c o a l d e p o s itio n & o th e r th in g s o f th e sort.^ noted that we first must settle the limits of the atmospheric power to waste the
Phillips had published his Life on the earth in 1860, a book which contained the surface in the early geological periods. At the origin of the oceans there would
substance of the Rede Lecture delivered at Cambridge in May of that year. indeed be a mighty power in action - perpetually falling floods - the fountains of
Although Thomson was not present, and did not receive a copy of the book heaven - wasting a hot and friable [likely to crumble] surface. But, leaving aside
from Phillips until 1869,^^ two features of Phillipss remarks on the Antiquity this epoch, he moved forward to the base of the Palaeozoic system:
of the earth stand out as significant for Thomsons subsequent paper on secular a d o p tin g as h ig h a lim it fo r th e te m p e r a tu r e o f th e su rfa ce o f th e g lo b e as m ig h t b e
cooling: Phillipss discussion of Leibnizs consistentior status (the consolidation of p o ss ib le to su it th e races o f M o llu sc a an d C r u sta c e a th e n c o m in g in t o v i e w , w e m a y a llo w
the earth from red- or white-hot molten matter), and his estimate of ninety-six 2 ( f [F] h ig h e r m e a n te m p e r a tu r e th a n at p r e se n t. F r o m th is p o in t it m u st b e s u p p o s e d to
million years for the period of stratification. h a v e d e c lin e d to th e actu al c o n d itio n , a n d w it h th e d e p r e ssio n o f te m p e r a tu r e in a m o r e

Phillipss concern was to bring the epoch of life on the earth into a scale of solar rap id p r o g ressio n .^ ^

time - to estimate not only the relative antiquity of the several races of plants and Assuming that the quantity of moisture sustained in air varied in geometrical
animals, but the absolute antiquity of the earliest inhabitants of the earth. The proportion to the temperature, a former temperature 20F above the present
natural phenomenon upon which he based his estimate was stratification but the mean surface temperature of 56F would, Phillips argued, imply a quantity of
estimate also depended on whether one assumed a uniformitarian or Leibnizian moisture nearly double that now supported by the atmosphere. Assuming also
theory. Assuming equality of present and past rates of sedimentation, Phillips that the causes o f rain and vicissitudes o f seasons remained the same in kind, we
explained: may admit the atmospheric power . . . to have been double what it is now, and
T a k e a n y la r g e su rfa ce o f th e la n d , w h ic h y ie ld s to th e a tm o s p h e r ic a g e n c y u n e q u a lly in from that time to the present it has sunk in geometrical progression. He
d iffe r e n t p a r t s . . . ; o b s e r v e a n d m e a su r e w h a t is ca rried a w a y b y o n e o r m o r e r iv ers fr o m concluded, the time consumed . . . could not be so little as two-thirds of that
th e su rfa ce t o th e sea in o n e y ea r. A s s u m e th is to b e a fair a v e r a g e fo r th e w h o le su rfa ce o f computed on the hypothesis of uniform action, viz., about sixty-four million
th e la n d , a n d , to sa v e tr o u b le , s u p p o s e th e w h o le o f th e s e d im e n t to b e sp read o u t o n th e
years. On the other hand, supposing the resisting powers o f the earths crust to
Charles Darwins phrase incomprehensibly vast - altered to how vast in the fifth edition o f have been half as great in the past, we shall have the earlier atmospheric waste
The orij^in o f species published in August, 1869 - and his discussion o f the denudation o f the Weald - effectively four times as great as at present. This allowed, we shall find the whole
omitted from the third edition o f April, 1861, onwards - are contained in chap. 9, On the time . . . cannot be reduced to so little as , or 38 million years.
imperfection o f the geological record under the sub-heading On the lapse o f time. See Morse
Peckham (ed.). The origin o f species by Charles Darwin. A variorum text (Philadelphia, 1959), pp. 478- In concluding his discussion of geological time, however, Phillips insisted that
87. See alsoJ.D. Burchfield, Darwin and the dilemma o f geological time, Isis, 65 (1974), 301-21, a thirty-eight million year period for the deposition of fossiliferous strata was
and Lord Kelvin and the age of the earth (London, 1975), pp. 70-2, for an account o f Darwins
too short;
calculation and its early critics.
-5 John Phillips to William Thomson, 12thjune, 1861, P72, ULC; SPT, 1,539. On Phillips and It is rather to b e s u p p o s e d v e r y m u c h lo n g e r , i f r e d u c tio n o f te m p e r a tu r e is to b e tak en as
the British Association, see jack Morrell and Arnold Thackray, Gentlemen o f science. Early years o f the th e m a in ly in flu e n tia l c o n d itio n o f d e v ia t io n fr o m u n ifo r m a c tio n . F or i f th is r e d u c tio n o f
British Association for the Advancement of Science (Oxford, 1981), esp. pp. 439-44.
John Phillips to William Thomson, 5th January, 1869, P73, U LC . Thomson did not visit John Phillips, Life on the earth. Its origin and succession (London and Cambridge, I860), pp.
Cambridge between 1852 and 1866. See William Thomson to G.G. Stokes, 7th July, 1871, K176, 121-^. Ibid., pp. 125 b; The origin o f species by Charles Darwin, p. 481.
Stokes correspondence, ULC'. Phillips, Life on the earth, pp. 134- 5.
564 The economy o f nature The secular cooling o f the earth 565

te m p e r a tu r e w e r e ta k e n at 20 it m u s t h a v e r e q u ir e d a g e s o f a g e s to b e a c c o m p lis h e d b y In his reply of 12th June, John Phillips regretted that your wishes as to the
th e e x c e s s o f r a d ia tio n in to sp a ce o v e r th e h ea t r e c e iv e d f r o m th e sun; th e p e r io d m a y n o t subterranean temperature have not been more attended to, and suggested local
e lu d e c a lc u la tio n , b u t it lies q u ite b e y o n d th e p o w e r o f th e m in d to c o n te m p la te w it h cold including the downward flow of cold water as a possible cause of the
steadiness.^ variations. Thomson, in his 1862 published paper On the secular cooling of the
With such a statement, Phillips might well be said to have set up the problem to earth pointed out that Professor Phillips had well shown in a recent inaugural
which Thomson was about to turn his attention. His alignments with progres address to the Geological Society that the disturbing influences affecting
sionist thinking in cosmical physics made him a natural ally of Phillips and underground temperature... are too great to allow us to expect any very precise
Hopkins against Lyell and Darwin. But at no time did he hold geologists or satisfactory results. I n other words, the great variations near the earths
generally in contempt. On the contrary, his insistence upon consistency among surface seemed attributable only to local causes rather than to any more general
different theories and different branches of natural science demanded that there causes on a par with central heat. Thomson apparently felt able to ignore,
be no great gulf between the findings of the geological scale of time - based on therefore, Hopkinss remarks concerning superficial causes.
sedimentation rates - and those of the thermodynamic scale of time - based on William Thomsons ideas on the age of the suns heat in relation to what he
heat conduction rates. With Phillipss estimates, uncertain and approximate saw as the excessive time demanded by geologists for life on earth had emerged
though they were, Thomson had that necessary consistency. Thus, even if later in his notebook for July, 1861, under the heading - remarkably similar to that
geological approaches might produce far longer time scales quite at variance employed by Phillips - On the antiquity of the earth as a habitable world. He
with his own, in 1861-2 Thomson did not ignore the findings of a purely began his draft with the issue of geological time:
geological approach to terrestrial time.^^ G e o lo g is ts h a v e d is c o v e r e d m o n u m e n t s o f a n c ie n t life o n th e E arth a ffo r d in g irrefra g a b le
The correspondence between Thomson and Phillips in 1861, however, e v id e n c e o f a v ast a n tiq u ity to b e m e a su r e d in th o u sa n d s o f c e n tu r ie s. B u t sp e c u la tio n
reveals a more specific interaction of Glasgow natural philosopher and Oxford o u tr u n s e v id e n c e , a n d , n o t c o n te n te d w it h d e m a n d in g t im e e n o u g h fo r th e g e n e r a tio n o f
geologist. In his letter of 7th June, Thomson explained that he had just received all e x is tin g fo ss ilife r o u s ro c k s, a ssu m e s an cestra l liv e s o f in d e fin ite le n g t h fo r th e S ilu rian

results on underground temperatures at Greenwich from a former pupil, J.D. b e in g s , an d d r a w s u p o n an u n lim ite d fu n d o f tim e , w it h o u t a t h o u g h t o f th e fo r c e
r e q u ir e d fo r th e ir liv in g , an d fo r th e d e str u c tio n o f all traces o f th e ir fo r m s after d e a th . In
Everett. These results are very striking and unless the thermometers are far
re a lity th e m a ter ia l o f th e E arth a n d S u n c a n n o t h a v e a ffo r d e d in all t im e m o r e th a n a
wrong demonstrate cold rather than heat in going downwards. On consider
fin ite q u a n tity o f m e c h a n ic a l e n e r g y ; an d life , as at p r esen t r e g u la te d , e s se n tia lly in v o lv e s
ation of possible causes of these results, Thomson rejected as inadequate a
a c o n tin u a l d iss ip a tio n o f e n e r g y b y solar ra d ia tio n in to sp ace.
cooling effect produced by a glacial era of a few thousand centuries, ending
40,000 years ago. Such an effect would only diminish the rate of increase [of In parallel with his remarks on the limitations of the suns heat, he also noted that
temperature] and not make an actual diminution of temperature in going the present thermal condition of the earths mass, presenting in every locality in
down. An estimated cooling effect of to per one-hundred feet of descent which it has hitherto been investigated, an increase of temperature downwards
had to be set against an increase of temperature due to a more ancient heat of from the surface, either must have originated in comparatively recent times in a
about 2F per one-hundred feet of descent. He therefore remarked that it seems general elevation of the external temperature, which appears very improbable,
on the whole more probable that the thermometers have gone wrong, but or must proceed from an antecedent condition of measurable antiquity when the
concluded with a question to Phillips: earth was unfit for life, whether from being at too high a temperature or from
being composed of unoxydized metal up to its surface.
is it q u ite certa in that in all parts o f th e w o r ld th e re is an in crea se o f te m p e r a tu r e in g o in g
d o w n w a r d s at s o m e su ch rate as lF a h r . per 5 0 fe e t, e x c e p t in lim ite d lo c a litie s su c h as
Thomson began his 1861 paper to the British Association with the assertion
C a lto n H ill, o r C r e u z n a c h , w h e r e e r u p tio n s o f trap r o c k s in c o m p a r a tiv e ly r e c e n t tim e s
that it was quite certain that the solar system cannot have gone on, even as at
g iv e s a g r e a te r in crea se, o r o th e r s w h e r e s o m e lo c a l so u r c e o f c o ld e x is ts o r h as e x iste d ? present, for a few hundred thousand or a few million years without the
irrevocable loss (by dissipation, not by annihilation) of a very considerable
Since the 1855 BAAS meeting, indeed, Thomson had been urging the need for proportion of the entire energy initially in store for such heat, and for plutonic
special geothermic surveys for the purpose of estimating absolute dates in
2 MPP, 3, 297.

Ibid., pp. 13.5-8. William Thomson, Research notebook, July, 1861, NB4.5, ULC. For the significance o f an
Burchfield, Aj^e o f the earth, pp. 32, 59-60, discusses Phillipss estimates in relation to unlimited fund o f tim e in the relation o f geology to political economy see M J.S. Rudwick, Poulett
Thom sons, but does not explore the nature o f any interaction between geologist and natural Scrope on the volcanoes o f Auvergne: Lyellian time and political econom y, Brit.J. Hist. Set., 8
philosopher. (1974), 20.5-42.
566 The economy o f nature The secular cooling o f the earth 567

[igneous] action. Although the whole store of energy was greater in the past, it that we have examples now before us, on the earth, of all the different actions by
was 'conceivable that . . . the rate at which it was drawn upon may have been which its crust has been modified in geological history, but that these actions
nearly equable, or may even have been less rapid. But he believed it far more have never, or have not on the whole, been more violent in past time than they
probable that the rate of secular consumption had been in some direct (not simple are at present. S i n c e at least 1844 Thomson had been concerned with Lyells
. . .) proportion to the total amount of energy in store at any time after the views on terrestrial heat. Now, in the wake of Darwins Origin of species and a
commencement of the present order of things. decade of his own work on thermodynamics - particularly in relation to
This view he had endeavoured to prove . . . for the case of the sun in a questions of the suns heat - he attacked frontally Lyells neglect of those
separate paper at the same meeting. He had there shown that most probably the essential principles of thermodynamics, the most important being that of
sun was sensibly hotter a million years ago than he is now . Hence, geological energy dissipation - of which Fouriers law of heat conduction gave a perfect
speculation assuming somewhat greater extremes of heat, more violent storms illustration.
and floods, more luxuriant vegetation, and hardier and coarser grained plants Referring to his paper of early 1844 on the age of temperature distributions,
and animals in remote antiquity are more probable than those of the extreme Thomson stated that he had there given the mathematical criterion for an
quietist school. For his part, a middle path, not generally safest in scientific essentially initial distribution. Now, in 1862, he was concerned to apply that
speculation, seems to be so in this case. Thus, he concluded, it was probable that criterion to estimate from the known general increase o f temperature in the
hypotheses of grand catastrophes destroying all life from the earth and ruining earth downwards, the date of the first establishment of that consistentior status
its whole surface at once are greatly in error; it is impossible that hypotheses which, according to Leibnizs theory is the initial date of all geological
assuming an equability of sun and storms for 1 000 000 years can be quite history.^
correct.^ In his approach to the problem of terrestrial heat, Thomson not only took up
Now, however, it was the earth itself which provided further proof of the once more his earlier interest (1844-6), but implicitly followed the path trodden
errors of recent geological speculation. As he expressed the essence of the by his great French predecessors, Laplace and Fourier. Their aims, however, had
problem in his draft: been quite different from Thomsons. The Frenchmen had been primarily
concerned to produce a temperature map over the earths surface, and not with a
F o u r ie r s m a th e m a tic a l t h e o r y o f th e c o n d u c tio n o f h ea t is a b e a u tifu l w o r k in g o u t o f a
p a rticu la r case b e lo n g in g to th e g e n e r a l d o c tr in e o f th e D is s ip a tio n o f E n e r g y . A g e n e r a l
determination o f the earths age. They, unlike Thomson, had treated the full
ch a ra cter o f th e p r a ctica l so lu tio n s it p resen ts is th a t in ea ch case a d istr ib u tio n o f spherical problem and took into account the heating effect of the sun, making
te m p e r a tu r e b e c o m in g g r a d u a lly e q u a liz e d th r o u g h an u n lim it e d fu tu r e , is e x p r e s se d as their results much more complex than his.^^ Thomson aimed in 1862 simply to
a fu n c tio n o f th e tim e , w h ic h is in fin ite ly d iv e r g e n t fo r all tim e s lo n g e r past th an a d e fin ite offer a rough estimate, between upper and lower limits, of the possible age of the
d e te r m in a b le e p o c h . T h e d istr ib u tio n o f h ea t at su ch an e p o c h is e sse n tia lly initial, th a t is earth in order to show the untenability of the enormous claims for t i m e which,
to sa y , it c a n n o t resu lt fr o m a n y p r e v io u s c o n d itio n o f m a tte r b y n atu ral p ro cesses. It is, uncurbed by physical science, geologists and biologists had begun to make and
th e n , w e ll c a lle d an arbitrary in itia l d istr ib u tio n o f h ea t, in F o u r ie r s [g ra n d d e l.] g r e a t to regard as unchallengeable.
m a th e m a tic a l p o e m , sin ce it c o u ld o n ly b e r e a liz e d b y an a c tio n o f a free w ill h a v in g Having set forth his primary aims and commitments, Thomson directed his
p o w e r to in te r fe r e w it h th e la w s o f d ea d m a tter.
attention to Lyells Principles of geology. Thomson regarded the increase of
Thomsons clear distinction here (and in the published paper) between mind, temperature with depth as an empirical fact which implied a continual loss of
will, or power on the one hand, and dead matter on the other will figure heat from the interior, by conduction outwards through or into the upper crust
prominently in his views oflife on earth in relation to the laws of thermodynam of the earth. Since, he argued, that crust does not become hotter from year to
ics (ch. 18). year, there must be a secular loss of heat from the whole earth. While the bulk
His 1862 paper On the secular cooling of the earth opened with the prefatory of the earth was not necessarily cooling - if the heat loss derived from the
declaration that for eighteen years it has pressed on my mind, that essential
MPP, 3, 295.
principles o f thermodynamics have been overlooked by those geologists who 3* Ibid., p. 297. Thom sons explication o f the term consistentior status is given in MPP, 5, 215, but
uncompromisingly oppose all paroxysmal hypotheses, and maintain not only had already been employed by Phillips in his outline o f Leibnizs views. See Phillips, Life on the earth,
pp. 1 2 2 ^ .
NB45, ULC. Commencing at the back o f the notebook, this draft (addressed to Professor 3^ Fourier, Extrait dun memoire sur le refroidissement seculaire du globe terrestre, Ann. Chim.
Rogers who would read the paper on Thom sons behalf) was separate from On the antiquity o f the Phys., 13 (1820), 418-38; P.S. Laplace, De la chaleur de la terre, et de la diminution de la duree du
earth as a habitable world. These remarks, and those which followed, were all published in the 1862 jour par son refroidissement, Traite de mkanique cHeste (5 vols., Paris, 17981827), 5, pp. 72-85.
paper. See MPP, 3, 295-6. n b 45, ULC. Ibid. 0 MPP, 1, 39.
568 The economy o f nature The secular cooling o f the earth 569

exhaustion o f potential energy in the form of chemical affinity between sub estimated that, to account for the present general rate of increase of temperature
stances in the earths mass - it was certain that this loss of available energy was downwards, taken as 1F in 50 feet, the temperature of that stellar region
quite irreversible. His comments on Lyell were caustic: through which the earth was passing must have been from 25 to 50F above the
T o su p p o s e , as L y e ll, a d o p tin g th e c h e m ic a l h y p o th e s is , has d o n e , th a t th e su b sta n ces,
present mean temperature of the earths surface between 1250 and 5000 years
c o m b in in g t o g e th e r , m a y b e a g a in se p a r a ted e le c tr o ly tic a lly b y th e r m o -e le c tr ic cu rren ts,
ago, or more than 100F 20000 years ago. In the first case, human history
d u e to th e h e a t g e n e r a te d b y th e ir c o m b in a t io n , an d th u s th e c h e m ic a l a c tio n an d its h ea t negatives this supposition; while in the second, animal and vegetable life would
c o n tin u e d in an e n d le ss c y c le , v io la te s th e p r in c ip le s o f n a tu ra l p h ilo s o p h y in e x a c t ly th e have been destroyed - contrary to the evidence of palaeontology
sa m e m a n n e r , an d to th e sa m e d e g r e e , as to b e lie v e th a t a c lo c k c o n str u c te d w it h a se lf For the geologists, Thomson claimed, the best theory was that of Leibniz,
w in d in g m o v e m e n t m a y fu lfil th e e x p e c ta tio n s o f its in g e n io u s in v e n to r b y g o in g fo r which simply supposes the earth to have been at one time an incandescent
ever."" liquid, without explaining how it got into that state. That theory, provided the
Widening his criticism of Lyell to geological writers of the Uniformi- whole earth solidifies, also happened to be the one best suited to an application of
tarian school who had argued in a most fallacious manner against hypotheses Fouriers methods! The estimated time scale which he could offer geologists -
of violent action in past ages, Thomson attacked, not only the blatant violation founded on Fouriers solution - ranged from twenty million to 400 million
of irreversibility by the uniformitarians, but also what he saw as their naive years. The problem of accurate data for the temperature of melting rock, and for
assumption o f an equal intensity of activity throughout geological history. With the variation in conductivities, specific heats, and latent heats of fusion of rocks at
regard to volcanic activity, therefore, Thomson declared that it would be very high temperatures and in different localities, meant that we must therefore
wonderful, but not an absolutely incredible result, that volcanic action has never allow very wide limits in such an estimate as I have attempted to make. As a
been more violent on the whole than during the last two or three centuries. more precise estimate of the time available to the geologists, Thomson found a
Either way, he continued, it is certain that there is now less volcanic energy in figure o f200 million years based on 10 000F as the temperature of melting rock;
the whole earth than there was a thousand years ago, as it is [certain] that there is or, supposing the temperature to be 7000F - more nearly what it is generally
less gunpowder in a Monitor after she has been seen to discharge shot and supposed to be - we may suppose the consolidation to have taken place ninety-
shell, whether at a nearly equable rate or not, for five hours without receiving eight million years ago. The very wide limits, twenty and 400 million years,
fresh supplies, than there was at the beginning of the action. would if exceeded imply, respectively, more underground heat than we actually
In order to justify the assumptions of his estimate for the age of the earth, have, or less underground heat than that entailed by the least observed increment
Thomson needed to eliminate the alternative hypotheses which accounted for of temperature.
terrestrial heat. First, he rejected the chemical hypothesis. If the increase of Thomson based his estimates on Fouriers mathematical treatment of heat
temperature with depth occurred merely in isolated localities, chemical action conduction in an infinite solid, not however with spherical geometry but with
might be taken seriously. But it was extremely improbable that chemical the linearizing supposition that at an initial epoch the temperature had two
combinations were going on at some great unknown depth under the surface different, but constant, values on the two sides of an arbitrary infinite plane in an
everywhere, and creeping inwards gradually as the chemical affinities in layer infinite solid. Such a distribution is an essentially initial distribution, because of
after layer are successively saturated. Cautious as ever, Thomson remarked that the discontinuity between the two sides of the central plane which is not
this hypothesis nevertheless could not be pronounced to be absolutely imposs derivable from a preceding distribution. The partial differential equation for the
ible, or contrary to all analogies in nature. In the present state of science, conduction of heat in the linear case is:
however, the less hypothetical view, that the earth was merely a warm
chemically inert body cooling, was to be preferred.
d t~ dx^ '
Second, he rejected Poissons hypothesis that the present underground heat is
due to a passage, at some former period, of the solar system throughout hotter The elementary solutions given by Fourier to the problem o f finding at any time
stellar regions. From Forbess data on underground temperatures, Thomson the rate of variation of temperature from point to point, and the actual
temperature at any point in such a solid were:
MPP, 3, 298; cf. PL, 2, 108 10.
MPP, 3, 298-9. The United States N avys prototype monitor (a shallow draft, very low dv V .e"x2/4iC(
freeboard warship o f heavy gunpower and armour) named Monitor had a famous but inconclusive 8x {TrKt)^
contest with the Confederate N avys ironclad Virginia on 9th March, 1862. See Conways all the
world's fighting ships. 1860-1905 (London, 1979), p. 119. MPP, 3, 299. Ibid., pp. 299-300. "5 Ibid., p. 300.
570 The economy o f nature The secular cooling o f the earth 571


v= Vo + . dz c
7T2 J ,

K = conductivity of the solid measured in terms of the thermal capacity of the
unit of bulk,
V = half the difference of the two initial temperatures,
Uq = their arithmetical mean,
t = time,
X = distance of any point from the middle plane,
u = temperature of point x at time t, and

^ = r a t e of variation of temperature with distance x.

In other words, if the initial constant temperatures on each side of the infinite
plane were and V2 , then for
f = 0 and X positive, V=Vi = Vo+V
and for
t = 0 and X negative, V V2 = Oq V.
In an accompanying graphical representation (figure 16.1), Thomson traced out
the respective curves for the expressions ~ and

Thomson argued that the solution would apply for a certain time, without
sensible error, to the case of a solid sphere primitively heated to a uniform
temperature, and suddenly exposed to any superficial action, which for ever Figure 16.1 The curve O PQ shows excess o f temperature above that o f the surface.
after keeps the surface at some other constant temperature. In a globe, for The curve A P 'R shows rate o f augmentation o f temperature downwards.

example, 8000 miles in diameter, he showed that the solution would apply with
scarcely sensible error for 1000 million years since the gradient of temperature
feet or so, diminishing thereafter. He thus concluded that such is, on the whole,
^ was insensible at depths exceeding 568 miles.
the most probable representation of the earths present temperature at depths of
from 100 feet, where the annual variations cease to be sensible, to 100 miles.
Taking a figure of one-hundred million years, he referred to his curve fo r-^
7X Turning to more specific geological issues, Thomson first considered the
in order to provide an estimate for the variation in temperature which would effect of terrestrial heat on climate over long periods. In the above instance, he
now exist in the earth i f its whole mass being first solid and at one temperature argued, there would be an increment of 2F per foot downwards near the surface
100 million years ago, the temperature of its surface had been everywhere 10 000 years after the beginning of the cooling. Since, he believed, the radiation
suddenly lowered by V degrees, and kept permanently at this lower from earth and atmosphere into space would probably be so rapid as to prevent
temperature. For K=7000F, his estimated melting point of rock, Thomson the surface temperature being sensibly augmented by conduction from below
found the rate of increase to be about ^ of a degree per foot for the first 100 000 through a gradient of ZF per foot, he inferred that the general climate cannot be

Ibid., pp. 300-4. Ibid., pp. 3 0 2 ^ .

572 The economy o f nature The secular cooling o f the earth 573

sensibly affected by conducted heat at any time more than 10 000 years after the interior, and considered instead two models which conformed to Hopkinss
commencement of superficial solidification"^a conclusion consistent with ideas. In the first model, the earths crust would not solidify until the whole
Hopkinss paper of 1852. globe was solid. This model was most consistent with what we know of the
On the other hand, Thomson remarked, even at three or four million years - physical properties of the matter concerned and agrees . . . with the view
with a rate o f increase of per foot - vegetation would be inffuenced by the adopted as most probable by M r Hopkins.^ In the second model solidification
sensibly higher temperature met with by roots extending a foot or more below might occur by ingredients crystallizing at different temperatures such that
the surface. On these estimates, then, the rate of increase o f temperature over the when the whole globe, or some very thick superficial layer of it, still liquid or
ninety-six million years (from four to one-hundred million years after the initial viscid [semiffuidj, has cooled down to near its temperature of perfect
epoch) had diminished by one-fifth - from to g^^F per foot - and the solidification, incrustation at the surface must commence.
thickness of the crust through which any stated degree of cooling has been Essentially that advocated by Hopkins in 1847, this preferred model opened
experienced has gradually increased in that period from ^th of that thickness up up the possibility of accounting for a number of geological phenomena, viz.,
to its present thickness. He thus asked rhetorically: earthquakes and volcanoes. A crust thus formed might be temporarily held up
either by its own vesicular (cellular) character deriving from the ebullition
Is n o t this, o n th e w h o le , in h a r m o n y w it h g e o lo g ic a l e v id e n c e , r ig h tly in te rp rete d ? D o
[boiling] of the liquid in some places or by the viscidity of the liquid. At some
n o t th e vast m asses o f basalt, th e g e n e r a l a p p ea ra n ces o f m o u n ta in -r a n g e s , th e v io le n t
point, the heavier crust would sink below the lighter liquid, which in turn
d isto r tio n s a n d fra ctu res o f strata, the great prevalence o f metamorphic action ( w h ic h m u s t
h a v e ta k e n p la c e at d e p th s o f n o t m a n y m ile s, i f so m u c h ), all a g r e e in d e m o n s tr a tin g th a t
would solidify. The process would continue, Thomson argued, until the sunk
the rate o f in crea se o f te m p e r a tu r e d o w n w a r d s m u st h a v e b e e n m u c h m o r e rap id , an d in portions of crust build up from the bottom a sufficiently close-ribbed solid
r e n d e r in g it p r o b a b le th a t v o lc a n ic e n e r g y , e a r th q u a k e sh o c k s , an d e v e r y k in d o f s o - skeleton or frame to allow fresh incrustations to remain bridging across the now
c a lle d p lu to n ic a c tio n h a v e b e e n , o n th e w h o le , m o r e a b u n d a n tly an d v io le n tly o p e r a tiv e small area of lava pools or lakes. The result, then, was the formation of a
in g e o lo g ic a l a n tiq u ity th a n in th e p resen t age?*^^ honeycombed solid and liquid mass in which the lighter liquid would tend to
work its way up.^
In other words, Thomson defended the possibility of more violent geological
Having argued for the consistency of this terrestrial model with thermody
effects in earlier times (catastrophism in Whewells sense) against the uniformi-
namic laws - with a consideration of the necessary order o f cooling and
tarian view that terrestrial activity in the past was neither greater nor less than at
consolidation with experimental results, and with the occurrence of earth
quakes and volcanoes, Thomson concluded his famous 1862 paper with the
The remainder of the paper, devoted to answering possible objections to his
claim that his model was also in perfect accordance with what he had recently
arguments, included a discussion o f the possible state o f the globe prior to the
demonstrated regarding the present condition of the earths interior: that it is
formation o f a solid crust on its surface. The geological evidence which had
not, as commonly supposed, all liquid within a thin solid crust o f from 30 to 100
convinced geologists that the earth had a fiery beginning, Thomson facetiously
miles thick, but that it is on the whole more rigid certainly than a continuous
argued, goes but a very small depth below the surface, and affords us absolutely
solid globe of glass of the same diameter, and probably than one of steel.
no means o f distinguishing between the actual phenomena, and those which
would have resulted from either an entire globe of liquid rock, or a cool nucleus
covered with liquid to any depth exceeding 50 or 100 miles. Consequently, he The rigidity of the earth
tried to ensure that his conclusions as to the formation of the crust did not depend
William Thomsons 1862-3 Royal Society paper On the rigidity of the earth -
on a prior commitment to either a solid or a liquid state of the globe beyond the
complemented by a long mathematical paper on the deformation of elastic
fifty or one-hundred mile-deep ocean of lava. Nevertheless, Thomson did
spheroids entitled Dynamical problems regarding elastic spheroidal shells and
appear to favour as a probable hypothesis regarding the earths antecedents
spheroids of incompressible liquid and published in the same volume of the
from which the earths initial fiery condition may have followed by natural
causes, a form of meteoric theory similar to that adopted from 1854 to account Ibid., p. 310.
for the suns heat. He concluded his paper with an evaluation, in the light of Ibid., p. 311. Once again Thomson here employed the same model for large scale structure as
he used at the micro-level. See William Thomson, N ote on gravity and cohesion, Proc. Royal Soc.
thermodynamic principles, of the possible ways by which solidification might Edinburgh, 4 (1862), 6047; PL, 1, 59-63. See also the associated correspondence with Tait (ch. 11)
have occurred. He rejected the possibility of a stable crust forming over a molten and PA146A, ULC, which contains notes on a paper by W.J. Russell and Augustus Matthiessen, On
the cause o f vesicular structure in copper, Phil. Mag., [series 4], 23 (1862), 81-4, dating from
Ibid., pp, 304-5 Ibid., p. 305. Ibid., pp. 306-7. February, 1862. PL, 3, 311.
574 The economy o f nature The secular cooling o f the earth 575

Philosophical Transactions - aimed to prove that unless the solid substance of the Thomsons excuse for choosing Teneriffe was the opportunity afforded for
earth be on the whole of extremely rigid material, more rigid for instance than experimental work on atmospheric electricity, though we may suppose that
steel, it must yield under the tide-generating influence of sun and moon to such climatal reasons offered no small inducement.
an extent as to very sensibly diminish the actual phenomena of the tides, and of The associated problem o f estimating the effects on precession and nutation of
precession and nutation.^ assuming a fluid rather than a solid interior and of elastic yielding of the crust
Considerations of tide-generating influences quickly became of supreme presents an interesting and complex historical story, but one which we cannot
importance for Thomsons arguments in favour of the earths solidity. As early enter upon in detail here. Rather, we can only survey the stages of its develop
as October and November, 1861, he announced to Stokes that the earth as a ment in terms of the series of conclusions which Thomson published.
whole must be far more rigid than glass otherwise the solid would yield so much In his first draft On the rigidity of the earth dated October, 1861, he
to tidal influence of sun & moon as to leave no sensible tides of water relative to supported William Hopkinss arguments wholeheartedly, arguments for the
solid land, and that my theory of elastic tides is even more decisive than solidity of the earth based on a mathematical investigation of precessional and
Hopkins argument against the prevalent geological theory of internal fluidity. nutational effects for a fluid and solid earth:
Stokes for his part found the results very remarkable, and not at all what I should In its m o v e m e n t s o f p r e c e s sio n a n d n u ta tio n th e E arth p resen ts, so far as o u r a str o n o m ic a l
have expected, but suggested further the likelihood that the rigidity of a solid is tests h a v e y e t s h o w n , th e sa m e p h e n o m e n a as a b o d y p e r fe c tly r ig id t h r o u g h o u t w o u ld
greatly increased when the solid is subjected to an enormous hydrostatic pressure d o ; w h ic h are e x c e s s iv e ly d iffe r e n t fr o m th o s e th at w o u ld b e p r e s e n te d b y a b o d y
[rather] than that the materials of which the earth are composed are under like e x te r n a lly lik e th e E arth b u t c o n s is tin g o f a th in sh e ll o f so lid m a tte r w it h th e w h o le
conditions vastly more rigid than glass. Thomson agreed that the great rigidity in te r io r flu id . O n th e se g r o u n d s is f o u n d e d M r H o p k in s c e le b r a te d a r g u m e n t fo r th e

in the interior could be explained by the great pressure, which altered the s o lid ity o f th e E arth; an a r g u m e n t w h ic h has a lw a y s se e m e d to m e v a lid a n d w h ic h I
b e lie v e h e r ig h tly m a in ta in s to b e d e c is iv e a g a in st th e su p p o s itio n e n te r ta in e d b y so m a n y
ordinary properties of matter: Indeed it seems almost quite certain that, if it is
g e o lo g is t s th a t th e r e is m e lte d la v a e v e r y w h e r e b e lo w a cru st o f s o m e t h in g less th an 100
solid at all, the great pressure must make it much more rigid than the same
m ile s thickness.*
matter under ordinary pressure. The coefficient of resistance to compression
must be enormously increased, for certain. At the same time, Thomson rejected the possibility that viscosity arguments
Finding that the actual phenomena of the tides would, for an earth of the same might upset Hopkinss verdict against the fluid earth. Thus while such a degree
rigidity as glass, be only two-ninths, and for an earth of the same rigidity as steel, of viscosity as we can conceive melted rock or metal to possess might cause the
be only three-fifths o f the amount which a perfectly rigid spheroid of the same interior to be dragged round frictionally so that its axis of rotation could never
dimensions, figure, and homogeneous density would exhibit in the same be left very far behind that of the crust in the great precessional movement, it
circumstances, Thomson concluded that any such discrepancy as three-fifths seemed highly improbable that any amount of internal friction consistent with
seemed scarcely possible, and that it was therefore almost necessary to con the geological idea of fluidity could load the light crust.. . with sufficient lunar
clude that the earth is on the whole much more rigid than steel. He recom and solar influences and experiencing great monthly and annual nutations.
mended, however, a comparison of theory and observation by observing the Consequently, as he wrote to Stokes at the end of November, 1861, these
lunar fortnightly and solar half-yearly tides, and suggested Iceland and Teneriflfe considerations incline me to give full weight to Hopkins argument.^
as two stations well adapted for the differential observations that would be By April, 1862, however, Thomson had concluded on looking into Hop
required. A s he wrote to Stokes in July, 1862: kins papers that, so far as the mathematical problems he attacks are concerned,
W h a t d o y o u th in k o f Ic e la n d and T e n c r iffe fo r o b s e r v a tio n s o n th e fo r tn ig h t ly tides? W e
they are all wrong. In particular, he believed that Hopkinss fundamental
p r o p o s e , T a it a n d 1, to g o o n e to o n e p la c e & th e o th e r to th e o th e r , an d sp e n d a m o n t h proposition concerning the same precessional and nutational effects in both a
o b s e r v in g , b e fo r e w e w r it e o u r c h a p te r o n th e T id e s fo r [T & T '] . . . I sh o u ld c h o o s e spheroidal homogeneous liquid mass enclosed in a rigid shell and a body rigid
T e n e r iffe fo r m y s e lf . . throughout was obviously wrong. So too was Hopkinss proposition in his
third memoir concerning isothermal surfaces.*
William Thomson, On the rigidity o f the earth, Proc. Royal Soc., 12 (1862-3), 103-4; Trans.
Royal Soc., (1863), 573-82.
William Thomson to G.G. Stokes, 29th October and 7th Novem ber, 1861, K130, K131, William Thomson, Draft o f On the rigidity o f the earth, October, 1861, NB46, ULC.
Stokes correspondence, ULC; G.G. Stokes to William Thomson, 4th November, 1861, S397, ULC. William Thomson to G.G. Stokes, 27th November, 1861, K132, Stokes correspondence,
Thomson, Rigidity o f the earth, Proc. Royal Soc., pp. 103-4. ULC.
William Thomson to G.G. Stokes, 8 th July, 1862, K138, Stokes correspondence, ULC. *0 William Thomson to G.G. Stokes, 19th April, 1862, K137, Stokes correspondence, ULC.
576 The economy o f nature The secular cooling o f the earth 577

As Thomson explained to Stokes, this verdict against his honoured and aging time, Thomson repeated his earlier conclusion that far more dramatic limita
mentor caused him great difficulty; tions on fluidity derived from the notable absence of large deformations of
I h a v e th e r e fo r e fe lt g r e a t d iffic u lty in re fe r r in g to h is in v e s t ig a t io n . It w a s n e c e ssa r y I
figure in the crust.
s h o u ld d o so b e c a u se h e w a s th e first to p r o p o se th e a r g u m e n t, & I th in k his c o n c lu s io n During his 1876 visit to the United States, a conversation with Professor
v a lid . Y e t, h a v in g e x p e r ie n c e d th e g re a te st p o ss ib le b e n e fit fr o m h is te a c h in g , I w o u ld Newcomb cast doubt on the 1862 argument, but inspired a new argument based
c e r ta in ly sh rin k fr o m th e task o f f in d in g fa u lt w it h h is in v e s tig a tio n ; a n d , as it w a s on a rigorous application of the perfect hydrodynamical equations which leads
n ece ssa r y 1 s h o u ld n o t c o m m it m y s e l f to a sse n tin g t o it, I th e r e fo r e in tr o d u c e d a sta te m e n t still more decidedly to the same conclusion concerning the earths rigidity. As
in a fo o t n o t e n ea r th e b e g in n in g . . . I fear H o p k in s , i f h e n o tic e s it, m a y n o t b e p lea se d Thomson reported the discussion to the British Association at Glasgow on his
w it h th e f o o t n o te , & 1 s h o u ld b e v e r y so r r y to b e c a lle d o n to j u s t if y it to him.*^' return;
Thomson, probably following Stokess advice, opened his Philosophical Transac A d m it t in g f u lly m y e v id e n c e fo r th e r ig id ity o f th e earth fr o m th e tid e s, h e [ N e w c o m b ]
tions paper by referring tactfully to Mr Hopkins to whom is due the grand idea d o u b te d th e a r g u m e n t fr o m p r e c e ssio n a n d n u ta tio n . T r y in g to r e c o lle c t w h a t I h ad
of thus learning the physical condition of the interior from phenomena of w r itte n o n it [ in 1862] . . . m y c o n s c ie n c e s m o t e m e , a n d I c o u ld o n ly s ta m m e r o u t th a t I
rotatory motion presented by the surface, and explaining that although the h a d c o n v in c e d m y s e lf th a t s o -a n d -s o an d s o - a n d -s o , at w h ic h I h a d a r r iv e d b y a n o n -

mathematical part of the investigation might be objected to, I have not been able m a th e m a tic a l sh o r t c u t, w e r e tru e. H e h in te d th at v is c o s ity m ig h t su ffice to ren d er
p r e c e ssio n an d n u ta tio n th e sa m e as i f th e ea rth w e r e r ig id , an d so v itia te th e a r g u m e n t fo r
to perceive any force in the arguments by which this conclusion has been
r ig id ity . T h is I c o u ld n o t fo r a m o m e n t a d m it, a n y m o r e th an w h e n it w a s first p u t
controverted, and I am happy to find my opinion in this respect confirmed by so
fo r w a r d b y D e la u n a y . B u t d o u b t e n te r e d m y m in d r e g a r d in g th e s o - a n d -s o a n d so -a n d -
eminent an authority as Archdeacon P r a t t .
so; an d I h a d n o t c o m p le te d th e n ig h t j o u r n e y to P h ila d e lp h ia . . . b e fo r e I h a d c o n v in c e d
Thomson had thus cleared the way for a discussion of the major new question m y s e lf th at th e y w e r e g r ie v o u s ly w r o n g .
of the earths rigidity. He seems originally to have thought that he could merely
extend Hopkinss results, arguing not only (with Hopkins) that the earths crust Thomson now substituted a new argument from the effective rigidity of vortex
must be not less than 800 or 1000 miles thick, but that it was extremely motion in the interior o f a fluid earth, an argument which showed that with a
improbable that any crust thinner than 2000 or 2500 miles could maintain its rigid shell the ellipticity of the earth would have to be considerably larger than it
figure with sufficient rigidity against the tide-generating forces of the sun and is in order to compel the liquid interior to follow the crust in precessional and
moon, to allow the phenomena of the ocean tides and of precession and nutation nutational motion. Although not conclusive in all cases, the calculation was, in
to be as they are.^^ Rather than correct Hopkinss erroneous propositions, the case of the fortnightly lunar nutation, absolutely decisive against a thin rigid
Thomson, however, now continued with his own calculations on these effects of shell full of liquid.
imperfect rigidity. Hopkinss problem, assuming as it did a crust perfectly stiff and unyielding
With regard to the effects o f elastic yielding on precession and nutation, he in its figure, could not be decisive against the earths interior liquidity, however,
employed a qualitative, typically visualizable argument which avoided the because no material is infinitely rigid. While the full problem of precession and
mathematical complexities, and indicated that if the earth is liquid it will yield in nutation in a continuous revolving liquid spheroid with imperfectly rigid crust
such a way as to remain in equilibrium under the forces of the sun tending to had not yet been coherently worked out, Thomson felt that precession and
produce precession, and so cancelling that effect. In order to obtain the observed nutation will be practically the same in it as in a solid globe. Hence, he
precession, Thomson then concluded that the earth would have to be more rigid concluded, precession and nutation yield nothing to be said against such
than steel. hypotheses as that of [Charles] Darwin, that the earth as a whole takes approxi
In an 1872 letter to Nature, however, Thomson felt compelled to counter an mately the figure due to gravity and centrifugal force, because of the fluidity of
argument put forward by Delaunay in 1868 (but already considered by Thom the interior and the flexibility of the crust.
son himself in 1861) that sufficient viscosity in a fluid interior would cause the
William Thomson, The rigidity o f the earth. Nature, 5 (1871-2), 223-4; On the internal
interior to follow the crust just as though it were solid. Thomson showed the
fluidity o f the earth. Nature, 5 (1871-2), 257-9; MPP, 5, 163-70.
absurdity o f Delaunays case by estimating that a viscosity ten million million ** William Thomson, Review o f the evidence regarding the physical condition o f the earth,
million times that o f water would be required to produce the effect. At the same BAAS Report, 46 (1876), 8-12, on p. 5. See also MPP, 3, 320-^, and Brush, Nineteenth-century
debates, pp. 238-42.
Thomson, Physical condition o f the earth, p. 7; MPP, 3, 325. Thomson was alluding to
Ibid. Thomson, Rigidity o f the earth, Trans. Royal Soc., p. 573. Charles Darwin, Observations on the parallel roads o f Glen Roy, and other parts o f Lochaber in
Thomson, Rigidity o f the earth, Proc. Royal Soc., p. 104. Scotland, with an attempt to prove that they are o f marine origin, Trans. Royal Soc., (1839), 39-82,
Thomson, Rigidity o f the earth, Trans. Royal Soc., pp. 578-81. on p. 81.
578 The economy o f nature

Tidal considerations, on the other hand, still weighed decisively against an

imperfectly rigid crust which would thus yield so freely to the deforming 17
influence of sun and moon that it would simply carry the waters of the ocean up
and down with it, and there would be no sensible tidal rise and fall of water
relatively to land. He therefore summarized the state of his case in 1876: The age of the earth controversies
T h e h y p o th e s is o f a p e r fe c tly r ig id cru st c o n ta in in g liq u id v io la te s p h y sic s b y a ss u m in g
p r e te r n a tu r a lly r ig id m a tte r , an d v io la te s d y n a m ic a l a s t r o n o m y in th e solar s e m ia n n u a l
a n d lu n a r f o r tn ig h t ly n u ta tio n s; b u t tid a l th e o r y h as n o t h in g to say a g a in st it. O n th e
o th e r h a n d , th e tid e s d e c id e a g a in st a n y cru st fle x ib le e n o u g h to p e r fo r m th e n u ta tio n s
c o r r e c tly w it h a liq u id in te r io r , o r as fle x ib le as th e cru st m u s t b e u n less o f p r e te r n a tu r a lly I th in k w h a t m y fa th er said a b o u t t im e is q u ite ju s tifia b le f r o m a b io lo g ic a l
r ig id m a tte r . B u t n o w th r ic e to sla y th e slain: su p p o s e th e e a rth th is m o m e n t t o b e a th in p o in t o f v ie w ; 100 o r 200 m illio n y ea rs is in c o m p r e h e n s ib ly v a st - e v e n a
cru st o f r o c k o r m e ta l r e s tin g o n liq u id m a tter; its e q u ilib r iu m w o u ld b e u n stab le! A n d m illio n is n o t c o n c e iv a b le in th e w a y a h u n d r e d is. 1 h a v e n o d o u b t h o w e v e r
w h a t o f u p h e a v a ls an d su b sid e n c es? T h e y w o u ld b e s t r ik in g ly a n a lo g o u s to th o s e o f a sh ip th at i f m y fa th er h a d h a d to w r it e d o w n th e p e r io d h e a ssig n e d at th at tim e ,
w h ic h has b e e n r a m m e d - o n e p o r tio n o f cru st u p an d a n o th e r d o w n , and th e n all h e w [ o u l] d h a v e w r itte n a 1 at th e b e g in n in g o f th e lin e & fille d th e rest u p
dow n.^ w it h Os. N o w I b e lie v e th a t h e c a n n o t q u ite b r in g h im s e lf d o w n to th e
p e r io d a ssig n e d b y y o u , b u t d o e s n o t p r e te n d to say h o w lo n g m a y b e
Two years later, in an address to the Geological Society of Glasgow, William
re q u ir e d . I fa il to se e t h e j u s t ic e o f y o u r re m a r k th at a f e w h u n d r e d m illio n
Thomson offered a definitive survey of his views of the internal condition of the years w o u ld b e in su ffic ie n t to a llo w o f tr a n sm u ta tio n o f sp e c ie s b y n at[u ral]
earth as to temperature, fluidity, and rigidity. Much o f the paper was taken up s e le c tio n . W h a t p o ss ib le d a tu m can o n e h a v e fo r th e rate at w h ic h it has or
with an explicit demonstration, on the basis of the 1862 paper on secular cooling, can w o r k ? George D arw in to W illiam Thomson, 1878.^
that increase-of-temperature-with-depth arguments did not necessarily lead to
internal fluidity. While still citing Hopkinss work on the influence of pressure
on melting points and the implication of James Thomsons thermodynamic By tracing for the terrestrial fabric the consequences of energy dissipation,
researches, he explained that the view which I wish to put before you just now William Thomson undermined any Lyellian beliefs in non-progression, in equal
. .. is of a very different nature for I mean to deny altogether the intensely high intensity of geological agents through time, and in an indefinitely large scale of
temperature which Hopkins accepted. Thomson argued that we too generally geological time. He aligned himself with those whom he termed true geolo
supposed that the rate of increase of underground temperature as we proceed gists- Sedgwick, Phillips, Hopkins, Forbes, Murchison - in opposition to those
inwards is uniform, or nearly so . . .. He thus concluded that at the greatest who would thrust rubbish upon the public by ignoring the fundamental
depths the temperature is not high enough for fusion of the material and principles of natural philosophy.^ Far from an isolated figure, unaware of
showed from his 1862 graphs that below about 800000 feet the underground geological thinking and merely carrying the torch of physics to lighten the
temperature does not sensibly increase.*^ darkness of geology, Thomson saw himself in the mainstream of British
This conclusion then removed the old Lyellian obstacle to the positive geology. Thus he asked in 1869;
arguments in favour of the earths solidity. Thus Thomson reiterated his 1876
Is g e o l o g y n o t a b r a n c h o f p h y sic a l sc ien ce? A r e in v e s tig a tio n s , e x p e r im e n ta l an d
verdict that the arguments derived from precession and nutation present
m a th e m a tic a l, o f u n d e r g r o u n d te m p e r a tu r e , n o t to b e r e g a r d e d as an in te g r a l part o f
considerable difficulties, and indeed do not afford us at the present time a
g e o lo g y ? A r e s u g g e s tio n s f r o m a s t r o n o m y an d th e r m o d y n a m ic s , w h e n a d v e r se to a
decisive answer, while, by contrast, the phenomena of the tides... lead us to no te n d e n c y in g e o lo g ic a l sp e c u la tio n r e c e n tly b e c o m e e x t e n s iv e ly p o p u la r in E n g la n d
uncertain conclusion that the earth is not a thin shell filled with fluid, but is on th r o u g h th e b r illia n c y an d e lo q u e n c e o f its c h ie f p r o m o te r s , t o b e tr e a te d b y g e o lo g is t s as
the whole or in great part solid. an in v ita tio n to m e d d le w it h th e ir fo u n d a tio n s , w h ic h a w is e d is c r im in a tio n d eclin es?
F or m y s e lf, I a m a n x io u s t o b e r e g a r d e d b y g e o lo g is t s , n o t as a m e r e p a ss e r -b y , b u t as o n e
MPP, 3, 325. c o n s ta n tly in te r e ste d in th e ir g r a n d su b je c t, an d a n x io u s , in a n y w a y , h o w e v e r s lig h t, to
William Thomson, The internal condition o f the earth; as to temperature, fluidity, and
assist th e m in th e ir search fo r tru th .^
rigidity, Trans. Ceol. Soc. Glasgow, 6 (1882), 3 8 ^ 9 ; PL, 2, 299-318, esp. pp. 308-15.
Ibid., pp. 316-18. For a survey o f the scientific literature on the fate o f the solid earth after
Thomson, see Brush, Nineteenth-century debates, 2 5 2 ^ .
^ G.H. Darwin to William Thomson, 1st November, 1878, D 8 , ULC.
2 P L, 2, 111. p. 113.

580 T h e econ om y o f nature T h e age o f the earth con troversies 581

Again, when addressing the Glasgow Geological Society in 1878, Sir William imperfect, making the estimate a mere approximation, Jenkin claimed that
claimed that we, the geologists, arc at fault for not having demanded of the unless our information be wholly erroneous as to the gradual increase of
physicists experiments on the properties of m atter/ temperature as we descend towards the centre of the earth, the main result of the
Taking seriously Thomsons self-identification with geologists, we shall not calculation, that the centre is gradually cooling, and if uninterfered with must,
characterize the controversies over the age of the earth in terms of a dichotomy, within a limited time, have been in a state of complete fusion, cannot be
or breakdown of dialogue, between physics and geology. The protagonists were overthrown.^
often personal acquaintances moving easily from section to section at the annual From this basis, Jenkin launched his criticism both of Darwins theory of
British Association meetings, where the constraints of a highly specialized and evolution by natural selection and of a uniformitarian theory of geological
departmentalized scientific world scarcely existed. We shall emphasize, there formations. Time, he argued, was not only limited, but was limited to periods
fore, Sir Williams social and scientific alignments with a relatively intimate utterly inadequate for the production of species according to Darwins views. In
circle of colleagues, and shall leave to others the assessment of his general order to produce a species differing only slightly from the parent stock, Jenkin
influence on geology.^ believed that Darwin would regard a million years as no long time to ask. Yet,
it was doubtful if a thousand times more change than had actually taken place in
wild animals in historic times would produce a cat from a dog, or either from a
On geological and biological time
common ancestor. Thus, he concluded, how preposterously inadequate are a
Three years after his paper on secular cooling, Thomson again attacked the few hundred times this unit [a million years] for the action of the Darwinian
doctrine o f uniformity in geology as held by many of the most eminent of theory!
British geologists. In particular, he was keen to undermine what he saw as one With geology, unlike Darwinian theory, Jenkin attempted a reconciliation.
of their most basic assumptions - that the earths surface and upper crust have By considering the implications o fthe general theory of the gradual dissipation
been nearly as they are at present in temperature, and other physical qualities, of energy for geological formations, he suggested a solution to the problem of
during millions of millions of years. If the present annual amount of heat reconciling the estimates of secular cooling with the results deduced from the
conducted out of the earth had been going on with any approach to uniformity denudation or deposition of geological strata: if there have been a gradual and
for 20000 million years, Thomson calculated that the heat thus lost would be continual dissipation of energy, there will on the whole have been a gradual
more than enough to melt a mass of surface rock equal in bulk to the whole decrease in the violence or rapidity of all physical changes. Activity, then, on the
earth'. He therefore concluded that no hypothesis - whether of chemical action, whole diminished through time - an argument already put forward in William
internal fluidity, effects of pressure at great depth, or possible character of Thomsons 1862 paper. For Jenkin, however, the significance for geology was
substances in the interior of the earth - could justify the supposition that the dramatic:
earths upper crust has remained nearly as it is, while from the whole, or from O n c e th is is g r a n te d , th e c a lc u la tio n s as t o th e le n g t h o f g e o lo g ic a l p e r io d s, f r o m th e
any part, of the earth, so great a quantity of heat has been lost.^ With the p re se n t rates o f d e n u d a tio n an d d e p o s it, are b lo w n to th e w in d s . T h e y are r o u g h , v e r y
publication of this direct attack on the principle of uniformity, the stage was set r o u g h , at b e s t . . . T h e rates o f d e n u d a tio n a n d d e p o s itio n h a v e b e e n g r a d u a lly , o n th e
for the famous age of the earth debates in the period between the late 1860s and w h o le , s lo w e r a n d s lo w e r , as th e t im e o f fu s io n h as b e c o m e m o r e a n d m o r e r e m o te .
the early 1900s. T h e r e has b e e n n o a g e o f c a ta c ly sm . . . n o t im e , w h e n th e p h y sic a l la w s w e r e o th e r th an
Fleeming Jenkins review of Darwins theory of evolution by natural selec t h e y n o w are, b u t th e resu lts w e r e as d iffe r e n t as th e rates o f a ste a m e n g in e d r iv e n w it h a
tion linked Thomsons arguments on the age of the sun and the secular cooling b o ile r first h e a te d to 1 5 0 0 d e g r e e s F a h r e n h e it, a n d g r a d u a lly c o o lin g t o 2 0 0 .

of the earth to a criticism of Darwin in a way that Thomson himselfhad not yet Jenkins arguments were precise, forceful, and had employed Thomsons most
attempted. Jenkin explained that the distribution of heat in the earth afforded basic principle - dissipation - to demonstrate that the uniformitarian assumption
another method by which the rate of decay of our planetary system can be of a rate of denudation at times past equal to the present rate was unjustified.
measured. While admitting that the data for the calculation were still very A great reform in geological speculation seems now to have become neces
* Ibid., p. 304. sary. Thus did William Thomson open his February, 1868, address On
J.D. Burchfield, Lord Kelvin and the age o f the earth (London, 1975) provides an excellent survey
o f Kelvins wide-ranging influence. J.D. Burchfield, Darwin and the dilemma o f geological tim e,
his, 65 (1974), 301-21, focusses on Darwins circle. Fleemingjenkin, Darwin and the origin o f species, North Brit. Rev., 46 (1867), 277-318; Papers
* William Thomson, The doctrine o f uniformity in geology briefly refuted, Proc. Royal Soc. and memoir o f FleemingJenkin (2 vols., London, 1887), 1, pp. 215-63, on p. 242-3. See also Burchfield,
Edinburgh, 5 (1866), 510-2; PL, 2, 6-9. Age o f the earth, pp. 73-4. * Jenkin, Papers, 1, p. 243. Ibid., p. 245.
582 T h e econ om y o f nature T h e age o f the earth con troversies 583

geological time to the Glasgow Geological Society, an address which took as its Assuming Laplaces probable law o f increasing density inwards, Thomson
text a passage from Playfairs Illustrations of the Huttonian theory for an assault on estimated the loss of angular velocity o f the earth per year as 3.6 seconds. Thus,
both non-progressionist geology and steady-state cosmology (ch. 15). Further the accumulation of effect of uniform retardation at that rate would throw the
more, the address initiated the important public debate with T.H. Huxley over earth as a time-keeper behind a perfect chronometer (set to agree with it in rate
the issue of geological reform. Thomson considered, first, the motions o f the and absolute indication at any time) by 180 seconds at the end of a century, 720
heavenly bodies (including the earth), and, second, phenomena presented by the seconds at the end of two centuries, and so on. Tidal friction, however, was only
earths crust (notably underground heat).^ The first division, concerning one of many disturbing influences which rendered the earth a very
principally the new question o f tidal retardation, dominated his arguments. untrustworthy time-keeper. Other possible disturbances were the melting of
James Thomsons interest in tidal retardation, closely related to his concern with ice from the polar regions, the arrival o f meteors on the earths surface, and the
loss of power or mechanical effect in machines, extended back to 1840 (ch. 9). shrinking of the earth by cooling. Thomson observed in a footnote:
Similarly, Williams criticism of J.H. Pratts view of compensatory agents, It se e m s h o p e le ss , w it h o u t w a it in g fo r s o m e c e n tu r ie s, to a rriv e at a n y a p p r o a c h to an
maintaining the earths motion, found expression in the 1851 draft: the motions e x a c t d e te r m in a tio n o f th e a m o u n t o f th e a ctu a l r e ta r d a tio n o f th e e a r th s r o ta tio n b y tid al
o f the earth & other planets are losing vis viva w^ is converted into heat; and . . . fr ic tio n , except b y e x t e n s iv e a n d a cc u r a te o b s e r v a tio n o f th e a m o u n ts a n d tim e s o f th e
although some vis viva may be restored . . . the loss cannot be precisely tid e s o n th e sh o r e s o f c o n tin e n ts an d isla n d s in all seas, an d m u c h assistan ce fr o m true
compensated & 1 think it probable that it is undercompensated. d y n a m ic a l th e o r y [L a p la c e s t h e o r y rath er than N e w t o n s e q u ilib r iu m t h e o r y o f th e

Questions of the earths rotation did not reappear in William Thomsons tid e s] to e s tim a te th e se e le m e n ts a ll o v e r th e sea. B u t su p p o s in g th e m k n o w n fo r e v e r y

work until 1866. In the course of his Rede Lecture at Cambridge, On the part o f th e sea, t h e r e ta r d a tio n o f th e e a r th s r o ta tio n c o u ld b e c a lc u la te d b y q u ad ra tu res
[i.e . in te g r a tio n ].* ^
dissipation of energy, he discussed publicly for the first time the observations
and calculations required to find the tidal retardation o f the earths rotation. The Thomsons subsequent part in the Tidal Committee of the British Association,
estimate o f the possible amount of such diminution of the earths rotation his untiring enthusiasm for tidal data from all corners of the Empire, from India
through tidal friction was founded on calculating the moment round the earths to the River Clyde, and his encouragement of G.H. Darwin in his extensive
centre of the attraction of the moon on a regular spheroidal shell of water mathematical analyses of tides, largely derived from his strong feeling that the
symmetrical about its longest axis - the axis being kept, by fluid friction, in a problem of tidal retardation - with its implications for the origins and future of
position inclined backwards at an acute angle to the line from the earths centre the earth - demanded a much more complete understanding than was possible in
to the moon. In order to calculate this moment, Thomson employed the 1866. * ^
techniques recently prepared for the Treatise. By the theorem that a In his 1868 address. Sir William argued that the celebrated theorem of the
homogeneous prolate spheroid of revolution attracted points outside it approxi French physical astronomers on the stability of planetary motions was one of
mately as if its mass were collected in a uniform bar having its end in the foci of an approximate application, and one which professedly neglected frictional resist
equipotential spheroid, he calculated that the line of action of the attracting point ance of every kind. Still, British naturalists such as Playfair (and Herschel and Dr
(the moon) would pass 0.02 feet from the centre of the bar (the earths centre). Thomson) had taken the theorem to imply a perpetuity of the existing order,
Finding the whole attraction of the moon on a globe o f water equal in bulk to the past and future (chs. 4 ,6, and 15). Even Laplace, who had been perfectly aware
earth to be 3.3 x 10^ tons force, Thomson had an estimate of the moment of the of the existence of resistance to fluid motion in his theory of the tides, had not
force acting through a line passing the centre at 0.02 feet distance - the same as a explicitly stated that tidal resistance influences the rotation of the earth, or, by
simple frictional resistance (as of a friction-brake) consisting of 3.3 x 10^ tons reaction, the motions of the moon and sun. But The modern theory of energy
force acting tangentially against the motion of a pivot or axle of about ^ inch was imperfectly understood by Laplace and Lagrange .. . The theory of energy
diameter. declares, in perfectly general terms, that as there is frictional resistance, there
must be loss of energy somewhere... the modern theory must account for what
William Thomson, On geological time, Trans. Glasgow Geol. Soc.,3, (1871), 1-28; PL, 2 ,1 0 -
64. See also Burchfield, Age o f the earth, pp. 80-6. Thomson had in mind such widely read works as becomes of that energy. With regard to the tides, then, it becomes obvious that
David Page, Advanced text-book of geology. Descriptive and industrial, 4th ed. (Edinburgh and London, if there is resistance to the motion o f the water that constitutes the tides, that
1867). Page (p. 399) wrote that the student should never lose sight o f the element t im e - an element resistance must directly affect the earth, and must react on those bodies, the
to which we can set no bounds in the past, any more than we know o f its limits in the future. See also
MPP, 5, 206. moon and the sun, whose attractions cause the tides. Fluid friction due to the
' William Thomson, Preliminary draft for the Dynamical theory o f heat, PA 128, ULC, p. 8 .
William Thomson, On the observations and calculations required to find the tidal retardation Ibid., 69n. SPT, 1, 581; 2, 611, 619, 681, 730, 783.
o f the earths rotation, Phil. Mag., [series 4], 31 (1866), 533^7; PL, 2, 65 72, esp. pp. 65-7.
584 T h e econ om y o f n ature T h e age o f the earth con troversies 585

movement of the sea and friction between the waters and the seabed generated N o w , h e r e is d ir e c t o p p o s it io n b e t w e e n p h y sic a l a s tr o n o m y , a n d m o d e r n g e o l o g y as
heat, which would in the end be dissipated through spaced r e p r e se n te d b y a v e r y la r g e , v e r y in flu e n tia l, an d 1 m a y also a d d , in m a n y resp ects,
With imperfect data as to the tides, Thomson stated that a calculation o f the p h ilo s o p h ic a l a n d so u n d b o d y o f g e o lo g ic a l in v e stig a to r s, c o n s titu tin g p erh a p s a m a jo r

actual diminution of the earths rotation was impossible. Yet because the ity o f B r itish g e o lo g is t s . It is q u ite certa in th a t a g r e a t m ista k e has b e e n m a d e - th at B r itish
p o p u la r g e o l o g y at th e p resen t t im e is in d ir e c t o p p o s it io n t o th e p r in c ip le s o f n atu ral
diminution was undoubtedly something very sensible, Laplace could not be
p h ilo s o p h y . . . [W h e th e r ] th e e a r th s lo st t im e is 2 2 se c o n d s , o r c o n s id e r a b ly m o r e o r less
correct in calculating that the length of the day had not varied by one ten-
than 2 2 se c o n d s , in a c e n tu r y , th e p r in c ip le is th e sa m e . T h e r e c a n n o t b e u n ifo r m it y . T h e
millionth part o f twenty-four hours from 721 years before the Christian era.
ea rth is fille d w it h e v id e n c e s th at it h as n o t b e e n g o in g o n fo r e v e r in th e p r esen t state, an d
Even the data upon which the calculation was based, however, agreed in th a t th e r e is a p r o g r e ss o f e v e n ts to w a r d s a state in fin ite ly d iffe r e n t fr o m th e p resen t.'
demonstrating . . . that the moons mean angular motion has been accelerated
somewhat relatively to the earth as time-keeper.^^ Laplace accounted for this Responding in 1869, Huxley admitted the undoubted fact that the tides tend
apparent secular acceleration by showing that the planets indirectly accelerate to retard the rate of the earths rotation upon its axis. What he doubted,
the moons angular velocity through their influence in producing a secular however, was the estimation of the practical value of that tendency. He
diminution of the eccentricity of the earths orbit, and his results seemed to emphasized, therefore, the availability of three hypotheses to account for the
square with the constancy of the earths rotation. But in 1853 J.C. Adams had acceleration of the moons mean motion. First, there was Delaunays suggestion
discovered an error in Laplaces calculation, which reduced roughly by half the of tidal retardation, followed through by Adams, Thomson, and Tait. Second,
amount of the theoretical acceleration. The other half of the observed accelera there was Dufours suggestion that the retardation may be due in part, or
tion had still to be accounted for, and as a consequence of communication with wholly, to the increase of the moment of inertia of the earth by meteors falling
Adams, the French mathematician Delaunay had, early in 1866, suggested that upon its surface - a hypothesis discussed by Thomson in his 1866 Rede lecture
the true explanation might be the retardation of the earths rotation by tidal and one which, for Huxley, met with the entire approval of Sir W. Thomson,
friction: who shows that meteor-dust, accumulating at the rate of one foot in 4000 years,
would account for the remainder o f retardation.'^ Thomson had actually
U s in g th e h y p o th e s is th a t th e ca u se o f th e d isc r e p a n c y is r e ta r d a tio n b y tid al fr ic tio n , an d
referred to Dufours excellent suggestion, supported by calculations which
a llo w in g fo r th e c o n s e q u e n t reta r d a tio n o f th e m o o n s m e a n m o t io n , A d a m s, in an
show it to be not improbable, and had concluded that the only direct test o fthe
e s tim a te w h ic h h e has r e c e n tly w o r k e d o u t in c o n ju n c tio n w it h P r o fe s so r T a it a n d
m y s e lf, f o u n d , o n a certa in a ss u m p tio n as to th e p r o p o r tio n o f re ta rd a tio n s d u e t o th e
probable truth of M Dufours very interesting hypotheses was to analyze
m o o n an d th e su n , th a t 2 2 se c o n d s o f tim e is th e erro r b y w h ic h th e earth w o u ld in a
chemically quantities of natural dust taken from suitable localities. Thus, should
c e n tu r y g e t b e h in d a t h o r o u g h ly p e r fe c t c lo c k ra ted at th e b e g in n in g o f th e c e n tu r y . T h u s a considerable amount of iron with a large proportion of nickel be found or not
th e p r o b a b le resu lt th a t p h y sic a l a s tr o n o m y g iv e s us u p to th e p resen t t im e is th a t th e ea rth found, strong evidence for or against the meteoric origin of a sensible part of the
is n o t an a c c u ra te c h r o n o m e te r , b u t, o n th e c o n tr a r y , is g e t tin g s lo w e r a n d slow er.*'^ dust would be afforded.^
The third hypothesis, the effect of the melting of ice from the polar regions,
From these important arguments within physical astronomy, Thomson
also originated from Thomsons 1866 Rede lecture. On Thomsons estimate, the
proceeded to a full-scale attack on excessive time scales. Given that the earths
melting of a foot thickness of ice would, over the whole globe, raise the sea-
great rigidity effectively prohibited any change in its figure since the consistentior
level by only some such undiscoverable difference as three-fourths of an inch or
status (the starting point for geological, and so for biological, history), a
an inch. Were this melting to occur in one year, the earths rate as a time-keeper
calculation of the centrifugal forces acting at any assumed past time could
would slacken by one-tenth of a second. Huxley, however, supposed that the
determine whether or not solidification at that time could have produced the
accumulation of polar ice since the Miocene epoch - when the ice was many feet
present figure of the earth. From the present rate of loss of angular velocity,
thinner than it has been during, or since, the Glacial epoch - was only sufficient
Thomson estimated the centrifugal forces acting 10 000 million years ago (when
to produce ten times the effect of a coat of ice one foot thick. The earths
the earth rotated more than twice as fast as at present) and 100 million years ago,
rotation would thus be one second faster. Tidal retardation, on the other hand,
arguing that at the latter time a solidifying earth could have been in all respects
amounted to one-fifth of a second on Thomsons calculation of twenty-two
like the present earth, but at the earlier time its figure would have been
something totally different from what it is. He concluded this 1868 discussion
Ibid., pp. 42-A.
of tidal retardation with remarks sure to provoke Huxley: T.H. Huxley, Geological reform. Quart. J. Geol. Soc. London, 25 (1869), xxxviii-liii;
Discourses: biological and j^eological (London, 1902), pp. 305-39, on pp. 329^32.
PL, 2, 12-19. 16 Ibid., pp. 3 ^ 8 . [bid., pp. 39-40. 20 PL, 2, 70-1.
586 T h e econ om y o f n atu re T h e age o f th e earth con troversies 587

seconds per century. For Huxley, then, the ice accumulation covers all the loss Thomsons consideration in his 1868 address of his second theme, that of
from tidal action, and leaves a balance of f second per annum in the way of phenomena presented by the earths crust, mainly pointed up arguments already
acceleration.^^ stated in his earlier discussions of secular cooling. For example, he told his
Although Huxley was prepared to admit the correctness of each of these audience that for Playfair to have asserted that the earth could have been for
calculations, his attack rested partly on the claim that there was no agreed ever as it is now was thus about as reasonable as taking a hot water jar, such as is
hypothesis to account for tidal retardation, but more especially upon the lack of used in carriages, and say[ing| that that bottle has been as it is for ever.^^
adequate data: mathematics may be compared to a mill of exquisite workman Huxley simply replied that Thomsons limit based on secular cooling was of
ship, which grinds you stuff o f any degree of fineness; but nevertheless, what the vaguest, ranging from fifty million to 300 million years. For the geologist,
you get out depends upon what you put in; and as the grandest mill in the world one or two hundred million years might serve the purpose, even of a thorough
will not extract wheat-flour from peascods, so pages of formulae will not get a going Huttonian uniformitarian, very well. If for some reason it did not prove
definite result out of loose data. He concluded: sufficient, then we must closely criticize the method by which the limit is
I f tid a l r e ta r d a tio n can th u s b e c h e c k e d an d o v e r t h r o w n b y o th e r te m p o r a r y c o n d itio n s ,
reached. The argument is simple enough. Assuming the earth to be nothing but
w h a t b e c o m e s o f th e c o n fid e n t a ssertio n , b a sed u p o n th e a ssu m e d u n ifo r m it y o f tid al a cooling mass, the quantity of heat lost per year, supposing the rate o f cooling to
r e ta r d a tio n , that ten th o u s a n d m illio n years a g o th e earth m u s t h a v e b e e n r o ta tin g m o r e have been uniform, multiplied by any given number of years, will be given the
th a n t w ic e as fast as at p r esen t, a n d , th e r e fo r e , th a t w e g e o lo g is t s are in d ir e c t o p p o s it io n maximum temperature that number of years ago.^^ Huxley therefore asked,
to th e p r in c ip le s o f N a tu r a l P h ilo s o p h y i f w e sp read g e o lo g ic a l h is to r y o v e r th at tim e?^^ first, whether the earth was really nothing but a cooling mass, and, second, if its
cooling had actually been uniform. The validity of the calculations on which Sir
Thomson answered in his 1869 address O f geological dynamics (a title used
W. Thomson lays so much stress depended upon an affirmative answer to both
earlier by Whcwell) to the Glasgow Geological Society, dealing first with the
these questions. Even given affirmative answers - by their nature hypothetical -
issue of polar ice. He simply added to a summary o f Huxleys argument the
other suppositions have an equal right to consideration. For instance, at the
remark that the observed result was retardation and that Huxleys hypothesis, if it
prodigious temperatures 100 miles down, metallic bases might behave as
were valid, would prove retardation by the tides six times as much as that which
mercury at red heat and refuse to combine with oxygen, while nearer the surface
we have ventured to estimate. Cleverly turning Huxleys argument against
such a combination would occur to produce heat totally distinct from that
him, Thomson thanked his critic for offering an account of why the observed
which they possess as cooling bodies. Again, the quality of the earths atmosphere
retardation might be considerably less than that due to the tides. It was therefore
may immensely affect its permeability to heat and so profoundly modify the
conceivable that something of this accumulation of ice suggested by Professor
rate of cooling [of] the globe as a whole. Huxley concluded that it could not be
Huxley, or erosion of matter suggested by Mr Croll, may to a considerable
denied that such conditions may exist, and may so greatly affect the supply, and
extent, have temporarily counteracted the tidal retardation since the
the loss, of terrestrial heat as to destroy the value of any calculations which leave
dynamical theory of the tides, and known facts regarding the interval between
them out of sight.
full and change of moon, and the times of the spring tides, render it difficult to
The general part of Huxleys address set forth an evolutionary cosmology
see how tidal retardation of the earths rotation can be so little as to make the
embracing both geological and biological phenomena. Assigning the term
integral of lost time in a century amount to only twenty-two seconds. H e
evolutionism to this view, he discussed the rival systems o f catastrophism and
then rejected Huxleys conclusion that the effect of tidal retardation could be
uniformitarianism. Catastrophism was for Huxley any form of geological
compensated - and so permanently overthrown - by temporary conditions such
speculation which . . . supposes the operation of forces different in their nature,
as the melting or accumulation of polar ice. Finally, Thomson stated that his
or immeasurably different in power, from those we at present see in action in the
expectations from tidal dynamics weighed with him very decidedly against
universe. He implicitly rejected the version that assumed the operation of
Dufours meteoric hypothesis, although he still looked forward to its test by
extra-natural power, as in Mosaic cosmogony, but accepted the doctrine that
chemical analysis of the dust accumulated over Egyptian or other monuments
the earth had developed from a state in which its form, and the forces which it
during two or three thousand years.
exerted, were very different from those we now know. By the use of the phrase
By comparison with these new questions raised by tidal retardation.
immeasurably different in power, however, Huxley ingeniously altered the
meaning of catastrophism employed by Whewell and Thomson (i.e., a greater.
Huxley, Discourses, pp. 3 3 2 ^ . Ibid., p. 335.
William T hom son,O f geological dynamics, Trans. Glasj^ow Geol. See , 3 (1871), 215-40; PL,
2, 73-131, esp. pp. 90-1. Ibid., pp. 91-6. Ibid., pp. 534. Huxley, Discourses, p. 338. Ibid., pp. 338-9.
588 T h e econ om y o f nature T h e age o f th e earth con troversies 589

but in no way unlimited, intensity of geological activity in the past) to an Turning to Huxleys other suppositions, Thomson argued that the first
insistence upon the existence of a practically unlimited bank of force, thereby possibility - deriving from the heat of combination of elements - constituted
placing catastrophism on a par with uniformitarianism.^* merely an addition to the sum of the thermal capacities of the several elements
Uniformitarianism, as originally conceived, had introduced arbitrary limita separately reckoned, to give the effective thermal capacity of the composite
tions into geological science. Huxley cited the words of James Hutton and mass. The value of calculations which neglected this possibility was not
Charles Lyell - foremost of the uniformitarians to show that both agreed in destroyed as Huxley had claimed, though an altered figure in the result might
their indisposition to carry their speculations a step beyond the period recorded be necessitated by an altered estimate of specific heat. Thomson observed,
in the most ancient strata now open to observation in the crust of the earth. however, that in my calculations I have left a wide enough margin to give due
These arbitrary limitations apart, uniformitarianism had, with equal justice to weight on Professor Huxleys side to the smallness of our knowledge regarding
catastrophisms bank of force, insisted upon a practically unlimited bank of specific heats, thermal conductivities, and temperatures of fusion, of the earths
time, keeping before our eyes the power of the infinitely little and compelling material. As to the second possibility, he answered that the cloudiness or
us to exhaust known causes before flying to the unknown. clearness of the atmosphere did not affect the secular cooling of the earth, since
Evolutionism, Huxley claimed, avoided the errors of its two predecessors, my calculations depend only on the assumption that through geological history
and embraced all that is sound in both. In geology, as in biology, we needed to . . . [the resulting temperature of the upper surface of land and sea] has been
go beyond the natural history stage to the causal or aetiological stage and suitable for such life as now exists on the earth. Commenting also upon the
thereby ultimately attempt to deduce the history of the world, as a whole, from alleged vagueness of his estimates, Thomson argued that if he had calculated
the known properties of the matter of the earth, in the conditions in which the from the data a limit for the past duration of life on the earth of one or ten million
earth has been placed. A t first sight, therefore, Huxleys evolutionism ap years, so ill drawn an inference could scarcely embarrass those who are still
peared quite similar to Hopkinss progressionism, but, very quickly, Huxleys disposed to trust a practically unlimited bank of time. But,
refusal to accept a cosmological and universal doctrine of progression became it is o b v io u s th a t th e y m u s t b e se r io u sly em b a rra ssed b y e v e n a su p e r io r lim it o f fo u r
apparent. h u n d r e d m illio n years: e s p e c ia lly w h e n th e d e c la r a tio n o f it is c o u p le d w it h th e assertion
Huxley regarded Immanual Kant as the heroic creator of evolutionism, the o f a very strong probability th a t all g e o lo g ic a l h isto r y s h o w in g c o n t in u it y o f life is in r e a lity
doctrine which traced the conversion of chaos into cosmos. An infinite expanse to b e c o n d e n s e d in to a p e r io d n o t e x c e e d in g one h u n d r e d m illio n years.

of formless and diffused matter attracted towards a single centre would reclaim Thomson ended by pointing out that Lyell and Huxley were both guilty of
more and more of the molecular waste until, by the heat evolved, the systems that direct opposition to the principles of natural philosophy which he had
were converted once more into molecular chaos such as that in which it attributed to British popular geology in 1868. Quoting at length from the 1868
began. Thus, the cosmos has a reproductive operation by which a ruined edition of Lyells Principles, Thomson made it clear that the famous geologist
constitution may be repaired . This essentially cyclical view forestalled was still committed to a cyclical view of the solar sy stem .F irin g on Huxley at
Hutton but inevitably aroused the wrath of Thomson!^^ the same time, Thomson remarked that Kants hypothesis of the restoration of a
In his 1869 reply, Thomson dealt with Huxleys points directly. On the new chaos... with potential energy for a repetition of cosmogony, described by
question of the earth being nothing but a cooling mass he referred his listeners to Professor Huxley, was not a more violent contravention of thermodynamic
the arguments of his 1862 paper in which rival hypotheses had been considered law. Furthermore, Huxley had violated the energy conservation principle in
and rejected. On the issue of uniform cooling he gave a decisively negative allowing to evolutionism an unlimited bank of force and time:
answer. Huxley, he hinted, had not examined the analytical investigation
In th e C a ta str o p h ism o f L e ib n iz , N e w t o n , S e d g w ic k , P h illip s, H o p k in s , F o rb es, M u r c h i
[which] shows the law of the greater rate of conduction outwards in past times, so n , an d m a n y o th e r tru e g e o lo g is t s , w h ic h is n o resp ect d iffe r e n t as a g e o lo g ic a l d o c tr in e
and demonstrates a much closer limit for the whole time during which the earth fr o m that n o w d e sc r ib e d b y P r o fe sso r H u x le y u n d e r th e n e w n a m e e v o lu t io n is m , th ere
has been solid and continuously cool enough at its surface to be habitable has b e e n n o u n lim it e d b a n k o f f o r c e . A n d it is b e c a u se th e w h o le a m o u n t o f e n e r g y
without break of continuity to life, than can be estimated without taking into e x is tin g in th e ea rth has a lw a y s b e e n e sse n tia lly fin ite , that p h y sic a l sc ie n c e su p p o r ts th e ir
account the deviation from uniformity which I assert. I n other words, non- th e o r y , an d rejects, as r a d ic a lly o p p o s e d to th e p r in c ip le s o f n atu ral p h ilo s o p h y , th e
uniform cooling would provide a shorter time scale than would uniform cooling, u n ifo r m ita r ia n is m d e sc r ib e d b y P r o fe s so r H u x le y [in term s o f a p r a c tic a lly u n lim ite d
contrary to what Huxley had implied in his criticism of Thomson. b a n k o f tim e].^

22 Ibid., pp. 99-103.

Ibid., pp. 307, 324. 29 pp 3 i 3 _ i 6 , 324. Ibid., pp. 316-19, 325. 2^ Ibid., pp. 103-7; Charles Lyell, Principles of geology, 10th edn. (2 vols., London, 1867-8), 2,
2' Ibid., pp. 320-3. 2 2 PL, 2, 98 9. p. 213. 25 PL, 2, 108-11.
590 T h e econ om y o f n ature T h e age o f the earth con troversies 591

the fourth edition of Murchisons Siluria he attempted to settle some of the old
On the harmony of geology and physics issues between uniformitarians and catastrophists by an appeal to geological
Sir Williams recollection of a conversation with the geologist Sir Andrew evidence rather than geological authority. Yet he acknowledged that geological
Ramsay at the Dundee meeting of the British Association in 1867 vividly evidence alone would be insufficient to settle major questions of geological
illustrated the distinctive assumptions upon which the two sciences o f geology principle; some further criteria were necessary. Geikie sought for those criteria
and natural philosophy had been proceeding with regard to geological time. in both physics and astronomy, making possible a prolonged period of com
Thomson and Ramsay heard a brilliant and suggestive lecture by Professor parative harmony between geology and physics. At the same time, however, he
Geikie on the geological history of the actions by which the existing scenery of acknowledged no infallibility of physicists in pronouncing on matters geologi
Scotland was produced. Sir William asked Ramsay how long a time he would cal, Sir William Thomson not excepted. The physicist might offer assistance,
allow for that history. Ramsay replied that he could suggest no limit to it. Sir but not authority.^*
William persisted: Geikie claimed that the role of the physicist had emerged dramatically in
Thomsons remarkable memoir on the Secular cooling o f the earth . Using
Y o u d o n t su p p o s e t h in g s h a v e b e e n g o in g o n a lw a y s as th e y are n o w ? Y o u d o n t
the simile of a monitor - having less ammunition at the end than at the
su p p o s e g e o lo g ic a l h is to r y has ru n th r o u g h 1 0 0 0 m illio n y e a r s,
beginning of a battle - Sir William had inferred that uniformitarian arguments
C e r ta in ly I d o .
10000 m illio n y e a r s,
against a more violent intensity in the past were fallacious, and that the
Y e s . catastrophist doctrines were in fact supported by independent evidence from
T h e su n is a fin ite b o d y . Y o u ca n tell h o w m a n y to n s it is. D o y o u th in k it has b e e n modern physics. Furthermore, Sir William had himself appealed to purely
sh in in g o n fo r a m illio n m illio n y ea rs? geological data to support the view of greater violence and intensity in past
I am as in c a p a b le o f e s tim a tin g a n d u n d e r sta n d in g th e reason s w h ic h y o u p h y sic is ts epochs (ch. 16). But Geikie remained sceptical, without questioning the funda
h a v e fo r lim it in g g e o lo g ic a l tim e as y o u are in c a p a b le o f u n d e r sta n d in g th e g e o lo g ic a l mental principle that there must be less potential energy in the solar system now
rea so n s fo r o u r u n lim ite d e s tim a te s . than there was originally
Y o u ca n u n d e r sta n d p h y s ic is ts r e a s o n in g p e r fe c tly i f y o u g iv e y o u r m in d to i t .^* To begin with, Geikie noted that Sir William had assumed that such geologi
And there, according to Sir Williams recollection, the argument ended with a cal phenomena as upheaval, fracture, and metamorphism depend for their
friendly agreement to temporarily differ. production directly upon the effects o f underground heat, and naturally infers
Ramsays commitment to an indefinitely long time scale placed him firmly in that when this heat near the surface was greater, phenomena of that kind must
the tradition of Lyells non-progressionist uniformitarianism. Yet that tradition have been more abundant and more violent. But, Geikie asserted, there was
did not command the allegiance of all geologists. The running dispute between certainly no geological evidence for this assumption; on the contrary, fracture
progressionist and non-progressionist geology had never been finally resolved. and contortion of the crust of the earth are more probably referable to contrac
Lyell had remained an unrepentant uniformitarian in the tenth edition of his tion due to cooling, and, if so, ought to have been less severe in ancient than in
Principles (1867-8). Phillips, in his Life on the earth (1860), had carefully avoided more recent times since the thicker the earths crust and the smaller the earths
committing himself to either a uniformitarian or a catastrophist approach, diameter, the more marked would be the effects of each successive shrinkage.
though he clearly opposed any notion of indefinite time scales (ch. 16). And Sir Thus, even granting more subterranean heat in early times than today, we are
Roderick Murchison, in the fourth edition o f his Siluria (1867), still remained a not called upon to admit that this necessitates any former greater intensity of
staunch catastrophist who could now claim for support Thomsons recent work earthquakes or upheavals.
on the secular cooling of the earth. Secondly, Sir William Thomsons simile of the monitor furnishes an excel
As a much younger geologist, Archibald Geikie (1835-1924) was probably lent illustration against himself. It was true that just as such a ship must have less
less constrained by the convictions of an earlier generation. In his 1868 review of
[Archibald Geikie), Sir Roderick Murchison and modern schools o f geology. Quart. Rev.,
William Thomson, The age o f the earth as an abode fitted for life, Phil. Mag., (series .5], 47 125 (1868), 188-217. Geikie subsequently published his Life o f Sir Roderick I. Murchison (2 vols.,
(1899), 66-90; MPP, 5, 205-30, on pp. 209-10. London, 1875). See also Archibald Geikie, Geological time, Geol. Mag., 4 (1867), 171-2;
Sir Roderick Murchison, Siluria, 4th edn. (London, 1867), pp. 499-5(X). Murchison had noted Burchfield, Age o f the earth, pp. 60-2. Burchfield remarks that Geikies conviction concerning the
with satisfaction that the view I long ago adopted solely from an appeal to geological phenomena role o f physics and astronomy led him firmly into Kelvins camp in 1868. Geikies conviction
has since been supported on these independent [thermodynamic] grounds by the reasoning o f one o f derived from James Croll rather than directly from Thomson, o f whose 1862 paper Geikie was
our leaders in physical science. distinctly critical. [Geikie], Sir Roderick Murchison, pp. 203-4.
592 T h e econ om y o f n ature T h e age o f the earth con troversies 593

ammunition on board at a later stage of battle than at the beginning, so the earth Having freed geological science from the dogmas of these older schools,
must have a lesser store of heat now than at first. But: Geikie gave an enthusiastic welcome to the recent work of his fellow Scot, James
Croll (1 8 2 1 -9 0 ).Crolls work, though largely derivative from Thomson and
is it n o t as e v id e n t th a t th e e ffe cts p r o d u c e d b y ea ch g u n in th e v e sse l in n o w a y d e p e n d
Helmholtz on the question of the age of the sun, was, unlike Thomsons,
u p o n th e a m o u n t o f p o w d e r in th e m a g a z in e ? T h e last sh o t fired is as lo u d an d m a y b e as
d e str u c tiv e as th e first, a n d so it w o u ld b e e v e n th o u g h th e r e d id n o t r e m a in p o w d e r
explicitly uniformitarian rather than catastrophist in its ap p ro ach .A lth o u g h
e n o u g h to fire a sin g le d isc h a r g e m o r e . I f th e sim ile is to h o ld , w e m u st g r a n t th a t th e Croll acknowledged that it was the modern and philosophic doctrine of
u p h e a v a ls a n d fra ctu re o f th e crust o f th e ea rth , lik e th e d isc h a r g e s o f th e m o n it o r , h a v e uniformity that has chiefly led geologists to overestimate the length of geologi
n o t b e e n g r o w in g w e a k e r in p r o p o r tio n as th e in te r n a l m a g a z in e w h e n c e th e y c a m e has cal periods, he still advocated the doctrine itself:
p a rted w it h its sto res o f e n e r g y , b u t that th e latest are, at least, e q u a l in v io le n c e to th e T h is p h ilo s o p h ic s c h o o l tea ch es, an d that tr u ly , that th e g reat c h a n g e s u n d e r g o n e b y th e
earliest. e a r th s cru st m u st h a v e b e e n p r o d u c e d n o t b y g rea t c o n v u ls io n an d c a ta c ly sm s o f n atu re ,
b u t b y th o s e o r d in a r y a g e n c ie s that w e see at w o r k e v e r y d a y r o u n d u s . . . N o w , w h e n w e
Geikies third criticism of Thomsons application of the dissipation principle
reflect that w it h su ch e x tr e m e s lo w n e s s d o th e se a g e n ts p e r fo r m th e ir w o r k . . . w e are
to the earth concerned his misuse of geological evidence. Like Murchison,
n e c e ssita te d to c o n c lu d e th at g e o lo g ic a l p e r io d s m u s t b e e n o r m o u s . A n d th e c o n c lu s io n at
Thomson had asked rhetorically if all geological evidence did not agree in w h ic h w e th u s a rriv e is u n d o u b t e d ly c o r r e c t. It is, in fact, im p o s s ib le to fo r m an a d eq u a te
demonstrating the former greater intensity of subterranean forces. Geikie, c o n c e p t io n o f th e le n g t h o f g e o lo g ic a l tim e . It is s o m e t h in g t o o vast to b e f u lly g r a sp e d b y
however, claimed that it was absolutely certain that no such demonstration can o u r c o n c e p t io n .
be drawn from any geological data yet discovered. To say that powerful
We may note in Crolls phrase great convulsion and cataclysms of nature the
fractures or great contortions must have been produced by sudden and violent
tendency to render catastrophism in some sense miraculous or at least
agencies was precisely the point to be proved. Moreover, the fact that older
associated with anomalous events in nature. Rhetorical moves such as this one
rocks had suffered more fracture and contortion could imply a longer exposure
(or Huxleys discussed earlier) obscure the main feature of catastrophism, the
to geological change rather than a greater intensity of disturbance in early times.
decreasing intensity of geological activity. Croll, like Geikie, maintained at least
Indeed, Geikie argued, the inversion of the miocene strata of the Alps, cited by
approximate uniformity of kind and degree, in contrast to Thomsons commit
Sir Roderick as proof of far more violent operations of former times, was quite
ment to a much greater activity in past time.
recent in geological terms. The inversion offered no proof that the internal
force is growing weaker in its effects upon the surface. And, similarly, volcanic sense o f those terms), since both doctrines were committed to the same kind o f geological agents for
past and present activity, differing as they did over the issue o f degree or intensify. From the evidence
outbursts such as those of northwest Britain in miocene times, had been much o f Geikies essay, there can be little doubt that he wished to maintain uniformity o f both kind and
greater compared to those among the Lower Silurian rocks. degree, not as a rigid dogma, but as a flexible methodological rule.
Geikie concluded that a serious study of the earths crust furnishes no Croll had been janitor o f the Andersonian Museum in Glasgow from 1859 until 1867. He
owed this low ly position to Thom sons father-in-law, Walter Crum, who was chairman o f the
evidence o f a diminution in the intensity of those agents by which the rocks have Andersonian. His intellectual energies he then devoted to physics. He was appointed in 1867 as
been upheaved, depressed, or fractured. In reality, such evidences as can be Edinburgh office-keeper, with the initial rank o f assistant geologist, for the Geological Survey o f
brought to bear upon the question rather goes to show that the intensity, so far Scotland - largely through the efforts o f the Director (Geikie), aided by Murchison and Thomson.
SeeJ. Campbell-Irons, Autobiographical sketch ofJames Croll with memoir o f his life and work (London,
from diminishing, has, on the whole, been augmenting. Compared to these 1896), pp. 91-174.
potential fallacies o f catastrophism, then, the uniformitarian school had James Croll, On geological time, and the probable date o f the glacial and the upper miocene
proceeded on a safer basis of inquiry, having taken the present economy of period, Phil. Mag., [series 4], 35 (1868), 363-84; 36 (1868), 141-54,362 8 6 . Croll explained the aim
o f his paper to show that geology and physical science bear the same testimony as to time - in a
Nature as their guide. Provided that such an approach was regarded, not as a letter dated 25th April, 1868, published in Campbell-Irons, James Croll, p. 188. See Burchfield, Age o f
proven fact, but as a provisional rule based upon assumption, it was unquestion the earth, pp. 62-7, for a full discussion o f Crolls glacial hypothesis. Burchfield does not interpret
ably the best which a geologist can follow. Since our experience was at the best Geikies work as intimately related to that o f Croll. Furthermore, when arguing for Crolls
rejection o f uniformitarianism, Burchfield means Crolls rejection o f an indefinitely long time scale
but scanty, such that there may be sources of geological change of which we had rather than uniformitarianism as W hewell had defined the term.
not even dreamed, the principle of uniformity acted as a methodological guide, ** Croll, On geological tim e, p. 377. Passages from Crolls 1868 paper such as this one were
and not a principle true of nature itself much-welcomed by Charles Darwin and incorporated into the fifth edition o f The Origin, published
in August, 1869. In that edition the phrase incomprehensibly vast was changed to how vast, and
^0 Ibid., p. 204. Darwin added Crolls opinion that it was the numerical estimates o f geologists which were
Ibid., pp. 205-6. Burchfield, Age o f the earth, p. 62, argues that Geikie accepted uniformity o f erroneous, rather than their conception o f the vastness o f geological time. See Morse Peckham (ed.).
kind-, but not uniformity o f degree. If, however, Geikie had adopted such a position, there would The origin of species by Charles Darwin. A variorum text (Philadelphia, 1959), pp. 485-6; Burchfield,
have been no conceptual conflict between uniformitarianism and catastrophism (in W hew ells Age of the earth, pp. 75-6; Campbell-Irons, James Croll, pp. 199-203, 215-22.
594 T h e econ om y o f nature T h e a^e o f the earth con troversies 595

The principal issue now was the removal of any conflict between geological time, Geikie engaged in a wide ranging discussion of several rivers, large and
and physical time scales. Croll therefore argued that If the geologist could find a small, and the respective rates of denudation of their areas of drainage. He
method o f ascertaining the actual rate at which these denuding agents do concluded, like Croll, that geologists had been over-extravagant in their de
perform their work . .. then we should have a means o f ascertaining whether or mand on time. And in a footnote connecting the recent researches in physics
not the agents to which we refer were really capable of producing the required specifically to the work of Thomson and Croll, Geikie stated that about 100
amount of change in the earths surface in the allotted time. There did indeed millions of years is the time assigned within which all geological history must be
exist a method, he believed, for determining, with the most perfect accuracy, comprised.'^*
the rate at which the face of the earth was being denuded by subaerial agency, At the same time, however, Geikie felt the need to answer the objection that
namely that of determining the amount o f solid materials which is being carried palaeontological evidence, in direct defiance of physical evidence, demanded an
down annually by our rivers into the sea. Since the materials all derived from expansion of geological time: under any view of the origin of species, a long
the surface of the country drained by these rivers, we could determine exactly time must needs be demanded for the appearance and disappearance of
the extent to which the drainage area was being lowered annually by subaerial successive tribes of plants and animals, such that the palaeontologist would not
denudation. In the case of the Mississippi, Croll estimated that the whole area of readily abandon an appeal to unlimited time. He therefore resorted to the
drainage (with an average height of 748 feet) would be reduced to sea-level in argument, deriving from Croll, that such reluctance would mainly arise from
less than four and a half million years, provided no elevation of the land took the difficulty of adequately conceiving the length [beyond a few hundreds of
place. Estimates for other rivers suggested that the mean level of the country thousands] of even comparatively brief periods. The palaeontologist, then,
would be lowered by 1000 feet in six million years, a rate sufficiently rapid for would probably find that the periods, as defined by purely physical evidence,
Croll to emphasize as one of his major conclusions: we have thus seen that would still remain quite vast enough for the accomplishment of the long history
geology, alike with physics, is opposed to the idea of an unlimited age to our of life. Since changes in the organic world were largely regulated by those in the
globe. And it is perfectly plain that if there be physical reasons, as there certainly inorganic world, it would now be necessary to consider whether, as in geology,
are, for limiting the age of the earth to something less than 100 millions of years, the periods demanded for the growth and extinction of species and genera
geological phenomena, when properly interpreted, do not offer any might not likewise have been exaggerated and whether the intervals of time
opposition. which palaeontology postulated might not all be easily comprised within the
By 1868, then, Geikie and Croll had developed very similar assumptions limits required by physical data.*^^
concerning the terrestrial fabric. Both were uniformitarians in their belief that Geikies 186871 papers marked the beginning of a fifteen-year period during
the intensity of geological agencies had remained more or less the same over time. which the physics of Sir William Thomson and the geology o f the day seemed to
Both, therefore, rejected catastrophism. Both were sceptical about the ability of co-exist in comparative harmony. In his 1869 address, replying to Huxley,
the geological record to afford data for computing the length of its period in Thomson was able to cite not only the support which his own estimates had
years, and both were convinced that geology had much to gain from a closer received from Professor Phillipss careful analysis of the geological scale of
relationship with physics and astronomy. And Geikie, as Croll had done, was time , but also from Geikies recent address to the Geological Society of
about to accept the consistency of Thomsons one-hundred million year time Glasgow declaring his secession from the prevailing orthodoxy and maintain
scale with the results of denudation. Whatever Geikies reservations about ing that all the erosion of which we have monumental evidence in stratified
Thomsons support for catastrophism, the physics of Thomson and Croll, and
the geology of Geikie, were now very much in harmony. Geikie, On modern denudation, pp. 158n, 189n. See James Croll, On the cxcentricity o f the
earths orbit, and its physical relations to the glacial epoch, Phil. Mag., [scries 4j, 33 (1867), 119-31,
Nowhere was the new synthesis more apparent than in Geikies 1871 paper esp. pp. 130-1.
On modern denudation. Acknowledging that his attention had been first Geikie, On modern denudation, pp. 189-90. Geikie summarized the methods - geological
called to the subject of subaerial denudation by Crolls 1867 paper, which and physical - o f measuring geological time in his famous Text-book o f geology (London, 1882), pp.
54-6, which was an expanded version o f his article G eology for the ninth edition o f the
instanced the Mississippi as a measure of denudation and thereby of geological Encyclopaedia Britannica (1880). Geikie appeared to give the secular cooling argument pride o f place,
** Croll, On geological tim e, pp. 141,378-84. Croll drew attention to Geikies valuable paper while emphasizing Thom sons admission that very wide limits were necessary. He further noted
on Denudation as a measure o f geological time read to the Geological Society o f Glasgow on 26th that Thomson now inclined rather towards the lower [twenty million years| than the higher
March, 1868. This paper was published as On modern denudation, Trans. Geol. Soc. Glasgow, 3 antiquity [400 million years], but concludes that the limit, from a consideration o f all the evidence,
(1871), 153- 90. Crolls account o f denudation was very similar - at times indistinguishable - from must be placed within some such period o f past time as 1(X) millions o f years. By contrast, the suns
that o f Geikie. And both Croll and Geikie argued that marine denudation was o f trifling proportions heat argument led to results confessedly less emphatic. In this context he referred to Taits figure o f
alongside subaerial denudation. fifteen to twenty million years for the age o f the sun. See below (note 64).
596 T h e econ om y o f n atu re T h e aj^e o f the earth con troversies 597

rocks, and in the shapes of hills and valleys over the world, could have taken For their part, the evolutionary biologists tended to look towards Croll and
place several times over in the period of 100 million years. Geikie, rather than to capitulate directly to Thomson. A.R. Wallace (1823-
The new orthodoxy which now prevailed involved a geological time scale 1913), for example, had accepted Croll and Geikies arguments by 1870, and had
derived by Thomsons methods, and restricted to estimates within his limits. For begun to develop the notion that high orbital eccentricity of the earth was linked
example, the Cambridge geologist W.J. Sollas (later professor of geology at to rapid changes of species. By 1880, indeed, Wallace was even working within
Oxford) wrote in 1877 that geologists estimates of the time since the deposition Thomsons reduced estimates o f twenty to thirty million y e a rs .C h a rle s
of the earliest recorded strata (fifty to 500 million years) could be brought into Darwin himself, however, while welcoming into the fifth edition of The origin
very close proximity with that when the sun first began his existence as our (1869) Crolls remarks on the difficulty of humanly comprehending the mean
luminary [100-500 million years ago according to Sir William Thomson], and ing of millions of years, became more cautious about any quantitative estimates
when our earth was first permanently crusted over [100-200 million years ago, of geological time;
again according to Thomson]. Sollas emphasized, however, that while all these M r C r o ll, j u d g in g fr o m th e a m o u n t o f h e a t-e n e r g y in th e sun an d f r o m th e d a te w h ic h h e
estimates may be erroneous to a considerable degree, there will yet remain a assign s to th e last g la c ia l e p o c h , e s tim a te s th a t o n ly 6 0 m illio n y ears h a v e ela p se d sin ce th e
very considerable excess of energy, both in the sun and in our planet, beyond d e p o s itio n o f th e first C a m b r ia n fo r m a tio n . T h is ap p ears a v e r y sh o r t p e r io d fo r so m a n y
what they at present possess. The influence of this excess of energy, Sollas an d su ch g r e a t m u ta tio n s in th e fo r m s o f life , as h a v e c e r ta in ly sin c e o c c u r r e d . It is
argued, must have been distinctly sensible on the rate of early geological a d m itte d th at m a n y o f th e e le m e n ts in th e c a lc u la tio n are m o r e o r less d o u b tfu l, an d Sir
change. In other words, the decreasing energy of the sun and of the earth must W . T h o m s o n g iv e s a w id e m a r g in t o th e p o ss ib le a g e o f th e h a b ita b le w o r ld . B u t as w e

have led to diminishing rapidity in the action of three of the main factors of h a v e se en , w e c a n n o t c o m p r e h e n d w h a t th e fig u r e s 6 0 m illio n re a lly im p ly ; an d d u r in g
th is, o r p e rh a p s a lo n g e r r o ll o f y ears, th e la n d an d th e w a te r s h a v e e v e r y w h e r e te e m e d
geologic change, viz. on the denudation, reproduction, and the elevation and
w it h liv in g crea tu res, all e x p o s e d t o th e str u g g le fo r life an d u n d e r g o in g c h a n g e .
depression of strata. For Sollas, this catastrophist deduction from physical law
rendered independent geological estimates of time based on constancy of action In the sixth and final edition of The origin (1872), Darwin referred to
wholly unreliable. Thomsons criticism that the lapse of time since the consolidation of our planet
Other geologists were sometimes less ready to commit themselves whole was not sufficient to permit the assumed amount of organic change as probably
heartedly to Thomsons time scale. For example, the professor of geology at one of the gravest as yet advanced. He now conceded for the first time the
Trinity College, Dublin, Samuel Haughton (1821-97), at first considered probability, as Thomson insisted, that the world at a very early period was
Thomsons one-hundred million years as sufficient. Subsequently, his own subjected to more rapid and violent changes in its physical conditions than those
estimates of geological time took him to over 2000 million years. By 1878, now occurring; and such changes would have tended to induce changes at a
however, he had settled for 153 million years, apparently by compelling his corresponding rate in the organisms which then existed. But Darwin tried to
results to yield a figure within Thomsons range.^ Equally, the geologist and avoid giving ground on whether or not Thomsons twenty to 400 million (or,
engineer T.M. Reade (1832-1909) criticized, in 1878, Thomsons estimated more probably, ninety-eight to 200 million) year range was long enough to
maximum age of the earth, proposing instead a minimum figure of about 526 permit the assumed amount of organic change: on the one hand, we do not
million years, derived from a consideration of chemical denudation. By 1893, know at what rate species change as measured by years, while on the other,
however, he had accepted one-hundred million years as adequate. many philosophers are not as yet willing to admit that we know enough of the
PL, 2 ,8 6 -7 . Thomson had received from Phillips a copy o f his Life on the earth in January, 1869.
constitution of the universe and o f the interior of our globe to speculate with
In his 1864 address as president o f the geological section o f the British Association, Phillips had safety on its past duration.
referred to a careful computation by Professor W. Thomson, on selected data which led to a period
o f 100 million years within which all our speculations regarding the solid earth must be limited. On
the other hand, he also drew attention to Samuel Haughtons much greater estimate, discussed The younger Darwin: a critique of tidal friction and secular cooling
below. See B A A S Report, 34 (1864), 45-9.
W J. Sollas, On evolution in geology, Geol. Mag., 4 (1877), 1-7. George Howard Darwin (1845-1912) provides a fascinating bridge between
Burchfield, Age o f the earth, pp. 100-3, provides a thorough discussion o f Haughtons rather two of the most famous and widely acclaimed scientific intellects of the
eccentric and erratic approach.
Ibid., pp. 98-100, 129-30. As Burchfield points out, Reade was especially critical in 1878 o f Burchfield, Age o f the earth, pp. 76-9,103^5. St George Mivart (1827-1900), on the other hand,
Thom sons secular cooling approach as a tremendous super-structure o f inference. In particular had used Thom sons conclusions to attack natural selection in 1871. Ibid., pp. 745. See also
Thom sons data for the earths temperature gradient and internal conductivity were both local and Burchfield, Darwin and geological time, pp. 316-19.
unreliable. See T.M. Reade, The age o f the world as viewed by the geologist and the 5 3 Peckham (ed.). The origin o f species, p. 486. See especially Burchfield, Darwin and geological

mathematician, Geol. Mag., 5 (1878), 145-54; Measurement o f geological time, Geol. Mag., 10 time, pp. 309 13.
(1893), 97-KX). Peckham (cd.). The origin o f species, pp. 513, 728. See Burchfield, Age o f the earth, pp. 78^9.
598 T h e econ om y o f n ature T h e age o f the earth con troversies 599

Victorian age. Born at Down in Kent as second son of the distinguished which we have to deal and as giving us confidence that a million years is not an
naturalist, this younger Darwin subsequently became an adopted intellectual infinitesimal fraction of the whole o f geological time, Darwin nevertheless
son of the eminent natural philosopher. Georges academic activities, indeed, thought it unlikely that we shall ever attain to any very accurate knowledge of
came much closer to Sir Williams than to his fathers. Emerging from Trinity the geological time scale from this kind of [denudation] argument. Equally, he
College in 1868 as second wrangler and second Smiths prizeman, he was elected believed that the imprecision, doubt, and uncertainty surrounding Crolls
a fellow of his college later that year. By 1873, he had settled in Trinity, having astronomical theory of geological climate, which he, like his father, had admired
abandoned attempts to read for the Bar as his health deteriorated. Two years since at least 1868, could give little satisfaction on the question of geological
later, he noted in his diary that a paper on equipotentials [was] much approved time. Darwin then turned to Sir Williams methods:
by Sir W. Thomson. And soon afterwards Sir William reported favourably to A m o n g s t th e m a n y tr a n sc e n d e n t se r v ic e s r e n d e r e d to sc ie n c e b y S ir W illia m T h o m s o n , it
the Council of the Royal Society on Darwins first major memoir, On the is n o t th e least th a t h e has tu r n e d th e s e a r c h in g lig h t o f th e t h e o r y o f e n e r g y o n t o th e
influence o f geological changes in the earths axis of rotation, published in the sc ie n c e o f g e o l o g y . G e o lo g is t s h a v e th u s b e e n ta u g h t th at th e tru th m u s t lie b e tw e e n th e
1877 volume of the Philosophical Transactions.^^ c a ta c ly sm s o f th e o ld g e o lo g is t s a n d th e u n ifo r m ita r ia n is m o f f o r ty y ears a g o . It is n o w
Sir Williams method of refereeing, however, was rather unconventional. g r e a tly b e lie v e d th a t w e m u s t lo o k fo r a g r e a te r in te n s ity o f g e o lo g ic a c tio n in th e r e m o te
According to Darwin, Thomson seemed to find that on these occasions the p ast, an d th at th e d u r a tio n o f th e g e o l o g i c a g e s m u s t b ea r a b o u t th e sa m e r e la tio n to th e

quickest way of coming to a decision was to talk over the subject with the author n u m b e r s w h ic h w e r e w r itte n d o w n in th e o ld e r treatises o n g e o l o g y , as th e life o f th e
o r d in a r y m a n d o e s to th e a g e o f M eth u selah . ^
himself- at least this was frequently so as regards myself. As a result of the initial
meeting in 1877, Darwin regarded his work on oceanic tides and lunar distur Evaluating the argument from tidal friction, Darwin first drew attention to
bances of gravity, and on tidal friction and cosmogony occupying a substantial the modifications introduced into successive editions of the Treatise with
proportion of his published memoirs - as the scientific outcome of our regard to Adamss estimate of the secular acceleration of the moons mean
conversation of the year 1877.^ A year later, the Royal Society accepted his motion. In the second edition (1879-83) - in the editing o f which Darwin had
first major paper on the tides, again apparently with Sir Williams support. In taken a prominent part - the addition of the sentence It is proper to add that
this context, Charles Darwin wrote to his son on 29th October, 1878: Adams lays but little stress on the actual numerical values which have been used
A ll o f us are d e lig h te d , fo r c o n s id e r in g w h a t a m a n Sir W illia m T h o m s o n is, it is m o s t
in this computation, and is of opinion that the amount o f tidal retardation o f the
g r a n d that y o u sh o u ld h a v e sta g g e r e d h im so q u ic k ly , an d th a t h e sh o u ld sp eak o f y o u r earths rotation is quite uncertain had been prompted by a recent estimate by
d is c o v e r y , e t c . . . . H u r r a h fo r th e b o w e ls o f th e ea rth a n d th e ir v is c o s ity a n d fo r th e Simon Newcomb in which Adamss value was reduced by two-thirds. Darwin
m o o n a n d fo r th e h e a v e n ly b o d ie s a n d fo r m y so n G e o r g e (F. R . S. v e r y so o n ) . . thus stressed that in the opinion o f our great physical astronomer, a datum is still
wanting for the determination of a limit to geological time according to
The passage quoted from George Darwins 1878 letter at the beginning of this
Thomsons argument.
chapter indicated his special interest in defending his fathers work. Darwin
Second, Darwin considered the validity o f the conclusion, subject to the
added, however, that his father did not, as was often alleged, attribute all to
uncertainty already emphasized, that 1000 million years ago the earth was
natural selection: he undoubtedly thinks it a leading cause, but has written long
rotating twice as fast as at present. The most recent edition (1883) of the Treatise
chapters & even a whole book on other causes.
had refined the argument that, if the earth had consolidated then, or earlier, the
George Darwins 1886 address as President of Section A of the British
figure of the earth would have been very different from what it is now, and
Association dealt with specific approaches to the issue of geological time. In his
concluded that the date of consolidation is considerably more recent than a
opening remarks he noted that great as have been the advances of geology
thousand million years ago. For Darwin, this estimate did not yet allow a
during the present century, we have no precise knowledge of one of its
sufficiently large margin of uncertainty. While once again expressing his hope
fundamental units, that of time. Referring to Phillipss estimate of geological
that he was not presumptuous in criticizing the views of my great master, at
time as offering some insight into the order of magnitude of the periods with
** G.H. Darwin,Presidential address, B A A S Report, 56 (1886), 511-18, esp. 511-14. Darwin
Sir Francis Darwin, Memoir o f Sir George Darwin, in G.H. Darwin, Scientific papers (5 vols., discussed at some length Crolls theory as published in his Climate and time in their geological relations.
Cambridge, 1907-16), 5, pp. ix-xxxii, esp. xv. A theory o f secular changes o f the earths climate (London, 1875). Evidence o f Georges early interest in
Darwin, Scientific papers, 3, p. v. Crolls views is provided by the correspondence between Charles Darwin and Croll in 18689. See
Ibid., p. X V . George Darwin was elected F.R.S. in 1879. He succeeded James Challis in 1883 as Campbell-Irons, Jamci Croll, 203, 215. Darwin, Presidential address, p. 514.
Plumian Professor o f astronomy and experimental physics at Cambridge. Ibid., p. 515.
600 T h e econ om y o f nature T h e age o f th e ea rth con troversies 601

whose intuitive perception of truth in physical questions I have often marvelled, T h e so lid ific a tio n o f th e ea r th p r o b a b ly b e g a n fr o m th e m id d le a n d sp re a d to th e su rface.
he proceeded to criticize Sir William on three points - one geological, another N o w is it n o t p o ss ib le , i f n o t p r o b a b le , th at after a fir m cru st h a d b e e n f o r m e d , th e u p p e r
astronomical, and the third physical - which challenged the assumption that the p o r tio n still r e ta in e d s o m e d e g r e e o f v isc o sity ? I f th e in te r io r b e v is c o u s , s o m e tid a l
earth possessed rigidity of such a kind as to prevent its accommodation to the o s c illa tio n s m u s t ta k e p la c e in it, a n d , th e se b e in g su b ject t o fr ic tio n , h e a t m u s t b e

figure and arrangement of density appropriate to its rotation. g e n e r a te d in th e v is c o u s p o r tio n ; m o r e o v e r , th e d iu r n a l r o ta tio n o f th e ea rth m u st b e

The geological criticism was founded on James Crolls 1885 conclusion that retard ed .*^

nearly one mile may have been worn off the equator during the past 12 million Referring back to his 1879 Philosophical Transactions paper on the tides of a
years, if the rate of denudation all along the equator be equal to that of the basin spheroid, viscous throughout the whole mass, in which he had estimated the
of the Ganges. Since, Darwin argued, the equatorial protuberance when the amount and distribution of the heat generated while the planets rotation was
ellipticity of the earth was 5^ exceeded that when the ellipticity was 3^ by being retarded and the satellites distance was being increased, Darwin noted
fourteen miles, it followed that 170 million years would suffice to wear down that it had then seemed that the distribution of heat must be such that it would
the surface to the equilibrium figure. Even at a much reduced rate of denudation, only be possible to attribute a very small part of the observed temperature
Darwin suggested, external evidence of excess ellipticity would be obliterated. gradient to such a cause [as viscosity].
Darwin then drew attention to the possibility o f unobserved internal evi He therefore suggested a more probable hypothesis for the internal constitu
dence for excess ellipticity. In the absence of visible external evidence, he argued, tion of the earth. By supposing that it is only those strata which are within some
we must rely on the incompatibility of the known value of the precessional hundreds of miles of the surface which are viscous, whilst the central portion is
constant with an ellipticity of internal strata of equal density greater than that rigid, he argued that when tidal friction does its work the same amount of heat
appropriate to the actual ellipticity of the surface. Might there not, he asked is generated as on the hypothesis o f the viscosity of the whole planet, but instead
rhetorically, be a considerable excess of internal ellipticity without our being of being distributed throughout the whole mass. . . it is now to be found in the
cognizant o f the fact astronomically? more superficial layers. From his 1879 estimate of the amount of heat generated
Finally, Darwin founded his physical criticism of the tidal friction argument during the lengthening of the day by one hour - equivalent to twenty-three
on a suggestion first made in his 1878 letter concerning the rigidity of the earth. million years at the present rate of heat loss by the earth - Darwin concluded
He had then told Sir William that he did not see the force of the consideration first, that if the new hypothesis were true, and the same amount of heat were
that if the earth was rotating twice or thrice as fast as at present when it was first generated near the earths surface, the temperature gradient in the earth must be
solid, that it could not be such as it is. In particular, Trescas memoirs on the flow largely due to it, instead o f to the primitive heat o f the mass, and, second, that
of solids had shown iron flowing like butter, so that even if the Earth was as such a hypothesis would greatly prolong the possible extension of geological
rigid to resist breaking by shearing as iron, I conceive it could only stand a small time. Fundamental to this hypothesis, however, was the assumption, developed
departure from the figure of equilibrium without flowing - & if it could once in his attack on the tidal friction issue, that the earth could adjust itself to the
flow, why not admit that it might continuously adjust itself indefinitely. Have equilibrium figure adapted to its rotation.
we any right, he now asked his British Association audience, to feel so confident In a footnote to this address, Darwin outlined Sir Williams objection to the
of the internal structure of the earth as to be able to allege that the earth would hypothesis: since the meeting of the Association, Sir William Thomson has
not through its whole mass adjust itself almost completely to the equilibrium expressed to me his absolute conviction that, with any reasonable hypothesis as
figure?^^ Darwin thus concluded that he could neither feel the cogency of the to the degree of viscosity of the more superficial layers, and as to the activity of
argument from tidal friction itself, nor, accepting it, can I place any reliance on tidal friction, the disturbance of temperature gradient through internal genera
the limits which it assigns to geological history. tion of heat must be quite infinitesimal.*^ In concluding his discussion of the
Darwin next referred to Sir Williams celebrated essay on the subject of secular cooling argument, however, Darwin remarked that our data for the
secular cooling. While entirely agreeing with Thomsons general conclusion as average gradient of temperature may be somewhat fallacious. Given immense
to more abundantly and violently operative plutonic activity in geological variations of temperature at or near the earths surface, it does not then seem
antiquity than at present, Darwin offered reasons against the assumption that the impossible that the mean temperature gradient for the whole earth should differ
earth was simply a cooling globe: sensibly from the mean gradient in the borings already made. In particular, the

[bid., pp. 515-16. Ibid., p. 516. Ibid., p. 517m.

602 T h e econ om y o f n atu re T h e age o f the earth con troversies 603

recent Challenger expedition had revealed the temperature of the lower stratum point and the need to trim the extravagant demands on time to the tolerably
of the ocean to be nearly at the freezing temperature. ample period of one-hundred million years as possibly quite sufficient for the
In summing up his 1886 address, Darwin made it clear that he was protesting transaction of all the prolonged sequence of events recorded in the crust of the
more against the precision of Taits ten million year time scale than against the earth. The subsequent sweeping reductions of the time allowed for the evolu
achievements of Thomson in turning the searching light of the theory of energy tion of the planet, however, had placed the geologist in the plight o f Lear when
on to the science of geology. W h i l e Darwin admitted to having adduced his bodyguard o f one hundred knights was cut down. The inexorable physicist
some reasons against the validity of the tidal friction argument, and to having had remorselessly struck slice after slice for his allowance of geological time
shown that there were elements o f uncertainty surrounding the secular cooling with the demand of Goneril: What need you five and twenty, ten, or five?.
argument, uncertainties which were far too great to justify us in accepting such Geikie thus observed that by 1892 Lord Kelvin was willing to grant us some
a narrowing of the conclusions as Taits limit, nevertheless both arguments twenty millions of years, while Professor Tait would have us content with less
undoubtedly constitute a contribution of the first importance to physical than ten millions.*^
geology. Indeed, Darwin stated that we were fully justified in following Sir With Geikies geology and Thomson and Taits physics no longer in har
William Thomson who says that the existing state of things on the earth, life on mony, Geikie saw two options: either to revise rigorously the interpretation
the earth, all geological history showing continuity of life, must be limited given to the record of the rocks, or to revise the physical considerations. He
within some such period of past time as 100 million years . confidently emphasized that, with regard to the latter option, the geological
Although Darwin could agree with Thomsons 1862 estimate for geological record constitutes a voluminous body of evidence regarding the earths history
time, he was anxious that his fathers theory would not be rejected because of which cannot be ignored, and must be explained in accordance with ascertained
cosmical physics. He therefore emphasized that at present our knowledge of a natural laws. Echoing Huxley, Geikie argued that the mathematical mill is an
definite limit to geological time has so little precision that we should do wrong admirable piece of machinery, b u t. . . the value of what it yields depends on the
to summarily reject any theories which appear to demand longer periods of time quality of what is put into it:
than those which now appear allowable. While not specifying which theories T h a t th e r e m u st b e s o m e fla w in th e p h y sic a l a r g u m e n t I can , fo r m y o w n part, h a r d ly
he had in mind, his final paragraph, methodological in nature, implied that Sir d o u b t, t h o u g h I d o n o t p r e te n d t o b e a b le t o say w h e r e it is to b e fo u n d . S o m e a ss u m p tio n ,
William himself, and certainly his ardent supporters, had been too unyielding in it se e m s t o m e , has b e e n m a d e , o r s o m e c o n s id e r a tio n has b e e n le ft o u t o f s ig h t, w h ic h w ill
their demands for consistency between their dynamical theories and theories in e v e n t u a lly b e se e n to v itia te th e c o n c lu s io n s , a n d w h ic h w h e n d u ly ta k e n in to a c c o u n t
other, less exact, branches of knowledge: w ill a llo w t im e e n o u g h fo r a n y r e a so n a b le in te r p r e ta tio n o f t h e g e o lo g ic a l r e c o r d .

In e a c h b r a n c h o f sc ie n c e , h y p o th e s is fo r m s th e n u c le u s fo r th e a g g r e g a tio n o f o b s e r By comparison with Geikies measured appraisal of the troubled relations

v a tio n , a n d as lo n g as fa cts are a ssim ila te d a n d c o -o r d in a te d w e o u g h t to f o l lo w o u r between geology and physics. Lord Salisburys presidential address to the British
th e o r y . T h u s , e v e n i f th e r e b e s o m e in c o n sis te n c ie s w it h a n e ig h b o u r in g sc ie n c e , w e m a y Association two years later must have seemed - as it certainly did to John Perry -
b e j u s tifie d in still h o ld in g to a th e o r y , in th e h o p e th a t fu r th e r k n o w le d g e m a y e n a b le us
both partisan and provocative. The former prime minister did confess to feeling
to r e m o v e th e d iffic u ltie s. There is no criterion as to what degree o f inconsistency should compel
like a country gentleman who, as a volunteer colonel, had been appointed to
us to give up a theory, a n d it sh o u ld b e b o r n e in m in d th a t m a n y v ie w s h a v e b e e n u tte r ly
review a crack army corps. Nevertheless, Salisbury showed little restraint in his
c o n d e m n e d w h e n la ter k n o w le d g e h as o n ly s h o w n us th at w e w e r e in th e m o n ly s e e in g
th e tru th fr o m a n o th e r side.^
pronouncements upon Darwins theory of evolution. He asserted that the
deepest obscurity still hangs over the origin of the infinite variety o f life. In
particular, he claimed that Kelvins limitation of terrestrial time was one o f the
Lord Kelvin and the age of the earth: 1892-1907 strongest objections to the Darwinian explanation and, as such, still appeared to
In his presidential address to the 1892 meeting of the British Association at retain all its force. For their part, geologists and biologists had lavished their
Edinburgh, Geikie still accepted Kelvins notions of a calculable age for the solar millions of years with the open hand of a prodigal heir indemnifying himself by
system based on a gradual dissipation of energy from some definite starting present extravagance for the enforced self-denial ofhis youth. Yet the biologists
especially were making no extravagant claim when they demand[ed] at least
Taits estimates were published in (P.G. Tait], Geological tim e, North Brit. Rev., 50 (1869),
40639, esp. pp. 430-3, 438, and his Lectures on some recent advances in physical science (London, 1867), ** Sir Archibald Geikie, Presidential address, B A A S Report, 62 (1892), 3-26, esp. pp. 18-20. See
pp. 166-7. For discussion o f Tait and his critics, see Burchfield, Age o f the earth, pp, 76,92-4,109-10. also Burchfield, Age o f the earth, pp. 130-1.
** Darwin, Presidential address, p. 518. Geikie, Presidential address, p. 20.
604 T h e eco n o m y o f natu re T h e age o f the earth con troversies 605

many hundred million years for the stupendous process of evolutionary devel his attempts to extend the age foundered not on the hectoring replies he received
opment. If the mathematicians were right, he argued, the biologists could not from Tait, but on Kelvins measured consideration of the thermal conductivities
have what they demanded, since any organic life existing on the globe more of known rocks at high temperatures.
than one-hundred million years ago must, by Kelvins theory, have existed in a In his reply to Perry, Kelvin argued that for all we know at present. . . I feel
state of vapour. The controversy, as shown by Geikies 1892 address, was still that we cannot assume as in any way probable the enormous differences of
very much alive; the mathematicians sturdily adhere to their figures, and the conductivity and thermal capacity at different depths which you take for your
biologists are quite sure the mathematicians must have made a mistake. While calculations. Indeed, in his 1862 Secular cooling paper, he had referred to this
carefully denying any wish to intervene in the controversy itself, Salisbury very question and had, in the light of so much uncertainty in the data, allowed
nonetheless concluded his remarks by returning a verdict of not proven upon what he believed were very wide limits in his own estimate of the time involved
the wider issues the Darwinian school has raised.^ since the emergence of the consistentior status:
In the autumn of 1894, Perry reacted directly to Salisburys address, while at I t h o u g h t m y r a n g e fr o m 2 0 m illio n s to 4 0 0 m illio n s w a s p r o b a b ly w id e e n o u g h , b u t it is
the same time taking up Geikies remarks as a challenge. Writing at length to q u ite p o ss ib le th a t I sh o u ld h a v e p u t th e s u p e r io r lim it a g o o d d e a l h ig h e r , p erh a p s 4 0 0 0
both G.F. FitzGerald and Joseph Larmor, Perry explained that when asked by in stea d o f 4 0 0 . T h e su b je c t is in te n s e ly in te r e stin g ; in fa ct, I w o u ld ra th er k n o w th e d a te o f
friends to criticize Kelvins calculation of the probable age of the earth, he would th e Consistentior Status th a n o f th e N o r m a n C o n q u e st; b u t it can b r in g n o c o m fo r t in
reply that it was hopeless to expect that Lord Kelvin should have made an error resp e c t to d e m a n d fo r t im e in p a la e o n to lo g ic a l g e o l o g y . H e lm h o lt z , N e w c o m b , an d
in calculation. Furthermore, in every class in mathematical physics in the a n o th e r , are in e x o r a b le in r e fu sin g s u n lig h t fo r m o r e th an a sc o r e o r a v e r y f e w sco res o f
whole world since 1862 the problem has been put before students, and, as the m illio n y ears o f past t im e . . . S o far as u n d e r g r o u n d h ea t a lo n e is c o n c e r n e d y o u are q u ite

subject is o f enormous interest, if there had been any error it certainly would r ig h t th a t m y e s tim a te w a s 1 0 0 m illio n s , a n d p lease r e m a r k . . . th at th a t is all G e ik ie w a n ts;
b u t I sh o u ld b e e x c e e d in g ly fr ig h te n e d t o m e e t h im n o w w it h o n ly 2 0 m illio n in m y
have been discovered before now . At the same time, Perry stated that his own
m o u th .
dislike of any quantitative problem set by a geologist was due to the given
conditions being much too vague in nearly every case for the matter to be in any These remarks indicate a degree of flexibility not always recognized by com
sense satisfactory since a geologist does not seem to mind a few millions of years mentators. Kelvin certainly had little appreciation for the independent force of
in matters relating to time: geological evidence, as insisted on by Geikie. But too often a portrait of a man
I n e v e r till a b o u t th r ee w e e k s a g o se r io u sly c o n sid e r e d th e p r o b le m o f th e c o o lin g o f th e
with increasingly dogmatic views has been offered at the expense of a man
ea rth e x c e p t as a m e r e m a th e m a tic a l p r o b le m , as to w h ic h d e fin ite c o n d itio n s w e r e g iv e n . whose methodological criterion of consistency between different branches of
B u t th e b est a u th o r itie s in g e o l o g y a n d p a la e o n to lo g y are sa tisfied w it h e v id e n c e s in th e ir knowledge, founded upon quantitative data on the properties of matter, led him
sc ie n c e s o f a m u c h g re a te r a g e th a n t h e o n e h u n d r e d m illio n y ea rs stated b y L o r d K e lv in ; to reject theories which for him had an isolated, ad hoc character.^*
an d i f th e y are r ig h t, th e r e m u s t b e s o m e t h in g w r o n g in L o r d K e lv in s c o n d itio n s . O n th e Kelvin was able to communicate further to Nature in March, 1895, the news
o th e r h a n d , h is c a lc u la tio n is ju s t n o w b e in g u sed to d isc r e d it th e d ir e c t e v id e n c e o f that Prof Perry and I had not to wait long . . . to learn that there was no ground
g e o lo g is t s a n d b io lo g is ts , a n d it is o n th is a c c o u n t th a t I h a v e c o n sid e r e d it m y d u ty to for the assumption of greater conductivity of rock at higher temperatures, on
q u e stio n L o r d K e lv in s c o n d itio n s .*
which his effort to find that the consolidation of the earth took place far earlier
Perry s questioning of Kelvins conditions centred on replacing Kelvins than 400 million years ago, is chiefly founded. He quoted from Robert Webers
assumption o f a homogeneous mass by a superficial layer of one conductivity latest results which showed either no change, or a considerable diminution, of
and an internal mass of higher conductivity, leading to the conclusion that the thermal conductivity with rise of temperature and which were clearly at
present (high) temperature gradient just below the surface would, given the variance with Perrys claims. These new results contradicted Webers earlier one
(lower) temperature gradient in the internal mass, demand a greater age for the upon which Perry had built his case. Kelvin also corresponded with E.E.N.
earth. Fde also suggested that a larger heat capacity would increase the age. Yet Mascart over the search for more definite data on the thermal properties of rock
up to its melting point. His explicit aim was to find closer limits for the time
The Marquis o f Salisbury, Presidential address, B A A S Report, 64 (1894), 3-15, esp. pp. 12-13. that had passed since the consolidation of the earth. Furthermore, preliminary
See also Burchfield, Age o f the earth, pp. 121-2, 134.
John Perry to Joseph Larmor, 12th October, 1894, P56 (copy), ULC; John Perry, On the
age o f the earth. Nature, 51 (1894-5), 224-7, on pp. 224-5. See also Burchfield, Age o f the earth, Lord Kelvin tojohn Perry, 13th December, 1894 (copy), P60, ULC; Perry, Age o f the earth,
pp. 134-7. p. 227. c f , Burchfield, Age o f the earth, p. 123.
606 T h e econ om y o f n ature T h e age o f the ea rth con troversies 607

experiments on slate, sandstone, and granite by Kelvin himself indicated a there were all kinds of possible assumptions which led to many different
diminution o f conductivity with a rise o f temperature.^^ On the question of answers: I was not looking for a probable age of the earth from the point of view
specific heats, Kelvin believed that Uhey increase with the temperature up to the of mere physics. I wished to show that the physics [^tej higher limit was greater
melting point of rock, but the rate of augmentation assumed by Prof Perry is than a few hundred of millions of years.
about five times as much as that determined up to 1200 by the recent experi Perrys concern with possible, as distinct from Kelvins concern with prob
ments of A. W. Rucker and W.C. Roberts-Austen on basalt and of Carl Barus on able, internal conditions, meant that no ultimate reconciliations could, or indeed
diabase.^- need, occur between pupil and master. The correctness of Webers earlier
With the aim of revising his estimates o f the earths age, Kelvin discussed the results, or of the assumption of masses of liquids inside the earth, for example,
implications of the recent work of Barus and Clarence King in connection with supported Perrys argument if they are correct, but they do not in any way
the United States Geological Survey. In the light of Baruss results on the destroy it if they are wrong. For Perry, unlike Kelvin, the paper by King
melting of diabase, a typical basalt, at 1100-1200C, Kelvin concluded that his appeared somewhat inconclusive, being limited to a solid earth of uniform
own 1862 estimate of7000F (3871 C) for the temperature of melting rocks was conductivity and uniform temperature. The effect of pressure on the melting
too high. The correction, with other assumptions unchanged, would reduce his temperature of rock, having the properties of diabase, allowed estimation of the
1862 estimate to just under ten million years. Given that the effect of pressure temperatures above which liquidity would occur at various depths. Yet, Perry
had to be taken into account, King had concluded that without farther concluded, it is evident that if we take any probable law of temperature of
experimental data we have no warrant for extending the earths age beyond 24 convective equilibrium at the beginning and assume that there may be greater
millions of years . By taking the case for specific heat increasing up to the conductivity inside than on the surface rocks, Mr Kings ingenious test for
melting point according to the results of Rucker, Roberts-Austen, and Barus, liquidity will not bar us from almost any great age."^^
and for conductivity constant, and by taking into account the augmentation of Overall, Perrys review of the leading arguments for the age of the earth and
melting temperature with pressure in a somewhat more complete manner than solar system directed him to the conclusion that the lowest maximum age yet
that adopted by Mr Clarence King, Kelvin found that he was not led to differ published by the physicists was Kelvins 400 million years derived from the
much from his estimate of 24 million years. Nevertheless, any closer estimate secular cooling argument. The tidal retardation and suns heat arguments gave
would be quite uninteresting until we knew something more as to the maxima of 1000 and 500 million years, respectively. Thus, while mere physics
probable diminution, or still conceivably possible augmentation, of thermal pointed to a probable age much less than 400 million years, nevertheless Perry
conductivity with increasing temperature.'^'* could see nothing from the physicists point of view which would deny the
Perrys last letter to Nature in April, 1895, implicitly admitted, by its apolo palaeontologists four times the greatest of these estimates should they have
getic tone, that his criticism of Kelvins conditions had been but a partial success. good reason for demanding much greater times.
Referring to his previous communications to Nature, Perry made clear that his Just as the debates concerning the new phenomenon of radioactivity in the
aims had been to show, and illustrate by a number of mathematically workable early 1900s impinged upon the whole issue of the nature of the suns energy (ch.
examples, that, if we assumed greater conductivity in the interior than at the 15), the same investigators soon questioned nineteenth-century assumptions
surface, we increase this limit of age. He did not pretend that any one of these regarding terrestrial heat. As early as May, 1904, Frederick Soddy (1877-1956)
represented the actual state of the earth; rather, they merely proved that there summarized the impact of the new science of radioactivity:
were possible internal conditions which might give enormously greater ages than
It h as b e e n r e c o g n iz e d th at th e r e is a v a st a n d h ith e r to a lm o st u n su s p e c te d sto r e o f e n e r g y
physicists had been inclined to allow. Perry emphasized, indeed, that, b o u n d u p in , a n d in s o m e w a y s a sso c ia te d w it h , th e u n it o f e le m e n ta r y m a tte r ,
while some o f his results may have seemed more probable than others, he had r e p r e se n te d b y t h e a to m o f D a lt o n . . . S in c e th e re la tio n s b e t w e e n e n e r g y a n d m a tte r
tried to show that it was impossible for a physicist to obtain such an estimate, as c o n s titu te th e u ltim a te g r o u n d w o r k o f e v e r y p h ilo s o p h ic a l s c ie n c e , th e in flu e n c e o f th e se
g e n e r a liz a tio n s o n a llie d b r a n c h e s o f k n o w le d g e is a m a tte r o f e x t r e m e in te r e st at th e
Lord Kelvin tojohn Perry, ISthJanuary, 1895, P6 8 (copy), ULC; R.H. Weber to Lord Kelvin,
p resen t tim e . It w o u ld se e m th a t th e y m u s t e ffe c t, so o n e r o r later, little sh o r t o f a
13th January, 1895, W52, ULC, enclosing copies o f Webers papersof 1881 2 published in Bull. Soc.
Sci. Nat. Neuchatel, 12 (1881-2), 394-418, 687-95; Lord Kelvin to E.E.N. Mascart, 2nd February, r e v o lu t io n in a s t r o n o m y a n d c o s m o lo g y . T h e y w ill c e r ta in ly b e e a g e r ly r e c e iv e d , fo r it is
1895, in SPT, 2, 942; Lord Kelvin, The age o f the earth. Nature, 51 (1894-5), 4 3 8 ^ . The results o f o n ly fair to ad d th a t th e y h a v e b e e n lo n g a w a ite d , b y th e b io lo g is t an d g e o lo g is t . *
the experiments were published by Lord Kelvin and J.R.E. Murray, O n the temperature variation
o f the thermal conductivity o f rocks, Proc. Glasgow Phil. Soc., 26 (1895), 227-32; MPP, 5,198-203. John Perry, The age o f the earth. Nature, 51 (1894-5), 582-5.
W .C. Roberts-Austen and A. W. Rucker, On the specific heat ofbasalt, Phil. Mag., [series 5], Frederick Soddy, Radio-activity: an elementary treatise from the standpoint o f the disintegration
35 (1893), 296-307, esp. pp. 301-3. Kelvin, Age o f the earth, p. 439. theory (London, 1904), p. iv.
608 T h e econ om y o f n atu re T h e age o f the earth con troversies 609

The first public challenge to Kelvins secular cooling assumptions came in a atomic reconstruction. In the absence o f such a process, Soddy explained that
letter to Nature one week after George Darwins communication on Radioac the past age of radioactive minerals is fixed simply by the period of the average
tivity and the age of the sun. Under the title Radium and the geological age of life of the elements uranium and thorium, set at somewhere between 100 and
the earth, John Joly professor of geology at University College, Dublin, and 1000 million years. By ascertaining the diminishing proportion of uranium
recently responsible for estimates of geological time based on the supply of salt remaining at various intervals, Soddy argued that even if the whole earth had
to the oceans - put the case for a wholly new interpretation of terrestrial heat: originally been uranium it could not have survived more than 1000 or 100(X)
Q u it e e q u iv a le n t to in cr e a se d su p p lie s fr o m th e in te r io r w o u ld b e a so u r c e o f s u p p ly o f
million years without reproduction."^^
h e a t in e v e r y e le m e n t o f th e m a te r ia l. T h e e s ta b lish m e n t o f th e e x is tin g g r a d ie n t o f
In the light o f this conclusion, Soddy considered the possibility of the
te m p e r a tu r e in w a r d s m a y , in fact, h a v e b e e n d e fe r r e d in d e fin it e ly d u r in g th e e x h a u s tio n reconstruction of the parent radio-elements. While recognizing the problems as
o f sto res o f r a d iu m a n d sim ila r b o d ie s at g r e a te r o r sh a llo w e r d e p th s . In fact, w e fin d th e se to the source of the energy necessary for such reconstruction, he called into
b o d ie s h ere; th e o n ly q u e s tio n is as t o h o w m u c h o f th e m e x is ts , o r at o n e tim e e x is te d , in question the Second Law of Thermodynamics, the limitations of which had,
th e e a r th s in te r io r . . . [It] w o u ld ap p ea r th a t th e e s tim a te s d e r iv e d fr o m p h y sic a l thanks to James Clerk Maxwell, long been clearly recognized. Soddy therefore
sp e c u la tio n s are n o w su b ject to m o d if ic a t io n in ju s t th e d ir e c tio n w h ic h g e o lo g ic a l data posed the real question underlying the possibility of a reconstruction of the
re q u ir e d . T h e h u n d r e d m illio n y ea rs w h ic h th e d o c tr in e o f u n ifo r m it y req u ires m a y , in elements with the absorption of energy:
fa ct, y e t b e g la d ly a c c e p te d b y th e p h y sic ist.
C a n th e se c o n d la w o f t h e r m o d y n a m ic s b e a p p lie d to s u b - a to m ic ch a n g e ? . . . A ll
Addressing the Royal Institution early in 1904, Ernest Rutherford drew p r o c e sse s o f e v o lu t io n at p r esen t r e v e a le d p r o c e e d in th e o n e d ir e c tio n , th e e n e r g y b e in g
particular attention to Kelvins remark of 1862 that as for the future, we may d e g r a d e d in to h e a t o f u n ifo r m te m p e r a tu r e , w h ic h is n o lo n g e r a v a ila b le fo r a n y u se fu l
say, with equal certainty, that the inhabitants of the earth cannot continue to p u r p o se . . . T h e e n d o f e v o lu t io n is d e f in it e ly fix e d as o c c u r r in g w h e n all th e a v a ila b le
enjoy the light and heat essential to their life for many million years longer, e n e r g y sh all h a v e ru n its c o u r s e t o e x h a u s tio n . C o r r e s p o n d in g ly , a su d d e n b e g in n in g o f

unless sources of heat - now unknown to us - are prepared in the great th e u n iv e r se - th e t im e w h e n p r esen t la w s b e g a n to o p e r a te - is a lso fix e d . It is n e c essa ry to
su p p o s e th a t th e u n iv e r se , as a th in g in b e in g , h a d its o r ig in in s o m e in itia l c r e a tiv e a ct, in
storehouse o f creation. In view o f the discovery of radioactive substances, said
w h ic h a certa in a m o u n t o f e n e r g y w a s c o n fe r r e d u p o n it su ffic ie n t to k e e p it in b e in g fo r
Rutherford, this remark seems almost prophetic. For, taking both temperature
s o m e p e r io d o f y e a r s . . . T h e a lt e r n a t iv e . . . is th a t th e se c o n d l a w . . . d o e s n o t u n iv e r sa lly
gradient and thermal conductivity employed by Kelvin, it can be calculated
a p p ly , an d th a t, in th e in fin it e ly v a r ie d p r o c e sse s o f N a tu r e , a c y c lic sc h e m e o f e v o lu t io n is
that the amount of heat conducted by the earths surface each year and lost by
radiation could be supplied by the presence of radium (or an equivalent amount
of other radioactive matter) to the minute extent o f about five parts in ten That cyclic scheme would depend, for its operation, upon the reversal of the
thousand million by weight, this estimate being based on Elster and Geitels dissipation of available energy. To achieve such a result, the lighter elements
observations of the amount of radioactive matter present in the soil.^* would be continuously growing, by the gradual accretion of masses, possibly of
Rutherfords erstwhile collaborator, Soddy, took a very similar line in his electronic dimensions, and at the same time storing up the waste energy
1904 elementary treatise on radioactivity, with the crucial difference that Soddy, produced in the opposite [dissipation] process.
unlike Rutherford, raised the question of a reversible cosmos and offered a Soddy believed, unlike Kelvin, that such a cyclical system would be a much
highly speculative answer in terms of the possible reconstruction of matter at a more complete and satisfactory one than a corresponding directional system. If
subatomic level: with regard to radio-activity, an independent limit of the past true, the universe would then appear as a conservative system, limited with
age o f the earth is set by our present ignorance of any concomitant process of reference neither to the future nor the past, and demanding neither an initial
creative act to start it nor a final state of exhaustion as its termination. Although
John Joly, Radium and the geological age o f the earth. Nature, 6 8 (1903), 526. at present a mere speculation, Soddy thought it not unreasonable to anticipate
Ernest Rutherford, The radiation and emanation o f radium, Sci. Am. Suppl., 58 (1904), that ultimately the laws of nature will be recognized to operate, not only
24073-4, 24086-8; The collected papers o f Lord Rutherford o f Nelson (3 vols., London, 1962-5), 1, pp.
650-7, on pp. 656-7. As early as 1902, Rutherford claimed to have made some calculations to
universally with regard to space... but also consistently to time; that is, the laws
determine how much radium (or other radioactive matter expressed in terms o f radium) would be of nature would be recognized as having been in continuous operation without
required to be uniformly distributed throughout the earth in order to maintain the present observed external interference.*^
temperature gradient. His conclusion then was that the amount o f radium actually present in the
earth was o f the right order o f magnitude to maintain the temperature gradient. Ibid., p. 926. The Soddy, Radio-activity, pp. 185-9. See also Burchfield, Age o f the earth, pp. 169-70.
1904 estimates were set out in Rutherfords Radio-actiuity (Cambridge, 1904), pp. 342-6. On Soddy, Radio-activity, p. 188. M axwells interpretation o f the Second Law o f Thermodynam
Rutherford and radioactivity, see also Burchfield, Age o f the earth, pp. 163-71. ics will be discussed in the next chapter. *' Ibid., p. 189.
T h e age o f the earth con troversies 611
610 T h e econ om y o f nature

In 1905 Rutherford argued that if the whole world had originally been I d o n o t th in k it at a ll p r o b a b le th a t r a d io a c tiv ity ca n h a v e b e e n p r a c tic a lly in flu e n tia l in
c o n n e c t io n w it h t h e p r im it iv e h e a t o f t h e ea rth , w h ic h I b e lie v e to h a v e b e e n d u e to
composed o f pure radium, its activity 20 000 years later would not be greater
g r a v ita tio n a l e n e r g y sp e n t in th e c o a lit io n o f sm a lle r b o d ie s . I sc a r c e ly th in k th at
than that observed in pitchblende today. Clearly the earth was much older than
r a d io a c tiv ity can p o s s ib ly h a v e h a d a n y c o n sid e r a b le in flu e n c e o n th e su b s e q u e n t c o o lin g
20 000 years and so, to account for the presence of radium it is necessary to
a n d sh r in k a g e o f t h e ea rth in its p re se n t c o n d itio n .
suppose that radium is a transition element continuously produced by the
breaking up of some other substance. In Rutherfords view, the most likely
Lord Kelvin to T.E. Young, 9th June, 1906, Y 6 , ULC.
parent of radium was the element uranium with which it was always found
associated in pitchblende. He therefore concluded:
I f u r a n iu m is th e p a ren t o f r a d iu m , th e a m o u n t o f r a d iu m p r e se n t in th e ea rth w ill at all
tim e s b e p r o p o r tio n a l to th e a m o u n t o f u r a n iu m , so th at th e d u r a tio n o f r a d iu m is
d e p e n d e n t o n th e life o f u r a n iu m . It is p r o b a b le th a t u r a n iu m o r th o r iu m w o u ld b e h a lf
tr a n sfo r m e d in 1 0 0 0 m illio n yea rs, so th a t i f th e r a d io a c tiv e m a tte r in th e earth is m a in ly
d e r iv e d f r o m th e b r e a k in g u p o f o n e o r b o th o f th e se su b sta n ces, it is to b e e x p e c t e d th a t
th e h e a t g e n e r a te d in th e ea rth w o u ld fall to h a lf v a lu e in a b o u t 1 0 0 0 m illio n years. T h e
ea rth w o u ld th u s c o o l v e r y s lo w ly w it h th e t im e a n d m u st h a v e b e e n h o tte r in past tim e s ,
b u t n o e s tim a te o f th e a g e o f th e ea rth can b e m a d e fr o m th e a m o u n t o f in te rn a l h ea t
o b se r v e d to d a y .

In a lecture delivered before the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada in

April, 1907 the year of Kelvins death - Rutherford returned to the question of
the age of radioactive minerals. Pointing to the capacity of radium to produce
the stable element helium, first shown by Ramsay and Soddy, at a rate of about
0.1 cc of helium per year from one gram of radium, and given that helium had
only been found in quantity in the radioactive minerals, Rutherford argued that
the total amount of helium trapped in a dense radioactive mineral would be
proportional to the age of the mineral and the amount o f radium contained in it.
As an example, he calculated that the mineral thorianite was at least 500 million
years old, but this was a minimum estimate, as some helium had probably
escaped from the mineral since its formation in the earths crust. Most other
minerals, he stated, were apparently in the range 5001000 million years old.
Thus, Rutherford believed, when the constants involved in these calculations
are accurately determined, I feel great confidence that this method will prove of
the utmost value in determining with accuracy the age of the radioactive
minerals and indirectly of the geologic strata in which they are found.
Kelvins unenthusiastic response to the new views of the suns energy and the
earths internal heat had appeared already in his reply to a letter from James O rr
in January, 1906, (ch. 15). Six months later, in response to a query concerning the
same issue, Kelvin made clear that he would not readily change his opinions:

Ernest Rutherford, Radium - the cause o f the earths heat. Harpers Mag., 49 (1904-5), 390-6;
Collected Papers, 1, 776-85, on pp. 783-4. On subsequent attempts at radioactive dating, see
Burchfield, Age of the earth, pp. 171-9.
Ernest Rutherford, Some cosmical aspects o f radioactivity, J. Royal Astron. Soc. Canada, 1
(1907), 145-65; Collected papers, 1, 917-31. See Burchfield, Age o f the earth, pp. 1734.
The habitation of earth 613

manifested through will, intention, and design, to employ material means to

18 gain ends, although never to abrogate the laws of nature. Man, as artist, utilized
skills and instruments to act on matter by analogy with the Supreme Mind or
Artist. This form of dualism emphasized the interrelation, and not merely the
The habitation o f earth separateness, of mind and matter (ch. 4).
A basic dualism also ran through William Thomsons student notes in logic,
moral philosophy, and natural philosophy at Glasgow College. Buchanan, for
example, explained that, while a physical cause [of a stone falling] is a cause in
nature, a moral cause depends on the will. Thomsons own 1846 Introductory
M y task has b e e n r ig o r o u s ly c o n f in e d to w h a t , h u m a n ly sp e a k in g , w e m a y lecture emphasized that Mind and Matter, the two great provinces of Nature,
call t h e fo r tu ito u s c o n c o u r s e o f a to m s , in th e p r e p a r a tio n o f th e earth as an are very remarkably and wonderfully distinct subjects of investigation.^ The
a b o d e fitte d fo r life . . . M a th e m a tic s a n d d y n a m ic s fail us w h e n w e distinction between mind and matter, free will and determinism, extended right
c o n t e m p la t e th e ea rth , fitte d fo r life b u t life le ss, a n d tr y to im a g in e th e through his thinking on the dissipation principle and would have far-reaching
c o m m e n c e m e n t o f life u p o n it. T h is c e r ta in ly d id n o t tak e p la c e b y a n y implications for his (and Maxwells) interpretation of that principle during the
a c tio n o f c h e m is tr y , o r e le c tr ic ity , o r c r y sta llin e g r o u p in g o f m o le c u le s
1860s and beyond.
u n d e r th e in flu e n c e o f fo r c e , o r b y a n y p o ss ib le k in d o f fo r tu ito u s c o n c o u r s e
In the 1851 draft for his Dynamical theory of heat, Thomson again sharply
o f a to m s . W e m u s t p a u se, fa c e to fa ce w it h th e m y s t e r y a n d m ir a c le o f th e
distinguished material and moral worlds. The material world was subject to
c r e a tio n o f liv in g crea tu res. Lord K elvin , 1899.'
determinate laws o f nature, which at this point he thought fully expressible in
terms of information accessible to man. Knowledge o fthe position & motion of
each atom of matter at any instant would determine the position & motion of
Fundamental to William Thomsons conception of life on earth was the
each at any time past or future. Given this Laplacian determinism, man could in
principle of energy dissipation, which affected his view of the origin and nature
principle, excepting distinct cases which we are justified in calling miracles,
of living creatures in three significant ways. First, the secular cooling of the earth
foresee the future with certainty in the material world; but the moral world, the
(a particular instance of the dissipation principle) gave a very decisive limitation
realm of mind, was different: man never will be able to foresee even the simplest
to the possible age of the earth as a habitation for living creatures; and proved the
fact with certainty in the operations of mind.
untenability of the enormous claims for time which, uncurbed by physical
Here the operations of mind refer to free will, rather than to the acquisition of
science, geologists had begun to make and to regard as unchallengeable (chs. 16
knowledge by sensory perception and reason, which he believed fell under laws
and 17).^ His investigations of the nature of the suns heat led him to the same
of mind. We have therefore to deal with four categories: laws of matter, laws
conclusion (chs. 14 and 15). The physical conditions o f earth and sun set limits
of mind, free will and miracles. O f course Thomsons sense-based methodology
for the earliest time at which the earth could be regarded as an abode fitted for
supposedly guaranteed that laws of mind, properly applied, would never yield
life. Second, Thomson held that living creatures and dead matter were distin
results in conflict with the laws of matter (ch. 13). He included in a footnote a
guished by the formers privileged possession of free will, a will which enabled
more elaborate discussion of miracles:
them to direct the energies of nature in accordance with the dissipation principle.
And third, from these two beliefs, he drew the implication that the origin and I f a sto n e s h o u ld stan d in th e air a n d w e s h o u ld b e ab le to assure o u r se lv e s th at th e re is n o

evolution o f life on earth had not taken place by any fortuitous concourse of th r ea d s u p p o r tin g it, n o sufficient m a g n e tic e le c tr ic a l o r o th e r a c tio n b e a r in g it, w e sh o u ld

atoms but by a creating and directing Power. assert th a t a m ir a c le w a s w r o u g h t b e fo r e o u r e y e s . B u t i f a m a n sh o u ld resist th e str o n g e s t

a p p a ren t m o tiv e s t o c o m m it s o m e a c tio n ; i f w e c o u ld b e ce r ta in th a t h e w a s c o n v in c e d
th a t th is a c tio n w o u l d i f c o m m it t e d , g iv e h im im m e d ia t e g r a tific a tio n , w e s h o u ld n o t say
Mind over matter a m ir a c le w a s w r o u g h t u p o n h im b u t w e m ig h t r e c o g n is e th e in flu e n c e o f th e sp irit
w o r k in g th e w ill o f G o d in a w a y w h ic h m a n c a n n o t in v e s tig a te & r e d u c e to la w s lik e
A distinctively Scottish view ofm ans relation to the material world expressed in
th o s e o f m a tte r .
the works o f Reid and Robison depended fundamentally upon minds power,
William Thomson, Notes on philosophy lectures (Robert Buchanans logic class), NB16,
ULC; Notes on lectures in moral philosophy (William Flemings class), NB20, ULC; SPT, 1, 239.
Lord Kelvin, T h e age o f the earth as an abode fitted for life, Phil. Mag., (series 5], 47 (1899), William Thomson, Preliminary draft for the Dynamical theory o f heat, PA128, ULC,
66-90; MPP, 5, 205-30, on pp. 229-30. ^ MPP, 1, 39. footnote facing pp. 7 and 8 . Hereafter Draft.

614 T h e econ om y o f n ature T h e h a b ita tio n o f earth 615

Actions of will, then, stood between laws of matter and mind, on the one mechanics enunciated above. Slowly he would escape from the impasse, to the
hand, and miracles; they could not be reduced to laws, but neither did they detriment of particle mechanics; but he had not yet moved so far (ch. 12).
violate laws. This intermediate status is of interest because Thomson did believe Within this confusing context of laws, free will, and miracles Thomson
in miracles, especially miraculous visions, which gave knowledge not normally formulated his notion of dissipation in 1851. Unlike God, man could not
accessible to human minds, and therefore in violation of laws of mind, if not of miraculously create energy; but like God, man could, by his will, direct energy
matter. But why did not the free will of individuals also violate laws of mind? in its course, and so employ available energy to his own account and to his
Because, he answered, it involves singular acts of individual minds, which do material benefit through machines. Upon this power to control and direct rested
not fall under the laws of mind: there are no absolute laws manifested to man of much of nineteenth-century technical achievement, steam power in particular.
the operation o f single minds. However, there are absolute laws regarding the W hy then could man not redirect energy so as to reverse the dissipation process?
mutual actions of different minds, or of one mind to future events or unknown To work out a response to this question, Thomson had set out his discussion of
past and present events, certainly regarding mutual consciousness. He at miracles, beginning from the assertion that The material world could not come
tempted to explain more precisely what miraculous deviation from such laws back to any previous state without a violation of the laws which have been
would mean: manifested to man, that is without a creative act or an act possessing similar
T h e v is io n o f P e te r [A c ts 10] & s o m e o f th e c ir c u m sta n c e s c o n n e c te d w it h it are I th in k
power.^ Clearly he wished to ascribe the same status to the Second Law of
sa tisfa c to r y illu str a tio n s o f su ch m ira cles. A n y v is io n , h o w e v e r in te n se , o f a sin g le m in d
Thermodynamics as the First, but nothing quite like a creation of energy stood
c a n n o t b e c a lle d m ir a c u lo u s . I f th e v is io n rela ted to p e rso n s & th o s e [p e rso n s are] d e a d , w e in the way of reversing dissipation. He had only a law manifested to man
c a n n o t k n o w in this w o r ld w h e th e r th o s e o th e r b e in g s w e r e c o n sc io u s . I th in k su ch (mutually, by recognizable means), as an apparent limitation on mans directing
v isio n s are g e n e r a lly c o n fin e d to th e c o n sc io u s n e ss o f th e p e r so n se e in g th e m . I f th e p erso n power. Was the law actually a law o f matter; or was it merely a limitation of
b y m ea n s o f o n e [a v isio n ] g e ts k n o w le d g e w h ic h h e c o u ld n o t h a v e a c q u ir e d b y free will; or might it in fact be violated by free will? Given his position on
r e c o g n iz a b le m e a n s. I th in k w e s h o u ld b e r ig h t in c a llin g th e v isio n m ir a c u lo u s . . . T h e miracles, the latter violation seemed untenable to Thomson, but he only
sp e c u la tio n s o r p r e te n d e d p r o p h e sie s o r ra v in g s o f e n th u sia sts o r m a d m e n are n o t gradually settled his position.
m ir a c u lo u s b u t th e u tte r a n c e s o f a tru e p r o p h e t are.
In the 1851 published paper, he took care to exclude living beings from the
The significance of Peters vision, as distinguished from speculations and second axiom: It is impossible, by means of inanimate material agency, to derive
ravings, lay in its shared character. Although his own vision of a strange vessel mechanical effect from any portion o f matter by cooling it below the tempera
descending from heaven concerned a single mind, the centurion Cornelius had ture of the coldest of the surrounding objects. The 1852 dissipation paper at first
also had a vision, requesting that he send for Peter. On his arrival with Cornelius, similarly excluded vegetative action and even chemical action: When radiant
Peter received the message that the truth of the gospel should be conveyed to heat or light is absorbed, otherwise than in vegetation, or in chemical action, there is a
Jews and Gentiles alike. This knowledge of divine will, acquired by more than dissipation of mechanical energy, and perfect restoration is impossible. His
one mind but not by recognisable means, was properly miraculous. Knowl conclusions, however, drawn from the foundation axiom and from known
edge of the will of another person, acquired through a dream, would also be facts with reference to the mechanics of animal and vegetable bodies nearly
miraculous according to Thomson. eliminated the qualifications, claiming that any restoration of energy without
Miracles violate laws, whether of mind or of matter. Free will, however, like more than an equivalent of dissipation was probably never effected by means of
the ravings of a madman, falls under the doctrine of unique singular events, not organized matter, either endowed with vegetable life or subjected to the will of
governed by laws and thus not in violation of them. Man obtains knowledge of an animated creature (ch. 1 4 ) . In other words, although Thomson believed
laws, both of mind and matter, by recognisable means common to all. Free that any reversal by organized matter of the Second Law would be miraculous,
will allows him as an individual to employ those laws to his own ends. he left open the possibility. And the mere possibility of a violation of a supposed
Thomsons problem was to make room for such singular action within the set of law by an act of will left its status as a law in doubt.
all law-governed events. But the task seemed impossible if Laplacian determin The depth of Thomsons dilemma is apparent from another 1852 paper, On
ism had to be maintained, in the form of the predictive certainty of atomistic the power of animated creatures over matter. Accepting that animated crea
tures could not set matter in motion in virtue of an inherent power of producing
We arc grateful to Colin Russell, Time, chance and thermodynamics (Milton Keynes, 1981), pp. a mechanical effect, he nevertheless asserted the directing power of will in
31-2, for pointing out the most probable source o f the vision o f Peter as Acts 10. The prophecy in 2
Peter 3:10-12 is discussed in Chapter 15 above in relation to Thom sons 1854 and 1862 cosm ology o f
energy, but is'almost certainly not what Thomson had in mind in the 1851 draft. Draft, p. 6 . ^ MPP, 1, 179, 511-14.
616 The economy o f nature The habitation o f earth 617

unusually explicit and forceful terms. The means remained uncertain by which Presumably will allowed a great deal more freedom in the design of directive
the animal body converted chemical forces into external mechanical effects, yet: action and the use of instruments. In any case, Thomson later discussed the issues
Whatever be the nature o f these means, consciousness teaches every individual that they in terms of free will alone.
are, to some extent, subject to the direction o f his will. It appears, therefore, that animated Not until an exchange of letters with James in 1862 did William examine these
creatures have the power o f immediately applying, to certain moving particles o f matter questions further. At the centre of the discussion was Jamess desire to allow for
within their bodies, forces by which the motions o f these particles are directed to produce the possibility that mind - or vitality or life - could actually reverse the course of
desired mechanical effects. nature, producing mechanical effect or potential energy from the vis viva of
heat. Since this discussion both illuminates Williams ideas and forms a prelude to
Will could apply forces immediately to the particles of matter to direct their
the important interpretation of the dissipation principle at a molecular level
motions. He did not say why this power did not extend to a violation of the
afforded by Maxwells demon, we shall examine the letters in full.
Second Law. It certainly violated the determinism of Laplacian particle mechan
The debate between the Thomson brothers contributed to a major discourse
ics in the material world.
among Scottish natural philosophers. During the 1860s and early 1870s, Max
In his lectures for the session of 1852-3, Thomson clarified somewhat his
well, Jenkin, Tait, and Balfour Stewart (1828-87) all p a rtic ip a te d .T h e ir
views on directing power. Concerning the power of galvanism (battery and
special concern with thermodynamics and molecular physics in relation to free
current) to produce heat and to raise weights, he asked: What is the source of
will was at first largely a response to their German friend, Helmholtz, although
power? No energy can be deployed by inanimate materials without there being
the debate subsequently widened to include popular forms of materialism and
a source to draw from. Chemical energy provided the answer for galvanism,
determinism, epitomized in Tyndalls 1874 Belfast address to the British Associ
with no question of directing power. But he extended his question to animals
ation. For Helmholtz, the subjection of biological phenomena to the energy
and plants, which also produced mechanical effect from chemical action by
conservation principle supported a reductionist and deterministic view of
means of electrical currents, some heat being produced in the process. Concern
physiology. Addressing the Royal Institution in April, 1861, in his paper On the
ing animals he offered two alternatives, both beginning with electrical currents
application of the law of conservation of force to organic nature, Helmholtz
derived from chemical forces, but one of which violated the Second Law. Either
the currents produced heat directly, which in the animal frame acts so as to
produce mechl effect, from some of that heat - with no fall of temperature, Therefore this opinion [among older physiologists] that the chemical or mechanical
thereby violating the Second Law - or the will of the animal can make these power o f the elements can be suspended, or changed, or removed in the interior o f the
living body [by the vital principle], must be given up if there is complete conservation o f
currents produce mech^ effect, directly, with heat as a mere side effect and no
force. There may be other agents acting in the living body, than those which act in the
violation of the Second Law. There is a great degree of probability, he asserted,
inorganic world; but those forces, as far as they cause chemical and mechanical influences
in favour of the of these 2. If there be one or other of these hypotheses, the in the body, must be quite o f the same character as inorganic forces, in this at least, that
2r>d is nearly established. their effects must be ruled by necessity, and must always be the same, when acting in the
Similarly, with respect to plants, It is highly probable [they] do not convert same conditions, and that there cannot exist any arbitrary choice in the direction o f their
heat into mechanical effect. . . If this be true, heat is never converted into mech* actions.*^
effect, except by taking from a high & giving to a low temperature, in
Neither William nor James was present, although William was in regular
conformity with the Second Law. Most likely, The plant by its life has given it
correspondence with Helmholtz and was ready to adopt Helmholtzs views on
the faculty of directing the mechanical energy [of] light to separate carbon from
the nature of the suns heat in the same year (ch. 15). On the other hand.
carbonic acid.^ In the cases of both animals and plants, therefore, Thomson
Maxwell, then at Kings College, London, almost certainly was present and in
distinguished a violation of the Second Law from effects producible by directing
fact delivered his own first lecture to the Royal Institution a month after
power. His usage clarifies the distinction between directing power, which
would never involve an abrogation of natural law, and creative power, which The best survey and analysis o f this discourse, from Maxwells perspective, appears in
would. It also suggests a distinction between the directing power of life (plants) TheodoreM . Porter, The rise o f statistical thinking, IS20-1900 (Princeton, 1986),pp. 193-208, andA
statistical survey o f gases: M axwells social physics. Hist. Stud. Phys. Sci., 12 (1981), 7 7 -1 16. We aim
and that of will (animals). But the latter distinction is not sharply drawn. here at broadening and deepening his basic interpretation, supplementing it with the Thomson
brothers, with vortex atoms, and especially with the role o f infinities and instabilities in the
Ihid., pp. 507-9. continuum.
William Thomson, in William Jack, Lecture notes o f the Glasgow College natural philosophy '' Hermann Helmholtz, On the application o f the law o f conservation o f force to organic-
class taken during the 1852-3 session, Ms Gen. 130, ULG. nature, Proc. Royal hist., 3 (1858 62), 347 57, on p. 357.
618 The economy o f nature The habitation o f earth 619

Helmholtz. Like the Thomsons, Maxwell had the highest regard for potential energy, he cannot possibly turn to such account, by any actions of matter on
Helmholtz. All the more reason, then, to take the German physicists views matter induced by him nor in any way, the vis viva of heat, if the heat he has at command
seriously, though not necessarily to accept them in full. Divergence came over be all at one temperature: also that he can obtain potential energy from heat only through
the issue o f free will. In April, 1862, after the publication of Helmholtzs address allowing other portions of heat at different temperatures to equalize themselves in
in the Proceedings, both James Clerk Maxwell and James Thomson penned their temperature, and that so the continual tendency of mans obtaining potential from
private thoughts. differences of temperature and expending it, must be towards bringing about a state of
uniform temperature from which it would be impossible for him to obtain potential
Maxwell wrote to Rev Lewis Campbell on 21st April, 1862, with high praise
energy again.
for Helmholtz as one who prosecutes physics and physiology, and acquires
therein not only skill in discovering any desideratum, but wisdom to know what While agreeing with this analysis of mans capacity to produce potential energy
are the desiderata, e.g., he was one of the first, and is one of the most active, from mechanical vis viva, and of his inability to recover the vis viva of heat at
preachers of the doctrine that since all kinds of energy are convertible, the first uniform temperature, James Thomson nevertheless felt that it might be neces
aim of science at this time should be to ascertain in what way particular forms of sary to qualify the theory . . . by excepting from its decided statements, and
energy can be converted into each other, and what are the equivalent quantities leaving as still unknown and uncertain, the mysterious influence of spirit, life, or
of the two forms of energy. With regard to living beings. Maxwell agreed with the vital principle in animals and plants over the matter composing their living
Helmholtz that the soul is not the direct moving force of the body for if it were bodies. This influence, he thought, must be looked upon as being contrary to,
it would only last till it had done a certain amount of work, like the spring of a or predominant over, the ordinary laws of matter. Thus, given that the
watch. But, unlike Helmholtz, Maxwell went on to discuss the positive nature molecules composing a living body possessed much potential energy in virtue of
of the soul: food is the mover, and perishes in the using, which the soul does not. their relation to one another, these molecules would, if left to themselves,
The action and reaction between body and soul was not of a kind in which continually pass to states of lower potential energy.
energy passed from the one to the other, but the soul nevertheless directed the He believed, however, that spirit or life could hinder these natural actions and
action o f material agents. Thus, when a man pulls a trigger it is the gunpowder even cause them to go through quite different sets of actions;
that projects the bullet, or when a pointsman shunts a train it is the rails that bear sets of actions which, if we believe in free will, as I do, we must consider as not following
the thrust. These analogies suggest that will performs a switching action at a one another in a natural sequence of cause and effect according to the physical laws of
point, taking advantage of an instability in existing mechanical arrangements. matter; as not being fixed for the future by the present condition in which the matter
Maxwell seems always to have favoured analogies to such discontinuous actions. exists; and as being absolutely at the command or under the predominant influence of
His mention of the rails, however, suggests another action which would not something which is not matter . . . [It] cannot be disputed by anyone who believes the
require a transfer of energy, a continuous guiding force, exerted perpendicular mind or life to be distinct from matter and to be no mere result of arrangement of particles
to the direction of a natural motion. Aware of the merely analogical status of of matter and of their energies, that the vital principle has the power of regulating and
both alternatives. Maxwell concluded in a cautious manner: the constitution of applying the potential energies of the matter composing the living body with which it is
our nature is not explained by finding out what it is not. It is well that it will go, connected, so as to keep them from applying themselves as they would do if left to
and that we remain in possession, though we do not understand it.^^ themselves.
Writing from his Belfast home to William on 7th April, James Thomsons James inferred that this influence of mind or life over matter is altogether
letter was more radical. James began by stating succinctly the basic conclusions mysterious, implying, he thought, a perfect suspension or contravention of the
of Williams thermodynamics: physical laws of matter; and may be regarded as a part of a great miracle which
I understand that you consider that when mechanical energy disappears, it is replaced by constantly goes on around us. The brothers agreed, at least, on the meaning of
an equivalent amount of uis viva in the molecular or other motions, which are supposed miracle, but James would include free will under miracles while William
to constitute heat; and that while man can apply mechanical vis viva, or mechanical energy of would not.
motion (by which terms I mean to express the energy of the motion of bodies of finite size James speculated on the consequences of allowing that mind or life really has
or of size decidedly larger than what can be regarded as molecular; and to distinguish it the power of counteracting the physical laws of matter. He accepted as
from the energy of such motions as may be supposed to constitute heat), so as to produce generally admitted that the vitality can and docs divert the course of action of
energies, that mind has the power of controlling the courses of energies during
James Clerk Maxwell to Rev Lewis Campbell, 21st April, 1862, in Lewis Campbell and
William Garnett, The life of James Clerk Maxwell (London, 1882), pp. 314-15.
" Ibid., p. 336. James to William Thomson, 7th April, 1862, in James Thomson, Papers, Iv-lvii, on p. Iv.
620 The economy o f nature The habitation o f earth 621

their passage to the lower state, or state of dissipation. But he wished to go by others. In his 1862 letter, James Thomson may well have been reinterpret
further and say that perhaps the vitality of animals and plants may be able to ing, in the light of Williams energy principles, Rogets distinction between
reverse processes which would go on if not influenced by the vitality; that living and mechanical systems.
vitality at least stops some of their courses of action or even reverses some. In his reply of 21st April, 1862, William agreed with Jamess account on the
It seems to me, he argued, a perfectly admissible supposition that mind or whole, and he reminded his brother that he had excepted plants and animals
vitality may have the power, in the living body, of collecting, and applying as from any assumption (founded merely on what we know of inorganic matter)
potential energy, the energy of the heat motions, or o f bringing out in the living of cither [!] the First or Second Law such that neither can be held to be an axiom
body from the uis viva stored indefinitely everywhere as heat, the potential when life is concerned, in the same sense as it can for dead matter. This exception
energy which you regard as a true equivalent of the vis viva of the heat. This with respect to the First Law appears to be new, though William had earlier, as
ability o f living agency to collect and reapply the energy of heat will look he now reiterated, excepted action involving life from the axiom on which I
strikingly similar to Williams later interpretation of Maxwells demon. James found the Second Law. Apparently he had become more convinced that the
emphasized that he was not asserting that vitality really has that power, but two laws had equivalent status. To his brothers suggestion that energy may be
rather what I chiefly want to say is that I do not think we are entitled to set down called into existence by free will, William now responded that, since life was not
as a proved impossibility the conversion, through vital influence, of heat into perpetually reproducible in a cycle, the sound objections to assumptions
mechanical energy. He concluded his letter with a suggestion as to the manner involving the perpetual motion are not applicable to this case. Referring to
in which such a reversal might take place: his 1852 article On the power of animated creatures over matter, however, he
stated that analogy from known facts renders it probable (almost certain) that
may not the impulse o f volition communicated from the mind to the body consist in a
reversal o f an action or set o f actions in the body, perhaps in the brain or nerves, which
energy is not so called into existence. Actually, in 1852, he had expressed no
would go on under the ordinary physical laws; the antecedent and subsequent conditions, uncertainty on this point and had said that it could be asserted with confidence.
whether in the forward or reversed action, being . . . truly equivalent for one another. Concerning the Second Law, the real focus of Jamess argument, he concluded
Then when one part o f an action is reversed or stopped it is easy to conceive that the whole his letter with the same views he had held in his 1852-3 lectures: although
remaining course o f the actions may be thereby turned into new channels. physiology as yet proves nothing as to whether the 2nd law is really violated or
fulfilled, I think it probably is fulfilled in the vital processes. T h e symmetrical
Jamess reflections here may have been prompted by recollections of Rogets
manner in which he now treated the two laws suggests that he wished to take a
Bridgewater treatise on Animal and vegetable physiology which he had first read in
very general stand. Either vital processes could violate the laws of matter or they
1846. Roget had argued:
could not. He believed they could not. Given that vitality involved directing
The animal machine, in common with every other mechanical contrivance, is subject to powers, the nature of this limitation remained in doubt.
wear and deteriorate [^ic] by constant use . . . Provision must accordingly be made for
remedying these constant causes o f decay [friction and evaporation, for example] by the
supply o f those peculiar materials which the organs require for recruiting their declining The demon
James Thomsons concern in 1862 with the distinction between the energy of
Unlike non-living, mechanical systems, then, living animal systems possessed a motion of sensible bodies and the energy of molecular motions; with mans
capacity for restoring the system: It would appear that, during the continuance capacity to control and divert energy; and with the possibility that mind or life
of life, the progress of decay is arrested at its very commencement; and that the might stop some courses of action or even reverse some, indicates the pressing
particles, which first undergo changes unfitting them for the exercise of their nature of the problem that led to the introduction of Maxwells famous demon
functions, and which, if suffered to remain, would accelerate the destruction of five years later. The actions of this demon, as William developed them, followed
the adjoining parts, arc immediately removed, and their place supplied by very much the lines of Jamess suggestions. Although we know little of the
particles that have been modified for that purpose, and which, when they detailed discussions among natural philosophers in Scotland, especially after
afterwards lose these salutary properties, are in their turn discarded and replaced Maxwells return there from London in 1865, we do know that William himself
annotated a seminal letter from Maxwell to Tait in December, 1867. This letter
^ P.M. Roget, Animal and vegetablephyswlayy considered with reference to natural theology (2 vols.,
London, 1834), 2, pp. 1-2. Rogets was the fifth Bridgewater treatise. In James to William Thomson,
12th May, 1846, T41H, ULC, James stated that I am reading Rogets Bridgewater treatise on animal Roget, Physiology, 2, 8 9.
physiology. William to James Thomson, 21st April, 1862, in James Thomson, Papers, Ivii Iviii.
622 The economy o f nature The habitation o f earth 623

provides the first recorded discussion of the demon concept, which aimed to the idea o f dissipation o f energy depends on the extent o f our knowledge. Available
show how a purely imaginary living being might indeed reverse the natural energy is energy which we can direct into any desired channel. Dissipated energy is
tendency towards dissipation. Furthermore, Maxwells correspondence shows energy which we cannot lay hold o f and direct at pleasure, such as the energy o f the
that William assigned the name demon to that remarkable being. confused agitation o f molecules which w e call heat. . . [The] notion o f dissipated energy
As Maxwell originally explained the notion to Tait, one imagines two vessels could not occur to a being who could not turn any o f the energies o f nature to his own
account, or to one who could trace the motion o f every molecule and seize it at the right
A and B separated by a diaphragm. Each vessel contains an equal [finite] number
moment. It is only to a being in the intermediate stage, who can lay hold o f some forms o f
o f molecules, but those in A have the greatest energy of motion, i.e. the sum of
energy while others elude his grasp, that energy appears to be passing inevitably from the
the squares of the velocities is greater in A, but there will be velocities of all
available to the dissipated state.
magnitudes in A as in B. Now, says Maxwell, conceive a finite being who
knows the paths and velocities of all the molecules by simple inspection but who Maxwell was concerned with two interrelated limitations of human faculties,
can do no work except open and close a hole in the diaphragm by means of a slide with our inability to know molecular motions and our parallel inability to devise
without mass. This finite being then permits a molecule in A, the square of tools to control them. He made no claims about the ultimate nature of reality. His
whose velocity is less than the mean square velocity of molecules in B, to pass thinking conforms to the claims made by Thomson since 1851 concerning mans
into B; and a molecule in B, the square of whose velocity is greater than the mean remarkable, and remarkably limited, ability to direct the energies of nature.
square velocity of molecules in A, to pass into A. Consequently: Second, Thomson and Maxwell agreed not only on the purpose of the
demon, but in large degree on its nature. The demon was essentially afinite being
the number o f molecules in A and B are the same as at first, but the energy in A is increased
who dealt with finite molecules in finite numbers. Such beings came with
and that in B diminished, that is, the hot system has got hotter and the cold colder and yet
no work has been done, only the intelligence o f a very observant and neat-fingered being
different intelligence quotients. Maxwells 1867 demon was very observant and
has been employed. Or in short if heat is the motion o f finite portions o f matter and if we neat-fingered and capable of calculating. Subsequently, he considered more
can apply tools to such portions o f matter so as to deal with them separately, then w e can primitive creatures: less intelligent demons can produce a difference in pressure
take advantage o f the different motion o f different portions to restore a uniformly hot as well as temperature by merely allowing all particles going in one direction
system to unequal temperatures or to motions o f large masses. Only we cant, not being while stopping all those going the other way. This reduces the demon to a valve.
clever enough.* As such value him. Call him no more a demon but a valve like that of the
hydraulic ram . . .. Maxwell was not here objecting to Thomsons use of the
William Thomson added in pencil the remarks: Very good. Another way is to
term demon, but simply considering a dull being who played only the role of a
reverse the motion of every particle of the Universe and to preside over the
valve or switch, without actually exerting forces on molecules.^
unstable motion thus produced. These remarks would provide the framework
By contrast, Thomson in the 1870s discussed a range o f tasks performed by
for his own 1874 paper on The kinetic theory of the dissipation of energy.
superior types o f demon who actually transferred energy from one molecule to
Several interrelated points about the purpose, nature, and origin of the
another. In 1874, he publicly defined the demon according to the use of this
demon need to be made. First, the purpose or chief end of the demon was, in
word by Maxwell as an intelligent being endowed with free will and fine
Maxwells words, to show that the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics has only a
enough tactile and perceptive organization to give him the faculty of observing
statistical certainty, when regarded as expressing the behaviour of finite por
and influencing individual molecules of matter.^* Such a finite being possessed
tions of matter regulated only by the dynamics of particles. Just as the demon
the same faculties as Thomson ascribed to man, and to other animated beings
could reverse the dissipation process by his will, so statistical violations o f it
with free will, who could direct, though probably not reverse, the energies of
would occur in any finite system of particles moving randomly. Furthermore,
nature. Transferred down to the molecular level, however, the capacity to direct
the Second Law expressed our inability to control motions. We have (at present)
actually gave such demons the ability to reverse the motions of individual
no power of handling the separate molecules making up bodies. In other
molecules. Wielding molecular cricket bats as they guarded an interface be-
words, our faculties are not sharp enough to enable us to direct these molecules.
As Maxwell expressed the issue in his article Diffusion for the ninth edition of
J.C. Maxwell, The scientific papers of James Clerk Maxwell, W .D . Niven (ed.) (2 vols.,
the Encyclopaedia Britannica (1878): Cambridge, 1890), 2, p. 646.
Knott, Life of Tait, pp. 214-15. Cf. P.M. Harman, Energy, force, and matter. The conceptual
'* J.C. Maxwell to P.G. Tait, 11th December, 1867, in C.G. Knott, The life and scientijic work of development of nineteenth-century physics (Cambridge, 1982), p. 140, who claims that Maxwell
Peter Guthrie Tait (Cambridge, 1911), pp. 213-14. On M axwells demon see, in addition to Porter, objected to Thom sons use o f the term dem on . . . there were no supernatural resonances to the
Statistical thinking, esp. M.J. Klein, Maxwell, his demon and the second law o f thermodynamics. argument.
Am. Sci., 58 (1970), 84-97; also the papers cited in M .N . Wise, The Maxwell literature and British William Thomson, The kinetic theory o f the dissipation o f energy, Proc. Royal Soc.
dynamical theory. Hist. Stud. Phys. Sci., 13 (1982), 175-205, esp. pp. 199-200. Edinburgh, 8 (1875), 325-34; MPP, 5, 11 20, on p. \2n.
624 The economy o f nature The habitation o f earth 625

tween two regions, they would absorb energy and momentum from some invented to help us to deal with questions regarding the influence of life and of
molecules and deliver it to others. If this were done so that each demon absorbed mind on the motions of matter, questions essentially beyond the range of mere
as much total momentum from molecules moving in one direction as in the dynamics. The demon did not provide an answer to the problem of whether or
other, thus maintaining his position, but from a larger number of molecules each not animate beings possessed free will. Nevertheless, and thirdly, the historical
with a lower kinetic energy in the one direction and from a smaller number with orij^in of the demon lies in Thomsons and Maxwells emphasis on the capacity of
larger energies in the other, then a net transfer of energy would occur, produc will to direct the energies of nature. Free will was for them a basic assumption,
ing a disequalization of temperature across the interface. In this way, a process of and a direct personal perception, of an endowment bestowed on man by God.
diffusion of heat could be produced by an army of Maxwells intelligent They shared a Scottish tradition in natural philosophy which stressed both the
demons stationed at an interface separating the hot and cold portions of a bar or separation of mind from matter and the directing power of mind over matter.
gas. To maintain consistently these two positions required strict limitations on free
Five years later, in his lecture to the Royal Institution on The sorting demon will. The sorting demon, concomitantly, exhibited the distinctive nature of
of Maxwell, Thomson made even more explicit the nature of the superior living creatures, while serving to help us to understand the Dissipation of
demon. The demon was a creature of imagination having certain perfectly Energy in nature.
well-defined powers of action, purely mechanical in their character. He was a
being with no preternatural qualities, [i.e., qualities outside the ordinary course It is convenient to begin a deeper discussion of the demon with Thomson s
of nature] and differs from real living animals only in extreme smallness and annotation to Maxwells 1867 letter. Another way to pick a hole in the Second
agility. He could not create or destroy energy, but j ust as a living animal does, Law, he stated, is to reverse the motion of every particle of the Universe and to
he can store up limited quantities of energy, and reproduce them at will and so preside over the unstable motion thus produced. Two issues arise here: the
push or pull each atom in any direction. Then, by operating selectively on essentially^mte character of particle dynamics; and the instability of mechanical
individual atoms, he can reverse the natural dissipation of energy which systems. We begin with particle dynamics. In a letter to J.W. Strutt (Lord
follows in nature from the fortuitous concourse of atoms. The demon concept Rayleigh) dated 6th December, 1870, Maxwell developed Thomsons line of
showed that the loss of available energy (motivity), at least when considered at argument as follows:
the level of a finite number of discrete particles obeying the laws of dynamics, is If this world is a purely dynamical system, and if you accurately reverse the motion o f
essentially not restorable otherwise than by an agency dealing with individual every particle o f it at the same instant, then all things will happen backwards to the
atoms; and the mode of dealing with the atoms to restore motivity is essentially a beginning o f things, the raindrops will collect themselves from the ground and fly up to
process of assortment, sending this way all of one kind ... that way all of another the clouds, etc. etc. and men will see their friends passing from the grave to the cradle till
kind.^^ we ourselves become reverse o f born, whatever that is. We shall then speak o f the
The difficulty with this understanding, however, is that it seems to make the impossibility o f knowing about the past except by analogies taken from the future and so
Second Law not a fundamental law of matter but a law contingent on our on. The possibility o f executing this experiment is doubtful, but I do not think it requires
particular incapacity. Another finite being, essentially like us, only smaller, such a feat to upset the 2nd law o f thermodynamics [as based on particle dynamics].
could abrogate the law, thereby undermining the independence of laws of The lesser feat. Maxwell then explained, could be carried out by his essentially
matter from the action of mind. Since Thomson wished to maintain the Second finite being, or sorting demon, a doorkeeper very intelligent and exceedingly
Law, like the first, as a fixed law of nature, this potential action of the demon quick, with microscopic eyes. The beings intelligent action gave it the role of a
suggests that he did not consider the statistical account to be an ultimate guiding agent like a pointsman on a railway with perfectly acting switches
explanation, but only an account consistent on the average with the dynamics of [consuming no energy] who sends the express along one line and the goods
a finite number of particles. Its true basis would have to lie at a deeper level, along another. Maxwell indeed suggested here that even intelligence m ight...
perhaps at the level of continuum mechanics, where only an infinite intelligence be dispensed with and the thing made self-acting. By implication, man might
could control all the variables required for a complete reversal of the processes of some day devise clever devices which, by acting on individual atoms, could
nature. We return to this point below. reverse the natural tendency towards equal temperatures in a finite system of
At the same time, Thomson made clear that the sorting demon was not atoms, a feat which was at present impossible for us.^^ The reversal of the
Ibid: p. 21.
William Thomson, The sorting demon o f Ma.xwell, Proc. Royal lust.. 9 (1879-81) 113 14- R.J. Strutt, John William Strutt. Third Baron Rayleigh (London, 1924), p. 47.
MPP, 5, 21 3. J.C. Maxwell, Theory of heat (London, 1871), pp. 308-9.
626 The economy o f nature The habitation o f earth 627

whole course of nature, however, could be carried out only by a being capable of like demons on an abstract dynamical system would reveal the nature of the
reversing the motion of every particle in the universe. It was this latter case that Second Law by demonstrating the requirements for violating it.
Thomson took up in 1874. Accordingly, Thomson considered an isolated vessel of gas, consisting of a
His kinetic theory of the dissipation of energy began by stressing the relatively small number of molecules, and showed both that an army of demons
distinction (already employed in the 1867 Treatise) between abstract dynamics, wielding cricket bats could reverse its dissipation of energy, without violating
where total reversal was conceivable in the idealized world of an isolated, finite conservation of energy, and that such reversals would occur naturally as a
system of discrete particles and conservative forces, and physical dynamics, where statistical matter. Both kinds of violations of the Second Law, however,
reversibility necessarily failed in the infinite real world of imperfectly isolated depended on the system being finite. Real physical systems, since they could
systems and o f friction and diffusion phenomena. Explaining that the essence of never be fully isolated, would involve an infinite number of molecules (ch. 12).
Joules discovery [of the all-pervading law of energy conservation] is the Only an infinite intelligence, therefore, or an infinite army of demons, could
subjection o f physical phenomena to dynamical law (abstract dynamics), carry out the reversal in reality: Do away with this impossible ideal [of
Thomson argued that, if the motion of every particle in the universe were isolation], and believe the number of molecules in the universe to be infinite;
precisely reversed at any instant, the course of nature would be simply reversed then we may say one-half of the bar will never become warmer than the
for ever after. For example, the bursting bubble of foam at the foot of a other.
waterfall would reunite and descend into the water; the thermal motions would Even at the level at which particle dynamics could describe reality, therefore,
reconcentrate their energy, and throw the mass up the fall in drops re-forming the Second Law was a true law of matter, violated neither statistically nor by the
into a close column of ascending water and boulders would recover from the free will of demons whose directing power was limited to a finite number of
mud materials required to rebuild them into their previous jagged forms, and variables. But particle dynamics itself was, as Thomson saw it, a rather primitive
would become reunited to the mountain peak from which they had formerly creation of our finite minds. It reduced the properties of macroscopic matter to
broken away. Thus Thomson and Maxwell fully agreed on the ideal implica molecular properties, themselves unexplained (ch. 12). A more sophisticated
tions of reversibility for physical phenomena. With regard to animate nature, natural philosophy would explain the molecular properties, not by once again
Thomson amplified: reducing them to yet smaller particles, but by referring them to an irreducible
and undifferentiated continuum, the proper medium for an artificer of infinite
if also the materialistic hypothesis o f life were true, living creatures would grow
directing power.
backwards, with conscious knowledge o f the future, but no memory o f the past, and
Such arguments from the difference between finite and infinite directing
would become again unborn. But the real phenomena of life infinitely transcend human science;
and speculation regarding consequences of their imagined reversal is utterly unprofitable. Far power played a most important role in Thomsons understanding of the Second
otherwise, however, is it in respect to the reversal o f the motions o f matter uninfluenced Law as a true law of matter, inviolate under any conceivable human action. The
by life, a very elementary consideration o f which leads to the full explanation o f the same arguments, however, tended to remove further from comprehension the
theory o f dissipation o f energy.^* directing power that life did possess. The problem is most obvious in the case of
the cricket-bat army. In order to reverse the motion of molecules, while
He, like Maxwell, then turned to a discussion o f demons, though on the grand conserving energy, Thomsons demons had to absorb finite amounts of energy
scale of armies, for an elucidation of the Second Law. from molecules moving in one direction and deliver it to those moving in the
Thomsons remarks here were subtle and double edged. By the materialistic opposite direction. One could not regard such action as a direct action of will
hypothesis o f life, he no doubt referred to the popularizations of Helmholtzs without mixing the categories of mind and matter. Mind could not itself store
views by Huxley and Tyndall, who sought to subsume the processes of life material energy, but only direct it. As Thomson stated in 1879, therefore, the
under the law of energy conservation alone, i.e. under abstract dynamics, demon was not invented to explain the actions of mind on matter, questions
yielding complete determinism. To defeat their strategy, Thomson would
essentially beyond the range of mere dynamics.
employ abstract dynamics to explain the law of energy dissipation, but only by
The same problem existed for Maxwells sorting demon. So long as the
showing in the process how that law, as a principle of physical dynamics, demon had to employ material tools - cricket bats, valves, arms, trap doors, or
exceeded the grasp of our ideal science. How much less, by implication, could switches in order to direct molecules, any description of his action within
the materialistic hypothesis encompass the processes of life. The actions of life-

MPP, 5, 11 12. Our emphasis. Ibid., p. 15.

628 The economy o f nature The habitation o f earth 629

abstract dynamics would require the transfer of finite amounts of energy from Maxwell developed his own cautious remarks of 1862 concerning the trigger
mind to the finite molecules of the directing material. The demons action, and pointsman analogies in his February, 1873, essay on science and free will. He
therefore, could serve at best as a mere analogy for free will, limited to an likened the souls function to the steersman of a vessel, not to produce, but to
idealized action that did not require mind to store energy. A number of authors regulate and direct animal powers. But whereas the latter analogy, like most
in Thomsons circle employed Maxwells analogy in this sense. earlier ones, suggested a continuous force acting always perpendicularly to the
Fleeming Jenkin published his essay on Lucretius and the atomic theory in motion of a body. Maxwell actually placed his emphasis on switching actions at
1867 only three months after Maxwells letter to Tait and with repeated singular points. Believing apparently that considerations o f instability at such
reference to both Thomsons vortex atoms and Maxwells kinetic theory of singular points would throw more light on the question of free will, he took up
gases. Arguing that free will was quite consistent with energy conservation, he suggestions that Stewart would develop in his forthcoming textbook On the
replaced the infamous Lucretian swerve, produced at quite uncertain times conservation of energy, a popular account of the energy physics shared among the
and places by the free will of the atoms themselves, with the deflecting force of Scots. Maxwells essay and Stewarts textbook make use of a distinction between
external wills. It was, saidjenkin, a principle of mechanics that a force acting at stable arrangements of forces, with the characteristic of calculability, and unstable
right angles to the direction in which a body is moving docs no work, although arrangements, characterized by incalculability. Stewart, as hinted in 1868, com
it may continually and continuously alter the direction in which the body mitted himself to the notion that human beings and animals were machines of
moves. Thus the will, if it so acted, would add nothing sensible to, nor take practically infinite delicacy, analogous to an egg balanced in unstable equilib
anything sensible from, the energy of the universe. This argument depended rium at the edge of a table, to a rifle at full cock with a delicate hair-trigger or to
critically on the will acting continually and continuously, for only in so acting the commander of a great army: Life is not a bully, who swaggers out into the
could the will exert its effect without having to deliver energy in finite amounts open universe, upsetting the laws of energy in all directions, but rather a
cither immediately to the body being directed or to a body employed as an consummate strategist, who, sitting in his secret chamber, before his [telegraph]
intermediate directing tool. Concomitantly, Jenkin offered only a plausibility wires, directs the movements of a great army.
argument, not a proof of free will. Like his associate, he preferred to trust to our The same assumptions underlay Maxwells remarks in his 1873 essay that in
direct perception of free will, to free will as a personal intuition and belief Still, the course of this mortal life we more or less frequently find ourselves on a
the longer the group worked with the analogy the more the analogy functioned physical or moral watershed, where an imperceptible deviation is sufficient to
as a realistic model. As Jenkin said, The modern believer in free will will determine into which of two valleys we shall descend. The doctrine of free will
probably adopt this view, which is certainly consistent with observation, asserts that in some such cases the Ego alone is the determining cause.
although not proved by it.^* These statements of Stewart and Maxwell should remind us that, in his
In August, 1868, Balfour Stewart and Norman Lockyer published in correspondence with Stokes in December, 1872, and January, 1873, Thomson
Macmillans Magazine an essay entitled The place of life in a universe of energy. had made quasi-stability the very essence of his vortex atoms and of his
Alongside the materialist view, they considered three other hypotheses, viz., (i) understanding of the Second Law (ch. 12). Throughout the 1870s and 80s he
that life had the capacity for creating energy, (ii) that life could transmute a finite continued to produce papers on problems of stability and instability. Recall too
quantity from one form to another, and (iii) that the living being was an that, when Stokes would annihilate vortices by bringing their rotational parts up
organization of infinite delicacy, by means of which a principle in its essence to a boundary. Sir William answered that the infinitesimal difference between
distinct from matter, by impressing upon it an infinitely small amount of approaching and actually contacting the boundary was quite sufficient to
directive energy, may bring about perceptible results. They quickly rejected (i) distinguish living from dead vortices, like the nearly drowned from the
and (ii), and, while stating that it was not their aim to decide between the drowned man. The infinitesimal switch between radically different states came
materialist view and (iii), nevertheless clearly treated (iii) more easily to his mind as a metaphor for the singular, unique processes of life.
sympathetically.'^^ Juxtaposing the instability problem in vortex motion with Thomsons views
on the relation of free-will to the Second Law, it appears that he supposed the
[Fleeming Jenkin], The atomic theory o f Lucretius, North Brit. Rev., [new series], 9 (1868),
211 42; Papers and memoir o f Fleeming Jertkitt (2 vols., London, 1887), 1, pp. 177-214, esp. pp. 192-4.
For the uses o f Lucretius in the period, see Frank M. Turner, Lucretius among the Victorians, Viet. poem Lucretius was published in the May issue o f the same volume o f Macmillans, i.e. just two
Stud., 16 (1972-3), 329-48; and The Greek heritage in Victorian Britain (New Haven, 1981). months after jenkins article in the North British.
Balfour Stewart and J. Norman Lockyer, The sun as a type o f the material universe. Part II: Campbell and Garnett, Life of Maxwell, pp. 434 44, esp. pp. 438 41; Balfour Stewart, The
The place o f life in a universe o f energy, Macmillans Mag., 18 (1868), 319-27; reprinted in Lockyer, conservation of energy, being an elementary treatise on energy and its laws (London, 1874), pp. 15467. The
(^oiitrihutums to solar physics (London, 1874), pp. 8.3-103, esp. pp. 98-100. Alfred Tennysons famous preface was dated August, 1873.
630 The economy o f nature The habitation o f earth 631

true mechanism of free-will to exceed our understanding in much the way the substance, and so on, leading by an infinite regress into the infinite unseen with
Second Law does, through our inability actually to grasp - in our minds and in no halting-place for the mind, except in the belief that the universe as a whole
our hands - the infinitesimal and the infinite. Neither free will nor the Second participates in every motion which takes place even in the smallest of atoms.
Law had its ultimate foundation at the level of Maxwells intelligent demon and Assuming consciousness to accompany the motion of atoms, it too would
his control of abstract dynamical systems. Yet man could approach an extend throughout the universe, for it cannot logically be confined to the
understanding of both by a limiting procedure which suggested what abstract apparently moving body or atom, but must in some sense extend to the Unseen
dynamics would become with infinite numbers of infinitesimal particles. Universe in its various orders. Here the mind would unite with higher
Thomson approached that limit through his vortex atoms in the universal intelligences and ultimately with God, with a Divine over-life in which we live and
plenum. He sought to locate the inviolability of the Second Law in the limited move and have our heinf
stability of vortex atoms and their consequent progress by infinitesimal degrees Mind exerted its influence on body through the latters delicacy of
towards states of minimum energy. construction, analogous to the instability of balanced eggs, but at the chemical
Similarly, he supposed that free will acted on matter by acting on the level (like nitroglycerine), and these chemical arrangements in turn owed their
infinitesimal parts of the continuum, causing infinitesimal changes in the existence to the directing power of a higher intelligence: The body then owes its
direction of motion. Such changes could cause observable effects just because of delicacy to its chemically unstable nature; to a peculiar collocation of particles
instabilities in the motion. The effects would be incalculable in detail, however, which certainly would not, in virtue o f their own merely physical forces, have
because of this instability and because of the infinity o f variables involved in united themselves together as we find them in the body.^^ We can consciously
describing the continuum. The situation mirrored the interstreaking of vortex control these chemical instabilities, thus controlling our bodies, Stewart and Tait
atoms in their progress towards the minimum energy state. One might give a apparently believed, because o f an unconscious action of our minds on the
qualitative account of how the sponge-like mixture of rotationally and underlying substance of the molecules in our nervous systems. Intelligences at a
irrotationally moving fluid developed, but an exhaustive calculation of the level above us would have conscious control though whether they would exert
process was not possible for a finite mind. this control through the control of instabilities in vortex motion, effected
Although this interpretation of Thomsons idea of free will goes beyond any through a yet deeper, and again unconscious, level of mind and substance, the
evidence on the subject, it gains plausibility by association with the writings of authors did not say.^'* They did ascribe a similar view to others.
his friends in Scotland. Fleeming Jenkins reinterpretation of the Lucretian Stewart and Tait made Thomsons vortex atoms into a realistic basis for
swerve, while it did not depend on vortex atoms, nevertheless presented those mind-matter dualism, all the while insisting that they did so only for concrete
atoms as the most promising basis for natural philosophy. More explicit was illustration. Through the atoms, the principle of continuity, operating in the
Stewarts and Taits The unseen universe, published anonymously in 1875. The first instance as a methodological principle, acquired ontological status as a
authors employed vortex atoms o f both mundane and ultra-mundane kinds principle of the continuity of matter. This essential role for vortex atoms makes
(referring to Thomsons version of Le Sage) to show how the behaviour of our
visible world of gravitating matter might be traced back to an unseen world Stewart and Tait, The unseen universe, pp. 244-5. In following the principle o f continuity to its
where intelligence would have its domicile and its sphere of action and where logical conclusion, Stewart and T ait were driven to reject the creation o f vortex atoms by non-natural
means and thus to reject Thom sons perfect fluid, in which only a supernatural agent could create
the teachings of Christianity would find their unification with science. The
vortices. Instead the atoms were to be seen as developing out o f processes in the unseen as vortices in
progression from seen to unseen followed the principle of continuity, the most a not-so-perfect fluid. Concomitantly, Stewart and Tait demoted the law o f conservation o f energy
basic of all philosophical principles in Stewart and Taits view, requiring that in the material world to a secondary principle, dependent on our limited observations, thus allowing
for energy to pass back and forth from the seen to the unseen universe, and ultimately for the material
every natural state be derived from a preceding natural state, with no breaks in
world to disappear completely in the process o f dissipation. They regarded the Second Law as only a
either explanation or action.^ ^ If smoke rings were vortices of matter, and if the regularity o f large numbers o f material particles, constantly violated for small systems. When all
atoms of matter were vortices in an underlying fluid (the highest level of the energy had passed into the unseen, the Second Law would not necessarily obtain, so that structures in
that realm, unlike vortex atoms o f matter, might be eternal, and the intelligences resident there
invisible universe), then the fluid might consist in vortices of a yet subtler
might control the finest motions o f substance. See pp. 85, 122-5, 155-7, 210.
Ibid., p. 186.
Balfour Stewart and P.G. Tail, The unseen universe, or physical speculations on a future state, 4th Ibid., pp. 235-6. Stewart and T ait considered it unacceptable that the effect on molecules o f our
cdn. (1876, reprint, London, 1889), pp. 79~98. See P.M. Heimann, The unseen universe; physics and exertions o f free will should throw higher intelligences into inextricable confusion. Our free will
the philosophy o f nature in Victorian Britain, Brit.J. Hist. Sci., 6 (1972), 739. For Thom sons (and had som ehow to harmonize with the rationality o f these superior beings, so that the problem o f free
M axwells) dislike o f the work, see Crosbie Smith, From design to dissolution: Thomas Chalmers will could not be left at the level o f our arbitrary directing action on molecules, as Fleeming Jenkin
debt to John Robison, Brit.J. Hist. Sci., 12 (1979), 59-70, esp. pp. 69-70. had left it, and also Thomson. Ibid., p. 190.
632 The economy o f nature The habitation o f earth 633

it surprising that they did not directly connect their notion of free will, phenomena under the dominion of that law of causal connexion which, so far as
depending on instabilities in material systems, with either the atoms or the human understanding has yet pierced, asserts itself everywhere in nature. T h e
continuum. Perhaps they had not yet grasped Thomsons instability arguments Scottish circle of natural philosophers regarded such views as a total miscarriage
for vortex motion or did not accord them much plausibility. Maxwell, o f the legitimate conclusions of physical science. Tyndall, however, simply
however, soon came to think that the continuum would provide a solution to expressed in dramatic form views which had been current for a decade or more
free will. The French theorist of hydrodynamics, Joseph Boussinesq, showed in in Britain, views fashionable among so-called scientific naturalists, many of
1878 that solutions to the equations of fluid flow would be multiple valued at them, like Tyndall and Huxley, prominent members of the X Club (founded in
certain singular points, so that the motion of the fluid (described as the motion of 1864 ).3
a point in phase space) would be indeterminate at those points. Maxwell no Thomson was not present for Tyndalls address, but his disapproval could
doubt regarded this mathematical solution as an advance on Thomsons hardly have been mild. To expose the gulf between them, as manifest in their
qualitative arguments for instability in vortex motion and certainly as superior respective presidential addresses to the British Association in 1871 and 1874, we
to any of Stewarts or his own switching suggestions. In a letter to Francis Galton turn to Thomsons fierce opposition to Tyndalls view that we may discern in
early in 1879 he drew the grand consequence for Fixt Fate, Free Will, &c: matter the promise and potency of all terrestrial Life.^^
There arc certain cases in which a material system, when it comes to a phase in which the
particular path which it is describing coincides with the envelope o f all such paths, may The origin and evolution of life on earth
either continue in the particular path or take to the envelope (which in these cases is also a
possible path) and which course it takes is not determined by tbe forces o f tbe system
In a lengthy footnote to his 1836 article on discoveries concerning the nebulae,
(which are the same for both cases) but when the bifurcation o f path occurs, the system, j.P. Nichol evaluated the case for the transpossibility or transmutation of
ipso facto, invokes some determining principle which is extra physical (but not extra species in accordance with a progressionist system (analogous to the evolution of
natural) to determine which o f the two paths it is to follow . . . In most o f the former the universe in accordance with the nebular hypothesis):
methods. Dr Balfour Stewarts, &c. there was a certain small but finite amount o f travail
The intranspossibility [fixity] o f what are termed the limits o f species is by no means
decrochant or trigger-work for the will to do. Boussinesq has managed to reduce this to
settled; and it seems that the holders o f the dogmatic belief to this effect rest their chief
mathematical zero, but at the expense o f having to restrict certain o f the arbitrary
authority on their power to ridicule Lamarck, who grasped at a philosophical concep
constants o f the motion to mathematically definite values, and this I think will be found in
tion before he knew o f any o f the facts by which it could well be illustrated. Zoology is
the long run very expensive. But I think Boussinesqs method is a very powerful one
too much in its infancy - too much a mere science o f classification on the ground o f
against metaphysical arguments about cause and effect and much better than the
observed differences - to permit o f dogmatism on either side o f this question; but
insinuation that there is something loose about the laws o f nature, not o f sensible
unquestionably, when Lamarck asserted, in the face o f much obloquy, that a
magnitude but enough to bring her round in time.^^
transpossibility and a progression might exist, he was far nearer the truth than his noisy
Maxwells solution, like Thomsons and Stewarts and Taits, for preserving the opponents.
full force of the laws of nature while allowing room for free will, could succeed Nichol urged inquirers in this department to investigate closely the powers of
only by introducing a fundamental indeterminacy into the Laplacian scheme of life, and to ask whether there, as with the nebulae, a plastic misno exists capable of
abstract dynamics, an indeterminacy dependent on instability. Their instability solving the gradation established not by the living creations alone but by these
arguments, however, in no way dissuaded Galton from his own enthusiastic in connexion with the creatures whose relics have been preserved in their strong
determinism, nor did it dissuade others of the same persuasion. coffins. It was, he concluded, full time that such speculations cease to be
confounded with Atheism , - at least by our Learned!
Maxwells letter, like The unseen universe, responded directly to the notorious
John Tyndall, Presidential address, B A A S Report, 44 (1874), Ixvi-xcvii, on p. Ixxxviii.
claims of Tyndall in his 1874 address. Tyndall asserted that the doctrine of the On scientific naturalism and its relation to theology, see Robert M. Young, Darwins metaphor:
conservation of energy binds nature fast in fate to an extent not hitherto Natures place in Victorian culture (Cambridge, 1985), csp. ch. 5, Natural theology, Victorian
recognised, exacting from every antecedent its equivalent consequent, from periodicals, and the fragmentation o f a com m on context. Young argues that by the 1870s natural
theology no longer served as a unifying context for British intellectuals, as it had before mid
every consequent its equivalent antecedent, and bringing vital as well as physical century.
SPT, 2, 649.
J.C. Maxwell to Francis Galton, 26th February, 1879, Francis Galton Papers, The Library, j.P. N|ichol), State o f discovery and speculation concerning the nebulae, London and
University College, London; quoted from Porter, Statistical thinking, p. 206, where the full letter and Westminster Rev., 3 (1836), 390-409, on pp. 404-5. For a more general perspective o f such
discussion o f its context will be found. evolutionary speculation in the period, see P.j. Bowler, Fossils and progress. Palaeontology and the idea
of progressive evolution in the nineteenth century (N ew York, 1976).
634 The economy o f nature The habitation o f earth 635

While, on the one hand, Nichols remarks prepared the way for Chamberss [1 think there are], among the old deposits o f the Earth. . . traces o f an organic progression
Vestiges, on the other hand, they also prepared the ground for William among the successive forms o f life . . . [This] historical development o f the forms and
Thomsons openness towards a law-like evolution of species. Nichols typically functions o f organic life during successive epochs. .. seems to mark a gradual evolution of
radical, anti-dogmatic views, based nevertheless upon a strictly voluntarist Creative Power manifested by a gradual ascent towards a higher type o f being . . . [But]
the elevation oftheF^JUttdofsucccssive periods was n o t ... madeby transmutation, but by
conception of laws of nature (ch. 4), suggest once again why Thomson himself
creative additions; and it is by watching these additions that we get some insight into
would strongly oppose Darwinian natural selection while never aligning him
Natures true historical progress.'*^
self with biblical literalists and anti-evolutionists.
He had by the mid-1850s developed a doctrine of inorganic evolution based on Organic progression without transmutation of species, and a corresponding hostil
the principle of energy dissipation. That doctrine, as he expressed it in his 1854 ity to Chamberss Vestiges, was thus the leading characteristic o f Sedgwicks pre-
British Association paper On the mechanical antecedents of motion, heat, and Darwinian interpretation of life on earth. In 1849, Hugh Millers Footprints of the
light, posed three increasingly evolutionary options: Creator had presented very similar views in which (in Lyells words) the
successive development of the living inhabitants of the globe kept pace with a
(1) The creation of matter and energy, and their initial arrangements, are
corresponding improvement in its habitable condition. Progression in geology
contingent upon Gods will. We do not know the moment of such a creation
(which Miller held also to be catastrophist in Whewells sense of the term) went
which could, presumably, have been at any moment up to the present.
hand-in-hand with development in the province of organic beings.'^^
(2) We may find at some finite epoch in the past a state of matter derivable from
Not surprisingly, Lyell set out to criticize such views. In his 1851 presidential
no antecedent by natural laws. That state would represent a beginning of the
address to the Geological Society of London, he questioned the palaeontological
universe and of the present order of things. We have, however, no
evidence in support of the doctrine of successive development, and avoided any
indications whatever of natural instances of it.
definite commitment concerning the creation of species or the origins of
(3) Tracing back the arrangements of energy and matter would lead to the
geological phenomena. With regard to the former, whether such commence
conclusion that the matter of the solar system had once been at infinitely
ments be brought about by the direct intervention of the First Cause, or by some
greater distances apart than now. Thomson adopted this view, arguing that
unknown Second Cause or Law appointed by the Author o f Nature, is a point
the potential energy of gravitation - probably in fact kinetic energy in the
upon which I will not venture to offer a conjecture. With regard to the latter,
universal plenum - was in reality the ultimate created antecedent of all the
Lyell preferred to cite Huttons conclusion that in geology we neither see the
energy at present in the universe (chs. 12 and 14).
beginning nor the end. Lyell did, however, admit the recent origin of man
Whichever possibility held good, however, purely mechanical reasoning whose intellect and spiritual and moral nature are the highest works of creative
(based on known laws of energy and matter) showed a time when the earth power known to us in the universe.'*
must have been tenantless, i.e. devoid of living beings. The same reasoning Hopkins responded to Sedgwicks and Lyells views in his own 1852 presiden
taught us that our own bodies, as well as all living plants and animals, and all tial address to the Geological Society. He acknowledged that both advocates and
fossil organic remains, are organized forms of matter to which science can point no opponents of the doctrine o f progression o f organic forms during successive
antecedent except the Will of a Creator'. This truth was furthermore amply geological epochs repudiated any notion of transmutation of species, and he
confirmed by the evidence of geological history.*^^ In 1854, therefore, Thom emphasized the lack of demonstrative evidence for or against the doctrine.
son strongly emphasized the creation of living beings as wholly contingent upon Hopkins nevertheless hinted that Lyell might have gone too far towards
the Creators will, a conviction strengthened by the geological record, and asserting the truth of the opposite doctrine. He therefore insisted on that
serving to remind his audience of the real possibility of the first option above in philosophic caution and reserve which may leave us unshackled in our future
respect of the creation of the inorganic universe. In these remarks of 1854 we speculations, and free to modify our opinions so far as future evidence may call
have also Thomsons first public reference to the origins of life.
'*2 Adam Sedgwick, Preface to the fifth edition, A discourse on the studies of the University of
During the early 1850s, Sedgwick, Lyell, Hopkins, and others had debated Cambridge (London and Cambridge, 1850), pp. xliv, cliv, eexvi. Quoted (with slight alteration) by
questions of life on earth in relation to the issue of progression and non Lyell, Anniversary address o f the president. Quart. J. Geol. Soc. London,! (1851), x xxii-lxxv, on pp.
progression. Sedgwick eloquently presented his own view thus: xxxii-xxxiv. See also Michael Ruse, The Darwinian revolution (Chicago, 1979), esp. pp. 87-8.
'*'* Hugh Miller, Footprints of the Creator, or, the asterolepis of Stromness (London, 1849). Lyells
summary appears in his Anniversary address, pp. xxxiv-xxxv.
MPP, 2. 37 40. '*2 Ihid.. p. 38. Ibid., pp. xxxvi-lxxv; Ruse, Darwinian revolution, pp. 76-8.
636 The economy o f nature The habitation o f earth 637

upon us to do."^^ O f the doctrine of progression with respect to inanimate progressionist theory of organic life, though with a strong emphasis on the
matter, Hopkins had no such reservations (ch. 16). divinely controlled nature of the process.'* In other words, while the earlier
William Thomsons 1854 views conform to Hopkinss cautious approach. A phrase suggests a traditional distinction between creation and providence, the
decisive progressionist with regard to the inorganic world, Thomson only ruled later one evokes the notion of an on-going divinely guided creation of life
out the evolution of life from antecedent arrangements of energy and matter. forms. Cautious as ever, Thomson did not make any commitment here to either
Although he did not explicitly reject transmutation, his remarks did seem to transmutation or successive creation. What was explicit, however, was his
imply the separate creation of human beings, animals, living plants, and fossil repudiation of a directionless, random process of evolution of life on earth. By
organic remains. Thomson did not consider at this stage whether or not those adding that therefore no conclusions o f dynamical science regarding the future
creations took place according to a doctrine of progression, but it is evident that condition of the earth can be held to give dispiriting views as to the destiny of the
he, like Hopkins, was more disposed to follow the progressionists Sedgwick and race of intelligent beings by which it is at present inhabited, Thomson empha
Miller than the non-progressionist Lyell with respect to animate beings as well as sized his conviction that lifes history and destiny were neither subject to chance
inanimate matter. nor to dynamical law alone, but to the overruling creative power of God.
Five years later, Charles Darwin published his Origin of species. Reviewers During his 1868-9 debate with Thomson, T.H. Huxley carefully omitted
such as Sedgwick, Hopkins, and Phillips, chose to attack Darwins methodology discussion of natural selection, an omission which Thomson seized upon.
on the grounds that his conclusions violated the true spirit of inductive Observing that Huxley was prepared to modify or correct the geological time
philosophy. Hopkins, for example, stressed the importance of trying the scale and to accept that the naturalist must modify his notions of the rapidity of
theories of the naturalists by the same standards of evidence as those of the change accordingly, Thomson concluded:
physicists. What he demanded was demonstrative, rigorous proof rather than The limitation o f geological periods, imposed by physical science, cannot, o f course,
mere belief or assertion. Since there was no a priori evidence in favour of natural disprove the hypothesis o f transmutation o f species; but it does seem sufficient to disprove
selection, the theory had to be established inductively. And here the evidence of the doctrine that transmutation has taken place through descent with modification by
continuity in palaeontology - of intermediate links from one species to another natural selection.'*^
- was lacking. To claim, as Darwin had done, that the palaeontological evidence Thomson was here making more explicit Jenkins conclusion in the 1867 review
was by its nature incomplete and unsatisfactory was to fail to do justice to of Darwin that countless ages cannot be granted to the expounder of any theory
geological science. For Hopkins, then, it was not the evidence which was
of living beings, . . . [and] that the age of the inhabited world is proved to have
deficient, but Darwins th e o ry .H e n c e we can see what Thomson had meant
been limited to a period wholly inconsistent with Darwins views. Jenkin had
by his phrase of 1854, amply confirmed by the evidence of geological history.
also undermined Darwins concept o f natural selection itself by arguing that
The evidence of geology, for Sedgwick, Hopkins, Thomson, and others,
discontinuous variation would be immediately swamped by blending. Thus,
pointed to the separate creation of each species, to discontinuity rather than
as Darwin retreated from his estimates of geological time, Thomson and his
continuity of life on earth.
circle advanced on the theory of natural selection.
William Thomsons own response to Darwin came in 18612. In his 1861
Although Huxleys 1869 address was principally a defence of geology rather
British Association address, Physical considerations regarding the possible age
than biology, his advocacy of what he termed evolutionism, replacing
of the suns heat, he asserted not only the universal dissipation of energy and the
catastrophism and uniformitarianism as the framework for geological sci
finite age o f the sun and solar system (ch. 15), but also that it was impossible to
ence, related closely to biology, not only through an analogous method, but
conceive either the beginning or the continuance of life without a creating and
more especially through continuity and interrelation of subject-matter:
overruling power. In the 1862 Macmillans Magazine version, On the age of the
suns heat, Thomson changed the phrase creating and overruling power to [The] value o f the doctrine o f Evolution to the philosophic thinker [is not] diminished by
overruling creative power, a shift which may well mark his acceptance o f a the fact that it applies the same method to the living and non-living world; and embraces,

William Hopkins, Anniversary address o f the president. Quart.]. Geol. Sac. London, 8 (1852),
xxiv-lxxx, on pp. Ixxi-lxxii. '** William Thomson, Physical considerations regarding the possible age o f the suns heat,
William Hopkins, Physical theories o f the phenomena o f life, Frasers M a^., 61 (1860), 739- B A A S Report, 31 (1861), 27-8; On the age o f the suns heat, Macmillans Mag., 5 {\S62),2SS-92>-, PL,
53; 62 (1860), 7490; Ruse, Darwinian revolution, pp. 238^9. See also Adam Sedgwick to Charles 1, 349 -68, on p. 350. PL, 2, 89-90.
Darwin,24th December, 1859,inJ.W . Clark andT. McK. Hughes, The life and letters o f the Reverend Fleeming Jenkin, Darwin and the origin o f species. North Brit. Rev., 47 (1867), 277 -318;
Adam Sedgwick (2 vols., Cambridge, 1890), 2, pp. 356^9. Sedgwick there believed Darwin to have Papers and memoir, 1, pp. 21.5-63, on p. 248. See also J.R. Moore, The post-Darwinian controversies
deserted the true method o f induction. (Cambridge, 1979), pp. 128-31, for an analysis o f Jenkins critique o f natural selection.
638 The economy o f nature The habitation o f earth 639

in one stupendous analogy, the growth o f a solar system from molecular chaos, the [Looking] back through the prodigious vista o f the past, I find no record o f the
shaping o f the earth from the nebulous cubhood o f its youth, through innumerable commencement o f life, and therefore I am devoid o f any means o f forming a definite
changes and immeasurable ages, to its present form; and the development o f a living conclusion as to the conditions o f its appearance. . . To say . . . in the admitted absence o f
being from the shapeless mass o f protoplasm we term a germ.^* evidence, that I have any belief as to the mode in which the existing forms o f life have
originated, would be using words in the wrong sense. But expectation is permissible
Such a version of evolutionism was quite incompatible with both Thomsons
where belief is not; and if it were given to me to look beyond the abyss o f geologically
approach to cosmical evolution and with his developing views on divinely recorded time to the still more remote period when the earth was passing through
guided evolution of living beings. Although he here avoided the controversial physical and chemical conditions, which it can no more see again than a man can recall his
issue of evolution by natural selection, Huxley failed to avert confrontation with infancy, I should expect to be a witness o f the evolution o f living protoplasm from not
those staunch opponents of the doctrine, Thomson and Jenkin. living matter.^
The closing pages of William Thomsons 1871 presidential address to the
Thus, while Huxley admitted the absence of evidence in favour of the origin of
British Association (read on 2nd August) contain not only some of his most
life from matter [abiogenesis], he did affirm his expectation o f that hypothesis
quoted passages, but also form, as a whole, some of his most illuminating ideas
turning out to be the true one. Thomson, however, used the negative evidence
on the nature of life in relation both to the material world and to God. The
in favour o f abiogenesis as positive evidence in favour o f biogenesis, i.e. that
address had cost him much time and effort. Following Huxley as president, he
living matter always arises by the agency of pre-existing living matter.
felt called upon to respond to Huxleys 1870 presidential address. And when
Thomson therefore asserted that the belief that dead matter cannot become
Huxley introduced Sir William as both an intellectual giant and a gentle
living without coming under the influence of matter previously alive was as
knight, he was describing a protagonist with whom he had already met in
private to discuss the forthcoming occasion. sure a teaching o f science as the law of gravitation. As a biological law - and so
To begin with, Thomson asserted that the essence of science, as is well representing the natural philosophy stage of biological inquiry - Thomson was
illustrated by astronomy and cosmical physics, consists in inferring antecedent ready to adopt, as an article of scientific faith, true through all space and time,
conditions, and anticipating future evolutions, from phenomena which have that life proceeds from life, and from nothing but life. This axiom, then, was
actually come under observation. Such an actualist approach characterized the true basis from which to proceed in biology, to infer antecedent conditions
Thomsons own work on the suns heat, on the origin of the solar system, and on and to anticipate future evolutions from phenomena which have actually come
the secular cooling of the earth. With biology, he went on, the difficulties of under observation.
successfully realizing this ideal were prodigious. Nevertheless, the earnest In conformity to this method which he referred to as philosophical uniformi-
naturalists of the present day were struggling boldly and laboriously to pass out tarianism, Thomson next raised the question of how life originated on earth. If
of the mere Natural History stage of their study, and to bring Zoology within we traced the physical history of the Earth backwards, on strict dynamical
the range o f Natural Philosophy. principles, we are brought to a red-hot melted globe on which no life could
One such attempt, Thomson claimed, was mistaken. A very ancient specula exist. Thus when the earth was first fit for life, with rocks solid and disinte
tion, still clung to by many naturalists. . . supposes that, under meteorological grated, water, air all round, warmed and illuminated by a brilliant Sun, ready to
conditions very different from the present, dead matter may have run together become a garden, there was no living thing on it. Two possibilities were then
or crystallised or fermented into germs of life, or organic cells, or proto open to Thomson. Either grass and trees and flowers were brought into
plasm . Science, however, had brought a vast mass of inductive evidence existence, in all the fullness of ripe beauty, by a fiat of Creative power, or
against this hypothesis of spontaneous generation, as set out by Prof Huxley in vegetation, growing up from seed sown, spread and multiplied] over the
his presidential capacity the previous year. For Thomson, then, careful scrutiny whole Earth. Since we must not invoke an abnormal act o f Creative Power if
of the evidence had in every case discovered life as antecedent to life. He was in we could find a probable solution, consistent with the ordinary course of
fact employing Huxleys address for his own purposes. Huxley had phrased his nature, the latter possibility was to be preferred and pursued.^*
conclusions quite tentatively: The path by which Thomson pursued the preferred solution to the question
of lifes origin on earth was that of analogy, rather than direct investigation by
T.H. Huxley, Geological reform. Quart. J. Geol. Soc. London, 25 (1869), xxxviii-liii;
Discourses: biological and geological (London, 1902), pp. 305^39, on p. 325. T.H. Huxley, Presidential address, B A A S Report, 40 (1870), Ixxxii-lxxxix, on pp. Ixxxiii-
SPT, 1, 550-1; 2, 598. Ixxxiv.
William T hom son,Presidential address, B/l/lSPeporr, 41 (1871), Ixxxiv-cv; PL, 2,132-204, ** PL, 2,198-9. See also Stewart and Tait, The unseen universe, pp. 168-79, for Stewart and Tails
on p. 197. adherence to the same principle pace Tyndall and others. ** PL, 2, 199-200.
640 The economy o f nature The habitation o f earth 641

observation or experiment. Life, he noted, quickly became established upon the Significantly, however, Thomson excluded Darwins concluding remarks on
lava of volcanoes or volcanic islands through the transport of seed by living the hypothesis of the origin of species by natural selection . This hypothesis,
creatures, wind, or sea: he felt, does not contain the true theory of evolution, if evolution there has
Is It not possible, and if possible, is it not probable, that the beginning o f vegetable life on
been, in biology. Sir John Herschel, he pointed out, had expressed a favourable
the Earth is to be similarly explained? Every year thousands, probably millions, o f judgment on the hypothesis of zoological evolution, though with some
fragments o f solid matter fall upon the Earth - whence came these fragments?. . . Should reservation in respect to the origin of man, but had objected to the doctrine of
the time when this Earth comes into collision with another body, comparable in natural selection on the grounds that it was too like the Laputan method of
dimensions to itself, be when it is still clothed as at present with vegetation, many great making books, and that it did not sufficiently take into account a continually
and small fragments carrying seed and living plants and animals would undoubtedly be guiding and controlling intelligence. This criticism, Thomson believed, was a
scattered through space. Hence and because we all confidently believe that there are at most valuable and instructive one.^
present, and have been from time immemorial, many worlds o f life besides our own, we That William Thomson should have rejected a random, chance mechanism
must regard it as probable in the highest degree that there are countless seed-bearing
for the evolution of life in favour of an ordered, law-like process subject to
meteoric stones moving about through space.
divine guidance and control was perfectly in accordance with his theology of
While Thomson did not attempt to discuss the many scientific objections to nature. For that reason, he concluded his address with well-known remarks on
this hypothesis, he believed them to be all answerable. He admitted that the Paleys argument from design:
hypothesis that life originated on this Earth through moss-grown fragments I feel profoundly convinced that the argument o f design has been greatly too much lost
from the ruins of another world may seem wild and visionary, but maintained sight o f in recent zoological speculations. Reaction against frivolities o f teleology . . . has 1
that it is not unscientific. As in his earlier use of a meteoric theory, and the believe had a temporary effect in turning attention from the solid and irrefragable
zodiacal light, to account for the suns heat, Thomson was employing a cause argument so well put forward in that excellent old book [Paleys Natural theology]. But
(meteors) which was known to exist independently of the phenomena (the arrival overpoweringly strong proofs o f intelligent and benevolent design lie all round us, and if
of life on earth) to be explained (ch. 14). ever perplexities, whether metaphysical or scientific, turn us away from them for a time,
Having brought life to earth in conformity with the axiom that life proceeds they come back upon us with irresistible force, showing to us through nature the
from life, Thomson accepted that all creatures now living on earth have influence o f a free will, and teaching us that all living beings depend on one ever-acting
proceeded by orderly evolution from some such origin as vegetation. The step, Creator and Ruler.**
from such beginnings, to the earth as teeming with all the endless variety of Thomsons remarks were probably a direct reply toJ.D. Hookers (1817-1911)
plants and animals which now inhabit it was a prodigious one, but in accor criticism of natural theology at the end of his 1868 presidential address to the
dance with the doctrine of continuity most ably laid before the Association by a British Association. For Hooker, natural theology was the most dangerous of
predecessor in this Chair, W.R. G ro v e .T h o m so n then quoted verbatim from all two-edged weapons . . . a science, falsely so called, when, not content with
the concluding passages of Darwins Origin of species concerning an entangled trustfully accepting truths hostile to any presumptuous standard it may set up, it
bank with its immense variety o f plant and animal life all produced by laws seeks to weigh the infinite in the balance of the finite, and shifts its ground to
acting around us. Thus, for Darwin, there is grandeur in this view of life with meet the requirement of every new fact that science establishes, and every old
its several powers, having been originally breathed by the Creator into a few error that science exposes. Thus pursued. Natural Theology is to the scientific
forms or into one; and that, whilst this planet has gone cycling on according to man a delusion, and to the religious man a snare, leading too often to disordered
the fixed law of gravity, from so simple a beginning endless forms, most intellects and to atheism. B u t Thomson believed that his cosmical physics had
beautiful and most wonderful, have been and are being evolved. With these shown, not only that the present order of the world was not eternal in either past
feelings, Thomson most cordially sympathized, for Darwins expression of or future, but that the finite time scale demonstrated the inadequacy of natural
orderly, law-like evolution of life conformed to his own view of cosmic selection to account for the evolution of life on earth. On the one hand,
evolution. therefore, the cosmic evolution of the earth as an abode fitted for life seemed to
Ibid., pp. 200-2. have been the result of benevolent and wise design by a God who had chosen
5'* W .R. Grove, Presidential address, B A A S Report, 36 (1866), liii-lxxxii. See Stewart and Tait, well the initial arrangements of matter and energy. On the other hand, the
The unseen universe, on the principle o f continuity.
5 PL, 2, 202-4; Morse Pcckham (ed.). The origin o f species by Charles Darwin. A variorum text
(Pennsylvania, 1959), pp. 758-9. First published as Charles Darwin, On the origin of species by means of PL, 2, 204. 01 Ibid., pp. 204-5.
natural selection, or the preservation of favoured races in the struggle for life (London, 1859). 02 J.D. Hooker, Presidential address, B A A S Report, 38 (1868), Iviii-lxxv, on p. Ixxiv.
642 The economy o f nature The habitation o f earth 643

evolution o f life on earth had occurred, if at all, in a manner too rapid and too Kelvins suggestion could not reasonably be used to shorten the time required
ordered to be other than the result of the working, through laws, o f one ever- for evolution of life on earth.*^ Thomsons belief in orderly evolution, how
acting Creator and Ruler. ever, did not require the meteoric theory on the grounds of time. Rather, the
Some years later, Darwins son George, in his letter of November, 1878, theory was introduced in conformity to methodological principles of uniform
objected to Thomsons remark that a few hundred million years would be ity and continuity. Lifes origin, for Thomson, might be carried back to the very
insufficient to allow of transmutation of species by nat[ural] selection. In creation of matter and energy rather than merely to the beginning of earth
particular, he asked, what possible datum can one have for the rate at which it history. If ultra-mundane vortices flying about in space could be the created
has or can work? And he added that it was very frequently supposed that my origin of gravitation, and thus o f all motions o f mundane matter, why not germs
father attributes all to Nat[ural] Selection]; he undoubtedly thinks it a leading flying about as the carriers of life?
cause, but has written long chapters & even a whole book on other causes. Meanwhile, Hooker had already written to Charles Darwin on 5th August,
Unfortunately we do not know Thomsons reply, verbal or written, although in anxious to hear Darwins opinion. Hooker was full of critical admiration for the
response to a correspondent twenty years later he reiterated his view that the address: What a belly-full it is, and how Scotchy! It seems very able indeed, and
limitation o f geological time is an argument against natural selection, as what a good notion it gives of the gigantic achievements of mathematicians and
having the great potency attributed to it by Darwin and some of his physicists - it really makes one giddy to read of them! But with regard to the
followers.*^ meteoric theory of the origin of life on earth. Hooker offered a cogent criticism:
More immediate reactions to Thomsons address occurred during the month The notion o f introducing life by Meteors is astounding and very unphilosophical, as
of August, 1871. Huxley did not engage in direct debate, but he gave his witty being dragged in head and shoulders apropos o f the speculations o f the Origin o f life
verdict in a letter dated 23rd August to J.D. Hooker, written from Arrochar on from or amongst existing matter - seeing that Meteorites are after all composed o f the
the shores o f the ^ord-like Loch Long: same matter as the Globe is. Does he suppose that Gods breathing upon Meteors or their
progenitors is more philosophical than breathing on the face o f the earth? I thought too
I like what I have seen o f Thomson much. He is, mentally, like the scene which lies before
that Meteors arrived on the earth in a state o f incandescence, - the condition under which
my windows, grand and massive but much encumbered with mist - which adds to his
T. assumes that the world itself could not have sustained life. For my part I would as soon
picturesqueness but not to his intelligibility. . . I cannot say I greatly admire the address. It
believe in the Phoenix as in the Meteoric import o f life. After all the worst objections are
wants cohesion and resembles a flash o f his own aerolite [meteorite] more than anything
to be found in the distribution o f life, and the total want o f evidence o f renewal by
else - bright points in the midst o f much nebulosity.*'*
importation such as meteoric visitations would suggest the constant recurrence of.**
More specifically, but no less facetiously, Huxley had asked Hooker on the 11 th
To Thomson, thinking on a cosmic, rather than simply terrestrial, scale, such
August: W hat do you think of Thomsons creation by cockshy - God
accusations of unphilosophical speculation would have carried little weight.
Almighty sitting like an idle boy at the seaside and shying aerolites (with germs),
Given progression, uniformity, and continuity in dynamical science and life
mostly missing, but sometimes hitting a planet!**
science alike, what grander conception o f God could there be than to suppose
Later, Huxley stated his belief that Thomsons meteoric theory of the origin
matter, energy, and life to have had a common beginning in time?
of life on earth had no bearing on the evolutionary process itself since the germs
In the same letter. Hooker expressed his perplexity at the meaning of
brought to us by meteorites, if any, were not ova of elephants or crocodiles. . .
Thomsons concluding remarks regarding design: how the Deuce can proofs
but only those of the lowest form of animal and vegetable life.** By implica
of intelligent design (in Nature) show us through nature the influence of a free
tion, Thomsons theory could not resolve the difficulty of geological time with
wiii ?*9 Taken by themselves, Thomsons remarks were undoubtedly much
respect to evolution. Such, indeed, was the thrust of E.B. Poultons criticism in
encumbered with mist. Nevertheless, his linking o f intelligent design with free
his 1896 address as president of the zoological section of the British Association.
will connects the earlier discussions in this chapter with the present concern
with the origin and evolution of life on earth. That connection takes the form of
George Darwin to William Thomson, 1st Novem ber, 1878, D8, ULC; J.D. Burchfield, a belief in the unique directing capacity of life and mind over matter and energy,
Darwin and the dilemma o f geological tim e, Isis, 65 (1974), 300-21, on pp. 320-1; Lord Kelvin to
E. Davys, 5th October, 1898, LB5/159, ULG. In the letter to Davys, Kelvin also explained: a power which could not originate from dead matter.
Evolution is a larger question. W e cannot put any limit to the rapidity with which evolution may In the wake of the new statistical interpretation of the Second Law of
have taken place, so far as there has been evolution at all. Protoplasm seems a very mythical affair,
though the word is largely used by modern speculative writers. E.B. Poulton, A naturalists contribution to the discussion upon the age o f the earth, B A A S
Leonard Huxley, Life and letters o f Sir Joseph Dalton Hooker (2 vols., London, 1918), 2, pp Report, 66 (1896), 808-28, esp. pp. 818-19. ** Huxley, Life of Hooker, 2, pp. 126-7.
165-6. Ibid., p. 126. ** SPT, 2, 607n. 69 Ibid., p. 127.
644 The economy o f nature The habitation o f earth 645

Thermodynamics, Thomsons separation of abstract from physical dynamics, The perception o f every one o f the human race o f his own individuality and free will
and his belief that the fortuitous concourse of atoms could be the only seems to me to absolutely disprove all materialistic doctrines and to give us scientific
foundation in abstract dynamics for the Second Law, encouraged and deepened ground for believing in the Creator o f the Univ. in whom we live & move & have our
his separation of life and mind from matter. In stark contrast to the fortuitous being.
concourse of atoms in particle dynamics was the directing power of living Because of our personal belief in free will inexplicable by science (and here he
beings, as he made clear in 1892: strongly echoed Jenkin), science positively affirms Creative Power. g y
The influence o f animal or vegetable life on matter is infinitely beyond the range o f any study o fthe physics and dynamics of living and dead matter all around, we are
scientific inquiry hitherto entered on. Its power o f directing the motions o f moving compelled to accept as an article of belief the existence o fa creating and directing
particles, in the demonstrated daily miracle o f our human free will, and in the growth o f Power other than physical, or dynamical, or electrical forces. This unknown
generation after generation o f plants from a single seed, are infinitely different from any power was a vital principle quite distinct from a fortuitous concourse of atoms,
possible result o f the fortuitous concourse o f atoms; and thefortuitous concourse ofatoms is the and was, Thomson implied, the essence of the design argument. Since we only
solefoundation in P hilosophy on which can befounded [the Second Law o f Thermodynamics]
know God in His Works, such a directing power in nature - clearly distin
. . . The considerations o f ideal reversibility, by which Carnot was led to his theory, and
guished from the effects of chance - was to be taken as a manifestation of divine
the true reversibility o f every motion in pure dynamics have no place in the world o f
hfe.^o activity. Thomson therefore concluded that if you think strongly enough you
will be forced by science to the belief in God, which is the foundation of all
During the final two decades of William Thomsons life, we find several religion.O v e rp o w e rin g ly strong proofs of intelligent and benevolent design
reaffirmations of his beliefs in the essential separateness of mind and matter, and did, he believed, lie all around us. The design argument, then, had certainly not
in the impossibility of either the indefinite, past or future, duration of life on been lost sight o f in Lord Kelvins zoological speculations, even though the
earth or the origin of life from dead matter. In his 1887 paper On the suns heat precise nature o f the argument in his 1871 address had been much encumbered
he emphasized that the beginning and the maintenance of life on the earth is with mist.
absolutely and infinitely beyond the range of all sound speculation in dynamical By now it will be apparent how radically Thomsons views of the origin and
science, adding that the only contribution of dynamics to theoretical biology is evolution of life on earth differed from those of X Club contemporaries such as
absolute negation of automatic commencement or automatic maintenance of Huxley, Hooker, Tyndall, and Herbert Spencer. Tyndalls 1874 address com
life."^^ Again, in the passage quoted at the beginning of this chapter from his bined many of the ingredients of Spencerian evolution from matter and energy
aptly entitled paper of 1899, The age of the earth as an abode fitted for life, he to mind which Thomson so vigorously opposed throughout his writings.^"^ He
concluded that his task had been confined to what, humanly speaking - did not himself undertake any public challenge to Tyndall, preferring perhaps to
indicating the limited perspective of finite human science - we may call the leave popular controversies of this nature to others, and probably secure in the
fortuitous concourse of atoms, in the preparation of the earth as an abode fitted view that his own (and Maxwells) conception of mans directing powers was
for life. Mathematics and dynamics could account in this way for the earths more than an intellectual match for Tyndall, Huxley or Spencer. But
readiness to receive life, but fail us when we contemplate the earth, fitted for life Thomsons contempt for Spencers writings, often admired by Tyndall and
but lifeless, and try to imagine the commencement of life upon it. Such an Hooker, though not by Darwin, appears in his later verdict that he had never
origin of life certainly did not take place by any action of chemistry, or been of opinion that the philosophical writings of the late Mr Herbert Spencer
electricity, or crystalline grouping of molecules under the influence of force, or had the value or importance which has been attributed to them by many readers
by any possible kind of fortuitous concourse of atoms. Looking for antecedent [of Nature] of high distinction. In my opinion a national memorial would be
conditions - the essence of science for Thomson - ceased when we came face to unsuitable.^ Spencerian evolution of matter from mind and Thomsonian
face with the mystery and miracle of the creation of living creatures. dualism could not co-exist.
Four years later, in 1903, he again stressed that every action of free will is a
miracle to physical and chemical and mathematical science, a n d in a letter of Lord Kelvin to Professor]. Helder, 12th May, 1906, LB31.2, ULC. Quoted in D.B. Wilson,
1906 to Professor Helder he put the point yet more forcefully: Kelvins scientific realism: the theological context, P hil.J., 11 (1974), 41-60, on p. 60.
^5 [Kelvin], Lord Kelvin, p. 1068. Ibid., p. 1069.
Lord Kelvin, On the dissipation o f energy. Fortnightly Rev., 51 (1892), 313-21; PL, 2, 451-74, Tyndall, Presidential address, pp. Ixxxviii-xciv.
on pp. 464-5. PL, 1, 415. ^2 jyjpp^ 5 ^ 229-30. Lord Kelvin, Letter to Nature, 74 (1906), 521; SPT, 2, 1124. On Spencer and Darwin, see
[Lord Kelvin], Lord Kelvin on science and theism. The nineteenth century, 53 (1903), 1068-9. Moore, The post-Darwinian controversies, pp. 153-73.
The basis o f the short article was a letter from Kelvin to James Knowles.

Energy, economy, and Empire:

the relief of mans estate
The telegraphic art

A strong recommendation o f the study o f Natural Philosophy arises from

the importance o f its results in improving the physical condition o f man
kind. At no period o f the worlds history have the benefits o f this kind
conferred by science been more remarkable than during the present age . . .
Who would have believed that we should at present consider twenty-five
or thirty miles an hour a slow average rate o f travelling? or that our
messages should now be communicated for thousands o f miles by sea or
land, literally with the speed o f lightning? These are only single instances of
the vast resources which we derive from direct applications o f modern
science; . . . every one is convinced o f the immense practical importance of
the principles o f Natural Philosophy at present known. W illiam T hom son,
Introductory lecture9

As a G lasgow C ollege student, W illiam T h om son had in 1839 taken note o f P ro f

M eik leh am s professed aims o f natural philosophy: w orship o f the Creator,
intellectual satisfaction, and practical benefits. Natural philosophy, in its third
aim , extended our p ow er over nature by unfolding the principles o f the m ost
useful arts.^ In his o w n introductory lecture (above), T h om son am plified the
pow erful con viction that natural philosophy im proved the material condition
o f m ankind. Such expressions o f B aconian id eo lo g y and the fruits o f k n ow led ge
continue the Scottish tradition o f natural philosophy, epitom ized in the w id e-
ranging E ncyclopaedia Britannica articles o f John R obison (ch. 4).
T o late V ictorian and early tw en tieth -cen tu ry writers, subm arine telegraphy
was one o f the sublim e achievem ents o f the age o f British suprem acy in political,
eco n o m ic, and naval pow er. Electric telegraphy had begun in 1837, the first year
o f Q ueen V ictorias reign, w hen the w ork o f C ook e and W heatstone provided
the basis for a vast netw ork o f land telegraph lines. T he first great international
exh ib ition in the Crystal Palace, in 1851, coincided w ith the first successful
subm arine telegraph cable linking England and France. A nd, above all, the
A tlantic telegraph o f 1866 provided alm ost instant com m unication betw een the
O ld W orld o f Europe and the boundless N e w W orld o f Am erica. T hroughout

SPT, 1, 247-9. The reference to submarine telegraphy must have been added to the text o f the
original 1846 lecture at some date after the laying o f the earliest cross-channel cables around 1851.
^ William Thomson, Notebook o f Natural Philosophy class, 1839-40, NB9, ULC.

650 Energy, economy, and Empire The telegraphic art 651

the remainder of Queen Victorias reign, not only the British Empire, but the
world was being united by this entirely new physical means. Telegraphy
presented none of the double-edged consequences of early industrialization,
with its social evils as well as its material benefits. Telegraphy seemed an
undeniable blessing, bringing only prosperity to mankind and aiding the
development of civilization, commerce, and peace. Rudyard Kipling captured
the spirit in his poem The deep-sea cables:

The wrecks dissolve above us; their dust drops down from afar
Down to the dark, to the utter dark, where the blind white sea-snakes are.
There is no sound, no echo of sound, in the deserts of the deep.
O r the great grey level plains of ooze where the shell-burred cables creep.
Here in the womb o f the world - here on the tie-ribs o f earth
Words, and the words of men, flicker and flutter and beat -
Warning, sorrow, and gain, salutation and mirth -
For a Power troubles the Still that has neither voice nor feet.
They have wakened the timeless Things: they have killed their father Time:
Joining hands in the gloom, a league from the last of the sun.
Loading the Atlantic cable at Plymouth for the 1858 attempt. The yacht-like lines o f
Hush! Men talk to-day oer the waste of the ultimate slime. the United States Niagara (right) contrasted with the solid bulk o f the Royal N avys
And a new Word runs between: whispering, Let us be one!^ Agamemnon (left). The laying was a success, but the cable itself soon ceased to
function. [From the Illustrated London News.]
The Atlantic cable enterprise, whose ultimate success would bring Thomson
his knighthood in 1866, reinforced confidence in human progress, especially According to The Engineer, all kingdoms of Europe had linked themselves
British progress, and gave tangible form and support to all previous optimism together by the electric telegraph, and America was in a high state of electric
about the ability of man to exploit and control the mighty powers of nature. As tension. The conductor, which was to establish an equilibrium between the old
early as 1857, for example, that most eminently practical of journals. The and new worlds, would provide yet another link in the electric nerve system of
Engineer, included a whole hymn to human progress among its otherwise the world. Addressed to mid-Victorian entrepreneurs, such stirring words
prosaic accounts of cable dimensions and properties. The Atlantic telegraph affirmed the reality of material progress and human advancement through
project was adding yet another link to the chain of events which, from the investment and innovation.
earliest dawn of history, has, under the influence of some mysterious law, With steam-engines, railways, iron bridges, Cunards liners, and now the
determined the whole course of civilization from the East towards the West: electric telegraph, mankind (notably the British nation) had come, it seemed, a
long way from the superstition and barbarism of the Middle Ages and pre-
The great tidal wave, whose seconds are centuries in the march o f human progress, has
been moving on slowly and deviously, breaking now on this shore, now on that, now
Reformation times. Charles Kingsley dramatized this technological vision in
retrograding, but ever advancing, from the rising to the setting sun, with the silent 1851:
cumulative momentum o f the earths rotation from the beginning o f time . . . The whole Give me the political economist, the sanitary reformer, the engineer: and take your saints
history o f the past is but a record o f successive conquering and dominant races for ever and virgins, relics and miracles. The spinning-jenny and the railroad, Cunard s liners and
issuing from the teeming East, like a series o f waves falling into each other, and driven the electric telegraph, are to me, if not to you, signs that we are, on some points at least, in
onwards by the same resistless force.'* harmony with the universe; that there is a mighty spirit working among us, who cannot
be your anarchic and destroying Devil, and therefore may be the Ordering and Creating
^ [Rudyard Kipling], Rudyard Kiplings verse. Inclusive edition. 1885-1932, 4th edn. (London, God.5
1933), p. 173. For an account o f the early years o f submarine telegraphy, see especially Charles
Bright, Submarine telegraphs. Their history, construction, and working (London, 1898), pp. xv, 1-22. Charles Kingsley, Yeast. A problem (London, 1851), p. 96. Quoted in W.E. Houghton, The
* The engineer, 3 (1857), 82. Victorian frame o f mind, 1830-1870 (N ew Haven and London, 1957), pp. 43-4.
652 Energy, economy, and Empire The telegraphic art 653

Such remarks echo exactly the practical thrust, which contrasted with all things
metaphysical, dogmatic, symbolic and sectarian, in the values of the Thomsons
and their circle.
Following the Great Exhibition, further triumphs of British engineering in
the 1850s and beyond became symbolic of the conviction that the old days of
social unrest, of Chartism, of cholera, and of famine were gone forever. The
fruits o f previous labours could now be harvested with increasing prosperity to
the nation and Empire; old troubles were but a memory, and constant religious
and political strife were features no longer so evident in national life.^ Address
ing the citizens of Glasgow just a few months after the 1858 cable actually failed,
Thomson reasserted his total confidence in human advancement:
After the harassments and disappointments o f a year, when wealth and labour, care and
anxiety, skill and invention might appear to have been absolutely thrown away, and to
have gone to swell the vast amount o f profitless labour which is done under the sun, it is
no small solace to meet with such sympathy as you now manifest. . . What has been done
can be done again . . . improbable, impossible as it seemed only six months ago -
chimerical and merely visionary as such a project seemed ten short years earlier -
instantaneous communication between the Old and the N ew Worlds is now a fact. It has
been attained. What has been done will be done again. The loss of a position gained is an
event unknown in the history of mans struggle with the forces of inanimate NatureJ Uniting the Empire: labour, as well as capital, engineering, and electrical science, was
o f necessity employed in the submarine telegraphic enterprises which linked Britain
to her Empire. Here a stage in the vital Indo-European telegraph, which would
employ patents such as Thom sons siphon recorder (ch. 20), involved landing the
On the harmony of theory and practice in engineering: principles of economy
cable in the mud at Fao, Persian Gulf, in mid-1865. [From the Illustrated London
Economic historians have long spoken of a second industrial revolution in the News.]

last third of the nineteenth century, referring to the emergence of science-based

industries, notably those producing and utilizing chemical fertilizers, synthetic and technology point especially to the birth of the research laboratory and the
dyes, and electrical power. From the economists perspective, the consequences birth of engineering as an academic discipline.^
of this transformation (relative to coal, iron and steel, steam power, and In Britain, although chemical laboratories had been established by the 1830s,
machinery) only became apparent after about 1870, but its foundations had been laboratories for research in natural philosophy did not appear until after 1840,
laid considerably earlier. In their study of these foundations, historians of science* and then largely as private laboratories loosely attached to apparatus rooms for
lecture demonstrations and open to students only on a selective and voluntary
* Compare, for example, W.L. Burn, The age o f equipoise. A study of the mid-Victorian generation basis. Not until the late 1860s were the laboratories funded institutionally for
(London, 1964); Asa Briggs, The age o f improvement, / 7^3-J^67 (London, 1959). See also Chapters 2 research as well as teaching. But between 1866 and 1874 ten such establishments
and 5 above, particularly on the earlier Scottish social context.
William Thomson, Speech reported in the Glasgow Herald, 21st January, 1859; reprinted in
were founded, including the Cavendish Laboratory at Cambridge under the
SPT, 1, 389-96, on pp. 389-90. directorship of the new professor o f experimental physics, James Clerk Max
* For example, D.S. Landes, The unbound Prometheus (Cambridge, 1969), pp. 4,196,235. Modern well. In the next decade, some fourteen new physics laboratories appeared.'
historians have modified the too-simple picture o f the first industrial revolution as the child o f
practical inventors ignorant o f all science. Nevertheless, the image o f the practical man clearly
The story in academic engineering is similar. Prior to the 1840s, engineering
persisted in the mid-nineteenth century. For the traditional view, see Eric Ashby, Technology and the barely existed in British universities, although a few technical colleges had been
academics. A n essay on universities and the scientific revolution, 2nd edn. (London, 1963), pp. 50-5; Peter established. Engineers defined themselves largely as practical men rather than
Mathias, The first industrial nation. An economic history of Britain, 1700-1914 (London, 1969), pp. 134-
44. For a reassessment o f the relation o f science and technology in the industrial revolution, see Peter philosophers, took their education as apprentices rather than as students, and did
Mathias, W ho unbound Prometheus? Science and technical change, 1600-1800, in Peter Mathias
(ed.). Science and society. 1600-1900 (Cambridge, 1972), pp. 54-80; A.E. Mussonand Eric Robinson, ^ For example, Romualdas Sviedrys, The rise o f physics laboratories in Britain, Hist. Stud. Phys.
Science and technology in the industrial revolution (Manchester, 1969). Sci., 7 (1976), 405-36; R.A. Buchanan, The rise o f scientific engineering in Britain, Brit.J. Hist. Sci.,
18 (1985), 218-33. Sviedrys, Rise o f physics, pp. 407-9, 415-21, 430-3.
654 Energy, economy, and Empire The telegraphic art 655

not engage in research as an essential feature of their practice. The proliferation In April, 1858, a few months before the laying of the first complete, but short
of steam-engines and railways after about 1830 began to change dramatically the lived, Atlantic telegraph, Rankine presented a Report on the progress and state
context of both engineering and natural philosophy. The Cambridge associ of applied mechanics to a meeting of the Glasgow Philosophical Society. The
ation of Willis and Whewell in the writing of engineering textbooks in 1840-1 is report, prepared by a committee comprising the Clydeside engineers J.R.
symptomatic. From the more practical side, Willis wrote the science of mechan Napier (iron shipbuilder), Walter Neilson (mechanical engineer) and Rankine
ism, while Whewell as natural philosopher treated of the science of force applied himself as convener, articulated a view of the relation between theory and
to and transmitted by mechanism. Simultaneously, Glasgow University re practice shared by Thomson himself Essential to this view was an understanding
ceived the first chair of engineering in Britain, with Lewis Gordon its first of the goal and criterion of economy:
occupant. Within two years, chairs also appeared in London and Dublin. Even In the perfecting o f Applied Mechanics, whether as a science or as an art, the end aimed at,
with such formal recognition of engineering as a subject requiring academic and the criterion by which true is to be distinguished from false progress, may be
study, however, an engineer did not qualify by academic degree but only by expressed by the word e c o n o m y : that is, the production o f every desired effect by those
apprenticeship. Practical knowledge continued to take priority over theory. In means which are exactly adequate to produce it, and no more .. . perfect economy never
the 1840s, the scientific engineer, like the research physicist, had yet to be born is, nor can be attained in human works and in them the economy realized is expressed by
into Britain. some fraction, falling short o f unity by a quantity which expresses the waste o f means.
The British Association for the Advancement of Science provided one o f the The function o f theory, the authors then explained, is to determine by experi
strongest institutional forces behind the gradual professionalization of both ment and by reasoning, the exact amount of and causes of waste, and how it is to
scientific engineering and research physics. With its explicit aim of bringing be reduced while practice strives, by continually improving skill, to effect that
science and industry together, with its popular format, and with its peripatetic reduction; and both [theory and practice] tend to bring the fraction that denotes
schedule of meetings over a circuit of manufacturing towns and academic actual economy, continually nearer and nearer to that unit, which expresses the
centres, it gave form, visibility and prestige to the goal of practical science and unattainable, though not unapproachable, limit of the result of human efforts.
brought even science for profit within the domain of the gentleman. Applied mechanics, for the Philosophical Society committee, included every
On the more local and everyday level, however, groups such as the Glasgow application of the laws o f force and motion to works of human art. The two
Philosophical and the Manchester Literary and Philosophical Societies brought great classes of objects of applied mechanics were structures, whose parts
industrial and academic interests into regular interaction.^^ The Glasgow Soci remained fixed relative to each other and whose requisites were stability and
ety, in the period 1840-70 especially, facilitated the interaction and mutual strength, and machines, whose parts performed work and which required in
stimulation of emergent scientific engineering on the one hand (represented in addition efficiency. Accordingly, the authors divided applied mechanics, when
particular by Gordon, W.J.M. Rankine, J.R. Napier, and James Thomson) with considered as a science, into tectonics and energetics, and, when considered as an
emergent research science on the other (represented by Thomas Thomson and art, into construction and mechanism. Many artifices, such as iron steamships,
William Thomson).
clearly belonged to both classes.
In his 1874 presidential address to the Society of Telegraph Engineers, Sir A structure involved three considerations: materials, the mode of putting the
William Thomson paid a warm tribute to the Societys first president, William materials together, and the purpose for which the structure was to be used. The
Siemens, for his strenuous and effective labour to promote the harmony of report devoted considerable attention to advances in materials, discussing both
theory and practice, not only in the department to which this Society is devoted, organic and inorganic materials, and dividing the inorganic into stony and
but in all branches of the grand profession of engineering.^'* This emphasis on metallic sorts. Stony materials had undergone a variety of improvements: in the
the harmony of theory and practice in engineering has not only provided us arts of blasting rock in order to minimize waste of both powder and stone, in the
with a leading characteristic of the work of Thomson and his Glasgow circle, but manufacture and use of artificial building materials (bricks) for the lofty furnace
will suggest further that their conception of the professional engineer funda chimneys of Clydeside, and in the economic employment of concrete for piers
mentally depended upon the promotion of such harmony. and breakwaters. Similarly, concerning metallic materials, the report instanced
progress in increasing the speed and diminishing the cost of iron production as
*' I b i d . , pp. 405-7; Buchanan, Scientific engineering, pp. 218-23; and Chapters 2 and 3 above.
Jack Morrell and Arnold Thackray, G e n t l e m e n o f s c ie n c e . E a r l y y e a r s o f t h e B r i t i s h A s s o c i a t i o n f o r well as improvements in its qualities and in the techniques of iron working, such
(Oxford, 1981), esp. pp. 202-22, 256-66, 449-531. The Thomson
t h e A d v a n c e m e n t o f S c ie n c e
brothers involvement in the 1840 Glasgow meeting is discussed in Chapter 2 above. ' s J.R. Napier, Walter Neilson, and W.J.M. Rankine, Report on the progress and state o f applied
See especially R.H. Kargon, S c i e n c e in V i c to r i a n M a n c h e s t e r . E n t e r p r i s e a n d e x p e r t i s e (Manches mechanics, P r o c . P h i l . S o c . G l a s g o w , 4 (1855-60), 207-30, on p. 208. Publication o f the report took
ter, 1977), esp. pp. 5-14, 41 85. 1 PL, 2, 207-8. place a f te r the laying o f the 1858 cable.
656 Energy, economy, and Empire The telegraphic art 657

as casting, forging, and riveting. Next to iron in order of abundance and utility tual means of diminishing friction, wear, and breakage, or obtaining economy
came copper (along with its alloys of brass and bronze). of time, money, and materials, and o f insuring efficiency of action.
The principal organic material remained timber. Economy of time and The third feature of structures, their purposes, divided into mines, houses,
money, the authors noted, had been effected by seasoning timber in a hot air lines of conveyance, harbours, and vehicles (including ships). The committee
oven at Robert Napiers shipbuilding yard, while new processes of preservation focussed on lines of conveyance which included roads, railways, canals (includ
of timber had also made rapid progress with economic advantages. New ing water supply and drainage), and signalling (notably the electric telegraph).
organic materials, however, notably india-rubber and gutta-percha, had con In their discussion of recent improvements in railway engineering, they empha
tributed much to the advancement of practical mechanics. Gutta-percha in sized the need to combine economy in construction and economy in working.
particular, though softened by a moderate degree of heat, possesses a strength Thus the former might demand steep gradients and sharp curves, while the latter
and elasticity, at ordinary temperatures, which enable it to be employed as a demanded minimal gradients and broad curves. Though the solution depended
substitute for leather belts in machinery as well as for the coating and insulating on the amount of traffic (differing for main lines and branch lines) a weak and
of telegraph wires. The committee also commented upon a recent example of perishable style of construction is never truly economical. Canals, on the other
the substitution of artificially manufactured wire-ropes for natural fibrous hand, continue to be the most economical lines of conveyance for all articles in
substances, enabling the new arts of suspension bridges and telegraph cables to be whose transport speed is of little importance. But it was in signalling that the
developed on a grand scale. most recent improvements in lines of conveyance had been made:
This concern with materials is easily comprehended within the context of th at w h ic h has su p e r se d e d all o th e r s is th e E lec tric T e le g r a p h . T h e c o n s tr u c tio n o f
recent industrial advances in Glasgow and the British Empire. Correspondingly, te le g r a p h lin es o n lan d is sim p le an d w e ll k n o w n , an d has n o t r e c e n tly b een m a rk ed b y
we must view the research work of Thomsons laboratory, devoted to measur a n y g rea t im p r o v e m e n t . In lo n g lin es o f S u b m a r in e T e le g r a p h , a d iffic u lty in m a k in g
ing the properties of materials, very much within this context (ch. 5). It is no sig n a ls, arisin g f r o m th e e le c tr o s ta tic c h a r g e o f th e c o n d u c to r , w a s p r e d ic te d fr o m a
accident that after uttering his famous words to the Institution of Civil Engineers th e o r e tic a l in v e s tig a tio n b y P r o fe sso r W illia m T h o m s o n , an d m e a n s o f o v e r c o m in g that
in 1883 on how, if you cannot measure what you are speaking about, you have d iffic u lty w e r e in v e n te d b y M r W h ite h o u s e [ c f b e lo w ] . F or su c h lin es, b a tte r ie s o f g rea t
not advanced to the stage of science (ch. 20, epigraph), he cited the backwardness p o w e r , a n d r e c e iv in g in str u m e n ts o f e x tr a o r d in a r y d e lic a c y , are req u ired ; an d in b o th

of the science of strength of materials, so all important in engineering but little resp ects, th e latest step in th e m a rch o f im p r o v e m e n t has b e e n m a d e b y P r o fe sso r W illia m
T h o m s o n , as is s h o w n b y h is in str u m e n ts h a v in g su c c e e d e d in tr a n s m ittin g in te llig ib le
advanced, and the part of it relating to the so-called hardness of different solids
m e ssa g e s th r o u g h th e d a m a g e d A tla n tic C a b le , w h e n all o th e r m e a n s h a d failed.'
[precious stones and metalsj least of all; there being in it no step toward
quantitative measurement or reckoning in terms of a definite unit. By contrast, Economy mattered most of all for Clydeside engineers, however, in regard to
he cited recent progress in electric science and in measuring the electric proper the iron shipbuilding industry. One cause of retarded progress had been the
ties of matter. practice of imitating the structure of a wooden ship, with keel, ribs and
The second feature of structures, the art of putting together the materials, planking; a construction which is the most suitable for timber, but quite
required observance of principles of stability and strength. The Philosophical unsuitable for iron. The authors referred to Scott Russells Great Eastern as an
Society report cited with particular approval Fairbairns experiments, which admirable example of the use in ship-building of the true principles of construc
have recently contributed most to the advancement of our knowledge of the tion in iron, and they expressed the hope that soon all iron ships may be
strength o f iron, and which were mostly made at the instance of the British constructed so as to give the greatest strength and capacity with least weight, and
Association, and also Thomsons discovery in the course of the present year so to realize the great principle of economy.
[1858], with the assistance of two students of his class. . . [of] a kind of resistance Consideration of iron ships, not just as structures requiring stability and
in elastic solids, analogous to friction, inasmuch as it retards, without finally strength, but as machines requiring efficient working, led Rankine, Napier, and
preventing, both the strain produced by the application of a load, and the Neilson to the subject of machines in general. The efficiency of a machine was its
recovery from that strain when the load is removed. W i t h regard to the economy of power or energy, part o f the available work being lost or wasted in
processes o f techniques of construction, the report drew attention to advances in overcoming resistance foreign to the purposes of the machine, and the remain-
metal-working, especially accurate workmanship, which was the most effec-
** Napier e t a t ., Report on applied mechanics, p. 223.
PL, 1, 73-5. I b i d . , p. 224. Scientific shipbuilding in the nineteenth century is discussed by Sidney Pollard
Napier e t a l , Report on applied mechanics, pp. 216-7; Morrell and Thackray. G e n tle m e n o f and Paul Robertson, T h e B r i t i s h s h i p b u i l d i n g i n d u s t r y , 1 8 7 0 - 1 9 1 4 (Cambridge, MA, and London,
s c ie n c e , pp. 497-8. 1979), pp. 130-50.
658 Energy, economy, and Empire The telegraphic art 659

dcr being the useful work. Consequently the great end of improvement in Improvement of machine economy, however, was only the most explicit
machines is to diminish the lost work. This analysis depended directly on exemplification of the drive for economy. The basic programme, articulated by
William and James Thomsons, as well as Rankines, formulation of thermody Rankine, and epitomized by William Thomson, sought to fulfil the criterion of
namics a few years earlier (chs. 9 and 10). At the same time, widespread economy through the harmony of theory and practice. James Thomsons earlier
acceptance o f the labour theory of value (seen, for example, in Whewells experience with the unfortunate Horseley Iron Works, which based its en
writings both on political economy and engineering) provided an important gineering upon rule of thumb practice, exemplified what Fleeming Jenkin
link between efficiency of machinery and economy o f expenditure.^ referred to in another context as guess at the half and multiply by two.^^ The
The steam-engine took pride of place in the committees analysis on account companys excessive waste and rapid liquidation supported the Scottish view of
of its central role both in Clydesides growing heavy industries and in the science the need to harmonize theory and practice. Significantly, Rankine presented the
developed at Glasgow University by Thomson and Rankine. The report took most direct attack on the separation of theory and practice in his inaugural
up steam-engine efficiency in three ways. First, the furnace and boiler had to dissertation read on his appointment to the Glasgow chair of engineering in
maximize the heat transferred from fuel to steam. Second, the steam had to be 1855, part of which address also formed his opening remarks on the objects of
utilized in the most efficient way (such as super-heating). Here, the authors the mechanical science section at the 1855 Glasgow meeting of the British
noted that while the most economical single-acting pumping engines yielded a Association. In his attack, he explicitly aligned himself with Newtons preface to
duty from one pound of coal of one million foot-pounds, locomotive engines the Principia - the errors are not in the art, but in the artificers. He that works
might only yield 0.2 or 0.5 million foot-pounds, while a recent experiment with with less accuracy is an imperfect mechanic- and with John Robisons emphasis
a marine engine (presumably a compound engine) yielded almost two million upon the importance of applying scientific principles to useful arts such
foot-pounds. And, third, the trains of mechanism had to diminish lost work by as carpentry. In particular, Rankine condemned Thomas Babington Macaulay
reducing friction and avoiding shocks.^^ for promoting a false dichotomy between idealized, rational, dynamical theory
The ubiquitous interest of these Glasgow engineers in economy, with the and real, empirical practice, leading to a double set of laws.^"*
production of every desired effect by those means which are exactly adequate to Rankine went on to systematize his views on the new science of engineering,
produce it, and no more found its most thorough expression in their concern to particularly as it was to be taught at Glasgow University. He distinguished three
improve machines, especially marine steam-engines. Their concern belongs kinds of mechanical knowledge - purely scientific, purely practical, and that
very much to the continuing interaction of theory and practice which had led to intermediate knowledge which relates the application of scientific principles to
the creation of thermodynamics at Glasgow. William Thomson himself devel practical purposes, and which arises from understanding the harmony of theory
oped a wider perspective for the Y ork meeting of the British Association in 1881 and practice. Each form of knowledge was distinguished by its purposes rather
(its half-century) by presenting a comparative analysis of different kinds of than by its conflict with the others. Purely scientific knowledge had as its object,
motive power (tides, wind, and rain as well as coal) in terms of their economy. first, to improve the mind of the cultivator intellectually and morally; and,
For example: secondly, to qualify him, if possible, for assisting in the advancement and
diffusion of knowledge; and with this view each subject requires to be treated so
T h e su b terra n ea n c o a l-sto r e s o f th e w o r ld are b e c o m in g e x h a u ste d su r e ly , an d th e p r ic e
o f c o a l is u p w a r d b o u n d - u p w a r d b o u n d o n th e w h o le , t h o u g h n o d o u b t it w ill h a v e its
as to investigate how the laws of particular phenomena are connected with the
ups an d d o w n s in th e fu tu r e as it has h a d in th e past, an d as m u s t b e th e case in r esp ect to
general economy of nature and the structure of the universe. Here, machines are
e v e r y m a r k e ta b le c o m m o d i t y . . . [T h e r e fo r e ] it is m o s t p r o b a b le that w in d m ills o r w in d - looked upon merely as natural bodies are: - namely, as furnishing experimental
m o to r s in s o m e fo r m w ill a g a in b e in th e a sc en d a n t. data for the ascertaining of principles, and examples for their illustration. Purely
practical knowledge, on the other hand, was acquired by experience and
Thomson weighed, among other cases, tidal power in quantitative costs against
steam power and asked whether forty acres producing 100 horsepower from [Fleeming Jenkin], Papers and memoir o f Fleeming Jenkin (2 vols., London, 1887), 1, pp. 241-2.
tidal action would be more economical than the value of the land, with the same The remarks were directed against Darwins calculations of geological time discussed in Chapter 15
power produced by a steam-engine occupying an insignificant fraction of that above.
W.j.M. Rankine, Preliminary dissertation on the harmony of theory and practice in
land. mechanics, A manual o f applied mechanics, 17th edn. (London, 1904), pp. 1-11; reprinted in C.A.
M. Norton Wise (with the collaboration of Crosbie Smith), Work and waste; political Russell and D.C. Goodman (eds.). Science and the rise o f technology since ISOO (Bristol, 1972), pp. 266-
economy and natural philosophy in nineteenth century Britain, Hist. Sci., (forthcoming). 71; Opening remarks on the objects of the [mechanical science] section, BAAS Report, 25 (1855),
Napier et a i , Report on applied mechanics, pp. 225-9. 201-3. See also D.F. Channel, The harmony of theory and practice: the engineering science of
William Thomson, On the sources of energy in nature available to man for the production of W.J.M. Rankine, Technology and Culture, 23 (1982), 39-52; Buchanan, Scientific engineering, pp.
mechanical effect, BAAS Report, 51 (1881), 513-18; PL, 2, 433-50, on pp. 441-2. 225-7.
660 Energy, economy, and Empire The telegraphic art 661

observation in everyday affairs o f business and industry for the purpose of T h e th e o r y s h o w s h o w , fr o m c a refu l o b s e r v a tio n s o n su ch a w ir e as th at b e t w e e n V arn a

judging quality of materials and workmanship, and o f assessing commercial and B a la k la v a , an e x a c t e s tim a te o f th e lateral d im e n s io n s r eq u ired fo r g rea ter d istan ces,
or su ffic ien t fo r sm a lle r d ista n ces, m a y b e m a d e . I m m e n se e c o n o m y m a y b e p ra ctised in
profit. The procedure was that of following established practical rules
a tte n d in g to th e se in d ic a tio n s o f th e o r y in all su b m a r in e cab les c o n str u c te d in fu tu re fo r
approximation - especially in matters connected with practical mechanical
sh o r t d istan ces; an d th e n o n -fa ilu r e o f g r e a t u n d e r ta k in g s can a lo n e b e ensured b y u sin g
th e m in a p r e lim in a r y e stim a te .
Rankine, however, aimed to promote the third kind of knowledge: the
advancement of science as applied to practice in the Mechanical Arts for which
both the Mechanical Science section of the British Association and the Glasgow On the discord of theory and practice in telegraph engineering
chair of engineering had been established;
By emphasizing theory in his 1855 paper, Thomson ran counter to the empirical
It e n a b le s its p o sse sso r to p la n a stru ctu re o r m a c h in e fo r a g iv e n p u r p o se w it h o u t th e approach of Wildman Whitehouse {b. 1815; by profession not an engineer but a
n e c e s sity o f c o p y in g s o m e e x is tin g e x a m p le - to c o m p u t e th e th e o r e tic a l lim it o f th e medical man) who, in the following year at the British Associations Chelten
str e n g th and s ta b ility o f a stru ctu re, o r th e e ffic ie n c y o f a m a c h in e o f a p articu la r k in d - to
ham meeting, challenged Thomsons law of the squares. Indeed, Whitehouses
ascertain h o w far an a ctu a l stru ctu re o r m a c h in e fails to attain th a t lim it, an d to d is c o v e r
remarks to the 1855 meeting at Glasgow under the title Experimental observa
the ca u se and r e m e d y o f su ch s h o r t c o m in g - to d e te r m in e to w h a t e x te n t, in la y in g d o w n
tions on an electric cable demonstrated vividly his essentially non-mathematical
p rin c ip le s fo r p ra ctica l u se, it is a d v a n ta g e o u s , fo r th e sake o f s im p lic ity , to d e v ia te fr o m
the e x a c tn e ss r e q u ir e d b y p u r e sc ien ce; a n d to j u d g e h o w far an e x is tin g p ra ctica l r u le is
and non-theoretical approach, an approach which emphasized facts, observa
fo u n d e d o n rea so n , h o w far o n m e r e c u s to m , an d h o w far o n error. tions, and practical experience. They also showed that he regarded the problem
of long-distance submarine telegraphy as merely a matter of scaling up the tried
Apart from the obvious advantages for designers and constructors of great and true methods for shorter distances: Mr Whitehouse said that he regarded it
works of mechanical art, Rankine emphasized that the mutual dependence and as an established fact, that the nautical and engineering difficulties which at first
harmony between sound theory and good practice not only benefited the existed had already been overcome, and that the experience gained in submerg
diffusion and appreciation of theoretic knowledge by impressing the public ing the shorter lengths had enabled the projectors to provide for all contingen
with the importance of scientific principles through practical application, but cies affecting the greater. And may we not, he added, fairly conclude also, that
also advanced science itself by suggesting problems for scientific investigation, India, Australia, and America, are accessible by telegraph without the use of
affording data for their solution, or leading to the improvement of the instru wires larger than those commonly employed in submarine cables?^
ments for scientific experiment. Whitehouse entitled his 1856 address The law of the squares - is it applicable
In these addresses and reports, Rankine articulated a programme for profes or not to the transmission of signals in submarine circuits?, responding directly
sional engineering characteristic of William Thomsons associates, particularly to Thomsons 1855 remark that a wire of six times the length of the Varna and
within the Glasgow Philosophical Society. As early as 1852, for example, Balaklava wire, if of the same lateral dimensions, would give thirty-six times the
Rankine and John Thomson (son of Dr William Thomson, professor of medi retardation. Whitehouse then related his own experimental researches which he
cine) had read a short paper On telegraphic communication between Great claimed showed most convincingly that the law of the squares is not the law
Britain and Ireland. T h e art of telegraphy would soon emerge as the most which governs the transmission of signals in submarine circuits, but rather that
striking branch of engineering with which to demonstrate the need for the the retardation increased very little beyond the simplest arithmetical ratio.
harmony of theory and practice. We should recall that William Thomson, Whitehouse also argued that, if the law of the squares had valid application to
immediately on finding the theoretical equation of signal transmission in submarine circuits, the result in the case of the transatlantic line would:
submarine cables in 1854, had interpreted the problem of signalling in economic
n e c e ssita te th e u se, fo r a sin g le c o n d u c to r o n ly , o f a ca b le so la r g e a n d p o n d e r o u s , as th at
terms through the law of the squares (ch. 13). Addressing the 1855 British
p r o b a b ly n o sh ip e x c e p t M r S c o tt R u ss e lls le v ia th a n c o u ld carry it, - so u n w ie ld y in th e
Association meeting he insisted that economic benefits in short cables, and
m a n u fa c tu r e , that its p e r fe c t in su la tio n w o u ld b e a m a tte r a lm o st o f p ractical im p o s s ib il-
indeed the entire success of long-distance submarine telegraphy, depended on
attention to theory:
Willliam Thomson, On peristaltic induction of electric currents in submarine telegraph
wires, BAAS Report, 25 (1855), 22; MPP, 2, 77-8. The full paper appeared in Proc. Royal Soc., 8
Rankine, Opening remarks, p. 202. (1856), 121-32; MPP, 2, 79-91.
W.J.M. Rankine andjohn Thomson, On telegraphic communication between Great Britain Wildman Whitehouse, Experimental observations on an electric cable, BAAS Report, 25
and Ireland, Proc. Phil. Soc. Glasgow, 3 (1848-55), 265-6. (1855), 23^. See also SPT, 1, 330-2.
662 Energy, economy, and Empire The telegraphic art 663

ity , - and so e x p e n s iv e , fr o m th e a m o u n t o f m a ter ia ls e m p lo y e d , an d th e v e r y la b o r io u s he could only attack the tests, a task which in the present case presented no
an d critica l n a tu r e o f th e p r o cesses r e q u ir e d in m a k in g a n d p a y in g it o u t, th at th e th in g difficulty. Whitehouse had not actually studied Thomsons theory nor had he
w o u ld b e a b a n d o n e d as b e in g p r a c tic a lly an d c o m m e r c ia lly im p o s s ib le . If, o n th e o th e r carefully interpreted Thomsons published graphs of the variation of signal
h a n d , th e la w o f th e sq u a res b e p r o v e d to b e in a p p lic a b le to t h e tr a n sm issio n o f sig n a ls b y strength with time at the remote end of a cable, but had merely treated the law of
su b m a r in e w i r e s . . . th e n w e m a y s h o r tly e x p e c t to see a c a b le n o t m u c h e x c e e d in g o n e
squares as a simple result which represented the entire theory and which was
to n p e r m ile c o n t a in in g th r e e , fo u r o r f iv e c o n d u c to r s , str e tc h e d fr o m sh o r e to sh o r e , a n d
subject to a crude test, viz., apply a strong signal to one end of a cable and see how
u n itin g us to o u r T r a n sa tla n tic b r e th r e n , at an e x p e n s e o f less th a n o n e - fo u r t h th at o f th e
long it takes to reach the other end. Thomsons graphs showed that the result
la rg e o n e a b o v e m e n tio n e d , a b le to ca rry fo u r o r fiv e tim e s th e n u m b e r o f m e ssa g e s, an d
th e r e fo r e y ie ld in g a b o u t t w e n t y tim e s as m u c h retu rn in p r o p o r tio n to th e o u tla y .
would depend sensitively on how the signal was sent (that is, on how long
the wire was connected to a battery of constant strength before sudden
Whitehouses eloquent address was clearly intended to convince the commer grounding) and at what fraction of its maximum strength the signal could be
cial interests involved in the formation of the new Atlantic Telegraph Com counted as received. In addition, any electromagnetic induction in the receiving
pany. He ended his emphatic denial of the law of the squares with a stress upon indicator or meter would retard the indication. Taking account of none of these
the desirable divorce of theory and practice. Like Macaulay, Whitehouse subtleties, Whitehouse simply connected a powerful battery (of decidedly non
stressed the distinction between ideal, rational principles of theory and real, constant voltage) and measured, for his particular indicator (with large self-
practical rules of working which alone were of value for commercial and induction), the time taken to respond.
technical enterprises. He sounded a note which would have both amused and With more than a hint of condescension, Thomson calmly but firmly replied
angered Rankine and Thomson: to the attack, pointing out the sources of discrepancy, the necessity for carefully
A n d w h a t, I m a y b e a sk ed , is th e g e n e r a l c o n c lu s io n to b e d r a w n as a resu lt o f th is controlled experiments, and the fact that in the one case of comparison in which
in v e s tig a tio n o f th e la w s o f th e sq u ares a p p lie d to su b m a r in e circu its? In all h o n e s t y , I a m a manifestation o f the law of squares could be expected, that law is manifested by
b o u n d to a n sw e r , th a t I b e lie v e n a tu r e k n o w s n o su ch a p p lic a tio n o f th at la w , a n d I can Mr Whitehouses results. I n response to Whitehouses attempt to discredit his
only regard it as a fiction o f the schools, a forced and violent adaptation o f a principle in physics, claim that a much larger copper conductor or a number of smaller wires twisted
g o o d a n d tr u e u n d e r o th e r c ir c u m sta n c e s b u t m isa p p lie d h ere.^ together would allow a faster rate of signalling, Thomson pointedly cast doubt
Whitehouses attack prompted a debate with Thomson in the pages of The on Whitehouses integrity;
Athenaeum. Writing from Invercloy, Isle of Arran, on 24th September, 1856, M r W h ite h o u s e tests th is p r o p o sa l b y th r e e w ir e s c o n n e c te d at th e ir e n d s, so as t o affo rd a
Thomson made it clear that the confidence he placed in his own conclusions was tr ip le c o n d u c tin g c h a n n e l, but separated throughout their lengths b y their gutta-percha coats.
a confidence in theory: N o w it is p e r fe c tly clear, th at an e le c tr ic a l im p u ls e t h r o u g h th r e e w ir e s so a rra n g e d ,
c a n n o t d iffe r fr o m th e s u m o f th r ee sep a r a te e le c tr ic a l im p u ls e s o f o n e - th ir d str e n g th e a ch
M r W h it e h o u s e s c o m m u n ic a t io n n o t o n ly p ro fesses to o v e r tu r n my th e o r e tic a l
th r o u g h a n y o n e o f th e w ir e s , e x c e p t in v ir tu e o f p e r ista ltic in d u c tio n [ch . 13]. W it h th e se
c o n c lu sio n s , b u t it g iv e s w h a t m ig h t at first sig h t a p p ear to b e su ffic ien t e x p e r im e n ta l
v e r y w ir e s , M r W h ite h o u s e fo u n d th e e ffe c ts o f m u tu a l p e r ista ltic in d u c tio n to b e
e v id e n c e o f th e v a lid ity o f an o r d in a r y su b m a r in e c a b le fo r te le g r a p h ic c o m m u n ic a t io n
e x t r e m e ly s lig h t, r e q u ir in g s o m e o f h is fin e st tests t o b e s h o w n at all. H o w th e n h e fo u n d
b e t w e e n th is c o u n tr y an d A m e r ic a , in o p p o s it io n to m y w a r n in g that m o r e than o r d in a r y
th e r e ta r d a tio n n e a r ly t w ic e as g r e a t w it h th e tr ip le w ir e as w it h o n e o f th e w ir e s a lo n e ,
lateral d im e n s io n s o f w ir e o r in su la tin g co a t m ig h t b e n e c e ssa r y to a llo w su ffic ien t
is an a n o m a ly w h ic h is n o t m y p art t o e x p la in .
r a p id ity in th e c o m m u n ic a t io n o f in te llig e n c e th r o u g h a c o n d u c to r so m u c h la rg er th an
h ith e r to u sed in p ra ctica l o p e r a tio n s. I th e r e fo r e th in k it r ig h t to say, th at all M r Having defended himself on all counts, Thomson ended with an implied
W h ite h o u s e s e x p e r im e n ta l results are p e r fe c tly c o n sis te n t w it h m y th e o r y ; b u t at th e challenge to those engaged in projecting the Ocean Telegraph. He announced
sa m e tim e I w is h it to b e u n d e r s to o d th a t m y g r o u n d fo r sa y in g so, i s . . . k n o w le d g e o f th e that he would publish a table relating different dimensions of cables to their
th e o r y it s e lf w h ic h , lik e e v e r y th e o r y , is m e r e ly a c o m b in a t io n o f esta b lish e d truths.^*
estimated signalling rates which the planners might use if they have any
In this debate, as in many later episodes concerned with his promotion of confidence in scientific deductions from established principles.^'^ The organiz
scientific engineering, Thomson had to defend himself against what seemed a ers of the project apparently decided not to pit Whitehouses practical
primafacie failure of theory. Since practical tests apparently showed him wrong, knowledge against theoretical design requirements, for a few weeks later
Thomson found that the dimensions he had recommended coincided with those
Wildman Whitehouse, The law of the squares - is it applicable or not to the transmission of
signals in submarine circuits, BAAS Report, 26 (1856), 21-3.
Ibid., p. 23. Our emphasis. William Thomson, The Athenaeum, 1st November, 1856; MPP, 2, 94-102, on p. 98.
William Thomson, The Athenaeum, 4th October, 1856; MPP, 2, 92-3. Ibid., p. 99. Ibid., p. 102.
664 Energy, economy, and Empire The telegraphic art 665

adopted in a specimen of cable submitted to him for approval. Soon afterwards Once again, Thomsons theoretical views seemed obviously false in the face of
he himself became a director of the Atlantic Telegraph Company. an actual trial. Gordon graciously conceded that on Siemenss theory of the
Yet the controversy with Whitehouse was not an isolated debate, attributable metallic circuit, there should have been no induction at all and that the
merely to the differing personalities of the protagonists. Rather, the controversy retardation would be no more than that due to the resistance of the copper wire.
had its roots at a deeper level. The discord of theory and practice was not So the reduction by only three-quarters disproved their theory as well.
confined to the academic discussions of a Rankine or a Thomson, but appears to Before entering on the experimental result, let us first examine the idea of
have existed generally in the minds of the practical telegraph engineers. electrostatic action that led the telegraph engineers to suppose there would be no
Nowhere is this characteristic better illustrated than in a series of letters induction if the wires were worked oppositely. It seems that they regarded
exchanged between William Thomson and his former colleague, Lewis induction in a single-wire cable not as an action between the wire and the sheath
Gordon, now engaged in telegraphic enterprises through the cable-manufactur but as an action of the charged wire on the originally neutral sheath. Two wires
ing firm o f R.S. Newall and Company ofBirkenhead. The correspondence took charged oppositely and simultaneously running down the centre of the sheath
place just prior to the first attempt to lay an Atlantic cable in the summer of 1857 would thus produce no net inductive action on it. Furthermore, no action of
and concerned the return metallic circuit, in which two wires, insulated from either wire on the other would occur because each would already possess the
one another, were placed within the same iron sheath and operated one from the charge that the other would have induced on it. Conduction along each wire
negative and the other from the positive side of a battery, the far ends being would therefore occur without any retardation corresponding to the time
grounded. Werner Siemens, the famous telegraph engineer, and others thought required for induction.
that they could by this means reduce or eliminate inductive retardation. Thomson registered astonishment: I do not wonder that the experiments
In the first letter of the series, Thomson expressed the hope that Gordon, at proved the theory of no induction . . . to be erroneous. I am only surprised at its
least, was not being seen to be erroneous before the experiments were made.^ From his
free fr o m th e m o s t v a in fa lla c y o f th e retu rn m e ta llic c ir c u it as d im in is h in g in d u c tio n in
point of view, since the capacity for induction in a single-wire cable was a
a t w o w ir e s u b m a r in e c a b le. I h ea rd this m o r n in g w it h a s to n is h m e n t S ie m e n s is n o t. I f
relation between the wire and the sheath (depending on geometry and the
y o u care I ca n in t w o m in u te s at a n y tim e s h o w y o u e x a c t ly h o w m u c h (it is n o t very dielectric material), and since the double-wire arrangement did not alter that
m u c h ) th e c a p a c ity o f th e p o s itiv e w ir e is in crea sed b y w o r k in g th e o th e r n e g a t iv e ly at th e relation, the second wire could not alter the inductive capacity of the first with
sa m e tim e a n d vice versa. respect to the sheath. The metallic circuit split the original inductive action into
I sh o u ld b e v e r y g la d h o w e v e r th a t th e class o f p r a ctica l m e n w h o m n o r e a s o n in g two single-wire actions of half intensity while adding a peristaltic inductive
a ffects sh o u ld h a v e a d e m o n s tr a tio n o n a la r g e scale: b e c a u se as s o o n as th e y h ad w o r k e d action between the two wires tending to increase the charge of both, and thus
th e ir retu rn m e ta llic c ir c u it fo r a w e e k , th e y m ig h t n e x t g iv e th e t w o w ir e s a tu rn o f increase the retardation.
w o r k in g , b o th p o s it iv e ly o r b o th n e g a t iv e ly at th e sa m e t im e . T h e y w o u ld g e t o n rather
If, instead o f working the two wires oppositely, Thomson explained, one
faster (n o t m u c h ) a n d th e n b y th e e n d o f a n o th e r w e e k t h e y m ig h t b e g in to w o r k
operated them together, this peristaltic induction would tend to decrease their
m e ta llic c ir c u it, a n d p a ra llel c u rren ts sim u lta n e o u s ly , g iv in g o n e m e ss a g e b y th e o n e
respective charges and thus decrease the retardation. Siemenss finding of
m e th o d an d a n o th e r in d e p e n d e n tly b y th e o th e r e ith e r in th e sa m e o r in th e o p p o s it e
d ir e c tio n . T h u s t w o w ir e s u n d e r o n e sh ea th c o u ld b e u sed to c o n v e y t w o in d e p e n d e n t
decreased retardation on working oppositely could not derive from electrostatic
m essa g e s sim u lta n e o u sly .^ ^
effects. Electromagnetic action, Thomson suggested, might have been the cause.
A week of reflection and calculation left him not a doubt, or scarcely a doubt of
Lewis Gordon replied from the Submarine Telegraph Works at Birkenhead the truth of this conjecture.^ Over the two or three miles of sample single-wire
with some irony: you have to purge me of a fallacy which I have accepted cable tested by Siemens, electromagnetic self-induction would seriously retard
chiefly on a series of large scale experiments conducted by Werner Siemens and the signal current since the pulse would have a very steep leading edge and since
which prove that when two conductors insulated or isolated from each other are the effect depended on the rate of change of the current. After a few miles,
placed as near together [as possible] in the centre of the same insulating cover of however, the leading edge would flatten out, eliminating further retardation.
gutta percha the charge or retardation is diminished by about In a short, two-wire cable worked in metallic circuit, mutual electromag
netic induction between the oppositely directed currents would largely offset
Minutes of evidence taken before the Submarine Telegraph committee. Parliamentary Papers,
62 (1860), 111. See also SPT, 1, 337^0.
William Thomson to Lewis Gordon, 23rd May, 1857, G131 (copy), ULC. William Thomson to Lewis Gordon, 25th May, 1857, G133 (copy), ULC.
Lewis Gordon to William Thomson, 24th May, 1857, G132, ULC. William Thomson to Lewis Gordon, 2nd June, 1857, GOO, ULC.
666 Energy, economy, and Empire The telegraphic art 667

the self-induction, yielding Siemenss result: The effects... arc undoubtedly, as training of technical personnel, well-paid employment as the reward for such
is clearly shown by Faradays original experiments on the subject, very much training, and finance from industry to fund the research laboratories of
diminished if not reduced quite to zero, by the arrangement experimented on by university professors. This nascent scientific-industrial complex would extend
Werner Siemens which is in fact precisely one of Faradays arrangements. in Thomsons case to a personal share in the rewards of telegraphic industry
Faraday, indeed, would have had as little trouble as Thomson analyzing, through numerous telegraphic patents. Gordon in his letter agreed on behalf of
qualitatively, the entire problem. And anyone thoroughly at home with Newall and Company to the important proposition you make as to our
potential theory, or with Thomsons heat analogy, would soon have come to his patenting your Telegraph inventions for you, under an arrangement that you
conclusion for the electrostatic effects. Yet philosophic electricity remained a should have a share of any profits that may accrue or have the right to give the
subject alien even to the best practical electrical engineers. Gordon and Siemens, use o f them to the Atlantic Telegraph Company gratis. The great venture of
unlike the blundering Whitehouse, belonged with the very best, but even they attempting to lay the first Atlantic telegraph was about to begin, as Gordon
did not approach their work from a thoroughly articulated theoretical reported on 3rd July, 1857:
perspective. Thomson saw telegraphy as an integral part of mathematical T h e w h o le o f o u r p art o f th e A tla n tic C o . c a b le w ill b e sh ip p e d fr o m o u r p r e m ise s th is
physics. There could be no divorce between theory and practice, no double set w e e k . T h e y are g e t tin g it v e r y w e ll o n b o a r d th e Niagara, an d b y th e e n d o f th e m o n t h o r
of natural laws, no idealized rational science to set against real, practical so o n e r I su p p o s e th e e x p e d it io n w ill set sail. A r e y o u g o in g in e ith e r vessel?'*'^
engineering, in which approximate working rules, far more valuable for
practical purposes than rigorous deductions from theory, would be the order of
the day. The making of Sir William Thomson
The telegraph project added to Thomsons verdict an economic imperative The technical problems challenging the Atlantic telegraph engineers were both
that could not be ignored by commercial interests. Gordon had written to enormous in scale and manifold in number. A 2000 mile stretch of stormy and
Thomson: If you can show me that [Siemenss metallic circuit] is.. . fallacious unpredictable North Atlantic Ocean, in parts some three miles in depth, had to
... you will greatly disappoint me but also do me a great kindness for we are now be crossed by the cable laying ships. The vessels, necessarily steamships of a breed
projecting experiments that will cost 4 or 5000 pounds to decide the real practical still relatively primitive, had to be large enough to carry the cable, and had to be
value of the system.C o n t r i t e when Thomsons analysis promised to save his fitted with paying-out machinery adequate for the immense strains involved.
company such a large and useless expense, Gordon wrote that he could only When one reflects that the first Cunarder, an 1100 ton paddle steamer smaller than
thank you sincerely for your letters on the subject of the Metallic C ircuit... I am many coasters of the mid-twentieth century, had crossed the Atlantic as recently
very much inclined to adopt your opinion simply on your Authority as 1840, one gains some perspective on the courage and confidence of these
Such incidents demonstrated forcefully to Gordon and his colleagues that, for Victorian telegraph entrepreneurs.'^
the engineer, economics and natural philosophy were not separate subjects. He Apart from the retardation effects peculiar to the cable itself, and the technical
wrote again to Thomson within a month to inform him: problems of actually manufacturing the cable, the weather posed the greatest
W e are sa d ly at a lo ss fo r a P h ilo s o p h ic assistant w h o is at [th e ] sa m e t im e a p ra ctica l m a n ; challenge. The late spring and summer would be the only possible period, but
o r w h o c o u ld r e a d ily b e c o m e o n e . W e c o u ld a ffo rd to p a y h im w e ll a n d to g iv e h im la r g e even then the Atlantic was notorious for its frequent eastward moving
s c o p e fo r e x p e r im e n ts . C a n y o u h e lp us[?] I f y o u w o u ld lik e u s to s u p p ly you w it h m e a n s depressions, bringing gale-force winds in the best of summer seasons.
fo r e x p e r im e n ts w e sh o u ld b e v e r y h a p p y to su p p ly th e m o n th e n atu ral p r in c ip le o f th e Furthermore, these storms often produced great, heaving swells, affecting
in d u stria l resu lts b e in g fo r o u r a d v a n ta g e . B u t N c w a ll w o u ld lik e to h a v e a sk ilfu l calmer seas many miles away, swells which could easily bring a cable ship to a
e x p e r im e n te r & s u g g e s te r b e sid e h im an d i f y o u k n o w an asp iran t p h ilo s o p h e r an d sudden stop and then send her forward in a violent surge. The chance ofa slender
e x p e r im e n ta lis t let us hear o f h im .
cable about half an inch in diameter surviving the strain of such erratic
Scicncc-bascd industry had here made an explicit appearance, complete with movements was poor indeed. However, as Thomson noted to Helmholtz at the
the emphatic priority of scientific education over practical experience in the end of December, 1856: the practical men have all the experience of previous
I b id .
Gordon to Thomson, o p . c it. (note 37).
I b id . Among many accounts of the Atlantic telegraph, three arc particularly useful; W.H. Russell,
Lewis Gordon to William Thomson, 3rd June, 1857, G134, ULC. (reprinted Newton Abbott, 1972); Bright, S u b m a r i n e t e l e g r a p h s , pp. 23-
T h e A t la n tic te le g r a p h ( 1 8 6 5 )
Lewis Gordon to William Thomson, 3rd July, 1857, G136, ULC. ,56, 78-105; Bern Dibner, T h e A t l a n t i c c a b le (New York, 1959). See also SPT, 1 , 325-96, 481-508.
668 Energy, economy, and Empire The telegraphic art 669

failures, and it is to be hoped have learned some of the causes and will know how cable snapped on 11th August when sudden braking occurred as the Niagara
to avoid them. Altogether, I think there is a good chance of success. plunged into a heavy head sea. The distance run had been 274 nautical miles.
Preparations for the Atlantic cable had been under way since 1854 when With the summer already well advanced, the ships returned to unload the
Cyrus W. Fields syndicate of the New York, Newfoundland, and London remaining cable for winter storage at Plymouth.
Telegraph Company had acquired rights to land cables in Newfoundland. By the spring of 1858, several developments had occurred. Bright and his
Ocean surveys had revealed a telegraph plateau extending across the ocean as a team had entirely changed the paying-out machinery. An extra length of
bed of soft mud made up mainly of microscopic infusoria and gently heavier cable had been manufactured to replace that lost in 1857, and to provide
undulating in depths of 1700 to 2400 fathoms. The engineers decided upon a for additional losses. A decision had been taken to commence laying in mid
course from Valencia Island in South West Ireland to Trinity Bay in ocean, with a period o f preliminary trials to be undertaken in the Bay of Biscay.
Newfoundland, and by 1856 both island countries had been linked into their And, of particular practical value, William Thomson provided a new testing
respective British and American networks of telegraph lines. The Atlantic and receiving instrument, his first marine galvanometer, whose extremely
Telegraph Company was registered in the same year with an initial capital of sensitive reflecting mechanism was capable of detecting very weak signals.
_,(^350000, the merchants and shipowners of Liverpool being the most After an extremely violent storm on passage, during which the Agamemnon
enthusiastic subscribers to the 350 ordinary shares o f X^IOOO each. The chief came close to foundering and taking William Thomson with her, the ships
engineer to the new company was Charles Bright, the electrician was rendezvoused in mid-ocean during June, 1858. Some 500 miles or more of cable
Whitehouse, and the secretary was George Saward. The British Government, was then lost as a result of three partings, and the ships returned to Queenstown
whose blessing may have derived from the fact that the main cable would link (now Cobh) in Ireland for supplies. But then, in only one week, between 29th
the British Isles with British North America rather than the United States, July and 5th August, the two vessels finally laid the first transatlantic cable, even
guaranteed ^ 1 4 000 per annum to the company, and promised ships to assist in though the unfortunate Agamemnon encountered head winds throughout most
the laying o f the cable. The US government, rather reluctantly, gave a similar of her eastbound passage. With the initial communications between the Old
guarantee. World and the New, the celebrations were spontaneous and brilliant, not least
In the short space of four months, 2500 miles of cable, weighing about one ton the setting on fire of New Yorks Town Hall during a torchlight procession. At
per nautical mile, were manufactured, the copper conductor and gutta-percha the age of twenty-six, Charles Bright received his knighthood, and The Times
insulation being produced by the Gutta Percha Company of London, and the observed that since the discovery of Colombus, nothing has been done in any
sheathing by Glass, Elliot and Company of Greenwich and Newall and degree comparable to the vast enlargement which has thus been given to the
Company o f Birkenhead at a total contract price o f ;4^225 000. Meanwhile, sphere of human activity.^^ The President of the United States, James
HMS Agamemnon, a 3200 ton, twin-screw, ninety-one gun battleship, flagship Buchanan, in his reply by telegraph to Queen Victorias congratulatory message
of Admiral Lyons at the bombardment of Sebastopol during the recent Crimean (which had taken sixteen hours to transmit) also captured the emotional appeal
War of 18545, prepared to load half of the cable at Greenwich, while the 5000 of the technical achievement by two nations whose relations since the War of
ton United States naval frigate Niagara, her yacht-like lines contrasting with Independence had not always been so warm:
the solid bulk of the Agamemnon, picked up the other half at B irk en h ea d .T h e T h e P r e sid e n t c o r d ia lly r e c ip r o c a te s th e c o n g r a tu la tio n s o f H e r M a je sty th e Q u e e n o n th e
great expedition made ready to weigh anchor in the summer of 1857, with su ccess o f th e g r e a t in te r n a tio n a l e n te r p r ise a c c o m p lis h e d b y th e sc ie n c e , sk ill, an d
William Thomson aboard the British ship. in d o m ita b le e n e r g y o f th e t w o c o u n tr ie s. It is a tr iu m p h m o r e g lo r io u s b e c a u se far m o r e
Bright and Whitehouse differed on the most effective strategy for laying the u sefu l to M a n k in d than w a s e v e r w o n b y c o n q u e r o r o n th e fie ld o f b a ttle . M a y th e
cable. Because of the time and weather factors. Bright favoured a mid-ocean A tla n tic T e le g r a p h u n d e r th e b le ss in g o f H e a v e n p r o v e to b e a b o n d o f p e r p e tu a l p e a c e
starting point. Under such conditions, the time of laying would be halved, and an d fr ie n d sh ip b e t w e e n th e k in d r e d n a tio n s an d an in s tr u m e n t d e stin e d b y D iv in e

the initial splicing could be carried out when the weather proved suitable. P r o v id e n c e to d iffu se r e lig io n , c iv iliz a tio n , lib e r ty , an d la w s t h r o u g h o u t th e w o r ld .

Whitehouse, on the other hand, who avoided going to sea, regarded the New Yorks mayor, in spite of the accident to his Town Hall, regarded the
advantage o f continuous communication with land as most important, and his success of the cable as a triumph o f science over time and space which would
views prevailed. On 6th August, 1857, the Niagara began laying from the Irish
coast at a speed of two knots, later increased to five. After only minor hitches, the Ibid., pp. 38-41. Ibid., pp. 41-4. Ibid., pp. 44-50.
William Thomson to Hermann Helmholtz, 30th December, 1856, in SPT, 1, 335 7. President James Buchanan to Queen Victoria, 16th August, 1858, A26, ULG; Russell, The
Bright, Submarine telej^raphs, pp. 28-33. Ibid., pp. 33-7. Atlantic telegraph, pp. 26-7.
670 Energy, economy, and Empire The telegraphic art 671

unite more closely the bonds of peace and commercial prosperity, introducing
an era in the worlds history pregnant with results beyond the conception of a
finite mind. And the humble folk of Sackville, New Brunswick, no longer felt
as distant colonists, but that we actually form a part of the glorious British
Empire - God save the Queen!
The triumph was short-lived. The signals rapidly became confused and often
unintelligible, communication being maintained only by Thomsons mirror
instruments. Having transmitted a total of some 732 messages, the cable finally
ceased to function in October, 1858. Congratulatory messages could no longer
be exchanged. As Captain Moriarty of the Agamemnon expressed the sad news in
a letter to William Thomson on 4th October: I am really very sorry for the poor
Atlantic Cable but fear it will never speak again. And it never did. The first
transatlantic cable was dead. The direct cause of death was almost certainly
faulty insulation, due in turn partly to manufacturing weaknesses, partly to
inexperience in handling and storing the cable, partly to the abuse it had received
during the Agamemnon $ June ordeal, and perhaps above all to Whitehouses
over-zealous attempts to send messages through it with five foot long, 2000 volt
induction coils. The Atlantic Telegraph Company made Whitchouse the
scapegoat for the cumulative failures, and gave him the sack as company
electrician when he violated orders not to attempt any drastic remedies on his
own initiative.
Receiving messages from the Great Eastern in the instrument room of the telegraph
Although Whitehouse and Thomson had generally been on friendly terms house on Valencia Island, south-west Ireland. Here Whitehouses use of induction
since their debate in the Athenaeum, Whitehouses claim to have employed his coils had probably shortened the life of the troubled 1858 cable, while in the same
own relay patents to receive signals from America, whereas all the while he had setting Thomsons marine mirror-galvanometer had begun its distinguished career.
been using Thomsons instruments, finally ruptured their relations.^ Even [From the Illustrated London Neu^s.]
apart from this direct clash, the two men were of such differing outlooks that
divergence o f opinion seemed always inevitable. Whitehouse, as we have seen, projects, proved disastrously expensive when used on the Atlantic cable. To
emphasized the virtue of practice over theory, tending to regard practical ignore theory on such a project was a luxury which simply could no longer be
difficulties as obstacles to be overcome by sheer perseverance and relentless afforded. The 2000 mile cable was not a cheap, expendable piece of apparatus,
attack which at times seemed little more than blind brute force. Rather than but an extremely valuable commercial property.
admit the advantages of Thomsons delicate instruments, Whitehouse persisted Thomson, for his part, continued to maintain his stand on the harmony of
in trying to force the cable to operate with his own heavy patents. Again, theory and practice. Writing to J.P. Nichol a few months later, he claimed that
Whitehouse had promised that he could get seven words per minute through the as to the Whitehouse controversy I never yielded a single point but on the
cable with his apparatus. He achieved one word a minute when the cable was contrary affirmed on every occasion, in the most uncompromising terms, the
under test at Devonport, and none at all when the cable was laid.^ Whitehouses truth of each prop^ w^^ had been shown to be a consequence of the theory. That I
rejection of theory - or at least his failure to grasp theory - thus led him to adopt was right on each point is now proved in point of fact. Thomson added that, as
an empirical approach which, though successful enough with small-scale he became acquainted with Whitehouse, he found how to explain his
experiments & to show that his conclusions did not follow from them: but I
D.H. Tieman (Mayor of New York) to Sir Walter Carden (Lord Mayor of London), 21st assented too readily to his own sanguine expectations of what his instruments
August, 1858, A39, ULG; Sackville, New Brunswick to Sir W. Carden, 4th September, 1858 A56 could do. Indeed, he confessed that Whitehouses confident and undoubting
Bright, Submarine telej^raphs, pp. 50-4; SPT, 1, 367-86; Captain Moriarty to William
answers to some of Thomsons fundamental questions had made even Thomson
Thomson, 4th October, 1858, M167, ULC. SPT, 1, 374-7. think that he might possibly work with advantage by his instruments, although
** William Thomson toJ.P. Nichol, 18th March, 1859, N30, ULC. I never believed he could get the seven words a minute w*^ he promised. For this
672 Energy, economy, and Empire The telegraphic art 673

reason Thomson had been hesitant about openly condemning Whitehouse prior
to the direct clash brought about by Whitchouses failure to admit using
Thomsons instruments. Yet Thomson had been privately doubtful of
Whitehouses promises for some time:
E v e n till th e e n d o f F eb [ru a ry ] last y ea r [1 8 5 8 ] h e [ W h ite h o u s e ] w a s c o n f id e n t ly
p r o m is in g in p r in te d r e p o r t 4 w o r d s a m in u te . H e r e w e w e r e r e a d in g in th e n e w s p a p e r s o f
5 w o r d s a m in u t e till s u d d e n ly in a le tte r to th e D ir e c to r s h e c o n g r a tu la te d us th a t n o t less
th a n o n e w o r d a m in u t e w a s secure! T h e n , & n o t till th e n , I b e g a n m o s t r e lu c ta n tly o n m y
reserv e: b e c a u se I w a s m u c h b e tte r p le a se d to le t th e p ra ctica l te le g r a p h ic w o r k b e carried
o u t b y others.*'^

Thomsons hesitation did not find favour with the other anxious directors
of the Atlantic Telegraph Company. They saw no virtue in sparing
Whitehouses feelings. C.M. Lampson wrote to Thomson, then resting at
Invercloy before the College session of 1858-9, on 22nd October, 1858: 1 must
not hide from you that the course you took in relation to our recent difficulties
with Mr Whitehouse added greatly to our troubles at a most critical period of
the Companys affairs & I am therefore much pleased to find that you are at
length convinced that we acted wisely in dismissing Mr Whitehouse.
Lampsons condemnation of Whitehouse was wholehearted, as he added: You William Thomsons mirror-galvanometer as employed at Newfoundland on the
will perhaps remember that 1 expressed my views very firmly when at 1858 Atlantic cable. [From The Science Museum Library, London.]
Plymouth; subsequent experience has shown most clearly that this great
undertaking has been jeopardised & perhaps ruined by at first placing the T h e y [th e C o m m it t e e o f th e C o m p a n y ] say th a t th e y th in k th e d ir e c to r s as a body h ad
electrical department in the hands of a man so inefficient, selfish & unscrupu b e tte r n o t h a v e a n y th in g fu r th e r t o d o w it h W h ite h o u s e as h e w ill n o t b e c o n v in c e d b y
lous.^ After a costly failure, such recriminations and post mortems were a n y th in g th e y m a y say; a n d th at th e ir c o lle c t iv e sta te m e n t u p o n a s c ie n tific su b je c t w o u ld
inevitable. The autumn of 1858 was a time of great disappointment for all n o t b e r e g a r d e d . T h e y h o w e v e r th in k th a t it w o u ld b e p e r fe c tly c o r r e c t o n y o u r part to

concerned in the project. Thomsons delight turned to boredom, as he wrote to d isa b u se th e p u b lic u p o n th e sc ie n tific e rro r s in to w h ic h W h ite h o u s e has fa lle n i f y o u d o

Joule in late September: n o t o b je c t t o th e tr o u b le . Y o u r e x a lte d p o s it io n in sc ie n c e w o u ld g iv e f o r c e a n d e ffe c t to

w h a t y o u t h o u g h t p r o p e r to sa y - w h ic h w o u ld n o t b e th e case i f th e o b se r v a tio n s
In stea d o f te le g r a p h ic w o r k w h ic h , w h e n it has to b e d o n e th r o u g h 2 4 0 0 m ile s o f e m a n a te d fr o m a n y o th e r P e r so n in th e C o m p a n y .
su b m a r in e w ir e , an d w h e n its e ffe cts are in sta n ta n e o u s e x c h a n g e o f id eas b e t w e e n th e o ld
an d n e w w o r ld s , p o ssesses a c o m b in a t io n o f p h y sic a l an d (in th e o r ig in a l sense o f th e At the same time, William Bottomley expressed the hopes that the Government
w o r d ) metaphysical [i.e . m a th e m a tic a l] in te r e st, w h ic h I h a v e n e v e r fo u n d in a n y o th e r would guarantee the interest on the capital of the Company and that the public
sc ie n tific p u rsu it - in ste a d o f this, to w h ic h I lo o k e d fo r w a r d w it h so m u c h p lea su re , 1 could be convinced of the importance of the project both politically and
h a v e h a d , a lm o s t e v e r sin c e 1 a c c e p te d a te m p o r a r y c h a r g e o f th is sta tio n [V a le n c ia ], o n ly commercially. He added that even as a speculative question it is interesting to
th e d u ll an d h ea rtless b u sin ess o f in v e s tig a tin g th e p a t h o lo g y o f fau lts in s u b m e r g e d consider the effect of the T clegraph between Gt Britain & America. For instance:
con d u ctors. ^ the effect certainly would be the equalizing of prices and the restraining of
The Company dispensed with the services of most of its employees by 30th speculation. The stock of cotton for example in America & this country would
November, since it was at present in no financial state to undertake a fresh come to be regarded as one general quantity, the Manchester manufacturers
attempt. The directors recognized, however, that a future attempt would rely would cease to depend so much as they do on the Liverpool merchants, and the
increasingly on the advice of William Thomson, and they rejected totally the latter would be unable to produce those frequent fluctuations in prices according
authority o f Whitehouse as a discredited force: to the accidental demand which affect the Lancashire spinners so injuriously.^^

Ibid. 5* C.M. Lampson to William Thomson, 22nd October, 1858, L9, ULC. George Saward to William Thomson, 9th October, 1858, A109, ULC.
William Thomson to J.P. Joule, 25th September, 1858, in SPT, 1, 378-9. William Bottomley to William Thomson, 19th October, 1858, B275, ULC.
674 Energy, economy, and Empire The telegraphic art 675

Thomson himself contributed to maintaining public interest during the banquet . . . O n M o n d a y t h e 9 th A u g u s t, th e in s u la tio n p r o v e d so b a d to tests at t h e V a le n c ia e n d ,
given in his honour by the citizens of Glasgow on 20th January, 1859. In his th a t e v e n i f it s h o u ld n o t b e c o m e w o r s e , it s e e m e d d o u b tf u l w h e t h e r it w o u ld b e p o ss ib le
speech to the assembled dignitaries he spoke of the success and failures of the past to w o r k th r o u g h th e ca b le . A b o u t m id n ig h t f o llo w in g th a t d a y m e ss a g e s b e g a n t o b e

years telegraphic endeavours, and of the astonishing result of science, from r e c e iv e d at V a le n c ia , w h ic h a lt h o th e y w e r e read w it h care o n t h e m ir r o r in str u m e n t,
c o u ld n o t b e r e c e iv e d b y r e la y in c o n s e q u e n c e o f th e w e a k n e s s o f t h e sig n a l c u rren ts
which no degree of familiarity can remove wonder, namely the transmission of
w h ic h a llo w e d th e m to b e c o n t in u a lly o v e r b o r n e b y irr e g u la r ea r th c u rren ts. A fte r a f e w
messages over long distances. Thomsons speech was published in the Glasgow
d a y s m o r e , it c a m e to b e o n ly at tim e s th a t m e ssa g e s c o u ld b e r ea d a n d th e r e b e g a n to b e
Herald, a paper then, as now, with a wide readership, particularly among the
lo n g e r a n d lo n g e r in te r v a ls d u r in g w h ic h n o se n sib le e ffe c t o f th e sig n a l c u rren ts c o u ld b e
commercial parts of Scottish society.*^ Some attempts were therefore being d is c o v e r e d b y t h e m o s t d e lic a te in str u m e n ts . T h e g r a d u a l d e te r io r a tio n o f th e in su la tio n
made to rebuild the ruins of the 1858 venture. w h ic h th u s g a v e rise t o th e u ltim a te fa ilu r e o f th e in su la tio n c o u ld n o t b u t b e a cc e le r a te d
The ruins, however, were widespread. Most of the Directors of the Atlantic b y th e e ffe c t o f th e s ig n a l c u rren ts e s c a p in g at th e lea k o r lea k s, a n d in d o in g so m e ltin g
Telegraph Company resigned, apparently leaving C.M. Lampson to pay out of a w a y th e r a g g e d e d g e s o f th e g u tt a p e r c h a at th e p la ces o f c o n ta c t b e t w [e e n ] w a te r ,
his own pocket the secretary, clerks, and office expenses until 1864, when the c o p p e r & g .p . so as to e x p o s e a la r g e r area o f c o p p e r to th e water.*^*
revival of the enterprise became more certain.M eanw hile, the old Company
With regard to the improvement o f signalling in a future Atlantic cable,
was in general unable to repay in full all claims upon it. Some of the assets were
Thomson urged Field above all that every possible means should be taken in the
or had been sold, although of course the largest asset of all was irrecoverable.
manufacture to ensure as high a standard of conductivity (of the copper
Cyrus Field, for instance, had sold to the New York jewellers, Messrs Tiffany &
conductor) as possible, as the speed ultimately obtained will depend very much
Company, twenty miles of the cable upon the arrival o f the Niagara. Field
on this. Again, a good speed of working could be achieved with sensitive
reported to Thomson that, on examination, the copper wire in parts of the cable
receiving and recording instruments, in which business Thomson was rapidly
had either separated from or been forced through the gutta-percha insulation,
becoming an expert. In due course his display of technical competence in
and he asked for Thomsons opinion regarding the failure of the 1858 cable.
instrument design was to impress his contemporaries no less than his ability as a
Thomson replied to Fields queries in a lengthy letter dated 2nd July, 1859. His
mathematical physicist, yet for him harmony would always obtain between the
remarks subsequently formed the basis of his evidence on 17th December to the
theories of mathematical physics and the design of instruments (chs. 20 and 22).
Submarine Telegraph Committee consisting of a Committee appointed by the
In April, 1861, the Submarine Telegraph Committee reported on the best
Board of Trade (Douglas Galton, Charles Wheatstone, William Fairbairn and
form for the composition and outer covering of submarine telegraph cables.
G.P. Bidder) and a Committee o f the Atlantic Telegraph Company (Edwin
The first part o f the Report, an account of the principal telegraph lines which
Clark, C.F. Varley, Latimer Clark and George Saward). In his letter to Field,
have been laid, presented detailed analyses o f the stark fact that o f over 11 000
Thomson attributed the defect in cable insulation to three possible causes -
miles of submarine telegraph lines laid since 1851, little more than 3000 miles
bending the core in the gutta percha works too soon after leaving the machines,
were actually working. The length o f failed lines had been greatly enhanced by
or afterwards while heated by workmen engaged either in repairing abrasions or
the 2200 miles o f the Atlantic cable and the 3500 miles of the Red Sea and India
in making joints; allowing portions of the cable to remain too long in the hot
telegraph of 1859-60. Most of the casualties had occurred indeed with deep-sea
pitch bath; or exposing parts of the cable to the sun, as was the case at Greenwich.
cables, defined in the Report as lines laid at depths greater than about 100
In Thomsons opinion, the penetration of the gutta-percha by the copper core
had led to the failure of the cable. Portions of the copper conductor had come
Judging from its membership and from the manner and content of its
into contact with the moist tarred yarn outside the gutta-percha, or been
questioning, the Committee had been established with the conscious intent of
exposed to seawater percolating through the yarn. Thomson then outlined the
formally discrediting Whitehouse and, to a considerable degree, of making him
fateful course of events:
the scapegoat for the failure. The purpose of such an exercise would not only
D e f e c t iv e in su la tio n , w h ic h m u s t h a v e b e e n o c c a s io n e d b y fla w s o f this k in d a d m ittin g have been to allay the fears of potential public investors that any future Atlantic
w a te r , b e g a n t o a p p ea r to an a la r m in g e x te n t b e fo r e th e e n d s o f th e c a b le w e r e la n d e d . cable would be doomed, but more importantly to secure the technical basis for
D u r in g th e first 4 d a y s w e r e c e iv e d at V a le n c ia sc a r c e ly th e slig h te st in d ic a tio n o f a sig n a l
future success by discovering where past inadequacies could be remedied. The

Thomson, op. cit. (note 7). WilUam Thomson to C.W. Field, 2nd July, 1859, A112 (draft), ULC.
Sir George Lampson to William Thomson, 12th July, 1897, LIO, ULC. ** Report of the Submarine Telegraph Committee, Parliamentary Papers, 62 (1860), v-xxxvi,
C.W. Field to William Thomson, 29th June, 1859, Al l l , ULC. esp. pp. v-vii.
676 Energy, economy, and Empire The telegraphic art 677

testimony thus ranged over all aspects, mechanical and electrical, of the design, he could do little but embarrass himself in weak defence of his opinions.
manufacture, testing and laying o f submarine cables. The Committee succeeded Cromwell Varley (1828-83), engineer of the Atlantic Telegraph Company (for
unequivocally in exposing the weaknesses of purely empirical telegraph whom Thomson had high praise and whom we shall meet again as his business
engineering and in consolidating, even institutionalizing, the new status of partner), forced Whitehouse to admit that his five foot long induction coils
theoretical design, laboratory testing, and precision measurements. would produce a spark of a quarter of an inch in the air lasting for a considerable
O f particular interest are the testimonies of Whitehouse and Thomson. The portion of a second and producing so severe a shock in anyone unfortunate
examiners elicited from Whitehouse a thorough statement of his trial-and-error enough to suffer it that they have been almost ready to fa in t. Whitehouse
techniques which, while intended as a self-justification, served as a condemna claimed that this discharge would do little damage to the cable in comparison to
tion both o f himself and his methods when juxtaposed with Thomsons a Daniells battery (Thomsons preferred signal source). Having established that
testimony on basic theory and sensitive measurements. a Daniells battery of 400 cells could not produce a spark over of an inch,
In its very first question the Committee required Whitehouse to identify Varley asked Whitehouse to explain why the battery, acting for the same time as
himself as an amateur: What is your profession? - 1am a member of the College the coils, would produce more damage. I believe the difference to be due to the
of Surgeons, but not now practising; lately I have devoted myself to electro incomparably greater heating power of the Daniell, responded the miserable
telegraphy, and that must be called my profession. By contrast, the Committee witness."^
allowed Thomson to agree to his expert status; You are professor of natural Less entertaining, but of great importance for the developing relation
philosophy in the University of Glasgow - Yes. With identities established, between the telegraph industry and laboratory research, was Thomsons
credentials followed. Whitehouse had conducted practical experiments on evidence concerning testing procedures. Whitehouses test of a cable had
electrical questions for eight or nine years; Thomson had communicated his amounted to little more than attempts to get a signal through by brute force.
work on the science of electricity to the Royal Society. Thomson wanted to know instead the conductivity of the copper, the inductive
The most telling difference between Whitehouse and Thomson emerged, capacity of gutta-percha, the precise resistance of any part o f the cable, and so on.
however, in descriptions of their actual work. Concerning factors affecting He had found in his laboratory, to his own and everyone elses horror, that
velocity of transmission, for example, Whitehouse stated: different samples of commercial copper differed in conductivity by 2:1,
implying from his theory a corresponding message (and profit) ratio.
I e x p e r im e n te d u p o n d iffe r e n t fo r m s o f cu rren t, an d u p o n d iffe r e n t m o d e s o f u sin g th e
sa m e fo r m . I m e a n th e v o lt a ic cu r r e n t as c o n tin u o u s ly e m p lo y e d b y in te r r u p tio n s o r
For the diagnosis of faults in the cable during both manufacture and laying,
r e p e titio n s o f sim ila r c u rren ts, o r o th e r w is e , a lte r n a te ly , a p o s itiv e an d a n e g a tiv e . T h e n I
Thomson advocated in the strongest terms that standardized resistance
tried th e m a g n e to - e le c t r ic c u rren t fr o m th e in d u c tio n p r o c e ss, and fr o m p e r m a n e n t measurements be continuously made:
m a g n e ts also. M y o b je c t w a s to w o r k o u t, as far as I c o u ld p r a c tic a lly , th e b est fo r m o f I c o n sid e r th at th e r e w a s a v e r y g r e a t o m is s io n in th e ap p aratu s o n b o a r d in th e w a n t o f
in str u m e n t f o r u se in su b m a r in e lin es, th e b est fo r m o f c u rren t a n d th e b est m o d e o f u sin g
stan d ard r esista n ce c o ils. I h a d u r g e d o n th e e le c tr ic ia n o f th e c o m p a n y . . . th e v e r y h ig h
im p o r ta n c e o f h a v in g a set o f resistan ce c o ils p r o p e r ly m a d e . . . a d m ittin g o f v a r ia tio n to
th e sm a lle st m ea su r a b le q u a n tity . . . b u t [he] h a d h is o w n sy s te m o f te stin g w h ic h h e
In comparison to this see-if-it-works approach, Thomson described in precise
c o n sid e r e d satisfactory."^
language the results of his mathematical theory: The capacity of the conductor
for charge, or the electrostatic capacity as it is technically called, which Now, however, Thomson was talking to the right people. Among the
influences most seriously the rate of signalling through it, I shewed to depend examiners, Varley had constructed the standards and Professor Wheatstone had
really on the ratio of the diameter of the gutta-percha to the diameter of the developed the instrument for comparison, the famous Wheatstone Bridge.
copper... The mathematical expression which I have found for the electrostatic Asked to state his preferred system of testing a submarine line, Thomson
capacity per unit of length is the specific inductive capacity of the gutta-percha answered decisively: Testing entirely by comparison with absolute standards of
divided by twice the Naperian logarithm of the ratio of the diameters. I resistance. I am not aware that this system of testing by absolute standards of
concluded also that the rate of charging and discharging the cable must be resistance was ever brought into practice by any practical electrician, except Mr
proportioned to the square of the length. Varley, at that time, but the principles were shown long before by Professor
From this point onwards, while the examiners solicited a technical education Wheatstone.
from the professor, they often drove the practical man into corners from which A higher degree of complicity between examiners and witness could hardly
Minutes of evidence, op.cit. (note 35), pp. 69, 110 Ibid., p. 70. Ibid., p. 110. Ibid., pp. 79-80. Ibid., p. 115. Ibid., p. 118.
678 Energy, economy, and Empire The telegraphic art 679

be imagined, but neither could a closer relationship between industry and

science. Pulled by economic necessity and pushed by entrepreneurial scientists
such as Thomson, the twin professions of scientific engineering and research
science were rapidly emerging.
In its verdict on the 1858 failure of the Atlantic cable, the Committee thus
fully set their seal of approval on Thomsons evidence. They drew particular
attention to the alleged objection of Field to extensive experimental tests on
grounds o f time prior to the cables manufacture, to the absence o f protection
from the sun at the Glass, Elliot works, and to the considerable variations in
conductivity, a standard only being adopted after most of the cable had been
manufactured. Further damage had occurred before and during storage in
Plymouth. On the other hand, the Report made special mention of the use of
Professor Thomsons very delicate marine galvanometer after a serious fault in
insulation appeared during laying and to Varleys claim that the working speed
of one word per minute by relay had been doubled with Thomsons instrument.
The Committee concluded:
W e a ttr ib u te th e fa ilu r e o f th is e n te r p r ise t o th e o r ig in a l d e s ig n o f th e c a b le h a v in g b e e n
fa u lty o w i n g to th e a b se n c e o f e x p e r im e n ta l d ata, t o th e m a n u fa c tu r e h a v in g b e e n
c o n d u c te d w it h o u t p r o p e r su p e r v is io n , a n d to th e c a b le n o t h a v in g b e e n h a n d le d , a fter
m a n u fa c tu r e , w it h su ffic ien t care. W e h a v e h a d b e fo r e us sa m p le s o f th e b a d j o in t s w h ic h
e x is te d in th e ca b le b e fo r e it w a s laid; an d w e c a n n o t b u t o b s e r v e that p r a ctica l m e n o u g h t
to h a v e k n o w n th a t th e c a b le w a s d e fe c tiv e , an d to h a v e b e e n a w a r e o f th e lo c a lity o f th e
d e fe c ts, b e fo r e it w a s laid.^^

The second part of the Report considered the construction (divided into
conducting wire, insulating covering, and external protection) and laying Specimens of Atlantic cable: 1838, 1865, and 1866. [From The Science Museum
(divided into preliminary survey, apparatus, and contracts) of submarine cables. Library, London. |
The Committee noted that the whole subject of submarine telegraphy may yet
be said to be in its infancy, and all that has been done has been rather the result of c a b le s e m p l o y i n g a n e w m a t e r ia l , i n d i a - r u b b e r , as in s u l a t i o n o n t h e g r o u n d s t h a t
bold though successful tentative processes than of the application of any well it w o u l d b e m o s t u n w i s e t o a d o p t a n y u n t r i e d m a t e r ia l o r d e s i g n in s o g r e a t a n
ascertained data to the ends to be obtained. They also noted that the success of u n d e r t a k i n g as t h e A t l a n t i c t e l e g r a p h . B y A u g u s t , 1 8 6 3 , t h e C o m m i t t e e h a d
the early submarine lines set unfortunate precedents, such that later cables were recom m ended a c c e p tin g th e te n d e r o f M e s s r s G la s s , E l l i o t a n d C om pany
laid down with no variation as regards the principles of construction under b e c a u s e o f t h a t f i r m s s u c c e s s f u l a n d v a r i e d e x p e r i e n c e in t h e m a n u f a c t u r e a n d
circumstances and conditions entirely different from the o rig in a l.T a k e n su b m erg en ce o f c a b le s in d if f e r e n t p a r ts o f t h e w o r l d . F u r th e r m o r e , th e
together, these remarks pointed in the direction of telegraphic engineering, with C om pany had o ffe r e d to s u b s c r ib e ^ 6 5 0 0 0 to th e o r d in a r y s to c k o f th e
its growing stock of precise quantitative data and its harmony of theory and T e l e g r a p h C o m p a n y a n d t o m a n u f a c t u r e a n d s u b m e r g e t h e c a b le a t s i m p l e c o s t
practice enabling the design of cables for different purposes and conditions w i t h o u t c h a r g i n g a n y p r o f i t o f a n y k i n d e x c e p t in c a s e o f s u c c e s s . In t h a t e v e n t
(notably length) rather than the mere copying of successful precedents. t h e y w e r e t o r e c e i v e a p r o f i t o f 2 0 % in t h e C o m p a n y s s h a r e s , d e l i v e r a b l e t o
Following submission of the Report, the Atlantic Telegraph Company th e m in i n s t a l m e n t s d u r i n g a p e r i o d o f t w e l v e m o n t h s p r o v i d e d t h e c a b le
appointed a scientific consultative committee (consisting of Galton, Fairbairn, c o n t i n u e in p e r f e c t w o r k i n g o r d e r .
Thomson, Wheatstone, and Joseph Whitworth) to examine the tenders and In A p r i l , 1 8 6 4 , t h e G u t t a P e r c h a C o m p a n y m e r g e d w i t h G la s s , E l l i o t t o
samples o f cable from various manufacturers. The Committee rejected those
C.W. Field to William Thomson, 29th August, 1863, F5, ULG (report of the Committee
R e p o r t, o p . c it. (n o te 66), p. ix . I b id ., pp. x iii- x x x ii. enclosed). Russell, The Atlantic telej^rapli. p. 30, states the sum to be /^25 00().
680 Energy, economy, and Empire The telegraphic art 681

The Great Eastern under weigh from Valencia, 23rd July, 1865. [The Science

become the Telegraph Construction and Maintenance Company, with the

Scotsman John Pender as chairman. Pender had made his fortune as a merchant
in textile fabrics in Glasgow and Manchester, and his personal security
apparently did much to see the enterprise through an initially uncertain financial
period when Field could raise a mere ;,(^70000 in the United States towards a
The breaking o f the 1865 Atlantic telegraph cable aboard the Great Eastern. Over
project now requiring capital of at least /^600 000. The Telegraphic Construc 1000 miles o f cable had been paid out when it parted and sank two miles to the ocean
tion and Maintenance Company, with an authorized capital of one million floor. [From the Illustrated London Ncu'i'.l
pounds, absorbed over half of the Atlantic Telegraph Companys stock and
offered ^100000 of bonds. The scientific Committee, meanwhile, guided the 1859. Her early failures coincided, therefore, with the early failures of the
cable specifications.'^^ Atlantic telegraph. Whitehouse had somewhat sarcastically remarked to the
Since America was engaged in its painful Civil "War, no United States naval 1856 British Association that, were the cable dimensions advocated by Thomson
contribution was to be expected. However, the best-known and most to be adopted, Scott Russells Leviathan would be the only ship afloat capable of
controversial ship of the age, child of I.K. Brunei and John Scott Russell, was carrying the cable. His words were wonderfully prophetic. The enormous vessel
available for the Atlantic telegraph project. The Great Eastern, or Leviathan as she was destined to carry the very cable that 'Whitehouse had scorned as
had been popularly known, was indeed a sea monster of over 20000 tons. unnecessary. In its appraisal of the laying of submarine cables, the 185961
Although Rankines remarks on the scientific nature of her construction had Committee expressed the view that, for the purpose of laying a new Atlantic
been appropriate, her career as a passenger vessel had been an unqualified failure, cable, 6000 tons in weight, a vessel would have to be specially constructed, as no
plagued as she was by accidents and other problems magnified by her unique vessel existing, except the Great Eastern, would be adapted to the work. As a
size. She had been launched over a period of weeks - surely the longest launch in suitable expedient, therefore, the Leviathan emerged from lay-up.
shipping history - in 1857-8, and she had first put to sea rather uncertainly in
Report, op. cit. (note 66), p. xxx. See alsoG.S. Emmerson, J o/ih Scott Russell. A great Victorian
Ihid., pp. 29-31; Pibner, The Atlantic cable, pp. 846; Sir John Pender, DNB. engineer and naval architect (London, 1977), pp. 65-157.
682 The tclet^raphic art 683
FjiergY, economy, and Empire

Preparing for the final attempt in 1865 to grapple the lost cable. Apparent waste o f The Great Eastern's, return in 1865. An armada of small craft greet the leviathan off
capital turned to success in 1866 when both the 1865 cable and a new cable were Brighton, while ships officers and Company men take stock from the giant ships
completed by the Great Hasteni. [From the Illustrated London Neufs.] starboard paddle ht)x. [From the Illustrated London News.]

With the ship refitted in time for a cable laying attempt in the summer of Such, then, were the first fruits of mathematical physics. Thomson could truly
1865, and with 500 people aboard, including William Thomson as a consulting regard the Atlantic telegraph enterprise as one which provided both intellectual
expert, the Great Eastern steamed west from Valencia with the new design of satisfaction to himself and material benefits to mankind through the harmony of
cable paying out. Snapping around the half-way point, the cable sank two miles theory and practice. With this British achievement of 1866 the era of the second
to the ocean bed. In vain the epic ship grappled for the thread. But the following industrial revolution had truly dawned:
year a cable was successfully laid in a period of two weeks, and the 1865 cable was
th e p r o g r e ss o f sc ie n c e is sure an d s tr o n g , and is n o t d e p e n d e n t o n th e w e a k p o w e r s o f
picked up and completed also. The major step in the unification of the British
in d iv id u a ls . A f e w years so o n e r o r a f e w y ears later su ch resu lts as are n o w s p o k e n o f m u st
speaking world had at last been achieved, and in recognition of his contribution
h a v e b e e n a c h ie v e d ; th ere can b e n o d o u b t o f that. A b stra ct sc ie n c e has te n d e d v e r y m u c h
to the prestige of the British Empire, Queen Victoria knighted Thomson at
to a c c e le r a te th e resu lts, an d to g iv e th e w o r ld th e b e n e fit o t th o s e resu lts earlier than it
Windsor Castle on 10th November, 1866.^* c o u ld h a v e had t h e m , i f le ft to s tr u g g le fo r th e m an d try fo r th e m b y r ep ea ted effo r ts an d
To mathematical physics, and especially to Fourier, Sir William Thomson rep e a te d failu res, u n g u id e d b y su ch p r in c ip le s as can b e e v o lv e d fr o m th e abstract
owed his strength in commercial telegraphy. He had written to his old teacher in v e s tig a tio n s o f sc ien ce.
Nichol in 1859, the year of Nichols death:
William Thomson, Reply to toast Sir William Thomson, our youngest Burgess celebrating
T h e a n a ly sis [ o f th e e le c tr ic te le g r a p h ] is y o u w ill sec all F o u r ie r s - th at w ^ y o u set
conferment o f the freedom o f the city o f (Jlasgow, 1st November, 1866, in SFT, 1, 504.
m e to read &c w h ic h I to o k u p w it h so m u c h d e lig h t a fte r m y sessio n o f N a tu r a l
P h ilo s o p h y u n d e r y o u . T h is - th e first p ie c e o f p h y sic a l m a th e m a tic s I e v e r t o o k u p , has
b e e n sin ce F o u r ie r s tim e rea d y & quite complete fo r th e te le g r a p h ic p r o b le m s, in c lu d in g
e v e r y p ra ctica l d e ta il resista n ce in r e c e iv in g in str u m e n t (r a d ia tin g p o w e r o f th e e n d o f a
b ar), im p e r fe c t in su la tio n (loss o f h ea t fr o m th e sid es o f a bar) &c.^^

Bright, Submarine telet^raphs, pp. 78 105; SPT, 1, 481 508.

Thomson to Nichol, op. cit. (note 56).
Measurement and marketing 685

I f o n e h a d to s p e c ify a sin g le d e p a r tm e n t o f a c tiv ity to j u s t if y L o r d K e lv in s fa m e , it

20 w o u ld p r o b a b ly b e his w o r k in c o n n e x io n w it h th e e s ta b lish m e n t o f th e sc ie n c e o f
E n e r g y , in th e w id e s t sense in w h ic h it is th e m o st fa r -r e a c h in g c o n s tr u c tio n o f th e last
c e n tu r y in p h y sic a l sc ie n c e . T h is d o c tr in e has n o t o n ly fu r n ish e d a stan d ard o f in d u stria l
Measurement and marketing: v a lu e s w h ic h has e n a b le d m e c h a n ic a l p o w e r in all its r a m ific a tio n s, h o w e v e r r e c o n d ite its
so u rc es m a y b e , to b e m e a su r e d w it h s c ie n tific p r e c isio n as a c o m m e r c ia l asset; it has also,

the economics of electricity in its o th e r a sp ect o f th e c o n tin u a l d iss ip a tio n o f a v a ila b le e n e r g y , c r ea ted th e d o c tr in e o f
in o r g a n ic e v o lu t io n an d c h a n g e d o u r c o n c e p tio n s o f th e m a te r ia l u n iv erse .^

Not only, Larmor went on, did he enlarge and enforce the advantages of a
In p h y sic a l sc ie n c e a first essen tia l step in th e d ir e c tio n o f le a r n in g a n y universal correlated system of units, such as had been developed in the narrower
su b je c t is to fin d p r in c ip le s o f n u m e r ic a l r e c k o n in g an d m e th o d s fo r field of the distribution of terrestrial gravity and terrestrial magnetism by Gauss
p r a c tic a b ly m e a su r in g s o m e q u a lity c o n n e c te d w it h it. I o fte n say that w h e n and Weber because in fact they were indispensable to international cooperation
y o u can m ea su re w h a t y o u arc sp e a k in g a b o u t, a n d e x p ress it in n u m b e r s , in these subjects: he was also the prime mover in starting those determinations of
y o u k n o w s o m e t h in g a b o u t it; b u t w h e n y o u c a n n o t m ea su re it, w h e n y o u absolute constants of nature and of numerical relations between the various
c a n n o t ex p r e ss it in n u m b e r s , y o u r k n o w le d g e is o f a m e a g r e an d natural standards, which, repeated and refined by a long line of eminent
u n sa tisfa c to r y k in d : it m a y b e th e b e g in in g o f k n o w le d g e , b u t y o u h a v e successors, are now the special care of governments, as affording the universal
sc a r c e ly , in y o u r th o u g h ts , a d v a n c e d to th e sta g e o f science . . . Sir William
data on which modern exact engineering is ultimately based.
Thomson, Electrical units o f measurement, 1883^
Larmors comments here remind us of the wider context for Thomsons
commitment to precision laboratory measurement as fundamental to the all-
pervasive quest for economy. Writing, for example, to Stokes in April, 1866,
Sir Williams public success with the Atlantic cable, and the close relation
Thomson praised Maxwells latest report of his experimental researches on the
thereby established between laboratory testing and electrical industry, opened
viscosity of gases, particularly for the very satisfactory evidence it contains as to
the way for his ambitious marketing of scientific knowledge. In particular,
the accuracy of the results in absolute measure. He went on:
through a carefully developed and cleverly exploited system of patents and
partnerships, his financial returns on scientific capital reached significant heights I h o p e M a x w e ll w i l l soon b e ab le t o se ttle th e v e r y im p o r ta n t q u e s tio n o f slip fo r liq u id s.

from 1869, in which year the Atlantic telegraph companies agreed to a In v e s tig a tio n s o f th is k in d are o f n a tio n a l im p o r ta n c e , an d a n y th in g th a t m o n e y can d o to
p r o m o te t h e m , w h e th e r b y s u p p ly in g a c o n v e n ie n t e x p e r im e n ta l la b o r a to r y , an d a
settlement of ;(j7000, with a future annual payment of ;(^2500, to Sir William
su ffic ien t n u m b e r o f th o r o u g h ly q u a lifie d o p e r a to r s to carry o u t th e w o r k , o r in a n y
and his partners, Fleeming Jenkin and Cromwell Varley.
o th e r w a y o u g h t to b e d o n e b y th e g o v e r n m e n t. I f th e g o v e r n m e n t k n e w its o w n in te rest
In all large-scale electrical projects, such as the development of electric
e v e n o n a [siV] str ic tly an d sim p ly e c o n o m ic a l g r o u n d s , it w o u ld d o e v e r y t h in g that
lighting, the introduction of electric traction for trams and trains, and the use of m o n e y can d o to p r o m o te th e execution o f g o o d e x p e r im e n ts . . . C o u ld n o t th e R o y a l
hydroelectric power for the new British aluminium industry. Sir William S o c ie ty m o v e g o v e r n m e n t fo r th e e s ta b lish m e n t o f la b o r a to r ie s fo r in v e s tig a tio n , in
regarded the question of economy as paramount. Again and again he sought w h ic h te a c h in g w o u ld b e t h o r o u g h ly su b o r d in a te to th e search fo r n e w k n o w le d g e o f
both to minimize waste of useful work or available energy, and to compare the p r o p e r tie s o f m atter.'*
economy of different systems of power transmission or of different forms of
Thomson concluded his plea with a conviction that were such a laboratory to be
motive power. With his enduring commitment to the concept of work,
established in London with Stokes or Maxwell, or both, in charge, the results
therefore, and to the theme of economy, his specific concerns with the
would be worth hundreds of fold the annual cost, even in material economies w^
economics of electricity provide an explicit exemplification or embodiment of
would arise from the knowledge gained. Furthermore, the directors of such an
the labour theory of value.
institution ... would naturally form an advisory council for the gov' (admiralty,
army, customs &c) which would save hundreds of thousands wasted in useless
Electrical units o f measurement: the absolute system
experiments on a large scale, for every thousand spent in keeping up the
In his obituary notice of Lord Kelvin, Joseph Larmor perceptively noted the proposed laboratory.
close relation between Thomsons energy doctrines and his concern with units
^ JL, xxix. ^ Ibid., p. li.
of measurement: * William Thomson to G.G. Stokes, 11th April, 1866, RR.6.17H, Royal Society o f London. See
PL, 1, 73. also EL, 2, 144, for Sir W illiams public promotion o f the idea in 1871.

686 Energy, economy, and Empire Measurement and marketing 687

Thirty years later, Thomsons hopes had yet to be fulfilled. In 1896 the name As is well known, it was at the 1861 Manchester meeting o f the British
o f Kelvin headed a list of sixty-two scientific signatories on behalf of the British Association, following a paper by Latimer Clark and Sir Charles Bright, that
Association to a memorandum petitioning the government for the establish William Thomson (who was not actually present) proposed the formation of a
ment of a National Physical Laboratory. The petitioners argued that Experi British Association committee on standards of electrical resistence."^ Latimer
ence has shewn that there are certain operations and measurements many of Clark later explained the significance of the paper:
which have been proved to be of great practical utility which can be best It is in te r e stin g n o t o n ly as b e in g th e ea r lie st d o c u m e n t o n th e su b je c t, b u t also b e c a u se it is
undertaken by highly trained officials attached to an Institution .specially a p r o p o sa l fo r a s y s te m o f p e r fe c tly in te r -d e p e n d e n t u n its f o u n d e d o n m e tr ic a l m ea su re,
devoted to scientific investigations. These investigations had three principal & o n an e le c tr o -s ta tic b ase. A s a sy s te m o f practical u n its it is in fa ct a lm o s t id e n tic a l w it h
divisions: th a t w h ic h h as b e e n fin a lly a d o p te d an d is n o w in u se, th e V o lts . O h m s , Farads & c. h a v in g
th e sa m e u n ita r y c o r r e la tio n . 1 k n e w n o t h in g o f W e b e r s w o r k , a n d t h o u g h I k n e w w h a t
(1) The observation of natural phenomena, the study of which must be j o u l e w a s d o in g a n d k n e w o f th e n u m e r ic a l r e la tio n sh ip o f h e a t, p o w e r & e le c tr ic ity , I
prolonged through periods of time longer than the average duration of life; w a s n o t m a th e m a tic ia n e n o u g h to se e th e e n o r m o u s v a lu e o f an a b so lu te sy s te m , fo u n d e d
(2) The testing and verification of instruments for physical investigation, and o n m ass, t im e , & sp a ce . It is th is w h ic h h as g a in e d fo r th e B r itish S y s te m o f E lec trica l
the preservation of standards for reference; and M e a s u r e m e n t its u n iv e r sa l a c c e p ta n c e b y m ank in d .
(3) The systematic accurate determination of physical constants and of
Clarks concluding sentence here underlines once again the universal nature of
numerical data which may be useful either for scientific or industrial
the new language of absolute units, crucially identified with the British system
of electrical measurement, which we first noted in Chapter 11 with Thomsons
These divisions reflected very precisely the nature of the numerous committees facetious remarks to Tait concerning the displacement of Latin as the universal
of the British Association in which Thomson had played such a leading role since language of mankind. The age of the new imperialism, founded upon the
the 1860s. Whether devoted to the subject of underground temperatures, tides, language of physical science, had truly dawned.
or electrical standards, all had been committed to the goal of numerical The specific aim of the BAAS Committee, fulfilled in six principal reports
observation and accurate measurement. published between 1862 and 1869, was to determine what would be the most
The ultimate outcome of the British Association campaign was the opening convenient unit of resistance and what would be the best form and material for
of the government-funded National Physical Laboratory near Hampton Court the standard representing that unit. As early as the provisional report of 1862, the
by the Prince of Wales (later King George V) in March, 1902. Seconding the Committee laid down as one of several desirable qualities that the unit of
vote of thanks, Kelvin emphasized again the scientific importance of resistance, in common with the other units of the system, should, as far as
exceedingly minute and accurate measurements, which, though they might not possible, bear a definite relation to the unit of work, the great connecting link
strike the popular imagination, were the foundation of the most brilliant between all physical measurements.^ In the adoption of mechanical work as the
discoveries.^ We now turn to the earlier history of those measurements, measure of all things we immediately perceive the commanding presence of
measurements which, in the absence of a National Physical Laboratory, were William Thomson himself, who had asserted this role for work as early as 1845
largely undertaken in university physical laboratories on behalf of the specialist and, with Tait, had made it the foundation of all natural philosophy in the
committees of the British Association. Treatise.
The second report (1863) offers the most concise account of the ingredients in
^ British Association to Lord Kelvin enclosing copy o f printed memorandum National Physical
Laboratory, 30th January, 1897, B303-3a, ULC. The memorandum was dated 2nd December, SPT, 1, 417-18. See Latimer Clark and Sir Charles Bright, On the formation o f standards o f
1896. It pointed out that, as early as 1891, Oliver Lodge had urged the British Association to promote electrical quantity and resistance, BAAS Report, 31 (1861), 37-8, pointing out the need for standards
the creation o f such an institution. The Royal Society and other scientific bodies joined in support o f or units o f electrical potential, absolute quantity, current, and resistance, asking the aid and
the scheme. The signatories included industrialists such as Lord Armstrong as well as physicists, authority o f the British Association in introducing such standards into practical use, and indicating
chemists and engineers. The supporters appealed particularly to the precedent o f the Physikalisch- the necessity for a nomenclature in order to adapt the system to the wants o f practical telegraphists.
Technische Reichsanstalt established near Berlin in the 1880s through the inspiration o f Helmholtz and The same BAAS Report (pp. xxxix-xl) announced the appointment o f the electrical resistance-
Werner von Siemens (who had contributed 12 500) to promote both pure research and delicate standards Committee consisting initially o f Profs Williamson, Wheatstone, Thomson, and Miller,
operations o f standardising and testing to meet the wants o f investigators and to facilitate the Dr Matthiessen (all FRSs) and Mr Fleeming jenkin.
application o f science to industry. See also David Cahan, Werner Siemens and the origin o f the * Latimer Clark to Sir William Thomson, 3rd May, 1883, C91, ULC. Clark added that, although
Physikalisch-Technische Reichsanstalt, 1872-1887, Hist. Stud. Phys. Sci., 12 (1982), 253^83. the paper was a joint one, the orij^inal ideas emanated from m e.
* SPT, 2 , 1165. See also Edward Pyatt, The National Physical Laboratory. A history (Bristol, 1983), Provisional report o f the Committee appointed by the British Association on standards o f
esp. pp. 12-35, for a general background. electrical resistance, BAAS Report, 32 (1862), 125-63, on p. 126.
688 Energy, economy, and Empire Measurement and marketing 689

a satisfactory absolute system of electrical measurement. From the beginning, c o h e r e n t sy s te m . It ap p ears p r o b a b le that th e n a m e o f d e r iv e d u n its w o u ld m o r e r e a d ily
the Committee made clear that it viewed this comparatively limited question c o n v e y th e r e q u ir e d id ea th an th e w o r d a b s o lu te , o r th e n a m e o f m e c h a n ic a l u n its m ig h t
[of resistance] as one part only of the much larger subject of general electrical h a v e b e e n a d o p te d ; b u t w h e n a w o r d has o n c e b e e n g e n e r a lly a c c e p te d , it is u n d e sir a b le to

measurement. Not surprisingly, given Thomsons central role, the Committee in tr o d u c e a n e w w o r d to e x p r e ss th e sa m e id e a . T h e o b je c t o r u se o f th e a b so lu te sy s te m o f

u n its m a y b e e x p r e s se d b y sa y in g th a t it a v o id s u seless c o e ffic ie n ts in p a ssin g fr o m o n e
after mature consideration held the view that the system of so-called absolute
k in d o f m e a s u r e m e n t to a n o th e r . . . [th e in tr o d u c tio n o f n u m e r o u s fa cto r s] is a v e r y
electrical units, based on purely mechanical measurements, is not only the best
se rio u s a n n o y a n c e , an d m o r e o v e r , w h e r e th e re la tio n s b e t w e e n v a r io u s k in d s o f
system yet proposed, but is the only one consistent with our present knowledge
m e a su r e m e n t are n o t im m e d ia t e ly a p p a r e n t, th e u se o f th e c o h e r e n t o r a b so lu te sy s te m
both of the relations existing between the various electrical phenomena and of w ill le a d m u c h m o r e ra p id ly to a g e n e r a l k n o w le d g e o f th e se r e la tio n s th an th e m e r e
the connexion between these and the fundamental measurements of time, space, p u b lic a tio n o f fo r m u la e .* ^
and mass. Implementation of this desirable system, the Committee noted,
depended upon the accurate measurement of electrical resistance in absolute In harmony with Thomsons enduring commitment to simplifying techniques
units, now made possible by the success of Maxwells, Stewarts, and Jenkins and the saving of brains, the report stated that the absolute system was thus not
employment of a method devised by Thomson.^ only the best practical system, but it is the only rational system since Every one
The Committee began by making clear the meaning of such a system: will readily perceive the absurdity of attempting to teach geometry with a unit
of capacity so defined that the contents of a cube should be 6J times the
T h e w o r d a b s o lu te in th e p r e se n t se n se is u sed as o p p o s e d to th e w o r d r e la tiv e ; . . . in
arithmetical cube of one side . . . but geometry so taught would not be one whit
o th e r w o r d s , it d o e s n o t m e a n th a t th e m e a su r e m e n ts o r u n its are a b s o lu te ly c o r r e c t, b u t
more absurd than the science of electricity would become unless the absolute
o n ly th a t th e m e a su r e m e n t, in stea d o f b e in g a s im p le c o m p a r is o n w it h an arb itra ry
q u a n tity o f th e sa m e k in d as th a t m e a su r e d , is m a d e b y r e fe r e n c e to certa in fu n d a m e n ta l
system of units were adopted.
u n its o f a n o th e r k in d tr ea ted as p o stu la tes.* *
Having thereby set out persuasively the rationale for the absolute system, the
Committee explained that in determining the unit of electrical resistance and
The report illustrated the issue by reference to the relative power of an engine the other electrical units, we must simply follow the natural relation existing
expressed as equal to the power of so many horses without reference to units of between the various electrical quantities, and between these and the fundamen
space, mass, or time (although all these ideas are necessarily involved in any idea tal units of time, mass, and space. The relations to one another of the four
of work). On the other hand, the power of an engine when expressed in foot electrical phenomena susceptible of measurement - current, electromotive
pounds is measured in a kind of absolute measurement, i.e. not by reference to force, resistance, and quantity - were expressed by two simple equations
another source of power, such as a horse or a man, but by reference to the units of determined experimentally; O hm s law from which it followed that the unit
weight and length simply - units which have been long in general use, and may electromotive force must produce the unit current in a circuit of unit resistance;
be treated as fundamental. and Faradays relation of quantity of electricity to current and time, from which
The unit of force assumed here, however, weight, was itself arbitrarily chosen it followed that the unit of quantity must be the quantity conveyed by the unit
and inconstant, being dependent upon latitude. The Committee therefore current in the unit of time. Any other relations would yield useless and absurd
adopted Gausss dynamical unit, just as Thomson had urged since his early factors or coefficients in the two equations.
lectures at Glasgow (ch. 11). In Gausss true absolute measurement the unit of The report next moved to a crucial phase in the argument. From O hm s law
force is defined as the force capable of producing the unit velocity in the unit of and Faradays relation alone, it follows that only two of the electrical units could
mass when it has acted on it for the unit of time. Hence this force acting through be arbitrarily chosen, even if the natural relation between electrical and
the unit o f space performs the absolute unit of work. In these two definitions, mechanical measurements were disregarded . . . Such a system would be
time, mass, and space are alone involved and the units in which these are coherent; and if all mechanical, chemical, and thermal effects produced by
measured, i.e. the second, gramme, and metre, will alone, in what follows, be electricity could be neglected, such a system might perhaps be called absolute.
considered as fundamental units. Consequently, they emphasized: But such effects could not be neglected;
th e w o r d a b so lu te is in te n d e d to c o n v e y th e id ea that th e n atu ral c o n n e x io n b e t w e e n o n e all o u r k n o w le d g e o f e le c tr ic ity is d e r iv e d fr o m th e m e c h a n ic a l, c h e m ic a l, a n d th e r m a l
k in d o f m a g n itu d e an d a n o th e r has b e e n a tte n d e d to , a n d th a t all th e u n its fo r m p art o f a effe c ts w h ic h it p r o d u c e s, an d th e se e ffe c ts c a n n o t b e ig n o r e d in a tru e a b so lu te sy s te m .
C h e m ic a l an d th e r m a l effe c ts arc, h o w e v e r , n o w all m e a su r e d b y r e fe r e n c e to th e
"* Report o f the Committee appointed by the British Association on standards o f electrical
resistance, B A A S Report, 33 (1863), 111-76, esp. p. 111. SPT, 1, 418-19, states that the main part o f
the report (pp. 111-24) was drafted by Thomson. Report, op. cit. (note 10), p. 112. Ihid., pp. 112-13. Ibid., p. 113. Ibid., pp. 113 14.
690 Energy, economy, and Empire Measurement and marketing 691

m e c h a n ic a l u n it o f w o r k ; an d th e r e fo r e , in fo r m in g a c o h e r e n t ele c tr ic a l s y s te m , th e /= /Lm/F, (5)

c h e m ic a l a n d th e r m a l e ffe cts m a y b e n e g le c te d , an d it is o n ly n ecessa ry to a tte n d to th e
c o n n e x io n b e t w e e n e le c tr ic a l m a g n itu d e s an d th e m e c h a n ic a l u n its. W h a t, th e n , are th e
where/ = force, m = magnetic strength of the pole (measured in mechanical
m e c h a n ic a l effe c ts o b s e r v e d in c o n n e x io n w it h electricity?* units), fe= radius of the conductor placed in a circle round the pole, and
L = length of conductor. It followed that the unit length of the unit current
First, as shown by Joule, the work (or heat or chemical action equivalent to must produce the unit force on a unit pole at the unit distance. Equations (1), (2),
work) performed by a current in a circuit is directly proportional to the square of (3), and (5) thus yielded a distinct absolute system of units, called by Weber the
the current, to the time during which it acts, and to the resistance of the circuit. electromagnetic units.
This third fundamental equation affecting the four electrical quantities The Committee next explained how electrical measurements can be
represents the most important connexion between them and the mechanical practically made in such electromagnetic units. Provided the horizontal force
units whereby the unit current flowing for a unit of time through a circuit of (H) of the earths magnetism be known, currents were easily measured by means
unit resistance will perform a unit of work or its equivalent. The three equations of a tangent galvanometer and an equation derived from (5):
still left the series of units undefined, however, since one unit might be
arbitrarily chosen from which the three other units would be deduced by the / = Hk^jL tan d. (6 )
three equations. A second relation between mechanical and electrical measure where the deflection produced by the current. Measurement of quantity of
ments existed in the form of the inverse square law from which it followed that electricity could be simply obtained, for example, by measuring the swing of a
the unit quantity [of electricity] should be that which at a unit distance repels a galvanometer needle when a single instantaneous discharge is allowed to pass
similar and equal quantity with unit force. Thus the four equations were: through it. Then
/ = E/R (Ohms law). (1) [if] w e c o u ld m e a su r e resista n ce in a b s o lu te m ea su re, th e w h o le sy s te m o f p ractical
Q = It (Faradays relation). (2) a b so lu te m e a s u r e m e n t w o u ld b e c o m p le te , sin c e , w h e n th e cu r r e n t a n d resistan ce are
w = PRt (Joules law). (3) k n o w n , e q u a tio n (1) ( O h m s la w ) d ir e c tly g iv e s th e e le c t r o m o tiv e fo r c e p r o d u c in g th e
F = Q/d^ (Coulombs law). (4) c u rren t. T h e o b je c t o f th e e x p e r im e n ts o f t h e S u b - C o m m it t e e (m a d e at K in g s C o lle g e
. . .) w a s th e r e fo r e to d e te r m in e th e r esista n ce o f a c erta in p ie c e o f w ir e in th e a b so lu te
where / = current, = electromotive force, /^ = resistance, Q = quantity, sy s te m , in ord er fr o m th is o n e ca refu l d e te r m in a tio n to c o n str u c t th e m ater ia l
r = time, d= distance, F = force, W work. These four equations are sufficient r e p r e s e n ta tiv e o f th e a b so lu te u n it w it h w h ic h all o th e r resistan ces w o u ld b e c o m p a r e d b y
to measure all electrical phenomena by reference to time, mass, and space only, w e ll- k n o w n m eth od s.*
or, in other words, to determine the four electrical units by reference to
The Committee summarized the methods by which the absolute resistance of
mechanical units. Equation (4) at once determines the [electrostatic] unit of
a wire could be measured. First, starting from equation (3) in 1851, Professor
quantity, which, by equation (2), determines the unit current; the unit of
Thomson had determined absolute resistance by means of Dr Joules
resistance is then determined by equation (3), and the unit electromotive force
experimental measurement of the heat developed in the wire by a current; and
by equation (1). Here, then, is one absolute or coherent system, starting from an
by this method he obtained a result which agrees within about 5 per cent, with
effect produced by electricity when at rest. This electrostatical system of units
our latest experiments. This method is the simplest of all, so far as the mental
had been so-called by Weber, though without reference to equation (3), i.e.
conception is concerned, and is probably susceptible of very considerable
without reference to the idea of work, introduced into the system by Thomson
and Helmholtz.*^ accuracy.*^
Second, Indirect methods depending on the electromotive force induced in a
As this system was based on a statical phenomenon, whereas at present the
wire moving across a magnetic field have . . . now been more accurately
chief applications of electricity are dynamic, depending on electricity in motion,
applied. In the simplest (though barely practicable) case, a straight conductor
or on voltaic currents with their accompanying electromagnetic effects, a more
with its two ends resting on two conducting rails of large section in connexion
useful system would involve the retention of the first three equations and the
with the earth would move perpendicularly to the magnetic lines of force and to
replacement of equation (4) by a different relation between electrical and
mechanical magnitudes. Thus the force exerted on the pole of a magnet by a
Ibid., p. 115. Ibid., pp. 116, 143-4.
current in its neighbourhood is a purely mechanical phenomenon such that * Ibid., p. 116. Sec William Thomson, Applications o f the principle o f mechanical effect to the
measurement o f electromotive forces and o f galvanic resistance in absolute units, Phil. [series
Ibid., p. 114. 0 Ibid., pp. 114-15. 4|. 2 (1851), 551-62; MPP, 1, 49(K502.
692 Energy, economy, and Empire Measurement and marketing 693

its own length, thereby developing a current in the circuit. The action of the required in the simple fundamental equations. The economy, simplicity and
magnetic force on this current would also resist the motion. Given uniform practicality of the method used and apparatus employed had all the hallmarks of
motion, the work done by the current would be equivalent to that done in Thomsons scientific style:
moving the conductor against the resistance. T h e ap p aratu s c o n sis te d o f t w o circu la r c o ils o f c o p p e r w ir e , a b o u t o n e f o o t in d ia m e te r ,
From the equation for the resisting force. p la c e d sid e b y sid e, an d c o n n e c te d in series; th e se c o ils r e v o lv e d r o u n d a v e r tic a l a x is, and
w e r e d r iv e n b y a b e lt fr o m a h a n d -w in c h , fitte d w it h H u y g h e n s g ea r to p r o d u c e a
/ = SLI, (7)
s e n s ib ly c o n sta n t d r iv in g - p o w e r . A sm a ll m a g n e t, w it h a m ir r o r a tta c h e d , w a s h u n g in
where S = pole strength or intensity. With V the velocity of the conductor, the th e c e n tr e o f th e t w o c o ils , a n d th e d e fle c tio n s o f this m a g n e t w e r e read b y a te le sc o p e
work was fr o m th e r e fle c tio n o f a scale in th e m ir r o r . A fr ic tio n a l g o v e r n o r c o n tr o lle d th e sp ee d o f
th e r e v o lv in g c o il.^ '
W = VSLIt.
So sensitive was the apparatus, indeed, that the oscillations in deflection
By equation (3), W = PRt, and hence the resistance was produced by the passage of steamers on the Thames at no great distance from
R = VSLll. (8) the place of experiments were of very sensible magnitude.
The sub-Committees results yielded an absolute unit of resistance about 8%
Since both I and 5 could be obtained in absolute measure this relation gave larger than the unit as derived from a German-silver coil recently measured by
absolute resistance. As a consequence, the resistance o f a conductor in absolute Weber; 6.5% larger than that published by Weber of Siemenss mercury units;
measure is really expressed by a velocity . .. that is . .. the resistance of a circuit is 5% smaller than that derived from coils issued by Thomson in 1858 based on
the velocity with which a conductor of unit length must move across a magnetic Jacobis standard and a previous determination from Joules silver wire. The
field of unit intensity in order to generate a unit current in the circuit. Similarly, values agreed most closely with an old determination of a copper standard made
from equations (1) and (8) we have by Weber for Thomson. At the same time, the sub-Committees experiments
E = VSL, (9)
agreed with one another to within 12%.^^ The Committee concluded its
discussion of the subject of absolute units thus:
so that the unit length of a conductor moving with unit velocity perpendicu
T h e s u b - C o m m it t e e e s p e c ia lly u r g e th e r e p e titio n o f th e e x p e r im e n ts , as w it h th e
larly across the lines of force of a magnetic field will produce a unit
im p r o v e m e n t s a lr e a d y e n u m e r a te d , a n d o t h e r m in o r a lte r a tio n s, th e y c o n f id e n t ly e x p e c t
electromotive force between its two ends. This relation is the one Weber had
a c o n s id e r a b ly c lo s e r a p p r o x im a tio n to th e a b so lu te u n it th a n th e y h a v e h ith e r to
made fundamental in advance of equation (3), Joules work-heat relation. o b ta in e d . It w ill b e w e ll h e r e to r em a rk th a t, a c c o r d in g to th e r e s o lu tio n o f th e
A more practicable method of determining absolute resistance involved a C o m m it t e e o f 1 8 6 1 , th e c o ils, w h e n issu ed , w ill n o t b e c a lle d a b so lu te u n its, b u t th e u n its
circular coil of known dimensions revolving with known velocity about an axis o f th e B r itish A s so c ia tio n ; so that a n y su b s e q u e n t im p r o v e m e n t in e x p e r im e n ta l a b so lu te
in a magnetic field of known intensity. Although Weber had determined m e a su r e m e n t w ill n o t e n ta il a c h a n g e in th e stan d ard , b u t o n ly a tr iflin g c o r r e c tio n in
absolute resistance of many wires by this method, the laborious determination of th o s e c a lc u la tio n s w h ic h in v o lv e th e c o r r e la tio n o f th e p h y sic a l fo rces.
the intensity of the magnetic field, and its inconstant value for the earth,
Subsequent reports of the Committee told of the progress made in the
rendered the method less useful than that due to Thomson and adopted by the
practical development of the conclusions of 1863 which in effect had announced
sub-Committec at Kings College. In Thomsons method, a knowledge of the
the adoption of the absolute electromagnetic system of measurement based on
intensity of the magnetic field was unnecessary, the equation for resistance
the metre, gramme and second. Thus the 1864 Report dealt with the rigorous
deriving from (1), (3), and (5) above:
measurements of resistance made since the 1863 experiments and set out a
R = L^VI4khnn d. ( 10) detailed table of the approximate relative values of various units of electrical
resistance against the BA unit or Ohmad (equal to lO"^ m/s according to
The resistance was thus expressed in electromagnetic absolute units: The essence
experiments of the Standards C o m m itte e ).In 1865 the Committee reported
of Professor Thomsons method consists in substituting, by aid of the laws of
that the object for which they were first appointed has now been accomplished:
electromagnetic induction, the measurements of a velocity and a deflection for
the more complex and therefore less accurate measurements of work and force Ibid., pp. 118-19, 163-76. Ibid., p. 120. Ibid., p. 121. ^4 _ p ]22.
Report o f the Committee on standards o f electrical resistance, B A A S Report, 34 (1864),
Report, op. cit. (note 10), pp. 116-18. 343-f)7, esp. pp. 345-9.
694 E n e r g y , e c o n o m y , a n d E m p ir e M e a s u r e m e n t a n d m a r k e tin g 695

T h e u n it o f e le c tr ic a l r esista n ce has b e e n c h o se n a n d d e te r m in e d b y fresh e x p e r im e n ts ; th e

stan d ard s h a v e b een p rep a r e d , a n d c o p ie s o f th e se sta n d ard s h a v e b e e n m a d e w it h th e
sa m e care as w a s e m p lo y e d in a d ju stin g th e sta n d a rd s th e m s e lv e s; s e v e n te e n o f th e se
c o p ie s h a v e b e e n g iv e n a w a y , a n d six te e n h a v e b e e n sold .^ *

The recipients of the free copies included the Directors of Public Telegraphs in
nine continental states as well as India and Australia. Copies sold at ^ 2 10s each.
The purchasers included telegraphic companies in Switzerland, while in Britain
the leading commercial operators promised to use the unit exclusively. Overall
the Committee aimed the standard coils not at institutions where they would
probably have laid [sic] on a shelf useless and unknown, but rather to distribute
them widely, where they might become available to practical electricians.^^
In the fifth Report (1867) Thomson provided a comprehensive analysis of
electrometers. Here the familiar concept of work formed the basic principle for
the construction of his instruments. He had been assigned the task of making
experimental determination of the difference of potentials or electromotive
force in absolute measure. The task of determining a unit of capacity had
meanwhile occupied Matthiessen, Jenkin, and others for two years, but no
progress had been made with current measurements.^* The sixth Report (1869)
set out the experiments of Thomson and Maxwell on the determination of v, the
ratio between the electrostatic and electromagnetic u n i t s .A final notice from
the Committee in 1870 recommended its replacement by three smaller
committees to determine and issue, first, a condenser representing the unit of William Thom sons original divided ring electrometer (c.l857-f)0) typified his
capacity; second, a gauge for showing the unit difference of potential; and, third, enduring concerns with sensitive, delicate measuring instruments. In his 1867 B A A S
Report Thomson classified this type and its more advanced descendant, the quadrant
an electrodynamometer adapted to measure the intensity of currents in a
electrometer, as symmetrical electrometers, in accordance with the shape and
decimal multiple of the absolute measure. The Committee noted that its kinematical relations o f their parts. This instrument vvas adapted for measuring
principal achievement had been to make the absolute measure of resistance a potentials (of batteries, cables, or atmosphere, for example) in the range f.lOO-c.500
tangible and practical operation, a choice subsequently ratified by men of V. (From The Science Museum Library; further details o f construction in George
science over a great portion of the globe. Green and J.T. Lloyd, Kelvins instruments and the Kelvin museum, pp. 21-2.1

A decade later, that ratification took the form of the first International
Congress on electrical standards, held at Paris in September, 1881. Helmholtz represented by a mercury column o f appropriate length to be decided after
and Thomson were foreign vice-presidents, and publicly disputed whether or further research. The Congress agreed to the names of the units: ohm, volt,
not to accept Siemenss unit of resistance (a column of mercury one metre in farad, coulomb, and ampere (rather than weber). In 1884 the fourth meeting of
length) or the BA unit. The eventual compromise accepted the BA ohm the Paris Congress agreed to a standard of resistance to be called the legal ohm,
the resistance of a column of mercury 106 centimetres long and one square
Report o f the Committee on standards o f electrical resistance, B A A S Report, 35 (1865),
308-13, on p. 308. Ibid., pp. 310-11. millimetre in section.
Report o f the Committee on standards o f electrical resistance, B A A S Report, 37 (1867), 474- Meanwhile, the BAAS Committee on standards of electrical measurement
522, csp. pp. 476-9. The Committee also reported Joules determination o f the mechanical
equivalent o f heat by electrical methods using the Com mittees standard o f resistance (pp. 474-5). See SPT, 2 ,7 7 3 -5 . The names ohm , volt and farad, as well as the dynamical units o f force
For a detailed and illustrated description o f Thomsons electrical instruments in general, and his and work in the CGS system, the dyne and erg, had been adopted in The first report o f the
electrometers in particular, see George Green and J.T. Lloyd, Kelvin's instruments and the Kelvin Committee for the selection and nomenclature o f dynamical and electrical units, B A A S Report, 43
museum (Glasgow, 1970), pp. 18-44. (1873), 222-5. Thomson, Maxwell and Jenkin were members. J.D. Everett, on behalf o f the
Report o f the Committee on standards o f electrical resistance, B A A S Report, 39 (1869), Committee, published his Illustrations o f the centimetre-gramme-second . . . system o f units (London,
4348. 1875). See also Report o f the Committee .. . appointed for the purpose o f constructing and issuing
Report o f the Committee on standards o f electrical resistance, B/1/15 Report, 40 (1870), practical standards for use in electrical measurements, B A A S Report, 54 (1884), 29-32, for the
14 15. adoption o f the legal ohm and its relation to the BA ohm.
696 E n e r g y , e c o n o m y , a n d E m p ir e M e a s u r e m e n t a n d m a r k e tin g 697

William Thom sons quadrant electrometer (1872). A highly sensitive improved

form o f the divided ring electrometer, it had four quadrants instead o f two half rings
as the symmetrical fixed conductors at different electric potentials. The indication o f
the force was produced by means o f an electrified body moveable symmetrically in William Thom sons electrostatic voltmeter (1887), based on electrometer principles,
either direction from a middle position in this field. The instrument measured but developed for use in the electrical industry (lighting and power). This type o f
potential difference to 0.01 V. (From The Science Museum Library; further details in instrument measured potemials in the range 400-10000 V. [From The Science
George Green and J.T. Lloyd, Kelvins instruments and the Kelvin museum, pp, 22-4; Museum Library; further details in George Green and J.T. Lloyd, Kelvins instruments
B A A S Report, 37 (1867), 490-7.) and the Kelvin museum, pp. 25-7.)
698 E n e r g y , e c o n o m y , a n d E m p ir e M e a s u r e m e n t a n d m a r k e tin g 699

had been reactivated in 1880. It continued to report annually and Sir William named after an Admiral Fleeming, one of his fathers protectors in the navy.
remained a member until his death. Much o f its activity centred on Lord Fleemings early years proved no less exotic than his ancestry. After attending
Rayleighs redeterminations of the BA ohm at Cambridge with the work of Edinburgh Academy (where Maxwell was his senior and Tait his class-mate), he
testing resistance coils taking place at the Cavendish L a b o ra to ry .T h e nature moved with his family to Frankfurt, Paris and Genoa in turn. In large part
of the work convinced Thomson of the pressing need for a government impelled by difficult financial circumstances at home, the family would have
laboratory. Thus, as President of the Institution of Electrical Engineers in 1889, found attractive both the favourable living costs in continental Europe and the
he used his authority to promote the establishment of an electrical standardizing opportunities for a rich and varied education for Fleeming. Staunchly liberal in
laboratory, which we hope is to be taken in hand by our Government. Y e t it politics, Jenkin found himself not only in sympathy with the revolutions of
had been the British Association, and not the government, which, in Thomsons 1848, but actually present in the heart of the Paris and Genoa disturbances.^^
view, had done most to serve the needs o f commerce in the nineteenth century: Impressed with the progress of liberal ideas in Italy, Fleeming enrolled as the
T h o s e w h o p e r ille d a n d lo st th e ir m o n e y in th e o r ig in a l A tla n tic T e le g r a p h w e r e first protestant student at the University of Genoa, where he encountered
im p e lle d a n d s u p p o r te d b y a sen se o f th e g r a n d e u r o f th e ir e n te r p r ise , an d o f th e w o r ld electromagnetism in the physical laboratory of Professor Bancalari. Obtaining
w id e b e n e fits w h ic h m u st f lo w fr o m its s u c c e s s . . . b u t th e y little t h o u g h t . . . w h e n th e Master of Arts with first class honours, he returned to England in 1851 and
a ssistan ce o f t h e B r itish A s s o c ia tio n w a s in v o k e d to su p p ly th e ir elec tr ic ia n s w it h m e th o d s became an apprentice to Fairbairns of Manchester. As though treading the
fo r a b so lu te m e a su r e m e n t ( w h ic h th e y fo u n d n ece ssa r y to se cu re th e b est e c o n o m ic a l earlier track of James Thomson, Jenkin moved five years later to work as a
retu rn fo r th e ir e x p e n d itu r e , an d to o b v ia te an d d e te c t th o s e fau lts in th e ir e le c tr ic draughtsman for Penns marine engine works at Greenwich building steam-
m a ter ia l w h ic h h a d le d to d isa ster), t h e y w e r e la y in g th e f o u n d a tio n fo r a ccu rate e le c tr ic engines for ships of war. By then wholly absorbed in the poetry of engineering
m e a su r e m e n t in e v e r y sc ie n tific la b o r a to r y in th e w o r ld , an d in itia tin g a train o f
he moved to Lewis Gordons firm of Liddell and Gordon in 1857 and became
in v e s tig a tio n w h ic h n o w sen d s u p b ra n ch es in to th e lo ftie s t r e g io n s an d su b tlest e th e r o f
deeply involved in marine telegraph engineering thereafter, especially through
n a tu ra l p h ilo s o p h y . L o n g m a y th e B r itish A s so c ia tio n c o n t in u e a b o n d o f u n io n , a n d a
m e d iu m fo r th e in te r c h a n g e o f g o o d o ffices b e t w e e n sc ie n c e an d th e world!^"*
Gordons association with the cable-manufacturing firm of R.S. Newall of
Birkenhead, one of the Atlantic cable contractors.^"^
Given Jenkins interests, education, and political commitments, it is not
Partnerships and patents surprising to find Thomson describing their first meeting thus:
In th e b e g in n in g o f th e y e a r 1 8 5 9 m y f o r m e r c o lle a g u e , L e w is G o r d o n . . . c a m e to
Moreover I do like this bloodless, painless combat with wood and iron, forcing
G la s g o w to se e a p p aratu s fo r te s tin g su b m a r in e c a b les a n d s ig n a llin g th r o u g h th e m . . . A s
the stubborn rascals to do my will, licking the clumsy cubs into an active shape, s o o n as h e h a d seen s o m e t h in g o f w h a t 1 h a d in h a n d , h e said to m e , I w o u ld lik e to s h o w
seeing the child of todays thought working tomorrow in full vigour at his th is to a y o u n g m a n o f r e m a r k a b le a b ility , at p r esen t e n g a g e d in o u r w o r k s at B ir k e n
appointed task. Penned from Birkenhead in April, 1858, to his fiancee at the h e a d . F le e m in g j e n k in w a s a c c o r d in g ly te le g r a p h e d fo r , a n d a p p e a r e d n e x t m o r n in g in
beginning o f a career largely devoted to telegraph engineering, these remarks of G la s g o w . H e r e m a in e d fo r a w e e k , s p e n d in g th e w h o le d a y in m y class r o o m an d
Fleemingjenkin (183385) serve to illuminate something of the raison detre for la b o r a to r y , an d th u s p le a sa n tly b e g a n o u r lif e lo n g a c q u a in ta n c e . I w a s m u c h stru ck , n o t
the subsequent business partnership and personal friendship between Jenkin and o n ly w it h his b r ig h tn e s s a n d a b ility , b u t w it h his r e s o lu tio n to u n d e r sta n d e v e r y t h in g
Thomson from early 1859.^ s p o k e n o f , to see i f p o ss ib le t h o r o u g h ly th r o u g h e v e r y d ifficu lt q u e s tio n , a n d (n o if a b o u t
Son of a Royal Navy officer who had earlier served as a midshipman on the this!) to slur o v e r n o th in g . I s o o n fo u n d th a t th o r o u g h n e s s o f h o n e s t y w a s as s tr o n g ly

guardship watching over Napoleons St Helena exile and of a mother whose e n g r a in e d in th e s c ie n tific as in th e m o r a l sid e o f h is character.^

wild, partly Scottish family had settled injamaica, Jenkin was born in Kent and Thomson further explained how in that week the electric telegraph and,
particularly, submarine cables, and the methods, machines, and instruments for
For example, Report o f the Committee . . . appointed for the purpose o f constructing and laying, testing, and using them, formed naturally the chief subject of our
issuing practical standards for use in electrical measurements, B A A S Report, 52 (1882), 70-1; 53
(1883), 41-5. See also Sir William Thomson to Lord Rayleigh, 19th October, 1882, in SPT, 2 , 789-
conversations as it did much of the subsequent well-sustained fire of letters on
90, referring to the 1882 Paris Congress. each side about the physical qualities of submarine cables, and the practical
^ Sir William Thomson to E.E.N. Mascart, 4th June, 1889, in SPT, 2 , 886-7. The Committee results attainable in the way of rapid signalling through them. Yet Thomson
had expressed the desirability o f a National Standardizing Laboratory for Electrical Instruments in
their 1886 Report. See B A A S Report, 5 6 (1886), 146. PL, 2 , 161-2. Ihid., pp. xi-xlvi. Ibid., pp. xlvii-lxii.
Fleemingjenkinto Anne Austin, 18th April, 1858, in R.L. Stevenson (ed.), PapmundmeiMciro/ Sir William Thomson, N ote on the contributions o f Fleeming Jenkin to electrical and
Fleemitij^ Jenkin (2 vols., London, 1887), 1, pp. Ixxv lxxvi. engineering science, in Papers and memoir of Fleeming Jenkin, 1, pp. clv-clix, on p. civ.
700 E n e r g y , e c o n o m y , a n d E m p ir e M e a s u r e m e n t a n d m a r k e tin g 701

soon found Jenkin remarkably interested in science generally, and full of Thomsons fourth patent, a joint one with Jenkin under the general beading of
intelligent eagerness on many particular questions of dynamics and physics. Improvements in the means of telegraphic communication (1860), marked the
With regard to the Birkenhead works, Jenkin evidently fulfilled the role of beginning of his famous business partnership. Yet it was to be some nine years
philosophical assistant, the position which Gordon and Newall had so anx before substantial economic rewards accrued to the partners from the Atlantic
iously sought to fill in 1857. Availing himself of the opportunities and facilities telegraph itself
for experiment, Jenkin there began definite scientific investigation of the In the meantime, the initial aim of the 1860 patent partnership seems to have
copper resistance of the conductor, and the insulating resistance and specific been a bid to exploit Jenkins close involvement with the important but
inductive capacity of its gutta-percha coating, in the factory, in various stages of technically troubled Red Sea cable which would form a major part o f telegraphic
manufacture; and he was the very first to introduce systematically into practice communication between Britain and her Indian empire. The final agreement
the grand system of absolute measurement founded in Germany by Gauss and between the new partners had three main clauses. First, the first three thousand
Weber. It can scarcely be known generally, Thomson noted, how much of this pounds of clear profits (from either patent) shall be divided equally between us.
step, with its immense value to telegraphy in particular, was due to Jenkin. In Second, the second three thousand pounds of clear profits shall be divided into
1859, for example, Jenkins measurements of the specific resistance of gutta three shares of which you [Thomson] shall receive two and I [Jenkin] shall
percha were apparently the only results in the way of absolute measurements of receive one. And third, thereafter our interest in the patents shall be equal.
the electric resistance of an insulating material which had then been made.^ Under this arrangement, then, there would be complete pooling of patents, a
Jenkins work from the beginning exemplified to perfection Thomsons own sharing of patent property, with no difference in our interest in the two patents
deep commitment to scientific engineering, precision measurement and labora and no special clauses having reference to particular transactions. In short, the
tory research and testing. More than that, Jenkins researches and their publica arrangement aimed at efficient marketing of the patents.^^^
tion owed a very great deal to Thomsons guidance. As Jenkin wrote to the The correspondence between the partners quickly reveals Jenkin to be as
professor in August, 1859: shrewd a businessman as Thomsons father. Thus in July, 1863, he delivered a
stern lecture to their electrical instrument supplier, James White of Glasgow:
I a m v e r y h a p p y to sa y th a t M essrs R .S . N [ e w a ll] & C o . h a v e c o n s e n te d to m y
c o m m u n ic a t in g m y e x p e r im e n ts th r o u g h y o u e ith e r to th e R . S. o r th e B ' Ass" . . . S h o u ld Y o u m u st tr y to k e e p y o u r a c c o u n ts a g a in st P r o f T h o m s o n & m y s e lf in a little m o r e
b o th th ese p a p ers b e se n t to th e R o y a l S o c ie ty o r o n e o f th e m to th e B r itish A s so c ia tio n ? in te llig ib le fa sh io n . . . In o r d e r to a v o id c o n f u s io n P r o f T h o m s o n & m y s e lf h a v e a g r e e d
S h o u ld th e y b e w r itte n f u lly o r c o n c is e ly ? H o w s o o n sh o u ld th e y b e read y? P ra y g iv e m e th at all in str u m e n ts m a d e u n d e r o u r p a te n ts sh all b e c h a r g e d t o T h o m s o n & J e n k in . . .
s o m e a d v ic e o n th e se p o in ts in o r d e r th a t I m a y d o as m u c h c r e d it as I can b o th to y o u r s e lf Y o u w ill also p lea se to m a k e o u t y o u r b ill r e g u la r ly at X m a s & M id s u m m e r o f ea ch year
as m y in tr o d u c e r an d to M essrs N e w a ll. W h e r e can I b u y o r p r o c u r e th e v a r io u s p ap ers o n an d th e se a c c o u n ts sh o u ld b e m a d e o u t in th e f o llo w in g fo r m [H e r e J e n k in g a v e d e ta ile d
e le c tr ic ity y o u h a v e p u b lish e d ? I a m w o r k in g at th e h ig h e r ca lc u lu s an d d o n o t d esp a ir o f in str u c tio n s o n h o w th e a c c o u n ts s h o u ld b e k e p t] . . . A s an e x a m p le o f h o w I w is h this
m a n a g in g it."* d o n e 1 w ill h a v e y o u r a lm o st u n in t e llig ib le a c c o u n t o f last y ea r a b stra cted in th e w a y I
p r o p o s e an d se n t y o u as a m o d e l.
A year after the first meeting of Thomson andjenkin, William wrote to James
in February, 1860, with important news: Again, in late 1865, Jenkin advised against Thomsons patenting of his improve
ment to electrometers on the grounds that firms would not pay royalties on
D id I tell y o u th a t a M r F. J e n k in , w h o s e e x p e r im e n ts o n c a b le s w e r e c o m m u n ic a t e d to
th e B r itish A s so c ia tio n , h as j o in e d m e in m y p a te n t, I h a v in g a ssig n e d h im a c h a r g e , a n d
testing instruments but would simply seek to devise some dodge which will do
that w e h a v e m a d e j o i n t p r o p o sa ls t o th e R e d Sea D ir e c to r s w h ic h I th in k h a v e a g o o d
without infringing patents. By contrast The signalling instruments are a
c h a n c e o f b e in g a c cep ted ? I a m still w o r k in g hard at th e e le c tr o m e te r , an d I h o p e at last wholly different case - if they really are better than other peoples they will earn
h a v e s o m e t h in g c o n v e n ie n t fo r g e n e r a l use." for the Atlantic so many pounds for every pound they earn for us - but no testing
instrument will do this, at least not obviously."*"^
Ibid., pp. d vi-clvii. Sir. William drew particular attention to Jenkins determination at In 1865Jenkin and Thomson added C.F. Varley (1828-83) to their marketing
Birkenhead o f the specific inductive capacity o f gutta-percha; This was the very first true
measurement o f the specific inductive capacity o f a dielectric which had been made after the
partnership. First involved in practical telegraphy as early as 1846-7, Varley was
discovery by Faraday o f the existence o f the property, and his primitive measurement o f it for the an engineer with the Electric & International Telegraph Company, and had
three substances, glass, shellac, and sulphur; and at the time when jenkin made his measurements, the
existence o f specific inductive capacity was cither unknown, or ignored, or denied, by almost all the
scientific authorities o f the day. See also MPP, 6, 336-8. Fleeming Jenkin to William Thomson, 3rd January, 1860, J25, ULG.
Fleeming Jenkin to William Thomson, 4th August, 1859, J13, ULG. Fleeming Jenkin to James White, 23rd July, 1863, J48, ULG.
William to James Thomson, 14th February, 1860, in SPT, 1, 408. Fleeming Jenkin to William Thomson, 17th November, 1865, J54, ULG.
702 E n e r g y , e c o n o m y , a n d E m p ir e M e a s u r e m e n t a n d m a r k e tin j^ 703

cleverly estimated the position of a fault on the Companys Dutch cable in noted in 1867 that he had been asked for assistance concerning a new (possibly
1853/ Varley had been prominent also in the Atlantic telegraph project, and the French) Atlantic cable and had answered that I could give every assistance
once again employed his expertise to locate faults. As early as 1858, Thomson except that of expediting the transmission of messages. Ide believed he could
wrote that Varleys report [to the Company] is, in my opinion, evidence ofhigh report on other systems but felt that that Atlantic agreement places one in a
scientific and practical talent, and a few months later Varley asked Thomson most awkward position and may be the means of not only fettering one directly
where I may see copies of your papers on Electricity."^^ Varley also played a key but of preventing the obtaining an appointment as Engineer to an independent
role at the Board of Trade Inquiry, indicating a complete convergence of Varley company.
and Thomson in opposition to Whitehouse (ch. 19). N ot surprisingly, therefore, At the same time, the agreement itself did not yield the rewards expected by
the three telegraphic experts (Thomson, Jenkin and Varley) came together just the partners. The root of the trouble appeared to be the 1866 financial reconstruc
prior to the Great Eastern's first cable-laying expedition. tion whereby the Anglo American Telegraph Company had been formed to
Writing to Thomson in February, 1865, Varley reminded him that seven finance and operate the still-troubled enterprise. Varley in July, 1867, feared we
years of his first patent had expired. It seems to me, he explained, most shall have trouble because it appears that the Atlantic Tel. Co. have not raised the
important for all, not only that the term should be elongated as much as possible, /(lOO 000 to pay oflf the construction co. & therefore they are not likely to pay a
but that foreign patents should be secured. It would be very hard indeed after so dividend this year . . . If the 8% [Stock] be paid a deferred dividend we should at
much labour, to sec others making the apparatus, and using them, abroad. But least be paid a deferred percentage.A few months later, while attempting to
Varley already had an answer: secure patents in the United States, Varley urged Sir William to remember if
I h a v e c o n s u lte d F le m in g [sic] J e n k in as to w h a t w o u ld b e th e b est c o u r se to a d o p t, a n d h e
the A. A. T. Co. disown our claim on them under the Agreement with the A. T.
is o f o p in io n th a t I sh o u ld b e in v e s te d w it h p o w e r o n b e h a lf o f all to n e g o t ia te w it h th e Co. we can charge them what we like.*
T e l[e g r a p h ] C o n s tr u c tio n & M [a in te n a n ]c e C o . fo r th e sale to th e m o f o u r in v e n tio n fo r it Meanwhile, some form of litigation seemed inevitable. In October, 1867, the
is clea r that i f th e y w e r e m a d e to u n d e r sta n d its v a lu e t h e y m ig h t m a k e t r e m e n d o u s Atlantic Telegraph Companys solicitors advised the partners solicitors that the
p r o fits b y it, w h ile p a y in g in a c o m p a r a tiv e ly m o d e r a te su m , w h ic h w o u ld still b e a la rg e Company, acting fully in accordance with the terms o f that agreement,
p r o fit fo r u s . . . A s s o o n as w h a t w e h a v e d o n e b e c o m e s a fait a c c o m p li, all th e w o r ld w ill proposed paying 3% upon the net earnings of the Company, earnings which
b e str iv in g t o rival u s, & it is v e r y d esir a b le to a v o id litig a tio n . C o u ld w e g e t th e T e . amounted to just over ^35000, equivalent to about ;1000 in royalties. After
C o n s tr u c tio n & M n c e . C o . to ta k e it u p , n o o n e u n less p o ssessed o f g r e a t m e a n s, w o u ld consultation with Archibald Smith, the partners solicitors replied that the claim
dare to fig h t it. W h a t is m o r e im p o r ta n t th e ir in flu e n c e w o u ld b e se cu red to p r o te c t it at
was for 3% before the deductions to the Anglo American Co. & that unless the
h o m e & a b ro a d .
Company agreed to that proposition we were instructed to file a Bill.^
Varley added in a postscript that it is most desirable to keep our operations as Following sustained wrangling but eventual compromise without litigation,
dark as much as possible as there are others in the field trying to see what they can a new agreement favourable to the partners appeared in draft form in mid-1868,
do. Ide therefore aimed to get the necessary agreement drawn up and submitted though not in final form until 1869. This time the agreement was drawn up
to Thomson for approval. between the partners and both the Atlantic and the Anglo American Telegraph
That agreement between the partners and the Telegraph Construction and Companies. First, the Atlantic Company agreed to pay 7000 to Thomson,
Maintenance Company was signed in June, 1865. Varley and Thomson mean Varley and Jenkin in satisfaction of their claims under the old agreement. In
while took out a patent for Improvements in electric telegraphs which in return, all legal proceedings by the partners against the Company would
cluded Varleys patent for the interposition of condensers to accelerate henceforth cease. Second, both Companies shall pay to Thomson, Varley &
signalling."^ The partners thus seemed in a commanding position to benefit Jenkin 3000 [reduced to 2500 in the final agreement] a year, quarterly for ten
from the double success of the Atlantic telegraph project in 1866 and from the years from the 13th of May 1868 subject to the provisions for suspension and
great expansion of ocean telegraphy which rapidly followed. determination of the payment hereinafter contained. In return, the Companies
Not all of the business arrangements proceeded smoothly, however. Jenkin shall be entitled to use in the present Atlantic Cables and in any other Cables

C.F. Varley to William Thomson, lOth October, 1859, V2, ULG. Fleeming Jenkin to Sir William Thomson, 3rd July, 1867, J71, ULG.
William Thomson to George Saward,24th September, 1858, in SPT, 1,377 8; C.F. Varley to C.F. Varley to Sir William Thomson, 16th February, 1867, V16, ULG.
William Thomson, 2nd April, 1859, VI, ULG. C.F. Varley to Sir William Thomson, c. November, 1867, C18, ULG.
C.F. Varley to William Thomson, 20th February, 1865, V9, ULG. 52 Freshfields to Sharpe, Parkers & Pritchard, 31 st October, 1867; Sharpe, Parkers & Pritchard to
C.F. Varley to William Thomson, 16th May, 1865, VIO, ULG; SPT, 1, .5.52-3. Sir William Thomson, 2nd November, 1867, S25, ULG.
704 E n e r g y , e c o n o m y , a n d E m p ir e M e a s u r e m e n t a n d m a r k e tin g 705

having the same Termini the inventions described in the Specifications men wrangling over relatively minor clauses insisted upon by the Companies. The
tioned in the annexed list.^ legal problems prompted an exasperated Varley to exclaim that English Law &
The patents included in the 1868-9 Agreement consisted of three by Varley its mode of administration is the most unholy institution ever devised by
(1856,1860, and 1862), one by Thomson (the 1858 Improvements in testing and man.^ Yet the partners had evidently struck a bargain very much to their
working electric telegraphs which centred on the mirror galvanometer), one by advantage. From this success. Sir William would have the resources not only to
Thomson andjenkin (1860), and one by Varley and Thomson (the 1865 curb fund his laboratory and industrial interests, but to enhance dramatically his life
key for improved rates of sig n allin g ).O n c e again, the pooling of patent style on Clydeside.
property improved profitability and marketing to the commercial telegraph In 1881, for example, Sir William reported to Jenkin that the quadrant
concerns. electrometer, the mirror galvanometer, and the last recorder patent were
Third, the Agreement of 1868-9 laid down that If there shall be a total bringing the partners ^3000 from the Eastern Telegraph Company, ^^2100
interruption of communication across the Atlantic caused by the failure of all the from the Eastern Extension, and from the Anglo.'^ Two years earlier, Sir
Companies Atlantic Cables, the payment shall be suspended during the period William had derived an income of ;,(^5500 from telegraph patents, while the
of total interruption. Fourth, Thomson, Varley andjenkin shall not give to any Thomson-Jenkin partnership as consulting engineers to different telegraph
other Company the right to use their inventions in any cable laid across the undertakings apparently brought them several thousand pounds each year. Sir
Atlantic on more favourable terms than those of this agreement. William had purchased his large schooner yacht in 1870 and had begun
A crucial fifth clause gave the partners a specially privileged relationship with construction of his Largs home, Netherhall, in the mid-1870s, a modest baro
the Companies compared to any future rival patentees: nial-style mansion which cost some ^12000 up to 1890. At the same time, he
I f a n y in v e n tio n s sh a ll b e m a d e a n d fu r n ish ed to th e C o m p a n ie s b y a n y o th e r p e r so n s
had offered substantial sums (;^1000 in 1869 and ^^2000 in 1874) to Glasgow
w h e r e b y th e C o m p a n ie s sh a ll b e e n a b le d w it h o u t u sin g a n y o f th e m e a n s d e sc r ib e d in th e College, sums which, by funding Thomson Experimental Scholarships to
S a id S p e c ific a tio n as fu r n ish e d to th e m b y T h o m s o n , V a r le y & J e n k in to sig n a l th r o u g h assist deserving students and the Neil Arnott Demonstratorship in the physical
th e C a b le s b e tte r a n d faster than t h e y can d o b y u s in g su ch m e a n s th e n th e C o m p a n ie s laboratory, in effect represented reinvestment of capital in a highly lucrative
m a y g iv e a t w e lv e m o n th s n o tic e to d e te r m in e this A g r e e m e n t b u t in th at case th e y w ill enterprise.^
g iv e T h o m s o n , V a r le y & J e n k in e v e r y o p p o r tu n it y a n d fa c ility fo r s tu d y in g an d Among the large-scale telegraphic projects which followed the success of the
e n d e a v o u r in g to su p e r se d e th e riv a l in v e n tio n , a n d i f b e fo r e th e e n d o f th e t w e lv e m o n th s 1866 Atlantic cable, the French Atlantic cable of 1869 figured prominently.
T h o m s o n , V a r le y & J e n k in shall fu r n ish th e C o m p a n ie s w it h th e m e a n s o f s ig n a llin g
Though French financiers apparently negotiated the required concessions, the
th r o u g h th e C a b le s as w e ll a n d as fast as th e y can d o b y th e r iv a l in v e n tio n s th e n o tic e sh all
Company was essentially British. Varley and Thomson served as consulting
d r o p . A n d in c o n sid e r a tio n o f th e se r v ic e s r e n d e r e d to th e C o m p a n ie s th r o u g h o u t b y Sir
electricians, Jenkin as one of the three engineers, the Telegraph Construction
W illia m T h o m s o n , M r V a r le y a n d M r j e n k in th e D ir e c to r s w ill c o n str u e this cla u se in th e
m o s t lib era l m a n n e r .
Company of Blackwall provided the cable, and the Great Eastern laid the line
from Brest (where Sir William was stationed) to St Pierre off Newfoundland.*
This important clause effectively ruled out successful rivals for at least a decade. Once again, the project demonstrated British industrial and technological
Not surprisingly did Sir William claim in 1883 that all signalling on ocean domination of the most advanced engineering of the period. Sir William and his
telegraphs from 1866 to 1883 was carried out with his instruments.^ partners were especially active in the early 1870s promoting further ocean lines
Final agreement, reached only in mid-1869, had been delayed by much (notably to Brazil) and assisting in the design of purpose-built cable-laying

Draft Articles o f agreem ent.. . 1868 between Sir William Thomson, Cromwell Fleetwood ** C.F. Varley to Sir William Thomson, 5th June, 1869, V5, ULC. The appointment o f an
Varley and Fleemingjenkin o f the first part, the Atlantic Telegraph Company o f the second part and independent barrister to draw up the agreement in its final form seems to have brought the
The Anglo American Telegraph Company (Limited) o f the third part, J92, ULG. See especially protracted dispute to an end. SPT, 2, 650n.
C.F. Varley to Sir William Thomson, 6th July, 1868, V22, ULG, where Varley stated that he (on See H.I. Sharlin, Lord Kelvin: the dynamic Victorian (Pittsburgh, 1979), p. 199; SPT, 2, 650n.
behalfof the partners) had negotiated the financial settlement with Sir Richard Glass (on behalf o f the SPT, 1, 554-7; 2, 585, 649-50.
telegraph companies). Archibald Smith drew up the draft agreement. The X;7000 was not paid to the ^0 Ibid., 552-3. C.F. Varley to Sir William Thomson 17th July, 1868, V26, ULG, where Varley
partners until July, 1869. j{)1500 was credited to Sir William, /)500 retained for Varleys use, and the had arranged for Thomson and himself to receive X^3(KX) for one year from the French Company in
balance o f X^50(X) was placed on deposit to the credit o f the three patentees. See Sharpe, Parker & their capacity as consultants. See also C.F. Varley to Sir William Thomson, 21st June, 1869, V6,
Pritchard to Sir William Thomson, 19th July, 1869, S86, ULG. The subsequent annual payment ULC. Varley confidently reported from the Great Eastern that Everything works like success.
seems to have been X^25(X) in the final agreement. See Bircham & Co. to Sharpe, Parkers & Pritchard, Clark, Jenkin and Varley reported in July that w e find that for all commercial purposes the line is in
2nd March, 1869, S30 (copy), ULG. Draft Articles o f agreement, op. cit. (note 53). perfect working order. See Societe du Cable Transatlantique Franiais to Sir William Thomson, 15-
MPP, 2, 650. 16th July, 1869, S276, ULC.
706 E n e r g y , e c o n o m y , a n d E m p ir e M e a s u r e m e n t a n d m a r k e tin g 707

vessels which would supersede for all time the limitations of adapted ships such b e e n b e tte r o f f an d as far o n in th e race t o w a r d s th e a c m e o f e c o n o m y an d p r o d u c tiv e
as the Great Eastern (ch. 21). c a p a b ility , b u t fo r th e v a lu e im p a r te d to in v e n t iv e ta le n t b y a p a te n t law?^^
At precisely the time when Sir William and his partners began to prosper
Days analysis of the British patent system draws attention therefore to the
from the patent system, public dissatisfaction with British patent laws reached
perceived interdependence of the patent law and the economic and social
new levels. The patent system had remained largely unreformed up to 1852
system, the political economy of the nation. Several of his further remarks
when a new Patent Law Amendment Act introduced a single United Kingdom
underline this point, and serve to show just how intimately the whig values of
patent whereby patentees no longer had to apply for separate patent rights in
William Thomson cohered with the commercial and industrial economy of his
England and Scotland. Commissioners were appointed to administer the system
adopted city.
and, most importantly, the initial cost o f a patent fell from about 300 to only
First, the patent system maintained a spirit of competition. Why is not the
25, leading to a sharp increase in applications. Widespread dissatisfaction
man of greatest enterprise - he who is foremost in the race - to reap the greatest
continued, however, and in the period 1852-83 commissions of enquiry,
benefit, asked Day rhetorically, which, as in every other transaction or pursuit,
parliamentary committees, and public debates subjected the system to severe
is what all who work at it labour after? Such views reflected perfectly
criticism with demands for abolition. The rejection of patent protection by
Thomsons own intense competitiveness, whether in his earliest scientific papers
North German and Dutch governments in the late 1860s, and the consequent
for the Cambridge Mathematical Journal and his keen anxiety over priority, his
threat to British competitiveness, may have added fuel to the repeal movement.
approach to the Mathematics Tripos, or his attitude towards the inter-collegiate
In general, however, British industrialists seem to have been divided over the
boat races on the Cam.^^
issue, while engineers and inventors naturally preferred reform to abolition.
Second, Day recognized the patent system as part of the accepted legal right to
One such debate, to which Sir William contributed, took place in late 1869
personal property, in this case the materially embodied results of a mans
during three successive meetings of the Glasgow Philosophical Society. It
intellectual and physical labours rather than mere intellectual property:
illustrates some of the interests underlying Sir Williams and his partners
support o f reform rather than abolition. I f p r o p e r ty in th e resu lts o f m a tu r e d t h o u g h t , o f e x p e r im e n t a fter th e e x p e n d itu r e o f tim e

Introducing the debate, St John Vincent Day set the benefits of the patent an d m e a n s, is e s se n tia lly w r o n g an d in flic tiv e o f in ju r y o n o th e r s, w h y , th e n , it is e q u a lly

system in the context of Glasgows economic prosperity and the wealth of the w r o n g to p o ssess p r o p e r ty o f a n y k in d , b e c a u se , i f th e p o sse sso r is b e tte r o f f th an h is
n e ig h b o u r s in o n e case, h e m u s t a lso b e in t h e o th e r . T h e a b o litio n is t [ o f p a te n ts], in o r d e r
to b e c o n sis te n t, m u s t e q u a lly u r g e th at y o n d e r o w n e r o f la n d e d p r o p e r ty , o r h o u s e
w h ile r e c o g n is in g e v e r y m a n s r ig h t to th e m aterially embodied results (n o t th e m e r e id eas p r o p e r ty , o f ca p ita l r e a liz e d o u t o f sp e c u la tio n , o r a ca refu l w a t c h in g o f c o m m e r c ia l
o n p a p er, h ea r in m in d ) o f m e n ta l o r ig in a tio n , e x p e r im e n t, e x p e n d itu r e o f tim e and tr a d in g an d e n te r p r ise , m u st at o n c e g iv e it all u p , after h is y ears o f la b o u r . .
m o n e y , th e S ta te s c h i e f o b je c t, u n d e r th e p a te n t s y s te m , has b e e n to se cu re th e in v e n tio n
to t h e n a tio n . A n d I s u p p o s e it is h a r d ly n ecessa ry fo r m e to ask y o u to lo o k a r o u n d th is Thomson too was deeply attached to the notion of scientific knowledge as
g r e a t c ity - w it h its w e a v in g an d sp in n in g m ills , its iro n w o r k s , fo r g e s an d r o llin g m ills , its wealth or capital which generated compound interest available for reinvestment
sh ip yards a n d e n g in e w o r k s , its a lk a li w o r k s , its o il w o r k s , its su g a r r e fin eries, its c a lic o - in intellectual capital or for exploitation in industrial application (ch. 5). Pat
p r in tin g a n d T u r k e y -r e d d y e w o r k s , its p o tte r ie s a n d glass w o r k s , its p ap er m ills a n d its ented inventions represented the latter component in the capitalism of intellec
c o r n m ills . . . an d to in q u ir e i f all th is te e m in g in d u s tr y , all this w o n d r o u s p r o d u c tiv e tual property, that is, the marketing o f the materially embodied products of
a b ility , fo r c ib ly tells us w h e th e r w e h a v e p r o fite d o r n o t b y se c u r in g to th e n a tio n th e scientific research to commercial interests.
t h o u g h t , th e fo r e s ig h t, th e sk ille d p la n s, th e c u n n in g ly - w r o u g h t d e v ic e s o f su ch m e n as Third, Day pointed to the defects of an alternative system of state rewards
[S ie m e n s , B e sse m e r , W h itw o r th , N a p ie r , W a tt an d o th e r s a sso cia ted w it h th e se in d u s
which would, by its nature, lack any but an arbitrary standard of payment. By
tries]; an d d o e s th e w o r k , th e o ffs p r in g o f th e ir la b o u rs, p r o v e to us that w e sh o u ld h a v e
contrast, the patent system was the only one by which the real value of an
invention can be ascertained, and, therefore, the only one which can secure not
Fritz Machlup and Edith Penrose, The patent controversy in the nineteenth century,^. Ecoti. merely a reward, but a due reward - precisely its exact worth - to the
Hist., 10 (1950), 1-29. See also Klaus Boehm, The British patent system. J. Administration (Cambridge,
1967), esp. pp. 14-30. A more recent historical analysis o f patents up to 1852 is provided by H.l.
inventor.*^ In other words, the patent system rewarded the inventor according
Dutton, The patent system and inventive activity during the industrial revolution, 1750-1852 (Manchester,
1984). Arguing for a much greater economic role for patents in the industrial revolution, Dutton St J.V. Day in Discussion on patents for inventions, Proc. Glasgow Phil. Soc., 1 (1869-71),
puts the case for interpreting inventors not as men motivated by simple love o f invention or by 158-220, on p. 166. Ihid., pp. 1667. See Chapters 3 and 7.
philanthropic instincts but by the expectation o f profit (pp. 103-21). He furthermore discussed Ibid., p. 167. See also Dutton, The patent system, pp. 69-85, for a discussion o f patent property
invention itself in terms o f an industry or trade whereby inventors employed various means to rights and the courts.
market their products (pp. 122-49). Day, Discussion on patents, p. 168; Dutton, The patent system, pp. 25-6.
708 M e a s u r e m e n t a n d m a r k e tin g 709
E n e r g y , e c o n o m y , a n d E m p ir e

to the market value of his patent, and not by the decision of any professional
body or any commission of experts. Here the skills of Thomson and his partners
as entrepreneurs, and not merely inventors, came into full play.
Fourth, Day appealed to his audiences sense of imperial mission through the
diffusion o f useful knowledge and the fruits of industry for the advancement of
all mankind:
I f th e g e n t le m e n w h o so u r g e n tly p u r su e th e c r y o f a b o litio n w o u ld h e lp us to a m e n d th e
d isc r e p a n c ie s in th e p r esen t la w , w e sh o u ld th e n h a v e n o fa u lt to fin d w it h th e m . A s a
n a tio n w h ic h liv e s so la r g e ly u p o n th e retu rn s se c u r e d to us b y th e p r o te c tio n g r a n te d to
th e e m b o d ie d resu lts o f in v e n tiv e g e n iu s , - a n a tio n w h ic h n o t o n ly liv e s, b u t in flu e n c e s
th e w h o le w o r ld th e r e b y in so m a n y w a y s , w h ic h scatters th e d ir e c t p r o d u c ts o f its
in v e n tiv e ta le n t to fe e d a n d c lo t h e , to te a c h , an d e m a n c ip a te fr o m th e th r a ld o m o f
ig n o r a n c e t h e so n s o f to il in e v e r y c lim e , - a n a tio n w h ic h , b y th e v e r y e s se n c e o f
in v e n tio n , in flu e n c e s so e f fe c tiv e ly th e m a rch o f c iv ilis a tio n , a n d , in retu rn , b r in g s h o m e
to h e r o w n d o o r su c h gain s; - I sa y , th e n w e c o u ld to le r a te th e se g e n tle m e n .

Few words from a contemporary source could express so emphatically the role
of the inventor in the ideology of advancement and in the cultural and
economic imperialism centred on British science and engineering at whose heart
stood Glasgow and its industry.
Although Sir William would certainly have agreed with Days remarks, his
only direct contribution to the debate consisted of a letter supporting the
Societys resolution against total abolition of the Patent Law but in favour of
remedying its defects by any well-advised scheme of amendment. He drew
particular attention to the need for international agreement, the issue in which
he and his partners had personal interest:
O n e o f th e w o r s t fea tu res in th e p r e se n t sy s te m is th e h e t e r o g e n e o u s n e s s o f th e p a te n t la w s
w ith in th e B r itish E m p ir e a n d in th e n a tio n s o f E u r o p e an d th e U n ite d S tates o f A m e r ic a
. . . I h o p e th e g ra n d o b je c t o f o b ta in in g a c o m m o n p a te n t la w a m o n g all c iv iliz e d n a tio n s ,
w h ic h w o u ld g iv e a g r e a t stim u lu s t o u sefu l in v e n tio n , a n d d o a w a y w it h m u c h o f th e
c o n fu s io n a n d in c o n v e n ie n c e b o th t o in v e n to r s a n d users o f in v e n t i o n s . . . w ill b e k e p t in
v ie w b y th e c o m m it t e e o f th e S o c ie t y a p p o in te d to c o n s id e r th e subject.*^
Siphon recorder. With its automatic recording o f telegraph signals on m oving paper
Sir Williams belief in the four valuesjust outlined- the competitive spirit, the tape, the instruments designer aimed to improve economy o f working and mini
mize waste o f time. Its commercial success generated still more wealth for Sir
legal right to property and profits, the system of reward by marketing, and the
William. [From The Science Museum Library; further details in George Green and
diffusion o f benefits to the world - was embodied in his invention and market j.T . Lloyd, Kelvins instruments and the Kelvin museum, pp. 345.]
ing o f the famous siphon telegraph recorder. He had recognized the potential
value of a self-recording receiving instrument in his earliest telegraph papers but recording instruments for electric telegraphs which included the siphon re
it was not until 1867 that he took out a patent for Improvements in receiving or corder.^ Jenkin announced it to the secretary, of the Atlantic Telegraph
Company on 1st July, 1867:
Day, Discussion on patents, p. 169.
Sir William Thomson to Dr Bryce, 14th December, 1869, in Discussion on patents, p. 181. W e h a v e m u c h p lea su re in in fo r m in g y o u th a t Sir T h o m s o n has in v e n te d , an d is
Sir William became a prominent member o f a British Association committee on patents. See r ea d y to b r in g in to p ra ctica l o p e r a tio n , a r e c o r d in g in str u m e n t, a d a p te d to r e c e iv e &
Report o f the Committee . . . appointed for the purpose o f watching and reporting to the Council
r e c o r d m e ss a g e s t h r o u g h lo n g su b m a r in e lin e s. T h is in str u m e n t c o m b in e s th e a d v a n ta g e s
on patent legislation, B A A S Report, 48 (1878), 157. Other members included St J.V. Day, C.W .
Siemens, Neilson Hancock, andJ.R. Napier. The Committee was most active at the time o f the 1883
legislation. MPP, 2, 108 9; SPT, 1, 334, 570-6.
710 Energy>^^onomy, and Empire M e a s u r e m e n t a n d m a r k e tin g 711

o f th e M ir r o r G a lv a n o m e te r , w it h th o s e o f th e M o r s e in s tr u m e n t. E v e r y m e ss a g e w h ic h Thomsons usual enthusiasm for precision measurement and delicate instru

c o u ld b e rea d o n th e M ir r o r G a lv a n o m e te r , b y an e x p e r t c le r k , w o u ld b e as a c c u r a te ly ments found expression yet again in the design and construction of the siphon
r e c o r d e d b y th e n e w in s tr u m e n t. W e arc r e a d y to c o m m u n ic a t e th is in v e n t io n in recorder. Adapting the system of signalling which employed currents of differ
c o n fid e n c e , to y o u , a n d w e shall b e g la d to k n o w , at y o u r earliest c o n v e n ie n c e w h e th e r ent polarities to cause movements to left or right (the Steinheil plan of signals)
y o u w is h to e x e r c is e th e o p tio n o f ta k in g o u t a p a te n t o r p a te n ts fo r th e n e w in str u m e n t, rather than the system of dots and dashes (Morses method) on the grounds of
g iv e n y o u b y th e e x is tin g a g r e e m e n t.* ^ economy of time and reduction of cable retardations, he needed a practical
The secretary, George Saward, reported the next day that he had lost no time in means of automatically recording the signals formerly registered by delicate
sending Jenkins news to the directors of the Anglo American Telegraph deflections of the galvanometer mirror.
Company to whom belong the entire control and responsibility of everything Since an ordinary pen marking a moving tape would create an unworkable
relating to the working of the cables.^ This move, however, raised sensitive degree of friction, Thomson devised a delicate ink capillary siphon in its place
issues of competition for patents and commercial secrecy. Sawards communi and as a substitute for the mirror in the galvanometer. A coil of fine wire
cation prompted the partners to seek legal advice from Archibald Smith: I do suspended between the poles of an electromagnet had an ink-filled vaccine tube
not see, wrote Jenkin to a concerned Varley, that we are bound to tell the attached. A small electrifying machine charged the ink, making it spurt in a fine
Anglos anything but will ask Smith. I must see Smith at once about the effect or jet on to a moving paper ribbon, so that as the signals moved the coil to left or
drift of Sawards answer. The Anglos will almost certainly decline to say right the ink traced a permanent record. By 1869, Sir William felt that his new
anything, he told Thomson. instrument was ready for competitive trial against the mirror instrument on
Archibald Smith, as a chancery barrister, advised that if there were the least commercial telegraph systems."^^ The recorder was first publicly exhibited at
danger that some one may be on the track of Thomsons discovery and that the John Penders London residence in June, 1870, on the completion of the British-
communication to the Anglo American may lead to the method being protected Indian line from Falmouth to B o m b a y .A s Sir William reported to Helmholtz
before you can protect it then you had better lose no time, & not wait for an in July:
answer, but take out the provisional protection at once. He added that he T h e c o m p le tio n o f th e c a b les b e t w e e n E n g la n d an d In d ia t w o m o n th s a g o has le d to an
thought Saward had no right to communicate your letter to the other Com u r g e n t d e m a n d fo r m y r e c o r d in g i n s t r u m e n t . . . E v e n in th e sp e c im e n [ o f r ib b o n ] I se n d
pany & if you like to tell him so, you might send him such a note as I enclose. y o u y o u m a y see an a d v a n ta g e o f th e n e w in str u m e n t. T h e r e p e titio n o f th e w o r d
Jenkins version of Smiths note to Saward gave no grounds: A n g la is w o u ld , h a d th e p ractical o p e r a to r s b e e n u sin g it, h a v e b e e n u n n ecessa ry ; an d
h a lf a m in u te o f tim e w o u ld h a v e b e e n sa v e d . T h e c a b le is fu ll o f w o r k t h r o u g h o u t th e
It d id n o t at first o c c u r to m e o n re a d in g y o u r le tte r o f th e 2 n d th at y o u r c o m m u n ic a t io n
t w e n t y - f o u r h o u r s.
to th e A n g lo A m e r ic a n C o m p a n y o f m y le tte r o f th e 1 st is in fact a b rea ch o f A r tic le 5 o f
o u r a g r e e m e n t, w it h th e A tla n tic C o m p a n y , w h ic h m a y lea d to v e r y in ju r io u s resu lts Three years later an official of the Eastern Telegraph Company reported from
b o th to us a n d to th e A tla n tic C o m p a n y . It is p o ss ib le th at o th e r E lec tricia n s m a y b e o n th e the Malta station that the siphon recorder when worked by careful and
tra ck o f th e sa m e d is c o v e r y w it h S ir W*" T h o m s o n an d it m a y b e c o m e a race fo r a p a te n t, experienced clerks, proves a great source of general economy to the Company
an d w e m a y b e d ista n c e d b y rea so n o f y o u r c o m m u n ic a t io n . F ray b e lie v e that in w r itin g and cannot fail to diminish the number of errors. Minimizing waste of time
. . . I a m a c tu a te d b y n o sp irit o f c a p r ic io u sn e ss b u t s o le ly b y a sin ce re regard fo r y o u r as and labour, maximizing useful work: these aims lay behind Sir Williams
w e ll as o u r o w n in terests.
improvements to telegraphic instruments.
When we realize that Sir William after 1870 could expect from each of the Prospects for the recorder were immense, Thomson noted that his assistant,
FalmouthLisbon, Anglo-Mediterranean and British-Indian Telegraph com Leitch, would soon have to commence progress eastwards with seven recorders
panies royalties of ^ 1000 per annum on the siphon recorder alone, we may well to be installed at Lisbon, Gibraltar, Malta, Alexandria, Suez, Aden, and Bom
understand the motives behind the partners sensitivity.'^'^ bay, t h a t is at all the principal coaling stations for steamers en route to India via
the so-called Overland Route, which from 1869 had become a direct voyage
Flceming jenkin to George Saward, 1st July, 1867, J71 (copy), ULG.
George Saward to Fleeming Jenkin, 2nd July, 1867, J71 (copy), ULG.
Flceming Jenkin to C.F. Varley, 3rd July, 1867, J71 (copy), ULG; to Sir William Thomson, Ibid., pp. 572-3.
3rd July, 1867, J71, ULG. Sir William Thomson to Sir James Anderson, 9th March, 1869, in SPT, 1, 574.
Archibald Smith to Fleeming Jenkin, 5th July, 1867, J71 (copy), ULG. 77 Ibid; p. 575.
Fleeming Jenkin to George Saward, 5th July, 1867, J71 (copy), ULG. 7 Sir William Thomson to Hermann von Helmholtz, 29th July, 1870, in SPT, 1, 577 9.
Copy memorandum o f arrangement with Professor Jenkin, Archibald Smith to Sir William 7^ Robert Portelli to W.T. Ansell, 21st Novem ber, 1873, ElO, ULC.
Thomson, 22nd August, 1870, S200, ULC; SPT, 1, 575. Sir William Thomson to Jessie Crum, 1st August, 1870, in SPT, 1, 579.
712 Energy, economy, and Empire M e a s u r e m e n t a n d m a r k e tin g 713

through the new Suez Canal. Now for the first time the Empire was becoming a th e th in g to b e d o n e at th e r e q u isite sp e e d is a p p a llin g . . . 1 b e lie v e it c a n n o t b e d o n e e x c e p t
unified entity held together not merely by vessels of trade and war but by the th e o r e tic a lly w it h o u t g rea t w a s te o f e n e r g y an d c o n s e q u e n t b u r n in g o f c o n ta c t
wires of an ocean telegraph system largely immune from enemy sabotage. The surfaces.*^
nation that ruled the seas also commanded the worlds communications. Confessing that he had now told Andrews rather more than all I know about it,
Thomson concluded with a suggestion that a large voltaic battery will be more
Power and light: the economics of electricity economical than any electromagnetic machine. He aimed to discover by
experiment how expensive its habits are, and multiply by the number required
As early as 1857, when the Institution of Civil Engineers debated the impracti- for a lighthouse. Thus in relation to his earliest interest in electric lighting, the
cality of economic electromagnetic engines, William Thomson concluded that all-pervasive themes of economy and waste again predominated.
until some mode is found of producing electricity as many times cheaper than During the 1870s Sir William Thomsons inventive capacities were largely
that of an ordinary galvanic battery as coal is cheaper than zinc, electromagnetic directed towards the improvement of navigational instruments (chs. 21 and 22).
engines cannot supersede the steam-engine. Thomsons remarks echo those of When electrical power first showed signs of developing into a new industry, he
Joule who, in his earliest experimental investigations, had sought improvements manifested but minimal interest. At the Philadelphia Exhibition of 1876, for
to electromagnetic engines but had found that such engines compared example, he reported on Grammes commercial electric machines, but not until
unfavourably with the economy of steam-engines. He had concluded in 1841: another meeting of the Institution of Civil Engineers early in 1878 did a remark
T h is c o m p a r is o n [ b e tw e e n J o u le s e le c tr o m a g n e tic e n g in e an d th e b est C o r n is h ste a m by C.W. Siemens on the possibility of distant transmission raise the question of
e n g in e s] is so v e r y u n fa v o u r a b le th a t I c o n fe ss I a lm o s t d e sp a ir o f th e su ccess o f e le c t r o economy and thus fire Thomsons enthusiasm:
m a g n e tic a ttr a c tio n s as an e c o n o m ic a l so u r c e o f p o w e r ; fo r a lt h o u g h m y m a c h in e is b y n o
[ T h o m s o n ] b e lie v e d that w it h an e x c e e d in g ly m o d e r a te a m o u n t o f c o p p e r it w o u ld b e
m e a n s p e r fe c t, I d o n o t see h o w th e a r r a n g e m e n t o f i t s parts c o u ld b e im p r o v e d so far as to
p o ss ib le to carry th e e le c tr ic e n e r g y fo r o n e h u n d r e d , o r t w o h u n d r e d , o r o n e th o u sa n d
m a k e th e d u ty p er lb . o f z in c su p e r io r to th e d u ty o f th e b est ste a m -e n g in e s p er lb . o f c o a l.
e le c tr ic lig h ts to a d ista n c e o f se v era l h u n d r e d m ile s. T h e e c o n o m ic a l an d e n g in e e r in g
A n d e v e n i f th is w e r e a tta in e d , th e e x p e n s e o f th e z in c a n d e x c it in g flu id s o f th e b a tte r y is
m o r a l o f th e t h e o r y a p p ea red to b e th at t o w n s h e n c e fo r th w o u ld b e lig h te d b y c o a l
so g rea t, w h e n c o m p a r e d w it h th e p r ic e o f c o a l, as to p r e v e n t th e o r d in a r y e le c tr o
b u r n e d at th e p it s m o u t h , w h e r e it w a s c h e a p e st. T h e c a rria g e e x p e n s e o f e le c tr ic ity w a s
m a g n e tic e n g in e fr o m b e in g u se fu l fo r a n y b u t v e r y p e c u lia r p u rp oses.**
n o t h in g , w h ile th a t o f c o a l w a s s o m e t im e s th e g r e a te r part o f i t s c o s t. T h e d ross at th e p it s
By 1857, however, the problem lay not with any intrinsic defect o f the m o u t h ( w h ic h fo r m e r ly w a s w a s te d ) c o u ld b e u sed fo r w o r k in g d y n a m o - e n g in e s o f th e
electromagnetic engine, but with the economic generation of electric power, a m o s t e c o n o m ic a l k in d , a n d in th at w a y . . . th e illu m in a tio n o f g r e a t t o w n s w o u ld b e
quantity which could now be measured in terms of its work equivalent and r e d u c e d to a sm a ll fr a c tio n o f th e p r e se n t e x p e n se .* *

compared with the mechanical effect derived from other sources. Electric power was not simply sufficient for sewing-machines and turning-
Six years later in a letter to Thomas Andrews, Thomson explained Nollets lathes, but by putting together a sufficient number [of electric machines], any
electric light apparatus for lighthouses. Persuaded to do so by Tait, he reluc amount of horsepower might be developed, while for lighthouses the great
tantly communicated clinical details of dimensions, horse-power required to adaptability of the electric light to furnish increase of power when wanted gave
drive the apparatus, and total cost. As soon as the question of economy emerged, it a value which no other source of light possessed. Furthermore, the reduction
however, his initial lack of enthusiasm changed to lively interest; of heat generated by electric light and the complete absence of fumes meant not
T h e r e , I h a v e m a d e a clea n breast o f it. I k n o w n o th in g m o r e o f th e m a tte r except that only increased economy, but a great advantage in regard to health. Thus the
N o llet does not reverse his connections, and therefore does have alternately reversed current in his use of such a [water]fall as that of Niagara, or the employment of waste coal at
flame; w h e r e a s H o lm e s [d e sig n e r o f th e B r itish ap p aratu s] d o e s r ev er se an d d o e s n o t le a v e the pits mouth offered that vast economy which had been lacking in 1857 when
reversals in th e fla m e . T h u s N o lle t esca p es th e c o m m u t a to r , a great evil, an d g e ts a fla m e he and other members of the Institution had doubted the practicality of
w h ic h d o c s n o t b u rn o n e o f th e p o in ts faster than th e o th e r - a sm a ll b u t se n sib le b e n e fit. electromagnetic engines.
T h e r ev er se o f ea ch p r o p o s itio n a p p lie s to H o lm e s . The commutator is a frightful thing. I
These remarks formed the basis for Sir Williams evidence in 1879 to the
d o n t m ea n that H o lm e s is b a d , b e c a u se I d o n o t k n o w it, a n d it m a y b e v e r y g o o d ; b u t
William Thomson to Thomas Andrews, 4th March, 1863, A41B, ULC; SPT, 1, 426-7. For
J.P. Joule, 'On a new class o f magnetic forces. Atm. Elec., 8 (1842), 219-24; The scientific papers N ollets and Holmess contributions to lighthouse illumination, see C.MacK. Jarvis, The generation
o f James Prescott Joule (2 vols., London, 1887), 1, pp. 46-53, on p. 48; SPT, 1, 397-9. For a general o f electricity, in Charles Singer, E.J. Holmyard, A.R. Hall and T.I. Williams (eds.), A History of
historical account o f electrical engineering, see Percy Dunsheath, A history o f electrical engineering technology (8 vols., Oxford, 1954-84), 5, pp. 177-207, esp. pp. 181-3.
(London, 1962). SPT, 2,683-5. On Grammes machines, seejarvis, The generation o f electricity, pp. 188 92.
714 E n e r g y , e c o n o m y , a n d E m p ir e M e a s u r e m e n t a n d m a r k e tin g 715

House of Commons Select Committee on Electric Light. True to his liberal ing and supplying accumulators with the result that the size of the proposed
values, he sought the removal by legislation of all restrictions and the promotion capital of ^400 OOO (of which Sir William was to receive 10% in return for his
of invention and innovation as the best means of advancement. At the same time agreement to act as technical adviser) deterred the investors, and he withdrew
he estimated the quantity of copper required for the economical transmission of completely from the costly venture.
electric power to any distance. Applying the calculation to Niagara, he con In his 1881 presidential address to Section A of the British Association, Sir
cluded that a copper wire of half-inch diameter would transmit 21 000 horse William discussed the economy of Faure cells for the storage of electrical energy
power from the Falls to a distance of 300 miles, the capital cost of the copper obtained from non-constant sources of power such as windmills;
being ;{;60 000 or under per horse-power at the d e stin a tio n .H e sub T h e c h a r g in g m a y b e d o n e u n in ju r io u s ly , and w it h g o o d d y n a m ic a l e c o n o m y , in a n y
sequently developed this preliminary estimate into various well-known forms tim e fr o m six h o u r s to t w e lv e or m o r e . T h e d r a w in g o f f o f th e c h a r g e fo r use m a y b e d o n e
for the economic long-distance transmission of electric power, communicating sa fe ly , b u t s o m e w h a t w a s te fu lly , in t w o h o u r s, an d v e r y e c o n o m ic a lly in a n y tim e o f
the results of his calculations to the British Association in 1881. fr o m fiv e h o u r s t o a w e e k o r m o r e . C a lm s d o n o t last o fte n lo n g e r than th r ee or fo u r d ays
It was in the spring of that year that Sir William began his association with at a tim e . . . O n e o f th e t w e n t y k ilo g r a m m e cells c h a r g e d w h e n th e w in d m ill w o r k s fo r
Joseph Swans new company set up to manufacture the Swan glow-lamp in fiv e o r SIX h o u r s at a n y tim e , and le ft w it h its s ix ty -c a n d le h o u r s c a p a c ity to b e u sed six
Newcastle,^ and also became acquainted with Camille Faures accumulator for h o u r s a d a y fo r fiv e d a y s, g iv e s a t w o - c a n d le lig h t.

the storage of electrical energy. This box of electricity, as Sir William referred He concluded, however, that windmills as hitherto made are very costly
to it, soon underwent rigorous tests and measurements in the Glasgow labora machines; and it does not seem probable that, without inventions not yet made,
tory. It is splendidly powerful, but I have yet to find whether it does the whole wind can be economically used to give light in any considerable class of cases, or
amount of work specified by Mr Reynier (and Mr Faure) and how much actual to put energy into store for work of other kinds.
work must be spent on it each time to renew its charge, he reported in mid-May Altogether, Sir William read to Section A in 1881 six papers (including a joint
from Netherhall.^ Two weeks later he informed Jenkin that his staff was as paper with J.T. Bottomley) on electricity in relation to power and light. On the
hard at work as possible in the laboratory on the Faure storage cells, which are economy of metal in conductors of electricity provided a full technical deriva
doing splendidly. It is going to be a most valuable practical affair - as valuable as tion of the results given to the 1879 Parliamentary Committee. He explained that
water cisterns to people whether they had or had not systems of water-pipes and The most economical size of the copper conductor for the electric transmis
water-supply."^ Fascinated by this simple solution to the great problem of sion of energy, whether for the electric light or for the performance of
storing up available energy. Sir William saw in the Faure cell a method of mechanical work, would be found by comparing [equating] the annual interest
preventing failure of light or power should the generating machinery break of the money value of the copper with the money value of the energy lost
down. annually in the heat generated in it by the electric current. This is Kelvins law
So captivated had he become by the potted-energy that he aimed to light in electrical engineering.^
both his yacht and his university house by its aid. He also sent his nephew, James A parallel paper set out theoretically based proportions for the design of
Thomson Bottomley (Annas son, 1845-1926) to Paris to help them with their dynamos. Providing formulae for the work wasted in heating the coils and the
scientific work there, and asked Jenkin to provide a good man who knows useful work in the external circuit. Sir William explained that the key question
something of electricity and engineering to leave in Paris to take charge of was how ought R [the resistance o f the wire] and R' [the resistance of the
testing and inspecting in the manufacture of Faure accumulators. Meanwhile, working coil] be proportioned to make the ratio of waste to work a minimum,
James White had been appointed, under Sir Williams direction, sole agent for with any given speed? Or, which comes to the same thing, to make the speed
the manufacture and sale of Faure accumulators in the United Kingdom. required for a given ratio of work to waste a minimum? Given that for good
During the summer, however. Sir William took a leading role in an attempt to economy the ratio of whole work to waste r must be but little greater than
form a new company to manufacture and market the patent. The French
proprietors of Faures patents, however, appeared to have more liking for the Lady Thomson to G.H. Darwin, 17th June, 1881, ibid., p. 768. Sir William Thomson to
formations of monster companies rather than for the real work of manufactur- FIceming Jenkin, 22nd and 26th June, 1881, ibid., pp. 768 9, 769-70.
Sir William Thomson, On the sources o f energy in nature available to man for the production
Nature, 20 (1879), 110-11; SPT. 2, 68.S, 690-1. Ihtd., p. 765. o f mechanical effect, B A A S Report, 51 (1881), 513 18; PL, 2, 433 .50, esp. pp. 442-4.
Sir William Thomson toJ.H . (Jladstone, 17th May, 1881, ibid., p. 766. Sir William Thomson, On the econom y o f metal in conductors o f electricity, B A A S Report,
Sir William Thomson to Flecming Jenkin, 3rd June, 1881, ibid., pp. 76f>-7. 51 (1881), 526-8; MPP, 5, 4 3 2 ^ . For Kelvins law see SPT, 2, 773.
716 E n e r g y , e c o n o m y , a n d E m p ir e 717
M e a s u r e m e n t a n d m a r k e tin g

unity, he concluded that the ratio R'/R must be made very small in the derived Meanwhile, Robert Hammond of the Hammond Electric Light and Power
formula r = l + 2 Supply Company had become the largest single shareholder in Ferranti, Thomp
In 1882 Sir William became acquainted with Sebastian de Ferranti (1864- son and Ince, and promoted a new company, the Ferranti, Hammond Electric
1930), whose name remains one of the most famous among Britains electrical Light Company of Hampstead to purchase the Ferranti patents. Hammond also
and defence industries. Not yet twenty years old, Ferranti had recently given up applied to light Hampstead under the recent Electric Lighting Act (1882).
a one pound per week job with Siemens to enter into partnership with Francis Ferrantis products, however, suffered delays, as Ince complained:
Ince, a City lawyer and amateur electrician, and Alfred Thompson, an engineer. W e h a v e a la r g e n u m b e r o f m a c h in e s th e r e [in th e w o r k s ] in a m o r e o r less sk e le ta l fo r m ,
Thompson and Ince provided financial backing for Ferrantis alternator (pat a n d th e y ap p ea r fr o m d a y to d a y . . . o n ly to in crease in n u m b e r . . . P ray le t us fin ish th e
ented in July, 1882) but already Sir William had become involved after m a c h in e s in h a n d . . . a n d le t im p r o v e m e n t s c o m e as th e y can later o n . It is o f g rea t
recognizing that Ferrantis machine effectively coincided with his own design of im p o r ta n c e th a t no m a c h in e sh o u ld e v e r stand fo r im p r o v e m e n t s a n d i f y o u in sist o n th is

1881. Under an agreement of October, 1882, therefore, the Company of w e shall b e im p r o v e d o f f th e face o f th e ea rth an d o th e r s w it h a less p e r fe c t m a c h in e w ill
d o th e w o r k an d la u g h at us w h ile w e are th e o r isin g . . . I am b e g in n in g to feel v e r y
Ferranti, Thompson, and Ince would market the patent and act as consulting
d issa tisfied w it h th e p ra ctica l p r o g r e ss w e are m a k in g w it h o u r w o r k . .
engineers. Ferranti would receive half the profits, and his partners a quarter each,
while Sir William would receive a minimum royalty of ;(j500 per annum. As In a similar vein, Hammond reported to Sir William that If a new lease of life is
early as December, 1882, Sir William had begun to promote the Ferranti [to be] given to the works we shall have to restrain Ferranti from experimenting
machine for lighting a new Atlantic liner ordered by the Cunard Line.^^ as at the present time. 20 000 a year would easily be absorbed by him in this
The so-called Thomson-Ferranti alternator had several new and significant direction. As yet lacking the business experience and entrepreneurial skill of a
features including the absence of the commutator which Sir William had Jenkin or a Varley, Ferrantis brilliant technical qualities thus actually weighed
condemned in 1863 as a great evil. The Times reported in September, 1882: against the initial success of the enterprise. Financial difficulties mounted with
the collapse of Hammonds interests early in 1884. One o f Ferrantis achieve
E lectrica l sc ie n tists h a v e b e e n d ilig e n tly at w o r k t r y in g to im p r o v e u p o n th e b u lk y an d
ments, however, had been the installation of a Ferranti alternator and associated
e x p e n s iv e d y n a m o m a c h in e s n o w in u se, an d w e u n d e r s to o d th at Sir W illia m T h o m s o n
equipment in St Peters College (Peterhouse), Cambridge, an innovation pre
p a te n te d a n e w in v e n tio n fo r a sim p le r a n d m o r e e ffic ie n t d y n a m o m a c h in e o n ly a sh o rt
t im e b e fo r e an e le c tr ic ia n [F erranti] in M essrs S ie m e n s e s ta b lish m e n t h it u p o n m u c h th e
sented to the College by Sir William in 1884 and partly paid for out of his
sa m e th in g . T h e g r e a t fe a tu r e in th e n e w m a c h in e is th e a b se n c e o f ir o n in th e r e v o lv in g royalties from the Ferranti-Thomson patent.
a rm a tu r e , v e r y g r e a tly d e c r e a s in g its w e ig h t , a n d , b y e n a b lin g th e field m a g n e ts to b e By late 1885, liquidation of the Hammond Electric Light and Power Supply
b r o u g h t v e r y c lo s e to g e th e r , g r e a tly in c r e a sin g its e ffic ie n c y . In fact it is sta ted th a t a Company made possible Ferrantis announcement to Sir William: You will be
F erran ti m a c h in e t o p r o d u c e 1 0 0 0 0 in c a n d e sc e n t lig h ts can b e m a n u fa c tu r e d fo r less than pleased to hear that Mr Ince and I have repurchased the Ferranti patents from the
o n e - fif th o f th e c o st o f th e c h e a p e st d y n a m o s at p re se n t b e f o r e th e p u b lic . T h e in c r e a se d Hammond Cy and consequently in dealing with the Alternating Current
e ffic ie n c y o f th e n e w m a c h in e is a id e d b y th e a b o litio n o f th e c o m m u ta to r .^ ^ Machine in the future we shall only have to deal with you as to the best course to
The machines exceptionally small size as compared to the work it is capable of be adopted.^ Once free of these early difficulties, Ferrantis reputation as an
doing particularly impressed the journal Engineering in December, 1882, which electrical engineer quickly developed. The cause of this change of fortune had
carried a full description. The prototype illuminated a circuit of over 300 been his involvement with Sir Coutts Lindsay, whom Sir William had appar
twenty-candle Swan lamps, while it weighed little over half a ton, measuring ently advised to consult Ferranti over the troubled electric lighting of his
some twenty-four inches by twenty inches by eighteen inches overall. Grosvenor Art Gallery in fashionable Bond Street. Ferranti explained the
problems to Sir William in late December, 1885:
Sir William Thomson, On the proper proportions o f resistance in the working coils, the Francis Ince to Sebastian de Ferranti, r.1883, in Currer-Briggs, Doctor Ferranti, pp. 133-4.
electro-magnets, and the external circuits o f dynamos, B A A S Report, 51 (1881), 528-31; MPP, 5, Robert Hammond to Sir William Thomson, 1st October, 1883, H33, ULC.
435 9. Sebastian de Ferranti to Sir William Thomson, 3rd December, 1883, F49, ULC; Robert
Noel Currer-Briggs, Doctor Ferranti. The life and work o f Sebastian Ziani de Ferranti, F.R.S. Hammond to Sir William Thomson, 7th December, 1883, H34, ULC; William Theobald to Sir
1864-1930 (London, 1970), pp. 120-5; G.Z. de Ferranti and Richard Ince, The life and letters of William Thomson, 24th October, 1885, T150b, ULC. SPT, 2, 798-9, notes that the installation
Sebastian de Ferranti (London, 1934), pp. 50-2; SPT, 2, 754. On the Cunard promotion see John probably cost over X]2000. Sir William accepted a reduced royalty o f X^300 in 1884. In total his
Rennie to Francis Ince, 20th December, 1882, LB4.109, ULC. royalties under the 1882 agreement came to 9 5 0 including a final payment from the liquidator. See
The Times, 22nd September, 1882. Quoted in Ferranti and Ince, Sebastian de Ferranti, p. 53. William Theobald to Sharpe, Parkers & Pritchard, 10th and 23rd December, 1885, T153-4, ULC.
The Ferranti-Thomson electrical machine, Engineering, 34 (1882), 526-7. Quoted in Ferranti Sebastian de Ferranti to Sir William Thomson, 21st December, 1885, F52, ULC. See also
and Ince, Sebastian de Ferranti, p. 53. Francis Ince to Sir William Thomson, 28th October and 7th December, 1885, 111 12, ULC.
718 Energy, economy, and Empire M e a s u r e m e n t a n d m a r k e tin g 719

M r In ce h a s a lrea d y se n t y o u a p h o t o o f m y A lte r n a tin g C u r r e n t M o t o r . . . It b e c a m e which merged the Grosvenor Gallery concern) was formed early in 1888 with a
n ecessa ry fo r m e to p e r fe c t this M o t o r as Sir C o u tts L in d sa y & C o . L im ite d w h o are capital of one million pounds. Ferranti became its contracting engineer, respon
p u ttin g u p th e G r o s v e n o r G a lle r y In sta lla tio n o f 6 0 0 0 lig h ts w a n te d an A lte r n a tin g sible for the first large-scale, central electricity generating station at Deptford
C u r r e n t M o t o r & y o u w ill b e p le a se d to h ea r th a t I h a v e e n te r e d in to a c o n tr a c t w it h th e m
(which began work in 1891) designed to supply up to a quarter of Londons
to s u p p ly th e m w it h all m o to r s w h ic h th e y m a y r e q u ire. . . . th e in sta lla tio n is b e in g run
needs but in pratice inhibited by the fragmented nature of local government
w it h S ie m e n s D y n a m o s & G o u lla r d [siV] & G ib b s C o n v e r t o r s [tra n sfo rm ers]; th e se
which favoured small-scale non-centralized installations.^
C o n v e r t o r s are b e in g run in series w it h a h ig h te n sio n c u r r e n t th e resu lt o f w h ic h is th at a
c o n sta n t q u a n tity o f cu r r e n t is a lw a y s f lo w in g t h r o e a ch C o n v e r t o r in th e c ir c u it. T h e
Though Sir William did not involve himself directly in Ferrantis later
E. M . F. at th e te r m in a ls o f ea ch C o n v e r t o r v a ries t h e r e fo r e a s th e n u m b e r o f L a m p s w h ic h
projects, his opinions in 1888 reflected a definite shift away from small-scale
are p u t o n in stea d o f r e m a in in g c o n sta n t; th e C o n v e r t o r s th e r e fo r e c a n n o t h a v e th e ir generation with the use of storage cells to large-scale economic generation of
L a m p s tu r n e d o n & o ff. Y o u can u n d e r sta n d h o w se rio u s th is d iffic u lty is & h o w it r e a lly electricity:
p u ts an e n d to a s y s te m o f e le c t r ic lig h tin g . T h e cu r r e n t has to b e k e p t c o n sta n t in th e m a in
I q u ite e x p e c t th a t it [e le c tr ic lig h t] w ill a lto g e th e r su p ersed e gas lig h tin g in c ities,
c ir c u it b y v a r y in g th e e x c it in g cu r r e n t m e c h a n ic a lly in ste a d o f h a v in g as th e y sh o u ld a
a lth o u g h it is im p o s s ib le to say h o w s o o n . If i t w e r e at p r e se n t su p p lie d to h o u se s at t w ic e
D y n a m o w h ic h k e e p s a c o n sta n t e . m . f at its te r m in a ls as ou rs d o e s . ^
th e p r ic e o f g as, th e lig h t b ill w o u ld b e less th an in m o s t p r iv a te h o u se s th an at p r esen t,

Ferranti added that he did not know whether Sir Coutts Lindsay & Co. were b ec a u se th e e le c tr ic lig h t can b e e x t in g u is h e d in an in sta n t in a n y p la ce w h e r e it is n o t
w a n te d , an d r e lig h te d in an in sta n t, w it h th e grea test p o ss ib le ease. T h e sto r a g e o f
fully alive to the difficulty they are in altho they have already found out that it is
e le c tr ic ity is t o o c o s tly fo r v e r y g e n e r a l u se ,b u t it is q u ite u n n e c e ssa r y in a n y v e r y la r g e -
almost impossible for them to carry on their installation satisfactorily. Indeed in
scale e le c tr ic lighting.^ *
two months running they have stopped the lighting during the evening at least
12 times which means that people are becoming very dissatisfied. Two years later. Sir William chaired the so-called Niagara Commission
Ferrantis solution to the problems included the patenting of a new convertor formed to act as a body of consulting experts on another very large-scale
or transformer (connected in parallel rather than in series) made strictly in generating project of which he had long been an advocate. He favoured a high
regard to electrical principles & also so as to be cheap for manufacture, and with pressure, direct-current system over the alternating-current system actually
very small internal resistance such that In consequence of this we can turn off 49 adopted for long-distance transmission, arguing characteristically in 1892 that a
lights out of 50 on one circuit without in the slightest way affecting the fascination with the mathematical problems and experimental illustrations
remaining lamp; this no one else has accomplished. He concluded his five-page presented by the alternating current system . . . have . . . tended to lead astray
letter: even engineers, who ought to be insensible to everything except estimates of
I sh all b e so v e r y g r ie v e d to see th e G r o s v e n o r G a lle r y In sta lla tio n fail th r o in c o m p e te n c e
economy and utility. ^^ His well-known preference for direct-current systems
as it c e r ta in ly w ill d o as m a tte r s n o w stan d & I a m p e r fe c tly su re th at I can s h o w t h e m h o w
rested heavily on this criterion of economy as he made even more explicit in a
to p u t e v e r y t h in g r ig h t & th a t I ca n turn th e in sta lla tio n in to a su ccess and th at t o [o ] w it h letter of 1896:
th e least p o ss ib le e x p e n d itu r e . A fte r all th e sp e c u la tio n th a t has tak en p la ce in th e e le c tr ic F or e le c tr ic tr a n sm issio n o f p o w e r o v e r v e r y lo n g d ista n ces, uery h ig h pressu re is
lig h tin g w o r ld I a m a n x io u s to s h e w that e le c tr ic lig h tin g ca n b e d o n e & th at w e ll & n o t n ecessa ry fo r e c o n o m y . I o b je c t to th e u se o f a ltern a te c u rren ts fo r th is p ra ctica l p u r p o se ,
th a t it is a m e r e s o m e t h in g fo r S to c k b r o k e r s to sp e c u la te in . M r W h ite le y tells m e th a t o u r p r im a r ily b e c a u se 41 p er c e n t h ig h e r p ressu re can b e tr a n sm itte d t o a g r e a t d ista n c e b y
1 2 0 0 lig h t M a c h in e . . . has b e e n w o r k in g r e g u la r ly n o w fo r 12 m o n th s & d u r in g th is d ir e c t cu r r e n t th a n b y a ltern a te c u r r e n t, w it h th e sa m e c o n d u c to r s a n d in su la tio n in th e
p e r io d it h as w o r k e d to h is e n tir e sa tisfa c tio n & h e has n e v e r h a d a s in g le sto p p a g e o f th e t w o cases. F or d ista n c e e x c e e d in g 5 0 m ile s it w o u ld p r o b a b ly b e a d v isa b le to u se t w o
lig h ts . w ir e s , o n e o f th e m at + 20 000, a n d th e o t h e r at 20 000 v o lt s d iffe r e n c e o f p o te n tia ls
fr o m th e earth . I b e lie v e it w o u ld n o t b e p o ss ib le to o b ta in , fo r su ch d ista n ces, as g o o d
With two, 750 horse-power Ferranti alternators replacing the Siemens gener
e c o n o m y b y a ltern a te c u rren t as b y d ir e c t c u rren t. T h e p r im e c o st o f d ir e c t-c u r r e n t
ators, the supply from the Grosvenor Gallery installation covered some one
d y n a m o s fo r su ch p u r p o se s has n e v e r b e e n g o n e in to practically.* ^
hundred miles of West London streets by 1889. Many of the aristocratic town
houses and fashionable public buildings changed from gas to electricity. After
Currer-Briggs, Doctor Ferranti, pp. 13841, 144-63. For a recent study see I.C.R. Byatt, The
years as a novelty rather than as a serious rival, electricity now seemed ready to
British electrical industry 1875-1914. The economic returns to a new technology (Oxford, 1979).
displace gas altogether. To this end, the London Electric Supply Company (into Sir William Thomson to ?, 28th February, 1888, in SPT, 2 , 875. The identity o f the
correspondent is unknown. SPT, 2 , 89T-6tz.
Ferranti to Thomson, op. cit. (note 98). See also Currer-Briggs, Doctor Ferranti, pp. 1 3 2 ^ ); Lord Kelvin to Campbell Swinton, 25th February, 1896, in SPT, 2, 960-1. See also p. 1197,
Ferranti and Ince, Sebastian de Ferranti, pp. 546. for Kelvins final words on direct versus alternating current in March, 1907.
720 E n e r g y , e c o n o m y , a n d E m p ir e M e a s u r e m e n t a n d m a r k e tin g 721

Closely allied to Sir Williams association with the generation of electricity, m eans o f j u d g in g w h ic h I h a v e , I b e lie v e th at th e e c o n o m y o f e le c tr ic tr a c tio n , in th e
his interest in the development of electric trams and trains also began around m a n n e r p r o p o s e d . . . w ill b e at least as g o o d as, an d p r o b a b ly b e tte r th a n , w o r k in g steam

1882 when he subscribed to one hundred ^^10 shares in the Giants Causeway, c o u ld b e . *

Portrush and Bush Valley Railway and Tramway (Electric). This very early Kelvins analysis here most probably offered a precise answer to an anxious
electric line opened in the summer of 1883 to convey tourists from the mainline company during a period of economic slump. Unlikely as it was that the railway
station o f Portrush along the scenic North of Ireland coastline to the famous would in fact have employed steam, the company derived from Kelvin the
geological spectacle of regular basaltic columns known as the Giants Causeway. strong assurance that electric traction was not only more desirable than steam for
Sir William Siemens had provided much of the expertise and equipment, but underground use, but that it was indeed no less economic. The Central London
after his death in the opening year his place on the Companys Board of Railway (now part of the Central Line) finally opened with electric locomotives
Directors was filled by Thomson. Throughout 1884 he advised the Company in 1900.10^
on technical matters which largely focussed on the need to devise a means of Illustrative of the same undeviating quest for economy and for mans best use
automatic power regulation for the water turbines and electrical system. As of the resources of nature. Lord Kelvins role as scientific adviser to the British
W. A. Traill explained to Sir William in February: When the current in the car is Aluminium Company in the 1890s demonstrates that his commitment to
cut off there is an instantaneous increase of speed and rise of potential before any industrial advancement did not diminish with age and status. He made a number
turbine governor can possibly act.^^ of reports to the Company which was then actively engaged in developing a
Early in his years as a member of the House of Lords, Kelvin was appointed in major new aluminium smelter at the Falls of Foyers in the Scottish Highlands.
May, 1892, to a Joint Select Committee of the Lords and Commons on the The beautiful waterfall would no longer waste its power into Loch Ness, but
schemes for underground railways in London. He particularly favoured an would become both the source of the large quantity of electricity required in the
overhead arrangement for supply to electric traction at a maximum of 500 electrolytic production of aluminium from its ore and of a reversal of the
volts. 1 In January, 1893, he acted as a consultant to the nascent Central London century-old evil of progressive Highland depopulation:
Railway and wrote at length in answer to six questions put to him by the
T h a t m a g n ific e n t p ie c e o f w o r k o f th e A lu m in iu m C o m p a n y [at F o y e r s] w a s th e
Company. His first five answers advanced the case of electric over steam power
b e g in n in g o f s o m e t h in g th at w o u ld y e t tr a n sfo r m th e w h o le so c ia l e c o n o m y o f c o u n tr ie s
in respect of safety, reliability, health and comfort, speed and frequency for su ch as th e H ig h la n d s , w h e r e w a te r a b o u n d e d . H e [K e lv in ] lo o k e d fo r w a r d t o th e tim e
underground railways. These answers merely confirmed the wisdom o f the City w h e n th e H ig h la n d s w o u ld b e r e - p e o p le d to s o m e d e g r e e w it h c u ltiv a to r s o f th e so il, b u t
& South London Railway which had operated with electric traction since 1890. r e -p e o p le d also w it h in d u s tr io u s artizan s d o in g th e w o r k w h ic h th a t u tiliz a tio n o f th e
But the answer to the sixth question offered a characteristically Kelvinese w a te r w o u ld p r o v id e fo r t h e m . T h e B r itish A lu m in iu m w o r k s w e r e v e r y p o p u la r in th e
comparison of the economy of electric with steam traction: lo c a lity . It w a s o n ly at a d ista n c e th a t th e s e n tim e n ta l q u e stio n W h a t is to b e c o m e o f th e
b e a u tifu l F alls o f F o y e r s? w a s ask ed . . . H e t h o u g h t w h e n th e t im e c a m e th at e v e r y d r o p
I h a v e c a r e fu lly c o n sid e r e d th e e s tim a te d c o s t o f w o r k in g e le c tr ic a lly th e In n er C ir c le o f
o f w a te r th a t n o w fell o v e r th e F alls o f F o y e r s w a s u sed fo r th e b e n e fit o f m a n k in d , n o w is e
th e M e tr o p o lita n R a ilw a y p u t b e fo r e m e b y M r A le x a n d e r S ie m e n s, an d I a m satisfied
m a n , n o m a n w h o e v e r t h o u g h t o f th e g o o d o f th e p e o p le , w o u ld r e g r e t th at th e p o w e r in
th a t it a llo w s an a m p le m a r g in fo r e x p e n d itu r e u n d e r th e v a r io u s h ea d s. It s h o w s a c o s t o f
th e w a te r fa ll w a s d e v e lo p e d fo r th e b e n e fit o f m a n k in d .
9 .2 d p er train m ile , ea ch train b e in g a d a p te d to ca rry 2 5 0 o r 3 0 0 p a ssen gers. T h is c o m p a r e s
fa v o u r a b ly w it h th e a ctu a l c o st o f w o r k in g o n th a t lin e b y ste a m w h ic h , I am in fo r m e d , is Shortly afterwards, he emphasized his vision of a revival of Highland life and
a b o u t lOd p er train m ile . F ro m th e c o n sid e r a b le e x p e r ie n c e a lrea d y o b ta in e d in th e prosperity, to the present crofters being succeeded by a happy industrial
su cc essfu l w o r k in g o f e le c tr ic r a ilw a y s in d iffe r e n t parts o f th e w o r ld , an d fr o m all th e
population occupied largely in manufactories rendered possible by the
utilization of all the water power of the country. It seems to me a happy thought
04 John Rennie to W .A. Traill, 4th May, 1882, LB4.36, ULC; W.A. Traill to Sir William
Thomson, 30th November, 1883; 7th February, 1884, T604and T607, ULC; Sir William Thomson 0* Lord Kelvin to F.A. Lucas, 6th January, 1893, in Michael Robbins, Lord Kelvin on electric
to Anthony Traill, 30thjanuary, 1884, T591 (draft), ULC. There are many other letters between the railways,J. Transport Hist., 3 (1958), 235-8, on pp. 235-7; F.A. Lucas to Lord Kelvin, 24thjanuary,
Traills and Sir William concerning the railway. See also SPT, 2, 797. Following Siemenss death, 1893, C73, ULC. Robbins (p. 237) seems to suggest that the subject was rather outside the range o f
Thomson seems to have negotiated with the Siemens Company on behalf o f the railway in order to Kelvins own special interests, which, as w e have seen, is hardly the case. Kelvin was not only familiar
maintain favourable links with the contractors on matters o f technical improvement and repair. with electric traction since the Portrush line in 1883, but in 1895 considered the possibility o f
Oliver Lodge also offered technical advice. See Oliver Lodge to Sir William Thomson, 11th April, mainline electric trains being built at the famous Crewe locom otive works. See SPT, 2, 944.
1884, L74, ULC. Robbins, Lord Kelvin, pp. 237-8.
Electric and cable railways (Metropolis); Report from joint Select Committee, 23rd May, 1 0 8 SPT 2, 1001. Kelvin was opening a carbon factory at Greenock for the British Aluminium

1892, especially Appendix A. Company on 4th August, 1897.

722 E n e r g y , e c o n o m y , a n d E m p ir e

that the poor people of the country will be industrious artizans, rather than mere
guides to tourists. 21
In promoting this idyllic image of a subsistence economy transformed into
industrial prosperity. Lord Kelvin did not attempt to distinguish the profits of
capital from the well-being of mankind, to appreciate the intrinsic beauty of an R u le, Britannia: the art o f navigation
unexploitcd Falls of Foyers, and to consider seriously other possibilities for the
Highland economy. His perspective could scarcely fail to provoke the anger of
late-twentieth-century critics o f industrialization. Yet his remarks did have a
powerful logic of their own. The pestilence, poverty and over-population
accompanying the industrial development of his beloved Glasgow had as their N a v ig a t io n , in th e te c h n ic a l sen se o f th e w o r d , m e a n s th e art o f f in d in g a
counterpart the depopulation and decline of the Highland economy. Now the sh ip s p la ce at sea, an d o f d ir e c tin g h e r c o u r se fo r th e p u r p o se o f r e a c h in g
advancement of science, and especially science-based industry, which was a n y d esir ed p la c e . . . T o fin d a sh ip s p la c e at sea is a p ractical a p p lic a tio n o f
transforming Glasgow into a healthier, more spacious and very prestigious P u r e G e o m e tr y an d A s tr o n o m y . It is o n this p ie c e o f p ractical m a th e m a tic s
Second City of Empire, would equally bring economic and human salvation to that I a m n o w to sp eak to y o u . Sir W illiam Thomson, Lecture on navigation
the vast Highland regions, for so long, like Ireland, the mere reservoirs for delivered in G lasgow s C ity H all, 1 8752
Glasgows labour.

Ibid., pp. \002-3. Kelvin expressed these views at Niagara in 1897 en route to the Toronto
meeting o f the British Association.
In the spring of 1878, a young Polish seaman joined a British steamer at
Marseilles. The future master mariner and celebrated English novelist Joseph
Conrad (1857-1924) was to serve some fifteen years - and as many ships - under
the Red Ensign which, in the period 1870-1914, flew over almost half of the
worlds shipping tonnage. No one ever dramatized the significance of the
interdependence o f practical geometry, the merchant marine, and the economic
wealth of the British Empire more effectively than Conrad. One famous novel.
The secret agent, published in 1907, approached this theme through a tale of
anarchists in Victorian London. Deeply angered by Englands toleration of all
kinds of revolutionaries plotting the overthrow of more autocratic regimes, the
foreign diplomat Vladimir planned a terrorist outrage which would provoke
the complacent British middle classes into taking repressive action against their
dangerous guests. The target was to be a no less significant one than Airys
Greenwich Observatory. Thus Vladimir explained to his agent:
T h e fetish o f t o d a y is n e ith e r r o y a lty n o r r e lig io n . T h e r e fo r e th e p a la c e a n d th e ch u rch
sh o u ld b e le ft a lo n e . . . T h e sacro sa n ct fe tish o f to d a y is sc ie n c e . . . [T h e m id d le class]
b e lie v e th at in s o m e m y s te r io u s w a y sc ie n c e is at th e so u r c e o f th e ir m a te r ia l p r o sp e r ity . . .
T h e attack m u st h a v e all th e s h o c k in g se n selessn ess o f g r a tu ito u s b la s p h e m y . . . W h a t d o
y o u th in k o f h a v in g a g o at a str o n o m y ? . . . T h e w h o le c iv ilis e d w o r ld has h eard o f
G r e e n w ic h . . . th e b lo w in g u p o f th e first m e r id ia n is b o u n d to raise a h o w l o f e x e c r a tio n
. . . G o fo r th e first m erid ia n .^

In the late Victorian and Edwardian eras, Britannias rule depended less on the
military power of earlier empires than on geometrical conventions imposed
' PL, 3, 1-138, on pp. 1-2.
^ Joseph Conrad, The secret agent. A simple tale (London, 1907), pp. 41-50. jerry Allen, The sea
years of Joseph Conrad (London, 1967), traces Conrads life under the Red Ensign.

724 Energy, economy, and Empire Rule, Britannia: the art o f navigation 725

upon the material world in order to make possible the maritime trade and practical yachtsman as well as bearing one of the most distinctive marks of
communication, without which the widely scattered and largely island Empire genius - simplicity.^
could scarcely have existed. Without those geometrical divisions of space and Astronomical navigation, the second mode of finding a ships position,
time - the lines of latitude and of longitude, the British Admiralty charts, the required the fixing of the ships latitude and longitude from sights of celestial
lighthouses and the day-marks - the foundation of Britains wealth and security objects. To begin with. Sir William noted especially that elementary texts on
would disintegrate into the chaos of anarchy. And at the symbolic centre stood navigation, geography, and astronomy often proceeded on the supposition that
the Greenwich Observatory - marking the first meridian and enabling the the earth is an exact sphere. Upon this supposition, they defined key terms such
calculation of longitude anywhere at sea from an accurate knowledge of as terrestrial latitude and longitude, meridians, horizontal planes, verticals, and
Greenwich Mean Time, which in 1884 became the internationally accepted basis altitudes. Characteristically, however. Sir William preferred definitions of a
of the worlds time zones.^ more practical kind, which, be the figure of the earth what it may, shall
Sir William Thomsons 1875 lecture on navigation, delivered in Glasgows designate in each case the thing found when the element in question is deter
City Hall under the auspices of the Glasgow Science Lectures Association, might mined in practice by actual observation. Thus, he defined a vertical at any
well have been cited by Conrads Vladimir as evidence for the close links position as simply the direction of the plumb line there, when the plummet
between geometrical and astronomical science, practical navigation, and Vic hangs at rest. A vertical plane is any plane through a vertical and a horizontal
torian commercial prosperity. At the same time, Thomsons lecture epitomizes plane is a plane perpendicular to the plumb-line or vertical. The altitude is the
his own conviction that mathematics was the only true metaphysics, and that inclination to the horizontal plane of a line directed to the object. The meridian
mathematics should be of a geometrical and eminently practical kind. His of a place is the vertical plane passing through the pivot point of the sky defined
lecture began with a discussion o f four modes, employed separately or jointly, as the celestial pole. Consequently, the latitude of a place is the altitude there of
for finding the position o f a ship at sea: pilotage, astronomical navigation, dead the celestial pole; and the longitude is the angle between its meridian and that of
reckoning, and deep-sea sounding. Greenwich.^ Proceeding on the basis o f observation, measurement, and geom
First, he defined pilotage as navigation in the neighbourhood of land, usually etry, Sir William thereby explicitly avoided the hypothetical model of the earth
by means of terrestrial objects such as headlands, lighthouses, landmarks, or hills. as an exact sphere and reduced the problem to one of local geometry in much the
He made clear the overwhelming importance of geometrical reasoning for the same way that he (and Fourier) had long before reduced the problem of heat
competent pilot: flow to observable geometric relations.
Equally characteristic of his scientific style was Sir Williams preference for a
M e r e a c q u a in ta n c e w it h th e g e n e r a l a p p ea ra n ce o f th e v is ib le o b je c ts n o lo n g e r su ffices,
particular method of determining latitude and longitude from astronomical
a n d th e p ilo t, h o w e v e r u n sc h o la r ly m a y h a v e b e e n his tr a in in g , becomes of necessity a
observation, known as Sumners method (after Captain Thomas Sumner of
practical mathematician. T h e p r in c ip le o f c le a r in g m a rk s fo r [ o u t ly in g ] d a n g ers is o f th e
p u rest g e o m e t r y . A certa in lin e is d e sc r ib e d o r sp e c ifie d b y th e aid o f t w o o b je c ts seen in
Boston). This method had been used by Captain Moriarty, RN, during the
lin e o r n e a r ly so . . . A n o u t ly in g d a n g e r is c o m p le t e ly c ir c u m sc r ib e d b y th r ee lines.'*
transatlantic cable expeditions of 1858,1865, and especially 1866, when it greatly
facilitated recovery of the lost cable of 1865. In Sir Williams view:
In the interests of pilotage. Sir William campaigned vigorously between 1872
[ S u m n e r s m e th o d ] is n o t o n ly v a lu a b le as g iv in g us a clear v ie w o the geometrical process
and 1881 to improve the distinguishing characteristics of lights at sea. With
underlying the piece of calculation by logarithmic tables w h ic h is p e r fo r m e d m o r n in g an d
others, he advocated a system o f group flashes in rotating lights and group
e v e n in g b y th e p r a ctica l n a v ig a to r at sea, b u t it a c tu a lly g iv e s h im a m u c h m o r e u sefu l
occultations in fixed lights to make them more easily visible and also recogniz p ra ctica l w a y o f w o r k in g o u t th e resu lts o f h is o b s e r v a tio n s than th at w h ic h is o r d in a r ily
able.^ The Times enthusiastically endorsed recommendations that Sir William ta u g h t in s c h o o ls a n d b o o k s o f n a v ig a tio n , an d o r d in a r ily p r a c tise d o n b o a r d ship.
made in 1879 as having the authority of a distinguished man of science and o f a
* Sir William Thomson, Distinguishing lights for lighthouses. Nature, 21 (1879), 109-10.
^ See Derek Howse, Greenwich time and the discovery o f the longitude (Oxford, 1980), pp. 45-171; ^ PL, 3, 6 8 72.
David Landes, Revolution in time. Clocks and the making o f the modern world (Cambridge, MA and Ibid., pp. 87- 98, on p. 91. Our emphasis. See also Captain S.T.S. Lecky, Wrinkles' in practical
London, 1983), pp. 285-7. PL, 3, 3, 55-6. Our emphasis. navigation (London, 1881), pp. 196-217; W.E. May, A history of marine navigation (Henley-on-
Sir William Thomson, On the identification o f lights at sea, B A A S Report, 42 (1872), 251; Thames, 1973), pp. 38-9, 172-3; S.T.S. Lecky to Sir William Thomson, 16th February, 1880, CS
Lighthouses o f the future. Good Words, 14 (1873), 217-24; On lighthouse characteristics, read at 612, ULC. At this stage, Lecky was not in favour o f Sumners method. In his Wrinkles' he spoke
the Naval and Marine Exhibition, Glasgow, 11th February, 1881, PL, 3, 389-421. See also SPT, 2, highly o f the method, a change which almost certainly resulted from his dialogue with Sir William
659-60, 724-9, for relevant correspondence. whose opinion Lecky greatly valued.
726 Energy, economy, and Empire Rule, Britannia: the art o f navigation 727

For its application, Sumners method assumed the availability on board of both would lead to the ship being ten miles out of her course in a run o f200 miles. The
an accurate chronometer (for correct Greenwich Mean Time) and the Nautical only solution for a competent navigator approaching land in cloudy weather
Almanac, which together would enable the navigator to locate the suns position was to feel his way by deep-sea soundings until he makes the land and makes
directly above the earth. Making an altitude measurement of the sun, he could sure by lighthouse and landmark of where he really is. Deep-sea soundings not
then in principle draw a circle corresponding to that altitude about the suns only complemented dead reckoning, but constituted Sir Williams fourth mode
position as centre. Ifhe were to draw at a later time a second circle coupled with a o f finding a ships position at sea.^
simultaneous translation of the first circle along the line of running, the In this and the next chapter we shall be principally concerned with the
intersection of the circles would in principle give the ships position. With only a historical origin and commercial context of Sir Williams famous navigational
local chart, however, the navigator would find this exercise difficult in practice innovations during the 1870s. His deep-sea sounding machines and his dry-card
since he could not simply swing a circle about the suns position. Instead, he magnetic compasses facilitated the third and fourth modes of navigation just
needed to draw segments of the circles (ovals on Mercators projection) on his outlined. His enthusiasm for navigation had special sources o f inspiration during
local charts. As the calculations needed to obtain these arcs or Sumner lines this period. There was, for example, his long-standing friendship with
proved quite laborious and time-consuming. Sir William provided simplifying Archibald Smith and their mutual work on magnetic problems. Again, his
tables which made the graphical method wholly practicable. purchase of the yacht Lalla Rookh in 1870, shortly after the death of Margaret
Sir Williams warm support for Sumners method in the Proceedings of the and following on more than a decade of submarine telegraphic work, gave him
Royal Society in 1871 prompted Airy to express alarm to Stokes (as the Societys the opportunity to resolve the practical problems of compass and sounding
secretary) lest the method should lead to disasters in consequence of people machine. During the 1860s and 1870s also, the coming-of-age of the large iron
forgetting that the place so determined is liable to a shift east or west depending steamship, centred on Clydeside, provided the opportunity for Sir William to
on the unknown error of the chronometer. Stokes published the Astronomer exercise his shrewd entrepreneurial skills. Above all, however, it was his
Royals criticisms, but added a devastating reply of his own: , commitment to practical mathematics which yielded the fruits of navigational
improvement. With good reason, therefore. Sir William referred his audience in
F r o m a g e n e r a l r e c o lle c tio n o f a c o n v e r s a tio n I h a d w it h S ir W . T h o m s o n b e fo r e th e
p r e se n ta tio n o f his p a p er, I d o n o t im a g in e his o b je c t to h a v e b e e n e x a c tly w h a t th e
1875 to Lieutenant Rapers excellent book on navigation which opened with
A s tr o n o m e r R o y a l h e r e d e sc rib es . . . O f co u r se th e p la c e so d e te r m in e d is lia b le to an the telling prefatory remarks:
erro r east o r w e s t c o r r e s p o n d in g to th e u n k n o w n error o f th e c h r o n o m e te r ; a n d T h o s e w h o h a v e b e e n b r o u g h t u p to th e sea, an d w h o h a v e e x p e r ie n c e d th e d ista ste fo r
d o u b tle ss, u n d e r o r d in a r y c ir c u m sta n c e s , th is fo r m s th e p r in c ip a l erro r to w h ic h th e lo n g c a lc u la tio n s w h ic h th at k in d o f life in sp ires, w ill n o t h e sita te to a d m it th at th e o n ly
d e te r m in a tio n o f a s h ip s p la c e is lia b le . T h is re m a in s p r e c is e ly as it d id b e fo r e ; an d it is m e a n s o f in d u c in g se a m e n g e n e r a lly to p r o fit b y th e n u m e r o u s o c c a s io n s w h ic h offer
h ard to su p p o s e that th e m e r e s u b s titu tio n o f a g r a p h ic a l fo r a p u r e ly n u m e r ic a l p ro cess th e m s e lv e s fo r f in d in g th e p la ce o f th e sh ip , is e x tr e m e b r e v ity o f s o lu tio n . It is n o t,
c o u ld lead a n a v ig a to r to f o r g e t th a t h e is d e p e n d e n t u p o n his c h r o n o m e te r . . A h o w e v e r , m e r e ly as a c o n c e s s io n to in d o le n c e , th at ru les sh o u ld b e m a d e as e a sy an d
s im p le as p o ssib le ; th e n a tu r e o f a sea life d e m a n d s th at e v e r y e x e r t io n sh o u ld b e m a d e to
Dead reckoning, the third mode of finding a ships position, concerned
a b r id g e c o m p u t a t io n , w h ic h has o fte n t o b e c o n d u c te d in c ir c u m sta n c e s o f d a n g e r ,
navigation in cloud covered skies and restricted visibility, with the magnetic
a n x ie ty , o r fa tig u e .^ '
compass as the only guide, other than soundings in comparatively shallow
waters. Given especially our limited knowledge of ocean currents, and the
inaccuracies of the compass in iron ships. Sir William argued forcefully that The shipyard of Empire
undue trust in dead reckoning has produced more disastrous shipwrecks of
When, in the summer of 1907, the 31 550 gross-ton Cunard liner Lusitania ran
seaworthy ships . . . than all other causes put together. Even allowing for
her speed trials on the Firth of Clyde within close view of Lord Kelvins home
currents, he believed that it would be unsafe to trust a ships place within fifteen
near Largs, the eighty-three-year-old peer must have reflected that here was
or twenty miles per twenty-four hours of dead reckoning. And even with half
indeed more than a reassuring symbol that Britains shipbuilders could create the
quarter point (one or two degrees) compass errors in wooden vessels, and with
largest, most prestigious, and most elegant ships in the world. Constructed at
very careful steering, he estimated that a total error of a quarter of a point
Clydebank, near Glasgow, the four-funnelled, turbine-driven giant for the
Sir William Thomson. On the determination o f a ships place from observations o f altitude, Liverpool to New York passenger and mail service might well have reminded
Proc. Royal Soc. London, 19 (1871), 2 5 9 ^ 6 , 524-6; G.B. Airy to G.G. Stokes, 5th April, 1871, Proc.
Royal Soc. London, 19 (1871), 448-50; Sir William Thomson, Tablesforfacilitating^ Sumners method at '0 PL, 3, 105-16.
sea' (London, 1876). " Henry Raper, The practice of navigation and nautical astronomy (London, 1840), p. vi.
728 Energy, economy, and Empire Rule, Britannia: the art o f navigation 729

Lord Kelvin that less than a century had passed since his father had spent four magnetic compasses. Only after the burning at sea in 1852 of the wooden Royal
days on an uncertain passage in a lime smack from Ireland to Scotland, en route Mail steamer Amazon, with the loss of 105 lives, did the change to iron become a
for Glasgow College. Now, the mighty Lusitania, navigated by Lord Kelvins reality for these high-class ships.
patent compasses, would regularly cross the North Atlantic in a mere five Between 1840 and 1870, Britain became for iron ships the shipyard and
days.^^ shipowner of the world and the Clyde the shipyard of Empire. To the Napiers of
During the first half of the nineteenth century, ocean trade had been wholly Clydeside must go the lions share of the credit for the swift change in Britains
dependent on sail, and the best sailing ships belonged not to Britain, but to the maritime fortune. The River Clyde had been made navigable for sea-going
United States. American sailing packets - such as the fast and reliable ships of the vessels only at the end of the eighteenth century (ch. 2). Greenock, at the head of
Black Ball Line founded in 1816 ruled North Atlantic passenger routes. The the deep Firth and mouth of the river, was indeed to remain the centre of
first of the tea clippers, the Helena, came from a New York builder in 1841, and, wooden shipbuilding on the Clyde well into the nineteenth century. But the
in the period up to 1860, American built China clippers excelled on the long effect of the change to iron on Greenock proved devastating: Gone was the
distance passages from the East to London. British builders, located mainly in industrious hum of saw-milling and the pleasing sound of caulking mallet
Aberdeen and Greenock, eventually replied with more durable hardwood striking caulking iron that had been heard... from shipyards that had specialized
clippers which could equal and even surpass the performance of their American in wooden shipbuilding only. Hundreds of craftsmen skilled in the art of
softwood rivals. In 1866, for example, three clippers, Taeping, Ariel, and Serica, wooden shipbuilding, many of whom had never had a single day of idleness,
all built by Robert Steele of Greenock, arrived in London from China on the walked the streets of Greenock or stood in small groups, with little to talk about
very same day to win the most famous tea-clipper race in maritime history. except their idleness and misery.
Britains pre-eminence on ocean routes had been by no means assured prior to By the 1840s, then, the marine engineering activities o f the Napier cousins,
1860. The fierce American competition only dwindled with the Civil War of Robert and David, had altered the balance firmly in favour of an iron steamship
the 1860s and, more importantly with the progress of the iron and screw era centred on the rapidly growing industrial city more and more easily
steamship. Samuel Cunards Liverpool-based and Glasgow-financed British accessible from the sea. Roberts engineering of the first Cunard liners, and his
and North American Royal Mail Steam Packet Company was already in success in obtaining for Cunard the financial backing needed around 1840,
existence by the early 1840s, as were two major new Southampton-based mail formed the prelude to a Napier era o f iron shipbuilding in Glasgow. Although
services. The Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navigation Company, founded in David Napier had already left for London, two of his enterprising managers,
1837 by the Scotsman Arthur Anderson (1792-1868), and better known as David Tod and John MacGregor, had opened their own yard in 1836.^"^ In 1850,
P & O, quickly opened up the England to India route with an overland link via they launched to their own account the 1600 ton City of Glasgow for a Glasgow
Egypt. The Royal Mail Steam Packet Company, founded in 1839 by another to New York service. Unlike the usual Atlantic mail steamer of the 1840s, the
Scotsman, James MacQueen (1778-1870), served the West Indies. All three ship boasted iron hull and screw propulsion. Within the same year, the City of
companies employed wooden paddle steamers assisted by a traditional arrange Glasgow was bought by the new Liverpool and Philadelphia Steam Ship
ment of masts and sails.In d eed , the British Admiralty, whose agent travelled Company (best known subsequently as the Inman Line), and, with other Tod
with the mails, insisted on wooden hulls for mail ships until the early 1850s on and MacGregor ships soon in service, the line prospered, even without a mail
safety grounds, mail ships being regarded as reserve warships. Iron hulls, the subsidy and even after the loss of two ships in 1854. By contrast, the rival Cunard
Admiralty believed, would incur greater damage and inflict more injury in a and Collins Lines looked outdated. The American owned Collins Line, with its
conflict than timber, while also suffering from serious deviations of their wooden hulls and paddle wheels, ceased trading in 1858 after a series of
disastrous losses, while Cunard switched to iron with the Robert Napier-built
The Cunard liner Lusitania , The shipbuilder, 2 (1907-8), 83-8; Thom sons patent compass Persia of 1856, though not to screw propulsion until the early 1860s.^*
books: record o f ships supplied with compass (1876-1918), Glasgow University archives. Kelvins The business network established by Robert Napier provided a solid founda-
firm supplied five compasses to the Lusitania in April, 1907.
Sidney Pollard and Paul Robertson, The British shipbuilding industry, 1870^1914 (Cambridge, Bushell, Royal M ail, pp. 65-79.
MA and London, 1979), pp. 9-13; R.G. Albion, Square-riggers on schedule. The New York sailing Shields, Clyde built, pp. 121-2; Pollard and Robertson, British shipbuilding industry, pp. 13-69.
packets to England, France and the cotton ports (Princeton, 1938); John Shields, Clyde built (Glasgow, James Napier, Life o f Robert Napier o f West Shandon (Edinburgh and London, 1904), pp. 1-165;
1949), pp. 121-4. Anthony Slaven, The development o f the west o f Scotland: 1750-1960 (London, 1975), pp. 125-33,
F.E. Hyde, Cunard and the North Atlantic, 1870-1973 (London, 1975); Boyd Cable, A hundred 178-82.
year history o f the P & O (London, 1937); T. A. Bushell, Royal M ail. A centenary history o f the Royal ** N.R.P. Bonsor, North Atlantic seaway (5 vols., Newton Abbot and Jersey, 1975-9), 1, pp. 218-
Mail Line. 1839-1939 (London, 1939). 46, 201-8, 72-84.
730 Energy, economy, and Empire Rule, Britannia: the art o f navigation 731

tion for the development of the Clydes shipbuilding reputation in the second Elders friendship with Rankine, that a knowledge of the new science of
half of the century. The phrase Clyde-built became synonymous with econ thermodynamics guided Elder in the design. A dramatic reduction in fuel
omy, quality and reliability, and with an enormous variety of high-class ships consumption due to the use of high-pressure steam in two manageable stages led
ranging from ocean liner and battleship to tug and dredger. Some insight into to orders for engines for two ships for the Pacific Steam Navigation Company
why the Clyde deserved such a reputation may be gleaned from a comparison of Liverpool. The consequent economy made possible steam navigation along
made by Joule in 1858 between Bruneis Great Eastern (or Leviathan) and the western seaboard of South America where coal supplies were scarce or non
Napiers Persia: existent. Pacific Steam returned again and again to Elder for new ships, and grew
I sa w in L o n d o n 3 w e e k s a g o th e b lu n d e r in g a r r a n g e m e n ts fo r la u n c h in g th e Leviathan
into one of the worlds largest shipping companies by the 1880s.^^
and c o u ld n o t h e lp c o n tr a stin g th e m w it h th o se fo r th e la u n c h o f th e Persia at G la s g o w , a
The marine compound engine also made possible the economic development
v e sse l o f at lea st o n e q u a rter th e w e i g h t . . . I m a d e a c a lc u la tio n w h a t h er sp e e d w o u ld b e of long-distance ocean navigation by steam rather than sail. Although steamship
w h e n f u lly la d e n an d fin d it s o m e w h a t less tha n th a t o f Persia. I th in k s o m e lim it s h o u ld b e owners were generally slower than Pacific Steam to invest in the more complex
p la c e d o n th e e n o r m o u s c o n s u m p tio n o f c o a l b y stea m sh ip s w h ic h is r a p id ly e x h a u s tin g - and thus more difficult to service - compound engine, the P & O Company
o u r c o a lm in e s . ^ had adopted a version in the early 1860s, and Alfred Holts new Ocean
Steamship Company of Liverpool ordered three compound-engined ships from
Increasingly, mailship owners such as P & O turned from the long-established
Scotts of Greenock in 1865-6. These three vessels opened up the Far East to
English shipbuilders of the Thames or Bristol to the comparatively new iron
long-distance steam, just in time for the completion o f the Suez Canal in 1869,
shipbuilders of the Clyde for their first-class tonnage. Cunards English friends
and thus brought to a close the golden age of the tea clipper.^-^ Henceforth, the
could no longer advise him, as they did when he first approached Napier, that on
high-quality imports and the manufactured exports of Britain would be loaded
the Clyde he would have neither substantial work nor completed in time.^*^
into iron or steel steamships designed to run on scheduled routes across the
Almost every member of the new generation of Clyde shipbuilders and
marine engineers had received early experience and training in Robert Napiers world.
Although Elders untimely death came in 1869, the firm continued to develop
works. William Denny, John Elder, J. and G. Thomson, A.C. Kirk, and
its reputation for innovation. Under the chairmanship o f a former manager at
William Pearce - best known among the leaders of Clyde shipbuilding in the
Napiers, Sir William Pearce, the firm built for Liverpool owners in 1874 the
period 1850-80 - had all been through Napiers stable at some stage of their
worlds first triple expansion steamer, the Propontis (well known in every
early careers. So too had J.R. Napier, Roberts eldest son and important
maritime history book). Her designer, A.C. Kirk (1830-92) had been an
associate of William Thomson in the period 1855-75.^^ The new generation
apprentice in Napiers foundry, and was to return to that firm as senior partner
differed from Napier in one respect - their even greater enthusiasm for technical
after Napiers death in 1876. Kirk had attended J.D. Forbess classes in natural
innovation. It was therefore on Clydeside that the marine compound, triple
philosophy, but was indirectly indebted to William Thomsons teaching of the
expansion, and turbine engines were first developed in commercial form, that
new theory of heat. He wrote to Thomson in 1883:
steel replaced iron in hull construction, and that new departures such as electric
lighting of ships were first introduced. It is within this commercial context of A b o u t th e y ea r 1 8 5 2 o r 1 8 5 3 w h ile I w a s an a p p r e n tic e at th e V u lc a n f o u n d r y (R . N a p ie r )

technical innovation that we must subsequently view Sir Williams instruments o n e o f y o u r s t u d e n t s . . . s h e w e d m e a p r in te d class e x e r c is e . . . y o u h a d g iv e n r e g a r d in g

of navigation. th e c a lc u la tio n b a se d o n th e m e c h a n ic a l t h e o r y o f h e a t o f a r e fr ig e r a tin g m a c h in e o f

c o m p r e ss e d air, & th a t w a s m y first in tr o d u c tio n to th e m e c h a n ic a l t h e o r y o f h e a t, fo r
The most innovative of the firms after mid-century was that of John Elder
P r o fe sso r F orb es in E d in b u r g h h ad n o t to u c h e d o n it.^^
(182469). Elder, one-time pupil of Lewis Gordon at Glasgow College and chief
draughtsman for Robert Napier, entered into partnership with a firm of With its relatively high-pressure operation in the first of three successive
millwrights in 1852. As Randolph, Elder and Company, the firm began marine stages, the triple expansion engine would remain the most popular, most
engine building and, in 1854, fitted a compound steam-engine, designed and reliable, and most economical form o f driving unit for the workhorses of the sea
patented by Elder, to the paddle steamer Brandon. It is highly probable, given
W .j.M. Rankine, A memoir o f John Elder, engineer and shipbuilder (Edinburgh and London,
J-P. Joule to William Thomson, 1st January, 1858, J248, ULC. The broadside launch o f the 1871).
Great Eastern took several weeks. See also Napier, Life of Robert Napier, pp. 92-3, for the Napiers F.E. Hyde, Blue funnel. A history of Alfred Holt and Company of Liverpool from 1865 to 1914
verdict on the blundering arrangements, and see pp. 192-7 for an account o f the Persia contract. (Liverpool, 1957), pp. 15-39.
Samuel Cunard to Robert Napier, 21st March, 1839, in Napier, Life of Robert Napier, p. 135; A.C. Kirk to Sir William Thomson, 14th December, 1883, KlOl, ULC. See also Napier, Life
Hyde, Cunard, p. 6 . Napier, Life o f Robert Napier, pp. 85-8, 150-1, 182-207. o f Robert Napier, pp. 188-9.
732 Energy, economy, and Empire Rule, Britannia: the art o f navigation 733

until the mid-twentieth-centurys substitution o f highly developed diesel

engines. Though the steam turbine found favour with twentieth-century The Lalla Rookh
thoroughbreds of liner and capital ship, the reciprocating steam-engine con From the industrial and commercial world of the River Clyde, Sir William
tinued as the symbol of the Clyde shipbuilders art. moved quite naturally into a relationship with the sea itself, which, as Conrad
If one had to point to a single year of particular significance for the conver expressed it, plays with men till their hearts are broken, and wears stout ships to
gence of Clyde shipbuilding and Glasgows University, that year would prob death. L i f e at sea even in the second half of the nineteenth century was often a
ably be 1870. The Suez Canal had opened a year earlier. The College had just grim struggle for the survival of ships and men. Casualties were high, often in
vacated its old High Street site near the heart of the city, and removed itself west winter - very high. In the five years from 1877 to 1881, for example, fifty-two
to Gilmorehill within sight of the busy shipbuilding yards of the upper Clyde. ships foundered on the coast of County Down, many of them on passage to the
William Thomson had just purchased the Lalla Rookh, W.J.M. Rankine had Clyde, Liverpool, or Belfast. In November, 1880, as many as 130 ship losses
reached the height of his fame for work on steam-engines, naval architecture, were posted at Lloyds in a single day, while altogether in that year over 1200
and shipbuilding, and the shipbuilders themselves were already well enough British seamen alone lost their lives. And, even as late as 1894, a west-north-west
established along the banks of the river (since 1841, two-thirds of Britains gale wrecked forty-seven vessels around the British Isles and caused the disap
steamship output had been Clyde-built) to take advantage of an unprecedented pearance of another forty-nine British-flag vessels at sea, all but fourteen of the
demand for iron ships during the early 1870s. known total being sailing craft.
A depression in the industry during the late 1860s had virtually finished Given such alarming casualty figures, it is perhaps surprising that a well-
London and Liverpool as major shipbuilding centres. Important wooden ship established Glasgow professor should have purchased, in September of 1870, a
building towns such as Sunderland had only just begun the transition to iron. large schooner-yacht from the wealth accumulated through his recent telegraph
The River Tyne was still at a comparatively early phase of iron shipbuilding. patents. Following the death of his wife Margaret on 17th June, 1870, Sir
Thus, when in 1870-1 the new boom was fully under way, the Clyde flourished. William had spent two weeks at the end of August on a yacht cruise among the
At the end o f 1871, over 300 000 gross tons of new ships were on order or under Western Islands of Scotland. Very soon after his return he began a quest for a
construction there. And, in 1876, the Clyde achieved the remarkable feat of yacht of his own. Constructed of oak in 1853, the Lalla Rookh measured 126 tons
building more iron ships than the rest of the world put together.^ and was, by any standards, a sizeable pleasure craft, requiring a professional
Although depression and boom alternated with one another thereafter in master and crew. Even Archibald Smith, familiar as he was with all things
what is, after all, a notoriously cyclical industry, the years 1870-1914 were ones maritime, expressed his shock at the news of Thomsons new passion: Y ou quite
of British pre-eminence in world shipping and shipbuilding. Around half o f the take my breath by your plan for a schooner of 120 tons. I take for granted you
worlds seaborne trade by both value and volume was carried in British ships. In have considered the question of size well, for such a vessel would be too large for
1874, the Suez Canal was used by almost 900 British ships, over ten times the ordinary West of Scotland sailing. Yet Sir Williams impulsive purchase at the
number of Britains nearest rival, and builder o f the Canal, France. Between end of the 1870 season was altogether characteristic, reflecting in fact, on a
1900 and 1913, 60% of the worlds shipping tonnage was built in Britain with considerably larger scale, his controversial investment of 1842 in a rowing boat
almost a quarter o f the new tonnage for export. Altogether, there were over built of oak, and as good as new. And so now he justified the Lalla Rookh to his
fifty shipbuilding yards with an annual output exceeding 10 000 gross tons each, brother with the explanation that she too was of oak & very strong and in
over twenty of which were located on Clydeside. About one-third of Britains perfect condition, also a very good model & said to be a fast sailer.
huge output was produced on the Clyde between 1870 and 1914.^* Yet, at mid Towards the end of September, Smith accompanied Thomson to Cowes to
century, Britains place as the shipyard of the world had been far from guaran inspect the yacht at her layup berth and to help make a final decision on purchase.
teed. The pace of historical change, created by a close partnership between Within a few days Thomson had made ready for the voyage north to the Clyde.
technical innovation and economic demand, was indeed dramatic in its conse A brief call in Belfast Lough on 16th October enabled his brother, James, and
quences for Britain, the Clyde, and for Thomson himself
Joseph Conrad, The mirror of the sea (London, 1906).
Pollard and Robertson, British shipbuilding industry, pp. 46-69; Sidney Pollard, The economic Ian Wilson, Shipwrecks of the Ulster coast (Coleraine, 1979), p. 1; Allen, The sea years ofJoseph
history o f British shipbuilding, 1870-1914 (University o f London PhD thesis, 1951). Conrad, p. 113; Ian Wilson, The great gale o f 1894, Sea breezes, 58 (1984), 41-53.
W.S. Lindsay, History of merchant shipping and ancient commerce (4 vols., London, 1874), 4, p. Sir William Thomson to Hermann von Helmholtz, 8 th September, 1870, in SPT, 1, 581-2;
643; The shipbuilder, 2 (19078), 12338; Pollard and Robertson, British shipbuilding industry pp Archibald Smith to Sir William Thomson, 19th September, 1870, S201, ULC; Sir William to James
25-6, 61-2. Thomson, 21st September, 1870 (copy), T480, ULC.
734 Energy, economy, and Empire Rule, Britannia: the art o f navigation 735

nephews, David Thomson King (Elizabeths son) and James Thomson and
William Bottomley (Annas sons), to partake in a short Scottish cruise before the
Lalla Rookh's winter layup in the Gareloch, opposite Greenock. This annual
layup conveniently coincided each year with the six month Glasgow College
session from November to April.
After a spring refit at a Greenock shipyard - from which she emerged with the
varnish of her upper works gleaming and her bottom freshly copper-sheeted to
reduce fouling - the Lalla Rookh awaited her first full season under Sir William
Thomsons ownership. Although his plans varied from year to year, the general
pattern was a short, working-up cruise in April (limited to the Firth of Clyde),
followed by a passage to the South Coast of England, the departure point for
some o f the longer passages to Lisbon (1871), Gibraltar (1872), and Madeira
(1874 and 1877). Cruising among the islands of the West Coast of Scotland
would often take place in late August or early September, with more Clyde
sailing to complete the season in October, prior to a layup and refit, for which in
18712 the famous shipbuilder, Robert Steele of Greenock, charged no less than
The Lalla Rookh's first season set the pattern for the next two decades of Sir
Williams life. Following an opening cruise to Arran in April, 1871, the yacht Sir William Thom sons schooner-yacht Lalla Rookh o f 126 tons which he purchased
departed for the South Coast with calls at Penzance, Plymouth and Dartmouth. in 1870. The grand scale o f the yacht mirrored Sir Williams character, and for many
years served as his summer residence, as floating laboratory, and as a means o f
Also aboard were James Thomson Bottomley and Elizabeths husband, Rev satisfying his sense o f adventure and love o f the sea. [From SPT.)
David King, the latter, in Sir Williams words, faintly denying that he would
have enjoyed it still more if she had been on the slip at Greenock all the time,
while the former was more reticent, but 1 believe felt as deeply. Having Sir Williams membership of the Admiralty Committee upon the Designs of
replaced Rev King, William Bottomley (Thomsons brother-in-law) remarked Ships of War, set up in the wake of the tragic and controversial overturning of
to Sir William that the best thing about yachting was going on shore. H i s the new turret ship HMS Captain with the loss o f472 hands in September, 1870,
companions did not thus always share his special delight in ploughing the at first restricted the 1871 season. Gun turrets in place of traditional broadside
swelling ocean waves. S.P. Thompson has described Sir Williams distinctive arrangements were new to the Royal Navy. HMS Monarch, designed and built
relationship with the sea: by the Admiralty, was commissioned in 1869 as the first sea-going turret ship.
H e w a s a d a r in g n a v ig a to r , a n d w o u ld sail far in to th e se a so n w h e n o th e r y a c h ts w e r e laid HMS Captain, designed and built by Lairds of Birkenhead to the specification of
u p , s o m e t im e s in d a rk n ess a n d in s e v e r e w e a th e r . O n c e w h e n h e w a s sa ilin g in th e te e th o f Captain Cowper Coles, followed injanuary, 1870. Coles had been the strongest
a g a le his a ssista n t J o h n T a tlo c k , w h o o fte n w a s w it h h im as a m a n u e n sis, h eard C a p ta in advocate of the turret system and, following his criticism of the Monarch's
F la rty sa y in g h a lf-a lo u d in S ir W illia m s p resen ce: Y o u w ill n o t rest till y o u h a v e y o u r limited arc of fire, mobilized public opinion in favour of building the Captain.
b o a t at th e b o t t o m . H e t o o k n o n o tic e . H e n e v e r se e m e d to tire. W it h all th e sailors h e The Court of Inquiry attributed her subsequent capsize, one of the most
w a s e x t r e m e ly p o p u la r ; th e ir o n ly g r ie v a n c e w a s th a t h e w o u ld s o m e tim e s p o p u p o n notorious maritime events of the Victorian era, to pressure of sail assisted by a
d e c k in th e sm a ll h o u r s o f th e m o r n in g to m a k e su re th e w a t c h w a s at h is p o st an d a w a k e .
heave of the sea. Scott Russell even hinted that the Admiralty had all along
In all th e o p e r a tio n s o f sa ilin g h e to o k his k e e n e s t in te rest, a n d b e c a m e a m o s t e x p e r t
wanted to prove her inferiority to the tiresome political lobby which favoured
n a v ig a to r .
turret ships. A major Committee, chaired by the Ulster peer. Lord Dufferin, and
Sir William Thomson to Jessie Crum, 2()th September, 1870, in SPT, 1, 582; James Thomson, comprised not only of Admiralty officials and senior naval officers but o f Sir
Papers, p. Ixiii; SPT, 2, 585.
William Thomson, W.J.M. Rankine, and William Froude, pronounced on the
Sir William Thomson to Mrs P.G. Tait, 29th March, 1871, in SPT, 2, 586-7; Robert Steele &
Co. to Sir William Thomson, 4th April, 1872, S75, ULG. Captain's design faults, notably the fatal combination of a very low freeboard
Sir William Thomson to Mrs P.G. Tait, 8 th May, 1871, in SPT, 2, 592-3. and top-heavy superstructure, and reported on the stability and structural
Ibid., pp. 594-5.
strength of other large modern fighting ships such as HMS Monarch. As a result.
736 Energy, economy, and Empire Rule, Britannia: the art o f navigation 737

new rules were laid down governing the construction of future vessels. The game of golf. Helmholtz, indeed, confirmed this preference when he stayed
Committee met every two weeks, necessitating much travelling on the part of with Tait at St Andrews, en route to join the Lalla Rookh: Tait is a peculiar sort
Sir William from Glasgow to London during the College session, and the of savage; lives here, as he says, only for his muscles, and it was not till today,
delegation o f duties toJ.T . Bottomley.^"^ Sunday, when he dared not play, and did not go to church either, that he could
With the Lalla Rookh on the South Coast from May, however. Sir Williams be brought to talk o f rational m atters. . . From Sir William we had yesterday
Admiralty duties eased and the adjournment of the Committee for several two telegrams and two letters, today two telegrams with changing directions.
weeks permitted longer voyages to Cherbourg and Lisbon. As the Committee W. Thomson must be now just as much absorbed in yachting as Mr Tait in
prepared to submit its report in July, Sir William undertook short South Coast golfing.
cruises with Froude and his old Cambridge friend Shedden. Lord and Lady Helmholtz, in fact, was the only one of the five famous names actually to join
Dulferin also came to Cowes for the yachting season. Suddenly the knight of the Lalla Rookh, lying at anchor off the Duke of Argylls castle at Inverary near
some five years standing had begun to participate in a fashionable British the head of Loch Fyne, a northern finger of the Firth of Clyde. The eighth Duke
pastime, the recreation of peers and royalty alike. (1823-1900), chieftain of the celebrated Campbell clan, was about to mark the
Yet the Lalla Rookh was for Sir William less a tool for social advancement, marriage in March of that year of his son, the Liberal MP for Argyllshire (1868
than a place o f retreat from the demands o f university duty, telegraphic business, 78), later Governor-General of Canada (1887-8) and ninth Duke o f Argyll
and government or British Association committees. He really found the L.R. (1900-14), to Princess Louise, Queen Victorias fourth daughter, by a gathering
the quietest and best place attainable for w ork; not least, in 1871, for the arduous of his clans-folk on land and some forty yachts off shore. The eighth Duke
preparation for his presidential address to the British Association. A became a prominent Liberal Unionist with whom Sir William would make
year later he told Helmholtz likewise that he could only get mathematical work common cause in the opposition to Irish Home Rule (ch. 23), as well as a
done in the yacht, as elsewhere there are too many interruptions. In particular, frequent host to Queen Victoria herself.
the Lalla Rookh had become his vacation residence, a veritable maritime home Helmholtzs first impression of the yachts accommodation and of life on
unfettered by the limits of stone and mortar, ready to move closer to or more board is revealing:
distant from the centres of scientific and commercial activity as Sir William M y c a b in is ju s t so la r g e th a t I can sta n d u p r ig h t in it b e sid e th e n a r r o w b e d ; th e rest o f th e
required, and always in readiness to receive his close relations or distinguished sp a ce is less lo f t y , y e t it c o n ta in s w a s h -ta b le , d r e s sin g -ta b le , a n d th r e e d r a w e r s, so th a t I
colleagues during those six months away from Glasgow. Stokes, who seemed can a r r a n g e m y th in g s w e ll. F or w a s h in g th e sp a ce is rath er sm a ll, p a r tic u la r ly w h e n th e
not to relish the seafaring life, occasionally felt the frustration of Thomsons sh ip ro lls a n d o n e c a n n o t sta n d fir m . T o d a y w e b e g a n th e m o r n in g b y r u n n in g o n d e c k
elusive wanderings: It is not easy to say where to find a man who owns a yacht. w r a p p e d in a p la id an d sp ra n g str a ig h t f r o m b e d in to th e w a te r . A fte r th a t an a b u n d a n t
For his part, Thomson would tease his friend: Will you not come and have a sail b reak fast w a s v e r y p lea sa n t. T h e n c a m e v isits to th e o th e r y a c h ts, a n d so th e d a y h as u p to
with us and see &feel waves. We would take you away out to the west of Scilly n o w p assed v e r y p le a sa n tly in sp ite o f th e rain .^
for a day or two if that would suit best.^^ From rain-swept Inverary, the yacht sailed for Greenock, and thence to Belfast
After the 1871 British Association meeting at Edinburgh, the Lalla Rookh Lough for visits to Thomas Andrewss laboratory in Queens College and Lord
received her most distinguished guest of all: Helmholtz. Sir William had aimed Dufferins estate at Clandeboye, County Down. The fifth Baron Dufferin
to have aboard not only his Berlin colleague, but also Tait, Maxwell, Huxley, (1826-1902) was himself an adventurous yachtsman and skilled navigator,
and Tyndall. Tait, however, according to Thomson, had a great aversion to having made a celebrated voyage in 1856 in his schooner-yacht Foam to Iceland,
being afloat. While denying this accusation, Tait himself expressed a strong Jan Mayen, and Spitzbergen, as vividly described in his Letters from high
preference for spending my few holidays in active physical work, such as the latitudes.*^ He served as Under Secretary of State for India (1864-6) and for War
(1866) under Liberal governments. For his public services. Lord Dufferin
Ibid., pp. 731-3; SPT, 1 , 582-4; The story o f the Captain, Gentlemans Mag., 2 2 7 (1870), 701-
14; John Scott Russell, The loss o f the Captain, MacMillans Mag., 2 2 (1870), 473-80; Pollard,
became Earl of Dufferin and Viscount Clandeboye in November, 1871. He was
Economic history o f British shipbuilding; Robert Gardiner (ed.), Conways all the worldsfighting ships. appointed Governor-General of the Dominion of Canada (1872-8), and Viceroy
1860-1905 (London, 1979), pp. 20-1; Sir William Thomson to G.G. Stokes, 7th January and 3rd of India (18848). Although his sympathies were with liberal politics, he, like the
March, 1871, K171 and K173, Stokes correspondence, ULC. SPT, 2 , 595-8.
Sir William Thomson to Jessie Crum, 1st July, 1871; to Alexander Crum, 11th July, 1871; to Sir William Thomson and P.G. Tait to Hermann von Helmholtz, 30th March, 1871; von
Hermann von Helmholtz, c. Istjune, 1872, in SPT, 2 , 597-8,625; G.G. Stokes to William Thomson, Helmholtz to Frau von Helmholtz, 20th August, 1871, in SPT, 2 , 587-8, 612-13.
9th September, 1880, S434, ULC; William Thomson to G.G. Stokes, 14th July, 1880, K244, Stokes Hermann von Helmholtz to Frau von Helmholtz, 24th August, 1871, in SPT, 2, 613-14.
correspondence, ULC. Ibid., 614. Lord Dufferin, Letters from high latitudes (London, 1857).
738 Energy, economy, and Empire Rule, Britannia: the art o f navigation 739

Duke of Argyll and Sir William himself, would split with Gladstone over Home c a lc u la tio n s , w h ile th e c o m p a n y w e r e le ft to e n te r ta in e a c h o th e r so lo n g as th e y w e r e in
Rule for Ireland. Sir Williams subsequent social and political alignments were th e v e in ; n a tu r a lly th e y w e r e n o t e x a c t ly v e r y lively.'*^
here in the making. For the remainder of the season, Sir William lived aboard the Lalla Rookh,
Taking aboard his brother James and William Bottomley and his two sons, moored either at Largs or Greenock for the most part, but making a couple of
the Lalla Rookh set a northerly course for the Western Islands of Scotland, brief runs to Arran and Loch Fyne. This arrangement enabled him to move
encountering foul enough weather from the open Atlantic to prostrate even our towards the proof-stage of his Electricity and magnetism as well as to think more
Admiral, according to Helmholtz. The weather improved, however, for a about waves.'^^
passage to Loch Ailort, where Professor Hugh Blackburn resided between At the same time, however, the Lalla Rookh became the testing laboratory for
sessions, and northwards to the Gair Loch, before returning through the Sound a pressure log designed by Robert Napiers son, J.R. Napier, for the measure
of Mu l l . J a me s meanwhile recorded some of the professional activity aboard: ment of a vessels speed through the water. J.R. Napiers concerns were
W illia m d u r in g th e a lm o st p e r fe c t c a lm [in th e S o u n d o f M u ll], n o tic e d th e v e r y slig h t primarily with ship performance (ch. 2). He instituted, for example, elaborate
sp e e d o f th e y a c h t th r o u g h th e w a te r as b e in g fit to e n a b le h im to m a k e e x p e r im e n ts o n measured-mile trials for new ships on the Clyde in order to provide owners and
r ip p les and w a v e s r e g a r d in g w h ic h h e h a d b e e n m a k in g o u t m a th e m a tic a l th e o r ie s an d builders with accurate data on performance. Like his Glasgow academic friends,
d isc u ssin g t h e m w it h P r o fe sso r H e lm h o lt z . H e d id it b y h a v in g a n e a r ly v e r tic a l fish in g Rankine and Thomson, Napier participated actively in the Glasgow Philosophi
lin e h a n g in g in th e w a ter; a n d o b s e r v in g b y h im s e lf w it h aid o f W .B . an d o f m e a n d o f cal Society, and his several papers on practical maritime subjects often referred to
J .T . ju n r . th e c o n d itio n s as to th e m o d e o f sp r e a d in g o f th e w a v e s , an d as to th e sp e e d o f
Sir Williams scientific work. A frequent visitor on board the Lalla Rookh, he
th e y a c h t th a t h e w a n te d . H e f o u n d th e resu lts v e r y sa tisfa c to r y to him.'*^
had a particular interest in compass improvement (ch. 22) and rapid soundings.
These wave discussions evidently formed a major part of the scientific dialogue No doubt J.R. Napier was one of the key inspirations for Sir Williams
between the two giants of nineteenth-century European physics. As in other instruments of navigation.
spheres of his life (such as his undergraduate academic and rowing activities), With trials on Napiers log occupying even the final passage of the 1871 season
Thomson approached the subject in a highly competitive spirit, facetiously from Largs to Gareloch, Sir William recorded the last day thus;
warning his colleague from the outset not to work at waves while he went I a m n o w o n th e p o in t o f f lit t in g , as w e sa y in S c o tla n d , fr o m m y s u m m e r Q u a r te r s o n
ashore at Inverary. b o a r d th e Lalla Rookh to th e C o lle g e . I a m a lo n e w it h o n e m a n o n b o a r d w a it in g fo r m y
Helmholtzs views, from a wholly different cultural perspective, throw much train , th e o th e r s h a v in g ju s t sailed a w a y in t h e c u tte r a n d g i g fo r G r e e n o c k t o le a v e th e
light on both his own, comparatively serious and formal manner, and b o a ts th e r e fo r th e w in te r , a n d to fin d p la c e s, c h ie fly n o d o u b t in f o r e ig n - g o in g sh ip s, fo r
Thomsons extraordinarily relaxed and unconstrained character, the very t h e m s e lv e s . .
personality which made him equally at home with students, engineers, seafarers,
The Lalla Rookh's first full season, then, brought together a remarkable number
and aristocrats. Helmholtz wrote to his wife:
of diverse strands. On a social level, the yacht carried Sir William firmly into the
It w a s all v e r y fr ie n d ly a n d u n c o n str a in e d [at th e B la c k b u r n s h o u se ]. W . T h o m s o n sphere of Lord Dufferin and the Duke of Argyll. Similarly, cruising enabled a
p r e s u m e d so far o n th e fr e e d o m o f h is su r r o u n d in g s th a t h e a lw a y s carried h is m a th e m a t more relaxed dialogue with distinguished colleagues, providing always that
ical n o t e b o o k a b o u t w it h h im , a n d as s o o n as a n y th in g o c c u r r e d to h im , in th e m id s t o f they could adapt as well as Helmholtz to life afloat. And again. Sir William
c o m p a n y , h e w o u ld b e g in to c a lc u la te , w h ic h w a s trea ted w it h a certain a w e b y th e p a rty .
could entertain at sea scientific men with strong practical and technical interests,
H o w w o u ld it b e i f I a c c u s to m e d th e B e r lin e r s to th e sa m e p r o c e e d in g s ? B u t th e g r e a te st
particularly in maritime affairs; James Napier and William Froude, for example.
n a iv e te o f all w a s w h e n . . . as s o o n as th e sh ip w a s o n h e r w a y , a n d e v e r y o n e w a s se ttle d o n
On a more personal level, the Lalla Rookh provided a unique place of work for
d e c k as s e c u r e ly as m ig h t b e in v ie w o f the r o llin g , h e v a n ish e d in to th e cab in to m a k e
Sir William - free from the distractions of Glasgow, and yet open to the wide
family circle of Thomsons, Crums, Bottomleys, and Kings. And, on an intellec-
SPT, 2 , 615-16;James Thomson, Papers, Ixiii-lxv; Archibald Smith to Sir William Thomson,
21st August, 1871, S204, (JLC; C.S. Smith to Sir William Thomson, 27th December, 1872, S222,
ULC. Hermann von Helmholtz to Frau von Helmholtz, 9th September, 1871, in SPT, 2 , 616.
James to his wife Elizabeth Thomson, 14th September, 1871, in James Thomson, Papers, Ixiv Sir William Thomson to Hermann von Helmholtz, 29th October, 1871, in SPT, 2 , 616-17.
Ixv. J.R. Napier, Description o f an instrument for measuring the velocity o f ships, currents, &c.,
SPT, 2 , 614-18; Sir William Thomson, Ripples and waves. Nature, 5 (1871), 1-3; MPP, 4 , 8 6 - Proc. Phil. Soc. Glasgow, 8 (1871-3), 146-59; Napier, Life o f Robert Napier, pp. 199-201; Sir William
92; Sir William Thomson to G.G. Stokes, 7th October, 31st October, 20th November, and 29th Thomson to Thomas Andrews, 2nd Novem ber, 1871 (copy), A42C, ULC; SPT, 2, 618, 636.
November, 1871, K178, K179, K368, and K180, respectively, Stokes correspondence, ULC. Sir William Thomson toJ.H . Gladstone, 4th Novem ber, 1871, in SPT, 2, 619.
740 Energy, economy, and Empire Rule, Britannia: the art o f navigation 741

tual level, the intimate links between practical navigation, geometrical math c o a l e n o u g h o n b o a r d to k e e p u p ste a m , n o ste a m e r m a k in g la n d f r o m th e o c e a n , in a w e ll
ematics, and cosmical physics, gave full expression to Thomsons enduring e x p lo r e d sea, n e e d e v e r , h o w e v e r th ic k th e f o g , b e lo s t b y r u n n in g o n th e r o c k s. N o t h in g
b u t n e g le c t o f th e o ld e s t o f sa ilo r s m a x im s , lea d , lo g , an d l o o k - o u t , can p o s s ib ly e v e r , in
scientific perspective.
su ch c ir c u m sta n c e s , le a d to su ch a d isaster.

Sounding the deep sea In 1872, during a second deep-sea voyage with the Lalla Rookh, Sir Williams
direct involvement with sounding began. After spending the early part of the
The purpose of sounding at sea is to ascertain the depth of water at any season on the South Coast and Thames Estuary while engaging in telegraphic
position, and perhaps also the character of the seabed."^ In thick weather, with tests in London, he departed during late June from Gravesend on passage for
astronomical navigation impossible and landmarks invisible, a ships position Torquay and Gibraltar. With him went a new recorder instrument for the
might be found with a series of soundings on an accurate local chart. Such Gibraltar telegraph station, and apparatus for both deep-sea sounding and for
sounding constituted Sir Williams fourth mode of establishing position, and speed measurement.^ Recalling his collaborative experimental work with J.R.
was the function of his navigational sounding machine patented for commercial Napier at the end o f the yachts 1871 season, and given Napiers major interest in
use in 1876. The instrument originally derived, however, from his involvement the development of accurate speed, distance, and depth measurements aboard
with submarine telegraphy. ship, we may suppose that the son o f the famous Clyde shipbuilder inspired
In their 185961 report, the Submarine Telegraph Committee emphasized Thomsons trials of deep-sea sounding and speed measurement.
the importance of a careful and detailed survey of the nature and inequalities of On the 29th June, Sir William conducted the first real tests of the sounding
the bottom of the sea prior to the laying of cables, remarking that it would be of apparatus while in the Bay of Biscay. As he described it in his 1874 paper On
great advantage for this purpose if some instrument could be devised which deep-sea sounding by pianoforte wire, communicated, significantly, to the
would enable the actual outline of the bottom of the sea to be traced. Society of Telegraph Engineers, the simple apparatus comprised a 301b lead
Thomsons trials with sounding apparatus in the period 1872-4 aimed to fulfil weight, fitted with brass tube and valve for seabed samples, hung by 19 fathoms
this specialized requirement. of cod-line from another lead weight of 4 lb attached to one end of a three-mile
He probably gained his first experience of deep-sea sounding for navigational coil made up of lengths of pianoforte wire spliced together, and wound on a
purposes during the Atlantic cable expeditions. Both Sir James Anderson (a light wheel about a fathom in circumference, made o f tinned iron plate. A
Cunard shipmaster seconded as Captain of the Great Eastern) and Captain groove in the circumference permitted the application of a braking resistance via
Moriarty, RN, employed a navigational technique using soundings which, by the friction of a cord kept tight by weights. The lead weights descended
its practical simplicity and effectiveness, greatly appealed to Thomson. On the smoothly and uniformly at a position north of Spain determined by Sir
edge of a slip of card they simply marked points corresponding, on the scale of Williams use of Sumner lines. The predicted depth from the chart was less than
the relevant chart, to the actual distance estimated as having been run by the ship 2600 fathoms. Sir William described what happened:
in the intervals between successive soundings. Assuming the ship had run a
th e w h e e l s u d d e n ly sto p p e d r e v o lv in g as I h a d e x p e c te d it to d o a g o o d d ea l so o n e r [at
straight course, and writing on the card beside each point the depth and
2(X)0-2500 fa th o m s ]. T h e im p r e ss io n o n th e m e n e n g a g e d w a s th at s o m e t h in g h ad
character of the bottom found by the lead, they merely placed the card on the
b r o k e n ; a n d n o b o d y o n b o a r d e x c e p t m y s e l f h a d , I b e lie v e , th e slig h te st fa ith th at th e
chart and moved it about until they found agreement between soundings on the b o t t o m h ad b e e n r e a c h e d . T h e w ir e w a s th e n h a u le d u p b y fo u r o r f iv e m e n p u llin g o n an
chart and the series on the card. The result yielded, in Sir Williams words, an e n d le ss r o p e r o u n d a g r o o v e o n o n e sid e o f th e w h e e ls c ir c u m fe r e n c e . A fte r a b o u t 1000
admirably satisfactory certainty as to the course over which the ship has passed: fa th o m s o f w ir e h a d b e e n g o t in , th e w h e e l b e g a n to s h o w sig n s o f d istress. I th e n

Sir J a m e s A n d e r s o n tells m e that h e has run [his C u n a r d lin ers] fr o m th e B a n k s o f p e r c e iv e d , fo r th e first tim e (and I fe lt m u c h a sh a m e d th at I h a d n o t p e r c e iv e d it so o n e r ),

N e w f o u n d la n d fo r t w o d a y s th r o u g h a th ic k f o g at t w e lv e k n o ts , n e v e r r e d u c in g sp e e d
th at e v e r y turn o f w ir e u n d e r a p u ll o f 50 lb m u st press th e w h e e l o n th e t w o sid es o f a n y
for s o u n d in g s , b u t s o u n d in g e v e r y h o u r b y th e d e e p sea lea d an d M a sse y fly [d e p th -
d ia m e te r w it h o p p o s in g fo r c e s o f 100 lb , a n d th at th e r e fo r e 2240 t u r n s . . . m u st press th e
g a u g e ], has b r o u g h t u p his last s o u n d in g [ s h o w in g ] b la c k m u d o p p o s ite to th e m o u t h w h e e l t o g e th e r w it h a fo r c e o f 1 0 0 to n s , o r else s o m e t h in g m u s t g iv e way.^

o f H a lifa x H a r b o u r , an d has g o n e in w it h o u t e v e r o n c e h a v in g g o t a sig h t o f sun o r stars all

According to Thomsons own account, the wheel did give way to the extent
th e w a y fr o m E n g la n d . . . In m o d e r a te w e a th e r , w it h h er e n g in e s in w o r k in g o r d e r , an d
of preventing further use of the endless cord, and necessitating a slow turning of
the wheel by hand. All the time Sir William was in the greatest anxiety,
Raper, Practice o f navigation, pp. 91-2.
Report o f the Submarine Telegraph Com mittee, Parliamentary papers, 62 (I860), xxxv. 50 PL, 3, 113-16. 5' SPT, 2, 623-7. *2 pL, 3 , 337- 9 ,
742 Energy, economy, and Empire Rule, Britannia: the art o f navigation 743

expecting at any moment to see the wheel get so badly out of shape that it would voyage to investigate the physical, chemical and biological constitution of the
be impossible to carry it round in its frame. Indeed, he half expected to see it ocean. It is probable that W.B. Carpenter, whom Sir William introduced at
collapse altogether and cause a break of the wire. In the end, the 301b sinker Brighton as his presidential successor, discussed the sounding apparatus with
came aboard, bringing with it the brass tube and valve. An abundant specimen Thomson in view of Carpenters close association with the Challenger project.
of soft grey ooze in the tube demonstrated that, with the wire so nearly vertical Carpenter was already well known for his association with deep-sea researches
that the whole length o f line out cannot have exceeded the true depth by more such as those carried out by the surveying ship Porcupine in 1870 off the
than a few fathoms, bottom had been reached at 2700 fathoms. The recorded Portuguese coast and in the Mediterranean. The realization that the vast ocean
chart depth was therefore misleading: the yacht had found a greater actual depth lay scientifically unexplored would have been as much a challenge to Sir
much nearer the north coast of Spain. Thomson, however, regarded his initial William as to the Circumnavigation Committee of the Royal Society.* In
trial as a triumph: That one trial was quite enough to show that the difficulties October, 1872, less than two months prior to the Challenger's departure from
which had seemed to make the idea of sounding by wire a mere impracticable Sheerness dockyard where she had been refitting as Britains first ship exclu
piece of theory have been altogether got over.^^ sively commissioned for oceanography, he informed Stokes that the Hydrogra-
Pianoforte wire had a striking advantage over rope o f comparable strength in pher of the Royal Navy, Admiral Richards, was disposed to give it [the
its small cross-section and smooth surface, and in the fact that 22 gauge wire sounding apparatus] a trial in the circumnavigation expedition and thought it
(with a weight of about 14 ^Ib per nautical mile and a breaking strain of about might be useful as a ready means of making soundings whether from boats or
230 lb) was less cumbersome and heavy and acts with less friction than the from the ship when a mere sounding, with a small specimen of the bottom, is
hempen line now used. Furthermore, as Sir William reported to the 1872 required. Sir William admitted, however, that the heavy apparatus for dredg
meeting o f the British Association, it needs not the heavy mass of iron, ing which the expedition requires cannot of course be superseded by anything
weighing from two to four hundred weight, hitherto employed to sink it, 30 lb such as I have used, the chief value of which must be to allow deep-sea soundings
being amply sufficient for sounding in 3000 fathoms. I n his 1874 address he to be made at small expense, and by ships not specifically fitted for the
emphasized that his simple design for deep-sea soundings avoided the American purpose.^
Navys wasteful method of detaching the sinker when it reached the bottom in During his discussions with the Admiralty, Sir William had telegraphic
order to overcome the difficulty of hauling in: I never throw away a pound of projects very much in mind:
lead if I can help it. Only in very great depths, 4000 fathoms or more, would a
It w ill b e o f g r e a t im p o r ta n c e fo r te le g r a p h ic e n terp rise that a lin e o f s o u n d in g s fr o m th e
heavy sinker have to be detached. Sir William summed up in 1874 the merits of A z o r e s to B e r m u d a , an d so u n d in g s in th e n e ig h b o u r h o o d o f B e r m u d a , an d b e t w e e n
his deep-sea method compared to the older methods: B e r m u d a a n d St T h o m a s [V ir g in Islands] s h o u ld b e ta k e n as ea r ly as p o ss ib le . I u n d e r sta n d

Y o u see th e sim p lic ity o f th e a p p a ra tu s, a n d th e c o m p a r a tiv e in e x p e n siv e n e s s o f it; n o th a t su ch so u n d in g s can c o n v e n ie n t ly b e ta k e n in th e c o m m e n c e m e n t o f th e w o r k , an d

d o n k e y - e n g in e re q u ir e d , n o th r ee o r fo u r h u n d r e d p o u n d s o f ir o n cast a w a y e v e r y tim e , w o u ld p r o p e r ly b e lo n g to th e p r o g r a m m e o f th e e x p e d it io n . F o r th e sak e o f th e G reat

as in th e o r d in a r y m e th o d o f d e e p -se a s o u n d in g s . . . T h e ap p aratu s at p resen t in u se in o u r W e s te r n T e le g r a p h C o m p a n y , o f w h ic h P r o fe s so r J e n k in an d I are e n g in e e r s , 1 h o p e this

n a v y , w h ic h is b e tte r than th a t o f a n y o th e r n a v y in th e w o r ld at th is m o m e n t , e x c e p t th e m a y b e d o n e , a n d I u n d e r sta n d th a t fa v o u r a b le rep lies h a v e b e e n g iv e n o ffic ia lly to an

A m e r ic a n , is, as I k n o w b y actu a l e x p e r ie n c e o f it, m o r e d iffic u lt an d te d io u s , an d less sure a p p lic a tio n to th a t e ffe c t m a d e to th e A d m ir a lty b y th e D ir e c to r s o f th e C o m p a n y .

at 5 0 0 fa th o m s, th a n s o u n d in g b y th e p ia n o fo r te w ir e at 2 0 0 0 fathom s. ^
Given the Challenger's very different goals, it is not surprising that she went to
In 1872, however, there were practical defects to be overcome, problems not sea without taking advantage of Sir Williams offer. The ship had a variety of
only of safe splicing and prevention of rust, but of the destructive stress on the complex measurements to carry out using specially constructed apparatus and
wheel. could scarcely have welcomed an additional device of little value for their
On his return to England via Lisbon by 1st August, Sir William wasted no purposes. Sir William, however, subsequently indicted the Admiraltys conser-
time in communicating his conclusions, not only to the British Association, at
Brighton, but to the Admiralty, whose screw corvette HMS Challenger had 5* W .B. Carpenter and J.G. Jeffreys, Report on deep-sea researches carried on during the
been selected as a survey vessel and scientific research ship for a round-the-world months o f July, August, and September 1870, in H.M. Survey-ship Porcupine', Proc. Royal Soc.
London, 19 (1870-1), 146-221; G.S. Ritchie, Challenger. The life of a survey ship (London, 1957), pp.
xiv-xxi; Anita McConnell, No sea too deep. The history o f oceanographic instruments (Bristol, 1982), pp.
Ibid., pp. 339-+0. 59-61, 106-16.
Sir William Thomson, On the use o f steel wire for deep-sea soundings, B A A S Report, 42 5 Sir William Thomson to G.G. Stokes, 14th October, 1872, K185, Stokes correspondence,
(1872), 2.S1. 55 PL, 3, 358_9. ULC. * Ibid.
744 E n erg y, econom y, and Empire Rule, Britannia: the art o f navigation 745

vatism. He had tried, he said, for four years to bring his apparatus to the attention
of Admiralty and general public alike, but was ultimately obliged to take a
patent [in late 1876] and work the thing out myself if the public was to get any
benefit of it at all. The American Navy, on the other hand, found my apparatus
full of defects. They never asked me to perfect it, but they perfected it in their
own way, and obtained excellent results.^ , PERarcernre view
Telegraphy occupied a great deal of Sir Williams time over the winter of SIR W IU IA lC THOMSON'S
1872-3. The centre of attention was the new, purpose-built, cable-laying vessel,
the Hooper, under construction at Charles Mitchells shipyard, Walker-on-
Tyne, a yard which, five years earlier, had begun building naval hulls for fitting
out with ordnance from W.G. Armstrongs Newcastle armaments firm.^ The
Hooper, a large and specialized vessel of almost 5000 tons, was fitted with
hydraulic side thrusters at the stern to provide maximum manoeuvrability on
the powerful insistence of Thomson and Jenkin. After consultation with his
brother, James, Sir William appears to have got his way with owners and
builders a l i k e . H e was, as his sister had once said, a most excellent logician.
On the Hooper s completion in the spring o f 1873, Sir William accompanied
her on the delivery voyage from Newcastle to the Thames. As the Hooper
prepared for transatlantic cable laying. Sir William was busy making ready
sounding apparatus for despatch on a steamer from Liverpool to Para (Belem) in
Brazil, along with one of his laboratory students indoctrinated in the use of it
for the purpose of taking preparatory soundings along the Brazilian coast from
Para to Pernambuco (Recife) in advance of the Hooper'^ arrival with the South
American cable. Leaving the Lalla Rookh behind for most of the summer of
1873, Sir William joined the Hooper in late June. Arriving in Lisbon, she began
Figure 21.1. Perspective view o f Sir William Thom sons sounding apparatus.
laying the 2500 miles of cable with a first call at Madeira.
Jenkin wrote to his wife that the Hooper had arrived off Madeira at seven
oclock in the morning: Thomson has been sounding with his special toy ever from the wire before it reached the main sounding w h e e l . T h e modified
since half-past three (1087 fathoms of water). S i r William had apparently sounding apparatus shown in figure 21.1 was that described to the Glasgow
been trying out a method of avoiding the destructive stress on the wheel. But Philosophical Society early in 1874 and designed for use aboard Siemenss new
stopping the hauling every twenty turns, taking the strain off the wire by aid of cable ship Faraday launched at Newcastle in February, 1874.^
a clamp, and easing it round the wheel, proved insufficient to relieve the One essential feature of the apparatus was lightness of the large wheel (a
problem. Even the tedious process of stopping every ten turns accomplished fathom in circumference) so that the inertia of the wheel would not shoot the
little. As a result of this experience he introduced an auxiliary hauling-in pulley wire out so far as to let it coil on the bottom and so lead to those kinks which
by which the pull on the wire is very much reduced before it is coiled on the were almost always fatal to the wire. Even so, about five fathoms of hemp line
main sounding wheel. This method relieved two-thirds or more of the strain between wire and sounding weight was needed to prevent the wire reaching the
bottom. According to Sir William, the art of deep-sea sounding is to put such a
Sir William Thomson to Captain W.J.L. Wharton, 26th November, 1888, m SPT, 2, 722-3; resistance on the wheel as shall secure that the moment [within one second] the
PL, 3, 359-60; Captain Maclears remarks, in R U SI, 22 (1879), 116-17.
Pollard and Robertson, British shipbuilding industry, p. 98. weight reaches the bottom the wheel will stop. To achieve this result. Sir
** Sir William to James Thomson, 30th October, 5th and 18th November, 1872 (copies), T483,
T484 and T486, ULC; SPT, 2 , 624,628-30; Charles Mitchell & Co. to Sir William Thomson, 30th Ibid., pp. 345-9.
April, 1873, M149, ULC. Sir William Thomson, On deep-sea sounding by pianoforte wire, Proc. Phil. Soc. Glasgow, 9
Sir William Thomson to Thomas Andrews, 25th May, 1873, A42E (copy), ULC; SPT, 2, (1873-5), 111 -17; PL, 3, 352; Sir William Thomson to G.G. Stokes, 18th February, 1874, RR.7.294,
635-7. Fleeming jenkin to Mrs jenkin, 29th June, 1873, in SPT, 2, 637. Royal Society o f London.
746 Energy, economy, and Empire Rule, Britannia: the art o f navigation 747

William used a form of brake patented by him for cable laying in 1858: the rule I approximate, they are sufficiently near for many practical purposes, and a little
have adopted in practice is to apply resistance always exceeding by 10 lb the experience gives data for making allowances with considerable accuracy. The
weight of the wire out. A 34 lb sinker would then provide a moving force of Hooper's soundings in the depth range from 40 to 170 fathoms, he believed,
24 lb. Consequently, when the 34 lb weight reached the bottom, instead of there were within 310% of the actual depth, the estimate of the actual depth being
being a pull of 24 lb downwards on the wire, there will suddenly come to be a simply based on the horizontal distance separating ship and sinker at the time the
resistance o f 101b against its motion. Such a technique gave virtually instanta sinker touched the bottom, and the length of wire out.*
neous perception of the bottom , a result of inestimable value for so-called Here, then, was a device well suited both to the practical needs of cable laying
flying-soundings.** and to the practical needs of ordinary navigation in depths of up to 200 fathoms.
A particular advantage of the new device was that the ship need not be kept The contrast. Sir William emphasized, between the ease with which the wire
hove to during the hauling-in period, especially when the length out did not and sinker are got on board from a depth o f200 fathoms by a single man . . . in
exceed 2500 fathoms. As the wire came aboard, the vessels speed could be this process, and the labour of hauling in the ordinary deep-sea lead and line, by
steadily increased, thereby effecting a great saving of time since in the ordinary four or five men, from a ship going through the water at four or five knots in
process the hemp rope must be kept as nearly as possible up and down. Sir depths of from 30 to 60 fathoms, is remarkable. He concluded in 1874 that he
William pointed out, in fact, that a 34 lb sinker would take not more than thirty was now having constructed for the purpose of navigation, a small wire wheel
minutes to run out to a depth o f2000 fathoms, and would require, using a do2en of 12 inches diameter, to have 400 fathoms of pianoforte wire coiled on it, for
men hauling an endless rope, only fifteen minutes to haul in. Further accelera flying-soundings in depths of from 5 to 200 fathoms, without any reduction of
tion might be achieved using a donkey engine instead of the men. The ship the speed of the ship, or at all events, without reducing it below five or six
moreover had only to be kept stopped while the lead descended, thereafter going knots.*^ With Sir William Thomsons astonishing capacity to bring together
ahead full speed. Indeed, the apparatus lent itself to the making o f flying- the diverse elements of Victorian drawing rooms and nineteenth-century steam
soundings, that is, to the taking of soundings without stopping the ship at all navigation, a commercial sounding machine seemed, by 1874, very much in
during the cable laying. Flying-soundings from the Hooper were necessitated by prospect.
the fact that, over the first section of the Western and Brazilian Companys cable Coincidentally, a fault in the cable, 400 miles down one of the coils stowed
from Pernambuco to Para, the Brazilian Governments gunboat Paraense, below decks, detained the Hooper for some sixteen days in Funchal Bay. Not all
ordered to take soundings for the Hooper, had insufficient coal for the whole that time was spent in uncoiling, splicing, and recoiling, as Sir William reported
passage. Although the route had been previously sounded, it was vital that home:
soundings be taken during the actual laying:
W e h ad s o m e a d m ir a b le la m p s ig n a llin g se v era l e v e n in g s at F u n ch a l b e t w e e n th e Hooper
A c c o r d in g ly , C a p ta in E d in g to n a r ra n g ed th a t m y s o u n d in g - w h e e l sh o u ld b e set u p o v e r an d M r B la n d y s h o u se , a b o u t m ile s d ista n t. T h e M iss B la n d y s le a r n e d M o r s e v e r y
th e stern o f t h e Hooper, an d s o u n d in g s w e r e ta k en e v e r y t w o h o u r s w it h o u t s to p p in g th e w e ll an d q u ic k ly , an d b o th se n t an d read lo n g te le g r a m s th e first e v e n in g th e y tried it, to
sh ip . A 3 0 lb w e ig h t w a s h u n g b y a c o u p le o f fa th o m s o f c o r d fr o m th e r in g at th e to p o f th e a d m ir a tio n o f F ran ce an d o th e r o ld te le g r a p h e r s o n b o a r d .
th e w ir e . T h e n th e w h e e l w a s s im p ly let g o , w it h a resista n ce o f a b o u t 6 1 b o n its
One of the Miss Blandys, Frances Anna (c. 18381916), was to marry Sir William
c ir c u m fe r e n c e , th e sh ip r u n n in g at th e rate o f . . . 6 k n o ts r e la tiv e ly to th e b o tt o m ; an d
a fter, p erh a p s, 15 0 fa th o m s h a d run o u t . . . s u d d e n ly th e w h e e l w o u ld sto p r e v o lv in g . . .
on his fiftieth birthday, 24th June, 1874. Having returned to England in
T h u s w e a c h ie v e d f ly in g - s o u n d in g s . . . a n d o b ta in e d in fo r m a t io n o f th e g re a te st p o ss ib le October, 1873, Sir William, in characteristically enterprising fashion, sailed next
v a lu e w it h r e fe r e n c e to th e d e p th o f th e w a te r and th e c o u r se to b e f o llo w e d b y th e c a b le May from Falmouth in the Lalla Rookh on the 1200 mile voyage to Funchal Bay
. . . 1 n e v e r w o u ld lik e to g o to la y a ca b le w it h o u t an a p p aratu s fo r fly in g -so u n d in g s.* '^ in under seven days, there to propose to Fanny. As he wrote to Helmholtz a day
before the wedding. Lady Thomson would share one important quality with
Flying-soundings by this method, Thomson added to his 1874 address to the
her husband: The future mistress of the Lalla Rookh promises to be a very good
Society of Telegraph Engineers, would without doubt be found useful in
sailor, having already been out a good many times for a days sail. .. and always
ordinary navigation. In answer to a question about the allowance needed for the
hitherto escaped sea-sickness. And he concluded facetiously: My present
non-verticality. Sir William replied that, although the soundings were only
*" PL, 3, 368-71; Thomson, On deep-sea sounding, p. 116.
** PL, 3, 352-6, 365; Thomson, On deep-sea sounding, p. 113. PL, 3, 371; Thomson, On deep-sea sounding, p. 117.
PL, 3, 36fr-7; Thomson, On deep-sea sounding, pp. 115-16. Sir William Thomson to Jessie Crum, 8 th August, 1873, in SPT, 2, 638.
748 Energy, economy, and Empire Rule, Britannia: the art o f navigation 749

happiness is due to a fault in the cable which kept the Hooper for sixteen days in line, while, at the official inquiry shortly after the disaster, the Schiller's chief
Funchal Bay last summer7^ mate stated that during three days of fog the lead had not once been cast."^^
Sir William and Lady Thomson returned to England in late July. While on Sir William had, in his own sounding apparatus, just such a method for safe
passage they received a reminder of the power of wind and sea even in mid navigation. The opportunity to test that apparatus and to realise the thing for
summer. O ff Finisterre the Lalla Rookh broke her main gaff, and had to practical use on large merchant ships came during his first transatlantic voyage
complete the voyage under t op- s ai l . The y lived on board during the remain as a passenger in May, 1876. Thomson travelled to New York on the Cunard
der of the season, but encountered another unpleasant taste of the ferocity of the liner Russia, considered one of the most graceful steamships ever built. He
elements, this time in the very Gareloch itself: returned aboard the Scythia at the end ofjuly. Both Cunarders were compound-
engined iron-screw vessels, high class products of the Clydebank yard ofj. and
W e said g o o d - b y e w it h m u c h r e g r e t to th e Lalla Rookh o n F r id a y last, an d le ft h er to b e
la id u p fo r th e w in te r in th e G a r e lo c h . A fte r a su c c e ssio n o f s e v e r e g a les, in o n e o f w h ic h
G. Thomson in 1867 and 1875, respectively. Yet such was the progress of the
. . . sh e d r a g g e d b o th a n c h o r s, a n d w e n t a sh o re in th e G a r e lo c h , w e h ad a w e e k o f fin e Atlantic liner in this period that the Scythia exceeded the Russia's 3000 gross tons
w e a th e r a n d a little b e a u tifu l sa ilin g to A rra n an d in th e F ir th o f C ly d e . . . W e w e r e by half as much again in a bid to meet stiff competition from the new White Star
fo r tu n a te ly n o t o n b o a r d th e n ig h t o f h er s h ip w r e c k , b y a m e r e c h a n c e o f an u n e x p e c t e d Line. Cunard ships had, however, an unrivalled record of regularity and safety
m e e t in g o f th e U n iv e r s ity C o u r t k e e p in g us in G la s g o w . S h e w a s g o t o f f w it h o u t of service. Though two ships had been wrecked, neither life nor letter entrusted
d a m a g e a n d b y o u r se lv e s w it h o u t a ssista n ce o r e x p e n s e , after b e in g 3 6 h o u r s o n so ft san d to the firms care had been lost in thirty-five years of transatlantic operation.
a n d in a v e r y g o o d p o s itio n . From the 1840s, one of the Scottish partners, Charles Maciver, had demanded of
Later that same year, the 2400 ton wooden paddle steamer La Plata (built for the his captains the greatest attention to detail while at sea and in port. A prime
Royal Mail Steam Packet Companys South American service in 1852 but sold example of such a demand for efficiency and discipline in the name of safety was
in 1871 as one of that firms last wooden ships), carrying cable to South America the frequent use of soundings (evidently neglected by the unfortunate rival
for Siemens Brothers, foundered off Ushant with the loss of sixty lives including Schiller in 1875):
David Thomson King, Sir Williams n e p h e w. Al t h o u g h navigational prob It is to b e b o r n e in m in d th a t e v e r y part o f th e c o a st b o a r d o f E n g la n d a n d Irelan d can b e
lems did not contribute to the disaster, the La Plata's sinking served both to read o f f b y th e le a d an d sh ip s f r o m a b r o a d m a k in g th e ir la n d fa ll s h o u ld n e v e r o m it to
emphasize the general need for much greater safety at sea and to confirm the v e r ify th e ir p o s itio n b y s o u n d in g s . B u t m asters e a g e r to o b ta in th e c r e d it o f m a k in g a

specific conclusion that large wooden vessels had proved inferior to iron ships in sh o r t p a ssage rath er th a n lo s e a f e w m in u te s in h e a v in g th e sh ip t o , w ill ru n th e risk o f

the face of an oceans fury. The waters of the Bay of Biscay which had almost lo s in g th e v e s se l a n d all th e liv e s o n b o a r d .

taken the Agamemnon in 1858 could indeed play with men till their hearts were By the 1870s, the owners of large, fast, and prestigious liners faced more
broken, and wear stout ships to death. acutely than ever the old dilemma: they could neither afford to have their ships
meet with accidents, nor could they afford to reduce speed in poor visibility.
The navigational sounding machine Safety and regularity, upon which their reputation among customers was built,
often presented conflicting requirements to a shipmaster. Writing to John Perry
An even greater maritime disaster than the loss of the La Plata occurred on 5th in August, 1876, Sir William announced that his sounding machine would meet
May, 1875. The 3400 ton steamer Schiller, completed by Robert Napier only a these very demands:
year earlier as one of eight iron screw liners ordered on the Clyde by the newly
I m a d e s o u n d in g s fr o m th e Russia a n d Scythia g o in g at 14 k n o ts w it h o u t r e d u c in g sp e e d . 1
established German Transatlantic Steamship Company, was homeward bound
f o u n d it p e r fe c tly ea sy to h a u l in th e w ir e , o f w h ic h 1 s o m e t im e s h a d as m u c h as 3 0 0
from New York when, in dense fog, she grounded on the Isles of Scilly in the fa th o m s w it h a 2 2 lb ir o n sin k er a n d a p r e s su r e -g a u g e fo r m e a su r in g th e d e p th . 1 fo u n d
Western Approaches. In heavy seas, the Schiller rapidly broke up with the loss of b o t t o m in 6 8 f a th o m s q u ite u n e x p e c t e d ly in a p la c e w h e r e 19(K) fa th o m s w a s m a r k e d o n
312 passengers and crew. The nature of the disaster led to Sir Williams letter to th e c h a r t. *
The Times of 12th May, in which he stated that a method of taking rapid
soundings would have enabled the Schiller to remain outside the fifty fathom Bonsor, N o r t h A t l a n t i c s e a w a y , 3, pp. 949-52; Lindsay, M e r c h a n t s h i p p i n g , 4, p. 241 n; SPT, 2,
662. Bonsor, N o r t h A t l a n t i c s e a w a y , 1 , 90-3, 149, 152; SPT, 2, 6 6 8 72.
Sir William Thomson to Hermann von Helmholtz, 23rd June, 1874, in SPT, 2 , 646; Sir Captains memoranda, Mclver papers. 25th March, 1848, quoted in Hyde, C u n a r d , pp. 45 9.
William Thomson to Elizabeth King, 12th May, 1874, in SPT, 2 , 645. ^2 p See also Lindsay, M e r c h a n t s h i p p i n g , 4 , 239-50, esp. p. 242 h, where Cunard safety is discussed and the
Sir William Thomson to Thomas Andrews, 5th November, 1874, A42F, ULC; SPT, 2, 654. instructions to captains are fully printed.
I b i d ., pp. 654-5; Bushell, R o y a l M a i l , pp. 72-5, 100, 122, 257. Sir William Thomson to John Perry, 2nd August, 1876, in SPT, 2, 672.
750 Energy, economy, and Empire Rule, Britannia: the art o f navigation 751

Sir Williams friend. Captain S.T.S. Lecky, engaged in a fruitless search for o n a cast b e in g ta k e n , c o n tr o ls its sp e e d , a n d u ltim a te ly arrests it w h e n th e le a d to u c h e s th e

Thom sons bank while on passage to North America in June, 1879. Just what b o t t o m . A pair o f sm a ll w in c h h a n d le s w in d u p th e w ir e a g a in . . . T h e sin k er is a r m e d in

shoal Thomson had found at sixty-eight fathoms, we may never know.'^^ th e u su al w a y .* *

In the same year that Sir William tested his sounding apparatus on board the Captain Leightons one criticism o f the early sounding machine concerned
Cunard liners, he took out his first navigational sounding machine patent. The the self-registering depth gauge. Like Ericssons lead. Sir Williams depth gauge
purpose o f the machine was to enable soundings to be obtained from a ship depended on the compression of air, with the extent of compression marked
running at full speed in water o f any depth not exceeding 100 or 150 fathoms. directly on the inside of the tube by the chemical action of seawater on the
The first steamship provided with a machine for navigational purposes was the preparation of salmon-coloured chromate of silver lining the tube internally.
Palm, an iron-screw vessel of under 1300 tons built in Greenock in 1869 for Applying the glass tube to a graduated boxwood scale yielded the depth
Messrs Horsfall of Liverpool. Her master. Captain Leighton, reported to Sir descended.^ Leightons complaint, however, was that at great depths the liquid
William in April, 1877: would be found to have gone higher up the tube on one side than on the other.
1 fe e l a g r e a t h o n o u r w a s c o n fe r r e d u p o n m e b y h a v in g th e first o f y o u r s o u n d in g Sir Williams initial response to the problem was to provide tubes of smaller
m a c h in e s issu e d fo r actual se r v ic e . D u r in g th e v o y a g e in th e Palm . . . I t o o k fr e q u e n t bore. But the difficulty of designing a satisfactory depth gauge proved to be an
o p p o r tu n itie s o f te s tin g it w h e n I h a d a c h a n c e o f cross b e a r in g s as s h e w n b y ch a rt & enduring one. As James Thomson explained to George Darwin in 1880,
a lw a y s f o u n d it m o s t a c c u r a t e . . . T h e first real u se 1 m a d e o f th e m a c h in e w a s in th e B la c k successive changes had been rigorously tested on board the Lalla Rookh in their
Sea d u r in g a f o g w h ic h o b sc u r e d e v e r y t h in g . W is h in g to m a k e sure o f m y p o s itio n I p u t latest forms of development by natural selection'
th e s h ip s h e a d fo r th e la n d , & k e p t th e m a c h in e at w o r k . A fte r r u n n in g u p to 3 0 fath at fu ll Abandoning the chemical method in 1880, Sir William devised a modified
sp e e d I s lo w e d d o w n & w e n t in to 12 fa th , th e n h a u le d o u t to a c o n v e n ie n t d e p th & p u t
version of the Ericcson lead which he called the triple depth gauge. This
h er o n th e c o u r se u p th e co a st. W h e n it b e c a m e clea r I fo u n d m y s e lf in a p r o p e r p o s it io n ,
patent device comprised three independent gauges measuring successive ranges
an d n o t im e h a d b e e n lo st b y s t o p p in g to so u n d .
of depths from eleven to over 120 fathoms. By 1885, however. Sir William had
Leighton concluded with a powerful commendation of the sounding machine. patented a mechanical depth gauge with a piston which pushed a marker into a
Many shipmasters, he believed, let hours go by without obtaining soundings cylinder as the air was compressed and which, being restored by a spring, left the
either because of the delay, or on account of the danger of rounding-to in heavy marker at the maximum depth attained as indicated on a graduated scale. This
weather when, if they were provided with your sounding machine they could mechanical depth gauge, like the triple depth gauge, could be used again and
have their minds set at ease by having timely warning o f danger, or by knowing again without the need for a continuous supply of chemically prepared glass
that they were in a good position. tubes. In the mechanical arrangement, the depth gauge fitted neatly inside the
To obtain sure evidence of the depth the lead had descended, Thomson sinker weight. Sir William could at last write in 1885 that the new depth
included a self-recording depth gauge. The entire apparatus was designed as recorder after 9 years hitherto unavailing attempts now promised success.'*
follows: After Captain Leightons report. Sir Williams second major satisfactory
[It] co n sists o f a d r u m , a b o u t a f o o t in d ia m e te r a n d fo u r in c h e s w id e , u p o n w h ic h 3 0 0
experience with his navigational sounding machine was a personal one while
fa th o m s o f ste e l p ia n o fo r te w ir e are t ig h t ly w o u n d . T o th e w ir e is a tta c h e d 9 fe e t o f l o g navigating the Lalla Rookh up Channel, running before a southwesterly gale in
lin e , a n d t o th is is fa ste n e d an ir o n sin k e r , a b o u t t w ic e th e le n g t h o f th e o r d in a r y le a d , b u t characteristically thick weather while on passage home from Madeira early in
n o t so th ic k . O n th e lo g - lin e , b e t w e e n th e w ir e a n d th e sin k e r , a sm a ll c o p p e r t u b e is August, 1877 (see figure 21.2). From the one-hundred fathom line he took a
se c u r e ly se iz e d . T h e lo w e r e n d o f th is tu b e is p er fo r a te d ; th e u p p e r e n d b e in g o p e n e d o r sounding every hour in order to apply the Moriarty-Anderson technique of
sh u t at p lea su re b y m e a n s o f a c lo s e -f itt in g ca p . W h e n r e a d y fo r s o u n d in g , th e c o p p e r navigation by a series of soundings marked on the edge of a card and transferred
tu b e c o n ta in s a sm a lle r siz e d g la ss o n e . T h is la tter is o p e n at th e b o t t o m e n d , an d to the chart. More than twenty-four hours went by;
h e r m e tic a lly sca led at th e o th e r . T h e in te r io r su rfa ce is c o a te d w it h a c h e m ic a l p re p a r a tio n
o f a lig h t s a lm o n c o lo u r (c h r o m a te o f silv er ). T h e d r u m is fitte d w it h a b rak e c o r d , w h ic h . ** Captain Leighton to Sir William Thomson, 4th April, 1877, CS2, ULC; PL, 3,382-3; Lloyd's
register o f British and foreign shipping from 1st Ju ly, 1877, to the 30th June, 1878 (London, 1878).
*2 PL, 3, 381-2.
S.T.S. Lecky to William Bottomley,2ndJune, 1879, CS506, ULC. Navigational charts o f the James Thomson to George Darwin, 25th June, 1880, in SPT, 2, 758-9. See also pp. 760, 766,
North Atlantic name the Kelvin Seamount among the N ew England Seamounts, but the depth 847.
recorded is about 800 fathoms. The surrounding seabed is about 2700 fathoms. ** Sir William Thomson, A new navigational sounding machine and depth-gauge, R U S I, 25
Lecky, Wrinkles, p. 94. See also Sir William Thomson, On compass adjustment in iron ships, (1882), 374-86; L e c k y , Wrinkles, pp. 364-5; PL, 3, 375-6; SPT, 2, 723; Sir William Thomson to
and on a new sounding apparatus, R U S I, 22 (1879), 91-119, esp. pp. 107-14; PL, 3,372-4,377-88. Elizabeth King, 30th September, 1885, in SPT, 2, 850-1; McConnell, No sea too deep, pp. 73-5.
752 Energy, economy, and Empire Rule, Britannia: the art o f navigation 753

reports within the tightly knit communities of shipowners and masters, but also
because anyone with actual experience of a westerly gale in the Western
approaches to the British Isles would be unable to put a value on such an
instrument in those conditions. As Conrad wrote ofjust such an approach under
sail, under their feet the ship rushes at some twelve knots in the direction of the
lee shore; and only a couple of miles in front of her swinging and dripping jib-
boom . . . a grey horizon closes the view with a multitude of waves surging
upwards violently as if to strike at the stooping clouds. . . To see! to see! - this is
the craving of the sailor. .. I have heard a reserved, silent man, with no nerves to
speak of, after three days of hard running in thick south-westerly weather, burst
out passionately: I wish to God we could get sight of something! *^ Sir
William Thomson could indeed provide the seafarer with a precious new kind
of sight. His tool of the simplest but most practical kind occupied a symbolic role
in one of the two supporters of the coat of arms assigned in 1892 to the barony of
Kelvin of Largs. Like the Glasgow University student with marine voltmeter on
the right, and the sailor with sounding line on the left. Sir William was both
student and sailor at heart.*

Conrad, Mirror o f the sea, pp. 13442. The blind approach by Conrads captain invites
comparison with the precision o f Thom sons same approach to the Isle o f W ight.
n o th in g o f th e la n d w a s to b e seen th r o u g h th e h a ze an d rain; . . . w it h th e a ssistan ce o f
SPT, 2, 696, 914.
a b o u t ten m o r e casts o f th e lea d (b y w h ic h I w a s sa v e d fr o m p assin g so u th o f St
C a th e r in e s) I m a d e th e N e e d le s L ig h th o u s e r ig h t a h ea d , at a d ista n c e o f a b o u t th r e e m ile s,
at 2 p .m ., h a v in g h a d ju s t a g lim p s e o f th e h ig h cliffs east o f P o r tla n d , b u t n o o th e r s ig h t o f
la n d sin ce le a v in g M a d e ir a an d P o r to S a n to . In th e c o u r se o f th e 2 8 0 m ile s fr o m th e p o in t
w h e r e I stru ck th e 1 0 0 fa th o m lin e, to th e N e e d le s , I t o o k a b o u t th ir ty casts in d e p th s o f
fr o m 100 fa th o m s to 19 fa th o m s w it h o u t o n c e r o u n d in g - t o o r r e d u c in g sp ee d ; d u r in g
s o m e o f th e casts th e sp e e d w a s ten knots.*

Sir William soon afterwards received another highly favourable and

exceptionally vivid report, this time from Captain J.J. Walter, master of the
1000 ton screw steamer Iberia owned in Ardrossan on the Clyde:
[O n th e 2 2 n d N o v e m b e r , 18 7 7 ] w h ile sc u d d in g b e fo r e a h e a v y w e s te r ly g a le in a m in e r a l
lo a d e d s te a m b o a t a b o u t 4 0 m ile s S .W . o f S c illy I o b ta in e d a c c u r a te so u n d in g s at n o o n
w ith y o u r m a c h in e , w h ic h in d ic a te d 7 2 fa th o m s fin e sa n d , th e sh ip g o in g a b o u t 8 ^ k n o ts;
th is I v e r ifie d b y sig h tin g S c illy at 5 p .m . T h e s o u n d in g s w e r e ta k e n b y m y s e lf w it h th e
a ssistan ce o f th e ste w a r d & c a r p e n te r - th e sin k er & tu b e b e in g h o v e in b y th e t w o last
n a m e d w it h o u t tr o u b le , a lt h o u g h th e sp ra y w a s fly in g h e a v ily o v e r th e taffrail. N o w , Sir,
1v e n tu r e to sa y w ith n o o th e r a p p a ra tu s c o u ld th e so u n d in g s h a v e b e e n o b ta in e d w it h so
fe w h an d s & so little risk o f b e in g w a s h e d a w a y fr o m th e w in d in g gear.*

This kind o f report must have brought immense personal satisfaction to Sir
William, not only because of the commercial value of a series of favourable
Thomson, On compass adjustment, p. 110; PL, 3, 383-6; SPT, 2, 7234.
Captain J.J. Walter to Sir William Thomson, 27th Novem ber, 1877, CS46, ULC; Lloyds
register o f shipping, (1877-8).
The magnetic compass 755

of the very serious defects in existing compass construction, an awareness which

22 led to his world famous compass patents.^ Yet the choice of subject did not
depend upon mere accidental circumstance about 187T. That year marked the
beginning of a decade of unparalleled expansion in iron shipbuilding centred on
The magnetic compass Glasgow (ch 21). That year, too, the Lalla Rookh, with all her eminent qualities as
Sir Williams laboratory afloat, had her first full season under his ownership.
Above all, in that year Archibald Smith, a former fellow-student of Macleod at
Glasgow College in the period 1828-32, had almost reached the end of a thirty-
year study of the magnetism of ships. Following Smiths sudden death in
T h e c o m p a s s ca u ses a q u ite u n p r e c e d e n te d a d d itio n t o m y o c c u p a tio n s , b u t December, 1872, his old friend Thomson not only became the author (at
it is v e r y in te r e stin g , a n d as it ta k es m e a g o o d d ea l a b o u t s h ip p in g it is n o t Stokess request early in 1873) of his Royal Society obituary notice, but the heir
lik e p lo d d in g at w r it in g o r b o o k w o r k . W i l l y B o t t o m le y is m o s t h e lp fu l to his researches on ships magnetism. In fact, Thomson himself had played a
. . . H e w a s d o w n w it h m e . . . in a n e w sh ip , B a lm o r a l C a stle , b e lo n g in g to prominent role in those researches since the 1840s.*
M essrs D o n a ld C u r r ie & C o ., w h ic h has b e e n fitte d o u t w ith th r ee o f m y
c o m p a sse s. W e w e n t t o G a r e lo c h h ea d o n F rid a y e v e n in g a n d s w u n g ea r ly
n e x t m o r n in g to a d ju st c o m p a sse s. S ir W illiam Thomson to Elizabeth K ing, Archibald Smith and the magnetism of ships
Archibald Smith, as one of the whig mathematicians, had instigated the
Cambridge Mathematical Journal. Throughout his life he staunchly supported
liberal causes, and in 1869 (after characteristic hesitation) he stood unsuccessfully
In the thirty-year period from Sir Williams first commercial compass patent in
as liberal candidate for the parliamentary seat of Glasgow and Aberdeen
1876 until his death in 1907, his firm supplied no fewer than 10000 compasses to
Universities. Although by profession a Chancery barrister. Smiths greatest
the worlds merchant ships and fighting navies. Production in the Glasgow
passion was sailing and navigation, especially on the west coast of Scotland, for
workshops ofjames White rose from little more than a dozen in 1876 to around
which he compiled his own local charts. While weighing up the prospects of
150 in 1880, 350 in 1885, and an all-time peak of over 500 in each of the years
becoming Meiklehams successor, he had written to his sister Isabella in 1846:
1892 and 1893. These sales figures coincided to a certain extent with the boom
Then there are six months holidays in the year instead of about two and I should
years of the early 1880s in shipbuilding (especially on the Clyde), with a
. . . get a yacht and make philosophical cruises all summer and live an easy
contraction in the later 1880s, and with a generally prosperous though fluctuat
pleasant respectable dull stupid life not toiling and moiling all day long and
ing trend in the 1890s. Up to 1907, indeed, the annual production of the Kelvin
much of the night as 1 now do.
compass never fell much below 300, and exceeded 400 in the years 1898-1901
Unable then or later to escape the treadmill of his chosen profession. Smith
and 1906-7. While the figures show an approximate correlation with shipbuild
employed for compass investigation what for others constituted leisure time and
ing output, many of the compasses were for delivery to new, high-class liner
sleeping hours. The consequent strain contributed to the breakdown of his
tonnage building on the Clyde, in Belfast, and on the Tyne as well as to ships of
health in 1870 and the abandonment of his profession. Combining his expertise
the Royal Navy. Such tonnage was not subject to the same large fluctuations of
in mathematics and his passion for the sea with his concern to advance the
output during trade cycles of boom and slump as was ordinary merchant ship
prosperity and well-being of mankind, he had (in Sir Williams words) con
tonnage, and it is therefore not surprising that production of Kelvin compasses
ferred never-to-be-forgotten benefits on the marine service of the world, and
manifested relative stability over these decades.^
made contributions to nautical science which have earned credit for England
According to S.P. Thompson, it was about the year 1871 that Sir Williams
friend, the Rev Norman Macleod, asked the professor to contribute to his
* SPT, 2, 627; Sir William Thomson, The mariners compass. Good Words, 15 (1874), 69-72;
magazine, Good Words. Sir William chose the mariners compass as his subject PL, 3, 228-45; Terrestrial magnetism and the mariners compass. Good Words, 2 0 (1879), 383-90,
for two articles which appeared in 1874 and 1879, and in doing so became aware 445-53; PL, 3, 242-322.
Sir William Thomson to G.G. Stokes, 8 th and 11th January, 1873, K190, Stokes cor
Sir William Thomson to Elizabeth King, 18th February, 1877, in SPT, 2, 679-80. respondence, ULC; G.G. Stokes to Sir William Thomson, 18th January, 1873, N B 21.57, Stokes
^ Thom sons patent compass books: record o f ships supplied with compass (1876-1918), correspondence, ULC; Sir William Thomson to G.G. Stokes, 21st Novem ber, 1873, K192A,
Glasgow University archives; Sidney Pollard and Paul Robertson, The British shipbuilding industry, Stokes correspondence, ULC.
1870-1914 (Cambridge, MA and London, 1979), p. 26, giving graph o f fluctuating shipbuilding ^ Archibald to Isabella Smith, 14th May, 1846, T D l/676/5, Smith papers, Strathclyde Regional
output for the United Kingdom and its regions (1870-1913). Archives.

756 Energy, economy, and Empire The magnetic compass 757

among maritime nations. His contributions were five-fold: (1) harmonic language, that the disturbance of the compass is a periodic function of the angle
reduction o f observations; (2) practical expression o f the full mathematical between the vertical plane of any line fixed relatively to the ship [say the
theory; (3) investigation of heeling error; (4) dygograms (ch. 11); and (5) rules horizontal line from the stern towards the bow] and any fixed vertical plane [say
for the positions of needles on the compass card, with dynamical and magnetic the magnetic meridian] when the ship . . . is turned into different azimuths - the
reasons.^ period of this function being four right angles. One of Smiths earliest
The first two aspects of Smiths work relate to his association with Major contributions to the compass problem was the application o f Fouriers grand and
Edward Sabine, best known as the driving force behind the so-called magnetic fertile theory of the expansion of a periodic function in series of sines and cosines
crusade, inaugurated by Captain James Clark Rosss Antarctic expedition of the argument and its multiples, now commonly called the harmonic analysis
aboard the Erebus and Terror in 1840-1 and culminating by 1845 in the of a periodic function.^
establishment of a world-wide (and especially Empire-wide) network of mag For practical application of this analysis. Smith provided tables and
netic observatories.^ In 1844 Smith introduced Thomson to Sabine, who calculational rules, which were soon employed in the Admiraltys Compass
subsequently communicated Thomsons 1849-50 paper on magnetism to the Department. To this Department every ship in the Navy sent her table of
Royal Society (ch. 8), the paper which led to Thomson becoming an FRS in observed deviations at least once a year for harmonic analysis in order to obtain a
1851.8 full history of the ships magnetic condition. As a result. Sir William believed in
The earlier Arctic expedition o f 1818 by the Isabella and Alexander had drawn 1871 that it is to the thoroughly scientific method thus adopted by the
Poissons attention in 1824 to the problem of compass deviation, and so the last Admiralty, that no iron ship of Her Majestys Navy has ever been lost through
o f his three famous papers on the mathematical theory o f magnetic induction errors of the compass. He also reminded his readers in 1874 that Smiths analysis
was concerned with the application to ships magnetism. Poissons applications, had proved exceedingly valuable in many other departments of practical
however, involved simplifying assumptions no longer adequate to achieve the physics besides ships magnetism. For example, Thomson had employed
accuracy demanded for reduction of the Antarctic observations. Thomson Smiths tables in reducing Forbess observations of underground temperature
summed up in 1871 the special achievement o f Archibald Smith: in 1849 and, through the Tidal Committee of the British Association, in the
A v a st m ass o f p r e c io u s o b s e r v a tio n s , m a d e c h ie fly o n b o a r d sh ip , w e r e b r o u g h t h o m e
harmonic analysis of tidal observations for various parts of the world in the
fr o m th is [A n ta r c tic ] e x p e d it io n . T o d e d u c e th e d e sir e d resu lts fr o m t h e m , it w a s period 1868-72 (ch. W).^^
n ecessa ry to e lim in a te th e d istu r b a n c e p r o d u c e d b y th e s h ip s m a g n e tis m ; an d S a b in e The second step in Smiths work on ships magnetism was his practical
ask ed his fr ie n d A r c h ib a ld S m ith to w o r k o u t fr o m P o is s o n s m a th e m a tic a l th e o r y , th e n expression of Poissons mathematical theory, i.e. his reduction of the theory to a
th e o n ly a v a ila b le g u id e , th e fo r m u la e r eq u ired fo r th e p u r p o s e . . . It w a s th e b e g in n in g o f few simple and easily applied formulae. Poisson, in 1824, and the Astronomer
a series o f la b o u r s ca rried o n w it h m o s t r e m a r k a b le p ra ctica l tact, w it h t h o r o u g h Royal, G.B. Airy, in 1838, had attempted such a simplification. But Poisson
a n a ly tic a l sk ill, an d w it h a rare e x t r e m e o f d isin te r e ste d n e ss, in th e in te r v a ls o f an a r d u o u s himself, in making practical application of his theory, had simplified it by
p r o fe ss io n , f o r th e p u r p o se o f p e r fe c tin g a n d s im p lify in g th e c o r r e c tio n o f th e m a r in e r s assuming particular conditions as to symmetry of the iron in the ship, and even
c o m p a ss - a p r o b le m w h ic h h a d b e c o m e o n e o f v ita l im p o r ta n c e fo r n a v ig a tio n , o n
with these restrictions had left it in a form which seemed to require further
a c c o u n t o f th e in tr o d u c tio n o f ir o n ships.^
simplification before it could be rendered available for general use. Poisson had
The first step in Smiths work involved reduction of observations by Fouriers also omitted as irrelevant the disturbing effects of permanent magnetism upon a
harmonic analysis. In Sir Williams words, we may . . . say, in Fouriers* properly placed compass in a wooden ship with only isolated iron masses. But
even with the earliest iron steamers and sailing ships these simplifications could
* Sir William Thomson, Archibald Smith and the magnetism o f ships, Proc. Royal Soc. London, no longer be made. In 1838, therefore. Airy carried out his detailed investiga
22 (1874), i-xxiv; MPP, 6 , 306-34, esp. pp. 306-12.
tions of compass deviations and their correction on the iron steamer Rainbow at
^ MPP, 6,310-12; Lieut-Colonel Edward Sabine, Contributions to terrestrial magnetism, Phil.
Trans. Royal Soc. London, (1843), 145-231, esp. pp. 145-50; J.H. Lefroy, in G.F.C. Stanley (ed.). In Deptford on behalf of the Admiralty and on the first ocean-going iron sailing
search o f the magnetic north. A soldier-surveyors lettersfrom the North-West. 1843-44 (Toronto, 1955); ship. Ironsides, in Liverpools Brunswick Dock on behalf of her owners.
John Cawood, The magnetic crusade: science and politics in early Victorian Britain, Isis, 70 (1979),
Airys calculations were founded, not on Poissons full mathematical theory
493-518; Jack Morrell and Arnold Thackray, Gentlemen o f science. Early years o f the British Association
for the Advancement of Science (Oxford, 1981), pp. 353-70.
* Archibald Smith to William Thomson, c. April, 1844, S143. ULC; William to Dr Thomson, >0 MPP, 6 , 312-13. PL, 2, 151-2; MPP, 6 , 313.
4th April, 1844, T255, ULC; SPT, 1, 67, 212, 226. Ibid., pp. 313-15; G.B. Airy, Account o f experiments on iron-built ships, instituted for the
Sir William Thomson, Presidential address, B A A S Report, 41 (1871), Ixxxiv-cv; PL, 2, 132- purpose o f discovering a correction for the deviation o f the compass produced by the iron o f the
205, on pp. 150-2; Archibald Smith, Memoranda, included in Sabine, Terrestrial magnetism, ships, Phil. Trans. Royal Soc. London, (1839), 167-213; C.H. Cotter, George Biddell Airy and his
(1843), pp. 145-50; (1844), pp. 116-19; (1846), pp. 248-50. mechanical correction o f the magnetic compass, Ann. Sci. 33 (1976), 263-74.
758 Energy, economy, and Empire The magnetic compass 759

of induction, but on the supposition that by the action of terrestrial magnetism rest, there can be no accelerated rotation, we shall have probably the 9 constants
every particle [i.e. element dxdyd^] of iron is converted into a magnet whose reduced to 6. I [erased this and burned it, del.] removed this & concluded the
direction is parallel to that of the dipping needle, and whose intensity is letter without it when I found that the conclusion was erroneous; but I did not
proportional to the intensity of terrestrial magnetism. He thereby eliminated see the flaw. The conclusion was correct; but he had not included all of the
mutual influence between magnetized parts. As Thomson diplomatically put it, interactions between earth, ship, and needle.^
Airy believed that his theory would produce results sufficiently accurate and Having corrected his analysis shortly afterwards, Thomson wrote again to
complete for practical purposes. Airy admitted that it would have been Smith, explaining my views of the possibility of correcting the deviations due
desirable to make the calculations on Poissons [complete] theory, which to soft iron by three soft iron bars fixed in the ship vertical, horiz^ across, & along
undoubtedly possesses greater claims on our attention (as a theory representing the ship. But the letter crossed one from Smith that had been delayed ten days,
accurately the facts of some very peculiar cases) than any other. The difficulties, in which [Smith] said he intended to incite Cap. Johnstone to try vertical soft
however, in the application of this theory to complicated cases are great, perhaps iron bars abaft & below, or before and above, the needle. Thus Smith was the
insuperable.^^ To have overcome these difficulties was Smiths supreme first to announce the basic idea o f compass correction for induced magnetism
achievement. that Thomson had contemplated.
The achievement, however, depended upon a dialogue between Thomson In May, 1850, Thomson reiterated his more complete views to Smith:
and Smith in the summer of 1848. Poissons theory of magnetic induction in I h a v e r e c o n s id e r e d t h e q u e s tio n o f th e p o s s ib ility o f c o r r e c tin g b y b ars o f so ft ir o n th e
non-isotropic media required nine constants of inductive capacity to connect e ffe c t o f t h e m a g n e tiz a t io n o f t h e s h ip s ir o n ( i f a ll th is b e p e r fe c tly so ft) a n d after o u r
three components of magnetizing force with three components of magnetiz c o n v e r s a tio n o f y e s te r d a y 1 a m n o w c o n v in c e d th a t, w it h a n y th r e e g iv e n b ars o f so ft ir o n
ation. On 22nd July, 1848, Thomson wrote in his notebook: I have today found th e e n tir e e ffe c t, b o th o n th e d ir e c tio n a n d t h e d ir e c tiv e fo r c e , u p o n th e c o m p a s s . . . m a y
that the nine const* which, as it has appeared to me for more than a year b e c o r r e c te d b y p la c in g th e b ars in p o s itio n s w h ic h are d e te r m in a te w h e n th e d ir e c tio n s o f
(since spring, 1847) enter into the expressions for the magnetic moment o f a th e b ars are s p e c ifie d (p r o v id e d th e bars are in fin it e ly thin ).^ *

[non-isotropic] mass of soft iron influenced by the terrestrial force, are reducible Two months later, Thomson wrote to Stokes from Greenhithe, downriver
to six (as I always thought must be the case). The result followed from requiring from London, that I am here to see the Retribution swing, for detS the dev" of
that the magnetized mass should not experience a continuous rotational accel his compass.^ This dry humour alludes to the long tradition o f execution by
eration, which would constitute a perpetual source o f mechanical effect. It hanging on the banks o f the Thames. Thomsons presence at the swinging
suggested an immense simplification of the problem o f ships magnetism. The highlights the importance he attached to the pressing problems o f ships magne
ship, like every magnetized body, could be treated as an ellipsoid, with three tism long before his Good Words articles. Indeed his correspondence with Smith
principal axes and only three corresponding constants determining its rotational and involvement with Sabine indicate how intimately related were his early
behaviour (the other three determining translational m o t i o n ) . T o find how to theoretical papers on magnetism, especially magnetic induction, to Britains
correct the compass, one had only to construct an analogous argument, similarly
rule o f the seas.
simplified to three constants, for the effect of the ship on the needle. Archibald Smiths investigations actually culminated, not in corrections for
Thomson immediately wrote to Smith, but omitted the conclusion for compasses themselves, but in corrections for the readings they gave. The
compass corrections. He noted with apparent dismay a month later: I had methods entered the famous Admiralty manual for ascertaining and applying the
actually put in at the end of my letter a remark such as the following: analogous deviations of the compass (1862) which was translated into French, German,
considerations would probably lead us to the establishment of a relation among Russian, and Spanish. This version replaced earlier publications which began
the 9 constants in Poissons formulae. In fact if we express that [for] a ship, with practical rules, the aim being to enable the seaman, by the process of
allowed to turn round the vertical axis of its compass, the needle being held at swinging his ship, to obtain a table o f the deviations o f his compass on each point,
Airy, Experiments on iron-built ships, pp. 177-88; MPP, 6 , 314.
and then to apply the tabular corrections to the courses steered. The rules had
William Thomson, 22ndJuly, 1848, Journal and research notebook, 1845-56, NB34, ULC, been drawn up in 1842 by the Admiralty Compass Committee (formed in 1837)
pp. 95-7. Thomson also remarks on 14th August, 1848, that he has sent an abstract to the British
Association, O n the equilibrium o f magnetic or diamagnetic bodies o f any form, under the ** William Thomson, 24th August, 1848, NB34, ULC, pp. 1035. Ibid.
influence o f the terrestrial magnetic force, B A A S Report, 18 (1848), 8-9; MPP, 1, 88-90. The Ibid. See also Archibald Smith to William Thomson, 7th and 22nd August, 1848, S160-161,
ellipsoid analysis derives from work in March, 1847, NB34, ULC, p. 51. See also William Thomson, ULC.
On the theory o f magnetic induction in crystalline and non-crystalline substances, Phil. Mag., ** William Thomson to Archibald Smith (rough draft), 17th May, 1850, NB34, ULC.
(series 4(, 1 (1851), 177-86; E&M, 465-81; abstract in B A A S Report, 20 (1850), 23. William Thomson to G.G. Stokes, 19th July, 1850, K42, Stokes correspondence, ULC.
760 Energy, economy, and Empire The magnetic compass 761

consisting o f Admiral Beaufort, Admiral SirJ.C. Ross, Captain Edward John (2) Bsind' + Ccosd' make up the semicircular deviation, so-called because the
son, Mr S.H. Christie and General Sabine. The Committee also designed the harmonic effects reached a maximum every 180*, which was the most
Admiralty standard compass, defined as that from which bearings were to be difficult to handle on account not only of each coefficient being made up of
taken and from which all courses were to be shaped. Once introduced, it two parts which could not be distinguished by observations made in one
remained unchanged until 1889 when the Admiralty adopted Thomsons latitude, but also from the fact that part of the ships permanent magnetism
compass.^ The Committees practical rules now constituted Part I of the was in fact only subpermanent, a term introduced by Airy.
Manual. Part II consisted of a graphic method (Napiers method after J.R. (3) Dsin2d'+ Ecos2d' make up the quadrantal deviation, so-called because the
Napier) for representing deviations.^^ harmonic effects reached a maximum every 90, caused only by horizontal
Part III o f the Manual constituted Smiths special contribution. First published magnetic induction in soft iron. E was caused by horizontal induction in soft
separately in 1851, and then as a supplement to the practical rules in 1855, Smith iron unsymmetrically distributed but, with compasses placed in the midship
rewrote it with exact formulae instead of the approximate ones employed in line, unsym metrical arrangements of soft iron had rarely much effect, so
these earlier versions, the revision being desirable on account of the very large that both A and E were usually very small. D was caused by symmetrical
deviations found in the new iron-plated ships of war. It aimed to provide arrangements of soft iron both transverse and fore-and-aft.^^
accurate practical formulae derived from Poissons fundamental equations.
The principal aim o f Part III o f the Manual was to find the means of
Poissons equations. Smith explained, derived from the hypothesis that the
computing A, B, C, D, and E from the observed deviations or from Napiers
magnetism of the ship, except so far as it is permanent, is transient induced
curve for a certain number o f equidistant compass points. This computation
magnetism, the intensity of which is proportional to the intensity of the
could be carried out easily by formulae founded on the method of least squares,
inducing force, and that the length of the compass-needle is infinitesimal
simplified in its application by the use of tables. Further formulae enabled
compared to the distance of the nearest iron. On this hypothesis the following
computation o f the exact coefficients to a reasonable approximation.^^ Smiths
formula gave an exact representation of compass deviation;
concern here, not with correcting the compass itself by magnetic arrangements
sin 8 = ylcosS + Bsind' + Ccosd' + Dsm{26' + S) + Ecos{26' + 8), of hard and soft iron, but only with the computation of deviations in iron ships,
reflects Admiralty practice. The navigator made the correction for himself from
tables or curves, and not by automatic adjustments within the instrument. This
8 = deviation, characteristic Admiralty preference for direct control through the mathematical
0 = correct magnetic course, skill of the navigator would contrast strikingly with the mercantile marines
d' = compass course, willingness to introduce Sir Williams system of compass correction and
A, D, E are coefficients depending solely on the soft iron of the ship, management.
B, C are coefficients each depending on the soft iron and hard iron and on the Investigation of heeling error constituted the third key feature of Smiths
intensity of the earths magnetic force at any given position. work. Iron sailing ships and steamers with auxiliary sail (as was the case with
virtually all steamers) were pressed by sail to very considerable degrees of
If the coefficients were so small that their squares and products could be
constant heel. When the ship heeled over to one side, there was more iron to the
neglected, the formula became:
high or weather side of the compass than to the lee. Although Airy had
5 = ^ + Bsind' + Ccosd' + Dsin20' + Ecos26', investigated the heeling error in his earliest papers, he had confined his practical
correction of compass error to a ship on an even keel. In Thomsons words.
which was sufficiently exact for deviations of less than 20. The terms were
Smith took up the question with characteristic mathematical tact and practical
interpreted as follows:
ability, and gave the method of correcting the heeling error which is now, I
(1) A is the constant part of the deviation caused by soft iron arranged believe, universally adopted in the Navy, and too frequently omitted (without
unsymmetrically around the compass. the substitution of any other method) in the mercantile marine.
As early as 31st July, 1848, Smith mentioned in a letter to Thomson the
MPP, 6 , 320. deviation of a compass made by Dent, chronometer maker, for the Queens
^* F.J. Evans and Archibald Smith, T h e A d m i r a l t y m a n u a l f o r a s c e r ta in in g ^ a n d a p p l y i n g t h e d e v i a t i o n s
o f t h e c o m p a s s (London, 1862); Report on the three reports o f the Liverpool Compass Committee Evans and Smith, Report on Liverpool Compass Committee, pp. 88-9.
and other recent publications on the same subject, B A A S R e p o r t , 3 2 (1862), 87-101, esp. pp. 87-8. 23 I b i d . , p. 90. 2 I b i d . , pp. 90-1; MPP, 6 , 314-15.
762 Energy, economy, and Empire The magnetic compass 763

yacht. If its axis were not perfectly vertical, he argued, the compass would show For example, two needles should be placed with their ends on the card 60 apart
a serious deviation unless the card (the rotating horizontal disc divided according and four needles (as in the Admiralty standard compass) with their ends 30
to the points of the compass and carrying the magnetic needles) had been a p a r t . A s Sir William explained in 1874, the initial reason was a dynamical one
accurately weighted so as to counterbalance the vertical part of the magnetic - to give equal moments of inertia round all horizontal axes and so prevent the
force.^^ He concluded: I daresay her majesty little suspects that if the inclination wobbling motion of the compass card when balanced on its pivot - but the
of her compass to the vertical be i there will be a deviation = same arrangement was found later to have important magnetic benefits in
overcoming so-called sextantal and octantal terms in the deviations of the
{[fiind - aj)lfcos6]sina - [w'lfcosaj]cosa)i'.
Smiths full treatment of the heeling error came with Part III of the 1862 FJ. Evans (1815-85;Johnsons successor at the Admiraltys Compass Depart
Manual. He explained that it was desirable to deduce [in the Manual] from ment and Smiths collaborator on the 1862 Manual) observed deviations of up to
Poissons formulae, expressions for the alteration of the coefficients introduced 6 during the Great Eastern s experimental voyage from the Thames to Portland,
by the inclination of the ship. The heeling error left unaltered coefficients yet the compass was nearly correct on cardinal and quadrantal points using
depending on fore-and-aft action, B and D; gave a small value to A and E; but Airys methods. The error was thus neither semicircular nor quadrantal, and was
significantly altered attributed to the ships two 11^ inch needles in her standard compass. Smith and
Arrangements of iron corresponding to a transverse horizontal bar of soft iron Evanss joint paper to the Royal Society in 1861 subjected the observations to
together with a vertical bar of hard or soft iron magnetized by induction, or of harmonic analysis and showed sextantal and octantal terms (i.e. terms of
hard iron magnetized permanently, caused the two-part alteration of C. Such an coefficients multiplying the sines or cosines of six and eight times the ships
arrangement would cause a deviation of the north point of the compass needle to magnetic azimuth) very large for the Great Eastern s compass but comparatively
the weather side. To correct this deviation, the vertical magnetism must either small for the Admiralty standard compass. Smaller needles gave smaller
act upwards, or the transverse magnetism must be such as would be caused by a sextantal and octantal terms, and double needles of the same magnitude as single
horizontal transverse rod on each side of the compass, the formula indicating the needles also reduced the terms. But, above all, later mathematical investigation
relation which must exist between the vertical and transverse horizontal magne showed that the arrangement of needles giving equal moments of inertia also
tism in order that the heeling error may be zero. prevented sextantal deviation in the case of correcting magnets, and octantal
The final aspect of Smiths contribution to the magnetism of ships was his rule deviation in the case of soft iron correctors.^^
for the positions of the needles mounted on the card. In his letter to Thomson in
July, 1848, Smith enunciated his rule for placing the needles:
The practical problems of compass correction
D e n t th e c h r o n o m e te r m a k e r . . . has b e e n a lso m a k in g c o m p a ss e s. H e m a k e s th e m w it h
an a x is in stea d o f a ca p a n d p o in t. H e s h o w e d m e o n e w it h f o u r bars w h ic h h e s h ad b y
Airy had recognized the existence o f two kinds o f deviation which combine to
trial a rra y ed s o as to m a k e th e m o m e n t s o f in ertia as n e a r ly as p o ss ib le eq u a l b u t w a n t e d a
disturb the compass: semicircular deviation due to the permanent [polar]
ru le. I h a d f o r m e r ly w o r k e d at th is a n d g iv e n C o l S a b in e n u m b e r s b y w h ic h all magnetism of the ships hard iron; and quadrantal deviation due to the horizon
A d m ir a lty c o m p a ss e s are m a d e b u t w h e n I w o r k e d it a g a in I f o u n d it c o m e s to th e v e r y tal component o f the transient [induced] magnetism of the ships soft iron. Two
s im p le c o n s tr u c tio n small bar magnets, one placed parallel to the fore-and-aft line but athwart (i.e. to
one or other side of) the compass position, and the other transverse to the fore-
AB' = 60
A'B = 60 and-aft line but ahead of or abaft (i.e. behind) the compass, corrected the
semicircular deviation. Adjusting these magnets with the ships head on the
T h is g iv e s a v e r y s im p le r u le fo r p la c in g a n y e v e n
cardinal points neutralized the ships permanent magnetism. A mass o f wrought
n u m b e r o f b ars at e q u a l d ista n ces so th a t th e m o m e n t s
are e q u a l. T h e d ist. = 6 0 / [w h e r e n is th e n u m b e r o f See also H.L. Hitchinsand W.E. May, F r o m l o d e s t o n e to g y r o - c o m p a s s (London, 1952), pp. 75-8.
bars o n ea ch sid e o f th e n o r t h - s o u t h axis].^* ^0 MPP, 6 , 320-2.
I b i d . , 3 2 0 - 2 ; F.j. Evans, Reduction and discussion o f the deviations o f the compass observed on

Archibald Smith to William Thomson, 31st July, 1848, S159, ULC. board o f all the iron-built ships, and a selection o f the wood-built steam-ships in Her Majestys navy,
Evans and Smith, Report on Liverpool Compass Com mittee, p. 90. See also G.B. Airy, On and the iron steam-ship G r e a t E a s t e r n ; being a report to the Hydrographer o f the Admiralty, P h i l .
T r a n s . R o y a l S o c . L o n d o n , (1860), 337-78; Archibald Smith and FJ. Evans, On the effect produced
the connexion between the mode o f building iron ships, and the ultimate correction o f their
compass, T r a n s . I n s t . N a v a l A r c h . , 1 (1860), 105-9, esp. p. 107. on the deviation o f the compass by the length and arrangement o f the compass needles; and on a new
Evans and Smith, Report on Liverpool Compass Com m ittee, pp. 90-1. mode o f correcting the quadrantal deviation, P r o c . R o y a l S o c . L o n d o n , 11 (1860-2), 179-81.
Smith, o p . c il. (note 25).
764 Energy, economy, and Empire The magnetic compass 765

iron (soft) placed on one or other side of the compass corrected the quadrantal
Airy, however, chose to neglect the change in the vertical component of the
earths magnetism with magnetic latitude and made no practical allowance for
heeling error. His conclusions, moreover, did not allow for a major change in
the ships permanent magnetism over time (especially when the ship was newly
launched). As a result of these shortcomings, the Admiralty and many
m*- shipowners for long remained distrustful of such attempts at compass correc
tion.^^ But the Astronomer Royals methods received their severest criticism in
the mid-1850s following a particularly melancholy shipwreck.
In January, 1854, the new 2000 ton Tayleur sailed from the Mersey bound for
Australia with over 500 passengers and crew. When just two days out and when
encountering very heavy weather, the compasses (previously adjusted by per
manent magnets) were observed to differ materially from one another. Trusting
to the steering compass, the master believed that he was on course between West
Wales and the Irish coast. Very soon, however, the sight of Lambay Island, north
of Dublin Bay, provided evidence to the contrary. All attempts to clear the
island failed, and the ship was driven broadside on to the rocks with the
subsequent loss o f nearly 300 lives. The Liverpool Marine Board inquiry
concluded that the wreck occurred through the deviation of the compass, the
cause of which they had been unable to determine. This tragedy provided the
case for the Rev Dr William Scoresbys attack at the Liverpool meeting of the
British Association in 1854 on Airys principles of compass correction.^**
The Tayleur s, compasses had been adjusted by permanent magnets, most
probably in her fitting-out dock (as Airy had done with the Ironsides) in
Liverpool. Unlike large steamers, the sailing ship did not require extensive sea
trials and would almost certainly, on completion, have proceeded directly on
her maiden voyage. Scoresby, son of a celebrated whaling captain, and himself a
navigator and man of science, argued that the severe weather encountered by the
new ship had been sufficient to alter the magnetic condition acquired when
building. He therefore emphasized that the plan of correcting, or adjusting, the
compass on board such [iron] ships by the antagonistic action of steel magnets,
must be delusive and might be extremely dangerous. In the case o f the
unfortunate Tayleur, he argued, the authorized reports suggested that after the
Archibald Smith earned a high reputation as a Chancery barrister but laboured change in ships magnetism the adjusting magnets had seriously augmented the
through the night hours on the mathematical problems o f ships magnetism. As a new errors. Had there been no adjusting magnets, Scoresby concluded, the
reward for services to the Empire, the Admiralty presented him with a watch in 1862. captain would have been guarded against the delusion that he was making a fair
After Smiths early death in 1872, Thomson pursued practical solutions to these
course down the channel. To support his case by direct evidence, Scoresby
problems, and his resulting patents generated considerable wealth. [From Smith
papers, Strathclyde Regional Archives.] Airy, Experiments on iron-built ships, pp. 210-13; Cotter, George Biddell Airy, pp. 265-6.
33 jvipp 5 ^ 3 1 5 ; c .H . Cotter, The early history o f ship magnetism: the Airy-Scoresby
controversy, Ann. Sci., 34 (1977), 589-99, esp. p. 593.
William Scoresby, On the loss o f the Tayleur, and the changes in the action o f compasses in
iron ships, B A A S Report, 2 4 (1854), 49-53; Cotter, George Biddell Airy, pp. 2714; A iry-
Scoresby controversy, pp. 591-7.
766 Energy, economy, and Empire The magnetic compass 767

demonstrated the ease with which the magnetic conditions of iron bars and Napier also explained that he was startled by the remarks [of Scoresby in a
plates may be dramatically altered by stress or vibration.^ letter to the Liverpool Underwriters Association] regarding the loss of the
Replying in the pages of The Athenaeum, Airy argued that iron ships did not, Tayleur when, from the evidence, he [Scoresby] says it appeared that the
as Scoresby had suggested, alter their magnetic character suddenly enough to compasses were all correct on leaving Liverpool, and all wrong after getting to
render mechanical correctors (rather than numerical correction) dangerous. He sea. Napier then recalled a similar change in the compass deviations o f the
also considered that the Tayleur's compass error might have been due to heeling Glasgow-built iron brig Haiti swung, on completion, first in Glasgow and
or to a trifling disturbance in the position of the compass rather than to a sudden subsequently downriver at Gourock. The two sets of results differed markedly.
change in her magnetic condition. The causes, Napier argued, were those assigned by Scoresby: the soft iron,
The ensuing controversy provoked considerable discussion among William hammered in a given direction when on the building slip, became highly
Thomsons close colleagues and friends. Joule, for example, wrote to him in penetrated with retentive magnetism which was retained so long as the ship
January, 1855: moved quietly but which was liable to change when vibrated in new positions:
I r e c o lle c t w e l l w h e n w it h y o u at G la s g o w C o lle g e th a t M r N a p ie r s h o w e d resu lts o f th e O n th e C ly d e [u n lik e L iv e r p o o ls d o c k sy s te m ] . . . o u r w a n t o f c o n v e n ie n c e s fo r
e x tr a o r d in a r y a lte r a tio n o f th e a c tio n o f a v e sse l o n its c o m p a s s b y c a r e e n in g . I h a v e n o t s w in g in g sh ip s fo r c o m p a ss d e v ia tio n s m a y h a v e b e e n th e m e a n s o f p r e s e r v in g o u r ir o n
seen S c o r e s b y o r A ir y s rem a rk s. T h e r e se e m s t o b e so m u c h ig n o r a n c e an d s tu p id ity sh ip s fr o m th o s e v e r y su d d e n c h a n g e s, as a v o y a g e to G a r e lo c h b e h in d a t u g ste a m e r m a y
a m o n g p r a c tic a l m e n o n th is su b je c t th a t I ce r ta in ly w o u ld ra th er d e c lin e sa ilin g in an ir o n h a v e w r o u g h t th e n e c e ssa r y c h a n g e in th e reta in e d m a g n e tis m . W it h o u r s t e a m e r s . . . I
ship.37 p r e s u m e th a t th e w o r k in g o f o u r e n g in e s fo r th r e e h o u r s o r m o r e o n th e ir w a y to
G a r e lo c h , a n d m a k in g m o r e t h u m p in g a n d k n o c k in g p erh a p s th a n th e y o u g h t to d o ,
M r J.R. Napier himself read a paper entitled On ships compasses to the
w o u ld b e c o n s id e r e d q u ite su ffic ie n t to r e d is tr ib u te th e reta in e d m a g n e tis m , so th a t w h e n
Glasgow Philosophical Society in January, 1855. William Thomson was pre
th e sh ip w a s s w u n g , th e r e w o u ld b e less risk o f a n y s u d d e n c h a n g e w h e n first p r o c e e d in g
sent, and the paper included letters to Napier from both Scoresby and Smith. to sea.'*
Smith and Napier had a common interest in the iron steamships mastery of the
oceans. Thus, in October, 1854, Smith had hoped that Napier will come out Napiers paper then treated of two major features of ships compasses of even
tonight to stay all night, & then we will have a regular magnetic conference. more immediate interest to Thomsons circle than the comparatively emotional
Two days later he reported to his wife that James Napier came to dinner - we distrust of compass correctors. First, he considered the rival merits o f single- and
had a great discussion about ships compasses & their scientific mysteries.^ compound-needled compasses. And, second, he considered the causes and
Napiers paper of 1855 treated Scoresby very favourably while speaking remedies of unsteadiness of the compass during rolling of the ship.
cautiously about Airys methods of compass correction, the distrust of which Most persons, Napier argued, would admit that, all other things being equal,
had clearly become an emotional issue among seafarers. Indeed, what emerges the best compass is that which has the strongest magnetism in its needles, or the
from Napiers discussion is that all three men - Napier, Smith, and Scoresby - most directive power in proportion to the whole card and needles; for, by
were in 1855 quite sceptical about the reliability of compass correction, prefer having this superior directive power, it is enabled to overcome pivot friction and
ring instead a neutral solution. Napier concluded his paper thus: Though many other causes, which render useless less powerful compasses. Scoresbys re
captains of vessels still adhere to the principle o f having their compass errors searches had aimed to show that a compass with a number of thin needles would
corrected by magnets, the custom of placing a compass on a mast or pole high be much more powerful than if the same weight of steel formed one solid bar
above the vessel to be free from the influence o f iron, as urged by Dr Scoresby needle. Yet, Napier remarked. Snow Harris had apparently suggested that a
and implied by Mr Smith, is becoming more frequent. It is to be hoped this single needle, simpler and cheaper than compound needles, might be shown by
custom will soon become universal.^ experience to be more than adequate to any practical purpose. Consequently:
Scoresby, Loss o f the Tayleur', pp. 50-3. T o sa tisfy m y s e l f I h a d a c o m p a ss m a d e , w h ic h I c o n c e iv e d w o u ld c o m b in e th e g o o d
G.B. Airy, Correction o f the compass in iron ships. The Athenaeum, no. 1409 (1854), 1303-5; q u a litie s o f m o s t o f th e c o m p a ss e s 1 h a d read a b o u t. I a d o p te d S c o r e s b y s c o m p o u n d
William Scoresby, Correction o f the compass in iron ships by magnets. The Athenaeum, no. 1415 n e e d le s m a d e o f c lo c k sp r in g s, p la c e d t h e m fo r e c o n o m y flat o n th e card in t w o sets, fo u r
(1854), 1494-5; no. 1416 (1854), 1526-8; G.B. Airy, Correction o f the compass in iron ships. The [p la c e d t o g e th e r ] in ea ch set . . . I p la c e d th e se t w o sets o f n e e d le s [i.e . t w o c o m p o u n d
Athenaeum, no. 1423 (1855), 145-8; Cotter, Airy-Scoresby controversy, pp. 595-8.
n e e d le s] at th e d ista n c e s c a lc u la te d b y M r A r c h ib a ld S m ith , v iz . 6 0 , s h o w n b y h im to b e
J.P. Joule to William Thomson, 30th January, 1855, J191, ULC.
Archibald to Susan Smith, 14th and 16th October, 1854, T D l/887, Smith papers, Strathclyde th e p o s itio n ( o f t h e n e e d le s ) in w h ic h th e c o m p a s s card m ig h t p itc h o r r o ll in all p o sitio n s
Regional Archives. w it h o u t a ffe c tin g its d ir e c tio n . I te ste d th e p o w e r o f th e card , w it h its n e e d le s c o m p le te o n
J.R. Napier, Remarks on ships compasses, Proc. Phil. Soc. Glasgow, 3 (1848-55), 365-75, on
p. 375. *0 Ibid., pp. 370-3.
768 Energy, economy, and Empire The magnetic compass 769

it, b y th e torsion b a la n c e . . . T h is m e th o d , w h e n th e torsion o f w ir e is d iv id e d b y th e w e ig h t th an se v e r a l y a rd s o f th e n e e d le must n o m a tte r h o w w e ll d e v is e d & h o w m u c h in

o f ca rd , g iv e s I c o n c e iv e a tr u e m e a su r e o f th e p o w e r s w h ic h d iffe r e n t cards w o u ld h a v e o f a c c o r d a n c e w it h a n y th e o r y as y e t a p p lie d , b e most pernicious.*^
in d ic a tin g c o r r e c tly b y o v e r c o m in g fr ic tio n , & c ., w h e n p la c in g o n th e ir p r o p e r p i v o t s / *
He concluded his indictment of Airys system by stating that every system
Napier compared this torsionweight ratio for seven designs of compass which makes the captain think he can rely on his compass without constant
including Snow Harriss azimuth and steering cards with single-bar needles observation is liable to produce great evils, whereas by contrast Smiths system
made by Lilley of London, the Admiralty standard card with four compound can do no harm unless it is trusted to when direct observation can be had, and is I
needles, and cards by the Liverpool makers Grays and Keens. He found that his believe the best system when observation cannot be had.
own Scoresby experimental card with two compound needles had three times Three years later the controversy erupted again, this time between Airy and
the power of Keens patent card, and a considerably greater power than the Smith over Smiths introduction to Scoresbys posthumous Journal of a uoyage to
Harris and Admiralty cards. He therefore concluded that with cards of equal Australia and round the worldfor magnetical research. Smiths lengthy introduction
weight the compound needle has about one half more power; or if, as Sir Snow (written after consultations with Thomson) aimed to ascertain what was correct
Harris says, the extra power is not needed, then a much lighter card with less or mistaken on each side of the [Airy-Scoresby] controversy. While pointing
pivot friction, and consequently more durability, will be as powerful and out that Scoresby had probably misunderstood Airys meaning with regard to
sensitive as Sir Snow Harriss. Furthermore, he criticized the Liverpool makers the effects of different magnetic latitudes on the semicircular deviation
view that weight was a necessary element of a steady card, arguing that weight (Scoresby attributing the effect to retentive or subpermanent magnetism rather
without power to overcome friction might produce steadiness, but would not than to transient induced magnetism from the vertical component of the earths
combine steadiness with accuracy. field). Smith criticized the imperfections of Airys theory which purported to
Steadiness was the second major feature of ships compasses which Napier bypass the complexities of Poissons by ignoring mutual i nf l ue nc e . Ai r ys
discussed. Many, if not all, compasses were, he believed, very unsteady at sea in caustic reply in The Athenaeum defended his approach on the grounds that it had
heavy weather. The particular cause he focussed upon arose from the influence been adequate for the kind of ship then in service: Mr Smith entered late into
of the induced magnetism of the iron . . . especially when the vessel sails in an these investigations, when the general laws of magnetic disturbances in iron
easterly or westerly direction and rolls heavily, for then iron (the sides of an iron ships were perfectly established; and he can form little idea of the obscurity
ship perhaps...), which at one roll or lurch become nearly parallel with the dip, which oppressed the subject in 1838/ ^
and consequently powerfully magnetic, attracts or repels the north end of the Thomson, writing to Smith soon after, again took sides against the Astrono
compass needle, by the opposite roll, may become nearly at right angles to the mer Royal:
dip, and therefore less magnetic, thereby causing the oscillations. These effects I a m su rp rised to se e A ir y in th e lig h t o f an in ju r e d b u t f o r g iv in g p e r s o n . . . I a m also m u c h
he illustrated with results obtained from experiments on an eight foot iron stru ck w it h th e w a n t o f p o w e r s h o w n in h is s e c tio n (I). H o w can h e m a k e so tr a n sc e n d e n t
boat.'^^ a d iffic u lty o f th e m a th e m a tic s o f P o is s o n s in v e s tig a tio n w h ic h I s u p p o s e w o u ld b e
Following these discussions among his friends, William Thomson delivered r e p u lsiv e to a 2"l o r 3^^ y ea r m a n o n ly fr o m a w a n t o f n ea tn e ss in h is g e o m e t r y o f th r ee
his own verdict to Forbes in May, 1856. He admitted not having read Airys d im e n s io n s? H o w can h e th in k r iv e tin g n o t a g o o d e n o u g h c o n n e c t io n & c? D o e s h e n o t
original papers on ships magnetism, but he believed the first paper (1839) se e b y p u r e m a th e m a tic s th a t i f a p ie c e o f ir o n w e r e c u t in to a n y n u m b e r o f parts & p u t

contained a fundamental error in neglecting the effect of mutual influence of t o g e th e r w it h v a r n ish o r silk p a p er, o r a n y th in g n o n m a g n e tic o f lin e a l d im e n s io n s sm a ll
in c o m p a r is o n w it h th e sm a lle st d ia m e te r o f th e p arts, th at th e m a g n e tis m in d u c e d in th e
the parts of a piece of iron in influencing one anothers magnetism, according to
w h o le in a n y fie ld w o u ld n o t b e s e n s ib ly a lte r e d ? . . . H is ju s tific a tio n w o u ld h a v e b e e n fair
which [error] the magnetization of a bar would be the same in intensity whether
i f it h a d b e e n c o n f in e d t o e x p la in in g h o w h e fe ll in to a g r e a t m ista k e & i f th e m ista k e had
the bar is held along or across the lines of force instead o f being as it really is many
b e e n d is tin c tly a d m itte d . A s it is it is p la u sib le , & i f u n c o r r e c te d w ill le a d e v e n to le r a b ly
times greater in the former than in the latter case. With regard to Airys c o m p e te n t read ers e ith e r t e m p o r a r ily o r p e r m a n e n tly in to th e sa m e erro r .^
methods o f correction:
** William Thomson to J .D . Forbes, 16th May, 1856, Forbes papers, St Andrews University
I a m q u ite c o n v in c e d th a t h is m e th o d o f c o m p e n s a tin g th e e ffe c t o n th e c o m p a ss w a s Library.
fo u n d e d o n in c o r r e c t r e a s o n in g , an d h as p r o v e d v e r y in ju r io u s in p r a ctice. I b e lie v e e v e r y William Scoresby, in Archibald Smith, e d . , J o u r n a l o f a v o y a g e to A u s t r a l i a a n d r o u n d t h e w o r l d f o r
m a g n e t ic a l r e se a r c h (London, 1859), pp. vii-xlviii, esp. pp. viii-ix, xxiii-xxxvi; Archibald Smith to
a tte m p t at c o r r e c tio n i f in tr o d u c in g c ith e r steel m a g n e ts o r so ft ir o n in to clo se r p r o x im it y
William Thomson, 24th January, 1859, S51, ULG.
G.B. Airy, Iron ships - the Royal Charter, T h e A t h e n a e u m , no. 1672 (1859), 632-6, on p. 632.
"** I h i d . , pp. 36,S^>; William Scoresby, M a j ^ n e t i c a l i n v e s t i g a t i o n s (2 vols., London, 1839-52), 1, pp, William Thomson to Archibald Smith, 15th November, 1859, S172, ULC; Airy, Iron ships,
282-329. 2 Napier, Remarks on ships compasses, pp. 36fr 9. I h i d ., p. 369. pp. 632 3.
770 Energy, economy, and Empire The magnetic compass 771

In the same vigorous letter to Smith, Thomson also criticized Airy for misusing s o m e t im e s , fo r in sta n c e , in th e fo r m o f a sm a ll brass r in g o f a b o u t an in c h a n d a h a lf

quotations (correct in themselves) from his 1839 paper to demonstrate that he d ia m e te r . A n o t h e r m e th o d , sc a r c e ly less s c ie n tific , is to b lu n t th e b e a r in g - p o in t b y
g r in d in g it o r s tr ik in g it w it h a h a m m e r , as h as n o t u n fr e q u e n tly b e e n d o n e to r en d er th e
had all along been aware of subpermanent magnetism while ignoring com
c o m p a ss less li v e l y ; o r to fill th e c u p w it h b r ic k d u s t . . . o n c e d o n e at sea b y a c a p ta in w h o
pletely his controversy with Scoresby about the Tayleur in which I believe he
w a s su rp rised t o fin d a fte r w a r d s th a t h is c o m p a s s c o u ld n o t b e tru ste d w it h in a c o u p le o f
denied the real substance of what he is now claiming priority for himself,
p o in ts .^
namely, that the ships magnetism did not vary much over time.
When, some twelve years later. Sir William began to develop his own patent Minimizing friction, on the other hand, also reduces wear on the pivot and so
compass, he used all the very considerable resources of his personal diplomacy to improved the durability and economy of the compass.
steer a difficult course between the various hazards left behind by these earlier Second, the compass card should have a long vibrational period to eliminate
battles. He aimed to employ the Astronomer Royals methods of mechanical oscillations due to so-called kinetic error. Sir William made this issue the subject
correction in accordance, not with any approximate theory, but with Poisson of his own study in the period 1874-9. He drew attention to the general belief
and Smiths theory of magnetism in iron ships and his own general theory of that the greater the magnetic moment [the proper expression for which in
magnetic induction. In aiming once more for the harmony of theory and common language is often called power or strength] o f the needles the better
practice, Sir William had now to devise a compass and its correctors which the compass. Indeed, Napier himself had opened his 1855 paper with a state
would permit maximum flexibility for regular adjustment while at the same ment of that very belief Thomson, however, claimed that it was 'not generally
time retaining a practical simplicity which no numerical method of correction known that the greater the magnetic moment, other things being the same, the
could rival. more unsteady will the compass be when the ship is rolling on ocean wave
slopes. On this account, as well as for another reason which will be apparent
from his fourth condition (correction of quadrantal error), small magnetic
Sir William Thomsons patent compass
moment was desirable.
Sir William Thomson attributed the five-year delay in completing his Good The complete rolling error in a ships compass is made up of the heeling error
Words articles on the mariners compass to his realization that when there (analyzed by Archibald Smith) and the kinetic error. The heeling error, Thom
seemed a possibility of finding a compass which should fulfill the conditions of son noted, was in many cases a more potent cause of unsteadiness than the
the problem, I felt it impossible to complacently describe compasses which merely dynamical influence of the ships rolling, the deflecting influence
perform their duty ill, or less well than might be, through not fulfilling these sometimes amounting to as much as two degrees for every degree o f heel. The
conditions. Sir Williams famous compass patents were essentially his attempt two influences often conspired together, both drawing the north point of the
to fulfill the conditions of the problem, conditions which previous compasses card towards the upper side of the ship in the northern hemisphere and the
of the mercantile marine and Admiralty had not in general satisfied.^ The reverse in the southern, the effect being greatest when the ships head was north
compass requirements, as he appreciated them in the period 1871-6, were four in or south and least when east or west. ^ Smith (and Thomson) had recognized the
number. means of correcting heeling error by horizontal and vertical arrangements of
First, the card must have as little friction as possible while turning on its pivot. soft iron and by vertical arrangements of hard iron. In his patent compass. Sir
As Napier had already pointed out in his 1855 paper, steadiness without accuracy William employed permanent magnets in the binnacle below the card together
was useless: the needle should rest in its true equilibrium position on a steady with (in an improved version of the compass around 1879) a vertical bar ahead or
course. In his 1879 article. Sir William himself argued that the methods of abaft the binnacle. This vertical bar, known as a Flinders bar, also compensated
procuring steadiness in common use nearly all relied upon friction on the for the change with magnetic latitude of the vertical component of the earths
bearing-point, whereas in reality friction introduces a peculiar unsteadiness o f a field. 2
very serious kind: The kinetic or dynamical error consisted of two factors. First, Sir William
In some [compass cards] (as in the Admiralty j card, provided for use in stormy weather)
there is a swelling in the middle o f each o f the steel needles to make them heavier; in others Thomson, Terrestrial magnetism, p. 447; PL, 3, 287-9; Napier, Remarks on ships
heavy brass weights are attached to the compass cards as near the centre as may be, being compasses, pp. 368-9.
Thomson, Terrestrial magnetism, p. 447; PL, 3,289; Napier, Remarks on ships compasses,
p. 365. Thomson, Terrestrial magnetism, pp. 447-8; PL, 3, 289-93.
Thomson, Terrestrial magnetism, p. 449; PL, 3,296. See also W.E. May, Lord Kelvin and his Thomson, Terrestrial magnetism, pp. 452-3; PL, 3, 311-22; Evans and Smith, Report on
compass, / Navigation, 32 (1979), 122-34. Liverpool Compass Com m ittee, pp. 90-1.
772 Energy, economy, and Empire The magnetic compass 773

recognized in his 1874 paper, On the perturbations of the compass produced by E ig h t sm a ll n e e d le s o f th in ste e l w ir e 3 ^ in c h e s to 2 in c h e s lo n g . . . are fix e d (lik e th e step s

the rolling of the ship, that due to the difference of apparent gravity (resulting o f a r o p e la d d e r ) o n t w o p a ra llel silk th r e a d s, a n d s lu n g fr o m a lig h t a lu m in iu m circu lar
r im o f 1 0 in c h e s d ia m e te r b y fo u r silk th r ea d s th r o u g h e y e s in th e fo u r e n d s o f th e o u te r
from accelerations in rolling) from true gravity the compass card does not sit
p air o f n e e d le s . T h e a lu m in iu m r im is c o n n e c t e d b y t h ir t y - t w o s to u t silk th r ea d s, th e
l e v e l . T h e error thus introduced behaved like the heeling error, though
s p o k e s as it w e r e o f th e w h e e l, w it h an a lu m in iu m d isk a b o u t th e siz e o f a f o u r p e n n y - p ie c e
depending on acceleration in the heeling motion rather than on the heel itself.
fo r m in g th e n a v e . A sm a ll in v e r te d c u p , w it h sa p p h ir e c r o w n a n d a lu m in iu m sid es an d
Second, as he recognized by 1879, the centre of gravity of the compass card rests p r o je c tin g lip , fits th r o u g h a h o le in th is d isk a n d su p p o r ts it b y th e lip; th e c u p is b o r n e b y
just slightly north of the support pivot (in the northern hemisphere) to compen its sa p p h ir e c r o w n o n a fin e ir id iu m p o in t so ld e r e d to th e to p o f a th in brass w ir e
sate for the dip in the earths magnetic force drawing the card downwards s u p p o r te d in a s o c k e t a tta c h e d to th e b o t t o m o f th e c o m p a ss b o w l . T h e a lu m in iu m rim
towards the north. Thus, when sailing north or south, the ships rolling will a n d t h ir t y - t w o silk -th r e a d sp o k e s fo r m a circu la r p la tfo r m w h ic h b ears a lig h t c ir c le o f
throw the centre of gravity east and west, producing a rotational oscillation in p a p e r c o n s t it u t in g th e c o m p a ss card proper. ^
the compass. In this analysis Sir William expressed his indebtedness to Froudes
The circle of paper, reduced to a two inch broad band to minimize weight and
theory of the rolling of ships according to which the longer the vibrational
securely bound to the outer aluminium rim with paste and silk ribbon, was cut
period of the ship when set a-rolling in still water by men running from side to
across in thirty-two places mid-way between the spoke attachments to prevent
side, the steadier she will be in a seaway."^
it from warping the aluminium rim by the shrinkage it underwent from the
In order to correct both factors making up the kinetic part of the rolling error.
suns heat. Sir Williams compass card weighed only about 170 grains compared
Sir William concluded that he needed a compass with a period of oscillation
to the 1600 grains of the Admiralty standard compass and about 2900 grains or
several times that of the waves, to which end a small magnetic moment would
six ounces of the ordinary ten inch used in the best-found merchant steamers.
contribute substantially. In reality, he noted that the longest period of a ships
The vibrational period of his ten inch compass was about forty-two seconds,
actual rolling in a sea-way varied from fourteen to eighteen seconds. The
while the frictional error did not exceed a quarter of a degree.
vibrational periods of the A card of the Admiralty standard (seven and one-half
Having designed a card which fulfilled the requirements for a good compass.
inch) compass was about nineteen seconds; and that of the ten inch compass of
Sir William aimed to incorporate correctors within the binnacle according to
merchant steamers was about twenty-six seconds. For satisfactory steadiness, a
Smiths (and his own) improved version of Airys principles. He emphasized
much longer period still, achievable by a reduction of the magnetic moment,
that the magnetism of a ships iron is a very variable property, and it is almost as
would be necessary.
difficult to classify and describe it in words as it is to correct its effect on the
Third, he required short needles in order that the (corrected) magnetic field
compass. As we saw in the previous section, its permanent constituent was not
over the space of rotation of the needles be effectively constant. Then, for all
perfectly permanent (part, at least, being subpermanent), and its transient
compass courses at one position on the earth, a single correction would be valid.
constitution not perfectly transient: the mariner must be constantly on his guard
And fourth, a small magnetic moment was not only important for the long
to determine and allow for unpredictable irregularities in his compass due to
vibrational period, but unless the magnetic moment be vastly smaller than that
variations of the permanent magnetism, and to retention of some of the transient
of any of the compasses ordinarily in use hitherto, the accuracy for all parts of the
magnetism when the inducing influence is past. The compass is not to be
world, of the correction of what is called the quadrantal error in an iron ship, by
corrected perfectly once and for all by any possible operations or observations,
the Astronomer Royals method, is vitiated by the inductive influence of the
however accurately performed . . . and readjustment becomes necessary; sooner
compass upon the iron correctors. In order for the soft iron spheres to respond
generally in a new ship, but sooner or later in every ship . .. in the course of their
proportionally to changes in the earths magnetic field, and so provide the
proper correction at all points of the earth, the effect upon them from the needles
The familiar mariners expression of swinging a ship meant turning her
had to be minimized.^*
round with her head successively on all points of the compass and determining
A couple of years after his first patent in 1876, Sir William described the actual
the error of the compass for a sufficient number of different courses to allow it to
instrument designed by him to satisfy these key conditions:
Sir William Thomson, On the perturbations o f the compass produced by the rolling o f the
ship, Nature, 10 (1874), 388-9; Phil. Mag., [series 4|, 4 8 (1874), 363-9. Thomson, Terrestrial magnetism, pp. 449-50; PL, 3,296-8; On compass adjustment in iron
Thomson, Terrestrial magnetism, p. 447; PL, 3, 289. Sec also William Froude to Sir William ships, and on a new sounding apparatus, R U S I, 22 (1879), 91-119, on pp. 93-4; On compass
Thomson, December, 1877 to October, 1878, F281-F289, ULC. adjustment in iron ships, Nature, 17, (1878), 3 3 1 -4 ,3 5 2 ^ , 387-8, on pp. 331-2. A fourpenny piece,
Thomson, Terrestrial magnetism, pp. 448-9; PL, 3, 293-5. or groat, minted in 1838-55, was a small silver coin | o f an inch, or about 1.5 cm, in diameter.
Thomson, Terrestrial magnetism, p. 449; PL, 3, 294-5. ** Thomson, Terrestrial magnetism, pp. 451-2; PL, 3, 303-8.
774 Energy, economy, and Empire The magnetic compass 775

be estimated with sufficient accuracy for every course. The procedure, though
best carried out under way, could also be done at anchor with the aid of a tug or
mooring buoys. Subsequent calculation o f A, B, C, D, and E in Smiths theory
was regularly performed at frequent intervals for every ship o f the Navy. But,
Sir William explained, Airys method took advantage o f swinging the ship not
merely to determine the errors of the compass, but to annul them.
First, steel magnets placed close to the compass corrected the semicircular
error on the north-south and east-west courses. In Sir Williams binnacles these
permanent magnets were adjustable; whereas in Airys arrangement they had
been fixed, corresponding to his belief that the permanent magnetism of ships
varied but little. Second, soft iron corrected the residual error. With small
needles and small magnetic moments. Sir Williams compass enabled this
correction to be made even when the quadrantal error was as much as the 15-
20 sometimes found in ironclads. His binnacle thus had appliances for placing
and fixing once for all a pair of iron globes in proper positions on the two sides of
the compass to correct the quadrantal error. No further change was ever
necessary except in the case of a change in the ships iron or iron cargo. Third, a
steel magnet placed below the centre of the compass corrected the heeling error,
a subordinate but still very important part of Airys complete method of
correction. Sir Williams binnacle incorporated a further appliance for
readjustment of this corrector. He claimed that by these means a complete
realization of Airys method is thus now for the first time rendered practically
possible for all classes of ships.
To facilitate even further the correction of compasses in practice. Sir William
patented an adjustable deflector, based on a method put forward by Sabine in the
1840s, by which errors could be completely compensated without sights of stars
or landmarks. He described the system to Stokes in 1876:
I a m w o r k in g o u t a p la n b y m a g n e ts u sed as d e fle c to r s to te st th e d ir e c tiv e f o r c e o n s h ip s
c o m p a ss , a n d th e n , b y a p p ly in g c o r r e c tio n s to m a k e it e q u a l fo r all a z im u th s o f th e s h ip s
le n g t h , to c o r r e c t th e c o m p a ss o n all p o in ts w it h o u t s ig h ts o f la n d m a r k s o r cele stia l
o b je c ts. 1 th in k this p la n p r o m ise s t o b e rea d ier th a n & as e a s y as th e o r d in a r y b y sig h ts o r
m a r k s. 1 u se th e s in u s -g a lv a n o m e te r m e th o d : th a t is t o sa y I tu r n th e d e fle c to r ( w h o s e
c e n tr e is a f e w in c h e s a b o v e th e c e n tr e o f th e c o m p a ss ) u n til its m a g n e tic a x is is
p e r p e n d ic u la r to th e d ir e c tio n in w h ic h th e m a g n e tic a x is o f th e d e fle c te d c o m p a ss rests.**

The deflector made possible above all a great economy of time, being indepen
dent of visibility. As Kelvin explained to Admiral Fisher in 1892: A ship with us
is never detained on account of weather for the adjustment of her compasses.^

** Thomson, Terrestrial magnetism, pp. 451-2; PL, 3, 306-9.

Sir William Thom sons ten-inch compass and binnacle. In 1884 Sir William pro
** Thomson, Compass adjustment in ships, pp. 95100; Terrestrial magnetism, p. 452; PL, 3,
vided the capital for a new factory sited in Cambridge Street, Glasgow, and
** Sir William Thomson to G.G. Stokes, 9th October, 1876, K208, Stokes correspondence, employing some 2 0 0 hands and a staff o f trained electrical engineers in the testing
ULC; Thomson, Compass adjustment in ships, pp. 103-6; PL, 3, 322-9. department. Here were manufactured the famous navigational and electrical instru
02 Lord Kelvin toJ.A . Fisher, 3rd March, 1892, in SPT, 2, 716-17. ments. After 1900, the firm became a limited company, Kelvin and James White,
Ltd. [From The Science Museum Library, London.)
776 Energy, economy, and Empire The magnetic compass 111

Table 22.1. Cunard Steamship Company Ltd, leading transatlantic vessels 1881-1901
The commercial compass and sounding machine
After many early experimental trials aboard the Lalla Rookh, Sir William, y ea r y ard g r o ss
writing from the Cunard liner Russia, reported to Helmholtz in May, 1876, that sh ip b u ilt b u ilt to n s r em a rk s

a very fine transatlantic passage had given just enough of rough weather to test
Servia 1881 C ly d e b a n k 7392 First ste e l C u n a r d e r
thoroughly a new compass, which I shall show you when you come to Glasgow
Aurania 1883 C ly d e b a n k 7269
[for the British Association]. The compass had indeed behaved perfectly well
Umbria 1884 E lder 7718
throughout, notwithstanding a great shaking from the screw (which almost Etruria 1 885 E lder 7718
prevents me from being able to write legibly). That same year Sir William took Campania 1893 F airfield 12950 First t w in - s c r e w , t r ip le -e x p a n s io n
out his earliest compass patent and fitted his first commercial compass to the (fo r m e r ly E ld er) C unarder
cross-channel steamer Buffalo (built 1865), one of six vessels employed by the Lucania 1893 F air field 12952
Glasgow firm of G. and J. Burns on the Glasgow to Belfast service. Lusitania 1907 C ly d e b a n k 31550

From the beginning, G. and J. Burns had been one of the three leading Mauretania 1907 S w a n , H u n te r 31938 H e ld A tla n tic sp e e d r e c o r d u n til
(T y n e ) 1929
partners in Samuel Cunards British and North American Royal Mail Steam
Packet Company, soon to be reorganized into the Cunard Steamship Company
in 1878, with John Burns (a son of the founders and later the first Lord
Inverclyde) as chairman and dominant partner. Given its strong Glasgow
Altogether nearly thirty new Atlantic lines appeared in Europe and America
connections, not least with the Napiers, it is scarcely surprising to find Sir
during that decade, with more to come in the 1880s.^ Consequently, public
William supplying compasses to each new generation of front-rank Cunarders,
reputations were all-important for survival, especially during the depressed
shown in table 22.1. In 1884, the Cunard Company provided Sir William with a
market of the late 1870s, and the fitting of the most modern and reliable
free passage to New York by the Servia and a return on board the Aurania
navigational instruments became an issue inseparable from the maintenance of
following delivery of his Baltimore Lectures. As Lord Kelvin he travelled to and
passenger confidence, especially after the Schillers loss in 1875.
from New York on the Campania in the late summer of 1897 on a visit which
With its forceful policy of technical innovation. White Star (founded as the
took in the Niagara Falls, the British Association meeting in Toronto, and the
Oceanic Steam Navigation Company in 1869) did not hesitate to adopt the
Canadian Pacific Railway to British Columbia. On his return, he reported to
Thomson compass and sounding machine. With the 5000 ton sister ships
Lord Inverclyde on the Campania's tendency to vibrate and roll rather heavily.*'^
Britannic and Germanic of 18745, White Star had not only the largest, but (at
The North Atlantic route, primarily to New York, did not have a complete
over fifteen and one-half knots) the fastest liners in service anywhere in the
monopoly on competition for size, speed, comfort, and safety, but these factors
world. Sir William supplied a ten inch compass to the Britannic at the end of
certainly received very great publicity on that most prestigious o f steamer
1876, while the Germanic received a compass early in 1877, with the older Baltic
tracks. Even before the arrival of Cunards greatest rival, T.H. Ismays White
and Adriatic (built by Harland and Wolff of Belfast in 1871-2 as part of the
Star Line, in the early 1870s, the Inman, National, and Guion Lines competed
original sextet of 37(X) ton compound-engined steamers) following shortly. In
out of Liverpool for a share o f the passenger (especially emigrant) traffic to
the same year. Sir William also achieved a major breakthrough for his sounding
North America. Together, indeed, these four Liverpool lines carried 96% o f all
transatlantic passenger traffic in 1870. In the 1870s, the coming of White Star, of
expanding German lines, of the Dominion Line, Leyland Line, Beaver Line, th e W h it e Star lin e r Britannic . . . n o w [e a r ly 1 878] takes s o u n d in g s r e g u la r ly , r u n n in g at

Donaldson Line and others meant a dramatic intensification of competition. 16 k n o ts o v e r th e B a n k s o f N e w f o u n d la n d a n d in th e E n g lish an d Irish C h a n n e ls in d e p th s
s o m e t im e s as m u c h as 130 fa th o m s . In th is sh ip , p erh a p s th e fastest o c e a n - g o in g ste a m e r in

Sir William Thomson to Hermann von Helmholtz, 30th May, 1876, in SPT, 2 , 668-9; to e x is te n c e , th e s o u n d in g m a c h in e w a s c a r e fu lly tried fo r se v era l v o y a g e s in th e h a n d s o f
Professor Peirce, 22nd April, 1875, in SPT, 2, 659-61; Thom sons patent compass books, o p . c it. C a p ta in T h o m p s o n , w h o su c c e e d e d p e r fe c tly in u s in g it to a d v a n ta g e ; a n d u n d e r h im it
(note 2); W .S. Lindsay, H i s t o r y o f m e r c h a n t s h i p p i n g a n d a n c i e n t c o m m e r c e o h . , London, 1874), 1, pp. w a s fin a lly in tr o d u c e d in to th e se r v ic e o f th e W h ite Star L ine.^*
F.E. Hyde, C u n a r d a n d t h e N o r t h A t l a n t i c , 1 8 7 0 - 1 9 7 3 (London, 1975), pp. 24-6,119-31. N.R.P.
Bonsor, N o r t h A t l a n t i c s e a w a y (5 vols., N ew ton Abbott and Jersey, 1975-9), 1, pp. 93-102, 152-7; Hyde, C u n a r d , p. 94; Bonsor, N o r t h A t l a n t i c s e a w a y , 1, pp. 11-14.
Thom sons patent compass books, o p . c it. (note 2); SPT, 2 , 802-4, 1001-4; Lord Kelvin to Lord ** Thomson, Compass adjustment in ships, p. 107; PL, 3 , 378; Thom sons patent compass
Inverclyde, 11th Novem ber, 1897, LB5/29, ULG. books, o p . c it. (note 2); Bonsor, N o r t h A t l a n t i c s e a w a y , 2 , pp. 732-6.
778 Energy, economy, and Empire The magnetic compass 779

year, seemed especially nervous about compasses, particularly since the inquiry
had blamed the Dakota's master for laying his ship on the wrong course.
Attempts to persuade Guion to reinstate Sir Williams compass failed after the
Montana's master had condemned its unsteadiness. The owner brusquely re
quested Sir William to return to us the cost of your compass and order it to be
removed from our quay. Having diagnosed the problem as deriving from
engine vibration. Sir William offered to provide a bowl and card with his
improved mode of suspension in time for the ships next voyage and with the
option of a return of Guions payment if the new arrangement still proved
unsatisfactory. But Guion was adamant. Sir Williams offer did not lead to a
permanent installation and he had to fight another fruitless battle over a compass
for Guions new 5000 ton Elder-built steamer Arizona of 1879.^
Meanwhile, the loss of the 3100 ton Idaho (built 1869) on Irelands southeast
coast in June, 1878, compounded Guions misfortunes. This time an inquiry
attributed the loss to a failure to use the lead. Like the Dakota, the Idaho did not
possess Sir Williams compasses. Worse was to come, however, as the Montana
herself ran ashore on 14th March, 1880, a few miles from where her sister ship
had foundered on Anglesey three years before. Again, an inquiry blamed the
master for navigational e r r o r s . G u i o n at last agreed to place a Thomson
The 17000-ton White Star liner Oceanic, built at Belfast in 1899, and the first ship to compass on board the Arizona at the end of the same month. The Arizona's
exceed the Creat Eastern's length, exemplified the progress o f nineteenth-century master. Captain Murray, also complained, but by December, 1880, admitted to
British shipbuilding and, like most o f the prestigious merchant ships o f the period, being perfectly satisfied. A favourable outcome was vital, as Sir Williams
carried Kelvin patent compasses. [From The National Maritime Museum,
Liverpool agent remarked to William Bottomley:
I am e x t r e m e ly a n x io u s th at a c o m p a ss s h o u ld b e m a d e c o r r e c t o n th is v essel & tru st y o u
w ill d o all in y o u r p o w e r to assist m e , o t h e r w is e th e re is n o s a y in g w h a t in ju r y it m a y d o
When White Star built the 10 000 ton sisters Teutonic and Majestic in Belfast in
us w it h o th e r fir m s , as o fficia ls & ca p ta in s are v e r y fo n d o f g o s s ip in g & it is th e easiest
188990, Sir William supplied the compasses. These twin-screw, triple expan
th in g in th e w o r ld to d a m a g e th e r e p u ta tio n o f an in str u m e n t.
sion-engined ships were the first Atlantic liners to abandon all auxiliary sail, and
held for a time the speed record for westbound passages averaging over twenty Though the Line lost no more ships through navigational error, mounting
knots. Then, in 1899, the giant 17 000 ton Oceanic became the first liner to exceed financial difficulties in the 1880s brought the Guion Line to its knees.
the Great Eastern in length. Liner size increased rapidly thereafter, with White With a compass aboard the 3100 ton P & O mail steamer Poonah in 1876, Sir
Star seldom far from the leading position, and continuing to fit Sir Williams William had gone some way to winning over one of the worlds most powerful
compasses. The finest, and most tragic, hour came with the completion o f the shipping lines. Since its foundation as the Peninsular Steam Navigation Com
45 300 ton Olympic and 46 300 ton Titanic at Belfast in 1911 and 1912. Both great pany in 1837 with a mail contract to the Iberian peninsula, the line had received a
ships had several Kelvin compasses on board, and both, like all new White Star Royal Charter in 1840 to carry the mails to Egypt and, by 1842, to establish a
liners, had been built in Kelvins own birthplace.
** J.H. McClure to Guion & Co., 6 th Novem ber, 1877, CS20, ULC; Guion & Co., to Sir
The case of the Guion Line, and its involvement with Sir William, makes a William Thomson, 19th January, 1878, C Sl 14, ULC; Sir William Thomson to Guion & Co., 21st
revealing contrast with White Stars spectacular successes in the late nineteenth January, 1878, CSl 17, ULC; Guion & Co., to Sir William Thomson, 19th May, 1879, CS504, ULC;
century. In November, 1877, the Guion Line removed Sir Williams compass, J. Sewill to William Bottomley, 6 th and 15th September, 1879, CS538, ULC; Bonsor, North Atlantic
seaway, 2, pp. 701-11; The nautical magazine, 46 (1877), 715-16.
recently supplied to their 4300 ton steamer Montana (built 1874). The owners, Bonsor, North Atlantic seaway, 2, pp. 703-5; The nautical magazine, 47 (1878), 769; 49 (1880),
having lost the Montana's sistership, Dakota, on the Anglesey coast in May o f that 530.
J. Sewill to William Bottomley, 31st March, 25th and 27th October, and 7th December, 1880,
Thom sons patent compass books, op. cit. (note 2); Bonsor, North Atlantic seaway 2 pp CS634, CS691, CS694, and CS707, ULC; Guion & Co., to William Bottomley, 26th October, 1880,
737-^5. CS693, ULC. Bonsor, North Atlantic seaway, 2, pp. 705-8, 710.
780 Energy, economy, and Empire The magnetic compass 781

mail steamship route between Egypt and India with extensions three years later been supplied with the c o m p a s s . I n 1880, the 3400 ton Ravenna, built by
to Penang, Singapore, and China. In 1852, P & O captured the Bombay to Suez Denny, introduced steel hulls to the P & O, and in 1885 the 4700 ton Coromandel
mail service, last bastion of the old East India Company, and began a link with ushered in the triple-expansion engine. At the end of the 1880s, 6000 ton liners
Australia. As a result, P & O controlled virtually all stages of the ancient entered P & O service, with 10000 tonners, powered by quadruple-expansion
Overland Route to the East. The opening of the Suez Canal in 1869, however, engines, following in the 1900s. These P & O ships, then, served the Raj in the
not only brought a revolution in communication with the Orient, but threat later part of Queen Victorias reign, ships which could be relied upon, with their
ened the very survival of P & O s fleet of liners, some of which had been designed Clyde-built hulls and engines and their Kelvin compasses and sounding ma
for European and the rest for Indian Ocean service. The Companys response chines, to convey the precious mails. Viceroys, administrators, army officers and
was to rebuild its fleet with much larger liners suitable for a through passage. trading entrepreneurs from Britain to the vast Indian Empire, the glittering
From 1870 to 1879 it took delivery of over two dozen new vessels in the range jewel in Imperial Britannias earth-circling crown.
3000-4000 tons compared to a pattern o f 1500-2000 tons in the 1860s. P & O had Sinceitsfoundationby the Scotsman William MacKinnon (182393) in 1862,
for long built its ships on the Thames, but most o f the new vessels, all iron the British India Steam Navigation Company commanded services from Cal
hulled, screw-driven, compound-engined ships, came from the Clyde. cutta to Rangoon and Singapore, from Bombay to Karachi and the Persian Gulf,
At the end of 1877, William Bottomley reported to his uncle that the Poonah from Aden to Zanzibar, and the entire Indian coast from Calcutta to Bombay
had arrived home and that her master was quite as well pleased with his compass and beyond. By 1873, over thirty ships served the company, and, by 1893, the
now as he was when he was at home last. He has applied to the P & O Company year of MacKinnons death, the number had increased to almost ninety. After
for a sounding machine to take out with him on his next voyage and he seems the cutting of the Suez Canal, British India opened direct links from London to
determined to have it. By April, 1878, another compass had been supplied to the Gulf and to Colombo, Madras and Calcutta in direct competition with
P & O.'^^ At the same time, the Greenock shipbuilders, Caird and Company, P & O. New vessels were ordered on the Clyde (principally from Denny of

asked Sir William to oblige them with the particulars of his standard compass Dumbarton) and in 1874 alone seven new vessels of around 2000 tons each were
and by stating the price at which he would supply one for the Peninsular & delivered. There could be few greater prizes for Sir William Thomsons
Oriental Companys steamship Kaiser-i-Hind'. This veritable Emperor of India instruments than to win approval from this firm whose very name exemplified
was P & O s newest and, at over 4000 tons, easily their largest mail liner, with a Britains Imperial sway over the coasts and islands of the Indian Ocean.
speed of fifteen knots on trials. Within two days Sir William had offered to fit Sir William supplied his first British India compass to the new, Denny-built
and adjust one of his ten inch compasses on board the Kaiser-i-Hind for the sum of steamer Chanda o f 2000 tons in April, 1877. The ships maiden voyage took her
;(j50. Swan (Sir Williams London agent) supplied a sounding machine to the via Suez to Calcutta, and it was from there that her master despatched a critical
Kaiser-i-Hind in September, 1878, and reported to Bottomley that her master report to Sir William on 31st July:
was the scientific captain of their fleet - 1do hope there is no other... Altogether I r e g r e t to in fo r m y o u th at I am n o t ab le t o r e p o r t so fa v o u r a b ly o n y o u r c o m p a ss as 1 had
whatever science does for other people it certainly does not improve captains. h o p e d to d o . I n a v ig a te d th e v essel o u t t o P o r t S a id b y it, b u t it n e v e r p r o v e d it s e lf a tru e
Nevertheless, Captain Methuen reported in January, 1879, that he was very c o m p a ss , & r e q u ir e d as m u c h a lte r a tio n t o fin d th e erro r o f it, as a n y o r d in a r y c o m p a s s . . .
well pleased with the sounding machine, although displeased with the standard 1m u s t m e n tio n th a t 1 n e v e r a ltered th e a r r a n g e m e n ts o f th e m a g n e ts & t h o u g h t it u seless
of workmanship."^^ to d o so , b e c a u se th e err o r w a s c o n s ta n tly a lte r in g . P ray u n d e r sta n d th a t th e S tan d a rd
In September, 1878, Swan reported to Bottomley on the determination of C o m p a s s w a s n o t tru e e ith e r . . . M y lim it e d p ractical e x p e r ie n c e o f c o m p a ss e s in n e w

P & O to introduce Thomsons instruments and that as a result he hoped bye and v e ssels is th a t th e erro r is c o n s ta n tly a lte r in g fo r th e first six m o n t h s , & th e n b e c o m e s
p r e tty se ttle d b u t still it d ecrea ses fo r s o m e t im e after."^"^
bye to see every ship that sails from London with at least one of Sir Williams
instruments. By the end of 1879, at least another eight principal P& O liners had Captain Hutcheson acknowledged, however, that Sir Williams compass card

Boyd Cable, A h u n d r e d y e a r h i s t o r y o f t h e P & O (London, 1937), pp. 30-168, 245-6. P.M. Swan to William Bottomley, 11th September, 1878, CS301, ULC; Captain Shallard to
3 William Bottomley to Sir William Thomson, 28th December, 1877, CS77, ULC; P.M. Swan William Bottomley, 24th February, 1879, CS457, ULC; P.M. Swan to William Bottomley, 22nd
to Sir William Thomson, 9th April, 1878, CS190, ULC; Bonsor, N o r t h A t l a n t i c s e a w a y , 3, pp. 951-2. March, 1879, CS468, ULC; Thom sons patent compass books, o p . c it. (note 2); Cable, P& O, p. 269.
Caird & Co., to Sir William Thomson, 23rd March and 1st April, 1878, CS168 and CS178, George Blake, B . l . C e n t e n a r y , 1 8 5 6 - 1 9 5 6 (London, 1956).
ULC; P.M. Swan to William Bottomley, 20th and 21st September, 1878, CS310andCS312, ULC; Captain C .C .D . Hutcheson to Sir William Thomson, 31stjuly, 1877, CS7, ULC; Blake, B . l .
Cable, P & O , pp. 269-70. C e n t e n a r y , pp. 221, 255.
782 Energy, economy, and Empire The magnetic compass 783

had been wonderfully steady & at the same time very sensitive showing at once Table 22.2. Price list
when the ships head swings to one side or the other. But to have to constantly
alter the magnets was too complicated for practical purposes, a deviation card SIR WM. T h o m s o n s improved m a r i n e r s c o m p a s s (pa t en t)

being quite as simple. He had no doubt that the compass is a most beautiful & 7 in c h C o m p a s s C a r d & B o w l w it h k n ife - e d g e G im b a ls , su ita b le fo r 9
probably correct instrument when used by a scientific man, but it is too W o o d e n a n d Iron v essels, w h e n n o adjt. r e q u ir e d
complicated & delicate for rough sea use. Whatever the cause of the Chanda's 8 d [it t ]o U )
problem. Captain Hutcheson had been replaced by early 1878. British India 10 do \2
seemed happy to fit Sir Williams instrument to four new steamers under 10 su ita b le fo r P o le o r M a sth e a d \S
construction by Denny on the Clyde in July of that year. MacKinnon, indeed, 10 W h e e l- h o u s e C o m p a s s fo r ste e r in g b y , w it h L a m p , C o r r e c to r s , & c .,
a n d in c lu d in g adjt.
intimated that he would have Sir Williams compass on board all his new vessels.
T e a k w o o d P illa r B in n a c le , 1 0 -in c h C o m p a s s C a r d , B o w l w it h k n ife - e d g e
Denny, however, insisted that MacKinnon pay for the compass as an extra,
G im b a ls , B rass H e lm e t an d S id e L am p s 20
the Scottish builders margin of profit being so small that he claimed to be unable
do , all n e c e ssa r y C o r r e c to r s , a n d C lin o m e te r s h o w in g th e H e e l o f th e
to afford to supply them within the contract."^ As a price list for 1879 shows v e s se l X^40
(table 22.2), a shipowner could pay up to ^((50 for each complete ten inch do do w it h In s tr u m e n t fo r ta k in g S h o r e B e a r in g s o r A z im u th s o f
compass with binnacle and adjustment, costs which only the most flourishing H e a v e n ly B o d ie s ^^
firms could really afford. Similarly, the complete sounding machine, with 300 do do do in c lu d in g adjt. /|5 0
fathoms of wire, four sinkers, four brass tubes, and a box of 100 prepared glass E stim a tes s u p p lie d fo r o th e r siz es o f M a s th e a d , P o le , S te e r in g o r o th e r sp ecial
tubes and other requisites sold in 1879 for ^^20. Some notion of comparative k in d s o f C o m p a ss e s.
costs may be gained by noting that a P & O captain had been receiving pay of T h e a b o v e p r ic e s d o n o t in c lu d e ca r r ia g e fr o m G la s g o w , o r tr a v e llin g e x p e n se s

^ 2 0 per month, and a seaman ^ 2 .10s in 1839, while in the 1880s a skilled to p la c e o f adjt.
T e r m s - N e t t C a sh o n d e liv e r y .
Clydeside riveter might earn ;,((1.10s per week.'^^
Early in 1878, J.H. McClure (Thomsons Liverpool agent) reported to
SIR WM. T h o m s o n s im proved sounding machine
Bottomley that he had extracted a promise from MacKinnon to have the
sounding machine introduced to some of the Calcutta boats, the smaller vessels S o u n d in g m a c h in e , w it h 3 0 0 fa th o m s o f W ir e , fo u r S in k e r s, a n d fo u r brass
trading to and from the treacherous waters of the Hooghly River and among the tu b es, a b o x c o n t a in in g 1 0 0 p r e p a r e d glass tu b e s an d o th e r req u isite s ^20

poorly charted shallows of the Bay of Bengal. Given that in the period 1856-66,
MacKinnon had lost eleven ships out of a fleet of thirty-one on coasts not only
uncharted and unlighted, but subject to violent storms and sudden cyclones, he
evidently considered ^ 2 0 a small price to pay for a convenient sounding owners were as easily impressed as MacKinnon. One such man was Donald
machine. Thus, in 1879, British India ordered from Lilley & Son, Swans Currie (1823-1909).
successor as London agent, sounding machines for four of their modern ships. Greenock-born Currie had been educated briefly at the Royal Belfast Aca
The case of the Chanda's compass shows that compass sales were not alto demical Institution, and from 1842 until 1862 he had served Cunard through the
gether free from complaints from anxious shipmasters and owners. Masters Liverpool partners D. and C. Maciver. Thereafter his own firm of Donald
unfamiliar with compass correction sometimes found Sir Williams patent Currie and Company quickly developed from a small but modern fleet of four
rather complex, and unfavourable reports by masters to owners would carry 1200 ton Napier-built iron sailing ships engaged in trade with India to a
much weight against the adoption of the new instrument. With British India, powerful line of mail steamers between England and Cape Colony during the
the issue had been quickly resolved in Sir Williams favour, but not all leading 1870s. Since 1857, the mail contract to the Cape had been in the hands of the
Union Steamship Company, originally founded by P & O s Arthur Anderson
P.M. Swan to Sir William Thomson, 13thjuly, 1878, CS273, ULC; Sir William Thomson to
William Bottomley, 16th July, 1878, CS276, ULC.
to ship South Waless coal to Southamptons mail ships but soon to become the
Prices quoted by F.M. Moore (Chronometer, Watch Maker, Optician &c., 102 High Street, established link with Britains colonies of the Cape and Natal in southern Africa.
Belfast and 23 Eden Quay, Dublin) to William Bottomley, 12th February, 1879, CS439, ULC; Between 1866 and 1877, however, the Union company had introduced only
Cable, P & O, p. 71; Pollard and Robertson, British shipbuilding industry, p. 185.
J.H. McClure to William Bottomley, 29thjanuary, 1878, CS125, ULC;John Lilley & Son to
second-hand tonnage to its services; while, by contrast, Currie had four new
William Bottomley, 25th February, 1880, CS617, ULC; Blake, B.l. Cenentenary, p. 45. Clyde-built steamers on order for his Indian service in 1872. That same year he
784 Energy, economy, and Empire The magnetic compass 785

opened his rival, private mail service from Dartmouth to the Cape using some of express how much pleased I am with the [sounding] apparatus or what a
his new ships to make record breaking passages. By late 1876 he had won a mail comfort it is. He was, however, not satisfied with the chemical depth recorder,
contract shared equally with his older rival, a contract which provided for a finding that the line marking the colour change was irregular.*^ As to the
weekly mail service to Cape Town with alternate sailings by Union and Castle compass, in late 1878 the Durban became the first vessel to be fitted with a
Line ships. At the same time he had five new 2800 ton mail steamers on order Flinders bar in connection with Sir Williams compass, as Sir William wrote in
from Napier.*^ 1879:
As the extract quoted at the beginning of the present chapter shows. Sir an error o f 34 growing up in the voyage from England to Algoa Bay [Port Elizabeth],
William supplied three compasses to the Napier-built Balmoral Castle in Febru and disappearing on her return to England, has been corrected by a Flinders bar attached
ary, 1877, these being adjusted under Sir Williams personal supervision. On 8th to the front side o f the binnacle, and the ship now goes and comes through that long
March, 1877, Sir William wrote to Lord Rayleigh with an urgent request: voyage with no greater changes o f compass error than might be experienced in the same
time in a ship plying across the Irish Channel.**
I see by this mornings paper that you and Lady Rayleigh are to be passengers in the
tom orrow from Dartmouth for the Cape. There are three o f my
B a lm o r a l C a s tl e Captain Warleigh, meanwhile, had reported very favourably to the directors of
compasses on board - an azimuth compass, and two steering compasses in the wheel the company.*^ As a result the company ordered several more compasses for
house. 1should be very glad i f you would look at them a little and see how they behave...
their steamers in 1878-9, including instruments for the new 3200 ton mail ships
The enclosed printed papers about the compass.. . w ill tell you all you may care to know
Pretoria and Arab which represented the Union Companys determination to
about my system o f adjustment.*^
match Curries Castle Packets Company. By 1880, indeed. Sir Williams
By June, 1877, two more of Curries brand new steamers, the Taymouth and instruments seem to have become standard equipment for both Union and
Dublin Castles, had been supplied. Part o f Curries initial enthusiasm for Sir Castle ships, even though Currie demanded a reduction in price before we
Williams compass may have arisen from the total loss by stranding on Dassen decide to put them on board each ship of our fleet.*
Island, Cape Colony, in October, 1876, of the pride of the early Currie mail The final seal o f approval placed on Sir Williams instruments by these half-
fleet, the 2700 ton Windsor Castle (built by Napier in 1872), fortunately without dozen major British lines (Cunard, White Star, P & O, British India, Union
loss of life.*^ Steamship and Castle Line) effectively guaranteed massive sales not only to their
In late 1877, however, Curries Captain Small had formed very unfavourable own fleets but to smaller companies. Few, if any, of British and foreign liner
opinions on both compass and sounding machine, making it unlikely that the companies could afford not to adopt the best in navigational instruments - and
last of the new steamers, Conway Castle, would receive either instrument. Sir Williams compass and sounding machine were the best in the eyes of leading
Currie, it seemed, had become convinced that Sir William had been experi shipbuilders and shipowners. Less well-known, but often expanding, firms such
menting with his ships. Swan, however, skilfully used his success with the rival as D J. Jenkinss Shire Line and MacGregor Gows Glen Line of Steamers, both
Union Steamship Company and P & O s favourable testimonial to persuade trading to the Far East, Cayzer Irvines Clan Line of Steamers, the Dominion
Currie to adopt a Thomson compass for the new ship in January, 1878. Currie Line, the Inman Line, the African Steamship Company, David Mclver and
also fitted the instrument to his new coastal steamer Dunkeld, designed for the Company, and many others all placed orders.
Natal-Cape link, in 1878.*"^ The widespread adoption of Sir Williams instruments also owed much to the
O f great significance to Curries change of heart was the supply of a sounding persuasive powers of Captain S.T.S. Lecky (1838-1902), master mariner, fellow
machine and compass to one of the Union Companys first new steamers since Ulsterman and author of the highly successful textbook on practical navigation
1866, the 2900 ton Durban, in November, 1877. The Durbans master. Captain known popularly as Leckys Wrinkles (1881), which reached its twelfth
Warleigh, subsequently reported to Swan that it was impossible for him to (greatly enlarged) edition by 1900 and its twenty-third by 1956. He made
accurate tests of Sir Williams compass using star azimuths during transatlantic
Marischal Murray, Union-Castle chronicle, 1853-1953 (London, 1953), pp. 1-108; James voyages with the 3400 ton steamer British Empire in 1879, and reported to Sir
Napier, Life o f Robert Napier o f West Shandon (Edinburgh and London, 1904), pp. 261-2. William that he considered the results very wonderful: they certainly bear
Sir William Thomson to Lord Rayleigh, 8 th March, 1877, in SPT, 2, 680.
Murray, Union-Castle, pp. 79-81. ** Captain H.S. Warleigh to P.M. Swan, c.25th April, 1878 (copy), CS213, ULC.
P.M. Swan to Sir William Thomson, 3rd November and 12th December, 1877, CS18 and ** Thomson, Terrestrial magnetism, p. 453.
CS69, ULC; 18th January and 26th February, 1878, C SllO and CS148, ULC; P.M. Swan to * Captain Warleigh to Sir William Thomson, 12th October, 1878 and 22nd January, 1879,
William Bottomley, 4th October, 1878, CS324, ULC; Thom sons patent compass books, op. cit. CS333 and CS422, ULC.
(note 2 ). Donald Currie to John Lilley and Son, 7th October, 1880, CS 6 8 6 a, ULC.
786 Energyy economy, and Empire The magnetic compass 787

testimony to the extreme precision both of the compass & mirror. Lecky aimed Lushington, adjourned his class with the comment that this was a sight the
to get shipowners to benefit themselves' by adopting Thomsons navigational Athenians would have loved to see.^i
instruments, and he carried out a dramatic demonstration of the effectiveness of This powerful association between Clydeside contractor and Imperial guard
the compass and sounding apparatus in the same year. While in command of the ian greatly enhanced Sir Williams existing Admiralty connections through
3600 ton steamer British Crown on her delivery voyage from Harland and Archibald Smith and Captain Moriarty, RN. His appointment in 1871 to the
Wolffs Belfast shipyard to Liverpool, Lecky encountered so thick a fog that we Admiralty Committee on the Design of Ships of War, a Committee which not
could get no point of departure. Sir Williams sounding machine and standard only met in Whitehall but actually examined the performance of fighting ships
compass and patent taffrail log for measuring distance were his sole guides. He at sea, further strengthened these links. In March of that year. Sir William wrote
reported to Thomson: to his sister-in-law that he had tried the Hotspur (Ram) [an ironclad ramming
I kept your sounding machine going every half hour & felt my way round the Copelands ship launched by Napier a year earlier and not yet commissioned] outside the
[at the southern entrance to Belfast Lough] & Isle o f Man w ith the greatest ease. Next [Plymouth] breakwater on Tuesday, to see the green water breaking over her
morning .. . we made the [Mersey] Bar Lightship 4 points on the port bow, distant about bow and washing up to the turret.
400 yards. We saw n o th in g w h a te v e r during the passage, though we several times c o n v e r s e d With the causes of the Captains loss very much in mind, the Committee
with the people in sailing vessels which we passed. N ow I do not hesitate to say that I advised the Admiralty to increase the freeboard amidships of the first mastless
could not have done this without your navigational instruments & I cannot tell you how turret ships. Devastation and Thunderer, under construction at the time. Both
thankful I am to have them on board. We sail for PhiB [Philadelphia] on the 15th . . ships retained low freeboard forward - a considerable disadvantage in heavy
With such practical experience of the compass and sounding machine behind weather - and so the Admiralty redesigned their immediate successor.
him, Lecky could write with conviction in his 'Wrinkles' that in his view the Dreadnought, on the basis of the Committees recommendations. Although not
sounder which immeasurably excels all others was that invented by Sir completed for over eight years, the 10900 displacement-ton Dreadnought
William Thomson, and that when the owners pocket can afford i t . . . there is ushered in the age of the steam battleship, characterized by armour plate, gun
no standard compass which in any way can rival the one invented and patented turrets, generous freeboard, and a complete absence of auxiliary sail. ^
by Sir Wm. Thomson... Its mechanical construction is as near perfection as may At first. Sir Williams compass met with no enthusiasm from the Hydro-
be.90 graphic Office, as he explained in April, 1875:
I have had two years struggle with the compass department o f our Hydrographic Office
Sir William Thomson and the British Admiralty to induce them to take up some suggestions 1have brought before them for the correction
o f the compass in iron ships. They are most obliging in giving me information, but are
Traditionally, the Royal Navys wooden fighting ships had been constructed in utterly immovable for anything like co-operation for anything new, as they were in the
the shipyards of England, notably on the Thames or at the Royal Dockyards. matter o f sounding by pianoforte wire. I now see that i f anything is to be done in the
With the coming of steam, however, Robert Napier persuaded the Admiralty to matter the whole business o f it w ill fall upon myself, and 1have therefore resolved to take
place orders for marine engines with his Scottish firm, and subsequently out a patent for a new form o f compensator and appliances which 1 have now made. I
demonstrated that, for similar engines, his products not only cost less to build, doubt whether w ith all the obligingness that has been shown to me I should be more
successful in getting a trial o f it than I have been in getting a trial o f the pianoforte wire by
but were cheaper to maintain. He thereafter constructed the Navys first iron
our people, until 1 can offer it to them as a patented invention.
vessels in 1844 and, through the efforts of his son, J.R. Napier, built the armour
plated Erebus in just three and a half months during the Crimean War. But the The aging Astronomer Royal himself bestowed an equally cool verdict upon the
greatest event of all at Napiers occurred in 1861 with the launch of the 9250 compass; on being sent a prototype he tersely remarked; It wont do. But Sir
displacement-ton Black Prince which, with her Thames-built sister ship Warrior,
Napier, Life o f Robert Napier, pp. 69-81, 153-65, 197-8, 208-15; Robert Gardiner (ed.),
became the worlds first ocean-going, iron-armoured fighting ships or Conways all the worldsfighting ships, 1860-1905 (London, 1979), p. 7. Displacement, employed in
ironclads. To mark the occasion, even Glasgow Colleges professor of Greek, relation to warships, provides a measure o f the actual weight o f vessels, unlike gross tonnage for
merchant ships which measures volume o f enclosed space.
Sir William Thomson to Jessie Crum, 4th March, 1871, in SPT, 1, 583-4; Gardiner (ed.),
S.T.S. Lecky to Sir William Thomson, 12th April and 12th October, 1879, CS479 and CS551, Conways all the worlds fighting ships, p. 22. Ibid., pp. 234.
ULC; 23rd March, 1880, CS632, ULC. Sir William Thomson to Professor Peirce, 22nd April, 1875, in SPT, 2,659-61; to F.J. Evans,
S.T.S. Lecky, Wrinkles' in practical navigation (London, 1881), pp. 1 1 , 94. 25th November, 1873, in SPT, 2, 702-4.
788 Energy, economy, and Empire The magnetic compass 789

William dismissed Airy with the words: So much for the Astronomer Royals
By November, 1877, P.M. Swan, Sir Williams London agent, could report
to William Bottomley that he was in correspondence with the Swedish, French,
Austro-Hungarian, [and] Russian Governments about the compass & sounding
machine and expect the German-Danish, Italian & Chilean Naval Attaches to
call on me in the course of a few days. Before many months had passed, orders
materialized from the German Admiralty at Kiel (who ordered three compasses
during 1878), the Imperial Austrian Government, the Russian Navy, the Royal
Dutch Navy, and the Italian and Brazilian Governments.^ By contrast, only
two large British warships had been fitted with the compass in 1877, both being
supplied under unofficial, trial arrangements.
One of these ships, HMS Minotaur, belonged to a class which at the time of
building in the 1860s comprised the worlds three largest fighting ships. A huge
ironclad o f 10 700 displacement-tons and thus containing an enormous mass of
iron, the Minotaur proved eminently suitable for rigorous compass trials, and
through the enthusiasm of her captain. Lord Walter Kerr (1839-1927) (brother
of the Marquess of Lothian and later the immediate predecessor of John
Arbuthnot Fisher (1841-1920) as First Sea Lord of the Admiralty) both instru
The 10700 displacement-ton ironclad HMS Minotaur symbolized British Imperial
ments underwent extensive tests in the autumn of 1877. Lord Walter wrote to sea power in the 1860s and 1870s. Her captain. Lord Walter Kerr, undertook rigorous
Sir William explaining that he had just reported favourably to the Lords of the trials o f Sir W illiams compass in 1877 and reported enthusiastically on the effective
Admiralty concerning the instruments and suggesting that the Government ness o f the sounding machine. But not until 1889 did the Admiralty adopt Sir
should become the purchasers of them to admit of their being more fully tried Williams as its standard compass. (From the Illustrated London News.]

on board Minotaur with the ulterior view of their being generally adopted in
H.M. Service. W i t h the sounding machine, Minotaur's Captain had been The commanding officers o f the other fighting ship fitted with a trial
especially impressed: compass, HMS Thunderer, carried out tests at Portland on the effects of the huge
revolving turret on the compass as well as the effects of heeling. Given the large
We have been using it constantly when running up Channel, from the time o f crossing
quadrantal deviation for such a massive ironclad, ten inch globes had to be
the line o f soundings to the time o f reaching Plymouth; and, though running before a
gale o f wind, with a heavy sea, at the rate o f ten knots, we were able to get soundings as i f
specially fitted. Before long, her commanding officers expressed the hope that
the ship had been at anchor. We were able to signal to the squadron each sounding as it Sir Williams compass would be purchased by the Admiralty as a standard
was obtained; thus, in thick weather, verifying our position by soundings without having compass, but believed that the Hydrographic Office will be against it. Thus the
to round the ships to. * Hydrographic Office continued to be the principal source of Admiralty resist
ance to the widespread introduction of the Thomson compass.
The Admiralty did purchase the single compass, but continued to show little
Early in February, 1878, Sir William delivered his lecture On compass
interest concerning the general introduction of Sir Williams instruments into
adjustment in iron ships, and on a new sounding apparatus to the Royal United
the Navy.
Service Institution. One member of the audience commented soon afterwards
Sir William Thomson to G.B. Airy, 3rd March, 1876, in SPT, 2, 708-9, 710. that after hearing the discussion which followed the lecture, in which the
P.M. Swan to William Bottomley, 22nd Novem ber, 1877, CS38, ULC; to Sir William Hydrographer of the Admiralty, Captain Evans, took a prominent part, I
Thomson, 9th April, 1878, CS190, ULC; Thom sons patent compass books, op. cit. (note 2).
Lord Walter Kerr to Sir William Thomson, 15th September, 1877, CS7B, ULC; Gardiner
consider that Sir William Thomson fully maintained his position, that, for all
(ed.), Conways all the worldsfighting ships, pp. 10-11; J.H. McClure to Sir William Thomson, 26th practical purposes of navigation, his improved compass was the best that had yet
November, 1877, CS42, ULC.
Lord Walter Kerr to Sir William Thomson, c. September, 1877, in Thomson, Compass Robert Jackson to Sir William Thomson, 12th and 18th September, 21st October, and 16th
adjustment in ships, pp. 110-11; PL, 3, 386; J.H. McClure to Lord Walter Kerr, 13th November, Novem ber, 1877, CS7A, CS7C, CS9A, and CS32, ULC; Robert Jackson to J.H. McClure, 28th
1877, CS26a, ULC. October, 1877 (copy), CS13A, ULC.
790 Energy, economy, and Empire The magnetic compass 791

been invented.^ FJ. Evans had collaborated with Archibald Smith on the by Captain Evans and M r Archibald Smith, is perfect in theory; it gives the
m a n u a l,
Admiralty manual. An understanding of his attitude is important, for upon his theory o f the effect o f ships magnetism upon the compass most admirably, I believe as
verdict depended the official adoption of Sir Williams compass by the Royal well as it can be given. I have only endeavoured very humbly to put in practice some o f
Navy. the theoretical conclusions to be found in the A d m i r a l t y m a n u a l.
Evans based his judgement on a recognition of two different systems of Sir Williams instruments stood as the embodiment o f magnetic theory.
compass management aboard ship. The practice followed in the Navy was to Quadrantal error and the need for its correction provided a specific illustra
determine experimentally the magnetic character of the ship and only then to fix tion of the different approaches to compass management by Evans and Sir
correcting magnets permanently to the deck. The next important step was to William. In Evanss opinion, the quadrantal error . . . is not a very formidable
insist upon the principle that the seaman is not to consider that his compass is error under ordinary circumstances, either in merchant ships or at the standard
perfect in its pointing; he must always consider it imperfect. Under this system compass position in ships of war. According to the Admiralty system, the
there must be no movable magnets to adjust, only the constant observation and quadrantal deviation is not often corrected mechanically, but is generally left for
recording o f compass error from which course corrections should be made. In tabular corrections. Sir William, however, argued that this rule was not easily
Sir Williams system, on the other hand, one did not need to know the magnetic defended as a good practical rule, whereas correction o f the quadrantal error by
constitution of the ship. One did, however, require the technical skill and the Astronomer Royals method not only vastly simplified the compass problem
knowledge to make the delicate adjustments. Evans fully acknowledged that for the navigator and reduced the risk o f mistake, but diminished the labour of
there is no doubt that any instrument, especially a compass, brought forward by the analysis performed in the Compass Department by which the accuracy of
Sir William Thomson, will be thoroughly perfect in all its theoretical details, observations made at sea was checked. Furthermore, Sir William believed that
and he confessed that he had followed him in the progress of this instrument to the quadrantal error was scarcely ever less than (T and often 9 or 10 in merchant
its present state of theoretical perfection. But he believed that seamen as a rule steamers and warships. The practical value of a complete correction of this error
did not have the intelligence to handle those delicate magnets which he applies. is very clear, he argued, since the quadrantal error changed twice as rapidly as
Thus, theoretically, Sir William Thomson gives you something approaching to the semicircular error and led to large compass errors even with small alterations
perfection; but practically, you are brought up by the performance of details, of compass courses.
which demand far more intelligence and knowledge than we know to exist The fundamental divergence of Evans and Sir William is particularly reveal
among seamen. ing. Evans combined a cautious approach to technical innovation with an
In reply, Sir William argued characteristically that he did not recognize such a unashamed expression o f his and the Admiraltys superiority over the inferior
division between theory and practice. To begin with, he rejected the practicabil intelligence of practical seamen in general and over the achievements of the
ity of Evanss rule not to admit movable correctors: as a matter of fact it is not, merchant service as a whole. For his part. Sir William never underestimated the
and cannot be, carried out in practice since the magnets used to correct any intelligence of either seamen or students. On the other hand. Admiralty caution
compass could be moved by irregular, if not regular, means. For example, if on a towards technical innovation must have been promoted by the Captain disaster
voyage to the southern hemisphere the magnets were found to be increasing the in 1870 as well as by an endless line o f nineteenth-century inventors queuing to
error, the magnets nailed to the deck would have to be torn up. Rather, the persuade the Navy to take on board their patent devices. After all. Queen
system of having adjustable magnets within a locked-up binnacle, the key of Victorias fleets totalled more than the combined fleets of the next two largest
which was placed in the hands of a responsible officer, was much to be preferred. navies, making a huge market for any entrepreneur.
This officer would act in accordance with definite general instructions to On 11th April, 1878, Sir William wrote to the First Lord of the Admiralty,
change the correctors gradually according to observations made at sea or in W.H. Smith o f newsagent fame, asking him directly to consider the question of
harbour from time to time or else by handing over to professional adjusters who introducing them [compass and sounding machine] into the Royal Navy for
would occasionally come on board. Sir William skilfully summed up: practical use. He enclosed a list, with printed testimonials for compass and
Captain Evans has done ample justice to the instruments and methods before you in sounding machine, of upwards of sixty large iron steamers and sailing ships in
saying that they are theoretically perfect; but i f they are not also suitable for practical which the compass had been now amply tested at sea. He also emphasized that
work they have no right to be here, not to be admitted on board ship. The A d m i r a l t y after six months trial on board the German ironclad Deutschland [launched on
Ibid., p. 117. 03 if,id pp. 115, 117-19.
100 Edward Smith to V ogel, 5th February, 1878 (copy), CS130A, ULC. Gardiner (ed.), Conways all the worlds fighting ships, p. 1; Oscar Parkes, British battleships.
101 F.J. Evans in Thomson, Compass adjustment in ships, pp. 114-15. tVarrior 1860 to Vanguard 1950. A history o f design, construction, and armament (London, 1957).
792 Energy, economy, and Empire The magnetic compass 793

the Thames in 1874 as Germanys last foreign-built capital ship], a second Significantly for the future, the Northampton's flag-captain at this time was
[compass] had been ordered by the German Imperial Admiralty, who have J acky (J. A.) Fisher, who in 1904 succeeded Lord Walter Kerr as First Sea Lord.
recently ordered two more sounding machines after a short trial of the first As such, he presided over the Dreadnought era of the all-big-gun battleship and
one.^ remained master of Britains naval destiny until conflict with Winston Churchill
In the absence of a decisive reply from the political First Lord, Sir William led to his resignation over the Dardanelles campaign in 1915.^^ Even in 1879-
tried again in 1879, this time offering to supply one of his improved compasses at 80, however, Fishers tireless campaigns for technical innovation and naval
his own expense for trial in any ship or ships in which their Lordships may give reform were very much in evidence. And it was to his enthusiasm above all that
orders to have it tried, and to allow it to remain on trial without charge as long as Sir William would be indebted for the final introduction of his compass into the
they may desire. The Admiralty accepted in May, although it was November, Royal Navy. Although Fisher had first become familiar with the compass while
1879, before the improved compass was placed in the conning tower of HMS flag-captain of HMS Hercules during the Balkan crisis, his experience aboard the
Northampton, a Napier-built, partly armoured cruiser (or second-class ironclad) Northampton early in 1880 convinced him o f its superiority. He wrote to Sir
launched in 1876 and employed for various experiments including the fitting of William from the warship on 18th May:
the first protective torpedo nets in 1880. Sir William supplied HMS Minotaur
I have now arrived at that stage w ith your compass that I am able to write a sledge
with a new ten inch compass a few weeks later. Ironically, the British-built
hammer report because we have been a good deal at sea and in all latitudes from 50*N to
Brazilian ironclad Independenzia had been requisitioned by the Admiralty as 10N. We have swung several times and 5 days o f heavy firing and to my mind the
HMS Neptune during the Balkan crisis of 1878, with the result that the Navy had Admiralty compass is doomed. I shall not send you a copy o f my report but I shall beg in
to write to Sir William requesting despatch of a pamphlet explaining the my official letter that you should be furnished w ith a copy because that w ill enable you to
management of compass and sounding machine! go publicly to the 1st Lord on the subject. . . The sounding machine has proved equally
HMS Northampton underwent a series of rigorous trials in November, 1879, satisfactory and I am going to report on that also at the same tim e.*
and The Times in a graphic report noted that both compass and sounding
Fisher also enclosed a letter taken from The Times and written by the most
machine had given the utmost satisfaction. Sir Williams agents in London and
experienced Admiral in the Navy, Admiral of the Fleet Thomas Symonds, a
Liverpool requested 500 copies of the report for circulation among merchant
letter which in Fishers opinion was so true it might be an extract from the
shipowners.^ Thomson himself had been on board the Northampton, where his
Bible. Symonds argued that the British ironclads were generally bad and
task of compass adjustment was frustrated by faulty workmanship:
obsolete, built under the advice of old sailors bigoted to masts and sails. They
Sir W illiam Thomson came to sea in the ship to try his compass; he was at it from daylight had proved themselves both unmanageable under sail and bad steamers,
to dark. A lieutenant was told o ff to assist him, and a very cold jo b it was. For three days he stopped by a moderate gale because they are over-masted, a feature which also
failed to adjust it; there was always some error he could not eliminate, and his temper and ruins them as fighting ships. Worse still, the sailing-ship stores made them
language went from bad to worse. On the fourth day the Lieutenant observed that the
ready for a bonfire. The Admiral therefore urged the abandonment of large
compass card was only marked 359 degrees instead o f 360 degrees, the missing degree
masts, the introduction of fore-and-aft bulkheads, the adoption of twin screws,
having been cut o ff when the two ends o f the paper were joined together. Then Sir
W illiam fairly exploded. He was landed at Portland, raced up to Glasgow, slaughtered
and the appointment of a parliamentary committee to investigate fully the state
some one and came back again w ith the mistake corrected. The compass was then of the Navy on which the safety and welfare of England mainly depend. *
adjusted and gave no further trouble. For his part, Fisher exhorted Sir William to use his influence with eminent
figures such as the Duke of Argyll. Increasingly, Fisher was to spearhead a
*05 Sir William Thomson to W .H. Smith, 11th April, 1878, CS198, ULC; SPT, 2, 711-12. campaign to revolutionize the Royal Navy from an era of sail-and-steam
*06 Admiralty to Sir William Thomson, 23rd May, 1879, CS505, ULC; J. Sewill to William
Bottomley, 20th November, 1879, CS564, ULC; Alfred Thomas to Sir William Thomson, 22nd
hybrids to the era of steam, armour plate and, ultimately, the big, long-range
April, 1878, CS211, ULC; Gardiner (ed.), Conways all the worlds fighting ships, pp. 25, 64; gun. Integral to this campaign would be the introduction of hitherto unwel-
Thom sons patent compass books, op. cit. (note 2); Colin White, Victorias navy. The heyday of steam
(Emsworth, 1983), pp. 52, 62.
*^ Bacon, The life o f Lord Fisher, 1,2; R.F. Mackay, Fisher o f Kilverstone (Oxford, 1973); Richard
*07 jfjg Ti,.nes, 19th Novem ber, 1879; J. Sewill to William Bottomley, 20th November, 1879,
Hough, First Sea Lord. An authorized biography of Admiral Lord Fisher (London, 1969).
CS564, ULC; John Lilley and Son to Sir William Thomson, 24th Novem ber, 1879, CS568, ULC.
**** J.A. Fisher to Sir William Thomson, 18th May, 1880, F104, ULC; Captain Cole to Sir
*08 Lieutenant (later Admiral Sir) George Egerton in Admiral Sir R.H. Bacon, The Life of Lord
William Thomson, 6 th January, 1880, CS589, ULC; FJ. Evans to Sir William Thomson, 30th
Fisher o f Kilverstone (2 vols., London, 1929), 1, pp. 64-5; Sir William Thomson, Distinguishing
January, 1880, CS605, ULC; Bacon, The life of Lord Fisher, 1, pp. 60, 64.
lights for lighthouses. Nature, 21 (1879), 109-10.
*** Admiral Thomas Symonds to The Times, 14th April, 1880, F104, ULC.
794 Energy, economy, and Empire The magnetic compass 795

come innovations to permit navigational techniques to keep pace with the to say that had she been supplied w ith your compass and sounding machine the disaster
would not have occurred: I think this w ill wake up the Hydrographer & Co---- I have no
increasing size, speed, and firepower of nineteenth-century ships of war.
doubt we shall eventually win the battle. 1would suggest your remaining quite silent.. .
Following the Northamptons trials. Sir William supplied a ten inch compass to
As Capt. Lyon [who reported to the Admiralty on the subject o f Sir W illiam s compass
HMS Inflexible in June, 1881, and personally supervized the adjustment at
and sounding machine] observed to me yesterday we must approach the subject like a
Portsmouth in July and trials off the south coast of England in October. burglar approaching a safe, getting in the thin end o f the wedge and never cease driving it
Inflexible, now commanded by Fisher, had been launched at Portsmouth in and burst it must."
Dockyard in 1876 as the most prestigious warship of her time, mounting a pair
Fisher later reported further to Sir William that our agitation was progressing
of sixteen inch muzzle-loading guns in two midship turrets and protected by the
favourably and thanks to our friend Lyon. The subject of your compasses and
thickest armour ever put afloat. Displacing about 11 900 tons. Inflexible was
sounding machines is to be brought formally before the Board and the Hydrog
powered by Elder compound engines giving a speed of almost fifteen knots. ^
rapher is to be had up and asked what he has to say against their adoption as
Among many technical innovations, the Inflexible had been fitted with a.c.
Service Fittings of course we have not won the victory yet but success I think is
generators and Faure accumulators. Fishers biographer has recorded Sir Wil
certain . . . Success may well have become certain with the death of F.J. Evans in
liams near-fatal involvement with this 600 volt supply, which Sir William
nevertheless handled with characteristic flair: 1885."^
The sales figures of Sir Williams compasses confirm a relentless conquest of
One day the Captains Coxswain received a nasty shock through touching an arc lamp; the Royal Navy during this period of Fishers campaign. He supplied a mere five
and, as Sir W illiam was on board, Fisher called his attention to what had happened. He in 1883, eighteen in 1884, fifty-eight in 1885-6, and very large numbers from
visited the place and saw that a small arc had formed between one o f the cables and earth. 1887. The final triumph came in 1889 as his sister Elizabeth King described to her
He diagnosed the matter as a nasty little leak, but not likely to be dangerous to life. Just
daughters on 23rd November:
then the cable slipped through his hand and the bare wire touched his finger. He leapt into
the air, and his immediate second diagnosis was Dangerous, very dangerous to life. I w ill Uncle W illiam came back this morning quite fresh after his busy day in London. It was to
mention this to the British Association. meet w ith the Lords o f the Admiralty that he went . . . He goes so often by night to
London the railway attendant knows exactly how to make his bed, and all the little
The subsequent death of a stoker brought about by a similar leak led to the arrangements he likes, and attends most carefully to his comfort. He drove at once to
general adoption of eighty volts aboard ships of the Royal Navy. Admiral Fishers, where he had his bath before 8.30 breakfast, and then set o ff about his
In July, 1882, the Inflexible took part in a famous bombardment of Alexandria various business. The meeting w ith the Admiralty was most satisfactory to him, for it is
to quell an Egyptian mutiny and potential threat to the Suez Canal. Fisher later now ordained that his be the standard compass, and be used throughout the N avy.*"
recorded that the firing of the eighty ton guns of the Inflexible with maximum But Sir Williams appearance had been little more than a formality. As Fisher
charges, which blew my cap off my head and nearly deafened me, had no effect had put it, your strong point is to stand entirely aloof from the whole business
on his [Sir Williams] compasses, and enabled us with supreme advantage to and let your disciples do the fighting. Fisher later noted that ridicule of the old
keep the ship steaming about rapidly and so get less often hit whilst at the same Admiralty standard compass had won the day. When asked by the Judge at the
time steering the ship with accuracy amongst the shoals. A similar report from inquiry whether the Admiralty compass was sensitive, Fisher, as Sir Williams
the captain o f HMS Alexandra confirmed his opinion. witness, replied No, you had to kick it to get a move on. Such was the brash,
Fisher was appointed captain o f the Portsmouth shore-training establishment unadorned style of the future First Sea Lord which so endeared him to the lower
HMS Excellent in April, 1883, and began a series of manoeuvres which he decks but which made him a controversial figure in the history of the Royal
explained confidentially to Sir William. The battle for the adoption of the Navy. At the same time, prior to Sir Williams arrival in London, Fisher
compass and sounding machine opened with the case of HMS Wyes stranding. informed him that no more Admiralty compasses would be made. Instead,
Fisher reported to Sir William: twenty of yours to be kept in stock and all ships to be fitted with two, one for
HMS W y e got aground in the Red Sea and the Court-Martial consisting o f nine o f our steering and one for taking bearings, but please do not mention anything about
best Port Captains have this day written a most strongly worded letter to the Admiralty this."
Thom sons patent compass books, op. cit. (note 2); SFT, 2, 769, 776-7; Gardiner (ed.), J.A. Fisher to Sir William Thomson, c.1883-5, F107, ULC; SPT, 2, 713.
Conway's all the worlds fighting ships, p. 26. J.A. Fisher to Sir William Thomson, c.1883-5, F109, ULC.
Bacon, The life o f Lord Fisher, 1, pp. 76-7; Mackay, Fisher, p. 152. ' *^ Elizabeth King to her daughters, 23rd Novem ber, 1889, in SPT, 2,889-90; Thom sons patent
[J.A. Fisher], Records by Admiral o f the Fleet Lord Fisher (London, 1919), p.62; Bacon, The life o f compass books, op. cit. (note 2 ).
Lord Fisher, 1, pp. 73-92; SPT, 2, 714. J.A. Fisher to Sir William Thomson, c.1889. F i l l , ULC; jFisher], Records, pp. 62-3.
796 Energy, economy, and Empire The magnetic compass 797

One reason for the discreet nature of the campaign had been Fishers apparent curred with the changeover to liquid compasses. As early as 1890-1, Lord
uncovering of, in Elizabeths words, much mean and underhand work at the Walter Kerr, writing from the new battleship HMS Trafalgar, had warned Sir
Admiralty. O f sixty letters from Captains, one spoke of some slight objection to William of the potential threat to his dry-card patent. Lord Walter reported that
the compass, eight said they had not had sufficient experience, and the remainder the new Admiralty liquid compass was not sluggish and had no more oscillation
spoke ofit in terms of unbounded admiration and appreciation. Yet these fifty- than Sir Williams dry card either when firing or when steaming at high speed.
one were hidden away in pigeon-holes in the Hydrographic Office, and the Sir Williams on the other hand was much easier to correct and had the
disapproving ones made a great deal o f . .. Admiral Fisher has been instrumental advantage of a larger card, though the azimuth mirror arrangement did not find
in exposing the abuse. approval for taking rapid bearings or in dull weather. He subsequently con
The 1880s marked the beginning of the naval revolution and with it the vast cluded in favour of Sir Williams compass for big ships, but speculated that the
expansion in armaments manufacture which culminated in Fishers armaged- smaller, liquid compass might be well suited to the confined spaces of torpedo
don - the 1914-18 war - after which the British Empire, the Royal Navy, and boats subject to more vibration.
the first great industrial nation went into rapid decline following a century of The change to liquid compasses occurred very rapidly around 1904-6 as the
world dominance. The naval revolution coincided with the rise of W.G. following remarks from Kelvin to J.T. Bottomley demonstrate;
Armstrongs vast Tyneside armaments empire which, in 1882, took over the This Admiralty business is very serious. It seems they have quite resolved to have Captain
Mitchell yard at Walker (builders of the cable ship Hooper) and, in 1884, Chetwynds liquid compass all through the Navy and to displace mine everywhere. We
established a shipyard at Elswick specifically for naval (ironclad) construction. have had no Admiralty orders for compasses during the last tw o or three years. They have
By 1900, the firm of Sir W.G. Armstrong, Whitworth employed some 25 000 about 3000 o f my binnacles lying unused in dockyards, some o f them not taken out o f the
men in heavy engineering, armaments and armour plate manufacture, and cases in which they came from us... We shall probably be invited to offer to take them all
shipbuilding. The Elswick yard not only built for the Royal Navy, but for many . . . The Dreadnoughts it seems are to be fitted throughout w ith the liquid. F.C. [Frank
foreign navies. For example, in the Russo-Japanese War of 19045 when Clark, one o f the works managers o f Kelvin and James White, Ltd] sees a prospect o f our
fourteen Russian battleships were lost, all six principal Japanese battleships had having the making o f the binnacles for the liquid compasses; and possibly the compasses
and bowls themselves... It is very important for us now to keep in w ith the Admiralty all
been British built, three at Elswick, two by the Thames Ironworks, and one by
we can. Help that F.C. or I can give to Cap. Chetwynd w ill be good for us as well as for
John Brown, the Sheffield steel and armour plate makers who had bought out him .23
the famous Clydebank yard ofj. and G. Thomson in 1899. By 1912, Armstrong
had supplied 128 warships totalling nearly half-a-million displacement tons for By 1906, Chetwynds version of the Admiralty liquid compass had decisively
sixteen different nations. won the day for the big ships also, and Lord Kelvins position had been reduced
Most of these formidable fighting ships of the 1890s and early 1900s had to negotiating to supply binnacles for the liquid compass and to manufacture
Kelvin compasses. Japans first armoured cruiser, the Chiyoda, launched at Chetwynds liquid compass bowl. Up to July, 1907, six binnacles had been
Clydebank in 1890, her twenty-three knot protected cruiser Yoshino, launched at supplied - three to HMS Agamemnon and three to HMS Lord Nelson, last of the
Elswick in 1892, and her massive 15 200 displacement-ton battleship Asahi, pre-Dreadnought battleships.
launched at Clydebank in 1899, all had Kelvin compasses. So too had the Though the effective loss of the Admiralty contracts had been a severe blow,
Argentinian cruiser Veinticinco de Mayo, the United States cruiser Albany, and the factory of Kelvin and James White, Ltd (formed into a limited company in
the Norwegian coast-defence battleship Norge, all launched by Armstrong in 1900) continued to prosper through the supply of compasses to merchant vessels,
1890, 1899, and 1900, respectively. These are only a cross-section of the large as well as through the manufacture of sounding machines and electrical instru
number of British-built ships of war thus supplied during a period when Britain ments. In the decade after Kelvins death, for example, the firm sold over 3000
was not only the shipyard of the world for merchant ships but for the worlds compasses, while even today the name of Kelvin Hughes as an Admiralty chart
navies as well.^^
The eventual displacement of the Kelvin compass from fighting ships oc- Lord Walter Kerr to Sir William Thomson, 7th October, 1890 and 18th February, 1891, K47
and K48, ULC.
Elizabeth King to her daughters, 23rd November, 1889, in SPT, 2, 890. ^^3 Lord Kelvin to J.T. Bottomley, c.l4th December, 1906, B26, ULG.
Pollard and Robertson, British shipbuilding industry, pp. 211-22, esp. pp. 219-21; Gardiner Lord Kelvin to Frank Clark, 14th December, 1906, and 27thJuly, 1907, C23 and C27, ULG;
(ed.), Conways all the worlds fighting ships, pp. 170-2, 216, 29. Lord Kelvin to Captain Chetwynd, 22nd March, 6 th November, 13th and 19th December, 1%5,
Thom sons patent compass books, op. cit. (note 2). LB25.51, LB28.106, LB29.66 and LB29.75, respectively, ULC.
798 Energy, economy, and Empire

agent and supplier of high quality navigational instruments such as radar,

electronic echo sounders, and compasses is familiar to everyone who goes down
to the sea in ships.
Thom sons patent compass books, op. cit. (note 2). Following various name changes, the firm Baron K e lv in o f Largs
o f Kelvin, Bottomley and Baird amalgamated with the London instrument makers Henry Hughes
& Son in 1947 to become Kelvin Hughes. With a takeover by Smiths Industries in the mid-1960s, the
firms manufacturing connections with Glasgow ceased. Under the trade name Kelvite, dry-card
compasses and electrically driven sounding machines were supplied in 1936 to the most famous
Clyde-built Cunarder o f all, the Queen Mary.

The end o f my electioneering was at Oban on Tuesday night, where and

when Craig Sellar and 1held a meeting o f Liberal Unionists . . . There was
much jo y on board the L a ll a R o o k h . . . to hear M ajority 613 Malcolm . . .
Unionist organization must be kept up rigorously and Unionists must act
well together in Parliament; keeping AS far as possible all subjects on
which, as conservatives and liberals and radicals, they may differ among
themselves . . . until the tw o imps o f mischief, Parnell and Gladstone, are
finally deprived o f all power for evil. What a blessing it would be i f we
could have Lord Salisbury, Lord Hartington, [Joseph] Chamberlain and
Jesse Collings all in one government. S i r W i l l i a m T h o m s o n to L o r d R a y l e i g h ,

Sir William Thomsons professional life coincided with much of Queen Victo
rias long reign, during which the Island Empire, expanding across every ocean
and sea around the globe, depended for its very existence upon the improve
ments to industry, commerce and navigation in which the Clyde had played so
dominant a role. And each decade after 1850 contained at least one landmark
symbolizing Sir Williams advancement in the context of Imperial Britain. The
1850s saw his establishment o f a physical laboratory at Glasgow College,
dedicated to those precision measurements of the properties of matter on which
so much of his science depended. The 1860s witnessed the successful completion
of the Atlantic cable and his receipt o f a knighthood for services to communica
tion between English-speaking peoples. His purchase of the schooner-yacht
Lalla Rookh following Margarets death in 1870 initiated a dramatic new decade
of personal and professional progress, ranging from his second marriage in 1874
and construction of his country house, Netherhall, outside Largs from 1875, to
his world-wide fame for contribution to safety at sea.
Each of these strands, and others, we have investigated separately in the
preceding chapters. Such a steady social advancement provided the solid foun
dation for the social summit of William Thomsons career, the conferment of a
peerage in January, 1892, following a decade not merely o f further professional
achievements which included succeeding Stokes as Royal Society president in

Sir William Thomson to Lord Rayleigh, 18th July, 1886, in SPT, 2, 860-1.

800 Energy, economy, and Empire Baron Kelvin o f Largs 801

1890, but of a very active involvement in Imperial politics from 1886. This
involvement, together with his scientific and technical reputation, effectively
guaranteed his elevation to the House of Lords as the first scientist to be so
Sir William Thomsons political campaigns, centred on his deep personal
opposition to Gladstones policy of Home Rule for Ireland, serve both to take us
back to our starting point of James Thomsons home town of Ballynahinch
(ch. 1), and to highlight the enormous distance traversed between the obscure
beginnings in an Ulster market town and the years of glittering pomp and
circumstance amid Royalty and aristocracy, culminating in funeral and burial
alongside Sir Isaac Newton in Westminster Abbey.
The liberal, commercial, and protestant values which had originated in the
Ulster context of his father not only remained with William throughout his life,
but provided the principal motivation for his rigorous opposition to Home
Rule. Home Rule as he saw it (along with many of his fellow countrymen)
threatened the unity of an Empire standing as guardian over those values and
offered only a return to inevitable sectarian strife and narrow factional national
ism. At the same time, the immensely successful prosecution of a professional life
guided by the same values gained him influential aristocratic friends at court.
While Sir Williams enthusiasm for the British Association and for technical
advancement had brought him into the circles of eminent entrepreneurs,
including Sir William Fairbairn, the telegraph financier Sir John Pender, and the
armaments industrialist Sir William Armstrong, all of these entrepreneurs, like
Sir William himself, had inherited no automatic right to a place in the higher
ranks of the British establishment. They might, as whigs intent on the expansion
of their personal property, material and social, aspire to such a place, but they
needed friends among the elect to gain entry to a very exclusive club. Sir
William had been especially fortunate and especially careful in his friendships
with at least four powerful patrons: the 15th Earl of Derby (1826-93), the 8th
Duke of Argyll (1823-1900), the Marquis of Hartington (1833-1908), and the
Marquis ofDufferin and Ava (18261902). O f these, Derby and Hartington had
been Lord Rectors of Glasgow University between 1868-71 and 1877-80,
respectively, while Argyll, whose family had long connections with the Col
lege, had a strong amateur interest in geology. Dufferin, on the other hand, had
chaired the 1871 Admiralty Committee of which Sir William had been a
prominent member and had shared with him an enthusiasm for practical
navigation and seamanship. All of them, however, shared a progressive (if
aristocratic) liberalism which, after 1885-6, became a liberal unionism. It was
Britain s first scientific peer, Baron Kelvin of Largs, discussing a problem with his Hartington, leader of the Liberal Unionists and heir to the famous Cavendish
sister, Elizabeth, eldest of the Thomson family. She died in 1896, four years after
James. [From a photograph by A.G. King in A.G. King, Kelvin the man.\
family properties, who provided the required support for Sir Williams eleva
tion to the peerage.^
^ See Derby, Argyll, Devonshire, and Dufferin entries in Burkes genealogical and heraldic
history o f the peerage, baronetage and knightage, 56th edn. (London, 1892).
802 Energy, economy, and Empire Baron Kelvin o f Largs 803

The first scientific peer Daviss remarks here exemplify perfectly the wide gulf between the modern
values o f the Thomsons and the Young Irelanders mystical desire for return to a
Are you trying to re-collect the scattered supporters of Irish Nationality and rural ideal.
make another effort for independence? O r do you fraternize with the Saxon, the The significance of the Home Rule issue for our understanding of William
enemy of your country?^ William Thomsons scornful but perceptive ques Thomsons life is two-fold. First, a careful analysis of the grounds of his
tions - posed in a letter o f August, 1848, to his friend G.G. Stokes who was at the opposition will suggest a continuation of, rather than a reaction to, the liberal
time visiting their native North of Ireland - referred facetiously to the Young political and social outlook of his father. And, second, it will become clear that
Icelanders ill-conceived attempt in the year of European revolutions to liberate his peerage of 1892 was not achieved on scientific prestige alone, but on his
Ireland at last from the tyranny o f Saxon rule. Thomson implied that the powerful role in co-ordinating West-of-Scotland political opposition to a
conservative Stokes would enjoy better the geological spectacle of the Giants .separate Irish parliament. Without such an active political interest. Sir William
Causeway or a bathe in the Atlantic Ocean with a good northwest wind sending Thomson would not have become Lord Kelvin.
in its mighty waves. Yet his comments offer a fascinating glimpse into the issues Since Peels 1845 manoeuvres to set up the new colleges, Ireland had been
which eventually compelled him to assume an active political role against the undergoing further radical social transformations. On the one hand, famine had
advocates of Home Rule. devastated the rural communities. On the other hand, Belfast had seen the
The Young Icelanders of the 1840s presented an ideology quite at variance foundation of Harland and Wolffs shipyard around 1860, an industry which
with that o f the United Irishmen and more particularly with that of the elder and brought new and unprecedented economic growth to the town. Linen manu
younger Thomson. Thomas Davis, their chief theorist and himself a middle- facturing, too, was a booming industry. Belfast, by 1900, had a population of
class protestant, launched bitter attacks on all forms o f utilitarianism (here the 350000. The gap between the industrial, Protestant, North of Ireland and the
application of science and reason to government). While these attacks could be rural. Catholic, South was widening irreversibly. O Connell, too, was dead, and
represented as a polemic against English instruments of repression, they were in his movement for repeal of the Act of Union had given way to a new party
fact directed at the very basis of social improvement through state interference, agitating for Home Rule.
improvement (supported by the whig alliance of the Westminster government Only from 1885, however, did the Home Rule issue become a crucial element
and O Connell) which threatened to destroy peasant (Irish) culture and promote in British politics. Until then, disestablishment o f the Irish Church in 1868, and
the assimilation of Irish to British values. The Young Icelanders promoted land reform in 1870 and 1881, set against a background of violence, had
instead a vision of Irish cultural nationalism which glorified the military virtues provided some of the main problems of the governments of Gladstone and
of the Irish Race and the agrarian values of the peasantry. Most significantly, Disraeli. The November, 1885, general election gave Charles Stewart Parnells
Daviss romantic distaste for industrial society and his indictment of progressive, Irish party eighty-six seats - including that of a Liverpool MP - and the balance
whig values set him in stark contrast to the practical aims of Dr Thomson during of power between Gladstones Liberal party and Lord Salisburys Con
the very period when his mathematical textbooks sold thousands of copies for servatives. Salisburys party did not long keep the support of Parnell. Already
Irelands National Schools. As Davis wrote in 1842: privately converted to Home Rule, Gladstone took over by February, 1886, and
U tilita r ia n is m , th e c r e e d o f R u ssell a n d P e e l . . . w h ic h m e a su r e s p r o sp e r ity b y e x c h a n g e
led a government now openly pledged to pass a Home Rule Bill. The effect was
a b le v a lu e , m ea su res d u ty b y g a in , a n d lim its d esir e to c lo th e s , f o o d , a n d r e s p e c ta b ility - disastrous for the already divided Liberals. The party split, losing in the process
th is d a m n e d th in g h as c o m e in to Irela n d u n d e r th e W h ig s , a n d is e q u a lly th e fa v o u r ite o f famous radical parliamentarians likejohn Bright andjoseph Chamberlain. Most
th e P e e l T o r ie s . It . . . th r e a te n s to c o r r u p t th e lo w e r classes, w h o are still fa ith fu l an d of the Liberal peers, too, left the party. When, therefore, the first Home Rule Bill
r o m a n t ic . . . T h e U s e fu l K n o w le d g e S o c ie t y p e r io d a r r iv e d in B r ita in , an d f lo o d e d th a t came before the Commons in April June 1886, proposing to exclude Ireland
isla n d w it h c h e a p tracts o n a lg e b r a a n d g e o m e t r y . . . U n lu c k ily fo r us, th e re w a s n o g r e a t from representation at Westminster, over ninety Liberals voted against it,
p o p u la r p a ssio n in Irela n d at th e t im e , an d o u r c o m m u n ic a t io n w it h E n g la n d h a d b e e n making its defeat certain.
g r e a tly in crea sed b y stea m ers and r a ilw a y s, b y th e W h ig a llia n ce, b y d e m o c r a tic
During the early 1880s, Sir William Thomson had been a faithful supporter
sy m p a th y , a n d b y th e tr a n sferen ce o f o u r p o litic a l ca p ital to W e s t m in s t e r . . . th e N a t io n a l
of the Liberals, heirs to the Whig tradition. His brother-in-law, Alexander
S c h o o ls w e r e sp r e a d in g th e e le m e n ts o f sc ie n c e an d th e m e a n s o f s tu d y th r o u g h th e
Crum of Thomliebank, had been returned as Liberal MP for Renfrewshire at a
p o o r e r classes, an d th e ir b o o k s w e r e m e r e ly in tellectu al.'*
* See especially J.C. Beckett, The making o f modern Ireland, 1603-1923 (London, 1966), pp. 336-
* William Thomson to G.G. Stokes, 23rd August, 1848, K27, Stokes correspondence, ULC. 88; Norman, A history o f modern Ireland, pp. 109-95; J.C. Beckett and R.E. Glassock (eds.), Belfast.
Thomas Davis, quoted in Edward Norman, A history o f modern Ireland (Harmondsworth, 1971), The origin and growth o f an industrial city (London, 1967), pp. 88-119.
pp. 126-8. * Beckett, Modern Ireland, pp. 394-8; Norman, A history o f modern Ireland, pp. 212-15.
804 Energy, economy, and Empire Baron Kelvin o f Largs 805

by-election in 1881, a constituency which he represented until a redistribution of variance with his fathers liberal and tolerant attitude towards his fellow
seats took place for the 1885 general election. Crum communicated to Sir countrymen. Unionism has been subsequently identified in the popular imagi
William in 1884 the wishes of the Liberal whips that the Glasgow professor nation with a narrow, if sincere, Ulster protestantism; Home Rule with the
become the Liberal candidate for the joint university seat o f Glasgow and national aspirations of a down-trodden native people seeking to free themselves
Aberdeen, then occupied by a Conservative member. The other Scottish from British rule. Sir William Thomsons sympathy with a unionist cause,
university seat, Edinburgh and St Andrews, was held for the Liberals by the therefore, appears to align him with all the bigotry and dogmatism of a Henry
former chemistry professor at Edinburgh, Lyon Playfair, from 1868 until 1885. Cooke, against whom Dr Thomson and his circle had once so boldly taken their
Thomson, however, declined - as he had apparently also done in 1869 and 1880 stand. Yet such a view of British and Irish history distorts the issues of the late
- to stand against so moderate, useful, and popular a member as the Conserva nineteenth-century. In particular, it is a view which drastically narrows the
tive James Campbell, and so the natural philosophy professor never entered the scope of Liberal Unionist opposition to Home Rule - the Liberal Unionism of
House of Commons alongside his Edinburgh science colleague.'^ men such as Joseph Chamberlain, the eighth Duke of Argyll, the eighth Duke of
With the Home Rule crisis of 1885-6 bringing to the fore the divisions within Devonshire, and Sir William Thomson.
the Liberals, Sir William Thomson and many erstwhile West-of-Scotland Writing in 1893, for example, to express his aristocratic dislike of Irish
Liberals left the party. During the spring of 1886 he argued with sarcasm and nationalism, the Duke of Argyll quoted from Edmund Burke:
optimism against Home Rule as a solution to Irelands ills: F or, in th e n a m e o f G o d , w h a t g r ie v a n c e has Irelan d , to c o m p la in o f w it h reg a rd to G rea t
I w o n d e r i f it has n e v e r o c c u r r e d t o th e g r e a t m in d o f G la d s to n e h im s e lf th at s o m e B r ita in , u n le ss th e p r o te c tio n o f th e m o s t p o w e r f u l c o u n tr y o n ea r th - g iv in g all h e r
m o d e r a te e n c o u r a g e m e n t a n d h e lp t o w a r d b u sin ess h a b its a n d a r r a n g e m e n ts b e t w e e n p r iv ile g e s , w it h o u t e x c e p t io n , in c o m m o n t o Irelan d . . . - b e a m a tte r o f c o m p la in t. T h e
L a n d lo rd s a n d T e n a n ts, c o u p le d w it h d e fe n c e o f h o n e s t d e a lin g o n e a c h sid e b y all th e s u b j e c t . . . is as free in Ir ela n d , as h e is in E n g la n d . A s a m e m b e r o f th e e m p ir e , an Irish m an
p o w e r o f th e e m p ir e , is th e o n ly r e m e d y p o ss ib le , a n d all t h e r e m e d y th at is n e e d e d , to has e v e r y p r iv ile g e o f a n a tu r a l-b o r n E n g lis h m a n , in e v e r y part o f it, in e v e r y o c c u p a tio n ,
m a k e th e b e st o f b a d tim e s in Irela n d as e v e r y w h e r e else. an d in e v e r y b r a n c h o f c o m m e r c e .' '

Prior to the election of July, 1886, in which Gladstones Liberals were heavily The Duke commented that what Ireland wants above all things is the rule of a
defeated by the Conservatives, and in which some seventy-eight anti-Home Government which is above all herfactions, and which will maintain the authority
Rule Liberals - Liberal Unionists as they became known - were returned. Sir of just and equal laws. Such convictions, expressing the righteousness of
William had taken an active and successful part in campaigning against Glad imperialism, to be sure, but also a deep faith in the rule o f law, constitute the
stones Irish policy in the West-of-Scotland constituencies of Partick and essence of the cause to which Sir William became so passionately committed in
Argyllshire. His friend and colleague, John Nichol - professor of English the mid-1880s.
literature at Glasgow and son of J.P. Nichol, the late professor of astronomy - To capture Thomsons own conception of Liberal Unionism, and that of
wrote to congratulate him on the success of the campaigns. Nichol enthusiasti other leading members of the cause, requires that one de-emphasize the air of
cally noted that the Ides ofjuly had brought at least a temporary deliverance condescending superiority evident in their remarks and focus instead on their
from the tyranny o f a despot half mad by failure of his traitorous schemes.*^ conviction that Britain and the British Empire were now the best guarantee of
Lord Salisbury took office for the next six years, his nephew Arthur Balfour liberty for all the citizens of Ireland. When he spoke of the need for defence of
being appointed Chief Secretary for Ireland in 1887 to carry out a policy of honest dealing between landlords and tenants by all the power o f empire. Sir
resolute government as the alternative to Home Rule.^ William had in mind the British notion of equality before the law. When he
At first sight, William Thomsons opposition to Home Rule seems quite at expressed again and again the necessity of continued Irish representation at
Westminster, he conceived of Ireland not as a down-trodden colony, but as an
Alexander Crum to William Thomson, 7th and 10th March, 1884, C197E-F, ULC. On equal member of the United Kingdom. When he thought of Ulsters repudi
Playfair, see Baron Playfair o f St. Andrews, Burkes peerage. In a draft letter from Sir William
Thomson to George Douglas (later 8 th Duke o f Argyll), Research notebook 1864-8, NB54, ULC,
ation of Home Rule, he had in view not the bigotry of a fanatical protestantism,
written about 1868, it is apparent that Sir William was no mere passive supporter o f the Liberals but but the growing economic prosperity of a province - founded on industry,
the very active organizer o f a political campaign to promote Archibald Smith as candidate for technology, and ingenuity - which he believed could prove the means of
Glasgow and Aberdeen. Sir William felt confident that he [Smith] will be on the liberal side in the
great questions regarding churches, and education, now in view, or such as may become before the
salvation for the rest of rural Ireland. At the July, 1887, jubilee of the electric
new parliament.
* Sir William Thomson to John Dodds, 22nd March, 1886, in SPT, 2, 856.
John Nichol to Sir William Thomson, 21st July, 1886, N27A, ULC. ' Edmund Burke quoted in George Douglas, 8 th Duke o f Argyll, Irish nationalism: an appeal to
Beckett, Modern Ireland, pp. 400 10; Norman, A history oj modern Ireland, pp. 215-20. history (London, 1893), pp. 26.5-6.
806 Energy, economy, and Empire Baron Kelvin o f Largs 807

telegraph, Sir William emphasized, in a manner which implicitly mocked the Had Sir William Thomson, between 1886 and 1892, been a mere passive
cause of any Young Irelanders, the contribution of science to the unity of Empire supporter of Liberal Unionism, had he not become one of the most active
and to benevolent rational rule: campaigners for the cause alongside the Duke of Argyll and Lord Hartington,
had he not shown himself a friend of Conservative candidates in constituencies
I m u st sa y th e re is s o m e little p o litic a l im p o r ta n c e in th e fact th a t D u b lin can n o w
where a Liberal Unionist did not stand lest the vote be split, then it is highly
c o m m u n ic a t e its r eq u ests, its c o m p la in ts , an d its g r a titu d e s to L o n d o n at th e rate o f 5 0 0
improbable that Lord Salisbury should have offered him the first peerage ever
w o r d s p e r m in u te . It se e m s to m e an a m p le d e m o n s tr a tio n o f th e u tte r sc ie n tific a b su r d ity
o f a n y s e n tim e n ta l n e e d fo r a se p a ra te P a r lia m e n t in Ir ela n d . I sh o u ld h a v e fa ile d in m y
given to a man o f science. Sir Williams knighthood had been the reward for his
d u ty in sp e a k in g fo r sc ie n c e i f I h a d o m itt e d to p o in t o u t th is, w h ic h se e m s to m e a g r e a t
technical contributions to the Atlantic cable. Between 1866 and 1892 he had
c o n t r ib u t io n o f sc ie n c e to th e p o litic a l w e lfa r e o f th e w o r ld . served many useful, if unspectacular, hours on British Association Committees.
In 1890 he had succeeded Stokes as President of the Royal Society. Yet, taken
For the Liberal Unionist such as Thomson, therefore. Home Rule did not mean together, these activities scarcely supply a convincing reason for the peerage
liberation and the establishment of nationhood but rather a return to internal being offered at the time it was. T o believe, as several newspapers of the day did,
strife, to rural barbarism, to a system which in the end could only emphasize and as biographers of Kelvin subsequently have, that a peerage has at length
sectarian differences and party rivalries by destroying the entire British been conferred upon a scientific man because he is a scientific man is too naive
by far.*^
The alternatives were clear. The liberal ideals of Empire - based on universal By 1891, Sir William Thomson had been appointed president of the West of
law, freedom of the individual, freedom of worship, freedom of trade - were set Scotland Liberal Unionist Association, whose members included powerful
in opposition to the particularist nationalism implicit in Home Rule. Imperial aristocrats such as the Duke of Argyll and the Earl of Stair, wealthy shipowners
ism, properly conceived, implied a bond operating above party and religious such as Sir Donald Currie - founder of the Castle line o f steamships - well
interests; nationalism meant increasing protectionism and a continuing struggle known shipbuilders such as Peter Denny of Dumbarton, and a number of
by the dominant political or religious faction to maintain its rule. Thus, in a Glasgow College academics such as John Caird - the principal - and William
speech o f 1889, the Earl of Derby (at whose Knowsley Park home Sir William Thomsons brother James. The honorary president was Lord Hartington, son
often stayed around Christmas) argued that an Irish Parliament would inevi of the famous seventh Duke of Devonshire (patron of Cambridge Universitys
tably oppose liberal causes by advocating in commerce, protection; in regard to Cavendish Laboratory) and himself Chancellor of Cambridge from 1892.
education and social questions, clericalism pushed to the utmost; in foreign Harringtons experience of Irish affairs had been considerable. He had been
affairs, an Ultramontane policy whereby the absolute temporal and spiritual Chief Secretary for Ireland in the years 1870-4 during Gladstones first ministry,
power o f the Pope would be upheld. Home Rule, Derby felt, would mean and his brother. Lord Frederick Cavendish, had, as Chief Secretary for Ireland,
Rome Rule. Liberal Unionism thus typically implied anti-Catholicism, long a been murdered in Dublins Phoenix Park in 1882 during Gladstones second
feature o f Thomsons latitudinarian perspective. ministry. He became one of the leading Unionists in the post-1886 era. On the
More positively, Sir Williams enthusiasm for the Salisbury government of death of his father, Hartington became the eighth Duke of Devonshire late in
188692 derived in large measure from the way in which it appeared to unite 1891 The eighth Duke was indeed to prove a key influence with regard to Sir
disparate party factions - Conservatives and Liberal Unionists, Tories, Whigs William Thomsons peerage.
and Radicals into a coalition o f British interests. He wrote to Stokes, who had On the 28th December, 1891, Salisbury wrote to Sir William Thomson,
been returned as Conservative MP for Cambridge University at a by-election
in 1887: SPT, 2,905-6; H.l. Sharlin, Lord Kelvin. The dynamic Victorian (Pennsylvania, 1979), pp. 216-
17. M.B. Hall, A ll scientists now. The Royal Society in the nineteenth century (Cznthridge, 1984), p. 145,
I h o p e y o u h a v e b e e n e n j o y in g P a r lia m e n t. It m u st b e v e r y sa tisfa c to r y , an d p lea sa n t, to remarks that Sir William was not elected President o f the Royal Society without opposition. His
se e all g o i n g so w e ll. W e w e r e p r e tty p lea se d w it h D o n c a s te r a n d D e p t fo r d [ t w o b y - predecessor, T.H. Huxley, had apparently given as one o f his reasons for accepting the presidency
e le c tio n s ]. E v e r y th in g se e m s to p r o m is e w e ll fo r a lo n g a n d u se fu l te n u r e o f th e p r esen t the desire to avoid the office falling to a commercial gent. Certainly Sir W illiams entrepreneurial
m in is tr y a n d / am now feeling very hopeful that I m ay m yself live to see the last o f governm ent by activities, combined with his passionate political campaigning, places him apart from the lofty,
gentlemanly image o f science often promoted by Britains most prestigious scientific society.
Robert Bird to William Thomson, 5th January, 1892, Pr 36, ULC; West o f Scotland Liberal
Unionist Association: list o f Office Bearers and General Executive, January, 1892, M177, ULC.
2 SPT, 2. 869-70.
Devonshire, Burkes peerage, Bernard Holland, The life of Spencer Compton, eighth Duke of
2Edward Henry, 15th Earl o f Derby, Speeches and addresses (2 vols., London, 1894), 2, p. 213. On
Devonshire (2 vols., London, 1911). Hartington had been in communication with Thomson about
Kelvins visits to Knowsley Park, see SPT, 2, 641, 761, 881.
Liberal Unionist affairs during the late 1880s. See, for example, Hartington to William Thomson,
William Thomson to G.G. Stokes, 2nd March, 1888, K283, Stokes correspondence, ULC.
Our emphasis.' 25th October. 1887, H41A, ULC.
808 Energy, economy, and Empire Baron Kelvin o f Largs 809

stating that I have Her Majestys authority for informing you that it is her the conventional j(]5000 a year estate with which the first of the lineage would
design, if agreeable to yourself, to confer on you a Peerage of the United endow the peerage would be irrelevant in Sir Williams case as he had no heirs,
Kingdom in recognition of your varied and most valuable service to science & while at the same time his income - from the business interests in scientific
progress in this country.** Salisburys words avoided any exact specification of instrument manufacture rather than from his professional salary - and his
the reasons behind the peerage. The natural assumption, shared by nearly all the country house at Largs meant that he was indeed fairly well off. Finally, unlike
438 letters of congratulation which poured in, was that Thomson had been persons such as the invalids wife who had once approached Hartingtons
afforded due recognition for his scientific and technical achievements. A few secretary with the accusation that her husbands illness was the result of His
correspondents, however, felt that in honouring you, the local head of our Lordships refusal to give him a baronetcy. Sir William had never been so vulgar
[Liberal Unionist] Association, we have all been honoured and that every as to ask for anything.
Unionist will feel prouder today of your distinguished position.*^ But one In accepting the honour in December, 1891, Sir William requested that he be
letter in particular, from the Duke of Devonshire, made clear the underlying permitted a title connected with the University and City of Glasgow in which
story of the New Year honour: my home has been for sixty years, and where I have done nearly all my work.
I can assure y o u th a t it has b e e n a g rea t p lea su re to m e i f I h a v e b e e n in a n y w a y
Thus he chose to become Baron Kelvin of Largs, after the River Kelvin, a
in str u m e n ta l in suj^esting the well deserved recognition o f your eminent services not only to
tributary of the Clyde that flows round two sides of the University before
science hut to the Unionist cause in Scotland', an d I am sure th a t all o u r frien d s w ill j o in m e in reaching the famous shipbuilding river. Lord Sandford (Sir Daniel Sandfords
o ffe r in g to y o u an d L a d y T h o m s o n o u r m o s t h e a r ty c o n g r a tu la tio n s. son and boyhood friend of William at Glasgow College) and Lord Rayleigh
introduced the new Baron Kelvin of Largs to the House of Lords to take the oath
As leader of the Liberal Unionists in the Commons during Salisburys of allegiance on 25th February, 1892.^^
coalition, Hartington wrote frequently to the Prime Minister to make recom There can be little doubt that Devonshire had played a major part in the
mendations for political honours. Thus in May, 1891, following a discussion of elevation of Sir William to the peerage as a recognition of his recent services to
the merits or otherwise of Sir John Pender - chairman of the Eastern T elegraph Unionism in Scotland and of the value his active support would have in the
Company and unsuccessful Liberal Unionist candidate in a Glasgow Govan struggles ahead. The new Lord Kelvin would indeed prove a loyal and weighty
by-election - for a peerage, Hartington expressed his opinion to Salisbury thus:
force in a crucial election year. The Duke of Devonshire and Lord Kelvin now
I f y o u sh o u ld e v e r w is h to m a k e a n o th e r sc ie n tific P eer, I b e lie v e that Sir W illia m superseded the Marquis of Hartington and Sir William Thomson as honorary
T h o m s o n o f th e G la s g o w U n iv e r s ity is o n e o f th e first e le c tr ic ia n s in th e w o r ld . H e takes president and president, respectively, of the West of Scotland Liberal Unionist
an a c tiv e in te r e st in p o litic s & is an a rd en t U n io n is t . H e has n o son s an d is I b e lie v e fa irly Association. Throughout the months leading up to the general election ofjuly,
w e ll off. H e has n e v e r ask ed fo r a n y th in g , an d th e s u g g e s tio n has n o t b e e n m a d e to m e o n 1892, Kelvin chaired meetings o f the West of Scotland Liberal Unionist Associ
p u r e ly p o litic a l g r o u n d s , b u t i f y o u th o u g h t it d esir a b le as a r e c o g n it io n o f his sc ie n tific
ation, and addressed other Unionist rallies. His verdict o f Balfours achieve
m e r its, it w o u ld n o d o u b t g iv e m u c h satisfaction .^ *
ments had nothing in common with the vitriolic comments from Home Rulers
In effect, Hartington stated how eminently suitable Thomson was for a peerage concerning Bloody Balfours coercive policies. Balfour, said Kelvin, had
and, in his reply, Salisbury heartily agreed. The honour would clearly be seen as a shown that what was needed to cure the ills of Ireland was good, honest,
recognition of service to the nation, and not as a mere reward for party loyalty. resolute, kindly government.^'* On May 28th Lord Kelvin introduced the
Nevertheless, Sir William was a sound, active Unionist, whose elevation would Duke of Devonshire at one such meeting, and, in doing so, again emphasized
certainly be acceptable to the West of Scotland Liberal Unionists. Furthermore, that, as in 1886, he as an Irishman felt that a frightful damage threatened against
his native land: to take away Ireland from its grand position as a constituent
Lord Salisbury to William Thomson, 28th December, 1891, Pr 342, ULC. The whole subject
of honours is discussed in H.J. Hanham, The sale of honours in late Victorian England, Victorian equal member of the British Empire, to make it [merely] a naval and military
Stud., 3 (1959-60), 277-89. Salisbury, it seems, was exceptionally skilled at rewarding his supporters station of the neighbouring island of England and Scotland.^*
within the coalition of Conservative and Liberal Unionists. Gladstone took office once more after the election of 1892 and led a minority
Bird, op. cit. (note 16); M.S. Grady to William Thomson, 1st January, 1892, PR 185, ULC.
Duke of Devonshire to William Thomson, 2nd January, 1892, Pr 125, ULC. Our emphasis. Liberal Party in a Commons where the Irish members held the balance of
Lord Hartington to Lord Salisbury, 10th May, 1891, Salisbury collections, Hatfield House.
Hartington noted that Pender had 'done a great deal for the telegraphic communications of the Hanham, The sale of honours, p. 280. SPT, 2, 913-14. Ibid., pp. 911-12.
Empire. By implication. Sir William Thomson had done even more to forge the unity of Empire. Ibid., pp. 920-1. Home Rule, of course, implied a very different conception of Ireland from
For Salisburys favourable reply, see Salisbury to Hartington, 10th May, 1891, Devonshire that of the United Irishmen of 1798. The former was tending towards Catholic nationalism; the
collections, Chatsworth. latter had been avowedly republican after the French and American models.
810 Energy, economy, and Empire
Baron K e l v i n o f Largs 811

power. Lyon Playfair, chemist turned politician, was rewarded for his faithful
ness to the Liberal cause with a peerage in September, 1892. The second Home
Rule Bill passed successfully through the House in 1893 - with the significant
provision that Irish members would continue at Westminster - but the Lords
overwhelmingly defeated the bill. Gladstone resigned for the last time, and the
Conservatives (by now the Conservative and Unionist Party) returned to rule
the country from 1895 until 1905. Home Rule ceased to be the dominant issue
until the early twentieth century.
With Chamberlain as colonial secretary and with Salisburys policy of
splendid isolation, Imperialism overshadowed domestic issues. To Chamber
lains aims of building the Empire into a more coherent unit. Lord Kelvin gave
his undiluted support, and became a close friend of the famous statesman.
Chamberlain was Rector of Glasgow University in 1897, when he delivered a
speech on patriotism which Lord Kelvin with whom Chamberlain stayed
declared was the finest he had ever h e a r d .Y e t the very tensions within the
notion of Imperialism were destined to split asunder the unity of Tory, Whig,
and Radical elements which Kelvin had so admired in the governments of Lord
Salisbury. From 1903, Chamberlain openly advocated a system of Tariff
Reform which would include preferential tariffs for the colonies by way of
promoting Imperial ideals. In so doing, Chamberlain ran counter to the cher Lord Kelvins last lecture before his retirement from the chair of natural philosophy
ished Free T rade principles of the old Whig tradition still represented among the at Glasgow University in 1899. (From SPT.]
Liberal Unionists by the Duke of Devonshire. No longer united by a common
opposition to Home Rule, the Unionists became more and more divided over
the issue of protection, particularly at a time when the British economy seemed merit alone. With the progress and prosperity of the British Empire so conspicu
threatened by foreign competition.^* As a result, the Liberals were returned to ously apparent after the mid-century nowhere more so than in Glasgow and in
power with a massive majority in 1906, just a year before Kelvins death. Within Belfast - the crown of liberty passed to a new conception, that of Imperialism, in
a little more than a decade the disintegration of the British Empire and of the old which the principles of equality, toleration, and freedom were embodied as
order was well and truly advancing. The post-war era of the 1920s, with Ireland prerequisites of economic and social progress in the unwritten British constitu
finally partitioned and British industrial progress at an end, bore little resem tion. A line from a class essay of 1838 had thus come to have for William
blance to the promise and optimism which characterized the late Victorian age. Thomson a more than symbolic significance: tis liberty that crowns Britannias
For an understanding of William Thomson, Lord Kelvin, his Irish context is isle.29
essential. No other single theme in the scientists life linked him so inseparably
with the major British political developments of the day. No other single factor No time spent in idleness
contributed so much to his elevation to a peerage. From his father, Thomson had
inherited more than academic skills. From Dr Thomson, Lord Kelvin had Addressing university students at Rochester during his last visit to the United
adopted the liberal tradition which owed its origins to the Ulster of the late States in the spring of 1902, Lord Kelvin urged his audience to use their college
eighteenth century and which sought the establishment of a non-sectarian days such that when they looked back you may sec no day wasted, no time spent
framework of government and institution, free from party rivalry and based on in idleness, no duty neglected.^ Waste, idleness, and neglect of duty - the
deadly sins of the progressive Victorian man - certainly occupied no part of
Beckett, Modern Ireland, pp. 410-11. Kelvins own life, even in the last fifteen years following his elevation to the
Julian Amery and j.L. Garvin, The life o f Joseph Chamberlain (6 vols., London, 193269), 3, peerage.
p. 2(K); SPT, 2, 1(X)4, 1128-30.
R.A. Rempel, Unionists divided. Arthur Balfour Joseph Chamberlain, andthe Unionist Free Traders
William Thomson, Oration (written for Professor Buchanan), 2nd April, 1838, NB6 , ULC.
(Newton Abbot, 1972). Kelvin himself favoured free trade. See SPT, 2, 1129-30.
SPT, 2, 1167.
812 Energy, economy, and Empire Baron Kelvin o f Largs 813

The period 1892-1907 was characterized by a series of ceremonial occasions

and by the inevitable winter of old age and death of close friends and relatives.
Glasgow University commemorated in 1896 his fifty years in the natural
philosophy chair. Eminent representatives from all countries of the academic
world came to honour the Lord of British physics. The celebrations ended with a
steamer cruise around the islands of the Firth of Clyde. Three years later, Kelvin
retired from the chair to the role o fresearch student. Then, in 1904, at the age of
eighty, he became Chancellor of the University of Glasgow.^^
Following retirement. Lord and Lady Kelvin acquired, in addition to
Netherhall, a London home at 15 Eaton Place, in the heart of the fashionable
West End. During his years as Lord Kelvin, he made some fourteen speeches in
the House, six of which related to maritime affairs such as mail steamer contracts
and load lines. As his last speech on 24th June, 1907, two days before his eighty-
third birthday, he addressed the House on deck loads, a subject which combined
in characteristic mode a dynamical problem of heavy moveable objects with the
concerns of practical seam an sh ip .O th er speeches ranged from labour ques
tions to weights and measures. During the same period he published almost 130
papers, including six in the year of his death and two in the year after.
In the decade following his peerage. Lord Kelvin lost a large number of his
closest friends and relatives. James died in May, 1892, aged seventy, having lived
just long enough to see his younger brother crowned with the ultimate accolade
of recognition and success in Imperial Britain. Elizabeth, the eldest of the family
and last surviving sister, passed away four years later. Alexander Crum, Francis
Sandford, and the Earl of Derby died in 1893. O f his closest scientific allies,
Helmholtz went in 1894, Tait in 1901, and Stokes in 1903.^^ All of them were of
Lord Kelvins own generation and, like the death of Queen Victoria in 1901,
symbolized the end of a remarkable era.
Through his last fifteen years, Kelvins own health remained robust, although
problems with his leg in 18956 and some severe attacks of facial neuralgia (to
which he alluded as No. 5 demon) caused much d isco m fo rt.M arg aret
Smith, daughter of Archibald, offered a fascinating glimpse into Lord Kelvins
character at this time when she wrote to her mother from Jordanhill in 1901:
T h e n th e d ea r K e lv in s a rriv ed . H e is a so u r c e o f g r e a t a n x ie ty . H e insists o n d o in g
e v e r y t h in g b u t is n o t w e ll an d o n c e o r t w ic e in th e last w e e k h e has tu r n e d fa in t at d in n e r .
H e d id so last n ig h t b u t g u lp e d d o w n s o m e c h a m p a g n e & c a m e r o u n d & w e n t to a p a rty
in th e e v e n in g . H is tr o u b le s are c o n n e c te d w it h d ig e s tio n & M a im ie is d istr a c te d in
h o p in g th a t sh e is p r o v id in g th e r ig h t f o o d . W e lo v e h a v in g th e m b u t shall b e th a n k fu l
w h e n th e y arc sa fely away.^

Ibid., pp. 964-1011, gives a detailed account ofKclvinsjubilee celebrations and his retirement.
Lord and Lady Kelvin dressed for the coronation of King Edward VII. [From A.G.
2 Hansard, f4th scries], 176, pp. 811-12. SPT, 2, 918-20; 932, 934, 938, 1163, 1173-4.
Ibid., pp. 953-8, 990, 1149, 1186; Lord Kelvin to George Chrystal, 16th January, 1905, C20, King, Kelvin the man.\
Margaret Smith to Susan Smith, 13th September, 1901, TDl/967, Smith papers, Strathclyde
Regional Archives.
814 Energy, economy, and Empire



(a ) W illia m T hom son

A v ir tu a lly c o m p le te list o f T h o m s o n s p u b lis h e d p ap ers is g iv e n in S P T , 2 ,1 2 2 5 - 7 4 , and

w e h a v e a v o id e d r e p r o d u c in g th e list h e r e . F ull r e fe ren ces to th e r e le v a n t p u b lis h e d
m e m o ir s , h o w e v e r , h a v e b e e n g iv e n in th e f o o tn o t e s w h e r e v e r a sp e c ific r e fe r e n c e has
b e e n in v o lv e d . S im ila r ly , fu ll r e fe r e n c e s to T h o m s o n s m a n u sc r ip ts, n o te b o o k s , an d
The new University of Glasgow (1870), a veritable cathedral of knowledge, which
c o r r e s p o n d e n c e g iv e n in th e f o o tn o t e s r ela te to th e t w o m a jo r c o lle c t io n s o f T h o m s o n s
dominated the River Kelvin after which Sir William Thomson took his title. [From
p ap ers c a ta lo g u e d in C a ta lo g u e o f th e m a n u s c r ip t c o lle c tio n s o f S i r G e o r g e G a b r ie l S to k e s a n d
A.G. King, Kelvin the man.\
S i r W i l l i a m T h o m s o n , B a r o n K e l v i n o f L a r g s , in C a m b r id g e U n i v e r s i t y L ib r a r y ( C a m b r id g e ,
1 9 7 6 ), and I n d e x to th e m a n u s c r ip t c o lle ctio n o f W i l l i a m T h o m s o n , B a r o n K e l v i n , in G la s g o w
Margaret went on to say, however, that Lord Kelvins Imperialist and Unionist U n iv e r s ity L ib r a r y (G la s g o w , 1 9 7 7 ). O t h e r im p o r ta n t so u rc es fo r T h o m s o n m a n u sc r ip ts

convictions - which led him to announce in conversation that pro-Boers were h a v e b e e n t h e ja m e s T h o m s o n p ap ers at Q u e e n s U n iv e r s ity L ib ra ry , B e lfa st, a n d th e J .D .
F o rb es p ap ers at S t A n d r e w s U n iv e r s ity L ib ra ry . A g a in sp e c ific r e fe r e n c e s w ill b e fo u n d
lunatics - remained as vigorous as ever. At the same time, his talent for discussing
in th e f o o tn o t e s .
physics on apparently equal terms with Smiths grandson, Archie, left a deep
T h e p r in c ip a l r e p rin ts e tc . o f W illia m T h o m s o n s p ap ers are:
impression on Margarets mind, for Archie had not yet entered the University
of his ancestors. R e p r i n t o f p a p e r s o n e le ctro sta tic s a n d m a g n e tis m . L o n d o n , 1 8 7 2 . (E & M ).

In September, 1907, Lady Kelvin suffered a serious stroke. Her illness M a th e m a tic a l a n d p h y s ic a l p a p e r s . 6 v o ls . C a m b r id g e , 1 8 8 2 - 1 9 1 1 . (M P P ).
rendered the aged Lord Kelvin anxious yet optimistic, but at the end of P o p u la r le c tu re s a n d a d d resses. 3 v o ls . L o n d o n , 1 8 9 1 - 4 . (PL ).
N o t e s o f lectu res o n m o le c u la r d y n a m ic s a n d th e w a v e th e o r y o f lig h t. B a ltim o r e , 1 884. (B L ).
November he too became gravely ill. The doctor diagnosed the complaint as a
D e liv e r e d at th e J o h n s H o p k in s U n iv e r s it y , B a ltim o r e , s tc n o g r a p h ic a lly r e p o r te d b y
severe chill of the liver (duodenal catarrh). T h e fever which accompanied his
A .S . H a th a w a y , an d p u b lis h e d in p a p y r o g r a p h f o r m . V e r y e x t e n s iv e ly r e w o r k e d ,
illness did not diminish, and he died at Netherhall on 17th December. The
w it h rep rin ts o f s o m e o f T h o m s o n s r e le v a n t p ap ers, as B a ltim o r e le ctu res o n m o le c u la r
funeral took place in Westminster Abbey, at the heart of the Empire, two days d y n a m ic s a n d th e w a v e th e o r y o f lig h t. L o n d o n , 1 9 0 4 . B L is r e p u b lish e d in R o b e r t K a r g o n
before Christmas. A very great name in British science had passed into history. an d P e te r A c h in s te in (ed s.), K e l v i n s B a ltim o r e L e c tu re s a n d m o d e rn th e o re tic a l p h y s ic s .
C a m b r id g e , M A an d L o n d o n , 1 9 8 7 , p p . 7 - 2 6 3 .
George Green to P.J. Freyer, 12th December, 1907 (draft), F41, ULG; SPT, 2, 1202-13.

( b ) R e p o r ts

(i) P a r lia m e n ta r y p a p e r s . R e le v a n t S c o ttis h u n iv e r s ity rep o r ts arc: R e p o r t to H is

M a je sty b y a R o y a l C o m m is s io n o f I n q u ir y in to th e state o f th e U n iv e r s itie s in S c o t la n d
(1 8 3 1 ); E v id e n c e ta k e n b e fo r e th e C o m m is s io n e r s o f th e U n iv e r s itie s o f f E d in b u r g h II.
G la s g o w III. S t. A n d r e w s IV . A b e r d e e n (1 8 3 7 ); R e p o r t o f th e C o m m is s io n e r s fo r
v is itin g th e U n iv e r s ity o f G la s g o w (1 8 3 9 ), an d S e c o n d R e p o r t (1 8 3 9 ); G e n e r a l R e p o r t
o f C o m m is s io n e r s u n d e r U n iv e r s itie s , S c o tla n d , A c t, 1858; w it h a p p e n d ix , c o n ta in in g
o r d in a n c e s, m in u te s , r ep o rts o n sp ec ia l su b jects an d o th e r d o c u m e n t s (1 8 6 3 ). T h e

816 B ib lio g r a p h y Bibliography 817

im p o r ta n t te le g r a p h r e p o r t is: R e p o r t o f j o i n t C o m m it t e e a p p o in te d b y B o a r d o f T r a d e B r e tt, J .W . O n th e o r ig in o f th e s u b m a r in e te le g r a p h an d its e x te n s io n to India an d

a n d A tla n tic T e le g r a p h C o m p a n y to in q u ir e in to c o n s tr u c tio n o f su b m a r in e te le g r a p h A m e r ic a , B A A S R e p o r t, 24 (1 8 5 4 ), 7 - 8 .
cab les; w it h e v id e n c e a n d a p p e n d ix (1 8 6 0 ). B r iste d , A .R . F i v e y e a r s in a n E n g lis h U n i v e r s i t y (2 v o ls .. N e w Y o r k , 1 8 5 2 ).
(ii) S ta tis tic a l a cco u n ts. T h e m o s t r e le v a n t are: T h e n e w s ta tis tic a l a c co u n t o f S c o tla n d , 6: C a r n o t, S ad i. R e fle c tio n s o n th e m o t iv e p o w e r o f fire an d o n m a c h in e s fitte d t o d e v e lo p
L a n a rk-, 7: R e n f r e w - A r g y l e (L o n d o n an d E d in b u r g h , 1 84 5 ) a n d T h e th ir d s ta tis tic a l a c c o u n t o f th at p o w e r (1 8 2 4 ), in E. M e n d o z a (e d .). R e fle c tio n s o n th e m o tiv e p o w e r o f f i r e b y S a d t
S c o tla n d : G la s g o w ( G la s g o w , 1 9 5 8 ). C a r n o t a n d o th e r p a p e r s o n th e s ec o n d la w o f th e r m o d y n a m ic s b y E . C la p e y r o n a n d R . C la u s iu s
(iii) B r itis h A s s o c ia tio n f o r th e A d v a n c e m e n t o f S c ie n c e . A p a r t fr o m p ap ers a n d r e p o r ts b y (N e w Y o rk , I9 6 0 ), pp. 1 -5 9 .
n a m e d a u th o r s (listed in (c) b e lo w ) w e refer e x t e n s iv e ly t o rep o r ts b y B A A S c o m m it t e e s , C a r p e n te r , W .B . a n d J e ffr ey s, J .G . R e p o r t o n d e e p -se a research es carried o n d u r in g th e
e s p e c ia lly in r ela tio n to e le c tr ic a l u n its an d stan d ard s. D e ta ils w ill b e fo u n d in th e m o n th s o f j u l y , A u g u s t, a n d S e p te m b e r 1 8 7 0 , in H .M . su r v e y sh ip P o r c u p in e , Proc.
f o o tn o t e s . R o y a l S o c ., 19 ( 1 8 7 0 - 1 ) , 1 4 6 - 2 2 1 .
C a y le y , A r th u r . O n g e o m e tr ic a l r e p r e se n ta tio n o f th e m o tio n o f a s o lid b o d y . C a m . a n d
D u b lin M a t h . J ., 1 (1 8 4 6 ), 1 6 4 - 7 .
(c ) O t h e r a u th o r s
C a y le y , A r th u r . O n th e d iffe r e n tia l e q u a tio n s w h ic h o c c u r in d y n a m ic a l p r o b le m s .
A ir y , G .B . M a th e m a tic a l tracts (C a m b r id g e , 1 8 2 6 ); 2 n d e d n . (C a m b r id g e , 1 8 3 1 ). C a m . a n d D u b l i n M a t h . J . , 2 (1 8 4 7 ), 2 1 0 - 1 9 .

A ir y , G .B . A c c o u n t o f e x p e r im e n ts o n ir o n -b u ilt sh ip s, in stitu te d fo r th e p u r p o se o f C a y le y , A r th u r . R e p o r t o n th e r e c e n t p r o g r e s s o f th e o r e tic a l d y n a m ic s , B A A S R e p o r t,

d is c o v e r in g a c o r r e c tio n fo r th e d e v ia tio n o f th e c o m p a ss p r o d u c e d b y th e ir o n o f th e 27 (1 8 5 7 ), 1 ^ 2 .
sh ip s, P h i l . T r a n s ., (1 8 3 9 ), 1 6 7 - 2 1 3 . C h a llis, J a m es. O n th e so u r c e an d m a in te n a n c e o f th e su n s h e a t, P h i l. M a g . , [series 4 ], 25
A ir y , G .B . C o r r e c tio n o f th e c o m p a ss in ir o n sh ip s, T h e A t h e n a e u m , n o . 1 4 0 9 (1 8 5 4 ), (1 8 6 3 ), 4 6 0 - 7 .
1 3 0 3 -5 ; n o . 1 4 2 3 (1 8 5 5 ), 1 4 5 - 8 . C h a lm e r s, T h o m a s . O n p o litic a l e c o n o m y , in c o n n e x io n w i t h th e m o r a l s ta te a n d m o r a l p r o sp e c ts

A ir y , G .B . Iron sh ip s - th e R o y a l C h a r te r , T h e A t h e n a e u m , n o . 1 6 7 2 (1 8 5 9 ), 6 3 2 - 6 . o f s o c ie ty ( G la s g o w , 1 8 3 2 ).

A ir y , G .B . O n th e c o n n e x io n b e t w e e n th e m o d e o f b u ild in g ir o n sh ip s, an d th e u ltim a te C h a lm e r s, T h o m a s . T h e a d a p ta tio n o f e x t e r n a l n a tu r e to th e m o r a l a n d in te lle c tu a l c o n s titu tio n

c o r r e c tio n o f th e ir c o m p a s s , T r a n s . I n s t. N a v a l A r c h ite c ts , 1 (1 8 6 0 ), 1 0 5 - 9 . o f m a n (L o n d o n , 1 8 3 4 ).

A itk e n , J o h n . E x p e r im e n ts illu str a tin g r ig id ity p r o d u c e d b y c e n tr ifu g a l fo r c e , P ro c . C h a lm e r s, T h o m a s . T h e w o r k s o f T h o m a s C h a lm e r s (25 v o ls ., G la s g o w , 1 8 3 6 42).

R o y a l S o c . E d in b u r g h , 9 (1 8 7 8 ), 7 3 - 8 . C la p e y r o n , E m ile . M e m o ir o n th e m o t iv e p o w e r o f h e a t, in R ic h a r d T a y lo r (e d .).

A m p e r e , A n d r e -M a r ie . E s s a i s u r la p h ilo s o p h ie des scie n c e s, ou e x p o s itio n a n a ly tiq u e d u n e S c ie n tific m e m o ir s , v o l. 1 (L o n d o n , 1 8 3 7 ), p p . 3 4 7 - 7 6 .

c la ss ific a tio n n a tu r e lle de to u te s les c o n n a issa n c es h u m a in e s (Paris, 1 8 3 4 ). C la r k , L a tim e r , a n d B r ig h t, C h a rles. O n th e f o r m a tio n o f stan d ard s o f e le c tr ic a l q u a n tity

A r g y ll, 8 th D u k e o f Ir is h n a tio n a lis m : an a p p e a l to h is to r y (L o n d o n , 1 893). an d r e sista n c e , B A A S R e p o r t, 31 (1 8 6 1 ), 3 7 - 8 .

B a b b a g e , C h a r le s. P a ssa g es f r o m th e life o f a p h ilo s o p h e r ( L o n d o n , 186 4 ). C la u siu s, R u d o l f O n th e m o t iv e p o w e r o f h ea t, an d o n th e la w s w h ic h can b e d e d u c e d

B a b in e t, J a c q u e s. A s tr o n o m iq u e c o s m o g o n iq u e . La terre a v a n t les e p o q u e s g e o l o g i q u e , fr o m it fo r th e t h e o r y o f h e a t (1 8 5 0 ), in E. M e n d o z a (e d .). R e fle c tio n s o n th e m o tiv e p o w e r

R e v u e des d e u x m o n d e s , 10 (1 8 5 5 ), 7 0 2 - 2 6 . o f f i r e b y S a d i C a r n o t a n d o th e r p a p e r s o n th e seco n d la w o f th e r m o d y n a m ic s b y E . C la p e y r o n

B o o le , G e o r g e . O n in te g r a tio n o f lin ea r d iffe r e n tia l e q u a tio n s w it h c o n sta n t c o e ffi a n d R . C la u s i u s ( N e w Y o r k , 1 9 6 0 ), p p . 1 0 9 - 5 2 .

c ie n ts , C a m . M a t h . J . , 2 (1 8 4 1 ), 1 1 4 - 1 9 . C o n r a d , J o se p h . T h e m ir ro r o f th e sea (L o n d o n , 1 9 0 6 ).

B o o le , G e o r g e . S y m m e tr ic a l s o lu tio n s o f p r o b le m s r e s p e c tin g th e stra ig h t lin e an d C o n r a d , J o se p h . T h e secret a g e n t. A s im p le ta le (L o n d o n , 190 7 ).

p la n e . C a m . M a t h . J . , 2 (1 8 4 1 ), 1 7 9 - 8 8 . C r o ll, J a m e s. O n th e e x c e n tr ic ity o f th e e a r th s o r b it, an d its p h y sic a l r e la tio n s to th e

B o o le , G e o r g e . O n th e tr a n sfo r m a tio n o f m u ltip le in te g r a ls . C a m . M a t h . J . , 4 (1 8 4 5 ), g la c ia l e p o c h , P h i l. M a g . , [series 4 ], 33 (1 8 6 7 ), 1 1 9 - 3 1 .

20- 8. C r o ll, J a m es. O n g e o lo g ic a l tim e , a n d th e p r o b a b le d a te o f th e g la c ia l an d th e u p p er

B o o le , G e o r g e . O n th e a ttr a c tio n o f a so lid o f r e v o lu t io n o n an e x te r n a l p o in t . C a m . a n d m io c e n e p e r io d , P h il. M a g . , [s e n e s 4 ], 35 (1 8 6 8 ), 3 6 3 - 8 4 ; 36 (1 8 6 8 ), 1 4 1 - 5 4 , 3 6 2 - 8 6 .

D u b lin M a t h . J . , 2 (1 8 4 7 ), 1 - 7 . C r o ll, J a m e s. C li m a t e a n d tim e in th e ir g e o lo g ic a l r e la tio n s. A th e o r y o f se c u la r c h a n g e s o f th e

B o o le , G e o r g e . O n a certa in s y m b o lic a l e q u a tio n . C a m . a n d D u b l i n M a t h . J . , 2 (1 8 4 7 ), e a r th s c lim a te ( L o n d o n , 1875).

7 -1 2 . C r o ll, J a m e s. A g e o f th e sun in r e la tio n to e v o lu t io n . N a t u r e , 17 ( 1 8 7 7 - 8 ) , 2 0 6 - 7 .

B o o le , G e o r g e . T h e m a th e m a tic a l a n a ly s is o f logic: b e in g a n e s s a y to w a r d s a c a lc u lu s o fd e d u c tiv e D a r w in , C h a r le s. O b s e r v a tio n s o n th e p arallel road s o f G le n R o y , a n d o th e r parts o f

r e a s o n in g (C a m b r id g e , 1 8 4 7 ). L o c h a b e r in S c o tla n d , w it h an a tte m p t to p r o v e th at th e y are o f m a r in e o r ig in , P h il.

B o o le , G e o r g e . A n in v e s tig a tio n o f th e la w s o f th o u g h t, o n w h ic h are f o u n d e d th e m a th e m a tic a l T r a n s ., (1 8 3 9 ), 3 9 - 8 2 .

th e o rie s o f logic a n d p r o b a b ilitie s (L o n d o n , 1 8 5 4 ). D a r w in , C h a r le s, in M o r s e P e c k h a m (e d .). T h e o r ig in o f sp ecies b y C h a r le s D a r w i n . A

B o o le , G e o r g e . A tr e a tise o n d iffe r e n tia l e q u a tio n s (C a m b r id g e , 1 8 5 9 ). v a r io r u m t e x t (P h ila d e lp h ia , 195 9 ).

B o s c o v ic h , R o g e r . A th e o r y o f n a tu r a l p h ilo s o p h y , tra n sla ted b y J .M . C h ild fr o m th e 2 n d D a r w in , G .H . P r e sid e n tia l ad d ress to S e c tio n A , B A A S R e p o r t, 56 (1 8 8 6 ), 5 1 1 - 1 8 .

e d n . (1 7 6 3 ). ( L o n d o n , 1 9 2 2 ). D a r w in , G .H . R a d io -a c tiv it y an d th e a g e o f th e su n . N a tu r e , 68 (1 9 0 3 ), 4 9 6 .
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D e la u n a y , C .E . Traite de mecanique rationelle, 1st e d n . (Paris, 1856); 2 n d e d n . (Paris, 185 7 ); F itz G e r a ld , G .F . O n a m o d e l illu str a tin g s o m e p r o p e r tie s o f th e e th e r , Sci. Proc. R oyal
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D e M o r g a n , A u g u s tu s . Elements o f algebra (L o n d o n , 1 8 3 7 ). F itz G e r a ld , G .F . P r e sid e n tia l ad d ress to S e c tio n A , B A A S Report, 58 (1 8 8 8 ), 5 5 7 - 6 2 .
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sister Samuel and M artha M cT ier during the years 1 7 7 6 -1 8 1 9 (B elfa st, 1 9 3 1 ). F o u r ie r, J o se p h . T h h r ie analytique de la chaleur (Paris, 1 8 2 2 ). T r a n sla te d b y A . F reem a n
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1 9 6 2 ). (1 8 2 7 ), 1 2 7 ^ 0 , 4 4 1 - 5 4 ; 24 (1 8 2 7 ), 1 1 3 - 3 5 , 4 3 1 - 4 8 ; 25 (1 8 2 8 ), 1 9 8 - 2 1 5 ; 26 (1 8 2 9 ),
E a rn sh a w , S a m u e l. D ynam ics, or a treatise on motion; to which is added a short treatise on 1 6 8 -9 1 , 3 8 9 -4 0 7 ; 27 (1 8 2 9 ), 1 5 9 - 6 5 .
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(1 8 6 2 ), 8 7 - 1 0 1 . v a r io u s p r o b le m s in a n a ly tic a l g e o m e t r y o f th r e e d im e n s io n s . C am . M a th .J ., 1 (1 8 3 9 ),
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F araday, M ic h a e l. Experimental researches in electricity (3 v o ls ., L o n d o n , 1 8 3 9 - 5 5 ). G r e e n , G e o r g e . O n th e d e te r m in a tio n o f th e e x te r io r an d in te r io r a ttr a c tio n s o f e llip so id s
F araday, M ic h a e l. O n e le c tr ic in d u c tio n - a.ssociatcd cases o f c u rren t an d static e ffe c ts, o f v a ria b le d e n sitie s, Trans. Cam . Phil. Soc., 5 (1 8 3 5 ), 3 9 5 4 2 9 .
Phil. M a g ., [se n e s 4 ], 7 (1 8 5 4 ), 1 9 7 - 2 0 8 . G r e e n , G e o r g e . O n th e la w s o f th e r e fle x io n and refr a c tio n o f lig h t at th e c o m m o n
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820 Bibliography Bibliography 821

G r e e n , G e o r g e . O n th e p r o p a g a tio n o f l i g h t in c r y s ta lliz e d m e d ia (1 8 3 9 ). T r a n s . C a m . H in d , J o h n . T h e e le m e n ts o f a lg e b ra : d e s ig n e d f o r th e u s e o f s tu d e n ts in th e U n iv e r s ity

P h i l. S o c ., 7 (1 8 4 2 ), 1 2 1 - 4 0 . (C a m b r id g e , 1 8 2 9 ).
G r e e n , G e o r g e , in N .M . F errers (e d .). M a th e m a tic a l p a p e r s o f th e la te G e o r g e G r e e n H o o k e r , J .D . P r e sid e n tia l a d d ress, B A A S R e p o r t, 38 (1 8 6 8 ), I v i i i - l x x v .
(L o n d o n , 1 8 7 1 ). H o p k in s , W illia m . R ese a r c h e s in p h y sic a l g e o l o g y , T r a n s . C a m . P h i l. S o c ., 6 (1 8 3 5 ),
G r e g o r y , D .F . P r e fa c e , C a m . M a t h . J . , 1 (1 8 3 9 ), 1 - 2 . 1 -8 4 .
G r e g o r y , D .F . O n th e so lu tio n o f lin ea r d iffe r e n tia l e q u a tio n s w it h co n sta n t c o e ffi H o p k in s , W illia m . A n ab stract o f a m e m o ir o n p h y sic a l g e o l o g y , w it h a fu r th er
c ie n ts , C a m . M a t h . J . , 1 (1 8 3 9 ), 2 2 - 3 2 . e x p o s it io n o f certa in p o in ts c o n n e c t e d w it h th e su b je c t, P h i l. M a g . , [series 3 ], 8 (1 8 3 6 ),
G r e g o r y , D .F . O n th e so lu tio n o f lin ea r e q u a tio n s o f fin ite a n d m ix e d d iffe r e n c e s. C a m . 2 2 7 -3 6 , 2 7 2 -8 1 , 3 5 7 -6 6 .
M a t li.J ., 1 (1 8 3 9 ), 5 4 - 6 1 . H o p k in s , W illia m . R e sea rch es in p h y sic a l g e o l o g y - first se r ie s, P h i l. T r a n s ., (1 8 3 9 ),
G r e g o r y , D .F . N o t e s o n F o u r ie r s h e a t. C a m . M a t h . J . , 1 (1 8 3 9 ), 1 0 4 -7 . 3 8 1 -1 2 3 .
G r e g o r y , D .F . O n th e s o lu tio n o f certa in p artial d iffe r e n tia l e q u a tio n s . C a m . M a t h . J . , 1 H o p k in s , W illia m . R e m a r k s o n c erta in p r o p o s e d r e g u la tio n s r e s p e c tin g th e s tu d ie s o f th e
(1 8 3 9 ), 1 2 3 - 3 1 . U n iv e r s ity (C a m b r id g e , 1 8 4 1 ).
G r e g o r y , D .F . O n th e im p o s s ib le lo g a r ith m s o f q u a n titie s . C a m . M a t h . J . , 1 (1 8 3 9 ), H o p k in s , W illia m . R e p o r t o n th e g e o lo g ic a l th e o r ie s o f e le v a t io n a n d e a r th q u a k e s,
2 2 C -3 4 . B A A S R e p o r t, 17 (1 8 4 7 ), 3 3 - 9 2 .
G r e g o r y , D .F . O n e x is te n c e o f b ra n ch es an d c u r v e s in se v era l p la n e s. C a m . M a t h . J . , 1 H o p k in s , W illia m . A n n iv e r sa r y ad d ress o f t h e P r e sid e n t, Q u a r t . J . G e o l. S o c . L o n d o n , 8
(1 8 3 9 ), 2 5 9 - 6 6 . (1 8 5 2 ), x x i v - l x x x .
G r e g o r y , D .F . O n th e e le m e n ta r y p r in c ip le s o f th e a p p lic a tio n o f a lg eb ra ica l s y m b o ls to H o p k in s , W illia m . O n th e cau ses w h ic h m a y h a v e p r o d u c e d c h a n g e s in th e e a r th s
g e o m e t r y . C a m . M a t h . J . , 2 (1 8 4 1 ), 1 - 9 . su p e r fic ia l t e m p e r a tu r e , P ro c . G e o l. S o c . L o n d o n , 8 (1 8 5 2 ), 5 6 - 9 2 .
G r e g o r y , D .F . O n th e th e o r y o f m a x im a a n d m in im a o f f u n c tio n s o f t w o v a r ia b le s, H o p k in s , W illia m . P re sid e n tia l a d d r e ss, B A A S R e p o r t, 2 3 (1 8 5 3 ), x li - l v i i .
C a m . M a t h . J . , 2 (1 8 4 1 ), 1 3 8 - 4 0 . H o p k in s , W illia m . A n a c c o u n t o f s o m e e x p e r im e n ts o n th e e ffe c t o f p ressu re o n th e
G r o v e , W .R . P r e sid e n tia l a d d r e ss, B A A S R e p o r t, 3 6 (1 8 6 6 ), liii - l x x x i i . te m p e r a tu r e o f fu s io n o f d iffe r e n t su b s ta n c e s, B A A S R e p o r t, 24 (1 8 5 4 ), 5 7 - 8 .
G u th r ie , F red erick , O n a p p r o a c h ca u se d b y v ib r a t io n , P ro c. R o y a l S o c ., 18 (1 8 7 0 ), 9 3 ^ . H o p k in s , W illia m . E x p e r im e n ta l r esea rch es o n th e c o n d u c tiv e p o w e r s o f v a r io u s
G u th r ie , F red erick . O n a p p r o a c h ca u se d b y v ib r a t io n , P h i l. M a g . , [series 4 ], 39 (1 8 7 0 ), su b sta n ces, w ith th e a p p lic a tio n o f th e r e su lts to th e p r o b le m o f terrestrial te m p e r a
309; 40 (1 8 7 0 ), 3 4 5 - 5 4 . tu r e , P h i l. T r a n s ., (1 8 5 7 ), 8 0 5 - 4 9 .
[H a m ilto n , S ir W illia m .] P a tr o n a g e o f u n iv e r sitie s, E d in b u r g h R e v . , 59 (1 8 3 4 ), 1 9 6 - 2 2 7 . H o p k in s , W illia m . O n th e e a r th s in te r n a l te m p e r a tu r e and th e th ic k n e s s o f its so lid
H a m ilto n , W .R . A d d ress b y th e P r e s id e n t (1 8 3 7 ), P ro c. R o y a l Ir is h A c a d ., 1 (1 8 4 1 ), c r u s t, P ro c. R o y a l I n s t., 3 ( 1 8 5 8 - 6 2 ) , 1 3 9 - 4 3 .
212 - 21 . H o p k in s , W illia m . P h y sic a l th e o r ie s o f th e p h e n o m e n a o f lif e , F r a z e r s M a g . , 61 (1 8 6 0 ),
H a m ilt o n , W .R . O n s y m b o lic a l g e o m e t r y , C a m . a n d D u b l i n M a t h . J . , 1 (1 8 4 6 ), 4 5 - 5 7 , 7 3 9 -5 3 ; 62 (1 8 6 0 ), 7 4 - 9 0 .
1 3 7 - 5 4 ,2 5 6 - 6 3 ; 2 (1 8 4 7 ), 4 7 - 5 2 , 1 3 0 - 3 , 2 0 4 - 9 ; 3 (1 8 4 8 ), 6 8 - 8 4 , 2 2 0 - 5 ; 4 (1 8 4 9 ), 8 4 - 9 , H u m e , D a v id , in H .D . A itk e n (e d .), D ia lo g u e s c o n ce r n in g n a tu r a l r e lig io n (1 7 7 9 ) ( N e w
1 0 5 -1 8 . Y o r k , 1 9 4 8 ).
[H a rris, W a lte r ]. T h e a n tie n t a n d p r e s e n t s ta te o f th e C o u n t y o f D o w n (D u b lin 1 7 4 4 ). H u x le y , T .H . G e o lo g ic a l r e f o r m . Q u a r t . J . G e o l. S o c . L o n d o n , 2 5 (1 8 6 9 ), x x x v i i i - l i i i .
H e lm h o lt z , H e r m a n n . O n th e in te r a c tio n o f n a tu ra l f o r c e s (le c tu r e at K o n ig s b e r g , 7 th H u x le y , T .H . P r e sid e n tia l a d d ress, B A A S R e p o r t, 40 (1 8 7 0 ), I x x x i i - l x x x i x .
F eb ru a ry , 1 8 5 4 ), P h i l. M a g ., [series 4 ], 11 (1 8 5 6 ), 4 8 9 - 5 1 8 . H u x le y , T .H . D is c o u r se s : b io lo g ic a l a n d g e o lo g ic a l ( L o n d o n , 1 9 0 2 ).
H e lm h o lt z , H e r m a n n . U e b e r In te g r a le d er h y d r o d y n a m is c h e n G le ic h u n g e n w e lc h e d e n H y m e r s , J o h n . A tr e a tise on p la n e t r ig o n o m e t r y , a n d o n tr ig o n o m e tr ic a l ta b le s a n d lo g a r ith m s
W ir b e lb e w e g u n g e n e m s p r e c h e n . J o u r n a l f u r d ie re in e u n d a n g e w a n d te M a t h e m a t i k , 5 5 ( C a m b r id g e , 1 8 3 7 ).
(1 8 5 8 ), 2 2 - 5 5 . H y m ers, J oh n . A trea tise o n s p h e r ic a l tr ig o n o m e t r y , to g e th e r w i t h a s e le c tio n o f p r o b le m s
H e lm h o lt z , H e r m a n n . O n th e a p p lic a tio n o f th e la w o f t h e c o n se r v a tio n o f f o r c e to (C a m b r id g e , 1 8 4 1 ).
o r g a n ic n a tu r e , P ro c. R o y a l I n s t., 3 ( 1 8 5 8 -6 2 ) , 3 4 7 - 5 7 . [J e n k in , F le e m in g .] D a r w in an d th e o r ig in o f sp e c ie s. N o r t h B r it. R e v . , 46 (1 8 6 7 ),
H c r s c h e l,J .F .W . L ig h t , in E n c y c lo p a e d ia m e tr o p o lita n a (L o n d o n , 1 8 3 0 ), 4, p p . 3 4 1 - 5 8 6 . 2 7 7 -3 1 8 .
H e r sc h e l, J .F .W . P r e lim in a r y d isco u rse on th e s tu d y o f n a tu r a l p h ilo s o p h y (L o n d o n , 1 8 3 0 ). [J e n k in , F le e m in g .] T h e a to m ic th e o r y o f L u c r e tiu s, N o r t h B r it. R e v . , [ n e w series], 9
[H e r sc h e l, J .F .W .] M e c h a n is m o f th e h e a v e n s . Q u a r t . R e v . , 47 (1 8 3 2 ), 5 3 7 - 5 9 . (1 8 6 8 ), 2 1 1 - 4 2 .
H e r sc h e l, J .F .W . A tr e a tise o n a s tr o n o m y (L o n d o n , 1 8 3 3 ). J e n k in , F le e m in g , in R .L . S te v e n s o n (e d .). P a p e r s a n d m e m o ir o f F le e m in g J e n k i n (2 v o ls .,
[H e r sc h e l, J .F .W .] W h e w e ll o n in d u c tiv e sc ie n c e s. Q u a r t . R e v . , 68 (1 8 4 1 ), 1 7 7 - 2 3 8 . L o n d o n , 1 8 8 7 ).
H e r sc h e l, J .F .W . P r e sid e n tia l a d d r e ss, B A A S R e p o r t, 15 (1 8 4 5 ), x x v i i - x l i v . J o ly , J o h n . R a d iu m and th e g e o lo g ic a l a g e o f th e e a r th . N a t u r e , 68 (1 9 0 3 ), 5 2 6 .
H e r sc h e l, J .F .W . O u t l i n e s o f a s tr o n o m y (L o n d o n , 1 8 4 9 ). J o u le , J .P . O n a n e w class o f m a g n e tic fo r c e s , A n n . E le c ., 8 (1 8 4 2 ), 2 1 9 - 2 4 .
H e r sc h e l, Sir J o h n . T h e s u n . G o o d W o r d s , 4 (1 8 6 3 ), 2 7 3 - 8 4 . J o u le , J .P . O n th e c a lo r ific effe c ts o f m a g n e to - e le c t r ic ity , an d o n th e m e c h a n ic a l v a lu e o f
h e a t , P h il. M a g . , [se n e s 3 ), 2 3 (1 8 4 3 ), 2 6 3 - 7 6 , 3 4 7 - 5 5 , 4 3 5 - 4 3 .
822 Bibliography Bibliography 823

J o u le , J .P . O n th e c h a n g e s o f te m p e r a tu r e p r o d u c e d b y th e r a r e fa c tio n an d c o n d e n s a tio n M a c C u lla g h , J a m e s, in J .H .J e lle t an d S a m u e l H a u g h to n (ed s.). T h e c o lle cte d w o r k s o f J a m e s

o f air, P h i l . M a g . , [series 3 ], 2 6 (1 8 4 5 ), 3 6 9 - 8 3 . M a c C u l l a g h ( D u b lin , 1 8 8 0 ).
J o u le , J .P . O n m a tte r , liv in g fo r c e , an d h e a t (1 8 4 7 ), T h e s c ie n tific p a p e r s o f J . P . J o u l e (2 M a tth ie s se n , A u g u s tu s . O n th e cau se o f v e s ic u la r stru c tu r e in c o p p e r , P h i l. M a g . , [series
v o ls ., L o n d o n , 1 8 8 7 ). 4 ], 2 3 (1 8 6 2 ), 8 1 - 4 .
J o u le , J .P . O n s h o o tin g -s ta r s , P h i l. M a g ., [series 3 ], 3 2 (1 8 4 8 ), 3 4 9 - 5 1 . M a x w e ll, J .C . O n th e e q u ilib r iu m o f ela stic s o lid s , T r a n s . R o y a l S o c . E d in b u r g h , 2 0
J o u le , J .P . O n th e o e c o n o m ic a l p r o d u c tio n o f m e c h a n ic a l e ffe c ts fr o m c h e m ic a l fo r c e s , (1 8 5 3 ), 8 7 - 1 2 0 .
P h i l. M a g . , [series 4 ], 5 (1 8 5 3 ), 1 - 9 . M a x w e ll, J .C . O n F a ra d a y s lin es o f f o r c e , T r a n s . C a m . P h i l. S o c ., 1 0 (1 8 5 6 ), 2 7 - 8 3 .
J o u le , J .P . T h e s c ie n tific p a p e r s o f J . P . J o u l e (2 v o ls ., L o n d o n , 1 8 8 7 ). M a x w e ll, J .C . T h e o r y o f h e a t (L o n d o n , 1 8 7 1 ).
K e lla n d , P h ilip . T h e o r y o f H e a t (C a m b r id g e , 1 8 3 7 ). M a x w e ll, J .C . A tr e a tise o n e le c tr ic ity a n d m a g n e tis m (2 v o ls ., O x f o r d , 1 8 7 3 ).
K e lla n d , P h ilip . O n th e d isp e r sio n o f lig h t, as e x p la in e d b y th e h y p o th e s is o f fin ite M a x w e ll, J .C ., in W . D . N i v e n (e d .), T h e s c ie n tific p a p e r s o f J a m e s C l e r k M a x w e l l (2 v o ls .,
in te r v a ls , T r a n s . C a m . P h i l . S o c ., 6 (1 8 3 8 ), 1 5 3 - 8 4 . C a m b r id g e , 1 8 9 0 ).
K in g , C la r e n c e . T h e a g e o f th e e a r th , A m . J . S c i ., 4 5 (1 8 9 3 ), 1 - 2 0 . M a y e r , J .R . O n c e le s tia l d y n a m ic s , P h i l. M a g . , [series 4 ], 2 5 (1 8 6 3 ), 2 4 1 - 8 , 3 8 7 - 4 0 9 ,
K in g s le y , C h a r le s. Y e a s t. A p r o b le m (L o n d o n , 1 8 5 1 ). 4 1 7 -2 8 .
K ip lin g , R u d y a r d . R u d y a r d K i p l i n g s v e r s e . In c lu s iv e e d itio n . 1 8 8 5 - 1 9 3 2 , 4 th e d n . (L o n d o n , M ill, J .S . A s y s te m o f lo g ic, 9 th e d n . (2 v o ls ., L o n d o n , 1 8 7 5 ).
1 9 3 3 ). M ill, J .S . U n p u b lis h e d le tte r s fr o m J o h n S tu a r t M ill t o P r o fe s so r N i c h o l , F o r tn ig h tly
L a g r a n g e , J .-L . M e c a n iq u e a n a ly tiq u e (Paris, 1788); 4 th e d n . (2 v o ls ., P aris, 1 8 8 8 - 9 ) . R e v . , 61 (1 8 9 7 ), 6 6 0 - 7 8 .
L a m e , G a b r ie l. C o e u r s de p h y s i q u e (3 v o ls ., P aris, 1 8 3 6 ). M ille r , H u g h . F o o tp r in ts o f th e C r e a to r , o r , th e a s te r o le p si o f S tr o m n e s s (L o n d o n , 1 8 4 9 ).
L a p la ce, P .S . d e . E x p o s itio n d u s y s te m e d u m o n d e (Paris, 1 7 9 6 ); 2 n d e d n . (2 v o ls ., P aris, M o ig n o , F .N .M . C o s m o g e n ie , C o s m o s , 6 (1 8 5 5 ), 6 5 9 - 6 4 .
1 7 9 8 -9 ); tra n sla ted b y j . P o n d (2 v o ls ., L o n d o n , 1 8 0 9 ); 4 th e d n . (2 v o ls ., P aris, 1 8 1 3 ). M u r c h is o n , S ir R o d e r ic k . S ilu r ia , 4 th e d n . ( L o n d o n , 1 8 6 7 ).
L a p la ce, P .S . d e . T r a ite de m k a n i q u e celeste (5 v o ls ., P aris, 1 7 9 8 - 1 8 2 7 ). M u r p h y , R o b e r t. E l e m e n ta r y p r in c ip le s o f th e th e o r ie s o f e le c tr ic ity , h e a t, a n d m o le c u la r a c tio n s:
L a p la ce, P .S . d e. M e m o ir e su r les m o u v e m e n t s d e la lu m ie r e d a n s les m ilie u x d ia p h a n e s. P a r t 1, O n e le c tr ic ity (C a m b r id g e , 1 8 3 3 ).
M e m o i r de II n s titu t, 1 0 (1 8 0 9 ), 3 0 0 42. N a p ie r , J .R . R e m a r k s o n sh ip s c o m p a ss e s, P ro c. P h i l , S o c . G la s g o w , 3 (1 8 4 8 5 5 ), 3 6 5 7 5 .
L a p la ce, P .S . d e. O e u v r e s c o m p le te s d e L a p la c e (1 4 v o ls ., P aris, 1 8 7 8 - 1 9 1 2 ). N a p ie r , J .R . D e s c r ip tio n o f an in s tr u m e n t fo r m e a su r in g th e v e lo c it y o f sh ip s, cu rren ts,
L a r m o r, J o s e p h (ed .) T h e o r ig in s o f C le r k M a x w e lls e le c tr ic id eas, as d e sc r ib e d in & c ., P ro c . P h i l. S o c . G la s g o w , 8 (1 8 7 1 -3 ), 1 4 6 -5 9 .
fa m ilia r le tter s to W . T h o m s o n , P ro c. C a m . P h i l. S o c ., 3 2 (1 9 3 6 ), 6 9 5 - 7 5 0 . N a p ie r , J .R ., N ie ls o n , W a lte r , an d R a n k in e , W .J .M . R e p o r t o n th e p r o g r e s s a n d state o f
L e c k y , S .T .S . ' W r i n k l e s in p r a c tic a l n a v ig a tio n (L o n d o n , 1 8 8 1 ). a p p lie d m e c h a n ic s , P ro c. P h i l. S o c . G la s g o w , 4 ( 1 8 5 5 - 6 0 ) , 2 0 7 3 0 .
L e fr o y , J .H ., in G .F .C . S ta n le y (e d .), I n search o f th e m a g n e tic n o r th . A s o ld ie r - s u r v e y o r s N a p ie r , J .R ., a n d R a n k in e , W .J .M . S h ip b u i l d i n g . T h e o r e tic a l a n d p r a c tic a l (L o n d o n , 1 8 6 6 ).
le tte rs f r o m th e N o r t h - W e s t , 1 8 4 3 4 4 (T o r o n t o , 1 9 5 5 ). N e w c o m b , S im o n . P o p u la r a s tr o n o m y (L o n d o n , 1 8 7 8 ).
Le S a g e , G .-L . L u cr ece N e w t o n i e n , N o u v e a u x m e m o ir e s de V A c a d e m ie R o y a l d e s S c ie n c e s e t N e w t o n , Isaac. P h ilo s o p h ia e n a tu r a lis p r in c i p ia m a th e m a tic a ( L o n d o n , 1 6 8 7 ).
B e lle s -le ttr e s , a n n e e 1 1 8 2 (B e r lin , 1 7 8 4 ), 4 0 4 - 3 2 . N e w t o n , Isaac. O p t i c k s , 4 th e d n . (L o n d o n , 1 7 3 0 ).
Le S a g e , G .- L ., in P. P r e v o s t (e d .), T r a ite de p h y s i q u e m k a n i q u e (G e n e v a an d P aris, 1 8 1 8 ). N e w t o n , Isaac, in F. C a jo r i (e d .). M a th e m a tic a l p r in c ip le s o f n a tu r a l p h il o s o p h y , tran slated
L in d sa y , W .S . H is to r y o f m e r c h a n t s h ip p in g a n d a n c ie n t c o m m e r c e (4 v o ls ., L o n d o n , 1 8 7 4 ). b y A . M o t te (1 7 2 9 ) (B e r k e le y , 1 9 3 4 ).
L lo y d , H u m p h r e y . O n th e rise a n d p ro g r e ss o f M e c h a n ic a l P h ilo s o p h y (1 8 3 4 ), in N e w t o n , Isaac, in A le x a n d e r K o y r e an d L B . C o h e n (ed s.), Isa a c N e w t o n s P h ilo s o p h ia e
M is c e lla n e o u s p a p e r s c o n n e c te d w i t h p h y s ic a l science (L o n d o n , 187 7 ), p p . 4 1 4 - 3 6 . n a tu r a lis p r in c i p ia m a th e m a tic a : th e th ir d e d itio n ( 1 7 2 6 ) w i t h v a r ia n t r e a d in g s (2 v o ls .,
L o c k y e r , J .N . C o n tr i b u tio n s to so la r p h y s ic s ( L o n d o n , 1 8 7 4 ). C a m b r id g e , 1 9 7 2 ).
L o d g e , O .J . S k e tc h o f e le c tr ic a l p a p ers in S e c tio n A at th e r e c e n t B a th m e e t in g o f th e [ N ic h o l] , J .P . S ta te o f d is c o v e r y a n d sp e c u la tio n c o n c e r n in g th e n e b u la e , L o n d o n a n d
B r itish A s s o c ia t io n , T h e E le c tr ic ia n , 21 (1 8 8 8 ), 6 2 2 - 5 . W e s tm in s te r R e v . , 3 (1 8 3 6 ), 3 9 0 - 4 0 9 .
L y e ll, C h a r le s. P r in c ip le s o f g e o lo g y , b e in g a n a tte m p t to e x p l a i n t h e fo r m e r c h a n g es o f th e e a r th s N i c h o l, J .P . V i e w s o f th e a r ch itec tu re o f th e h e a v e n s . I n a series o f le tte rs to a la d y (E d in b u r g h
s u rfa c e b y refe ren c e to ca u ses n o w in o p e r a tio n (3 v o ls ., L o n d o n , 1 8 3 0 -3 ); 3rd e d n . (3 v o ls ., an d L o n d o n , 1 8 3 7 ).
L o n d o n , 1 8 3 5 ); 1 0 th e d n . (2 v o ls ., L o n d o n , 1 8 6 7 - 8 ). N i c h o l, J .P . P r e lim in a r y d iss e r ta tio n to J. W illm , T h e e d u c a tio n o f th e p e o p le (G la s g o w ,
L y e ll, C h a r le s. A n n iv e r sa r y a d d ress o f th e p r e s id e n t, Q u a r t . J . G e o l. S o c . L o n d o n , 7 1 8 4 7 ), p p . x i - l x x x .
(1 8 5 1 ), x x x i i - l x x v . N i c h o l, J .P . T h o u g h ts o n s o m e im p o r ta n t p o i n t s r e la tin g to th e s y s te m o f th e w o r ld , 2 n d e d n .
M a c C u lla g h , J a m es. O n la w s o f c r y sta llin e r e fle c tio n an d r e fr a c tio n , T r a n s . R o y a l I r is h (E d in b u r g h , 1 8 4 8 ).
A c a d ., 18 (1 8 3 7 ), 3 1 - 7 4 . O B r ie n , M a t th e w . M a th e m a tic a l tra cts (C a m b r id g e , 1 8 4 0 ).
M a c C u lla g h , J a m es. A n essa y to w a r d s a d y n a m ic a l th e o r y o f c r y sta llin e r e fle x io n an d P a g e , D a v id . A d v a n c e d te x t- b o o k o f g e o lo g y D e s c r ip tiv e a n d in d u s tr ia l, 4 th e d n . (E d in b u r g h
r e fr a c tio n , T r a n s . R o y a l Ir is h A c a d ., 21 (1 8 4 8 ), 1 7 - 5 0 . an d L o n d o n , 1 8 6 7 ).
P a le y , W illia m . T h e w o r k s o f W i l l i a m P a l e y , D . D . (5 v o ls ., L o n d o n , 1 8 2 3 ).
824 Bibliography B i b l io g r a p h y 825

P e a c o c k , G e o r g e . A tr e a tise o n a lg eb ra ( C a m b r id g e , 1 8 3 0 ). [R o b is o n , J o h n .] P h ilo s o p h y , in E n c y c lo p a e d ia B r ita n n ic a (E d in b u r g h , 1 7 9 7 - 1 8 0 1 ), 14,

P e a c o c k , G e o r g e . R e p o r t o n th e r e c e n t p r o g r e ss an d p re se n t state o f certain b ra n ch es o f pp. 5 7 3 -6 0 0 .
a n a ly sis, B A A S R e p o r t, 3 (1 8 3 3 ), 1 8 5 - 3 5 2 . [ R o b is o n , J o h n .] P h y s ic s , in E n c y c lo p a e d ia B r ita n n ic a (E d in b u r g h , 1 7 9 7 - 1 8 0 1 ), 16,
P eel, R o b e r t, in C .S . P a rk er (e d .). S i r R o b e r t P e e l f r o m h is p r i v a t e co rresp o n d e n c e (3 v o ls ., pp. 6 3 7 -5 9 .
L o n d o n , 1 8 9 1 - 9 ). R o g e t , P .M . A n i m a l a n d v e g e ta b le p h y s i o l o g y c o n sid e r ed w ith refe ren c e to n a tu r a l th e o lo g y
P erry , J o h n . O n th e a g e o f th e e a r th . N a tu r e , 51 ( 1 8 9 4 - 5 ) , 2247, 5 8 2 - 5 . (2 v o ls ., L o n d o n , 1 8 3 4 ).
P h illip s, J o h n . L if e o n E a r th . Its o r ig in a n d su ccessio n (L o n d o n an d C a m b r id g e , 1 8 6 0 ). R u ssell, J o h n S c o tt. T h e lo ss o f th e C a p t a i n , M a c m i l l a n 's M a g . , 22 (1 8 7 0 ), 4 7 3 - 8 0 .
P h illip s, J o h n . P r e sid en tia l a d d ress to th e G e o lo g ic a l S e c t io n , B A A S R e p o r t, 34 (1 8 6 4 ), R u ssell, W .H . T h e A t l a n t i c te le g r a p h ( 1 8 6 5 ) (r e p r in te d N e w t o n A b b o t, 1 9 7 2 ).
4 5 -9 . R u th e r fo r d , E rnest. R a d i o - a c tiv i ty ( C a m b r id g e , 190 4 ).
P la y fa ir , J o h n . Illu s tr a tio n s o f th e H u t t o n i a n th e o r y (E d in b u r g h , 180 2 ). R u th e r fo r d , E rnest. T h e r a d ia tio n an d e m a n a tio n o f r a d iu m , S c i. A m . S u p p l . , 58 (1 9 0 4 ),
P la y fa ir ,J o h n . La P la c e, T r a it e d e m e c a n iq u e c e le s t e , E d in b u r g h R e v . , 2 2 (1 8 0 8 ), 2 4 9 - 8 4 . 2 4 0 7 3 ^ , 2 4 0 8 6 -8 .
P la y fa ir , J o h n . O u t l i n e s o f n a tu r a l p h i l o s o p h y , b e in g th e h e a d s o f lectu res d e liv e r e d in th e R u th e r fo r d , E rnest. R a d iu m - th e cau se o f th e e a r th s h e a t. H a r p e r s M a g . , 49 ( 1 9 0 4 -5 ) ,
U n iv e r s ity o f E d i n b u r g h , 3 r d e d n . (E d in b u r g h , 1 8 1 9 ).
3 9 0 -6 .
P o is so n , S .D . T r a ite d e m e c a n iq u e { P u r is 1811); tra n sla ted b y H .H . H a rte (2 v o ls ., L o n d o n R u th e r fo r d , E rnest. S o m e c o s m ic a l a sp ec ts o f r a d io a c t iv it y ,J . R o y a l A s tr o n . S o c . C a n a d a ,
a n d D u b lin , 1 8 4 2 ). 1 (1 9 0 7 ), 1 4 5 - 6 5 .
P o is s o n , S .D . M e m o ir e (s ) su r la d istr ib u tio n d e Ie le c tr ic ite a la su rface d es c o r p s R u th e r fo r d , E rnest. T h e co lle cte d p a p e r s o f L o r d R u t h e r fo r d o f N e l s o n (3 v o ls ., L o n d o n ,
c o n d u c te u r s , M e m o ir e d e V I n s ti tu t (1 8 1 1 ), 1 - 9 2 , 1 6 3 - 2 7 4 . 1 9 6 2 - 5 ).
P o is s o n , S .D . M e m o ir e (s ) sur la th e o r ie d u m a g n e tis m e , M e m o ir e de IA c a d e m ie d es S a b in e , E d w a r d . C o n t r ib u t io n s to terrestria l m a g n e tis m , P h i l. T r a n s . , (1 8 3 4 ), 1 4 5 - 2 3 1 ;
S c ie n c e s , 5 ( 1 8 2 1 - 2 ) , 2 4 7 - 3 3 8 , 4 8 8 - 5 3 3 .
(1 8 4 4 ), 8 7 - 2 2 4 ; (1 8 4 6 ), 2 3 7 - 4 3 2 .
P o is so n , S .D . T h e o r ie m a th e m a tiq u e d e la c h a le u r (Paris 183 5 ). S a lisb u r y , M a r q u is o f . P r e sid e n tia l a d d r e ss, B A A S R e p o r t, 64 (1 8 9 4 ), 3 - 1 5 .
P o u lto n , E .B . A n a tu r a lists c o n tr ib u tio n to th e d isc u ssio n u p o n th e a g e o f th e e a r th , S c o r e s b y , W illia m . M a g n e tic a l in v e s tig a tio n s (2 v o ls ., L o n d o n , 1 8 3 9 - 5 2 ).
B A A S R e p o r t, 66 (1 8 9 6 ), 8 0 8 - 2 8 . S c o r e s b y , W illia m . C o r r e c tio n o f th e c o m p a s s in ir o n sh ip s b y m a g n e ts . T h e A t h e n a e u m ,
P ratt, J .H . T h e m a th e m a tic a l p r in c ip le s o f m e c h a n ic a l p h i l o s o p h y a n d th e ir a p p lic a tio n to th e n o . 1 4 1 5 (1 8 5 4 ), 1 4 9 4 - 5 ; n o . 1 4 1 6 (1 8 5 4 ), 1 5 2 6 - 8 .
th e o r y o f u n iv e r s a l g r a v it a tio n ( C a m b r id g e , 1 8 3 6 ). S c o r e s b y , W illia m . O n th e lo ss o f th e T a y l e u r , a n d th e c h a n g e s in th e a c tio n o f c o m p a sse s
R a n k in e , W .J .M . L a w s o f th e e la s tic ity o f s o lid s . C a m . a n d D u b l i n M a t h . J . , 1 0 (1 8 5 1 ), in ir o n sh ip s, B A A S R e p o r t, 24 (1 8 5 4 ), 4 9 - 5 3 .
4 7 -8 0 . S c o r e s b y , W illia m , in A r c h ib a ld S m it h ( c d . ) , J o u r n a l o f a v o y a g e to A u s t r a l i a a n d r o u n d th e
R a n k in e , W .J .M . O n th e v e lo c it y o f so u n d in liq u id a n d so lid b o d ie s o f lim ite d w o r ld f o r m a g n e tic a l resea rch (L o n d o n , 1 8 5 9 ).
d im e n s io n s , e s p e c ia lly a lo n g p r ism a tic m asses o f liq u id . C a m . a n d D u b lin M a t h . J . 10 S e d g w ic k , A d a m . A d isco u rse o n th e s tu d ie s o f th e U n iv e r s ity , 2 n d e d n . (C a m b r id g e , 1834);
(1 8 5 1 ), 2 3 8 - 6 7 . 5 th e d n . (L o n d o n a n d C a m b r id g e , 1 8 5 0 ).
R a n k in e , W .J .M . O n th e r e c o n c e n tr a tio n o f th e m e c h a n ic a l e n e r g y o f th e u n iv e r s e , P h i l. S m ith , A d a m , in W .P .D . W ig h t m a n a n d J .C . B r y c e (e d s.), A d a m S m i t h . E s s a y s o n
M a g . , [series 4 ], 4 (1 8 5 2 ), 3 5 8 - 6 0 . p h ilo s o p h ic a l s u b je c ts ( O x fo r d , 1 9 8 0 ).
R a n k in e , W .J .M . O p e n in g rem a rk s o n th e o b je c ts o f th e [m e c h a n ic a l sc ien ce] s e c tio n , S m ith , A r c h ib a ld . In v e s tig a tio n o f th e e q u a tio n o f F resn els w a v e su r fa c e , T r a n s . C a m .
B A A S R e p o r t, 25 (1 8 5 5 ), 2 0 1 - 3 . P h i l. S o c ., 6 (1 8 3 8 ), 8 5 - 9 .
R a n k in e , W .J .M ., in W .J . M illa r (e d .). M is c e lla n e o u s s c ie n tific p a p e r s (L o n d o n , 1 8 8 1 ). S m ith , A r c h ib a ld . N o t e s o n th e u n d u la to r y th e o r y o f lig h t . C a m . M a t h . J . , 1 (1 8 3 9 ), 3 - 9
R a n k in e , W .J .M . P r e lim in a r y d isse r ta tio n o n th e h a r m o n y o f th e o r y an d p ra c tic e in S m ith , A r c h ib a ld . E lim in a tio n b y m e a n s o f cross m u lt ip lic a tio n . C a m . M a t h . J . , 1
m e c h a n ic s , in A m a n u a l o f a p p lie d m e c h a n ic s , 1 7 th e d n . (L o n d o n , 1 9 0 4 ), p p . 1 - 1 1 . (1 8 3 9 ), 4 6 .
R a n k in e , W .J .M . an d T h o m s o n , J o h n . O n te le g r a p h ic c o m m u n ic a t io n b e t w e e n G rea t S m ith , A r c h ib a ld a n d E v a n s, F.J. O n th e e ffe c t p r o d u c e d o n th e d e v ia t io n o f th e c o m p a ss
B r ita in an d Ir ela n d , P ro c. P h i l. S o c . G la s g o w , 3 ( 1 8 4 8 - 5 5 ) , 2 6 5 - 6 . b y th e le n g th a n d a r r a n g e m e n t o f th e c o m p a ss n e e d le s; a n d o n th e n e w m o d e o f
R a p er, H e n r y . T h e p r a c tic e o f n a v ig a tio n a n d n a u tic a l a s tr o n o m y (L o n d o n , 184 0 ). c o r r e c tin g th e q u a d r a n ta l d e v ia t io n , P ro c . R o y a l S o c ., 11 ( 1 8 6 0 - 2 ) , 1 7 9 - 8 1 .
R ea d e, T .M . T h e a g e o f th e w o r ld as v ie w e d b y th e g e o lo g is t an d th e m a th e m a tic ia n , S n o w b a ll,J .C . T h e e le m e n ts o f p la n e a n d s p h e r ic a l t r ig o n o m e tr y , w i t h th e c o n s tr u c tio n a n d u s e o f
G e o l. M a g . , 5 (1 8 7 8 ), 1 4 5 - 5 4 . m a th e m a tic a l ta b le s (C a m b r id g e , 1 8 3 4 ).
R e a d e , T .M . M e a s u r e m e n t o f g e o lo g ic a l t im e , G e o l. M a g . , 10 (1 8 9 3 ), 9 7 - 1 (X). S o d d y , F red erick . R a d i o - a c tiv i ty : a n e le m e n ta r y tr e a tis e fr o m th e s ta n d p o in t o f th e d is in te g r a tio n
R e id , T h o m a s , in Sir W illia m H a m ilto n (e d .). T h e w o r k s o f T h o m a s R e id , D . D . (2 v o ls ., th e o r y ( L o n d o n , 1 9 0 4 ).
E d in b u r g h , 1 8 4 6 - 6 3 ). S o d d y , F r e d e r ic k . T h e r e c e n t c o n t r o v e r s y o n r a d iu m . N a tu r e , 74 (1 9 0 6 ), 5 1 6 .
R o b e r ts -A u s te n , W .C . a n d R u c k e r , A .W . O n th e sp e c ific h e a t o f b a sa lt, P h i l. M a g . , S o lla s, W .J. O n e v o lu t io n in g e o l o g y , G e o l. M a g . , 4 (1 8 7 7 ), 1 - 7 .
[series 5 ], 3 5 (1 8 9 3 ), 1 9 6 - 3 0 7 . S o m e r v ille , M a r y . M e c h a n is m o f th e h e a v e n s ( L o n d o n , 183 1 ).
826 Bibliography Bibliography 827

S te w a r t, B a lfo u r . T h e c o n s e r v a tio n o f e n e r g y , b e in g a n e le m e n ta r y tr e a tise o n e n e r g y a n d its la w s

T h o m s o n , T h o m a s . A n o u tlin e o f th e scien ces o f h e a t a n d e le c tr ic ity (L o n d o n an d E d in b u r g h ,
(L o n d o n , 1 8 7 4 ).
183 0 ).
S te w a r t, B a lfo u r an d L o c k y e r ,J .N . T h e sun as a ty p e o f th e m a te r ia l u n iv e r se . P art II: th e
T h o m s o n , W illia m , a n d T a it, P .G . E n e r g y , G o o d W o r d s , 3 (1 8 6 2 ), 6 0 1 - 7 .
p la c e o f life in a u n iv e r se o f e n e r g y , M a c m i l l a n s M a g . , 18 (1 8 6 8 ), 3 1 9 - 2 7 . T h o m s o n , W illia m , an d T a it, P .G . E l e m e n ta r y d y n a m ic s ( O x fo r d , 1 8 6 7 ).
[S te w a r t, B a lfo u r a n d T a it, P .G .] T h e u n s e e n u n iv e r s e , o r p h y s ic a l s p e c u la tio n s o n a f u t u r e
T h o m s o n , W illia m , an d T a it, P .G . T r e a tis e o n n a tu r a l p h ilo s o p h y ( O x fo r d , 1 8 6 7 ); n e w
s ta te (L o n d o n , 1 8 7 5 ); 4 th e d n . ( L o n d o n , 1 8 7 6 ).
e d n . (2 v o ls ., C a m b r id g e , 1 8 7 9 - 8 3 ).
S to k e s , G .G . O n s o m e cases o f flu id m o t io n , T r a n s . C a m . P h i l . S o c ., 8 (1 8 4 9 ), 1 0 5 - 3 7 , T h o m s o n , W illia m , a n d T a it, P .G . E le m e n ts o f n a tu r a l p h i l o s o p h y ( O x fo r d , 187 3 ); 2 n d e d n .
4 0 9 -1 4 .
( C a m b r id g e , 1 8 7 9 ).
S to k e s , G .G . O n th e th e o r ie s o f th e in te r n a l fr ic tio n o f flu id s in m o tio n o f e la stic s o lid s , T y n d a ll, J o h n . P r e sid e n tia l a d d ress, B A A S R e p o r t, 44 (1 8 7 4 ), I x v i i - x c v i i .
T r a n s . C a m . P h il. S o c ., 8 (1 8 4 9 ), 2 8 7 - 3 1 9 . W a lk e r , J. A n e w s y s te m o f a r ith m e tic . . . A n e w e d itio n , w i t h a n a p p e n d i x b y W . R u s s e ll
S to k e s , G .G . O n th e c o n d u c tio n o f h e a t in c r y sta ls, C a m . a n d D u b l i n M a t h . J . , 10 (1 8 5 1 ), (L o n d o n , 1 8 2 3 ).
2 1 5 -3 8 . W a lt o n , W illia m . S y m m e t r ic a l in v e s t ig a t io n o f p o in ts o f in fle c tio n . C a m . M a t h . J . , 4
S to k e s , G .G . M a th e m a tic a l a n d p h y s ic a l p a p e r s (5 v o ls ., C a m b r id g e , 1 8 8 0 - 1 9 0 5 ). (1 8 4 5 ), 1 3 - 1 7 .
T a it, P .G . T h e p o s itio n a n d p r o s p e c ts o fp h y s i c a l science: a p u b lic in a u g u r a l le c tu re (E d in b u r g h , W e is b a c h , J u liu s. P r in c ip le s o f th e m e c h a n ic s o f m a c h in e r y a n d e n g in e e r in g (2 v o ls ., L o n d o n ,
1 8 6 0 ).
1 8 4 8 ).
T a it, P .G . N o t e o n a q u a te r n io n tr a n s fo r m a tio n , P ro c. R o y a l S o c . E d in b u rt^ h , 5 (1 8 6 3 ), W h e t h e m , W .C . D . T h e recen t d e v e lo p m e n t o f p h y s ic a l scien ce (L o n d o n , 1 9 0 4 ).
1 1 5 -1 9 . W h e w e ll, W illia m . A n e le m e n ta r y tr e a tise o n m e c h a n ic s (C a m b r id g e , 1 8 1 9 ).
T a it, P .G . L e c tu r e s o n s o m e rec e n t a d v a n c e s in p h y s ic a l scien ce ( L o n d o n , 1867). W h e w e ll, W illia m . O n th e p r in c ip le s o f d y n a m ic s , p a r tic u la r ly as sta te d b y F ren ch
[T a it, P .G .] G e o lo g ic a l t im e . N o r t h B r it. R e v ., 5 0 (1 8 6 9 ), 4 0 6 - 3 9 . w r ite r s , E d in b u r g h J . S c i., 8 (1 8 2 9 ), 2 7 - 3 8 .
T a it, P .G . F o r c e , N a tu r e , 14 (1 8 7 6 ), 4 5 9 - 6 3 . W h e w e ll, W illia m . O b s e r v a tio n s o n s o m e p assages o f D r . L a r d n e r s T r e a tis e o n m e c h
T a it, P .G . S c ie n tific p a p e r s (2 v o ls ., C a m b r id g e , 1 8 9 8 ). a n ic s , E d i n b u r g h J . S c i ., [ n e w se ries], 3 (1 8 3 0 ), 1485 5 .
T h o m s o n , A lle n . P r e fa to r y n o tic e o f th e n e w C o lle g e b u ild in g s , in I n tr o d u c to r y a d d resses W h e w e ll, W illia m . T h e o r y o f e le c t r ic it y , in E n c y c lo p a e d ia m e tr o p o lita n a ( L o n d o n , 1 8 3 0 ),
d e liv e r e d a t th e o p e n in g o f th e U n iv e r s ity o f G la s g o w sessio n 1 8 7 0 - 7 1 (G la s g o w , 1 8 7 0 ), 4, p p . 1 4 0 - 7 0 .
pp. v i- x x v i. W h e w e ll, W illia m . M a th e m a tic a l e x p o s it io n o f s o m e d o c tr in e s o f p o litic a l e c o n o m y ,
T h o m s o n , F .H . O p e n in g a d d ress b y th e p r e s id e n t, P ro c. P h i l. S o c . G la s g o w , 6 (1 8 6 5 8 ), T r a n s . C a m . P h i l. S o c ., 3 (1 8 3 0 ), 1 9 1 - 2 3 0 .
2 3 3 -6 . W h e w e ll, W illia m . M a th e m a tic a l e x p o s it io n o f s o m e o f th e le a d in g d o c tr in e s in M r.
[T h o m s o n , J a m e s.] R e c o lle c tio n s o f th e B a ttle o f B a lly n a h in c h , B e lfa s t M a g . , 1 (1 8 2 5 ), R ic a r d o s P r in c ip le s o f p o litic a l e c o n o m y an d ta x a tio n , T r a n s . C a m . P h i l. S o c ., 4
5 6 -6 4 . (1 8 3 3 ), 1 5 5 - 9 8 .
[T h o m s o n , J a m e s.] S ta te o f s c ie n c e in S c o tla n d , B e lfa s t M a g . , 1 (1 8 2 5 ), 2 6 9 - 7 8 . W h e w e ll, W illia m . A s tr o n o m y a n d g e n e r a l p h y s ic s c o n sid e r ed w i t h refe ren c e to n a tu r a l th e o lo g y
[T h o m s o n , J a m e s.] S ta te o f sc ie n c e in Ir ela n d , B e lfa s t M a g . , 1 (1 8 2 5 ), 4 5 9 - 6 9 . ( L o n d o n , 1 8 3 3 ).
T h o m s o n , J a m e s. A tr e a tise o n a r ith m e tic in th e o r y a n d p r a c tic e , 2 n d e d n . (B e lfa st, 182 5 ). W h e w e ll, W illia m . O n th e n a tu r e o f th e tr u th o f th e la w s o f m o t i o n , T r a n s . C a m . P h il.
T h o m s o n , J a m e s. A n in tr o d u c tio n to m o d e r n g e o g r a p h y : w ith a n a p p e n d i x c o n ta in in g a n o u tlin e S o c ., 5 (1 8 3 4 ), 1 4 9 - 7 2 .
o f a s tr o n o m y , a n d th e u se o f th e g lo b e s (B e lfa st, 1 8 2 7 ). W h e w e ll, W illia m . R e p o r t o n th e r e c e n t p r o g r e ss an d p r e se n t c o n d itio n o f th e m a th
T h o m s o n , J a m e s. E le m e n ts o f p la n e a n d s p h e r ic a l tr ig o n o m e tr y , w ith th e f i r s t p r in c ip le s o f e m a tic a l th e o r ie s o f e le c tr ic ity , m a g n e tis m a n d h e a t , B A A S R e p o r t, 5 (1 8 3 5 ), 1 - 3 4 .
a n a ly tic a l g e o m e tr y , 2 n d e d n . (B e lfa st, 1 8 3 0 ). W h e w e ll, W illia m . A n e le m e n ta r y tr e a tise o n m e ch a n ic s: d e sig n e d f o r th e u se o f s tu d e n ts in th e
T h o m s o n , J a m e s. A n in tr o d u c tio n to th e d iffe r e n tia l a n d in te g r a l c a lc u lu s (B elfa st, 1831); 2 n d U n iv e r s ity , 5 th e d n . ( C a m b r id g e , 1 8 3 6 ).
e d n . (L o n d o n , 18 4 8 ). W h e w e ll, W illia m . T h e m e c h a n ic a l E u c lid (C a m b r id g e , 1 8 3 7 ).
T h o m s o n , J a m e s. A n e le m e n ta r y tr e a tise on a lg e b ra , th e o re tic a l a n d p r a c tic a l ( L o n d o n , 1 8 4 4 ). W h e w e ll, W illia m . H is t o r y o f th e in d u c tiv e scien ces f r o m th e e a rlie s t to th e p r e s e n t tim e s
T h o m s o n , J a m e s. T h e o r e tic a l c o n sid e r a tio n s o n th e e ffe cts o f pressu re in lo w e r in g th e (3 v o ls ., L o n d o n , 1 8 3 7 ).
f r e e z in g p o in t o f w a t e r , T r a n s . R o y a l S o c . E d i n b u r g h , 16 (1 8 4 9 ), 5 7 5 - 8 0 . W h e w e ll, W illia m . T h e p h ilo s o p h y o f th e in d u c tiv e scien ces (2 v o ls ., L o n d o n , 1 8 4 0 ).
T h o m s o n , J a m e s. O n th e v o r t e x w a t e r - w h e e l, B A A S R e p o r t, 2 2 (1 8 5 2 ), 130. W h e w e ll, W illia m . T h e m e c h a n ic s o f e n g in e e r in g , in te n d e d f o r u se in u n iv e r s itie s , a n d in
T h o m s o n , J a m e s. O n a c e n tr ifu g a l p u m p w it h e x te r io r w h ir lp o o l, c o n str u c te d fo r co lleg es o f e n g in e e r s (C a m b r id g e , 1 8 4 1 ).
d r a in in g la n d , T r a n s . In s t. E n g . S c o tla n d , 2 (1 8 5 8 ), 2 0 - 6 . W h e w e ll, W illia m . O f a lib e r a l e d u c a tio n (C a m b r id g e , 184 5 ).
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p h y s ic s a n d e n g in e e r in g (C a m b r id g e , 19 1 2 ). 2 5 (1 8 5 5 ), 2 3 - 4 .
T h o m s o n , T h o m a s . H is t o r y o f th e R o y a l S o c ie ty f r o m its in s titu tio n to th e e n d o f th e e ig h te e n th W h itc h o u s e , W ild m a n , T h e la w o f th e sq u ares - is it a p p lic a b le o r n o t to th e tr a n sm issio n
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828 B i b l io g r a p h y Bibliography 829

W illis , R o b e r t. P r in c ip le s o f m e c h a n is m , d e s ig n e d f o r th e u s e o f s tu d e n ts in th e u n iv e r s itie s , a n d B o t t o m le y , J .T . P h y s ic a l sc ie n c e in G la s g o w U n iv e r s it y , N a tu r e , 6 (1 8 7 2 ), 2 9 - 3 2 .
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2 1 8 -3 3 .
A lte r , P eter. T h e r e lu c ta n t p a tr o n : science a n d th e s ta te in B r ita in , 1 8 5 0 - 1 9 2 0 , tran slated b y A .
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H i s t . S t u d . P h y s . S c i., 8 (1 9 7 7 ), 1 0 1 - 3 6 .
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iso la tio n in F ra n ce o f h is a p p r o a c h to p h y sic a l th e o r y ( 1 8 0 0 -1 8 4 0 ) . II. T h e L ap lacian
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C a n to r a n d M .J .S . H o d g e (e d s.). C o n c e p tio n s o f e th e r: s tu d ie s in th e h is to r y o f e th e r th e o r ie s ,
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V III. A p p lic a tio n s o f th e m k a n i q u e p h y s i q u e '. A r c h . H i s t . E x a c t S c i., 2 9 (1 9 8 3 ), 5 3 - 7 2 .
B u r c h fie ld , J .D . D a r w in a n d th e d ile m m a o f g e o lo g ic a l t im e , Is is , 65 (1 9 7 4 ), 3 0 1 - 2 1 .
I X . P o is s o n s c lo s in g sy n th esis: T r a ite d e p h y s i q u e m a th e m a tiq u e ', A r c h . H i s t . E x a c t S c i .,
B u r c h fie ld , J .D . L o r d K e l v i n a n d th e a g e o f th e e a rth ( L o n d o n , 1 9 7 5 ).
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B u r n , W .L . T h e a g e o f e q u ip o is e . A s tu d y o f th e m id - V ic to r ia n g e n e r a tio n (L o n d o n , 1 9 6 4 ).
A s h b y , Eric. T e c h n o lo g y a n d th e a ca d em ics. A n e ss a y on u n iv e r s itie s a n d th e sc ie n tific r e v o lu tio n ,
B u s h e ll, T .A . R o y a l M a i l . A c e n te n a r y h is to r y o f th e R o y a l M a i l L in e . 1 8 3 9 - 1 9 3 9 (L o n d o n ,
2 n d ed n . ( L o n d o n , 1 9 6 3 ).
1 9 3 9 ).
B a c o n , R .H . T h e life o f L o r d F is h e r o f K ilv e r s to n e (2 v o ls ., L o n d o n , 1 929).
B y a tt, I .C .R . T h e B r itis h e le ctric a l in d u s tr y 1 8 7 5 - 1 9 1 4 . T h e e c o n o m ic r e tu r n s to a n e w
B a n b u r y , P h ilip . S h ip b u ild e r s o f th e T h a m e s a n d M e d w a y ( N e w t o n A b b o t, 197 1 ).
te c h n o lo g y ( O x fo r d , 1 9 7 9 ).
B e a le s, D e r e k . F r o m C a s tle r e a g h to G la d s to n e ( L o n d o n , 1 9 6 9 ).
C a b le , B o y d . A h u n d r e d y e a r h is to r y o f t h e P & O ( L o n d o n , 1 9 3 7 ).
B e c h e r , H a r v e y . W illia m W h e w e ll a n d C a m b r id g e m a th e m a tic s . H i s t . S t u d . P h y s . S c i.,
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11 (1 9 8 0 ), 1 ^ 8 .
R e ic h sa n sta lt, 1 8 7 2 - 1 8 8 7 , H i s t . S t u d . P h y s . S c i ., 1 2 (1 9 8 2 ), 2 5 3 - 8 3 .
B e c k e tt , J .C . P r o te s ta n t d is s e n t in Ir e la n d , 1 6 8 7 - 1 7 8 0 (L o n d o n , 194 8 ).
C a m p b e ll, L e w is, a n d G a r n e tt, W illia m . T h e life o f J a m e s C l e r k M a x w e l l (L o n d o n , 1 8 8 2 ).
B e c k e tt, J .C . T h e m a k in g o f m o d e r n Ir e la n d , 1 6 0 3 - 1 9 2 3 ( L o n d o n , 196 6 ).
C a m p b e ll-I r o n s , J. A u to b io g r a p h ic a l s k e tc h o f J a m e s C r o ll w i t h m e m o ir o f h is life a n d w o r k
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( L o n d o n , 1 9 6 7 ).
C a n n o n , W .F . T h e u n ifo r m ita r ia n -c a ta s tr o p h is t d e b a te , Is is , 51 (1 9 6 0 ), 3 8 - 5 5 .
B e n - D a v id , J o se p h . T h e p r o fe ss io n o f sc ie n c e an d its p o w e r s , M i n e r v a , 10 (1 9 7 2 ),
C a n to r , G .N . H e n r y B r o u g h a m a n d th e S c o ttis h m e t h o d o lo g ic a l tr a d itio n . S t u d . H i s t .
3 6 3 -8 3 .
P h i l. S c i ., 2 (1 9 7 1 ), 6 9 - 8 9 .
B e st, G e o ffr e y . T h e S c o ttis h V ic to r ia n c it y , V ie t. S t u d . , 11 ( 1 9 6 7 -8 ) , 3 2 9 - 5 8 .
C a n to r , G .N . T h e r e c e p tio n o f th e w a v e th e o r y o f lig h t in B r ita in : a case stu d y
B la k e , G e o r g e . B .I . C e n t e n a r y , 1 8 5 6 - 1 9 5 6 ( L o n d o n , 1 95 6 ).
illu str a tin g th e r o le o f m e t h o d o lo g y in sc ie n tific d e b a te . H i s t . S t u d . P h y s . S c i ., 6 (1 9 7 5 ),
B o e h m , K la u s. T h e B r itis h p a te n t s y s te m . 1. A d m in i s tr a tio n (C a m b r id g e , 196 7 ).
1 0 9 -3 2 .
B o n s o r , N .R .P . N o r t h A t l a n t i c s e a w a y (5 v o ls ., N e w t o n A b b o t an d J e r se y , 1 9 7 5 - 9 ).
830 Bibliography Bibliography 831

C a n to r , G .N . O p tic s a fte r N e w t o n : th e o r ie s o f lig h t in B r ita in a n d Ir e la n d , 1 7 0 4 - 1 8 4 0 E v e r itt, C .W .F . M a x w e lls sc ie n tific c r e a t iv ity , in R u th e r fo r d A ris e t a l. (e d s.). S p r in g s o f
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(L o n d o n , 1 9 7 1 ). F isch , M e n a c h e m . N e c e s s a r y a n d c o n t in g e n t tr u th in W illia m W h e w e l l s a n tith e tic a l
C a w o o d , J o h n . T h e m a g n e tic crusade; sc ie n c e an d p o litic s in ea rly V ic to r ia n B r ita in , t h e o r y o f k n o w l e d g e . S tu d . H i s t . P h i l . S c i ., 16 (1 9 8 5 ), 2 7 5 - 3 1 4 .
Is is , 70 (1 9 7 9 ), 4 9 3 - 5 1 8 . F isch , M e n a c h e m . W i l l i a m W h e w e l l , p h ilo s o p h e r o f scien ce ( O x fo r d , fo r th c o m in g ).
C h a n n e ll, D .F . T h e h a r m o n y o f t h e o r y an d pra ctice: th e e n g in e e r in g sc ie n c e o f W .J .M . F isch , M e n a c h e m , a n d S ch a ffer, S im o n , (e d s.). W i l l i a m W h e w e l l . A c o m p o s ite p o r tr a it.
R a n k in e , T e c h n o lo g y a n d C u ltu r e , 2 3 (1 9 8 2 ), 3 9 - 5 2 . S tu d ie s o f h is life , w o r k , a n d in flu e n c e ( O x f o r d , fo r th c o m in g ).
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C o n sta b le , T h o m a s . M e m o i r o f L e w i s D .B . G o r d o n (E d in b u r g h , 1877). F o x , R o b e r t. T h e rise a n d fa ll o f L ap la cia n p h y s ic s . H is t. S t u d . P h y s . S c i ., 4 (1 9 7 4 ),
C o tte r , C .H . G e o r g e B id d e ll A ir y a n d h is m e c h a n ic a l c o r r e c tio n o f th e m a g n e tic 8 9 -1 3 6 .
c o m p a s s , A n n . S c i ., 33 (1 9 7 6 ), 2 6 3 - 7 4 . G arb er, E liz a b e th . M o le c u la r sc ie n c e in la t e -n in e te e n th -c e n tu r y B r ita in , H i s t . S tu d .
C o tte r , C .H . T h e e a r ly h isto r y o f sh ip m a g n e tis m : th e A ir y - S c o r e s b y c o n t r o v e r s y , P h y s . S c i., 9 (1 9 7 8 ), 2 6 5 - 9 7 .
A n n . S c i., 34 (1 9 7 7 ), 5 8 9 - 9 9 . G a r d in e r , R o b e r t (e d .) C o n w a y 's a ll th e w o r ld s f i g h t i n g s h ip s . 1 8 6 0 - 1 9 0 5 ( L o n d o n , 197 9 ).
C o u r ts, J a m e s. A h is to r y o f th e U n i v e r s i t y o f G la s g o w f r o m its f o u n d a t i o n in 1 4 5 1 to 1 9 0 1 G a rla n d , M .M . C a m b r id g e b e fo re D a r w i n . T h e id e a l o f a lib e r a l e d u c a tio n 1 8 0 0 -1 8 6 0
(G la s g o w , 1 9 0 9 ). (C a m b r id g e , 1 9 8 0 ).
C r o s la n d , M a u r ic e , a n d S m ith , C r o s b ie . T h e tr a n sm issio n o f p h y sic s fr o m F ra n ce to G ash , N o r m a n . S i r R o b e r t P e e l. T h e life o f S i r R o b e r t P e e l a fte r 1 9 3 0 (L o n d o n , 1 9 7 2 ).
B rita in : 1 8 0 0 - 1 8 4 0 , H i s t . S t u d . P h y s . S c i., 9 (1 9 7 8 ), 1 - 6 1 . G e ik ie , A r c h ib a ld . L if e o f S i r R o d e r ic k I. M u r c h is o n (2 v o ls ., L o n d o n , 1 8 7 5 ).
C r o ss, J.J. In te g r a l th e o r e m s in C a m b r id g e m a th e m a tic a l p h y sic s , 1 8 3 0 - 5 5 , in P .M . G o ld s te in , H e r b e r t. C la s s ic a l m e c h a n ic s (R e a d in g , M A an d L o n d o n , 1 9 5 0 ).
H a r m a n (e d .), W r a n g le r s a n d p h y s ic is ts . S tu d ie s o n C a m b r id g e p h y s ic s in th e n in e te e n th G o o d in g , D a v id . M e ta p h y s ic s v e r su s m e a su r e m e n t: th e c o n v e r s io n an d c o n s e r v a tio n o f
c e n tu r y (M a n c h e ste r , 1 9 8 5 ), p p . 1 1 2 ^ 8 . f o r c e in F a ra d a y s p h y s ic s , A n n . S c i ., 37 (1 9 8 0 ), 1 - 2 9 .
C r o w t h e r , J .G . B r itis h s c ie n tis ts o f th e n in e te e n th c e n tu r y (L o n d o n , 193 5 ). G o o d in g , D a v id . F arad ay, T h o m s o n , a n d t h e m a g n e tic f ie ld , B r i t . J . H i s t . S c i ., 13 (1 9 8 0 ),
C u r r e r -B r ig g s , N o e l. D o c to r F e r r a n ti. T h e life a n d w o r k o f S e b a s tia n Z i a n i de F e r r a n ti, 9 1 -1 2 0 .
F . R . S . 1 8 6 4 - 1 9 3 0 (L o n d o n , 1 9 7 0 ). G o o d in g , D a v id . F in a l step s to th e fie ld th e o r y ; F a rad ays in v e s t ig a t io n o f m a g n e tic
D a ic h e s , D a v id . G la s g o w (L o n d o n , 1 9 7 7 ). p h e n o m e n a : 1 8 4 5 - 1 8 5 0 , H i s t . S t u d . P h y s . S c i., 11 (1 9 8 1 ), 2 3 1 - 7 5 .
D a s to n , L.J. T h e p h y sic a lis t tr a d itio n in e a rly n in e te e n th c e n tu r y F ren ch g e o m e t r y . G o o d in g , D a v id . A c o n v e r g e n c e o f o p in io n o n th e d iv e r g e n c e o f lin es; F arad ay an d
S t u d . H is t. P h il. S c i., 17 (1 9 8 6 ), 2 6 9 - 9 5 . T h o m s o n s d isc u ssio n o f d ia m a g n e t is m . N o t e s a n d R e c o rd s R o y a l S o c . L o n d o n , 36
D a u b , E .E . T h e r e g e n e r a to r p r in c ip le in th e S tir lin g a n d E ric sso n h o t air e n g in e s , B r i t . J . (1 9 8 2 ), 2 4 3 - 5 9 .
H i s t . S c i., 7 (1 9 7 4 ), 2 5 9 - 7 7 . G r a b in er, J .V . C h a n g in g a ttitu d e s t o w a r d m a th e m a tic a l rig o r: L a g r a n g e a n d a n a ly sis in
D a v ie , G .E . T h e d em o cra tic in te lle c t. S c o tla n d a n d h e r u n iv e r s itie s in th e la te n in e te e n th c e n tu r y th e e ig h t e e n th a n d n in e te e n th c e n tu r ie s, in H . N . J a h n k e an d M . O t t e (e d s.). E p is te m o
(E d in b u r g h , 1 9 6 1 ). lo g ic a l a n d so cia l p r o b le m s o f th e scien ces in th e e a r ly n in e te e n th c e n tu r y ( D o r d r e c h t, 1 9 8 1 ),
D e F erran ti, G .Z ., a n d In ce , R ich a rd . T h e life a n d le tte rs o f S e b a s tia n de F e r r a n ti ( L o n d o n , pp. 3 1 1 -3 0 .
1 9 3 4 ). G r a h a m , H .G . G la s g o w U n iv e r s it y life in o ld e n t im e s , in T h e b o o k o f th e J u b ile e .
D e M o r g a n , S o p h ie . M e m o i r o f A u g u s t u s de M o r g a n (L o n d o n , 1882), 1 4 5 1 - 1 9 0 1 ( G la s g o w , 1 9 0 1 ), p p . 1 2 - 2 5 .
D e v in e , T .M . T h e tobacco lords. A s tu d y o f th e tobacco m e r c h a n ts o f G la s g o w a n d th e ir tr a d in g G r a tta n -G u in n e s s, Iv o r . M a th e m a tic a l p h y sic s , 1 8 0 0 -1 8 3 5 ; g e n e s is in F ran ce, an d d e v e l
a c tiv itie s c. 7 7 4 0 - 1 7 9 0 (E d in b u r g h , 1975). o p m e n t in G e r m a n y , in H .N . J a h n k e a n d M . O t te (ed s.). E p is te m o lo g ic a l a n d so cia l
D ib n e r , B e r n . T h e A t l a n t i c cable ( N e w Y o r k , 1 9 5 9 ). p r o b le m s o f th e scien ces in th e e a r ly n in e te e n th c e n tu r y (D o r d r e c h t, 1 9 8 1 ), p p . 3 4 9 - 7 0 .
D ic k e n s , R.J. U ls te r e m ig r a tio n to C o lo n ia l A m e r ic a , 1 7 1 8 - 1 7 7 5 (L o n d o n , 1 9 6 6 ). G r a tta n -G u in n e s s, Iv o r . P s y c h o lo g y in th e fo u n d a tio n s o f lo g ic a n d m a th e m a tic s: th e
D u n sh e a th , P e r c y . A h is to r y o f e le ctric a l e n g in e e r in g (L o n d o n , 1962). cases o f B o o le , C a n to r an d B r o u w e r , H i s t . P h i l. L o g ic , 3 (1 9 8 2 ), 3 3 - 5 3 .
D u t to n , H .I. T h e p a t e n t s y s te m a n d in v e n t i v e a c tiv ity d u r in g th e in d u s tr ia l r e v o lu tio n , G r a tta n -G u in n e s s, Iv o r . W o r k fo r th e w o r k e r s : a d v a n c e s in e n g in e e r in g m e c h a n ic s and
1 7 5 0 - 1 8 5 2 (M a n c h e ste r , 1 9 8 4 ). in str u c tio n in F ra n ce, 1 8 0 0 - 1 8 3 0 , A n n . S c i., 41 (1 9 8 4 ), 1 - 3 3 .
E m m e r so n , G .S . J o h n S c o tt R u s s e ll . A g r e a t V ic to r ia n e n g in e e r a n d n a v a l a rch itec t ( L o n d o n , G r a tta n -G u in n e s s, Iv o r , an d R a v e tz , J .R . Josepk F o u r ie r , 1 7 6 8 - 1 8 3 0 : a s u r v e y o f h is life a n d
19 7 7 ). w o r k b a sed o n a c ritic a l e d itio n o f h is m o n o g r a p h o n th e p r o p a g a tio n o f h e a t, p r e s e n te d to th e
I n s titu t de F r a n c e in 1 8 0 7 (C a m b r id g e , M A an d L o n d o n , 1 9 7 2 ).
832 Bibliography Bibliography 833

Gray, A n d r e w . L o r d K e lv in s la b o r a to r y in th e U n iv e r s it y o f G la s g o w , N a t u r e , 55 J a m e s, F .A .J.L . T h e r m o d y n a m ic s a n d so u r c e s o f solar h e a t, 1 8 4 6 - 1 8 6 2 , B r i t . J . H i s t . S c i.,

(1 8 9 A -7 ), 4 8 ^ 9 2 . 15 (1 9 8 2 ), 1 5 5 - 8 1 .
G ra y , A n d r e w . L o r d K e h i n . A n a c c o u n t o f h is s c ie n tific life a n d w o r k (L o n d o n , 190 8 ). J a m ie s o n , J o h n . T h e h is to r y o f th e R o y a l B e lfa s t A c a d e m ic a l I n s t i t u t i o n , 1 8 1 0 - 1 9 6 0 (B e lfa st,
G r e e n , E .R .R . T h e L a g a n v a lle y . 1 8 0 0 - 1 8 5 0 . A lo ca l h is to r y o f th e in d u s tr ia l r e v o lu tio n 1 9 5 9 ).
(L o n d o n , 1949). J arvis, C . M a c K . T h e g e n e r a tio n o f e le c t r ic it y , in C h a rles S in g e r e ta l. (e d .), A h is to r y o f
G r e e n , G e o r g e , a n d L lo y d , J .T . K e l v i n s in s tr u m e n ts a n d th e K e l v i n m u s e u m (G la s g o w , te c h n o lo g y (8 v o ls ., O x f o r d , 1 9 5 4 - 8 4 ) , 5, p p . 1 7 7 - 2 0 7 .
1 9 7 0 ). K a r g o n , R .H . S c ie n c e in V ic to r ia n M a n c h e s te r . E n te r p r is e a n d e x p e r tis e (M a n c h e ste r , 197 7 ).
G r e e n h ill, B a sil, an d G iffo r d , A n n . T h e B r itis h a s s a u lt o n F i n la n d 1 8 5 4 - 5 5 : a fo r g o tte n n a v a l K id w e ll, P .A . P r e lu d e t o solar e n e r g y ; P o u ille t , H e r s c h e l, F o rb es an d th e solar c o n s ta n t,
w a r ( T e ig n m o u t h , 1 9 8 8 ). A n n . S c i., 38 (1 9 8 1 ), 4 5 7 - 7 6 .
H a h n , R o g e r . L a p la c e as a N e w t o n i a n s c ie n tis t (L o s A n g e le s , 1 9 6 7 ). K in g , A .G . K e l v i n th e m a n . A b io g r a p h ic a l s k e tc h b y h is n ie c e (L o n d o n , 1 9 2 5 ).
H a ll, M .B . A l l s c ie n tis ts n o w . T h e R o y a l S o c ie ty in th e n in e te e n th c e n tu r y ( C a m b r i d g e , 1 9 8 4 ). K in g , E liz a b e th . L o r d K e l v i n s e a r ly h o m e (L o n d o n , 1 9 0 9 ).
H a n h a m , H .J . T h e sale o f h o n o u r s in la te V ic to r ia n E n g la n d , V ie t. S t u d . , 3 ( 1 9 5 9 - 6 0 ) , K le in , M .J. M a x w e ll, his d e m o n an d th e s e c o n d la w o f t h e r m o d y n a m ic s . A m . S c i., 58
2 7 7 -8 9 . (1 9 7 0 ), 8 4 - 9 7 .
H a n k in s , T .L . E ig h te e n th -c e n tu r y a tte m p ts to r e s o lv e th e v is v iv a c o n t r o v e r s y , Is is , 56 K le in , M .J. C lo s in g th e C a r n o t c y c le , in S a d i C a r n o t e t Ie s s o r d e la t h e r m o d y n a m iq u e (Paris,
(1 9 6 5 ), 2 8 1 - 9 7 . 1 9 7 4 ), p p . 2 1 3 - 1 9 .
H a n k in s , T .L . S i r I V illia m R o w a n H a m i l t o n ( B a ltim o r e a n d L o n d o n , 198 0 ). K n ig h t, W . M e m o i r o f J o h n N i c h o l ( G la s g o w , 189 6 ).
H a n n a , W illia m . M e m o ir s o f th e life a n d w r itin g s o f T h o m a s C h a lm e r s (4 v o ls ., E d in b u r g h , K n o tt , C .G . L i f e a n d s c ie n tific w o r k o f P e te r G u th r ie T a i l ( C a m b r id g e , 1 9 1 1 ).
1 8 4 9 - 5 2 ). K n u d s e n , O le . F r o m L o r d K e lv in s n o te b o o k ; e th e r s p e c u la tio n s , C e n t a u r u s , 16 (1 9 7 1 ),
H a r m a n , P .M . E n e r g y , f o r c e , a n d m a tte r . T h e c o n c e p tu a l d e v e lo p m e n t o f n in e te e n th - c e n tu r y 4 1 -5 3 .
p h y s ic s (C a m b r id g e , 1 9 8 2 ). K n u d s e n , O le . T h e F arad ay e ffe c t an d p h y sic a l th e o r y , 1 8 4 5 - 1 8 7 3 , A r c h . H i s t . E x a c t S c i.,
H e im a n n , P .M . T h e u n se e n u n iv erse ; p h y sic s a n d th e p h ilo s o p h y o f n a tu r e in V ic to r ia n 15 (1 9 7 6 ), 2 3 5 - 8 1 .
B r ita in , B r i t . J . H i s t . S c i., 6 (1 9 7 2 ), 7 3 - 9 . K n u d s e n , O le . M a th e m a tic s a n d p h y sic a l r e a lity in W illia m T h o m s o n s e le c tr o m a g n e tic
H e im a n n , P .M . V o lu n ta r is m an d im m a n e n c e ; c o n c e p t io n s o f n a tu re in e ig h te e n th t h e o r y , in P .M . H a r m a n ( e d .). W r a n g le r s a n d p h y s ic is ts . S tu d ie s o n C a m b r id g e p h y s ic s in
c e n tu r y t h o u g h t , / H i s t . Id e a s, 3 9 (1 9 7 8 ), 2 7 1 - 8 3 . th e n in e te e n th c e n tu r y (M a n c h e se r , 1 9 8 5 ), p p . 1 4 9 - 7 9 .
H e r iv e l, J o h n . Josep/i F o u r ie r : th e m a n a n d th e p h y s ic is t ( O x fo r d , 1 9 7 5 ). K o p p e lm a n , E la in e . T h e c a lc u lu s o f o p e r a tio n s a n d th e rise o f ab stra ct a lg e b r a . A r c h .
H ilk e n , T J . N . E n g in e e r in g a t C a m b r id g e U n i v e r s i t y , 1 7 8 3 - 1 9 6 5 ( C a m b r id g e , 1 967). H i s t . E x a c t S c i., 8 (1 9 7 1 ), 1 5 5 - 2 4 2 .
H itc h e n s , H .L ., a n d M a y , W .E . F r o m lo d e sto n e to g y r o - c o m p a s s (L o n d o n , 195 2 ). K u h n , T .S . E n e r g y c o n s e r v a tio n as an e x a m p le o f sim u lta n e o u s d is c o v e r y , in M .
H o lla n d , B e r n a r d . T h e life o f S p e n c e r C o m p t o n , e ig h th D u k e o f D e v o n s h ir e (2 v o ls ., L o n d o n , C la g e t t (e d .). C r it ic a l p r o b le m s in th e h is to r y o f scien ce (M a d iso n , 1 9 5 9 ), p p . 3 2 1 - 5 6 .
1 9 1 1 ). K u h n , T .S . M a th e m a tic a l v ersu s e x p e r im e n ta l tr a d itio n s in th e d e v e lo p m e n t o f p h y sic a l
H o u g h , R ic h a r d . F ir s t S e a L o r d . A n a u th o r iz e d b io g r a p h y o f A d m i r a l L o r d F is h e r (L o n d o n , s c ie n c e , in T h e e s s e n tia l te n s io n . S e le c te d s tu d ie s in s c ie n tific tr a d itio n a n d ch a n g e (C h ic a g o ,
1 9 6 9 ). 1 9 7 7 ), p p . 3 1 - 6 5 .
H o u g h t o n , W .E . r/ic V ic to r ia n f r a m e o f m in d . 1 8 3 0 - 1 8 7 0 ( N e w H a v e n an d L o n d o n , 1 9 5 7 ). K u k lic k , H e n r ik a . P r o fe s s io n a liz a tio n , in W .F . B y n u m e t a l. (e d .). D ic tio n a r y o f th e
H o w s e , D e r e k . G r e e n w ic h tim e a n d th e d is c o v e r y o f th e lo n g itu d e (O x fo r d , 198 0 ). h is to r y o f s cien ce ( L o n d o n , 1 9 8 1 ), p p . 3 4 1 - 2 .
H u n t, B r u c e . P r a c tic e vs. t h e o r y ; th e B r itish elec tr ic a l d e b a te , 1 8 8 8 - 1 8 9 T , Is is , 74 L aita, L .M . In flu e n c e s o n B o o l e s lo g ic ; th e c o n t r o v e r s y b e t w e e n W illia m H a m ilt o n an d
(1 9 8 3 ), 3 4 1 - 5 5 . A u g u s tu s d e M o r g a n , A n n . S c i ., 36 (1 9 7 9 ), 4 5 - 6 5 .
H u n t, B r u c e . E x p e r im e n t in g o n th e eth er; O liv e r J. L o d g e , an d th e g r e a t w h ir lin g L aita, L .M . B o o le a n lo g ic a n d its e x t r a - lo g ic a l sou rces; th e t e s t im o n y o f M a r y E v e rest
m a c h in e . H i s t . S t u d . P h y s . S c i., 16 (1 9 8 6 ), 1 1 1 - 3 4 . B o o l e , H i s t . P h i l. L o g ic , 1 (1 9 8 0 ), 3 7 - 6 0 .
H u n t, B r u c e . H o w m y m o d e l w a s r ig h t ; G .F . F itz G e r a ld an d th e r e fo r m o f M a x w e l l s L an d es, D a v id . T h e u n b o u n d P r o m e th e u s (C a m b r id g e , 1 9 6 9 ).
t h e o r y (u n p u b lish e d p a p er). L an d es, D a v id . R e v o l u t i o n in tim e . C lo c k s a n d th e m a k in g o f th e m o d e r n w o r ld (C a m b r id g e ,
H u n t, B r u c e . Im p eria l scien ce; te le g r a p h y a n d p h y sic s in V ic to r ia n B r ita in (u n p u b lish e d M A a n d L o n d o n , 1 9 8 3 ).
p a p er). L a r m o r , J o se p h . L o r d K e lv in o n o p tic a l a n d m o le c u la r d y n a m ic s . N a t u r e (s u p p le m e n t),
H u x le y , L e o n a r d . L if e a n d le tte rs o f S i r J o s e p h D a lto n H o o k e r (2 v o ls ., L o n d o n , 1 9 1 8 ). 70 (1 9 0 4 ), i i i - v .
H y d e , F .E. B l u e F u n n e l. A h is to r y o f A l f r e d H o l t a n d C o m p a n y o f L iv e r p o o l f r o m 1 8 6 5 to 1 9 1 4 L a r m o r , J o se p h . W illia m T h o m s o n , B a r o n K e lv in o f L args. 18241 9 0 7 (O b itu a r y
( L iv e r p o o l, 1 9 5 7 ). n o tic e ), P ro c. R o y a l S o c ., [series A ], 81 (1 9 0 8 ), i - l x x v i .
H y d e , F .E. C u n a r d a n d th e N o r t h A t l a n t i c , 1 8 7 0 - 1 9 7 3 (L o n d o n , 197 5 ). L au d an , L .L . T h o m a s R e id a n d th e N e w t o n ia n tu r n o f B r itish m e t h o d o lo g ic a l t h o u g h t ,
H y m a n , A n t h o n y . C h a r le s B a b b a g e ; p io n e e r o f th e c o m p u te r (P r in c e to n , 198 2 ). in R .E . B u tts a n d J .W . D a v is (e d s.). T h e m e th o d o lo g ic a l h e rita g e o f N e w t o n ( O x fo r d ,
Jak i, S.L . T h e fiv e fo r m s o f L a p la c e s c o s m o g o n y . A m . ] . P h y s . 44 (1 9 7 6 ), 411. 1 9 7 0 ), p p . 1 0 3 - 3 1 .
834 Bibliography 835

O a k le y , F ran cis. C h r istia n t h e o lo g y a n d th e N e w t o n i a n s c ie n c e . C h u r c h H ist., 30 (1 9 6 1 ),

L o w , W .L . D a v i d T h o m s o n , M . A . P ro fe ss o r o f n a tu r a l p h i l o s o p h y in th e U n i v e r s i t y o f
4 3 3 -5 7 .
A b e r d e e n . A s k e tc h o f h is life a n d ch a ra cter (A b e r d e e n , 1 8 9 4 ).
O ls o n , R .G . S c o ttis h p h ilo s o p h y a n d m a th e m a tic s , J . H is t. Id e a s, 32 (1 9 7 1 ), 2 9 - 4 4 .
M c C a ffr e y , J.F . (e d .). G la s g o w , 1 8 5 8 . S h a d o w s m id n ig h t sce n e s a n d so cia l p h o to g r a p h s
O ls o n , R .G . S c o ttis h p h ilo s o p h y a n d B r itis h p h y s ic s 1 7 5 0 - 1 8 8 0 . A s tu d y in th e f o u n d a t i o n s o f
(G la s g o w , 19 7 6 ).
th e V ic to r ia n s c ie n tific s ty le (P r in c e to n , 1 9 7 5 ).
M c C o n n e ll, A n ita . N o sea to o d e e p . T h e h is to r y o f o c e a n o g r a p h ic in s tr u m e n ts (B r is to l, 1 9 8 2 ).
O w e n , D .J . H is to r y o f B e lfa s t (B e lfa st, 1 9 2 1 ).
M c C u llo u g h , S. B a l ly n a h in c h : c en tre o f D o w n (B e lfa st, 1 9 6 8 ).
P a k e n h a m , T h o m a s . T h e y e a r o f lib e r ty . T h e s to r y o f th e g r e a t Ir is h r e b e llio n o f 1 7 9 8 (L o n d o n ,
M a c h lu p , F ritz, an d P e n r o se , E d ith . T h e p a te n t c o n t r o v e r s y in th e n in e te e n th c e n t u r y ,^ .
E c o n . H i s t ., 10 (1 9 5 0 ), 1 - 2 9 . 1 9 6 9 ).

M a c k a y , R .F . F is h e r o f K ilv e r s to n e ( O x fo r d , 1 9 7 3 ). P ark er, C .S . L if e a n d le tte rs o f S i r J a m e s G r a h a m , 1 7 9 2 - 1 8 6 1 (2 v o ls ., L o n d o n , 1 9 0 7 ).

M a c k ie , J .D . T h e U n iv e r s ity o f G la s g o w , 1 4 5 1 - 1 9 5 1 ( G la s g o w , 1 9 5 4 ). P a rk es, O sc a r . B r itis h b a ttle s h ip s . W a r r i o r 1 8 6 0 to V a n g u a r d 1 9 5 0 . A h is to r y o f d e s ig n ,

M a t h e w , W .M . T h e o r ig in s an d o c c u p a tio n s o f G la s g o w stu d e n ts, 1 7 4 0 - 1 8 3 9 , P a s t a n d c o n s tr u c tio n , a n d a r m a m e n t (L o n d o n , 1 9 5 7 ).

p r e s e n t, n o . 3 3 (1 9 6 6 ), 7 4 - 9 4 . P o le , W illia m (e d .). T h e life o f S i r W i l l i a m F a ir b a ir n , B a r t ( L o n d o n , 1 8 7 7 ).

M a th ia s, P e te r . T h e f i r s t in d u s tr ia l n a tio n . A n e c o n o m ic h is to r y o f B r ita in , 1 7 0 0 - 1 9 1 4 P o lla r d , S id n e y . T h e e c o n o m ic h is to r y o f B r itish s h ip b u ild in g , 1 8 7 0 - 1 9 1 4 , P h D

( L o n d o n , 1 9 6 9 ). d isse r ta tio n . U n iv e r s ity o f L o n d o n , 1 9 5 1 .
M a th ia s, P eter . W h o u n b o u n d P r o m e th e u s? S c ie n c e and te c h n ic a l c h a n g e , 1 6 0 0 - 1 8 0 0 , P o lla r d , S id n e y , an d R o b e r ts o n , P a u l. T h e B r itis h s h ip b u ild in g in d u s tr y , 1 8 7 0 - 1 9 1 4 (C a m
in P e te r M a th ia s (e d .). S c ie n c e a n d s o c ie ty . 1 6 0 0 - 1 9 0 0 (C a m b r id g e , 1 9 7 2 ), p p . 5480. b r id g e , M A an d L o n d o n , 1 9 7 9 ).
M a y , W .E . A h is to r y o f m a r in e n a v ig a tio n ( H e n le y o n T h a m e s , 1 9 7 3 ). P o r te r , T h e o d o r e . A statistical s u r v e y o f gases: M a x w e lls so c ia l p h y s ic s . H is t. S tu d .
M a y , W .E . L o r d K e lv in a n d his c o m p a s s , J . N a v i g a t i o n , 32 (1 9 7 9 ), 1 2 2 - 3 4 . P h y s . S c i., 12 (1 9 8 1 ), 7 7 - 1 1 6 .
M e n d e ls o h n , E v e r e tt. T h e e m e r g e n c e o f sc ie n c e as a p r o fe ss io n in n in e te e n th -c e n tu r y P o r te r , T h e o d o r e . T h e rise o f s ta tis tic a l t h i n k i n g , 1 8 2 0 - 1 9 0 0 ( P r in c e to n , 1 9 8 6 ).
E u r o p e , in K arl H ill (e d .). T h e m a n a g e m e n t o f s c ie n tis ts ( B o s t o n , 1 9 6 4 ), p p . 348. P y a tt, E d w a r d . T h e N a t i o n a l P h y s ic a l L a b o r a to r y . A h is to r y (B r is to l, 1 9 8 3 ).
M o o d y , T .W ., an d B e c k e tt, J .C . Q u e e n s B e lfa s t 1 8 4 5 - 1 9 4 9 (2 v o ls ., L o n d o n , 1 9 5 9 ). P y c io r , H e le n a . G e o r g e P e a c o c k a n d th e B r itish o r ig in s o f s y m b o lic a l a lg e b r a , H is to r ia
M o o r e , J .R . T h e p o s t - D a r w i n i a n c o n tr o v e r s ie s (C a m b r id g e , 1 9 7 9 ). M a th e m a tic a , 8 (1 9 8 1 ), 2345.
M o r r e ll, J .B . T h o m a s T h o m s o n : P r o fe s so r o f C h e m is tr y a n d U n iv e r s ity r e fo r m e r , B r it. P y c io r , H e le n a . E a r ly c r itic ism s o f th e s y m b o lic a p p r o a c h to a lg e b r a , H is to r ia
J . H is t. S c i ., 4 ( 1 9 6 9 ) , 2 4 5 - 6 5 . M a th e m a tic a , 9 (1 9 8 2 ), 4 1 3 - 4 0 .
M o r r e ll,J .B . P r a ctica l c h e m is tr y in th e U n iv e r s ity o f E d in b u r g h , 1 7 9 9 - 1 8 4 3 , A m h i x , 16 R a n k in e , W .J .M . A m e m o ir o f J o h n E ld e r , e n g in e e r a n d s h ip b u ild e r (E d in b u r g h a n d L o n d o n ,
(1 9 6 9 ), 6 6 - 8 0 . 1 8 7 1 ).
M o r r e ll, J .B . In d iv id u a lism a n d th e str u c tu r e o f B r itish s c ie n c e in 1 8 3 0 , H is t. S t u d . P h y s . R ea d e r , W .J . P r o fe s s io n a l m e n . T h e rise o f th e p r o fe s s io n a l classes in n in e te e n th - c e n tu r y E n g la n d
S c i ., 3 (1 9 7 1 ), 1 8 3 - 2 0 4 . ( L o n d o n , 1 9 6 6 ).
M o r r e ll, J .B . P r o fe sso r s R o b is o n a n d P la y fa ir , an d th e th e o p h o b ia g a llic a : n atu ral p h ilo s R e m p e l, R .A . U n io n is ts d iv id e d . A r t h u r B a l fo u r , J o s e p h C h a m b e r la in , a n d th e U n io n is t F re e
o p h y , r e lig io n a n d p o litic s in E d in b u r g h , 1 7 8 9 - 1 8 1 5 , N o t e s a n d R e c o rd s R o y a l S o c . T r a d e r s ( N e w t o n A b b o t, 1 9 7 2 ).
L o n d o n , 2 6 (1 9 7 1 ), 4 3 - 6 3 . R e y n o ld s O s b o r n e . M e m o ir o f J a m e s P r e sc o tt J o u le , P ro c. M a n c h e s te r L i t . P h i l. S o c ., 6
M o r r e ll, J .B . T h e c h e m is t b reed ers: th e research s c h o o ls o f L ie b ig a n d T h o m a s T h o m (1 8 9 2 ), 1 - 2 0 6 .
s o n , A m b i x , 19 (1 9 7 2 ), 1 - 4 6 . R ic e , D .F . N a tu r a l t h e o lo g y an d th e S c o ttis h p h ilo s o p h y in th e t h o u g h t o f T h o m a s
M o r r e ll, J a c k , a n d T h a c k r a y , A r n o ld . G e n tle m e n o f scie n c e . E a r ly y e a r s o f th e B r itis h C h a lm e r s , Scot, f T h eol., 24 (1 9 7 1 ), 2 3 - 4 6 .
A s s o c ia tio n f o r th e A d v a n c e m e n t o f S c ie n c e ( O x fo r d , 1 9 8 1 ). R ich a rd s, J .L . T h e art an d s c ie n c e o f B r itish algeb ra: a stu d y in th e p e r c e p tio n o f
M o y e r , D .F . J a m e s M a c C u lla g h , in D S B , 8, p p . 5 9 1 - 3 . m a th e m a tic a l tr u th , H is to r ia M a th e m a tic a , 7 (1 9 8 0 ), 3 4 3 - 6 5 .
M o y e r , D .F . E n e r g y , d y n a m ic s , h id d e n m a c h in e r y : R a n k in e , T h o m s o n an d T a it, R ich a rd s, J.L . P r o je c tiv e g e o m e t r y a n d m a th e m a tic a l p r o g r e s s in m id - V ic t o r ia n
M a x w e ll, S t u d . H i s t . P h i l. S c i., 8 (1 9 7 7 ), 2 5 1 - 6 8 . B r ita in , S t u d . H i s t . P h il. S c i., 17 (1 9 8 6 ), 2 9 7 - 3 2 5 .
M u r r a y , D a v id . L o r d K e l v i n as p r o fe s s o r in th e O l d C o lle g e o f G la s g o w (G la s g o w , 1924). R ich a rd s, J .L . A u g u s tu s d e M o r g a n , th e h is to r y o f m a th e m a tic s a n d th e fo u n d a tio n s o f
M u r r a y , M a risch a l. U n io n C a s tl e c h r o n ic le , 1 8 5 3 - 1 9 5 3 (L o n d o n , 195 3 ). a lg e b r a , Is is , 78 (1 9 8 7 ), 7 - 3 0 .
M u ss o n , A .E ., an d R o b in s o n , E ric. S c ie n c e a n d te c h n o lo g y in th e in d u s tr ia l r e v o lu tio n R ich a rd s, J o h n . B o o l e an d M ill: d iffe r in g p e r s p e c tiv e s o n lo g ic a l p s y c h o lo g is m . H is t.
(M a n c h e ste r , 1 9 6 9 ). P h i l. L o g ic , 1 (1 9 8 0 ), 1 9 - 3 6 .
N a p ie r , J a m e s. L if e o f R o b e r t N a p i e r o f W e s t S h a n d o n (E d in b u r g h , 190 4 ). R itc h ie , G .S . C h a lle n g e r . T h e life o f a s u r v e y s h ip ( L o n d o n , 1 9 5 7 ).
N o r m a n , E d w a r d . A H is to r y o f m o d e r n Ir e la n d ( H a r m o n d s w o r th , 197 1 ). R o b b in s, M ic h a e l. L o r d K e lv in o n e le c tr ic r a ilw a y s , J . T r a n s p o r t H i s t . , 3 (1 9 5 8 ), 2 3 5 - 8 .
O a k le y , C .A . T h e s e c o n d c ity (L o n d o n a n d G la s g o w , 1 9 4 6 ). R o th b la tt, S h e ld o n . T h e r e v o lu tio n o f th e d o n s . C a m b r id g e a n d s o c ie ty in V ic to r ia n E n g la n d
O a k le y , C .A . A h is to r y o f a f a c u l t y . E n g in e e r in g a t G la s g o w U n i v e r s i t y (G la s g o w , 1 9 7 3 ). (C a m b r id g e , 1 9 6 8 ).
836 Bibliography Bibliography 837

R u d w ic k , M .J .S . T h e g la c ia l t h e o r y , H i s t . S c i., 8 ( 1 9 6 9 ) , 1 3 6 - 5 7 . T u r n e r , F rank M . L u c r e tiu s a m o n g t h e V ic to r ia n s , V ie t. S t u d . , 1 6 ( 1 9 7 2 - 3 ) , 3 2 9 48.

R u d w ic k , M .J .S . P o u le tt S c r o p e o n th e v o lc a n o e s o f A u v e r g n e : L y e llia n t im e an d W e s tfa ll, R .S . F o rc e in N e w t o n s p h y s ic s : th e scie n c e o f d y n a m ic s in th e s e v e n te e n th c e n tu r y
p o litic a l e c o n o m y , B r i t . J . H i s t . S c i., 8 (1 9 7 4 ), 2 0 5 - 4 2 . (L o n d o n a n d N e w Y o r k , 1 9 7 1 ).
R u d w ic k , M .J .S . T h e g r e a t D e v o n i a n c o n tr o v e r s y . T h e s h a p in g o f s c ie n tific k n o w le d g e a m o n g W h ite , C o lin . V ic to r ia s n a v y . T h e h e y d a y o f s te a m (E m s w o r th , 1 9 8 3 ).
g e n t l e m a n l y s p e c ia lis ts (C h ic a g o , 1 9 8 5 ). W ie n e r , M a r tin . E n g lis h c u ltu r e and th e d e c lin e o f th e in d u s tr ia l s p ir it, 1 8 5 0 -1 9 8 0
R u se , M ic h a e l. T h e D a r w i n i a n r e v o lu tio n ( C h ic a g o , 1 979). (C a m b r id g e , 1 9 8 1 ).
R u ssell, C .A ., a n d G o o d m a n , D .C . (ed s.). S c ie n c e a n d th e rise o f te c h n o lo g y s in ce 1 8 0 0 W illia m s , L .P . M ic h a e l F a r a d a y (L o n d o n , 1 9 6 5 ).
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R u ssell, C o lin . T i m e , ch a n ce a n d th e r m o d y n a m ic s (M ilto n K e y n e s , 1 9 8 1 ). ( G la s g o w , 1 9 1 0 ).
S a u n d e rs, L J . S c o ttis h d e m o cr a c y: 1 8 0 0 - 1 8 4 0 (E d in b u r g h , 1 9 5 0 ). W ils o n , D .B . K e lv in s sc ie n tific realism : t h e th e o lo g ic a l c o n t e x t , P h i l . J . , 11 (1 9 7 4 ),
S ch a ffer, S im o n . T h e n e b u la r h y p o th e s is a n d th e sc ie n c e o f p r o g r e s s, in J .R . M o o r e 4 1 -6 0 .
(e d .). T h e h u m a n i t y o f e v o l u tio n (C a m b r id g e , fo r th c o m in g ). W ils o n , D .B . T h e e d u c a tio n a l m a tr ix : p h y sic s e d u c a tio n at e a r ly -V ic to r ia n C a m b r id g e ,
S c h w e b e r , S .S . (ed .) A s p e c t s o f th e life a n d t h o u g h t o f S i r J o h n F r e d e r ic k H e r s c h e l (2 v o ls .. E d in b u r g h a n d G la s g o w U n iv e r s itie s , in P .M . H a r m a n (e d .). W r a n g le r s a n d p h y s ic is ts .
N e w Y o r k , 1 9 8 1 ). S tu d ie s o n C a m b r id g e m a th e m a tic a l p h y s ic s in th e n in e te e n th c e n tu r y (M a n c h e ste r , 1 9 8 5 ),
S h a p in , S te v e n , an d B a r n e s, B a r r y . H e a d a n d h a n d ; r h e to r ic a l reso u rces in B r itish pp. 1 2 -4 8 .
p e d a g o g ic a l w r it in g , 1 7 7 0 - 1 8 5 0 , O x . R e v . E d ., 2 (1 9 7 6 ), 2 3 1 - 5 4 . W ils o n , Ian. S h ip w r e c k s o f th e U ls te r co a st ( C o le r a in e , 197 9 ).
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S ie g e l, D a n ie l. T h e o r ig in o f th e d is p la c e m e n t c u r r e n t. H i s t . S tu d . P h y s . S c i., 1 7 (1 9 8 6 ), W ise , M . N o r t o n . W illia m T h o m s o n s m a th e m a tic a l r o u te to e n e r g y c o n se r v a tio n : a
9 9 -1 4 6 . stu d y o f th e r o le o f m a th e m a tic s in c o n c e p t f o r m a t io n . H i s t . S t u d . P h y s . S c i., 10
S illim a n , R .H . F resn el a n d th e e m e r g e n c e o f p h y sic s as a d is c ip lin e . H i s t . S tu d . P h y s . S c i., (1 9 7 9 ), 4 9 - 8 3 .
4 (1 9 7 4 ), 1 3 7 - 6 2 . W is e , M . N o r t o n . T h e f lo w a n a lo g y to e le c tr ic ity an d m a g n e tis m - P a rt I: W illia m
S la v e n , A n t h o n y . T h e d e v e lo p m e n t o f th e w e s t o f S c o tla n d : 1 7 5 0 - 1 9 6 0 (L o n d o n , 1 9 7 5 ). T h o m s o n s r e fo r m u la tio n o f a c tio n at a d ista n c e . A r c h . H i s t . E x a c t S c i ., 25 (1 9 8 1 ),
S m ith , C r o s b ie . M e c h a n ic a l P h ilo s o p h y an d th e e m e r g e n c e o f p h y sic s in B r itain : 1 9 -7 0 .
1 8 0 0 - 1 8 5 0 , A n n . S c i., 33 (1 9 7 6 ), 3 - 2 9 . W ise , M . N o r t o n . G e r m a n c o n c e p ts o f fo r c e , e n e r g y , an d th e e le c t r o m a g n e tic ether:
S m ith , C r o s b ie . F arad ay as r eferee o f j o u l e s R o y a l S o c ie t y p ap er O n th e m e c h a n ic a l 1 8 4 5 - 1 8 8 0 , in G .N . C a n to r a n d M .J .S . H o d g e (e d s.). C o n c e p tio n s o f e th e r: s tu d ie s in th e
e q u iv a le n t o f h e a t , Is is , 6 7 (1 9 7 6 ), 4449. h is to r y o f e th e r th e o r ie s , 1 7 4 0 - 1 9 0 0 ( C a m b r id g e , 1 9 8 1 ), p p . 2 6 9 - 3 0 7 .
S m ith , C r o s b ie . N a tu r a l p h ilo s o p h y an d th e r m o d y n a m ic s : W illia m T h o m s o n an d th e W is e , M . N o r t o n . T h e M a x w e ll lite r a tu r e a n d B r itish d y n a m ic a l t h e o r y . H i s t . S t u d .
d y n a m ic a l th e o r y o f h e a t , B r i t . J . H i s t . S c i., 9 (1 9 7 6 ), 2 9 8 - 3 0 4 . P h y s . S c i ., 13 (1 9 8 2 ), 1 7 5 - 2 0 5 .
S m ith , C r o s b ie . W illia m T h o m s o n an d th e c r e a tio n o f th e r m o d y n a m ic s : 1 8 4 0 - 1 8 5 5 , W is e , M . N o r t o n . M e d ia tin g m a c h in e s . S c ie n c e in C o n t e x t , 2 (1 9 8 8 ), 8 1 - 1 1 7 .
A r c h . H i s t . E x a c t S c i., 16 (1 9 7 6 ), 2 3 1 - 8 8 . W is e , M . N o r t o n a n d S m ith , C r o s b ie . M e a s u r e m e n t, w o r k , a n d in d u s tr y in L ord
S m ith , C r o s b ie . F r o m d e sig n to d iss o lu tio n : T h o m a s C h a lm e r s d e b t to J o h n R o b is o n , K e lv in s B r ita in , H i s t . S t u d . P h y s . S c i., 1 7 (1 9 8 6 ), 1 4 7 - 7 3 .
B r i t . J . H i s t . S c i., 12 (1 9 7 9 ), 5 9 - 7 0 . W is e , M . N o r t o n a n d S m ith , C r o s b ie . T h e p ra ctica l im p e r a tiv e : K e lv in c h a lle n g e s th e
S m ith , C r o s b ie . G e o lo g is ts a n d m a th e m a tic ia n s: th e rise o f p h y sic a l g e o l o g y , in P .M . M a x w e llia n s , in R o b e r t K a r g o n a n d P e te r A c h in s te in (e d s.), K e l v i n s B a ltim o r e L e c tu re s
H a r m a n (e d .). W r a n g le r s a n d p h y s ic is ts . S tu d ie s o n C a m b r id g e m a th e m a tic a l p h y s ic s in th e .a n d m o d e rn th e o re tic a l p h y s ic s (C a m b r id g e , M A , a n d L o n d o n , 1 9 8 7 ), p p . 3 2 3 - 4 8 .
n in e te e n th c e n tu r y (M a n c h e ste r , 1 9 8 5 ), p p . 4 9 - 8 3 . W is e , M . N o r t o n ( w ith th e c o lla b o r a tio n o f C r o s b ie S m ith ). W o r k a n d w a ste: p o litic a l
S te p h e n s, M .D ., a n d R o d e r ic k , G .W . S c ie n c e , th e w o r k in g class an d m e c h a n ic s econom y and n a tu ra l p h ilo s o p h y in n in e te e n th -c e n tu r y B r ita in , H is t. S c i.
in stitu te s, A n n . S c i., 29 (1 9 7 2 ), 3 5 3 - 5 9 . ( fo r t h c o m in g ) .
S tr u tt, R . ] . J o h n W i l l i a m S tr u t t . T h i r d B a r o n R a y le ig h (L o n d o n , 192 4 ). W o o d h a m - S m it h , C e c il. T h e g r e a t h u n g e r . I r e la n d 1 8 4 5 - 1 8 4 9 (L o n d o n , 1 9 6 2 ).
S v ie d r y s, R o m u a ld a s . T h e rise o f p h y sic s la b o r a to r ie s in B r ita in , H i s t . S tu d . P h y s . S c i ., 7 Y o u n g , R . M . M a lth u s an d th e e v o lu tio n is ts : th e c o m m o n c o n t e x t o f b io lo g ic a l an d
(1 9 7 6 ), 4 0 5 - 3 6 . so c ia l t h e o r y , P a s t a n d P r e s e n t, n o . 4 3 (1 9 6 9 ), 1 0 9 - 4 5 .
T c rra ll, M a r y . M a u p e r tu is a n d e ig h t e e n th - c e n t u r y s c ie n tific c u ltu r e , P h D d isse r ta tio n . Y o u n g , R .M . D a r w i n s m e ta p h o r : n a tu r e s p la c e in V ic to r ia n c u ltu r e (C a m b r id g e , 198 5 ).
U n iv e r s it y o f C a lifo r n ia , L o s A n g e le s , 1 9 8 7 . Y o u n g , T h o m a s . L ife o f R o b is o n , in G e o r g e P e a c o c k (e d .). M is c e lla n e o u s w o r k s o f th e la te
T h o m p s o n , D A r c y W . O b itu a r y o f j o s e p h L a r m o r , in Y e a r b o o k o f th e R o y a l S o c ie ty o f T h o m a s Y o u n g (3 v o ls ., L o n d o n , 1 8 5 5 ), 2 , p p . 5 0 5 - 1 7 .
E d in b u r g h ( 1 9 4 1 - 2 ) , p p . 1 1 - 1 3 .
T h o m p s o n , S .P . T h e life o f W i l l i a m T h o m s o n , B a r o n K e l v i n o f L a r g s (2 v o ls ., L o n d o n ,
1 9 1 0 ).
In d e x 839

Thomsons; elastic solid, 256 AO, 342; heat Babinet, Jacques, 522
flow, 174, 183, 203-12, 214, 217-18, Bacon, Francis, 8 8 , 152, 174, I7 g 425n
Index 223-8, 229-31, 239, 240, 243, 252-5,
258, 264, 266, 269, 304, 314, 317, 341,
Balfour, Arthur, 804, 809
447-58 passim-, hydrodynamic, 263-75, Ballynahinch, 4-5, 7, 19, 801
341; hydrokinetic, 424 Battle of, 3, 7-8
waterfall, 243-4, 289-90, 301- 4, 318, 325 Balmoral Castle, 754, 784
analysis, see mathematics (reform of British) Baltic, 111
Analytical Society, 151-2, 154, 168 Baltimore Lectures, 445, 458 -9 461-3 482
Anderson, Arthur, 728, 783 491,507,776
Anderson, Sir James, 740, 751 mechanical models in, 464-70, 472-4
Andersonian Museum, 593 methodology of, 463-71
Andrews, Thomas, 18, 111, 113, 138, 349, molecular dynamics in, 471-4
Numbers in bold type indicate pages on African Steamship Co., 785 351-5 passim, 712-13, 737 Bancalari, Prof, 699
which illustrations appear Agamemnon, HMS, 651, 668-9, 670, 748, 797 Anglicans, at Cambridge, 57, 60-1 Barclay, Thomas, 134
Agassiz, Louis, 556 Anglo American Telegraph Co., 703-5, 710 Barus, Carl, 606
Aberdeen Universities, 22, 34, 37, 69, 109 age of the earth, 150, 192, 194- 5, 317, 500, Aquinas, St Thomas, 85 Beaufort, Francis, 760
absolute units, see measurement (absolute 523,561-73,579-611 Beaver Line, 776
Arago, D.F.J., 157, 216
electrical, absolute temperature, work- age of the sun, 508, 509, 514, 517-18, 523,
based), units Argyll, 8 th Duke of, 737, 739, 793, 801, Becquerel, Henri, 549
524-51, 590, 593
Academic dcs sciences, 157, 522- 3 air engine, Stirling, 294, 295, 296-9 804h, 805, 807 Belfast, 9, 14, 13.5-6, 138-9, 803
accumulators, Faure, 714-15, 794 Airy, G.B. Ariel, 728 Belfast Academical Institution, 9 12 14-19,
action as Astronomer Royal, 37, 726, 787-8 Aristotelian logic, 178 28,59,103,111,132,349,783
in principle of least action, 386, 390-1 on compass correction, 757, 761, 763, Arizona, 779 Belfast Literary Society, 349
in principle of varying action, 395 765-6, 768-70, 772, 773-4, 791 Armstrong, W.G. (Lord Armstrong), 6 8 6 n, Belfast Magazine, 1, 17-18, 34-7
redefined as rate of performing work, on figure of earth, 167 744, 796, 801 Bell, Henry, 24, 53, 285
382-3, 386, 388-92 as gentleman, 175 Arran, 50, 51, 348 Benthamite utilitarianism, 59
in sense of Lagrange, 386 on magnetism, 277, 278, 370, 757 8 , 761, Asahi, 796 Bernoulli, Jean, 374
see also contiguous action 768-70 Astronomical Society, of London, 151, 175 Bertrand, J.L.F., 392
action at a distance Mathematical tracts, 36, 79, 163, 167, 197-8 Betancourt, Augustin de, 365
astronomy, physical, 152-4, 195, 553, 556,
Faraday and, 213, 219 on reform of British mathematics, 60, 151 Bidder, G.P., 674
579, 582-6, 600
of Laplace and Poisson, 154 -6 , 160, 166, and telegraphs, 45,5-6
Athenaeum, 662, 670, 766, 769 biogenesis, 638-9, 644
168, 203, 207, 337 Thomsons opinion of, 768 70, 787-8
Atlantic Telegraph Co., 662, 664, 667, 6 6 8 , Biot,J.B 17, 105, 107
Thomsons reformulation of, 203-12, on wave theory of light, 163, 164, 197-8 Bischof, C.G.C., 561
and Whewell, 37, 176 670, 672-3, 674, 677, 680, 703, 709-10
213-28, 239-75, 278-81, 423-7, 440, 451 atoms Black, Joseph, 25
see also Laplace (programme of), point Aitken, John, 417
chemical, 380, 607 Black Ball Line, 728
atoms Albany, USS, 796
continuum theory of in Treatise, 349, 354, Black Prince, HMS, 786
Adams, J.C., 584, 585, 599 dAlembert, J.L., 18
379-80 black-body problem, 398
Admiralty dAlemberts principle, 80, 165, 201, 312-1 Blackburn, Hugh, 78, 738
creation of, 419, 426, 437-8, 534, 631 h
charts, 724, 797-8 passim, 383, 389, 391
of Dalton, 607 Blandy, F.A. (second wife), 747, 812, 813,
Committee upon the Designs of Ships of Alexander, 756
fortuitous concourse of, 612, 6445 814
War, 735-6, 787, 801 Alexandra, HMS, 794
Le Sage cages of, 425-6 Board of Trade, 674, 702
Compass Committee, 759-60 algebra, symbolic, 171-4 Boltzmann, Ludwig, 428, 430
of Lucretius, 418-19, 430
see also calculus of operations
Compass Department, 757, 763, 765 Newtons hard, 155-6, 379, 407, 419, 440 Boole, George, 113, 177-8, 179-89 passim,
Compass manual, 759-61, 763, 790-1
alternator, Thomson-Ferranti, 716 234
point, 154-6, 159-60, 162, 164, 215, 255,
and electricity, 794 aluminium industry, 684, 721-2 and calculus of operations, 182-3, 189
379-80, 407, 428n
Amazon, 729
and Empire, 787, 791, 792-3, 794, 796 Rankines vortex, 321-2, 340, 4(X)-2, 408, and the laws of thought, 177-8
American Civil War, 680 as whig mathematician, 177
Hydrographic Department, 787, 789, 414, 470
American War of Independence, 6 , 669 Boscovich, Roger, 1.56, 339, 380
795-6 Thomson on size of, 379, 419-20, 441-3
Ampere, A.-M., 1.57, 179, 199 Bottomley, J.T., 714, 715, 734, 736, 738, 797
and the Magnetic Crusade, 276, 756 Thomsons vortex, 270, 368, 380, 409-12,
on kinematics, 360, 365-6
and mailships, 728-9 417-44, 489-90, 515, 518, 628, 629-32 Bottomley, William (brother-in-law), 18,
on magnetism, 2My- l , 270, 408, 411
ships magnetism and, 278, 728-9, 757, Aurania, 776, 111 135, 138, 139, 673, 734, 738
ampere, 695
790-1 Bottomley, William (nephew), 734, 738, 754,
standard compass, 760, 762 3, 768, 770, Babbage, Charles, 277 779, 780, 782, 788
Fouriers use of, 149-50, 157, 161, 174, 183
773, 789, 795 and calculating engines, 152 Boussinesq, Joseph, 632
mathematical, 150, 183, 187, 341 2, 345
Thomsons view of, 7434, 787 and political economy, 64, 1745 Boyle, Robert, 85
meta-mathcmatical, 182-3, 185, 187
Adriatic, 111 and reform of British mathematics, 17, Boyles law, 399
of nature, 155 6
Aepinus, F.U.T., 320 151, 152, 176 Brandon, 730

840 Index Index 841

Breadalbane, Marquis of, 43, 100 Caird & Co., 780 chemical industries, 652
and Trinity College, 37, 57, 58, 59, 65,
Brewster, David, 37, 46-7, 55, 103, 107, Caird, Edward, 134 chemistry
234 Caird, John, 134, 807 at Cambridge, 58
undergraduate social origins, 58, 99
Bright, Charles, 668-9, 687 Cairns, William, 12, 13 atomic theory of 380
Campania, 776, 111
Bright, John, 803 calculus Joule and electro-, 305, 311
Campbell, Sir Archibald, 43-4
Brisbane, Sir Thomas, 45 foundations for, 35, 154-5, 169-71 Campbell, James, 804 in Scottish Universities, 89
Britamiic, 111 of De Morgan, .35, 151, 169-70 solar, 397-8, 505, 530, .541, 542
Campbell, Lewis, 618
British Aluminium Co., 721 of Lagrange, 35, 151, 154, 169 canals, 286, 330, 657 Thomas Thomsons laboratory o f 30-1,
British Association for the Advancement of of Leibniz, 151-2 Captain, HMS, 735, 791 105
Science, 64, 138, 151, 166, 173, 216, 2,56, of Newton, 35, 151-2, 154, 184 Carnot, Lazare, 156-7, 199, 291, 365 Thomsons view of 335
276,580,801,807 of Dr Thomson, 35, 151, 1 5 4 , 170 Carnot, Sadi Chiyoda, 796
and Atlantic telegraph, 452, 698 of variations, \64n and absolute temperature scale, 249, cholera, 4, 137, 652
committee on electrical standards, of Whewell, 169 299-301 Christie, S.H., 760
687-95, 698 calculus of operations, 150, 173, 179, 180-92, coefficient of, 324, 3267 Churchill, Winston, 793
committees for measurement, 656, 6)8 6 , 210-11 criterion o f 321, 324-7, 329, 413, 498-9, City of Glasgow, 729
687-95, 698 as mathematics of generation, 183-5, 191 5 644 Clairaut, Alexis, 18
and Empire, 6)98 as meta-mathematical analogy, 182-3, 185 debates over theory o f 282, 302-16 Clan Line, 785
meetings at: Bath (1888), 475-81; Belfast and problem of interpretation, 172-4, and Stirling air engine, 296-8 Clapeyron, Emile, 201, 243, 249, 289-90,
(1874), 617, 632-3; Birmingham (1886)), 185-92 and James Thomsons freezing point 294, 299, 301, 306-7, 312, 316)i, 321
598-6)02 passim-, Brighton (1872), 743; caloric, see heat prediction, 126, 282, 298-9, 301, 316 Clark, Edwin, 674
Cheltenham (1856), 661, 681; Dundee Cambridge Mathematical Journal, 65, 69, 80, Thomsons admiration of, 294 Clark, Latimer, 674, 687
(1867), 590; Edinburgh (1892), 602; 102, 108, 1.50, 168, 173-92, 211 Thomsons reformulation of theory o f Clausius, Rudolf 281
Glasgow (1840), 30, .52-5, 285, 290; foundation o f 175-6 323-33, 343, 498-9 on kinetic theory of gases, 419, 423, 426,
Glasgow (1855), 559, 564, 659-61; as organ of whig mathematics, 168, 174 waterwheel analogy o f 243, 249, 283, 428-9
Glasgow (1876), .577, 776; Hull (1853), Thomsons contributions to, 69, 167-8, 289-90, 301 priority claims o f 343-4
.501)1, 509, 521, 557-8; Liverpool (1854), 179-80, 203-12, 213, 215, 238-40 Carpenter, W.B., 743 on thermodynamics, 320, 32.5-7, 333, 338
518, 523, 634, 765; Manchester (1861), under Thomsons editorship, 177, 185, Castle Line, 785 cohesion, Thomsons theory o f 380, 425
524, 528-9, 561, 565, 636, 687; Oxford 188-90, 213, 216 catastrophist geology, 554, 563, 566-8, 572, Coles, Cowper, 735
(1847), 231, 234-5, 267, 272, 276, .302-5; Cambridge Philosophical Society, 151, 179, 581, 587-600 passim, 635, 637 College de France, 37, 105, 107
Oxford (1860), ,525, .528; Oxford (1894), 195, 300 Cauchy, A.L., 35)i, 155, 162, 164-5, 169, Collings, Jesse, 799
603; Toronto (1897), 776; York (1881), Cambridge University 170)1 Collins Line, 729
658, 714-15 chemistry at, 58, 168 on prismatic colours, 420 Comet, 24, 53, 285
on patents, 708)i classics tripos, 59 on refractive dispersion, 442-3 Common Sense philosophy, 85, 86-7
Phillips and, 558, 562, 565, 596)1 college fellowships, 57, 103-4 Cavendish, Lord Frederick, 807 compass, 726-7, 754-98
and Professionalization, 654 college lectures, 59, 68-9 Cavendish, Henry, 203, 235 adjustment o f 757, 159, 773-4
and promotion of National Physical costs of undergraduate education, 76 Cavendish chair of experimental physics, Admiralty standard, 760, 762-3, 768, 770,
Laboratory, 686 engineering and, 63 -5, 199 Thomson and, 20, 117 773, 789, 795
William Thomsons presidential address to, latitudinarianism at, 60-1 Cavendish Laboratory, 58, 65, 653, 698, 807 Airys correction o f 757, 761, 763, 765-6,
119-20, 638-41, 736 liberal education at, 58-68, 99, 169 Cayley, Arthur, 113, 176, 178)i, 180, 185, 768-70, 772, 773-4, 791
tidal committee, 370, 583, 151 littlego examination, 77 187-90 passim, 216 Chetwynds liquid, 797
British Crown, 786 mathematics in, .34, .36, 55, 62-8, 151-5, on kinematics, 199, 366 and economy, 771, 774
British Empire, 785-6 168-92, 20.3 Cayzer, Irvine & Co., 785 Flinders bar and, 771
British India Steam Navigation Co., 781-3, mathematics tripos of 56, 57-8, 66-7, 69, Central London Railway, 720-1 harmonic reduction of observations for,
785 79-80, 169 Challenger, HMS, 742-3 756-7
Brown, John, & Co., 796 Music Society, 78 Challis, James, 69, 105, 114, 598)! heeling error in, 761-2, 765, 768,
Brunei, I.K., 680 and Peterhouse, 56-7, 61, 6 6 , 68-82, on suns heat, 535-f> 771-2
Brunei, M.I., 291 717 Chalmers, Rev Thomas, 13-14, 28, 43, 45, kinetic error in, 768, 771-2
Buchanan, President James, 669 pensioners at, 57, 68 107 magnetic moment of 767-8, 771-2
Buchanan, Robert, 21, 28, 41, 49, 75, 100, poll men at, 57, 6 8 , 71 on laws of nature, 85, 93-5, 98 mathematical theory of 757-61, 768-9
109, 134, 613 professional men in, 119 on political economy, 94-5 J.R. Napier on, 760, 761, 76f)-8, 771
Buffalo, 776 reform of 59, 119 on progression, 93-5, 98, 307, 317, 331)!, needles in, 762-3, 767-8, 772-3
Burke, Edmund, 805 religious tests in, 60-1, 151 537, 551 Poisson on, 278, 370, 756, 757-8, 760, 762,
Burns, G. & J., 776 rowing at, 71 3, 77-8 Chamberlain, Joseph, 799, 803, 805, 810 769, 770
Burns, John (Lord Inverclyde), 776 sizars at, 56-7 Chambers, Robert, 634, 635 quadrantal deviation, 7634, 771, 772, 789,
Burns, John (professor of surgery), 44 Smiths prize examination, 80, 211 Chanda, 781-2 791
Bunsen, R.W.E., 398)i, 530 Thomson as an undergraduate in, 569, Chartism, 46, 75, 652 and Scoresbys criticism of Airy, 765-7
Bute, Marquis o f 135 68-82, 20.3-4, 215, 292 Chaslcs, Philarete, 157, 204, 205, 216, 231 semicircular deviation, 763, 769
842 Index Index 843

Compass (cont,) Coulomb, C.A. on tides, 583, 598-601 via textbooks, IT 15, 33, 35, 119, 348-52,
Smiths investigations of, 755-63, 766, 767, on law of electrical attraction, 212, 217, on suns heat, 542-3, 544, 549-50, 608 355
769-70, 771, 773-4 227, 229, 235, 279, 690 Davis, Thomas, 802-3 Dr Thomson and, 10, 1415, 32-3, 35, 99,
Thomsons: 278, 727, 754-5, 770-4, 775; non-hypothetical theory of, 212, 215, 227, Davy, Humphry 1(X)-1, 151
Admiralty adoption of, 788-98; 230, 234, 279 and dynamical theory of heat, 320, 325, Treatise and, 349, 352, 355
commercial, 77686; corrections of, 759, and quantite daction, 291 336, 339 as whig ideal, 174
761, 763, 708-74; cost of, 782, 783; torsion electrometer of, 222, 250 ice melting experiment of, 325, 336, 342- 3, Diffusion of Useful Knowledge, Society for,
criticism of, 781-2, 784, 790-1; deflector coulomb, 695 344 58, 151, 153, 170, 802
for, 774; production figures for, 754, Couper, James, 37, 83 on repulsive motion, 339, 340, 4(M), 402, digitalis, 137, 387
795, 797-8 Couper, John, 43 409 Dirichlet, G.P.L., 351
unsteadiness of, 767, 768, 770-2 Cournot, A.A., 35, 170 Day, St J.V., 706-8 diseases, 135-7
conduction, of heat, 15862, 183-4, 4035 creation, 85-6, 3067 De Morgan, Augustus dispersion
Confession of Faith, see religion (university of atoms, 419, 426, 437-8, 534, 631n Calculus of, 151, 169-71 anomalous, 468, 469, 470, 472
tests) of earth, 555 and Diffusion Society, 151 refractive, 442-3, 473
Conrad, Joseph, 723, 733, 753 o f energy, 307, 505, 519-20, 533, 535, 551, as gentleman, 175 displacement current, see electricity
consilience, 553-4 609, 615, 634, 643, on symbolic algebra, 171, 172, 173, 178, (displacement current). Maxwell
consistentior status, 562, 563, 567, 569, 584, of life, 497, 612, 634-7, 638-9, 642, 643-5 180, 186, 216 Disraeli, Benjamin, 803
589, 605 of matter, 307, 336-7, 505, 519, 533-5, testimonial from, 113, 176 Disruption, the 1843, 45, 100
contiguous action 631, 634, 643 definite integrals, 181n dissipation, see energy (dissipation of), work
electrical attraction as, 203, 205-6, 210-13, of sun, 532 Delaunay, C.E., 366-7, 378, 392, 576-7, (waste of useful)
218-19, 223, 225-8, 239-40, 448 see also progression, religion and science, 584-5 Dominion Line, 776, 785
in geology, 197-8 voluntarism democratic ideals, see diffusion of knowledge Donaldson Line, 776
gravity as, 203, 425-7 Crimean War, 509, 661, 668, 786 demon. Maxwells, 429, 609, 617, 620, Douglas, George, see Argyll, 8th Duke of
in heat conduction, 158-9, 205, 210, Croll, James, 591, 593-5 621-8 Dove, H.W., 351
337-11 on climate, 593n, 599 Denny, Peter, 807 Dreadnought, HMS, 787
see also action, analogy (Thomsons elastic on figure of earth, 586, 600 Denny, William, 24, 730, 781-2 Dreadnought era, 793, 797
solid, heat flow, hydrodynamic), on geological time, 593-7, 600 Dent (chronometer maker), 761, 762 Drennan, William, 7, 9-10, 12-13
continuum theory, dynamical theory, on suns heat, 542-3, 547, 593 denudation dualism, Scottish, 87-8, 612-13, 625, 631, 644
hydrodynamics (of matter) Crum, Alexander, 803-4, 812 Croll on, 594, 6(X) Dublin Castle, 784
continuity, principle of, 630-1, 640 Crum, Margaret (first wife), 22-3, 118, Geikie on, 5946 DufTerin, Lord, 735, 736, 737-8, 739, 801
continuity equation, 159, 206, 271-3 passim, 144-6, 358, 727, 733 geological time and, 562-^, 581, 5945, Dufour, G.-H., 585-6
341, 345, 371 Crum, Walter, 20, 22-3, 25, 129, 130n, 140, 598-9 Duhamel, J.M.C., 35, 170, 366-7
continuum theory 293, 368, 593 of Weald, 524, 531-2, 536, 562 Duhem, Pierre, 355
of atoms, see atoms (Thomsons vortex) Crystal Palace, 649 depth gauges, 750-1, 785 Dulong, P.L., 157, 351
of atoms and forces in Treatise, 349, 354, Cullen, William, 25 Derby, 14th Earl of (Lord Stanley), 30, 33, Dumas, J.B.A., 10A 7, 351
379-80, 389-90 Cumming, James, 105 134 Duncan, Thomas, 34
and energy dissipation, 411, 428-40, 627, Cunard Line, 21, 651, 667, 716, 728-30, Derby, 15th Earl of, 801, 806, 812 Dunfermline, Lord, 43-4
629-32 749-50, 776-7, 785, 798n Descartes, Rene, 85, 425 Dunkeld, 784
of ether and matter, 200-2, 396^44, Curie, Pierre, 549 and kinematics, 360-1 Duns Scotus, 85
533-4 Currie, Donald, 754, 783-5, 807 vortices of, 400, 515, 518 Dupin, P.-C.-F., 157
Conway Castle, 784 design argument, 40, 60, 84, 87-99 passim, Durban, 784-5
Cooke, Rev Henry, 11-12, 112, 805 Dakota, 778 524, 641, 643, 645 dygograms, 370, 756
Cooke, W.F., 649 Dalton, John, 607 determinism, 422, 429-30, 535, 613-18, 626, dynamical theory
Cookson, H.'W., 68-9, 72-3, 77, 113, 116, Daniell, J.F., 213 632-3 o f elasticity, 339-40, 400-3, 41 Oh, 427
137, 181 Daniells battery, 456, 677 Deutschland, 791-2 Green and, 165
Coriolis, G.G. de, 157, 291 Darwin, Charles, 598, 643, 645 Devastation, HMS, 787 of heat: Clausiuss, 326, 338; Davy and
Coromandel, 781 on figure of earth, 577 Devonshire, 7th Duke of, 807 320, 325, 336, 339; Joules, 304-5, 308,
corpuscles, Le Sages ultra-mundane, 425-7 on geological time, 524, 531-2, 536, 552, Devonshire, 8th Duke of (Lord Hartington), 314, 316, 320, 338; Rankines, 319 21,
see also atoms 562, 563, 564, 579, 581, 593n, 597, 637 799, 801, 805, 807-10 326, 338, 414; Thomsons acceptance of,
cosmology Origin o f species, 423, 524-5, 536-7, 561-2, diamagnetism, 260-3, 265, 269, 274-5, 277, 272, 278, 320, 325-8 passim, 333-41,
and engineering, 329-32, 497-9, 501-6, 567, 593n, 597, 602, 636, 640-1 404 344-7, 349, 402-3, 408, 410, 427; see also
509, 515-16, 523, 539-41 Salisburys criticism of, 603-4 dielectrics, 219-28, 256, 260, 448, 450-1, 477, energy physics (Thomsons molecular),
steady-state, 89-92, 537-8, 542, 545, 547 -8 Darwin, G.H., 57, 597-8 484, 700n hydrodynamics (of matter)
see also creation, Enckes comet, nebular on figure of earth, 600-1 diffusion of knowledge as hydrodynamics, 396 444
hypothesis, progression, suns heat, on geological time, 579, 598-602 via experimental natural philosophy, 101-8 Hopkins and, 195-9, 201
secular cooling of the earth, tidal on natural selection, 579, 642 passim, 114, 125-8, 348-9 MacCullagh and, 164-5
retardation, zodiacal light Thomsons support for, 598 via laboratory practice, 131-2 Stokes and, 200-2
844 Index Index 845
dynamics and work, 243-4, 285-93, 414-17, 498, 214, 217-18, 223-8, 229-31, 239, 240. Encyclopaedia Metropolitana, 153, 163, 166
abstract, 3 5 3 ^ , 380-1, 429, 626-7 630 503-4, 657-8 243, 252-5, 258, 264, 266, 269, 403-4, energcticism, 336, 490 1
644 economy o f nature, 89-99, 659 447-53, 6 6 6 energetics, 655
as cause o f motion, 89, 122-4, 150 195 see also earth, progression, suns heat Thomson and the mathematical theory of, energy
198, 200-1, 203, 237 Edgar, Samuel, 8 , 111 203-36, 237-75 conservation of: and abstract dynamics,
o f extremum conditions, 237, 240-75 Edinburgh Academy, 699 Thomson on the nature of, 208-12, 380-1, 626; as principle o f mechanical
390-5 Edinburgh Review, 17, 27 213-15, 226-8, 238-40, 256, 281, 402-3, effect, 250m, 262-3, 283, 305-10 passim,
o f field theory, 203, 230, 237-81 Edinburgh University, 22, 27, 34, 36-7, 43, 450-1, 456-68, 471, 477, 479-80, 482-8 344, 346-7, 384 5; in Unseen universe,
o f forces, 372-9 318 Thom sons preference for d.c., 719 631M
versus kinematics, 360-2 elastic solid ether, see ether (elastic solid) and two spheres problem, 231-fi, 237, 240, cosmology of, 497- 523, 533-8, 543-4
natural philosophy and, 89, 122-4, 150 elasticity 244-8, 250 creation o f 307, 505, 519-20, 533, 535,
particle, and energy dissipation, 614-15 dynamical theory of, 339-40, 400-3, 410, and units o f measurement, 454-7 551, 609, 615, 634, 643
622, 624, 625-7 427 velocity of, 457-9 dissipation o f continuum theory and, 411,
physical, 380-1, 626-7, 644 Poisson on, 200-2, 339-40, 399, 400-3, electromagnetic engines, 311, 332, 403, 428 40, 627, 629 32; and directing
in Treatise, 353-4, 372-95 410n, 427, 467 712-13 power o f life, 551, 612, 615-21, 622-5,
dynamometers, 130, 291-2, 293, 387-8 thermo-, 407 electromagnetic theory o f light, 445, 450, 627 33, 643-5; by earth, 554-5, 565-9,
dyne, 695ti Elder, John, 25, 135, 290, 730-1, 777, 794 454-8, 458-f)3, 469, 474-8 579, 581, ,583-4, 591, 612; emergence o f
Electric & International Telegraph Co., 701 electromagnetism, see field theory universal, 308-16, 317-18, 328-32, 333,
Earnshaw, Samuel, 164, 215, 242 Electric Telegraph Co., 446 electrometers. 222, 245, 248-50, 2 5 1 . 252, 497-502; and free will, 551, 612-13,
and dynamics, 375-7 electrical industries, 652, 684, 697, 713, 456, 694, 700, 701 615-17, 618-21, 622-5, 627-33, 643-5;
earth 716-22 Thom sons divided ring, 6 9 5 and instability of mechanical systems,
as an abode for life, 513, 516, 533, 535, electricity Thom sons quadrant, 6 9 6 , 705 428-40, 618, 625, 629, 631-2; particle
537, 548-9, 551, 552, 561-5, 569, 589, absolute measurement of, see measurement electrostatics, see electricity dynamics and, 614-15, 622, 624, 625-7;
602, 612, 634, 639, 641, 644 (absolute electrical) Ellis, R.L. by sun, 497, 498, 502, 504- 5, 531, 532,
age of, 150, 192, 194-5, 317, 500, 523, atmospheric, 575 and Cam. Math.J., 80, 108, 176-7, 179 534, 536-8, 565, 612; Thom sons and
561-73, 579-611 and Admiralty, 794 and geometry o f generation, 1845, 200 M axwells interpretation o f 613, 617,
age o f rocks on surface of, 559-60 as a compressible fluid: 456-68, 471, 477, as interpreter o f Bacon, 174m, 178m 620, 621 33; see also demon (Maxwells),
application o f Fourier to heat of, 193-5, 479-80, 482-8; see also ether (air-) and kinematics, 199-200, 366 progression, work (waste o f useful)
310-11, 560, 566-7, 569-72, 757 and dielectrics, 219-28, 256, 260, 448, opinion o f Thomson, 80, 234 as foundation o f Treatise, 349, 351, 353,
causes o f heat in, 554-5, 559, 567-9, 580, as whig mathematician, 65, 174 380-95
450-1, 477, 484
587, 589, 607-11 Empire and units o f measurement, see
and displacement current, 228, 448, 450-1,
interior state of, 299, 553-9, 572-8, 597, and Admiralty. 787, 791, 792-3, 794, 796 measurement (work-based)
454-5, 459, 460-1, 469-70, 477-8, 480,
600-1 BAAS and, 698 kinetic: 347, 355-6, 378, 499, 505; see also
482, 493
and economy, 723-4, 732 vis viva
measurement o f conductivities in, 558-60, economy and, 684-5, 712-22
569, 589, 605-6 and geometry, 723-7 Larrnor on Thom sons doctrines o f 684-5
Faraday on, 195, 198, 213, 218-23, 254,
and Glasgow, 20, 21-5, 656, 708, 722, 732. potential: 347, 498- 9; o f solar system, 499,
measurement o f temperatures in, 552, 446-7
799 500, 505, 520, 526, 529, 533, 535, 543-4,
559-60, 564-5, 568-9, 579, 757 Gauss on, 204, 205, 208, 213, 231, 240-1,
and Greenwich Observatory, 723 4 591-2, 634
origins of, 560, 572-3 243-5, 246, 248, 253-5
and industrialization, 20, 21-5, 491, 708 sources o f 497, 502-5, 518-19, 525, 561
radioactivity and, 607-11 generation of, 712-14, 715-22
Ireland and the, 4, 7-8, 737-8, 802-10 suns, 397-400, 405, 414, 438, 497, 498,
rigidity of, 573-8, 584, 600-1 Green on, 165, 204, 208, 213, 215-16, 502- 51, 565-fi, 590
secular cooling of, 150, 192-5, 206n, 238, 231-2, 254, 255 the Magnetic Crusade and, 276-7, 756
and merchant marine, 723-4, 732, 7 7 6 - 8 6 Thom sons introduction o f term, 315,
317, 524, 543, 544, 552-73, 579-84, and hydrodynam ic analogy, 263-75 329-33 passim, 346-7
587-92, 595m, 600-1, 612 lighting by, 684, 712-15 and patents, 708, 791
see also work
as time-keeper, 583-6 m ethod o f images for, 231-6, 240, 243, political econom y and, 810
energy physics, Thom sons molecular, 341-7,
East India Co., 276, 780 246-7, 276, 457 and ships magnetism, 276-8, 759, 764
400-12, 417-44, 471-94
Eastern Telegraph Co., 705, 711, 808 for motive power, 684, 712, 713, 715, and shipbuilding, 727-32
Engineer, The, 650-1
Ecole polyteditiique, 155, 157, 291, 365-6 720-1 and telegraphs, 454, 649-52, 653, 668-70,
economy Poisson on, 165-6, 203, 205-9 passim, 215, 701, 711-12, 805-6, 808m
birth o f British academic, 653-4
and electricity, 684-5, 712-22 216, 225-8 passim, 232, 235, 238, 245-6, Thomson and the, 3-4, 799, 801, 803-10,
Cambridge University and, 63-5, 199
and Empire, 723-4, 732 402 812, 814
chair at Glasgow University, 30, 654
and engineering, 655-61 for railways, 684, 720-1 Thomson and politics of, 799, 801-11, 814
and cosmology, 329-32, 497-9, 501-6, 509,
and laboratory, 677, 685-6, 698 and specific inductive capacity, 213, and tides, 583
515-16, 523, 539-41
and measurement, 248-9, 255-6, 292, 219-28, 240 universality and, 356-7, 687, 805-6
economy and, 65561
387-8, 685, 698 storage of, 71415 see also navigation
in France, 155, 156-7, 199, 2434, 412
and telegraphs, 660-2, 666-7, 670-1, 677, therm o-, 403-6, 41 Om Encke, J.F., 351
and Glasgow Philosophical Society, 51-2,
698, 709, 711 Thomas Thomson on the nature of, 238-9 Enckes comet, 91-4, 97-8, 285, 523
283, 285, 291-3, 318, 654-8, 660, 739
and Thom sons compass, 771, 774 Thom sons heat flow analogy for, 20312, Encyclopaedia Britannica, 8 8 , 622
846 Index Index 847

engineering (cont,) extremum principles on M axwells theory, 4.594)2, 481-2, Thom sons and Gregorys interpretations
marine, 23-4, 130, 283, 285, 288-90, 292, Thomson and, 237, 240-75, 317-18, 411, 492-4 o f 183-5, 190 1
318, 330, 503-f), 657 -8 , 699, 729-32 414-17, 431-8 and mechanical models, 461 Thom sons heat flow analogy and, 20.5 12
and measurement, 656 in Treatise, 390-5 Fleming, William, 28, 41, 44 5, 49, 83, 109, passim, 226, 448-52 passim, 725
professionalization of, 653-4 113-14, 116, 1.32, 1.34, 307, 61,3n and Thomsons telegraph theory, 448 9,
Rankine and academic, 654-60 failure, Thom sons 1896 confession o f 489 Flinders bar, 771, 785 451-2, 682
James Thomson and, 51-5, 130, 137-9, Fairbairn, William, 283, 285-6, 288-90, 292, fluorescence, .398, 468, 470, 472 Fourneyrons vortex turbine, 293
243-4, 282-3, 285-6, 288-90, 292-3, 553, 557-8, 674, 678, 699, 801 Fontenelles roses, 524, 545 Franklin, Benjamin, 320
318, 387- 8 , 412-17 farad, 687, 695 Forbes, J.D. Fraunhofer, Joseph, 397
Thomson and academic, 660-1, 662-7, Faraday, 745 on conductivities o f rocks, 559-60 free will
677-8 Faraday, Michael, 128, 129, ,302, 306 as episcopalian, .36, 43 energy dissipation and, 551, 612-13,
and work, see work on diamagnetism, 260-3, 265, 274-5, T i l geology o f 579, 589 615-17, 618-21, 622-5, 627-.3.3,
engines, mathematics and, 152, 180, 188 on electricity, 195, 198, 213, 218-23, 254, and Glasgow chair, 101- 4 passim, 108, 112 643-5
Enlightenment, the 152 44f>-52, 477 and Earis savants, 106 Jenkin on, 617, 628, 630, 63hi, 645
episcopalians, 44, 48, 6 8 ti, 99, 101-3 introduction o f the term field, 261 and reform o f Scottish universities, 36- 7, Maxwell on, 429, 617-18, 632, 645
equipartition theorem, 428-30 lines o f force, 205, 212-13, 217-19, 220-1, 55, 103 Stewart on, 617, 628-9, 631-2
Urehiis, HMS (polar expedition ship), 756 226, 259, 274-5, 450 students of, 36-7, 64, 318, 731 James Thomson on, 617, 618-21
Erebus, HMS (Napier-built), 786 on magnetism, 195, 198 on suns heat, 542 Thomson on, 551, 612-17, 627-8, 63hi,
erg, 695 h on magneto-optic rotation, 256-61, 274, Taits replacement o f .348 641, 644-5
Ericsson, John, 296n 341-2, 354, 403, 406-11 passim, 439, 473 testimonial for Thomson, 113 French Revolution, 6 -7
Ericssons lead, 751 natural philosophy o f 335 as Thom sons colleague, 36, 127n, 144-5, Fresnel, Augustin, 155, 157, 162-4, 167, 179,
Erman, G.A., 351 and objection to action at a distance, 213, 2.35, 294, 298, .301, 302, 308, 312 463
ether 219 as tory, 36, 276 Froude, William, 73.5-6, 739, 772
ofChallis, 535-6 on quantity o f electricity, 689-90 on underground temperatures, 559-f)0, Fuller, Frederick, 69, 116, 140, 234ii
continuum theory o f matter and, 396-444 on quantity- intensity distinction, 220 -3, 568-9, 757
density of, 399, 405, 516, 518 225-6, 281, 446, 450-1 and Whewell, 36, 103 Galileo Galilei, 373
elastic solid, 162-5, 256-60, 264, 272, 411, on specific inductive capacity, 213, 21928, force, 122-4 Gall, Agnes (aunt), 113, 1.35-6, 1.39 40
445, 450-1, 460-3, 464, 467, 471, 481, 240, 700n continuum theory in Treatise, 349, 354, Galton, Douglas, 674, 678
484-8, 491-5 and telegraphy, 446-52, 455 379-80 Galton, Francis, 6 6 , 6 8 , 632
electricity, and ponderable matter, 482-8 Thom sons acquaintance with the work o f as energy gradient, 382- 3, 388, 488 galvanometer, Thom sons marine mirror,
luminiferous, 162-5, 197, 198, 200, 397, 203, 212-13, 216-18, 219, 223-8, 447 Faradays lines o f 205, 212- 13, 217-19, 669, 67B 2, 6 7 3 , 678, 704, 705, 709-10,
401, 404, 409, 411, 438, 461-2, 464, 469, Thom sons early opinion o f 213, 216-17, 220-1, 226, 259, 274-5, 450 711
501-2, 514, 515-16, 518, 525, 534, 544 219 as matter in motion, 379, 42.3-5 Gardner, Margaret (mother), 12-13, 18
macroscopic analysis of, 471-2, 482-8 Faure, Camille, 714-15, 794 ponderomotive: 237-40, 241, 244-8, 252, Gamier, J.G., 35
Maxwells, 460, 481, 488, 492 Ferranti, Sebastian de, 716-19 254, 255, 260-3, 264-5, 27(M , 276, 317, Gauss, C.F.
Thom sons air-, 226-7, 240, 253, 258, 265, Ferrers, N .M ., 190 487-8; versus point, .385-7 on electricity, 204, 205, 208, 213, 231,
277 -8 , 397-402, 420, 443, 450-1, 462, Field, C.W ., 6 6 8 , 674, 678, 680 pressure versus m oving force, 3756 240-1, 243-5, 246ii, 248, 253-5
512, 534 field theory in Treatise, 356, 379-80, 382-3, .385 6 , 388 system o f units. 357, 685, 6 8 8 , 700
Thom sons labile, 486-8 dynamics o f 203, 230, 237-81 see also action at a distance, Laplace on terrestrial magnetism, 55, 257, 258n,
and Thom sons telegraph theory, 456-63, energy (or work) in, 262-3, 273-5 (programme of), point atoms, work 265-6, 21(y-l, 685
482-4, 491-4 kinematics of, 203-36, 237-8, 255, 256-60, Foucault. J.B.L., 398n Geikie, Archibald
see also hydrodynamics 279 Fourier, Joseph on geological time, 546, 590, 594-6, 602-3,
Etruria, 111 M axwells, 220, 341, 445, 448, 450, 454-5, analogies of, 149-50, 157, 161, 174, 183 605
Euler, Leonhard, 17-18, 34, 391-2, 423-4, 457-63, 474-82, 488-92 passim
Briti-sh reception o f 36, 55, 149-50, 162, uniformitarian geology o f 590-3
425 ponderomotive force in, 237, 2545, 260,
16.5-8, 183, 190-1 Genoa, University o f 699
Evans, F.J., 763, 789-91, 795 262-3, 270-5, 276, 487-8
and earths secular cooling, 150, 192 5, Geological Society
Everett, J.D., 564, 695ti propagation and, see ether
317, 552, 560, 566-7, 569-72 o f Glasgow, 537, 578, 580, ,581-2, 586, 595
evolution, inorganic, see progression, energy figure o f the earth
versus Kelland, 166-7, 285 o f London, 554, 565, 635
(dissipation of) Croll on, 586, 600
versus Laplace and Poisson, 155-62, 166, Geological Survey o f Scotland, 593ii
evolution, organic, see life (evolution of) Charles Darwin on, 577
168 geology
experiment G.H. Darwin on, 600-1
and macroscopic law, 156-61, 197, 725 at Cambridge, 60, 63, 192-9
as criterion for Glasgow natural Thomson and, 573-8, 584, 599-600
as mathematical poet, 127-8, 149, 159, 183, catastrophist, 554, 563, 566-8, 572, 581,
philosophy chair, 1 0 1 - 8 Thom sons prize essay on, 167, 206ii
566 587-600 passim, 635, 6.37
and diffusion o f knowledge, 1 0 1 - 8 passim, Fischer, W.F.L., 79, 351
Fisher, J.A.. 72, 774, 788, 793-6 series o f 157-8, 166, 167-8, 369-72, 756-7 Thom sons alignments with, .564, 579 80
114, 12.5-8, 348-9
FitzGerald, G.F., 445, 487, 488, 490, 545, 604 as symbol o f Victorian style, 149 uniformitarian, 193, 513, 547, 554, 561-4
see also laboratory, measurement,
on Hertzs researches, 475 and theory o f heat conduction, 158-9 passim, 566-8, 572, 580-1, 585, 587-9
Thom sons first reading of, 167 590-4, 637
848 Index Index 849

geology {cont,)
mathematics professor at, 18-19, 32-7 death of, 108 heat death, 500-1, 551
see also earth, Fourier, Hopkins, Lyell, Thomson: a student at, 4950, 613, 649, and Edinburgh mathematics chair, 37, 102, see also energy (dissipation of), progression
Sedgwick, Whewcll, geometry 811; as natural philosophy professor at, 103 heat flow analogy, see analogy (Thomsons
and the calculus o f operations, 184-5, 117-35, 489, 811, 812; as Chancellor of, as editor o f Cam. Math. J., 69 70, 80, heat flow)
190-2 812 167-8, 173, 175-6, 203-4 Heaviside, Oliver, 445, 481-2, 487, 495
and Empire, 723-7 tories of, 21, 25, 28, 41-7, 100-1, 114, 116, and Glasgow natural philosophy chair, and telegraphs, 482ti
as kinematics, 124, 199-201 134, 195 101-4 passim vector notation of, 490
and non-hypothetical theory, 150, 155, 194 and undergraduate social origins, 58, 99 as model for Thomson, 181 Hegel, G.W.F., 335-f), 361
and practicality, 150, 230-6 whigs of, 21, 25, 30, 41-7, 100-3, 116, 132, as whig mathematician, 65, 174 Helena, 728
as process o f generation, 154, 184-5, 190-5 134, 195 Grosvenor Gallery, 717-19 Helmholtz, H. von, 132, 146, 189, 283, 352,
Germanic, 111 Glass, Elliot & C o., 6 6 8 , 678, 679 Grove, W .R., 542, 640 527, 776, 812
glacial epoch, see ice age Glen Line, 785 Guion Line, 776, 778-9 aboard Lalla Rookh, 736-9
Gladstone, W .E., 799, 801, 803, 804, 807, Good Words, 353, 535, 536, 538, 754, 759, 770 Guthrie, Frederick, 424 on anomalous dispersion, 469
809-10 Goodwin, Harvey, 80, 174, 215 gutta-percha, 446, 656 determinism of, 617-18, 626
Glasgow Gordon, Lewis Gutta Percha Co., 679 on earths heat, 560-1
BAAS meeting (1840), 30, 52-5 and Carnots theory, 249, 296, 299-300, gyroscopes, 417 on ether and matter, 443n
diseases in, 136-7, 139 301, 308, 318 gyrostats, 436ti, 438-9, 473-5, 485-7 first meeting with Thomson, 501, 560
and Empire, 20, 21-5, 656, 708, 722, 732, and Glasgow engineering chair, 27, 30, 44, on heat death, .500-1, 551
799 64, 654, 730 Hachettc, J.N.P., 157, 291 on earths nebular origins, 560
Geological Society, 537, 578, 580, 581-2, and Glasgow Philosophical Society, 25, Haiti, 767 opinion o f Thomson, 527
586, 595 285, 292 Hall effect, 404, 406 and PliYsikalisch-Technische Reichsanstalt,
population growth of, 2 0 on mechanical effect, 243, 291, 387 Halloran, Daniel, 117 686
Port, 22, 28 as student o f Forbes, 36, 64 Hamilton, Sir William on standards o f measurement, 690, 694
River Clyde and, 2 2 ^ and telegraphs, 664-7, 699 criticism o f Glasgow College, 27-8 on suns heat, .520-1, 526-32, 542-4,
trade and industry of, 20-5, 126, 283, James Thomson and, 51, 138, 283, 285, 292 on mathematics, 178 545-9, passim, 561, 593, 617
356-7, 655-8 passim, 706-7, 727-32 as whig, 30 on Reids philosophy, 87 'Ueher die Erhaltung der Kraft', 351, 360
whigs of, 23, 25, 30, 707 Graham, Sir James, 30, 47, 111-12 Hamilton, Sir W.R. visits to Glasgow, 132, 283, 417
Glasgow Argus, 46-7 Gramme, Z.-T., 713 acquaintance with Thomson, 113, 188, 302 on vortex motions, 380, 412, 417-22, 427,
Glasgow Herald, 674 gravitational theory, o f suns heat, 505, 506, on ether and wave theory o f light, 164 431
Glasgow High School, 50, 318 508-18, 525-33, 535, 538, 539-44, 550 and principle o f least action, 390-5 Henry, Rev P.S., 112
Glasgow Philosophical Society gravity, Thomson on, 423, 425-7, 519-20, and quaternions, 185, 188, 364 Herapath, John, 340, 402
character of, 20-1, 24-5, 30, 53, 83 643 Hammond, Robert, 717 Hercules, HMS, 793
debate on patents, 706-8 Graves, John, 188 Hancock, Elizabeth, 139 HerscheLJ.F.W.
and engineering: 51-2, 283, 285, 291-2, Gray (compass maker), 768 Hancock, Neilson, 139 and Analytical Society, 17, 151
318, 654, 660, 739; committee on Gray, Andrew, 17 Hardy, W .B., 550n and renewal o f British mathematics, 60,
applied mechanics, 293, 655-8 Gray, George, 28, 41, 113-14 Harland and Wolff, 777-8, 786, 803 154-5, 173-4, 176
Thom sons contributions to, 296-8, 300, Great Eastern, 657, 661, 671, 680-2, 680, 681, Harris, W .S., 216-17, 227, 240, 246, 2.50, on Enckes comet, 91
424, 528, 745 682, 683, 705-6, 730, 763, 778 252-3, 254, 302, 767-8 as gentleman, 175
Glasgow Science Lectures Association, 724 Great Exhibition, 649, 652 Harrington, Lord see Devonshire, 8 th Duke on Laplacian planetary system, 36n, 90,
Glasgow University Great Western Telegraph Co., 743 of 153-4, 583
College of, 25-32, 121, 133, 134, 140 Greatheed, S.S., 179, 183 Haughton, Samuel, 596 and Magnetic Crusade, 276
criteria for election to chairs, 38-9, 100-1, Green, George Hayward, R.B., 188 on natural selection, 641
190, 243 on electricity and magnetism, 165, 197, heat on suns heat, 503, 504, 530, 536, 542
engineering chair, 30, 138, 284, 291, 318, 204, 208, 215-16, 223, 231-5, 254, 255, caloric theory of, 283, 304-5, 306, 315-16, on suns spots, 517
654, 658, 659-60, 732 262n, 267 336-7, 338-9, 403n on symbolic algebra, 171, 172-4, 181
foundation of, 2 2 on ether and wave theory o f light, 165, conduction of, 158-62, 183-4 on verae causae, 510
natural philosophy in, 83-4, 89, 101, 197, 442, 465, 467, 469 motive power of, 282, 289-90, 293-316, on wave theory o f light, 163, 164
117- 35 and reform o f British mathematics, 176, 318-33 on zodiacal light, 511-12, 518
new site of, 132, 134-5, 732, 814 234-5 as a state function, 314, 316, 320, 323-4, Hertz, Heinrich, 474-5, 490, 492-3
professional men in, 118-20 Greenwich Observatory, 723-4 334, 336 Hill, Alexander, 28, 41, 45, 109, 113-14, 134
reform of, 25, 27-32, 41-9, 100-1, 116, Gregory, D.F, theory o f central or primitive, see earth Hind,John, 6 8
117, 128, 132, 134-5 acquaintance with Thomson, 69-70, 72 (secular cooling of) Hodgkinson, Eaton, 557
regius professors of, 25, 27, 30-2, 41, 43-5, as admirer o f Fourier, 183 Thomas Thomson on the nature of, 238 Holmes, F.H., 712
118- 19, 134 and calculus o f operations, 173, 180-92, Thomson on the nature of, 283, 314, Holt, Alfred, 731
religious tests in, 41-9, 100-3, 134 211 315-16, 334-5, 336-41, 344-7 Home Rule, see Ireland
structure of, 2f)-30 and Chemical Society, 168 see also dynamical theory (of heat), Hooker, J.D., 641-3, 645
Dr Thomson: a student at, 8 ; as compared with Thomson, 190-1 Fourier, thermodynamics Hooker, W.J., 44
850 Index Index 851

Hooper, 7448 passim, 796 hypothetico-deductive methodology, 1556, Roman Catholics in, 4, 5-6, 33 4, 48, 318, 321, 324, 328, 332, 498, 524. 539,
Hopkins, William, 57, 60, 103, 114, 116 158-f)l, 163 111-13, 806 626
on causes o f earths heat, 555, 559, 565 Dr Thomson and, 7-19, 111 13 Journal de mathhnaihique, 204
on climatal changes, 556, 572 Iberia, 752 Thomson and, 3-4, 111-13 Julius, W .H., 489
on conductivities o f rocks, 558-9 ice age, 556, 564, 585 United Irishmen of, 7
on creation o f earth, 555 Idaho, 779 Young Irelanders rebellion in, 802 3, 806 Kaiser-i-Hind, 780
as critic o f Darwin, 524, 636 images, Thom sons method of, 231-6, 240, Ironsides, 757, 765 kaleidoscope, 234
and dynamics, 376-7 243, 246-7, 276, 457 irreversibility, see dissipation, progression, Kant, Immanuel, 335, 588-9
experiments with Joule, 553, 555, 556-8 Imperialism, see Empire work (waste o f useful) Keen (compass maker), 768
geological m ethodology of, 195-8, 553-6 Ince, Francis, 716-18 irrotational motion, 421-2 Kelland, Philip. 37, 43, 102- 3, 114, 164,
on interior state o f earth, 553-9, 573, 574, inductive capacity, specific, see electricity Isabella, 756 166-8, 285
575-8 industrial revolution Kelvin, Bottomley and Baird, 798k
as mathematical coach, 55, 59, 6 6 - 8 , 181, and practical man, 652 Jack, William, notes o f Thom sons lectures, Kelvin, Lord, see Thomson, William
198-9, 200 second, 652-3, 667, 683 22C 7, 401, 451, 616 Kelvin, River, 134, 809, 814
physical geology of, 192, 193, 195 -9, 299, industrialization, 9, 14, 20, 21-5, 727-32 Jacobi, C.G.J., 393-4, 693 Kelvin Hughes, 797-8
552-9 industries Jardine, George, 100 Kelvin and James White Ltd, 775, 797-8
on precession and nutation, 575, 578 aluminium, 684, 721..2 JefTray, James, 28, 41, 132 Kelvin Seamount, 750k
on progression, 552-6, 588, 634-6 chemical, 652 Jenkin, Fleeming, 698-9 Kelvins law, 715
Thomson as a pupil of, 69, 72, 76, 78-82, electrical, 652, 684, 697, 713, 716-22 on Darwins theory, 536-7, 580-1, 637-8 Kelvite, 798k
215, 242 o f Glasgow, 20-5, 126, 283, 35f^7, 655-8 and electrical measurement, 687n, 6 8 8 , 694, Keplers laws. 195, 517
Thom sons disagreements with, 575-6 passim, 706-7 695fi, 699-700 Ker, Eliza, 82, 140
Thom sons high opinion of, 552-3, 579, iron, 20, 23, 655 first meeting with Thomson, 699-700 Kerr, Lord Walter, 788-9, 793, 797
589 shipbuilding, 20, 22-5, 654, 657, 727-32 on free will, 617, 628, 630, 631 k, 645 kinematics
as a tory, 6 6 telegraph, 455-6, 656, 657, 664, 6 6 6 , 6 6 8 liberal politics of, 699 and Cambridge network, 64, 199-202
on volcanoes and earthquakes, 553, 573 textile, 5, 9, 20, 22-3, 368, 673, 680, 803 on matter, 425u, 628 versus dynamics, 360-2
and Willis, 367 Inflexible, HMS, 794 on rule o f thumb, 536, 659 o f field theory, 203-36, 237-8, 255,
Horseley Iron Co., 285, 288, 387, 659 Inman Line, 729, 776, 785 on suns heat, 536 7, 580 256-f)0, 279, 371-2
Hotspur, HMS, 787 histitut de France, 158 Thom sons partnerships with, 684, as geometry o f motion, 199-201, 211, 360,
Hughes, Henry, 798n Institution o f Electrical Engineers, 483, 698-706, 709-10, 714, 743, 744 365-72
Hume, David, 8 6 , 94 698 Jenkins, D.I., & Co., 785 and progression, 150, 192-202
Hutton, James, 537-8, 587, 588, 635 instrument(s) Johnson, Edward, 759, 760, 763 as pure mathematics, 360-2
Huxley, T.H., 525, 528, 546, 582, 584, 626, experiment as an, 121-3 Joly, John, 550n, 608 in Treatise, 353-4, 360-72, 378
633, 638, 645, 736, 807 h French makers of, 129h, Joule, J.P., 303 see also dynamics
on evolutionism, 587-8 marine, 24, 293, 727, 730, 739, 740-7, on compass, 766 kinetic theory o f gases, 378, 419-20, 423, 628
opinion o f Thomson, 642 749-53, 754-98 criticism o f Carnots theory, 282, 306-7, Thom sons, 427-30
on origin o f life, 638- 9 mathematics as an, 33, 39-40, 121-3 311-15 kinetico-statics, 423
on secular cooling o f earth, 587-9 J.P. Nichol and astronomical, 37, 74, 105 on Darwins theory, 525, 528, 561 kinetics, 378
on suns heat, 538 Thomson and delicate measuring, 127-8, on dynamical theory o f heat, 304-5, 308, King George V, 6 8 6
tidal retardation, 585-6 657, 670, 678, 695, 696, 711, 790 314, 316, 320, 338 King, Clarence, 547, 606-7
Hunterian Museum, 117 Thom sons telegraph, 669, 670-2, 6 7 3 , 678, and electrical measurement, 687, 690-3, King, D.T., 734, 748
hydrodynamics 700-6, 708 12 694 King, David, 127, 137, 533-4, 734
o f matter, 396-444, 489 White as supplier of, 701, 714, 754, 775 on electromagnetic engines, 311, 332, 403, Kingsley, Charles, 357k, 651-2
see also continuum theory, dynamical Inverclyde, Lord, see Burns, John 712 Kipling, Rudyard, 650
theory, macroscopic analysis Ireland and energy (pis piva) conservation, 306, Kirchhoff, G.R., 189, 398k, 530
hydrodynamic analogy, Thom sons, 263-75, emigration from, 6 384, 626 on telegraphs, 458
304, 412-14, 421-2 Empire and, 4, 7-8, 737-8, 802-10 experiments with Hopkins, 553, 555, 556-8 Kirk, A.C., 730, 731
hydrokinctic analogy, 424 famine in, 4, 135, 139, 803 experiments with Thomson, 401, 402, 5 5 3 Knott, C.G., 359-4)0
Hymers, John, 6 8 Home Rule for, 4, 737-8, 799, 801-10 on falling stars, 510
hypotheses the Irish Church in, 5, 48, 111, 803 on fluid friction, 272, 293, 294, 302, 304 La Plata, 748
Fouriers avoidance of, 161-2 National Schools of, 33-4, 111, 802 308, 310, 312, 322-3, 539 laboratory
J.P. Nichol and, 39-40, 167 nationalism in, 33, 801-10 on laws o f nature, 85-6, 306 birth o f British physics, 653
Rankine and, 318-23 and political economy, 802-3, 805 priority claims of. 285k, 335 -6 , 353k and economy, 677, 685-6, 698
Scottish caution towards, 89, 101, 167, 210, presbyterians in, 4, 6 , 11-12, 13, 48, on shipbuilding, 730 Lalla Rookh as, 738 9, 741-2, 751-2, 755,
238 111-13 and telegraph theory, 456-7 776
Thomson and, 178, 209-12, 213-15, Queens Colleges of, 111-13, 138-9, 178, Thom sons first acquaintance with, 278-9 Liebigs chemical, 120, 129
228-31, 237, 253, 279 -80, 334, 341- 7, 737, 803 294, 302-5 need for a national physical, 685-6,
348 rebellion o f 1798 in, 3-8, 9, 802, 809n on work-heat relation, 283, 294, 302-16, 698
852 Index Index 853

laboratory (cont,) N ichols 3 9 ^ 1 Lillcy (compass agent), 768, 782 by Cambridge mathematicians, 195-202
Regnaults, 107-8, 128, 129, 131, 243-5, Dr Thom sons 10, 12, 13-14, 21, 41-7, limits, method of, 35, 154, 169-71 o f ether, 471 -2
282, 300-1, 320, 343 195, 229-30, 342 Lindsay, Sir Courts, 717-18 and early field theory, 256-75
Thomas Thom sons chemical, 30-1, 105, Thomsons; political, 799, 806, 810; lines o f force, see force (lines of) o f forces, 385-6
120, 129 religious, 47-9, 50, 113, 138, 178, 195, Liouville, Joseph, 204, 216, 234, 246, 278, 351 by Fourier, 157-61
Thom sons physical: 2 9 , 120, 128-35, 187, 283; scientific, 177, 229-30, 234, 237, Lloyd, Humphrey, 276 and mathematical theory o f electricity,
308-9, 404, 412, 417, 454, 544, 553, 656, 279-80, 342, 355, 357, 463, 518n Lockyer, J.N ., 542, 628 203-19, 228-36, 237-55
799; and electrical testing, 677, 684, 700, laws o f nature, 59-60, 84-99, 154, 156, Lodge, Oliver, 481-2, 686 h, 720n and mathematical theory o f magnetism,
714; funding of, 705 192-5, 609 London 276-81, 341-2
see also Cavendish Laboratory, matter Nichol and, 40, 84-5, 95-8, 245-6, 307, Astronomical Society of, 151, 175 o f points, 38.56
(properties of) 317 Geological Society of, 554, 565, 635 and thermodynamics, 327-33
Laborde, Albert, 549 Thomson and, 84, 98-9, 121-3, 192-5, Kings College, 617, 691, 692-3 see also atoms (Thomsons vortex),
labouring force, see W hewell, work 237-8, 317-18, 329-32, 391-2, 497-8, University of, 151, 169-70, 175 Baltimore Lectures, dynamical theory,
Lacroix, S.F., 34-5 537 London Electric Supply Co., 718-19 energy physics (Thomsons molecular),
Lagrange, J.L. see also progression, voluntarism London Mathematical Society, 191, 439 hydrodynamics (o f matter)
abstract mathematics of, 181, 199 Loschrnidt, Joseph, 419-20 Magnetic Crusade, 276-7, 756
British reception of, 17-18, 34-6 passim, Lc Sage, G.-L., 425-6, 630 Love, A.E.H., 191 magnetism
63, 83, 162, 167 least action, principle o f 270-3, 3904 Lueania, 111 Airy on, 277, 278, 370
calculus of, 35, 151, 154, 169 Lecky, S.T.S., 725n, 750, 785-6 Lucretius, on atoms, 418-19, 430, 628 Ampere on, 26f>-7, 270, 408
no diagrams used by, 471 Legendre, A.-M ., 167 Lushington, Edmund, 28, 43-4, 80, 101, 116, Faraday on, 195, 198
dynamics of, 165, 201, 241, 373-4, 383-4, Leibniz, G.W ., 425n 134, 786-7 Green on, 165, 223, 262n, 267
387n, 392-4 calculus of, 151-2 Lusitania, 727-8, 111 Poisson on, 165, 206-7, 223, 235-6, 370
opposition to Fourier of, 158 consistentior status and, 562, 563, 567, 569, Lyell, Charles rotations of, 402-12
on planetary system, 18, 583 584, 589 and earths heat, 192-3, 554 ships; 236, 278, 370, 404, 754-7; see also
rejection o f least action, 391 Leighton, Capt., 750-1 and geological time, 524, 579 compass
Lairds o f Birkenhead (shipbuilders), 735 Leslie, John, 34, 36 steady-state geology of, 166, 192-3, 542, terrestrial, 55, 265-70, 276-8
Lalla Rookh, 705, 714, 727, 732, 733-40, 735, Leverrier, U J J ., 528 579, 588, 590 thermo-, 403, 407
741-2, 747-8, 799 Leviathan, see Great Eastern on species, 635 Thomson and the mathematical theory of,
Lamarck, J.B., 633 Leyden jar, telegraph as, 446-7, 450-1 Thomsons critique of, 537, .562, .564, 261-81, 341-2, 758-9
Lame, Gabriel, 105, 201 Leyland Line, 776 567-8, 579, 589 Thomson on the nature of, 259-60,
Lampson, C.M ., 672, 674 Liberal Unionism, Thomson and, 3, 113, 177, 269-70, 281, 402-12, 424
Lane, Homer, 547 357, 737, 738, 799, 801, 803-11, 814 Macaulay, T.B., 659, 662 magneto-optic rotation, 256-61, 274, 403,
Langley, S.P., 542-3, 549 Liddell and Gordon, 699 McClean, J.R., 138 406-11 passim, 439, 473, 483
Laplace, P.S. de Liebig, Justus von, 117, 120, 129, 140 McClure, J.H., 782 Majestic, 778
determinism of, 613-16 passim, 632 life MacCullagh, James, 164-5, 111, 191, 442 Malcbranche, Nicolas, 425
no diagrams used by, 471 creation of, 612, 634-7, 638-9, 642, 643-5 Macfarlan, Principal Duncan, 27-8, 4.3-7, 83, Malthus, T.R., 94-5
on earths density, 583 earth as an abode for, 513, 516, 533, 535, 100, 109, 113, 116, 134 Manchester Literary and Philosophical
on earths figure, 167 537, 548-9, 551, 552, 561-5, 569, 589, MacGill, Stevenson, 28 Society, 654
on earths secular cooling, 567 602, 612, 634, 639, 641, 644 MacGregor, Gow & Co., 785 Mansell, Robert, 298ii
versus Fourier, 154-60, 166-8 passim energy dissipation and directing power of, MacHale, Archbishop, 112 Marloye (instrument maker), 129h
versus N ew ton, 155-6 551, 612, 615-21, 622-5, 627-33, 643-5 Maciver, D. & C., 749, 783 Mascart, E.E.N., 605
on planetary motion, 18, 33-6 passim, 55, evolution of, 524-5, 551, 579, 580-1, 595, M dver, David, & Co., 785 mathematical analogies, Thom sons use of,
63, 83, 89-92, 152-3, 195, 206, 522-3, 597, 603-4, 612, 633-45 MacKinnon, William, 781-3 150, 174, 183, 186-7, 203-12, 214,
543, 583-4 meteoric origins of, 639-40, 642-3 Maclaurin, Colin, 36 217-18, 223-8, 229-31, 239, 253-5,
on point atoms and forces, 154-6, 158, natural selection and, 524, 551, 579, 581, Maclcod, Norman, 7545 25G-60, 263-75, 341-2, 345, 347
160, 164 598, 634, 637-8, 641-2 Macmillan (publisher), 351, 359 mathematical physics, reception in Britain o f
programme of, 150, 154-7, 160-2 passim, light Macmillans Magazine, 530, 628, 636 French, 149-68
166, 168, 197, 199, 203, 207, 337 electric: 684, 712-15; House o f Commons McNeil, John, 51 mathematics
rejection o f least action, 391 Select Committee on, 713-14, 715 Maconochie, Allan, 21, 28, 43, 45, 47, 116, in Cambridge University, 34, 36, 55, 62-8,
on tides, 583 electromagnetic theory of, 220, 445, 450, 129, 134 151-5, 168-92
Laplaces coefficients, see spherical harmonics 454-8, 458-63, 469, 474-8 MacQueen, James, 728 as a criterion for the Glasgow natural
Larmor, Sir Joseph, 282, 336n, 436 604 particle theory of, 163-4, 461 machines philosophy chair, 1 0 1 - 4
684-5 velocity of, 450, 455, 457-9, 478, 480 Cambridge texts on, 199 and engines, 152, 180, 188
and Thom sons ether, 487, 490, 493, 494 wave theory of: 162-5, 179, 197-8, French texts on, 156-7, 161-2, 199 as a mill, 586, 603
on Treatise, 355, 358 25f)-60, 318, 320, 463, 470; see also ether see also work reform o f British, 33-7, 149-202
latitudinarianism zodiacal, 511-12, 514, 517-18, 528, 640 macroscopic analysis in Scotland, 32-7
at Cambridge University, 60-1 lighthouses, 712-13, 724-5 o f atoms, 403, 407-12, 427-38 see also calculus
854 Index
Index 855
matter, laws of, see determinism, laws o f o f terrestrial temperatures, 552, 559-60, 441, 445, 454, 479-81, 489-94, 551; and
nature 564-5, 568-9, 579, 757 Murchison, R.I., 579, 589. 590-2 passim
demand for interpretation, 172-4, Murphy, Robert, 206, 254n
matter, properties of, 125, 156, 248-9, 353-4, and Thom sons methodology, 441, 445, 185-92; o f look and see, 463-71, Murray, David, 123-4, 127, 357
527, 530-2, 551, 553, 554, 556-8, 580, 454-6, 470, 480-1, 684 487-94, 613; o f philosophical Mylne, James, 28, 100
589, 605, 656, 685, 799 Thomson and precision, 108, 122, 126^8, uniformitarianism, 639, 643; unity o f
Matthiessen, Augustus, 687 h, 694 243-4, 246, 282, 299, 404, 454-6, 685-6, theory and practice in, 231-6, 240-56 Napier, David, 24, 288, 729
Maulc, Fox, 45-6 700, 711, 799 278, 360, 454, 483, 654-67, 6 7 0 1 , Napier, J.R., 20, 24, 654, 655, 657, 730, 741,
Maupertuis,, 391-2, 423 work-based, 244, 248-50, 255-6, 276, 283, 675-8, 790-1 786
Mauretania, 111 291-2, 300-1, 303, 355-7, 387-8, 684-5, rule o f thumb, 288, 536, 659 on compass, 760, 761, 766-8, 770-1
Maxwell, J.C. 687-93 o f trial and error, 659, 660-7, 670-1, 676-7 pressure log o f 739
and Cavendish Laboratory, 653 see also laboratory (Thomsons physical), o f verae causae, 510, 640 Napier, Robert, 23-4, 656, 729-30, 731, 748,
demon of, 429, 609, 617, 620, 621-8 matter (properties of), navigation see also analogy, hypotheses, 776, 783-4, 78f)-7. 792
displacement current of, 187, 228-9, 259, mechanical effect, see work latitudinarianism, macroscopic analysis, Napier, Sir William, 174
448, 450-1, 454-5, 460-1, 469-70, mechanical philosophy, see natural models National Line, 776
477-80, 493 philosophy Michelson, A.A., 463 National Physical Laboratory, 685-6
education o f 36, 68, 699 mechanics, see dynamics, energy, kinematics, Mill, James, 37 natural history, 88-9, 93-4, 121-2, 335, 372,
on clastic solids, 201-2 statics, work Mill, John Stuart, 37-8, 96-7, 245-6, 248 384, 537, 588, 638
electromagnetic theory o f 220, 341, 445, mechanics institutes, 177 Millar, Charles, 350-1 natural history stage, 121-2, 638
448, 450, 454-5, 457-63, 474-82, 488-92 Meikleham, Edward, 51 Millar, James, 32, 83 natural law, see laws o f nature
passim Meikleham, 'William Miller, Hugh, 635 natural philosophy
Equations o f 228, 474, 477-80 as natural philosophy professor, 83-4, 89, Miller, -W-H., 397, 687 aims o f 89, 649
ether o f 460, 481, 488, 492 117-18, 123, 167, 649 mind and dynamics, 89, 537
and Faraday, 220, 228, 259, 275, 448, 450 and Glasgow Philosophical Society, 24 laws o f 613-15 o f Faraday, 335
on free will, 429, 617-18, 632, 645 and non-hypothetical theory, 210 Reid on, 87, 612-13 in Glasgow University, 83-4, 89, 101, 210
and kinematics, 365, 367-8 on motion and force, 361, 377, 379 Robison on, 87-8, 612-13 and the Glasgow campaign, 10016
on kinetic theory o f gases, 419, 423, 426, declining years o f 28, 43, 101, 103-4, 109, Thomson on, 121, 334-5, 336, 613-14 and political econom y, 90, 150, 153-4
428-9, 628 113, 755 see also free will professionalization o f 117-20, 126-8, 190
macroscopic style o f 201-2, 348, 354 Melbourne, Lord, 276 Minotaur, HMS, 788, 789 in Scottish universities, 88-9, 101, 210,
and measurement, 685, 694, 695n Mephistopheles, 488-90 miracles, 85, 307, 334-5, 613-15, 619, 644 334-5, 349
on point atoms, 428 metaphysics Mitchell, Charles, 744, 796 ofT hom son, 88-9, 111-12, 120-8, 210,
on quantity-intensity distinction, 220, 228 kinematics as, 230, 361-2 Mitscherlich, Eilhard, 351 334-5, 372, 378-9
and quaternions, 188, 363-5 passim versus measurement, 454 Mivart, St George, 597 Thomson as professor of, 117-35
Thomsons early acquaintance with, 281 as pure mathematics, 361-2, 724 models, mechanical natural philosophy stage, 121-2, 638-9
Thom sons annotations to Treatise o f 185, as rejected by Lagrange and Laplace, 391 in Baltimore Lectures, 464-70, 472-4 natural selection, evolution by, 524, 551, 579,
475, 477-9, 491 as rejected by whig mathematicians, 177-8, o f ether, 162-5, 485-9 581, 598, 634, 637-8, 641-2, 751
use o f analogies, 212 187-8 FitzGerald and, 461 natural theology
on viscosity o f gases, 685 Dr Thom sons dislike of, 10, 229-30 molecular, 318-20 Paley on, 641
on vortex motion, 421 n Thom sons dislike o f 144, 178, 336, 361-5, Thomson and, 53, 55, 173, 230, 285, Thomson on, 641, 643, 645
M axwcll-Boltzmann distribution, 429-30 441, 471, 491, 652 438-40, 442-3, 445, 456-8, 485-7, 494, naturalism, o f Tyndall, 535, 617, 626
Mayer, J.R., 285n, 335-6, 343, 353n methodology 539^-41, 543-4, 551 Naturphilosophie, 336
hypothesis o f 401, 402 o f consilience, 553-4 M oigno, F.N.M ., 35, 170-1, 522-3 Nautical Almanac, 726
on suns heat, 503, 518 Darwins violation o f inductive, 636 molar-molecular distinction, 440-4, 471 Navier, C.L.M .H., 157, 161, 162, 242n, 291
Meadowbank, Lord, 116 in Hopkinss geology, 195-8, 553-6 molecular energy physics, Thom sons, 341-7, navigation
measurement o f non-hypothetical theory; Coulom bs, 400-12, 417-44 Admiralty charts for, 724
absolute electrical, 237, 2445, 301, 454-7, 212, 215, 227, 230, 234, 279; and molecules astronomical, 723-6, 740, 785
656, 676-8, 684, 687-95, 698, 700 electricity, 209-12, 213-15, 228-34; and as discrete objects, 159-60 dead reckoning, 724, 726-7, 786
absolute temperature, 249-50, 299-301, geometry, 150, 155, 194; and as volume elements, 159 deep-sea sounding, 724, 727, 740, 749-53
324-5 magnetism, 278-81; and metaphysics, see also atoms hazards o f 733, 748-9, 111, 778-9. 782,
BAAS and, 656, 686, 687-95, 698 177-8, 187, 230; and practicality, 150, Monarch, HMS, 735 784
o f conductivities o f rocks, 558-60, 569, 155, 167; Scottish, 89, 101, 167, 210, Monge, Gaspard, 157, 199, 291, 365 and Massey fly, 740
589, 605-6 238; Thom sons rethinking o f 334, Monitor, 568, 591-2 pilotage, 7245
and economy, 248-9, 255-6, 292, 387-8, 341-7 Montana, 778-9 Sumners method of, 7256, 741
685, 698 Thom sons; conceivability criterion in, Moriarty, Capt., 670, 725, 740, 751, 787 Thom sons depth gauges and, 750-1, 786
engineering, 656, 700 441, 445, 469, 551; consistency criterion Morins dynamometer, 291-2, 387-8 Thom sons practicality in, 724- 7, 740
Jenkin and electrical, 687 h, 688, 694, 695 h, in, 573, 602, 605; criterion o f Morley, E.W., 463 see also compass
699 7(X) measurement in, 441, 445, 454-6, 470, Moseley, Henry, 291 nebular hypothesis, 96-8, 192, 285, 311, 409,
Maxwell and absolute, 685 480-1, 684; criterion o f practicality in. Mossotti, O.F., 320 51 In, 520 3, 526, 543, 560, 572, 588
856 Index Index 857

Neil Arnott Demonstratorship, 705 on progression, 95-8, 192, 24.5-6, 248, .537, passim, 787-9, 791-5 passim; telegraph, Stokess criticism of, 200-2, 339
Neilson, J.B., hot-blast process and, 23 551, 633-4 453, 667, 700-6, 708-12 Thom sons criticisms of, 235, 339-40, 467,
Neilson, Walter, 655, 657 reform o f education, 33-4, 39-41 Peacock, George, 17, 151, 171-2, 176, 180-1, 469
Nelson, HMS, 797 as John Thom sons teacher, 55 186 W hewell and, 36, 166
Neptune, HMS, 792 as Thom sons teacher, 38, 49, 50, 108, 167, Pearce, Sir William, 730, 731 and work, 242n
Netherhall, 705, 714, 727, 799, 809 361, 682 Peel, Sir Robert, 11, 28, 30, 47, 65, 111-12, political economy, 651
Neumann, Franz, 310, 364 on unity o f creation, .534-5 802 Babbage on, 64, 1745
N ew York, Newfoundland, and London on zodiacal light, 51 In peerage, Thom sons, 3, 799, 801, 803, 807-9 Thomas Chalmerss, 945
Telegraph Co., 6 6 8 Nichol, John, 49, 124n, 804 Peltier effect, 332 and Empire, 810
Newall, R.S., & Co., 664, 666-7, 6 6 8 , 699, Nicholson, William, 17 Pender, John, 680, 711, 801, 808 and Ireland, 802-3, 805
700 Nollet, F 712 Penn & Co, 699 labour value and, see work
Newcom b, Simon non-hypothetical theory, see m ethodology Perry, John natural philosophy and, 90, 150, 1 5 3 ^
on earths rigidity and rotation, 577, 599 Norge, 796 on earths age, 603-7 J.P. Nichol and, 37
on suns heat, 541-2, 545-7 passim Northampton, HMS, 792-3, 794 on suns heat, 5449 and patents, 706-8
Newton, Isaac Persia, 729, 730 o f Adam Smith, 90, 287
analogy o f nature, 15.5-6 O Brien, Matthew, 79, 164 Peterhouse, see Cambridge (and Peterhouse) and telegraphs, 673-4
disciples of, 36, 59-60, 8 8 , 154 O Connell, Daniel, 802, 803 Petit, A.T., 157 Dr Thomson and, 14-18, 6 8 , 70-1, 746
first rule o f reasoning, 510 Oceanic, 77 8 Philadelphia Exhibition (1876), 713 James Thomson and, 139, 290, 416
fluxional calculus of, 35, 151-2, 154, 184 Ockham, William of, 85 Phillips, John, 558, 579, 589 Thomson and, 71-2, 117-20, 129-30, 287,
geometry of, 63, 79 ohm, 687, 693, 694-5 and BAAS, 558, 562, 565, 596 684, 707-8, 721-2
law o f gravitation, 152-3, 166, 195 O hm s law, 689-91 as critic o f Darwin, 524, 562, 636 in Treatise, 358, 388, 393
laws o f motion, 201, 362-3, 372-3, 375n Olympic, 778 on geological time, 5624, 590, 595, 596n, W hewell and, 94-5, 286-7
on mechanical arts, 659 Orr, James, 550, 610 598-9 work and, 287, 358, 388, 658, 684
on nature o f light, 461 Ostwald, Wilhelm, 336, 490 on underground temperatures, 5645 Poncelet,J.V., 64, 157, 161, 242n, 291, 293,
philosophy of, 15.5-6, 197-8, 337 Overland Route, 711, 780 philosophic radicals, 37-8 412-13
planetary system of, 18, 33, 62, 92, 97, 377, Oxford University, 60, 6 8 n phosphorescence, 468, 470, 472 ponderomotive force, see force
522 physics (ponderomotive)
re-reading by T & T', 352-3, 361, 363, P & O, 728, 730, 731, 779-81, 785 solar, 540-1 popularization, see diffusion o f knowledge
372, 380-9, 524 Pacific Steam Navigation Co., 731 see natural philosophy, matter (properties Poonah, 779
theology of, 85, 92, 97 Page, David, 582 of) Porcupine, HMS, 743
Niagara, electricity from, 713, 714, 719 Paisley, Rev Robert, 144 Physikalisch-Technische Reichsanstalt, 6 8 6 Porter, James, 56
Niagara, USS, 6 5 1 , 667, 668-9, 674 Paley, William physique, la, 103, 106 Porter, W .A., 56-7, 69, 83
Nichol, J.P. Evidences, 6 8 , 77 Pixii (instrument maker), 129 potential theory, 207-8, 213-16, 240-56,
and astronomical instruments, 37, 74, 105 on laws o f nature, 87n Plana, Giovanni, 277 261-2, 263-75, 276, 279-81, 341, 364
bankruptcy of, 746 Natural theology, 641 Playfair, John Pouillet, C.-S.-M ., 105-7, 351
Cyclopaedia, 75, 350 Palm, 750-1 on Laplacian planetary system, 89-90, 153, on the solar constant, 502, 505-6, 513, 518,
death of, 75, 190 Pambour, Count de, 64 537-8, 582, 583, 586 529, 530, 542-3
on design, 40, 84, 534-5 Parkinson, Stephen, 80 on motion and force, 89, 378 Poulton, E.B., 642-3
dislike o f hypotheses, 39-40 Parnell, C.S., 799, 803 and reform o f British science, 17, 90, 153, Powell, Baden, 164
on evolution o f life, 633-4 Patent Law Amendment Act, 706 167 practicality
and Fourier, 167, 682 patents Playfair, Lyon, 804, 810 and engineering, 243-4, 248-50, 255-6
on geometry, 2 1 0 BAAS on, 708 Poinsot, Louis, 366 in experimental demonstration, 1 0 1 , 104-8
and Glasgow Philosophical Society, 20, 25 and Empire, 708, 791 Poisson, S.D. and geometry, 150, 230-6
and Glasgow University reform, 21, 28 Glasgow Philosophical Society debate on, no diagrams used by, 471 and mathematics, 150, 155-62, 174-5,
32, 37-9 706-8 as disciple o f Laplace, 155, 158, 164 178-80, 188-92
on instrumental role o f analysis, 33, 123 and political economy, 706-8 and dynamics, 241, 374-5, 376, 377 uersus metaphysics, 10, 178, 229, 230, 469
152 and progress, 706-8 on earths heat, 192, 555, 568-9 471, 652
latitudinarian views of, 3 9 ^ 1 , 43 Rankines telegraph, 453 on elasticity, 200-2, 339-40, 400-3, 410, and positive theory, 276-81
on laws o f nature, 40, 84-5, 95-8, 245-t^ system of, 706-8 427, 467 and precision measurement, 108, 244-5,
307, 317 James Thom sons vortex turbine, 130, on mathematical theory o f electricity, 2 4 8 -9 ,2 5 5 -6 ,4 4 1 ,6 9 3
on motion and force, 362, 377, 379 292-3, 301, 412-17 165-6, 203-9 passim, 215, 216, 225-38 o f simplifying techniques, 125-6, 230-6,
and natural philosophy campaign, 1 0 4 5 Thomson on reform of, 708 passim, 245-6 467-71, 689
109, 116 Thom sons: compass, 7545, 770-5; on mathematical theory o f heat o f Archibald Smith, 756
nebular hypothesis of, 9G-8, 192, 285, 3 jj compass deflector, 774; and partnerships, conduction, 159-61, 166, 184, 205 een'Mi symbols, 187-9, 191-2
409, 51 In, 520, 522-3, 534, 633 684, 698-706, 708-10; profits from, 684, on mathematical theory o f magnetism, in Dr Thomsons mathematics, 14-15
popular lectures and books of, 38-9, 5 3 701, 702-5, 710, 716, 717, 733, 764; 165, 206-7, 223, 235-6, 278, 370, as Thom sons feel for magnitudes, 245
75, 100-1, 119 sounding machine, 744, 777, 780-6 756-62 passim, 769, 770 251-2, 386, 452, 464-5, 470
858 Index Index 859

practicality (cont,) Ramsay, Andrew, 590

episcopalians, 44, 48, 6 8 m , 99, 101 3 Russell, J.S., 288, 657, 661, 680, 735
and Thom sons methodology, 441, 445, Ramsay, William, 25, 28, 37, 43, 47, 49, 69,
P r e s b y t e r i a n i s m , 4, 6 , 11-12, 13, 41, 43-8, Russell, Lord John, 21, 28, 30, 37, 47, 802
454, 479-81, 489-94, 551 100-1, 109, 114, 116, 129, 134
99-101 Russia, 749, 776
in Thom sons navigation, 7247, 740 Randolph, Charles, 25, 135, 730
Roman Catholicism, 4, 5-6, 33-4, 99, Rutherford, Ernest, 549-51, 608, 610
in Treatise, 349, 355-8, 360, 365-72, 386-9 Rankinc, 24-5, 36, 138, 284, 296 m,
356-7, 651-2, 687 Rutherfurd, Andrew, 47, 109, 116
see also latitudinarianism, measurement, 318, 31 9 , 356 m, 735
and science, see creation, design argument,
models (mechanical) and academic engineering, 65460, 732
laws o f nature, progression, voluntarism Sabine, Col. Edward, 276-8, 756, 759, 760,
Pratt, J.H., 167, 375, 576, 582 on double refraction, 469-70
tractarianism, 60, 357m 762, 774
presbyterians, in Ireland, 4, 6, 11 12, 13, on energy, 347, 378
unitarianism, 11-12, 13, 138, 151 St Andrews University, 22, 34, 46, 351
111-13 on hypotheses, 318-23
university tests, 41-9, 60-1, 100-3, 134, St Peters College, see Cambridge (and
professionalism, 25, 27, 118-19 inaugural dissertation, 659 60
151 Peterhousc)
Dr Thomson and, 10-11, 21, 32-4, 100-1 on molecular vortices, 319-21, 323, 340,
resistance, see measurement (electrical units Salisbury, Lord
professionalization, 118 400-2, 408, 414, 470
of), ohm on geological time, 603-4
o f engineering, 653-4 and Philosophical Society committee on
Ricardo, David, 95 as prime minister, 799, 803-4, 806-8
o f mathematics, 65, 168, 170, 174-9, 190 applied mechanics, 293, 655-8, 680
Richards, Admiral, 743 Sandford, D.K., 28, 37, 100, 136, 809
o f natural philosophy, 117-20, 126-8, 190, and telegraph patent, 453
rifle corps, 356 Sandford, Francis (Lord Sandford), 809, 812
654 reversible cosmos of, 497, 500 1
rigidity, o f matter, 417 Saturns rings, 438
progress, see progression, reform, whigs taxonomy of, 470-1
Roberts-Austen, W .C., 606 Savart, Felix, 351
progression, 89-99 on thermodynamics, 319-27, 333, 338, 343,
Robison, John, 25, 36, 93, 123, 167 Saward, George, 668, 674, 710
versus conservation, 89-99, 317-18, 330-2 731
on design, 87 8 Schiller, 748, 777
and dynamics, 237-8, 242-9, 255-6, Thom sons criticism of, 469-70
on laws o f nature, 85, 87-9 scientism, 723
317-18 on unity o f theory and practice, 659-f)0,
on mind, 87-8, 612-13 Scoresby, William, 765, 768, 769-70
in geology, see earth (secular cooling of) 662, 664
on motion and force, 378 Scotland
Hopkins on, 552-6 Raper, Henry, 727
practical concerns of, 88, 649, 659 Church of, 25, 41, 43-9, 99-101
and kinematics, 150, 192-202 Ravenna, 781
patents and, 708 Rogers, H.D., 525 Geological Survey of, 593m
Rayleigh, Lord (J.W. Strutt), 784, 809
Roget, P.M., 306 Universities of: 22, 27-8, 35-6, 40, 55,
telegraphs and, 650-2, 657, 669-70, 683 and BA ohm, 698
on living systems, 620-1 99-100, 114, 118, 127; chemistry in, 89;
and thermodynamics, 310-11, 317-18, and Baltimore Lectures, 463
329-32 Roman Catholicism, 356-7, 651-2, 687 natural philosophy in, 88-9, 101
on light, 473, 481, 490, 491
in Ireland, 4, 5-6, 33-^, 111-13, 806 Scotts o f Greenock (shipbuilders), 731
Thomson and organic, 636-7, 638-41 Reade, T.M ., 596
Rdntgen, Conrad, 491 Scottish Amicable Insurance Company, 139
Thom sons commitment to cosmic, 194, reform
310-11, 317, 329, 391-2, 497 502, Ross, J.C., 276, 756, 760 Scottish University Commission (1826), 32,
o f British mathematics: 33-7, 65, 149-202;
519-24, 535, 5 4 3 ^ , 551, 583-4, 589, Rowland, H.A., 463, 481-2 103
first generation, 15(C5, 162-75; second
634, 636 Royal Astronomical Society o f Canada, 610 Scottish University Commission (1858), 132,
generation, 150, 168-92
in Treatise, 391-5 Royal Institution, 128, 441, 525, 529, 538, 134
o f Cambridge University, 59
see also energy (dissipation of), nebular 550m, 608, 617 Scythia, 749
o f education and government, 37-41
hypothesis, suns heat, tidal retardation Royal Irish Academy, 164 secular cooling o f the earth, see earth (secular
in France, 157
Fronys friction dynamometer, 293 Royal Mail Steam Packet Co., 728-9, 748 cooling of)
o f Glasgow university, 25, 27-32, 41-9,
propagation, mechanism of, see contiguous Royal Mining Academy, Freiburg, 291 Sedgwick, Adam
1 0 0 -1 ,1 1 6 ,1 1 7 ,1 2 8 ,1 3 2 ,1 3 4 ^ 5
action, ether Royal Society Discourse 59-61
o f mathematical notation, 151-2
Propontis, 731 Circumnavigation Committee, 743 geology of, 192, 193, 524, 552, 553, 579,
Dr James Thomson and, 10-11, 1418, 21,
providence, see laws o f nature, voluntarism Grant Committee, 131, 557 589
3 4 -7 ,4 1 -7 ,1 5 1
Hopkins and the, 196 on organic progression, 634- 5, 636
see also progression, whigs
Quarterly Journal of Mathematics, 190 joule and, 304, 312 as a whig, 61
Regnault, Victor, 107-8, 113, 128, 129, 131
Quarterly Review, 153 and Magnetic Crusade, 276 Serica, 728
232, 243-5, 278, 282, 300-1, 318 320
quaternions, 185, 187-8, 363-5 and promotion o f National Physical Servia, 776, 111
Queen Mary, 798t/ Laboratory, 685, 6 8 6 m Shedden, Thomas, 736
Reid,J.S., 28, 43, 116, 134
Queen Victoria, 669, 682, 737, 762, 812 Reid, Thomas, 25 Stokes as president of, 799, 807 shipbuilding
Queens Colleges, Ireland, 111-13, 138-9, on laws o f nature, 86 7 Stokes as secretary to, 453, 574-6, 685, American, 728
178, 349 on mind, 87, 612-13 726, 743, 755 Clyde, 20, 23-4, 727-32, 754-5, 780-1,
religion Thomson and, 657 my-1
radioactivity Anglicans, 41, 48, 57, 60-1, 357m Thom sons election to the, 277, 756 and Empire, 121-1)2, 781
and earths heat, 607 11 biblical literalism, 60 Thomson as president of, 799, 800, 807 English, 288-9, 730, 732, 780, 786
and suns heat, 549-51 Church o f Ireland, 5 Royal Society o f Edinburgh, 298, 301, 327, iron, 23-4, 288-9, 655, 657-8, 727-32.
railways, 23, 318, 651, 654, 657 380, 406, 435, 437, 439 754-5, 760, 766-7, 786
Church o f Scotland, see Presbyterianism
electric, 684, 720-1 the 1843 Disruption, 45, 100 Royal United Service Institution, 789 marine engines and, 288-90, 729-32
Rainbow, 757 Rucker, A.W ., 606 naval, 735-f>, 754, 786-7, 796
and education, 9-10, 11-12, 16, 18, 39-41
Ruskin, John, 142 wooden, 728-9, 748, 786
860 Index Index 861

Shire Line, 785 see also dynamics. Treatise on natural suns heat, 397-400, 405, 414, 438, 497, 49g on earths age, 602, 603, 605
Siemens, Alexander, 720 philosophy 5 0 2 -5 1 ,5 6 5 -6 ,5 9 0 ,6 1 2 on free will, 617, 631
Siemens, Werner, 664-6, 686 m, 693, 694 statistical interpretation, o f Second Law o f Challis on, 535-6 frustrations with Treatise, 348, 358-9,
unit o f resistance, 693, 694 Thermodynamics, 429-30, 436 as chemical, 504, 505, 506, 508-10, 518 363-4
Siemens, William (C.W .), 542, 654, 713, 716, statistics, Thom sons views on, 436 530, 538 and golf, 736-7
718, 720, 745, 748 steam-engine, 654, 657-8 as contraction (gravitational), 525-33, and M axwells demon, 617, 621-2
Simms, Robert, lln . 111 Cornish, 712 538-44, 545, 547 and quaternions, 3635
Simson, Robert, 36, 68 marine, 23-4, 283, 288-90, 729-32 Croll on, 542-3, 547 on Second Law o f Thermodynamics, 430
siphon recorder, 705, 708-12, 709, 741 mathematics and, 152, 249 G.H. Darwin on, 542-3, 544, 549-50, 608 on suns heat, 543, 548, 595
Smeaton, John, 291 role in Treatise, 357-8, 360, 386-7 dissipation of, 497, 498, 502, 504-5, 531, on vortex motion, 379-80, 417-19
Smith, Adam, 25, 90, 287 thermodynamics and improvement of 532, 534, 536-8, 565, 612 Tatlock, John, 734
Smith, Archibald, 110, 764 marine, 283, 289-90, 730-2 as frictional, 504, 536 Tayleur, 765-7, 770
Cambridge mathematics and, 56, 60, 65, Thomson and, 64, 238, 243 5, 248-50, Helmholtz on, 520-1, 526-32, 542-4, Taylor series expansion, 154, 169-70
755 255-f), 278, 283, 322-33 545-9 passim, 593, 617 Taymouth Castle, 784
and Cam. M ath .J., 102, 174-6, 179 steamships, iron, 20, 23-5, 655, 657-8, Herschcl on, 503, 504, 536, 542 tectonics, 655
family of, 22-3, 140-4, 812, 814 727-32, 786 Jenkin on, 536-7 Telegraph Construction and Maintenance
as gentleman, 24 Steele, Robert, 728, 734 as latent, 498 Co., 680, 702, 705
and Glasgow chairs, 37-9, 100, 101, 103, Steele, W J., 81, 300 as marine furnace, 505-6, 509, 532 Telegraph Engineers, Society of, 483, 654,
109, 114, 141, 755 Stevelly, John, 103-4 in relation to suns mass, 506, 509, 513, 741, 746
practicality of, 110, 179, 756 Stevenson, Joseph, 9 514-15, 528 telegraphs, 446-f)3, 649-52, 657, 660-83
as Glasgow student, 32 Stewart, Balfour Mayer on, 503, 518 Airy and, 455-6
and ships magnetism, 276-8, 370, 727, on electrical measurement, 688 mechanical value of, 497, 502, 505-6, 539 Atlantic, 452 3, 454-5, 649-52, 651, 657,
755-63, 766, 769-70, 771, 774, 787, 790 on free will, 617, 628-9, 631-2 mechanical models of, 539-41, 543-4, 551 661-83, 671, 679, 680, 681, 682, 683,
and telegraph patents, 703, 7i)4n 710 and Tait, P.G., Unseen universe, 6302, as meteoric (gravitational), 505, 506, 799
Thom sons first meeting with, 69-70 639h 508-18, 525-6, 528-30, 532, 536, 538, Black Sea, 661
Thomson and, 142, 144, 733 Stirling, Robert, 296ii 539, 541, 545, 547 BAAS and Atlantic, 452, 698
as whig, 61, 100, 174, 755, 804n Stirling air engine, 294, 295, 296-9 meteoric origin of, 532-3 Committee on Submarine, 674-8, 740
Smith, James, 114, 140-1, 175 Stokes, G.G., 20, 48, 113, 507, 802, 806, 812 N ew com b on, 541-2, 545-7 passim and economy, 660-2, 666-7, 670-1, 677,
Smith, Sabina, 39, 141-4, 143, 146 and Cam. M a th .J., 189-90, 200 as nuclear fusion, 551 698, 709, 711
Smith, W .H., 791-2 dislike o f yachting, 736 Perry on, 544-9, 607 and Empire, 454, 649-52, 653, 668-70,
Smith, William, notes o f Thom sons lectures, on dynamical theory, 200-2, 273, 348 as primitive, 505, 506, 508, 525-6, 530, 701, 711-12, 805-6, 808
123-8, 282, 297, 315, 324-5, 383, 385-6, on ether, 258, 399 ^ 0 0 532, 535 failures of, 668-9, 670-82
389, 498 on heat conduction in crystals, 403-6 and radioactivity, 549-51 Faraday and, 446-52, 455, 666
Smiths Industries, 798n and Hopkins, 66, 68, 299 and spectral lines, 505, 530 French Atlantic, 705
Snell Exhibitions, 68 on hydrodynamics, 263^73 passim, 293, Tait on, 543, 548, 595n French-North African, 453
Snowball, J.C., 68 294, 305, 379, 421 as vitality, 536 Gordon and, 664-7, 699
Society for the Diffusion o f Useful and light, 473 vortex theory of, 399-400, 405, 414, 438, harmony o f theory and practice in, 654,
Knowledge, 58, 151, 153, 170, 802 objections to Thom sons 1858 ether, 512, 515-17, 518, 519-20, 530 661-7, 670-1, 675-8, 682-3
Society o f Telegraph Engineers, 483, 654, 411-12, 418 Waterston on, 509, 510-11, 513, 518, 521 Heaviside and, 482n
741, 746 as Royal Society president, 799, 807 W hewell on, 5034 industries for, 455-6, 656, 657, 664, 666,
Soddy, Frederick, 550, 607, 608-9, 610 as Royal Society secretary, 453, 574-6, 685, suns spots, 514, 517, 541 668, 699
Sollas, W J., 596 726, 743, 755 Swan, Joseph, 714 Kirchhoff on, 458
Somerville, Mary, 90, 153-4 on spectral lines, 397-8, 505, 530 Swan lamp, 714, 716 as Leyden jar, 446-7, 450-1
sounding on stability o f vortex motion, 431-7 Swan, P.M., 780, 782, 784, 788 Morses method, 711
deep-sea, 724, 727, 740-53 on suns heat, 502, 5046, 508-10, 513-16, Sylvester, J.J., 152, 177, 178n, 180, 184n, 190 origins of, 649
Thom sons machines for, 741-7, 745, 526, 530 symbolic algebra, 171-4 and peristaltic induction, 456-8,
749-53, 777, 780-6 passim, 787-9, 791-5 and telegraphy, 447-9, 452-3 symmetrical method, 179-80, 231 665
passim Stokess theorem, 281 Symonds, Thomas, 793 and political economy, 673-4
spectral lines, 397-8, 419, 420, 505, 530 Strutt, J.W., see Rayleigh, Lord and progress, 650-2, 657, 669-70, 683
Spencer, Herbert, 645 Strutt, R.J., 550 T & T', see Treatise on natural philosophy Red Sea and India, 675, 700-1
spherical harmonics, 371-2 Sturm, C.F., 216 Taeping, 728 retardation effects in, 446-53, 455-6, 657
spontaneous generation, 638-9 Suez Canal, 712, 731, 732, 780, 794 Tait, P.G., 36, 57n, 68, 81, 128, 138, 149, 343, return metallic circuit and, 6646
Stair, Earl of, 807 Sumners method, 725-6, 741 350, 699, 812 siphon recorder for, 705, 708-12, 709, 741
Stanley, Lord, see Derby, 14th Earl of sun on air-ether, 397 sounding apparatus and laying of, 740-7,
state function, heat as a, 314, 316, 320, 323-4, collaboration with Thomson: 34860, 745
age o f the, 508, 509, 514, 517-18, 523,
334, 336 363-4, 535, 574, 5845; see also Treatise Steinheil method and, 711
524-51, 590, 593
statics, 124-6 creation of, 532 on natural philosophy Stokes and, 447 9, 452-3
862 Index Index 863

telegraphs (cont,) Thomson, Dr James, 42 vortex o f free mobility o f 415-17, 422, 237-8, 317-18, 329-32, 391-2, 497-8,
Thomson on failure o f Atlantic, 674-5, birth, 5 433 537
677 8 and 1798 rebellion, 7-8 vortex turbine, 130, 292-3, 412-17, 422, as Liberal Unionist, 3, 113, 117, 357, 737,
Thom sons involvement with laying as a Glasgow student, 8, 83-5 515-16 738, 799, 801, 803-11
Atlantic, 668-9, 682-3, 725 and Belfast Academical Institution, 10-19 on work and waste, 52, 242-3, 244, 283, and personal religious belief, 330, 471,
Thomsons law o f the squares, 452 -3, marriage of, 12-13, 18 285-6, 289-90, 318 644-5
456, 660-3 and diffusion, 10, 14-15, 32-3, 35, 99, Thomson, John (brother), 13, 49-50, 55, 80, voluntarism o f 306-7, 317, 329-32, 336-7,
Thom sons patents for, 453, 667, 700-A, 100-1, 151 136-7 533-5, 537, 555, 634, 637, 641-2
708-12 and family advancem ent, 3 4, K M I, Thomson, John (son o f Dr William), 51, 660 as whig, 65, 119-20, 174, 355, 707, 714,
Thom sons theory and ether, 456-4>3, 18-19, 49-55, 167-8 Thomson, Robert, 13, 139 801, 803-4
482-4, 491-4 as Glasgow College professor, 4, 18-19 Thomson, R.D.. 105 Thomson, William, and Tait, P.G., see
Thom sons theory o f submarine, 446^58, 32-7 Thomson, Thomas, 25, 27, 30-2, 43, 105, Treatise on natural philosophy
45863 passim, 660-1, 665 - 6 and Glasgow University reform, 21, 41-7 113-14, 120, 206n Thomson, Dr William (professor o f
Whitehousc and, 657, 661-4 and natural philosophy campaign, 100-16 on electricity and heat, 238-9 medicine), 21, 28, 41, 55, 100, 104-7,
temperature, absolute scale of, 249-50, 140-1, 194-5 Thomson, William (Lord Kelvin) 54, 115, 109, 113, 134, 136
299-301, 324-5 latitudinarian views of, 8, 10, 12, 41 7 145, 476, 800, 811, 813 Thomson Experimental Scholarships, 705
temporality, see progression 194-5, 229 30 (References to Thom sons specific scientific ThomsonFerranti alternator, 716
Tennyson, Alfred, 628n on laws o f nature, 84-5 activities will be found under the Thornliebank, 22-3
terrestrial temperatures, see measurement liberal views of, 15-16 relevant headings) Thunderer, HMS, 787, 789
Tenor, 756 and mathematical reform, 10, 14-15, as Glasgow student, 49-50, 613, 649, 811 tidal retardation, 285, 437, 543, 582-6,
Teutonic, 778 1M18, 34-5, 36-7, 123, 151, 154 European visits (1839-40), 50, 167 599-601, 607
Thames Ironworks, 796 and political economy, 14-18, 68, 70-1, 74-6 as Cambridge undergraduate, 56-9, 68-82 tide predicter, 370-1
theology o f nature, see laws o f nature, and professionalism, 10-11, 21, 32-4, 100-1 as Hopkinss pupil, 69, 72, 76, 78-82 tides
voluntarism on stability o f solar system, 9(L 2, 153, 583 rowing at Cambridge, 71-3, 77-8 and earths rigidity, 573-8
theory, see methodology textbooks by, 14 17, 33-5, 119, 802 family circle, 49-55, 812-13 and Empire, 583
thermodynamics, 282-347 as a whig, 2 1 ,4 1 -7 , 802, 810 vacations on Arran, 50-1 harmonic analysis of, 370-1, 757
and absolute temperature scale, 249, 299-301 impact o f death of, 118, 137-8, 301 as second wrangler, 79^80 in Treatise, 574, 582, 599
and air engine, 294-9 Thomson, James (brother), 52, 284 elected College fellow, 82 Tiffany & Co., 674
First Law of; 272, 281, 283, 302-16 passim, early life, 13, 49-55 Paris visit (1845), 105-8, 204, 206, time, geological and cosmological, see earth
318-27 passim, 328, 332-3, 498, 621; see and BAAS Glasgow meeting (1840), 53, 215-16, 231, 232, 240, 243-5 (secular cooling o f age of), sun (age of),
also dynamical theory (of heat), energy 285 and natural philosophy campaign, 100-16, progression
(conservation of). Joule engineering career o f 51-2, 137, 138-9, 140-1, 194-5 Titanic, 778
and freezing point prediction, 282, 298-9 282-3, 285-6, 292-3, 744 inaugural dissertation o f 1945, 552 Tod & MacGregor, 729
Second Law of, 329-33, 392, 498, 535, 609, at Fairbairns works, 130, 283, 285-6, as natural philosophy professor, 117-35, Tone, Theobald W olfe, 7
615-16, 621; see also Carnot, earths heat, 288-90, 292 489, 811, 812 tortuosity, o f curves, 368
energy (dissipation of), progression, ill-health o f 51, 137- 8, 292 as a teacher, 123M, 124h, 127, 130-2 tory, meaning of, 118
suns heat, work (waste o f useful) and father, 138 elected FRS, 277 tories, o f Glasgow University, 21, 25, 28,
statistical interpretation o f Second Law, unitarianism o f 138, 282-3, 342 marriage(s), 39, 118, 141-6, 747-8, 799 41-7, 134
429-30, 436, 622-4, 625-8, 63hi, 643-4 and Glasgow Philosophical Society, 51-2, knighthood, 130, 453, 650, 682, 799, 807 Tovey, John, 164
and steam engines, 64, 243-4, 283, 286, 283, 285, 654 and Lalla Rookh, 705, 714, 727, 732, Townsend, Richard, 177, 188
289-90, 301, 413-14, 658 and Gordon, 51, 138, 283, 285, 292 733-40, 735, 741-2, 747-8, 751-2, 755, Tractarianism, 60
James Thom sons role in, 243-4, 282-3, at Queens, 138-9, 349 776, 799 Trafalgar, HMS, 797
285-6, 288-90, 292-4, 298-9, 301, and Lalla Rookh, 733, 738, 751 business activities, 187, 698-722, 776-98 Traill, W .A., 720
302-16 passim, 618-21 as Liberal Unionist, 807 as Royal Society president, 799-800, 807 Treatise on natural philosophy, 348-95
thermoelasticity, 407 death o f 812 peerage, 3, 799, 801, 803, 807-9 collaboration with Tait in, 348-60,
thermoelectricity, 332-3, 403-6, 41 On centrifugal pump o f 415-17, 422, 433 confession o f failure (1896), 489 363-4
thermomagnetism, 403, 407 critique o f Joule, 305 - 9 as Chancellor o f Glasgow University, 812 concept o f force in, 356, 379-80, 382-3,
Thompson, Alfred, 716 depression o f freezing point prediction, last years o f 812-14 385-6, 388
Thompson, S.P., 213, 361, 734, 754 126, 282, 298 9, 301, 316 burial in Westminster Abbey o f 801, 814 continuum theory o f atoms and forces in,
Thomson, Allen, 132, 134 interpretation o f thermodynamics, 618 21 competitiveness o f 77-8, 707, 71011, 738 349, 354, 379-80, 389-90
Thomson, Anna, 13, 45-6, 70, 75, 112, 116, on laws o f nature, 86, 96n on human advancement, 189, 238, 248-9, dynamics in, 124, 353-4, 372-95
135, 136-7, 138-9 on mind and matter, 617, 618-21 256, 652, 683, 721-2 energy as foundation o f 262, 349, 351,
Thomson, David, 108-9, 212-13 and political econom y, 139, 292-3, 416 iatitudinarianism o f in politics, 799, 806, 353, 380-95
Thomson, Elizabeth, 13, 49, 50, 56, 70, 73, role in thermodynamics, 243-4, 282 3, 810; in religion, 47-9, 50, 113, 138, 178, extremum dynamics in, 390-5
83, 116, 137, 140, 146, 795-6, 800, 285-6, 288-90, 292-4, 298 9, 301, 195, 283; in science, 177h, 229-30, 234, kinematics in, 124, 185, 353-4, 360-72
812 302-16 passim 237, 279-80, 342, 355, 357, 463, 518 h political economy in, 358, 388, 393
Thomson, J. & C ., 730, 749, 796 on tidal retardation, 285, 582 on laws o f nature, 84, 98-9, 121-3, 192-5, as popular text, 132, 349, 352, 355
864 Index Index 865

Treatise on natural philosophy {cont,) o f mathematics, 149-50, 177 Walton, William, 174m, 179 whig(s), 118
practical mechanics in, 349, 355-8, 360, and Roman Catholicism, 356-7, 687 War Office, 276 in Cambridge mathematics, 65, 102, 150-5,
365-72, 386-9 see also latitudinarianism, religion Warleigh, Capt., 784-5 168-92
and progression, 391-5 universities, see separate entries Warrior, HMS, 786 o f Glasgow, 23, 25, 30
w hy no quaternions in, 363-5 Unseen universe, 630-2, 639n waste, see econom y (and engineering), work o f Glasgow University, 21, 25, 30, 41-7,
as re-reading o f Newton, 352-3, 363, 372, utilitarianism, 59, 802 (waste o f useful), energy (dissipation of) 132, 134-5
380-9 Waterston, J.J., on suns heat, 509, 510-11, Jenkin as a, 699
lack o f rigour in, 355, 383-5, 390 value, mechanical, 247, 255-6, 302, 304-5, 513, 518, 521 and Magnetic Crusade, 276
small versus large print in, 352, 355, 357, 312, 344 waterwheels, 293 Archibald Smith as a, 755, 804 m
359 Varley, C.F., 674, 677, 678, 684, 701-5, 710 see also vortex turbine Dr Thomson as a, 21, 41-7, 61
steam engines role in, 357-8, 360, 386-7 vectors, Thom sons dislike o f 185-8, 490 Watt, James, 53, 285, 290-1, 357-8 Thomson as a, 65, 119-20, 174, 355, 707,
Taits frustrations with, 348, 358-9, 363-4 Veinticino de Mayo, 796 Weald o f Kent, denudation o f 524, 531-2, 714, 801, 803-4
Thomson as source o f ideas in, 348n, virtual velocities, principle o f 241-2, 253, 536, 562 see also progression, reform
359-60 365-6, 372-7 passim, 383-4, 386, 387n, Weber, Robert, 605-7 White, James, 701, 714
tides and, 574, 582, 599 389, 391, 394 Weber, W ilhelm, system o f units, 685, 687, White Star Line, 749, 776, 777-8, 785
work in, 355-7, 380-90, 687 vis viva, 156, 270-3, 287, 302, 306, 330, 690-3, 700 Whitehouse, Wildman, 657, 6614, 666, 668,
Tresca, H., 600 345-7, 353 Weir, Duncan, 134 670-3, 675-7, 681
Trinity College, Cambridge, see Cambridge conservation o f in nature, 497-8, 582 Weisbach, Julius, 291 Whitworth, Joseph, 678
University (and Trinity College) heat as, 304-5, 308, 314-16, 320, 337-40, Wheatstone, Charles, 649, 674, 677, 678, 687m Wiener, M.J., 491
Trinity College, Dublin, 103, 111 414 Wheatstone Bridge, 677 Wilberforce, Samuel, 525, 528
mathematics in, 34, 177 minimization condition for, 270-3, 411, Whetham, W .C .D ., 550 Williams, W .M ., 542
Tyndall, John, 285, 353n, 327, 535, 560, 645, 412 W hewell, William Williamson, A.W ., 687 m
736 principle o f 241-2, 254, 255, 306, 317, on algebra, 171-2 Willis, Robert, 64, 199, 557, 654
Belfast address (1874), 617, 632-3, 645 321, 325, 338, 374m, 376m, 383-4, 391 on analysis, 62 3 Principles o f mechanism, 3678
see also dynamical theory (o f heat), energy as conservative reformer, 65, 169 Wilson, W.E., 549
Umbria, 111 (kinetic) disapproval o f undergraduate publications, windmills, Thomson on, 715
uniformitarian cosmology, 89-92, 537-8, volt, 687, 695m 69, 176 Windsor Castle, 784
542, 545, 547-8 voltmeter on engineering, 63-5, 199, 242 m, 286-8, Wirbelbewegungen, see Helmholtz (on vortex
uniformitarian geology, 193, 513, 547, 554, Thom sons electrostatic, 6 9 7 291, 654, 658 motions)
561-4 passim, 566-8, 572, 580-1, 585, Thom sons marine, 753 on geological dynamics, 586 W ood, James, 375 m, 376 m
587-9, 590-4, 637 voluntarism, 85-6 on geometry, 62-5, 169-70 work (mechanical effect)
o f Croll, 593-4 Thom sons, 306-7, 317, 329-32, 336-7, and idealist metaphysics, 171-3, 179m, and Carnots theory, 243-4, 249, 289-90,
Union Steamship Co., 783-5 533-5, 537, 555, 634, 637, 641-2 361-2, 377 294-301, 302-16 passim, 322-33
United Irishmen, Society of, 7, 803, 809 see also creation, progression on kinematics, 199, 361-2 passim
United States Geological Survey, 606 vortex atoms on labouring force, 64, 242m, 249, 286-8, contained in fields, 262-3, 273-5
United States Navy, 742, 744 Rankmes, 321-2, 340, 400-2, 408, 414, 470 291, 292 m, 503-4 and economy, 243-4, 285-93, 41417, 498,
units Thom sons, 270, 368, 380, 409-12, 417-44, on laws o f m otion, 362, 375-7, 382m, 387m 503-4, 657-8
absolute: electrical, 237, 244-5, 301, 454-7, 489-90, 515, 518, 628, 629-32 on laws o f nature, 85-6, 91-3, 95, 555 and engineering context, 243-4, 276,
656, 676-8, 684, 687-95, 698, 700; vortex filaments, 420-2 on liberal education, 61-5, 169 285-94
temperature, 249-50, 299-301, 324-5 vortex, o f free mobility, 414-17, 422, 433 on limits, 169 and extremum conditions, 242-8, 255,
British Association, 6935, 698 vortex motions and Magnetic Crusade, 276 262-3, 273-5
electromagnetic system of, 690-4 extremum conditions for, 431-8 and non-conservation, 91-3, 382m, 391 and field theory, 130, 203, 231, 236, 237,
electrostatic system of, 689-90 Helmholtz on, 380, 412, 417-22, 427, 431 opinion o f Thomson, 80 240-56, 262-3, 270-81 passim, 304,
first International Congress on, 694-5 Maxwell on, 421m and palaetiological sciences, 63, 192-3, 553 309-10, 317-18
1882 Paris Congress on, 698n Thomson and, 403-44 and political econom y, 94-5, 286-7, 658 French concept o f 157, 242 m, 249, 286-7,
ratio o f electrostatic and electromagnetic vortex theory on progression, 91-5, 192-3, 537, 552 291
452, 454-6, 459, 478, 694 and reform o f British mathematics, 17, 60, as labour value, 287, 358, 388, 658,
o f ether and matter, 487, 489, 493
see also measurement 65, 151 684
o f suns heat, 399-400, 405, 414, 438, 512,
unity rejection o f variational principles, 391 and measurement, 244-5, 248-50, 255-6,
515-17, 518, 519-20
o f mathematical language, 149-50 on suns heat, 503-4 276, 283, 291-2, 300-1, 303, 355-7,
vortex turbines
o f nature, 149-50, 345 and support for Forbes, 36, 103 387-8, 684-5, 687-93
Fourneyrons, 293
o f theory and practice, see m ethodology and support for Sedgwicks Discourse, 59 and ponderomotive force, 244-8, 255,
Thomson brothers and, 130, 292-31, 301,
(Thomsons) and support for Archibald Smith, 37 262-3, 273-5
412-17, 422, 515-16
universal plenum, see ether, hydrodynamics as supporter o f Fourier, 166, 192 sources o f 497, 502-5, 518-19
universality on symbolic algebra, 171-2 terminology of, 291
Wallace, A.R., 542, 597
o f absolute units, 355-7, 687 on uniformitarian versus catastrophist in Treatise, 355-7, 380-90, 687
Walsall, 285-6
and Empire, 356-7, 687, 805-6 geology, 554, 587 waste o f useful, 71-2, 130, 285-96 passim.
Walter, J.J., 752
866 Index

work (cont,) X Club, 633, 645

308-16 passim 317-18, 328-32, 414, X-rays, 491, 493
497-8, 501, 684, 711, 811
W hewells labouring force as, 64, 242n, Yoshino, 796
249, 286-8, 291, 292n, 503-4 Young, Thomas, 17, 114
see also energy
Wrinkles, Leckys, 785-6 Zeeman, Pieter, 490
Wyse, Thomas, 33 zodiacal light, 511-12, 514, 517-18, 528, 640

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