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Here come the TRUTH BOMB(s)!

Post Published: 19 May 2015 Author: Bill Holter Found in section: Bill Holter Tags: ETF , Greece , NATO Previous

A few months back I theorized the rest of the world led by a Chinese/Russian alliance might let loose with a truth
bomb or a series of them. It is clear the U.S. has been on a pathway in the desire to start a war. We have pressed
in Syria and the Ukraine but so far to no avail. From the standpoint of the U.S., it is my opinion that a war is
necessary to point at and blame for the financial collapse surely coming because in no way can policy be blamed.

The upcoming month of June will be a telling one as the situation in Greece comes to possibly a final head. Tiny
Greece is important for several reasons. The first and most obvious, they are certainly a firing pin for the derivatives
market. Should they default, what will it be called? Somehow, some way, a Greek default cannot be classified as one
because a cascade of failures will immediately follow. Financially, Greece can take the Western financial system
down all on its own.

Next, Greece is also a member of NATO, what will they do when the current economic and financial sanctions on
Russia run out? Will they vote to extend the sanctions or vote in their own interest against them? Or, will
they accept financial help and the cash flow from the proposed natural gas pipeline? A lesser question is what will
happen to their EU status? Will they quit, get kicked out or remain as a black sheep in a dirty family?

I ask these questions again because Greece now says they will run out of money on June 5th. They have already
pilfered pension funds and sequestered local agency monies, while pleading for the previously pledged but so far
withheld aid. Atop this and more important are the sanctions on Russia due to end also in June. June is a very
pivotal month!

To this point, the Chinese and Russians have been patient but firm dealing with the U.S.. Russia has warned about
arming western Ukraine and placing firepower on Russias borders. China has sternly warned the U.S. regarding the
disputed islands in the South Sea, a near spark incident was avoided last week. My point is this, the U.S. has been
pushing while Russia and China have stood their ground. How long this can go on without some sort of accident
morphing into conflict is questionable.
, can the U.S. really push China in their own back yard? China and Russia are fully aware of the
U.S. falling further and further into a weakened position in many ways, time is running out before a financial collapse
and they know a wounded animal often strikes in desperation. They must in my opinion do something very soon to
neutralize the U.S. or face the reality of fighting.

As I began with, I believe the only form of neutralization is some sort of truth bomb or a series of them. How best
can this be done? I believe it must and will be done financially, let me explain. If the ROW can neuter the U.S.
financially, they will seriously hamper U.S. efforts to make war. As a side note, the truth will also take most all public
support away for making war. I believe the process may have begun this past week.

While you may react with oh its just propaganda because of the source, Pravda posted an article over the weekend
speculating China will very soon announce their gold reserves. speculates China has amassed 30,000
tons of gold. This may or may not be true, but I can easily prove 10,000 tons just on the back of a napkin. Whether
the number is 10,000, 30,000, more or somewhere in between is moot in my opinion because it is MORE than the
U.S. claims to have. It would also call into question where exactly all of this gold came from. As I have written
before, China need not ask for an audit of Western gold, should they provide audited numbers; market participants
will make the connection themselves.

I believe there are several questions needing to be asked. Is this a 30,000 ton bluff by Russia? I dont think so but

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if it is, what is the upside? Would Russia really throw this figure out publicly without clearing it with Beijing? Would
China really bluff about how much gold they have? My opinion is no, they would not. I have said all along I believed
China would announce their holdings probably this year. If this is the pre pre announcement, it is a very big number
and one I believe only as an opening salvo. Should China themselves make this announcement, please understand
the golden nuclear bomb this would actually be. The financial system of the West will be destroyed overnight!

Before going any further, let me put a few of the various dots on the table. First and maybe what they were waiting
for, the Western credit markets have had two very big convulsions in the last 10 days, these flash crashes have
occurred as nearly all liquidity was briefly lost. While speaking of liquidity, this seems to be drying up across the
board including the equity markets as volume has gone comatose. U.S. economic numbers are unmistakably weak
and recession will be known by the end of June or early July. Another classic sign of illiquidity is the shortage of
collateral available to the shadow banking systems in both the U.S. and in Europe. A margin call to a system
undercapitalized and under collateralized is a deadly recipe.

We also saw a story last week where several of the larger ETFs have contracted for rather large credit lines to use
in a market event causing mass liquidations. This is an entire story in itself and a humorous one at that! What
makes the ETFs believe their financial institution will be left standing and able to lend during a panic? And even if
standing, during bad times the old saying goes Acredit lines are made to be pulled! Worst of all, if they actually do
use the credit lines because their various investments cannot be sold, wont this ultimately injure remaining
shareholders and make those who panicked first Athe best? And especially if their investments do not immediately
snap back, they will be required to sell more and at lower prices just to pay the loans (if they get them) down! Very
poor preparations if you ask me.

Other dots include, the AIIB, an alternative clearing system to SWIFT, currency hubs all over the world, physical
metals exchanges and even the ABX which plans to arbitrage between Eastern and Western markets. China has
very rapidly recreated the old silk road trading route which includes both Iran and Greece, both sticking points in the
side of the West.

I believe the Sino/Ruso alliance now sees weaknesses in the West, it is exactly what Sun Tzu would look for. The
economy is slowing, liquidity is drying up and leverage is maxed out. Volatility has now struck the all-important credit
markets of which are relied on to support the Wests way of life. What is next? I believe an announcement of
Chinas holdings will only be the beginning and put the U.S. on her heels as to our holdings. Next, and I mentioned
this previously, I would not be shocked if Edward Snowden has done a data dump similar to what was feared with Mr.
Assange of Wikileaks.

We already know of so many and various dirty deals which banks have pleaded guilty to, proof of Western deceit
will be believed because of all the fines and non admissions of guilt already paid and entered. In essence, it very
well may be the East pulls the curtain back on the Wizard of OZ! A data dump by the Russians and Chinese regarding
the finances of the West (including a lack of gold), how markets are rigged and economic numbers created, along
with information regarding various false flags and the misdirection of the public would go a long way. The questions
are numerous and may have a starting date of 9/10/01 when Donald Rumsfeld announced the Pentagons missing
$2.3 trillion Awhich was never spoken of again after the following horrific day.

Much, if not everything has a paper trail to it. Enrons misdeeds and hollow derivatives were conveniently washed
away the following day as well as any paper trail to the world bonds issued during the Reagan years Aand cashed
in within the two weeks following 911. Nearly everything since then still has a paper trail attached to it, should
Russia/China have the ability to expose and prove some of it, our financial system will be toast!

In the event of a little sunlight touching Western dirties, currencies and bonds will be smoked along with of course
the precious Dow Jones. An exposure would effectively cripple us financially, torpedo public support and effectively
make it very difficult for the U.S. to run around the world further swinging a bat and stirring up war. In essence, an
exposure would take the ability to point blame elsewhere off the table Aand the past policy itself will finally eat the

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blame it deserves!

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