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Construction and Building Materials 64 (2014) 293300

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Mechanical recycling of GFRP waste as short-ber reinforcements

in microconcrete
D. Garca a,, I. Vegas a, I. Cacho b
TECNALIA Research & Innovation, Parque Tecnolgico de Bizkaia, Ed. 700, 48160 Derio, Spain
GAIKER Technology Centre, Parque Tecnolgico de Bizkaia, Ed. 202, 48170 Zamudio, Spain

h i g h l i g h t s

 Mechanical recycling of the GFRP waste for being used as short reinforcing ber.
 Treatment effects in the properties of the GFRP recycled ber reinforced concrete.
 Analysis of the internal structure of the GFRP recycled ber reinforced concrete.
 Verication of the admissibility of the shrinkage and alkali-aggregate reaction.

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The suitability of mechanically recycled glass ber reinforced plastics (rGFRP) from different sources as
Received 11 October 2012 short bers is considered for precast microconcrete components. Shredding and screening processes were
Received in revised form 10 February 2014 successively adjusted to obtain a high-ber content product with ber lengths optimized for at micro-
Accepted 26 February 2014
concrete elements.
Available online 4 May 2014
The physicalmechanical properties of the concrete with rGFRP were characterized by compression
and bending tests as well as shrinkage stability and alkali-aggregate reaction. Furthermore, the interac-
tion between the rGFRP and the cementitious matrix was observed and characterized by scanning elec-
tron microscopy. It was found that when the rGFRP material obtained from an optimized milling process
Fibers was used to prepare the microconcrete specimens (40  40  160 mm3), the exural and compressive
Recycling strength at 28 days increased by 16% and 22%, respectively, in comparison to the control specimens.
Glass 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction GFRP presents optimal behavior in terms of corrosion and wear,

as well as acceptable thermal, acoustic, and electrical insulation
Approximately 90% of Fiber-Reinforced Polymer (FRP) commer- properties. Prominent among its disadvantages are its difculty
cialized on a global scale is composed of glass ber and a thermoset to be recycled and its poor ame-retardant properties [3].
resin (e.g. epoxy or polyester) [1], which means that Glass Fiber Thermoset polymers constitute around 70% (by weight) of the
Reinforced Polymers (GFRP) are the most widely used composites resins used as a matrix in FRP composites. In the case of GFRP,
on the market. These bers are used in the construction of hulls practically all elements on the market use a thermoset plastic as
in the shipbuilding industry; components in the aeronautical a matrix. These polymers present better mechanical properties,
industry; coach work in the automobile industry; and envelopes when compared with those of a thermoplastic nature, and greater
and facades in buildings with irregular curved forms, in the con- resistance to temperature, the penetration of gases, and against
struction sector, among others. The expansion of wind turbines, impacts.
the (50 m long) blades of which are largely manufactured with Global production of FRP has experienced annual rises of 6%
GFRP, means that this composite is also a leading material in the since 1994. In 2009, a reduction in global production took place
wind energy sector [2]. due to the economic crisis, but the upward trend recovered in
2010, when global production rose above 10 million tons. After
the decline in the volume of glass ber reinforced plastics (GRP)
manufactured last year, a return to weak growth is expected for
Corresponding author. Tel.: +34 946 430 850; fax: +34 946 073 349. the European market in 2013 [4].
E-mail address: (D. Garca).
0950-0618/ 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
294 D. Garca et al. / Construction and Building Materials 64 (2014) 293300

The recovery of thermoplastic materials on the market place is 30% and 50% by weight. As the concentration of milled GFRP waste
practically resolved from a technological point of view. However, increased, the higher the demand for water was noted and conse-
thermoset composites present a three-dimensional intertwined quently a drop in compressive strength of 21% and 27% for substi-
structure that complicates the recovery of the initial materials tutions of 5% and 15%, respectively.
through conventional methods, as the reaction is not reversible. Subsequent research [13] centered on improving the mechani-
Unlike thermoplastics, thermoset composites are degraded once cal properties of concrete with GFRP powder waste using
the critical temperature is reached and are unable to return to superplastiers. The addition of 2% superplastier to concretes
the state of the initial (melted) composite. Therefore, at present, with 515% of milled GFRP waste considerably reduced the water
the most frequently used management option for composite GFRP cement ratio, yielding an average compressive strength of 1012%,
waste is controlled disposal at the end of its useful life [5]. which was higher than the compressive strength of the reference
Various actions are underway to investigate alternatives for the concrete (without GFRP waste).
recycling of composites [6]. Through chemical recycling (pyrolysis Correia [2] conducted experiments to ascertain the technical
or metanoesis), it is possible to decompose the resins into chains of feasibility of incorporating the ne waste generated during the
simple monomers and even obtain new virgin resins [7]. These production of GFRP waste into concrete mixtures. For all substitu-
products could be used in the manufacture of polymeric concretes tion rates of sand by GFRP waste, the concrete compressive
(prefabricated, cladding, articial stone, etc.), impermeable layers strength exhibited a noticeable loss (19.4% for a 5% substitution).
and even new FRP components. At present, they are considered Tittarelli detected a strong reduction in compressive strength
embryonic technologies in need of further technological develop- (up to about 25%) in microconcretes and self-compacting concretes
ment. In fact, it is necessary to validate the extrapolation of the lab- where GFRP powder was used in partial substitution of either ne
oratory results on an industrial scale, before these innovative aggregate or ller material [14].
products may be considered real alternative treatments. Recent Ogi (2005)conducted a test campaign on compression and
studies [8] have reported on the feasibility of reusing glass ber bending of carbon FRP reinforced concrete specimens, to study
waste from the thermolysis of polyester berglass (PFG) to produce the effect of size and content of shredded CFRP pieces. He found
a glassceramic material. Organic matter is separated by thermol- that the addition of shredded CFRP waste of an appropriate size
ysis as oil and gas phases and the remaining glass ber solid phase to concrete improved bending strength and increased fracture
is converted into wollastonite and plagioclase based glassceramic energy.
materials with possible building applications. Additionally, the earlier studies recommended that research
Moreover, the energetic valuation or exploitation of the energy continue into the effect of recycled GFRP on long-term aspects of
contained in these waste products constitutes an alternative, even durability and potential alkalisilica reactions.
though they may present technical limitations due to the condi- The present investigation explores different routes for GFRP
tions of the treatment plants and/or the specic characteristics of recyclates that aim to obtain optimized ber concentrate for use
the waste. in the preparation of micro-concrete. Likewise, this study analyzes
Recycling by physico-mechanical means [9] has the objective of the inuence of GFRP recyclates on the mechanical properties and
generating alternative raw materials through stages of mechanical the durability of microconcrete through the analysis of aggregate-
treatment and separation; in other words, shredding, milling, alkali reactivity and shrinkage.
screening, sieving, agglomeration, densication, and similar pro-
cesses. In accordance with the stages of the physicalmechanical 2. Materials
process and the type of initial material, the recycled products pres-
2.1. GFRP offcuts
ent more or less brous morphologies. These materials may be
used as additives, llers or reinforcements in the formulations of Samples of offcuts were collected from the production of thermoset composites
new products [10]. The technologies and equipment associated reinforced with glass ber from four sources: streamlined fairings on trains, electri-
with the type of treatment may be shears, hammer mills, vibrating cal panelboards, hulls for pleasure boats and pultruded GFRP proles. The GFRP off-
screens, sieves, air separation systems, cyclones, etc. In the case of cuts were provided by Spanish industries.

glass-ber reinforced composites, this system of treatment gener-

2.2. Cement and natural aggregate
ates recyclates of low value, such that, on some occasions, the cost
of recycling can exceed the value of the recycled product. In gen- Microconcrete mixtures were prepared with cement type CEM I 52.5N. In a rst
eral, the product is constituted by a mixture of bers, resins and phase standard silica sand (CEN) was used. In the nal phases, natural limestone
llers present in the formulation, which condition their subse- sand with maximum grain size of 2 mm was used to apply the materials used in
the context.
quent application. This material may be used as a ller in the man-
ufacture of SMC (Sheet Moulding Compound), BMC (Bulk Moulding
2.3. Additives
Compound), traditional pre-fabricated concrete and polymer con-
crete, acoustic and/or thermal panels, piping, kerbstones, oor A water reducing admixture, Conplast MR285, and a superplastier Structuro
tiles, and similar products. Research in this area should aim to 351 manufactured by Fosroc, were used to improve the workability of various com-
extract a high percentage of ber concentrate in comparison with positions, following the recommended compositions and instructions for use.

the mixture of llers (resin + ber + ller).

In the case that their reutilization to obtain new thermoset 3. Methodology
matrices is not appropriate, the possibility exists of using the inert
granular material for the partial substitution of aggregates in cem- 3.1. Characterization of the GFRP offcuts
entious mixtures. A potential market for these types of bers could
be in the prefabrication of non-structural concrete elements. Con- The composition of the offcuts was determined with the follow-
crete reinforced with commercial ber is used in multiple applica- ing technique:
tions such as the construction of tunnels, concrete, self-compacting
concrete, lightweight concrete and roof panels [11,12].  Organic material percentage by calcination and chemical
The rst investigations of Asokan [12] covered the inuence of attack. Four replicas of each sample were calcinated in a
milled GFRP waste on concrete, partially substituting ne aggre- mufe furnace, in the absence of oxygen, at 550 C for suf-
gates by the composite recyclate at concentrations of 5%, 15%, cient time to eliminate all the organic material (thermoset
D. Garca et al. / Construction and Building Materials 64 (2014) 293300 295

resin, decorative nishes), leaving the inorganic material of procedure, except for slight variations at the start of the study, was
the sample remaining in the crucible (ash + glass established as follows:
ber + llers). The ash from the calcination of the organic
matter may be considered practically insignicant. The  Mixture of cement and sand at a low speed (1 min).
content in organic matter of each sample was calculated  Addition of GFRP recylate and mixture at a low speed
by their differences in weight. Additionally, a second set (1 min).
of calcinations were performed, in order to subsequently  Incorporation of 70% of the total water and the superplasti-
perform a chemical attack, with chlorohydric acid on the er, mixed at low speed (1 min).
samples or to wash them in distilled water, depending on  Incorporation of remaining water and plastier, mixing at
the nature of the inorganic ller, on the resulting inorganic low speed (1 min).
waste, with the purpose of determining the percentage of  Rest after removing with a spatula the bottom and the sides
glass ber by weight (standard UNE EN ISO 1172). Infrared of the recipient of the mixture (1 min).
spectroscopy veried the nature of the polymeric matrix of  Mixing at a rapid speed for 2 min.
the four sources of offcuts, as well as their types of inor-
ganic llers. 3.4. Characterization of microconcretes

3.2. Mechanical recyclates Workability was immediately determined in the fresh state for
all the compositions, using the shaking table and the test proce-
Different technologies were individually tested and evaluated dure contained in EN 1015-3: 2000/A1:2005/A2:2007.
(shredding, milling, screening) on each of the four available Three prismatic test specimens of 40  40  160 mm3 were
sources of GFRP composites. The operations of fragmentation and manufactured with each dosage. All specimens were demoul-
concentration that were tested had as objective the conditioning ded 24 h after casting and placed in a moist room (20 C).
of the material and the adaption of the characteristics for their Physicalmechanical behavior tests (compressive strength and
joint exploitation (glass ber + polymer) as ller in microconcrete exural strength at the age of 7 days and shrinkage according to
formulations, in partial substitution of the natural aggregates, in ASTM C596-09) and durability tests (alkalisilica-reaction (ASR)
line with the work of other authors [12]. Following the rst results according to ASTM C1260-07) were performed on the hardened
where a reduction in the mechanical properties of microconcretes microconcrete.
with GFRP waste powder and glass ber uff was evident, the
milling equipment was adjusted, in an attempt to increase the con-
tent of short glass ber that was recovered, including screening 4. Results and discussion
and rejection of granular and/or dusty content.
A critical ber length exists to increase the strength and rigidity 4.1. Characteristics of the initial material
of the compound material. This critical length lc depends on the
diameter d of the ber, traction strength rf and shear strength of Table 1 shows the characteristics of the different samples of
the bermatrix union sc [15]. waste composite that constitute the raw material from which the
GFRP recyclate is obtained.
rf d The structure and arrangement of the glass ber was observed
sc after calcination. The GFRP from electric panelboards yielded a
Fibers with l  lc (normally l > 15 lc) were classied as continu- mat of short, intertwined threads of glass ber with a high content
ous; and bers of a shorter length were classied as discontinuous of calcium carbonate as ller. The GFRP from the train fairing pre-
or short bers. Matrix deformation was apparent around the dis- sented inorganic ller mixed with the glass ber and included a
continuous bers of a signicantly shorter length than lc, in such surface gel coating. The structure of the glass ber is a chopped
a way that there was hardly any transference of effort and the strand mat. In the pultruded proles of GFRP, a glass ber structure
effect of the ber reinforcement was insignicant. Taking this of three layers (sandwich type) was observed. The two exterior lay-
observation into account, the operations of reduction in size and ers are chopped strand mats with long bers randomly oriented.
screening should attempt to achieve a material that as far as The interior layer is composed of long, thicker bers in a longitudi-
possible complies with this specication. It is estimated that the nal alignment in the direction of the prole. The pieces from the
most appropriate length of the glass ber as a reinforcement in leisure boat hulls had a sandwich structure of ve layers of glass
the manufacture of microconcrete uctuates around 6 and 12 mm. ber and a surface gel coating. The glass ber was ordered in knit
fabrics in the core layers of the structure and woven mats of short
3.3. Compositions and mixtures threads (3040 mm) on the external layers (see Fig. 1).
The morphology of the inorganic waste obtained after the calci-
A broad test campaign of mixtures was developed and tested at nation of the samples was analyzed with an 10 binocular magni-
an early age (7 days), in order to conduct the experimental study of fying glass to obtain greater detail of the glass ber structure. The
microconcretes with recycled GFRP bers. The mixtures had an images obtained are shown in Fig. 2. Threads of glass ber were
approximate volume of 1 l. They were prepared in a Controls mixer recorded of variable widths between 0.3 and 0.9 mm in the mat
in accordance with standard UNE EN 196-1. Percentages of substi- of threads, between 1.5 and 2.0 mm in the bidirectional weave,
tution of sand by GFRP recyclate were initially set between 0% and and almost 7.0 mm in the case of the unidirectional mat.
20% by weight. However, percentages of over 10% were quickly dis-
missed due to the low workability of the resulting microconcretes. 4.2. Optimization of the recycling process
In the rst mixtures, a need for chemical admixtures was appar-
ent to improve workability and reduce the water content of the The initial objective was the conditioning of the material for its
mixture. After a general evaluation of the four sources of GFRP exploitation with the GRFP recyclate as ller in microconcrete for-
offcuts, attention centerd on the recyclate from train fairings trea- mulations [2,13,14]. As no improvement in the properties of the
ted in a hammer mill with 5 mm screen, selecting the fraction microconcretes was obtained, an attempt to recover increased
retained by the 5.6 mm sieve opening for the mixtures. The mixing amounts of short glass ber was made.
296 D. Garca et al. / Construction and Building Materials 64 (2014) 293300

Table 1
Composition and properties of the GFRP sample waste.

Samples Electric panelboard Train fairing Pultruded proles Leisure boat hull
Density (g/cm3) 1.78 1.45 1.96 1.68
Organic matter 33.72% 50.63% 26.24% 68.89%
Inorganic ller 45.23% 18.96% 6.89% 0.61%
Glass ber 21.05% 30.41% 66.87% 30.5%
Glass ber A mat of short intertwined Chopped strand mat Chopped strand mats and unidirectional Knit fabrics and and woven
arrangement threads mat mats
Type of ller Calcium carbonate Aluminium Calcium carbonate No ller

Fig. 1. Shredding and milling processes of the GFRP ber: (a) offcuts of GFRP components, (b) two-shaft shredder, (c) hammer mill and (d) Fluff GFRP.

Fig. 2. Width of the glass bers threads: mat of short bers (left) and bidirectional pattern (right).

As a rst step in the conditioning process, large-scale shredding inspection of the resulting samples, it was observed that the milled
of each of the four sources of GFRP waste was performed to reduce material tended to form uff, giving rise to intertwined and
it in size and convert it to suitable compositions for the milling mixed glass bers with part of the polymer.
equipment. To do so, a two-shaft shredder was used. Having com- Discrete bers in the content of the milled material were mea-
pleted the primary shredding, milling of a certain amount of each sured using a laboratory system that consisted of a magnifying
of the samples was completed in a specic mill. From a visual glass and an image analyzer, with the purpose of establishing a
D. Garca et al. / Construction and Building Materials 64 (2014) 293300 297

reference for the length of the bers contained in the milled was rejected for the purposes of the investigation, as it was princi-
material. pally formed of short bers and thermoset composite/resin waste.
In no case was the minimum desirable length of 6 mm reached.
In a general way, it may be said that the maximum ber length 4.3. Design and characterization of microconcrete with optimized ber
reached 45 mm. Therefore, it may be concluded that this milling
conguration was not appropriate for recycling GFRP waste as 4.3.1. Fresh-state properties
short ber reinforcement in concrete, given that the milling system Fig. 3 illustrates the behavior of the microconcrete in the fresh
tended to reduce the length of the ber excessively. state, in which a reduction in its workability may be observed, as
Another milling technology was tested on a pilot scale, involv- the content of recycled GFRP is increased, in a similar way to the
ing a hammer mill with different screens, in order to achieve use of commercial bers (glass, polypropylene, etc.). On the one
greater ber lengths of the milled material. This mill reduces the hand, this is because of the irregular geometry of the conglomerate
granulometry of a material by impacts against the walls of the of bers, splinters, granular ller and dusty waste. On the other,
milling chamber. The four sources of GFRP waste were milled by this material presents a higher specic surface which creates
sieving two different granulometries: 10 and 5 mm. Through this greater demand for water in the mixture (up to 35% more demand
process, the milled material also tended to form aggregates of glass for water with respect to the reference specimen).
ber in the form of glass ber uff. Each one of the resulting The effect of a high percentage of GFRP waste in microconcrete
samples of 10 and 5 mm were screened to 1 mm to remove aggre- may be qualitatively observed in microconcretes that have insuf-
gates (llers, short bers and polymers) and to try to concentrate cient water, lack of cohesion, and agglomerates of ber that tend to
the ber. become exposed on the free surfaces during the compacting
The fraction of concentrated glass ber was considered of inter- process.
est, while the material sized below 1 mm was rejected for the pres-
ent investigation. After a preliminary assessment of the resulting 4.3.2. Mechanical properties
products, the screened material with a mesh size of 20 mm was In the rst exploratory tests, a substitution of a percentage of
dismissed, given that in some cases too many large bers were pro- standard silica sand was made for the product recovered from
duced in the form of splinters. This tendency increased in the sam- GFRP after grinding in a two-shaft shredder. The compositions of
ple of GFRP waste from the GFRP pultruded prole. the microconcretes are presented in Table 2.
After a new evaluation of various formulations of microconcrete Fig. 4 illustrates the relative exural and compressive strength
incorporating these fractions as ller, it was concluded that the at 7 days of curing of the mixtures prepared with 0%, 5% and 10%
best results were obtained for composite waste from train fairings. of sand substituted for recycled GFRP. A reduction in strength is
The formulations of the microconcrete, specimens and nal proto- observed as the percentage of GFRP recyclate is increased.
types were therefore obtained from that source. Likewise, it was In a second approach, the product recovered from GFRP after
concluded that the smaller the presence of polymer/composite grinding in a two-shaft shredder was separated in two fractions
particles in the fraction recovered by mechanical treatment, or by screening with a 1 mm opening sieve. The amount of recycled
the more concentrated the glass ber in that fraction, the better GFRP was kept a 5% of the SFA. Also chemical admixtures (super-
the performance of the resulting microconcrete. plastizier and water reducing agent; quantities expressed as
The optimum route for mechanical processing of the GFRP admixture/cement ratio) were added to the microconcrete formu-
waste from train fairings is described below: lations to reduce the loss of workability. The compositions of these
microconcretes are presented in Table 3.
 Primary shredding. Normalized compressive strength values of the microconcretes
 Milling of the shredded material in a hammer mill with a with the sieved rGFRP are presented in Fig. 5. It can be observed
5 mm screen. that the reduction of mechanical properties at 28 days is higher
 Sieving of the milled material through a mesh size of in the microconcres with the shortest ber fraction. Microconcrete
5.6 mm; the fraction retained by the sieve was used, while with bers from GFRP elements of train fairings shows similar
the fraction that passed through the sieve was rejected. compressive strength.
The optimized mechanical recycling described in Section 4.2
These experimental steps for mechanical treatment in the spe- was applied on the material from the train faring. Quarried lime-
cic case of the GFRP waste recovered a concentrated glass ber stone sand with maximum grain size of 2 mm was used as ne
that represented 18% by weight of the waste. The remaining 82% aggregate in the manufacture of microconcretes. Six prismatic
samples for each dossication were produced, demoulded after
24 h and stored in a climatic chamber at 20 C and 100%RH. The
compositions and average strength values with respective stan-
dard deviations at 28 days are also included in Table 4.
The optimized mechanical process yielded improvements in
mechanical exural and compressive strengths of up to 16% and
22%, respectively, for the microconcrete with 1% of rGFRP in com-
parison with a reference microconcrete. These improvements are
reduced in the microconcretes with 2% of rGFRP. Considering this
trend and the results of preliminary studies, it seems that higher
ber percentages decrease the mechanical properties of microcon-
cretes. A reduction in the workability of the samples with better
mechanical properties was observed due to the greater demand
for water in the mixture by the recycled GFRP ber and the restric-
tions imposed by the bers.
The relation between the workability values, strength and GFRP
ber content obtained through optimized route processing is rep-
Fig. 3. Reduction in microconcrete workability as a function of GFRP content. resented in Fig. 6.
298 D. Garca et al. / Construction and Building Materials 64 (2014) 293300

Table 2
Compositions of the microconcretes with two-shaft shredder grinded GFRP.

Source of rGFRP Cement (kg/m3) SFA (kg/m3) rGRP w/c ratio

(kg/m ) (%)
501 1503 0 0.5
Train fairing 501 1427 75.1 5 0.55
501 1352 150.3 10 0.6
Electric panel board 501 1427 75.1 5 0.55
501 1352 150.3 10 0.6
Pultruded proles 501 1427 75.1 5 0.55
501 1352 150.3 10 0.6
Leisure boat hull 501 1427 75.1 5 0.55
501 1352 150.3 10 0.6

Fig. 5. Normalized exural strength of microconcretes with mechanically recycled

GFRP fractions at 28 days.

200 model manufactured by FEI) was used. The samples were

inspected without any covers, at low-vacuum (60 Pa), with a retro-
dispersed electron detector and an accelerating voltage of 20 kV.
Figs. 79 show details of the surface fractures of the microcon-
cretes with commercial polypropylene (PP) and rGFRP.
Fig. 7 shows a detail of the reference microconcrete microstruc-
ture with commercial PP bers. The organic material of the bers is
highlighted in black. It may be seen how the bers have introduced
themselves half-way into the matrix and are evenly dispersed.
Nevertheless, there are important gaps between the bers and
matrix, which diminish their efciency. Gaps may also be observed
where the bers have been extracted in the fracture zone. The
matrix is very compact. A little gel may be observed adhering to
Fig. 4. Reduction in exural and compressive strength at 7 days in accordance with the ber. Mechanical adherence is low (gaps) and there was no
the GFRP ber content. chemical adherence (see Fig. 10).
Fig. 8 shows the microstructure of microconcrete with glass
4.3.3. Study of the microstructure ber recovered from train fairings in the rst procedure of
Scanning electron microscopy was used to analyse the micro- mechanical recycling. A bundle of glass bers (in grey) with
structure of microconcretes that contained GFRP recycled ber. remains of resin and places where the matrix does not penetrate
To do so, an Environmental Scanning Electron Microscope (Quanta may be observed. The bers present most of their length free from

Table 3
Compositions of the microconcretes with two-shaft shredder grinded and sieved GFRP.

rGRP source Sieving (mm) Cement (kg/m3) SFA (kg/m3) rGRP w/c ratio SuperP./c ratio WRA/c ratio
(kg/m3) (%)
501 1503 0 0 0.5 1.0
Train fairing <1 501 1427 75 5 0.5 1.0 0.8
>1 501 1427 75 5 0.5 1.0 0.8
Electric panel board <1 501 1427 75 5 0.5 1.0 0.8
>1 501 1427 75 5 0.5 1.0 0.8
Pultruded proles <1 501 1427 75 5 0.5 1.0 0.8
>1 501 1427 75 5 0.5 1.0 0.8
Leisure boat hull <1 501 1427 75 5 0.5 1.0 0.8
>1 501 1427 75 5 0.5 1.0 0.8
D. Garca et al. / Construction and Building Materials 64 (2014) 293300 299

Table 4
Compositions and mechanical properties of the microconcretes with hammer mill grinded and sieved GFRP.

Cement (kg/m3) SFA (kg/m3) rGRP w/c ratio SP/c ratio WRA/c ratio Strength (N/mm2)
(kg/m ) (%) Flexural Compressive
361 1703 0 0 0.5 1.0 0.8 8.91 0.23 50.28 1.78
361 1687 17 1 0.5 1.0 0.8 10.32 0.88 61.43 9.75
361 1653 34 2 0.5 1.0 0.8 9.20 0.13 52.68 1.19

Fig. 6. Relation between the workability values, strength and GFRP ber content.

Fig. 8. Microconcrete with glass ber from train fairing after two-shaft shredder
and sieving.

Fig. 7. Reference dosage with commercial polypropylene (without rGFRP).

resin and llers. In addition to the glass bers, organic bers of

greater thickness (in black) may be seen, probably originally from
the matted strands with the function of maintaining their geomet-
ric stability. The bers are seen to be correctly connected to the Fig. 9. Microconcrete with glass ber from train fairing after hammer mill and
inorganic matrix although with remains of the organic matrix. sieving.
Fig. 9 shows the microstructure of microconcrete with glass
ber recovered from a train fairing, following the optimized proce- This linked to their low traction strength means that they are not
dure of mechanical recycling. As well as the glass ber, remains of valid for increasing microconcrete bending strength.
organic ber (in dark black) may be observed and abundant It is possible to release some of the glass ber contained in GFRP
remains of resin around the bers. The free bundles of recovered waste through mechanical processes, although their length
glass ber are covered by the cement paste and the gaps between remains covered in resin in some sections. After milling and
both materials are minimal. Slight signs of oxidation on the surface sieving, the product is on the whole composed of glass ber and
of some bers are evident, which would imply chemical adherence remains of polymeric resin. In addition, there are remains of
between bers and cement matrix. organic bers (PP), the function of which gives geometric stability
The commercial bers of PP develop no chemical adherence to during the weaving process.
the cement paste and their mechanical adherence is reduced due The greater part of the bers recovered from GFRP consists of
to the gaps that appear between their diameter and the matrix. groupings of various dozens of glass bers connected by resin.
300 D. Garca et al. / Construction and Building Materials 64 (2014) 293300

during the production of GFRP in concrete mixtures. From the pres-

ent study, the following conclusions may be reached:

 The selection of methods that involve shredding and

screening are decisive, in order to obtain GFRP recyclate
that may be used in concrete as a short ber. In general, a
recovered ber that includes spherical particles, dust or
splinters of great size negatively affects the mechanical
properties of the microconcrete.
 Optimized mechanical recycling yields improvements in
mechanical compressive and bending strength of up to
22% and 16%, respectively, in comparison with microcon-
crete without bers.
Fig. 10. Relation between the shrinkage values and strength and ber content.
 No negative effects of GFRP ber recyclate are evident in
shrinkage and beralkali reactivity in concrete.
The cement paste can penetrate between them and surrounds  On the basis of these results, it is worth examining the
them adequately without the presence of gaps. incorporation of larger percentages of optimized GFRP
Even though these are E glass bers, no deterioration was recyclate in the production of microconcrete.
appreciated due to the alkaline environment characteristic of
cement microconcretes. At some points, a slight surface oxidation
of the glass bers may be seen after 28 days, which would origi- Acknowledgements
nate a chemical adherence of bers and the inorganic matrix. The
remains of the resin and llers of the GFRP are easily observable The present study was funded by the Basque regional Govern-
and produce microconcretes with a more heterogeneous and dis- ment Under research project COMPOECO (contract number: 7/
continuous structure. 12/TK/2009/15) and FIAC (IG-2012/0000254).

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