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Concrete Pavement Design Details

and Construction Practices

Companion Workbook
1986/1993 AASHTO Guide Procedure
1998 AASHTO Supplement Procedure

Prepared for Federal Highway Administration, Pavements Division

400 Seventh Street SW, Washington, DC 20590
and National Highway Institute
4600 North Fairfax Drive, Suite 700, Arlington, VA 22203

Prepared by Kathleen T. Hall

73 Bedford Road, Mundelein, IL 60060
and Kurt D. Smith, Applied Pavement Technology, Inc.
3001 Research Road, Suite C, Champaign, IL 61822

If you have comments or questions about this workbook, please contact:

Katie Hall or Kurt Smith
847-549-8410 217-398-3977

Contents of this Workbook

Worksheet Description

cover cover page and table of contents

roadmap roadmap to worksheets in this companion workbook

k correlation k value correlations to soil type and properties

k backcalc k value backcalculation equations

98 k steps description of steps in determining design k value for 1998 AASHTO method

98 fill-rigid adjustment to k value for embankment and/or shallow rigid layer for 1998 AASHTO method

98 seasonal k calculation of seasonally adjusted design k value for 1998 AASHTO method

98 AASHTO concrete slab thickness design by 1998 AASHTO method

98 fault chk faulting check for undoweled and doweled pavements for 1998 AASHTO method

climate climatic data for major US cities

86 seasonal k calculation of seasonally adjusted design k value for 1986/1993 AASHTO method

86 AASHTO concrete slab thickness design by 1986/1993 AASHTO method

Roadmap for this Companion Workbook

Design by 1986/1993 Design by 1998 AASHTO

AASHTO Guide Method Supplement Method

98 k steps

98 fill-rigid

k correlation
86 seasonal k 98 seasonal k
k backcalc



98 fault chk

Correlations Between K Value, Soil Type, Soil Properties, and Degree of Saturation

AASHTO Description Unified Dry Density CBR k value

Class Class (lb/cu ft) (percent) (psi/in)
Coarse-Grained Soils
A-1-a, well graded 125 140 60 80 300 450
gravel GW, GP
A-1-a, poorly graded 120 130 35 60 300 400
A-1-b coarse sand SW 110 130 20 40 200 400
A-3 fine sand SP 105 120 15 25 150 300
A-2 Soils (Granular Materials with High Fines):
A-2-4, gravelly silty gravel
GM 130 145 40 80 300 500
A-2-5, gravelly silty sandy gravel
A-2-4, sandy silty sand
SM 120 135 20 40 300 400
A-2-5, sandy silty gravelly sand
A-2-6, gravelly clayey gravel
GC 120 140 20 40 200 450
A-2-7, gravelly clayey sandy gravel
A-2-6, sandy clayey sand
SC 105 130 10 20 150 350
A-2-7, sandy clayey gravelly sand

Fine-Grained Soils (See Note):

silt 90 105 48 25 165
A-4 ML, OL
silt/sand/gravel mix 100 125 5 15 40 220
A-5 poorly graded silt MH 80 - 100 48 25 190
A-6 plastic clay CL 100 125 5 15 25 255
moderately plastic
A-7-5 CL, OL 90 125 4 15 25 215
elastic clay
highly plastic
A-7-6 CH, OH 80 110 35 40 - 220
elastic clay
The recommended k value ranges apply to a homogeneous layer at least 10 ft thick. If an embankment layer less than 10 ft thick exists over a
softer subgrade, the k value of the underlying soil should be estimated from A-6
the above table and adjusted for the type and thickness of
Subgrade k value (psi/in)

embankment material (see fill-rigid worksheet). The k value should also be adjusted if a stiff layer (e.g., bedrock) exists within 10 ft of the top
of the soil (see fill-rigid worksheet). A-7-6
200 A-7-5
The k value of fine-grained soil is highly dependent on the degree of saturation. See chart below.



50 60 70 80 90 100
Degree of saturation (percent)

k correlation
Backcalculation of k Value from Deflections

Equations are provided below for backcalulating the dynamic k value, including correction for finite slab size,
from deflections measured with a falling weight deflectometer or similar device, using the SHRP sensor configuration.

In the calculations below, the backcalculated dynamic k value is divided by 2 to obtain an estimated static k value
for use in the AASHTO design procedures.

For the purpose of backcalculating k value, it is not necessary to normalize the deflections to a particular load level,
nor is it necessary to know the layer thicknesses, nor to make any adjustments to the deflections for temperature.
However, deflections measured when the slab is curled out of contact with the base or foundation
should not be used to backcalculate k values without adjustment.

Enter the slab length (joint spacing) and slab width in feet below for use in the slab size correction.

Slab length 15 ft Calculated L 13.42 ft

Slab width 12 ft

Bare Concrete Pavement

station k static load P d0 d8 d12 d18 d24 d36 d60 AREA7 l init d0* k init AF d0 AF l k adj k static
psi/in pounds mils mils mils mils mils mils mils in in psi/in psi/in psi/in

1 106 8990 4.18 3.98 3.84 3.61 3.36 2.88 2.05 45.0 40.71 0.1237 160 0.868 0.934 212 106

Composite Pavement

station k static load P d12 d18 d24 d36 d60 AREA5 l init d12* k init AF d0 AF l k adj k static
psi/in pounds mils mils mils mils mils in in psi/in psi/in psi/in

1 98 9025 3.49 3.32 3.13 2.73 2.02 37.8 48.83 0.1189 129 0.823 0.896 195 98

k backcalc
Steps in Determining k Value for Use in 1998 AASHTO Supplement Procedure

Correlation method Backcalculation method Plate load test method

Estimate k for one or more seasons from
Backcalculate dynamic k from deflections Measure k according to AASHTO T221 or T222,
correlations with soil type, density, CBR, and
measured on in-service pavement. Divide the using a 30-in-diameter plate. In the repetitive
degree of saturation. or mean backcalculated k by 2 to estimate the
or test (T221), k is the ratio of load to elastic
static k. (recoverable) deformation. In the nonrepetitive
See k correlation worksheet.
test (T222) k is the load-deformation ratio at a
See k backcalc worksheet. deformation of 0.05 in.

Fill/rigid layer adjustments Fill/rigid layer adjustments

Fill/rigid layer adjustments
for correlation method for plate load testing method
for backcalculation method
Correlations of k to soil type and properties
No fill or rigid layer adjustments are needed if AASHTO T 221 and T 222 specify that if the
apply to a homogeneous soil layer at least 10
the type and depth of fill and the depth to a pavement is to be built on an embankment, the
ft [3 m] thick. If an embankment layer less
rigid layer are the same for the pavement plate bearing tests should be conducted on a
than 10 ft [3 m] thick exists or will be placed
being designed and the pavement on which test embankment.
over a softer soil, the k value of the underlying
soil should be estimated from the available the deflections were measured.
If the testing is not conducted on a test
correlations and adjusted for the type and
A fill adjustment and/or a rigid layer adjustment embankment equal in material and thickness to
thickness of embankment.
is needed if the fill and rigid layer the embankment which wll be constructed, a fill
characteristics of the pavement being adjustment is needed. See 98 fill-rigid
If a stiff layer (e.g., bedrock) exists within 10 ft
designed differ from those of the pavement worksheet.
[3 m] of the top of the soil, the k value should
be adjusted. tested.
The effect of a rigid layer is reflected in the plate
See 98 fill-rigid worksheet. load test results; no adjustment is needed.
See 98 fill-rigid worksheet.

Assign k to seasons of the year

Among the factors which should be considered in assigning seasonal k values are the seasonal movement of
the water table, seasonal precipitation levels, winter frost depths, number of freeze-thaw cycles, and the extent
of frost protection provided by embankment material.

A ''frozen" k may not be appropriate for winter, even in a cold climate, if the frost will not remain in a significant
thickness (a few feet) of the subgrade throughout the winter. A k value of 500 psi/in is reasonable for a subgrade
frozen to a significant depth.

The seasonal variation in degree of saturation is difficult to predict, but in locations where a water table is
constantly present at a depth of less than about 10 ft, it is reasonable to expect that fine-grained subgrades will
remain at least 70 to 90 percent saturation, and may be completely saturated for substantial periods in the
spring. The highest position of the water table, but not its annual variation, can be determined from county soil

See 98 seasonal k worksheet.

Calculate seasonally adjusted k value for use in design

The seasonally adjusted design k value is a damage-weighted average k which yields the same predicted
performance over the course of a year as the k values assigned to the different seasons.

See 98 seasonal k worksheet.

98 k steps
12 Thickness of fill (ft) Density of fill (lb/cu ft)
90 100 110 120 130 140 150



psi/in psi/in
600 400 200 200 400 600

Adjusted k value

Enter with k for
< 10 ft natural subgrade

Depth to 400 1 ft = 0.305 m,

rigid layer 1 psi/in = 0.27 kPa/mm,
1 lb/cu ft = 159 N/cu m
> 10 ft

98 fill-rigid
Seasonally Adjusted Design K Value for 1998 AASHTO Supplement Procedure

Enter the number of months for each season, so that total number of months is twelve.
Enter a k value for each season.
Press the "solve for seasonally adjusted k value" button.
Use this seasonally adjusted design k value in the 98 AASHTO thickness design worksheet.

Season Months k value W' log Relative

(psi/in) (millions) Damage
spring 3 100 17.72 0.0564
summer 3 130 15.10 0.0662
fall 3 150 13.88 0.0721
winter 3 120 15.84 0.0631
Weighted Mean Relative Damage 0.0645
Weighted Mean W' (millions) 15.511
Seasonally adjusted effective k value (psi/in) 124

For the purpose of calculating the seasonally adjusted design k value, a trial slab thickness is calculated using
the inputs from the 98 AASHTO worksheet and the arithmetic average of the seasonal k values above.

parameter symbol value units

slab thickness D 11.74 in

arithmetic average k value kave 125 psi/in

The values for the following parameters are taken from the 98 AASHTO worksheet.

estimated future ESALs W18 30,000,000

design reliability R 95 %
overall standard deviation So 0.39
mean 28-day concrete elastic modulus Ec 4,000,000 psi
mean 28-day concrete flexural strength S'c 650 psi
concrete Poisson's ratio 0.20
base elastic modulus Eb 1,250,000 psi
base thickness Hb 6 in
slab/base friction coefficient f 6
design k value k 124 psi/in
initial serviceability P1 4.5
terminal serviceability P2 3.0
joint spacing 10 ft
edge support adjustment factor E 1.00
mean annual temperature temp 69 deg F
mean annual precipitation precip 29 in
mean annual wind speed wind 9 mph

Values for the following parameters are calculated from the trial thickness and above inputs.

standard normal deviate ZR -1.645

effective positive temperature differential TD 12.04 deg F
slab length in inches L 120 in
ratio of stress with friction to stress with bond F 1.19
radius of relative stiffness l 46.12 in
log of slope of TD effect on stress log b -1.109
stress due to load sigma l 71.00 psi
total stress due to load and temperature sigma t 150.88 psi

Values for the following parameters are calculated for the trial thickness and AASHO Road Test constants.

effective positive temperature differential TD 9.35 deg F

ratio of stress with friction to stress with bond F 1.04
radius of relative stiffness l 48.13 in
log of slope of TD effect on stress log b -1.427
stress due to load sigma l 133.82 psi
total stress due to load and temperature sigma t 188.52 psi

Values for the following parameters are calculated to determine the trial thickness for the design ESALs.

allowable log ESALs for 50% reliability, new design log W' 8.09
allowable log W for 50% reliability, AASHO Road Test log W 7.77
log rho term log R 8.07
serviceability loss term G -0.30
beta term B 1.01
allowable ESALs for design reliability, new design W' 28,244,787
expected ESALs for design reliability, new design W18R 30,000,000
ratio of expected to allowable ESALs 1.06

Values for the following parameters are calculated during the seasonally adjusted effective k value calculation.

allowable ESALs for design reliability, new design 28.24 millions

weighted mean W' 15.51 millions
ratio weighted mean W' to allowable ESALs 0.549

98 seasonal k
G16: This value will be updated amd copied to the 98 AASHTO worksheet whenever you click the recalculate seasonally adjusted effective k value button on that worksheet.

G38: Fine-grained soils 3,000 to 40,000 psi

Sand 10,000 to 25,000 psi
Aggregate 15,000 to 45,000 psi
Lime-stabilized clay 20,000 to 70,000 psi
Asphalt-treated base 300,000 to 600,000 psi
Cement-treated base 1000 * (500 + compressive strength, psi)
Lean concrete base 1000 * (500 + compressive strength, psi)

G40: Fine-grained soil 0.5 to 2.0

Sand 0.5 to 1.0
Aggregate 0.7 to 2.0
Polyethlyene 0.5 to 1.0
Lime-stabilized clay 3.0 to 5.3
Cement-treated base 8 to 63
Asphalt-treated base 3.7 to 10
Lean concrete base
without curing compound > 36
with curing compound 3.5 to 4.5

G45: 1.00 for 12-ft lane and AC shoulder

0.94 for 12-ft lane and tied PCC shoulder
0.92 for widened PCC slab

1998 AASHTO Supplement Procedure for Concrete Pavement Thickness Design

Whenever you change input values below, first click the button "recalculate seasonally adjusted effective k value"
before solving for the required slab thickness or allowable ESALs.

Enter values for the following parameters in the 1998 AASHTO concrete pavement performance model.
parameter symbol value units

slab thickness D 11.83 in

estimated future ESALs W18 3.00E+07 ESALs
design reliability R 95 %
overall standard deviation So 0.39
mean 28-day concrete elastic modulus Ec 4,000,000 psi
mean 28-day concrete flexural strength S'c 650 psi
concrete Poisson's ratio 0.20
base elastic modulus Eb 1,250,000 psi
base thickness Hb 6 in
slab/base friction coefficient f 6
k value k 125 psi/in
initial serviceability P1 4.5
terminal serviceability P2 3.0
joint spacing L 10 ft
edge support adjustment factor E 0.92
mean annual temperature temp 69 deg F
mean annual precipitation precip 29 in
mean annual wind speed wind 9 mph

Values for the following parameters are calculated from the above inputs.

standard normal deviate ZR -1.645 ok

effective positive temperature differential TD 12.08 deg F ok
slab length in inches L 120 in ok
ratio of stress with friction to stress with bond F 1.19 ok
radius of relative stiffness l 46.33 in ok
log of slope of TD effect on stress log b -1.110 ok
stress due to load sigma l 70.35 psi ok
total stress due to load and temperature sigma t 148.79 psi ok

Values for the following parameters are calculated for AASHO Road Test constants.

effective positive temperature differential TD 9.39 deg F ok

ratio of stress with friction to stress with bond F 1.04 ok
radius of relative stiffness l 48.41 in ok
log of slope of TD effect on stress log b -1.428 ok now (had 68 instead of 6)
stress due to load sigma l 132.18 psi ok
total stress due to load and temperature sigma t 186.18 psi ok

Values for the following parameters are calculated to determine the required slab thickness for the design ESALs.

allowable log ESALs for 50% reliability, new design log W' 8.12 ok
allowable log W for 50% reliability, AASHO Road Test log W 7.79 ok
log rho term log R 8.09 ok
serviceability loss term G -0.30 ok
beta term B 1.01 ok
allowable ESALs for design reliability, new design W' 29,997,613 ok
expected ESALs for design reliability, new design W18R 30,000,000 ok
ratio of expected to allowable ESALs 1.00 ok

Joint Faulting Check for 1998 AASHTO Supplement Procedure

Predicted faulting doweled 0.07 in undoweled 0.13 in

Enter values for the following parameters to calculate faulting for doweled or undoweled joints.
parameter symbol value units

dowel diameter dowel 1.25 in

cumulative ESALs cesal 40 millions
age age 20 years
modified drainage coefficient Cd 1.00
friction adjustment factor con 0.80
annual temperature range trange 85 deg F
Freezing Index FI 200 F deg-days
base type basetype 0
widened slab widen 0
days above 90 deg F days90 30

The values below are calculated or taken from the 98 AASHTO worksheet.

joint spacing jtspace 10 ft

distribution factor fd 0.41 in
moment of inertia dowel x-section I 0.1198 in4
relative stiffness dowel-concrete beta 0.6060
average joint opening opening 0.024 in
concrete bearing stress bstress 1628 psi
annual precipitation precip 29.00 in

98 fault chk
Climatic Data for Use With 1998 AASHTO Supplement Thickness and Faulting Models

Freezing Index, degree-

Freezing Index, degree-

Freezing Index, degree-

Mean Annual Days 90F

Mean Annual Days 90F

Mean Annual Days 90F

Mean Annual Wind

Mean Annual Wind

Mean Annual Wind

days below 32F

days below 32F

days below 32F
Temperature, F

Temperature, F

Temperature, F
Precipitation, in

Precipitation, in

Precipitation, in
Mean Annual

Mean Annual

Mean Annual

Mean Annual

Mean Annual

Mean Annual
Speed, mph

Speed, mi/h
Speed, mi/h
and Above

and Above

and Above
Location Location Location


Birmingham 62 52 7 74 0 Topeka 54 29 10 673 0 Oklahoma City 60 31 13 195 59
Mobile 68 65 9 16 61 Wichita 56 40 12 494 50 Tulsa 60 39 10 231 60
Montgomery 68 49 7 27 52 KENTUCKY OREGON
ALASKA Lexington 55 46 7 448 0 Medford 54 20 5 61 31
Anchorage 35 15 7 2385 0 Louisville 56 44 8 380 0 Portland 53 37 8 45 0
Fairbanks 26 10 6 5601 0 LOUISIANA Salem 52 40 7 41 0
King Salmon 33 19 11 2898 0 Baton Rouge 68 56 8 12 74 PENNSYLVANIA
ARIZONA Lake Charles 68 53 9 7 48 Harrisburg 53 39 8 454 0
Flagstaff 45 21 7 585 0 New Orleans 68 60 8 10 30 Philadelphia 54 41 10 376 0
Phoenix 71 7 6 0 157 Shreveport 65 44 9 37 75 Pittsburgh 50 36 9 686 0
Tucson 68 11 8 0 133 MAINE RHODE ISLAND
ARKANSAS Caribou 39 37 11 2224 0 Providence 50 45 11 513 0
Little Rock 62 49 8 102 64 Portland 45 44 9 966 0 SOUTH CAROLINA
CALIFORNIA MARYLAND Charleston 65 52 9 19 6
Bakersfield 66 6 6 6 98 Baltimore 55 42 9 306 0 Columbia 63 49 7 54 46
Los Angeles 63 12 8 0 0 Boston 52 44 12 446 0 Huron 45 19 12 1840 0
Sacramento 61 17 8 0 63 Worcester 47 48 12 860 0 Rapid City 47 16 11 1232 0
San Diego 64 9 7 0 0 MICHIGAN TENNESSEE
San Francisco 57 20 11 0 0 Detroit 49 4 10 857 0 Chattanooga 59 53 6 140 0
Santa Barbara 59 16 6 0 0 Flint 47 29 11 1015 0 Knoxville 59 47 7 184 0
COLORADO Grand Rapids 48 34 10 996 0 Memphis 62 52 9 105 61
Colorado Springs 49 15 10 588 0 MINNESOTA Nashville 59 48 8 213 0
Denver 50 15 9 544 0 Duluth 38 30 11 2472 0 TEXAS
CONNECTICUT Minneapolis 45 26 11 1848 0 Amarillo 57 19 14 200 41
Hartford 50 44 9 690 0 MISSISSIPPI Brownsville 74 25 12 0 97
DC Jackson 65 53 7 52 82 Corpus Christi 72 30 12 0 87
Washington 58 39 9 200 0 MISSOURI Dallas 66 29 11 40 89
DELAWARE Kansas City 56 35 11 724 0 El Paso 63 8 9 0 98
Wilmington 54 41 9 371 0 MONTANA Galveston 70 40 11 0 0
FLORIDA Great Falls 45 15 13 1513 0 Houston 68 45 8 0 76
Jacksonville 68 53 8 9 56 NEBRASKA Lubbock 60 18 12 76 56
Miami 76 58 9 0 0 Omaha 50 30 11 1042 0 Midland 64 14 11 22 93
Orlando 72 48 9 0 85 NEVADA San Antonio 69 29 9 5 95
Tallahassee 67 65 6 11 82 Las Vegas 66 4 9 0 127 Waco 67 31 11 27 96
Tampa 72 47 9 0 12 Reno 49 7 7 258 39 Wichita Falls 64 27 12 91 85
West Palm Beach 75 60 9 0 0 NEW JERSEY UTAH
GEORGIA Atlantic City 53 42 10 374 0 Salt Lake City 52 15 9 519 38
Atlanta 61 49 9 81 0 NEW MEXICO VERMONT
Augusta 63 43 7 40 52 Albuquerque 56 8 9 122 53 Burlington 44 34 9 1464 0
Macon 65 45 8 27 69 NEW YORK VIRGINIA
Savannah 66 50 8 14 38 Albany 47 36 9 1004 0 Norfolk 60 45 11 111 0
HAWAII Buffalo 48 38 12 860 0 Richmond 58 44 8 175 0
Hilo 74 128 7 0 0 New York City 55 44 12 321 0 Roanoke 56 39 8 227 0
Honolulu 77 23 12 0 0 Rochester 48 31 10 852 0 WASHINGTON
IDAHO Syracuse 48 39 10 922 0 Olympia 50 51 7 72 0
Boise 51 12 9 576 23 NORTH CAROLINA Seattle 53 39 9 31 0
Pocatello 47 11 10 958 0 Charlotte 60 43 8 78 0 Spokane 47 17 9 686 0
ILLINOIS Greensboro 58 42 8 137 0 WEST VIRGINIA
Chicago 49 33 10 1017 0 Raleigh 59 42 8 104 0 Charleston 55 42 6 377 0
Peoria 50 35 10 988 0 Wilmington 63 53 9 41 0 Huntington 55 41 7 369 0
Springfield 53 34 11 828 0 NORTH DAKOTA WISCONSIN
INDIANA Bismarck 41 15 10 2319 0 Green Bay 44 28 10 1630 0
Evansville 56 42 8 483 0 Fargo 41 20 12 2598 0 Madison 45 31 10 1461 0
Fort Wayne 50 34 10 910 0 OHIO Milwaukee 46 31 12 1202 0
Indianapolis 52 39 10 727 0 Akron-Canton 50 36 10 757 0 WYOMING
South Bend 49 38 10 878 0 Cleveland 50 35 11 768 0 Casper 45 11 13 1128 0
IOWA Columbus 52 37 9 678 0 Cheyenne 46 13 13 834 0
Des Moines 50 31 11 1202 0 Dayton 52 35 10 690 0
Sioux City 48 25 11 1366 0 Youngstown 48 37 10 861 0
Waterloo 46 33 11 1602 0

Seasonally Adjusted Design K Value for 1986/1993 AASHTO Guide Procedure

Enter the number of months for each season, so that total number of months is twelve.
Enter a k value for each season.
Press the "solve for seasonally adjusted k value" button.
Use this seasonally adjusted design k value in the 86 AASHTO thickness design worksheet.

Season Months k value W' log Relative

(psi/in) (millions) Damage
spring 3 100 26.37 0.0379
summer 3 130 27.67 0.0361
fall 3 150 28.44 0.0352
winter 3 120 27.26 0.0367
Weighted Mean Relative Damage 0.0365
Weighted Mean W' (millions) 27.415
Seasonally adjusted effective k value (psi/in) 124

For the purpose of calculating the seasonally adjusted design k value, a trial slab thickness is calculated using
the inputs from the 86 AASHTO worksheet and the arithmetic average of the seasonal k values above.

parameter symbol value units

slab thickness D 11.89 in

arithmetic average k value kave 125 psi/in

The values for the following parameters are taken from the 86 AASHTO worksheet.

estimated future ESALs W18 79,000,000

design reliability R 50 %
overall standard deviation So 0.39
mean 28-day concrete elastic modulus Ec 4,000,000 psi
mean 28-day concrete flexural strength S'c 650 psi
base elastic modulus Eb 500,000 psi
base thickness Hb 4.5 in
Depth to rigid foundation Hrig 20 ft
design k value k 125 psi/in
initial serviceability P1 4.5
terminal serviceability P2 3.0
drainage coefficient Cd 1.00
load transfer coefficient J 2.6

Values for the following parameters are calculated from the trial thickness and above inputs.

standard normal deviate ZR 0.000

composite k value for semi-infinite foundation kinf 212 psi/in
composite k value for finite depth to rigid layer kfin 199 psi/in
allowable log ESALs for design reliability log W' 8.13
allowable ESALs for design reliability W' 133,922,707
expected ESALs W18 79,000,000
ratio of expected to allowable ESALs 0.59

Values for the following parameters are calculated during the seasonally adjusted effective k value calculation.

allowable ESALs for design reliability, new design 133.92 millions

weighted mean W' 27.42 millions
ratio weighted mean W' to allowable ESALs 0.205

86 seasonal k
1986 AASHTO Guide Procedure for Concrete Pavement Thickness Design

Whenever you change input values below, first click the button "recalculate seasonally adjusted effective k value"
before solving for the required slab thickness or allowable ESALs.

Enter values for the following parameters in the 1986/1993 AASHTO concrete pavement performance model.

parameter symbol value units

slab thickness D 10.96 in

estimated future ESALs W18 7.90E+07
design reliability R 50 %
overall standard deviation So 0.39
mean 28-day concrete elastic modulus Ec 4,000,000 psi
mean 28-day concrete flexural strength S'c 650 psi
base elastic modulus Eb 500,000 psi
base thickness Hb 4.5 in
depth to rigid foundation Hrig 20 ft
roadbed soil k value k 124 psi/in
initial serviceability P1 4.5
terminal serviceability P2 3.0
drainage coefficient Cd 1.00
load transfer coefficient J 2.6

Values for the following parameters are calculated to determine the required slab thickness for the design ESALs.

standard normal deviate ZR 0.000

composite k value for semi-infinite foundation kinf 211 psi/in
composite k value for finite depth to rigid layer kfin 197 psi/in
allowable log ESALs for design reliability log W' 7.90
allowable ESALs for design reliability W' 78,998,908
expected ESALs W18 79,000,000
ratio of expected to allowable ESALs 1.00


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