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First and foremost, we would like to thank our lecturer, Madam Maria for her
guidance and help throughout the process of this coursework. Once we received the
coursework from her, she explained task by task and gave us a short brief about the
things that we need to do. She also suggested some methods to enhance our
coursework such as funny role play and audio recording. This suggestion had helped
us a lot. With her guidance and support, we were able to understand the main idea
of the coursework.

In addition, we would also like to thank each other in our group who included
Phor Zhi Ying, Siaw Mei Yee, Wee Weang Weang and Yii Ming Ing for sacrifices and
contribution towards this coursework. As we are the partners, we share and
understand the main idea of the coursework and clear our doubts regarding the
coursework. Less any one person of this group members will cause the coursework
unable to complete on time. We were also giving advice to each other on how to do
the coursework more efficient and more content.

Not forget to the Manager of Korean Restaurant who had been very helpful
and allow us to take movie at the restaurant. Thank you very much for his
contribution as well as we can finish our coursework completely.

Last but not least, we would like to express our gratitude to all those who had
been involved either directly or indirectly during the period of completing our
coursework. Without the support and encouragement that were given, we would not
be able to complete this coursework. Once again we like to express appreciation to
Madam Maria for giving this chance to let us present our coursework regarding role

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