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Trees are tall plants with hard and thick stems (trunks). The main trunks of large trees like the
mango and the banyan bear many branches, which further divide into smaller branches. Leaves
grow on these branches. Branching causes the tree to spread out wide on all sides.

Trees are Natures wonders and a great gift to mankind as well as to all those who depend on it.
While some dependants stay on the trees, others come to it to rest or to feed. Still others use it
to raise their offspring. Humans have used almost any and every tree to their benefit.

It is very sad that the same humans are destroying trees all over the world in the name of
development. This can be to create factories, new townships, wider roads, railways,
entertainment centres and so on. They do not realise that they are committing a big mistake.

Usefulness of trees:
How trees are useful:
Trees are useful to us in many ways.
1. Food: Trees give us food such as fruits. These provide us with excellent nourishment.
2. Wood: The wood from some trees such as teak, walnut, rosewood and oak is used to make
furniture. Wood from other trees is used as fuel for cooking and for warming houses.
3. Paper: Paper is made from wood.
4. Medicines: Many trees are the source of useful modern medicines.
5. Shelter: The canopy of leaves and branches gives us shelter.
6. Climate: Trees provide cool shade. Many trees, for example, in a forest, can make the climate
pleasant and the air clean.
7. Rain: Forested areas get better rainfall compared to areas with no tree cover.
8. Oxygen: When trees respire, they release oxygen that all animals need for their survival.
9. Soil conservation : Trees help to prevent destruction of the fertility of soil as well as stop soil
erosion, particularly on slopes and mountains. By protecting soil fertility, they allow a better
yield of crops and help feed more mouths all over the world. They thereby help to reduce
malnutrition, poverty and hunger.

Examples of usefulness of trees:

Have you eaten an apple? A mango? Then you will know what I mean when I say that trees
provide food. Other fruits like jackfruit, coconut and figs also grow on trees.
Most of the furniture in any house is made from wood. In mountainous regions, even the walls
are made from logs of trees. In cold areas, where people need to heat their homes, wood from
trees is used for heating.

Many medicines are derived from trees. These include medicines for fever, malaria, heart-
diseases etc.

By absorbing the extra carbon dioxide and releasing oxygen, trees help make the environment
clean and more suitable to live in. Forested areas are pleasantly cool, get better rainfall and
have cleaner air.

Many trees are grown especially for their products, such as the rubber tree, which gives us
rubber that is so useful to us.


Trees are immensely useful to all of us. They give us so much, taking almost nothing in return!
They help us to remain calm and cool, provide us with a charming surrounding and share their
wealth with us so selflessly. Better management of forests would allow governments to
responsibly cut down trees and develop those areas for the welfare of society. However, we
must condemn irresponsible, unsupervised hacking of trees anywhere on the planet. At the
same time, we must grow more and more trees.



Trees are tall plants with hard and thick stems (trunks). The main trunks of large trees like the
mango and the banyan bear many branches, which further divide into smaller branches. Leaves
grow on these branches. Branching causes the tree to spread out wide on all sides.

Trees are Natures wonders and a great gift to mankind as well as to all those who depend on it.
While some dependants stay on the trees, others come to it to rest or to feed. Still others use it
to raise their offspring. Humans have used almost any and every tree to their benefit.

It is very sad that the same humans are destroying trees all over the world in the name of
development. This can be to create factories, new townships, wider roads, railways,
entertainment centres and so on. They do not realise that they are committing a big mistake.
Usefulness of trees:

How trees are useful:

Trees are useful to us in many ways.

1. Food: Trees give us food such as fruits. These provide us with excellent nourishment.
2. Wood: The wood from some trees such as teak, walnut, rosewood and oak is used to make
furniture. Wood from other trees is used as fuel for cooking and for warming houses.
3. Paper: Paper is made from wood.
4. Medicines: Many trees are the source of useful modern medicines.
5. Shelter: The canopy of leaves and branches gives us shelter.
6. Climate: Trees provide cool shade. Many trees, for example, in a forest, can make the climate
pleasant and the air clean.
7. Rain: Forested areas get better rainfall compared to areas with no tree cover.
8. Oxygen: When trees respire, they release oxygen that all animals need for their survival.
9. Soil conservation : Trees help to prevent destruction of the fertility of soil as well as stop soil
erosion, particularly on slopes and mountains. By protecting soil fertility, they allow a better
yield of crops and help feed more mouths all over the world. They thereby help to reduce
malnutrition, poverty and hunger.

Examples of usefulness of trees:

Have you eaten an apple? A mango? Then you will know what I mean when I say that trees
provide food. Other fruits like jackfruit, coconut and figs also grow on trees.

Most of the furniture in any house is made from wood. In mountainous regions, even the walls
are made from logs of trees. In cold areas, where people need to heat their homes, wood from
trees is used for heating.

Many medicines are derived from trees. These include medicines for fever, malaria, heart-
diseases etc.

By absorbing the extra carbon dioxide and releasing oxygen, trees help make the environment
clean and more suitable to live in. Forested areas are pleasantly cool, get better rainfall and
have cleaner air.
Many trees are grown especially for their products, such as the rubber tree, which gives us
rubber that is so useful to us.


Trees are immensely useful to all of us. They give us so much, taking almost nothing in return!
They help us to remain calm and cool, provide us with a charming surrounding and share their
wealth with us so selflessly. Better management of forests would allow governments to
responsibly cut down trees and develop those areas for the welfare of society. However, we
must condemn irresponsible, unsupervised hacking of trees anywhere on the planet. At the
same time, we must grow more and more trees.

Trees are an important component of the natural landscape because of their prevention of
erosion and the provision of a weather-sheltered ecosystem in and under their foliage.
Trees also play an important role in producing oxygen and reducing carbon dioxide in the
atmosphere, as well as moderating ground temperatures. They are also elements in
landscaping and agriculture, both for their aesthetic appeal and their orchard crops (such
as apples). Wood from trees is a building material, as well as a primary energy source in
many developing countries. Trees also play a role in many of the world's mythologies
(see trees in mythology).
They give oxygen. People destroy them for wood and paper.
Importance Of Trees
A small seed becomes a big Tree, gives shed in summer and in winter all of the leaves of
the Tree fall down to indirectly provide us more sunlight and the atmosphere becomes
Flower on threes give joyfulness to us. Fruits satisfy our hunger.
They (Trees) always take away polluted air (Carbon Dioxide) from the environment and
in return they give fresh, purified oxygen.
Tree provide home to the Birds, Animals and Human Beings also.
Some tree have medicinal values also, their every part starting from the roots to the top
are full of medicinal values, Neem (Botanical Name: Azadirachta Indica) is a very
famous tree and best example of this.
Trees help in controlling temperature of the environment. You have noticed that the place
where there are trees, are much cooler and hygienic for living. That's why people prefer
to spend their life in regions which are away from concrete jungle of cities Like New
York, New Delhi, Tokyo, Mumbai, London, Cairo and all other big cities.
Deforestation is normal these days, this is creating a lot of problems. Some of the hazards
from deforestation are as follow:
1) Soil Erosion: The trees help in keeping the soil intact with their roots but when there is
lot of cutting of trees, the soil is washed away with water during the rains. And during
floods the it creates havoc. Due to soil erosion the water level also falls down.
2) Pollution: Trees help in controlling the pollution in the air and if there are no trees, we
have to face more air pollution.
3) Lack of Pure Oxygen
4) Environmental Imbalance
5) Imbalance in the Food Chain of the Ecosystem.
6) Global Warming is becoming a major problem these days due to this. Due to this
Glaciers are melting and the Sea Level is rising day by day. This is indirectly creating lot
of environmental problems.
Wonders of science
The 20th Century is an age of science. It has blessed us with various
comforts of life. The dreams of yesterday have become the reality of
today. The world today is totally changed. We can fly in the air like a
bird. We can swim in the water like a fish. If our forefathers were to
revisit this world from their heavenly abode they would be so much
pleased and surprised that they would not like to go back.
Science has gifted us with many blessings. It has increased human
comfort and happiness. Our domestic life today is much more
comfortable. We have the latest electric appliances like the heater, the
press, store, cooker and refrigerator. Electricity is out maidservant,
which cooks meals for us, heats water for us, washes and presses
clothes for us. It brings us into light from darkness.
It has enabled us to fight many diseases. Dangerous operations are
performed in a painless manner. Severe and chronic diseases are
cured in no time with the help of various tonics, sulpha drugs,
infections and various patent medicines.
It has removed the curtain from the face of nature. Today oceans,
hills, lakes and rivers do not stand in our way. We can cross them very
safely, science has conquered time and place. It has given us various
means of transport and communication like the railway, aeroplanes,
ships, buses and the like. We can cover long and tiresome journey and
can carry goods from one place to another very safely and easily.
It has given us various means of entertainment. Radio, transistor and
radiogram entertain us with the help of telephone, we can talk to our
friends, however far away they may be we can send telegrams to for
off places and know about the health and happiness of our friends and
relatives. Printing press also gives us knowledge and is a useful source
of propaganda and advertisement. In the same way, industry is as
thankful to science as is agriculture. Science has manufactured
machines, plants, tube-wells, tractors and similar other things. With its
help, we can change summer into winter and winter into summer. The
ceiling fan keeps us cool in summer and the heater give us warmth in
winter. We are today what science has made us science controls us
from the time we get up till we go to bed. It has given eyes to the
blind, ears to the deaf, legs to the lame and life to the dead.
Today scientists have reached the moon. Who knows that more
blessings science will confer on us tomorrow? It is difficult to imagine
the world without science.

Wonder of science

Science in itself is neither good nor bad. Its use determines1 its character. If it is used for
constructive 2 purposes, it is good; it is a good servant. If it is used for destructive3 purposes, it
is bad; it is bad master.

Many are the gifts of science, which have made life happy and comfortable. It has given us
electricity, thewonder of wonders, cheap and quick transport and countless time and labour-
saving devices. It has helped progress in medicine and surgery. It has helped the farmer grow
more food. It has relieved human suffering in hundreds of ways. It has brought in the age of
plenty and prosperity. These and many other things show that science is a good servant.

Nobody should question the importance of science. But we should not shut our eyes to the harm
that science does or can do. We should always remember that science is meant for man, not man
for science. Material progress should be accompanied4 by moral and spiritual progress.

If foolish and power-hungry men control the knowledge of science, science becomes
a bad master. In their hands science may cause suffering and destruction. It may help
colonialism5 imperialism.6 It may keep backward nations in slavery. It may cause
mass. Destruction through nuclear weapons or rockets. It may cause mass poisoning and germ
warfare. Then science will no more be a good servant but a bad master.

The truth about science is that, like fire, science is a good servant but a bad master. We should
be careful to put science to good uses only. We should remember that science exists7 for man;
does not exist for science.

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