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Dwi Cahyo Putro


Problem of Manufacturing Industry in Indonesia

The existence of global industrial competition makes manufacturing industries in

Indonesia are now a lot of difficulties because there is no protection of the Government.
Therefore, manufacturing industry in Indonesia must have specific strategies and policy
development of manufacturing industry. Of research obtained that there were several factors that
make the manufacturing industry in Indonesia has not been optimized and not ready in global
competition, among them high overhead costs; very high import content; the low quality of
human resources; as well as the lack of mastery of the technology. Manufacturing industry in
indonesia in the future is expected to create a variety of national standardization development
programme that can raise its competitiveness national product, creating and apply a program to
improve the ability of industrial technology, management of the industrial structure, to increase
the capacity of infrastructure, optimalization the administration and incentives taxation.

Industry, which often get attention in Indonesia is the manufacturing industry because the
amount of the industry's most dominant than the industry trade as well as the service industry.
Therefore the industry is expected to be one of the sources of financing in the government. In
addition, the manufacturing industry also absorb a lot of manpower so that the unemployment
rate in Indonesia is also diminishing. However, the economy that is global to the manufacturing
industry are forced to compete with other industries abroad without any protection from the
government. On the one hand it is advantageous for the competition, the industry in Indonesia
will be more creative in product innovation. But in the other hand, competition may harm these
industries, which has limited resources.

Less of want the effort has implications for the decline in economic competitiveness,
especially for other sectors the industry as the field of employment opportunities and the
manufacturing sector which is one of the motor for economic growth. According to the World
Economic Forum (WEF) in 2004, the position of Indonesia's competitiveness is still in the
second half of 104 countries studied. The position really has risen from the 72nd in the previous
year. As for according to the International Institute for Management Development (IMD) which
also published World Competitiveness Report 2004, the position of Indonesia was ranked 58 of
60 countries studied. And from 2000, the competitiveness of the Indonesian economy in a row
down from his position on 43 in 2000, the order of the 46 in 2001, the 47th in 2002, and the
order of the 57th in 2003. Indonesia's ranking is on Argentina (59) and Venezuela (60).

To overcome the problems, the industry in Indonesia will inevitably have to improve the
ability of bersaingnya in order not to lose competitiveness with the foreign, so it takes the
strategies and policy development of manufacturing industry. In addition analysis of industry and
competition is also needed so that the manufacturing industry can still survive in the midst of the
severity of global competition. The trick is to do all of those innovations of the product based on
creative ideas that they have. With regard to competition, there are a number of problems faced
by, among others : (i) how the manufacturing industry in Indonesia in the face of global
competition is becoming increasingly tight, (ii) how the profile of innovations in manufacturing
industry in Indonesia in response to very competitive. Based on the issue on the purpose of
writing a scientific article of the analyzing how the manufacturing industry in the face of global
competition is becoming increasingly tight and analyzing how the profile of innovations in
manufacturing industry in response to very competitive.

Distribution of employment is still concentrated in the agricultural sector (41 %) and

services such as trade (21 %), a spokesperson (6 %) and services other (12 %). Meanwhile, the
share of the manufacturing industry tend to stagnate, and even tend to be in a sweeping
downward course. When viewed from the output produced by the whole manufacturing industry
a large scale and, in general seen the performance of industry post-crisis in pre-crisis. The
average growth of output in the period pre-crisis (1991-1995) of around 22 %, while in the
period post-crisis (2002 - 2006) only reaches about 12 %. Judging from the share of overall value
of production, the largest contributor to the value of output is the industry food and beverages,
textiles, chemicals, metals, rubber and plastic, as well as the vehicle industry. If in terms of value
added, that is similar to the development of the output, the value added of post-crisis is still
lower than the growth of pra-crisis. The look of this type of the industry, the largest contributor
to in the value added is food and beverage industry, tobacco, textiles, paper, and the
Pay attention to the development of economic conditions and went down a result of
sectors of production, most likely the sector manufacturing industry in Indonesia back down after
the year 2000. Indeed, improvements in the macro-economic conditions have occurred since the
last two years, but in the not quite bring to the recovery activity sectors of production, especially
manufacturers to the level before the crisis and boost the increase in its competitiveness to. In the
period 1980-2000 the performance of the manufacturing industry in Indonesia categorized as one
of the ultimate winner (play the winner) together with some of the developing world that most of
East Asia. In the period of two decades, East Asia is indeed the region called as a growth engine
for an increase in the role of developing countries in the development of manufacturing industry.
Among developing countries, China is the number one. In the meantime, performance rating of
the manufacturing industry in Indonesia has increased from the 75th in 1980, be the order of the
54th in 1990, and the order of the 38th in the year 2000. However, compared with a number of
countries in the major competitors in East Asia (including ASEAN), Indonesia's position has

Buried the competitiveness is a result of various factors. According to benchmark WEF,

identified 5 (five) important factor that stands out. In the hands of the macro level, there are three
(three) a factor, namely : (a) not want the macro-economic conditions ; (b) the poor quality of
institutional public in performing its function as facilitators and service center ; and (c) the
weakness of the policy development of technology in facilitating the needs of the increase in
productivity. Meanwhile, at the level of micro or the level of business, two (Two) factors that
stand out is : (a) the low efficiency effort at the level of operational company ; and (b) the
weakness of the climate of competition in order in order to create pressure of competition is

According to the IMD, the condition of Indonesia's competitiveness, caused by poor

economic performance of four (four) a key point, namely : (a) the poor performance of the
national economy which is reflected in its performance in international trade, investment,
employment, and the stability of prices, (b) the efficiency of institutions of governance in
developing the policy of financial management of the state and fiscal policy, the development of
various regulations and legislation to business climate, weak coordination due to the public
institutions are still lots of overlap, and the complexity of social structures.
(c) the weakness of the efficiency effort in encouraging the production and innovation in a
responsible manner which is reflected from the level of productivity is low, the market power,
access to resources, finance is still low, as well as practice and the pool which is not professional,
and (d) the limitations in infrastructure, good infrastructure of physical, technology, and basic
infrastructure related to the needs of public education and health.

Within the span of time, the United Nations Industrial Development Organization
(UNIDO) to develop indicators Competitiveness Industrial Performance (CIP) which is then
applied to measure the competitiveness of the manufacturing industry on especially 93 countries
in the period 1980 to 2000. In Industrial Development Report 2004, the size of the CIP is
comprised of four (4) the variables, namely : (a) the value added industry manufacture per capita,
(b) the export manufacturing industry per capita, (c) inscentitas industrialization, as measured
from the contribution the manufacturing industry in GDP and the contribution of the
manufacturing industry with middle and high on the manufacturing industry, and (d) the quality
of export, as measured from the export manufacturing in total exports and the contribution of
manufacturing with middle and high in the value of export manufacturing industry.

Research some of the problems at the manufacturing industry, which is as follows :

A. Corruption and public service a bad result in the high cost of overhead.

B : Cost of money that is relatively high.

C. Administration of the tax is not optimal

D. The content of imports is very high.

E. Weak control and application of technology.

F. The quality of human resources is relatively low.

G. The climate of competition to a less healthy.

Increased competitiveness of manufacturing industry also depends on the condition of the

structural sector. In general, the structure of the industry still weak. Most of the national general
structure of the industry. Meanwhile, the role of small and medium industries (including the RT).
Industry in the middle (20-99 of work), small-scale (5-19 of work), and the domestic industry (1
4 of work) to hire two thirds of manufacturing in Indonesia. However, the segment of the
industry accounted for only 5-6 percent of the total value added manufacturing. The small and
medium enterprises are concentrated in sub-sector the food and wood. Industries of industries in
the segment is generally serve the consumer end or to produce components for after sales market,
with a segment of the lowest. Very few of them producing raw materials and the intermediate and
supply them to the downstream industry. With this condition, small and medium industries in
Indonesia have not been in a chain of value added with the large scale.

The macro level, an increase in the performance of the competitiveness of manufacturing

industry in a sustainable manner requires a robust economy through especially an effort to
maintain macro-economic stability and the realization of business climate and investment. This
will facilitate the creation of innovation and productivity improvement as well as the utilization
of science and technology more widely and are accessible to the group with the industrial sector
of manufacturing even little.

In the hands of the micro, to borrow a UNIDO, 4 (four) the main factors that need to be
considered in improving the performance of the competitiveness of the manufacturing industry is
: (a) the (skill) human resources, (b) the control and application of technology, (c) the investment
run well as the potential of technological advancement and expansion of the export market, and
(d) the capacity of the infrastructure (including the infrastructure for technology development).
The four factors above is an integral part of a variety of policies and programs formulated in the
topic related.

With increasingly tight competition among global and more rapidly and specifically the
development of technology, the quality of industrial policy is a better and more targeted.
Therefore, the formulation of strategic and policy development of manufacturing industry on the
sub-sektor. In accordance with the problems of the urgent challenge as well as the limitations of
resources, priority development sub-sector the industry in the next five years set on sub-sector
the manufacturing industry which one or more criteria as follows : (1) to absorb a lot of work ;
(2) to meet the basic needs in the country ; (3) has the potential for the development of exports ;
and (4) the natural resources in the country. measures of intervention on the sub-sektor still is
functional, as outlined in paragraphs before.
The development of network production was approached by using unit analysis of
clusters of the industry. As for each sub-sektor the industry, handling the issue is given priority
on efforts to : (1) revitalize the performance sub-sektor the industry, especially utilities installed
capacity up to 80 percent ; (2) strengthen the industry, including the empowerment of resources
industry ; (3) to expand the production, both by encouraging the creation of new investment and
encourage the development of industrial scale kecil-menengah ; as well as (4) to maintain and if
possible and improve its competitiveness to in the global market.

Characteristics of Industry in Indonesia With the characteristics of the industry that is

very diverse, efforts to explain the industry in Indonesia needs to be supported by understanding
the characteristics of each of the industry on an individual basis. Given the amount of the
industry is very much, then in this study an effort to analyze the manufacturing industry on an
individual basis to eight different types of industry, which was selected based on its market share
is a big (in over 95 %) on the overall total output of the industry. The eight of the industry is 1)
Industry Food and Drink, 2) textile, 3) Chemistry, 4) a rubber and stuff Plastik, 5) The Basic, 6)
Engines, Electricity, 7) Radio, Television and The Telecommunications, and 8) the Motor

In general, the structure of the manufacturing industry in Indonesia was met by the level
of concentration which is quite high. It is evident from the level of the concentration of
manufacturing industry in 2006 (Table 3.3), where there are about 60 % of the industry (based on
KKI 5 digits) who have concentration levels in the top 75 %. In addition, the obstacles getting
into the industry (entry barrier) to the industry in Indonesia is also quite high. It is based on the
Minimum Value among Scale (MES) to eight of the industry in which 86 % have a MES greater
than 10 % (Table 3.4). 8 According to Alistair (2004), MES a greater than 10 % of the entrance
to the high on an industry, where on a scale of the economy is growing increasingly difficult for
the new company to get into the industry.

Meanwhile, PCM (price-cost the margin) used as an indicator to measure the

performance of an industry, the quite diverse. In this study, PCM the difference between price
and cost marginal is calculated from the added value, reduced labor costs by output.
Based on calculations that be done, PCM the average (Over the years, the 2000-2005) to the
eight manufacturing industry had been a pretty varied, but on average around the 30 %. PCM the
average period 2000-2005 to the eight manufacturing industry is in the range of 10%-70 %, with
PCM the highest in The Motor Vehicle and the low in the industry textile. Despite being in a
range wide enough, on average PCM to the eight industry is concentrated around the 30 %.

Meanwhile, based on calculations that was carried out against PCM the entire industry, it
appears that the PCM correlated is strong enough on the consumer price index inflation for
manufacturing which is about 80 % (The graph 3.4). 10 It goes to show that the role of the
behavior of a producer price quite dominant in explaining the movement of the price at the
consumers. The role of consumer price index of manufacturing in consumer price index total also
is big enough, given the size of the weight of goods manufacturing in the consumer price index.

These things are done to enhance the competitiveness of manufacturing industry in

Indonesia to the face of global competition:

1. The program for the Development of Standardization.

The purpose of this program is to improve product competitiveness, to facilitate the flow
of goods and services, and be a means to protect industry and consumers in the country, as well
as developing cooperation between countries within the framework of mutual recognition
(mutual recoqnition) a bilateral and multilateral. The program is an increase in the preparation
and implementation of the SNI, increasing institutional capacity of the standardization, and an
increase in the standardization through bilateral and multilateral, especially to the destination
country exports.

The point is directed to encourage and facilitate the expansion of (state) and
strengthening (intensification) a variety of economic activity sectors of production and
distribution is to improve the quality of, encourage productivity and efficiency in the production
system, which include : (1) the development of institutional infrastructure the standardization
through research, assessment, and development in the field of measurement, standardization,
testing and quality ; (2), optimizing the utilization of facilities and infrastructure, R&D,
recognition of the quality of the product (SNI/ISO) and fiscal incentives are careful in the
activities of production are encouraging the growth of the climate innovation (solid technology),
(3) develop a pattern of incentives in the form of partnership the R & D and the industry, the
socialization of the quality standards against IKM, insurance technology corporations based
businesses, according to the R & D ;(4) to develop cooperation between the standardization
at the regional and international (ACCSQ, APEC, WTO) ; (5) the development of information
systems standardization ; (6) to play an active role in various forums and organizations of the
standardization of international, among others : the ISO, IEC,'s CAC, PAC, APLAC, ILAC, IAF,
BIPM, and so on ; and (7) to provide the facilities and infrastructure operational institutions that
deal with the activities of the development of standardization.

2. Retrofitting The competitiveness the Industry Manufacturer is needs:

a. The program for the Development of Industry, small and medium.

b.Program Increased The technology industry.

c. The arrangement of our structure Industry

d. The increase in capacity infrastructure

e. Optimalisasi the Administration and I on general taxation.

The manufacturing industry are the most dominant in Indonesia than with the trade and
industry services. However, in line with the development of the times, the manufacturing
industry in Indonesia must now faced and compete in the global very strict. In the face of the
increasingly fiercer competition among global manufacturing industry in Indonesia should have
the strategies and policy development of manufacturing industry.

In order to increase the competitiveness of manufacturing industry depends on the

condition of the structural sector. In general, the structure of the industry still weak. Most of the
industry generally have industry structure being so shallow. In the meantime.

The role of small and medium industries (including the RT). Priority development sub-
sector the industry in the next five years set on sub-sector the manufacturing industry which one
or more criteria as follows : (1) to absorb a lot of work ; (2) to meet the basic needs in the
country ; (3) has the potential for the development of exports ; and (4) the natural resources in
the country.
These things are done to enhance the competitiveness of manufacturing industry in
Indonesia to the face of global competition is to create the development of small and medium
industries as well as creating and development the program to improve the ability of the
technology industry, the arrangement of the industry structure, capacity building infrastructure,
as well as optimizing administrative and incentive tax.

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