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Class Observation Report

Amirhosein Mardani
The report is about an Elementary English class. The class consists of 4
students. All the students are adult. 3 girls and a boy. There was a white
board, teachers desk and a laptop. Teacher is a girl about 24 years old.

the English teacher wants to teach:
1-Simple past
2-how to make it positive and negative
3-how to make question form
Explain some nouns and jobs.

C-The teaching process:

The teacher started with asking some question about lessons of last session.
She tried to speak to the level of student in order to students could
understand her. All students were true beginners because they have passed
a term and they had a kind of background in English. When students were
wrong teacher corrected them through their sentences. This is wrong way
because teacher didnt let students themselves understand their errors and
also she prevent peer correction.
Then she writes a sentence on board: he was the third president
In this level she tried to teach with inductive method. She started with an
example and asked students: is that a positive sentence or negative?
Positive, students answered. Then she wants student students to change the
sentence to negative and question form. And then she explains them how the
structure of sentence is made. And next she asked some another examples
orally. This was deductive part of teaching; the teacher explained some roles
and then went to some examples and practices. In this part of teaching
grammar, the teacher followed academic way of grammar teaching. It was a
completion of inductive and deductive and she started first with inductive and
then went into deductive.
During her teaching of this part, she tried to concentrate on important part of
lesson. For example here was and were are important words. She tried to
highlight them with enhance her voice volume or some gestures.
At last for more practice she wants students to say something negative in
simple past about themselves. Next job was pair working. She divided
students to two groups and wants them to work on subject together. It takes
about 3 minutes. After that she asked them about their work. Here she first let
the students correct each other and then she went to teacher correction. So
she didnt repeat her former mistake. She let individual student understand
his or her error and make an environment for peer correction and at last
teacher correction.
Next part she did the same. It was about contractions. She started with
inductive method and said some examples about: I am=Im or you
are=youre. And then she writes them on board. That was deductive.
Then for more practice she asked some students that: where were your
grandparents born? She did correction as the previous one.
Then for better understanding and practice she choose a person to read a
simple sentence, a person for make it to negative, and a person to make it to
question form.
In next part she was going to teach vocabulary part. She started this part with
board, and wrote some noun and verb on board. For example: paint piano,
etc. and then she made them to jobs like painter or pianist by adding suffixes.
Then she went to book and said to students to do book practice. It takes
about 8 minutes. Then she wants students read answers. She continued with
peer correction and teacher correction. New words here were active concrete
words, and they were about jobs. She gave them simplified definition. And in
some extend she wants students to check dictionary.
In this stage she made some mistakes according to academic method of
vocabulary teaching. Here she had to start with inductive way and make
some background of new word in students mind, For example by showing
some pictures and simple definitions. But she went to board and started with
deductive. She didnt use any realia. The good way is suggested here in
academic methods is slot given. She didnt prepare any pre-organized slots to
give to students and practice them.
At the end of the class, they have a kind of free discussion about shopping for
improving their speaking skill.

Classroom Observation Form

1. Learner-Centered
Does the instructor Challenge the students? (Give explanations of what is
expected) No, the process of teaching was like a machine. Each student was waiting for
teacher to explain lessons such as vocabulary or grammar. It is expected here; teacher
invites students to a kind of challenge by asking them about new lessons and makes a
blank space in their mind.
Does he/she give students choice and control?
No, the class was totally under teachers hands and everything was followed by lesson
Does he/she encourage students to work together? Yes, in each part It have been
observed that teacher made some teams to working in pair in order to more practice.
Does he/she ask open ended questions requiring a thoughtful response from
students? No, all the questions were asked by teacher were easy and simple. Maybe it
was because of level of students.
Does he/she provide material that is interesting and
Relevant? No, she just tried to define what is going on and I hadnt see use of objects.
Does he/she show respect (knows names, is polite, etc.)?
Does he/she provide individual attention to personal learning styles? No, she did
Does he/she encourages students to ask questions? Yes, for example after each part
she asked is there any problem to ask? And she tried to make them to ask question.
2. Strategic End-Plan (Lesson Planning)
Does the instructor provide the class with a plan for that class?
Period? (Either verbally or a written outline) Yes, teaching was completely followed by
pre-organized plan, and she followed them step by step.

Does he/she come to the class prepared with notes, instructor aides, equipment
needed, etc.? No, all the things were verbally and there was no written things and any

Does he/she explain any and all materials needed for that class period? Yes, it was
complete, However it could be more completed !

Does he/she use technology such as Visualize, computer, and etc? No, there was a
laptop and projector but no use in class.

3. Resource-Rich
Does the instructor use notes /handouts/ Whiteboard/ Videos /computer
presentations /demonstrations/textbooks/ Other resource materials? (if yes make a
mention of any noticed) Yes just whiteboard for explaining some roles for lesson.
Report on Classroom Observation
1.0 Introduction:

Teaching is the centre of all education related topics. So as a student of the Institute of
Education & Research, we had to teach in real classroom environment. Before starting
teaching in a real classroom environment it helps a practice teacher to acquaint them
with the process, method, of teaching if they observe a class of a certain level before
entering a class as a teacher.

2.0 Description:

At the first day in the school I had to collect my routine. Then I introduced with those
teachers who used to take those classes before me. I asked them politely if they could
give me the permission to observe their classes. Both of them cordially invited me to
observe their classes.

I have observed 3 Social science lessons; among those I am analyzing the one below:

Day: Sunday (11/3/2007)

Time: 01.05 pm 01.45 pm

At the 2nd day in my school morning I waited for him (Mr. Kamruzzaman; social
science teacher of class Seven B) to come to the class in front of the class. When he
came and asked the class captain to clean the bench at the behind of the class to let
me sit there. The class captain cleaned up and I sat there to observe the class.

When the teacher entered the class all the students stood up and when she told them
to sit, they took their sits. At first he asked the students to give their homework copies.
At this time he inquired about some students.

After seeing the homework copies, he stood up from her chair and started lesson. At
first he showed a photograph of Sangsad Bhabon of Bangladesh and asked: Have
you ever been their? Defining its significance to students he declared the lesson
(evsjv`ki RvZxq I vbxq chvq wbevPb) of the class today. Then he started to
explain the issues one by one. At first he started with the fact what is Election. Then he
Drew the classification of Election on the board and asked students to copy it. By this
time he also came to me and assured his best possible help to me. Then he started to
discuss the issues one by one. After discussing the classification of election he clarified
the board.

Then he started to discuss the eligibility to be voter. After that he wrote down the
homework in the right side of the black board (short-answer question no: 2 of exercise.
While writing the Homework he reminded the class captain to write down the
information about the class at the right top of the board.

Having finished his lesson, then he told the students about I.E.R. He described I.E.R
as a famous institute to his class and made me acquainted myself to his class as their
teacher from next class. He also made the students aware of the fact that if any
student behaves anything wrong to me then, he would take action towards that

Then she let me talk to the class for five minutes and left the class. I, then introduce
myself to the class and talked to them till the class ended.

3.0 Main Features of the Observed Class:

A) Physical Facilities:

I. Location of the class: The class is in the right corner of the 3rd floor (Room No: 404)
of the L shaped main building.

II. Shape of the class: The shape of the classroom is almost squire.
III. Doors and Windows: Windows (glass) are in the both right and left side of the class
and the only door is in the right side of the class. The door is not very much spacious.

IV. Students Sitting System: Each one sits in a handled-chair. Chairs have a sufficient
distance with writing tables. There are 6 columns and 10 rows makes sitting
accommodation for 60 in the classroom.

V. Blackboard: The blackboard is put in the wall of the class. It is not portable but fixed.
It is in the middle of the front wall to the students. The color of the black board is all
right and it is smooth to write with chocks. The duster can easily wipe out the writings
in the board.

VI. Lighting and Ventilation: The natural lighting is adequate for the class.

VII. Provision of Artificial lighting and ventilation: There are 6 electric fans and lights in
the class. The arrangement is quite adequate for the class.

VIII. Teachers Table and chair: The wooden chair and a table are in the front side of
the class. The chair is quite ok, as we should use in not for a long time to sit there
while teaching, but the table was too heavy to move.

IX. Color of the class: The color of the walls in the class is white and brighter.

X. Other Furnitures: There is a lecture table took place left corner of the classroom, so
that teacher can use it while teaching. It is also fruitful to students to practice their

B) Evaluation of the Teachers Proficiency:

i. Teaching Method: His teaching method is average. Sometimes he feels the need for

ii. Student Involvement and Participation: Student involvement and participation is not
very high. More over most of the participants are the conventional good students and
most of them are sitting in the 1st bench.
iii. Motivation: He created motivation for the class by showing the Photograph of
Sangsad Bhoban.

iv. Classroom Questioning: After finishing the lesson, she didnt ask any question to the

v. Dress up: The school has no specific dress for teachers. His dress up was suitable
for the class.

vi. Use of Blackboard: He used the blackboard neatly. His writings are legible and can
be seen from even the last bench. He also does not stand parallel to the board making
the students facing his back. So the students take the advantage for side talking.
Before going out of the class, he wiped the board.

vii. Punishment and reward: He didnt use any Punishment and reward to absent

viii. Classroom control: His classroom controlling power is really strong. No student
disturbed in the class while he gave his lesson. Only few students (about 7 out of 51)
talked in the class while she was using the blackboard.

ix. Learning environment: The environment was calm and quiet which is an obvious
condition for a math lesson. But the environment was not fear free because of his way
of punishment.

x. Teacher student Relationship: Teacher student relationship is not friendly, but grim.
he maintains a big distance with them. Students are afraid of him and they also respect
him. The teacher is caring but not frank to the students.

xi. Way of expressing: He explained the issues clearly to the students with agile

xii. Expertise in his particular lesson: He has a good expertise on his subject. He has
other knowledge related to his subject beyond the textbook.

xiii. Beginning of the lesson: He made specific motivation for the lesson. So his starting
is quite good and inspiring.

xiv. Punctuality: He was on time for the class. He started his class at the right time and
closed up his lesson before 5 minutes for me to introduce myself to the class.

xv. Class work observation: When he instructed to the students to write the
classification of election, he observed the class work by walking and watching the
activities of the students entering the passages between the columns.

xvi. Voice and Tone: His voice is suitable for the class. It can be heard from the last
bench. The changing tone of her voice creates some special situations or attention in
the class, which is sometimes urgent.

xvii. Confidence: His face, attitude, behavior, talking shows that he is confident,
confident about his expertise and controlling power.
4.0 Assessment:

a) Strength of the Teacher:

1) Good controlling power over the class.

2) He got the expertise lesson delivery.
3) Punctual
4) Appropriate voice and flexible tone.
5) Tries to relate the lesson to everyday life.
6) He can clarify an issue clearly.
7) A specific and effective motivation towards a specific lesson.
8) Depth of knowledge.

b) Weakness of the Teacher:

1) He finished the whole chapter in a period.

2) Does not give much attention to classroom participation and student involvement.
3) Does not give much emphasis to back-bencher.
4) Cannot crate a friendly, fear free classroom situation.
5) No emphasizes on reinforcement.
6) Does not use any other teaching material but blackboard and constitution.
7) He checks the class work copies during the class period that kills time.
8) Doesnt use activity based method.

5.0 Possible ways of improving the Lesson:

1. He could use a poster writing on it the classifications of constitution and

characteristics of a good constitution.
2. There should be formative assessment.
3. If he would check the class work copies of all the students after the class period it
would help the students to do his class works more sincerely.
4. He needs to learn the use of board.
5. He should use activity based teaching method.
6. Should give emphasis to back-benchers.
7. Homework should be given in assignment method.
8. Sometimes he should create a suitable funny situation in the class making the
students laugh. But obviously it is related to the lesson.

Considering all those things my judgment is that, he got the talent to be in teaching
profession. To me his performance is very good but not excellent. Though he is
experienced enough and acquit the art of teaching, she should in tough of workshop.
Report Writing Format
There is no set report writing format. However, there are general
sections that should be included. Following is information on the format
of a report and some tips on good writing.

Report Writing: Formatting the Report Elements

Here are the main sections of the standard report writing format:

Title Section - If the report is short, the front cover can include any
information that you feel is necessary including the author(s) and
the date prepared. In a longer report, you may want to include a
table of contents and a definitions of terms.

Summary - There needs to be a summary of the major points,

conclusions, and recommendations. It needs to be short as it is a
general overview of the report. Some people will read the summary
and only skim the report, so make sure you include all the relevant
information. It would be best to write this last so you will include
everything, even the points that might be added at the last minute.

Introduction - The first page of the report needs to have an

introduction. You will explain the problem and show the reader why
the report is being made. You need to give a definition of terms if
you did not include these in the title section, and explain how the
details of the report are arranged.

Body - This is the main section of the report. The previous sections
needed to be written in plain English, but this section can include
jargon from your industry. There needs to be several sections, with
each having a subtitle. Information is usually arranged in order of
importance with the most important information coming first. If you
wish, a Discussion section can be included at the end of the Body
to go over your findings and their significance.

Conclusion - This is where everything comes together. Keep this

section free of jargon as most people will read the Summary and

Recommendations - This is what needs to be done. In plain English,

explain your recommendations, putting them in order of priority.

Appendices - This includes information that the experts in the field

will read. It has all the technical details that support your
This report writing format will make it easier for the reader to find what
he is looking for. Remember to write all the sections in plain English,
except for the Body. Also remember that the information needs to be
organized logically with the most important information coming first.

Tips for Good Writing

Here are a few tips for good writing.

Keep it simple. Do not try to impress, rather try to communicate.

Keep the sentences short and to the point. Do not go into a lot of
details unless it is needed. Make sure every word needs to be
there, that it contributes to the purpose of the report.

Use an active voice rather than passive. Active voice makes the
writing move smoothly and easily. It also uses fewer words than
the passive voice and gives impact to the writing by emphasizing
the person or thing responsible for an action. Here is an example:
Bad customer service decreases repeat business.

Good grammar and punctuation is important. Having someone

proofread is a good idea. Remember that the computer can not
catch all the mistakes, especially with words like red, read or
there, their.

Communication Skills

There is a growing consensus among business executives that there is a

lack of good writing skills among job applicants, as reported in several
recent surveys. Because of this, employers are including writing skills as
one of the skills they look for when hiring. Some even ask for a sample
report when screening applicants. It is even included in the job
description that the job requires a motivated communicator.

Good communication is essential in business. Usually there is more than

one individual that is working on a goal, and good communication will
allow an exchange of ideas and concerns.

There can be no team effort without communication, as it is

necessary to coordinate the efforts of everyone.

Bad communication can waste valuable time and effort.

If a team member discovers a short cut or solves a problem, that

information needs to go out to every team member so they can benefit
from it and reach their goal quicker.

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