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Whistle-Blowing Political Action Tactics

When an employee in an organization uncovers wrongdoing,

attempts to get it resolved within the organization and are a. Lobbying - Lobbyists communicate with and try to
unable to( either because mechanisms are not in place or persuade others to support an organizations interest
there is no response), they then choose to report the situation or stake as they consider a particular law, policy, or
outside of the organization (e.g. media or government agency) regulation
to achieve resolution. Becoming a whistle-blower is challenging b. Direct Communications with Policymakers -
and potentially hazardous to ones career. Examples of Businesses invite officials to participate in activities
government protection for whistleblowers around the world are that will improve government officials understanding
the following: of management and employee concerns.
c. Expert Witness Testimony Businesses provide
Stigmas Against Whistle-blowers. facts, anecdotes, or data to educate or influence
government leaders at public forums like
Divided Loyalties - In some Asian countries, members of the congressional hearings
company are treated as family members and it is considered
wrong to report on family members. The Business Roundtable
History - The country may have a tragic history of reporting on One of the most effective organizations for promoting
others. direct communication between business and policy
Logistics - Employees of global companies may be faced with makers.
numerous time zones and language differences that could Organization of CEOs of leading corporations.
prevent whistle-blowing or make it more difficult. Studies various public policy issues and advocates for
Fear of Retribution - Despite government laws to protect laws it believes foster vigorous economic growth and a
whistle-blowers, many employees of global businesses fear dynamic global economy.
Promoting a Financial Incentive Strategy
Political & Ecological Challenges
1. Political Action Committees - Independently
Businesses face complicated issues in managing their incorporated organizations that can solicit contributions
relationships with politicians and government regulators. and then channel those funds to candidates seeking
Managers must understand the political environment and be political office
active and effective participants in the public policy process.
They need to ensure that their company is seen as a relevant 2. Economic Leverage Occurs when a business uses its
stakeholder when government officials make public policy economic power to threaten to leave a city, state, or
decisions and must be familiar with the many ways that country unless a desired political action is taken Advocacy
business can influence these decisions. The opportunities Advertising
afforded businesses to participate in the public policy process
differ from nation to nation. Sound business strategies depend Promoting a Constituency Building Strategy
on an understanding of these differences, enabling businesses
to manage worldwide businessgovernment relations 1. Stakeholder Coalitions - Businesses try to influence
effectively. politics by mobilizing organizational stakeholders to
support its political agenda.
Constituency-building Strategy 2. Advocacy Advertising - Advertisements that focus on a
companys views on controversial political issues
Businesses seek to gain from other. Affected organizations to 3. Public Relations - Could be politically charged comment
better influence government policymakers to act in a way that in a speech by senior executive or a public relations
helps them. campaign.
4. Trade Associations - Coalitions of companies in the
Growing public interest in protecting the environment has same or related industries to coordinate their grassroots
prompted political and corporate leaders to become mobilization campaigns
increasingly responsive to environmental issues. Government 5. Legal Challenges - Business seeks to overturn a law
policy makers have moved toward greater reliance on market- after it has been passed.
based mechanisms, rather than command and control
regulations, to achieve environmental goals. At the same time, Levels of Political Involvement
many businesses have become increasingly proactive and
have pioneered new approaches to effective environmental Level 1 : Limited Organizational Involvement indirect and
management, often conferring a competitive advantage. impersonal .
Contribution to political action committee.
Corporate Political Strategy Support of a trade association or industry activities.
Business leaders and scholars agree that firms must Level 2: Moderate Organizational Involvement indirect
participate in the political process. yet personal
Stakes are too high for business not to be involved. Organizational lobbyist
Government acts on issues that affect basic operations of Employee grassroots involvement
companies. Stockholders and customers encouraged to become
Companies therefore must formulate their Corporate Political involved
Strategy. Level 3 :Aggressive Organizational Involvement
Involves the activities taken by organizations to acquire,
develop, and use power to obtain an advantage. Ecologically Sustainable Organization
The need for balance between economic and environmental
Three Strategic Types of Corporate Political Strategy considerations is captured in the concept of Sustainable
1. Information Strategy Development. This term refers to development that meets
Businesses seek to provide government policymakers with the needs of the present without compromising the ability of
information to influence their actions. future generations to meet their own needs.
Examples are lobbying, direct communication, and expert
witness testimony The concept includes two core ideas:
2. Financial-incentives Strategy Protecting the environment will require economic development.
Businesses provide incentives to influence government Poverty is an underlying cause of environmental degradation.
policymakers to act in a certain way. People who lack food, shelter, and basic amenities misuse
Examples are political contributions, economic leverage, resources just to survive. For this reason, environmental
political consulting aid, and office personnel. protection will require providing a decent standard of living for
3. Constituency-building Strategy all the worlds citizens. But economic development must be
Businesses seek to gain from other affected organizations to accomplished sustainably that is, in a way that conserves the
better influence government policymakers to act in a way that earths resources for future generations. Growth cannot occur
helps them. Examples are stakeholder coalitions, advocacy at the expense of degrading the forests, farmland, water and
advertising, public relations, and legal challenges. air that must continue to support life on this planet. We must
leave the earth in as good shape or better shape that we dentification (RFID) have increased ways privacy violations
found it. can occur. Industry and Government Efforts to Manage Privacy

An Ecologically Sustainable Organization (ESO) is a Web sites with a privacy policy do not necessarily mean that
business that operates consistently with principles of the consumers personal information and online activities are
sustainable development. not being sold to others. New technological advances, like
Radio Frequency
An ESO could continue its activities indefinitely, without Identification (RFID) have increased ways privacy violations
altering the carrying capacity of the earths ecosystem. Such can occur. Increased use of cameras on cell phones has
businesses would not use up natural resources any faster that raised privacy objections.
they could be replenished or substitutes found. They would
make and transport products efficiently, with minimal use of Platform for Privacy Preference Project (P3P) provides users
energy. They would design products that would last a long time with software that enables them to define what information they
and that, when worn out, could be disassembled and recycled. are willing to divulge on the Internet.
They would not produce waste any faster than natural systems
could absorb and disperse it. They would work with other Technological Challenges
businesses, governments, and organizations to meet these Industry and Government Efforts to Manage Privacy
goals. Platform for Privacy Preference Project (P3P) provides users
with software that enables them to define what information they
Organizational elements of many proactive green are willing to divulge on the Internet. Is available free now on
companies some browsers
Some businesses have banded together to support industry
Line manager involvement self- regulation efforts.
The concept is what social scientists call an ideal type, that
is a kind of absolute standard against which real organizations Nineteen Companies, including AT&T, Cisco Systems, IBM,
can be measured. Hewlett-Packard, Microsoft, and Oracle, launched the
Information Technology-Information Sharing and Analysis
ESO needs supportive government policies and widespread Center; through the Center companies share sensitive
movement among many businesses and other social information about cyber attacks.
Despite industry efforts, some believe government regulation is
Environmental Management in Practice necessary.
Top management involvement in sustainability
Line manager involvement International management of technology is difficult to achieve.
Codes of environmental conduct Management of Information Security Businesses now acutely
Cross-functional teams aware of maintaining information security.
Rewards and incentives
Track performance through environmental audits Some corporate security lapses have occurred due to human
error. May also be the result of criminal activity.
Publish combined sustainability reports integrating social,
economic and environmental performance Businesses Protecting Privacy
Environmental Management as a Competitive Advantage
Chief Information Officer
Cost Savings Is responsible for managing technology, including its many
Companies that reduce pollution and hazardous waste, reuse security issues, for companies.
or recycle materials, and operate with greater energy efficiency Position has been elevated in recent years, 42% currently
can reap significant cost savings report directly to the CEO. More troubling phenomenon is
decreasing amount of time information technology managers
Product Differentiation have to patch their software before the worm hits
Companies that develop a reputation for environmental
excellence and that produce and deliver products and services Computer hackers are those responsible for these viruses and
with concern for their sustainability can attract environmentally breaching business information security systems.
aware customers
Part of job is enabling or driving business innovation through
Technological innovation it can lead to imaginative new use of technology.
methods for reducing pollution and increasing efficiency
Businesses Responses to Invasions of Information Security
Strategic Planning - Companies that cultivate a vision of Businesses have invested more resources in protecting their
sustainability must adopt sophisticated strategic planning information. By 2006, aggressive company measures seemed
technique to be having positive effect.

Technology fosters changes. Technological change has raised In 2005, 2 out of 3 computer hacker attacks were intercepted.
ethical and social questions of privacy, security, ownership, Less than 3% of emails contained a virus in 2005, down from
health, and safety. What are the implications of this fast-paced 6% in 2006. Companies now using honeypots, system used
change on our society and those who live in it? Moreover, who by security professionals to lure hackers to a fabricated
is responsible for determining how much technological change website that can track all their movements
should occur or how fast things should change? Should Chief Information Officer (CIO)
technology be controlled, and if so, who should be in charge of
managing technology and the challenges it poses for humans
and cultures in our global community? Is responsible for managing technology, including its many
security issues, for companies.
Employees have access to new technologies at work and Position has been elevated in recent years, 42% currently
companies may be monitoring usage, raising employee report directly to the CEO
concerns about invasions of privacy.

Businesses have adopted privacy policies to explain what use Internet Pornography
of the companys technology is permissible and how it will Is one of the most active and lucrative areas of e-commerce. In
monitor employee activities 2006 4.2M web sites, 35% of downloads, $57B in worldwide
Privacy Issues in the Business-Consumer Relationship
Debate over protection of privacy vs. government access to Some countries monitor sites for objectionable material.
personal data began in earnest with 9/11 and still goes on. Enforcing underage use is problematic; some blockers or
New technological advances, like Radio Frequency I parental tracking devices have emerged. U.S. passed Child
Online Privacy Protection Act in 1998 Congressional legislation
requires libraries to have Internet filters
The ideas, concepts, and other symbolic creations of the
human mind. Protected in U.S. by copyright, patent and
trademark laws

Software Piracy
The illegal copying of copyrighted software. In U.S., Digital
Millennium Copyright Act (1998) makes it a crime to
circumvent antipiracy measures built into most commercial
software agreements.
In China, taking active steps to reduce piracy. Business
Software Alliance, since 1988, has represented leading
software companies internationally. In the Philippines, the
Optical Media Board is the government arm responsible to stop
software, video, and audio piracy.

Pirating Copyrighted Music is growing and widespread

epidemic. Recent estimate that one out of every 3 musical
discs sold was pirated, $4.6B in sales.

Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) launched

series of lawsuits to cut down on this trend.
Trade Associations in other countries are also taking action.
Use of streaming has also cut down on piracy.

Piracy of movies on CDs and DVDs

Study by Motion Picture Association of America found
Hollywood studios lost $6.1B in 2005
FCC ruled U.S.-made digital television receivers have
technology installed to block illegal distribution of copyrighted
material. Hong Kong court ruling severely punished pirates, yet
spread in Asia is still very problematic. U.S. Justice
Department has aggressively pursued illegal activity, in
cooperation with numerous other countries.

Managing Scientific Breakthroughs

Dramatic advances in the biological sciences have propelled
the impact of technology on our lives and business practices.
Biotechnology refers to a technological application that uses
biological systems or living organisms to make or modify
products or processes for specific use. Recent unprecedented
applications of biological science to industry have made
possible new, improved methods of health care and
agriculture, but they have also posed numerous ethical
challenges regarding safety and the quality of life.

Human Genome
In 2000, the Celera Genomics Group announced that it
completed the first sequencing of human DNA makeup.

Biotechnology and Stem Cell Research

Tissue engineering is the growth of tissue in a laboratory dish
for experimental research.

Technological Challenges
Stem-cell research is research on non-specialized cells that
have the capacity to self-renew and to differentiate into more
mature cells.

In 1986, a Danish scientist announced the first successful
cloning of a sheep from fetal cells.
In 2002, the U.S. Senate began debates on a bill to ban human
In 2003, U.N. General Assembly started considering cloning
with no consensus.

Terrorist groups see the use of deadly bioengineered diseases
and poisons, such as smallpox, anthrax, and bubonic plague,
as effective tools

Genetically Engineered Foods

Genetic engineering is altering the natural makeup of a living
organism, allowing scientists to insert any gene in to a plant.
Genetically modified foods are food processed from genetically
engineered crops.
Early on was backlash against genetically modified foods in
Europe, opposition weakened around 2004.
Adoption on other countries has been mixed

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