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Project Neoverse


The sun was dying out and the humans were afraid of what to come. A company managed to create
the perfect blueprints of a device which would keep the sun burning for a very, very long time. They
gained full control over all the resources and started building with all the manpower that Earth had to
offer. They brought all the planets in the same orbital circle as Earth and connected tubes to the
spacestation build around it. The machine did what it had to do for ages, but a resistance was rising
against the company after they brought all the countries under one flag and became the rulers of
Earth and the newly chained planets.

A grand war broke out, lasting for centuries, but the resistance was taken down and the company
solidified their rulership. The now dimmed resistance focused on destroying the towers, now named
the Sun Towers. A group of scientist that were disbanded from the sun station told the few members
of the resistance a terrible truth, that the sun was never dying at all, that is was just a hoax. In a
counter the company build guardians with advanced AI to keep the resistance at bay.

Many centuries later you are awake again, one of the guardians who has lost all its memories and
purpose, an echo tells you about what happened all the years and what you need to do here. You exit
the Sun Tower and go on a journey to become strong again and help the resistance that has helped


The gameplay is a wonderful mix between Castlevania and Megaman with the 2D exploration of the
Metroid series. Switch from weapons and take down any enemy, dodge all attacks with a dodge roll
which can be upgraded to a void dodge which teleports you a bit further away. The game lets you do
small missions similair to a rpg game and has a level up system with a big skilltree for all your needs.
Your mission is very simple, destroy the Sun Tower guardians and destroy the towers. Destroy the
company that has lied to humanity all those years ago and clean up the intergalactic mess that walks
around the galaxy.

Combat system:

The combat system is a fast pased system of shooting, slashing and dodging. Any enemy can become
a challenge in the wrong situation. You can get all kinds of guns and swords which you can use in
combat, you can also unlock powerful skills through the skilltree. Weapons have stats and so does
your character, this together with calculate your damage.

Skilltree and leveling system:

You gain exp for killing enemies and bosses, you also get exp for completing missions. With enough
exp you can upload it in a savepoint, after this you can unlock bits in your skilltree to become
stronger. The skilltree is your damaged interface which needs to be restored.
The world and style:

The world is a future where all the planets are in the same orbital circle, each planet grew its own
flora and gained its own fauna in the years of being in this state. Futuristic structures were build
everywhere and aliens have also come to us to live in this new world. The company also build
structures that cast a shadow on the planets and the Sun Towers are always in the distance.

One of the interesting things about this world is the sky which now shows the planets really close by.
The style is a mix between the details of Castlevania and Megaman Zero. The music is a mix between
synthwave and edm, also with ambient music, truly capturing the world you are in.


Earth, now in beauty because most humans left it and went to different planets, old
structures still stand. The company labeled it as a sanctum therefor only a select few can live
here. This is also the place you were the tower guardian off.
Mars, now a beautiful rural world with water and trees, you can still reach the red deserts
which have not been able to grow anything.
Mercury, still a hot burning planet, the planets surface never had time to cool down.
Factories were build here to use the heat for smelting iron and steel.
Venus, A planet with hot toxic rain and a damp atmosphere, this place became a dump for
anything unwanted or unneeded. Somewhere there is a giant lake of digusting liquids, in the
middle there is the entrance of the Sun Tower.
Jupiter, still a giant ball of gas, small cities float above the planet, a tower is coming from
somewhere below the clouds. Maybe there is something down there that you dont know
Saturn, a desert planet with small nomadic groups and a few cities, it is not the perfect place
to live. The amount of ships that sometimes crash here are good for looting and are the real
trading expertise of the people of Saturn.
Gallius Station, a giant spacestation which is a port of the Solarsystem, all kinds of aliens are
walking here. A lot of bandits have entered this port as well. The neon lights shine bright.
Uranus, a ball of water, giant boats drift on the endless seas in groups. A giant underwater
base was build once but has seized production of its product, guardian drones.
Neptune, a rocky planet with strong winds, caverns and mountains are everywhere, a giant
city was build in the valley between the two biggest mountains.
Pluto, once a small planet covered in ice, now slowly everything is melting, streams of water
are found everywhere and many digsites were created to dig up what lived long long ago on
this planet far before everything existed.

Nostalgic gameplay in a whole new, action packed coating.

Amazing visuals and soundtrack.
Each enemy feels unique.
Fun scifi story.
Unique worlds and characters.
What we deserve to have as a 2D game.

Target group:

Those who havent been able to play a good metroid and megaman game for a while.

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