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Auren Evan Kaplan | +1 (248) 514-8721

CEO & strategic full-stack marketer. Expert in strategy, lead generation, social media, SEO,
content, and analytics. Fluent in Spanish, intermediate in Brazilian Portuguese, learning French.

Published author of 77 High-Leverage B2B Marketing Principles. Available on Amazon, Kindle,
& Kindle Unlimited.
Link to Book:

Marketing Strategy - Cornell Uni. Johnson Graduate School of Mgt. (eCornell)
6 courses, 4.0 GPA
Link to Diploma:

Bachelor of Arts with High Honors, Political Science - University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
Bachelor of Arts, Spanish
3.64 GPA | 3.97 Senior Year GPA
Link to Transcript:

Manufacturing Social Media LLC, Director of Strategy
January 2016 - Present
Manufacturing Social Media LLC provides social media, SEO, strategy, content, pay-per-click,
analytics, and more to global clients. MSM also provides global app development.
Provided strategic brand protection to dozens of global clients, including manufacturers
Delivered millions of ads on the Google AdWords and Facebook Ads advertising
Contributed hundreds of man-hours to a strategic charity focusing on female
Developed a 40+ page strategic plan for the Yexy dating app

Kaplan Capital, CEO

October 2016 Present
Kaplan Capital intends to open the world of private equity and hedge funds to mainstream

Merit Marketing, SEO & Social Media Specialist

June 2015 - January 2016
Merit Marketing is an advertising agency providing strategic marketing activities to
manufacturing clients.
Optimizing on-page and off-page SEO for Merit Marketing clients, namely in the
manufacturing sector.
Providing analyses on SEO and social media.
Pulling analytics and conducting rigorous analysis.
Write and optimize site meta data
Legal Lookout, Founder & CEO
October 2013 - August 2014
Legal Lookout was recently sold to a private bidder for an undisclosed sum. Legal Lookout is
the favorite destination of attorneys to leverage online media to grow their practices. Our goal is
to service your firm so well that your marketing runs on auto-pilot, allowing you to focus on
serving your clients.

Legal Lookout offered:

--Attorney Directory
--Lead Generation
--Web Development
--Attorney Social Media
--Blog Services
--Online Advertising
--24/7 Live Chat

Kaplan Social Media, Founder & CEO

March 2012 - August 2014
Currently on pause as I pursue other ventures. I founded and managed a social media and
internet marketing agency based in Detroit, Michigan, and catering to clients across the United
States and internationally. Services include social media consulting, social media strategy &
implementation, content marketing, both on-site and off-site search engine optimization,
reputation management, lead generation through social media, and coaching.

POOL4TOOL America, Director of Social Media

March 2012 October 2013
POOL4TOOL is an international SaaS (Software-as-a-Service) supplier management software
for manufacturing companies.
Wrote and implemented national-level marketing strategy with U.S. CEO
Generated 886 leads from lead generation funnel leading to multiple 6 & 7 figure clients
Led a 3 month Google AdWords branding campaign leading to 1,000,000 nationwide
Organized a $30,000 national conference sponsorship, which resulted in hundreds of
quality leads and new client acquisitions, and is now a major strategy of lead generation
and client acquisition

Center for Automotive Research, Marketing & Research Assistant

March 2011 February 2012; May 2008 May 2009
CAR is a non-profit automotive research think-tank advancing the interests of the global
automotive industry.
Conducted research which led to new client acquisition
Contributed authorship on a memo regarding the proposed automotive bailout which
was circulated through Congress and influential in getting the automotive bailout passed
Wrote and implemented a comprehensive social media strategy

Fudoshin LLC, Founder & CEO

March 2009 - May 2011
I engaged in online marketing, driving traffic to partner advertisers through multiple channels
including paid search on the Google Adwords and Yahoo Search Marketing platforms, search
engine optimization (SEO), Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Digg, StumbleUpon, Reddit, Diigo, and
Delicious. Served over nearly 100,000,000 impressions of advertising with over 100,000 online
References Available Upon Request

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