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Tualatin Valley Chapter News

JULY/AUGUST 2005 Editor: David Illig

beyond the right flies and terminal tackle, delivering an

Chapter Meetings are held at the LUCKY extraordinary perspective on how these animals navigate
LABRADOR on the second Wednesday of time and space. Bernie Taylor, author, fisherman, fly tyer,
each month at 7:00 pm with a social get-together and the is a widely traveled lecturer and writer whose work has
formal meeting at 7:30 unless otherwise noted in the appeared in magazines such as Fly Fisherman, American
newsletter or website. Lucky Labrador, Multnomah Angler, North American Fisherman. He is the author of
Village, 7675 SW Capitol Hwy. Portland, (503) 244-2537. two books: Big Trout (2002) and his recently released
Food and Beverages available. Biological Time (2004).

Board of Directors Meetings held just prior to our

monthly Chapter meeting at 5:30pm at the Lucky Lab. The Hope for Fly Fishing Clubs in
Our Future. By Hank Hosfield
Wednesday, July 13 Annual Picnic
I’m one of the lucky ones. I grew up in a place and time
On The Tualatin River. 6:00pm. that bordered on the good old days. When big fish stories
Instead of our regular meeting, our July program is a were close to fact. When there were wild trout in the
potluck picnic at Cook Park in Tigard. Cook Park is rivers that coursed through my hometown of Eugene,
located on SW 92 south of Durham Road in Tigard. It is Oregon. When the crazy guys with fly rods who chased
directly south of Tigard High School. Head west just past them were more concerned about sportsmanship than the
Tigard HS on SW Durham Road and turn south at the size of their catch. And when a group of conservation-
traffic light onto SW 92nd. Follow 92nd about a half mile minded fly anglers came together to found the Federation
as it goes downhill and curves to the left and dead ends of Fly Fishers. My father is one of them.
into the park. We have reserved picnic shelter #3 which is
at the very end of the park road just to the left of the boat The house I grew up in was filled with fly fishing books,
ramp. This is also called the riverside picnic shelter. You fly fishing artwork, a fly tying room, and often frequented
can't miss the picnic shelter. It is the only structure down by my dad’s fly fishing cohorts—many of whom were
there by the boat ramp. There are paved parking areas. quite well-known in fly fishing circles.

We will have a grill with burgers and dogs and buns. I can still picture Polly Rosborough holding forth in our
Please bring a side dish, and/or a dessert or salad that living room. Even as unique a character as he was, he
feeds six. Let us know what category of food you’re found many kindred spirits who were more or less of one
bringing. Call or email, a Board Member, Officer. mind when it came to fly fishing, who shared similar
We have reserved the picnic shelter #3 from 6pm until radical ideas like limiting your kill, not killing your limit;
9pm. We hope to have everyone dining by 6:30pm. and that a game fish was too valuable a commodity to be
Bring your families and friends. RSVP if you can. caught just once. But as strongly as they held to such
Bring your fly rod if you would like to share some philosophies, they were even more avid disciples, eagerly
casting tips or want some help. willing to share their considerable hard-earned knowledge
of fly fishing with any decent sort who wanted to learn.
It’s not surprising that they would see the value in
forming fly fishing clubs that would further their skills
NO AUGUST MEETING….GO FISHING and knowledge, promote their sport, inculcate outdoor
values, conserve the resource and foster camaraderie.

Wednesday, September 14 I couldn’t wait to join a club. Unfortunately, the McKenzie

Fly Fishers didn’t allow children in their ranks; nor
Bernie Taylor and Biological Time. women, either. A guy had to be voted in. And once he
Bernie will show that salmon have precisely timed
was in, he had to actively participate in a goodly number
movements, and critical events such as spawning, that
of club outings, projects and events in order to keep his
can be calculated to almost the day. His program
membership. Clearly, such membership was a privilege
chronicles the life of a salmon and weaves in stories of
only a fool would forsake. At least it seemed so to me, as
how native peoples gauged the strength and movements
one who caught many fleeting glimpses of the fly fishing
of the runs. This program is not only helpful for the
fun to be had rubbing shoulders with such august anglers.
angler who is looking to better plan his fishing excursions
Not to mention, the fly fishing wisdom I’d attain.
but also for the conservationist interested in learning
more about the nature of animals. The presentation goes

“To Conserve, Protect, And Restore North America’s Cold Water Fisheries And Their Watersheds”
Fly fishing has been somewhat demystified since then. surveys measuring leisure hours suggest they don’t lack
For those coming to the sport today, it’s probably hard to time nearly as much as they perhaps lack commitment.
imagine a time when the nearest fly shop for anyone living
in the West was in Livingston, Montana. I recall my dad Nevertheless, I expect fly fishing to continue to gain
making a mad dash for it from the Livingston depot popularity, and that’s a good thing. According to wardens
during a short stop on our summer train trip to Ohio in and wildlife officials, fly anglers take better care of the
1965. I think he bought fly tying materials. Otherwise, resource, tend to obey regulations and have fewer
what little fly tying stuff that was available came from squabbles with other anglers. Growing numbers of fly
Eastern sporting goods dealers such as Herter’s. These anglers will likely lead to designation of more fly-fishing-
days a fellow can find a world of excellent fly tying and fly only waters. Such designations often improve the
fishing products nearly everywhere. What he’s less apt to resource.
find is the generosity of spirit that was ever-present in the
old guard who formed the bulk of the fly fishing clubs I also don’t expect fly fishing clubs to disappear.
and conservation groups dedicated to native fish and wild (Although, logically, I can’t make a very convincing
habitat. argument for this belief considering the current prevailing
trend.) But if fly fishing clubs were to die off, what would
While there have never been more fly fishing clubs than we really lose?
what we have today, their membership is changing in
fundamental ways that have many of us concerned about Fly fishing clubs are still the best places to learn about
their future existence. How so? Primarily, they’re graying. local waters. In fact, clubs often adopt local streams and
It won’t be too long before many club meetings will organize clean-ups and perform many other enhancement
appear nearly indistinguishable from canasta night at the and conservation projects. Clubs also often promote
senior center. And as these venerable old rods shuffle off, vigorous political activism—especially at the grassroots
they’re not being replaced by new blood in any significant level. They also often raise funds for projects that fish
numbers. Isn’t this a rather strange trend for a sport and wildlife agencies lack the money to do alone. Even
riding a growing wave of popularity? What happened to more, they champion sporting and outdoor ethics, and
all of the prospective new, young members? promote a greater consciousness about giving back.

I submit that a river ran through them. That lovely movie I personally enjoyed many benefits of club membership.
Robert Redford made out of Norman McLean’s novella Not the least of which is the gratification I feel about
inspired the beginning of a rush of new people to take up perpetuating the good works started by others who sought
fly fishing. But unlike previous newcomers to fly fishing, to preserve the rich wild heritage that I still enjoy today.
many in this new wave came with no previous fishing As a fly angler, I feel obligated to protect this bounty for
background. They didn’t grow up with fly fishing; they the next generation. It is my great hope that future fly
were sold on it. (Have you ever noticed how many fishers will feel similarly indebted. If so, then perhaps
different TV commercials feature somebody fly fishing?) they’ll also rediscover the value of club membership.
And what these neophytes to fly fishing lacked in angling
experience they made up for in new money, and this influx I can’t envision a bright future for fly fishing without such
of Yuppie capital helped create a broader fly fishing dedicated involvement. It’s our best hope to relive the
market, one of whose byproducts was a new way in which good old days. Hank
new anglers learned the sport and related to fly fishing.
Initiations that previously occurred in fly fishing clubs
were now available through many new outlets in the form
of fly shops, guide trips, private waters and a host of new
media including many more books and magazines, videos,
and (gasp) the internet. Aren’t these all wonderful sources
of information? Well, yes and no. I don’t think I’m the
first person to suggest that some of the folks selling this
new product might care less about the sport than they do
growing their slice of the market. But more important
than this is the more insular relationships that are being
cultivated for these new fly anglers by this new market.
They’re inherently more selfish. And why bother with a
fishing club when you can buy everything you need?

The fastest growing demographic in the entire

sportfishing industry is women fly anglers. They aren’t
joining clubs, either. When asked why, many say they’re
intimidated by the predominantly male membership.
(That graying trend isn’t helping, either.) They also say
that they have no use for club activities, because they only
fish with their husbands or boyfriends, anyway.

So what are these 40-and-under-somethings doing instead

of joining clubs? Many are busy with careers and families.
But are they busier that previous generations? Recent David Edens and Deschutes Rainbow
“To Conserve, Protect, And Restore North America’s Cold Water Fisheries And Their Watersheds”
starting to tie this pattern is to make the body
Fly of the Month: Scud Nymph too thick.
Alex Barkume • Try using the “hook” piece of Velcro to do the
teasing. It works slick!
This month’s fly of the month is the Scud nymph. Scuds
are shrimp-like macro-invertebrates that can be found I headed down-river of a small eastern Oregon trout
almost anywhere there is water and plants. Like the trout stream to a small boulder-filled run through a bend in the
they feed, they seem to grow bigger and faster in slightly river. This stream is wadeable nearly anywhere in this
alkaline waters east of the Cascades. They range in size section, with a deep hole being maybe 5 feet deep or so.
from ~1/4” to 5/8” making them a bite-size mouthful of The head of the pool was a boulder-patch where the riffles
protein. Scud are fast swimmers and swim on their sides, where only 18” to 24” deep. The current gradually slowed
so if you’re lake fishing, you might try a burst of rapid, and deepened at the center of the pool 15 yards below.
short pulls with pauses every few pulls. Of course, I’ve The fishing had been so-so on a dry caddis, as I had
also taken fish on this pattern with slow pulls too. fished my way down to this pool known to be a good
producer at times. I took off the caddis and tied on a
When alive, scuds vary in color from tan to olive-gray. tannish-pink size 14 scud weighted slightly with a micro-
This pattern is also tied in a pinkish-tan color, the color of shot. I placed a yarn indicator about 3” short of what I
a scud that has died. Some places, like Crooked River, figured the bottom depth to be and started fishing. Fish
have a very dense population of these critters. They came quickly and they were strong. This water is fairly
don’t live long so there are always some of the dead bugs alkaline and the desert rainbows out here grow fast and
floating downstream. fat. Many of the fish were 14 inches and up. An
occasional 17”-18” fish provided heart-pounding
Scud Nymph excitement. I fished the pool hard looking for that even
Originator: Unknown bigger trophy. Oh yes, fish over 5lbs come out of here on
Hook: Tiemco 2457 or equivalent curved “scud”
hook – sizes 12 to 16. I spent about 3 hours fishing that pool before the sun
Thread: 6/0 thread, color to match the body or started to set behind the canyon walls. The fishing
tan. slowed a bit, but never stopped.
Tail (opt): few wisps of Wood Duck
Ribbing: black or copper wire, or some use clear With my arm aching and my fishing-jag satisfied, I headed
monofilament back up the river to the truck. I satisfied in knowing that
Shellback: A 1/8” thick strip of sandwich bag (1 bag I never had to change pattern, the scud was dyn-o-mite!
will last forever) As you probably suspect, I never leave home without ‘em.
Body: Hareline antron dubbing – gray, olive, tan,
etc. plus mixtures of each (olive-gray, Tight Lines, Alex
tannish-gray, etc. Also try mixing 1 part
pink or orange with 3 parts tan dubbing
for dead scud.

1. Tie in a few wisps of wood-duct – leaving fairly

long (hook gape) as they represent the feelers.
Optional, however, the fly is effect without the
2. Tie in a 3” piece of wire or clear monofilament.
3. Tie in a 3” piece of clear baggy material (1/8”
4. Dub a fairly thin body with the dubbing tapering
downward slightly as you go forward. The head
resides at the back-end of this pattern. .
5. Pull the baggie material forward and lash down at
the head.
6. Wrap the wire or monofilament in fairly evenly
spaced wraps. Tie off at the head.
7. Whip-finish and put a drop of cement on the head
to finish.
8. When dry, tease out some of the fibers on the
underside of the hook. These will act as legs.

• Cut up a bunch of baggy material prior to starting
to tie this pattern. Doing this up-front saves time
in the long run.
• Make sure to keep the body dubbing fairly thin –
the most common mistake I see by folks just

“To Conserve, Protect, And Restore North America’s Cold Water Fisheries And Their Watersheds”
Fly Tyer’s Corner Dick Rohrbaugh and happen to have a rifle bore cleaner that works
well too. Dick
Over the years tyers have accumulated a lot of creative
ideas. In tying, like everything else, experience is always
the best teacher. Here are a new set of tips to try the next
time you tie.
Scheduled Outings – 2005
Materials If you tie a lot of dry flies and use a lot of
Let’s Go Fishing
hackle you are well familiar with the cost of a prime Listed below are the Trout Unlimited outings scheduled
hackle neck. The good stuff is spendy. But if you tie for 2005. If you have any questions concerning the trips,
hackled flies in a wide variety of sizes, particularly a lot of please feel free to contact Andy Andrews for more
very small sizes, a prime neck is the way to go. information. Andy’s phone is 503 – 969 – 2246 (cell) or
his email address is .
However, if you tie a lot of flies of the same size, or
perhaps the same two sizes, a quality saddle is a much July 23rd and 24th Mouth of The Deschutes
better buy than a neck. The high quality saddle hackles August 13th and14th East Lake
now available from a number of suppliers will tie more
flies at lower cost and do a better job to boot. It is September 21st thru 28th Fall River
possible to buy saddle hackles down to size 18, though October 22/23 th
Crooked River
most saddles offer at least two sizes and sometimes (note some changes from last issue)
three. With a single high quality saddle feather you can Prior to each trip there will be a posting on the web page
tie a half dozen flies and have them all come out very with the details of the scheduled outing. Please join us
uniform in size. They wind beautifully and offer good for a weekend or a day. We will be looking forward to
stiff, high-count barbules that are a delight to use. The seeing you. Andy
bottom line is that the feather quality of a good saddle is
every bit as good as the best neck hackles you can buy.

Techniques With caddis season approaching on the

Deschutes and elsewhere it is time to get busy on caddis Remember to Sign up New Members to
patterns. Perhaps the best known pattern is Al Troth’s Elk Trout Unlimited. It’s a great bargain for what they
Hair Caddis. As originally tied, Troth tied in a piece of get. Especially at the half-off introductory membership at
fine gold wire, dubbed a body, and then tied in a hackle at $17.50 Lots of people aren’t members who would enjoy it.
the front of the hook. The hackle was palmered back to
We still get something for new member signups. New
the rear of the body and then counter-wrapped with the
members can sign up at and entering
gold wire to hold it down. The object of wrapping the
code 633 for Tualatin Valley chapter. If they prefer a
hackle front-to-back was to get the larger barbules in front
paper membership application, contact Erle to send it to
and a tapered look as the hackle was wrapped back
toward the hook bend. The counter-wrapped wire held the
hackle in place and allowed it to be tied off at the back of
the hook.

All that works well, but is really unnecessary. If you tie

with tapered neck feathers it may be the best way to go.
But if you use saddle hackles that offer a long hackle with
uniform length barbules, just tie in the hackle, dub the
body and palmer the hackle forward in the usual manner.
There is then no wire to weigh down the fly and one step
in the tying process has been eliminated.

As always when palmering caddis flies, four wraps is

enough. Too much hackle and your fly will float too high
in the water. The object is to keep the body of the fly in
the film.

Tools and Equipment If you tie large nymphs

such as those to match the Salmon Fly or Golden
Stone, you will be putting lots of dubbing on the
hook to form the body. We covered dubbing
techniques last month, but here is an idea about
dubbing tools. If you want the dubbing to look
Seth smiles in gratitude for Deschutes beauty
shaggy you can comb it out with a dubbing teaser.
Dubbing teasers are sold commercially, but you can
also make your own. A small piece of Velcro glued to
a popsicle stick works very nicely. If you are a hunter
“To Conserve, Protect, And Restore North America’s Cold Water Fisheries And Their Watersheds”
where, and when to fish for the big Bull Trout of the
Eric Thompson
The Deschutes Basin Land Trust hosted this years’
state project, which took place on Lake Creek near Camp
Sherman. Lake Creek is a major tributary of the Metolius
River, home to Rainbows, Cutthroat, Bull, Brown Trout
and someday . . . Salmon. Trout Unlimited volunteers
from all over the state participated, with a major showing
from Tualatin Valley and Clackamas Chapters. The site
was on the newly acquired Metolius Preserve, spanning
nearly two full sections of land, 1240 acres. Two of the
goals of Land Trust for this preserve are: Enhance and
restore fish and wildlife habitat, and provide for public
interpretation and education concerning forest and fish

Later that night, possibly around 2 a.m., the camp had an

intruder. No one knew what kind of animal it was for
sure, maybe it was an evolved species of squirrel with
opposable thumbs and good use of tools. Of course, we
didn’t know about it until next morning. Anyways, the
thief snuck into camp, opened up a gallon of Crown Royal,
drank it all and put the lid right back on like nothing had

Well, the weather for Friday and Saturday was a

welcome relief from the constant downpours of late. On
Saturday, it was just plain hot. Some of us concentrated
on the “providing for the public education” part of the
goals, building a classroom-style stump arena for
students to sit on while learning about forest issues (see
photo). Others lifted heavy rocks and hauled them around
in order to build a stone kiosk structure for the preserve
(see photo of high-powered Rock Hauler). We also planted
native grasses over an old roadbed to bring that quadrant
back to a natural condition. Mostly we carried heavy
things, dug in dirt with shovels, chopped stuff with picks
and ho-dads, and got real dirty. It was all great fun, since
Amanda from the Trust had everything so organized we
didn’t have to do any big-time thinking.
On Saturday evening when all the work was done
and we were back at camp, we got a special treat. Jeff
Perrin from the fly shop in Sisters put on a one hour
presentation on exactly ‘How to Fish The Metolius and
Catch Something.” No, that wasn’t actually the title, just On Sunday, some of us fished the river. A couple
my interpretation. Jeff pointed out just how intricate the of us tried to fish Lost Lake at Santiam Pass, but the usual
hatches and fish behavior in this river can be, pointing out pattern had returned, and we got snowed out.
rather philosophically that, if you catch one or two fish in Eric
a day, then be happy. He also showed us some of his fly
patterns, which must have included about every life cycle
of every insect of every century that ever existed on the
river. He also gave us a lot of good information on how,

“To Conserve, Protect, And Restore North America’s Cold Water Fisheries And Their Watersheds”
Pulp Fiction Fishing, a.k.a. Saga of the Road Kill Grill
Everything in Germany’s the same, By Andy Andrews
just a little bit different… When I was younger, much younger, all that mattered was
Seth Isenberg getting a line in the water to fish. I didn’t need a tent and
A recent trip to Germany for business prompted me to I was happy to get a few hours sleep in the seat of a car.
create this list. This was my first visit to Germany and I My opinion back then was that only old men and ‘softies’
enjoyed it immensely. On the next trip in May, I’ll be needed a tent, sleeping bag, etc. However, as time passed
prepared in multiple ways. and my pockets grew a little heavier with spending cash, I
gave way to the modern conveniences of camping. This
1. Smoker’s Heaven – Smoky airports, restaurants upgrade of my life style occurred just before going into
and public spaces reign the service, yet food still remained, literally, on the back
2. The car/highway dichotomy – Fast BMWs, burner and was simply a means of removing an annoying,
Mercedes, Audis and a few Porsches in the far left uncomfortable feeling in my stomach.
lane (unlimited speed - @ 130 mph cruising) with
bimbo boxes (like my Opel Meriva, Smartcars, tiny However, while in the service I started migrating into the
Fords, SEATS, Renaults, etcs) in the middle and world of ‘Gormad’ cooking. A Gourmet, unlike the
right lane. I needed some extra hamsters as I Gormad, is a person who can start off with a can of tuna,
tried to push that Opel along at a sustained speed a few noodles and end up in a famous food magazine. A
of @ 100 mph. Gormad is a person who starts off with a can of tuna and
3. Only 1 car in 200 is an SUV, and a small to a few noodles, feeds it to his dog and the dog dies. While
midsize one at that. serving overseas, I once traded a can (C – rations) of
4. Diesel technology – diesels are everywhere, even in Turkey ala King for a can of ham. I decided to warm the
the big BMWs. The high fuel costs (over $5.00 ham in my helmet. I added a little of this and that, and the
USD/gallon) make diesels attractive. They get ham ended up not tasting like rations at all (it wasn’t
higher mileage and diesel fuel is less expensive unusual to warm something in your helmet. A nickname
than gasoline. for the helmet is a ‘steel pot’). However, my body soon
5. Pay toilets at the Autohausen (rest stops) on the rejected the concoction and I didn’t eat for a week.
Autobahnen (highways). € 0.50 to use the toilet During this period of my life I also learned that cooking in
(albeit a cool self-cleaning one in a nice facility). your helmet is not always a good idea. You may suddenly
6. Bidets (a positive after a long trip on a have to use it for its intended purpose and you’ll end up
plane…………..) wearing part of whatever it was you were trying to cook.
7. Really heavy meat (schwein, schwein and more
schwein) in traditional cooking. Germans like After the service, I actually took a few cooking classes
pork – a lot. because I found out that girls liked guys who could cook;
8. Full frontal male nudity on broadcast TV. A I also found out that I actually like to eat good food. One
streaker at a soccer game got a good shot once he concept that I failed to grasp (stupid me) in my plan to
was “captured”. socialize with the opposite sex, was that after I got
9. No cardinal directions (i.e. north or south) are married, my wife expected me to continue to cook, and
given for the Autobahnen (i.e. freeways). You cook well! I had set the bar high and there would be no
need to know where the big cities are relative to slacking off.
your position. You don't head south on I-5, you
go on the A3 towards Mainz..... This was the one Now somehow camping and barbequing just seem to go
area where “” really let me down and together so I acquired a portable grill for outings. On one
it makes getting around a little tough if you don't TU fishing trip, I became board by the drive and my mind
have a navigator in the car with you. wondered to what a waste of meat lay on the road and
10. The first floor is not the ground floor. Floor 1 is how in some parts of our world, people would fight over
what floor 2 is in the US. Very confusing, the remains of some poor, unfortunate animal that now
especially when your room (say Number 240) is on resembled street – pizza. And with that thought, the
floor 1…. name ‘Road Kill Grill’ just popped into my head; the
thought process was somewhat of a quantum leap for my
Finally, the important things stay the same – often confused and twisted mind.

11. Brown trout rising on the small river in However it soon became apparent that I needed to set
Herzogenaurach (Bavaria, Germany) in the some rules as to what type of ‘donation’ would be
evening, and me without a rod of course. accepted for dinner and be tossed on the grill. At the time
I gave the grill its name, I didn’t realize how many
Seth Gormads existed in the world. In fact, one state has a
cooking contest using the remains of road kill, all cooked
to perfection by grill masters.
Tell US Senate to Support the Recent Court
Decision to Protect Salmon Recovery.

“To Conserve, Protect, And Restore North America’s Cold Water Fisheries And Their Watersheds”
Anyway, the rules for the Road Kill Grill are as follows: animals while at freeway speeds and critters that believe
1) The board members who are present at the grilling that they are about to be abused can become very cranky.
event, will make a determination if I have no desire to repeat that experience while in, or out
the ‘donation’ was once a living…thing (and you didn’t of, a vehicle. Bon Appetite! Andy
think that the board members had any real authority!

With that decision made, the next question to be put to

the board members is:
2) What was it?
a) It is important to know if you are cooking a
raccoon, a opossum, or a squirrel that has been eating
some form of natural steroids and weighted in at 15
pounds before being flattened by a semi.
( If the board members cannot definitely identify
the ‘donation’, it will be rejected.)

The next question is:

3) (a) Are we sure it is dead and (b) how long has it been
dead? Part (a) can normally be handled by prodding the
unfortunate victim with a stick from a safe distance. Part
(b) can be determined by a whiff of the air surrounding
the donation. If your eyes water and your nose burns
while collecting your kill, your donation will most
definitely be rejected and you will be banned from camp
for the duration of the trip.

The first part of the question (a) also brings up a very

important issue about salvaging road kill. A friend of
mine, who shall remain nameless, once stopped at a
recent road kill to collect some fly tying material. The David Edens caught Deschutes fish
‘thing’ was placed in a plastic garbage bag and put in the
back of his car, on the floor. As my friend cruised down
the freeway, he suddenly realized that he was not…alone;
the road kill was not dead but alive in the back seat and Fishing Perfection
mad as hell about its situation. I can only imagine what Scott Borders
other drivers saw as my friend and the varmint exchanged
seating positions, while the car remained in the cruise Oblivious to public opinion, I’m convinced I’m going to
mode. I know for a fact (heard) that several illegal lane heaven. I’ve weighed my good deeds and my bad deeds,
changes were made and the direction of travel of the my kind thoughts and my selfish ones, and there’s little
vehicle was often in doubt. Eventually a door was opened doubt, that I’ll be riding the up escalator when my time
and the creeter made its exit with the car still at freeway comes. I often assure my children, and promise myself,
speeds. My friend said he did not go back to see how his that I’ll be fishing when I get there.
invited guest made out after its leap for freedom.
Fishing in heaven holds so much promise. I’ll have my
Therefore, there is no way that I will place something on trips planned on a lengthy calendar. There will be maps to
the grill until we are absolutely certain it is dead and will study, flies to tie and gear to accumulate. Oh man, the
not respond in an adverse manner to extreme temperature gear in heaven, the gear! My friends and I will plan for
changes. weeks, every little detail. The anticipation of each trip will
be-- heavenly.
The next rule requires the cooperation of the person
making the donation. Some days will be solo. Just me, walking that flat in
4) The animal now has to be skinned, gutted and Andros. That phenomenal flat. White sand, accented by
presented to the board for another look – see. golden turtle grass. Schools of bones that sometimes were
visible 300 yards away, and sometimes invisible-- right at
If the donation passes the boards inspection, it will then my rod tip. I never got enough of that flat, and in heaven I
be place on the grill. won’t either.

5) At this point, the board passes all remaining Some days will be guided. I can’t wait to hear my guide as
responsibilities for tasting the selected item back to the we greet. “You picked the perfect day, Scott. Good thing
person making the donation. If the donatee survives the you weren’t here yesterday, the tides and the weather were
tasting process of the donation, others will be allowed to a mess. We’re gonna kill ‘em today.” Sweet. Let’s fish!
join in. Their tips will be HUGE.

You probably think that the above rules are extreme, but I All my favorite guides will be there--sooner or later. Some
assure you, they are not. I have encountered pissed – off days, I’ll hop on the McKenzie drift boat with my favorite
“To Conserve, Protect, And Restore North America’s Cold Water Fisheries And Their Watersheds”
Deschutes guide. He’ll be in his usual good spirits, ready plan......please read the bill, it's only a couple of pages,
to talk water, fish, flies, food, gardening and family. On just go to this link....
the way, he’ll put us right in the middle of some class IV
rapids. Hey, wait. I’m in heaven, but I’m still holding on b1087.intro.pdf
for dear life. Cool.
Have they totally lost their minds?? I know I hate this as
Most days will be with my pals, my Papaw, my kids. We’ll well and am getting very tired of it.......but we must FIGHT
get up so early it hurts. Our coffee will stay perfectly hot this continued attack on our rivers. This bill proposes
all the way to the water. I’ll be hilarious, putting the boys local advisory boards, made up of you know who......that
in tears with my early morning wit. We’ll fish so hard, all will map and segment each stream or river, and declare
day. it's use...or NON-USE, according to this committee.

The locations are so limitless. I’ll blend my old favorites AND it proposes the "killing" of the navigable river
with the places I never got to fish. Christmas Island, studies...once and for all. They must be out of their
Kiribati? Bring it on! The Keys, New Zealand, Louisiana, minds!!!
10,000 rivers west of the Rockies, Mars? I’ve got nothing
but time. WHAT WE CAN AND MUST DO!!!!!

My casting is definitely going to improve in heaven. I’ll Re-write you Senators, State Reps, The Governor and
put it where I want, when I want. I’ll shoot piles of line. everyone else on your e-mail or snail mail list and TELL
I’ll lead the fish. I’ll drop the fly like the down of a thistle. THEM TO DEFEAT SB1087.

The fish in heaven will be so healthy, so plentiful, so It is now confirmed, that Senators Ferroli and Brown will
huuunnnngry! Their water will be the perfect temperature, stop at nothing to have your river rights taken
the perfect color, speed, depth and salinity. They’re going away.........Can you imagine what it would be like if this
to be so happy in heaven too. insanity was applied to our Oregon Beaches????

Heaven. Locations, weather, gear, skills, perfect company Anyway.....I know we are all growing weary about all
and primo fish will all come together on the water. I’ll this.......but if we do nothing, the privatization of our
stand amazed at 4 permit tails, wagging in the afternoon waterways may soon be a reality.....So ...PLEASE...stay
sun as they devour crabs. I’ll make “the” cast, not too strong, Call, e-mail, write, your legislators. I might also
much of a lead, and not bonking them on the forehead. I’ll suggest that you contact our local government leaders
make the perfect strip, and 2 of the school dash for the and let them know of your opposition. The mayor, City
fly, in competition. The biggest one gets there first and Counselors, County Commissioners etc......
begins to inhale it—then refuses it! How can that be? I’m
in heaven. This Bill must be stopped......Ferroli and Brown aren't
……Oh, the only place you catch a fish on every cast, is neither can we!! I know you thought this
hell. was taken care of but its back at issue.

In fact, I may be packed in an Igloo cooler with some Barry @ Mckenzie Flyfishers
other fisherman, some cokes and some sandwiches

UPCOMING Newsletter Material

We need material for upcoming issues Or just send some
nice pictures you have. We need your input, please. 296 9050

River Access Still Threatened!

Immediate Attention Needed. Well Club
members....things are getting very ugly......Senator Kate
Brown (D) and Senator Ted Ferrioli (R) could care less
about the Attorney Generals opinion, The Governor, or the
public!!! Here is their latest action that needs our

They have introduced a new Bill...SB 1087. This bill is a

combination of the worst of SB1028 and SB 1066.
Evidently, because we have had some impact against
these bills ( the public is slowly getting informed)These Fisher Isenberg and Grandpa
legislative "midgets" have come up with another idiotic
“To Conserve, Protect, And Restore North America’s Cold Water Fisheries And Their Watersheds”
Tualatin Valley Trout Unlimited
July/August 2005

President: Open Position Alex Barkume - 642-7024
Treasurer: Rod Lundberg
291-5308 Andy Andrews 969 2246
Board of Directors:
Erle Norman 293-6006
Hank Hosfield
Membership Chair
Eric Thompson 297-0718 Jerry Heppell 639-9408
Dick Rohrbaugh 636-3877 Communications Director
Seth Isenberg 293-3290
Kevin Connolly 860-6355

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