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What is the purpose of approving the free tuition law?

Duterte administration approved the free tuition law for the youth, particularly for
the poor, near-poor including the middle class, to have free access to higher education.
With this, it will create more efficient professional workers that can be beneficial to the
society and also the Philippine economy. In approving this bill, the government will need
to implement revenue-generating measures to support the free college education act,
since its putting pressure on the budget deficiency. They will need to adjust the
government's fund vastly. They may need to cut off expenses or generate more income
to sufficiently support this law.

What are the effects of the free tuition in State colleges and universities to the
The free college will produce professional college graduates that will help our
community. Free education offers a way to transmit a nations skills, knowledge, and
culture to its youth. But this is creating a big fuss because the economic manager of
Duterte says that the government would not be able to afford the cost of free-tuition,
estimated at 100 billion pesos ($2 billion) a year.

Will the bill affect the education system as a whole?

Education is an agent of socialization. It allows the people within to mingle and
interact with one another. It enables cultures, beliefs, and values of individuals to be
shared with each other. If it were to be free to all, the education system itself would stay
as it should, continuing to mold good students with moral principles and academic
capabilities to prepare them for the future. The only instance that it would change would
depend on the school itself, regarding how it would adjust and adapt to the law. Overall
the main effect that would give a changing outcome will be coming from the educational
institutions themselves.

How will the funding for the new law providing universal access to tertiary
education affect the governments budget as a whole?
The new law providing universal access to higher education might put pressure
on the governments budget deficit ceiling unless the government raises more revenues
or cuts down on other costs. The government would need to implement more revenue-
generating or saving measures to implement the Universal Access to Quality Tertiary
Education Act without exceeding its fiscal deficit ceiling of three percent of gross
domestic product (GDP).
What would be the effect of the said bill to the Philippine economy?
In every decision that the government makes, it is with no doubt that the
Philippine economy will be affected. In this case, the said law will affect the economy in
a way that it will lower the unemployment because many Filipinos will be more qualified
for employment since they will now be able to attain higher education. The free tuition
law will have a give and take effect. The government will spend for the education of
the Filipino students, then in return, the said students will be employed then will
contribute to the economic growth of our country.

What is the effect of the free tuition law to the the quality of college education in
state universities and colleges?
Approving the Universal Access to Quality Tertiary Education Act will help the
society in imparting education to people especially the youth. However, supporting the
bill will significantly affect the quality of teaching in state universities and colleges
(SUCs). This is because of the possibility of putting pressure on the deficiency in the
monetary budget for free college education. Higher education needs more resources
concerning faculty, infrastructures, and research, and they are highly substantial in
costs. These resources are components in creating and building an adequate quality
education which crucially needs funds to sustain or even improve it. The insufficiency of
the fund supporting free college education will further deteriorate its state of quality that
can lead to impairment of students development of their skills and knowledge.
Therefore, higher college educations problem is not the accessibility but the quality
because of its high demand for resources which needs monetary assistance that the
government cannot sufficiently provide.

Which groups are of advantage and disadvantage by the free tuition?

The groups that are on advantage are those who are Filipino students who are
currently enrolled or will enroll in SUCs for a bachelor's degree, a certificate degree, or
any comparable undergraduate degree. On the other hand, the groups that are on
disadvantage are those private colleges and universities because few students would
enroll in them. It was said that tuition-free education at state universities and colleges
(SUCs) would not benefit the poor because only 12 percent of students in SUCs belong
to low-income families.
Does the government have the capacity to support the said bill, with other issues
needed to be addressed?
According to the budget secretary, the bill would set the government back by a
significant amount, instilling that he is not in favor of the bill. He also stated that college
education benefits the individual and not the society. Not only the government itself is
not united with the bill, but other institutions are not on board such as private schools
who uphold prestigious reputations. With the law being in effect it could lessen their
enrollees and decrease their students, that is why most of the universities are accepting
more students than they usually did.

What are the agencies or departments that would be affected by allocating funds
to support the law providing universal access to tertiary education?
To support the implementation of the Universal Access to Quality Tertiary
Education Act, the House could pool together funds from various scholarships under
various departments. Such scholarship funds are currently allocated under CHED,
TESDA, the Department of Health, the Department of Agriculture, the Department of
Science and Technology, the Department of Environment and Natural Resources, and
various state universities and colleges. Even more, funds can be raised by carving them
out of the budgets of underperforming and underspending agencies if needed.
The Duterte administration did not initially plan to make tuition free for the 2017
budget, but the Senate realigned P8.3 billion for student financial assistance, allowing
SUCs to charge zero tuition. The fund was originally supposed to be allocated to the
Department of Public Works and Highways for development projects in the Autonomous
Region in Muslim Mindanao.

Why did President Rodrigo Duterte remain firm with his decision although some
people or groups are not in favor of the free tuition law?
There are some who are not in favor of the free tuition law because the congress
is supposed to make the necessary appropriations to fund the free SUC education
project. Concerns were also raised by the Presidents economic team saying that it
would have serious effects on the governments budget. However, President Rodrigo
Duterte believes that if theres a will, theres a way.
Therefore, our President remained firm with his decision because after weighing
the issues raised by his advisers, he arrived at the conclusion that the long-term
benefits of the free tuition will outweigh the short-term budgetary challenges.
What was the reaction of the students who were studying in state universities or
colleges regarding the approved bill? For those students who were studying in
private colleges or universities?
The reaction of the students who were studying in SUCs regarding the approved
bill was almost positive. Some of them were thrilled because they now have free access
to college education and they can now save more money especially students who are
having financial difficulties. But few students were not as thrilled as the others because
those who already have the means to pay for free college can take more advantage of
this benefit rather than those students who crucially need it.
Students who were studying in private universities and colleges were also happy
with the approved bill, and some may have plans on transferring to SUCs especially
students who were having financial difficulties.

How did the students feel about the free college tuition fee?
Many students have been waiting for the presidents action for the bill, and some
students feel happy because now, they can already finish their college.

How will, the students benefiting from this law, be affected regarding their
attitude, and learning skills?
Concerning attitude, education allows its people within to share their respective
cultures, beliefs, and values, whether its from the teacher to the student or a student to
a fellow student. Many factors can establish a student's attitude, and its school is one of
the many big ones. Students benefiting from this law could let the opportunity not be
taken for granted, as receiving a free education is an advantage people would desire. It
could also take a wrong turn, and some would possibly let chance fall from their hands
because it is free it could be taken advantage of. Education instills independence, and
value of competition. With these two present, it allows the students to achieve their best
selves to be ready in the future. With regards to their learning skills, independence
pertains to the students instilling information they learn each day they attend classes
and the value of competition allows them to improve themselves in days where they
commit a mistake.
How did President Dutertes economic managers react to the issue?
His economic managers tried to discourage him from ensuring that higher education
would be accessible to the poor, claiming the government could not sustain it financially.
Days before Duterte approved the law, Diokno claimed it would cost the government
P100 billion annually. SUCs were first allowed to forego the collection of tuition for the
academic year 2017-2018 under the 2017 General Appropriations Act, even before
Duterte signed RA 10931.

How did different Filipino families feel when President Rodrigo Duterte approved
the bill?
It is a given fact that most parents want their children to finish college in a good
school. However, there are certain factors that need to be considered. One of the main
factors is the income of the family. Unfortunately, most of the Filipino families cant
afford to send all their children to a good school, or some can only let their kids finish
high school. Having said that, many Filipino families felt a sense of hope upon the
approval of the free tuition law because the children will now be given an opportunity to
finish their studies.

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