Converting The Old Dark Ages Vamp To New Rules...

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Note: I have shamelessly taken parts from many different sources along with my own homebrew, so in advance I thnk

all the people's stuff I've used, IHAL in particular. Generation Chart

Generation Trait Max 15th 5

Max Blood Blood/turn Effective Blood Pool Potency [Health + 1] 1 0

Takes only lethal damage from sunlight. Can reproduce sexually, creating Dhampir, but can't Embrace. *Maximum Discipline level 3. (15th Generation may be taken as Physical Flaw.) Stamina is treated as Armor against sunlight Embrace attempts fail 75% of the time. *Maximum Discipline level 4. Embraces fail 50% of the time. Cannot feed on animals anymore.


[Health + 2]

13th 12th 11th 10th 9th 8th 7th 6th 5th 4th 3rd

5 5 5 5 5 5 6 7 8 9 10

[Health + 3] [Health + 4] [Health + 5] [Health + 6] [Health + 7] [Health + 8] [Health + 10] [Health + 14] [Health + 20] [Health + 30] [Health + 80]

1 1 1 2 2 2 3 5 7 10 15

1 2 3 4 5 5 6 7 8 9 10

Cannot feed on humans anymore.

The 13 Clans (and Bloodlines)

Assamite The Assamites are known as a clan of assassins largely based in the Middle East. The Assamite clan is close knit in that they don't trust outsiders and they all spend several years as ghouls training in the clan stronghold. If they fail, they become food. If they succeed, they are Embraced into the clan. Thus, Assamites tend to be very highly skilled at what they do - but not all of them are warriors outright Favored Disciplines: Celerity, Obfuscate, Quietus Favored Attributes: Dexterity or Composure Weakness: The Assamite are hopelessly addicted to the vitae of other Kindred, so vampires belonging to this clan become addicted to vitae as per Vitae Addiction.

Brujah The Brujah are characterized mostly as anarchists. "The typical Brujah wears a biker jacket, tattered jeans, combat boots...". Brujah childer conduct their political conventions amongst the noise of raves and punk rock concerts. Their Ancilla have long used secret, impromptu, and often violent rants to propel their anarchic culture. In comparison to other vampires, the Brujah are especially violent. Currently the most popular symbol of Brujah is upside-down form of Circle A Red. Favored Disciplines - Celerity, Majesty, Vigor. Favored Attributes: Strength or Dexterity Weakness - Brujah are known for their fiery and often violent tempers, having more trouble than any clan does to keep their homicidal tendencies at bay. They fall to their Beast with disturbing frequency, and tend to get quite agitated if this flaw is ever mentioned in their presence. In game terms they get a -2 dice to frenzy rolls. Bloodlines - True Brujah The cold and dispassionate Bloodline of the True Brujah, claim that the current Brujah are the children of the Diablerist Troile.this is all, of course, just hearsay and no real proof is offered. They seem to be the polar opposite of the Brujah, however. Disciplines: Vigor, Majesty, Temporis, Auspex. Weakness: Instead of the Brujah weakness they have their weakness be the loss of one die to resist Humanity degeneration. Further, they lose two dice to all Empathy based rolls. Cappadocian Favored Disciplines: Resilience, Auspex, Necromancy (or Mortis) Weakness: Cappadocians display a corpselike pallor and cold skin, and can't flush their skin or simulate life. The 10-again rule isn't applied to Presence or Manipulation rolls, and 1s rolled subtract from successes; this limitation doesn't apply to Discipline die pools. Cappadocians are also easy to detect as being vampires

Gangrel The Gangrel are associated with Gypsies, transmogrification, and vagrants. As a symbol, Gangrel often use a wolf's head. The Gangrel clan's magical Discipline, Protean, allows them to assume partial or complete animal forms. Their mastery of Protean is so much greater than any other Clan that Gangrel can assume virtually any animal form, providing it is a scavenger or a predator. Favored Disciplines: Animalism, Protean, Resilience. Favored Attributes: Resolve or Stamina Weakness - Gangrels have a unique weakness caused by their close connection to the Beast; their animalistic instincts are drawn close to their surface, clouding more reasoned thought. In game terms they do not gain any again rolls on tests using resolve or composure. Bloodline: Nomad Gangrel Disciplines: Animalism, Protean, Resilience, Vigor Weakness: the Nomads posses a extremely close connection to the Beast, as such, they gain a Bestial feature (-1 to social roles, up to -3) every time they Wassail, in addition to the normal Gangrel weakness.

Bloodline: City Gangrel Disciplines: Animalism, Celerity, Protean, Obfuscate Weakness: City Gangrel are extremely territorial, every time their domain is threatened roll Angrer frenzy of 4 die, in addition to the normal Gangrel weakness.

Followers of Set The Setites are agents and students of corruption as their dark father was before them. Only when the mask of civility is stripped away can the human soul be seen for what it truly is: selfish, grasping, hungry, and perverse. The natural state of humanity is sin and always has been; to pretend otherwise is to waste precious energy. To embrace the wickedness within is to embrace the truth, to own it, and to find your true purpose in existence. The Setites are not merely decadents nor are they simply degenerates; what makes them so dangerous is that they appeal to the darkest parts of everyone - and everyone has darkness somewhere inside them for the Setites to find. Favored Disciplines: Majesty, Obfuscate, Serpentis Favored Attributes: Wits or Presence Weakness: As Setites find it difficult to adjust to bright light and take two additional damage from sunlight. Lasombra The Lasombra have earned their reputation for master manipulation, iron-fisted power, and ingenious political games. They have also brought about their reputation for cruelty and heartless efficiency. The clan decided to rule in a new way and took part in the conception of the most monstrous sect of vampires to date: the Sabbat. Thus, the Lasombra, along with the Tzimisce, make up most of the leadership of the Sabbat and enjoy the bloody fruits of their labor. Favored Disciplines: Dominate, Obtenebration, Vigor Favored Attributes: Manipulation or Composure Weakness: Creatures so entwined with darkness; Lasombra take one additional damage from sunlight. Also, the reflection of the Lasombra never appear in mirrors, and is blurry on electronic recording devices; may not spend a Willpower to make reflection normal. Bloodline: Kyasid Disciplines: Auspex, Mythercaria, Obtenobration, Dominate Weekness:In addition to the Lasombra weakness, and because of their Fae nature, the Kyasid are dealt aggravated damage from Cold Iron.

Malkavian As with all the vampire clans in the World of Darkness setting, Malkavians suffer from a specific flaw: in this case, they are incurably insane. However, many Malkavians believe their insanity to be a strength rather than a weakness. Exactly why they all suffer from insanity is unknown, According to Malkavian legend, when Malkav was killed, all his childer came to his corpse and drank the blood of their father, thus collectively diablerizing Malkav. He is said to

speak inside each and every Malkavian's soul and connects them into one collective consciousness. Favored Disciplines: Auspex, Dementation, Obfuscate. Favored Attributes: Wits or Manipulation Weakness Every last vampire of Malkav's blood is incurably insane in one form or another. Some kindred call this a curse of the blood, while other Lunatics actually call it a special blessing, a "gift of insight." In game terms they start with 1 Derangement and receive -2 dice for derangement rolls. Nosferatu They are uniformly hideous as a result of the flaw in their vampiric bloodline, though each individual's physical monstrosity is unique. Nosferatu frequently reside in catacombs, cemeteries, and sewers. The Nosferatu, also referred to as 'Nossies' or 'Sewer Rats,' are highly regarded as information-brokers. Frustrated over their monstrous appearance, many Nosferatu will Embrace the very vain and/or very beautiful out of spite. Vampires Embraced in this way are referred to as Cleopatras Favored Disciplines: Nightmare, Obfuscate, Vigor. Favored Attributes: Strength or Composure Weakness The most visibly cursed of all Kindred, the Embrace warps each Nosferatu into a hideously deformed creature; In game terms No 10 again on presence or manipulation rolls.

Ravnos The Ravanos are a clan of Gypsies, they originated in India and have since then spread over the world; becoming one of the most widespread clans. The worst of their ways has shaped their enduring reputation, to the point that every Prince knows that a Ravnos in town means trouble. Why? Because they just can't help themselves literally. Every Ravnos has crime in their blood due to their clan weakness, but Ravnos tend to sire people who are already involved in thievery and underhandedness of all kinds. Favored Disciplines: Animalism, Chimerstry, Resilience Favored Attributes: Dexterity or Manipulation Weakness: Gain "Delusional Obsession" Flaw focused on a specific type of crime (such as burglary, fraud, pick pocketing etc.). Sangiovanni Once upon a time, the Saniovanni family was a mortal cult interested in death magic. For several hundred years Augustus learned, planned, and spread the blood of Caine to members of his family. The Sangiovanni learned how to manipulate spirits so that when the time was right, they had ghostly messengers to tell them where all of the Cappadocians laired. The Sangiovanni then began to hunt their parent line and the Lamia, a bloodline that also came from the Cappadocians. At some point, the Sangiovanni developed their own clan weakness and clan disciplines apart from the Cappadocians. Favored Disciplines: Dominate, Necromancy, Vigor Favored Attributes: Intelligence or Strength Weakness: When a Sangiovanni bites a living being, they deal one more Lethal damage than normal. This makes it difficult to keep people alive after feeding from them.

Salubri In the twentieth century, the Salubri have all but died out, with only seven active. The Salubri, if they are known at all, are reviled for their strange and frightening soul-devouring powers. While, in truth, the powers of the Salubri is a true healing art, all but forgotten in the Modern Nights. The salubri are known for their Third Eye, so their clan symbol is that of three eyes. Favored Disciplines: Auspex, Resilience, Obeah. Favored Attributes: Wits or Resolve Weakness: a Salubri loses a point of Willpower when she feeds on a unwilling target. Bloodline Warrior Caste Salubri Disciplines: Auspex, Resilience, Valeren, Vigor. Weakness: In addition to the normal Salubri weakness, a Warrior loses one willpower if they deny a challenge of honor. Bloodline Baali Disciplines: Auspex, Resilience, Daimonion, Obfuscate Weakness: Abjurism and other holy effects affect the Baali, as well, they cannot refuse their Viceif they do they lose one willpower.

Toreador The Toreador typically have an obsession with anything artistic, exquisite or (superficially) beautiful. They are hedonists and self-indulgent artists. It is said that the Toreador are the closest of the Kindred to human sensibilities. Their Antediluvian founder was believed to be an artist in the first city. Favored Disciplines: Celerity, Auspex, Majesty. Favored Attributes: Presence or Composure Weakness The Toreador portray themselves as the vampires closest to the living breathing pulse of the humans around them. They claim that this is what keeps them so vital and modern. Indeed, Clan members are often the first ones to be aware of what mortals are wearing, eating, buying and sleeping with. Having this close contact with mortals causes even greater loss in Toreador when they commit a crime. In game terms -2 dice for humanity and derangement rolls

Tremere It is told that the Tremere were a cabal of human alchemists and Mages who attempted to gain the immortality and powers of the vampires. During the Dark Ages, they were considered an upstart, and had already made enemies as a result of their experiments. By the peak of the Renaissance, however through clever alliances and the forging of

new, strange powers, they took a place in the highest council of the Camarilla. The Tremere are generally mistrusted, and are frequently referred to with the sobriquet, "Usurpers." Favored Disciplines: Auspex, Dominate, Thaumaturgy. Favored Attributes: Intelligence or Manipulation Weakness Tremere were made not cursed therefore there power over the minds of other Vampires is limited. They also are more likely to be more effected when doing crimes against humanity. In game terms the humanity trait limits social tests for vampires as well as mortals. -1 die for humanity rolls.

Tzimisce Favored Disciplines: Animalism, Auspex, Vicissitude Favored Attributes: Stamina or Presence Weakness: must sleep in at least one handful of earth from her homeland; failure to do so decreases the Tzimisce's dice pools by one die each night, to a minimum of one

Ventrue The Ventrue are the rulers, leaders and politicos of the Camarilla. In Ancient Rome, they were generals and warlords of the Empire, and in the Dark Ages, they were knights and barons, leading crusades and conquests. In modern times the Ventrue still have great ambition and see themselves as conquerors, but their ways have changed, using courts and companies instead of feifdoms and mighty armies. They tend to be politicians, businessmen, military officers, and crime lords. Favored Disciplines Dominate, Animalism, Resilience. Favored Attributes: Resolve or Presence Weakness Power corrupts and with the power of the Ventrue they are more easily corrupted than other Kindred. The Ventrue are also considered to be especially particular about whose blood they drink. In fact, any given Ventrue can only drink blood from a mortal of high status. In game terms -1 die for derangement rolls, a -2 resolve roll must be made in order to drink from a non-high status mortal.


Resilience Resilience adds to the Kindred's Health while active; extra health boxes are lost at the end of the scene, though all the damage taken remains. For example, a character with Iron Mountain 4 and a normal Health of 8 has Health 12 when the Discipline is activated. The character takes ten

boxes of bashing damage in a fight, and doesn't spend blood to heal. When the Discipline effects wear off, the victim takes two levels of lethal damage (as all her bashing levels are gone, and the excess bashing damage carries over to lethal). Resilience acts as natural armor. The vampire has an effective Armor rating equal to half her Iron Mountain rating (rounded down) against all attacks while the Discipline is active. At level 3, the vampire may downgrade lethal damage to bashing while Resilience is active. At level 5, the vampire may ignore bashing damage by 'downgrading' it to nothing. Note that the total number of health levels of any type which a vampire may downgrade per scene is still capped at his rating in Resilience.

Vigor At level 3, Vigor, when activated, allows the vampire possessing it to gain the 9-again rule on any Strength rolls. At level 5, the vampire gains the 8-again rule.

Celerity Celerity lets you use the "autofire" rules; it cost you your Defense and count as medium autofire at Celerity 3 and full autofire at Celerity 5, producing +2 or +3 dice. At Celerity 2 it's no better than a normal all-out attack...except you can choose to target up to three people within range of you simultaneously, taking a penalty to each attack roll equal to the number of targets. With Celerity 5 you can target a clustered group of people, zipping around everywhere and flaying all of them.


Ignus Fatuus (1) Description: The vampire can create a static illusion that fools one sense. It lasts so longs as the vampire is present. Cost: 1 Willpower Dice Pool: Wits+Expression+Chimerstry Action: Instant Roll Results

Dramatic Failure: While the vampire believes her mirage is in place, it is not. Failure: No result Success: The illusion works as normal. Exceptional Success: The willpower cost is rescinded.

Suggested Modifiers Modifier -2 Situation The vampire is trying to create an illusion like nothing she has experienced.

Fata Morgana (2) Description: The vampires illusion appeals to whatever senses he chooses, though it still cannot move. Examination may prove an object false. The illusion lasts so long as the vampire is present. The more successes the more detailed and realistic the illusion. Cost: 1 Willpower Dice Pool: Wits+Expression+Chimerstry vrs Wits Action: Extended (each roll indicates 1 round). Roll Results Dramatic Failure: The vampire believes the illusion is in place, though it is not. Failure: No result. Success: Progress is made on the illusion. Exceptional Success: Additional successes are their own reward.

Suggested Modifiers

Modifier -2

Situation The vampire is trying to create an illusion like nothing he has experienced.

Apparition (3) Description: The vampire can add this power to Fata Morgana, allowing movement. Cost: One cycle of movement costs 1 blood point. For example, a fire flickering would cost one, or a guard dog circling would cost one. Making the fire appear to spread, or causing the dog to start lunging and barking costs another. Dice Pool:Action: Reflexive

Permanency (4) Description: This adds on to any lower level Chimerstry power, it makes the illusion last until the vampire cancels it. Cost: 1 Willpower, 1 Vitae Dice Pool:Action: Reflexive

Horrid Reality (5) Description: This inflicts horrifying hallucinations on a target, causing them to believe they are being burned alive, or shredded, or something. This deals 1 point of Bashing damage per success. Cost: 1 Willpower, 1 Vitae Dice Pool: Wits+Intimidation+Chimerstry-targets Composure Action: Instant

Roll Results Dramatic Failure: The illusion rebounds on the vampire, she takes 1 level of Bashing damage. Failure: No result. Success: The target believes they are being harmed, and cons himself into taking damage. Exceptional Success: Additional successes are their own reward.

Suggested Modifiers Modifier +1 Situation The vampire knows a specific fear of the targets. Daimoinon Sense the Sin, Description: The character can, after brief conversation, learn the answer to any one question about the target per success. The possibilities are:

What is the targets Vice? What is one Derangement of the subject? Is the subjects Morality less than 5? What is one Flaw the character possesses? What group of Attributes is the subject weakest in? What group of Skills is the target weakest in? What is the subjects weakest attribute? What is one supernatural weakness of the target? Cost: 1Willpower Dice Pool: Wits + Empathy + Daimoinon - Composure Action: Instant Roll Results Dramatic Failure: False or misleading information. Failure: No result. Success: Things work as planned.

Exceptional Success: Additional successes are their own reward.

Suggested Modifiers Modifier +1 -1 -1 to -3 Situation The vampire has the targets True Name. For every dot of humanity the target possesses above 7. The character is rushed or distracted, such as by evoking a power in combat or while trapped in a burning building. This penalty is cumulative with multiple distractions (such as by casting a ritual in combat during a hurricane). Successes gained on a meditation roll for the night offset interruption penalties on a one for one basis.

Fear of the Void Below, Description: The character must have used Sense the Sin on the target previously. It fills the targets mind with fear borne of their own particular weakness, and of oblivion following failure. Each success removes 1 die from the subjects dice pools for the scene due to terror. Cost: 1 Willpower Dice Pool: Manipulation + Empathy + Daimoinon vrs Composure Action: Instant, resistance is Reflexive. Roll Results Dramatic Failure: The power is turned back on the Cainite/Mortals take the vampires successes as Bashing damage due to overwhelming panic, Cainites enter torpor. Failure: No result. Success: Things go as planned. Exceptional Success: The subject must flee in gibbering fear/The power cannot work on that character unless the vampire successfully uses Sense the Sin on them again.

Psychomachia, Description: The vampire must have used Sense the Sin on the target previously. Once this is done, the character may call forth a nightmare from the subjects own psyche that they must contend with. The creature has the following traits:

Power: Subjects Intelligence -5, Finesse: Subjects Manipulation -5, Resilience: Subjects Resolve -5, Size: Subjects Presence -5 Speed: Subjects Composure -5+10.

The creature attacks the subject and the subject only, and is only visible to the subject. The subject must make a Resolve + Composure roll to do anything other than attack or flee from the creature. While ranged weapons appear to hurt the creature (because the subject believes they should), they pass right through it, and will hit anyone in the line of fire. Injuries are always in Bashing damage, and if they wipe out the subjects health levels, they always fall unconscious or enter Torpor. The creature remains until destroyed and it always looks like the embodiment of the subjects worst nightmare. Cost: 1Willpower, 1 Vitae Dice Pool: Manipulation + Empathy + Daimoinon vrs Composure Action: Instant, resistance is Reflexive. Roll Results Dramatic Failure: A psychomachia is created. It uses the caster as a target. Failure: No result. Success: Things go as planned. Exceptional Success: The casters Daimoinon is an extra Attribute pool for the creature.

Conflagration, Description: The vampire can summon forth bursts of pure oblivion against physical targets. This can appear as a rent in reality, black flames, or with any number of unpleasant effects (which often appear differently to different viewers). Each success deals 1 level of Aggravated damage. The range uses the vampires Daimoinonx3 as a base. Cost: Willpower, 1Vitae Dice Pool: Wits + Firearms + Daimoinon Action: Instant Roll Results Dramatic Failure: The vampire suffers a level of aggravated damage. Failure: A miss. Success: Things go as planned. Exceptional Success: Additional successes are their own reward.

Suggested Modifiers Modifier Situation

Standard ranged weapon modifiers.

Concordance, Description: The vampire may take on certain demonic traits, each costing 3 XP. These gifts physically alter the vampire in some way and take the form of either particular demonic powers, or physical features of a demons form. All not-so-subtly warp the vampires form. They cannot negate the need for blood, or grant resistance to sunlight. Cost: Variable Dice Pool: Wits + Survival + Daimoinon (if any) Action: Typically Instant, if any.

Dementation Page 116 122 of Lords over the Damned Obeah This Discipline was first practiced by Saulot, who refined the raw art of healing. Many in the Modern Nights forget about the Salubris healing power. This Discipline is never taught to outsiders as it requires rigorous demands of its users, and the Salubri wish to remain useful.

Third Eyes Sight, The Salubri manifests a partial eye in the center of her forehead. This endowment grants insight into a subject's health and his very nature. A successful roll offers insight into a subject's health, with more successes granting more information. One success reveals if the subject is mortal, undead, ghoul, animal or other, and can determine if he's injured. Two successes senses the extent of any injury, while three reveals the presence of disease or other maladies (a valuable ability for blood-feeding predators) or a general estimation of a vampire's blood pool. More successes offer details, such as precise diagnoses and how an injury occurred. Redeemed: Further, the presence of even a rudimentary third eye grants the vampire a +2 to any roll to heal someone diagnosed via Third Eye's Sight, whether through traditional, modern or supernatural means. Further, her dreams take on a less sinister cast granting insight and clues on how attain the fabled state of Golconda. Cost: None Dice Pool: Wits + Empathy + Obeah Action: Instant Roll Results Dramatic Failure: You get the opposite reading instead of what truly is, (I.E. some one with full Health reads as nearly dead.) Failure: You can not determine the state of the target. Success: As noted above. Exceptional Success: Additional successes are their own reward. (See above)

All-Seeing Eye, At this point, the Soulsucker's third eye is fully developed. By spending a point of Willpower, she can cause her eye to open and glow intensely for a scene. The vampire gains the 9-again quality when making perception rolls and using sensory powers (including Auspex, other Obeah powers and blood magic); a vampire with an Humanity of 8 or above gains the 8-again advantage for such rolls (allowing her to reroll all successes). The Kindred can glean a general sense of a opponents power in relation to her (weaker, stronger or roughly equal) with an [Intelligence + Empathy + Obeah] roll. Redeemed: The Salubri finds it easier to gain insight; she doesn't have to spend a Willpower to activate this power. Cost: 1 Willpower

Burning Touch, The vampire's touch causes intense agony when she wills it; the pain is of any sort she desires (burning, the sting of bees, a gangrenous limb, etc.), though no actual damage is done. The vampire's third eye must be open for her to use this power. Each blood point spent reduces the victim's die pools by two for as long as the Salubri maintains contact. The Kindred must employ this power judiciously; if the die penalty exceeds the victim's Health or Willpower (whichever is lower), the subject may pass out or (if mortal) even die of fright if a [Stamina + Composure] check fails. This power is often used during interrogation or as punishment. Redeemed: The polar opposite of the power employed by fallen children of Saolat, the Touch of the Healer heals the living and undead alike. By laying her hands on a subject, she may restore lost Health by spending blood points; each blood point spent heals two points of bashing or one lethal, while healing aggravated damage requires four blood points per Health point. Alternately, the vampire may spend a blood point while touching a mortal, and halve her natural recovery time a less direct way of healing, should the Salubri want to act subtly. Cost: 1 Vitae per Effect (read above)

Shepherds Watch, The vampires third eye opens with blazing fire, creating a ward that makes approaching with Cainite a grueling psychic challenge. Any and all trying to approach the vampire must engage in this. The ward lasts for one scene.

Cost: Vitae Dice Pool: Presence + Intimidation + Obeah, resisted with Composure Action: Extended/Resistance is Extended (both last one turn, on a turn of successful Resistance the only action that may be taken is to approach the Cainite) Roll Results Dramatic Failure: The ward shatters, all comers may approach at will/The would be aggressor finds himself paralyzed for the scene. Failure: The aggressor may approach/The aggressor may not approach. Success: The aggressor is stood off/The aggressor may approach this round Exceptional Success: The aggressor is paralyzed for the scene/The ward is shattered, all comers may approach.

Suggested Modifiers Modifier Situation

1 to -3 The character is rushed or distracted, such as by combat or while being harried by persuers. This penalty is cumulative with multiple distractions. Successes gained on a Meditation roll for the night offset interruption penalties on a one-for-one basis.

Spirit-Eating, The vampire actually removes the subject's soul from his body and takes it into herself through the third eye. This requires a point of Willpower and an extended [Wits + Empathy + Obeah] roll; the assailant must attain a number of successes equal to the victim's Morality stat, resisted by a reflexive Willpower roll. The subject needn't be willing (and usually isn't!), but must be relatively still and unmoving; restraints or ghoul helpers work nicely for this. This power permits easy diablerie of vampire foes, with the added bonus that it can be used on mortals and other creatures. If the soul is taken, the body falls into a mindless, near-catatonic state. The monstrous Soulsucker now has the option to either devour the soul, or warp it and return it to its body. In

the latter case, the spirit returns to the body with a permanent derangement, and possibly a different Nature or strange compulsions implanted by the Salubri such subtle manipulations require an extended [Manipulation + Empathy] roll, with a success threshold of the victim's Willpower. Devouring the soul kills the victim (needless to say), and allows the vampire to absorb and assimilate its memories, knowledge and even capabilities. This is diablarie, basically, though the vampire gains a +2 bonus on all rolls she makes during the gruesome process except for degeneration checks. (See diablerie) Redeemed: The vampire removes the soul, as described above, but doesn't torment or eat it; rather, she can heal it and restore the spirit to a proper and balanced state. Each point of Willpower spent restores a dot of lost Humanity. The Redeemed can't grant new dots, only restore that which has been lost (much like a healer can't magically grant new Health dots to a patient). Further, Morality loss that happened more than a month beforehand can't be redressed. Finally, one can only ever benefit from one use of Spirit-Eating from a specific vampire, and subsequent attempts by other Salubri to use this power on him become increasingly difficult, simulated by cumulating penalties on Spirit-Eating rolls, requiring more Willpower for restoration, etc. Suggested Modifiers Modifier 1 to -3 Situation

The character is rushed or distracted, such as by combat or while being harried by persuers. This penalty is cumulative with multiple distractions.


Silence of Death, The vampire can negate all sound within 5 per point of Quietus the practitioner possesses. This lasts 1 scene. Cost: 1Vitae

Dice Pool:Action: Reflexive

Scorpions Touch, The vampire may convert as much Vitae as they can spend in a round into a toxin with a Potency equal to the practitioners Quietus level. The poisoned Vitae deals 1L per point. It must be ingested or introduced into the targets blood stream to be effective. It works on both living and vampiric targets, but cannot harm things like zombies or Revenants unless they are created through vampiric blood sorcery of some sort. The vampire may not use the poisoned Vitae for any normal Vitae related purpose once it is transformed. Cost: 1Willpower Dice Pool:Action: Instant

Dagons Call, After touching a target, the vampire has until the next sunrise to fill the subjects lungs with blood, even beyond capacity, drowning and constricting the target from the inside out. Each success does one point of Bashing damage to the target. After 5, successes, mortals begin to drown. Cost: 1Willpower, 1Vitae Dice Pool: Presence + Medicine + Quietus versus Stamina Action: Extended, Resistance is Reflexive. Roll Results Dramatic Failure: The vampire loses her grip on the target, and cannot make another attempt to use this discipline against the target until the moon rises next. Failure: No result. Success: Things go as planned.

Exceptional Success: A point of Lethal damage is done, vampiric targets lose a point of Vitae.

Suggested Modifiers Modifier +1 Situation The vampire has a picture or item from the victim when they attempt to use the damaging aspect of this power. +2 The vampire is actually in the victims presence when they activate the power.

Baals Caress, The vampire must suffer 1 level of Lethal damage to cut themselves, and smear vitae on their weapon. This causes the damage of the weapon in question to become aggravated for the scene. Cost: 1 Vitae, 1Willpower Dice Pool: Action: Instant

Taste of Death, Description: The vampire can spit a caustic stream of acid at a target dealing 1 level of aggravated damage per success. The range increment is the vampires Strength + Blood Potency. Cost: 1Vitae Dice Pool: Dexterity + Athletics+ Quietus Action: Instant

Suggested Modifiers



Modifiers and roll results are as firearms.


Eyes of the Serpent, Description: The vampires eyes become gold with slit pupils. Anyone meeting the vampires gaze becomes fascinated and frozen in place until either they break free, are harmed (the Kiss doesnt count) or the vampire looks away. This power only works in person. Cost: 1Willpower Dice Pool: Presence + Persuasion + Serpentis versus Composure. Action: Instant, Resistance is Instant. Roll Results Dramatic Failure: The target is repelled, and is immune to this power from this vampire for one lunar cycle. Failure: The subject is not trapped. Success: Things work as planned. Exceptional Success: The subject cannot roll to resist any longer.

Tongue of the Asp, Description: The vampires tongue becomes three feet long, narrow, forked, and sharp at the points. The tongue can be fed through, as with the Kiss (same effects and all), or can be used as a weapon doing +1L. Additionally, the tongue can feel vibrations in the air, halving all penalties for operating in darkness. Cost: 1Vitae

Dice Pool:Action: Reflexive

Skin of the Adder, Description: The vampires skin grows supple scales. This grants the vampire +1 Armor per point of Serpentis the vampire has, this armor protects against sources of Aggravated damage other than fire and sunlight. Additionally, the vampire becomes far more supple, adding 1 point of Dexterity per 2 points of Serpentis the vampire possesses (round down). Lastly, the undeads mouth widens and the teeth sharpen, causing the vampires bite to deal +2L, and not require a grapple. The Kiss is impossible when this power is in use, unless the Tongue of the Asp is active, and then only via that power. Cost: 1 Vitae, 1Willpower Dice Pool:Action: Instant

Form of the Cobra, Description: The vampire becomes a huge black cobra, as thick as a small womans thigh, and roughly twice the length of the vampires humanoid height. The modifications for this form are as follows:

Dexterity: +3, Manipulation: -5, Size -1, Speed: -2, Perception: +2, -2 for sound based rolls, Armor: 1/1, Bite +1L.

This form is poisonous, with a venom potency of 5 that does aggravated damage.

All disciplines that do not require speech or hands are available in this form. Cost: 3 Vitae

Dice Pool:Action: Instant

Heart of Darkness, Description: The vampire can remove her own heart from her chest, and keep it elsewhere. The heart can be destroyed by casting it into a fire or sunlight, or pierced with a wooden stake. Staking the heart paralyzes the vampire as normal, and exposing it to fire or sunlight is instant death for the vampire in question. The vampire separated from her heart is in an interesting condition. She cannot be staked through the normal procedure. She gains +2 dice to resist Frenzy, and all emotion effecting powers. For the cost of 3XP, the vampire may learn how to perform this feat upon another. This requires that the subject of this ability be immobilized, and the roll becomes an Extended action requiring 5 successes, modified by the recipients Stamina. Possessing a vampires heart grants excellent blackmail potential, and +2 dice to use any other supernatural power on the vampire whos heart is held. In either variant, this can only be done on the night of the New Moon. Cost: 2 Willpower, 1Vitae. Dice Pool: Intelligence + Occult + Serpentis - Stamina Action: Extended, 5 successes required. Each roll takes 1 minute. Roll Results Dramatic Failure: Any successes thus far are converted to Lethal damage upon the target. A roll to resist Rotshreck is required. Failure: No result. Success: Progress is made. Exceptional Success: The thing is done.

Suggested Modifiers Modifier Situation

1 to -3

The character is rushed or distracted, such as by evoking a spell in combat or while trapped in a burning building. This penalty is cumulative with multiple distractions (such as by casting a ritual in combat during a hurricane). Successes gained on a meditation roll for the night offset interruption penalties on a one for one basis.

Note: these are the "ritual" based NEcromancy and Thaumaturgy, I do not use them anymore I have gone back to the old path system, but I digress....

This is a sort of blood magic that vampires can use to create a wide variety of effects. A character can only have spells equal to or less than her Thaumaturgy level. Each time a level of Thaumaturgy is learned an additional spell is learned as well. Cost: 1 Willpower, 1 Vitae Dice Pool: Intelligence+Occult+Thaumaturgy Action: Extended (1 action per level of spell)

Suggested Modifiers Modifier -1 to -3 Situation The character is rushed or distracted, such as by evoking a spell in combat or while trapped in a burning building. This penalty is cumulative with multiple distractions (such as by casting a ritual in combat during a hurricane). Successes gained on a meditation roll for the night offset interruption penalties on a one for one basis.

Level 1

Bind the Accusing Tongue Description: The vampire can prevent the subject from speaking ill of him until they can successfully overcome the spell (make a Resistance roll). This ritual requires a hair from the head of the target, an image or effigy of the target, and a black silken cord which is wound round the image and hair. The whole thing crumbles to dust once the effect is ended.

Action: Extended (each role requires 1 minute)/Resisted (resistance is reflexive). Roll Results Dramatic Failure: The components crumble to inert dust. Failure: No result. Success: Things go as planned. Exceptional Success: Additional successes are their own reward.

Brand of the Paramour Description: The vampire must drink from both of a set of twins, and then feed her ghoul before expending Vitae. The vampire will then will know when the ghoul is injured (though not how badly or by what) so long as the ghoul lives and remains a ghoul. Action: Extended, each roll takes 10 minutes. Roll Results Dramatic Failure: The vampire believes that the ritual works, but gets false or misleading information. Failure: No result. Success: Things go as planned. Exceptional Success: The vampire may gain a sense of the amount of damage the ghoul has taken.

Suggested Modifiers Modifier +1 Situation For every year the ghoul has been kept.

Communicate with Kindred Sire Description: The vampire can communicate with her sire until one or the other desires to stop the conversation, or for 10 minutes per success. This requires an item once owned by the sire. Communication is mind to mind, and this ritual alone does not allow for mind reading. Action: Extended, each roll requires hour. Roll Results Dramatic Failure: The vampire sends her message randomly through the ether, something may or may not get it. Failure: No result. Success: Things go as planned. Exceptional Success: The sender gets an idea of her sires general location.

Suggested Modifiers Modifier -1 Situation Sire and Child are of different bloodlines.

Dedicate the Chantry Description: This ritual prepares a single building to accept warding magics over its whole structure. To perform it, the vampire must walk counterclockwise around the building sprinkling stale water. After this, the vampire must reach the lowest point at the center of the structure to anoint himself and the center with what is left of the stale water. Once this is done, any ritual intended to protect a place or a ward gains a +1 bonus to the die roll. Each separate room requires 1 additional success. Action: Extended, each roll takes hour. Roll Results Dramatic Failure: Defensive rituals performed here lose 1 die. Failure: No result.

Success: Things go as planned. Exceptional Success: Every 5th success grants an additional +1 bonus to later rituals.

Defense of the Sacred Haven Description: This ritual prevents sunlight from entering an area within 20 of the rituals casting. Glyphs and a warding circle drawn in blood are required for this ritual to work. This ritual lasts until the next sunset. Cost: 2 additional points of Vitae. Action: Extended, each roll requires one hour. Roll Results Dramatic Failure: While the ritual appears to work, some flaw causes it to shatter upon contact with sunlight. Failure: No result. Success: Things go as planned. Exceptional Success: An additional sunset is achieved.

Suggested Modifiers Modifier +1 Situation The ritual is performed in a place the vampire has habitually slept in for one lunar cycle. -1 The ritual is performed in what is effectively a public place, such

as a hotel room.

Deflection of Wooden Doom Description: The vampire must meditate in a circle of wood while performing the ritual, while keeping a splinter under the tongue. Once complete, the next wooden stake actually used in an attempt to pierce the vampires heart crumbles to dust. The effects last until the next sunset. Action: Extended, each roll requires 1 hour. Roll Results Dramatic Failure: The vampire believes the ritual to have worked, but instead a +1 bonus is added to all staking attempts. Failure: No result. Success: Things go as planned. Exceptional Success: Another sun set or stake attempt is gained.

Devils Touch Description: The mortal must be present for this ritual to work. It cannot be performed on any creature with a supernatural power statistic (such as Blood Potency). A penny must be placed somehow in the mortals possession. The effects last until the next sunrise. It makes others see the mortal in question as a loathsome individual of some sort (that guy sure looks like a kiddie toucher.). This deprives the mortal of the benefit of the 10 and again rule on social dice. Action: Extended, each roll requires 1 minute. Roll Results Dramatic Failure: Things rebound on to the vampire. Failure: No result. Success: Things go as planned. Exceptional Success: The mortal loses the vampires Thaumaturgy in social dice as well.

Elemental Strength

Description: The vampire gains 3 bonus dots to devide among Strength and Stamina for the rest of the scene. The vampire must be in skin on surface contact with unworked stone or the earth when this ritual is performed. Action: Extended, each roll requires 1 Instant action. Roll Results Dramatic Failure: 1 Lethal damage. Failure: No result. Success: Things go as planned. Exceptional Success: The vampire gains an additional attribute dot for the duration.

Encrypt Missive Description: The vampire can make a document or other writing illegible to any but themselves and the intended reader. Other readers get nothing but gibberish. Anyone with this ritual can attempt to decode writing protected this way with an opposed roll. Action: Extended, each roll takes 10 minutes. Roll Results Dramatic Failure: The writer, and intended reader cant make heads or tails of this, but others can. Failure: No result. Success: Things go as planned. Exceptional Success: Additional successes are their own reward.

Engaging the Vessel of Transference Description: The vampire fills an ornate vessel about the size of a small tea kettel etched with special hermetic sigils with up to three points of her own Vitae. This is then sealed with a lid and red wax. Anyone holding the vessel feels a small chill, but no discomfort as one point of Vitae is extracted from them and replaced with the casters. This can create a Vinculum. The vessel must be made of ceramics infused with bone dust and the etchings must be filled with red

bronze and silver. Once created, the vessel can be activated by filling it with Vitae and spending a point of Willpower. Action: Extended, each roll takes 1 day to prepare the vessel. Roll Results Dramatic Failure: The vessel will take and destroy 3 points of the creator, (and only the creators) vitae once they touch it. Failure: No result. Success: Things go as planned. Exceptional Success: The vessel can take two points from the one holding it for each one of its creators.

Eyes of the Sea Description: The vampire may peer into a body of still, standing water and view events that have occurred on it up to one lunar cycle previous. Action: Extended, each roll requires 10 minutes. Roll Results Dramatic Failure: Spirits of the water are irritated. Failure: No result. Success: Things go as planned. Exceptional Success: An additional lunar cycle back in time can be viewed.

Flatline Description: A mortal under the effects of this ritual enters a coma until the next sunrise and appears to have none of the secondary characteristics of being alive. This will fool medical professionals most of the time (-successes to Medicine checks to find vitals) and will automatically fool mechanical or electronic devices. This ritual requires a small dead insect or animal be placed in the subjects actual home. It can only be used once per month on any given target.

Action: Extended, each roll requires 10 minutes. Roll Results Dramatic Failure: The vampire thinks it works, it doesnt. Failure: No result. Success: Things go as planned. Exceptional Success: Additional successes are their own reward.

Fortify the Solid Form Description: The vampire may add 1 durability to an object per point of Thaumaturgy he possesses. This adds +1 to any damage it may be capable of inflicting. This lasts for one night. Action: Extended, each roll takes ten minutes. Roll Results Dramatic Failure: The reverse of what was intended is achieved. Failure: No result. Success: Things go as planned. Exceptional Success: Every 5th success adds another to durability or +1 to damage potential.

Guests Herald Description: The ritualist creates a ward, and once crossed an audio or visual effects notifies him of the event. The effect, once decided can must be static, and must involve actual items in the real world. The ritualist, thus, may not be there to witness the event (which is the same every time). The effect must be subtle, and non-offensive. The ritualist may cancel the ward at any time. Action: Extended, each roll requires 10 minutes.

Hermetic Sight

Description: The vampire can see objects in Twilight as overlays on the physical world for one scene. Action: Extended, each roll requires 1 Instant action. Roll Results Dramatic Failure: The vampire can sporadically see into the Spirit Wilds, but doing so completely interrupts seeing in the physical world. Failure: No result. Success: Things go as planned. Exceptional Success: The vampire can see into the Spirit Wilds with an additional Willpower point spent, without interrupting material vision.

Suggested Modifiers Modifier +2 +1 -1 -2 -3 Situation In the vicinity of a powerful Nexus In the vicinity of a weak Nexus Small town, village, or other built up countryside area. City suburb or town. Dense urban area.

Illuminate the Trail of Prey Description: The vampire can see the tracks of a target as pale glowing footprints on the ground. This only works if the target was on foot. The vampire must have a piece of the target or an item belonging to them. This ritual is mostly practiced by the Sabbat. Action: Extended, each roll takes 1 minute. This is resisted with Composure, resistance is Reflexive. Roll Results

Dramatic Failure: False or misleading information. Failure: No result. Success: Things go as planned. Exceptional Success: The vampire can track vehicles the target uses so long as the target was driving.

Incantation of the Shepherd Description: The vampire can, by chanting and slowly spinning while looking into a glass object. At the end of the ritual he gets a sense of the distance and direction of the nearest 3 mortals from whom he has fed at least three times. Action: Extended, each roll requires 5 minutes.

Scent of the Lupines Passing Description: The vampire must inhale the smoke from a burning bundle of specially prepared herbs. For the rest of the night, the vampire can detect werewolves by scent. This requires a separate Wits+Composure roll to smell if a place or object has recently been handled/inhabited by a lupine, or to get a scent on a person more than about a yard away. The scent of a lupine can be detected automatically (supernatural invervention requires a Test of Wills) if the lupine is closer than a yard or so. Action: Extended, each roll requires 10 minutes. Roll Results Dramatic Failure: The vampires nose grants false or misleading information. Failure: No result. Success: Things go as planned. Exceptional Success: Every 5th success grants an additional +1 on the subsequent perception rolls.

Summon Simple Form

Description: The vampire conjures an inanimate object. The object cannot have any moving parts, and it must all be made from one type of material. Each turn the vampire wishes to keep the object, another point of Willpower must be spent. Each success grants an object with one point of Structure. Action: Extended, each roll takes 1 Instant action. Roll Results Dramatic Failure: The vampire manages to agitate the local spirit world. Failure: No result. Success: Things go as planned. Exceptional Success: The object is permanent.

Taste for Blood Description: The vampire must taste the blood of the subject. From that drop of blood, the vampire can learn one of the following per success: How much blood is in the target, how recently they have fed, Generation within 3, blood potency within 3, if the subject is a vampire, mortal, or other supernatural, a mental image of the target. Action: Extended, each roll requires 1 minute. Roll Results Dramatic Failure: False or misleading information. Failure: No result Success: Things go as planned. Exceptional Success: Every 5 successes can answer another one of the following questions: What is the targets name, Have they committed diablerie, an image of their sire, an image of any one of their childer, have they sired.

Suggested Modifiers Modifier Situation


For every question that the character can already answer accurately.


For every hour old the blood is.

Wake with Evenings Freshness Description: The vampire must spread the ashes of a burnt feather around her sleeping space. If the ritual works, the vampire can automatically awaken from slumber at any disturbance during the day. Each success grants one turn without the Humanity dice pool limit for daytime activity. This ritual must be the last thing done before laying down to sleep. Action: Extended, each roll requires 10 minutes. Roll Results Dramatic Failure: Not only does the ritual fail, but an additional -1 penalty is imposed on all rolls to wake up that day. The same penalty implies for the first turn after awakening. Failure: No result. Success: Things go as planned. Exceptional Success: Additional successes are their own reward.

Zillahs Litany Description: The vampire may, with one drop of blood, gain the name and a rough impression of each vampire that the subject is blood bound to or has a Vinculi with. This ritual is known primarily to the Sabbat. Action: Extended, each roll requires 5 minutes. Roll Results Dramatic Failure: False or misleading information. Failure: No result. Success: Things go as planned.

Exceptional Success: The degree of vinculum is known.

Level 2

Blood Rage The thaumaturge may force the subject to spend Vitae at a rate of one point per success the ritualist gets. The subject must either be touched by the vampire, or the thaumaturgist must have something belonging to the target. Action: Extended, each roll requires an Instant action. Roll Results Dramatic Failure: The thaumaturgist loses an additional point of Vitae. Failure: No result. Success: Things go as planned Exceptional Success: Additional successes are their own reward.

Suggested Modifiers Modifier +1 Situation The vampire has tasted the blood of the subject.

Blood Walk Description: Each success grants the vampire the answer to one of the following questions: Who is one person in Vinculum with the subject. Who is the subject in Vinculum to? Each success may be used to trace the characters lineage back one Generation granting either an image of the ancestors face or the ancestors True Name per success. Each ancestor requires double the number of successes. This can go forward in the same manner, seeking childer. This ritual requires a sample of Vitae from the vampire to be traced. In some instances this may require a Test of Wills, if the ancestor/childer/Vincullum holder has certain potent powers of concealment.

Action: Extended, each roll requires 3 hours. Roll Results Dramatic Failure: False or misleading information. Failure: No information is gained. Success: Some questions are answered. Exceptional Success: Additional successes are their own reward.

Suggested Modifiers Modifier +1 -2 Situation The subjects Clan is known by the ritualist. The subject is a Caitiff.

Burning Blade Description: The vampire must cut herself with a bladed weapon (1 lethal), while performing the proper chant. Once completed the weapon does Aggravated damage against any creature with a mystical power stat while glowing with a flickering green light. Unlike the usual course with aggravated damage, this item does not ignore armor. It lasts for one attack per success. This ritual cannot be drawn out for additional successes. Cost: +2 additional Vitae. Action: Extended, each roll requires 1 Instant action. Roll Results Dramatic Failure: The weapon itself takes a level of aggravated damage. Failure: No result. Success: Things go as planned. Exceptional Success: Additional successes are their own reward.

Burnout Description: The vampire can attempt to fry any electronic device she can see with her own eyes that is within 10 yards times Willpower. Each success deals 1 level of Aggravated damage to the device. Action: Extended, each roll requires an Instant action. Roll Results Dramatic Failure: The vampire suffers 1 Bashing damage. Failure: No result. Success: Things go as planned Exceptional Success: Additional successes are their own reward.

Suggested Modifiers Modifier -1 Situation The device has a surge protector.

Crystallize the Liquid Form Description: Any liquid within line of sight may be turned into a solid with the a durability equal to the vampires Thaumaturgy. The liquid may not already be inside a creature, but the blood seeping from a wound may be solidified. This lasts for the scene. Up to one cubic foot of liquid can be transformed this way. Action: Extended, each roll requires an Instant action. Roll Results Dramatic Failure: The power misfires in some random, bad for the caster, way. Failure: No result. Success: Things go as planned.

Exceptional Success: The transformation lasts an hour.

Deny the Intruder Description: The vampire must scrawl wards inside the area to be protected in charcoal. Once paperwork regarding this place enters the system, bureaucratic issues prevent any attention from actually reaching the building. Papers are misfiled, the internet eats memos, people assume that a bill is paid without checking, that sort of thing. Any attempts to investigate the building via records or the internet are at -1 per initial success. The wards must be renewed once per month. Action: Extended, each roll requires 15 minutes. Roll Results Dramatic Failure: The building sends up multiple bureaucratic red flags. Failure: No result. Success: Things go as planned. Exceptional Success: Additional successes are their own reward.

Suggested Modifiers Modifier -1 Situation For every outside service the area has (electricity, gas, cable).

Gremlins Description: The vampire must touch one object to discharge the spell. Once this is done, the object takes 1 point of Lethal damage per success. Durability subtracts from this damage, which appears as signs of age and corrosion. Action: Extended, each roll requires 1 Instant action. Roll Results Dramatic Failure: Some random object on the vampires person suffers damage.

Failure: No result. Success: Things go as planned. Exceptional Success: Additional successes are their own reward.

Suggested Modifiers Modifier -1 -2 Situation Object is made from purely natural materials. Object to totally unworked.

Inscription Description: The vampire may impart any 1st or 2nd level ritual into a written form for anothers use. The caster must pay the cost, and perform the ritual, which is then activated by any other, once. After the ritual is used, the ink turns into inert ash. The instructions are annotated in the extreme, the inscribed ritual cannot be used to learn Thaumaturgy. Activating the stored ritual requires an Intelligence+Occult roll. Action: Extended, each roll takes 5 minutes Roll Results Dramatic Failure: The stored ritual will automatically have a Dramatic Failure, effecting the initial caster. Failure: No result. Success: Things go as planned. Exceptional Success: Every 5th success grants a +1 to the user activating the ritual.

Iron Body

Description: The vampire can cause themselves or any other target to treat Aggravated damage from fire and sunlight as Lethal for one hour. The subject must carry a spent shell casing with them for the duration. Action: Extended, each roll requires 5 minutes. Roll Results Dramatic Failure: The magic appears to work, but the subject actually takes an additional point of lethal damage for the duration. Failure: No result. Success: Things go as planned. Exceptional Success: An additional hour is gained.

Masters Order Description: The vampire must use this ritual in a place she has spent the night at least once. This will allow the vampire to know the location of any object that belongs to her (even through theft) so long as it is in her haven. This lasts for one scene per success. Action: Extended, each roll takes 1 minute. Roll Results Dramatic Failure: False or misleading information. Failure: No result. Success: Things go as planned. Exceptional Success: The effect lasts till sunrise.

Suggested Modifiers Modifier -1 Situation For every room beyond the casters Thaumaturgy.


For every thousand square feet beyond the vampires Thaumaturgy.

Palm of Flame Description: The vampire may call up a baseball sized ball of fire to her hand. It will not burn so long as the vampire holds it. The fire can be thrown to a range increment equal to the vampires Thaumaturgy+Wits. Once released, the fire acts normally. Initial contact deals 2 levels of damage, as the fire is considered to be the size and heat of a torch. Cost: 1 additional Willpower. Action: Extended, each roll takes 1 Instant action. Roll Results Dramatic Failure: The vampire catches herself on fire, taking 1 level of Aggravated damage and is forced to roll for Rotshreck. Failure: No result. Success: Things go as planned. Exceptional Success: Every 5th success increases the Heat increment of the fire by one, and therefore its damage level.

Principle Focus of Vitae Infusion Description: The vampire takes an object between the size of a baseball and a dime and infuses it with one point of her own vitae. Once the ritual is completed, the item takes on a reddish hue and becomes slick to the touch. The thaumaturgist can then cause the item to break down into a small pool of blood ready for consumption at a later time. If another is present during the ritual, or a piece of another, or the item belongs to another, the item can be attuned to them and they can retrieve the vitae. The blood must come from the ritualist, however, with all attendant complications. Cost: 1 additional vitae. Action: Extended, each roll takes 5 minutes. Roll Results

Dramatic Failure: The vitae is foul and undrinkable once retrieved. Failure: No result. Success: Things go as planned. Exceptional Success: An additional bloodpoint can be added to the object.

Suggested Modifiers Modifier +1 Situation The object has sentimental value to the intended recipient.

Prison of Water Description: The vampire can cause water (1/2 the targets size in gallons, round up.) to grab and hold a target until sunrise or until the ritualist chooses to negate the power. Even after the water has initially bound a target, the caster can add more successes for a firmer hold, living creatures can even be drowned this way. This ritual is resisted with Strength. The water can lash out its size away (again, rounded up). Action: Extended, each roll requires an Instant action, resistance is also Instant. Roll Results Dramatic Failure: That particular body of water will not respond to the casters call again for one lunar cycle. Failure: No result. Success: Things go as planned. Exceptional Success: Mortal targets can be drowned.

Spirit Speech Description: The vampire is able to speak with any spirits he can see for one scene and understand their attempts at communication for the same duration.

Action: Extended, each roll requires an Instant action. Roll Results Dramatic Failure: The spirit will automatically be hostile. Failure: No result. Success: Things go as planned. Exceptional Success: The vampire gains an additional +1 per 5 successes on social rolls with spirits for the scene.

Spite of the Harridan Description: The vampire may terminate any pregnancy if the pregnant individual is within the Cainites sight. This ritual requires crushing a snakes egg. The termination of the pregnancy is messy and painful to the would be mother. Action: Extended, each roll requires 30 seconds. This is resisted with Composure with a Reflexive action. Roll Results Dramatic Failure: The vampire loses an additional Vitae. Failure: No result. Success: Things go as planned. Exceptional Success: The target suffers 1 level of Bashing damage per success. Steps of the Terrified Description: The target of this ritual, who must either be in the vampires sight (or the vampire may have a piece of the target), finds their Speed reduced by the vampires successes. The vampire must throw a handful of poplar buds at the target, and then douse her hands in oil. Once done, the vampire must wring the oil from her hands while following the target. Action: Extended, each roll requires an Instant action. Roll Results Dramatic Failure: The vampire finds her own speed reduced.

Failure: No result. Success: Things go as planned. Exceptional Success: Additional successes are their own reward.

Strike True Description: The vampire may add their Blood Potency and their Thaumaturgy to their next roll to attack. Action: Extended, each roll requires 1 Instant action. Roll Results Dramatic Failure: Strike that, reverse it. Failure: No result. Success: Things go as planned. Exceptional Success: Every 5th success can be added as a bonus as well.

Subvert Description: The vampire must have some piece of the target, or close personal item. The vampire can use this to cause a subject to be consumed by their Vice for one hour per success. What this means is that the target must act on their vice when confronted with it or lose 1 point of Willpower. This power is resisted with Composure. Action: Extended, each roll requires 10 minutes, resistance is Reflexive. Roll Results Dramatic Failure: The power backfires onto the caster. Failure: No result. Success: Things go as planned. Exceptional Success: Additional successes are their own reward.

Suggested Modifiers Modifier +1 +1 -1 Situation The subjects Vice is known. The subjects Morality is 4 or less. The subjects Morality is 7 or more.

Warding Circle Versus Ghouls. Description: The vampire creates a circle of a 10x10 radius. Any ghoul hitting the edge of this feels resistance and a puff of wind. Persistence in the face of this deals 3 bashing damage. Forcing the circle requires a Resistance roll. The ritual normally lasts the rest of the night, but it can be made permanent. This ritual involves drawing a rune at the center in a pigment made from mortal blood. Action: Extended, each roll requires 1 hour for the temporary ward, or 3 hours for the permanent. Resistance is Instant and uses Resolve. Roll Results Dramatic Failure: While the ward appears to work, it actually does not. Failure: No result. Success: Things go as planned. Exceptional Success: Every 5 successes doubles the radius.

Ward Versus Ghouls Description: This ritual creates a glyph that causes pain to ghouls who touch it. The glyph affects one solid part of an object. It could effect a car door, but not the whole vehicle. This can be added to weapons, but bullets warp on firing, ruining the glyph. Once created, the glyph is permanent unless defaced somehow. Any ghoul touching the warded object takes 3 levels of lethal damage. Warded weapons gain +3L as a bonus if used against ghouls. Cost: 1 additional vitae

Action: Extended, 5 hours per roll. Roll Results Dramatic Failure: The ward appears, but will only work against ghouls with the vitae of the thaumaturge in their veins. Failure: No result. Success: Things go as planned. Exceptional Success: +1 damage.

Wooden Tongues Description: The vampire can speak with the spirit of an inanimate object. Such spirits tend to have rather intimate knowledge of a limited region of concerns (who uses them, when, how are they cared for) and tend to have a number of related wants. Most dont much care for vampires, and the ones that do tend to be objects of bloody violence or malice. No spirit will offer information for free, and negotiation for such information as it has tends to be an opposed Manipulation+Persuasion vrs the spirits Finesse+Rank (usually about 4 dice, more for objects that are connected strongly with their owner or a set of owners, or that have strong symbolic value.)/ Action: Extended, each roll takes 10 minutes Roll Results Dramatic Failure: The spirit is angry. The ritualist suffers a -1 penalty to any attempts to use a similar object for one lunar cycle. Failure: No result. Success: Things go as planned. Exceptional Success: +1 dice to negotiate with the spirit of the object.

Suggested Modifiers Modifier +2 Situation The spirit of the object is already awakened somehow.

+1 -1

The object has strong symbolic value. The object has never had any sort of regular owner.

Level 3

Acid Touch Description: The vampires hands become coated in acid. This does not harm the vampire or any gear on her person when the ritual was cast. Anyone the vampire attacks in hand to hand suffers 1 level of Aggravated damage per point of Vitae invested in the ritual (expenditure can happen once per roll). The acid lasts 1 scene. Action: Extended, each roll requires an Instant action. Roll Results Dramatic Failure: Backfire, the vampire suffers the damage instead. Failure: No result. Success: Things go as planned. Exceptional Success: Additional successes are their own reward.

Blood of Potency The vampire may increase her blood potency for one hour. Each success grants one additional hour of use or one additional level of blood potency. This has no effect on those who diablerise the vampire in the meantime, or any childer she embraces in this state. This may be done only once per night. Action: Extended, each roll requires an Instant action. Roll Results Dramatic Failure: Backfire, the vampires blood potency drops by one for one hour.

Failure: No result. Success: Things go as planned. Exceptional Success: Additional successes are their own reward.

Blood to Water Description: The vampire must touch his target, and some of that targets blood turns to water. In mortals this manifests as one point of Lethal damage per success. In vampires, one point of Vitae is destroyed per success, and a Stamina+Composure roll each round to resist vomiting water, for one round till it is successfully resisted. Action: Extended, each roll requires 1 Instant action, Resisted is Reflexive, using Stamina. Roll Results Dramatic Failure: The vampire suffers the loss of an additional point of Vitae. Failure: No result. Success: Things go as planned. Exceptional Success: Additional successes are their own reward.

Suggested Modifiers Modifier +1 Situation Within sight of at least a bathtubs worth of water.

Feast of Ashes Description: The target can not feed on blood for one night per success. Instead they must feed on ashes, and may only gain 1 Vitae per night this way, which may only be used for arising the next night. This ritual requires a part of the subject, or an item owned by them. This ritual is mostly known to the Sabbat. Action: Extended, each roll requires 10 minutes.

Roll Results Dramatic Failure: Backlash Failure: No result. Success: Things go as planned. Exceptional Success: Additional successes are their own reward.

Flesh of the Fiery Touch Description: The vampire swallows a burning ember, and thereafter anyone attacking the target unarmed suffers 2 levels of Fire damage for the rest of the night, this does not apply to the caster attacking someone else, for some reason. The casters skin takes on a sun-browned hue which can add one beyond Humanity limits to the vampires dice pools. Cost: 1 Aggravated damage level, 1 Willpower Action: Extended, each roll requires 1 hour. Roll Results Dramatic Failure: The vampire takes 2 levels of aggravated damage. Failure: No result. Success: Things go as planned. Exceptional Success: The vampire can deal damage unarmed.

Hells Calling Description: This ritual requires something that belongs to the subject, which is burned at the climax of the ritual. When this happened, the subject feels flames, and emotionally feels that flames are right in front of them. This essentially provokes a check against the Red Fear in Cainites. Action: Extended, each roll requires 10 minutes. Roll Results

Dramatic Failure: Backfire, the caster is effected. Failure: No result. Success: Things go as planned. Exceptional Success: Every 5th success forces another -1 penalty on the check to resist Rotshreck.

Incorporeal Passage Description: The vampire becomes insubstantial for one scene. During this time the ritualist is incorporeal, and thus can pass through solid objects and is immune to physical attack. Unfortunately, the character can only move in a strait line on a level course, and is vulnerable to things in twilight. Once moving, the vampire cannot retreat along his course. The ritualist must carry a shard of a mirror turned toward himself to hold his reflection. The vampire may drop the shard at any time to end the ritual prematurely. Cost: 1 additional Willpower Action: Extended, each roll indicates 1 Instant action. Roll Results Dramatic Failure: The vampire is trapped in Twilight for one hour per success before the point of the Dramatic Failure. During this time the vampire is completely immobile. Failure: No result. Success: Things go as planned. Exceptional Success: The vampire moves at double his normal rate.

Lesser Animation Description: The vampire can animate a dead creature as a zombie which will follow simple commands. Each success allows a greater size for the creature to be animated, adds 1 to one attribute (up to +2 on original), or grant it one minor ability. The zombie has the following traits

Power: Original Strength, Finesse: Original Dexterity, Resistance: Original Stamina Physical Integrity: x2 original Size, Speed: Higher of Finesse or Power+5 Aspects: Indestructible, Limited Intelligence, Preservation 3, Quick Movement Weaknesses: Vulnerability to Fire and Sunlight Possible Enhancements: +1 damage, Lethal damage (already has this if original form did), Tough. Action: Extended, each roll requires 1 hour. Roll Results Dramatic Failure: The critter animates, and attacks. Failure: No result. Success: Things go as planned. Exceptional Success: Additional successes are their own reward.

Liquefy the Solid Form Description: The vampire can deal one level of aggravated damage per success to solid objects (not living or undead creatures). This manifests by the objects melting into a puddle. The object must be within line of sight, and stays this way for a scene, before regenerating 1 level of Structure per round until it is reconstituated. Action: Extended, each roll requires an Instant action. Roll Results Dramatic Failure: A misfire in some random way that is bad for the caster. Failure: No result. Success: Things go as planned. Exceptional Success: Additional successes are their own reward.

Magic of the Smith Description: The vampire can conjure objects made of multiple materials and with moving parts. Ordinarily, these things cost 1 Willpower per turn to keep them once they are created. Each success allows an item with 1 Structure, or 1 degree of complexity. Each degree of complexity is as follows.

1 for each different material up to 5. 1 for each simple machines, such as gears, wedges, and pullies up to 5. 1 for each spring, up to 5. +2 requiring fuel. +4 for being electrical. +10 for being computerized.

Cost: 2 additional Vitae. Action: Extended, each roll requires 10 minutes. Roll Results Dramatic Failure: You manage to really anger local machine spirits. Failure: No result. Success: Progress is made. Exceptional Success: Lots of progress. 5 successes beyond what is needed to make the object can make it permanent.

Suggested Modifiers Modifier +1 +1 +1 -1 Situation Character possesses a relevant Craft specialty. Character possesses a relevant Science specialty. Some piece of a relevant material is on hand. For every point of Crafts under 4 the character has.

Movement of the Mind Description: The vampire can move any object they can see up to a Strength equivalent to their Thaumaturgy. The possible speed is equal to the vampires Intelligence+Wits+Thaumaturgy. Subjects resist with Composure, this is Reflexive. The vampire can use this power on themselves to fly, if they have enough Strength to lift themselves. This power lasts for a scene. Action: Extended Roll Results Dramatic Failure: The magical backlash deals 1 point of Bashing damage to the thaumaturgist per success. Failure: No result. Success: Things go according to plan. Exceptional Success: Every 5th success increases the Strength by 1.

Pavis of Foul Presence Description: This ritual causes Majesty effects to rebound on their user. Anyone attempting to use Majesty on the vampire using this ritual is effected as if the same ability was used with the same degree of success on them, by the ritualist. This ritual lasts till the next sunrise, and requires an item of blue silk, which must be worn by the ritualist. This particular trick is known only by the Tremere. Action: Extended, each roll requires 1 minute. Roll Results Dramatic Failure: The vampire believes the ritual works, but all attempts to use Majesty against her gain +1 dice. Failure: No result. Success: Things go as planned.

Exceptional Success: The ritualist is aware of all Majesty attempts used against him.

Rhyme of Discord Description: Once this ritual is performed, anyone in the vampires haven other than the thaumaturge himself loses 1 point from all Mental and Physical rolls while on the premises for each point of Thaumaturgy the ritualist possesses. The place seems to warp and change, preventing observations and effective action. This lasts until the next sunset. Action: Extended, each roll requires 10 minutes. This is resisted individual with Wits as an Instant action. This clears perceptions up for one round per success. Roll Results Dramatic Failure: The ritual effects the caster. Failure: No result. Success: Things go as planned. Exceptional Success: Every 5th success gains a sunset or adds to the penalties of intruders.

Suggested Modifiers Modifier -1 -1 Situation Per room to be affected beyond the casters Thaumaturgy. Per 1,000 feet to be affected beyond the casters Thaumaturgy.

Ritual of the Bitter Rose Description: This rite requires a vampire with a Blood Potency of at least 7 to be Diablerised by multiple Cainites. The number that may partake is the difference between the lowest Generation vampire and their target in generation. The elder must be drained of all but one Vitae, and their heart must be cut out, ground up, and mixed with the ash of a rowan wood stake and red wine. This concoction must be drunk by all participants who all gain the benefits of, and drawbacks therein, of Diablerie.

Action: Extended, each roll requires Roll Results Dramatic Failure: The liquid is toxic, each participant takes 3 levels of aggravated damage. Failure: No result. Success: Things go as planned. Exceptional Success: No additional benefit is gained.

Sanguine Assistant Description: The vampire creates a creature as a servant made of odds and ends and a quantity of Vitae. It is perfectly loyal to its creator, and has the following statistics when created: Power: 1, Finesse: 2, Resilience: 1 Size: 1, Speed: 6 (species factor 3) It suffers aggravated damage from Fire and Sunlight. It can attack for lethal damage, as sharp parts are generally part of the construction.

It lasts till dawn, at which point it crawls back into the bowl it was created from and falls apart. Unless it was killed with aggravated damage, it can be recreated the next night for the cost of 1 Vitae. Each time it is recreated it gains 1 Finesse until it reaches par with its creators wits. Over time, the critter starts to gain thought patterns and a personality similar to its creator. Cost: +4 additional Vitae. Action: Extended, each roll requires 15 minutes. Roll Results Dramatic Failure: The critter is hostile. Failure: No result. Success: Things go as planned.

Exceptional Success: +1 attribute.

Suggested Modifiers Modifier +1 Situation For every 2 nights the same materials are used from the same creation bowl to create the same creature.

Shaft of Belated Quiescence Description: This ritual requires that a shaft of rowan wood be soaked in 3 points worth of Vitae, and blackened in an oak fire. The weapon then need only make contact for a splinter of it to come loose in the target and begin working its way to the heart. At this point, each round after penetration the stake splinter deals 1 level of Lethal damage per minute as it makes its way to the targets heart. It does this once the initial attack damage plus the damage per round equal 5 (+1 per point of active Resilience). Mortals at this point, must roll Stamina+Resolve each round or take a point of Aggravated damage until death. Vampires react as if the stake were driven directly into their heart. This process can be averted by a surgeon going after the tip, which is an opposed Intelligence+Medicine vrs Thaumaturgy roll. This doubles the amount of Lethal damage done (if it doesnt happen in a hospital setting) in the turn, but once (if) the surgeon wins the splinter is retrieved preventing further harm. Each shaft is good for one successful attack. Cost: 2 additional Vitae. Action: Extended, each roll requires 3 hours. Roll Results Dramatic Failure: The shaft will not function, unless the wielder gets a Dramatic Failure on an attack roll, and therefore gets a splinter Failure: No result. Success: Things go as planned. Exceptional Success: The stake moves at a rate of 1L per round.

Transubstantiation of the Seven Description: The vampire can transform her blood into that of the Council of Seven to initiate the partial binding each Tremere Initiate must undergo. Only Tremere can use this ritual. Action: Extended, each roll takes 15 minutes. Roll Results Dramatic Failure: The caster finds themselves bound more closely to the Seven. Failure: No result. Success: Things go as planned. Exceptional Success: No additional result.

Voice of Command Description: The vampire can attempt to order about any spirit that she can see and can communicate with. The spirit cannot be made to violate its ban, or do anything directly against its nature (spirits of healing are not likely to make good assassins, for example). The order must be a single task (though their can be multiple steps), and it must be something that can be completed by the next sunset. Action: Extended, each roll takes 1 Instant action, Spirits can resist Reflexively with Resistance. Roll Results Dramatic Failure: The spirit cannot be affected by this ability for one lunar cycle, and is apt to be angry. Failure: No result, the spirit is probably pissed. Success: Things go as planned. Exceptional Success: The spirit will do anything that does not violate its ban.

Suggested Modifiers Modifier Situation

+2 +1 +1

The vampire knows the spirits True Name The vampire offers the spirit something appropriate to its type. The thaumaturgist knows the spirits ban.

Warding Circle Versus Lupines. Description: The vampire creates a circle of a 10x10 radius. Any werewolf hitting the edge of this feels resistance and a puff of wind. Persistence in the face of this deals 3 bashing damage. Forcing the circle requires a Resistance roll. The ritual normally lasts the rest of the night, but it can be made permanent. This ritual involves drawing a rune at the center in a pigment made from powdered silver. Action: Extended, each roll requires 1 hour for the temporary ward, or 3 hours for the permanent. Resistance is Instant and uses Resolve. Roll Results Dramatic Failure: While the ward appears to work, it actually does not. Failure: No result. Success: Things go as planned. Exceptional Success: Every 5 successes doubles the radius.

Ward Device Description: The vampire causes a particular computer or piece of stored media to be completely inaccessible without the vampire their to cancel the spell. Attempted access results in disturbing snow which seems to show twisted faces, or white noise that seems to reveal threats, screams, and disturbed muttering. Action: Extended, each roll requires 5 minutes. Roll Results Dramatic Failure: The vampire believes the ritual worked when it did not. Failure: No result.

Success: Things go as planned. Exceptional Success: Normal lack of access signals are shown.

Suggested Modifiers Modifier +1 Situation Per month the device has belonged to the vampire.

Ward Versus Lupines/Fae Description: This ritual creates a glyph that causes pain to werewolves who touch it. The glyph affects one solid part of an object. It could effect a car door, but not the whole vehicle. This can be added to weapons, but bullets warp on firing, ruining the glyph. Once created, the glyph is permanent unless defaced somehow. Any werewolf touching the warded object takes 3 levels of lethal damage. Warded weapons gain +3L as a bonus if used against werewolves. This glyph must be etched with powdered silver. The ward vrs Fae must be learned separately, works against Changelings as well, and uses iron filings instead of silver. Cost: 1 additional vitae Action: Extended, 5 hours per roll. Roll Results Dramatic Failure: The ward appears, but will not. Failure: No result. Success: Things go as planned. Exceptional Success: +1 damage.

Wind Dance Description: The vampire adds Thaumaturgy to their Defense for the scene. These levels of Defense are not lost due to multiple attackers or numbers. Action: Extended, each roll requires an Instant action.

Roll Results Dramatic Failure: Strike this power, reverse it. Failure: No result. Success: Things go as planned. Exceptional Success: Add Blood Potency as well.

Zeuss Fury Description: The vampire can store 1 level of Bashing damage worth of electricity per success. In addition, exposure to electricity simply adds successes to the ritual. Each level of Bashing damage can be added as a bonus to a Strength+Brawl attack or a Dexterity+Athletics attack at range (range increment equal to Thaumaturgy). The vampire may use as much or as little of the electrical charge as they desire with each attack (this works as a maximum, each success on the attack up to that maximum costs a charge but deals a level of bashing damage). For the rest of the scene, each round the vampire gathers another success worth of electrical damage. As the vampire gathers charge, her hair starts to move with electricity, sparks will appear with movement, and at a moderate charge (5 or more charges) the vampires hair will stand on end, at the high end (8 or more), the vampire will actually glow. The electricity grounds out harmlessly as the ritual ends at the end of the scene. Action: Extended, each roll requires an Instant action. Roll Results Dramatic Failure: The vampire suffers a level of lethal damage. Failure: No result. Success: Things go as planned. Exceptional Success: Additional successes are their own reward.

Level 4

Bone of Lies

Description: This ritual requires a human bone from a body at least 200 years old. One point of Vitae must be infused per successful ritual roll. Anyone holding the bone is compelled to tell the truth, though this costs 1 Vitae from the bone (A maximum of 10 points of Vitae may be infused). This calls forth the owners ghost, which either gains a derangement or loses a point of Morality each time it forces the truth from some poor bastard. Cost: At least +1 additional Vitae. Action: Extended, each roll takes 1 night. Roll Results Dramatic Failure: The vampire makes a link through which an upset ghost can act upon her. Failure: No result. Success: Things go as planned. Exceptional Success: The bone can hold an additional point of Vitae.

Curse Belated Description: This ritual marks a ghoul of the casters with a sigil that activates if the ghoul is slain, instantly transforming them into a vampire sired by the caster. Any Vitae left in their system is usable, and they gain one additional point once the ritual activates. Cost: 1 Willpower Dot. Action: Extended, each roll requires 10 minutes. Roll Results Dramatic Failure: The ritual is believed to work, but does not. Failure: No result. Success: Things go as planned. Exceptional Success: The newly minted vampire gains +1 Vitae.

Entrap Ephemera

Description: This ritual creates a Fetish, as discussed in W:tF. The fetish must be activated with a Manipulation+Occult roll, which does not benefit from the 10 and again rule. It always costs 1 Willpower and 1 Vitae to activate. The fetish lasts until there are no successes on an activation roll. Action: Extended, each roll costs 1 minute. Resisted, resistance is Reflexive. Roll Results Dramatic Failure: The spirit is free to do what it wants to, this is likely to be nothing good. Failure: No result. Success: Headway is made. Exceptional Success: The 10 and again roll does apply toward activation.

Suggested Modifiers Modifier Situation

See fetish creation rules in W:tF

Greater Animation Description: The vampire can animate a dead creature as a zombie which will follow simple commands. Each success allows a greater size for the creature to be animated above 5, adds 1 to one attribute (up to +2 on original), or grant it one minor ability. The zombie has the following traits

Power: Original Strength, Finesse: Original Dexterity, Resistance: Original Stamina Physical Integrity: x2 original Size, Speed: Higher of Finesse or Power+5 Aspects: Indestructible, Limited Intelligence, Preservation 3, Quick Movement Weaknesses: Vulnerability to Fire and Sunlight

Possible Enhancements: +1 damage, Lethal damage (already has this if original form did), Tough, +1 Armor, Additional Quick Movement, Sensitivity Action: Extended, each roll requires 1 hour. Roll Results Dramatic Failure: The critter animates, and attacks. Failure: No result. Success: Things go as planned. Exceptional Success: Additional successes are their own reward.

Heart of Stone Description: The vampire transmutes her heart to solid rock. She must lie naked on a stone slab while performing this rite, while a candle burns down on her chest. Once this is finished, the vampire gains her Thaumaturgy rating in armor against attacks aiming for the heart, and is completely immune to the Shaft of Belated Quiescence. Also, Thaumaturgy is added to any rolls to resist emotional manipulation (supernatural or otherwise) and Wassail. On the downside, the vampire loses two dice to resist Degeneration for Humanity, and three dice to all Social dice pools that arent about Composure. This ritual lasts until the caster decides otherwise. Cost: 1 Aggravated Damage Action: Extended, each roll requires four hours. Roll Results Dramatic Failure: The negative effects occur, but not the positive. Failure: No effect Success: Things go as planned. Exceptional Success: Every 5th success removes 1 die of penalty.


Description: The vampire calls up a fire roughly 5x5 anywhere within his line of sight. This fire does 5 levels of damage to anyone it is placed upon. Once released it cannot be controlled by the vampire. Action: Extended, each roll requires an Instant action. Roll Results Dramatic Failure: Bad luck, the fire appears on the caster. Failure: No result. Success: Things go as planned. Exceptional Success: Every 5th success adds 1 to the heat of the flames, and therefore the damage.

Reverse Conjuration Description: The character can banish any object or creature made or called via blood sorcery. The caster must get more successes then the original caster. Note that while the original flame of fire based blood magic might be banished, anything it spread or sparked to is likely to stay in reality. Objects otherwise made permanent can still be banished with this power. Action: Extended, each roll requires 1 Instant action. Roll Results Dramatic Failure: The attempt fails, and cannot be tried again. Failure: No result. Success: Progress is made. Exceptional Success: More progress is made.

Suggested Modifiers Modifier +1 Situation An object belonging to the original caster is in hand.

Splinter Servant Description: The vampire creates a creature made of animated wood. The wood must come from a tree nourished by the dead, bound in wax, and sealed in nightshade twine. When the binding is removed, the creature attacks whomever the wielder commands, or the wielder if he does not designate a target within 1 round. The creatures statistics are as follows:

Power: 2, Finesse: Thaumaturgy, Resistance: 3 Size: 2, Speed: Power+Finesse+5. The critter has +2 Defense over what it should have due to small size and jerky movements. It can jump the same distance as a man sized creature, and it will always try and strike the heart. Being made of wood, the result is obvious. The creature can be targeted by whomever unwraps it, and it suffers 1 level of Lethal damage as it shakes itself apart.

Action: Extended, each roll requires 6 hours. Roll Results Dramatic Failure: The servant will always attack whomever unwraps it. Failure: No result. Success: Things go as planned. Exceptional Success: The critter suffers a level of Bashing damage each round.

Temportal Description: The vampire may link any door in her haven to any other for a brief instance. The caster can therefore use the door from her bedroom to put her outside, or rig a door in the front, next time it is opened, to deposit whomever opens it in the back yard. The door must be in the vampires haven, as defined as a place she has spent the day in at least once. The temporal transposition is only good the next time the door is opened. Action: Extended, each roll requires an Instant action.

Dramatic Failure: The door opens someplace unwanted. Enemies end up in the inner sanctum, the caster ends up in the Spirit Wilds, all that kind of thing. Failure: No result. Success: Things go as planned. Exceptional Success: The enchantment lingers, and the caster may activate the door to do something unexpected again if they so choose.

Theft of Vitae Description: The vampire physically forces blood from a target. This physically launches itself in a stream to the thaumaturge, who absorbs it through their left hand. Each success transfers one point of Vitae. The target must be within line of sight. Action: Extended, each roll requires 1 Instant action. Roll Results Dramatic Failure: The thaumaturge loses a point of Vitae and a health level. Failure: No result. Success: Things go as planned. Exceptional Success: Additional successes are their own reward,

Suggested Modifiers Modifier +1 Situation An item belonging to the target is in the warlocks possession.

Warding Circle Versus Cainites. Description: The vampire creates a circle of a 10x10 radius. Any vampire (but not kue-jin) hitting the edge of this feels resistance and a puff of wind. Persistence in the face of this deals 3

bashing damage. Forcing the circle requires a Resistance roll. The ritual normally lasts the rest of the night, but it can be made permanent. This ritual involves drawing a rune at the center in a pigment made from spilled Vitae. The caster is immune to her own ward. Cost: 2 additional Vitae. Action: Extended, each roll requires 1 hour for the temporary ward, or 3 hours for the permanent. Resistance is Instant and uses Resolve. Roll Results Dramatic Failure: While the ward appears to work, it actually does not, against any vampire other than the creator. Failure: No result. Success: Things go as planned. Exceptional Success: Every 5 successes doubles the radius.

Ward Versus Cainites Description: This ritual creates a glyph that causes pain to vampires who touch it (but not kueijin). The glyph affects one solid part of an object. It could effect a car door, but not the whole vehicle. This can be added to weapons, but bullets warp on firing, ruining the glyph. Once created, the glyph is permanent unless defaced somehow. Any vampire touching the warded object takes 3 levels of lethal damage. Warded weapons gain +3L as a bonus if used against vampires. The caster is immune to her own ward. Cost: 3 additional vitae Action: Extended, 5 hours per roll. Roll Results Dramatic Failure: The ward appears, but will only work vampire that created it. Failure: No result. Success: Things go as planned. Exceptional Success: +1 damage.

Level 5

Blood Contract Description: The vampire draws up a contract written in his own blood, and signed by another being in its blood. Both sides of the contract must be upheld their end, and this will be enforced by a literal demon if someone tries to do otherwise. This ritual requires the use name of a Demon to work. Cost: +2 additional Vitae. Action: Extended, 10 minutes per roll. Roll Results Dramatic Failure: The thaumaturge must hold of their end, but the other is free in clear. There will still be demonic enforcement. Failure: No result. Success: Things go as planned. Exceptional Success: The vampire has a bit more wiggle room than the other party.

Suggested Modifiers Modifier +4 +2 +1 -1 Situation The True Name of the Demon is known. The Celestial Name of the Demon is known. The True Name of either party to the contract is known. Only a pseudonym of the other party is known.

Cauldron of Blood

The vampire must touch the target to activate this ability. The subject then suffers one point of Aggravated damage per success as their blood boils in their veins. Vampires and ghouls also lose one point of Vitae per success. Action: Extended, each roll requires an Instant action. This is resisted with Stamina, resistance is Reflexive. Roll Results Dramatic Failure: Backfire. The ritualist suffers all accumulated successes as aggravated damage and loses a like number of Vitae. Failure: No result Success: Things go as planned. Exceptional Success: Additional successes are their own reward.

Cognizant Construct Description: The vampire essentially reawakens a slain being with a new template. The creature is treated as being Blood Bound to the vampire who created it, and is a sort of minor undead. The following traits apply:

Attributes: These are whatever the original creature had, but -1 to Presence, Manipulation, Intelligence, and Wits (minimum 1)

Firearms do Bashing damage to the creature, which need not eat, drink, or breath. Health levels are Staminax2+size. They suffer Aggravated damage from fire and sunlight. The creature can heal by devouring freshly dead meat and rolling Resolve+Composure. Each size point worth of flesh heals 4 bashing damage, 1 lethal, or .5 aggravated damage. Alternately, a Willpower point restores all Bashing damage or 1 lethal. These things do not suffer wound penalties unless it is from Aggravated damage.

Morality is reduced by 1 (minimum 1) and one Derangement is gained.

1 Willpower point can be expended to grant the creature +3 Strength for the scene.

Action: Extended, each roll requires 1 hour. Roll Results Dramatic Failure: The critter animates, and attacks. Failure: No result. Success: Things go as planned. Exceptional Success: Additional successes are their own reward.

Create Talisman Description: The character must make a long, pointed object that must be carved with runes symbolizing the vampires true name, and the sum of his mystical knowledge. While holding it, any magic targeted at the vampire loses 1 die, while any Thaumaturgy performed by the vampire while they are holding this item gains +2 dice. Used as a weapon, the Talisman adds +1 to the dice pool to use it, whatever it would be ordinarily. While the vampire may enchant a found item, all rune carving or what have you must be made by the would-be owner. If another gets their hands on the vampires Talisman, it can be used to target magic at the owner with +3 dice. Action: Extended, each roll requires 6 hours, and only one roll can be made per night. Roll Results Dramatic Failure: The Talisman makes targeting the vampire with magic easier, +1 die. Failure: No result. Success: Things go as planned. Exceptional Success: The vampire gains an additional die to casting spells with the Talisman, and foes lose a die to cast at the vampire.

Suggested Modifiers

Modifier +1

Situation The item itself is hand made by the vampire.

Duality Description: The vampire can see creatures in Twilight and physically interact with them for the rest of the scene. Creatures in Twilight may respond in kind. Action: Extended, each roll requires 1 Instant action. Roll Results Dramatic Failure: The vampire is transported bodily to the Spirit Wilds and must find her own way home. Failure: No result. Success: Things go as planned. Exceptional Success: The vampire can maintain this state for one hour per 5 successes or until they decide to turn it off.

Stone of the True Form Description: This ritual creates a weapon in the form of a small pebble, roughly the size and shape of a marble. The stone must be smeared with the users Vitae. From that point on, if the stone comes into contact with a shape-shifted or disguised creature, it is forced to make a resistance roll or return to its true form, and must remain that way for one turn per success. Each marble is good for one strike. Cost: 1 additional Vitae. Action: Extended, each roll takes 10 minutes. Resisted with Composure as a Reflexive action. Roll Results Dramatic Failure: The creature is immune to this ritual from this caster for one lunar cycle. Failure: No result. Success: Things go as planned.

Exceptional Success: Additional successes are their own reward.

Stone Slumber Description: The vampire must cover herself in the blood of a 12 hour old corpse, and then stand stock still facing east. Once the first rays of sunlight touch her, she will turn to stone (durability 5) and take no damage from fire or sunlight. She will also be completely dormant for 12 hours. Rotshrecking at the sight of the sun will ruin the spell. Action: Extended, each roll takes hour. Roll Results Dramatic Failure: The vampire is frozen in place, but is burned by the sun as normal. Failure: No result. Success: Things go as planned. Exceptional Success: Every 5th success adds one to the ritualists durability.

Valediction Description: The subject loses all supernatural benefits of any diablerie they have committed in their unlife. The subject must be within sight of the ritualist. Action: Extended, each roll requires 15 minutes, Resisted with Composure as a Reflexive. Roll Results Dramatic Failure: Backlash Failure: No result. Success: Things go as planned. Exceptional Success: The subject takes a level of aggravated damage as well.

Verdant Blade Description: The vampire may cause any sharp object to act as a stake for one use. The object must be long enough to penetrate the heart. The weapon must be immersed in a mixture of tree sap and water along side a rowan branch. Action: Each roll requires 5 minutes Roll Results Dramatic Failure: The weapon shatters the first time it is used. Failure: No result Success: The weapon works as expected. Exceptional Success: The weapon may be used as normal without expending the enchantment, only a successful staking attempt will trigger the effect.

Warding Circle Versus Ghosts, Spirits, or Demons. Description: The vampire creates a circle of a 10x10 radius. Any creature of the specific type hitting the edge of this feels resistance and a puff of wind regardless if it is manifested in the physical plane, in Twilight, or in the Spirit Wilds. Persistence in the face of this deals 3 bashing damage. Forcing the circle requires a Resistance roll. The ritual normally lasts the rest of the night, but it can be made permanent. This ritual involves drawing a rune at the center in a pigment made from Vitae, and either Holy Water (demons), sage ash (spirits), or ground up grave stone (ghosts). Each ward against non-physical entities must be learned separately. Cost: 1 additional Vitae. Action: Extended, each roll requires 1 hour for the temporary ward, or 3 hours for the permanent. Resistance is Instant and uses Resolve. Roll Results Dramatic Failure: While the ward appears to work, it actually does not. Failure: No result. Success: Things go as planned. Exceptional Success: Every 5 successes doubles the radius.

Ward Versus Demons, Ghosts, or Spirits. Description: This ritual creates a glyph that causes pain to a specific non-physical entity that comes into contact with it, whether in Twilight, or physically manifested somehow. The glyph affects one solid part of an object. It could effect a car door, but not the whole vehicle. This can be added to weapons, but bullets warp on firing, ruining the glyph. Once created, the glyph is permanent unless defaced somehow. Any creature of the appropriate type touching the warded object takes 3 levels of lethal damage. Warded weapons gain +3L if used against the appropriate sort of critter. Such weapons can be used against creatures in Twilight for only the +3L if the wielder can see thing thing. Each sort of ward against non-physical entity must be learned separately. The glyph must be inlayed with a pigment containing Holy Water (for demons), sage ash (for spirits), or ground gravestone (for ghosts). Cost: 1 additional vitae Action: Extended, 5 hours per roll. Roll Results Dramatic Failure: The ward appears, but does not. Failure: No result. Success: Things go as planned. Exceptional Success: +1 damage.

Description: This is a sort of blood magic that vampires can use to form a bridge between the lands of the living and the lands of the dead. A character can only have spells equal to or less than her Necromancy level. Each time a level of Necromancy is learned an additional spell is learned as well. Cost: 1 Willpower, 1 Vitae Dice Pool: Intelligence+Occult+Necromancy Action: Extended (1 action per level of spell)

Suggested Modifiers Modifier -1 to -3 Situation The character is rushed or distracted, such as by evoking a spell in combat or while trapped in a burning building. This penalty is cumulative with multiple distractions (such as by casting a ritual in combat during a hurricane). Successes gained on a meditation roll for the night offset interruption penalties on a one for one basis.

Level 1 Rituals

Call of the Hungry Dead Description: The victim begins to hear snatches of sound from Twilight, both ghostly and spiritual. This will be mostly unintelligible, and some of it may well be in the spirit tongue. This can be disconcerting for anyone, particularly the unprepared. This ritual requires a hair from the head of the target to be burnt in the flame of a black candle. This lasts for one sunrise per success. Action: Extended, ten minutes per roll. Roll Results Dramatic Failure: The ritual rebounds upon the caster. Failure: No result. Success: Things work as expected. Exceptional Success: The subject draws the attention of those that he can hear.

Eldritch Beacon Description: The vampire must melt a green candle and form it into a ball. The ball glows in Twilight in the eyes of ghosts, and makes them +1 die to effect the bearer with their abilities. The beacon lasts 1 hour per success. This ritual is most common among the Sabbat.

Action: Extended, each roll requires 15 minutes. Roll Results Dramatic Failure: The caster becomes the beacon. Failure: No result. Success: Things go as planned. Exceptional Success: Additional successes are their own reward.

Destroy the Husk Description: The vampire can destroy one dead (not undead) body, reducing it to ash, about 5 pounds per dot of size. Action: Instant

Insight Description: The vampire looks into the eyes of a cadaver and see the last thing they saw. The image appears in the cadavers eyes and is invisible to all but the necromancer. Action: Each roll takes 1 action. Roll Results Dramatic Failure: False or misleading information is gained. Failure: No result Success: Things work as expected Exceptional Success: The last thirty seconds or so of the corpse is revealed realtime.

Suggested Modifiers Modifier Situation


For every time the sun has risen since the body died.

Reapers Shroud Description: This vampire allows the caster, or a subject of her choice take on the semblance of a corpse. Skin tightens over bones, and grows pale and sallow, and joints dont want to move much. The subject loses the advantage of the 10 and again rule on Social Rolls, and vampires cannot use the Blush of Life ability. All targets lose 1 point of Dexterity. All targets gain +2 dice on any rolls involving the impersonation of a dead body. This lasts until the next sunrise for mortals, and vampires can negate this earlier than that by spending 2 Vitae. Performing this ritual on another requires a piece of the target, or an item belonging to them. If cast on oneself, the vampire can end the effect at any time. This power is most common among the Sabbat. Action: Extended, each roll requires 1 Instant action. Roll Results Dramatic Failure: The vampire suffers 1 lethal damage. Failure: No result. Success: Things go as planned. Exceptional Success: The effect lasts until next sunset.

Shroudsight Description: The vampire can see into Twilight for a scene. Action: Extended, each roll takes 1 round. Roll Results Dramatic Failure: The vampire can see into the Underworld, and only the Underworld for the scene. Failure: No result. Success: Things work as planned.

Exceptional Success: The necromancer can instantly differentiate between ghosts and spirits.

Suggested Modifiers Modifier +3 +2 +1 -1 -2 -3 Situation Graveyard or Battlefield Church, Hospital, or building more than 100 years old Building between 50 and 100 years old or handmade structure. Parking lot or modern commercial building Modern industrial building Modern laboratory.

Touch of Death Description: The vampire can sense whether a ghost has manipulated something in the physical world. Action: Each roll requires 1 action. Roll Results Dramatic Failure: False or misleading information. Failure: No result Success: Things work according to plan. Exceptional Success: The vampire can gain a sense of what the ghost did to the object in question.

Suggested Modifiers Modifier Situation

-1 or more

Per sunrise since the ghost acted.

Tremens Description: This ritual allows the necromancer to cause a single corpse to shift once. Eyes may open, the body may sit up, or an arm may suddenly lurch in a direction. Action: Each roll takes 1 round. Roll Results Dramatic Failure: The necromancer offends a ghost tied to the body. Failure: No result. Success: Things work as expected. Exceptional Success: The necromancer finds this body useful. +1 die to any further attempts to alter it.

Level 2 Rituals

Apprentices Broom Description: The necromancer can animate a single weak zombie. It has the following statistics.

Power: 2, Finesse: 1, Resilience: 2, Health: 5, Initiative: 1 Physical Integrity: 10, Size: 5, Speed: 1 Aspects: Indestructible, Intensely Stupid

Cost: 1 additional Vitae. Action: Extended, each roll takes 1 action. Roll Results Dramatic Failure: The zombie is upset with you, and attacks. Failure: No result. Success: The zombie is created. Exceptional Success: An additional point of Power, Finesse, or Resilience can be added to the zombie.

Suggested Modifiers Modifier +3 +2 +2 +1 -1 -2 -3 Situation Graveyard or Battlefield The summoner has the ghosts fetter in possession. Church, Hospital, or building more than 100 years old Building between 50 and 100 years old or handmade structure. Parking lot or modern commercial building Modern industrial building Modern laboratory.

Rigor Mortis Description: The vampire is able to hobble foes by causing their muscles to rigidify and tighten as in a corpse. So long as the target is within 3 per point of Willpower and the vampire can see them, this power can be attempted. Each success saps one point of Dexterity until all are gone. The targets muscles return to normal in one scene. Action: Instant, resistance is Reflexive.

Roll Results Dramatic Failure: Backlash, the vampire suffers the loss of one point of Dexterity themselves. Failure: No result. Success: Things go as planned. Exceptional Success: Each success after the 5th results in a level of Bashing damage. Eyes of the Grave Description: The vampire inflicts random, intermittent images of her own death upon a subject. This requires some item of the victims and a pinch of soil from a fresh grave. These images come without warning, block out other vision, and last up to a minute at a time. The victim must succeed a Resolve+Composure roll or be terrified into incapacity for a few seconds. The Cainite does not know the nature of the visions. This happens until the next sunrise. Action: Extended, each roll takes 1 hour. Roll Results Dramatic Failure: The ritual backfires onto the vampire. Failure: No result. Success: Things go as planned. Exceptional Success: The visions will always happen when the victim is shooting, or driving, or doing something else important.

Lifeless Tongues Description: This is an improved version of Shroud Sight. It allows the vampire to be able to both see into Twilight, but also converse with anything that cares to communicate on the other side. This lasts 1 scene. Action: Extended, each roll takes 1 minute. Roll Results Dramatic Failure: The Cainite can only communicate with, see, or hear beings in the actual underworld for the duration.

Failure: No result. Success: Things go as planned. Exceptional Success: The vampire may also communicate effortlessly with creatures in Twilight that normally do not share a language with her, such as spirits, or the dead from foreign lands, or God help her, ghosts from when the language was incomprehensibly different.

Puppet Description: The vampire smears a targets eyes, ears, and mouth with a mixture of ash from burnt bone and grave soil. The target may be willing or unwilling, but it grants ghosts +4 dice to attempt to possess the subject. Once performed, the ritual lasts for one hour per success. This ritual is most common among the Sabbat. Action: Extended, each roll requires 5 minutes, Resistance is Reflexive and uses Composure. Roll Results Dramatic Failure: Backlash. Failure: Things go as planned. Success: Additional successes are their own reward. Exceptional Success:

Summon Soul Description: The Necromancer can call forth any existing ghost if they know its name, or have a picture of it. It is required that they have part of the ghosts former body, or an item belonging to it. The Cainite can keep the ghost for one minute per success, and can see it for the duration. Action: Each roll requires 1 minute. Roll Results Dramatic Failure: An unpleasant sort of spirit shows up and decides the character is its to toy with. Failure: No result

Success: The summoned ghost arrives. Exceptional Success: The summoned ghost arrives, and is well disposed to the summoner.

Suggested Modifiers Modifier +3 +2 +2 +1 -1 -2 -3 Situation Graveyard or Battlefield The summoner has the ghosts fetter in possession. Church, Hospital, or building more than 100 years old Building between 50 and 100 years old or handmade structure. Parking lot or modern commercial building Modern industrial building Modern laboratory.

Level 3 Rituals

Compel Soul Description: The vampire can force a ghost to answer questions or perform a task for one hour per success, until completion, or until sunrise. Whichever comes first. The ghost is free to subvert the spirit of the question or request for the letter, so the necromancer had best be careful. Dice: This ritual is resisted with Resistance. Action: Extended, each roll takes 1 minute. Roll Results Dramatic Failure: The ghost is immediately free from the summoning and may act as it chooses.

Failure: The ghost is not bound, but is not released from the summoning assuming time still remains. Success: The ghost is bound. Exceptional Success: Additional successes are their own reward. Suggested Modifiers Modifier +2 Wither Description: The vampire is able to greatly weaken mortal flesh, causing it to decay quite rapidly. This power requires a touch, and each success does 1 level of fairly hideous aggravated damage to mortals. Against vampires and other undead, the damage is lethal. Action: Instant Roll Results Dramatic Failure: The vampire takes a level of aggravated damage themselves. Failure: No result. Success: Things go as planned. Exceptional Success: Additional successes are their own reward. Dead Hand Description: The necromancer can physically interact with things in Twilight and vice a versa for one scene. Action: Extended, each roll requires 1 instant action. Dramatic Failure: Interaction is only one way. Things in Twilight may physically interact with the necromancer, but she cannot physically touch them. Failure: No result. Success: Things work as planned. Situation The summoner has the ghosts fetter in possession.

Exceptional Success: The vampire can interact with things in Twilight, but thing trying to return the favor lose one die trying to interact with the necromancer.

Suggested Modifiers Modifier +3 +2 +1 -1 -2 -3 Situation Graveyard or Battlefield Church, Hospital, or building more than 100 years old Building between 50 and 100 years old or handmade structure. Parking lot or modern commercial building Modern industrial building Modern laboratory.

Resume the Coil Description: The vampire can force another out of torpor, they must be able to touch the target. Action: Extended, each roll requires 1 minute. Roll Results Dramatic Failure: The vampire loses 2 Vitae. Failure: No result. Success: Things go according to plan. Exceptional Success: The vitae expenditure for the ritual enters the target, making them somewhat less likely to frenzy on awakening.

Suggested Modifiers Modifier Situation


For every half-century the vampire has remaining until they can leave torpor.

Ritual of the Unearthed Fetter Description: This ritual requires the vampire to have the finger bone of the ghost he is interested in. When the ritual is performed, the finger bone becomes attuned to one of the ghosts fetters. The name of the ghost is necessary as well, and is a chip from a gravestone. Any gravestone will do. The finger bone acts as a sort of compass leading it to the nearest fetter of the ghost in question. It points out the direction as the crow flies. Each finger bone is good for one fetter search. Action: Extended, each roll requires 1 hour. Roll Results Dramatic Failure: The ghost knows that someone tried to find out about it, and who the individual is. Failure: No result. Success: The ritual works as planned. Exceptional Success: The vampire gains a sense of distance, and one fact about the fetters location per five successes.

Suggested Modifiers Modifier +2 +1 Situation One fetter is already in the vampires possession. The gravestone chip is the ghosts own.

Shambling Hordes

Description: The ritualist creates zombies up to one per point of Necromancy the vampire possesses per batch. They have the following statistics

Power: 3, Finesse: 3, Resilience: 4, Initiative: 3 Physical Integrity: 10, Size: 5, Speed: 1 Positive Aspects: Autonomous Parts, Indestructible, Limited Intelligence, Pack Instinct (1 applies to batches created together only). Preservation 3, Negative Aspects: Vulnerable to Fire

Cost: 1 additional Vitae per zombie created. Action: Extended action, 1 roll per 10 minutes. Roll Results Dramatic Failure: The zombies animate uncontrolled, and hungry. Failure: No result. Success: Things go as planned. Exceptional Success: The zombies gain +1 in each attribute.

Suggested Modifiers Modifier +3 +2 +2 +1 -1 Situation Graveyard or Battlefield The summoner has the ghosts fetter in possession. Church, Hospital, or building more than 100 years old Building between 50 and 100 years old or handmade structure. Parking lot or modern commercial building

-2 -3

Modern industrial building Modern laboratory.

Tread Upon the Grave Description: The vampire can sense if they are within a ghosts area of influence. This can also tell if they are in a Hallow related to the underworld, or a place of ghostly resonance. Which of these is not determined, nor is any information necessarily gleaned about the ghostly resident. Action: Each roll requires 1 action. Roll Results Dramatic Failure: False or misleading information. Failure: No result Success: The vampire can tell if they are in a ghosts area of influence, a Hallow related to the underworld, or a place of ghostly resonance. Exceptional Success: The relative strength of the ghost is known, what sort of place the vampire is in is learned, and how strong it is.

Level 4 Rituals Corrupt the Undead Flesh Description: The vampire is able to infect other undead with an unpleasant disease. The disease has a Potency equal to the vampires mastery of Mortis, and deals 1 Bashing per point of Potency until it is thrown off (the number of successes equal to the activation roll must be beaten). The subject must be within 3 per point of Willpower the vampire has. In addition to the Bashing damage, the subject loses 1 point in physical attributes equal to the amount of Bashing damage suffered that day (minimum 1), an additional point of Vitae must be spent to rise each evening (vampire victims only), and a Stamina+Resolve roll must be made upon feeding, or it will all be vomited up. Mortals in the presence of an afflicted vampire must make a Resist Disease roll or catch it if they come into the presence of the vampire. Other vampires must make the check if they consume any of the afflicteds blood. Action: Instant, resistance is Reflexive

Roll Results Dramatic Failure: Backlash, the vampire has afflicted herself. Failure: No result. Success: Things go as planned. Exceptional Success: Additional successes are their own reward,

Cadavers Touch Description: This ritual causes a mortal to physically resemble a freshly dead version of themselves. Vital signs, while present, are very weak, though the subject is not physically harmed. Socially, the mortal seems a bit colder, and slower to react than normal. Those under the influence of this ritual do not gain the benefit of the 10 and again rule. This ritual requires something belonging to the target imbedded in a wax facsimile. The ritual takes effect as the wax is melted to the point of losing its form. It lasts for two sunrises, or until the wax completely boils off. Action: Extended, each roll requires 1 hour. Roll Results Dramatic Failure: The ritual backfires onto the caster. Failure: No result. Success: The ritual works as normal. Exceptional Success: The subject loses 1 from Dexterity related rolls, and negates 1 point of wound penalty as well.

Death Knell Description: The vampire can determine if any new ghosts have been created within a half mile radius, complete with general direction. Action: Each roll takes 1 round. Roll Results

Dramatic Failure: False or misleading information. Failure: No result Success: Things work as expected. Exceptional Success: The vampire can pinpoint the ghosts location.

Ex Nihilo Description: The vampire can open a temporary passageway. Using this causes the vampire to enter Twilight, and finding a similar passage is necessary to allow the vampire to become solid again. The portals are permanent once created, requiring a point of Willpower to activate from then on. From Twilight, particularly brave/foolish vampires may search out portals to the Underworld, or the Spirit Wilds from here. Cost: 1 additional point of Vitae and Willpoewer. Action: Extended, 2 minutes per roll. Roll Results Dramatic Failure: If used, the portal will vanish behind the vampire. Alternately, the door may be one way, and closed to the vampire, allowing things to use it to manifest. This is unlikely to be a good thing. Failure: No result. Success: The ritual works as expected. Exceptional Success: The vampire has a permanent connection to this door, being able to open it without the Willpower expenditure, and able to always sense its direction while in Twilight.

Suggested Modifiers Modifier +3 +2 +1 Situation Graveyard or Battlefield Church, Hospital, or building more than 100 years old Building between 50 and 100 years old or handmade structure.

-1 -2 -3

Parking lot or modern commercial building Modern industrial building Modern laboratory.

Haunting Description: The vampire binds a ghost to a place or object. The ghost cannot move beyond 10 yards per point of power it has from the location/object it is bound to, nor can it shift itself to another fetter for the duration of this ritual. The duration is one sunrise per success. The ghost must be present to be bound. Action: Each roll requires 1 minute. Roll Results Dramatic Failure: The ghost is immune to necromancy from this vampire until sunrise. Needless to say it is angry. Failure: No result. Success: Things work as planned. Exceptional Success: The binding lasts a year and a day.

Suggested Modifiers Modifier +2 Situation The ritualist holds one of the wraiths fetters.

Devil Stick Description: The vampire must remove a leg bone from a living person, dip it in molten led, inscribe that with runes, and then proceed to bludgeon the poor bastard to death. From that point on, the club is a potent weapon against ghosts, zombies, and Revenants.

The wielder, (who may be anyone, not just the creator) must spend a point of Willpower, and then for the rest of the scene, they can see ghosts in Twilight. Hitting them with the stick does no damage (unless the ghost has physically manifested), but it burns off one Essence. Against zombies and revenants, the stick does +2 Aggravated damage while activated. All such creatures can automatically sense the sticks presence, and that it is unfriendly to them. Action: Extended, each roll requires an hour. Roll Results Dramatic Failure: The bone is ineffective against ghosts, and does +2 aggravated damage only to its creator. It is a normal club against anything else. Failure: No result. Success: Things go as planned. Exceptional Success: It drains 2 Essence from ghosts on a hit.

Soul Stealing Description: The necromancer forces a soul out of its body and into Twilight making a brand spanking new ghost fettered to the body, and a comatose body. Autonomic functions remain. The exile lasts until sunrise, when the soul can return to the body, assuming nothing else is using it. Action: Extended, each roll requires an Instant action. Roll Results Dramatic Failure: Hostile spirits and hungry ghosts are drawn to the commotion seeking a home. They will be disappointed that the necromancer did not deliver. Failure: No result. Success: Things go as planned. Exceptional Success: The spirit cannot return for one sunrise per 5 successes.

Level 5 Rituals

Chill of the Underworld Description: The subject must lay naked on a bed of grave earth with a block of ice melting on their chest. Once the ritual is completed, it lasts for one sunrise per success. This ritual causes the subject to appear to have an extremely cold body temperature. It downgrades all damage from fire or high heat by one step (Aggravated becomes lethal, lethal becomes bashing). Also, the subject may cause a fire to shrink by one step per success with a Wits+Pressence roll. Further, the ritualists aura tends to draw hostility from ghosts, and their touch causes small plants to whither and die. This ritual is primarily used by the Sabbat. Action: Extended, each roll requires 4 hours. Roll Results Dramatic Failure: The subject is plagued by hostile ghosts. Failure: No result. Success: Things go as planned. Exceptional Success: Additional successes are their own reward.

Daemonic Possession Description: The vampire opens up a corpse no more than one sunrise dead for inhabitation by any disembodied being floating about, be it ghost, spirit, or someone astrally projecting. The new tenant of the body must be willing, and can keep the corpse until it decays beyond use. The owner uses the physical attributes of the old body, with the mental and social attributes it would have anyway. The body begins to decay at an accelerated rate, losing 1 health point per sunrise. Cost: 1 additional Vitae. Action: Extended, each roll requires 1 minute. Roll Results Dramatic Failure: Somethingunpleasant animates the body. It is not grateful. Failure: No result.

Success: Congratulations are in order. A revenant has been created. Exceptional Success: The vampire gains a +1 to all social rolls regarding the new revenant.

Ephemeral Binding Description: The vampire can cause an item or being to become a fetter for a ghost for one week per success. For the duration the artificial fetter works precisely as the natural equivalent. For objects, it must be marked with vitae, for beings, the vitae must be consumed. The name of the ghost must be known, or else the necromancer must be in its presence. If the name of the ghost is known, it can be drawn out of the underworld, so long as it has not moved on to its final reward. Cost: 1 additional Vitae Action: Each roll requires 1 minute. Roll Results Dramatic Failure: The ghost knows what was attempted, and is angered. Failure: No result. Success: Things work as planned. Exceptional Success: The fetter functions for a year and a day.

Grasp the Ghostly Description: The vampire may take objects from Twilight and drag them into the physical world. Only relics, items that were once real world items that were lost or destroyed may be taken in this way. The lose 1 Structure or Durability per a number of sunrises equal to the number of successes. Something of similar mass must be sent into Twilight at the same instant as part of this ritual. Action: Extended, each roll takes 1 Instant action. Roll Results Dramatic Failure: The replica enters Twilight, but the sought item stays in place. Failure: No result.

Success: Things work as planned. Exceptional Success: Every 5th success adds one Durability to the item.

Suggested Modifiers Modifier +3 +2 +1 -1 -2 -3 Situation Graveyard or Battlefield Church, Hospital, or building more than 100 years old Building between 50 and 100 years old or handmade structure. Parking lot or modern commercial building Modern industrial building Modern laboratory.

Torment Description: The necromancer can see and interact physically with a ghost, but the ghost cannot physically interact with the vampire in turn unless it has the numina needed to do so. This lasts for a scene. Action: Each roll requires an Instant action. Roll Results Dramatic Failure: Things are reversed. The wraith can strike the necromancer as if he were in twilight, but not the other way around. Failure: No result. Success: Things work as planned. Exceptional Success: The ghost loses a die to any numina it may have to effect the physical world if they are used directly against the necromancer.

Temporis No character may learn both Temporis and Celerity. (True Brujah)

Time Attunement (1) The vampire automatically knows precisely how much time is left until sunrise, and how much time has passed since they performed any given event. Cost:Dice Pool:Action:-

Internal Recursion (2) The vampire puts the subject into a sort of mental time loop where they relive the same moment over and over until something snaps them out of it. The loop must be of mundane events, and must be something from within the last few minutes unless the vampire has access to the subjects memories. The subject will repeat actions taken during the memories (such as walking a patrol) but will be oblivious to outside stimulous. Physical contact enough to force movement from the subject will undo the effect. The vampire must be able to observe the subject to begin this power. Cost: 1 Vitae Dice Pool: Manipulation + Empathy + Temporis vrs Composure Action: Instant, resistance is Reflexive Roll Results Dramatic Failure: The vampire takes 1 level of Bashing damage. Failure: No result. Success: Things go as planned.

Exceptional Success: The subject does not move, and the recursion is entirely mental. Actual damage is required to shake them out of it.

Suggested Modifiers Modifier +1 -1 Situation The subject is doing something boring or repetitive. The vampire has not been able to observe the target for at least one minute. -2 The target is in combat, running, or otherwise doing something chaotic or strenuous.

Lapse (3) The vampire makes time slow around one target, who sees everything around them speeding up. The subject loses the vampires Temporis from all dice pools . from initiative, and from Defense for one turn per success on the vampires roll. Celerity can either be used to negate this penalty on a one for one basis, or all benefits can be sacrificed to end the effect entirely. The vampire must be able to see her target. Cost: 1 Willpower, 1 Vitae. Dice Pool: Intelligence + Occult + Temporis vrs Composure Action: Instant, resistance is Reflexive. Roll Results Dramatic Failure: 2 Bashing damage Failure: No result Success: Things go as planned. Exceptional Success: Additional successes are their own reward.

Subjective Suspension (4) Description: The vampire may stop an object in time until it is touched. Once touched, it returns to precisely the state it was in when the power was used. Thrown weapons stop in mid air, burning objects stop, and time stops decaying old parchment. The object must be visible to the vampire, and it may be no larger than size 5. Cost: 1 Willpower, 2 Vitae Dice Pool: Intelligence + Crafts + Temporis Action: Instant Roll Results Dramatic Failure: 1 Lethal damage Failure: No result Success: Things go as planned. Exceptional Success: The timeless quality grants the item an additional 1 durability for one week after being retriggered.

Suggested Modifiers Modifier -1 -2 Situation The object is moving The object is moving very rapidly (such as a projectile)

Clothos Gift As Celerity 5, but the vampire may use extended action powers as Instant if they require 5 or less successes. This causes 1 level of aggravated damage to the vampire using this power. This lasts for 1 turn per 2 dots of Temporis (round down). Disciplines that require speech are heard normally by the target.

Cost: 2 Willpower, 2 Vitae Dice Pool: Wits + Occult + Temporis Action: Reflexive. Roll Results Dramatic Failure: 2 Lethal damage Failure: No result. Success: Things go as planned. Exceptional Success: An additional turn of speed is granted for every 5 successes.

Protean Eyes of the Beast Description: The vampire can see in pitch darkness at no penalty, but may be dazzled by sudden bright light. The eyes glow with a feral red light, and the Beast is reflected in the vampires gaze, granting a +1 die to Intimidate for each point of Protean the vampire has. Cost: 1Vitae. Dice Pool:Action: Reflexive

Vicissitude The secrets of the Vicissitude discipline are jealously guarded by the Tzimisce clan and nothing short of extreme duress will make a Tzimisce share any of them to outsiders; assuming anyone else would have the stomach for them. Vicissitude allows the Horrors to shape, sculpt and mold the flesh and bone of themselves or others like clay or silly putty. Use of the discipline on mortals, ghouls and vampires of lower Blood Potency is permanent; vampires of equal or higher Blood Potency may invest blood points to heal the effects of Vicissitude with difficulty (successes from Vicissitude rolls are treated as Aggravated wounds). Vicissitude users can always reshape their own bodies but to reverse the work of others requires equal or greater Blood Potency.

Unless specified otherwise, Vicissitude always requires skin-to-skin contact with the users bare fingertips (ie. No gloves) and as gruesome as it looks, is painless to the subject; the discipline also employs a secondary anesthetic effect in the exercise of its powers. Regardless, Tzimisce torturers routinely employ Vicissitude for the profound psychological effect.

Malleable Visage, A vampire with the first level of Vicissitude may make superficial and cosmetic alterations to his own bodily parameters such as height, build, voice (via the sculpting of certain anatomy), facial features among other features. Only one extremity at a time can be sculpted per use of the power; arm, leg, torso or head. Altering the face or a visually inaccessible area without the aid of a reflective surface imposes a -3 penalty. Cost: Dice Pool: Intelligence + Crafts + Vicissitude Action: Extended. Amount of required successes depends on the complexity of the change. Each roll represents 1 turn of sculpting and the vampire may roll a number of times equal to his Intelligence + Crafts. If he fails the effort, he can try again where he left off at the next scene with a cumulative -1 penalty (see p. 128 of the WoD corebook). Challenge Target successes -Simple, artless change 1-5 or deformity. -Significant but normal 10 alteration. -Matching a specific race 15 or altering apparent age. -Matching a specific person 20 flawlessly. -Gaining 2 dots of the 25 Striking Looks merit. Roll Results Dramatic Failure: The vampire receives the Deformity drawback or loses 1 point of a Storyteller-selected Physical Attribute if a deformity was intended in the first place. 1 Vitae needs to be spent to reverse this condition. Failure: The vampire fails to make the alteration but may try again if he wishes. Success: Progress is made toward the alteration. Exceptional Success: The vampire makes significant progress. Suggested modifiers Modifier Situation +2 Vampire has a visual reference. +1 Vampire has intimate knowledge of what he intends to mimic. -1 Poor lighting conditions. -2 or more Vampire cannot keep his hands


Fleshcraft, The next step up from Malleable Visage, Fleshcraft allows the vampire to perform radical and drastic alterations on his flesh as well as the flesh of others. Only flesh (skin, muscle, fat and cartilage, but not bone) may be transformed. Fleshcraft cannot be used to damage a subject (by say, flaying a target alive or rupturing organs). Fleshcrafting an unwilling subject is considered a grapple maneuver (see WoD Corebook p. 157) so the vampire must first grapple the target and on his next turn (if the subject has not broken the grapple), roll Strength + Brawl + Vicissitude Targets Strength. Cost: 1 Vitae to have the ability to sculpt all flesh for one scene. Dice Pool: Intelligence or Dexterity + Crafts + Vicissitude Action: Instant (when grappling) or Extended. Amount of required successes depends on the complexity of the change. Each roll represents 1 turn of sculpting and the vampire may roll a number of times equal to his Intelligence + Crafts or Dexterity + Crafts. If he fails the effort, he can try again where he left off at the next scene with a cumulative -1 penalty (see p. 128 of the WoD corebook). As with Malleable Visage, only one extremity can be sculpted per use of the power. The vampire may attempt the same challenges as described in Malleable Visage on himself or another. Whether Intelligence or Dexterity is used for the Dice Pool depends on the nature and sophistication of the intended alteration. Unlike Malleable Visage, the vampire may also opt for more practical alterations detailed below. -The vampire can gather clumps of skin, fat and muscle tissue to serve as armor. For every 5 successes achieved on an Extended Dexterity + Crafts + Vicissitude action, the subject may gain 1 point of Armor at the expense of 1 point of a Physical Attribute of the vampires choice. The subject also gains the Deformity drawback. -At this level of Vicissitude mastery, the vampire can add his discipline score to dice pools for healing wounds (see WoD Corebook p. 61) and is not penalized for having no access to tools. -The vampire may create pockets of flesh to hold and/or conceal items. Every 5 successes achieved on an Extended Dexterity + Crafts + Vicissitude action allows 1 Size point worth of objects to be contained in such pockets. A subject can only hold a total Size of objects in this manner equal to its own Size rating. Exceeding half this limit (rounding up) causes the subject to gain the Deformity drawback. Creative players can work together with the Storyteller to devise other Fleshcraft options. Roll Results Dramatic Failure: The subject receives the Deformity drawback or loses 1 point of a Storyteller-selected Physical Attribute if a deformity was intended in the first place. Failure: The vampire fails to make the alteration but may try again if he wishes. Success: Progress is made toward the alteration.

Exceptional Success: The vampire makes significant progress. Bonecraft, The vampire can manipulate his bones and the bones of others the same way he can with flesh. This power is normally used in conjunction with Fleshcraft (see above) to create truly outlandish deformities; the vampire must first peel back the flesh and muscle and then use his bare fingertips to warp the exposed bone. This power can be used to inflict injury on the victim internally (see below). Deforming a resistant subject requires the vampire to engage him in grapple combat (see Fleshcraft above). It is the only Vicissitude power that can inflict pain since the usual anesthetic effect does not extend to the skin and muscle that covers the bone as it shifts. Cost: 1 Vitae to have the ability to sculpt all bone for one scene. Dice Pool: Strength + Crafts + Vicissitude Action: Instant (when grappling) or Extended. Amount of required successes depends on the complexity of the change. Each roll represents 1 turn of sculpting and the vampire may roll a number of times equal to his Strength + Crafts. If he fails the effort, he can try again where he left off at the next scene with a cumulative -1 penalty (see p. 128 of the WoD corebook). Additionally, because of the tremendous pain caused by Bonecraft, each roll in the Extended Action inflicts 1 point of Lethal damage on the subject. Any Dramatic Failures cause death or torpor to mortals and vampires respectively. To use the power as an offensive weapon in grapple combat, the vampire must have Fleshcraft activated or somehow be able to touch exposed bone. He then rolls Strength + Brawl + Viscissitude Targets Strength. Each success inflicts one point of Lethal damage on the victim as his bones rip, puncture, and slice their way out of his skin. On an Exceptional Success, the vampire can drive a rib bone into the subjects rib cage, rupturing the heart in the process. This does not send a vampire to torpor but rather causes him to lose half of his current Vitae. Like Fleshcraft, Bonecraft can be employed for more utilitarian purposes as described below: -The vampire can shape spikes or talons of bone from the subjects knuckles or fingertips. 5 successes on an Extended Roll grants the subject natural claws that have a damage rating of 1(L). Claws with a damage rating 2(L) are possible after 10 successes but the subject loses all manual dexterity (ie. He cannot use his hands for tools, guns and other precise functions). -For 15 successes, the vampire can form defensive quills on the subjects body. When the subject rolls successes in any grapple maneuver (including escaping), each success inflicts 1 point of Lethal damage to anyone besides himself who participates in the grapple in addition to success with the specific maneuver. If the subject just intends to damage his opponent in grapple combat, the damage he inflicts is Lethal. Horrid Form, The vampire gains his Vicissitude in points to divide among attributes, and a +1 to Size. In addition, the vampire gains her Vicissitude in armor, and +2L to unarmed combat due to spikes and blades and other things. Biting no longer requires a grapple. Cost: 2 Vitae

Dice Pool: Action: Instant

Bloodform, The pinnacle of a Tzimisces mastery over flesh and bone, this power enables a Kindred to liquefy his entire body and become an ambulatory puddle of blood. The size of the puddle in Blood Points is equal to the vampires maximum Health and using Vitae to activate Disciplines does not diminish it. In this form, the vampire can ooze along above the ground at his normal Speed, slipping under doors and through fine cracks with ease. He can travel in bodies of liquid as well but just as strong winds can divert a vampire in mist form, the vampire is vulnerable to being diverted by strong currents. Fortunately, it is impossible to be fully dispersed this way. The vampire does not have to touch his own skin with his fingertips to invoke this power. Cost: 1 Vitae per scene Dice Pool: This power involves no roll to invoke. The full change takes one action to complete. If the vampire is caught in a current while traveling through water, he can be subjected to unwanted direction change if he does not resist successfully. Roll Strength (plus any Vigor that the vampire activates). Theres no modifier for a light current. A strong one imposes a -1 penalty, and a maelstrom-force current imposes a -3 penalty. A success allows the vampire to travel in any direction desired for the turn, even against the current. An exceptional success allows him to travel in any direction for the remainder of the scene. A failure indicates that the vampire is pushed by the current for one turn at the speed it travels. And a dramatic failure causes the vampire to lose all control of his movement (but still as a cohesive whole) for the entire scene. If the body of water is being drained, the vampires essence can still cling to the surface if he can resist the current until the water is completely drained. While in blood form, the character is immune to all physical attacks, which at most just splash him around. Mystical attacks, however, still affect him normally, though mystical attacks that use mundane methods of delivery are similarly ineffective (such as claws or enchanted physical weapons. Fire and sunlight affect him normally as the blood form is boiled and consumed by the heat. A vampire in this state cannot physically attack anyone (not even another vampire using this power). Disciplines that do not require a body might still be effective, though. A vampire in blood form can use any Discipline he knows except for Theban Sorcery, Crac and Dominate (which is useless when he has no eyes with which to make contact and no mouth with which to speak commands). Unlike the effects of Body of Spirit, it is possible to divide a vampires blood form. The blood form needs to consist of at least a number of Blood Points equal to the size of the vampires original form in order to change back when the effect ends. If the blood form cannot reunite with the missing portions, mixing with other blood will do. When the effect ends before the vampire can reconstitute the entire blood form, any of the lost Blood Points translate into Lethal damage upon return to physical form (but no visible wounds can be seen). Action: Instant

Valeren Read the Foe, The Salubri manifests a partial eye in the center of her forehead. This endowment grants insight into a subjects health and his very nature. A successful roll offers insight into a subjects health, with more successes granting more information One success reveals if the subject is mortal, undead, ghoul, animal or other. Two successes reveal how much Vitae is in the subject, and three successes reveal what the targets highest combat dice pool. In addition, the possessor has lurid, foreboding dreams of the future, granting insight into Golconda. Cost: 0 Dice Pool: Intelligence + Medicine + Valeren Action: Instant Roll Results Dramatic Failure: False or misleading information. Failure: No result. Success: Things go as planned. Exceptional Success: Additional successes are their own reward.

Strength of Will, The vampire gains one dot to put in a physical attribute for the scene per point of Valeren they have. Cost: 1Willpower Dice Pool: Action: Instant

Fervor Strike, Description: The vampires third eye opens, and they can add Valeren to any Brawl or Weaponry attack made that round. Cost: 1Vitae Dice Pool: Action: Reflexive

Grant Death, The vampire can attempt to kill any creature that has suffered Aggravated damage with a touch. Vampires, instead, enter torpor. The death is painless. This requires the vampires 3rd eye be open. Cost: 1Willpower, 1Vitae Dice Pool: Presence + Medicine + Valeren versus Stamina Action: Instant Roll Results Dramatic Failure: The vampire suffers 1lethal damage themselves. Failure: No result. Success: The subject is slain. Exceptional Success: Major headway is made.

Vengeance of Samiel, Description: The character lashes out with a Weaponry or Brawl attack which automatically hits for full successes. Defense does not lower this. Disciplines which may add to Defense provoke a Test of Wills to see if they remain in effect. The vampires eye must be open. Cost: 1Willpower, 2 Vitae Dice Pool: Wits + Weaponry + Valeren versus Wits

Action: Instant Roll Results Dramatic Failure: The vampire loses defense for the rest of the round. Failure: No result. Success: Things go as planned. Exceptional Success: Damage is staged up, Bashing becomes Lethal, and Lethal becomes Aggravated.

Devotions Ragform (Vicissitude 3, Celerity 1) The vampire can alter the composition of his flesh and skeletal structure to assume the flexibility and suppleness of a ragdoll. He can bend and twist his limbs with a range of motion that is clearly inhuman, squeeze himself into (and out of) narrow confines and is more resistant to physical damage. The vampire does not have to touch his own skin with his fingertips to invoke this power. Cost: 1 Vitae per scene Dice Pool: None The vampire gains an Armor rating of 2 (stackable with normal armor) against physical attacks that can inflict all 3 types of damage. This bonus does not effect damage caused by explosions, fire, sunlight and other energy-based forms of harm. The vampire can stretch his jaws wide, enabling him to make bite attacks without the need to grapple. The vampire can slip his hands and feet out of handcuffs and shackles respectively and squeeze his entire body through an opening wide enough to fit his head through. Finally, the vampire also gains a +2 bonus to escape grapples in combat. Action: Reflexive

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