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Agencija za saradnju, edukaciju i razvoj




14 149 ECHOES






32 170

Lilja Petrovic Zecic

. Prof. Branko Tosovic, Ph.D.
Muharem Bazdulj
Zoran Pejasinovic
. 46 184 Assoc. Prof. Draga Mastilovic, Ph.D.
Vahdet Alemic, Ph.D.

Hr Rs
. Prof. Dr. Mladenko Sadzak
a Dusan Topalovic, MA History
Vojislav Pavlovic, Ph.D.
Zeljko Vujadinovic
. Prof. Slobodan Soja
. Assoc. Prof. Milos Kovic, Ph.D.

79 194 Miljenko Jergovic

Ba Ru
Lilja Petrovic Zecic


Dragoslav Ilic
Predrag Lozo
A Spomenka Kuzmanovic, MLSc

Stanislava Popovic


Dijana Miljatovic
Language editor/Proof-reader
Mark Dakin


124 234 Nikola Savic

Bg Gb
, Grafid, Banja Luka

1 300 Circulation 1300



Prvo to emo primijetiti itajui stare novine The first thing we notice by looking at the
iz dana nakon ubojstva austrougarskog old newspapers from the days after the
prestolonasljednika Franje Ferdinanda i assassination of the Austro-Hungarian
vojvotkinje Sofije jest da ton izvjetaja i Archduke Franz Ferdinand and the Duchess
pripisani moralni kontekst ovise o zemlji u Sophia is that the tone of the reporting and
kojoj reene novine izlaze. Po nainu na koji je the attributed moral context depend on the
opisivan atentat lako se da pretpostaviti tko e country, in which the said newspapers were
protiv koga ratovati u buduemu ratu. Politiki published. Based on the way they described
atentati u ono su vrijeme bili trenuci jasnog the assassination, it was easy to assume who
i nedvosmislenog opredjeljivanja, onako kako was going to fight who in the forthcoming war.
su to danas nasumini teroristiki napadi. The political assassinations at that time were
Atentat svi osuuju, ali po nainu na koji ga the moments of clear and the unambiguous
osuuju, a jo i vie po fatalnoj rjeici ali koja commitment, the same way as random
uslijedi nakon rijei osude, zna se to netko terrorist attacks are carried out nowadays.
misli o atentatoru, a to o njegovoj rtvi. Tako An assassination is condemned by everyone,
je bilo nakon sarajevskog, ali i nakon svakoga but based on the way they condemned it
onodobnog atentata. Uvijek su postojale and even more based on the fatal word but
novine koje e se solidarizirati s atentatorom that follows the words of condemnation, it is
i novine koje e se solidarizirati s ubijenim. Po obvious what the one thinks of the assassin,
tome se, uostalom, politiki atentati i razlikuju and what about their victim. That was the case
od ubojstava iz koristoljublja, iz strasti ili iz after the Sarajevo assassination, as well as
nehata. Novine ine razliku, a novine su uvijek after every contemporary assassination. There
ogledalo drutvene zajednice, sloja i stalea, were always newspapers expressing their
te na kraju ili na poetku - drave, njezinoga support for the assassin and those newspapers
vojnog potencijala i nacionalne ideologije. that show solidarity with those who died.
That is in fact the main difference between a
Prije sto godina pojam slobode tampe nije bio political assassination and a murder for gain,
vrsto definiran kao danas. Nisu do kraja jasni or in the heat of passion, or manslaughter.
bili pojmovi o ljudskim pravima, pa ni pravu na The newspapers make a difference, and the
slobodu izgovorene ili napisane rijei. Osim to newspapers are a mirror of the society they
nije bila uspostavljena ravnopravnost izmeu serve, of the strata and the class, and at the
ena i mukaraca, jednako vrijednim nisu end or at the beginning - of the country and
smatrani ni oni koji su se od normirane veine its military potential and national ideology.
razlikovali po boji koe, vjeri ili naciji. Prije sto
godina rasne su teorije bile neto to ne samo A hundred years ago the concept of the freedom ili sarajevskih novina u dane stogodinjice s did not know him. What they meant to each
8 da nije bilo politiki zazorno, nego je najveim of the press was not firmly defined as it is today. pisanjem novina iz tih istih gradova u vrijeme other? Gavrilo stated before the court that
dijelom pripadalo diskursima desnice i ljevice, The conception of human rights was not fully atentata. Pred takvu avanturu sjajno e nam the Archduke was a tyrant from his own
reakcionara i revolucionara... Sve to mora imati clear either, as well as the right of the freedom posluiti nalazi do kojih su u ovoj knjizi doli perspective. However, what does that word
na umu onaj koji se uputa u itanje starih of the spoken or written word. Besides that istraivai i itai starih novina. actually meant to him? That is an important
novina i donoenje krajnih zakljuaka o tome there was not an established equality between question, because it certainly did not mean to
to je proitao. men and women, for those, who had a different Ako su se poetkom jula 1914. perspektive him the same as it means to us today. Reading
colour of skin, religion or nationality from the toliko razlikovale da je slutilo na rat, i ako the old newspapers is maybe the best way to
Zahvaljujui ponajvie krvavim svjetskim standardized majority, were not considered se - bez obzira na zajedniku naelnu osudu understand individual perspectives in an epoch.
ratovima, uasu holokausta i gulaga, kao i to have the equal value or status. A hundred atentata - oko istoga dogaaja nisu mogli sloiti
nizu pokuaja da se tokom dvadesetog vijeka years ago the racial theories were not only novinari i komentatori iz razliitih dijelova
istrijebe itavi narodi (meu kojima je, ne something politically abhorrent, but it mostly Europe, premda je stvar bila naoko oigledna, However, reading old newspapers also gives
zaboravljajmo, bilo i uspjelih, dovrenih belonged to the discourses of the left and right stotinu godina kasnije, tokom cijele 2014, opportunity for something else - to compare
genocida), stvoren je vrst sustav deklaracija, wing, reactionaries and revolutionaries ... All of razilaenje u perspektivama ne samo da nije different eras, ideological fashions and the
pravnih i politikih akata, svojevrsnih this must be borne in mind of the one that are iezlo, nego se jo i zaotrilo, i pojaalo se do prevailing worldview. The anniversary of the
svjetonazorskih paktova, kojima je definirano reading the old newspapers and making the apsurda. Premda je Sarajevski atentat odavno Sarajevo assassination was a great opportunity
sve: od slobode tampe i ljudskih prava do final conclusions on what he or she is reading. preao iz suvremenosti u povijest (dogodilo for doing that. You could only compare the
aksiomatski prihvaene jednakosti svih ljudi, se to jo 1918, s prividom poetka nove writing coming from the London, Vienna,
bez obzira na boju koe i oiju, duinu bedrene europske ere...), premda su jo prije tridesetak Belgrade, Zagreb and Sarajevo media in the
kosti, oblik lubanje... Thanks mostly to the bloody world wars and ili etrdeset godina umrli posljednji svjedoci days of the centenary with the writing of the
the horrors of the Holocaust and the Gulag, Ferdinandove posjete Sarajevu, i ve dugo na newspapers from the same cities at the time
Zato sve to spominjati u prii o Sarajevskom as well as a series of attempts to exterminate zemlji nema nikoga tko je poznavao Gavrila of the assassination. Before taking such an
atentatu? Zato da bismo pokuali vlastitu entire nations during the twentieth century Principa i mladobosance, kao da vidovdanske adventure, it would be very useful to see the
perspektivu iz 2014. ili 2015. prilagoditi (among them, do not forget, there were some eksplozije i pucnjevi s Apelovog keja danas jae evidence in this book that the researchers and
perspektivama iz 1914, jer jedino tako moemo successfully, completed genocides), there was odjekuju nego to su odjekivali u novinskim readers reached by reading the old newspapers.
razumjeti to se tada dogodilo, to je na umu a sturdy system created of declarations, legal napisima iz ljeta 1914. Kao da se s mnogo vie
mogao imati Gavrilo Princip kada je pucao u and political acts that were a type of viewpoint emocionalnog angamana, afekta i sudbinskih
Franju Ferdinanda, ali i to je o svome ubojici pact, which defined everything: from the hiperbola o Sarajevskom atentatu pie danas, If the perspectives at the beginning of July 1914
mogao misliti Franjo Ferdinand, makar ga freedom of the press and human rights to the nego to se pisalo 1914. A ono je pisanje, rekli were so different that boded the war, and if -
nije poznavao. to su oni bili jedan drugome. axiomatically accepted equality of all human smo, najavljivalo rat. to onda najavljuje ovo despite the common principled condemnation
Gavrilo je na sudu izjavio da je nadvojvoda beings, regardless of the colour of their skin dananje pisanje? I to se to, zapravo, dogodilo, of the assassination the journalists and
iz njegove perspektive bio tiranin. Ali to je and eyes, length of femur, shape of their skull ... zato smo tako gnjevni i puni oaja? Ne samo commentators from these different parts of
ta rije njemu, zapravo, znaila? To je vano mi s Balkana, nego i oni inae utiani, mirni i Europe could not agree about the same event,
pitanje, jer mu sigurno nije znaila ono to pristojni ljudi iz urednijih dijelova Europe i although the matter was seemingly obvious;
znai nama dananjima. itanje starih novina, Why is all of this mentioned in the story of svijeta, sve do Novog Zelanda. a hundred years later, throughout the whole
moda, i najbolji je nain za razumijevanje the Sarajevo assassination? In order to try 2014, the divergence in the perspectives not
individualnih perspektiva u nekoj epohi. to adjust our own perspective from 2014 or Na ova pitanja postoje dva jednako pogrena only failed to disappear, but was even more
2015 to the perspectives from 1914, because odgovora. Prvi: o Sarajevskom atentatu i sharpened and increased to the absurd.
Ali itanje starih novina je prilika i za jo neto: that is the only way we can understand what Velikom ratu nije se u miru i sabranosti pisalo Although the Sarajevo assassination has been
za usporedbu razliitih epoha, ideolokih moda happened then, what did Gavrilo Princip dok je bilo vrijeme, pa su se mrtvi digli iz transferred from the contemporariness into
i prevladavajuih pogleda na svijet. Godinjica have in his mind when he shot the Archduke grobova, e ne bi li ponovili igrokaz. Drugi: history a long time ago (it happened even in
Sarajevskog atentata bila je sjajna prilika za Franz Ferdinand, but also what could Franz dananja Europa dijeli se na jednak nain i du 1918, with the illusion of the beginning of a new
tako neto. Trebalo bi samo usporediti pisanje Ferdinand think about his killer, though he istih granica kao i 1914. European era ...), although the last witnesses of
londonskih, bekih, beogradskih, zagrebakih
Drugi odgovor pripada imaginaciji tabloida, Ferdinands visit to Sarajevo died some thirty europskome miru, i na as ozbiljno zaprijetio get pumped up and smeared ourselves with
10 iako ga esto ujemo i od ozbiljnih ljudi. or forty years ago, and there is no one who is Raspuinovoj slavi na sveuropskome i war pain at its centennial? Why would it be
Nita danas nije kao to je bilo 1914, pa now alive who knew Gavrilo Princip and the svjetskom zavjerenikom Parnasu. Uzalud to so important for someone today to change the
ni konfiguracija i raspored saveznitava i members of the Young Bosnia, it seems that the ga 1917. osudie i strijeljae u procesu Crnoj relations between the good and the bad guys
neprijateljstava. A o Sarajevskom atentatu i St. Vitus Days explosions and gunshots at the ruci, kad je, evo, nanovo oivio. I sve to iz in the war that happened a hundred years ago?
uzrocima Velikog rata prije samo pedesetak Apel Quay resonate stronger today than they zabave, sve zbog velikog spektakla. Jer nakon Nothing that happened at the time cannot be
godina pisalo se u miru i bez ideolokog naboja, were echoing in the articles of the newspapers to su u ljeto 2014. upriliili igrokaz Julske changed, revised or repaired at the centennial.
mimo velikodravnih interesa i dnevnih in the summer of 1914. It seems that there are krize, ve u augustu Francuska i Austrija bili su
politika, istina sa slabijim uvidima u arhive, ali much more emotional engagements, affects and u najboljim moguim odnosima. Davni se ratovi
tako da nikakva arhivska otkria do danas nisu the critical hyperboles in todays writing about samo u nas ozbiljno shvaaju. Samo na Balkanu The journalists war manoeuvres were held
demantirala ondanje nalaze. Zato smo se the Sarajevo assassination, than in the articles, mrtvi doista oivljavaju, a ivi se bakare po in the days of the Jubilee of the Great War
onda o stogodinjici toliko uspalili i premazali written in 1914. And that writing, as we said, grobovima svojih mrtvih sunarodnika. and which will most likely continue for the
ratnikim bojama? Zbog ega bi nekome announced war. What then do the writings of next four years, as the centennials of the
danas bilo vano mijenjati odnos dobrih i zlih today announce? And what in fact happened, Europa se o jubilejima, uglavnom, zabavljala. ancient battles come in turn, the death of the
momaka u ratu od prije sto godina? Nita to why we are so angry and full of despair? Not Korporacije su iz toga izvlaile profit, cvjetala je Emperor and King Franz Joseph and the end
se tada dogodilo ne moe se o stogodinjici only we from the Balkans, but they, who are trgovima, strunjaci za promociju i marketing of the conflict and the Treaty of Versailles, are
promijeniti, revidirati ili popraviti. usually muted, quiet and polite people from procjenjivali su vrijednost brendova, i zakljuili actually related to something banal, though no
the more orderly parts of the Europe and the da 1914. ve i zbog igre okruglih brojeva, ali ne less dangerous: the need to make historical
urnalistiki ratni manevri odrani u danima World, even all the way to the New Zealand. samo zbog nje, vrijedi mnogo vie nego to e facts entertaining and spectacular, the war
jubileja Velikog rata, koji e se, sva je prilika, godinu zatim vrijedjeti 1945. Na 1945. slabo memories and historiographical analysis. The
produiti i u sljedee etiri godine, kako budu se moe zaraditi, jer je ta godina jo poluiva, easiest way to do it is if we all put on our war
nailazile stogodinjice davnih bitaka, smrti There are two equally wrong answers to these i mnogo je neistih savjesti oko nje, a 1914. costumes and dress as our old compatriots,
cara i kralja Franje Josipa te prekida sukoba questions. First: the Sarajevo assassination odavno je prola. Prije mnogo, mnogo vie od great-grandparents and great-grandmothers,
i Versajskoga mira, zapravo se tiu neega and the Great War were not unhurriedly and sto godina. Europljani dobro znaju koliko se and as their bitter enemies. That way an
banalnog, premda ne i manje opasnog: potrebe calmly written about in time, so the dead rose njihov dananji pogled na svijet razlikuje od historic jubilee can be used as a kind of folk
da se ozabave i spektakulariziraju povijesne up from their graves in order to repeat the play. pogleda na svijet njihovih ukundjedova. Tu su game, in which, to make a bigger wonder of
injenice, ratna sjeanja i historiografske Second: Todays Europe is divided in the same u velikoj prednosti u odnosu na nas. Zato su od it, everybody participated. A characteristic
analize. A to e se najlake uiniti ako se way and along the same boundaries as in 1914. 1914. mogli nainiti zgodnu ljetnu zabavu, sve of us, the Balkan people, regardless of our
svi obuemo u ratne kostime i maskiramo s historiografskim knjigama kao bestselerima religion and or nationality, is to put ourselves
u svoje davne sunarodnike, ukundjedove i za plau. Zato im kapitalizam tako dobro ide. easily and readily into a time machine and
ukunbabe, i u njihove ljute dumane. Jedan The second answer belongs to the imagination lively evoke the events from centuries ago,
povijesni jubilej tako je iskoriten za neku of the tabloids, although we often hear it Mi smo sve ovo smrtno ozbiljno shvatili. and appropriately even slaughter each other
vrstu folklorne igre u kojoj su, da udo bude also from the serious people. Nothing is the Uivjeli smo se u svoje unaprijed zadane uloge, because of it, but it seems that the centenary
vee, sudjelovali svi. Nama Balkancima, bez same today as it was in 1914, not even the uvjereni u to da smo Gavrilovi i Ferdinandovi of the Great War balkanised the whole of
obzira na vjeru i naciju, svojstveno je da se configuration and disposition of alliances and suvremenici. A nismo. I ne samo da nismo, nego Europe. Princip killed the Archduke again.
lako i spremno potrpamo u vremeplove i ivo enemies. However, only fifty years ago, the se nimalo ne snalazilo u novoj 1914. Recimo, The French and the Austrians played the July
evociramo zbivanja od prije vie stoljea, pa se Sarajevo assassination and the causes of the ne razumijemo oblike lojalnosti i patriotizma crisis again in the pages of their newspaper.
prigodno i pokoljemo zbog njih, ali kao da se Great War were written about in peace and kojim su bili voeni nai preci kada su se Apis resurrected as a terrible, mythical
o stogodinjici Velikog rata balkanizirala cijela without any ideological charge, Putting aside javljali kao ratni dobrovoljci ili se odazivali na threat to European peace and for a moment
Europa. Princip je opet ubijao nadvojvodu. state interests and daily politics, although with vojne pozive. Kako je bilo mogue da se Jevrejin seriously threatened Rasputins glory on the
Francuzi i Austrijanci su na stranicama not much insight into the archives, but in a Stanislav Vinaver uzdigne do srpskoga ratnog all-European and the global conspiratorial
svojih novina nanovo odigrali Julsku krizu. way that the archive findings have not denied junaka, a da Srbin s dna kace Milo Crnjanski Parnassus. It was in vain they had sentenced
Uskrsnuo je Apis, kao strana, mitska prijetnja the evidence till nowadays. Why did we then odano ratuje za austro-ugarskoga cara i kralja? and shot him in the process against the Black
Pitanja asti i graanske obaveze 1914. jo Hand in 1917, since he, behold, revived. And when they joined the Army as a volunteer or
12 uvijek se nisu primarno ticala nacije. Odanost all of it just for fun, all because of a great responded to the military call up. How was it
kruni i vladaru, drutvenom sustavu unutar spectacle. Because, after they staged a play of possible that a Jew, Stanislav Vinaver, became a
kojeg su socijalizirani, za tadanje Europljane, the July crisis in the summer of 2014, already national Serbian war hero and that a Serb from
pa i za veinu naih ljudi, bila je vodiljom u in August France and Austria were in the best the gutter, Milos Crnjanski, loyally fought on
opredjeljivanju. Tek e se Velikim ratom i to possible relations. The ancient wars are taken the side of the Austro-Hungarian Emperor and
promijeniti, ime e se Vinaver i Crnjanski nai seriously only by us. Only in the Balkans the the King? The matters of honour and the civic
na istoj strani. dead ones truly revive, and the living ones duty in 1914 did not yet primarily concern the
lounge at the graves of their dead compatriots. nation. Loyalty to the crown and the ruler and
Dok itamo novine, one od prije stotinu godina, the social system within which they were living
i ove dananje, ponekad nam na um padne to and socializing in, was the guiding principle in
bismo inili da smo, ali doista, bili na njegovom Europeans mostly had a good time at these the commitment for the then Europeans, as well
mjestu i u njegovo vrijeme. to bih uinio da jubilees. The corporations gained a profit as for the most of our people. The Great War
sam bio sarajevski gimnazijalac u godinama from of it, the trade flourished, the experts in will change it too, and Vinaver and Crnjanski
pred Veliki rat, da li bih bio s onima koji su pisali both promotion and marketing assessed the will be consequently on the same side.
pjesme, prevodili Walta Whitmana i u akam value of brands, and concluded that the 1914
zalueno sluali zavjerenika predavanja war, even because of the numbers game, but
Dimitrija Mitrinovia, koji je upravo navratio not only because of it, is worth much more While we read newspapers, the ones that are
iz Mostara, da nas izvijesti o stanju Svjetskoga than the 1945 war will be worth the next hundred years old and the present ones, it
duha, ili bih prema svemu tome bio ravnoduan. year. You cannot earn much from the 1945 sometimes comes to our mind what would
Poznavajui sebe dananjeg, ini mi se da bih war, because that event is still semi-alive, and we do, but really, if we were in their shoes
bio s njima, to, naravno, ne znai da bih pucao there are many guilty consciences still about it, and at their time. What would I do if I were
na cara. Takvo to bilo bi presmjelo tvrditi. and the 1914 war was a long time ago, Much, a high school student in Sarajevo in the years
much more than one hundred years ago. The before the Great War; would I be with those
Ali padne li nam na um, i moe li se do odgovora Europeans know very well how much their who wrote poems, translated Walt Whitman
na to pitanje doi preko novina, ta bi danas current view of the world differs from the and infatuatedly listened to the conspiratorial
radio Gavrilo Princip, e da se rodio stotinjak view of world that their great-grandparents lectures of Dimitrije Mitrinovic in the aksham
godina kasnije? Ovo je pitanje, zapravo, mnogo had. They have a big advantage over us in /TN: Turkish evening/, who just popped in
zanimljivije. Zbog takvih pitanja strastveno this regard. That is why they could make an from Mostar to inform us on the status of the
itamo stare novine. enjoyable summer party regarding the events World spirit, or would I be indifferent to all of
of 1914, all together with the historiographical it. Knowing myself today, it seems to me that
books as their beach-bestsellers. That I would be with them, which, of course, does
is why the capitalism works so well. not mean I would shoot the Emperor. Such
Miljenko Jergovi
a thing would be presumptuous to argue.
But if it comes to our mind, and could
We took all of this deadly seriously. We that question be answered through the
identified ourselves with our default roles, newspapers, what would Gavrilo Princip
being convinced that we are Gavrilos and do today, if he were born a hundred years
Ferdinands contemporaries. And we are not. later? This is in fact a much more interesting
And not only that we are not, but we even cannot question. Just because of such questions we,
handle the new 1914 at all. For example, we do passionately, read these old newspapers.
not understand what the forms of loyalty and
patriotism that our ancestors were driven by

Miljenko Jergovi

Branko Toovi

Pisanje austrijske i njemake tampe Writing of the Austrian and German

u periodu od 28. maja do 3. avgusta press from the period of May 28
1914. o Sarajevskom atentatu i poetku to August 3, 1914 on the Sarajevo
Prvog svjetskog rata assassination and the beginning of the
First World War

U periodu od 28. maja do 3. avgusta 1914. From the period of the 28 May to the 3 August
vodei dnevni listovi Austrije i Njemake1 daju 1914, major newspapers from Austria and
detaljnu informaciju o Sarajevskom atentatu, Germany1 provided detailed information on the
a naroito o situaciji koja je dovela do Prvog Sarajevo assassination, and in particular on the
svjetskog rata. Neki prilozi sadre iskljuivo situation that led to the First World War. Some
pisani tekst, a drugi imaju kodne kombinacije, articles contain only written text, while others
u kojima se objedinjuje pisana rije i ilustracija have coded combinations, in which the written
(ona dolazi u obliku fotografije, crtea, skice i word and illustration is combined (it comes in
karikature)2. Svi analizirani radovi napisani the form of photographs, drawings, sketches and
su goticom (ona je bila u upotrebi do 1941). caricatures)2. All analysed articles were written
Autori su anonimni, jer se nigdje ne spominju. in Gothic letters (which were in use until 1941). Vijest o atentatu i
Dominantne rijei u naslovima bile su: atentat, The authors are anonymous, since they were not neposrednim posljedicama,
mentioned anywhere. The dominant words in the Nove novine, Be, 30. jun
Franc Ferdinand, ubistvo, zloin, krvavi in,
titles were: assassination, Franz Ferdinand, murder, 1914.
katastrofa, Srbija, ultimatum, rat.
crime, bloody act, disaster, Serbia, an ultimatum,
war. The news on the
U tadanjoj tampi prevladavaju tri teme: 1. assassination and the
kako je i zato dolo do atentata, 2. kakve su immediate consequences,
At that time the press was dominated by three Die Neue Zeitung, Vienna,
bile njegove posljedice, 3. kako je poeo Prvi 30th of June, 1914
svjetski rat. themes: 1. how and why the assassination
happened, 2. what were its consequences, 3. how
the First World War started.
to se tie atentata, novine su se razumljivo
najvie koncentrisale na Franca Ferdinanda.
As for the assassination, newspapers were logically
O njemu se izdvajaju dva tipa priloga: jedni
most concentrated on Franz Ferdinand. There
daju golu, suhoparnu informaciju o tome
are two types of articles about him: one gave dry
ta se desilo 28. juna, a drugi tom dogaaju
information about what happened on June the
prilaze analitiko, ponekad emocionalno,
28th, and the other ones had a more analytical
ak vrlo emocionalno. Prvi su znatno
approach to the event, sometimes emotional, even
ei, a otvaraju ih naslovi tipa: Atentat u
very emotional. The first ones are much more
Sarajevu Ubistvo prestolonasljednika Priziv osvete, Njemake
common, and used titles such as: Assassination in novine, Be-Grac, 5. jul
Prestolonasljednik i njegova supruga ubijeni
Sarajevo the murder of Archduke The Crown 1014.
Ubijen prestolonasljednik Austrije!
Prince and his wife killed The Crown Prince of
Austria Killed! the Heir to the throne, Archduke The appeal for revenge,
Deutsche Zeitung, Vienna-
Graz, 5th of July 1914

Ubijen prestolonasljednik nadvojvoda Franc Franz Ferdinand and his wife murdered the Vijest o Sarajevskom
18 Ferdinand i supruga Prestolonasljednik princ heir to the throne, Prince Franz Ferdinand and
atentatu, Berlinske
berzanske novine, Berlin,
Franc Ferdinand i njegova supruga princeza his wife Princess of Hohenberg were killed by 29. jun 1914.
od Hohenberga ubijeni od strane Srba Serbs Archduke Franz Ferdinand, heir to the
Ubijeni nadvojvoda prestolonasljednik Franc throne and the Duchess Hohenberg killed the The news on the Sarajevo
Ferdinand i vojvotkinja Hohenberg Ubistvo murder of Archduke and his wife! Others were assassination, Berliner
prestolonasljednika i njegove supruge! Drugi less common: A heroic death Bloody Crime Brsen-Courier /the
su mnogo rjei: Herojska smrt Krvavi zloin in Sarajevo. Other important personality Berlin stock exchange
newspaper/, Berlin, 29th
u Sarajevu. Druga vanija linost Gavrilo Gavrilo Princip was covered less because he
of June 1914
Princip manje je osvjetljavana jer se radilo was a completely unknown person without any
o potpuno nepoznatoj osobi bez bilo kakvih significant records.
znaajnijih podataka.
After the assassination, the focus was on the
Nakon atentata u centru panje nalazi se odnos relationship between Austria-Hungary and Serbia.
Austrougarske i Srbije. On dominira tokom It dominates during July and in early August this
jula, da bi poetkom avgusta ova tema prela topic became more widely covered since it was
u iru, budui da ne dolazi samo do sukoba not turning only into a conflict between Austria-
izmeu Austrougarske i Srbije ve do rata na Hungary and Serbia but a war in the wider area of
irem prostoru Evrope. Europe.

U periodu od 28. maja do 28. juna plasirano In the period from the 28th May to the 28th June,
je vrlo malo informacija o pripremi i odlasku there was very little information on the preparation
and departure of Franz Ferdinand to Sarajevo. At
Franca Ferdinanda u Sarajevo. Krajem maja
the end of May and throughout June attention was
i tokom itavog juna u centru panje bila je
focused on to the Albanian revolution, the uprising.
albanska revolucija, odnosno ustanak. Malo je
There was not much news from the former
bilo vijesti sa podruja bive Jugoslavije. Jedna
Yugoslavia. One of the articles was, for example, one
od takvih je, recimo, ona od 29. maja o tome
from the 29th of May that the Austrian Emperor
da je austrijski car pomilovano srpske pijune.
pardoned Serbian spies. In early June, newspapers
Poetkom juna novine javljaju o demisiji
report on the demise of the Pasics government and
Paieve vlade i politikoj krizi u vezi sa time,
the political crisis in this regard, the general chaos
optem haosu u Albaniji, poziciji Srbije prema
in Albania, the position of Serbia towards Albania,
Albaniji, odnosu Rumunije prema pitanju Romanias attitude regarding the issue of the
Dardanela. Sredinom juna slijede prilozi o Dardanelles. In mid-June there were articles on the
jaanju zategnutosti izmeu Grke i Turske growing tension between Greece and Turkey and
i moguem novom balkanskom ratu. Ve 17. the possibility of a new war in the Balkans. Already
juna plasira se informacija o predstojeem on June the 17th, the information on the upcoming
ratu Bugarske i Turske protiv Grke i Srbije. war of Bulgaria and Turkey against Greece and
Sutradan se pie o poetku grko-turskog rata Serbia was launched. The following day, it was

i tekim borbama sa ustanicima u Albaniji. O written about the beginning of the Greek-Turkish
20 grko-turskom konfliktu se izvjetava i 23. war and heavy fighting with insurgents in Albania.
juna. Sljedeeg dana daje se informacija o The Greek-Turkish conflict was also reported on
imenovanju albanskog generalnog konzula u the 23rd June. The next day, there is information on
Beogradu. A 24. juna dolazi prva informacija the appointment of the Albanian Consul General
o posjeti Franca Ferdinanda Sarajevu pod in Belgrade. And on June 24, there is the first
naslovom: Odlazak nadvojvode Franca information about the visit of Franz Ferdinand
Ferdinanda u Bosnu. U prilogu se konstatuje to Sarajevo titled: Departure of the Archduke
da je Ferdinand otputovao 23. juna u 9 sati sa Franz Ferdinand to Bosnia. The article states that
beke June eljeznike stranice. On je prvo Ferdinand travelled on June the 23rd, at 9 am from
stigao u Trst, odakle je nastavio vonju brodom the Vienna Southern Railways station. He first
Dalmat do Metkovia. Odatle je krenuo arrived in Trieste, and then continued his journey
specijalnim vozom u Mostar. Predvieno je by the Dalmat boat to Metkovic. From there, he Vijest o ultimatumu,
took a special train to Mostar. It was anticipated for Njemake narodne novine,
da se vrati u Be na Junu eljezniku stanicu
him to return to Vienna at the South railway station Be, 25. jul 1914.
30. juna prije podne. Zatim se daje izvjetaj iz
Sarajeva u kome se kae da je uprava grada on June the 30th before noon. The following news
is from Sarajevo, about the management of the city The news on the ultimatum,
na svojoj sjednici donijela odluku da se druga Deutsche Volks-Zeitung,
ulica po veliini emalua nazove Ulicom deciding at its session that the second-largest street
Vienna, 25th of July 1914
Franca Ferdinanda, a povodom njegove Cemalusa will be named the Franz Ferdinand
posjete Sarajevu radi prisustva velikim vojnim Street; on the occasion of his visit to Sarajevo and
manevrima u okolini grada. that he would be present at the large military
manoeuvres planned in the vicinity of the city.

Sljedeeg dana, 25. juna novine piu o srpskim

The following day, on June the 25th, the papers
tenjama ka Jadranskom moru, pri emu se
write about the Serbian aspirations regarding the
poziva na izvore iz Rima o suptilnoj srpskoj
Adriatic Sea, while quoting unnamed sources from
propagandi u Albaniji sa eljom da se jednog
Rome about subtle Serbian propaganda in Albania
dana izae na more. A 27. juna dolazi vijest iz
with a desire to have access to the sea one day. On
Zagreba o stvaranju srpsko-crnogorske unije
June the 27th, there was news from Zagreb on the
sa zajednikom armijom i finansijama. Na dan
creation of the Serbian-Montenegrin union with
atentata 28. juna novine donose informaciju
a common Army and finances. On the day of the
o zabrani vrbovanja dobrovoljaca za Albaniju
assassination, on June the 28th, the newspapers
i nemirima u toj zemlji, kao i o odlasku reported information on forbidding re-cruitment
austrijskog cara u Il. of volunteers for Albania and riots in that country,
as well as on the departure of the Austrian Emperor
Poetak rata, Beke
Dogaaji koji su uslijedili vrlo su operativno ToIschl.
najnovije vijesti, Be, 3.
osvjetljavani. Oni se mogu podijelite na dva avgust 1914.
perioda: od 29. juna do d 24. jula i od 25. jula The events that followed were illuminated rather
do 3. avgusta. operationally. They can be split into two periods: The outbreak of
from June the 29th to July the 24th and from July the war, Wiener Neueste
Nachrichten, Vienna, 3rd of
25th to August the 3rd.
August 1914

Vrijeme od 29. juna do 29. jula obuhvata The time from June the 29th to July the 29th includes
22 izvjetaje o atentatu, alosti u Austriji, sahrani reports on the assassination, mourning in Austria,
Franca Ferdinanda, poetku istrage, optubama the funeral of Franz Ferdinand, the beginning of the
na raun Srbije, antisrpskim demonstracijama, investigation, accusations against Serbia, anti-Serb
srpskim provokacijama, jaanju zategnutosti demonstrations, Serbian provocation, growing
izmeu Austrougarske i Srbije. Udarne vijesti tensions between Austria-Hungary and Serbia.
su ovako hronoloki dolazile.3 Breaking News came chronologically in this order.3

29. juni atentat i njegova politika strana, June the 29th - the assassination and its political
linost atentatora i njihovo hapenje, side, personality of the assassins and their arrest,
pretpostavke o zavjeri protiv Austrougarske, the presumption of conspiracy against the Austro-
demonstracije protiv Srba u Sarajevu, uvoenje Hungarian, demonstrations against Serbs in
vanrednog stanja u njemu, sahrana i alost u Sarajevo, imposing a state of emergency, funerals Antiratni apel, Naprijed,
Austriji, and mourning in Austria, Berlin, 25. jul 1914.

30. juni detalji ubistva, obdukcija, odjek tune June the 30th - details of the assassination, the
vijesti u Austriji, linost Franca Ferdinanda autopsy, echo of the sad news in Austria, the The anti-war appeal,
personality of Franz Ferdinand (especially as Vorwrts, Berlin, 25th of
(posebno kao lovca), njegov testament, July 1914
sasluanja ubica, prvi rezultati istrage, a hunter), his will, the assassins interrogation,
antisrpske demonstracije, the first results of the investigation, anti-Serb
1. juli beogradski moral ubice, ko su uhapeni
atentatori, transport ubijenih preko Metkovia July the 1st - Belgrade morale of the assassin, details
i Trsta, priprema sahrane u Beu, of the arrested assassins, transportation of the
deceased from Metkovic and Trieste, preparations
2. juli velikosrpska zavjera protiv of the funeral in Vienna,
prestolonasljednika, posljednji trenuci Franca
July the 2nd Greater Serbian conspiracy against
Ferdinanda, ceremonija sahrane, vanredno
the throne, the last moments of Franz Ferdinand,
stanje u itavoj Bosni i Hercegovini, krvari
the funeral ceremony, a state of emergency in all of
sukobi izmeu Srba i Hrvata u nekim mjestima
Bosnia and Herzegovina, bloody clashes between
Serbs and Croats in some areas of Bosnia and
3. juli dolazak u Be voza sa posmrtnim Herzegovina,
ostacima Franca Ferdinanda i njegove
July the 3rd - arrival in Vienna of the train with
supruge, dani alosti, djeca Franca Ferdinanda,
the remains of Franz Ferdinand and his wife, the
senzacionalne izjave abrinovia, Principova days of mourning, the children of Franz Ferdinand,
odbrana, demonstracije u Slavoniji, Cabrinovics sensational statements, Princips
4. juli impozantna sahrana u Beu, velike defence, demonstrations in Slavonia, Vijest o Sarajevskom
demonstracije ispred Ambasade Srbije u Beu, July the 4th - an imposing funeral in Vienna, a large atentatu, Gornjovapske
5. juli nastavak antisrpskih demonstracija u novine, 30. jun 1914.
demonstration outside the Embassy of Serbia in
Bosni, prijetnje srpskih novina Austrougarskoj, Vienna, The news on the
Sarajevo assassination,
30th of June 1914

dogaaj u Sarajevu i austrijski parlament, July the 5th - the continuation of anti-Serb
24 kretanje voza alosti po zemlji i moru, demonstrations in Bosnia, Serbian newspapers
6. juli velikosrpstvo, istorija modernih threatening Austria-Hungary, the events in Sarajevo
atentata, posljednje vee Franca Ferdinanda, and the Austrian parliament, the movement of the
mourning train across the country and the sea,
7. juli srpska zavjera u Sarajevu, posmrtna
maska Franca Ferdinanda, ogromno July the 6th Greater Serbianism, history of modern
neraspoloenje u Srbiji prema Austrougarskoj, assassinations, the last evening of Franz Ferdinand,
Ultimatum upuen Srbiji,
8. juli srpska opasnost u zemljama July the 7th - Serbian conspiracy in Sarajevo, Nove novine, Be, 24. jul
the death mask of Franz Ferdinand, the huge 1914.
austrougarskog carstva,
resentment in Serbia towards Austria-Hungary,
9. juli Srbija i ubistvo u Sarajevu, istraga u Ultimatum to Serbia, Die
July the 8th - Serbian danger in the Austro-
Sarajevu, NeueZeitung, Vienna, 24th
Hungarian Empire,
10. juli politika srpske vlade, of July 1914
July the 9th - Serbia and assassination in Sarajevo,
11. juli antisrpske demonstracije, the investigation in Sarajevo,
12. juli austrougarski bojkot u Srbiji, July the 10th - policy of the Serbian government,
13. juli srpske provokacije (u vezi sa srpskim July the 11th - anti-Serb demonstrations,
stavom da se nee dozvoliti mijeanje u njene
July the 12th - Austro-Hungarian boycott in Serbia,
unutranje stvari), Austrija i austrougarska
diplomatija, odjeci zloina u Sarajevu, July the 13th - Serbian provocation (in conjunction
with the Serbian position that will not allow
14. juli panika u austrougarskoj kolonijini interference in its internal affairs), Austria and
u Beogradu, optube na raun Srbije da je Austro-Hungarian diplomacy, echoes of the crimes
planirala atentat, ruski anarhisti pripremaju in Sarajevo,
napad na austrougarsko poslanstvo u
July the 14 - Panic in the Austro-Hungarian colony
in Belgrade, accusations of Serbia plotting the
15. juli evropska bolest, assassination, Russian anarchists are preparing
16. juli Austrougarska i Srbija, istraga u an attack on the Austro-Hungarian mission in
Sarajevu, Belgrade,
17. juli jedan austrijski vlasnik lokala kraj July the 15th A European disease,
Sarajeva ubijen od strane Srba, July the 16th - Austria-Hungary and Serbia, the
18. juli zategnutost izmeu Austrije i Srbije, investigation in Sarajevo,
19. juli Rusija protiv Austrougarske, srpske July the 17th - an Austrian owner of a restaurant Uoi rata sa Srbijom, Nove
vojne izbjeglice u Maarskoj, velikosrpska i near Sarajevo killed by Serbs, novine, Be, 26. jul 1914.
velikoaustrijska ideja, July the 18th - tension between Austria and Serbia,
20. juli srpske neprijateljske izjave protiv On the eve of the war with
July the 19th - Russia against Austria-Hungary, Serbia, Die NeueZeitung,
Austrije, Serbian war refugees in Hungary, Greater Serbia Vienna, 26th of July 1914
21. juli Austrija i Srbija, vojne mjere Crne and Greater Austria idea,
Gore, July the 20th - Serbian hostile statements against

22. juli audijencija grafa Bertholda kod cara July the 21st - Austria and Serbia, Montenegro
26 prije odluujueg koraka: jasna pitanja Austrije military measures,
i traenje nedvosmislenih odgovora od Srbije, July the 22nd - Audience of Count Berthold with the
23. juni Austrija i Srbija: potreba iznoenja u Emperor before the decisive step: clear questions of
javnosti ovog pitanja, srpski demar. Austria and requesting the unambiguous response
U periodu od 25. jula do 3. avgusta u centru from Serbia,
panje nalazile su se sljedee vijesti: ultimatum June the 23rd - Austria and Serbia: the need
Srbije, dranje i reagovanje velikih sila, of presenting this issue to the public, Serbian
mobilizacija, prijetnje ratom i sam poetak demarche.
rata. tampa ih je ovako hronoloki biljeila. In the period from July the 25th to August the 3rd, the
24. juli ultimatum Austrougarske Srbiji, focus was on the following news: an ultimatum to
osiguranje materijalnog stanja djece Franca Serbia, attitude and response of the great powers,
Ferdinanda, mobilization, threat of war and the beginning of
the war. The press covered it chronologically in this
25. juli deset zahtjeva Austrougarske
upuenih Srbiji, dan odluke: Srbija ima Austrijanci u Beogradu,
rije, ponaanje Srbije, nota velikim silama, July the 24th - an ultimatum from Austria-Hungary Berlinske jutarnje novine,
reagovanje Rusije, diplomatske igre, apel to Serbia, securing the financial status of the Berlin, 31. jul 1914.
Socijaldemokratske Partije Njemake da se ne children of Franz Ferdinand,
Austrians in Belgrade,
ulazi u rat, July the 25th - Austro-Hungarian ten requests Berliner Morgen-Zeitung,
26. juli Srbija eli rat, nezadovoljavajui sent to the Serbia, decision day: Serbia has the Berlin, 31st of July 1914
odgovor Srbije na ultimatum, prekid word, Serbias behaviour, note to the great powers,
diplomatskih odnosa, mobilizacija kompletne Russias response, diplomatic games, appeal of the
Social Democratic Party of Germany not to enter
armije u Srbiji, Rusija za Srbiju, naputanje
the war,
Beograda od strane dvora i vlade i njihovo
premjetanje u Kragujevac, July the 26th - Serbia wants war, unsatisfactory
response to the ultimatum from Serbia, severance
27. juli uoi rata sa Srbijom, nota Srbiji,
of diplomatic relations, the mobilization of the
rat za nau carevinu, rat protiv Srbije, Italija
entire Army in Serbia, Russia supporting Serbia,
upozorava Srbiju, njemaki glas za pravo na
the court and the government leave Belgrade and
rat, odnos Austrougarske i Srbije (Srbi i mi),
move in Kragujevac,
situacija u Beogradu, proglas u Beogradu
srpskom narodu, mobilizacija u Srbiji, July the 27th before the war with Serbia, note to
patriotizam Bosanaca, Serbia, war for our empire, the war against Serbia,
Italy warns Serbia, the German voice for the right
28. juli krivica srpske vlade za atentat, rat sa to go to war, the relationship between Austria-
Srbijom, banditski rat protiv Austrougarske, Hungary and Serbia (Serbs and we), the situation Rat sa Srbijom neminovan,
ratne pripreme u Srbiji, prvi hici, dizanje in Belgrade, proclamation in Belgrade to the Narodni glasnik, Bremen,
mostova izmeu Beograda i Zemuna, Serbian people, mobilization in Serbia, patriotism 27. jul 1914.
velikosrpska agitacija i propaganda, srpska of Bosnians, The war with Serbia
nota (odgovor na ultimatum), stanje u inevitable, Nationale
Beogradu, Gazette, Bremen, 27th of
July 1914

29. juli objava rata Srbiji, manifest austrijskog July the 28th - guilt of the Serbian government for
28 cara, neminovnost rata, dranje Njemake the assassination, the war with Serbia, the bandit
i Francuske, uvoenje vanrednog stanja u war against Austria-Hungary, war preparations
Zagrebu i itavoj Hrvatskoj i Slavoniji, in Serbia, first shots, blowing up bridges between
30. juli na obraun sa Srbijom, vijesti iz Belgrade and Zemun, Greater Serbia agitation
Srbije, and propaganda, Serbian note (the answer to the
ultimatum), the situation in Belgrade ,
31. juli najnovije vijesti sa ratita, akcije
srpskih ratnih brodova, rat sa srpskom July the 29th - a declaration of war against Serbia, the
bandom, unitena dva srpska parobroda, manifesto of the Austrian emperor, the inevitability
napredak naih trupa, glasine o nemirima of war, the attitude of Germany and France, the
introduction of state of emergency in Zagreb and
u Srbiji, meunarodna situacija, dranje
the whole of Croatia and Slavonia,
Francuske i Italije, srpska armija i njena Evropski rat na vidiku, Nove
komanda, patriotske manifestacije u Beu, July the 30th - our showdown with Serbia, news novine, Be, 2. avgust 1914.
from Serbia,
1. avgust opta mobilizacija u Austriji, dranje Evropski rat na vidiku, Nove
Engleske, spremnost za rat u Italiji i pripreme July the 31st - the latest news from the battlefield, novine, Be, 2. avgust 1914.
za mobilizaciju, evropski rat, njemako-rusko i actions of Serbian warships, war with Serbian
njemako-francusko ratite, criminals, two Serbian steamships destroyed, the
progress of our troops, rumours of riots in Serbia,
2. avgust mobilizacija u Austriji, Rusiji,
the international situation, the attitude of France
Holandiji, Belgiji i vajcarskoj, spremnost and Italy, the Serbian Army and its command,
Njemake da ue u rat, Rusija i njen svjetski patriotic events in Vienna,
August the 1st - general mobilization in Austria,
3. avgust njemaki ultimatum, njemaka attitude of England, readiness for war in Italy and
objava rata Srbiji, poziv na patriotska osjeanja preparations for mobilization, European war, the
Austrijanaca i upozorenje na postojanje velikog German-Russian and German-French battlefield,
broja subverzivnih elemenata, rasplamsavanje
August the 2nd - mobilization in Austria, Russia,
njemako-ruskog rata, mobilizacija u
Holland, Belgium, Switzerland, Germanys
Francuskoj, poetak evropskog i svjetskog
readiness to enter the war, Russia and its World
rata, Evropa u plamenu.
August the 3rd - German ultimatum, the German
declaration of war against Serbia, call on the
patriotic feelings of the Austrians and warning
to the existence of a large number of subversive
elements, the flaming growth of the German-
Russian war, mobilization in France, the beginning Objava rata, Nove novine,
of European and World War, Europe ablaze. Be, 29. jul 1914.

Objava rata, Nove novine,

Be, 29. jul 1914.

Za analizu su izabrana sljedea izdanja: a) 1
For the analysis the following issues were chose: a)
A u s t r i j e Der Grosse Krieg, Deutsche Zeitung, Austria - DER GROE KRIEG, DEUTSCHE ZEITUNG, DIE
Die neue Zeitung, Grazer Tagblatt, Illustrierte NEUE ZEITUNG, GRAZER TAGBLATT, ILLUSTRIERTE
Klagenfurter Zeitung, Kronen Zeitung, Linzer KLAGENFURTER ZEITUNG, KRONEN ZEITUNG, LINZER
Tages-Post, sterreichische Illustrierte Zeitung, TAGES-POST, STERREICHISCHE ILLUSTRIERTE
sterreichische Volks-Zeitung, sterreichisches ZEITUNG, STERREICHISCHE VOLKS-ZEITUNG,
Kriegs-Echo, Wiener Bilder, Wiener Montags- AUSTRIAN KRIEGS-ECHO, WIENER BILDER, WIENER
Journal, Wiener Neuste Nachrichten, Wiener MONTAGS-JOURNAL, WIENER NEUSTE NACHRICHTEN,
Salonblatt, b) N j e m a k e Berliner Brsen- WIENER SALONBLATT, b) Germany - BERLINER
Courier, Berliner Tageblatt, Frankfurter Zeitung, BRSEN-COURIER, BERLINER TAGEBLATT, THE
Freiburger Zeitung, Hamburger Fremdenblatt, FRANKFURTER ZEITUNG, FREIBURGER ZEITUNG,
Mnchener Neueste Nachrichten, Neue Preussische HAMBURGER FREMDENBLATT, MNCHENER NEUESTE
Zeitung (Kreuz-Zeitung), Reichspost, Pilsner NACHRICHTEN, NEUE PREUISCHE ZEITUNG (KREUZ-
Tagblatt, Vossische Zeitung. Wiener Zeitung. ZEITUNG) REICHSPOST, PILSNER TAGBLATT, VOSSISCHE
Tada nije bilo mogue da se brzo dobiju slike sa mjesta
dogaanja pa su ih zamjenjivali crtei sa velikom dozom 2
It was not possible to quickly obtain images at that time
individualizacije (to se posebno odnosi na prikazivanja from the scene and they were replaced by drawings with
samoga atentata). Npr. na jednom od crtea je princ a great deal of individualization (this is especially true
Eugen u bici kraj Beograda. Meu linostima izdvaja se regarding the display of the assassination). Eg. in one of
slika kralja Petra I i princa Aleksandra, a meu skicama the drawings is Prince Eugene in a battle near Belgrade.
prikaz mjesta atentata. The image of King Peter I and Prince Alexander stands Svjetski rat, Keninsberke hartuke novine, Keninsberg, 1. avgust 1914.
out among the persons, and among the drawings the The World War, Knigsberg Hartus ZeitungKeninsberg, 1st of August 1914
Navodimo ih onim rijeima koje su koriene u display of assassination.
Words cited as they were used in the texts.

Muharem Bazdulj

Od mira do rata From peace to war

Istraujui grau (novinske tekstove, While exploring materials (newspaper articles,

fotografije, faksimile, prepiske, objave) iz Plakat Mojim narodima sa
photographs, facsimiles, correspondence, pu- obrazloenjem objave rata,
Maarske, a iz perioda od 28. maja do 3. blications) from Hungary and the period from graa Nacionalne biblioteke
avgusta 1914. godine, pregledajui razliita 28 May to 3 August 1914, while reviewing Maarske, 28. juli 1914.
arhivska dokumenta, uinilo mi se da se various archival documents, it seemed to me
pria o pomenutom periodu, o vremenu u that the story about this mentioned period
kojem je Maarska zajedno sa Evropom ila The poster To my people
of the time in which Hungary together with with an explanation of the
od mira do rata, moe najbolje isposredovati Europe went from peace to war, can be best declaration of war, the
kombinacijom plakata i novinskih fotografija. communicated by combination of posters and documents of the National
newspaper photographs. Library of Hungary, 28th of
Kad je rije o kontekstu s kojim Maarska July 1914
doekuje proljee i rano ljeto 1914. godine, In respect of the context in which Hungary
vano je podsjetiti se nekih istorijskih welcomes spring and early summer of 1914,
fakata. Najprije valja rei da su vojni porazi it is important to remind ourselves of some
Austriji u pedesetim i ezdesetim godinama historical facts. To begin with, it should be
devetnaestog stoljea, konkretno u bitkama said that the military defeats of Austria in the
kod Solferina, odnosno kod Kenigreca, doveli fifties and sixties of the nineteenth century,
do situacije koja je Maarima odgovarala. specifically in the battles of Solferino, i.e.
Naime, ti su vojni porazi doveli do toga da Kenigrec, led to the situation which was suitable
se neoapsolutistiko Austrijsko carstvo for the Hungarians. Specifically, these military
preobrazi u Austro-Ugarsku, odnosno u defeats led to the transformation of the neo-
takozvanu Dvojnu monarhiju. Nagodbom iz absolutistic Austrian Empire into The Austria-
1867. godine, mo je raspodijeljena izmeu Hungary Empire, and into the so-called Dual
dva dominantna naroda: Austrijanaca i monarchy. With the settlement arrangement
Maara. Unutar svoje Kraljevine Ugarske from 1867, power was distributed between
Maari su drali lavovski dio moi i vrsto two dominant nations: the Austria and
su se drali dualistikog kompromisa, koji Hungary. Within their Kingdom of Hungary,
su pak mnogi kritikovali, izmeu ostalih the Hungarians held the lions share of
i prestolonasljednik - nadvojvoda Franjo power and were firmly stuck to the dualistic
Ferdinand. compromise which was criticized by many,
including the heir to the throne - Archduke
Kad je Ferdinand ubijen, to u Maarskoj Franz Ferdinand.
nije bio pretjeran razlog za alost. Recentna
globalna istoriarska zvijezda Kristofer Klark When Ferdinand was killed, there was no
u svojim uvenim Mjesearima plastino excessive reason for sorrow in Hungary. The
opisuje reakciju maarskog premijera grofa world renowned and respected historian,

Itvana Tise na vijest o Sarajevskom atentatu: Christopher Clark, plastically describes the
36 Ubistvo prestolonasljednika Tisa nije reaction of the Hungarian Prime Minister
doiveo kao razlog za alost nego za sirovo Count Istvan Tisza on news of the Sarajevo
olakanje. Reforme o kojima je razmiljao assassination in his famous The Sleepwalkers:
Franc Ferdinand poremetile bi celokupnu Tisza has not experienced the killing of the
strukturu moi na kojoj je Tisa izgradio Archduke as a reason for mourning but as a
svoju karijeru. (...) Tako je ubistvo Franca relief. The reforms which were considered
Ferdinanda predstavljalo neoekivano by Franz Ferdinand would disrupt the whole
izbavljenje, a za razliku od mnogih svojih power structure in which the Tisza built his
austrijskih kolega, maarski premijer nije career. (...) Thus the murder of Franz Ferdinand
oseao ni gnev niti elju da brzo deluje. meant an unexpected deliverance, and unlike
many of his Austrian colleagues the Hungarian
Treba rei da Tisa nije bio neki ideoloki Prime Minister felt neither anger nor desire to
pacifista, odnosno da njegovo protivljenje act quickly.
ratu nije bilo apsolutno; on je, recimo, bio
za vojnu akciju protiv Srbije tokom druge It should be said that the Tisza was not some
albanske krize u oktobru 1913. Sada je, ideological pacifists, and that his opposition to
meutim, bilo drukije. Po Klarkovim the war was not absolute; for example, he was
rijeima, Ma koliko snane emocije obuzele for military action against Serbia during the
austrijsku politiku elitu u (...) danima second Albanian crisis in October 1913. Now,
posle atentata, ubrzo je postalo jasno da however, it was different. According to Clarks
neposredna vojna akcija ne dolazi u obzir. words, Regardless how strong emotions filled
(...) postavljalo se pitanje kako ubediti Tisu the hearts of the Austrian political elite (...) days
da podri stav Bea; ni politiki ni ustavno after the assassination, it became clear soon
nije bilo mogue zaobii tog monog igraa u that direct military action was not an option.
dualistikom sistemu. (...) question how to convince Tisza to support
the attitude of Vienna was raised; it was not
Otud se na plakatu Mojim narodima possible to circumvent this powerful player
sa obrazloenjem objave rata, odnosno in the dualistic system neither politically or
objanjenjem zato je nuno napasti Srbiju, constitutionally.
nalaze likovi i potpisi i austrijskog cara,
odnosno maarskog kralja Franje Josipa i Because of that there are the images and
maarskog premijera Itvana Tise. Plakat je, signatures of both the Austrian emperor, i.e.
naravno, precizno datiran u dvadeset i osmi the king of Hungary, Franz Joseph and the
juli 1914. godine. Hungarian Prime Minister Istvan Tisza on the
To my people posters with an explanation
Iz posljednjih dana jula i prvih dana of the declaration of war, otherwise an
avgusta 1914. su i preostali plakati koji explanation of why it was necessary to attack
dobro ilustruju prelaz iz atmosfere mira u Serbia. The poster was, naturally, dated
atmosferu rata. Recimo, reklamni plakat precisely on the twenty-eighth of July 1914.
za pivo iz pivare Kobanja ima slogan koji Reklamni plakat za pivo pivare Kobanja sa sloganom
se uklapa u novi kontekst: Pivo je stiglo, Pivo je stiglo, neprijatelj se predao, graa Nacionalne biblioteke Maarske, 1914.
The promotional poster for the beer ofKobanyabrewery with the slogan Beer has arrived, the enemy has
surrendered, documents of the National Library of Hungary, 1914

neprijatelj se predao. (Ono to je za pivare The remaining posters that well illustrate
38 danas fudbal, onomad je, oito, bio rat.) the transition from the atmosphere of peace
into an atmosphere of war are also from the
Neprijateljstvo je tu jo uvijek na relativno last days of July and the first days of August
apstraktnom nivou (neprijatelj). Na 1914. For instance, the beer poster from the
sljedeem plakatu, meutim, ironija je vrlo Kobanya brewery has a slogan that fits into
konkretno usmjerena. Uz natpis Srbija the new context: Beer has arrived, the enemy
objavljuje rat stoji ironina legenda filmska has surrendered. (What football, is to beer
komedija. makers, nowadays the war was obviously in
the past)
Slian je podtekst reklamnog plakata za
novine Magyar Hirlap (Maarske vijesti), Hostility is there still at a relatively abstract
gdje se vidi srpski vojnik kako napada level (the enemy). In the next poster, however,
kolportera sa novinama. the irony is very precisely directed. Next to
the Serbia declares war caption, there is the
Naposljetku, tu je i plakat kojim se najavljuje
ironic legend Film comedy.
izloba djeijih crtea o ratu. Crtei su djelo
uenika osnovnih kola iz Budimpete. The subtext of the advertising poster for the
newspaper Magyar Hirlap (Hungarian
Kad je rije o novinskim fotografijama,
news) is similar, where one can see a Serbian
nakon opirnijeg istraivanja, primarno
soldier attacking a paper boy with newspapers.
sam se koncentrisao na ugledni ondanji
maarski nedjeljni list Vasarnapi Ujsag. Finally, there is also a poster announcing an
Gotovo cijeli broj od 5. jula 1914. godine, exhibition of childrens drawings on the war.
prvi broj, dakle, pripreman i objavljen nakon The drawings are the work of elementary
atentata, posveen je Franji Ferdinandu, school pupils from Budapest.
njegovoj supruzi i samom Sarajevskom
atentatu. Na naslovnici su portretne As regards to the newspaper photographs,
fotografije ubijenih suprunika, a unutra after some more extensive research, I
skoro pa itava foto-reportaa. Tu su najprije primarily focused on the prominent former
fotografije porodice, pa fotografije grada Hungarian weekly newspaper Vasrnapi
Sarajeva: jedna panoramska i jedna na kojoj Ujsg . Almost the entire issue from 5 July
se vidi most na Miljacki. Tu su takoe i one 1914, the first issue, the one prepared
uvene fotografije posljednjih minuta ivota and published after the assassination, was
Ferdinanda i Sofije, fotografije nainjene dedicated to Franz Ferdinand, his wife and
pred sarajevskom gradskom Vijenicom, the Sarajevo assassination. On the cover there
fotografije kasnije valjda i milion puta were the portrait photographs of the murdered
pretampavane, ovdje u nekim od svojih spouses, and inside was almost entirely photo-
prvih kopija. Napokon, tu je i fotografija reportage. First there were photographs of
privoenja Ferdinanda Bera, dugo drana the family, then photographs of Sarajevo: one
za fotografiju privoenja samog Principa panoramic and one which shows the bridge
(a u tu zabludu mnogi i do dana dananjeg over the Miljacka River. There were also the Ironini reklamni plakat Srbija objavljuje rat filmska komedija,
graa Nacionalne biblioteke Maarske, 1914.
Ironic promotional poster Serbia declares war - the film comedy
documents of the National Library of Hungary, 1914

vjeruju). Greka s poetka jula 1914. nije, famous photographs of the last minutes of
40 naravno, neobina, a iz konteksta jednog od Ferdinands and Sophies life, taken in front of
prisutnijih hungarizama u srpskom jeziku, the Sarajevo City Hall, photographs which were
interesantan je potpis pod slikom gdje se za later reprinted probably a million times, as first
Principa kae da je - ilko. copies. Finally, there is a photo of Ferdinand
Bera being brought in, for long considered
Nepunih mjesec dana kasnije, u prvom as the photo of Princip being brought in (and
avgustovskom broju istog nedjeljnika (2. there are many that to this day still believe in it).
avgust 1914) su fotografije grada Beograda, The error from the beginning of July 1914 was
glavnog grada zemlje s kojom je Austro- not, of course, unusual, and from the context
Ugarska ve zapoela rat. Jedna je panoramska of one of the ever-present Hungarisms in the
fotografija, dvije su atmosferine (krave i Serbian language, the interesting point is the
konji na asfaltu, to valjda treba da sugerie signature under the picture where it says for
zaostalost), a na jednoj je premijer Nikola Princip that he is ilko /TN: Hung. gyilkos -
Pai. assassin, dandy, dangler/
Jedan od razloga zbog kojih je Maarska Nearly a month later, in the first August issue of
izbjegavala poetak rata sa Srbijom bilo je the same weekly paper (2nd of August 1914)
pitanje sudbine Srbije poslije eventualne there were the photographs of Belgrade, the
pobjede Austro-Ugarske. Maarska nije capital of the country with which the Austro-
eljela da Srbija ue u sastav Dvojne Hungarian empire has already begun a war.
monarhije; Tisa je mislio da Slovena ionako One is a panoramic photo, two atmospheric
u Austro-Ugarskoj ima previe. Sada su, photographs (one of cows and horses on
meutim, sve rezerve odbaene. Rat je, asphalt, which could suggest backwardness),
naime, poeo... and the one the Prime Minister Nikola Pasic.

One of the reasons why Hungary avoided the

starting of war with Serbia was the question of
the fate of Serbia after the eventual victory of
Austria-Hungary. Hungary did not want Serbia
to become part of the Dual Monarchy; Tisza
thought that there were already too many
Slavs within the Austria-Hungary Empire.
Now, on the other hand, all reservations were
dismissed. The war, actually, started...

Fotoreportaa o Sarajevskom atentatu, Nedjeljne vijesti, Budimpeta, 5. j 1914.

The photo-story on the Sarajevo assassination, VasrnapiUjsg,5th ofJuly, 1914


Fotoreportaa o Sarajevskom atentatu, Nedjeljne vijesti, Budimpeta, 5. j 1914.

Fotoreportaa Beograda koja sugerie sliku zaostalosti srpskog drutva,
The photo-story on the Sarajevo assassination, Vasrnapi Ujsg,Budapest,5th ofJuly, 1914 Nedjeljne vijesti, Budimpeta, 2. avgust 1914.
The Belgrade photo-story, suggesting the image of underdevelopment of the Serbian
society, Vasrnapi Ujsg, Budapest,2nd of August 1914


Fotoreportaa Beograda koja sugerie sliku zaostalosti srpskog drutva, Nedjeljne vijesti,
Budimpeta, 2. avgust 1914.
The Belgrade photo-story, suggesting the image of underdevelopment of the Serbian society,
Vasrnapi Ujsg, Budapest,2nd of August 1914




The press contents in this paper do not serve as

, a classic historical source, a source out of which
, we could find something out, or obtain new
. facts about the Sarajevo assassination or the
, , , July Crisis. Our intention is, in fact, that it serves
, , as a mirror, a reflection of social circumstances,
political, ethnic and other issues in the territory
of the present-day Croatia during the weeks
. before and after the Sarajevo assassination. In
, all this, it should be kept in mind that Croatia, in
, its modern sense of the word did not exist back
, then, i.e., but that Croatia, in the strict sense of
the word, and Slavonia were in the Hungarian
, part of the Dual Monarchy while Dalmatia
. , was in the Austrian half of the Empire. Also, it
should be recalled that those regions had a high
, presence of non-Croat ethnic groups, primarily
, Serbs, who played a very important role in the
, , , , 28. 1914.
political, economic and cultural life, and that the
, - Croat-Serb Coalition was at that time the axle The War manifesto of Franz Joseph, Obzor, Zagreb, 28thof July 1914
. , , of the Parliament. It should also be kept in mind
that that was the time of the strengthening of
, Yugoslavism after the historic victories of the
. Kingdom of Serbia in both Balkan Wars. THE PRE-WAR PROFITEERS

, On the other hand, we tried to present a , Two days before the Austro-Hungarian declaration
, of war, the newspaper Obzor /Horizon/ from Zagreb
representative sample of the press of those reported on the speculations, anxiety and tensions,
. times. Among the most important newspapers , which prevailed in almost all European capitals,
, that we analysed were Obzor /Horizon/ and concerning the Serbian governments response to the
- , Novosti /News/, from the class-national papers . , Austro-Hungarian Ultimatum. Most likely, there was
, , , , . , some brokering too in all of that. In an article titled
we analysed Privrednik /Entrepreneur/, , Stock Market Tricks, Obzor /Horizon/, tipped off by
; among the Serbian ones, of course, Srbobran / , a correspondent from Budapest, wrote about how the
Srbobran/, and among the local ones Smotra 25. hausse news, published in the Frankfurter Zeitung, saying that
. dalmatinska /Review of Dalmatia/ and Frankfurter Zeitunga the Serbian government had accepted the conditions
Dubrovnik /Dubrovnik/; we took into account . O of the Ultimatum caused hausse (inflation) in the
... afternoon of July 25th. This simple stock market trick...
the writing of one satirical newspaper as well , nevertheless, did not miss its goal, since the prices of
it was the writing of the famous Koprive / . many documents and valuables significantly jumped.
Nettles/. , Whether by accident or not, this article irresistibly
() reminds of a semi-legendary story of how Nathan
Rothschild got instantly rich just before the Battle of
. Waterloo nearly a hundred years earlier.

OBZOR /Horizon/
, 1860. A daily newspaper, which was published, from
1941. . 1860 to 1941. Its name was changed several times.
, Before the First World War it was considered a
. ( ). nationalistic, pro-Frankist newspaper. (MSL NS -
Matica Srpska Library - Novi Sad).
. On July 26th the front page of Obzor /Horizon/
, published confusing news stories. It is obvious
. , that the news items were overtaking, even
obliterating each other. Be that as it is, The
Negative Response of Serbia is the dominant
. headline, under which there was a detailed
report on the Serbian response to the Austro-
Hungarian Ultimatum. In the same issue, Obzor
, , /Horizon/ properly reported on reactions to
the Ultimatum and war cries in St. Petersburg,
Bucharest and Belgrade, and also wrote that
many people in Sofia were gloating while
, . the press were saying that the bomb that
had exploded in Sarajevo did not hit just the
(29. )
presumptive couple, but Serbia as well.
Three days later (July 29th), the dominant
, headline on the first page of Obzor /Horizon/
is The Evidence of the Greater Serbia
Propaganda. In the article Serbia was accused of
, establishing the National Defence as a Greater
. , Serbia organisation, and that accusation was
, then supported with the claim that the founders
of the said society were Serbian generals and
other senior officers and government officials.
. Furthermore, it reported on the response of the
Serbian government to the Austro-Hungarian
Note, and particularly important is The Official
Comment to the Note in which objections
, to the Serbian response were exhaustively
presented. The detailed comment deserves
. special attention as a counterargument to
a thesis that has been dominant in Serbian
historiography even to the present day, a thesis , , , 26. jul 1914.
which claims that Serbia had accepted all the The termination of diplomatic relations with Serbia, Obzor, Zagreb, 26thof July 1914
terms of the Ultimatum, except for the presence

25. 1914.


: !
. .
, of the emperors investigative authority in
52 , , the territory of the Serbian state. In the same

. issue, Obzor /Horizon/ published His Majesty , , ,
the Kings War Manifesto. Even though this ,
7. document was back then published as a poster
-- To My Dear People in the languages of Austro- .
, Hungarian nations, it is rarely mentioned
around here and therefore, it too, should be
read carefully. .

On August 7th, Obzor /Horizon/ published
. the Proclamation by the Bosnian Res-ul- .
, , Ulema Causevic through which this religious
, leader urged the Muslims to be ready to
, -- perform all the services and sacrifices for the . ,
. superior administrators and for the bodies of , ,
either military or civilian authorities in every .

circumstance and in any case. If any kind of need ,
appears, or if there is a call for physical, material .
or moral sacrifices, do not regret anything, said
the Reis-ul-Ulema to the Bosnian Muslims. .
, ,
1907. 1941. ( ).

25. 1914. NOVOSTI /News/
! !
, A daily newspaper, which was published in
. , , Zagreb continuously, from 1907 to 1941 (MSL - ,
NS). , , 24. 1914.
, The Proclamation of theReis-ul-Ulema/The head of the Islamic
. On July 25th 1914, the front page of the Novosti Communitytranslators remark/Dzemaludin Effendi Causevic, Obzor,
/News/ was about the Austro-Hungarian Zagreb, 24thof July, 1914
demarche against Serbia and the official results
of the investigation of the Sarajevo assassination.
The newspaper, in fact, published the integral ZAGREB JUST BEFORE THE WAR
, text of the Austro-Hungarian Ultimatum, which
. , - we must stress - was not the case in the later On July 25th 1914, Novosti /News/ published a special edition with the headline The War Between the Monarchy and
Serbia dominating the front page. A small article titled Zagreb Just Before the War is especially striking. The whole
, literature. The same front page included a
article reads: War! You see this word on everyones faces. Like a spectre it hovers over everyone. People who have never
Circular for the envoys abroad, in which the seen each other, let alone knew each other, stop one another and, nervously and impatiently, ask, comment, and listen
1909. , Austro-Hungarian authorities demanded of their for the hundredth time to the same words and always with the same attention. In front of the Headquarters of different
legations to inform the governments of the host newspapers people read the quickly written notes. But the whole picture of curiosity and feverishness is exceeded by
countries about the causes, the reason for the the sight in front of the Headquarters of Novosti /News/ in Ilica Street. A huge crowd of people, crammed across the
Note and the contents of it. In that article, which width of the whole street, was expecting a special edition of our newspaper. Even though the first news was exceedingly
. , extended to another page, it was explained short, the first printing of Novosti /News/ was sold out in no time. One hundred people held out their hands, the crowd
was screaming, pushing, quivering with excitement. The guards and infantry devotedly defended the entrance to the
Headquarters, because otherwise the crowd of people would have smashed the glass fence. Later, there were cries against
Serbia and King Peter, but those were lonely cries. However, in the same issue of Novosti /News/ we read the latest news
according to which anti-Serb demonstrations accompanied with shouting of Down with Serbia! and Hooray for the
war! started on the streets of Zagreb.

. 5.


1909. how the Serbian government had not complied
with its obligations undertaken in March
1909, when it had actually admitted defeat in
. ..) .
the Annexation crisis and committed itself to
terminate agitation and a policy directed against
the interests of Vienna. Accordingly, Novosti /

News/ also published the text of the Serbian
declaration from 1909 in which the Belgrade .

authorities had accepted the annexation of ,
Bosnia and Herzegovina and committed itself
... ,
to terminate its anti-Austro-Hungarian policy
- , ,
as well as to disband and disarm all volunteer
and Ustasha troops, and in the future to prohibit
, , ,
and prevent the organization of such troops in
its territory. It was followed by The Official
Announcement of the Sarajevo Investigation ,
Results. It is interesting that Novosti /News/ ,

also published an article which wrote that a ...
part of the French press strongly attacks the
, 16. (29.) 1914.
Austro-Hungarian Empire by criticizing it for
, . .,
endangering the peace, while a small part
of the French press shows a no comment

attitude, and it also quoted the conclusion of THE EPISTLE OF THE BISHOP MIRON
the Paris Journal: The only hope for peace is
now in Germany. On the same page there was The war erupted. On August 5th, Novosti /
a statement the Montenegrin Prime Minister News/ published the Epistle of Miron Nikolic,
the Bishop of Pakrac. In this epistle, archpriest
Vukotic gave in Venice, in which he expressed of the Serbian Orthodox Church - who also
hope for a peaceful resolution of the dispute, performed the duty of the administrator of
but also stated that Serbia will by no means the Patriarchate of Karlovac after the tragic
, tolerate any kind of insults or threats, and he death of the Patriarch Lukijan Bogdanovic
said to the congregation: As always, stay true
. unambiguously added that Montenegro will
to our merciful ruler (Franz Joseph - AN ZP)
1898. 1941. undoubtedly stand by its ally. and his imperial house. Do not forget the love
; 1924. . His Majesty equally bestowed upon us and all
the nations of our spacious Monarchy. Do not
. forget the love for your homeland, to which we
1914. PRIVREDNIK /Entrepreneur/ are bound by the cradles of our children and
the graves of our ancestors... I advise you, to
. whom the battle cry is directed, you, whom the
A newsletter written in the Cyrillic alphabet,
, , war trumpet had already invited and whom it
published by the Alliance of the Serbian
, is yet to invite, I advise you, to show that you
Agricultural Cooperatives, and later a body of the are worthy sons of those fathers who had shed
. ( ).
Serbian business association Entrepreneur. The their blood for their Lord and homeland and ,
2. 1914. newsletter was first launched in 1898 and was with swords in their hands and a song in their
, , 5. 1914.
mouth headed into a battle, a bloody battle...
: , 28. , published until 1941; from 1924 it was published The Epistle of the Pakrac Orthodox Bishop Miron Nikolic,
, in Belgrade. Until the First World War, the chief Written in Karlovci, July 16th (29th) 1914 Novosti, Zagreb, 5thof August, 1914
editor of the newsletter was the famous Pavle Miron HW, bishop of Pakrac

, Arsinov. In 1914, it was published on the first

56 ... and the third Thursday of the month. It also dealt
with topics concerning economics, education,
agronomy and other sectors of the economy, but
it also regularly dealt with political issues. (MSL
. NS).
On July 2nd 1914, Privrednik /Entrepreneur/
: published the news: This Sunday, the 28th of
. 16. this month, our beloved heir Franz Ferdinand
13. fell victim to a terrible assault, committed by
() . the bloody hand of an evildoer, in Sarajevo... The
royal couple was greeted by all the people of
Bosnia and Herzegovina, without distinction of
: 100 44 religion, with the most sincere joy and ineffable
, 100 delight. But a villain appeared who destroyed
21; 100 33 , all that great joy.
100 34; 22
, 100 That is where Privrednik /Entrepreneur/
44. stops: they barely even write about the sabre-
, rattling. On July 16th, in the corner of the 13th , , , 1. 1914.
page they published an interesting analysis The Austro-Hungarian Empire and Serbia, , Zagreb,
of educational circumstances and difficulties 1stof July 1914
in Bosnia and Herzegovina. In an article titled
Which Share do the Orthodox Serbs in Bosnia
, , , ... and Herzegovina Get stood the following: In
Bosnia and Herzegovina, 44 out of 100 souls
, . are Orthodox Serbs, and out of 100 schools the
, Serbs have 21; 33 out of 100 souls are Muslims,
. and out of 100 schools the Muslims have 34; 22 29. 1914. On the third page of the Srbobran issue published on
, out of 100 souls are Roman Catholics, and out May the 29th 1914, there was an article titled The
of 100 schools the Catholics have 44.Privrednik . Educational Policy of the Bosnian Government. That
/Entrepreneur/ actually referred to how the , was a authorities true study that in a very explicit
. , 36 way, through using a statistical method, proved that
, Sarajevo newspaper Srpska rije /Serbian the Bosnian authorities, under the Hapsburg, led
, word/ had criticized the educational policy of 60% an unsuccessful educational policy for the previous
. 70% the Provincial Government in the sense that . , 36 years, because over 60% of the population, at
it gave preference to opening schools in non- , the time, still lacked access to primary education.
Furthermore, this policy was very biased, because the
, 30%.... Serbian communities and they supported that , , government - as it was claimed - favoured regions that
, claim with the situation in Popovo Polje villages . had a majority Croatian population, followed by the
, such as Velicani, Dracevo, Dubljani, Drijenjani... , , regions with a Muslim population, while the Serbs were
. If those were Catholic villages, they would have , severely neglected. When it comes to the deployment
got schools a long time ago, the newspaper : 100 of primary schools, i.e., the physical accessibility of
. that level of education, the paper presented a very
. added. Well, that is how Srpska rije /Serbian 26,5%, 43,9%, clear statistic: Out of 100 Orthodox Serbs across the
55,4%. country barely one quarter of them (26,5%) can attend
schools, opposed to the 43,9% of Muslims and 55,4%
of Catholics.

: ...

, word/ writes and what it asks, and we respond .
58 . to it that we are in the same situation here. We , .
neither have schools in the Orthodox regions,
while in the Catholic regions every single village ,
has both a school and a church. We do not feel ,
jealous because the Catholics get what they need,
but we are both sorry and we feel bad because
. , : ,
the Orthodox Serbs are deliberately neglected , ,
1892. .
everywhere. Here, 70% of the Orthodox people .
can neither read nor write, while that is the case ,
, .
with only 30% of the Catholics... And we, Serbs .
, , : , ,
in Croatia and Slavonia, just like those in Bosnia
, , ,
and Herzegovina, are stepchildren and second-
class citizens. No one tries to open the eyes of
, , , ,
the mind of the Serbs. The eyes of the mind are
opened with literacy. Illiterate people are blind
people and cannot be enlightened in any way.

( ) ( ).

Newspaper of the Dubrovnik Serbs. It was On July 1st, Srbobran quoted the writing of the
- , published from 1892. The chief editor was newspaper Zastava /Flag/ from Novi Sad: ...The truth
Antonio Benussi. Before the First World War it is that the political and economic situation in Bosnia
. was published weekly, on Thursdays. Through and Herzegovina is unbearable. Political freedom does
23 not exist and the serf issue has not yet been settled.
its articles, the newspaper, except for the area Sons of the homeland are suppressed in all ways, while
(5. j) 1914. of Dubrovnik, covered the Bay of Kotor and, the foreigners are expanding and getting richer. The
in particular, Bosnia and Herzegovina, while persecution of students in Mostar and Sarajevo could
. , all that was written about Serbia, Montenegro, have brought the youth into a state of bitterness and
Bosnia and Herzegovina, Old Serbia and despair, but that injustice will not be prevented by
. assassinations, but that will only make matters worse.
, Macedonia was classified in a separate section Only a persistent political struggle will help improve
: called Serbian lands. It is interesting that this the situation. The newspaper Srpstvo /Serb hood/
4. 1914, newspaper was often published simultaneously from Novi Sad also condemned the assassination: We
, in the Latin alphabet (left column) and Cyrillic highly doubt that such a radical remedy, no matter from
whom it came, could make a social change. History of
, alphabet (right column). The newspaper was the world has not shown us that assassinations are
banned at the beginning of First World War but followed by changes in society and its form. A social
, was renewed in 1923. (MSL NS). revolution is carried out though: education, civilizing,
, , and that is why every bombing assassination must be
, , 4 , Up until the First World War Dubrovnik oscillated strongly condemned and marked as an act of malice and
between Serbs and Croats. Immediately after shallowness of a mans soul, quoted Novosti /News/ the
, , the Sarajevo assassination Dubrovnik found writing of the newspapers from Novi Sad.
, itself under fire by anti-Serb demonstrations.

, Paper no. 23, which came out in early (on the

60 ( , 5th of) June 1914, depicted the state of things
, best exactly with what was not written in it.
). In fact, this issue was full of censorship blanks
, with the comment confiscated. As we read
from Sasa Nedeljkovics text, a few days after
, the Sarajevo assassination the newspaper
. Dubrovnik wrote: Already on July 4th 1914,
, six days after the assassination of Archduke
Franz Ferdinand, an oblivious crowd of all
, sorts of ragtags and Dogon scams, incited
. , by the bodies of the Austrian military and
. civilian authorities, broke into Serbian school
, , premises, broke the furniture, destroyed all
23. 1914. : of the learning material, shredding it, which
, on July 4th, when the memorial service for the
Austrian heir was held, set up in Dubrovnik by
, a ragtag, forced into it by the Austrian police,
.. against good patriots and especially against
Serbs, made him so angry (in a tavern, where he
hid from them, he talked about shooting at the
crowd). From Nedeljkovic we learn as well that
after the Sarajevo assassination the authorities
had performed a search of the newspapers
, 1884.
Headquarters, as well as of the house of its chief
. 20. ,
editor Krsto Dominkovic. Since Dominkovic

was not home, the police forced the old
maidservant, threatening to put her into prison,
- .
to let them in. They brought along a blacksmith,
, .
who opened what was locked up. According

to Nedeljkovic, Dominkovic commented on
8. 1914. . ( ).
that on July 23rd 1914 by saying: If they were
18. 1914. interested in finding the Kragujevac bombs,
they would have found them just the same in
the presence of the host of the house as they
would have in his absence, and they would have
24. 27. . left empty-handed too.

, ,
. , SRBOBRAN , 1. 1914.
... ,
A Serbian newsletter, published since 1884 in The Frankos followers
, , Zagreb. Since the beginning of the 20th century, and the Sarajevo
assassination, ,
Zagreb, 1stof July 1914

the newspaper was a gazette of Svetozar

62 , Pribicevics Serb Independent Party, which was
! part of the Croat-Serb Coalition. It was published
, daily in the Cyrillic alphabet. Authorities had
, banned the newspaper at the beginning of the
27. . war - the last issue was published on August 8th
1914. (MSL NS).
, In the issue published on May 18th 1914,
Srbobran announced the arrival of Franz
Ferdinand in Bosnia and Herzegovina and
. explained that the Archduke was to monitor
, military exercises that would be organized
from June the 24th to 27th. Nine days later, the
front page of the newspaper had an interesting
article on the agrarian problem in Bosnia.
. However, Beys seek compensation... Actions
are being taken to get hundreds of thousands of
, people out of inhuman poverty, to move them
from a position that is a calamity for the entire
economic and cultural development of the
, country, while the Bosnian lords try to get some
. 20. benefits for themselves from that action too! It
Pester Lloyd is no longer a selfishness of a certain class, it is
moral misery and social unawareness, reported
Srbobran on May 27th.
On June the 15th, the newspaper published on
: the front page an extensive article Serbia and
. Austria-Hungary in which the agreement
between the two countries concerning the
. purchase of Eastern Railways was written on in
, detail and with great optimism. As it is obvious,
Serbia - far from placing whatever kind of
, obstacles for the Austro-Hungarian trade in the
, a Balkans - offered everything it could give and
. more than they expected in Vienna. If they see
Novosti 25. jula 1914.
, the good will in Vienna and sincere neighbourly - Drugo posebno izdanje
: . . intentions of Serbia, the Austro-Hungarian trade
. ... and industry will be able to find again a grateful
and wide open market, one almost closed by News, July 25th, 1914
, - The second special edition
their previous policy. The issue of June the
20th referred to the writing of the newspaper
. 25. , ,

, Pester Lloyd, thus outlining the current issue

64 of the Orthodox Church in Hungary and the
. different interests of Budapest and Belgrade
in this regard. The newspaper mentioned the
, possibility of the restoration of the Patriarchate
of Pec, but also added: The Serbian church in
St. Stefans state is autonomous and has nothing
to do with the Church organization beyond our
. national borders. Moreover, it reminded that
, the issue of church affiliation of the Bosnian
Serbs, who were under the jurisdiction of the
, Patriarchate of Constantinople, was raised, but 4. 1914.
, that nothing would be changed concerning that
issue. In accordance with the pro-Hungarian 1902. . ,
policy of the party whose attitudes the author
of the article was presenting, he concluded: ,
. ,
?! , , The matter of Serbian ecclesiastical autonomy
is in good hands... Serbian patriotic circles are .
. 4. aware of that, and therefore cannot get upset
even by the loudest rant of blinded partisans 12
, and rebels. In the issue dated June the 25th,
meaning only three days before the Sarajevo ,
assassination, Srbobran devoted the largest 7,30 !!!
. part of its front page precisely to Serbia. It
wrote in detail about the state union of Serbia
and Montenegro as a done deal, and that was
followed by the news that the Serbian King
Peter had travelled away for medical treatment
, , and issued a Proclamation, in which he declared On July the 4th 1914 Srbobran published the story of
surrendering his power, until his own return, Franz Ferdinands incognito visit to Belgrade that
. to the heir presumptive Prince Alexander. happened in 1902. It was said that Ferdinand crossed
Two days before the assassination by Princip, from Zemun to Belgrade disguised as a hunter, with
, Srbobran published a sharp text which crashed false documents in the name of Nikola Ristic. He
, , , down on a member of Parliament Fran Novak enjoyed the local dishes, and he went to Topcider as
, well, where he saw the place of the assassination of
who crossed the boundaries of Frankist
. Prince Mihailo Obrenovic. It is interesting that some of
corruption, for he as they said condemned the Belgrade newspapers wrote about that secret visit,
the recently signed Concordat between Serbia that took place 12 years earlier, exactly at the same
, and the Vatican, in which he saw as a Serbian time and they spiced up their stories with the details
conspiracy with the aim of enslaving Bosnia of what the Archduke had for lunch and drank at the
and Croats?! Srbobran, in addition, criticized Imperial hotel, and with the claim that the bill worth 7
. , Obzor /Horizon/ as well, because it contained 30 dinars which the Archduke did not pay!!!
not a single line of condemnation for the Novak
. denunciations. And on July the 4th, Srbobran

criticized Obzors /Horizons/ report regarding

66 , the anti-Serb demonstrations, especially due
to the unfounded accusation of Milan Pribicevic
concerning the organizing of the assassination.
Srbobran also wrote on the matter of the
, :
Concordat without hiding its satisfaction with 1913.
the agreement between the Serbian state
.... and the Pope, who gave his blessings to King
Peter, Serbian Royal family, collaborators on
, 1913. ,
the Concordat, and the entire Serbian people.
, , In the same issue, there was also news that
the Heir presumptive Franz Ferdinand had ,
arrived in Dalmatia, and went to Mostar, where
. , ,
he was, among others, welcomed by Orthodox

, bishop Zimonjic, the Catholic bishop Misic and ,
mufti Rizanovic. The newspaper gave plenty of
, . ,
details about the Archdukes further journey ,
. towards Ilidza and Sarajevo, where he and his
wife Sophie bought many different items in
, an oriental store, and later returned to Ilidza. .
Along the route and in front of the store, a group
, , of people cheerfully greeted the prominent
, guests.
, On the first day of July, the newspaper published
, the headline The Assassination in Sarajevo, THE INVESTIGATION OF CABRINOVIC IN
... and in the text it crashed down on anti-Serb 1913, BELGRADE
4. behaviour of the Frankist in the Parliament.
The Srbobran issue from July the 7th
There was an official statement by the Croatian published a very interesting article about
Parliament as well. It was read by the President the experiences of the Belgrade police
, Bogdan Medakovic, who said: Dreadful with Cabrinovic at the end of 1913, as the
. news that the hands of a criminal killed His police - it is said - formally requested the
Highness the heir presumptive came as a bolt Austro-Hungarian diplomats assistance in
the investigation of this suspicious guest,
from the blue... on the same page, Novosti / the alleged typographer who had arrived
News/ conveyed the decision of the Orthodox in the Serbian capital from Zemun without
. bishop Miron, administrator of Metropolitanate any documents. The response came, as they
of Karlovac, according to which, as a sign of say, after a month and a half and in it was
, allegedly stated that Cabrinovic identified
mourning, in all the churches of Metropolitanate himself truthfully and suggested the
of Karlovac Heir presumptive and Heiress administration of Belgrade to leave him
, presumptive are to be mentioned in the services alone to do his job. However, in the same
. for the next full six weeks, and also that black issue Srbobran reported on the denial of
flags were hoisted on all official buildings of the Habsburg authorities, which said that it
is not true that the consulate intervened
, autonomous authorities, as well as schools and in favour of Cabrinovic or, even more, took
educational institutions. guarantee for him.

. In the days following the assassination, Srbobran

68 reported on the pogroms against Sarajevo Serbs,
, , the reactions to the assassination, the funeral of
the Archduke, the Frankist outbursts of anti-
Serb sentiment, the investigation in Sarajevo, the
, potential punishments for the assassinators, the
. arrests of young men in Maribor who publicly
() supported the assassination, etc. On July the 4th,
Srbobran again attacked Obzor /Horizon/ for its
, shameful role, as it unreservedly conveyed the
, news of Milan Pribicevics alleged involvement
. , in the assassination, and for not condemning
, anti-Serb pogroms across Croatia. The same
day, the newspaper gloated in spite of the
, Frankists because Vienna had decided that the
. Parliament Speaker Bogdan Medakovic, along
with a delegation of Parliament, was to attend
. the funeral. This is one strong lesson for the
Frankist noisemakers and brawlers, who argued
, that the Serb, Dr. Medakovic must not represent
, the Croatian Parliament at the funeral, and
- who protested against it through telegraphs.
, The same page contained a Circular by the
, mandatory of Gornji Karlovac, Bishop Ilarion
. Zeremski. In the Circular by this very educated
? and respected bishop of the Serbian Orthodox
Church, on the matter of the assassination,
50 among other things, said that in Sarajevo a
, hand of a villain ended in a horrible way the
life of our heir presumptive, Archduke Franz
. Ferdinand and his faithful wife. There was
, , an interesting article that showed that anti-
Serb demonstrations did not happen in all the

communities in Bosnia, but only in those towns Cenzorske bjeline ponekad
. . govore vise od rijeci -
where next to the Orthodox and Muslims lived
Dubrovnik 5. juna 1914.
the Catholics. Those Catholics, inspired by

. the Frankist leadership, gathered the Muslim
rag tags and together scolded Serbs wherever The censorship blank
they could, wrote Srbobran. Next to this text spaces speak louder
7. ,
than words sometimes -
, was a very detailed report on the destruction Dubrovnik on June 5th,
: , 1914
of Serb property in Petrinja. Srbobran also

reported on The Memorial Service in Belgrade

10. for the Sarajevo victims, held in the chapel of

70 . the Austro-Hungarian Legation, which was
, , attended by heir presumptive Prince Alexander,
, Prime Minister Pasic and many other high
, officials, including the Russian Minister Hartwig. 11. 1914.
, There was a rather short article Comitadjis in
... Bosnia? which discussed the bazaar rumours on
how, allegedly, 50 comitadjis with bombs were
14. getting ready to blow up all dungeons using the
, , underground corridors and that therefore the
number of guards in front of all the dungeons , ,
, .
was doubled. As reported by Srbobran, the
memorial service for the Archduke was held .
in the Orthodox Church in Zagreb as well, and ,
. the Church was packed with people while , ,
the Serbian Civic Choral Society performed at ,
, ,
the service. On the same page, there was news , ,
, about the memorial service for the Archduke , ,
held in the Orthodox Church in Sarajevo. , ,
, . ,
In the issue dated July the 7th, there was also ,
!. , The Interview with Pasic in which the Serbian
Prime Minister, among other things, raised
. , the question: What is incomprehensible to us
, is the thought that the whole Serbian nation
should be made responsible for this senseless THE METROPOLITANS CONDEMNED
, act of frenzied children. In the issue dated July THE ASSASSINATION
the 10th, the Austro-Hungarian demarche in
Serbia was already greatly rumoured about. On July the 11th 1914, Srbobran published
. The newspaper regularly, and often on the The Communiqu issued by the club of the
Serb members of the Bosnian Parliament
17. front page, published news about the political who gathered around Dimovics newspaper
, , relations in Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Istina /Truth/. The Communiqu reflected
, situation in the countrys parliament, the plans on the assassination as an act that caused
to create a sort of military frontier along Drina disgust against this insidious crime and
, river, the relations between the nations, etc. added that these feelings are shared by all
Serbian people, except for the misguided
. enthusiasts who participated in the horrible
, On July the 14th, Srbobran reported on a crime. Additionally, there were expressions
sensation, i.e., the panic that gripped the of loyalty to the Most Serene Highness
Austro-Hungarian subjects in Belgrade, who of the imperial house. It was signed by
were frantically leaving the Serbian capital due the metropolitans Evgenije Letica, Petar
. Zimonjic, Vasilije Popovic, Ilarion Radonjic,
to the expansion of the news that a slaughter the priests Jovan Simic and Jakov Popovic,
of the Austro-Hungarian nationals was in and by Dr. Ljubo Simic, Danilo Dimovic,
, preparation. There were speculations about Dr. Milan Jojkic, Dr. Vlado Andric, Dimitrije
. the sudden death of the Russian Minister Vasic, Dr. Milan Hadzi-Ristic, Vaso Vasiljevic
and Vukan Kuljanin. All above mentioned, it
was added, joined the Serbian Progressive
Party of Danilo Dimovic.

Hartwig that happened during his visit to an

72 Austro-Hungarian colleague, and even news
that the two Russian anarchists left Kragujevac
, ... in order to avenge Hartwigs death by killing
, Minister Gizl! appeared. None of those things
... happened, but this crazy news caused the anti-
Serb demonstrations in Zemun. Besides, it was
; explained that there was no such thing as two
Russian anarchists who wanted to blow up the
. Austro-Hungarian Legation, but that some
Bulgarian terrorists who were planning on
assassinating the heir presumptive Aleksandar
were arrested. On July the 17th, Srbobran
LA RASEGNA reported on the writing of Rijeke Novine /
DALMATA Rijeka Newspaper/ who, allegedly, received
a tip from Sarajevo that at a secret meeting,
held by the Croatian and Muslim club a few
1918. , ,
days earlier in Sarajevo, new conditions for the
. . (
joint work of Croats and Muslims was created.
The most important was the conclusion, where
1914. the Muslims have committed themselves to
help Croats with the annexation of Bosnia and
Herzegovina to Croatia. As the counter favour
for that, the Croats guaranteed the Muslims
. an agricultural policy, meaning supporting
, large Muslim landowners requirements, and
. against Dimovics requirements. The next day,
Srbobran quoted the Russian newspaper Novoye
Vremya /the New Times/ which stated that the
Austro-Hungarian request for the bodies of the
Monarchy to conduct judicial investigations on
Serbian territory is unacceptable... No country
- - in the world would allow its territory to be
. 1906. regulated by foreigners... In such circumstances,
1939. 1941. the remark of one Belgrade newspapers
. , is entirely reasonable; Let the Austrian
investigators come - we shall welcome them
. ( ). with bayonets.
Smotra dalmatinska
28. jul 1914.
, , ,
. The Dalmatian review,
1914. on July 28th, 1914


74 DALMATA /Review of Dalmatia/
ee1 (Neue Freche Presse).2
, A newspaper published in Zadar from 1888 to
, 1918, twice a week, simultaneously in Croatian
. , and Italian. (MSL NS).
. On the St. Vitus day, June the 28th1914, the
newspaper published on their front page a 23. 1914.
death notice framed in black with the names
, ,
. of the victims from Sarajevo, and it stated
. that a horrible transgression was committed
in Sarajevo this morning. The newspaper

. published the first details about Princip and . ,
. Cabrinovic, as well as about the assassination. ,

, 20. 1914. KOPRIVE /Nettles/
The famous, humorous-satirical, weekly. Was
published in Zagreb from 1906 to 1939 under PRINCIP CONFESSED
. that name, and until 1941 under the name Nove BECAUSE OF THE BELGRADE
! Koprive /New Nettles/. The illustrator, journalist PRESS WRITING
and publisher Slavko Veres was the moving spirit
On July the 23rd 1914, Srbobran
: of this newspaper. (MSL NS). wrote about the behaviour
3, of Gavrilo Princip during the
Koprive /Nettles/ followed up on all that was investigation and reported on

happening in Croatia, all social classes, events, a very interesting fact that the
,4 ,
and the writing of the other papers. So, at the assassinator held up well until
, they showed him the Belgrade
beginning of May 1914, they published a very
5 newspaper which condemned
provocative article titled The Three Arrests. the assassination. It is said
The article, in a very cynical and sardonic way, that that severely angered and

quoted the bogus writing of a bogus newspaper shook Princip and that is why
Neue Freche1 Presse2. It was stated in the article he exploded and confessed
, everything.
that Seherovic Milutin, a Serb, attempted to
assassinate his Excellency the Ban of Croatia. It

turned out that he was a member of a dangerous
Pjesma o gospodinu Pfeifferu i hrvatksoj
comitadji society: Either war or peace. During
a search they found a pistol-shaped cigarette
, :
case and two buttons, the origin of which they
/ ? /
could not determine, in his pockets, Books of
/ .
the St. Jerome society and postmarks of St. Cyril
/ , /
and Methodius and of other saints of Slavic

, countries. The rupturing of the walls resulted 4

, 1910-1917, desire and constant inquiries of their patient
76 , in zealous polices finding of a nest of bedbugs. . readers, the editorial board, as we found out,
That justified the suspicion that a conspiracy turned to a specialist in Croatian history with
. 1868.
. for sucking the blood out of the heads of a request to resolve that interesting question.
1938. 1907. . ,
departments and other prominent figures was .
His response was: Ferdinand I.Since this
, made. In the next issue, May the 20th 1914, they . interesting question, which constantly made
, . published an article which began with the words the whole Croatian public twitch, was finally
They call me Gavrilo, and in the middle of the happily resolved, the editors of Novosti /News/
, , article there was a rather large photo of some decided to stop printing further sequels to this
, kind of a trial which irresistibly reminded the novel.
readers of the trial of Young Bosnia members.
. The visual resemblance was incredible! The *
: I. same month, Koprive /Nettles/ published a brief
, but very valuable review in which it wrote that: * *
The event of celebrating Dositej Obradovic in
When observing the contents of the press
, , Belgrade3 was attended by many Croats as well
as a historical source with caution and from
as the city of Zagrebs Mayor Holjac, 4 prive
a distance, we can still say that it in a way it
. /Nettles/, further on, noticed how the Osijek
resets the truth about history! That is exactly
German newspaper Drau5 concerning that
* why old press contents should always be re-
matter wrote a denunciational editorial in
read repeatedly. There is always something new
which they wondered how did the Mayor of
* * to be discovered from it!
Zagreb have the nerve to go to visit Belgrade!
It was high treason and demonstrations against

the Monarchy, as Serbs are the enemies of
the Monarchy and Croats! Koprive /Nettles/

even published a satirical poem The Song of
Mr. Pfeiffer and Croatian Tolerance. It makes
. ! 1
fun of the old moth /TN, word moth rhymes
with surname in the original poem/, the editor 2
The allusion to the famous Viennese newspaper Neue Fri
of the newspaper Drau, and the poem goes: Presse is more than clear.
How dares mister Holjac / To Belgrade to go?
/ Brazenly asks the moth / the indictment will 3
This was about the unveiling of the monument to Dositej
be raised. / the work betrays, because what is Obradovic on May 27th 1914. The monument was the work
. Holjac doing / there at the parade? of Rudolf Valdec and was located opposite the Serbian
crown, next to the City Library. The monument was later
Neue Fri Presse As a reaction to the feuilleton Ko will be the relocated to the Student Park, where it remains to this day.
. King that Novosti /News/ had been publishing, 4
anko Holjac, Mayor of Zagreb from 1910 to 1917,
Koprive /Nettles/ published an acerbic article architect.
titled Tko will be the King /TN: Serbian and
27. 1914. ,
Croatian version of the word WHO/. The article 5
The weekly newspaper of Osijek Germans. Published
. read that the readers of that interesting novel, from 1868 to 1938. From 1907 was published as a daily
, . published by Novosti /News/, still do not know newspaper. Political newsletter close to the upholders ideas.
who (tko) will be the King. To meet the ardent Joseph Frank himself was its editor for a while.




In Bosnia and Herzegovina, just before the

, First World War, many newspapers which
, regularly followed up on social and political
- developments in the country were published
. periodically or continuously. The political
newspapers were a faithful reflection of the
, political scene of Bosnia and Herzegovina at
, , the time, i.e., a reflection of religious, national
. and political divisions in the society. Thus, all
three religious communities had their own
, political organizations and their political
pamphlets, with the difference being that the
former Serbian political elite in Bosnia and
Herzegovina was divided and its parts sharply
, conflicted, while Croats and Muslims were
fairly united in the political sense. An authentic
. reflection of such a situation is the press from
, that time, so the interests of the Bosnian
Serbs, from different political positions and
of different visions, were represented by
, . several newspapers. Srpska rijec /Serbian
Word/ was the newspaper of a political group
which fought for church-school autonomy
- , and consisted of mostly older members,
, such as Gligorije Jeftanovic, Vojislav Sola
. and others. Two Serbian opposition parties
in the Parliament were represented by the
, je newspaper Narod /People/which gathered
. ,
the, so called, Herzegovinian Opposition
, , Group with Vasilj Grdjic, Nikola Stojanovic, , , 25.
, ., , Risto Radulovic, etc., and the newspaper 1914.
Otadzbina /Homeland/which gathered the
Koievci/TN: followers of the Petar Kocic A welcome to Franz
. , Ferdinand, Sarajevski list,
Sarajevo, 25thof June 1914

, ideas or The Krajina Opposition Group led

82 by Zivko Njezic. Finally, the newspaper Istina
, /Truth/ gathered the Serbian politicians who
. were considered loyal to the government and
. were led by a lawyer Danilo Dimovic. Their
newspaper Istina /Truth/ was financed by
the Minister Bilinski. The political interests
, of Bosnian Croats before the First World War
, were represented by the newspaper Hrvatski
, dnevnik /Croatian Daily/, launched and
published by Archbishop Josip Stadler, and
, , the newspaper Hrvatska zajednica /Croatian
1914. Community/, which was the first newsletter
. of the Croatian Peoples Union for Bosnia and
Herzegovina, and then, from April 1914 also
the newsletter of the Croatian Parliamentary
Club in the Bosnian Parliament. The most
, important newspaper which represented the
. interests of the Bosnian Muslims, just before
the First World War, was Vakat/TN: Turkish, The
, Times/, the newsletter of the United Muslim
1912. Association. Muslimanska svijest /Muslim
, Awareness/ was a body of the Independent
1914. . , Muslim Party in Bosnia and Herzegovina,
the publishing of which stopped in 1912 due
to financial problems and it was launched
, again in February 1914. Besides the above-
, mentioned newspapers, just before the start of
the First World War in Bosnia and Herzegovina
. , several less significant political newspapers
, were published, those which represented the
interests of all three religions, but there were
. also a few newspapers that represented the
interests of workers. Furthermore, Sarajevski ,
list /Sarajevo Newspaper/, the official gazette , , 29.
- of the Provincial Government of Bosnia and 1914.
Herzegovina, was regularly published in
Sarajevo. The news on the Sarajevo
1914. , assassination, Sarajevski
list, Sarajevo, 29thof June

The first news of the arrival of the Heir to

84 the throne Franz Ferdinand in Bosnia and
. Herzegovina appeared in Bosnian press in mid-
April 1914, and as the exact date of the arrival
, was approaching several newspapers paid
more and more attention to the event. Most
, attention to the forthcoming visit was paid
. by the Sarajevski list /Sarajevo newspaper/,
, , which closely monitored the activities of
118, 13. 1914. the Heir to the throne Ferdinand before his
visit to Bosnia and Herzegovina, and also the
12. , details of the preparations for his reception in
126, 23. , Sarajevo. Thus, for example, Sarajevski list /
, Sarajevo Newspaper/ in its issue no. 118, dated
, , the June 13th 1914, published the news about
, Ferdinands meeting with the Emperor William
in Konopiste on June the 12th, while in the issue
no. 126, dated June the 23rd, it published an
. , extensive article with a detailed description
, of the hotel Bosna in Ilidza that was restored
25. . for that occasion, in which the imperial
, couple was to stay, along with the details of
the interior design of the chambers which
, , Ferdinand and Sophie were supposed to sleep
, in. Also, Sarajevski list /Sarajevo Newspaper/
! followed up on the preparations for their
, welcome in Mostar as well, which was planned
for June 25th. On the day when Ferdinand
, arrived in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Sarajevski
list /Sarajevo Newspaper/dedicated almost the
: entire issue to him, starting with the front page
, title, festively framed with a yellow and red
border, which said: A Warm Welcome to You!
As it could have been expected, besides the ,
praises for Franz Ferdinand and the Habsburg , , 29.
. dynasty, Sarajevski list /Sarajevo Newspaper/ 1914.
... wrote about the happiness of the people of
Bosnia and Herzegovina under the sceptre The editorial article on the
of the dynasty: The many-sided progress of Sarajevo assassination,
Vakat, Sarajevo, 29thof
June 1914

, these countries is proof of how His Majesty

86 reigns them caringly and fatherly, and of how
. their further development and prosperity is
permanently enabled and secured within the
, large and powerful Monarchy. The sceptre of
the Habsburgs is a guarantee of their happiness
. and futureThe sound of joy is heard all around
Bosnia and Herzegovina and the people are
, getting ready to take advantage of the happy
1914. occasion and to express their patriotic feelings
for the dynasty. With every step, the Archduke
Heir to the throne encounters the warmest of
. love and the peoples most sincere feelings, and
his stay in Bosnia and Herzegovina will remain
- unforgettable. If nothing else, Sarajevski list /
Sarajevo Newspaper/ was right about this last
sentence, because Ferdinands visit to Bosnia
, and Herzegovina from 1914 would truly
, remain unforgettable not only in Bosnia and
. Herzegovina, but throughout Europe and the
, , 33. world as well.
27. 1914.
. A similar enthusiasm about the arrival of the
, , , Heir to the throne and his wife was expressed by
-- the Croatian press in Bosnia and Herzegovina,
, naturally, while emphasizing their specific
, desires, and also political and national interests
: and aspirations. Thus, for example, Hrvatska
zajednica /Croatian Community/ dedicated
its issue no. 33, dated the June 27th1914, to
. the welcoming of Franz Ferdinand. On the
front page that was, also, festively framed
with a red, white and blue border, the colours
. , of the Croatian tricolour, under the title A ,
Warm Welcome to Our Capital City, Hrvatska , , 29.
, zajednica /Croatian Community/ wrote: The 1914.
confirmation of the vassal fidelity and loyalty
: to the Most Serene Habsburg dynasty would The Announcement of the
be superfluous of us. The Croats have vouched establishment of the court
martial, Sarajevski list,
Sarajevo, 29thof June 1914

for that with their deeds ever since their own

88 . history became closely tied to the House of
Habsburg at the Council of Cetina. In the
rest of the text, it was clearly emphasized
what were the political aspirations of the
Croats in Bosnia and Herzegovina, or more
, precisely those of the overriding part of their
. , political and intellectual elite: Torn by the
unfortunate circumstances of their historical
development, Croats long for the uniting of
, their national authorities. Under the bright
, sceptre and the bright home, we have already
- been brought together by the paternal hand
, , of our exalted ruler for the torn limbs to
, unite and to be inspired with the breath of
. , the national Croatian state body that is the
desire which lies deep in the soul of every true
, Croat. Thus, in these lines what is more than
, clear is the tendency of the Croatian politicians
: to unite all the South Slavic regions of the
, Monarchy, including Bosnia and Herzegovina,
. with Croatia and to create within the Austro-
Hungarian Empire a type of Greater Croatia
or, as they themselves had called it, national
. Croatian state body. Of course, that implied
a new trialist state structure of the Habsburg
Monarchy, and the reason why they addressed
Ferdinand directly could be seen at the very
. 140. end of the text: - that his personality is what
25. 1914. , , fills us Croats with hope and trust. We look at
him and greet him along with his Most Serene
, , , : life companion upon their arrival at the centre
- of our homeland. -
, The Muslim Vakat/TN: Turkish, The Times/ , ,
, wrote about Ferdinands arrival in Bosnia fairly , 28. 1914.
--, - rationally and almost diplomatically wise. In
its issue no. 140, dated June 25th 1914, under The news on the Austria-
, the headline The Arrival of the Heir to the Hungarian declaration
of the war to Serbia,
Sarajevski list, Sarajevo,
28th of July, 1914

Throne on the front page Vakat/TN: Turkish,

90 [...] The Times/, among other things, wrote: As for
us, the Bosnian Muslims, this visit is certainly
most comfortable for us, because the desire of
, , our silver-haired and exalted ruler, which he
, expressed to the new Reis-ul-Ulema, for the
Muslims of Bosnia and Herzegovina to be a
, role model for Muslims all around the world,
. will undoubtedly be passed down to His Most
, , Serene Highness, our heir to the throne [...] We
, are only sorry that as His Majesty comes for a
, purely military purpose and will spend most
, of his time in Bosnia on manoeuvres, exposed
. ! to all military mishaps, we cannot prepare
him a welcome that our hearts desire. We will
have to be satisfied with the small, ordinary
- decorating of houses and streets, down which
he shall pass, but the true feeling, our most
, . sincere joy for of our rulers arrival is much
greater and stronger than all of that. A warm
welcome to you!

, The least amount of enthusiasm for the
upcoming visit by the Austro-Hungarian heir to
. , , the throne was shown by the Serbian political
newspapers in Bosnia and Herzegovina,
126. , 25. 1914. , especially by the oppositional ones. Although
, they essentially expressed identical views
about the state of the Serbian people in
!. Bosnia and Herzegovina under Austro-
, Hungarian occupation, they still had different
, approaches and nuanced attitudes. Thus,
, for example, a more moderate oppositional ,
. Serbian newspaper Srpska rijec /Serbian , 7. 1914.
Word/ in its issue no. 126, dated June the 25th
, 1914, on the front page, without any festive The news of the Austria-
colours, published an article titled A warm Hungarian declaration of
welcome to you!. The whole text was basically war to Russia, Hrvatski
dnevnik, Sarajevo, 7thof
, complaints about the administration in Bosnia
August, 1914

, and Herzegovina, especially of Potiorek and , in the honour of Ferdinands arrival but in the
92 : Bilinski, on the harassment and persecution honour of the upcoming great Serbian holiday
. of Serbs, on the unresolved and intolerable , St. Vitus Day (June 28th). Instead of odes to
, agrarian question, and the like.Before it put ; the Austro-Hungarian Heir to the throne, on
, forward these serious accusations against its front page Narod /People/ published an
Potiorek and Bilinski, Srpska rijec /Serbian . excerpt from the Nove besede /New Sermons/
Word/ made an effort to emphasize the , by Nikolaj Velimirovic, that is, a text titled
expressions of loyalty of Serbian people in Beyond Sin and Death which spoke of the
. Bosnia and Herzegovina to the Habsburg , , Kosovo vow, Kingdom of heaven, darkness
court, although a few days after they had been of slavery and light of freedom, the triumph of
: published, these words sounded pretty ironic , good over evil and, above all, the prophecy of a
to many people: For however long his position , , great day as great as St. Vitus Day, but brighter
. , allows it to His Majesty the Heir to the throne, , : than this one; a day on which the final reward
he will have the opportunity to, through direct for Lazars justice and the bravery of Miloss
contact with our people, assure himself in the will be given.About Ferdinand and his visit to
, sincerity of the feelings of loyalty and fidelity . Sarajevo, on the third page of the same issue,
of our people to His exalted Personality and Narod /People/ published a brief and almost
. His Most Serene Home. The basic message of unnoticeable article titled The Heir to the
, this text is in fact contained in the following . , Throne and his Wife in Sarajevo, without the
lines: The Serbian people rely immensely epithets Most Serene, Excellence, exalted,
, , on the direct relationship with the Venerable and the like, which briefly stated the following:
Crown. They are convinced that the Supreme , The Heir to the throne Ferdinand arrived on
- Person of the future ruler, on this occasion, . Thursday afternoon in Ilidza where he was
, will look deep into the soul of our Serbian welcomed by military and civilian authorities.
people and will use his powerful influence , The Heir and his wife immediately visited
. , to end the persecution and suffering of the Sarajevo and visited the Kabiljos oriental
, 404. , 27. Serbian people in Bosnia and Herzegovina. , store for over an hour. Yesterday afternoon,
1914. , , Unlike the Srpska rijec /Serbian Word/, the on Friday, the Heirs wife the Duchess of
, most radical Serbian oppositional newspaper . Hohenberg visited the Catholic cathedral, the
at the time, Narod /People/ appeared to have Franciscan church and the Sisters of Mercy.
, tried as hard as possible to ignore the visit of , It is as if Narod /People/ wanted to point out
, the Austro-Hungarian Heir to the throne, and , , Ferdinands animosity towards the Serbs
. through that to express its deep dissatisfaction through this text, noting that the Heir was
, - with the Austro-Hungarian occupation of their , spending hours in Muslim shops, and his wife
homeland. Thus, for example, the newspaper , was visiting the Roman Catholic churches and
, Narod /People/ issue no. 404, dated June the , communities.
, 27th 1914, ergo, a day before Ferdinands , .
, arrival in Sarajevo, came out in festive colours 27. , However, the Serbian newspapers in Bosnia
, , of the Serbian flag on the front page, but not 26. . and Herzegovina, except for Dimovics Istina /

1915. . Truth/, no longer even had a chance to write 29. , no doubt that the bombs thrown originated
94 about Ferdinand and the assassination by from Belgrade, and it caused a sad and deep
Princip, because the Srpska rijec /Serbian doubt which had destructive effects both in
. Word/, Narod /People/ and Otadzbina / . our country as whole and in Sarajevo. With
Homeland/, along with the newspaper Srpski , , the greatest loathing we condemn those
, 29. , pokret /Serbian Movement/ that used to come that committed this evil deed, and we are
130. out in Tuzla, were no longer published as of that especially saddened by the fact that it took
, day. The last issues of both Srpska rijec/Serbian , place in Sarajevo, so we call upon the entire
, Word/ and Narod /People/ were published on Sarajevo citizenship, which has always proven
. June the 27th, while the last issue of Otadzbina . itself as faithful and loyal, to exterminate such
/Homeland/ was published on June 26th. , , and similar excrements of the human race
, Dimovics Istina /Truth/ was published until 132. 30. from among them, in order to prevent such
, 1915. The Headquarters of Srpska rijec / 1914. , shameful acts in the future. This cleverly
, Serbian Word/ were completely demolished . worded statement in fact was an invitation
. during the anti-Serb demonstrations that for the lynching of Sarajevo Serbs, and Serbs
, followed. in other parts of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
. , , 135. On June the 29th, Sarajevski list /Sarajevo
, 130. The day after the assassination, on June 29th, 2. , Newspaper/ printed a special edition in which
Sarajevski list /Sarajevo Newspaper/ dedicated , they published Potioreks Announcement on
, its whole issue no. 130 to the Sarajevo : the proclamation of the court-martial for the
28/29. , assassination, and the death of Ferdinand city and district of Sarajevo. At the same time,
: and Sophie was mourned on the front page, . in this and the next few issues of Sarajevski
, framed in black under the title Darks Days. list /Sarajevo Newspaper/not a single word
Over the next few days as well, the newspaper . - was written about the demonstrations
, dedicated the largest part of its content to the against Serbs in Sarajevo and other places in
, Sarajevo assassination, paying attention to , Bosnia, the demolition of their shops and the
, , the details, the transfer of the mortal remains , destruction of their property. The first news
. of the assassinated, the reactions within the about the anti-Serb demonstrations, those
country and abroad, and the like. Being the . which happened in Zagreb, was published by
, , official gazette of the Provincial Government, the Sarajevski list /Sarajevo Newspaper/in its
, Sarajevski list /Sarajevo Newspaper/ refrained , issue no. 132, dated June the 30th 1914, in
, from public accusations against Serbs, but , which it denoted the demonstrations as the
, already in its issue no. 130 published the , testimonies of loyalty. In the following period,
well-known statement of the Sarajevo City Sarajevski list /Sarajevo newspaper/ led the
, Council, which was made during the night of . anti-Serb propaganda in a quite disguised
. June 28th-29th, in which among other things and skilful way. Thus, for example, in its issue
it was written: Even though the root of this . 37. no. 135, dated July the 2nd, it paraphrased the
, terrible act comes not from our homeland, 11. 1914. , text from the Berlin newspaper German in the
. due to the confession of the assassin there is following way: The dynastic patriotism in

, Bosnia and Herzegovina was ignited through , 164, dated July the 24th 1914, this newspaper
96 the disgust over this crime. The same emotion , , wrote about the events that took place in
, should overtake all the provinces of the . Bosanski Brod after the assassination in the
: Monarchy and unite them into one. Then the , . ?! following way:In the afternoon of the fatal
, Austro-Hungarian Empire neednt any longer , day of June the 28th h.a., the ominous news that
, be afraid of the Greater Serbia propaganda, [...] , the damned Serbian hand had brutally ended
while the fault of Serbs, which took such great , the lives of our future King Archduke Franz
. victims, will finally only additionally help the Ferdinand and his Most Serene companion
, salvation of the Danube Monarchy and its , Sophie, Duchess of Hohenberg, rapidly spread
- ruling House. , throughout our city. A deep sorrow and agony
, , , curled around the hearts of aggrieved Croat
, . , Unlike the Sarajevski list /Sarajevo Newspaper/, , Muslims and Catholics. [...] The indignation
which did it quite subtly, the Croatian . against the Serbs is great, but everyone stayed
, newspapers in Bosnia and Herzegovina led ?!... , away from their business, so now we despise
. an open harangue against the Serbs starting them and avoid their company. In the same
, , 164, 24. from the day of the assassination. The Greater ? issue, Hrvatski dnevnik /Croatian Daily/ wrote
1914. , Serbia propaganda and the idea of a Greater about the events that took place in Varcar
, , Serbia were accused of the assassination. Vakuf on the day of the assassination: The
: 28. Hrvatska zajednica /Croatian Community/ said news of the Vlachs predatory assassination
. . , in its issue no. 37, dated July the 11th 1914, as . , of the Heir to the throne and his wife deeply
, a response to the resolution of Croatian and , shocked all Croat citizens, both Muslims and
Slovenian academic youth in Prague, who Catholics. At first we could not believe the
condemned the anti-Serb demonstrations after terrible news. And when the news turned out
the assassination, published an article titled to be true, many faces became wet with tears,
, Sick Phenomena and then also published: . and many fists clenched while looking at the
. The Greater Serbia propaganda goes after the , , city decorated with Vlach flags. Well, St. Vitus
Greater Serbia idea, not after Yugoslavia, so if day is the day of the Serbian revenge. And
this assassination cannot open the eyes of our , the Serbs?! - They were returning cheerfully
[...] , youth then they shall forever remain blinded. . from the gathering held in Jezero, where they
, Do they actually believe that the Greater Serbia were dispelled from. [...] Then, when the Vlach
conspiracy would commit such desperately 145. 14. hotheads cooled down a little bit, and when
. , fanatic deed for the sake of the Yugoslav 1914. they noticed the black flags on the public and
, idea, another idea which does not serve the private buildings, when they heard the bells
: Serbdom alone? Nevertheless, the most . , of the Catholic church and saw the gloomy
, , prominent newspaper when it came to anti- , : ! faces, they held their tongues, seeing that
Serb writing was Stadlers Hrvatski dnevnik . . it was not yet time to reveal their true faces,
. /Croatian Daily/, which did not choose its , so they took the Vlach rags off their houses
words lightly when offending and humiliating - and hung a black flag on their church. Was it
. the Serbs. Thus, for example, in its issue no. . a sign of mourning?! ... We know each other,

dear brothers; we are just asking you why The Muslim Vakat/TN: Turkish, The Times/
98 . there was not a single black flag on any of the published on the day after the assassination,
; , Vlach houses? In the period after the Sarajevo . June 29th, its special edition, and on the front
assassination, the columns of Hrvatski dnevnik , page under the headline The Assassination of
. /Croatian Daily/ were full of such and similar : - the Heir to the Throne mourned the death of
, texts insulting and accusing the Serbs. In , Ferdinand and Sophie, at times with excessive
, addition, Hrvatski dnevnik /Croatian Daily/ , pathos. The text began with the words: We
, . , frequently spread false news, such as the news , sincerely wept and wept over the horrific crime
that the Serbian peasants in Gacko attacked that happened yesterday. The two individuals
, a military convoy that was transporting , with a most dubious past, two fanatical Serbs
. ammunition from Mostar to a military camp . dared to shoot at our Most Serene guests,
in Avtovac, and the like. To what extent certain 500, the Heir to the throne and his wife, and so
Croatian newspapers, especially Hrvatski 500 separated them from this world forever.
, 29. , , dnevnik /Croatian Daily/, were passionate browninga Immediately after that, Vakat/TN: Turkish,
, about anti-Serb propaganda, is demonstrated . The Times/ pointed a finger at those it held
, through the fact that some of their issues had responsible. Even though it was not specifically
, to be censored for it. Even the official gazette stated, Vakat/TN: Turkish, The Times/did
. Sarajevski list /Sarajevo Newspaper/, in its . unequivocally accuse Serbs and Serbia for the
: issue no. 145, dated July the 14th 1914, felt assassination: It is a disgrace to the whole
, the need to warn Hrvatski dnevnik /Croatian of Sarajevo, a disgrace to the whole of Bosnia
. Daily/ about the unacceptably hostile writing and Herzegovina, a disgrace to all the people,
, against the Serbian people. The article, among , a disgrace that it had not been prevented;
other things, says: Remember, Bosnia !Under . but anyone who has any common sense and
this title the local newspaper Hrvatski dnevnik is familiar with our situation knows whom to
/Croatian Daily/, in its Friday issue, wrote an , blame for what had been done, so we warn
. article which sounded like a battle cry against . 154. , immediately that the culprit must be searched
the Serbian Orthodox population in these 24. 1914. for on the right side and in the place of his
. countries. We truly do not give ourselves the origin.Vakat/TN: Turkish, The Times/ slightly
, right to censor Hrvatski dnevnik /Croatian , made the impression that, through such texts,
: Daily/ and its way of writing; but we cannot . wanted to eliminate any potential possibility
, refrain from saying that this article is somewhat for the Muslims to become connected to the
, , contrary to recent pastoral epistle of His assassination in any way. Otherwise, it would
; Eminence Archbishop Dr. Stadler, which we all be difficult to understand the following lines,
, remember very well, and which preached love, . 159, 27. , which sound more than pathetic: We Bosnian
, forgiveness and reconciliation. Thus, while Muslims, especially those from Sarajevo, are
, Archbishop Stadler publicly invited people truly sorry that we were not allowed to again
to love, his Hrvatski dnevnik /Croatian Daily/ , take care of the safety of His and her lives as
, . openly spread the hatred. , we did back then when His Highness visited
Bosnia four years ago. There were 500 of us

, who guarded the life of His Highness with our , devotion and loyalty of the Muslim population
100 , , own bodies, while 500 loaded Browning guns . . of Bosnia and Herzegovina and I can tell
: were just waiting for someone to make the you with utmost certainty that the Bosnian
wrong move and to be blown to pieces.Over Muslims are ready, not only now but anytime,
, , the next few days, Vakat/TN: Turkish, The , to sacrifice their lives and property, and to
. Times/ extensively wrote about the anti-Serb shed their blood for salvation, well-being and
, , demonstrations in Sarajevo and other places in happiness of the famous Habsburg Monarchy.
, Bosnia and Herzegovina. . Finally, the next day, on July the 28th 1914, in
its special edition issue no. 160, Sarajevski
, Until the outbreak of the First World War, list /Sarajevo Newspaper/ published only a
- besides the official gazette Sarajevski list / . text titled The Declaration of War that was
, Sarajevo Newspaper/ some Croatian political actually the telegram with the declaration
, newspapers also dealt with the Sarajevo , of war against Serbia written by the Austro-
, assassination and its consequences. Sarajevski Hungarian Foreign Minister, Count Berchtold.
. , list /Sarajevo Newspaper/ followed on the , With much more enthusiasm than the official
28. 1914. , 160. diplomatic activities in Europe, which came as gazette Sarajevski list /Sarajevo Newspaper/,
consequences of the assassination. In its issue Hrvatski dnevnik /Croatian Daily/ also followed
no. 154, dated July the 24th 1914, Sarajevski up on the Austro-Hungarian diplomatic and
list /Sarajevo Newspaper/ published on its , . military preparations for the war against
front page the Austro-Hungarian Note to , , 148. 11. Serbia, with of course undiminished harangue
, . Serbia, and then the Austro-Hungarian Note 1914. , , , against Serbs and Serbia, while at the same
to the European powers. Potioreks orders : time it was still trying to point out the main
and regulations, which adapted the country , goals of the Croatian policy in Bosnia and
, , for the upcoming state of war, were regularly , Herzegovina, i.e., the creation of Greater
, published in the official part of Sarajevski list Croatia within the Habsburg monarchy, which
, /Sarajevo Newspaper/. In its issue no. 159, would include Bosnia and Herzegovina, and,
dated July the 27th, Sarajevski list /Sarajevo . of course, the trialist reorganization of the
, Newspaper/ extensively wrote about the new , , Monarchy. Thus, for example, in its issue no.
patriotic events of Muslims and Croats in 164, Hrvatski dnevnik /Croatian Daily/ quoted
, , Sarajevo, which were caused by the declaration the article of the Viennese daily newspaper
, of war against Serbia, while especially . , , Reichspost on the Croatian issue where,
emphasizing the massive participation of among other things, stood: But, we inevitably
, , Muslims, and quoting the speech of Serif , , have to realize that we are now facing an
. , , 164. Arnautovic, who, addressing Potiorek, among , either or decision. Either Greater Serbia,
other things, said: The Muslims of Bosnia and 149. 15. 1914. , or a real, not just illusive Croatia within the
Reichspost , Herzegovina who are offended and saddened , Monarchy. There is no third option.
, , : , by the horrible assassination that happened :
, in Sarajevo, eagerly awaited for this moment , , During the month of July, Vakat/TN: Turkish, The
: . to come. Your Excellency knows of the love, , Times/ also dealt with the consequences of the

assassination, and it followed and reported on constant provocations forced the Muslims of
102 , the developments in the European diplomacy Stolac to exclude him from their communities
, mainly based on the writing of the European and to deny him access to all Muslim
. press. Undoubtedly, this newspaper was most institutions in Stolac. Vakat/TN: Turkish, The
concerned about what kind consequences Times/ especially actively followed up on the
, would Bosnia and Herzegovina suffer after events after the publication of the Austro-
, the assassination, and what changes would Hungarian Note to Serbia, refraining from bile
- , happen. In a fairly quieter tone, and with far comments, and when the Austro-Hungarian
159. 29. less insults than the Croatian newspapers, Empire declared war against Serbia, Vakat/
1914. , , : Vakat/TN: Turkish, The Times/ occasionally TN: Turkish, The Times/ in its issue no. 159,
expressed accusations against Serbia and the dated July the 29th 1914, among other things,
Serbs in Bosnia and Herzegovina, presenting wrote: Down the Bosnian soil ran the blood of
sometimes completely absurd claims like the our cherished Heir to the throne and his wife,
, one that the Serbs in Bosnia and Herzegovina his life extinguished on the Belgrade basis, and
, were constantly favoured by the Austro- now both Bosnia and Herzegovina burn with
Hungarian rule, to the detriment of Muslims the desire to contribute to avenging that blood
., and Catholics. Thus, for example, in its issue and punishing the originator of that infamous
158. 1. 1914. no. 148, dated July the 11th1914, Vakat/TN: crime. Finally, the last issue of Vakat/TN:
, Turkish, The Times/, among other things, wrote: Turkish, The Times/ no. 158 was published
: ! We must warn the relevant bodies of the fact on August the 1st 1914, and there was a big
that the vast majority of the Bosnian people headline on the front page that said: The war
were dissatisfied with the previous course, as it has started!
had a Serbian character and because the Serbs
were favoured throughout it to the detriment
of other elements.The continuous striving of
Vakat/TN: Turkish, The Times/ to vigorously
reject even the smallest suspect of Bosnian
Muslims connection to the assassination
could still be noticed. So, for example, the
news reported by the Belgrade press that one
of the conspirators was a Muslim from Bosnia
and Herzegovina, Muhamed Mehmedbasic,
Vakat/TN: Turkish, The Times/ in its issue no.
149, dated July the 15th 1914, under a title
Lies of the Serbian Press, commented on in
the following way: As for this individual, we
know that he was a fanatical Serb, who by his

Vahdet Alemi



Razliit pristup ili viestran prikaz dogaaja A different approach or a multidimensional

osigurava pravilo ISTINA NADVISUJE, ONA view of the event provides the following
NE BIVA NADVIENA, izvjetavajui o ratnoj rule: THE TRUTH TRANSCENDS, IT IS
fortuni na Balkanu, jedan je od naslova NOT TRANSCENDED, was one of the titles Posljedice tragedije u
Ikdama, turskih dnevnih novina, na dan 27. of Ikdam, the Turkish daily newspaper Sarajbosni. Car Franjo Josif
jula 1914. god. Pitanje Balkana oduvijek je reporting on the fortunes of war in the Balkans, na sahrani nadvojvode
bilo predmet pekulisanja, na kojem su se Franca Ferdinanda, Ikdam,
on the 27th July 1914. The Balkans issue has Istanbul, 17. jul 1914.
odmjeravale snage i preklapali interesi, upravo always been the subject of speculation, where
radi velikih aspiracija spram Balkana. Ratna ones strength was measured and interests
fortuna na razmeu Balkana 1914 predstavlja The consequences of the
overlapped, exactly because of the high tragedy in Saraj-Bosnia.
niz ulomaka iz turske tampe, koji konstatuju aspiration towards the Balkans. The fortune The emperor Franz Joseph
stanje i odnose samog ina. of war at the crossroads of the Balkans in at the funeral of Archduke
1914 presents a series of excerpts from the Franz Ferdinand, Ikdam,
Pucanj u prestolonasljednika princa Franca Turkish press noting down the state of affairs Istanbul, 17th of July1914
Ferdinanda je in koji die zastor sa lica svetih, and relations of the act itself.
pojanjavajui zlokobnim licem rata. Eho
pucnja rasvjetljava mehanizam opte invazije The gunshot aimed at the heir to the throne,
na Balkan. Prema pisanju Ikdama na dan 23. the Prince Franz Ferdinand is an act that
jula 1914. godine Alameti fortune znakovi raises the curtain from the face of the saints,
invazije deavali su se neposredno i u toku elucidating with the ominous face of war. The Tragedija u Sarajbosni.
svetog mjeseca, Ramazana1, mjeseca posta echo of that shot illuminates the mechanism for Nedjeljko abrinovi kao
muslimana. the general invasion of the Balkans. According prvi atentator, Ikdam,
to the Ikdam on the 23rd July 1914, Alameti Istanbul, 17. jul 1914.
Ikdam navodi odreene razlike stanja i fortune signs of invasion were occurring
meuodnosa Istoka i Zapada: Razlika je around and during the holy month, Ramadan1, The tragedy inSaraj-
evidentna u duhovnom suodnosu snaga the Muslim holy month of fasting. Bosnia. Nedjeljko
(manevijatu). Istonjaci vie potuju Cabrinovic as the first
duhovnost (manevijat). Izmeu Istoka i Zapada assassin, Ikdam, Istanbul,
The Ikdamstates certain differences of
17th of July1914
postoji jedna totalna razlika koja se ogleda circumstances and interrelations between
u potrebi potinjavanja. Meutim, duboke East and West: The difference is evident in the
analize nam pokazuju da je najvaniji uzrok spiritual relation of the powers (maneviyat /TN:
sadanjeg ponienja i ropstva Istoka upravo Turkish, spirit). Easterners respect spirituality
ova uzvienost duha i prefinjena osjeajnost. more (maneviyat). Between the East and the
Sedmini politiki magazin Sevreti funun West there is a complete difference which

dana 27. jula 1914. godine daje pregled is reflected in the need for subordination.
108 evidentnih razlika: Prvi znaajan faktor biva However, the deep analyses show that the most
vjera a onda, drugi znaajan faktor jeste important cause of the current humiliation and
geografsko podruje ili pak vojni savezi koji slavery of the East is exactly this sublimate of
su uveliko predodredili liniju razdvajanja spirit and sophisticated sensibility.
ili razgranienja. YAVUZ I MIDILLI, nae
oklopnjae, su odraz odnosa Njemake i The weekly political magazine Servet-i Fnun
Turske u savezu kada je engleska mornarica on the 27th July 1914 provides an overview to
zaplijenila ratne razarae osmanske mornarice the obvious differences: The first important
Sultan Osmana i Readiju. factor is faith, and then, secondary is the
geographic region or the military alliances
Sarajbosna2 na dan 26. jula 1914. god. odie, that have largely determined the line of
prema kazivanju i pisanju Ikdama, znatno separation or demarcation. YAVUZ I MIDILLI,
drugaijom percepcijom glede historijskog our battle cruisers, are the reflection of the
hoda, sudei po likovima okupljenih oko Mlade relationship between Germany and Turkey in
Bosne i samim akterima, jer im zvanini Ikdam an alliance when the English navy seized the
posveuje neznatnu panju, imenujui ih kao Sultan Osman and Readiye battleships of
komite regrutovane i obuavane neposredno the Ottoman Navy.
prije alameta3 u Beogradu. Samim akterima
nije posveena posebna panja, ve toliko da Sarajbosna2 on the 26th July 1914 exudes,
bi ih samo uzgred pomenuli kao balkanske in the words and writing of Ikdam with a
komite, iji hitac bezumlja pokree maineriju significantly different perception concerning
masovnih ubistava i nasilnog prekomandovanja the historical pace, according to characters
teritorija, ljudi i kapitala civilizacije Istoka gathered around the Young Bosnia movement
i Zapada. Sam dogaaj ubistva ni izbliza ne and the protagonist themselves, because their
dobija publicitet javnosti. Post festum, dalo official Ikdam, pays just slight attention
bi se rei da se ubistvo dogodilo, a svjetska to them, calling them comitadjis, which
javnost kao da nije bila zateena inom. were recruited and trained immediately
before the Alamet3 in Belgrade. Therefore,
Znatno kasnije u balkanskom grotlu nastaju the protagonists were not given special
deavanja naroda kao reakcija na balkanski attention, but just enough to have them as only
Sultan Mehmed V
ratni sindrom. U Sarajbosni je bilo zabranjeno casually mentioned as the Balkan Comitadjis
prisustvuje vojnoj paradi
okupljanje ehalija (stanovnitva) na sokacima. whose bullet of insanity set into a motion the vojske Osmanskog carstva,
Usljed uobiajene upravne prakse narod se machinery of mass murders and violent the Ikdam, Istanbul, 25. jul
poeo sakupljati po kafanama. Demonstranti redeployment of territories, people and capital 1914.
su poslije u dugoj koloni u kojoj se nalazilo of both Eastern and Western civilizations. The
mnogo oficira i vojnika otili pred vladin assassination, as something that happened, not Sultan Mehmed V attends
konak. Ovdje im se obratio guverner, iji je even remotely got the publicity. Post festum, it the military parade of
the army of the Ottoman
govor znatno pojaao volju i ope kretanje. could be said that the assassination took place,
Empire,Ikdam, Istanbul,
25th of July1914

Stanovnitvo je pjevalo domoljubive pjesme and that the general public of the world was
110 i uz carski mar kruilo ulicama. Aplauzi su not surprised by this act.
dopirali sa svih strana. Na mjestu ubistva
prestolonasljednika nadvojvode Franje (u Much later, in the Balkans cauldron, people
tekstu Fransoa) Ferdinanda i njegove supruge started doing things in response to the Balkan
stanovnici su kleali uei dove. Nastala je war syndrome. Gathering the population in
opa opasnost od sveopeg rata, pisalo je u the alleyways in Sarajbosna was forbidden.
Ikdamu. Due to the usual administrative practice the
people began to gather in the taverns. The
Godinji susret balkanskih komita, tekst protesters, later forming a long column, in
koji donosi Ikdam, govori o sastanku which there were many officers and soldiers,
organizacije okupljene oko zajednike ideja went in front of a government Guest house.
protjerivanja Turske sa Balkana i eliminisanje There they were addressed by the governor,
turskih interesa. Skup je odran u Londonu u whose speech significantly encouraged the
Centralholu jedne srijede u julu 1914 (taan will and the general movement. People sang
datum u tekstu nije naveden). Sastanku patriotic songs and roamed around the streets
su, izmeu ostalih, prisustvovali: sekretar marching to imperial marches. The applauses
londonske mirovne organizacije, ije ime nije was emanating from all sides. At the site
navedeno u tekstu, britanski vojni dopisnik of the assassination of Heir to the throne,
Henri V. Nevinson, kao poznavalac balkanskih the Archduke Franz (referred in the text as
prilika, koji je i autor teksta u Ikdamu i Francois) Ferdinand and his wife, people were
Noel Baksten, jedan od najveih zagovornika reciting the Dua on their knees. There was the
protjerivanja Turske sa Balkana i indirektni general danger of a major war, said the Ikdam.
uesnik balkanskih ratova. U tekstu koji je The annual meeting of the Balkan comitadjis,
djelimino prenesen Nevinson pie: was the text written by the Ikdam, about a
meeting of the organization assembled around
Balkanske komite, koji predstavljaju the common idea of throwing Turkey out from
skrivenog podstrekaa i koji su istinski the Balkans and the elimination of Turkish
faktor za nevinu krv koja je prolivana za interests. The meeting was held in London in
vrijeme dvogodinjih strahota na Balkanu, Central Hall one Wednesday in July 1914 (the
odrali su ove srijede godinji skup u velikom exact date is not specified in the text). Among
kongresnom salonu Centralhola... Oko tri sata others the meeting was attended by: the
ustao je na noge Noel Baksten te je nabrajajui Secretary of the London peace organization Nagovjetaj rata. Kratke
vijesti iz Bea, Ikdam,
navodio lou upravu Turaka, drei u rukama whose name is not mentioned in the text, Istanbul, 27. jul 1914.
Berlinsku konvenciju. Rekao je da se nisu the British military correspondent Henry W.
ostvarila obeanja o promjenama te da su Nevinson, as an expert in the Balkan situation, A hint of war. Briefnews
tamonji narodi izgubili strpljenje. Rekao je da who is also the author of the text in the Ikdam from Vienna, Ikdam,
se ve deset godina balkanski komiti trude oko and Noel Buxton, one of the biggest advocates Istanbul, 27th of
propagande i oko organizovanja. Objelodanio for the expulsion of Turkey from the Balkans July1914

je da e doi do rata pripisujui sve grijehe i and an indirect participant in the Balkan wars.
112 loa djela Turcima. Rekao je: Naravno, vi In the text that has been partially transposed,
ete se na ovaj rat podsjetiti aplauzima, jer Nevinson writes:
je ovo bio rat za slobodu. Potom je govorio o
Drugom balkanskom ratu, istiui kao njegov The Balkan comitadjis, who represent the
uzrok poziciju velikih zemalja, nastojei da hidden instigators and who are a genuine
ih proglasi odgovornim. On tvrdi da je meu factor for the innocent blood that was spilt
kranskim narodima ovaj rat doekan kao during two years of atrocities in the Balkans,
velika nesrea. Potom su jo dva govornika held this Wednesday an Annual Meeting in a O impresijama na rat
uzeli rije. Svi su isto potvrdili. Zatim se Henri large congress suite of the Central Hall ... At Austrija-Srbija. Kako sve
Nevinson4 obratio skupu: about three oclock Noel Buxton rose to his utie rat na Be, Ikdam,
feet and listed the details of mismanagement Istanbul, 1. avgust 1914.
Naalost... Naalost... Neu moi pruiti by Turks, while holding the Berlin convention
organizaciji vijesti koje e raspoloiti njihova in his hands. He said that they had not fulfilled About the impressions
srca. Jer stanje na Balkanu danas je tako da the promises on changes and that local on the Austria-Serbian
je sto hiljada puta loije nego za vrijeme population have lost patience. He said that for war. How is the war
uprave Turaka Ako nita Turci su, plaei se ten years the Balkan comitadjis were making Istanbul, 1st of August
kontrole Evrope, nastojali da budu pravedni. efforts on propaganda and on organization. He 1914
to se tie sadanjih kranskih vlada one ine, revealed that there will be a war, attributing
sa nacionalistikom tenjom, mnogobrojne all the sins and evil deeds to the Turks. He
neprihvatljive zloine, poto nemaju ovog said: Of course, youll admonish this war with
straha. Na kraju britanski ratni dopisnik applause because this was a war for freedom.
zakljuuje: He then spoke of the Second Balkan War,
pointing out, as its cause, the position of large
O Englezi, dobro to razmotrite! Krani na countries trying to proclaim them accountable.
Balkanu nisu krani kao vi. Oni se ne mogu He claims that among the Christian nations Ministar rata Enver paa dodjeljuje
ubrojiti u ljude koji su samilosni i koji pruaju this war was welcomed as a great misfortune. diplome i zaklinje pitomce Carske vojne
zatitu. Ja za svoj raun kaem da oni koji su Then two more speakers took the floor. Both of kole, Ikdam, Istanbul, 1. avgust 1914.
pripremili rat na Balkanu nisu nainili uslugu them confirmed the same stance. Then Henry
ni hrianstvu, ni ovjeanstvu, ni slobodi. Nevinson4 addressed the assembly: The Minister of War Enver Pasha
Na stotine hiljada ljudi uvueno je u propast presents the diplomas tothe cadetsof
i nesreu. Ovaj mir dananji koji se vidi na Unfortunately ... Unfortunately ... I will not the Imperial military school, who are
prostorima Balkana samo je privremeni zastoj. be able to provide news to the organization taking the oath before him, Ikdam,
Istanbul, 1st of August 1914
Danas na Balkanu nema nijednog naroda, a da that will make their hearts happy, because the
je zadovoljan situation in the Balkans today is such that it is
a hundred thousand times worse than during
Ovaj rat nije nikako u slubi vjerskih sloboda. the administration of the Turks ... If anything,
Ono to pada u oi svakog posjetioca Balkana the Turks, being afraid of the control of Europe,
danas je jedna mrnja i jedan vjerski i tried to be fair. As for the present Christian

nacionalni fanatizam. Krani koji su za vrijeme governments they are committing, with
114 turske uprave uili slobodno u svojim kolama, nationalist aspirations, many unacceptable
crkvama i obavljali svoje obrede, danas su pod crimes because they do not have this fear.
kranskom upravom lieni ovih privilegija At the end the British war correspondent
Bugari na grkoj zemlji, Grci na bugarskoj concludes:
zemlji susreu se sa nevoljama. Osobito stanje
muslimana zasluuje samilost. Ne mogu Oh, English, consider it well! Christians in the
dati mogunost, naspram ovih situacija koje Balkans are not Christians like you are. They
podsjeaju na inkvizicijska nasilja, da uti cannot be counted among the people who are
Engleska koja brine o milionima podanika compassionate and who provide protection.
muslimana. Gospodin Noel Baksten je u svom I, on my own account, say that those who
govoru kazivao o izbjeglitvu Rumelijaca u prepared the war in the Balkans did not do a
osmanskoj Aziji kao o posljednjoj nesrei. favour neither to Christianity, nor humanity,
Zato nepristrasno ne razmiljamo o tome ta nor freedom. Hundreds of thousands of
je istina? Da li su prihvatljiva mnogobrojna people are being drawn into the disaster and
muenja koja pogaaju muslimane pod this misfortune. The peace that is seen in the
Grkom? Osjeam veliku muku u pogledu Balkans today can only be seen as a respite.
savjesti zbog stranih posljedica koje je Today in the Balkans there is not a single
proizvelo djelovanje balkanskih komita iako nation that is content...
godinama zajedno radimo...
This war is not at all serving the freedom of
Izvjetaji koje imamo u vezi sa ovim balkanskim religion. What catches the eye of every visitor
strahotama, koje su dodate kao velike krvave to the Balkans nowadays is the hatred and
mrlje na svjetsku historiju, takoer potvruje the religious and national fanaticism. The
ovo to ja iskazujem. To isto je i u konzularnim Christians who were, during the Ottoman reign,
izvjetajima koji su poslati Ministarstvu taught freely in their schools, churches and
vanjskih poslova, a koji nisu objavljeni. Svoje exercised their religion freely are now, under
rijei zavravam sa aljenjem te preporuujem an administration of Christians, deprived of
balkanskim komitima da se u budunosti trude these privileges...
da budu sredstvo mira i spasa...
Bulgarians in the country of Greece, Greeks
Ovaj govor je naveo na razmiljanje cijelu in the country of Bulgaria are faced with
organizaciju. Naroito su Noela Bakstena adversity. In particular, the state of the
zbunili oni na vrhu organizacije. Noel Muslims deserves compassion. As opposed
Baksten je ime Turaka uvijek spominjao sa to this situation which is a reminder of the
omalovaavanjem, nastojei da prikae Turke violence from the inquisition. I cannot give you
War, Serveti funun,
kao ruitelje sree i civiliziranosti. the option of England being so silent, as they Istanbul, 21. jul 1914.
look after about a million Muslim subjects.
Mr. Noel Buxton talked in his speech about War, Servet-iFnun,
Istanbul, 21st ofJuly 1914

Nakon ovoga govora glavni sekretar londonske the refuge of the Rumelians in Ottoman Asia
116 mirovne organizacije se na sljedei nain as about the last calamity in his speech. Why
obratio organizaciji da bi stekao podrku: arent we impartially thinking about what is
the truth? Are the numerous tortures that
Kako god su balkanski komiti pokuavali da affect the Muslims under Greece, acceptable? I
prue isprike oni su ti koji su jedini odgovorni feel a great torment in terms of conscience due
za sve nesree. Drugo, njihova krivica je to to to terrible consequences caused by the actions
ne nastoje shvatiti glavne ideje nevinih Engleza of the Balkan comitadjis, although we have
i to Turke, u ijoj prirodi nema nikakvog worked together for years...
barbarstva i divljatva, nastoje prikazati
drugaije da bi dobili u ovoj sramotnoj tubi. The reports that we have in relation to these
Budite sigurni da Turci zasluuju da budu Balkan atrocities, which were added as a large
iznad istonih krana. blood stain to the worlds history, also confirm
what I state. The same is also in the consular
Odlika ovih krana koji su nazvani reports submitted to the Ministry of Foreign
Levantincima je to to nastoje potpaliti vatru Affairs, but not released. I end my words with
smutnje (fesada) izmeu Istoka i Zapada, regret and I recommend the Balkan comitadjis
uzimajui kao izgovor hrianstvo. Istinski to try in the future to be an instrument of peace
dentlmeni u Turskoj opet su Turci. Izvjetaji and salvation ...
potovanog gospodina Henrija i konzularni
izvjetaji potvruju jednu istinu, a to je da This speech made the entire organization
balkanski nasilnici nisu Turci nego hriani contemplate. Noel Buxton was particularly
koje vi vidite kao one koji su samilosni. confused by those at the top of the organization.
Balkanski se rat nije zavrio unato tome to je Noel Buxton always mentioned the name of
stradalo na hiljade ljudskih dua. Uskoro ete the Turks with contempt by trying to show
vidjeti da e to tamo postati grob ovjeanstva the Turks as destroyers of happiness and
i pitam Noela Bakstena koji je najvatreniji civilization.
branitelj u ovom sporu: Kada e poeti trei
balkanski rat?... A ja zavravam svoje rijei After this speech the Secretary of the
mojom preporukom balkanskim komitima da London peace organizations addressed the
ne budu sredstvo smutnje i licemjerstva nego organization in order to gain support in the Manevar oklopnjaa sa
da budu sredstvo mira i spasa (selameta). I following way: balonom za navoenje i
elim da njihov trud ne obuhvata samo ove njemakih podmornica
u Kielu, Serveti funun,
hriane nego i potlaene muslimane. Whatever the Balkan comitadjis were trying Istanbul, 21. jul 1914.
to find excuses in, they were the ones who
Balkanska organizacija komita je spram ovih were solely responsible for all its misfortunes.
The maneuver of the
situacija i dogaanja pokazala zbunjenost. Secondly, it is their fault that they do not try battleships with the
Kada ovjek shvati da je istina tako blistava to understand the main ideas of the innocent guidance dirigible and
(rei e): ISTINA NADVISUJE, A ONA NE BIVA Englishmen and because they tend to show German submarines
in Kiel,Servet-i Fnun,
Istanbul, 21stof July 1914

NADVIENA. Prisiljen da istinu spomene, sa the Turks in a different light, whose nature has
118 jednim posebnim olakanjem skup se najzad no barbarism and savagery, in order to win
okonao. Pristrasnost spram balkanskih this shameful lawsuit. Be sure that the Turks
ustanika poprimila je suprotan uticaj. A Noel deserve to be above the eastern Christians.
Baksten nije dobio nikakav aplauz, zakljuuje
gospodin Nevinson u svom tekstu. The characteristic of these Christians, called
Levantines, is that they are trying to light a
to je rat, biva pitanje koje nudi bezbroj fire of malevolence between East and West,
razliitih odgovora, uz nezamislivu taking as their excuse Christianity. The true
kombinatoriku ratnih intriga. U vezi s tim, gentlemen in Turkey again are the Turks. The
prenosim dijelove teksta ispisane u Sevreti reports of the Honourable Mrs. Henry and the
fununu, to e biti najbolji pokazatelj turske consular reports confirm one truth, and that
misli spram dogaaja: the bullies in the Balkans are not the Turks but
the Christians who are the ones you believe that
Rat biva udarac ispaljenog baruta ija are compassionate. The Balkans war was not
eksplozija izvlaiti odreene poruke koje uvode over despite thousands of human souls being
u proces uticaje i faktore koji su doveli do rata, killed. Youll soon see that there will be a grave
to je jedan djetinji postupak. Nadmetanje je for mankind and I ask Noel Buxton, who is the
ono to proizvodi rat... ivotrpno nadmetanje... most ardent defender in this dispute: When
nadmetanje za ansu, za ivotni prostor, za will the third Balkan war start? ... And I end my
mogunost, to proizvodi rat... ovjek vremena speech with my recommendation to the Balkan
stvarao je potroaki stil, isto jede, mirno comitadjis not to be the means of obstruction
spava, ostvarujui poboljanjem socijalnog and hypocrisy but to be an instrument of peace
ivota prosperitet i iskorak iz divljine... kamen and salvation (selamet). And I want their
mijenja tanetom, gnijeivi glavu neprijatelja. efforts to include not only these Christians but
Duh divljatva nije ostavljen u predsoblju also the oppressed Muslims.
XX vijeka. Ovo je misao koja opominje i ne
ostavlja ravnodune ni one koji ive vrijeme The Balkan organization of the comitadjis was
globalizma. confused regarding these situations and events.
When a man realizes that the truth is so bright Oklopnjae kupljene
Ovaj tekst nudi na sebi svojstven geopolitiki, (he will say): THE TRUTH TRANSCENDS, IT od Njemake koje su
Osmansko carstvo uvele
kulturoloki i socioloki naini niz injenica, IS NOT TRANSCENDED. Having to mention u Prvi svjetski rat, Serveti
ukazujui slikom i rijeju na prolost the truth, the gathering was finally over with a funun, Istanbul, 21. jul
uokvirenu na rezmeu Balkana iz vremena special relief. Being biased towards the Balkan 1914.
1914. godine, ostavljajui dubok i neizbrisiv rebels had the opposite effect. And Noel
trag na ivot obinog ovjeka, koji iz nude Buxton received no applause, Mr. Nevinson The battleships
ulazi u sukob. Kao najautentiniji prikaz datog concludes in his text. purchased from Germany
pragmatizma nude, a ujedno i kao zakljuak thatbroughtthe Ottoman
Empire intothe World War
I, Servet-iFnun, Istanbul,
21st of July 1914

na balkanski sindrom zvani rat, donosim What is the war, that is a question that offers a
120 ulomak sarkastinog teksta autora Sevreti myriad of different answers with unimaginable
fununa: combinations of the war intrigues. In regard to
Simpatini razgovor dva Levantinca na this, I will convey a part of the text published
pristanitu Galata, dijalog tee na grkom! in the Servet-i Fnun which will be the best
- Vidim da si tuan? indicator of Turkish thoughts regarding this
- Kako da ne budem tuan, idem u rat u Evropu! event:
- Ta je nevolja pala i na moju glavu! U Turskoj
sam sa francuskim pasoem. Jednom smo se War is a blast of fired gunpowder whose
spasili od poreza i mnogo zaradili? Ali doao je explosions draw particular messages that
kraj. Najzad da se pomirimo s tim. emphasize the influences and the factors that
led to the war, which is a childish procedure.
HAJDE DA IDEMO U SRBIJU! Competition is what instigates the war ... life-
KOLIKA JE PLAA? enduring competition for an opportunity, for
living space, the possibility, that produces war
... A man of that time was creating a consumer-
style, not being messy while eating, sleeping
peacefully achieving the prosperity and
Vrijeme turski mjesec Temuz odgovara mjesecu julu
godine 1914, odnosno hidretskom kalendaru 29. aban stepping out of the wilderness by improving
1332, mijena za mjesec Ramazan. the social life... the stone is being changed with
a bullet while crushing the head of the enemy.
Zvanini turski naziv Bosne i Hercegovine The spirit of savagery is not abandoned in the
vestibule of the twentieth century. This is a
Alamet - znak invazije
thought that gives us a warning and does not
H. Nevinson bio je britanski ratni dopisnik, ali i make people indifferent even those living in
dopisnik turske tampe, u kojoj je smatran za the age of globalism.
nepristrasnog svjedoka i izvjetaa o dogaajima nakon
Drugog balkanskog rata.
This text provides, in its own geopolitical,
cultural and social view, a series of facts,
indicating, through words and photos, the Ruski i Njemaki car. Dva
past captured on the crossroads of the Balkans ratna vladara koja su
from 1914, leaving a deep and ineradicable izvrnula Evropu, Serveti
mark on the life of the ordinary man who funun, Istanbul, 21. jul
entered the conflict out of necessity. As the
most authentic representation of a given
The Russian and German
pragmatism od necessity, and at the same
Emperors. Two wartime
time as the conclusion regarding the Balkan rulers that turned the
syndrome called war, Im conveying a fragment Europe inside out, Servet-
of the sarcastic text by Serve-i Fnun: iFnun, Istanbul, 21st of
July 1914
Odlomak sarkastinog teksta autora Sevreti fununa:
Simpatini razgovor dva Levantinca na pristanitu Galata, dijalog tee na grkom!
- Vidim da si tuan? Tr
- Kako da ne budem tuan, idem u rat u Evropu!
- Ta je nevolja pala i na moju glavu! U Turskoj sam sa francuskim pasoem. Jednom smo se spasili od
poreza i mnogo zaradili? Ali doao je kraj. Najzad da se pomirimo s tim.
Hajde da idemo u Srbiju!
Kolika je plaa?
A pleasant conversation between two
122 Levantines at the Galata pier, the dialogue is in A fragment of the sarcastic text by Servet-iFnun:
Greek! A pleasant conversation between two Levantines at the Galata pier, the dialogue is in Greek!
- I see youre sad? - I see youre sad?
- How can I not be sad, Im going to war in - How can I not be sad, Im going to war in Europe!
Europe! - This is the same trouble that fell on my head too! I am in Turkey, with a French passport. We saved
- This is the same trouble that fell on my head ourselves once from taxes and earned a lot? However the end is here. We can finally come to terms
too! I am in Turkey, with a French passport. We with that.
saved ourselves once from taxes and earned Let us go to Serbia!
a lot? However the end is here. We can finally What is the salary?
come to terms with that.

Let us go to Serbia!

The Turkish month of Temmuz corresponds with the
month of July 1914, or the Hijri calendar, 29thShaaban
1332, change for the month of Ramadan.

The official Turkish name of Bosnia and Herzegovina

Alamet- sign of invasion

H. Nevilson was a British war correspondent but also
the correspondent of the Turkish press which was
considered to be an unbiased witnesses and reporter
about the events after the Second Balkan War.

Serveti funun, Istanbul, 21. jul 1914.

Servet-iFnun, Istanbul, 21st of July 1914



126 3. 1914. 28TH MAY TO THE 3RD AUGUST 1914

We will focus on two major Bulgarian

, newspapers, which are /Peace/ that
(), was published in Sofia as an organ of the
, National Party, and (Bulgaria),
(), , also from Sofia, which was an organ of the
- . Progressive Liberal Party.
Since the end of the Second Balkan War until
the Sarajevo assassination, there were many
articles that dealt with the consequences of
, the Treaty of London, followed by the Treaty
: of Bucharest: and in the World as well as in
Bulgaria there were discussions about all
() of the important (geo-political) issues that
. the then Bulgarian public was interested in.
: The examples from the press testify on it: in
the articles in the mentioned newspapers
, . it was discussed, for example, about the
, (. English attitude towards the fragmentation
of Macedonia, on the division of Albania (i.e.
), how poorly were territorial issues resolved
( after the Second Balkan War), the Russian
, policy on the Balkans ( and the proposal to
a, , create a new Balkan federation, which could,
together with Russia, oppose Austria and
), German expansion), about the development
( of railways in Serbia ( which would connect
), Serbia to the Austro-Hungarian railway in
( Bosnia), about the new political studies in the
Handbuch der Politik / Balkans (such as Handbuch der Politik /
, . , The Handbook of politics, by Prof. Dr. Felix , , ,
30. 1914.
Rachfahl, in which the geopolitical issues and
1870. relations amongst the major powers from 1870
1908. , The news of the Sarajevo
to 1908 were discussed, which concludes with
assassination, , Sofia,
), , . 30thof June 1914

the Austro-Hungarian annexation of Bosnia

128 u and Herzegovina), etc, etc.
However, the most important news and articles
belonged to the events that were directly
related to the Sarajevo assassination. We shall
, analyse them in the following sections.
Shocking news on the assassination, rushed
, 4528,
through Sofia like lightning, was said at the
17. VI 1914. .
beginning of the big story that /Peace/,
the National Party newspapers, published in

its issue No. 4528, dated 17th June 1914. The
whole news was in the title: The assassination

in Sarajevo - The murder of the Austrian
Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife,
while in the later passages it brought details

about the first and second attacks on the Heir
to the throne: mentioning the names of the

conspirators, quoting the statements related
to the route which the convoy of the officials

took, describing the explosive devices and
particular acts of killings, quoting the first
statements that Gavrilo Princip gave after being
arrested by the police (that he had planned for
a long time to kill a high ranked person as the
protest against the persecution of Serbs) and
, ...
Nedeljko Cabrinovic, the perpetrator of the
first attack (he said he got the hand-grenade
, , from a Belgrade anarchist, whose name he did
( not know ... and that he had no accomplices).
Much more space, however, took the first
impressions from Sarajevo (Nobody could
believe ... The news caused a general outcry. ,
Everyone was wondering why and who needed , , 30.
. . 1914.
this misdeed ... Everybody was stirred up with

the event. Many of them cried. The whole
Analysis of the tragedies
town was in mourning. During the whole day
..., .), , in the royal family and a
a bunch of people were standing on the site of
. short biography of Franz
Ferdinand, ,
Sofia, 30thof June 1914

, , the event and commented on what happened ...

130 etc.), and then the reactions in Vienna, Rome
and other capitals.
Also, published in detail and with highlighted
attention, there were the telegrams of
, ,
condolence that had been sent to the Emperor
, .
Franz Joseph. Telegrams sent from Sarajevo

(Presidency of the Assembly and the Municipal
Council), representatives of England, President
of France, the Pope, the German Emperor. The
telegrams and condolences that were sent from
Bulgaria, from the Emperor, the Government
: , of Bulgaria and from certain ministers were
, particularly presented.

A short report from the Serbian capital was:
The joyful, cheerful mood in Belgrade that was
present everywhere among the population in
memory of the Battle of Kosovo transformed
into despondency, when the news of the
, assassination spread out. The sympathies
( 15. towards the Emperor Franz Joseph were
) expressed.
In contrast to that objectivity, the attitude

of the Bulgarian reporters on the reactions
from Rome (the 15th June) was coloured
, :
with partiality and presenting a prior
condemnation of Serbias policy, he said that
the assassination in Sarajevo caused severe
reactions in Rome, that everybody mourns
for the Crown Prince, and then concludes:
, Although they did not know the details, they
all agreed that the murder was the result of the
: Serbian propaganda.
, ,
In that first report from Sarajevo the Sofia , 30. 1914.
newspapers presented Franz
Ferdinand biographic data, but that was more
... The biographies of the
a glorification and praise rather than the assassins, , Sofia,
30thof June 1914

. details of the life and work of the Archduke: it

132 tells how he was popular among the people
. in Austria, and had only one goal: to increase
... 1892. 1893. the power of the Austro-Hungarian Empire
, ... He was a soldier in his body and his soul
. ... He had good relationships with all of the
well-known names from the world of science.
He was the patron and the director of the
: , Academy of Sciences in Vienna. He possessed
the largest collection of weapons ... He made
, a journey around the world in 1892 and 1893
on, after which he wrote a story, Diary of My
Trip Around the World.
. One sentence at the end of this biography
also refers to the search for the causes of the
: assassination: When he arrived in Sarajevo,
the Mostar Serbs refused to participate in
. welcoming as a sign of a protest because the
. police allowed the Mostar Muslims to blame
the Serbs as the enemies of the dualistic
(), monarchy.
, . 221 17. VI 1914. , At the end, Franz Ferdinand was mentioned as
a publicist too: It was known in journalistic
, circles that Franz Ferdinand himself wrote the
articles for the Reichspost newspapers. The
articles were followed with interest.
( In the newspapers (Bulgaria),
, which was the organ of the Progressive
, Liberal Party, in its issue no. 221 of the 17th
June 1914, in the first reporting from Sarajevo
great attention was paid to the Emperor Franz
). Joseph, who was destined to suffer another
, , severe blow of fate at the very end of his life
, (describing the tragic death of his son Rudolf
. and his wife Elizabeth, killed by an Italian , ,
, 30. 1914.
anarchist, mentioning all unhappy wars
and upheavals through which the Danube
The reaction in Vienna,
, Sofia, 30thof June

monarchy went through during his reign).

134 ( All these breaks and whirls, as said in this
), , article, Franz Joseph endured stoically, which
, is a characteristic of the exceptional people.

As for the murder, the newspapers Bulgaria
( , ),
took over the first reports from the BTA

(Bulgarian Telegraph Agency), and in it, in
( ).
addition to the general agency news, you can
read the inaccurate names of the conspirators
, (Gabrinovic and Princic, later Principe), as well
. as the places, at which the killing took place
, (next to the Maljache river).
Special attention in this newspaper was paid to
the new Heir to the throne, the Archduke Karl

Franz Joseph. While he was only mentioned in
the , at the end of all reports, here he
, ,
was given a lot of type space, and at the end

his family ties with the Bulgarian dynasty were

clarified (Wife of the new Heir to the throne,
the Archduchess Cita, was the sister of the late
, Bulgarian Princess Marie Louise, Duchess of
, Parma and therefore the aunt of our Crown
, Prince).
, : .
As for the Archduke Franz Ferdinand, unlike
resumes from the newspaper , he was

described much more realistically and, among

other things it was said: He was considered
as a friend of the Czechs. The Hungarians did
, , not like him. The general opinion is that the
, Archduke Franz Ferdinand was a man of great
ambition and great plans.
However, quoting the articles taken from other

newspapers, the Bulgaria transferred an
, ,
obituary on Franz Ferdinand, published by the
, , 30.
Vienna State newspaper, which contained an
. 1914.
eulogy, paying tribute to the great charities of
the late Archduke, who won the sympathies of
, The reactions in Germany,
, Sofia, 30thof
June 1914

all and was very respected. At the end of many

136 glorifications the following was pointed out:
. , The unity of the royal throne and the nation,
, loyalty of citizens to the dynasty and emperors
, concern for the people, imbued with love - were
, the indestructible foundation of the empire for
centuries. Today, more and stronger than ever
. before, the nations unite around the throne
and shocked, but determined, they renew the
, oath on giving their lives and material goods
: , for the glory of the crown and honour of the
, . army.
, These last words seemed to hint the future
, events of the war, that is giving lives, the oath
and suffering, and all of that for the glory of
. the crown and honour of the army .
, Later reports, which filled pages of the
, . Bulgarian press for days, included all
manifestations and all events that followed the
, , In the reports from Sarajevo, but also from
other European capitals, the so-called Political
. newsletters presented the numerous news
and articles about the events before the attack
on the Archduke, but also about the causes,
: about the culprits and the consequences of
( the Sarajevo assassination. It is enough to cite
only the subheadings of the sections from
), those newsletters, so you can see the wide
, range of the media interest in the events:
, ( Before the assassination in Sarajevo (about
the Duchess of Hohenberg and her visit to
, Sarajevo and Ilidza) State of war declared in
... and around Sarajevo, Franz Josephs return
j , ,
to Vienna, Serbia and assassination (About , 1. 1914.
), the communiqu published by the Belgrade
( press office, condemning the assassination
The anti-Serb
, ,
demonstrations in Sarajevo
and Zagreb, , Sofia,
1stof July 1914

that touched the hearts of the peoples of the

138 monarchy ... and that caused resentment and
, most severe condemnation in our country),
Manifest of the population of Bosnia and
), Herzegovina (In which the Presidency of the
, , Assembly, on behalf of the people, confirmed
, unwavering commitment to the monarchy and
, ( , the Imperial family, and according to which
, , , ...), . every future act and every initiative that could
, , lead to similar crimes will be suppressed in
: the beginning), General grief in Germany;
Greece and the assassination; Transport of the
, remains to Vienna; Romania and assassination;
Messages of condolence (from France, Russia,
. Turkey, Germany, England ...), etc.
, Today, one hundred years later, the two
, moments that still attract attention: the first
is about some vague details relating to the
, assassination committed by Princip, and the
other one is about the anti-Serb demonstrations
in Sarajevo and Zagreb.
. From a reliable source we learn, says the
reporter of the newspapers Bulgaria, at
, the Archdukes car were thrown two small
. missiles that exploded, but in the Archdukes
: car even after that they did not fully
( understood what had happened. Upon arrival
, at the City Hall, Archduke expressed outrage
, due to the assassination, but still he was
, , cheerful during the reception.
, The description of the second assassination
was even more interesting: At the Crown
), Princes car (in which also were general

, Potiorek, the governor of Bosnia, who was , ,
; sitting across from the Archduke and Duchess, , 1. 1914.
, , and Count Harrach, who was standing on the
, , , running board of the car, in order to protect The reaction of the
Belgrade officials,
, 1stof July 1914

. , the Archduke from a possible new attacks with

140 , his own body), when the convoy of vehicles
; entered the street of Franz Joseph, two muffled
shots were fired; general Potiorek thought at
, first that, fortunately, nothing new happened,
because the Archduke and the Duchess were
. sitting still and upright in the car. A little bit
later, as general Potiorek noticed, the Duchess
, , suddenly fell on the Archduke; the general
, thought that she fainted because of nervous
distress, because the Archduke and Duchess
. quietly exchanged a few words that he did not
. understand.
, According to the reporter of these authentic
details of the assassination, when the general,
, . who was forced to show the way to the driver
, who was not familiar with the streets, turned
. to Archduke - he noticed blood in his open
, mouth. The Archduke was sitting quietly.
, When the car stopped in front of the Konak /
TN: manor house/, the Duchess was completely
: , unconscious when she was taken out of the
, car, and the Archduke also fell down. Doctors
(15. ) arrived immediately, but any help was in vain.
, As for the anti-Serb demonstrations, which
. do not give the impression of spontaneity, it is
15. 16. , possible to reconstruct a particular sequence
, of the events, based on the reports on them:
namely, it was noted that immediately after
... the assassination (June 15th) the Croatian
students organized anti-Serb gatherings
, in Sarajevo, due to which the Army had to
, intervene and restored the order.
, ,
In Zagreb, on the night between the 15th and , 1. 1914.
. 16th of June many students walked in the
streets carrying in front of the themselves
The Government
. the Croatian tricolour flag, tied with a black Manifesto addressed to the
population of Bosnia and
Herzegovina, ,
1stof July 1914

cloth ... The assembled crowd expressed

142 .... their outrage at the assassination with anti-
Serb demonstrations and smashed the
: windows of the Soko /Falcon/ association,
, (17. at the editorial offices of Novosti /News/
, . .) . and Pokret /Movement/ and at the Serbian
, municipality building. The police dispersed
, the protesters in front of the Serbian bank.
The newspapers expressed their resentment
. : over the assassination and reported that the
Croatian people were deeply shaken by seeing
, the funeral coffin of the beloved heir to the
, throne...
The protests continued in Sarajevo for the
, next two days: Anti-Serb demonstrations
. were organized yesterday and today (the 17th
. June, TN) that were even bigger. Croatian and
Muslim youth, followed by a crowd of people,
, walked in the streets, carrying a portrait of
(17. ) , the Emperor in front of them and singing the
Emperors hymn. They shouted: long live the
: monarchy and the dynasty; they also chanted
, other anti-Serb slogans, smashing all the
. window of the Europe Hotel, in which was the
. residence of the Serbian culture association, as
well as the windows of many Serbian shops.
, The Army and police have restored the order.
. In the report on the events in Sarajevo it was
. said that the protesters, which the Army and
. police had dispelled that morning (the 17th
. June), that they reunited in other parts of the
. . city again: The demonstrations acquired a
disturbing character once the people joined
the protesters. Serbian shops were taken by
an assault and looted. Due to the hazardous , , , 1.
: 1914.
character of the demonstration and the rise of
... tensions, the state of emergency was declared.
All major points in the city were taken over by The anti-Serb riots in
, Zagreb, , Sofia, 1stof
July 1914

; the Army. This morning a young man tossed a

144 hand grenade at the street corner. The hand
... grenade exploded and slightly wounded a
, , Muslim. The attacker was arrested. Details of
, the attack are not known.

The next news also testify about the drama
and confusion about the events in the streets
17. of Sarajevo: During the protests, there
was a quarrel between the Croatian and
. Mohammedan youth ... The crowd was kneeling
. at the place, where the assassination occurred,
, as well as at the square in front of the church;
. , prayers were read over there with tears for the
. longevity of the Emperor and for the peace of
the souls of the Archduke and Duchess ... The
, excitement that came over everybody as the
, result of the terrible crime led to the already
, mentioned sad incidents against the Serbian
element ...
. Patriotic demonstrations of the Croats and
(): ( Muslims were also launched on the 17th June
in Travnik. It was a protest against the Serbs.
, After the windows of the Serbian church were
broken, a priest started to shoot and a man was
, wounded. The priest was arrested to prevent
him being lynched.

The reports on the demonstrations also
), (
continued over the next few days, and the articles

on political turmoil after the assassination, in
: .
general, illustrated the political attitudes and

strategic position of the Austro-Hungarian
. ),
side. The following selection of titles is from

the newspapers /Peace/: What has the
( , , ,
investigation revealed (Text of the assassins
, , 1. 1914.
and their accomplices as well as about the
initiators of the assassination, and that was - in
: The condolences of
the opinion of the powerful elite - a powerful
the Government of
Bulgaria, , Sofia,
1stof July 1914

. propaganda, which included the Serbian , The reports on the transportation of the
146 Orthodox population and young people ), , remains of the Archduke and Duchess on
. from the Serbian schools and the Orthodox , their last journey were particularly followed:
socialists), New grenades (About the grenades transport by train from Sarajevo to Metkovic,
, that were tossed in Sarajevo the following , transfer to the yacht Dalmat and a trip down
...), day after the assassination: The culprits . the river Neretva to the mouth of the Adriatic
( were not arrested. It is believed that they are Sea and the transfer of their coffins to the
accomplices of yesterdays assassination. It Viribus Unitis cruiser, which then sailed to
, is peaceful in the town), Political motives Trieste.
: for the murder and its consequences (about The overall general assessment of the Bulgarian
. the attitudes of the Austro-Hungarian state press reports on the Sarajevo assassination
: authorities, outlined in the newspapers and the events during and after it, is, on one
Reichspost in the introduction, where among hand, the tendency to present the events
, other things it says: The Archduke Franz objectively (the acts of attack, the first and
), Ferdinand and the Duchess were the victims the second one, course of the demonstrations,
( , of a political assassination. The exponents reflections of the assassination in the European
: , of Serbian propaganda chose for a victim the capitals, reactions of the officials, etc.), as
: first representative of the great state idea. The well as certain level of condemnation of the
Crown Prince and his wife were killed by shots assassination, and above all the Serbian
. from a Browning revolver, a shot by a man who politics, the condemnation that was a result of
.), . was inspired by the idea of the Greater Serbia previous Bulgarias disagreements with Serbia,
... ), In Serbia they knew for the assassination the Second Balkan War.
in advance (The article taken from the London
newspapers Pester Lloyd, and their reporter
: brings the following news from Sarajevo: In
, , Serbia they knew the assassination would take
place. The newspapers Novosti /News/ in
their Thursday issue wrote: Let the Austrian
, . Heir to the throne have a good tour of Bosnia
and Herzegovina because that will be his last
chance to visit the country), Two assassins (On
, Cabrinovic, and Princip, who, when asked why
he carried out the assassination, answered: In
, , , the face of the Heir to the throne I see the face of
the Austrian imperialism and a representative
( , , of the highest power of the monarchy. Thats
, why I committed the assassination.), etc.




- The murder of the Archduke Franz Ferdinand

and his morganatic wife Sophie in Sarajevo on
the St. Vitus Day in 1914 launched an avalanche
1914. of the events that were publicized widely on
the pages of the Swedish dailies. During the
five-week period between the assassination
. and the outbreak of the Great War, the Swedish
press monitored attentively the developments,
, caused by the assassination and informed
their readers eagerly on it. The purpose of
this enclosure is to answer the question how
. the Swedish press got the information and in
which way they reported on the development
of European political situation in this crucial
period before the outbreak of the Great War. We
will look for the answer through the analysis of
articles, published in three daily newspapers of
? completely different ideological, political and
social orientation. The analysis included: the
, conservative evening newspaper Aftonbladet
. (Aftonbladet), the liberal daily Dagens Niheter
: (Dagens Nyheter) and the leftist newspaper
A (Aftonbladet), Social Democrats (Social-Democrats), the
organ of the Social Democratic Party. Through
(DagensNyheter) the writing of these three newspapers you can
(Social-Demokraten), clearly notice the different attitudes of the three
. most important ideological - political groups of
Swedish society towards the assassination and
the direct consequences that resulted from it.
*** ,
. A,
The news that the assassination of the Austro- , 29. 1914.
*** Hungarian Crown Prince and his wife was
committed in Sarajevo showed up on the front The report on the Sarajevo
, pages of Swedish dailies on Monday, the 29th assassination, Aftonbladet,
of June. In this regard, most of the space was Stockholm, 29th of June
, devoted to the description of the act of the 1914

assassination and the events which directly

152 , 29. . preceded it, and then the reverberation,
which the assassination caused in Austro-
Hungary, Germany and Serbia, the reaction of
, the Emperor Franz Joseph when receiving the
-, news of the murder, and the biographical data
, of the murdered and the new Royal Couple,
, Archduke Carlo and his wife, Archduchess Zita.
The mentioned newspapers illustrated their
, articles with family or individual photos of the
, killed and the Aftonbladet added a photo of the
. panorama of Sarajevo.

, a The evening newspaper Aftonbladet1
A published, as the breaking news on that day, an
. article entitled The Austro-Hungarian crown
prince killed with his wife and a subtitle in
1 which it pointed out that The assassination
was committed by the Serbs in the Bosnian
capital. In the introductory section, formed on
the basis of wide excerpts from the Viennese
press, there was the detailed description of
. events that occurred the day before at the
, Appels Quay in Sarajevo. It is stated there
, that the assassination was carried out by a
high school student, who fired from a pistol
. and that a failed hand grenade assassination
attempt preceded the assassination. It further
says on the site that they, the both assassins,
were of Serbian nationality and that the
. assassination was ethnically motivated. It is
followed by the brief information about the
assassins, accompanied by the allusion that
. the assassination was organized in Serbia.
The perpetrator of the assassination, Gavrilo
. Princip, was described as nineteen years old
person, born in Grahovo, who spent a longer
, period of education in Belgrade, and that A,
, during the investigation, he said that he has , 1. 1914.
, been infatuated with the idea to assassinate
some prominent figure for a long time. As
The analysis of the causes
for Nedeljko Cabrinovic, they say he is a
of the assassination and
its direct consequences,
Aftonbladet, Stockholm,
1st of July 1914

. typographer and that he admitted he got the

154 , , grenade in Belgrade from an anarchist, whose
name he did not know. The assassins have
denied that they were linked, but they were
. not believed saying that. Their conduct before
the investigating authorities was estimated as
. cynical.
Unlike the Aftonbladet, its competitor, the
A(), Dagens Niheter2 wrote a brief overview of the
2 political background of the assassination along
with the abovementioned news. So they say
. that assassination was an expression of the
South Slavic hatred towards Austro Hungary,
- which they perceive as an enslaver that stands
in the way of their national development.
It then says that the population of Bosnia is
. predominantly composed out of Serbs, who

strive to unite with Serbia since the time of
awakening of their national consciousness.
Gavrilo Princip was described in that post as -
. the Slovene high school student. , A,
. , 23. 1914.
Social Democrat3 also brought as breaking
news a post in which they express a synthesis of
The analysis of the
German and Austrian press in connection with
international significance
the event. No supplementary commentaries
ofthe strained relations
. , were given in addition to the informative news between Austria-Hungary
. in the text. and Serbia, Aftonbladet,
Stockholm, 23 July, 1914
The event in Sarajevo continued to dominate
the foreign policy section of the Swedish press
. in the following days. The news was still coming
to Stockholm mainly from Vienna and Berlin.
. Their content was dominated by the new
details in connection with the assassination,
, then the information related to the results of
, the investigation, and beginning of anti-Serb
, demonstrations in Sarajevo, Mostar and other
, towns in Bosnia and Herzegovina, as well
as a review of the life and personality of the
Archduke Franz Ferdinand and feelings that
. his death created within the country.

30. On the 30th of June the Aftonbladet printed an

156 article After the assassination in Sarajevo,
in which was explicitly stated that the
. assassination was the fruit of the Greater
Serbia conspiracy. Cabrinovics confession
and a considerable sum of money found in
Princips apartment in Sarajevo were specified
. as the main evidence for it. In the same article
there are quotes of the mayor of Sarajevo
proclamation, addressed to the citizens
immediately after the assassination, in which
was stated that the assassins were armed
in Belgrade and that the sacred duty of the
citizens of Sarajevo is to remove the shameful
. stain, which stained the name of our city today.
That was an indirect call for the persecution of
Serbs, because the very next day the Croatian
and Mohammedan youth organized anti-
Serb demonstrations in Sarajevo and other
. major towns in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The
specific targets of the protesters were Serbian
- cultural and educational institutions, as well
as shops and restaurants, owned by Serbs.
. The Aftonbladet points out that members
of all strata of society participated in the
. demonstrations. The violence is justified
with protesters contempt and resentment
towards the assassination, which was the
. fruit of the Greater Serbia agitation. The
Dagens Niheter transmitted this news without
running commentaries, while the Social-
1. Democrat in their article, published on the 1st
, of July, states that the anticipated fear that the
assassination would be used as an excuse for
, a general campaign against the Austrian Serbs
. and their leaders, unfortunately came true.

The article brought to attention that the news ,
, of involvement of Serbia in the assassination , , 1.
should be taken with caution until further 1914.
notice because it is possible that they could
originate from some of those factories of lies,
How was the news of the
, which systematically worked to raise anti- assassination received in
Vienna, Dagens Nyheter,
. Stockholm, 1st of July 1914

Serb tension at the most critical moment of

158 the Balkan War, trying to make the Prohaskas
affair as an unconditional cause for war against
It is important to note that the Aftonbladet
, brings a diametrically different description of
, , the personality of the assassinated Archduke
. and the echoes that his death caused within
the country, in comparison with the Dagens
Niheter and the Social-Democrat. So, Franz
. , Ferdinand was described in that newspaper as
a person of mature judgment and a strong will,
stable, respected and an influential person,
and cautious in making political decisions.
. They particularly emphasized his military
. virtues and the respect he enjoyed in the Army
for it. Additionally, the Aftonbladet points out
in a number of articles that the citizens of
, Vienna sincerely mourn their Heir, and that
his death has done irreparable damage to the
monarchy. Quite a different picture of this is
given by the Dagens Niheter. In a letter, sent
, to the newspaper from Vienna, shortly after
. receiving the news about the assassination, it
is said that the citizens of Vienna had received
. the news on the assassination in Sarajevo
. with a sense of general indifference but it
also produced their almost burning hatred
, towards the assassin only because he was of
the Serbian nationality. Some of them were
. even openly glad because the assassination
Worwrts, freed them of a Czech on the throne. A
, similar picture of the situation in this regard
is also brought by the Social-Democrat. So,
, that newspaper writes in the article The
, Archduke Franz Ferdinand that the news of
his death in Vienna was received with blunt
indifference. The Vienna correspondent of the
. , German socialist newspaper Worwrts, from

, which was this article taken, considered that , ,
the cause for it should have been looked for , 25. 1914.
, .
The analysis of the international
relations just before the war, Dagens
Nyheter, Stockholm, 25thof July 1914

, in the personality of the murdered one, whom

160 he described as a reckless, unpredictable,
, pretentious and an extremely stubborn man,
who achieved his goals by any means. Apart
, 4. . from the clergymen, whose views and ideas
he advocated and supported, no one else had
the slightest reason to grieve for him, it stated
, further in this article.

Among other news, the Aftonbladet paid great
attention to the transport of the corpses to the
castle of Arsteten, where the bodies were laid
. in a tomb chapel in the presence of close family
, members on Saturday, the 4th of July. On the
same day the editorial article The European
, situation and the issue of our armed forces,
was published in the newspaper, pointing out
. that killing of any other European monarch
would not cause greater complications within
, the European political scene, than the murder
of the Austro-Hungarian crown prince in
Sarajevo. The author of the text finds that the
Dual Monarchy must settle their accounts with
. Serbia while the old emperor is still alive if
they do not want to lose its prestigious political
, role in the Balkans. As this could lead to the
major complications in terms of maintaining
the peace in Europe in this case, the author
. appeals to the members of Swedish Parliament
, to reconsider the seriousness of the situation
and support the suggestion of the military
, experts regarding the reform of the Swedish
Armed Forces.
, On the other hand, a short article about
. threatening demonstrations in front of
the apartment of the Serbian Member of
Parliament Jovanovic in Vienna was published ,
in the Social Democrat on the same day. It is , 29.
, pointed out in the article that, despite the fact 1914.
that the Viennese press tried to show those
. demonstrations as nation-wide, the members The beginning of
of the working class did not participate in that the war, Dagens
Nyheter,Stockholm, 29th
of July 1914

, illegal activity. As the latest one in a series of

162 notes, the newspaper published the news of
. the assassinated couples funeral ceremony.

On the same day the Dagens Niheter published
a number of articles about the funeral of the
7. assassinated and the memorial service held in
, a Catholic church in Stockholm, noting that a
similar service was held in Belgrade. ,
. After that news, the events in connection with , 1. 1914.
, the assassination began to lose its topicality.
- That was undoubted influence by the soothing
The analysis of the political
, comments, made by the Austro-Hungarian
controversiesrelated to the
officials, published in the press after the Sarajevo assassination, the
session of the joint Monarchy Ministerial Social Democrats, Stockholm,
. , , Council on the 7th of July in Vienna, in which the 1st of July 1914
security situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina
and the attitude that the Monarchy should take
. towards Serbia were discussed. Relying on the
writings of the Viennese press, two days later
, the Aftonbladet published the article Austro-
Hungary and Serbia, in which they pointed out
that the empire had no intention to take any
. , diplomatic action against the neighbouring
: country. Thus, as the newspaper estimated,
prevailed moderate political option, quite
opposite to that one, which the murdered Heir
stood for. A part of the speech from Count Tisza
. in front of the Hungarian delegation, in which
he evaluated the assassination as a result
of a conspiracy of a gang, whose opinion is
, 9. not shared by the majority of the population
of Bosnia and Herzegovina, was quoted in
, the same article. The Hungarian President
ended his speech by saying: Everybody in
. charge of foreign policy in the Monarchy
is firmly determined to work hard for the
maintenance of peace and preservation of the
vital interests and prestige of the Monarchy.
Next day a new article appeared on the pages
. of the Aftonbladet, in which it was said that
Neues Wiener the Emperor, after Count Berthold made him

familiar with the decisions of the Ministerial

164 Council on the 9th of July at Ischl, supported
. the proposal to have a protest that will
- not affect the state sovereignty of Serbia.
17. sent to the Serbian government. The idea
15. was to oblige Serbia to punish its citizens
involved in the assassination and to provide
solid guarantees regarding suppressing the
anti-Austrian agitation in their territory. The
Aftonbladet took this news from the Neues
. Wiener Tageblatt, a newspaper close to the
16. ,
The Dagens Niheter also wrote about the
soothing news that was arriving from
Vienna and Budapest during those days. This
newspaper, in the article Austro-Hungary
and Serbia, published on the 17th of July,
conveys the calming tone of clarification that
. , Count Tisza presented before the Hungarian
delegation on 15th of July, after his return from
Vienna, where he spoke to Count Berthold on
the coordination of joint steps towards Serbia.
. In the same context of the news there was a
review of the content of an article published
on 16th of July in Londons The Times, in which
that eminent European newspaper, awaiting
for the Austro-Hungarian protest urges the
Serbian government to take their own steps
. regarding the punishment of persons involved
, in the assassination and the suppression of
23. , anti-Austrian agitation on its territory. On the
, other hand, the newspaper expressed their
, hopes that Austria would continue with the
. same moderate actions and control as before
- , in its relations with Serbia.
25. , ,
However, the sequence of the next steps ,
. detailed in the Ballhausplatz will show that , 3. 1914.
this was a part of a broader political plan,
. taken for the purpose of misleading Serbia Description of the
Worwrtsa, and the deception of the European public. personality of Franz
25. The long awaited Vienna protest, addressed Ferdinand, Social -
Democraten, Stockholm,
3rd of July 1914

to Serbia in the form of an ultimatum on 23rd

166 of July, not only infringed its sovereignty but,
, according to the Dagens Niheter, presented
. a formal declaration of war. The same
newspaper in the article Austro-Serbian war
on the doorstep, published on the 25th of July,
states that by accepting the Austrian demands
Serbia would commit national suicide A
similar attitude in this regard was taken by
. the editorial board of the Social Democrat.
Relying on the writing of the Worwrts, the
newspaper, in the editorial article of the 25th
of July, described the Austrian demands as the
. , most brutal ever sent to a sovereign state in
23. , the history of mankind, calculated to provoke
a war. There was a kind of appeal in the
article, addressed to the European countries
1912-1913. . working-class, to unanimously oppose the
25. illegal Austrian imperial politics that for a
long time looked for a way to start its long-
awaited showdown with Serbia. In contrast
to these two newspapers, the Aftonbladet,
according to their earlier custom, followed the
, referral of the Austrian ultimatum to Serbia
with undisguised sympathy. In the article The
. tension on the Danube, published on the 23rd of
June, the newspaper states that Vienna already
considers the possibility of localization of
. war as it was the case from 1912 to 1913.
While awaiting the response of the Serbian
, , government, on the 25th of July this newspaper
. published an article from its temporary
correspondent from Vienna, in which it is said
that there is a belief in some influential circles
of Vienna that the assassination in Sarajevo
- was in fact organized by Russia, and that Serbia
. appeared as its extended arm in the whole ,
story. In favour of this hypothesis there is a fact ,
. stated that the murdered crown prince was a , 25.
determined, if not even the biggest opponent 1914.
of the Russian politics. Therefore, in Vienna -
says the correspondent further on they feel The criticism of
the same, if not even greater hatred for Russia the ultimatum,
than for Serbia. Social Democraten,
Stockholm, 25th of
July 1914

1830. 1
Aftonbladet was first published in 1830 as the first
- One of the questions that dominated in
168 . the columns of the Swedish press during
Swedish evening edition of a clearly liberal character.
. 1890, Since 1890, when Harald Solhman became the head of
those days referred to the possibility of (HaraldSolhman), the newspapers, it took an extremely conservative profile
, localization of the Austro-Serbian war. All with a pronounced inclination towards Germany. In 1915
. three newspapers considered that the answer . 1915. Solhman sold the newspapers secretly to the German
to this question should come from Petersburg. government to make them able to perform smoothly their
The optimism in this regard, which briefly wartime propaganda in Sweden. With a daily printing
appeared through the mediation initiative of . run of about 30 000 copies, Aftonbladet was then one of
. the English Foreign Minister Sir Edward Grey, 30.000 , A the most read Swedish newspapers.
. deflated after Germany resolutely refused to 2
Dagens Niheter (popular DN) was first published in
influence in any way the firm decision of its 2
( ) late 1864, six times a week as an independent political
ally Austria-Hungary to settle accounts with 1864. j newspaper, morning edition. As for its orientation, the
, Serbia. The answer to this and many other . DN was initially closest to the political attitudes of the
questions, the Swedish press searched in the Sweden Peasant Party (Lantmannapartiet) and therefore
, writings of the European press, especially in (Lantmannapartiet) considered as its party mouth piece, although it was
the major powers press. In the large numbers never really the case. Since 1897 the newspaper was
. of information that was flowing in during those . 1897. published on Sundays. In the early 20th century DN more
j. 20. and more begins to represent the liberal political ideas.
days from the various sides to the columns
. Before the outbreak of the World War I, the DN was one
of the Swedish newspapers, there was an of the three leading newspapers in the country with a
obvious search for an answer if there is still a daily printing run of about 50 000 copies. Since 1909 it
possibility to prevent a catastrophe. It seems 50.000 . O 1909. is owned by the prestigious publishing house Bonier.
that the hope was dying last even in this case. .
With theaggravation of the European political 3
Unlike the first two, the Social Democrat was distinctly
situation at the end of July, there was some 3
, the party character newspapers, profiled according to
shift in the writings of the Dagens Niheter the members of the working class. The newspaper was
that began to take more an expressively anti- . first published in Stockholm in 1885, first as a weekly,
1885. , and since 1890 as a daily morning newspaper. Since 1886
Russian stance in their articles, while the other 1890. . 1886. the duty of the chief editor was assumed by the famous
two newspapers still firmly kept their original Swedish Social Democrat Hjalmar Branting, who stayed
positions. in that position with minor breaks until 1917. Laying the
(Hjalmar Branting) foundations of the Swedish social democracy, Branting
1917. skillfully used the opportunities that position of the
editor provided. Just before the outbreak of the World
War I the newspaper was published in two editions, one
. in Stockholm, and one for the rest of the country, with
, , a daily circulation of 40 000 copies. The slogan of the
, 40.000 French Revolution: Liberty, Equality, Fraternity was in
. the header of the newspaper.
: , ,


Vojislav Pavlovi


172 1914. THE JULY CRISIS OF 1914

The Sarajevo assassination was really just

the beginning of a relatively long-term crisis
1914. in which, during the month of July 1914, all
diplomatic and geostrategic contradictions in
XIX Europe at the turn of the 19th into 20th centurys
XX . - sublimated. Starting from the Franco-Russian
1894, alliance of 1894, Europe was gradually divided
into two blocks and their sporadic clashes
, of greater or lesser intensity had developed
1914, . into an all out war in the summer of 1914.
The basic diplomatic instruments that had
contributed to such an outcome were the
contractual obligations which were the basis
, (, of the two opposing blocs, the Triple Entente
) (Russia, France and the United Kingdom) and
(, ). the Triple Alliance (Germany, Italy and Austria-
J Hungary). During the July crisis, members of
both alliances had been guided in to making
crucial decisions in the belief that they were
respecting their contractual obligations in the
best protection of their vital national interests.
. , The only exception was Italy, which, as is it well
, , known, declared its neutrality and de facto
de facto , terminated the alliance that was connecting
1882. . them with the Central Powers since 1882.
The Italian government of Antonio Salandra
explained its decision with the fact that it was
not consulted about the steps that have been
, , undertaken by its allies, which ultimately led
, . to the war in Europe. This clarification was
not just formal but it was also revealed the
true essence of the relationships in the Triple , ,
. , Alliance. In fact, the Italian government felt , 29. j 1914.
aggrieved by its allies, not only by the fact that
it was not consulted, but above all else that The political background
, they, in making crucial decisions, disregarded of the assassination, La
, , Italian vital interests. Austrias decision to Stampa, Torino, 29thof
June 1914

. use the Sarajevo assassination as a pretext

174 for a showdown with Serbia, in the Italian
interpretation, ignoring the fact that in this
way disrupted the existing balance of forces in
the Balkans in favour of the Austro-Hungarian
Empire. This was of particular importance
. because; according to Article 7 of the Treaty
, 7 of alliance Italy would in this case be given
the right to request territorial compensation,
, which in its case referred to the Italian-
speaking provinces of the Dual Monarchy. In
. short, Italy had perceived its vital national
, interest as the final completion of its national
integration, and it could be carried out only
, at the expense of its ally, Austria-Hungary.
Since during the consultations, which took
, . place after the Austro-Hungarian ultimatum
, to Serbia, on 23rd July 1914, on the line Rome
, 23. Vienna, they failed to reach an agreement
1914, - , on possible compensation, and the Austro-
, Hungarian government even refused to accept
such interpretation of the Allied contract, the
, government of Antonio Salandra had on 2nd
2. August officially declared the neutrality of Italy.
The government of Antonio Salandra enjoyed
the support of the Italian parliament and the
leader of the Liberal Party and Salandras
predecessor, Giovanni Giolitti. The attitude that
. Salandra and his Minister of foreign affairs,
the Marquis di San Giuliano, had during the
, , July crisis fully reflected the mood of the vast
J , majority in the Italian Parliament and the Italian
public. The condemnation of the assassination,
as a criminal act, was universal, although Franz
. , Ferdinand was not really liked by the Italian
, , public and politicians. At the same time, the ,
Austria-Hungarian aggressive policy towards , , 29.
. Serbia was condemned by the Italian Foreign 1914.
, Minister and the Italian press. San Giulianos
telegram informed the Italian diplomats in The report on the Sarajevo
, St. Petersburg and Belgrade that from the assassination, Aftonbladet,
. conversations with the German ambassador in Stockholm, 29th of June
Rome, Flotow, he got the impression that due 1914

to immoderate demands of Austria-Hungary

176 the conflict with Serbia was inevitable. The
, , aggressive policy of Austria-Hungary was
seen as part of its strategy devised in order
. to achieve dominance in the Balkans, which
was assessed in Rome as a threat to the Italian
interests. Italian diplomacy and the public have
, therefore strongly advocated the preservation
of peace, and when it was no longer possible,
. they remained outside the European conflict.

, The Italian press had carefully followed the
, July crisis, particularly in the three largest
. dailies (Corrieredella Sera, La Stampa and Il
GiornaledItalia), which in the early twentieth
century, largely gained importance and
J increased their circulation. Corrieredella Sera
(Corriere della Sera, La Stampa Il and La Stampa have at the turn of the century
Giornale dItalia), XX received new directors and Il GiornaledItalia
was founded in 1901. The new directors,
. Corriere della Sera La Stampa Luigi Albertini at Corrieredella Sera in Milan,
, Alberto Frassati at La Stampa- in Turin and
Il Giornale dItalia 1901. Alberto Bergamini at Il GiornaledItalia in
, Corriere Rome, turned these Italian papers into modern
della Sera , La European dailies with large circulations.
Stampa Il Corrieredella Sera in 1913 printed 350
Giornale dItalia 000 copies. All three dailies were following
clearly defined political options. La Stampa
. Corriere was close to and the expressed the views
della Sera 1913. of Giolittis Liberal Party. Il GiornaledItalia
350.000 . followed the anti-Giolitti policy of enlightened
conservatism. Corrieredella Sera marked the
. La Stampa Albertini beliefs, of the moderate conservatism
and economic liberalism with a strong feeling
, Il Giornale dItalia for Italian statehood. The Socialist Party
newspaper Avanti stood out among the other
. Corriere della Sera Italian dailies by their clearly expressed
, political convictions.
, , ,
, Italian dailies presented its readers a 30. 1914.
. picture of the July crisis primarily from two
sources: reports from correspondents in the The report on the Anti-
European capitals and editorials written in Serb demonstrations in
Avanti. their newsrooms. As far as the assassination, Sarajevo, Corriere, Milan,
30thof June 1914

the Italian press did not cover the journey of

178 J Franz Ferdinand in Bosnia, and news about
, : the assassination was written on the basis
of the correspondents reports in Vienna.
However, their description of the situation in
. Bosnia was not limited to the transmission of
, reports from Viennas newspapers, because
, they faithfully described the persecution and
killing of Serbs in Bosnia that followed after
. , the assassination. Serbia also failed to attract
the Italian correspondents but the attitudes
, of the Serbian government were carefully
monitored and faithfully transmitted. The
. course of the crisis and diplomatic initiatives
, of the great powers were in the focus of Italian
dailies which, before the outbreak of the war,
. had on that occasion even more dailies.

, Particular attention should be given to
the editorials signed by some of the then
. largest Italian journalists and publicists.
From their texts one can sense the division,
which will follow in Italian public policy and
stabilize during the first years of the war, on
. interventionists and neutralists. Hence Renato
Della Vale writes about the assassination in
, the Corrieredella Sera, on June the 30th, on the
disastrous trialist dream of Franz Ferdinand.
, . An attempt was made primarily to explain
, 30. , to the Italian audiences the historical roots
Corriere della Sera of the assassination. Virginio Gaidai at La
Stampa, already on the 29th June and then
. , , Vico Mantegazzain Corrieredella Sera on July
the 14th, described the history of the Austro-
. La Hungarian occupation of Bosnia-Herzegovina,
Stampa, 29. , the connections between Serbia and the
Corriere della Sera 14. , Serbian people in Bosnia, and above all they -
condemned the aggressive Austro-Hungarian , ,
, policy that tended to dominate the Balkans. , 25. 1914.
, Corrieredella Sera had already on the 25th July,
, in an editorial said that the Austria-Hungarian The editorial comment
. ultimatum to Serbia was unacceptable and on the Austro-Hungarian
Corriere della Sera 25. that by its aggressive goals, by subordination ultimatum, Avanti, Milan,
Serbia, disrupts the existing balance of power 25thof July 1914

in the Balkans and thus threatens the vital

180 , interests of Italy. Avanti, on the day of the
, Austro-Hungarian declaration of war on
Serbia on July the 28th, informs its readers
. that the leadership of the Socialist Party and
Avanti, its members of parliament voted decisively in
, 28. , favour of the neutrality of Italy. Il Giornaled
Italia on the 2nd August publishes an editorial
that contains the entire argument that the
government of Antonio Salandra used to
. Il Giornale dItalia 2. explain its decision for Italy to remain neutral.

Italian dailies have covered the July crisis
with the unanimous assessment that under
. the current power relations Italy must do
everything to preserve peace, but without
losing sight of its interests, which, as it was
J unanimously assessed, were not congruent
with its existing alliances, because the
, aggressive policy of Austria-Hungary in
e , , the Balkans was considered a threat to the
, interests of Italy.


, 26. 1914.

The news on the

withdrawal of the Austro-
Hungarian Ambassador
from Belgrade, Il Giornale,
Rome, 26thof July 1914


, 2. 1914.
, ,
, 25. 1914.
The attitude of the Italian
government on the Allied
commitments towards the The news on the
members of the Tripartite mobilization in Italy,
Pact, Il Giornale, Rome, Avanti, Milan, 25thof July
August 2nd, 1914 1914

Muharem Bazdulj


Istraujui grau (novinske tekstove, While exploring materials (newspaper articles,

fotografije, faksimile, prepiske, objave) iz photographs, facsimiles, correspondence,
Srbije, a iz perioda od 28. maja do 3. avgusta and publications) from Serbia, from the 28th
1914. godine, pregledajui razliita arhivska of May to the 3rd of August 1914, and while
dokumenta, uporno mi se vraala pomisao reviewing various archival documents. One
kako je jedini ispravan nain da se ispria idea was persistently coming back to me that
pria o vremenu neposredno prije Sarajevskog the only correct way to tell the story about the
atentata, a zatim i periodu Julske krize i time just before the Sarajevo assassination and
poetku samog rata, iz perspektive Srbije i then about the July crisis and the beginning of
srpskog drutva, povlaenje vertikale kroz the war, from the perspective of Serbia and the
priloge iz dnevnog lista Politika. Serbian society, is drawing parallels between
the articles from the daily newspaper Politika.
Nije samo dostetka ona uobiajena
kolokvijalna fraza prema kojoj je Politika A common colloquial phrase according to
jedan od etiri stuba Srbije kao drave i Srba which the Politika is one of the four pillars
kao nacije. Vanost Politike i u pozitivnom of Serbia as a state and the Serbs as a nation
i u negativnom smislu posebno dolazi na is not only a witticism. The importance of
vidjelo u tekim vremenima, a takva su bila i the Politika - both in positive and negative
ova na koje se koncentrie ovo istraivanje. connotation - especially comes to light in
difficult times, and this research was focused
Na stranici sa oglasima i reklamama od 1. juna on one of them.
1914. godine nasluujemo jednu mladu dravu
i naroito njen glavni grad kao prosperitetno On the page with ads and commercials from
drutvo koje ivi u nekoj vrsti ekonomskog the 1st of June 1914, we sense a young state
uspona, a poneto i idilino, da ne kaem and especially its capital city as a prosperous
belepokovski. Tu su oglasi za prodaju satova society that lives in a kind of economic boom,
i enskih eira, kao i reklame zubnih ljekara somewhat idyllic too, almost like during the
i frizera. Slina je i stranica od 2. juna iste Belle poque period. There are commercials
godine, sa koje, meutim, vidimo i neke druge for watches and womens hats, as well as
naine na koje se drutvo modernizuje (oglas commercials by dentists and hairdressers.
za izgradnju solidne i jevtine kanalizacije, Similar is the page from the 2nd of June of Izvjetaj o atentatu,
recimo). the same year, where we can see some other Politika, Beograd, 29. jun
ways in which society is being modernized 1914.
Naslovnica Politike od Vidovdana 1914. (a commercial for building a solid and
godine je poput mementa posljednjem inexpensive sewage, for example). The report on the
predkriznom danu. Liena fotografija i assassination, ,
ilustracija, sa mnotvom sitnih naslova, iz The Politika cover page on St. Vitus Day in Belgrade, 29th of June
perspektive poznatog ishoda moda i izgleda 1914 is like a memento of the last pre-crisis 1914

funeralno, ali svojim je itaocima iz onog days. Bereft of photos and illustrations, with
188 vremena bila tek praznini dekor, dekor dana a myriad of titles, from the perspective of
za koji niko nije ni slutio da e da promijeni the known outcome may seem even funeral-
svijet. Ve sutradan, meutim, sve se mijenja. like, but to its readers of that time it was just
Na dvije udarna stranice Politike izvjetava a festive decor, decor of the day for which no
se o smrti Franje Ferdinanda. Jako je zanimljiv one could even imagine that would change
i istorijski, i iz perspektive urnalistike the world. The next day, however, everything
uredniko-profesionalne podnaslov glavnog changes. In its two main pages Politika
teksta: Dva atentata u Sarajevu. Smrt Franje reports about the death of Franz Ferdinand.
Ferdinanda i njegove supruge. Pojedinosti o Its very interesting - and historically, and
atentatu i atentatorima. I zaista, svima nama from the journalistic editorial-professional
savremenima, svima nama koji ivimo u svijetu perspective - the subtitle of the main text:
koji je nastao iz Prvog svjetskog rata, prirodno Two assassinations in Sarajevo. Death of
je govoriti o Sarajevskom atentatu, jednom i Franz Ferdinand and his wife. The details of
jedinom. Meutim, iz trenutne, kratkorone, the assassination and assassins. And indeed,
dnevne perspektive savremenika, to su najprije to all of us from the modern-world, to all of
zaista bila dva atentata, jedan abrinoviev, us who live in a world that has emerged from
jedan Principov, jedan neuspio, drugi uspio. the First World War, it is natural to speak of
Poetak ovog podnaslova uva sjeanje na taj the Sarajevo assassination as of one and one
trenutak. Kao to lini dnevnik neke osobe only. However, from the current, short-term,
komemorira trenutke jednog ivota i ne daily perspective of the contemporaries, there
doputa da se naknadno revidira lina istorija, were really two assassination attempts, one by
tako i dnevne novine, dnevnici, poput Politike Cabrinovic, and another one by Princip. One
igraju analognu ulogu u ivotu jednog drutva failed, the other one succeeded. The beginning
i jedne nacije. Ipak, treba primijetiti da ve of this subtitle keeps the memory of that
na kraju istog podnaslova atentat (za razliku moment alive. Just like a personal diary of a
od atentatora) prelazi u jedninu, kao da person who commemorated moments of ones
istorija ve die glavu, otimajui temu od life and not allowing personal history to be
novinarstva. Interesantno je takoe, ponovo i iz subsequently revised, so do daily newspapers,
profesionalno-novinarske perspektive, kako je diaries, such as Politika play analogous role
brzo i promptno tema anrovski obraena, sve in the life of a society and a nation. However,
do podsjeanja na druge tragedije austrijske it should be noted that already at the end
vladarske porodice (Udes Habsburgovog of the same subtitle the assassination (as
doma). opposed to the assassins) turns into singular Izvjetaj o austro-
form, as if history has already raised its head, ugarskom ultimatumu
Ipak, u danima neposredno nakon atentata, snatching the subject from journalism. It is Srbiji i srpskom odgovoru,
stranice Politike nam ne sugeriu da je rat also interesting, and again from a professional- Politika, Beograd, 27. jul
nuan i neizbjean. Stranica sa oglasima od 3. journalistic perspective, how quickly and 1914.
jula, samo pet dana nakon atentata, na jednom promptly the issue was genre processed, all
od najistaknutijih mjesta poziva na ljetovanje u the way to the reminding readers of the other The report on the Austro-
Banji Baden kod Bea. Tu je i velika reklama za tragedies of the Austrian royal family (The Hungarian ultimatum to
okoladu Nestle najbolju od sviju vajcarskih doom of the Habsburgs). Serbia and the Serbian
mlenih okolada, kao i reklama za sreke response, ,
Srpske dravne klasne lutrije. Belgrade, 27th of July 1914

Istorijska lutrija krenula je ve ipak zlosrenim However, in the days immediately after the
190 tokom. Na naslovnoj stranici od 6. jula, malo assassination, the pages of Politika do not
vie od nedjelju dana nakon atentata, Politika suggest that a war was necessary or inevitable.
donosi fotografiju Gavrila Principa. Potpis pod The page with advertisements from July 3rd,
fotografijom vrijedi citirati: Gavrilo Princip, just five days after the assassination, offers
ak VIII razreda gimnazije, koji je na Vidovdan, holidays to the Spa Baden near Vienna in one
ubio, u Sarajevu, sa dva revolverska metka of its most prominent pages. There is also a
austro-ugarskog prestolonaslednika Franju large ad for the Nestle chocolate the best of all
Ferdinanda i njegovu suprugu hercoginju Swiss milk chocolates, as well as commercials
Sofiju Hoenberg. Ponovo nam dnevne novine for lottery tickets for the Serbian state class
uvaju duh vremena. Ni posmrtno sauee lottery.
nije moglo da prenebregne i zaboravi nie
porijeklo supruge nadvojvodine i morganatski However the historical lottery was already on
brak te se uz njeno ime istie da je hercoginja. its ill-fated course. On the front page of the July
Princip je pak ak VIII razreda gimnazije, 6th paper, a day or two after the assassination,
nikako student, to se i kod nas odomailo, Politika, contains a photograph of Gavrilo
nakon pacerskih i nestrunih prevoda Princip. The caption under the photograph is
engleskih autora i izvora. worth quoting: Gavrilo Princip, a student of
the VIII grade, who, on St. Vitus Day, killed in
Naposljetku, tu su stranice Politike na kojima Sarajevo, with two revolver bullets, the Austro-
se izvjetava o austro-ugarskom ultimatumu Hungarian heir to the throne Franz Ferdinand
Srbiji, tom najteem ultimatumu koji je and his wife Sophie, Duchess of Hohenberg.
ikada uputila jedna drava drugoj nezavisnoj Again, the daily newspapers preserve the spirit
dravi (po rijeima Edvarda Greja), odnosno of the time for us. Not even the posthumous
najdrskijem dokumentu te vrste ikad sympathy could overlook and forget the
sroenim (kako ga je opisao Vinston eril). lower status of the Archdukes wife, and a
Iz naslova koji okruuju vijest o ultimatumu morganatic marriage, and it is emphasized
(Rusija se die, Francuska je uz Rusiju...) next to her name that she is a Duchess.
slutimo da je mogunost Velikog rata sad ve
mnogo vie od puke mogunosti. Finally, there are pages of Politika which
reported on the Austro-Hungarian ultimatum
Na samom kraju, tu je stranica Politike od to Serbia. The toughest ultimatum that was
drugog avgusta. Tu je i naslov Svetski rat. Nije ever sent by one state to another independent
u naslovu Veliki rat, to e postati tek poslije, state (in the words of Edward Grey), or the Izvjetaj o austro-
kad zavri. Nije naravno ni Prvi svjetski, to ugarskom ultimatumu
most outrageous document of its kind ever
moe da bude tek kad se desi i Drugi; samo je Srbiji i srpskom odgovoru,
phrased (as described by Winston Churchill). Politika, Beograd, 27. jul
Svjetski, jedan jedini u tom trenutku. From the titles that surround the news of the 1914.
ultimatum (Russia is rising, France is with
I drugi naslovi na ovoj stranici su vie nego Russia ...) we suspect that the possibility of
simbolini i indikativni: ivot u Beogradu the Great War is now much more than a mere The report on the Austro-
(Beograd je od jue ostao gotovo sasvim bez Hungarian ultimatum to
possibility. Serbia and the Serbian
vode. Na sve strane vidite ljude, ene i decu
response, ,
gde ulicama vuku najraznovrsnije i najudnije At the very end, there is a page of Politika Belgrade, 27th of July 1914
sudove: kante, kofe, bokale, balone, flae, from the 2nd of August. There is also a title,

testije pak ak i kace, idu tako kroz ulice i the World War. The Great War is not in the
192 raspituju, gde ima vode, jer vide ipak ponegde title, it will become that only later, when the
ima, samo treba pronai gde.) pa Poslednje war has ended. It is also not the First world
vesti i napokon Politika u ratu. Ima, ini se, war, it could be that only when the second one
neeg ne samo prigodnog u ovoj referenci na happens; it is just the World War, the only one
na privilegovani izvor. Mobilizacijom lanova at the time.
urednitva Politike stavlja se prirodna taka
na uvid u ovaj burni istorijski period, uvid Other headlines on this page are more than
dostupan nam upravo preko stranica dnevnog symbolic and indicative too: Life in Belgrade
lista Politika. (Belgrade remained almost completely
without water yesterday. Everywhere you
see people, women and children, dragging
the most diverse and weirdest vessels in the
streets: cans, buckets, pitchers, water carrying
balloons, bottles, jugs and even vats. Going
through the streets and inquiring as to where
there is water, because they see there is water
somewhere, one only needs to find where. )
and the Latest News and finally Politika in
the war. There seems to be something not only
convenient in this reference to our privileged
source. By the mobilization of members of
the editorial board of the Politika there is
a natural stop point to the insight into this
turbulent period of history, an insight available
to us right through the pages of the daily
newspaper Politika.

Svetski rat, Politika,

Beograd, 2. avgust 1914.

The World War,

, Belgrade, 2nd
of August 1914




Reporting on the Sarajevo assassination and

1914, the July 1914 crisis pushed into the background
. all of the other news in the Russian press.
, In this time of exclusivity the telegrams
and military announcements pushed from
the front pages even advertising - one of the
. most important sources of financing. Daily
newspaper editions became a major source
. of information from the European capitals. In
particular, there was increasing influence of
the newspapers that had developed a network
. of the correspondents abroad. Recently printed
editions were literally immediately snapped
( out of hands of the news dealers (Russian
, 3. 1914). word , August 3, 1914).
The Russian press paid great attention to the
28. 1914. . Sarajevo assassination on the 28th of June 1914.
, The agency news from Serbia and Austria-
Hungary or from countries that would later
, became a part of the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats
, and Slovenians were published, the most
(), common ones were made by the Petersburg
: Telegraph Agency (PTA) and they transferred
the views of the Belgrade press: The Belgrade
press unanimously declares that the Sarajevo
... assassination caused a deep impression and
condemns it as the madness of the young
anarchist ... Denies the statements claiming
... that the strings of this crime should be looked
, for beyond the borders of Bosnia ... Serbia has .
nothing to do with this bloody crime, whose , ,
... roots should be sought in the dissatisfaction 29. 1914.
with the administrative authorities in Bosnia
.... ... King Petar and Crown Prince Alexander A report with the details of
expressed their condolences to Franz Josef the Sarajevo assassination.
... It was reported that the Montenegrin Sparks, Moscow, on June
King Nikola visited the Austro-Hungarian 29th, 1914.

, , - mission in Cetinje in person and expressed his

198 ( condolences on the death of Franz Ferdinand.

The day after the assassination, on the front
) pages of many newspapers (in this section
there are some transferred statements of
( the then influential Russian newspapers)
). the dominating was the title The murder
of Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife
. (
). The news from Sarajevo covered
the front pages of the European newspapers
. , with the largest circulations. The assassination
, caused a sharp and unilateral reaction of the
press close to the Austro-Hungarian and
. German authorities. The Government of the
Kingdom of Serbia, which should be ended
with once and for all, was directly blamed for
. the support and assistance to the assassins. In
, the Entente alliance countries the press initially
even imputed to Serbia a part of the blame for
. the two fatal shots fired by a high school
student. The influential Russian newspapers
, were not exceptions, but they were gradually
started to take a consistent pro-Serb position.
( Although Franz Ferdinand was not a friend
, 29. 1914). of Russia, Russian publicity cannot help but
to feel a deep sorrow for his tragic end and
bitterness towards the assassins (New Time
, 29th of June 1914). In the next
issue of this St. Petersburg magazine it was
. emphasized that the assassination would
jeopardize European Security and turn the
, ( European governments and public opinion
, 30. 1914, : against Serbia and the Serbian people. In order

). to have a better future, the Slavic world needs
a Slavic exploit and not Slavic terrorism , , ,
(New Time, 30th of June1914, article: Slavic 30. 1914.
misfortune ).
, A wave of anti-Serb violence in BiH influenced The report on the Anti-
Serb demonstrations in
, the tone of the Russian press about the
Sarajevo, , Moscow,
. , assassination and subsequent events. The 30th of June 1914
attacks on Serbs, in which members of
- ,
, , 24. 1914.
The Austro-Hungarian ultimatum to Serbia,
, Tomsk, 24th of July 1914

, , , Frankos party had a leading role, were

200 planned even before the assassination. The ,
( , , , 1. 1914.
scum and mob, with the support of the
2, 4, 7. 1914). government and singing the national anthem
of Austria, guided with animal hatred The report on Petersburg citizens gatherings in front
against the Orthodox Serbs, led the way in the of the Serbian and German embassies,
. pogroms (New Time, 02, 04, 07 July 1914). , St. Petersburg, 1stof August, 1914
Russian newspapers spoke out consistently in
: opposition to the accusations against Serbia
, and called for a fair trial for the assassins. For
, some of the ruling elite in the Monarchy, the
assassination meant achieving two goals: the
( , 30. , 4. 1914). elimination of an arrogant and autocratic Heir
from the throne and, more importantly, an
- opportunity for a final showdown with Serbia
on the wings of hysteria (New Time, 30 June;
, 4 July 1914).

( , 30. 1914). The Moscow newspaper Russian word
( , June 30th, 1914) pointed out
, , that the murder of the Austro-Hungarian
, Heir only worsened the position of Slavic
. , nations in the Austro-Hungarian Empire. The
assassination had no sense for the Greater
Serbian movement, whose appearance was
otherwise contributed by the Vienna and
Pest provocateurs. On the other hand, there
. was the apparent intention of the Danube
, Monarchy patented patriots to shift quickly
the responsibility for the assassination from
( ) few lunatics hotheads to the shoulders of
the entire Serbian nation. The police failed
. to respond adequately to the indications of
a possible assassination, and the doubt on
their efficiency was increased by the previous
. two (actually there were three) unsuccessful
assassination of the Archduke Franz Ferdinand.

. , These papers wrote critically about Franz
, Ferdinand. His suspicious and irritable
character influenced the profiling of the then
( , Austro-Hungarian politics. He did not like,
30. 1914). Hungarians and was in particular edgy
, towards the Serbs, considering them to be

(...) , , the greatest enemies of the Austro-Hungarian

202 , Empire (New Time, 30th of June 1914). Even
, , as a young man the Archduke was a dark
. character, fanatical (...) secretive, closed, and
, in his adulthood he was an active Austrian
, nationalist, anti-Semitic, clerical and the
, , spirit of persecution of the Bosnian and
- Herzegovinian Slavs. As a fervent Catholic, he
. , was distrustful towards Protestant France and
even Germany, to which he distanced himself,
( , 1. primarily in a historical and political nature.
1914), The Catholic Party, which struggled to reduce
. the influence of Orthodoxy on the outskirts
of the state (Russian word, 1st of July 1914),
, , was structurally and ideologically close to him.
, Even the Austrians knew that Franz Ferdinand
, was in the hands of the monks and the
, . Jesuits, while for the Viennese, who were not
too sad about his death, clericalism is strange,
they are not religious fanatics, they are not
hypocrites. A correspondent from Vienna
. 1908, stressed that the Viennese particularly found
, strange the political program and imperialist
ambitions of Franz Ferdinand. Annexation of
. Bosnia and Herzegovina in 1908, according
to the author of the text, emerged from an
, 1889. initiative of this unpleasant and aggressive
Archduke. The inhabitants of Vienna had more
( , 7. 1914). sympathy toward the crown prince Rudolf, who
died in 1889 under mysterious circumstances
(Russian word, 7th of July 1914). The burial
of Franz Ferdinand and Sophie was followed
( , 9. 1914). by numerous misunderstandings arising from
the disharmony and disunity of the state
(Russian word, 9th of July 1914).
. ,
The Russian press wrote about the Archduke
, ,
from another angle. In the article on his , , 24.
,. marriage, it was emphasized that Franz 1914.
Ferdinand married Sophie Hotek for love,
despite the opposition of the Emperor Franz
. The demonstrations of
Josef. Because of morganatic marriage he
, , support for Serbia in
waived his childrens right of succession to Moscow, ,
, the Austro-Hungarian throne. He owned a Moscow, 24th of July 1914

dazzling military talent, determination and

204 . systematic quality, the ability to listen to others,
and demanded subordinates to have autonomy
II. and initiative in decision-making. His anti-
Russian policy was formulated by the German
Emperor Wilhelm II. Franz Ferdinand believed
( , 3. that the defeat of Russia was a condition for
1914). the achievement of Austrian supremacy in the
Balkans (Morning of Russia - ,
3rd of July 1914). Some political projects of
. the tragic Viennese Habsburg could have
, been even acceptable for the Slavic nations
, in the Monarchy. Trialists reorganization of
, the monarchy, which was represented by the
, , Archduke was supposed to redirect the center
. , of Pan-Slavism from Serbia to Croatia, in
order to have the Greater Serbia movement
finally destroyed. However, the Sarajevo
. assassination forced the Austrian politics to
, finally and irrefutably depart from the path
, of patronizing South Slavs. The Archdukes
( traits, especially his weaknesses, did not have
, 20. 1914). a decisive influence on the government policy
(...) (Russian Gazette - , 20th
of July 1914). Narrow frames (...) of the title of
. crown prince hardly limited his authoritarian
, nature. Other people did not like his personal
( traits, but they were virtues of a statesman
, 2. 1914). (Russian Gazette on 2nd of July 1914).
, In comparison to other newspapers, the
Russian Gazette got more involved in the
. social causes of the assassination. Viennas
, bureaucracy in BiH did not abolish the semi-
. , feudal levies imposed even during the Ottoman

rule. On the other hand, the agrarian issue in
. , -
Serbia and Montenegro was resolved in favor , ,
, of the farmers. For this reason, and not because , 2. 1914.
. , of the Archdukes arrogance, a Serbian farmer
, turned to them. In addition to this, the Serbs
( Analysis of the events
were subjected to Germanisation, and Serbian that preceded the Austro-
, 20. 1914). schools were almost not opened (Russian Serbian war, ,
Gazette, 20 July 1914). Serbs loyalty to the Moscow, 2nd of August
, Austro-Hungarian Empire was conditioned by 1914

( their social progress, which would exclude the

206 , 2. 1914). Pan-Serbianism and Pan-Slavism (Russian
Gazette, on 2nd of July 1914). The Archduke
, became a victim of the peoples discontent
with the administration of the occupier,
( culminating in personal actions of certain
, 24. 1914). members of nationalist groups (Russian
Gazette, 24th of July 1914). The correspondent
of this newspapers from Vienna pointed that the
, anti-Austrian sentiments of the Serbian people
could not be surpassed even by the visible,
, primarily and civilized results of the Austro-
Hungarian rule in Bosnia and Herzegovina, in
( , 2. 1914). which dirty towns and villages turned into
thriving cultural centres (Russian Gazette, 2.
( July 1914). That sentiment, stemmed from the
, 11. 1914). sincere, hatred of Serbia towards the Austria-
Hungary Empire. (Russian Gazette, 11th of
( ) July 1914).

The newspapers New Time ( )
and The Russian word presumed possible
. change in the political course of the Habsburg
, . monarchy after the death of Archduke Franz
Ferdinand. The decline in influence of radical,
clerical power was expected. It was pointed
( out that the aged Emperor Franz Josef was
, 2. 4. 1914). much more moderate in the profiling of the
Monarchys foreign policy course (New Time,
- 2nd and 4th of July 1914).
, ,
The public considered the new Heir to
, the Habsburg throne, Karl Franz Joseph,
unprepared to conduct state business and
that is why his environment could crucially
( influence important government decisions. His , , , 2.
), impressionable qualities, like his cheerfulness 1914.
, ( (opposite to a grumpy Franz Ferdinand),
, 17. 1914). playing sports and associating with officers
Slavism in danger - the
were emphasized (Russian word, July 17th, Russian press on the
1914, 1914). situation in Serbia, ,
Moscow, 2ndof August
. 1914




The manifesto of the

Emperor Nicholas II
on the war.
Russian State
Historical Archives

In mid-July 1914, articles about the Sarajevo Finally, it can be concluded that none of the
210 . assassination were gradually pushed into , Russian newspapers had a clear vision of
the background. A short break in the clash . the events after the Sarajevo assassination.
between Vienna and Serbia, the Russian press , The press considered the assassination as an
. , saw as a hope for a peaceful resolution of the internal issue of the Habsburg Monarchy. The
conflict. There was an undivided attitude that assumption that the reason and the time did
, Austria-Hungary will not risk to wage war on . not suite Germany to start the war, proved to
, , Russia over Serbia. The Emperor Franz Joseph, , be a tragic illusion. The beginning of military
, , who was supposed to take again the full 2. operations, information blockade and the
( , 4. imperial authority, was restrained and averse ; 4. propaganda war prevented the population of all
1914). to adventures, and the future monarch, Karl . countries to obtain accurate information in real
. Franz Joseph, due to his youth, will have to , time. One of the leading newspapers Russian
pursue a cautious policy (New Time, 4th of . word published eight telegrams from Berlin
, July 1914). History has shown that these hopes , already on the 2nd of August. Already on the 4th
o. were illusory. of August there was almost no news published
, from Germany. Under the new conditions, the
II Gradually, the Russian press wrote more and , military authorities wanted to take advantage
( more with increasing a dose of criticism about . of the press as a propaganda tool. On the other
, 30. 1914), the Austro-Hungarian Empire. In addition to hand, in spite of active cooperation with the
the analysis of relationships and emphasizing authorities and the usual censorship in the
- mutual distrust between the German Emperor time of war, the newspapers saw themselves
. II ( Wilhelm II and Archduke Franz Ferdinand primarily as a source of information, and only
) (New Time, 30th of June 1914), the Russian after that as a base for military propaganda.
, , press concluded that the German Empire had
, a decisive impact on the solution of the Austro-
Serbian dispute. The absence of Wilhelm
( II (due to pain in the lumbar region) and
, 3. 1914). , his brother, Prince Henry of Prussia, at the
funeral of Franz Ferdinand, was an indicator
, of Germanys lack of interest in the new
( , 12. Austro-Hungarian adventure in the Balkans
1914). , (Russian word, 3rd of July 1914). Even the
. Emperor Franz Josef, based on the results of
the investigation that were presented to him,
. was convinced of the groundlessness of the
accusations against Serbia (Russian word,
. 12th of July 1914). However, the Russian press
saw through this German policy as being not
, peaceful. There were no doubts that Germany
intended to support the Austro-Hungarian
. policy. The murder of the Archduke further
- exacerbated the relations between the Entente
. and the Tripartite Pact.

Slobodan oja



Pria o Francuskoj s kraja devetnaestog i The story about the French at the end of the
poetkom dvadesetog vijeka je prije svega nineteenth and beginning of the twentieth
pria o jednoj zemlji univerzalne tradicije century is primarily a story about the universal
u velikom drutvenom, ekonomskom, tradition of a country in great social, economic,
tehnolokom i kulturnom usponu. Francuska technological and cultural ascendancy. France
je zemlja druge industrijske revolucije i pune is a country in its second industrial revolution
ekonomske i tehnolok e ekspanzije, sila and a full economic and technological
koja vraa izgubljeni meunarodni presti, expansion, the force that restores lost
intenzivno gradi mreu velikih saveza, international prestige and intensively builds
naroito sa Engleskom i Rusijom, kako bi a network of powerful alliances, especially
postala globalno jaa i kako bi bila spremna za with England and Russia, in order to become
okraj u sve vie polarizovanom svijetu. Svoju globally stronger and to be ready for the battle
snagu Francuska, izmeu ostalog, crpi, mjeri, in a more and more polarized world. France
a naroito dokazuje na finansijskom polju, derives, measures, and in particular proves
jer su njene banke uspjele da se nametnu na its power, among other things, in the financial
meunarodnom planu, naroito zajmovima field, because its banks managed to dominate
koji su esti i koji se plasiraju bez problema, on the international level, particularly with
rapidno uveavajui poetni kapital. loans, which are frequent and launched without
problems, rapidly increasing the initial capital.
Finansijski napredak ogleda se i u unutranjoj
stabilnosti. Trea republika je zemlja Their financial progress is reflected in their
dinaminog drutva, velikih sloboda, zavidnog internal stability too. The Third Republic is a
obrazovnog sistema, uopte gledano stabilna country of a dynamic society, great freedoms,
i snana zemlja, puna optimizma i vjere u and an enviable educational system, a stable
opti napredak i u svoju snagu. Francuska and strong country in general terms, full of
intenzivno ivi i jo plodnije stvara, a veselja po Detalji atentata i vijest
optimism and belief in its general progress and
bulevarima, kabareima, kafeima, opsjednutost o obavjetenosti vlade u
its strength. The life of the French are intents Beu o pripremi atentata,
pozoritima, koncertnim salama, galerijama and creates even more productively, and the L omlibr, Pariz, 29. jun
i salonima, svjedoanstva su ekonomskog i joy in the boulevards, cabarets and cafes, 1914.
duhovnog napretka, simbioze bogatstva i duha. and obsession with theatres, concert halls,
Zato se ovo razdoblje oznaava u svjetskoj galleries and salons are the testimonials of the The details of the
istoriografiji kao Belle Epoque. economic and spiritual progress, symbiosis of assassination and the
wealth and spirit. Therefore, this period went news on the knowledge of
Meutim, uprkos nekoj vrsti idile koja je tada on record in the world historiography as the the government in Vienna
vladala u Francuskoj u svakodnevnom ivotu, u Belle Epoque. about the preparations
kolama, na univerzitetima na javnim mjestima for assassination,
i tribinama, u medijima, u pisanoj rijei... LHommelibre,Paris, 29th
of June 1914
stalno je lebdjela sjena neega to Francuska

i Francuzi nisu ni mogli ni htjeli izbrisati. However, despite a kind of idyll that then
216 Ta neizbrisiva ideja snano je obiljeila i dominated everyday life in France, in schools,
Francusku i ivjela u svakom stanovniku te in universities, at the public places and forums,
zemlje. Bile su to traume od tekog i velikog in the media, and in the written word ... there
poraza iz 1871. u ratu s Pruskom, poraza was a constant hovering shadow of something
praenog gubitkom Alzasa i Lorene. Bila je to that France and the French people could not
ona vrsta poraza koji raa neugasivu elju za and even did not want to delete. That indelible
pobjedom. Francuski pokreta razvoja i pravi idea strongly marked France and lived in the
tvorac onoga to e se nazvati Belle Epoque heart of every inhabitant of the country. It was
zapravo je bio snaan patriotizam i elja za the trauma, caused by severe and great defeat
dokazivanjem i revanom, pomijeana sa in the war against Prussia in 1871, the defeat
divljenjem vlastitoj istoriji i vjerom u misiju followed by the loss of Alsace and Lorraine.
Francuske u svijetu. It was a kind of defeat, which gives birth to
an insatiable desire to win. The initiator of
U osvit 1914. godine bilo je dakle jasno da further French development and the real
su Francuska i Njemaka nalaze na dvjema creator of something that would be called the
nespojivim obalama i da e se u velikom sukobu Belle Epoque was actually a strong patriotism
koji je svako oekivao biti dvije zaraene and the wish to achieve recognition and to
strane. Istovremeno, kao i u Francuskoj, na revenge, mixed with admiration for their own
Balkanu vlada strah junoslovenskih naroda history and belief in the position of France in
od germanskog prodora na istok. Ne treba se the world.
stoga uditi to se, s politike take gledita,
u takvim okolnostima junoslovenski svijet At the dawn of 1914 it was therefore clear
okretao Francuskoj koja mu je od ranije bila that France and Germany were like on the two
uzor. incompatible shores and that they will shortly
become the two major warring sides in a great
conflict - which everybody expected to happen.
At the same time, as in France, there is a fear
Medijski ivot u Francuskoj na razmeu from the South Slavic nations of a Germanic
vijekova breakthrough to the east of the Balkans.
Therefore, we should not be surprised that,
from a the political point of view, in such
Zahvaljujui izuzetno liberalnom zakonu o circumstances, the South Slavic world looked
tampi od 29. jula 1881, Francuska iz Belle towards France, which was a role model for
Epoque je zemlja najvee slobode tampe them even earlier.
u Evropi1. Zakon je nastao kao reakcija na Izvjetaj o protivsrpskim
bonapartistiko guenje sloboda tampe i zato demonstracijama u
je toliko liberalan. Uz stalne izmjene, zakon je i Sarajevu, LMaten, Pariz,
danas na snazi u Francuskoj2. 30. jun 1914.
Media life in France at the turn of centuries
Poetkom dvadesetog vijeka do izbijanja The report on the Anti-
Velikog rata moglo se na kioscima u Parizu Thanks to the extremely liberal laws on the Serb demonstrations in
press adopted on the 29th of July 1881 France, Sarajevo, Le Matin, Paris,
nai izmeu pedeset i sedamdeset dnevnika 30th of June 1914
svih orijentacija, od ljevice (republikanska of the Belle Epoque, is a country that enjoys

ljevica: Le Petit Parisien, Le Petit Journal, Le the greatest press freedom in Europe1. The
218 Sicle, radikalski La Justice, LAurore, te ostali law was created as a response to Bonapartes
kao LAction, Le Bloc, La Lanterne, Le Rappel, Le suppression of the freedom of the press and
Mot dordre, Le Radical, LHomme libre...), preko that is why it is so liberal. With constant
socijalistikih listova (LEgalit, Le Proltaire, Le changes, the law is still in effect in France2
Crie du Peuple, La Petite Rpublique franaise, today.
La Petite Rpublique socialiste, Le Petit Sou,
Bonnet rouge, te glavni list LHumanit koji
At the beginning of the twentieth century,
je osnovao an ores [Jean Jaurs] 18. aprila
before the outbreak of the Great War, on the
1904), pa preko desnog republikanskog centra
newsstands in Paris there were between fifty
(Le Figaro, Le Temps, Le Journal des Dbats,
and seventy dailies of all orientations, from
La France, le Soir, La Rpublique franaise, Le
the Left (Republican Left: Le Petit Parisien,
National, La Paix, le Tlgraphe, La Rforme,
Le Petit Journal, Le Sicle, radical La Justice,
LOpinion, Le Paris...) desnice (Echo de Paris,
LAurore, and others like LAction, Le Bloc, La
La Presse, La Libert, LEclair, do desnice sa
Lanterne, Le Rappel, Le Mot dordre, Le Radical,
patriotskim nabojem kao La Patrie, La Cocarde,
LHomme libre...), through to the socialist
La Revanche, Le Drapeau, LIntransigeant).
newspapers (LEgalit, Le Proltaire, Le Crie du
Postoji i jedan antisemitski dnevnik La Libre
Peuple, La Petite Rpublique franaise, La Petite
Parole, ali naroito je popularan reakcionarni
Rpublique socialists, Le Petit Sou, Bonnet rouge,
LAction franaise, iji je osniva arl Moras
and the main newspaper LHumanit, founded
[Charles Maurras]. Ovaj je list snano uticao
by Jean Jaurs [Jean Jaurs]on the 18th of April,
na jaanje patriotske svijesti i revanizma kod
1904), and through to the right republican
centre (Le Figaro, Le Temps, Le Journal des
Dbats, La France, le Soir, La Rpublique
Dnevnici se uoi Velikog rata prodaju u oko franaise, Le National, La Paix, le Telegraphe,
pet miliona primjeraka dnevno, pet puta vie La Reforma, LOpinion, Le Paris ...) right wing
nego 1871. godine. Od tih pet miliona, etiri (Echo de Paris, La Presse, La Libert, LEclair, to
miliona otpada na etiri glavna dnevnika (Le the right wing with the patriotic charge lead
Petit Journal, osnovan 1863, Le Petit Parisien, by the La Patrie, La Cocarde, La Revanche, Le
1876, Le Matin, 1883, i Le Journal, 1882). Drapeau, Lintransigeant). There was even
Poetkom dvadesetog vijeka, zbog poveane one anti-Semitic daily La Libre Parole, but
popularnosti, francuski vei dnevnici there was a particularly popular paper called
uglavnom prelaze sa etiri na est stranica. the reactionary LAction Franaise, founded
Najbolji i najozbiljniji list u Republici prije by Charles Maurras. That is a newspaper
1914. je Le Temps, osnovan 1861. Njegov ugled that strongly influenced the strengthening of
nisu u pitanje dovodili ni njegovi protivnici. patriotic awareness and revanchism among
Mogao se pohvaliti kvalitetom i ozbiljnou, ali the French. an ores, Posljednja
ne i velikim tiraom. Od 1880. kad je imao tira ansa za mir, L Imanite,
od 22 hiljade primjeraka, sporo je napredovao Pariz, 25. jul 1914.
The dailies were selling approximately five
i, a poslije prelaska na est strana 1911.
million copies a day prior to the Great War,
dosegnuo je u narednom periodu 45 hiljada Jean Jaurs, The
five times more than in 1871. Out of those five
primjeraka. Le Temps je smatran nezvaninim lasthope for
millions, four millions were being sold by the peaceLHumanit,Paris,
glasnikom Ministarstva spoljnih poslova, jer
four major dailies (Le Petit Journal, founded 25th of July 1914
je njegov glavni kolumnista Andre Tardje

[Andr Tardieu] svako jutro znao odlaziti u in 1863; Le Petit Parisien, 1876; Le Matin,
220 Ministarstvo spoljnih poslova Francuske. Od 1883; and Le Journal, 1882). At the beginning
ulaska u list, 1905. gotovo svakodnevno je of the twentieth century, due to the increased
pisao Inostrani bilten (Bulletin de ltranger). popularity, the French major dailies generally
Uz Le Temps, list LHumanit je imao redakciju increased the number of pages, from four to six.
sjajnih pera, kao malo koja druga redakcija. The best and the most serious newspaper in the
Karakteristian primjer nadolazee moi Republic before 1914 was Le Temps, founded
medija je upravo Tardjeova biografija. Prije in 1861. Its reputation was not compromised,
1914. u cijeloj Evropi smatran je politikim not even by its opponents. It could be very
monikom, uoi rata postaje narodni poslanik, proud of its quality and seriousness, but not of
a poslije rata bie ministar u nekoliko vlada te its lack of circulation. From 1880, when it had
premijer u dvije vlade. a circulation of 22,000 copies, it made slow
progress and, after increasing its number of
pages to six in 1911, it reached 45,000 copies in
the following period. Le Temps was considered
Francuska tampa i austrijsko-srpska kriza to be an unofficial herald of the Ministry
of Foreign Affairs, since its main columnist
Andr Tardieu used to go every morning to
Kad bismo paljivo pratili samo pisanje the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of France. From
francuske tampe poslije atentata u Sarajevu, the moment he joined the newspaper in 1905,
mogli bismo zakljuiti da mjesec juli 1914. he wrote the International Bulletin (Bulletin
uopte nije liio na posljednji mirni mjesec de ltranger) almost every day. Together with
uoi svjetske katastrofe. Povemene sumnje Le Temps, the newspaper LHumanit had had
i strahovi lucidnih umova predstavljali su bright editorial staff and journalists, as quite a
rijedak sluaj i ne umanjuju opti utisak o few other editorial staffs did. A typical example
pisanju tampe tog doba da ne postoji neka of the upcoming power of the media can be
velika opasnost na kratke staze. Svijet je vie seen in Tardieus biography. Before 1914 he
puta bio na ivici rata, pa ipak nije izbio, mislilo was considered one of the most powerful
se. Ova nada ublaavala je sumnje i strahove politicians in the entire Europe, and just before
koji su oigledno postojali. the war he became a Member of Parliament,
and after the war he would become be a
Uzmimo kao primjer list LHumanit. Debate o minister in several governments and the prime
kongresu Socijalistike partije sredinom jula minister in two governments.
1914. bile su vanije od ratnih tema. I svemu
se, pa i ratnim temama, pristupalo akademski,
a od rata ih je dijelilo petnaest dana. Istoriar
or Klemanso, Austrijski
il Izak [Jules Isaac] se pitao: kako je mogue
da je svijet koji je oekivao rat jo od 1905. The French press and the Austrian-Serbian ultimatum Srbiji, L
crisis omlibr, Pariz, 25. jul 1914.
godine doivio 1914. godinu kao da je iznenada
krenula lavina. Ipak, 9. jula 1914. kolumnista
If we could carefully track only the French Georges Clemenceau, The
lista Le Temps, Andre Tardje, osjea da je rat na
Austrian ultimatum to
vidiku. or Klemanso [Georges Clemenceau] press reporting after the assassination in
Serbia, LHommelibre,
takoe, u listu LHomme libre od 3. jula 1914. Sarajevo, one might conclude that the month Paris, 25th of July 1914

ores je u tekstu Razuzdano nasilje objavljenom of July 1914 did not look at all like the last
222 u listu LHumanit od 30. juna 1914, smatrao quiet month before this world catastrophe.
da je Atentat u Sarajevu samo epilog logike Occasional doubts and fears of some lucid
metoda koje su prevladavale tada u Evropi, minds were rare and did not reduce the overall
naroito u njenom istonom dijelu. Velika impression of the press during that period,
veina tekstova, ipak, bavila se linou Franje that there was no great danger in the short run.
Ferdinanda, faktografijom i komentarima. The world had been on the brink of war more
Opti je zakljuak tih neanalitikih tekstova than once, and none the less it did not break
bio da njegovo ubistvo ne bi trebalo da se out, that was the general thought. That hope
zavri evropskim ratom. Treba takoe znati alleviated the doubts and fears that apparently
da se javno mnjenje u Francuskoj tog doba existed.
nije pretjerano bavilo spoljnom politikom niti
ih je ona tjerala da kupuju novine. Veinsko
Let us take as an example, the newspaper,
nepoznavanje spoljne politike bilo je naroito
LHumanit. The debates at the Socialist
veliko po pitanju jugoslovenskih realnosti.
Party Congress in mid-July 1914 were more
Jedan francuski istoriar ak tvrdi da veina
important than the topic of war. All topics, even
Francuza, pa i onih obrazovanih, o ovim
the topic of war, were approached academically,
pitanjima nije znala skoro nita3.
and there were only fifteen days before the
outbreak of the war. The historian Jules Isaac
Isto tako, ukrcavanje na brod 15. jula 1914, wondered: How is it possible that the world,
preduga plovidba prema Sankt Petersburgu which has been expecting a war since 1905,
predsjednika Francuske Remona Poenkarea experienced the 1914 as a sudden avalanche.
[Raymond Poincar], koji je iao u zvaninu However, on the 9th of July 1914, a columnist
posjetu Rusiji i skandinavskim zemljama, bila of the newspaper Le Temps, Andr Tardieu,
je najbolji znak da francuski politiki krugovi feels that war was in sight. It was the same
nisu bili zabrinuti da bi moglo doi do opteg with Georges Clemenceau, in the newspaper
rata. O ratu izmeu Austro-Ugarske i Srbije LHommeLibre on the 3rd of July 1914. Jaurs, in
moglo se jo i razmiljati, ali o veem konfliktu his text The rampant violence, published in the
sigurno ne4. newspaper LHumanit dated the 30th of June
1914, found that the assassination in Sarajevo
U Francuskoj je sluaj htio da jedan drugi atentat was only an epilogue of the logical methods
postane vanija tema od onog sarajevskog, pa that were prevailing in Europe then, especially
je on mnogo vie zanimao francusku javnost. in its eastern areas. The majority of the posts,
Supruga predsjednika Radikalne stranke, however, dealt with the personality of Franz
nekadanjeg premijera i ministra finansija, Ferdinand, factography and comments. The
Anrijet Kajo [Henriette Caillaux], ubila je 16. general conclusion of those non-analytical Andre Tardje, Austro-
marta 1914. direktora lista Le Figaro, Gastona posts was that his murder should not lead to Ugarska prijetnja, LTam,
a European war. We should also know that the Pariz, 25. jul 1914.
Kalmeta [Gaston Calmette], jer je taj dnevnik
vodio estoku kampanju protiv njenog mua5. French public was not much interested then
Izbrojala je 138 tekstova o svom muu u 95 in foreign policy, nor did it impel them to buy Andr Tardieu, The
dana u Figarou. Bila je to najvea kampanja newspapers. A general ignorance regarding Austro-Hungarian threat
protiv jednog uglednog politiara u Francuskoj. foreign policy was particularly evident in terms Le Temps, Paris, 25th of
of the reality regarding Yugoslavs. A French July 1914
Njen sudski proces zapoeo je 20. jula 1914.

godine i na svakoj naslovnoj strani svih novina historian even claimed that the majority, even
224 veliki dio prostora bio je posveen upravo those educated, knew almost nothing about
njoj i suenju. Francuzi su sa neobino mnogo the issues3.
panje i iekivanja pratili ovaj proces, jer je po
prostoru zauzimao mnogo vie prostora nego
Also, boarding the ship on the 15th of July
meunarodna kriza.
1914, for the long cruise to St. Petersburg of
the President of France Raymond Poincar,
Francuska tampa je, inae, dosta kasno who paid an official visit to Russia and the
reagovala na evropsku krizu. Do 24. jula, Scandinavian countries, was the best sign that
ukljuujui i taj dan, izvjetaji sa sudskog French political circles were not worried about
procesa supruge ministra finansija odnose the possible outbreak of a universal war. One
skoro potpuno prevagu. Prvi ozbiljniji could imagine a war between Austria-Hungary
tekstovi poslije sumarnih izvjetaja o atentatu and Serbia, but certainly not about a larger
pojavljuju se 22. jula u listu Le Petit Parisien6 conflict4.
i LEcho de Paris7, a tek 24. jula oglaava se
LHumanit8 kao LEst Rpublicain9, to Le Petit
Coincidentally, another assassination became
Dauphinois ini 25. jula10.
a more important topic in France than the
one in Sarajevo, and that one was far more
Trebalo je takoe dugo ekati da vijesti o interesting for the French public. The wife of
meunarodnoj situaciji preu sa unutranjih the President of the Radical Party, the former
na prvu stranicu. Le Petit Parisien poinje prvi, Prime Minister and Minister of Finance,
23. jula, slijede ga 25. jula Le Petit Dauphinois, Henriette Caillaux, killed the Director of the
LEcho de Paris i LHumanit, la 26. jula LEst newspapers Le Figaro, Gaston Calmette on
Rpublicain. Ali sve do 30. jula, ukljuujui i taj the 16th of March 1914, because that daily led
dan, Le Temps je samo jednom, kad je zavren a fierce campaign against her husband5. She
proces, 27. jula, posvetio 29% svoje naslovnice, counted 138 posts about her husband in 95
a sljedeeg dana je LHumanit posvetio vie od days in the Figaro. It was the largest campaign
30% naslovnice. Moe se dakle kazati da je ovaj against a prominent politician in France. The
sudski proces u velikoj mjeri znaajno odvratio trial against her began on the 20th of July 1914
panju Francuza od evropske krize. and a great deal of type space on every front
page of all of the newspapers was dedicated
Uspjeh ljevice na izborima 1914. u Francuskoj to her and her trial. The French followed this
trebao je za premijera dovesti ozefa Kajoa process with unusually much attention and
[Joseph Caillaux], ali on je morao ekati anticipation, because it occupied much more
rezultat presude za svoju suprugu. Kajo nije space than the international crisis. an de Pont, Srpski narod
bio za rat, a sigurno je takoe da bi vlast na osnovu svojih narodnih
podijelio sa oresom koji je bio vodei pacifista pjesama, L omlibr, Pariz,
The French press, otherwise, reacted quite 27. jul 1914.
u Francuskoj. Pitanje je naravno da li bi se rat late to the European crisis. By the 24th of July,
mogao izbjei, ali je sigurno da su Kajo i ores including that day, the reports from the court
imali istu spoljnu politiku. Jean de Pont, The Serbian
process against the wife of the Minister of
people on the basis of their
Finance prevailed almost entirely. The first folk songs, LHommelibre,
Francusko javno mnjenje izgleda nije bilo serious posts after the summary reports on Paris, 27th of July 1914
dovoljno svjesno namjernog izazivanja rata the assassination, appeared on the 22nd of July

irih razmjera. Ono je bilo ubijeeno da e in Le Petit Parisien6 and in LEcho de Paris7, and
226 se kriza svesti na obraun izmeu Austrije i LHumanit8 and LEst Rpublicain9 on the 24th
Srbije. Novine su stalno govorile da se radi o of July, and Le Petit Dauphinois did it on the 25th
austrijsko-srpskom sukobu (conflit austro- of July10.
serbe). Evo nekoliko primjera:
It also took too long to wait for the news about
LHumanit javlja 24. jula 1914: Austrija je the international situation to be switched from
jue uruila notu Srbiji, a 26. jula najavljuje inner pages to the front pages. Le Petit Parisien
Austrijsko-srpski sukob. Isti naslov koristi started first on the 23rd of July, followed by Le
i Le Figaro11 u svim brojevima od 25. jula do Petit Dauphinois, LEcho de Paris and LHumanit
31. jula 1914. i tek 1. avgusta pominje se opti on the 25th of July, and LEst Rpublicain on
nastupajui rat. La Bataille syndicaliste od 23. 26th of July. However, until the 30th of July,
jula: Austrijsko-srpska napetost, a 24. jula including that day, Le Temps only once allotted
Austrijsko-srpska napetost: Austrija bi mogla 29% of its front page to it, when the process
da umiri malo situaciju. Le Bonnet rouge u ended, on the 27th of July, and the next day the
broju od 25. jula takoe jedino vidi Austrijsko- LHumanit allotted more than 30% of its cover
srpski sukob. Le Temps objavljuje veliki page. Therefore we might say that this trial
naslov 25. jula Austrijsko-ugarska prijetnja, significantly distracted the French public from
a narednog dana Istono pitanje: napetost this impending European crisis.
izmeu Austrije i Srbije. Le Petit Parisien 22.
jula obavjetava da Grof Berhtold predaje
The success of the Left wing in the elections
caru nacrt austro-ugarskog ultimatuma, a 23.
of 1914 in France should have brought Joseph
jula na naslovnoj strani se pita ta se misli
Caillaux in to the position of the Prime Minister,
u Rusiji o austrijsko-srpskoj napetosti, dok
but he had to wait for the result of the judgment
na treoj strani govori o Austrijsko-srpskoj
on his wife. Caillaux was not in favour for the
napetosti. Le Petit Dauphinois 25. jula javlja
war, and it is also certain that he would share
da je Austrijski ultimatum uruen Srbiji, a
power with Jaurs, who was the most leading
26. jula pominje Austrijsko-srpski sukob.
pacifist in France. The question was, of course,
Isto tako, LEst Rpublicain 24. jula govori o
whether the war could have been avoided, but
Srpskom odgovoru na austrijski ultimatum.
it is certain that the Caillaux and Jaurs had the
Vano je naglasiti i da izvjetaji u francuskoj
same foreign policy.
zvaninoj administrativnoj prepisci najvie
koriste isti termin: austrijsko-srpski sukob.
The French public seemed to be not fully
aware of the wilful triggering of a large-scale
Trebalo je vremena da se promijeni
war. They were convinced that the crisis would
terminologija i da se pone najzad govoriti
be reduced to a showdown between Austria
o evropskom sukobu. Prvi koji to ini je list Austrijsko-srpski sukob:
and Serbia. The newspapers were talking
LHumanit od 26. jula 1914. Le Temps u broju objava rata, LFigaro,
constantly about the Austrian-Serbian conflict
od 27. jula se pita: Da li Njemaka eli rat? Pariz, 29. jul 1914.
(conflit Austro-Serb). Here are some examples:
Meutim, Le Temps od 1. avgusta ostaje na
pola puta: Austrijsko-srpski rat i evropska The Austrian-Serbian
napetost. List Le Matin od 29. jula se pita: LHumanit reports on the 24th of July 1914: conflict: the declaration of
Moe li se izbjei evropski rat? Yesterday Austria served Serbia with a note war Le Figaro, Paris, 29th
and on the 26th of July announced the Austrian- of July 1914

Faktiki, od svih velikih i itanih novina, jedino Serbian conflict . The same title was used by Le
228 su manje poznati dnevnici kao La Bataille Figaro11 in all issues from the 25th of July until the
syndicaliste i Le Bonnet rouge u brojevima od 31st of July 1914 and not until the 1st of August
25. odnosno 26. jula pominjali mogunost did they mentioned a universal forthcoming
evropskog rata. Jedna francuska obavjetajna war. La Bataille syndicalist reported on the
zabiljeka od 25. jula 1914. veli da Socijalistika 23rd of July of: The Austrian-Serbian tension,
partija i dalje ne vjeruje u skori evropski sukob, and on the 24th of July, the Austrian-Serbian
odnosno da e lokalizovati izmeu Austrije tension: Austria could calm down the situation
i Srbije. Tog dana, ores u listu LHumanit a little bit. Le Bonnet Rouge in the issue of the
pie tekst pod naslovom Posljednja ansa za 25th of July also sees only the Austrian-Serbian
mir. U njemu potpuno svu krivicu svaljuje na conflict. Le Temps featured a big title on 25th
Austro-Ugarsku12. ores je bio najugledniji i of July, the Austrian-Hungarian threat, and
najjai antiratni militant u Francuskoj, ali je the following day The Eastern issue: Tensions
smetao patriotima koji nisu bjeali od rata. U between Austria and Serbia. Le Petit Parisien
petak 31. jula, u jednom pariskom restoranu, informs its readers on the 22nd of July that
u pauzi pisanja svog posljednjeg teksta, The Count Berchtold presents the draft of the
ubija ga francuski student kome je smetalo Austro-Hungarian ultimatum to the Emperor,
oresovo mirotvorstvo. Poslije rata, ubica e and on the 23rd of July it wonders on the cover
biti osloboen krivice, a oresova udovica e What is the opinion in Russia about Austrian-
morati ak platiti trokove sudskog procesa. Serbian tension, and on the third page it talks
about the Austrian- Serbian tensions . Le Petit
Ubistvo oresa ponekad se prikazuje kao Dauphinois reports on the 25th of July, that the
uvertira u rat, odnosno dogaaj koji je rat Austrian ultimatum was served to Serbia, and
uinio izvjesnim. ores je uistinu bio velika on the 26th of July it mentions the Austrian-
istorijska linost i istinski borac za mir, ali Serbian conflict. Also, LEst Rpublicain on
ovakva tumaenja ipak precjenjuju njegov the 24th of July talks about the Serbian reply
znaaj i ulogu. Da je stoput bio jai i vei ne to the Austrian ultimatum. It is important
bi uspio zaustaviti ratni vihor. Ima trenutaka to emphasize that the reports in the French
u istoriji kad istinsku veliinu jednog ovjeka official administrative correspondence mostly
potpuno umanje i marginalizuju nadolazei use the same term: The Austrian-Serbian
talasi velikih dogaaja, tanije svjetskih conflict.
sukoba. Pjer Baral (Pierre Barral) veli: Smrt
jednog ovjeka, pa makar to bio ores, djelovala It took some time to have the terminology
je sporedno u trenutku kad se nad Lorenom, changed and to begin finally talking about the
poslije toliko godina, pojavila revanistika European conflict. The first to print it was the
zora13. Ovo je tano, ali se odnosi samo na newspaper LHumanit on the 26th of July 1914.
oblast Alzasa i Lorene. Le Temps in its issue of the 27th of July wonders: Stefan Pion, Neizbjeni
Does Germany want war? However, Le Temps rat, LPtiurnal, Pariz, 1.
avgust 1914.
itajui francusku tampu neposredno po of the 1st of August remains in the middle: The
ubistvu oresa, osim u par listova ideoloki Austrian-Serbian war and European tensions.
bliskih njegovim idejama, stie se nevjerovatan The newspaper Le Matin of the 29th of July Stephen Pichon, The
wonders: Is it possible to avoid the European inevitable war, Le Petit
utisak da francusko javno mnjenje uopte nije
Journal, Paris, 1st of
bilo uzbueno zbog ovog ubistva. Socijalistiki war?
August 1914

listovi (LHumanit, Le Bonnet rouge, La Guerre In fact, out of all the big and widely read Ukratko, svakodnevnim praenjem pisanja Reading the French press immediately after
230 sociale) su 1. avgusta 1914. izali sa crnim newspapers, only the less famous diaries like francuske tampe u periodu od kraja juna do the murder of Jaurs, except in a couple of
okvirom, ali generalno, tampa ne pie mnogo La Bataille syndicaliste and Le Bonnet rouge in poetka avgusta 1914. godine, moe se lako newspapers that were ideologically close to
o oresu. Naroito to iznenauje kad se ita Le the issues of the 25th and 26th of July mentioned zakljuiti da je na samom poetku francusko his ideas, you can get the amazing impression
Temps koji ubistvu oresa posveuje est puta the possibility of the European war. A French javno mnjenje jednoglasno prebacivalo that public opinion in France was not
manje prostora nego izvjetajima sa procesa intelligence note dated 25th of July 1914 says odgovornost za rat na Austriju, koja je eljela excited about his murder at all. The socialist
Kajo. To se moe samo objasniti nedostatkom that the Socialist Party still does not believe napasti Srbiju. S vremenom e krivica prei newspapers (LHumanit, Le Bonnet rouge,
ideolokih simpatija prema oresu. in an imminent European war, but that it will na Njemaku, ali je i tu trebalo vremena. La Guerre sociale) were issued with a black
be localized between Austria and Serbia. That Francusko javno mnjenje e ostati ubijeeno frame on the 1st of August 1914, but generally
oresova smrt predstavlja simbol neuspjeha day Jaurs writes an article in LHumanit da francuske krivice za izbijanje rata nema. Rat the press did not say much about Jaurs. It is
otpora prema ratu, ali nije i objanjenje. S Journal entitled Last chance for peace. He nisu eljeli niti mu se protivili. Javno mnjenje, u especially surprising when you read Le Temps
druge strane, relativna slabost odjeka te smrti laid the blame for it completely on Austro- principu, ne odluuje da li e izbiti ili nee neki that devoted six times less space to the murder
pokazuje kako francuskom stanovnitvu mir Hungary12. Jaurs was the most respected and rat. Njegov uticaj uvijek je slabiji od kabinetske of Jaurs than to the reports on Caillaux trial. It
nije bio duboko pohranjen u njihovoj svijesti. the strongest anti-war militant in France, but iskljuivosti. Sticaj okolnosti je htio da je can only be explained by the lack of ideological
Ideja otpora prema ratu ne moe sama po he stood in the way of the patriots who did not 1914. godine francusko javno mnjenje ostalo sympathy for Jaurs.
sebi biti apsurdna. Zato se onda, barem u run away to dodge the war. On Friday, the 31st potpuno po strani deavanja i pustilo da ga
Francuskoj, poslije prvih antiratnih uspjeha, of July, in a Paris restaurant, during a break dogaaji preteknu. Ne oekujui veliku krizu,
Jaurss death is a symbol of the failure of
pokret naglo zaustavio, praktino im je between writing his last text, he was killed by slabo procjenjujui njenu teinu, preputajui
the resistance to the war, but it is not the
proglaena opta mobilizacija? Na to pitanje a French student who was bothered by Jaurss se senzacionalizmu sluaja Kajo, nesposobno
explanation. On the other hand, the relatively
francuska istoriografija treba dati odgovor. pacifism. After the war, the killer would be da uspori odluni hod ratne oluje, uvjereno u
weak echo of his death shows that peace was
found not guilty, and Jaurss widow will have vlastiti pacifizam iako je to samo djelimino
not stored deep in the minds of the French
even to pay the costs of the trial. tano francusko mnjenje bilo je na zaelju
U naem odabiru tekstova prednost je data population. The idea of the resistance to the war
onih koji su mogli i morali suprotstaviti ratu.
velikim imenima, ukupno sedam tekstova can not be absurd by itself. Then why, at least
(po dva teksta oresa, budueg premijera The murder of Jaurs is sometimes presented in France, after the first anti-war successes,
Klemansoa, budueg ministra Tardjea, te as a prelude to the war, or an event that made the movement stopped abruptly, practically as
jedan tekst biveg ministra Piona [Pichon]). the war certain. Jaurs really was a great soon as a general mobilization was declared?
Ostalo su novinske vijesti kao prve vijesti o historical figure and a true fighter for peace, This question should be answered by the
To je u duhu francuske tradicije proizile iz
atentatu ili opisi antisrpskih demonstracija but such interpretations still overestimate his revolucionarne Deklaracije o ljudskim pravima iz 1789.
French historiography.
u Sarajevu). Kao karakteristian primjer importance and role. Even if he had been a Na osnovu Deklaracije, sloboda tampe spada u sveto
francuske raspoluenosti izmeu procesa hundred times stronger and greater, he would pravo koje od ljudi ini civilizovano drutvo i koje im In our selection of articles the preference
Kajo i svjetskog rata, donosimo pisanje lista not have been able to stop the winds of war. omoguuje da uvijek znaju koliki je stepen njihovog was given to the great names, a total of seven
Le Figaro, gdje se na istoj stranici govori o There are moments in history when the true suvereniteta. articles (two articles written by Jaurs, the
oslobaajuoj presudi gospoi Kajo i najavljuje size of a man is completely diminished and 2
Za pregled istorije francuske tampe, iako je ve davno
future Prime Minister Clemenceau, and the
evropski rat. Vijest o ubici direktora Figaroa marginalized by the oncoming waves of major napisana, dosad je neprevaziena knjiga Claude Bellanger,
Jacques Godechot, Pierre Guiral, Fernand Terrou, Histoire future Minister Tardieu, and one article by
zauzela je dvostruko vie prostora. Jedan events, i.e. the worlds conflicts. Pierre Barral a former Minister Pichon). Other ones are
gnrale de la presse franaise, knj. III, Paris, 1972.
tekst koji smo odabrali je potpuno neobian: u says: The death of one man, even if it was 3
Henry Contamine, La Victoire de la Marne. (9 septembre the news stories like the initial news of the
punom jeku krize i u osvit velikog rata, jedan Jaurs, looked irrelevant at the time when a 1914), Paris, 1970. assassination or descriptions of anti-Serb
francuski publicista objavljuje 27. jula 1914. revenge-seeking dawn appeared over Lorraine, 4
Francuski ministar javnih radova, Rene Renu [Ren demonstrations in Sarajevo). As a typical
tekst o srpskoj narodnoj poeziji, uz prvi put after so many years 11. This is true, but applies Renoult], koji je 29. jula prisustvovao susretu izmeu example of the divisions in France between the
objavljene prevode, a na primjerima hrabrosti only to the area of Alsace
and Lorraine. potpredsjednika francuske vlade i ambasadora Njemake, Caillaux trial and the World War, we present
Senjanina Tadije i Starog Vujadina, podie u razgovoru poslije sastanka sa jednim prefektom na
the text of the newspaper Le Figaro, in which
moral buduim ratnicima da budu hrabri kao pitanje kako je proao sastanak odgovorio je: Stvari
slijede svoj prirodni tok. Mislite prema ratu?. Uz veliki they talk about the acquittal of Ms. Caillaux
to su to bili Srbi u davnoj istoriji! osmijeh, ministar je odgovorio: Vi zaista mislite da e and announcement of the European war on
biti rata? Ne, sreom nismo blizu takvom raspletu.

Ispalila je est metaka je iz automatskog pitolja the same page. The news on the killer of the 1
It is in the spirit of the French tradition, stemming from
232 Browning 32, od kojih je samo jedan bio smrtonosan. director of Le Figaro took up twice as much the revolutionary Declaration of Human Rights of 1789.
Ostali su uglavnom promaili. Gaala je iz slinog pitolja type space. There is a post that we have chosen, According to the declaration, the freedom of the press
kao Princip i bila je slian strijelac kao on. is one of the most sacred rights that defines people in a
Manje od treine jednog stupca tree strane sa
which is totally unusual: in the full swing of the civilized society and that allows them to know always the
tekstom: grof Berchtold podnosi Caru prijedlog teksta crisis and just before the Great War, a French level of their sovereignty.
ultimatuma. journalist published on the 27th of July 1914 2
In order to review the history of the French press,
Polovina stupca na treoj strani: Austrija protiv Srbije: an article about Serbian folk poetry, and for although written a long time ago, there is an unsurpassed
austrijska nota Beogradu. the first time publishing translations, with the book by Claude Bellanger, Jacques Godechot, Pierre
Cijela trei stubac na treoj strani: Sino uruena Srbiji examples of the courage of Senjanin Tadija Guiral and Fernand Terrou, Histoire gnrale de la presse
nota Austrije. and Stari Vujadin, he raises morale of future franaise, vol. III, Paris, 1972.
Neto malo manje od polovine pete kolone na drugoj warriors to be brave as were the Serbs in the
Henry Contamine, La Victoire de la Marne. (9 septembre
strani. 1914), Paris, in 1970.
distant past!
Na treoj strani: Uruen austrijski ultimatum Srbiji. 4
French Minister of Public Works, Ren Renoult, who
Uruenje austro-ugarske note Srbiji Le Figaro je najavio attended a meeting between the FrenchDeputy Prime
ve 19. jula, na osnovu pouzdanih informacija koje su se In short, through the everyday monitoring of Minister and the German Ambassador on the 29th of July,
pokazale tane. the French press in the period from late June having a conversation after the meeting with a Prefect
Ako Austrija bude traila vie, mogla bi snositi to early August 1914, we can easily conclude and answering the question about the outcome of the
odgovornost da je razbuktala krizu koja bi mogla, u meeting, said: The things follow their natural course.
that the French public at the very beginning
vrlo skoroj budunosti, baciti Evropu u jedan uasan You mean towards the war?. With a big smile, the
sukob kakvog svijet dosad nije vidio, najapsurdniji i
unanimously shifted responsibility for the war minister replied: You really think there will be a war?
najzloinakiji. on to Austria that wanted to attack Serbia. In No, fortunately we are not close to such a turn of events.
Pierre Barral, Jaurs devant lopinion lorraine, dans : time the blame will be switched to Germany, 5
She fired six bullets from an automatic Browning pistol
Actes du colloque Jaurs et la nation, p. 171. but it also took time for that. The French 32, of which only one was fatal. The others mostly missed
public opinion will remain convinced that their target. She used a similar pistol as Princip did and
there was no French guilt for the outbreak had similar shooting experience as he did.
of the war. They neither wanted war nor did
Less than a third of one column of the third page with
they oppose it. Public opinion, principally, the post: Count Berchtold presents the draft of the
ultimatum to the Emperor.
does not decide whether the war will break 7
Half of the column on the third page: Austria against
out or not. Its influence is always weaker than Serbia: Austrian note to Belgrade.
the exclusivity of the cabinet. Due to the set 8
The entire third column on the third page: Yesterday
of circumstances in 1914, the public opinion evening Austria served Serbia with a note.
in France stood thoroughly aside and let the 9
A little bit less than half of the fifth column on the
events overtake them. Without expecting a second page .
major crisis, poorly assessing its weight, giving
On the third page, Austrian ultimatum served to
way to the sensationalism of the Caillaux case, Serbia.
Le Figaro announced the serving of the Austro-
unable to slowdown the determined course of
Hungarian note to Serbia already on the 19th July, on the
the storms of war, and confident in their own basis of reliable information which proved to be accurate.
pacifism - although that is only partly true - 12
If Austria looks for more, it could carry the
French opinion was at the rear of those who responsibility for inflaming the crisis which could, in the
could and should oppose the war . very near future, throw Europe into a terrible conflict
that the world has never seen, the most absurd and most
Pierre Barral, Jaurs devant lopinion lorraine, dans:
Actes du Colloque Jaurs et la Nation, p. 171st




At a time when Gavrilo Princip shot the heir to

, the Austro-Hungarian throne, Britain was at
the peak of its power and influence. The British
. Empire spanned over several continents
, and, according to its surface area, was the
, largest empire that history has up to that time
. memorized. Its democratic, parliamentary
, political order and its civil, Victorian culture,
, was imitated by European and non-European
, countries around the world.
Germany was the main temptation and a
major threat to Great Britain in this period.
It was, since unification in 1871, taking over
. , the Britains role as the leading country of the
1871, Old Continent. Britain clashed with Germany
. almost all over the world, in every direction
, of its movements. The most important was
, Germanys ambition to replace Great Britains
. position as the most influential major power
in the Ottoman Empire and Germanys naval
program, which aimed to steal the Great
, Britains dominance over the worlds seas and
oceans. Conflict between Germany and Great
. Britain on the seas and oceans represented,
with mutual conflicts of the other Great
, Powers, probably the most important cause of ,
, the First World War. ,
. 29. 1914.
Public opinion in the British democratic order
in the late 19th and early 20th century played
19. 20. The news on
a crucial, often decisive role. In Europe, Britain
, . the Sarajevo
had the longest tradition of a free press; it assassination,
, was incomparable by the variety and quality Manchester
; of its daily and weekly newspapers. The most Guardian,
important national and social issues were Manchester,
. freely discussed. The Sarajevo assassination, 29thof June
Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.

and the question of war and peace that

238 . arose from it, have disclosed, however, deep
divisions in the British public opinion. These
, , divisions were clearly visible, already on the
. issue of civil war in Ireland, which broke out
as well in 1914. The opposition conservatives
, , helped the loyalists from Northern Ireland;
1914. . the liberal government, led by Prime Minister
; Herbert Henry Asquith, sought to preserve at
, least a semblance of neutrality.
. As observed by Donald Cameron Watt (The
British Reactions to the Assassination in
Sarajevo, European Studies Review, I, No 3
(The British Reactions to the Assassination at (1971), 233-247) and Dragoljub Zivojinovic
Sarajevo, European Studies Review I, No 3 (Great Britain and Serbia in the July crisis
(1971), 233-247) in 1914, Arrogant ally and disregarded Serb-
( ism: British Serbian relations (1875-1941),
1914. , Belgrade 2011, 317-344), in the majority
: part of the British public opinion several
(1875-1941), 2011, 317- prejudices were clearly seen, which crucially
344), influenced all the interpretations of the
Sarajevo assassination and subsequent events.
, The Serbs, especially after the May 1903 coup
dtat, were viewed as the murderers of kings
. , and an oriental nation, with all the negative
1903, stereotypes brought by such definitions.
, Serbias cooperation with Russia, a traditional
enemy of Britain, also did not contribute to
. , the positive image of Serbs in British public
, opinion, even after the settlement of Britain
and Russia in 1907. In the British public ,
opinion there was also a general hostility ,
1907. towards the plebeian nationalism of small , 1.
. nations, as the perpetual troublemakers. The 1914.
Archduke Franz Ferdinand and the aristocratic
, Austro-Hungarian Empire were much more
. The report
popular. Compromising of the Habsburg on theAnti-
- Empire in Zagreb, the high-treason process, Serbdemonstrations,
. and the Friedjung process in 1909, this left, Manchester
however, a very bad impression on the British Guardian,
public. Suspicion was also aroused by the close Manchester, 1stof
1909, relationship of the Austro-Hungarian Empire July 1914
with the menace of Germany.
Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.

, , In the parts of the press that supported the

240 . Conservatives (The Times, The Morning Post,
- . The Daily Telegraph, The Pall Mall Gazette,
Observer, etc.) one could see a distinct distrust
(The towards Germany, caused primarily by the race
Times, The Morning Post, The Daily Telegraph, for maritime supremacy. This, nevertheless,
The Pall Mall Gazette, Observer, ) meant that these papers were less critical of
Russia, and consequently, the Serbs and Serbia.
, , , The liberal papers (Manchester Guardian, The
. , , Economist, The Financial Times, Westminster
Gazette, Standard, etc.) have, again, kept their
, , traditional Russo phobia and showed affection
. (Manchester towards Germany and its ally, the Austro-
Guardian, Economist, The Financial Times, Hungarian Empire. Accusing Serbia and Russia
Westminster Gazette, Standard, ) , , for the outbreak of the Great War resulted
from that. In the liberal press, as was shown
by Donald Cameron Watt, the ambassadors of
-. Austria-Hungary and Germany in London, had
some influence, who were trying to reverse the
. mood of the British public opinion in favour of
, the Central Powers; The Times has steadfastly
, refused their efforts.
, These facts explain everything in the British
press that one could read about the Balkan
; crisis from the Sarajevo assassination to the
. entry of Britain into the First World War.

The Sarajevo assassination was condemned by

all British newspapers, regardless of political
party differences. This event hit directly into
. their monarchist feelings and in general the ,
British fondness for European aristocracy and , 1.
its way of life. The convictions of the assassins 1914.
, and expressing condolences over the death
. of the Crown Prince and his wife were a daily
The analysis of
occurrence. The conservative Times, the liberal the situation
Manchester Guardian and other newspapers in Bosnia
. were noticing, however, that the causes of after the
the assassination should be sought in the assassination,
disenfranchisement of the Slavs, especially The Financial
. South Slavs within the Austro-Hungarian Times,
, Empire. These papers have dealt with the London, 1stof
July 1914

, , Archdukes clericalism, his unpredictable

242 moves provoking conflicts with the
, Hungarians and his ambitious Balkan politics.
, -. After the Sarajevo assassination, papers of
all political orientations covered the news
, of the pogroms against the Serbs in Bosnia
, and Herzegovina and Croatia. The significant
differences, however, emerged when it turned
. , out that the Austro-Hungarian Empire would
take advantage of the assassination in order
to attack Serbia, even at the cost of war on a
. European and global scale. The newspapers
, , closest to the conservatives, led by The Times,
- The Morning Post and other newspapers,
, pointed to the fact that the Austro-Hungarian
. Empire did not have evidence of the official
, involvement, by Serbia, in the assassination,
, that its notes to Serbia on July 23rd, were
, written to humiliate the Serbs and forced them
- to refuse, and that the Serbian government,
, with its reply dated the 25th of July, showed
23. patience and a conciliatory spirit. Convinced
that Germany encouraged aggressiveness of
, their allies, The Times in its editorial warned
, 25. , the two countries that, if there were to be a
. major conflict, they should not count on the
neutrality of Great Britain.
, Opposing that, the liberal leaning newspapers
, have persistently transferred the main blame

. for the new crisis on the Sarajevo conspirators, -
as well as the governments of Serbia and
, Russia. A Civilizing mission of the Austro-
Hungarian Empire in Bosnia and Herzegovina , ,
, they have, with their approval, compared with , 25.
. its colonial administration in Afghanistan and 1914.
- India. When the Austro-Hungarian ultimatum
, , arrived in Belgrade, Manchester Guardian, The review of
The Economist and other liberal newspapers the Austro-
. demanded that Britain remains neutral. Hungarian
, Even on August 3rd, 1914, when the war had ultimatum to
, already started, while Belgrade had already Serbia, The
been destroyed by the Austro-Hungarian Times, London,
25thof July

. 3. 1914, artillery, the Guardians editorialist wrote that

244 , the air would be cleaner in Europe if Serbia
, could be dragged to the ocean and flooded.
The liberal newspapers were still demanding
neutrality and condemned The Times for his
. warmongering editorial policy.

The Asquiths Liberal government did not,
. however, follow the liberal press. The Times,
in fact, the same day, August 3rd, 1914, found
, , that the Sarajevo assassination was merely a
. , , pretext and that the Serbs simply got in the
, 3. 1914, way of further expansion of Austro-Hungary
and Germany in to the southeast of Europe.
The war, as The Times wrote broke out because
- of the ambitions of Germany and the Austro-
. , Hungarian Empire to rule over Europe and the
, world. Britain was obliged to defend the Serbs
- and Russia, and even France, but it had to keep
. its own safety.
, ,

, 27.

The analysis
of the Serbian
response to
the ultimatum,
The Times,
27thof July,


, 1.

The review of
the causes of
the war, The
London, 1stof
August 1914

2 2



, 3.

The criticism
, ,
of the official
, 3.
British policy
Manchester The analysis
Guardian, of the causes
Manchester, of the war,
3rdof August The Times,
1914 London, 3rdof
August 1914
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: = Echoes : European Press about the Sarajevo
Assassination and the July Crisis : the exhibition catalog /
[ .] = Branko Toovi [et al.]. - :
; Banja Luka :
National and University Library of Republic of Srpska, 2015 (
: ; Banja Luka : Grafid). - 248 . : . ; 25 cm

1.300. - . [7-13]: / .

ISBN 978-99938-30-84-9
1. , [] 2. , [] 3.
, [] 4. , [] 5.
, [] 6. , [] 7. ,
[] 8. , [] 9. ,
[] 10. , [] 11. , []

COBISS.RS-ID 5038872

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