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PO Box 99 Forest Grove, BC V0K 1M0

Phone: (250) 397-2962
Principal: Mikel Brogan

September 06, 2017

Principals Message

Dear parents of Forest Grove Elementary School,

Welcome back everyone! I hope everyone had a good summer despite the wild fires that have and
continue to plague our region. I am extremely proud of the people who live in the Cariboo, our province
and beyond who came together to help each other in times of need. Last year as a school community, we
focused on Susan Bannisters eight Successful Learning Traits and I feel that the many people who came
together to help one another this summer exemplified many of these traits: industrious, compassion,
creative, thoughtful, risk taking, strategic, confidence an enthusiasm. Once again this year, we will work
hard to take these competencies to new heights as they have now become the backbone of our school
community. I am very enthusiastic about our upcoming year ahead and hope to build on these values once

Please be aware that in the event that our school does go on Evacuation Alert during school hours,
parents will be required to pick up their child(ren) immediately. The School will begin its emergent
notification process and contact parents. Parents are urged to register with the CRDs Emergency
Notification System, if they have not already done so (Emergency Notification System Sign Up). Upon
learning of an evacuation alert, DO NOT wait for the school to contact you please pick up your child
immediately. Circumstances will dictate whether school busses will operate in this situation.
If your home area is put on Evacuation Alert during school hours, please contact your school immediately
to initiate a Student Safety Plan for your child(ren).

Moreover, if you are in an alert area and have not already done so, please fill the District safety
plan for students traveling through alert areas. This form can be acquired at the school, or on the school
or district website. It is essential that this form is filled out and returned to the school as soon as

Please note that our start times have changed slightly for this upcoming year. Our school day is
now 8:16 am to 2:15 pm. We encourage students not to come any earlier than 7:45 am this year due to
the later start time and for safety reasons as official techer supervision does not start until 8:00 am.

Students were given a student/parent handbook that outlines school dates, rules (code of
conduct) and other important information. We sent this package home so to be clear and forthcoming
about school expectations. Please contact the school with any questions that you may have.

Please be reminded to check out our school website regularly as it contains a wide assortment of
important and interesting information. This site is updated regularly with photos, important information
and updates on all of the exciting things that we are constantly doing in our school. Our website address

Please also note that we now have a school garden that grew a lot of food over the summer. These
vegetables will be incorporated into our food program this fall. We believe strongly in healthy eating at
our school and do what we can to provide healthy food for our students whenever possible. Students will
partake in growing food throughout the year as part of the redesigned curriculum that encourages hands
on learning. Thank you to Laura Markila and her children for their hard work on this project!

We would like to welcome two new staff members who will be joining us this year. Ms. Amy
McKean and Ms. Dawn Jorgenson will be joining our educational assistant team. We extend a warm
welcome to both of them!

I believe in creating strong relationships with students, parents and the community. I also try
hard to have an open door policy. Please feel free to contact me anytime. I look forward to meeting as
many parents as possible throughout the 2017-2018 school year!


Mikel James Brogan: Principal


Student Planners
Thank you to the Parent Advisory Council for providing daily planners for all students. It is a
valuable organization and communication tool for parents and staff. Teachers have talked in
class about the importance of having a designated location in their house for their school work
and backpack. Parents are asked to reinforce this valuable lesson, and now is the time to
start daily routines. Please review and initial planners and ensure that home reading,
school books and planners are returned daily. Primary students will begin home reading which will be
placed in the back sleeve of the planner. Many of these books are missing from last year so if found,
please return them to the school.

Student Absences / Safe Arrival

Our secretary works Tuesday and Thursday from 9:00 a.m. to 2:15 p.m. Messages can be left
on the answering machine at any time. Please call the school (250-397-2962) if your child will
be late or absent from school. Parent volunteers will be phoning for our Safe Arrival Program
if no message is received. We encourage parents to write notes in student planners if there is
a planned absence or a change in plans for bussing or after school pick up. The last few minutes of the
day are not the best time to call the school with alternate plans. If homework is required for a
continued absence, contact your childs teacher in advance to make further arrangements.

Student Pick Up and Drop Off (PARKING)

Please use the walkway rather than walking through the center of the parking lot. We have
more students and busses this year so please use the appropriate entrance / exit and keep
bus lanes clear. Parents are encouraged to use the Community Hall parking lot to drop off or
pick up students. Also, this year, we will be using all three main doors for students to enter
and leave school. This means there will be more traffic this year at the east side of the front of the
school so please be aware of this for the safety of our students.

CPAC (Community and Parent Advisory Council)

All parents are invited to attend meetings for the Parent Advisory Council held monthly in
our school. The CPAC has many functions and plays a significant role in helping our children
achieve a better educational experience. To make this group more effective more help is
needed. The first meeting will take place in the school on Monday September 18th at 5:45
p.m. The Annual General Meeting for elections of executive members will be in October.

Strong Start
The Forest Grove Elementary Strong Start will begin Tuesday,
September 19th. Parents and children aged 0 6 are invited to attend on
Tuesdays and Thursdays from 8:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m Sheila Nelson includes games, songs, arts and crafts,
stories, science, snacks and more as part of her learning environment with the kids. Children and parents
have a great time interacting and getting to know one another. We look forward to seeing you!

Professional Development Day and Curriculum Implementation Day

Friday, September 21st is a curriculum implementation day and September 22nd is a Professional
Development Day for teachers and Administration. School will not be in session on those days.

Dates to Remember:
September 5 First Day of School: day goes from 8:16 am-10:30 am
September 18th CPAC meeting 5:45 p.m.
September 19th Strong Start 8:30 a.m. to 11:30 p.m.
(Every Tuesday and Thursday)
September 21st Curriculum Implementation Day-School not is session
September 22nd Pro D. Day (school for Teachers only)-School not in session
September 27th Terry Fox Run after lunch
September 30th Orange Shirt Day

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