Childhood Nephrotic Syndrome: Steroid Sensitive, Steroid Resistant and Beyond

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Professor C C de Silva Oration-2009

Childhood nephrotic syndrome: steroid sensitive, steroid resistant and

Asiri S Abeyagunawardena1

Sri Lanka Journal of Child Health, 2009: 38: 115-120

(Key words; Childhood nephrotic syndrome, steroid sensitive, steroid resistant)

Nephrotic syndrome (NS) is the commonest lymphokines, are thought to be involved in the
glomerular disorder in childhood. It is a chronic genesis of NS. These observations represent the
distressing disorder characterised by heavy scientific rationale for the use of cytotoxic and
proteinuria, hypoproteinaemia, oedema and immunosuppressive drugs in childhood NS. With
hyperlipidaemia. In the pre-antibiotic era children the introduction of antibiotics, and later with the
with NS often died, usually from overwhelming use of corticosteroid therapy, the mortality has
infections arising as a result of the fallen dramatically.
immunosuppression which is an inherent feature of
the disease and, poor nutrition. The importance of Prednisolone was first prescribed for children with
the immune system in the pathogenesis of NS in 1956, when Arneil described four children,
childhood NS was first suggested by Shalhoub in who responded to prednisolone at a dose of 60mg
1974. However, even many decades before this, it daily2. Although a majority of children will
was known that after an attack of measles, NS respond to corticosteroid therapy, this therapy is
could enter long term remission. not curative, and over 70% of children
subsequently relapse. This results in the
In 1978 an interesting case report was published administration of further courses of high dose
on a 10 year old boy who developed nephrotic corticosteroids placing the child at risk of many
syndrome more than 60 years ago1. He was steroid related side-effects.
terminally ill with gross oedema and was seen by
Sir Frederic Still who was the only physician in In 1967 cyclophosphamide (CYC) was reported as
England who confined his work to children. He an effective agent in maintaining sustained
recommended warmth to induce sweating and a lot remission in steroid sensitive nephrotic syndrome
of milk was prescribed but the prognosis he gave to (SSNS). The side effect profile of CYC has again
the parents was very gloomy. The child continued been a cause for concern viz. alopecia, bone
to deteriorate and on his second visit he asked the marrow suppression leading to opportunistic
child what he wanted to do when he grew up. I infections, haemorrhagic cystitis and an
want to be a childrens doctor like you Sir the unquantified long-term risk of infertility and
child answered. He was then seen by a few other malignancy with obvious adverse implications for
physicians and finally by a renal physician who children.
said it was only a matter of time. Suddenly, after a
stormy course, his nephrosis cleared following an In the mid 1980s the immunomodulatory drug
attack of measles. Fifteen years later the scene levamisole (LEV) and calcineurin inhibitor
shifts to the Membership Exam of the Royal cyclosporin A (CSA) were added to the
College of Physicians. The boy is now a candidate armamentarium of therapies with variable success
and Sir Frederic Still was the examiner. It did not rates and side effects. While the incidence of
take much time for Sir Still to realise that this was reported side effects with LEV therapy is low, the
the boy to whom he gave a gloomy prognosis many side effect profile of CSA such as hirsutism,
years ago. The candidate sailed through the exam gingival hypertrophy and potential nephrotoxicity
with great ease, and went on to become a have limited its use in SSNS3.
distinguished paediatrician and later a Professor of
Paediatrics and the President of the Royal College In contrast, steroid resistant NS is a more
of Physicians. heterogeneous group, majority of which have focal
segmental glomerulosclerosis (FSGS) on histology.
Today, a disturbance in the Th1 and Th2 immune In FSGS the natural history is relentless
mechanisms, mediated by cytokines and progression to end stage renal failure and the
_________________________________________ response to cytotoxic therapy is unpredictable.
Senior Lecturer in Paediatrics, Faculty of
Medicine, University of Peradeniya
My interest in childhood NS began in 1992 when I 3. Steroid sparing therapy
started my paediatric career as a Registrar in 4. Treatment of steroid resistant disease
Paediatrics at the Teaching Hospital Peradeniya. 5. Long-term outcome
The research work I did in Sri Lanka helped me to
secure a post in the Paediatric Nephrology Unit at Treatment of the initial episode
the Great Ormond Street Childrens Hospital,
United Kingdom (UK) where I received my In spite of many years of intensive investigation
training in paediatric nephrology. Since my return and review, there is no uniform agreement amongst
to Sri Lanka in 2002 I have established paediatric paediatricians on the ideal treatment protocol for
nephrology services at the Teaching Hospital the initial episode. I therefore presented a project
Peradeniya to which patients are referred from all proposal to the British Association of Paediatric
parts of the country for specialised treatment. Nephrology at their Annual Research Meeting in
Today I shall present to you the research I have November 2000 in London, to compare the
conducted both in Sri Lanka and in the United outcome of a prolonged prednisolone regimen with
Kingdom in investigating many facets of NS which the standard regimen in the context of a
still remain controversial. These are; randomised placebo controlled trial. This chart
contrasts the difference in tapering of prednisolone
1. Treatment of the initial episode in the two treatment protocols.
2. Prevention of relapses

Comparison of 2 Regimens
Dose of Prednisolone(mg)

60 Modified ISKDC

Proposed new
40 regimen

1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17
Duration in weeks

This proposal received the support of 12 out of 13 Relapse of NS following MCCV

Paediatric Nephrology Centres in the UK. I battled Two months after the launch of the national
for one year with the Multi Centre Research Ethics meningococcal C conjugate vaccine (MCCV)
Committee to obtain ethical approval for a national programme in 1999, a child presented with a
multicentre trial in the UK. The trial was relapse of NS claimed to be following the
meticulously designed to overcome the vaccination. At this point we reassured the family
shortcomings of other trials in published literature. that it could be a coincidence. Two weeks later
The pilot trial is now complete and the multicentre another child presented with a relapse of NS
study is about to begin in the UK. following the vaccination. To explore a causal
relationship between the relapse and administration
Prevention of relapses of MCCV, the relapse rate during the 12 months
pre and post vaccination period were studied. From
A majority of children with SSNS run a relapsing a population of 224 patients who attended the NS
course. Relapse is associated with the increased outpatient clinic, 106 patients received the MCCV
risk of complications such as hypovolaemia, during first 12 months of the campaign. The
thrombosis and infection. occurrence of relapses 12 months before and after
MCCV was recorded. Comparison of the number Is there an impact created by concurrent
of relapses in the 12 months pre and post administration of levamisole or cyclosporin A
vaccination periods clearly indicated more relapses with prednisolone on adrenal suppression?
during the 12 month post vaccination period.
Overall 63 relapses occurred 12 months prior to Does adrenal suppression increase the risk of
vaccination compared to 96 during the 12 month relapse with NS?
post vaccination period. In the 6 months post
vaccination period the fraction of relapses We used the modified synacthen test to evaluate
attributable to vaccination was 26. Therefore, out the adrenal axis. A cortisol response >500ng/l was
of 106 doses of vaccine, 26 relapses were considered normal. Ethical approval for this study
attributable to the vaccine, which is a risk of 1 was obtained from the Institute of Child Health,
relapse for every 4 doses given to this population. University College, London, UK. Thirty two
This is the first report of a series of patients where patients underwent evaluation, 12 on alternate day
a relapse of NS was noted to cluster following an prednisolone, 11 on alternate prednisolone +
administration of a vaccine. levamisole and 9 on alternate prednisolone +
cyclosporin A. There was no significant difference
Conjugate vaccines work by recruiting T cell help in the mean dose of prednisolone administered to
and the cell derived cytokines to aid B cell the 3 groups.
antibody production and generate memory cells. As
the cytokines may play a critical role in the Results
pathogenesis of NS, the disturbance of the cytokine A significant proportion of children had a peak
milieu by the MCCV may have resulted in the serum cortisol response below 500ng/l indicating
observed cluster of relapses. adrenal suppression. In the 2 groups, pred and
pred+LEV, over 70% had evidence of adrenal
These results suggest a causal relationship between suppression. Interestingly, in spite of receiving the
the administration of MCCV and relapse of NS. longest duration of prednisolone, the CSA group
There could be other immunisations which are had only 25% of patients with evidence of adrenal
capable of triggering a relapse of NS and therefore suppression. The P value of 0.01 was highly
the paediatricians should keep close vigil on significant. During a 3 year follow up, 20 children
children during immunisation4. who had a suboptimal cortisol response had a
significantly greater number of relapses when
Adrenocortical suppression and relapse of compared to the 12 children with a normal cortisol
nephrotic syndrome response (p=0.01).
Baby H was 1 years when he developed NS. His
elder sister too had steroid dependent nephrotic Our data indicate that >60% (20/32) of children
syndrome (SDNS) and was treated with many receiving alternate day prednisolone for steroid
cytotoxic agents. As a result of SDNS he was dependant NS had a suboptimal cortisol response
treated with LEV at 2 years and with CYC at 3 suggesting adrenal suppression. Therefore this
years. At 4 years he was still steroid dependant highlights the importance of evaluating adrenal
receiving alternate day prednisolone. His pattern of function in children receiving alternate day
proteinuria was rather unusual with many prednisolone at regular intervals. The results of this
spontaneous remissions. When I expressed my study also confirm that children with adrenal
surprise the father confessed to me that he was suppression are at a greater risk of relapse than
administering daily prednisolone instead of those with a normal adrenal function following
alternate day prednisolone during the periods of glucocorticoid therapy. Children with evidence of
proteinuria thus explaining the reason for adrenal suppression should therefore be considered
spontaneous remissions. This prompted me to for steroid sparing therapy in order to allow the
undertake a comprehensive literature review on adrenal axis to recover5.
adrenocortical suppression and NS. To my surprise
there were many unanswered questions with regard In order to substantiate the findings of this study a
to alternate day prednisolone therapy and adrenal further study was undertaken to explore the effects
suppression. of increasing the dose of prednisolone during viral
upper respiratory tract infections to reduce the risk
Does adrenal suppression occur with long-term of relapse in children with SDNS. The study was
alternate day prednisolone? If so designed to test the hypothesis that a small and
short term increase in the dose of prednisolone
What is the critical dose at which adrenal during viral infections would reduce cytokine
suppression is likely to occur? release and thereby reduce the risk of relapse in
NS. Ethical approval for this study was obtained
from the Institute of Child Health, University
College, London, UK. In each patient the 16 children when other forms of steroid sparing
occurrence of relapse of NS was recorded for two therapy had failed 7.
consecutive viral upper respiratory tract infections
(URTIs). At the first sign of a presumed URTI, Analysis of children with SSNS presenting to
parents were asked to report to the principal Teaching Hospital Peradeniya from 1992-2004
investigator for a clinical examination. If the and a comparison with the UK cohort
predetermined criteria to diagnose a viral URTI This study was carried out at the Teaching Hospital
were met, these children were randomly allocated Peradeniya (THP), a tertiary referral centre for the
to take medicine A or B containing either central province of Sri Lanka. Outcome of patients
prednisolone or placebo with the first viral URTI admitted to THP with NS between 1992 and 2004
and vice versa with the second. There was a was reviewed. Treatment strategies were similar to
significant reduction in the number of relapses the United Kingdom apart from a few exceptions.
when the dose of prednisolone was increased Chlorambucil, azathioprine and CSA were not
during a viral URTI as the 40 episodes treated with prescribed for this cohort of patients. From 1992-
a placebo were followed by 19 (47.5%) relapses 2004, 226 patients were treated for NS of which
while there were only 7 (17.5%) relapses in the 197 were SSNS and 29 were SRNS. Seventy seven
prednisolone treated group (p = 0.003). The results children received steroid sparing therapy. LEV was
of this study confirmed the hypothesis that the preferred first steroid sparing therapy
increasing the dose of prednisolone during viral prescribed for 61 children. CYC was used in 37
URTIs is capable of reducing the risk of relapse in patients. Infection is a universal concern in children
NS by 30% and thereby reducing the need for with NS especially when receiving cytotoxic or
cytotoxic therapy with its associated side-effects6. immunosuppressive therapy. In the cohort of
patients from the UK with SSNS septicaemia and
Steroid sparing therapy peritonitis were rare complications and none of the
deaths were related to infection. However, the
In spite of many years of intensive investigations incidence of serious infections was 5 fold in Sri
and review a rational treatment protocol still Lanka when compared to the UK and 1 death was
remains elusive partly because of the relatively low related to an infection during a relapse of NS.
prevalence of the disease which makes it difficult Three children from the UK cohort died during the
to record the natural history in an adequate number follow up period, the first from venous thrombosis
of patients. A retrospective review was therefore following diuretic therapy, the second from acute
undertaken to establish the therapeutic strategies, pulmonary oedema following an albumin infusion
complications and outcome of children with NS and the third from acute haemorrhage from a
referred to a tertiary centre over a twenty year duodenal ulcer during corticosteroid therapy for the
period. The Great Ormond Street Hospital (GOSH) relapse of NS. In the Sri Lankan cohort two
is a tertiary referral centre serving a population of patients died during follow up. One death was
approximately six million. The Renal Unit at related to cerebral vein thrombosis following
GOSH runs a special clinic for children with NS. hypovolaemic shock while the other death was
The case notes of all children who received steroid related to gram negative septicaemia. Levamisole
sparing agents for NS from 1980 to 2000 were was the mainstay in steroid sparing therapy in Sri
reviewed. Lanka while in the UK it was cyclophosphamide.

From 1980 to 2000, 863 children with NS were Mortality from SSNS is rare. Infections remain a
referred to GOSH. There were 610 children with major cause of morbidity and mortality in the
SSNS and 253 with steroid resistant nephrotic developing world but are rare in the Western
syndrome (SRNS). Out of 610 children with SSNS countries. Hypovolaemia and thrombosis however
539 satisfied the entry criteria. Two hundred and continue to cause morbidity and mortality in the
eighty (51.9%) children received one or more developing world as well as in the West8.
courses of steroid sparing therapy. CYC was the
preferred first steroid sparing therapy prescribed in Efficacy of levamisole as a single agent in
178 (72%) children. Life table analysis revealed maintaining remission in SDNS
that 53% and 32% of children following a course of Levamisole (LEV) was originally developed as an
CYC remained in sustained remission at one year anthelmintic drug and was subsequently shown to
and five years respectively. LEV was prescribed have immunomodulatory properties. This
for 121 children and in 65 it was the first course of randomised controlled study was carried out
steroid sparing therapy. Side effects were rarely between 2002 and 2005 at THP to evaluate the
encountered during LEV therapy. CSA was used in efficacy of LEV as a single agent in maintaining
81 children in order to control the disease and in 9 remission in SDNS. Sequential children who had
pubertal children it was prescribed as the first completed two years of therapy with LEV and
steroid sparing therapy. Chlorambucil was used in prednisolone were randomised into 2 groups. In the
control group all medications were stopped and in was over 90% while in the 31 non-responders it
the test group levamisole was continued as a single was 48% at 10 years.
agent on an alternate day basis for a period of one
year. The relapse rate was compared at the end of The multivariate analysis using unconditional
one year in both groups. Seventy six patients were logistic regression method identified the presence
enrolled into the study. There were 34 in the of mesangial expansion (p=0.011) and tip lesions
control group and 42 in the test group. At the end (p=0.005) as the independent predictors of
of one year of follow up 76% in the control group favourable response to cytotoxic therapy and the
suffered a relapse while only 19% suffered a presence of renal impairment (p=0.008) and
relapse in the test group (p<0.001). No significant extensive focal segmental sclerosis (p=0.025) as
side effects were noted. The results of this study independent predictors of unfavourable response10.
demonstrate that LEV is safe, easily affordable and
effective as a single agent in maintaining remission SRNS (Sri Lanka)
in SDNS. This can reduce the repeated In the Sri Lankan cohort there were 29 children
administration of high dose prednisolone and the with SRNS of whom 16 had FSGS, 10 MCD and 3
use of other cytotoxic agents. The major advantage had membrano-proliferative glomerulonephritis.
of LEV is its steroid sparing effect with minimal CYC was used to induce remission in FSGS and in
toxicity9. MCD. However therapeutic options were limited
for children who were CYC resistant. In the
Steroid resistant nephrotic syndrome (SRNS) developed countries these children are treated with
CSA, which is extremely expensive and not freely
A majority of children with SRNS have FSGS. available in Sri Lanka.
This entity was first described in 1957 by Rich as
a hitherto undescribed vulnerability of Manusha developed NS at the age of 1 years. His
juxtamedullary glomeruli in lipoid nephrosis. elder sister died due to steroid and
Although FSGS is generally believed to carry a cyclophosphamide resistant NS. His NS too was
poor prognosis in refractory nephrotic patients, the resistant to steroids and cyclophosphamide therapy.
favourable long-term renal survival found in When he came to THP he was 2 years and was bed
children who enter sustained remission has led to bound due intractable oedema and severe steroid
the emergence of more aggressive toxicity. As cyclosporine A was not then available
immunosuppressive regimens. However, currently for us he was treated with pulsed vincristine after
there are no universally accepted clinical criteria or discussing with parents as this was the first
histological features that predict a favourable documented child in Sri Lanka to receive
response to immunosuppressive therapy vincristine for NS. He surprisingly entered
complete remission in the sixth week but needed a
The aim of this study was to analyse the treatment lot of physiotherapy to make him mobile due to
protocol and the long term outcome of children steroid induced myopathy. He is now 9 years and is
with primary idiopathic steroid resistant FSGS. The in complete remission and off all medications.
study also focused on clinical, pathological, and
immunohistochemical features at presentation that Pulsed vincristine therapy in SRNS
might help to identify children who would have a In order to determine the efficacy of vincristine
favourable response to cytotoxic therapy. From a therapy in steroid and cyclophosphamide resistant
population of 863 patients with NS referred to the nephrotic syndrome 14 patients were treated with
Great Ormond Street Childrens Hospital, London weekly pulses of vincristine 1.5mg/m2 for 8 weeks.
in the UK from 1980 to 2000, 153 children had Corticosteroid therapy was tapered over 12 weeks.
FSGS as their initial glomerular lesion and 91 had a There were 8 males and 6 females of whom 4 had
well documented follow-up for 10 years. The FSGS and 10 had minimal change disease (MCD).
review of histolopathological features was Complete remission was induced in 64% of
performed by two independent paediatric renal patients. Of those 44% maintained sustained
histopathologists who were blinded to the clinical remission at 24 months. Notable side-effects were
details and outcome of these patients. Based upon alopecia in 85%, constipation and abdominal
histological review, a further 25 patients were distension in 21%, local irritation due to
excluded for suspected other aetiologies and a total extravasation in 21% and reversible bilateral ptosis
of 66 was identified as having pure idiopathic in 14% patients. Bone marrow suppression and
FSGS. In 51 children cyclophosphamide was serious infections were not observed in this cohort
prescribed as the first cytotoxic agent while 15 of patients. The results of this study indicate that
received cyclosporine A and complete remission vincristine is a cheap, effective and safe agent in
was induced in 43% and 40% of children inducing and maintaining remission in steroid
respectively. Of the 35 patients who entered resistant NS due to FSGS as well as in MCD. It can
complete and stable remission the renal survival
therefore be an attractive alternative in countries paediatric dialysis programme at that time.
where cyclosporine A is not freely available11. . However, there was an overwhelming response
from the public and professionals that this life
Even in the 21st Century the molecular mechanism saving humanitarian service should continue. As a
involved in the generation of NS remains a result of successful intervention and negotiation by
mystery. Our therapeutic approaches have therefore several important persons, the Paediatric
been based on clinical observations rather than on a Transplantation Programme recommenced but it
scientific hypothesis. Hence ideal protocols to treat was a day too late to the save the life of the
NS remain elusive. Moreover, the data suggests unfortunate child whose parents really battled hard
that the disease expression and outcome of NS in to reactivate this programme. However today we
different countries could be variable. Hence there is have our own transplant surgeon and 36 living
a need to organise clinical trials in Sri Lanka to related transplants have been performed with over
provide robust evidence in order to develop ideal 95% graft and patient survival rate over a 5 year
treatment protocols for Sri Lankan children. I period which is comparable to that of any advanced
therefore hope that my presentation today will Western unit aptly justifying the decision to
generate an enthusiasm amongst the members of recommence this programme12. President Sir,
the SLCP to conduct such trials. Cytotoxics and Ladies and Gentlemen, let us provide our children
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