Cure For A Leaky Stone Foundation

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Cure for a Leaky Stone Foundation

Q: I have an old house with a full-height basement, but the space is essentially useless because
water comes through the stone walls after every rainstorm. Id love to make use of this extra
square footage, if only for storage. Are there any options short of digging up the foundation and
doing a major waterproofing job from the outside?

Peter Wright, via email

A: Joseph Lstiburek, Ph.D., P.Eng., an ASHRAE fellow, and a principal of Building Science
Corp. in Somerville, Mass., replies: Theres no question that the best way to address a leaky
rubble foundation is to do your water management from the exterior: Dig it up, install perimeter
drains, and waterproof the walls. Then backfill the space and call it a day. That approach is
expensive, though, and its more cost-effective to address the problem from the interior.
The first step is to cover the floor with a 3/4-in. polypropylene drainage mat (Enkamat is one
example), running it about 14 in. up the wall with the filter fabric facing inward. Then cover the
floor with 2 in. of extruded polystyrene (XPS) insulation, turned up at the perimeter, creating a
sort of rigid-foam bathtub where a new slab is poured.
Next, cover the walls with 3 in. of closed-cell (2-lb.) spray polyurethane foam. (Repeat after me:
This cant be done with 1/2-lb. foam.) Dont worry about cleaning the dirt and debris from the
rubble before spraying the foam; its actually helpful because you dont want a continuous bond.
The idea is that the spray foam sticks to the drainage mat at the bottom of the wall and ties into
the floor structure above, but doesnt fully adhere in the middle. This lets water drain between
the spray foam and the stone, where it runs down to the drainage mat and to an airtight sump
The spray foam must be covered for fire resistance, which can be done with a stud wall and
drywall to create a finished space, or intumescent paint applied right to the foam for unfinished
This approach not only eliminates the problem for less than it would cost to waterproof from the
exterior, but it also leaves you with a superinsulated basement or crawlspace.

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