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Florida Teacher Education Division of the Council for Exceptional Children- Aug 31, 2017

Phone Conference Meeting Minutes: Executive Board and LaSonya

Action Item Updates:
#1 White Paper: survey of IHEs in the state of Florida for ESE enrollment
Past board survey data of ESE enrollment- follow up by Emily and Ellen
#2 PENDING contact with Cynthia Wilson/HECSE
Advocacy: one page leave it behind legislative updates and meeting dates from Cynthia
Wilson- follow up by Ellen
#3 Membership Contact List: National TED Membership Chair: received via email, bring to AMM
and review- purpose is to engage members in the state- share the one-page talking
#4 AMM funding: Alice Kay will update on a meeting location and funding- information sent out
New Work Items:
HLPs case study analysis- who is collecting them, what are they doing with the
information? Is Mike Brady writing a paper for FLTED?
Agenda for AMM:
Advocacy- finalize the content for the one-page brief
ESE certification white paper- update on the data collection and next steps
HLPs Action Research- Case study collection - update on the data collection and
next steps
Next meeting: FLTED 4:00-5:00 Wednesday at AMM
FLTED Executive board lunch Wednesday afternoon at AMM

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