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1. Circle a, b, or c.

Example: My brother ________ Russian.

a speak b speaks c do speak

1. Where _______ work?

a you b you do c do you

2. What time _______ to come?

a shes going b is she going c going she

3. ______ away last weekend?

a Did you go b did you went c went you

4. A Why _____?
B Because Im happy.
a are you smiling b do you smile c you smile

5. How often ______ your grandparents?

a are you seeing b you see c do you see

6. Thats the shop _______ I bought my computer.

a which b where c who

7. Dont worry. Im sure you _______ your driving test.

a dont fail b wont fail c wont to fail.

8. A Its very dark here.

B Yes. ________ the light.
a Ill turn on b Im turning on c I turn on

9. _____ you ever bought anything it that shop?

a Did b Have c Has

10. This is the ______ summer weve ever had.

a worse b baddest c worst

2. Complete the sentences with one word.

1. Have you ever _______ to New York?

2. I havent finished _____. I need two more minutes.
3. Dont touch that wall. Ive _____ painted it.
4. Ive already ______ that film three times.
5. Your flat is bigger _______ mine.
3. Fill in the gaps with one word from the box or nothing.
Example: I arrived home at six oclock last night.
I saw Jane __-__ yesterday.

last at on ago in at in

1. I was born in Africa ______ 1970.

2. I usually go home ______ the weekend.
3. I didnt go home ______ weekend because some friends came to stay.
4. They arrived ______ three oclock ______ the afternoon.
5. _____ Saturday evening we went out to a concert.
6. I bought a car a few weeks _____.
7. I had an accident _____ last night.
4. Write questions to ask about the missing information.
Example: I went to the States in 1999.
When did you go to the states?

1. I went to Spain for may last holiday?

Where ___________________________?

2. We stayed there for ten days?

How long ________________________?

3. We had wonderful weather.

Did _____________________ good weather?

4. We traveled round by boat.

How ___________________________?

6. Comparative adjectives. Cross out the wrong form.

Example. Today is hotter/more hot than it was yesterday.

1. London isnt as expensive as/than Paris.

2. The train is cheaper as/than the plane.
3. China is much/more bigger than Vietnam
4. English is more easy/easier than Japanese.
7. Underline the correct tense.

1. A:Are you and Alan still going out together?

B:Oh, yes. We are going to get / `ll get married next year.
2. A:Did you phone Peter about tonight?
B:No, I forgot. I `m going to do / `ll do it now.
3. A:It`s very hot in this room.
B:Is it? I`m going to turn off/ `ll turn off the heating then.
4. This man is drunk. He is going to fall over / `ll fall over.

7. Complete the gaps in the following sentences with the correct form (Present Simple
/continuous or Past Simple) of the verb in brackets.

1. I ________ (send) Suart a card last Tuesday.

2. Josh _________ (have) tennis lessons twice a week.
3. Im sorry, I cant send you an e-mail now because by brother ___________ the
4. Jane ___________ (take) the exam next week.
5. A good teacher always ___________ (correct) our mistakes.
6. Joan Lloyd ______________(have) lunch with the Korean President tomorrow.


1. Write the words.

Example: You use these to hear. ears

1. You use these to see ______

2. You have two of these at the end of your arms ________
3. You have ten of these on your feet ________
4. You use these to kiss _______
5. You have 32 of these in your mouth. ________
2. Write the opposite words.
Example: pass (an exam) fail

1. teach (French) __________

2. leave (at 6.00) __________
3. catch (the bus) __________
4. borrow (money) __________
5. win (a match) ___________

3. Match the adjectives with their opposites.

crowded rude
noisy dangerous
clean empty
safe quiet
polite polluted
modern old
4. Odd one out.
Example: make/take/look at a photo

1. go sightseeing/for a walk/swim
2. have a party/bath/lunch
3. stay a hotel/at a hotel/in
4. leave at work/home/the station
5. go for a run/swim/walking

Total 60

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