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Online Classroom Search

In order to find these 8 items, search in the Blackboard Classroom. Type your response
under each question and then submit this document to Turn-It-In, per the Application
instructions. Each question is worth 4.25 points.

1. How many quizzes will you take in this course?

6 quizes
2. Where would you likely find information from your instructor that summarizes a plan
for the weekly module, information about assignment deadlines, and reminders to
complete assignments or take exams?
Course calender
3. What is your reading assignment for Module 8?

Jones, G. R., & George, J. M. (2015). Essentials of contemporary management (6th

ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.
Chapter 9, Motivation (pp. 296325)

4. During which module will you complete your Mid-Term Exam?

Module 6
5. If you have a question, problem, concern, or issue that some of your classmates may
also have, whats the best way to get your instructors help?
Contact the instructure or post the query
6. What are the learning objectives for Module 5?
Evaluate techniques to improve programmed and non-programmed decisions
Understand key findings of a SWOT analysis
Analyze planning and implementation strategies of organizations
Evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of strategic decisions
Assess knowledge of contemporary management and leadership concepts

7. Where are you supposed to introduce yourself to classmates?

Class cafe
8. Where will your instructor likely post articles or reports that you can read for
information that goes beyond your weekly reading assignments?
Course home

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