September PEN 2017

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Pasadena Elementary School


We envision Pasadena Elementary to be a school where we maintain high expectations for academic
standards through rigorous instruction. We will continue to foster a positive, caring school climate where we
respect and value diversity and prepare individuals for success in higher learning and careers.

Welcome back! I hope you enjoyed spending time with family, tried something new, and participated in the
Summer Reading program. The Pasadena Elementary staff is back, ready, and excited for the 2017-2018 school
year. I hope you are as enthusiastic as we are for our journey together this year. A special Panther welcome to our
new students and their families. I look forward to seeing familiar faces and meeting our new friends in the coming
The staff have worked hard to create a safe and welcoming environment that is organized and structured with
learning opportunities. Our secretaries have worked diligently to register new students, maintain school files,
process orders for materials of instruction, and re-organize to better support our families. Our custodial staff have
worked tirelessly to ensure the school sparkles and shines.
This year we will continue to communicate and share the newsletter via email to support our Green School
initiative. Newsletters will be posted on BlackBoard and the schools website: This
year we will post to the schools blog: This is a way to look back on
archived information shared and access up-to-date monthly calendars for school events. We invite you to follow
us on the schools Twitter page: PES_AACPS.
Our PTA is active and always looking for volunteers. Please join and get involved! The Volunteer Orientation is
scheduled for Friday, September 15th at 10:00am. We have volunteers who work tirelessly to help ensure the best
school experience for our students. If you would like to volunteer or chaperone this year, please plan to attend this
training. There are training requirements by Anne Arundel County Public Schools, and these must be completed
before you can volunteer in the classrooms or chaperone on a field trip. Your drivers license or state issued
identification will be scanned in the main office as part of this process.
Two of our students will have the assistance of a service dog throughout the school year. I am sharing this
information to make all of you aware and to ask you for your assistance in making this a positive experience for
everyone at our school. The dog, a lab named Misty, is trained to detect any changes on the part of the students
that could be indicative of a medical event which requires attention. Misty will be with the students in all classes,
as well as at lunch and recess. Anne Arundel County Public Schools and Pasadena Elementary School are proud
of our efforts to be as inclusive as possible and to accommodate situations such as this one. I have no doubt that
you will welcome Misty as a member of our family. I ask you to take a few minutes to talk to your child and
explain that Misty is a service dog, whose job entails looking after the students she accompanies. Your child
and all children and staff at our school should refrain from petting Misty and interacting with her in any way that
will detract from her duties. If your child has any allergies to dogs or any other issues which we need to address,
or if you have further questions, please contact me directly.

We look forward to an exciting year filled with new experiences and opportunities. Thank you for everything you
do for your child/children and our school. Please contact me if you have any questions, comments, or concerns. If
you have any questions, please call the school at 410-222-6573.
Jennifer Quirino, Principal
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Anne Arundel County Public Schools NON-DISCRIMINATORY PRACTICE The Anne Arundel County Public School System does not
discriminate on the basis of race, color, sex, national origin, religion, age, disability, sexual orientation or familial status in matters of
affecting employment or in providing access to programs.
Video Camera System
Pasadena Elementary School is equipped with a video camera system. It covers selected interior and exterior
public portions of the building and grounds. It is NOT monitored constantly, but it is monitored during
emergency situations. During certain events, when the safety or security of students may be in question,
authorized personnel from local, state, or federal police or fire emergency units may be given access to view
images projected on the camera system. If you have any questions about the system, you should call the
Supervisor of School Security at (410) 222-5083.

Student Accident Insurance

Each year, school children have accidents. Medical costs can be expensive, and unexpected bills can cause
hardships. Even if you have other insurance, it is often not enough as coverage can require high deductibles or
co-insurance payments.
Anne Arundel County Public Schools does not blanket accidental medical or dental insurance for sports, school
sponsored activities, or student activity while school is in session. However, we have made arrangements with
K&K Insurance Group, Inc. to offer accident coverage to all enrolled students at a modest premium. Through
this program, parents/guardians have the opportunity to purchase this protection for their child.
Some of the advantages of this insurance include:
At-School Accident coverage: This provides insurance for the hours and days when school is in session and
while students are attending school sponsored and supervised activities on or off school premises. Coverage is
provided during:
The school day, on school premises, while school is in session
Direct and uninterrupted travel to and from home and scheduled classes
School sponsored and supervised sports (excluding high school football)
Travel to and from school sponsored and supervised sports while in school approved vehicle
Once effective, coverage continues until the earlier date where the enrolled students coverage has been in
place for twelve months or the first day of school of the next school year.
24-hour Accident coverage: This provides insurance coverage around-the-clock, anywhere is the world.
Coverage is provided:
Before, during and after school
Weekends, vacation and all summer including summer school
School sponsored and extracurricular sports (excluding high school football)
Once effective, coverage continues until the earlier date where the enrolled students coverage has been in
place for twelve months or the first day of the next school year.
All coverage becomes effective on the date that the completed application and premium are received by K&K
Insurance Group, Inc. or online enrollment is completed.
You have a choice of different benefit schedules. The insurance information that the student in your household
brings home will provide the information necessary to guide in your decision-making.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call K&K Insurance Group, Inc. at (855) 742-3135. Their representatives are
available to assist you in y our inquiries or go to
2|P a g e
Earthquake Emergency Procedures
Listed below are the recommendations adapted from FEMA in the event of an earthquake.
Located Indoors
Drop to the ground; take cover by getting under a sturdy table or other piece of furniture, and hold on until
the shaking stops. If there isnt a piece of furniture near you, cover your face and head with your arms and
crouch in an inside corner of the building.
Stay away from glass, windows, outside doors and walls, and anything that could fall.
Use a doorway for shelter only if it is in close proximity to you.
Do not run outside of the building. Many people have been killed by falling debris from collapsing walls.
Located Outside
Stay there until the shaking stops. Ground movement is seldom the cause of death or injury.
Move away from buildings, street lights, and utility wires.
The greatest danger exists directly outside buildings at exits and alongside exterior walls.
Inside a Moving Vehicle
Stop as quickly as safety permits and stay inside the vehicle.
Avoid stopping near or under buildings, trees, overpasses, and utility wires.
Proceed cautiously once the earthquake has stopped.
Avoid roads, bridges, and ramps that might have been damaged in the earthquake.
If Trapped Under Debris
Do not light a match.
Do not move about or kick up dust.
Cover your mouth with a handkerchief or clothing.
Tap on a pipe or wall so rescuers can locate you.
Should only as a last resort. Shouting can cause you to inhale dangerous amounts of dust.

3|P a g e
School Closed First Day of School Kindergarten Kindergarten Staggered PES Spirit Wear
Grades 1-5 Conferences Entrance
Kindergarten Staggered
Kindergarten Entrance
Labor Day Conferences

Kindergarten Staggered First Full Day of PES Dress for Success

Entrance School Kindergarten

Volunteer Orientation
10:00 AM

Joe Corbi Ends

Drownproofing 5th Grade Field Trip

Rosh Hashanah begins Rosh Hashanah Rosh Hashanah

Wellness Wednesday
Yom Kippur

Scholastic Book Fair

Fall Pictures
TBD: Arlington Echo 4th Grade Field Trip Yom Kippur begins
At the end of the day, the most overwhelming key to a childs success is the
positive involvement of their parents. Jane D. Hull

September 2017
Welcome Back to AACPS!
The Importance of Routines:
Comfortable and consistent routines bring easier Family Involvement
mornings, smoother homework habits, and Conference
healthier bedtimes for everyone!
Saturday, November 18th, 2017
o Start with a healthy breakfast and a
predictable morning schedule. Anne Arundel Community College
o 11 engaging breakout sessions
o Get to school on time. o Keynote speaker
o Make sure everything is ready the night o Childcare provided on a limited basis
o Set up a regular homework time and VOLUNTEER
o Read together everyday. OF THE YEAR
o Get plenty of sleep and exercise. 2016-2017
When parents are engaged and involved in school,
Bruce Morgenstern
their children: For working tirelessly for the good of
o have more regular school attendance. all citizens of Anne Arundel County
o have a more positive attitude toward school.
o are more likely to do better in school. VOLUNTEER
How to be engaged and involved in school:
o Know what your child is learning and studying. June 2017
o Know the teachers expectations.
o Read together for 20 minutes daily (through
Lauri Miller
middle school). Oak Hill Elementary
o Attend parent/teacher conferences and school For being an exceptional PTO
president, volunteer, and person
Volunteer opportunities: Office of School & Family Partnerships
o Prepare classroom materials at home. 410-222-5414 |
o Help in the classroom, media center, with school
events or field trips. @SFPartnersAACPS
o Join a parent committee.

Remember to register to volunteer and ask how to log

your hours!!
Al final del da, la clave ms abrumadora para el xito de un nio es la
participacin positiva de sus padres. Jane D. Hull

Septiembre 2017
Bienvenido de Nuevo a AACPS! Guarden la
La Importancia de las Rutinas: Fecha
Las rutinas cmodas y constantes hacen las Conferencia de Participacin
maanas ms fciles, los hbitos ms suaves de la
tarea y la hora de acostarse ms sana para cada
de Padres
todos! Sbado 18 de noviembre de 2017
o Comience con un desayuno saludable y Anne Arundel Community College
un horario matutino predecible. o 11 talleres de participacin
Discurso de Apertura
o Lleguen a la escuela a tiempo. o
o Habr cuidado de nios disponible con
o Asegrese de que todo est listo la noche espacio limitado
o Establezcan una hora y lugar de tarea VOLUNTARIO
regular. DEL AO
o Lean juntos todos los das. 2016-2017
o Duerman mucho y hagan ejercicio.
Cuando los padres estn comprometidos y
Bruce Morgenstern
involucrados en la escuela, sus hijos: Por trabajar incansablemente por el
o tienen ms regular la asistencia escolar . bien de todos los ciudadanos del
o tienen una actitud ms positiva hacia la escuela. Condado de Anne Arundel
o son mas probables de hacer mejor en la escuela.
Cmo comprometerse y participar en la escuela: VOLUNTARIO DEL MES
o Sepan lo que su hijo est aprendiendo y
estudiando. Junio 2017
o Conozcan las expectativas de los maestros.
o Lean juntos durante 20 minutos diariamente (hasta
Lauri Miller
la escuela intermedia). Escuela Primaria Oak Hill
o Asistan a las conferencias y eventos escolares de Por ser una excepcional Presidenta
Oportunidades de Voluntariado:
del PTO, voluntaria y persona
o Prepare materiales para el aula en su casa. Oficina de Asociaciones de
o Ayuda en el aula, biblioteca, con eventos escolares Escuelas y Familias
o excursiones. 410-222-5414 |
o nase a un comit para padres. @SFPartnersAACPS

Recurdese de inscribirse para ser voluntario y

pregunte cmo registrar sus horas!

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