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February 2017

1 INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................. 1

1.1 PURPOSE OF THE ANALYSIS ................................................................. 1

1.2 DESCRIPTION OF THE PROJECT AREA ................................................ 1

1.3 REGULATORY SETTING .......................................................................... 3

1.4 METHODOLOGY ....................................................................................... 4

2 NOISE ANALYSIS RESULTS ........................................................................... 4

3 CONCLUSIONS ............................................................................................... 7

4 RECOMMENDATIONS..................................................................................... 8


Table 1. Equipment list and level noise ................................................................... 2

Table 2. Maximum permissible A-weighted sound levels when measured outdoors3
Table 3. Maximum permissible A-weighted sound levels when measured indoors . 3


Figure 1. View of Daughrter Station on Newark Zoning Map .................................. 1

Figure 2. Sound level contours modeled around of Daughter Station ..................... 5
Figure 3. Sound level contours outside of Daughter Station ................................... 6
The purpose of this analysis was to determine the potentials noise levels associated
with Daughter Station because its stationary equipment operations in the City of
Newark, New Jersey, USA.
The Daughter Station will located in the City of Newark in Essex County. According
to Newark Zoning & Land Use Regulations (NZLUR), the Daughter Station will
located in Heavy Industrial zoning (I-3) (shown in Figure 1).

Figure 1. View of Daughrter Station on Newark Zoning Map
The heavy industrial zone (I-3) allows for industrial development of buildings up to
ten stories high and permits specific uses that are generally incompatible with
residential neighborhoods and thus typically not allowing residential uses. This
zoning has very low proximity to any residential neighborhood.
The closest area to the north of the station (at about 0.6 miles) corresponds to a
Residential 13 Family & Town House (R-3) and mixed use under the category of
residential / commercial (MX-1). Areas zoned R-3 permitted uses include parks,

community residences, garages, and day care. In addition, this zone not permit such
uses as assisted living and nursing home facilities, ground floor retail, office and
service. Residential & Commercial (MX-1) zoning allows for a blend of residential
and commercial uses within the same building or district, fostering communities with
diverse but integrated uses. These are the kinds of places where residents live over
shops that offer everyday services, places to work, shop and play.
To the southwest of the station is located Newark Liberty International Airport (2.2
miles aprox.), to the east the highway (New Jersey Turnpike) and to the south
Newark Port (0.6 miles aprox.). Also to the south of the station is located a railroad
track (Conrail Shared Assets Operations).
The ambient noise is primarily generated by road traffic around the site. Also, ground
noise at Newark airport, a natural gas metering station and other industries, and
some natural sounds (i.e. gulls) contribute to background noise. The ambient noise
ranging from between 44 and 47 dBA1. However, airplanes constantly enter and
leave the airport (more 1200 flights per day), so that events with levels ranging from
57 to 88 dBA2 can occur.
The project area will has an approximate superficie of 3,94 acres, which it will
installing different equipment for its operation. These equipment will conformate
operational areas that will producing noises. In table 1, indicated these areas and its
level noise.
Table 1. Equipment list and level noise

Noise (db) Equipment

Item Description Notes
@ 3 ft quantity
1 Close Drain Vessel N/A 1
2 Gas Buffer Vessels N/A 2
3 Natural Gas Compressor (Mother) 87.7 1 Measured @ 10 ft
4 Priority Panel (Fueling) 60 1
5 Gas Compressors (Fueling) 85 1
6 Gas Dryer (Fueling) 60 1
7 Heat Exchangers/Pumps (Glycol) 92 4
8 Gas Compressors 87.7 4 Measured @ 10 ft


Noise (db) Equipment
Item Description Notes
@ 3 ft quantity
9 Gas Pressure Reducer (Decant) 80 4
10 Air Compressor Package 72 1
11 Gas Metering Station 50 1
12 Electrical Area N/A 1
13 Water Boilers 80 3
Two Trucks There
14 Trucks Tractors + Trailers 80 14
are always On.
08 Work
15 Gas Dispensers 80 14
Source: Pentagon Energy, 2017.


Noise criteria for this analysis are based on the amended State Noise Control
Regulations of New Jersey Administrative Code (N.J.A.C. 7:29), effective June 7,
2012). This regulation states the followings maximum permissible sound levels: No
person shall cause, suffer, allow, or permit the operation of any source of sound on
any source property. In such a manner as to create a sound level that equals or
exceeds the sound level limits set forth in Tables 2 or 3, when measured at or within
the receiving properties line.
Table 2. Maximum permissible A-weighted sound levels when measured
Commercial facility, public
Residential property, or service facility, non-
residential portion of a multi- residential portion of a
property category
use property multi-use property, or
community service facility
Time 7 a.m.-10 p.m. 10 p.m.-7 a.m. 24 hours
Maximum A-
Weighted sound 65 50 65
level standard, dB
Source: N.J.A.C. 7:29, 2012
Table 3. Maximum permissible A-weighted sound levels when measured
Residential property, or Commercial facility or
residential portion of a multi- nonresidential portion of a
use property multi-use property
Time 7 a.m.-10 p.m. 10 p.m.-7 a.m. 24 Hours
Maximum A-
Weighted sound 55 40 55
level standard, dB

Residential property, or Commercial facility or
residential portion of a multi- nonresidential portion of a
use property multi-use property
Note: Table II shall only apply when the source and the receptor are separated by a real
property line and they also share a common or abutting wall, floor or ceiling, or are on the
same parcel of property.
Source: N.J.A.C. 7:29, 2012
Environmental regulations with respect to the noise generated by airplanes in air
(N.J.A.C. 7:29) indicates that:
Impulsive sound in air which has a maximum sound level in excess of 80
dBA and such impulse sound shall not be repeated more than four times in
any hour. Impulsive sound which repeats more than four times in any hour
shall not exceed 50 dBA.
To model noise that will generated in Daughter Station, will used a predictive noise
The noise prediction model only will evaluated stationary sources present in the
station. The model was based on noise levels shown in Table 1 and assumed
operational profiles (during the daytime and night-time). Only considered the effects
of distance as sound propagation form.


Figure 2 shows the sound level contours (daytime and nighttime) around of Daughter
Station considering the acoustical effects of distance.
As shown in Figure 2, noise levels vary according to location. Thus, to the southeast
and northwest of the boundaries of the station, noise levels range from 84 to 90 dBA,
while for the northeastern border, these levels are about 84 dBA.
It is important to remember that for this preliminary analysis only the propagation of
noise with distance was considered. However, if will considere the presence of
station's barriers, such as walls, as well as the effect of geometric divergence,
atmospheric conditions, soil, vegetation, among others, the noise levels could
decrease by about 15 to 20 decibels or more of the estimated values as attenuation

Note: This figure was elaborated in the Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) Grid System
Source: Own elaboration, 2017.
Figure 2. Sound level contours modeled around of Daughter Station

Note: This figure was elaborated in the Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) Grid System
Source: Own elaboration, 2017.
Figure 3. Sound level contours outside of Daughter Station

In terms of noise levels in the area classified as residential / commercial, these are
observed in Figure 3. According to estimated, noise levels in this area will be in the
order of 68 dBA. If considered the barriers present along the route between this area
and the station, this value will reduce.

Based on the results of this preliminary noise study the drawn conclusions are:
The presence of noisy equipment in the Daughter Station will provide a major
contribution to existing and future ambient noise levels in the immediate
environment of the station. This causes the ambient noise levels at station
boundary to be quite hightly, independently or they have not considered the
effects of the environment on the noise attenuation;
The perception of the noise in the boundaries of the station during the hours
of the night will be greater than the hours of the day;
Considering the effect of other variables not computed in this analysis
(geometric divergence, atmospheric conditions, soil, vegetation, physical
barriers, etc.). the noise received at the closest area ( mixed use residential /
commercial - MX-1) would be deemed to comply with State Noise Control
Regulations of New Jersey Administrative Code (N.J.A.C. 7:29), because the
noise levels estimated will be between 12 and 17 dB below the maximum limit
established in the standard for daytime, which will not cause any response
from a community.
During daylight hours, the noise may be increased to a maximum of 68 dBA,
as a person with an average hearing acuity will not be able to perceive a 3
dBA increase in the ambient noise level;
Because the maximum limit allowed in night-time should not exceed 55 dBA
in the boundaries of residential areas, and that a difference of 5 dBA to 15
dBA, could generate sporadic complaints to medium with widespread
complaints in the community, it is considered that the noise levels of the
station do not comply with what is established in the regulation;

The traffic of light and heavy vehicles on the highway (New Jersey Turnpike)
towards the airport or the port could mask some of the noise generated by the
equipment inside the station during the day.
Also, the operation of the nearby industries and the noise associated with
them could mask the noise of the station.

Based on the results of this noise impact study, the following recommendations are
made for the construction phase of the project:
The noise emissions caused by compressors must be reduced by ensuring
that they are equipped with compressor silencers, erecting a sound curtain
barrier wall and adding a roof to the sound curtain wall, because this action
permit a 13 dBA reduction.
Reduce reflected noise generated for all station through the erection a
concrete block wall around station boundary.
Evaluate the possibility of installing a silencers device for gas discharge.
Conduct a more detailed survey of station noise in order to establish values
closer to the reality of the project and whether any of the sources could be

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