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Article of the Week Rubric: Demonstrating Understanding, Interpreting and Analyzing of Texts

Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4

Indicates limited, Indicates incomplete or Indicates accurate literal Indicates accurate,
Knowledge and fragmented or incorrect partial understanding of understanding of main thorough
Understanding understanding. No main ideas - may focus ideas and supporting understanding of main
meaning from text on isolated details. details. Identifies and/or ideas and supporting
constructed. Demonstrates some summarizes sequences details. Recognizes
misunderstanding of or of events or subtleties, ambiguities
omits significant details. relationships among and complexities.
Presents no Presents interpretations Presents reasonable, Makes note of
interpretation or that may be overly obvious, interpretations, subtleties,
suggests an broad, simplistic or conclusions, complexities, and
Thinking interpretation not incomplete. generalizations, implicit relationships in
supported by the text. Demonstrates some connections or interpreting the text
misunderstanding and predictions. Provides (i.e. ideas, themes,
provides inadequate textual evidence. events, etc.). Provides
textual evidence. well-supported
relevant, valid textual
Provides little or no Provides general or Provide an analysis of Provides thorough, in-
analysis of how literary simplistic analysis or how literary elements depth analysis of how
Application elements contribute to identifies without and/or devices literacy elements and
the effectiveness to the explanation of their contribute to the devices contribute to
selection. Provides effectiveness. Provides effectiveness of the the effectiveness of the
limited or no textual limited textual evidence. selection. Provides selection. Provides
evidence. textual evidence. specific, strong,
accurate textual

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