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Australia, Canada, New Zealand, United States
Signatories: Greece, Mexico, Netherlands, Uganda

Topic 1: Food Security in Africa

The General Assembly,

Reminding all nations of the celebration of the 50th anniversary of the

Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which recognizes the inherent
dignity, equality and inalienable rights of all global citizens,
Reaffirming its Resolution 33/1996 of 25 July 1996, which encourages
Governments to work with UN bodies aimed at improving the
coordination and effectiveness of humanitarian assistance ,
Notingwith satisfaction the past efforts of various relevant UN bodies
and nongovernmental organizations ,
Stressingthe fact that the United Nations faces significant financial
obstacles and is in need of reform in the humanitarian realm ,

1. Encourages all relevant agencies of the United Nations to

collaborate more closely with countries at the grassroots level to
enhance the carrying out of relief efforts, including but not limited
a. General Assembly Committees;
c. UNDP;
2. Urges member states to comply with the goals of the UN
Department of Humanitarian Affairs to streamline efforts of
humanitarian aid;
3. Requests that all nations develop rapid deployment forces to better
enhance the coordination of relief efforts of humanitarian assistance
in complex emergencies ;
4. Callsfor the development of a United Nations Trust Fund that
encourages voluntary donations from the private transnational sector
to aid in funding the implementation of rapid deployment forces ;
5. Callsupon states to respond quickly and generously to consolidated
appeals for humanitarian assistance ;

6. Requests the expansion of preventive actions and assurance of
post-conflict assistance through reconstruction and development .
Practice: See if you can find and correct all the errors in this resolution!

Sponsors: Brazil, Canada, South Africa, and Russia

Signatories: Peru, Afghanistan, Mozambique, Azerbaijan, France
Topic: Discrimination Against the Disabled

The United Nations Human Rights Committee,

Recognizesprevious international efforts to help people with mental disabilities,

Deploresthe continued discrimination of people with mental disabilities;
Acknowledging the importance of eliminating the social stigma associated with the
mentally disabled;
Further recognizing state sovereignty in regards to crafting their own policies that
are focused on the discrimination of mentally disabled people;

1. Recommends the domestic utilization of public relations campaigns that:

a. Highlight the commonality of mentally disabled with those without
mental disabilities
b. Educate the mentally disabled on the legal resources available to them;
1. Further recommends the use of programs aimed at providing equal
educational opportunities for those with mental disabilities, including:
a. Specialized programs within schools tailored specifically for mentally
disabled individuals
1. Advocates for the creation specialized workshops within states that:
a. Provides specialized job training for mentally disabled individuals
b. Allows for employers and mentally disabled potential employees to meet
with one another so as to reduce employer biases against the hiring of
mentally disabled individuals
2. States will provide incentives for employers to hire mentally disabled
individuals via means such as tax credits, or employment quotas
5. Advisesindividual states to ensure that they have proper regulatory oversight of
companies to prevent the exploitation of mentally disabled employees
Practice: See if you can find and correct all the errors in this resolution!

Sponsors: Turkey, UK, Iraq, Algeria, Russia, Comoros

Signatories: China, Cambodia
Topic: Palestinian Statehood

The General Assembly,

Reaffirming the legitimacy of the of the 1933 Montevideo Convention on the Rights
and Duties of States,

These parameters and this case regarding Palestine will serve as precedent for any
future issues over statehood,

Reminding all nations that the impending state of Palestine does meet the criteria of
the 1933 Montevideo Convention on the Rights and Duties of States,

Stressing the importance of stabilizing and supporting the Palestinian state in order
to ensure more cooperation and safety of civilians within the region,

1. Urges the leaders of Israel and Palestine to continue working towards a successful
two-state solution with decisive clauses addressing borders, Jerusalem, and
settlements within the West Bank and East Jerusalem

2. Calls for the aid of other nations and international organizations to invest and
assist in the development of the Palestinian economy and humanitarian support of
those refugees living in disputed settlements

3. Encourages the establishment of economic cooperatives with transnational

companies in order to integrate the state into the globalized economy

4. Requests that the PLO establish separate Foreign Affairs, Financial, and
Humanitarian Ministries within their legislative body in order to more effectively
tackle their own issues while also having the capacity to negotiate with other
nations diplomatically

5. Drawing attention to the atrocities of the terrorist organizations within the region
such as Hamas while recognizing that the United Nations does not necessarily
promote the toppling of established institutions
a. Looking to successful model of the RSS (Regional Security System) in the
eastern Caribbean region, which collectively responds to civilian threats
within the region, Palestine and other stable surrounding nations are further
invited to create a collective security alliance to safeguard all civilian safety
Practice: See if you can find and correct all the errors in this resolution!

Sponsors: Iraq, Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia, Philippines, Iran

Signatories: Denmark, Pakistan, Algeria, Egypt
Topic: Women in Agriculture

Emphasizing the valuable role of women in agriculture

Recognizing the role of traditional home economics
Recognizing the importance of cultural and religious customs
Recognizing the potential talent pool within the female work force in agriculture.
Emphasizing the open opportunity for valuable work education for both female and
male demographics.
Presenting the opportunity for women to gain expertise in the agricultural work
force and for women to gain a valid and substantial representation,

1. Encourages countries to host students, trades schools, and universities to set
up programs, in the field agricultural field.

2. Urges Countries to prepare funds to be used as incentives described in
previous action clause

3. Urges governments of countries to recognize developing expertise of women
in agriculture and their valid representation in government and society

4. Suggest the creation of land grant schools in the fields of agriculture to further
develop domestic agricultural skill.
Emphasizes need for work study programs and the need for agricultural work
forces to school in the same location as their work.

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