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Journal of Adolescent Health 52 (2013) 241247

Original article

Childhood Abuse and Age at Menarche

Rene Boynton-Jarrett, M.D., Sc.D.a, Rosalind J. Wright, M.D., M.P.H.b,c, Frank W. Putnam, M.D.d,
Eileen Lividoti Hibert, M.A.b, Karin B. Michels, Sc.D., Ph.D.b,e,f, Michele R. Forman, Ph.D., M.S.g,h, and
Janet Rich-Edwards, Sc.D.b,f,i
Division of General Pediatrics, Boston University School of Medicine, Boston, Massachusetts
Channing Laboratory, Department of Medicine, Brigham and Womens Hospital/Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts
Department of Environmental Health, Harvard School of Public Health, Boston, Massachusetts
Department of Psychiatry, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, North Carolina
Obstetrics and Gynecology Epidemiology Center, Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductive Biology, Brigham and Womens Hospital, Harvard Medical School,
Boston, Massachusetts
Department of Epidemiology, Harvard University School of Public Health, Boston, Massachusetts
Department of Nutritional Sciences, University of Texas Austin, Austin, Texas
Department of Pediatrics, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, Texas
Connors Center for Womens Health and Gender Biology, Brigham and Womens Hospital, Boston, Massachusetts

Article history: Received December 19, 2011; Accepted June 8, 2012

Keywords: Menarche; Adversities; Child abuse; Emotional support

Purpose: Physical and sexual abuse are prevalent social hazards. We sought to examine the CONTRIBUTION
association between childhood physical and sexual abuse and age at menarche.
Methods: Among 68,505 participants enrolled in the Nurses Health Study II, we investigated the The severity of childhood
association between childhood physical abuse and sexual abuse and menarche before age 11 years sexual abuse and severe
physical abuse were associ-
(early) or after age 15 years (late) using multivariate logistic regression analysis, mutually adjusting
ated with risk for acceler-
for both types of abuse.
ated menarche, whereas se-
Results: Fifty-seven percent of respondents reported some form of physical or sexual abuse in child-
verity of childhood physical
hood. We found a positive doseresponse association between severity of sexual abuse in childhood
abuse was associated with
and risk for early menarche. Compared with women who reported no childhood sexual abuse, the risk for delayed onset of
adjusted odds ratio (AOR) for early menarche in women who reported childhood sexual abuse was 1.20 menarche. The nature of the
(95% condence interval [CI]: 1.10, 1.37) for sexual touching and 1.49 (95% CI: 1.34, 1.66) for forced association between differ-
sexual activity. Severe physical abuse predicted early menarche (AOR 1.22, 95% CI: 1.10, 1.37). ent forms of childhood ad-
Childhood physical abuse had a doseresponse association with late age at menarche: AOR 1.17 (95% CI: versities and reproductive
1.04, 1.32) for mild, 1.20 (95% CI: 1.08, 1.33) for moderate, and 1.50 (95% CI: 1.27, 1.77) for severe life span may vary.
physical abuse. Sexual abuse was not associated with late menarche.
Conclusions: Childhood abuse was prevalent in this large cohort of U.S. women. Severity of
childhood sexual abuse was associated with risk for early onset of menarche, and physical abuse
was associated with both early and late onset of menarche.
2013 Society for Adolescent Health and Medicine. All rights reserved.

Age at menarche is a sentinel marker for the onset of the

female reproductive cycle. Mounting evidence has established
the signicance of this once symbolic lever as both a footprint for
chronic disease risk and compass for health and developmental
trajectory. Earlier age at menarche has been linked to all-cause
* Address correspondence to: Rene Boynton-Jarrett, M.D., Sc.D., Division of
General Pediatrics, Boston University School of Medicine, 88 East Newton Street,
mortality [1], risk for breast cancer, depression, cardiovascular
BUSM, Vose Hall 3, Boston, MA 02118. disease, and metabolic syndrome including overweight/obesity,
E-mail address: (R. Boynton-Jarrett). insulin resistance, and polycystic ovarian syndrome, as well as

1054-139X/$ - see front matter 2013 Society for Adolescent Health and Medicine. All rights reserved.
242 R. Boynton-Jarrett et al. / Journal of Adolescent Health 52 (2013) 241247

poorer school performance and health risk behaviors [2,3]. Later timization was mailed to 91,248 NHS II participants in 2001
age at menarche is associated with depression [3], fractures, and (excluding those who had previously requested short-form sur-
lower bone mineral density [4]. Risk factors for age at menarche veys or who required more than four mailings before responding
include patterns of growth and body composition [5], diet, and to the 1999 questionnaire). We received 68,505 questionnaires, a
energy expenditure [6]. 75% response rate. Details of the prenatal and childhood environ-
Socioeconomic factors [7] and psychosocial stressors have ment of the nurse participants were obtained from a separate
been linked to timing of menarche [8], although the nature of questionnaire completed by their mothers (the 2001 Nurses
these associations differs. Material hardships, poverty, and expo- Mothers Cohort Study) and merged with longitudinal data. The
sure to war have been linked to later age at menarche [9]. Early survey obtained separate approval by the Institutional Review
family-rearing experiences both stressors and supportsare Board at Brigham and Womens Hospital and the Human Sub-
postulated to inuence reproductive maturation [10,11]. Early jects Committee at Harvard School of Public Health. Completion
age at menarche is associated with familial conict [12], altera- of the questionnaire indicated consent to participate.
tions in family structure [13], stressful home circumstances, pa- The study population for this analysis was restricted to
ternal absence in childhood [14], and poor attachment relation- women who responded to the 2001 violence survey. Participants
ships. Child abuse has been associated in several studies to age at were excluded if they had missing data for age at menarche (n
menarche [8,16 22]. Sexual abuse [8,16 22] has a consistent 223), exposure to violence during childhood (n 394), or child-
association with early menarche, whereas in some, physical hood emotional support (n 102). After the exclusions, 67,658
abuse has a weak association with early age at menarche women were included in the analysis. This sample does not differ
[17,18,20]. appreciably from the full cohort with respect to baseline sociode-
The life-history paradigm provides a framework for positing mographic characteristics.
that child abuse inuences pubertal maturationthe hypothesis
that psychosocial stressors either accelerate or delay onset of Assessment of outcome
puberty derive from psychosocial acceleration theory and
stress suppression theory, respectively [15]. Excessive activa- Age at menarche was reported by the participant on the 1989
tion of the stress-response system can suppress the hypothalamic- baseline survey for a single question with categorical responses
pituitary-gonadal (HPG) axis and delay pubertal maturation of age 9 years or less, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 years, or
through diminished gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) unknown. We categorized early menarche as 11 years and late
pulsatility, decreased pituitary responsiveness to GnRH, and al- menarche as 15 years. In our study questions, child abuse was
tered sex steroid production [15]. Alternatively, psychosocial examined as exposure before age 11 years, and therefore we
acceleration theory posits that under environmental conditions categorized early menarche as 11 years. We repeated analyses
where parental investment and resources are low or unpredict- using a more commonly applied denition of early menarche,
able, reproductive maturation is accelerated [15]. Boyce and before age 12 years [1719].
Elliss theory of stress reactivity biological sensitivity to context
[23]reconciles these disparate hypotheses and posits that there Assessment of childhood and adolescent exposure to violence
is a curvilinear U-shaped association between early life adversity
and reactivity to stress. The supportiveness or stressfulness of Sexual and physical abuse. Physical and sexual abuse in child-
the family environment may inuence biological stress re- hood was measured using items from the Revised Conict Tactics
sponses to early adversities, and thereby either accelerate or Scale [25] and the Sexual Experience Survey [26]. Five items from
suppress the HPG axis. the Revised Conict Tactics Scale instrument assessed exposure
Mounting research evidence supports the role of childhood to physical abuse by a parent, stepparent, or adult guardian [25].
adversities in reproductive life span [24], yet there is a limited Respondents were queried about specic types of abuse in child-
understanding of the mechanisms. We tested Boyce and Elliss hood (up to age 11 years), including physical attack; being
theory of stress reactivity, hypothesizing that (1) severity of choked or burned; being kicked, bitten, or punched; being
physical and sexual abuse is associated with earlier and later pushed or grabbed; and being hit with something that hurt; the
ages at menarche; and (2) emotional support in childhood buf- frequency of each type of abuse was indicated on a four-point
fers the impact of child abuse on age at menarche. The Nurses scale (never, once, a few times, or more than a few times).
Health Study II (NHSII) cohort presents a unique opportunity to Subjects also reported whether their parent(s) or guardians
investigate pathways between type of childhood adversity and spanked them for discipline. Questions on forced sexual experi-
timing of menarche. ences up to age 11 years were modied from questions on the
Sexual Experiences Survey [26]. Participants rated the frequency
Methods of the following exposures on a three-point scale (never, once, or
more than once): were you ever touched in a sexual way or
Study population forced into any sexual activity by an adult or an older child.
As previously described [27], we performed a factor analysis,
The NHS II is an ongoing prospective cohort study designed to using the maximum likelihood estimation method followed by
explore factors that inuence morbidity and mortality among the oblique (promax) rotation that yielded two factors, which
women. The NHS II began in 1989 with a representative sample were consistent with our theoretically predetermined latent
of 116,678 registered female nurses, aged 25 44 years at base- constructs of physical and sexual abuse. Factor loadings were
line, and residents of 14 states in the United States. A biennial .45 for all items on the assigned factor. The internal consistency
follow-up is sent to participants who respond to questionnaires for each of the abuse factors was .70 (Cronbach ). The item
regarding health behaviors and disease occurrence. A supple- related to spanking for discipline did not load on either of the
mental questionnaire on lifetime exposure to violence and vic- abuse factors and was not counted in the abuse classication. In
R. Boynton-Jarrett et al. / Journal of Adolescent Health 52 (2013) 241247 243

the physical abuse factors, we evaluated the distribution of re- ported, age 5 somatogram had a weak association with child-
ported types of and frequencies of exposure to violence. Catego- hood sexual abuse, and no association with childhood physical
ries for severity of physical abuse were based on both factor abuse [29] Participants median and mean ages at menarche
loadings in the principal components analysis and frequency were 12 and 12.4 years, respectively, with 7.7% reporting men-
trends. Mild physical abuse included being kicked, bitten, or arche before age 11 years and 3.1% after age 15 years.
punched once, hit with something once, or any frequency of
being pushed, grabbed, or shoved. Moderate physical abuse Early age at menarche
included being physically attacked once or being hit with
something more than once. Severe abuse included being Sexual and physical abuse were associated with early age at
choked or burned ever, physically attacked more than once, menarche (Table 2). Unwanted sexual touching was associated
or kicked, bitten, or punched more than once. Sexual abuse was with a 20% increased risk for early menarche, and forced sexual
categorized based on reported typenone, sexual touching, or activity was associated with a 49% increased risk for early men-
forced sexual activity. arche, both statistically signicant in fully adjusted models. Al-
though mild and moderate physical abuse were not associated
Emotional support. A single item assessed emotional support with early age at menarche, severe physical abuse was associated
from the Childhood Trauma Questionnaire-short form [28], with 22% higher risk for early menarche. Similar results appeared
There was someone in my family who helped me feel that I was in models using a less stringent cutoff for age at menarche (12
important or special. This item was rated on a ve-point Likert years). Using age at menarche 12 years, compared with those
scale according to frequency (1 never, 2 rarely, 3 some- with no abuse history, the adjusted ORs for early menarche in
times, 4 often, or 5 very often true). Emotional support was participants with an abuse history were 1.14 (95% condence
explored independently as a dichotomous (very often/often and interval [CI]: 1.06, 1.22) for severe physical abuse, 1.13 (95% CI:
sometimes/rarely/never) effect modier of child abuse. 1.08, 1.19) for sexual touching, and 1.27 (95% CI: 1.18, 1.37) for
forced sexual activity.
Statistical analysis
Late age at menarche
Multivariate logistic regression models were computed to
estimate the odds ratios (OR) of early or late menarche while There was a doseresponse association between severity of
controlling for factors associated with age at menarche using the physical abuse and risk for late menarche at age 15 years.
SAS PROC LOGISTIC procedure (SAS Institute, Cary, NC, 1991). Compared with those with no history of childhood abuse, those
The early menarche analyses compared menarche onset at 11 with mild, moderate, or severe physical abuse had an increased
years with the reference group of those who experienced men- risk for late menarche of 17%, 20%, and 50%, respectively, in the
arche at 1115 years, whereas the late menarche analyses com- fully adjusted model. In contrast, sexual abuse was not associ-
pared menarche onset at 15 years to menarche at 1115 years. ated with risk of late menarche.
Both sets of analyses controlled for the same covariates, includ- In models evaluating type of abuse and menarche, those ex-
ing age (years), race/ethnicity (Asian, black, Latina, white, or posed to both physical and sexual abuse had a higher risk for
other), maternal age at participants birth (years), maternal early menarche (multivariate OR: 1.39, 95% CI: 1.28, 1.51) than
height (feet), paternal height (feet), maternal prepregnancy those exposed to either physical abuse only (multivariate OR:
weight (lbs), participants birth weight (lbs), and socioeconomic 1.02; 95% CI: .95, 1.09) or sexual abuse alone (multivariate OR:
status in childhood. Childhood socioeconomic status was based 1.21; 95% CI: 1.09, 1.34). We also investigated whether emotional
on the highest parental educational attainment at the time of the support in childhood modied the association between child
participants birth, categorized as high school graduate or lower abuse and age at menarche (Table 3). We found no statistically
versus any advanced education. We also explored participants signicant differences in the associations of abuse with menar-
age 5 somatogram classication (1 [smallest], 2, 3, 4 [largest]), cheal age by level of emotional support (p interaction .45 and
child physical activity (highly active, active, or mostly inac- .25 for early and late menarche, respectively).
tive/inactive), and television viewing at age 5 years (none, .52
hr/d, or 2 hr/d). Covariates included in the multivariate model Discussion
were known predictors of age at menarche or biologically plau-
sible based on existing research evidence. Missing covariate data In a longitudinal cohort of female nurses, we found a strong
were modeled with a missing indicator. We incorporated cross- association between reported sexual abuse and early menarche,
product interaction terms between emotional support (yes/no) which was consistent with previous studies [8,1722]. Although
and categories of physical and sexual abuse into our fully ad- there is a clear association between sexual abuse and early age at
justed models and performed formal tests for heterogeneity us- menarche, we cannot assess causality. As our measure of sexual
ing the Cochrans chi-square test, p .05. abuse (up to age 11 years) was coincident with the time frame for
early menarche (before age 11 years), we cannot distinguish
Results whether the sexual abuse preceded or postdated menarche. This
problem is common to studies of sexual abuse and age at men-
Overall, 57% of women in the cohort reported a history of arche. Indeed, the earliest physical signs of puberty begin to
physical or sexual abuse in childhood. Specically, 8% reported emerge approximately 2 years before menarche, making it dif-
sexual abuse only, 36% physical abuse only, and 13% both physi- cult to pinpoint which came rst, the abuse or the sexual devel-
cal and sexual abuse in childhood. Paternal educational status opment. A prospective cohort of 180 preschool girls followed
was inversely associated with abuse. The frequency of abuse also through age 11 years revealed that paternal report of lower
varied by race/ethnicity (Table 1). As has been previously re- marital conict/depression, higher parental investment, and
244 R. Boynton-Jarrett et al. / Journal of Adolescent Health 52 (2013) 241247

Table 1
Distribution of Nurses Health Study II participant characteristics by retrospective report of physical and/or sexual abuse in childhood (up to age 11 years)
(N 67,658)

Variables Type of child abuse

None Physical abuse Sexual abuse Physical and sexual
only only abuse

All 29,053 (43) 24,374 (36) 5,445 (8) 8,786 (13)

Participant characteristics
Age in 1989 in years (mean, SD) 34.5 (4.7) 34.5 (4.6) 34.9 (4.6) 35.0 (4.5)
Race/ethnicity (N, %)
White 27,515 (95) 22,799 (94) 5,111 (94) 7,999 (91)
Black 223 (1) 320 (1.5) 59 (1.5) 199 (2.5)
Hispanic 236 (1) 316 (1.5) 99 (2) 209 (2.5)
Asian 358 (2) 352 (2) 78 (1.5) 175 (2)
Prenatal factors (mean, SD)
Birth weight (kg) 3.30 (.5) 3.28 (.5) 3.30 (.5) 3.29 (.5)
Maternal prepregnancy weight (lbs) 125 (16) 125 (17) 126 (17) 126 (17)
Maternal height (feet) 5.36 (.2) 5.36 (.2) 5.36 (.2) 5.35 (.2)
Paternal height (feet) 5.85 (.2) 5.84 (.2) 5.85 (.2) 5.84 (.2)
Maternal age at participants birth 27 (5) 26 (5) 27 (5) 26 (5)
Maternal pregnancy weight gain (N, %)
10 lbs 428 (3) 367 (4) 76 (4) 120 (4)
1014 lbs 1,454 (12) 1,054 (10) 263 (13) 366 (11)
1519 lbs 2,579 (21) 2,077 (20) 453 (22) 696 (21)
2029 lbs 5,205 (42) 4,265 (42) 864 (42) 1,322 (40)
3039 lbs 2,061 (17) 1,812 (18) 342 (16) 592 (18)
40 lbs 604 (5) 606 (6) 90 (4) 209 (6)
Childhood household characteristics
Paternal education (N, %)
High school or lower 21,571 (74) 18,672 (77) 4,229 (78) 7,170 (82)
College and/or graduate school 7,482 (26) 5,702 (23) 1,216 (22) 1,616 (18)
Childhood health behaviors
Child body size at age 5 years (N, %)
Somatogram picture 1 (lean) 6,685 (24) 5,913 (25) 1,187 (22) 2,056 (24)
Somatogram picture 2 9,252 (33) 7,661 (32) 1,598 (30) 2,590 (30)
Somatogram picture 3 7,063 (25) 5,678 (24) 1,382 (26) 2,039 (24)
Somatogram picture 4 (heavy) 5,500 (19) 4,648 (20) 1,178 (22) 1,914 (22)
Childhood physical activity (N, %)
Highly active 3,644 (27) 3,354 (31) 675 (29) 1,129 (32)
Active 9,131 (68) 7,159 (65) 1,536 (67) 2,286 (64)
Mostly inactive/inactive 554 (4) 447 (4) 88 (4) 150 (4)
Childhood television watching (N, %)
No television 854 (6) 687 (6) 204 (9) 252 (7)
Television .52 hr/d 10,466 (79) 8,502 (78) 1,757 (77) 2,712 (77)
Television 2 hr/d 1,876 (14) 1,676 (15) 314 (14) 563 (16)

SD standard deviation.

higher maternal supportiveness predicted later sexual develop- associated with earlier maturation. It is plausible that the asso-
ment in the daughter [14]. Based on these ndings, it is possible ciations between child abuse and timing of menarche may vary
that features of the childhood social environment inuence tim- depending on the characteristics of the abuse and accordingly be
ing of sexual development. related to different constructs. A building literature suggests that
Physical abuse in childhood (up to age 11 years) was weakly both type and timing [30] of maltreatment differentially inu-
associated with early menarche but was signicantly associated ence functioning of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis.
in a doseresponse manner with late menarche (after age 15 Different forms of child maltreatment may be associated with
years). Our results are consistent with previous studies that different forms of social deprivation and psychobiological se-
found an association, albeit a weaker one, between physical quelae. Our ndings of the association between sexual abuse and
abuse and early menarche [18,22]. To our knowledge, no previ- early menarche mirror the literature supporting an association
ous studies have investigated the association of child abuse with between family dysfunction, parental conict, and stressful
late menarche. As with sexual abuse, we cannot determine home circumstances with early menarche. Our study showing
whether physical abuse preceded or postdated early menarche. the association between physical abuse and late menarche par-
However, severity of physical abuse before age 11 years had a allel ndings in studies of severe socioemotional stress and ma-
doseresponse association with age at menarche after age 15 terial hardships, prolonged psychological stress from war, and
years. Our ndings lend support to Boyce and Elliss theory of delayed puberty. Physical abuse may be more likely to be asso-
stress reactivity. Consistent with stress suppression theory, in- ciated with other forms of maltreatment, such as neglect, includ-
creasing severity of physical abuse was associated with a graded ing deprivation of food or food insecurity, than sexual abuse. The
increase in the risk for late menarche. Also, consistent with association between material conditions and childhood growth
psychosocial acceleration theory, sexual abuse in early life was is well established [31]. If children exposed to physical abuse are
R. Boynton-Jarrett et al. / Journal of Adolescent Health 52 (2013) 241247 245

Table 2
Multivariate regression modelsa of child abuse and timing of menarche (N 67,658)b

Childhood abuse Total N Menarche 11 years Menarche 15 years

N (%) Age- and race- Adjusted OR N (%) Age- and race- Adjusted OR
adjusted OR (95% CI)d adjusted OR (95% CI)d
(95% CI)c (95% CI)c

Sexual abuse
No sexual abuse 53,427 3,805 (7) 1.00 referent 1.00 referent 1,678 (3) 1.00 referent 1.00 referent
Sexual touching 10,107 892 (9) 1.22 (1.13, 1.32) 1.20 (1.11, 1.29) 293 (3) .91 (.80, 1.03) .92 (.81, 1.05)
Forced sexual activity 4,124 467 (11) 1.54 (1.39, 1.71) 1.49 (1.34, 1.66) 148 (4) 1.05 (.88, 1.25) 1.06 (.89, 1.27)
Physical abuse severity
No physical abuse 34,498 2,513 (7) 1.00 referent 1.00 referent 974 (3) 1.00 referent 1.00 referent
Mild physical abuse 11,055 831 (8) 1.01 (.93, 1.10) 1.02 (.93, 1.10) 364 (3) 1.17 (1.04, 1.33) 1.17 (1.04, 1.32)
Moderate physical abuse 17,413 1,348 (8) 1.02 (.95, 1.09) 1.01 (.94, 1.09) 587 (3) 1.21 (1.08, 1.33) 1.20 (1.08, 1.33)
Severe physical abuse 4,692 472 (10) 1.24 (1.12, 1.38) 1.22 (1.10, 1.37) 194 (4) 1.51 (1.28, 1.77) 1.50 (1.27, 1.77)

CI condence interval; OR odds ratio; Bold statistically signicant values.

Models mutually adjusted for physical and sexual abuse.
Outcome variables compare early and late age at menarche with age at menarche of the reference group (1115 years old).
Model 1 controls for age (years) and race/ethnicity (white, black, Hispanic, Asian, or other race/ethnicity).
Model 2-adjusted OR controls for all covariates in model 1 and birth weight (5.5, 5.57, 7 8.5, 8.510, 10 lbs), maternal prepregnancy weight (by 4.5 kg),
maternal height (inches), paternal height (inches), maternal age at participants birth (23, 2326, 2729, 29 years); maternal weight gain in pregnancy (10,
10 14, 1529, 20 30, 30 40, 40 lbs); paternal education (high school graduation or college and or/graduate school); child body size at age 5 years (somatogram
picture 14); child physical activity (highly, active, mostly inactive/inactive); television viewing (none, .52 hr/d, 2 hr/d).

more likely to suffer from nutrient deprivation, this may enhance may release endogenous glucocorticoids that prevent stress-
risk for later menarche. However, in our data, there was no induced suppression of the HPG axis [32,33].
apparent association between physical abuse and body size at Another plausible mechanism linking child maltreatment to
age 5 years. Furthermore, adjustment for paternal education age at menarche is via health behaviors and biochemical pro-
made almost no difference in the association of abuse with age at cesses that inuence body mass index. Increasing evidence dem-
menarche. Thus, it seems likely that psychosocial aspects of onstrates the inuence of childhood weight gain and body com-
abuse, rather than material hardships, underlie the observed position on age at onset of menarche [34]. Childhood adversities
relationship of physical abuse with late menarche. inuence body mass index trajectory [29,35] and obesity and
Onset of puberty is characterized by reemergence of pulsatile have been linked to disordered eating [36] and central adiposity.
GnRH signaling from the hypothalamus and changes in luteiniz- Sexual abuse has been most strongly associated with weight
ing hormone secretion, under the direction of the HPG axis. trajectory [35], and elevated weight gain in early childhood is
Severe stress in early life is associated with suppression of the associated with early pubertal onset [5]. Adversity may engender
HPG axis [32,33]. However, animal research suggests that under emotion-focused coping strategies that include disordered eat-
conditions of stress, the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis ing and sedentary behaviors or inuence neural reward path-

Table 3
Multivariate analysisa of child abuse and timing of menarche stratied by childhood emotional supportb

Childhood abuse by timing of menarche Emotional support Lack of emotional support

Total N N (%) Adjusted OR Total N N (%) Adjusted OR

Early menarche
Sexual abuse
No sexual abuse 47,406 (81) 3,350 (7) 1.00 referent 6,021 (68) 455 (8) 1.00 referent
Sexual touching 8,443 (14) 755 (9) 1.23 (1.13, 1.34) 1,664 (19) 137 (8) 1.05 (.86, 1.30)
Forced sexual activity 3,006 (5) 325 (11) 1.45 (1.28, 1.64) 1,118 (13) 142 (13) 1.64 (1.32, 2.03)
Physical abuse severity
No physical abuse 32,091 (54) 2,336 (7) 1.00 referent 2,407 (27) 177 (7) 1.00 referent
Mild physical abuse 9,667 (16) 713 (7) 1.00 (.91 1.08) 1,388 (16) 118 (9) 1.14 (.90 1.47)
Moderate physical abuse 14,175 (24) 1,095 (8) 1.01 (.94 1.09) 3,238 (37) 253 (8) 1.03 (.84 1.26)
Severe physical abuse 2,922 (5) 286 (10) 1.22 (1.06, 1.39) 1,770 (20) 186 (11) 1.27 (1.01, 1.60)
Late menarche
Sexual abuse
No sexual abuse 47,406 (81) 1,472 (3) 1.00 referent 6,021 (68) 206 (3) 1.00 referent
Sexual touching 8,443 (14) 254 (3) .97 (.88, 1.33) 1,664 (19) 39 (2) .66 (.47, .94)
Forced sexual activity 3,006 (5) 106 (4) 1.08 (.88, 1.33) 1,118 (13) 42 (4) .96 (.67, 1.37)
Physical abuse severity
No physical abuse 32,230 (54) 902 (3) 1.00 referent 2,407 (27) 72 (3) 1.00 referent
Mild physical abuse 9,711 (16) 326 (3) 1.20 (1.06, 1.37) 1,388 (16) 38 (3) .92 (.62, 1.38)
Moderate physical abuse 14,328 (24) 487 (3) 1.22 (1.09, 1.37) 3,238 (37) 100 (3) 1.06 (.78, 1.45)
Severe physical abuse 2,952 (5) 117 (4) 1.44 (1.17, 1.76) 1,770 (20) 77 (4) 1.51 (1.07, 2.13)

Bold statistically signicant value.

Models mutually adjusted for physical and sexual abuse.
Models controlled for all covariates listed in Table 2.
246 R. Boynton-Jarrett et al. / Journal of Adolescent Health 52 (2013) 241247

ways associated with eating. Therefore, it is plausible that sexual treatment approaches for subgroups of children and adolescents
abuse may lead to stress-associated increases in weight gain in that are informed by scientic understanding of the impact of
childhood, and thereby inuence risk for early menarche. trauma and early life adversities on physical and mental health
Finally, although research on the role of social cues on HPG and development. Our ndings underscore the need for future
maturation and reproductive development is still in its infancy, prospective research to explore the impact of childhood adver-
there is evidence from animal and human studies that fathers, sities on age at menarche and, more importantly, on the timing
stepfathers, and other paternal gures may play unique roles in and tempo of pubertal maturation. Although our study did not
inuencing the pubertal timing of girlsnotably referred to as nd a moderating effect of emotional support, future studies
the paternal investment theory [15]. Therefore, it is plausible should explore factors that may foster biological resiliency. Ex-
that sexual abuse, rather than physical abuse, may be associated ploration of pathways and mechanisms that vary by form of
with earlier menarche, in part, owing to the interactive effects of adversity, are encountered at different developmental stages,
paternal investment with psychosocial stressors. and leave an enduring biological imprint is a worthy research
endeavor to remedy the ill effects of abuse on future generations
Limitations and strengths of young women.

Strengths of the study include the large cohort size and the Acknowledgments
detailed data on type and severity of abuse. Importantly, we
The authors acknowledge the nurse participants in the study
examine the association between child abuse and both early and
and their mothers who participated. The William T. Grant Foun-
late menarche as separate outcomes, which is an analysis not
dation, the Charles Hood Foundation, and the Building Interdis-
previously reported in previous studies. This study also has lim-
ciplinary Research Careers in Womens Health K12 HD043444
itations worth noting. Age at menarche is based on retrospective
NIH Ofce of Womens Health Research funded data analysis and
self-report. Studies of the validity of self-reported age at men-
manuscript preparation. The Nurses Health Study II is supported
arche have revealed mixed ndings [37]; however, in this cohort,
by Public Health Service grant CA50385 from the National Cancer
we found that age at menarche is consistently associated with
Institute, National Institutes of Health, U.S. Department of Health
breast cancer risk and is predicted by childhood body size [38].
and Human Services. The Nurses Mothers Cohort Study was
We lack information on maternal age at menarche. Child abuse
funded by the Intramural Research Program of the National Can-
was also retrospectively reported and, therefore, may be subject
cer Institute, research contract N02-RC-17027 from the National
to biases in reporting [39]. Moreover, questions on child abuse,
Cancer Institute, and by P.O. 263 MQ 411027 from the National
such as sexual activity, may be subject to different interpreta-
Cancer Institute. The 2001 supplemental violence assessment
tion by respondents, and thereby limit precision of this measure-
questionnaire was funded by R01 HL064108.
ment [40]. As age at menarche was reported in 1989 and abuse
The submitted manuscript and accompanying data have not
exposures in 2001, it is unlikely that the report of menarcheal age
been previously published either in whole or in part and no
inuenced the report of abuse. Our study lacked ner detail on
similar paper is in press or under review elsewhere. All authors
the relative timing of abuse, emergence of secondary sexual
contributed signicantly to this manuscript. The authors have no
characteristics, and age at menarche. Therefore, it is also plausi-
conicts of interest to disclose.
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