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MineMap IMS 2.

Intelligent Mining Software Solutions

MineMap IMS - Import, Export And
Transform Drill Data

Produced by W.S. Mart and G. Markey

For MineMap Pty Ltd
Intelligent Mining Software Solutions
MineMap IMS - Import, Export And Transform Drill Data
Copyright 2014 by William Seldon Mart and Geoff Markey. All rights reserved.

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Intelligent Mining Software Solutions
MineMap IMS - Import, Export And Transform Drill Data

Table of Contents

INTRODUCTION.................................................................................................................... 5

IMPORTING DRILLHOLES ................................................................................................ 7

Fixed Width Text ......................................................................................................................... 8

Delimited Text .............................................................................................................................. 9

IMS ASCII ...................................................................................................................................... 10

IMS CAD ......................................................................................................................................... 11

Microsoft Access ........................................................................................................................ 12

EXPORTING DRILLHOLES .............................................................................................. 14

CSV .................................................................................................................................................. 15

Desurvey....................................................................................................................................... 16

IMS ASCII ...................................................................................................................................... 17

IMS CAD ......................................................................................................................................... 18

OPERATIONS ....................................................................................................................... 19

Merge DHL Files ......................................................................................................................... 20

Update DHL Files ....................................................................................................................... 21

Convert ASC to CSV .................................................................................................................... 22

Rotate, Translate, Scale ........................................................................................................... 23

Convert Grid System ................................................................................................................. 28


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Fixed Width Text Files ............................................................................................................. 30

Comma Separated Text Files ................................................................................................. 31

MineMap IMS CAD Files ........................................................................................................... 32

Access Database ......................................................................................................................... 34

Structure of a Database ........................................................................................................... 35

Creating an Access Database ................................................................................................. 36

Connecting to Access ................................................................................................................ 39

Selection of Field Data ............................................................................................................. 40

Hole Header and Survey Fields ............................................................................................ 41

Survey Selection ........................................................................................................................ 42

Assay Selection ........................................................................................................................... 43

Lithology Fields .......................................................................................................................... 45

Geotechnical Structure Fields ............................................................................................... 47

Processing .................................................................................................................................... 49

Raw Data Error Checking .................................................................................................... 50

Overlapping Depths.................................................................................................................. 51

Negative Thickness ................................................................................................................... 51

Negative Depth ........................................................................................................................... 52

Survey Record Errors .............................................................................................................. 52

Blank Sample Intervals ........................................................................................................... 53

Unused Data ................................................................................................................................ 54

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Intelligent Mining Software Solutions
MineMap IMS - Import, Export And Transform Drill Data

MineMap IMS can import drillholes from a Microsoft Access database or from text files. MineMap
IMS can also export drillholes and perform various operations on existing drillholes. To access the
drilhole import/export module use the menu option <Drillholes><Import, Export and
Transform...> (Figure 1).

Figure 1: Locating MineMap IMS option

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The import/export module displays a bank of buttons that allow you to perform the required operation

Figure 2).

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Figure 2: Drillhole conversion dialog box

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To import a drillhole file select one of the buttons in the Import section of the Drillhole Conversion
dialog box

Figure 2). These buttons allow you to import data in the following formats:

Fixed width text

Delimited text



Microsoft Access (MDB)

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Fixed Width Text
When you choose the option to Import Fixed Width Text you will be asked to nominate the relevant
files to be read (Figure 3).

Figure 3: Importing fixed width text files

A Hole header file is required but the other input files are optional. The output file is also required.

Refer to the examples in the Fixed Width Text Files section for more information.

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Delimited Text
When you choose the option to Import Delimited Text you will be asked to nominate the relevant files
to be read (Figure 3).

A Hole header file is required but the other input files are optional. The output file is also required.

The Delimited Text Options dialog box (Figure 4) is then displayed and allows you to specify the
properties of the data in the file. It is recommended that all the data files have a header that specifies
the field names.

Figure 4: Selecting field separator-comma/ tab/ space

NOTE: The comma and tab delimiters are single characters whereas the space delimiter is one or
more continuous spaces.

If the First row contains field names is selected then the first row of data is read and the field values
are extracted.

All the dialog boxes that are displayed from this point on are the same as those displayed Fixed Width
case. Refer to the examples in the Comma Separated Text Files section for more information.

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This option imports MineMap IMS ASCII drillhole files created in MineMap IMS. It displays the
Import ASCII Files To Drillholes dialog box (Figure 5) which allows you to select the required ASCII
files by pressing the <Add files...> button. An added input file can be removed from the list by
pressing the <Delete> button, after selecting the file. An output file is also required.

Figure 5: Selecting MineMap IMS ASCII files

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This option imports special purpose MineMap IMS CAD files. It displays the Import SVY Files To
Drillholes dialog box (Figure 6) which allows you to select the required CAD from the default
directory. An output file is also required.

Figure 6: Selection of MineMap IMS CAD files

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Microsoft Access
When this option is chosen, the Data Source dialog box (Figure 7) is displayed. Choose the required
Microsoft Access database and the name of the output file.

Figure 7: Browsing database

MineMap IMS then attempts to connect to the specified database. If the connection is successful then
the Tables dialog box (Figure 8) is displayed so that you can select the appropriate tables or queries.

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Figure 8: Selection of tables/queries

Only the Hole header field is required although, in general, the other fields will also be specified. If a
field is not required then select Not used for that field.

A series of dialog boxes are then presented which allow you to specify which fields in the table
correspond to the required fields for each record.

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MineMap IMS can export drillhole files to CSV or ASCII format files.

To import a drillhole file select one of the buttons in the Export section of the Drillhole Conversion
dialog box (Figure 2). These buttons allow you to export data to the following formats:





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This option exports an MineMap IMS drillhole file to comma separated value (CSV) format files
containing Hole header, Survey, Assay, Lithology and Geotech structure information. It displays the
Export Drillholes To CSV Files dialog box (Figure 9).

Figure 9: Exporting to CSV

Specify the names of the file which will receive the corresponding data. It is recommended that these
files should contain information about the field names in the header.

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This option creates a point data file suitable for use in 3rd party kriging or conditional simulation
applications. The point data is composed of the centroid locations for the samples, grade data and

Select the appropriate parameters from the Export Drillholes To Desurvey Files dialog box (Figure

Figure 10: Desurvey a drillhole file

NOTE: To create a file that includes the drillhole name, include the hole name as the stratigraphy or
a separate field when creating the original DHL file in MineMap IMS.

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This option exports a MineMap IMS drillhole file to an ASCII file. It displays the Export Drillholes
To An ASCII File dialog box (Figure 11).

Figure 11: Exporting to ASC

The drillhole file is selected from any directory.

If the conversion is successful then a message box describing the data converted will be displayed.

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This option exports a MineMap IMS drillhole file to a MineMap IMS CAD file. It displays the Export
Drillholes To A Survey File dialog box (Figure 12).

Figure 12: Exporting to MineMap IMS CAD

The drillhole file is selected from any directory.

If the conversion is successful then a message box will be displayed.

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MineMap IMS can perform various transformations on existing drillhole files as follows:

1. Merge DHL files combines multiple MineMap IMS drillhole files into a single file.

2. Update DHL files converts older MineMap IMS drillhole files to files that are compatible with the
current version.

3 Convert ASC to CSV converts drillhole files in the ASCII format to the corresponding CSV

4. Rotate, transform, scale converts drillhole files from one grid system to another using a linear
transformation specified by rotating, transforming and scaling coordinates.

5. Convert grid system converts drillhole files from one grid system to another using a linear
transformation specified by transformation coefficients.

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Merge DHL Files
This option merges two or more binary drillhole files (DHL) into a single file. It displays the Merge
Drillhole Files dialog box (Figure 13).

Figure 13: Merging drillhole files

The input files are read from any directory and the output is written to any directory.

Example: you have one drillhole file containing Reverse Circulation (RC) and Diamond drilling data
and another with Rotary Air Blast (RAB) data for the same area. You may want to plot these
separately or together which allows you to keep the data separate in your drillhole database.

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Update DHL Files
This option updates older (pre v3.06) binary drillhole files to the latest version. New binary drillholes
use completely specified coordinates so are independent of the internal datum used by older versions.

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Convert ASC to CSV
This option exports a drillhole file in ASCII format to CSV format files containing Hole header,
Survey, Assay and Lithology. It displays the Convert ASCII to CSV dialog box (Figure 14).

Figure 14: Converting ASC to CSV

Provide names for any files you want to output; it isnt necessary to provide names for all tables. It is
recommended that these files should contain information about the field names in the header.

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Rotate, Translate, Scale
This option converts data from one grid system to another using a linear transformation based on
transforming, rotating and scaling coordinates. It can transform between old imperial or standard map
grids (AMG, etc.) and local map/mine grids.

Figure 15: Rotate, translate and scale

In Figure 15 select a reference point and specify the transformation order. This initializes the
transformation equations.

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Figure 16: Rotation parameters

Specify the rotation in the Grid Rotation Parameters dialog box (Figure 16). Currently the rotation
only occurs around the reference point in the xy-plane.

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Figure 17: Translation parameters

Specify the translation parameters in the Grid Translation Parameters dialog box (Figure 17). Unlike
the angle of rotation, this transformation takes place in three dimensions.

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Figure 18: Scaling parameters

Specify the scaling parameters in the Grid Scaling Parameters dialog box (Figure 18). The scaling is
performed with respect to the reference point. In the order chosen, then ask for the input factors of the
operations selected above.

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Figure 19: Nominating file names

Select the input and output files from the Transform Drillholes dialog box (Figure 19).

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Convert Grid System
This option converts drillhole files from one grid system to another using a linear transformation
specified by transformation coefficients. These coefficients are derived from the transformation
specified in the Transform Drillholes dialog box (Figure 20). To create a transformation, select <New
transformation...> and simply enter the northings and eastings for each point in both grid coordinates
(Figure 21).

Figure 20: Transforming drillholes

NOTE: The transformation takes place in the xy-plane and does not take elevations into

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Figure 21: Creating a new grid transformation

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The following sections have more detailed information about the various file types and the process of
importing drillhole data into MineMap IMS.

Fixed Width Text Files

Each field in a row has a start column and an end column. The start and end columns persists across
all rows. Figure 22 shows an example of a fixed width file.

4 variables

hole_id 8

east 10

north 10

rl 7

HOLE001 312476.23 1432841.51 229.49

HOLE002 352193.42 1459812.35 194.85

HOLE003 372476.03 1462841.51 218.67

HOLE004 362193.72 1479812.35 195.25

Figure 22: Example for a fixed width text file

The first line of the file specifies the number of variables (i.e. fields) per line. The following lines
specify the variable name and width for each variable. The start column for each field is the first non-
blank character. The data then follows with no end of file characters needed.

If a range of columns are to be ignored simply define a dummy variable name with its width being the
number of columns to ignore. The fixed width format can be produced by most database packages or
by using a flat file macro in a spreadsheet.

NOTE: Micromine drillhole files can be imported directly as fixed width text. The extra information
they contain in their header is catered for and can be read without editing.

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Comma Separated Text Files
Each field is separated by a delimiting character such as a comma, space or tab. An optional header
line defining the name of each field can be included. Note that it is not necessary for each field to lie
within the same columns from line to line but they must lie between the same pairs of delimiters on
each line. An example of a comma separated text file is shown in Figure 23.


HOLE001, 312476.23, 1432841.51, 229.49,

HOLE002, 352193.4, 1459812.3, 194.85,

Figure 23: Example for a CSV file

Data can be written in this format from most spreadsheets. No end-of-file characters are required.

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MineMap IMS CAD Files
MineMap IMS CAD files used for importing drillholes are slightly different from regular MineMap
IMS CAD files. They include a header line with the number of assays followed, on subsequent lines,
by the names of those assays.

The point comment field can contain sample attributes. The attributes are identified by a prefix
character. A summary of the attributes that can be stored in the comment field of each point are given
in Table 1.

Table 1: Sample attributes in Point comment field

Attribute Character Example Notes

Azimuth B B258.9 Measured from due north. If no azimuth is

provided a default of 0.0 is used.

Dip D D-60.0 Measured from the horizontal plane. A dip of

-90 corresponds to a vertical hole and is the
default if no dip is provided.
Name N NHole01 A character string that is used for the hole

Thickness T T1.0 The thickness or length of the sample. The

default is 1.0m.

Strat Name S SC1 The stratigraphy name of the sample. The

default is C1.

Assays None 4.35 A list of assay values in the order specified in

the header line.

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Figure 24 shows an example of a MineMap IMS CAD file that has been modified for importing

2 Assays



6777.972 3881.262 195.000 1 NDH001 B270 D-90 T2 0.5 0.2

6912.954 3866.451 195.000 2 NDH002 B270 D-90 T2 0.75 0.5

6783.436 3820.469 195.000 3 NDH003 B270 D-90 T2 1 0.8

6897.347 3815.800 195.000 4 NDH004 B270 D-90 T1 1.25 1.1

6806.837 3775.279 195.000 5 NDH005 B270 D-90 T1 1.5 1.4

6896.564 3745.657 195.000 6 NDH006 B270 D-90 T1 1.75 1.7

Figure 24: Example for a MineMap IMS CAD file

The bearing, dip, stratigraphy name and thickness are not required on every line since a previously
valid point will be used as a default value.

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Access Database
Microsoft Access is a relational database management system for Microsoft Windows. Its ease of
use and ability to extensively query the raw data make it an ideal management tool for large drillhole
data sets. Data can be imported into Microsoft Access from a variety of sources and can also be
exported in a wide variety of formats.

MineMap IMS can import tables and queries from Microsoft Office Access 2000 and above databases
which use MDB the extension.

Microsoft, Access and Windows are trademarks of Microsoft Corporation

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Structure of a Database
In general the minimum fields needed for a drillhole database are the following:

drillhole name

easting and northing coordinates

collar elevation

dip, azimuth and depth

sample from and to

assay value

The structure of a typical database is shown in Figure 25.

Figure 25: Relationship of tables

In this example the database contains four tables related by the unique drillhole name (hole_id).

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Creating an Access Database
Frequently the drillhole data is set-up in two files within Microsoft Excel spreadsheets (or equivalent
software) since data entry facilities in spreadsheets are usually more user-friendly than database
software. Figure 26 shows a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet which contains drillhole collar information.

Figure 26: Hole Header data in MS Excel

In this example the hole_id, easting, northing, rl (reduced level elevation), depth, dip and azimuth
have been recorded for each drillhole collar position. In some cases the above data is recorded in two
files, one containing the hole_id, easting coordinate, northing coordinate, and rl while the other
contains the hole_id, depth, dip and azimuth. The two files are the collar file and survey file,
respectively. This separation is useful where inclined drillholes exist.

Another Microsoft Excel spreadsheet should contain the downhole sampling information for each of
the holes listed in the first spreadsheet. Each row records the information for a single assay sample:
the drillhole name, depth-from and depth-to.

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Figure 27 shows a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet which contains the drillhole assay information.

Figure 27: Assay data in MS Excel

NOTE: for every record in the collars spreadsheet there may be many samples (i.e. many records in
the assays spreadsheet).

In addition to collar, survey and assay data there may be lithology data files and geotechnical structure
data files.

Figure 28 shows the database window displaying the tables and queries for the Gold Demo Dataset
which is part of the MineMap IMS tutorial.

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Figure 28: Tables/queries in MS Access

The data can be entered directly or imported from Microsoft Excel spreadsheets by choosing
<External Data>Excel. See the Microsoft Access manual for more details.

NOTE: The Microsoft Access tables should be sorted before they can be imported MineMap IMS.
To do this, create a select query for each of the tables that you want to import. Sort the
records in ascending order firstly by hole_id for the Collar table and then by from in the
case of the Assay and Lithology, or by depth in the Survey tables. Select these queries to
access the data for drillhole creation.

NOTE: See the XLS to MDB manual (XLStoMDB.pdf) for more details.

You can also perform the reverse operation and output data tables or queries from Microsoft Access
to Microsoft Excel spreadsheets or text files using <External Data>Export. See the Microsoft
Access manual for more details.

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Connecting to Access
MineMap IMS uses DAO to directly connect to the required database file. It is recommended that no
other software should work with the database file at the same time; this includes Microsoft Access.

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Selection of Field Data
The Tables dialog box (Figure 29) is displayed once the data source has been defined.

Figure 29: selecting the tables/queries

When selecting Lithology data you have the choice to use up to five lithology data tables, one for
each lithology type. Once the database tables or ASCII text files have been selected on the Tables
dialog box, a series of dialog boxes requiring the selection of fields within the nominated tables/files
are displayed.

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Hole Header and Survey Fields

The Hole Header Fields dialog box (Figure 30) is displayed which allows you to specify which fields
in the HOLE HEADER table correspond to the required fields for each record. The required fields
are: Drillhole Name, Easting, Northing and Collar Elevation.

Figure 30: Selecting hole header fields

Any survey information is this table can be extracted by specified in the Down depth, Azimuth and
Dip fields. Note, however, that if a survey file was also specified in the Tables dialog box, then the
survey information from both tables will be interleaved. In general choose Not Used for the three
survey fields in the HOLE HEADER table if a survey file was specified.

Note that the Down depth, Azimuth and Dip fields default to the values shown in Table 2 if any of the
fields is marked as Not Used.

Table 2: Default values of survey fields

Field Default Value

Downdepth 0.0

Azimuth 0.0

Dip -90

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Survey Selection
In general all survey records should be specified in a separate SURVEY table instead of the HOLE
HEADER table. You will then be presented with the Survey Fields dialog box (Figure 31).

Figure 31: Selecting survey fields

The Drillhole Name field is required but the Down depth, Azimuth and Dip can be set to Not used
in which case they will be given a default value (Table 3).

Table 3: Default values of survey fields

Field Default Value

Downdepth 0.0

Azimuth 0.0

Dip -90

The data in the survey table must be grouped by hole_id and should be sorted by ascending depth.

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Assay Selection
The ASSAYS table is required for importing drillholes. The assay fields are specified in the Assay
Fields dialog box (Figure 32).

The Drillhole Name, Sample from and Sample to fields are required but the Stratigraphy name field
is optional and defaults to C1.

Figure 32: Selecting assay fields

The data in the assay table must be grouped by hole_id should be sorted in ascending from-to order.

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Figure 33: Selecting assays to read

The Assays dialog box appears after the Lithology Fields dialog box, Geotechnical Structure Type
dialog box and Geotechnical Structure Fields dialog box if you have selected them in the Tables
dialog box. Select the fields that correspond to the assays you want to import.

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Lithology Fields
Up to five tables can be used when importing data from Microsoft Access with each table
corresponding to a different lithology type. The lithology fields are specified in the Lithology Fields
dialog box (Figure 34).

Figure 34: Lithology fields

All fields are required and the data must be grouped by hole_id and be in ascending from-to order.

Normally adjacent, matching lithologies are combined but you can output individual lithological
records instead by selecting the check box.

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Figure 35: Selecting lithologies

The Lithologies dialog box appears after the Geotechnical Structure Type dialog box and
Geotechnical Structure Fields dialog box if you have selected them in the Tables dialog box. Select
the fields that correspond to the lithologies you want to import.

NOTE: This dialog box reappears for each table you selected for the lithology types.

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Geotechnical Structure Fields
MineMap IMS can import geotechnical structure information. Each record in the geotechnical table
consists of an orientation and a comment that are applied at a given depth down a drillhole. MineMap
IMS supports two methods for specifying the orientation of a structure record:

1. Dip and direction (azimuth)

2. Alpha and beta

This information is specified in the Geotechnical Structure Type dialog box (Figure 36).

Figure 36: Nominating Geotechnical structure type

(1) Dip is measured in degrees below the horizontal plane. The dip direction is the azimuth and is
measured in degrees clockwise from due north.
(2) Alpha is the angle between the structure plane and the drillhole axis. Beta is the angle
between a reference line (at the top or bottom of the core) and the down-hole apex of the
structure ellipse.

NOTE: A drillhole file containing geotechnical structure records is incompatible with older versions
of MineMap IMS.

The Geotechnical Structure Fields dialog box (Figure 37) appears if you select dip direction and dip
whereas the Geotechnical Structure Fields dialog box (Figure 38) appears if you select alpha and

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Figure 37: Selecting geotechnical structure fields for dip direction and dip

Figure 38: Selecting geotechnical structure fields for alpha and beta

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When importing data, MineMap IMS checks if the records are sorted by ascending hole name. If the
data is sorted then MineMap IMS uses a fast importer to produce the binary drillhole file. Unsorted
data can result in a significantly slower import.

MineMap IMS also checks for common errors present in the data (see Raw Data Error Checking).

When processing is complete a summary appears which alerts you to any problems encountered
during the import (Figure 39). This same information is available in the error log.

Figure 39: Summary of drill data conversion

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Raw Data Error Checking

MineMap IMS checks for the following errors in the raw data:

Overlapping Depths

Negative Thickness

Negative Depth

Survey Record Errors

Blank Sample Intervals

If MineMap IMS encounters an error in the raw data it will write the error to the error log and display
the Invalid Data dialog box. The invalid data is then ignored and processing continues. It is, therefore,
recommended that you check the raw data thoroughly before attempting to create a drillhole file.

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Overlapping Depths
Overlapping depths arise when one or more records refer to similar depth ranges. Figure 40 shows an
example of overlapping depths: the record on row 8 (from = 5, to = 7) overlaps the record on row 7
(from = 6, to = 7).

Figure 40: Assay data set with a depth overlap

NOTE: Data records are numbered such that the header record is record 0 so the data in rows 7 and 8
are records 6 and 7 respectively.

Negative Thickness
Negative thicknesses arise when a from value is greater than the corresponding to value. Figure 41
shows an example of a negative thickness: the record on row 6 has a from value greater than the to

Figure 41: Assay data set with a negative thickness record

NOTE: Data records are numbered such that the header record is record 0 so the data in row 6 is
record 5.

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Negative Depth
Negative depths arise when the from or to values are negative. Figure 42 shows an example of
negative depth: the record on line 2 has a negative from value.

Figure 42: Assay data set with a negative depth record

NOTE: Data records are numbered such that the header record is record 0 so the data in row 2 is
record 1.

Survey Record Errors

Survey records must be sorted by depth and must not have negative or duplicate depths. Figure 43
shows an example of survey record errors.

Figure 43: Survey data set with errors

The 5th data record shows it is not sorted in ascending order of depth. The 7th data record depth is
negative and 12th and 13th data records carry the same depth.

NOTE: Data records are numbered such that the header record is record 0.

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Blank Sample Intervals
The from or to fields are required and must not be blank. Figure 44 shows an example of blank

Figure 44: Assay data set with blank sample intervals

The 6th record contains a blank from field while the 10th record contains a blank to field.

NOTE: Data records are numbered such that the header record is record 0.

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Unused Data
In addition to the errors discussed above there are also other conditions which cause ignored data:

1. records with no matching hole header

2. data in one or more tables that is not sorted by hole name in ascending from-to order.

Figure 45: Example for summary of unused data

Figure 45 shows there are (4448-4095=) 353 unused assay records and they are not invalid. i.e. Its
collar details are not presented in the Hole header table or file.

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