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Environ. Sci. Technol.

2008, 42, 21622167

ferences contribute significantly to soil-to-plant transfer of

Phylogeny and Growth Strategy as Co and, hence, both to the potential of species in phyto-
Predictors of Differences in Cobalt technologies and to ecotoxicological assessments of exposure
through foodchains. However, although soil availability and
Concentrations Between Plant root uptake of Co are being explored in detail, there is less
research focused on understanding interspecies differences
Species in Co concentration following similar exposure. In fact, there
are reported concentration data for only a small proportion
N. J. WILLEY* AND J. WILKINS of the worlds domesticated food crops/cultivars and for a
very small proportion of the approximately 300 000 wild
Faculty of Applied Sciences, University of the West of
species of flowering plants (angiosperms). There is no meth-
England, Coldharbour Lane, Frenchay,
Bristol BS16 1QY, United Kingdom
od to predict values for uninvestigated species or cultivars,
and models for pollution prevention and remediation are
based primarily on quantification of soil availability. This
Received June 22, 2007. Revised manuscript received neglect of interspecies differences arises because of the
December 3, 2007. Accepted December 17, 2007. difficulty in amassing data sets with sufficient interspecies
comparisons and the lack of identified plant factors on which
to base predictions.
Analyses reported here quantify the contribution of plant There have been significant changes in the past decade
in understanding the phylogeny (evolutionary history) of
phylogeny and plant growth strategy to soil-to-plant transfer
angiosperms (11, 12). It is now clear that differences between
of Co. Estimated relative mean (ERM) Co concentrations in shoots plant species in many traits are affected by the phylogenetic
of 241 species of flowering plant were derived using a position of the species and that new phylogenies have clarified
residual maximum likelihood (REML) analysis. There were knowledge of these effects. For example, and pertinently for
significant differences in, and a loge-normal frequency distribution an inorganic pollutant such as Co, characteristic mineralogies
of, ERM Co concentrations between species. A significant can be detected in certain clades (branches) of the an-
percentage of interspecies variance could be assigned giosperm phylogeny (1316). Further, it has been shown that
to taxonomic categories above the species, (Family and above there are phylogenetic influences on the concentration in
21.5%; Order and above 12.22%). Time-series analysis of plants of the stable inorganic pollutants Cu, Zn, Ni, Pb, Cd,
ERM Co concentrations ordered in the species-sequence of and Cr (17) and the radioactive inorganic pollutants 134/137Cs
(18, 19), 89/90Sr (20), 109Ru (21), and 36Cl (22). These results,
the Angiosperm Phylogeny Group (APG II (2003)) revealed
based on ANOVAs coded with recent angiosperm phylog-
significant autocorrelation with an increase from Commelinid enies, have begun to provide an understanding of how the
Monocot to Asterid Eudicot and a pronounced peak in the Core effects of high-level biological organization constrain the
Eudicots. ERM Co concentrations categorized by plant exposure of the biosphere to pollutants from the soil. It is an
growth strategy sensu Grime (2001) showed an increase understanding based on evolutionary influences that have
toward stress-tolerant strategies. Plant species are not, therefore, seldom been considered in environmental technologies or
independent units of Co concentration factors derived assessments. An influence of phylogeny on 59Co concentra-
from higher levels of biological organization exert significant tions was detectable in a recent analysis of plant element
effects. These effects can provide the basis of new techniques composition across four different field sites (16). Here we
for selecting plant species for biotechnologies and for focus on Co, and we include different Co isotopes, a
multispecies comparison from controlled conditions, and a
predicting the exposure of organisms to Co. They show that
statistical analysis that provides a novel, graphical quanti-
plant phylogeny and growth strategy might help refine predictions fication of relative concentration across the flowering plant
of soil-to-plant transfer of a variety of pollutants, and suggest phylogeny. Further, for Co and for almost all other elements,
research that might link molecular and higher level processes in there are no previous analyses comparing, as we do here, the
contaminated soil-plant systems. effect in intervarietal differences to those higher up the
Introduction Grimes plant growth strategy theory describes, for plant
species in the established phase of growth, three primary
The stable isotope 59Co and the radioisotope 60Co are and four secondary growth strategies and makes some explicit
pollutants of terrestrial ecosystems59Co via industrial predictions about their influence on mineral concentrations
activities and 60Co from nuclear installations. 60Co is also an and ecosystem processes (23). There is now much empirical
important constituent of radioactive waste. The most com- evidence that Grimes growth strategy theory can be used to
mon entry point of Co to terrestrial food chains is uptake make reasonable predictions of plant traits such as response
from soil through plant roots. Soil-to-plant transfer of Co is to nutrient supply and response to stress (24). In the aftermath
the focus of continuing research for both nutrition (13) and of the deposition of Chernobyl-derived radioactive fall-out
pollution/phytoremediation (4). There are refined predictions on Britain, Grime predicted the now widely acknowledged
of the availability of Co to plants from soils (57), and a persistence of 137Cs in British upland vegetation (25). It has
detailed understanding of the mechanisms mediating Co recently been shown that Grimes plant growth strategies
uptake in roots (8), impacting on Co tolerance in plants (9) can be linked not just to the persistence of 137Cs but also to
and affecting compartmentation within shoots (2). There are the relative concentrations of 137Cs in different plant species,
also established differences between plant species in Co and that together with the influence of phylogeny it can be
concentrations after similar root exposures (10). Such dif- used to make general predictions of relative 137Cs concentra-
tions in angiosperms (19). 137Cs is the only pollutant for which
* Corresponding author e-mail:Neil.Willey@uwe.ac.uk. the influence of growth strategies on relative concentrations
2162 9 ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY / VOL. 42, NO. 6, 2008 10.1021/es071531r CCC: $40.75 2008 American Chemical Society
Published on Web 02/14/2008
has been investigated. In contrast to evolutionary effects literature provided data for 214 species. There were 5 species
manifest through phylogeny, growth strategies reflect more in common with the experimental data, so there were data
recent plant adaptations to particular types of environment. for 241 species in all, consisting of 568 concentration values
They are, therefore, an additional aspect of high-level from 3 + 54 ) 57 data sets.
biological organization superimposed on that of phylogeny. Statistical Analyses. Two-way ANOVA of experimental
Growth strategy theory provides a new test of the importance data using batch and species as factors was carried out on
of levels of organization above the species to determining SigmaStat 3.0. The program of previously reported analyses
the transfer of pollutants in the soil-plant system. for other pollutants including radionuclides (1822), heavy
To investigate the influence of phylogeny and growth metals (17), and inorganic nutrients (13, 14) was used to
strategy on relative Co concentrations in angiosperms, a relativise Co concentrations across data sets. A REML analysis
database with concentration values for many species is of loge-transformed concentration values relativizes data for
necessary. This is condition-specific if derived empirically in each species across the 54 literature data sets plus the 3
one set of conditions. A statistical method has been developed experimental batches by treating data sets as blocks (fixed
based on residual maximum likelihood (REML) analysis to factors) and their 241 species as treatments. This was run in
make estimates of relative concentrations in species from Genstat for Windows 5th ed. release 4.2 (VAG International,
different data sets. It provides databases that include Oxford, United Kingdom) with units and nomenclature of
concentration data for sufficient species to enable the effects original authors and, as expected, produced relative con-
of higher levels of biological organization to be tested (1322). centrations for species that in some instances were positive
Here we report experiments that grew 32 plant species and and in others negative (26). Blocking data sets in this way
9 cultivars, analyzed their mean shoot Co concentrations, adjusts the absolute differences in values arising from the
and then used REML analysis to construct a database of this different edaphic conditions of each data set to provide a
experimental data plus similar literature data to give esti- database of ERM concentrations in treatments (species).
mated relative mean (ERM) Co concentrations for 241 species A KolmogorovSmirnov test was run on SigmaStat 3.0 for
of angiosperm. We use the database to test the hypotheses Windows (Systat Software UK Ltd., Hounslow, United
that angiosperm phylogeny and plant growth strategy affect Kingdom) to test for normality of ERM concentrations for
Co uptake by plants, and we show that these factors have the 241 species. Time-series analysis in APG II (2003)
sufficient influence to help refine predictions of the relative sequence of the ERM concentrations was performed in Systat
concentrations of 59/60Co in the shoots of important categories 11.0 for Windows (Systat Software UK Ltd., Hounslow, United
of flowering plants. Kingdom). ERM concentrations were coded using a recent
angiosperm phylogeny (APG II, 2003) (12) with 7 levels down
Experimental Methods the taxonomic hierarchy (Class, Subclass, Group,
Experimental Data. Thirty-two species and nine cultivars Superorder, Order, Family, Genus), and seven-way ANOVA
were chosen to complement those for which data existed in was run in Genstat for Windows 5th ed. release 4.2. The
the literature. The species included both domesticated and taxonomic categories Class, Subclass, Group, and Superorder
wild species from across the angiosperm phylogeny (Table were used in a nominal sense only because they derive from
S1) sourced from, respectively, Kings Seeds (Essex, United a Linnaean hierarchy that does not have a clear relationship
Kingdom) and Chiltern Seeds (Cumbria, United Kingdom). with recent angiosperm phylogenies. A one-way ANOVA was
Five cultivars of Beta vulgaris (Italian Chard, Cheltenham run on SigmaStat 3.0 for Windows on Group values, with
Green, Perpetual Spinach, Rhubarb Chard, Mangel Holm-Sidak posthoc tests. ERM concentrations included
Wurzel; Kings Seeds, Essex, United Kingdom) and 4 cultivars values for 26 exemplar species of Grimes growth strategies
of Cicer arietenum (G130, C214, H358, H208; ICRISAT, (27) (Table S1), which were averaged for the three primary
Patencheru, AP, India) were grown. For each of the 32 species strategies and four secondary strategies and were contour
and 9 cultivars, five replicate 12 cm diameter pots with a plotted using SigmaPlot 9.0 for Windows (Systat Software
single plant were grown in Levingtons F2 compost in a UK Ltd., Hounslow, United Kindom).
greenhouse with 22 C 16 h light/15 C 8 h night. Species/
varieties were grown in three successive batches with five Results
replicate pots of Aster Michaelmas Daisy in batches 1 and
2, and five replicate pots of Celosia x flamingo purple in ERM concentrations in the 241 species ranged from -6.31
batches 2 and 3 providing link species. In each batch, species/ (Arundinaria tecta) to 9.01 (Arenaria marcescens), with a
varieties were grown in a randomized block design. At 5 weeks standard error of 0.16 (Table S1) and a frequency distribution
old, plants in each batch were radiolabeled in a randomized that was a negatively skewed bell-curve that failed the
block design in an arena supplied with supplementary light Kolmogorv-Smirnov normality test (KS distribution ) 0.113,
at 350 E m-1 s-1, with 50 mL of 300 M CoCl2 radiolabeled P ) 0.001) (Figure 1). ERM concentrations for some species
with 1125 kBq 57Co L-1 added to the substrate surface of each were based on numerous absolute concentration values from
pot, and harvested after 5 h. We assume that this saturated a variety of different environmental conditions whereas
the substrate homogenously because in almost every pot others were made from a single absolute concentration value
this procedure resulted in excess solution that was caught (Table S1). However, despite the differences in the accuracy
by saucers and often partially reabsorbed during radiola- of the estimates that this produced, the ERM concentrations
beling. Plant shoots were dried at 80 C, ground, and counted in Table S1, together with two-way ANOVA of experimental
for 57Co -emissions with appropriate blanks, standards, and data (F ) 4.67, P < 0.001; Figure 2), strongly indicate that
background correction in an LKB Wallac CompuGamma 1282 there are significant differences between species in relative
-counter (NaI(Tl) detector). Plants at radiolabeling were in Co concentrations. Given that the absolute values used for
the exponential, established phase of their growth and had the estimates in Table S1 are loge-transformed prior to REML
not flowered. analysis, it seems likely that, from a given Co availability in
Literature Data. We found 54 data sets from 28 publica- soil, absolute interspecies differences in Co concentrations
tions in which concentrations (which ranged from 0.01 to in plants might vary by several orders of magnitude. There
426 g/g) of a Co isotope in above-ground green shoots had was some difference between cultivars in Co concentrations,
been compared in at least 2 species of angiosperm under but ANOVA indicated that these were not significant.
similar conditions (Table S1). Data sets in which foliar Time-series analysis of ERM concentrations in APG II
contamination might have occurred were not included. The (2003) sequence showed significant autocorrelation (Figure


FIGURE 1. Frequency distribution of estimated relative mean Co FIGURE 2. Mean Co concentrations in green shoots of 32 species
concentrations in 241 species of flowering plant following loge- of flowering plants following 5 h of exposure to 50 mL of 300 M
transformation and REML analysis of 568 absolute concentration CoCl2 radiolabeled with 1125 kBq 57Co L-1 added to the substrate
values. surface of pot (n ) 5, (1 SE). Species numbers: 1, Allium sativum;
2, Allium cepa ailsa craig; 3, Cucumis sativus telegraph
improved; 4, Amaranthus paniculatus; 5, Mentha spicata; 6, Violax
TABLE 1. Results of ANOVA for Mean Relative Concentrations Swiss giants mixed; 7, Borago officinalis bianca; 8, Gallium
of Co in 241 Species of Plants Coded Using the Phylogeny of vernum; 9, Dianthus caryophyllus giant chabaud; 10, Antirrhinum
APG II (2003)a scarlet giant; 11, Aster michaelmas daises mixed; 12, Euphorbia
lathyrus; 13, Papaver commutatum; 14, Helianthemum numularium;
Cumulative 15, Linum lewisii; 16, Fraxinus excelsior; 17, Aesculus hippo-
df SS x 106 %SS MS x 106 VR castenum; 18, Veronica spicata; 19, Commelina coelestris; 20,
Rhuem tataricum; 21, Begonia cordifolia; 22, Fragaria vesca; 23,
Class 2 3.17 1.29 1.58 1.29 Phoenix dactylifera; 24, Juncus effusus; 25, Juncus ensifolius; 26,
Subclass 1 0.49 1.49 0.49 0.40 Carex nigra; 27, Lolium perenne; 28, Zingerber officinarum; 29,
Group 3 19.00 9.22 6.33 5.17 Celosia x flamingo purple; 30, Digitalis purpurea; 31, Beta
Superorder 6 4.06 10.87 0.68 0.55 vulgaris; 32, Cicer arietinum. (F ) 4.67, P < 0.001 for ANOVA of
Order 15 3.31 12.22 0.22 0.18 species).
Family 20 22.87 21.53 1.14 0.93
Genus 118 100.90 62.60 0.86 0.70
residual 75 91.94 100.02 1.23
total 240 245.70
df, degrees of freedom; SS, sums of squares; MS,
mean square; VR, variance ratio.

3 inset) indicating that species-values were not sequentially

independent but were correlated to nearby values. Nearby
values derive from species that are phylogenetically related.
ANOVA coded with a recent angiosperm phylogeny (APG II,
2003) for ERM concentrations in 241 species showed that
there was significant variation at the genus level and above,
that is, species are not independent samples for Co con-
centration but have differences that depend to an extent on
phylogenetic factors. About 12% of variance was at the level
of Order and above, there being especially significant effects
at the level of the Group (VR ) 5.17; Table 1). Figure 3
describes an upward trend in ERM concentrations but the
most notable feature is the high ERM concentrations in the
core eudicot Group (Figure 4).
There were 26 species in the database reported here whose
growth strategies have been defined experimentally (27). FIGURE 3. Estimated relative mean Co concentrations in 241
When plotted onto the triangular representation of growth species of plants from REML analysis of 568 concentration values
strategies used by Grime (25, 27), there is a trend toward plotted in the species order of Angiosperm Phylogeny Group II
high ERM Co concentrations in plants of the stress-tolerator (2003), smoothed with a moving mean over 10 values and dashed
lines showing (3 SE of overall mean. (Inset: Results of
strategy (Figure 4).
autocorrelation using time-series analysis on plotted values with
P ) 0.05 thresholds up to lag of 50).
To describe interspecies differences in Co concentrations by composed of three data sets of experimental concentration
simultaneously measuring uptake in replicates of hundreds measurements derived to complement 54 data sets previously
of species is time-consuming and impractical. Further, if reported in the literature. Data has been relativized from
identical conditions can be attained for all species in such different numbers of replications across a variety of condi-
an experiment, then it would generate results that are specific tions (Table S1). Further, plant exposure time to Co differs
to that set of conditions. The database reported here is between data sets (there being a bias toward acute exposures),


confirm that there are significant differences between species
in Co concentration after identical exposures. Intervarietal
comparisons suggest that if such differences exist then they
are of lower magnitude than interspecies differences. This
accords with recent reports that, in contrast to other macro-
and micronutrients, there are no intervarietal differences in
Lens culinaris in Co concentrations after similar exposures
(29). So, the great range of Co concentrations reported here
suggests that, even if Co is highly available in a soil, there are
some plant species that will take it up to relatively low
concentrations, that is, there is a significant plant-derived
contribution to difference in soil-to-plant transfer. To make
accurate predictions of soil-to-plant transfer of 59/60Co for all
combinations of soil type and plant species it is, therefore,
necessary to be able to predict not just availability in a soil
but also the species contribution to differences in transfer.
Figure 1 suggests that although ERM Co concentrations fail
the test of normality they have an essentially normal but
skewed distribution. In fact, the database includes a few
species with particularly high concentrations (Supporting
Information Table S1; Figure 1), and although there are no
FIGURE 4. Average estimated relative mean Co concentrations in Co hyperaccumulating species of plants included in Table
plants of three primary (C ) Competitor, S ) Stress-tolerator, R ) S1, a few species are skewing the frequency distribution.
Ruderal) and four secondary growth strategies sensu Grime (2001) Figure 1 therefore suggests that concentrations in different
contour plotted onto Grimes triangular representation of growth plant species in the field after similar exposure will be
strategies. (Carex nigra (SC/S), Carex panacea (S) Juncus effusus approximately loge-normally distributed. This is the frequency
(C/SC), Anthoxanthum odoratum (SR/CSR), Dactylis glomerata (CSR/ distribution reported from field collected samples in the only
C), Deschampsia caespitosa (CSR/S), Lolium perenne (CR/CSR), other study that has described it (16). Knowledge of the
Molinia caerulea (SC), Phleum pratense (S/CSR), Poa pratensis
attributes of this frequency distribution is useful for modeling
(CSR), Poa trivialis (CSR/CR), Chenopodium album (R/CR), Trifolium
differences, especially using probabilistic modeling, in soil-
pratense (CSR), Trifolium repens (CSR/CR), Fragaria vesca (CSR),
Sanguisorba minor (S), Helianthemum nummularium (S), Calluna to-plant transfer and has been noted for some other
vulgaris (SC), Erica cinerea (S), Vaccinium myrtillus (SC), Galium radionuclides, although for many fewer plant species (30).
verum (CSR/S), Fraxinus excelsior (C), Plantago lanceolata (CSR), It is part of an increasing body of evidence that loge-normal
Digitalis purpurea (CR/CSR), Daucus carota carota (SR/CSR), frequency distributions characterize soil-to-plant transfer
Campanula rotundifolia (S)) [Species with growth strategies in across numerous plant species for many elements (16) and
zone A tend to accumulate nutrient resources; species in zone D pollutants (1922).
tend to convert nutrient resources into growth]. There are at present no methods to predict relative
concentrations of Co in plant species. To do this it is useful
to isolate plant factors that explain some of the variance in
as does plant age and type (there being a bias toward young, ERM Co concentrations. Figure 3 and Table 1 show that there
herbaceous nonaquatic plants in the database). These is a significant phylogenetic signal in ERM Co concentration
differences in conditions, exposure, and plant status are the that might aid the prediction of relative Co concentrations
weakness and the strength of the database because, respec- in plants. At the Ordinal level and above, with 12% of the
tively, accuracy of the estimates of mean relative concentra- cumulative sum of squares, Co concentrations have phylo-
tions varies but estimates are mean values across a range of genetic effects greater than those on N (3.3%) and P (6.8%)
experimental/plant combinations and thus provide general (14), similar to those on Cs (15%) (19) and Sr (15%) (20), but
estimates across a variety of conditions. There is also a less than those for Pb (20%), Cr (23%), Cu (24%) (16), Na
limitation with the REML procedure described; it does not (23%) (13), Cd (27%) (15), Cl (35%) (20), Ru (39%) (19), Zn
take account of any interactions between interspecies (44%), Ni (46%) (15), K (49%) (14), or Ca (63%) (13). At the
differences and environmental conditions, potentially con- family level and above, 21.5% of the variance is associated
founding the estimation of relative mean concentration. If with phylogeny (Table 1) a value very nearly the same as
relative concentrations change with conditions, then variance that reported (20.7%) in the only other report of effects of
would increase and make it less likely that we would find the phylogeny on Co concentrations in plants (16). Of the
effects reported here. If there is a correlation between taxonomic categories above the species, there is reasonable
phylogeny and environmental conditions (which might arise replication in the data reported here in each of the Group
through adaptation of taxa to particular soil types for categories, and it seems very clear (Figure 3) that, in general
example), then the effects described might not be phylo- terms, the Commelinid Monocots have lower than average
genetic. However, there is much data from controlled relative mean Co concentrations in them, that Core Eudicots
conditions in Table 1, and based on field samples, it has have higher than average, and Rosids have average concentra-
been reported that such correlations are not significant in tions. One-way ANOVA of Group values confirmed the existence
any case (16). So, despite the above limitations, we suggest of significant differences between Groups (F ) 14.77, P < 0.001)
that the effects detected are real but that they apply most with both Core Eudicots and Asterids having significantly higher
securely to young herbaceous plants acutely exposed to Co. concentrations than non-Commelinid Monocots, Commelinid
This is itself frequently an important pattern of exposure to Monots, and Rosids (Holm-Sidak posthoc test at P ) 0.05).
Co, but given that most plants take up the majority of nutrient Interestingly, the phylogeny of protein transporters that mediate
ions during the exponential growth phase (28), in which most the uptake of ions in plant roots is currently being described
of the plants in the database were exposed, it is likely also (e.g., via PlantsT database: http://plantst.genomics.purdue.edu/
to reflect longer term exposure patterns. plantst/html/phylo.html). If phylogenetic effects in relative Co
Analyses of the experimental data, the largest interspecies concentrations and the phylogeny of transporters that mediate
comparison yet reported for Co under controlled conditions, Co uptake become known in sufficient detail, then they might


provide a useful test of the links between molecular effects and terrestrial organisms to pollutants. The ability to predict
those at higher levels of biological organization. pollutant behavior in the soil-plant system is crucial not
The three primary and four secondary growth strategies just for calculating exposure but also to plant-based envi-
defined by Grime (23) have mineral accumulation strategies ronmental technologies. Such technologies are rapidly
as an axis of specialization, primarily because nutrient becoming part of the tool-kit of environmental engineers
deficiency is an important stress to plants. Grimes growth (35, 36). There is more knowledge of pollutant behavior in
strategy theory has recently been reported to be a better soils than of the influence of plant characteristics, especially
predictor of response to stress than those based on resource- of factors related to higher levels of biological organization
ratio hypotheses (24). Given that many inorganic pollutant in plants. This is unfortunate because plant factors have often
ions are chemically closely related to plant mineral nutrients, been shown to significantly influence soil-to-plant transfer
or even are plant mineral nutrients but in above optimal of pollutants. The methods we report here and the effects we
amounts, it seems likely that the growth strategies of plants establish show that influential factors derived from high levels
sensu Grime might influence the uptake of inorganic of biological organization can be identified and that they
pollutants by plants. The concentrations of Cs in flowering can be useful for quantifying the contribution that any plant
plants have been shown to be influenced by plant growth
taxon might make to soil-to-plant transfer of a pollutant.
strategy, with stress-tolerant ruderals having the highest
This can help to refine predictions of the exposure of
concentrations (19). Figure 4 here suggests that stress tolerant
organisms and provides a basis for species selection for plant-
plants have the highest relative concentrations of Co. It is
based environmental technologies. For environmental bio-
notable that for neither Cs nor Co do plants of competitive
strategies have high concentrations but rather those that fall technologies, biodiversity is an exploitable resource, but most
within zone A of the growth strategy triangle where there is species used are selected on the basis of their occurrence at
a tendency to accumulate nutrient resources. Growth strategy contaminated sites. The plant factors identified here might
theory can be used to predict numerous aspects of ecosystem help mine plant biodiversity for taxonomic units, and
processes, including those that impact on nutrient dynamics ultimately for genes, useful to plant-based environmental
(23, 24); linking pollutant behavior to plant growth strategy technologies. They reflect evolutionary processes and growth
might thus be the basis of improved predictions of pollutant strategies linked to vegetation processes/ecosystem proper-
dynamics in ecosystems. It is, however, necessary to know ties and are thus a reminder that fundamental mechanisms
growth strategies of many plant species to do this in a variety important to ecotoxicology and environmental health occur
of ecosystems. The growth strategies of 286 ordinal species at high levels of biological organization.
has been defined using an extensive set of experiments (27),
but simpler methods have been developed that, in theory,
enable the growth strategy of many more plant species to be
predicted (31). In the 54 literature data sets used here, values We would like to thank the UK Food Standards Agency for
are not given for the variables necessary to predict growth funding, Judy Brown of UWE, Bristol for help with radio-
strategies. However, the link between growth strategy and analysis, and A. Mead of Warwick HRI for developing the
Co concentration we have established shows that predicted REML program.
growth strategies can provide a new perspective on the effects
of high levels of biological organization on pollutant move-
ment in the soil-plant system. Supporting Information Available
We conclude that, from a given set of environmental Table S1 provides ERM Co concentrations for all 241 species
conditions, there are significant interspecies differences in in phylogenetic layout and includes details of all data sources
the concentrations to which plants accumulate Co and that and data extracted from them. This material is available free
a significant proportion of these differences can be predicted of charge via the Internet at http://pubs.acs.org.
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