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MAE130B Homework #5

Sep. 6, 2017
Due 5:00pm Monday, Sep. 11, 2017

Suggested Reading: Munson Text, Ch. 11

Assume calorically-perfect gas with =1.4 for all problems.

Problem 1 (20 points)


1 V=300m/s


Air inside an insulated (adiabatic) wind tunnel accelerates from speed V1 =100 m/s to speed V2 =300
m/s. The initial temperature is T1 = 300 K.
(a) Use the energy equation to calculate the final temperature T2 .
(b) Suppose that the process were isentropic, i.e.,
p = cT k1 , c = constant

Calculate the pressure ratio p2 /p1 and the density ratio 2 /1 .

Problem 2 (20 points)

Consider the SR-71 at flight Mach number M1 =3.0 with ambient pressure p1 = 10, 000 N/m2 and
ambient temperature T1 = 200 K. At the lower surface of the wing, the local Mach number is
M2 = 2.5. Assuming isentropic flow, find the pressure p2 and temperature T2 at that point.

Problem 3 (20 points)

V1 = 2 V



For incompressible potential flow, the velocity on the top of a cylinder is

V = 2V

where V is the freestream velocity.

Lets assume that this result is also valid for subsonic compressible flow and that the flow is
adiabatic. For a freestream composed of air at M = 0.45 and T = 300 K, calculate the following
quantities on the top of the cylinder:
(a) temperature ;
(b) speed of sound;
(c) Mach number.

Problem 4 (20 points)

You are asked to design a wind tunnel that can produce a speed V1 =1000 m/s at static pressure
p1 = 10 kPa. You have a reservoir with pressure p0 = 1000 kPa.
(a) What is the area ratio of the nozzle that supplies the wind tunnel test section?
(b) What is the required temperature T0 of the reservoir?

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