Ps1 Dynamic Soln

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Problem Set No.

1 Dynamic

1. A motorist enters a freeway at 36 kph and accelerates uniformly to 90 kph. From

the odometer in the car, the motorist knows that she travelled 0.2km while
accelerating. Determine (a) the acceleration of the car, (b) the time required to
reach 90 kph.
2. Assuming a uniform acceleration of 11 ft/sec 2, and knowing that the speed of a
car as it passes A is 30 mi/h, determine (a) the time required for the car to reach
B, (b) the speed of the car s it passes B. Note that distance from A to B is 160 ft.

A 160ft B

3. A motorist travelling along a straight portion of a highway is decreasing the speed

of his automobile at a constant rate before exiting from the highway onto a
circular exit ramp with a radius of 560 ft. He continues to decelerate at the same
constant rate so that 10 sec after entering the ramp, his speed has decreased to
20 miles/hr, a speed which he then maintains. Knowing that at this constant
speed the total acceleration of the automobile is equal to one-quarter of its value
prior to entering the ramp, determine the maximum value of the total
acceleration of the automobile.
4. A airplane used to drop water on brushfires is flying horizontally in a straight line
at 315km/hr at an altitude of 80 m. Determine the distance d at which the pilot
should release the water so that it will hit the fire at B.

5. Two road rally checkpoints A and B are located on the same highway and are 12
km apart. The speed limits for the first 8 km and the last 4 km of the section of
highway are 100 km/h and 70 km/h, respectively. Drivers must stop at each
checkpoint, and the specified time between points A and B is 8min 20 sec.
Knowing that a driver accelerates and decelerates at the same constant rate,
determine the magnitude of her acceleration if she travels at the speed limit as
much as possible.

A 8 km C 4 km B

Note: It seems that the problem (No. 5) lacks additional information for it to be

6. A particle moves with rectilinear motion. The speed increases from zero to 30
ft/sec in 3 sec and then decreases to zero in 2 sec.
a) Plot the v-t curve
b) What is the acceleration during the first 3 sec and during the next 2 sec?
c) What is the distance travelled in 5 sec?
d) How long does it take the particle to go 50 ft?


30 ft/s
y = -15x + 30

3 sec 2 sec

b) a = dv/dt

@ t = 3 sec; m = (30-0)/(3-0) = 10 ft/s2

@t = 2 sec; m = (0-30)/(5-3) = -15 ft/s2

c) distance travelled in 5 sec is also the change in position x

v = dx/dt ; dx = -- the area under the v-t curve

x = A = (1/2)3(30) + (1/2)(2)(30) = 75 ft

d) 2 t = 3 sec, x = 45 ft

Total time = 3 + t

-7.5 t2 + 30t = 5

By quadratic formula, t = 0.174 sec, neglect the other t value

Hence, Total time = 3 + 0.174 = 3.174 sec

7. A particle moves on a vertical line with an acceleration a = 2 . When t = 2 sec,

its displacement x = 64/3 ft and its velocity v = 16 ft/sec. Determine the
displacement, velocity and acceleration of the particle when t = 3 sec.

a = dv/dt =

2t + C1 =
2t + C1 = 2

@ t = 2 sec, v = 16 ft

Thus, 2(2) + C1 = 2(16)1/2

C1 = 4

Hence, 2t + 4 = 2v1/2

t + 2 = v1/2

v = (t + 2)2

v = dx/dt = (t + 2)2

= (t + 2)2 dt

x = (1/3)(t + 2)3 + C2

@ t = 2 sec, x = 64/3 ft

64/3 = (1/3)(2 + 2)3 + C2

C2 = 0

Therefore, x = (1/3)(t + 2)3

Therefore, a = 2(t+2)

Hence using the developed equations, @ t = 3 sec,

x = 41.7 ft
v = 25 ft/s
a = 10 ft/s2

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