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Exhibition tour

To help pay off his debts, Tyson returned to the ring in 2006 for a series of four-round
exhibitions against journeyman heavyweight Corey "T-Rex" Sanders in Youngstown,
Ohio.[133] Tyson, without headgear at 5 ft 10.5 in and 216 pounds, was in great
shape, but far from his prime against Sanders, with headgear at 6 ft 8 in and 293
pounds, a loser of his last seven pro bouts and nearly blind from a detached retina in
his left eye. Tyson appeared to be "holding back" in these exhibitions to prevent an
early end to the "show". "If I don't get out of this financial quagmire there's a
possibility I may have to be a punching bag for somebody. The money I make isn't
going to help my bills from a tremendous standpoint, but I'm going to feel better
about myself. I'm not going to be depressed", explained Tyson about the reasons for
his "comeback".[134]


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