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on in the morning on the wall in 2017 on the door in November on the ceiling intwohours on the floor in (thé) wintér on thé ménu in Bangkok on Monday in the car on the weekend in the room on time at 7:30 a.m, at night at noon at bédtime at the momént at work at home at school in thé building on Friday morning at thé bus stop I live in Bangkok. She is at school. See you on Monday. They came here at 10 p.m. Verb to Be Present Simple Iam You aré We are They are My mom dndI are he is She is It is Sam is Agirlis Past Simple Iwas You were We were They were My mom dndI were Hé was She was It was Sam was A girl was Iam a student. We were hungry. You are from New York. He was sick. They are in the car. It was here. « do/ does, He She 4 \ They Toe Two cats My mom Fréd dnd Tom Thé man The children A bird Does he drink milk every morning? I do my homework before dinner. _E - Do they work in London? (meee She does not want to go to the beach. do does My mom does the housework every day. ‘You do the laundry on Sundays. have has G we It \ They Joe Two cats My mom Fred and Tom The man Thé children A bird Does he have a good car? I have three brothers. Have you eaten lunch yet? She has long hair. My teacher has a son and two daughters. You have breakfast at 7:30 a.m. Possessive Adjectives @ my your his her their our its Uy have many shirts. They are my shirts. She has a dog. It is her dog. He has a red shirt. It is nis shirt. We bought a new clock. This is our cock EEX trey have a house. That is their house. Question Words Who What When where Who is that girl? S Who did it? : What is that? What do you like to eat? When were you born? When did he arrive? Where is my book? Where do you live? Why did they call you? Why does she like it? How did you go there? How is your mother? -; Ge

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