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Oceans and sea


The ocean remains one of the most expansive, mysterious and diverse places on Earth.
Unfortunately, it is being threatened by pollution from people on land and from natural causes. Marine
life is dying, and as a result the whole oceanic ecosystem is threatened simply by various sources of
pollution. If we are to preserve ocean and its natural beauty, drastic measures have to be taken to
combat this pollution and keep what we hold most dear.

Before, it was assumed that because the ocean was so big, vast and deep, that the effects of
dumping trash and litter into the sea would only have minimal consequences. But as we have seen, this
has proven to not be the case. While all four oceans have suffered as a result of human consequence for
over millennia by now, it has accelerated in the past few decades. Oil spills, toxic wastes, floating plastic
and various other factors have all contributed to the pollution of the ocean.

The ocean produces over 97% of the worlds water supply as well as 70% of the oxygen that
we breathe. Without the ocean, we would not exist.

However, this fundamental system for life on earth is coming under attack from pollution.
Pollution comes in many shapes and forms with one of the most dangerous forms being toxic chemicals.
Toxic chemicals are being deliberately dumped into the ocean from industrial sources as well as pouring
in at an alarming rate via surface run-off. Surface run-off is where a large amount of water, either from
rain or flooding, washes over land taking with it harmful chemicals, which includes petrochemicals, oil,
fertilisers and pesticides. These chemicals collect in certain areas within the ocean creating inhospitable
environments for marine life, which are known as dead-zones. There are approximately 405 of these
dead-zones located around the globe, with one of the largest found in ,the Gulf Of Mexico, that spans
for roughly 5000 square miles, which, according to a study in 2010, is almost completely devoid of life.

Fact 1: Plastic is the most common element that is found in the ocean. It is harmful for the
environment as it does not get break down easily and is often considered as food by marine animals.

Fact 2: Toxic metals can destroy the biochemistry, behavior, reproduction, and growth in marine life.

Fact 3: Small animals at the bottom of food chain absorb the chemicals as part of their food. These small
animals are then eaten by larger animals that again increases the concentration of chemicals. Animals at
the top of hierarchy of food chain have contamination levels millions times higher than the water in
which they live.

Fact 4: The biggest source of pollution in the ocean is directly from land based sources, such as oil, dirt,
septic tanks, farms, ranches, motor vehicles, among larger sources. Thousands of tons of waste and
trash are dumped into the ocean on a daily basis.

Fact 5: In several parts of the world including Gulf of Mexico and the Baltic Sea, Eutrophication has
created enormous dead zones.
Causes of Ocean Pollution

There are various ways by which pollution enters the ocean. Some of them are:

1. Sewage

Pollution can enter the ocean directly. Sewage or polluting substances flow through sewage,
rivers, or drainages directly into the ocean. This is often how minerals and substances from mining
camps find their way into the ocean.

The release of other chemical nutrients into the oceans ecosystem leads to reductions in oxygen
levels, the decay of plant life, a severe decline in the quality of the sea water itself. As a result, all levels
of oceanic life, plants and animals, are highly affected.

2. Toxic Chemicals From Industries

Industrial and agricultural waste are another most common form of wastes that are directly
discharged into the oceans, resulting in ocean pollution. The dumping of toxic liquids in the ocean
directly affects the marine life as they are considered hazardous and secondly, they raise the
temperature of the ocean, known as thermal pollution, as the temperature of these liquids is quite high.
Animals and plants that cannot survive at higher temperatures eventually perish.

3. Land Runoff
Land runoff is another source of pollution in the ocean. This occurs when water infiltrates the
soil to its maximum extent and the excess water from rain, flooding or melting flows over the land and
into the ocean. Often times, this water picks up man-made, harmful contaminants that pollute the
ocean, including fertilizers, petroleum, pesticides and other forms of soil contaminants. Fertilizers and
waste from land animals and humans can be a huge detriment to the ocean by creating dead zones.
4. Large Scale Oil Spills

Ship pollution is a huge source of ocean pollution, the most devastating effect of which is oil
spills. Crude oil lasts for years in the sea and is extremely toxic to marine life, often suffocating marine
animals to death once it entraps them. Crude oil is also extremely difficult to clean up, unfortunately
meaning that when it is split; it is usually there to stay.

In addition, many ships lose thousands of crates each year due to storms, emergencies, and
accidents. This causes noise pollution (excessive, unexpected noise that interrupts the balance of life,
most often caused by modes of transportation), excessive algae, and ballast water. Often times, other
species can also invade an ecosystem and do harm to it by interrupting the life cycles of other
organisms, causing a clash of nature that has already been damaged by the overflow of pollution.

5. Ocean Mining
Ocean mining in the deep sea is yet another source of ocean pollution. Ocean mining sites
drilling for silver, gold, copper, cobalt and zinc create sulfide deposits up to three and a half thousand
meters down in to the ocean. While we have yet the gathering of scientific evidence to fully explain the
harsh environmental impacts of deep sea mining, we do have a general idea that deep sea mining
causes damage to the lowest levels of the ocean and increase the toxicity of the region. This permanent
damage dealt also causes leaking, corrosion and oil spills that only drastically further hinder the
ecosystem of the region.

6. Littering
Pollution from the atmosphere is, believe it or not, a huge source of ocean pollution. This occurs
when objects that are far inland are blown by the wind over long distances and end up in the ocean.
These objects can be anything from natural things like dust and sand, to man-made objects such as
debris and trash. Most debris, especially plastic debris, cannot decompose and remains suspended in
the oceans current for years.

Animals can become snagged on the plastic or mistake it for food, slowly killing them over a long
period of time. Animals who are most often the victims of plastic debris include turtles, dolphins, fish,
sharks, crabs, sea birds, and crocodiles.
In addition, the temperature of the ocean is highly affected by carbon dioxide and climate
changes, which impacts primarily the ecosystems and fish communities that live in the ocean. In
particular, the rising levels of Co2 acidify the ocean in the form of acid rain. Even though the ocean can
absorb carbon dioxide that originates from the atmosphere, the carbon dioxide levels are steadily
increasing and the oceans absorbing mechanisms, due to the rising of the oceans temperatures, are
unable to keep up with the pace.

7.Noise Pollution
Pollution is not always physical. In large bodies of water, sound waves can carry undiminished
for miles. The increased presence of loud or persistent sounds from ships, sonar devices, oil rigs, and
even from natural sources like earthquakes can disrupt the migration, communication, hunting, and
reproduction patterns of many marine animals, particularly aquatic mammals like whales and dolphins.

What You Can Do

Every year, 15 billion pounds of plastic are produced in the U.S., but only 1 billion are recycled.
Much of whats left makes its way in our oceans.

Were all responsible for this mess, and it will take all of us to clean it up. Heres how you can pitch
in: Any time you see litter, wherever it is, pick it up and dispose of it properly.

Reduce, reuse, recycleyouve heard this phrase before, but now you know what happens when
you dont. Try to avoid products with excessive packaging and bring a reusable bag to the grocery store.

When you purchase or find a plastic six-pack holder, be sure to cut each and properly dispose of it.
In the ocean, these rings expand and can ensnare or choke wildlife.

Talk trash to your friends and family! People cant change what they dont know about, so help us
spread the word.

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