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Advanced Medicine Recall rology, and psychiatry. Each chapter many educational settings. For example,
begins with a list of abbreviations and when I looked up hemochromatosis in
Edited by James D. Bergin, MD. 787 pp, $46.95. definitions related to the specialty. Fol- the index, I was referred to a single page
ISBN-13: 978-0-7817-7629-5. Baltimore, MD: Lip- lowing the list are questions and answers in the gastroenterology chapter con-
pincott Williams & Wilkins; 2009.
about conditions encountered in that taining five questions. I found these
specialty, grouped according to various questions to be interesting but of lim-
dvanced Medicine Recall, edited by
A James D. Bergin, MD, is part of the
Recall series by Lippincott Williams &
topics. For example, under the topic of
pericardial disease in the cardiology
chapter, there are 21 questions,
ited usefulness in diagnosing or man-
aging the condition or in assessing risk
of complications. Neither the prevalence
Wilkins, which includes 13books in the including, What are some of the auto- of hemochromatosis nor the risks of cir-
clinical sciences. Only one of the books immune causes of pericarditis? How rhosis or cardiac disease from iron over-
in this seriesOsteopathic Medicine is a pulsus paradoxus exam performed? load are mentioned on this page
Recallfeatures content with specific and What is seen on the echocardio- though patients are described as having
appeal to the osteopathic medical pro- gram in pericardial constriction? a 20- to 30-fold increased risk of hepa-
fession. Nevertheless, all the books in Section IV, the final section of the tocellular carcinoma even if they do not
the seriesespecially Advanced Medicine book, covers the roles and responsibili- have cirrhosis. The page also leaves out
Recallhave much to offer their target ties of the consultant. Contained in this treatment for patients with hemochro-
audience of medical students. Geared section are questions and answers on matosis.
toward fourth-year medical students, several topics, including preoperative For readers who like medical fac-
interns, and residents, Advanced clearance of the surgical patient, antibi- toids, this will be a popular volume.
Medicine Recall is a higher-level text than otic prophylaxis before surgery, and However, it seems to me that time might
is Medicine Recall, which is in the same perioperative management of the dia- be better spent reviewing such under-
series and is aimed more in the direction betic patient. lying concepts as pathophysiology,
of third-year medical students. For readers who enjoy the challenge screening, and strategies for diagnosis
Advanced Medicine Recall is written of the question-and-answer format, and treatment.
in a question-and-answer format that Advanced Medicine Recall is an excellent In summary, for those readers who
approximates the style of teaching book. The reader can obtain bits of infor- like the challenge of questions and who
rounds that have been conducted in mation quickly from leafing through the enjoy leafing through pages for infor-
teaching hospitals for many years. A pages. This book will not provide the mation during times that might other-
bookmark is included so that one might reader with an overall view of patho- wise be idle, Advanced Medicine Recall is
occlude the answers on the right side of physiology or help the reader piece a good and useful book. However, do
the page while reading the questions on together diagnoses or treatment plans not expect a review of pathophysiology,
the left side. At the top of this bookmark for patients with comorbid problems. diagnosis, or management. If what
is the helpful reminder, Remember to In addition, for readers who recall youre looking for is a pocket reference
wash your hands, and respect the the anxiety produced by relentless ques- guide, I suggest that you consider other
patients modesty and confidentiality. tioning from attendings on rounds, this volumes.
The two-page introduction in Sec- book may not be in the best format. It
tionI is very sound, offering 12 pearls may evoke memories of the not-partic- Sarah P. Towne, DO, MS
Walnut Creek, California
that medical professionals should heed ularly-useful What am I thinking?
and reread from time to time. For game of roundsmanship practiced in
example, When you write something in
the chart, think how it would sound
were it to be read aloud in court. If you Editors Note: Physicians, faculty members, and others within the healthcare professions
write your notes that way, you will who are interested in serving as book reviewers for the JAOA are invited to send a letter
of interest and curriculum vitae to the JAOAs Book Review Editor Frederick J. Goldstein,
always be safe.
PhD, at
The chapters in Sections II and III Readers are encouraged to submit copies of recently published books that they wish
are organized by clinical specialty area. to be considered for review to the JAOAs editorial assistant at 142 E Ontario St, Chicago,
Included among the 15covered special- IL 60611-2864. The JAOA is especially interested in books written by members of the
ties are cardiology, infectious disease, osteopathic medical profession and books that address the professions mission.
oncology, environmental science, neu-

402 JAOA Vol 110 No 7 July 2010 Book Reviews

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