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Prior to placement, teacher education students will use the Australian Professional
Standards for Teachers to frame their personal teaching goals. These goals must be
completed and discussed with the Subject Coordinator prior to the commencement of the
placement. The teacher education student will need to share these with the supervising
teacher and university liaison officer during the two observation days. The goals will form
the basis of the targets for teaching sessions and will be written into lesson plans.

Goal Standard descriptor: Evidence:

Actions you will take as you work Indicators that the goal has been
towards achieving the goal achieved
Goal 1: Professional Knowledge Identify diversities Students profiles
present in the classroom and that include Individual Learning
To plan and implement teaching display cultural sensitivity Program's
strategies that cater to the learning Create student Lesson
strengths and needs of diverse profiles & ILP's for diverse observation notes about how
learners learners supervising teacher teaches and
Plan lessons with caters to all the needs
annotated notes of adjustments Annotated lesson
being made notes including reflection that are
sensitive and inclusive

Goal 2: Professional Practice Discuss behaviour Annotated notes

plan with supervising teacher on behaviour management
To improve my behaviour Clearly establish Copy of behaviour
management strategies through expectations and responsibilities managements system used in
seeking reflection from supervising of students classroom/school
teacher Be actively aware Feedback from
of the school's expectations of supervising teacher
challenging behaviour
Goal 3: Professional Engagement Attend professional meetings Notes and reflection taken from
Discuss with staff and professional development
To expand my understanding and supervising teacher about Evidence of research undertaken
knowledge of students with special identifying student learning to address identifying student
needs through professional needs learning needs
learning Discuss with staff about relevant Notes from staff meeting
professional learning

Other aims you may have for the professional experience:

Using ICT in the classroom, especially the electronic whiteboard
Content focus: History/Humanities, Music

Teacher Education Student:_____________________ Date:


Supervising Teacher: ________________________ Date:

Subject Coordinator: ________________________ Date:


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