Solidworks Enterprise PDM 2012 Pro/E Connector Best Practices Guide

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SolidWorks Enterprise PDM 2012

Pro/E Connector Best Practices Guide

Rev 4- 8/22/2011 1
Notices ................................................................................................................................................................................... 4
About this guide .................................................................................................................................................................... 5
Pre-Sales Activity ................................................................................................................................................................... 5
Position Statement ................................................................................................................................................... 5
Target Customers ..................................................................................................................................................... 5
Support and Demonstrations ................................................................................................................................... 6
Installation and Set Up .......................................................................................................................................................... 6
Pro/E Connector pre-installation information ......................................................................................................... 6
Obtaining the Pro/E Connector Installer ....................................................................................................................... 6
Operating system support ............................................................................................................................................. 6
Pro/ENGINEER versions supported ............................................................................................................................... 7
Pro/ENGINEER file type support.................................................................................................................................... 7
Pro/ENGINEER installation requirements ................................................................................................................ 7
Prerequisites .................................................................................................................................................................. 7
Local machine requirements ......................................................................................................................................... 7
Recommended Pro/ENGINEER configuration settings.................................................................................................. 8
Pro/INTRALINK and multiple startup scripts ................................................................................................................. 9
Enterprise PDM Vault Requirements ..................................................................................................................... 10
Creating a new Pro/ENGINEER capable vault.............................................................................................................. 10
Installing the 2012 Pro/E Connector and Server Components ................................................................................... 10
Reviewing vault contents ............................................................................................................................................ 12
Enterprise PDM local view folder structure ................................................................................................................ 13
Pro/E Connector client installation ........................................................................................................................ 14
Installing the Enterprise PDM 2012 Pro/E Connector ................................................................................................. 14
Pro/ENGINEER Enterprise PDM add-in (PTCADDIN) ................................................................................................... 14
Windows file associations ........................................................................................................................................... 15
Additional installation information ........................................................................................................................ 15
Workflows.................................................................................................................................................................... 15
Default preview application ........................................................................................................................................ 16
Data Migration ....................................................................................................................................................... 17
Planning for data import ............................................................................................................................................. 17
Pro/ INTRALINK 3.x ...................................................................................................................................................... 17

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Other PDM/PLM systems ............................................................................................................................................ 17
Windows folder system ............................................................................................................................................... 17
Using Pro/ENGINEER with Enterprise PDM ......................................................................................................................... 18
Pro/ENGINEER Functions and Enterprise PDM ...................................................................................................... 18
Reference Files/Search Paths ...................................................................................................................................... 18
File Open...................................................................................................................................................................... 18
Working Directories..................................................................................................................................................... 19
File Save ....................................................................................................................................................................... 19
Assemble ..................................................................................................................................................................... 20
Parameters .................................................................................................................................................................. 20
Check In / Check Out ................................................................................................................................................... 21
Family Tables ............................................................................................................................................................... 22
Pro/ENGINEER File Templates ..................................................................................................................................... 23
Merged/Inherited Geometry....................................................................................................................................... 24
User Defined Features (UDFs) .................................................................................................................................... 24
Shrinkwrap................................................................................................................................................................... 25
Skeleton parts .............................................................................................................................................................. 25
External Simplified Representations (Simplified Reps) ............................................................................................... 25
Enterprise PDM Pro/E Connector Functionality ..................................................................................................... 25
Pro/E Connector Menu................................................................................................................................................ 25
Enterprise PDM Functions with Pro/ENGINEER Data............................................................................................. 26
Templates .................................................................................................................................................................... 26
Rename ........................................................................................................................................................................ 26
Copy Tree ..................................................................................................................................................................... 26
Move ............................................................................................................................................................................ 26
Data Card Editing ......................................................................................................................................................... 26
Change State................................................................................................................................................................ 27
SolidWorks Knowledge Base ............................................................................................................................................... 27

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1995-2011, Dassault Systmes SolidWorks Corporation, a Dassault Systmes S.A. company.
300 Baker Avenue, Concord, Mass. 01742 USA. All Rights Reserved.
The information and the software discussed in this document are subject to change without
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No material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or
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The software discussed in this document is furnished under a license and may be used or
copied only in accordance with the terms of this license. All warranties given by DS SolidWorks
as to the software and documentation are set forth in the SolidWorks Corporation License and
Subscription Service Agreement, and nothing stated in, or implied by, this document or its
contents shall be considered or deemed a modification or amendment of such warranties.
SolidWorks, PDMWorks, eDrawings, and the eDrawings logo are registered trademarks and
FeatureManager is a jointly owned registered trademark of DS SolidWorks.
SolidWorks Enterprise PDM and SolidWorks 2009 are product names of DS SolidWorks.
Pro/ENGINEER, Pro/INTRALINK, Windchill, Shrinkwrap, ProductView Express and Creo are registered
trademarks of Parametric Technology Corporation.
Other brand or product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective
Outside In Viewer Technology, 1992 - 2008 Stellent Chicago Sales, Inc.
Copyright 1995-2008, Oracle.
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U.S. Government Restricted Rights. Use, duplication, or disclosure by the government is subject
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Dassault Systmes SolidWorks Corporation, 300 Baker Avenue, Concord, Massachusetts 01742

Rev 4- 8/22/2011 4
About this guide
This document will provide detailed information for the proper implementation and usage of the
Enterprise PDM Pro/E Connector. The Pro/ENGINEER CAD application has some major architectural
differences than SolidWorks which present unique challenges for individuals deploying and using
Pro/ENGINEER with Enterprise PDM. Unlike SolidWorks, Pro/ENGINEER is not a native Windows
application and because of this certain methods of opening, saving and accessing files need to be
understood. This guide will also help in setting realistic expectations for customers and to determine
whether Enterprise PDM is the right application to meet specific customer needs.

Pre-Sales Activity
Position Statement
Enterprise PDM is a satisfactory data management solution for Pro/ENGINEER customers when
expectations are properly set. Use Enterprise PDM to manage legacy projects where Pro/ENGINEER
is occasionally used by a minority of overall CAD users to modify an existing design. Pro/ENGINEER
user expectations should be that the design files (parts, assemblies, drawings) will be available and
under control of Enterprise PDM, can be retrieved for modification within Pro/ENGINEER, and saved
back into the repository. Check-in & check-out, version and revision control, property mapping, and
file reference management are available in Enterprise PDM. Advanced features of Pro/INTRALINK
like managing individual family table instances (configurations) are not available. If the client is
looking for advanced features of Pro/INTRALINK for long term use of Pro/ENGINEER they should
stay with Pro/INTRALINK. If the client is investing in SolidWorks CAD for long term use and requires
a data repository for legacy Pro/ENGINEER files for periodic use, Enterprise PDM may be a viable
Target Customers
In general, Pro/ENGINEER customers that have no PDM system or that are using Pro/INTRALINK 3.x
are better prospects than those who are using PTCs Windchill. Windchill is a full featured PLM
system similar to Dassault Systems Enovia platform and will have features that Enterprise PDM does
not. Many customers have multiple sites each with a different CAD system. It is important to make
sure that the needs of each site are taken into account. Working closely with one site that has
SolidWorks and not engaging with another site using Pro/ENGINEER, will lead to a prolonged sales
cycle or rejection.

Here are some attributes of good prospective Pro/ENGINEER customers to consider:

Objective is to move away from PTC products to SolidWorks
Has purchased SolidWorks CAD and is using it for new projects
Will use Pro/ENGINEER on a limited basis for making changes to legacy projects
Will continue to use Pro/INTRALINK for their Pro/ENGINEER data and Enterprise PDM for
their new SolidWorks data

Here are some attributes of prospective customers to avoid:

Expectation that Enterprise PDM will have all the same capabilities as Pro/INTRALINK
Expectation that Enterprise PDM will have all the same capabilities as Windchill but at a lower
cost of ownership
Will not consider even looking at SolidWorks CAD to replace Pro/ENGINEER

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Finally, if the customer can be convinced to evaluate SolidWorks and Enterprise PDM in a pilot
project, it may be possible to build a long term case to move away from PTC products. SolidWorks
plus Enterprise PDM will open their eyes to easier to use solutions, better customer experience and
overall superior price/performance over their legacy PTC environment.

Support and Demonstrations

An organization that is going to implement and support Enterprise PDM for customers with other
CAD systems besides SolidWorks should have knowledge of the other systems as well as access to
the software. It will be very difficult to diagnose problems and suggest best practices if access is
limited to going to the customers site.

Another benefit to having direct access to the other software packages is for demonstration
purposes. SolidWorks provides videos of the various CAD integrations in Enterprise PDM on the VAR
Resource Center. These are good for first look or informational examples but most customers will
want to see live demonstrations. There are a number of ways to get access to the other CAD
packages for demonstrations before purchasing a full seat:
Ask the customer to load a copy of the software on an Enterprise PDM demonstration
workstation a few days before the demonstration. Then afterwards uninstall the software.
Many companies work with outside consultants and may have policies in place to handle this
type of scenario. Access to the customers network via VPN may be needed to obtain a
Borrow a customer workstation and install Enterprise PDM on it. Then remove Enterprise
PDM after the demonstration.
Use a third party

Installation and Set Up

Pro/E Connector pre-installation information

Obtaining the Pro/E Connector Installer

Beginning with the 2012 release of Enterprise PDM, the Pro/E Connector installation media has been
removed from the main installation package. The installers will only be available through SolidWorks
Field Services. Please visit the Enterprise PDM product section of the VAR Resource Center for
information on how to obtain the installers.

Operating system support

As of the 2010 SP 4 release the Pro/E Connector supports 32 and 64 bit systems
running Windows XP Professional or Windows 7.

If installing on a Windows 7 system then it is required to turn off UAC (User Account Control) before
installing / upgrading the SolidWorks Enterprise PDM Pro/ENGINEER Connector.

To turn this setting off:

1) Go to Control Panel, All Control Panel Items, User Accounts
2) Select Change User Account Control Settings

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3) Drag the slide bar all the way to the bottom where it says "Never notify"
Once validated, proceed with the installation / upgrade of the Pro/ENGINEER Connector. Once the
installation / upgrade is complete, reset the UAC to Default - Notify me only when programs try to
make changes to my computer.
NOTE: failing to turn off the UAC setting before installation / upgrade will prevent the Enterprise
PDM client installer to write or update the protk.dat file found underneath the "\Program files"
folder. The protk.dat file is read by Pro/ENGINEER at startup to load the Enterprise PDM add-in.

Pro/ENGINEER versions supported

SolidWorks Enterprise PDM Pro/ENGINEER Connector currently supports Pro/ENGINEER
Wildfire 3, 4, 5 and Creo Elements/Pro 5.0. The Pro/E Connector is compiled against the
initial release of each supported version of Pro/ENGINEER. This allows the add-in to be
compatible with any Pro/ENGINEER date code post initial release.

Since Creo Parametric is a brand new product, SolidWorks has not made any
commitments on supporting it.

Pro/ENGINEER file type support

With Enterprise PDM 2010 SP 1 and earlier, the following Pro/E file types are supported
by the Pro/E integration:
Part (.prt)
Assembly (.asm)
Drawing (.drw)
Report (.rep)
Layout (.lay)
Format (.frm)
Sketch (.sec)
Markup (.mrk)
2D Schematic Diagram (.dgm)

Starting with Enterprise PDM 2010 SP 3 and higher, additional support has been added
for the Pro/E Manufacturing file types:
Manufacturing (.mfg)
Tool Path (.tph)

Pro/ENGINEER installation requirements

For EPDM 2012 or later, obtain the separate installation package from SolidWorks Field Services.
There are two installers one for 32 bit systems and another for 64 bit systems.

Local machine requirements

Pro/ENGINEER must be installed on a local disk (e.g.: C:\Program
Files\PTC\proeWildfire 3.0) and not off a network folder. The Pro/E Connector installer
does not support network installation of Pro/ENGINEER or multiple versions on the
same workstation.

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Pro/ENGINEER bin folder path must be present in the PATH environment variable. This
should be done automatically when installing Pro/ENGINEER using PTC.Setup, but if this
path is missing in your PATH environment variable, Enterprise PDM will not function
properly. SolidWorks recommends verifying this (you may use a DOS prompt and
execute the command set path to verify this).
E.g.: PATH = C:\program files\ptc\proeWildfire 3.0\bin

Recommended Pro/ENGINEER configuration settings

Pro/ENGINEER uses a separate text based files named Config.sup and to
control how the program is configured. The Config.sup is sometimes used in order to
control options that a company doesnt want users to change. When a new session
Pro/ENGINEER is started the configuration files are read in the following order for
Windows based systems:

Config.sup in the <PROE_INSTALL_DIR>/text in the <PROE_INSTALL_DIR>/text in the startup directory. This is the current or working directory when
Pro/ENGINEER starts. This is the last directory to be read, so placing a
file here will override any conflicting settings from the previous directories. The
config.sup settings are not affected. File settings in this file override all
other previous settings.

The options that are set can be viewed and edited from within Pro/ENGINEER by
choosing the Tools/Options menu. Changes made while in session need to be saved to
the file or they will be lost after closing the application. The file
can also be edited by launching notepad and opening the file in
<PROE_INSTALL_DIR>\text\ The options are set by typing the option name
followed by a space then the value (e.g. create_drawing_dims_only yes). The following
option settings are recommended for Enterprise PDM:

Option name: web_browser_homepage Recommended value: about:blank

Syntax in Notepad: web_browser_homepage about:blank
Increases the performance and reliability of the Pro/E Connector add-in by
eliminating the need to load a default website in the internal browser pane.

Option name: save_drawing_picture_file Recommended value: embed

Syntax in Notepad: save_drawing_picture_file embed
Embeds an image of the drawing so that viewing programs like ProductView
Express can display the drawing contents

Option name: save_model_display Recommended value: shading_lod

Syntax in Notepad: save_model_display shading_lod
Saves the shaded image information in the file to enable viewing of the model in
programs like eDrawings and ProductView Express.

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The following configuration option settings can affect the behavior of Enterprise PDM. An asterisk
by the value indicates the default value if the option is not specified:

Option name: create_draw ing_dim s_only Possible values: yes, no*

Setting this to No means that dimensions created in drawing mode are added to the solid
model file. If the solid model is not checked out in Enterprise PDM, then the drawing
dimensions will be lost. Setting this option to Yes will create associative draft dimensions in
the drawing so the solid model does not need to be checked out. Also, if multiple drawings of
the same part or assembly exist, strong consideration should be given to setting this to Yes,
because deleting a dimension in another drawing would remove it from every drawing.

Option name: let_proe_renam e_pdm _objects Possible values: yes, no*

For previous users of Pro/INTRALINK, files coming from that system are tagged so that
renaming can only be done in Pro/INTRALINK. This can cause errors when renaming these
files in Enterprise PDM. Setting this option to Yes will allow the files to be renamed properly.
If the files were never in Pro/INTRALINK, then this setting will have no effect.

Option name: renam e_draw ing_w ith_object Possible values: both, part, assem bly,
If set to both, part or assembly, then anytime a part and/or assembly is renamed using the
Pro/ENGINEER File menu option Save A Copy, the drawing will be renamed as well. In order for
this to work, the drawing and the associated model file(s) need to be in the same folder and
have the same name (i.e. My_ProE_Part.prt and My_ProE_Part.drw). It is recommended to set
this to none or to delete the option entirely.

Option name: override_store_back Possible values: yes, no*

Enables saving files to an alternate location if the user does not have write access to the
directories where the files were opened from. This is used in conjunction with the
save_objects_in_currrent option described below. It is recommended to set this to no or to
delete the option entirely.

Option name: save_objects_in current Possible values: yes, no*

Will save all files modified in session into the current working directory instead of the directory
where they were opened from. It is recommended to set this to no or to delete the option
entirely, since any modified files need to be saved back into the same directory.

Pro/INTRALINK and multiple startup scripts

Enterprise PDM relies on the PDMWE_PROE_START environment variable to launch
Pro/ENGINEER. By default, the Enterprise PDM client installer will create this new
environment variable and set it to:


PDMWE_PROE_START = C:\Program Files\PTC\proeWildfire 3.0\bin\proe.exe

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If the launch command starts Pro/ENGINEER with Pro/INTRALINK client loaded or
prompts user with a dialog to select a Pro/ENGINEER startup script, then Enterprise
PDM will not be able to authenticate to the Pro/INTRALINK server or select a startup
script, because Pro/ENGINEER is running in background mode. Consequently, it is very
important to check how Pro/ENGINEER starts by executing the following command in a
DOS prompt (including quotes): %PDMWE_PROE_START%

This command will start a new Pro/E session. Make sure that it does not prompt the
user with any dialog asking to authenticate or select a startup script. If it does, a
startup script (i.e. batch file) to launch Pro/ENGINEER will be needed that doesnt
require any input from the user.

PDMWE_PROE_START = C:\Program Files\PTC\proeWildFire 3.0\bin\proe_start.bat

Enterprise PDM Vault Requirements

Creating a new Pro/ENGINEER capable vault

Using the Administration client, right click on an archive server and select create new
vault. Select the desired predefined vault or one from a .cex file in the Configure vault

Enterprise PDM 2012 Vault configuration dialog

The predefined vaults that come with EPDM 2012 no longer have the Pro/E Connector
components and are supplied with the 2012 Pro/E Connector installation.

Installing the 2012 Pro/E Connector and Server Components

Obtain the appropriate Pro/E Connector installation package (32 and/or 64 bit) from SolidWorks
Field Services. It is recommended, but not necessary, to use the same service pack for the Pro/E
Connector as the EPDM 2012 client service pack. On a client machine that has Pro/ENGINEER

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installed, run the Setup.exe file from the Pro/E Connector installation files and follow the screen

Enterprise PDM 2012 Pro/E Connector installation dialog

After the installation has completed, there will be a new folder under the Enterprise
PDM program folder named ProE Connector server components (E.g. C:\Program
Files\SolidWorks Enterprise PDM\ProE Connector server components). In this folder is
an Enterprise PDM export file named ProE Connector.cex that contains the
AddRenamer add-in (explained below), along with the default Pro/ENGINEER file data
cards and variables. Open the Enterprise PDM Administration tool and log into the new
vault. Right click on the top vault node and select Import and browse to the ProE
Connector.cex file. Optionally, the export file can be opened in the Administration tool
using the File>Open menu selection and the components added via drag and drop.

2012 Pro/E Connector export file contents

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Reviewing vault contents
Verify that the AddRenamer has been correctly added by logging in as admin to your vault in the
Administration client and expand the Add-ins node.

Enterprise PDM Administration Tool (Add-ins Node)

NOTE: The AddRenamer add-in is used to strip off the numeric version number from Pro/ENGINEER
file extensions (.1, .2, etc)

NOTE: The AddRenamer add-in is only called when dragging and dropping files to a vault folder or
copying and pasting from Windows Explorer. If performing a File, Save from a Pro/ENGINEER
session, the Pro/E Connector add-in code will strip of the numeric version extensions, not the
AddRenamer DLL.

Verify that the four Pro/ENGINEER related file data cards are present:

Enterprise PDM Administration Tool (Cards/File Cards Node)

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Verify that Material card variable has been set correctly for Pro/ENGINEER integration.

Enterprise PDM Variable definition dialog

Installing local views

Enterprise PDM local views should always be installed under the same root folder on all client
machines. For instances having two client PCs where one has the local view under D:\MyProEVault
and the other has the same local view but under C:\MyProEVault is not recommended. All views
should exist under C:\MyProEVault instead on all client PCs. Not respecting this simple rule will
make search path management more difficult to maintain (refer to the section Reference
Files/Search Paths for more information).

Enterprise PDM local view folder structure

It is best not to use spaces in folder paths (this includes the vault name itself) as Pro/ENGINEER
does not always interpret spaces correctly. For instance, if a search_path_file option is used in the file to point to the file, and search paths are listed with space characters, the
paths will not be understood by the Pro/ENGINEER session. This can be remedied by enclosing the

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path in quotes (i.e C:\Enterprise PDM Vault\My Parts).

Pro/E Connector client installation

Installing the Enterprise PDM 2012 Pro/E Connector

Before installing the Enterprise PDM 2012 Pro/E Connector, make sure the Enterprise
PDM CAD Editor client application is already installed and the separate Pro/E Connector
installation software is available. In addition, make sure Pro/ENGINEER is already
installed and licensed properly. Make sure the version of Pro/ENGINEER installed is also
supported by the Enterprise PDM Pro/E Connector.

The Enterprise PDM Pro/E Connector installer will detect which version of Pro/ENGINEER
is installed and copy the corresponding version specific files to the Enterprise PDM client
installation folder.

NOTE: If multiple versions of Pro/ENGINEER are loaded on the client workstation, the
Enterprise PDM client installer will only install the Pro/E Connector add-in against the
highest available version of Pro/ENGINEER. For instance, if client workstation has
Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 3 and 4 installed, the Pro/E Connector will only be installed and
functional against Wildfire 4.

The client installer will create two new environment variables: PRO_COMM_MSG_EXE

Once installation is complete, always verify that those two variables have been correctly
created. You can use a DOS prompt and check their values by running:

Because the installer creates two new environment variables, it is always safer to
reboot the client PC at least once after the install is complete. Do this regardless if the
installer prompts for a reboot or not.

Pro/ENGINEER Enterprise PDM add-in (PTCADDIN)

When the Pro/E Connector is installed it allows add-in support in Pro/ENGINEER (i.e. a
new Enterprise PDM menu will be available in Pro).

This add-in is loaded in Pro/ENGINEER session as an auxiliary application. The add-in

launch command is written to the Pro/ENGINEER protk.dat file found under

Below is the content of that file for a Wildfire install.

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Example of a protk.dat file after Enterprise PDM Pro/E Connector installation

NOTE: If the protk.dat file has other entries, the Enterprise PDM client installer will only
append the file, leaving whatever exists intact.

Windows file associations

If SolidWorks is installed after Pro/ENGINEER on the same workstation, the common
Pro/ENGINEER file extensions of .prt, .asm, and .drw, will get assocaiated to
SolidWorks. This is due to SolidWorks files once using the same extensions before the
sld was added. If this is the case, make sure the Pro/ENGINEER file extensions are
properly associated by running PTC.Setup one more time in repair mode to re-ssociate the .prt,
.asm and .drw file extensions to Pro/ENGINEER.

Additional installation information

Workflow transitions can be configured to update card variables and Pro/ENGINEER
parameters. This requires executing the transition on a computer where Pro/ENGINEER
is installed and licensed because Enterprise PDM will need to launch Pro/ENGINEER to
write to the parameter(s) to the Pro/ENGINEER file.

For card variables, the mapping between a card variable and a Pro/ENGINEER
parameter is done via the CustomProperty block (the same for SolidWorks files).

Enterprise PDM Variable definition dialog

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The Revision card variable by default already uses the CustomProperty block named
Revision. Edit this variable to add the Pro/E file extensions prt, asm, and drw as
needed to the list.

Enterprise PDM Workflow Transition Properties dialog

The same principle can be applied to all other variables.

Default preview application

By default, Enterprise PDM Pro/ENGINEER integration will use the eDrawings Viewer as
the default visualization tool for previewing Pro/ENGINEER files. The eDrawings Viewer
can view Pro/ENGINEER part (.prt) and assembly (.asm) files natively but not drawings.
The Enterprise PDM preview can preview Pro/ENGINEER drawings by first converting
them to DXF format. The DXF file is then shown in the Enterprise PDM preview tab.

NOTE: This functionality requires having Pro/ENGINEER loaded on the workstation

where previewing takes place. Converting the .drw file to DXF format requires loading
Pro/ENGINEER in a background session so the drawing can be opened and converted to
DXF. This conversion requires the presence of a user writable folder named C:\Temp.
If this folder is not present it can be easily created.

NOTE: Depending on the complexity of the Pro/ENGINEER drawing, conversion and

previewing may take an extended period of time.

If unsatisfied with eDrawings viewing capability, it is possible to configure Enterprise

PDM to use ProductView Express as the default viewer application for Pro/ENGINEER
files. The latest version of ProductView Express (9.1) is not built into Internet Explorer
like the previous 4.0 version. With the 4.0 version it is possible to use the html preview
capabilities in Enterprise PDM to view Pro/ENGINEER files in the Preview tab. If the
older version is not available, the latest version still can be incorporated into the
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View/Markup menu option. Check with your local SolidWorks technical resource about
obtaining the older version. Please refer to Knowledge Base solution S-041007 for more
detailed information.

Search paths
Pro/ENGINEER files do not store the full path information for the files they reference.
Thus search paths must be used to ensure all reference files are found. For more
information on how to account for this, please see the following sections on data
migration and using Pro/ENGINEER with Enterprise PDM.

Data Migration

Planning for data import

Prior to running the import, it is best to create the folder structure beforehand in
Enterprise PDM. Having the folders already present in a local view will help in setting
the Pro/ENGINEER search paths accordingly before running the import.

NOTE: There is an add-in Enterprise PDM program called the ProESearchPathUpdater

that can be used to update the Pro/ENGINEER file in a more convenient way.
This add-in is offered As-Is (not officially supported), please refer to Knowledge Base
Solution S-044329.


If migrating from Pro/INTRALINK, a solution partner Transcat has a readymade export
tool to extract Pro/ENGINEER data from Pro/INTRALINK 3.x. Newer versions of
Pro/INTRALINK are not supported by this export tool. The import part of the migration
is done using the new XML importer tool. See Knowledge Base Solution S-043140 for
instructions on how to get a copy of this importer utility.

Other PDM/PLM systems

The same import can be used to bring data into Enterprise PDM from other data
management systems. The prerequisite is to export a properly formatted XML file from
the source system and to have access to the source files. Creating the XML file and
preparing the files for import requires specific knowledge of the source system. Many
of the SolidWorks PDM service partners can provide the expertise needed.

Windows folder system

Files can be simply copy and pasted or drag and dropped from a Windows file system
into Enterprise PDM, but careful planning is required to make sure all the reference files
are present and the search paths are properly specified before copying any files.
Because the Pro/ENGINEER connector starts a background session of Pro/ENGINEER
when you drag and drop Pro/ENGINEER files to the vault, the more files you drag and
drop, the more files Pro/ENGINEER will have to load into memory. It is therefore
recommended to copy smaller groups of files or folders at a time.
Once all the files have been added, it is best to destroy all the Pro/E files with the .1, .2
extensions from the Enterprise PDM recycle bin. Those files were automatically deleted
by the AddRenamer add-in. RMB Properties on your vault root folder, go to the Deleted

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Items tab, tick include items in sub-folders, select all Pro/E files with a .1, .2,
extensions and choose destroy.

NOTE: The client workstation from which you run the import must have Pro/ENGINEER
installed and licensed with the search paths properly specified.

NOTE: The File, Backup menu command in Pro/ENGINEER can also be used to copy all
opened reference files in a Pro/ENGINEER session into the Enterprise PDM vault.

NOTE: Having many parameters mappings to card variables will noticeably impact the
time to add Pro/ENGINEER files to an Enterprise PDM vault.

Using Pro/ENGINEER with Enterprise PDM

Pro/ENGINEER Functions and Enterprise PDM

Pro/Engineer is not a native Windows application like SolidWorks, and because of this,
certain methods of opening, saving and accessing files need to be understood.

Reference Files/Search Paths

Since Pro/ENGINEER does not store the full path information for referenced files like
SolidWorks does, Pro/ENGINEER needs to be told where to look for references. Even
though Enterprise PDM knows the folder location of files referenced by a Pro/ENGINEER
assembly or drawing, Pro/ENGINEER will not find them unless the files are in any of the
following locations (shown in order of search):
In session memory (RAM)
Directory where the user selected the parent file from
The specified Working Directory
In the search paths called out in either the or the file (as
described above)
It is therefore important that a file be maintained with all necessary folder
paths. Please see Knowledge Base Solution S-044329 to get an as-is Add-in that can
help maintain the search path information.

File Open
Using the standard File, Open command in Pro/ENGINEER, opens a dialog box that does
not use the Windows shell like most Windows based applications. Thus, browsing to an
Enterprise PDM vault in this dialog will not look or function the same as a native
Windows application like SolidWorks. The Pro/ENGINEER open dialog will not show the
folder colors or any of the information tabs like Data Card and Where Used. In
addition, files that are not cached locally do not appear in the dialog. To solve this, the
Enterprise PDM Pro/E Connector menu contains an Open Model command which
displays a typical Windows open dialog that has the tab information and displays non-
cached files. Using this command is the best way to open Pro/ENGINEER files that
reside in an Enterprise PDM vault.

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Working Directories
Pro/ENGINEER has what is called a Working Directory which establishes the default location for
new files and as a standard location where reference files are searched for. The location of the
Working Directory can be manually set by the user or can be specified in the file(s). This
location can be set to a folder in the Enterprise PDM vault, however there some things to consider:
The Open Model command from the Enterprise PDM Pro/E Connector defaults to the root
folder in the vault and not to where the Working Directory is set.
Creating new files from the File, New menu will cause a File not checked out warning to
appear. Clicking OK to the warning will clear the warning but the new file will not appear in
the vault until it is saved in Pro/ENGINEER. This warning is sometimes hidden by other
windows and will make it look like the system is not responding. Minimizing all the active
windows will show the dialog so it can be cleared.

File Save
The standard Pro/ENGINEER save dialog is used to save new or modified files in an
Enterprise PDM vault. If the user is not logged in and they browse to the vault, they
will receive the log in dialog. However, the same limitations apply with the File Save
dialog as the File Open dialog.

Pro/ENGINEER Save dialog

Pro/ENGINEER will add a version number to the end of a file that is visible when looking
at the file in a normal Windows Explorer view. The version number does not usually
display in any of the Pro/ENGINEER file browser dialogs. The Pro/E Connector will, as
described above, automatically remove this extension when new files are added or
updated from an active Pro/ENGINEER session. If the file is in the vault and not
checked out, the save will not happen and Enterprise PDM will issue a dialog indicating
the file is not checked out.

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The Pro/ENGINEER command Assemble is used to add existing components to an
active assembly file. This command also uses the Open dialog with the same limitations
mentioned above. Thus, if a user tries to browse to a file that is not locally cached then
they will not be able to see it. The recommended procedure to use the assemble
command is to first perform a search in Enterprise PDM and drag the desired file from
the results area of the Enterprise PDM Search tool into an active Pro/ENGINEER
assembly window. The other option is to get a local copy of the desired file (if
necessary) from the results and then use the Assemble command in Pro/ENGINEER and
browse to the file.

Pro/ENGINEER uses Parameters to store file properties like description and part
number. The parameters can be accessed by selecting the Parameters menu option
under the Tools menu. Enterprise PDM will read and write to these parameters the
same way it does for file custom properties in a SolidWorks file. The parameter names
can not contain spaces, thus do not use spaces when defining variable attribute names
in Enterprise PDM, use underscores _ instead.

Pro/ENGINEER Parameters dialog

Variables should be defined using the CustomProperty Block Name in the Enterprise
PDM Edit variable dialog. To update title block information by changing variable values
in Enterprise PDM, use the note syntax &parameter name (no spaces) in a drawing note
to link the note text to a drawing parameter value.
Example: If the parameter name is REVISION and its value is B, and REV
&REVISION is entered in the note text. The note will display REV B.

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There is not a way to connect a parameter value from a model to a drawing file
parameter then to a variable in Enterprise PDM like there is with SolidWorks using the
$PRPSHEET attribute.

Check In / Check Out

Files can be checked in or checked out from either Windows Explorer or from the Pro/E
Connector menu (described below). If a file is currently in a Pro/ENGINEER session, the
file status is updated. Files that are not checked out are in read only mode.

If a drawing file has a drawing format file (.frm) associated to it, Enterprise PDM will
recognize this relationship as another reference to the drawing. Thus, when checking in
a part or assembly that has this relationship, Enterprise PDM will not show the drawing
reference. This is the same behavior when a SolidWorks drawing, references more than
one part or assembly file.

Enterprise PDM check in dialog for a Pro/ENGINEER assembly that also has a drawing file
associated to it and the drawing also references a format file.

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Enterprise PDM check out dialog for the same assembly file that is referenced by the
drawing. In this case the Show this file type as sub parent (drawing) setting under the
File Types section of the Enterprise PDM Administration tool for drw files is checked. If it
is not checked, drawings will not display in the check out dialog when a referenced file is
selected for check out

NOTE: SolidWorks does not recommend enabling the Show this file type as sub parent (drawing)
setting for .prt and .asm files.

Family Tables
Family Tables in Pro/ENGINEER are similar to Design Tables in SolidWorks. In
Pro/ENGINEER each version is called an instance which is analogous to a SolidWorks
configuration. Enterprise PDM will create a data card tab for each instance and instance
specific properties will be read into the corresponding data card fields.

Pro/ENGINEER Family Table dialog.

The NUMBER column specifies a different parameter for each instance.

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Enterprise PDM file data card showing the instance tabs and instance specific properties

Enterprise PDM does not recognize the relationships between instance accelerator files
(.xpr and .xas) and the source file. The purpose of these files is to improve
performance when retrieving multiple instances of the same file from disk. Use of these
files is not common. They can be stored in an Enterprise PDM vault and manually
associated to the parent file by using the Copy/Paste as Reference function. Enterprise
PDM cannot rename the instances when copying files using the Copy Tree function. The
instances need to be renamed after the Copy Tree action is finished.

Since Enterprise PDM does not create separate objects for SolidWorks configurations or
Pro/ENGINEER family table instances, automatic instance specific revisions are not
possible. It is possible to create an instance specific property to hold a revision value
that is incremented manually when changes are made.

Pro/ENGINEER File Templates

If the Pro/ENGINEER default template files are placed in the vault, they need to be
locally cached in order for Pro/ENGINEER to find the files. There is an As-is application
that can be used to automatically get the latest version of files in a specified directory
using Windows Scheduler to initiate the refresh. Please refer to Knowledge Base
Solution S-030237.

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Merged/Inherited Geometry
Pro/ENGINEER can reference other parts (design parts) into other part files similar to
the way SolidWorks uses derived parts. Enterprise PDM will recognize the relationships
created by this action and will show the design part as a child to the referencing part.

Example of a Pro/ENGINEER part to part relationship

User Defined Features (UDFs)

UDFs are reusable features that can be linked to the original feature so if an update to
the source occurs, any model using it will also update. There are two types of UDFs
called a Subordinate UDFs and a Standalone UDFs. The Subordinate type is smaller in
size but requires the original source model to get some of its information. The
standalone contains all the information from the source file and thus is larger in size.
The file extension for UDF's is "gph" and also contains the version extension. Thus a
UDF file might be called square_hole.gph.1. There are some limitations with UDFs
being stored in Enterprise PDM and their relationships to part files.
The AddRenamer DLL does not currently recognize the .gph extension and will not
automatically strip off the version number and add it to the vault. Therefore any
UDFs that are to be stored in the vault would need to have the version extension
stripped off manually.
Local copies of vaulted .gph files would be required in order for Pro/ENGINEER to
find them. The As-is application mentioned it the File Templates section (S-030237)
can be used to refresh the local cache.
Subordinate UDF's create a cyclic reference in Enterprise PDM to the source file they
were created from, if the option to "Make features dependent on dimensions of
UDF" is selected. This inhibits the file from being checked in the Enterprise PDM.
Standalone UDF's with the above option selected are recognized correctly by
Enterprise PDM. If the "Make features dependent on dimensions of UDF" is not
selected on either type of UDF, Enterprise PDM does not show any reference. This
would be correct since the feature is not dependent on any outside file.
The .gph files would need to be included on a workflow in order to check the files
into the vault. Data cards may be established for storing data that can be searched
on, but no parameter or property information can be derived from the files.

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The Shrinkwrap functionality in Pro/ENGINEER allows a complex assembly to be
represented by a single part. It is somewhat similar to Speedpak in SolidWorks. The
relationship between a part file that contains a Shrinkwrap feature and the source
geometry file is not automatically recognized by Enterprise PDM. Source geometry
file(s) that are not locally cached will not be visible in the Pro/ENGINEER Open dialog
displayed when the user edits the definition of the Shrinkwrap feature to update
geometry changes.

Skeleton parts
Skeleton parts are used to represent common geometry between components in an
assembly. Enterprise PDM recognizes the relationship between skeleton parts and the
referencing assembly.

External Simplified Representations (Simplified Reps)

Simplified Reps are used to store simplified versions of an assembly without modifying
the original assembly. They are .asm files that reference another .asm file and have
various components and features excluded. Enterprise PDM recognizes the relationship
between a Simplified Rep assembly and its source assembly.

Enterprise PDM Pro/E Connector Functionality

Pro/E Connector Menu

Once the Pro/E Connector is configured and working as described in the Installation and
Set Up section, the following commands are available from the Enterprise PDM Pro/E
Connector Menu in Pro:
Open Model
Opens a Windows based dialog that will properly interact with a local view. Folder
colors and information tabs are visible along with right click menu options. The
dialog filters out any non Pro/ENGINEER files.
Get Latest Version
Gets the latest checked in version of the file in the active Pro/ENGINEER window that
the user has access to. If edits were made to the file before performing this action
and it was not first checked in, performing this operation will replace the current file
and the edits will be lost.
Check Out
Performs check out operation on the current file in the active Pro/ENGINEER window.
If edits are made to a file that is not checked out, the changes will be maintained
and can be saved into the vault by doing a check in. The only way to see whether a
file is checked out from within the Pro/ENGINEER interface is by viewing the Tree as
described below. There is no Read Only indication on the program title bar.
Check In
Performs a save and check in operation on the current file in the active
Pro/ENGINEER window.
Undo Check Out
Perform an Undo Check Out operation and any changes will be lost. A warning
dialog appears asking the user if they want to continue.

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Displays the file data card for the file in the active Pro/ENGINEER window. If the file
is checked out, the card can be modified and new property values will be written to
the file parameters. The appropriate variables and attributes need to be defined on
the data card in order for the changes to show up in the parameters list.
View Tree in Browser
Displays a reference tree view of the file in the current active window in the Browser
fly out dialog. Columns of information are shown that contain the following
information: File name, Version, Checked out By, State, Child Quick info and
Description. These columns cannot be moved or modified. The icons that appear
are inactive except for the folder icon which will display the Open dialog.
View Tree in Dialog
Displays a reference tree view of the file in the current active window in a separate
dialog box.

Enterprise PDM Functions with Pro/ENGINEER Data

The Template function in Enterprise PDM can be used to create Pro/ENGINEER parts,
assemblies and drawings. It is not recommended to initiate a new template from within
the Pro/E Connector Open Model dialog. If the template is set to show the data card
and the user chooses Open File, then a new session of Pro/ENGINEER will be started
and may lock up the original session.

Pro/ENGINEER files can be renamed in Enterprise PDM as long as the user has access to
a Pro/ENGINEER license. Enterprise PDM will open the files in a background session in
order to update file references. Part and/or assembly files referenced by drawings can
also be renamed using the Pro/ENGINEER application as follows:
Search all drawings associated with the parts and/or assemblies to be renamed (the Where
used tab will provide this information)
Open part and all associated drawings in Pro/ENGINEER
Check out all files
Use Pro/ENGINEER file rename to rename the part and/or assembly files
Save all files and check in

Copy Tree
The Copy Tree command can be used on Pro/ENGINEER files. It is highly recommended
to have an active session of Pro/ENGINEER with no models loaded in session or RAM
when using the Copy Tree command.

Pro/ENGINEER files can be moved and retrieved properly by Pro/ENGINEER as long as
the new location of the file is in the search locations.

Data Card Editing

Data cards can be edited and the new values pushed into the Pro/ENGINEER file as long
as the user performing the edit has access to a license of Pro/ENGINEER installed

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locally. Enterprise PDM will open the file in a background session of Pro/ENGINEER and
update the parameters.

Change State
Users can change state on Pro/ENGINEER files without having access to a license of
Pro/ENGINEER as long as the transitions do not write variables to the files. If the
transition does write a variable, like setting a new revision, the user performing the
state change does need access to a license of Pro/ENGINEER installed locally.
Enterprise PDM will open the file in a background session of Pro/ENGINEER and update
the parameters with the new variable values.

SolidWorks Knowledge Base

Before engaging with a potential Pro/ENGINEER customer check the Knowledge Base and search on
the terms Enterprise and Pro/e. These terms will be common to the articles relating to the
Enterprise PDM Pro/E Connector. Having this information prior to performing any demonstrations or
implementations can help set proper customer expectations. Articles can be sorted based on when
they were added to the Knowledge Base so it is easy to see anything new since the last search.

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