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Daniel Lyons Disk Utility RAID Issue Reply Email
Posted: Nov 1, 2007 4:48 PM
Top Users in Forum

I'm trying to determine if the problems that I'm encountering are a software issue or a hardware issue. nerowolfe (2915)
baltwo (1240)
Niel (880)
Posts: 15 I'm setting up a Mac Pro with Leopard and have four Maxtor 6G160E0 160GB hard drives that I'm trying to set up as two Mirrored
a brody (820)
Registered: Nov drive sets. Everything seemed to go fine, created the two mirror sets, installed Leopard, configured and tested two user accounts Kappy (735)
4, 2004
and Office 2004, then updated everything to the latest version. When done I shut it down planning on moving it to it's final home David DeCristof... (625)
tonight. V.K. (580)
Joseph Kriz (495)
Templeton Peck (480)
But, when I turned it on both mirror sets were degraded - all four drives were still recognized as RAID slices but came up as failed
Allan Eckert (460)
in the RAID tab. I saw no errors reported in the log so I assumed that those two drives were faulty. I shut down, moved the good
drives to bays 1 & 2 and rebooted.

First reboot gave me a prohibition symbol instead of the usual Apple. Powered down and on and it booted fine but the second drive
came up as a failed RAID slice. Rebooted again and both were fine.

I reinstalled the two "failed" drives and reformatted them - both reformatted fine and mounted without problems. I unmounted the
new partition just in case, but, when I tried to rebuild the RAIDs I get the following in the error log:

11/1/07 7:26:00 PM Disk Utility141 Preparing to erase : “Untitled”

11/1/07 7:26:00 PM Disk Utility141 Partition Scheme: GUID Partition Table
11/1/07 7:26:00 PM Disk Utility141 1 volume will be created
11/1/07 7:26:00 PM Disk Utility141 Name : “Untitled”
11/1/07 7:26:00 PM Disk Utility141 Size : 149.1 GB
11/1/07 7:26:00 PM Disk Utility141 Filesystem : Mac OS Extended (Journaled)
11/1/07 7:26:00 PM Disk Utility141 Creating partition map.
11/1/07 7:26:03 PM Disk Utility141 Formatting disk1s2 as Mac OS Extended (Journaled) with name Untitled.
11/1/07 7:26:06 PM Disk Utility141 Erase complete.

11/1/07 7:26:12 PM Disk Utility141 Unmount of “Untitled” succeeded

11/1/07 7:26:31 PM Disk Utility141 Rebuilding RAID

11/1/07 7:26:31 PM Disk Utility141 Filesystem: Mac OS Extended (Journaled)
11/1/07 7:26:31 PM Disk Utility141 RAID type: Mirrored RAID Set
11/1/07 7:26:31 PM Disk Utility141 RAID set name: “Yorktown”
11/1/07 7:26:31 PM Disk Utility141 RAID set status before rebuild: “”
11/1/07 7:26:31 PM Disk Utility141 RAID chunk size: 32K (default)
11/1/07 7:26:31 PM Disk Utility141 Mirror Auto Rebuild: Disabled (default)
11/1/07 7:26:31 PM Disk Utility141 2 members
11/1/07 7:26:31 PM Disk Utility141 RAID Slice (disk0s2) - Online
11/1/07 7:26:31 PM Disk Utility141 Maxtor 6G160E0 Media (disk1) - New
11/1/07 7:26:32 PM Disk Utility141 Error rebuilding RAID: Unrecognized Filesystem.
11/1/07 7:26:33 PM Disk Utility141 RAID failed: Unrecognized Filesystem.

I'm at a loss at the moment. I am leaning towards bad drives, but FOUR bad drives all at once is suspicious.

I've searched for similar issues and found none so I thought I'd check here and see if anyone had any ideas.

Mac Pro Mac OS X (10.5) 2Ghz, 2GB RAM

cmlp Re: Disk Utility RAID Issue Helpful Reply Email

Posted: Nov 6, 2007 3:05 PM in response to: Daniel Lyons
Posts: 1
From: Melbourne,
Australia Hi,
Registered: Nov
6, 2007 I'm seeing the same "Unrecognized Filesystem" message in Disk Utility when trying to rebuild a RAID set under 10.5 also. The
data is still accessible via the "good" drive so I know things aren't messed up too badly.

Quick history - Two 320Gb drives in external FW enclosures setup as a mirror set. I accidentally used the mirror volume when
only one drive was powered, and so now they are different and won't mount as a RAID volume.

Has this been reported as a bug?


MacBook Pro Mac OS X (10.5)

Daniel Lyons Re: Disk Utility RAID Issue Reply Email

Posted: Nov 6, 2007 6:28 PM in response to: cmlp

It has now.

Posts: 15 Now that I know it's not just me I've reported it with a link to this thread. Hopefully we'll here something back soon.
Registered: Nov
4, 2004
Mac Pro Mac OS X (10.5)

Zeekm Re: Disk Utility RAID Issue Reply Email

Posted: Nov 9, 2007 8:23 AM in response to: Daniel Lyons
Posts: 5
From: Seattle, WA
Registered: Nov
9, 2007

1 of 5 24/6/08 10:16
Apple - Support - Discussions - Disk Utility RAID Issue ...

We've been dealing with this for two days. Same problem mentioned after Leopard installation. Because of the Degraded
profile of the RAID, Final Cut did not digitize and crashed, which lead us down the path of discovery.

Our fix...

Start up from Tiger Install DVD. Use Disk Utility to Rebuild the RAID. No error message...

Use Terminal: 'diskutil checkRAID' to monitor progress if your RAID doesn't contain external lights.

We're at 25% rebuild right now. I'll post the result once completed. In other words, after the rebuild will Leopard recognized
an online RAID or will it still report degradation etc.

Such a pain. Deadlines "looming"

G5 Mac OS X (10.5)

The hatter Re: Disk Utility RAID Issue Reply Email

Posted: Nov 9, 2007 8:42 AM in response to: Zeekm

Leopard 'broke' SoftRAIDs driver and utility that WAS ready back in September. They also have a nicer mirror features
I think than Apple's. But mirror rebuild times are one reason many give up unless essential and move to multiple
Posts: 13,825 backups.
Registered: Dec
12, 2001
I have my system set to backup automatically daily to a different set of disks so there are three sets.

Right now my guess is it will take some time to figure out the changes, and because Apple rarely issues updates for
just one component of the OS (other than QT, iTunes... and there are things bundled into those "Security Updates"
that seem to go beyond... else, why and how would a FirmTek controller stop working with just a security patch you

When I see someone with a NEW OS, and "deadlines looming" together, where is the testing and "don't deploy in a
work or business until there is a ".1" update and more time for evaluation and time for all 3rd party hardware &
software to be qualified for the new OS...?

Mac Pro 2GHz 6GB WD Caviar, Raptor Mac OS X (10.4.10) Nvidia 8600 GTS Cinema HD Sonnet 2EP APC RS1500 Vista x64 Home Premium

Zeekm Re: Disk Utility RAID Issue UPDATE Reply Email

Posted: Nov 9, 2007 10:41 AM in response to: Zeekm
Posts: 5
From: Seattle, WA
Registered: Nov
9, 2007
Zeekm wrote:
We've been dealing with this for two days. Same problem mentioned after Leopard installation. Because of
the Degraded profile of the RAID, Final Cut did not digitize and crashed, which lead us down the path of

Our fix...

Start up from Tiger Install DVD. Use Disk Utility to Rebuild the RAID. No error message...

Use Terminal: 'diskutil checkRAID' to monitor progress if your RAID doesn't contain external lights.

We're at 25% rebuild right now. I'll post the result once completed. In other words, after the rebuild will
Leopard recognized an online RAID or will it still report degradation etc.

Such a pain. Deadlines "looming"

Even though we were able to Use the Tiger Installation Disk to initiate the Rebuild and after an hour or so Terminal
reported the RAID as online, it had no effect on our situation, as Leaopard still shows a degraded disk that FCP can't
mount as a scratch disk - Even though it shows up on the desktop and all files are viewable.

We are now looking into other issues that may be associated with the RAID.

Others may have better results from a Tiger boot / Disk Utility Rebuild. Good luck!

G5 Mac OS X (10.5)

Daniel Lyons Re: Disk Utility RAID Issue UPDATE Reply Email
Posted: Nov 9, 2007 12:30 PM in response to: Zeekm

Zeekm wrote:
Posts: 15
Registered: Nov …Others may have better results from a Tiger boot / Disk Utility Rebuild. Good luck!
4, 2004

I would imagine that you'll run into the same type of problems once you boot back into Leopard - even if the
rebuild succeeds - since it appears to be the software RAID driver that's been broken.

Also, I believe that the disks will have to be low-level formatted before they will be usable again once RAID is
updated. The four disks that prompted my post started behaving erratically even after the RAID was deleted. I
cloned one drive onto a new one and have not experienced any of the problems I've had with the original with the
clone. I suspect that some bit was written incorrectly when the RAID was set up and was never removed when it
was deleted. When I get the chance I'm going to do some testing on the "bad" drives and see if they are reliable
after the low-level format - unfortunately I'm in the middle of a major IT shift at the office and won't get to that
for a while.

Mac Pro Mac OS X (10.5) 2GHz, 6 GB RAM

Robin Re: Disk Utility RAID Issue Helpful Reply Email

Daugherty Posted: Nov 7, 2007 9:22 AM in response to: Daniel Lyons

Ditto here. I have a Mac Pro with four 750G drives. Two are in one mirrored pair, two are in another. One of the drives was
clacking, so I pulled it and ran without it to confirm. Now I reinserted the drive and want to rebuild.
Posts: 6
From: Sunnyvale,
CA or Cincinnati, Following the directions at using my Leopard Upgrade DVD. When I click
OH the Rebuild button and confirm, I get the "Unrecognized Filesystem" error.
Registered: Nov
6, 2006

2 of 5 24/6/08 10:16
Apple - Support - Discussions - Disk Utility RAID Issue ...

When I used my MBP running 10.4.10 with my MP in target mode, I got the error "Invalid RAID configuration" at the same point.
(Though this could be because it's over Firewire, I haven't used it previously so I have no idea.)

Using Terminal on the Leopard Upgrade DVD, I was able to add the new drive to the RAID, rebuild it, and remove the failed drive.
The following commands are used:
diskutil list (to find the partition that is going to be added)
diskutil checkRAID (to get the RAID UUID)
diskutil addToRAID <device name> <raid uuid>
diskutil checkRAID (to watch the rebuild)
daskutil removefromRAID <old drive uuid> <raid uuid> (to remove the "Failed" drive once the rebuild is done)

Mac Pro Mac OS X (10.5)

Daniel Lyons Re: Disk Utility RAID Issue Reply Email

Posted: Nov 7, 2007 9:33 AM in response to: Robin Daugherty

Thanks for the workaround! I'll give it a try tonight if I can get the time.

Posts: 15 Now if Apple can just get Disk Utility to do the same thing we'll be all set.
Registered: Nov
4, 2004
Mac Pro Mac OS X (10.5) 2GHz, 2 GB RAM

The hatter Re: Disk Utility RAID Issue Reply Email

Posted: Nov 7, 2007 9:39 AM in response to: Robin Daugherty

SoftRAID had a working, Leopard compatible 3.6.4 version of their product. It broke between the time they got their last
version of Leo and what got shipped to customers.
Posts: 13,825
Registered: Dec Reports coming in to are "mixed".
12, 2001

The underlying code (disk artibration?) seems to always be changing and being updated. When Tiger came out, a RAID built
with Tiger was not backward compatible but was faster. since then there have been at least three such updates and
changes with Tiger and RAID. Changes have affected even what is the best block or segment size to use.

Seems that SoftRAID needs time to figure out what changed and why their RAID can't be used as boot drive. it also took
time for Apple and SoftRAID before Mac Pro could use SoftRAID for booting.

Using a RAID - especially for boot drive, is the last thing I would use, except for testing, while issues are sorted out.

Mac Pro 2GHz 6GB WD Caviar, Raptor Mac OS X (10.4.10) Nvidia 8600 GTS Cinema HD Sonnet 2EP APC RS1500 Vista x64 Home Premium

eecue Re: Disk Utility RAID Issue Reply Email

Posted: Nov 8, 2007 12:48 PM in response to: Robin Daugherty
Posts: 35
From: Los
Angeles, CA Yes this seems to be working, it is in the middle of the rebuild, you left out one thing though, you need to specify if the disk
Registered: Sep is a member or spare as follows:
20, 2005

diskutil addToRAID member <device name> <raid uuid>

Macbook Pro Mac OS X (10.5)

nokati Re: Disk Utility RAID Issue Reply Email

Posted: Feb 12, 2008 10:13 AM in response to: Robin Daugherty
Posts: 9
From: USA
Registered: Sep Yes CLI is the way to go - this "Unrecognized FS" error and the way DiskUtility GUI supports RAID mirroring seems really
6, 2007 dubious and needs to be addressed. In the meantime it seems CLI is the best option for RAID management.

For reference my quad xserves raid mirror failed many times during fresh leopard installs (possibly a flakey disk) then went
stable (?). After updating to 10.5.2 last night the RAID mirror failed 1/2 drives and I was unable to login as OD admin (which
is what drew my attention to the matter).

After a reboot (still couldnt auth OD) DiskUtility GUI reports that 1/2 is OK, but 2/2 fails. Reboot again; no, its 2/2 failed 1/2
is OK. It seems pretty clear there are some issues with leopard server and software RAID mirrors. Im running the indentical
configuration on a Mac Pro (Leopard sans the "Server") without a single issue (same batch of new 500gb drives for whatever
that's worth).

I'd feel better if my workstation leopard RAID mirror was spotty and my server leopard RAID mirror was stable ... curious.

Mac Pro + Macbook Pro + xserve Mac OS X (10.5.1)

Shanghai David Re: Disk Utility RAID Issue Reply Email

Posted: Jun 8, 2008 5:45 PM in response to: Robin Daugherty

Thanks for these clear instructions which worked for me after I modified the third Terminal command to:
Posts: 1
Registered: Nov
diskutil addToRAID member <device name> <raid uuid>
6, 2002

Mac Pro + Macbook Pro Mac OS X (10.5.3)

Zeekm Re: Disk Utility RAID Issue Reply Email

Posted: Nov 9, 2007 2:09 PM in response to: Daniel Lyons
Posts: 5
From: Seattle, WA
Registered: Nov FYI
9, 2007

Below is exactly what happened to us.

G5 Mac OS X (10.5)

ArthurM Re: Disk Utility RAID Issue Reply Email

Posted: Feb 16, 2008 1:37 AM in response to: Zeekm
Posts: 7
From: Sydney
Registered: Jan 9, G'day Zeekm,

Thank you for that. I did this and it seems to work. The Disk Utility GUI does not seem to work.

Hope this helps some one,

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Apple - Support - Discussions - Disk Utility RAID Issue ...

#Checked the RAID status

root# diskutil checkRAID


Name: Server_HD
Unique ID: 7E31E20E-F53D-4D76-AD37-139C4E1440AB
Type: Mirror
Status: Degraded
Size: 1000070610944 B
Device Node: disk2
Apple RAID Version: 2

1. Device Node UUID Status

0 disk1s3 BAC72F86-B05F-4B0F-97D3-58A6207E7DFA Failed

1 disk0s3 2BFB55BB-EFF9-438C-A1F9-A8ED7A93D385 Online

#Told it to resync

root# diskutil repairMirror disk2 disk1s3

Note: Syncing data between mirror partitions can take a very long time.
Note: The mirror should now be repairing itself. You can check its status using 'diskutil listRAID'.
temp:~ root# diskutil listRAID

Name: Server_HD
Unique ID: 7E31E20E-F53D-4D76-AD37-139C4E1440AB
Type: Mirror
Status: Degraded
Size: 1000070610944 B
Device Node: disk2
Apple RAID Version: 2

1. Device Node UUID Status

0 disk1s3 9D955C85-7EC0-4E92-848A-62D9F7C12EED 0% (Rebuilding)

1 disk0s3 2BFB55BB-EFF9-438C-A1F9-A8ED7A93D385 Online
Hope this helps,



G5 Mac OS X (10.5.2) Intel X Serve

Gadget Doctor Re: Disk Utility RAID Issue Reply Email

Posted: Apr 24, 2008 10:09 AM in response to: ArthurM
Posts: 17
Registered: Feb
15, 2007 I've just had the same issue with a new pair of 1Gig Lacie disks (which I believe contain two drives each) connected via
Firewire 800.

I had them mirrored together on my MacBook Pro and, after plugging in just one of them on its own, just once, the RAID
reported that it was degraded. Oddly enough if I plugged either of the disks in, one by one, I could see the volume.

So I've kicked off a rebuild from the command line but it's telling me it will take a further 10 hours. I really have to move
my MacBook Pro in 5 or so hours to go home! Can I pause this and pick up tomorrow?

I'd also really like to know why this happened and what I can do to avoid it. I was really hoping that RAID would be kind of
invisible and reliable.


MacBook Pro Mac OS X (10.5.2) 3gb RAM Lots of External HD's

mikey_P Re: Disk Utility RAID Issue Reply Email

Posted: Dec 6, 2007 9:57 AM in response to: Daniel Lyons
Posts: 1
From: UK
Registered: Dec I got an unrecognized file system error after upgrading to Leopard too. Rebooted with the 10.4 installation disk and used Disk
6, 2007 Utility to rebuild the RAID. Seems to work when rebooting into Leopard.

G4 Powermac Mac OS X (10.5.1)

Slava F
gobigscott Re: Disk Utility RAID Issue Reply Email
Posted: Apr 8,
AM inin
Posts: 5
From: Richmond,
8,A 2008
V I'm using
I’ve had thea JBOD
of three
WD firewire
– “unrecognized
drives to backup
a larger WD 2TB drive. I tried adding a fourth WD drive to the RAID,
Registered: Oct resulting in the same "Unrecognized Filesystem" error, not allowing the addition of the fourth drive.
24, 2006
Tried to use diskutil from Leopard Install Disk and found something more interesting:
So....I'm not a Terminal whiz, but I really need this last drive added to the existing RAID, preferably without having to rebuild the
It looksRAID. Does
like in 10.5anyone
CLI andhave
GUI aare
suggested workaround
really showing 2 errorsin with
Leopard? I tried
the first oneto go like
look back“could
and boot from my
not locate Tiger
disk set” disc, but got
following by
Kernel panics
“Uknown each time I tried to start from that DVD (yikes!)
So I’ve used a device name for my RAID disk set as /Volume/BootRAID and it worked!
Any help would be appreciated.
#diskutil repairMirror /Volume/BootRAID disk1s2
Power Mac G5 Quad Mac OS X (10.5.1)

After that, I closed terminal and opened Disk Utility in GUI to watch the progress. The same trick however, didn’t work from
tcdiver7 withinRe:
system booted
Disk Utility off the RAID, only from the install disk.
RAID Issue Reply Email
Posted: Apr 15, 2008 5:30 AM in response to: gobigscott
Posts: 19 Hope it helps others having this issue
Registered: Apr
23, 2007
Mac OS X (10.5.2)

4 of 5 24/6/08 10:16
Apple - Support - Discussions - Disk Utility RAID Issue ...

gobigscott wrote:
I'm using a JBOD RAID of three WD firewire drives to backup a larger WD 2TB drive. I tried adding a fourth WD
drive to the RAID, resulting in the same "Unrecognized Filesystem" error, not allowing the addition of the fourth

So....I'm not a Terminal whiz, but I really need this last drive added to the existing RAID, preferably without
having to rebuild the entire RAID. Does anyone have a suggested workaround in Leopard? I tried to go back and
boot from my Tiger disc, but got Kernel panics each time I tried to start from that DVD (yikes!)

The CLI workaround earlier in the thread works for JBOD configurations as well. That is...

diskutil list
diskutil addToRAID member <new disk identifier> <path to RAID>

The list command does exactly that. It lists the disks attached to your Mac. Use that to get the identifier for the disk you
want to add (e.g., disk2). Then, use the addToRAID command to add that disk to your RAID. The addToRAID command
accepts either the UUID of the RAID (obtained by diskutil checkRAID) or the path to the volume, e.g., /Volumes/<Name of
Disk>. Note that if your volume name has a space, you have to enclose it in quotes, e.g., "/Volumes/Name with space" .

On my Mac, the disk I wanted to add to a JBOD RAID was disk2. My RAID volume was named... RAID (not original, I know).
So my add command looked like:

diskutil addToRAID member disk2 /Volumes/RAID

iMac 17" 2gHz Intel C2D Mac OS X (10.5.2)

gobigscott Re: Disk Utility RAID Issue Reply Email

Posted: Apr 16, 2008 7:41 PM in response to: Daniel Lyons
Posts: 5
From: Richmond,
VA Fantastic! That was extremely helpful, and right on target. I now have a functioning backup RAID of drives, and it was achieved
Registered: Oct without a doubt because of the efforts of you guys on this discussion board. Thanks for all your help! I'll rest easier tonight
24, 2006
knowing that my backup drives are functioning again!

Power Mac G5 Quad Mac OS X (10.5.2)

tcdiver7 Re: Disk Utility RAID Issue Reply Email

Posted: Apr 16, 2008 8:04 PM in response to: gobigscott
Posts: 19
Registered: Apr
23, 2007 Yeah... I know it's a tad off topic, but the general friendliness of the Mac user community is a definite plus for our OS of
choice. I rarely run into a problem with OS X - but when I do, I can almost always solve it with a bit of judicious forum
searching and basic computer knowledge.

iMac 17" 2gHz Intel C2D Mac OS X (10.5.2)

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