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Cell organization in animals

Types of epithelial tissues in vertebrates

epithelial tissue
Secretes mucus into digestive tracts (small intestine villi)
Respiratory system
Cilia : found in the lungs

Muscle tissue
Nervous Tissue

Cardiac Muscle Tissue

Smooth Muscle Tissue

Skeletal Muscle Tissue

Smooth muscle [found in the stomach]
-involuntary movement

Skeletal muscle [found in the arms and legs]

-voluntary movement

Cardiac muscle [in the heart]

-involuntary movement

Blood connective tissue

Adipose tissue stores fat/ energy reserve
Loose connective tissue is a category of connective
tissue which reticular tissue, and adipose tissue. Loose connective
tissue is the most common type of connective tissue in vertebrates.
It holds organs in place and attaches epithelial tissue to other
underlying tissues. It also surrounds the blood vessels and nerves.
Cells called fibroblasts are widely dispersed in this tissue; they are
irregular branching cells that secrete strong fibrous proteins as an
extracellular matrix. The cells of this type of tissue are generally
separated by quite some distance by a gel-like gelatinous
substance primarily made up of collagenous and elastic fibers.
Loose connective tissue.
[binds tissue to tissue and hold organ in
Thick pink bands are the protein collagen, while the thin dark threads are the protein

Dense fibrous connective tissue

Cartilage is firm but elastic. Cartilage cells are
called chondrocytes. They secrete a hard,
rubbery matrix around themselves.

Cartilage tissue

they begin to manufacture the matrix of collagen, which is the material located between the cell
-consists of collagen
Hardened by deposit of calcium
-provide support for the body [very dense/
Very compact]
-produced in bone marrow
-regulating transporting, regulate body


Blood is a tissue because it is made up of several types of cell functioning together. In fact blood is
composed of red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets floating in a yellow liquid called
Figure 8

Red blood cells

Red blood cells are shaped like biconcave discs (round discs with a dimple in the top and another in the bottom). Their
job is to carry oxygen round the body form the lungs to the tissues. They contain a red pigment (coloured chemical)
called haemoglobin which is brilliant at carrying oxgen.

White blood cells

White blood cells are slightly larger than red ones. They are more irregular in shape and their job is to fight pathogens
(disease-causing organisms like some bacteria and viruses). Some engulf and swallow up pathogens), some produce
chemicals called antibodies to kill the pathogens while a third type release antitoxins, chemicals which neutralize the
poisons made by the pathogens. When looked at under a microscope white blood cells may appear purple because a
dye is used to stain them.


Platelets are fragments of cells floating in the plasma. They are important in clotting and stick together where a blood
vessel is damaged to close the wound.

Plasma is a yellow liquid in which the solid cells are suspended or floating. It carries many important chemicals around
the body including the waste carbon dioxide from respiration, hormones, urea, and glucose and also transports heat.

Structure and function

Table to show the relationship between structure and function in 4 animal tissues.

Tissue Example Structure Function Relationship

Lining of the Thin, sometimes
Epithelial Diffusion of gases Gases diffuse best across
air sacs in the one cell thick, often
tissue across lining thin, moist surafces
lungs moist
Composed of Strength is provided by
Connective Strength and
Bone minerals and minerals, flexibility by
tissue flexibility
organic matter organic matter
Fibres ratchet past each
Muscle Pumping by
Heart muscle Contains fibres other to contract the
tissue contraction
Carrying electrical Long and insulated so
Long thin, insulated
Nerve tissue Optic nerve messages from eye to electrical message is
brain carried quickly

Adipose tissue
cell structure

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