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Engineering And Social Transformers Foundation

-Rise to Enlight

EAST Foundation is a nonprofit charitable/ self-funding organization, [Pursuant to sub-section (2)

of section 7 of the company act 2013 and rule 18 the companies (Incorporation) Rules,2014] with
section 8 License Number 108172. Registered at Lucknow, U.P. established for the upliftment of
underprivileged segment of society and protection of natural environment with amalgamation
of engineering segment methodology.



1. General Guidelines for Starting Affiliated Regional Chapter

2. Application for Starting a Regional Professional/Student Chapter

3. How to become EAST Foundation INDIA Member

4. EAST Foundation Membership Application Form WINGS/Chemsoft

Engineering And Social Transformers Foundation
-Rise to Enlight

General Guidelines for starting a Regional Chapter

1. In line with the goals and objective of EAST Foundation INDIA, it is anticipated that EAST
Foundation affiliated Regional Chapter will be formed through local initiatives by professionals/
students in any recognized institution or corporate society in the Country to further carry out
organizations Mission.
2. It will be incumbent on all the regional chapter affiliated to EAST Foundation to have a regional
advisor, the advisor will guide the chapters activities and projects and serve as a local mentor.
3. A group of student/ professional interested in starting a chapter are invited to fill out the
application Form. You are advised to form a core group of interested members (7 or more) and
their individual application to be enclosed with chapter application. If any member served before
under the membership of EAST Foundation please indicate their names along with this application.
If possible indicate the nature of work or project you may be interested to undertake, relevant to
EAST Foundations mission.
4. No chapter bearing the name EAST Foundation Vertical Name chapter (region or name of
institution) may be started without going through the process mentioned above.

Regional Advisor- Roles and Responsibilities

a. Regional advisor role is critical in mentoring the members of chapters to ensure that the
chapters adheres to the lofty standards of ethical values which EAST foundation

b. Should be accessible as and when needed and be able to oversee the chapters activities
in turn responsible for growth and development of their respective regional chapters.

c. Advisor interfaces between coordination of the various chapter running in that region and
should support and guide the members towards undertaking in relevant R & D or
implementation of social project in local community.

d. Should call up a meeting for regular evaluation of chapters and log down the ticks
required for further improvement of chapter with respect to team coordination and
organization mission.

e. Should plan up for events to be conducted and also the execution route in order to create
awareness among mainstream society.
Engineering And Social Transformers Foundation
-Rise to Enlight

Application for Starting a Regional Chapter of

EAST Foundation

Institute/ Region Name


City: Pin Code:

State: Website:

Name of Advisor:

Name of member
group contact person:

Referral to start a
Names of Members: Add a separate A4 sheet with the names of the members interested
approved by the referral person/initiator/ regional advisor

Please sate briefly your motivation in starting the EAST Foundation Regional Chapter and type
of projects or activities you may be interested to undertake in line with EAST Foundations
mission and goals (attach a separate B sheet).
Engineering And Social Transformers Foundation
-Rise to Enlight

Roles and Responsibilities of the proposed Regional Chapter

a) Chapter leadership and management will be provided by the team of elected members
comprised of President, Vice president (optional), Secretary, Treasurer, Fund Raiser
Manager(optional), operational Manager(optional) and Database Administrator. The
minimum number of members for starting a regional chapter would be 7. The elected
office bearers will have term of one year. Every year formal election should be conducted
to choose all the office bearers.

b) The chapter will be allotted an advisor and guide the chapter activities and projects,
chapters members should corporate and are welcome to put forward their idea and plan
over view in any aspect which may help in chapter development.

c) The chapter will embody the principles and ethics of EAST Foundation and will abide by
and conduct its activity consistent with guidelines and rules established by EAST
Foundation from Time to time.

d) Chapter may submit the proposed project along with proper execution idea for review
and consideration. None of the actions will be taken by the chapter in any regards without
approval from the EAST Foundation Core Assessment committee.

e) Members of chapters may work with EAST Foundation other projects (socio-corporate) on
mutual agreement.

f) The chapter will financially self-sufficient for all the administrative activities and will
engage in appropriate fundraising activities on its own.

g) Quarterly report of chapter activities and associated financials should be submitted to

EAST Foundation Board of Directors.

h) All the regional chapter should conduct inter regional meeting at least twice a year and
organize one event a year working together.
Engineering And Social Transformers Foundation
-Rise to Enlight

General Provision

The Chapter will become effective on the date the application is approved by EAST Foundation.
The chapter will continue as long as the requisite members continue to chain up.

This is to certify that we have gone through the roles and responsibilities of the proposed chapter
and agree to the same and request the formation of the chapter.

President Regional Chapter Signature



Regional Advisor Signature


Engineering And Social Transformers Foundation
-Rise to Enlight

HOW to become EAST Foundation member?

Applications for membership must be prepared to pledge outmost respect for professional
ethics and financial propriety in carrying out projects and a commitment of helping others.
Members are expected to work in teams along with others in their local or regional chapter and
conceive, develop and carry out projects in line with the work and mission of EAST Foundation.

EAST Foundation offers two types of membership:

Student Membership
Professional Membership

Membership application, duly completed and accompanied by DD for the applicable amount
(admission with annual fees), should be sent to EAST Foundation, as per instruction given in the
form. The membership fee applicable is as below:

Enrollment Annual Life

Student 250 200 -
Professional 1000 500 7000

Admission fee is payable at the time of admission only.

Membership Application:

1. Print the full application and enter all other relevant details needed.
2. Attach photograph (passport size) 2 copies
3. Sign the form and also get it signed by the regional Advisor of your region.
4. Attach a self-attested UID Aadhar card.
5. Enclose appropriate admission and application fee.
6. Send the form along with the enclosures.
Engineering And Social Transformers Foundation
-Rise to Enlight

EAST Foundation: Membership application Form


Date of Birth:


Present Communication Address: Permanent Address

City : Pin: City: Pin:

Phone Phone

Email Email

Hobbies/ Interests

Member of any other Social Organization or professional body (if yes mention):

Graduate college name and Address:

Course of study: Year of completion:

Engineering And Social Transformers Foundation
-Rise to Enlight

Membership subscription:

Admission 250
Annual 200
*membership admission fee is payable at the time of admission only.

I enclose Demand Draft no. dated: ..for INR 450 (Rupees Four Hundred
Fifty only) drawn on (Name of Bank) in favor of EAST Foundation being admission fee and
subscription for one year.


I have familiarized myself with the mission and objective of EAST Foundation and here shall abide by
the responsibilities and obligation associated with EAST Foundation Bonafide Membership.


For office use.

Name of chapter (if already formed):

Regional Advisor

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