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Why northern Rakhine crisis of

Myanmar is not solved? Or escalating?

(A brief description)
1. International issues
Rohingya Business:
Immigration issue as a refugee business for obtaining refugee status in host countries like
Australia and Japan in the name of "Rohingya" for historically long periods. There is evidence that
there were advertisements in which Bengali language and customs will be taught so that they will
be able to apply for refugee status in those countries in the name of Rohingya. (Recent report from
a medical doctor from Brisbane, Australia is here).

Exploding population is very useful for recruiting into drug trafficking, human trafficking and
crimes inside Myanmar and South East Asia. In recent years, there has been increasing number of
crimes in which killing (murder) is done by cutting the throat or beheading. Beheading/cutting
throat is not a usual way of killings committed by Myanmar criminals. You can see the records of
Myanmar crimes. Northern Rakhine has become a thoroughfare channel for Amphetamine-related
drug trafficking for decades. Many people, mostly immigrant Bengalis, get involved. Main
beneficiaries are some Rakhines, some Bengalis, some dirty police, army officials, and other
government employees, and some NGO members. They have teamed up and remained unhurt and
untouched most of the time.

Human Right Abuse vs. Abuse of Human Right Programs: Human right and aid provisions are
only to a degree which favors the Bengali population to proliferate whilst social status and
knowledge are not promoted. The new generations just fall into the vicious cycle of poverty and
substrate for Islamization propaganda by the activists.

Biased International Media

Most international media ignoring Myanmar's real situation and casualties taking the armys
prohibition as an advantageous tool. They have other means of obtaining evidence and some have
already got enough. But they never revealed the casualties from Myanmar side. Only casualties of
Bengali immigrants are revealed.
International media never try to discuss why the immigrant Bengali population has been expanding
so fast despite their accusations of Genocide. If Genocide has taken place for that long period of
time, they might have already extinct. But their population expanded several times beyond the
population growth of overall Myanmar population. They never discussed this point. Only Rakhine
(including others like Dynet, Mro etc.) ethnic population is shrinking.

Why self-torch the homes?

Most arson is committed by the extremists who are forcing other Rohingyas to do so and to say so
because it is required to erase the evidence of their food and other supplies which are from some
NGOs or Aid programs.
WFP provisions are being diverted to those who are planning for these uprisings. We believe WFP
have no policy to provide insurgents or terrorists but it is evident that management is being

Imperfect New Government and Why Ms. Aung San Suu Kyi is targeted
Myanmar government leaders do not have full control over the security issues. Every intellect
knows that. But the international media targeted NLD and Ms. Aung San Suu Kyi. The reason is
clear. Ms. Aung San Suu Kyi, in contrast to the leaders of previous regimes, is a true Buddhist who
knows the essence of Buddhas teachings, the hardest of all to attack for groups of Islamization.
That is why they are targeting Ms. Aung San Suu Kyi, instead of those who are foul playing.
Buddhism in Myanmar will invariably fell down if military regieme or former dictators continues to
reign. They believe in rituals and gods rather than Buddha.

One way of exponentially increasing

Every time Bengalis run out of Myanmar by thousands, they came back in tens of thousands. That
is why immigration applications are denied. Not all who came back in are from Myanmar.

One of the weaknesses in the past

Former Myanmar Regimes did not provide enough rations to the government employees such as
immigration, customs and police who were sent to serve in this area, it is no wonder that some of
them went into corruption. This place used to be a post where unfavored government employees
are pushed to serve, somewhat like a punishment.

Dirty Players behind the scene

Some members of the USDP party committed dirty political plays to get around half-a-million votes
from Rohingyas via MP Shwe Maung, a Rohingya and a USDP member and formerly an MP,
promising that they would be granted for their claims including citizenship if the Rohingyas vote for
Aye Ne Win, son of former dictator General Ne Win, and Khin Nyunt, former military intelligence
general, allied with Wirathu, so-called buddhist monks (most Buddhists no longer accept him as a
true monk) are believed to be dishonest and want to take advantage of this crisis. Their efforts are
intensifying anxiety among Myanmar citizens. Myanmar government has so many such problems to
solve while the army is independently administering according to the 2008 Constitution drawn by
former dictator.

Supporters from inside Myanmar

KIA trained and collaborated with Rohingya activists at least until the last few months, the reason
why they cannot reconcile with the army for the sake of good.
2. Issues regarding Rohingya (immigrant Bengali) people

Issues of Rohingya people

Immigrant Bengalis (or Rohingya as they named) want the status of ethnicity. History
showed occasional claims to own the land as their territory by Rohingya activists till the
present time.
No Chinese, Indians, regardless of their religion, claimed the status of ethnicity despite their
immigration into Myanmar for generations. They abide by the laws of Myanmar, adapt to
the customs of Myanmar and even mixed with several ethnic groups of Myanmar blood and
made no intention to claim any part of the Myanmar's land to become theirs.
Rohingya people never welcome local's culture and language.
Their temptation to adopt only their own tradition and religious discipline disregarding the
laws and social norms of Myanmar is the major barrier, and this barrier is being promoted
by their Mawlawi (religious teachers) continuously.
Exploding population of Rohingya is threatening.
One father can marry many women and women are forced to bear child without
contraception or sterilization for family planning, according to the teachings of Mawlawi
teachers. Religious leaders of the communities take advantage of this for sexual purposes.
Family record photos shows around 60 per family on average.
Most Mawlawi in northern Rakhine Bengali villages are motivated for Islamization of the
area. Some have been specifically trained.
2017 August insurgent attacks are well planned and synchronized. If it is just an uprising
due to oppression, there is no reason to be at the time of Report by Dr. Kofi Annan, or to be
that widespread using land bombs. Even children are claiming to kill holding knives larger
than their body size. Only a few of them dare speak out their feelings when they reached to
Myanmar refugee camps. But the international media failed to deliver the correct
information although they have some information. I am not sure whether it is a punishment
for blocking media for long periods. If they were let in, any casualty (such as land mind or
crime) of an international journalist will cause a great burden for Myanmar.

3. Issues in Rakhine people

Rakhine people are afraid of their population explosion as they realize there is no way that they can
resist the expansion of Rohingya area by population explosion.
Rakhine people are not united. Some wants to have their own country.
Rakhines frequently have their livestocks destroyed by Rohingyas during their absence from work
for nearly a century, that is why they were displaced by expanding immigrant Bengali people.
Rakhines have no systematic knowledge and facility to take record of the crimes committed by
immigrant Bengali people (immigrant Bengalis have a lot of international pens and voices writing
on their behalf. They also have mobile phones from Bangladesh ISPs).
4. What are the effects?

Both Muslims and Buddhists in Myanmar are getting worried of the spreading the problem as a
religious conflict to other parts of the country. Myanmar intellectual people are aware of the fact
that those European countries like Germany who accepted such immigrants are now having
problems due to religious issues and practices.
Some blinded traditional Buddhists (those who do not truly understand the essence of Buddhism)
are making rude words and hate speeches which are not welcome by majority of Myanmar
Buddhists (but this makes anxiety escalates). But Myanmar Buddhists who really understand
Buddha's teaching usually keep silent and do not confront with those hate-speech and rude-word
makers. It does not mean a 'Yes'.
Islamic movements are now targeting this issue to start another area of Jihad.

Ms. Aung San Suu Kyi,

the only person who can lead us to bring in the real peace at this time,
has become A COMMON TARGET
Rohingya activist groups,
International media,
the dirty elements of former regimes,
the new generations of former dictators and
the Muslim communities from some countries.

The answer is blowing in the wind.

What they want is not PEACE,

but their desire to be satiated.
But GREED never gets satiated by it's own nature.
It's accompanied by ANGER,
forces us commit more crimes, and never 'ends'.

This vicious cycle is called 'Samsara', all living things gets into when we are not aware of.

Buddha showed the way out of it,

by limiting one own's wants,
not of other's.

He showed the way.

To practice is OURs.
No matter what the religion is.

Possible solutions:
1. If motivation efforts among the Rohingya people is stopped, and people just migrate as other
border areas of Myanmar, there should be less problems. Even if they want to be called Rohingya, it
will be alright. Everyone can name himself/herself as he/she wants to be called. But if the name
impose some impact on the Sovereignty of a country, it will not be accepted by the country or the
people of the country, regardless of religion.

2. Respect on local laws and moral discipline

If any group of people inside a community, though not attacking others, are observably making and
practicing motives which other people suspect of it as a potential danger in the future, there will be
problems. For example, one Islamic tradition troubling in Myanmar is their marriage custom.
Whenever they get married to a women of another religion, the bride is forced to convert to Islam
in almost all cases. There are exceptions for Muslims in Myanmar. But in Rakhine, it is almost 100%.
This practice is seen by others as harming other religions or encroaching others' territories. Such
rules of Islam should, if possible, be adapted. I do not know how true the real doctrine is or how
correctly it is practiced. Sometimes, people abuse some religious rules of the religion, and it's not
only among Muslims.
Discarding the notion of "this is ours, and this is yours", will ease down the tension and help build
trust among all the people there.
Citizenship undergoes stages. If there is no record, everybody will have to wait long, even for
generations. Even 100% Myanmar have to wait long, for years, because records were not in
electronic forms, though now partially changing. A new applicant will have to wait for generations
to get, refugee, immigrant, foreign resident, permanent resident, national citizen etc. This process is
somewhat faster in industrialized countries. And Myanmar is not. No wonder it takes long.
They must avoid destroying the livestock of local ethnic people. The most frequent strategy in the
past is continual destruction of the livestock of Rakhines whenever they are away. When this
became repeated, Rakhines, instead of fighting, they move away. Finally, displacement of whole
community is observable nowadays. Most Buddhists regard mishaps as fate. Fighting back is
regarding as Sin because it includes anger. That's why Rakhines were displaced in the old days. But
sometimes, these feelings accumulates and lead to fighting back in groups.

3. Education of all members of the area including language

Needless to explain. But if they keep on speaking only the language of Bangladesh only, there will be
language barrier. Trust will be difficult to build. If someone comes to Japan, he must learn Japanese,
to England, he must learn English. Not only that, he must learn the customs of that country so that
he does not make fouls on others. It is still lacking there. No one will care if his own practice does
not disturb others in any way, such as sight, smell, sound, voice, behaviors etc.

4. Family planning practices

Absolutely necessary. Both for the right of women and children. Population explosion is one issue
terrifying the local ethnic groups.

5. Law enforcement
Elimination of illegal trafficking of human and drugs is the first priority. These gangs prefer this
area to remain in unrest state. Some elements have already encroach not only local government
employees, but also to high ranking officials both in Myanmar and Bangladesh, and also include
NGOs and armed ethnic groups.

6. Proper immigration control of Bangladesh

It is obvious that many people claiming not given citizenship are not local Bengalis. Population
explosion in the adjacent border area of Bangladesh continues to overflow into Myanmar as a step
to application of Refugee status as a Rohingya in some host countries. This is one main source of
ever increasing population there.

7. Development of Myanmar itself

If Myanmar develops well, systematic and qualified administrative systems will be installed all over
the countries, and northern Rakhine will not be an exception.

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