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Ligaments and positional release techniques?

Article in Journal of bodywork and movement therapies May 2009

DOI: 10.1016/j.jbmt.2009.01.001 Source: PubMed


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1 author:

Leon Chaitow
University of Westminster


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Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies (2009) 13, 115116

Journal of
Bodywork and
Movement Therapies


Ligaments and positional release techniques?

The echoes of the 1st World Congress on Fascia Ultimately, excessive elongation of ligaments
Research continue to nd their way into the pages leads to instability, laxity and the potential for
of JBMT, as we continue to publish papers emerging injury. There are optimal rest requirements, to
from that important event in October 2007. In this help prevent such damage, and the research into
issue there are more important papers, including these is discussed.
Solomonows Ligaments: A source of musculoskele- These issues are particularly important for those
tal disorders. working with the effects of cumulative micro-
This review of the anatomy, physiology and trauma.
pathophysiology of ligaments, includes some sur- Over all, moderate repetitive stimulation of
prising (to this reader) new clinically important ligaments coupled with appropriate rest and
information. Ligaments it seems are far from simply recovery allows the tissue to hypertrophy, increase
being restraining structures that are strategically its strength and protect joint stability in persons
placed to support and stabilise joints, while exposed to more demanding physical activity.
maintaining normal tracking during movement. In Conversely of course, inactivity can lead to
addition they are sensory organs that provide degeneration, while static or repetitive loading
proprioceptive input to the CNS, as well as having produces microtrauma and inammation. What
reexive inuences on associated muscles, which emerges from this detailed evaluation of ligament
therefore become major elements in the stabilisa- behaviour is that normal function depends on a
tion of joints. dosedurationrest-repetition formulahow much
As Solomonow shows, when normal function is load? for how long? and how often?with the
disturbedby trauma for exampleinstability re- duration of rest periods being critical.
sults, with serious implications for the safety of the
joints, as well as creating disturbed motor and
sensory effects. Positional release implication
It becomes clear in this substantial review that a
ligaments function, when under tension, or when it Positional release technique (PRT), as used in
is stretched, is completely different from that osteopathy, involves the placement, for brief
which applies when it is slack. periods, of soft tissues or joints, into positions of
Solomonows clear statement (2009) that liga- ease, to encourage self-regulating inuences to
ments are completely non-functional in compres- operate more efciently, resulting in greater range
sion or when shortened below their resting length of motion, reduced pain, etc. However just what
offers a potential explanation for the mechanisms the underlying mechanisms of PRT are remains a
involved in at least one version of positional release matter for debate and research.
methodologyas discussed later in this editorial. The ways in which the ease position is achieved
The behaviour of ligaments are complexwith varies, although placing restricted or dysfunctional
many elements entering the equationfor exam- tissues into a comfort state always involves
ple the phenomena of creep and hysteresis. The indirect approaches, which attempt to disengage
way load is applied to ligaments, in terms of the from restriction barriers.
speed with which this occurs, as well as repetitions, For example, in Straincounterstrain methodol-
and ambient temperature, all inuence responses, ogy, a palpated sensitive point is used as a monitor
and the review paper details these with clarity. to guide the tissues towards ease, via feedback

1360-8592/$ - see front matter & 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
116 Editorial

from the patient. As the reported pain level sive force, applied to a joint for a brief (6090 s)
reduces (from a starting point of 10 to 3 or period, Professor Solomonow has responded (per-
less), the tissues being palpated are felt to become sonal communication January 8, 2009):
slacker and less tense (Jones, 1977).
If you apply only 6090 s of relaxing compression
The ease position is then held for 90 s or so,
on a joint, I would say the established mechan-
before being gently released.
ism will conrm that an hour plus of relaxation of
In Functional positional release a similar end-
muscles may result. This may come not only from
point of comfort or ease is achieved, however
ligaments, but also from capsules and tendons.
without use of patient feedback, purely by the
palpated sense of the tissues relaxing from their Interestingly, light (non-traumatic) stretching of
previously hypertonic state as they are carefully a ligament will have a similar effect (Solomonow,
positioned (Johnston, 1964). 2009).
A facilitated version of this approach also exists However, Solomonow cautions: Stretching of
(discussed below), and the evidence provided by ligaments for muscle relaxation should be done
Solomonow may have implications for its metho- when one knows which muscles are controlled by
dology, over and above the various hypotheses that which ligaments to maximize the effect (personal
currently exist as to the mechanisms involved communication January 8, 2009).
which range from circulatory enhancement, to It may be of interest, in widening the perspective
neurological resetting (Dambrogio & Roth, 1997; on these approaches, that in physiotherapy meth-
Chaitow 2007). odology the use of some aspects of unloading
More recently Meltzer and Standley (2007) having taping mirrors many of the crowding elements of
noted that, while clinical studies support the PRT (Morrissey, 2007)l.
efcacy of positional release methods, little is Both ease and unloading should produce a
known regarding the cellular response to tissues slackening of (some?) ligaments (and possibly
being placed in ease. Studies were therefore lightly stretch others). The question then is, does
undertaken to investigate human broblast prolif- the slackening of ligaments involved in the
eration and interleukin secretory proles, in positioning of joints during FPR (or unloading
response to modelled repetitive motion strain, as taping), have sufcient reexive inuence on
well as to modelled indirect osteopathic positional associated musculature to accountin part at
release methods. least-for the effects of positional release?
Their ndings were that the resulting data:
suggests that broblast proliferation and expres-
sion/secretion of pro-inammatory and anti-in- References
ammatory interleukins may contribute to the
clinical efcacy of indirect osteopathic manipula- Chaitow, L. (Ed.), 2007. Positional Release Techniques, 3rd ed.
tive techniques. Churchill Livingstone, Edinburgh.
DAmbrogio, K., Roth, G., 1997. Positional release technique.
Butterworth Henemann, Boston.
Is there also a ligamentous explanation? Johnston, W., 1964. Strategy of a Functional Approach in Acute
Knee Problems. Academy of Applied Osteopathy Yearbook,
Some years ago Schiowitz (1990), who developed Colorado Springs.
Jones, L., 1977. Strain and Counterstrain. Academy of Applied
the facilitated positional release (FPR) model,
Osteopathy, Colorado Springs.
added various modications to the protocols briey Schiowitz, S., 1990. Facilitated positional release. Journal of the
outlined above, incorporatingfor example American Osteopathic Association 90 (2), 145.
compressionor distractionof the tissues being Meltzer, K., Standley, P., 2007. Modelled repetitive motion strain
placed into an ease position. and indirect osteopathic manipulative techniques in regulation
Some of these facilitated positions necessarily of human broblast proliferation and interleukin secretion Jnl.
American Osteopathic Association 107 (12), 527536.
involve crowding joints, or slightly distracting Morrissey, D., 2007. Unloading and proprioceptive taping. In:
them, to achieve a sense of palpated ease in Chaitow, L. (Ed.), Positional Release Techniques, 3rd ed.
associated musculature. In FPR methodology the Churchill Livingstone, Edinburgh.
position of ease is held for a relatively brief (5 s or Solomonow, M., 2009. Ligaments: a source of musculoskeletal
so) period, whereas in traditional positional release disorders. Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies 13
(2), 136154.
methodology, 90 s is recommended (Jones, 1977;
Dambrogio & Roth, 1997). Leon Chaitow
In response to personal enquiry as to the University of Westminster, UK
potential effect of 20 N (approx 4 kg) of compres- E-mail address:

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