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BU #5

Social Issue: Water Cleanliness & Sanitation

Mentor Name: Prof Anjali Bansal

Story Idea

Conflict (e.g., C or C1, C2, C3): 1. The erratic situations of profuse water
wastage and an indifference towards conservation of water. The attitude
of not valuing it as it is readily available.

Action (e.g., A or A1, A2, A3): The vision of a dystopian future ravaged
with scenarios where water as a resource has become so precious that
people are ready to kill in the name of it.

Resolution (e.g., R or R1, R2, R3): The change of heart and attitude of the
protagonist where he appreciates the wrongdoings and starts mending his
ways to become responsible towards one of the most precious components
of our existence--- Water. As they say you value something only when you
suddenly realize that you no more have the liberty to have it.

Water water everywhere and not a drop to drink

That is of course until this lovely ship does sink

There is nothing to compare to a sunrise while at sea

Oh how I've missed those moments special just to me

James Casey


1. Varun), approx. 23, Male, College boy, Pursuing MBA, Student, Careless and
Irresponsible, Higher Middle Class, comes from an affluent well to do family, City based
urban family background.
2. Saurabh)- name, approx. 23, Male, Pursuing MBA, Student, Humble and a friendly
character, Middle class, Comes from a decent economic background, Urban Family.
3. Savage 1- name, 23, Male, Tribal countrymen, Uneducated, personality, poor, Local
countryside communion jobs, rural tribal family.
4. Savage 2- name, 23, Male, Tribal countrymen, Uneducated, personality, poor, Local
countryside communion jobs, rural tribal family.
5. Clan chief - 27, Male, Heavy make-up with more fierce clan symbols around,
Uneducated, Tall and a little mature as he heads the clan, countryman(rural tribal
family), heads the clan which protects water and treats it as a treasure.

SCENE 1: Internal, College Hostel
Grim setting with a dark colour scheme of the panels. The environment is tense and there is a
sense of urgency. The scene is from a not too distant future.
Panel Description
1 Varun is running in the dilapidated corridors of the hostel intently with his hands
clenched over a sharp weapon. He chases someone through the corridors eventually
catching up to him. He grabs the other man with furious anger and holds him by the
knifepoint. He faces the man and recognizes his face which is not visible to the reader.
He hesitates for a second, but then slashes the throat of man off screen. With blood on
the floor, Varun picks something precious from the body looking excited. The precious
artifact is emanating light and he smiles while he picks it up.

SCENE 2: Scene shifts to the present day. Colours of the panels are now bright and natural
signifying a change in tone from dark and sinister to a relaxed one. Varun wakes up in his
hostel room. The room is messy and it reflects his otherwise careless attitude in life.

Panel Thought/ Speech/ Caption/ Description

1 After getting up Varun moves First thing we notice in the room 5 half empty water
lackadaisically towards the bottles lying on his table, depicting his general casual
washroom. attitude towards clean drinking water.
In the washroom, he opens the tap and erratically
keeps wasting a lot of water while brushing. He is
thinking hopelessly about something else and is
unaware about the water being wasted. He finishes
brushing and goes to the washroom.
2 Varun in his signature style of Varun is reading a newspaper and is taking a dump.
screeching his feet on the floor Meanwhile the water tap is open on the sides and the
continues his morning chores. wastage of water continues as usual. He reads through
the newspaper. Ironically one of the articles is about
the colossal amount of toxic waste and chemicals that
industries dump in our water sources while in the
parallel shot the tap is still open and water is getting
3 Later that day, Varun is Varuns character has to be shown of that
standing near his black bike. irresponsible guy who is always high on life. In this
(Silence around) scene too he cleans his bike and continues to waste
water. Few close shots around the bike showing the
amount of water he generally wastes. He receives a call
and starts talking without even noticing the pipe that
has been left is leaking water profusely. Long shots
showing the water being wasted.

SCENE 3: Internal, College Hostel

Varun and Saurabh are standing on one of the hostel floors. The stage is set for Saurabhs

Panel Thought/ Speech/ Description

Caption/ Silence
1 Varun is lurking around in Saurabhs birthday bash is one of the most awaited events
the hostel corridors and is for Varun as he is excited to do something interesting for
chuckling with a grin on his his best friends birthday. He is seen talking excitedly with
face. He thinks to himself- the other friends and is planning to dunk his friend with
I need to do something loads of water and for that he has some plans which will be
special for Saurabh. He shown in the shots that would follow. This is a critical
insists on using 8 buckets moment in the story as it depicts how trivial it is for us to
instead of the usual 3 as dunk our friends with so much water under the guise of
Saurabh is his dearest tradition.
2 A couple of interactions While all the shenanigans related to birthday celebrations
between the friends are have been done, there lies a puddle of waste water that is
shown. Others disapprove lying on the floor and the froth that has come along with
of Varuns actions. Why the otherwise pure water which if saved could have been
did you use so many buckets used efficiently.
of water? asked one. His
reply- Ahh! Dont worry we
have plenty in our campus.
As if well run out of clean
water overnight

3 Proud of how much fun he had wasting clean water, Varun

tucks into bed smugly with a smile on his face confident
about his bright future.
SCENE 4: External Location
Scene changes back to the timeline in the first scene i.e. THE FUTURE. In this dystopian
world all our nightmares have come true. Water has gone nearly extinct and Water Wars are
happening due to it. People steal, threaten or even harm their fellow people to get water and
survive. Varun is now transformed into a Water Scavenger hunting for water and the
locations where he can find the little water that is left around.

Panel Thought/ Speech/ Description

Caption/ Silence
1 Varun is going Varun has transformed into a professional water hunting scavenger
helter-skelter on as he gets out of his house and through the dilapidated structures
his bike. He is to and remains, keeps hunting for the small quantities of water. Here it
be shown in a needs to be shown that although the vehicle runs on petrol yet water
wretched state remains a scarce commodity for people.
with untidy getup
and dark makeup
to show his state
of anguish. He
looks perplexed
and desperate for
2 Varun sees a Varun starts entering the ruins. He is suspicious of the surrounding
strange structure and thus starts walking with measured precision carefully prodding
partly ruined yet through the structures. Something seems to be not right here yet
he stops the bike he keeps moving slowly with heavy breathing. As he moves into the
and thinks, Hmm. more interior portions of the ruins, he feels the presence of
I never been here something. He looks around but continues to move ahead. In one of
and it looks the corners, there lies a treasure chest and suddenly Varuns eyes
deserted. Maybe start glowing. He quickly runs towards the chest as if he has found
Ill try my luck something. As he approaches the chest slowly his eyes start glowing
here. The place a sense of assurance can be seen.
looks strange,
shady and
suspicious with
very limited light
sources inside.
3 Varun opens the Varun is delighted to finally find some water and maybe it would be
chest and sees a sufficient for somedays. There seems to be a tired yet satisfied
small bottle of look on his face. He has perspiration on his forehead. Few moments
water carefully later, he sees himself surrounded by a clan of some tribal people.
kept wrapped Apparently, that chest belongs to the clan and they are about to
around with attack him and Varun is about to be slayed by them. In this point in
clothes to keep it time, theft of water from the clans is one of the heinous crimes you
safe. He exclaims, can commit and here Varun is about to be killed.
There is silence
around and a close
shot on Varuns
face to capture
his reaction.
4 Oh no. I have to Varun runs while dodging from the fatal attacks of the vicious
get going. Varun clansmen bearing weapons. He uses his weapon to combat a clansman
says to himself. and manages to reach his bike just in time to escape with the
He takes out his precious water while the dejected clansmen give chase. Varun is
weapon and shouts breathing heavily and is relieved to get out of the ordeal unhurt.
Stay away you
savages! This
water is mine

SCENE 5: External/Internal Location, College Campus & Hostel

While on his quest to look for water, Varun passes through a familiar place. He stops as he
recognizes is old college and is unhappy to see it in such a sad state. The place seems
deserted. Overcome with nostalgia Varun decides to enter and take a walk past memory lane.

Panel Thought/ Speech/ Description

Caption/ Silence
1 It used to be Varun reminisces about his past and heads to his previous room. As
such a lively place. he walks through the old and faded corridors of his campus a
How the times shadowy figure follows him. He reaches his old room and decides to
have changed now. enter it to live a little in his past. Before entering he leaves his
I wish we had stuff outside including the water.
been more careful
with our gift of
2 A little smile emanates from his otherwise grim face as he recalls all
the memorable experiences he had in his room. He is feeling happy
after perhaps ages as for once all his worries about the future are
replaced with joyous memories of the past.

3 Hey how dare As he steps out he notices his water bottle is missing. His happiness
you. Give me back is short lived as his face turns red with fury. He notices the
my bottle. shadowy figure holding his bottle.
4 Varun then chases after the water thief relentlessly with his
weapon in hand. This is the same scene as described in the first one
with different angles. This time as he catches up to the man and is
about to strike he notices the man is none other than his good old
best friend- Saurabh. He too is a water scavenger like Varun and
wants to survive. Varun hesitates for a moment but then recalls that
in this new world each man is for himself. He kills Saurabh and picks
up the invaluable water which is now the BLUE GOLD. He grins as he
picks up his treasure.

SCENE 6: Internal, College Hostel

Scene cuts back to Varuns room. It is day after Saurabhs birthday. He wakes up with a cold
sweat. It was all a terrible dream, which could very well become reality if nothing is done to
rectify it.

Panel Thought/ Speech/ Description

Caption/ Silence
1 Oh god! What a terrible Varun ponders over his actions from wasting, polluting to
nightmare. misusing water and its ill effects. He is visibly disturbed by
I must mend my ways this vision of the future and stands up with the intent to
immediately to prevent correct his wrongdoings from now on. He heads straight to
such a ghastly future. the washroom and notices an open tap. He closes it as a
symbol of his renewed concern for water conservation.

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