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sce At te aero nha Sat tac, besten oils ry tf re 2 aplonnarp ta ew ah ee, Peabo ih ct yt hem 3@= caroL EmSHWILLer Abominable (980) Care she 90) bom nnn At, Michigan, di ot ben wing ut ‘he whi, maid to fart Ed maha, and» moter She cance 3 inflerees 0 acs with poet Kenneth Koc nd the world of sence fon to whch she was inveduced by her husbind. Meal, she was leaning the lesion of ferns on the ont ines of domes fe decrbing how she wrote whl er chien were sal he ay she set vp he playpen and pt here 2 lable, cd a penta inde wth the Bais sight bat nat abl ose interfem. The anecdote exmplifesthe fr and humorous tone of her ton. She has produced steady since her fest in 95, nd later sores ae at lest a exerinertl and sh as ea ones Although she denies wth ford has eaied Nebula an Php. Dik Ava, wel a Word Fart nad for Ueime Achievement, she mee ogee nthe spe nor putin, ha pulses era 5 wel 25 Sf magazines, an har write evra Wes rove Ang he inet sf novel ae Carmen Do (1990) ad Te Mun 2002), the former imagines women turinginto anal dvi vera tit skewers he gercerrles men and waren demand ofthmsves and one another the tet ‘oles, Curate bth Books ake on ther serous sacs with amor and neon pace He iy short tre share these uate, though the fom softer more epeimerta “Abeminabe in any way typ: stay fern employing an ure abe naar and toying tha conentions The arto isanunramed ose syed many man wnose inabity Yo urderstand worn sats seep paboaetieatuaer na pert rare humorous thn angry Simstanee easy nd empthetc the tle revels hs hdc mat Wanforming the eset sees it tre mars enter an sluive specie akin toh et he sory revels frinimax posted as ht of Joonna Ras and jars Tite but he sharprese spr between he rb mre gel and wher par sve mocking the rant ptaya of women a8 erations and animals ‘te presen tae ad personal adds, om “tothe readers "you" nes src ery with the nator 3a tat impliates teria the nator Ett ewpon. The rants ana of his quay puede, wih ‘fone and watstes. and aovain wht sorption of ral supe Dat (Senay pthete to, showing the ima of seus for men aswel as Wore tow the sgl to understand may be eipled by ata assumptions The ‘Ton ano stres malean fers separstt sence ftion nts portal othe utara male soit ne het of the torso Whileanay in Russ's "When Change (972) and he iden domestic underground ie fhe ese soci ‘magne bythe ren 3e= ‘We are advancing into an unknown and with deliberate ir of nonce Tine, our lbw ot oronr hands on ips, standing one fat on rock tnhen theres the opportunity for Always tothe tthe rvs, a they tld Unit should be Aloys to the rg, the hil. At every telephone booth we ‘Ropand call Frauen the ine are downbecaseohigh winds orice. The ‘Commander says we are lenin an are ofthe sightings We mst watch ‘on: bras tld us over the phone, for thove carious two-part footprints 20 ‘igs than aby’ and fq diary. "Climb tee the Commander fiyn ora tlephone ple, whichever he mos feasible, and cal out a fe tthe ames you eve memoria” So we lim a pole and ey out Ale, Set, Hae, Jean, Joa Mai, Mary ands nin alphabets order. [Nothing comes fit "We are sven tnaly men in he des ifr ofthe Marines thovgh swear ot exept for on) Marines But this particular uniform as always Tren thot tata ther, Weare seven seemingly bas (ourollas ope st the neck in any weather experts in ours we, the researc tea fr ‘the Commitee on Unidentified Objects that Whiz by in Parsi of Tei ‘Own Illsive Klentties Our guns sboot sparks and stars and chocolate overed cherries and makoa big bang, Ws already the age of frontal modi: of -Why at? instead of "Maybe I alread the age of vies that ean ose a warm, pulsing, ive body at seventy-ive yards and home in ont land we have eof those deios with us. Light be able to fve ike tht Imysel someday) On te ote an, we cary onl a few Dury pctres in te wallets mast ofthese ron random sightings evra months ago. O0€ [thought to be ofthe wife ofthe Commander was taken from a distance de crt make out her features she was wearing her reo, He thous Iherecgnized it He ha sald there was nothing seriously wrong With et So arth hs be hn bat Wl we pt pth i se Ign there sou hl thi ite reinderia the pan sour hand hf orc Vr oft pases «These es ‘entre mi the ges ned (oe charters hace aes routs eee ad onsale epost Cf song bt wd the mis Ae he chal a te eto ts Geist and then (he bigest chalenge ot a. wept uae Sins Keon nsir Orcome ofa berate mention on, Sak ith tea far org ove? "ow nthe sina of tps hat ae ound fare might sims ik ths thing al been ened In ur pth on purpose we ‘Ada ow ow cles ten be eal wenharaseor ine ary tse thy enroute eet nay are ‘dorian Rodin on path: one ak ne spr {dnp ps bra ti erp mi eden rn [emp sal pr ih fen npn dlr loco ‘fines carat dh ie We acon in ae) ‘ic ow te Commande aoe the ier and to gop into the tis en ton thy ae teetering thas at wanes The compas pints Wee on se an eal dy somene ell ‘vee ht thy ny vl gone thy nom wlth ing ween gy and lve eens te poses ree, ty oem ny wong. asp ef pedis we a act cote optic Onc of wi pcan experience, specialist in stra eo mucin en tee histone oi ther tnd) Hee ht we td the thy Wl prey mab ome tung stuglg sounds btn thes ae mo corgi ee i iene hich ey pal the ety the em en thee adh saan el and verse a orig haben en tht i we halt rofen awe Go) Sometines ey ther’ skin of meres ee sis emt sna in ni adieu when hy see aly vey rd sg In anya he aj esol geno moran oor al rasan hg, we sole a ha ing dost pnt mae eins nt i th met el tpn: Sigpatont fa dncone enlighten he Comman ogee ner dion Bu ht sero dat > no oninandig wn eto tobe emma? We age He si he bd oom steiner abel oc andthe ie ae cane ono sean orenatssng Se nt wonder sb ol ever as ate aa ke er ino: aro wee em om and ton tse? How ne ned afeatons he ppt of TOT thee cnc andrpound hte some se Ae tay heed by ovens te sl fgg, we Stag ee pete pregnant fo the Sean semen oe al See ated srk” Ayes hao eos ae tate senso rive raping Ont On he vet Seu ag (rss snd nfl ep in the Com aoe aga miskat mosh it of ign rane ete tscms fil fe mint notin on oe Or 2 rn pi bar (ean win eet ne wen We tale Te psoas ated he pats Bdk fy wth sw td oa, at ck estan ac brn pone ck the Commander (TA he iat oe rhe sid) thas reed hat il pot te see snhes the th that he itn [OCT oe svc neo te popersndervenrWe ved SE ethane nearness ond ered tost epee wrod ser Ten when ey come ot Caerarn stay tem bck thera comm mt oe Seite pes creamer crew read ogee ist atone otters Tey eg lowed They as be ‘eckaptnoare err ony on some ive ut repeationn ourrepie as tn ne warn es wil oer sd the aac tof ay purer etn nine angel th ans ae 7 Ws becanse they won't sit still. . . won't take anything seriously. There's scbuiy to ere te eos shy ra rund in fle Se TRS acted om te tk a hand jag to como “eof osumptonn kg retin raced hernia ris). The es Stree ane ohn wr tose Ti me ithe tassel pt ie ‘Whee sep in tae ce fly Te age mont pascal ny edt And the el Tse! Te ud plana tr ene eta we At frothing renter hn ee They ws a lng ed tobe thoes one Tey mayen a Hieplowefaoyorertemnoar. rlveporriow w Glenda cates, apunenemtvaue eluates telethon tenet hry ead te ont at iy re eye ny moves bangs hese dc Sa Tecvabccrsia ng wr rane Wel don set hn scocihbratongtie tole lal emt ute pnp ino ‘Sees ty net erenso med Wow lemon ‘Sot Command ns he mae anette uth nth eel ens (at oer see cuter) Om The fa sig Gy havo er hase se hbo at theoreti pred eae ip Soot Ovrom Shoe te Ope etd pec) eect git rns tle Ce, "he phnatp theeeid wrovnoon, btw sot indpnt shen eyed ‘One of us has sid twas jst Doar wo sw a the top ofthat hill He sid he remembered that thumped dows on al fours ar standing on one, Dut they might do ha. The peeoanalyet has ha a dream. Aerwards e tod us never tobe sido the seeping veg (rtively speaking) but to come on down to thu (hough we we dimbing up, actual) and throw fish to the wombs ottng butte best et foe, ural speaking). ‘This the diagram the pehoanalyt has laid ot fr Further study ‘Well 11a one Fd wath tft (literal) and the back. Veta Sront, to Lette water How over bth of us. Let thei hal hang own take some timeout uow and then, even from important work, to do some de hig ike his hardly ny meaning, and iste, sometimes, tots idle hatter or teas, seem to Bats to Grace, it st be something ese hare fn mind hough mmo sure what ‘We ae tling ll the od tales abost them around ou campfires inthe late evenings, but it’s not the se kind of righening that used to be ‘vn we were young and telling the ales in similar circumstances because how we know they may actualy be lskng oat therein the shadows, and ‘hat’ sary that we have realy no idea oftheir size! Wee not sre wha Tobie On the ne and, whether they are tice ou seo, asthe Com ‘mander insets, whether almost ll of them are quite bit smaller and de Iitely weaker. The more mythicallyorentcd among us have a at te lige enough to sll sup into thei stomachs (from blow) and 10 ‘Seelite us ot again mont lar, weak and hlpes. The antropolg ‘ally oriented say thy maybe the misng lnk we ave searched fo so long, fd stand, os ey belive, somewhere between the gorila and us (though probably quite ait higher on the scale than Ptheconthropus erectus) ao that they ae, therefore, logically dsincly smaller and sorsewhat bent ‘ove, but may not necessary be weaker, The sully obsessed among >| trond, ang eter thingy, i thee organs as specific a rection ws 5 {s The romantics among us thnk they wil be cute and lovable creatures ten when theyre angry ad eps of sve and strength. Others think the opposite. Opinion ls vary at to ow to console them forthe ft of tei lives and whether ts pose todo so atl since 7 percent of them peervethemacie inferior, 65 percent perceive temas tobe ina fragile mental balance aly gg pereent are without deep fing of -humiiation simply for beng wht they are. How wil ibe possible, thea, © penetrate thelr lines of elffeense and thelines of defensiveness? Alter cscs ae etal han ghrp stun a sh ‘Epunis) We dale caplet eesonl oonttony cyte a ‘ving salons tei pn rat pero ititntecin og cy Howie ss Even ne thn da cont io) hen ma pwede ayape Telesales tore. Eira hy arog radar, hl ins od on a es eur bens at Boal ioe we bay kom at et sonore Try we hard ng end dig manag om he Com smn lng one ype po ere {Enter fsghgs uy tha nee hose Sinem tt tp hen oe ones pa pense on a smyth man ng On ‘Sopstec sil nee) Ser gs ae steed Sos re ereee nthe et Wace ese athe eos esto asad or moron fe aint Ny tty ru of) web her sg alge ae int nd mang ern than shone ed of on st ihn shoes tt oy dae et We od dd tr pt pone, Cnt od eo eet pot antes bore oe tt drng ea eee rerwn neo dcr iran nares sg rsa ser pam tape feu dette ur pecan ptr) walter ey hey rel do fet, slng tn Commande An ey thal we some such fn hp ny were Meu Brea ad pera) cr nye? Arey nig our not Te [Sve cen areca al ayer pone ele ‘Werle deed tones desir pint cay shy Setar eerie emg ete ston egies om mets a fora i er a ures ng oly “i had cn madeline or owen Male ee ih to (ent sme afd tow wr snd andervn migt edy tapes dre fin cn tn ane re topos pear itf enhret wnmost ede ite ‘tiger aero oak orter Bate theo “our schedle and ou bgt, We me return to the sats f power tthe Senso of eilation pits. Wear back, fora while think seiousl of gong on by mysel. think perhaps i rept bek lone, sat quit maybe dressed oben in more. Maybe ist SGionp enough ond stopped telling, out load, those ol, ery stories out {he 1 mae no prowl gers. solders not so tif..maybe then they'd get cto me, even eat bananas out of my hand, and come, nti, fo mmopniae an authoritarian igure by the subtle ely of and perhaps learn aft simple commands But T have to tik omy orders. 100 bad, though fd want to pick up my py; my medals, and get. on wit the net project Sil, want o make one more move toward these creatures fony Pb one sesh back long the wall and leave a message where i ‘Lektbe sed, rounded by bananes. Tleaesomething they be uzeto Stndermtand: the simple drasng of naked man; crescent hat ait help ‘ut stand for moon; a ear shape (ansomially correct) for lve; ook face with the ime ofthe message the tine of fotprint of my ows next toanouline af one ofthe lokslke a question marknexto an exam ton pot). "To Grace the top Tit there fora wile then, ae Hsten for Tighvand thick hear sme thik ave something vaguely white on white In the lacy of now: vise on prpow, that's for sure there tall) 50 Ife cant se thers, not ow alt “ll hat’ how ey want et them basa the moon alone or wht ‘wort they da) and dance and ep thee ov home res basing Let ‘hm ve, sw sd “in the shadow of man: Ttserves them right Task the pryehonnalys, Who ae we anyway” He says abot 9 percent can that same question none form or another, while about erent ecm to have found some kind fan answer oftheir own, He says tha, ‘cay wr wil remain esenally who we already are whether weber task {he question ort 3e@= witiam crsson Burning Chrome (1982) Waa Gin he mos ecu nd iit ep ale ton bor'n Soh Caron nd depen ne toca ae so Son ame Bat ws Twit anon Cosonsegcboe man rs Te peck Ince! ad acer, ut an bn Sie. rd et Shier be owns the “ofp en of tt ocnton ihompte ted rnp ano cnsoers fence) ad ry Fa oe thease sta ec he ot) ners coy rote eyo td gtx cece re surg Cree 058 pal sapere Gv fom ten eine eres a ndocn wht ae dtd by nan! x al rote and inogeay sy cere tf hon Stn rinsing dogs, bers ad power conte Se ite eo feos ate nee ncn lg dry reg lor pages av oer at's uh cpr nts compen ray cn Moun ee mie edo here ewe pense cps se th into, sed age fir erly dtd wih nroeacng tes ote oie: Ginn cabernet ety hes nh trove, Neomara gy vhh served ont of ont gre ‘wether. ‘tron mpd one wold of Aman in el, rt 20 ted an re gh owe i a agi cod cing fil pe fap ta (990 nt A Taree Pts (os set nen Kee ay eames wth aoe Pept chon Sern Oe ns ee ot fern ese hese an ap ten {cel sees Rr cag rst ve Pon es

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